#one happpy family
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writers-potion · 3 months
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When to use "M" Sounds
for cozy, happpy family scenes
when the MC returns home from a great adventure
longing for home and loved ones
describe a maternal, strong but gentle character
when the POV character feel melancholy
"M" sound words for homely, welcoming vibes:
comfort, mild, merciful, mollycoddling, mulled, mellow, warmth, amiable, embrace, home, comfort, ambience, meal, mother, mum, mammal, maternal, madonna, moon, mare, womb
"M" sound words for a sense of sadness:
morose, misery, mouldy, mourn, melancholy, moody, doom, glum
Other thematically unrelated words:
mean, mush, meek, humble, arm, harm, market, mirth, merry, mask, mantle, mill, mouse, amble, ample, amber
e.g. the character looks forward to a wamr meal at home rather than a hot supper in his house. He sits in an armchair with a mug of mulled wine rather than on the couch with a cup of hot spiced wine.
If you like my blog, buy me a coffee☕ and find me on instagram! 📸
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bialy-lis · 5 days
And they said, "Speak now"
Rise of the TMNT Leonardo/Yuichi Usagi One-shot THIS IS PART OF THE SERIES - might be confusing to read without context
If Leo had known whose wedding they were going to, he would have dressed a bit better. He would have gone a bit wilder with accessories, chosen a shirt whose collar better accentuated the line of his chin, maybe even, who knows, he would have reached deeper into his roots and decided on a few more Japanese accents. And he would have definitely put on better socks.
Not that he looked bad the way he was, 'cause he didn't. He might not have worn clothes every day, but he had always known fashion and how to present himself in a way that would catch the eye and be the center of attention. It just always could have been better. And it would have been if Big Mama had been a little more specific about what kind of party she was inviting them to, instead of giving them the date, time, and a quick note that they should dress elegantly because someone was planning to say the sacramental "I do." Although maybe not "sacramental"; Leo still had no idea if yokai had any religion, and he kept forgetting to ask.
Anyway, he was dressed well, very well compared to his brothers, and more than ready for his first real, big party. Because he didn't think Big Mama liked small, modest ceremonies. So he was excited, slightly impatient, and ready to open the portal and go through it himself at any moment, since his family had decided to dawdle so much - when it suddenly hit him that in the heat of the moment he had completely forgotten to check that everyone was taking it as seriously as he was.
The reason, to be specific, had just appeared in the doorway, dressed in a blue tracksuit with arms filled with a giant pumpkin tied with a pink bow. And had the nerve to still call himself his boyfriend in such an outfit.
Leo looked him up and down, twice, just to be sure, trying to convince himself that this wasn't so bad, but even he wasn't that good at lying to himself. And he'd had a lot of practice at it.
"You're going dressed like this?" he made sure, still with a faint hope.
With a sigh of relief, Usagi set the pumpkin on the floor and waved his numb hands, frowning.
"Do I look bad?" he asked, glancing down as if he wasn't sure what exactly he was wearing and was looking for a clue. He apparently didn't find any, because when he looked back at his boyfriend, he seemed confused and maybe even slightly offended.
Leo opened his mouth and then closed it, deciding that honesty might not be the best option.
"Nooo..." he finally denied, very convincingly. "Not that it's bad. But it's so..." He twirled his hand in the air. "Normal. Too casual for a wedding."
Usagi looked down again, this time checking the back of his pants just to be sure. He spun around, adjusting his sleeves, and finally rocked back on his heels as if to make sure he hadn't forgotten his prosthetic.
"I don't understand what you're talking about," he finally said. "I've been to loads of weddings, and never had a suit on."
Leo raised an eyebrow.
"Where the hell did you go to weddings?" he asked, but Usagi just shrugged.
"I had a large family."
Leo immediately decided he'd rather not pursue the subject further.
"That explains it, sure. And you need that thing because...?" He pointed to the pumpkin lying between them.
Given his boyfriend's past, he half expected to be slapped in the face with another very funny, not at all traumatic story, but, thankfully, in a small miracle, Usagi just smiled broadly, clearly proud of himself.
"It's a gift. For the happpy couple." He leaned down to pat the vegetable with the utmost tenderness. "Very practical - you can eat it. Best kind of gift."
Leo concluded that it could have been worse. And that he should probably have thought about a gift himself, but it had completely slipped his mind.
"Okay. You know what? Whatever. I look great for both of us, you'll blend in somehow." He flipped the ends of his mask like hair. "Can you go find Mikey? I'll take care of Donnie."
It took a good ten minutes to gather everyone in the living room. They wasted another fifteen minutes on Splinter, who had completely forgotten they were going anywhere, despite being reminded of it every chance he got for the past week, had fallen asleep in his armchair, and when he woke up from his nap he was extremely grumpy and dawdling. Leo suspected he would have less trouble getting a five-year-old ready, and he seriously considered leaving his father at home, but something told him he was in the minority on that score.
On the positive side, he noted with relief that at least his family knew how to dress. Mikey, in his long, colorful tunic, looked far too related to Draxum than anyone should be, but it was clear that he felt as comfortable in it as possible. Donnie, in his white shirt and unbuttoned jacket, looked more elegant and traditional, and even Splinter, when he finally managed to pull himself together, didn't stand out too much. Leo didn't get a chance to see Raph, because his older brother had sneaked out of the house first thing in the morning, but considering that he was going to pick up Mona, it was safe to assume that he had squeezed into his best suit and spilled a bottle of perfume on himself. And eaten the other one. The fact that only his invitation included a companion was very rude in Leo's opinion. The fact that Mona was mentioned by name in it, when absolutely no one had bothered to mention her to Big Mama yet - damn worrying.
"Okay, does everyone but me have a present?" Leo looked from the box Donnie held under his arm to the ribbon-tied painting, behind which he could just see the top of his little brother’s head. "Really?"
Mikey leaned out from behind the canvas to make a face at him.
"Everyone but you knows not to go to a party empty-handed," he huffed, not without a grain of truth. Leo wasn't going to admit it, but he wasn't going to argue either, which he saw as a compromise.
"Can I sign in under one of yours?"
"Absolutely not." Mikey circled his painting, shielding it with his own body. "Don't even try."
Donnie just looked at him sideways.
"Nardo, touch that package and I'll break your fingers."
Usagi, meanwhile, eagerly picked up his pumpkin, moving it a little closer.
"You can add your name to mine," he offered, not having his hands free and pointing with his knee to the place where his own, slightly crooked signature appeared.
Leo considered for a moment how much he valued his dignity, but in the end decided it had never been worth much.
"Ugh, fine," he decided, reaching for a marker. "If anyone ask, I just really respect your village culture."
"Hey!" Usagi spun around, moving the pumpkin out of his reach. "What the hell is wrong with my 'village culture'?"
Leo gave himself a few seconds to digest a completely honest answer, to make sure none of the words actually passed his throat.
"Absolutely nothing, cotton tail." He assured, putting all of his heart and acting skills into it. "Your culture is just so... interesting." Usagi glared at him once more. "And it suits you very well."
