#one of those kids who’s goofy just to annoy him
theloveinc · 8 months
I think a lot abt what Bakugo’s. Children would be like, but truly. Do we think he has at least one goofy ass kid??
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inf3ct3dd · 6 months
streamer!ellie pt.2
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summary: i hated the other one of this that i made, so REMAKE TIEM!!!
warnings: miiinor sexual content, shit talking, gay people 😒
authors note: heheheh ples don’t flop this time..
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- during her faceless days, she opened up a po box so ppl could send her things, and she made an amazon wishlist and she unboxed stuff on stream 😍😍
- one day she was unboxing a giant box of cat toys. string, those little feather stick things, even that weird automatic flapping fish thing (that she secretly loves and taped to her back one time)
- she was playing with this one toy that was a little fishing reel, and it had string and a little fish on the bottom. she went on and onnn about how shes a self proclaimed “fishing master” while garf chased it around, letting out little meows and growls of frustration.
- eventually, she lost her grip and let go of the pole. she bent down to pick it up, forgetting that her face would be in view. thus, the chat started blowing up.
ewwwbruh: FACE REVEAL
ewssidechick: her nose looks so rideable…
- she got distracted petting garfield, and didn’t realize anything until she stood up. she was getting tagged over and over again on twitter, blurry pictures of her face (curtesy of the shitty webcam) circulating through her subreddit.
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- “guys. im gonna erase this from ur memory…” and she literally held up this goofy ass hypnotizer pendelum and started fake hypnotizing everyone like “that never happenedddd” “you don’t know what i look likeeee” “that was fakeeee” “chat that was not reallll”
- and everyone literally js went along with it and pretended it never happened. like ppl were tweeting about it and everyone was like “huh??? what are u talking about bruh??”
- she did the same thing after falling off her rainbow unicorn scooter 😞
- one time she revealed that the “ew” in her username stood for her initials, and everyone was making the most horrendous guesses. elliam willace being the favorite one.
- “guys, my name is not edward wilson??? i am…not a man”
- shes gotten into so much drama…multiple notes app apologies have been issued via her instagram story.
- people would ask her opinions on other streamers, and she’d literally just be like “…i have no idea who that is.” and people would get so MADDDD but homegirl is literally just blatantly unaware
- or she would know , and would literally be like “they’re honestly super annoying and i would rather kill myself than watch them but whatever floats ur boat ig!”
- she played that “womp womp womp womppp” sound effect on her soundboard afterwards.
- SPEAKING OF. she abuses that soundboard sooo much. its so obnoxious and annoying like I SWEARRR!!! she’ll tell a horrible pun and play the crowd laughing and cheering sound effects while literally no one laughed.
“guys. whats the best way to watch a fly fishing tournament??”
“…live streaming.”
(crowd cheering sound effect)
“nooo thank you thank you, you’re all too kind, really!!”
- meanwhile chat was dead silent.
- every time she gets to choose her own name on a game its some dumb shit like "jizzmaster" or "chris fucker"
- “it appears you have entered innapropriate content.” “OHHH LOOK AT EPISODE LOOK AT THESE CORPORATE BIGWIGS TRYING TO CONTROL THE LITTLE MAN???”
- she just ended up naming him “chris phucker”
- like when she played episode on stream and made up really annoying voices for all the characters and made her character look like an elderly man, and made the love interest look like you 😍😍
- she messes up sm on games when she streams normally, but when you're there? she is LOCKED THE FUCK IN. sitting there so focused the entire time just to show off
- whenever she randomly goes silent she just starts SINGING. it's either nicki minaj or some fucking fnaf song
- speaking of, her favorite fnaf song is def “stay calm” cuz she loves saying “hey kids. Nice to eat ya.”
- bought one of those "i paused my game to be here" tshirts…ironically. you refuse to let her wear it in public
- beefs w kids on fortnite sm... she has definitely gotten banned for saying she was gonna bomb a kids house or fuck their mom 😞
- every time she plays a game, she'll literally sit there and watch an 8 hour long video about the lore. she'll plop down on the couch and watch it like a movie
"did you know everyone actually thought that fnaf one took place in 1993, but it was actually 1992?"
- she definitely had you sit next to her when she played through fnaf because she was lowk scared the entire time whenever she heard you walking around the house while she was playing she'd hear footsteps in the hallway and be like. WHAT THE FUCKKK
-she'd have you right next to her, laying your head on her shoulder and messing with her free hand. if you fell asleep, she would be sitting there slapping her hand over her mouth whenever she gets jumpscared bc she doesn't want you to wake up 😞
- sometimes, while she streams , she plays one handed games and lets you sit and draw on her arm for fun. even got you a whole set of those skin markers so u could go ABSOLUTELY HAM. she got one drawing you did that said “r + e 4eva” tattooed in ur handwriting…such a sap
- she loves watching fan edits of herself...AND OF YOU. she'll be on her burner account with a whole collection on tiktok of edits of you.
ewwsbiggestfan: shes so bad i want her to hit me w her car...
- speaking of. imagine her using that account to make shitty capcut edits of you like
- shes ur biggest fan ongod
-WHILE WE’RE ON THE TOPIC OF “fans”…what if i made a completely new origin story for streamer!ellie and reader. what if they were both streamers….
- you had started streaming about a year before ellie did. butttt, you two did very different types of streaming.
- you weren’t very into like, SERIOUS video games. sure, you played some stuff, like animal crossing and roblox and the sims, but nothing more than that.
- that wasn’t what you were streaming though.
- ever since you were younger, you had been wayyyy into…literature.
-by literature i mean fanfiction. heaps of it.
- actors, anime characters, BOOK CHARACTERS, you were in DEEP
- sometimes, for fun, you used to read them out loud in stupid voices. when you were alone, or with your friends, it was very entertaining
- that’s when you got the idea to start streaming it. if it could entertain your friends, and you, whos to say it wouldn’t entertain other people.
- well, it definitely did. in your first year, you hit 10k followers. people loved you. theyd make edits of you, send in requests of fics for you to read, everything.
- a while later, ellie started gaining more and more popularity. out of all the incomes of fame, fanfiction was the most. abundant!
- one day, you got a request to read an ellie x reader fic. at the time, you barely had any idea who she was, but you decided to just go with it 🤞🏽
- “who the fuck is elliam willace???”
- the fanfic was definitely very…graphic!
- “your hips rolled onto her thigh, her slender, tattooed hand palming at your waist. ‘you’re doing so good babe, fuck.’-“ “GUYS. ISN’T SHE NOT ON MUTE RIGHT NOW???”
- you couldn’t help but giggle the rest of the fic, feeling a nagging heat in your core. you didn’t even know who the girl was, but if this fic was accurate, someone would have to sedate you.
-“im actually. gnawing at the iron bars of my enclosure. GUYS. who is this woman…is she real… if she is. things are about to get WICKED.”
- not very thankful to you at the moment, she was very real. apparently, you and her were streaming at the same time, and your followers raided her stream telling her she was reading about you. her curiosity was obviously piqued, and why would she NOT join the stream?
- creeperewman: im definitely real!
- the text on your screen literally made your stomach fall into your ass. you stood up and legit just walked out of the room, camera still on. was she there the whole time???
- creeperewman: aww 😞 where’d she go she’s so badddd
- you eventually returned after a minute of calming yourself down, and low and behold, she gifted you 100 subs and followed you on instagram.
- she was definitely very real!! and that fanfic was…lore accurate. to say the least 😊
- after you two started dating, the two of you would often show up on eachothers streams. ellie, teaching you how to play cod, and you, reading with her.
- she secretly loves reading the fics people write about her and making fun of them, and every time you stream with her shes “subtly” hinting that you should read about her
sitting there pulling on her collar, looking away like “gee, wonder who you’re gonna pick today” with the worst fake laugh ever.
- “ellie can barely ride a scooter, idk why she’s in the mafia rn…” “you fall off ONE TIME and all of a sudden you cant ride a scooter. bullshit.”
- she makes fun of all the dumb pet names like “babygirl” and “darling” and randomly calls you them and bursts out laughing
- you still read those fics when you’re bored sometimes. and ellie MERCILESSLY makes fun of you for it
“yknow, if you missed me that bad, you should’ve just told me.”
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minnesota-fats · 1 year
Watchtower Tech. Danny
Part 2
Part 1
Dick was excited when Bruce asked if he wanted to go back to the watchtower today after school. Of course he said yes, it was so fun the first time he went last week. But unlike last time, the novelty of being up in space wore off quicker than the first time. Because this time, Bruce had to attend a meeting. Dick sat in his own chair—kicking his dangling feet next to Bruce as he talked about some boring thing or another. Dick looked out the window and watched the stars outside, it was those stars that reminded Dick of Danny—the fellow Gothamite who worked below the lower levels of the watchtower. So when a break was finally called, Dick went up to Bruce and tugged on his cape.
“Hey, B,” Dick asked, looking up at the man.
“Yes, Chum,” Bruce grumbled out as he looked over his notes with a furrowed brow.
“Can I go hang out with my bird buddy down stairs?” Dick asked. Bruce looked at him, trying to recall what the words meant which made Dick sigh, “you know, Danny, the guy I met last time.”
“Hmm.” Bruce said, thinking. Dick has only just started to figure out Bruce speak, but he knew that particular ‘Hmm,” in that tone ment Bruce was weighing his options. After a few more seconds Bruce sighed, “go ahead.” He says in his gruff voice.
“Yes!” Dick exclaimed.
But before he could run off Bruce said, “as long as you are not distracting him from his work. If he is too busy, come right back.” Bruce demands.
Dick let out a groan, “fiiiiiine!” He moans before running over to the elevators and pressing the button to go to the lower floors.
The elevator doors opened to what looked like the hustle and bustle of a wearhouse mixed with an auto body shop. Several employees littered the floor, Some at computer stations, others at work tables while some just sat and ate in the corner laughing with others who were on their breaks. Also unlike last time—now having permission to be there—Dick scampered across the floor looking for the familiar black hair of one Danny Nightingale. After surveying the area with no idea where the older man was, Dick decided to go up to a group of workers near the back corner.
“Excuse me?” Dick says through the crushindo of laughter from the men on their break. They don't really seem to notice him, Dick pouted and jumped up onto the table to make himself seen. “Excuse me!” He shouts.
The group pauses and looks up at him with confusion written all over their faces. Dick smiled, “hi, i'm looking for Danny Nightingale. Do you know where he is?” He asked politely.
Several of the workers looked at eachother, some shrugged and laughed. One of the men spoke up, “where did you come from kid?”
Dick tilted his head to the side, “from upstairs?” Dick said like it was obvious. A few workers gave him a look that he couldn’t really decipher.
“And why are you looking for Nightingale?” The man asked with a cocked brow.
“Cuz we’re bird buddies!” Dick exclaimed enthusiastically with a big goofy smile. The men surrounding the table found the statement funny and started laughing, causing Dick to pout. “Can you just tell me where he is,” Dick demands, now getting annoyed.
Another man let out a snort, “sure kid,” he pointed over to a man who was crouched with his back facing the group, with his upper half obscured by the machine. “He’s over there doing something he’s probably not supposed to.”
Dick lifted a brow, “what do you mean, not supposed to?”
“Look kiddo, that kid’s crazy, but clever.” An older man spoke up, “The tech head, Dale, has him on cleanup detail but the kid keeps sticking his nose into things he's not supposed to. Managed to catch a meltdown before it could happen and Dale was furious. He's too scared to bring it up with the higher ups.” The old man smirked, “guy has it out for Nightingale but doesn't want to risk losing his job for letting the rookie fix something while also not wanting to give Danny the credit.”
Dick let out a hum in thought, thinking that there may be a case of abuse of power here. “How come?” He asked the man.
The man smirks, “the kid’s good, knows it too. It pisses Dale off!” He said with a laugh before going back to his chat with the others around him—unaware of the seed he planted in Dick’s mind.
Dick furrowed his brow, he may have to look into this further; maybe if B see’s he solved a case all by himself maybe he could stay out later on patrol! Dick smiled and waved goodbye to the men, despite them no longer paying him any mind, “thank you!” He shouts before running off towards danny.
He walked closer to the man who was half in the machine; a faint humming came from the man as he worked. Dick smirked, he snuck up behind the man, “hey, Bird Buddy!” He shouts, causing the man to jump and hit his head on the roof of the machine. Danny winced and sat back up, rubbing the spot he hit his head. He looks back with furrowed brows, though his expression changed when he saw Dick smiling up at him.
“Oh, hey Birdy, good to see you again.” Danny says with a smile.
“You too, Big Bird.” Dick said, beaming at his own nickname he made for Danny.
“Ha. Good one, kiddo," Danny paused, “actually aren't robins bigger than nightingales?” He asked, putting his hand onto his chin.
Robin mimicked him, “I don't know…. But it makes sense cuz you're bigger than me!” Dick says, explaining his reasoning.
Danny smirks, “got me there, Birdy. You wander off without Batman knowing again?” Danny asked as he grabbed a rag from his belt and began wiping grease off his hands.
“Nope!” Robin exclaims, “B and the others were having a meeting so before it reconvened, I asked if I could come see you. Batman said that I could as long as I wasn't bothering you.”
Danny smiled, “aww, you could never bother me.” He cood.
“So what are you doing?” Robin asked, head tilting to the side as he leaned trying to peek around danny.
“One of the zeta tubes is on the fritz so I thought I would take a look at it.”
“Do you know what's wrong?” Dick asked as he peeked into the open mouth of the machine.
Danny shrugged, “No, technically I'm not supposed to be working on it.” He explained.
“Then why are you working on it?” Dick asked with a raised brow.
“Because I may have a bird name but I'm not a chicken.” He says with a smirk at his own joke. Dick let out a cackle, “the guy who was working on it went on break and left all his tools out. So I took that as an invitation to finish what he started.”
“Won't you get in trouble?” Dick asked, looking around.
“People tend to ignore me here.” Danny says as he turns to look back into the zeta tube control panel that he was tinkering with.
“Why?” Dick asked, he already started making a mental catalog of everything he has heard so far like how Bruce taught him.
“Well, most people applied to this job directly to the Justice League, it's a very sought after job that takes endless amounts of screening to get. Only one in three people get hired. I, however, was scouted out directly from the dark knight himself.” Danny explained, “people think I didn't earn the job like they did.”
“Really?” Dick asked, “but if B went to you directly, that must mean you're good!” He exclaimed.
“Aww, thanks, Birdy,” Danny cood with a smile as he looked back over his shoulder, “I just have had lots of experience since I was a kid.”
“Your parents let you do that?” Dick asked before remembering what Danny said about his parents last time, “sorry….”
Danny paused and looked at Dick with confusion written all over his face before realization dawned on his face, “oh, don't be sorry kiddo, I got over them a long time ago.”
