#only one complete batch but hey
lightasthesun · 8 months
Out of the existing Clones which ones do you headcanon to have been batch mates???
For me it's:
Cody, Wolffe, Bly, Fox and Pond
Rex, Keeli, Styles, (defect batch)
Doom, Grey, Gree, Neyo
what are your clone hcs?👀
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nahoney22 · 2 months
Me again! Please can I request some HC’s with the bad batch and how they react to reader (gn or female) accidentally crawling into the boys bunk at night 😂
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Accidental Sleeping Arrangements
All Bad Batch Boys X GN!Reader
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How the boys react to you accidentally crawling into their bunk at night.
warnings: Fluff, comfort, cuddles, some moody boys, gender neutral reader. Can be read as romantic or platonic.
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Echo 💤
The first time:
As you slid into his bunk accidentally that evening, he was thoroughly bewildered. He had jolted awake and sat upright, observing your exhausted form snuggling against him, eyelids heavy with fatigue.
With tactful gentleness, he roused you from your slumber, delicately shaking you to bring you back to awareness. "Hey, um, you're in my bunk, trooper."
Your eyes flickered open, adjusting to the dim light, and a muttered curse escaped your lips as you retreated, cheeks warming with embarrassment. "Sorry, Echo," you apologized, slipping out of his bunk. "I must be completely drained," you sheepishly confessed.
"It's alright. I just didn't want to startle you by waking up to my face," he commented. You glance at him with a furrow forming on your brow before you shook your head.
"I doubt I'd be bothered by that..." your words trailed off, potentially carrying unintended flirtation. Echo's eyes widened slightly, his hand instinctively moving to the back of his neck, a clear sign of slight shyness at your words.
"Anyway," you say abruptly, spinning on your heel. "Sorry about that."
Echo simply nodded, silently observing as you retreated to your own bunk, leaving him with a sudden chill in the air, now yearning for the warmth you briefly brought beside him.
The second time:
With a tired yawn, Echo wearily approaches his bunk a few nights later, only to halt in surprise at the sight of someone curled up inside. Upon closer inspection, he realises it's you again, presenting him with a slight dilemma.
Despite his weariness, Echo knows he needs rest, and while your bunk is an option, his own provides the perfect setup for his cybernetics, ensuring he's at his best for the next day's duties.
Letting out a small sigh, hoping you wouldn't mind, he settles on the edge of his bunk and gently wakes you. "Hey, you're in my bunk again," he murmurs softly.
You stir, meeting his gaze before cringing slightly. "Again? I'm so sorry," you begin to rise, but his hand on your shoulder stops you.
"You can stay, but I'd also like to get some sleep... if you, uh, catch my meaning," he hints with a faint smile, hoping you understand.
"Oh," you blush, considering for a moment. "Well, I hope you don't mind sharing."
"Not at all," he reassures, his tone gentle as you make space. He lies beside you, and before long, you drift back to sleep. Echo finds solace in the rhythm of your soft snores, gradually succumbing to sleep himself... though waking up to find you both cuddling is a surprise he hadn't anticipated, yet one he welcomes warmly.
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Hunter 💤
The first time:
When Hunter awoke to find you crawling into his bunk, confusion gripped him. Instantly alert, his hands tensed, ready to confront any potential intruder, but his apprehension melted away as he recognised you.
He lay there in silence, contemplating his next move.
While a part of him felt inclined to let you sleep, considering your recent exhaustion, he couldn't shake the concern of startling you upon awakening to find him beside you.
After ensuring you were deeply asleep, he carefully extricated himself from the occupied bunk, making sure not to disturb you.
Once free, he couldn't suppress a soft chuckle as he observed you, peacefully snuggled into his pillow, emitting gentle snores. “Sleep well.” He whispered to you before leaving you to rest.
He made a mental note to address the situation in the morning, but perhaps it’s better left unsaid since you’ll know your error when you woke up.
The second time:
As you woke up to find yourself in Hunter's bunk, mortification swept over you. Yet, when you encountered Hunter in the cockpit, he didn't mention a word about it, instead offering you a drink of caf.
A small part of you entertained the idea that perhaps he was unaware of the nighttime intrusion. However, your suspicions were confirmed a few nights later.
Fatigued and not paying attention to your surroundings, you headed towards what you thought was your bunk and climbed inside, only to be surprised by the presence of another person. "Hunter, what're you doing?" you blurt out, eyes widening in disbelief.
"I could ask you the same question," he chuckles, adjusting his position and turning to face you. "This is my bunk."
Blinking in realisation, you glance around, confirming his assertion. "Oh," you laugh sheepishly, "I thought this was mine."
His smile is gentle, his eyes gleaming faintly in the dim light. "You're more than welcome to stay," he offers casually, though he soon realizes the potential implications of his words. "If you want to, that is."
A part of you knows you should return to your own bunk, yet there's an inexplicable pull keeping you there. "Well, I'm all comfy now..." you hint with a small smile.
He nods, turning his gaze away and closing his eyes. "Me too. Sleep well."
It took you a moment to fall asleep but just like how Hunter didn’t tell you that you had slept in his bunk first initially, you won’t tell him how he pulls you into his body as he slept and held you close throughout the night. Not that you seemed to mind.
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Wrecker 💤
The first time:
"Wrecker, you scared me! What are you doing in my bunk?" you exclaimed, startled by the unexpected intrusion.
As you thought you were settling into your bunk for the night, using your hands to navigate through the darkness, you accidentally crawled onto something large and hard.
Assuming it was just your sheets bunched up, you attempted to smooth it out, only to be met with a small yelp that made your heart skip a beat.
"Huh?" Wrecker groggily emerged from his sleep cocoon, rubbing his eyes. "This is my bunk, isn't it?"
"No, I'm pretty sure it's mine," you asserted, but as Wrecker shifted in the bunk and reached under the blanket, he pulled out his beloved Lula.
"Oh. Maybe not then." You felt pretty embarrassed by your mistake, but Wrecker didn't seem to mind at all.
"It's alright, thought I was going to get an extra cuddle buddy for a second there!" he chuckled heartily, waving Lula in your face. His laughter filled the room, and you couldn't help but feel a warmth spread through you at the thought of being Wrecker's "cuddle buddy," though you weren't entirely sure if he was joking.
Deciding not to dwell on it further and eager to avoid keeping Wrecker awake any longer, you offered a meek apology before retreating to your actual bunk. As you settled in, you couldn't shake the image of Wrecker's playful grin from your mind.
The second time:
Wrecker stared down at his bunk, finding it already occupied with not much room left for him. You were snoozing away, oblivious to his dilemma. Wrecker knew he could be a bit of a grouch without his sleep, so he decided to gently prod you awake.
"Hey," he nudged you, rousing you from your slumber. "Is this you asking to be my cuddle buddy?"
You stirred awake, blinking in confusion as you glanced at him. It was then that you noticed Lula on the pillow next to your head. "Oh shoot, sorry Wrecker," you sighed groggily, just wanting to fall back asleep into the warmth of his bunk.
"It's alrigh’," he chuckled softly, his deep voice filling the room with warmth. "But uh... I kinda need to sleep."
"Then come cuddle next to me," the words slipped out before you realized what you were saying, but you didn't want to take them back either. The thought of Wrecker's warmth beside you was oddly comforting.
Wrecker was surprised for a moment, his eyes widening slightly, before a soft smile spread across his face. Without hesitation, he slung his armor off and crawled into the space beside you. "Are ya sure about this?"
"Mhm," you replied sleepily, your arms spreading over his chest as you nestled into him like a log warming a fire. "You're warm."
Wrecker smiled to himself, feeling a sense of contentment wash over him as he closed his eyes, feeling your steady breathing against his chest.
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Tech 💤
The first time:
Sleep was not a common occurrence for Tech, so when he made the rare decision to nestle down for the night, he wasn't too perturbed to find you asleep in his allocated spot.
He paused for a moment, considering whether to wake you, but recalling your exhausted state earlier, he reasoned that you wouldn't have intentionally taken his bunk.
Instead, he quietly observed the peaceful rise and fall of your chest, noting the serenity that graced your features, before silently retreating back to the cockpit where he remained awake for the night once again.
"Tech, why didn't you wake me? I feel terrible," you expressed your guilt that next morning upon discovering that you had accidentally slept in his bunk, leaving him to forego his own rest.
"That is not necessary. You were tired, and I can always keep my mind occupied with tasks or reading intel," he replied in his usual composed manner, peering at you over his datapad. "I shall assume this was a one-time occurrence, and my bunk shall be my own again tonight."
“Yes, of course," you nodded, your expression reflecting genuine concern as you offered another apology before preparing for the demanding day ahead. Despite Tech's assurances, the weight of your unintended intrusion lingered.
The second time:
It just so happened to be the next night that you found yourself once again interrupting Tech's sleep. Moving through the dark ship with heavy eyes and a yawn on your lips, it was no surprise that you once again miscounted where your bunk was and crawled into the wrong one.
Your head hit the pillow, and your eyes shut as the warmth of the bed enveloped you. However, despite the comfort, a small flickering light kept intruding upon your consciousness, prompting your eyes to flutter open. At first, you didn't register the source, but as you turned your head to the right, your eyes widened in realisation: Tech laying there on his datapad, as if nothing had happened.
"Tech, what... am I...?" you began, your voice trailing off as confusion clouded your thoughts.
"In the wrong bunk?" he interjected calmly, settling his datapad down and gazing down at you. His goggles rested atop his head, allowing you to see the brightness of his eyes in the dark. "That is correct."
You sit up, feeling a rush of embarrassment flood over you, and run your hand over your face in frustration. "I'm sorry. I don't know what's up with me.”
Tech raises a single brow, his expression softened with genuine concern. "Perhaps in the morning, I should run some tests if you will allow me?" he suggests softly, his voice carrying a hint of worry. "But for now, I suggest you get some sleep."
Nodding in agreement, you reluctantly pull the blanket off your body, preparing to retreat to your own bunk. However, before you can make your escape, Tech's hand gently rests on your shoulder, stopping you in your tracks.
"You are free to continue sleeping in my bunk tonight if you find it comfortable," he offers unexpectedly, his gesture of kindness catching you off guard.
"What, really?" you respond, turning to face him, searching his eyes for confirmation.
With a nod, Tech reclines back and retrieves his datapad. "Yes, really. I do not mind."
"But what if I keep you awake again?" you voice your concern.
"Do not worry about me," he reassures softly, a warm smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "Now, get some rest before I give you a lecture about the benefits of getting sleep."
You chuckle softly at his remark before settling, finding comfort in his understanding demeanor. As you prepare to drift off into slumber, you can't help but feel thankful for Tech's compassion and generosity.
In the quiet of the night, you woke up only once, feeling Tech's arm drape gently across your body. Yet, instead of feeling unsettled, you found comfort in his presence.
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Crosshair 💤
The first time:
As you prepared to settle in for the night after a long day, exhaustion clouded your judgment, leading you to absentmindedly crawl into a bunk without much thought. However, your relaxation was short-lived as you were startled by a gravelly voice beside you.
"What are you doing?" The abrupt question made you jump, and you inadvertently knocked your head against the top of the bunk in surprise.
"What am I doing? What the kriff are you doing?" you retorted in annoyance, rubbing your sore head as Crosshair sat up beside you, his expression stern in the dim light.
"I'll think you'll find this is my bunk," he hissed, his sharp gaze piercing through the darkness. As you glanced across the room, you realised your mistake—the bunk you were in wasn't yours.
"Yes. Oh. Now get out before I drag you out," he threatened, though you could tell it was more playful than serious.
"Alright, alright, keep your hair on," you sighed as you obediently crawled out of his bunk, feeling the absence of warmth as you departed.
Crosshair grumbled under his breath and rolled back onto his side to sleep, while you mentally chided yourself for the blunder, making sure you never accidentally try to sleep in his bunk again.
The second time:
You're exhausted, your head throbbing with the relentless ache of sleep deprivation from the past few days, and you've reached the point where you don't care where you sleep anymore. And that includes Crosshair's bunk.
As you settle down on the edge of his bunk, the closest one available, you feel the weight of his gaze on your back, following your movements as you swing your legs around and lay down. "What are you doing?" his voice cuts through the silence, tinged with irritation.
You don't reply, simply closing your eyes as you allow the fatigue to wash over you, hoping for a moment's respite.
"This is my bunk," he asserts firmly, his agitation evident, but as you remain silent, his annoyance shifts to confusion.
"Are you... alright?" he inquires, concern creeping into his voice.
You shake your head softly, and you hear him sigh, but he doesn't press you further. Nor does he demand that you leave.
As sleep begins to claim you, Crosshair remains awake for a while, his thoughts swirling. In his mind, he tells himself that this is a one-time occurrence.
Yet, if you're upset and in need of somewhere to rest for a while, he doesn't mind if you sleep next to him again. After all, it turns out to be the best sleep he's had in a while too.
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Tags: @littlefeatherr @kaitou2417@eyecandyeoz @captxin-rex x @jesseeka @theroguesully y @ladykatakuri @arctrooper69 @padawancat97@staycalmandhugaclone @ko-neko-san @echos-girlfriend @fiveshelmet @dangraccoon @plushymiku-blog @chrissywakingup @pb-jellybeans s @nunanuggets s @sleepycreativewriter @erellenora @zippingstars87 7 @ezras-left-thumb @the-rain-on-kamino @tech-aficionado @grizabellasolo @therealnekomari @tech-depression-inventory @brynhildrmimi @greaser-wolf @tinyreadersmur @seriowan @kaminocasey @marvel-starwars-nerd @ladytano420 @ladyzirkonia @thesith @raevulsix @cw80831 @knightprincess @crosshairlovebot @imalovernotahater @id-rather-be-a-druid @the-bad-batch-baroness @lulalovez @green-alm0nd @thiswitchloves9904
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bun-z-bakery · 1 month
Can we have some moments of Dogday acting like a dog please?
Of course! Order up ^^
Dogday x GN! Reader
Your obedient companion
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While on a walk, a sound from further in the woods caught your attention. 
DogDay lets out a low but terrifying growl as he uses his body to cover you from any dangers. 
“I think we're ok.”
You whisper to him, but his growls become louder. 
The sound of rustling signaled that whatever was lurking about was now gone. 
“I think it's gone now.”
You chuckle as you attempt to push him off, he lets out a sigh of relief before rising and helping you up. 
“Youre safe with me, my angel.”
DogDay sang as he tried to get your attention. He meant well when he offered to help cook, but instead he accidentally spilled the pot of food you worked oh so hard on, which meant you had to make another batch. 
He knows you have every right to be upset, but the silent treatment? Surely you'll forgive the poor guy, right? 
“Angel, please talk to me… I apologize…”
You continue to type away on your computer, completely ignoring his presence. 
He sighs and decides that drastic times call for drastic measures. 
You yelp in pain once he bit down on your arm. It wasn't hard but enough to cause a bit of pain. You rip off your headphones and stand up from your desk, preparing to scold him. 
Before you can get a word out, he gasps and wraps you in a bear hug. 
“It's been 3 hours!”
DogDay paces around the entrance as Kissy and Poppy watch in concern. DogDay has been pacing without a break since he noticed you're late. The two can only keep him calm for so long. 
“DogDay I'm sure they're ok! Just relax! You're going to make a hole in the floor!”
Poppy attempts to be the voice of reason once again. She sighs once DogDay finally stands to a halt. 
“Trust me they–"
“What if… Angel is… dead?”
He whispered as he fell to the ground, he was on the verge of tears as terrible thoughts filled his head. 
“What if they died alone?!”
“What if someone hurt them?!”
Poppy finally snaps. 
DogDay rushed to greet you at the door as if he didn't just have a breakdown from your absence.
“I'm homeeee!”
You call out as you take off your boots and coat, preparing to be greeted by everyone. 
“Hey Y/N! How was work?”
Poppy asks as she climbs the couch to get a better view of you. 
“Oh it was busy! Are you guys hungry?”
DogDay rushes to you, entrapping you in one of his tight hugs reserved just for his angel. 
His tail that was once wagging now stopped as he began to… Sniff you? 
“Uh, is everything ok?”
Confusion is written all over your face, Poppy gives you the same look and Kissy tilts her head just as confused. 
“That's a new scent…”
He mutters once he's done interrogating your day through his nose. 
“Who have you been around?”
He tilts his head and places his hands on his hips.
"You do realize I work with people... Right?"
You laugh at how ridiculous he was acting, he snickers and places one of his hands on your head, blocking your view. 
“I apologize, but I prefer my angel's scent.”
"Mhm, sure we'll just say that."
You pat his chest before you head to change out of your work clothes. As much as he tries to play it off, everyone knows his reasons are just an excuse. 
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literaila · 1 year
still here 
tasm!peter x reader 
summary: there’s an ache in me, put there by the ache in you
(for @elysian-chaos)
warnings: angst, fluff, feeling unworthy, feeling useless, you know, seperation 
a/n: ‘tis the damn season is the best song ever. dont argue 
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there's this little thing called stress baking. 
typically, stress baking is referred to as coping by making something delicious to scavenge on, instead of dwelling on the feelings scavenging you. and typically, it's done with a certain type of elegance--one that is made up of chaos. completely insane, yet completely in control. it's a messy dance, but perfectly choreographed. 
stress baking is a very reviving task. filling up the house with muffins and pies is not only good for distracting yourself, but also for making friends when you run out of room. or smiling at the cashier every time you have to go to the store for ingredients. 
it's something you've practiced for years. something you've become somewhat addicted to. 
but then there's baking while stressed. which, you swear, hadn't been your intention. 
brownies from a box were supposed to be easy. they were notoriously easy. a couple of eggs, some oil, and some water. the hardest part of your job was mixing, but you'd done it so many times that you zoned out while doing all of it. 
box brownies were supposed to be non-stress and quick. but when you burn the brownies and batter rises over the top of your glass pan, and the oven is dirty, and the apartment smells like burnt batter and oven cleaner--well, you have to reread the directions. 
you're a good baker. you've been making cookies and cakes for parties for years. you pride yourself on not needing measuring cups because you can eye a recipe by the gram. 
not that these brownies would agree. 
and it's already five-forty-five. peter is going to be home in the next fifteen minutes and this was supposed to be a treat. something good. 
"surprise! i ruined our oven, and now we're going to have to spend the next few nights at your aunt's house in your twin-sized bed until the smell of death goes away!" doesn't typically bring out any smiles.
and peter's been stressed lately, and you've been stressed about him. 
and now you're making brownies from scratch without butter--because you used it all on the last batch, oops--and the number of candles you've lit is a sure fire hazard. 
but if peter would just smile at you, pull you in by your waist and laugh while he kissed you with a chocolate mouth, it would all be fine. 
if there wasn't so much riding on this one (two) pan(s) of brownies. like being able to sleep comfortably tonight. 
you turned the oven down, found a new pan--threw the other one out because it was nothing but a source of disappointment--and cleaned the oven just enough to not draw any suspicions. but you could still feel the failure lurking. 
peter was going to come home to a chaotic house, and it was your fault. 
so you scrubbed at the counters. fixed the stack of bills on the table so that you couldn't see any of the stamps, folded the blankets, and even swept the kitchen floor. 
still, you knew peter would know. because he always knows. and maybe that was why he was acting so weird lately--maybe that's why you were acting so weird. 
the door opened when the timer on the oven went off. 
you'd wanted to watch peter walk through the door--so you could gauge how tired he was, how miserable--but maybe it was better not to know. to let him put on a mask while your back was still turned. 
"hey, baby," he said, as you were pulling the brownies out of the oven, setting his house keys on the counter and sighing. "i'm home." 
you peeked over your shoulder, giving him a hint of a smile--the same type he was giving you. "hey, honey," you said back, "you're home." 
peter walked around the island to stand right behind you, kissing the back of your head and stealing a look over to the stovetop. he clears his throat. "brownies?" 
you shrug. "thought you might like something sweet when you got home." 
you take off the oven mitt, not really wanting to look at him--maybe because you're scared of what you'll see, or maybe just because you can already feel his eyes tearing down your skin. 
but you can feel his breath on your neck as he chuckles. his exhaustion as he leans into your back. 
"i've already got you, though," he whispers one peck at the edge of your jaw, another by your ear. 
you snort and pull away, turning so you can look at him. and then you pretend to throw up. 
he laughs and pokes your forehead.
you're not looking at him and he's not looking at you. 
you turn back to the brownies. 
"did you drop something in the oven?" peter asks, leaning his chin on your shoulder. 
"no," you answer, a bit too defensive. 
"am i sure that i didn't burn something in the oven, peter? yes." 
there's a beat. "...cause it smells like it." 
you headbutt him. "you smell like it. go shower. you can't eat these yet." 
"yes, ma'am," peter takes a step back, and you look at him again.  you can see the question in his eyes, and see your own reflecting the same question. 
what are you hiding? 
"we have some ice cream, too." 
peter moans, his head back. you roll your eyes at him. 
and you start cutting the brownies, worries, and chocolate chips sticking to the knife, listening to peter's footsteps, feeling his presence sticking to you like sugar, sticky and rich, his eyes keeping you on edge. 
you know you shouldn't feel stupid--peter doesn't actually know what happened, or care--but you do. because he knows, and because even from the split second you looked at him, you could see the strain on his skin, the pressure weighing him down, dragging his feet across the floor. 
you feel stupid just because you don't know what to do. so before he can close the door, you turn around. choosing reaction instead of pretending. 
he pauses, his head whipping towards you. his eyes are as soft and loving as they always are--his attention remains the same, even when his energy doesn't. like he's wasting himself away just to take care of you. 
he swallows. "yeah?" 
"are you--" you blink, look away, try not to taste burnt brownies. "are you okay? you seem tired. was work… alright? 
peter smiles, shaking his head. "just the usual, bub. work and... work. i think i'll go to bed early tonight?" 
you raise a brow. 
peter clears his throat. "i mean, i think i'll take a nap tonight before i go out." 
you nod. "okay." 
you both stare at each other for a moment. he's far enough away that it's easier. you don't have to feel his emotions as he processes them. don't have to see them from up close. 
you hate yourself for being afraid of him. for being afraid for him. 
“d’ya want to join me?” peter asks, whisper slipping from his mouth, smile taunting from his lips. “we can cuddle and eat brownies.” 
you lick your lips, shaky smile enough. “you sure? i’ve heard i can be a bit distracting…”
peter’s laugh makes his shoulders shake. “you heard correctly,” he says eyes crinkled, “but i don’t mind.” 
you nod. you’re grateful for his ease. the careful reveal of his true face, the peeling of a mask. the admittance that not everything is perfect, no matter how small. 
