#or a varient of 'they would not fucking say that'
somestorythoughts · 7 months
Narrative Role vs Personality
There was something that felt weird to me when I watched the 1st season of the clone wars, I thought I figured it out and now that I've seen a few more seasons and haven't changed my mind I'm gonna post about it and hopefully make some sense in the following ramble.
It feels like there's a bit of conflict between the writers giving the clones a narrative role and making them actual characters. Yes all characters have a role in the narrative that's not the point, the point is that, from the outside, the clones' role in the story is just to be an army. You need bodies to make up an army to show the audience that this a war, and the audience isn't supposed to really invest in them past wanting the good guys to win.
That's not a bad thing, it's normal when you have sci-fi/fantasy armies. That's the role these guys play:
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We love the dramatic charge of the Rohirrim, we take a solemn moment to acknowledge the bodies in the aftermath, and that's it. We mostly feel actively sad for the characters we know, or sometimes background characters who are there for emotional impact. The role of an army in these shows/movies is to look good, die, and win or loose. It's the same kind of role characters in adventure movies like Indian Jones or the Mummy play, those people who get caught by lethal traps. You can expand that into "it's messed up that they're being used as test subjects for booby traps" outside the film but their only role in the narrative is to show that the traps are dangerous. Again, not a bad thing narratively. In a story, someone's gotta show that the 1000-year old knife trap is still sharp somehow and yes the evil scarabs are alive. And sometimes those are also minions or bad guys but it still applies.
I think horror movies do the same thing but it's not my genre so not certain how their deaths work.
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And in aotc and rots, the clones are pretty much pure plot device. They've got a narrative role and they fill it. They're an army, they do the fighting the dying and the killing, we get very little personality out of them. Been a while since I've seen rots so I can't say if they get no characterization, but I'm pretty sure it's VERY low. We know the basics of their background, we don't know them.
And then the clone wars came around and it gave them personality. It gave them characterization. And sure the series seems to be largely focused on the Jedi, but they still took the time to give the clones some character beyond just being bodies to fill the ranks.
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And it's not like you can't kill characters the audience cares about, everyone knows that isn't the case. But if you give characters personality, the audience is more likely to care. If the care, they might be upset that they're dying over and over so easily without much in story mention. And people really latched on to the clones.
It doesn't help that their backstory is kinda fucked up. I have no idea how much of the shit they go through on Kamino and in the wider galaxy in fanfics is canon and how much of it is fan-based (I haven't finished the clone wars series and I'm not quite invested enough to track down the comics right now) but even without that you're talking about millions of people cloned and raised for war by trainers that are at the very least unfriendly, a genetic donor that selected one for a son and does seem to care at all about the rest, and the war they're fighting is entirely engineered. They're made to fight a war and then wiped into blank slates by a bunch of mind-control chips (even if we look at the movies without the show since that was later, there's still plenty of messed up stuff in being bred and raised solely for war). It's messed up enough that people are gonna be interested in that backstory and that might be part of why people latched on to the clones in general instead of only individual troopers though I can't be sure. It's one thing if you've got people who's narrative role is to kill and be killed and look cool while doing it. It's another thing when that's their purpose in the story.
And the clone wars gives us these occasional episodes that show first that some of the clones actively don't want to be here and second that there are some even among the jedi that see them as inferior. Their reactions in the Umbara arc to Krell using numbers instead of names are strong enough that even without them saying something like "we don't like being called by numbers its dehumanizing" that idea still comes across clearly.
Umbara also tells us that they can be ordered to kill their friends, and they will have to comply.
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One of the things the clone wars tells us is that this is a really messed up situation. That the story of the clones is a tragedy. But I don't think it always acts like it.
The thing that was bugging me was Plo Koon's declaration that the troopers mattered to him and Windu taking the time to rescue a trooper and later on Ima-gun Di's last stand with his troopers, juxtaposed with the casualness in the series as a whole with which entire ships are destroyed. And I know, its tricky to talk about this kind of thing when you're making a kids' show and you only have 20-odd minutes on top of that. I'm not really blaming them for treating the troopers the same way you treat an army in any fantasy war story. It's fiction. Explosions on a screen are fun. We all like a badass fight scene. I'm probably not the intended audience for this show anymore and that means my perspective isn't the one the writers are trying to hit.
I guess what I'm trying to get at is that it feels a little like the writers gave the clones too much character for their narrative role. And if you as a writer say in-universe that these people's lives matter, sometimes it might feel a bit weird when a ship full of them is blown to pieces and never remarked on again.
I want to end this by acknowledging that I am WAY overanalyzing a kids' show I KNOW so if you're going to criticize this analysis feel free but please criticize about a different point because I recognize the overthinking hell this took like three times as long as I expected to write I have no fucking clue where the time went.
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zer0expektation · 7 months
interesting that everyone keeps bringing up Mobius's life on the timeline and his reluctance to find it and see it. I'm totally Not terrified of wherever that plotline is leading. hahaha ....
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a spiders bite
pairing: spider-man!ethan landry x female!reader
WC: 1.5K
warnings: cursing, mention of panic attacks. should be it!
summary: ethan doesn’t seem to understand that his actions are hurting the people that love him.
A/N: spider-man au is like top 5 best AUs! definitely plan to write more in the future for ethan and others. i like to think i was the first one to mention jack as a peter parker varient (i wasn’t the first) honestly would be down for a part2 if there are requests/ideas.
also would love to plug @echnated​ for their WONDERFUL spider-man!ethan x black cat!reader and @burnyouwithacigarettelighter and their spider-man!ethan series💗💗
@alecmores my editor🫶🏻
been in the drafts since april 22
masterlist / ethan landry
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“you’re an idiot. an actual idiot!”
“how am i-“ “you could have gotten killed or revealed your identity!” a swift smack to his chest with the back of your hand.
“how about a- a thank you, you know? instead of this hostility?” ethan yanked the bug-eyed mask off his face and his pillow of curls stuck out in all directions. 
“i don’t think you deserve a thank you after the stunt you pulled. wha- what made that smart mind think, ‘yeah, one hundred percent a good idea’?” arms crossed over your chest as you waited for an answer.
he opened his mouth with his hands held up and out, it looked like he had an answer ready, but his mouth closed and his arms dropped. he closed his eyes and tilted his head at the ceiling, a sigh leaving his nose.
