#once again I am screaming and sobbing at my desk
peachdues · 1 month
The things I would do for that man😭😭 I’ve read TGW about 7 times already, and am PERISHING for more😭
Your Rengoku??? That man is the sun in the sky, and my literal ADDICTION. I BAWLED when I read the teasers for his BOJ, and THEN tortured myself and READ THEM AGAIN.
Giyuu!! My sweet awkward boy 😭😭 I’m so glad you liked him in TGW, he can be a tricky one to write at times!!
KYOJUROOOOO im not kidding when i say ive been going HARD on his BOJ. I love exploring him confronting his impending parenthood (that he never gets to experience aksmskskksk)
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lilgirl-cumslut · 9 days
You get sent to the Headmaster's office because you are not appropriately dressed. When you arrive I see instantly why: you skirt is so short your tight white panties are showing. I can see your arousal and your hard nipples poking thru the fabric of your thin blouse. You're carrying a note from your teacher that says: "I recommend the maximum number of strokes with the cane." I read the note aloud to you, and notice the tears welling up as I sternly ask you to explain yourself....
My face is wildly red as you look me over. I’m sure I’m about to get expelled. My eyes are overflowing with tears as I tell you that this was the outfit my father picked out for me today.
You come around the desk and lift your cane off the wall nearby as you go. Walking right up to me, you look into my eyes and I swallow, whimpering.
“I believe I agree with your teacher then. Maximum strokes with the cane is 50. You will count out each one or I will start over. Understood?”
I start crying again. “Yes, Sir.”
You move to sit down on a bench and pull me over to you. “Bend over my lap, please.”
I do as I’m told, shaking in fear.
You flip up my skirt and without thinking you palm my ass cheeks. I squeal and kick a bit but you bring the cane down on my ass and I cry out loudly. “Please, Sir!”
“If you don’t count I start over.” You hit me again.
“Two!” I cry.
“No, that’s one. We started over, stupid girl.” You say.
Another stroke hits home.
“Two!” I scream.
“That’s better. Good girl.”
Another stroke.
And another.
I scream out, but I couldn’t manage to make it form the next number. My ass is on fire and my white panties are getting even wetter.
“Starting over.” You say? Bringing down the cane again.
I start struggling to get away, thrashing violently about and twisting over. “No! Please! Please, Sir! I’ll do anything!”
“Anything?” You ask, raising a brow.
I sniffle. “Yes, sir. Whatever you want, just not the cane.”
“Very well. Another offer. You suck my cock and get me hard. Let me fuck 50 strokes into those pretty lips of yours.”
“Th-then I can go?” I stammer.
“Maybe. You’ll have to do a good job.” You grin and caress my cheek.
“I’ll d-do my best.”
“Then get on your knees.”
I obey.
You pull out your cock, already half hard, and way bigger than I could have imagined.
I shifted to get settled. I’d only ever sucked my boyfriend’s cock once and we’d almost got caught by the janitor.
I take your cock in my mouth and suck it, getting it nice and hard. I keep the bottom half in my hand so you don’t choke me.
Once you’re fully hard, you pull my hand away. “Put your hands behind your back. This is a punishment after all.”
I reluctantly do as I am told. You grip my hair with both hands to keep it out of the way and to control my head. Then you start thrusting into my throat hard. I can hear you grunt numbers as you count, but I loose track as you start to go too deep and I start to gag.
At around 24, I gag and almost throw up on you, pushing myself away to prevent it.
“Dumb bitch. Get back down there.” You say, slapping my face and torching me back down. There’s saliva everywhere and I can’t relax enough to take you into my throat again.
Eventually, you give up. I’m a crying and slobbering mess at this point.
“If we can’t get to 50 this way, we’ll have to do another kind of stroke.”
You yanked me up and toss me over your desk so that I’m bent over it with my ass in the air. You mount me without a second thought and I scream as you tear right through my hymen, giving a pleasurable groan.
“Oh… you were a virgin? Sorry, slut. Maybe your daddy with think twice about sending you to school in clothes like this again.” You mock.
I’m sobbing against your desk calendar as you ram into me. I can hear you counting again. You finally managed to get past 24. You keep going, counting: “29, 30, 31, 32…”
Your thrusts keep getting harder and I’m just holding onto the desk for dear life.
“45, 46, 47, whew… 48, 49, 50, 51-“
The last number trailed off, but you keep pounding my cervix with your hard cock.
“No! That’s 50! Stop! Stop!”
“I’m.. almost… done…” you pant and grunt as you keep going. “So close. Should have… let me fuck your throat..”
I struggle, but you’re able to hold me down against the desk easily. With tears gushing from my eyes, I’m horrified that you continue. Some how, my brain continues counting from where you left off.
…75, 76, 77,…
You lift a leg up onto the desk to thrust in deeper than before.
…89, 90, 91, 92,…
You keep going, harder and faster until I finally hear you grunt out.
“So.. close… gonna.. take my seed… te-teach you to.. be a fucking whore!” You roar out as you sink as deep as possible inside me.
I feel your thick cock pulsing against my cervix. I can even feel your hot seed filling up my womb.
“Mmm… that’s a good little bitch.”
I’m broken on your desk when you finally pull out. You put your cane handle into my pussy and walk around the desk, standing there in front of me with your wet, half-hard dick hanging in front of my face. You pet my messed up hair as you reach for the phone.
You dial a number, then I hear you speak to someone in the other side. “Ah yes, Mr. Taladore. It seems your daughter was disrupting class with her unapproved outfit today. We’ve pulled her from class. You need to come pick her up.”
There is a little back and forth, but my father agrees to come get me.
“You will stay right there until your father gets here. We’re going to tell him what a fucking whore you are.”
I felt strange when that made my sore pussy throb. Did I really want to be seen like this by my daddy? Did he know this would happen?
Shall I write a part 2?
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Ch 1 Arachnophobia: Fear of Spiders
Series: Phobia series
Pairings: Wanda x R
Word count: 997 WORDS
Summary: Clint gets a pet spider plays a prank thats not very funny. Wanda comforts you and Nat is there as well.
TW: spiders, panic attacks, getting locked in a room.
A/n new series
He just had to buy one didn’t he. Stupid idiot. I knew something was coming since i first reacted. It had been the morning of a perfectly fine Sunday. I had my regular bowl of cereal and a glass of juice. I was going to go sit where i sit every Sunday morning but when I entered the room and saw Clint holding the mother of all spiders i turned straight back around and went to my room instead. But not before I saw Clint shoot tony a sinister grin. That couldn’t be good.
It was a week later and the tower was quiet. Most people were sleeping in because for once there wasn’t much to do. Nat was training and Steve was out for his morning run. Tony was probably still in his lab and banner was probably with him.
Yawning you stretched out and threw your legs over the edge of the bed. Standing up you walked to the kitchen still in your Pjs. Putting on a pot of coffee you decided to have breakfast in your room so the sound of the living room TV didn’t wake anyone else up. When the coffee was done you poured yourself some and made a bowl of cereal. Picking it all up you made your way back to your room. It was almost nine am now so people would be getting up soon. As you passed the living room your brow furrowed as you spotted Clint and tony watching Tv. Those two never did anything good together. Hightailing it back to your room you shut the door with your foot and set the tray down the desk. Peeling back the sheets to get back into bed you froze. Sat on between the white sheets was a big hairy tarantula. Clints stupid spider. The scream you heard took you a minute to register as your own. Laughing broke out behind your door and you quickly crossed the room and jiggled the handle.
“Jarvis.” You said your breathing startling to speed up. “Jarvis open the door.”
“Im afraid Mr. Stark has initiated a code green lockdown of your quarters Ms L/n”
“Open the door now.” You said again. “Jarvis open the door.”
“Im afraid i cannot do that.” The AI responded. You began banging your fists on the door.
“Stark let me out. Let me out right now over your lab is gone by tomorrow.” You yelled.
“Calm down L/n jerry is great company. Give him a chance.” Clint said through the door. “We’ll give you two some alone time.”
“So help me Barton if you leave me here with that ball of fluff its gonna die.” You yelled.
“I cant hear you over all your bonding.” He called back and the footsteps retreated. You smacked your head against the door and let out a lounge frustrated scream sliding down the door. A moment later you heard hurried footsteps and a feminine voice call out.
“Y/n?! Are you ok?” It was Wanda. You cried in relief.
“Wanda please let me out.” You begged.
“Y/n/n the doors stuck. Hold on stand back I’m going to use my magic to break it down.” She said and you stepped away from the door and the bed at the same time. A moment later the door flew open and you threw yourself into Wanda’s arms. She grunted in response before wrapping her arms around you not expecting to be met with such force.
When she felt the collar of her pyjamas start to get soaked and small sobs wrack your body she carefully pulled you away her hands on your shoulders while she looked into your eyes.
“Y/n/n honey whats wrong?” She said softly. You shook your head and placed your forehead against hers signalling for her to read your mind before your buried your face in her collar again. Wanda wrapped her arms around you again and the two of you sunk to the floor of the hallway. Wandas back against the wall opposite your room.
“Do you want me to look in here?” She asked tapping your head and you nodded not removing yourself from her neck.
“Ok baby hold on to me and take some deep breathes it’ll be ok my sweet.” She said and began shifting through your memories of that morning. When she was done she was furious and held you even tighter. She knew how much you hated spiders and what Clint and tony had done wasn’t funny at all.
It was at this moment that the elevator dinged and you stiffened thinking it was the boys again. Wanda held you tighter and whispered in you ear.
“Its ok honey its just natty.” She said and Nat came over cautiously.
“Everything ok here wands?” She asked tentatively with an edge of concern.
“No. Not really.” Wanda said and you curled into her more. “Clint and tony thought it would be funny to put Clint’s spider in Y/n/n’s bed because she’s afraid of them.”
“Damn it Barton.” She grumbled. “I’ll do you a favour if i see the spider I’ll throw it off the roof for you.” You giggled slightly still buried in Wanda’s arms.
“In the meantime would you settle for me giving them a solid lecture and maybe a smack or two?” Nat asked.
You smiled into Wanda’s neck and nodded and nat smiled.
“I’ll get on that right away agent L/n” she said with a mock salute and Wanda chuckled. After Nat left to go yell at the boys Wanda picked you up with your legs around her waist and face still buried in her chest. She held you and walked you back to her room where she set you down on the bed still in her lap and threw the sheets over the two of you. She picked up the remote and put one your favourite sit come and held you while your breathing evened out until you eventually fell asleep. Emotionally exhausted.
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ennoshitas-princess · 2 months
My Sweet Pumpkin
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Atsumu Miya x chubby fem! reader Warning: will have bullying and some of the scenes will be abusive, some cursing, please read with caution. If you are sensitive with these topics, please don't read. Fluff at the end Synopsis: the Miya twins’ fan girls (specifically Tsumu’s) bully you because you have to work together for a project. The girls found out about your crush on the setter and started to threaten you. Word Count: 1,067 This is held pre time skip. There will be no manga spoilers in any way. If you are not comfortable reading this, again, please do not read!!
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Another note fell out of your locker for your shoes once again.
You couldn't take anymore of these horrible messages that they kept on placing on your desk, your locker, the spatting to your face of the thing you were already aware of. You knew it, they didn't have to say it over and over again:
You were fat.
All the girls in your school had fair pale skin, slender arms, small chests and waists, and nice petite bodies.You kept on comparing yourself, not able to stop those thoughts that ran in your head day and night. You just couldn't bear to see that your efforts of losing your soft belly were not working.How could a hot guy like him like me?
“Hey, l/n. Why the long face?” The faux blond peaked his head from behind the locker section.
You suddenly got startled with the sudden question from Atsumu. Just like you got startled, your voice showed the fright.
“Umm- I- well nothing!” You struggled to speak.
The teen boy bent down to pick up a piece of paper on the cold tile, puzzled at the sight of scribbles.Reading the letter to himself, you started to sweat cold. You found it hard to breathe, waiting for one of those girls to come out and beat you in front of the setter.
“L/n! I can't believe ya hid this from me. Why’d ya didn't say shit about this. Look, I’ll go an’ tell the-”
He suddenly was interrupted by a scream of yours.
“No! I mean, no. I will be fine. Please don't do anything about it. To this point I am-”
The faux blond interrupted you too.
“L/n-san, ya’re a sweet person. C’mon, ya deserve more than better, more than to be okay. Ya’re a star compared to everyone else.” He held your shoulders, shaking you.
Your eyes started to tear up, wanting to tell him that you were just a plain girl without an interesting life. You snatched the letter from his hands from where he stood.
A silence set place in the atmosphere between your soft figure and his strong lean body.
He burst the bubble of silence with a question.
“L-n, who the hell gave ya that letter?”
The tears of your eyes started to flow down like a waterfall in the rainforest. Without thinking straight, you hug the faux blond twin. While you sobbed in his chest, he started to ruffle your hair, enjoying the smell of your soft strands.
“Look, don't cry. I’ll fight whoever the fuck hurt ya. Trust me, please?”
You stare into his lovely honey brown eyes, still in tears. Sighing you go to tell him how his fan girl club did things to you.
“Miya and l/n, you will be partners for the project.” The teacher read off the names.You received death glares from some girls in the class. Comments came from their lips like it was the monsoon season.
“That fat bitch is gonna work with Atsumu-kun.” One of them said.
“I hope when she or he visits each other it doesn't turn him into a pig like her.” Went another.
Tears started to form. Without hesitation you asked the teacher if you could switch partners, but he told you that there was no way to switch.
“What? Just ‘cause that? L/n-san, that is so stupid of them! I can't let this keep happening. We are gonna go to the office an’ tell ‘em about the situation.” He pulled you by the hand.
“Wait! That isn't the only reason.” The words slipped out of your lips.
He turned around to look at your trembling plump figure. How on earth can they be mean with such a sweet and beautiful girl like you?
“What else did they say to ya?”
“Nevermind it's not really important.” You shake your hands frantically.
“No, l/n-san, please tell me. I care about ya. Y’know I do.” He grabbed your soft hands.
You couldn't keep the feelings anymore, or you felt too numb to realize what came out of your mouth and told him.
“They found out that I had a crush on you, and they thought I was a threat to them to have you as their boyfriend.” You stuttered your words, finding it hard to speak because of your sobbing.
Atsumu Miya’s eyes open wide in shock. The girl he had liked since junior high, liked him back. He would always be scared to approach you because of the way girls would stare. On how they would bully you because of your soft, plump figure. He couldn't bring himself to confess.
“L/n-san, I- well… to be honest with ya- I know it is possibly the wrong moment but…”
He leaned in closer to you, with every little millimeter causing your face to turn a bright crimson. The two of you smashed into each other's lips, tasting the strawberry from yours, and you tasted the sweet woody smell of his cologne.
Both of you ran out of air.
“No l/n-san. Call me Tsumu please. I mean I really like you.” He pulled your plump body in.
You take in everything that was happening in the moment and smile.
“Tsumu, I really want to be with you. I do, but what about-”
“Y/n, fuck ‘em all. You matter to me, and that is all I care about, if you love me.” He rubbed your chubby cheeks.You think more and smile at him.
“Fine Tsumu, I will be yours.” Hugging him tighter as if he would disintegrate if you let go.
“That's more like it, pumpkin.” He kissed the top of your head.
The next day, the two of you headed to class and received a bunch of comments on you two holding hands.
“Atsumu-kun, why are you with this hog?” On girl asked.
“Well, I am glad ya asked! First off, she is not a hog, she is a beautiful jewel I wanna show off to the whole world. And to answer yer question, I love her with all my heart.” His toothy grin made you giggle. “Now, I reported all of ya to the office, and if ya say mean shit to my beloved princess one more time, ya will face consequences.”
With that both of you sat down at your desks, smiling at each other.
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A/n: hi guys!! Another one shot done and finished to be posted! Hope you love it!
Thank you for stopping by my bakery!!
All rights reserved copyright ©
Please DO NOT repost on any other platform!!
Reblogs are acceptable
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alkaline-wtr · 10 months
Price x gn!reader Description: Price comforts reader after hearing the news of their boyfriend's death. Genre/Warnings: Price x gn!reader, kia!Ghost, angst, TW mentions of death, hurt/comfort, explicit language, SAD, imagine WC: 1k
My Masterlist
**AN This is my first fanfic contribution to the COD fandom. I am sorry 😬
The world around you seemed to lose its color, and time stood still as you processed the news.
"I'm so sorry (y/n)."
The soldier before you says with a solemn look. His voice sounded distant as you stood in shock. He turns to walk away. You to look over the letter in your trembling hands. The military emblem felt like a dagger in your heart as tears welled up in your eyes but wouldn't fall.
The shock shifted to anger. Shepherd had betrayed them. And now he was gone.
You and Ghost had been dating for some time now. You were coming up on your first anniversary soon, which he, especially, had been excited about. It was going to be a huge milestone for both of you. But now, all of it seemed bleak.
The words echoed in your mind, making your surroundings seem surreal. At least you hoped it was all just a dream. As the anger boiled up inside you, you react without thinking. Your feet seemed to move on their own as you stormed down the hall to Captain Price's office.
The door smacked the wall as you barged in. Rage filled every inch of your body.
You screamed at Price, who sat at his desk, head in his hands. He held a cigar loosely between his fingers. He looked down at the papers on his desk, seeming defeated.
"(Y/n), pleas-"
You cut him off.
Your hands grip the edge of the desk as you lean forward. Price had always been somewhat of a father figure to you, but this? You could never forgive.
Price raises his hands in surrender as he leans back in his chair.
"You need to calm down, (y/n)."
His voice is soft, like a parent speaking to a young child. He Places the burning cigar in the brown ashtray on his desk and stands up.
"Do not tell me to calm down."
You hiss through gritted teeth. Price walks around the desk cautiously as you push yourself up from the edge.
"(Y/n), listen to me. There was nothing anyone could have done. If I had known that Shepherd was going to go rogue. I-"
Price paused with a sigh. He places a hand on your shoulder, but you shrug it off.
"Don't touch me!"
You spit. Price looks at you Sympathetically.
Price begs.
"I understand that you're upset (y/n), and rightfully so, but I'm not the person you're angry at, not in the slightest. Okay?"
His attempt to diffuse the situation only furthers the building rage within you. Without a second thought, your balled fist flies towards Price's face.
Price catches your fist and looks at you. He brings his free hand up to your chin.
"(Y/n), stop. It's not worth it. I know what you're going through right now. I do. But you need to calm down and let your thoughts and feelings settle. Now. Go home. Get some rest, and then come back tomorrow."
The words meant to soothe you only add fuel to the fire instead.
You scream, once again swinging a fist in his direction. Price dodges the punch. The fear and rage blind you as you shove Price backward. He stumbles a couple of steps, quickly regaining balance.
"You can try and hit me all you want, but none of this will bring him back! He's gone, (Y/n)!"
You can hear the frustration in his voice now. Price watches as your arm flexes back to throw another punch. He acts quickly. His hand grabs your wrist, spinning you around. Your back is to his chest as he holds you tightly. His arms wrapped around your torso, keeping your arms pinned to your side.
You give in, restrained by Price's firm grip. You can feel your knees give out beneath you as the tears finally spill from your eyes. Your body is racked with sobs.
"Shh, shh, it's okay (y/n). Let it out. I'm here for you, okay?"
His voice is soft as he speaks into your shoulder. He follows you to the floor as you drop to your knees. Price sits down and pulls you into his lap.
He rocks you in his arms like a child, his fatherly instincts kicking into full gear. Price kisses the top of your head and rubs your back gently. The loud sobs escape you as the tears flow uncontrollably down your cheeks.
"It's okay, you're alright now. You're safe, okay? It's okay to cry. It's okay to be upset. It's okay to be scared. But, you have to let it out. Just let it all out, my dear.."
His comforting words filled your head as you cried. You don't know how long you stayed like this on the office floor, but it felt like hours. You felt exhausted as your tears ran dry. Your sobs are now just soft sniffles in the quiet room.
Price noticed you weren't crying anymore. He stopped rocking you, his hand gently petting your hair.
"Feeling better?"
