#or make you curl into a ball and cry and think of fictional characters to give you strength and convince you that you won't relapse
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❥Yandere Park Seonghwa x fem reader
➯a/n: this is a work of fiction and does NOT represent a healthy little and caregiver relationship, or a healthy relationship of any kind. this is messed up but i wanted to experiment with my writing and i think i succeeded. let me know what you think of this cause i would love love looooove to write more
✃ "You're my baby, say it to me." - Mitski, I Bet on Losing Dogs
✫彡wordcount: 4k
♡'・ᴗ・'♡(ಡ‸ಡ)genre: yandere, HEAVY angst
ಠ_ಠwarning/content: stockholm syndrome, mind breaking, spanking, mentions of bribery, mommy hwa (i cannot help myself)
⁂taglist: @stvrfir3 @tunaasan @marievllr-abg
✩index: little space; a regressed state of mind where one feels like a child. hyung; a name for an older male friend or sibling, used by other males.
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    "I'm home, sorry I'm late!" Seonghwa called out as he entered the apartment, looking around the empty rooms. "Baby?" He peeked into the kitchen, dinner untouched on the stove. "San?" The living room, the news channel on mute. "Mingi?" Both of his roommates rooms, desolate.
"No!" Your shout calls him to his room at the end of the hall, followed by a clanging and a yell of pain from his friend.
"Baby?! Baby!?" He turns into his room in a panic, eyes wide as he witnesses the scene infront of him.
You're curled up in a ball in the corner of his bed- head in your knees- with San holding Mingis arm as he curses under his breath, one of your bottles on the floor at their feet. "Hyung," He turns quickly and picks up the bottle, pointing it at you accusingly, "she threw this at Mingi!"
"Baby, why would you do that?" He takes the bottle from San and slowly kneels on the edge of the bed, reaching for you.
You say nothing, only whining and kicking his hand away. So he turns his attention back to the younger members. "What happened?" He wants to scream at them, really. How could they make his Baby cry when they know everything he went through and continues to go through to have you as his own? But that would only make you more upset. You don't like when he raises his voice, so he keeps it calm. "Is she hurt?"
"Hyung... We really didn't mean to, we tried to-" Mingi is almost in tears, he truly feels for you. But it's been months. If he could have helped he'd of found a way by now. But they need Seonghwa. And some of the members wouldn't even dream of turning him in- even after what he's done. For selfish reasons maybe. But it doesn't matter why or why not. You've been stuck in their apartments for half a year. They'd thought all of your deficiency had passed. That they could pretend it was okay.
"What happened, Baby?" He turns back to you, gently touching your knee.
That little touch seems to make you snap. Screaming obscenities in his face as you go on and on about how you are not, in fact, his baby. You aren't his at all. You want to go home. You don't love him. You don't like San. You don't like Mingi. You don't like any of the members, actually. You don't like living here. You wish you'd never even met him.
All three of them watch aghast, jaws dropped as you yell insult after insult at them. Hot in the face and tears streaming down like a waterfall so harshly that they wet the collar of your baby blue dress and pool as a drop on your chin. You grab the little plushie that Jongho made with you and hurl it at Seonghwas face, hitting him on the nose.
He watches it fall to the floor and his eyes don't seem to move after that. He's forced to listen as you insult his character directly now. He's a insane person. He's a pervert. He's sick in the head. He's annoyingly overbearing. You loathe his guts. You wouldn't spit on him if he were on fire. You'd shoot him twice if you were in a room with him and a hungry tiger with only two bullets. You loathe his entire being. You aren't his Baby. You aren't even his girlfriend. He's delusional.
The words ring around his head hauntingly. You can't possibly mean those things. He takes care of you so well. He gives you the world and all he asks for in return is your love. And he's gotten it. At least he thought he had. He woke up with you by his side and went back to bed the same way. You gave him kisses on the cheek. You let him play with all of your favorite toys that no one else can touch. You let him bathe you and dress you. You let him do everything.
"Do you hear me?" You scream, throwing his neatly fluffed pillow at his already lowered head. "I hate you!"
The world stops in that moment, the millisecond that word slips from your mouth.
    It's silent in the room. In the apartment. Not only could you hear a pin drop—
    You can hear the single tear fall from Seonghwas eye and collide with the hardwood.
Both of them look at him. You look at him. He looks at the floor. There's a visible shift in his aura. He goes from unreadable to pissed in the blink of an eye. His shoulders tense up and his breathing gets shallow.
He stands up, almost robotically. He picks up his pillow and dusts it off, placing in back on the bed where it belongs. His gaze doesn't even bother to meet yours as you watch him with wide, fearful eyes. He grabs the plushie and sets it down as well. "...Get up. Bend over, Baby."
"Hwa, wait, pl-"
"Before I get the paddle."
He doesn't say anything else, glaring down at you as you move tentatively. After an incident with an unlocked window and some sheets resulting in you being dragged to Hongjoongs room by the ear, you don't even want to see the paddle. You had to sit on their laps or a pillow for two weeks straight, if memory serves you right.
    He doesn't reach to move you faster. He stands at the edge of the bed, deadly silent. He only intervenes when you look to Mingi and San beggingly. "You're not allowed to look at them anymore."
That was a rule when you first arrived. You only got that privilege a few weeks ago. You figured it was probably to make you feel distance to the fact that these were people, who could potentially help you leave him, and not just disembodied voices and lower bodies. A way to make you feel even more lonely. Even when they were so close that you could here their breathing.
Like now, Mingi lets out a few small sniffles here and there. Sans breaths sounds anxious. Like if he moves an inch that he will be next on his Hyungs list.
As you bend your body over the edge, they avert their eyes. They may be complacent with Seonghwas actions, but they will never cross that line. They, all seven of the younger members, promised it. Never touch you. Never take advantage of you. Never directly help Seonghwa control you in any way. In fact, most of them decided it would be best to help you however possible, without ruining all of their lives in the process. Getting you small gifts that Seonghwa pre-approved. Stealing you away to the other dorms for a movie night. Sneaking you an extra sweet or episode of cartoons when you were deep in little-space.
