#ooh I get a chance to speak
thetomorrowshow · 1 year
cold, empty, lonely
have a short little fic about death and disconnection :)
cw: canonical character death, description of dead body
He finds her body on the side of the hill, crumpled upon itself, red hair dulled against the cold, yellow grass.
Bdubs doesn't touch her, at first. He just watches, waits for some kind of movement.
In the weak light of the moon, the chill wind that blows almost makes it look like her chest is slowly rising and falling. Her hair flicks up a bit, blown like the grass around, and her clothes shift a little, and if Bdubs squints his eyes almost shut and stares at one spot long enough, he could swear that she was just sleeping.
They aren't actually breathing, though. And when he opens his eyes wide, lashes not blurring his vision, he can see again the red that shines against her grey shirt.
They had brought him her armor. It was cheap stuff, iron, held together by whatever leftover straps she'd been able to scrounge up after her good set of armor had been claimed as loot by the Red Army. They hadn't wanted the new set, and had brought it, bloodstained, as proof of their conquest.
Bdubs had pleaded with them for what felt like hours for the location of her body.
He needn't have. He could have looked out a back window and seen it, if he hadn't been so distracted with everything going on.
Their body lies just above the little river that feeds into the Crastle's moat. The river has begun to freeze at the edges, little broken-off sheets of ice forming from the rocky shore, frost touching the red-spattered stones and pebbles. And their body is just beyond that, where the stones and grey dirt turn to dying grass and bare shrubs as the slope climbs upward into a squat hill, alone in the darkness of the night.
He stands there, at a distance, watching their body for probably ten minutes.
Her body looks so lonely.
Cold. Empty.
Bdubs sighs (his breath puffs out in a mist before him—winter really is coming, isn't it?) before crossing the distance between them, crouching down beside the body.
Their flower crown—the one that Bdubs had collected the flowers for—has come apart, a crushed halo of daisies, partially obscured by their hair, a petal weaved in here and there.
Her hair is long, tangled, spilling out around her head like the rays from the sun, curling around her throat and caught under her body.
With a gentle touch, Bdubs brushes their hair away from their grey lips, where some strands have stuck.
Her cheeks are almost colorless, the few stubborn freckles faded. Their lashes are long, soft, forehead unwrinkled and face expressionless.
There's no twist of her mouth, no scrunch of their eyes, no desperation in their brows to denounce pain. There's nothing else, either, though—no peaceful relaxation, no joyful grin, no angry glower.
She's simply blank. It's as if she never lived, never felt.
Her face is cold. Empty. Lonely.
There's still sticky blood on her shirt, her chest slick with it, the ground stained. A lucky stab, straight to the heart. A cleaving of lifeless flesh, right through their chest, somehow missing the bone frame that once held the body together.
Bdubs pulls her shirt a little bit, rearranging it to cover the ugly, open wound. He's not quite sure why he does it. He'll just bury her, anyways.
But he does. He touches the shirt, stiff and sticky with blood, and tugs it over the wound. He pulls more of her hair away, where it's become plastered to her body with blood. He arranges her body so that it isn't half curled on its side, but fully on its back.
They look almost as they always did. Just missing everything that made her alive.
She wasn't supposed to die first. It was always supposed to be him, everyone knew it. Not her.
They probably worked so well together because of how reasonable she was. Bdubs doesn't like being reasonable, likes to kill first and ask questions later—or, if he feels like it, let them sell him a coffin first and ask questions later. She preferred to observe, keep track of enemies and allies, sneak around quietly behind the scenes and make chaos of her own kind.
Which is why Bdubs should have died first. He's so publicly provocative of the Reds, so eager to spill blood.
If anything, she was fairly peaceful. Not genuinely, but she always chose to take a step back from conflict and find a way to profit from it.
It was their Red blood that got to them, Bdubs thinks idly. They hadn't been Red for long enough to let the bloodlust acclimate, and had just gone on the hunt rather than let it simmer.
And now they're dead.
He needs to bury the body. Preferably now, when it's night yet and the battles haven't resumed.
He doesn't wait any longer.
He gets to work, picking up the shovel that he'd brought with him and stabbing it into the earth. Again. Again. Again.
The rough wood of the handle pokes into his palms, but he doesn't stop. The pain reminds him that he needs to keep going.
Every so often he pauses, wipes the sweat off his forehead, looks over at the body.
Then he keeps shoveling.
The world has lightened by the time he finishes, bathing the hill in grey. Bdubs shakes some clumps of dirt off his shovel, whacking it against the ground a couple of times.
Without further ado, he hops out of the shabby hole he's dug and tosses the shovel to the side. He gets on his knees, back creaking, and looks down at his hands.
He should wash them before he touches her, probably. Dirt is packed into every crease of his palm, his nails torn and muddy, grit between his fingers. A couple of splinters sticking out of his skin here and there.
Not that there's any point to washing them. Dirt goes to dirt and whatnot.
So, gently, Bdubs gathers up the body in his arms. He slowly turns, scooting a little on his knees, until he's facing the shallow grave.
Bdubs sets the body down, carefully, supporting the neck so their head doesn't loll. He moves their arms over their body, one limp hand placed over the other.
They wouldn't have liked this. They didn't like being touched.
He doesn't touch her any more, then.
Bdubs grasps the first handful of dirt, holds his closed fist over the grave. A couple of grains of dirt spill out, running down her shirt.
He holds it there, for longer than he should. Long enough that his arm grows weary. Long enough that somewhere, a bird starts chirping its wake-up call.
He needs to let go.
Probably, the worst part of all this is that he's doing it alone, he thinks absently. It's always been the two of them.
And there are others who could be here. Other friends. Other allies. Enemies, even. He shouldn't be alone in this. He shouldn't have to bury her alone.
It still looks like her.
He drops the dirt. It lands on her face, on her grey lips, on her bloodless cheeks.
Then he picks his shovel back up and gets to work, heaving load after load of dirt back into the grave.
And when Bdubs returns in the windy morning, the impromptu occupants that he'd left in the Crastle the previous night are all gone. It's just him, in a small castle that used to belong to two.
And Bdubs is cold.
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charliemwrites · 10 months
I’m going to continue obsessive Johnny on lunch break BUT I need to get this out because the smut audios are smutting-
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Serial killer ghost who’s all set to kidnap you, torture you, and murder you. He marked you from the minute you walked in the bar and bumped into him. Mumbled something he couldn’t make out, and then got dragged off by your friends.
He watches you get drunk, nearly abandoned by your more outgoing friends. Sees you make your excuses and head outside. Sees you rub your eyes with a sigh when you see that your phone is nearly dead - no Ubers for you. No walking either, it’s pouring and you’re not dressed for early November.
He offers you a ride. You hesitate like a good, sensible girl should. But you’re miserable and tipsy enough to take the chance. It’ll be your last.
You climb into his passenger side, buckle in saying thank you and then grimacing.
“Oh, I’m so sorry, I’m getting your seat wet,” you lament. “Do you… have a spare towel? I don’t want to ruin it…”
“It’s fine.”
You hum and settle in. Tell him a street (but no address, too little too late, but good try). There’s music on the radio that you tap your little fingers to in your lap.
“Oh, by the way - I think I bumped into you earlier? That was you, right?”
He grunts an affirmative.
“I tried to say sorry but my brain messed up and I ended saying ‘sorry’ and ‘excuse me’ and it came out ‘sarcuse’ for some reason? And then Addy yanked me away but - I mean, I’m sorry. Like, so sorry. I know i spilled your drink everywhere. If it makes you feel better, I think it stained my tights?”
He doesn’t know what to say, so he just grunts again. You speak softly for a drunk person - like you’re too aware of how inebriated you are. You sit quietly, shiver a bit in the cool air of the car but don’t ask him to turn on the heat. Just sit and nibble on your lip as the lights pass.
When he’s one turn away from your street, you perk up.
“Oh, can I get you gas as a thank you? Or like.., a coffee or something? I know you’re not a taxi service so I appreciate the ride.”
There’s a gas station up ahead. Curious to see if you mean it, he pulls in. You hope out, fiddle with the cap and the machine, rocking on your reasonable little heeled boots.
“Ooh, do you mind if I run in for a snack? We barely ate before going out.”
“Be quick.”
You don’t seem bothered by his shortness. Leave the gas running as you trot inside. You come back with granola bars, a bottle of water, and a muffin.
“Okay I don’t know what you like, so if you want anything I grabbed, have at it.”
He doesn’t. You’re careful not to get muffin crumbs anywhere, holding a napkin beneath your mouth to keep things tidy. Fold it up and shove it in your pants pocket to deal with layer.
The gas tank is full. You smile at him as you buckle in again.
“Thanks again for the ride!”
Hes going to take you anyway but… damn it you’re too nice to die.
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lokideservesahug · 4 months
Bound to falling in love
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Mick Schumacher x reader Soulmate AU
Warnings: None that I can see?
Notes: Unsurprisingly this won the vote. But I hope you like it :)
Summary: Mick Schumacher has been extremelyprivate with how soulmark his whole life. But what happens when the interest does ehat its best at, snooping. Well Mick Schumacher might just finally meet the celebrity that he doesn't at all have a tiny crush on...
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Yourusername: WE ARE SO BACK BABY!!🖤🖤 Mercedes CCH 2024 Incoming (I'm delusional)
Liked by Mickschumacher, Lewishamilton and 756,986 others
View all 533 comments
User1: I knew Y/N was an F1 girlie but I didn't know she was a Mercedes girl🤔
↳Yourusername: Have been for ever🖤
User2: Y/N is like me fr eith that caption
↳User3: Fr though😭 Like wdym 2nd place in sprint doesn't mean Lewis will get his 8th!?
↳Yourusername: Maybe he performed so well just to improve his ex-husband
↳User4: LMAO Poor Nico
Lewishamilton: Glad to see your support lies in the right place💪
↳Yourusername: OH my gosh. Sir Lewis Hamilton. It is an honour to speak to you
↳Lewishamilton: Maybe you should come to the Mercedes garage some time. I think certain people would love your company👀
↳User5: I think he just killed Y/N
↳User6: Wa she talking about himself or someone else. George perhaps? I'M so nosy!!!
↳User7: Well Mick is in the likes so that's where my money is...
↳User8: Sure grandma, the mkst soul ate obsessed obsessed In existence is caught up over Y/N...
↳User7: I mean it is Y/N Y/L/N
↳User8: True...
User9: Mick being in the likes👀
↳User10: Meh even if he does have a thing for Y/N, he'll still stick to his soulmate like he has done for decades.
↳User11: Hear me out, Y/N is his soulmate...
↳User10: Girl actualy shut up
↳User11: Just look at that twitter thread
↳User10: Hmmm interesting. It looks like it could be possible but the chances are 0.001% of it being her. Just because one user recognised it doesn't mean it's her
User12: Is anyone else really confused by all this talk of the twitter thread and that "one reply"
Liked by Yourusername
↳User13: basically people are trying to find out who Mick's soulmate is and currently people think it's Y/N
↳User12: OH... how random
↳User13: Yeah but tell me they wouldn't make the perfect couple...
Liked by Yourusername
↳User14: Y/N liking this comment + its replies twice is wild and shows she's as curious as us...
Mick's phone
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Your phone | Mick's | Your phone
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Yourusername: This guy wouldn't leave me alone in Italy. He says he's in the family business of driving cars or smt
Liked by Mickschumacher, Lewishamilton and 1,023,987 others
View all 674 comments
↳User2: Girl probably? Hopefully? Idk?
User3: We don't need confirmation now...but also we so do!!!
User4: Awww they really are perfect for each other!🥺🥰
Liked by Mickschumacher, Yourusername
Lewishamilton: Glad you two finally found the time to go on a proper date rather than letting Mick ogle you all day!
↳Mickschumacher: Thanks for that man...
↳Yourusername: Aww Micky, you stare at me all the time?
↳Mickschumacher: How can I not Schatz, you're the most gorgeous person in the whole world❤❤❤
↳Estabanocon: How sweet 🤢
↳Mickschumacher: Aww just let me be in love this once.
User5: Ugh he's so bf coded
Liked by Yourusername
User7: did you guys see Mick say love? Ooh is this a new word added to the equation or....
Liked by yourusername
New story from Mickschumacher
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(My darling, my soulmate. Finally all mine to love)
Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed it.
As always, likes, reblogs and especially feedback is always welcome!
Taglist:@nikfigueiredo @mysoulispainted @leclercings @d3kstar @hiireadstuff @a-beaverhausen @nichmeddar @lozzamez3 @stinkyjax @marymustdie @littlesatanicassholebitch @mehrmonga @insanedeathwish @ems-alexandra @a-disturbing-self-reflection @cherry-piee
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fitzells · 1 year
im just thinking about conrad defending his girlfriend. like imagine conrad is with you and he overhears someone say something rude or insulting towards you?? i feel like his head would just snap up immediately and he’d be pulling you close and being all protective and extremely sassy/sarcastic to get the person to back the fuck off
really cranking out this conrad material. gimme more x this one kinda cringe it’s not my best work. enjoy regardless x KEEP REQUESTING ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥
There’s a hand palming at your ass. One that definitely does not belong to your boyfriend, who’s using both of his to overly annunciate the story he’s recounting to Steven just a few steps away. You emit a little squeak, taking a step away from the wandering hand; feeling slightly embarrassed, for some reason.
“Uh. That’s my ass.” The guy laughs loudly, taking a swig from his cup. He shoots you this creepy, perverted little smirk; and you feel your face screw up in disgust.
“Trust me, princess. I know that’s your ass; kinda why I put my hand there.” Taylor sneers beside you, Belly meeting Steven’s curious eyes as she gestures over at the guy in question. “Look, don’t go all prude on me just because of your little boyfriend, ok? You wouldn’t be the first girl I’ve hooked up who belongs to someone else, you know.”
You scoff incredulously, as your fingers wrap around his wrist and remove his grip from your body. The nerve of this guy. “Okay, the reason I don’t want your filthy, perverted paws on me is not just because I have a boyfriend— who does not own me, by the way. It’s because it’s creepy and downright disgusting of you to just think you have the right to put your hands on me when I’ve given you no indication that it was okay.”
He looks around the room for one of his friends, although you’d be surprised if he has any. He seems a little uncomfortable now, probably not expecting you to berate him in front of all of his peers. Less sure of himself, he makes a pathetic attempt to stand his ground. “Ooh.. Indication.”
“Yeah, try spelling it.” A breath of relief tugs at your lips. You know that voice. And you definitely know this hand, rubbing soothingly at that spot between your shoulder blades. “You like feeling up girls who don’t want you? Because there’s a name for that, you know. It’s called perversion.”
The boy raises his hands in surrender, shrugging his shoulders nonchalantly; although you can see him shrink in on himself. “Hey man, she was the one giving me those ‘fuck me eyes’ across the room. I’m sure you’re familiar—“
Your boyfriend’s comforting hand leaves your back, and he takes a step in front of you. A crowd is forming behind you, all of your peers waiting for the first fight to really kick off summer. Why do these always have to involve Conrad? “Alright, that’s it—“
You grab at his arm before he has a chance to swing at the shorter boy in front of him. You tug at it, and he turns around to face you. Your gaze melts his demeanour, and you exhale serenely. “Can we just go, please?”
He nods slowly, and you grin up at him. He takes one look at the boy, and then, meets your gaze once again; and he’s made his decision. His fingers squeeze at the flesh of your hip, huffing out a laugh at the faint ‘boo’ the teenagers in front of him yell out in annoyance.
“You okay?” The words are hushed into your ear, a kiss pressed to your temple. You nod, squeezing at his wrist, where it lays on your hip bone. You’re just about to speak when you hear that damn voice again.
“Yeah, take him home. Maybe after that you can come back here for a round two? You know you want—“
You pull Conrad’s hands off of you and after breathing out a quick, give me one second; your hand comes up and slaps that other asshole in the face. Hard. Hard enough that he stumbles back into Belly, who pushes him off of her with a grimace. You sigh, triumphantly. Turning back to your boyfriend, you pat at his chest and laugh at the grin on his face.
