#once again i force a convergence with two of my headcanons
silverskye13 · 2 years
Etho stumbled onto the beach, tired, sore, hungry, and one moment of weakness away from calling Tango and begging for mercy. Sure, the whole exile thing had been his idea. Sure, it had all gone downhill at approximately the same intervals he thought it would. And sure, he'd feel really, really stupid for making Tango help him dig himself into this hole only to whine to be dug out again, but who could blame him? Life in exile was hard.
Everything that could possibly go wrong had gone wrong, he couldn't get a moment of peace with all the half-panicked villagers milling around, and his gear was half busted. There were raids too. Death after death to vexes and evokers lost in the caverns. Dragging himself through mud and water and gravel just to trudge back up to the villager bell and have no clue where the final raiders were. Ravagers pitching him off the cliff at every other turn...
Etho sighed dramatically and sprawled out in the sand, letting himself sink body and soul into self pity and misery. His communicator was a brick in his pocket, taunting him with its presence. It stuck to his thigh with the uncomfortable, matted grasp of wet fabric. He was well and truly soaked after his last climb through the caverns, and his clothes clung to him like a second skin, salted with sweat and blotted with blood from cuts and scrapes. A crossbow bolt, broken at the shaft, pinned his belt against his chainmail. The tip of the bolt pricked him uncomfortably, worrying the bruise that had formed around its impact; though it was rendered nonlethal by the stubborn mail he was wearing, it still hurt. Laying in the sand like he was, he was just adding more grit to the mix, more minor inconveniences to add straws of weight to the almost-broken back of his resistance. More to scrub and clean and dwell on later, while he contemplated giving up.
The sky above was cloudless and brimming with stars.
Etho watched the tiny points of light flicker, and mapped the planets that didn't. His single player world was up there somewhere. So were all the other Hermitcrafts he'd been to - and those he hadn't. It was weird knowing he could chart his presence in the universe with points of light. There had been a long time, before so many worlds formed and fought into being, that he had charted his existence by thoughts and impulses and idle curiosity. Ethoslab - void first, player afterthought. He couldn't really pinpoint the moment he chose physicality, he only knew that he had, and had yet to un-choose it.
There was so much more of him. He was so much bigger than this little peninsula of shoreline. So much bigger than pesky ravagers, peskier villagers. He could give up and just recede back up there into the stars, bid farewell to Season 9. He'd started late anyway. Imposed a barrier he had too much trouble crossing. No one would blame him if he simply unspooled himself into the aether and rested for a while. For a season. Maybe two. The hermits were understanding like that. It was one of the things that made them mortal - the ability to empathize and understand.
Not that Etho couldn't do either of those things. It just took effort, like climbing uphill through a water stream. Like running from waves of vex summoned by a hidden evoker. He thought maybe his exile would help with that: the effort to pretend to be mortal. The effort to understand things the way they did, relate the way they did. To enjoy their company the way they enjoyed his.
No one would blame him if he decided he was too tired. They couldn't. It wasn't in their nature.
Etho blinked up at his stars, his universe, the pieces of him he'd left behind places where he tried his hardest to be player first, void second. He should make a decision. He should reach into his pocket and call Tango. Or he should drag himself to his feet and soldier on.
Or he could just sleep on the beach here. Sure he'd wake up cold and sandy, but hey, the sound of the waves was nice. It was a steady rhythm, the water muttering incomprehensible secrets to the sand and shells. He timed his breathing with the rolling surf, watched the sky, and tried to live in a single moment. His skin itched where it touched the sand. His scalp crawled where the water in his hair dried. He closed his eyes and sighed, bearing his discomforts as best he could.
He didn't fall asleep. He was lulled to the edge of it, maybe. His breath evened out. His thoughts spun towards nonexistence. His body was weighted with the feeling of sinking through the ground, through his subconscious into comfortable oblivion. Then, with every rush of the waves, wakefulness returned for him like a stray dog - meandering and lazy, but brutally persistent.
He was dragged awake alongside the presence of... something. He couldn't place it at first, so hazy in his exhaustion that he measured it as his own wakefulness at first. As he sat up in the sand though, he found whatever it was out there was distinct from himself. It was a great unspooling of something, a system of thought and presence in the water. The horizon was alight with it, a pale pseudo-sunrise that pulsed like heat rays off the surface of the water. Its consciousness brushed his, extended as he had been, and he felt the edges of something vast, fathomless, deep and drowning. It was cold in that crushing way the depth of the ocean is cold, a sunless dark smothered by water and distance, alight only by the predatory longing to feed. It was sharp-toothed, patient as a mountain in the breath before an avalanche, and when it brushed by him, it grinned.
The waves arced higher, roared, raced and crashed. White sea foam curled up the beach towards him, electrified by the thought and will that compelled it. Brightly colored fish, tinged silver-grey by the night, darted from them, roiling the water in great pulses and ripples. Entire schools of them fled the water, leaping into the sky as though driven by some great predator, backlit by that yellow phosphorescence in the deep that Etho recognized as eyes. Dozens of gazes trained in his direction, their lights spilling together. The sea boiled. The thing was nearing the shore. As it approached, it made itself familiar. Dark depths of frigid presence condensed and warmed themselves. Bright eyes winked out one after another until only two remained, unsettlingly bright, but human in their proportion. The crashing waves soothed, returning to a gentle rolling against the shore, and with each beat forward, they pulled this thing, now a him, towards dry land. 
xB crawled out of the water with all the clumsy effort and strength of the first amphibians sniffing for shore in the times before history. His clothes were soaked. His hair was streaked with sand and kelp. His hands were planted firmly in his pockets. If not for all the sea water, and the hint of scales and gills like lace around his throat, he could have just strolled out of a building in the shopping district.
"Hullo," xB said anticlimactically, grinning with teeth that looked as though they couldn't decide how human they should be. They were situated in simple, straight rows, but the gums were too pale, and the white bone too sharp. 
"Hey xB," Etho squinted his eyes, the closest to a smile he had to get with the mask on. It saved him the effort of trying to figure out how to arrange his face for human interaction. "Out fishing?"
xB chuckled, tilting his head to the side to let some trapped water out of his ear. It was just a few more indistinguishable drops to add to the damp ring of sand around his feet. "Maybe. You out star gazing?"
"I'm in exile."
"Ah. I see. So that’s why you’re so far out here,” xB shook his head, scattering water and sand from his hair. If the action was meant to dry him at all, it didn’t help. He sat down beside Etho, and the smell of salt and fish misted off of him in waves. “Should I leave?”
“I feel like you’re not going to,” Etho chuckled, laying back in the sand. He crossed his arms behind his head and gazed up at the sky, re-charting points of light he’d already mapped a thousand times in his head. “What brings you all the way out here?”
“I needed a vacation,” xB sighed and stretched, and bones that hadn’t existed a few minutes ago popped and cracked along his spine. “I love all those guys dearly, really I do, but they’re all so…” He trailed off, trying to find the right words. Finally he settled on, “... human.”
Etho nodded.
“They move too fast, and they work too big,” xB explained, as though he had to. “There’s so much emotionality going on there. I needed to just be…” he gestured vaguely to the ocean, conveying some other indescribable thing he was having trouble putting into words, “... you know. For a little while.”
“I get it,” Etho hummed, blinking skyward. He and xB were a lot alike, all things considered. The deep ocean and its half-life sentience, and the void and its time-damned knowingness, felt similar from time to time. To sensitive hands, both ice and liquid nitrogen felt cold. There were generous differences between the two things, but cold wasn’t one of them. “Well, don’t stop on my account.”
“I’m stopping on my account,” xB chuckled, even though there wasn’t much to laugh at. “I don’t wanna get lost in it, yanno? Ya’ll wouldn’t see me for the rest of the season.”
Etho nodded wordlessly. 
“Unless,” xB said slowly, smirking down at him with bright eyes, “that was a really subtle way of telling me to shove off.”
Etho feigned hurt, placing a hand over his chest and raising his eyebrows, “xB! I would never--”
“Oh I see right through you, spaceman,” xB laughed. “Putting the hermit in hermitcraft out here. I see how it is.”
xB didn’t move to stand, but then again, that was the nature of the ocean. The surf didn’t leave the cliff because it wanted some alone time. It dug in and chipped away, until it had all the bones of the earth powdered to sand. So xB didn’t leave, and Etho didn’t try to make him. The void was more of a watcher than an actor anyway, and he could outlast xB’s patience. That wasn’t a sea-void metaphor, that was just them.
“I’m guessing you’re out here for the same reasons I am, then?” xB pressed on, heedless of Etho’s silence. “It takes some adjustment, but the exile’s a little extreme. I prefer full immersion myself.”
“I thought about not joining,” Etho hummed, finding a planet to fix his eyes on. It was a vaguely reddish light in the sky. “I’m joining late as it is.”
“Better late than never?” xB remarked, testing the waters with him, trying to figure out what he needed to hear. Or maybe he was just trying to make conversation. It was an odd little language barrier between them - two strange consciousnesses, one of void one of sea, conversing through the only experience they shared, pretending to be human. It was a language neither of them were the best at, but they tried regardless. 
“It's hard, xB," Etho told him, like he needed the reminder. "My body is awkward, I hate pain, and you're right, they're all so much all the time. I'm nothing. So much of me is just distant points of light and quiet moments."
"You're an airhead," xB concluded for him inelegantly. 
Etho chuckled, "Only sometimes."
"Fill it with redstone then. You're good at that."
"Redstone burns," Etho told him. "I'm not ready to burn yet. I can barely do noise."
"Aren't stars loud?" xB asked him. "I feel like giant burning balls of gas are probably loud."
"Is the bottom of the ocean loud?"
xB tilted his head thoughtfully, like the question had never really occurred to him. "Define loud?"
"Human loud. Like noise."
"The bottom of the ocean probably just sounds like your eardrums bursting, then."
"The void is quiet until you touch something."
xB wrinkled his nose, "But you're always touching something."
"There's not enough something in the void to touch."
"Should be full of water."
"Water is rare."
xB hissed unpleasantly, a disgusted sound that he wasn't quite human enough to make normal. It sounded too much like the charge before a guardian strike. "Water is life."
"Life is rare, and we'd make some mortal philosophers cringe."
The two of them chuckled, because they were talking nonsense - two immortal things pretending they knew mortal concepts like life and rarity. It was funny; pleasantly distracting. It was a distraction that only lasted until they were silent. 
Etho looked up at the sky and sighed. “I don’t know what I’m going to do, xB.”
The sound of the ocean filled the silence between them, calm and steady without xB stirring it up. Etho could imagine it was xB’s heartbeat, constant and droning, an unstoppable rhythm. Etho didn’t have a heartbeat. The vibrations of the universe were random and distant, and many of them weren’t even his to claim. They were worlds and broadcasts, and advanced communicators sending data and coding across lightyears of distance. 
Etho allowed himself a moment to think, really, he was quite lonely. Even sitting beside someone he should have every reason to relate to. And if he had trouble even seeing bits of himself in xB, well, there really wasn’t much hope for him this season, was there? It was a gloomy thought, but it wasn’t a new one. Yes… maybe rest was his best option after all. Like starting a new day, just a few years from now. What was time, really, to someone made of timelessness? The hermits would understand.
“You ever stop and think how cool it is,” xB spoke slowly, gazing up at the sky, picking his words with the same care that astronomers identified planets, “that we live in a universe where, in its two darkest, most desperate places, there are stars?”
Etho sat up slowly, peering out at the ocean. He could see the stars in the sky reflected in smears of light on the water. He got the distinct feeling, though, that they weren’t what xB was talking about. "You mean starfish?"
xB nodded, smirking, like he was aware it was a bit ridiculous. "The deepest oceans I've ever swam, there have always been starfish. Like deep, deep down, where the water's so heavy it sits on your chest like it hates you. They crawl around down there, tenacious little guys. Almost as tenacious as stars making themselves in nebulas, and burning up and making worlds, and burning those up too."
