#on the plus side i finally have a degree now
novemberheart · 2 months
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Chapter 1 -> Chapter 2
{overview} Task force 141 has gone without an omega, despite needing one. Is their decision catching up to them?
{full story warning} a/b/o dynamics, poly 141 x reader, fem reader, omega reader, cursing, violence, blood, angst, future smut and suggestive language, chapter story, medical and military inaccuracies, age of reader not specified (adult tho)
{chapter warning} Nothing really, Simon needs medical attention
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“Have you thought any more about my offer?”
“Have you thought any more about my answer?” John shot back, his arms folded across his chest. Kate sighed, digging her heels deeper into the dirt.
“They’re going to pair you up with one anyways, John. Wouldn't you rather they be chosen by me?” Kate pressed, turning to face the stubborn Captain. John pressed his lips together, his gaze distant.
“This a fact?” He hummed.
“They’re doing it all over the world. I'm sure your task force isn't out of the woods with this one.” Kate reminded. “Plus don't you think there could be some benefits?” Kate pressed.
“You think we need one?” John asked, his eyes finally landing on Kate.
“Honestly, yeah. I can smell it on you- all of you.” She spoke truthfully, her head glancing behind her at the three men lounging around in the dirt.
“We can talk about it later.” John shut down. “We’ve still got a job to do.”
“Business as usual, Captain.” 
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“What’s his blood type?”
“B positive,” Johnny replied following the rolling gurney. The nurse rolled the gurney into another maze of hallways.
“Alpha, yeah?” She questioned. Johnny quickly replied with a yes, his hands digging into the fabric of his jeans. “What happened?”
“Shrapnel to the leg, maybe up higher?” Johnny explained, his eyes flickering behind him to John.
“He fell from quite a height too,” John added. The nurse nodded her head, pushing open two large doors with the gurney.
“You’ll have to wait here. Someone will come and see you when we’re done.” She explained the doors swinging shut behind her. For a few seconds, the doors opened, and the sound of utter chaos filled the hall. Johnny and Kyle winced the urge to follow- the urge to keep watch weighing on them.
“Steady now,” John spoke up, his hands resting on their heavy shoulders, guiding them towards some chairs a little further down the hall. “He’ll be fine, much to his annoyance.” They dry chuckled, sitting in the hard plastic chairs.
They sat for what felt like hours- maybe it was. Johnny had a hard time sitting in his seat, the blood in his veins still hot and swarming.
“You're making me dizzy, mate.” Kyle huffed, leaning down further in his seat. John hummed in agreement from next to him.
Finally, the two doors swung open, all of them standing at attention.
“Gentlemen? Simon Riley, yes?” The doctor asked, and they quickly nodded. She smiled causing relief to flood them. “He’ll be fine. He’ll need some recovery time though. Pulled some hot metal pieces out of his left leg, and treated it for some second-degree burns. He's going to have some intense brushing on his back and side- but no signs of internal bleeding. We also had to pop his shoulder back into place. Two weeks rest at the very least.” She explained. “He's already been wheeled to his holding place, but he’s not quite ready for visitors yet.”
“Instincts?” Kyle questioned.
“Correct. It seems like he's been passed out for a while, don't want him waking up still thinking he's on the field.” She responded. “Now would be a good time for the pack omega to join him. Or if they can't come, maybe something holding their scent. It'll calm him and make his adjustment easier.”
They paused, looking at each other before John spoke up.
“We don't have an omega,” John said, with a clear of his throat. The doctor's eye widened, her mouth opening and closing like a fish out of water.
“Oh.” She smiled slightly. “That changes things slightly. Without an omega, his healing time will be at least four to six weeks.”
It was their turn for their eyes to widen.
“We might have some extra clothes with omega scent on them. Now because he's not bonded it might not help by much, but it could make his waking up easier.” The doctor offered.
“I think a new scent’ll throw him off,” Kyle interjected. The others nodded their heads in agreement.
“Of course.” She smiled politely. “He’s on the fourth floor, room B12. I suggest waiting till tomorrow morning for visitation.”
“Thank you, doctor.” They said in unison. They watched as she spun on her heels, steering herself back into the double doors. John pulled out his phone from his pocket.
“What are you doing?” Johnny asked.
“Calling Kate.”
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Hello everyone! Hope you enjoyed the first chapter! The next chapter will be posted in three days! See you next time! 🤎🧡
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l-bubee-l · 1 month
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The Goddess of Wisdom and the Goddess of Love are done! I love me my (olive and seafoam) green girlies. 😌
More about their designs below!
So obviously, the shade of the most prominent color of their outfits correspond to something they're linked to.
Athena with olive green because of the olive tree she planted which earned her patronage over Athens, and Aphrodite with seafoam green because of her being born from seafoam (technically it was something else but we ain't getting into that today).
I actually really struggled with figuring out the colors for Athena. She was the first to give me trouble like that. But I knew I wanted her to be green from the get go. With the amount of mortals she's helped, I feel like she'd have a pretty strong earthly connection. Plus apparently green abstractly symbolizes wisdom, so there's also that!
It was my lovely partner who had suggested to make it so that the back of her helmet was basically the face of an owl, as a reference to owls turning their heads 270 degrees. It works really well too because it is said that one of the purposes of Athena's owl is to watch her blind spots so I think it's cool to incorporate that into her outfit.
Now for Aphrodite... I have quite a bit to say.
I gave her pointed ears to signify the unusual way in which she was born. She and Poseidon share this trait, alongside the both of them having green eyes. Idk, I think it's an interesting way to show their connection to the sea.
I love how, in many different fan depictions, her bed is a clam. Absolutely love that nod to her origins. I came into designing her with the idea that I wanted to somehow incorporate that clam into her design and I did so by making it so that her cloak and trail both form the shape of one.
The white roses are meant as a nod to the Greek myth of how red roses came to be, specifically the version where, while running to save her mortal lover Adonis, Aphrodite cuts herself and her blood ends up staining pure white roses.
Finally, one thing I really love doing when designing characters is making it so that there's a fair bit of asymmetry. Namely in the case of their outfits. That's something I've been trying to implement for all the gods. But in Aphrodite's case, I intentionally made it so that what she has on is relatively even, with her actually having two of each accessory on either side of her body. This is meant to be a nod to how she was often described to have been born "perfectly symmetrical".
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sweatervest-obsessed · 2 months
Felt like this would for sure be one of those conversations you'd have high with your partner.
Spencer Reid x Reader
"Would you still love me if I was a worm?"
"You did not just ask me that. There's no fucking way you just asked me that."
"So you wouldn't love me if I was a worm."
"Spencer. I'm not fucking a worm."
The signature pout graced his lips and he looked up at you with the utmost betrayal. "I'm not asking about sex. I'm asking about love. You wouldn't love me if I was a worm?"
He crossed his arms and moved off of your lap. "So what you're saying is you don't love me."
"Spencer Reid You know that's not true."
"Well you wouldn't love me if I was a worm."
"You're high."
"Don't negate my feelings because you suck."
You rolled your eyes. "Well would you love me if I was a worm?"
"Of course!" He jumped up, exclaiming for potentially the whole apartment complex to hear. "I'd make sure you had the perfect habitat to thrive in, with the right temperature of about 55 degrees and-and tons of moisture. Plus I'd give you coffee grinds all the time as a little sweet treat. You're the love of my life--how could I NOT love you as a worm."
This was astounding to you. The love of your life was too sweet, too kind, too...knowledgeable about worms it seemed.
"No no. too late. you wouldn't love me if I was a worm, you can't take it back."
"I actually wanted to know why you know so much about worms..."
Spencer shrugged. "They live a simple life."
It took every fiber of your being to not burst into laughter at him.
Spencer Reid was dead serious about the simple life of being a worm, and it was absolutely adorable.
"I love you."
He looked up at you. "But not if I was a worm."
"I've thought about it, and decided that if a situation arises...."
"I don't want to hear it."
You gently kissed the side of Spencer's head and pull his hand into your lap, clasping both of your hands around his. Spencer turned his whole body away from you in protest.
But he left his hand in yours.
"I love you."
"Now you're just trying to butter me up." He grumbled.
"So what if I am." You rubbed circles into the back of his hand, a gentle smile resting on your lips. Maybe you managed to not be as high as Spencer, but the idea of loving him in any capacity, worm or not, didn't seem too farfetched.
After a moment of silence between the two of you, he finally caved and turned back towards you, leaning against your shoulder, his hand still in yours.
"I'd love you if you were a worm Spence."
"You had to think about it."
"Well, it was a hard decision, but I realized I could enjoy life loving a worm."
Spencer hummed happily.
"All I'd have to do was leave you in a terrarium and then I'd be able to do whatever I want. I'd start by redecorating the bathroom for sure--"
"And then I'd get the king bed all to myself."
"And maybe I'd be able to buy the coffee brand I like that you don't."
Spencer rolled his eyes and smiled. "No you wouldn't."
You looked down at him, eyes narrowed. "And why not?"
"Because you would still buy the coffee I like so that as a worm I'd be able to enjoy them."
Your cheeks tinged the tiniest bit red as you beamed at the man leaning on you. "Maybe you're right."
"I'm always right." He mused, and all you could do was squeeze his hand once more before placing a kiss on his lips.
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iloveroblox48 · 2 months
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thinking of katsuki who hates the summer he hates it for many reasons he hates the way he sweats more than normal making him feel extra sticky,the way he feels the need to slap everyone that talks to him,the heat making him more agitated, but he hates most how its to hot to hold you,to cuddle at night and so much more.
it started on monday when it was a scorching eighty-one degrees plus the humidity making everything extra hot not only did he have to train in this heat but then back at the dorms most of the ac units had broke so everyone was in shorts and tank tops.then came nighttime it was still hot just less humidity you and him were in his dorm laying in bed trying to sleep,comfoter tossed on the floor window up trying to help the air circulation,like any other night katsuki wanted to cuddle,he felt safe in your presence and knowing that you were there so as you were truned on your side he cuddled up behind you hand around your waist then the unthinkable happend you had pushed him off saying something along the lines of
“to hot to cuddle kats” your voice a slight whine
he had huffed out some air and turned away your backs facing each other and thats how it was all week him not being able to hold you through out the night he was soo mad.he had to complian to aizawa who had said “nothing i can do about it tough luck kid” he had been growing heated since the stupid ac had went broke so he marched right up to principal nezu’s office ready to punch the stupid mammal if he doesnt get some cold air and to cuddle his loved one right now.
“principal nezu im begging you please fix this stupid ac i cant even focus on anything with how hot it is”
“im sorry bakugou but we have other things to focus on right now besides the ac” the death stare he gave nezu was petrifying.
so the next day everyone was relieved when the ac was fixed and he was relieved to when he could finally cuddle you again
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❣︎ ➝ Masterlist here!
❣︎ ➝ A/n: i live for soft katsuki ♡(˃͈ દ ˂͈ ༶ )
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thedoctorisgroovy · 3 months
» Pairing: Spencer Reid x BAU!Reader
» Word count: 998
» Warnings: use of y/n, S3-5 Spencer, reader has just started at the BAU, mention of bullying, fluff, establishing relationship, awkward Spencer, use of the word sh**ty, mention of gunshot wound, gn reader, they/them pronouns, slightly non canon character behaviours
» A/N: so Im 27 and i've never written a fic before! I had a dream the other night that I was gonna turn into a one shot but realised I needed way more backstory to get to the dream scene so this is gonna be multiple chapters! Reader should be GN, if not I apologise! Also I have no clue about how law enforcement works so all references to the FBI, statistics etc are all made up. Any feedback is welcome but please try to be kind/constructive!
