#or i might legitimately break up with you for physics
dykrophone · 2 years
*gritting my teeth, covered in blood after spending another half an hour on yet another evil locus problem* babe you make it so hard to love you
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tenebraevesper · 1 year
The Observations of Miraculous Ladybug: The Tales of Wasted Potential
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This is a compilation of various rules and messages within and outside the Miraculous Ladybug universe that I had discovered while watching the show and participating in discussions over the years. I might write more of them, but for now, these are my current observations:
-If you’re the main heroine, you have no control over your emotions and you should be punished for even just breathing the wrong way.
-If you’re the main heroine, you need to be taught a lesson in every episode, regardless if it makes sense or the same lesson is being repeated ad infinitum.
-If you’re the main heroine, you’re not allowed to move on from your crush on the main hero, regardless of how much suffering you went through, because this action somehow breaks the rules of the universe.
-If you’re the main heroine, you’ll be subjected to shocking amounts of humiliation, emotional and physical abuse, all either for committing the crime of being a teenager or for “comedy” purposes. Sometimes its both.
-Obsessing over your crush is “funny” and it should be used to further humiliate the main heroine. Even better if it’s labeled as stalking.
-If you’re the main heroine, nobody cares about your mental health, regardless of how stressed out you are or if you’re close to a mental breakdown.
-If the Writers says only a year has passed in-universe, despite the contradictory evidence, then only a year has passed. Stop trying to make sense of the timeline because it is only supposed to make sense to the Writers.
-If you’re the main hero, look cute and wear a mask to hide your identity, you are free to harass the main heroine without being called out.
-Remember girls, telling the main hero “No!” or “I’m in love with someone else!” translates into “I’m playing hard to get”.
-No, the main heroine has no right to consent because the universe already paired her up with the guy who harasses her and still doesn’t understand that “No means no!”
-If you don’t obsess over your crush and think about them day and night, are you even in love with them?
-Unless you’re French and a Writer for Miraculous Ladybug, you have no right to criticize the show.
-Yes, that also goes for those who are professional Writers.
-Even if you have valid criticism backed up by proper arguments and are capable of discussing it in a civil manner, you will still be labeled as a hater and blocked.
-”Miraculous Ladybug is more popular than Pokémon!” [Source: Thomas Astruc]
-Everyone who doesn’t ship the Love Square is evil. No exception.
-If you’re a 14 year old teenage girl who was spoiled and emotionally neglected by her parents and your biggest crime was to bully people, you are irredeemable and deserve to burn in Hell.
-Somehow, a grown adult man who mentally, emotionally and physically abused his son, manipulated people into committing crimes, committed many acts of terrorism (including murder) and almost started WWIII on purpose is somehow more redeemable than a teenager who was manipulated and abused by said man.
-Oh, and the terrorist also gets a statue in his honor and is remembered as a hero after his death.
-If you’re the main hero, you are perfect and the world is flawed and needs to bow to your whims.
-If you’re the main hero, you don’t need character development. All you have to do is to whine and complain, and the universe will bend backwards for you and deliver everything on a silver platter.
-If you’re the main hero, knowing the main heroine’s secrets (which aren’t even hers to share!) is more important than saving the people. Who cares if people are dying, you need to know what your crush/co-worker is hiding for you!
-No matter of bad your lies are, as the B villain of the show, you have the power to lower everyone’s IQ to the point they’ll believe your lies. Also, Google doesn’t exist.
-Even if you have legitimate evidence that the Liar is, y’know, lying, you will be labeled as jealous.
-I’m amazed that Lila isn’t ruling the world when she has the superpower of making everyone stupid beyond belief.
-Paris is apparently isolated in its own bubble and the French government doesn’t exist. How else do you explain a teenage girl becoming the Mayor of Paris?
-The police in Paris is useless. Unless you’re Asian. Then they’ll SWAT you.
-Every great teacher knows that you punish the victim and reward the bully.
-You don’t want to write character development because it’s “too hard”? Replace the character with a cardboard cutout that is just like that character but nicer and/or perfect. Nobody will notice the difference!
-If they do and complain about it, label them as haters.
-If you’re the main hero, you will always get away with lying and gaslighting the main heroine. She is not allowed to contradict you because the Writers said so. If she does, the fandom will grab their torches and pitchforks to hunt her down and punish her.
-Mary Suethor Writing Advice 101: To redeem your character, reward them with a girlfriend or boyfriend. No, they don’t have to go through a redemption arc. No, evil characters don’t get paired up with anyone.
-The main heroes are not allowed to progress the story at all. That is reserved for the very character Astruc hates so much that he replaced him with the main hero.
-Being a mentor sucks! That’s why you can unload all of your responsibilities on the main heroine, who didn’t even want to be the main heroine in the first place, and peace out.
-We are going to show you precisely why the Love Square doesn’t work and is actually very toxic, but we will also pretend that had never happened in favor of shilling the Love Square.
-If you’re the main hero, you’re free to break anything you come across in a fit of rage. Don’t worry, the main heroine will fix it for you.
-If you’re the main hero, you will be forgiven for cheating on your girlfriend with someone who wants nothing with you because your current girlfriend isn’t your true love.
-If you are the main hero and can’t get together with the girl you had been obsessing over for 100+ Episodes, drop her and start a relationship with the girl you completely ignored but is now available. She’s a good enough replacement.
-If a child is being abused and/or emotionally manipulated, you should place the blame on the child and not on the adult who manipulated/abused them.
-The Status Quo will be upheld regardless of how ridiculous the show is about upholding it. If it doesn’t make sense, then it’s your problem and the Writers aren’t too blame.
-If you’re the main hero, you will be forgiven for attempted murder/actual murder of several teenagers, but God forbid you don’t feel bad for almost murdering the main villain.
-If you’re the main hero and don’t try to murder the guy who made fun of your girlfriend, are you even in love?
-Toxic relationships should be admired and looked up to.
-Somehow, 5 Seasons of filler are considered more important and impactful than any actual story progression.
-Who needs lore and world-building? Let’s shove that sucker into a comic book no one will ever read.
-Common sense doesn’t exist in this world.
-Neither to therapists nor CPS.
-Falling in love and getting together with your love interest will result in the destruction of the world and you should be ashamed for thinking love was anything but destructive.
-The main villain will win.
-Let me repeat that: THE MAIN VILLAIN WILL WIN!
-If you’re an adult male and your OTP isn’t winning, you are free to assault a teenage girl and force her to be with the teenage boy you consider her ideal partner.
-If you’re the main hero and you have caused a huge problem (think “abandoning the city you were supposed to protect” or “murder a girl” type of problem), the solution to it is to abandon your partner and let her solve it for you. Don’t worry, you’re a Gary Stu, everyone will forgive you for your “mistakes” or completely gloss over them.
-Calling a liar out on their lies is hypocritical and you should be ashamed of yourself.
-You cannot consider yourself a best friend unless you have committed the following acts: intruding on your friend’s privacy and break her stuff, cause her emotional distress for your own validation, force her into a situation that causes her to freak out or get hurt and then scream at her for not following a plan you never told her about.
-Doing something innocent with your powers, like delivering a gift, will result in the end of the world.
-Somehow, a candy cane suit is considered stylish. Yeah, I still don’t understand how Gabriel is a fashion designer with that kind of taste in outfits.
-All female superheroes should have skintight suits with the camera focusing on their breasts/butt. Have I mentioned that they’re all minors?
-The main hero doesn’t have to participate in the finale. Him learning that his father was the main villain will ruin his perfect image of his family and that is not allowed. We need to mollycoddle him to death.
-Instead of developing your support characters, make them all collectively share a single braincell. Mob mentality at its best!
-Who needs depth when they all have the minimal requirement of one character trait?
-If you break up with your boyfriend, go for his identical cousin. They already look the same and the cousin at least has a spine. Win-Win!
-Any important plot points will be swept under the rug and be forgotten about.
-Félix is still the best character in this show! I will die on this hill!
-Somehow, a 3 minute PV!Trailer delivers more than 100+ episodes of the Miraculous Ladybug show.
-FanFic Writers do a better job at writing than professional Writers. That’s not an opinion, that’s a fact.
-You want to add to or remove something from the story, but it creates a plot hole? Just retcon it and lie to your audience that this was always your intention regardless if it makes sense in the narrative.
-If the fans question you about the retcons, call them haters and block them.
-”This is a kids show!” is a valid excuse for lazy writing, according to Miraculous Ladybug Writers (and some fans).