Etho smiled, "Are you giving me a pep-talk, xB?"
"Oh definitely not. It's only a pep-talk if I walk enigmatically into the ocean afterwards," xB stood and stretched, loose sand falling from his clothes and dusting the top of Etho's head. "I'll see you in a few days then, when your exile is over?"
He asked it like it was a real question. Like he didn't already know the answer. Etho shrugged, "Maybe."
xB graced him with one more chuckle, followed by a lazy salute, "Good luck, Etho."
xB walked into the water, shedding his humanity with every step. It seemed less like he disappeared into the water and more like he diffused into it, a collection of thoughts and ideas that colored the surface like spilled oil before melting into the tide and vanishing. Etho watched the place he vanished, watched the breaking of dawn start to lighten the sky on the farthest horizon. One star, then two, then three disappeared into the sunlight. Etho sighed, stood, stretched out his back and felt every pop and ache in his spine as he did so.
"Tenacious as the stars, huh?" Etho asked the ocean in front of him.
He got back to work. 
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standfucker · 3 months
Koby & OC Headcanons for Anon
Characters: Koby, John (OC)
CW: none
For anon- I hope you find this satisfactory ^_^
Garp’s unit is stationed on an island’s Marine outpost for the month. In Koby’s precious little spare time, he sneaks out at night to train. He’s in the woods near the beach for hours, punching trees with all his might, unaware that he’s being watched.
John, meanwhile, is curious about the scrawny kid bloodying his fists under the moonlight, but he doesn’t approach him yet–he has a complicated relationship with the Marines, so he keeps his distance.
A week later, Koby gets separated from his squad in the maze-like town square of the island’s biggest city. Lost, he wanders into a back alley and is met with some huge, menacing ruffians keen to take advantage of a wayward Marine recruit. Koby’s attempt to talk them down swiftly fails, and they surround him, brandishing clubs and knives…
“Hey, Chore Boy,” says a new voice, and everyone’s head turns to see John. “When you throw a punch, try doing it like this.” He dashes forward, plants his foot, and decks the biggest gangster in the face, sending him flying down the entirety of the alley and through the nearest building.
The other gangsters are stunned, but quickly recover and rush the new guy. John draws back so his opponents are forced to converge, then plants his feet again, knees bent slightly, stance solid. He clenches his dominant fist, and bright, blue sparks crackle around his fingers.
”Blue Lightning!” He twists and throws the punch. There’s a flash upon impact, a small shockwave that has his opponents sailing through the air and landing with heavy thuds. All the men are knocked out. Koby just stares at the back of his savior, who takes in a breath before patting himself off and looking over his shoulder. “Did you see my form? Form’s important when you punch.”
-”Yes, I… wow, you were incredible! How did you do that?” Koby asks. John explains that he’s been training for a long time, and he saw how Koby was practicing on his own. John offers to give Koby some pointers the next time he trains, but first, how about getting shown his way around town?
They talk as John leads Koby back to where he needs to be, introducing themselves properly. The two immediately get along, already having some things in common with their pink hair and friendly demeanors. When they turn the right corner and see Koby’s unit in the distance, John stays where he is, not wanting to get close. “Go on ahead. I’ll meet you in the forest tonight.”
”I should introduce you to Garp! You deserve some recognition,” Koby says, but John politely refuses. Before Koby leaves, he adds, “you should think about enlisting! You would make a great Marine.” John’s expression changes, lips pressing together tightly. He gives Koby a forced smile and says he’ll think about it.
After that, they meet when Koby sneaks out. John teaches him any basics Koby hasn’t already learned, demonstrating proper stances and forms. Koby’s a fast learner, so they even get to some more advanced techniques. Koby builds enough confidence to try sparring. John’s clearly advanced far ahead of him, but goes easy, always explaining to Koby what mistakes he made and helping him improve.
While they take breaks, they talk. John leans about Koby’s time spent as a pirate’s prisoner and sympathizes–pirates took something from John, too, but he won’t elaborate. Koby learns that John’s childhood was largely spent constantly training with an overbearing, brutally tough father.
Eventually, Koby has to set sail. John shows up once the boat has just left port, waving him goodbye. Koby enthusiastically waves back, and Garp squints at John’s distant figure. “Eh? Who the hell is that?” “A friend I made on the island,” Koby answers. Garp takes out a spyglass to get a better look. His jaw drops.  “What the–that’s John!” “You know him?” “Know him? He’s Admiral Akainu’s son!” “WHAT?!”
John and Koby don’t meet again for months, until they run into each other on another island. Koby immediately unloads all the questions he’s been holding onto, namely why? John tells him to slow down, and brings him to his favorite local eatery first.
“I didn’t tell you because it wasn’t important,” John said. “As for why I’m not a Marine…I still haven’t decided if that’s the right path for me. It’s…it’s complicated. For now, I just travel around and hone my skills.”
Koby accepts this, not that he has too much choice–he’s just glad he won’t get in trouble for hanging out with John, unlike a certain other rubbery friend of his.
From there on, John and Koby run into each other every now and then whenever they both wind up on the same island. John’s always the one that finds Koby, spying on local Marines and utilizing Observation Haki to sense if he’s near so they can hang out and train.
As Koby gets stronger, their sparring grows more intense, their relationship going from friends to rivals. Each time, no matter how long it’s been since they’ve seen each other, they always reunite with a smile and a solid fistbump.
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bakugous-abs · 4 years
Ok so,, I'm not sure if this should be two separate asks but here goes - headcanon/scenario where a reader who has never really worked out her feelings crudely and unfiltered confesses to bakugou? How would he react? Does he know or have feelings for her too? Are they both super awkward or does he take the lead? Reader is a bit tsun and considers him a huge jerk so is really confused at how she also finds him hot. Possible scenario is during/after combat training? Much thankies :3
Enjoy!! I really liked this one and you hope you like what ive done with it. It turned out a bit long. Oops - Bomb
Warm sun crashed down onto the training ground, pounding your skin with hot rays that forced your body to sweat. The drops flowed down your cheeks, dancing as the wind knocked them around, making them split and converge with each other till they reached your chin or the tip of your nose where they would drip onto the hard ground.
It sucked to be absolutely honest. The heat was draining as you were forced to move around, dodging massive explosions from a particularly angry training partner. His screams of irritation for you to fight him or die trying bounced off the buildings and into your ears, but they were barely processed in your head.
Bakugou Katsuki. Known asshole to all, a friend of very few, a lover to none. A relentless jerk who constantly bullied his classmates and his supposed childhood best friend. A boy who doesn't even bother to remember the names of those he may be working with in the future. An absolute dick.
He royally pisses you off. He saunters around school without a single care for those he bumps into like he's the best thing this school was graced with. 
And yet. He was extremely attractive. That can be seen by anyone. A strong body structure with an equally sharp face to pair with it. His muscles were extremely toned for a high schooler, and jaw line so incredibly sharp you might as well be able to get a paper cut on it. Skin clear of any blemishes with an ever so slight tan to compliment it.
He was incredibly hot. If only he had a personality to match. Though by the permanent scowl that was imprinted onto his face, you guess it was only expected that he was not very friendly.
You hated him.
So why was it that this asshole could make your stomach flutter, your heart palpitate, and get your cheeks to become a rosy pink whenever he talked to you?!
The scowl that had unknowingly made it onto your face became even more defined. A growl emanating from your throat as you dodged yet another attack thrown at you by the blond, just barely escaping with no more than a graze from a surprised attack from his other hand.
He had no qualms with beating the shit out of anyone he came across to prove his point that he was the top dog, no matter their size or gender. 
You hated how completely admirable it was.
Bakugou let out an angry yell, "Why aren't you fighting me?! Stop fucking dodging me!"
You gave into his request, and landed on all fours, unleashing your quirk. Your vocal cords twisted and lengthened, and you unleashed a powerful roar similar to that of a lion. The sound waves combined with the wind from your voice sent a swirling mass of wind that flew up several thin layers of dust and debris that had collected on the ground. Even a few whole rocks were picked up and flew directly at Bakugou, surprising him.
Truth be told he didn't expect you to obey immediately, and that was a miscalculation that ended in him getting flown back a few feet back. He barely had time to fix his standing on the uneven ground before you came out from the swirling wind, spinning towards him and sending a powerful punch directly into what you assumed was close to his gut.
However you were slow to react to an explosion he let off on your arm that had connected with him, and got burned pretty badly as he was sent flying. A short yell of pain erupted from your throat that sounded similar to the roar from before, your vocal cords not yet going back to the size of a humans. A few more seconds and they would be back to normal. 
The burn on your arm pounded with every beat of your heart, heat radiating off of it from the explosion. Your skin was smoking and the scent of burning flesh filled your nostrils. 
Rage filled your heart as you stared at it, but not because it hurt (even though it did), but because of the fact that he was just so quick thinking. You never would have thought to counteract that, not that you had the reaction time to do so. It was one more thing you admired about him that sent your heart racing whenever you watched him fight. 
You howled in rage in your head. He was so unbelievably admirable and yet such a pain in the fucking ass!
He used this time you were staring at your wound to blast back towards you from wherever he landed and recovered from and taking hold of your neck, pushing you harshly back into a building wall.
"So now you decide to fight back huh?! After avoiding my attacks like a scaredy cat-"
"I am not a scaredy cat you asshole!" You grabbed hold of his arm and hooked your leg under his own and pulled, simultaneously twisting your body and sending him underneath you. 
You could feel the dam of your feelings breaking with every violent touch you inflicted on each other. It seemed you both were venting your anger today. But what the hell was he angry about that he had to take it out on you for?!
"Don't you EVER assume you know how I'm feeling!" The first crack in your dam caused the emotional water behind it to spurt out, the words tumbling from your mouth. Your grip tightened on the collar of his hero outfit, a mix of rage and overwhelming sorrow filled your expression. "You don't know the first thing about what I feel towards you!"
Bakugou didn't expect such an emotional expression to decorate your face. In truth, it surprised him, and he hated the way it made both his heart and his stomach hurt. He was about to retaliate when you began to speak once more.
"I hate you so much! You're such an asshole to everybody! Even your childhood friend if you can even call him that!" You could feel his muscles stiffen at the obvious reference to Deku. "But I admire you in almost every way that I hate you and it makes me sick! I hate how I want to spend more time with you each and every day despite how I know you feel about me!" 
Everything was coming out, you couldn't cry and yet you felt an awful need to. You hated this. Why were you feeling this way?
A sudden slam to your back brought you back to reality. Bakugou had flipped you over, putting both his hands on either side of your head.
"Dont be a hypocrite and assume that you know how I feel about you dumbass! Have you jot fucking realized that I feel the same?! How could you be so smart and top of the line and yet so unbelievably dumb as well?! I feel the same way you do and it also pisses me off!"
You were stunned. He felt the same? What did that mean? How were you supposed to make sense of and know if that's a good thing if you didn't even know what the feelings meant!
And then it suddenly hit you like a truck. You liked him. You had a crush on him. And he had a crush on you too. You both liked each other. And it pissed the both of you off.
Good god you were so dumb.
"Fuck." You whispered. You did not have the mental capacity to deal with this.
"I quit! I tap out!" You yelled, pushing the blond off you with every ounce of strength you had, your adrenaline starting to wear off and the wound on your arm was finally starting to process in your head. You hissed in pain as you held your forearm to your chest and to your heart, trying to hide both of them from the outside world.
"What?! You can't just tap out loser! Come back here and fight me!!" And yelled, going up and grabbing your shoulder, but you slapped it away.