But there was nothing they could do when Seonghwa told you to do something. To go to bed early. To let him wash your hair. To give him a kiss. To suck on his thumb. To bend over.
So they could only look away with heavy hearts as he flips up your skirt and rips -quite literally- your underwear away. The sound makes Mingi cringe, your crying pleas for him make him want to disappear forever. "Ming, please, don't let him! I'm sor-"
Seonghwa doesn't even start easy on you, he smacks your bottom harshly, over and over again until your cheek is sore and aching all the way through to your hip. And then, for the briefest moment, you all think it's over when the loud echo of the smacks finally ceases. But that was only him moving to get a better angle on your other side.
    You cry loudly, and the sound officially makes Mingi cry. He lowers his head and turns his body away completely to try and distance himself from the abuse. San gently takes ahold of his pink in his own. It does little to comfort either of them, but it reminds them both of the pact that they made.
     All of their pinkies interlocked, a promise that they would do their best for their obviously challenged Hyung.
        Both of your cheeks bruising and hot to the touch, Seonghwa finally backs up. He moves his knees from their place on either side of you and lets you crumble to the floor in a pile of sobs. He stops briefly to pull your skirt over you half-hazardly before leaving you completely alone as you blubber into your arms.
     His palm is red, as angry as he was. He takes a deep breath as he takes a pump of lotion, rubbing it into his hands as he turns to the other men.
      "Tell me what happened."
    Mingi wipes his face roughly, straightening up as San speaks lowly, "we turned on the TV. We were going to watch a movie, but... but she saw it on the news before we could even change it."
    "What did she see?"
   "Her missing persons photo..."
The door was locked behind them and there was no noise in the apartment. If you hadn't known better, you'd say they all left. But Seonghwa refused to ever leave you alone. Even when all of the members were busy. You either went with them or had a staff member watching you, one who'd coincidentally received a raise moments before.
You stayed right there on the floor for the longest time, sobbing and snotting all over the floor as you tried to calm yourself.
Oh, you really outdid yourself this time.
Even at his angriest, Seonghwa never left your side when there was a tear in your eye.
You knew he had no tolerance for that word. Hate. Ironically, you could say he hated it. Especially when it came out of your lips. You once said you hated the show he put on. He gave you a fourty minute lecture and three smacks to the behind.
And you just aimed it right at him. You meant to make him angry. And you succeeded.
Now, into the night, when he still hasn't returned, you start to wonder wether you snapped his last string of humanity. If he hated you just as much as you claimed you hated him. If he's out in the kitchen planning how to get rid of you.
Your body aches as you sit up, screaming at you as you crawl into the small pink tent in the corner of the room. It's placed on top of soft play mats and filled with baby-ish things that he insisted you needed every time he saw them. The softest blankets. The cutesy, most hug-able plushies. A small box of your favorite pacifiers and toys.
You untie the ribbon keeping the sheer fabric open and let it drape closed, as if it will shield you. Perhaps, in your fragile mind, it will. He never comes in here, only ever reaches in to grab the blankets to wash every other week.
You let yourself flop onto your side into the pile and find yourself sobbing all over again. Maybe, just maybe, in a fucked up, delusional way... Seonghwa does care for you. Maybe, just maybe, in his mind, he does all of these things because he believes it best for you.
You can still see Seonghwa in his room when he's not there. Maybe that's why you hate being cooped up in here. Always begging members to let you hang out in their rooms instead.
It's so neat. Even after the chaos of earlier. So color coordinated. Grey and white and warm lights.
You're the only exception. Toys and clothes and books strewn about in your little corner, just out of sight of his cam-corder.
   Maybe that's why you get so mad when you slip out of the little space he's built for you. You know you don't fit into his life seamlessly. You know the truth of your situation. So you may as well start making the best of it.
    With a groan of effort, you sit back up.
   It's well past midnight when he turns the lock on the outside of his door. Which also means its well past your bedtime. You've become so well accustomed to it over your time together, he figures you've probably fallen asleep.  
       And he's right. He immediately spots you on his side do the bed, holding his pillow tight to your chest with your swollen eyes closed.
    A pant of regret hits him right where it hurts as he realizes just how much he made you cry. How much he made you hurt. His anger got the best of him, and it hurts his heart that deep down, he knows it won't be the last time.
     He's done it to everyone. His family. His members. Himself...
    His darkest thoughts reach out in the corners of his mind, saying that his Baby is better of without him. But he is quick to slap them away as he tip toes into the room.
    Somethings off, somethings different. Everything is in place.
    All of your toys and coloring books and short stories. All of your pacifiers and stuffed animals. They're on the shelf exactly how he puts them during his Sunday reset cleanings. All of your favorites are on the wall, your side of the bed. The multitude of blankets and throw pillows in your tent are folded and organized neatly. Your tears and snot have been wiped up. Your ripped panties in the bin.
    "Oh, my Baby," he whispers, immediately crawling into bed behind you and holding your back close to his chest, careful to avoid your bottom. He doesn't even want to fathom what he did to you... "My Baby..."
      He can't help but cry, though he tries to do so silently. He wants you to rest, you need it. But the smallest movement of the bed wakes you in your fragile state.
    When you stir, he expects you to crawl away. But you don't. Instead, you roll over to face him and shimmy into his arms. "Hey, sweet girl," he coos hoarsely.
     You were right, earlier. You weren't left alone in the apartment. San was sitting in the living room comforting Mingi as Seonghwa stormed off and went upstairs to Hongjoong. While they sat in silence, he screamed and screamed and screamed until he couldn't breathe.
     Eventually, Hongjoong and Yunho got him to calm down, and they talked and talked and talked. Yunho suggested, lightly, that you should stay the night with them. And then Seonghwa screamed some more.
     In all this time, your nighttime routine had never been interrupted. He had a very specific way the two of you did things before bed and he would have it no other way. In all this time, he's never let you out of his arms as he slept. Even that first night, you kicked and screamed and punched until you passed out. But you did so in his arms.
    "Mommy." It's a simple acknowledgment, but it calms him ever so slightly. He takes pride in that name. And it makes him happy you can still call him that after what he's done to you.