-Negative emotions are bad and will turn you into a monster. You are not allowed to feel angry or sad at all.
-Characters are not allowed to make logical decisions. That would make them *le gasp* competent!
-Every support character is obligated to worship the Love Square. If they don’t, they’re the spawn of Satan.
-Gaslighting your crush into bending over backwards to your whims is considered romantic.
-If you’re a superhero, you are considered a celebrity and have no rights to privacy. The whole population of Paris is entitled to know who you’re dating.
-Unless you’re the main heroine or the bully, you won’t be faced with the consequences of your actions.
-Yes, even the villain gets away without any consequences.
-Miraculous Ladybug is about spectacle over substance. Don’t expect anything resembling good writing. Or anything that requires to think about the plot more than five seconds.
-Somehow, a teenage boy who attempted to kiss the main heroine once and got punched by her is more demonized than the main hero who did the same for 100+ episodes and still doesn’t care that “No means no”.
-Character development is overrated. Same goes for any story progression.
-If you’re the main hero, you’re free to abandon your partner in a moment of crisis and shirk your responsibilities. You’ll still be forgiven and everyone will act as if nothing happened. Same goes for attempting to murder your partner’s best friend.
-Being a good parent involves emotionally neglecting your daughter and abandoning her, as well as punishing her by sending her to live with her abusive mother. You don’t have to take any responsibilities for your actions and you can easily replace the “evil” daughter with a “good” daughter who isn’t even related to you.
-You are not allowed to sympathize with an abused child, but it is a-okay to sympathize with the abuser.
-The main heroine will always be punished, whether she deserves it or not. She is obligated to solve everyone’s problems regardless whether they’re strangers to her.
-For some reason, disciplining the bully is the obligation of the victim rather than, oh, I dunno... the parents and the teacher!
-It doesn’t matter if you’re an abusive father and a terrorist, you’ll still be forgiven if you did it out of love for your wife.
-If you like a character, but the majority of the fandom hates them, you will be bullied to death (I’m serious about this, this has happened).
-Rather than developing established relationships, it is more fun to add unnecessary love interests to complicate things, only to drop them in the next episode with no development and act like nothing happened.
-If you’re the main heroine and asking for help from other superheroes because your own partner is ditching you for no given reason, then you’re cheating (yes, it was phrased like that) on your partner and you should be ashamed of yourself.
-I hate Kuro Neko. Adrien is insufferable in that episode.
-If someone tells you “they’re made for each other”, you need to accept that you’re destined to only be with that person and no one else. No, you have no say in that.
-”She’s just a friend” is not a valid excuse for being dense as a brick.
-Seriously, if anyone brings up those quotes again, I’ll hit them with a brick.
-If you are paired up with someone, you are not allowed to have a life outside your love interest. That goes especially for the Love Square.
-Everyone in this show is an idiot to some degree. Félix is the one who holds all of the braincells, while Lila learned to break the system and metagame.
-If you want a better show that focuses on magic and romance, go watch any mahou shoujo anime in existence and spare yourself the hours you’re gonna waste with this show.
-How Miraculous Ladybug Should’ve Ended? Félix dusts Gabriel in Emotion and tells Adrien and Marinette that Gabriel was the Monarch. End of story.
If you have made any observation, leave a comment about it in the replies, because I’m sure that I missed some.
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a-d-nox · 27 days
web of wyrd: best months for weddings and potential issues that could arise
ever wonder why may is such a popular month for marriage? why you rarely see people who marry in september staying together? the date you select for your special day matters according to the matrix! in honor of my best friend getting engaged, i will be a little more focused on love and romance posts than you typically would see from me. reminder the post is focused on the WEDDING EVENT MONTH (this is the highest outcome - but the energy can be out of balance which is why i am including negatives (which usually are part of the karmic tail)). in order to see future dates, use gollov's site and the "personal" calculator!
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january (1 - the magician)
positive: couple is capable of making the life you really desire together come to fruition.
negative: might be an elopement that goes south (shotgun wedding or an annulment is needed). getting stood up at the altar vibes.
february (2 - the high priestess)
positive: having a very deep connection long term - that goes way beyond topical concepts.
negative: a big secret comes out and ruins the day and/or a scandal occurs.
march (3 - the empress)
positive: a very fruitful relationship, a loving partnership, likely to create a large family when the union occurs.
negative: MOB or MOG makes the wedding all about her and is overbearing about the event.
april (4 - the emperor)
positive: a very stable relationship where both partners are protective of one another
negative: FOB or FOG might be a buzz kill or has a tangible dislike of someone in their new married family.
may (5 - the hierophant)
positive: makes for a committed and traditional relationship.
negative: there are likely a few guests who are all on their own and/or there might be a few people how have known beef with one another. maybe the bride doesn't like one of the groomsmen or the groom doesn't like one of his bride's guests...
june (6 - the lover)
positive: having a marriage full of love and partnership; makes a soulmate tie.
negative: someone could interrupt the ceremony by opposing the officiant because they can't "forever hold their peace". otherwise, there might be doubt or drama surrounding the coupling.
july (7 - the chariot)
positive: might have had a lot of relationships obstacles to get to the point of marriage, but the determination to be together and stay together makes for a lasting/enduring relationship
negative: there could be a car accident or break down that slows down or ruins the day
august (8 - strength)
positive: resilience is what holds the coupling together along with understanding and compassion for one another
negative: a physical fight may occur among the wedding party or the guests.
september (9 - the hermit)
positive: this is likely to be a small/private ceremony. the couple is on a spiritual journey with one another and they know it.
negative: cold feet might occur regarding marriage - could be left at the altar. there is also a greater likelihood of divorce with this energy as the hermit is on a SOLO journey.
october (10 - the wheel of fortune)
positive: marriage is part of this couple's destiny, but so are the inevitable ups and downs within the relationship.
negative: something unpredictable is likely to occur/happen that can ruin the event itself.
november (11 - justice)
positive: there is likely a prenuptial agreement in place or this might be organized and arranged by the parents of the couple which speaks for the relationship long term...
negative: another high stakes month in terms of staying together - legal matters are part of this marriage (divorce is likely). or someone may have a legitimate reason to object the marriage.
december (12 - the hanged man)
positive: the couple is prepared to let go of the past and enter a life long marriage with an open mind.
negative: someone in the partnership is likely to feel trapped in the relationship - growing to resent one another is pretty common with this month given the theme.
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sugar-grigri · 2 months
Do you feel Asa's been underutilized these last chapters? I trust in Fuji but he kinda skipped over a lot of interest developments for her (her fame, her arm, Denji's identity, even the alley to some extent)
Has Fujimoto really forgotten Asa? 
That's an interesting question, and I think you're not the only one who thinks so. It's a pretty legitimate criticism and I'm not here to deny those concerns. No one can predict whether Asa's character development and treatment will be up to scratch. Since it's an answer that's answered at the end of a work. 
I think so too, just in the realization of the feelings, I would have liked it to be a little more tortured and focused on that. You could say that since Fujimoto seems to be trying to set up a fairly dense scenario, that too much concentration on the sentimental and internal debates between the characters would break the rhythm. What I'd like to say is that, if this is Fujimoto's intention...
CSM has already suffered from a loss of rhythm.
Worse, this loss of pace was achieved by focusing on Denji's character.
Worse still, Fujimoto preferred to concentrate on Denji's malaise, putting Asa aside. 
I think it's important that Asa regains her role as protagonist. I know this may come as a shock, but despite my analysis, I sometimes get fed up with the focus on Denji. Even when I thought she'd be back in the light, when she was ready to save Denji, the focus was irrevocably on him when he woke up. I find that Denji's character takes up an enormous amount of space in relation to the treatment of the others, and that wasn't the case at all in Part 1. 
As much as Yoshida is written as a mystery, Asa is less so: she's a character built on the need to question her every action.
Does it really make sense for her to want to help Chainsaw Man? It's not at all, but it's treated as a logical consequence of CSM saving her. You're right, we don't exploit at all the fact that she has to mentally and emotionally unite her feelings for CSM and Denji when she learns who she is. It would have been super interesting to exploit the fact that it's a difficult exercise because she doesn't feel the same way about one as the other. 