"If you hadn't noticed, baka, I don't want to fight you! Not after realizing I like you! You don't realize how much that hurts, do you?! Take a hint!" You roared at him twirling around, not actually angry but more than a bit defensive.
There was silence behind you for a few seconds as you walked back to the school, hoping to get first aid, until you heard footsteps catch up to you and walk beside you, a gasp escaping your lips when you felt something brush against your hand.
"Dumbass." he grumbled. "Assuming what I'm feeling again." Was all he said as he walked close to you, sticking by your side the rest of the walk back, his pinky curled around your own in a small display of affection. Your heart beat fast, and a blush showed upon your cheeks. You looked the opposite direction.
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thatblondeperson · 4 years
So I learnt from that Tim Drake Guy's tumblr that Steph is a bully and abusive with Tim is that true. I ask since I know you seem to agree with a lot of the thoughts expressed on that blog. Can you help me find some examples of Tim/Steph comics. I was going to get YJ but the same tumblr blog says it's bad
So I want to preface with some very solid advice I've learned from being in fandom. It's really hard to learn anything from any blog because so much of it is opinion based, that the line between headcanon and canon gets far too muddied too often, and there's also always going to be biases that come from very personal spaces. It's important to take everything that every blog says ESPECIALLY in the DC fandom, with a very large grain of salt because half the fandom really doesn't actually seem to source their information with anything other than out of context panels, shitposts, or their own perfect ideals of what they want to gleam from the pages of each comic. It's all interpretive, and I'm sure that sounds a little bit petty, but I'm adding myself in here too because I have my own opinions separate from others, despite my firm ideology in staying as close to canon as I possibly can.
As far as that blog, I actually strayed away from them because I no longer agreed with a lot of what was being said. It got to the point where it was getting very unnecessarily negative all the time, and I want no part in this ship war that drives practically every bit of drama in the Tim fandom. I think that there is a lot of merit to some of the opinions on that blog, and they're clearly an expert on Tim in many ways. I knew them personally, so I can attest to that. But I think they also read only what they WANT to read on every page, and I think that makes for a lot of gaps where misinformation can leak in. That got filled with a lot of straight up wrong assessments of Stephanie Brown, and unfortunately that blog was already prime traffic for antis to spew unnecessary hate, so once the blog itself got on board, I tapped out.
No, Stephanie is not an abuser or a bully. I think tumblr throws around the word abuse far too casually. At most, Steph teases Tim, but never to a malicious or purposefully hurtful extent. She pokes at him, just like you would with a best friend. He barely even protests. A simple "Steph..." every now and again, but he even teases her back often and jokes with her. She's not an abuser, in fact, she herself is a victim of severe abuse in her childhood. Her flirting at the beginning of her and Tim's relationship is a bit intense, but she's 15, and doesn't know how to catch his attention. Her boyfriend was clearly way older than her and did not treat her well, her father abused her mother, and she was sexually harassed by her father's friends. She's never seen a healthy relationship to know how to act. Once they get together, she mellows out and is actually very compassionate and kind with Tim, and especially supportive.
A lot of haters throw around all this terrible stuff she did.
They say she stole Robin from Tim. He stepped away from the mantle, and she thought she caught him cheating, and Bruce opened up the opportunity for her.
They highlight a time when she almost blew Tim up. Bruce told her to do something drastic to force Tim to be a better Robin. Should she have thought it through? Yes. But she was young, and still desperate to prove herself.
Steph is a loose canon throughout a lot of her appearances. She doesn't always think before she acts, and that is one of her major flaws. She gets into trouble often, and that causes a lot of tension between her and Tim, often from him becoming overprotective of her.
Steph starts out fairly cynical in the beginning and softens up over time. After the explosion stunt with Tim, she does get her act together and she goes through a fantastic character arc where she really improves upon herself. She becomes a beacon of hope, but she really already was one. She's always been a source of light for Tim. She's a constant tether for him throughout their relationship, and she constantly bringing him back to reality. I think their dynamic is really great, and it does hurt me a lot how often she gets dragged through the mud now. It's tumblr, what can you do?
It's also interesting to me how often Steph is called out for being the unhealthy one, and they never talk about how Tim was the shitty boyfriend way more often:
Kept his identity from her but didn't respect keeping hers private
Kissed her when he was dating someone else at the time (he's actually kinda known for subtle two-timing, but this is hardly brought up by fans)
Essentially stalked her for a while
Often told her she needed to stop being Spoiler (overprotective nature yes...but still)
Interesting how the relationship is only toxic because of Steph. Hell she even gets shit for getting upset that Greta straight up tried to kill her in Young Justice, because they think it was selfish of her that she was desperate to learn Robin's identity. Yeah sorry...murder vs wanting to know your crushes name? Which is worse?
I'm also not going to sit here and demand that everyone love Steph. It's ok that people don't like her, I could give 2 shits, but if they're gonna spew hate, I'd prefer it be rooted in truth. Some of what I see written about her is just so so wrong...there's a trend in anti culture to even write her as Tim's rapist which YIKES. That's so beyond a healthy amount of dislike for a character.
Anyway, comic recs!!!
Detective Comics 647-648. (First appearance of Steph/Spoiler with classic "love at first brick" moment.)
Robin 57-65 (First date issue which is the cutest thing ever. Robin does a little flip at the end because he's so happy. And the chronology of Steph being pregnant which Tim was supportive of the whole time. Super sweet)
Robin 100-104 (Steph gets sick and Tim brings her soup. Lots of cute domestic moments, and you get more into Steph's past)
Robin 111 (more about Steph's past with Tim being super supportive, also the infamous piano issue which is a personal favorite of mine)
Robin 116 (very cute moments after Tim forgets his bday and everyone, Steph included, surprises him)
Robin 119 (supportive bf Tim, strikes again)
Robin 120 (Steph being an amazing supportive gf)
Batgirl 8 (Steph's run, where she and Tim collide again for the first time in a long time. Awkwardness and tension ensues, Tim tries to make a move)
Red Robin 10 (more crossover, very fun. More awkwardness and tension)
Convergence Batgirl (Not the best run, but a nice bit of closure for the pre flashpoint universe. Very sweet and wholesome.)
There's way more that I could list but I'm awful with issue numbers tbh. I know the stories, but I don't have the catalogue memorized. Better people than me have probably made a masterlist of TimSteph comics lol
I don't think you should let any blog turn you away from any particular series. I think if you wanna try out the new YJ, go for it!! I'm very cynical to anything published post 2011, but YJ is the only thing I've consistently read that's NEW, in years. I find it fun. Is it the best? No, not by miles, and it gets stuck with a lot of nonsensical filler often. But it's still a very cute and fun run.
I hope this ask gave you a lot of good info! I also recommend the very long post that should be just below this that goes into a lot of fandom misconceptions about Stephanie brown with more picture examples to highlight everything. Thanks for the ask, anon! I hope you have a lovely time reading these comics and hopefully many more!!
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bills-pokedex · 3 years
Crown Tundra: Part IX
{Reminder: If you’re just here for headcanons, please blacklist powerverse! For the rest of the story, be sure to check this blog’s crown tundra tag.}
Bill had barely handed the horsehair to Calyrex when he collapsed onto the snow in the middle of the clearing.
“Are you all right, human?” it asked. And Lanette knelt down, the hair in one hand and her other reaching out to settle onto a spot at the base of Bill’s neck. She was freezing cold, but Bill appreciated that touch.
Still. The point was, she was freezing cold.
Bill lifted his head off the ground, “You had me go off and fight a legendary in this form.”
“And you fought admirably.” Lanette sat down next to him and began stroking his back, fingers playing down one of his wings. He really didn’t want to enjoy this. “I saw from the trees. You nearly defeated it.”
“If I didn’t have Fox or this audino with me, I probably would have died,” Bill retorted into the snow. “Did you happen to see the part where it threw me into the ground?”
“Yes. And the part where you rose to your feet again. So quickly too—you must realize that you may be stronger than you think.”
Bill frowned. There was a reason for that, actually, and he was well aware of what that reason was. And yes, that reason was currently resting a very cold hand on his back, and he bit his tongue to avoid explaining for the umpteenth time that he was willing to throw himself to the metaphorical wolves (and maybe literal ones too) if it meant she would be safe. He didn’t want to keep admitting that, not because it wasn’t his brand or because he’d rather not have the conversation about, surprise of all surprises, actually caring about something other than pokémon for once but instead because it shouldn’t need to be said. Lanette was the first human being who had patience for him—not his intelligence but him—so of course he was going to form attachments to her. It didn’t even matter what those attachments were at the end of the day—he was just annoyed enough to think this—what mattered was that literally one of the most important human beings in the universe according to him was being puppeted around by an entity who seems to be taking pleasure in watching Bill engage in fetch quests and battle legends on its behalf. It was enough to push this legendary, this long-forgotten mysterious creature, from something Bill would express wonder at right into something that was quite frankly testing Bill’s own patience.
Well, there were limits to that, as Calyrex was likely to find out soon if it didn’t stop. And those limits have to do with putting Lanette in danger.
He picked himself up at that thought and dusted the snow off his front.
“Anyway, I suppose the next step would be to go after your horse,” he said.
“Indeed.” Lanette stood and looked out, towards the town. “I sense that my steed has escaped to the north—”
She shook her head. “No, human. Not that way. There is a shrine hidden in the mountains where we spent much of our time. Its presence is faint, but ... I can sense that it has returned to the shrine to search ... perhaps for me? How odd.”
“Not odd at all,” Bill said, deadpan. “Of course it would search for you. It’s just gotten beaten by three ordinary pokémon on its hunt for more carrots, and given the fact that you’ve somehow not seen it for some time despite the size of this region, I have a feeling it’s only awakened recently on top of everything else. So it’s confused, it’s beaten, and it’s searching for something familiar.”
Bill could feel Calyrex—the actual Calyrex—studying him. He could feel those eyes settle on him and even graze his skin. He wasn’t in the mood for this. In fact, he was about two seconds away from blocking Calyrex out when, finally, the legendary moved on.
“You may be right, human,” it said. “It may be time to prove myself to my steed and win its trust back.”
“Wait.” Bill reached for Lanette’s hands and cupped the one holding the horsehair in both of his claws. He pulled this hand gently towards Calyrex. “Someone in Freezington said that there was an item they used to give to you to help tame your horse. It was something made from the horse’s hair and ... I’m not sure. An item from you. Do the Reins of Unity ring any bells?”
The creature’s eyes instantly lit up, and it bobbed in the air backwards.
“The Reins of Unity...! Yes! But I have not heard that name in ages,” it said. “This was the gift the humans gave to me every year as thanks. It would bind my power to my steed’s and unite us as one.”
Bill felt his veins go cold. He really, really didn’t want to think he was right about this one—largely because he knew he’d have to fight the end result if he were right—but memories of the stories of Kyurem and Necrozma and their ability to fuse with other pokémon instantly flooded his mind.
“R-right,” Bill said. He cleared his throat and tried again. “If you’re going to face your, ah, steed, you’ll likely want those reins. I’d hate to ask because that would mean having to figure out how to make them, but what was the item on your end? The one that would go into creating the Reins of Unity in the first place?”
He kept his eyes on the pokémon as it floated backwards in thought. It tapped its chin with a paw, then held both of its spindly arms out in front of it. A small orb of green light appeared between them.
“A flower,” it said. “A special flower only I can grow.”
And then, with pop and a flash of light, a single petal appeared between Calyrex’s paws and floated to the ground. Calyrex itself sank, nearly to the snow, then trembled and lifted the petal with its telekinesis. Bill quickly snatched the petal out of the air before Calyrex strained itself.