“go shower. i’ll get the sugar.” 
peter kisses you on the cheek before he goes.
and at least you got a couple of smiles out of him. at least you can feel his kiss lingering on your skin. 
it's not that serious. honestly. 
you hardly even think about it. you're not thinking about it. 
you're not dwelling on the smell of soft skin and the feeling of calloused hands running up and down your back, the tickle of a breath against your neck. 
you're not thinking about it at all. 
and if it's been a week--or a week and a half, or two, or three--since you last spoke, or shared the same space with peter, then it's fine. 
this is something you've grown used to. something you're supposed to be used to. 
peter has obligations. 
he has things he needs to fulfill--not just for himself, but for others, for the guilt that you can see rocking his bones all of the time, the shame in his eyes when he comes home a bit too early. he has places that he needs to be, if only because he won't be able to live with himself if he's not there. 
but then again, you're not sure how to live when he's not here. especially when the sink breaks. 
still, as long as you can feel him pull you into his chest every night, imagine him kissing your forehead before falling asleep, then it's fine. 
you're not thinking about any of it because it's fine. 
but you miss him. if only momentarily. 
he'll come back--you repeat this like a promise, like it's his voice whispering it to you--because he always does. 
space is good for the heart, some part of you swears. though you don't think you could think of peter any fonder than you already do. 
he comes in too late at night and is already gone when you wake up. he texts you updates--because you've talked about communication before--and tells you that he loves you through sweet little notes he sends during the day. 
if the thing he wishes to share about his life is the worm he found in his apple, then you're perfectly happy to listen (read). 
it's normal to miss the person you love most in the world. 
and it's normal for your boyfriend to disappear for fourteen hours each day, just barely cuddling with you for three hours before he's gone again. 
it's normal for you, at least
he’ll come back. 
and so, instead of thinking about peter, and wondering when he might notice the frayed edges of your relationship, you make sure that he doesn't have to worry about anything. 
you clean up after the two of you, running the dishwasher and cleaning the bathroom, and packing him lunch on days you know he'll be gone for the office. making sure there's always something he can eat in the fridge when he gets home late at night, and texting him to know what he wants from the store. 
you make the bed and wash his clothes and hope that maybe it'll keep him from burning out. 
you hope that maybe it will keep you distracted enough to not ask him for anything. like love or support or a five-minute conversation. 
if taking care of him is the only way to keep him going--the only way to keep yourself going--then you'll do it. peter takes care of you enough. 
but even if you're not thinking about it, it's there. 
because you've just fallen asleep--which is extremely rare recently, mostly because you like to wait until you hear the window and then slow your breathing until you feel peter crawl into bed with you--and just woke up. 
woke up with sweaty skin and a headache. it's night ten and you're getting nightmares again. 
it's ridiculous that you can't even last two weeks without peter there. without him kissing you to sleep. 
and when you burst out of bed, you almost fall into him--almost scream because you're sharing the bed with someone else. 
tears are running down your face. your heart feels split open--like your dreams have revealed something inside it. 
but you look over to peter and he's there; he's still here. 
so you take a deep breath--chest caving in, body following--and you rest your head in your hands. 
if there's anything you want right now, it's for peter to wake up. 
it's for him to know all of this. 
you want him to appear next to you, leaning over your back like he's going to shelter from the world if that's what you need. rubbing your back and whispering in your ear. you want him in your house and laughing when you break the shower rod again. 
you want him to cuddle with you before he leaves, and cross his heart when you scold him while he crawls out the window. 
you want him in more than just your memory. 
but peter is snoring next to you, and so you sit there in silence until the tears begin to ease.
peter's not supposed to be home. 
he works until five, and then takes the subway home--and you're not expecting to see him anyway. he's been shoving his suit into the bottom of his backpack right as you pull it out of the hamper.
so it's not that unusual for you to be laying in bed, shoes and socks kicked across the floor, hands gripping for some stability, and eyes puffy and red. 
and it's not that unusual for you to squeak when the window opens, and spider-man's head peeks into your room. 
you can feel peter's wide eyes behind the mask. 
you're quick to wipe your face, throw on a clumsy smile. "peter," you say, exhaling. "what're you doing here?"  
a body crawls into the window, dirt and grime on clothes finger-tips reaching out to you. "what's wrong?" he asks, voice only slightly muffled. 
but you take a step back, moving away from him when he lands on the floor, leaving spots for you to vacuum up later. 
"what're you doing here?" you repeat, voice a bit harsher, a bit faded. 
"i need--" he reaches his hand out toward you again, retreating when you do. "i needed some more web fluid. i don't--" he shakes his head. "what happened?" 
"i, um," you wipe traitorous tears away again. "i think there's some more in the closet. i keep moving it when i'm cleaning, sorry." 
"you're crying," peter scolds. like you're being ridiculous. like you're not trying to save him the effort it's going to take to fix this irrational piece of you, these lonely broken bits. 
you bite your lip and look away. 
because although you can't even see his eyes--they are still scolding. they are quick and cruel reminders that you haven't talked to peter in two weeks. 
you turn towards your bedside table, pretending to organize the contents on top. 
you can hear peter moving. 
"what's going on, bub?" he says, soft enough for the words to crawl under your skin. he's taken the mask off. his voice is clear. 
"oh, nothing, you know," you pause, shrugging. "just the usual sad movie type of cry..." peter's hand reaches your back and you flip around, almost knocking over your lamp. 
"c'mon," he whispers to you, far closer than you'd been expecting. 
you try and take a step back, only meeting a dead-end. he's cornered you. "you should go, peter. you were just--" 
"this is more important."
you laugh. "some silly tears are more important than a collapsing building?" 
"you're more important," peter swears, his eyes so focused on yours, "to me." 
you blink and shake your head. gesture back towards the window. "go and save some people. you don't have to help me too." 
peter swallows, brows furrowed. "will you tell me what's wrong?"
"i can take care of myself, peter. you don't need to worry about it." 
"well, i'm going to." 
you roll your eyes. and then you break free of his hold, moving away from the table, from the cage he's built around you. "move along, spider-man." 
peter doesn't move any closer, but his limbs are tense. his face is concerned and hurt--you try and shield that out.
"i'm not leaving you when you're crying."
"i'm not crying anymore." 
peter scowls. "stop deflecting." 
you take a deep breath, throat dry and aching. "i'm not--" you clear your throat, shaking your head and looking away from him. "i'm fine, peter. but some people actually need you. go and save the day," you tell him. "i'll still be here when you come back." 
and you are. 
you're sitting on the couch, staring at photos peter took on the wall, wondering how to explain any of it. 
how to explain yourself without digging the two of you any further in this hole. 
you've been trying to prove just how little you need peter--just how useful you could be--and by doing so, you've put yourself in this situation. 
because you do need him. you just hadn't wanted peter to know that. 
so you're sitting on the couch, trying not to flinch every time the air conditioning comes on, or there's a footstep from the apartment above you. you're waiting for peter to climb in through the window, waiting to see how exhausted he is before he has to deal with you. 
and you've bitten your lip raw. completely eliminated any evidence of fingernails you once had. 
your heart stutters with every minute that comes by. 
and when you finally hear peter hop in from the fire escape, your heart stops completely. 
you wonder if he's going to change before he comes and finds you. before the inevitable happens, and you give him another reason to work so late. 
your restlessness must be audible because it only takes peter forty seconds before walking into the living room. he's wearing sweatpants and a t-shirt. 
he's wearing a frown like a well-tailored suit. known and made for him. 
you're trying not to frown back. 
"hey," you say, putting on a smile, voice flighty and an octave too high. "everything okay?" 
"no one got hurt," peter says, the antonym to your tone. 
apparently, your tight-lipped smile isn't enough to ease the tension in the room. 
"are you ready to talk?" peter asks, slowly stepping toward you, just barely meeting your eyes. 
you'd scrubbed your face after he left. sobbed in the shower as you washed away any of the shame you hadn't meant for him to see. you'd made sure that your eyes weren't puffy, and your eyelashes were dry before he'd got home. 
so when peter scans your face--as he's doing now--he shouldn't notice anything unusual. 
besides the facade you're putting on. 
you clear your throat, eyebrows lifted like you're unconcerned. "there's not much to talk about." 
peter's sullen face doesn't move an inch. "why were you crying?" 
"i already told you. i watched a sad movie," you wave a hand, "you just came in at the wrong time." 
peter sighs. he sits down on the couch next to you, keeping his distance. "don't lie." 
you frown. "i'm not lying." 
"you've got some pretty obvious tells, you know," peter whispers, giving you a hint of a bittersweet smile. "you don't have to talk to me. but i'd like it if you did. i just want to make sure that you're... okay." 
"i'm fine, peter." 
he looks away. "and if you're not then we'll figure it out. i just want to know." 
"well, you do." 
peter opens his mouth, then closes it, shaking his head. 
he's sitting three feet away from you, but his hands are clasped together, his legs are opposite of yours, and he can't even look at you. 
you can feel it, as you push him away. as you try so desperately to hold him close without touching him. 
"okay," peter says, eyes meeting yours again. "i don't want to push you." 
no, but he should pull you off of this ledge. should keep you from falling any further than you already have. 
you shake your head, laughing. it's not funny. 
you close your eyes. count to ten. forget how to breathe, or how to speak to the person you love most in this world. 
"what?" peter repeats, but softer. 
you open your eyes. 
and then it all crumbles. 
you scoff. "can you stop looking at me like that?" you plead, breaking away, physically distancing yourself from him. 
"like what?" 
it's his fault, really, for coming home so early in the day. 
"like you can't deal with this. like this is exhausting." 
the tears sneak up on you, knocking you out before you even notice that they're there. 
peter's eyes are wide as he stares at you. "you're not--" he swallows, frantically reaching towards you. "this isn't exhausting--i'm not--" a moment, tears beginning to fall. "what do you--" 
you sigh, shaking your head. "you're always gone, and you come home exhausted every night after you think i've fallen asleep, and you only talk to me through text, and even now you just--" you stop, voice breaking. "if you can't do this," you say, softly, "then you should just tell me." 
peter is closer than he was a moment ago. "what?" 
"i know this is a lot of work, okay? and i know that you're already pushing yourself, so it's fine if i'm too much. if--if loving me is too much." 
there's a moment of silence, and you're almost sure that peter has already left. 
but then there's a thumb wiping a tear from your cheek. you can't open your eyes, can't face the reality you've been desperately holding off. 
"you're not too much." 
peter moves closer to you, his leg touching yours, his hands moving so that he can hold you closer. 
you couldn't push him away if you tried. 
"you're not too much," he repeats, the words sinking into your skin, his breath meeting yours. "i can't believe you would think that." 
you half laugh, half sob. peter wipes away those tears too. 
"you're the only thing keeping me going," he tells you, kissing your forehead. "i'm sorry i haven't been there. i didn't realize..." he shakes his head. 
"you shouldn't have to take care of me as much as you do," you whisper. 
peter nudges his head against yours. "hey. you take care of me way more than i take care of you. you clean up after me and stay up with me when i can't sleep. you help fix my suits, and do all of the laundry. and you never complain. you're practically my guardian angel." 
"that's all easy." 
"not for me," peter says, voice lighter than before. 
you shrug. 
"but you do all of that cause you love me," he adds, kissing your forehead again. "or, i hope that's why." 
"it's the sex." 
peter laughs, nuzzling his head into you. "well, at least you're honest. but, it's the same reason that i take care of you. you shouldn't feel... guilty because of that. you're no burden on me." 
"absolutely not." 
you bite your lip. try and believe peter. but honestly, you're most lovesick from how close he's holding you. how you can feel his skin and listen to him speak somewhere that isn't your bed. you're not quite sure that this isn't a dream. 
"hey," peter moves his head so you're looking at him. "we suck." 
you laugh, leaning your forehead against his. 
"i'm sorry it's been so long since we've... anything. it's been a rough couple of weeks." 
"for me too. it's not your fault." 
"you have to tell me if it's not enough, okay? i don't want you to suffer through it by yourself. if you need to talk to me--even for ten minutes--then you have to let me know." 
"do you promise?" 
you nod against him, nose brushing his cheek. "i promise, peter." 
peter smiles, satisfied. he groans, pulling you even closer to him. "i love you, bug. so much." 
you can barely hear him because of how tight he's hugging you. it sort of hurts, but mostly heals. 
"i know," you say back. but peter probably can't hear you, because you say it right into his shirt. 
my masterlist here.
tags:@moonlarking-blog @v1ci0us @preciousbabypeter @alexxavicry @directioner5life @inthegetawaycarwithtaylah @localrockstargf  @thestudiouswanderer @take-my-hand-time-boy @thoughtsofagodlovingsunflower @nyomjoon  @moo-b1tch @raindropstearsandtea @rqmanoff @hollandweather @wetcoldnoodle @urlocalavenderhazestan @valvlry @imthatcoolmom @spideysimpossiblegirl    invisibletrolleyson-jeremy  @sharkswaters  @rowniebow @anaislfbv @take-my-hand-time-boy @mileyc111 @starsval @ratsys
908 notes · View notes
crow-stars · 9 months
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❦summary; how can something so small and practically worthless make him want to protect it with all his heart. how unfair... ♪the characters in this story; gn!reader, azul ashengrotto, jade leech, floyd leech ✎word count; 2,151 ❀what do the ghosts say?; ambiguous, azul and reader are childhood friends, reader is a jellyfish, going to a carnival/fair with the tweels, azul calls reader dumb but not in a bad way ☛the author's notes; went to an event today, so posting this at who knows what am. also i suck ass at darts ☪look at the catalogue?
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Azul doesn’t understand you. In all honesty, ever since the two of you were kids, he didn’t understand you that much. 
You were a pretty merfolk, skin that glowed a soft gold and purple in the dark of the sea, that see through domed hood framing your head in a beautiful manner that Azul still finds pretty even as he’s grown up. Jade and Floyd always liked dragging you around during the night as their own personal flashlight. And, of course, Azul was taken along for the ride, sticking close to you during those stupid night trips. You were always around the three, idly drifting along and going along with whatever adventure or antic the tweels decided to do for the day. 
You always liked Azul though, for whatever reason. In his eyes, you were like a barnacle stuck to his side, following after him for whatever he was doing or silently watching from the side. In all honesty, Azul was sure you were more of an airhead than anything else, not that was a bad thing, always talking about the future and things that Azul knows are a far distance in the future. Despite that, he still listened, sometimes even daring to daydream alongside you on the rare days where he let himself relax. 
A few years before Azul had been accepted into Night Raven College, you had to move away, or do a “migration”, as your parents had told you. You slowly slipped from Azul’s thoughts as studying magic and his enrollment in Night Raven College took priority. He had almost completely forgotten about  you (though not really), until the beginning of his sophomore year, having attained the role of housewarden and having built his reputation, Azul was ready to escort the new batch of freshmen into when someone called out to him with a familiar nickname. 
“Azu! Azu!” Before Azul could even register it, two arms wrapped around his abdomen and a cheery smile greeted him. There was only one person who would ever call him that and it was you. 
Azul’s cool facade was broken as embarrassment struck across his features, cheeks burning a pink hue as he looked at you. You were smiling so brightly at him, giggling in glee and bouncing on your heels. Your eyes had an undertone of gold to them, little gold and purple specks akin to freckles across your cheeks that remind Azul of your underwater form. Azul didn’t know whether to scold you or push you away, but it wasn’t the time for pleasantries. 
That was how his reunion went with you and it brings him back to the present, with you and Floyd stacking plates in a precarious manner. Another game that Floyd’s most likely pulled you into. Ever since you arrived at NRC, Floyd was doing the same thing he did when they were kids, dragging you along after him on whatever whim he pleased and you would always happily follow along, drifting and following whatever came to you. 
“Could you two stop that?” Azul grumbled as he raised his head from his work, eyes narrowing at you and Floyd. 
“Ah, sorry Azu.” Your eyes looked over to Azul, hands folding in your lap and tilting your head, giving Azul that blank look that he identified you with. Floyd, meanwhile, pouted his lips in protest and groaned, rolling his eyes. 
“Hmmm... Azul’s no fun. Hey, Jelly, here.” Floyd places the plate that was in his hands on your head, balancing it on top of you while you sit still. Your eyes glanced up at the plate before a soft laugh slipped past your lips, the little gold freckles on your cheeks pulsing a gentle glow that it seemed to do whenever you laughed or giggled. Floyd clapped and Jade, who just passed by, stopped to watch his brother as Floyd began to grab the plates from the stack to transfer onto your head. 
Azul heaves a heavy sigh and shakes his head. He lets his pen drop from his hands, knowing he’s not getting much work done when Floyd was doing things such as this. Especially when it was a somewhat interesting spectacle. Azul rubs his temple, watching as Floyd stacks plate after plate atop your head while you happily sit there. 
“Oh! Azu, Azu!”
“Hm? What is it?” 
Azul's eyes look over at you with a light smile, Floyd still stacking plates on your head. You were smiling that smile that only you could smile, swaying a bit from side to side and making the plates teeter precariously. It made Azul anxious to watch and he lightly stopped your swaying with a gentle hand. 
You didn't pay much mind to Azul's hand and only continued on with what you were saying. “I read about this thing that land people do sometimes called a carnival.” Floyd stopped stacking plates on your head and looked down at you, a curious look in his eyes. Jade had stopped behind the booth where the other three were, eyebrow quirked in curiosity along with his twin. 
“Do you think we can go to one please? My classmates say that there’s one this weekend!”
Before Azul could get his opinion in, Floyd was already agreeing with you, babbling and clamoring next to you, throwing his arms around you while cheering that it was an awesome idea. 
That was how Azul’s weekend got taken up with going to the carnival. And also how he had to replace at least 10 plates after they came crashing down when Floyd hugged you. 
Azul could see that you and Floyd were looking around with childish glee, the only thing keeping you two around being Azul’s plea to stay within eye line of him and Jade. The sun was only just barely beginning to set, streaking golden lines over the sky and mixing blue with oranges and yellows. 
The carnival wasn’t all that bad, typical in look to what one would expect. There were game and food booths, varying enticing smells that made Azul’s mouth water and prizes that had you pointing them out everytime you passed by. 
“Look, look! It’s an octopus! Can we go get it, please?” 
The octopus plush was relatively small, big black eyes and little details under the tentacles for the suction cups. It was definitely cute at least, though Floyd was also grinning at Azul as he pointed at it. 
“Azul, it looks just like you! We should get it, hehe!” Azul rolled his eyes with a sigh, shaking his head. He pinched the bridge of his nose, glasses shifting up a bit. 
“Floyd, please...” 
“You know Floyd... You could try winning it.” Jade’s smile turned into a grin, sharp teeth on display as he looked at the booth with a smile. “I think it’ll be an interesting addition to the Mostro Lounge, don’t you think?” 
Azul groaned as Floyd rushed to the booth to play, eagerly giving the carney enough thaumarks for a turn to play. It was some game where you would have to knock down some milk glasses. The carny stood by the side as they gave Floyd some balls to throw at the stacked glasses. Azul sighed as his eyes roamed away from the tweels to see what you were up to. 
You, however, were not in the spot where you should have been. This made a bolt of anxiety shoot through Azul as his eyes swept across the crowds and booths. He knew he should have invested in one of those weird child leashes that he once saw. It wasn’t much different when he and the tweels would wrap seaweed around your waist to keep you from wandering too far from them. 
With a groan, Azul informed Jade of what he was doing and went into the crowd, weaving through people as his eyes darted from booth to booth, trying to find you among the masses. 
Azul’s eyes catch that purple and gold glow nearby a balloon darts booth, staring up at one of the prizes. The sight of you safe and sound helped alleviate Azul’s anxiety, though it didn’t stop the irritation of you suddenly up and disappearing. 
“What have we told you about wandering off? You know how dangerous it could be after the incident with the current and─” 
“Azu.” Your hand points to one of the carnival prizes, stars in your eyes. You were captivated by a set of match heart charm necklaces, colored gold that looked cheap. The strings of the necklace were only black strings even, one bad stress from fraying and falling apart. “I want them.”  
Azul gave you a scrutinizing look, eyebrows furrowed a bit. “Those are the most flimsy looking things ever.”
“But they say best friends on them! We have to get them!” Another look at them and the necklaces did, indeed, say best friends in small letters that were harder to read from where Azul was standing. 
Another look at you made Azul sigh, grabbing your wrist and walking over to the booth. He took out the required amount of thaumarks, placing it down on the counter. “Five darts please.”
You made a little cheer as the carny provided the darts to Azul, watching him pick up one of the darts and prepare to throw it. It would be easy, surely, it’s just aiming darts and popping balloons. 
His first dart falls short and falls to the floor. The second dart manages to hit a balloon, but not pop it. The third hits a balloon, thankfully. The fourth one hits, but doesn’t pop and the fifth somehow slips in between the balloons. The look of disbelief on Azul’s face is almost laughable, though your look of disappointment made Azul pull out another five thaumarks for another five darts. 
The second’s round’s results were the same as the first, either missing or slipping in between the cracks of the balloons. Another five thaumarks, another five darts, another round of failure. Azul groaned and dragged his hands down his face, feeling frustration begin to bubble under his skin. This damn game was getting annoying. 
Another five, another round, but Azul managed to get two balloons this time. He rubbed his temples. This was going to be more difficult than he thought. Azul took out another five thaumarks and received his five darts. 
This time, Azul takes a few moments to try and aim it, maybe hoping it’ll finally land for once. After what seemed like forever of aiming, steadying his arm, Azul throws the dart. He hears a pop and his heart jumps in excitement. You let out a small exclaim, clinging onto Azul’s arm as you watched him. The second dart, aim, steady, raise his hand just a bit, and throw the dart. Another pop. Pop after pop, the darts fly into the board and hit the balloons 
Finally, finally, the balloons popped, all the darts hitting their target. You cheered so loudly, jumping up and down and shaking Azul’s shoulder. “You did it, you did it, you did it!” 
A sense of relief runs through Azul, from finally popping those damn balloons and keeping his pride intact, but also being able to win those charm necklaces. It was an oddly nice feeling, watching as you excitedly point to those flimsy things, little freckled spots pulsing and glowing golden as the carny hands you the necklaces. You held them up to Azul, grin wide and chest full of laughter. 
“Azu! C’mere!” Despite what you said, you came closer to Azul, putting the necklace on for him and putting your own on. 
“We match, we match!” Azul watches as you point at his necklace and yours bouncing on the heels of your feet, smiling so bright. 
The rest of the trip was relatively fun, meeting back up with Jade and Floyd, who had won that octopus and more. Apparently he had decided he wanted all the plushes the carney had and took them. Whether through legitimate means or by other means, the tweels refused to elaborate. You managed to get the octopus off of Floyd and carried it around with you, Azul looping an arm with yours that helped him keep track of you as you tugged against his hold multiple times whenever you saw something that caught your eye. 