“Now, can we go?” You query, with a smile on your face. He nods speechlessly, and pulls you in for a kiss the minute you get outside, in front of everybody; despite his hatred for PDA. Your arms wrap around his neck, and his hands cup at your face delicately.
“Jesus, Con. Everybody knows you guys are together, you don’t have to eat her.” Steven slaps at Conrad’s back. You pull away reluctantly, and follow the rest of your friends out of the house. Steven wraps an arm around your neck, smiling down at you as he ruffles your hair. “Great work in there, by the way. Extremely satisfying to see a powerful woman take down a creep.”
You roll your eyes, and Taylor and Belly’s faces screw up in annoyance in front of you. You jog over to the red jeep you’re a little overly familiar with, opening the passenger door and watching as Steven stomps his foot like a child. “Wow, Steven Conklin the feminist! I’m still calling shotgun though, but nice try.”
Everyone piles into the car, Belly uncomfortably perches on Taylor’s lap to make room for them all. Conrad leans over and presses a kiss to the top of your head, flipping off Jeremiah as he gags from the seat behind you. You grin, cheekily. Conrad grins back.
“We are so getting this girl some ice cream.”
Everybody cheers.
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y2xnjn · 1 year
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ racer!taehyun (nsfw 18+)
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— a/n: this look will forever be iconic 😖 also i barely know anything about racing or cars, i'm so sorry if this is inaccurate
✧ racer!tyun x fem!reader, wc: 1.8k
✧ warnings: smut— MDNI! tyun is lowk cocky, car sex, unprotected sex, grinding, fingering, pet names, creampie
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your heartbeat speeds up when you see the row of cars, each one at a different pace than the other but all so fast that the sound of the friction between the fast tires and the concrete road makes you wince for a split second. they all look like colors passing you by as you wait on the sidelines, cheers and screams on either side of you, people nearly toppling over each other to get a closer look. you watch as each carl crosses the finish line, so close to one another you’re unable to identify which one placed first until you hear your boyfriend’s name being announced on the megaphone, and your friends are cheering by your side.
catching taehyun’s eyes as he exits out of the black and red-striped car with an obnoxious slam of the car door and a cocky smile on his face as if he thinks he’s the best–cause he is–you attempt to run up to his side, sliding by the planted post, but a guard stops you, his large figure blocking your view.
“excuse me, miss. you can’t go up there,” he says, a snarky smirk on his face as he puts his hands right above your breasts to push you back, clearly delighted by the touch of your cleavage. you try to push his hands off of you, your friends also clearly disgusted by the sight as they try to pull you away, but he doesn’t budge, using the excuse that he’s just making sure the racers are safe from any ‘threats’. lucky for you, taehyun ignores the calls of his name by the judges who are ready to present him his award and makes his way towards you instead. he comes up behind the guard and pushes him out of the way, his body being significantly smaller in height, but still dominated by muscle, a result of his time at the gym.
"she's with me, dipshit." he glares at him, and he gladly moves to where he was standing before with an apologetic look on his face. taehyun takes your hand in his and leads you up to the podium with him. you roll your eyes at the way your girlfriends giggle and 'ooh' as he gives you a quick peck on your cheek. you reciprocate, squeezing his hand tighter, a way of saying your congratulations; of course there will be more later, but for now, this will do. he steps up on the podium, you wait at the bottom insisting this is his moment, and you don't want to intrude. taehyun says to come up with him almost every time he wins—many many times—claiming that the two of you are partners, and he can't do any of this without your support, but you know he should be given the chance to be his own entity in front of the world, and you're happy at the sidelines.
he grins when the award is placed in his hand, looking directly at you, and you show your look of endearment back until you see a cameraman waiting for him and gesture at him to look forward. he does, and many photos are taken with many people, many words of pride and cheers from his supporters, until he's finally free and leading the two of you away to his car. his own car is a beauty, a stunning blu abu dhabi ferrari 296 gtb, a gift to himself after winning a special race, and also, your favorite car of his because you love the way he gets relaxed and confident when he drives it.
the garage is dark, dimly lit by a few suspended light fixtures throughout, mostly emptied out due to the time, so taehyun takes this chance to press you against the door of his car. he places the trophy on the hood in a position where it won't fall—not that he cares if it does, he has many more— and tangles one hand in your hair while the other rests on your hip, his lips making their way to yours. he kisses you a few times until he travels down to your neck when you open your mouth to speak.
"tae, you did so well today," you breathe out, eyes fluttering shut when his thigh presses directly against your crotch.
"i always do well, baby." he speaks against your skin, breath warm and minty. "it's nothing new." you roll your eyes and sigh playfully, taehyun was always confident, and you admired it.
"i know, but i'm just—" he flexes his thigh cutting you off, and you feel his grin against your neck when you struggle to find your words. "i'm so proud of you—shit, you worked s-so hard, and you—you looked so, i can't— fuck, tyun."
the way he grinds his leg against you has you throwing your head back, eyes clenched shut because the muscle has somehow found the exact spot that has you whining and throbbing against him. your cotton panties barely covered by your miniskirt leaving you exposed to him, your arousal leaking on his leather pants. "aw, baby," he coos, but he sounds evil as he says it, "i know, and i appreciate you so much. my girl is always there for me, hm?"
the kisses on your neck halt as he looks up at the way you're already so fucked out, just from kissing and a few rocks of his thigh. taehyun grins at the sight, licking his lips and holding your face when you don't respond. "answer me." you nod eagerly, widening your doe eyes, wanting to show your full support. "wanna show me how proud you are?"
he moves away from you, a whine leaving your lips at the loss of his touch, but he opens the door to the front passenger seat and sits himself down, patting his thigh, his boba eyes looking up at you, waiting for you. you take a seat on his lap, somehow closer than before, and he closes the door, locking the door. you can barely see taehyun in the darkness of it all, but you can definitely feel him underneath you.
his lips return to yours, catching them in a quick breath, and his fingers trace up from your thighs to prod at your entrance. you gasp against his lips, and he groans at the wetness of the cloth at his fingertips before tugging it to the side and slipping two fingers inside you. you grab at his jacket and tug him closer, gripping it tightly while he thrusts his digits into you relentlessly. "tyun, please— can i ride you? wanna feel you."
"of course baby, lemme just— fuck, need you to cum on my fingers first," he watches the way you grind against his hand in mesmerization, obsessed with the way your arousal drips in between your legs on his expensive leather. taehyun tugs at your low cut top, revealing your breasts, and he hangs his head low to nip at the supple skin. he pumps into you faster, finding it a necessity to have you cum, and you finally do not long after, a whine of his name falling from your lips.
you find yourself unbuttoning his pants quickly, in a rush to have him inside you, as he finds his way back to your mouth, sinking his teeth into your bottom lip. struggling to get his tight leather pants down his hips, wailing in desperation, he grabs your hands, putting them around his neck, and does it himself, pulling his cock out, hard as it slaps against his stomach. he throws his head back in relief, having been constrained in his underwear but snaps back up when he feels your folds rub at his tip, dripping down his shaft. he pulls your hips down, slowly taking him inch by inch as you wince at the stretch of his length filling up your walls. taehyun groans, a grip on your hips as you sink onto him. "fuck, my girl is so tight. so wet and warm—shiitt."
once he bottoms out inside you, his hips tightly pressed against your, he sighs loudly, bucking his hips up into you. you nearly topple over, having to grab his shoulders to balance yourself until you're able to move. you roll onto him, a slow grind contrasting with your hurried movements from earlier. the angle, the intimacy, the expensiveness of it all has you enjoying it all more, loud moans slipping out with every movement. his eyes zone in on where the two of you meet, loving the wet sounds that are produced. "baby’s so proud of me, she's leaking all over my seats,” he shakes his head, “how dirty."
you frown, knowing he paid a lot for this car, and you’re spoiling it, tears well up in your eyes, and you mindlessly sniffle out apologies. “don’t worry, baby. i would buy a thousand cars just to fuck you in each one,” his words are spoken against your chest, and your back arches when his hips thrust into a certain spot, his teeth scraping your and adding to the stimulation. his jacket being clawed at by your fingers, needing something to maintain the rise and fall of your body on his length.
"soso full tyun, i— fuck, s-so good—you're fucking me so good," you cry out, spurring him on. he lifts you up and lays your head on his dashboard, taking over and pounding into you with a new angle that has you losing your mind. his hand crawls up your back, and finds its way in your hair pulling it back to reveal your flushed neck, filled with his marks. he leans forward to make more, the zipper of his jacket brushing against your hardened nipples, making you squeal.
"you know i think about you when im racing? thinking about how good i get to fuck you when i'm done. how fast i'd give it to you, and it just makes me go faster." you whine at his words, getting close to your climax.
"i'm close, tyun. please fill me up."
"yeah? want me to make an even bigger mess? " he lets go of your hair, reaching down to circle your clit, pushing you over the edge as you tighten around him. "gonna smell you all over my car, baby." he twitches inside you, the feeling of you clenching unable to ignore, and releases, his fluids leaking out to join yours on the chair. taehyun pulls your limp body back up against him, pulling out with a wince and tucking himself back into his pants. "we should make this a ritual."
his words bring you back, and you look up at him with sleepy eyes and a tired smile. "what, you fuck me every time you win?" he nods, delight on his face, and he gathers tissues from the center compartment and cleans the two of you up— starting with his seats. "no thanks, tyun. you almost always win, my legs will give out one day." he gives you a sweet kiss, a giggle attached to it.
"that's okay, i'll just drive you around everywhere myself."
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billybob598 · 11 months
Monster (Alessia Russo x Reader)
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What's up my mammals? anyways, this was requested originally as an air ambulance reader but I decided to switch it up a bit, if that's ok. i was planning on doing the olga fic next but I really wanna do a kcc fic so I might work on both. enough of me, though. like always, any feedback good or bad is welcomed! Happy reading!
Word Count: 2k (I mean...COME ON MOTHERTRUCKERS)
Warnings: Swearing, a bit of violence, emotional crisis
“Ooh, how about this one?” Alessia says from above you while pointing at a picture in the magazine you were holding. 
“Mmm, no I don’t like that one,” you respond, shaking your head. Alessia pouts, begrudgingly flipping the page. The two of you were engaged to be married and were currently picking out tables for your reception. You continue to flip through the magazine pages as you lie between your fiancee’s legs. After a few more minutes of vetoing each other's choices, you both decided to take a break. You get up and start making some coffee while Alessia takes a little longer to get out of bed. Just as you’re pouring the coffee into your mugs, Alessia calls you to the bedroom,
“Y/N! Come here now!” Startled, you hastily head towards your shared room.
“Everything okay, love?” Peeking around the corner you find your girlfriend, white as a ghost, your phone a few inches away from her ear. Rushing over, you carefully remove the phone from her hand and put it beside your ear. “Who is this?” 
“Lieutenant Y/L/N, good to talk to you again,” the unmistakable deep voice says through the speaker. Unknowingly, you stand up straighter. Shoulders back, chest puffing out. 
“Sir,” you say, your voice miles different than the one you were just speaking to Alessia in.
“I’m going to get straight to the point, you’re being deployed. I’ll send you the details and your flight information. I’m not asking, soldier,” his tone left no room for arguing. You sigh, glancing over at Alessia who watched and listened to your conversation intently. 
“Sir, with all due respect, is there no one else that you could take?” You say exasperated.
“Are you saying you don’t want to serve your country, Lieutenant?” 
“No, no, not at all. But, you see I’m getting married in a few months here, sir.”
“Well, in a few months, you’ll be back. As I said, this isn’t a request.” With a sigh you nod and mutter out a “yes sir” before hanging up the phone and turning to look at the Arsenal striker.
“Less?” She doesn’t respond. She’s rooted to the spot. Her mind racing at a million miles an hour. They were going send you and hundreds of other British soldiers in there to fight a military that looked very far from surrendering. No. She couldn’t let you go like that. She was this close to finally being able to call you her wife. There was no chance in hell that she’d let you slip through her fingers like that. She’s broken out of her thoughts by your hand gently grasping hers. 
“Sorry, what?” She asks, meeting your eyes for the first time since receiving the phone call.
“Are you okay, Less?” You speak softly while slowly caressing the back of her hand. 
“Mhm, of course I am. Not like they’re deploying you into a country in absolute carnage or anything,” she mutters, her frustration getting the better of her.
“Baby, come on now. You know I can’t control this and it’s my job. It’s what I signed up for, it’s what you signed up for,” you reason.
“I know it’s what I signed up for, but what I didn’t sign up for is you leaving for duty with only a few months until we’re supposed to get married,” her voice stern. 
“Baby, I can’t say no, I’ll get dishonourably discharged. I’ll be fine Alessia, don’t worry,” you try to reason, getting a bit frustrated. Your girlfriend nods her head sadly. 
“Okay, okay. You’re right, you have to go. But, you have to call at least once a day, deal?”
A grin comes across your face as you pull her into a soft kiss, “Deal.”
A few weeks later, you’re tiredly peeling off your combat dress. Throwing the last few bits of armour onto the ground, you sigh and lie down on the bottom bunk. After a long day of bullets, bombs, and blood all you want to do is get just a few minutes of sleep before you’re put back on patrol duty. Just as your eyes begin to shut, your phone rings. The special ringtone you have set indicates who it is. 
“Hey, love!” Your favourite blonde’s cheery voice exclaims through the speakers.
“Hi Lessi,” you mumble out, tiredly. She frowns. 
“Everything okay, love?” 
You try to muster up a convincing smile, “Yeah, yeah everything’s fine, baby. Just tired is all.” Alessia isn’t convinced by your attempts, however.
“Tell me what’s wrong,” she says softly. 
“It’s okay, baby. How about you tell me about your day,” you sigh, obviously not wanting to talk. The striker nods and begins to talk in great detail about her day. You nod along and throw a question in every once and a while. After almost thirty minutes, you begin to yawn and your eyelids get heavier and heavier by the second. 
“How about you go to sleep now, honey,” Alessia’s soft, sweet voice whispers to you. 
“Mmm, okay. Don’t hang up, though,” you mumble sleepily. 
“Why not?”
“I don’t wanna be alone, please,” Alessia’s heart cracks slightly at how sad and scared you sound. 
“Of course, baby. I’ll be right here, you go to sleep now,” she coos. Within thirty seconds you’re out. Alessia laughs quietly and continues to get ready for training. She puts herself on mute as she goes about her day. While she was eating her breakfast with the team, she was teased relentlessly. It was fine by her though, she was just happy to see your face. And to see that you were finally resting. She knew that you weren’t exactly getting your 7-8 hours of sleep, so seeing you sleeping, if only for a bit, brought her some peace. 
As Alessia and Kyra Cooney-Cross were walking through the halls, on their way to the changeroom, a sudden and loud bang could be heard from your side. Startled, Alessia looks at her phone only to find you wide awake, eyes big. 
The striker unmutes herself, “Y/N, love, is everything okay?”
Your eyes widen even further when you hear her voice, “Err, yeah, everything’s good.” Alessia is not convinced at all.
Even less so when she hears a random voice yell through the night, “We’re under attack!” This springs you into action, you rush to put on your combat dress. Alessia is rooted to the spot. This couldn’t be happening, could it? Grabbing your phone, you sprint out of the barrack and towards the weaponry. Flinging the door open, you and a dozen other soldiers rush to grab rifles or pistols or anything really. 
“Less, I’ve got to go…” you say loudly, over the bullets and shouts.
“Y/N? Are you okay? What’s happ-” Alessia is cut short when you hang up. Tears are already filling her eyes as Kyra pulls her into a tight hug.
“I’m sure she’s gonna be okay,” Kyra says into her ear. 
Adrenaline coursing through your veins, you tuck your phone away.