     "Are you okay, Baby?" He knows that the answer is no. But he'll give you the opportunity to speak for yourself. To tell him how to help.
     "Hurts," you sniffle as you press your face into his chest, " 'm hungry..."
     "Come on, Sweetpea, I'll take care of you."
    You koala hug onto him, arms around his neck and legs around his waist as he stands.
    And the nighttime routine starts now, a pattern of familiarity to calm both of your shot nerves.
    He gently sets you in your seat at the table, but not before pacing down a pillow he grabbed while passing the couch. It still burns even with the soft cushioning below you.
You eat in silence. Usually you would speak about your days, and the next one's plans. But there doesn't seem to be any words that either of you can find at the moment.
He rinses the dishes before picking you back up. No matter how many times you insist you can walk- he insists right back that his Baby must be carried. You pass Mingi on the way to the bathroom, and he gives you a small wave, his eyes bloodshot and his posture slumped. But he can't help the small smile that tugs at his lips as you wave back over Seonghwas shoulder.
The pillow goes down on the counter before you, and he starts your meticulous skin care. Your face wash, then his. Your toner, then his. Moisturizer, eye cream, spot treatment, the list goes on until your both brushing your teeth.
You will admit Seonghwa takes exceptionally good care of not only himself, but you as well.
He likes to massage your face after all is said and done. He says it's good for blood flow, which is true. But he does it for a few simpler reasons.
Your face in his hands. And a chance to admire you at the end of the day.
No matter how rough of a day it was. He could always count on this.
He cups your cheeks as he stands between your legs, massaging them gently. "My Baby." He whispers. So quiet you actually miss it. You're too busy melting into his affection. "You're my Baby." He speaks, however lowly.
"Mhm," you moan quietly, blinking up at him, not knowing what exactly he's meaning.
"Say it to me," he says. He pleads. His forehead rests on yours. Eyes growing wet as he uses your eyes as a window into your soul. "Please."
"I'm your baby," you whisper just as gently as he. Nodding against his head lightly. "I'm your baby, Mommy."
He nearly collapses as his shoulders finally relax. His mind flooding with happiness as he hears those words. You're all he's ever wanted. You're all he feels he truly has.
He knew it since the moment he saw you. So delicate, so beautiful and kind. He was overcome with an urge that he can only describe as a mix of pure love and anxiety. He loves you so deeply, how can he ever rest if he doesn't know for certain that your safe and taken care of? So he took matters into his own hands.
He's never felt it before. He knows he'll never feel it again. He will never. Never. Love someone as much as you. As much as his Baby.
You reach up and wipe his tears gently, the tiniest of smiles playing at your lips, "you gonna wash away all the stuff you jus' put on."
He can't help the chuckle that leaves him, leaning into your touch as it leaves a tingle on his skin, "you're right, Baby."
He gently, oh so gently, places a kiss on your lips before your routine resumes.
He leaves you to do your business as he goes to the living room and gathers your pajamas, and when he comes back he finds you all done, rubbing your bottom with a pout. "Oh, Baby, I'm so sorry! I forgot, it must have hurt on the toilet," a pout of his own forms as he crouches and rummages through the cabinet.
"Yeahm," you whine, watching him closely as he grabs a tube.
"Bend over, Baby." That simply sentence almost has you spiraling again before he reaches and rubs your head ever so gently. "It's okay, it's okay. It's numbing cream. Let Mommy put on you and it'll feel better, promise."
You hesitantly bend over the counter slightly, and are relieved to find he's telling the truth. He's barely touching your behind enough spread the cream, his touch is so light. But he manages to apply the treatment without causing you any more harm.
You know that this will be part of your nightly routine again when he sets the tube down with the rest of his products. It mocks you as you look at it. Knowing you'll have to hear those words over and over again until you're healed.
He helps you rid your dress and redresses you in one of his t-shirts before changing into his own pajamas.
As he carries you back to bed, you speak up while fiddling with the buttons on his shirt, "Mommy?"
"Yes, Baby?"
"Can sleep in my tent tonigh'?"
"Oh, Baby, you know I have to hold you to fall asleep. Baby can have a nap in there tomorrow, how about that?"
"No, Mommy too," you look to him with a pout as he closes the bedroom door behind you, "Mommy in the tent." You point to it as if he doesn't know what tent you're referring to, and it makes him laugh how adorable you are when you're so deep in little-space.
"Okay, Baby," he sets you down first and lets you crawl in, watching you with stars in his eyes as you curl up under the blankets and move to make room for him.
His feet poke out of the side even as he's curled spooning you, and he knows the sight is probably ridiculous. But it's very possibly the coziest he's been with you. The tent and the plushies inside of it smell like you. All of the soft blankets have accumulated into a weighted blanket of sorts and keeps you both warm in the cold October air. His chest pressed to your back and your numbed bottom snuggling back into his hips. Your soft, calm breaths luring him into a state of tranquility. He stays just like that, for a long time, it feels like. It almost feels like he's meditating. His soul being cleansed. He can see why you like it here-
Oh. Oh, he's really in here.
It dawns on him as he looks up. What is usually a white ceiling is a pink fabric just a few inches away from his face.
You invited him in.
Ever since he set it up three months ago, you made a strict 'BABY ONLY' policy. And you stuck to that. Not even Jongho, who was admittedly your favorite of his members, was allowed in. They were all confined to the play mat just outside.
But not anymore.
He thought after the pain he had caused, after the outside world had reminded you what he'd done, that your progress would be set back. That he'd back back to square one with a brat. But, you went ahead and proved him opposite.
You proved him that you are and will continue to be,
His Baby.
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mishkakagehishka · 1 year
anyway. followup. rank the resi games from ur faves (for whatever reason, could be story, the characters, the game making u want to curl up in a ball and cry, ur metric is whatever u want it to be) to ur least faves..... i've never played any of them and only have minor knowledge of a few so like. im fascinated.