“But—don't you miss them?”
Danny sighed, turning back away from the zeta tube control panel to face Dick fully, “of course I do, they were my parents…. But they made it clear what their decision was…," Danny says looking down slightly. He sighed again, “it was so long ago that it doesn't matter anymore, I still have my big sister at least, and my two best friends. They helped me a lot and are the reason I came so far!” Danny paused, “and that's what really matters, the people who are there for you. Family doesn't always mean blood. Does that make sense?” Danny asked with a tilt of his head.
Dick thought about it, sure, his parents will always be his parents. But they were not his only family. All of Haly's circus was his family, from Zitka the elephant to Waldo the clown to even Mr.Haly himself! They were his family, but that wasn't all. His mind started to fit Bruce and Alfred into his idea of family. Dick smiled up at Danny, “yeah, that makes sense.”
Danny turned away from him, “good,” he says as he grabs a tool from the bag, going back into the mess of wires. “How was your day today, Robin?” He asked.
Dick smiled, “it was good, school was boring though,” He said with a groan as he threw his head back, “English is hard!”
Danny laughed, “I'm right there with ya, bud,” Danny exclames without turning away from what he was working on. “English was never my strongest subject either, but my favorite teacher I ever had was my high school English teacher.”
Dick lifted a brow, “really?” He asked incredulously, thinking about his own English teacher—who wore the same boring suit every day and would always stop Dick in the hall because he was “out of dress code” because of something he added to the uniform to make it look nicer.
Dick could hear the laughter in Danny's tone, “yeah, surprised me too when I realized it. His name was Mr.Lancer, he believed in me when no one else did. AND he cursed in book titles!” Danny exclaimed.
Dick laughed, “really, how?” He asked.
Danny sat back up and put his hands on his hips and exclaimed in a mocking voice, “Lord of the Flies! Mr.f—Nightingale, what are you doing!”
Dick laughed harder before falling onto his back and kicking his feet up in the air. Danny looked over his shoulder and smiled before going back to his work. The two continued to chat as Danny worked, dick talking about how boring his teacher is compared to the stories Danny had of Mr.Lancer. After thirty minutes or so, the familiar yellow light of the zeta-beam began to glow on the control panel.
Danny sat back and laughed, “Ha. Got it!” He exclaimed, proud he managed to figure out the tech.
“Awsome!” Dick exclaimed, jumping up and stretching his legs.
Danny followed suit and stood up, his joints popping in protest as he stretched. Danny looked down at dick and smiled, “cmon, kiddo, let's get out of here before the first guy shows back up!” Danny declares as he puts everything back the way he found it.
Dick laughed and followed Danny like a duckling as the man went and moved on to his next task for the day.
@cannibalisticphantom @stealingyourbones @akikkobara @spookytragedyshark @jaguarthecat @vythika96 @fae-of-the-wild @spikedlynx @cicibunbuns @redhoneysugarorange @nottmuchtopost @rosecinnamonbun
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comradekatara · 24 days
Ok another beautiful underrated Sokka/Aang scene
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Sokka was so worried for Aang and in the end he was like "fuck you all, i'm gonna help him" i love them :(
yeah :’) i think the key difference between sokka’s relationship to aang vs katara’s relationship to aang is that katara is all like “he’s the avatar he’s perfect he’s so brave and strong he’s gonna save the world” and sokka’s like “that’s literally a twelve year old??????” like he believes in aang and he knows that aang is just a small, goofy child, and both of those facts exist in tandem. he trusts aang but he doesn’t think that aang has all the answers, and he still thinks that it’s his responsibility to protect him because aang is just a kid, and he takes responsibility for aang’s mistakes and aang’s losses because that’s what he does. when he gives aang the deciding vote on whether to retreat or stay during the invasion, for example, sokka later takes full responsibility because he’s the one who let aang make that call, and aang is his responsibility. sokka doesn’t believe in the inherent power and divine perfection of the avatar, so he’s able to see past the mythology that most people cannot, including katara. which isn’t to say that katara over-idealizes aang, but she certainly is prone to valorizing him in ways that can sometimes be unfair to him and his capabilities, especially in book 1. katara starts off basically hero-worshiping aang and gradually starts to recognize his flaws and shortcomings as a human being beyond his power and status, but sokka has the inverse journey, where he starts off suspicious of aang and annoyed by him, and eventually aang grows on him until he’s able to have faith in him both as a friend and as the avatar. what makes aang and sokka’s relationship so beautiful, then, is that all of it is earned, and the reason sokka would do anything for him is not because he’s the avatar, but because that’s his little brother, and he loves him dearly.
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mellifiedprincess · 4 months
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It was obvious to anyone who really knew Chris that physical touch and words of affirmation were his love languages.
Those qualities were just a few of many that made him the best boyfriend anyone could ask for.
It took time though.
It took him months to realize that the weird feeling he would get in his chest, anytime you were around, was his body telling him he was in love with you.
And now, he wholeheartedly believed there wasn’t anyone else made for him besides you.
One would think that the amount of affection he showers you with would annoy his brothers, since most of the time it was the four of you together, but in all honesty Nick and Matt were nothing but happy for their younger brother. Happy that he finally got to experience what being in love with someone felt like. Happy that Chris found someone he was utterly obsessed with.
The kid just wanted to be near you all the time.
Like now.
The 3 brothers were finishing up recording for their podcast, while you had just woken up from an hour nap in Nicks bed. (Chris insisted you sleep there so you were close to him)
You could hear parts of their conversation as your senses started to focus.
“Wait- I think Y/N just woke up.” You clearly hear Nick announce, before you decide to finally stand up and grace them with your still sleepy presence.
“Look at how adorable she is.” Your boyfriend states into the mic, not taking his eyes off of you for a second. His hand reaches out for you before you even have time to make it past Nick, just ready to touch you.
“Hi baby. You still sleepy?” You can only nod as you finally make it to where he sits. Your face immediately nuzzling into his chest as his hands rub up and down your back. And if you weren’t standing, those actions and the comforting smell of your boyfriend would have you back to sleep in seconds.
“Sorry for interrupting guys.” Looking up at Matt and Nick, you finally speak, voice still a bit weak from sleep. “No need to apologize, Y/N/N, we were just finishing up.” Nick kindly states before he starts to close out the podcast.
“Yeah, I don’t think Chris would have been able to keep going for much longer. We had to constantly stop him from going to wake you up. He was convinced you weren’t breathing.” Matt calls your boyfriend out, causing a slight tint to form on Chris’s face.
“I just wanted to make sure she was still alive.”
You feel a kiss being placed on your cheek, before one is placed on your lips. Smiling at the familiarity of your sweet boyfriend. “I love you.” Your words are mumbled from his lips being on yours, but he heard you loud and clear. He pulls away, one of his hands running through your hair while the other rubs the exposed skin of your hip.
“I love you more angel.” And you wished more than anything that people could see this side to him more often, instead of the ‘hot and emotionally unavailable player’ his fanbase depicts him as. And at one time maybe that was true, but it’s not now.
Now you get to experience this soft, so in love he could throw up boy. So in love he can’t help but have a goofy smile on his face 24/7.
“I might fall asleep standing up.”
“Why don’t you go ahead and lay down in my bed? I’ll be there in two minutes.” Chris places another kiss to your cheek and softly pats your butt, as you start to pull away.
You see that same goofy smile on his face and can’t help but smile back.
“Take your time. I’ll still be breathing when you get there.”
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erwinsvow · 4 months
omg omg hi lovie!! I really loved your fic about secret bf rafe! I was wondering if you have a continuing part? If not Im literally on my hands and knees BEGGING for one!
oh my goodness this is so so so sweet!! you are SOOO nice thank you so much. i loved that lil fic so much :') i imagine they have lots of other encounters before that and also where they're almost caught.. & i think it's super goofy after everyone finds out. in my head one of the boys (i feel like jayj but maybe pope) also have a lil crush on her so it might be fun writing some stuff with rafe getting jealous/the boys getting jealous... what do you think!!!!!
yes of course of course of course. please let me know what else you'd like to see... for now i present how i imagine they met :) eee!
The first time Rafe sees you, he's guiding Wheezie through the aisles of the library children's section.
"You know, Leah's mom lets her read Twilight. She said it's so good, she was up all night reading it."
"Yeah, well, Leah's mom also drinks too much wine at the club and probably forgot what that garbage is about. Find something here." Rafe glances through the books on the shelf, settling on a bright pink cover. "How's this? Strawberry Shortcake and the Sleepover?"
Wheezie makes a face at him.
"That's for, like, five year olds."
"Look, the pages are scented," he replies, ignoring her and flicking through the sheets to inhale the smell. He holds it over Wheezie's head, trying to entice her into picking it so they can get the hell out of here.
"No, Rafe, that's for little kids!"
"You're a little kid, incase you forgot."
"I'm not five anymore. I need to read what the big kids read. I bet they have Twilight here-"
"No way, Wheeze-" He's interrupted by the girl stocking the books on the shelves down the aisle.
"Excuse me?" you ask. It's quiet, like you don't want to impose.
At first, he's a little annoyed. You are imposing, because you're speaking over him trying to make sure Wheezie's childhood isn't getting destroyed by whatever the hell could be in those vampire books. But then he turns to answer you, and his snarky response dies in his throat. 
Rafe’s seen you before. He’s seen you on the beach and at the bonfire, nose in a book, sipping on a drink and keeping one eye on those dirty Pogues you call your friends. He’s never taken the time to notice you, though, not in passing. 
Rafe thinks he would remember if he’d noticed you then. You stand before him, a book in your hand, pretty eyes shining and a gentle smile gracing your face. You look nervous, like you don’t want to bother them. He thinks it’s sweet.
Wheezie looks up at him, mouth a little open, not replying. She pushes an elbow into the side of his leg.
“Are you gonna say anything?” He shoots a glare down at her.
“Yes?” he asks, and you approach them slowly. You’re wearing a lanyard around your neck, dangling over your short white dress and sweater, with a card hanging off the end that can only mean you work here.
“I just overheard and I was going to recommend some books for your age group, if you’d like?” you ask, looking down at Wheezie. Then you look up, glancing at him for approval.
“That would be great,” he replies, a little too quickly. You smile widely at Wheezie, guiding her to where you were organizing chapter books. 
About fifteen minutes later, Wheezie’s checking out at the counter with two Amelia Bedelia novels and another book about some girls who bake cupcakes. She’s using her very own library card, so Rafe stands back at the shelves, watching you sort the rest of the books on your cart while he leans against the frame.
“So, how long have you worked here, kid?” 
“Really?” you ask, glancing up from the Junie B. Jones book you were about to organize. “Are you really gonna try a pick-up line on me?”
“What’s so wrong with that?”
“I know who you are, Rafe. Are you really gonna hit on a dirty Pogue?” He blinks in surprise for a second. Maybe he underestimated you.
“So your little friends talk about me, huh? What exactly are they saying?”
“Contrary to what you might believe, Rafe, we don’t just sit around all day talking about you Kooks.” You turn to shelve the book, hiding a smile as you do. 
“Yeah, sure. Well you seem to know a lot about children’s books, that’s why I’m asking. I’m gonna be around here a lot.” You turn to stare at him for a second. “For Wheeze. She loves to read.”
“Yeah, sure.”
He notices Wheezie’s figure walking back towards him, three books tucked under her arm.
“Well, thanks for getting her away from that Twilight crap. Same time, next week?”
“Yeah, it’s a date,” you say, picking up another book. You only realize what you said a few seconds too late. “Wait, not-”
“Yeah, kid.” Rafe smiles at you, and you find it hard to look away. “It’s a date. See you then.”
He walks away with his sister, leaving you to wonder what you just got yourself into.
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solar-wing · 8 months
⚣ Captor & Captive 🦍
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Check out Parts One💉 & Two🔥!
⚣🦍 A/N → The final installment! Fair warning. For those who read the original version, this one is going to be completely different. With my updating and revising the previous parts, this is the ending I originally pictured but decided to not go with at first so I hope you all enjoy it. As mentioned in the last part, the full NSFW version will be posted to Patreon. WARNINGS: MALE INTERSEX READER. Canon-Typical Violence. Bondage & Gagging. Manhandling/Rough Treatment. Emotional Feelings. Some Comfort&Fluff Vibes, etc! All NSFW warnings will be on the full version.
⚣🦍 Summary → The moment has arrived. Conner's finally got you where he wants you and is ready to tear you apart from the inside (literally). However, a timely arrival from your friends could offer itself as a last chance to escape his grasp before he is able to claim his prize. Are your teammates up to the challenge though with the Kryptonian's increased strength and full powers?
⚣🦍 Words → 10.2K
REBLOGS and replies are greatly appreciated, please! 💛
⚣ Full Version 🦍
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Today was really not your day.
How you ended up in this situation? No one knows, but what or who could you have possibly angered to have something like this happen to you? No punishment in the world you imagined could be as bad as that time you got in trouble for acting out in school and they called your dad.
He could be a frightening man when he wanted to be.
But nope, this outweighed that by so much. And the day started out normal as usual.
Well, as normal as possible for a young superhero with pyrokinesis who was part of an elite team of other young superheroes and vigilantes.
Usual shit, you know?
You woke up, got out of bed, and ate breakfast with your dad before running (flying) off to your university. Classes were boring, you and your buddies acted like goofy idiots all day, and you burned a few kids on the ass for being assholes to other students. 
At the end of the school day, you made up an excuse of why you couldn’t hang out with your friends before rushing off to the abandoned photo booth/zeta gateway in an alleyway of your city to meet up with your team. The second you got there, Batman called you all into the mission room to give details of Professor Ivo’s newest schemes before sending you all off in the bioship to discover what he was up to.
Arriving at the abandoned warehouse where Ivo was sighted, it wasn’t long before things had gone from calm to chaotic. The dusty and dirty building was filled with a bunch of brand new boxes that contained an army of laughing MONQI robots, Ivo’s annoying little robotic henchmen.
It was a trap, one you realized a little too late when you got nabbed by a couple of the laughing androids. Superboy came to your rescue only for you to realize the set-up was for him when he got injected with a purple serum. After you got your bearings, you managed to trap Ivo and take out the last androids, but Conner was out clean, and you had no idea what they had done to him. 
Red Tornado was able to deduce what the mysterious liquid was when Conner woke up after you all returned to Mount Justice and he began acting very aggressive and animalistic towards you. Let’s just say your scent was ‘desirable’ to him, and he was very keen on keeping it and you to him as long as possible along with other things. Details aren’t needed, but from many of his actions, the wind-controlling android figured the Kryptonian was injected with a hormone-boosting solution.
Its intended use was for him to turn into an angry, instinct-driven savage and kill you and your friends. Thankfully, you knocked the vial out of him before it could be fully administered, but his instincts were still amplified. Only instead of a murderous beast, he became the superhero version of a horny and aggressive brute dead set on fucking you stupid.