“look, i was in a tough spot. i had to think in the moment and sometimes those aren’t the smartest ideas.” you scoffed, “damn right.”
ethan rolled his eyes at you and smoothed a gloved hand over his sweaty face. you kept your defensive stance as you blankly stared at ethan for almost getting himself hurt. acting like a bitch was your facade when you wanted to keep your emotions hidden and in check, but you knew the longer this conversation continued you’ll soon break.
“y/n… me being a hero, it means i have to put others before myself. i’m constantly putting my life on the line every time i go out on the streets, keeping an eye out for dangerous people. so if me saving you puts my life on the line-” he stepped closer and your eyes looked him up and down, a crack in the mask. his free hand caressed your cheek, his thumb touching your dark circles. “i will always choose you over my life.” he whispered his confession.
you felt the twitch to your brows and the flare of your nostrils as you tilted your head to look into his soft eyes. “that’s suicidal of you. and fucking dumb!” you shoved his chest, making him stumble from the unexpected reaction.
you moved away from ethan, needing to keep a distance to keep yourself level-headed. your fingers scrunched the roots of your disheveled hair, eyes tightly shut as you scrunch your face up. a yell was waiting to rip from your throat.
“why- why would you say something like that, ethan? never-never, say you’ll choose mine over yours! do you… do you even understand how just the- the thought of you gone…” dampness came to your eyes and you felt the snot ready to run. shaky hands ran down your face, your breathing getting harder.
“hey…” the sound of ethan’s voice caused a slight jump. you stuck a hand out, needing to keep the space.
“i… i know you weren’t given a choice when given your powers. and you decide to do good for new york and- and help people, big or small… that's incredibly brave of you. and i’ve always stuck by your side and helped you in difficult times. but with these- these- these fucking villains started to show up more each day and getting more dangerous…” tears rained down your face and you saw how ethan had to restrain himself. “i worry about you every time i hear a siren or someone shouting for help. i always have the news playing and notifications on social media to keep constant updates when you're swinging around. and- and when i hear word that you’ve taken a tumble or some shit… i- i- i start to panic and hyperventilate and then my body starts to shake and my throat tightens…” as you were explaining to ethan the reactions started to show.
you were shaking your hands out then switching to tapping the pads of your fingers together in quick succession. your chest was moving up and down in short, shallow breaths and every time you breathed out your mouth it was a shudder. when trying to swallow your throat felt completely closed and the tears were forming.
“ethan… i can’t lose you, ever.” a weak whisper. “you- you don’t un-understand what it- it would be like to- to- to live-“
ethan’s nylon arms wrapped you nicely and tight like a weighted blanket. a hand pushed your head into the crook of his neck while he leaned his chin against your temple. while your arms took a second to process his touch, they moved inch by inch until you reciprocated the tight hold.
with your eyes slipped shut you took deep breaths in through the nose to inhale ethan’s scent, sweat mixed with something clean almost floral. you counted each time his chest moved with yours and let the tingles of his fingers run over your body. he kept his voice low and it was deep as he whispered reassurance into the air and your ear when he moved his head near your shoulder.
when he pressed a kiss to the skin just below your hair, you felt your shoulders slouch just a bit. it was like each touch and breath ethan took, allowed your brain to come down from its panic and focus on the present.
ethan is alive and you're in his arms.
“you won’t lose me y/n. i promise. you’re the reason i fight to stay alive and come back to your warmth every day and every night. you keep me stable and make sure i don’t run around with my head cut off.” you gave a dry chuckle at his words.
ethan leaned back and stared down at you, hands moving from their previous spots to hold your cheeks. your arms loosened their tight grasp around his waist, palms flat against his spine. ethan’s clear brown eyes peered deep into your soul, it made you nervous.
“fighting leprechauns and human octopuses are things i’ll constantly deal with if it keeps the city safe, but most importantly…” his head moved closer, your eyes watching every closing inch. “i’ll keep fighting the bad guys if it means you’re safe. i want you to understand that. you are my number one priority.”
and he pressed his chapped lips softly against yours. you froze before melting into the warmth he caused in your bones. the tips of your fingers skated over the smooth fabric of his suit until you were clutching his biceps. the kiss made you a bit lightheaded, almost tipsy but you were sober and clear-headed.
ethan pulled away and you almost groaned in disappointment. you kept your eyes closed just a bit longer in case the moment was just a daydream and when you opened them you would still be in your room, with ethan still dressed in his outfit, but the kiss wouldn’t have existed. with a flutter to your lashes and parted lips, the scene was exactly as imagined, but ethan was close and his hands were still holding your face.
“that wasn’t a dream?” you sighed in relief. ethan grinned at your words as he shook his head, his curls swishing. “not a dream. a wish come true for me.”
“such a romantic.” you joked to hopefully hide the heat on your face. “a wish came true for me as well.”
his grin widened. he swiped his right thumb over your cheek, “i promise you, i’ll always come back. no matter what, nothing is keeping me from you.” he finished his sentence with a kiss on your forehead.
you wanted to fight him on the honey-sweet sentiment. you saw how hurt he’s been recently, more cuts and bruises to his pale skin that- yes they heal quickly, but he’s still human. you hear how spider-man is struggling to stay on his feet or how he’s throwing punches that don’t land from the news as you pace in your room. you see how he groans and squeezes his eyes shut whenever you help clean him up when he climbs through your window looking ready to clasp. some days you worry he’ll be killed and you won’t hear about it until the news makes the official announcement, the news anchor saying in their somber tone “we regret to inform the citizens of brooklyn that the vigilante hero, spider-man, has been killed by…” and everything would turn to white noise as you fall to your knees and scream your lungs out.
but you also know how hard ethan fights. even if it’s his last breath he will give his all to stop the dangers from harming civilians. and how sweet he is to the people on the streets. how he will pick a cat from a tree it scurried up and was too afraid to leave. if a child was crying he would crouch to their level and ask their name, and try to make them smile or laugh.
as you stood in his embrace you let your heart skip a beat or two as you remembered that you finally got to kiss ethan. you tried to push the scary “what ifs” away and focused on his lean stature and how he kept placing quick but heartfelt kisses to the crown of your head.
“okay,” you replied after a while, “just come back to me and i’ll forever help bandage you back together,” you spoke into his chest.
another kiss to your hair, “i promise. i can't lose my girl when i just got her.” and you hear his heart speed up.