“This is all I can manage,” it explained. “I am truly sorry. My power—”
“It’s ... it’s fine,” Bill replied. 
He took the horsehair from Lanette’s hand and examined both of the items. Fox padded over, glanced from his trainer’s face to the items, then grasped Bill’s claws to force them to lower. The audino joined them and toyed with the other end.
Do you think you can make the reins yourself? Fox asked.
“I’ll have to try,” Bill replied. “We don’t have time to take this back to Freezington and try to explain things to another human.”
His claws fumbled with the horsehair, weaving them into the base of a loose braid. The audino reached up and guided his hands, mumbling something about seeing the humans do it this way or Foxglove telling him it was that way, and together, quickly, a rope of purple hair laced with pink flecks of petal began to form between them. Calyrex stood by, watching, waiting stone-faced, until the three other pokémon finally stopped. Bill held the rope up and examined it, then handed it to Lanette.
“That should do,” Bill said. “I don’t know if those are the exact Reins of Unity, but they should be sturdy enough to work.”
Lanette’s pale hands closed around it. “Thank you. You have no idea how much this means.”
Bill looked dead into Lanette’s eyes and sighed. “I have some idea. I take it we’ll be meeting again at this shrine?”
“Yes,” Calyrex said. “You will find its entrance at the summit of the tallest mountain of this tundra.”
It floated past Bill and pointed, and Bill followed its gesture to the sight of a snowy peak looming above Freezington and the forest beside it.
“Past the graveyards where we revived my steed,” it said, “past a forest, and through a cave of dragons and fairies. Beyond that, you will find the Crown Shrine. Bring the shaderoot carrot there. My speaker and I will meet you inside.”
And just like that, Calyrex and Lanette were gone again. Bill let his shoulders sink. Snowy peak. Cave of dragons and fairies. Shrine where two legendaries will converge.
He was absolutely going to die.
“Right,” he said wearily. “Come on, then. Let’s get this over with.”
And he pushed off the ground and took flight.
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heartlessconviction · 4 years
So...The Dark Avatar
Ok I’m not going to defend this I hate the execution, however I do like the idea of the avatar having an equal in this regard, due to the concept of Yin and Yang.  The Avatar is seen as the bridge between the Humans and the Spirits, the middle man to put it in a crude manner. However I’ve always disliked this in many respects for a show that is all about balance and different perspectives among with the many cultures it draws inspiration from the avatar themselves whilst is a balance between a human and a spirit. Doesn’t exactly have an equal or a shadow to put it simply, they are seen as this one definitive figure in the universe where I feel the concept could have been handled much differently.  My whole issue with this draws from the origin of Vaatu and Raava, whilst intending to represent Yin and Yang two opposites of the spectrum that cannot exist without the other. Their entire history contradicts this principle. Raava definitively is seen as the spirit of peace and light, her defeating Vaatu is what is defined as balance in the Avatar universe which disregards the entire principle of Yin and Yang and the cosmic duality that encompasses this principle. Yes Vaatu still survives in Raava but that isn’t duality, that is one force dominating the other and thats why I dislike the origin of the Avatar somewhat.  The concept of having a Dark Avatar isn’t whats asinine, merely the execution. As having a second Avatar that influences the world in the Shadow of Korra or whoever the current Avatar is, learning to co-exist and balance the responsibility is balance. Where the Avatar is, the “dark” Avatar lingers on in their shadow, the Avatar themselves are not deities, they are humans and as such have flaws and shortcomings. They can make mistakes which can inflict horrible consequences onto the world they are tasked with maintaining the balance off, how would this go down with two Avatars, each with their own sense of morality and ideologies that may conflict with one another? How would they maintain the balance not of the spirit world and the human world but each other? This is what mainly pisses me off about season 2 of Korra the potential of having this concept was there, but they didn’t go through with it.  Some people who have also delved into this idea proposed that Kuvira should have been the Dark Avatar as she represents all of Korras worse traits. The Yin and Yang, whilst I agree with the assessment I disagree with the choice of character. Strictly because I believe the Dark Avatar needs to represent the opposite spectrum of the role of the Avatar, not the traits of the current Avatar. As in my version the Dark Avatar from the moment they appear, is in the lore and world for good, reincarnating each cycle.  So what is the Avatars role? To maintain balance, what is the opposite of balance? Imbalance or disorder, in other words chaos. What is the opposing force of order? Anarchy. As such I believe the “Dark Avatar” has to be no other than Zaheer. Zaheer as a character and his philosophy is the opposing force to both Korra and the role of the Avatar, the shadow in the light and thus he alone has to be.  So how would I do this? Alright season 1 goes ahead like normal, however just like we did in The Legend of Aang hearing about Sozins comet we hear about Harmonic Convergence and the fact that its swiftly approaching, this roles into season two. The only things I will change here is that Harmonic Convergence doesn’t occur until Season 3, her uncle isn’t evil just misguided and is thus killed in the final battle Vaatu is still imprisoned and only 1 of the two spirit portals remain open. So Korra doesn’t lose access to her past lives let me be clear here.  Season 3 will be a longer season which ends roughly the same as it does in the original. However the start will center around Zaheer breaking out of prison through the influence of Vaatu, with Harmonic Convergence approaching whilst Vaatu is still imprisoned he does have a tiny bit of leverage on the world. I don’t believe Zaheer would fall for this, for a stubborn man in the face of his principles he is not one to be deceived so easily. Hence why Vaatu shrouds his identity by posing as Guru Laghima, I think due to how Zaheer respects the legend and lessons of Laghima having Vaatu pose as this will be the way to get Zaheer on board  Zaheer kidnaps Jinora which forces Korra to open up the second spirit portal freeing Vaatu when Harmonic convergence begins, Zaheer explains the motives of the Red Lotus foreshadowing the rest of the season and merges with Vaatu to create the Yang to the Avatars Yin. Korra and Raava battle Zaheer and Vaatu whilst Korra has the advantage of all four elements the beefed up Zaheer can combat her on an equal footing, the fight ends in a stalemate and Zaheer escapes. Harmonic Convergence ends and Korra decides to leave both of the spirit portals open, Jinora is saved etc however its a hollow victory.  Now a timeskip occurs here which leads up to Season 3 and Zaheer discovering his air bending. Now the thing that I think allows me to do this, is that the whole Air benders returning is extremely vague, whilst it makes sense for both Bumi and Zaheer you’d be hard pressed for me to believe that everybody who did gain the ability to bend Air is descended from the Air Nomads at some point, I just believe it was the worlds way of restoring balance after Harmonic Convergence and with the spiritual energy being as potent as it is in the human world now. So what am I getting at? With the universe maintaining the balance in this manner, by giving non benders the ability to bend. Its not a stretch to believe with the existence of a now second Avatar after Harmonic Convergence Zaheer doesn’t just gain the ability to Air Bend, but also the affinity of the other three Elements as well although he awakens Air Bending first.  This is where the Season 3 of the original and mine align, Zaheer isn’t just saving the fellow members of the Red Lotus to capture and kill the Avatar this time, whilst thats still his objective to achieve true anarchy and freedom. He is also saving them in order for them to guide him and teach him to master the other 3 elements.. I also believe since Zaheer would be the Shadow to Korras Light, his Avatar cycle should be counter clockwise to the Avatars.  Avatar: Water-Earth-Fire-Air “Dark” Avatar- Air-Fire-Earth-Water The season plays out like it usually does, with the Red Lotus trying to capture Korra, with each encounter we see Zaheer becoming more adept with the other elements, though his primary element will still be Air.  Korra is eventually poisoned when captured and their final battle ensues when P’li dies giving Zaheer the ability to fly once his final earthly tether is severed. So this battle instead of it just being Korra in the Avatar State and Zaheer with his air bending, we see Avatar vs Avatar, both flinging the elements at each other, both in their respective Avatar states which makes this battle all the harder for the poisoned Korra who is just trying to survive this battle.  With a few new tricks, inevitably we are back at the moment where Zaheer is trying to kill Korra by sucking the air out of her. Now with Korras Avatar state we can all agree in general its much less impressive than Aangs, it makes sense in the original season 2 with her ties to her past lives being severed. However I kinda believe its due to her having less experience but also having less of a spiritual connection than her past lives.  Aang for example, even when he couldn’t control the state we all saw how powerful it could be when he was enraged or in danger. For me this makes more sense since Aang by default has a more enriched spiritual connection at 12, than Korra ever had throughout the series, thats my headcanon I’m sticking to it, in order to explain why Korras was so weak even before losing her connection to her past lives.  Zaheer on the other hand, whilst having that spiritual connection has the disadvantage of being the first in his respective Avatar Cycle. Meaning he is handicapped, which is why even though this battle is a hell of a lot harder for Korra. In the end due to this and Zaheers inexperience with the Avatar State, he is still pulled into the wind tornado and subdued.  This makes the moment in Season 4 where he helps Korra enter the spirit world more impactful, as he is not only somewhat atoning for what he just brought onto the earth kingdom which is against his ideals of Anarchy. As the opposite to the Avatar he is maintaining the balance of their duality by assisting Korra to regain the Avatar State and her connection to the spirit world. As he states to Korra their interests align.  The only thing I will change in Season 4 is that this isn’t the last time we see Zaheer. Later on he escapes from the prison he is being kept in to assist team Avatar in taking down Kuvira, via his mastery of Metal Bending. Whilst he does this solely on the principle of his own ideals. Nevertheless he is fulfilling his role in maintaining the balance by helping his counterpart in the final battle, both Avatars co-existing and in this case working together on this common objective. 
The finale ends the same way, just with Zaheer fleeing and from that point on in the comics of my version, we get to experience the consequences of having two Avatars roaming around. Not only from a spiritual perspective but the political aspect as well.  Obviously I’m not a writer, and I may have overlooked some things. That wasn’t the point of this however, the point of this was to display the potential of having a “Dark Avatar.” The concept itself wasn’t the issue, it has potential. The execution not only from the misrepresentation of Yin-Yang through Raava and Vaatu but how rushed it all felt as a whole. I would love for them to come back to the concept and try again, I honestly believe the Avatar should have its opposite in such a manner. Rather than having one almighty being that burdens this responsibility on their own, it makes them an outlier in my opinion. I also had the luxury of spanning this across book 1-2-3-4, were as they clearly had to rush it out for Season 2. Anyway this got way too long, but yeah it is what it is.
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darkpoisonouslove · 5 years
Griffin x Valtor Relationship Headcanons
I feel like this ship needs a little more fluff to it so have some relationship headcanons for when they were actually in love. This doesn’t cover everything, of course, but I did my best to trace the development of their romance. Fair warning that it gets a little not too safe for work. Just a tiny bit. Okay, I think we’re ready to dive in:
- Power started everything. Valtor was impressed not only with Griffin’s magical abilities, but also with her strategic approach to a situation and he wanted her as a partner because he was certain he’d be able to get enough power to break free from his mothers with her help. And her rationality and calculative nature would help keep him in check so that he doesn’t accidentally give away his true intentions to his mothers.
- Griffin agreed to be Valtor’s partner because he has a very profound understanding of magic (because of the Dragon Fire) and could teach her things no one else could. And developing her magical skills was the reason why she joined the Ancient Coven in the first place. So she took his proposition even if she wasn’t very fond of the idea of working so closely with him. She didn’t really like him because he was too reckless and temperamental, never thinking of long-term consequences of his actions.
- Valtor taught her a lot about magic and helped her develop a more instinctual approach to her powers rather than the clinical and rational one she’d been taught at Cloud Tower. Magic is powered by emotions after all so if you put too much thought into it, you’ll only get in its way and hinder yourself.
- Griffin taught him patience with his schemes and to consider his moves carefully before rushing in. He was reluctant to let her lead missions at first but when she beat him at chess enough times and he finally allowed her more control, he was actually very impressed by the results.