Eventually, you all had to go back to the dorms, though Floyd kept whining about how he wanted to stay longer. It was dark by the time you all returned and Azul sent you and the tweels to bed, heading to his room himself just as tired. 
As he was changing, Azul took off the charm necklace, inspecting it for a bit before taking out a container that he had kept full of coins and allowing the necklace into the container. The fake gold sheen contrasted with the coins of silver and gold, yet it felt just as precious.
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hannie-dul-set · 10 months
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SYNOPSIS. wherein your friend offers a room for you to crash in while your dorm is being renovated, but fails to mention that your new housemates don’t know how to talk to women (oh, and they also have an ongoing bet about you, too).
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PAIRINGS. choi soobin, choi beomgyu, lee heeseung, park jongseong, sim jaeyun, park sunghoon x female! reader. GENRE. housemates! au, rom-com, sitcom, reverse harem time baby. WARNINGS. swearing, someone cries again, mentions of bullying, mentions of sex. WORD COUNT. 3.9k
TAGLIST. @cerealdreamwriter @tyongff-ff @dinonuguaegi @certifiedmoa @blueberrgyuu0 @primantha @blu3bell4 @nunugget @hoshi-is-ult-bbg @captivq @tocupid @seosalad @ddazed-lhs @gyuszie @mifuyuyo @error-cant-function @twocupsofsuga @flowerbe0m @dangerousconnoisseurbanana @laviesm @keikeu @elavin @chaemmie @rikisly @satsuri3su @gyugyubin @junhuicosmo @skzenhalove @luvkpopp @yansbolobao @emer-syn @eggomi @drunkinjake @soobiverse @deobitifull @haechanspudu @yawnzzn27 @7myoi
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NOTE. this is the soobin chapter. before anyone says anything, i also used to be a loser in high school so i am very qualified to write about this. anyway, please let me kmow what you think so far! ty for reading!
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CHAPTER 5 — staring contest of death.
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SOOBIN HAS ENCOUNTERED A PROBLEM. It’s quite a big problem— one that completely ruined his summer morning routine that usually starts at one in the afternoon. But it’s already 2 p.m. right now and he’s still laying on his bed, half of his head peeking out of the blanket as his eyes run over the text he received this morning over and over again from a group chat that’s been dead for a good three years. 
[Shin Jaeyul: hey class of 20XX! met up with jindo and the rest the other day and we thought it would be great if we can all get together again! hope you’ll all be available for the reunion. i’ll send the details after this message but it’s gonna be held at seonghee’s family’s hotel so feel free to bring a plus one lol.]
[Shin Jaeyul: What? ANSAN HS BATCH 20XX REUNION. When? This Saturday, 6:00pm. Where? Chatoyer Hotel, Sapphire Ballroom Function Hall
“Just don’t go, man. It’s not like your attendance is graded.”
When Soobin finally gets the energy to come downstairs to eat, he shows the text to Beomgyu for a second opinion. They’re eating yesterday’s leftovers on the patio outside the dining room. It doesn’t take long for the rest of the boys to congregate on the lounge chairs.
“But a reunion sounds fun!” Jake throws in his opinion. “I met up with my high school buddies at Crown Towers when I went to Melbourne the other day.”
“They weren’t your buddies. They invited you so you can pay for all their drinks and ditch you,” Heeseung tells him.
“Hey, Matthew was there and he was glad to see me.”
“Matthew borrowed eight hundred dollars from you last month and never paid back.”
Jake simply shrugs and snatches a cold slice of pizza from the table. Soobin gives him a look of remorse. “Anyway,” Jay jumps in. “Hyung, you should go if you want to and don’t go if you don’t want to. What do you want to do?”
Honestly, if Soobin can help it, he’d never want to see anyone from his old school ever again. And he’d rather stay at home and watch the latest episode of JJK on Saturday night (and every other night, for that matter). “But...it’s kinda rude if I don’t reply, right?” is what’s holding him back. The group chat has been buzzing every minute, messages of ‘see you there’s’ and ‘I’m so excited’s’ popping up one after the other. Only a few others including him haven’t replied yet. “What excuse should I make?”
“Tell them you have a family reunion to attend,” Sunghoon suggests.
“That’s lame. They’re gonna make fun of him,” Beomgyu scrunches his nose. Sunghoon defends with “what’s so wrong with a family reunion?!” but Soobin is inclined to believe that Beomgyu would be right. He didn’t exactly have a pleasant high school experience.
It’s not that he was actively bullied, or anything. He just didn’t have a lot of friends. And not a lot wanted to be his friend save for the members of the manga club he was in— but that didn’t really contribute to his position in the adolescent food chain. It’s not like he was sociable, either. He still isn’t. He was just lucky enough to get adopted by Beomgyu and managed to get along with the rest of the guys after a good two years of living here.
“Oh, then dude, you have to go!” Beomgyu exclaims. “If you don’t go they’re just gonna talk shit about you still being a loser.”
“I am a loser, though?” he says. 
“Yeah, but you’re tall and good looking and hot and that’s enough to get them to shut the fuck up if you show up and dip after thirty minutes. You know what, give me your phone. I’ll handle this.”
“No, wait—”
Beomgyu snatches the phone from his hands and plops down on the chair right across from him, the other four quickly running over and looking over his shoulders. Soobin’s heart races. This doesn’t seem like a good idea. He is right. It only takes a second before things spiral into disaster.
“Don’t say that. You gotta sound cooler.”
“Dude, that’s gonna get him bullied. Let me do it—”
“Give it to me!”
“You’re all useless, let me take over!”
“Wait, let me make one last revision—”
“No! What are you all doing?!”
When Soobin finally manages to steal his phone back, he nearly passes out when he reads the message he— his friends— just sent to the group chat.
[Count me in. Do I have to wire double the money if I bring my girlfriend? Nevermind, I’ll just send thrice the amount. Thanks :)]
Horror washes over his face. “I added the smiley face,” Jake proudly announces. Holy fuck, he wants to crawl back into his bed and never wake up. 
“Who sent that I’ll be bringing my girlfriend? I don’t have a girlfriend! Why did you say I’ll be bringing my girlfriend?!”
His phone vibrates mid-fit and he’s greeted by a reply saying that they’re so happy he’s coming and they can’t wait to see him again. Soobin is not happy nor is he excited. “We can just get you one,” Beomgyu says, as a matter-of-fact, as if you can just purchase a significant other from a gas station vending machine. His face wrinkles in distress. “When’s the reunion again? Saturday? Jakey, do you have any rich heiresses that can pretend to be Soobin hyung’s fake girlfriend for a night?”
“I’ll call Mirae noona, but hyung, are you alright alright with someone fifteen years old—”
Soobin winces. “Please don’t call her.”
“I can try asking Hina,” says Jay. “I don’t know if she has me unblocked yet, though.”
Heeseung narrows his eyes at him. “Isn’t she your ex?”
“Jay dated someone?” Sunghoon gives Jay a mildly offended grimace. “The fuck? Why don’t I know this?”
“He’s always dating someone. But he also gets dumped after three days so I’m not sure if they even count.”
Before they could further into Jay’s questionable dating history, the conversation gets cut short by a groan from Beomgyu. “Wait. We literally have a girl living with us right now.” His words send a signal into all their ears. It takes a moment for it to settle, and when it does, it’s like a thinly stretched rope snaps in half in the air.
“Are—are you sure about that?” Sunghoon is the first to crack the tension-filled silence. “Don’t we have other options?”
Soobin hears furtive whispering and nodding from Jake that somehow involves your name and the phrase “that’s right, she’s a girl, yes,” but chooses to ignore it and instead starts dreading the near and impending future. “It’d be better if it’s someone Soobin hyung already knows,” Beomgyu replies. “Hyung, what do you think?”
He thinks this is insane and bonkers and absolutely fucking impossible to pull off because he can’t even look you in the eye without sweating his skin off. How in the fuck he supposed to fake date you? To stand next to you? To call you with so much affection in front of numerous people he finds extremely uncomfortable to be with? To look at you? To h—
Oh god. He doesn’t have to hold your hand, does he?
“Hey, I don’t think this is fair. That’d mean Soobin hyung will technically—”
“This won’t count towards the bet,” Beomgyu says, then looks at a now red-faced Soobin. “You don’t mind right?”
Shit, he’d have to, right? But he can’t even look at you without his palms leaking like a faucet and stuttering like a broken machine. This is insane. He can’t do this. He can’t and won’t do this or else he’d actually have a heart attack and die.
“Is— is this all really necessary?” he finally sputters out.
They all look at him. “But we already sent the message.”
Right. They did. Soobin’s face falls defeated and he sinks back into the chair. “I’ll go grab her,” Beomgyu announces, and the gazes shift from him to their friend who has now risen from his seat and is walking back into the house because since when was he close enough with you to do that? You two usually bicker and argue and Soobin has seen the murderous intent in your eyes whenever Beomgyu tries to provoke you. Sure, the amount of daily arguments has definitely died down as of late and it’s mostly one-sided now, but if there’s anyone close enough to disturb your weekend for something stupid, it’d be Jake.
But they say nothing about it and watch as Beomgyu disappears inside and comes back out a minute later with you in tow, pulling you into the patio by the arm you as you grumble and groan, begrudgingly forcing your legs to follow him. “Seriously, what do you want? I was having a nice nap, you bastard. Where are you taking me? Hey, answer me. Are you still mad about the—” 
When you finally notice the rest of their presence, you stop complaining.
“What’s this? Are you having a cult meeting?”
Jake greets you with a smile. “Take a seat! We’ll explain everything.”
It’s almost impossible to glean anything coherent when there are five-ish boys talking at the same time, but you seem fine, nodding along to whatever Beomgyu and Jay are currently rambling into both of your years. Soobin grows increasingly worried by the second. “I’m so sorry. You really don’t have to do this.”
He hopes you don’t want to do this. Knowing how you practically terrorized him a few weeks ago for accidentally taking a bite out of your ice cream, you probably didn’t want to deal with him either. Yes. This is good. Soobin can just ignore the group chat and ghost his old classmates on the day of the event, so this is—
“I’m down,” you finally say. 
“You’re— you’re down?” he stutters out. He must have heard wrong, obviously. Haha, there’s no way you would—
“Yup. It’s this Saturday, right? I’m pretty sure I’ll be free, so it’s cool.”
Well, shit.
He’s fucked.
“Why do I feel like you’ve done something like this before?” Beomgyu shoots you a glare of suspicion. You grin. “Of fucking course you have.”
“Sunoo paid me a pretty convincing fee for me to sit pretty at his sister’s wedding,” you explain before shifting your gaze to Soobin, a smile playing on your lips. His fingernails dig into his palms. “Obviously for Soobin, I’ll do it for free. But we have a problem.”
His eyes flit away not even a second after, chest tightening on the spot.
“Yeah. I think we need to work on that.”
Thus begins the series of daily staring contests between the both of you for the next four days until Saturday. It scares the shit out of him when you bang on his door at random times of the day just to torment him with your very existence. Soobin knows you’re doing this to help him. He knows, he really does, but he’s not very good at maintaining eye contact without his heart racing at an unhealthy rate and without sweating profusely. His longest record has been ten and a half seconds before his face explodes like a volcano.
“I’m sorry. I don’t think this is gonna work.”
Soobin’s muffled voice is weak, red face buried into his palms as you both sit cross-legged on his mattress after another failed staring contest. The rows and rows of anime figurines he has displayed next to his bed are all staring at him in disgusting judgment. It’s now Friday. The reunion is tomorrow, and he can’t even look at you— much less pretend like you’ve been dating for the past six fucking months.
“No! You can do it, Soobin! I believe in you! Let’s try one more time, okay?”
You grab his hands, pulling them away from his face and they settle on his soft blankets, yours over his, and he starts silently freaking out because shit— holy shit, you’re squeezing his knuckles. It’s barely any pressure, but he feels it shooting into his throat like a silver snake choking him with ten pints of venom and that’s not even the worst part because you’ve decided to start looking him in the eye again. 
He rasps out a little noise and tilts his head down to the right. You do the same. He shifts his gaze to the left. You do the fucking same, chasing after his eyes relentlessly like a god damned predator on the hunt and he can feel his palms sweating pathetically into his blanket while you’re still locking them in place.
“Okay,” you breathe out, leaning back and he finally feels the blood circulating into his fingers. “What if we follow Jay’s suggestion instead and have you wear sunglasses the entire time?”
Honestly, it’s about time you gave up on him. 
Your eyebrows are scrunched, deep in thought. Soobin can look at you right now because you’re spacing out and not attacking him with the depth of your stare. He’s not used to attention in general, so something about your pretty eyes with pretty eyelashes and prettily focused expression looking directly at him just renders him completely useless. It’s fine when you’re absentmindedly looking at the posters on his wall, still in the midst of weighing your options. It’s fine because you aren’t focused on him.
“But the event is indoors and in the evening, so that won’t make a lot of sense.” And his composure immediately topples down when you flit your gaze back at him. His breath hitches in his throat. “Soobin, do you have any other ideas?”
He grabs the nearest pillow and squeezes it to his chest. “Do— do we have to do this? Can’t we just show up and leave after ten minutes?” Better yet, he just doesn’t show up at all. But you’ve been putting in so much effort these past few days, so he doesn’t want to cancel out of nowhere.
You frown. “Eye contact is the first step to selling that we’re a real couple! Even if we stay for only ten minutes, they’ll get suspicious if you can’t even look at me,” you tell him. “Soobin, let’s keep trying. C’mon.” 
Soobin is trying. He really is trying his best but one more round and he feels he might actually rupture a brain vessel. “Alright,” you exhale. “Nevermind. We’ll handle it somehow. I’ll head back to my room now so you can rest up. See you tomorrow.”
It takes no time for you to get off his bed and start walking to his door. His stomach sinks, watching your back as you reach out for the doorknob and Soobin feels like he had just disappointed you. 
He moves before his mind can think. Before he knows it, he’s out of the bed and is holding your wrist and pulling your hand away from the door. 
You look at him. He looks at you, drenched in the color of panic and confusion and at the same time a shade of earnest emotion. It stays like this for a good couple of seconds, until your lips curl into a smile and your free arm reaches up to his head, fingers dipping into his hair for a light pat.
“Thirty seconds. Good job. See you tomorrow.”
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Now you completely understand why Soobin didn’t want to attend this dumpfest.
The hotel function room is fancy. Truly fancy. But the elegant crystal interiors and decor can’t hide the scent of pretentious obnoxiousness in the air, and the music siphoning through the speakers can’t drown out the sound of shit and crap and trash being exchanged between alleged old friends and classmates. It’s gross. The only saving grace of the night is the wine you’re swirling in your hand, regulating your slowly thinning patience at the scene before you.
“Soobin, buddy! Oh man, I didn’t think you’d make it!”
Here we go again. This is the what— fourth, fifth person? Soobin greets number five with less enthusiasm than the newcomer. He’s already worn out, poor boy. You prepare to intervene when you get an opening.
“Jaeyul,” Soobin says. “Hi.”
“It’s been a while, aye? You look great, man! What’s your glow up secret? You gotta tell men dude.”
Another patronizing comment from a mediocre looking male at best. They’re really lucky Soobin is an angel. You can see the discomfort in his smile when the Jae-something bastard hooks him by the neck, tugging your beanpole down because he’s at least four inches taller than his snotty ex-classmate. He looks even more uncomfortable than the time he got an unsolicited view of your red underwear. If it were you, you would’ve already kneed him in the balls to shut up his endlessly chattering mouth.
The guy’s gaze finally lands on you, tucked quietly behind Soobin’s shoulder. Took him long enough, honestly. You’ve been giving him the nastiest stare you can muster for the past five minutes, it’s honestly amazing that he only noticed now. “Who’s this?” he asks. Now, he’s just blatantly checking out someone else’s (fake) girlfriend. You hold back a scoff, but a sneer manages to slip out.
Soobin straightens, ready to repeat the script he’s been cycling through since the beginning of the night. “O-oh, this— this is—” But he seems to be a lot more nervous now. You decide to take the reins and give him a break.
“I’m his girlfriend,” you give Jae-whatever a smile, stepping forward to hold onto Soobin’s arm, who in return flinches at your touch. “Hi. I hope you don’t mind me intruding on your whole reunion. It’s just that I can’t bear to be apart from my Soobin for too long, you know?”
You’re hoping that your sickeningly sweet tone disgusts the living hell out of him and drives him away, but for some reason he lacks the social awareness to do that. “No, not at all. In fact, completely understand. I’m a taken man myself, you know?” That makes this situation a million times worse. He momentarily shifts away from you and directs his next words to Soobin. “Do you remember Bitna? We started seeing each other a few months ago.”
You can feel him stiffen next to you. “Congrats. I’m happy for both of you.”
“Didn’t you used to have a crush on her? I remember you’d give her chocolates every valentine’s—”
The twitch in his grin doesn’t go unnoticed by you. Alright, enough of this bullshit. You’re done humoring this bastard.
“Oh, sorry!” he turns to you again. “That was tactless of me, oh no. I apologize.”
You press your lips together, still smiling. “It’s fine. I wasn’t really paying attention to the bullshit you’ve been tirelessly spouting. I was wondering when you’d shut your trap and finally fuck off.”
Soobin snaps his head towards you, eyes wide in alarm. His dear old friend looks equally shocked. You hum and maintain your expression, pressing yourself closer to Soobin. “Is Bitna the one looking at us right now? Oh dear.” Shot in the dark, but you hit the mark anyway. “Anyway, if you’ll excuse us. My boyfriend and I will be heading back to our suite now to have absolutely brain-shattering, mind-numbing sex for the rest of the night that you—from the looks of your girlfriend over there— won’t be having for the rest of the week if you’re lucky enough to salvage your relationship. It was nice meeting you!”
You can see Bitna stomping her way over to her boyfriend, carrying a palpable dark force in her wake, so you quickly tug Soobin away by the hand and make your quick exit out the function room and into the elevator. You’re aware of how Soobin is currently looking at you like you’re insane as you press on the lowermost button on the panel. His eyes are practically drilling into the side of your face.
“This— this isn’t the way to our room.”
“I know,” you reply, watching as the doors close in front of you. Jay booked a room to sell your whole schtick a little further, but looks like you won’t be able to use it. “We’re not going to our room. That is unless you actually want to follow through with what I said earlier?”
When you turn to look at him, he’s already drenched in pink. You hold back a laugh. They make it so easy for you to mess with them. “I’m joking. I doubt you’d want to spend a minute longer here, so let’s just dip. These clothes are getting stuffy.”
Somehow you found yourselves at the 7-Eleven outside your subdivision, overdressed and sharing a pint of ice cream and two beers under the empty store’s fluorescent lights. You stuff a spoonful into your mouth and let your gaze linger on him for a while. Soobin has his head down, quietly staring at the top of his beer can. With a face like that, you think he’d be more confident and outspoken, but it’s almost funny how he’s trying to scrunch up his large frame in the tiny seat in front of you.
Look, you’re simply tapping an index finger on the back of his hand and he immediately flinches and draws it back. He’s so shy, so timid that you can’t help but grow soft on him.
“I’m sorry,” is the first thing he says since you left the hotel.
You rest your cheek against your palm. “For what?”
“I mean, it’s just that— you spent the past four days making sure I didn’t mess up our whole act, but I messed it up anyway and we ended up leaving early. I’m sorry for wasting all your time and effort like that. I’m—I’m really sorry for being so hopeless and pathetic and—”
“Hey, don’t say that,” you cut him off. “If there’s anyone that’s pathetic, it’s that Jaeyun? No, Jaeyun is Jake. It’s that Jae-something bastard who’s pathetic. I mean, was he not loved enough as a child? Does he have a disease that makes everything that comes out of his mouth unrecyclable trash? Anyway, if anything, it should be me and the rest of the boys apologizing for forcing you into this. I’ll help you guilt trip them later when we get—”
You stop. You stop because you notice how his eyes are getting a little red, and how they’re getting a little glassy, and how he’s nipping at his bottom lip that you’re afraid it might start bleeding.
“Oh. Oh no. Soobin, please don’t cry.”
And he starts crying. Well, fuck.
You hastily get out of your seat and plop down right next to him, letting his head drop down to your shoulder. He continues sniffling as you switch between rubbing his back and giving him pats on the head, staring blankly at the empty aisles because the last thing you expected to do today is comfort a grown man in a dingy convenience store while you’re in high heels and a strappy dress.
“Let’s have a movie marathon with the boys when we get back, okay?”
At least you’ve gotten better at consoling people. It seems like a useful skill to have for the rest of your stay.
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HOME FOR THE BITCHLESS. © hannie-dul-set, 2023.
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ao3commentoftheday · 7 months
Hey, do you have any advice or encouragement for someone writing for a popular fandom/ship for the first time? I'm more used to posting fic in very small fandoms where a pin drop can be heard or fandoms where the engagement is still managable with several 100 or 1000 stories, so the thought of posting my first fic for a ship that was FOURTH in the top of all time this year sounds like a massive undertaking. I'm actually terrified in a way I haven't been in a LONG time lol
It sounds like you might have stage fright, if I'm reading you right. And that's perfectly reasonable when you think about the size of a fandom that large.
The flip side, of course, is that a fandom that large has folks posting into the tag constantly. You might actually end up with the opposite problem to what you've experienced in a smaller fandom.
In smaller spaces, it's possible to get more comments and reactions because it's small. The people are more eager for stories and artwork. The community knows each other better. You can skim through the tag once or twice a week and be completely caught up with everything, and you can take your time to read everything that interests you and comment and kudos on top of that.
In a megafandom, there are so many people posting so often that your fic might end up being drowned out in the noise. That's not a guarantee, of course! But it's something to prepare yourself for.
If you do end up getting more comments or attention than you can handle, remember that you can always take a break. Put the fic on official or unofficial hiatus. Respond to comments in batches, or only respond to the ones where the commenter poses a question. Take time away - whether that's an afternoon or a whole month - when it all gets to be too much.
The most important thing to remember, though, is that whatever statistics you get on your work those numbers aren't about your writing ability or your likeability as a person. Those numbers are about how many people saw your summary and tags and decided that what you put out there was something they wanted to take in.
What about the rest of you? Have you got some advice for a first time poster to a megafandom?
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sgiandubh · 2 months
Show must go on...
... and rather very much in your face, mind you.
Scottish Xena posted two stories at about 7 AM, counting calories, and, in the process, making sure to address roughly any objections that were ventilated on this side of the fandom, including this very page. See for yourself...
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What are the odds she'd be talking about nutrition? Right. I am not an idiot. I know when something is way Over The Top - less is more, Xena. Less is always more: there was no need to overdo it like that, placemat and all, if you wanted to remain credible. You read us and you have been instructed to do so, just to perfectly stick to your walking, talking and very profitable Local Innuendo script.