As for the masturbation scene, I agree and disagree with the two opposing sides that analyze this scene. For me, given the narrative coherence of Asa's character and the way it's written, it should have been a tsunami. For me it's a sexual assault on Denji and Asa committed by Yoru, but it's also a destruction of the way Asa tries to protect her. Again, it could have been exciting to exploit that just as Asa influences Yoru with her feelings, Yoru influences Asa by putting her in danger and having an influence on her fear, not realizing the wounds that can be inflicted on her, whether physical (lost hand), or mental (this assault). But no, it's hidden. And that's where I agree with those who argue that it's """"consented"""". Not by saying it is. But for the fact that Fujimoto does treat this scene as it is, and decides to euphemize it so as not to dwell on it too much. It was the worst possible way to go, and I'm really disappointed. Not for deciding to make this scene. But for not exploiting it. 
I'm sorry, but it's really in the treatment of Asa's character that I don't have much hope and that I'm disappointed. At times, I even get the impression that Fujimoto wanted to exploit Denji's final love interest a little, developing her until she wanted to save him. And then it's good! We've got our saviour. 
I want Asa to be exploited just as much as I want Yoru to be exploited. Fami is separate, and so is death. They themselves are sources of mystery. But if Asa is a protagonist, so is Yoru. Or at least a deuteragonist. It might have been interesting to exploit the pov of a knight of the apocalypse. Exploiting and developing this hatred for CSM, the affectation of feelings that can make this hatred more passionate. But again, nothing. 
I'm not saying that Denji's arc didn't add anything. All my analyses are here to explain how it differs from what has been said. Did it have to be done by focusing massively on Denji? Without any variation in points of view? Seriously, I know Fujimoto can do it. He just decided not to.
So the result is that I'm raging for Asa. And I'll eat my fist if I see that Yoshida isn't coming back and is still underused. 
Worse, Denji's character is getting on my nerves. 
There, that was salty grigri. 
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weebsinstash · 1 year
So we agree, the Spot is just as fuckable as Miguel. These two are both incredible, just both at INSANELY opposite ends of the spectrum. Like I want Miguel to breed me, where as I feel like I want the same with Spot just where I’m more the dom? Idk tho, Spot at the end of the movie def would go back to his s/o’s apartment while waiting for Miles, def would be hate fuckin you con or noncon style, but would also def be so apologetic after he had cum a couple times
Spot who hates Miles Morales so fucking much because he not only caused him to mutate in the collider incident but the accident killed his s/o/crush (you) and now it's like "oh, hey, this is funny but, would you believe me if I said we used to date? Ha ha anyways i was thinkin we could pick up where we left off :)" And maybe he's either telling the truth or he's full on delusional, thinking you two were in love and "sending all kinds of passionate signals" when in reality you were just like, being a respectful coworker and being polite to him and shit you'd be pretty uh in danger if his original you survived and became some sort of multiverse jumping being as well because then he's, you know, CHASING YOU, he thought you had been gone forever, he thought he had lost everything in his life important to him, literally everything, his own physical body becoming unrecognizable, unable to have love, respect, even just a normal life, truly becoming a broken man, but here you are, still left behind, maybe even just as he remembers you visually
I saw a post saying he has Sans energy and it's like. Yeah actually. Funny Little Man Energy. Except The Spot is kind of a poor little wet cat out in the rain who's a lil pathetic tbh and Sans is like a sarcastic troll in a non serious well intentioned way but, the Energy is similar kwim.
Jonathan just being like half apologetic half self indulgent freak the whole time
God. Fucking. Just picture this. The whole thing happens to him, you know, the movie stuff, he's out for revenge, constantly disrespected by Miles, other villains, he lost his entire way of living a normal life, literally, he doesn't even have the peace of having a normal body anymore, AND he lost his beloved "fiance" in the accident and he's just absolutely going insane and he finds you again, YOU you, HIS you, somehow survived, and he goes to you to speak to you AND YOURE JUST LIKE "WAIT WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU" he was just projecting the whole time and you're confused and it just shatters his fantasy but you know what he decides he should get whatever he wants now, take whatever he wants, his powers open all kinds of doors, and he'll make this universe the one where he has you
Also if Spot doesn't have genitals or maybe you're using like, the Wookie rule I think is rhe term for it, he could literally get you any kind of toy or anything from anywhere. He could do ANYTHING to you, watch anything happen to you, use Any kind of gadget on you that he wanted in place of whatever he may be missing. Since he only has so many physical capabilities, he might as well get his pleasure in the satisfaction and pride of bringing you to, like, orgasmic insanity
Miguel just. God I have a draft for him, right, based off of the concept of Reader slowly kind of being pushed to a mental breaking point by Miguel pushing them to do a specific job in the Spider Society only THEY can do, and he's pushing you and telling you its for the greater good because it does legitimately hold the multiverse together, it keeps people from breaking canon, it's a memory wiping thing, but it's emotionally and mentally taxing on you and the nature of the job makes you a social pariah and, it's a struggle of wanting to hate and refuse him for pressuring you into all this when you actually WANT to trust him as your friend and leader and even want to love him vs also he's lowkey taking advantage of the stress the job causes on you so he can be the only one there to support you when you're in crisis mode cause, yeah its for the greater good, and gosh he hates seeing you cry such big fat tears, but it IS so nice to get to be the one to hold you when you're so desperate for some kind of anchor and support that you hug him. God I bet hugs from him are something else....
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the-s1lly-corner · 9 months
Hello, I saw that this account can write for creepypastas so can I please have some headcanons for characters such as Laughing Jack, Eyeless jack and slenderman (and maybe Jason the toymaker) with a S/O who often holds their emotions and anger in and gets easily annoyed and frustrated but they dislike telling them the problem (like out of fear of being humiliated or lack of trust)
Laughing Jack, Eyeless Jack and Slenderman x reader who bottles up emotions but becomes irritable!
not at all confident in my writing for jason since i never really got into him </3 hope thats okay !! runs around ehehehehehe another creepypasta request (chews) AND its with my favorites unrelated to this post but ik i said i was gonna get on that grind but admin hasnt ate yet today and he hungers for sammy so me thinks im going to knock out this request then take a quick break then come back!!
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honestly as much as i love this clown, hes a clown at the end of the day. he doesnt take many things seriously, and when he does hes still giggling and treating it lightly. so arguably, between these three he might be the worst.. unless having this goofy fuck trying relentlessly to get a smile on your face is helpful to you, at least in the short-term.. he DOES notice that youre tense and upset, but hes more likely to try to cheer you up or get you to laugh or smile instead of actually asking whats wrong with you. though, if youre crying.. i think thats where hed drop everything and ask if theres something going on. its that little caretaker bit in him thats still lingering from before he got all twisted, you know?
does not have much to say or any solutions, but he does offer to hold you while you cry or yell, hell he would even let you hit him around if it makes you feel better; though hes a little touched that the offer gives you pause.. clown physics be damned, you dont want to do that. crying/yelling into his chest it is then.. hes pretty soft and warm, i think.. might even start purring to try to soothe you during the tail end of your whole thing.. i know i just said that he doesnt have much to say but i think theres like. a tiny chance he would drop the most profound and effective reassurance.. so you know what maybe hes not the WORST, its just getting him to stop being silly can be a little tough...
dont snap at him, hes either going to keep riling you up or hes going to legitimately get angry, theres no in-between and it depends on the day and jack doesnt have the sense or thought to step away to let you guys cool down
doing ej first, but i think between the three hes the worst with you. not because he cant relate to you or that he doesnt care about you; but out of... him not being able to understand. which is a little funny since a lot of my hcs for him and his whole deal has to deal with suppressing himself but i think emotions and eating flesh are two different things. shrugs... every blunt with just telling you to talk to him, which can sometimes come off as cold and uninterested but rest assured thats not really his intention. he DOES care about you, but hes not exactly the softest person in this situation... rare that hes around when youre out and about doing things, given hes a hermit and is very careful about not getting seen... but when you do come to visit and he notices something is up with you he does ask if you need to talk. will snap back if youre being short with him, though, so both of you guys are going to need to take a few minutes before continuing the conversation to try to find a solution... if one can be found; he studied to be a doctor, not a therapist
though... i think overtime he would pick up on cues and things that make you untense just a tiny bit, and i just know he would utilize it. massages? hes already working the tension in your shoulders down. favorite food? sure hes not the best cook and he might have to go raid your pantry if hes visiting, but hes going to try his best to make you some food! just want to sit in the quiet? jacks already a pretty quiet guy, not too chatty, so youre set there already... wanna talk? he will listen, but a lot of his advice and solutions are more logical and straight forward rather than emotionally driven..
