#only bugs bunny is truly free
thecreaturecodex · 10 months
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Image © @iguanodont
[Of all my self-insert characters, this is my self-insertiest. I consider myself to be somewhere in the Venn diagram overlap of Mary Poppins, Bugs Bunny and any given Addams, and that's the spot where Gigi comfortably holds court. She's also the manifestation of my use of friendly but weird spellcasters to steer the party in the right direction. Which means I wanted to be sure in the flavor text to emphasize that Gigi's a light touch. She's the kind of character who will craft the PCs magic items, cast a reincarnate spell if one of them dies (because it's way more fun than resurrection, plus she doesn't happen to have that many diamonds on hand...) and point them towards the next adventure, not the sort of character who will do everything herself. ]
Gigi CR 21 CG Fey This woman is fat, jolly and subtly inhuman. Her skin tone is a light purple, shading to red on her hands and feet, and her witch’s hat moves as if something growing from her head is holding it in place.
Gigi is the “Scary Fairy Godmother” of Varisia, a powerful inhuman witch who helps the people there survive the onslaughts of other monsters. Gigi is a phouka, but rarely appears in her natural form, preferring a humanoid guise. When not appearing as a human, she often takes the form of a gnome or goblin. She lives in a well-hidden cottage in the Sanos Forest, and from there ventures forth under invisibility or disguise to engage in her well-meaning meddling. Gigi prefers to act subtly by giving advice, casting beneficial spells and hexes or pointing people in the direction of a magic item or clue, rather than unleashing her true power at a moment’s notice.
When Gigi does decide to fight, she can be truly terrifying to behold. She is one of the most powerful witches in Avistan, and couples that with her natural abilities as a pooka. She usually fights under cover of invisibility, and uses debilitating spells to end combat quickly and efficiently. Gigi is proud of her magical prowess, but is well aware that a well placed knife can solve some problems spells cannot. If she is in a playful mood, or is fighting to teach a lesson rather than kill an enemy, Gigi will instead use Flyby Attack and Greater Dirty Trick to inconvenience and annoy opponents. Gigi is happy to play a support role in a fight, especially if teamed up with her right hand gal, Priscilla.
Gigi began her life as an ordinary phouka in the First World, who spent her time living hedonistically and annoying fey and mortals alike. One day, she came upon a chameleon caught in the web of a giant spider, and she let it free. She spent days watching this lizard, fascinated by its patience in hunting and movement, and followed its slow and steady journey. Eventually, the lizard led her to Mormo, the Goddess of Predators. That Great Old One had been regaining her strength and putting together her plots to strike against the Mother of Monsters Lamashtu. She had sent various reptiles out as living invitations, to extend an offer of allegiance to anyone who might notice. And Gigi was the only one who noticed.
Gigi became an instant convert and Mormo is now her patron, granting spells through that same chameleon (which Gigi named Liz). Since Mormo received a cool reception in the First World, Gigi decided to move to the Material Plane to support Mormo in the Great Game and to win her allies and converts. She chose Varisia as her home base because of the remarkable density of catastrophic events that occur there regularly, as well as the large number of adventurers fighting against said events. Gigi is the patron of several groups of adventurers, not all of whom know her real identity and agenda, and at least one of which knows her solely as a helpful disembodied voice. She is also one of the driving forces behind the increasing integration of goblins into the societies of other humanoids, as she has a soft spot for tricksy little monsters.  
Gigi      CR 21 XP 409,600 Variant phouka witch 16 (vellemancer) CG Medium fey Init +11; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, Perception +38
Defense AC 44, touch 35, flat-footed 32 (+11 Dex, +1 dodge, +1 natural, +8 armor, +13 deflection) hp 440(35d6+315) Fort +25, Ref +32, Will +32; +4 vs. mind-influencing spells DR 15/cold iron; Immune disease, divination, poison; SR 23 Defensive Abilities blur, eldritch shield, invisibility
Offense Speed 40 ft., fly 40 ft. (average) Melee dagger of subtlety +30/+25/+20/+15 (1d4+9/19-20), slam +23 (1d4+3), gore +23 (1d8+3) or 2 slams +28 (1d4+7), gore +28 (1d8+7) Special Attacks hexes (DC 34, beast’s gift, delicious fright, evil eye, feral speech, fortune, regenerative sinew, slumber, speak in dreams, ward), sneak attack +5d6 Spell-like Abilities CL 12th, concentration +25 (+29 casting defensively) At will—deep slumber (DC 26), major image (DC 26), suggestion (DC 26) 3/day—baleful polymorph (DC 28), blindness/deafness (DC 26), confusion (DC 27), dimension door, fear (DC 27), mirage arcana (DC 28), telekinesis (DC 28) 1/day—feeblemind (DC 28), greater shadow conjuration (DC 30), irresistible dance (DC 31),  phantasmal killer (DC 27), song of discord (DC 29) Spells CL 16th, concentration +32 (+36 casting defensively) 8th—demand (DC 34), horrid wilting (DC 34), maze, mind blank (already cast), prediction of failure (DC 34) 7th—harm (DC 33), heal (DC 33), jolting portent, shadow body, umbral strike (DC 33), waves of ecstasy (DC 33) 6th—cone of cold (DC 32), flesh to stone (DC 32), geas/quest, greater dispel magic, greater heroism, stone to flesh  5th—cure critical wounds (DC 31), greater forbid action (DC 31), inflict critical wounds (DC 31), overland flight (already cast), pernicious pranksters, reincarnate, waves of fatigue 4th—blessing of fervor, charm monster (x2, DC 30), death ward, debilitating portent, inveigle person (DC 30), neutralize poison (DC 30), wandering star motes (DC 30) 3rd—aversion (DC 29), bestow curse (DC 29, already cast), clairaudience/clairvoyance, fly, helping hand, remove blindness/deafness, speak with dead (DC 29), vampiric touch 2nd—anticipate peril (x2), cure moderate wounds (DC 28, x5), ghostly disguise (x2), inflict moderate wounds (DC 28, x5), mortal terror (DC 28, x2) 1st—charm person (DC 27), doom (DC 27, x2), identify, ill omen (x2), ray of enfeeblement (DC 27), vocal alteration (DC 27) 0th—arcane mark, dancing lights, detect magic, read magic Patron—Fate
Tactics Before Combat Gigi casts mind blank and overland flight on herself each morning. She also casts a bestow curse (-4 to all attack rolls, saving throws, skill and ability checks) into her witching gown each morning Contingency Whenever Gigi is reduced to 100 hit points or below, she is teleported to the hidden basement of her house in the Sanos Forest
Statistics Str 25, Dex 32, Con 28, Int 42, Wis 22, Cha 36 Base Atk +17; CMB +28 (+32 dirty trick); CMD 60 (62 vs. dirty trick) Feats Accursed Hex, Agile Maneuvers, Bouncing Spell-like Ability (baleful polymorph), Combat Casting, Combat Expertise, Craft Wondrous Item, Dodge, Eschew Materials, Extra Hex (x3: evil eye, feral speech, ward), Flyby Attack, Greater Dirty Trick, Improved Dirty Trick, Mobility, Quick Draw, Spell Penetration, Weapon Finesse Skills Acrobatics +43, Appraise +51, Bluff +49, Diplomacy +49, Disable Device +33, Disguise +45, Escape Artist +43, Fly +43, Heal +38, Intimidate +49, Knowledge (arcana, local, nature, planes) +48, Knowledge (dungeoneering, religion) +45, Knowledge (history, nobility) +51, Linguistics +36, Perception +38, Sense Motive +38, Sleight of Hand +43, Spellcraft +48, Stealth +46, Use Magic Device +45 Languages Abyssal, Aklo, Common, Draconic, Elven, Gnome, Halfling, Sylvan, telepathy 100 ft, 20 others Gear tome of clear thought +4 (expended), manual of bodily health +4 (expended), headband of mental superiority +6 (Appraise, Knowledge (history), Knowledge (nobility)), belt of physical might +6 (Str, Dex), dagger of subtlety (as sword of subtlety), hat of fortune’s favor (as headband), cackling hag’s blouse, witching gown, lesser cloak of displacement, periapt of health and proof against poison, bracers of armor +8, goggles of minute seeing, metamagic rod of Quicken Spell, rod of abrupt hexes, staff of vision, wand of cure serious wounds, ring of wizardry II, ring of spell turning, contingency statuette, scrying mirror, 4,000 gp worth of crafting supplies, 2 doses of herbs and oils for reincarnate spells, 80 pp, 7 gp Spells Known As above, plus resurrection, greater teleport, contingency (as 6th level spell), break enchantment, hold monster, teleport, scrying, secure shelter, spite, remove disease, tongues, bear’s endurance, bull’s strength, cat’s grace, eagle’s splendor, fox’s cunning, owl’s wisdom, mage armor, cantrips SQ change shape (Small or Medium humanoid or Tiny to Large fey, alter self or fey shape II), legendary, quick change, scry on familiar, selective invisibility
Special Abilities Eldritch Shield (Su) Gigi gains her Charisma modifier as a deflection bonus to Armor Class and Combat Maneuver Defense. Expanded Wishgranter (Su): A vellemancer adds the following spells to her familiar for free: bear’s endurance, bull’s strength, cat’s grace, eagle’s splendor, fox’s cunning, and owl’s wisdom. The vellemancer can cast these spells only as part of her wishgranter ability, but she can sacrifice any prepared spell of 2nd level or lower to spontaneously cast one of these spells. Invested Hex (Su): Each day, Gigi can implant a number of hexes equal to half her witch level  plus her Intelligence bonus (24/day for Gigi). Any given creature can have only one hex implanted at a given time, and implanting a new hex ends the previous one (the witch still loses the use of this ability she spent on the previous hex). Only beneficial hexes capable of affecting another creature can be implanted with invested hex, and this counts against the uses per day of hexes with limited uses per day or per creature. To implant a hex, the vellemancer must take a standard action and touch a willing creature. The vellemancer can activate the hex as a free action, or the hex can activate automatically when a single predetermined condition is met (decided when the hex is implanted). The subject must be within medium range (100 feet + 10 feet per level) for the witch to trigger the hex, but a predetermined condition can activate the hex regardless of range. An implanted hex lasts until the next time the witch regains her spells. Once triggered, a hex is no longer implanted and can’t be triggered again. Invisibility (Su) Gigi remains invisible even when she attacks. She can activate or suppress this ability as a free action. Legendary (Ex) Gigi's statistics are built off of 25 point buy and she has the equipment of a 20th level PC. This increases her CR by 1. Quick Change (Su) Gigi can use her change shape ability as a move action. Selective Invisibility (Su) When a phouka is invisible, it can choose to be visible to a single creature. A phouka can later choose to become invisible to that creature as well, but if that creature succeeds a DC 32 Will save, it can still see that phouka for the next 24 hours. The save DC is Charisma based. Wishgranter (Su): A vellemancer can borrow mental strength from others’ hopes and dreams to empower her own spellcasting. A creature can make a wish as a free action at any time, even during the vellemancer’s turn. The vellemancer must be able to hear and understand a wish in order to use it as a spell component. A spell that doesn’t normally have a verbal component gains one when cast using this ability. A wish doesn’t need to mention the name of a specific spell, but it must describe an outcome that can be accomplished by casting a spell the vellemancer knows (for example, wishing to be more likable could supply the verbal component for alter self, eagle’s splendor, or even baleful polymorph, depending on the results). A vellemancer gains a +1 bonus to her caster level when using a creature’s wish as a verbal component in this manner, but she cannot include herself as a target of such spells. She can be affected by such a spell if it affects an area rather than one or more targets. A vellemancer is under no compulsion to grant a creature’s wish. Once the vellemancer grants a creature’s wish using this ability, she cannot use this ability to grant that creature any further wishes for 24 hours.
Liz CR N/A Variant lizard (chameleon) familiar (pilferer archetype) N Tiny magical beast (augmented animal) Init +2; Senses low-light vision; Perception +1
Defense AC 30, touch 14, flat-footed 28 (+2 Dex, +2 size, +8 natural, +8 armor) hp 220 (effectively 35 HD) Fort +10, Ref +18, Will +22 SR 21 (31 vs. divinations) Defensive Abilities nondetection
Offense Speed 20 ft., climb 20 ft. Melee bite +21 (1d4–4) Space 2-1/2 ft.; Reach 0 ft.
Statistics Str 3, Dex 15, Con 8, Int 13, Wis 12, Cha 2 Base Atk +17; CMB +17 (+21 steal); CMD 23 (25 vs. steal, 27 vs. trip) Feats Greater Steal (B), Improved Steal (B), Weapon Finesse Skills Acrobatics +38, Bluff +25, Climb +10, Diplomacy +25, Disable Device +22, Disguise +25, Escape Artist +34, Fly +34,  Knowledge (arcana, dungeoneering, local, nature, planes, religion) +30, Linguistics +21, Perception +33, Sense Motive +30, Sleight of Hand +42, Spellcraft +30, Stealth +54, Use Magic Device +25; Racial Modifiers +4 Acrobatics, +4 Stealth Languages speak with master Gear bracers of armor +8, wand of scorching ray (50 charges), contingency statuette SQ empathic link,share spells, sneak
Special Abilities Contingency: Is Liz is ever swallowed whole, she teleports back to a spot ten feet outside of Gigi’s house. Sneak (Ex) Liz gains a competence bonus equal to half of Gigi’s witch caster level on Sleight of Hand and Stealth checks. Variant Lizard (Ex) As a chameleon, Liz gains a +4 racial bonus to Acrobatics and Stealth checks, instead of the normal lizard racial skill bonus. As a familiar, a chameleon grants a +3 bonus to Stealth.
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acesofspadess · 5 months
Winner of Hearts
a/n: this late upload was not planned I'm so sorryyyy, but updates will be like everyday again so yay. and get your tissues ready.
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 Next week quickly turned into 2 months. One Direction was in the Finals. Over the past few months the band had become a family., with you all deciding to stay in your tiny room over splitting up. You couldn’t imagine life without all 5 boys in it. Of course the nicknames stuck and you really enjoyed each of the boys having their own nickname for you - though you think they liked it more than you.
“Hey bug, can I draw you?”
“Bow, why are you still in bed?”
“Only Petal can have my food.”
“Bear? Can you play with my hair?”
“Oi! Bunny’s cheating! How does she always win?”
 Bentley and Beverly came to visit with your Nan and Pap a few times. You were so proud of how far Bev had come in her schooling and was soon gonna be an apprentice for some designers. Bentley had changed career paths and decided being a model was truly what he wanted to do. He had the looks, and the height, he just needed the connections. He had one job for a local clothing shoppe that you made sure Bev sent you pictures of.
The bakery was even better. Nan and Pap had got so many people to come in (they know it was because of you) that they had to hire people to help around. They still did most if not all the baking but they definitely had help and you were thankful. They were only in their late 40s, (47) after having your mom when they were 16, and then your mom having you when she was 16. They were around the same age as the other mothers in the band, but to you it felt like they had lived two lives. 
Being able to go out and see everyones old lives was a special moment for all of you. You were glad something was arranged for Niall after the weather prevented from you all heading to Ireland. Louis' old school definitely was the biggest surprise. He had you stay by his side the whole time claiming ‘ I need my best friend by my side’. And you were more than happy to be there with him and the rest of the boys.
Seeing where Harry grew up was so special. Over the course of the past two months you had definitely gained feelings for him and Niall and it seemed to you that they were in the same boat, but you knew it wouldn't go anywhere for a long time. Harry made sure you and Niall were holding onto him as the mass of people around his front drive were mad. You and Niall found a picture of baby Harry and asked the fan if you could steal it, to which they screamed and showed the paper into your hands. You knew how much Harry missed his mum and Robyn and it was so special watching him reunite with them.
Next was your home town of Hazel Grove. You knew you wanted your first stop to be the bakery. Swarms of people - more than the other boys- were waiting outside of the bakery and as you and the boys stepped out the cheers could have made you go deaf. They were chanting your name and had signs of all different things, even baby pictures that you knew all the boys would try to sneak pictures of. 
Seeing Beverly, Bentely, Nan, and Pap all together again was too much for you to handle. You knew that after this that there would be a ton more people waiting to get to this bakery. “A free pastry on me!” you yelled standing on a chair by the front doors to everyone who was standing around. “But only if you promise to come back!” They all screamed and laughed and the boys helped pass out pastries to everyone in line. 
You finally made it to your cottage a little while away from the bakery and the boys marvelled at how perfect the cottage reminded them of you. The Williams parents had moved to Australia and had lost connection with the three of you, but Beverly and Bentely were unbothered as they knew your grandparents treated them like their own. After Beverly and Bentely helped show all of your baby pictures to the boys -especially Niall and Harry- you went and stayed in your room for the night before you were off to Bradford. 
“Oh my god.” Zayn muttered next to you holding onto your hand tightly. You giggled at his reaction to all the people. Zayn’s outcome was so special knowing he was really a quiet kid and that seeing all these people where he used to go for fun was such a shock for him. 
Last but not least, Wolverhampton. We had a gig there and Simon joined you guys for the last leg. The performance felt so real and it made you all really want to win this. 
The next big thing after that was your birthday and the boys made sure to cause havoc on your birthday, starting by waking you up super early. 
“HAPPY BIRTHDAY AUTY!” they all screamed pulling back the privacy protector. You knew they were going to pull something so you decided to get them back. “Except today isn't my birthday.” Your voice was scratchy and you saw all but two faces drop. “No today 9 December you were born, Bear.” Harry now whispering informed you. “Yeah Petal, today's your birthday. You’ve got a picture of you and Beverly with balloons and cake that say ‘9 Dec’.” 
You couldn't help but smile and open your eyes to see all them smiling at you with party hats. “Thank you lads, but it's still dark outside.” you whispered with a shaky laugh at the end. They joined you laughing quietly. “I will ask you where you managed to find those party hats later. But right now i'm going back to sleep.” they all laughed and Liam, Zayn, and Louis kissed your head before getting back in their own beds. “Wait Petal.” Niall and Harry were now sitting at the edge of your bed. “We want you to open your gift now.” Harry handed you the small -decently- wrapped gift. You opened it sluggishly and smiled widely when you saw what it was.
“We remembered you saying you needed a new one. So we put our money together and got you one. Do you like it, Bear?” You looked at it in its full glory. A new bonnet for your hair… with Niall and Harry’s faces on it. “Where did you manage to get this?” you chuckled while switching it with the one you had on. “We’ll tell you later. Go back to sleep Petal.” They were getting ready to get up but you stopped them. “No, stay with me.” You slid into the middle of your small bed and patted either side of you. They each chose a side and you snuggled into them both while Harry pulled your blanket over you all. 
A few hours later Liam and Louis woke Zayn up, and when they went to wake you up (you had to wake up Niall and Harry. They only ever woke up if it was you) they saw you with both boys heads snuggled into your neck and chest. “I'm calling it now. Those three are getting married.” Zayn pointed out and the L’s agreed. “Let them sleep a little longer.” Louis spoke softer than he would ever admit looking at the tiniest hint of smile on his best friend's face as her boys snuggled further into her. “Bunny, do we have a lot to catch up on.” he spoke to himself getting back in this bunk on top of you.