Fair enough. And then, you also tell us that you will be at Hyrox today around noon, to film some ESN promo: your bread and butter, of course. S is just for shits, giggles and that Instagram yield:
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So, there's that. *urv connecting dots like crazy, without having the slightest clue of what was discussed at that table. Her own brand of cheap fanfic for the masses, for the other five clowns commenting, out of which three at least are her own sock accounts.
Cue in the Useful Idiot. The Brazilian Tourist and Fan. Uma senhorita tão desagradável, who changed her story in between her first reaction reel and the debrief, back at her suburban Airbnb or where the fuck that was filmed.
First reaction reels:
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'Just saw SH.' Not alone, oh no: 'com uma moça'. With a girl. So yeah, she had qualms asking for a pic.
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First lie and dramatization. She posts a message for S where she explains she did not dare approach him, but she saw him alright. The one in Portuguese is completely different, though: 'I am going to post the video without sound, because I could only say "what a shame", while I was filming him on the sly. LOL.' I guess she thinks we are all idiots, or something. Also, in her reel, she confirms: 'ele estava almoçando com outra pessoa'/he was having lunch with another person. So far, so good, right?
Six hours later, a second debrief batch of reels, taking her reader's questions. The narrative changes, with a strong bias:
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'Yes, he is super accessible and educated! I did not freak out, I just politely asked to take a pic (what I do consider the right way to approach famous people, at the end they are still human beings).'
For the people in the back: she is a lady. And a liar. The worst kind of liar, actually: a narcissistic one. Let's see what else she takes great pains telling us: 'ele tem um fandom bem tóxico'/he has a very toxic fandom. From now on, we just know what to expect, right?
Second answer, she explains he is very tall. He went inside to pay the bill and then he also went towards the bathroom (wtf?), she followed him inside, she asked for the menu, he finally went out and she approached him ('abordei' - 🙄) between the door and her table. Classy.
Cue in to a third answer (and second lie) to a very odd question: 'what did he smell like?' or something along those lines. For this one, I had to ask confirmation from Shipper Mom, who told me two things (she knew next to nothing about the whole episode- no bias): ' it's damn hard to understand what the hell she is talking about, she is eating half of her words. Plus you can tell she is lying.'
He doesn't smell, she tells us. But hey, she also freaked out a bit, finally (I thought she hadn't?!) and then well, 'ele estava com outra pessoa, uma moça, deve ser a namorada dele'/ he was with another person, a girl, probably his girlfriend'. But then he went inside (again? wasn't he coming out of the venue?), 'and the girl stayed at the table'. Things go murky afterwards, like they absolutely always do: she tells us she spoke to her (?), but would not say anything more, yet making sure to tell us she 'saw both of them'.
If anyone has a better version than mine, please step forward: we listened three times in a row, with Shipper Mom, a teacher of Portuguese and published literary translator. She was appalled by this young woman's carelessness and mendacity.
The Brazilian Tourist Fan is 23 years old (and it shows), she presents herself as a journalist and writer:
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Seriously? What are the odds?
And finally, to wrap it up, the classical cheering moment, at yesterday's Hyrox: ' yeah, Sarah, nice!'
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Nice, indeed.
FFS. Will it ever end?
Yes, it will. Anything ends: even Stalin's terror.
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byhees · 1 year
the intimacy of hands.
엔하이픈 ・ female reader + word count 1000 genre fluff established relationship warnings not proof-read kissing skinship petnames — more
a/n. revamped version ><
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hold | heeseung
would get a teeny bit pouty when you wind up getting distracted from a conversation, eyes fixated on another object by the background; “hey, look at me too, babe”, he’d start, and when that served fruitless, he’d raise his hands to gently cup your cheeks, fingers softly brushing against your skin. “as i was saying,” a little pout, “how do you like my hair?”; and you’d just gawk at him, needing a quick second to recollect yourself from the momentary fluster.
intertwine | jongseong
finds every excuse in the book to intertwine hands with you; can’t blame though— he simply adores the warmth and softness of it all; would suggest such out of pocket, and completely random things just to give himself the right opportunities to interlock fingers with you; for instance, when baking, he’d suddenly say, “how about we mix the batter together?”, leaving you in a confused state; without much explanation, he’d wrap his fingers around your free-hand, swinging your intertwined hands in the empty space. “there! and if you get tired, i’ll transfer some energy over to you!” that’s not exactly how it works, but you’ll let it slide.
win | jaeyun
him being your number one supporter; always present for significant moments in your life, like your graduation, or maybe a win in a competition; you could just scan the rows of attendees, and you’d spot his twinkling eyes, as well as his handmade banner spelling out your name in bold, cute stickers of balloons and animals pasted all over the empty space; would also be there for the smaller moments, such as your first successful batch of cookies, or your first time solving those ‘only 0.000001% of people can get this right!’ kind of quizzes; whenever you walk up to him, regardless of whether you’re holding a medal or your phone, he’d lovingly wish you congratulations, snaking a hand and resting it on the small of your back to pull you close, and pepper your face with celebratory kisses.
lay | sunghoon
would go stargazing together with him; laying a gingham picnic-mat in the midst of a grassy field located at a nearby park, and gazing at the pretty skies above; him actually being pretty good at pointing out constellations, often times filling you in on the identity of said patterns. you, on the other hand, simply enjoyed being in his company, making out random images from the stars; “that one looks like a pineapple, no?” he’d giggle softly at your revelation, replying with a soft “not quite, but whatever you say, angel”; would often outstretch his hand, resting it on your own and tracing little constellations on your palm.
squeeze | seonwoo
is always there to help you out, especially during stressful moments; making sure that you’re all prepped and ready for a big presentation; going through your lines with you, and giving little feedbacks afterwards; on the big day, he’d wrap his hand around your clammy ones to offer affirming squeezes. “hey, hey! don’t panic, love… just remember what you recited to me last night, and you’ll be fine. trust me”, cherry on top is that he’d give you a peck before you’d leave.
hug | jungwon
is honestly so, so clingy when it comes to you; you’d be minding your own business, say washing the dishes, when a pair of arms would suddenly wrap around your waist, embracing you in a back-hug; he’d rest his chin on your shoulder, hands resting on the dip of your hip. “you were gone from bed for too, too long… i miss you already”, and here you’d be, trying to roll up the sleeves of his shirt to prevent dish soap from staining them; “it’s okay, babe.. can we just stay like this for another minute?” he’d bury his face in the crook of your neck, fingers lightly fiddling with the hem of your shirt.
wipe | riki
the type to notice even the most minute of things; say, a tiny, almost minuscule, streak of frosting on the corner of your lips— that he’d notice as well; would lean forward, extending a hand to wipe off the little bit of icing on your face, unintentionally putting a stop to your train of thoughts; “this bakery makes such tasty cakes! we shou—“ and he’d casually lean back in his seat afterwards, propping his elbow on the table, and resting his chin in the dip of his palm. “you were saying, love?”, but you’d be so flustered with all these butterflies soaring around your stomach, that you’d just pause for a moment, a light pink hue dusting your cheeks.
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taglist open! @halcyoni-ki @wondipity @yjjungwon @shysakuno @niktwazny303 @vnsux @minhosify @haechansbbg @yeomha @stepout-09-15 @chansburgah @sona-verse01 @lilly-bubblelops @smouches @mrchweeee @luvistqrzzz @nwjws @ibsysbsfsunsbs @rikisly @amyysfics @mixtape-racha @berry-and-kkami @rikislady networks! @kflixnet @enhanet @k-labels
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munsonsprincess11111 · 6 months
But he's my goof
Eddie munson x reader
Summary: Eddie has beeb dating you for 5 months.in his friend's eyes Eddie has no game.so one day Eddie walks over to the hellfire table and Gareth is sat batching about not having a girlfriend so he askes Eddie how he pulled u. Honestly Eddie doesn't know so he asks u.
You and Eddie have been dating happily for 5 months. He loves you. You love him. You go in dates. You go to his gigs at the hideout even stay after closing and help him out. You go to hellfire. But there's one thing the club can't get there head around. How Eddie actually managed to pull you.
Your grungy. Your pretty. Your smart. You like metal music. How did Eddie pull someone so perfect. The man walked into a mirror in drama class once. So how.
"I'm gonna die alone. Women hate me." Gareth complains for the sixth time this week about not having a girlfriend. It's only Wednesday. Eddie walks over placing his lunch box on the table. "What's he bitching about now?" HE askes.
"He's saying he's gonna die alone cause no girls wanna date him." Jeff answers. Eddie nods and looks at Gareth. "What about tilly she would date you." Eddie askes throwing a pretzel in the air trying to catch it in his mouth but missing.
"How did you pull y/n?" Gareth says not even noticing he'd said his thought. Eddie shoots Gareth a glare and the rest of hellfire look at Gareth. Everyone can see Gareth realise what he said. The instant regret in his face.
"NO fucking clue." Eddie says going back to throwing pretzels tryna catch them in his mouth. Failing again. Everyone at the table look at Eddie as he replied calmly. He looked up at there shocked faces.
"What I don't. I'm a complete dope. I'm known as the town freak. I'm als kid. No one in school likes me. I dress like I'm homeless. I smoke. I occasionally drink. I'm failing. N I'm really fucking stupid." Eddie says getting cut off.
"Who's really fucking stupid?" You ask walking up behind Eddie as he throws a pretzel not noticing you. You grab it in your hand and eat it yourself smirking at your boyfriend who has furrowed brows.
"First. I'm really fucking stupid. Second. MY PRETZEL!" Eddie says looking up at you. You kiss his quickly and then sit next to him.
"And why are we talking about Eddie stupidity?" You ask taking another one of Eddie's pretzels.
"Well she's y/n she can answer. Y/n? How the fuck did I pull you?" Eddie askes looking her seriously in the eyes.
Everyone's eyes are on you. "Expand..." You say looking at Eddie and only Eddie.
"Like Gareth can't get a girlfriend. However. The town freak who's failing school who everyone hates and is failing school manages to get the most perfect girlfriend in the world." Eddie says handing u a mini pretzel.
"Yeah what the fuck you see in munson?" Gareth askes. Everyone's eyes back on Gareth. Eddie throws a pretzel and it hits him in the head. You giggle at Eddie.
"First. Your the most perfect boyfriend eds. Second. I dunno he's hot. Funny. N is nice to me." You say looking at Eddie. Eddie smiles at your response. Then Gareth speaks again.
"But he's a complete dopey goof." Everyone looking at him again as he can not shut up. Your still looking at Eddie who's death glaring Gareth.
"But he's my goof." You say quietly Eddie then looking back at you his face immediately changing to smiling. He takes your hand in his leans over and places a sloppy kiss on your lips making his friend's make gagging noises. "I love you" he whispers kissing your neck. "I love you too" you whisper back.
Eddie then sits back in his seat pulling your chair closer to him so he can put his arm around your shoulders. 10 minutes later a girl approaches the hellfire table. "HEY your Gareth right?" She askes Gareth. He nods looking at the table with a look of panic on his face.
"Umm I'm in your science class. Names Emily." She says smiling. "Yeah I know hi Emily." HE answers looking flustered.
"I was wondering if you'd wanna maybe go on a date this Saturday?" She askes smiling at Gareth. Gareth looks to his friends everyone eyes on him. Him still looking flustered. "Well answer the lovely lady Gareth. So sorry. He's a pussy when it comes to girls." Eddie says teasing the boy.
You lift your head from his shoulder and hit his chest. He puts his hands up in defeat before putting his arm back around your shoulder pulling you back into his side.
"Umm yeah sure. I can pick you up around 6 we could go get food?" Gareth askes playing eith his fingers.
"Sounds great I'll give u my address tomorrow. See you then." Emily says waving smiling and walking off. The table goes silent as everyone stares at Gareth. "Eddie?" Gareth askes. "Mm?" Eddie answers looking confused.
"Who asked who out with you and y/n." HE askes Eddie.
"We hung out a lot and one day she was talking snd I just kissed her. And KABOOM. Relationship ship." Eddie says smirking his arm still around you.
"Your absolutely unbelievable." You say with your head on his shoulder.
"Funny you told me that last night when I made you-" Eddie speaks tryna be smug but you slap your hand over his mouth.
"I'm leaving. See you all tomorrow." You say getting up taking your hand of Eddie's mouth. "Wait wait wait." Eddie says getting up to running off. Then running back to get his stuff.
The tables watching you walk off as Eddie grabbed his stuff. "Whyd she wipe her hands on her jeans?" Dustin and Gareth ask in sync. Eddie looks up going to run. "Cause I licked her hand." HE says before running after you. Earning grunts and groans of disgust from the table. "Y/n baby! It was a joke common trouble.!" HE shouts after you.
"I STILL DONT SEE HOW THAT PULLED HER." Gareth half yells painting at Eddie. Eddie heard and gave him the middle finger as he ran out the door. The doors were glass and you were stood outside of them. They could see you both.
Eddie dropped his stuff bringing his hands to your waist kissing you. Pushing you against the wall. Your hands went around his neck keeping him close and then in his hair.
Nancy being stood next to Mike hearing what Gareth had to say was able to answer for you. "Because he loves her and is not afraid to show it. And she loves him and all his weird tweeks."
They all look back at you to see Eddie picking his lunch box up and handing it to you. You look at him confused. Then he throws you Iver his shoulder. Your laughing. And attempting to keep some hold on him as Eddie walks off with you over his shoulder.
"He's her goof. And they love eachother. A hole fucking lot."
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jaylaxies · 2 years
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PAIRING: sunghoon x fem!reader
GENRE/CW: smut, unprotected sex, fingering, cunnilingus public sex, car sex, mentions of drinking, mentions of jay and yunjin (le sserafim), and other idols.
WC: 11,380 words
SYNOPSIS: you last met park sunghoon when you were in high school, more precisely, when he had gained enough courage to ask you out, not knowing that the most popular girl of the school was already taken by the senior who was equally as popular. four years later, your batch decided to hold a reunion back in your town, where you meet sunghoon again. only, the problem is that he’s hotter than ever and you can’t, for the life of you, keep your eyes off him.
WARNING: 18+ content, minors dni
A/N: hihi, angels! happy hoon day! and this one is for my beloved @end-hyphen happy belated birthday iloveyou <33 i really hope that you like it! im sorry for taking so long to complete this fic but here we are :3 all likes, comments, reblogs and feedbacks are highly appreciated! it keeps me motivated! iloveyou all <3
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“There’s no way he didn’t know!” You exclaimed, recalling how things went down back in tenth grade.
Yunjin only sighed on the other end of the call, “listen, I love you but, you have to take into account how oblivious the poor boy was back then! He studied and skated, that’s all he did,” she spoke, emphasizing on the but part.
You huffed, sitting down on the edge of your bed, nodding to yourself as you found her point to be a valid one.
“It’s still awkward though,” you mumbled, playing with a loose thread of your sweater.
“It’ll be fine, okay? It’s been four years, and it’s not like you have to talk to him.” Her words were true yet again, and this is why you loved her.
Yunjin had been your best friend since you were in middle school, she’d always been honest and the social butterfly everyone loved, but at the same time, she was humble and kind, always taking care of the ones around her.
You were relieved to know that she would be with you for the school reunion, an event which was planned thoroughly. It wasn’t just a meet up, it was a three day trip back to your hometown, the first day being the reunion dinner night, the second being the beach day and the last being the night out at the new club.
The idea itself was thrilling, not to mention how desperately you needed this break, Yunjin even quicker to express her excitement by booking two hotel rooms for you both as your parents now lived in Seoul, and not in your hometown.
Another sigh left your mouth as you plop down on your bed, staring at the ceiling while wondering why you even bothered to check the guest list, to check whether Park Sunghoon was invited or not.
It was no surprise when you saw his name in the list, gulping as you recalled the embarrassing incident which took place between you both, the one in which you never got the opportunity to confront him.
You closed your eyes, revisiting the memory.
It was the last day of the tenth grade, your exams had just gotten over and the student crowd was elated, throwing notes everywhere to celebrate the same, which caused you to scrunch your nose at the sight of paper wastage and meaningless litter.
“Hey,” a sweet voice called your name at the exact second, succeeding in grabbing your attention.
You recognized him as your classmate, Sunghoon, who was also a good friend of your own friend, Jay.
“Hey! Hoon, right?” You smiled at him, a slight red colour spread on his cheeks at the sight of you.
He nodded, also saying hello to Yunjin, who was right next to you before his gaze fell to his fingers as he fiddled with them, mustering courage to look into your eyes, your own ones staring at him with curiosity.
“I just, I wanted to ask if you’d like to, you know, go out with me sometime?” He let out the question, unsure of what words he had used and cringing at how shaky his tone was.
Your eyes widened as you looked at Yunjin with pleading eyes, asking for help. It was no secret that you were one of the popular girls at your school; sweet, hardworking and humble.
Getting a confession such as this one was nothing new to you, declining politely always worked, however, that was when you were single and not in a relationship with the most popular guy in the school, who was also your senior. It was almost cliché with how the ace, Lee Heeseung, had ended up falling for you.
The news was quick to spread, fast enough for your group chat to go crazy, asking you questions which almost made you throw your phone away with embarrassment. In the span of three days, the whole school was aware of the new it couple. Except for Sunghoon, that is.
“As friends?” You winced at how pathetic your question was, which certainly made things ten times more awkward.
“N—no, as something more?” Sunghoon helpfully explained, looking everywhere but at your face now.
“Sunghoon,” Yunjin spoke up, causing you to release your breath, thankful that she was here to control the situation when you could say nothing and feel uncomfortable looking at his disappointed face.
“She’s taken, love! Sorry,” she informed him, his eyes widening and mouth agape.
You wondered if he was genuinely clueless about this, he did look lost to you.
You gasped, suddenly feeling an arm wrap around your waist, pulling you closer as you stared at Heeseung in surprise, who was already looking down at you with a smirk.
“Hey, baby. I missed you,” he spoke up, kissing you right on the mouth.
Sunghoon witnessed the whole scene, a frown settling on his face, embarrassment clear as he softly said, “e—excuse me,” leaving as soon the words left his mouth, shoulders slumped
You never met him again, only seeing him with Jay at times. He was quick to change his school soon after it, knowing that he’d be able to do so easily since the finals were over.
And you were going to meet him now.
Your eyes snapped open at the thought of that, you just wished for the trip to be a pleasant one. Furthermore, from your side, you’d make sure to not be awkward around him, pretending as if the whole situation didn’t happen in the first place
If you’d even get to talk to him, that is.
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“Wow, you really are dumb,” Jake laughed uncontrollably once Jay finished telling him the story of none other than Park Sunghoon.
“Shut up,” Hoon mumbled, annoyed that the topic which he had wanted so desperately to be buried forever was brought up once again.
“Wait, but if you knew about them dating then why didn’t you tell Hoon?” Jake pointed reh question towards Jay.
“Because he never told me he was going to confess in the first place!” Jay’s eyes widened almost comically as he exclaimed, “and it was exam time, Sunghoon had sworn he wouldn’t use his phone till the exams ended, and you probably don’t have any clue as to how big of a nerd he was—”
“Jay! Stop this,” Hoon whined, covering his face with his palm as Jay took out his phone, scrolling to find a picture of Sunghoon.
He looked a lot smaller than he is now, wearing a yellow, collared t-shirt and round specs, lips curved into a small smile as he looked into the camera.
“Holy fuck! You could have been easily casted for the live action of Doraemon, as Nobita of course.” Jake high-fived Jay after taking a look at the picture, the latter almost falling down with the laugh he had let out.
“Nobita? Oh god, can you guys shut up now? I don’t even want to go and face her ever again,” he snapped, whining right after.
He had been overthinking about everything that could happen once you meet him again. Would you laugh in his face and remind him of it? Heck, would you even remember him? It mattered to him a lot more than he’d like to admit.
A four year gap should have been enough to let his embarrassment fade away, however, all his efforts went to vain once he got invited to the reunion.
“Listen, it’ll be okay. She probably doesn’t even remember you!” Jay tried to make him feel better.
“That’s very consoling, thank you very much,” Hoon rolled his eyes, wondering if you’d forgotten him already. It wasn’t as if you both had been close, but you did see each around and during the classes. He won’t lie, the thought made him sad.
“You definitely have a chance now though, if that makes you feel better,” Jake let out slowly, noticing the glow up Sunghoon had after comparing him with his old picture.
“Shut up, I don’t like her anymore,” he mumbled, a light blush creeping up his neck as he did so.
Jake and Jay exchanged a look, putting on a smile as they dragged Sunghoon for shopping while Jay went on talking about what all they should be packing for the three day trip, bringing a genuine smile to Hoon’a face as he looked at his goofy best friends.
Maybe the trip wouldn’t be so bad, he thought.
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“Ay babe! You look hot,” Yunjin winked at you, eyeing you up and down while you glided your lipstick along the expanse of your lips, smacking them together to spread it evenly.
You winked back, “you look hotter.” She laughed just as you said that, engulfing you in a hug.
“Ready to leave?” She asked, getting her luggage out as you followed with a nod, smiling while you got into the cab, Yunjin being quick to snap a few selfies to mark the start of your trip.
The entire time on your way to your destination, you felt giddy, wondering how everyone looked now. It had been a while since you had met them and you secretly hoped that you’d get a chance to get laid, the studies kept you busy and you hadn’t got time to tend to your needs.
Your mind was full of scenarios as you imagined how your stay would go, what all activities you’d do and so on, falling asleep on the plane while envisioning the same.
“Wake up, sleepy head,” Yunjin shook your arm slightly, waking you up from your dreamland.
It took you a second to realize that the plane was going to land, followed by the announcement of the same and you were still sleepy when you put on your belt.
The journey was short, and you were checked into your hotel room in no time. As soon as you jumped on the bed, Yunjin came into your room holding a bunch of skincare products and sheet masks.
“Get up! We need that glow for tonight,” she demanded, plopping on the bed with you as she ushered you to go and wash your face.
Skincare was therapeutic for you, however, it also made you sleepy, even more so when the hotel beds were the definition of comfort and pleasure.
Your skin was glowing by the time you woke up, also checking the time so see that you had to start getting ready for the reunion dinner at once for you to reach there in time.
“No! You’re not wearing that,” Yunjin pointed at your trouser outfit.
“Why not?” You asked, looking at it. It did seem like a decent outfit to you.
“Because we have to show everyone that you’re still the it girl you were four years back, now hotter than ever,” she mumbled, looking into your luggage as you let her take the matter into her hands, your focus now on styling your hair.
“This!” She exclaimed, getting a dress out which made your eyes sparkle. It was a new dress which you hadn’t gotten a chance to wear before, and she was right, it’s the perfect opportunity for you all to dress up a little.
“Ready?” She smiled. She looked stunning in that black dress of hers, her freshly coloured hair only added to her beauty.