Thankfully, your friends and mentors intervened and managed to get you away from ‘Caveman Conner,’ as you dubbed this new persona. However, he did not make it easy for them at all as apparently, that serum made him extremely possessive as well, leading to him holding you captive on his shoulder like a potato sack while fighting your friends and mentors like they were world-class villains for attempting to get you away from him. 
Whether that was a Conner trait before the injection or one that was created after was something you didn’t think about though, considering he acted nothing like this when he was with M’Gann.
This entire ordeal led you to discover Batman’s apparent insurance policy for the Kryptonian, in case he or Superman were to ever go rogue. It made you wonder if the superhero had backup plans like that for all the other members of the league, your meta and magical teammates, or even you.
As far as you knew, there wasn’t anything that could counter your powers as long as you weren’t extremely cold. And it wasn’t like there was a member in the Justice League who shared similar abilities to you that Batman could test something out on. But, of course, as cruel fate would have it, the Dark Knight did indeed have an insurance policy for you which Conner had discovered and taken advantage of after shutting off the electricity and luring you to the garage hangar when you and he were alone after everyone had left out.
With the power and communications off in the Cave, your powers nullified and the dark-haired boy’s own amped up since he apparently unlocked his full Kryptonian abilities due to the effects of the serum, you were trapped inside, defenseless, and at his mercy.
Not only had he forced you back into the Cave after you almost escaped, but he smashed the panel that controlled the garage hangar door rendering it completely useless before proceeding to handcuff and gag you while giving a pre-show of his intended plans.
Now, you watched in anxious anticipation as the Kryptonian carried you down to the hall to wherever with plans to ruin your body for his own carnal pleasure.
Yep, normal shit.
Okay, you knew where you went wrong now; you got out of bed.
The tight pressure and soreness in your abdomen had become like a throbbing sensation with every step Conner took that would slightly cause a repeating push against your waist from your position on his shoulder. You did your best to keep your body upright to avoid the very familiar feeling of blood rushing to your head and swimming around in your ears, but it seemed Superboy was taking his good ole time and your upper body strength was getting weaker and weaker.
You also tried to keep your mind off the ache and tingles running up and down your arms as they rested against your back with the metal of the cuffs weighing them down. The Kryptonian chuckles at your futile efforts to escape his hold, with your weak squirming and struggling as he continued fondling the soft flesh between your legs with the same hand holding your thighs against his chest.
He loved the sounds of your muffled whines and cries, feeling like the most powerful person in the world as you were virtually helpless and at his mercy. You would not enjoy the boost to his ego that was guaranteed to happen, especially after his little preview of your night in the garage hangar which you prayed to whatever deity watching that the cameras throughout the base were powered down to and didn’t catch any of that on tape.
The last thing you needed was your friends reviewing the footage and seeing you get violently fingered against the wall and splashing a mess all over the floor.
Speaking of which…
Kal, M’Gann, and Zatanna had left on a walk around Happy Harbor almost 20 minutes before you decided to pack your things and head out. Your fight with Conner, including his little pleasurable fun with you had to also have been at least 20 minutes itself. So, if you were doing the math right, it’d been almost a little over an hour since they had left. What, did they decide to make a stop in Gotham too? 
What the hell were they doing and why weren’t they back yet?!
Who were you even kidding though? Conner virtually made sure there was no way to get back inside the base without him knowing about it. And of course, if they did manage to make it inside, he’d be alerted well in advance and have time to do whatever with you before going to deal with him. 
Of course, you could fight or melt your way out, but with this stupid cooling bracelet on your arm, that wasn’t happening either. You were trapped inside Mount Justice and the only way you were leaving was if the Kryptonian allowed you to.
Why was that low-key kind of hot though?
Despite how embarrassing this whole ordeal felt, you couldn’t deny how erotic all of this was. If it wasn’t for the emotional mess this would eventually lead to, you would have played the role of the innocent and helpless virgin, ahem, victim from the beginning, no questions asked.
His possessive attitude, treating you like the most valuable piece of treasure in the world and not wanting anyone else to have it. The aggression and dominance in how he handled not just those who dared try and take you from him, but how he dealt with you and your ‘bratty’ behavior.
What’s that purring sound?
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Suddenly, Conner came to a stop. You tried your best to turn and see where you were before everything moved in a fast blur as the dark-haired boy turned to look at the two companions that were following behind.
“Stay.” He commanded in a gruff tone.
Wolf nodded at your captor, before planting himself right next to the door you were facing, Sphere going to the other side of it. The Kryptonian entered the room shortly after.
It was dimly lit by the red emergency lights of the Cave, and as the door shut behind you two, it became even harder to tell where you were. However, when you saw a few piles of clothes, some workout equipment, and a bin of tools in different areas, you quickly found the answer: Conner’s bedroom.
Well, at least he was considerate in choosing a more private place this time to have his way with you.
A part of you was excited at the thought of getting to have sex with your crush. But, the other side where logic and rationality were still speaking kept you apprehensive. When all was said and done and Conner (hopefully) came back to his senses, where would you and him stand?
You didn’t want to risk losing your friendship with the Kryptonian if it turned out he didn’t harbor any romantic feelings for you and this was some sort of anomaly. How could you both even work on the same team together if there was an awkward air between the two of you?
He walked across the room before you felt yourself being nudged up, one of his arms coming up to your back as he gently lifted you off his shoulder and deposited you onto his bed, a slightly relieved feeling running through you from the release of pressure on your abdomen. It was a surprising change of pace from the rough antics you were used to.
Conner brought his face directly above yours, staring into your own pupils with an expression that made you feel as if you were in trouble, which considering the previous events, you probably were.
What you didn’t expect was for his hand to rub down the side of your face in a soft caress, his calloused fingers somehow feeling soft to the touch. His eyes slowly traveled across your face, seemingly taking in every detail they could while you definitely did not snuggle your face into his hand.
You know what, you could have this moment. Just for a little bit.
Your soft whimpers were the only sound that was heard as the Kryptonian stared at your shiny, wet eyes before he leaned back up while his hands moved down to the front of his pants.
This was it.
The moment you fought so hard to avoid had finally come. You couldn’t deny the many parts of you that felt excited, the anticipation at knowing you were about to get something you’ve wanted for so long. Well, a part of something at least.
You could recall times when Conner and M’Gann were still dating and you’d feel jealous at the sight of her lips upon his. The Martian getting to touch and caress the Kryptonian in ways you thought you would never be able to. It was a bittersweet thought.
In the end, you did get to have something she may have never had (at least to your knowledge), but at what cost? When all was said and done, and the serum was fully out of Conner’s system, who said he would still see you the way he does now?
He could end up resenting you for tempting him with your desirable scent. Of course, that would in no way be your fault, but it was still a possibility. 
Just as much as it was possible that he actually may feel some sort of feelings for you. It would explain why he was attracted to you out of everyone else, especially M’Gann, and why he’d act so aggressively when anyone else would try to take you away from him.
It was a nice thought, but in your mind, it was highly unlikely.
Just as he was about to unzip his pants, the sound of mechanical whirring and things powering on hit your eardrums. Your sight was blinded for a quick moment by the sudden return of the ceiling lights, illuminating the room where you could spot more details and items you couldn’t before.
‘Someone turned the power back on.”
It would seem Conner had the same realization given the enraged look on his face as he looked around the room. He hopped off the bed, you watching his tensed muscular back as he marched to the door before yanking it open and leaning out. He stood there for a few seconds before turning around, the look in his eyes even more irate as he stomped his way back over to the bed which could mean a lot of things, but more than likely one.
Your friends had returned.
The realization brought immediate relief to your body, but you didn’t have much time to celebrate as the Kryptonian lifted you into his arms in a bridal hold. You fought back as hard as you could with a renewed fight and energy.
Your goal wasn’t necessarily to escape this time (though it was still your end objective), but more so to create as much noise and commotion as possible to alert your friends to your location. And though he’d probably never admit it, the Kryptonian had a much harder time holding you still as he walked you over to his closet which was surprisingly tidy, unlike the rest of his room.
He had to keep your legs still with you kicking wildly while placing you gently on the ground in the closet. When you were fully inside, he gave you a stern look. His way of telling you to be quiet or else.
You had no plans to adhere to that warning. The second he closed the door, you swung your body around as best as you could and started kicking your legs against the door only to almost get singed by the red blast of the Kryptonian’s heat vision.
He was searing the door shut like he did with the garage hangar door to keep you trapped inside, and more importantly, keep anyone but him out.
You’d almost forgotten about his upgrade in power with the serum unlocking his full Kryptonian abilities. Now, not only did he have super strength and invisibility, but he could fly, had full x-ray and heat vision, and inhuman speed.
Your friends had no idea what they were about to walk into. Even though you held your own against Conner for the most part, it was easier to try to escape than fight him head-on, and that was when he just had his normal abilities. It’d be almost suicide to try and fight him if he was fully equipped, which he was in more ways than one…
Hey! No dirty thoughts!
You could hear him zapping his bedroom door closed, creating two fortified barriers in the event someone managed to figure out where you were. Even if you kept kicking and knocking yourself against the wall, all you’d do is manage to hurt yourself. 
The only one who’d be able to hear you was Conner with his super-hearing which you’d bet money was enhanced as well from the serum.
Trapped once again and left in darkness, the only hope you now had was that your friends could subdue Superboy long enough for them to find and free you. Potentially, with all four of you, there could be a good chance of taking him down or if need be, calling Batman to find out where his supply of Kryptonite was.
‘C’mon guys, don’t fail me now…”
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“Do I even want to know what that mess on the floor is?” Zatanna asked, pointing to the wet ‘spill’ on the floor and pieces of clothing scattered near the wall.
“Probably not. What I want to know is why the door panel was not only smashed to bits but the entire door welded shut and the power shut off.” Kal said while inspecting the crumpled piece of machinery.
“Who do you think could’ve done this?” M’Gann wondered.
“I have my suspicions, but we won’t know until we check the medical wing or at least find Y/N if he’s still here.”
“I’ll go check the mission room and see if the Zeta Tube logs show any transports to his city.” The Martian volunteered.
Kal instructed her to go in stealth, just in case whoever did this was still here and watching them. He and Zatanna started searching the different halls and rooms, hoping to find something, anything that could help them figure out where their friends were and what had happened.
When they reached the medical wing, Kal's suspicions were confirmed the second they spotted the empty medical bed.
“Great, so if this was Superboy’s doing and he still has the serum affecting his mind, there’s no telling where he could be.”
“What if he followed Y/N home? Red Tornado said Conner was focused on…mating with Y/N. If he left before or right as he was waking up, he could’ve followed after him.” Zatanna said, a visible disgust coming over her face at the mention of the mating part.
“Then, why was the door blocked and the power off? He couldn’t use the Zeta Tube if the power was down. And would he even know how? Red Tornado said Conner's mental thinking was reduced to that of a primate. I’m not sure how much they knew about computers and gateway technology back then.”
The two turned around to see M’Gann flying up to them with a distressed look while holding something in her hand. She was breathing hard while checking her surroundings before she looked at her two teammates and whispered something they couldn’t hear.
“Huh? Say that again.”
She huffed before checking behind herself. When whatever she was checking for was clear, she turned back and leaned closer, this time speaking a little louder but not loud enough for them to understand.
“I’m sorry, we still can’t hear you.”
The Martian girl rolled her eyes before they went wide with realization.
Kal and Zatanna covered their ears in shock before giving an annoyed look to the green martian, “Yes, we can hear you, which ow, by the way.” Zatanna retorted.
‘Good. Sorry, and don’t speak out loud! He can probably hear us. Use the mental link.’ She instructed.
‘What are you talking about? Who can hear us?’ The sorceress asked, now also using the mental link as well.
‘Conner! He’s still here, and so is Y/N. When I went to the mission room, I checked the gateway logs and found the last transport going out to Y/N’s home city failed due to a power outage. Plus, his backpack was sitting next to the console.’
Kal and Zatanna's eyes both went wide as they looked at each other with realization.
‘Okay, kind of a smart move on his part. What better way to keep your captive from escaping than to lock them in an indestructible powered-down fortress?’ Zatanna said before something down the hall caught her eyes.
‘Indeed, a bit too smart for my comfort level. But, then why would Y/N seal the doors shut? He’s the only one who could weld it to the wall and floors like that.” Kal pointed out.
‘Maybe Y/N managed to escape and melted the doors to keep Conner from escaping.’ M’Gann suggested.
“Um, guys…”
‘Possible, but why was the panel smashed and why didn’t he come to find us?”
‘Guys! All legitimate concerns, I agree. But, we’ve got bigger problems!’ Zatanna shouted over the mind link before pointing towards the entrance to a very shirtless, very pissed-off Kryptonian.
They barely had time to react when Conner charged at them. He swung a punch aiming for Aqualad but only managed to hit the ground before they each ducked out of the way.
‘M’Gann, try and establish contact with Y/N now!’ Kal commanded while pulling out his water bearers to create twin swords.
‘Y/N? Can you hear me? Y/N, this is M’Gann!’
Not even a second later, they heard your voice screaming into the link, ‘CONNER HAS HIS FULL KRYPTONIAN POWERS!’
It prompted them to look up just in time to see Conner shooting his heat vision at them. Zatanna muttered a defensive spell that blocked the crimson beams from hitting Kaldur just in time while they turned and decided to run back towards the garage hangar.
‘Thanks for the warning,’ Zatanna said in the link.
‘No problem. Conner locked me in the closet in his bedroom and he used his heat vision to sear both the doors shut.’
‘That won’t be an issue for me. I can use the teleportation spell I used to get us inside.’
‘Alright then. Zatanna, you go and free Y/N. M’Gann and I will do our best to hold Conner off as long as we can.’ Kal said just as they reached the hangar. They heard a shattering sound and an angry scream, meaning Conner broke through the shield. Zatanna muttered a spell before she blinked out of sight with a small shimmer of light. 
Just as she disappeared, Conner came flying around the corner looking more angry than before. Things were about to get serious.
The sorcerer appeared right in the middle of Conner’s bedroom, taking a moment to collect herself before she looked around the messy room.
“Ugh, boys…” She muttered before rushing toward the closet. “Y/N, are you in there?” She asked.
All she heard was muffled sounds and screams in response. She uttered another spell that would force the doors to fling open while hearing your warning screams in her head all too late before she got the shock of her life.
“OH MY GOD!” She screamed, before covering her eyes at the sight of your bound naked body.
The embarrassment you felt right now definitely exceeded what you felt earlier when your friends had to first rescue you from the Kryptonian. In your defense, you tried to warn her before she opened the door, but the girl didn’t listen.