He asks, almost whispering the words. You shake your head.
"I don't think I'll ever feel better."
You say. Price looks down at your head that rests against his chest. He can see the exhaustion on your face.
"He had such a good heart."
You say, looking up at Price.
"He didn't deserve this."
Your voice fell into a whisper. Price took a moment to think about what to say next. He felt the tears welling in his own eyes as he smiled. Price cups your face in his hands, forcing you to look at him.
"You're right."
He begins softly.
"Ghost didn't deserve any of this. It is so unfair. He was a good man. An amazing man! Nothing will erase the grief we are all suffering from right now. But we will get through this one step at a time. Every day, we will continue to remember Ghost for who he was."
You stay silent, looking at Price, unsure of what to say.
"All we can do now is move forward."
He says. His hand falls away from your face.
"Ghost will always live on in here."
Price finishes, pointing at your heart.
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aliahm · 1 year
“Careful what you say, and who you say it to”
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Crowley x Gender Neutral Reader
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Summary: Crowley’s had enough of your acid-tongued, disrespectful attitude, so he decides to remind you that there are consequences when you make him angry.
Warnings: Spanking (using a belt), arguing, crying, punishment, Dom Crowley, Bratty Sub Reader, mentions of pain, marks, and a reference to gags at the very end (If there’s anything I left out, let me know).
Note: This story contains BDSM themes, such as Dom/Sub interactions, punishment, and a brief depiction of aftercare (aftercare is an absolute must). However, there are many details and practices which are necessary for real-life, consensual, safe BDSM play (safewords, negotiation, etc), which have not been described here.
Both of the moodboards used for this story were made by me, and credit for all of the lovely images, gifs, and dividers used for them and for the rest of this post go to each of the individual creators and owners, thank you all. The title is a lyric from “Asking for It” by Shinedown, cause I just really love that song, so why not?
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Crowley’s sharp features were twisted into an angry grimace, as he spat his next words venomously:
“You little-“
“What?” You laughed “What am I? Other than the cause of your bruised ego?”
In the blink of an eye he had stood up, and yanked you by your wrist from your spot on the edge of his desk. Now you were trapped between his body and the cold, heavy marble table.
Talk about a rock and a hard place.
“Watch your mouth.” He seethed, his inhuman eyes flashing dangerously.
“Why should I?” You scoffed, “It’s not my fault that the truth is what strikes a nerve for you”.
He pulled you forward, so close that his nose was brushing against yours.
“What’s about to happen-“ he growled, “-is your fault”.
He pinned your arm behind your back, and all but shoved you body down, so you were bent over the tabletop. You flinched as you suddenly heard the clinking of metal, as he used his free hand to unbuckle his belt. He leaned down and grabbed your chin, turning your head to face him.
You scowled up at him. “Bite me”.
Just like that his lips crashed into yours, and his fangs sank into your lower lip. You whimpered from the sudden shock, pleasure and pain, and he hummed in amusement, before slipping his forked tongue into your mouth.
Who-knows how-long went by before he pulled back, and when he did you were panting heavily, practically gasping for air. Still you smiled at him.
“Is this what’s supposed to scare me?” You breathed, suddenly aware of his hand drifting up the outside of your thigh.
“No, love”. The smirk on his lips was practically dripping from his words as he spoke.
With that he stood up at his full height once again, and with movements so quick they barely registered in your mind, he pulled your jeans off and kicked them aside, leaving you in your underwear.
Of course you couldn’t see him finally pull his belt off. You only realized when you felt the harsh impact of the leather strip against your body.
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You gasped involuntarily at the sudden sting. “Wh-“
Just as you tried to catch your breath, he struck you a second time, harder, and you screamed, frantically gripping the edge of the desk.
“Quiet.” He snapped.
When he spoke again, his voice was calmer, but you knew him. You knew that voice he used when he was making someone pay, and now you were on the receiving end of it.
“Time and time again, I tell you.”
Another strike,
“Don’t push me.”
and another,
“Don’t look for a fight,”
He wasn’t holding back in the slightest, and you were fighting back tears by this point, as you forced yourself to keep your mouth shut.
“because you’re not going to like what happens”.
The belt came down again,
“But do you listen?”
and again.
A sob fell from your lips, and you hid your face against your arm, though only for a moment, before you looked back at him with a vicious glare.
“You had it coming, and you know it.” You hissed, and he tilted his head, looking at you with a cruel, taunting smirk.
“Oh, are those tears?” He cooed, using the same hand he held the belt with to stroke your cheek. You trembled, as you felt the roughness of both the leather and his fingers against your skin at once. “Remember, sweetheart, you brought this on yourself”.
He brought the belt down brutally hard, three more times, one right after another. Your heart was hammering against your rib cage, but at the same time, it seemed to stop with each stroke. Finally you had begun to let the tears fall freely, but you still refused to let him see your face.
He wouldn’t have that, so he gripped your shoulder, pulling you up and turning you to face him.
“When will you learn?” He drawled, clearly enjoying this more than he was letting on.
“Do you expect me to apologize?” you huffed. “I won’t”.
“Oh, I wouldn’t dream of it”.
He brought you closer to him, brushed your tears away with his thumb, then leaned in and pressed his lips to yours. He kissed you slowly and deeply, drinking you in, as his fingers curled slightly around the side of your neck. You let yourself relax into him, because even though you wouldn’t say so yet, you welcomed the affection after such an intense moment. It was especially important, because it was more than a kiss, it was a signal. The game was over.
After you pulled apart from each other, you wrapped your arms around him, rested your head on his shoulder, and focused for a bit on getting your breathing under control again.
“Back with me, darling?” he whispered, after a few moments of him simply holding you. You nodded.
“How do you feel?” he asked, and you checked in with yourself for a moment, knowing there were undoubtedly red marks across your ass, that would be there for a while.
“Just as sore as usual”.
He laughed, bringing a glass of water up to your lips, which you gladly accepted.
“You know,” you hummed, after taking a few sips, “maybe I should mouth off to you more”.
“Hah! More,” he scoffed, “as if you don’t already do it every other word you say”.
“You make it easy.” you grinned, from behind the rim of the glass.
“I doubt it’d come so naturally to you if I used this every time you did.” he mused, referring to his belt, as he threaded it back through the loops of his trousers.
“Maybe that would make it worse,” you argued playfully, “Plus, I wouldn’t want you wearing yourself out”.
Those gorgeous yellow eyes of his went wide as saucers, and his eyebrows shot up so far you could swear he was a cartoon character.
You nearly choked on your laughter. You just couldn’t help yourself.
He sighed in amusement, gently swiping his thumb against your lower lip. “Let’s just head out to dinner, yeah?”
While you got your jeans back on, he put on his jacket and grabbed his scarf, which had been hanging on the back of his throne.
“This’ll do for now.” he thought to himself, looking down at the strip of silver fabric, then his eyes flickered up to you, as you adjusted your clothes. “Definitely need a proper gag, though”.
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misserabella · 2 years
human!eddie x vampire!fem! reader
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“ and you can take my flesh if you want girl, but baby don’t abuse it. these voices in my head screaming run now, i’m praying that they’re human.”
you had saved Eddie from the demobats by giving up your life instead. heartbroken, for having lost the love of his life, in one of his multiple sleepless nights, the danger creeps through his open window, hungry, famished for blood... a danger with your face.
angst (with happy ending), blood, breeding kink, praise kink, praising, dirty talking, degradation, multiple orgasms, oral sex (m receiving), fingering, masturbation (m and f receiving), p in v sex, unprotected sex (GUYS STDS ARE REAL, GRAP IT UP), cum eating, cream pie, dirty talking, dry humping, teasing, overstimulation, blood kink, biting...
Please, under no circumstances, repost my work on any other sites. I do not consent to anyone taking my work and posting it as their own. (!!!!!)
word count;
`·. lastly; enjoy!<3
“I don’t bite."
He couldn't sleep. It had been like that for weeks, since Hawkins got torn apart under Vecna’s grasp. None of you had gotten mayor injuries except for Max, who had been in a coma for a couple of days before she had opened her beautiful eyes once again. They would never be the same after the incident, but at least he hadn’t lost her sight. And there was only one cast left on one of her legs before she’d push away those problematic crutches that so fed up had her. And you. You too were hurt. So badly Eddie couldn’t keep you awake for enough time before Steve had gotten back to the Upside Down, only to find your unconscious body being held by the shaky arms of your terrified boyfriend, who kept whispering that you’ll be okay and that everything would be alright despite the insisting tugging and begging from a crying Dustin to leave.
And then, there were only screams ripping his throat as he fought off the hold Steve had on him, who pushed him off and away from your inert body. ‘What are you doing!?! She’s still alive! We need to help her! We need to…’ Though he couldn’t fight the sobs that had him later on bound to his bed for days on end as he broke down on Steve’s arms once they were out of that hell, leaving you behind.
He had lost you. You wouldn’t be there anymore for him to hug to sleep. For him to wake up to. To kiss first thing on the morning… You were gone.
That night was like any other. Him laying there in absolute darkness and silence, staring at the ceiling. And if he tried hard enough, he could still hear your laugh fill the air, and your voice, and…
Suddenly, he heard something bumping through the night at the salon of the new van the town had all worked on to buy for him and his uncle for the falses accusations against him. His eyes widened as every single muscle of his body froze in place, expecting, awaiting for the sound to fill the van once again so he would be sure that it was real and not just another trick of his tired mind. His breathing was quiet, so quiet he may have even stopped breathing at all.
He jumped out of bed when he heard more bumping and crashing down the hall, all six senses on alert and ready to fight. He knew that it wasn’t his uncle. His shift ended at six AM. ‘2:45’ his clock read. Someone was inside his van, someone who wasn’t supposed to be inside.
“Shit.” he muttered, eyes quickly looking for something to defend himself. His mind was working on full speed, ‘till the little knife with which he carved new D&D figurines—and that stood on his desk— came to it. His hands were shaking when he took it in between his fingers, steps silent and careful as he walked towards his door, swinging it open as he heard ruffling from the kitchen.
As he grew closer to it, the refrigerator’s light filled the room and allowed him to see the window he had left just the slightest open, so the van wouldn’t get too hot, completely open, the curtains dancing with the wind that came through and inside.
Carefully, he neared the end and corner of the hallway, peeking just the slightest just to see someone rumbling through his fridge, tossing things out of it, breaking glass jars and containers in the process all around the floor. Eddie almost cursed. He couldn’t really see the person, head fully inside the fridge, only a pair of really dirty and torn shorts with messy shoes on sight. Nice, probably a fucking drug addict or psycho. And the phone was just beside the door, across the goddamn kitchen. He would be seen before he could get to it.
He would have to take care of it on his own.
He slowly approached the intruder, knife in hand and silent steps, though his heart jumped on his chest when the person rumbling through his bridge suddenly stopped, froze on the spot. Eddie’s eyes widened, he was feet away from them. There was no possible way he had been heard, right?
Oh but he had…
His breath hitched when the intruder took a grip on the fridge’s door. Fingers curling, sharp and blood stained nails screeching on the metal.
“Oh shit.” he said, quickly turning around towards the door to run. Run as faster as he could. ‘Cause he knew that whatever it was that was inside his van wasn���t human. Not anymore.
However, he couldn’t reach the exit, faster that the human eye, the intruder blocking his way before he could even take a single step.
He stumbled backwards, tripping over a carpet and falling to the floor, knife scattering away from his grip and reach. “Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck…” he cursed, his heart hammering against his ribs when the creature stepped closer, him trying to get away, talons digging in the rug. Soon enough, he found himself cornered against the kitchen’s little aisle. He screamed when it lounged itself towards him, straddling his lap, face incredibly close to his. The light from outside doors made it imposible to figure out its face. His eyes widened when one of its hands rose towards his face, sharp nails inching closer to his skin. He knew he had to move, now.
In a quick movement, he got himself on top of the intruder this time, one of his hands gripping its wrists to keep it from scaping or moving.
“What are you?! One of Vecna’s little shits?!” he screamed at the silent and still creature, all the mourn turning into an uncontrollable rage. “You back for a second round, you fucker?!?!” he inquired, one of his hands reaching up to harshly push aside the tangled strands of hair that hid the face of his intruder. “I swear to god I’ll fucking kill-“
But all the words died in his throat when his eyes found those which he had stared into with so much love years on end. Those same eyes that stared up at him in complete silence, fear, embarrassment… Love. “y—y/n?” he inquired, voice just above a whisper, strangled, hurt…
You looked away before he could look too closely, eyes shut and teary, though it didn’t work since his warm touch tried to cup your cheek, your hands quickly darting to push him away “Don’t touch me!” and —faster than he could follow— crashing against the furthest wall. Your voice was hoarse, terrified… Eddie just stared at you, tears rolling down his cheeks.
It was you.
You clothes were a mess, all bloody and torn on the places you’ve been attacked, hair locks sticking together due to the pool of blood your body had rested on your last moments, skin paler than the moon and colder than pure ice and your eyes… Those eyes that he so adored… Were the color of the purest vermillion he had ever seen. But it was you.
He tried and step closer to you, but you rose one of your hands to keep him from doing so, stopping him on his tracks. “Don’t.”
“y/n, baby, please…” he tried.
“Please don’t.” you begged him, voice breaking in sobs. “I’m a monster…” you said, hiding your face, your arms surrounding your body, as if you could hide yourself from his eyes.
He should be confused, and he was, but the fact that you were there, alive, the fact that he could see you one more time, hear your voice… Healed his broken heart, made all that sadness inside of him, choking him, disappear.
His hands reached for the walkie-talkie on the aisle, pressing the red button that Dustin had put on all of the group’s in case of an emergency before putting it back down. Making counts, they’d be here in less than 20 min with Steve’s car.
You flinched when he took a step closer, hands raising to your ears. “Stop.” you muttered, but he took yet another step. You could hear everything, from the energy buzzing on the refrigerator, to the flapping of bats’ wings outside the window, the walking of little insects on the gravel, the sound of his tears rolling down his cheeks, his shaky breathing, his quickened heartbeat, the rushing of his blood, the pulse on his neck…
You pushed yourself even harder against the wall, as if you could melt with it, scape.
“y/n, please… Look at me…” he pleaded, he was now just inches away from you. “Please baby…, look at me.”
“Stay away!” you screamed, eyes fully open, red showing against the white. It was then when he saw them; the fangs. White, sharp, deadly fangs that shone under the moonlight, threatening, trying to scare him away. You quickly turned your face away, hiding it.
He knew he should be terrified, all those voices in his head screaming ‘run now’, but he only could think about how beautiful you were.
Your hands pushed against his chest when his hand gently cupped your cheek, brushing your cheek bone, his warmth contrasting against the coldness of your skin and making you shiver.
“Don’t look at me, I’m horrible…” you cried, having nowhere to run when he fully cupped your face, making you stare right at him.
“You’re beautiful.” he muttered, shaking his head, his face so close you could count his beautiful and curly eyelashes. “So fucking beautiful…” you watched him lean in, no fear in his eyes as he stared at your chapped lips.
He needed to kiss you. Needed to make sure that this wasn’t just another one of his dreams, that you were there, back into his arms. That you were still his, just as he was yours.
Sadly, the sound of car tires against the gravel brought you two back to the present, and then, knocking in the door. Multiple of them. Steve and the kids.
“Eddie!!!” Dustin called out for him, all the sudden noise making you get startled when the rest started to scream too. If he didn’t open up soon they’d woke up the whole parking lot.
“Don’t move.” he said, and with a chaste kiss on your forehead he stepped away. You found yourself missing his touch, his warmth, his smell… But also felt relief. Relief that he wasn’t just mere inches away from you. ‘Cause the only thing you could focus on was in the way the blood in his veins called out for you. Lured you in. Your throat itched, something deep within you begging for just a little taste. You didn’t understand what was going on. The heightened senses, the sensibility, the incredible new speed and strength…
The last thing you could remember was being held in between Eddie’s arms as your blood pooled beneath you, yourself full aware of your imminent death. Next thing you know? You had woken up in the upside down, alone. You didn’t know for how long you’d been asleep, but it felt like ages.
Finally, you’ve crawled your way back up and somehow found Eddie’s van. You didn’t know what had happened. Had you died? What about Vecna? Why were you alive? The only thing you knew was that there was something wrong with you. It only took you a glance to yourself on one of the trailer’s windows to see that.
“What is it?!? What’s wrong!?” Steve inquired as he quickly stepped inside the van, bat on hand and ready to swing.
“Where is the monster? I’ll take care of it.” Robin said, stepping up with a gun in hand. Nancy quickly took it away from her, not being sure about her handling a fire weapon.
“There is no-“
“Is it Vecna?” Lucas inquired.
“Please say no.” the other teenagers pleaded.
“Its not Vecna.” Eddie said, and you could see their bodies relaxing a little bit, muscles not as stiff anymore. Relief.
“Then what is it?” Dustin asked, but before the metal head could answer, you had stepped out of the shadows.
“It’s me.” They got startled by the sudden intrusion in their conversation, ready to fight once again, but when the light that seeped in through the open door of his trailer made you visible, their weapons dropped.
“y—y/n?” they were in shock, frozen in space. In time. Were you real or were they all having a collective hallucination?
You looked at them and gave them a weak smile, insecure, afraid. And that was when they realized that you were indeed real. That it was you.
“Oh my god.” Nancy sobbed, covering her mouth with her hands.
They were quick to try and approach you, but Eddie was quicker to step in between to stop them as you staggered backwards.
“Woah, easy.” he rose his hands, eyebrows quirked in a warning. You hid behind him, feeling overwhelmed. They all stared at him in confusion. “We need to talk.”
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“What the he-?!”
“Hey!” Steve cut off Dustin before he could finish that sentence. “No bad words.” he pointed at him with his bat, making Dustin sigh and drop it.
“So… You don’t remember anything?” Nancy inquired, as shocked as all the rest of the group, who faced you in a semi circle as you sat on one of Eddie’s couches.
“Nothing.” you nodded, eyes squinting at the light above your head. Head throbbing. You could hear it buzzing.
“Shouldn’t we… Get her to a hospital or something?” Robin spoke up, winning a ‘really?’ gaze from everyone. “Okay! I’m sorry!” she rose her hands. “Not every day someone dies and comes back from the dead, you know?” she mumbles, barely a whisper.
“Maybe…” Max started, and everyone looked at her with expecting eyes, as if she had finally might found an answer to whatever is going on. “Maybe not.” she backed up and they all sighed.
Your eyes quickly darted to the window when you caught the sound of crickets, they were like sirens ringing right beside you. You tugged your legs closer to your chest, teeth bitting down on your nails.
“And now she has this…, super powers.” Steve squinted, and Eddie nodded.
“Like El?” Lucas inquired.
“No. Or yes? I don’t know!” your boyfriend sighed, obviously stressed and overwhelmed by the situation. The conversation only heated up even more after that.
“You don’t know?!”
“How come you don’t know?!”
But you weren’t truly listening. Too focused on everything you could catch. The sound of all their breathings, the sound of a couple of fighting cats in the distance, the wind whistling thought the trees branches, your own blood painfully pumping through your dried veins…
“Too much.” you mumbled.
“Dude. I’m telling you. I know about music, not supernatural Upside Down shit.”
“Guys…” Nancy tried and stopped them from fighting.
“But you found her!” Steve ignored her.
The intensity of the light below you, the feeling of your skin glued to your muscles, the tickling of your hair…
“Too much.” you repeated, teeth breaking the skin of your fingers.
“She was the one that found me!!”
“Steve, stop.” Robin said, and then everyone was talking over everybody.
You could see the pulse on their neck, their veins pressing against their skin. So vulnerable… So easy… You could almost taste it on your tongue. It’s sweetness, it’s thick and warm consistence sliding down your throat.
“Why don’t we calm down a little?” Dustin awkwardly smiled, trying to make the pair to stop their bickering.
“Shut up, Henderson!” the two men yelled and you simply bursted.
“Stop!!!!” your scream almost ripped your throat, so loud you swore you had woken up the whole van parking lot.