“Ready,” you confirmed.
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“Y/n!” You heard your name, and suddenly you felt warm hands around your body, pulling you into a friendly hug.
Sweet voice and strawberry scent was enough for you to know it was Isa. A big smile spread on your face as you hugged her tighter, looking around to see all of your classmates hugging and talking to each other.
“You look so pretty!” You were in awe, seeing her gummy smile and the pink dress she sported.
“And you? You’re glowing! I bet you grow prettier each day,” she giggled, making your heart melt. She had always been kind and bubbly, another one of the reasons why you were so close to her.
You looked around the restaurant, it was new and the interior was modern, booked for the night for your batchmates. Meeting everyone was like a breath of fresh air.
You didn’t even manage to say hello to everyone before they announced the start of the dinner, asking everyone to take seats, however, Jay was quick to reach to you, his smile as sharp as you remembered it to be.
“As stunning as ever,” he complimented you, hugging your side.
He was in a black suit, hair styled accordingly and it was evident that was wearing an expensive scent. You can’t deny, he looked handsome.
“Thank you,” you said softly, “you look chic as always too.”
A shy smile graced his face, “come on, let’s go and sit,” he said.
You nodded, following him as you noticed that almost everyone had taken seats, Yunjin waving at you, pointing at the seat she saved, which you gladly took, fixing your dress while you did so.
What you failed to notice was the person next to you, who had visibly stiffened with your sudden appearance, until you turned your head to look at him.
Your breath hitched, and you prayed that it wasn’t visible how your eyes widened by just a fraction at the sight of Park Sunghoon.
Glow up would be an understatement, he looked like a completely different person without his specs and baby fat.
His eyes were a chestnut brown colour, it was the first time you had looked into them so clearly, face sculpted with a sharp jawline and pointed nose, lips naturally shaded into a glossy red shade and hair parted to the side, styled accordingly to match his black button up.
“Hey,” a deep voice snapped you out of your observation session and you realized that it was him.
“Sunghoon, hey. It’s been a while,” you smiled at him softly, hoping that he didn’t notice you staring at him just a second back.
Meanwhile the boy was surprised to know that you indeed remembered him, his heart beating a little faster now that he was in such a close proximity with you.
“You look beautiful,” he spoke mindlessly, mouth opening again as he realized what he had said out loud, “how have you been?” He quickly asked, mentally slapping himself for being such a mess.
That only made you smile further, “thank you, Hoon. You look really handsome too.” You let out, and you did mean it.
Your words made him smile, which displayed his fangs. Everything about him intrigued you all of a sudden, his presence affecting you in a way you didn’t think it would.
Before you could talk more, the waiters came out, bringing the starters as everyone chatted excitedly at your table, Yunjin pulling you to her side, whispering in your ear.
“Is that him? Y/n, you couldn’t say yes then but it’s not too late, do it now!” She rushed to speak into your ear, making sure no one else heard it but you.
“Yunjin shut up, I just met him,” you spoke with wide eyes.
“So? You have three days to be with him! And to be honest, he looks like he knows how to fuck—” you covered her mouth, not letting her finish the sentence.
“Oh lord! I’m not going to do that!” You exclaimed, taking a bite of your soup, mood uplifting at the scrumptious taste.
“But why?” She was almost going to whine before Sunghoon called out your name, saving you from this conversation.
“Yes?” You asked too quickly.
He chuckled softly and you swore your name sounded better when it came out of his mouth. Maybe you were too into studying all this while that even the littlest things made you jumpy.
Or maybe it was the man who sat next to you.
“Could you pass me that napkin, please?” He asked politely.
His slender fingers brushed against yours as he took the napkin from you, saying thank you to you, the slight touch of his cold hands made you shiver.
Yeonjun, who sat right in front of you, was successful in distracting you, asking about your life in Seoul and about what you’ve been studying.
He was also a student like you, although he liked to work as a model in his free time, “it pays well and you get free clothes too!” He explained with a goofy smile.
You felt content, loving how friendly the atmosphere was as if you guys never lost touch in the first place, everyone drinking champagne to celebrate with a cheer that you join in too, maybe this is why people hype reunions.
Sunghoon was attentive to everything you had said till now, trying his best not to stare at you every few minutes. Your smile made his lips curve into one as well, unconsciously at that.
The dinner concluded soon, everyone getting up and gathering for a round of group pictures.
Sunghoon’s hand brushed against yours in the process, succeeding in giving you goosebumps again, which he didn’t fail to observe.
“Are you cold?” He asked, noticing your goosebumps.
You didn’t have any better explanation, and you couldn’t possibly tell him that he was one responsible for it.
“Yes, a bit,” you answered, looking at the height difference between you both, his body looked buff, veins visible now that he had rolled his sleeves up.
“Here,” he offered his blazer to you, gently wrapping it around your frame as you could feel yourself being overdosed with his scent — it was attractive.
“I—thank you.” Your cheeks felt hot.
Sunghoon was clearly pleased to see you in his clothes, he had seen you after four years and yet, his opinion about you didn’t change, you looked perfect to him.
You both reached the group, you trying to tiptoe more as to ensure your visibility in the picture. It was hard to take a picture of such a big group, especially when people simply couldn’t stand straight out of excitement, posing with silly expressions.
“Y/n! Come here,” Yunjin called your name, pulling you close for another set of pictures with everyone.
“Listen guys! Tomorrow we’ll meet at the beach by twelve, make sure you reach there on time!” Hyunjin announced.
You loved beaches, the sunlight made the water shine like it hid the prettiest set of diamonds in there, the smell of land and water meeting was soothing to your senses, not to mention the smiling faces all around you. It all made beaches beautiful and you were excited about tomorrow already.
As you made your way out of the restaurant, you noticed two other people waiting for you along with your best friend, Jay and Sunghoon.
“You’re here! We’re taking a cab together to our hotel, apparently they’re staying over at the same place as ours,” she explained, “they probably have their rooms in front of ours too!” She joked.
Sunghoon looked at you in his blazer, deciding that he won’t even ask you to give it back to him, it suited you too much.
He wanted to spend more time with you, he wanted to sit next to you in the cab and he made sure to sit in between you and Jay, his side pressed against yours.
“Are you comfortable?” He asked softly.
“Oh, yeah. Are you?”
He nodded, loving the arrangement so far. Living in the same hotel meant that he’d get to see more of you.
“So, Y/n, how’s it going with uni? Do you have a boyfriend or someone special in your life?” Jay asked, knowing that his friend was dying to know the same.
“It’s hectic but somehow manageable, I like what I’m doing and I won’t be leaving without that degree so, yes I feel like the hard work would pay in the end,” you explained confidently, “and no, I do not have a boyfriend. It’s honestly hard to go on dates when you barely have time for yourself.”
You’d always been hard working and Sunghoon admired that about you, his focus was solely on you ever since you stepped inside the restaurant and talked to him. It wasn’t easy for Sunghoon to fall for someone, but once he saw you again, it was as if his feelings for you had never left.
Just then, the car swiftly came to a stop, jerking forward slightly as Sunghoon quickly put his arm around your waist, pulling your body into him, securing it.
Some car had jumped the red light, almost causing an accident, but thankfully you guys were all safe and without any scratch as the driver was quick to use the brakes.
“You okay?” He asked, whispering as he cupped your cheeks.
You nodded, unconsciously shifting closer to him and he didn’t make any efforts to move his hand away, letting it rest on your waist while your head rested against his shoulder.
It felt comfortable, his scent, his touch, but more than that, it felt genuine, which is why you closed your eyes, sleeping on his shoulder while his breathing hitched, looking at your sleeping figure.
So pretty, he thought, brushing a few strands of your hair away from your face, tucking them behind your ear, letting his fingers linger there for a while. It felt like a dream to Sunghoon, and he wished that he could get more of this — more of you.
The comfort and your warmth seemingly got to him as well, his head resting on yours as he drifted off to dreamland with a slight smile ghosting on his lips.
“Cute! Cute!”
“They look like a couple, woah.”
A series of flashes was quick to disturb your sleep, eyelids slowly opening to see two phones shoved near your face, clicking pictures of you, the chatter coming from the very same pair of people.
Just then, you realized that the picture in question was not just of you, but of the guy who so gladly let you sleep on his shoulder.
Your eyes widened when he blinked open his eyes too, Yunjin and Jay laughing at his reaction when he saw you staring at him, face inches away from yours.
His eyes widened comically before he diverted his attention to Jay, slapping his hand away who was busy shooting all of this on his phone, even the cab driver watched it with a fond smile on his face.
“You guys are adorable,” Yunjin squealed when you got out of the cab, rushing to get back to your room, cheeks heated and heart racing.
Were you embarrassed? Yes. But not even a single cell in your body can deny that it felt good — being close to someone.
“Stop pairing us as if we’re school kids!” You whispered into your best friend’s ear.
“It’s fun though.” She shrugged, joining you in the lift, “oh, and by the way, nice blazer you’ve got on,” she smiled, continuing to tease you.
Right, you had to return the blazer to Hoon.
Turns out, Yunjin was right and both of them were indeed on the same floor as you, your room right in front of Sunghoon’s room.
“Good night guys,” she sang, leaving for her room.
Jay followed suit, leaving for his own room, not forgetting to send a wink your way, which the other boy noticed with a frown on his face.
Your outstretched hand got his attention, his blazer now in your hand, “thank you so much, Hoon,” you spoke up.
His nickname comes out of your mouth seamlessly, making him smile.
“You can keep it with yourself,” he started, causing you to tilt your head in a questioning manner, “in case you feel cold again, y’know.”
“Yeah? What if I want you to be the one who keeps me warm if I feel cold tomorrow?” You looked into his eyes.
“I—Yes I can keep you warm, but we won’t be needing the blazer then,” he answered a second after overcoming the initial shock of you saying that.
“Perfect. Good night, Hoon,” you spoke sweetly.
However, he wrapped his fingers around your wrist the second you turned around, spinning you so you stood right in front of him, hands on his chest to support yourself as your eyes widened at his bold move.
“Good night, love,” he whispered, his finger tracing your jaw, before he leaned in to place a soft kiss on the apple of your cheek, a teasing smile on his face before he turned around, getting into his room.
Your fingers instantly touched the place where he had kissed you. The small display of affection earlier had left you restless and desperate for more, wondering how his lips would feel against the expanse of your skin.
You wanted more.
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“Fuck! Faster, please,” you whined, his fingers pressed against your cunt, rubbing them in an agonizingly slow manner, his mouth planting kisses all down your valley of chest.
“You like that?” He asked against your skin, biting and sucking on your tits harshly, doing it enough to leave marks on your body.
The pain was more pleasurable than you could have ever thought of.
“So much,” you hummed, fingers grabbing onto his roots, tugging his hair.
You cried out of pleasure when he inserted two of his fingers into your pussy, thrusting them in and out before he came to whisper against your lips.
“Bet you dream of me too,” he smirked.
A moan left your mouth, which he silenced by kissing you right away, taking all your lewd noises in.
“Don’t you?” He asked again, his fingers leading you to your orgasm.
Until your alarm rang and your eyes snapped open, a gasp leaving your mouth once you came to the realization that it was just a dream.
A wet dream.
About Park Sunghoon.
“Oh god,” you groaned, hiding your face into the blanket, pussy tingling with the dream you had a few seconds back, mostly due to how realistic it was.
You had no other option but to hop into the shower and lean against the shower wall, touching yourself as your phone played a sensual song on Spotify, till you made a mess on your fingers, breathing hard while imagining how today would go.
Especially when you had a beach day ahead and the possibility of seeing Hoon shirtless would be high
Ignoring the fact that you had a wet dream about the man sitting in front of you during breakfast was a tough thing to do, yet you managed it well.
He looked like a prince even in casual clothes and he knew how to make you go crazy by just a wink of his, even giving you his doughnut which you wanted so dearly.
His appearance was innocent, unlike last night where he was in a black button up — hot and attractive beyond words, he left you speechless.
“Are we renting a bike or not?” You asked Yunjin with a smirk after you were done eating.
“I’m down,” she gave you a high-five, “I don’t know about the boys though.”
“Wait, you ride bikes?” Jay asked, impressed.
“Of course, we do!” You answered.
“Take us on rides then,” he said, brow raised at the offer.
“Sure, select your rider, we’ll go to the beach on the bike then,” you smiled.
By the time you got ready in shorts and a top, which you wore on your bikini set, the sun had come up and was shining brightly. You had your bag packed with all essentials and two sets of extra clothes because you never know when you’re at the beach, not to mention how much sunscreen you had used to protect your skin.
All four of you got into the lift, and you noticed how you and Yunjin were wearing the same colours, while the boys were in shorts and t-shirts.
“Who’s coming with me then?” She asked, showing her bike keys.
“I am,” Jay spoke up, as if it was their plan to leave you with Sunghoon, alone at that.
You turned to look at Hoon, “you’re stuck with me then.”
“Perfect,” he smirked, following you out.
“Wear this,” you passed him the helmet, which he put on.
But your gaze went on his arm, which flexed as he fixed his helmet, the short sleeved t-shirt did nothing to hide his muscles.
“Let’s go,” he smiled, snapping you out of your daydream.
“You ready?” A smirk settled on your face as you checked the rear view mirror, looking at Sunghoon, who was quick to send a nod back.
What he didn’t expect was that you’d speed up the second you start the bike, making him jerk forward and hold on to your waist, making you shiver slightly before you began your journey of a total of ten minutes, the beach being close to your hotel.
“Woah, fuck!” You heard the boy say from behind, making you smile as you zoomed past the cars and other vehicles.
“Hold on tight,” you screamed against the wind, loving the light breeze caressing your skin, and Sunghoon’s body pressed against yours.
His arms tightened around you with your command, and your mind wandered to the morning when you dreamt about him.
It did feel good, and you were certain you wanted more.
Meanwhile, Sunghoon was looking around, enjoying the scenery, but most importantly, he was enjoying the time he got to spend with you — his old crush. He leaned in, taking in your scent, smiling at how you didn’t change your perfume still.
He was highly attentive and observant when it came to you.
A series of hooting was heard in the parking lot, where all of your gang was waiting for you four to arrive, thoroughly surprised to see you riding bikes.
“That’s hot,” Yeonjun came over, wearing only beach shorts, abs on display as he saw you take off your helmet, the scene looked as if it came out of a movie.
“Dang, you’ve been working out?” you asked, focus now on him as you happily chatted and took his hand, which he offered with his charming smile, and walked towards the beach with everyone else.
Sunghoon watched it all with his jaw clenched, Jay and Yunjin approaching him with a knowing expression on their faces. He wanted to spend time with you, and he didn’t expect anyone to steal you away from him so soon.
“Maybe she’d notice you if you remove your SpongeBob t-shirt,” Jay adviced, keeping his elbow on his shoulder.
“What’s wrong with SpongeBob?” He asked, tilting his head.
“Oh, definitely, Jay's right. Do you have abs?” Yunjin asked, doing the same from his other side.
“I—why does it matter?” Hoon huffed, shrugging their hands off and walking further.
“It does matter when you’re whipped!” Jay announced helpfully, making Hoon stop to slap his shoulder.
“Stop shouting for fucks sake!” He warned.
“You’ll never get her at this rate. Trust me, go shirtless and see the magic. Also, stop being a loser and move your ass, go and approach her,” Jay said.
Sunghoon simply looked around to ensure that no one was eavesdropping on their conversation, his friend embarrassed him enough and your best friend didn’t help either. Did he actually make it that obvious? He wondered.
Seeing you laughing with Yeonjun did make him want to step up his game.
“Guys! Get changed and then the ones who wanna enjoy the water are free to do that, while those who wish to do water sports, gather around that area,” Taehyun announced, pointing at a shed area meant for the registration of water sports.
You simply wanted to enjoy in the water, so you made your way towards the changing stalls, getting rid of your shorts and top to reveal your bikini, after which, you looked into the mirror to ensure your appearance was okay.
“Love the bikini,” Isa complimented and you cooed at her one piece swimsuit. Everything she wore suited her perfectly.
And Isa didn’t lie, a lot of heads turned to look at you once you were out, some silently admiring your beauty, for instance — Sunghoon, with his mouth agape slightly.
While others, like Yeonjun, didn’t hesitate to show how pleased they were by your entrance, whistling slowly, which flustered you slightly as you rushed to get under the beach umbrella, eyes darting away to look at Sunghoon, who was already staring at you.
“See you in the water,” Yunjin left, running away with excitement clear on her face.
That left you two alone under the umbrella.
“You’re not going?” You asked Sunghoon, getting sunscreen out of your bag.
“Just waiting for you,” he spoke smoothly, causing you to look at him.
“Help me then?” You passed him the bottle of sunscreen, turning around with your lower lip bitten.
Sunghoon took a deep breath, he wanted to touch you in more ways than one. He squeezed out some sunscreen, his cold fingers touching your skin as he applied it on your shoulder with a gentle massage.
His strong hands made you sigh with pleasure, head tilting to give him more access to your neck area, his fingers paying attention to each inch of your back, fingers digging into your inner shoulder with his breath fanning your neck.
He took your name, almost as a whisper.
“Yes, Hoon?” You looked back at him, only to find his face inches away from you.
He came closer, looking into your eyes, “let’s go,” he smiled, heart racing from the proximity and he wasn’t sure how longer he could handle staying so close to you without even kissing you.
“Race you to the water,” you screamed, running away with a smile so big, it naturally made the boy smile as he realized how much he wanted you.
You were fast, but he was faster and his arms wrapped around your waist the second your feet touched the water. Soft giggles left your mouth as he turned you around and ran further, standing in the water with his arms open and a victorious smile graced his face.
“That’s cheating!” You pointed your finger at him, others laughing at your childish bickering as he defended himself with a serious expression, trying not to give in to your pout.
“I don’t cheat,” he came close to say, pouting on his own.
Before you could retort, he started splashing water all over your body, others joining soon and splashing water everywhere.
“Hoon!” You squealed, rushing to splash water back on him, only to trip and fall right into his arms, his hands firmly holding you close to him.
“Falling for me already?” He asked, a cocky smirk on his face.
“In your dreams,” you retorted.
“You were there,” he shrugged, confusing you yet again.
He hooked his finger and lifted your chin tenderly, making you look into his eyes, “in my dreams last night,” he winked, leaving you speechless.
Sunghoon was the shy, nerdy kid who used to sit in the front of the class, always keeping to himself, talking to only Jay.
Now, however, you couldn’t even recognize the guy in front of you. While you found the old Hoon to be cute, you wouldn’t lie when you say that the confidence he oozed now made you want to know him more. The words rolled off his tongue so smoothly, which made you wonder if he flirted with others too.
It seemed as if he was on a roll to make you go speechless, and his plan was working. By the time you turned around to reply to him, you saw him swiftly remove his t-shirt.
Your body stilled as your eyes traveled up and down his body, skin shining with the sunlight that complimented him perfectly. He was lean but muscular, muscles flexing as he took off his SpongeBob t-shirt, abs now on display for everyone to see. He looked flawless.
Yunjin elbowed your side, eliciting a yelp out of you, “what?” You whisper yelled.
“You’re drooling,” she giggled, “get that man,” she tapped on your shoulder, pushing you towards him.
However, when you observed some girl, who wasn’t a part of your group, coming close to Hoon while placing her hand on his bicep and asking if he was single, it made you want to run away and not witness the exchange of Sunghoon smirking at the other girl.
Naturally, you made your way out of the water, face hot as you fanned yourself walking towards the beach chairs under the umbrella, not knowing that the boy had no other job but to follow you, politely rejecting the other girl.
You sat down, closing your eyes as you tried your hardest not to think about the dream you had earlier, your desire only fuelled when he flirted with you with that ever so stunning smirk of his.
Seeing him shirtless was your last straw.
You needed alcohol in your system to survive this, to let yourself free. Sunghoon was already resting on the chair next to you by the time you opened your eyes again.
“I’m hurt,” he started, looking your way.
You raised your brows at his comment, “why? I thought you had company.” You took a sip of your drink, loving the bitter taste on your tongue.
Everyone was out of the water now, the gang was done with their water sports package as well, coming and sharing their experiences with a loud chatter, also talking about arranging a bonfire as the sky turned into the prettiest shades of yellow with orange and red hues.
“I do have company,” he whispered, coming closer for you to hear, “a very pretty one at that.”
He took the beer bottle from your hand, taking a long sip of it, your eyes fixated on how his Adam's apple bobbed as he gulped it down.
You snatched your bottle from him, watching as two drops trailed down his chest and towards his abs.
“Sorry, but you left your pretty company back in the water,” you huffed, smiling sarcastically before leaving to get a shower and change back into your shorts before the bonfire.
Sunghoon held on to your wrist before you could escape, pulling you so your back was flesh against his chest, his lips on your ear, brushing it slightly, “you sound jealous, princess,” he teased.
You turned to look at him, lips an inch away from his, your head tilting, “I have no reason to be jealous, Sunghoon,” you quipped.
With that, you walked away, knowing well you were jealous when you had no right to be so.
Sunghoon, on the other hand, was having the time of his life stealing your attention and having you to himself. Your reactions only encouraged him to do more, he wasn’t the one to flirt, however, he loved to get a reaction out of you.
Being together for two days was enough for Sunghoon to realize that his feelings for you never faded, it only grew more after spending more time with you. He couldn’t hide the smile forming on his face as you denied being jealous, it gave him hope that maybe, just maybe, he’d have a chance to win your heart. The fragrance of your body mist lingered around him because of the earlier proximity.
He swore it was his new favourite scent.
His eyes followed you, admiring your beauty from afar before he too went to get a shower and freshen up.
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“So, you and Sunghoon, huh?” Yeonjun asked, sitting down on the sand next to you.
The shower did make you feel better, the cool breeze and the sunset creating a calming atmosphere, the bonfire in front of you only making it cozier.
The question caught you off guard, resulting in an awkward cough from you, “what do you mean?”
“Come on, anyone can notice the sexual tension between you two, or maybe I’m just observant,” he shrugged, “you can’t deny that he’s hot,” he pointed out helpfully.
“I’m not denying anything, but I don’t think anything will happen between us,” you pouted, watching the man walk towards your group, drying his hair with a towel.
A gesture so natural, but he made it seem so enthralling that you couldn’t help but stare.
“So you do think he’s hot,” Yeonjun followed your gaze with a smirk.
He wasn’t going to let this go, and you were sure of that, a groan leaving your mouth as you divert your attention towards him.
“I’ll help you get his attention, although I think you’re doing pretty fine yourself,” he lowered his voice at the last few words as Sunghoon sat down next to you, passing you his charming smile.
“Truth or dare,” Yeonjun asked you, starting to implement his plan, passing you another can of beer.
Sunghoon looked at you with curiosity filled eyes, jaw clenched slightly as he noticed your closeness with Yeonjun.