“Y/L/N! Take a team. Try and see if you can get in behind them,” One of your superior officers tells you. Nodding, you pick seven other people and lead them into the darkness. Everyone was silent as you trekked through the desert. Every once and awhile someone would say something over the radio or there would a random burst of gunfire, making everyone’s head swivel. The tension was palpable. It felt that if anyone so much as breathed a hair too loudly, that you’d be discovered. In the distance you could see the tanks and soldiers going at it. The eight of you continued on, nerves only increasing the closer you got to the enemies camp. After twenty more minutes of walking, your little group was only a few hundred metres out from their first line of defence. Suddenly, there was a round of shots fired. Shit, they’d seen you. Everyone scattered as best they could. That was the downside of warfare in the desert, there was nowhere to hide. 
“This way! Come on, run!” You yell into the blackness, hoping someone had heard you. Loading your rifle, you turned and fired a few shots back, giving enough time for everyone else on your team to take cover behind a sand ridge. When the final person ran past you, you turned and sprinted up the massive hill. You were almost at the top when the guy in front of you hit the ground with a grunt. Blood almost immediately leaking through the back of his shirt. “Come on, come on, man.” You grabbed his arm roughly and dragged him behind you. Reaching the peak of the ridge, you pulled the two of you down the other side.
“Ahh, fuck,” he mutters out. Quickly, you and another soldier cover up his wound. 
“You’re gonna be fine, mate,” you say to him, “Keep applying pressure.” The other soldier nods and ensures that their hands are covering everything. “Alright guys, we have two options. One, we turn back, try to use this ridge as cover and try to make it back to base. Two, some of us stay here and try and snipe them. The others move in and try to take out their tanks. I saw them, they’re not very heavily guarded and I bet we could rush them and take out them out.”
Everyone looks around at each other. A few of them shrug non-chalantly. Finally, Colgate, a Second Liuetenant who had been given his nickname from the odd spelling of his last name, spoke up, “Let’s blow these motherfuckers.” Hearty laughs erupt from everyone.
Two people set up as snipers while the wounded guy also grabs his rifle to try and contribute. The restof you talk over the plan, deciding on two rushing to the left and taking out any guards covering the side and the rest go through the middle. 
“Okay, everyone ready?” You ask to the group. You get nods in response, “Let’s roll out then.” 
Stalking through the night, every footstep sounds painfully loud. The five of you successfully get to the tanks, two taking cover behind some storage container. The other three of you hide behind an abandoned car. Giving the go-ahead signal, everyone surges forward. Pressing down on the trigger of your gun, your arms shake from the recoil. You direct the bullets at the few guards standing around. If you weren’t able to see the bullets coming from beside you, you wouldn’t of known that anyone else was shooting. Everything seemed so distant, you could barely make out the sound of your own gun firing. As each one of the soldiers dropped, you rushed forward. Reaching into the backpack hanging off your back, you took out enough grenades to blow everything within their blast radius to bits. Placing them strategically around the tanks, you made sure everyone was ready to run before lighting the spark. Everyone started to sprint towards the snipers, who were covering you. As you began to run, you paused, looking down at the people you had just killed. A lump forms in your throat. You had killed them. You shot them with real bullets, not those Nerf darts you used against your siblings. They were dead. They were real people. Their families were going to get those letters, the same ones you swore you would never let Alessia get. 
“Jesus Christ, Y/N. Run!” A yell breaks you out of your thoughts. Remembering your current situation, you get going again, barely making it behind the sand ridge in time. The explosion rings through your ears, the sight of the fireball stretching upwards was spectacular. All eight of you let out a sigh of relief. You were safe, no one was going to find you, especially since they were all to preoccupied with checking on their tanks.
You sat down in the sand, putting your head in your hands. Tears slowly fall from your eyes. War had turned you into a monster. You killed without a second thought. You didn’t want to be here. The only place you wanted to be was in your Alessia’s arms. Preparing for your storybook wedding with the love of your life. Instead, here you were, in the middle of an all-out war, killing complete strangers for no apparent reason other than you were told to.
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cheezeybread · 3 months
Could I request headcanons for Scarabia + Pomefiore where they overhear their lover speaking in their native language with is neither japanese or english? Maybe they're cussing, maybe just talking to themselves, maybe singing, whatever. Here are the characters + some language samples:
Jamil - bangla: https://youtube.com/shorts/WF2LbzJDzD4?si=11V-UicSCLv8vySx
Kalim - mandarin: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_iUCZgObUDg&t=106s
Rook - egyptian arabic: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zsz0ou4VX2g
Vil - swahili: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tpol4TKeJ14
Epel - welsh: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ufKf4eORcKA
So sorry it took me a while to get around to this request, I've had it gathering dust in my drafts as I brainstormed ideas for it, hehe!
Jamil Viper
Jamil's first introduction to your language was when you burned yourself in the Scarabia kitchen. Touching a hot pot before he could warn you that it contained boiling soup, you cried out a foreign phrase to him
"Hauar pola!" You screamed, one hand clamping over your injured palm, applying pressure as you glared at the pot "Magir Puth!"
Despite his fretting noises as he grabbed the nearest first aid kit (of course with Kalim, Jamil had made sure there was a pack in every room) and fixed your hand, Jamil had to hide his laughter. He had just assumed that you were making up gibberish like Kalim used to do as a kid- gibberish to take place of curse words.
Once you explained to him that it was indeed an actual curse, in your mother tongue, he was a bit shocked. You mean you didn't originally speak what you were speaking now??
He'll definitely ask you to teach him some words in Bangla- mainly curse words, but if he can get his hands on a book for the language, he'll attempt to learn some "sweeter" words to use with you, if only to get a little bit closer to you...or make you feel closer to home.
Kalim Al-Asim
He's no stranger to different languages! Being in a merchant family, knowing many different languages was essential to business, and Kalim has had so many tutors teaching him so many languages- he's not entirely fluent in all of them since he never gets a chance to speak them, but he knows all the basics to have a simple conversation
He probably knew that you didn't originally speak the current language that you did in Twisted Wonderland, but hadn't really heard you speak in this "Mandarin" before.
But one day, while prepping for a party, he took a small break to ask you to show him a new dance- he wasn't particularly set on what sort of dance you showed him, he just wanted some new moves to use while dancing at the party.
To his utter delight, you grabbed his hands and tried to teach him a little dance that went to an old song you heard in your childhood- of course, since your song didn't really exist in this world, you had to hum and sing it out loud.
He's definitely going to insist that you not only teach him the song, but that you start giving him lessons on your language! He figures it'll be fun to converse to you in Mandarin, allowing the two of you to have conversations in secret, where no one else knows what you guys are talking about!
Rook Hunt
Ooh, la la!
He's going to run into you whilst you're in the library after class! You were sitting at one of the tables, half-closed eyes scanning over a textbook. Of course, you hadn't been getting too much sleep recently, so it was hard for you to actually read and digest the information you were supposed to. Which led to you mumbling to yourself instead in Egyptian Araibic under your breath.
Of course, Rook doesn't greet you at first, preferring to stay back and listen to your voice for a little while longer. He enjoys the cadence of it, the highs and lows of every word...it is truly beautiful for a language, is it not?
Once he helps you get to bed and can speak to you after a good night's rest, Rook inquires as to what you were saying earlier.
To hearing you say that you spoke a different language than this one, he was flabbergasted, but intrigued.
"Read me a poem in your own words, dear, in your mother tongue! Speak your mind, call me curses, list out your errand runs, just allow me to hear you speak once more!"
He's...strange. But he enjoys the foreign language very much
Vil Shoenheit
Hearing you sing to yourself while having a spa day with Vil left him speechless, for once in his life.
He had left you alone in the bathroom to soak in the warm, bubbling water, assuring you that he would be right back once he found a certain brand of oil that he suspected Rook had mistook as his.
Once he came back to the bathroom, your words sounded so...alluring. It made his hips sway with the beat you put out with a fist slapping the side of the porcelain tub. It was rather catchy, and he couldn't help but smile as he nodded his head to your tune.
"Oh, such a wonderful language, what is it?"
He's so genuinely curious about it all, and enjoys listening to you speak about it all- how you grew up, how you felt about your culture and language itself.
And don't worry, he'll be asking you to sing to him a lot more heheh
Epel Felmier
Another curser! Aah!
Epel absolutely loves the sounds coming out of your mouth as you lose your temper and let loose at another student bothering you in the courtyard, but curbs his excitement until he properly threatens the student with a good lickin' if he doesn't scoot out!
I'm not gonna lie, Epel seems like he'd speak Welsh if he weren't in Twisted Wonderland- it just seems to fit his character so well.
And, of course, he's going to ask you to teach him all of the swear you know, so that Epel can voice his grievances against Vil and some teachers without them being able to get mad at him (because, of course, Welsh isn't technically an existant language in Twisted Wonderland, soooooo the teachers/Vil can't prove it even exists unless you become a tattle-tail, hehe!)
Once he has his fun with cursing, Epel will try his best to learn some simple words/phrases from you so he can pass you secret notes in class and talk to you in private. He's...not the best at learning a new language, so be patient with him, but he's trying his hardest!
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sandwitchstories · 2 months
I was listening to my music on shuffle yesterday while I work on a fic. A song came on that I know like the back of my hand. My dad played it pretty much my entire life. As I listened to the lyrics, it made me think of Sanemi.
So, thanks to "When you say nothing at all" done by Allison Krause, I gift you some Relationship/Romance headcannons about one of my favorite emotionally unhinged, very sexy maniacs. Song information and lyrics under the cut for anyone interested. I Divider by @strangergraphics-archive
CW: Implied Sex, no gender terms applie to Sanemi's beloved
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We all know that Sanemi SUCKS at dealing with and expressing his emotions. I strongly believe that would also carry over into his romantic relationships. But not in a bad way.
Sanemi is the type of man that shows his love rather than says it. His love language is 'Acts of Service.' With a dash of 'Physical Touch.' Sanemi needs someone who knows that he loves them, wants them, and will always be there for him even if he doesn't say the words out loud. It's right there in his beautiful lavendar eyes, plain as day. Sanemi needs someone who sees the smile that is reserved for them alone. Sanemi needs someone who knows that he is not a PDA type of person. He may hold their hand, but more often than not it will be gentle brushes of his fingers against their's, soft touches of his hand on thier back as they walk, standing closer than necessary so he can feel their warmth and give them his support. That being said, once Sanemi is with his partner at home or in private- he's like a 5'10, scarred up, sexy Koala. Holding, touching, and wrapped around his partner every chance he gets. Sanemi would absolutely love to wash his partner's hair when they take a shower together (Which is 90% of the time because Sanemi would never turn down and opportunity to see and touch his lover's body) Sanemi would absolutely watch his beloved sleep. He never takes a single moment with them for granted, and that includes moments like those, where he can sit there and just quietly take in their beauty and revel in fact that they love him the same way he loves them. Sanemi loves sex. Not just because it feels so damn amazing. Not just because one of his favorite hobbies is pleasing his partner to the point they are reduced to a babbling, trembling mess and crying out his name. He loves the intimacy that comes with it. The way everything else disappears. Both just lost in the moment and in eachother. Sanemi absolutely does know what 'making love' is, and if it's the slow, sensual, long kisses type of sex his partner is in the mood for he will deliver all night long. But Sanemi thinks a little bit differently - even a hard, filthy fuck is making love if it is done with love and with someone you love. (filthy fucking is a valid love language) Song information and lyrics under the cut for anyone interested. I hope you enjoy these HCs!
For anyone curious, this is the song and some of the lyrics. My dad loved both the Keith Whitley version and the Alison Krause & Union Station version. Alison Krause and Union Station "When You Say Nothing At All"
Link is to a lyric video for it on YouTube
It's amazing how you can speak right to my heart
Without saying a word, you can light up the dark
Try as I may, I can never explain What I hear when you don't say a thing
The smile on your face lets me know that you need me There's a truth in your eyes saying you'll never leave me The touch of your hand says you'll catch me wherever I fall
You say it best, when you say nothing at all
All day long, I can hear people talking out loud (ooh)
But when you hold me near (you hold me near) you drown out the crowd (out the crowd) Try as they may, they can never define What's being said between your heart and mine
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watsittoyah · 1 year
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Along Came A Spider…2099
Warnings-Sexual content, sex dreams, time travel, oral sex, rough sex, fang play, size kink, breeding kink and slight blood play. Some obsessive behavior..
(My Spanish isn’t great, so I did use google translate to help…)
Chapter 3- Tinted Windows…
Your eyes opened and you were stretching. When you look around your room you instantly feel a panic.
Was last night a dream?
It couldn’t have been right?
You throw the sheets off of the bed and your legs felt a bit wobbly. As you run to the door you stop as a very well built Miguel O’Hara stood there with breakfast for you.
“Buen día, mi amor. How did you sleep?” He asks as he looks down at you with a smile. It wasn’t a dream, he actually is here. “I slept like a baby. How about you?” He places your breakfast down and he cups your face between his hands.
“I slept great, at least until you started snoring.” You look at him mortified. “I don’t snore!” You move away from him but he pulls you back. “I’m only teasing you. You don’t snore. But speaking of things while you were sleep, your roommate wants to talk to you.”
Your eyes shoot right to the door. “Shit, shit, shit. I need my pants. Where are my pants?” You grab a pair of sweatpants and you roll those on, tossing your ripped shorts into the trash. “I’ll be right back.” You tell Miguel as you leave the room and close the door behind you.
In the living room your see your roommate, reading a magazine. “Good morning.” You say as you stand there. “Morning.” She says as she flips the page.
Ooh she’s in a mood.
“Erica I can explain-“ She raises a hand. “You know I woke up this morning and I smelled breakfast. I was thinking, T is out of her depression funk, good for her. But then I remembered that we didn’t go grocery shopping just yet. So I left my bedroom and I see a big back in our kitchen. And that big back didn’t belong to you-”
“I can expl-”
“Let me finish. This man spoke to me, he was polite. He made me a plate, he made Milo some food. And he cleaned up after himself. Shit I’m thinking about letting him move in with us. Now is that the man who had you in a mood for the past two weeks?” You just nod and she looks up at you.
“You better had forgave him, or so help me, T I will body slam you across this apartment. Because that’s a good man you got. Hell does he have a brother?” You feel a small smile on your face and shrug.
“I don’t know we were a bit too busy last night for me to ask.” Her eyes get big. “Was it good?” She whispers. “My legs are still wobbly but girl, it was more than good.”
“You lucky bitch.” You both laugh and she gets up and pulls you into a hug. “Go, we can have that walk later. I need to go visit my mom. And make sure you two keep that in your bed room. I don’t want to come home and I see ass and tiddies where Milo eats his snacks.” You suck your teeth at your roommate but smile.
“See you later E.” She waves over her shoulder and leaves the apartment. As you walk back into your room your see Miguel getting dressed. “Where are you going?” You ask in a panic.
“I have some important business to attend to, amor. Trust me if it wasn’t important I wouldn’t be leaving your side right now.” He kisses your lips several times before walking to your door. “Oh, okay. Well will you be back later?”
“No, I’m going to be busy for the next few days, but I will text and call you every chance I get.” You give a sad smile and Miguel pulls you into a hug. “Don’t give me that look. It’s already hard enough I have to leave a beautiful woman like you alone for a while. If it were up to me I’d kidnap you.” You laugh at that but in his eyes he looked serious.
“Go, you have business and I have a breakfast that my loving hus…” You stop your words right there.
Were you about to say loving husband?
“You enjoy your day, Miguel.” You smile at him and he stands there for a moment. “You too, Tommie.”
“Here let me walk you out.” As you two walk to the front door, Miguel turns to you and he lifts your chin up so you’re staring up at him. “When I’m all done, I want to take you to dinner. Would that be okay with you?”