You could hear her uttering another spell under her head before a new tank top and pair of shorts appeared on your body. When the dark-haired girl confirmed you were indeed clothed, she knelt down to untie the gag off your mouth.
“Not one word of this to the others,” You said the second you could spit the torn piece of your old shirt out.
Zatanna helped you out of the handcuffs before helping you to your feet. It took you a minute to get your balance back since you hadn’t been on your feet for a while with Conner always choosing to carry you every fucking where on his shoulder.
“What took you all so long?! Conner freaking shut off the power and trapped me in here, and then basically molested me in the garage hangar. He was just about to get his grand prize before you guys showed up. My therapist is gonna be banking off this for the next year.” You all but shouted while trying to get the cooling bracelet off your wrist.
“Okay first off, TMI. Second off, we would’ve been back a half-hour ago but we were stuck outside trying to figure out why the door wouldn’t open. Now, we know why. Speaking of which, why didn’t you just blast him or fly away and come get us?”
“Oh, you don’t think I freaking tried that?! Conner waited to surprise me with his new powers just as I got out and then as a bonus, decided to slap one of Batman’s insurance policies on me. This freaking cooling bracelet is blocking my powers, and I don’t know how to get it off!” You groaned while trying to pry the thing open.
“Ugh, hold still,” Zatanna said while grabbing your wrist.
You heard her speaking backward again before you saw the blue light on the bracelet suddenly turn green before it snapped open, falling to the ground. Just as earlier when Conner first put it on and you felt a rush of cold air, the second it was off, a familiar heat spread over your body as you conjured two fireballs in your hands.
“Have I mentioned how much I appreciate you?”
“No. But, if you order me my favorite takeout for dinner, I’ll consider it all forgiven.”
Just as you both began to make your way to the door, you could hear M’Gann calling out to you on the link.
‘M’Gann, what’s wrong? I just got Y/N and we’re about to be on our way back.’
‘Don’t. Conner’s on his way to you now. Get to the mission room and use the Zeta Tube to get out of here. Kaldur took some hard hits. He wasn’t as harsh on me as he was on him, but I think he figured out our plan.’
As soon as she said that, the door was blasted off its hinges as the Kryptonian made his way through. When he saw you weren’t in the closet anymore (pun not intended) and that you were free of your cuffs, you immediately knew you were in for it by the vicious snarl he let out.
Thankfully, you had no plans of letting that happen.
He pointed his finger at you before pointing at the ground in front of him, reminding you of earlier when you first broke out of his hold. When this entire mess began…
You moved Zatanna behind you while staring at the Kryptonian in his blue eyes, formulating a plan in your head.
‘Zatanna, when I give the signal. Teleport us to the mission room.’ You instructed.
‘What about Kal?’
‘M’Gann will take care of him, I’m sure. But Conner won’t even waste his time on him. He’ll be too focused on chasing after me.’
Just like earlier, Conner could somehow tell you were up to something. You were counting on the hopeful fact he hadn’t noticed you were free of the cooling bracelet, which was met with joyous truth as he reacted too slowly to you blasting your own heat vision right into his eyes as you did earlier.
He shouted in pain while you yelled “NOW” to Zatanna who immediately grabbed your hand while uttering the spell. However, he recovered faster this time than before and immediately tried to charge at you in hopes of snatching you back before you could get away, but was too late as you both blinked away, popping into the mission room in a flash of light.
“Nice one,” You said while immediately running for the console and punching in the coordinates for your city.
Just as you finished typing, you heard an animalistic growl from behind you, turning to see a flash of white fur before you were suddenly knocked to the ground. A pair of snarling teeth were in your face as you felt Wolf’s paws on your body while Sphere held back Zatanna from trying to help you.
“Ugh, I forgot about you two.” You groaned.
He must have sent them here to hold you off, probably knowing if you managed to get free, you’d try to transport your way out of here since the garage hangar was blocked.
Out of patience at this point, you mentally apologized to the canine before letting your body be consumed in flames to force him off your chest. Yet again though, as the day was proving over and over, you couldn’t catch a fucking break.
The moment you were off the ground, Conner rushed in and immediately charged for you. One second, you were standing free and ready to make a break for the teleporter, the next you found yourself slammed against the wall with him gripping both your arms while he pressed himself against you to prevent you from moving.
A familiar rush of cold air spread over you, the Kryptonian not wasting any time slamming your good ole wrist jewelry back on.
“Oh, you’ve got to be fucking kidding me,” You snapped while Conner had his arrogant smirk before tossing you back over his shoulder, not bothering to cuff your hands while making his way to the Zeta Tube.
“Zatanna, a little help!”
“I’d love to, but I’m kind of busy not becoming a bowling pin right now!”
You didn’t have time to throw back a witty remark before you felt yourself lifted and tossed into the open portal. The familiar tingle you always got when using the Zeta passageways came over but was stronger this time. Probably because your body was colder than its normal temp from the cooling bracelet, so it had more of an effect on you.
When the flash of light passed through your eyes, you found yourself inside the photo booth in the alleyway of your city. Knowing Conner would be right behind you, you figured one last-ditch attempt wouldn’t be too worthless. Maybe you could find a place to hide or catch someone’s attention to give you a hand.
Yeah, of course. Just grab the next random person’s attention and let them know a super-powered caveman Kryptonian is after your sweet little hole, and you need help escaping in their Toyota Prius or Nissan Altima even though he can move faster than the car.
Real smart idea. 
Well, actually the Altima may not be a bad thought. Those fuckers never obey the speed limit.
The moment you exited the photo booth, it lit up again with your captor promptly exiting and smashing the booth to pieces, preventing your friends from being able to follow behind.
Because why fucking not?
You barely had a chance to turn around and run before he had you back in his grip, his smug look returning to your sight before you were lifted into a bridal hold with him taking off in the air.
‘Oh, god, I’m so fucked…’
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The sound of waves crashing against land was the first thing you recognized when Conner finally landed somewhere. A salty sea smell assaulted your nostrils as you looked up and took in the deserted beach. The city lights in the distance added some illumination on the dark shore as well as the shine from the moon in the clear sky.
You could remember countless times when you’d come out here at night whether with friends or just yourself to fool around or listen to the sounds of the waves. It helped you relax, helped you think. It was where you made some of your biggest revelations and decisions, like when you first discovered your powers.
Ironic a person with pyrokinesis first thought was to run to a place filled with water. Actually, maybe it was kind of smart. If something went wrong, like you accidentally set yourself on fire, you had a quick way to put it out.
There were a lot of great memories with this place. It was comforting. It was peaceful…
He brought you up to a lone standing tree before setting your on your feet positioning you between it and him leaving you no place to move. He held your waist tight in his hands while pressing himself against you, staring down deeply into your eyes.
The shadow around his face made his strong chin and jaw look more prominent, but more than ever, his blue eyes seemed to shine brighter than the ocean right behind you two as he stared down at you with an adoring gaze.
Wait, adoring?
“Co-Conner? Is that you? Like, actually you in there?”
He stared at you quietly, his usual frown in place which only made you more nervous until the corners of his lips turned up into an all-familiar cocky grin, immediately putting you on high alert.
“Well, depends on your definition of ‘actually me’, but if you mean am I back to a regular state of mind, then yeah, seems so.” He responded.
“I- uh, I’m sorry, huh?” You stammered, words slowly escaping your mind.
“Think I can get a couple rounds in before the others show up?” He asked while taking a hand and palming around your stomach.
Bitch, what?
“Hold the fuck up!” You exclaimed, your hands fully planted on his chest as stared down at you with an amused raised eyebrow. “The hell you mean was that enough?! Were you actually conscious of everything this entire time?”
You may have sometimes been a little naive, a bit clumsy, and you often ran your mouth before you thought about what you were saying, but you were no fool. Boo-Boo was nowhere on your birth certificate last time you checked.
So, when Conner’s lack of confusion and surprise at the current ‘circumstance’ you were in failed to show, assumptions were made on your end. And they were not good, not in the slightest.
“Conner whatever your fucking middle name is Kent, I swear to whatever deity is listening to me right now, if you don’t explain what the fuck is going on right now, this whole beach is going to turn to glass in the next 10 seconds. Because if you’ve been playing games this entire time, pretending you were in some primal state of mind just to make a fool out of me, you’re going to realize that Batman is not the only one who has different ways of kicking your ass. And I promise you, that if-”
Your rant ended in a sudden ‘mmph’ sound when he pulled you into a sudden kiss. Out of all the times the hero managed to shock you into silence, this has to be one of the most surprising and satisfying ones.
There was a latent level of shock in your body, your wide eyes reflecting this, but the soft feel of his lips had them closing and you giving in to him within seconds. Despite his initial rough approach, there was a tenderness in the way he kissed you.
Before you even knew it, your lips were dancing right along with his. There was passion and longing in that kiss, leaving you more confused than 10 seconds prior.
The way he held and treated you was definitely different. The possessive grip he had around you didn’t falter at all. But, there was a newfound gentleness in his touch, like you were a prize to be cared for. Even if that was what you technically were earlier when he was in his conquest mode, this was not the same as that.
In those moments earlier, you were the kind of prize meant to be conquered. Here in this moment, you were rather something treasured.
Before long, your human lungs started giving you their red alert. Conner broke away the kiss not a moment later as if he already knew before you did. Your lips chased after his though, and he chuckled at your reaction before lifting a finger to your chin to tilt your head up toward him.
“Does that explain enough for you, or do you need a little bit more demonstration?”
Despite the blush written clear across your cheeks, there was a small smile appearing on your lips, as you took a few seconds to process what was going through your head and heart.
Satisfaction, physically speaking.
Nerves and adrenaline.
Ultra flamboyant giddiness.
Completely normal.
Yet, that nagging little voice in the back of your mind got louder with every fluttering heartbeat that pumped blood and butterflies throughout your veins.
What did this all mean?
“Hey,” You heard the Kryptonian speak, noticing the concerned look on his face, “What’s wrong? Did I do something?” There was a nervous tone in his words, almost vulnerable if you were listening hard enough which would be very different compared to the stark, smug confidence he showed you whenever he managed to toss you on his shoulder or dig himself inside your guts. Even before this serum fiasco, he may have been standoffish at moments and quiet, but rarely had you ever heard him talk like he was afraid of being hurt.
You felt for him in that moment, you really did, but you were also at risk of being hurt. And, rather than sit there and pretend like everything was clear and simple, you had questions that needed answering. For your own sake, and quite frankly, your own sanity.
“Conner, I-” The words seem to get stuck in your throat, with you trying to find the right thing to say, but what that exactly was couldn’t form a clear sentence in your mind. So, out of options, you just babbled.
“I don’t know what the heck is going on right now, and truthfully, I rarely ever do know what’s going on. Uh, wait, what was I saying? Oh right! This morning, we were friends, nothing more, then the warehouse happened, and started acting like a caveman and treated me like your prey or prize or whatever, not like it wasn’t super hot, because it definitely was and I shouldn’t have said that. Either way, you’re confused! No, wait, that came out wrong. I meant you’re confusing and I’m confused. Either way–
Conner shouting your name with a slight squeeze to your ass was an effiective way of shutting you up. Rude and hot, but effective nonetheless.
“I know. I was aware of everything going on.”
Now, that had you wordless.
“Well, actually, not everything. And I wasn’t in control of my actions at all. Well, not completely. Okay, now I’m confused.”
“You and me both.” You muttered under your breath. He responded with a light growl and a pinch to your ass.
“I’ll spank you.”
“Like you haven’t already done worse.” You said back with a challenging tone.
A stubborn grunt was let off before he gave you another small thrust as punishment for your smart quip, pulling a light whine from you. You could feel his cum dripping out of you slowly since his dick kept you plugged and everything inside, which you had a slight feeling he was doing on purpose.
“Alright, before any more smutty shenanigans ensue, can we talk about what exactly this is, and more importantly, why this even happened in the first place.”
Conner let out a sigh, looking down at you through his eyelashes before leaning down and giving your neck and shoulder light kisses. The giddy feeling in your stomach almost managed to cloud your rationality, almost being the keyword.
“Hey, don’t try to distract me.” You chastised him with a slight slap against his naked arm.
“I’m not distracting, I’m just enjoying the moment.” He said while giving you a few more light kisses.
Eventually, he moved you both over to the sand, setting you both down a little bit closer to the water while sitting you in his lap. However, you suddenly found yourself missing the warm contact of his skin pressing against yours.
When he finally had you both in comfortable positions, you resting against his chest and him nuzzling your hair, the intense beating in your heart that you had become used to from the day’s excitement had gradually started to slow down. You felt yourself nuzzling into his embrace more than you would admit out loud, but the man was comfortable.
After a few beats of silence, you heard Conner clear his throat. Though you didn’t want to move from the warm spot, you’d rather look the Kryptonian in the eyes as he explained himself. For your own sake.
“I was aware of what I was doing,” He started, which had your chest tightening and a sullen look appearing on your face which he noticed, “Only after you guys subdued me the first time, and like I said earlier, I still wasn’t in full control of myself.”
You could feel the confusion start to return to your mind, but rather than start rambling again, you just nodded to him to signal you were listening and let him continue.
“When I first woke up from the serum, Tornado was right. I was completely out of my mind and acting on pure animalistic instinct. All my senses were amplified even more than they usually are with my powers and all. So the onslaught of different smells and scents triggered me and I was about two seconds away from trying to kill you all, then I caught your scent out of everyone else’s, and the next thing I knew, you were all I could think about.”
Huh, nice to know you were what was stopping the team’s arguably most powerful member from murdering you all by just smelling good. Something you never thought you’d be thinking in your life, but there was a first for everything as they say.
“It started as a general curiosity, since at the moment, all my mind could think prior was anger and murder. But, of course, curiosity turned to excitement, and let’s just say I suddenly only had one goal in mind.”
“Doing me in front of friends?”
“I’d rather call it ‘mounting my claim.’ You know, animal terms and all that stuff.”
You rolled your eyes at his corny joke, before going silent again to let him continue.
“But, yes, for a lack of better words, all I could think about was shoving my dick inside you. You just smelled so good in that moment, you always have, but, the serum just suddenly made your scent feel almost irresistible to me, and all I could think of was capturing you in my arms and not letting anyone take you from me. Granted, I might have gone a bit far.”
“A bit? You call slinging me over your shoulder for half an hour while you leap, run, and fight our friends going just a bit far? Not to mention you choke-slamming Wally against the wall and damn near strangling him.
“Okay, one, you enjoyed that. I have the dried evidence on the shoulder of my shirt to prove it, spanking and all so don’t try and deny it.”
He got you there. Blushing cheeks (face and ass) and all.
“Second, I told you. Animal state of mind. In my head, I claimed you as my mine, and everyone else was a threat to that. What animal have you ever seen not defend their territory?” He asked, which you had to admit, he got you there as well.