- They were more or less forced to trust each other even despite their will at times if they wanted to accomplish sync and combine their powers. And the fact that they were partners and had to work together allowed them to learn the other’s magical signature as well as their own.
- Valtor would use every opportunity to mess with Griffin and tease her since she was always so focused and driven. He loved getting a reaction out of her, especially considering that she was never swayed by his charm like the lot of other people were. She was a challenge and he loved doing his best to rattle her and get her to break her concentration on her work.
- Griffin was extremely annoyed by Valtor’s antics at first but as time went by, she started seeing genuine emotions and reactions shining through all of his teasing. It didn’t make it any less annoying but she found herself indulging him sometimes and playing right into his traps just to humor him. Which he figured out, of course, and it sort of started a new “game” between them about who can play more oblivious of the other’s very obvious intentions.
- Valtor was the one who initiated flirting. He had thrown a suggestive line or two her way since the beginning but there was a clear shift at one point in their relationship where it became more intentional and harder to ignore. And Griffin did try to ignore him. She knew him too well to fall for him. He saw everything as a game he wanted to win and the moment she gave him what he wanted he’d get bored of her.
- However, the growing trust between them as well as the developing magical connection they had made it harder for her to keep resisting and she found herself giving in.
- She let him kiss her, thinking that that would end it all between them. Not surprisingly, Valtor was his usual annoying self and walked away just when things were starting to get intense, leaving her panting and flushed. She was tempted to not speak to him at least for a week but that would mean admitting that what he did bothered her, so she just went for their usual routine. Valtor didn’t seem inclined to mention their making out session and they just continued their work.... Until some days later when Griffin had finally stopped mulling over every second of that moment they’d had. And of course Valtor chose that moment of all to pull her into another kiss. He walked away again, leaving her frustrated again. And he kept doing that, taking things further a notch every time but still leaving her hot and bothered in the end only to come back for more a few days later.
- Griffin, of course, decided that two can play that game and started teasing him as well - brushing against him and touching him when there was no need to. Whispering in his ear while he was reading and having his guard down was what got him to crack and he had her pinned to the couch in no time, but, unfortunately for her, he got a hold of himself and teleported away before they could get any further than kissing. Still, it was a small victory to know he was left as hot and bothered as her for once.
- The first time they had sex was after a very successful mission. They were both drunk on triumph and realized a little too late they had no control left and no desire to pull away from each other. They never even made it to bed. Their memory is hazy as to who initiated what but they can both agree that they had one hell of a night, biting and scratching each other in an attempt to see who would come out victorious of that fight.
- After that, Griffin’s touch always seemed to linger, but not in a teasing way. It was rather done in a soothing and reassuring way, as if to tell him that she was there with him and he could count on her. She was always a little too close and a little too tempting and it didn’t take him long to take her to bed.
- It was a lot gentler this time and they were surprisingly familiar with each other’s bodies and reactions. He couldn’t take his hands off of her and she stayed with him afterwards. All his life he’d never had that kind of sweet and soft touch. Her magic was powerful with its violence, but her touch was powerful with its tenderness. And after he’d had a taste, he was addicted.
- He was always all over her the moment they were alone, pulling her as close as possible and touching every inch of her he could reach. And Griffin didn’t seem to mind. She didn’t find his neediness repulsive. She seemed quite fascinated and flattered by it. And she didn’t look at him as less of a person for wanting to have someone else there with him.
- As their relationship progressed and they got to know each other on a deep and intimate level, their combined magic flourished. Their convergence had no rival in strength and the pull of their entangled magic was irresistible to the point that doing magic on their own felt like a chore and they were reluctant to do it. Their magic strengthened as their feelings developed and so the Ancestral Witches did not feel the need to interfere. They had an unstoppable team working for them so why would they break that up?
- Valtor’s insecurities started to rear their heads as Griffin got closer and closer to his heart. He’d never been loved before and his mothers only valued him for his strength and power so the more Griffin saw of him and his vulnerability, the more he felt like a failure and thought she’d leave him. Somehow she only seemed to fall for him more with each piece of his soul he was willing to show her and he couldn’t get enough of her love.
- Griffin was the one to say “I love you” first. His response was to kiss her. He couldn’t return the words. Not yet. Maybe not ever. She didn’t seem to mind. Later though, he noticed that she would always kiss him after she told him she loved him. He thought the lack of response on his part bothered her. But when he asked her about it, she told him that he always gave his response. It was woven in the kisses he returned with fervor she rarely saw otherwise even from him. Her answer had him in awe and the words left his mouth of his own volition. I love you.
- There was a period of adaptation after that, of course, in which Valtor felt very vulnerable. The confession made it real. And he had no idea what he would do if something--anything--took Griffin from his side. He became even more possessive of her but was relieved to see that she returned the gesture, becoming particularly possessive as well (and he had to admit it was kinda hot... okay, really hot). He’d never dreamt she’d be the one to destroy what they had by betraying him and running away to join his enemies and fight against him. Yet, that was exactly what she did.
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bitofthisandthat · 5 years
HEADCANON || ERIS [Other Pantheons.]
Originally housed on the main sidebar links for reference purposes, these headcanons/ideas were built between 2013-2015, some are based from rp interactions with other roleplayers, others are my originals. ALWAYS up for new development, these relationships are not set in stone.
Odin, Frigg—The Royal couple that has many meetings and summits with her own Mother and Father. Eris is brought along regularly, mostly at her dismay and annoyance. At first, Eris suspected this was Zeus’s way of controlling his wayward daughter by bringing her along so that she couldn’t cause trouble back South with both Royals up North. But she later discovered it had political overtones. Odin and Zeus get along quite well on a variety of levels, as do Hera and Frigg; but Eris hates that she is the little pet they parade with them every time. For centuries, Eris avoided any bonding with the King/Queen of Aesgard, seeing Odin as the same stubborn, hard excluding parent as her Father. She looked at him with hard prejudice that he’d be unfaithful to his good Queen and harm his children as Zeus had. But their political friendship excludes private matters, and whether or not Firgg and Odin know of ALL of her family’s dirty laundry or not, she at long last respects them enough to look past it, and ignore it. She still does not trust Odin, as all authority figures/fathers, and she does not like what she sees in his clan as far as favoritism goes—but she can relate to it. However, she does look at Frigg from afar, in complete and total jealousy of this pantheon’s children. She is constantly comparing Hera to her in her mind, and is livid her Mother is not as accepting, patient, and as fair as she. Eris secretly holds her in high regard, but keeps her at arms distance, careful to not get attached to Frigg. For in her mind, if she started to admit she wishes to have her as a substitute mother, she will be utterly shattered by the disappointment that she will never have it. She does it to protect herself, and is courteous to Frigg, but also distant as if she is another face in court. Baldr—The Golden God went right under the Goddess’s radar for many centuries, as just a quiet, serious boy that everyone adored. She immediately looked away, and pegged him as yet another twin like her (and so many Godly twins). She only began to notice him as a possible threat to her Chaos, as he was her exact, polar, perfect opposite. She ignored much of him in protection of her own self as she named him to be a future enemy. He seemed to be just a stubborn, arrogant child to her most times, and was hugely put off by his invincibility. She had no knowledge of his personality, and saw him as just as he presented himself to everyone. But she still didn’t trust him, because she could detect him hiding something deep down about himself. She knew of his psychic abilities and pension for hunting, but that was all else that she knew. He never seemed to be alone, always surrounded by troves of fawners. Which is why it was a total shock to come upon him alone one day, finding her sacred Drum. They struck a binding vow that day in exchange for her Drum, and struggled for a time to feel anything but frustration and anger towards the other.
Sygn—Sygn is Eris’s good friend and alway available to share a venting session and a few cocktails when they are going through stressed times. The Goddess of Constancy and Faithfulness is a welcomed friend for Eris, she, like Baldr is incapable of disloyalty, so the Discord Goddess finds her company both soothing and valuable. They share a lot of views on romance and Pantheon politics, and both are willing to go out on a limb for the other. They respect each other’s powers and feel estranged from their former mates/other Gods and rely on each other as a stable friend.
Loki—[ Generally; all Loki’s tend to interact with Eris based on this, but are different apart from each other; as it stands I have NO main Loki. ]  Loki and Eris are either in constant heated debate or in morbid fascination of each other.There is no middle ground. They are equals on stubbornness and vanity, but at the same mention, they understand the other’s outcasted existence and rebellion. Even as Eris allows him a foot into her space, she still does not trust him fully. She will acknowledge his powers and prowess, but she holds no foolish hope that he respects her in turn. She looks at him and sees the potential for either enemy or lover, but never anything in between. She finds his need to dominate her an unforgivable offense. This is the dance between two cobras, each hooding the other, and every time it is a coin toss which one will strike first.
Pele—The Goddess of Fire, Volcanoes and Queen protector of Ha’waii is both Eris’s rival and close friend. The two share the same emotional, fiery, stubborn demeanors and therefore clash. Eris cannot understand how Pele can feel remorse for what she does and is, as Eris celebrates her chaotic nature. Their similarities end as Pele is a protector, and Eris is a destroyer. They have the same allure and passion, so once and awhile the anger at the other is clouded by quick attraction and fierce seduction—but then it soon retreats into argumentative rivalry again.
Coyote–Fellow Trickster and Chaos God, Eris of course, never fully trusts a deity that has the same job as she. Pranks ensue whenever he is near, and although she is attracted to him, she keeps him at arm’s length when it comes to personal matters. If ever they engage in business together, she keeps part of her plans to herself; because out of all other trickster Gods, Coyote’s the least she feels safest with. She would trust Loki and Anansi before Coyote. Just as she’s engaged in affairs and casual lusts with other troublesome/dangerous deities, she has learned to never let herself fall for them, (as she knows her own kin too well) and at best, stays far from him unless they have same goals in an endeavor.
White Buffalo Mother–The peace-keeper and wise all-mother shows herself as an elderly woman to Eris, not a young maiden or mother. It is a face of authority and everlasting truth, and one that shrinks the Chaos Goddess into the mindset of scolded child. She keeps far from her once she is detected, but at the same time wishes to confide in her. The mixed emotions of unease and need to be comforted is a confusing friction to the Discord of her soul. It’s easier to avoid her altogether. But she is a powerful authority that will silence Eris and send her away upon appearing.
Susanowa— God of Storms, oceans, mayhem and snakes, considered a “Dark” God among his pantheon. He was a war general of the Gods, that caused grief for his Sister, The Goddess of Light and Purity. He is often put in his place for his actions. He was the past love of Eris that duped her into falling for him deeply, that ended with dire consequences when a Kitsune (fox spirit) warned her it was just a joke, a wager he won with an unnamed Egyptian God. (probably Set) The bet was to see who could get the vain, reckless Goddess to kneel in love and admit weakness. The humiliation has made her vow to ruin him at any chance she gets. Quan Yin— [past] The Goddess of Compassion, Divine Healing and Grace first came to Eris’s aid in long ancient past— as the Greek deity of Discord, Chaos, and Strife was on the run from Yama’s forces for a task that went sour. (Planned of course, but she had to leave his territory to escape prosecution) The Kind Goddess disguised herself as a wretched looking, blind old woman and spirited her safely away, for no other reason that she saw Eris’s path and pain, and sympathized with her. She confused the Goddess, and at the time The Goddess’s opposing force energy caused enough interference in the space between them that Eris did not detect this old woman was in guise. Eris was as well, but as she escaped, years later, she had various encounters with the Goddess, offering her hope, but Eris rejected all of it. She suspects everyone, and can not understand Quan Yin’s drive to aide her. But the Love Goddess will continue to offer her care.