“Uh—truth?” You asked more than answering.
This also gained the attention of your group, everyone cheering to play a round of truth and dare just like the old times.
“That’s boring,” he scrunched his nose, “how about I dare you to kiss someone in this circle?”
“Yeah, no. I’m not playing,” you took a long sip of your beer, ignoring the series of disappointed noises coming your way.
“Why?” He whined, “I bet anyone would want a kiss from you,” he emphasized on anyone.
Sunghoon bit his lips, eyes never leaving your face as he saw you disagree, a small smile on his face at your rejection. He wondered if Yeonjun wanted the kiss for himself.
“He’s right, you’re beautiful and oh god, I remember the number of proposals you used to get on Valentine’s day,” someone pointed out, giggling.
Seems like everyone was drunk already and the night had just started.
That statement made Hoon go stiff as he remembered his own memory of confessing to you.
“Oh, that reminds me of the time Sunghoon had come to ask you out,” Karina mentioned with a mischievous smile, as if everyone was on a mission to have you and Sunghoon in the spotlight.
The said guy groaned, hiding his face when the topic he so desperately wanted to avoid, came up out of nowhere, secretly hoping that you didn’t find him weird after remembering the same.
“Sunghoon confessed?”
“What? When did this happen?”
“Did you reject him?”
A bunch of questions were thrown your way and you looked at Hoon with a panicked face, him doing the same, gulping.
“It was in high school, and that’s all we’re telling you,” you answered, dismissing the crowd.
“So you can kiss him as your dare,” someone proudly suggested.
He looked bothered and you frowned, “guys, no. Let’s not make him uncomfortable now,” you spoke gently and Yeonjun took the hint to change the conversation really quick, daring someone else to drink five shots in a go.
“Hey. Are you alright?” You kept your hand on his surprisingly warm ones.
“You’re cold,” he frowned, intertwining his fingers with yours and keeping them inside his jacket’s pocket, “I have to keep you warm, remember?” He smiled.
He was nervous, trying his best to divert the topic and you let him, scooting closer to feel his warmth.
“I didn’t know you had a boyfriend back then,” he confessed with reddened cheeks, “I was just so busy with exams and—”
“You don’t have to say anything, Hoon. I understand and I’m sorry for what happened that day,” you tilted your head to look at him, blinking slowly as you finally felt your alcohol kicking in, “you’re pretty,” you whispered.
Hoon was on his fourth can of beer already, his tolerance level not being too high, causing him to get drunk faster.
His heartbeat rose up when you said that to him, and he pulled you closer, “you’re the prettiest,” he whispered, tucking a lock of your hair behind your ear.
Everyone seemed to be in their own worlds, laughing at random things, playing music and dancing, however, your drunk self wanted nothing more than to be with Sunghoon, to kiss him, and it took all of your self control to restrain yourself from doing so.
Sunghoon pulled you closer and on his lap, your face buried in his chest and his arms wrapped around you. He wanted you more than ever and being drunk, he couldn’t help but pull you impossibly closer to him.
Despite everything, you did admit how his presence made you feel warm inside, and it wasn’t solely because of alcohol.
He bummed a song under his breath, you almost slept in his hold, his deep voice giving you butterflies. His embrace made you feel wanted, just like you had wanted him, and you indeed were in your own world, soon being disturbed by others saying it’s time to go back.
Someone made you drink water, and soon, you were in a cab with your best friend next to you, Sunghoon on the other side and Jay riding shotgun.
“Good night,” Yunjin sang out once you reached your hotel, Jay leaving soon after.
“Come with me, I want to sleep with you,” you whined, no control over your mouth anymore, you took Sunghoon’s hand, pulling him into your room.
“Y/n,” he whispered, closing the door behind him.
“Fuck,” he muttered out, seeing you remove your denim shorts, leaving you in your t-shirt as you climbed on your bed.
He followed, discarding his clothes and getting into the bed with you, a blanket covering your bodies. Your back was pressed against his muscular chest, his arm around your waist keeping you in place.
A soft gasp left your mouth as you felt his hot breath on your shoulder, his lips touching your skin, making it burn with warmth, “Hoon,” you softly whined.
“Yes, baby?” He continued placing open mouthed kisses on your skin.
“Kiss me,” you breathed out.
“Would you like that?”
“Yes, so much,” you confirmed.
“I want to kiss you,” he confessed, “but not when we’re drunk. If you ask that of me tomorrow then I’ll do it without question.”
You smiled even though he couldn’t see you, “okay,” you said softly, admiring how beautiful the man was.
You turned around to face him, “good night, Hoon,” your voice came out as a whisper.
“Good night , princess.” You felt his lips on your forehead before you drifted off to dreamland.
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A dull ache in your head disturbed your precious sleep. Your eyes opened with a few blinks, settling down on Sunghoon, who laid next to you with his eyes capturing your each movement. You stiffened for a good second, remembering how hot his lips felt on your body the last night.
“Fuck,” you groaned, hand on your head as the effects of hangover started to kick in.
“Here,” he got up, passing you a bottle of water.
“Hoon,” you started, not sure what to say about last night.
“I’ll go,” he says, “I—I didn’t want to make things awkward between us,” he apologized, getting up quickly, putting his clothes on and leaving before you could say much.
“Ugh,” you groaned, hating how the situation turned into what it shouldn’t have been, you wanted him, drunk and sober, in both states.
But he didn’t know that. You were worried if he didn’t want that, or if his gestures were friendly all this time.
His kisses weren’t friendly last night, your mind reminded you, and you let out a series of curses at that, at how desperately you had wanted him to be close to you, all this in a span of two days.
Sunghoon was breathing hard by the time he locked his room, going straight in the shower. He was frustrated. The hot water droplets paired with his flashbacks from the last night, the way you said his name in a whisper, the way your bikini fit you perfectly, and how you looked at him like you wanted him just as much as he did.
He groaned, hand traveling down his skin to pump his semi hardened cock, gulping as images of you invaded his mind. With his head resting against the tiled wall, his fist moved on his length with speed, with need.
He had never jerked off to the thought of anyone before you came into his life again, it was his first time and he admitted, he didn’t know that just the thought of your body pressed against his would make him this hard.
With a moan escaping his lips, he painted the tiles white with his cum, your name leaving his lips as he stood there, breathing hard and deep in thought.
He had to have you.
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“We’ll go first,” you tell Yunjin, getting ready together for the last night — the club night.
“Sure, but why?” she asked, trying to perfect her already perfect liner.
“I don’t wish to face Sunghoon,” you mumbled, sitting down on the bed to wear your heels.
She stopped her movements, turning to look at you, “I thought you guys hooked up last night, it was going well, wasn’t it?” She asked, confused.
“I don’t know, Yun. He didn’t do anything yesterday because we were drunk, which was very sweet of him, but then he left this morning without talking about it,” you explained.
“So talk tonight, and maybe do more cause you don’t have much time left,” she reminded you, “maybe go with Yeonjun’s plan too, Hoon would definitely reach out to you once he sees you with him. I’ve seen that he doesn’t really like when Jun’s with you, it shows on his face.”
“Really?” You asked with a frown, “making him jealous sounds very high school core to me.”
“So what? It works!” She smiled, “and I’m ready, how do I look?”
“Stunning, gorgeous, perfect,” you answered, “and I think I’ll take up your advice this time.”
She smirked, “let’s go and get you your man,” she said, coming close to you, getting a shade of lipstick out which suits you through and through, knowing well that it’s the perfect opportunity to use it.
Flashy lights, loud music, drinks and dancing bodies everywhere. It was easy to spot Yeonjun on the DJ stage, vibing to the music feely. Life of the party as always.
“Let’s grab some drinks,” Yunjin spoke in your ear, the music being too loud for you to hear much from a distance.
You nodded, following her and smiling when you saw a few people from your batch standing there and drinking.
“My ladies, you look hot,” Beomgyu said, kissing your knuckles and ordering drinks for you both.
Seems like making Hoon jealous won’t be a problem after all, especially when everyone has a flirty nature.
You weren’t going to drink today, you had to be sober and in your right mind, so you settled for orange juice instead, the music making you move on your own.
“My lady!” Yeonjun spoke up, popping out of nowhere, pulling you into a hug before he came closer to whisper, “you look stunning,” his eyes shining as he said so, “but I don’t see lover boy, where’s he?”
“Will be here soon I hope,” you replied.
“Dance with me, he’ll definitely come sooner if he sees you with me,” he smirked as you took his hand, taking up on his offer.
Yeonjun was a good company after all, your eyes widening at his bold moves before he pulled you in with a smirk, “lover boy’s here, and he’s looking at us,” he informed you, your eyes moving behind to look at him.
Sunghoon was agitated, he wanted you all to himself for tonight, and he wasn’t going to shy away today.
“Are you just gonna stand and watch while he takes away your girl?” Jay asked from beside him.
“Not today,” Hoon replied simply, his eyes following your actions, watching as Yeonjun took you to the bar, Gyu on the other side as you laughed about something you were talking about, whispering in each other’s ears.
Sunghoon scoffed, rolling his eyes as he walked towards you, he didn’t wish to be nice all of a sudden.
He stood behind you at the bar, eyes fixated on your face, the shade of lipstick you had on suited you so perfectly that he wanted to ruin it by smashing his lips onto yours.
Instead, he tapped on your shoulder, successfully capturing your attention as you finally looked at him thoroughly — he was clad in skinny jeans, a loose black shirt whose first two buttons were open, his chest slightly on display. A delicate chain on his slender neck, hair parted to the side to match his look and jaw clenched as he looked at you with a desire filled gaze.
“Can I steal you for a moment?” He asked.
“Yeah,” you nodded mindlessly, gulping at how fine he looked.
He didn’t wait for you to follow him, instead, he held on to your wrist and pulled you with him, your eyes widened at his bold move, your feet moving quicker to match his pace as he dragged you out from the back door, to an alleyway which was empty.
“Sunghoon—” you called out his name, but he was quick to push you against the wall.
His eyes looked into yours, they were dark with a feeling you couldn’t quite understand before he leaned in, “remember what you said yesterday?” he asked, nose touching yours.
“What?” your voice came out shaky, his fingers on your arms were enough to make you shiver.
“That you wanted me to kiss you,” he leaned in further, his lips brushing against yours with his statement.
“What about it?” you asked, trying to sound stern.
He scoffed, “I bet you’d love it if Yeonjun would do that.”
“I could be wrong, but I have a feeling that you’re jealous, Hoon,” you replied, a small satisfactory smile on your face when you saw him scowl.
He tilted your head upwards, his fingers holding your chin up so you looked into his eyes, “yes,” he breathed out, “because I want you all to myself,” he confessed.
“Fuck it,” you muttered, breaking your tough girl act and pulling him closer by his collar, your hand on his shoulder as you pressed your lips onto his.
He was quick to react, pushing you against the wall harder while also pulling you closer by your ass, his other hand on your nape. His lips moved against yours in a perfect harmony, you felt your knees getting weaker as his soft lips kissed you with no intention of letting go.
He separated your legs apart with his knees, pushing it in between them, you pushed yourself further till you could feel his thigh in between your legs, applying pressure to your core which had you moaning into his mouth.
“Fuck,” he cussed, separating your lips to place rushed kisses on your neck, your head tilting to give him space as you grinded on his thigh.
“Ah— Hoon,” you whined, causing him to stop his actions, his slender fingers wrapping around your neck as he pulled you closer yet again, speaking against your lips.
“I really thought I was over you after not meeting you for four fucking years,” he almost growled, “but no. I saw you at the party sitting next to me and I realized that I still want you, more than ever,” he whispered, staring deep into your eyes.
“I want you too, Hoon,” your voice came out breathy.
He let out a low laugh at that, “you sure you don’t want Yeonjun?”
He was jealous, he didn’t even deny that and you admit you found this side of him hot.
“His name wasn’t on my tongue when I touched myself yesterday,” you admitted, not missing the look of slight surprise on his face, “it was yours,” you tiptoed to whisper in his ear.
A smirk on your lips as you tried to leave, but Hoon was quick to pull you back, his hand on the back of your head as he pushed you against the wall yet again, and you loved how easily he handled you.
“You’ll be the death of me,” he said, “it makes me want to mark you up.”
“Do it,” you whispered.
He didn’t need to be told twice, his lips on yours, your fingers tugging at his silky roots, sighing in exasperation with the wetness pooling in your underwear, your mind going fuzzy and your insides melting.
He nips at your bottom lip, hand traveling down to cup your breasts, your back arching as you feel a shiver going down your spine.
Your short dress and its sheer fabric does nothing to help you, your skin feels as if it’s on fire with how passionately he kisses you, your hand going under his shirt, touching his abs softly.
He knows it’s not appropriate to do this in public, but he can’t, for the life of him, stop his hands from roaming all over your body, from his fang-like canines to bite your clavicle and his eyes darkening from lust as he sees your body responding to him exactly how he wants to.
“I won’t be able to stop myself anymore,” he grunted, taking your name.
“Take me back to the hotel,” you breathed out, capturing his hand into yours.
He nodded, hoping that his hard on won’t be visible as he drags you in between the sea of dancing bodies, biting his lip before you both get to the parking lot, getting into the car he had rented earlier.
His hand rested on your thigh the whole fifteen minutes of the drive, inching upwards which made you squirm in your seat, low whines leaving your mouth desperately.
“Shh, baby. I’ll have to park the car right here if you keep making such sweet noises,” he warned.
The offer was tempting—tempting enough for you to let out a moan, to which he did what he had to. He swiftly took a turn, parking the car at the empty lane, switching the engine off before he unbuckled his seatbelt.
He turned your way, lips on yours as he unbuckled your belt too, a gasp leaving your lips as he effortlessly pulled you to his lap.
“You’re so fucking pretty.” His thumb traced your lips, which you parted to suck on two of his digits. You could feel his hardened length just under your clothed cunt, you moved your hips slightly, just to get a reaction out of him.
“I want you,” you begged, unbuckling his belt as he watched your every move.
“I can’t believe I get to have you now,” he says.
“What do you mean?” You stop to look at him.
He puts his arm around your waist, picking you up slightly to get rid of his pants and boxers, “you’re the only person I’ve ever wanted,” he says, eyes on your dress strap which slid down your shoulder, “tell me what you want, baby.”
“You. All of you,” you answered in a beat, “I can’t wait anymore, I can’t stop thinking about you,” you said.
“You don’t have to,” he whispered, kissing a sensitive spot below your ear, his fingers pulling your panties to the side, pressing them to your wetness.
You held onto his shoulders as he rubbed your wetness, his cock poking at your entrance alongside, “such pretty moans,” he smirked, feeling you being a mess in his arms.
Your words came out in fragments, legs shaking as he pushed his fingers inside you, your back arching. His lips were busy placing kisses all over your tits, pushing your dress down to reveal all of you.
Sunghoon was a patient person, but not when it came to you, one he felt like you were prepped enough, he swiftly pulled you up, pressing his lips upon yours as he pushed you down on his cock, your walls clenching around his length, the stretch too pleasurable for it to pain.
You both muttered a string of curses before you started shifting your hips, his hands on your waist guiding you up and down, eyes closing but he was quick to grab your chin, “look at me when I fuck you,” he said, bucking his hips up to meet yours.
He loved how you looked, hair messy, lips swollen and eyes slightly teary as you tried to form coherent sentences but failed.
“Can you feel what you’re doing to me?” He asked, taking your hand and pressing it to your lower abdomen where you could feel his cock sliding in and out effortlessly, given how wet you were.
“I—I’m close,” you moaned, your nails digging into his shoulder.
“Let go, baby,” he said, groaning as he felt your juices coating his dick, your moans louder than before, eyes closed and his name on your lips.
He grunted, rubbing your clit as he slid out of your pussy, stroking his cock until he spilled his cum all over your inner thigh.
“I’m not done with you yet,” he breathed out.
And he didn’t lie, his movements were more frantic than ever as he drove back to the hotel with record speed, making sure to stay and help you look presentable, the small touches of him all over your face made you feel an feeling which you couldn’t quite name, it was indescribable, but you knew it gave you butterflies.
And you wondered how this guy who fucked you so roughly not even ten minutes back could also be this sweet and caring.
You giggled as you ran into the elevator, a smile gracing his own face at your giddy mood, “I don’t want this night to end,” he confessed.
“It won’t end just yet,” you said, taking out your room card and opening the door, which he closed equally soon as he pushed you against the wood.
“Let me taste you,” he requested.
You smiled, unzipping your dress and moving towards your bed while facing Sunghoon, letting the dress fall along with your underwear, uncovering your bare body to him.
He unbuttoned his shirt, discarding all his garments. You could finally see him in light, his eyes hooded, body sculpted by the gods themselves, the v-line and his big cock making you gulp as you remembered how good he felt inside you.
“Get on the bed,” he ordered you, to which you obliged.
“Spread your pretty legs and let me see you, baby,” he spoke, getting in between your legs, his chain dangling down.
The nickname made you shiver, Park Sunghoon made you feel weak, in all good ways, the way he kissed your thighs, inching closer to your inner thighs, so close to your core which was still wet, all of this made you breathless.
A pathetic whine of Sunghoon’s name slipped past your lips the exact second he licked your pussy, his big hands keeping your legs open, “eyes on me,” he spoke against your wetness, humming at the taste.
He wastes no time in immersing his tongue into your pussy, licking and sucking as you panted, thighs shaking.
You feel ecstatic as his thumb probes at your narrow depths, stimulating your clit while he pushes his tongue in, “want you so much,” he spoke against you.
“Hoon! Please, can’t wait anymore,” you said, pussy swollen and you needed his cock inside you.
“So needy, and for me?” He asked cockily.
“Y—yes! Please,” you begged.
“How can I say no when you ask so nicely?” He comes up, kissing you, making you taste yourself on his tongue.
His chain dangled around your collarbone, his intense gaze focused on your expressions as he pumped his cock a few times, his tip on your entrance.
He pushed himself in with a swift movement, bottoming out. He asked if you felt fine, giving you time to adjust, he moved in and out of you swiftly, body pressed against your warm one, his each thrust getting deeper with the roll of his hips.
You could swear you had never felt this way before, he hit your g-spot so precisely, and the feeling of him being inside you, all raw and thick, made you mewl with pleasure.
“You look so pretty,” he groaned, licking your neck where he had just marked you, “falling apart on my cock like that.”
Your toes curled each time he opened his mouth to whisper something filthy into your ear, making your head spin in a good way.
He couldn’t take his eyes off of you, your fucked out face, swollen lips and the innocent eyes begging him to go faster made it harder for him to hold back. He, in fact, didn't wish to hold back anymore.
He thrusted in harder, squeezing your tit as you cried out his name, your walls clenching around him, making his length twitch.
“Cum in me!” You moaned out.
“Y/N, are you sure?” He asked, cupping your face.
He had never done that before, neither had you, however, you wanted nothing more than to experience it for the first time and you wanted it with each other.
You nodded, “yes,” before he pushed his cock harder, as you rutted your hips absentmindedly to ride out your high.
The room smelled like sex, the mist clouding it as your sounds resonated the walls, you didn’t even try to conceal your bodies anymore.
“Oh, fuck!” He grunted.
Your orgasm ripped through you as you pulled his nape closer for his lips to be on yours, his own climax rushing as you felt the warming sensation of Sunghoon’s cum filling your cunt up to the brim.
You both stilled, taking deep breaths and coming down from your state of euphoria, gulping as you saw him looking right at you.
“C’mere,” he said softly, getting up and watching his cum dripping down on your sheets.
He helped you get up, taking you to the washroom to get freshened up, his cheeks red as he saw you come out in nothing but the shirt he was wearing earlier.
You smiled at him softly and waited for him to come out after washing up.
“Hey,” he said, getting into the covers with you.
“Hey,” you turned towards him, still feeling giddy.
“I can’t believe you’re real,” he said, touching your cheeks softly.
“Why would you say that?” You asked, keeping your hand on his.
“Before tonight, I had only ever dreamed of being this close to you, I never thought I’d even get to kiss you,” he spoke.
“Hoon, I’ve been thinking about you since we met again,” you told him, brushing his hair with your fingers softly.
That made him smile, “can I ask you something?”
You hummed, “yes?”
“Can we, y’know—” he fumbled with his words, making you laugh.
“Shh, we’ll talk tomorrow, yeah? Hold me to sleep,” you said, putting your arm around him.
His heart melted at the sight, and what made him happier was the fact that you didn’t just want him for sex, your smile expressed it all.
“Good night, baby,” he kissed you, just like last night. However, he kissed your lips tonight, making you giggle softly as you held onto him tighter.
He stared at you, not being able to hide his smile and wondering how he could ask you out again, especially when it would be easy for him to meet you since you both lived in Seoul.
The trip was officially over, and you could proudly admit that you loved every second of it.
Both Jay and Yunjin screamed in shock when Sunghoon kissed you at the airport before leaving for their own apartments, your flight being the same in which he couldn’t help but keep his eyes fixed on your seat.
A text popped up on your notification panel as soon as you reached your place.
Hoon <3:
i was wondering if you’d like to go out with me sometime?
as friends?
Hoon <3:
nooo, as something more :(
what if i say yes :3
Hoon <3:
that’ll make me very very happy :D
text me the date and time ;)
You smiled, loving how things had changed from the first time he asked you that question.
It was indeed a reunion that you could never forget.
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its-all-stardust · 14 days
Hey, so first of all, I love your work, it's absoluteley amazing!!!
I saw that your requests are open, so I thought that I would ask for a Matt Murdock x reader oneshot? You know, just something cute and fluffy?
Maybe I'm gonna sound a bit stereotypical but how about a reader that owns a bakery and wants to try out a new recipe. Matt tries to sneak a taste from time to time while "helping out" (honestly, he's just teasing and making reader's job probably harder [affectionaly]). Just domestic fluff? Maybe please?
You don't have to if you don't want to, but I thought I'd give it a try :)
Thank you!! I'm glad you like my writing!! 🫂
I'm worried with this one that I tweaked things just enough that it's not exactly what you wanted anon, but I did my best and wrote what inspiration gave me!! I'll be honest, it could be fluffier, but I'm also not offended by my own writing so that's something lol I hope you like it!! ❤️❤️
Check out this post for request guidelines
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Matt Murdock/GN!Reader
Word Count: 964
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Was turning your residential apartment into a glorified bakery after you moved in with your boyfriend legal? According to Matt, a very good lawyer, it wasn’t technically illegal, so you did it anyway and prayed your landlord never found out.
It wasn’t really a bakery, not in the traditional sense. You didn’t try making it into a storefront, nor did you want it to be one. You did, however, take specialty orders through your website. You mainly baked for small events or private parties. You weren’t touching a wedding with a ten-foot pole unless you made the cake or just one of the cookies for the snack table.