Usagi narrowed his eyes, but then seemed to decide to trust him after all and brightened up visibly.
"Fine, I believe you.”
Leo took the opportunity, before he changed his mind, to quickly sign the pumpkin, and then put his arm around Usagi's waist, kissing him on the cheek. And again, on the temple. He would have kissed him a third time, but Mikey had booed them and there was a very real threat that he would throw something, too. He couldn't seem to break this new habit.
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crispy-bonnie · 2 years
Hi hi!!! Hopefully requests are open!!
I was wondering if you could write for a platonic!payday gang with an adopted teen!reader??
I was thinking that bain ended up adopting teen!reader and now the gang just coddles them. You can write for whoever for this request!! :DD
- have a nice day/night!!!
yeah no problem ! i'm not too experienced with writing platonic things , let alone teenage/child reader situations , but i can most definitely try !
You're adopted by the Payday gang
The gang literally has no fucking clue what to do with you when they find you in front of the safe house
You were dropped off by Twitch at the safe house and Duke was the one to meet with you first
Litearally has no clue what's going on, and the rest of the crew ends up gathering as well to see what was happening
Dallas eventually got a call from Bain, explaining the entire situation
You were adopted by Bain for reasons unknown, and now you kinda just live there
It takes a bit of time for the gang to warm up to you, but once they do, it's pure fun from then on out
Jiro is like the calm parental figure that teaches you coping mechanisms for things like anxiety, depression, or other issues
He's the first one to notice if something's wrong, and he would be the first one you would go to
Duke is like that really cool relative that can and will blabber on about ancient shit
He'll offer to take you to a museum of your choice on his days off, and if you take a real interest in something you see, then he'll probably steal it during a heist just to make you happpy
Sydney, Joy, and Wolf are basically your chaotic family
Joy will teach you the ropes on tech and hacking, Sydney would let you go ham on designing masks, and Wolf would help you try to make your own contraption in his workshop
These situations typically get you and the gang in some trouble [Making a mess with paint, making the most dangerous fucking contraption in humanity, accidentally hacking into some really dangerous/important database, etc]
That's where Aldsotne, Dallas, and Hoxton come in
They're like the calm and tired parents of the gang like oml give them a fucking break
If chaos ensues and it involves you, Dallas will be the first one to hear about it and immediately try to diffuse the situation
Hoxton would be the one to give you a good scolding about it, and Aldstone would be the one cleaning and teen-proofing the place where it happened
Sokol and Bonnie are the more chill ones and often like to teach you how to play games
Sokol will teach you how to play hockey, and he might even take you to an ice skating rink to teach you how to skate [if you don't know how to that is]
Bonnie would teach you the tricks behind gambling. Obviously she won't use real money when playing with you, but she'll use fake chips to demonstrate the stakes that are put on the table when in such situation
Jacket is like that weird and quiet relative that you are a little uncomfortable with but manage to get along with him after a few hours
He'll let you record your own lines for his tape recorder and might even use them during heists
Jacket also likes to offer to play video games with you, and you often beat him in them. Of course, he doesn't complain or anything because if he did, he knew he'd probably be mauled
Ethan and Hila like to invite you to record videos with them
Whether it be a vlog about daily life, a YouTube challenge, or a talent showoff, they always wanna make sure you feel included
Hell, when they post their vlogs, they'll often brag about how epic you are and make sure that you get a nice amount of attention on social media. If you're okay with it that is
All in all, the Payday gang is a pretty good family considering your whole orphan situation
You honestly wouldn't trade them for a different family
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whatib · 9 months
It's an ugly world without Santa
You manipulate With your bag of tricks You're playing God with the world on my shoulder … We're so lost that we all think it's over But I'm the one to blame For this burning pain It's eating up the world And we gonna live it in shame It's hard to maintain When it's so insane It's so, so insane
"So kids don't listen to your parents The parents can't teach us All they ever left was a world in a mess"
Lyrics to "Dignity" Song by New Politics 2010
These have been the lyrics for the youth of every new generation since the mid-1800s, if not since the year 1. You're not alone, the world has always been a mess. The only difference is that in 1980 you found out in college, today you can find out when you're 9 yrs old.
When you find out that the world is a tragedy and all your dreams come crashing down at 23 yrs old, it's a difficult experience, but you plug through it and fight your way through life and build a career, kids and a family.
When you find out that the world is a tragedy and all your dreams come crashing down at 14 yrs old, it's not just a difficult experience…it's life altering. It changes your perspective of life, and how you view the world from a very young age. They seem to become ambivalent,cold
In school I was never taught that Thomas Edison electrocuted elephants in order to prove that Tesla's AC current shouldn't be used and that we should use Edison's DC current. I was taught that Edison was a hero. I found out about the elephants at the end of college.
Our parents, teachers and government didn't want to teach us the ugly side of the world. They only taught us the beautiful things, the good things, the things "we should all be proud of." They built a happy world for us, they didnt tell you that you're going to get fired someday, you're going to hate your boss someday, you're going to lose a best friend someday, you're going to have a miscarriage someday, you're going to stress over your kids, you're going to hate your kids, you're going to want to leave everything and disappear and start a new life one day, you're going to have a nervous breakdown, you're grandparents are going to pass away, you're going to freak out over the late mortgage payment, you're going to get back pain.
Our parents have never told their kids these things because they want you to believe in Santa forever. They want you to be happpy, love life, have fun and believe that every day is a magical day. They don't want you to freak out and go into a depression over the stresses of life, so they let you find out about life on your own.
I didn't find out that George Washington and Thomas Jefferson had slaves until the very end of college. They hid that fact and Chinese torture, the Russian Gulag, Thomas Edison electrocuting elephants and all of the other ugly things in life. They hid them from us so our minds wouldn't be overwhelmed with how terrifying and disappointing the real world is out there.
Today, kids have access to information in the palm of their hands. Any 9 yr old kid with a phone can read about all of the tragedies in world history, and that will impact how they see the world from a very young age. It alters their view of people and causes distrust at too young of an age. We need to raise kids that still trust their friends. Once trust is gone, then people cannot work together, and a lot of things, very important things in life don't get done. We need people to be able to work together, it's the only way to build a society or….accomplish anything for that matter
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Questions and suggestions
1. What’s your favorite way to spend a day off?
Nothing for me truly feels better than going out down town with my friends. I love downtown with all of my heart so getting to show my friends my favorite place feels so magical. I love the book store down town i need to buy more books for sure!
2. What type of music are you into?
I am into so much music which I know is a generic statement but its true if I ever had to pick a favorite genre it would likely be old female jazz music. women talking about the reality of life how sometimes ur not beautiful sometimes you just cry and chain smoke cigarettes.
3. What was the best vacation you ever took and why?
When I was in the 6th grade before i came out i had a secret girlfriend and her family was SUPER rich. she and i went to montanna and then Wyoming i got to see yellow stone and also smell all the sulfer. everycorner had an icecream shop it was also the first time I went ziplining/ tight roping which was terrifying but perfect!