Set—Not her favorite of the Pantheon, currently. She was allied to him in the past, but since the events with Susanowa, she is cold to him. Although she has minimal details, she is not shy from hating him as well. Set perhaps did not have 100% involvement as she likes to think, (her own sanity’s sake) but he does not correct her either. Ammit—The heart-eater of wicked souls is as sadistic, selfish, and cruel as Eris, the two are still getting to know one another better, sniffing the other dangerous Goddess out, but there is definite intrigue between them, both cautious but charmed by the other Goddess, aroused and angered at the same time.
Sekhmet & the war Gods– Obviously the Gods Eris, Enyo, Ares, and his sons (and their other war God brethren) go to as the nearest pantheon to converge. Eris has always had a suspicious feel toward the Lion Goddess, stemmed from the jealousy she feels when she sees her interact with her twin brother. Apart, she gets along famously, but the minute Ares steps into Sekhmet’s company it is one of the few times she sees him focus away from her, and on the other war deity. Naturally…Eris causes trouble and goes to her sons to “play” to even the score. And…fighting ensues, as expected. Osiris– Eris developed a lustful fascination with the king long ago, perhaps her own projection from Zeus onto him. But Osiris’s fair nature popped her fantasy of ‘ruining him’ as a means to envision what she would do to Zeus. Twisted, yes, but he allowed her advances and childish tantrums, as well as encouraged her seductions, but remained at arm’s length, never fully submitting or falling for her traps. He has, however tried to act kind and give her soft council, being gentle with her as a good parent would, and this only sends Eris into a fit, screaming and flaying against him, running off for ruining her twisted plan. Still, he sees her as unfortunate and knows why she does what she does, and feels sorry for her.
Kali—Another divine Mother of destruction and Chaos, when Kali is in her most crazed form, she is her greatest ally. When she returns to Pavarti or Durga, she is unwilling to give Eris any assistance. She will offer compassion to her, but nothing else. The Mother trinity has one thing in common; all parts of Kali mourn Eris’s motherhood with her, and work with her to find some manner around it. Hanuman—The Monkey God is at her side in constant game and guidance, trying to win her heart over to the understanding Struggle can also be won in the end by Compassion. But, Eris refuses his advice. She acknowledges that they are two separate Gods of Struggle, and her particular being is meant to be the essence of Strife, and not the aftermath of wisdom that comes from it. She acknowledges it, but He does his best to win her in humor and game. She tolerates his company, and understands respects the outcome of HIS deity-ship, but feels he is so proselytizing that he in turn disrespects what SHE is. He is constantly misunderstanding her. They are ironically, at constant struggle with one another. But that doesn’t stop them from mountain top card games and other intelligent leisurely gaming.
There is a rivaled long standing game, friendly and dark—and only Eris is willing to play the high stakes that the Loa demand. They are caught between admiring each other’s powers and influence, and competing for souls and who has the prime influence over the old ways. Eris is drawn to this Pantheon, since there is no hypocrisy among them. Dark or Light, they are what they are—kill, be killed, sacrifice, or honor it…and everyone knows it. They are a breath of ‘fresh air’ to Eris, reminding her of her own cults back in the ‘Golden Era’ when the ancients where not afraid to do certain things to bargain with their Gods. The Divinity of the women Goddesses in this Pantheon speaks to her, and the horror of the male Gods excites her. There are constant games between them all, bloody, chaotic, spiritual. and there are no lies. Pure, darkness and light and nothing in between. Other Pantheons may shirk at this Pantheon, but Eris welcomes it, and other misunderstood surreal Pantheons in its like.
Anansi–Fellow clever assassin and wise trickster, Eris has many past encounters with the spider-God, and works with him over and over. He is another friend she engages in global trouble making with, and out of all the trickster/chaos Gods, he is one of the only ones that she trusts enough to call a true friend. They find humor in one another, ribbing the other constantly and taking turns pranking the other. However, they never cross the line into true harm, a silent promise they both made eons ago. If one ever crosses the line, they both understand the alliance is over. Oshun–Goddess of love, sexuality, water, and healing, someone Eris has crossed on more than one occasion for her own means. The Goddess sees through all of Eris’s lies and Discord, and will argue her into a draw. Eris knows she is her opposition (from this Pantheon the same as other love Goddesses/Gods) But Oshun is one of the few of her opposing energies she will seek out and argue for advice. She knows she will be clean and concise, there will be no sugar coating or subterfuge, Oshun will tell her exactly what she wants/needs to know. And although Eris’s nature is to distrust/despise Love deities, Oshun is one love deity where Eris’s anger is only a disguise to get close enough to unload her woes and seek consolation. Oshun knows this, but plays the game for the Greek’s sake. (understanding the pride of all Goddesses)
Obviously the more bloodthirsty “honest” War God/desses here are perfect for Eris to do business with. Blood and war are daily acceptance to half the pantheon, and it is here where Eris and other Greco-Roman war Gods enjoy coming to visit. They have feasts, games, and exchanges together, Eris often coming to trade talisman, scrolls, and other mystical objects with their pantheon on a  regular basis. It is said whenever a continent is getting an influx of blood war and chaos, all the War deities from all the pantheons are convening, and Eris coming to their realm is usually the first place she goes to rally, knowing they will almost ALWAYS join her and her brother. Although they all tear up the landscape for business, when they visit they are refined, spoiled, and lazy together, speaking at length about interests and past stories, etc.
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The Devil and the Dead: Chapter Eight
Based on @ectoimp‘s absorbing AU sketches (Most of which can be found here!).  
I’m giving credit and kudos to @arthur-tristan-kingsmen, @phantoms-lair, @answrs and of course, the illustrious @ectoimp for some of the discourse which guided the idea from vague AU to the story that does not want to stop running through my head. And for constantly adding new cute headcanons that are promising to make this longer.
Summary:  At first all he knew was darkness— rage, pain and the ultimate sting of betrayal.  And then Lewis opened his eyes…
Back to Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight: Anchor Away
Lewis hadn’t expected it to hurt. The sudden sense of disconnection sent him to his knees, a pain that was both physical and spiritual making his head reel. He knew he made a startled sound, but it felt like he was suddenly stretched to his limit and he was at a distance from the world.  There was a roaring in his ears that he might have thought was his heartbeat— if he still had one.
Three streaks of magenta, his little deadbeats, zoomed into the room, converging on and vanishing into his chest. He could feel them only faintly and it frightened him.
“Lewis!” Arthur’s shout came dimly to him and he could only watch Arthur struggle free of the bed and stumble to his side, still reeling from the blow to his very self. Arthur caught his arm, and Lewis barely felt his touch, even though he could see the fabric of his shirt compressed in that desperate grip. “Are you alright?”
“Arthur...” Even through the surf-like roar in his ears, his voice sounded strange, thin and distorted. “Artie...” he tried again.
Vivi was suddenly at his other side, hoisting his arm over her shoulder. Her face was incandescent with rage, but her hands were sure, even though he could barely feel their touch. “Help me get him to the bed,” she told Arthur, her voice calm and far too controlled.
Lewis wasn't able to help much, but between the two of them they were able to maneuver him to sit on the edge of the bed. Vivi caught his face between her hands and forced him to look her in the face. “I swear, I’m going to kick Mystery’s butt from here to next week. What was he thinking?! That was your anchor he stole, wasn’t it?”
Lewis wanted to enjoy the feel of her hands on his face again, but like Arthur’s touch, it felt distant and unreal. “I— I think so. I know I feel— more real— with it.” He remembered knowing about spectral anchors from before, but somehow it hadn’t really occurred to him how much he needed the locket now.
“Yeah, that’s your anchor. I don’t know what fuzzface thinks he’s doing, but we have to get it back to you.”
Arthur made a distressed noise, his wings flexing under the bandages. “He— he thinks I’m— not me. He’s trying to save you from me.”
Lewis struggled to focus, worried by the tone in Arthur’s voice. “Don’t need saving.” He reached for Arthur, who caught his hand in a desperate grasp. It felt a little more real to him now and Lewis clung to that feeling, wrapping his other hand over Arthur’s.
“Dammit, Mystery! When I catch you I’m giving grandma a fox-skin rug for her birthday!”
“What can we do?” Arthur asked worriedly, sitting on the bed next to Lewis.
“Find him before he does something even stupider than usual.” Vivi’s voice was flat.
“W-what’s stupider than usual?” Arthur asked.
Lewis leaned into Arthur, who spread one of his wings around him, wincing at the pull on his blisters, but still wrapping it tightly around Lewis. He didn’t like how tired he was feeling, because the last time he’d been that worn-out, it had been bad. He winced at the memory. He hadn’t dared let himself get that tired again. He never wanted Vivi or Arthur to see the horror he’d become.
Vivi didn’t answer Arthur’s question, instead crouching in front of Lewis and holding his head steady between both of her palms. “Hey— hey, focus on me, okay?”
Lewis struggled to obey.
Arthur had all but wrapped himself around Lewis, tail and bandaged wings clinging with fierce strength. Lewis liked it. Arthur’s touch was somehow more substantial than Vivi’s; it made him feel more there— more grounded.
With an effort, Lewis dragged his wandering attention back to Vivi.
“That’s better,” she coaxed. “Now, listen, he can’t keep your anchor hidden from you, because it is a part of you. He can hide it from me, but never from you. I know the magic he used messed you up, but you have to concentrate. Tell me what you can sense from your anchor.”
Oh. Lewis closed his eyes and groped blindly after the feel of his locket. It was hard, but having Arthur and Vivi nearby seemed to help. “Dark,” he decided at last. “Dark— and wet and red... Oh my god, he has it in his mouth! Ick.”
Arthur managed a raspy laugh near his ear.
“No, that’s good,” Vivi was quick to interject. “It means he’s still running away with it. He hasn’t stopped to try anything yet.”
“What can he do that won’t hurt Lewis?” Arthur asked, fingers tightening around Lewis’s. “I mean he doesn’t seem to want to hurt him, just—”
“Free him from the influence of the demon— which he’s not under.” Vivi sounded concerned and Lewis opened his eyes to see her biting her lower lip. “I hate to say it, but I don’t think Mystery’s really thinking straight. I mean, I know I’m missing chunks of my memory and one of those is apparently anything to do with you, but Mystery saw the whole thing go down in the cave and seems pretty set that—”
“I’m a monster,” Arthur finished morosely. “Maybe he’s not wrong.”
“You shoosh your facehole!” Vivi snapped. “I knew it was you the very first moment I saw you, no matter what you look like now. For someone who claims to have been around for centuries, he’s jumping to conclusions, when he knows things aren’t always what they seem.”
Arthur looked doubtful, so Lewis squeezed his hand. “Not a monster. I’ve been there since we fell. There’s no monster here. Just a ghost and a—” Lewis had to pause, trying to get his muddled thoughts to come up with something that wouldn’t add to Arthur’s dismay over what he’d become.
“A winged greenbean!” Vivi piped up with a lopsided grin.
Both their heads swiveled to face her at the same time, like they were on pivots.
“What?” She looked mulish. “I always called Artie a stringbean when he wouldn’t eat enough. I swear I remember someone else saying the same thing too, so it wasn’t just me. Now he’s green, but still skinny as ever, so he’s a greenbean.”
Lewis blinked slowly. “You... are a dork,” he pronounced carefully. He’d been the first one to call his friend a stringbean, chiding scrawny Arthur to accept the plates of food Mama had always been trying to feed him. Vivi had picked it up from him, but seeing that she couldn't remember him at all, she clearly thought she’d been the author of the nickname.
Arthur tilted his head. “You’re both dorks,” he declared. “And we have more important things to worry about. Mystery doesn’t seem to want to hurt Lewis, just... free him. So he can’t use an exorcism or do anything to damage his anchor. What will he think to try? Vivi, this is your area of expertise, not mine.”