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Your job with the BAU took you all over the country; mountain ranges, the desert, small towns, big cities, and if you were lucky, even the beach, which may sound slightly psychopathic considering you solve homicides and kidnappings for a living. You never thought it would take you back to your old high school however. The FBI had been called in to your home-town to help solve a string of disappearances/kidnappings that seemed to be connected to the school. It started off as one or two kids not showing up for class, but had now escalated into 6 official missing students. Local police were struggling to determine whether the unsub was a teacher or student, and in a population of 35,000, they called in the BAU to put together a more accurate profile of who they were looking for.
After moving away at the ripe age of 18 to get your bachelor’s degree at a university far away, you had no intention of ever returning to your shitty town. School wasn’t too hard, you got good grades and had a few solid friends but still fell victim to the small town bullying and mentality that you’ve spent the last few years getting over in therapy. Attending the academy straight after graduating helped to keep you busy and away too - much to your mother’s protests - but you knew your goal in life. Joining the FBI and then eventually the BAU was your best shot at never returning, and while your one track mind kept you focused, it unfortunately lead to this case.
On the plus side, it also lead you to the best group of friends - who were your family, lets face it - and boyfriend you could ask for. Dr Spencer Reid was the first member of the team that you were introduced to by Supervisory Special Agent Hotchner on your first day. As he’s your age and at the time, a little awkward, Hotch thought you’d be least intimidated joining the team by meeting him first.
Hotch told you that he was a genius and had a tendency to ramble trivia at people, which intrigued you. You’d never met a 26 year old genius before. As he lead you down the ramp and across the bullpen, you noted 2 women; a blonde girl with quirky clothes and a big grin and a brunette with big eyes and a bright red tank top. You felt their eyes follow you and SSA Hotchner across the room as he lead you to wonder boy’s desk. He had his head buried in a file; legs bunched together on his seat,  a pen tapping against his lips absentmindedly, his face obscured slightly by the hair falling across his cheeks and forehead.  You reached his desk and Hotch cleared his throat slightly. When he didn’t react, Hotch finally spoke up.
“Dr Reid, this is Special Agent Y/F/N, Y/L/N.” Hotch said in a firm but polite tone. Spencer flinched when Hotch spoke, his voice snapping him out of whatever work induced rabbit hole his brain was stuck in. In an instant, his legs were now back onto the floor, whipped his head up and pushed his glasses up onto his head. Spencer leaned over his desk and extended his hand, to shake yours. He gave you a big smile which you remember looked genuine and sweet at the time.
“Hi, I’m Dr Reid… Or Spencer, just call me Spencer, Dr sounds prententious. I mostly just say it to sound smart but I don’t want to give you the wrong impression.” As he started rambling, you couldn’t help but stare. Now that his face wasn’t covered by his hair, you noticed how pretty he was. His light, soft brown eyes scanned your face while you accidentally stared into them. There was a kindness there that you felt drawn to and you couldn’t help but smile to yourself at his strong jawline.
“Agent Y/L/N?” Spencer questioned softly, his smile dropping to a face of mild concern. You looked down and realised his hand was still extended waiting for you to shake it. Mortified that you’d been staring at this poor man’s face, you blushed and quickly stuck your hand out to reciprocate the greeting.
“Nice to meet you!” You tried to muster in your cheeriest polite voice, hiding your embarrassment as best you could. His smile grew again, cheeks turning ever so slightly salmon colored.
“Reid, I��m leaving Agent Y/L/N in your care. Can you please introduce them to the rest of the team before the debrief? JJ’s waiting for us in the briefing room but I’ve told her to wait 5 minutes for introductions.” With that, Hotch left and you stood semi awkwardly at Reid’s desk unsure whether to initiate conversation or wait for him to take the lead. Thankfully he did.
“As the idiom says ‘there’s no time like the present’” Spencer quipped, standing up and placing his case file onto the desk. He gestured to follow him as he lead you to the two women who you could tell were gossiping quite frankly.
Since then, you’d been inseparable. The whole team noticed how fond you were of each other; 6 months of choosing to pair up on missions, sleeping next to each other on the jet, filing paperwork until the early hours alone in the office. Eventually, Garcia - your loveable bubbly tech analyst best friend - forced you to go on an official date - much to your fake protestations - and that night, you decided to make it official. The “I love you’s” came after a particularly dangerous case where you got shot in the field. The good doctor refused to leave your side from the minute you were injured until you got into the hospital bed. After surgery to remove the bullet, he laid on your recovery bed with you and whispered that he loved you and you whispered back before you both drifted off to sleep.
Chapter 2
taglist: @gghostwriter @inlovewithelliewilliams @the-quackson-brothers @lonelymuffin @lobstertalk @primrosesposts
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actual-changeling · 1 year
See, but there's something about the first fight in episode 1 that just doesn't really. fit. It very much feels like we are missing information here.
I have been thinking about this show all day, as one does, but in particular why Crowley gets angry enough to shoot literal lightning at a nearby building. We have experienced him upset before, but never to that specific degree, and their disagreement over Gabriel just does not explain it for me.
My hypothesis: a big, important fight happened right before season 2 picks up that left Crowley feeling rejected and Aziraphale neglected.
The biggest clue is the snippet of conversation about myself vs. ourselves.
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"I thought we had carved it out for ourselves"
He almost sounds offended when he says that, yet Crowley reacts with equal parts hurt and anger, like he is referencing something that we, the viewer, do not have any knowledge of.
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"So did I"
However, Aziraphale seems to understand whatever Crowley is referring to and does not respond with anything in return. Yet whatever wound they just opened keeps bleeding, and when Aziraphale tells him, packaged nicely, to fuck off, Crowley seems more sad than upset to me.
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The to go? is almost said softly and with an initial confusion that hides a LOT of unspoken pain. Plus the HAND MOTION? The gesturing between the two of them while saying "oh, so this is how you wanna do this?" - call me insane, but to me that very much sounds like "oh so this is how you want to break up?"
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The funny part is, if Aziraphale had simply shut up after saying "I want you to help me take care of him", I can GUARANTEE YOU that Crowley would have begrudgingly agreed. But he doesn't. He keeps going and this is the first moment this season where he is genuinely and truly bitchy.
"But if you won't, you won't" with the demonstrative sit-down and turning away from him, eyes forward. It pokes at whatever wound is still open and bleeding between them. Aziraphale wants Crowley to jump over his shadow and come help him, ignoring his boundaries. Meanwhile Crowley feels fundamentally misunderstood and rejected and wants Aziraphale to SHOW that he cares about Crowley more than he cares about fucking Gabriel of all people.
That he cares about them more than about heaven.
And now we have finally reached Crowley's breaking-point. he is so deeply hurt by what Aziraphale just said and did, choosing heaven over them, that the pain turns into anger because he has no other way of expressing or feeling it in the first place.
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You're on your own with this one.
That last look is filled with such disappointed heartbreak, he turns around simply to give Aziraphale a chance to ask him to stay, to apologize, something. Yet again, he does not. He doesn't even meet his gaze, he is looking away.
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To me, he seems almost spiteful, like this entire argument is only superficially about Gabriel but about something entirely else deeper down.
Which - that's the point, isn't it?
Crowley comes back and apologizes because Aziraphale matters more to him than stupid arguments or choosing sides, keeping him safe is the only thing he cares about when it comes down to it. He swallows down his hurt and betrayal and does what Aziraphale wants: ignoring the entire argument and pretending nothing ever happened so they can continue like before.
Only that they can't. The entire season shows just how much they cannot go back to their arrangement, no matter how hard Crowley tries to mold himself to Aziraphale's will. Their final argument simply reflects all of that and more. The same wound that first one was about gets reopened very violently and they're bleeding all over each other with no way to stop it because they're too fucking stubborn to admit that it exists in the first place.
Aziraphale and Crowley can only fix their relationship when they acknowledge the reason the rift between them opened up. Until then, Crowley feels truly rejected and Aziraphale feels entirely neglected, and there is nothing anyone can do to make them confront that.
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desceros · 8 months
INT DISCORD - EVENING @thejudiciousneurotic: i'm drawing a comic where leo talks about how he accidentally sent someone his nudes me: oh. now i wanna write a fic where leo flirts with you by "accidentally" shooting you his nudes me: ...trade u for the comic thejudiciousneurotic: 🤝 me: 🤝 leonardo/reader, female reader, rated m
You’re having a very nice lunch with April and Casey when your phone vibrates where it rests next to your plate.
neon leon (12:41 p.m.) [image]
Oh boy. What does this goober want?
Normally, you aren’t one to check your phone while eating with others. It’s kind of rude, and you don’t get enough time with the three of you hanging out like this. But April’s busy trying to make Casey laugh so hard his drink comes out of his nose, and—and you’re curious, because it’s Leo, and he’s sent you a picture.
You open the message app, and blink. It's not a meme, or a dorky selfie, or something pretty like he sometimes finds while he's wandering about and shoots your way to share.
It’s… a picture of him. The kind that he’d usually put on his So-Shell, you note, wondering why he’d sent it to you specifically. A little bit of a suggestive pose: his arms curling in just a manner to accentuate the way his arms have been getting big lately, one leg crossed over the other to show off how long they are, fingers framing that smug smirk he gets sometimes when he—
Oh, god.
Leo isn’t wearing his mask. Or—or anything, you suddenly realize. No wraps. No socks. 
…Are these… nudes?!
Quickly, feeling your face burn hot, you look up to check in with April and Casey. They’re both still fucking around on the other side of the table. She’s tickling him, he’s giggling. Normal. Normal. They haven’t noticed that you’re a few degrees shy of combustion. Cool, cool. No one’s noticed that your best friend—friend friend just a friend!—has sent you his smoldering-hot naked body.
Quickly, you stop yourself, inhaling deep before you go too deep into it. No, that’s silly. He’s a fucking turtle. So he’s not wearing socks. Or forearm wraps. Or—Or his mask, which you’ve never seen him without before. So it’s a sexy pose in front of a mirror. It’s—It’s not anything salacious, if you don’t make it such. 
You start typing, just the usual compliment that you usually give his pictures on So-Shell, maybe a fire emoji, and—
neon leon (12:41 p.m.) oops! didn’t mean to send that!
neon leon (12:41 p.m.) just uh. pretend i didn’t just accidentally send you a nude. haha :)
“Oh my god,” you quietly whimper. It is a nude. 
The proper thing would be, of course, to do as he asks. Spam a bunch of junk until it disappears to the void of the past conversation. Laugh it off with him. Tell him a joke to make him feel better when he’s probably fucking mortified. 
…A little like how you’re mortified the moment you tap on the picture, making it bigger. 
God damn it. It’s… It’s so unfair how good he looks, you think, biting on the inside of your cheek. He’s finally hit that growth spurt Casey has warned everyone was coming, and he’s just so—so big. Towering over you easily. Putting on muscle like it’s as easy as putting on a shirt. Moving like silk through the air. Comfortable in his skin and knowing he looks good.
A fresh memory comes to mind. How the other day, he’d picked you up in one hand to snag the blanket you’d been sitting on to hand to Donnie where he’d been whining about being chilly. You’d spent the rest of the afternoon uncomfortably wet and turned on, hoping to god his sensitive turtle nose couldn’t pick up on it as he draped an arm on your shoulder for the last half of the movie and pulled you to lean into his plastron.
(...Friends cuddle, right? Totally. Friends totally cuddle.)
Plus he’s just… pretty. The way his cheekbones curve, the markings on his face cutting beautiful lines around his eyes, eyes that you can see without his mask in the way. The breath catches in your lungs as you stare into where they’re half-lidded in the picture, turning the smirk into something sultry. The smirk, framed by fingers that are long and thick and—
“Oh fuck,” you choke, clenching your teeth so hard your jaw aches. 