4. Where’s the next place on your travel bucket list and why?
I would absolutely love to go to the JIm henson mueseum. I have always admired the whymsy of his art especially fraggle rock and dark crystal!
5. What are your hobbies, and how did you get into them?
About 2 years ago i left a toxic friend group I used to have to devote all my time to them so when I left I had so much time to pick up hobbies. I draw,scuplt, throw knives, dance, sing, crochet, read, paint, thrift, and many other things.
6. What was your favorite age growing up?
8 was the best age for me. I was very smart compared to the rest of my  class back then along with that I also had my best birthday that year i asked for a mystic doll with a reverseable head and I also got a tiny donut keychain. It was perfect
7. What was the last thing you read?
Of mice and men. I havent finished it yet but holy shit it sad. I feel for Lennie very heavily i know what it feels like to be confused or to like something that ends up being something someone takes.
8. Would you say you’re more of an extrovert or an introvert?
Extrovert! my whole life everyone told me I was an introvert but I truly dont think I am. I am just an anxious extrovert.
10. What was the last TV show you binge-watched?
Beef on Netflix was so good truly and had a lot of nuance especially in the art world.
11. Are you into podcasts or do you only listen to music?
I can get down with podcasts. I love the whole concept of chatting to a stranger.
12. Do you have a favorite holiday? Why or why not?
Halloween. it's so unifying it the one day you can be anyone you want and act a way you to and not be questioned.
13. If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Easy peasy pb and j. I have really bad stomach issues so I started eating blander food so i dont have to constantly take meds.pb and j can be made so differently along with that it give you everything you need!
14. Do you like going to the movies or prefer watching at home?
I love the theater its so fun to share the movie experience with strangers it makes me happpy to spend time with people.
15. What’s your go-to guilty pleasure?
Probably alittle drink. especially somthing strawberry flavored YUM!
16. How old were you when you had your first celebrity crush, and who was it?
as far back as I can remember I have had 2 celebrity crushes,beast boy from teen titans and donetello from the ninja turtles
17. What's one thing that can instantly make your day better?
Usually just a nice compliment does it for me.
18. Do you have any pet peeves?
When people make jokes about my struggles with addiction its just so uncalled for.
19. Which meal is your favorite: breakfast, lunch, or dinner?
20. What song always gets you out on the dance floor?
Tainted love by softcell
21. What activity instantly calms you?
Painting its hard to be angry when you are creating art 
22. Ideally, how would you spend your birthday?
Surrounded by friends and family with a big cake and lots of hugs.
23. What do you do on your commute to/from work?
Usually talk to my mom about what i am gonna do after work so i get in a good mood for the shift
24. What's your favorite season and why?
Fall its perfect and calm
25. What's the phone app you use most?
Easily pintrest!
26. Would you rather cook or order in?
Cook especially if I have company
27. What's your favorite board game?
28. How do you take your coffee?
I like all coffee alot but black coffee hits so different!
29 What's your most prized possession and why?
Probably my fnaf circus baby funko pop. my dad got her for me when i needed someone to care about the way i felt i needed that reassurance that someone cared
30. What would be the first thing you'd do if you won the lottery?
Give it to my family and friends. I feel content with how I live my life so anything I can do to help them!
31. How do you enjoy spending your alone time?
I like to draw alot but anymreo i crochet when i am alone and when im with people.
32. What’s the best concert you’ve ever been to?
I have never been to a concert sadly 
33. Do you have a favorite type of exercise?
34. What causes are you passionate about?
I am really passionate about alot I believe everyone should have equal rights i am also very passionate about drug abuse being a disease and not a crime along with safe abortion.
35. What’s your favorite content genre (horror, sci-fi, rom-com, etc.)?
Horror comedy 
36. What’s an essential part of your daily routine?
 I try to say high to everyone i know even vaguely so they feel validated and knowo i care idk what i would do without doing that!
37. What’s the worst gift you’ve ever received, and what did you do about it?
I am a pretty thankful person so for me atleast i feel like anything is good
38. Who or what never fails to make you laugh?
My cousin Jay THEY ARE SO FUNNY FOR NO REASON! And I love them so talking to them brightens my day!
39. Do you like group activities, or prefer doing things solo?
40. What's your ideal first date?
A walk around the town and then get food an tell each other everything we know about ourselves- just really have  a heart to heart 
41. What would your perfect day look like?
Wake up at a decent time and have donuts with my parents then go out for a while with friends and then work and then back out with friends and maybe a fair!
42. Do you collect anything?
I collect alot of random shit- clowns,crystals,hotwheels, tech decks, batman figures, fnaf figures , candels
43. What's the best gift you've ever received, and why?
The best gift I ever received was probably my huge jar jar binks animatronic i got for free at a down town toy shop. 
44. What would your perfect meal look like?
Lots of veggies like a charcuterie board with fruit,veggies,cheese,meat, honey and crackers, and maybe baked beans<3
45. What's your favorite podcast?
Violating community guide lines
46. Is there one job you’d never ever do?
Honestly the only one i probably wouldnt do is be a hitman
47. What’s the first thing you do after getting home from work?
Change i hate smelling like sweat and syrup
48. Who or what inspires you in your career?
I am very inspired by small time creatives anyone who exspiriments with art.
49. How do you approach taking time off from work?
I am honest and only take off once every 3 months or so
50. What’s something an outsider wouldn’t know about your industry?
I am actually working for a mlm but our shop is a front HAHA
51. Do you have a morning routine at work? If so, what it’s like?
I work afternoon shift but the first thing I do is wash my friends put on 60s music and make  a cucumber drink.
52. Are you able to work from home, and if so, do you enjoy it?
I am also a part time illustrator other than a tea bar tender and yes i absolutely love it
53. Do you get along with all your coworkers?
54. What’s your favorite thing about your current job?
The people they all are so kind and respectful
55. What annoys you the most about your job?
Hmm not alot honestly probably just people who yell at me but i also understand they are struggling 
56. What’s the career highlight you’re most proud of?
The first book i got published it meant everything to me!
57. What type of role do you want to take on after this one?
Hmm I am not sure I just do what the world offers me!
58. Are you more of a "work to live" or a "live to work" type of person?
Live to work i want to always to enjoy everyday and just working to live would be miserable
59. Does your job make you feel happy and fulfilled? Why or why not?
YES the smiles and the nice words do it all!
60. How would your 10-year-old self react to what you do now?
She would be confused but in the end happy
61. What do you remember most about your first job?
The time i saw a lady with no teeth eat coleslaw with her hand
62. How old were you when you started working?
16 but before that I babysitted 
63. What’s the worst job you’ve ever had?
Cracker Barrel waitress holy shit it was bad. 
64. What originally got you interested in your current field of work?
I loved the tea we made and i drank it so much they asked if I just wanted a job HAHA
66. Have you ever had a side hustle or considered having one?
Yeah I have a few I sell art and clothes and other trinkets along with illustrating and babysitting
67. What’s the best career decision you’ve ever made?
The best career decision I ever made was speaking up I truly cant suggest anything better than takung what the world gives you and making it yours
68. What’s the worst career decision you’ve ever made?
I very often get burn out but I am working on it!