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archangeldyke-all · 26 days
Sev with a ver nerdy reader. Very loser vibes with glasses and all. Could you write about how they meet and get together? How their relationship would be and what would other think or do about such a contrast couple?? Xxx love youuuuu
aweee i fucking love this
men and minors dni
singed is a mad genius, you'd never deny that. but mad geniuses tend to get caught up in the whirlwind of their revolutionary thoughts and creations, and they leave behind important things like, you know, numbers. or studies. or a general respect for the scientific method.
so while singed spends his days tinkering in his lab, you spend your days sitting beside him, trying to decipher his discoveries into a language people who aren't mad geniuses can understand.
this is just to say: you're a glorified lab assistant.
you don't know how you caught sevika's eye. you're polar opposites.
sevika fights for a living, she can command a room with a single look, and she's got women swooning for her everywhere she goes. you scribble calculations in a basement for a living, sometimes you and singed are so focused that you don't even speak to each other for days at a time, and you're aware that your glasses, frumpy clothes, and lack of awareness when it comes to style don't exactly make you sexy.
but... somehow, you've enchanted her.
you first met a few months ago, when singed brought you along to a meeting with silco to have you help demonstrate a new varient of shimmer.
typically, singed takes these meetings alone. he likes to keep his science life and his shady dealings as separate as possible-- plus, he knows how nervous you get. but, the new variant required at least two pair of hands to properly prepare, and you were kind of hoping to meet silco's elusive kid-genius foster daughter. singed sings her praises on the daily.
jinx, unfortunately, didn't show up, but sevika did. and you nearly shat yourself, because the woman didn't take her sharp gaze off you for the entire demonstration.
afterwards, when you were packing up in the empty office as singed and silco chatted in the bar downstairs, sevika tracked you down. "hey."
you screamed as you turned around, dropping a vial of shimmer on the ground. she chuckled. "f-fuck sorry." she said, holding her hands up. "didn't mean to sneak up on you."
you pushed your glasses up your nose and just shrugged. "'s okay. i-i'm just jumpy." you whispered.
"you're cute." she'd said.
and then, because you've never been able to be normal about anything in your life, you passed out.
so, the start of your and sevika's relationship was a bit tumultuous. she had to spell it out for you, many times, that she finds you endlessly endearing and adorable.
"during that first meeting. singed read something off his notes but didn't understand, so you explained it to him. just you rambling a bunch of nerd shit, but you made it sound so simple, and you had this sweet sparkle in your eye-- i dunno." she shrugs, then pushes your glasses up your nose for you.
you guys actually balance each other out really well. sevika encourages you to have a bit more of a backbone, you help her see the softer side of things.
she's obsessed with your constant nerdy ramblings. she learns so much from you. she can point to anything and ask you about it, and you'll have an answer.
she'd also never admit it to anyone, but she loves your fantasy books. the nerdier and more complex the better. sometimes, she'll have you read whatever book you're reading outloud, and more times than not, she falls asleep within ten minutes to the sound of your voice.
she's constantly pushing your glasses back up your nose for you. if she notices a smudge, she'll gently take them off your face, clean them with the hem of her shirt, then push them back on your face.
she's obsessed with eating you out while you read or work. she likes to watch you struggle to maintain your focus-- which is usually so laser sharp.
@fyeahnix @sapphicsgirl @half-of-a-gay @thesevi0lentdelights @sexysapphicshopowner @shimtarofstupidity @love-sugarr @chuucanchuucan @222danielaa @badbye666 @femme-historian @lia-winther @gr0ssz0mbi3 @ellsss @sevikaspillowprincess @leomatsuzaki @emiliabby @sevikasbeloved @hellorai @vikasub @glass-apothecary @m0numents @macaroni676
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coldmori · 2 months
this 3d model wasnt intended to be its own canon omori varient (like somber, shattered, etc)
but what if he was (i am addicted to making omoris please stop me)
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blankmori is a odd limbless varient of omori that resides in the deeper layers of blackspace, below shattered omori
hes only really capible of saying about 6 words and does not know his left and rights, you can really tell he's trying tho it stresses him out a lot
hes most likely the manifestation of sunnys feelings of helplessness, confusion and isolation, aswell as feeling stupid and "blank" (emotionless)
he *should* probably have a hair snowflake but holy shit that would take me so long to figure out
blankmori is hostile and will try to attack, but he doesn't really have much strength or intellegence
if you give him anything, litterally anything at all, he will stop attacking, throw a fucking paperclip at this man and he will stare at it in wonder
he's very emotional,
though he's not steryotypically smart , he does have a very deep emotional intelegence that he seems to beat himself up about
he's empty on the inside but with much denser skin than hollow, making him sound kinda like a coconut when he moves, inside is supposedly a letter, but it is unreadable without essentially gutting blankmori
only he seems to know the contents of the letter, but again, he can only say like 6 words
asking him about it recieves a very harsh and defensive responce of crying and screaming, and even biting if youre in range
he keeps everything given to him in a small pile but it often gets stolen by other blackspace dwellers
if coldmori was a mod he'd be a VERY rare phenomina with horrific conditions in order to get to him
(( i also thought about like, what if lore dumps and such where just like basil stranger and kel stranger documenting headspace/whitespace/blackspace/etc.
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nevraeldarya · 1 month
yk i feel like Rhea crashing universes(like one would a party, not crashing as in a computer crashes) and fucking up timelines would totally be something she would do and Chaos would totally endorse the whole thing while cackling in the background at how much unintentional bullshit she puts everyone(and herself) through.
like,(because you already have a hp book) her just fucking with voldemort??? a killing curse can’t work on a god(immortal and all) and you’ve already established magic doesn’t work on gods either,
not even mentioning the fact that her uncle(aidoneus i mean. we don’t like PJO hades in this book ):< ) is the god of the underworld, and i have no doubt she would hang out with any thanatos varient she could get her hands on, if just to appreciate they’re beauty.
(the death god mentions are because voldemort is literally terrified of death, horxruces{??} and his name[flight from death] make that very obvious)
I mean Harry Potter is so filled with plotholes that destroying it timeline by doing something early won't have any bad effect really, unlike with PJO where if you change something it can destroy everything.