I'm soooooo biased anyway
1. Resident Evil 4 - my introduction to the series, which was good bc i was such a scaredy-cat as a kid, the whole "let's make it less survival and more action" was nice. Playing RE2make, i missed the freedom of being allowed to "clean up" an area. I love RE4 i love RE4 Leon, my first fictional crush, i love Ashley, i love Luis, i love the putas, and i love the lake monster named Lake from the lake named Lake. Mwah. Chef's kiss. Perfect game, in my esteemed opinion. The remake should have given us even gorier death scenes instead of cleaner, but I appreciate the fact that they made Luis and Leon's dynamic (even) gayer. So many iconic lines, I don't even know which one to quote. I didn't know your right hand is going to bingo.
2. Resident Evil 1 (this is actually n1 spot but RE4 is there bc you gave me that freedom). Like. I mean. Listen. We gotta respect our elders. And RE1 fucks so hard. She was the blueprint for everything. The dog corridor. The mansion level of all mansion levels. Jill sandwich. What more could you want from a video game. There is multiple endings though and I forgot how they went about that, but I assume there's a "true" ending for the lore. Also in 2002 they remastered it and put Jill on the cover of their "you can choose to play as a girl or a boy" game that revolutionised gaming and media in general? And some companies in 2018 acted as nobody wants to buy a game where the girl protag is the one primarily marketed and/or where you play as a girl. Looks at ubisoft.
3. Resident Evil 2. This might be bias, but it might not be. Because RE3 is more action-y and while I did say I appreciated that as a kid in RE4, i feel like it worked in RE4, but not so much in 3? I think i'm biased. Anyway RE2 was cool because heellooooooo Mr X? Iconic. The soundtrack? Divine. The way you had A and B sides ?!?!?!?!? Four different scenarios because depending on who you chose in A, you'd have a totally different story????? Iconic. 10/10 in my esteemed opinion. I love Resident Evil 2. Can Claire and Leon please just ba----
4. Code Veronica. I still have no idea what the fuck happened in this game. 8/10 at this point I went "what the hell is this lore" (/pos). Like i'm trying to come up with an example to give you but i can't. Love the gothic setting tho
5. Resident Evil 3. Lipbite. Clockwork level. Nemesis.
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Horror game girl swag. I dunno, I don't have much to say. She was iconic, but by this point we're in "i'm not exactly a shooter for these games" territory.
Now. Much as I love RE4 it definitely was a sign of things to come. Scratches the back of my neck. I kinda don't care for RE5 and 6. I know Chris punches a boulder in one of them. I do appreciate that they turned it back to survival horror with 7 and Village, buuuut. They lost me. As I said, I don't care for the lore that much, it spans too long, there's a lotta new characters (and I'm not one for "legacy" characters anyway, ik you can only do so much with the originals, but :( i just prefer the smaller cast and our classics. But i get that Capcom wants to have the games set in the years they're releasing, so they kinda haaave to, but </3). 7 and Village definitely were cool, but they somehow felt~~~ a bit less Resident Evil-ly... if that makes sense. 7 was great, but Village's bosses... I dunno. I wasn't much of a fan of how it fit into the sci-fi world of RE.
Listen. I think RE was best when it had the static camera and the horrible dread and when it made you wonder if you should shoot or not. The camera in the original was good because it was part of the horror. No you may NOT have the freedom to see what's around you. Fuck you. The first person in 7 and Village are actually fine for it but😢 i'm a grandma as it goes. RE0 also sounds super cool, but I haven't played it nor seen anyone play it. Will have to get on that tbh
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So had a really fucking bad panic attack today (doing better now! 👌)
I very much know it wasn’t real or anything, all in my head- whatever. However, imagining comfort characters around me (I’ve always had a ‘very strong/vibrant imagination’ or whatever) was so so helpful. I somehow ended up with two characters each from a few fandoms.
Patton and Virgil (Sanders sides); Luz and Hunter (The Owl House); Will and Mike (Stranger things)
And it was so…idk it was kind of nice, stupid fictional people in my head making me feel loved for once in my life. Situation ended up like this:
I was curled up in a ball hiding in a small corner of my backyard, hyperventilating and sobbing. Some part of my brain was then thinking abt comfort characters for who fucking knows what reason. Next thing I know I have my eyes closed and I’m desperately imagining them there with me. So I sat there, Patton and Virge talking me through breathing (thank you, Patton’s kind words and fatherly-ness) + calming down. Luz and Hunter sitting nearby for moral support. Will’s just pure empathy, also crying a bit (the whole situation, which I would not like to get into, reminding him of growing up with Lonnie) Mike’s sitting next to me, one hand on my shoulder and the other in Will’s own hand. (God this whole thing sounds so weird looking back at it maladaptive daydreaming or whatever the fuck is so fucking weird)
Anyways, I ended up calming down (after 1.5 hours and it getting dark out) and this sounds literally fucking insane. Idk. Something’s probably severely fucked in that noodle up there but hey, at least it helped. :/
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Pokemon Teams for Fictional Characters pt. 2
Damian Wayne
(Also, I'm not including move sets because in my headcannon Pokemon do remember all their old moves. But humans choose to only use four)
For this AU I'm having the Wayne's own the Gotham City Gym, which specializes in Dark types. Most of the cannon events still happened. Just with a few tweaks here and there. (Dick's 20, Jason's 16, Cass is 15 Tim's 15 but younger than Cass and Damian's 13 because I love AUs where there closer in age).
Anyway here we go!
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First things first in the Pokemon Universe his alias wouldn't be Robin since they don't exist. Instead I think it would be Rookidee, since thats the closest Pokemon to a Robin.
His Partner Pokemon and ace would be a Gligar
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Name: Goliath
Gender: Male
Why: Gligar screams Goliath (his Batdragon) plus the coloring of his evolutions matches with Dami's Robin and Batman outfits
Story: He found Goliath while climbing a mountain for his training. At the time he was four and Goliath was a hatching. Damian ended up giving him some food, seeing that the hatching was hungry.
Grateful, the Gligar followed him hoping to return the favor.
When Damian's hand got broken on that same trip, Goliath was the one to help him finish his mission and get home safely.
Talia was impressed that Damian could tame a wild Pokemon without catching it, so she allowed him to keep him as his first Pokemon.
Next he would have a Meowth
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Name: Alfred
Gender: Female
Why: This one has to do with its evolution. Persian are said to only be loyal to trainers it likes and that it takes a lot to get them to like you. Their also said to be prissy and uptight. This reminded me of Damian. How it took forever for him to trust his brothers and his own snobby attitude. Thus I think it fits.