oh you dont think he would notice that you bottle your feelings up and shove them down? get real, he may not be the best with reading humans and understanding them but hes not clueless with your feelings. but do i think he would ask you to talk and open up? its hard to say... because on one hand i love the idea of slenderman just minding his own business, but i also enjoy the fatherly energy the old fandom have assigned him to... and finding a middle ground here is a little... hard... shrugs. he does take you away from situations that have you stressing out very quickly, though.. if youre alone? its as easy as just taking you and dipping.. but if youre around people (with slenderman standing off to the side out of sight, of course) hes going to wait until everyone is looking away. side note but to others it has definitely looked like you disappeared when a bus passed LMAO
rather than straight up asking you whats wrong and trying to coax you into speaking, i think he would give you journals so you can get your emotions out in some way... but if you want to talk to him, hes not going to stop you. centuries of living but not interacting much with others does offer some interesting advice, typically in the form of self care and meditation rather than trying to express your discomforts to others before they have the chance to stomp all over you... shrugs.. but if youre being irritable around him, similar to ej i think hes going to have to detach for a moment to avoid any conflict, though i dont think he would snap back at you unless you do something that REALLY gets under his skin.. buuuuut simple snark isnt going to do shit
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kandisheek · 7 months
Cold Space, Warm Welcome by Annie D (scaramouche)
Pairing: Steve/Tony Rating: T Words: 15,572 Tags: Sci-Fi, Misunderstandings, Pining Steve
Summary: Tony’s spent a couple of years flying around the galaxy in his best friend Rhodey’s spaceship the Iron Advance, doing what could perhaps be counted as ‘hero’ work. Among their allies is Steve Rogers, captain of his own crew, with whom Tony has a… potentially friendly relationship. When Steve’s ship is irreparably damaged, Rhodey takes him and his whole crew onto the Iron Advance to recover. Tony’s not at all nervous about this, because so what if this is the first time Steve will see him without the Iron Man armor?
Reasons why I love it: Steve is so whipped for Tony, oh my god. I adore their dynamic here, and it's so much fun to see all of Steve's fumbling attempts to make his interest known from Tony's point of view, who is utterly oblivious. And the setting itself is fantastic, it really paints a picture of what their lives in space are like. I love this fic to bits, and I bet you will too!
The Scars of Your Love by blue_jack
Pairing: Steve/Tony Rating: M Words: 5,462 Tags: Scars, Angst with a Happy Ending, Breaking Up and Making Up
Summary: On the day Peggy moved out, Steve stood naked in front of the mirror and looked at all the ragged lines running over his body. He felt like someone had taken a knife to him, slicing every inch open, and he didn’t understand how there wasn’t any blood. He traced one particularly thick scar on his stomach, gritting his teeth against the pain, the memory of the first time he’d brought Peggy over to meet his family and all the teasing that had accompanied it burning through his mind. He couldn’t imagine her marks ever disappearing, and in that moment, he didn’t want them to, didn’t want to ever expose himself to that much hurt again. Once in a lifetime was enough.
Reasons why I love it: Having heartbreak leave actual, physical scars on your body is such a kickass concept. Emotional pain is so real it often feels like it should leave scars, and Steve sure hasn't been spared during his lifetime. I really like how the whole later conflict with Tony is set up because of Steve's relationship with Peggy. It feels very true to Steve's character that he acts the way he does. And oh my god, poor Tony. I love this one, please go and check it out!
Missing and Ravished by SailorChibi
Pairing: Steve/Tony Rating: E Words: 8,760 Tags: Serial Killer Steve, Officer Tony, Gore
Summary: Officer Tony Stark really did not mean to fall in love with a serial killer.
Reasons why I love it: This might sound weird, but if canon Steve ever became a serial killer, I imagine that it would be exactly like this. I love the whole premise of the fic, of Tony being torn between his duty, his morales and his emotions, and the moment it all comes crashing down is immensely satisfying. I love everything about this fic, so I hope you give it a shot!
Steve Rogers' Life Is Not A Romance Movie (He Wouldn't Get The References, Anyway) by someonelsesheart
Pairing: Steve/Tony, Pepper/Natasha Rating: T Words: 7,909 Tags: High School AU, Humor, Enemies to Lovers
Summary: Steve hasn't always had this ridiculous crush on Tony Stark. (Or, the one where Steve is his polite old self and doesn't really hate Tony Stark (unfortunately), Tony is a child progidy and apparently a cab driver now, too, and high school is still high school, even when you are the son of a billionaire.)
Reasons why I love it: Steve the spitfire makes an appearance! They're both such dorks in this, and the way they stand up for each other in front of bullies legitimately makes my heart melt. Also, Pepper and Natasha are queens, and I adore them with my whole heart. Definitely check this one out, it's adorable!
Stellar Love Affairs by AvengersNewB, BladeoftheNebula
Pairing: Steve/Tony Rating: E Words: 5,407 Tags: A/B/O (Omega Tony, Alpha Steve), Mating Cycles, Space AU
Summary: Captain Steve Rogers gets assigned to command the starship Avenger. Everything is going as expected until he sets eyes on Tony Stark, who happens to be the first omega Steve's ever met.
Reasons why I love it: A Star Trek fusion, A/B/O, fuck or die fic written by two of my favorite people in this fandom? It's like this fic was written for me! I love everything about it, from the worldbuilding to the smut to them getting their heads out of their asses and finally communicating. It's fantastic, and I highly recommend you check it out for yourself!
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I don't know if this has been addressed, but what is Floyd's "squeezing"? I assumed he dragged students away to beat them up since the victims always reacted with fear. However, if Floyd's tsum copies his behavior, is he literally just squeezing students with all his might? It seems a little anticlimactic to elicit such a response because of a tight hug, don't you think? I mean, it will obviously hurt to be crushed, but it's better that getting beat up, right? 🤔
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Interpreting Floyd's squeezing as only a "tight hug" is... well, it's sort of downplaying the harm he's causing to other people 😅 Depending on the context in which the phrase "squeezing" is used, I do believe it's a euphemism that can either mean beating people up (in a general sense) or actually squeezing them (because he is shown to do both). EDIT: In some contexts, “squeezing” can also mean playful hugs. It’s just that most of the time when Floyd’s threatening to squeeze mob students or other characters in the main cast, it’s meant in a more malicious way.
One thing you should keep in mind is that the size difference between regular Floyd and tsum Floyd is significant. Tsum Floyd does not have the arm or body length to completely wrap around someone, but regular Floyd definitely does (especially if we consider his merform). Therefore, even though they carry out the same action, the results are not necessarily 1:1. LOOK AT TSUM FLOYD'S NUBS, YOU THINK YOU CAN ACTUALLY DO A PROPER FULL BODY SQUEEZE WITH THOSE????? At most, it can handle someone's arm. Given Floyd's larger stature and longer limbs (to completely ensnare others), he'd be able to deal much more damage. There's a very clear example of Floyd "squeezing" someone so hard that they pass out early in episode 3 of the main story. He's strong enough to make them lose consciousness with physical strength alone, and (if we really want to go into darker fandom interpretations), this may even imply strangulation 💦 Floyd also has a number of voice lines in which he promises to "wring" people out, meaning he knowingly applies as much pressure as possible to deprive his victims of air. It isn’t some accident or an “oppise”, it’s intentional. Consider his merfom as well; he could easily coil around his enemies and squeeze them until they go blue in the face and their eyes pop. Just because Floyd squeezes people on land without the tail doesn't mean the matter is any less serious. Restricting someone's movements in general and/or cutting off their air supply will naturally elicit a panic of fear response. There's also the possibility of Floyd squeezing someone so hard that it damages their internal structures (ie like how even helpful movements like CPR compressions can break the ribs). "Crushing" someone in this manner is something that I would consider the same as "being beat up", not "better than" or "worse than". It's still damage, it's still legitimate fear and trauma. It's cruel, period, and the other characters' apprehensive reactions are 100% valid.
Again, tsum Floyd is presented much differently than regular Floyd. They don't match in size, and there is much more of an overall innocent, playful energy to the Tsumtsums. Them being a part of an event also says a lot about their presentation; TWST events are much more lighthearted than how the characters are typically portrayed in the main story. Mismatched anatomy aside, of course TWST won't show tsum Floyd squeezing students so hard they pass out. That's not the vibe the event is going for, so when tsum Floyd squeezes, it’s meant to be playful/cute and not at “full power” capacity.