She will piss off Voldemort so bad for the funsies just because she can ! Then will let him use the killing curse only to say 'whoops you need to do better' 💀
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textsfromthetva · 7 months
I come to confess my sins 😅 I have mixed feelings with Brad, a kind of love-hate and I don't know if it's because I'm easy to convince or because I'm a simp of fictional men. I mean, when I first saw him I thought he was irritating and not that attractive to me, but with the following episodes with that uniform and that hair (even that sassy but funny attitude) I admit that he got me. But there are really attitudes that I can't stand (like how he seems to care more about himself than about others and as an empathetic person that I am, that annoys me) but seeing that people love him (very few tho) made me change my mind lol
PS: His new hairstyle definitely looks much better on him, I don't know why.
Yes! A convert! Welcome to the team.
And since you brought up the hairstyle, and there's several bits in my fic that discuss that, you get a little taste:
He had drawn up a whole list of possible scenarios for this confrontation, and how he would respond in each of them, but Brad does not react as X-5 would have expected. He doesn’t seem freaked out at all, he seems... curious.
“Well, aren’t you a handsome devil,” he drawls, taking a deep drag of his cigarette and blowing the smoke out through pursed lips.
X-5 snorts. Ah yes, there’s the vanity he has been observing, that he himself has been criticized for back at the TVA for the last thousand years or so. “Hello, Brad.”
Brad tilts his head minutely, stepping closer. “I’ve got to admit, it’s been a long time since I had a dealer spike my drugs with hallucinogens, but this is some good stuff.”
“You’re not hallucinating,” X-5 says.
“Is that so?” He moves closer still, and for a split-second X-5 thinks he’s going to touch him to confirm his corporeality. Instead, Brad changes course at the last minute, circling X-5 to take him in.
His instincts, honed by eons of fighting dangerous Varients, are telling him to turn around, to not let himself get flanked, to prepare for an attack, but he also knows it won’t be coming. Brad isn’t the type to physically assault someone. They differ in that regard. He still finds himself squaring his shoulders and drawing himself into his full height.
Brad notices. “Ah. You’re not me.” He comes back around, eyes roaming shamelessly over X-5’s body before settling on his face. “You’re a soldier.”
X-5 raises an eyebrow. “What makes you say that?”
“The posture,” Brad replies. “And the god-awful haircut.”
X-5 has to fight the urge to touch his hair, to defend the style, but really, Brad is right. It’s the haircut of a soldier.
“So who are you really?”
X-5 shrugs. “Maybe I’m your twin.”
“I’m an only child,” Brad promptly fires back.
“As far as you know.”
Brad gives him a lopsided smile. “Fine. Keep your secrets then.” His gaze travels down X-5’s body again. “What’s your name, soldier?”
Actually fuck it, have one more:
“You should grow your hair out,” Brad tells him, “You’d look very handsome.”
X-5 laughs, ignoring how irrationally flattered the backhanded compliment makes him feel. “I’d look more like you, you mean.”
Brad isn’t even remotely put off by the comment. “I look good,” he says with no trace of shame. “It’ll soften your features. So would losing the beard.”
“Some of us don’t have the spare time to maintain an attractive permastubble.”
Brad smirks like X-5 just made a damning admission. “I don’t see you having anything better to do.”
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autisticsupervillain · 9 months
It's Fictional Throwdown Friday!
This Week's Fighters...
Renee vs The Chosen Undead!
No restrictions. Both sides have absolutely everything.
The Chosen Undead hears of a legendary warrior who can regenerate from nothing but their soul and travels to Engardin to usenit as kindling for the First Flame. Renee refuses to let her soul be used in another cycle of blood and conflict.
Analysis: The Chosen Undead
The world is ending. Not with a bang or a crunch, but with a shuddering, prolonged whimper. The heroes of the land have all either died or gone mad, and the inspirational legends behind them are all nothing but ancient history. Humanity would want nothing more than to roll over and die. Pity that that is the last thing they could do.
Humanity has been cursed with fragments of the all powerful Dark Soul, ensuring that all humans are naturally undead. This meant that they would eventually live long enough to eventually go Hollow, dying a slow and painful death in the throughs of madness as their humanity left them. Exploiting this fact, the Gods used this curse as propaganda to trick humans into sacrificing their fragments of the Dark Soul to fuel the First Flame, the Sun the lights the world and whose creation and existence fuels that concept of time itself. For the Gods feared the power of the Dark Soul and wanted to keep their reign in the Age of Light going for as long as possible.
One of the humans who bore the Dark Soul was the one who would become the Chosen Undead. Shipped up to an aslyum in the North to be contained when they went Hollow, the Chosen Undead was rescued by a giant raven and informed of their destiny. Dropped into the land of Lordran, the Chosen Undead would have to fight their way through the mad gods, fallen heroes, and treacherous monsters to save the world from the Age of Dark.
...Well, I say "save". More like "torturously prolong". It is Dark Souls, after all. There is no true happy endint to your grand quest, whether you ignite the flame to keep the cycle going or let it die to condemn humanity to darkness, Hollowness, and dispair. So what's the point, you may ask? To die. Over and over again, until you succeed. It is the struggle that makes the Undead's journey worth it.
And luckily, The Chosen Undead would find countless weapons and spells to aide them in their journey. The most prominent of which is the Dark Soul itself. By using bits of it as kindling at bonfires, The Chosen Undead can resurrect from the dead, over and over again to retry whatever fight is killing them. Though this process deprives them of all the souls that they've collected and slowly drives them closer to Hollowness, the humans of Dark Souls don't need souls to survive and The Chosen Undead can, to an extent, resist the effects of going Hollow through sheer determination. As long as they don't rage quit, the Chosen Undead can return as many times as they want and eventually win.
And with pockets as deep as theirs, one of their weaons is bound to give them a winning strategy once they learn all your tricks. The Greatsword of Artorius, whose cursed varients can kill ghosts, Gough's Greatbow, a massive bow with pillar sized arrows that csn shoot down dragons, and the Dark Hand, a mark that can warp space itself to create a shield and absorb people's souls, just to name a few.
And they're also a master of sorcery and magic. With spells such as the Homing Soulmass to directly target and home in on a foe's soul, to the Hidden Caster spell to turn themselves invisible. Or, they can just say "fuck magic" and use the Vow of Silence to keep people from casting spells entirely. Helpful for managing their limited magic supply. They can even use their magic to summon heroes from other realms to aide them in combat. Or they can go to other people's realms and invade their lands to steal their things. Try it and I'll shove a great sword up your ass before you finish praising the sun, Dave. And that's on top of being able to reflect damage, control minds, shoot fire balls, and throw sunlight at people. Sunlight that they are fast enough to dodge when being invaded by other Players, mind you.