Then it was the Finals. The first performance was so exhilarating. Seeing the winter wonderland come together and hear all the harmonies under the solos. It was perfect. The second performance was even more magical, being able to do a duet with Robby Williams was even better. You all sounded so good and looked even better in your best dressed.
But, besides everything joyful outside of X-Factor, inside was getting more serious. 
It was the morning of 12  December and you were all sitting between you and louis bunk, and Harry and Nialls. “We’ve come so far… what happens to us if we don’t win?”
The topic had never been discussed yet and by the way everyone's face turned, you knew it was one that needed to be held. 
“I guess because we made it so far I didnt think about what happens after.” Liam offered up as everyone was sitting in silence. “So what do we do if we don't win?”
“We stay together.” Harry spoke up with no hesitation. You looked up at him to see the desperation in his eyes and softly pulled his head into your shoulder, you knew he needed comfort in this situation. “We stay together.” you confirmed and you felt Niall's head nod against your lap while looking at Liam and Louis also nodding their heads. 
“Then we have a final performance to get ready for.”
“We are so so happy to be in the final. It’s unreal. We can't believe we're here.” You all sat around Liam as he spoke.  “It's kinda crazy to believe we all came in as soloists. So much time has passed.” You added on. 
“I think if we won our lives would change forever and we’re ready for our lives to change.”
You and Liam had the first Solos
I thought I saw a girl brought to life
She was warm, she came around like he was dignified
She showed me what it was to cry
Well you couldn't be that man that I adored
You don't seem to know, or seem to care what your heart is for
I don't know him anymore
Then you all sang together for the last chorus
I'm all out of faith
This is how I feel
I'm cold and I am shamed
Lying naked on the floor
Illusion never changed
Into something real
I'm wide awake and I can see the perfect sky is torn
You're a little late
I'm already torn
You walked down the stairs and when you all got down you couldn't help but hug each other like it was the last time. As the judges talked the audience cheered the band's name and you couldn’t help but smile. “Only formed a few months ago, you know, pretty much put together for this show, and knowing now you're all best mates. How does it feel to be here on Finals night, Louis.”
You looked at your best friend from across the group as he answered. “You know it's an absolute honour to be here and that song that we did, it was the first song we ever did together. It was- it was just great. Perfect.”
Dermot had watched the live stream from Louis' hometown of Doncaster and everyone was screaming to vote for One Direction. 
“Please lets welcome back the finalists and the judges.” You walked out when Dermot called you guys and the anxiety in your chest made you want to run back to the dressing rooms. You stood next to Niall and Zayn and could feel them both fidgeting while Dermot talked. “I will now tell you the two acts with the most votes and will compete head to head for the X-factor title. The act who has received the fewest votes, finishing third, will be leaving the competition tonight. Good luck to everyone.”
You could feel everyone holding their breath around you. “The first act going through to the next stage of the final is…”
You were happy that Matt got through, but that meant you were only one spot away from staying or going. 
“So, One direction and Rebbeca. One of you has made it into the top two. And one of you has received the fewest votes from the public and is out of the competition.” You held your face in your hands anxiously and Louis reached over to comfort you the best he could. 
“The second act who will be in the final is… Rebbeca.”
You didn’t know what to do. You all just stood there before the cheers around told you that Rebbeca had won, and she was a friend. You all walked over to her to congratulate her before Dermot was calling you back. “We're gonna talk to you in a second but first let's watch your time on the X-factor.”
You could barely watch through the tears. The blurry images of all you coming in as soloist to when you were put into the band flashed first. You guys getting through the judges round and your first Live performance, followed by all of your excursions and meeting Emma Watson and your final performances. Louis and Zayn hugged you a little harder when they saw you wipe your tears. 
“I can tell by all of your faces you're absolutely gutted, but how has this experience been for you?” Since Louis was closest he answered first. “It's been absolutely incredible. For me the highlight was when we first sang together at the Judge’s House. It was incredible and unbelievable and you know we’ve done our best, we worked hard." Everyone cheered at Louis' answer and Dermot moved onto you.
“Autumn, the only girl in a boy band.” that gave you a laugh and Zayn shook you softly as a tease. “What's gonna happen to One Direction now?”
You looked at all the boys before answering.
“We’re definitely gonna stay together, and this isn’t the last of One Direction.”
If you have any ideas for what you want to write in future my inbox is open!!!! i would love to hear what you guys want to see happen in the trios future
@youcan-nolonger-run @ravenclawdirectioner
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faulty-writes · 1 year
Hello I'm not sure if you're free right now but could you do headcanons for bully Mirko and bakugou (separately) with a reader who is very chill but when insulted just enough they ROAST THEM TO THEIR VERY BONES (also search up packgod on YouTube if you don't know what I mean) and finally have fun 🙂
[ I listened to this dude, and I almost felt bad for laughing. Goddamn though, he gives Present Mic a run for his money with the way he spits out them words. I hope you enjoy these headcanons, I missed writing for our bunny girl and hot-headed boom boom boy. ]
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"Awe, what's a matter? Is pretty face gonna cry?!" Rumi mocked, making the motion of wiping her eyes to further add to the humiliation she hoped you felt. You groaned, picking your now food-covered face up from your tray. Yes, this was your life. Constantly being bullied by Rumi.
Despite the obstacles in your everyday school life, you were known for your calm and collected attitude which at times would bother Rumi as she continuously tried different tactics to get a rise out of you. Jello in your locker, tacks on your seat, hell even physical bruises on your body. But no, nothing seemed to make you angry.
Rumi aspired to be a hero and while she knew the things she did weren't very hero-like, everyone had their own style and that's just something the public would have to deal with. Of course, her heroic side shined more when she witnessed you getting bullied by others instead of her, and frankly, she didn't know how you'd handle them on your own so stepping in was the only option.
"Ya know, that could have been bad back there, pretty face!" she snapped before furiously biting into her carrot. "Keep letting them treat ya like that and ya won't make it in the real world," she noted, but you only smiled in return knowing that the best kind of advantage is when others thought they had the upper hand.
"Big-nosed, big-headed, Fat Gum looking what?" Rumi questioned, holding her hands against her stomach as she laughed. She never imagined she'd step into the middle of you screaming at someone, granted they had just insulted you and frankly you had enough drama for one day, so you unleashed your secret weapon. The power of roasting.
"Hah! Do that again! I dare you!" Rumi said, jabbing your shoulder and well, who were you to deny her wishes? 'Big-toothed, orange carrot eating, no good sleeping, peeping and sneaking, rule-breaking, poor excuse for WWE fighting, Bugs Bunny rip off,' wasn't something she expected to come out of your mouth but in a way, she loved it.
It was partly a relief to know that you could, maybe, handle your own. "Looks like my pretty face is growing up," she declared, placing her hands on her hips. "But don't go thinking you've outsmarted me, got it!?" you should have known nothing would stop Rumi's goal of making your life miserable.
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He hated and loved you. It was rare that someone wasn't intimidated by him. Sure, there was that damned Deku and Best Jeanist, and like Best Jeanist, you had a calm composure around him, and it pissed him off.
"Say something already or I'll kick your ass, damn it!" he snapped, grasping the front of your shirt while smoke seeped from his palms. You knew from experience that Katsuki was a hothead and disregarded the rules which is why you had become his target for bullying. But you refused to give him the satisfaction he was looking for and frankly, you didn't like how you got when someone truly pissed you off.
Much like Present Mic, your voice was your biggest weapon. This paired with your intellect or ability to spit rhythms was part of the reason you preferred to remain in a calm state. But Katsuki didn't understand this, not that you admitted it to him, and because of this he continued to make your everyday school life a living nightmare.
"Had enough yet!?" he demanded with his arms crossed, standing in front of you who was currently slumping against a brick wall. There were several burns across your body and the reason behind said burns was because you had refused to give Katsuki the reaction he was looking for and so he decided to try and force it out of you, Of course, this didn't work.
You knew he wouldn't believe you and you couldn't blame him. After all, who would think that you were the master of musical insults? "Heh, so what? Words don't mean anything," he said with a smirk. "If they did, you would have said something already. Challenge me, damn it!" he demanded with a snarl but now wasn't the time. At least that's what you decided.
It took a lot for you to get worked up, but as of late, Katsuki's constant belittlement of you was a little too much. So when you finally spit out, 'Blond anime-looking spiked-up hair, lame quirk using, kool-aid man bursting through walls, overactive, non-stop, mouth flapping, idiot!' you felt an enormous amount of pride fill you as his jaw dropped.
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lostplotbunniesbg3 · 2 months
*Yurgir * Reader POV is the only survivor of their fight against him, and is getting fucked six ways to Sunday * NSFW * (Grab whatever catches your fancy) Dubcon, pet, sub, facefucking, anal, cock warming, free use, piercing play, sadism, basically being used as a fleshlight, healing potions as lube (idk about you, but I always have a fuck ton), being put on display, being held down, being hunted, he’s invisible and inside you and gods what a Sight that is * No bathroom stuff please * One shot, unless the idea really puts a bug up your ass * More towards serious * I don’t really do outlines for anything 😅 * Whatever you think is hot and fits 🤷‍♀️ * Inspirations? Um. His big fat cock
Another Little Rabbit Hops Into View Yurgir x Reader
Another Little Rabbit plot bunny, and this one is much more spicy! There's a lot to work with having the kinks there, and those who enjoy digging through spells and potions for their size kink might want to consider Elixir of the Colossus and the Enlarge spell to make a creature larger, and the Reduce spell to make one smaller. Be careful with those concentrations and time limits though! And the truly brave/unwise might distribute those effects in very creative ways...
"Whatever you think is hot and fits" might be tough, because "hot" it might be but with Yurgir making something "fit" is the real challenge! Still, I believe we have a lot of talented smut writers out there who could take on the challenge of Orthon Sex!
If you love Yurgir, this is your excuse to go wild with some BIG sex. If you're not a part of the Yurgir fan club, you could also take this as a real challenge to find what people like in Yurgir smut and see if you can really go there with it! Step outside of your comfort zone and show the reader exactly what you're capable of when you put your mind to it!
Are you willing to take on the biggest Little Rabbit plot bunny so far?
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favcharacterpoll · 1 year
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an obscure showdown to the death, it would seem! Kanatsune Ame from Entropic Float enters the ring against Eivor from Varn!ng för Jönssonligan. Now, I don't know who either of these are, and it took far more digging to find pictures for either of them. I'm not 100% sure that's actually Eivor. But, perhaps that makes this an even match. Against anyone else, surely, they would fall, simply due to obscurity. But against each other, they truly have a chance. Bugs Bunny Vs. Shrek, Dokja Vs. Waddles, some powerful matches to be certain, but perhaps this is the ultimate Blorbo from my Shows showdown.
Kanatsune Propaganda:
"oh god he is SO scrunkly. he is an absolute wet paper towel trust me tumblr would be OBSESSED with him if he was more well known. my guy thinks hes heartless but he cares so much. he thinks that he doesnt really have what it takes to appreciate arts while literally attending performances in his free time. his codename is Kanatsun which is basically his first name with a letter chopped off so he says "well given i have no living relatives. my last name will be the name i will consider to be my real one as it holds more meaning to me". he cant cook. he is afraid of bugs and wants to Stay Away from one but when he hears that people next to the bug discuss something hes an expert in he cant help himself but come over and say "hey i heard you talking. im gonna tell you what i know and now ill walk away again". he started questioning his sexuality only upon other kids calling him gay bc he liked to sew, and twenty years later hes still questioning. he is physically disabled and his boss hid the fact from him. everyone knows his deal better than he does."
Eivor Propaganda:
"Canonically strong enough to break bricks. Has done this just to silence her husband's boss while the boss was yelling at them both, successfully scaring the boss shitless. Also so excited for moving to Hawaii that she donates most of her family's furniture to charity or sister before they even secured their funds for the trip. She's literally only in one film from 1981 (whereas the franchise she's from lasted for several decades) but man has her silly self made an impression on me"
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zero-insignificance · 21 days
DND Recap: Don't Lose Your Head
Cast includes: Rose the Dm, Alfie (yours truly), Rene, Truk, Patrick, Bob (split custody between me and Rose) and THE RETURN OF MARK, the human.
Our party is full of crazy powerful individuals + Patrick and a guy.
We open in the Capitol City of Russia. We still don't have a name.
We're getting ready for the wedding.
The Nap Sack rustles and out comes Mark who is immediately tackled in a hug by Alfie.
Mark thinks it's only been 12 hours. It has been a week since he last saw the party.
The party catches him up on what has happened, which is a lot. Alfie tells him that he's a god and asks him if that changes how he feels about him. And it doesn't since Alfie has lived most of his life as a mortal. Then he introduces the newest party members. Truk and Rene. And I knew that Truk and Mark would either hate each other or they would become best friends (maybe lovers).
Back in the feywilds, Mark promised Alfie that he would tell him his name when they escaped. Alfie never told him what Alfie is short for.
Mark waits for Bob to leave, and Bob is like "Understandable" and leaves.
Mark's name is Malekus. He and Alfie do a name swap cuz Alfie just never mentioned that he's trans or that Alfie is short for Alfonse.
Mark wants to spar with Truk.
Bob comes back. Hank the orb wants to talk with Mark to welcome him back and Alfie does this:
Alfie: This person's my best friend *points to Mark* this person's my best friend points to Truk this person's my best uhhhh points at Patrick and shrugs and this person is my best friend points to Bob Bob: I've been bequeathed the title of best friend by Alfie? I do not deserve this…
And Hank tells them "Don't worry Bob, you'll get an even better title." And Bob is like "What? What do you mean?" and Hank is like "You and Alfie get together in the end." and Alfie is like "What?" and Bob is like "What?" and Hank is like "Oh, that's way after the cat dies." And Alfie just looks at Bob and is like "After your redemption arc? Sure." and Bob is just blushing like "I'm going to get married???" and Hank is like "Autistic ADHD asexual queer power couple. It's fate."
Bob asks what he can do to help with the wedding, and one of those headcanons I've had about Bob is that he can't be trusted in the kitchen but he's really good with plants.
Alfie: You can't be trusted in the kitchen Bob: *sad british boi* I know... Alfie: But we need someone to do flowers! Bob: *lights up* Really? I have quite the green thumb! Alfie: Yeah, I can see that. His thumb is literally green Bob: Yeah. got a little overzealous with the fabric dye. So, what were you and Fluffy thinking of? Alfie: We were thinking of wisteria hanging from the ceiling, but we're doing it outdoors. Bob: One wisteria tree coming up! Can I have my baja blast smoke bombs? Alfie: But you have smoke bombs? Bob: But these ones aren't green... Alfie: Okay.
And Bob throws a smoke bomb and there's a Bugs Bunny style hole in the ground. He is gone.
We walk through town when Alfie spots a very familiar building. A neon pink building that says "Sha'am" with a familiar face.
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ShaCarri, the Sha'am Shop Owner. Everyone is like "I would." I'm aro ace but if I wasn't I would.
Alfie: SHA'AM?! ShaCarri: Hello my fine feathered friend! Alfie: How the fuck did you get here? ShaCarri: That portal you made in the town. We've expanded! Alfie: It's still open? ShaCarri: How else did you think the Rum Rums showed up? Alfie: Oh. That makes sense. ShaCarri: Why are there mushrooms everywhere? Alfie: We banished the elder Rum Rum, so they've broken free of the hive mind control thing. ShaCarri: Would your friend like a pet? Mark's Player: I would like Dogmeat. Me: From Fallout 4? Mark's Player: Yes Rose: Let me see if I can find a stat sheet for that. Rose: I can't find one. Me: I have an idea. I saw this earlier on TikTok from fluffy.folio.
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Mark passes on it but Bob's face lights up.
Bob: *awestruck* Can I have him? ShaCarri: *surprised* Uh... sure! Bob: *pays ShaCarri* I'm going to name you Templeton. Bob adores Templeton. "my son" Mark: Give me Dogmeat. ShaCarri: FINE. I really liked them though And ShaCarri pulls out a pokeball marked "DM" which we assume to mean Dogmeat.
Mark lets them out and a little Rose person pops out.
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Cheese Sandwich and Pinkie Pie are planning the reception.
Mark and Truk are going to spar in the castle arena. Alfie is on cake with his adoptive dad Ollie. Patrick is on clearing the courtyard because Viktor was slacking on landscaping and embezzling those funds. He grabs a lawn mower and removes the blade, replacing it with his Sword of Midas he won from a game of Liars Dice.
I do not have the je ne sais quoi to write how fucking good the fight was between Truk and Mark.
Mark is raging, Truk goes first dealing 46 damage. Mark: THAT’S THE SPIRIT! *spits out blood*  Mark is using his 3 section staff of the mighty. Marks first attack is a nat 20 being a 31. It hits Second attack is 21 it hits. 3rd attack is a 21 it hits. Truk has 198 health. Mark deals 92 damage in total Truk: *spits out blood* That’s the spirit. Mark does a menacing attack. Truk is forced 5 feet back. Truk laughs “I haven’t felt like this in years” “You’ve never fought anyone like me.” I ship it. 106 for Truk, 105 for Mark. It’s a very violent clash. Patrick: You’re both attractive! We get it! KISS ALREADY. Bob: I ship it. Mark parries some of the damage. Mark is at 52 hp. Each of Marks attacks hit plus action surge and menacing attack. 6 attacks are done. 2 menacing attacks Truk: COME ON HIT ME. 74 damage halved. Truk is at 32 health. Truk spits out more blood “My turn.” Both Truk’s attacks hit. Truk does 67 damage. Mark parries. Mark is not killed. Mark is at 11 hp. Truk is at 32. All three of Mark's attacks hit. Truk is at 1 hp.
He falls and uses his greatclub to launch himself back up.
And Rose has the perfect song that Truk's player requested
He throws the great club at Mark 17 damage. Halved Mark is a 2 hp Truk throws his great sword Mark parries. He’s still standing. Truk: *russian* ONLY FISTS. FIGHT ME. Mark: I UNDERESTIMATED YOU, TRUK. AND I APOLOGIZE FOR THAT. Truk: I FORGIVE YOU!
And Mark CHARGES at Truk. And he collides with him.
Patrick is concerned since there is just a lung on the muddy ground and Bob just yoinks the lung and goes back to Templeton.
And Truk smiles before falling to the ground, unconscious.
Alfie is like "What the fuck happened" cuz he has cupcakes that way everyone can try some of the cake flavors. Patrick gives Mark a firm pat on the back making him face plant on the ground.
In Rose's words "That was a better fight scene than I could ever hope to write."
Alfie does a medicine check to heal up Mark, Rene is working on Truk. They are fine-ish now.
Everyone has a cupcake. Bob summons a brisket for both Mark and Truk. The feast on the briskets. A friendship lasting a lifetime is made.
There is a mail person with a package for a Truk Albert.
He takes the package and opens it and immediately drops the box with a look of horror on his face.
In the box is Brick's head. His father is dead.
And he can feel the power coming to him and he sobs as he tries to push it away. Desperately trying to push it away.