(...Friends think about getting fingered by their friends, right?! Right?! Oh god, oh fuck—)
“You good?” April asks, finally looking away from Casey who is dabbing at his face and bellowing with agony. Oof, carbonation up the nose. Not fun.
“…I’m so good,” you tell her around the knot in your throat, fingers going tight on your phone. Gah. You have to leave now or else she’ll suss out what’s wrong and you’re pretty sure you’d rather die than admit you’re getting flustered off of Leonardo’s mess up. “Say, uh. I—I have to go to the bathroom. Right now. For a while. I’ll be back.”
You can feel her eyes between your shoulder blades as you flee her knowing eyes, quickly going into the stand-alone bathroom in the cute little café and snapping the door shut behind you. You slump back against it, whipping out your phone and looking at it a bit like it’s a ticking time bomb. 
Which it kind of is, you realize with a sudden terror. You haven’t responded to him yet. He would have seen the little dots where you’d given away you were typing. That you’d had his picture in your face. He knows you’ve seen it. You’ve seen it, and time is passing while he’s sitting there, knowing there’s a fucking nuke on your screen. Oh god. Oh fuck.
Stupid sexy turtle, you think, hands trembling as you compose a very normal, very chill response. You only delete three before you settle on the last and send it.
sent (12:45 p.m.) no worries! i didn’t see anything, haha :)
neon leon (12:45 p.m.) hm. you sure? you sure took a while to respond
Oh god. Embarrassment lights your blood on fire. He knows. He totally knows. Fuck, it feels like he knows how you zoomed the fuck in and had to press your goddamn thighs together beneath the table. Swallowing thickly, you try to do as much damage control as you can. 
sent (12:45 p.m.) i mean, of course i saw it. i was curious!
neon leon (12:45 p.m.) oh yeah? what were you so curious about?
sent (12:45 p.m.) i. you know. i’ve never seen you without your mask. 
neon leon (12:45 p.m.) you know you can ask, right? i’ll take it off for you whenever you want.
You fumble your phone. What the fuck. Is this happening. Quickly, you look up. Yep. You’re still here. A quick pinch reminds you that it isn’t a dream. It’s quarter til one on a Saturday, and your childhood friend has sent you a nude on accident and then said that. 
neon leon (12:45 p.m.) is that something you want? seeing me without my mask?
neon leon (12:45 p.m.) i’d do it. for you.
neon leon (12:45 p.m.) no wraps. no socks. no mask. 
“…Holy shit,” you mutter, feeling a little dizzy. You gape, unsure of how to respond, how to fucking breathe. Then, you nearly jump out of your skin when the phone of your screen fills with a selfie of you and Leo in a photobooth at Alberto Land, feather boas and silly matching heart-shaped glasses stupid on your face. 
Oh fuck. He’s calling you. 
“Where are you right now?” Leo asks as soon as you answer the call, not waiting for you to find your voice, his words velvet in your ears.
Defensive at how you’re reacting, protecting your friendship with him tooth and nail, you claw out of the fog that had settled and made you stupid. You narrow your eyes at the hand dryer next to you. “…Did you actually ‘accidentally’ send me that picture, Leonardo?”
His laugh fills your ears like wine; rich, decadent, intoxicating. Warmth blooms in your chest. “Where are you, beautiful?”
That’s about as close to an admission as you’re probably going to get, you think. The pet name, familiar in shape but foreign in tone, makes your stomach dip. Licking your lips, you try one more time. 
“…Why are you sending me your nudes?” you ask, air catching in your throat, voice quiet but feeling loud in the privacy of the bathroom. 
“Why are you looking at them?” he responds cheekily. You bite down on the snarky response that reflexively comes to the surface; am I not supposed to, goober? There’s something glittering in the air, an invitation for something, and it makes you hesitate. Makes you look at the boundary of the lines you’ve drawn around him. Wonder what they’d look like a little smudged. 
“I… wanted to see,” you admit, feeling a little breathless, wondering if you sound so. If he can tell you’re on the edge of a cliff, feeling a bit like maybe you’re ready to take a step and fall.
“See what?” he asks. Voice lower still. Umbrous. Hypnotic. Tantalizing.
“You. Without—Without your mask. Without… any of it.”
His phone ever so slightly picks up on a sensuous rumble that comes from deep inside his shell. The sound of it makes you shiver, goosebumps rising on your skin. Your eyes fall shut. It’s an easy fantasy, thinking of feeling it in your flesh.
Leo says your name. It’s not a way you’ve ever heard him do so, before. It pricks your attention, hooking into it, pulling it where he wants it. “Where are you?”
You tell him. A second later, your eyes flare with familiar blue light. Two seconds later, your back is against the bathroom door, the sound of the lock clicking loud in your ears as he reaches over and ensures no one will be interrupting.
“Leo, you—!” you gasp, the barest amount of protest that he cuts through as easily as if he’d taken his katana to it. 
“I got tired of waiting. And you want to see,” he says, his fingers finding your chin and holding you in place, his mouth hovering over yours, his breath hot against where you can’t breathe. His other hand finds the curve of your hip, pulling it to meld to his own, his plastron pressing you to the door. “So look while you still can, pretty little thing. Because you’ve got about three minutes before I plan on getting my face between your legs for a long, long time.”
Later, much later, after you nearly bite through your palm trying to keep quiet through the several orgasms he easily eats out of you, after he portals you back to the lair and he pins you to that cursed mirror in his bedroom so you can see how good he looks while fucking you stupid, after he crawls over you in his sheets and slowly curls his fingers together with yours while rolling his hips to get slow and deep to drive you absolutely insane, your phone vibrates again.
This time, you ignore it, fully fucked out, completely disinterested in moving from beneath where Leo’s snoring into your shoulder, having everything you can possibly want within arm’s reach for the foreseeable future.
ayyy-pril (2:19 p.m.) lmao did you fall in?
ayyy-pril (2:19 p.m.) hellooooooo
ayyy-pril (2:21 p.m.) …since leo’s also not answering i’m guessing you’re with him. girl u Gotta let me know when you dip so i don’t worry >:T
ayyy-pril (2:21 p.m.) also. ugh. can you two just make out already? the pining is getting ridiculous. and don’t tell me i’m just imagining things again. i’m sooooo bored by your excuses
ayyy-pril (2:21 p.m.) grabbed your leftovers for you. love you ttyl byeeee
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Order 66 (tbb x Jedi!reader)
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Ok, so i’ve had this idea in my head of the clones with a Jedi S/O during Order 66. I don’t mean they act on Order 66, I mean if everything sorta played out similar in canon (Chip doesn’t work)
Idk, I like me some protective boys.
CW: minimally proofread, jedi!S/O, Reader, Gender neutral pronouns, Order 66, violence, death, swearing, Hunter trying his best, Wrecker being a sweetie, Echo is ready to fight, Tech is the only one who is level headed, and Crosshair being somewhat emotional
You were following Caleb when the order came through. Your steps stumbled and your knees hit the cold ground. All around you, the Force was being ripped apart. Hands were on your shoulders. 
your lover. You barely realized through the haze.
With absolute horror, you watched helplessly as clones gunned down Depa Billaba. “Run Caleb!” You heard her scream through the overwhelming grief and death you felt. The padawan turned, lightsaber ready. 
“Get away from us!” he barked, calling your name, “Get up! Please!”
He was panicked, confused. So were you. 
You managed to look up, seeing the clone troopers across the field standing over Master Billaba’s smoking corpse. They were prepping to kill you and the padawan next.
Without another word you bolted, grabbing Caleb’s hand and sprinting to the trees. You didn’t look back. You had to make sure the kid was safe.
“Wait!” He’ll give chase before stopping at the tree line. He had never seen you look so devastated and afraid. 
He’s going to follow you. Of course he is. He’s just as confused as everyone else. 
Until Tech finally finds out what's going on
“The Jedi have been ordered to be executed.” “Which one?” “All of them.”
“What!? Why!?” Hunter is panicked at this point. The troopers behind him have orders to kill. They won’t show you mercy. 
“Apparently they’ve committed treason.”
By the time he finds you, Caleb had already jumped across the ravine and was waiting for you. You turned, tears in your eyes.
“I can feel it…everyone is being killed.” 
“We’re going to figure this out,” He’s going to try and calm you down, “I promise, we’re going to figure this out.” His arms are around you. 
It wasn’t safe for you. Not anywhere near him and the others. He knows this. You know this. 
The two of you come up with a hurried plan.
“Go to these coordinates. Once we know what's going on, I’ll come find you.” He’ll kiss you passionately, “Get the kid and hide.” 
Hunter won’t go with you. He’s the squad leader. He can’t just go missing. 
Despite the fear that you’ll be found out, he trusts you and your skills to stay alive.
Once you jump across, he’ll watch, make sure no one follows or tries to shoot at you. 
Once he’s questioned on your whereabouts, he’s going to lie, “I managed to stab the kid and shoot the Jedi. both of them fell into the water.”
I will say, his nerves are shot until he gets to you again. 
But in the meanwhile? He’s antsy. Anxious and a tad distracted.
Also a hairs trigger from snapping.
Crosshair badgers him at Kamino and Hunter barely holds back a punch.
Hunter loves you, so damn dearly. And right now he can’t protect you because he needs to figure out what the fuck is going on.
But, after finding the truth and getting Omega, he makes a damn beeline for the coordinates he gave you.
Plus side? Caleb and Omega become friends.
What the FUCK just happend!?
He sprints into the trees to keep up, ignoring how Hunter is calling his name. 
“Echo, get back here!” 
“No.” He will cut off his comms. 
He’s an ARC trooper, he can track you to a degree. He’s not like Hunter, but he gets to the general area where you are. 
He manages to get to a clearing where you and Caleb are hiding in the trees. 
“Cyare!” Echo is clearly confused, worried and he swears he feels the same amount of death that’s overwhelmed you. 
Once you reveal yourself, his helmet is off and his arms are around you so tightly.
“I don’t know what's going on, but I’ll keep you and Commander Dume safe.”
Hunter and Crosshair catch up to you, and once Crosshair aims his blaster at you and Caleb, Echo is ready to brawl. 
He stands protectively in front of you, gun aimed at the sniper, “If your skinny ass doesn’t put the fucking gun away I swear to-!”
“Both of you stand down!” Hunter will have to get between them, because Echo is 100% willing to shoot Crosshair if it means you stay safe. 
He’s not aware Crosshair doesn't exactly have a choice at the moment.
Really no one is aware.
But he’s lost domino squad, he’s lost Fives, he's lost legion, right now his former general is probably being killed…He’s lost so much already.
He refuses to lose you too.
So Echo pulls the trigger first, settling on stunning him and making a dash towards the ravine. Hunter has to keep up.
Once Caleb is across, he’ll get meetup coordinates from Hunter.
Echo goes with you. He doesn’t return to Kamino. The moment he's across the ravine with you and Caleb he’s a deserter. 
He doesn’t care. He just doesn’t want to lose you.
He’s a strong, determined guard, and one who didn’t let you or Caleb get hurt.
He casts a glance at Hunter before running off after you. 
He has no idea what Order 66 is. Nor does he care.
The guy saw you so…out of it. So scared and confused.
His protective instincts have geared up to 11. 
Hunter goes with him, while Crosshair is the one who remains behind to stall.
Once Tech informs everyone that the Jedi have been named traitors and should be executed on sight, Wrecker gets serious. Very serious. 
He becomes so unlike himself, even Crosshair is surprised.
Honestly? I see Wrecker as someone willing to gun down any ‘reg’ if they’re threatening his squad or s/o. 
Even this early into the Empire.