“Yes, I’m sure it would….are you sure you can’t stay? It’s my day off and I’m going to be all alone in this apartment for a few hours.” Just then you hear a small meow and you both look to see Milo stretching out by the window. “Don’t tempt me. You hold down the fort, Milo. And I’ll call you, amor.” Miguel pins you against the wall and he kisses you passionately, leaving you feeling light headed. “Until we see each other again.” Miguel gives you one more peck and he leaves out the door. You close it behind him and you press your back against the door, sliding down it like some love sick puppy.
“Milo don’t look at me like that.” You say as Milo watches you from across the room…
It’s been a few days and you haven’t heard from Miguel. “What’s wrong baby cakes?” Your grandmother asks as you help her in her garden. “Hmm? Nothing. The strawberries look good.”
“Those are cherry tomatoes. Now I know something is wrong. Look at me.” You try to avoid her eyes but you know you can’t. “What’s wrong?” You sigh and sit down in the dirt.
“There’s this guy, and well we haven’t been talking long but…it feels like I’ve known him for a long time. Anyways he said that he would keep in contact with me and I haven’t heard from him…in the past few days.”
Your grandmother gives you a side hug. “You like this boy?”
“I do, he…just seems so familiar to me. Am I being clingy?” You ask as she helps you up off of the ground. You clean off your butt and she shakes her head. “Baby cakes, that’s the thing about you young ones. Don’t even say you’re old you’re only thirty-three, that’s young. There is no such thing as clingy when it comes to someone you care about. Call him if you want to. Leave him a message and let him know he’s on your mind. Don’t neglect your feeling. Be honest. That is what your grandfather and I do. That’s what your father and mother use to do. Be honest.”
You nod at her advice and as you go to speak you hear the back door and your grandfather comes out with a tray of drinks.
“Boy it is hot out here. How would you ladies like to take a break and have some ice cold lemonade?” You accept the glasses and hand one to your grandmother.
“Charles, you didn’t make this too sweet did you? You know your sugar levels can’t handle that.”
“Barbra, just drink the lemonade and stop worrying about my sugar levels.” As your grandparents bicker, you smile at the two. They were the best parents that anyone could have asked for.
When your parents had passed when you were thirteen, you had moved in with them. Their relationship was the blueprint for you. And maybe one day you could have what they had.
“The garden looks wonderful, Barbra. Now can I take my granddaughter to the junk yard so we can build something?” Your grandmother kisses his cheek and pats his face. “Come back to me, Charles. And bring our baby back safe.” He smiles and nods. “I will. Now come on brains. I know where we can find a mini jet engine.”
You place your empty glass down and kiss your grandmother on her cheek. “I’ll keep him safe.” You and your grandfather gets to the front of the house and you get into his pick up truck.
“What do you want to built today, brains?” Your grandfather asks as he starts driving down the street. “I’m thinking maybe a gene splicer? Or another alarm clock.” You say as you look at your phone and see a message from Miguel.
Thinking about you, amor.
You smile and text back.
I’m thinking about you too…I miss you.
You press send before you regret it and hear your grandfather cough. “You okay?” You ask concerned. “I’m alright, I’m just gonna stop by the store and grab some cough drops.”
He turns down the road and stops by a mini bodega. “I got it.” You tell him as you get out of the truck.
You walk inside and go directly to where the cough drops were. As you look for the sugar free brand you feel someone watching you. You glance around and see no one except the cashier. But he was watching the tv.
You go back to looking and you find a brand with at least 3 grams of sugar in it. “Better than nothing I guess.” You mumble as you walk to the register. You grab a bottle of water on your way up and place them both on the counter.
The cashier looks over at you and straightens. “Hello there.” He says in a friendly tone. “Hello..” You balance on the balls of your feet as he rings you out and you catch him staring.
“I hope you found everything you needed today, and if so could I take you out for a coff…” You wonder why he stops talking and when you look at him he was staring past you in horror.
You look back only to see no one was there. “Okay, well you have a good day.” You give him exact change and you go back out to the truck.
“How much do I owe you?” Your grandfather asks. You shrug. “The cashier gave it to me cause I was cute. So it’s free.” You joke. “You’re as stubborn as your father, I swear. The man wouldn’t let me pay him back for anything.” You smile and as you two pull out of the parking lot you see a large man leaving the bodega.
That looks like, nah. It couldn’t be…could it?
Your hands were filthy but it was worth it for all the parts you two had salvaged. “Make sure you don’t go building something illegal. I’d hate to have to put my granddaughter in jail for the reward money.” Your grandfather says as he helps you with your parts and puts them in the back.
“I was going to say it was you and get the reward money.” You both laugh and he pats your curly hair. “You know you remind me of CJ everyday. Down to the curly hair…” Your grandfather grows silent and he takes his handkerchief out and wipes his eyes.
“I miss dad too. Sometimes when I wake up in the morning I’ll look in the mirror and see his eyes.” You two stand in silence and from the corner of your eye you see movement. You try to strain your eyes but your grandfather clears his throat.
“I know you are your fathers daughter, but promise me you won’t go into that line of work.” Here we go again. “Grandpa I know you don’t want me working as a tech engineer but I know I have what it takes. Alchemax would pro-”
“Don’t you ever say that company’s name in my presence, brains. Not after what they did to this family. After what they did my your parents.” You suck in your bottom lip and nod. “Yes sir.”
As the two of you got in the car you sit in silence. “Can we stop for some ice cream? I’ll pay.” You tell him. “We can stop and I’ll be paying. I won’t have my granddaughter spoiling me. I’m suppose to spoil you. And maybe some great-grand children if you decide to have some.”
“Here we go. Grandpa I will have babies one day but not today or tomorrow.”
“I know, I just want you to have someone. Like I have your grandmother. I want you happy. Even if it’s with a gold fish.” Your grandfather drives and you look out the window. In the rear view mirror you see a black sleek sports car following the truck. The windows to the car were tinted black so you couldn’t see who it was behind the wheel.
You have light conversation with your grandfather and keep an eye on the car. So far it’s been following you for the past ten minutes.
“…I’ll be sure to stay over for dinner tonight.” You answer as he takes a left turn and sure enough the car takes a left turn as well.
Who is following us?
When your grandfather finally gets to the ice cream parlor, the car just drives past and you feel yourself finally relax.
Maybe it was just a coincidence?
You and your grandfather head inside of the ice cream parlor and were greeted by Mary-Anne. The owner of the parlor. “Hey guys, what can I get for you two today?”
“I’ll take the cherry cone with butter crunch cream.” You give your grandfather a look. “Mary-Anne he’ll have the vanilla sugar free cone.”
He huffs. “Back in my day a man could eat a honey bun and have a bottle of coke and no one would bat an eye.”
“Well I want my grandfather to see me in my wedding dress so no complaints. Alright I’ll have the toffee special, but in a waffle bowl.” Mary-Anne gets your orders ready and your grandfather pats his pockets.
“Drat, I left it-I’ll go get it. Don’t you dare pay.” He goes to leave but you stop him. “I’ll grab your wallet. It’s in your special spot right?” You go to open the door but the handle was moved away from you and you’re staring into a pair of pretty hazel eyes.
Before he could speak you push him back out. “Miguel, what are you doing?” You ask him in a hushed tone. “What do you mean? I was just in the neighborhood.” You blink serval times because clearly this man thinks you’re stupid.
“Miguel, don’t you lie to me, why have you been following me?” He goes to lie but you raise your brow at him. “Don’t you lie! That was you leaving the bodega. That was you in the junk yard. And that was you in the car following us. Before you say no, there are hundred of ice cream parlors in Nueva York. But this one, is special because I’ve been coming here since I was a little girl. That? That is too much of a coincidence. Now tell me the truth.” You tap your foot and cross your arms waiting for his answer. He sighs.
“I was only following you because I had happened to spot you while I was out. I was going to text you but I thought that was a bit creepy. I’m sorry mi corazón. I didn’t mean to scare you.” Miguel pulls you in as he moves your arms so he can embrace you.
You wish you could stay mad at him but you can’t help but melt from his touch. Your body missed him. “I missed you.” You tell him as you look up at him. “And I missed you too.” Miguel leans down to kiss you but you two jump apart when you hear someone clear their throat behind you.
“Grandpa! I was just-”
“About to introduce me to your friend?” He asks as he eyes Miguel. Miguel goes to shake his hand. “Hello sir. My name is Miguel O’Hara, it’s so nice to meet you.” He shakes his hand back and you can tell he’s sizing him up.
“I wish I could say the same.”
“Grandpa!” You scold him. “Tell me what are your intentions with my granddaughter?” If you could have the ground open up and swallow you, you would.
“I want nothing more than to keep her safe, sir.” Your grandfather looks over at you. “Is this man someone who you like?” You feel put on the spot but you nod and feel your face warm up. “Yes.”
He huffs. “I already knew it. When I came out here the boys paws were all over your behind I thought I was going to get some grandkids tonight.”
Miguel tries to hide his laugh and you cover your face. “Grandpa I’m paying for your ice cream. I’ll even let you get the one you really want just go back inside please.” He purses his lips but goes back inside.
“I like him. He’s funny.” Miguel says as he stands there watching your grandfather. “He’s a real riot. So are you still handling your business?”
“Nope, I am officially done for the rest of the day.”
“Good, then I’m inviting you over for dinner at my grandparents.” Miguel looks a bit surprised. “So soon? Are you sure?” You lean in close. “Miguel we literally had sex and I know you have fangs.” You whisper to him.
“Right…right. Do you think your grandparents will like me? Should I bring something? Maybe I should go get a haircut.”
“Don’t you dare cut those locks of yours. You’ll be fine and you can bring my grandmother flowers. She has a garden so she’d love that. Now let me go back inside before this grumpy old man starts to tell me about condoms and other forms of birth control. And Miguel?”
“Sí amor?” You pat his cheek. “You’ll be fine. I’ll send your address. Dinner is at seven o clock sharp. Don’t be late.” You kiss his lips and walk back inside of the parlor. Your grandfather narrowing his eyes at Miguel.
“Grandpa stop that. He’s a nice guy. How much do I owe you, Mary-Anne?”
“He better be nice. He’s as big as a bear and he stares a little too hard at you. I don’t like it.”
“Mr. Valentine you should be open minded. My son, Maverick. He brought home a handsome boy the other day and I have to say he makes him happy. Tommie does your man friend make you happy?”
“Yes he does. And he is coming over for dinner tonight. Grandpa don’t even try to argue, or I’ll tell grandma about the ice cream.” He shuts his mouth as you pay and you two leave out of parlor.
You shoot Miguel a text and you cross your fingers hoping tonight goes perfect.
Good thing you had a few cute clothes in your old bedroom.
You were freshly showered and you were trying to get your curls to listen. But they wanted to defy gravity and stick up. “Where is my butterfly clip?” You say as you search your dresser. You find the clip and secure it in your hair.
You then give yourself a nice look over. You were wearing a pretty flower dress that came down to your calf’s. A pair of yellow wedges and you had on a thin chain with your initials on it.
“Is this too much?” You ask as you turn and look at your plump butt in the mirror. “No, this is cute. And sexy at the same time.” You comment as you grab your phone and check the time.
Miguel had sent a text that he was outside and you ran out of your old room to go meet him. “No running.” Your grandmother calls out from the kitchen. “Sorry!” You call over your shoulder. Just before you open the door you take a calm breath and put a smile on your face.
When you open it you see Miguel standing there with two bouquets of flowers. “These Spider Lillie’s are for you, amor. And these baby breathe flowers are for your grandmother.” You smell the flowers and they smelled amazing. “Thank you, please come in. I’ll introduce you.” You lead him into the kitchen and there you look for a vase.
“Grandma, this is Miguel. Miguel this is my grandma.” Your grandmother wipes her hands dry on a dish towel and she opens her arms to him.
“Come here and let me look at you.” She touches his face and she then smiles at the both of you. “My you are handsome. Now I see why my granddaughter is taken by you.”
“Grandma, please.” You whine. Miguel smiles at her and she pats his chest. “Miguel I hope you like chicken stew with vegetables from my garden.”
“That sounds delicious, Señora. May I help you set the table?” She nods in approval and you show her the flowers Miguel had gotten you.
“Oh these will look so lovely in my garden, Miguel. Thank you.” She sniffs them and he looks over at you and mouths that he likes her. You mouth back what’s not to like?
After the table is set and the food is out, the four of you sit down and get ready to eat. You help serve Miguel and he pours you a drink. Your grandparents watches you two and feel a smile on your face as Miguel’s hand finds yours under the table.
“So Miguel, what do you do for work?” Your grandmother asks as she passes a roll to your grandfather. “I am a scientist. I work in the field that involves evolution to mammals as well as insects.”
“Ah, you're a brain just like Tommie here. I’m happy, the bloodline has hope yet.” You see your grandmother shoot a glare at your grandfather and then she smiles at Miguel.
“I apologize for my husband, his sugar is just low. Anyways, how did you and Tommie meet?” You go to speak but Miguel talks.
“It’s actually quite embarrassing. I had moved into the building about four months ago and I had first saw your granddaughter when I was bringing boxes to my apartment. I have to say I was smitten the very moment I seen her. But I was too shy to approach her first so I just stood back and waited for the perfect opportunity. So it was in the parking lot, she had dropped her water bottle and it was really flying down the walk way so I picked it up and from that very moment, we’ve been talking ever since.” Miguel says as he rubs your knuckles with his thumb.
“Oh my goodness look at you two. So cute, you know it’s as if you two have been together for years. Doesn’t it seem like that, Charles?”
“Mhm, yeah.” Your grandfather says as he eats another forkful. You eat your food and feel that dinner was going to be perfect for sure.
After a plate and a half, some dessert and coffee, it was time to go home.
“Are you two sure you had enough?” Your grandmother asks as she sees you two out. “Grandma, if we have anymore food, we will have to be rolled back to the apartment.” You says as you give her a hug and a kiss.
“Dinner was amazing, Miss Barbra. Next time I come over I’ll have to share my abuela’s cookies recipe with you.” He gives her a hug as well and she rubs his back. “You two don’t be a stranger, and Tommie make sure you call me when you two get home.”
“I will!” Miguel leads you to his car and he opens the door for you. After he makes sure you’re inside safely he closes it and walks around. You open the door and he slides in. “I like your grandparents. They’re sweet.”
“They are. And even though my grandpa was acting grumpy he likes you. Did you see his face light up when you mentioned that you liked football. I think he’s going to take you away from me.”
“Nah, he’s not my type. I like pretty women named Tommie Valentine.” Miguel starts up his car and he drives out of the driveway. As he drives you sit there in silence for a while.
“What’s on your mind?” He asks as he holds your hand. You sigh. “I was just thinking how much I don’t know about you. Like was what you said about meeting me true?”
“Of course. I seen you wearing this pretty pink dress and you were talking to Erica about watching a robotics documentary. Your hair was out and you looked happy. I wanted to talk to you but well you know.” You look at his profile and study it.
“I’m still sad you didn’t come up to me sooner. I would’ve liked to have known I had a secret admirer.”
“Well, mi princesa. The whole thing about a secret admirer is that it is a secret. And besides I’m sure I would’ve startled you with my demeanor.” He says as he glances at you.
“I guess, you are a bit intimidating. But I still don’t know much about you. Like do you have a brother? Are your parents still around? Where do you work? Why do you have fangs?” He laughs out loud and kisses your knuckles.
“Alguien tiene muchas preguntas. So many questions. Well I have a half brother named Gabriel. It’s a bit of a touchy subject with my parents but they are still around. I work at Columbia Tech. And about the fangs that’s going to have to wait until later, only because it’s a lot to explain.”
You pout at the last answer. “Okay, I guess but when you finally tell me I’m going to have notes ready.” He chuckles at your answer and shakes his head. “I know you will. Is there anything else you want to know?”
“Have you saved any people?” That question causes him to freeze and he looks at you as he stops at the stop sign. “What did you say?”