Story: After coming to live with his father Damian didn't know how to act. He saw his "brothers" and father treating their Pokemon so different than how the League did. They all trained hard. But, there was something eles: warm praise for a job well done, asking for insight on a case (they had taught their bipedal pokemon sighn language) and comfort on a bad day. His father and brothers treated their Pokemon like... people
In the League Pokemon where the lowest soldier, lower than the slaves or concubines. They trained, ate then they had to and got in their ball.
He had been a little more lenient in his training with Goliath. When asked he said that he was still a baby and he had to take things slow in this stage or he might develop too much muscle mass and be unable to fly.
He had kept him out of his ball with the excuse of developing muscle mass at a proper pace.
He liked Goliath's company. The Gligar was a good companion. But on the same level as another person?
He had expressed these thoughts to Pennyworth, the only person in the house to give him a straight answer when he needed it.
Pennyworth had explained to him that some people love to hold power over others and that Pokemon where an easy target, since they couldn't communicate their emotions as clearly as people could.
"Think of Mistress Cain. She sometimes cannot communicate with words, but we know that she's intelligent. But some people see her as less than intelligent and treat her as such because of the power it gives them."
Two weeks later Damian would come across a group of teenagers attempting to shave a Meowth. The Pokemon was little more than skin and bone and crying out on pain. So, Damian broke their fingers and shaved part of their heads for good measure.
He kept the Meowth and named her after the man who taught him about the abuse of power.
Next, a Poochyena
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Name: Titus
Gender: Male
Why: These Pokemon and their evolution are ruthless with their pray, and only obey trainers with external skill.
Story: Raven gave Damian Titus as a gift. She said that she rescued him from an underground fighting ring (where the battles are to the death). He was still to young to battle so he didn't need much rehabilitation. The other Pokemon there though...
Now we have a Type Null
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Name: Heretic
Gender: ???
Why: This Pokemon was created in lab, and artificial designed for the purpose of fighting, just like Damian. True I could have given him Mewtwo, but that cat seems to fit Kon more.
Story: Damian's mother had spent years creating Type: Null with the purpose of being able to kill any target. As a last test she wanted to see which of her creations was suppirrior. So she sent the Type Null out to (try and) kill her son.
Damian, with the rest of his team, beat the Pokemon but couldn't kill it. He had long since vowed to wash the blood from his hands. Instead he offered his hand to it and asked it to join him.
Here we have the hardest to explain... Mimikyu
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Name: Habibi (I hope I spelled that right)
Gender: Female
Why: Damian is complex, he wants to be accepted and loved just like Mimikyu but dosent know how. Both try to mimic others in order to get that love, Damian his father and Mimikyu Pikachu. So I see this as Damian's spirit Pokemon in a way.
Story: He didn't know why it was so hard to fit in. Gods know he tried. But... little things confused him. Like how eveyone could understand each other without words or singhing. He had no problems with that on a battlefield, but in day to day life; it felt like he was on a separate server.
Like how Todd knew at breakfast with just a look that Drake was in a bad mood and how to help. Or how Grayson could audomadicly tell what kind of day at school the rest of them had withen a few minutes. Hell even Drake could tell what grunts ment what from father! Which ment good job, Which ment I'm glade your okay, or frustration either at them or at a case (Cass didn't surprise him, she had to learn how to communicate without words and watch body language and micro expressions).
School was no better; sometimes it was to load or bright othertimes, when everyone was doing a test, it felt to quiet. But, to much or to little, Damian was always aware of every movement, every sound. It was like the very instincts that saved his life every night where turned against him.
He turned to his nearly forgotten childhood habits to distract himself from everything around him. That only led to more whisper shouting and what even he could tell where displeased glares with a grunt of "fucking tapping" or a snap of "stop!" He knew it was disrupting but it was all be could do to drown out the noise or silence.
On one particularly bad day at school; apparently during one of their tests one of his classmates had had enough of Damian's tapping and decided to make a scene.
There was some yelling from the kid. A few cries in agreement. Before the teacher had gotten hem to settle down. He had demanded that Damian look him in the eye and when he finally did told him to stop with the tapping or else he would be sent to the office, Gym Leaders son or not.
He was the last to finish that test where he normally finished first. The silence had been to load!!
After that clusterfuck Damian finally headed home. He had texted Grayson saying that he was meeting a friend somewhere to work on a project and to not pick him up. In truth he didn't want his brother reading what kind of day he had had. He needed some time to himself.
That was how he found himself in a nearby park. It was filled with plenty of sounds that didn't suffocate him and the fall leaves where soothing to his eyes. Damian had Titus out of his ball as company, knowing that the pup loved park walks.
They had been walking for an hour when they came across a box set off just on the edge of the trail. "Free to Good Homes" was written on the side in black sharpie.
No sound was coming from inside, so he assumed that the had all been taken. Until Titus went closer sniffing at the seemingly empty box.
"Pooch Pooch"
"Hmmm... what is is it boy?" He asked as he walked closer to his Pokemon and the Box. Damian hoped he was wrong. It was cruel to leave a baby Pokemon all alone, especially since the weather was getting colder by the day.
Inside the box was in fact a lone Pokemon. At first glance it looked like a Pikachu. But something was off. It looked more like a doll than a living creature. If it wasn't for the small chirps it let out and slight way that it was shivering from the cold Damian would have written it off as a toy. No wonder it got left behind...
Damian reached down and picked up the mystery Pokemon as gently as he could.
"Come on beloved, lets go home."
He tucked the Pokemon in his jacket to warm it up before reaching for his phone to call Grayson for a ride home.
That night Damian locked himself away, even skipped patrol, and spent a sleepless night learning everything he could about his newest Pokemon.
That was inspired by this comic
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Finaly, for his last spot Eevee!!
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Name: Omni
Gender: Female
Why: I'm going to have all the Batfam members have an Eeveelution. This branch and the Batfam are both growing consistently. We all have our favorites but we love them all the same. So I think it fits.