Thozall killed Brick and Alfie gives him a hug and Mark vows to help avenge Brick's death (oath of vengeance paladin)
Truk stands up upon hearing a voice. Thozall's voice and he shrugs Alfie off of him. Truk punches Thozall. "That's not a way to great your brother~" It doesn't hit.
Rayna punches him and it hits doing 70 damage. He shrugs it off and rotates a ring and says: "I wish you all unconscious."
And everyone falls asleep.
We wake up hours later. Thozall took all the cupcakes, and left Brick's head at Truk's feet.
And Bob casts speak with dead.
"What are your three questions?"
"What are Thozall's weaknesses?" "Thozall has no weaknesses." "What are his resistances?" "Thozall is resistant to all magic damage."
Bob is like *cocks shotgun in british* "So he's not immune to gun."
And the last question is for Truk.
Truk: You never said it, and I know it was because you had your own issues. But I need to know. Did you love me, dad? Brick: I loved you more than the world.
(I started crying writing that)
And Brick's head falls still.
Bonus content:
Truk’s player: I’m a cheap whore. Bob: You can’t afford me. Rando: *slides 25 platinum pieces over* Bob: o.o uh… 25 platinum? Rando: *nods* Bob: If I take this, what will I be agreeing to? Rando: I need you to take someone out. Bob: Oh, you’re asking me to be an assassin? *pulls out notebook* Name, age, description? Rando: I need you to take out Big Pete. Night club owner. Terrible to the women he employs Bob: Oh I hate Big Pete. I worked in that club. Truk: You’re a stripper? Bob: Drag Queen. *taking the money* I’d do this for free, but I’m fey and I need payment.
Bob gets 25 platinum pieces to take out Big Pete, a nightclub owner.
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bad-girls · 1 month
Roll Call! All the Girls
Today we’ll be showing and exploring every Bad Girl! Enjoy!
1: Furia (Wrath)
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Furia is a Furious Punk girl with a lot of spite and hate, particularly to authority like you. Her first choice for dealing with any problem is violence, or just anything she doesn’t like in general. She’ll probably swing on you a few times at least…
While animalistic she’s also loyal and will always be there for her friends.
Beneath her raging, primal surface lies a sensitive heart that’s lost faith in the world and doesn’t want to show it’s inner sadness. It’s up to you to get her to open up and heal from her past.
Tsundere Alert!
Likes: Pizza, Exercise, Punk Rock, Karate, Skating, Pirates, Wrestling, hitting things/people/you
Dislikes: Bullies, You, School, You, Sweets, You, Authority, You, Math, You
Crime: Murder (With a weapon we couldn’t possibly think would be deadly but somehow was)
Her Link:
2. Esme (Pride)
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As egotistical as she is pretty, Esme is a spoiled rich brat who thinks she’s the best at just about everything. You’ll probably enjoy knocking her down a peg and getting rid of that pride.
While she may appear confident on the surface she’s far more insecure inside and has a need for validation. Whether or not you give her that will change her treatment of you.
It will take time, effort, and discipline to get her to open up. She needs some strictness to learn.
She isn’t all bad, she may have been spoiled but she was never given her parents love. This created a need for validation and attention.
Likes: Volleyball, Gum, Fashion, Social Media
Dislikes: Bugs, Nerds, Trolls, Discipline, Work, Country music, Being told no
Crime: Assault with a Firearm
3. Redi (Lust)
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Unlike the last two, Redi likes you… a lot. She desires you badly. She has a lot of desires, power, pleasure, and more, but you’re the biggest. Careful because she’s charming disarming and sweet but way more cunning and manipulative than appears at first glance.
She’s never truly had a home in her life nor someone who truly cared for and loved her. She sees being in the facility as a chance for both and hopes you will love her as much as she loves you as well as her alone. If not she’ll definitely try to get your attention hardcore.
As she’s quite lustful, the usual punishments will not be so effective and will only serve to excite her, so you’ll need to get creative about discipline and rehabilitation.
Likes: Hearts, Chocolate, Spicy food, Samurai Movies/Games, Exercise, Bunnies, Making Jewelry, Racing
Dislikes: School, Boredom, Being Alone, Rudeness, Bitter Food, Her Past
Crime: Theft
4. Eris (Envy)
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Eris is as jealous as they come but acts cute, sweet, and innocent. Most people consider her a pure and kind little Neko who couldn’t hurt a fly. In reality, she is as evil, corrupt, and cold as they come.
Her personality is a fake persona. She’s really a violent ruthless and uncaring girl who would kill you without a second thought and not feel guilty or really anything after.
Fortunately for you, she doesn’t want to hurt you. Very unfortunately for you, she is obsessed with you and highly possessive and envious. You are the one thing left that brings her a genuine feeling of love and comfort, and she’s going to have you be hers alone no matter what it takes.
Yandere alert!
Also yes, Neko’s exist in this universe.
Likes: You, Her Mom, You, Sewing, You, Stuffed Animals, Apple Juice, Violence, You
Dislikes: Her Dad, Wealthier People, Cuter People,
Crime: Murder and Conspiracy
5. Plum (Gluttony)
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Plum has an addictive personality. A really bad one. Her addictions include eating, alcohol, partying, the internet, shoplifting, and party favors too. Especially Xans. Dang!
Her parents were both overweight alcoholics and she picked up their habits at much too early age. They were loving and raised her well otherwise so she is compassionate and social. Honestly she doesn’t need to fix her personality like most the other girls so much as she needs to kick her habits and stop being impulsive. And get over her deep guilt over what she did that got her sent her…
She’s still very rebellious and not going to just sit back and listen to you, she’s moral but she’s bold from standing up to bullies in her past, you’ll need some time and probably punishments to get her respect. She also has a big secret I won’t spoil…
Likes: Anime, Video Games, Comics, Partying, Cafés, Archery, Excitement
Dislikes: Orders, Bullies, Police, Gossip, Religion,
Crime: Crippled Someone
6. Ava (Greed)
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Ava is well, frankly impossible. Super greedy, absolutely entitled, and completely raised to be ruthless and self-assured. She’s got as high confidence as she does IQ but she sees kindness as weakness and sees her as above you.
She’s the heiress to the Ziria Corporation, an international multimillionaire Hardware company that’s not exactly known for their compassion. They’re corrupt and vicious. The current CEO, her father, I taught her that the only thing that matters in life is success, be it in money, power, or progress. Everything else is nothing, all that matters is upwards mobility and gains. She’s as cold, calculated, and manipulative as he is.
To make things way worse, her dad has donated a lot of money to the facility and as a result she has both privileges and authority no one else has. She’s more than willing to use her power over you to her advantage.
A spoiled, material girl who thinks kindness is weak is definitely going to need some serious discipline to change but her position makes discipline basically impossible…
Likes: Money, Power, Judo, Jewelry, Milk, Sci-fi movies, Cars, Drones, Computers, Stocks, Art, Feeling superior
Dislikes: Feeling Inferior, Being Questioned, Bugs, Meat, Compassion, Weakness, Bad Manners
Crime: (File Mysteriously Erased)
7. Lunar (Sloth)
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Lunar, the little Fox girl, sleeps all day and night, only staying up for about three hours a day (And not consecutively) and spending all that time watching Mecha Anime and playing video games. She lacks any real motivation or direction.
Her parents never gave her any attention no matter what she did, be it good or bad. She gave up and realized since she was never rewarded nor punished she could just do whatever she wanted, and so she became very lazy.
Unlike most of the other girls, Lunar doesn’t have any reason to dislike you nor the facility, and so she is not hostile. She’s still very lazy and refuses to do any type of school work or work in general, as well as refusing to stop being lazy.
Truly kind at heart, Lunar is a pure fox girl.
Likes: Strawberries, Smoothies, Naps, Anime, Video Games, Gems and Stones, Plushies
Dislikes: Exercise, Punishment, School, Spicy Food, Realistic Movies, Loud Noises
Crime: Assault with a deadly weapon
8. Jules (Youth)
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Jules is unique from the other Bad Girls in that she is not based off a Deadly Sin but on a big theme of the Bad Girls series, redemption.
Jules grew up to be a miserable criminal and ended up shot dead by her crime boss. As she died she thought about how miserable her life was and how much she regretted. She wished she could have led a different life and closed her eyes ready for her end, but when she opened them she was over ten years younger and in the juvenile facility of her past. It was her second chance! The powers above gave her her dying wish.
Now she’s ready to listen to you completely and try to work on herself as a person until she has healed from all her past trauma and get rid of her flaws. A sharp contrast from the other girls she is ready to work on herself. The challenge is not in her resistance but in helping her face her demons and win.
Mature, insecure, gloomy, but hopeful and bold she is a complicated individual with many layers she’ll need to work past. She also is not resistant to discipline or punishment as she sees it as necessary for growth so she’ll be fine with it and may even request or enjoy it…
Likes: Painting, Writing, Singing, Animals, Nature
Dislikes: Her Past, Herself, Pasta, Crowds, Judgement, Insensitivity, High Heels
Crime: Murder with a potentially deadly weapon
And that’s all folks! (For now)
More girls are planned to be added in the future but this is the starting 8 girls. I hope you enjoyed getting introduced to each and their various traits and vibes. Expect more content including more detailed looks at each and stories/Epic Art soon!
Here have two special images for you before you go! You deserve it for reading all that. Starring Furia and Redi!
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densi-mber · 2 years
Choose Your Fights Wisely
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A/N: Happy second to last day to Densimber to you all. For this one, we’ve got a bit of team banter, a little whump, and humor.
“This is all your fault, you know,” Callen complained, holding an ice pack to his bottom lip and jaw. A small trail of blood leaked from underneath and several dark spots decorated his gray shirt.
“How do you figure?” Sam asked. He had a small cut on his cheek, a growing circle around one eye, and a brace wrapped around his left wrist. Otherwise, he seemed in relatively good shape.
Kensi and Deeks on the other hand, couldn’t quite say the same. Her nose was swollen and bleeding, a long scratch running the length from her temple to jaw, and she wore a makeshift sling on one arm. Next to her, Deeks had taken the brunt of the damage with a bleeding temple and injured ribs. He shifted uncomfortably, wrapping her arm more tightly around his middle.
They’d all been crammed into the same ER cubicle for the time being, which hadn’t improved relations. Kensi glared at Callen and Sam as they continued to bicker, resting her free hand on Deeks’ shoulder.
“You’re the one who insulted that guy.”
“He insulted me first.”
“Which obviously meant you had to hit him.”
“For the record, he swung first. I was only defending myself,” Sam insisted. “And I had it under control.”
Surprisingly, Deeks snorted at that, lifting his head enough to give Sam an incredulous look.
“When Kensi and I came in, you guys were surrounded by 15 people,” he reminded him Sam. He grimaced, curling in on himself a little. “I could barely see you.”
“We had it under control.” Said from between his teeth, Sam seemed truly annoyed now. Though whether it was because he was in pain or pissed he hadn’t been strong enough to take on an entire biker gain by himself wasn’t clear.
“One guy was biting your arm,” Kensi pointed out in a a nasal tone. She tipped her head forward as a little more blood drained from her nose.
“It was like Tumakuru all over again,” Callen sighed. “And I still don’t have any video.” He sounded vaguely disappointed.
“And you call us troublemakers.” Deeks glanced pointedly at his various injuries. “I’d just like to state, for the record, that my partner and I never landed all of us in the ER.”
“Hey, I never told you to come help. That’s on you guys,” Sam told them firmly, crossing his arms over his chest.
“So you wanted us to let that big hairy guy to chew your arm off?” Deeks asked.
“I happen to be very happy that you guys came along.” Shaking his head, Callen muttered something that sounded distinctly disgruntled.
“What did you say to make those guys go berserk?” Kensi asked, curious despite her annoyance. At least it took her attention off her throbbing nose.
Sam opened his mouth to answer, but Deeks got there first.
“Let me guess, they insulted the SEALS?”
“No.” Squaring his shoulders, Sam managed to look superior for a second. “The entire military. When I tried to correct them, one idiot took a swing and the rest joined in.”
“Naturally.” Wincing again, Deeks pressed his hand tighter against ribcage. “Mm, yeah, something’s definitely bruised, possibly broken. I could really use a bag of peas,” he babbled. “Or a really big Vicodin. Like they have in bugs bunny cartoons.”
“Here, Baby,” Kensi said, crouching in front of him in concern. The movement made her head ache even more, but she pushed it away. She placed bloodied ice pack under his shirt, shifting his hand away.
“No, Kens, your nose.” He tried to push her hand away, concern showing through his pained expression.
“If you two start making out over there, I’m tasing you both,” Sam warned darkly. Narrowing her eyes, Kensi turned to glare at him again.
“You know, I was just thinking, how are you going to explain this to Kilbride?” she asked innocently. Sam’s eyes widened and he looked nervous for a moment before he shrugged it off.
“I’ll just mention that we were injured while containing some unruly witnesses.”
“Yeah, that’s not gonna fly with the Admiral.” Callen shook his head with mock dismay. “He’ll want to know exactly what led to the altercation. And then you’ll have to tell him that you ticked off a bunch of drunk bikers, leading to all four senior agents being incapacitated.”
“I probably won’t be able to work for at least a few weeks,” Deeks added.
“And I’ll be taking care of Deeks…”
“Good luck,” Callen said, patting his shoulder.
“You’re supposed to be my partner. What happened to having my back?” Sam protested.
“Should have thought of that before you picked a fight with a bearded guy named Curly,” Deeks said, chuckling and then immediately hissing in pain.
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zv5x · 3 years
Okay here we go - Can I req some P! Spirit hcs with his lesbian friend? Would he let them ever get a girlfriend or partner? Is it even possible for spirit to be a platonic yan ? Thank you !! (Also, side note I’m sorry if this isn’t the right way to send in a req I only really use tumblr on computer so mobile is confusing 😭)
Hi there! So sorry for this taking so long! I hope this was worth it! Feel free to stop by anytime you need anything done! You're always welcome! Your request sent in just fine btw! I didn't have any issues so I'm sure everything was done right!
( :̲̅:̲̅:̲̅[̲̅:♡:]̲̅:̲̅:̲̅:̲̅) ✧.。*♡
Getting Spirit as a yandere and having that love be platonic is definitely rare, let me just say that. You'd have to be quite literally unable to feel any attraction to him. He wouldn't force you knowing your sexuality won't allow for it. He's not that vile, truly. Even he has standards. Still, that doesn't mean you'll be able to really ever find a partner with him glued to your side. His species is scary enough to any human onlooker, but adding onto that, his loathing of basically all others of the human race? Blood chilling to your average person
You can try bugging Spirit about laying off a bit, but he'll just simply give you a response claiming none of your current suitors truly deserve you. They're not up to what you deserve, in his eyes. As much as it pains him to have to willingly hand you over, he'll just have to point you in the direction of someone he personally knowns to ensure you'll be getting the best care possible. Even when he has you set up, he'll still be the same Yan!Spirit, just without the romantic aspect
He's especially protective over you considering your sexuality. He heard humans were incredibly bigoted sometimes, and Spirit would hate to not be there for you when one of those close-minded assholes makes their way near you. He'd hate to have to rip anyone in half right in the middle of the street but he may have to if people don't get the message through his death glares and growls. Romantically or platonically, you're still his precious, and he's going to keep you safe no matter what. Just because you can't love him romantically doesn't mean he has to toss you away completely. He needs to be there to protect you, and he'll definitely take every possible measure and step he can to make sure that happens
Speaking of which, don't be shocked if whatever demon Spirit paired you up with has some...."Spirit-like" tendencies herself. I mean, what did you expect? That he'd just throw you into a ring of succubi and hope one of them will take care of you? No. That's not happening. He wanted someone who will take care of you just as good as he would have. Even if that means she's basically operating as another pair of eyes for Spirit, as well as a makeshift stalker. Spirit and her will be constantly gushing about you, but it's only natural they do so! It's not so often a human as cute as you graces the planet, so how can you be surprised you have a few suitors?
Don't worry though, you can rest easy at night knowing you're well protected. With two pairs of eyes staring you down through haunted mirrors and makeshift portals, nothing will ever be able to harm you ever again. Spirit can't feel anything but happy for you! He found someone who will treat you like the precious bunny you are, with no questions asked! You're getting exactly what you deserve in his eyes, (Y/N). He'd do exactly the same to you if he could, but his friend is the next best thing!
Isn't it funny how things work out? ♡
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gothamslittlejester · 4 years
Obsessive Ledger!joker x reader
I’ve been spoiling you all recently with all this Ledger!Joker, so you’re welcome 😎 (but also so sorry because I did go on a hiatus without saying anything for half a year 😬). Let me know in the asks if you want something in particular, I love writing for J so much! I have a few already that I am working on as we speak, so stay tuned for those 💜
Below are headcannons for a more yandere and darker joker than I usually write 👻 nothing abusive here because J is still very much my comfort character, but it definitely includes over-possessive, protective and stalker themes, as well as encouraging reader to join in on his murderous chaos
Warnings: morally ambiguous reader, joining joker on his “fun” i.e. mentions of torturing others, blood, weapons, severed body parts as gifts, implied seggsy time
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· Before adoration, fondness or love, the first feelings Joker had for you was pure obsession. Obsession with what you thought and felt, what you liked to do and why you liked to do them. Obsession with your safety and the need to protect you, which led to jealousy and possessiveness very often. It was primal, and longing, and left him thirsting after your presence like a greedy, hungry wolf. He wanted you- needed you- and he was going to get you
·In spite of a period of flirting, suggestive jokes and hinting touches, Joker made it clear pretty quickly what his feelings were for you. Because of his lifestyle death is like a waiting shadow, and wasting time on what he wants is just not his style  
· Quite soon into the beginning of your more romantic relationship, you move into his hideout for the sake of your safety, which calmed J down with some of his possessiveness and paranoid thoughts. He knew his home was the safest place in Gotham, excluding Bruce Wayne’s cave, and with you in it that meant you were safe too.
·When he’s gone, he’ll leave a huge shotgun behind for you to use in case of emergency, as well as Chechen’s Rottweilers. You’ll find some stray knives and pointy objects hidden in your coats too, “just in case”, but its more heartwarming to you than annoying
· He loves to lay on you at night, whether it be right on your chest to hear your heartbeat, or on your belly where he can feel your soft skin pressed against his scared cheeks. Not only is it pleasant and lets his touched-starved soul get some attention, but it also makes him hyper aware of every shift or move your body does while asleep. It also prevents you from sneaking out of the bed to run away, which is one of his more paranoid thoughts. Don’t try to move away or push him off, he will smack your hand back and snuggle in deeper, wrapping his arms around you like a snake
· He doesn’t care what insecurities you have regarding your appearance; he admires every single piece of you and will cuddle with whatever he wants, so push your anxieties aside because Joker hungers for all of you
· His gifts can sometimes be very macabre. Generally, he loves to spoil you with an array of things, such as new clothes or lingerie, plush toys of your favorite animals, snacks you said you’ve wanted to try, or even just random knick-knacks he stole from his victim’s homes. However, if he’s feeling adventurous or extra flirty that day, he will bring you certain body parts to symbolize his feelings for you.