“Have you saved any people? I know being a scientist can bring on new discoveries to help further modern medicine. If that’s a touchy subject for you I can-”
He interrupts you by kissing you. Which’s causes the wind to be sucked out of your lungs. When he moves back his eyes were gentle and you can tell he wants to say something but instead he continues driving.
You sit back in your seat and you soon hear rain hit his windshield. “I’m going to sleep like a baby tonight. This rain is going to be so good. Maybe I’ll sleep with my window open.” You say as you look out the window.
“Is that so?” Miguel asks as he lets go of your hand and squeezes your upper thigh under your dress. He gets to the inside parking lot and you watch as his hand squeezes again. “Yes. Should I not sleep with my window open?”
You watch a smirk crawl across his lips. “I’m not saying no, but if you’re not careful you might let the boogeyman in that way.” Miguel backs into a parking spot and that move right there made a moan escape your lips. “Did you say something, amor?”
“No! Nope! I didn’t. But I’m a big girl, Mr. O’Hara. I don’t believe in the boogeyman.” You say as you move your hips a little so he can go further up your dress. “Oh that’s a shame. Because if you did believe in him, I’d have to come over and check to make sure he doesn’t come into your room tonight.” Miguel says as he moves his hand and runs this thumb across your bottom lip.
“Well I know the boogeyman won’t be coming into my room. But I know who I want to come.” You say as you hold his hand still and suck his middle and ring finger. Miguel’s eyes instantly turn ruby red and he presses a button to make his seat lean back.
“My my, you are a big girl. Well why don’t you show me what else big girls can do, espléndida.” You lick his fingers and bring his hand under your dress and under your panties.
He slides his wet fingers inside of you and you grip his wrist as you moan. “Miguel…” You moan out, knowing no one can hear you over the rain.
“Your pretty little pussy is sucking in my fingers so well. I wonder how many more fingers you can take.” He whispers against your ear as he uses his palm to rub your clit. You feel him insert another finger and you lean your head back, letting your throat be exposed to him. He licks and sucks your neck as he does a come here motion inside of you.
“Oh god…” You groan out as you move your hips. “You feel that? Your greedy little pussy keeps squeezing around my fingers. But I have something else it can squeeze.” He takes your hand and places it over his crotch and you moan because you want to taste him.
You move him back and you unzip his pants. “Can I?” You ask as you look at him and moan. “It’s all yours, amor. Do whatever you want to me.” He leans back and you lean over the seat as you pull his dick out and suck him. He continues to rub your pussy as you suck the head. You choke a little which turns you on because he throbs in your mouth.
“This mouth, this fucking mouth is heaven. Fuck.” Miguel moans as he grips the back of your neck. He slowly fucks your mouth as he rubs you and your eyes roll back as you moan and gag. “Fuck, don’t stop. Just keep sucking. You don’t need air right? No you don’t. You don’t need air. Seré tu aire.” You feel tears running down your face but you feel yourself getting extremely wet.
You wanted this man to fuck your throat, till he came. He bucked up faster hitting the back of your throat and your legs started to clench as you were close to coming on his seat. His head falls back as he groans that he’s coming. You tighten your throat and in just that simple movement Miguel’s whole body went still and he let out a whimpering groan as he came down your throat. You swallow deeply and you shiver as you come soon after.
The both of you were breathing heavy when you had leaned back. Miguel was staring at you, his eyes were roaming your body. You were staring at him. Already taking off your panties and climbing over the seat, straddling him.
You guide him inside of you and you both let out a moan as he stretches you out. As the base meets your pelvis you still and Miguel placed his hands on your ass and he grips you tight.
“Rock your hips for me. I’m going to show you how I like to be ridden.” You start to move your hips but Miguel guides you and he bites his lip drawing blood from his fangs.
You lean over and flick your tongue against his blooded lip and he captures your lips with his. He kisses you and slaps your ass causing you to rock your hips harder. “Just like that. Princesa, fuck me. Fuck me just like that. You’re to good. Eres tan buena conmigo. Just like that. Keep that up and I’ll get you pregnant.”
You tighten around him and you fuck him harder as you rock your hips. “You like that? The thought of me fucking coming inside of you? Oh Princesa, I’ll fuck the come inside of you. Come here.” He grabs a hold of you and you feel him scrape his fangs against your shoulder as he fucks up deeper inside of you. You let out a strangled moan and you bite into his shoulder instead.
He groans out your name and moans out he’s coming. Your body shakes with climax and you both come hard, causing a mess on his driver seat. You rest your hand on his window and he rests his head against your chest.
You look down at him and he looks up at you. “Aren’t you glad I have tinted windows?” He says causing the two of you to laugh. He gently pats your butt as you slide off of him. You wince and you fix your dress.
“Sorry about your seats.” You say feeling embarrassed. “Don’t be sorry, I was going to get my car detailed anyway. And Tommie?”
“Hmm?” You ask feeling very lust drunk. “Anything you want to ask, just ask me. I would never hide anything from you.” He then leans over and gives a peck to your lips. “Mmm, thank you, Miguel.”
“No need for a thanks. I just want to be honest with you…Oh! Make sure you tell your grandmother you’re home.”
You pick up your phone and text her then put the phone back in your bag. “Do you want to come inside and spend the night?” You ask hoping he’ll say yes. “Y…I can’t. I have something to do. But I can walk you inside.” You frown at that.
Because for some reason you feel as if Miguel is hiding more than why he has fangs.
The more you get to know him the less you actually know who Miguel O’Hara really is…
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t0ta11y-n0t-cup1d · 10 months
You’ve showed in a few of your drabbles and fics the boys’ more instinctive behaviors when it comes to the people they like (like Leo with his tapping/claw fluttering). Do you think you could tell us a bit more about how you think each of the boys act differently around the person they like due to their instincts and more “turtle-like” behavior? I think it’s super cute and cool that you try to incorporate those traits into your fics! I’d love to see more of it 💞💞💞
꒰⑅ᵕ༚ᵕ꒱˖♡ ;; small habits that you've picked up from the turtles
taglist ;; @apostlephobe
req ;; yes/no
gn reader—they/them prns
warnings ;; swearing
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raph ;;
— not just because he's an alligator snapping turtle, but i think he would display a lot of cuteness/affectionate aggression!!
— i.e. playful bites, playfighting (very, VERY careful playfighting. he is a big boy and can crush you easily.)
— he deffo chirps and churrs, but it's absolutely the deepest out of the brothers. like it's SCARY how deep his churrs can get.
— on the topic of sounds, he deffo makes like dog-whining sounds when he's upset :( like the high-pitched ones (he makes them whenever he's really REALLY worried or just upset)
— big tail go whoosh. mostly sways when he's nervous/happy!!!! he loves u but stay back when he's REALLY happy mans can knock you into your feet by accident :(
— do not the tail unless u tell him first + get permission. easy way to death is to touch his tail without asking bc his first reaction will be to swing it HARD (not intentionally) and it WILL give you a concussion.
leo ;;
— prone to chirping. that's it. loves to chatter and prattle on, especially about how much he loves you, and will only ever stop if you give him kisses + affection, and will do so with soft chirps <3
— ALSO CHURRS!! but gets embarrassed about it and tries to do it in private/ when only you are around (p.s. he churrs almost all the time when y'all r alone)
— like mentioned in the post, he flutters and taps his claws!! this one is more instinctive so he gets HELLA embarrassed when y'all r doing whatever and his hands go to your face and gently tap or wiggle against your cheeks
— (melts if you do it back to him)
— y'all seen those photos of red-eared sliders riding on top of softshells?? yeah that but you. he will LAY ON YOU any chance he gets homeboy loves to cuddle
— his tail isn't as big as raph's, but deffo is as expressive, it wags alot, mostly when he's happy,, but like his churrs, he normally tries to control himself and his reactions so around others, his tail will twitch a little around you, but it's full-on wagging when ur alone :]]
donnie ;;
- homeboy growls more often than actual churrs, but u can BET UR ASS that as soon as u say sumn as little as 'wow, that's so cool!' or 'ooh, ur so smart!' to him HE LOSES IT homeboy becomes a chirruped, churring mess
- obv he's preferential w physical touch, but is in heaven when u massage his shoulders after a long day of missions/work (shrimp posture) and he subconsciously churrs (despite him denying it)
- when feeling needy/ in a lovey-dovey mood, he tends to nudge ur head w his, veryvery gently
- so much so that it can be a silent way (cough cough bad boy image) of him asking for affection/ attention from u w/o having to actually ask
- unlike raph and leo. does not. NOT like having his tail touched he will bite and snap at u outta pure instinct.
- SPEAKING OF WHICH gentle bites and deffo some playfighting bc softshells r aggressive but he loves u a lot :]] also when annoyed/agitated/threatened. neck. he turns around/ stretches his neck (not much) to look bigger + more intimidating (it just looks silly)
mikey ;;
- straight out the gate we all know he's affectionate and touchy asf. i know i said it for all of them but.
- PLAYFIGHTING!!!!!;;;;!!!!:!!!:: but he don't hold back. he is BITING he is SCRATCHING he is PLAYING DIRTY!!!!!!!!!!!! (he learned it from leo)
- tends to just. bumpbump nudgenudge u when he wants affection (or whines for it bc #youngest-child-syndrome)
- considering how talkative and very open-w-his-feelings he is, he's probbles the most comfortable openly chirping and churring around you, he does not care bc he wants u to know u make him happy/comfy enough to be able to do those sounds :))
- the tail!! wags like CONSTANTLY but similar to raph's, don't touch unless given permission (he bites)
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A/N ;; HIIII hi guys :) lol sorry for going missing. i have no excuse. ANYWAYYYYY sorry for such a lil upload and IM SO SORRY FOR GETTING THIS REQ DONE SO LATE :(((((( anyhow, i HOPE (not promising) that i can start writing more and more soon!! busy w school but y'all know how it is!!!!
658 notes · View notes
bebebelll · 11 months
does anyone know her dad? daniel ricciardo smau (part 1)
pairing: daniel ricciardo x toto's secret child!reader / daniel ricciardo x schumacher and wolff!reader warnings: cursing and some general fandom hate wags get note: first time doing this i dont know if this right but lets go! part 2, part 3 and part 4
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mickschumacher happy birthday to @ynquads !! sorry for crashing into the cake! mama said she'll make you another
liked by maxverstappen1, landonorris and 122 498 others
gina_schumacher thanks for almost cropping me out of the picture
mickschumacher it's about yn!! ynquads i though i was you favourite cousin gigi :( why u being so mean to me :( i'll go tell my parents micschumacher ill tell mama you're being mean to yn username123 always love seeing mick and yn be annoying little siblings
maxverstappen1 congrats! is it enough to say it here or do i have to make my own post? ive given you a present
ynquads bring me cowboy boots from austin and you dont have to
username cute cute cute cute cute cute
username honestly schumacher genes dont even feel real anymore
username right!?!?! i want yn to win the figure skating grand prix but then i remember that video where she went karting with max username like a billion drivers and a skater and the good looks in ONE family? god really does have favourites
lewishamilton happy birthday! it's been great seeing you grow up
username excuse me sir? what do you mean grow up?
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ynquads visited japan for a wedding and now i'm all ready for skate america!! let's gooo cricket club!!
liked by maxverstappen1, landonorris, susie_wolff and 112 666 others
ynquads i even got to bring daniel🤭
danielricciardo it was a lovely wedding❤️❤️(ours is gonna be better)
username excuse what the fuck lewishamilton actually you're not allowed to marry her without our permission danielricciardo whose permission would i even ask? lewishamilton every german speaking driver and like three team bosses good luck
username ARIANA (our queen & god susie wolff) WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE
maxverstappen1 daniel's being gross make him stop
danielricciardo am not! ynquads lmao throw bread at him danielricciardo all the love ive given you and this is how you repay me? ynquads ooh i'll repay you 😏 maxverstappen1 dont be weird under my comment
username oh she has time to fly to japan but not go to a single race ever
username babes danny has not been in the since zandvoort. theres been no race to go see him username they've been together for like three years and she's only been to less than ten races username like seriously cant she ever be supportive username you people do realize she's an athlete too?
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ynquads we got silver!!!💪🥈🥈🥈congrats to kaori sakamoto 🥇 and isabeau levito🥉 (also thanks uncle lewis for dinner)
tagged: lewishamilton
liked by maxverstappen1 and 237 274 others
nicorosberg he gave you alcohol?
ynquads i have never actually drank alcohol at all in my entire life (also dad was there i was not even allowed to get food that had rum in the sauce) maxverstappen1 oh yeah we did not at all just get drunk ynquads shut up before nico goes to talk to my DAD
username are we all just gonna ignore that she calls lewis "uncle" like seriously how disrespectful is that
username calm the fuck down she calls him and all the older grid (especially sebastian) uncle so it is not new
danielricciardo why you holding your head like that? is it heavy from all the pretty? i can hold it for you
nicorosberg this is who you choose @ynquads danielricciardo why are you bullying me too??? ynquads hes funny onkel nico (uncle) username how is nico rosberg here dragging danny ric? you dont even follow him?
susie_wolff congrats honey! we're really proud!
username i still think it's so damn weird she just hangs out with the older grid. how does she even know then to go on dinners
username okay but when the hell did this even happen? i follow yn and she trains in toronto and during summer is in germany or england. she doesnt attend the races? how the fuck is she and DANIEL RICCIARDO together babes
username i bet my life that max introduced them i can feel it in my bones that he planned this username "oh sorry i won by 30 secs and you have a shitbox to drive, wanna meet my friend she's great gf material? you have no chance without help" ynquads i mean.... username OH MY GOD
username she's such a shit girlfriend honestly. she dates daniel for publicity and then drags lewis down too
username what the fuck are you smoking??
username how the FUCK did daniel ricciardo bag the talented pretty QUAD QUEEN MISS YN SCHUMACHER!!! thats my wife actually! what about our kids and three lambs??
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f1wagsupdates paparazzi has released a video of mercedes team boss toto wolff exiting a restaurant and driving off with a young woman. even though she tried to cover herself, the woman was quicky identified as yn schumacher. she is a figure skater and 20+ years younger. in an interview from home yn can be seen walking around the wolff kitchen in little clothing. is this the ending to toto's perfect looking marriage with fellow motorsport boss susie wolff?
liked by 10 385
username if i dont read it, it doesnt exist. no one's cheating ever
username toto and susie's kid is like 5 how could he throw that away??
username its always the goddamn family men fucking over their wives and kids
username this is such bullshit. toto and susie have been together since like 2011 this is so horrible
username little clothing? she's wearing like pajamas
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justbreakonme · 10 months
Signs of Change
Whumpee didn’t like it, when the seasons started to change. It still made him uneasy, knowing just how cold the nights could get and just how precarious his position could be. He was only safe as long as he was good, and the outdoors had no mercy.
But Caretaker did.
“Hey, Whumpee, why don’t you come in here? It’s warmer, since the stove’s going.” Caretaker’s voice broke through his thoughts, and he obeyed.
When he rounded the corner into the kitchen, the warmth enveloped him immediately. There was a large, silver soup pot boiling away on the stove, and the smell of onion and garlic and herbs and all sorts of things instantly made his mouth water.
“It needs to simmer for a bit longer, I think. Do you want to come sit with me?”
Whumpee nodded, and took a seat where he always did, across from Caretaker at the old wooden table.
“Not a talking day, huh?”
He shook his head, rubbing a fist in a circle over his chest.
“It’s fine, you’re good. I just like to check-in so I know.”
Whumpee couldn’t ever explain why sometimes words just, failed him. But, after his old owner, after being silent for so long, he sometimes felt…stuck.
“Do you feel like playing cards? I think we have enough time for a round of war…”
Whumpee nodded, dutifully turning to grab the cards from the little shelf in the corner. He liked cards. War was the first game they had played together, back when he’d first been bought rescued.
Caretaker had made it very clear that he wasn’t owned, anymore.