And all that arsenal isn't being thrown around by a witless dolt either. They've managed to kill Seath the Scaleless, the immortal dragon who invented sorcery in the first place, before carving his ass into the beautiful Moonlight Greatsword. They've killed Nito, the God of Death, The Bed of Chaos, the mother of all demon kind, and Artorius, the greatest knight in history.
But, for all their unrelenting stubbornness, The Chosen Undead does have limits. They are just another cog in the endless cycle of the Ages of Light and Dark. The First Flame created the very concepts of Light and Dark. Energy and Time. Like a mythological big bang. The power that the Chosen Undead would need to power it is immense.... but not limitless. The First Flame will wain again in another thousand years and the cycle will begin anew. And while the Chosen Undead can resist the corruption of Hollowing, even they can eventually succumb. Depends on if you decide to rage quit.
And doesn't that just sum up the entire Dark Souls mythos? And endless cycle of death and suffering, until everything gives up.
Analysis: Renee
Long ago, a powerful being grew bored with her eternal isolation and decided to create the world of Engardin. This being, known as God to her worshippers and Luca to her friends, created all the species of the world. She created the Sea of Souls to house the dead, the Goliaths to protect the ecosystem, the Phoenix to pull the sun into the sky every morning, and the humans to enjoy the world she'd created.
And then, for reasons unknown, God left the world she'd created. And everything immediately went to hell.
Many of the species of Engardin died off without God's power to sustain them. The Humans and the Goliaths went to war, nearly driving each other to extinction amd decimating the world in their brutality. The Goliaths severed the link between the Sea of Souls and Engardin to keep humans from reincarnating, causing the dead to rise as bloodthirsty zombies and ghosts.
Fearing the concept of a permanent death, the human leader, Eseus, begain creating human experiments so as to find a way to subvert mortality. The resulting successes, named the "Essentials", seemed to be what she was looking for, as they had the ability to cheat death by regenerating from nothing but their soul. However, the Essentials rebelled against their creator's mistreatment and escaped to live their own life.
One of the escapees was fatally injured during the escape, losing her memories. Seeking to atone for his race's genocidal atrocities, Ifree, the current Goliath of Pyro or leader of the Goliath people, fused his soul to the girl's to stabilize it, allowing her to survive until she was taken in by a small human village. The village named her Renee and raised her as an ordinary girl.
Renee grew up in the peace that came after the war, with both races trying to put the brutality behind them and survive in the world they'd created. Engardin was seeing an era of tentative hope as everyone adapted to the new normal and Renee was able to live a happy life. Until her village was slaughtered by a strange monster and her mentor was kidnapped by a mysterious figure. "Dying" and "reviving" as a result of her Essential powers, Renee survived the bloodshed and avenged her people, before setting off on a quest to rescue her mentor and discover her past.
In her travels, Renee would become the greatest hero Engardin had ever seen. She would become a master of every weapon imaginable, swords, bows, whips, and scythes among them, and a master of magic second to none. She possed the ability to go intangible, her weapons can hurt and kill ghosts, she's fast enough to dodge light, agile enough to stick to walls, and her numerous magical weapons grant unique boons that allow her to switch her combat style on a dime. Bloodbath feeds on her blood and the blood of her enemies to boost her strength, Sword of the Hermit boosts her strength so long as she believes she can wield it, and the Muramasa can devour souls, at the cost of feeding on the wielders own. Yet, her most powerful weapon is arguably the Nameless sword. The sword that her dear companion Ifree himself used to split the universe between Engardin and the Sea of Souls, cutting humanity off from the afterlife.
Renee has survived visiting the Sea of Souls, despite the experience driving other humans completely mad, and can even regenerate damage done directly to her soul. There is, however, a cost to that. As an Essential, Renee can regrow her body from her soul as often as she likes, but damage done to her soul can slow down the process and outright destruction or absorption of her soul can permanently kill her. Once she discovered this, Renee cast six spells to create a barrier around her soul, preventing the villainous Essential Red Renee from absorbing her soul.
Ultimately, Renee would go on to put her dark past behind her, defeating both Eseus and the new Goliath of Pyro to stop their genocidal plans against the other's race and stop their attempts to restart the war. With the Afterimage of the war finally put to rest and her mentor saved, Renee was free to live her life as she saw fit. After decades of brutality and hardship following the disappearance of God, Engardin would finally know peace and begin to move on...
Throwdown Theme:
Throwdown Breakdown:
Welp, time to once again ask the age old question: "Which of these characters can kill each other?"
The ability of both to absorb souls is completely irrelevant here. That wouldn't kill the Chosen Undead and Renee's barriers protect her soul from that very kind of attack. Both are about as fast as each other due to both being able to dodge light, both would be constantly switching up their combat styles as they keep dying, and both should be similarly have similarly versatile arsenals. They should even both be comparatively skilled, as they've both taken down the most skilled fighters within their universe. Even the Chosen Undead's ability to control minds is moot, due to Renee's resistance against the mind altering effects of the Sea of Souls.
There is one major advantage, however, that ultimately makes this Renee's game: Power.
The Sea of Souls and the ocean surrounding Engardin have both been stated several times to be literally endless by numerous knowledgeable characters. And Renee is swinging around the sword that split the two apart in the first place. Hell, in the bad ending, Renee is powerful enough to kill Ifree, who himself could light up the entire ocean with a single spell. The ocean is, again, described as literally being infinite in size. Meanwhile, we know full well the First Flame cannot be infinite because... well, then it wouldn't go out in the first place.
Thematically and dynamically.... this is just Frisk vs Chosen Undead again. The Chosen Undead is fighting against someone who can come back as many times as they want just like they can, but the issue is Chosen Undead will eventually go hollow due to not being able to match the infinite power disparity. The victor is from a more optimistic series and their victory in this fight ultimately ties into their series's themes about moving on from great tragedy.
That... was not intentional in the slightest when I made this matchup, that's just where I ended up. In fact, I was fully expecting CU to win this. Apparently the Chosen Undead's real weakness is optimism. If they got therapy, they'd be unstoppable.
This Throwdown's Winner is...