· You’ve definitely found your fair share of human hearts in your fridge, because he adores how your heart races when your scared. You’ve found a pair of lungs stuffed in there too, because the little gasps you make when frightened or anticipating his touch are delicious to him. You went to get milk once and right behind the carton was a tongue, symbolizing how much he relishes your little talks and midnight conversations
· Once, he brought over a whole corpse, the body decomposing and gnarled, skin ripped to shreds and a face pummeled so brutally it had concaved. “Don’t need to worry about them any more doll,” he giggled, spitting on the body with a fervor that thrilled you. It took a few minutes of intense staring- why did they look familiar?-  but then it clicked in your mind; it was the very person you had fumed and vented to Joker about last night, right before he had spontaneously left
· “J,” you began, eyes nearly popping out of your head. “Did you kill him... for me?”
· “ ‘Course I did, sweetheart.” He rolled his eyes like it was the most obvious thing in the world. “You know I’d, uh, kill anyone for you. Nasty fucks like them especially-ah.”
· If you have to leave for longer periods of time, whether that be for school or work, Joker will always have a few of his men stalking you from a distance, making sure you’re safe and that no one dangerous is within a 1 mile radius of you. They also have explicit instructions to take photos and send them to J, because he likes looking at your oblivious little face.
· He’d do it himself if he has the time, which he sometimes does, but he too is quite busy with his own things (when anarchy calls, as they say), so hiring lookouts is the next best thing. If he could, he’d have you right by his side at all times… how pretty you’d look in a soft purple leash... but that’s just daydream fuel for now
· Speaking of photos, Joker knows his ways around a camera. He makes... lovely home videos that he sends to news channels in his free time (rip fake batman) and he continues to practice at his craft from time to time. He even won a deepweb award for best snuff film of the year, which boosted his ego to ungodly heights. He’s absolutely delighted about it and hints that you should watch it on one of your movie nights, but he does warn it’s not for the faint of heart
· Taking videos and photos are one of his favorite hobbies, and if you’re down to clown… he’d certainly bring it in the bedroom
· Speaking of his more thrilling hobbies, Joker will constantly suggest you join him on his escapades or help out behind the scenes, especially if he picks up on any sort of interest from you concerning his ‘job’. Joker is an observant man, and he reads you like a book. He knows you likely have some dark, sinister thoughts running around in your head - you must, if you’re with him- so he does everything he can to encourage you to let them out. Joker will never judge this side of you, no matter how grim. He’ll try and harness it, bring it to light. He hates the thought of you shying away from your true self, embarrassed of your darker nature, but what he hates even more is you thinking he’ll be disgusted with you or disappointed. How can you think that?
· “No no no, bunny, not me. You’re my muse, so give me some inspiration hmm? Tell daddy exactly what’s going on in that mind of yours...”
·  If you do show interest in the darker side of his job, he’d smile so big that his scars take up his whole face. He’d teach you everything; how to fire a gun, how to stab someone, how to hide a body and how to torture one. He’ll spread out all his weapons on the floor and let you choose which one calls to you, like a deranged ceremony, informing you on the pros and cons of each one. He’ll even invite you into the warehouses he designated just for torture, which are just as gruesome and sinful and they sound
· J let’s you watch as he hurts his victims, whom are purposefully rapists and killers to make you feel less guilty, and let’s you join in on the fun whenever you gain the courage. He even went as far as to buy a whole torture set off the black market, from scalpel to needles, just to give you options. Joker loves to see how creative you can get, and it’s one of the few times he lets you take complete control
· “The floor is yours, bunny. Impress me.”
· He is down for pretty much anything, and that mindset is not exclusive just to the bedroom
·Any couple activity you fear might be too far or creepy for other people… is right around J’s alley. Weird kinks or foreplay games you want to try? No problem. Making love in abandoned houses or cemeteries? Now that’s his type of romance. You want to carry a small vial of his blood around your neck? He is all game, but only if he gets one of you as well. Matching knives? He’s blushing. Satanic blood ritual from a sketchy website that’s supposed to bond your souls for eternity? Perfect, his weekend plans were centered around you anyways
· Now…If he feels that you’re not giving him enough attention or start to push him away, he will resort to crazier means to obtain your love back. He’ll set off random bugs, rats or even henchmen into your home to scare you, gleefully waiting to hear you cry out his name in fear. Like a small, dependent little kitten, mewling for their protector. He’d come in, guns ablaze, looking for whatever scared his darling angel, killing them on sight. You’d run into his arms, tears streaming down your face as you cling to Joker like your life depended on it- just how he liked it. He’d coo mockingly and pull you closer, rubbing your back as he unashamedly basked in your physical touch.
· In general however, your soft caresses, kisses and reassuring words are enough to keep him very pleased. He knows you adore him and are head over heels obsessed just like he is, and that truly does put a smile on his face.
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writing-in-april · 4 years
Star Wars vs. Star Trek
Spencer Reid x Female Reader
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This is my entry for the secret fic swap that was organized by the ever amazing @imagining-in-the-margins 
The person I got was-  @sunlight-moonrise  who is an amazing little bunny that I love
Thankies all around to my lovely helpers @definitelynotkatesblog , @clean-bands-dirty-stories​ and @httpnxtt  Plus I was inspired by all the asks that @reidscardigan​ gets, it fuels my smutty thoughts!
Warnings: Jealous!Spencer, Rough sex, Impact play (on the heavy side), Face fucking, Light degradation, Choking, Bruising/Marking, Hair Pulling, Unprotected sex, and Orgasm Denial
A/N: I had a great time writing this I think its one of my best works! Feel free to drop a request in my inbox if you have a request (No duplicate requests please)
Word count: 3.6K
  Spencer and I finally have some vacation time, and my god it feels like it’s been forever. We both worked ridiculously hard at the BAU, so Hotch had finally determined that it was time for the team’s mandatory two-week break this year.  
As soon as we got home the both of us stripped of our work clothes and cuddled up on the couch to watch some movies. Spencer had the remote in his hand scrolling through to find a movie, the cursor landed on Star Trek. I could feel his puppy dog eyes looking up at me through his glasses that he only wore at home trying to convince me into letting him choose it. “Noooo Spencer, we watched it last week” I groaned. Sometimes it felt like your relationship was Spencer and Spock, and you as the delightful third wheel. “Ok what about a different one? We don’t have to watch any of the vintage ones, the new movies aren’t my favorite but they’re still extraordinary pieces of film art!” he ranted enthusiastically. “No, why don’t we watch Star Wars?” I begged, he knew it was my favorite but still insisted that Star Trek was better. “No, because I know you’ll ask to watch the sequels and I don’t like them, the story is just a repeat of the originals.” his eyes rolled and I was surprised they didn’t get stuck in the back of his head. Spencer and I have had this argument many times. The back and forth on which series was better was exhausting but so exhilarating. “Star Wars looks better, has better music, and better plot lines overall!” My voice slightly raised, I hated it when he tried to prove me wrong about this. Star Wars was my cemented favorite just as his was Star Trek. “Star Wars has straight up inaccuracies while Star Trek has improbabilities, not outright errors.” Spencer snarked back. I could tell neither of us were going to win this debate anytime soon. We always ended up in a shouting match about  why we thought our favorite series was better. “Fuck you! I’m right, Star Wars is so much better! I mean look at Kylo Ren, he’s so much better then Kirk or Spock!” Spencer’s face turned into an expression mixed with jealousy and rage. “And look how good he looks during that interrogation scene!” I continued. “You think he’s hot?!” He accused profiling the look I had on my face as I was talking about Kylo “What are you jealous of a fictional character?” I asked mockingly, a knowing smirk adorning my face. Maybe I could get him riled up enough to get something else out of tonight. “N-no of course not that’s absurd!” He squeaked out, giving away how he truly felt. A coquettish smirk grew on my face as I got an evil idea. I deftly snuck my hands into my sleep shorts, slipping under my cotton panties and started to rub soft circles on my clit, not fully giving myself the stimulation that I desired. Spencer’s eyes bugged out of his head getting whiplash from the conversation switch. “Kylo” I moaned out with a simper, gathering my slick arousal I slid down my folds, pushing a finger inside, immediately crooking the digit to locate my g spot. I wanted to push Spencer to the edge of jealousy till he snapped. He got practically feral if I worked him up enough. I continued my descent into a selfish climax- adding another finger, as I picked up the speed of my thrusts into my dripping heat. My mind was so lost in the pleasure I forgot Spencer was there- until my hand was violently jerked from my pussy by a tight clasp on my forearm, just before I was about to fall into bliss. “What do you think you're doing?” Spencer spat.
That voice was usually reserved for unsubs, which served to further dampen my panties, his mind had switched into his dominant persona that was prevalent in the bedroom. “Just indulging myself, Spencer, since you won’t.” I bit back, irritated I’d been brought back from the edge of toe-curling bliss. He shot me a harsh look and tightened his grip on my arm, a warning if you will. I could tell I had just gotten myself into deep trouble, but that didn’t stop me from wanting to rile him up further. “Get in the bedroom and strip. You’ve earned yourself a punishment, brat.” His tone had gotten down right deadly at this point, but I didn’t let that deter me. I was on a mission. I decided to further dig myself in a hole by ignoring his order, simply crossing my arms and turning my head away. I could feel his bitter gaze boring into the back of my skull as I continued to defy his order, my excitement pooling in anticipation for the brutal punishment I’d surely earned. We sat like that for a while- refusing to break out of my sass, and him making sure that I was really ready for what he had in store for me. My legs started to squirm, the tension was almost unbearable. Just before I was about to give him another smart remark his other hand shot out to my leg, holding it firmly so I was no longer moving. A surprised squeak escaped my lips as Spencer  flipped me onto my stomach, my knees coming to rest on the floor and my chest pressed into the couch. I tried to regain my balance in an attempt to crawl away from him but he quickly moved to hover over my form, boxing me in with his arms. “Are you trying to get in more trouble, Dolly?” he asked, his tone dark and condescending. A pathetic little whimper escaped my throat. When I failed to reply quick enough by his standards, a large palm came down on my backside, forcing an answer out of me.
“Yes! I’m sorry Sir, I was trying to get in t-trouble.” “Tsk tsk. Only bad girls like punishment, Doll.” He sounded disappointed. I dug my nails into the plush and hid my face into the cushion, trying to escape from under his heavy gaze. He pulled my hands to rest behind my back, tying my hands with what felt like a drawstring from sweatpants. He’d learned to improvise during our time together; had he left to find more appropriate rope, there was no guarantee I’d be in the same position he left me in by the time he got back. He snaked his hands through my hair, yanking hard to pull my body flush against his own. “Color?” He asked quickly, checking in with me, which only made the situation hotter-what can I say? Consent is sexy. “Green” I replied with a grin. Being disciplined was always exhilarating. “What’s my punishment, Sir?” He let go of the grip on my hair, his hands swiftly moving to remove my shorts and now soaked cotton thong, revealing my bare bottom to him. I rubbed my legs together trying to get some sort of friction but was interrupted by Spencer wrenching my legs apart. “You do that again I’ll add 20 more and you’ve already earned yourself 40- plus a little extra something.” His words hummed against the shell of my ear, sending a shiver trickling down my spine. I groaned in protest and tried to wiggle myself away from him, his hand coming down onto my left cheek in response. “Doll-“ He warned sharply. “If you keep this up I won't let you cum for a week.” His words shook me to my sassy core; I was greedy and there was no way I was going to get myself in more trouble. “I’m sorry...” I muttered into the couch cushion. “Say it louder, Dolly.” The sing song tone/cadence of his voice felt like a trap- contrasted to his previously dark tone and warning smack brought down on my backside. “I’m really sorry, Sir!” I shouted. With my cry, I gave up control to Spencer entirely.  He loved when I acted like this, no matter how angry he pretended to be. “Do you mean it this time?” I could hear the devilish smile on his lips. “Yes!” I confirmed on a shaky breath. I was done fighting him. “You’re so good to me a-and I shouldn’t have tried to make you jealous.”
Although he couldn’t see my eyes, I put on my biggest, sweetest set of puppy dog eyes to really drive my point home.
“So you’re going to sit pretty and take your spankings like a good girl, right?”
I nodded sheepishly, secretly hoping that maybe, just maybe if I was good enough that I might get to come tonight. He let me stew in my thoughts for a minute before resuming his assault on my behind. His hand gripped both cheeks into his palms, kneading the tender flesh that was about to be covered in black and blue handprints. As the first strikes landed on my right side, he grabbed a blanket for me to cuddle into as he landed each smack, his full strength being used in each one, exhibiting just how much I pissed him off. My nerves were prickling, my ass had already started to sting and he hadn’t even reached the 10th strike. I’d definitely be able to feel the pain for the next week- maybe longer. Teardrops started to coat from my lashes onto my cheeks as he switched to the left cheek. By the time he’d reached the halfway mark, the blanket had become soaked by my uncontrolled muffled sobs. His rhythm never faltered as he continued to pepper the now-raw skin of my bottom with more punishing blows. “What are you?” He finally spoke as he was nearing the end of his count, my fingers digging into my palms to help me get through the last few. “I’m a bad girl, Sir” I pathetically whimpered into the blanket.
A brutal THWACK landed against my backside, letting me know he was looking for me to use my big girl voice.  A sob raked through my chest, sending more tears down the blushed apples of my cheeks. “I’M A BAD GIRL, SIR!” My bruised bottom felt like it had been burned by hot coals with welts forming as evidence, as Spencer drew out the last few at a languid pace. When he finally finished, he dropped his head down to plant kisses on each injured cheek, a sign of appreciation for behaving. “You dirty girl, you're getting off to this ” He said matter of factly, moving to run his finger through my drenched folds, his fingers probed my entrance trying to get me more worked up. Surging forward, he replaced his fingertips with his tongue stirring a fire deep in my belly, placing delicate kitten licks along my folds. My body writhed against his touch and for a moment, I thought I might get off easy. Until, again, he pulled away just as I was about to shatter into a million pieces. “Sirrrrr, please?” I begged, my clit was throbbing in tandem with the blood pounding under the skin of my raw and tender bottom. His threat from earlier became evident- he wasn’t going to let me cum easily. “No, Doll, you still haven’t proven that you’re sorry enough.” He roughly yanked me off the sofa, positioning me on my knees in front of him, his clothed cock sitting right in my eye-line. The sweatpants that he had dawned were taken off quickly, I drank in the sight of his hard cock through tear-stained eyes. “Color?” He asked while cradling my jaw. The realization hit me, and I became blissfully aware of one thing: he was about to fuck my face. “Green.” I was always happy to give Spencer pleasure, and to see all the power just my mouth had over him was insanely erotic to me. He gripped his cock in one hand, pulling my chin down to open my mouth with the other. I stuck out my tongue for him and leaned forward, wrapping my lips around the head of his erection to begin gently sucking. Precum filled my mouth as I started to bob my head, working my way farther down his length each time until I reached the base of his cock. I choked slightly, my nose nuzzling against the hairs of his waistline. He gripped my hair on both sides with each of his hands and did a shallow experimental thrust forward, giving me a taste of what was coming. My eyes screwed shut as he set a fast pace, his tip hitting the back of my throat, tears starting to prick at the corners of my eyes again. The hardwood grinding against my knees sourced a new pain, but all I was focused on was the cock  being shoved down my throat and pleasuring the man it was attached to. “Open your eyes, Doll. I want you to see what you do to me.” I glanced up with my glassy red rimmed eyes to gaze at the beautiful sight of Spencer, his head was tilted back, sweat coating his ruffled curls, with his mouth hung open in a silent gasp. Even through my tears I could see this man was an angel.  I groaned, somehow I was even more turned on, so much so that I could feel a pool forming on the floor from my arousal. He rutted harder into my mouth signaling that he was close to his release, drool was now dripping from the sides of my mouth, wetting the thin material of my pajama top. Hot spurts shot down my throat with a strangled cry from him. Tasting his salty release on my tongue, I drank him in, savoring every last drop he had to give me. As he pulled himself out of my mouth, the string of spit connecting my lips to the head of his cock snapped, falling down my chin. Saltwater still cascading down my cheeks met with the mess on my chin, creating  a messy mixture. Spencer pressed a thumb to my cheek, pushing the few drops of cum that escaped along with some spit into my mouth. “You being a cry baby, Dolly?” he cooed condescendingly, wiping away the drops that accumulated onto my cheek bones as I sent him a little pout. “You should’ve thought about the consequences before you broke the rules, Doll.” Turning me around, he pressed my chest into the coffee table across from the couch. Though I still had on my shirt, the cold surfaces rubbed against my sensitive nipples making them harden to a peak. He hadn’t done anything for a minute, so I tried to turn my head to see what he was doing. I was met with a harsh tug at my jaw forcing it to prop up facing the tv. The television flicked to life flooding the screen with the Disney+ logo I tried to glance back again to shoot him an incredulous look, but again I was repositioned roughly to stare at the screen. He clicked through until landing on the Force Awakens. My brows furrowed, but I decided not to push my luck by asking any questions. He pressed play and started fast forwarding until he landed on the scene I had been referencing that got in me trouble in the first place. Kylo Ren graced the screen, starting his interrogation with Rey. Was he going to sit here and make me watch it? Was he going to let me cum? Or was he going to edge me the whole night and hang me out to dry? I was snapped out of my thoughts by a tug at my neck, his palms wrapping around like a necklace, pulling my torso up so that my eyes locked perfectly to the moving figures on the screen. “You think he could fuck you better then I can, Doll?” he ground out. “That pathetic boy compensates with his saber, yet you have the whole package right here sweetheart.” I gasped and wriggled at his words, becoming down right desperate to have him do anything to me. He finally relented, dragging his free hand up my folds, still just barely touching me- ghosting around my clit. He sucked dark bruises into my neck, and as his teasing touches continued, I impatiently whined. “Please, Sir I need you.” “Why should I? You have Kylo don’t you?” “I already said I’m sorry, Sir! And I mean it really!” My begs filled our apartment, loud enough to completely mask the sound of the movie. I had been completely ignoring the film, focusing solely on trying to gain some sort of pleasure from the man endlessly denying it. “Ok, Dolly but only if you promise to never do it again.” I tried my best to nod against  his vise grip on the column of my throat. He deftly snuck two fingers into my pussy, fitting snugly inside of me causing my body to unconsciously move my lower half against him. He started to pump and curl them, expertly hitting the perfect spot each time making stars appear behind my eyes. Suddenly he removed his fingers, quickly replacing it with something far more satisfying before I could complain. His cock bottomed out, filling me to the hilt eliciting a surprised squeak from me. He always made me feel so full-it felt like heaven. His hips propelled forward starting a rough rhythm that left almost no room to breathe, the movie had been completely muffled by our moans and sounds of slapping skin, a heavy dose of sex lingering in the air. His thrusts were irritating the already brutalized flesh off my ass, but the stinging sensation just aided in ecstasy that flowed through my veins. “You look so much prettier with these bruises.” He grunted as I tried to arch my back to a steeper angle so I could take him as deep as possible. “It shows everyone who’s mine, even if they are a fictional character.” Spencer was repeatedly hitting my g spot sending me closer and closer to the edge, but I knew I had to ask permission before I came. “Please, Sir, Please! I’m so close! Can I cum?” “Why do you think you deserve to cum Doll?” He asked, I should’ve known he was still going to throw one last tease in before letting me orgasm. “Because- I - I don’t know I just need it!” I let out a frustrated sob as he continued to thrust with reckless abandon. “Ok. Doll. Let. Go.” he said, accentuating each word with a sharp rock with his hips. My eyes rolled far into the back of my head as I was sent careening into pleasure, the coil that sat deep in my belly snapped, sending me into violent waves of pleasure. As I rode out my delicious high, Spencer’s hips stuttered and the grip on my neck was tightened as he shot ropes into me, stuffing me to the brim. He let go of my neck letting me relax my head onto the table. I’m sure I had a messy, freshly-fucked look on my face but I couldn’t be bothered to care.“Have you learned your lesson?” He asked once he had caught his breath. I nodded meekly, knowing full well I’d be back on my brattiest behavior as soon as these bruises faded. We both groaned as he slipped his softening cock from out of my folds. He slowly padded away to grab his items for aftercare-my favorite part. I had never had a partner show so much care for me like Spencer had. He came back with everything he needed and got to work, starting by cleaning my folds with a washcloth, then switching to a fresh one wiping the tears and spit away from my face. Aloe that he had made sure to warm up was then squirted onto my cheeks, he rubbed the liquid in softly massaging the abused flesh with gentle care. My limbs still felt like jello when it was time to stand, so Spencer helped guide me into new clean pajamas, he even made sure to pick out the velvet ones I liked, they always felt like little soft caresses were being peppered against my skin when I wore them. “You ok, Doll? You haven’t said anything.” He whispered gently, as if afraid he’d startle me. “Yeah” I croaked.My voice had been thoroughly abused throughout the night making rasp harder than normal. “Just feel a little woozier than normal.” He quickly enveloped my form into a hug, drawing me in close so I could smell the cologne that made itself a part of everything he owned. Sitting us both down on the couch, he found as many blankets and as possible making a little fort of warmth around us.