69. Do you consider yourself good at networking?
Absolutely not but thats okay!
70. What career advice would you give to your younger self?
Speak up you have valid things to say bby!
71. Do you believe in having a "five-year plan"?
Yes i think thatr considering the future is so important
72. When will you know you've "made it"?
I feel as though I already have  i have family and friends and a home and thats enough
73. Are you looking forward to retiring, or do you plan to work as long as possible?
I would like to work as long as possible
74. Have you ever had imposter syndrome?
Not  sure maybe just a  little
75. What qualities do you look for in a boss?
76. Do you have a professional mentor? If not, do you want one?
I would love one but i dont have one!
77. What energizes you about your career?
The kindness and the delicious taste of the tea
79. How do you motivate yourself in your career?
I Remind myself i need money to pay for the things i love and do things to help others
80. When you started your current job, what most surprised you?
How people who are normally kind to me at school are much ruder at work.
81. How do you pick yourself back up after making a mistake at work?
I Dance a lot. If i mess something up real bad i will fix it laugh and do a little dnace
82. How do you deal with work stress?
I remind myself everything is temporary 
83. What's one work-related thing you want to accomplish in the next year?
I want to host a sip and paint
84. Who has had the biggest impact on your career choice?
My mother she always helps me find new things and step out of my comfort zone
85. What does your family think of your career?
They are very proud of me
86. If you could do it all over again, would you pursue the same career? Why or why not?
I am not sure no matter what i would do i will continue to do what is offered to me 
87. Does your work routine vary, or does it look the same every day/week?
It varies a lot depending on the week 
88. What do you typically wear to work?
Employee teeshirt and jeans!
89. Have you ever had to relocate for work?
No  not yet!
90. Would you ever relocate for work, if you were asked to?
I would do whatever I needed to do for a good job
91. Have you ever been on a cool business trip?
92. How do you handle career setbacks?
I take a minute to reset and get back at it
93. How much time do you spend with your family?
94. Who do you most like spending time with and why?
I honestly enjoy spending time with just about fanyone I love hearing other peoples ideas alot!
95. Which family member makes the best food?
My parents cooking compliments each other perfectly mh father learned how to cook in a restaurant while my moms mom passed down recipes and technique to her so its amazing!
96. How has your opinion of your family changed over the years?
When i was younger i use to be dumb and be upset at my mom all the time but now i am so much closer with everyone
97. If you’re close with your family, what’s the hardest part about spending time away from them? I miss my moms laugh and my dads funny jokes when we are apart. :(
98. Do you wish you had a bigger family, or are you happy with its current size?
HOnestly i am happy with what i have but the more the merrier 
99. Which family member has had the greatest impact on you?
My mother easily she is truly my rock
100. What’s your favorite story about your grandparents?
Probably the time my grandma with a broke arm tried to arm wrestle me over math homework
101. Have you ever mapped out your family tree?
YES my grandma is actually a genealogist! 
102. Were you close with your family growing up?
No sadly i was not
103. Who in your family makes you feel the safest?
Probably again my mom she is so strong!
104. Do you want a family of your own?
YES SO BADLY i want to have children so i can show them true love not challenged by generations of trauma
105. If you could change your relationship with a family member, would you? If so, with whom?
My nana i would love to be closer with her but she so unkind its very hard
106. What was it like growing up as the youngest/oldest/middle/only child?
I was the youngest but was always supposed to take care of the oldest i think that might be why i get such bad burn out because i started doing things everyone in my grade did but 2 years earlier
107. What’s your favorite family memory?
Hmm i have many but last summer my family played frisbee golf and then went to dairy king
108. Do you ever wish you were raised differently?
Yes and no is parenting hard yes were situations handled badly when i was younger often yes.
109. What’s the best piece of advice a family member has given you?
Once when i was younger and much more aggressive and frustrated i stayed up to late and had a panic attack and then my sibling said stop taking everything so seriously this isnt the end 
110. Do you wish you had more siblings? If so, why?
Yes and no i feel it would be nice but also i am content with one
111. Did you ever hide anything from or lie to your parents?
Yes but i dont blame them for it
112. What's your favorite way to spend time with your family?
Board games i am incredibly bad at games and it makes everyone laugh!
113. How do you show your family you love them?
Gifts hugs words treats stuff like that helping them in general
114. What’s your favorite family tradition?
Going to my grandmas on christmas
115. What's the most important holiday you spend with your family and why?
Christmas and because it just always has been i wonder when that started
116. What's something your family would be surprised to learn about you?
Probably just how bad my addiction was  i dont want them to be sad or view me as sick so i don't really tell anyone
117. Which family member do you confide in most?
Hmm honestly all of my nuclear family hears it all
118. How do you deal with arguments between family members?
I apologize and ask what i can do to help them feel better/
120. What's more important: family or friends?
Both i truly cannot pick
121. Do you have any friends you would consider family?
122. What physical traits do you share with your relatives?
We all have large noses lol
123. What stories did your family members tell you growing up?
My dad used to make up stories for me and my sibling about them being a ballerina and me being an animal whisperer and wed do on adventures
124. How did your parents (and/or grandparents) meet?
The city cleaning center haha
125. What makes you proud of your family?
I am proud of them for everything they do
126. What can always bring your family together?
A new marvel movie
127. Do you share a name with anyone in your family?
Sadly no but iw ish i did
128. What activities do you like to do with your family today?
I love to paint with them
129. What activities did you love to do with your family growing up?
Probably play board games again lol
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fullofsadeem · 1 year
I’m writing our last chapter, and I don’t know how it ends, but the one thing I do know, is that lovers don’t end up as friends, I tie my hair up, looking at your texts, I threw our entire book across my bed, you know I loved writing even tho I might not be good at it, I just keep doing it and it’s the closest way for me to express how I feel, but I’ve been just staring at it for months, what a romance novel scene, I don’t know where we go from here, you know I said it as a joke, “I don’t get jealous, I don’t mind if you want to talk to other girls, I don’t own you. And I’ll never force you to respect me or treat me right.” That was one of my biggest mistakes, I shouldn’t have joked about that ever, I look back to my notes, what exactly happened there?, I could end the story here, but would you think that that’s unfair?.
I close my eyes, imagine myself in your brain, because what the hell are you thinking driving me so incredibly insane?, I wanna give it a happpy ending. Because I want that for me. But I want someone to know on the first date, not change their perception of me and my value every night, someone that wants to talk to my family and then brings me home. Not someone that says “I want to be together” then leaves me alone.
I haven’t been able to write a new character since you turned our romance into a mystery, and my favorite subject was always science, but now I’m waisting time on our history.
I could rewrite the beginning, remove some of my hope, delete you all together, and that would be one way to cope. Make the romance into tragedy, what would Romeo and Juliet say?
