#omg you GUYS
bibbumblebee · 1 year
I know we’ll probably never get any information on Phoenix’s parents, but I refuse to believe his mom is named anything other than Miranda.
Miranda Wright.
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ffolty · 1 year
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Quackity's Federation 🦆🏛
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transexualpirate · 10 months
re this post
HOW VERY DARE YOU </3 i'm here to make it worse because i can't go a week without thinking about steve on vormir alone and when he jumps he either sacrifices captain america and reverts back to his pre-serum self or sacrifices steve rogers and turns into a shell of a person and you see where i'm going with this
literally what the fuck i did not need this how dare you now i can't stop thinking about how people would probably not realize it. thinking about how long it'd take for people to notice steve rogers was gone (because he's not close to a lot of people in our time, but they all know captain america). or about how shield would probably fully and officially strip him of the title and just give the shield to a random person without steve's say in it (and he'd watch someone else be america's sweetheart as all his pre existing conditions came back and he'd have to relearn to live with them, except alone this time).
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Guess what, I'm not dead you guys
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slippinmickeys · 7 months
About a year and a 1/2 ago I stumbled into the world of fanfic (tumblr in general) and have been finding amazing authors who are so incredibly talented. I followed your blog but had never read your work before and I don’t know why or how it slipped under my radar. I started reading your work and it is absolutely fantastic. I have been loving every thing you’ve written. There was a post about an au where Scully is a cnn correspondent and someone was asking about it and it sounded intriguing… needless to say it’s such a compelling story and in just 17k words you created a masterful story. Loved it. I’ve finished a bunch of other stories and am so excited to continue reading your talented works. Thank you for sharing your gifts! They’re stunning, and you have an amazing ability to bring to life the characters we all love and still keeping themselves true to their on screen personas. All the little plot points and characters sprinkled throughout are expertly done and over all just wonderful storytelling.
I look forward to finishing three part harmony!
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Dude, what an absolutely wonderful, thoughtful and incredibly touching ask! It came on a day where I was in the midst of a crisis of confidence. I can’t thank you enough.
Writing fic is my happy place, and what I do for fun—that other people like it and are on the same wavelength is such a huge ass bonus.
Thank you for your kind words. Proof of Life in particular came directly from my heart, so I’m thrilled it resonated with you!
I hope you continue to enjoy my works, and also that the conclusion to Three Part Harmony holds up to the rest of the fic (see also: crisis of confidence).
Thanks again!!! ❤️❤️
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shamy-fanatic · 23 days
is it okay to say slurs on here or am I going to get ambushed and tied down and forced to watch Amy Farrah Fowler kiss a man other than Sheldon?
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palmtreepalmtree · 1 year
My mom, just now: I'm thinking of signing up for Threads just to support it...
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mblematic · 2 years
just had a religious experience in a movie theater
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slav-every-day · 7 months
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trashthrashiing · 4 days
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tvshowspoilers · 9 months
IM SO EXCITED! This has to be legit right cause it’s from Neil?
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All we need is OFMD to confirm their s3 and I’ll be happy forever
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mjn-air · 7 months
fjaksdjfksdjf thank you <3 <3 <3
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okayspicysad · 1 year
Love your art
ok guys
this is the first ask I have ever received
and it almost made me cry
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pixelephant · 1 year
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snaxle · 1 year
i am not calling twitter fucking x
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oceanwithinsblog · 3 months
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thank you to everyone who got me to 1000 likes!
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