(Side note: this is NOT to say that Floyd isn't capable of just normal behavior or genuine tight hugs/playful squeezes as well. He can do those too!! I'm just saying when he does threaten to "squeeze" others, there is always the potential for very real damage to be involved.)
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emmatgc · 9 months
The What Ifs and Assumptions they said, now its finally high time to answer with a BANG
Num #1 :Grace and Tommy will still break up ultimately, they will fight. He keeps things from her and she didn't saw the other side of Tommy. What if she saw? She couldn't handle it all. She will leave him. That's why Lizzie is better.
Tommy and Grace had 5 years together physically, 2 years apart after the 1st year and 2 years before the wedding. Don't you think they didn't quarreled or fought? They did! The show implied though that despite provocations, Tommy doesn't shouts at Grace and wants to fix the problem or fight asap. Freaking cute right? A cold blooded killer wooing his wife not to fight or be mad at him anymore. Thats Tommy with Grace. Then, what's this non sense of they might still willingly breakup huh? Heck, they were apart for 2 years and both were f*cking crazy with each other and ehem never stopped fookin each other, at least in their heads! Tommy was a mistress by all accounts, he is fine with that, his son a bastard for 2 years, didn't care and he is the King of Birmingham at that point! 🤣 Oh, don't forget Grace was a spy, an undercover agent. I believe she can handle herself quite ok. Thank you!
Newsflash! Grace left already but returned why would she leave again? When Tommy bought her that arrow house in the country side! Tommy filters what he shares, true, and why? Did he ever tell Lizzie everything? For heavens sake, he change the safe codes after they sleep together when she told her he knew haha what was that? He doesn't trust her, at least not completely. She was loyal hmm esp when it suits her purpose, too. With Grace, he doesn't want to share everything to protect them and not put her or them in danger. Legitimate business is the priority. That's a very big difference.
Lizzie was and will always not be better.
Num #2: Tommy would have cheated in the long run even if Grace is alive
Hell No! Like I said, he may have cheated with others and thought of them as Grace so why on earth would he cheat on the actual person he dearly wants, loves and adores for? Not to mention desires and lusts over totally the way a man so in love should. He wants the original, he has it already. Why would he cheat with a copy cat? He would never cheat on her.
Num #3 Grace wouldn't understand Tommy if she would have lived, she wanted him to change. Lizzie accepted everything of Tommy.
Ummmm nope. Tommy wanted to CHANGE the moment he SAW GRACE in that pub. How so? He already cared by asking her as twisted as it was but its Tommy "are you a whore" scene. He cared more for her during the dance and her jerk kimber move , and well verbally implied he is undeserving of her thus he WILL change after 1 night of making love. Just 1 night! Grace and Tommy are the same. They both had said it. What makes you think Grace wouldn't understand? She killed a man for him, what did lizzie do exactly? Distract enemies, yeah. Great. The nerve to ask or assume she wouldn't understand his dark side. Lizzie did not accept Tommy fully in fact she whines constantly and wanting him to change for her, too. For Her! Thinking he would change! Grace made him think for himself. Others just demands of it.
Num #4 Tommy loved Lizzie more or the most.
Before I answer, how can you even say this? Tommy, breathless in Grace's presence and humbled by her wit, beauty and status. Does things only a man in love does- Kiss passionately, make love sincerely, tease each other, back hugs, neck kisses and sought after her, constantly. Does not cheat on her. He needs her. He fookin needs her so bad. He listens to her. Doesn't yell not treat her like dirt. Doesn't own her like a property and doesn't pay for sex. Yes it changed, she got promoted but very limited love or affectionate if you call it. "In this room , I love you?" What does that mean? after this, I don't anymore? Tommy supposed to be a man of no limitations eh? but for Lizzie, he certainly has. Tommy yearns for Grace even after her death. A simple gesture of sitting down beneath the huge portrait he didn't take down can calm him. A strand of her hair symbolizing his undying devotion and you call that less of what we saw in Seasons 4 to 6? Ridiculous! You think of Grace is alive and Grace wanted to leave , he will be ok with it? Of course not. Lizzie left. Not a word from Tommy. They were miserable together most of the time. Accept it. There were flashes of joy, ill give you that but the love, the romance and flame, never the same, never even there.
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Num #5 (oh my favorite)
Tommy only married Grace for the baby.
Hmmm i think you are confusing it with the other one. Tommy will marry Grace with or without the baby. He broke up with May even without assurance Grace is staying but with certainty in his mind she was sailing away. Tommy even said to her to lie about the baby and let her husband believe its his , that tells us something right? Yet when Grace told him "I love you not him" Fuvk. The end. He melts and "nearly got fucking everthing" scene was born. He was more interested with Grace as to be his own wife then charlie. No offence charlie. He even waited 2 years to finally get married. Oh by the way, by off chance that baby is not Tommy's but Grace wants him to adapt or be the Dad, i would bet my life, he would gladly accept it no matter what. Just for Grace. No big deal.
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Fast forward, when Grace died, Tommy tried to be a good dad but he failed. Without Grace, he cant. He just cant. He continued on living but we all know, in the end its Graces picture or portrait hanging hugely not some family picture of theirs. Its Grace only and always. While Charlie is the extension of Grace, it is not the same. He is not HER.
Num #6: Tommy doesn't know what he wants so he cant love Lizzie wholeheartedly
Bullshit. Tommy knows exactly what he wants. Power. Too ambitious for his own good , too. He knows what he wants in terms of love , too and it ain't Lizzie nor others. He is damaged goods already. Grace's made his heart beat again. It cant and simply wont beat for another love again. That is mainly because HE DOESN'T WANT TO! Haven't you thought about that? Do not excuse Tommy's behavior towards Lizzie. Im team Grace but i pity lizzie. My goodness. What was SK thinking? No self worth left and finally she left, good for her. He is hot and cold towards her not consistent. He lacks loyalty and basic respect towards her. It means only if it suits both their purpose. Carnal, limited and passing. Tommy Shelby either loves you or dont. Plain or simple.
By all accounts, Tommy loved his family and extended family. He chose them over Grace the 1st time, she died because of his family, too. But they were never loyal to Tommy and vice versa nor trusted each other completely. Tommy said it himself "my family hates me". Tommy was only devoted to Grace. He was never alone because she is there by his side, always. They were the same. Just utterly the same. Two halves. Two souls. The devil and angel. Hell and Heaven but both FIRE.
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pikahlua · 2 years
Weird question but, is possession theory still on the table?
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It’s horrifyingly alive and well, actually.
I just can’t help but notice that Horikoshi didn’t take the opportunity to revive Katsuki before Izuku left the UA stage. So what is he waiting for? What is it Horikoshi? Is it just gonna be Katsuki waking up at a pivotal moment to save Izuku from Tomura in battle? I just...I wonder. I wonder about that. I really, really wonder about that. Is that what Horikoshi truly is waiting for?
Because there’s someone else who’s trying to get to UA right now, too--someone with a time limit and not much to lose.
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Yeah, there are a LOT of alarms going off right now. Some themes are really really really really really converging on a Katsuki vs AFO dynamic.
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The question is: what will the nature of this clash be? A physical battle? A vestige-world showdown? Both?? GROUND BETA IS RIGHT THERE. 
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Katsuki caused AFO to feel genuine fear. When AFO realized that, it triggered a flashback of his fight with the Second OFA user (a flashback in which, lest we should ever forget, we see AFO crying). The flashback established the main philosophical battle: AFO’s “might makes right” philosophy where he values quirks based on sheer power versus the Second’s philosophy that the power of a quirk lies entirely in who is using it--or the “will behind the quirk.”
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I shall wrap this up with an adapted explanation I gave in a discussion with @decaywasizukusquirk​:
I think the story has said the moment where TomurAFO panics while fighting Katsuki is about AFO feeling fear. Then, with the flashback to Second's snarky moment, something is happening where Second's philosophies that AFO rejected are coming into play. In other words, Katsuki's will is far more terrifying to AFO than his Explosion quirk is.