I was holding out for our future but for you it’s just another day, at least thats what it seems, only one of us is a writer so the other chooses flight, so why do I stay the fighter? I don’t want to be a fighter. I don’t wanna be a part of some game, I want the “after meeting you nobody could have ever made me feel the same”. I don’t want to create us, put into words what we do, why do I have to be the one to write, when someone tells me “I love you”. There’s magic in madness, all these things I’ve made, why do I have to be courage when somebody else gets to be afraid, so what will it be then? These choices you make, because I am not someone who for granted you take.
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TODDY!!!!💞💞💫HAPPPY WEEKEND DUDER😎aight so i accidentally deleted your cookie ask while tryna save it as a draft haha ik aha noah youre such a klutz BUT ITS ALRIGHT COS NOW I GET TO FIRE IT RIGHT BACK ATCHA WHEN IM DONE ahem
my process is diabolical yet simple. simply diabolical:
i take cookie. doesnt matter what kind of cookie unless ofc it does ((i.e. caramel, artificially fruity, etc))
i get a small bowl.
i fill the small bowl less than halfway w milk.
now there's two ways i can go abt this depending on the size and quantity of the cookie(s) i can either:
a) crumble the cookie(s) up and eat it w a spoon like cereal
b) let the whole cookie sink to the bottom n schlurp the milk out like a cat or w a straw and devour it Also w a spoon
long story short Yes!! I do enjoy good ol milk n cookies!😎
NOAH!!!!!! UR MIND!!!!! 🤯 youre a downright genius is what you are. ofc ive always loved a good ol’ soggy-but-basically-just-mush cookie (chips ahoy specifically, since i dont want to obliterate the ones my stepmom and i lovingly made together lol) and i will now be adopting your method to torment my friends and family. christ alive!!! i cannot wait for ppl to berate me abt how gross it is while i enjoy some delish cookie soup and laugh maniacally at their agony 😈 also imo chocco chip is the best but gingerbread/snaps (i cant pick) are close seconds in terms of types of cookies.
and happy weekend to you too!!!! even tho its almost over but we dont talk abt that 👀
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Nov. 13
there were birthdays in my family today, so i went to my grandma's house along with the majority of my extended family. i don't think that most of them know that i am just home for the rest of the semester, and they assumed that i was just on fall break and i'm like, yeah, something like that. i feel like i don't owe the entire family an explanation of what i'm going through, but i do feel like i'd be kind of comfortable talking about it with maybe one of my aunts.
aside from that, it was usual family gathering with comments about my weight and appearance and how i'm doing in school. i didn't feel the urge to cry through, only the usual overwhelming annoyance as an autistic in a crowded and loud environment and as a non gendered person getting so gendered by my family. it was fine though, and my grandma was happpy with the day, so that is all i ask for.
i am currently doing okay. maybe a five out of ten. i don't feel terrible and incredibly unhappy, which is good. it's rare for me to actually recognize days like these, so that's something that i'll have to do better with in the future. i think that recognizing happy days is good for being able to have hope for getting happy-- happier-- in the future and to just believe that it's okay to not feel like shit all of the time. like that doesn't invalidate my experience having been depressed, but also showing that i can get through it? i don't know, i feel like if i try to analyze the neutrality and the okay days too much i'll ruin them, so for now i'll just say that i'm okay.
tomorrow i am going to take time to clean up my room. the fact that i have sheets on my bed is a miracle in itself but unpacking my clothes for the time being would probably open up my room more so i could have some floor time and stuff. the floor in my room is one of the cleaner places i can sit because the dog has not been allowed in my room since the time that he trapped himself under my bed. so i'll probably have some podcast and clean time. maybe read a physical book and hope it holds my attention span like they used to.
i am going to take my meds within the next thirty minutes i promise
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unfinshedsentec · 2 years
random ran headcanons❕
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a/n: it’s rans birthday…AHHHHH HAPPPY BIRTHDAY RAN
reader is gender neutral!
character: ran haitani
tw: cursing and suggestive content (it’s ran)
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o   This man is uh…one of the most confident in the Tokyo rev universe
o   By confident I mean cocky
o   He stands by ‘love your s/o as much as you love yourself’
o   Which basically means he loves you a lot
o   In all seriousness, Ran does love you. He will go out of his way to make you happy, and protects you with all he has
o   He, in general, is a pretty protective boyfriend
o   Sure, he’s not possessive or anything, but he definitely will beat up other men who flirt with you
o   Sometimes he gets jealous, but really, it’s not that often
o   In fact, you’re the one who’s getting jealous!
o   Ran has a naturally flirty personality and he gets hit on pretty often because of it
o   Of course, you’re not a fan….and you end up telling A LOT of girls off
o   Ran thinks this is superrr hot though
o   Seriously, it drives him INSANE to see you get all protective over him
o   Don’t worry though, Ran will never cheat on you. He loves you way too much for that!
o   He’s sure to show that to you all the time too
o   He’s always got a hand on you, whether that’ s in public or when you’re alone
o   He especially loves grabbing your ass
o   It’s a damn good way to show other people you’re his
o   He loves cuddling with you too!
o   He cuddles with you every night, and if he doesn’t get his cuddles, he will be a real bitch…until he gets his cuddles
o   You better run your fingers through his hair at some point too
o   He LOVES that
o   It pretty much puts him in a trance
o   He ALWAYS brags about you to his friends
o   Seriously, sometimes you’re all he can talk about
o   I mean, he loves you so much and he’s so proud of you, who wouldn’t he brag about you?
o   Ran also spoils you A LOT
o   He’s rich, what do you expect?
o   He gets you anything you want, if you’re a good s/o, of course
o   Don’t think he’ll buy you something if you’ve been bad
o   Most times though, he’ll just go out and buy you whatever you want
o   A new phone? He’ll buy the most expensive one. Jewelry? He’s already at the jewelry store. Games? You better bet your ass he already has them
o   Even if it’s just food, he’s already bringing it to your doorstep
o   Anything to make you happy, after all!
o   Of course, he also spoils you by taking you on a TON of dates
o   He’s the type of to just randomly show up at your door and say ‘Get in bitch, we’re going somewhere’
o   And then he proceeds to take you to either the most beautiful place or most expensive place in Tokyo
o   Apparently, he’s rich enough to spend hundreds of dollars at a restaurant and think it’s absolutely fine
o   It’s truly baffling
o   Apparently, you have to teach him about saving money…
o   Another thing he especially loves is when you take care of him
o   Seeing you care for him when he’s sick or more likely, injured is something that really just warms his heart
o   He can absolutely see you doing this for him in the years to come…and something about it just makes him look forward to the long future ahead of you
o   He dreams of having an amazing future with you, where you get married, have a family and make of his brother
o   The thought of it puts a smile of his face, even in the worst of times
o   Ran really does have a soft spot in his heart for you
o   You’re one of the only people he truly opens up to, and shows his true emotions too
o   You’re also one of the few that he feels he can genuinely trust
o   Overall, Ran Haitani loves you A LOT…and you better love him too
o   After all, you’re stuck with him now!
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masterlist || reblogs are very appreciated <33
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warrioreowynofrohan · 3 years
I’ve been thinking about what makes me like characters, and I think one major element in it is unselfishness.