Also, why was that kind of hot?
“You know I can still smell your arousal right? And the fact that you are in my pants and covered in my scent is not helping.” He said, to which you noticed the familiar feel of his throbbing organ below you wanting more action.
“Mind your business.”
“You’re currently sitting on my lap half naked while wearing my pants and covered in my sweat and cum. I think it’s safe to say you are my business at the moment.” He responded while tightening his hold around you.
Seriously, where did he get this smart (and hot) mouth from? That serum had to have more side effects than noted. But, you weren’t easily defeated in the sass factor. Conner may have you beat when it comes to raw strength and physical force, but wordplay? That was your forté.
“And who’s exact fault is it, that I’m even in this position?”
“Dr. Ivo.”
“Okay, well, after him.”
“Batman and Red Tornado for not making sure I was properly secured before leaving.”
“Okay! After them!”
“The others for not showing you the backdoor out of the Cave.”
“There’s a backdoor?!”
“Yeah, you didn’t know? M’Gann showed it to everyone on their first tour of the base. The garage hangar is considered the front door, and there’s a back door just in case. You didn’t think we’d only rely on the vehicle hangar or the Zeta Gateway if we had to make a fast escape did you?”
“I- … No comment.” You sighed in defeat, Conner chuckling at your tone while rubbing your back. You’d be having a word with your friends later when you got back to the Cave. Many words…
“It’s okay, I really didn’t give you many options either way. And even if you did manage to make it out the back, I would’ve just followed right behind as you already know.” The Kryptonian reassured you, which reminded you about the nagging question in the back of your mind.
“So, on that note, I’m assuming when you said you were aware of your actions, it was then?”
It was his turn to sigh after you asked your question, immediately knowing where this was heading.
“Yes. After Batman knocked me out with the Kryptonite, the serum lost some of its effect on me, but not as much as Red Tornado predicted. Kryptonite doesn’t just weaken my abilities, it affects everything in me, including my immune system. By the time I woke up, I was still very much under its influence, but I was slightly back to myself and could think and focus on more things other than sex and fighting.”
It made sense. You remembered the moment during your fight with Conner in the vehicle hangar when you realized how convenient and well-planned everything seemed. It was truly when your doubts and insecurities about everything started taking root, thinking all of it was just some game with you in the end being the actual loser.
Now, the time to find out if you lost was here, and you weren’t sure if you wanted to know.
Some would think that paying attention to Conner’s actions and words before this, would negate some of those concerns in your head, but, as life has proven many times in the past, things aren’t always as they seem.
But, that doesn’t mean it’s always in a bad way though…
“So, you were awake then, huh? When Wally and I were talking in the medical hangar…”
He looked down at you at that moment, his eyes softening as if he could sense the growing mental and emotional turmoil in your head and chest. You wanted to focus on his words, and his words only, but it was hard with the way you could feel him pulling you in closer, doing his best to comfort you as much as possible.
It was the fact that you couldn’t tell if it was for making you feel better in the moment to alleviate your worries or cushion the eventual blow that you were expecting to come soon.
“Yes, I was. I was actually up that entire time. The Kryptonite did weaken me enough to where I couldn’t react or respond like I would’ve if I could, but I wasn’t asleep or unconscious. Truthfully, after Batman and Tornado had left and it was just you and him in the room, I was planning to just surprise you both right there. Incapicate Wally in any way I could, grab you, and run for one of the exits.”
“What stopped you?”
All day, you’d been subjected to prideful smirks, arrogant grins, and cocky looks from the Kryptonian. An annoying, but definitely attractive sub-trait of his overwhelming confidence and stalwart courage. So, seeing his blushing cheeks and undeniable shy look on his face had you sitting up very suddenly.
Conner didn’t like it since it meant you could see his face more clearly, and unbeknownst to you, you were further away from him, and he liked the feeling of you cuddling against his body.
“Why are you blushing?” You asked, not letting him pull you back in his arms like he tried. It helped you were sitting on his still very erect penis at a slightly awkward angle which limited his movements. One wrong move, and he’d be in a very uncomfortable position.
“Would you stop it?” He pleaded, clearly already uncomfortable with the metamorphic spotlight that had been placed on him.
“Answer the question, and I will.”
“I thought actions spoke louder than words.”
“And suddenly, I can’t hear. Answer.”
“How will you hear the words?”
“I’ll read your lips. Answer the damn question.”
You were staring into his blue eyes by this point, fully waiting for your answer. The Kryptonian looked right back into your own before his hands grabbed the sides of your head, pulling you into another smashing kiss like the one against the tree earlier.
This was similar but still very different from the previous one. He wasn’t trying to shut you up (considering you weren’t even talking), but merely trying to communicate the words he couldn’t bring himself to say. Ironic how he has no trouble expressing how he feels in any other scenario whether it’s his anger about a mission or irritation with an order from Batman or your comrades, but this has him fumbling.
Yet, you were not complaining about how you moved your lips against his, bringing your hands around his neck. You could almost physically feel everything he was pouring into the kiss, and it was mind-numbing, to say the least.
Once again, your human lungs reminded you of their need for oxygen. Thankfully, Conner did the work for you and pulled away from your lips with you chasing after them. He placed another light kiss on them though, while opening his eyes to your closed ones, enjoying the pleasant view in front of him.
When you opened yours back up to him, he smiled at you, placing another peck on your lips while finally scooting you back closer to him, and re-adjusting himself into a more comfortable position.
“Does that answer your question?” He asked. Though there was no trace of sarcasm in his tone, you could still spy it in his face with the humorous glint in his eye.
“Maybe. I might need another one though just to be sure. I always like to double-check my answers.” You responded with your own smile.
He laughed at you before feeling himself nuzzling his face into your neck, taking in your scent which you now could admit was actually very comforting. Still weird, but you’d grown used to it by this point.
Your doubts had been quieted, and you felt you could trust his words without second-guessing or overthinking, something that was not an easy feat to do. That’s why when a few moments of silence passed, you decided to ask one of the other questions that had been nagging in the back of your mind.
“How long?”
“Since you joined the team. I was never good with my feelings, let alone expressing or even understanding them. It took some time for me to figure out what they were, and when I did, I was nervous and scared that you didn’t feel the same about me. I knew you liked guys, but I didn’t know if you liked me. And, even if you did, I didn’t know if you would like me for… well, me. So, I stayed quiet.” He admitted, immediately knowing what you were asking.
Thinking about it from his perspective, you could see his reasoning and why he chose to hide his feelings. If you were in his shoes, you’d probably do the same. However, it was clear neither of you was good at picking up signs considering he missed all the ones that showed you were into him. Not that you were trying to, but there were moments where it was plainly obvious, enough for Wally to pick up on them which led to him finding out.
Idiots in love, the both of you.
“When I heard you and Wally talking in the medical wing, and his little teases and performance, it was all the confirmation I needed. If it wasn’t for that, like I said, I probably would’ve just waited for the right moment to snatch you away from the others and find a way out of the Cave without alerting them. But, after hearing that conversation, I figured why not make it a little bit more challenging and fun. Didn’t expect you to put up as much of a fight though. Glad I had insurance.” He explained, his typical smirk returning to his face while he marveled at the accessory on your wrist.
Hold it.
“Back up. You mean to tell me you trapping me in the Cave, fingering me in the vehicle hangar, and locking me in your closet was all for fun and a challenge? I’m nervous to ask what your ideal idea is for a first date.” You stated. He gave you an unimpressed look while nudging his still-hard member against you.
“Don’t act like you didn’t enjoy any of it. Remember, I could hear, taste, and smell your arousal through everything.” He teased while nipping at your ear. 
You ignored the horny pang in your stomach from that while pretending to be annoyed, “Whatever. Well, I hope you weren;t planning to try and do me raw. Last thing I need is to end up pregnant.”
“What if I want a kid? No better way to trap you with me than with a baby.” Conner mumbled while still giving you soft kisses behind your ear and neck. 
“Then you can explain to my dad what happened if I end up knocked up. And I gotta warn ya, Kryptonian powers or not, that man is scary.” You chuckled, turning your head to look at the superhero, who would never admit that slight nervous look in his eyes at the mention of your father.
A slight laugh bubbled up your chest before you turned looking out to the sea. The feel of the cold piece of metal on your wrist became prominent and the silence and you looked down at the device, still slightly shuddering from the chill running through your body.
“How did you even know about this thing in the first place?” You asked, pointing to the cooling device on your wrist.
“Dick let me in on a few little secrets about the Bat, though he never did tell me where he keeps getting and storing all that freaking kryptonite. Anyway, when I heard you and Wally talking about Batman’s insurance plans, I figured if he had one for me, then he had to have one for every meta on the team and in the league. While you and the others were in the lounge room hanging out, I went searching through the libraries and rooms and found some of Batman’s secret compartments.” He explained.
You raised an eyebrow at that. “Hmm, so is that when you discovered your unlocked abilities?”
“Actually, no. Right when you managed to make it out of the door, I originally was just going to do the same as I did before and well… leap after you. Even if you got away, I could track you down since your scent is alluring, but definitely not subtle. Fire powers and all,” He said with a smug little chuckle.
“Yeah yeah yeah, I get it. Heat makes smell more noticeable. Gosh, you and Wally sure love harping down that tree.” You retorted with an actual annoyed eye roll this time.
“Hey, I said you still smell good. Either way, when I jumped after you I noticed instead of falling back down to the ground, I was still in the air flying. It didn’t take much for me to realize what was going on and I just flew into action, literally.”
“So the whole welding the door shut and almost barbecuing our friends?”
“Yeah, I might have overdone it on that one, but animal instincts were still in control. There was only so much I could do to hold myself back. Every time you fought against me or got away or the others intervened was another boost to my aggression and anger, prompting my hasty reactions. And it wasn’t just my instincts fueling all this. Like I said, there was a reason your scent stuck out to me the most. Your conversation with Wally just confirmed it was returned and it made me a bit more crazy to an extent.”
“To an extent is a stretch,” You muttered under your breath. Conner let out an annoyed grunt while giving you another playful nip on your ear.
“Super hearing, remember?”
You were fully aware of his ability, but, for his sake, you played along.
“Right, sorry.” He gave a kiss to your neck as a way of saying he accepted the apology. With a little time to process everything, you felt most of your questions answered. However, there was one that was remaining at the back of your mind. Probably the most pressing one to be honest.
“So, is that why you and M’Gann…”
“We broke up because I realized that there wasn’t any real spark between me and her. What started between us was curiosity, considering I didn’t know what romance and feelings and everything else was. I just went with what I saw and observed. Sometimes it was nice, many times it was confusing, and many times, it felt wrong. So, I broke up with her. She was upset about it a little and figured it had something to do with you. She was always suspicious, but never had confirmation until this happened.”
Conner pointed his fingers between the two of you, and the reminder of your earlier indecent actions had you blushing and smiling all over again. You had to admit, it was a nice feeling knowing that most of your doubtful and questioning thoughts were for nothing.
Well, it’s better to be cautious than to fall in blindly and get hurt. But, the satisfaction and happiness you felt in your chest bloomed over all of those past feelings.
Thinking about the day's events and how everything ended up happening, you had to say you were fine with how it all played out. However, you definitely would admit you imagined you and Conner getting together in an entirely different scenario. 
Saving each other on a mission, getting into an argument and blurting things out, or even just the cutesy little moments where your friends stick their noses in and try to get you together were all ideas that came to mind. This scenario however with you sitting on the beach after he acted like a caveman and chose you as his new mate was not in the tarot cards for this category.
Though, the end result had you more than satisfied; both physically, mentally, and emotionally.
If there was anything to learn from this, you should listen to your instincts more, no matter how primal they are.
“So, are you going to take this off anytime soon?” You asked, once again pointing at the wrist jewelry you were currently wearing.
Conner smiled down at the item and you mischievously before running one of his hands over the device.
“Are you going to try and fight me again? I kind of like you being defenseless and helpless.” He joked though a part of you knew he was also partly serious.
Though, now, considering all that was said and done, it was your turn to have some fun.
“Well, considering you had to take away my powers to be able to catch me, I’d say your victory wasn’t really much of a victory at all.” You taunted while tracing a finger over his chest.
You could feel the vibration from his irritated growl under your fingertips, letting you know you hit the right button. Caveman or not, Conner both loved and hated being challenged.
“I mean, to me, it says that even with your full Kryptonian powers, you needed some cheap little trinket to be able to actually subdue me. Guess I’m just that tough of a prey to catch.” You continued your teasing, sneakily taking glances up at the Kryptonian, catching his hard and lustful stares at you.
“Is that so?” He gruffly spoke into your ear.
“It would seem so, at least to me, and anyone else watching. Don’t think you can say you claimed me if you couldn’t manage to beat me fair and square. But, it’s okay, I get it. Maybe you’re not up to the challenge. Maybe someone else will come along and prove their merit without needing to cheat.”
You barely finished the sentence before the sound of the clamp opening hit your ears. That familiar rush of warmth came over you again as your fire returned to your body. While you were distracted, Conner ripped the shorts off and his pants off of him before standing you both up, now fully naked to the world, minus your shirt.
“I dare you to say that again.”
You were really in for it now.
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☀️ | Conner Kent/Superboy | ☀️
☀️ | Masterlists | ☀️
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hannahxhoney · 11 months
we don't talk anymore - e. munson
eddie munson x female!reader
summary: after years of not talking, you see eddie at a party and things get heated. i suck at writing these lol
warnings: kinda angsty, a little bit of asshole!eddie, cursing, use of y/n, and arguements
fic is kind of inspired by the song “we don’t talk anymore” by selena gomez and charlie puth
also this was written on mobile so sorry if the formatting is off! thank you for reading!!!
You and Eddie have always been friends. Ever since you were kids, you and him were inseparable. Long days at the trailer park during the summer, being outside and playing make believe with him. Cold nights in the winter where you would make hot cocoa and watch Christmas movies on your family's beat up couch together. Everyday you spent with him, was always your favorite. Him being about two years older than you meant that all the other kids at school your age would leave you alone, since you were always hanging out with the older kids like Eddie. But you wouldn't have it any other way. Eddie was fun, kind, and so brave that sometimes you felt that his courage would get him in trouble one day. He was your best friend and you were his. There wasn't a day that went by when you wouldn't see Eddie and his goofy smile.
Until now.
It was the summer before you started high school and Eddie was already going to be a Junior. You were excited to go into such an intimidating place already knowing someone. You knew Eddie would help you with whatever you needed, and would even let you sit with him and his friends during lunch. But as the summer went by in a blur, so did that excitement. You didn't see much of Eddie during that summer. He always said he was busy hanging out with his friends or planning his next campaign. You understood, but you still felt disappointed that you didn't get to hang out much during those two months. Before you knew it, it was already August and school was starting in three days. You were still excited that you wouldn't be completely alone going into it, but it all felt weird because you haven't really talked to nor seen Eddie in two weeks. He was never at his trailer when you went to see if he was free and he was ignoring your calls. On the off chance that you did see him, he was still regular Eddie. He was kind and always cracking jokes with you, but your conversations with him were always a quick "hi" and "bye" before he left. Because he always had something to do these days, other than hanging out with you. You started to think that maybe you did something wrong, or said something to upset him.