They all backed up a little when your red eyes met theirs and your fangs showed up. Nancy and Steve couldn’t help the way their hands twitched with the need to raise their weapons.
You covered your ears when the sound of their quickened hearts pushing against their ribcages got louder, groaning.
“Fuck.” you whimpered, hiding your face. “I’m sorry.” you cried out, voice strained. “I didn’t- I didn’t mean to…” and just as Eddie was about to step closer you stoped him. “No. Please don’t.” you curled on yourself, pressing your hands against your face, sobbing. “I’m so hungry.” you cried, suddenly, and if you weren’t that serious about it, you would have laughed about the stupidness of your words. But you felt like dying.
Every goddamn cell on your body burned, begged… Something deep inside you aching to bite, tear… Teeth hurting, fangs growing. You stood up, and in a blink of an eye you were back on his fridge. They seemed surprised, cause you were quicker that the light itself.
Glass broke under your shoes as you searched inside for something that you could eat. Anything. That’s when you smelled it. That sweet metallic smell. Your shaky hands threw everything aside, mouth watering at the sight of a full raw and big steak. Meat. Fresh and bloody cow steak.
Stumbling against the kitchen aisle, you tore down the plastic that enveloped it, nails digging on the softness of it. You couldn’t even think. Hand quick to tear the meat to pieces and push it inside your mouth. You looked like a predator, blood dripping down your lips and chin, down to your chest and onto your torn tee. You hummed, eyes bloodshot and bluish veins growing under your eyes as you fed on it. You sighed, throwing your head backwards, feeling relief yet still not getting rid of that aching deep inside your bones.
When your eyes met your friends’, they were wide open, speechless. They were frozen in place, feet glued to the floor as they watched droplets of blood soak the aisle.
It was then, when you realized what you had done.
And the only thing that you could mutter was a “What’s happening to me?”
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You were completely silent, sat inside a bathtub full of warm water, Eddie gently washing your hair for you, his own on a low bun as he concentrated on taking every last bit of blood and dirt out of your locks and body.
It was around 4AM. The group had gone home to get some sleep, promising to come back in a few hours after getting some sleep to start thinking about an explanation and a plan to explain your survival and new life style.
“I can…” you tried to say, but he hushed you, gently washing off the shampoo on your hair and the blood on it. You felt relaxed. You should be feeling overwhelmed, since you could smell Eddie everywhere, but just by having him by your side you felt… Safe. Better. Although scared… Better.
“Let me.” he soothed you, giving you a soft smile. You shivered when his fingertips brushed your hair away, head lolling to the side and onto your shoulder. Your skin burned were his warm touch resided. “You alright?” he asked, pouring more water onto your back to wash away the soap from your body.
You hummed, silently allowing him to take care of you through the whole process of washing you clean and rolling you up on a towel to keep you warm as he drained all the dirty water before drying you up.
His eyes never left your face as he did so, even though you were completely naked in front of him, he only focused on you, on dressing you up on the comfiest clothes he could find on his closet and combing your hair. You swore you had fallen in love yet once again.
You caught his attention when your hands gripped softly his shoulders, his eyes leaving your hair to find yours. “What is it, baby?” he inquired, and you felt tears pooling on your eyes, ‘cause he treated you like always, like he did before you died, before you turned into this… Monster.
You didn’t say anything, you didn’t have to, it was all in your eyes. You felt like melting against him when he got rid of the comb on his hand to hug you closer to him by your waist. You gasped, cause just the simple feeling of his hands was so intense… His breath against your lips, his hands, his body pressed tightly against you… That you had to pull away before he could kiss you.
“Sorry.” you muttered against his chest, fisting the fabric of his soft tee. He only smiled, shaking his head.
“Let’s go to bed, hm? You need to sleep.” he pressed a little kiss on your forehead before taking your hand and guiding you towards his new room. It was…, empty. Full of unopened boxes. The only ‘Eddie’ thing you could find being his guitar, safe inside his case on a corner of the room. “Uhmmm, yeah…” he awkwardly started when you let go of his hand and wandered around. At least his closet was full of his clothes. “I haven’t had time to unpack.” he lied. He had. A lot of time. But he just couldn’t, being too busy thinking about you and mourning you in between his sheets.
You nodded as you went back to him, frowning when he tucked you in but didn’t get inside the bed. “You aren’t staying?” you rose to your elbows as he walked to the door.
“I thought…” his mouth opened and closed before continuing, unsure. “I thought about leaving you the bed for tonight so you can-“
“I don’t wanna be alone.” you cut him off, surprising him. “I…“ and before you could continue, he was already by your side. Holding you close. Holding you as if he’d fall apart if he let you go. As of you’d disappear if he let go of you.
You shook in his arms and he was about to pull away, but you hugged him back, trying to not let the overwhelming feeling of him being so close to you prevent you from finally being back into his arms.
“Is this okay?” he muttered softly on your ear, hearing your shaky breathing. You were burning, his warm body tightly pressed against your freezing one, skin tingling when his fingers rested.
You didn’t know how much time you stayed like that. Minutes turned into hours, and soon enough, he had fallen asleep. He was finally sleeping, for the first time in days. And you? You couldn’t even close your eyes.
Whatever you did, all you could see, smell and feel was Eddie. He was making your senses collapse, getting you high as if he were some kind of drug you craved with every fiber of your being.
You could hear his steady and slow heartbeat, feel his soft breathing against your neck, making your skin grow in goosebumps. Your lips mere inches from his. Against the pulsing vein that called your name with every thump of his heart. Suddenly, that aching deep within you that had subsided after your ‘meal’, came back, making your throat grow dry and mouth water. You only needed to lean just a little bit closer, erase the few inches that separated your lips from his neck and…
In a quick movement you were out of the bed and far away from him, hands covering your mouth as you felt that incredible hunger threatening you to break your bones.
You grunted as you staggered away from the room and outside the van, the freezing air of the night hitting your already dead cold skin, yet you couldn’t feel it.
“What’s wrong with me?” you muttered in between sobs. “Why… Why me?” you broke down, unable to stop your crying.
This wasn’t supposed to go this way. You were supposed to spend your last minutes in between the arms of the love of your life, getting to rest knowing he’ll live, and that you had loved, loved so hard you couldn’t breath. That you died knowing what true love was. You weren’t supposed to come back, you weren’t supposed to be turned into this… Thing. This monster that scared your friends, a monster that can only think about his boyfriend’s blood on its lips.
Your eyes squinted when a sudden beam of sunlight hit your face. Sunrise. It hurt your eyes, really badly, so you forcefully had to wipe your tears and get back inside, where Eddie was already waiting for you, fully awake. You almost cursed.
“Hey…” he whispered, getting closer to you. “Where did you go? I woke up and you weren’t there anymore.” he was soft, concerned. And it only made you feel worse. Sicker.
“I just went outside for a little. Needed some air.” you gave him a weak smile, eyes resting on the hand that stroke your arm, on the veins on his wrists.
You suddenly felt dizzy. So dizzy you almost fell if it weren’t for the curly haired, who caught you on time.
“Woah woah, you okay baby?” he inquired, and you nodded.
“Yeah, sorry.” you lied. “I just felt dizzy all of a sudden.”
“Here, sit down.” he helped you get to the couch, never letting go of you. “The kids and Steve will be here soon, I just got a call from them. Robin and Nancy too.” he said, pulling a blanket on top of you. “We’ll make you feel better soon, alright? I promise. We’ll fix this.” he kissed your forehead, the feeling of his lips lingering on your skin, burning. You almost begged for more.
But you knew you couldn’t have more, ‘cause it would never be enough.
You knew you couldn’t have enough. You couldn’t ‘cause you knew it’d consume you.
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“We’ve got it! We’ve got it!” you whined when Dustin came rushing inside though the van’s door with a loud bang. “Sorry.” he awkwardly apologized when he saw you holding your head in between your hands.
“What is it that you’ve got?” Eddie asked, munching on cereals. Their crunching only made your headache worse. Whatever you did, it only seemed to get worse by the second. It wouldn’t got away. Like your growing hunger.
“We know what’s wrong with her.” Max explained, after her coming Lucas, Steve, Robin and Nancy.
That made the metal head push everything aside to pay attention and concentrate on what mattered the most: You.
“You know?” you too focused on the group, hope in your red eyes.
“She’s Kas!” Dustin yelled yet once again, and you, once again, whined.
“Dustin, no screaming.” Steve said,
“Sorry.” and yet, he once again, apologized to you.
“Kas?” you inquired, frowning as you pressed against your temples to ease away the pain.
“Kas the Bloody Handed!” Lucas joined the conversation, and Eddie froze.
“What’s that?” you asked your boyfriend, who seemed in shock but thoughtful.
“It’s… It’s a D&D character, the most trusted lieutenant of Vecna, and wielder of the Sword of Kas.” he said. “After many years of loyal service, Kas eventually betrayed him. It is said that the sword convinced him to slay his master and take over his power.”
“Wait. So you’re saying that… That I’m… I’m…” you couldn’t even formulate the question, it was impossible.
“Hey, no.” Steve stepped in to stop your mind from playing games against you. “You are not one of them, alright?”
“Yeah! Don’t think about that, okay? It’s just some stupid game!” Robin added, what made Eddie, Lucas and Dustin to turn to her with a hurtful expression that only lasted a few seconds since the last one of them sighed before continuing.
“Whatever. The thing is that Kas wasn’t just one simple lieutenant.”
“He was the first vampire in history.” Eddie finished up for him, and Dustin and Lucas nodded.
“Vampire?” you scoffed. “So you’re saying that I’m a vampire?” you let out a laughter, awaiting for all of them to tag along, but when they didn’t, you slowly fell silent, frowning as you noticed. “I’m a vampire.”
“You’re a vampire.” they all nodded, and you fell backwards onto the couch, a sigh leaving your lips, your mind a mess.
That explains everything.
“And what does this mean? Will I get to live forever? Am I allergic to garlic and holy water now? Will I die if I stay underneath the sun for too long?” you inquired, swallowing harshly. “Will I… Will I need to drink blood for the rest of my life?”
They were all silent for a second.
“Do you feel the need to drink it now?” Nancy inquired, taking a seat on one of the single couches.
They all awaited expectantly for your answer, which only made you nervously smile. “I guess this isn’t the best moment to say how good all of you smell, right?” you joked, although it didn’t really seem to get them. “Yeah, sorry.” you muttered, curling yourself in the blanket.
“So…, what do we do now? ‘Cause she surely doesn’t look really good and It’s not like we can get blood anywhere, right?” Max inquired, and once again there were a couple of seconds of silence.
“She could drink from me.” Eddie suddenly said, and the whole group looked at him with a surprised face and widened eyes, even you.
“No.” you quickly blurted out before any of them could add anything.
“But y/n…” Dustin tried and talk you down, but you were quick to turn him down.
“No.” you repeated, harshly this time. “I’m not gonna drink from Eddie nor any of you.” your fangs showed as you stood up, tossing away the blanket and stepping away and towards Eddie’s room. “I’d rather die of thirst first.” and with that, you closed the door.
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“y/n, baby, please…” he pleaded. You had heard him talking with the group just a few minutes earlier, they had been coming every morning to ask for and about you. Each day that went by more and more concerned.
It had been almost a week since your last encounter and since you had grounded yourself in his room under the promise that you’d rather die than drink from them. They had even snuck into the hospital and somehow stolen a blood bag — probably the easiest thing they had done in years, compared to saving the world from the Upside Down— and brought it to you, but you yet turned it down, unable to —even though your hunger was tearing you apart—, drink it up. ‘Cause you knew that if you did, whatever that this curse was would be real. You’ve done your research, —well, the group had and you’ve heard— and you knew that you only had a few days to drink human blood to complete the transition and become a full vampire or else you’d die.
Also, it had been a little strange for Wayne to not be able to look into Eddie’s room, when they always left their doors open and freely move around the van, but he had understood that he might momentarily need privacy, for whatever reason, and followed his wishes.
You hadn’t left his room since then, —unless you had to make a short trip to the bathroom—, burying yourself in between his sheets, ignoring him every time he tried to make you change your mind.
You were dead. And you’d be in just a couple of days. That’s how it had to be. The natural course of things. Eddie didn’t deserve to be stuck with a leech for the rest of his life —‘cause you knew that he loved you enough to do so if you didn’t walk away—, he deserved someone who was still alive, someone warm, someone who didn’t need to consume human blood to survive and that will live forever. Someone who he could take out without having to hide or be scared to be discovered due to a slip.
He deserved the best he could get. And that wasn’t you. That would never be you anymore.
So you’d wither. You’d sleep. And when the time came, you’d turn back to the dust that you came from.
“Please, look at me.” your heart broke every time he would face you, kneeled on the floor, on his knees and begging for you to just stare at him. But you couldn’t, ‘cause you knew that if you did, if you looked into those beautiful brown eyes of his, you’d give in. You’d listen. You’d let him convince you to drink his blood and live.
And you couldn’t do that to him.
“Baby…” he was desperate. Tears prickling his eyes as he caressed your hair, your hollowed cheeks and prominent cheekbones, warm fingertips against your cold stone skin, which slowly turned into ice. You looked like a living corpse, with thinning hair and the palest skin, which started to show your bones due to starvation.
You could smell the blood on his veins, your stomach turning on itself, urging you to bite down on his wrists and suck. You squeezed your eyes shut as your tongue dampened your chapped grayish lips, fighting off the urge to feed on him, to sink your teeth on his neck, but he saw it, how those little veins below your eyed appeared and your fangs pushed against your bottom lip. He felt like dying along with you with every day that passed by.
“Please, don’t do this to me…” he muttered, unable to stop the tears from falling down his cheeks. “Don’t make me watch you die again.” he pleaded.
And you couldn’t help to look at him when your ears took in the sound of the droplets falling onto the floor.
And just like every time he looked at you, he took your breath away. You hated it, hated the way he would make you weak on the knees even on this situation, make you want to make up your mind, convince yourself that everything would be fine and that it was right to live beside him.
“Don’t leave me.” he sobbed, making you feel like you’d fall apart right and there. “I need you. I can’t sleep if you are not there for me to hold. I can’t breath of you’re not around. I can’t think, I can’t function if you’re not there.” your cold hand cupped his cheek, making him take a shaky and hurtful breath as you tried and wipe away his tears. “I can’t live without you.”
“You can’t live with me now either.” you whispered, your voice breaking due to the amount of days you’ve stood silent and the dryness of your throat. He shook his head, trying to talk, but you went ahead and cut him off. “I can’t be with you. Not like this. I’m dead Eddie… I’m a monster. I’ll never age with you. If we ever wanted to, we wouldn’t be able to have kids… I’d watch you get older, and die. And I’d still be here, for eternity. An eternity without you. Without the reason I gave up my life for. Without the love of my life…” you muttered, unable to hold in your tears any longer. “You need someone that can give you all those thing, Eddie. You deserve it…”
He was shaking his head, needing to tell you that none of that was real. That he loved you the same. That you weren’t a monster. That you both could adopt if you ever wanted a kid. That he’d never be able to find another love. ‘Cause you were it for him.
And he did, he said it all out loud without even realizing it. Pouring his heart out for you to see, For you to take. For you to hold on to.
“I love you. I’ll always love you. I’ll die for you. I’ll find a way to live with you forever. ‘Cause that’s all I ever wanted, an eternity by your side. An eternity that was taken away from me one time. And that now I’d not let get away again. So please… Love me. Choose me. Choose me over all the odds. And if you need to, kill me. ‘Cause either ways, I’d be dead without you.” he said, taking your hand and pushing it against his chest, over his heart. It sounded almost strained, ready to burst, to break in a million places.
You couldn’t. You couldn’t say no. Not when you loved him so much it hurt.
He was quick to held you in between his arms when you gave in, hands gently pulling from you to straddle his lap, chest against chest, tightly pressed against one another. “I’m yours. My blood is yours.” he said, one of his hands softly brushing your hair and guiding you to the crook of his neck, where his pulse pressed against his soft skin. “You can bite me, sweetheart. I’m all yours.” he promised, assuring you that it was okay. That he was okay.
You felt the hunger kick in like a tidal wave, making your skin crawl and your breath shake. You could smell it, almost taste it. Eyes turning red as your neared your lips to his neck, the hand on your hair never faltering, steady, ready. He shivered when your lips brushed against his skin, his head tilting even more to the side to give you all the space you needed.
And before you could realize it, blood was spilling inside your mouth. Warm sweet blood that made you grip his bare shoulders and hum as you sucked. His fingers dug on your hips, gasping when he felt the pinch of your fangs and droplets of blood slid down his neck and onto his shirt.
“That’s it, baby.” he said, pulling you closer and relaxing against the bed’s headboard. “Take as much as you need.” he muttered, sighing at the new and strangely pleasant feeling of the bite.
He had made himself aware about the fact that it would probably hurt. In the end, his neck was being punctured. But strangely enough, it felt…, nice. Incredible even.
His head felt all fuzzy. He felt…, high. At least there was no other way to describe it. It was probably an effect of the bite, an aphrodisiac, to soothe the ‘prey’ so they won’t fight as you drank from them.
He felt amazing. And so did you.
His blood was the best thing you’ve ever tasted. You couldn’t get enough. It made the ache on your body go away, your headache, your dizziness, your weakness… Everything. And left you feeling hungry for more. More of him. Of his touch, of his quickened heartbeat.
Everything seemed too much. But even if it was, you craved more.
“Shit.” Eddie cursed when you grinded yourself down on his lap, making the grip that he had on your hips tighten.
You got away from his neck, blood dripping from the corners of your lips as you stared at him, tongue darting out to clean your bottom lip from the crimson. ��Eddie…” you whimpered, feeling his dick grow underneath his sweatpants. You were burning up.
“Fuck, y/n.” his eyes were half-lidded, breath heavy and shaky and lips blushed due to him bitting down on his bottom. “What d’ you do to me?”
“I don’t know…” you whined, unable to stop your hips to rocking against his, the brushing and jumping against your clit intensified, making your mind all fuzzy. It felt so good…
You looked so hot, with your red eyes and blood tinting your lips. You didn’t looked sick anymore, your hair shining and color blushing your cheeks. You looked as beautiful as the day he lost you. Even more, if that could be possible.
And he needed you so much you were driving him insane.
“You taste so good…” you groaned, going back to his neck, licking up the blood and kissing bruises on his skin, making him tilt his head backwards in a moan when you went back to drinking from him.
“You’re killing me.” he withered underneath you, his hands helping you to rock against him, feeling like if you stopped whatever you were doing he’d die, needing you to keep touching him, licking his neck, using him… He needed you to suck him dry.
“Fuck Eddie, I need you.” the two of you felt so turned on… Probably due to the blood, bite and the connection you already shared. It was as if you were two magnets, two puzzle pieces meant to fit together, meant to be stuck together for eternity.
You needed him to take you, to make you his, to fuck you ‘till you’d lost your voice. Needed to taste him, to ride him. You wanted everything at the same time. Whimpers leaving your throat at the aching in between your legs, in your bones for him to touch you, to set you on fire with his burning touch.
Your skin grew in goosebumps when he harshly crashed his lips onto yours, the taste of his blood on your lips making him groan, hips jerking up as his hands slid underneath —his— your shirt, warm fingertips against your cold skin, exploring the body he so well knew already.
The kiss was messy, the clashing of your tongues and teeth making it feel primal, as if the only thing there were was the two of you, your sharp nails dug on the neck of his shirt, ripping it apart in a quick movement, teeth biting down on your bottom lip when your blood-shot eyes roamed through his bare chest, which raised with every quick and shaky breath. His skin was like fire against your cold fingertips.
You shivered when his thumb pulled from your lip, letting it go from your fangs, eyes fixated on your mouth as his tongue dampened his own, begging for another taste. He moaned when your lips brushed his wrist, your hand keeping it in place as you leaned in and bit down on it.
“Shit.” he gasped, his dick twitching inside his pants when you moaned against him, ready to bust, precum soaking his underwear. He swore he could just cum by the feeling of your teeth on his skin. He was on edge.