I like the Valar; I have a better opinion of them than most of fandom does. Basically all of their decisions are motivated by caring about other people. They invite the Elves to Valinor because they like them and want them to be safe and happy, and want to spend time with them. They like teaching them new things, and seeing them learn and invent new things on their own. They create Númenor for more or less the same reasons, of wanting the Edain to have a place where they can be happpy and comfortable and exercise their talents without fear. It doesn’t mean these decisions end up being the right thing, but the motives are fundamentally beneficent.
When the Trees are destroyed, they work on making things better. They make the Sun and Moon. Even after the Noldor make Valinor an unsafe place by slaughtering other elves, even when that’s devastating, they’re willing to let them come back if they’re willing to reject what they did and acknowledge it was wrong - Finarfin and some of his people come back and aren’t punished at all - and even for those who won’t reject the Kinslaying, they still take actions to help - Manwë sending Thorondor to enable Fingon’s rescue of Fingolfin, Ulmo warning Finrod and Turgon to build stronghold, Ulmo aiding the establishment of Gondolin, and later sending Tuor to warn Turgon, and then lastly the War of Wrath. Manwë and Ulmo also intervene to help Huor and Húrin in the Battle of Sudden Flame, and Manwë intervenes to help Beren and Lúthien. All of this is simply because: they care about them.
I like and I respect Fingolfin because he’s willing and able to put his own feelings aside and think about other people. He actively seeks to reconcile with Fëanor. When he’s emotionally coping with the fact that his own brother threatened his life and his father sided against him, he doesn’t wallow in his own feelings; he takes up the unexpected burden of the kingship, and he does a good enough job that most of the Noldor want him to continue being their king after Finwë’s death, even though he’s not next in line. He and Fëanor and Finarfin are all grieving their father’s death after the Darkening, are all going through a loss that is painful and nigh-unprecedented for Valinorean elves, but Fingolfin and Finarfin still manage to think about the bigger picture and what’s right for their people and to exhibit leadership. When they arrive in Middle-earth across the Helcaraxë, he’s got to be furious with the Fëanorians, but he still manages to reconcile with them and cooperate effectively with them because that’s what his people need. His own emotions and desires aren’t the most important thing in his life.
I like Finrod for this reason as well - he loves the Edain, he cares about them in and of theirselves, he exerts himself on their behalf and acts as an arbiter and negotiator between then and the Green-elves, and between the Haladin and Thingol; he doesn’t take their aid for granted, and he’s willing to die to repay the House of Barahir for saving his life. He doesn’t appear to hold grudges; he remains on good terms with Maedhros and Maglor despite the Helcaraxë, and is willing to welcome Celegorm and Curufin to Nargothrond when they need sancturary.
Do we have a single canon instance of Fëanor acting unselfishly? Any specific moment where he deliberately puts another person’s interests or needs before his own? It’s stated that he loved Finwë greatly, and grieves him terribly, and I don’t doubt that’s true, but does he ever actually do anything that puts his own feelings and desires aside in favour of what would make Finwë’s life happier? He’s not willing to try to get along with his half-family, which Finwë would certainly want. The “Shibboleth” (in HoME 12) says that During the time of his sorrow Finwë had little comfort from Fëanor…soon [Fëanor] became wholly absorbed again in his own works and devices. [This is an alternate version from the Silm one, where Fëanor is older when Míriel dies; in the Silm she dies while he is still a young child.] When the matter of Finwë and Indis arose he was disturbed, and filled with anger and resentment; though it is not recorded that he attended the Debate or gave heed to the reasons given for the judgement, or to its terms except in one point [that Míriel could not return]. This grieved him, and he grudged the happiness of Finwë and Indis, and was unfriendly to their children, even before they were born.
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whatib · 2 years
Nothing has changed, we've all had the same disappointments since forever
"So kids don't listen to your parents The parents can't teach us All they ever left was a world in a mess"
Lyrics to "Dignity" Song by New Politics 2010
These have been the lyrics for the youth of every new generation since the mid-1800s, if not since the year 1. You're not alone, the world has always been a mess. The only difference is that in 1980 you found out in college, today you can find out when you're 9 yrs old.
When you find out that the world is a tragedy and all your dreams come crashing down at 23 yrs old, it's a difficult experience, but you plug through it and fight your way through life and build a career, kids and a family.
When you find out that the world is a tragedy and all your dreams come crashing down at 9 yrs old, it's not just a difficult experience…it's life altering. It changes your perspective of life, and how you view the world from a very young age. They seem to become ambivalent,cold
In school I was never taught that Thomas Edison electrocuted elephants in order to prove that Tesla's AC current shouldn't be used and that we should use Edison's DC current. I was taught that Edison was a hero. I found out about the elephants at the end of college.
Our parents, teachers and government didn't want to teach us the ugly side of the world. They only taught us the beautiful things, the good things, the things "we should all be proud of." They built a happy world for us, they didnt tell you that you're going to get fired someday, you're going to hate your boss someday, you're going to lose a best friend someday, you're going to have a miscarriage someday, you're going to stress over your kids, you're going to hate your kids, you're going to want to leave everything and disappear and start a new life one day, you're going to have a nervous breakdown, you're grandparents are going to pass away, you're going to freak out over the late mortgage payment, you're going to get back pain.
Our parents have never told their kids these things because they want you to believe in Santa forever. They want you to be happpy, love life, have fun and believe that every day is a magical day. They don't want you to freak out and go into a depression over the stresses of life, so they let you find about life on your own.
I didn't find out that George Washington and Thomas Jefferson had slaves until the very end of college. They hid that fact and Chinese torture, the Russian Gulag, Thomas Edison electrocuting elephants and all of the other ugly things in life. They hid them from us so our minds wouldn't be overwhelmed with how terrifying and disappointing the real world is out there.
Today, kids have access to information right in their hands. Any 9 yr old kid with a phone can read about all of the tragedies in world history, and that will impact how they see the world from a very young age. It alters their view of people and causes distrust at a too young an age. We need to raise kids that still trust their friends. Once trust is gone, then people cannot work together, and a lot of things, very important things in life don't get done. We need people to be able to work together, it's the only way to build a society or….anything for that matter
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My birthday is in 7 days and my family just told me that they weren't going to be celebrating this year, so I was wondering if I could get a happy birthday from my favorite boys?
Happpy early birthday! Oh i'll go bake a cake! Any flavors you'd pefer? Let me know because then I can start prepping right away!
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Well Darlin' happy birthday! I'm sorry your folks didn't wanna do anything to it. A birthday deserves to be celebrated. I mean they'd always the birthday one gets a kiss. Some come a bit closer darlin'
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Well that means we gotta celebrate with a drink! Happy birthday dear, I hope you will get to spend this day however you want to.
And ofcourse I can't forget to show you round Ambrose and the town next over. I mean we gotta make it special for ya.