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comvi · 3 months
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THIs! Is AN ADULT NODDLEFLY! they are very protective mothers they are early game (even outskirts) They will not attack and will fly over with they're children. watching you warly what do you do to make em mad? EAT THEY'RE CHILD!! (or) attempt to kill a child. OR!! throw a rock at a childd OR! grab they're child on accident OR!! be near they're child (even though they run up to you.) Or! do anything! how do they attack? they dont hvae arms! well!!
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they use they're spikes to try and stab you. but they can get themselves stuck.. as any character (even monk. the weakest.) they take 1 spear to kill.
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topic of killing them, yeah they can dodge. On another note, they're eggs. You can find noodlefly eggs and hatch them for some cool buddies that follow you! otherwise known as...2 free food pellets... if they spot you carrying an egg they will freak the fuck out and become agro. Buttt:
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yeah that simple.
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^ all varients.
excuse me they are called NOODLEflies??.. A NOODLEFLY???? that feels like such a (oddly) fitting name for them, and (weirdly) fits within rainworld but also i did NOT expect pastabugs to be a thing
i can get why they attack you for most of the thing you listed, like damn im not gonna hesitate to stab you with my snout-blade too if you try to EAT my kid. throw a rock, thats one thing, kill? horrible but still .not too uncommon here... EAT THOUGH?? EAT. DEVOUR the child. The fact that is even an option to do while the mother noodlefly is still present is SO evil. like i myself would still do it for fun while playing LOL BUT STILL
And i have to say i LOVE how messed up this game can be sometimes. everything in this place can be food in one way or another. nothing is restricted. Apparently also including every creature you befriend along the way “Were friends!!!! Buddies, pals! Playmates & Companions!!! ..,, but if it comes down to it……….. …. dot dot.dot.. watch ur back…..”
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gh0stgr4ffiti · 1 year
no one asked but here are some of my thoughts on the future quotes zar posted earlier today (FUTURE CR SPOILERS !!)
2. all the quotes about james and regulus just wanting to get married have me genuinely sobbing tbh
3. “They're his. Please. He needs them. He needs his glasses.” def a reg line :((
4. “Before Regulus ever found the sun in James, Sirius was the brightest light he knew; his guiding star.” OW???
5. “We should go into war completely fucking nude. They wouldn't know what to do.” i would be willing to put money down on this being a barty line
6. “I was always trying so hard to wait for you. I’ve just been waiting for you.” i think this one is either between dorcas and marlene or james and regulus…either way ow again
7. “I'll get to wherever I damn well please, and do whatever I deem suitable to get there, because the difference between you and me is that my brother will always have me.” giggling rn i love them so much
8. “Before her, it could have been you.” i think dorcas is saying this to lily tbh :(
9. “I'm still so in love with you that, sometimes, I think I could kill you myself, just so no one could ever take you away from me. And I think, in my worst moments, I even want to.” this is absolutely a reg line 100%
10. “They do that until they don't have to keep doing that, and then do that some more, just because. They kiss lazily, just because. They breathe the same air, just because. They lay there pressed together, just because. They're in love, just because.” there are a good few people this one could be about but i’m hoping it’s james and reg because i want to see them happy again
11. “I know you won't remember, but I—I forgive you, sweetheart. It's okay.” i’m going to start bawling my eyes out right here right now tbh
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burnt-scone · 10 months
I drew something based on my memories of visiting my brother in the hospital, and like I don't want to show my parents because I don't want to upset them, like they were there too but y'know. It's been almost 20 years but it still fucks all of us up. My brother doesn't even talk about it unless he's saying he doesn't want to go to the doctors office because he needs something as simple as a checkup.
Here it is
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His bed there had bars like a cell, they worried toddlers, and small children would climb and fall out. So, baby prison. He was always in so much pain, and he didn't understand why he was in pain. The only time he understood anything was when he was close to dying. He had this look in his eye. He knew that any moment he could die, his body didn't want to work anymore. He was two and on heavy radiation, chemotherapy, and went through blood l transfusions daily. He was so small. I knew he could die.
Doctors accidentally told my parents in front of me that they'd lost hope they could save my brother. I learned that day at five-six years old, you can go into shock by hearing something that horrible. I had a massive seizure in response to going into shock.
I forgot Spanish, my abcs, how to count, etc... I have problems retaining information now, simple things like a word I read before switching pages or what I did that morning.
I also have CPTSD, smells trigger it, and hospital floors with the same layout as the one he was on. It's mostly the cleaner they use, I smell that floor cleaner, and I'm instantly consumed with fear for my brother. He's sick, he's dying, and there's nothing I can do. Same with the hospital floors, I'm back in that hospital praying and hoping my brother doesn't leave me, we were eachothers only friends, and we did everything together. How was I supposed to live without him, and why would the doctors give up so easily.
They killed him. Not for long, but they did. They had switched lav results with him and another patient. One patient had a cold, and my brother had Sars-03 a varient of Covid. He was not treated appropriately and developed staph. He coded, his heart stopped first. When he spoke, he had this condition. It's the same as Cerebral Palsy, but not because he was two.
He went to a new hospital, and they saved him, and all these years later, he much better, but through is own work. He went from unable to move nor speak like he could before. He is semi verbal, can sign what he can, and can push his wheel chair. He has brought himself so far.
I know he's safe now, but randomly, I am hit with waves of fear that he's dying or dead. I feel like I'm watching him in that hospital bed, not understanding why he's so tired and in so much pain. And then I can't do anything for the rest of the day for myself. I'm just in constant anxiety for the rest of the day. Sometimes, I'm trying to sleep, and suddenly, I'm hit with a wave of fear. I hate it. I just want to not be scared anymore, he's not in that cell of a bed. And his screenings are always negative. He's fine.