He looked so beautiful, with blood sliding and pooling on his collarbones, crimson swollen lips and brown blown eyes shining under the moonlight that came through the window of his bedroom.
“You like that?” you teased him, liking the blood off his wrist with a smirk. You could feel just how hard he was, smell his arousal. It made you so wet. Wetter than you had ever been. And you craved him so much you felt like dying.
He groaned, as if he were in pain. “Don’t.”
His head lolled backwards, your lips leaving blood stain marks on his chest and down his stomach as you lowered yourself and slid down his body, your fangs gracing his skin in playful yet teasing marks that weren’t hard enough to break the skin.
His fingers laced on your hair when your lips latched to his hip bone, sucking a bruising on his skin, making him moan and buck his hips against your mouth when your tongue traced the print of his cock from beneath his clothes. “Fuck, baby…”
You hummed, knowing exactly what he needed. What you needed. “Want you cock, Eddie.” your hands were quick to push down his sweats and underwear, his dick popping out and resting against his happy trail, fully erect, with the tip fully red and soaked, length twitching and begging for attention.
Your mouth watered at the sight. The smell of his musk so strong it was driving your crazy. You needed him in your mouth. Needed it to fill your throat in cum, fuck you stupid…
He let out a raspy moan when your tongue sticked out, tasting and wiping off the pre cum from the head, your heightened senses making you hum at the taste. You felt like you couldn’t get enough of it, one of your hands lacing around and pumping it to draw out more of of those shiny beads.
His fingers tugged harder on your hair when your tongue kitten licked his length, making him tremble, the aphrodisiac effect of the bite making him the most sensitive he had ever been before. You traced the veins on its sides, teeth gently brushing against his sensitive skin, making him moan.
You smirked, eyed meeting his when you tongue made a long stripe from his base to his tip, fangs on display and blood on your lips. His dick now stained on his blood, what made him twitch in your hand. “Such a fucking tease…” he groaned, breath hitching when you suddenly took him in your mouth, hollowing your cheeks as you pushed him down your throat. “Fuck!” he almost came on the spot, your own moans vibrating around him, making his head roll backwards.
He looked so hot your thighs clenched and pushed against each other, trying to find some friction, anything. The needy moans and whimpers that left your throat made the feeling of your throat, tight and warm around him, heavenly.
“So good…” he praised when you started to bob your head up and down, his hand guiding you, your nose burying in his pubic hair, making your head all fuzzy. You loved giving Eddie head, feeling the tip of his cock push against the back of your throat, making you choke, loved it when he fucked your mouth as if it were just another hole with the purpose to please him. You loved to be his little toy. “Yeah, just like that, fuck.” it all felt so intense for the both of you, like nothing you’ve ever experienced before. “Such a good little girl, letting me fuck your mouth how I want.”Tears were pooling on the corner of your eyes, at his growing speed. Your nails dug in his thighs, making him groan. “I’m gonna cum, shit.” he mumbled, his mouth falling open as you sucked harder, pushing him straight to the edge. “Fuckfuckfuck!!!” hot stripes of cum filled your throat and mouth as he thrusted into it one more time, keeping you still as he came, groaning in pleasure. And if he weren’t that turned on and needy, he would have been embarrassed by how hard and fast he had cummed, but that didn’t matter, ‘cause you were back on his lap in a blink of an eye.
His boner hadn’t come down after his first orgasm, and the feeling of your damped panties —since you had gotten rid of the pajama pants he had lent you— against his sensitive dick made him choke. “Eddie…” you whined, feeling yourself about to burst when you rocked your hips against him, your skin burning whenever your bodies made contact. “Touch me please…” you begged, moaning when one of his hands pushed your tee above your head to latch his lips to your chest and tits as the other sneaked inside your panties. “Fuck!” you screamed when you felt his fingertips slowly slide in between your lips, getting soaked by your arousal.
“Too much, baby?” he mocked you, teasing you just like you had, his teeth biting on your nipples as his middle finger played with your clit. “You’re so wet. Did drinking my blood turned you on this much? Or maybe it was having my dick in your mouth? Did you miss my cum, hm?” you nodded, whimpering as you rocked your hips against his fingers, which now circled your twitching tight hole. “Of course you did.” he cooed, pouting at you and then smirking when your mouth fell open in a silent moan at the feeling of his fingers easily sliding in into your soaked cunt. “Look at you, taking my fingers so good…” you were moaning as he thrusted into you, slowly, driving you insane. “I bet I can make you cum with just two of ‘em.” he mumbled against your ear before nipping at your earlobe, picking up his pace. “Do you want it? Want to cum all over my fingers, hm?” you hummed, tilting your head to the side when he started to suck on your neck, the feeling of his lips burning your skin. “Mmh? What was that? Need you to speak louder for me, baby.” a moan left your lips when he curved his fingers, hitting that sweet spot on your gummy walls, the squelch of your juices only making his cock harder and your mind dizzier.
“Yes, yes, please Eddie.” you sobbed, hands gripping his shoulders, nails digging on his skin when his free hand surrounded your neck, adding pressure. “Need it. Need it so bad…” you were a mumbling mess, his thumb now pressing against your clit, the coil in your stomach only getting stronger. You felt like you couldn’t breath.
“Good girl.” his fingers now fucking you just like you needed it, faster, deeper, harder, your g spot being hit with every new thrust, what had your legs shaking and moans and whimpers spilling from your swollen lips. Your walls tightened around his digits at his praise, teetering the edge, jumping on his fingers to make them reach deeper inside you, driving you insane. “You gonna cum, baby?” he hummed, loving how desperate you seemed. How wet you were for him, how beautiful your tits bounced with every grind of your hips, how your half-lidded eyes looked at him, full of desire. “Go ahead beautiful, come for me. Cum on my fingers.”
He didn’t have to ask twice, just the sound of his voice making you come the hardest you’ve ever had before. Vision turning white and ears ringing as you gushed all over his fingers, his thumb circling your clit to help you extend and help you ride it out. “That’s it. Give it to me, sweetheart.” you gasped for air as you came down, entrance twitching when his cum covered fingers left you “Look at that…” and found its way to his mouth, licking them clean and tasting you with a hum. “You’re always so sweet for me.” you moaned, making his eyebrows raise. “What is it, baby? Want a taste?” he inquired, and you were quick to pull him in for a wet and needy kiss.
He could taste himself in your mouth and yourself in his. The mix of both of you making you crave for more, tugging from him as you let yourself fell backwards, making him rest in between your legs, dick pressed against your sensitive and recently fucked cunt, what made the two of you moan on each other’s mouth. “Shit.” he cursed when you harshly bit down on his lip, his blood mixing in the kiss as you sucked on it, his hips rocking against yours, cock sliding up and down in between your puffy and soaked folds, coating and lubing him up. “Fuck, y/n.” he muttered when your lips latched onto the skin of his neck, humping yourself against him, moaning when his tip bumped against your swollen clit.
“Fuck Eddie, fuck me, please… I need you so bad…” you pleaded, sloppy open mouth kisses driving him insane, one of your hands taking his cock in your hand, making him groan, and lining him up with your entrance, your hips pushing against the tip.
“Fuck, you’re such a greedy slut… I gave you my fingers and yet here you are, begging for my cock.” he muttered, the hand on your neck tightening as he pushed you against the sheets, pining you down. “Look at you, so desperate. Cant get enough, huh? It’s almost embarrassing.” you whimpered, you could perfectly push him away with your new incredible strength but there was something in his dominance that made you even wetter.
The prey hunting the predator.
“If you want it so bad, why don’t you show me?“ you moaned when his lips sucked a new bruise on your chest, one of his hands reaching down to your clit. “Show me how much you want it. Fuck yourself on my cock sweetheart.” he nipped on your neck, and in a quick movement you were on top of him, having changed positions in a blink of an eye. His head fell backwards when you exasperatedly lined him up with your soaking cunt and sat down on it, whimpering at the feeling of him feeling you to the brim. “Shit, baby.” he let out a breathy groan as your nails dug on his chest.
“E-Eddie...” you shakily breathed out, your whole body shivering at the feeling as you rolled your hips. You felt so full, so warm with him finally inside you, so… Alive.
“Fuck, that’s it, sweetheart. Fuck my cock.” he grunted, the feeling of your soaked cunt surrounding him making it hard to hold off. He groaned when you sped up, desperately bouncing on his dick, using him to get yourself off. “So pretty jumping on my dick. How ’s it feel, hm?” he smirked when, when you felt his fingers brush away a lock of your hair from your face, you whimpered, eyes on his bloody wrist.
“So good…” you moaned, the smell of his blood making your hips stagger, the need to taste him once more making your skin grow in goosebumps.
“You hungry, baby?” he teased you, whispering on your ear, purposely letting the bite mark on his neck show, lingering right in front of your face.
You whimpered when just as you leaned in, fangs painful pushing against your gums ready to bite down on his neck, his hand gripped your neck once again, pushing you onto your back.
He was edging you.
“Eddie!” you screamed when when he harshly thrusted in your gummy walls, the stretch making your eyes roll to the back of your head. You always had a hard time taking him like this, at his relentless and merciless pace, the feeling of his cock pushing hardly into you making you belief he’d snap you in half. But yet, you found pleasure in the pain, in the primal of it all. The neediness in his eyes, the grunts that fell from his lips.
“Yeah, just like that. Fucking take it.” he moaned, his thrusts being so hard the headboard of the bed banged against the wall, probably leaving dents. “Shit, so good.” he slurred, relishing on the babbling mess that you were underneath him. “You like that? Like my cock, sweetheart?“ he smirked, pushing two of his fingers inside your mouth, making you choke on them, drool spilling down your chin before he’d duck down to kiss you, licking it from your lips.
The sight of your naked body underneath him, the way your tits bounced, the mess of your hair, the tears that started to pool on your eyes… It all only made him pound into you harder, feeling like it could never be enough of the feeling of your walls clenching around him, making him grunt.
“Eddie, shit, har—ah—harder!” you begged, your sharp and pointy nails drawing blood from his back, making him moan.
“Harder?” he inquired, making you shakily nod, lost in your own pleasure. “Like this?” he relished on your high pitched scream when both his hands reached down to grip your hips to start pulling you harder down his cock with every new thrust, making your back arch against the mattress with every thrust, your g spot being abused over and over again due to the new angle. Your moans only got louder, your voice strained and words being all slurred. He was rearranging your guts.
Your voice broke, feeling yourself getting closer to coming for the second time in less than 15 minutes, head lolling to the side. “I’m gon—na, gonna cum!” you somehow managed to babble out, in need of reaching your high.
“You gonna cum?” he smirked, one of his hands coming down to circle your clit, making you moan as he focused on pounding in you just how he knew you loved the most. “Gonna cum on my dick?” you hardly nodded, muttering a string of messy ‘yes’s. “Look at you, so cock drunk you can’t even talk.” he chuckled, feeling your walls tighten. “Go ahead baby, cum all over my cock. Want to see that beautiful face of you fall apart.” one, two, three thrusts more and you were dissolving under his touch, moans slipping from your lips as well as his name as you gushed all over his dick, your orgasm tearing you apart. “Fuck, that’s it. Shit. You’re milking me fucking dry.” he muttered flopping on top of you to continue his relentless thrusts, making you sob due to the overstimulation. “I’m gonna cum. Gonna fill this greedy pussy of yours so full your tummy will swell up.” you cried out at his words, pulling him closer as your legs circled his hips. “Fuck, bite me…” he begged, his dick twitching inside of you, precum leaking more and more as he neared the edge. “Bite me, baby, please…” he didn’t have to plead for it, your lips quickly latching to his neck before your teeth sunk into his flesh, fresh blood filling your mouth, what worked the two of you closer to your respective highs. “Shit, I’m cumming!” and with that he filled your cunt, painting your gummy walls of the purest white, the feeling making you reach your third orgasm in a row, making your thighs shake and your stomach turn. You whimpered on his neck, his blood spilling and painting your chest and tits.
He continued to pump in and out of you to help the two of you ride your orgasms as he leaned down and latched to your chest, tongue darting out to lick his own blood out of you skin, what made you cry out.
As you came down from your respective highs, the two of you stayed like that for a couple of minutes, trying to calm yourselves down from the mind-blowing and best sex you had ever have in your lives. You shivered when he pulled out, his warm load dribbling out of your pussy and onto the mattress, his blown out eyes taking the sight of your shaky legs and twitching entrance with a starving gaze. “Shit baby, you did so good for me.” he muttered, biting down on his bottom lip.“Fuck, look at that…” he sighed and a whine left your lips when two of his fingers pushed it all in back inside, slowly pumping his cum in and out of you with a squelch.
“Eddie!” you tried and push him away, your hands grabbing at his wrists. But soon enough you were a moaning mess, rocking your hips against his fingers, giving in, the overstimulation moving from pain to pleasure. He only smirked, lowering himself ‘till his lips were only inches away from your neck, making you shiver, the contact making your skin grow in goosebumps.
He chuckled at your reaction, his blood staining his white teeth and lips in a malicious smile.
“Don’t worry, sweetheart… I don’t bite.”
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a/n; SPOOCTOBER!!!!! i love october, autumn and halloween so much it hurts. this month is gonna be funnn!!
i hoped y’all liked this post! love you all!
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crazycurly-77 · 8 days
Like an old married couple - Chapter 19
What had he done? He didn't knew himself anymore. He leaned on the wall where he kissed you, his head in his hands. 
He had to face it. He was jealous. He was very jealous in fact. Jealous of a boy who was not a match for him, but had what he wanted so much…you.
Now you fled from him and he felt like the last crap on earth. How could he do this to you, the most precious woman of the world in his eyes. He had driven you away and he had no clue how to repair this. 
He didn't see you the rest of the day and he didn't see you the next two days either. 
He still didn't know how to do this, but he wanted to set things right with you so much. 
On the day he last saw you, you were coming down from Jenny's office. Determined he walked to her, taking three steps at once. As he arrived there he stormed directly through the door, stopping in front of her desk and asking angrily “what did she want from you?” 
“Hello to you too, Jethro” she answered calmly. “Of whom are you speaking?” she looked up at him waiting. 
He clenched his fists and hissed “You know exactly of whom I am speaking. So tell me, what did she want?”
“That I can't tell you, sorry.”
Angrily and losing his patience he leaned with both hands on her whispering dangerously “I'm warning you. Don't do this to me. I haven't seen or heard from her for two days and you have something to do with that. So, WHERE IS SHE??!!” he shouted. 
“Jethro, yelling at me doesn't get you anywhere and I can't help you. So, will you please leave my office?” 
They stared at each other, then he turned around and left. 
You sat on your bed with tons of tissues around you and you were wallowing in self-pity. You had cried and cried and had cried so much that you felt you had no tears left. You felt horrible and you didn't want to speak to anyone. You ignored all calls and messages. You ignored them all. 
On the screen of your mobile you saw multiple messages from Tim, Ducky and Abby. Even Jenny send you a message, which was the only one you opened. It simply said “you should talk to him. He's losing it, because you are not in the office anymore. Didn't say anything.”
That caused a new stream of tears and sobs. 
All was going downhill and it began so good and held so much promise of happiness. All of your colleagues were worried of you two and feared for you. You were both a huge mess. Instead of simply speaking to each other Gibbs was yelling and screaming at everyone and you were crying your eyes out. And it was getting worse and worse. 
Both of you were pining madly over each other, because you were so into the other, but no one did the first step to actually speak with another. 
Gibbs was convinced that you wouldn't talk to him if he would call you, so he began to search for any clues where you are. But as he wanted to search for hints on your desk he saw it completely empty. It looked like you left it to never come back again. Seeing that he froze. He was shocked to the core. Nonono, you wouldn't leave without saying goodbye, would you? Obviously yes.
At least you would apparently leave him without saying anything, but surely not Abby or Ducky, would you? 
He felt like going crazy. Absolutely mad, because he didn't knew where you were and what you did and he was missing you so much. 
So he tried to get any information on you from Tony and Tim, but they didn't know anything. Jenny said nothing, but he was sure she knew. Maybe she just wanted to grill him. 
So he went down to Ducky to ask him. He hoped that he had mercy and would tell him where you are and why your desk was empty. 
Determined, he entered Ducky's office. 
“Ducky, where is she? Why is her desk empty? I know that you know it” he directly interrogated him walking up and down the office impatiently. 
“Why do you want to know?” 
“Don't pester me with that, just tell me” Gibbs insisted. 
“No. First tell me why you absolutely want to know this” Ducky said calmly. 
Gibbs just stared at him. 
Ducky sighed “Jethro…tell me.”
Gibbs took a deep breath “I miss her like crazy. I'm feeling like I'm going mad. I'm going insane not knowing what she does and thinking of her empty desk feels like a punch to my stomach. I can't take it anymore. Please tell me, I need to know.”
Ducky nodded satisfied. That was one of the longest speeches he had heard from his friend and he got what he mainly said without saying it. So he told him that she left the NCIS and went back to the FBI. But he didn't told him the reason, which was that she couldn't take it anymore to see him and not being able to hug and talk to him. 
“Go to her, Jethro. Speak to her. For both of your sakes.”
“That wouldn't help. She wouldn't speak to me. She has a boyfriend and doesn't want anything with me.”
“You sure?” 
“Pretty much” Gibbs said and hung his head asking himself where this would end. 
At this moment Abby came into the room. She looked at them and then said to Gibbs “I'm doing this because I want to see you both happy and most importantly together as a happy couple. So…she had seen you and Col. Mann flirting in your basement and thinks that you are together.”
Gibbs was stunned “that she had seen?! Col. Mann flirted with me, but I didn't flirted back. There was nothing and when it comes to me there never will be, because there is only one woman I want in my life.”
With this declaration of him Ducky and she smirked and she declared “Simon is only a platonic friend of hers. Yes, he wanted more, but she declined. So they decided on pure friendship. There's nothing between them and never will be. She's way too much into you, for sure.”
Seeing realization dawning on his face she added “you will find her at home.”
With that he grinned widely, gave her a kiss on the forehead and stormed out of the building with a clear destination and aim.
(To be continued...only one more chapter to go)
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elysianhades · 10 months
Rage Inside
This is the first ever fanfiction I wrote and once again, I had no idea how tumblr worked so now that I actually have a better idea of what I am doing, I decided to repost it here since I'm making a masterlist! This may come as a surprise but Lucifer isn't my first favorite brother despite me writing about him more than the others ha.
Lucifer x Reader
Hurt/ comfort
!Content Warning!
Self hating thoughts, depressive thoughts, past mention of s/h,
Reader is having a break down in this one and is really self induglent for myself, but if this has the chance to comfort others I'm glad!
‘Being bored and being empty is not the same thing’ They hiss, their knuckles digging into their forehead. The overwhelming ache and dullness of their own body screaming. Their mom’s voice echoing over in their mind, taunting and sneering. They need the numbness to stop. Sitting on their desk are the books that they need to read, something that in any other time, they would love to start. The yarn bucket tucked neatly on the shelf, their computer was resting on their desk. So many things that they could do, their mind supplied but, nothing that they could do at the moment. Through the nothingness they felt the start of their anger come back. Something that they could never escape for long, but something that they never did anything with.
Their anger has been with them for years, starting in their young pre-teen years and slowly building and getting more potent as they grew up. Showing an emotion that wasn’t a positive one was not acceptable in their house growing up. Whenever they would go get comfort from their mom after a mentally bad day, they were always met with the same thing. Shame and guilt. ‘If they were unhappy then their parents failed at raising them, right?’ After so many attempts at trying to go to people for help, only for them to compare and remind them how insignificant their problems were, they stopped trying to show that they were having a hard time. Years of swallowed anger and silent resentment followed them into their adult years. Slowly as time went on, that anger has turned and would attack and belittle them.
 At that thought, they choke up a sob as they feel their anger start festering in their heart and fingers. Although their eyes were closed, they felt angry tears trail down their face. Years of practice has made them almost a master at not showing people what was wrong with them. ‘Numbness isn’t boredom’ they sob. Anger they are used to handling, they know how to use that as a ground but they also know that after the fresh anger gets used, the numbness comes back and swallows them whole. Their self-control is what they pride themselves on. The ability to work through the problems people throw on them is what makes this pain worth it. 