But he hoped maybe, maybe if he was really, really good, he could be. He had tried, once, to ask what he could do, if anything, to earn being owned again, but, the words had died in his mouth and he’d gone silent for days.
He understood why they didn’t want to own him, he wasn’t really worth very much. But, sometimes, he let himself believe that between him trying his very hardest and Caretakers inexplicable mercy, there might be a chance. Someday.
Caretaker handed him a stack of cards, and he brought the tips of his fingers to his chin, hand open and palm towards himself, then moved his hand out in front of him, almost in a swinging motion.
Thank you.
“You’re welcome.” Caretaker smiles as they play their first card, and he follows suit.
The game goes by quickly, and soon, the oven timer went off, making them both jump.
“Here, we’ll just scoot these over a bit and we can play while we eat. Would you grab the spoons?”
He nodded, carefully moving his pile of cards to the side and heading for the silverware drawer.
As Caretaker ladled out the soup, he placed a spoon at each of their spots, then, unsure if he should sit or wait for the next task, he hovered between the drawer and the table, wringing his hands.
As they turned to grab the bowls, they noticed his hesitation. “Go ahead and sit, I’ll bring the bowls over.”
Another tap-then-outward gesture of thanks, and he sat back down, watching as they carefully ladled out two bowls of steaming soup.
Carefully, they carried one bowl at a time to the table, oven mitts on.
“Ooh- don’t try to hold it, it’s super hot.” Caretaker dodged where Whumpee had tried to help set the bowl down, instead opting to set it down on the edge and scoot it over so it didn’t spill.
He rubbed his fist over his chest in a circle again, more frantic this time.
Sorry, sorry!
“You’re good, I just didn’t want you to burn yourself,” they returned to the table with their own bowl, tossing the oven mitts onto the spare chair after settling in, “You’ve got nothing to be sorry for.”
He tried to mimic Caretaker, who was blowing gently on their soup, but the lump in his throat got in the way.
He wished, as he often did, that he could speak without speaking, in more ways than literally. He wished he could make them know things.
If he was patient and waited for his voice to return, or if he went to get one of the whiteboards Caretaker kept laying around for him, he could tell him that he would do anything for them. That they had his loyalty and devotion, his mind, body, and soul.
But he couldn’t make them know it the way he did. It snuck up on him, in moments like these, then hit like a tsunami.
His stillness must have caught their attention because they looked up. “You okay?”
He nodded, swallowing hard and smiling, then gave a timid thumbs up.
You don’t own me, but, I belong to you.
They grinned, giving him a thumbs up back, and another tsunami took his breath away.
But, that was fine. He’d let the soup cool on its own, and they would play cards, and for the first time in a very long while, he was able to forget the changing seasons and the morning frost.
It couldn’t touch him here.
Caretaker wouldn’t let it.
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bunnyreaper · 11 months
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𝖈𝖔𝖑𝖑𝖆𝖗𝖘 𝖆𝖓𝖉 𝖈𝖆𝖌𝖊𝖘 𝔞 𝔰𝔬𝔞𝔭 𝔪𝔞𝔠𝔱𝔞𝔳𝔦𝔰𝔥 𝔵 𝔯𝔢𝔞𝔡𝔢𝔯 𝔰𝔢𝔯𝔦𝔢𝔰 𝖕𝖙 4 — 𝖕𝖙 3 𝖍𝖊𝖗𝖊 wc - 5.8k warnings - 18+/nsfw, dom/sub dynamic, hints of petplay notes - i blame barry for the delay, jk. anyway, sorry it took so long but i hope you enjoy! also on ao3! ♥
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You've officially reached the point of insanity, and there's no turning back. One date with Johnny, and you're practically doodling his name in a journal with hearts all around, or putting your name with his just to see how it sounds. 
Admittedly, you haven't done either of those things, but you did turn down another night out drinking this weekend on the off chance you end up having plans with Johnny—which might be just as insane, if not more. Especially since you hadn't brought up your intention with Johnny. 
You suppose there's no time like the present, so cuddled up on your couch, you bring up your messages to Johnny and start typing.
i miss you so much, even if it's only been a few days!! when can I see you again? 
Straight to the point—unbridled emotion that's honestly a little cringeworthy, but there's little point in pretending to be something you're not, especially when Johnny seems perfectly into it. 
You have to distract yourself for a little while, scrolling through various social media apps to occupy your mind as you wait for a response. It's not too long before your phone pings, and you're rushing to click the notification—each time his name pops up on your screen your stomach flips, and you always click onto the message far too eagerly. You wonder if he does the same.
Been thinking, and I did have an idea in mind, but now am overthinking.
That certainly piques your interest, as you speedily type back a response, almost demanding an answer. 
tell me!! 
You watch the screen as it tells you Johnny is typing, then nothing. Then typing again, then nothing. After a minute or so of stopping and starting, his picture fills the screen as his call waits for you—you pick up immediately.
"Hey, pet." He greets cheerfully—so much so that you can hear the smile in his voice. It's so much better now the image of it is burned in the back of your mind—it feels like the two of you never stopped smiling when you were together.
"Hi, Johnny!" You reply, just as enthused, despite it only being a day since you last spoke. "What's your idea?" 
Your insistence on hearing his idea makes him laugh.
"Straight to the point, lass. I was thinking that ya could come stay fer the weekend?" You detect a hint of hesitance in his voice, while your heart practically leaps at the prospect. 
A whole weekend with Johnny sounds like a dream—talking, cuddling, kissing... maybe more. You burn with need thinking about finally taking things to a more sexual level with Johnny. So far you've only teased each other, and even that has made you unbelievably needy—practically every conversation with him leaves you dripping and aching, leaves you yearning for relief that you can only get at Johnny's hands. 
Not only that, but maybe you'll get to explore more of your dynamic together—the thought of getting to submit to him sends you into a tailspin. You know it would come so easily, you know you'd slip under Johnny's command so easily were he to just take ahold of your metaphorical leash. 
You come to, realising you'd fallen completely silent instead of responding when Johnny speaks again—lighthearted yet hesitant.
 "... But it's okay if you don't want to—"
"I want to! On base?" You ask, already starting to unfurl the logistics in your head.
Johnny chuckles good-naturedly, seemingly amused by the idea of having you come over to his place on base. "Nah, I have a flat in Hereford."
"Oh, cool. I was a little scared for a moment." You admit, a hint of nervousness before you change tack. "But ooh, are you aiming to get laid this weekend? Bold move, Johnny." 
Admittedly, you're teasing and not offended by the assumption in the slightest, if anything, you know wholeheartedly that you want him. If you go on much longer with the level of teasing Johnny subjects you to without any relief, you may just combust. 
"You're the one making assumptions, needy girl." He teases right back, and then continues more earnestly. "I wasn't counting on it, jus' want to spend some quality time with you. Can't exactly cuddle up in a café."  
How he manages to balance wholesome and filthy so well you have no idea. Consistently, Johnny shows his depth and keeps you on your toes by making you flustered in every possible way. One moment you're blushing from desire, the next from his sweetness. 
"So... it's a sleepover, then?" You giggle as you snuggle closer to the couch cushions, already thrilled at the idea of spending time with Johnny in any way. 
Johnny laughs right along with you, launching back into joking. "I'll even paint your nails if ya want. Braid your hair, talk about boys, as long as the boy is me..." 
The hint of possessiveness makes your stomach do somersaults—despite the early stages of your relationship, your heart is set on Johnny, and it's reassuring to know he might be in just as deep. 
"You're the sweetest! Do you even know how to braid hair, though?" You try to imagine Johnny's large hands working with delicate strings of hair, as braiding is something you even struggle to do yourself.
"I have sisters and nieces. Taken part in many a makeover." He proudly admits, and you can feel the joy radiating off of him. No threat to his masculinity at all, just sheer enjoyment at being the subject of his niece's whims.
The image it conjures up is downright adorable.
You nod to yourself, storing that piece of information in the back of your mind for later. "I'll keep that in mind for when I need to dress up for a special occasion." 
The giggles are unavoidable as you picture big, bulky Johnny painting nails—you'd put good money on him being the kind to poke out his tongue when he concentrates.
Your thoughts start to drift to other plans for the weekend, other things you might get up to. Johnny was adamant that sex wasn't expected, but on your end, it's certainly still desired... at least in theory. 
There are still some residual nerves and worries, even with Johnny's constant sweetness—past events, past bad experiences lurk in the back of your mind waiting to sabotage the present. 
The need you feel almost overwhelms all of that though—the way Johnny just seems to speak to all the submissive parts of you, making you feel so desired and so safe.
"So... what if I want to have sex?" You ask, voice falling quiet as if admitting something forbidden—as if Johnny isn't going to do filthy things to you far beyond just sex. 
A throaty, strained groan leaves the man, his voice dropping low and dripping with desire. "Might have to have you stay longer, since you won't be walking after."
You suspect the idea of you struggling to walk isn't just bragging—if you close your eyes, you can almost see his length, remembering how good it felt even though thick denim jeans. 
"I— yeah, okay." The sigh that leaves you is instinctual, hot with anticipation.
"I've got condoms, but yer welcome to bring your own," Johnny mentions. "And I'll pick ya up Friday evening, drop you off Sunday night? How's that sound?" 
"Wonderful." You say honestly, loving that you'll get to spend the weekend with him, all while being cared for and driven there and back. "Ooh, I get to be your passenger princess." 
You giggle mischievously, playing it up for Johnny as your mind runs wild with ideas. 
"Don't be getting any ideas, lass." He chides, playfulness clear in his tone.
"Hey, I was just planning on taking over your radio and telling you fun stories. Nothing more!" Your voice rises through your protest, as before Johnny had turned it dirty, you really hadn't been thinking of the way your hands may drift to his thigh, or palm at his cock. 
"Not sure if I believe that. I felt the way you were squeezin' me under that table, yer a naughty girl." He purrs, making shivers run through you.
"You started it, not me." Your gasp is full of offence, proclaiming your complete innocence. Of course, you had wanted to feel him up way more than you did and had undoubtedly had a few very sinful thoughts while he was sitting next to you. 
But you had been good, had behaved, and kept your hands to yourself. It was Johnny who led you to sin.
"So, you won't be feeling me up unless I'm the one guiding you?" 
At that you fall silent, too stunned to speak—the thought of Johnny guiding you through pleasing him, guiding you into being perfect, just for him is overwhelming. He'll lead you deeper and deeper into submission—trust.
"Oh, you like the sound of that." Johnny's purr has you completely dead to rights, as once more, he sees right through you.
You take a few deep breaths, trying to settle your rapidly swirling arousal. "Of course I do..." 
Johnny doesn't relent in his teasing, in his almost cruel display of control of your desire. Everything from his word choice to the dominant edge in his voice sends you spiralling. "Want me to show you how to please me, puppy?" He coos. "Show you how tae be a good girl fer me?" 
"Please, sir." You feel your mind slip just a little—falling so easily into that blissful state just listening to Johnny's tone, finding it so easy to fall for him. 
"Won't have to show you much, you just know how to turn me on naturally, like it's instinct. Fuck, lassie." The guttural noise from Johnny shows the effect his own words have on him too. 
You hope he's squirming just like you are, achingly hard and straining against his jeans, just like he was in the café. 
The tension crackles in the air between you, the silence thick with your joint lust settling deep in your respective guts. 
You let out a shaky sigh before you respond. "It's only fair for us to be equal on that front since you just... I don't even have words. It's like you read my mind so you can drive me crazy." 
Johnny is undoubtedly insightful, likely an occupational thing, but sometimes it's scary how well he can read you. He's not the only one who naturally knows how to appeal to someone's baser desires.
For a moment, and quite unfairly as the logical side of your brain notes, your gut twists at the idea of how he became so well practised.
Johnny's sweet laugh pulls you from that train of thought. "Am a smart man, perceptive, what can I say? Know how to read ma pet."
"I'm not your pet." You note, not bitterly, but rather plainly. You're not Johnny's— 
"Not yet, aye, but you will be." He says with a sense of certainty. 
"Johnny..." You don't even know what to say to that, beyond begging and pleading for him to make it come true—but that hardly feels appropriate right now.
"Even if we don't have sex this weekend, I'd like to explore things with us a little, if tha's okay?" He asks, his voice open and inquisitive, almost shy in how quietly he poses the question.
"Me too, I don't wanna rush too much but holding back somehow feels...wrong." You sigh, wishing you had the words to really explain the pull you felt. "It's like I know I shouldn't be rushing head first into this, but... I can't stop it." 
Johnny is truly a magnetic force of a man, both in who he is and the way he treats you. There's so much about him that you can't wait to get to know, all the beauty and scars in equal measure, each story—the meaning of the waver behind his smile, the way he sounds first thing in the morning. 
"Me either, if it helps." He admits, sharing the sentiment. "It's okay to fall, just gotta be there tae catch each other, aye?" 
Your eyes flutter shut as you rip the phone away from your face, letting out a loud exhalation and a whispered "fuck". The warmth of his words and the weight of the meaning behind them overwhelming you, wrapping around you like a cosy blanket.
When you feel a little calmer, you return the phone to your ear to agree with Johnny's sentiment, though not quite as viscerally as you did in private.
"Yeah, just gotta keep each other straight." Your throat tightens as you push the words out. 
The silence on the line is overtaken by shuffling from Johnny's end for a moment before he clears his throat. "Gotta go, pet. Duty calls."
"It's... 8 pm, what are you doing at this hour?"
There's a laugh from Johnny, and a more insistent knocking in the background. "Going for a pint with the lads." 
"Oh duty, huh?" You tease. 
He hums in affirmation, unashamed. "Team bonding, essential stuff for the functional operation of any squad." 
"Have fun, Johnny." You wish him well sincerely, even if part of you wishes the call didn't have to end. "Talk soon."
"Talk soon, princess. Sleep well." He makes a kissing noise before ending the call, his photo disappearing off your screen before you lock the phone and clutch it to your chest just for a moment. 
'It's okay to fall, just gotta be there tae catch each other.'
His words echo through your mind over the coming days—the light in an otherwise dreary weak. 
You were definitely falling. 
Packing your bag feels like chaos, as you desperately scramble to not forget a single thing. You're only going for a weekend, and yet you're packing like you're bunkering down for the apocalypse. Well, a million pairs of underwear will be necessary with how Johnny ruins them just with his words and his voice—being there in person means you'll probably be going through a new pair every hour. 
And of course, you need cute extra outfits, in case the two of you go anywhere... that means extra shoes too. Johnny is going to think you're crazy with all the bags and belongings you're bringing. 
Thankfully, you got ready hours ago—did your makeup and hair to perfection and put on a pretty dress that you may have ordered just for Johnny. Okay, maybe you ordered several dresses just for Johnny.
As you rush to put the finishing touches on your packing, your phone buzzes with a text. 
Outside whenever you're ready :) 
i'll be out soon! &lt;3
Maybe you should tell Johnny you'd buzz him up, but considering that your packing has made your flat look like a tornado has ripped through it, perhaps it's best not.
You do your best to rush, not wanting to exhaust Johnny's good patience, jamming in a few final items you might need just in case, before locking up your flat and heading down to the lobby.
You step out into the car park, spotting Johnny standing beaming, leaning against a jeep. His arms and chest bulge in his burgundy Henley, his jeans are slung low on his hips in such a tempting way. Is it possible he got more attractive since the last time you saw him? 
Your eyes crawl over him, drinking in every little detail and falling for his good looks all over again—just as enraptured in his beauty as the first time. 
"Hi." You call out as soon as the two of you meet eyes, the spark between you instantly reigniting just through a look.
"Hey, you." He immediately reaches for your bag, taking the weight off of your shoulder like it's nothing to him—even though the weight was already starting to strain your shoulder. "Let me grab that for yer." 
You let him take your bag, watching with glee as opens the boot to put it away. The manners are such a turn-on. "What a gentleman." 