Story: Everyone in the family had an Eevee or one of its evolutions. Damian's Father said that Eevee was the Wayne family symbol, it was potential, the ability to become whatever you wanted.
Though it surprised Damian that the Wayne symbol wasn't a Noibat or Noivern (Batman's ace) at first he eventually understood the logic in choosing such a Pokemon to represent the family name. That only made things harder for him being the only one not having one. Did they not truly see him as family?
On the one year anniversary of Damian arriving at The Mannor, his family through a small party. Pennyworth made his favorite foods, The Mannor was decorated in tacky streamers (Graysons' idea) and they watched some of Damian's favorite fims, their Pokemon curled up with them. His father had offered to take the day off from the gym. Until Todd suggested that Damian take on the challengers.
The Gotham gym was part of his heritage. Damian had been training for the day that he could finally help weed out the weak challengers just like his siblings sometimes did (think the battles you do before challenging a gym leader in the games).
On that day, if the challengers agreed to it, their final battle wasn't with Bruce Wayne the Dark Knight but instead his son. Most accepted thinking that it would be an easy win, that they had lucked out in not having to battle one of the stongest Gym Leaders in the League and could still get the Shadow Badge.
Those poor fools.
Damian was only allowed to use Alfred, Titus and Habibi since he used Goliath and Heretic primarily as Rookidee.
Damian fought seven trainers that day in 3v3 fights. Only two of them got the badge.
With the day overwith and the night rising, so did Gothams' protecters.
The night ended with exhausted body's and adrenaline crashes. Damian was ready to slip into a mini coma from the day he had but before he could head upstairs to The Mannor...
"Not so fast baby bat." Graysons' voice called out to him. "We got one more surprise for you."
Damian raised his eyebrow at that. What else could they do? His father came back from the locker rooms where he had been desuiting, it always took him the longest because of his "old man bones" as Todd said.
"Son," his father said "its Wayne tradition to get your first Pokemon when you turn ten years old. I missed that with you." He paused, eyes briefly shifting to the floor before they snapped back on Damian's face. "Luckily there's one tradition we didn't miss. When you've lived at The Mannor for a year or the adoption papers get finalized, I give my children this..."
He pulled a Poke'ball out of his poket and handed to Damian. "Go on son, let them out."
He did
Staring at him was his own Eevee.
AN: All of Damian's Pokemon (sans maybe Omni, I'm thinking of leaving her as an Eevee) will eventually evolve. Eventually.
113 notes · View notes
luxekook · 4 years
𝗙𝗢𝗨𝗥 | 𝘬𝘵𝘩
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⇥ pairing: quadruplet!taehyung x reader
⇥ genre: crack, smut
⇥ summary: in which the reader lives next door to taehyung… and his three brothers. she doesn’t realize they’re quadruplets until it’s just a little too late.
⇥ word count: 7.5k
⇥ warnings: 18+, cursing/dirty talk, alcohol, general chaotic energy [as usual], one hard dom!taehyung and three soft dom!taehyungs, sub!reader, pet name: kitten, smut (breast worship, oral [f receiving], bondage, spanking, slight degrading name-calling during sex, mention of daddy kink, ownership kink, four taehyungs lovin’ on the **READER** [***NOT EACH OTHER***])
⇥ beta’d by: the lovely phia (@meowxyoong​) and the cutie ally (@ally-127), and read over by the iconic heath (@shadowsremedy)
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The Kim Quadruplets:
Mic Drop!Tae as “V” Boy With Luv!Tae as “Vante” Pied Piper!Tae as “Hansung” ON!Tae as “Taehyung”
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Of all the days to forget your umbrella, your brain just had to choose today. You cursed your faulty memory as you shuffled your drenched sneakers across the ‘Welcome’ mat of your apartment building. As someone who prided themselves on being prepared and dependable, you were thoroughly angry at yourself for dropping the ball. Lightning flashed through the windows of the lobby, but you barely flinched - already used to the noise after a lengthy walk home from work.
You worked part-time at a small indie coffee shop called ‘Grind On Me’, which was located halfway across town. The shop was owned by an eccentric middle-aged woman named Reese who still had not gotten over the tragic loss of Vine. The menu was full of references to the fallen application: “Oovoo Java”, “Coulda Dropped My Croissant”, “Avocado Toast, Thanks!”, and “Back At It Again With The Refill”.
The best part of your job was definitely fucking around with your co-workers Jess and Cal. Reese often scheduled the three of you together because your “combined chaotic energy” was “on-brand”. Basically, the three of you would spend your shifts roasting coffee and roasting each other, while Reese looked on like a proud mom. You loved it.
The rest of your time was filled with school. You were up to your neck in your studies; but, with just one semester left until graduation, you were more determined than ever to stick it out. As a literature major, you spent many hours hunched over your trusty MacBook, fingers flying across the keys. Creating new worlds and constructing well-rounded characters was intoxicating. Every new document was a chance to bring ideas to life, an opportunity to make someone laugh or cry, a possibility to both mend and break hearts.
But, your absolute guiltiest pleasure was writing romance - and not the lovey-dovey kind. No, you wrote the racy kind of romance: the heart-pounding smut, the kinky (well-written and well-researched) BDSM, the raunchiest threesomes. You always wondered what your professors would think if you submitted one of your erotic novels to be graded; but, for now, you settled for posting to your loyal audience on Tumblr and for fantasizing about someday fulfilling the filthy scenes you wrote about.
Your most recent fantasy was inspired by the rainfall. Kissing in the midst of a storm like people did in those cliché movies… fucking as the rain poured over you… hands sliding down your slippery skin…
“Woah.” Hands grabbed your hips, halting you from continuing to walk forward absentmindedly. You jumped, your mind jarred from your fantasy and back to reality.
“I am so sorry,” You breathed out, “My mind was somewhere else.”
“I’ll say,” The deepest and most divine voice you had ever heard sounded from the figure in front of you. You looked up, desperate to know the source of such a dulcet tone. You were not disappointed.
The boy was beautiful.
His skin was the color of warm honey, his dark eyes sparkled with bad intentions, his full lips curled into a sly grin. “I would pay good money to know what you were thinking about just now, kitten,” The boy’s grin widened, displaying a cute boxy smile that did nothing to take away from the implications of his words.