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big ass postal headcanon dump incoming
Postal Dude in General ⦁ His toes look fucking horrendous but his fingers are fine. Largely bc he bites his nails so damn much. ⦁ He has a bad/good habit of looking EVERYWHERE around Paradise just to collect all the possible goodies he can find before finishing his objectives. Good because well…You can never be too armed in this godforsaken town, but bad bc it takes all day for him to do a list of chores. ⦁ Dude would only kill your ass if you're either trying to kill him or if you're being either obnoxious/annoying to him. He's not opposed to robbing stores of 5$ milk and breaking and entering people's houses for goodies. Chaotic neutral but could lean more on either good or evil depending on his mood/how he feels about the person or situation. ⦁ Speaking of, the best way to be well aquainted with Dude is to either give him free drugs (Weed and/or Crack are pretty good choices), or food (like a pizza, blue daiquiri froyo, Hell it doesn't even have to be his favorite anyway, just the thought that counts). Also if you're nice to Champ. He wouldn't exactly befriend you as he's picky about who he lets in, that and he's probably one to enjoy non-hostile company just in general but not so much into the commitment that all relationships have, friendship included. Maybe with some exceptions. ⦁ Postal Dude is Bisexy. Most of the time he goes for women since well, they come to him first. That and he finds most of the men/other people in every place he goes to (Paradise, Catharsis, Edensin) to be not of his type, only just friends with them, and/or gross. He'd only want to fuck w/ them just for money. So when he does come across a guy or someone who is nb who actually interests him, he'd steadily test the waters. Being in a relationship though is a whole other thing entirely, as I feel like considering his past experiences (i.e. The Bitch), he's kinda rightfully picky about who he'd want to spend his life with. Edit: Also Corkscrew is a transman who prefers to be with women. ⦁ He can be very affectionate when he is in a relationship with someone he actually likes. Specifically, he's a massive cuddler, as the Postal Babes have joyously found out.
more under da line
Specific Postal Dude Headcanons ⦁ P3 is 6'8", PR, P2, P4, P1, Corkscrew, and Movie Dude is 6'4", Oh Sir! Dude is 5'5". Why? Technically his height was only introduced in Postal 3 and since RWS and most people tend to retcon it to oblivion I decided to create my own reality. Also imo the only obnoxiously tall people in fiction that are allowed are women, aliens, slenderman, nonhumans, stretchy fellows, and Doom Guy (or Doom Slayer, if you perfer). But P3 still gets to keep his lanky janky ass height
⦁ I like to think that each Dude is their own continuity/universe even if canon says otherwise. Think Into the Spiderverse but Postal Dude instead of Spiderman and that's basically it.
⦁ Corkscrew gets really ooey gooey whenever someone is giving him platonic and/or romantic yet not sensual attention, since he's so used to everybody being all horned up that the instant someone doesn't feel that way at all, or does something sweet without the intent to do naked backflips with him, he gets surprised enough to actually get flustered for once.
⦁ Oh Sir! Dude has a bad habit of constantly wanting to use as much mad libs insults as he possibly can. This results in what could've been just a small annoying moment into a 3 hour long arguement that is almost about to become a shoot out. He also hates tall people.
⦁ P3 is a ditz. He's basically the himbo of the whole Dude Regional Varients. He's also the best kisser of the Postal Dudes, right up there with PR.
⦁ P1 is distrustful of everyone, but he wishes he wasn't. It doesn't help that Paradise is a very crime-heavy area, which obviously causes more very justified paranoia against everyone. He just wishes to live a normal life and have friends, but yet his own fears simply won't let him.
⦁ PR is somewhat like P1, but he actively tries his best to overcome his own paranoia without the use of any therapy/help as that shit is expensive but he wants to get better. If anything it's just that it feels like the world is actively going against him every time he tries. Not Important Headcanons ⦁ I like to think that the achievement names that you get in Hatred are the actual thoughts going through Not Important's head.
⦁ The Antagonist/Nottem is 6'2", Widowmaker is 5'7", Psychocop is 6', Recidivist is 5'10".
⦁ Not Important had always been a misanthrope who's also one of those Toxic True Crime Fans TM who like digging deep about killers that he finds interest in. I don't even necessarily think he had a tragic backstory, unless you count the potential of him being an ex-military, but even then it's never truely confirmed.
⦁ If Not Important and Postal Dude were to fight for some reason, here's how I THINK it would go: In terms of weapondry alone, Nottem could beat P1, PR, Oh Sir, and Movie Dude, but he'd be defeated by P2, P3, Corkscrew, and P4. NOW in terms of 1v1 hand to hand combat, I feel like Nottem could take them all out individually. THE THING IS THOUGH, Not Important would be so uncaring of his own well-being and so much of a Postal Dude stan that he wouldn't treat PD attacking him seriously. If anything, I can see him just pascifistically knocking PD out and just generally being like "Why you have to be mad?" like that one meme
⦁ Not Important would be able to pick up every Dude like a breeze (but not all of them at once, lmao), but only PR, P3, and maybe P2 on a good day could pick Not Important up, but they'd break a lotta sweat to do so. (PR could handle picking him up the longest, but P2 could collapse in seconds if not careful)
⦁ While Nottem heavily appreciates and looks up to PD, he will do anything it takes to basically outdo him in every way imagineable. It's not out of disrespect for PD obviously, but moreso a show of how much he made him superior than every human parasite on the planet. I imagine while some of them would be amused by this (P2, P3, P4, Corkscrew, and Oh Sir!), there'd be some who are absolutely mortified and wouldn't like Nottem's extreme need to 'beat' them at everything (P1, PR, and Movie Dude). When it comes to Nottem himself, he'd love it if someone was inspired by his heinous actions and wanted to even outdo him, like the DLC characters for example.
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subtle-edge-of-rot · 2 years
Aaaahhhh please, my little heart //// I'll do anything for you though babes, pardon if it's kinda long 👉👈
Bo having access again would start with the orgasm you give him while you're giving him the strap and it wouldn't end for hours after he recovers from it. You have him face down in his pillow out at the shop, trembling from how badly he needs you. There's no want, there's only a borderline sanity breaking need for you to fuck him.
Unlike with Vincent, you'll edge him for days by overwhelming him with your touch rather than the lack of. Giving him enough stimulant to get him up but not enough to relieve him. He'll be twitching under you while you finger him, moaning "mama" into his pillow while his hands are bound and he can't do anything to speed you along. He'll be groaning and gasping, feeling like you're torturing him while he's face down and his dick is leaking pre like a faucet. But you're not done yet, a hand against his ass while the other gets him prepped for the eventual.
"Please darlin', I-I need you..." While he stutters through your name. He's so worked up, so painfully hard and he doesn't want to cum without you directly making him. All you're doing is fingering his ass and here he is literally tearing up while he writhes under you. When you do finally decide to give in you prop yourself on your knees and tighten the latches to the strap, holding his hips and brushing it teasingly along until you decide to put it in.
He'll gasp and moan so hard his voice would nearly crack, sighing out from the sensation of being given what he needed. You'll move your hips a few times before reaching around and finishing stroking him so he spurts his climax against the sheets. Even when he cums though he won't soften, literally drooling while he asks you to keep fucking him. He'll want you to use him to tears, so relieved to finally have the release that his mind might blank out to everything but the pleasure you brought him.