His chest puffs up in pride, a resolute look on his face. "Ma maw raised me right." 
After closing the door to the boot, Johnny jogs round to the passenger side, holding the door open for you to climb inside.
"That she did." You nod, impressed and honestly swooning at the princess treatment as Johnny climbs into the driver's side.
With the two of you finally in the car, Johnny leans back to grab a shopping bag from the backseat, opening it to display a range of goodies. "Need anything? I brought drinks and snacks." 
You peer inside the bag to see what he brought before meekly taking a bag of cookies and a can to drink. "Ooh, it's like a real road trip." 
Johnny reaches back to put the bag away, stopping with his hand resting on the back of your seat—his baby blues shine, as does his smile as he looks upon you. "Gotta look after ma girl." 
Your heart hammers against your chest, your cheeks flush and burn.
His girl.
"I could get used to that." You whisper, lost in watching his mouth, recalling the way they wrapped around those words.
"Me too, bonnie." 
Before he turns his attention to getting the car running, he double-checks your seatbelt, making sure you're safe—he makes sure his rearview mirror is perfectly placed taps to activate the directions on his phone. 
And then he does the thing—the arm on the back of the seat, backing out of the parking space and looking so fucking hot while doing it. You're entirely transfixed. 
"I'm just getting it out of the way now, but I am gonna stare at you a tonne, you already look so attractive when you're driving." You know you're babbling just a little, a side effect of the nerves, and the fact that Johnny looks so good to you right now.1
"I'm all yours to feast yer eyes upon." He says with a wink, before turning his attention to the road as he pulls out of your apartment's car park.
"Lucky me." You whisper, gaze tracing over all of his features. "Especially since I love looking at you so much." 
"Shame fer me tha' I have tae keep my eyes on the road." The smile on his face widens as he spares you a glance, doing a quick double-take. 
"At least we have all weekend to spend time together uninterrupted." Feeling brave, you reach out to rest your hand on the back of Johnny's head, caressing the nape of his neck and threading your fingers in the roots of his hair. 
Johnny's shoulders relax, as he leans slightly into the touch. "That we do." His voice turns serious momentarily. "Did you let someone know where you're going?" 
Sweet Johnny, always concerned for your safety, even when it comes to him. The awareness he shows is another thing in the long list of little details you admire about him.
"I forwarded all of your info to a friend, so you should be very afraid." You tease easily. Your friend is under strict instructions to call the police should you not check-in.
"Terrified, lassie." He smirks. "Just tae be clear, you wanna go home at any point, I'll take you, or drive you to the station if yer not comfortable." 
"I appreciate it. And if you want to kick me out, feel free." 
"I'd never." He gasps, full of offence. "Unless ya decide to trash my flat, and even then that's only if you started damaging my keepsakes from ma granny." 
It's your turn to gasp now. You wonder if that comment was inspired by past events—the kind of warning that only comes after you've experienced the event. "Only a monster would do such a thing." 
"Aye, and I bet you can be a brat, but not a monster." 
You shrug, a coy smile on your face, knowing just how bratty you can be when you want to be. "Everyone needs to be a little bratty sometimes." 
"Hmm, do they now? Good job I won't get tired of putting you in yer place then, pet." 
Johnny's hand slides from the gear stick to your thigh, his fingers curling around the exposed flesh just above your knee. The feeling is entirely electric, especially in combination with his words, making you hyper-aware of every sensation as his thumb sweeps over your skin and his hand tugs your legs ever so slightly apart. 
"This okay?" He asks, glancing down to where his hand is settled on you—you know 100% if you said no, he'd withdraw in an instant. 
"More than okay." You smile earnestly, slipping your own hand across to rest in the same place on his broad thigh.  "But can I do the same?" You embrace the denim beneath your fingertips, relish in the firm muscle that rests underneath. 
"As long as it's just tha', don't distract me too much." He smirks, turning briefly to wink at you. 
You try to keep your eyes on the road and your hands respectful. "Can't concentrate on two things at once? Seems unlike you." You tease. 
"I can." He protests, firm and certain, before his voice softens. "But I dinnae want to risk it. Precious cargo on board." He fixes you with a meaningful look in between glances at the road. 
"Johnny..." You sigh, blushing profusely at his compliment and way of thinking. 
"Dinnae care what anyone says, a man who'll drive like a nut with his lovie in the car is no man at all." He nods firmly, face morphing into something serious—though his eyes are filled with mirth, as his serious facade almost cracks."
"So no road head... ever?" You gasp, genuinely a little taken back at the prospect. 
Johnny breathes deeply through his nose, his knuckles on the wheel turning white as his hand at your thigh grips. He faces ahead still, yet speaks slowly. "If the first time I get yer pretty mouth on me is while I'm drivin', I will crash, tha's all am saying." 
"I value your honesty." Your voice leaves you as a whisper, your attempt to joke falling flat at your own breathlessness. You take a moment to compose yourself, before starting to tease again. "Save it for tonight, then?" 
It's Johnny's turn to swallow hard. "We'll see." 
The car journey falls silent for a little while, and the lack of conversation, while comfortable, allows for unpleasant and doubtful thoughts to creep in. 
The truth is, you can talk a big game, but sometimes your desire becomes outpaced by your nerves—then you're left struggling in a swirling pit of darkened thoughts. Every time Johnny pulls away to change gear, you find yourself feeling a little colder until his hand returns. 
But it doesn't do well to dwell on anxious thoughts. You force yourself to stop biting your lip, stop letting your mind flicker back to bad experiences, and actually speak to the one person who can offer you comfort right now.
"I am a little nervous..." You let the words fall free, and feel a little surprised at how small you sound.
"Aww, don't be. There's no pressure at all, promise." He says, sounding sweet and genuine—his hand squeezes your thigh once again. "Even if the furthest we go is cuddling on the couch, I'll be a very happy man." 
The smile on his face speaks to the truth of the statement, and you can't help smiling right back at him. 
"I appreciate you saying that." You think for a moment before continuing, trying to put into words the true source of your angst. "I just... get hesitant about opening up, I guess. Some guys before have promised me the world until they got what they wanted and then..." 
You trail off, not feeling the need or the strength to go into detail about last time, or the time before that.
"Tha's not me." Once more, he squeezes and lets his thumb rub over your skin. "But I don't expect ya to just take my word for it, I'll show ya, as long as it takes." 
His words mean more than you can say, and the fact he intends to back them up means even more. You really hope you can count on him.
"You're so sweet." You sigh, feeling full to the brim with appreciation. 
Johnny seems a little nervous too, frenetic energy making him shuffle in his seat. He seems to be lost in thought for a few moments before he finally speaks up. 
"I'm not looking to rush in and make a mistake maself. The last girl I dated..." He trails off too, his words tinged with dejection as he stares straight ahead. "Let's jus' say it didn't end well, either." 
You nod understandingly, all too familiar with things not ending well. "You don't have to tell me now." 
He shrugs slightly and seems like he's refusing to meet your eye any longer. "Don't want tae ruin the mood." 
"It's hard to ruin it, Johnny. We're meant to be spending time together, getting to know each other." You offer your most reassuring smile, hoping he catches it out of the corner of his eyes. "I have my fair share of sob stories to unload on you, don't worry." 
Although, that's another source of worry, that Johnny will run for the hills once he learns of your baggage.
"I don't doubt it." His lips fall into a frown, before being schooled into a half-hearted smile. "Hopefully we can replace them all with good stories instead." 
You silently nod, hoping for the same. 
"Speaking of good memories, I was thinking we could make pizzas together, I got the dough and some toppings." Johnny mentions, and the notion fills you with joy. 
"Sounds like fun!" You gasp, a pressing thought flickering into your mind. "What kind of pizza toppings do you like? I feel like this is make or break." 
Johnny seems to think for a moment, his tongue poking into his cheek. "Hmm... What are the most controversial choices?" He asks, a shit-eating grin breaking out on his face. 
"Hmm, pineapple?" You pose a controversial yet not particularly gross topping first, to gauge Johnny's taste. 
"Aye, don't mind it." 
He shrugs. "Why not?"
"... Olives?" 
Now he turns, perplexed. "Who doesn't like olives?" 
"A lot of people! They're horrible." You whine.
"The black ones aren't so bad, ya big baby." Johnny looks as he turns in time to watch you frown, his voice turning so condescending. "Aww, poutin' like one too. What did I tell ya about poutin' in front of me?" 
"That you'd kiss me, nibble on me even." You squeak.
You watch as everything about him changes—his eyes grow stormy and lidded, his lips curl into a satisfied smirk and his voice drops dangerously low. "As soon as we get back, those lips o' yours are mine." 
"... Yes Johnny." Your reply comes automatically, an instinct that you know will be capitalised on.
"Sound so sweet when ya say my name like that." He smiles brightly, genuinely pleased.
"Wait til you're fucking it out of me." 
"That won't be the name I want to hear from that pretty little mouth, bonnie girl." 
You shiver all over, squirming in your seat. "Yes sir." 
"Fuuuuck." Johnny groans, squeezing your thigh extra tight for good measure. "We should set some ground rules for the weekend." 
He suddenly sounds quite serious, though you suppose it's a good thing. Boundaries are needed, especially if you're to keep things sensible and consensual.
"Yeah, sounds good." You nod, falling quiet to allow him to lead the way. 
"I'm not gonna make ya do anything, don't think we're ready for that, but I'd like to tease it, if tha's okay?" You love the way he sounds measured and yet hopeful. 
"More than okay, though I'm sure you love to tease." You giggle, filled with a little nervous energy. Johnny already teases you so much, if he steps up his game any more you might straight up melt into a puddle. 
"Who doesn't? What did ya say about everyone needing to be a brat?" He jokes, winking—all charm. "But aye, think we need a long talk first before anything proper." 
"I look forward to it, though." You admit. Despite detailing a lot of your interests and limits in your initial post, it's good that Johnny is adamant about revisiting them properly. Still, you're excited to get to a point where you both feel comfortable truly exploring your dynamic. "So... can I call you sir?" 
Johnny falls quiet for a moment. "If it comes naturally to yer. Feel like it's something I should earn." 
"You're already doing it, you make it easier to trust you with everything that you do." Like insisting the name is something earned, you think. 
"I'm glad tae hear that." He nods, the smile on his face only slight, as he weighs his responsibility. 
"I do have some questions, though." You begin, somewhat hesitantly, but you suppose it's good to lay your cards on the table completely. A part of you can't live with uncertainty—needs to know Johnny's true intentions. 
He eyes you for a moment, before nodding. "Go on." 
"So, say you had complete control over things going forward, what would you want to happen? What do you... want for our relationship?" You take a moment to breathe after spilling all of that. 
Despite his focus on driving, you can see the cogs in Johnny's head turning as he mulls over your question.
"I want ya to be mine, in every sense of the word. My girl, my pet, my love. Everything, and I want tae be the same to you." 
It's fortunate that you're stopped at a red light, so Johnny is free to look upon you, the meaning deep in his gaze stills you completely. 
The light turns green, stealing his attention back, yet he continues to elaborate—a fond smile on his face. 
"I'll always protect ya and look after ya, and you'll love me and care for me the way a good girl does." 
"I'll get ya a pretty little collar, and a day one too, so no one ever forgets who you belong to."
It's amazing to you how Johnny can make your heart thump and cunt throb all in one sentence, in one look. 
"We'll get you a cage, a nice training routine, and we'll fuck like animals." 
His hand returns to your thigh, just as respectful as it has been all the drive thus far. 
"And when we're not fucking each other's brains out, we're cuddling on the couch, going on dates, spending time with friends. All tha' normal couple stuff." He finishes up with a happy sigh, a far-off look in his eyes as he turns his attention back to you. 
"What about you?" 
After everything Johnny just said, an expression far beyond what you expected, you find it hard to verbalise anything at all, and certainly not something as wonderfully smooth and tempting. 
You open and close your mouth a few times before finally getting your words out.
"Pretty much exactly the same." You cringe internally at how lame and lacklustre your words sound in response. "I'd like the dynamic to extend beyond the bedroom if we can manage it. For me, there isn't really an off switch."
You can only assume Johnny sees eye-to-eye with you on that, considering he replied to your post in the first place. 
"Seems to come naturally with us, I like tha'." 
"Me too." 
Johnny removes his grasp from your thigh, opting to lace his fingers through the hand of yours sitting in your lap. "I'm glad we're on the same page, bonnie." 
You squeeze his hand, relishing the way he instantly squeezes back reassuringly. Despite being connected in this way, you find it hard to look at him as you stumble through a self-conscious admission. "I was a little worried it was gonna be just sex." 
"Already well beyond that, pet," Johnny replies in an instant, before chuckling and squeezing your hand again. "Dinnae go all shy on me now." 
"Why? I'm sure you enjoy seeing me blush and squirm." You mumble, trying to hide your blushing cheeks. 
Johnny hums, amused and content. "Good job tha' I know all the best ways to make it happen then." 
You hide your face in your other hand, cupping your burning cheek and disgusting your shy smile. "It's only gonna get worse for me too, I know it." 
"Promise to use my powers for good, lass." 
You meet Johnny's gaze again, and feel a deep joy and contentedness flowing through every part of you.
"You better." 
You drive through quiet, suburban streets on the outskirts of Hereford, rows of houses passing by until Johnny turns into a street—fairly empty, and neither upscale nor impoverished. On the end sits a house, since converted into two seemingly distinct flats.
"Here we are." He comments, pulling a car to a stop and turning off the engine. Johnny leaves the car first, eager to open the door for you once more. 
"Ooh, are you upstairs or downstairs?" You ask, looking at the flats and the surroundings. 
"Upstairs," Johnny replies, grabbing your bag again. "Landlady lives downstairs, sweet woman." 
Your mind is flooded with a little old lady, lonely and completely adoring when it comes to her young renter.  "I'm sure you have her completely charmed." You giggle, imagining the effect Johnny has on older women. 
"Oh aye." He laughs too, a knowing glint in his eye as he leads you up the stairs, unlocking the door. "Keeps trying to set me up with her daughter." 
"Is that so?" 
As the door opens, the smell hits you—clean and fresh with an undertone of something masculine. The entryway is narrow and crowded with jackets and boots of all kinds. 
"I better tell her you're off limits." You joke, as Johnny steps aside to allow you in.
He doesn't reply, simply taking ahold of you and pinning you to the door, slamming it closed behind you. His firm hands pin you by the hips, pressing you between him and the door in an instant. 
"Johnny!" You gasp, breath stolen from you as Johnny is suddenly in your space—so close and hot and heavy. 
He leans in, one of his hands from your hips drifting up your body, trailing up your breast and your neck, before stopping at your jaw. His large hand cups your face, thumb swiping across the plush of your lips, parting them slightly for him—he's entirely transfixed, eyes filled with arousal as they flicker between your lips and your eyes.
Closing the final few inches, his lips brush against yours, and you can practically taste the mint in his breath. 
He dives in, kissing you fervently, pulling you flush against him as he practically devours your mouth with his lips and tongue. His teeth worry at your lip, his tongue collides with yours, and his hand at your waist grips you intently as a throaty groan leaves him. "Told you, pet, this mouth is mine now." taglist: @cooliofango @ramadiiiisme @pterodactyal @simonrillleyyysss @hexqueensupreme @ivymarquis @oilfics @ghosts-cyphera @msdrpreist @collmemabi @ysljoon @kmi-02 @mockerycrow @nakedcrackers @cassiecasluciluce @xcup1d @cloudsovercoffee @lovewithasideoflust @abbiesxox @ramblingsofachaoticthinker @bubuslutty want to be tagged? click here! want to be untagged? dm me or comment, i won't be offended <;3
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ellieslittleburrow · 30 days
What it's like being Jack Reacher's girlfriend.
Pairings : Reacher x girlfriend!reader
Warnings : none
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Jack Reacher-the man you've been traveling with for a while-also dating and umm..you know, jumping whenever you get the chance. He's not an easy man to be around, neither is he too high maintenance. And he's a lot of things, one of them being annoyingly vigilant.