“I’m not your kitten,” You glared at the blonde boy in front of you, shoving aside both his hands and the traitorous warmth that bloomed inside you at the pet name. With those words, you sidestepped around him and trudged to go check your mail. Your heart flipped in your chest when you heard the soft pitter-patter of footsteps following close behind you.
“Ever heard of an umbrella, kitten?” You could hear his smile in his infuriating words, and you shot him a glare.
“Yes, actually. Have you ever heard of manners?” You bit out, punching in the key code to your small mailbox.
The boy’s laugh sent a shiver down your spine that you tried to rationalize as a chill. God, he was maddeningly handsome. You grabbed the small bunch of letters shoved in your mailbox and were so ready to hightail it out of there, when he grabbed your wrist.
The sight of his long fingers wrapped around your wrist made your mind flash to scenes of him holding your wrists above your head as he thrusts, hips swiveling and pounding into you… him holding your wrists behind your back as he kneels in front of you, tongue deep in your—
“Kitten.” Your attention snapped back to him, your eyes wide and your cheeks flushed. Fuck, you really needed to shut your inner ho of a writer off sometimes…
He winked, “Next time you’re going to have to share what’s going on in that head of yours. I’ll be seeing you around, neighbor.”
With those parting words, he sauntered out of the mailroom, flipping the hood of his grey sweatshirt up over his wavy blonde strands as he tugged his dark bomber jacket closer around him.
You were so fucked.
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A few days later, you still had not forgotten your blonde self-proclaimed neighbor, no matter how hard you tried. And, god, you had tried. No amount of smutty fan fiction or archaic romance tropes could quell your thirst.
You didn’t even know his name.
Jess and Cal had urged you to just knock on his door and introduce yourself, but you knew it wasn’t that simple. First, you had more than one apartment neighboring yours. You were not about to knock on each and every door in your hallway to find some mystery boy - even if he did call you kitten and smelled like summer nights. Second, you had already written so much filth inspired by your brief encounter that you feared you might not survive being in the same vicinity as him without spontaneously combusting or jumping on him.
And third, you were just so intimidated by him and his dominating presence. Even though you spent just a few minutes with him, you knew that you would have fallen to your knees before him if he’d demanded it… And he really looked like the type to demand.
Now every damn time you entered your apartment building, your eyes sought him out. You jumped out of your skin at every ding of the elevator, half fearing and half hoping he might be getting off. Your heart pounded whenever you walked down your hallway to unlock your door, waiting for him to swing open his own door to greet you with a smirk and some sarcastic words.
But, nothing had happened. And you were beginning to think he might have just been a rain-induced hallucination. Those were a thing, right?
You shook yourself out of your disastrous train of thought. Your shift at ‘Grind On Me’ was approaching, and you really needed to make some money. Rent, unfortunately, just didn’t pay itself. Tugging on your non-slip black sneakers, you made sure to grab your umbrella - just like you had the previous couple days, despite the clear forecast. You would not be caught out - or called out - again.
You push open your apartment door, shoving your umbrella deep into your tote bag and stepping out into the hall. You were entirely unprepared for the sight you were met with.
The boy from earlier that week was fumbling near the door across from you with what looked like an entire art store crammed into half a dozen reusable bags. He was mumbling about some Han character who couldn’t “get off his ass for one second to help him”. And, his hair was a bright shade of blue.
His. Hair. Was. Blue.
You must have made some sort of choking noise because suddenly he whipped around to face you. His wide eyes latched onto yours, and you couldn’t help but think that there was something peculiar about him today - even besides the hair.
A light flush bloomed on the boy’s face that you were sure was mirrored on your own tenfold. Shit, he really could pull off that shade of blue… Your eyes involuntarily slid lower to check out his white slouchy ‘CELINE” t-shirt, his black Adidas sweatpants, his bag hung casually off one muscular shoulder. You swallowed suddenly craving some water.
“Uh, hey, neighbor,” You waved at him idiotically as he continued to just stare. You lowered your hand and fought the urge to smack yourself for your lame actions.
The boy blinked and then smiled that same boxy smile as before, “Hi! I would wave back, but I’m kind of tied down right now.”
You let out a very uncharacteristic giggle, “And I would offer to help you, but I’m already late for work. Don’t worry, I have my umbrella this time.”
Grabbing your umbrella from your bag, you waved it briefly in the air before returning it to its resting place. “Bye!” You called over your shoulder at the bewildered blue-haired boy, “Love the new hair by the way!”
“Uh, thank you?” He called after you. As you stepped into the elevator, you swore you heard him say something about having good weather with no chance of rain, but you were too busy thinking about how nice he was today.
And about how he didn’t call you kitten.
You were so, so fucked.
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When you got to work, you were immediately bombarded with questions from Jess and Cal.
Jess: “Wait. His hair is blue now? Does he look like a hot Smurf?”
Cal: “So, no “kitten”? Throws phone. Stomps on skateboard.”
You: “Did you just try to use the ‘So No Head' Vine out loud?”
Reese: "She sure did." *wipes away tear proudly*
They continued to clown on you for another hour while some of your favorite regulars filed in and out, grabbing their late afternoon coffees.
One of your particular favorites was an enigmatic individual named Heath. You, Jess and Cal were about 85% certain that Heath was a sugar daddy based on his regular order (the "Valentino Flat White") and the large amount of tips he always left (at least $20 for each barista on duty).
Another favorite customer of yours was Tay. She tended to skulk in the corner of the cafe, typing away on her phone and occasionally letting out loud bursts of laughter. Once, you had asked what she was writing, but she just looked at you like you had asked for her darkest secret. You figured it was something juicy.
Sighing, you checked the clock on the wall for the umpteenth time that evening - 6:50PM. Two more hours til you could go home, throw on some sweatpants, and drink a glass of cheap wine.
Wiping down the coffee bar, you heard a throat clear behind you. "Be right with you!" You called over your shoulder, placing the wipe in the garbage before turning to take their order.
"Oh," You gasped as you took in the new customer, "Your hair!"