Vivi thought for a moment. “The first think I can think that he might try would be a purifying fire. It’s meant to burn out corruption or taint, so if he thinks that ‘the demon’ is manipulating Lewis, that might be the first thing he’ll try.”
“What will he need? That might give us a clue where he’s headed.”
“Just basic Elements. Water, to wash away, earth to ground the spirit, fire to burn it away and air to sweep away the ashes of the fire.” Vivi chewed the inside of her cheek. “The anchor is gold, so that’s a point in favor of purification. In some spells, gold is an element that stands for healing, and If he’s trying to heal you of the control he thinks you are under, he’ll want to use that association.”
“Okay, so— someplace where he can get hold of all four elements.” Arthur’s brow scrunched up in thought. “Anything else? I mean does it have to be on a what-do-you-call-’em— leyline or holy ground or anything?” His wings tightened briefly around Lewis.
“I don’t think is has to be, but I have a feeling that he’ll consider holy ground a better choice. All the better to get rid of the ‘demonic’ control—” Vivi’s face settled into a scowl. “Why does he have to be so— urrgh!”
The talk of holy ground sparked something in Lewis’s sluggish thoughts. He’d made a point of exploring the local area; both to keep Arthur safe and to find any trouble spots before something happened. It had saved them some issues, though there was always something to contend with, be it their unseen, but definitely not unfelt, neighbors, or simply the odd lost hiker Lewis had led to safety.
“There’s— there’s a small church and graveyard, about four or five miles from here,” Lewis stated carefully, cursing at how hard it was to pull himself together. Once he got his anchor back, he was never letting it out of his sight again. “It’s on a bluff, by a stream, really far from any real roads. It looks like it’s been abandoned for years, though—”
“Doesn’t matter. So long as it’s never been deconsecrated, it’s still holy ground. Chances are, that’s where he’ll go. I know his fleabitten butt can sniff out places like that.” Vivi rose to her feet, pacing in a small circle. “If there’s a stream, that’s water. Up on a bluff would be both air and earth too.”
Lewis remembered the swirl of flames Mystery had vanished in. “And he’s already got the fire.”
“We need to get there, and quick.” Vivi declared. “I can’t promise he won’t do something boneheaded if we don’t stop him.”
“Um, Vivi—” Arthur’s voice was hesitant and his tail lashed restlessly against Lewis’s leg. “Wouldn’t it be— better if he finished the purification ritual? I mean, he’d maybe be convinced that— that I’m not really a demon?”
Lewis could see the desperate desire in Arthur’s eyes; the hope that Mystery’s spell would prove he was still himself, still Arthur Kingsmen and not the demon, despite the shape he now wore. Lewis tightened his hand on Arthur’s.
Vivi shook her head, lips pursed. “It won’t prove anything to him; not now, not in the state of mind he’s in. He’ll think that the demon has done more than just control, especially if he attacks Arthur and we try and defend him. He’ll— I hate to say it, but he’ll probably try a more drastic approach... and that could be really bad.”
Arthur shuddered.
Lewis knew what would be the next thing out of his mouth and it was the very last thing he wanted him to think— or Vivi to hear. “Not your fault,” he reminded Arthur gently, before he could go back down that self-destructive mental path again.
Vivi stopped her pacing and hurried over to cup Arthur’s face and turn it up to hers. “Hey, you listen to me right now, Artie. I think Mystery— he’s really not thinking clearly at all right now. I think the cave, everything that I don’t remember but that he does— it hurt him too. Maybe it’s that he saw you both fall, one to a monster that stole your body from you, and one— in a weird kinda way— to himself. From what he said earlier, he’s blaming himself for not being able to save both of you.”
Arthur shivered again and drew a hitching breath before nodding. “Okay— okay, so we have to stop him. But even if we do, how do we stop him from trying again, if he’s that messed up?”
“You leave that part to me. I’ll figure something out even if it means siccing grandma on him.”
Lewis had opened his mouth to respond when he felt the tiniest bit of strength trickle back in. He forgot what he was going to say, concentrating on feeling for his connection to his anchor. It was stronger. Still too far away from him, but no longer stifled under the aura of Mystery’s magic. It was enough to clear his head a bit and he straightened up a little in Arthur’s hold.
The little deadbeat that had tried to restrain Mystery was still on the floor where it had been tossed aside. Lewis concentrated on calling it to him. It was the stray spirit that had attached itself to him. The others had been forced to retreat into him with the theft of his locket, but this one was just a tiny bit more autonomous, it seemed.
Warbling sadly, it rose into the air unsteadily and came to him. He could feel its remorse for being unable to stop Mystery. He let go of Arthur’s hand with one of his and cradled it close, reassuring it silently that it was not to blame. He tried feeding it a little of the strength that had returned to him and watched as it steadied. “I can lead us to the bluff. Vivi, did you bring the van? We’ll need something faster than our own feet for this.”
“I did, but it’s parked down by where the highway divides. We hiked the rest of the way in.”
“Close enough. Let’s go.”
Arthur hesitated. “Maybe I shouldn’t go. I might only make him do something. It’s me he has it in for.”
Vivi shook her head firmly. “Nuh-uh, buster. We all go in together. I’m not risking you out of my sight again.”
“Vivi—” Arthur’s protest was shut off by Vivi clamping a hand over his mouth. “No. You are coming with. There is no debating this.”
Lewis tried to push himself to his feet. It didn’t work so well, and he had to lean rather heavily on the shoulder Arthur hastily shoved under his arm. “Vivi’s right, Arthur. We need to stay together. What if he stole my locket as a distraction and decides to come back and finish off the so-called demon once and for all?”
Arthur swallowed hard and went a sickly shade of pale-green. “Y-you think he would?”
“I don’t think I would put it past him, as screwed up by this he is.”  Vivi shook her head. “We’re all damaged by what happened that night, but I honestly never realized just how hard it must have been on him too. I lost my memory, and while I’m not forgiving him just yet for lying to me about things, he was trying to keep me safe and maybe from going a little mad in the search for you, Artie.” She took Lewis’s other arm and began to steer them toward the door.
Arthur ducked his head. “I— We should have— would have contacted you sooner, but I—”
“It doesn’t matter now. I found you,” Vivi corrected. “We are back together, and right now, that’s what matters. That and getting back your friend’s anchor.”
Lewis winced again. There it was again; the reminder that she didn’t remember him at all. Everything between them was lost.
Arthur understood. His arm around Lewis tightened. “Let’s go then.”
Lewis’s remaining deadbeat cooed softly, draping itself around Lewis’s neck. He took some comfort from it.
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strivingscribe · 7 years
Salt of the Earth ~ Ch 001
Salt of the Earth by MsMoon
Chapter 1 ~ Big K, little r
Chapters: 1/?
Chapter Navigation: 1,
Fandom: Young Justice
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Angst, Feeling? Violence?
Relationships: Ok, she’s 14, you monsters. Back…..the fuck up.
Summary: After responding to an incident, members of the team are saved by an unknown metahuman. But no protocols are in place to deal with the series of unfortunate events that assail Anitia Moore. What exactly should the team do when a someone with powers needs training but doesn’t want to be a member of the team?
Notes: So, I managed to infect my housemate with the DC bug, and we just finished rewatching Young Justice (again, in my case). Since then, we can’t stop talking about headcanons and story ideas, and this one is sticking with me. In true me fashion, it’s just sticking to my ribs till I get it out. So, here it is. I’m going to crank out as much of it as I can while I can.
The cement branded his skin as he skidded to a halt. Normally, this wouldn’t even slow him down, but now….
The thick lead chain that dangled around his neck may as well have been moored to the asphalt. It was connected to a single piece of kryptonite….small, but big enough to weigh him down.
He could still hear the distant screams of people as they fled their cars. The bridge was awash motor oil and shrouded in smoke from burnt tires, the acrid scent burning the back of his throat… the Metro-Narrows was still standing, but it had seen better days.
Firmly planting his hands on the blacktop, Superboy tried to push himself up. The radiant death-rock was no bigger than his wrist!…and yet, his arms screamed in agony.
“I suppose now you know how it feels to be human.” the voice was unnatural, altered to be too deep and too… electronic. Filtered through the strange gas mask on the creep’s face.
He wore basic black denim overalls, a heavy tool belt, a ski mask and a gas mask over that… a bit of overkill on keeping that identity secret, if you asked Superboy.
His heavy footfalls were slow, purposeful. Thudding through the cement till they were all Superboy could hear. He didn’t put weight on the staff that he carried, using it as a martial weapon much the same way Robin did…
…speaking of Robin… Superboy didn’t hear Lagoon boy or Robin struggling against unseen restraints or the distant sounds of a panicking populace. His eyes rose to their assailant’s face, and he winced. He could just make out bright green eyes through the mask.
He wanted to ask what this was. Why this creep was attacking and what he hoped to gain. But he was too weak. His chest was beginning to feel heavy, and even the act of breathing was becoming laborious.
A simple mission. And with Blue assigned elsewhere, he’d been more than happy to take the role of heavy-hitter for Delta team. And here they were…
“Don’t fret.” The asshole said, dropping to one knee to loom over him. “It’s almost over.”
Superboy bared his teeth and refused to look away. Whatever this freak was planning to do, he’d have to meet his eye the entire time.
Superboy didn’t see the woman, because she came out of nowhere. A black boot landing squarely on the asshole’s shoulder. He was flung like a skipping stone across the bridge.
Careful hands gripped his right shoulder as she turned him over. All in black, with long white hair and tanned skin, a pair of blue eyes met his. She wore an indigo scarf around her head and mouth and wore nothing but black. Her body was long and sleek.
“Here, let me see.” she said, her voice reedy, frantic. She ripped the kryptonite from the chain around his neck, reeling back to toss it away. But then her arm froze in place. She cried out as he hand was forced back down, just above him.
Superboy turned his head and managed to see the freak with his hand reaching out towards her. He was keeping the kryptonite in her hand near enough to Superboy to keep him in that weakened state.
Her eyes meet his, and he watches as her fear turn into anger.
“Fine. You want to play.” She grumbled. “Let’s play.”
The kryptonite in her hand stopped glowing, flickering at first before dulling to an emerald color… and then it began to gray slightly as all the color disappeared, leaving a clear crystal behind.
Her eyes changed from bright blue to glowing green.
“Fuck.” the altered voice did nothing to hide the freak’s rapidly dwindling confidence.
He vaulted forward, struck again. This time by Superman wielding a long beam.
Unfortunately, Superboy was not recovered enough… it was like the Kryptonite was still around.
“Shit, shit, shit!” he heard the woman swear. “I can’t contain it!”
The creep, picked himself up, staggering a bit before surveying the scene. As Superman drew closer to Superboy, his flight faltered. By then it was too late, and he couldn’t stop himself from crashing.
Superboy looked up to meet those green eyes, laden with concern. She dropped the clear crystal onto his chest and was drawing away, but the properties of the kryptonite were…were inside of her.
The Creep’s eyes tracked this movement, his eyes following the path of the crystal as she released it. He smirked at her. “Well, kill ‘em already.” he grumbled. “No sense in this venture being a total bust.” Superboy’s eyes widened as he vanished entirely.
“Hey!” she shouted, and Superboy heard Superman talking into the com device in his ear. “Asshole!” she hissed.
“Superboy…is down. Myself as well.” he said. “I think it’s the girl.”
“Roger that!”
‘Clark, no.’ Superboy wanted to say, but all he got out was a faint groan of ‘no’.
An arrow sailed through the air and hit her in the center of her chest, knocking her over the edge of the bridge.