It was the Friday night before school started, and you were re-reading The Lord of the Rings for the third time, until you heard your mom calling and saying there was someone on the phone for you.
When you got to the phone you were a bit confused, because who would be wanting to talk to you this late at night? Until you heard his voice.
"Hey y/n."
You were surprised to hear from him right now, but happy that he called.
"Hey Eds! How are you?"
There was a beat of silence before he replied.
"I'm fine, but I wanted to talk to you about something."
You were confused what he wanted to say, since you haven't done much talking to him recently.
"Ok, what did you want to talk about Eddie?"
"I just wanted to tell you that I think it's best if we don't hang out anymore."
"Wait what-"
"I don't want to be friends with you anymore, y/n."
It felt like you got hit by a two ton semi truck in the heart when he said those words.
"What do you mean? What's wrong Eddie?"
"I mean that I don't want to be associated with some stupid freshman that follows me around like a lost puppy all the damn time. It's annoying y/n. You always want to hang out with me, but I thought you would get a clue by now since I've been ignoring you. We aren't kids anymore y/n. Yeah we were best friends at one point, but I don't want to be friends with you anymore."
"Eddie, I don't understand. What happened? Did I do something wrong? I-I don't know why you're changing all of a sudden?"
"Look y/n, please just leave me alone and stop trying to call me. I don't want to talk to you anymore."
"Eddie please I-"
"Goodbye y/n".
He hung up. He broke your heart and just hung up the phone, like it was nothing. I guess it was nothing, to him at least. You spent the weekend crying and trying to prepare yourself to see him on Monday morning. You always loved seeing him, but now every time you see his face you're reminded of the time you lost your bestfriend.
It was now your senior year, and Eddie's second. Freshman year felt like hell for you. Having to see his face everyday felt like pure torture, but by winter break you were starting to feel better about it each day. And as you entered your sophomore year, you had made some friends and joined the photography club at Hawkins Highschool. But now, sometimes it feels like you never knew him. He got taller, grew out his hair, and started growing into his rock star look. If you were any other girl, you would have a huge crush on him. But you're not, you know who he actually is. And sometimes you feel stupid that you ever fell for his act and actually liked him. But you grew up too. Puberty hit you hard the summer after freshman year, and you grew into yourself. You developed your own style, learned how to do your hair and the occasional makeup, and developed a wall of confidence that no one can break through. Not even him. You ended up becoming really good friends with Jonathan Byers through your shared love of photography. And when he started dating Nancy Wheeler, you guys got closer too. You would hang out them during and after school, and sometimes even Steve Harrington would join you guys. Since Nancy's little brother is in Hellfire club, you occasionally cross paths with Eddie. He always seems to ignore you, but every once in a while you catch him staring at you. You don’t understand why though, it was his decision to cut things off. Every now and then when it’s late you think of showing up at his door, to really ask him after all this time if he still feels good about that decision but you know that would be wrong. Of course he feels good about it, especially when he has his hands all over a girl at a random party.
Just like right now.
One of the popular jocks at the school - probably Jason Carver - is hosting the usual friday night party tonight and you, Jonathan, Nancy, and Steve all decided to go. Steve already found his girl to take home tonight, a pretty blonde girl who is putting it on pretty heavily by laughing at the jokes Steve is telling that you know aren’t funny. Nancy and Jonathan are outside talking about who knows what, but they always seem to be having fun with each other know matter what they’re doing. That’s why you’re alone in the corner of the room sipping on a mixed drink that is slowly making you feel that warm feeling through your veins. That is also why you catch Eddie’s eyes as he dances with some girl. She’s pretty, skinny, and her hair is dyed a dark blue color. A girl you would typically think Eddie would be attracted too. So why is he still staring at you, when his hands are on her? You don’t care enough to find out, so you walk away looking for something much better to do. To your surprise, you actually end up finding it. So now you’re the one dancing with a random guy. He’s cute, at least cute enough to distract you from whatever was happening between you and Eddie. Plus with the alcohol fairly well into your system by now, you’re even thinking of asking him if he wants to go upstairs. As you’re about to ask said question, you’re suddenly pulled away by the arm by a strong hand.
“What the fuck-“
It wasn’t till you got a look at the long curls of the person dragging you out of the house then you really lost it.
“Munson what the fuck do you think you’re doing?”
Once you were outside, you pulled your arm away and faced the person that all your anger is directed at right now.
“What am I doing? What the fuck do you think you’re doing?”
“Dancing? You’re mad at me for dancing at a party!?”
“No! I’m mad that you’re throwing yourself at some guy that asked me if I knew anyone that had coke at the party!”
Well you didn’t know that. But that doesn’t excuse what he’s doing right now.
“That isn’t any of your damn business anymore, Eddie! Or did you forget the fact that you haven’t spoken to me for years?”
He got quiet after that. You finally looked at him. Really looked at his face and how much he’s changed over the years. You never allowed yourself to really do this before, afraid that it would open up the wounds that took you so long to heal. Suddenly you were a kid again. Waiting on him to say something. You didn’t know how to describe the way he made you feel at the time. But now you do. He was like a drug. After every time you saw him, you wanted more. But then you overdosed.
“Y/n I-
“I don’t want to hear it, Eddie. You were the one who cut things off. You were the one who left me hanging. You don’t get to care about me or stop me from dancing or doing anything with anyone.”
“I just wanted to stop you from doing something you’ll regret. I didn’t mean to upset you.”
“I don’t understand why you even care, Eddie. We’re not friends, and we haven’t been for years. It’s your fault. You’re the reason why we don’t talk anymore.”
authors note: i know the ending is kind of bad but I just wanted to write something. If you read it all, thank you so much!!! I appreciate you all <3
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joelswritingmistress · 7 months
Last Halloween: Chapter 20
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Summary: After a tragedy involving Joel happened on Halloween one year prior, the town now shuns him while ignoring the details of the now closed case. You are seemingly the only one to offer empathy to a man the town is making out to be a monster.
Pairing: Joel Miller x f!reader
You knew it was going to be a challenge, but the plan you had in mind to fight for Joel's integrity and expose the Champagne family was something you had to carry out.
Across from the coffee shop on the quaint little street was the annual Mischief Night Movie Marathon on the town green, drive-in movie style with a giant blow up screen. To discourage kids from throwing eggs and soaping windows the night before Halloween, the town had created an event that seemed to draw in bigger crowds every year. People brought blankets and lawn chairs. Prior to the start of the movie there was a pumpkin carving contest and all of the jack-o-lanterns were lined along a stone wall that bordered the green.
From five to seven o'clock there was a tiny tots hour and the movie Monsters Inc was played for all the young kids. From seven o'clock until eleven, two horror movies played for older crowds that were picked by the townspeople through social media polls in September. The chosen movies for that evening were Trick 'R Treat and Halloween II.
You sent a group text to Jess, Winnie and Chrissy filling them in about what had happened, and they agreed to meet you down in front of the coffee shop.
For the time being you laid low with a beanie hat pulled down over your ears and a hood over that. To your knowledge, Vic and the other assailants had yet to be tracked down; and so you tried your best to go a little incognito.
The carefree nature of the kids' hour across the street made you smile. Moms and dads helped lift giant pumpkins with goofy faces onto the stone wall as kids jumped for joy in their costumes. The gathering was great for the community and you envisioned, just for a second, that one day you might be one of those moms with a little one of your own.
"Hey!" Chrissy was the first to run up to you and made you stumble back with the fierceness of her hug. "Are you okay?"
You knew she'd understand. She had been the only one you hadn't talked to directly about you and Joel.
"Yeah," you half-lied, but you weren't about to say no, "Yeah, I'm okay."
Chrissy pulled back, still holding you by your arms and looked you in the eyes. "I am so sorry I said what I said about Joel that night we all talked. I had no idea.." She shook her head and pulled you back in for a hug. "Is he okay?"
"He's still in the hospital but he's going to be okay," you told her.
"This is so scary." Chrissy still held you firmly in place. "I am so so sorry you had to go through all that."
"It's okay," you assured her.
Your other two roommates joined you by the coffee shop and you all exchanged similar words.
"So, what's the plan?" Jessie asked. "We want to help."
"Thank you, guys." You let out a deep breath. "I'm just waiting on one more crucial piece to the puzzle." You reached into your pocket and removed your phone to check the time.
"What piece?" Winnie asked.
"I had to rely on.. someone else."
They all looked at one another, wondering if anyone knew who or what you were referring to.
"Steve?" Chrissy asked, her eyes bugging. "Like Steve, Steve?"
You nodded. "It was a last resort but he has the in's that nobody else does. And believe it or not, I think he's true to that badge enough to make this happen."
"I thought you said he was a jerk."
"He is.. kind of," you said, "Or maybe that was me just being annoyed by all of his quirks." You shrugged. "We weren't exactly a love match, but I think deep down he's a good person."
I hope, you thought silently, checking the time again.
Monster's Inc. was wrapping up and the line of jack-o-lanterns stretched nearly the entire length of the wall, each with their own faux candle that left a series of orange glows. You needed the video before the start of Trick 'R Treat. Based on the schedule, you knew that left you about twenty minutes.
"What exactly *is* the plan?" Jessie asked.
You took a deep breath, sending a little cloud of smoke into the air. "Steve is getting me the footage from a security camera that shows what really happened last Halloween. It shows the truth, no ifs, ands or buts.. no gossip. Joel was attacked by Johnny when he was attempting to change his flat tire. Johnny choked him out with a chain and in the struggle of Joel fighting for his life, the two of them fell down a little embankment and Johnny broke his neck. The surveillance video shows all of that, and that's why Joel was charged with nothing."
Your three friends stood them staring at you as if they were watching a suspenseful movie unfold.
"There's footage?" Chrissy asked, her mouth hanging open.
"Yes." You nodded. "And tonight, when ninety percent of the town is here, I'm going to show them."
"Holy fuck," Chrissy said. A smile spread across her face. "That's insane."
"How are you going to do that?" Winnie asked.
You glanced over her shoulder toward Steve, who looked nervous as hell, as he wandered toward you, glancing around in all directions.
Relief filtered through your body. He came through. Your plan was going to work - you thought.
The girls followed your gaze and when Steve got wind that you were all staring at him, he puffed his chest a big and pretended to be paying attention to the Halloween gathering across the street.
"Steve." You gave a wave. His hand looked tight and ridged as he waved back. His face matched his posture.
"Hi, Steve." Chrissy gave a small smile and he nodded once at her before staring directly at you.
"They have a computer that's attached to the projection here," Steve informed you. He reached into the pocket of his shirt and pulled out a small, black disc drive. "The department transferred the footage onto multiple drives. This one should work on any computer. It's just an HDMI."
When he placed the disc into your palm you looked at it for a long moment before finally closing your fingertips over the top of it.
You let out a deep breath knowing the magnitude of what was about to happen. "You think you can distract them enough for me to swap this out before they start the next movie?" Your eyes scanned the small team you had standing in front of you.
"We'll do whatever you need," Jessie said with a nod. The girls all nodded and Steve let out a sigh.
"You do know what's on the line for me, right?"
"Yes," you said directly to him. "And I promise you, you won't regret helping an innocent man get the justice he deserves. This town needs to know the truth." You added, "I'll never tell anyone you got me this. No one would believe you would anyway, with our history."
There was a long silence as everyone contemplated what their role could be, before Steve finally said, "I'll distract them at the podium," then added. "And you do what you gotta do."
@untamedheart81 @amyispxnk @grogusmum @ghostwritesthings @strawbunnyx @ayamenimthiriel @noisynightmarepoetry @jiminstinypinky @tuquoquebrute @pedr0swh0r3 @runningmom94 @mellymbee @shayna-d-clown @bbiophiliaa
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m00nchildwrites · 3 months
There is so much discourse over the Netflix Live Action, and a lot of it I find annoying BUT one of the main ones for me is people going on about the natla writing by claiming that they are "telling" more than "showing". Yet, in the same post, they are missing the point of some of the interactions between the characters by focusing only on the told instead of the complexity hidden between the lines in many cases. These actors are actually amazing. I'm beyond impressed with all of them tbh. But let me explain what I'm talking about with one example. There are so damn many, but I'm just going to point out one right now.
I see a lot of people's takes on the Natla Bumi as a grown man taking his anger out on a child and being extremely ooc, which shows that these people are only focusing on the obvious and- to channel Kakashi from Naruto- not looking beneath the underneath. While natla Bumi is different than the OG show, I personally like this version of Bumi. He feels more "real" while still feeling like Bumi. He is angry. He is angry and hurt to discover that it was his close friend who had been the Avatar. The Avatar that disappeared. The Avatar that ran and hid and let the war happen. People have to realize that this interaction is how Bumi finds out not only that his childhood friend that he thought was murdered all those years ago was alive this whole time, but that it was he who had the power to stop all of the terrible things that had happened since from happening. Of course, he is mad. Mad and hurt. He likely feels abandoned by his friend as well.
He is all of those things, but I feel like people are missing what else is going on.
Bumi was also trying to force Aang, who was a child of only 12, to realize what it would mean to be the Avatar that the world needed at that moment in time after 100 years of war. He is doing it from a place of hurt and anger and tiredness, and absolutely handling it the wrong way. BUT this Natla Bumi is way more believable as a real person than the exaggeratedly goofy and cartoonish character was in the OG.
Bumi in the Netflix Live Action was trying to teach Aang: "This is what it means to be the Avatar. This is the kind of hard choices you will have to make- that the world needs you to make." He clearly realized that his friend was essentially frozen in time. A fact that is alluded to when he asks him how he remained unchanged all these years. Bumi already knows the truth and is teasing him to hint that he is aware. This is disguised as a taunt because they are not alone in the room, and because the White Lotus is all about subtle messages to get their point across. I mean, they use pai sho to send messages for crying out loud, but I digress.