When he sees you, he’s immediately grabbing you into his arms which causes Caleb to attack.
Admittedly he’s gonna tackle Caleb, only adding to the poor kids terror. 
“Wrecker, you're scaring him!” 
But after a strong bear hug and an “Easy kid! I’m tryna help you!” The padawan calms down enough to listen. 
He puts Caleb down, rips off his helmet and gives you one hell of a kiss. 
He’s worried. He’s scared. And he wants to protect you. 
Hunter will have to talk him down from running off with you.
The sergeant has to keep his squad together. It sucks but they need to figure out what the heck is happening at the moment.
Wrecker desperately wants to go with you but he can’t abandon his squad.
However, he feels much better once Hunter gives some safe coordinates to lay low and hide.
He’ll get you to the ravine and stand guard until you and Caleb are across and out of sight.
You bet your ass when he meets up with you again he’s not letting you go. 
He isn’t as emotional as the others at the moment. He’s actually focused on gathering as much information in the least amount of time.
He waits, listening to the comm chatter. What is going on? why?
“Execute Order 66.”
After a second, he shares a look with Hunter.
“Tech, go after-”
No more words need to be said. Tech is gone and going after you.
He’s smart. He knows your patterns. He knows where you’d most likely hide. So he focuses on that.
Once he’s confident he’s in a broad area where you and Caleb are, he’s going to call out to you, “Cyare? There’s something called Order 66 on the comms.” 
Tech gives you information first. He won’t make you reveal yourself if you don’t feel safe enough. 
When Echo announces that the Jedi have been charged with treason, he’ll relay that to you. 
“The comms say the Jedi committed treason against the Republic,” He’s going to keep looking around for you, “I know you. You’d never do such a thing. I’m here, Cyare. I can help you.”
Once you reveal yourself, Caleb behind you, he feels the biggest amount of relief. 
He pulls off his helmet, giving you a small smile.
“Tech…The Jedi…” your voice cracks, “They’re being killed…I can feel it.” 
“I know, Cyare…I’m sorry.” He tries his best to comfort you, but he knows he can never understand. 
The amount of Jedi he’s worked with can be counted on one hand. 
But he knows this is your family. Your friends. Your very life.
Once Hunter meets up with you guys, a plan can be put in place. 
He gives you coordinates for a location to meet-up and hide. You’ll lay low with Caleb.
In the meantime, Tech will return to Kamino, figure out what's happening, and from there a better, more long term plan can be made.
Before you leave though, he’s going to give you the longest, most passionate kiss he's ever given you.
He’s well aware that there's a chance you can be found and killed. 
Tech is the only one who has accepted that you may not make it out of this.
But he’s going to keep his mind occupied, distract himself until he’s by your side again. 
As soon as the order goes out, Crosshair is under the influence of the inhibitor chip.
He just doesn’t know. No one does at this point.
He watches you run away with Caleb and the drive to hunt you down is hard to ignore.
He needs to find you to kill you, to protect you.
But, the sudden headache he has is damn near blinding.
Crosshair follows Hunter, keeping his comms on.
He freezes when Tech finds out the Jedi have been marked for execution.
The Inhibitor Chip in his skull is contending with his feelings for you.
He needs to execute save you.
When he spots you he pulls his rifle and aims but barely manages to stop himself.
He can’t hurt you. He needs to kill loves you.
Crosshair draws some sort of conclusion that Kaminoans had conditioned all clones to follow specific orders.
He doesn’t know of the chip. He just assumes it comes from the troopers' conditioning.
When his arms are around your body, for a brief moment he thinks of snapping your neck.
Good soldiers follow orders.
He hates orders.
This is the point where Crosshair knows something is seriously wrong with him.
But he’s not going to say anything yet. He can still fight if need be.
“You need to run…hide…get away from here.” it's a rare moment that he’s scared.
The sniper is desperate to shoot protect you.
The headache is persistent, and it’s somewhat distracting.
But he’ll power through.
Crosshair will wait for Hunter to come up with…something. 
His eyes are on the area around you, gun set to kill in case any reg tries anything.
The plan? Clone Force 99 returns to Kamino while you and Caleb go into hiding. 
You have coordinates. He can find you later. 
But…well Crosshair doesn’t like that. At all.
Hear me out. Like Echo, Crosshair goes with you. He knows somethings up with him, but he trusts himself more than he trusts anyone else.
“Tell Kamino they killed me.” He instructs Hunter, “That I died trying to stop the Jedi and you managed to get justice.”
He crosses the ravine with you, only looking back to nod back to Hunter. 
By the time Crosshair, you and Caleb safely get off the planet, his headache is a small annoyance that goes away with time.
Crosshair sticks with you until he reunites with his squad and notices Omega
Welp, you got Caleb, what's one more kid?
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gamblersdoll · 3 months
𝓳𝓾𝓼𝓽 𝓫𝓪𝓻𝓮𝓵𝔂!- 2
the words with the question stuck out more than anything. ‘are you in a relationship?’ rung through his head for weeks at a time. he could have just said no, but then, couldnt it be disrespectful to you?
shit, now he sounds delusional since you aren’t dating him.
he sat in his office most of the day, just pondering on the question and the fact that he couldnt even respond right. he also fucked himself bad when he clicks on your ‘Instagram’ and sees you in your pretty bikini top.
only just the fact you had your arm around some other man, who just so happened to be a classmate. no biggie right? couldnt be.
yet, he kept staring at you. he stares at the birthmark right on your sternum, the small birth mark in your arm and throat. he’s seen them before, but its so much different now.
shit, he was off the deep end for you. and the whole thought process of how youre only a little bit younger than him, and the scandal he could put you in since you were in a mentorship with him. he needs to save people, he wants to. yet, he’s debating on if they mean that much like you.
he also hated how hot it can get in japan, weather sitting at a ninety nine degree temperature at night. both you and him were patrolling since tokoyami was underage and couldnt be out.
thank god that he brought water though, the good kind at that.
“so uh, how was the beach, little one?” hawks mindlessly asked, looking around while you did the same.
“it was fine, it was just somewhat crowded and hot. i dont even know why i went.” you say, you reminded everyone that depending on what temperature it was outside, you could go. heat wasnt one, you hated it.
“ah, well, it is a beach.” he replied back, gathering himself back next to you. “any fun this weekend?”
“i dont know yet. probably not.” you say, shrugging it off and walking beside him. the cool breeze goes through your hair, you sighing in relief that you could at least feel it through your clothes as well.
shit, she’s free this weekend? he thought to himself, ever so occasionally side eyeing you to see if you were looking at him, were you looking at him? no. damnit.
his hands get sweaty in his gloves, him feeling like some highschool kid in love with the popular pretty girl who just so happened to give him a chance. he clears his throat and looks away from you to see anything else.
fuck, you were actually shorter than him, so you were actually a little one… which only turns him on more. he wasnt a big build, but he was still somewhat bigger than you.
“you wanna.. grab something to eat?” he asked, pointing to the ramen shop up the street and smiled. “its on me this time since you basically saved my ass yesterday.”
but you practically saved him in general.
“yeah, sure!” you say, cheerful that they’ll have so much air conditioning inside the shop. plus, youre craving a good ramen.
he also gathers that you do a little ‘happy dance’ when you finally get food. you wiggle side to side in your seat, a relaxed sigh in your throat and, your mood increases. do you even know you do this? probably not. shit, you probably do, you do this just so he can say something about you.
the fuck is wrong with me? he questions that daily, and he can only think about that one question until your body spray wafts into his nose, causing a dopamine rush to his brain and he has to stop himself from his eyes rolling back into his head.
fuck, was he some damn addict?
there’s hints of some fruit, he doesnt get what though. he also smells coconut and now hes only curious, pausing on eating his food. hes gotta know what it is, he had to. he cant just ask you because thatll seem weird. it seem creepy for your mentor asking what body spray you use.
was he actually going to find a time to sneak in and find out for himself later?
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winchesterwild78 · 3 months
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I’ve got requests- ignore them if you want, but I had to try.
If you could I’d like (all plus sized/curvy reader):
Soldier boy- something about him being a softie but only for her. And emphasis on how he loves her being curvy
*This is for you 😁 I hope I bring your vision to life. Thank you for trusting me with a request!!*
Characters:Soldier Boy (Ben) x Plus Size Reader
Warnings: Language, SMUT, insecurities, Fluff, unprotected sex (cover it up guys)
A/N: This is my first ever request and I’m so excited to write it. I wrote it fast so please forgive any mistakes. This does not follow The Boys story line.
All work is my own, don’t take it!!
Minors DNI 18+
You were sitting at your desk at Vought Tower. You hadn’t been on the job long but you were excited to be there. You had a masters degree in public relations and were an absolute beast at your job. Vought fought hard for you to work for them. Working for them, with supes and the pay was great. Since you were a kid you were envious of the supes. You loathed Homelander though. He was a complete dick.
For as long as you could remember you were on the heavier side. You weren’t terribly overweight, but you had more curves and weight than the average woman. Your teenage years were filled with memories of teasing and being the target of some sick jokes.
As an adult you thought that would have changed, but you were wrong. Most men were either repulsed by you or thought you’d be an easy lay. When you wouldn’t give them what they wanted it was the same song and dance “Nobody is going to want you.” “You should be on your knees thanking me for even considering fucking you.”
The worst however came when you thought you found the one. You dated Thomas for a few years and he asked you to marry him. You were thrilled. The plans were made, the dress picked out and the day arrived. You were so happy and in love. As you’re in the bridal suite waiting for the ceremony to start your mom comes in with a look on her face.
She handed you a letter and you knew it was his handwriting. You opened the letter with shaking hands and read it.
I can’t marry you. I wish I could say I’m sorry but I’m not. I’ve met someone else and she’s a 10. I’m in love with her and her amazing body. Good luck in life and maybe try to lose some weight. It will help.
Your legs gave out under you and you collapsed to the floor. Sobbing you couldn’t talk. Your mother took the note and read it. She shook her head and left the room. Leaving you on the floor in your wedding dress sobbing.
When you finally got yourself together you packed your bags and left your hometown for good. That’s how you ended up at Vought. They needed someone who essentially had no life that they could work to the bone. You figured you’d throw yourself into your work. It’s not like you had anyone or anything at home to go to.
There was a buzz around the office about some long lost supe coming back after years of being gone. You tried to focus on your latest project but the buzz kept ringing. You left your desk to go grab a coffee, your 4th for the morning. When you turned the corner and ran right smack into what felt like a wall.
Only it wasn’t a wall it was the most gorgeous man you’d ever seen. That’s when you realized it was Soldier Boy. He grabbed your arms to help steady you and oh lord did his grip turn you on. “Hey, be careful Doll face” his smooth voice said. “Oh I’m so sorry I wasn’t paying attention.” You stumbled through your words. He smirked “no problem. Where are you headed in such a hurry? Getting coffee for the boss man.” Oh that pissed you off. “Excuse me?! It’s not the 1930s anymore. Women contribute more to society than coffee and babies. Now excuse me.” You seethed as you pushed past him.
Your heart rate was up so high you could hear it pounding in your ears.
Ben stood there smirking. Admiring your feisty nature and your beautiful curvy body as you walked away. He’d always had a thing for curvy women. He knew they could handle more and he didn’t have to worry too much about breaking them. He ran his gloved hand through his hair and kept walking.
You returned to your desk and got back to work. However, you were more distracted by the encounter with him than you cared to admit. You found yourself fantasizing about his strong arms around you and touching your body. The way his soft lips would feel on your skin. Damn. You shook your head trying to rid it of the thoughts plaguing your brain.