The spite and pettiness that seeps through their core is what they use to keep going. The tall and reinforced walls that they spent years, tears and sweat on building, have one weakness. The one thing that has always been able to get under their skin, their parents. No matter how hard they worked with their brain, no matter how they tried to build up thicker walls for those three in particular, a few words from any one of them will shut them down. While they are down, that’s when their anger takes hold and drowns them. Curling into a tighter ball, they lay down and shake in their emotions, trying and failing to pull themselves back together.
When they woke up that morning, they knew it would be one of those days. The sleep they awoke from was restless, making them feel more exhausted than before they went to bed the previous night. They were always an early riser, more because of them being a light sleeper and needing to wake up and hide at a moment's notice. Something else that they have carried from their childhood. They should have stayed in bed, their muscles ached that morning and a migraine had settled in the front of their head pounding with their heart.
All at once, all the should and shouldn’t haves pours into their mind. Each thought making the heat in their chest and fingertips flare and spark. They shouldn’t have picked up the phone, they shouldn’t have brought their human world phone, they should have left those contacts blocked, they should have known better than to expect anything else than a therapy session with their parents, they should have…. They should have-
A knock on their door is what breaks that spiral. They whip their head up and over at the door. They can see two small shadows underneath the door from their spot on the floor, someone’s feet. The cold feeling of panic is enough to yank the emotions back into themselves enough to get up on shaky and weak legs to answer the door. They took too long to answer, as the person knocked again just as soft. Feeling their hand shake as they reach out to turn the handle, they take a deep breath.
The door opens to Lucifer, whose hand was up in the air like he was about to knock again. The air around him was the same as it always was, put together and self assured. Not a stray hair was out of place and not a wrinkle was seen on his clothes. Really the only ‘imperfection’ was the bags under his eyes, evidence of all the late nights he would stay up doing work. Seeing him here and seeing him now makes your stomach twist in fear. Since there was a knock, you knew that being on the other side wouldn’t be Mammon, Asmo, or Beel but, you hoped that it wouldn’t be the one who you had the most problems keeping up your facade with. 
“My dear, I couldn’t help but notice that you left the library quite briskly and you looked upset. Is there anything I can do to help?” His smooth and deep voice eased some of the angry scratching in the back of your mind. His crimson eyes slowly look between yours, trying to find a clue to how he can help. 
Being around Lucifer was a blessing and a curse. His pride is something you could relate to in a sense, having to do things on your own, having people depend on you and looking up to you giving you no chance to show how weak or how tired you were. You both found ways around both of your pride to help and be around each other, that is what started your relationship. The trade off however, is that he knows when something knocks you off your feet. You knew you couldn’t hide this from an eldritch being who has been alive longer than you can even comprehend. That made you happy in a sense but, it also stung and stabbed at your own pride.
In the beginning, it was laughable how much you two didn’t get along. Both of you tried to assert dominance over the other. You didn’t care that he could probably kill you by looking at you if he wanted, you refused to roll over and he refused to let up. As suddenly as this tiny ‘rivalry’ started though, it ended and if it was brought up again, both would shrug and go on. 
“Yeah, but it’s over now.” You say quietly, not trusting your voice to be much louder and trying to swallow the rage that started gnawing on your bones. The resentment towards yourself was flowing through your blood, locking up your limbs and making your eyes burn as more tears started to build. The already poor handle you had on your emotions was cracking and just the thought of losing composure made a dagger of rage stab your heart.
As if sensing the feelings going through you, Lucifer slowly puts his hand on your chin, making you meet his gaze. That soft action made you break, the tears rolling down your face uncontrollably. You scoff at yourself irritation at the action, not being able to stem the flow and bringing your hand up to scrub at your eye, making the male in front of you frown.
“Can I come in, dearheart?” He asks softly, holding your hand so you wouldn’t scratch your eye accidentally. You sob, nodding your head. When you move to pull him into your dark room, your knees give out. His firm grip on your hand is what saves you from falling and hurting yourself. Picking you up, Lucifer gently closes the door and navigates the room to your bed. 
“I’m sor-sorry.” You sob, grabbing his shirt tightly as you try to swallow the hatred rising up. Lucifer resists the urge to interrupt, combing his still gloved hands through your hair after he gets situated on the bed. He remembers late night conversations about how to best interact and show care when anything could set you off and make you isolate in spite. He hums softly, so you could feel the vibrations from your place cuddled into his chest. 
“I.. I know that answering tha-that call would set, set-set me off.” You try to say, the lump in your throat making the words get stuck. “Make it-it-it stop plea-please I don’t want to feel this.” You can feel yourself get pulled into the storm of your emotions. Trying to breathe through it is awakening the loathing in you and your brain starts spitting insults, trying to get you to shut Lucifer out, telling you that after seeing this, he is going to see how weak you are. He is going to leave, he is going to leave, he is going to leave.
“Love. I need you to breathe. That’s it. Keep going, remember the box.” Lucifer hums, rubbing the base of your neck. You nod shakily drawing a box on Lucifer's chest. Up, breathe in, side, breathe out, down, breathe in, side, breathe out. 
The anger in your blood is rushing, bubbling, boiling. The audacity to make him worry. When he already has so much to deal with here you come, throwing your problems onto him in an attempt to make yourself feel better. You always have to be the center of attention don’t you? You’re so selfish.
You shudder a sob as your thoughts get louder. The fire of rage burning through your skin. You feel like you are bursting at the seams, the anger oozing out of you and corrupting anything it touches. Which sends yet another wave of resentment through you. As far as the brothers know, you are this innocent sweet thing, not capable of hurting anything. If only they knew how wrong they were.
“Stop thinking things like that, you know it’s not true.” Lucifer says calmly, his voice carefully constructed to avoid offending you. You latch onto his voice willing your heart to slow the flood of poison through your veins. If taking deep breaths aren’t helping then the next best thing is to find somewhere else for that energy to go. Reaching for Lucifer’s hand, he puts his big hand in yours. You take off the glove slowly, giving him time to resist if he wanted to.
 His hands are pale and nimble, his perfect manicured nails (courtesy of Asmo) are a deep red. You run your fingers along his hand, feeling the skin and using the texture to ground yourself. You smile softly when you make note of just how much larger his hand is compared to yours. It could very easily engulf yours. You intertwine your fingers with his and squeeze in a pattern.
“I know your anger isn’t gone, but is it quieter now?” His voice is soft, as he plays with your hair with his free hand. You nod again, taking a deep breath as you look up at him. Your eyes lock and he gives you a small smile free of the usual smugness. 
“I got a call. From my parents.” You start, feeling his arm tighten around your shoulders and the smile freeze for a moment. “I don’t know why I even picked it up.” 
Now that the anger is in the back of your head, you can feel the urge to slip away, to shut down and let someone else handle this. That isn’t who you are now though. He would make this worse in the long run anyway. You let out a deep breath through your nose, glaring at the floor. Lucifer is still rubbing your back in gentle circles. When you open your mouth to talk again you feel a lump in your throat, one that blocks any words from leaving. Growling at yourself, you hunch your shoulders. A wave of rage flows over you at your inability to get this off your chest.
As if sensing your problem, Lucifer starts humming a soft tune. Not saying anything but letting his presence be known while you wrestle with your emotions. He rocked you slowly as you held his hand and battled with yourself.
“‘You don’t have to have perfect sentences when you need to get things off your chest you know’” Lucifer smiles softly as he looks out the window. You remember saying that to him a long time ago. He wouldn’t tell you what he was thinking because he couldn’t find the right words or the right way to say them to make them sound distant enough that he didn’t have to offer up any more information than he could handle at the moment.
Chuckling softly, you look at him and playfully roll your eyes. He snorts and shakes his head, his chest shaking as he quietly laughs. You sigh for what felt like the millionth time. Starting to feel the corners of your conscious fade. Yawning softly you look back at Lucifer, he meets your gaze.
“I… I know I have to get this out of my head but, could we sleep and talk it through tomorrow after I’ve had a chance to really think about what I want to say?” You ask softly, feeling another yawn take over.
“Of course, my love.”
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One Special Night | Wanda Maximoff
Summary: A blizzard leaves you and a stranger stranded on Thanksgiving
Pairing: Wanda Maximoff x Male Reader
Warnings: Language, angsty fluff? fluffy angst?, death
Word Count: 6.9K
A/N: This was requested by @joewatt111 on Wattpad.  It’s based on the movie One Special Night starring Julie Andrews and James Garner (it’s one of my favorite Christmas movies!)  
So sorry for the delay in getting requests out.  I’ve been struggling through some writer’s block ever since I finished writing “Can’t Help Falling In Love.”  But I’m working through it and I’m hoping to get caught up before the holidays.  
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Thanksgiving, 5:03 PM
“Any plans for Thanksgiving, Doc?”
“Oh you know, the usual,” you replied.  “Get togethers with family you don’t really like, avoiding conversations that’ll spark arguments, and eating too many casseroles of who knows what.”  You didn’t really like Thanksgiving.  It held too many memories you’d rather forget: the years of being shuffled from house to house to spend time with your divorced parents, the subsequent arguments that you’d hear between your drunk father and sobbing mother as you buried your head under the covers in a feeble attempt to drown out the screams, endless holiday dinners ruined by shifts in the emergency room treating deep fryer burn victims, people slicing their hands while attempting to carve a turkey, and sprains, bumps, and bruises from people slipping on ice or grease, and, of course, the one Thanksgiving where your fiance dumped you before the heavy cream could even be whipped.  Needless to say it wasn’t your favorite day of the year.  So instead of subjecting yourself to the horrors of dinner conversation, you volunteered to work the holiday, collect the overtime, and treat yourself to your favorite Chinese takeout and watch whatever football game was on.  Most people didn’t understand your disinterest in the holiday, so you fibbed and said you had plans.  It’s not like anyone would figure it out anyways.
“But that’s the fun isn’t it?  It only comes around once a year,” the tech posed.
You shook your head as you pulled on your coat.  “Yeah, fun.  There are lots of things you can classify as fun.  I’m not sure this is one of them.”  Slamming your locker shut, you grabbed your bag and headed for the door of the locker room.
“I don’t think it’s that bad,” the younger man responded.  “But anyways, get home safe, Doc.  The news was saying that we’re supposed to get one heluva of a storm today.”
“All the more reason to not go out,” you winked.  You pushed the door open and trudged down the hall, backpack slung over one shoulder as you ambled down the corridor and towards the main entrance of the hospital.
“Dr. L/N?” you heard a voice call from behind you as you passed the emergency room’s front desk.  You turned around to see who the voice belonged to and found Janelle, your intern, running towards you.
“Yeah?” you answered, cocking an eyebrow.
“You forgot to sign off on the papers for Mrs. Levin.”  She handed you a clipboard with a pen clipped to it.  You took it from her, scribbled on the appropriate line, and handed it back to her without much thought to what you were doing.  “Thank you, doctor.  And Happy Thanksgiving.”
“Yeah, same,” you responded.  All you could think about after your ten hour shift was your steamed dumplings and lo mein, not some last-minute paperwork.  But as you passed by the desk again something out of the corner of your eye caught your attention.
“You’ve got to be kidding me, right?  What do you mean there’s no tow trucks available?” You saw a fiery redhead who was red in more than just her hair.  She was leaning up against the front desk, yelling into her cellphone, a backpack sitting by her side.  You watched as she rolled her eyes at whatever response she was receiving.  “Well fine, I’ll just call a cab if you-what do you MEAN they aren’t running the cabs?  How the hell am I supposed to get home?”
You eavesdropped on her conversation as you walked by, trying to make sure it wasn’t apparent that you were listening in.“Please, isn’t there something you can do?  I’ve been at the hospital with my father all day and I need to get home.”  You could hear the desperation in her voice as she pleaded with the voice on the other end.  You felt bad for the stranger, but it wasn’t your responsibility to make sure she got home.  You had no obligation whatsoever to be her taxi driver.  But as you neared the door you felt a nagging in the pit of your stomach telling you to do something.
No, don’t get involved, you told yourself.  You don’t want to do this.  But you felt yourself turning around before you got to the front door, your legs carrying yourself over to the frustrated woman who had been placed on hold by the towing company.
“Excuse me,” you interrupted.  She ignored you as she continued to tap her foot impatiently as she waited to be taken off hold.  “Excuse me,” you tried again.  Still nothing.  She looked even more impatient as you attempted to interrupt her again.  “Hey!” you yelled a tad more aggressively than you’d anticipated.  She shot daggers through you as she glared into your soul.
“What?” she snapped, pulling the phone down to her chest.
“Do you want a ride?”
“I’m sorry?”
“Do you want a ride home?  Look, the weather is shitty, it’ll be difficult trying to find a cab, and good luck trying to find an uber on Thanksgiving.  I’ve got a truck with all wheel drive, I can get you back to wherever you need to be.”  You had no idea why you were offering this complete stranger a ride back to wherever she came from.  Maybe it was the spirit of the season warming your heart.  “It’s okay, I’m a doctor here,” you added quickly, flashing your ID.
She looked at you with a combination of relief and apprehension.  You were a complete stranger offering her a ride in the middle of a snowstorm out of the emergency room.  “You’re offering me a ride?” she asked.
“Wow, okay then,” she said, hanging up her phone and grabbing her backpack.  She followed you down the hallway.  You could see the blizzard raging outside illuminated by the parking lot floodlights.  It was going to be a challenge to drive in these conditions.
“It’s that one,” you said, pointing to the red truck parked down near the end of the lot.  You zipped your coat up a little higher as you struggled across the uncleared sidewalk, grabbing your keys and unlocking the door so the two of you could hop right in.You pulled off your snow covered hat as soon as you sat in the driver’s seat after cleaning off the front of your car.  The redhead was on her phone furiously texting someone.  “Where do you live?” you asked.
“159 Collard Road,” she replied without looking up from her phone.  You groaned to yourself; it was the completely opposite side of town, basically out in the sticks.  It took you twenty minutes to drive out that way in good weather so you knew you were in for a long drive.
“Alright.  Let me know when we’re getting close.”  You started the car and looked over your shoulder as you carefully backed out of your spot.  The radio kicked on, your favorite local Y/F/M station coming on as you turned left out of the parking lot.
“Y/F/M?” she scoffed, shooting you a look.“Is there a problem?” you asked.  You should’ve left her at the hospital.“No, it’s your car, you control the radio.”“And what do you prefer?”  You couldn’t hide the sarcasm oozing from your voice.
“Y/L/F/M.”  You nodded, gripping onto the wheel tightly.  There was no way in hell you were going to change the station for her, so you decided to turn it off.  The two of you sat in silence as you continued to drive.  The roads were absolutely awful.  You were used to driving in nasty weather, but this was particularly bad.  It was night, too, and you were having to drive without using your brights because of the reflection of the snow.  
Halfway there, you thought to yourself.  Just a little while longer and I can go back home.  Why am I even doing this in the first pl-
Your internal musings were interrupted by a patch of black ice.  The truck fishtailed into the oncoming lane as you pumped the brakes.  Hard as you tried to correct the slippage, you ended up overcorrecting and swerving the other way right into a snowbank on the side of the road.
5:48 PM
“What the hell was that?” the redhead shouted.  You threw the truck in reverse and tried to back out of the bank but it was no use: you were stuck.
“Black ice.  We’re stuck.  Damn it!” You slammed on the steering wheel, angry at yourself for getting distracted.  It was not a good situation: you were stranded in a snowbank in the middle of nowhere on Thanksgiving night in a blizzard with a complete stranger who was getting angrier at you by the second.
“Great,” she sighed, pulling out her phone.  “No service.”  She slammed the phone on her bag, visibly frustrated at the situation as well.
You pulled out your phone, hoping you might be able to call your insurance company to come tow you out.  Much to your dismay you didn’t have a signal.  “Damnit,” you whispered.
“I literally just said there’s no service,” she huffed.  
“Alright then, do you have a better idea?  Because that’s all I’ve got.”
“I’m going to go look for help.  There’s a gas station about two miles away from here.”  She pushed the door open into the bank, the wind howling against the door as snow blew inside.  
“Are you kidding?  You’ll freeze to death out there.  It’s pitch black, we are in the middle of nowhere, and you want to go outside?!”  She must be crazy, that’s the only explanation you could think of.  
“And what’s the alternative then, stay here all night?” she snapped back. “Yes!  We stay here, run the heater periodically, and wait until either the snow stops or it’s daylight and then we should be able to either get out of here or get someone to come tow us out!” You were exasperated.  Sure, spending all night cooped up in your truck with this crazy woman wasn’t the way you wanted to spend Thanksgiving, but it was better than becoming a human popsicle on this stretch of country backroad.
“Right, mmhmm, good idea there, doc.  You stay here and do that, I’ll go and look for a way home.”  She jumped down from the truck, sinking into the deep drift.  You watched as she pulled one leg from the drift, trudging her way back to the road.  You groaned, frustrated at the fact this woman was about to wander about in the middle of the night and that you were probably going to have to follow her against your better judgment.
“Hey wait!  Wait a minute!” You unbuckled your seatbelt, sighing as you opened the door.  Wind whipped against your face as snow fell through the air.  It was an absolutely miserable night made worse by your miserable disposition.  The stranger looked back at you.  Her small figure looked even smaller as she hugged her coat against her chest.  The snow was falling hard enough that it was difficult to make her out against her phone’s flashlight.  
“Are you coming?” she shouted.“Only because I’m not going to let you wander around the woods in the middle of the night.”  The wind was rushing against your ears, freezing your words as they left your mouth.
“I don’t need you to protect me if that’s what you’re thinking.”  The look on her face, from what you could see, was one of disgust.
“Oh, I don’t care about protecting you.  I’m only here to-” Before you could get your next thought out you found yourself flat on your face in the snow.  The cold seeped through your clothes and chilled you to the bone.  As you pushed yourself up and sputtered the powder out of your mouth, you heard a slight giggle coming from ahead of you.  You looked up to see the redhead turning away from you.  “Is there something you want to share with the rest of the class?” the sarcasm dripped from your mouth.
“Not at the moment, but I’ll let you know.” Her hidden glance revealed a smirk forming over her lips as she pressed on, not letting you see how amused she was by your current predicament.
Groaning, you attempted to jog through the knee deep drift to keep up with her.  She had made her way over to the side of the road and was walking in what she hoped was the direction of the gas station.  You fought the blizzard every step of the way, trudging through molasses as your eyes strained to follow the dim light.  Your frustration built in your chest, causing one singular thought to race through your mind:
If we make it through this alive, I’m going to kill her.
6:11 PM
“Look, a mailbox!” The flashlight illuminated a snow-covered mailbox a few feet ahead of you.
“Let’s go ask for help.”  The storm had intensified dramatically in the short time the two of you had been walking.  The biting wind nipped at your red hands and ears.  In that time you made a mental note to never leave home without a hat and gloves again.  You scoured the area in front of you for a sign of a driveway, but any indication of one had been blocked by thigh-high drifts.
You watched the redhead struggle to carve a path through the snow only to befall the same fate you had earlier when you left your truck.  As she face-planted into the mound in front of her, you let out a small chuckle.  It was a sight to see: she flapped and struggled her way up like a goose in a most ungraceful fashion.  A part of you thought you should make sure she was okay.  “Are you okay?” you asked as you managed to push yourself over the drift.
“I’m perfectly capable, thank you.”  She flipped her scarf around her neck as she pushed herself to her feet in the ankle deep snow that covered the long driveway.  “I’m sure you are,” you mumbled under your breath.  You followed her straight into the snow-covered woods, spotting what looked to be a small cabin nestled beneath a group of tall pine trees.
“It doesn’t look like anyone’s home,” she said.  
“I’ll go take a look,” you shrugged as you eyed the enclosed porch.
“Wait!”  You turned to see the woman clutching at her chest.  “My necklace!  I have to go back and find it!”
“You can come back after the spring thaw and look for it then.  There’s no way you’ll find it now.”  You couldn’t believe the ignorance of this woman…first getting out of your warm truck and now this.  You turned back, reaching for the rickety screen door.