The point is that he knows Aang is still the same kid he knew all those years ago. He knows Aang is not ready to be what the world needs right at that moment. He knows Aang is still too innocent and idealistic. He might be acting mean to Aang, but let's not forget Bumi is in the White Lotus, and know he is not being mean without reason. He knows what he is doing and hopes that by trying to force Aang to "wake up" and see the reality of the world and his role, maybe Aang will be better prepared for what must come. The scene with the roof collapsing and Bumi trying to make Aang choose who to save just exacerbates this lesson. That clearly reads as him trying to get Aang to push himself, perhaps to the use of the Avatar state, but if nothing else, to the point of hardening enough with resolve needed to face the difficult choices that Bumi (& everyone else) knows must be made. IE Aang must kill the Fire Lord to end this war. After all, energy bending is not known, remember? The death of the Fire Lord by the hands of the Avatar is the only way the war can end, and Bumi, King of Omashu and White Lotus member, knows this. Just as he knows sweet and innocent Aang of his childhood is not ready to be the battle harden Avatar the world needs, but he has to be. Thus, Bumi tries to push Aang into that readiness in a way he thinks is right.
And, let's not forget how OG Bumi put creeping crystal on 2 kids and let it slowly grow to the point of almost suffocating them. But no one questions that OG Bumi was always good and that he was trying to teach Aang a lesson in the original show, and never intended to let Katara and Sokka be suffocated to death. Right? Right.
Of course, in the end, in the Netflix Live Action, Aang is the one teaching Bumi the lesson. The lesson that the Avatar doesn't have to do this task alone. Bumi had seen so much in his years that he forgot what it meant to have a friend at your side to face things with, and that is what we watch Aang remind him of.
In sum, people watch the OG characters do some of the same things that they are mad about in the Netflix LA, and yet they give the OG characters the benefit of the doubt that it was meant well while demonizing the NATLA version for doing essentially the same kind of thing. So either people's watching literacy has decayed since the OG show
People are so dead set on hating on the Live Action and any other adaptation, and it never actually mattered how much was put into it because they are always going to find something to hate about it.
And people wonder why we haven't been given more ATLA content... 🙄
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smilesrobotlover · 6 months
List of things you like about Linebeck? rat man <3
Oh man where do I begin.
- I have a soft spot for AH with hearts of gold, guys who are cruel in the beginning and then develop and actually are very sweet, they just had a tough upbringing. I don’t have many thoughts on Linebeck’s backstory, but he is a good person deep down, he’s just annoying <3
- his design is everything to me. Like, he looks so weird and goofy but so sexy at the same time??? Like how??? Also I love Jack sparrow and he def has a more well kept Jack sparrow vibes.
- I’m a HUGE sucker for father figures. Idc what people say Linebeck is a DAD against his will and I will not take any opposing opinion.
- his theme SLAPS SO HARD it’s amazing. It’s one of the few good songs ph has.
- I just love his relationship with Link, the nicknames he gives him, the way he talks to him, the way he carry’s Link as if he weighs five pounds. It’s CUTE. It’s not wholesome but it’s FUN
- there IS a wholesome moment in the game and that’s where Linebeck acts more serious and asks Ciela to look after Link. He cares so much for the kid and really doesn’t want him to get hurt I’m so HH
- the potential for a complex character with him is so fun. I feel like he really struggles with his self worth, he’s one of those people that act all high and mighty but he secretly loathes himself. I feel like the manga really points this out, when he’s possessed by Bellum and he’s about to kill himself, he tells Link to not be a worthless man like him. He thinks he’s worthless and doesn’t feel like he belongs. In the manga he doesn’t like being called a hero because he abandoned his crew. He has a lot of issues that he keeps hidden and I LOVE HIM.
- this man is so pathetic oh my gosh I want to marry him.
- I feel like he longs for adventure and longs to be a big named hero, but he really can’t cuz he’s not built like that. So the adventure with Link gives him a taste of that and he loves it, even if it’s scary he loves it so much.
- the music at the end of the final boss with bellumbeck, I go FERAL. The song dark waters beginning with violins playing a dark tune, then it goes into his theme showing that he’s fighting back, but then his theme starts to get more desperate since he’s losing the battle with Bellum, and then finally he loses. And then the final boss song is SOOOO GOOOD GUYS like the beginning is a dramatic version of the phantom chase, it has trumpets that sounds like Bellum’s battle theme, and then Linebeck’s theme that sounds more sad it KILLS ME OUGH I LOVE THAT WHOLE THINF
-I love how he acts on the sea cuz he’s not a coward on sea, I feel like when he’s on the water he acts how he wants to be. Heroic, brave, competent. He’s so lovely, you can tell he loves the water.
- he can’t swim, like why can’t he swim 😭😭
- this is a little personal but I loathe myself a lot cuz I feel like I’m a pathetic loser who’s completely incompetent and a worthless human being and knowing that I adore a character who is like that makes me feel a little better about myself? It’s complicated but he’s just like me fr.
- I love how before you go to the last dungeon he just, acts really sweet towards you? He tells you to have fun and to adventure and I feel like he really genuinely cares for Link and yeah. He’s such a dad fr.
- he’s such a unique character in the Zelda series. Like there’s not a lot of actual father figures hence why Rusl is also very unique to me, and Linebeck is kinda the same to me. But, I already said this in a post, he’s barely connected to Link or Bellum in any way in the game. He never knew Link, he’s not apart of some magical race, he’s not connected to the ocean king, the only thing he’s connected to is his knowledge of the ghost ship. He’s just some guy and I really love that. Unspecial characters are my favorite. And I know the manga is different but I prefer him being some guy
- we don’t know how good of a father he was but we do know he was a good grandfather 🥺🥺🥺
- in spirit tracks it seems that he did learn to embrace adventure and loved puzzles and stuff, which I think is neat.
- the ending where he wishes for his ship back, like it’s kinda cliche but it‘s so sweet 😭😭😭 he loves his ship more than treasure.
- he got found family’d HARD.
- ok there’s some parts of this scene that I don’t like but when Oshus promises him a wish and he goes full 180 and his music is super dramatic and he wants nothing more than to save the ocean king like he’s so dumb
- I love his banter with Ciela I think it’s so fun, tho I do feel like Ciela is a little too mean, they’re relationship means a lot to me <3
- when he knocks over tetra’s statue like PLS HES SO DUMB.
- he says he’s a lone wolf but he’s really not he wants friends.
- the whole thing with Jolene is so insane and so funny to me 😭😭😭
- his letter to Link after you visit Zauz is weirdly sweet to me like he can’t figure out how to put things into words and he can’t say it in person so he just puts it in a letter cuz it’s easier for him. He’s just like me FRRRRRR.
- he’s so scrunkley I wanna shake him in a pringles can.
- I just love him a lot
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matthyeu · 1 year
Just had a thought and now it won’t get out do my head: What do you think an arcade date with zb1 would be like? What’s their favourite game? How’s the most competitive? Who will win you something? Who tells you to win your own things?
ft. my cursed thoughts bc i didn't have the energy to flesh stuff out
can be taken romantically or platonically bc friends can have arcade dates too
(i love having funny thoughts in between studying + reliving some cute moments looking back at prom photos for inspo so thank you for this)
favorite games:
jiwoong: he's effortlessly just good at everything to the point where he casually plays all the games when you're sitting there like ?? how
hao: over there playing guitar hero or some shit i swear like proving musical talent to the core!!
hanbin: ddr 100% you can not tell me man isn't on dance dance revolution every single moment there. you can't pull him away either. he devours it too like got everyone watching like that one kid
matthew: bro loves playing claw machines to look at cute things bc me too he just sees things and is like "ooooo" and somehow ends up at it for hours but only comes back with one thing for you (it's the thought that counts)
taerae: he's always on the coin pusher but he's so bad like idk why he plays but he loves standing there BUT he will get frustrated when they won't fall and smack it so he gets the alarm rang on him
ricky: he probably likes to play skee ball. idk why but it gives the VIBES like he would probably like how he looks cool. bc it's like the closest thing to bowling and he seems like someone who would like to look cool while bowling
gyuvin: pacman. he has tried every game and found out he is bad at them. the only thing he can go back to is pacman.
gunwook: playing streetfighter but like seriously. has my man sweating over here. please bring a towel for him.
yujin: he gives me the vibes of someone who would play those like shooting simulator whether it be jurassic park or like those ones with the zombies. and he might get jumpscared lol
most competitive: hao
doesn't really try to be but the moment you're in there challenging him, he's going at 100%
would win at like every game and you're sitting their regretting ever doubting him
though he just gives you all his points afterward so you can do whatever you want for prizes
that's the real reason he just wanted some motivation to get more points for you
wins you things: matthew, jiwoong, ricky (kinda)
we've already talked about matthew spending hours to get something for you (he's super diligent about it he will get you the thing you want even if he spends all his money)
wbk jiwoong good at it all, so no surprise he comes back with whatever you wanted (doesn't matter if its 1 or 10 he shall get them all)
so now ricky
why kinda?
well he doesn't actually win you it
he tries but then finds out that it's all a scam and nearly impossible
so he tries to bribe the employee to give it to him
ends up buying it from them for you so it's the same thing right??
tells you to win your own things: yujin, taerae
he wants to but then gets frustrated that he can't bc like?? who made it so damn hard
so he tries and then almost breaks the machine so ends up telling you to do it yourself
and then we have yujin who's just just like "do it yourself" bc he doesn't wanna
but then you keep bothering him about it bc you can't win
like bro getting a lil annoyed with how badly you want something
so then he plays it
but then keeps it for himself
he says it's compensation for you bothering him about it LMAO
too busy to even be near a machine: hao, hanbin, gyuvin, gunwook
well technically hao is going to get points to get you prizes but he's staying away from the machines knowing they're a scam
the other three though, they're off in their own worlds
they take their games very seriously (especially hanbin & gunwook)
gyuvin's just having a nice time being immersed so you don't want to bother him
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gudaho · 3 months
Seeing how Kadoc reacts to the usual Chaldea weirdness is a big part of the reason I enjoy "what if (x) joined Chaldea" stuff because I like the idea of seeing how the other Crypters (except Beryl because fuck 'em) would handle being part of some of the wackier events in F/GO. I feel like Kirschtaria in particular would vibe REALLY well with a lot of the goofy stuff and get really into some of those events.
oops this got long, headcanons below
Kirschtaria is as close to a servant as a person can get with his goofy-ass attitude. he would be a regular recruit in hijinks. he is somehow a citizen of the servantverse. he can make problems but cant ever solve them. caenis and gordy take shifts watching kirschtaria to make sure he doesnt start some bullshit
Pepe would be similar but doesn't need a baby-sitting squad to make sure he stays out of trouble. side-line supporter, mom who brings the best snacks to the kids soccer game, seeking business opportunities in new singularities.
as relaxed as they would normally be, there will still be times when something happens and they cant help but release a "what the fuck" because of the absurdity/sudden mortality of the situation. in chaldea both become clingy of guda and mash- mash is of course their tortured kouhai they want to make amends with. the unfortunate kid who lost their everything, someone they want to protect. guda...guda is the below-average prodigy that pepe and kirschtaria want to test and observe. like watching a pumpkin toadlet jump and then fail to land.
beryl forceful reformation program. he isnt allowed near mash, any servant would begin to beat him up if he got close. he isnt allowed near guda, guda gets too pissed to concentrate. he is forced into buddist practices like eating once a day, sitting under a waterfall, prayer, and helping to do chores. the servants who watch him (saints, monks, pacifists, morgan, and lots of generals for some reason) swear he is showing moral improvements. if you see him in the hallway he beaten down by life.
ophelia is having much needed girl time. the one who is chilling the most after joining chaldea post-crypter career. a favorite among servants for her helpful and thoughtful attitude. doesnt cause trouble. is part of the kirschtaria task-force. is quite aloof towards guda because she feels guilty about turning her back on humanity. because she spends time with mash she inevitably spends time with guda, she tries not to make it awkward but she cant help it. despite being on the backburner, ophy is fiercely protective of this new chaldea. one time she gets really drunk (got carried away drinking w/ bryn) and cries in gudas lap about how sorry she is. her avoidant behavior improves after that and she gets roped into causing trouble.
we know that yu meiren becomes gudas (unwilling) servant and senpai. she becomes more fond of guda as time goes on, unsurprisingly. shocking everyone though, she becomes more friendly towards the other crypters. the relaxed and crass attitude she gives to guda gets transferred to everyone else. they are very surprised by this (she once called kirschtaria a doll-eyed fetus and he thought it was so funny he told everyone about it for like a week). taking on an older sister role, meiren becomes an unexpected source of solace for the crypters and eases the tensions between servants and crypter. her hubby takes it upon himself to keep an eye on beryl. she brags about how much beryl has improved under the watch of the most handsome man to ever exist
kadoc is another favorite among servants but for bullying purposes. he has a number of servants that just...enjoy bothering him. because of his attitude he also has some friends (jason, mandricardo, etc). complained about being weak too many times and was forced to join body-building club. like ophy he is awkward about his past betrayal but he gets over it pretty quickly. how does he get over it? great question, everything guda does annoys him. he made a point to publicly apologize to mash and da vinci. usually left out of causing problems but often gets roped into helping resolve them. has to tap out halfway because he cant cope. he is anastasia's stay at home wife.
some servants never warm up to the crypters- they are polite of course but guda is too much of a priority. for some servants its their protective nature, for others its natural caution. some of those servants include: moriarty (acts friendly. is not.), dantes (never interacts with them. always lurking around guda), oberon (doesnt like anyone), BB (acts friendly. is not.), morgan (doesnt trust like that), arjuna (doesnt trust like that), jalter (emo), kama (doesnt like anyone), abby (never interacts with them. always lurking around guda)
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orikiys · 11 months
✿ ✿ 〞older brother skz finding you with a guy
✰ pairings : older brother ot8!skz x sibling! fem reader
✰ warnings : mentions of sex ed ( pretty short although), indirect mentions of violence, implied angst as well, cursing, reader's bf is an asshole, mentions of break up, mentions of cheating as well
✰ synopsis : your older brother finds you with a guy and well there could be various outcomes
✰ word count : 1.4k+ words
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౨₊ৎ chan
i feel like chan would be the chill bro
like he loves you, he does but he doesn't want to seem as those cliché annoying brothers so he'll act normal
BUT if the guy ever makes you cry, chan's on his way to the guy's house along with his members
chan would absolutely hate it when you cry because of a guy
he'll not give you space thinking you need a shoulder to cry on and would lay beside you and distract you by playing video games or simply talking to each other
he would find himself getting a bit sad when you're on the phone texting someone but would try to brush it off
everytime a guy even looks at you in a weird way he would glare at them
he even created a whole powerpoint with points and body language of guys. basically mentioning each and every single detail to keep you away from those toxic guys
being the eldest kid, he felt like he has responsibility to look after the younger ones
and he does that everytime. without failure.