“I’m sorry I was harsh, Doll.” “No no, I liked it, it was just intense.” My scratchy voice obviously made him cringe. “So you are jealous of a fictional character?” I cheekily quipped to try and cheer him up. He let out a chuckle in response and started to ghost little butterfly kisses all across my face.
“I love you,” he whispered between kisses. “Sing to me?” I asked softly. I cherished his horrible singing with all my heart, it made me  soft and mushy on the inside. “You are my sunshine, my only sunshine, you make me happy when skies are grey. You’ll never know dear how much I love you, please don’t take my dolly away.” I started to drift to sleep even though I was fighting to giggle at Spencer’s croaky singing. Despite his god awful singing in my ear, sleep found me, whisking me away to the land of sweet dreams. I drifted off in his arms, knowing I was his good girl- knowing he would love and cherish me until the ends of the Earth.
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jokertrap-ran · 3 years
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(光与夜之恋 Light and Night) Main Story Chapter 2-24 NIGHT: 时间���脚 The Patchwork of Time Translation
“Acting is inseparable from life, as are shadows to people. It is something that we cannot run away from.“
*Light and Night Master-list *Spoiler free: Translations will remain under cut *Join the Light & Night Discord (^▽^)~ ♪ *Main story tag will be #For Light and Night
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A couple of employees rushed over in a panic. They inhaled sharply at the sight of the mess that laid before them.
MC: Sorry!
Staff A: Don't mind, don't mind. It's not your fault.
Staff B: If we're to fault someone, then it should be that guy who simply ran away after wrecking our stuff. That's so inconsiderate!
Staff A: Let's not dwell on that now. Lin Yao's going to be using this fresh flower assemble for her photoshoot tomorrow. Let's hurry and split up the work so that we can fix it back up.
Lin Yao, huh…
I feel like doing more for her.
I tightened my hold on the paper bag in my hands, deciding to stay behind to help everyone clean things up.
The night grew as time passed. Everyone was almost finished with what they were doing.
One of the employees let out a huge contagious yawn, and soon, everyone caught the yawning bug.
I'd heard that everyone had pulled a couple of all-nighters just to set up everything for this photoshoot. They're all probably exhausted to the bone.
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MC: There are only these fresh flowers left. I can do it myself, so you can all just go home and have a good rest.
Staff A: That won't do…
MC: Don't worry about it. You guys have to run the whole photoshoot tomorrow, so it's better if you use this time to get a proper night's sleep instead.
Staff B: We'll go first then. Thanks. We'll treat you to dinner next time!
The ceiling lights in the distance were a little dim, elongating my shadow. I was alone in this huge place.
I lifted my head to look at the background board, standing high and tall. Only the upper right corner needed a little colour correction. I stood on tip-toes and stretched my arm upwards to reach it, but my arm couldn’t reach high enough.
MC: A little more… Guess it'll be better if I fetch a stool…
??: Want me to help?
A pair of warm narrow eyes entered my line of sight.
MC: …Mr. Lu? What are you doing here?
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Evan: I just came out from the studio next door and saw that the lights were still on here. I decided to drop in for a look, and here we are.
Evan: I never thought that I'd be seeing you here.
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MC: Next door? Is that Team B's photoshoot area? You really do attend to everything yourself...
His gaze lands on the brush I was holding. He immediately removed his suit jacket and rolled up his sleeves.
He smiles, spreading his hand out before me to signal for me to pass him the brush. But, just as I was about to politely decline...
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Evan: Allow me.
Evan: Although, can you guide me? It's my first time doing this sort of thing, so I'm afraid I'll make a mistake somewhere.
He looked at me with a smile, not giving me a chance to turn him down.
He’s helping me again, yet he doesn’t wish for me to feel bad about it; just like the night we first met.
MC: Sure. I'll hold your jacket for you.
Evan: Thanks.
I nodded, holding his suit jacket for him as I pointed to a corner of the background board.
MC: That one on that side needs a little touch-up.
Evan made a noise of approval, turning to look in the direction I was pointing at.
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Arm raised, the strokes he made were bold and firm. The white brush sweeps across the scratched background, covering it with a new coat of colour.
The faded areas regained their colour bit by bit and slowly blended into the rest of the background board.
Evan: Is this okay?
Evan turned back around, his smile tinged with a slight hint of rarely-seen reservation.
MC: Yup! Superb!
He said that it was his first time doing something like this, but he'd gone and executed it pretty well.
Bright moonlight shone in from the windows, illuminating his face, fixed with a look of utter concentration, and casting his long shadow onto the wall.
I don't know why, but I couldn't help the snort that escaped me when I suddenly recalled the shadow bunny from the lift back then.
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Evan: And what are you laughing at?
He’d finished the required touch-ups before I realized that he was done. He glanced at the slight smattering of blue paint that got onto his wrist and shook his head.
Evan: Did you see me accidentally getting paint onto my clothes and planned on not telling me about it?
That man, the very same one who’d been the epitome of calmness up on the stage, so far out of reach, now wore a boyish smile on his face.
MC: This paint doesn't seem like it can be washed off...
Evan: That’s fine. It will serve as a memorable piece of memorabilia.
MC: Because it’s your first time painting?
Evan: Because you don’t seem to be blaming me at all.
Evan: I apologize for not having informed you earlier.
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MC: ...Huh?
I didn’t understand what he was talking about for a while; not until I met his apologetic eyes. Something clicked in my mind.
He must be talking about how he’d hidden his identity from me.
I shook my head.
MC: Don’t worry about it. I know that you didn’t do it on purpose.
Evan: You do?
MC: It was the succession ceremony that day. I’d have known in the end either way, so there’s no point in trying to hide it from me.
Evan: I’d prefer if you could address me the same way you always do, even now.
MC: Okay. Thanks for the help today, Evan.
The night breeze blew past, bringing a slight chill in its wake.
Evan: If I remember correctly… This doesn’t seem like it’s part of your job description.
MC: Yeah, it isn’t…
I nodded, not knowing how I should go about telling him about Lin Yao.
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Evan: You don’t have to tell me about it if you don’t want to.
MC: I was just thinking, that maybe… the people we see might not be their true selves after all…
Evan looked to the front, his eyes as gentle and cold as the moonlight.
Evan: Acting is inseparable from life, as are shadows to people. It is something that we cannot run away from.
MC: Is everyone acting then?
Evan: Everyone is.
MC: But, why?
Evan: Because they’re afraid of being mistaken, looked down upon, and forgotten.
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MC: But, what if they were forced to act? I mean, what if they were being forced to live as someone else dictates?
Evan: Are they fighting back?
MC: I think so, but they're not lucky enough to succeed.
Evan: So, you're worried about them?
MC: Yeah…
Evan: For people to get themselves out of the misfortune that has befallen them, they will first have to gain awareness of it. And it seems like they have already achieved this.
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Evan: There are too many people who do not realize, or have long since gotten used to their unfortunate life.
Evan: That would be truly unfortunate.
The empty room made his words echo faintly, making it sound like some sort of prophecy that was being told.
The wind howled outside the window, the rustling of leaves growing ever stronger. It looked like a storm was brewing.
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❖ Location: Dark Alleyway
The moonlight was like a flower blooming ever so quietly, swaying gently in the wind. In an alley not too far out, a streetlight, illuminating white light, suddenly blinked out of life.
A panicked figure collapsed into the alleyway, holding down onto their hat. It spooked the flock of birds that had taken residence up in the trees. However, he didn't stop there. He hurriedly walked ahead, disappearing into the darkness of the night.
Stepping on the ground illuminated by mottled moonlight, the man that had been chasing after him stopped to pick up an orange-coloured origami butterfly from within the fallen leaves. The faint metallic tang of blood hung in the air.
The erupting blue flames illuminated his sharp, predatory, eyes.
❖☆————— ⊹ For Light & Night⊹ —————★❖
Previous Part: (Chapter 2-21) | Next Part: (Chapter 2-24 Light) / (Chapter 3-1)
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agroovymutant · 3 years
I am very invested in ‘Pietro’ really being Peter for many reasons, but I don’t want to hope too much because I will be incredibly upset if it turns out he isn’t........ however, here are my feelings on theories I’ve heard about who he could be if he’s not Peter (spoilers: I basically just say I disagree with them all and it makes more sense if he’s actually Peter, haha) and my thoughts on what’s going on with him/how he got there etc if he truly is Peter...
If you just wanna read the evidence I’ve collected on why I think ‘Pietro’ is really Peter, scroll to the final bullet point! Warning: it’s LONG!
EDIT 24/02: Kevin Feige has now stated that Agatha purposefully “recast” Pietro in order to mess with Wanda. This does not confirm that this isn’t Peter brought over from another universe but it does change some of my points on other theories slightly. I do think it also does make it seem slightly less likely that he is secretly Mephisto or someone.
EDIT 26/02: In the new episode Agatha states that ‘Pietro’ is under a possession spell, which really rules out that he could be anyone like Mephisto, Nightmare, or Chthon.
‘Pietro’ is really Mephisto or Nightmare - (EDIT 26/02: In the new episode Agatha states that ‘Pietro’ is under a possession spell, which really rules out that he could be anyone like Mephisto, Nightmare, or Chthon.) I mean, immediately I feel there are a lot of holes in the theory that ‘Pietro’ could be either of these big bads tbh. To start with, they are both very powerful beings, how would Agatha be able to control them like she is seen doing in Agatha All Along? Do we really think she’s that powerful? Secondly, why would Agatha be controlling them if they were on the same side, and why would she been controlling them to pretend to be Pietro? Seems super weird to me. Yes, the necklace could be the thing keeping him in ‘Pietro’’s body, or normalising his appearance, but why would he wanna be in this particular body? Why would he be running around doing a really poor imitation of Pietro? Doesn’t make sense to me. ‘Pietro’ does call the twins “demon spawn” (could be hinting they were created by Mephisto, who looks like the devil, or Nightmare, who is a literal demon) and he does mention nightmares to Wanda too, but these could easily just be a throwaway lines or a subtle reference to the kids being created from Mephisto’s soul fragments in the comics, doesn’t necessarily mean ‘Pietro’ is either of these big bads. If Agatha is an unreliable narrator (very likely) and she isn’t really controlling ‘Pietro’, but he is indeed Nightmare or Mephisto, why is he lurking around Agatha’s house, looking like he’s acting more as a henchman than the devastating villain he really is? Surely he would have someone else do a menial task like that? The bug on the window in Agatha’s house could very well be Mephisto, as his first appearance was as a fly, so this would make sense. This doesn’t rule out that he’s also possessing the ‘Pietro’ body/can shapeshift, but it makes it less likely imo. Regarding the mid credits, if he is either of these beings, even with her new powers, Monica will be in big trouble. She has only just gotten her powers and doesn’t know how to use them, were as Mephisto and Nightmare are both crazy powerful beings who would be able to kill her easily, and really would have no reason not to. Now, the show is not gonna kill off Monica, so how the hell would she get out of this situation if it was Nightmare or Mephisto? I don’t believe she would, which makes me think 'Pietro’’s not either of them, and possibly not even a bad guy at all, it’s just been framed that way for the cliffhanger (I don’t actually think the next episode will show us what happened after this though, my theory is that next episode will be flashback style and in the final episode we will get a Darcy/Monica/PETER team up. Here’s hoping!!!). Also...... final point. Though a bit of a silly one, I do genuinely think this...... why the hell would either of these bigs bads choose to act and dress like that?? Just seems a bit weird, idk. Overall I do think ‘Pietro’ is acting sus (maybe cause of mind control and being zapped over from a different universe) but I just think he’s a bit too childish etc. to be either of these big bads in disguise.
‘Pietro’ was created by Agatha - (EDIT 26/02: In the newest episode, Agatha confirms she cannot create beings in the scene where she calls Wanda The Scarlet Witch) Immediately I think there are a lot of holes in this theory too tbh. To start with, can she even do that? There’s nothing that I know of in the comics that suggests she can, and even if she could why would she make someone who didn’t look or act like Pietro? (EDIT 24/02: it has now been confirmed that this was just to mess with Wanda) I don’t really think she created him, but if she did he must be based on what she thinks Pietro looks like? If she really did create him, maybe he looks and sounds like Peter because she is from a different universe where this is what ‘Pietro’ looks and acts like. While this would mean that he isn’t actually Peter, it does support the idea that a multiverse including the Fox X-Men does exist, so if this is true we could still get Peter in the multiverse in the future.
‘Pietro’ is Nicholas Scratch (Agatha’s son) - (EDIT 26/02: In the new episode Agatha states that ‘Pietro’ is under a possession spell, which really rules out that he could be anyone like Mephisto, Nightmare, or Chthon, and it seems unlikely to me that she would be possessing her son, but who knows! Also, after she introduces herself to Wanda she says to Señor Scratchy “She does look shocked to meet the real us, doesn’t she?” to me this implies Scratchy is more than just a rabbit but this is just a guess.) In the comics Nicholas and Agatha are enemies and although I know the show isn’t following the comics exactly (Agatha isn’t the villain in the comics) this does make me feel as though it’s slightly less likely for Nicholas and Agatha to be teamed up and doing whatever Agatha’s doing together (not impossible though). If Nicholas and Agatha were on the same side though, why would Agatha use her son as a Pietro replacement? They obviously don’t look similar. it seems like a very strange and sloppy plan. And why would she, as shown in Agatha All Along, be controlling him if they were allies? Makes no sense. If Agatha and Nicholas are not on the same side, it would make sense that she was controlling him....... however, it would still make no sense for her to make him pretend to be ‘Pietro’ when they look nothing alike. Also, why would she even have brought him to Westview if they were not allies? In the comics he’s quite powerful and dangerous, doesn’t seem like a good idea to bring him along when Agatha would have to spend so much time focussing on keeping him under her spell. I’m not saying it isn’t possible that in WandaVision Agatha and Nicholas are allies, I’m just saying in either case I think it is unlikely that ‘Pietro’ is Nicholas. In the comics, Nicholas is banished to another realm. I think it’s possible that, in WandaVision, instead of another realm, he’s trapped inside the bunny rabbit we’ve seen in a few episodes? The rabbit is called Señor Scratchy, after all (I know that’s a reference to the devil but so is Nicholas’ name...) Another point about Nicholas in general is that in the comics he has allied himself with Mephisto. If Agatha and Nicholas really are allies in this then maybe Señor Scratchy is Nicholas and the bug we see on the window is Mephisto, and Agatha is trying to free them both from the bodies they are trapped in.
‘Pietro’ is Jimmy Woo’s FBI witness - I thought this was quite an interesting take. I was talking about it with a friend of mine and he suggested that the necklace we keep seeing on ‘Pietro’ could be some sort of FBI tracker. But Woo has seen ‘Pietro’ on the broadcast so why wouldn’t he have been like “that’s not Pietro, that’s my witness!”? My friend suggested that Agatha could have altered the witness’ appearance but if that was the case, why wouldn’t she just make him look like the real Pietro? Doesn’t make sense to me but a fun theory nonetheless (but where is the real FBI witness??). Also, with the ‘breach’ alarm going off in the background of the shot where Darcy sees ‘Pietro’ arrive on the broadcast, it seems to me that whoever is ‘playing’ him came in from outside the Hex.
‘Pietro’ is really Chthon - (EDIT 26/02: In the new episode Agatha states that ‘Pietro’ is under a possession spell, which really rules out that he could be anyone like Mephisto, Nightmare, or Chthon.) Initially, I thought this one made a lot of sense, and still think it could potentially be right but I don’t think it makes as much sense as him really being Peter. Chthon created a different dimension in which he resides most of the time. Before he left Earth for this dimension he wrote the Darkhold (which is possibly the book seen in Agatha’s basement in the new episode). The Darkhold is the key to him moving from his dimension back to Earth. Chthon is very often linked to Doctor Stranger (and Doctor Strange: Multiverse of Madness is where we will next see Wanda appear sooo......) After Chthon leaves Earth the first time, he falls into a deep slumber. He is eventually awoken and there’s a lot of back and forth with him coming to Earth and being sent back to his dimension and being trapped there etc. But eventually he ends up trapped in the dimension and banned from Earth, and through a loophole it turns out he can come back if summoned, via the Darkhold. (Perhaps this is what Agatha is trying to do in the show?) Now the theory that ‘Pietro’ is really Chthon comes from a comic book where Chthon resurfaces many years after his initial banishment, and Doctor Strange isn’t around to stop him. Loki finds out and disguises himself as Wanda to reform the Mighty Avengers to stop Chthon. However, Mordred (long history with Chthon) manages to summon Chthon into the body of Pietro. People think that, especially with the reveal of the book which may be the Darkhold, this is what’s happened in WandaVision, with Agatha in place of Mordred. In the comic, the Mighty Avengers injure ‘Quicksilver’ so severely that Chthon is forced to leave his body, and Vision reads a spell from the Darkhold, trapping Chthon inside it. While I can see where this theory is coming from, I’m not sure it’s right. If Chthon is involved, imo, it makes a lot more sense for him to possess Wanda. Years before Chthon possesses Pietro, he is summoned to earth with the Darkhold by Morgan Le Fay, but she cannot control him. After realising this, she traps Chthon in a fixed point, under warding, for a very long time. A lot later, he is once again banished but, before he leaves, he marks a baby as his future vessel; that baby is none other than Wanda Maximoff. Many years later, thanks to Mordred, Chthon possesses Wanda and tries to use the Darkhold to summon his proper form back to earth in a mystical circle (the Hex?). When the Avengers arrive to help Wanda, Chthon imprisons them the circle (like the Westview residents?). Beast arrives and manages to distract Chthon though, and Chthon is removed from Wanda’s body and trapped inside a doll, which Pietro and Wanda then bury. Years later, Chthon possesses Wanda again and this time she is freed from Chthon's possession by Doctor Strange (Multiverse of Madness?). Is it possible that, because of the Avengers’ Time Heist fucking with the Multiverse, Chthon was disturbed from his slumber in his dimension and is trying to get back to Earth to wreak havoc? Perhaps Wanda is somehow the perfect vessel (maybe to do with her being a Nexus being) and Agatha will use the Darkhold to aid Chthon in possessing her? I don’t really know how I feel about any of that, but after reading the Pietro theory, I just thought that, if Chthon was involved in WandaVision, it would be more likely he’d possess Wanda based on what’s previously happened in the comics and the position Wanda was left in at the end of the most recent episode.