It was late night when you finally called it a day. This was your life though. Work all day long and go home to an empty apartment. You grabbed your things and headed down to the parking garage. When you stepped off the elevator you felt a little uneasy. Like someone was watching you. You had almost made it to your car when you realized you were right. Standing leaning against your car was Soldier Boy. His arms folded over his chest and his legs crossed at his ankles. He was the picture of perfection.
“Hey doll face.” He smirked. “Soldier boy” you nodded as you fumbled for your keys. He was right up next to you and whispered “Ben, call me Ben.” Your heart raced and heat filled your cheeks. “Ben, what can I do for you” you asked. He got a wide smile on his face “there’s a lot you can do for me, but for now let me take you to dinner to apologize for being a dick.”
“What makes you think I want to go to dinner with you, Ben” you seethed. “Well your heart rate for one, and I can smell your arousal.” Ben smirked. You rolled your eyes. Deep down you knew he was right. Your body responded to his in ways it never had before, even with Thomas. You couldn’t control it.
“Ben, you don’t have to apologize. It’s not your fault you were born when you were. Things have changed and you need to adjust to it. I appreciate your apology but you really don’t want to be seen in public with all this” you waved your hands over your body.
Then you saw Ben’s eyes soften. “Oh sweetheart you have no idea what you’re doing to me and how your body is making me feel.” He whispered in your ear. Your breath hitched. You swallowed hard and before you could process what you were saying it came out in a seductive tone “Then show me.”
Ben took your head in his hands and kissed you. Leaning you up against your car you could feel his arousal through his suit. Damn he felt big and really hard. Your mind was racing and your lungs screamed for air. You didn’t care. You’d die right here to keep this kiss going.
You two finally parted and you were breathing hard. His lips were soft but strong and his hands were so firm. You wanted more. Ben smiled at you softly. You were so confused by the softness you saw in him. You had read his file and knew what he was capable of. Being soft was not in the realm of his ability. He was a badass supe, probably the strongest one and he was a bit of an asshole. This man in front of you was anything but an asshole.
“Y/N, let’s go grab something to eat and talk” Ben said taking your arm. “Okay, Ben. I’m driving myself though.” You said firmly. He threw his hands up in surrender and agreed. He chuckled and told you he’d meet you there. You got in your car, took a deep breath and drove to the restaurant.
When you arrived at the restaurant you got out of your car and looked for Ben. You didn’t see him at first and when you finally found him your breath caught in your throat. Ben had changed out of his suit and into a nice shirt and pair of slacks. You’d never seen a supe dress like a “regular” person. He looked even more handsome than he had before.
Ben walked up to you and took your hand in his. “Ready darling” he asked. You nodded yes and smiled. You felt the heat raise in your cheeks and they turned red. When the two of you were seated Ben ordered a whiskey right away, you ordered a water. He chuckled.
The waitress came over and she was absolutely gorgeous. Tall, thin, long legs. She had long blonde hair and was very busty. You couldn’t help but be envious of her and her beauty. You knew Ben was going to flirt. You braced yourself for it.
When she realized who he was she flirted. “Oh my goodness it’s you, Soldier Boy. Oh wow I’m a huge fan. What can I get for you.” She gushed. He pointed to you “she’ll go first” he said it looking at her. She turned to you and her eyes went wide. You’d seen this look before. It’s the “what is she doing with a guy like this” look.
You plastered on a smile and began to order. “I’ll take the steak medium, loaded baked potato and side salad with ranch dressing please.” She scoffed and wrote down your order. She turned to Ben “what can I get for you. I’ll give you anything you want Soldier Boy.” He didn’t bat an eye. You were shocked. This gorgeous woman was practically throwing herself at him and he seems uninterested. “I’ll take the same as her.” He replied without looking up.
You sat in awe and silent. When she walked away you expected him to watch her but his piercing green eyes settled on you. You blushed a little. He grabbed your hand “Fuck you’re absolute perfection. You get me so hard.” You smirked. “What about her, Ben. I bet you she’s in the back trying to figure out how to get you to fuck her in the bathroom right now.” “Sweetheart I don’t want her. I want YOU!” His tone sent a chill down your spine.
“Me? Why would you want me when you could have women like her? She’s beautiful and skinny. I love food and I’m curvy.” You hung your head. Ben stood and lifted your chin. “You’re fucking perfect. From these lips (he kissed them), this neck (kissed again), these hands (kissed again), these gorgeous breasts, to every single curve. I’ll spend all night getting to know every single detail of your beautiful body if you let me.”
Your head was spinning. You never have sex on the first date. Wait is that what this is? Are you on a date with him? “Ben, people are staring” you whispered. “Let them” he said as he kissed you. Your legs felt like jelly. He was doing something to your body and you were okay with it.
When the food came out Ben asked for it to be boxed up. “We’re going home for dessert first” he wiggled his eyebrows. You blushed and giggled. The waitress was in shock. “You’d give up this to be with that” she hissed as she pointed to you. “I’d give up being a supe to be with her darlin” he said.
You saw the softness in his eyes and you knew he meant it. Your heart beat wildly and you pulled him in for a kiss. “Let’s go to my place, Ben” you said seductively.
By the time the two of you got inside your apartment clothes were all ready coming off. Ben lifted you up and you squealed. You’d never been picked up and manhandled before and it turned you on. He tossed you on the bed and you yelped and giggled. He pulled your pants and panties off leaving you naked in front of him. You tried to grab the sheet to cover up but he stopped you. “No, let me see how beautiful you are.” He said as he looked you over.
Your cheeks turned red and you had to fight hard not to cover yourself up. No man has ever wanted to see your body and here this god of a man was and he wanted to actually see it. He removed the rest of his clothes and his long, thick cock sprang free. You bit your lip and he growled.
Ben dropped to his knees and slung your legs over his shoulders and started to eat your pussy like a man starved. Your hands went in his hair and you pulled him closer. You felt him smirk and he moved faster. You were close to your release really quickly. You’d never felt like that or gotten to your release so quickly. He definitely knew what he was doing.
“Ben I’m going to cum. Oh god!” He leaned up and said “you can call me Ben”. You came hard and he lapped up your juices. As he stood you saw your arousal on his beard. He leaned forward and kissed your lips. You could feel his hardness on your leg. “Ready sweetheart” he asked. You nodded “yes I am. Please Ben I need you” you said.
He pumped himself a few times and lined himself up. Ben pushed himself in slowly and as he entered you he stretched you. “Relax baby. I’ll be gentle” he said. You relaxed and it felt amazing.
You wrapped your legs around his hips and pulled him. He grinned and pushed himself in the rest of the way. You both moaned and grunted as he bottomed out. He set a good pace. Not too fast and not too slow. Each thrust was amazing. You felt your bodies connecting in ways you never imagined.
“Ben please. I’m not going to break. Please fuck me” you begged. Ben growled and flipped you over on your knees. He pushed back in and began thrusting hard. The sounds of grunts, moans, and flesh hitting flesh filled the room. Ben grabbed your hair and pulled your body up and back flush to his. His lips on your neck. He smacked your ass and you yelled in pleasure.
“Fuck you feel so good. I don’t want to cum like this. Get on me baby girl. Ride me.” He groaned in your ear. He released you and laid down. You climbed on top of him and put one leg on either side of his body. You used one hand to steady you and the other to guide him in. As soon as he was in you slid down and he thrusted up. Ben thrusted up as you bounced up and down on him. He kept looking at your body and his hands roamed over every inch. He grabbed your breasts and leaned up sucking on them.
You felt yourself getting close to a second release. “Ben I’m close again” you breathed out. “Me too. I want to cum inside you. Fuck a baby into this perfect body. Make you mine” he said. “Yes Ben. Fuck a baby into me. Please” you begged. As you started to cum your walls clenched around his cock causing him to cum too. He grunted and thrusted deep inside you. Coating your walls with his hot seed.
When he was ready you climbed off and laid beside him. He kissed your forehead and moved a piece of hair out of your face. Ben got up and went into your bathroom. He cleaned himself up and came back with a warm washcloth. He parted your legs and carefully cleaned you up.
As he walked away to put the washcloth in the bathroom your heart twinged. You’d never had anyone take care of you like that. He was amazing.
Ben climbed back in the bed with you and held you in his arms. He drew delicate patterns on your arm as he held you. “You okay sweetheart. I didn’t hurt you did I” he asked softly. “No Ben. You didn’t hurt me. I’m perfect.” You leaned up and kissed him.
“I meant what I said. I do want to put a baby inside you. If you want me to.” Ben was so sincere. “I’d like that Ben. Very much” you whispered.
From that day forward you and Ben were inseparable. You never thought you’d ever find anyone who loved all of you. Especially your body. Ben worshipped your body. Any chance he got his hands were on you. He could be a jackass and a big scary supe, but not with you. To the world he was Soldier Boy, but to you he was your Ben. Soft, kind, and loving. He was your home and you were his. Curves and all.
Tags: @nescaveckdaily @kr804573 @k-slla @jackles010378 @jawritter @xx-spooky-little-vampire-xx @roseblue373 @cheynovak @jassackles @chriszgirl92 @suckitands33 @arcannaa @n-o-p-e-never @ladysparkles78 @smoothdogsgirl @hobby27 @manicjk
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whispering-ways · 8 months
•☆ミ rain check ☆彡•
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♡ summary: you and luffy have a date planned out for the evening, but after a tiring day and a shift in weather, plans change for the better.
♡ pairing: luffy x reader (established relationship)
♡ tags: no warnings, just fluff :)
♡ notes: i'm sorry for taking so long to write a new fic guys! it's my last semester for my bachelor's degree so i've been swamped with grad applications and work for my senior classes. thanks for being patient and i hope you guys like it <3
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You were adding the final touches to your makeup when you heard Luffy enter your apartment, his heavy footsteps letting you know he’d come home.
“Y/N?” he called out. “You here?”
“Yeah I’m just getting myself ready in the bedroom,” you respond. He enters and flops down on the bed, looking completely exhausted. “Had a rough day, babe?”
You get only an exasperated sigh in response, which tells you all you need to know. You walked over to the closet, pulling out some heels that you hoped would go well with your outfit.
“You look so pretty. I can’t wait to take you out! It's gonna be awesome! Are you excited for our date?” Luffy asks, beaming at you and turning his head to the side to see you better.
You paused. To be completely honest, it had been a tiring day for you as well and you were truly worn out. You had spent hours conducting tests and repairing lab equipment, leaving you craving nothing more than to unwind.
However, both you and Luffy had been looking forward to this date for months; he was thrilled when you proposed the idea. It didn't feel right to call it off just because you were tired. Besides, you loved spending time with him so you didn’t mind going out even though you were a little beat.
“Yeah, of course, I’m excited! Plus it gives me a reason to get all dolled up for you and you know how I love doing that,” you reply with a soft smile.
With a grunt, Luffy hoisted himself out of bed, shuffling over to you. He envelops you in a hug, resting his head against your neck and kissing just below your ear. You chuckle at the sensation, pressing a kiss to the top of your head before ruffling his hair. “Isn’t it time for someone to start getting ready?” you ask with a smirk.
He let out a deep sigh as he lifted himself off of your shoulder. "Yeah, you're right, babe. Let me just hurry up and get ready. Just give me like 15 minutes, okay?" He said with a cheerful smile, looking down at you lovingly. You press a soft kiss to his lips and head over to the living room to give him some time to get dressed.
You head over to the living room, sinking into the couch as you scroll through your phone while waiting for Luffy. The clunking of his heavy footsteps breaks the silent atmosphere of the room as you send him random videos here and there. However, it didn't take long for that to bore you, so you decided to stretch out to relax.