౨₊ৎ minho
the moment he sees you with a guy outside the convenient store he would literally have to double take a look
his sister, HIS younger sister with a GUY ???
oh he is so going to tease the hell out of you
he would click a good amount of pictures and smirk like a devil
later on he would confront you about it and blackmail you saying he'll tell it to mom
would make you do every single work assigned to him
and the moment you hesitate he is almost about to fake call mom
would make kissing noises and hand gestures each time you're about to go on a date or facetiming the guy
but when he sees that you unhappy, he's going to have a little chat with the guy
let's say that it did not end well at all
would realize his mistake and mumble sorry everytime he sees you
would do anything to make you forgive him
though his ways were a bit more violent, he knew that the guy anyway didn't deserve you
and that minho is always right with his instincts
౨₊ৎ changbin
the type of brother to literally interrogate the guy
would ask the guy if he works out and if he says no, changbin would throw you a disappointed look telling you could do better
would scold you both and explain about sex education, embarassing the hell out of you
he loves it sm although !
but at the same time he can't help but think of how fast you grew up
would also help you with your outfits
he has the guy warned to drop you home safely and before 9 !!
if the guy ever hurts you, don't worry. changbin has your back
he's also the brother who would feel a bit awkward on how to approach you so he would just quietly sit by your side, watching your favorite movies with you
i swear the moment he sees you laugh it's like he can breathe normally now
he promised himself to never let you cry over a guy again !! must protect
౨₊ৎ hyunjin
the type of brother who would judge the guy and his choice of fashion
would fake gag loudly whenever he sees you blushing and would roll his eyes the moment he sees the guy's face
"please don’t tell me that frog is my future brother in-law"
would constantly spy on you both to figure out what you were both upto
the moment you two break up he would hit you with that "i told you" but when he realizes you don't even react, he would literally let you cry in his arms
would send you a sad playlist to help you let it all out
would sneakily take your phone, get the guy's number and would block him on all socials before sending an annonymous text to the guy
would make goofy faces while dancing just to make you laugh
would let you do his skincare for a month if it means he gets to see you move on from that asshole
౨₊ৎ han
the brother who's jealous that he's still single
would glare whenever you both show pda in front of him
so damn annoyed (x 100)
but at the same time he'll keep an eye on the two of you, especially the guy
the moment you two break up he's gonna be so relieved but ! the realization would hit him and he would walk up to your room and talk to you for hours, helping you get it all out
out of rage he would even write a few diss tracks for the guy and make you listen to it
the moment you start vibing or screaming out the lyrics he would feel like he won in life
the other members know about and would let him pull a taylor swift knowing very well that the guy deserves it
han would probably even post the song online and would anonymously troll the guy
what's a revenge without some fun?
౨₊ৎ felix
brother? no! he's your 4lifer
knows every single gossip of your college and your friends
so it's no surprise that he was the first person that go to know you were dating someone
will most likely start thirdwheeling on your dates
he would even invite the guy over to watch a match
and the moment you break out the news that you both broke up he's literally gonna be even sadder than you
would sigh out loud on purpose and hug you tightly mumbling that he was good company
but the moment you tell him it was the guy's fault, felix would switch up real quick
would throw insults and say speeches on how the guy was a dumbhead and all
jokes apart, he would actually feel guilty for mentioning the guy in front of you and would apologize to you and swears that he'll be careful from now
who needs guys when you have brothers like him?
౨₊ৎ seungmin
he IS the bully
would laugh mockingly at you both and make memes saying how he finds couples cringey
would literally yell out embarrassing things about you to the guy
would even show your baby pictures and snicker
there is no way in hell that he could get a better opportunity of revenge !!
but honestly he's gonna share the gossip that you're dating with the other members just so they can't keep flirting with you
he has grown kinda annoyed
he still can't digest the fact that people find his sister pretty
although, he thinks you are but he loves irritating the hell out of you
being seungmin's sister, he shouldn't expect any less from you
you would fake cry making him panic because if mom finds out it's over !!
and when you cry for a guy, that guy is over
seungmin is very protective when you get sad because of someone else
he would frown and his arms would find your sides, bringing you in his embrace since he knows how much you love his hugs
you're like his little star and he would absolutely feel his heart shatter seeing you sad
౨₊ৎ jeongin
the type of brother who would hate it when you started dating his best friend
would roll his eyes when you take his best friend/ your boyfriend away from him
it was irritating the heck out of him
how dare YOU date HIS friend?
but later on he kind of got used to it
and when the two of you break up it's like time stops for jeongin
not only did you lose your boyfriend, but jeongin lost his best friend in a way too
hurting jeongin's sister was a bad bad move
and poor jeongin felt helpless seeing you looks so miserable for a cheater like that guy
he would take you out to arcades or take you boxing because it's his way of taking his anger out and maybe it might help you as well?
little tmi, it actually did
you could feel yourself healing and getting over that guy and jeongin could feel his sister's crazy antics returnings
so suddenly he felt like he regretted it when you barge in his room wiggle your eyebrows for no reason
he's no less either. he would run behind you like a monkey and tackle you to the ground before tickling you hard
it's weird, how in many ways the annoying part of jeongin shows just how caring he is
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hey anon hope you liked this >< i changed the ending to angst although because i love angst (guilty) 🙏🙏
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jadedrrose · 2 years
parent!Law Headcanons
Warnings: Not really any. Pregnancy talk, ig? But otherwise this is nothing but fluff.
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•With Law being… well, Law, he was obviously uncertain and scared at first when you came to him that day, telling him of your “symptoms”. Those feelings were only amplified when he did verify that you were, in fact, pregnant.
•For the first few weeks, he was stressed. Unsure of what to do. But with your help, he was able to overcome that.
•After that, he had a new stress… being worried about you and the child within you. But; Law, being the doctor he is, would go simply above and beyond to help you through the pregnancy. I mean, really, it doesn’t get better than that.
•He would go week by week with you, informing you of how the infant is growing, how big they are, what parts they’re currently developing, everything.
•Although Law technically has a short temper (sort of?), he wouldn’t be the kind of guy to be mad at his wife for being hormonal, emotional, etc. The man is a doctor!!! He knows what’s going on!!
•Then, the delivery. He would know the early signs of going into labor, and would do everything in his power to make it comfortable for you in advance.
•He’ll never forget the day your daughter was born. ‘Course, he was the one delivering her, so there was nothing he didn’t see. Very unforgettable.
•Would call her “my love”. Or maybe something dumb… like, you know… “baby-ya”…
•Honestly? He’d probably cry. Either he’d walk away to do so alone, or right then and there while holding the child. But never if anyone else but you were around.
•Law would absolutely be the kind of father to take over all the work for the first few months. He barely sleeps anyway, so he’d be the one to stay up all night to take care of her. He’d probably panic and force you to lay back down if you tried getting up at night to help, telling you repeatedly “you need to rest!”.
•But of course, don’t take that in a “he denies you any time to really take care of/bond with the baby” way, He just wants you to rest at night. During the day, he’d be more than happy to let you take over. He’s also a captain of a pirate crew, after all.
•Again, being a doctor, he knows everything about how a child should be growing, what can go wrong, everything. So really, you’d probably have the healthiest child ever. If she even dare gets a cough he’s immediately worried, trying to figure out what the issue is.
•Your daughter would end up having his hair color, but your eyes and a mixture of his sharp facial features and your own features.
•Bepo is now her personal pet polar bear, I don’t make the rules, sorry Law (but of course… he still cuddles with Bepo, just now with your daughter joining).
•As she grows into a toddler, Law would let her play with the crew more. Mostly Bepo, because what child wouldn’t want to cuddle the cute, friendly polar bear?!
•The submarine would 100% always be filled with the adorable laughter of the little girl, with the goofy crewmates always making her laugh.
•Although Law would normally find a kid scream-laughing and giggling annoying, your daughter’s laughs would soon become one of his favorite sounds.
•And as she grows more adventurous with her little legs now allowing her to run, Law would become very protective over the girl.
• Would probably send her (with you, of course) down to the bottom of the submarine to hide if there was ever a battle/fight. Even though she insists she’s strong like her mommy and daddy.
•And more on that note, she wouldn’t be scared of much. I mean, her daddy’s a tall guy with lots of tattoos and piercings who carries a sword around with him everywhere. This little girl fears nothing.
•Now onto more random things:
•Keeps photos of her in your arms throughout her life on his desk.
•She would absolutely pick up on her daddy’s language… even the bad words.
•He lets her steal his hat. Before she existed, that was your job, but you decided she was too cute in it to continue. Now, you steal it for her (as in, picking her up so she can reach it).
•And lastly, Law definitely thinks about Cora-san whenever he wonders how to act with the little girl, or if he’s being a good father. Thinks about how happy his father figure made him, and hopes to be like that for his daughter, too.
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tryingtograspctrl · 2 months
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SUMMARY - You moved to Woodsboro 2 years ago and quickly became friends with Marlon and Shawn, you did your best to make friends with their friends but you couldn't help but feel uncomfortable around them because of those two... and your feelings were very valid.... Title inspired by the song "She" by tyler the creator. I reccomend you listen to it.
You jolted up at the sound of your alarm clock blaring. You reached over smacking your hand against it to quiet it down while simultaneously blowing out the candle you seem to always leave lit, one day you were gonna burn the house down.
"I don't know what it is that you've done to meee, but it's caused me to act in such a crazy wayyyy." You sang along to the radio as you brushed your teeth.
You got dressed as quickly as you could knowing Marlon and Shawn would be in the driveway any minute.
You met Marlon and Shawn when you first moved to Woodsboro around 2 years ago.
Your parents had been killed in a car accident and you had no other living relatives in your hometown so you were forced to move in with your Aunt in California.
She traveled often due to work so you only saw her a couple weeks out of the year.
You didn't mind it though, you liked to be alone, sure you'd get homesick sometimes, missing all your old friends but Marlon and Shawn filled the empty space well.
The hardest part for you was mourning the loss of your parents and adjusting to a new school, nobody liked being the new kid. Plus there was a lot of attention on you due to your appearance, you had been a big girl your whole life and people always tried to use it against you, but you loved your body no matter how other people felt about it. You cherished every curve and every inch.
The eyes could be annoying though, people acted like they've never seen a plus size black woman before.
"Heyyy slow down a little girl, I'm Shawn you must be new here?" The tall dark skin man stood in front of you, hand extended for you to shake.
You looked him up and down, scoffing before attempting to make your way around him.
You knew plenty of guys like Shawn, one of the schools golden boys who every girl wanted to be with, and every guy wanted to be. You had met plenty of jackasses like that back in your hometown, the ones that would play friends with the big girls and the weird kids for shits and giggles with their asshole friends.
"Damn i just wanted to show you around, why you so harsh on a brother?" He stood in front of you again.
"Listen, i don't need no help. I can find my way around on my own, ok?" You snapped placing your hands on your hips.
"Whatever you say." He held his hands up in defense.
You looked down at the paper the lady at the front desk gave you, a schedule with your classes and which room they were located in.
"It looks like you have science first period, i do too. I can lead you there." Shawn pointed from over your shoulder.
You jumped slightly at his voice, not realizing he had been following you.
"Fine." You gave in, he seemed too hard to get rid of and you didn't feel like putting up a fight.
He walked ahead making sure you kept up behind him.
"I never got your name." He peeked at you.
"Y/n." You spoke softly.
"Y/n, thats pretty. Listen my brother Marlon is in this class too, i just wanna give you a heads up, he's super loud and goofy but he's got a good heart don't take him too seriously ok?" He looked down at you.
"Ok." You nodded.
You both walked in together and despite the teacher's best effort to get you to do the whole awkward introduction thing Shawn had stopped him, explaining that you were tired from the big move and just wanted to get settled.
You smiled a little at him, you really appreciated that especially since you'd get super anxious speaking in front of other's. Maybe you shouldn't have judged him too quickly.
"Damnnn the new girl is fione! Yo i'm Marlon what's your name baby?" He pulled his desk closer to yours, the legs making an awful screeching noise as they moved across the floor.
"Hey man get out of her face, and stop being so damn loud it's 7 in the morning." Shawn glared.
"My bad a brother can't be cheery in the morning? Who pissed in your cheerios?" He huffed.
You giggled at his antics shaking your head.
"At least someone appreciates me." His eyes lit up.
"I'm y/n." You shook his hand.
"Pleasure to meet you madame." He spoke in a terrible french accent lifting your hand to kiss it.
You laughed swatting at him.
"Hey you're a lot nicer to him than me." Shawn frowned.
"What can i say, i like funny guys." You winked.
Back to present
You smiled fondly at the memory as you laced up your shoes.
"Here she comessss, the beauty queen!" Marlon sang as you walked out the front door.
He got out of the car and opened the door for you bowing.
"Stop it boy." You laughed getting into the car.
"Did you sleep good?" Shawn asked kissing your cheek.
"Yeah i did, how was the party last night? Sorry i couldn't make it." You asked applying your chapstick.
"Eh it was fine, nothing crazy. You coming to the big game tonight right?" He asked taking his eyes off the road for a moment.
"Of course, i couldn't miss the biggest game of the season." You smiled at him.
He smiled too shutting off the car once he found a place to park.
"You guys go ahead i'm gotta go use the bathroom first." You grabbed your bag shutting the door.
Small time skip
You shook your hands out as you made you way across the courtyard.
"That bathroom never has any paper towels." You shook your head talking to yourself.
"Hey y/n?" Someone called out to you.
"Oh hey Randy." You turned around.
"I haven't seen you in the video store in a while, a bunch of new releases came out." He jogged catching up to you.
"I've been busy studying, my grade in math has tanked and i'm trying to get it up before the end of semester." You frowned slightly.
"Hey if you ever need help i can tutor you, i'm great at math." He placed a hand on your shoulder.
"That'd be great thank you." You smiled brightly at him.
"Of course, and when you get the time stop by the store. I got something for you." He smiled.
"I will, see you later." You waved turning back around and walking toward the fountain.
"What did that creep want?" Tatum asked a look of disgust on her face.
"Don't be like that, Randy's sweet." You frowned.
"Yeah trying to sweeten his way into your drawls, i don't trust him." Marlon scooted towards you as you sat beside him.
"Awww you jealous?" You pinched his cheeks.
"Jealous? of Randy? Girl have you seen me?" Marlon stood flexing.
"Feel that girl." You pointed at his bicep.
You just laughed squeezing his arm.
"Alright come on muscle man before we're late." You grabbed your bag.
"You're coming to the game right?" Sydney tugged at your wrist.
"Yeah of course i'll be sitting right in the front." You nodded.
"That's great, we'll need our favorite cheerleader." Stu spoke up for the first time that morning.
You laughed brushing it off as a joke.
You looked over at Billy to see him already looking at you, staring directly into your eyes.
Your face fell and chills ran up your spine, but you quickly recovered doing your best to smile at him.
"I was thinking we could stop by that mexican spot after the game, you know like a celebration dinner." Shawn suggested.
It took you a moment to peel your eyes away from Billy but you eventually did, nodding in agreement.
"Whatever you want." You relaxed in his embrace.
Part two coming soon, let me know if you guys like it. ☺️
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