“No!” Superboy sat up almost immediately. Her scarf fluttered down, the only evidence she had even been there.
…he felt… better. Not perfect. But…not like he was going to suffocate just from the effort it took to breathe.
He lurched upward, stumbling as his eyes landed on his floating rescuer. Evidently,…she’d caught herself in midair. He hands were clenched tightly against her own collarbone, her knees drawn up…it almost looked like a timid fetal position.
“So… Kryptonite gives you wings.” she said, her voice jittery. He blinked at her, as she shrugged. “Who knew?” she drifted up, closer and he felt his body shudder, as though it would collapse in on him.
She gasped.
“Jesus Christ bananas, it’s still killing you.” she whimpered. Her mouth hung open before she half warbled. “I gotta get it away.” and then she turned and began flying out low over the water before finally disappearing amid the crowded buildings.
Superboy instantly felt better…and worse. He turned, limping to Superman’s side. He hooked an arm under Superman’s bicep, helping him to stand upright. Now steady, Superman put a hand on his shoulder.
“Alright, Kon?”
Superboy nodded. “She helped us.”
Superman squinted at him.
“And now both of them are gone.” La’gaan’s voice was resentful and challenging all at once, and Superboy had to remind himself that this was his teammate….again. Not a rival, not an adversary. His teammate.
Green Arrow swung himself in their direction. “How did this all end up so pear-shaped?”
“It was supposed to be a routine sweep.” Superboy reminded. “Nothing in the reports mentioned kryptonite.”
“Or the freak in the masks.” La’gaan muttered, rubbing his throat.
“Are you two alright?” Superboy asked, now aware that he had been particularly focused on his own set of circumstances.
“Never better.” Robin assured. He had already placed the crystal that had been kryptonite into one of his belt pouches and was gathering up the scarf.
“And they weren’t working together?” Superman asked.
“No. He was the one that caused all of this.” Superboy gestured around them.
“She swooped in and… she did something to the kryptonite.” Robin said. “I’ll know more once I run some tests.”
Superman looked at Green Arrow. “What kept you?”
“Some idiot in a gas mask…” he grumbled, his descriptor setting Delta team on edge. “He just appeared and knocked me around with a staff… then he… disappeared again.”
“It was probably the same guy that was here!” La’gaan growled. Superboy knew it was coming, he just had to wait for it and–“Neptune’s beard!” and there it was.
“…and you’re sure they weren’t working together?” Superman asked, his gaze turning back to Superboy.
“I’m certain she was nowhere in sight when he started this.” He says evenly.
“Superboy’s right.” Robin vouched, joining the group. “We’d set the perimeter pretty far back and cleared the area of civilians.”
“Authorities are inbound.” Green Arrow observed, his Archer's gaze glancing towards Metropolis as the flashing lights of emergency vehicles began to converge on the bridge from that side.
“We should reconvene at HQ.” Superboy decides.
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novelmachine · 7 years
Ten UNDERTALE Fanworks Every Fan Needs to Check Out
It’s February 15th, time once again to celebrate International Fanworks Day! Seriously, how great is that? Whether it’s books, movies, comics, games or television series, fanworks make up a huge part of their communities. This year I’m tackling UNDERTALE, the game that most people (myself included) fell in love with and whose fandom is still going strong more than a year later.
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Some of them have been completed, some of them are only partially done, and some of them have been forgotten. Regardless of their status, I think they’re special and amazing and I hope you will love them as much as I do. I’ll do my best to leave out any spoilers.
Death by Glamour
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Here’s a neat animatic featuring our favorite human and robot. Animated by Alyssa Gerwing, this video makes their battle look really cool, bringing the fight sequence out of the box and into UNDERTALE’s real world. You have to love the pacing and timing, which is perfectly in sync with the boss music. The facial expressions really give it something extra, whether it be humor or drama. What a stylish video! @walkingmelonsaaa
Papyrus Finds a Human
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This animation was an unexpected delight. This was not the cutesy video I thought it would be. With it’s mild swearing and cartoon violence, Mike (a.k.a. Piemations) created a brilliantly funny video. The voice acting is flawless. The punchlines hit home. Papyrus is the best. I can’t write much else without giving all the best bits away. Just go experience it for yourself. As an added bonus, I highly recommend turning on the subtitles while watching the video for the second time. You will not be disappointed.
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This animation blew me away. I was a fan of iscoppie’s Game Grumps animations before this, but wow. This six-minute video depicts a moment I rarely see people tackle: how Undyne and Alphys met. It’s a bittersweet meeting when you really think about it, and this animation captures and balances all of the emotions involved: fear, hope, resignation, awe. The colors are gorgeous, the voice talent is wonder, and the music is beautiful. This is the best UNDERTALE tribute to date. @iscoppie
The Sons of Gaster
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There are many theories as to how, or even if, Sans and Papyrus are connected to W.D. Gaster. One popular theory is that they were created by the doctor. This two-part comic series by sansybones depicts the skeleton brothers’ beginnings: their time with Gaster, growing and gaining independence, and how the two bros become family. The black-and-white style–with the occasional blue–is very effective and looks really nice. I especially love Papyrus’ facial expressions; they capture his personality perfectly. One thing I do appreciate is that this isn’t just a Sans story. Papyrus is just as important and has just as much focus and growth. Sansybones’ depiction of the UNDERTALE characters is fantastic. Their feelings, struggles, and personalities feel genuine and sincere. It’s an emotional roller coaster well worth the ride. @sansybones
They Say He Shattered
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I’m a big fan of the multiverse theory. I’ve talked about it extensively in regards to Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. If you’re like me, then this comic is right up your alley. Emily plays with the idea of timelines collapsing and converging in They Say He Shattered, creating the best kind of mess. It’s a fascinating story that balances humor and seriousness very well. Each game ending results in another dimension, but it seems the very fabric of time and space has been broken. Characters come face-to-face with different realities or feel the effects of forces on their other selves. Some things happen out of order. Some things that never should have been are now possible. It’s really hard to explain, but well worth a read. I’m really excited to get to the bottom of this mystery. @theysayheshattered
A CHARActer Analysis
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Normally when we think of “fanwork” we think of art, music, fanfiction, cosplay, videos, and animation. However, this thesis bears recognition. Toby Fox created a cast of characters rich in personality and full of life. Chara is one of the only characters in UNDERTALE to be almost unanimously revered and portrayed as one-dimensional. They’re evil and hate humanity and that’s the end of that. Only it’s not. In this analysis we are shown every detail we may have missed. Chara’s story is scattered throughout the game. There are so many subtle hints and clues that most people wouldn’t notice or even think twice about. This in-depth thesis is by far the best explanation of who/what Chara is, who they were, and their role in the overall game. With all of this evidence, you may find yourself viewing Chara in a completely different light. @thefloweryfanclub
Never a Lovely So Real
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The artwork shown above was created by theslowesthnery.
Of all the UNDERTALE AU’s, the Gangster/Mob AU is my big favorite. I adore this AU, and this fanficiton was heaven-sent. Kaesa’s Never a Lovely So Real is loosely based on Hnery’s neat headcanons and spectacular art surrounding the Gangster AU. This story is told from Sans’ point of view as he tries to keep the family safe. You have all of your favorite major characters playing their roles in the operation, while a lot of minor characters show up frequently as well. I really appreciate that Sans and Alphys are science bros and have to work as a team. I normally don’t like a who lot of new characters being added into fanfictions, but here it works. Getting to know the rival gang members goes to show that not everything is black-and-white, especially in these types of situations. Much like the game, the “bad guys” aren’t always bad guys. One of the greatest things about this fanfiction is how much research and knowledge went into it. I was impressed by how authentic this story felt the first time I read through it. Kaesa did her homework and it shows. There’s mystery. There’s action. There’s romance. There’s suspense. This is a great work. Did I mention the Gangster AU was my favorite? @kaesaaurelia 
Under Shield
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The artwork shown above was created by hamstermastersamster.
Here we have my favorite post-true-pacifist story. Under Shield by Fantasia Wandering is a series of fics told out of order telling of Frisk growing up and growing into their role as ambassador, as well as dealing with their past and becoming part of a family again. Frisk is given a lot of character and background, but it never seems like too much. Frisk is a person with big feelings and big thoughts, and sometimes they can weigh too heavily on their mind. These feelings, accompanied with the struggles of growing up, are relatable to everyone and make it easy to slip into Frisk’s shoes. Although Frisk is the main focus, some of the main cast have important developments as well. One of the most powerful chapters in this series is the eighth part: Penance. Asgore’s redemption arc is a prominent theme throughout the series. He’s not immediately forgiven for his sins by Toriel, or even himself. This in turn affects his relationship with Frisk. It’s a process that takes many years and the reader is there for each important step. This fic’s strongest suit is its stunning imagery. The environments Fantasia has created are painted so vividly. Any reader can picture the settings in great detail. Overall, this is one well-written series. @fantasiawandering
Blood of the Covenant
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The artwork shown above was created by donidoodles.
Remember when PTA Sans was a thing? Well, this is the PTA slice-of-life UNDERTALE story the fans deserve. Blood of the Covenant takes place nearly a decade after the game. Everyone has grown up–and it shows–but they still retain their character. Doni’s characterization is so on point. This fic has the most realistic high school you’ll ever find. None of that Lifetime or Disney Channel nonsense here. The history teacher coaches the football team, the PTA is a hot mess, and aside form a few ass-hats the kids are generally nice and friendly. (Is this my high school? I feel like this was based on my high school.) The story’s strongest appeal is that every character’s time is balanced and utilized effectively. This cast is huge and yet every single one of them has their time to shine. I’ve read a lot of UNDERTALE PTA fics and most of them are a lot of fun, but a common trend in those stories is that the human members of the PTA (Linda, Helen, etc.) are usually so cartoonish and two-dimensional, like their only purpose is to be ignorant evil villains. Here our antagonists are fleshed out. They have feelings, struggles, even arcs of their own. They learn and grow just as the protagonists do. This is a fantastic, well-rounded story. I lost so much sleep the first time I read through it because I could not stop. It was all worth it, though. I promise. @doniblogs
The Scientist
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The link provided leads to AO3, but you can also read it on Tumblr. The artwork shown above was created by hamstermastersamster.
This is my favorite pre-game scenario. Out of all the fanfictions I’ve read, this two-part series written by Pen has the best portrayal of Dr. W.D. Gaster and his backstory. The first part of the series, The Scientist, revolves around the life and times of the royal scientist before Dr. Alphys got the job. The passage of time feels seamless, from the point of monsters’ imprisonment to the end of Gaster’s existence. It makes sense and goes right along with UNDERTALE’s timeline. Everything fits together like a puzzle. I could go on and on about the relationship between Gaster and Sans. It is just so strong and told very well. They are co-workers instead of father and son as I’ve seen in many fanfictions. (I prefer the colleague dynamic, actually.) The audience can get a real sense that their bond teeters between healthy camaraderie and toxic friendship, eventually falling to the side of the latter. The second part in the series, Entropy, shifts the focus onto Sans and how he deals with the aftermath of Gaster’s disappearance. It shows Sans’ own decline; he is deteriorating into the character we see in-game. This story is as well-written and intriguing as its predecessor. It paints by far the most natural, realistic relationship between Papyrus and Sans. Their situation, their dialogue, and their banter is so believable. There’s something really pure about it that just makes me smile. This series, you guys. This series. @talkingsoup
So there you have it! I had so much fun making this list. I can’t believe I’ve been working on this post for a whole year.Shortly after I made a similar post about Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle fanworks last International Fanworks Day, I got right to work on this one. Thanks as always to anyone who read this. If you’d like to discuss anything you read here today or have recommendations of your own, please feel free to reply to this post or drop something in my ask box. Have an awesome day, friends! @undertale
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