When a few raindrops began to fall outside of the window, your neck craned up to glance at the dampening window. You mumbled to yourself, "This is the worst time for rain. I'm too tired to get all soaked in the rain."
When Luffy finally finishes getting ready, he steps out into the living room and takes a seat next to you on the couch. "Ready to go sweetheart?" he asks with a grin.
You let out a dramatic sigh as you pull yourself off of the couch to sit upright. Luffy chuckles as he draws you in close, settling into a comfortable silence. You lay your head on his shoulder, finding comfort in his embrace.
Despite being excited to plan the date and enjoying getting dolled up, something about today was just too draining. Hope filled your heart that Luffy would sense something was wrong, but knowing his oblivious nature, you knew that you’d probably have to spell it out for him.
Luffy kissed the top of your head and looked towards the window. Although it’d barely been a couple minutes, the rain seemed to have grown more intense, now leaning towards a heavy storm. "Hey," he inquired, turning his attention back towards your face. "It's raining pretty hard outside, isn't it?"
You rose up, turning to look towards the window as well. You perk up, looking at how bad the rain’s gotten. “Maybe we really will be staying at home,” you thought to yourself as you turned towards Luffy, speaking aloud to him now. "Yeah, the rain is really heavy, isn't it?" You continue with a shrug, adding, "I wonder if our umbrellas will be able to withstand the harsh weather."
Luffy looks at you, noticing the hopeful gaze in your eyes and the way you had now nestled closely to him. He understood precisely what that meant. "Hey," he said, gently resting a hand on your shoulder. "I know we've planned this date out, but do you want to do a rain check? Maybe we should just stay in tonight instead."
You light up like a Christmas tree, but try your best to cover your excitement. “Yeah sure, can we cuddle up and watch a movie or something instead?”
A soft and knowing smile spreads across Luffy’s face as he speaks to you. "Of course babe," he replies, reassuringly. "Just get all cozy in bed, and I'll make some snacks for us. Okay?" His gentle and caring way of speaking makes your heart melt with butterflies, and your face cannot help but break into a grin.
You nod excitedly, rushing to the bedroom to get comfortable. Without hesitation, you change into sweatpants and a t-shirt and then dive back into bed, wrapping yourself tightly in your warmest blankets.
Luffy heads to the kitchen and reaches into the fridge, fetching a box of frozen jalapeno poppers. He tosses a few pieces into the air fryer, then leans against the counter and waits for the familiar chime of the machine to go off. Somewhere in him, Luffy knew that the evening might conclude like this. After dating you for over a year, he knew you like the back of his hand.
When he checked the morning forecast and saw that it was going to rain, he knew that you would want to snuggle up together. Every time it rained, you'd always snuggle up like a cat with your blanket and look for something to unwind so seeing you so excited to relax together was no surprise to him.
However, he also knew that you wouldn't bring it up because you didn't want to disappoint him by canceling the date. But at the end of the day, Luffy didn’t care whether you went out or not; he was just happy that he got to spend time with his favorite person. And to be honest, he was pretty exhausted himself.
The chime of the fryer brings Luffy out of his thoughts. He takes a plate and adds the poppers, along with some ketchup and a few of your preferred spicy chips, before heading into the bedroom.
Your face brightens as soon as you spot Luffy walking in with a plate of food. The movie was already playing when he climbed into bed and wrapped his arms around you, pulling you close to him. Enveloped by his warmth, you snuggled closer to him, laying your head on his chest.
You were in pure bliss, with Luffy's body warmth and the softest blankets keeping you perfectly snug. You turned over, grabbing your laptop and gently placing it in between you two along with the plate full of snacks.
After a couple moments of looking through options, you both settled on the latest Puss in Boots movie. You had both come across a few ads about it and talked about watching it, so you and Luffy decided to give it a shot.
A few minutes in showed that it was a good decision. Glancing over at Luffy, you noticed his focused expression as he watched the screen with brows. You turned back to look at the movie, but the only thing you could concentrate on is how happy you were that it started raining.
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mintkookiess · 1 year
Don't. (Earth 42!Miles x Reader)
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While writing this I was just thinking how reader here is so relatable like damn I'd be this much of a simp for him too ngl
As always, enjoy!
Summary: Miles and Uncle Aaron allow you to tag along when they have a mission just so you can admire the absolute goddamn art that is named Miles G Morales (⁀ᗢ⁀)
Warnings: Slight cussing, one mention of knife and gunpoint
Word count: 781
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You watched as Miles turns his body a flawless 360-degree, smoothly unclasping three devices from his utility belt, before throwing it at the men following him as it explodes on their faces. He yelled with anger, and you could hear him from a mile away.
Whenever he was out on a mission, it was usually with Uncle Aaron… and you tagging along like some child they needed to babysit. Truthfully, you had places to be and things to do, but you were always eager to take in the absolute art that is Miles Morales, your best friend and your biggest, fattest crush in the entire universe.
Though you could be reprimanded by your parents, you just couldn’t help it... Plus they didn't have to know what you were actually doing after school. The stealth, strength, and mere power of the Prowler captivated you so well that it’s hard to look away. You didn’t even mind that he was a criminal because you were just so damn proud of your best friend. Also starstruck and in love but, that’s another story.
It was one of the reasons why you practically forced Uncle Aaron to let you at least watch from a safe distance (let's say like 3 miles away). Before he approved of it though, you usually tried to get in trouble’s way as an excuse to be near and observe Miles just endlessly kill enemies that stood in his way.
One time, you even...maybe... "unintentionally" let their enemies grab you at gunpoint. Miles and Uncle Aaron were both beyond furious it was indescribable, but that's all in the past now.
Other than that, you usually followed behind them but of course, they aren’t dumb enough to not notice. When Miles caught you, he almost tried to kill you because you were “putting your damn ass in unnecessary danger.”
Okay back to the present—“Would you stop drooling over him for a second and actually find a better hiding spot?!” Uncle Aaron would scold you. 
You’d oblige of course, and wordlessly hide further in some alley or inside an abandoned building, whichever was suitable and strong enough before proceeding to watch again, your eyes going up, and down, side by side to catch up with how fast Miles was going, throwing punches and clawing enemies left and right.
Uncle Aaron just sighs and shakes his head at you, before following after Miles again. He already knew there was no way of stopping you from your weird admiration. “If you die, I won’t be surprised.” He would mutter to himself. 
You lazily sat down on one of the old benches by the sidewalk, completely forgetting that you were in an open area. All your attention was on Miles’ braided black hair that swung in his every movement.
However, that may have been your worst mistake because some guy in a suit was charging toward you. Given that he was coming from your blind spot, you didn’t notice but you did wonder why Miles was suddenly running to you. 
His mouth was agape, as if he were yelling something and his entire face was agitated, or rather angry. At who? You didn’t know. In fact, he actually was yelling though…
“Move ma! You wanna die?!” This startled you, finally snapping back to reality, and moved away just in time as the man behind you barely missed with his knife which may have been inside you if you didn’t move fast enough. 
Your mind went blank at what just happened, but you didn’t have enough time to process anything as Miles grabbed you by the waist and carries you with him, speeding through the road and away from the suited man. 
He had scooped you up into a bridal style halfway through and you couldn’t help but look up and blush at the angle.
Looking at Miles was one heck of a sight. Your eyes twinkled in delight, completely forgetting what the hell just happened and how you were almost killed. “I think I might be in love with you!” You called out at your best friend, making him almost lose his footing. 
Miles glared at the road before him. Were you insane? You may be his best friend, but did you have any idea of the shit he’s done? The people he’s killed? He’s a literal murder machine, and you were declaring that you love him?
He doesn’t know whether you’re stupid, or insane but it might as well have been both. Miles took a second to look down at your eyes and shook his head firmly. “Don’t.”
"And this is the last time I'm letting you hang around when we do this shit mami."
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More of my Miles content here babes!
(if yall wanna be on my taglist feel free to let me know!)
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h-didanart · 5 months
*ahem* Hello fellow fans and au makers! I am here to showcase my silly little au. Allow me to introduce you to our main characters:
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These are Sunset and Moonlight, from The Sunset and Moonlight show! Close ups and info dump below
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Where to start where to start, okay, a general description of the AU should be good to start with yeah? Yeah
This is a swap au, but unlike what I usually see swap AUs do, this is less of a full personality swap and more of a ‘bend the characters to a point where they change roles’ thing.
Sunset Rays Celestial-
Sun is a tired and apathetic guy. He would like to be left all alone in his room for the rest of his days, but that’s not really a good thing so he’s fine just living a calm and drama-free life.
His hobbies include cleaning, painting, sewing, and gaming. The cleaning has gotten embedded into his code to a concerning degree, he will clean a spot over and over for hours if he’s having a bad day. He got into art while he was undergoing “repairs”, he found painting to be a fun activity despite its messiness, and sewing has proven to be fruitful for his wardrobe. He’s gotten so good at these that he actually gets commissions and is paid very well. He prefers to draw with pastels and markers when he can. The video games are a shared hobby with his twin brother, Moon, they both play together sometimes. His favorite game is Cult of the Lamb.
He has a malfunction of sorts where his voice box will give out randomly and he’ll be unable to talk. It’s annoying but he doesn’t really mind, he has gotten really good at sign language from it. Plus, he uses it as an excuse to avoid talking to Moon whenever he gets the chance to.
The Computer absolutely hates his guts and has sent him off to various different dimensions. He’s acquainted with quite a few people and even has friends.
He has very good aim, both in video games and physically. He usually uses it to throw something at Moon to get his attention. Or to get him to leave him alone. Or to annoy him. Or just because. This has proved to be a really bad habit.
Despite being generally apathetic, he’s actually pretty good with emotions, being able to read them well on others and act accordingly.
He also knows magic.
Crescent Moonlight Celestial-
Moon is an energetic and nervous guy. He wants nothing more than to live happily with his brother. And do science, he’s a nerd.
His hobbies include science and gaming. On the side of science he specializes on robotics, programming, and inter dimensional studies, with some advanced physics as well. He’s a genius, basically. Gaming is a shared hobby between him and his twin brother, they both play together sometimes. He seems to have taken a liking to the Kingdom Hearts series, but Pokémon will forever have his heart.
The killing code is very much still in him, it manifests as heat on the back of his head and irritability. During a full kill code episode he’ll be extremely aggressive, on top of having increased physical capabilities and virtually no filter. He dreads having those and constantly checks his temperature. Independent from the kill code he has a bad temper.
He isn’t exactly a ‘people’s person’ yet due to having been the active Daycare Attendant for a few months he has grown acquainted with a few of the Pizzaplex animatronics. Montgomery took a liking to him. Because money.
Because of reasons he has a lot of bunkers on a lot of different parts of the world. He remembers them all thanks to the collection of tree branches he has picked up when he visited. These are jokingly called The Whacking Sticks (and is a genuine joke, he just likes collecting sticks)
He wanted to learn emotions better so he decided to find the code that controls emotions in himself and turned it on all the way. He’s starting to realize this wasn’t a good idea.
A master acrobat, he loves flying with the wire.
In case it wasn’t clear yet, Sun and Moon switch places in this au. Things may change, and I may come up with funny details later, but I hope you had fun reading this little introduction to my au
More stuff about them to come at some point!
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deadpool15 · 11 months
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Roomate part 1
This is some dumb fucking shit. How can someone be this bad at their job, while sitting here smiling in my fucking face. "So, explain to me, umm, what was your name again?" Mika said, staring at the realtor with absolute disgust and annoyance. "Just Kim would be fine, sweetheart," he states, staring me up and down with a flirty expression. "Yea, that's amazing. I'm gonna call you bitch ass, you cool with that?" I stated watching his face completely drop. "So, since this very kind women can't talk to you like a fucking adult, I'm just gonna talk to you like the man child you mother obviously failed to raise. Now, would you be a dear and tell me how exactly does someone manages to sell a place to two different people with knowing. We obviously don't fucking look or sounds anything alike. Therefore, that rolls out that pathetic ass excuse. I should whoop your ass bitch-."