“It was a gift from my dad.  I have to have it!”  She walked like a goblin, crouching in an unflattering position as she combed the ground for a glimmer of the silver chain.
“Well I’m sure he can buy you another one.  Come on, I’m going inside.”
She stood quickly, tilting her head as she stared at you angrily.  “He’s dying,” she stated matter-of-factly.  You fidgeted in place as she stared at you, eyes boring into your soul as she huffed by.  Her frustration played out as she rattled the knob on the front door, slamming it down in dismay as it refused to open.  “It’s locked.”
Your eyes wandered around the small room, scanning the dark corners for something to break you in.  A pile of bricks caught your attention.  You picked one up, feeling its cold weight in your hand as you turned toward the door.  “Stand back,” you told her, pushing her back with your free arm.
“Oh you’ve got to be kidding me.  You’re going to-”
Crash!  The window cracked as glass tinkled to the floor.  You reached in, feeling your way down the door to unlock it and push it open.  “After you,” you bowed mockingly, extending your hand.  She rolled her eyes, pulling off her hat as she stepped inside the dark foyer.
You felt up the wall for a light switch, flicking it on but the room remained dark.  “Power’s out.  Storm must’ve knocked it out.”  A sharp crack and a small flicker of light lit up the table in front of you.  The stranger found a pair of candles on the sole kitchen table.  Her face was illuminated by their dim glow as you watched her emerald eyes take in her new surroundings.
“There’s a fireplace right there.  I think I saw a pile of logs outside the cabin.  Why don’t you go get some and I’ll look for more candles?”  She rubbed her hands together over the small flame.
You managed to find some snow covered cords stacked against the side of the cabin and subsequently slipped on the ice covering the gravel drive.  Rubbing the bruise on your hip, you regathered the logs and cursed the woman inside as you stumbled through the door.  You were hit with an immediate warmth upon entering, the smell of smoke and crackling of fire creating an indelible sense of home.  The redhead was crouched by the fireplace, a metal poker in her hand.  You cocked your head at her quizzically.  “How’d you get that started?”  Grinning smugly she reached to the side to reveal a cabinet loaded with logs.  “A heads up would’ve been nice.”
“What, and deny you the chance to prove your manhood?”
“Touché,” you nodded as you set the wood down.  As you removed your sopping outerwear, you took a moment to take in your new surroundings.  The cabin was small, only one main room.  On one side was a small kitchen complete with an oven, sink, and refrigerator.  A round table sat in the middle of the room, a chair placed on opposite sides.  There was a sofa directly in front of the fireplace.  Two end tables sat on either side, and a coffee table sat directly in front.  There were two doors on either side of the fireplace: one led to the bedroom and the other to the bathroom.  A chill ran down your spine as you blew into your hands.  “Alrighty then, how about I try to find something to eat?  You should go see if they have any clothes for you to borrow, you’re absolutely soaked.  Maybe jump in the shower, too”
“Right, a cold shower and a stranger’s clothes.  That’s the way I want to spend my Thanksgiving,” she rolled her eyes at your remark.
“It’s gas, the water should be hot.”  
“Really?” Her eyes widened at the revelation.
“Mmhmm,” you nodded.  “And if we’re going to be sleeping together tonight, I should probably introduce myself.  I’m Y/N.”
“Wanda,” she replied as she opened the bathroom door.
“Did you ever watch the movie Psycho?” you posed. 
“Yeah.  Why?”
“No reason,” you grinned.  The door slammed shut.
7:20 PM
“Hi,” a quiet voice said.  It was Wanda.  She was wrapped in a fluffy red plaid housecoat, her damp hair hanging limply behind her.  “What’d you find?”
“You’re in luck.  They happened to have half a box of spaghetti and a jar of sauce in the cupboard.”  You weren’t a cook by any stretch of the imagination, but pasta was manageable.  “And there’s a bottle of wine on the table.”
“And you managed to set the table.  I’m impressed,” she joked as she observed your feeble attempt at making the sparse setting look nice.
“I am a man of many talents.”  You carried the pot over to your table, spooning some pasta onto both of your plates as Wanda sat down.  
“Well, it is edible.  Barely,” Wanda informed you as she took a bite.  “Please tell me you have someone else who cooks for you because otherwise this is just sad.”
“I eat out a lot,” you laughed.  “That’s the whole reason I became a doctor…it’s easier than trying to learn how to cook.”
“So you work in the emergency room then?” She took a sip of the red wine she had poured for the two of you.  You nodded, your mouth full of the overcooked spaghetti.
“Yeah.  It’s crazy, but you’re always on your toes.  That’s why I like it.  You’ll never have the same day twice.  There’s always something new, you’re constantly calling on everything you learned in med school, and I like the adrenaline rush.”  She looked at you curiously.  You couldn’t tell what exactly she was thinking or what she wanted to say.  
“I don’t ever want to spend time in an emergency room again.  I don’t know how you can do it day after day.”  Her voice softened as her head dropped down to stare at the pasta she spun on her fork.  
“You were in there with your dad, right?”
She sniffled, rubbing her nose with the sleeve of her housecoat.  “Yeah.  He’s got cancer.  Stage four.  I’ve been taking care of him for the last few weeks.  But today he had a stroke.  So they admitted him and told me that he doesn’t have much time left.  The doctor said she’d be surprised if he made it through tonight.  So I was trying to get home to get him the picture of our family that sits by his bed, but my car wouldn’t start.  I tried to get a tow truck but all of them were busy with the storm.”
You felt your heart sink.  “I’m sorry,” you murmured.  
“I just don’t know what I’m going to do when he goes,” she sighed.  “He’s all I have left.  My mom died ten years ago and my brother was killed in a car accident last spring.  I quit my job and gave up my apartment to move out here to take care of him.  When he’s gone…” Her eyes filled with tears as she trailed off, staring across the room to the window on the other side.  “Sorry,  I don’t even know why I’m telling you any of this.”  She shook her head, immediately redirecting her attention to her dinner.
“No, it’s okay.  It sucks, cancer sucks, and I’m sorry that this is what you’re dealing with right now.  I see it every day and it doesn’t get easier, believe me.”  Images of your worst trauma cases flashed through your mind.  You physically recoiled at the gruesome scenes.  “Look, I promise that once we get out of this mess I will get you back to that hospital as fast as I can so you can be with him, okay?  And I’ll make sure to come up and check in on him, too.”  You reached out to grab her hand.  Her skin was soft and warm.  You felt your heart skip a beat as you grasped it, which surprised you.  A soft smile spread over her face as she felt your hand in hers.
“Thank you,” she whispered.
10:43 PM
“And that is check, I believe,” Wanda boasted as her rook took your knight.
“Again?!  Are you kidding me?  What the hell, Wanda?”  You threw your hands in the air.  This was the fourth game she was beating you at.  You weren’t a chess champion by any means but Wanda was on a completely different level.
“It’s just check, Y/N.  You can still win,” she giggled.  
“Yeah, right.  Why don’t I just hand the game to you now and we’ll call it a night?” 
“Oh you’re no fun,” she pouted, putting away the pieces.  After dinner, she had found the cabinet where the owners hid their collection of board games.  The two of you had finally settled on chess.  It was one of her favorite games.  Her father had taught it to her and her brother, who you learned was named Pietro, when they were kids.  She had played on the chess team in high school, which you thought made her a bigger nerd than you and your middle school quiz bowl team.
“I know, I’m a party pooper.”  You stood up and yawned, stretching your stiff limbs.  “I don’t know about you but I’m ready for bed.  You go take the bedroom, I’ll sleep on the couch.”
“No, I’ll take the couch, it’s okay.”
“Wanda, I’m a doctor.  I’ve slept on countless gurneys and on-call beds before.  I’m used to it.  Take the bed.”  She didn’t move, curling herself into a tighter ball where she sat instead.
“Fine.  Give me a minute.  I’m just resting my eyes,” she mumbled.  She shut her eyes as she crossed her arms and snuggled into the back of the couch.  You chuckled, pulling the blanket off your lap and placing it over her.  As she drifted off to sleep her light snores echoed through the small room.  You positioned yourself on the other side of the couch, watching as her breathing slowed and her face relaxed.  Hopefully sleep would be kind to her, relieving her of the horrible reality she would face in the waking world.
Friday, 7:03 AM
You woke to the peculiar sensation of being squeezed.  Looking down, you noticed that Wanda had made her way to your side of the couch and had wrapped her arms around your chest, resting her head in the crook of your shoulder.  The sight startled you at first, but you quickly found it endearing.  You were holding her with one arm wrapped around her.  Your other hand was running your fingers through her soft red hair, teasing each strand as you traversed its length.  Her eyes fluttered open at the tickling sensation, which quickly turned into a look of horror.
“Oh god I’m sorry.”  She recoiled as soon as she released the compromising position she was in.
“It’s okay, I don’t mind,” you reassured.  The truth was you really hadn’t minded it.  You liked the feeling of comfort her body provided as it wrapped around yours.  
She sat back on her knees, looking out the window.  “Looks like the storm stopped,” she noted as the sun streaked through the window.
“I’ll try calling a tow truck again, see if they can get us out of here.”
An hour later the two of you were in the cab of a tow truck headed back into town.  You’d left a note and some money for the owners to explain why you broke into their apartment and ate their food.  Once you got your truck back, you dropped Wanda off at the hospital before driving back to your apartment to grab a quick shower before heading back for your own shift.  While holidays were normally busy in the ER, you were hoping that today might be relatively quiet.  It wasn’t so much about not having to rush from bay to bay dealing with patients as much as it was being able to slip away to check on Wanda and her father.  Your palms began to sweat as you gripped the steering wheel, pulse quickening at the thought of seeing Wanda later in the day.  You shook your head to clear the images of the redhead from your mind.  After all, you were only concerned about how her father was doing, right?    
6:22 PM
You collapsed onto a gurney in the trauma bay, groaning as you rubbed your throbbing temples.  All you wanted was a beer and the chance to rip your shoes off.  You hadn’t stopped moving since you stepped foot in the hospital almost ten hours ago, even forgoing your lunch to help the ortho attending reset an elderly lady’s dislocated hip.  It was also the first time all day you’d allowed your mind to wander back onto the woman who was in the forefront of your mind.  Glancing at your phone, you panicked slightly as you jumped off the gurney and raced to the elevator.  Your heart was pounding with anticipation as you pushed the down arrow.  You bounced your knee up and down in the agonizing moments it took for the elevator to pull up to your floor.  When the doors opened you rushed in and pressed the button for the ICU.
“Come on, come on,” you muttered, slamming the button as fast as you could.  The doors didn’t close quick enough for your liking, and you spent the entire ride pacing around.  You were on a tear down the hall as soon as the doors opened, vaguely remembering a conversation you and Wanda had earlier in the day about the room her father was in.  You mumbled numbers to yourself as you jogged down the hall until you found the right one a few yards ahead of you.  Slowing down to a walk, you tugged on the lapels of your white coat and attempted to smooth out your scrubs before you turned into the room.
It was empty.
Your heart sank as you realized what it meant: he was gone and Wanda was all alone.  The cold emptiness of the room enveloped you, creeping into your very soul as an overwhelming sense of sorrow invaded your heart.  You felt a lump in your throat as you thought of her alone, trying to pick up the pieces of her life.  You threw your hands in your pocket, shuffling out of the room as you wondered how helpless she must feel.  All you wanted to do was find her and hold her until she realized that you weren’t going to let her world end.  But you had no idea where she even was.  Besides, why would she want to see you at the worst moment of her life?
Sunday, 11:19 AM
Taking a bite out of your bagel, you thumbed through the pages of the local Sunday Times.  You scoured the headlines for the one you were looking for: obituaries.  It had already been two days since Wanda’s father had passed, more than enough time to write a simple summary of his life.  More than once you’d wondered whether or not you should drive to her father’s house to check in on her, but your nerves got the better of you.  As you sipped your coffee, your eyes settled on the word you’d been looking for: Wanda.  You quickly skimmed the obit, looking for the information you wanted.
There will be no services as per the deceased’s wishes.
You sighed, throwing the paper down.  The funeral would’ve been the perfect excuse for you to check in on her.  Your stomach churned with  feeling that you should’ve been there for her that day.  You paced around the room furiously, mind racing a thousand miles a minute with different ideas, excuses to see her and make sure she was okay.  But the more you thought about it, the more you realized that the only real option you had was to go and see her.
2:49 PM
Carrying a bouquet of flowers in one hand and a bag of Chinese takeout in the other, you shifted your weight from one foot to the other as you stood outside the front door.  The way your stomach twisted up in knots surprised you.  You could stay completely calm in the most stressful of work situations, but the thought of facing her again made you want to run away screaming.  The deep breaths you took did little to quell the churning feeling growing inside you as you raised a shaky hand to knock on the frosted window.
The moments between you rapping on the door and Wanda answering felt like eternity.  Time came to a screeching halt as your mind raced through different what if scenarios.  The bag started to slip from your grasp as your palms moistened with anticipation.  It was far too late to turn around by now.
The door opened slightly at first, a single eye peering out from the crack.  You gave a halfhearted smile as you saw the outline of Wanda’s face in the dark room.  Her eye widened as she realized it was you, opening the door fully as she stared at you in amazement.
“Y/N?” she asked incredulously.  In a moment her world turned upside down again.  A small part of her hoped that you would show up at the hospital before her father died and she was hurt when you hadn’t.  
“Hey,” you said weakly.  When she opened the door fully you saw how much of a mess she was.  Her eyes were sunken and hollow, highlighted by deep bags.  Her hair was falling out of a messy bun on top of her head.  She wore pajama pants and an oversized hoodie, both of them wrinkled by hours spent curled on the couch.  “I, umm…can I come in?”  She nodded as she stepped back to give you space to come in.
Wanda shut the door behind you as you stepped in, slipping off your sneakers and placing them off to the side.  The house was chaotic.  Boxes and garbage bags were piled all around, the remnants of a life complete tossed carelessly inside.  Unopened cards were scattered around the table between drying bouquets of flowers.  Dirty pots and plates were stacked high in the sink while a half-empty pizza box sat on the counter.  
“What are you doing here?” Her meek voice broke your train of thought.  The redhead stood before you, looking like a shell of the woman she was three days ago.
“Well, for starters I brought Chinese food to make up for that pitiful Thanksgiving dinner I made the other night,” you stated while holding up the bag.  “Orange chicken, steamed dumplings, and veggie fried rice.”  Wanda stared at the bag.  You couldn’t read the vacant expression on her face that made her very soul look hollow.  “And I wanted to express my condolences about your father.” 
A spark brightened her eyes as you handed her the flowers.  She grabbed them from your outstretched hands, holding them tenderly and examining them carefully as if she’d never seen something so beautiful before.  She inhaled deeply, basking in their sweet scent as she pulled them to her chest.  “Thank you,” she murmured.  She didn’t make eye contact with you as she spoke.  
“Do you want to eat?” She nodded.  “I’ll go grab some bowls.”
“No it’s okay.  I’ve got it.  Why don’t you go sit in the living room?”  
You wandered your way through the darkened house, the living room illuminated by the glow of the TV.  You cleared some papers from the couch, stacking them off on the coffee table as Wanda rejoined you with two bowls and two sodas.  The two of you sat in silence as you watched her scoop some rice into her bowl with her chopsticks.  Her eyes were glued to the television as you ate.  You sensed she wanted to avoid conversation as the energy of the room shifted.  She became cold and withdrawn, oblivious to the world outside of the flickering screen.  But you didn’t want to interrupt her.  If she wanted to drown her grief in old sitcom reruns then so be it.
You watched The Dick Van Dyke Show for a couple hours, her occasionally chuckles interrupting the program.  As much as you wanted to talk you didn’t mind just existing in the same room as her.  It was comfortable and familiar.  But after five or so episodes, Wanda was the one to break the silence.
“I hoped you’d come up to see him before he died.”
You sat in stunned silence, unsure of how to respond to her confession.  Friday night was still eating away at you, the fact you hadn’t been able to make it up to the ICU in time.
“I tried to.  I saw patients for over ten hours straight that day and I didn’t have the chance to sneak away all day”  It felt like a pathetic excuse, but it was the truth.  
“I understand.”  She turned her head away from you slightly.  It did nothing to hide her sniffles as she started to cry again.
“But the first chance I had I ran up there as fast as I could.  He was already gone by then.”
Wanda turned back to you, her face streaked with fresh tears.  “I waited all day for you, you know?  I kept hoping and praying that maybe, just maybe, you’d show up.  It was stupid of me to think this random guy I just met would show up for my dying dad.  Because you didn’t show up so now on top of being sad that my dad just died I’m upset that a complete stranger wasn’t there, too.”  She wiped her face with her sleeve as she choked out her words through strangled sobs.
“Oh Wanda,” you sighed.  “Come here.”  You opened your arms and reached out for her.  She crawled into your chest as you pulled her close, her chest heaving as she sobbed into your shirt.  You wrapped your arms tightly around her.  Her cries were muffled against your body.  You traced your fingers up and down her back as you held her, rocking ever so slightly back and forth in an attempt to soothe her.  All you wanted to do was take her pain away.  It was odd how much you found yourself caring for this stranger.  In that moment she was the most important thing in your life. That terrified you.  “I’ve got you,” you soothed, drawing your hand up her back and pulling her head closer to her chest, as if your enveloping touch would heal her wounds.
“I miss him so much,” she gasped between sobs.  
“I know.”  
“They’re all gone.  My entire family is gone and I don’t know what to do,” she sniffled.  She was living her own worst nightmare, completely alone for the rest of her life.  No parents to bring a boyfriend home to, no brother to help take care of aging parents, no core group to celebrate the small things with.  She had friends, of course, but that didn’t erase the trauma of losing one’s entire family at such a young age.
You wracked your brain trying to find the right thing to say.  Wanda was deep in the throes of grief and you wanted to help steady her.  But what could you say?  You’d never lost a parent before.  “Wanda I- '' You swallowed the lump in your throat, leaning your head down to rest next to hers.  The world stood still as your heart pounded in your ears.  “You’re not alone,” you whispered in her ear.
She pulled away from you, her bloodshot eyes widening as she studied your face.  They darted back and forth searching for anything that might reveal the hidden secret of your words.  
“The truth is I don’t want to leave,” you sighed.  “I can’t stop thinking about Friday and I’m so, so sorry I wasn’t there for you.  I wanted to come see you sooner, but I didn’t think you’d want to see me.”
“Why would you think I wouldn’t want to see you?”  She grabbed your face and pulled you in until your lips were millimeters apart.
“I don’t know.  I guess I kept trying to tell myself that you didn’t want to see me so I could convince myself that I didn’t want to see you,” you admitted.  It was hard to swallow your pride in front of her, but you couldn’t deny how she’d absolutely captivated you in the short time you’d known each other.  “I’m sorry, Wanda.  I should’ve been there sooner.”
No sooner had the words left your mouth did Wanda close the gap between the two of you.  The tender brush of her lips against yours was absolute bliss.  They were soft as you kissed her back, losing yourself in the remnants of her cherry chapstick.  You felt your heart pounding as her hands started to tangle in your hair, causing you to smile against her lips.  You felt her smile back when you hugged her closer to you.
She was the one to break away from the kiss first.  You watched as her face lit up for the first time all day.  All of her worries had seemingly melted away.  “And here I was thinking that what happened between us was just one special night,” she smiled.  It made your heart skip a beat.
“As much as I enjoyed it, Wanda, I could do without the whole getting stranded in a blizzard thing again,” you joked.  Wanda giggled as she rubbed the back of your neck, her touch sending shivers up your spine.
“Why don’t you stay tonight so we can try again?” she teased.“Are you sure?”  You brushed your thumb over her chin as you looked at her with concern.
“Please.  Stay with me.”
You sighed as you looked into her eyes.  They were pleading with you to stay.  Your brain was telling you that staying might not be the best idea, but your heart wouldn’t let you leave.  You had to stay with her: there was no other option.  So you wrapped her close again, pulling her close enough that she could feel the way she made your heart pound against the confines of your chest.  “Okay, I’ll stay,” you murmured against her head, giving her a quick peck as the two of you sat on the couch.  “We’ll get you through this, I promise.”  