His face is so peaceful when he's sleeping. Although the scars etched across his skin tell all the horrific things, his eyes tell so much more, always blank and never serene. His ability to remain emotionless and seemingly calm always gets to you but- there's not much to do in those moments, other than live with i-
"Will you quit staring at me while i'm sleeping?"
His hoarse and sleepy voice snatches you from your thoughts and you find yourself biting your lip in irritation-This man-
"Would you-shut up?" You retort and lean in to place a tiny a kiss on his lips.
There's the outside Reacher and the Reacher only YOU know.
The more time you spend with him, the more he softens around you and the more demeanor changes. You'd watch him as he walks over to you from time to time, relaxing as the distance between you closes. A slow kiss to his cheek and all of a sudden, his eyebrows rest and his shoulders almost unnoticibly slouch. And he is no longer the cognizant warrior he forces himself to be.
There's also the Reacher who only speaks through actions!
"What's this?" You inspect the box, a thrill running through you when you realize what was inside, a mobile game controller. "Reacher-where'd you get this?" You ask him, cocking your head to the side when another question pops into your head. "Do you even know what this is?" You squint your eyes at him and he just rolls his eyes.
"I know that would help you!? Plus-It'll keep you intertained while we're travelling. You're stupidly addicted to those games of yours."
A smile tugs at your lips and you watch him from afar, the man who'd never had it in him to be emotional. But there he is, doing just that-drowning in emotions to the point where he'd shyly need avert his eyes and look away.
You walk up to him and wrap your arms around his waist. He doesn't stop tidying up the bed but you wouldn't want to embarrass him anyway. "Thank you.."
And finally, the sassy Reacher
"I remember the way she looked at us-i've never seen someone more horrified in my life."
Laughter pierces the room but- what's making YOU smile is that rare sight of the man's teeth. He's being normal-he's laughing.
You supress a smirk. "Nothing.." You teasingly shrug. "It's just that-I didn't know you even knew how to smile."
You tease him and he nodds. "Oh you're lacking the sight of smiles? You wanna see a smile? You wanna see some teeth?"
Reacher hovers around you and you-you're not sure what to expect, suspense kills you when he stops behind you. His hands playfully trail down your body, causing a warm sensation to tickle at your lower stomach-until he stops at your waist and suddenly, your body is bouncing on the bed and your feet are locked in place.
You beg him when the realization hits you but he's already be-begun as his fingers dance at the soles of your feet, you jerk and squeal.
"You wanted a smile-ooh-There's a smile-well-here it is-oh look at that-"
"Jack-J-Jack-Please-Stoop" You gasp between your fits and when he finally let you of you, you collapse onto the bed and your roll your body away from him. "Oh my god-fuck you-that was-" you're wheezing and he's smiling-and despite the abdominal pain, you can't help but smile as well.
Reacher may never say the words but his actions are clear enough. And for now, that's all you need.
I had to force myself to post it ahahaha but its here ❤️❤️❤️🥀🥀🥀
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fvllingflower · 11 months
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pairing: husband!wonu, afab!reader
genre: smut
warning: breeding kink, fingering (f!rec), boob play, grinding, riding (brief), unprotected sex, praise, stroking.
song recommendation: love face by chanmina
(sorry I've been gone for a while)
You and your husband were in bed together. You were trying to go to sleep while Wonwoo wanted to keep talking about future kids. You listened to each word he said but also got quite annoyed as you were trying to sleep and he knew that. As he continued talking you put your hand over his mouth to shut him up. He tried to move your hand away, he wanted to speak. But it was impossible for him as your hand was covering his mouth.
"What are you doing?" He was getting flustered by your actions, he tried to speak but it was hard when you were trying to silence him.
"Honey, you can't just..." He didn't have the chance to tell you any more words, as you kept his mouth covered.
"Shhhh, I'm trying to sleep" You mumbled. He realized that he should stop trying to be talkative.
"O-oh... I see." Wonwoo just went silent, he would do whatever you wanted.
"Shhh, okay. Let's just sleep then..." He was still blushing a bit, but he wanted to be a good boy and let you sleep. He placed your head on his arm now and just kept his eyes shut. Once he was quiet you removed your hand from his mouth and rested it on his waist.
He breathed a sigh of relief once you removed your hand from his mouth. But as you placed your hand on his waist, he was starting to get a little bit excited again. He was still tired and wanted to fall asleep soon, but his desire to have some fun was still there.
"Shhh... Oh, honey. What are you doing now..." He looked at you with a sly smile.
"Mhmmm" You groaned tiredly. He got a little bit closer to you (if that is possible) as you seemed to be about to fall asleep. He started to touch your legs with his hand, and his face was getting closer to yours once again.
"Hmm... I feel like... I can't sleep, honey..." He was smiling at you and seemed to be trying to seduce you into doing something with him.
"Wonwoo" You groaned at his touch. He started to kiss your neck gently.
"Just relax and let me do some of the stuff, okay?" He was smiling as he spoke, waiting for your reply. You moved your leg to be on top of him. He looked very surprised when you put your leg on top of him. But he could tell that you were starting to get in the mood, so he just kept smiling at you.
"That's it, honey. I think you know where this is going." He kept kissing you and slowly started to move his hand down your leg.
"Mmm Wonwoo" You seemed to be enjoying his touch, so he kept going down with his hand. He tried to be gentle with it, so he didn't make any sudden or aggressive movements. He kept kissing you, and as he kept moving his hand he wanted to make you feel good.
He was rubbing your inner thigh slowly, closely to where you wanted him most. He moved his hand up your body and cupped your boobs and started playing with them. He was squeezing the breasts, pinching the nipples, he enjoyed the sounds you were making.
"Ooh mmm Wonwoo" You whimpered.
He finally decided to set up in bed and sit you between his legs, your back against his chest. He stripped your shirt off and underwear off, leaving you completely naked. You rested your head on his shoulder.
"You're so beautiful" He started sucking on your neck. His hands spread your legs and his legs held them in place. He started rubbing your clit, and then your folds as well. You through your head back and arched your back. He stuck two fingers into your hole and started thrusting them as fast as possible.
"Mhmmm Wonwoo" Your eyes were shut tightly. You were fully awake now because of the pleasure your body was receiving. He started slapping your pussy making you jolt but he held you down. You could feel his bones poking against your back as he continued fingering you until you hit your climax. You rested in his arms for a while. He hugged your waist and kissed your cheek, shoulder, ear, neck, jawline. Once you regained strength, you turned slightly and pulled his shirt off.
"Mhm you want more?" He smirked. You turned to be sitting in his lap and you kissed him softly.
"Give me a baby Wonwoo" You mumbled. His eyes widened for a minute.
"You really want to have a baby?" He asked.
"Yes please" You whined. He breathed in and out slowly before getting up and rem his shirt and underwear. He climbed on top of you and kissed you passionately.
"Are you sure?" He asked against your lips.
"I'm more than sure" You smiled softly.
"O- okay" He smiled and he kissed you deeply. We started making out as I sat in his lap and grinded against his clothed cock.
"Mmm baby" He groaned.
"What is it?" You asked.
"Keeping grinding" He begged. You grinned your hips faster against his crouch.
"Am I turning you on?" You teased.
"So much" He groaned. You started kissing his neck as you grind against him. You got up and pulled his boxers off to reveal his angry, red cock.
"Mmm" You started rubbing the tip with your thumb.
"Shit" He moaned. You started stroking his dick with your hand.
"Does my baby feel good?" You smiled.
"So good" He tossed his head back. You started rubbing my folds against his dick.
"Oh shit" You groan at the feeling.
"Need to be in you" He begged. You kissed him passionately. You held his dick up and sunk down on him. You two moaning in harmony.
"So tight and perfect" He moaned. You started bouncing on his dick and moving your hips in rhythm.
"Won I need you to fuck me!" You begged. He switched positions to where you're laying on the bed. He started thrusting fast and hard.
"Such a good pussy" He groaned.
"This pussy is mine" He grunted.
"Oh fuck- ooh" You were becoming a moaning mess.
"Fuck- Wonwoo!" You nearly screamed as you moaned.
"That's it baby let the neighbors know who you belong to" He continued thrusting.
"Mmm- gonna cum" You grunted.
"Cum for me baby" He smiled. He thrusted faster until you made a mess. He continued thrusting until he painted your walls white. He slowly pulled out and some cum oozed out and so he pushed it back inside you. He laid beside you and cuddled you.
"You did so good baby" He kissed your shoulder.
"You know you're gonna be such a sexy mom" He kissed your neck.
"Mhm I love you" You mumbled.
"I love you too baby" He rubbed your tummy and kissing your neck. Wonwoo started stroking his dick, getting it hard again.
"Wanna fill you up some more" He groaned. You turned around and saw him stroking himself. You removed his hand and started stroking him. Once he was fully hard, he got back on top of you and lined himself up and pushed into you.
"I'll never get tired of this pretty pussy" He smiled. He started thrusting slowly.
"Wonwoo faster please" You begged. He listened and started going so fast and rough, felt like he'll snap you in half.
"Gonna be such a sexy mama, having my kid in you" He praised. He made you cum again and he nutted in you again.
He pulled out and cuddled you. Rubbing your tummy and kissing your neck.
"My pretty girl" He praised.
"I love you so much" He added.
"Perfect girl" He smiled. I slowly falling asleep in his arms.
"I love you" You mumbled.
"I love you too, pretty girl" He kissed your forehead.
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honeycrispappletree · 2 months
ivy // hajime iwaizumi ♫⋆。♪ ₊˚♬ ゚.
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part 5: ivy
by: frank ocean
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Yn quietly listened to the city talk as she exhaled her worries through smoke. Her fire escape slightly creaked everytime she took a drag. Playing with the cigeratte in her fingers, she closed her eyes and tried to escape her own head. She should be happy, she’s getting everything she’s ever wanted. She’s excited, truly, but she can’t fully let herself feel good. She can’t shake the off feeling inside of her, that there’s something wrong.
Her eyes snap open to the screaming of metal clashing. She turns her head to Iwaizumi, climbing out of the window of the apartment onto the fire escape next to her.
‘Hey’ he starts, sitting down and leaning against the building wall.
She greets him back, and it’s silent for a few moments. One thing that yn loves about being with Iwaizumi is that they can sit in the quiet and it won’t get uncomfortable. Sometimes they don’t need to say a single thing to eachother, they can just breathe.
It’s different this time. The silence is heavy. In a normal situation, Iwaizumi would have brought up yn smoking immediately. He doesn’t though, and it doesn’t go unnoticed to her. She wishes he’d take it away from her, cup her face gently and tell her to stop. Look into her eyes like he loves her. But they continue to sit without a word. There’s something unspoken between them that’s making every moment of quiet more unbearable. Iwaizumi breaks it first.
‘There’s something I want to talk to you about,’ Iwaizumi reveals. He keeps his attention on his sneakers.
‘What?’ She responds gently, keeping her attention on her cigeratte.
‘There’s just something i’ve been thinking about for awhile, and I don’t know how to say it. I just…’ He sighs as he struggles to find the words.
‘You don’t have to dance around it, Haji.’
He whips his head to look at her. He’s met with her side profile, exhaling smoke through her pursed lips. He furrows his brows in confusion, did she know what he was gonna say? Like she could sense his uncertainty, she put out her cigeratte and turned to face him.
‘We both like eachother.’
I thought that I was dreamin’ , when you said you loved me
Iwaizumi’s eyes go wide. He doesn’t really believe she just said that.
‘Yn-‘ is all he’s able to get out,
‘Don’t deny it. Please don’t deny it.’ she pleads, searching his eyes for any sort of reaction.
‘I’m not denying it’ He whispers, like everything might shatter if he says it any louder.
the start of nothing, I had no chance to prepare I couldn’t see you coming
She speaks in a lower tone now, ‘Friends don’t act the way we do’.
Iwaizumi doesn’t say anything. He doesn’t know what to say. He mentally yells at himself. He never knows what to fucking say. It’s like he’s drowning in his own head.
it started from nothing ooh, I could hate you now
‘Everything’s changing. I’m starting to get serious about life.’ Her eyes continue to search his, but it feels like there’s nothing behind them. ‘I don’t want to regret anything. I want you to be apart of it.’
‘I am apart of it’ he affirms softly.
‘Not like this’
He returns his gaze to his sneakers. This is everything he’s ever wanted. To be with her. For her to feel the same way. This might be the best moment of his life. He could almost smile.
‘I can’t’
The fire escape screams.
it’s quite alright to hate me now
‘What?’ She doesn’t understand.
when we both know that deep down
He shakes his head and repeats himself, ‘I can’t.’
Her eyes narrow and her tone makes a 180, ‘What the fuck do you mean?’
‘I can’t be on a billboard. I can’t be in articles. I can’t do everything that you‘ve been dreaming about your whole life.’ He pushes himself up and paces to the other end of the fire escape.
the feeling still deep down, it’s good
‘You’re not making any sense’ she says as she follows pursuit, pushing herself to stand up. He turns around to face her. The lights of the city illuminate behind him.
If I could see through walls I could see you faking
‘You have a destination. You’re going somewhere. You have someone to be’, he explains, ‘I don’t have anyone to be. I’ll hold you back. You can’t be who you want to be if i’m around.’
If you could see my thoughts you would see our faces
‘And you get to decide that for me?’
‘You’ll see it down the road, or you can see it now’
Safe in my rental like an armored truck back then, we didn’t give a fuck back then
He feels like he can’t breathe. Her face of pure confusion has turned into a face of pure hatred. She’s never looked at him that way before.
‘So it’s you or being famous?’ She scoffs at the ultimatum.
‘That’s not what i’m saying-‘
‘That’s EXACTLY what you’re saying, Iwaizumi’ She sneers.
His face flickers with hurt at the change of name. He closes his eyes as he tries to find the words,
‘I want you to be happy, yn’. He looks at her with his whole heart.
I ain’t a kid no more
Her face returns to a blank slate, like she doesn’t feel anything at all. She won’t let him see her cry.
‘I will be’ she says softly, like it was a challenge.
we’ll never be those kids again
Before he can say anything else, she climbs back into the apartment. He slides his forehead into the palms of his hands. The front door slams.
we’d drive to syds we had X6 back then, back then no matter what I did my waves wouldn’t dip back then
Iwaizumi stays entirely still for a few moments. He fixes his expression to nothing before slowly making his way back inside. He breathes in and out deeply as he goes to the kitchen to brew himself a pot of coffee. He listens to the rigid spinning of the ceiling fan as he watches the coffee drip. He pours himself a cup. Wrapping his hands around the mug, he flinches at the temperature. He stares into his own distorted reflection in the liquid. He gently takes a sip, breathing in and out deeply once more.
everything sucked back then
And in the flash of a moment, his hand is burned, ceramic shards scatter the kitchen floor, and there's a mug shaped hole in the cabinet door behind him.
we were friends
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iwaizumi hates having his photo taken
kuroo knows if yn and Iwa got together it would ruin the band so hes against it
he was right
iwaizumi WAS gonna tell yn he was probably quitting the band but she thought he was confessing
kageyama heard EVERYTHING
taglist: @eggyrocks @v1oletfury @stagemanagerchronicles @iluvmang @nitasplace @wave2mia @jadeoru @walllflowerrrsss @tespho @piapiaweee3 @illuzminate @kr1nqu @itsdragonius
edit: half the tags didn’t work the first time idk why sorry!! i think it’s good now
a/n: fuck grammar dont talk to me I KNOWW ITS SOOO BADD everytime i read it i find a mistake i just give up. listen to ivy by frank ocean while u read it will make the vision. guys this took me so long for what. theyre so tragic. also when he throws the mug like hes facing one side of the kitchen and he turns and throws it into the cabinet that WAS behind him idk if that made sense
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