As I went to jump on him, the unknown woman that was standing next to me grabbed me. Holding me while apologizing, causing the man to immediately leave in fear. "OK ok you can stop now, Ms." I roughly back away from her casting her to put up her hands in the air as a showcase of surrender. "I know we are in a bit of a predicament here, but the papers have already been finalized. Plus, this place is more than big enough for the both of us, so we can just share it." I stared her down before laughing and shaking my head. "If you fuck up, I'll whoop your ass too."
And well, that's how me and bada met. At first, there was a bit of hostile energy, mainly from my side. I wasn't really sure about her, like I was judging her character before I let the real me out. Then, it all changed one night. She randomly got home from a long ass day of working, saying she needed some self-care immediately. I mean, true enough, I wasn't so sure about her yet, but I'm not a monster, and a girl in need is simply a girl in need. I sat her on the couch while we did face masks and painted each other's nails. She was a little on the rocky side about the nails, but I managed to talk or more so threaten her into it. After a while, we started talking about life. I learned she had a boyfriend named Howl, strange ass name.
"Wait so like when you two fuck, do you moan out howl or just government name. Because u fucking can't right now." I said laughing and hitting the coach, while bada sat there embarrassed and pushing me over. "I mean, I don't know. Like I don't really sit there and think about it." She says shyly. "What about you?" "Oo I don't do relationships, I mean, it's enough me to go around right. Plus, this pussy game is crazy, will have a motherfucker all obsessive and shit." She stares atcthe ground shocked. "Wow, are all Americans like this?" "Like what?"Just open and out there." I chuckle before adjusting myself on the seat. "To be honest, babes, I mean sex is sex. We are adults we should be able to talk about it freely. Plus, Korea is just really hush hush and polite about that stuff."
That night, Bada and i bonded. We became like sisters. Telling each other everything. I even met her man. They were a hot couple. I could see why they would go for each other. But that's pretty much all about Howl. we got to know each other to a certain degree. I mean, at the end of the day, girl code still exists, and it's something i truly ride and believe in, sisters over misters, you know. Like him and Bada would help pick out my outfits and stuff. Like right now. "So, what do you think?" I ask both of them as they are sitting on my bed eating snacks. "Don't you think they are a bit revealing?" Howl said while opening up another bag of the hot fries I had shipped here, while bada shoke her head, agreeing with him. "First of all, I'm a grown ass woman who is everything but insecure so I can show off. Secondly, shawty was fine in that pic she sent me, so she must wanna see all this. So, which one sluty sexy or sluty cute."
Each outfit was revealing yet gave a different vibe. I never questioned why Howl was protective over me, shit I thought he saw me as his little sister like Bada. Boy was I fucking wrong. I started showing then the messages between me and mystery women. She was a hot masc with a long wolf cut. And the entire conversation basically consists of us trying to have phone sex. But why sit in bed and play with myself when I can have her do it for me. "Wow, you two really are going to do this on the first date?" Bada asked while staring at me, looking slightly nervous, yet I couldn't understand why. To be honest, they both had been acting weird lately. They were like my best friends, so I wanted to know what was happening but didn't wanna drag it on. Maybe it's nothing. "Now you know I don't plan on dating that girl. Anyways, I'm sticking with sexy, so I'll be back and you two can do anything you horny fucks can thing of. Except fucking on my bed. Move it along weirdos." I tell them walking out the house.
"What the fuck, this shit is getting out of hand, Bada I thought we agreed to tell her?" Howl said angrily thinking about all the things Mika could be doing right now with that girl, she had been gone for hours. "I know, this is hard for me too. But we can't just tell her out of the blue. Hey, me and my boyfriend are totally in love with you, and I know you don't do relationships, but are you willing to date us, so we can finally call you ours and stop listening to you fuck other people." Bada stated basically yelling at him. "We just need to tell her this is bullshit-"
Before they could finish their conversation, they heard something slam against the door, startling them both. The sounds kept repeating as if someone was trying to get in, causing Howl to immediately grab Bada and place her behind him, thinking someone was trying to break into the apartment. "Are we being robbed?" Bada asks Howl in slight fear, but before he could defend them, both Mika comes crashing through the door, drunk as shit. With what seems to be her date. Both of them kissed and basically dry humping each other with clothes on, paying no mind to the people in the house. Mika moves her hand trying to lock the door before, the unknown woman grabs her neck shoves her knee into pussy, making sure to rub away all the tension. They both moan into each other's mouths and finally lock the door stumbling into her room, still without acknowledging her fellow roommate and boyfriend.
As they bedroom door abruptly closes shut, they are now finally out of the eye sight of Bada and Howl, who are seething in anger. "I thought you said they weren't gonna work out, jackass?" Bada whisper yelled at Howl, hitting him in the shoulder. Though he can't even find the time to register the pain before all they can hear is the sound of the bed creeks against the wall. "They shouldn't have, I mean, they don't have anything in common. What the fuck does she has that we don't?" "We are telling her tomorrow, I don't care what we have to do but she is gonna know. We can't go on like this. It's supposed to be the three of us, ok?" Howl says while grabbing Bada's cheeks, looking into her eyes for reassurance. She nods along.
"Y-yes... shit.... right there.... ughhh... fuck me...". Bada turns to looks at the door with a sour expression, "but let's go, I refuse to listen to this shit any longer. Not when we can obviously make her moan way louder then that." Howl just smiles for a moment and nods, "exactly baby let's not feed into negatively. She will be ours by tomorrow night."
(See, I know yall are waiting on the mommy duties part 2 fic, but I just got sick as fuck and I feel like garbage. But I don't want yall to think I'm one of those writers that's coming up with a new excuse every week, so I will try my best to work on it, babes. Now tell me if yall feel like roommate pt.2 would be a good idea or nah?)
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guilty-pleasures21 · 1 month
Another one?! Ugh, I get bored at work, okay?!
8. Just a little more to go?
Part 1 - the bachelorette
Part 2 - the honeymoon
Part 3 - the pregnancy
Warnings: mentions of nudity.
     He stroked his girlfriend’s side gently as she squeezed herself against him, trying to reassure her with his touch. He could practically hear her heart beating against her chest as they waited for the results of her PhD defence. He was sure she’d get it: she’d practised her presentation on him enough times for him to have memorised it by heart and, if he were being honest, it was at least twice as good as his had been. The door opened suddenly and the both of them hopped to their feet as one of the professors approached them. His face was straight, his features giving nothing away, and X reached for Miguel’s hand, gripping it tightly when she found it. The professor stopped in front of X, then he broke into a wide smile. “Congratulations, Dr X!”
     Her jaw dropped and she stopped breathing as she tried to process the news. 
     “I did it?” She turned to Miguel, her eyes wide. “I did it!”
     “Yes! Yes! You did it, querida!” He wrapped her up in his arms, overjoyed on her behalf. “I knew you would do it! I’m so proud of you, mi amor!”
He pressed a kiss to the top of her head and she wriggled happily against him before going off to hug the rest of her family. 
     “Should we get going first?” X’s sister asked Miguel once she’d disappeared back into the room to finish up a few things. “You can bring X after she’s done, right?” 
     Her family had come over to support her during her final presentation and they’d all organised a dinner to celebrate X after. Miguel nodded in agreement.  “We’ll see you guys in a bit.” 
     He didn’t have to wait long until X returned, bouncing out of the room and taking his hand in hers. Miguel wound their fingers together as they walked to his car. “So, now that you’ve gotten your doctorate … can we start planning our wedding? 
     X laughed and chucked her shoulder into his. He’d already brought up the topic of marriage multiple times, though he never pushed her to speed up the process. He just liked talking about it - liked imagining what their lives would be like when they became husband and wife and started their own little family together. She squeezed his hand, her stomach flipping at the thought of him being the father of her kids. 
     “Okay.” They were making good progress on their timeline: her finishing her degree and him setting the financial foundation for them to start building their life together. So she supposed she could take some time off to focus on planning their wedding. Plus, it would be nice to take a bit of a break from work and studying, before she got burnt out from it all. “But don’t try to propose to me today! I don’t want our anniversary to be on the same day that I got my doctorate.”
     Miguel flashed her an awkward smile. He hadn’t planned on proposing to her that night, but she wasn’t wrong in thinking that he’d considered the idea: she’d wanted to wait until she’d finished her studies, after all, and finish them she had. But her sister had said the exact same thing when he’d approached her about the idea, so he’d gone back to his drawing board and re-planned his proposal to her. He gave her hand a little squeeze. “Right.”
     “Oh my god!” Wendy screeched, rushing over to give X a hug. “Congratulations! Show me the ring!” 
     She stepped back, giving X the space to lift her hand and display the elegant diamond on her finger. “Oh my god, it’s so beautiful! Ahh! I can’t believe you and Miguel are getting married! Oh my god! That’s crazy!”
     X grinned, getting giddy herself as they walked over to their table. She couldn’t believe herself that she was about to get married to him! The man of her dreams, the love of her life. 
     “Have you guys started planning yet?” Wendy asked as they sat down. “How is it going?”
     “Well, my sister and my mum were helping Miguel get some stuff planned out while I was still studying, but now that I’ve graduated I’m going to get more involved in it. I’m really excited! It’s going to be so much fun.”
     Wendy clasped her hands together, a dreamy expression on her face. 
     “Oh my god, you guys are so cute together.” She straightened suddenly and her expression morphed into one of fear. “Wait, I’m invited to your wedding, right?”
     “Of course!” X laughed at Wendy’s obvious nerves and the younger girl relaxed again. Then she leaned across the table, a mischievous smile now on her face. 
     “Wait, so, am I the bride’s side or the groom’s side?” she asked. 
     X let out another burst of laughter as she pictured the confused and horrified look her boyfriend - her fiancé - would most likely give her if she suggested such an idea to him. “Should we put you on the groom’s side? That would be so funny, oh my god. Can you imagine Miguel’s reaction?”
     Wendy joined in X’s amusement as she herself began imagining her ex-supervisor’s reaction to the idea. 
     “But, anyway, I’m going to invite you to my bachelorette party, if that’s okay?” X continued, biting her lip in anticipation of Wendy’s response. But she needn’t have worried. 
     “Of course! Oh, my god, I can’t wait!” Wendy exclaimed, picking up her menu to scan through it. X glanced at her own menu as her body began buzzing with delight at the thought of all the events that would lead up to her wedding: she couldn’t wait either.
     “¿Querida?” Miguel questioned, his confusion evident even over the phone. It was his fiancée’s bachelorette night and, judging by the loud music in the background, they’d made it to the drinking part of the evening. 
     “Miguel?!” X exclaimed a little too loudly. He could tell by her uncontrollable excitement at hearing the sound of his voice that she was probably quite drunk already. “Can you come pick me up, querido? I’m tired.”
     Miguel snickered at the innocent question. “We’re getting married the day after tomorrow, querida. We’re not supposed to see each other until then.”
     X sighed as if he wasn’t understanding what she was saying. “That’s stupid, Miguel. How am I supposed to get married to you when I can’t see you?”
     Miguel chuckled at her exasperated tone. “Do you not want to get married to me, querida?”
     “No! No, no, no!” X groaned, sounding like she was losing her patience with him. “Don’t be stupid, Miguel! Of course I want to marry you! I want to marry you so hard!”
     Miguel felt his chest warm at her matter-of-fact tone. She was so adorable when she was drunk. “You should go to sleep, querida. Where are you? Who’s in charge?”