‘Pietro’ is really Peter Maximoff - Obviously, this is the theory I most want to be true, but am hesitant to believe because of my overwhelming love of the X-Men prequels and my tendency to take bad things happening to my faves really really badly (I’m talking ‘cried every day for over a month after Loki died’ badly...). Anyway. Here are my feelings on ‘Pietro’ being Peter:
EDIT 26/02: In the new episode Agatha states that she is possessing ‘Pietro’ - would she be able to possess someone who was already under Wanda’s mind control? I’m not sure she would, so she would possibly have to have brought someone in from outside the Hex. This could support the theory that he was pulled in from the multiverse, rather than just outside the Hex in that reality and Wanda either weakened the barriers between worlds allowing Agatha to being him in from the Multiverse - possibly with the help of the Darkhold - or Wanda herself accidentally brought her in without knowing and he was found by Agatha. Also, she states she couldn’t get Wanda’s “real brother” so used this fake ‘Pietro’ under mind control instead, it may not mean anything but the term “real brother” did stick out to me. Could ‘Pietro’ be her brother in the sense that he’s her brother from another reality, so technically not her real brother? When you think about it, though ‘Fietro’ could mean ‘Fake Pietro’ as Agatha had intended it, to a viewer, it could also be a nod to ‘Fox Pietro’ - or Peter, as we know him. In the flashback scene where we see Wanda and Pietro as children, they are both played by different actors to the flashback scene when Fietro is talking about their childhood. This could just be because his memories were made up, or it could be his real memories of his childhood with his universe’s Wanda. EDIT  3/03: Yesterday, an interview with Matt Shakman (WandaVision’s director) was published on CBR.com. In the interview, he is asked about whether the finale will provide us with a firm answer on who ‘Fietro’ really is and he says: “I think there’s a strong possibility you might get a little more of Evan Peters coming up. But how that plays out, I wouldn’t want to say.” He could be talking specifically about the finale, but he could also be talking about in the MCU in general. Either way, this has made me a bit more hopeful that he really is Peter tbh.
1. So, starting at the beginning - when he first turns up. We now know that this was Agatha’s doing and, though I do feel as though she is possibly an unreliable narrator, if we believe that she was controlling ‘Pietro’ with her magic, that means he’s not Mephisto, Nightmare or Chthon just playing the part of ‘Pietro’, because why and how would Agatha be controlling any of them? This means that he’s either some random guy she’s controlling - but why wouldn’t she try to get someone who looked a bit more like ATJ Quicksilver? How did he get in there (see next bullet point)? Why does this random guy have the same hair as Peter? etc. etc. - she created him out of thin air (already addressed), or he is really Peter. Out of these options, honestly, Peter makes the most sense.
2. When he first turns up and we see what is going on outside the Hex in the SWORD facility, there are alarms going off. Darcy seems to be in a panic when she runs over to her desk and sees ‘Pietro’ on the broadcast. Why were there alarms going off? It seems like they’re the ones that go off because of a perimeter breach. If this is the case, where would this new person entering the Hex have come from? How would they have gotten in? It’s not like someone is gonna just wander into that huge red dome, is it? In the first episode where we see outside the Hex, Jimmy tells Monica that Westview “doesn't want me to [go in]” and asks her “you can feel it too, can't you? No body's supposed to go in”, a random person from outside wouldn’t just wander in, especially with all that security around. Perhaps the alarms are going off because someone has been pulled into the Hex not from the MCU reality but from the multiverse?? The Fox X-Men reality. Peter.
3. His hair - when ‘Pietro’ turns up. he has his Fox universe silver hair. By the next episode it has changed to ATJ Quicksilver’s blond. Why would he start off with silver hair if he wasn’t the Foxverse Quicksilver?? Silver hair isn’t a normal thing for a man in his 30s to have, really. So if he was a random guy being possessed/controlled I think it’s a bit weird that he just happened to have silver hair, the same as Peter. I feel the only reason it’s blond in the next episode is because Wanda’s reality is trying to make him fit in, by making him look more like the person he’s supposed to be - ATJ’s Quicksilver. But my point is basically why would he have silver hair to start with? Why not just make him blond? Surely it’s because he’s Peter? (Also, side note, is his hair silver again in the episode 7 mid credits? He has a hat on and it’s a low angle shot so it’s hard to see but I was thinking that maybe now he’s been kicked out of Wanda’s family and she knows he isn’t Pietro, his hair has gone back to its normal colour because she is not trying to make him fit in. Once again, why would he have silver hair if he isn’t Peter?).
4. The episode 5 subs - the descriptive subtitles on his first episode introduced him as the Fox X-Men version of Quicksilver...
5. He has powers - where the hell did they come from if he’s not Peter? Billy and Tommy have powers, but the twins - through birth or some other way - were created by Wanda. So their powers must come from her - either as something inherited from her or just because they’re a part of Wanda’s illusion. Where would ‘Pietro’‘s powers have come from now that we know he wasn’t created or summoned by Wanda? Can Agatha give people powers? (EDIT 26/02: seems unlikely as Agatha literally told Wanda her illusion magic wasn’t as powerful as Wanda’s) Or are his powers just another sign that he is really Peter?
6. ‘Pietro Maximoff as himself’ - this is shown in the Malcolm in the Middle style opening credits, none of the other characters have who they’re ‘played by’ listed and this isn’t something that appears in the Malcolm in the Middle opening either so I’m not sure it’s a reference. Initially, I thought it was just to try to reinforce the idea that he was Pietro even though we knew he wasn’t, and to make us even more suspicious of him (it worked on me!), but what if it was telling us that he really is Peter Maximoff. Playing himself. ‘Peter’ is obviously the English version of ‘Pietro’ and Peter was listed as ‘Pietro’ on some of the DOFP promo stuff so it’s completely reasonable to assume that in the Foxverse his real name is Pietro and he just goes by Peter because he’s been ‘Americanised’. So maybe it was a hint that the Fox ‘Pietro’ is literally playing himself, Pietro ‘Peter’ Maximoff........ He also refers to himself as ‘Uncle P’, perhaps hinting that ‘Pietro’ isn’t usually the name he would use for himself?
7. The clothes - he literally turns up in a leather jacket. Though usually a silver one (though he does wear a suspiciously similar black one, and similar black jeans too, in his Deadpool 2 cameo), this is something Peter is well known for wearing in the Fox films. We’ve seen that people who come into the Hex get their clothes rewritten into more ‘Westview-appropriate’ attire, maybe his silver jacket was deemed too bright and crazy for the little town and the era they were in. In episode six he’s wearing a silver watch, much like the watch Peter wears in DOFP. All the clothes we see him wear seem a very odd choice for someone who is maybe supposed to be the villain of the show(?). Bright blue and pink? I mean they’re basically Wanda and Pietro’s colours, maybe hinting that he is really on the ‘good’ side? His jumper in the mid credits, to me, looks very (comic book) Quicksilver-esque. Overall, his outfits just seem like something Peter would wear in this jumbled Wanda version of reality (his style is kinda ‘bright and a bit too young for him’, maybe this is just Wanda’s take on it). And I repeat, if he was Mephisto or whoever, would he really choose to wear such fucking ridiculous clothes??
8. He acts like Peter - though slightly less cute and a little more adult-like than when we last saw him in Apocalypse (I’m not counting Dark Phoenix cause he had like three lines in it so it was hard to gauge what he was like) he is still a hyperactive, sugar-consuming, video-game playing, sarcastic, immature, thieving, jokester... essentially. Which is pretty much who he was in X-Men - though, as mentioned he was a little more adorable prankster, less straight up arsehole (like he’s slightly been in this), but I think that could be put down entirely to whatever is going on with the mind control or whatever (he probably super confused with mind control making him think he is Pietro and ask the right questions, but his real personality is still shining through slightly), plus the fact that he was probably only in his mid-twenties in Apocalypse, so as a man is his thirties now, he’s likely to be a little less ‘cute’.
9. He also sounds like Peter - this is obviously just ‘cause that’s Evan Peters’ real voice but they make a point of commenting on his voice and his lack of ATJ’s accent.
10. The Parent Trap is playing at the cinema in the background - a film about twins separated at birth . I mean..... doesn’t this just hint that Wanda and ‘Pietro’ really are twins separated by the multiverse and ‘Pietro’ really is Peter?? And the twins in the film switch places? Does that not hint that Peter has switched over from his own universe to play the part of Pietro in this universe?
11. Why does Wanda trust him? She looks at him when he first arrives and obviously she knows he doesn’t look anything like her Pietro, but she still somehow ‘recognises’ him. She must feel some familiarity for him? Initially she lets him stay in her house and play with her kids. She shares a lot about what she’s been through and been doing in Westview with him... She must have trusted him to an extent, even though she was suspicious of his different look and strange personality, etc. Wanda, in the comics, is a very powerful Nexus being, so if this is the same in the MCU perhaps in their version it means she can recognise Peter as her brother even though he’s from a different reality with a different face. Also, it’s shown in Age of Ultron that she can sense when Pietro is injured (and in WandaVision Billy, who has pretty much the same powers as Wanda and a ‘blood’ connection to Vision like Wanda does with Pietro, can sense when Vision is injured), so they clearly had a deep connection. Is it possible that even though Wanda and Peter are from different realities she still has this bond with him - perhaps she can sense they really are family, and they still have this blood connection, even though they’re family from different realities.
12. The necklace - people have suggested it may be being used to control Peter. I think that’s a great theory and completely possible, but I also have another theory to add - from the clip we see in Agatha All Along, it looks as though Agatha was there using her magic to control ‘Pietro’, though it may have just been shown that way to make it really obvious at a glance he was under her control, it could also mean the necklace is there for another purpose. Thinking about Agatha’s brooch - she has worn a variant of it through every decade and the only other time (?) we’ve seen that happen is with ‘Pietro’‘s necklace. Perhaps Agatha’s brooch protects her from Wanda’s false memories. Perhaps the necklace ‘Pietro’ is wearing is, similarly, to do with memories - possibly placed on him by Agatha to give him some memories of the real Pietro’s? Or to make sure he does not regain his memories of who he really is - Peter Maximoff?
13. NO ONE KNOWS WHO HE IS - and people (Darcy, Jimmy, Monica, Vision, Wanda, Billy AND Tommy) keep drawing attention to this fact!!! Why would they be bringing attention to this if it wasn’t important?! I’ve made it pretty obvious I don’t think he’s one of the powerful villains I previously mentioned, and if he was just some random guy why would people be bringing so much attention to him? Narratively, it makes sense for him to be an important character, and with all the evidence I’ve gathered I think  it makes most sense for him to be Peter. 14. I know this is a weak one, but think about the time period of the episodes - ‘Pietro’ arrives right at the end of the 80s episode, when it is about to go into the 90s. The last time we properly saw Peter in the Fox universe was in the 1980s, and in Dark Phoenix we briefly see him in the early 90s. This could mean something! Perhaps the Multiverse universes are not all aligned to the same time period, but Wanda accidently reached out for ‘Pietro’ and ended up pulling Peter into her universe because he was in the same time period her ‘show’ was currently on. 15. Left this one ‘til last cause I’m really not that sold on it but, his tattoo - now, the ‘Mom’ tattoo we see on ‘Pietro’ in episode 6 is Evan Peters’ actual tattoo. Why didn’t they get him to cover it up? Is it a hint that ‘Pietro’ and Wanda really do share a mum, just different versions of the same mum from two different realities? Could it also be a hint that ‘Pietro’ is indeed Peter brought in through the multiverse... MOM = Multiverse of Madness, after all. (I also think it’s possible the Hex is a pocket reality Wanda has created but that’s not strictly relevant to this Peter post).
16. Speaking of things outside of what we see in the show - head WandaVision writer, Jac Schaeffer, spoke about the casting of Evan Peters in an interview on Marvel's official site. In the interview she said: “We were rooting for it for so long, and didn't know if it would be possible. It was complicated to make happen.” Why would it not have been possible to make happen? Casting Evan Peters to play some random guy doesn’t seem very complicated to me. Is it possible that, when the writers came up with this idea, Disney had not yet acquired Fox? And the reason that they weren’t sure they could make it happen was because they did want to bring him in to play his Fox character and had to wait for Disney to finish the acquisition before moving forwards with their Evan Peters idea? That’s the only reason I can think of why it would have been “complicated” tbh.
17. This is a really weak argument tbh, but I thought I may as well include it anyway - around the time Dark Phoenix was due to be released, when Disney were part-way through acquiring Fox (which was public knowledge and had been for a while) - Evan Peters stated that he hoped Dark Phoenix wouldn’t be the end for his character, and said he’d be sad if it was. He went on to say "I'd want to do more, there's more to explore and shooting the sequences are more fun and just to be behind the scenes on it." Perhaps this was just wishful thinking on his part, but it is also possible that he knew that the door wasn’t necessarily closed on that character and there may be a chance for him to return to the role once Disney had purchased the X-Men (perhaps he had even already been approached about playing Peter in WandaVision).
18. In terms of promo for the show, Evan Peters has not been involved AT ALL - no interviews or anything. Obviously originally Marvel were trying to keep his involvement in the show a secret so it was a big surprise (unfortunately for them they didn’t manage this but ah well), but now that the cat’s outta the bag, why has there been no promo from Peters? I know he doesn’t do social media and I know it’s COVID times but interviews are still happening. Why has he not been called in to promote the show at all? To me, it feels like Marvel are worried about the sort of questions an interviewer would ask Peters. It seems as if they’re still trying to keep his character’s identity a secret, which means it must be important and not just some random Westview citizen - and the fact that he is still yet to receive his own character poster for the show only adds to my suspicions. (EDIT 26/02: Agatha talked about ‘Fietro’ in the new episode and seemed to very purposefully avoid mentioning who he actually was. To me, this very much makes it seem even like his identity is a big deal and it will be revealed as a major plot point in the finale next week. I mean, think about it - they’re gonna save a Multiverse reveal for the finale, aren’t they?)
19. Marvel have literally said this show will lead into Multiverse of Madness on many occasions, they have said that the events of WandaVision open the Multiverse, and we have yet to see this happen! The only mention of anything connected to the Multiverse so far was the Nexus ad. So there must be something big coming up that opens up the Multiverse. There are only two episodes left and nothing has happened that implies the Multiverse has been opened up (EDIT 26/02: one episode left! And the Multiverse still not been addressed) unless Peters’ ‘Pietro’ is really Peter. This wouldn’t need a huge amount of explaining as it’s already been set up and even people who don’t watch the Fox X-Men movies by now know he played the ‘other’ Quicksilver.
Also, side note, in Far From Home (set months after WandaVision) Fury and Hill don’t seem at all surprised that Quentin Beck is from an alternate reality. We find out at the end of FFH that they are both skrulls pretending to be Nick and Maria - who has a connection to the skrulls? Monica, obviously! Perhaps Talos and Soren are not surprised Beck is from an alternate universe because they have already been informed of the events of WandaVision opening up the Multiverse, by Monica (or possibly even through their daughter being Monica’s contact, who we see in the new episode? Just adding that in there cause it’s a theory I really like, as a huge fan of the Skrulls). 20. Marvel haven’t denied it - I know this doesn’t necessarily mean anything but I like to think that if there was absolutely no way that Fox X-Men were joining the MCU via Multiverse, someone from Marvel might actually have said this in an interview since the Evan reveal, just so people don’t get their hearts totally crushed and Marvel don’t get a load of backlash for leading fans on? Idk. Disney/Marvel Studios never actually said there wouldn’t be more films in the Fox X-Men universe after Disney acquired the rights to them, everyone just assumed. This could mean something. 21. Merch - there was a massive amount of X-Men merch released last year. Yes, maybe it was just because Disney wanted to cash in on their acquisition of the Fox movies, but maybe it was something else... There was the 20th anniversary line of Funko Pops, there were the variants for that line (metallic Mystique, Professor X with Cerebro, and YOUNG Magneto from DOFP), there was the Marvel 80th anniversary original X-Men line of Funko Pops, there was the line of Hasbro action figures from various films including Deadpool 2 and the X-Men prequel movies..... I’m just saying, a lot of X-Men merch has been released over the last year, and most of it has been based on the films. Yes, last year was the 20th anniversary of the first X-Men movie, but that doesn’t explain the release of all the prequel/Deadpool merch. If it was for the 20th anniversary of X1 then why the young Magneto Pop etc? It doesn’t necessarily mean anything, but it does make it clear that Marvel know there are a lot of people out there who are huge fans of the original and prequel X-Men movies, so they must know that people would love to see those characters back, played by the same actors. Perhaps Evan really is Peter, and perhaps we will get more characters from his universe in future MCU content. 22. Elizabeth Olsen’s “Luke Skywalker level cameo” -  okay, so she didn’t say these exact words. She was asked if there was anything in WandaVision similar to Luke’s Mandalorian cameo (weird question tbh??) and she apparently said “Yes, I’m really excited.” Paul Bettany has also said something weird and cryptic in an interview about how later in the show there’s a guest appearance from someone he’s always wanted to work with. (EDIT 26/02: now that we’ve seen White Vision I’m pretty sure Paul Bettany was talking about himself - what a troll! But it’s so funny reading back what he said, haha. HOWEVER, Lizzie’s comment still stands.) NOW, Elizabeth Olsen is actually a huge Star Wars fan so she would know how big the Luke Skywalker cameo was in Mando, so I highly doubt it’s Evan Peters’ appearance she’s talking about, as some people have thought it might be. The Luke Skywalker cameo in Mando was, for me (also a massive Star Wars fan), mind-blowing. As soon as I saw that one X-Wing turn up, I was shaking, and by the time we got to see Luke’s face revealed I was sobbing. Evan Peters’ appearance in WandaVision, while fun, was not at all on that level (and I say this as a fan of the Fox X-Men movies above everything else). A cameo that would have that sort of effect on me, would be one that confirmed without a doubt that the Fox X-Men will be joining the MCU via Multiverse. Initially when I heard that Lizzie had said this, I assumed she was exaggerating and it would be Doctor Strange or Loki as they are clearly tied into all the Multiverse stuff as well, but when I really thought about how big the Luke cameo was and how much influence Star Wars has apparently had on Elizabeth Olsen (apparently she cried when she saw Mark Hamill at a premiere?), I thought that it couldn’t possibly be either of those characters. So now I’m thinking it must be someone that confirms the Fox X-Men are joining the MCU (Fassbender or McAvoy maybe?), which would in turn confirm ‘Pietro’ is  really the Peter we know and love. Obviously this is all speculation, but that’s all that really makes sense to me from that comment. 23. Deadpool 3 has literally been confirmed, and it has all but been confirmed as being MCU - I have two points to make here: 1. How the hell does Deadpool 3 fit into the MCU when mutants have never even been mentioned before because of the licensing issues? With all the shit that happened in the previous Deadpool films (mutants AND the X-Men clearly already being established, time travel working in a completely different way to how it works in the MCU, and many other points too...) Deadpool in no way fits into the MCU as it is now so surely it only makes sense to bring him into the MCU via Multiverse? 2. If Deadpool is in the MCU why the fuck couldn’t the Fox X-Men be too??? Give me one good reason. There isn’t one.