It wasn’t enough to pay the bills on its own—you still had a full-time job—but you enjoyed it, and the small amount of extra income it generated was nice.
Matt enjoyed it, too. So much so that you often joked he had ulterior motives for dating you.
But even though baking was a passion, it still came with challenges.
You let out a frustrated sigh and leaned against your elbows, bent over the counter, and buried your face in your hands. 
This is the worst part about baking, you thought.
“Do you need help?” Matt asked, hand suddenly on your shoulder. You jumped, letting out a small gasp. “Sorry. I tried calling a couple of times.”
“It’s fine,” you sighed, turning to wrap your arms around his middle, leaning into him, and pressing your face against his neck. “I just hate this.”
Matt huffed a laugh. “It can’t be so bad. You say that about every new thing you try.”
“But I really mean it this time!” you whined, though you actually didn’t.
You strived for perfection, but new recipes were always daunting. Either the first few batches didn’t meet your standards, or the very first one did, but the subsequent batches often failed. You thought once or twice about not adding anything new to your menu, but you needed to keep a refreshed list, or else you risked losing repeat customers—the ones who made this business possible for you in the first place.
“We can do it together,” Matt offered, lips brushing against the top of your head. “Will that make it better?”
You considered it for a moment. Matt’s taste was impeccable. You often used him—and Foggy and Karen—as guinea pigs, and he was always able to offer you the best advice. In another life, he would have been a fantastic chef. You’ve never baked anything with him before, only handed him the finished product.
If he helped you now, as you were putting everything together, it could make the whole try, try again process you had going significantly shorter, if not bypassed completely.
“Yes, actually. I think it will,” you answered, lifting your head up. 
The only problem: Matt was a complete and utter nuisance.
He wouldn’t do what you told him, at times completely forgoing your instructions—the one you found in an old cookbook that wasn’t like anything you found online—and adding either the incorrect amount of something or adding something that wasn’t even on the list of ingredients.
No matter how many times you told him baking was an exact science and the time for experimentation was after you followed the recipe to a T and tasted the finished product, he refused to listen. You thought he did, at first, but then you caught him tossing in almond extract behind your back, and things only went downhill from there.
“Would you please stop sticking your fingers in the bowl?” you practically begged after you caught him helping himself to the cookie batter for the fourth time.
“How else am I supposed to taste it?” he asked with a playful smirk. He seemed to enjoy the fact he was making you want to pull your hair out.
“With the spoon I specifically set out for that purpose!” You picked it up and thrust it at him. He ignored it and stuck his finger in his mouth.
“But I’m blind. How am I supposed to know where it is?” 
You raised an eyebrow, not fooled. “The same way you find the bowl even after I move it.”
Matt shrugged. “Fair point. But if I used the spoon, I couldn’t do this.” He stuck his finger in the bowl again.
“Matthew, I swear to—”
He stuck his finger in your mouth, not far but enough for the batter to touch your tongue, before he pulled away.
“—God,” you couldn’t help but finish as the first notes of the batter processed. Brow furrowed, you focused on the taste, brushing your tongue against the roof of your mouth, trying to make it last while you sorted out the different flavors. It was…
“That’s amazing,” you said, stunned. “What did you put in there?” You pulled the bowl toward you, forgetting the spoon in your hand as you dipped in a finger from the other. It wasn’t what you were trying to make at all, and you needed another sample.
“I tried telling you it just needed a few extra ingredients.” Before you could stick your finger in your mouth, Matt took your hand, wrapping his lips around your batter-covered finger. His tongue lapped gently against the pad, almost teasing. “Now it’s perfect,” he said when he pulled away.
“I think I need you in the kitchen more often,” you said, wheels already turning in your mind.
Matt beamed at you and tried leaning in for a kiss. You, however, didn’t notice and stepped away to find your phone, leaving him confused.
You opened your notes app and said, “Quick, tell me what you did before you forget.”
Matt could only shake his head in amusement before he dutifully listed everything he had snuck into the batter.
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hp-hcs · 7 months
Omg are you a SAINT??? I’m the one who requested the Theo x ftm Parkinson Reader and it was incredible!!! I love Yanderes ngl because I have….issues…..anyways please bring me a part 2 (╹◡╹)
uh. super dark themes in here? i’m really sorry?
requests open
CLAIRVOYANCE AND TASSEOGRAPHY (Chapter Two of Pansy’s Brother) — yandere! psycho! theodore nott x ftm! sweetheart! parkinson! reader
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WARNINGS: abduction/kidnapping, stalking, possessive/obsessive behavior, intense unwarranted jealousy
hey! if you like someone, please don’t stalk and kidnap them! that’s decidedly uncool!
“You going back to your dorm?”
“Nah,” you shake your head. “I need to finish my homework for Trelawney. Going to the library.”
Enzo snickers. “Good luck. ~Clear your mind~,” his voice took on a sing-song quality as he imitated your professor, laughing when you smacked his arm and told him to be nice.
“I like Divination,” you whine. “Trelawney’s nice!”
“Yeah, sure…” he teases, knocking his shoulder against yours. You roll your eyes and wave goodbye to him, heading to the library while he turns to go back down to the dungeons.
The hallways are mostly empty, although a few straggling kids make their way through the castle, but a multitude of others must’ve had the same idea as you, because the library is completely full.
You weave your way between a pack of first year Hufflepuffs and a group of zonked-out Gryffindors, dropping your bag down onto the only free table to claim your spot.
Madam Pince, always one beat ahead of everyone else, emerges from the maze of bookshelves, holding a simple wood box out for you.
“Y/N, dear. I believe you’re in need of this?” She said wisely with a small smile on her otherwise stern face.
Madam Pince had always quite liked you. You were quiet (unlike your sister and her friends), you always thanked her whenever she helped you (even if it was just bringing you another cup of tea and an interesting book on the Muggle constitutional monarchy), and you once marched down to the library just to give her an entire plate of cookies because I made too many, really Madam, and besides, you deserve a bit of thanks for all the hard work you do.
(She’d later asked the house elves. They informed her that you’d only baked one batch of cookies. She’s had a soft spot for you ever since.)
You thanked her gratefully, taking the wood box and opening it. Inside was one of the library’s loaner crystal balls. A bit scuffed up, but it did the job.
Sitting down at your table, you got to work writing your Divination essay. You weren’t particularly adept at clairvoyance, but as long as you tried (or at least pretended to), Trelawney would leave you alone.
The library grew quiet as groups began intermittently leaving, rubbing tired eyes and yawning as they stumbled their way down the hall. Madam Pince came by with two mugs of tea and and an order to take a break, dear, have a cuppa with me.
You laid down your quill, taking your offered mug with grateful thanks and a tired smile. She pulled a chair up next to you, sipping her own mug.
“I’ve closed the library up for tonight, but you’re welcome to stay for as long as you need. I know, I know. As an educator, I’m not supposed to have favorites but…” she gave you a conspiratorial wink. “Anyway, the only people left in here are Miss Granger, you, and I. Lovely girl, that Granger. But remember, you need to sleep at some point, dear.”
You laughed and nodded, draining the rest of your tea and swirling the leaves around. “I know. I just need to finish this essay.”
Madam Pince gave you a pointed look, glancing down at the three sentences you had written on your otherwise blank twelve inches of parchment and then back up at you.
“Divination is a difficult subject,” she advised. “Take notes, and write your essay later. Although you seem to be doing quite well with tasseography.” She nodded towards your empty mug which you were still swirling around, just as something to do with your hands.
You laugh, finally stopping the cup and peering in. “Oh no, I’m terrible at reading tea leaves. This looks like a… an axe, I think? And… ooh, this looks like a shark. Or maybe a goldfish.”
She snickered, patting your shoulder and standing up, smiling at you before returning to her seemingly endless task of reshelving books.
You spun the cup around once more, finding only a wonky heart and a vaguely knife-shaped bit. The rim of your tea mug held only a weird looking dog.
You brushed off the silly reading and resumed your homework, tapping the crystal ball with your fingernail in frustration.
There wasn’t anything in there.
You sighed in annoyance, setting down your quill with a clack and rubbing the heel of your hands over your eyes. It was starting to get late, and you weren’t getting anywhere. Might as well call it a bust and go back to your dorm.
You huffed out a short breath as you screwed on the lid of your inkwell, stuffing your quill and parchment in your bag with little care.
Turning back to put the crystal ball back in its box, you froze when you saw something.
You narrowed your eyes, leaning closer to get a better look.
You sighed again, shaking your head. You could’ve sworn you’d seen something move. But alas, it was still just the same stupid upside-down reflection of the bookshelves in front of you.
You picked up the ball, nestling the stand back inside the satin interior of the box. As you moved the set the sphere down as well, you saw it again.
Now you knew you weren’t crazy.
It was a little hard to tell, as whatever was on the other side of the ball would reflect back inverted, but you swore it looked like a person.
You squinted, shifting a bit. The indistinct figure vanished.
You looked up from the ball tentatively, a bit afraid of what might be ahead of you.
“Hermione?” You called softly. Your voice carried in the empty library.
“Upstairs!” Hermione’s distinct voice called back. You glanced up at the small second floor loft, catching a glimpse of bushy hair.
A hand suddenly came down on your shoulder with a vice-like grip.
You startled, a yelp halfway on your lips when another hand covered your mouth. The mystery person leaned down behind you to whisper in your ear.
“Easy. You’re okay.”
You were frozen with fear, the ball slipping out of your hands and falling onto the (thankfully) carpeted floor, where it rolled to a stop some feet away.
“Not a word.” The stranger’s voice hissed, their grip tightening over your mouth, their short nails digging into your skin.
They yanked you out of your chair from behind, leaving all of your things scattered across your desk. The stranger moved their hand from your shoulder to your opposite elbow, their arm across your torso and keeping you from moving as they dragged you down the row. They made a beeline for the library doors, your weak attempts to fight them off not hindering them in the slightest.
As the stranger fumbled to open the door with both of their hands occupied, a familiar voice called out.
“Are you finally leaving, Y/N, dear?” Madam Pince’s called from just around the corner, half-hidden behind a bookshelf.
The stranger’s grip on you tightened even further, to an almost painful degree.
“Answer her.” They hissed again, digging their nails into your cheeks again before slowly moving their hand down to uncover your mouth.
You trembled with fear. “U-uh, yeah. Got some wonderfully mediocre notes down, and I’m exhausted.”
Her laugh drifted through the library. “Alright then, Y/N. Oh! And if Professor Trelawney actually does assign any tasseography homework, you know where to find me.”
“Yeah, of course. We can share a cuppa chamomile together.”
“Sounds lovely, dear. Sleep well.”
The rather sweet moment was ruined as the stranger’s hand returned over your mouth and you were bodily dragged out of the library.
Irma Pince was many things, but she was not stupid.
Once hated by the students of Hogwarts, now one of the most beloved staff members, she was an integral part of the school. Since allowing for more freedom in the library—which now drew more regulars and first years who were no longer afraid of her—plus with the addition of befriending some of the more polite students, she no longer was the sour, unpleasant woman she’d once been.
She was knowledgeable in virtually every subject—she knew who needed to return what books by when, who the Muggle prime minister in 1857 was, what dittany is, and how fireworks worked, they’re really quite simple, Mr. and Mr. Weasley. Point being, she knew just about everything about anything.
She also knew for a fact that Y/N Parkinson hated chamomile tea.
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backtothefanfiction · 7 months
In Your Boss’s Office | Peter Parker Imagine
Summary: When your boyfriend comes to take you home after a late night at the office, he sees an opportunity to send your boss mad.
Warnings: smut, P in V, semi public sex, office sex, cum swallowing, oral (female receiving), dirty talk
Word Count: 2.1K
A/N: Okay so I have been trying to get this one finished for a while. This was supposed to be day 5 of Kinktober but we all know that went off the rails. I was gonna turn it into kink til Christmas but that isn’t gonna work out either. So this is me saying that the kink list is getting thrown out the window completely, but I will still write some of the stories as prompts and short imagines as there were a couple I was looking forward to but no idea when they’ll go up. Anyway, this was one of the ideas I was really looking forward to writing so I hope you enjoy!
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You had been the only one in the office for at least an hour and a half, despite your boss leaving nearly 3 hours prior. It was dark outside, you were tired, you were missing your man but you knew that if you didn’t get this list for Jameson completed now, you’d all be really behind tomorrow.
There was a sudden ding as the elevator stopped on your floor. Given the time you fully expected it to be the janitor, coming by to give things a clean and empty the waste paper baskets, but you were surprised at the sight of your boyfriend walking towards your desk.
“Hey, what are you doing here?”
“What am I doing here?” he asked, “I think the real question is what are you still doing here?”
You had met Peter around 6 months ago now, when you had first taken on the job as J. Jonah Jameson’s assistant after the last one quit on him. He had expected you to also follow suit, he wasn’t exactly known for being the nicest boss after all; but you gave as good as you got and the head of the Daily Bugle admired that. Peter was a freelance photographer, stopping by every now and again with a new batch of photos of Spider-man that always made your boss both froth at the mouth and get literal dollar signs in his eyes.
“What time is it?” you asked, but you already knew.
“It’s time to log off.” he softly chastised and encouraged you.
“Uhh, Pete, I really need to get this done.”
“Fine. You have until I finish putting these photos on his lordship’s desk.” He said, pulling out a manilla envelope full of new pictures of Spiderman.
“Peter, you can’t go in there.” you tried to interject as he began to reach for the door handle to the office.
“Just watch me.” He said, turning the knob, pushing the door open and going in.
“Peter.” you chastise as you get up to follow him and make sure he wasn’t going to touch anything he shouldn’t.
When you got in the room he was already sat behind the desk, lounging back in the large leather swivel chair, swaying side to side. “You know, I see why he likes this office so much now.” he says as his eyes glance over pieces of paper on the desk.
“Come on.” you try to encourage him, “We shouldn’t be in here.”
“Make me.” he challenges with a smirk on his face. You really don’t want to find out what that smirk means, you just want to finish your list of tasks and go home but he does look good sitting behind the desk. His eyes are watching your legs closely as you hesitate in the doorway, shifting from one foot to the other in tiny motions. He leans forward placing both of his hands on the desk. “Close the door.” He instructs and you do. “Now come over here.” Your brain knows it’s a bad idea but you do.
He moves the chair back slightly as his hand reaches out to guide you round the back of the desk with him. When you are close enough he turns you and backs you into the desk. You hesitate at first but with further encouragement by his hands and the wicked look in his eye, you sit yourself on top of the desk. He hums slightly as his hands rest on your knees, pulling them open, then using his grip on them, pulls the wheelie chair closer to the desk, leaving you nowhere else to go.
“Peter, what are you doing?” You ask with a shaky breath as he starts to run his hands up your thighs and under your skirt.
“You work too hard for little reward.” He says as his fingertips reach to hook beneath the waistband of your underwear.
“Peter!” You interject, trying to push him away but he holds you still.
“Come on, don’t tell me you haven’t thought about it.” He teases. “He’ll never know.”
“Yes he will.” You try to hold strong, but his fingers are drawing lazy circles on your thighs that are relaxing you and wearing you down.
“But isn’t that more fun. He won’t know it was us, he’ll just come in tomorrow and he’ll know something is off but he won’t be able to put his finger on it.”
“Pete… Pete.” You try to say but your resolve is fading with his touch and when he tries again to pull your underwear down, you don’t stop him.
“Just relax okay. I’ve got you.” He said as he pulled you closer to the end of the desk. “So pretty.” He cooed as he looked up at you.
He pushed your legs up, your feet resting on the arms of the large swivel chair he sat in, as he leant forward, his tongue teasing at your clit, making you squirm. His hands held tighter to your hips, holding you in place as he began to lick through your folds.
“For someone who was putting up a lot of protest, you seem to be awfully wet for me.” He teased with raised eyebrows as his fingers moved to circle at your entrance before slipping inside, his fingers working you open.
“Uhhh, Peter.” You began to pant, as the movement of his fingers pulls tiny whimpers from between your lips.
You watch as his other hand begins to fumble with his belt, the sound of the metal clinking sending another wave of arousal through you. He undoes the button and zipper of his jeans, palming his length through his boxers.
Normally Peter would spend ages going down on you, making you cum and soaking his fingers with your slick before he even thought about fucking you, but you didn’t have time. Although it was late and no one else was in the office, the janitor could come up to this floor and walk in at any minute and Peter knew it was taking a lot for you to go through with this without pushing his luck.
“Come here baby.” He said, pulling his length out of his boxers and sliding the chair back slightly.
You happily moved to straddle his thighs. You slowly lowered yourself down on his length. You were so close and he was so deep in this position. It didn’t leave much room for movement, just subtle gyrating, your clit rubbing against the small patch of exposed skin between his jeans and shirt.
It made you so sensitive, your head nuzzling into his neck as you quietly whined and moaned.
“You naughty little thing. See I knew this was what you needed.” Peter said as he slowly thrusted his hips up inside you. It wasn’t his preferred pace but he knew you loved it. To be close to him. To have his cock rubbing against the most sensitive parts of you. To feel every little twitch you made around him. It was intimate. “You gonna come for me?” He asked. He could read your body like a book and knew from just the pitch of your moans alone you were close. “Come on baby. Cum for me.” He encouraged as he guided your hips up and down on his length harder and harder. “Cum for me baby and then I can turn you around and fuck you right over his desk. How does that sound?” You could only moan in response. His words always brought you closer to the edge. “Yeah?” He cooed. “Does that sound good for you? Come on baby. Come on… there it is.” He said as you began to shudder around him, your body collapsing against his chest. “That’s my girl.” He said, but he didn’t give you a moment of rest.
Just as promised he picked you up as he stood, before dropping your feet to the floor. He turned you around, his hand pushing firmly against your back, getting you to bend over your boss’s desk in front of you.
Your face and chest were pushed onto the desk top as Peter took your arms, folding them behind your back and holding them firmly in place with a single hand as he lined himself back up to your entrance with his other.
You let out a loud gasp as he slammed his hips into your ass as he bottomed out inside you. “Oh baby, you look so pretty like this.” He said as he began to snap his hips faster.
You almost completely forgot where you were as the feeling of his cock spearing you open sent shockwaves of pleasure to your core. Your gasps and moans grew louder and louder as you felt yet another climax quickly building inside you. “Fuck, FUCK! Oh my god! Peter.”
“Mmm baby, I love it when you say my name like that.” You could feel his thrusts growing sloppier. You knew he was close, only holding himself together so he could make you cum one last time.
He shifted you both back slightly between thrusts so he could reach his hand around between your legs and started rubbing quick circles around your clit, bringing you to your climax faster. He watched as you screwed up your eyes, your mouth hanging open in a silent oh for just a moment before your orgasm hit and you began to shudder around him once more, your voice finally ringing out into the air of the office.
“That’s it baby.” He said as he removed his hand from between your legs.
You felt him pump one, two, three more times before the removed himself from you, pulling you up off the desk with one arm and encouraging you to turn around and get on your knees in front of him, his other hand pumping his length.
You knelt before him, opening your mouth wide, sticking your tongue out waiting for him to cum. You closed your eyes in anticipation just in case as you listened to him grunt. Then you felt the tip of his cock on the flat of your tongue and his cum burst into your mouth. You shaped your tongue around his length trying to contain as much of it in your mouth as you could.
As you felt him still you opened your eyes to look up at him, giving his length and slit a lick for good measure and he twitched away from you at the sensitivity, You didn’t look away from his eyes as you swallowed his salty cum with a closed lipped smile.
“Fuck, your gorgeous.” He said as he took your face in his hands and bent over to kiss your lips. “Now come on. Pick your panties up off the floor, it’s time to go home.”
You didn’t argue with him. You both put yourselves back together before you left the office. You quickly closed down your computer and you left hand in hand.
When you went back to work the next day your boss’s face was a picture. You watched him closely when he came in. Stepping into his office, you hot on his heels with his morning coffee and a notepad ready to take down his orders for the morning, you saw him pause. His brow furrowed as he looked around the room.
“Everything okay sir?” You dutifully asked.
“Huh?! Yeah!” He suddenly barked not wanting to seem vulnerable. “Yeah.” He looked down at the papers on his desk confused again until he saw the Manila envelope. “When did these get here?” He asked as he sat himself down in his chair and began opening up the photos and scanning through them.
“Uh I think Mr Parker dropped them off last night.” You feigned innocence.
“Really?” Your boss pondered. He suddenly looked up at you as if finally remembering who you were and where he was. “Right. I want Anderson up here stat. I need him in here brainstorming headlines with me to get these out on the front page first thing!” He shouted at you, his hand slamming the photos on the desk as he leaned back and kicked his feet up.
“Yes, sir.”
“And make sure you get finance to send Parker over his money.” He commanded as he picked the photos back up and started looking through them again.
“Is that everything sir?”
“What!? Yes! Of course! Now get out of here!” He barked and you quickly hurried from the room.
As you sat back at your desk you smiled to yourself. Peter had been right, although he knew something was up, your boss didn’t have a clue what had really taken place in his office the night before.
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winterchimez · 2 months
Tornado Warnings | Eric Sohn
SUMMARY: you have sworn that you would never get involved with the campus fuckboy, Eric Sohn. however, you have decided one day that enough was enough, and you would sacrifice yourself and ignore all of the tornado warnings that were clearly tearing you apart.
PAIRING: fuckboy!Eric x f!reader
GENRE: angst, suggestive, slight fluff
WARNINGS: nc-17, frat parties 😃, alcohol consumption, the sexual tension here is strong yall oops, fuckboy Eric...need i say more than that 😁, he is flirty af, he is umm shirtless at one scene 😀, cheating & playing with one's feelings (don't do that irl folks), petnames (babe, princess), name-calling (again, its horrible don't do that), reader walks in on Eric making out with someone at one point 👀, kissing, making out, teasing, arguments, slight manipulation, reader ignores her own feelings/well-being for months but eventually faces them
A/N: back with another release for the emails i can't send fwd: series with @sanaxo-o, and this is written for @mosviqu ✨ happiest birthday bar, i tried my best and i really hope you liked this!! 💓 thankiew my dearest 妹妹 @sungbeam for giving me ideas & helping me beta (along with @drunkdrazed emma & sana) i love yall always 🥹💗 also tagging other eric mooties for this 👀 @itsbeeble @kimsohn
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This will be the last time I’ll ever do this again.
You have been repeating that to yourself over the past several months, constantly reminding yourself that you will never get into a messed-up relationship again. At least, that’s what you thought about before you were brought back to reality, where you’re standing on the front porch of a party location for the night.
Why exactly was that? Frankly, you had no idea yourself.
But there was only one way to find out: to enter the frat party that catered to the seniors for the night. You pretty much knew most of the people here since they were students who belonged to your batch.