     “I don’t … I want to go to sleep, Miguel. Can you come pick me up, amor?” she repeated, almost as if she hadn’t heard or didn’t care about what he’d just tried to explain to her. 
     “Querida,” Miguel told her, his tone firm. “I’m calling your sister.”
     X let out another frustrated groan. “Ugh! You’re so annoying!”
     “Hasta luego, querida (See you later, darling),” Miguel chuckled. “Te amo. (I love you.)”
     “I love you too, Miguel,” X mumbled instinctively. He hung up the phone, then called her sister immediately. 
     “Keira?” he asked once she’d picked up. “Where’s X?”
     “Miguel? Hello?” Keira responded, struggling to hear him over the heavy bass pounding in the background. “What’s wrong?” 
     “Where’s X?” Miguel asked, making sure to enunciate his words clearly. “She just called me saying she wants to go home.”
     “She went to the toilet,” Keira explained, the noise surrounding her fading away as she moved to a quieter area. “Wait, let me go find her.”
     Miguel waited as she likely made her way over to the toilet, then he heard a loud gasp sound over the phone. 
     “Oh no!” Keira exclaimed, her voice panicked. “She just messaged me that she got a taxi to your place!”
     Miguel sighed, mentally berating himself for not anticipating his crazy little future wife’s stubborn independence. “I’ll take care of it, don’t worry. I’ll text you when she gets here.”
     He waited in the lobby, keeping an eye on X’s location through the message she’d sent him. He looked up when he saw her car pulling into the lobby and though he did his best to maintain a stern expression, he couldn’t help his lips from twitching at the corners when he saw her pressed up against the window, an overjoyed smile on her face as she waved at him. He stepped forward to open the car door for her and X grinned as she stumbled into his arms. 
     “Miguel! I missed you so much, janam!” She wrapped her arms around his neck and moaned softly at the comforting feeling of being pressed up against him. Miguel held her firmly against him as he closed the car door and turned her around towards their building. 
     “Vamos, querida,” he instructed. “Let’s get you to bed.” 
     X continued clinging onto him as he helped her into the lift, barely waiting for the doors to close before she stretched onto her toes and began kissing and licking her way up his neck. 
     “Querida,” Miguel warned her, trying to stop her whilst also keeping her upright at the same time. X giggled, amused by how patiently he cared for her even when he was clearly annoyed by her overwhelming affection. The lift doors soon opened up to their floor and X continued to snicker giddily as Miguel guided her to their apartment. 
     “It’s your bachelor night, Miguel!” X pointed out to him as he opened the door for her. She turned around and wrapped herself around him once he’d closed the door behind them. “Your last night to have great, premarital sex.” 
     She tilted her head back and puckered her lips at him, her breath coated with the scent of alcohol. Miguel pulled away from her, amused. “Querida … How much did you have to drink?” 
     She was a bit of a lightweight, having never liked the taste of alcohol, so he guessed that she’d probably only had maybe three drinks? X fell against his chest, her exhaustion taking over now. “I don’t know. I’m just so excited to marry you!” 
     Miguel pressed a kiss to the top of her head and walked her over to the stairs. “I’m excited to marry you too, X.”
     He lifted her into his arms to carry her up to their bedroom and X giggled as she wriggled her legs delightedly. “Miguel! Are you trying to seduce me while I’m drunk?”
     She leaned over to press her lips to his neck and begin grazing her teeth and tongue along his skin again. Miguel raised an eyebrow as she let out a soft moan, the cute little sound causing his stomach to tighten in excitement. 
     “Are you sure you’re not the one trying to seduce me, querida?” he asked as he lay her down on the bed. 
     His fiancée smiled up at him sweetly, her arms still wrapped around his neck. “Is it working?”
     Miguel groaned and kissed her softly as he settled himself on top of her. 
     “Mmm, querida,” he murmured, moving his lips to the side of her neck. “We’re not supposed to be doing this, mi amor.” 
     But he continued making his way down her body, dampening her clothes with his saliva as he brushed his lips and tongue across her soft curves. X tangled her fingers in his hair as her hips lifted off the bed, silently begging him for relief. “When have we ever done what we’re supposed to be doing, cariño?”
     He pulled back to look down at her, her skin rosy from the alcohol running through her blood, her lips curled into an adoring smile as she gazed up at him. She was so lovely and so sweet and he sighed in defeat before he pressed his lips back to hers. He kissed her a little more, then rested his head on her shoulder and curled up against her side.
     “Miguel …” She wriggled out from under his grasp and sat up to cup his cheek in her hand. She stroked her thumb across his skin as her eyes trailed down his delicious body, then she swung her leg over him, settling herself on top of him. His eyes darkened as she tugged her shirt off and he watched silently as she continued pulling off her clothes. Finally, she sat back, completely exposed before him, and Miguel felt his heart speed up as she grinned down at him, her curly hair tumbling over her shoulders and brushing her breasts. X leaned forward, letting her lips land back on his neck, and Miguel sucked in a breath as she began wriggling her body against his. 
     “Querida …” he murmured, curling his fingers around her ass and squeezing her appreciatively. X squealed with delight and ground her hips into his, drawing a low groan out of him. Miguel slid his arms around her waist and pressed a kiss to her shoulder. 
     “It’s your bachelor night, Miguel,” X repeated, sitting up and sliding her hands under his shirt to pull it off. Miguel held her steady as she tossed his shirt aside, then he shuffled backwards to lean against the headboard. X smiled and leaned forward to peck his lips. “Let me take care of you, hermoso.” 
     She slid her hands up his chest as she began nibbling his jaw, admiring his broad and firm muscles, then she slid off of him, kissing her way down his torso. Miguel sucked in a breath as she reached his stomach, her tongue tracing the lines of his abs as carefully as she could in her inebriated state. But then she sat up and began tugging his waistband, trying to pull it off of him. Miguel placed his hand over hers, stopping her, and X pouted up at him in disappointment. 
     “Vamos, querida,” he told her, brushing her hair out of her face. “Let’s get you into the shower.” 
     X whined in protest as he stood them up and set her on the ground. “I don't want to shower, Miguel! I want to have sex with you.”
     He chuckled softly as she stroked his hair and began mumbling against his chest sleepily. “We haven't had sex in so long, querido! We're gonna have to spend our entire honeymoon having sex just to make up for it!”
     He grinned wickedly and straightened her to cup her face in his hand, giving himself the chance to admire her beautiful little body. “What makes you think I wasn't planning on doing that anyway?”
     He bent over to press his lips to hers, then picked her up and carried her over to the shower.
Tags: @heubstr @zayai @amberbalcom14 @julia4today
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hiraethwa · 8 months
one summer day
03 shining light. where you find yourself making friends with two more volleyball players
<< 02 fly high. | >> 04 new dawn.
pairing: ushijima wakatoshi x reader a/n: so excited for them to finally be friends, ahhh! - ave word count: 1k warnings: cursing, not much, fluffy
september, first year
the next time you see semi after shiratorizawa wins the miyagi prefecture preliminaries for spring nationals, he had a remorseful expression about him, looking like a kicked puppy. “what did you do now?” 
“awh, y/n, did you not miss me?”
“i did, but you are acting suspicious…” you squint at the ash blonde, trying to pinpoint what it was that he is hiding from you. 
he tilts his head to the side, trying to act innocent. “tendo and ushijima may or may not be joining our little study session…”
“hah? explain that, you idiot” you smack him in the arm. perhaps you did not smack him hard enough because he was completely unfazed by your hit. 
“it was not my fault i swear. i had a bet with tendo for him to stop calling me semi-semi if i won, you know how much i hate him calling me that, but i lost, so they are coming with us today…” he trails off, looking guilty for agreeing to such a bet when the stakes are not even his to decide. it’s your house they are going to, for goodness sake.
you shake your head at your best friend in disbelief and resignation, “what the heck did you even bet on, idiot? you know what, i don’t even want to know, don’t tell me.” and that was that. 
so you find yourself at home with the three boys, bringing the strawberry shortcake out from the fridge. “don’t touch it!” you swat semi’s hands away from you as you carefully bring it to the kitchen counter to be cut.
“you know, this is all your fault, semi eita. you could have had a whole strawberry shortcake to yourself, but now you have to share.” you don’t think you will ever let him live it down. he may be in one of the top classes in school, but sometimes he really makes you question his intellect when he pulls shit like this. 
you hand out the plates of shortcake to the two newcomers first before offering one to semi just to torture him a little more. they quickly finish their own helping of the light dessert before asking you for more, to which you gestured towards the cake for them to go ahead and don’t be shy.
before long, the cake disappears. the appetite of three growing boys is astonishing. semi burps loudly, to which you yelled “disgusting!” 
you suppose it’s up to you to clean up before your parents come home. better do it before you forget and get an earful about it again. you stand up from the coffee table where you and semi and his friends are seated, collecting the plates and cutleries. ushijima follows suit, carrying his used plate to the kitchen behind you. 
“oh you can leave that in the sink, i will get that.” you start scrubbing the dishes with soap and sponge, methodically going over each surface. 
“let me help,” he comes up to stand next to you, making you suddenly conscious of his large frame. putting himself to work, he rinses off the soaped items that you place in his side of the sink and stands them neatly on the dish rack in the corner. “you know, you didn’t have to go along with semi’s loss bet if you didn’t want to have us here.” he speaks up over the sound of water.
you shrug, “it’s not like i am opposed to it… more like, i don’t know, out of my comfort zone, maybe? you’re eita’s friends and not my friends, so there’s definitely the degree of separation there,” you pause, trying to find your words, “plus im not the brightest at making friends and talking to people i'm not familiar with, so it’s not like i have many friends to begin with. in fact, i can count on one hand how many friends i have at school,” you lift your soapy left hand in front of him. “and it’s extroverts like eita who adopts an introvert like me to be their friend” 
“hmm, i see. want to hear something about myself in return?” you nod in answer. “i don’t have many friends either. when people look at me, all they see is the ace, the immense value i bring to the team or how they can best use my skills. i think they forget i am just human like them too.”
“ehh, i mean, the vibe you give off scares me a little, you do this thing with your face where i feel like you’re judging me all the time.” he raises an eyebrow at you. “exactly, just like that!” 
“you do realize people don’t say that to my face, right?” 
you scrunch your nose at ushijima. “well, i just did. what are you gonna do about it?” 
he lets out a laugh, a rumble with a higher pitch than you expected coming from him. “well, i guess we have to be friends now.” 
“friends?” you echo after him, confused. 
“yep, you said we’re eita’s friend, which made you uncomfortable. so now we’re friends, and you don’t have to feel awkward around us. deal?” he holds out his right hand. 
“that’s totally not what i said!” you try to protest, but finally relent as he wiggles his fingers waiting for you to shake hands with him. “fine, fine. i’ll be your friend.” you pretend to be exasperated as you seal the deal with a shake of your hands. 
“what’s that?” tendo pokes his head around the corner startling you. ushijima’s hand keeps you firmly planted in place as though he thought you might accidentally slip and crack your head open on the sink. you scoff at the thought, as if. but knowing yourself, it was a huge possibility. not that you would ever let him know. 
“you scared the shit out of me!” you exclaim at the redhead.
he tilts his head to one side. “why, why, you’ll forgive me, won’t you, dear friend?” 
“stop stealing y/n, she’s my friend” semi pops into the kitchen, strolling around to your fridge to look for more snacks. 
what did you just agree to?
and just like that, the two boys walked into your life. not only do you have one volleyball friend, you now have three. three volleyball players for a powerhouse school. oh, you absolutely can’t wait until the volleyball fan club starts harassing you.
what the fuck just happened. 
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