TLDR; my theory on how Peter could have been brought to the MCU reality is:
Assuming Agatha brought Peter over - she is magic as we know - I think she summoned a Pietro from another universe (possibly using the Darkhold if that is the book in her basement, or possibly she was able to summon him easier because Wanda’s magic had weakened the barriers between universes or something) to use against Wanda and when he arrived she either 1. didn’t know he didn’t look like the right Pietro (possibly because she’s from a different reality herself, and surely a Pietro is a Pietro, right?) or 2. just straight up didn’t care/felt it was too late/too much effort to really do anything about it (EDIT 24/02: it has now been confirmed that she “recast” Pietro to mess with Wanda). It is also possible imo that Wanda unknowingly brought Peter over from the Foxverse and Agatha just happened to find him and decide to use him to her advantage (he does say he heard Wanda calling out to him, this could be the real Peter talking).
The summoning of Peter sets off the alarms we hear in the background of the shots when Darcy sees him arrive on the broadcast. Agatha is controlling Peter with her magic and the necklace is something to do with that (suppressing his memories/giving him Pietro memories etc). Wanda, as a Nexus being and someone who clearly has strong bonds to her family (she can sense when the real Pietro dies, just like how Billy can sense when Vis is in trouble), recognises him as a Pietro even though he’s not her Pietro which is why she initially semi-trusts him despite him looking different. When he’s pulled into the Hex his clothes adapt to Wanda’s reality which is why we see him wearing a black leather jacket initially - it’s been rewritten from his silver leather jacket. His hair starts off silver like Peter’s (because he is Peter) but becomes blond in the next episode - this is because he’s spending time in Wanda’s house and she is subconsciously trying to make him look more like her Pietro. When he is removed from Wanda’s household and she tells the kids he’s not their uncle his hair goes back to silver because Wanda is no longer focussing on trying to make him fit in with how she thinks Pietro should look. He has powers because he is Peter. He is being controlled by Agatha and that’s why he is asking weird questions and acting like a bit of an arsehole, but his Peter personality is still shining through slightly (his childish behaviour etc). So far, this pretty much sums up my feelings on ‘Pietro’ possibly being Peter. I know it’s clear I’ve put way too much thought into this, even though I said I was trying not to get my hopes up.......but I literally cannot stop thinking about him haha. Let’s hope he is really Peter and we’re getting the Fox X-Men in the multiverse. *
(Obviously there is another option which is that he’s just some random guy being mind-controlled by Agatha but that just seems so dumb and a waste of Evan Peters to me so I don’t even really wanna think about it tbh! Haha)
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erin-bo-berin · 4 years
Wrapped Around Your Finger
This was a request from @theitcaramelchick​ where daddy Spencer ends up caving into his little girl when she begs to adopt a cat. I was melting a bit while writing it, just be warned. I love me some daddy Spencer. Happy reading!
Spencer Reid/Reader
Word Count: 2,721
Rating: G (fluff)
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Spencer lived for his daddy-daughter dates with his little girl, Willow.
She had asked to get ice cream, so getting her ice cream is what he did. She was happily eating her cone of mint chocolate chip but getting it more on her face than actually in her mouth.
“You love mint chocolate chip ice cream like your daddy, don’t you?” he smiled.
“Mhm,” she nodded big, taking another bite.
“Your face is a mess,” he chuckled, not bothering to wipe it just yet.
“Oops,” she giggled.
They’d been to the library previously, for her to pick out a book or two to have for the week. He was big on making sure his little girl was exposed to books and reading. So far, she loved having stories read to her, even pretending to read them herself. He couldn’t wait until she started reading on her own.
She kicked her legs happily as she sat in the chair, enjoying her ice cream.
“Yes baby?”
“Where’s your ice cweam?”
“I ate mine already,” he answered.
“I ate mine without making a mess like you are, Princess,” he chuckled, tickling her side a bit.
She squealed and squirmed from his touch.
He grinned, taking her in. Sometimes he still couldn’t believe how big she’d gotten recently. She was no longer his little baby girl, but a growing girl with a mind of her own and stubbornness to rival her mother’s.
Today she was dressed in a periwinkle, sleeveless romper with a bright and colorful fruity pattern on it. Ruffles along the edges from the shoulder to the waist of the romper and little pink striped decorated pockets completed the adorable outfit. 
Y/N had put Willow’s light brown wavy curls in pigtails this morning, but by now they were starting to look disheveled with strands of her hair falling in her face from all the running and playing she’d been doing. 
He reached over to push a strand of hair out of her face and she looked at him with the same hazel eyes as his and gave him a big smile.
Y/N often said that Willow had gotten his own huge, heartwarming smile and in that moment he had to admit he could see what she meant.
“How in the world do you have ice cream on your nose?” he laughed.
“I don know,” she shrugged honestly, causing him to chuckle more.
“You’re a mess munchkin.”
He kissed her head and waited until she finished her cone then wiped her entire face with a baby wipe from his backpack.
“Your mommy will kill me if she finds out I let you have ice cream this close to dinner.”
“Our secwet,” she beamed holding out her pinkie.
Spencer smiled, hooking his much larger pinkie around hers.
“You finished?”
“Ya,” she nodded, trying to climb out of the chair.
He picked her up, holding her with one arm and grabbed their trash in the other, walking to deposit it in the trash can. 
When the two were out of the ice cream parlor, he set her down on the sidewalk and took her hand.
“When brudder be hewe?”
Spencer smiled, thinking of Y/N who was currently 22 weeks with their little boy.
“In about four months,” he answered.
“How long dat?” Willow asked, looking up at him confused.
“Still a little while longer, lady bug. He’s got to grow big and strong before he can leave mommy’s belly.”
“Well I want to see him,” she pouted.
Spencer chuckled. Willow was definitely something else alright. 
Suddenly, Willow was practically pulling him to a stop. To be so tiny, she sure had quite the strength against him.
“Daddy look at the da doggies and kitties! Can we go look?”
“Not today, sweetie.”
Spencer knew good and well that if he let Willow in the shelter it would take all his energy to pull her away when it was time to go. He loved that about his little girl though. She loved animals so much and had such a huge heart that was ever expanding to include more people and more animals.
“Pwease, pwease, pwease?”
She pouted up at him before wrapping her arms around his leg, attaching herself to it. 
He didn’t miss the amused glances and smiles from the passing strangers. It must be quite the sight to see this tiny girl quite literally clinging to his leg, as adorable as it was.
“Okay, okay. We can go in,” Spencer gave in.
It was hard to say no to her, much to Y/N’s dismay. But she too, experienced the same difficulties sometimes. Willow was for the most part, a well behaved little girl, so it wasn’t a big deal to spoil her a little here and there.
He bent down and unattached her from his leg, holding her in his arms.
“But we can’t stay long, alright? Mommy will be home from her doctor’s appointment soon and will want help with dinner. Deal?”
“Deal,” Willow nodded seriously.
They were welcomed warmly upon their entering and were told to feel free to walk around and interact with the animals. Willow was instantly in heaven.
“Hi dere,” she waved to one dog in a pen nearest to her.
The big German Shepherd came over, sniffing her hand briefly before licking it, causing Willow to giggle.
“Daddy it kiss me,” she beamed at Spencer.
“I see,” he chuckled, rubbing the friendly canine under his jaw.
Willow’s hand reached out between the pen bars, patting the snout of his nose. The dog gave a happy little bark, pleasing Willow.
“Bye bye doggie,” she waved again as they moved on to more residents.
Willow being her normal self had to stop at every pen she crossed, talking and playing with every animal in her path.
She giggled and patted the heads of a pen of puppies, squealed with delight when a kitten nuzzled against her hand and grinned from ear to ear when she got to pet a bunny. It even allowed her to kiss it on the nose. She got a little lick kiss back from the bunny making her scrunch her nose, claiming it tickled.
But Spencer knew he was in trouble when they came across one pen where a black and white fluffy cat laid. It peered at him and Willow curiously, but made no effort to get up to check out these new visitors.
“I wanna pet it,” she pouted, unable to reach her small arm far enough through the bars to the cat.
“This little guy is a new rescue,” one of the workers said, coming up to them, “He’s very hesitant to new people. In fact, he still hasn’t quite warmed up to anyone else. Would you like to go in and give him a treat though, honey?”
“Can I daddy?”
The young girl’s hopeful eyes looked up at Spencer.
“I don’t see why not,” he smiled.
“Just give me a second,” the worker replied before stepping away to fetch the treat.
A minute or so later, she returned with a treat in her hand and a key to unlock the pen.
“Just be gentle, okay sweetheart?” she told Willow.
Willow nodded seriously, walking into the pen.
“Here mista kitty. I have tweat. I pwomise not to bite.”
She sat down a bit further away from him than Spencer expected. He thought she would go in eager to pet the cat and startle or frighten it, but she was surprisingly gentle and patient with it.
He could see it had black ears and a ring of black around the center of its face. The outer edge of the cat’s face was white fluff. Its striking blue eyes were the most memorable part of it though.
“What breed is he?” Spencer asked, still watching Willow.
“We think he’s a Himalayan. It’s basically a mix of a Persian and a Siamese cat,” the worker answered.
He nodded, even though he didn’t have quite as much knowledge on cat breeds as he did statistics or serial killers.
Spencer was shocked to see movement from the cat. He had been sitting so silently, studying Willow, he was sure the cat had no interest in her. But slowly he stood, walking over to her.
It sniffed the treat in her outstretched palm before taking a small nibble.
“Can I pet you?” Willow asked sweetly.
Ever so gently, her hand rested on his back, stroking it softly. 
Spencer was always so surprised to see just how smart and compassionate she was, even to be such a young girl. Y/N would definitely say that she got all her heart from him, but Spencer liked to think she got a double dose from both of them resulting in her sweet nature.
“He’s so fluffy,” she giggled.
“He is,” Spencer nodded, imagining the mess of shedding this cat would cause.
She continued to pet him gently as he ate the treat out of her hand. 
Spencer didn’t know what it was, but something had made the feline trust his little girl and frankly he couldn’t be more proud of her.
“What’s his name?”
She tilted her face up at the woman, a questioning look on her face.
“Well, he doesn’t have a name yet. We were hoping he would be adopted soon and his new family could name him whatever they wanted.”
It was at that moment that the cat decided to climb into her lap and curl up. The look on Willow’s face said it all.
She was totally in love.
“Can we keep him? Pwease?”
He opened his mouth to protest, but when he saw the pleading look on her face combined with how at peace the cat looked, he knew he couldn’t say no. The cat had taken to Willow just as much as she’d taken to him.
“I guess we’re getting a cat.”
You had just gotten home from your latest check up and were walking in the door, when you spotted something out of the ordinary.
You were happy to know that baby boy was doing great and growing just as he should be. You couldn’t wait to be reunited with your boyfriend and little girl. It might just be the pregnancy hormones, but you always found yourself longing to be with the two of them, missing them so much even when you were only away for an hour or two, like today. It was like bad separation anxiety mixed with a need to constantly cuddle. Your happy place truly was with your little family and you just couldn’t get enough time with them.
You had set your keys on the counter and was getting ready to go look for Spencer and Willow, figuring they were home since you’d seen his car parked in the driveway.
You cut through the kitchen, heading towards the stairs, when something in your peripheral made you stop.
There was an open doorway from the kitchen into your living room, so you could see into the room. It always came in handy when keeping an eye on Willow playing when you were fixing dinner or cleaning.
What stopped you was a round ball of fluff in black and white, curled up on your couch.
“Spencer! Reid!” you hollered.
Moments after your yell, came the sound of your daughter’s feet on the stairs, her excited voice in competition.
“Mommy! Mommy! Mommy!”
She came barreling towards you when she’d descended the stairs, wrapping her arms around you, but more or less hugging your growing stomach.
“Hi baby,” you leaned down to pick her up.
She was definitely not a baby anymore. Picking up a toddler while five and a half months pregnant wasn’t ideal anymore.
Spencer soon followed her down the steps. You knew better than anyone that it was difficult to keep up with a three year old’s energy.
“Mommy we got a cat!”
“I see that,” you grinned tightly at her, shooting daggers with your eyes at Spencer.
“Uh honey why don’t you go keep him company, okay?” Spencer said.
She wiggled in your arms until you set her down then ran into the living room.
“Before you get mad-” Spencer started.
“Spencer there’s a ball of fluff sleeping on my couch,” you said.
“Yes, I realize that.”
“A cat though, really? Look how furry it is! I’m gonna be cleaning fur up from everywhere.”
“I promise I have a good reason,” he answered sheepishly, “Willow wanted to visit a shelter that we passed by today after we went out for ice cream, so I thought it couldn’t hurt.”
You raised an eyebrow, curious to hear the rest. You weren’t mad, just a little bit aggravated that he hadn’t consulted you before bringing home a pet.
“Of course, you know her. She had to say hello and stop and visit with all the animals,” he rubbed the back of his neck before he continued, “Well she got to his pen and one of the shelter staff said that he was a rescue that seemed really wary of people and he hadn’t opened up to anyone yet.”
You had a feeling you knew where this was going.
“The lady asked if she wanted to give him a treat and of course she did. So she walks in and I’m thinking she’s gonna terrorize the poor thing just because she wants to pet him. But she didn’t. She just sat patiently a little ways away from him and let him come to her, which he eventually did. He sniffed her, ate the treat and let her pet him before he nuzzled her and curled up in her lap. How could I say no to her begging to keep him?”
You smiled, your heart warming at how gentle of a soul your little girl was. Spencer had a point. You knew you would’ve had a hard time saying no to her too, especially since he had seemed to warm up to Willow.
“He’s actually a really sweet cat. He let me pet him too. Also, the woman said he should be little trouble because he’s a very laid back breed that is known for loving kids and being good for children. He’s a total family cat, if that helps.”
“Alright, I can’t blame you. You’re just too wrapped around her little finger,” you chuckled, wrapping your arms around his neck, kissing his nose.
“That I am,” he smiled, a gentle kiss on your lips following.
“Well, I guess we’ll just be a family of five now,” you smiled.
“Speaking of,” he grinned, pulling back from your embrace enough to splay his hands across your belly, “How is my little Jay?”
“Growing like a weed, just like he should be.”
Ever since finding out the two of you were having a boy, the decision of a name was definitely a hot topic between you and Spencer. He wanted to name him Carl after Carl Sagan, which you up and refused.
But finally a name did come together with a few tweaks here and a little compromising there.
Little Jason Carl Reid—to be called Jay—, was named after the first mentor Spencer had in his early years in the BAU and of course, Carl Sagan. Little Jay was going to be the fourth member of your family, but now it seemed like he would be the fifth.
“I know you’re not thrilled about this, but I promise I’ll make it up to you. Anything you want.” 
He wrapped his arms around you, pulling you close.
“Ooh, anything I want? Would you still make it up to me even if I said I don’t mind the cat?”
You smirked suggestively, causing him to chuckle.
“Yes, yes I would. The pregnant woman always wins, I don’t make the rules.”
You grinned, going in for another kiss when your daughter’s squeals interrupted you.
“Mommy, look! Biscuit loves me!”
You and Spencer looked over to see Biscuit laying completely flat beside Willow on the couch. You had to admit, he did look pretty content.
“Biscuit?” you asked, shooting an amused glance in Spencer’s direction, wondering why on earth he’d let your three year old name the cat.
“Just glad we didn’t go with her first suggestion,” he deadpanned.
“Which was?”
“Sir Snuggleton.”
TAG LIST: @dreatine​ @reid-187​ @groovyreid​ @reidslibra​ @suvikamahes98blr​ @fuckthealarm​ @whatspunispun​ @iamburdened​ @cindywayne​ @thomasfoockinshelby​ @tinyminy88​ @theitcaramelchick​ @missprettyboy​ @hushlilbabydoll​ @sammy-jo1977​ @theonlyone-meeeee​ @haileymorelikestupid​ @lemonypink​ @multifandommandy​ @teamkiall​ @redbullchick​ @ifeelloved​ @one-sweet-gubler​ @nanocoool​ @delightfullyspeedyearthquake​ @unsteadyimagines​ @ughitsbaby​ @inkwiet​ @pennythetechgoddess​ @capt-engr-ssa​ @sixx-sic-sixx​ @spencersdolore​ @reidsstudies​ @disney-dreams-world​ @chocolatecalzoneherringbonk @mggwhore​ @andiebeaword​ @cupcake525​ @be-the-bravest​ @gretaamyk​ @likelovers @hopebaker​ @prisonreid​ @httpnxtt​ @daviddoughboy​
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Patience isn't Sloane's Middle Name
A/n: - So something got my new plot bunny juices flowing tonight. I will forever blame @regal-roni for it. Btw. Didn't edit so, sorry?
But I hope you all enjoy :)
Sum:- A little something when reader works undercover and the assignment goes longer than expected and time is itching closer to a very important date. No not that date.
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When you took this assignment you had no idea what the costs would be. It's not like you hadn't done undercover work before but this time was different. This time you had someone to come home to and someone that would worry about you above all else. So maybe you did have some idea of the costs but this assignment was turning out to be longer than expected. You'd infiltrated the drug ring no sweat, having connections from previous undercover cases but the slimeball you were trying to catch this time was more devious than the others. He actually had half a brain.
What should've been a week, two at most, was now going into your fourth week. That wouldn't of bothered you so much, but next week was Jack's birthday and after the year she has had, more like life, you wanted to make it special. Her last birthday you'd taken her out for dinner but that was before you worked up the courage to ask her out. That happened a month later. And she may have been the one to ask you out, if you were being truly honest. Now it was nine months later, the best months of your life and you were lying in a wire cot with most likely bed bugs in the century old mattress, wide awake, wishing you were in bed with the love of your life.