Second challenged AFO by championing the philosophy that a quirk isn't what should be feared, it's the will of the person who uses the quirk that should be feared. Second was most likely a legitimate threat to AFO, and AFO can't stand that. AFO probably hates to even admit that, because AFO thinks everything really is about powerful quirks. Note how he decides not to steal Jeanist's quirk because he says the quirk isn't that great--it's just that Jeanist is very skilled with it. AFO's pretty dismissive of Jeanist's quirk because he isn't patient enough to learn how to use it well. When TomurAFO fights Katsuki, he determines that Katsuki's firepower is the biggest threat about him, so he breaks Katsuki's arm and then Katsuki's equipment. TomurAFO told Lemillion he wouldn't fight him because he's not actually a power threat; Lemillion is ENTIRELY a "how you use it" quirk guy. AFO has no imagination--he just picks out the most OP quirks that require little thought to use. His master plan to end All Might was BIG POWERFUL FIST OF PUNCHING!!!
And on the other end, we have Izuku who spent his whole life analyzing the THEORY to quirks. Izuku's all about the will, not the quirks themselves. He loves all quirks because they can all be used to do special things if you can just think about how.
So the point is, if anyone represents raw willpower in a heads-up fight, how is it not Katsuki, quirk or no? How is it not Mr. "I will twist myself to win the way I want. I won't accept I can't even beat you that way” himself? Katsuki thinks of battles in terms of what others can do strategically with and without quirks: he trusts in the wills of his teammates to "save him when he needs saving" and vice versa; he refuses to underestimate any opponent (or even any civilian); even when he thought Izuku’s quirk would be useless against All Might in their final exam, he still used Izuku as a body double equipped with one of Katsuki’s gauntlets to outwit All Might.
All together, this means AFO thought he had disarmed Katsuki and had no reason to fear him, but then Katsuki surprised him by reading the absolute hell out of him and by using his own Explosion quirk in a new way.
AFO is a manchild. He's literally a powerscaler dudebro.
Tell me I'm wrong. Tell. Me. I'm. Wrong.
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waitingonher · 3 months
pjo please!
okay so i’m a very extroverted person, i’m an entp, aquarius and a daughter of hermes! i feel like i talk a lot but alas i’m just a yapper. i’m a very goofy person and i tend to be really clumsy too. i smile a lot, and i make jokes all the time. i have a darker sense of humor but i tend to be a little bit emotional. i have adhd and anxiety and i’m pretty smart, i’m either really tired or really hyper there’s really no in between. i like to randomly dance or randomly sing. my favorite season is autumn and i love road trips and movies. i wanna work on screenplays/direct movies when i’m older! i have medium length faded red hair, blue/green eyes and freckles on my whole face but i have a lot more under my right eye. i’m 5’3” and have an upside down smile (legitimately) and ummmm yeah! 😁
physical touch is my number one love language and then quality time, and words of affirmation are my second and third!
i love skateboarding, listening to music (i listen to like everything except stuff i don’t like 😭😭) i also love flowers and taking walks/nature, i hate the cold tho bc i feel like i’m cold all the time, i love road trips like i said earlier but my favorite hobby/intrest is film. film is my life! i watch so many movies and would love to write one someday, but for now i’m only doing reverse screenplays for practice hehe.
ironically not the cinema because i feel like you can’t talk and get to know each other. i think a walk in the park with coffee or ice cream would be my ideal first date. you can get to know each other and there’s really no effort or money needed!
my TYPE is blondies with blue eyes but i doesn’t really matter to me, they have to be taller than me tho. they have to be funny, and sweet, and takes initiative to do cute things and like be there for me and call me cute names and stuff yk like act like a bf.
thank you!!!! <3
your matchup is . . . jason grace!!
if you and jason had a trope it would definitely be sunshine x grumpy, except jason’s not even grumpy, he’s just on the quieter side lol!
he’s always there to listen to your rants about anything and everything, his focus as sharp as if he were on the battlefield. it could be the stupidest conversation ever, but jason’s still nodding along, as if the soggy pancakes at breakfast were the most important thing in the world. 
jason’s favorite parts about you are your smile and your freckles! 
there’s nothing he wouldn’t do to see that favorite smile of his. the way your eyes light up so beautifully makes him think that you’re somehow related to the sun. because of this, jason subconsciously compares you two to the sun and the moon. whenever he spots little trinkets of the two, he buys it no matter the price or the line in which he has to wait in. couples with matching sun and moon keychains stay together! 
sometimes at night when you two are cuddled up, jason decides he absolutely must kiss every single freckle on your face. his warm hands hold the sides of your face as he peppers millions of kisses across your face. sure, it tickles, but who are you to say no to your boyfriend’s kisses? especially when he tells you that he’ll stop loving you when he’s done counting and kissing all of your freckles (jason’s lost count). 
jason who supports your hobbies with every fiber of his being! if you’re one to be open about your ideas/the screenplays you write, then just know that he’s listening to and reading every single one of them. he loves how creative you are, and him being able to see what your mind can create is one of the many blessings you’ve given him. 
if you were to ask for any feedback (he rarely finds that you even need critique), jason’s very honest about it and he words it in a respectful way. 
random dancing and singing breaks with jason!! 
he might not be the best at either, but he’ll do it because you’re having fun. 
beach dates!!!! 
especially when it’s summer and the sun’s at its hottest, what’s better than taking a trip down to the beach with his favorite person? this may or may not be your favorite summer activity because when jason asks you to put sunscreen on his back, and you can feel his toned muscles as you rub in the product…wow (he also may or not be flexing them purposefully) 
jason who’s never surprised when his closet is completely CLEARED of any and all of his jackets, hoodies, sweaters, etc. 
he never minds though because he loves loves lovesss seeing you in his clothes! 
anyways…yeah you two are endgame!
your second contender was . . . percy jackson!
. . .
author's note: yaaaay first matchup woop woop! i hope you like it <3 thank you for your support!!
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mitskijamie · 1 year
ok for angst then: do you think roy ever unintentionally scares jamie? bc as much as roy ISN'T james tartt, he is an older man with anger issues, a history of violence, who is constantly telling jamie what to do / how to play. and i say unintentionally not only on roy's behalf but also because jamie DOES trust roy so so so much, IMO, but his body's reactions might not always listen. how do you think they'd deal with that situation?
Ooh great question. Going to try to express myself as best I can here because I know this is a hotly contested topic
Personally, I don't think Roy reminds Jamie of James very much if at all. There are superficial similarities, but Jamie's relationship with Roy is so different from his relationship with his father that I don't get the impression that he sees them as analogous in any way.
For one thing, Jamie does what James tells him to do because he's "fucking terrified" (as he says in Mom City) of him, which makes sense, because grew up knowing that he'd be assaulted if he didn't do what James told him to do. Jamie's obviously not scared of Roy - he spends the entire first season disrespecting his authority as captain, calling him names, and starting physical fights with him, which he wouldn't do if he saw Roy as a threat. His devotion to Roy comes from a place of respect rather than fear, which creates a completely different dynamic than the one he has with his father. Jamie knows that Roy is very talented, very experienced, and has his best interests at heart (unlike James), and he freely agrees to let Roy train him on the basis that he believes Roy legitimately has something to offer him. He describes Roy telling him what to do/how to play as "motivating" and "encouraging" because it's something he actually wants and benefits from
Wrt the yelling, I don't think it really bothers Jamie all that much in the context of the workplace. There's a scene in the locker room where Roy is cussing everybody out at the top of his lungs and Jamie is standing right behind him laughing lol (and ik people think that was a character break but Phil says it was scripted and I Believe him). Jamie's spent his whole life in men's sports, and I'm sure he's plenty used to being yelled at by coaches. The only time Jamie has a visceral reaction to yelling is when Ted is telling him off about practice in Two Aces, and I think that's because he sees Ted as a father figure on a personal level in season 1
HOWEVER Jamie almost definitely has c-ptsd, and I think Roy has certain habits that could trigger him in some situations. For example, there's a scene in "headspace" where Roy and Keeley are fighting and he storms out of the room, shouts "FUCK," and slams something (which James does in "the hope that kills you"). I think that's the kind of thing that would be problematic in a relationship with Jamie moreso than the training stuff
The best option would be for Roy to talk to Dr. Fieldstone about it, and I think at the point the s3 finale left off, that's exactly what he would do. He'd probably feel incredibly guilty and I think he's at a point where that would drive him to commit to finding better coping mechanisms.
They'd also have to have a conversation about it of course. Set boundaries. "I love you but you cannot walk around here slamming doors and breaking shit that isn't okay with me" etc
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goron-king-darunia · 3 months
Annon-Guy: Everything okay?
Yeah, I'm doing pretty good. Catching up on Tumblr is really difficult though. Every time I take a break to do anything there are like 30000 posts to look at. I might just have to contend with the fact that there's no catching up. Internet FOMO. My brain keeps going "Well what if someone made a really funny post while I was away?!" And like... If it was really that funny it would come back around.