Instead of carrying out your usual routine, go to find your deskmate in psych, who was the one who often dragged you out from your bubble to parties like this, and have a couple of drinks before passing out on one of the couches towards the end of the room; you decided to do the complete opposite tonight.
You walked straight towards the outdoor pool area, where most students were holding their glasses of cocktails and dancing around the pool. Some were enjoying their time playing in the waters. You had one goal in mind: to walk straight towards the other end and to find him.
Sure enough, he was there lying on one of the sunloungers with his favourite whiskey in hand while a few girls were hovering around him, touching his bare chest. You couldn’t care less about that since you already knew this was his norm.
But now it was your time with him, and you boldly made your way towards him, standing right before him before he ushered the other girls away. He allowed you to crawl up to him before settling down on his lap, and he rested his free hand on your waist.
“Hey babe, I have been waiting for you since forever,” he grinned before leaning towards you while resting his fingers on your chin.
Instead of giving him a reply, you stared deeply into his eyes before wrapping your arms around his neck, making the male rest his thumb on your lips to part them. “Look at you, already missing my touch so bad. We’ve only just bumped into each other this morning on campus.”
Once again, not a single word left your mouth, but eventually, you decided to lean in to close the gap between you both before sealing your lips with his. The kiss was messy, and you were slowly savouring the leftover alcohol that was on his lips, slowly getting drunk by the way his lips moved against yours as if he knew exactly which spot to get to.
You have lost count of how many times you have made out, and Eric Sohn knew you from A to Z, especially when it comes to playing around with your feelings and emotions.
He was the campus fuckboy, after all.
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“Y/N! You won’t believe what just happened.” Your roommate Naomi came rushing through your front door, not even bothering to close it before she frantically entered your bedroom.
“Woah, what’s up? And why exactly is your face flushed red?” You asked.
“What else would it be? Obviously, it’s about the guy we all hate to the depths of the earth’s core!” She yelled, placing both hands on either side of her hips before she began rhythmically tapping her feet.
As soon as you heard the word “guy,” you knew exactly who she was referring to—someone you had sworn to never get caught up with again.
Eric Sohn.
“Let me guess, he had a one-night stand with one of our acquaintances,” you announced with crossed arms.
“Not just an acquaintance, Y/N. It’s Stella-”
Upon hearing that name, you immediately stood up from your chair, dropped some of your lecture notes, and made a mess on your tidied-up bedroom floor. Anger began rising rapidly within you, and you had to try your best to contain yourself and not make a scene before your neighbour started complaining about your specific unit for the nth time this month.
“Not Stella,” you fumed.
“Oh yes he did, Y/N. And things are not looking good right now.”
“Please God, tell me she’s alright,” you pleaded with Naomi, shaking her shoulders. But it seemed your roommate wouldn’t spill the tea that easily.
“It’s best if you check it out yourself,” your roommate silently mumbled before you dashed out the door and grabbed your coat frantically to go see whatever mess he had done this time.
And you hoped that it wasn’t as bad as the previous one.
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You were now supporting Stella upright as she tried to position herself directly in front of the sink and calm herself down after having too many drinks than her usual intake. You absolutely hated how your friend—well, former friend—got Stella as messed up as he did to the other girls.
You and Eric went all the way back to kindergarten, where you had always known that there was this little boy who would often cry every single day all because he knew that he wasn’t going to see his parents for a couple of hours, and would try all sorts of methods to convince that he wasn’t fit to enter the school’s compound.
Naturally, everyone knew and labelled him as the “crybaby” and just didn’t really know how to interact with him much.
In the beginning, you reacted the same way with the other kids, thinking that he would eventually grow out of it and decide to mind your own business. However, it came a day when the kids were paired up for a little mini-activity, and that was when you got the infamous boy himself.
Contradicting what the others said about him, he was a jovial and happy-go-lucky kid. In fact, he was the one who helped bring you out of your bubble and made it easier for you to go around meeting new friends. He would often link his arms with you as you walked down the school halls daily, which made the other kids label you two as a couple.
Frankly, you didn’t mind all that because you enjoyed his company. In reality, you often looked forward to being paired up with him again for another activity or sport. After that experience, he would often make his way towards your desk, eat his bento boxes with you during meals, and show off the pretty animal-themed meals his mother had made especially for him.
You often giggled at how he would talk about himself all the time, and it was just mesmerising to see the joy and look on his face whenever he spoke of himself. Adding on to that, he was definitely taught well at home with the way he would go all-out to make friends with others during school hours and help them out in any circumstances possible. He was no longer the “crybaby” that everyone once labelled him as.
Things were going well until one day, his family decided to leave for the States. To say that you were sad about your friend leaving would’ve been an understatement—you were devastated. Not only was he the very first friend you made in kindergarten, but you also felt as if he was your soulmate since he knew everything about you and had never once done nor said the wrong thing that made you upset.
During that time, Eric couldn’t say much either since you were both still young, so he had no choice but to leave with his family. On the very last day when he was in Seoul though, he made sure to give you the tightest hug and place multiple pecks all over your face, promising you that fate would reunite you both someday.
That day eventually came, but you never would have expected to reunite with him the way you did after all these years.
You were both 22, casually entering your second year of university before you encountered the man himself. You were shocked, to say the least, when he first stepped into the lecture hall—his hair was fully blonde, he had several tattoos all over his body, and every girl swooned over him.
He was now a hot mess.
The Eric Sohn you once knew was far gone because the one here was nowhere near the little boy you admired back in kindergarten. Word often spread quickly in college, so you frequently heard about his little date nights with multiple women and his so-called “flavor of the month.”
He was one of the wealthier students on campus, hosting house parties almost once every month. These parties attracted quite the crowd, causing a more ever-present distinction between them and students like you and your roommates—the goody-two-shoes who prioritised studies more than drinking and making out with different people in one night.
That was until he got involved in your affairs.
It all started with him dating one of the girls within your circle, and it ended horribly, to the point that the student herself decided to cut all ties with everyone and isolate herself either in the library or in the comforts of her apartment all the time.
It took you a while to figure out what happened before you could get the girl to talk it out. He was toying with her throughout the relationship, and there were no fixed boundaries or respect while they were together. He seemed unable to settle down with just one girl, and cheating was prominent throughout the entire relationship.
Unfortunately, he didn’t stop there. Multiple exes followed after that, and you’ve seen the heartbreaks he had caused throughout campus. You couldn’t believe it, or rather, you didn’t want to think this was the same soulmate you once had way back in your childhood.
It just didn’t add up.
That was until it happened to Stella.
You couldn’t believe your ears when you found out that your best friend had decided to date with your former friend. As much as you wanted to pull her out of the mess, she knew what she was getting into; who were you to judge or have a say in someone’s decision and relationship?
However, now that you’d witnessed your friend’s downfall in person, you could no longer sit back and watch your former friend continue on his sick, twisted games. So you stomped right out of the bar and walked all the way to Eric’s apartment. Thanks to Stella, you also knew his pin number to unlock the front door, and you wasted no time and quickly barged into the compound.
Sure enough, you found him making out with another girl on his couch, and both of them were definitely surprised to see a random girl going into his apartment without prior notice. The girl under your former fried began grilling him some questions, but all Eric did was stare back at you, eyeing you from head to toe.
In the end, he kindly dismissed the girl for the night before closing the front door and walking straight towards you, now standing a few centimetres away from you.
“It’s been a while, Y/N. To what do I owe the pleasure? Have you been alright?”
“Don’t give me that bullshit, Sohn. You know exactly why I’m here,” you spat, trying to contain the anger and fumes that were slowly rising.
Instead, your reaction intrigued the man, and he returned the favour by smiling at you, one that you knew wasn’t going to end well.
“What does Stella got to do with you, hmm? Unless you’re jealous-”
“Jealous? Don’t make me laugh; I’m here to put you right in your place, mister.” You stomped right towards him and shoved him against the wall, cornering him with both your hands beside his head. “I don’t know what the hell happened when you were in the States, but I surely did not anticipate such behaviour from you after all these years.”
Eric quietly stared at you for a few moments before he lifted his thumb and rested it on your lips, which made you twitch at the contact. “You know, Y/N. There’s this joy in seeing how so many people around you want you. It’s fun and quite thrilling if you ask me.” He was now smacking his lips, and you knew he would make advances if you didn’t stop him there.
Hence, you smacked his hands away before grabbing onto his collar. “Your time playing with innocent girls is up, Sohn. Leave them the hell alone,” you snarled.
“Hmm, what makes you think I’d listen to you?”
You were now put in a bind spot. There was no denying those words that Eric had just spat right into your face. You had no control over him, and hell, even if you were part of the student council, you couldn’t do anything since he wasn’t posing as a threat to the other students.
Another factor was that he was well-loved by the students, particularly female students on campus since he was the guy that everyone wished they could elope with after all. It must be a joke for the fuckboy to listen to your proposal, thinking that you’ll ever have hopes of changing the guy.
But something in you snapped, and you couldn’t care less about the methods you would try to pull off.
Even if that meant sacrificing yourself.
“If I were to date you and meet your needs, you leave the other girls alone.”
That came as a shock to Eric; never in a million years would he have thought you would suggest something like this. You have always been a goody-two-shoes from kindergarten until university. He was well aware of your group of friends: the library was where you would visit most frequently, and you would be back in the dormitories by ten at night.
It took him a while to respond properly, and you weren’t just going to stand there and wait all night, so you did the impossible and pulled him down towards you.
You locked your lips with his.
It all happened so fast, and the anger and frustration prevented you from rationalising your thoughts and making you do what you had done. If you would’ve told yourself that you would lose your first kiss to your former friend turned campus fuckboy, you would’ve immediately jumped off the nearest cliff off campus.
As soon as you pulled away, a smirk appeared on his face, and he quickly turned the tables so that you were now pinned against the wall, his hands travelling down to your waist before licking his lips once again.
“Whatever you say, princess.”
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This whole situationship went on for months, and you were slowly losing your sanity each day. Eventually, you slowly began to give into his urges, playing along with his little games if that meant keeping your friends safe.
Nobody understood why you did it, especially your roommates and circle of friends. Naomi would constantly remind you about all of the horrible things that he did, and you would one hundred percent regret getting involved in his affairs. But if that meant keeping your friends safe and unharmed, you would do it ten times over.
Hence, there is a change in your daily routine: meet up with Eric every day after lectures and accompany him either to the local bars or the comforts of his apartment, and stay the night there whenever it gets too late for you to return to your own. You really didn’t mind it at all since you had a roof over your head and you were safe in his arms.
At least that was what you convinced yourself it would be.
His fuckboy demeanour didn’t stop there, and he would often be seen hanging out and flirting with the other girls. But there was a drastic difference this time: he knew exactly when to draw the line and chose not to advance further than that.
As much as your circle of friends would constantly remind you about all the terrible things Eric had done, you convinced yourself that if he doesn’t see them, then they probably didn’t exist after all.
But one question still remains: Are you really okay with everything unfolding in front of your eyes?
Was lying to yourself about your actual feelings worth it for the sake of your friends? And was going into this despite ignoring all the tornado warnings worth it in the long run?
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End of flashback
“Hey babe, is everything alright?”
You were brought back to reality with Eric rubbing off a little teardrop that flowed down to your cheeks, not realising that you had been consumed with your thoughts so much that you actually cried in front of him.
You were at a loss for words and couldn’t pinpoint why that was either. All you did was gently touch the area he had just wiped off before you felt your eyes begin to water again.
This time, Eric genuinely seemed concerned and cupped your face gently with his hands for the very first time since you both started this entire messed-up situationship months ago.
“I don’t know…I don’t even know why I’m here tonight, Eric,” you began sobbing but tried to hide your tears by choking back them. Why am I like this? Why do I keep doing this with you, knowing my feelings are not validated or ignored? Why did it have to be you?”
You couldn’t care less if people around you began giving you the side-eye, seeing that a girl was sitting on top of Eric in the midst of the frat party sobbing uncontrollably. You have held it in for far too long, ignoring all the warnings your friends have constantly tried to ingrain in your mind.
You got yourself into this situation; you should’ve known that you were getting yourself into trouble when you proposed that idea to him. You should’ve known that you were going to get your heart broken-
Before you could continue with those thoughts, you felt a little peck on your forehead, only to open your eyes to see that Eric had left a little mark right there, closing his eyes to cherish that short moment before pulling away.
“Did that help?” He asked, once again rubbing your red puffy cheeks with his thumbs.
“Eric…why would you…” you sniffed.
“I realised something, Y/N. While I was with you for the past several months.”
“W-What exactly was that?”
“I’m well aware of the things people call me. I know all about the red flags people say about me; frankly, I’ve done some screwed-up shit and brought myself into this messy situation. I know you decided to date me for the sake of your friends, and it’s very brave of you to do that, despite knowing the hurt and harm that would prevail when getting together with me. But that’s not my point-”
He cuts himself off by positioning himself upright on the sunlounger he was lying on, now holding both sides of your shoulders before taking a deep breath to proceed with what he was about to say to you.
“Y/N. You’ve shown me how friends would stand up for each other in a situation like this and how all of these games that I’ve been playing for so long aren’t going to last forever. Emotions are something that shouldn’t be taken lightly, and you shedding actual tears in front of me proved more than enough for me to make my final judgement,” he huffed, knowing that it wasn’t easy for him to get those words off his chest.
Eric began mumbling a few words before he finally decided he was ready to say them out loud to you. “Y/N, will you teach me how to love?”
Your eyes widened upon those words coming out from him; it felt as if you were looking right at the same boy back in kindergarten, your soulmate and childhood best friend. The sudden wave of nostalgia came rushing over you, and you tried your best to hold those tears back as you needed to properly hear him say the words you wanted to hear for the longest time.
“What are you saying, Eric?”
“it is exactly that, Y/N. I’m…trying my best to muster up the courage to say that out loud to you right now. I know you’d probably laugh at my face,” he chuckled. “A guy like me asking the girl who he's been taking advantage of to teach him actual love? Yeah, I’m insane for all of that, I know-”
Before he could finish his sentence, you sealed his lips with a kiss, pushing him back down the lounger, savouring the taste of his lips. Eric returned the favour and deepened the kiss by wrapping his arms around you, his fingers running through your long, wavy hair while he was at it before pulling it apart for some air after a good minute.
“W-What was that for?” He stammered.
With that, you finally gave him a genuine smile for the first time since reuniting with him here on campus. “Welcome back, Eric Sohn.”
In the end, you both burst into laughter, enjoying that little moment together before resting your forehead against his. “So, I’m taking this as a yes? That you accept my proposal?”
You chuckled before ruffling his hair with your hands.
“Maybe if you take me out on a skateboard date the next time, I’ll consider it done, Mr. Tornado Warnings.”
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beefrobeefcal · 1 month
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Being Neighbourly feat. Frankie Morales x neighbour f!reader
a HeftyThrowaway one shot drabble | Rated: 18+ | word count: 1,681 warnings: f masterbation, feeding, belly rubs, belly kink, oblivious people liking each other
A/N: Happy Frankie Friday, y'all! Here's a ditty that's been sitting in my wips for months. It's not Mouse and Frankie, but similar dynamic.
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It was only a matter of time until you fell for one of your neighbours. And in doing so, you had proven that food was the way into a man’s heart… or bed.  
It started when you cooked up a batch of meatballs to freeze for future use on a Saturday afternoon. You had all the windows open to avoid overheating your apartment. Leaning out the window that faced the parking lot of your complex, you watched as Frankie parked his truck. As he walked towards the building, he looked around then up and waved at you. 
You gave a small smile and a wave, thinking that would be the end of it, when he called out to you. 
“Hey! Neighbour! Uh… is that you making something that smells good?” 
“Just meatballs.”, you called back. 
“Just meatballs, my ass. They smell amazing!” He looked like he wanted to say more but just smiled back at you. 
“Thank you! Um… do you want one?”, you said back, not sure why you only offered one when you had four trays of them. But his eager nodding and scampering into the building made you happy you did. 
You’d seen Frankie around the building in the usual places you meet your neighbours: the laundry room, the parking lot, the mailboxes. He was tall and lean minus the small tummy he sported, but still looked like he hadn’t had the comfort of a home cooked meal in a while. He seemed sweet and helpful, once even helping you bring your groceries up the stairs when the elevator was out of service. He lived in the suite right below you, and some nights, you’d hear him and another male voice out on the balcony, enjoying a blunt or a cigarette. Beyond that, you didn’t know much about him. 
After the initial introduction to Frankie as a guinea pig for your cooking, you found him to be quite handy to have around. For every issue you had in your suite that the landlord had ignored, Frankie had a fix. For every fix, you had a thank you meal ready for him. This became a regular occurrence and slowly turned into either you made enough food for both you and him then delivered it to his suite, or him joining you for dinner and you giving him the leftovers. This carried on for a while, and you noticed that Frankie’s small tummy was not so small anymore. The topic came up after he completely annulated an entire baking dish of your home-made enchiladas in one go. 
Sitting back at your table, his belly pushed out and stuffed, he sighed a little laugh. “Fuck, I just can’t help myself. You cook too good.” 
All you could do was smile and look down, trying to stop him from seeing the bashful glee on your face. You’d watched him eat the entire thing and all you wanted to do was go to his side, rub his stuffed belly, and feed him yourself. It had been a running theme in your head when you laid in bed at night, vibrator on high while you cried out his name. You’d never gotten off on anything like this, but it worked. You just wished it wasn’t a fantasy. 
“I mean it. I had to get new pants last week. Not that I’m complaining at all about your food.”, he reasoned, making sure you knew that he was not upset. “But if we’re gonna continue to be neighbours, I need a spandex wardrobe.” 
You both laughed at his little joke as he rubbed his belly, signalling an end to this topic. But god damn it, you wished you could just reach out and touch it, feel his belly and tell him he’s got more room in there, and then feed him. But you didn’t, and he continued to come around throughout the week for dinner; you both played this same routine: you made the food, and he ate it. It wasn’t lost on you that Frankie liked to eat, but what you didn’t notice was how much he really liked that it was you feeding him.  
On one Saturday summer night, you were sitting on your balcony, far later than you normally would be, enjoying a sangria. You heard the sliding door open below you from Frankie’s and could hear him and that other male voice talking.  
“Drop it, Pope.” 
“Dude, I can tell. It’s written all over your fucking face when she comes up. You’ve got it bad for this chick.“ 
“Fine. Yes. Happy?” 
“Sure. But you have to tell her. There’s no way-“ 
“Yeah, and have her laugh in my face? She’s not into me like that.” 
“And how the fuck would you know?” 
“Because she’s too fucking gorgeous and out of my league.” 
Your heart dropped; Frankie was head over heels for someone - someone who wasn’t you. Before you could quietly leave your balcony and mope inside, you heard the other voice, Pope, say, “No one feeds you like that if they don’t at least like you, Francisco.” 
You froze.  
Frankie sighed. “Fuck you, man.” 
“All I’m saying is if a beautiful woman like that keeps inviting you back to her table when you’re getting fat on her cooking, you’re in. You just got to make a move.” 
The last thing you heard Frankie say as they began their exit from the balcony was, “Shit, Pope. I’m fucking hungry.”, followed by the two men laughing. 
You sat silently on your balcony and let a breath out that you didn’t realize you were holding in. You ventured inside and laid in your bed.  
You had made yourself scarce the rest of the weekend, no sure how to interact with him after what you had heard, but you’d returned home exhausted from work on the following Monday to find a note on your door form Frankie that read: 
Want to go out for dinner? You can have a night off.  
x F  
You grinned to yourself, hopeful that this was Frankie trying to make a move and went into your apartment, got changed into a more casual outfit, and headed down to Frankie’s. 
He opened the door and gave you a big smile while telling you where he was going to take you - his favourite Tex-Mex restaurant.  
The car ride over started a little awkward, but you soon fell into an easy conversation. 
“So why the dinner out? Sick of my cooking?”, you poked, watching to see how he would react. 
“Fuck no!”, Frankie barked out laughing. “I just figured that maybe I could get dinner for you, and since there’s not a snowflake’s chance in hell that I could even compare to you in the kitchen, I thought I’d take you to my favourite place to eat… other than your table, of course.” 
You felt your cheeks turn pink and you could feel Frankie smiling at you. You felt bold as you thought of what you’d heard on Saturday night and wanted to test the waters. 
You reached out and put your hand on his that was on the gear stick. “Thank you, Frankie. You’ll have to show me your favourites on the menu.” 
Frankie sucked in a breath at your touch and nodded. “Yeah… uh, I pretty much like everything they have.” 
You smiled and nodded. 
“Recommendations?”, you asked looking over your menu. 
“Well, like I said, I pretty much like everything. But my favourites are, uh, the burritos and fajitas. Can’t go wrong with those, and the elote is great, too.” 
Once again, you felt bold. Without the restrictions of what you had cooked and the ingredients you had on hand, Frankie could really let himself loose in here and you were more than happy to encourage him. 
“How about you order, Frankie? I normally decide what I’m cooking, so you get to decide tonight. Order to your heart’s content – I’m in.”, you say, leaning forward and cocking your head. 
Frankie’s eyebrows twitched and his lips parted. His tongue flicked out and he nodded. “You sure you’re up for that? It’ll be a lot of food.” 
“I’ll be fine, Frankie. The question really is will you be okay. Because food is more of a spectator’s sport for me when I’m with you.”, you say with a wink.  
Frankie just stared back at you, his breathing getting quicker. His brain was trying to wrap around that fact that Pope was right: you were into him and like to feed him. He thought he’d died and gone to heaven. 
Before he could pinch himself, the waitress approached the table. Frankie placed the order – it was a lot of food - and you just sat back and smirked as he spoke. 
“You sure you’re gonna be able to handle all that, Frankie?”, you questioned with a wry smile and teasing tone. 
Frankie gave you a flirtatious grin and took your hand. “Yeah, and there’ll even be room for dessert.” 
By the time Frankie had eatten two plates of food, he was sitting back in the booth, finishing his pop.  
“How’re you doing? You still got another plate.”, you gave him a coquettish smile, pushing the plate forward to him. 
“Oh, honey. I’m full.”, Frankie chuckled, patting his belly. 
He watched as you got out of your side of the booth and slid in next to him. Throughout the meal, you and Frankie dropped silent hints as to where you both wanted this to go. You again felt emboldened and reached out to rub his belly. He watched you, his eyes pleading with you to keep going. 
You leaned in and purred into his ear before nuzzling it with your nose, “Oh, Frankie. You’re not that full, are you?” 
Frankie shivered and gulped. Once he had cleared the last plate, Frankie huffed out a breath and tried to hide a small burp. You sat at his side, continuing to console his overstuffed tummy, and gave him a kiss on his cheek. 
“What’s next?”, Frankie asked, looking at you with a lazy smile.  
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