She'd no doubt be wearing one of your old Navy shirts, but you couldn't breathe a word of that to anyone otherwise you'd be on the couch for a month, and those tiny light blue PJ bottoms to match. The thought and image made you smile as you closed your eyes and dreamed of her beside you.
The next morning was check in, you managed to sneak away under the pretense of getting coffee like you'd done almost every morning. Drug dealers still needed their go go juice. Usually it would just be a few texts or a phone call using a burner your partner left you at the table inside the cafe but this morning was a video call check in.
You instantly smiled when your work partner, Danny, popped up on screen looking like they'd hardly slept a wink but the smile wasn't for them. You could see in the shadows of MTAC a blur taking up one of the back row seats. You'd recognise that blur anywhere.
"Make it quick otherwise she'll shoot me later." Danny moaned, sipping their cup of morning joy.
You chuckled and saw the blur flick of her shoes and pull her legs up onto the seat, hugging them to her chest. "Got another run to do today and heard of a meet up this afternoon. Hoping Guzzler will be there. It's at..." You paused, looking at your girlfriend and then back to your partner on the tiny screen. "I'll send ya the time and address. High chance they'll be there and you better be ready. I'm ready to come home."
"I'll say." Danny agreed. "I'm ready not to be the go between." They rolled their eyes and looked over their shoulder. "I heard that grumble, Sloane."
You chuckled at their exchange. As much as Jack got along with everyone at NCIS, her and Danny were a different level. Not on fighting terms but she put a lot on Danny in these situations. "Thanks, D. I got it from here." You nodded at each other and Danny left the screen as Jack skipped up to the chair and the computer at the side of MTAC. "Stop bugging Danny, baby." Throwing in her favourite nickname softened the request. "I got this, they have my back and I'll be home in time to spoil you rotten."
"I'll hold you to that." You could tell she forced a smile. Her badgering of your partner was always because of your safety even though you were a fully fledged NCIS Agent with years of undecover work, she still worried. So would you if the roles were reversed, luckily for you, they hardly ever were.
You bit back, hoping to soften her worries. "Says miss I don't celebrate." You winked.
She sighed, leaning back into the chair. "I don't but I just..." She pulled her legs up again, hugging them close, resting her chin on her knee. You hated seeing her like this, everyone saw the strong faced Jacqueline Sloane but you were lucky enough to see her soft edges, the ones she hid from the world.
"I miss you too." You finished the sentence for her even though she was probably thinking of something else.
There was silence and you coffee got brought over. You both knew that time was running out but you couldn't hang up on her just yet. Not when she was like this.
"Dreamt about you last night."
That perked her up, dropping her knees and leaning forward with a slanted smirk. "Reeeeally? What was I doing?"
"I'll tell you if you tell me what you wore to bed last night?" You challenged, praying.you were right.
She laughed, tucking her hair behind her ear. She leaned in closer, looked over her right then left shoulder. "Your Navy training shirt and your purple boxers." She whispered.
You were half right and the half that was wrong you didn't care in the least. It was better than you prayed for. Closing your eyes, you smiled and it only got wider as you heard her laugh.
"You were laying beside me, doing your little purs through your half closed lips, your legs sort out mine for warmth and then I woke up to a loud smash of some idiot coming back late from a job." You opened your eyes when the image of Jack was replaced with the shadows of the night before.
"And here I was thinking it was something more R rated."
"That was the dream the night before." You winked, making her laugh again. It was your favourite thing to do. You sighed, finishing your coffee and looking at the time. "I gotta go. I'll talk to you tomorrow if not sooner, ok?"
"Miss you."
"Miss you too." You tried your best to give her a reassuring smile before turning the screen black. It was the hardest part of the job but someone had to do it.
To no one's surprise the meeting in the afternoon lead to nothing but a bunch more Intel for the DEA and nor Guzzler. This meant another night sleeping with your new friends, the bed bugs.
You were woken by a raid I'm the early hours of the morning. Apparently Mr Guzzler wasn't as savvy as the previous four weeks and slipped up later that evening on a DUI of all things. From the recordings from the meetings you attended over the past two weeks and the chit chat you listened into of an evening, they got him on many counts and you were free to head back to the office after you reported to the DEA and snuck out the back so no slimeball saw who you really were.
Walking in to see the orange walls was comforting after so long and you slipped down to the gym showers before going to see Jack. The quick rinse was enough and you slipped into your training gear and headed up to her office.
"I'm pretty sure you shouldn't be at work this early." You leaned against the doorframe to her office, her head snapped up at the sound of your voice.
She smiled, lifting her reading glasses onto her head, pulling back her long blonde locks. "It's only just hit 0730." She shrugged, you could tell she was hiding her excitement and instant urge to run into your arms like she'd done after every other undercover op you'd taken over the last nine months. Honestly it was the best thing to come home to.
"And there was no one to cuddle so whats the point of sleeping in?"
You walked into her office, disliking the distance still between you. She hopped up from her desk chair as soon as you took the first step, walking around her desk and into your arms. You burried your face in her hair. "I missed you."
She hummed, tightening her hold around your neck, you did the se.around her waist. "Next time come.to me before you shower. Bed bugs and all."
"Clearly you haven't dealt with bedbugs before." You felt her laugh rather than hear it.
You stood there for almost ten minutes, just holding each other before you leant back and placed a kiss on her lips.
"I have a report to type up but after that I'm swinging by the Directors office for a quick debrief and I'll talk him into letting us have the next few days off." You smiled into the kiss that followed.
There was a cough at the door but neither of you seperated. It was the Director, eight months ago you would've jumped apart but four weeks without holding her in your arms, you weren't letting go and neither was she. "Morning, Leon." Jack smiled, resting her head against your shoulder.
"Morning, debrief in 20 Agent Y/N. Your partner has already requested your leave and Jack requested hers three weeks ago. Get the report done and you can both go home for the week."
"Thanks, Leon." Jack hummed.
"Happy Birthday, Jack." He smiled back at her and continued on his path to his office.
"three weeks ago, hey?" You squeezed her sides and she jumped up.
She shrugged seeing.your questioning eyes. "Thought I deserved some time off with my love for my birthday."
Your heart pounded and melted at her words. "You deserve the world, Jacqueline Sloane."
That got you a passionate, spine tingling kiss in return. The next week was going to be one hell of a catch up after the last month and neither of you could wait!
. . . .
Did I plan on writing a new fic/drabble thing tonight? Nope. Am I beyond tired? Absolutely. I apologize for everyone waiting on my other fic. I'm just really tired and working retail Christmas is exhausting, I have more midnight shifts this week 👌 bit if you'll forgive me for not updating that story I may have a drabble of such almost ready for Christmas day :) I hope that makes up for it.
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i-needa-nap-please · 3 years
Friends and Food
Usagi invites Seiya, Yaten, and Taiki over to celebrate New Year's.
This takes place before Usagi knows the Three Lights are the Starlights.
This was written for @docholligay’s same prompt party. 
The prompt was Usagi Tsukino and "New Year's Fireworks".
It’s also on ao3, if you’re interested. 
“Why did you drag me here?” Yaten, who was currently wrapped under five layers of blankets, bitterly muttered under her breath. “I could be home and sleeping right now, but instead, I’m freezing my damn ass off.” 
“Maybe, if you stopped being a bitch for five seconds, you could actually have a good time.” Seiya snapped back.  Currently, Seiya was sitting on one of those cheap folding chairs that were usually only used by parents at rec-league sporting games. A warm, big fire smoked in front of her - which was the only thing preventing Seiya from leaping out of her chair and tackling Yaten to the ground. Taking a deep breath, Seiya tried to remember she was here to relax. Even if Yaten kept acting like a huge ass, she should just brush it off and enjoy herself. She had to. For Usagi. “Bunhead’s really excited to do this with us - so please, try to be less of a bitch. I know that’s hard for you, but try.”
“Whatever.” Yaten grumbled, curling into her own shitty canvas folding chair. 
A silence overtook the two as they patiently waited for Usagi and Taiki’s return. Bits of ember crackled in front of them, illuminating the otherwise dark night. Noises drifted in from outside the Tsukino’s backyard. The Tsukino’s neighbors were also outside, eagerly awaiting the - firewalks? Firewongs? Fire-somethings. Neither Seiya or Yaten could remember what word Usagi had been bambling to them about earlier. But whatever it was, it was certainly a big event. It seemed everyone in Tokyo was outside with their families, just waiting for them to start. 
“It’s snack time!” Usagi’s loud voice broke the lull between the two, making them both look over their shoulder towards the girl. Usagi, outfitted in some cozy-looking bunny pajamas, bounced over to Seiya and Yaten. In her hands was a single, already-half-eaten chocolate bar. Behind her, Taiki had her arms full of various different treats: chocolates, chips, sodas, and more goodies than four people could possibly hope to eat in one night. “Help yourself! But don’t touch the peanut butter cups! Those are mine!” Usagi plopped into her own chair before taking another bite out of her chocolate bar. “Oh!” She perked up in her chair, speaking while loudly chewing. “And don’t touch the barbeque chips either! Those are also mine!” 
Taiki unburdened herself by carefully setting the large haul of junk food on the ground, out of the fire’s reach. With a sigh, she plopped into another chair, while simultaneously grabbing a bag of cookies for herself.
“Thank you again for having us over tonight, Miss Tsukino.” As always, Taiki spoke like she was giving some lecture. So methodically and evenly. Like a teacher. 
Usagi hummed and nodded absentmindedly. “Yeah, sure! It’s no problem! Fireworks are better with friends! And food!”
“Ah, yes. Fireworks.” Taiki nodded while opening the bag of cookies. “I was hoping-.” 
“Wait!” Usagi lunged forward, interrupting Taiki and ripping the cookies out of her hands. “Those are mine too! Sorry!” She certainly didn’t sound sorry, though. The Starlights watched as Usagi then shoveled a few cookies into her mouth - which was already full of chocolate - without a care in the world. As if she hadn’t just rudely yanked them out of Taiki’s hands. 
“Jeez, can we eat anything you brought out?” Yaten spat, giving Usagi one of her more menacing glances. It was wholly ineffective on Usagi, who just continued to stuff sweets down her throat. 
“Yeah,” Usagi simply responded. “You can eat the stuff that’s not mine.” 
“Well it seems like everything you brought out is for you.” Yaten retorted.
“That’s not true…” Her sentence trailed off as she stared at the pile of snacks. Slowly, Usagi got off her chair and kneeled besides the pile. She stared at the pile with a level of concentration that looked downright disturbing on Usagi. Eventually, she set aside about five different bags of chips and candy - and a few sodas as well, because Usagi was a kind and generous host (according to herself, at least). “That’s all for you.” Usagi gestured to the small pile before gesturing to the big pile. “And that’s for me!”
Yaten looked ready to burst, so Seiya quickly cut in. She let out a hardy laugh as she reached out and stole a piece of candy from “Usagi’s” pile. Usagi tried to stop Seiya’s theft, but Seiya was far too quick for her. In mere moments, Seiya had half a candy bar down her throat. 
“Y’know,” Seiya started conversationally between bites. “Being stingy isn’t good for you.” 
“Being a thief isn’t good for you either!” Usagi retorted, but didn’t attempt to steal the candy back. Instead, she plopped back into her seat and angrily nibbled on the cookie’s she stole from Taiki. “Imagine what the headlines will say when I tell the press about this! Popular Idol Steals From A Defenseless, Pretty, Cute, Amazing, and Beautiful Girl!”
Yaten snorted. “I doubt the headlines will look like that. More like, Little Brat Gets What She Deserves.” The shade of red in Usagi’s cheeks matched the fiery red of the flames in front of them. Yaten truly did have a talent for making people angry.
“Anyways.” Taiki pointedly interrupted before things got out of hand. “As I was saying earlier, I was hoping you could tell us a bit more about these… fireworks, Miss Tsukino.”
“Wait.” Any anger from before was completely gone as Usagi looked between the Starlights with wide eyes. “You guys don’t know what fireworks are?” 
“Er, no?” Seiya hesitantly replied. Nervous glances were exchanged between the Starlights, but Usagi didn’t seem to notice them. “We used to live in the....countryside, so - um, we don’t know much about...fireworks. Or New Year’s celebrations in general. So, um, yeah.” That had to be the worst lie Yaten or Taiki had ever heard, but Usagi seemed to buy it. 
“I guess that makes sense.” Usagi hummed, tapping her finger against her chin. All of the Starlights let out a relieved sigh. “Fireworks are kinda hard to explain. Like, they’re really loud and can be scary - but at the same time, they’re so pretty! It’s like, like, seeing glowing flowers in the sky! They come in all different shapes and sizes! You’ll never see the same firework twice! Kinda like snowflakes.” Gesturing to the sky, Usagi finished her mini-speech. “That was a bit confusing. But trust me, once you see them, you’ll know what I mean!” 
“Huh, they sound really cool.” Seiya commented, leaning back in her chair and staring out at the sky. “Can’t wait to see ‘em.” A silence - which really wasn’t a silence, because they all were eating so loudly - overtook the fire as all four of them looked towards the sky. “So where are the others, Bunhead? I’m surprised your little posse isn’t here.” “Rei’s busy at the shrine. Shrine’s get really busy on New Year’s.” Usagi licked some chocolate off of her fingers. “Ami is spending New Year’s with her mom. And Mako likes to do a deep cleaning for New Year’s - so she’s at home doing that.” Pausing for a moment to think, Usagi licked the excess chocolate off her lips. “As for Minako, I think she mentioned something about a party? I asked her about it and she told me it wasn’t a party for kids, so I couldn’t come. I bugged her about it all day at school but she still didn’t tell me. Oh! And then Haruka and Michiru are doing something special - I think.” Usagi’s brows furrowed in concentration. “They didn’t actually tell me their plans, but when I asked them about it, Haruka just got all red! And all Michiru said was ‘we have big plans’, so it must be something fun!”
Seiya almost spit out the drink she had opened while Usagi was talking. “Oh yeah, I’m sure those two have some big-” Seiya emphasized this word with an obscene gesture “-plans, alright.” She doubled over, snickering to herself, shoulders shaking with laughter. Taiki and Usagi, who had missed the gesture, stared at her in confusion; while Yaten, who had seen the gesture, dramatically rolled her eyes. 
“Oh, grow up.” Yaten scoffed. “You act like a damn twelve year old.”
“Shut up! Nobody asked for your opinion, dumbass!” 
“Will you two both be quiet? That’s no way to speak in front of Miss Tsukino!” 
A loud noise - a bang - followed by an ear piercing whistle cut off the budding argument between the Starlights. All three of them jumped up from their chairs and quickly turned towards the noise, ready to fight. Still in her chair, Usagi let out an excited squeal and pointed to the sky, where a single, green flare soared. 
“They’re starting!” 
Another loud bang occured when the green flare reached its peak and then burst. It lit up the sky, like a great, huge, verdant flower. Rooftops were illuminated, people from other yards oohed and ahhed, and the bright lush light slowly faded back into the black of night. The Starlights stood, frozen to the spot. They stared with wide eyes, expressions changing from one of panic to one of wonder. Soon, more flares were shooting up to the sky. Each of them banging loudly as they exploded in brilliant, dazzling colors. 
It was absolutely memorizing. 
Slowly, each Starlight sat back down, eyes still glued to the display in front of them. Usagi, oblivious to the Starlight’s absolute awe-struck astonishment, continued to grin and giggle in her seat, all while shoveling in more cookies. The fireworks show began in earnest after that. Firework after firework was fired, repeatedly lighting the sky in beautiful hues. The night sky went from a warm red to a deep blue and everything in between. It wasn’t until the fireworks show finally stopped for the night, that the Starlights were able to break free from their trance. 
“That was…” Taiki, who was usually so good with words, sat there speechless. She stared at the now empty sky, her brain desperately trying to find some way to describe what she felt. “...amazing.” It was a wholly inadequate description. To Taiki, that firework show was beyond amazing, it was one of the best things she had ever seen before. But it was the only word that came to mind. “They do this every year?” 
“Yep! Every year!” Usagi cheerfully replied. “And they do a bunch throughout the year too! At festivals and stuff!” Reaching down into the pile, Usagi pulled out another candy bar for herself. “We can go, if you want! There’s a festival with fireworks next month! You have to promise to buy me cotton candy, though.” 
“No problem…” If Seiya and Taiki weren’t still so awe-struck, they would’ve gotten shocked at what Yaten just said. “I’ll buy you all the cotton candy you want if we can see these again.”
“Really? Great! We’ll definitely go together then!” Usagi seemed more than happy with the deal, grinning to herself in her chair. 
Seiya was eventually able to pull her gaze away from the sky and to Usagi. “Thanks for inviting us, Bunhead. I mean it. That was one of the best things I’ve ever seen.” Her voice was full of an honest, raw sincerity. A tone she usually only had when it came to senshi business, but the fireworks had cut right into Seiya’s very soul. Each burst of light seemed to implant itself into her heart. 
“I’m really glad you all liked it so much!” Usagi reassured Seiya, nodding her head along with her words. “This was really fun. Seeing you guys get all excited about the fireworks made me love them even more. Hopefully the festival’s fireworks will be just as good.”
“Hopefully.” Seiya agreed.
“Well, now that the fireworks are done.” Standing up and clapping her hands together, Usagi drew the attention of the rest of the girls. “It’s time for the super, extra fun time to start!” All three of the Starlights were snapped out of their post-fireworks bliss as they realized the peaceful tranquility the fireworks had brought them was about to be ruined. The smile Usagi had on her face looked innocent, but there was some unlying current about it that made all their stomachs turn. It could only mean trouble.
“Super extra fun time?” Seiya asked. 
“Yep! Now that the fireworks have happened, the next New Year’s event is to watch the first sunrise together! So, in order to stay awake until then, we’ll have to play lots of fun games!”
Taiki seemed taken aback, sputtering in her chair. “The sun won’t rise for nearly six more hours!”
“That’s why we play games!” Usagi chipperly reminded her. 
“No way! No way in hell!” Yaten did a complete one eighty. The serene calm she had been feeling after the fireworks was completely gone. “I’m not staying up for another six hours. I’d rather die!”
“Oh! Good idea, Yaten!” Usagi sat down, completely ignoring Yaten’s rage as she grabbed a bag of chips. Her barbeque chips. “The first game we’ll play will be Would You Rather!” From her seat, Yaten let out a distressed scream and buried her head under her multitudes of blankets. “Taiki, you’ll go first!” A bewildered looking Taiki turned her head to Usgai. “Would you rather date Ami or Mako?”
Taiki’s face became a deep shade of red as her mouth became a thin white line. Seiya was barely holding it together in her chair, trying so hard not to burst out laughing in that very moment. Yaten was curled under her blankets, cursing Seiya for making her come tonight. Usagi - pointedly ignoring all of their reactions - eagerly awaited an answer, all while continuing to munch on her chips with a wide grin. 
New Year’s was always better with friends. 
And food. 
New Year’s was always better with friends and food. 
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