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knifvd · 6 months
quick , obligatory new year's eve post . thank you to everyone for always being so kind , accomodating , and amazing to me and welcoming me back from my third blog once again :pleading: . you guys make me so happy to write and i can't wait to continue to do so into the new year . i'm gonna b a little gay after this , but i want to give a special thanks 2 these people .
@killerhubby ori , my love . thank u for being one of the main reasons i continue to write and come back to tumblr . i've only known u for a couple months but it feels like years , and now we're married and i pocket sage you ? we're clearly 4lyfers and i ripped up the return reciept . you're mine ( and im urs ) forever n ever . icb i used to be afraid of u , but i'm so so blessed 2 have u in my life . here's to u moving in w me so i can finally pee on ur desk ( real ) i can't wait to continue to write and hang out with u more . thank u for helping me feel safe and loved nd welcome . love u lotsa .
@stamour god we need to get off this godforsaken app LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO but somehow we always come back to each other . thank you for turning away whenever i bring aiko back from the dead for the 30th time and always always indulging with me and making fun of the rpc w me . i'm so glad to have made a friend like you and making this site bearable . okay lets go just send each other inboxes and never do threads threads are overrated <3
@solivcgant mochi . i love you . you've seen me through it all and i am so BLESSED to have met u and for you to always put up with my shit . i love writing and talking with you and you always follow me even though ive been through a billion blogs . you're always a pleasure to write with and talk to and i appreciate you not giving up on me when i take forever and a day to respond . xoxo ily
@daemonry god they've been friends for too long but hi we still need to sprint it on some LEAGUE together ( real ) but you're always super fun to talk to and write with , so thank you for putting up with me and all my stupid muses .
@valhiir em... my love ... my one connection to the league community ... you're an AMAZING writer i know i still owe you that soraka reply but ill give it to you soon . thank you for always checking up on me and messaging me even though you don't have to and ive been awol for thirteen years :sob: i cant wait to write more with you in this upcoming year and force u to adc for me ( mwahahahha ) ...
@galaxythixf NOVAAA aa i absolutely adore writing with you and talking with you ooc , thank you for letting me scream in your ear about any little thing whether it be something abt life , val , our muses , anything . heres to playing val and all the angst in the future for us !
and ofc , shouts out to @ferinehuntress , @florspinae , @puckish-rogue , @tealsteel , @dimensionalspades , @un1awful , @todestochter & @pinkminxed for putting up with me spamming u with silly questions , chatting with me ooc when i'm a scared little weenie and writing with me . here's to writing more in the future <3
and of course , last but not least , you , the person reading this . thank you for being here and supporting me while i attempt to be active and explore my muses . i cant wait to get to know all of you and write with you more . and with that being said .
pees on 2024's desk . thank you for coming to my ted talk .
♥ love , bunny
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anonymousewrites · 2 months
Adolescent Antichrist (Book 5) Chapter Twelve
Father Figure! Lucifer Morningstar x Teen! Reader
Demon! OC x Reader
Chapter Twelve: I’ve Never Been Anyone’s Blessing
Summary: Lucifer and (Y/N) finally have a talk about what (Y/N) found in his desk the day he left.
            (Y/N) screamed as Dan fired the gun. The bullet hit Lucifer, and he fell. Shadows ripped up from the ground and threw Dan back. Chloe let out a fearful cry as Lucifer hit the ground, and (Y/N) rushed to his side.
            “Dad?!” they said, tears collecting in their eyes. Their lungs constricted in fear, and they felt their anxiety going through the roof in a way it hadn’t in months. With Chloe around, he was vulnerable, he could be hurt, he could be hurt, he could be gone, (Y/N) couldn’t handle that, no, no, no—
            “(Y/N),” said Lucifer, sitting up. He grabbed their hands as they trembled. “(Y/N), (Y/N), breathe.”
            “I—You—” (Y/N) choked on their words as they struggled for air.
            “I’m alright. I’m alright,” said Lucifer, putting their hand on his chest to feel where the bullet had hit. No wound. No blood. “I’m here.”
            Chloe stared in shock. She had expected blood. She made him vulnerable. And then Chloe’s eyes went to how Lucifer held (Y/N)’s hand and took deep breaths. He was slowly calming them, getting them to breathe with him, loosening the pressure in their chest. Lucifer’s priority was his kid.
            And Chloe understood. Lucifer was vulnerable around her, but he wasn’t with (Y/N). He was invulnerable because he needed to be strong enough to protect his kid, and the parental instincts outweighed all others.
            If Chloe hadn’t been furious with Dan, she would have smiled at the pure, fatherly love Lucifer had for (Y/N). He truly loved them. Chloe didn’t care if her and his love didn’t make him vulnerable with (Y/N) present. She understood that your kid had to be your priority, and she was glad (Y/N) had someone who cared about them so deeply.
            “D-Dad,” sobbed (Y/N) as they took breaths with him, feeling his chest rise and fall with each one. “I thought—”
            “I know. I know,” said Lucifer. “I’m alright.” For once, he understood, too. He loved (Y/N) too much to be weak around them. He wanted to have the strength to protect them, and so, he did. “Breathe. In. Out. In out.” He held (Y/N) tightly as their shoulders slowly stopped shaking.
            Chloe whirled on Dan, who stared in shock and fear at Lucifer. “What the hell are you doing?!” She kicked the gun away from him as he stood from where the shadows had thrown him.
            “What am I doing?” said Dan. “What are you doing?! He’s the devil, and you’ve known about it all this time?!”
            So that’s what had triggered him shooting—finding out Lucifer was the devil. Once again, adults had the worst reactions to these facts.
            “I’ve never hidden my devil-ness from anyone,” said Lucifer, standing. He kept a firm hold on (Y/N), hugging them tight to ground them.
            “How’d you find out?” demanded Chloe.
            “I saw him that night!” said Dan. “With Amenadiel and Charlie. I came back, and I saw his—his freaking scary-ass red face.”
            “Well, I’m not particularly fond of your face, either, Daniel, but you don’t see me trying to kill you,” snapped Lucifer.
            “How am I the bad guy here, huh?!” cried Dan.
            (Y/N) faced him, an angry expression on their face as their anxiety and fear gave way to fury. “You tried to kill my dad!”
            “I’m trying to save the world!” shouted Dan. “I’m trying to save my daughter and everyone I care about from him!”
            Chloe took a deep breath. “Okay, Dan, I understand.” She really did. She had gone through the same realization and nearly participated in sending Lucifer to Hell permanently. “I get it, and, when I first learned about…who he is, I didn’t handle it well, either. But he’s not what the world makes him out to be. He’s a good person.”
            Dan spluttered.
            “He is,” said Chloe firmly. She gestured to Lucifer holding (Y/N). “And just like you, he’s a good father. And despite your differences, I think you know that. You know that.”
            Dan groaned, head spinning in confusion, and he stumbled back. “This is crazy!” He got to the elevator and stared at all of them in panic. “It’s crazy! You’re all-You’re all crazy!”
            “Dan, where are you going?!” said Chloe, worried about what he might do in this state—to others or himself.
            “I’m not going to shoot anybody else if that’s what you’re worried about, okay?” said Dan. “I just need to get the hell away from him!”
            Chloe swallowed. “Shit. He’s supposed to pick up Trixie from the sitter. I should get to her first and take her to my mom’s until he cools down.” She turned to look at Lucifer and (Y/N). “I’m really sorry, but I have to go.”
            “Don’t apologize,” said Lucifer. “Go and get your kid.” He held his own. He knew he couldn’t lose them, and he know how much Chloe would be worried about Trixie, even if she knew Dan would never hurt her.
            “Thank you,” said Chloe, nodding to Lucifer and (Y/N). As soon as the elevator arrived again, she ran into it and left.
            Lucifer looked at (Y/N), who was stilling breathing slightly shakily. “Are you feeling a bit better? Do you something? Music, weighted blanket, your noise-canceling headphones?” He was running through all the stimulation tools he knew could ground (Y/N) after such an intense moment. “Should I get Emeranne instead of me?”
            “N-No, I’m alright,” said (Y/N), carefully breathing in and out. “I’m alright.” They swallowed. “I just-I couldn’t see you like that—I thought—” Their breath hitched again, and their eyes moved wildly.
            Lucifer felt them tremble again and instantly guided them towards the couch. He sat them down so that they wouldn’t fall if their legs gave out. “Breathe. I’m here. I’m here.” He refused to let them spiral again. “Listen to me: I’m here. Can you tell yourself that?”
            “You’re here,” repeated (Y/N).
            “I’m alive,” said Lucifer.
            “You’re alive,” whispered (Y/N).
            “You’re here,” said Lucifer.
            “I’m here.”
            “We’re both alright.”
            “We’re both alright.” (Y/N)’s head stopped spinning again, and their breaths felt deeper, less shallow.
            “We’re okay.”
            “We’re okay,” whispered (Y/N).
            “I’m not leaving you,” said Lucifer, holding their hand tightly.
            “You’re not leaving me,” said (Y/N). They relaxed and leaned into him.
            “I’m not,” said Lucifer, smiling and holding them to him. “I’m not. Because you’re my kid. And I’m your dad. And we’re family. We’re not leaving each other behind.”
            “…Promise?” whispered (Y/N).
            “I promise,” said Lucifer, and he didn’t lie.
            “Even after you had to go to Hell?” (Y/N) was afraid of the answer. Yes, he was back and said he was there to stay, but what if something else happened and he had to?
            “I’m never doing that again,” said Lucifer. “I’m staying with you.” He chuckled. “You’re stuck with me. Because you’re my kid and I love you, (Y/N).”
            (Y/N) smiled slightly. “I love you, too, Dad.” Their smile fell, and they held his arm tightly. “I…I’m sorry for saying I hated you when you left. I don’t—I can’t—I don’t hate you.”
            “I know,” said Lucifer. “You were just upset.” He would never hold that against them.
            “I really missed you,” whispered (Y/N).
            “I know. I missed you too,” said Lucifer, hugging them tightly. Being without them had hurt more than words could express. He was grateful to be back with them.
            “I…” (Y/N) swallowed, anxiety clenching their lungs again. But the words wanted to get out. “I found something in your room.”
            Lucifer looked at them.
            “After you left, I, uh, broke some stuff…” said (Y/N) guiltily. “And I found some papers…”
            Lucifer stared at them as he remembered precisely what he had put in his side table drawer. “The adoption papers,” he said quietly.
            (Y/N) nodded, and their heart felt like it was about to burst in fear and exhilaration. “I…Do you want me as a kid? Legally? Forever?”
            Lucifer smiled at them. “You are my kid. This would just make the world recognize it.”
            (Y/N)’s heart lit up. “You still want to…adopt me?”
            “Of course,” said Lucifer, smiling. “If you said yes, I’d adopt you in a heartbeat.”
            “I…I want you to adopt me,” said (Y/N). “You’re my dad. I want everyone to know it.”
            Lucifer smiled widely. “Then I’m going to adopt you. You’re my family.”
            “You’re mine,” said (Y/N), hugging him tightly.
            Lucifer hugged them back.
            Finally, finally, they’d be “officially” family—in the eyes of the law. Lucifer and (Y/N) were already father and kid. Nothing could change that. This would just make sure that they would never be separated. Everyone would know they were family. It just added another level to their familial relationship.
            “I love you, (Y/N),” said Lucifer to his kid.
            “I love you, Dad,” said (Y/N) to their father.
            (Y/N) stood anxiously in the meeting room as Lucifer finished getting the papers from their social worker. When the two entered the room again, (Y/N) was nearly exploding with nervous, excited energy.
            “So, you two are ready for this next step?” said (Y/N)’s case worker.
            (Y/N) and Lucifer nodded instantly, both ready to tear the papers from her hands and sign them.
            “Well, we’ve done the checks with both of you to make sure you’re making the best decision and not feeling pressured into it, and everything is as good as it can be.” The social worker smiled. “You two are clearly already family, and this just makes it legally acknowledged.”
            To anyone, even just a social worker, it was clear that (Y/N) and Lucifer were father and child. It was only biology that disagreed, and that didn’t matter to the heart.
            She set the papers down in front of (Y/N) and Lucifer and slid a pen towards them. Lucifer grabbed it quickly and signed. (Y/N) nearly tore the pen from his hands and signed their name.
            The social worker smiled, picked up the papers, and walked to the door. “Congratulations.” She left to file the papers and give the family a moment.
            (Y/N) and Lucifer looked at each other, and wide smiles appeared on their faces. (Y/N) stood and launched themself at Lucifer. He caught them and hugged them tightly.
            “I love you, Dad,” said (Y/N), feeling tears nearly spring to their eyes.
            “I love you, too,” whispered Lucifer. “So, so, so much. I’m so glad you’re my kid. I’m so lucky to have you.” He held them close to him and closed his eyes. “You’re my blessing.”
            (Y/N)’s eyes widened before tears finally began to run down their cheeks.
            They were his blessing. He never spoke about God or religion favorably, but they were his blessing.
            I’ve never been anyone’s blessing.
            Even their parents thought of them as nothing but a burden. But Lucifer loved them.
            He was blessed to have them.
            (Y/N) sobbed for joy, and Lucifer held them tightly, enveloping (Y/N) in all the love they deserved.
            (Father/N) sat in his cell, staring at the guards walk by. For years, it had been the exact same thing—eat his meals, go the yard, return to his cell. He was sullen and alone, his entire reputation and life ruined because that stupid brat didn’t keep their mouth shut to protect the family.
            (F/N) gritted his teeth as he thought about (Y/N). They were a disgrace to the (L/N) family. And they had gotten him, his wife, and his brother put into jail…If (F/N) got out—when, because his lawyers would get him out eventually on parole—(Y/N) would pay.
            The lights went out, but the fury remained as a flame in (F/N)’s chest.
            “You seem upset,” said a southern voice.
            (F/N) jumped. He whirled and let out a shout as he spotted a man with grey-black wings standing before him.
            “Lucifer!” hissed (F/N), half in fear and half in anger. “How—what—”
            “I am Michael.” He held up his hands. “And I am here to offer you a great calling.”
            “…What?” (F/N) was barely comprehending that this was an angel, and now Michael was asking for him to join a great calling. “I don’t—”
            “I can free you from this prison, and you can right all the wrongs in your life,” said Michael with a wide, benevolent smile.
            “I have never done anything wrong,” hissed (F/N).
            “Exactly,” said Michael. “This is righting what has gone wrong.”
            (F/N) swallowed. “Why would an angel want to help me?”
            “Because I need someone taken care of. And you want the same,” said Michael, smiling.
            “What?” said (F/N).
            “I want to destroy Lucifer’s life. He put you in jail, so I can assume you want the same,” said Michael. Then, he leaned in slightly. “And he is fostering your child, the one who betrayed you.”
            (F/N)’s gaze hardened with anger, and, all at once, his disbelief at the supernatural being real disappeared at the reminder of what (Y/N) had done. “I get revenge?”
            “Revenge? Oh, no, this is destroying Lucifer. This is righteous.” Michael grinned widely.
            “…I’m in,” said (F/N).
            “Perfect,” said Michael. His wings extended. “I will collect you when the time is right.”
            (F/N) opened his mouth, but Michael’s wings flapped, and he disappeared.
            Michael landed on a hill overlooking Los Angeles. He had spoken to (F/N) and then with (Mother/N). Both of the humans were on board with destroying Lucifer and (Y/N). They despised that (Y/N) had gotten them put into jail.
            Of course, they assumed they were just getting revenge and killing the pair in a righteous act—humans were so easily swayed that way—but Michael had even more planned. If (Y/N) were to become unstable and lose control of their abilities, it could kill them…it could kill so many things, and that would destroy Lucifer. That was what Michael desired.
            Michael smirked. It was time for the Antichrist to call forth the Apocalypse and die.
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yourbelgianthings · 8 months
if you look in the mirror and don’t like what you see
a trans man! devo fic, about two pages, tw deadnaming and misgendering, some angst vibes but also hopeful (yes the title is from the end. shhhh)
Devotion. He never wanted to hear that word again. It wasn’t even a proper name, and it certainly wasn’t his name. The water outside the dome of Founder’s Wake was still dark when Devo left. Physically leaving had been easy, the parish did not lock its main door in case anyone needed help or shelter in the night. “Help from the parish” was an oxymoron to Devo. Mentally, it was another story. No matter what had happened to him behind those doors, the Benevolent Parish was the only home he had ever known, and the mysterious expanse of Founder’s Wake before him held its own kind of fear. Now though, the fear of the unknown was preferable to the pain of the familiar.
He knew of only one other person who had left the parish: Brother Seldom. His name came up occasionally, but only in disapproving whispers.
“Who cares if Guidance or Orlean didn’t respect him, though?” Devo thought. “I get to choose now.” That realization was both exhilarating and terrifying. So, Devo eventually managed to find the school in the Ballast after hours of getting lost and wandering. His heavy legs and equally heavy heart collapsed onto the front step and everything went black.
As he slowly came to, he heard muffled concerned voices: “the hand of devotion?” “How did she get here?” “...trouble with the parish...” A kind looking elderly man who Devo could only assume to be Brother Seldom approached him and asked, “Devotion? What are you doing here? Did Guidance send you?” Devo just screamed “NO!” and broke down sobbing. Seldom did not push any further, he waited until Devo’s tears slowed, although they still did not cease, before taking his hand and leading him to a bedroom.
“You just stay here as long as you need, okay? Someone will bring you dinner if you aren’t up for sitting with us yet.”
Devo nodded and closed the door a little harder than was necessary. He flopped down onto the bed and screamed into the pillow until his throat hurt. The pain was grounding, it kept him from drifting away into nothingness. As he rolled over on the bed, a desk in the corner of the room caught his eye, so he got up to look through the drawers and found a pair of scissors. They were delightfully plain, just steel blades with gray handles. The whole room was like that, functional, cozy, but unadorned. It was a sight for sore eyes, Devo needed a break from everything being gold and marble like the parish was.
He picked up the scissors and turned to the mirror, pulling on the blue ribbon that held his bun in place, allowing his dark hair to cascade past his shoulders. Honestly, Devo didn’t mind the idea of having longer hair, maybe like a short ponytail, but he hated how Guidance made him keep it down his shoulder blades and especially when she would style it for holidays or special occasions like he was her fucking doll. Whatever, he just knew he needed to do this now, he had to look like Devo and not Devotion or he would break down even more. Devo hummed a Benevolence hymn unconsciously to himself as he trimmed his hair in the mirror, and then began to cut off longer and longer chunks. For once that day, he did not cry, he smiled. He looked in the mirror and finally saw Devo.
Rummaging through the desk drawer again, he found some parchment and ink, and wrote a note that simply said: “I am a man and my name is Devo. Guidance did not send me and I will never be going back to the Parish” which he slid under the door. Devo was not ready to speak yet, he was still overwhelmed, and from his training as an orator, so often he had been told what to say to accomplish something that was not a goal he chose. The silence filled the room and nestled around Devo, wrapping him in gentle comfort, reassuring him that he could take all the time he needed to find his own voice. Exhausted from the scariest yet most empowering night of his life, Devo drifted into a deep and quiet sleep.
That is how Brother Seldom found him when he arrived with a bowl of fish stew. Upon receiving no response when he knocked, Seldom gently opened the door and picked up the note on the ground. He suddenly understood Devo’s earlier reaction, since he had unknowingly managed to say the two worst possible things. As Seldom looked at the sleeping young man, he was glad that Devo had managed to find the school, since they were the only two people in Founder’s Wake who had ever shared the position of leaving the parish clergy. A sense of responsibility overtook him, he wanted to make sure Devo had what he needed to make his own decisions. Perhaps one day he would find a new cause to devote himself to, but for now, he just needed to rest, and Brother Seldom was not going to wake him up.