I still have no idea where that ask I answered went and I'm too burnt out still to try to retype it.
I am still cranking out fanfic and I am enjoying the 1.6 update of Stardew Valley though. And I made a yummy pasta dinner yesterday.
So overall I'm just... Tumblr exhausted. Everyone makes too many good posts all the time and the need/desire to tag all of them appropriately is massively kneecapping my ability to interact. Couple that with my IRL responsibilities of taking care of my Mom and handling my own adult life just means I spend my limited free time on meatspace tasks like knitting/crocheting and embroidery or on actually gaming or writing instead of my old routine which was... scrolling tumblr until I caught up for the day, usually dumping more than half of the posts in my drafts for future me, and then using whatever free time I have left to write or game. So I'm okay. But I think I'm honestly just... not going to be able to be available on Tumblr indefinitely. This legitimately might have to just be a hobby place now where I pop in to check up on friends, post notable things like finished projects, and then just dip out and ignore most posts. there's simply not enough time in my life to engage with all the fun things I want to.
But even though I'm a bit burnt out, I'm happy. I get to eat better food now that I cook more, I get to make more cool things now that I knit and crochet and embroider more. I get to handle more of my life which is honestly needlessly complicated (I will rage against taxes being obtuse on purpose forever), but it means I have more control over what happens which isn't much, but it helps me feel like a functional adult instead of a leaf in a stream. And I still have time for fun stuff. That fun stuff just... isn't on Tumblr so much.
All my fruitless efforts to "catch up" on here have done is just give me more drafts to dig through than I can manage and kept me away from doing more of the things I love.
So I'm going to try to do more targeted things on here. Post more original content, reblog a bit less, give up on catching up, and just try to give whatever energy I have on here to specific friends.
Feel free to keep sending me DotNW stuff. I almost always have energy for that. But I don't think I have the time and energy in me to go over a bunch of new things.
Physically I'm drained, mentally I'm fried. But it's okay. I think that I just have to let go and deal with the fact that having to step up and be an adult means I have to choose what's really important to me. And scrolling through memes on Tumblr is fun. But it's not fulfilling. I don't really want to spend 6 hours every day just catching up on what everyone else is sharing and then another 10 hours some other day scrolling through stuff I saved for later because I was too tired to read it the first time.
I want to spend more time creating my own things.
So I think from now on I'm just going to be extra picky about what I engage with on Tumblr, especially because engaging with stuff on here with only half my brain because I'm exhausted means I can only give half the attention to things that they deserve. I will try to post more of my own things so you know I'm still around and I will try to answer more often. But I think including Tumblr in my routine is no longer a sustainable thing.
It's like trying to live at a themepark. There's a lot of good stuff here, but very little of it helps me be the person I want to be. I don't want to just consume other people's content. I want to make stuff.
So I'll be around. But I think I'm going to start making really hard decisions about what I can and can't give attention to.
That said, seeing you build your own little community by hosting polls and engaging with other fandom blogs is really nice. I'm glad you're able to reach out and connect with so many new people. Tumblr is really great for that. I'm happy to be your DotNW contact, but I think I may have to trim down my engagement on Tumblr to just that. DotNW, maybe some legend of Zelda, maybe some cat memes and positivity. I'm going to trim away a lot of political stuff first and foremost because I'm pretty bad with that and I'm going to try to limit my meme engagement and long posts and see how that does. And if I need to trim down even more, then I will. But from now on, I think I just have to be decisive.
And I've decided the best use of my time is much less Tumblr.
I'll still be around, but it's definitely going to be sporadic. Doesn't mean we're not friends. Just means I'll get to all the fun things you want to share in a much longer timeframe.
I hope you are well, too. I think this is just one of those things where I have to completely transform my life. It's not bad. It's just different. I'm still doing all the things I love. I'm just putting more effort into the things that I love more.
Sorry for the long post. I think this is as "back" on Tumblr as I can be.
Thank you for loving me and sharing your joy of gaming with me! Even if I can't be on Tumblr as much, I will try to make space for you in my life!
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beansterpie · 4 months
For the ship ask game: 1, 4, 34 and 39 for agohiru ❤️❤️
HEHEEH TY more excuses to talk about these gd idiots <3
1.) Describe their first date.
Ooohhh weirdly enough, this isn't something I've actually thought about before. And it sort of depends on what we're calling a date here-- if we're being tongue-in-cheek and calling any outing where the two of them do something they enjoy a date, then you could argue their time in middle school beating people up and gathering blackmail was a sort of date lol. BUT I'm going to go with like, a proper date that was planned as such, presumably after they get together.
Hmm. Agon would plan it, considering he's the one with (oodles of) experience when it comes to planning and going on dates. I could see him low key doing it as a way to stake claim on Hiruma lol, like as marker of a legitimate relationship. Trouble is ofc that Agon's never cared about any of the people he's dated before (if he even considered what he did before actual 'dating'. From what we know, it kind of seemed like he did it to stroke his ego and get laid and leech off of them financially), so his past experience might not be all that helpful lol.
And if it's a first date, it probably happens while they're keeping their relationship on the down low, during uni. I don't think Hiruma would care that much one way or another if people find out they're dating, but Agon definitely would care (✨homophobic bi boy✨), so he wouldn't want to be seen doing anything stereotypically date-like anywhere they might run into people they know.
Lol maybe they go out to eat and catch a movie in a different city, then end the night doing something ~romantic~ like walking through a light show or something. Hiruma is very obviously bored the whole time and doesn't try to hide it, and Agon gets pissed at him for being an asshole but he's secretly also really bored, and in the end they coincidentally run into a rival football team, or maybe a gang, and mutually have much more fun terrorizing them. That sounds about right tbh.
This got really long, so the rest under the cut!
4.) Who initiates affection? Why does the other not initiate affection as much?
Definitely Agon lol. Not that he's some sweet, affectionate guy or anything, but simply because everything is relative and Agon would be the clingier one.
But really, neither of them would be all that affectionate. At the very least, not at first lol. As they get more physically comfortable with each other throughout their relationship though, I could see Agon initiating more casual physical contact (like throwing his arm over Hiruma's shoulder) as well as like, 'casually' cuddling up to him in more intimate moments lol. And Hiruma returns the affection by allowing it, which is saying a lot for Hiruma who seems to avoid affectionate physical touch like a prickly cat.
And beyond the physical, they'd show affection for one another through bantering and spending time together. I can imagine Agon arguing with Hiruma over some stupid bullshit because that's what they do, but as soon as someone else tries to butt in, they're a united front. (Or at least Agon attempts to be a united front, whether Hiruma goes along with it is entirely dependant on his whim lol) Including each other in stuff, doing schemes™ together, that sort of thing, I think would mean a lot to both of them.
34.) Do they have any inside jokes?
Probably! I imagine they would have had quite a few from when they hung out in middle school, but that all would have been soured during the intervening years after their Break Up™. So if one of them brought up an old inside joke between them post-canon, once they'd buried the hatchet and were tentatively hanging out again (ESPECIALLY if the inside joke came from Hiruma, I think), it would be kind of a big deal lol.
As to the flavor of their inside jokes, a lot of it would probably be referencing people they've terrorized in the past, lets be real.
39.) When and how did they admit that they loved each other? If they haven’t yet, why?
Hmmm admitting to each other or admitting to themselves?
I think it'd be sort of a gradual thing for both of them, though in different ways. Agon, for instance, would deny it both inwardly and outwardly at first, insisting that they're just hooking up, but once he gets comfortable with the arrangement and the closer proximity, I think he'd forget to deny it to himself so much lol. And then eventually there'd be a moment where Agon's feelings are just so blatant that even trying to deny it would seem pointless and more importantly, a pain in the ass, so he doesn't. He'd absorb it into how he sees himself and fuck anyone who has a problem with it.
With Hiruma... he's the kind of guy who will quite abruptly make a decision and then stick with it through thick and thin. Not to say he'd 'decide' that he was in love with Agon all of a sudden, but the way I imagine their relationship going is they tentatively reconcile after the world cup, and then start hanging out more, and then start hooking up in uni. Hiruma wouldn't have actually seen it coming when Agon first comes onto him, but then he chooses to go along with it probably because it was unexpected, and he finds that interesting.