When he wakes up in your arms its an entirely different story though, waking you up with head while he holds your hips to his face. He'll smirk at you with your cum on his face, knowing that it's just the beginning. He'll put you in all sorts of positions, slipping inside you and relishing in the way you squeeze him just right.
"Just like that baby..." While he sighs and snaps his hips to yours. He wants to remind you what you were missing, practically bending your knees to your chest while he crams his umpteenth orgasm into you. He knows you're sensitive after being absolutely ravaged, leaving bites and hickies all over you and cooing that you're being such a good girl (or your preffered varient). He'll ask you if you like being filled by him again, reassuring you that he's going to bruise that spongy g-spot of yours with a possessive glint in his eyes.
"C'mon darlin', you can cum again for me cant you? Just one more...." When you're so overstimulated you're seeing stars. He's railing you like he's angry, abusing your weeping sex like he owns it and needs to remind you of that fact. He'll lean down and kiss a stray tears, telling you that you look so pretty impaled on his cock and crying from the numbing pleasure. He'll push his hand just above the tummy bulge he gives you so he can listen to you whine out his name like it's the only word you know.
Bo'll mutter out how good you feel wrapped around him, saying all sorts of lewd praises to really get across how much he missed being able to relieve himself like this. Even when he does stop too, he'll pull you against his chest and rub circles between your shoulders while he promises a few more rounds when you can see straight again. Lester can shove off, having hogged you for far too long. It was his turn to keep you and whisper loving remarks to you while you get pumped full of him. He really did miss burying himself inside you, even if the teasing was worth it in the long run.
I brain is my favorite thing on the planet and never apologize for your asks being long I literally pop your words like pills into my fucking mouth ahhhh thank you for this
The duality of Bo in this scenario has me absolutely feral. I love it. Thank you so much for writing this all out. The way you write is just…whew it’s chef’s kiss.
Posting as is, nothing I could possibly add
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kob131 · 2 years
Assuming the meme with the anime gals is intended to be the same as the other varients on that joke I've seen floating around (and the format is identical, so I have to assume it is), yeah it's a potshot at anime nerds. Literally just "Your waifu isn't real, and wouldn't fuck you if she were"
Good for a cheap laugh, I suppose. And I certainly am in no position to criticize people for going for low-hanging-fruit with their jokes
Ah I see. I figured as much.
Really, I don't think the joke is very funny. Low hanging fruit can be funny if you can make a real punch with it but...everyone's made that joke. Anime nerds make that joke. It's like stating a fact: there's no impact.
And really...who WOULD want to fuck most waifus if real? Uzaki would be annoying, Nagatoro would be abusive, Marin likely wouldn't match well with you, Komi has serious communication issues and Yor...is terrifying just as a concept.
We like waifus because there's an element of fantasy to it. It's why anime girls can have huge honkerdoos- fantasy.
I know I'm probably taking this too seriously but- I feel like people take waifus and hentai too seriously and I feel someone should say 'it's a fantasy, relax.'
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okayigetitifuckedup · 2 months
What your favorite Mtn Dew varient says about you. According to me.
A reminder that this is based on my personal experience alone and should hold no bearing on your life as a whole.
Mtn Dew (Original): Radioactive Gamer Fuel, or Hillbilly Moonshine mixer, there is no inbetween.
Mtn Dew Voltage: The Sexist Mtn Dew. You Fuck.
Mtn Dew Code Red: Radioactive Gamer Fuel again, but this time, its only RPGs or First Person Shooters. Boring Gamer.
Mtn Dew Caffeine-Free: Why? What happened? Do you have a heart condition? Just drink Sprite, its so much better.... Oh... You're Stubborn. Must be.
Mtn Dew Voo-DEW: You're gay. You know it, I know it. Let's not pretend. This wasn't that good, but you love Halloween so much it doesn't matter, and only a fellow Queer could be so committed to the bit.
Mtn Dew Major Melon: You want everyone to know your favorite season is summer and that Wintertime sucks. You really need us to know.
Mtn Dew Spark: You're a little odd, a little different. Some would even say... Quirky.
Mtn Dew Sweet Lightning: You have excellent taste, and have been to a KFC since 2019. This requires no explaination. You may also be self-important, and think that people care about your opinions of ridiculous subjects, like what their favorite Mtn Dew means. Like who do you even think you are you pathetic high-handed shitbag bit-
Mtn Dew Baja Blast: You either don't really drink soda, but the hype around this one pulled you in so you tried it- and are okay with it, or more likely, you're a Taco Bell fanatic, who may or may not have Taco Bell merch.
Diet Mtn Dew: Baby New York City, Never was there ever a girl so pretty.
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scarafool · 1 year
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Art by blkventi on twt, clowndot on insta.
[PT: Art by blkventi on twt, clowndot on insta. /end pt]
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— a scaramouche fictive who goes by Scarlett. He/Him pronouns, too many sources and also a huge pain in the ass.
I do not have source memories (genshin impact game) and I don't want them either. I also don't like my source(genshin impact game) and would rather people only talk to/tell me about it to tell me how cool I look.
— dollkin, cat therian && an ageless adult. Fuck you.
— I don't mind - nicknames, pda, flirting.
I do mind - frontcall, petnames, edits, calls, vents, mentions of my kin / therian types. (Shut the fuck up.)
ask beforehand - courting, talking about my sources, pings, dms
— I don't care about doubles.
— I don't care what you do or say as long as you aren't a dick cause that's my job (💀).
— I'm doing whatever on this account which does include talks about human functions (shit like 'morning wood' n stuff.), don't like? Don't interact.
— I am apart of a system if it isn't obvious, I don't have a system role and even if I did it doesn't matter.
— I'm (unfortunately) matching with my boyfriend. ( @ventifool )
— Proshippers, Zoophiles, Comshippers, (NO)MAPs, anti xenogender, Anti Neopronouns, Racist, LGBTQphobia, nsfw/sfw only blogs, ddlg + varients, anti-anti, anti-yan, demonizes disorders, transid, anti agere/petre, syscourse, weird fans/stans, anti-irl, anti self diagnose, anti-mogai, hate genshin, anti-otherkin, endos/varients/supporters. (Not redoing.)
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— none.
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