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pandorascripts · 1 year
pairing: poison ivy x reader
warnings: mediocre angst, proofread once.
note: wrote this at like twelve last night. I just need to get something out lmao. I’m going to start writing a bit more DC stuff until I get get my spark back. Currently writing another Ivy fic based on the comic, Harleen.
The door creaks as you slowly open it, peeking in. Pamela’s mixing green and purple liquids, mumbling to herself as they bubble and ooze. 
“Hey, what are you doing? It’s, like, three am,” you say. 
“I’ll be up soon, just need to do a couple more things.” 
You frown, never knowing Pamela to not look you in the eye when she’s speaking. 
“Alright.” You turn to head out, leaving her to her work. “Love you.”
You close the door, swallowing harshly. This is ridiculous, it’s been going on for months now. The neglect, the off-handed responses to meaningful statements, and it hurts. It hurts so much, and you swear to God you can feel your heart shattering. 
You blink a coup times, rubbing at them. 
 Why are you crying? She’s got more important things than you, you know that.
You walk up the wooden steps, but stop short. You’re way too tired to climb up another flight just to get to your room. Curling up on a way-too-short step, you let yourself weep. 
The step above you digs into your shoulder every time you let out a sob, but you don’t adjust. The pain somehow grounds you, keeping you from actually bawling your eyes out. Your hand sits in your mouth, stifling what should have been louder cries. You don’t care about the bite marks that will be there tomorrow. 
Pamela didn’t come up to bed that night, not did she bother to put you in an actual room. 
You’re thinking about leaving, ditching Pamela in the night. You cant go on like this, but you’re way too worried to confront her about her behavior. She’ll just put you off, gaslight you and tell you you’re just being dramatic. 
You want her to notice your bruised hand, you want her to notice your puffy eyes the next morning, you want her notice your pain. 
She doesn’t. 
She ignores you all day again, sitting in her lab and talking to her plants. You know she loves those things more than you, she used to tell you that she loved you more. It’s a lie. It always has been. 
You open the door to her lab again, forgetting to knock. 
The creak of the door must’ve thrown her off, because the next thing you know Pamela’s cursing and yelling. Things are spilling over her desk, papers are soaked and burning. 
“Pam! Oh my God! I’m so—“
“Get out!” she yells, pulling her hair as she finally faces you. “GO!”
You close the door with a slam, mortified. Pamela’s never yelled at you before. She knows you hate it, you hate arguing and screaming, she knows what your past was, and she promised to never yell. It was a mutual agreement, and even when you both made each other upset, it didn’t last long. You’d both apologize and talk about it, get over what was causing bumps and come out stronger. You didn’t know if you’d make it out of this one. 
You can still her Pamela yelling, things smashing against the door your head is lain on. 
“I’m sorry,” you whisper, and after that, the only noise you hear is her yelling and your own tears hitting the floor. 
Your knees give out and you slide against bumpy and splintered wood. Your face is soaking, tears painting an ugly portrait on your face. 
As your sobbing against the door, the only thing you can think of is leaving. And right now, it seems like the smart thing to do. 
You don’t bother Pam for the next week, you leave her to be in the greenhouse, actively skirting around her when she leaves for her lab. You don’t like being like this— awkward strangers. For God’s sake, you’ve been dating for five years, you know her inside and out. But she feels different, unstable. It scares you, mortifies you. You don’t know what she’s capable when she’s like this, and you don’t know if you want to find out. 
The letter you write is long, it takes up two full pages of paper, and your handwriting is neat. The only thing screwing it up are the copious amounts of wet spots, which smear the ink. You place the note on her side of the nightstand, and start grabbing essentials. You take everything you can think of, everything that seems important. 
You don’t realize your crying until your vision is completely blurry, but still, you push onwards. You grab a couple sweaters and a couple pairs of jeans. You don’t fold them, instead slamming them into a suitcase as you zip it up. 
“What are you doing?”
Everything stops. Your hand, the loud zipper, your breathing, even your tears don’t flow anymore. It’s like everyone’s waiting, waiting and waiting for Pamela to understand. You take in a shaky breath, finishing the zipper. “Leaving.” 
You don’t turn to face her, instead you pretend to do more with the suitcase, checking empty pockets and extra compartments. You hear her footsteps getting closer and closer and closer, her hand rests on your shoulder. You still don’t face her, you can’t. The moment you look at her you’re screwed, you’ll melt into her and fall into the same pattern. It cant happen. 
“Stop. Please.”
Another hand rests on your other shoulder, slowly turning you around. Pamela looks so heartbroken, and you let out a sob. It’s useless to fight her, you can’t, you’ve never been good at sticking up for yourself. She tucks your head into her shoulder, apologizing from some stupid thing that doesn’t even matter. Pamela cant even figure out what she was doing wrong, she’s reaching, apologizing for yelling, as if the months of emotional neglect aren’t a problem. 
“I’m so tired, Pam.”
You know she’d be crying if wasn’t stopping herself, the last thing either of you wants is you to be covered in bubbling blisters. 
“I’m sorry.”
You don’t bother trying to correct her, to tell her that you miss her. How could you? She’s always there, she’s never not fifteen feet away from you. You cant miss her. But still, you do. 
“I miss you,” you cry out, repeating it over and over again. 
“Hey, hey, hey, I’m right here, okay? I’m right here.” Her voice is soothing, lulling you into hopeful security. It isn’t until your eyes are drooping shut, you’re breathing heavy and loud, that you realize what she’s doing. 
You don’t know what time it is, how long you’ve slept, or where you are, but it doesn’t matter, because the familiar scent of spring wraps around you like a blanket, and you sigh. Everything feels right, a sense of calm eases you, and you really can’t remember what you were so upset about last night. 
“Morning,” Pamela whispers. 
You feel her hand slide up to your shoulder and her chin softly pressing into your head. This is right, everything is okay. 
You mumble back an obscured “G’morning” and bury yourself deeper into her. 
Her chest shakes as she laughs lightly, and you grumble in protest from the movement. 
“Can we just stay here?” you ask, threading your hand in her hair as you do so. 
“I wish, but we’ve got plans, darling.”
You grumble, clearing annoyed. “Yeah but this is so much better.”
Pamela starts playing with your hair, careful not to tangle it. You feel happy at this, happy that she remembers how bad your bed head is. 
“It is.”
“So we can stay here?”
Pamela starts laughing again, her chin rubbing against your head as she shakes her own. “No.”
“Plans, shlamsh! We don’t need to go anywhere.”
“I suppose we don’t need to, but we should. Selina and Harley are waiting on us, though.”
“They’ll entertain each other just fine without us.”
A moment of silence passes through the two of you, each taking in the thought of those two alone together. 
“Yeah we need to leave.”
“Oh God, why did I tell them to wait for us?” Pamela asks, you don’t need to see her face to know she’s mortified. 
“Selina’s probably at Harley’s throat about now. You told her not to bring those mutts right?”
No response. 
“No…. I figured it would be common sense!”
“Harley doesn’t have common sense! She has Harley sense! She probably brought Bud and Lou!”
“We really need to leave, darling.”
Pamela’s up and out of the bed, dressed in a green blouse and black shorts before you even know it. You get up too, looking to the end of the bed. Frowning, you unzip the suitcase. 
“I-I’m sorry, Pam. I don’t know what I was thinking last night. It was stupid, really.”
Pamela closes the suitcase, handing you a sweater of hers and a pair of leggings. 
“It’s my fault, I shouldn’t have yelled.”
You nod your head, still taking the blame. Pamela smiles, giving you a kiss on the cheek. 
The first kiss you’ve gotten from her in months. 
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qtssvnwoo · 2 years
Green Texts-Hwang Hyunjin
warning: spelling mistakes cause I can’t see through my tears. Mentions of death and animal death
a/n: I am being so serious when i say i cried making this. Like so many tears my keyboard is soaking rn. Also L/n means last name. and italicised is texts. 
word count: 1.1k
Tumblr media
Lovey: JINNIE!! I'm on my way!! I’ll be over in like five minutes :3
 Hyunjin smiled at your text, excited to finally see you after about a month or so. He looked around the house before you arrived, making sure everything was in place and well kept before he sat down on the couch and anxiously tapped on his knees.
  Five minutes slowly turned into ten, then twenty, then thirty. Hyunjin started to worry as he looked at his phone, he had texted you and called you about a million times. He paced around nervously, trying to talk himself down and rationalize. Maybe it was terrible traffic? Or maybe you forgot something at home and had to turn back. 
 He finally had enough when he picked up his phone to call you, jumping slightly when his phone started ringing in his hands. He stared at the unknown number before reluctantly picking it up.
  “Yes, hello is this Hwang Hyunjin?” The women on the other end asked.
  “Uhm yes, it is. Who is this?” 
  “I’m sorry for the abrupt call but you seem to be Y/n L/n’s emergency contact..” 
 Hyunjin ran into the hospital faster than his legs could carry him, he ran up to the front desk, breathlessly asking for the room you were hopefully in. The nurse told him to take a minute to calm down, and that you were still in surgery. The nurse pointed him in the direction of the waiting room and had him sit down while he waited for you.
  Hyunjin nervously tapped his knees, awaiting your arrival once again. The doctor walked into the waiting room and looked at Hyunjiin with a smile. Hyunjin got up quickly to meet the doctor halfway and bowed before asking the doctor the question he was dreading to ask.
  “How are they? Are they okay?” He waited for the doctor's response, while the doctor just stared blankly at him before taking off his cap and looking down.
  “We did everything we could. I’m sorry for your loss.” The doctor saw the look in Hyunjin’s eyes and decided it was best to just leave him to process the information. 
  “Oh, thank you.” 
  Truly, for Hyunjin it didn’t process till he had gotten home. Closing the door behind him and taking off his shoes. He looked around the dark house, at how nice it looked, how nice he had made it look, for you. He felt his throat close up and he fell to his knees, finally processing the fact that you were gone. You weren’t coming back. He would never see your smile again, he would never hear your laugh or taste your cooking again. He would never be able to give you the ring he had bought you. 
  He gripped at his shirt, trying to hold his heart as he felt it sink down to the depth of his stomach, it broke, into tiny, unsalvageable pieces, pieces that would be lost forever and could never be put back together. 
  Hyunjin didn’t know what to do, so he screamed. He screamed for you, he screamed at whatever god was listening, he just screamed. He knew you were never coming back and the pain that thought left him. 
  After a while he lost his voice, the sobs taking over as he took his phone out of his pocket. He tapped on your contact and slowly lowered the rest of his body to the ground. 
 Please come back. 
  He typed and sent the message, as he watched it deliver. He sighed and went to his photos, hot tears streamed down his face as he curled himself up in a ball and watched the same videos of you smiling and laughing over and over, afraid he would forget what you sounded like, afraid he would forget the smell of your favorite perfume, afraid he would forget everything about you as he laid on the floor, slowly drowning himself in his own self-pity and hatred.
I’m trying out for that kpop group. 
The one you told me I should try out for? Yeah 
I’m doing it for you. 
Y/n guess what! I debuted! 
Its a group called stray kids. 
I know you would’ve liked it.
-March 25th, 2018
Hi lovey, I just wanted to say happy anniversary!! 
It would have been a year today, can you believe that! 
I meet you when we were younger, 
but I wish I really had taken those moments more seriously.
I miss you so much.
-June 18th, 2019
Hey Y/n, it's been a year since you died. 
You would be so proud of me, and I know you would listen to all our songs.
I know you’re watching over me, but I just wish you were watching over me 
from on earth, and not in heaven. 
- June 21st, 2019 
We got our first win! 
It was for MIROH. 
I have a feeling that would’ve been your favorite song.
-March 25th, 2020
You remember my childhood dog right? He died.
You loved him so much, and I know you would’ve held me right now. 
But I also know you’re taking good care of him up in heaven
Keep doing what you’re doing lovey
-December 21st, 2020
Two years ago today was when you died.
I still miss you, so much… 
  Hyunjin didn’t get to finish his text before he saw that the first one her wrote had turned green. The green message he was dreading so much. He had found comfort in texting you even if you didn’t respond, even if the messages always said ‘delivered’ Hyunjin felt his heart drop once again as he say the green text, it broke him all over again as if the green text had meant that you had finally moved on and stopped listening to him.
  But, Hyunjin smiled as tears ran down his face and laid down on the couch, going through the gallery he had of you. He watched the same videos of you laughing and smiling over and over again cause this time he had truly forgotten the sound of your laugh, the way you looked when you smiled, the way your eyes glistened when you heard him sing, the way you danced and the way you sang. He forgot the smell of your favorite perfume, the way your lips curved slightly whenever his voice cracked. He forgot the way it felt to hold you and what it felt like to kiss you.
  But now, Hyunjin smiled and laughed as he watched over the memories he had saved of you two. He knew he would never find another you, he knew he would never see you again while he was still on the earth, but now he learned to accept it and at least try and move on. He would never forget you as a person, you had changed his life for the better, you were and still are his most important part of his life, even if you were dead.
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gogolstoelicker · 2 years
Could you do obey me with riddle like mc
You have a strong commitment to maintaining order amomg your peers. You made it your duty to uphold hundreds of rules, no matter how strange or insignificant they are. You could be strict and intimidating by the people around you because of this.
You unfortunately have the tendency to lash out at someone who disagree with your way of thinking, as you consider your values to be right no matter what. But you seemes to find a way to compromise now, instead of instantly punishing rule breakers.
a/n: hello I haven't been updating or even answering any asks and i am very sorry💀i may or may not forgot i wrote here so I'll try to make it up to my bbg /j and my tumblr family
btw why cant i space in tumblr anymore my god this looks so messy
you're officially the second in command in the house of lamentation
its usually who screams the loudest who will be in command that day
you're strict, he's strict
you gave scary punishment, lucifer gave scary punishment
no one dared to cross either of u in the devildom
its straight up one man for themselves once they saw the both of u
if y'all ever got into a fight, all of the brothers find a spot to hide
whether it be behind the couch, inside the oven, on the ceiling, they WILL save themselves first
because you both are SCARY when the other disagrees with the other
which, thankfully does not happen a lot bc yall have the same mindset sometimes💀
but when the fight did happen??? oh devildom someone save the wall it have a whole hole
even cerberus is in fear😰/j
but overall?? a powerful duo💪 both gave people enough reason to fear them
tho lucifer is kind of upset with u sometimes
not bc you're bad, no no
its because you're ACTUALLY rivalling him🤨😔he cant have someone being better than him yknow? his pride won't allow that
like you're smart and got 90+ on all ur exam papers???
suddenly lucifer is putting extra effort into his studies even tho he's smart enough
you're diligent and hardworking and always got praised by diavolo himSELF????
uh oh why is his work hours increasing😰😰
someone stop him before he marry his own desk
always got collared by you
well at least it's not lucifer punishing him this time😰
ur punishment is less scarier than lucifer's
still scary anyway
he usually dropped to the floor and sobbed whenever he got collared
not literally ofc
but then walked off to the casino a few minutes after like nothing happened with the collar on his neck
everyone in the casino that day: 🤨what kinky shit u doing⁉️
mammon: it's nOT-
hides his grades from u bc u absolutely will not tolerate any fails
failed miserably just like his grades
u knocked on his door and enter his room the next day with a thickass book
hes lowkey scared you're abt to knowledge whack him
until u tell him u personally read through every single book u can find that might help him and shorten them as best as you can into a book
and told him to memoriza everything inside
he cried
bc of two things
he did try at least
well a lil
sometimes he just gave up and go do his things again before he got caught by u
his grades lowkey improved tho pls be proud of him🥹😂
well u did encouraged him a little after that☺🙏‼️and with an almost whack of knowledge!!
got into ur hellish (literally) lessons on why he shouldn't stay in his room too much and avoid socializing
he is now sobbing
he doesn't really care bc he can do whatever he wants!!
he said that in a whisper yell voice so u can't really hear him
which leads him to another lesson on how and why he should speak up LMAO💀
he's on edge but he's trying not to piss u off so he just listens through everything
don't wanna be like a certain someone now right
lucifer is snickering at him btw
lucifer is leaning on his doorway and is watching everything
honestly he mostly avoids being in ur line of sight so u wouldn't mind him and hopefully and not hopefully forgot abt him!!^^
pls don't forget abt him he'll be sad but pls forget abt him so he'll be able to escape ur ways
as u can see, he is pretty conflicted
on one hand he loves those times you're more relaxed and is more willing to spend time and do the things he likes
but whenever its weekdays, my god😥
see its so bad he said god
you who just woke up seeing levi: good morning, its rare to see one of u up so early in the morning for school levi, who was about to go to sleep: uh-
frowning and stomping his feet when he first saw u bc why are u kind of like lucifer??!!@@!?!!?
one is enough, he doesn't need another one😡
kind of tolerates u
u can understand why he avoids u a lil but u did try to make an effort for him to warm up to u bc yall live in the same building
to "i still hate this person but only I get to hate on them"
its a love hate relationship
he loves having small debates with u
got mad when he loses and u have that smug look on ur face tho
same goes for the other way around
he may or may not have shared his fav books with u
u would find the time to read it even with how busy u are
bc it looks interesting + youre glad hes warming up to u a lil!!
idk what to write sorry yall
i havent been playing obey me for a while forgive this poor soul i can be a good discord kitten /JOKE
gushes about u so much
you're scary? too bad, not in his eyes!
insists on dressing u up every single day bc you're just too cute in his eyes that he can't resist
you're fine with him doing that as long as its not too flashy and is neat
you're not all that into fashion so u always just go to him for advice if theres anything u need help with
he have shiny eyes
he was also clutching his chest from the overwhelming happiness
one time he tried to gossip with u and u go "no, that is wrong"
he goes "😕🙄anyways so-"
he continued the gossip btw
u listened to him anyway bc its not like u can stop him💀
plus hes calling u boring bc of that so u just 🧍🏻‍♀️
if someone ever gave him a strawberry tart while hes on a diet, he'll just pass it to u
bc he said ur sparkly eyes🥺are totes adorbs he could not hold posting u on social media<3!!
pls don't cry bc of that part
doesn't care as long as u don't hurt nobody
u kind of tiny tho🤔or maybe he's just too tall
prolly mentioned it once and it got u going tomatoes
learned his lesson from that day onwards to never mention anything about your height
its ok u lowkey forgot abt it!!
/j u made remarks abt it here and there☺🙏‼️ofc not everyday, just when youre feeling a tiny weeny bitzy petty
beel is very helpful about everything tho!
u need help with that book that someone deliberately put up so high for the laughs? he got u
its like those kdramas moment
"is this what u wanted?" hands touched, shiny screen, flowers everywhere, slowmo, music playing
as thanks u helped him with his workout
which is literally him doing pushups with u on his back reading a book
sometimes u join him on those workouts bc u need a balance between studies and sports‼️
beel tried his best to uh😅lay down a bit for ur sake😅
like sure he can do 100586496 pushups but that doesn't mean u can and hes honestly worried abt u pushing urself💀
speaking of pushing urself, if he ever saw u so busy with ur studies and the shenanigans around devildom, he'll give u a half-eaten strawberry tart
he tried not to eat it on the way but no promises yknow😚☺
u thanked him for it anyway KSKAKSNS
look at this tiny chihuahua on the other side of the bars im in😂😂😂
he said that to himself
bc he knows he would ruin his chances of having u pull him outta the ceilint???? wtf was he in again????? if u heard that
how he even got u to go up there when you follow the rules so much?$!$??? idk but he do him ig
"mind ur own business and never go up there" "oh ok my bad"
and then the end he never got out
its ok i'd like to ignore that possibility and make u go up for plot reasons
i have no plots actually im just telling u to go up there
honestly i dont think he'll be able to kill u??????5"5???
because like
imagine trying to hug the homie to death and bro just pulled out a book worth of hundreds of rules and flipped to page where it said no touching before marriage💀
could probably whack him with that same book if he tried anything too so!!☺
im giving how to escape belphegor's death hug tips
plus you're a mage(?)!!!😂🙏‼️you'll survive!!
after all that shenanigans you absolutely does not approve of how he live his life
why are u sleeping on the floor!?!?!!!??? GRT UP
belphie after he have to deal with both u and Lucifer:
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