Eventually though, I think it'd really sink in that Agon is actually invested in this relationship, in him, and he's not just fucking around on a whim that he can ditch once he gets bored, and that would shift Hiruma's perspective on things. I think he'd be more willing to relax into their relationship at that point, and then ~love~ would gradually but comfortably sneak up on him lol.
That being said, I don't think there'd be any dramatic declarations of love from either of them. tbh I feel like they'd date and continue sharing their lives in what more or less seems like a committed relationship to everyone else (and of course there'd be plenty of ups and downs during this time because they're both allergic to expressing their feelings), but they've never said 'I love you' rip. Then years down the line during a totally mundane moment, one of them (probably Agon) would casually say it, and Hiruma would laugh and say something like, "you only just realized that now? keep up dreads". And that would be that!
Tyyyyy for sending an agohiru ask! Sorry this was SO late lol
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boogiewoogieweeb · 2 months
fic writer ask! fic writer ask! (numbers 3, 21, 43, 63 please? 🥺)
how can i refuse when i'm asked so sweetly by my very good friend and beloved joplittle co-conspirator, my darling helen?
3. Describe the creative process of writing a chapter/fic
phase 1: have fic idea phase 2: ? phase 3: PROFIT PUBLISH FIC
all jokes aside, i don't know if i can rightly be described as having a legitimate creative process when writing. i like to plot things out sometimes, and often i'll start a fic with a specific scene or bit of dialogue in mind. but other than that, i'm what i like to think of as an "opportunistic" writer. that is to say, i write mainly when inspiration strikes, and when it does, i write like i'm possessed by the ghost of robert louis stevenson himself. i don't really take breaks, and i don't stop writing until the idea has either been exorcised or my hands cramp up from typing; because when i inevitably run out of steam, my motivation tends to disappear into thin air as well. it's not a healthy nor particularly sensible way of doing things, but it is how i write. i've tried pacing myself, doing sprints, and even writing a few lines of stream-of-consciousness drabbling each day, all with varying levels of success. invariably, however, it's only ever when my muse lovingly plunges her divine hands into the wet slurry of my brain and stirs things around in there like a kid agitating an anthill with a stick, that i manage any actual feats of writing (prodigious or otherwise). and my muse, unfortunately, is nothing if not fickle.
21. Would you ever collaborate with another writer for a story?
you know, i never have, though i would certainly love to at some point. my main worry however is my own flakiness, and so in that regard, i think i'm much better suited to serving as a kind of fic springboard against which to lob ideas and concepts to see what might stick. but in the interest of interest, yes, i would very much be willing to collab at some nebulous point in the future.
43. Do you take a sadistic joy in whumping your characters, or are you more the "If you hurt them I would kill everyone and then myself" kind of person?
it's always whump o'clock in my house. i wouldn't say i necessarily take sadistic joy in it, but i'm also very much of the opinion that if you can't put your faves through the wringer both emotionally and physically, then they're not really your faves. also, as someone who tends to relate strongly to the characters i write, i channel a lot of my own life experiences (and by extension, any accompanying pain and trauma) into my characterizations. who says projection can't be fun AND cathartic?
63. Something you hate to see in smut.
bad characterization. i can excuse a great number of things in the name of horniness, but any kind of mischaracterization (especially of my faves) is not one of them. it's something that, no matter how steamy and raunchy and technically well-written the smut is, the second i encounter it, it kills the vibe stone-dead and completely takes me out of the fic. it's to the point where i will immediately and without hesitation dnf any body of mischaracterized work, even if i'm already several chapters and tens of thousands of words in. my other pet peeves in smut are overly flowery descriptive nouns and adjectives. *stares in mid-2000s ff.net*
thank you so much for the ask, helen 💖💖💖 i'm always thrilled whenever your username pops up on my screen, and this time was no exception. ily sm my dear, and hope that my answers were coherent, interesting, and informative (aka, to your liking).
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dennisboobs · 11 months
i genuinely wonder if people’s issue with Dennis “winning” at the end of DTAMHD might be influenced by Goes Bowling. like, if the order had been reversed or if they just saw the episode in a vacuum there wouldn’t be this want for Dennis to actually fail at lowering his blood pressure. which inherently assumes that Dennis breaking every bone in his hand doesn’t negate him “winning” but no one being there to see Dee actually win at bowling negates her achievement. which is a different but still important can of worms.
if anything, the lyrics of Listen To Your Heart make it more clear that the most fitting outcome of this episode is Dennis succeeding in lowering his blood pressure.
and in general i thoroughly enjoy when the gang “wins” and i hope small good things continue to be peppered in for them cuz it takes some of the weight off of the whole ‘they can never truly get better or make real progress because this is a sitcom with the premise of them being shitty people so that wouldn’t be funny’ or whatever. their “wins” lighten the existential dread that comes from seeing this group of friends get worse over the course of 18 years. Inspires hope even.
(sorry for just dropping this here i just figured you might have some better/additional thoughts on this than what i have)
I definitely agree, that's a huge part of it, I started seeing the complaint pop up frequently after bowling (which I think is a 10/10 episode lol) and it got worse after DTAMHD aired and personally I just. disagree. with the reasoning for both eps. I think people are overly sensitive about Dee not "winning" in that episode because it's very specifically tied to Dennis saying that women are inferior to men, which is fair, but I also don't think it's that deep. It feels like... extremely typical childish sibling rivalry to me. Just because Dennis' "villainy" is cranked up to 11 doesn't mean what he's actually doing is really....... that bad. I've done the same shit to my sibling, and they've done the same to me while bowling. The competition was never really about Dennis vs. Dee or men vs. women, it was about getting in Dee's head. Carrying on that same ribbing from when the twins were kids, but drenched in misogyny because Dennis is intentionally trying to discourage the ladies' team. I don't think Dee's accomplishment is negated because everyone left, it's a personal triumph, just like Dennis' in DTAMHD. She managed to succeed at something she had been unable to for decades, proved she was capable of breaking out of Den's mind games, which is also in-part due to her own lack of self confidence (fostered by Dennis and Barbara ofc), she just didn't care enough about that victory by the end for it to feel like one. Because it became about proving herself to Dennis instead of winning the actual game. Which is not unusual for the gang at all, The Gang Gets Invincible is a good example of the same exact thing happening. Dee does prove herself to be better than Mac and Dennis, but in the end it doesn't matter because as soon as she reveals she's a woman she shatters her fuckin' leg on that kick. No matter how far she gets by being genuinely good at something, she can't make it that last extra step because her focus turns to the wrong thing and it is ultimately what fucks her over. She is a legitimate threat to the guys in terms of skill, Dennis knows she's more than competent at bowling (hence the mind games employed by the guys' team instead of it being a fair competition, which they knew they couldn't manage), and she proved she was more physically capable than him at football too. like Gets Invincible she actually wins, it's just bittersweet, and it's not good enough for Dee. She proved herself, but external validation is what she was seeking, not that internal win where she knows she is capable of beating Den.
I absolutely 1000% think that mixing it up is important so that the show doesn't stagnate, become predictable, or you know. become plain unfunny because something is out of balance with the main cast, and I think DTAMHD aimed to fix Dennis' miserable ass that's been pulling down the show, especially because Glenn has mentioned he wants to play a happier Dennis (which is. good, actually, we very rarely see anything but straight man Dennis anymore, but we got a taste of it in Inflates BECAUSE I believe Den has been doing this emotional regulation trick across s16, and I don't think we would have been able to if not for that decision to have him actually "win" ie. change himself for the better). The gang's dynamic has shifted over time from being a group of jerks to a group of idiots with Dennis as their keeper, and I think the little changes in 16 were setting it up to shift that back to..... a group of jerks again. Like we all read in those early reviews that noticed the gang went a lot easier on Dee and didn't call her a bird five million times, that is one piece of it, Dennis trying not to explode in anger is another, Charlie showing he's actually quite competent is yet another, Mac not being a victim of Dennis but secretly the puppetmaster who has been playing dumb is another.
So yeah, I believe that the opposite of "the gang should be punished for doing something bad" should also be true. The gang should get to win because they Listened To Their Heart and made a positive change. They should get to have moments like the s15 finale, or King of the Rats where the gang does something nice and the episode just ends, there's no final gag, no twist, just us remembering why this group of weirdos is friends. But it doesn't need to be Carries a Corpse every time either. Dee can have a little win, Dennis can have a little win. They really aren't huge things, Den's is just heavily exaggerated because it was in his head, dramatized, and he accepted the small win wheras Dee did not.
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