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elysiumxflowers · 7 years
2 am thoughts that follow you
Over your 7 am coffee
The only warmth you get in a day
When those strong arms are too worn to hold you at night
But that little light that looks up at you through crystalline eyes
Puts you to bed at night and drags you out in the morning
To rise again with the promise of
The dawn of a new day
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Hey Sakshi ! Happy valentine's day ❤️ sending you a bouquet of flowers and chocolates. Hoping your day went well . Actually I was writing the ask and idk something happened and that whole long ask got deleted 😂 I was like no man , this is not happening so here I am writing it again. 😅 I will definitely reveal myself in the near future and I will be excited to see your reaction .🤭 I saw you made two posts about me . God ! Never expected that, thank you !
Woah you literally cried I mean , I can understand that first scoope of icecream must have tasted like heaven as you mentioned . You ate the leftovers of your cousins because you were always taught to never waste food that's amazing . You are beautiful person sakshi . Thank you for sharing your story. Umm as for me I can't remember anything right now but I will surely tell you something later.
To be honest I love dogs and cats both but I would slightly prefer ( just a little bit) cats over dogs . They are just adorable . I really want one to be my pet 😩. What about you? Umm sports yeah earlier I used to play badminton and football with my friends but later on we stopped playing because uk we got busy in our studies and stuff. Sometime I terribly miss those days when " what game should we play today ? " Used be the only difficult question but now ughhh.
Oh all the best for your finals . I will pray for you , may you ace them . My exams are from 26 April though uk boards stuff but I really need to get more focused now . Just deactivated my Instagram ( hardly makes any difference I am still not studying lol 😂)
My weekend went well . Going for a long walk with my best friend was the highlight .we met after so long , so we had Many things to talk about so yeah.
Yeah I love reading books and novels .I get lost while reading . Escaping reality is my favourite thing to do after all. My current favourite book is 'looking for alaska' by John green . Oh I have heard of 'the book thief' I would love to read it .
Ps - I am normal blogger and generally reblog some romantic shit 😂 but I love Taylor and her songs . 'All too well' is currently on loop . I really really love that song I mean she is a queen 😩 and damn the lyrics hit hard. What's your all time favourite?
Sorry the ask got quite long 😂 take your time to answer it . Have a great week and take care ❤️.
Hiiiii, Happpy belated valentines day, Anon! ❤️aw, thank you:), *I am receiving that bouquet of flowers with a big smile on my face, and in return wrote you a small handwritten note with chocolates*😁💜
haha, Tumblr and gliches are synonyms. 😁 ...I am excited to see my reaction too 😃
oh no, I didn't ate the leftovers of my cousins. I meant that I didn't had any leftovers from my plate, why the hell would I eat theirs😂😂... okay, later is fine,good.👍 Awiee thanks for saying that, the way you reply and send these asks is depicting this fact that you are beautiful person too buddy.
CATS, they ARE adorable, like on my youtube dashboard there are only cats/cute animals and Ted videos😅 . I loves cats and dogs both equally. Dogs cuz of their nature.
Hmm,but for me, as a minor, I do get time to have fun with family and friends. Hopes you and your friends get together and do spend time together, whether it's in sports or just going out and eating junk food, and doing fun... Thank you, all the best to you too, ahaha, still not studying 😁,
Aww, long walks are still my favourite thing, time with best friends is actually pretty good, and so crazy and fun, and joyous, and sometimes annoying 😆 because the wierdness we both have got within us:) and sometimes relief
books really do make you escape reality, and I am the kind of reader who reads a book and finishes it in 1 and a half day(but sometimes even longer) and the characters' are on my mind for 1 or 2 days, just making me think about them more and more,like totally from that perspective, and that pain, and laughs, lord, books!🥲 oh, it's your favourite currently, I haven't read it, but I will after sometime.
haha, romantic shit, well, that's great 😂...'all too well', yes, the lyrics are something that just make you feel you have never ever had before, and is just so heartbreaking,for me, tbh, not everyday on loop, but of course on alternative days, yesterday it was dear John, last kiss, and sad songs,but afterward IT WAS ICONIC REPUTATION TOUR. My all time favourite,like for real, you are asking this question to a Swiftie, I really can't pick out a all time favourite, it needs to be currently, it's 'my tears ricochet'. Okay,but if I had to go with a all time favourite, I'd go with Marjorie.
Oh,long asks are always welcome which are filled with such warmth and beautiful smiles, rant, vent, anything.
Take care🧡 ,stay happy, and drink water
love you💛
Edit: hey anon, long time no see, doing studies? all the very best to you, I would love to know with whom I was having these wonderful conversations, and if possible whenever you get time, just drop by to say hi😊..can I call you ❤️'anon?
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h0neyjaehyun · 4 years
☁︎ 𝐌𝐨𝐝𝐞𝐥 ☁︎
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Summary // Its Tali's birthday and her brothers
Characters // Tali Flores + Miguel Flores (ft. NCT127+ Bang Chan + Karma Yoon + Song-ho + Allen.)
Era / Year // February 2017
Word Count //
Italics // English
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"Out of all days...you just had to pick our birthday to model." Tali said shaking her head.
Tali accepted her brothers invitation to model with him in February but didn't know it was going to be on their birthday. She had to leave early so the boys won't stop her from going. She had to tell her manager to tell Nct 127 manager to tell the members she had a schedule today so they won't worry cause they took her phone because of hate comments.(yes ofc we totally love that)
Miguel chuckled at her and put his arm around her shoulders.
"Come on its been awhile and its been awhile since we have spent time together." He pointed out.
She rolled her eyes at him, but did have a point. His modeling career has been off the charts going to different countries to model at points she joins him but they haven't spent a lot of time together properly especially on birthdays, one always seems busy.
"Come on people lets get these twins changed we gotta start." The photographer shouted and people started to scramble.
She has forgotten how this type of modeling was like and its a lot work and longer too. Since usually its more like oh they get two outfits each 5 poses and only one place to stay go while this...this is multiple outfits, different changes, different makeup styles each and places changes.
She mentally groaned remembering all of this, since she sometimes modeled here and there with her brother since he wasn't yet comfortable with other people aka girls. She didn't mind at first but its been awhile since she did this.
After she came out of the dressing room with her outfit that people helped her put on, her brother clapped.
"What?" She raised an eyebrow at him.
"You look great."
"Oh tha-"
"Cause you look just like me." He said with such confidence cutting her off. Tali gave him such a dirty look.
"What?" He said questioning her dirty look.
"Nevermind, I'm just wondering how I'm related to you." She said looking him up and down and walked out of the dressing room. Miguel looked at her with a disbelief look on his face thinking, I forgot how much of a bitch she can be.
While Tali was walking out her manager got gave her the phone. It was Doyoung. She answered.
"Hi Doyoung."
"Hi princess, happy birthday."
"Aw thank you."
"The guys are wondering where you are, we wanna celebrate your birthday."
"Oh.." She quickly looked back at her manager signaling her to come back over. She covered the mic quickly.
"Did you tell the manager to tell the members that I have a schedule?"
"Then why is Doyoung calling me where I am."
"Just tell him you are on a schedule all day."
Her manager waved off, Tali huffed and went back to the phone.
"Uh, I'm at a schedule right now sorry."
"I know, but we wanna come over and visit."
"Oh.... I don't know where we are I slept half way here, let me ask if-" She turned to see her brother shaking his head no, she frowned and mouthed okay.
"Sorry. I can't have visitors." She said glaring at Miguel.
"Oh, when can you come back home?"
"I don't know, I'm sorry." Tali said apologetically.
"Oh Tali don't be sorry, we should its your birthday."
"Oh don't worry, I'm not alone its okay I will hopefully see you tonight I have to go, tell the guys I said hi."
"Will do Tali." She ended the call with a pout and turned to her brother.
"Really, I can't bring them?"
"Nope, this is a brother and sister bonding time, its been awhile since we modeled together lets go lazy ass." He said dragging her to the set.
"Yeah yeah, Im comin."
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"Yeah?" Doyoung turned to Mark.
"Can we come over?"
Doyoung shook his head, all the members excitement went down drastically.
"Why not?" Taeyong asked quite upset, he wanted to see Talia.
"I don't really know, she just said no visitors allowed." Doyoung slouched in the couch.
"What is she doing anyway?" Haechan whinned.
"She is modeling." Their manager walked in past them to get water.
"Why? She didn't have a schedule for modeling yet." Taeyong said checking her schedule on his phone since she shares it with him because she has different schedules than them its easy to keep track of her so he knows when she gets home.
"She doesn't have it down, it was a favor for a family member, she accepted but she didn't know it was on her birthday she will comeback later don't worry." He waving it off.
The members were taken aback she never talks about her family so never thought she would do something for them especially model.
"Why modeling?" Jaehyun asked his manager.
"Because one of the family members is a model and asked her to model with them, you will see it in Vogue." He said walking off to his room.
The members eyes went big, they didn't think she had a family member that modeled especially one for vogue.
"I wonder how attractive her family is, like think about it." Yuta reasoned.
Everyone nodded Tali was pretty, what about her family?
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"Final one Tali you two get to go home!" The photographer said happily. Tali smiled and so did Miguel.
It was almost dark.
"Happy birthday asshole." Tali said putting him in head lock.
"Happy birthday bitch." As he was about to tackle her on the ground the heard someone clear their throat. They looked up to see four familiar faces.
"Hey guys, what are you doing here." Miguel said while Tali was releasing him from the head lock.
"To say happy brithday to you two idiots." Karma said hugging Talia then Miguel.
"Yeah, questionable why you guys are working on your birthday." Chan said hugging both of them in a tight hug.
"Ask Miguel he dragged me here." Tali said hugging Allen then Song-ho. Song-ho shook his head at her.
"Well, we all wanna hangout for your birthday tonight you two up for that." Allen asked.
"Yeah but what time?" Tali asked wondering if she needs to sneak out.
"Around 1am." Allen said checking his phone.
"Why so late, not that I don't mind honestly probably Tali needs a breather." Miguel said eyeing Tali.
"We are gonnna celebrate at the spot." Song-ho smiled widely with the rest aswell remembering all the memories from there.
"Looks like I'm sneaking out." Tali said with a huff.
"Ooh, like usually." Miguel teasingly messing up her hair.
"I came to drop you off aswell Tali." Chan said grabbing her bag.
"Thank youu~, see you guys later and Allen."
"Pick me up at the corner instead."
With that she left with Chan.
"So, you gonna sneak out?" "Yup."
"This reminds me of highschool when you used to sneak out, and you still get all A's, you amaze me Tali." Chan said shaking his head.
"Wow flattery will get you no where Chan." She snickered
"Ah wait don't pull that trick on me." Chan warned her while she laughed.
"Have fun Tali, while you still can."
"Is this why you are actually allowing this to happen?" She raised an eyebow at him.
"Of course, but you know our deal." He said eyeing her.
"Of course of course until I'm 19 or Korean age practically 18. But I can't get drunk either way neither can you, if we do....we will end up in bed with someone." She said eyeing him suspiciously as they got the front entrence to the apartment. He turned to her with a are you kidding me face.
"I have no-" "shhhh, you said that last time and you ended up like that." She cut him off getting out of the car.
"I hate you Tali!" He shouted
"Oh shut up you love me." She said walking in laughing.
She got on the elevator with relief. Just really thinking of all the things that happened in her life good and bad.
She got out of the elevator and went to the 127 dorm since she figured they wanted her there. She opened the door it was dark, she thought they all went to sleep which was her luck to get really until the lights turned on and saw the members.
"HAPPY BIRTHDAY TALIA" They all yelled running up to her and hugging the life out of her.
"Happy birthday Talia." Haechan said back hugging her.
"Aww thank you guys."
"LETS CELEBRATE!" Johnny yelled
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It was now 12:30 she was back at the dream dorm everyone was asleep and when I'm mean everyone I mean everyone. After Tali showered she saw everyone passed out not one soul awake she didn't party that much as she needed to go.
As usually she managed to actually leave without anyone noticing running down the stairs, and out the door she left.
Running down the block she saw a black car with 2 people in it who seem like Allen and Song-ho waving at her to jump in...literally.
She ran and jumped over the door and in the back seat as Allen pushed the gas and went to the spot where everyone is waiting. She felt the breeze going through her hair she hasn't felt that in a while. They stopped at a construction site and went up the stairs to see cake, balloons and a fire.
"Finally, I want some cake." Karma said walking next to her looping her arm with hers and pulling her to the cake.
"Okay lets Gooooo."
"Happpy birthday to you, Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday Twins, Happy birthday to you."
They all sang. Then they both blew the candles.
"OKAY LETS EAT SOME CAKE." Allen yelled.
(Yes I know the bite for some people/ cultures, but Karma would kill them if they destroyed the cake.)
Song-ho, Karma, Allen and Miguel were drinking while Talia and Chan weren't.
"AY, why you guys not drinking, well Chan, I know why Tali is not." Allen asked quickly clarifying.
"Because I need to drive you and Tali home, and personally I would like to be conscious." Chan said matter a fact tone. Allen rolled his eyes at him so did the others.
"Come one lets go out I'm bored." Tali whined while pulling Chan.
"Okay okay, how about the park like we used too?"
Everyone nodded in agreement.
They were walking some airplaning down the street just goofing around. Tali sat on a swing with Allen looking at her.
"What is it?" Tali asked noticing him staring.
"....do you miss him?"
Tali was taken back.
"Yeah, yeah I do." She whispered but enough for him to hear, she knew who he was talking about.
"Wanna give him some flowers before we go any farther?"
Tali stopped swinging and thought about it for a moment.
"Sure its been awhile."
Allen smiled at her.
Everyone turned, knowing exactly who he was talking about. Everyone softened and smiled at the thought of visiting him.
"YEAH SURE." Karma yelled out loud walk towards them with Chan, Miguel and Song-ho.
"You think she is gonna be able to?" Karma whisper to the three boys before they reach Tali and Allen.
"Yeah...." Chan stopped for a second making Karma, Miguel and Song-ho look at him.
"She has to, if she wants to keep that promise."
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