"My hair?" Your neighbor that you had seen just hours before tugged his hands through his now-brown waves, "Is there something wrong with it..." His dark eyes flicked to your name-tag, “(y/n)?”
"N-no," You gulped, wondering what happened to the cute blushing blue-haired boy from earlier. Your neighbor really was giving you whiplash with his different moods. "What can I get for you?"
"Your number." His boxy grin was lethal, his voice was sultry.
You blinked at him. "You could have just knocked on my door later if you needed me."
His eyebrows flew up, "Oh really? I like the sound of that. You'd have to give me your address though, kitten."
"Very funny," You scoffed. Your insides turned to mush over the return of the nickname that you hated to love. "Now, seriously, what can I get for you?"
"Surprise me," He winked, handed you $50 and sauntered to a nearby table.
Gaping, you shook yourself out of your trance and got to work on his 'surprise' - an "I Thought You Were Americano".
"Who is that?" You jumped two feet in the air at Jess' hissed question. She was hovering right behind you as you poured the espresso into his to-go cup.
"My fucking hair chameleon of a neighbor!" You whispered back, conveying your panic, “Deliver this to him, would you?“ You tried in vain to shove the hot Americano into Jess' hands but she dodged your efforts.
"Oh no, bitch,” She laughed, "I am going to watch from afar as this plays out."
"Goddamn you," You shot her your best side-eye and stalked off to deliver the drink to your godforsaken neighbor.
The boy in question flicked his eyes up to look at you as you approached his table. He was wearing a flowy button-down shirt with at least four of the buttons undone, showcasing a tan and very toned chest. His legs were spread wide, encased in tight black slacks that left little to the imagination.
You gulped, trying not to imagine yourself perched on his lap and grinding into his hard––
"See something you like, kitten?" You jerked out of your daze and looked at his amused face. "I know I do."
You decided to be bratty. "Nope, nothing too impressive for me to see." You smiled sweetly as you deposited his drink on the table in front of him.
He licked his lips slowly, "God, if you were mine..." He trailed off, eyes narrowed on yours. Your mouth dried as the image of the two of you in a dark bedroom flashed into your mind. You sprawled out across his lap, his hands smacking your ass, your underwear pulled to the side…
“Yeah, you get the picture,” Your neighbor’s crooked smirk was downright obscene as his eyes flashed to your lips briefly. “I’ll see you later tonight, kitten. You know, when I come knocking at your door.”
With that parting remark, he stood, raised his americano in your direction, and strutted out the door.
You stood rooted to the spot, gaping after him for god knows how long.
“She’s gotta move at some point,” Cal’s voice vaguely sounded from the side of you.
“I don’t know,” Jess’ response sounded from your other side, “I once saw her stare out at a speck of dust for like fifteen minutes straight.”
That got you. “It was not fifteen minutes!” You defended yourself, “And it’s not my fault that I happened to be writing a coffeehouse AU at that time!”
Your friends cackled as you stomped back behind the counter.
Your friends were evil, and so was your neighbor, of that you were certain.
And you were so, so, so fucked.
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Hours later, you were still thinking about your fucking neighbor. Why were you only meeting him now? Why was his hair always changing colors? Why did he fuck with you so much? Why did you like it?
All of these questions bounced around your brain as you entered your building, your eyes seeking out the boy instinctively. But, as before, he was nowhere to be seen.
You shuffled over to the ancient elevator and punched the 'Up' button a few more times than necessary. Something must be wrong with you. You were way too infatuated with your way too infuriating neighbor.
The elevator doors parted, and you automatically sighed in relief and disappointment as you entered the empty space. Pushing the button to your floor, you waited for the doors to close.
A shudder trailed down your spine as you watched the doors re-open to let the subject of your thoughts onto the lift. He was wearing yet another outfit that was different from earlier - a white tank top with loose pants adorned with decorative zippers.
And was that a fucking tattoo?
There was no way you had missed that in your previous encounters. He must have felt your piercing stare because his eyes flashed over to yours. “See something you like?”
“You have a tattoo!” You blurted out.
“Um, yeah, I do. Nice observation,” Your neighbor looked at you weirdly. “Aren’t you going to ask what floor I need?”
“You and your fucking jokes,” You rolled your eyes at him.
The boy’s eyebrows shot up, and he looked at you intently, “Ah, so you’re kitten.”
Your insides into jelly, and you decided the safest tactic would now be to ignore him.
“Now, now, kitten,” He crowded your space, backing you up against the elevator wall, “It’s impolite to ignore your neighbor.”
“Well, it’s against the commandments to covet your neighbor, isn’t it?” You sniffed, pretending to not be affected by his sheer size and dangerous aura. The tattoo curling up his neck demanded your attention, and you only wished you could pay your respects with your tongue.
“I’m pretty sure they said something about coveting a neighbor’s wife… you’re not married are you, kitten? Got a boyfriend, girlfriend or partner that we don’t know about?” His breath mingled with your own, his lips so close to your own.
Wait, we?
Your thoughts were interrupted by the elevator’s arrival at your floor. Ducking under his corded arms, you scurried out of the elevator and down the hall towards your apartment.
Of course, he lazily trailed after you.
“I don’t see how that’s any of your business,” You shot over your shoulder at him as you neared your door. “We just met like two days ago.”
His grin turned feral, “Yes, kitten, of course we did. Hey, why don’t you come over for a drink? You’re right; we don’t really know each other. Let’s change that.”
You weighed your options. Hanging out with him could drive you absolutely crazy or it could lead to something you previously could only write about.
He lounged against the wall next to your door in await of your answer. He raised a hand to brush his hair out of his eyes, and your eyes caught a sudden flash of silver. Was that an honest to god nipple piercing you just saw?
All rational exited the building. “Sure, but only for a little bit. Let me just change real quick.”
“Great, kitten,” His eyes flared, “Wear something comfortable. Just knock when you’re ready.”
You just nodded mutely as you entered your apartment and then shut the door. What the fuck were you getting yourself into?
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After ten panicked minutes of you running around your apartment in search of ‘comfortable’ clothes, you were poised to knock on your still nameless neighbor’s door. You glanced down at your cropped t-shirt, leggings and running shoes. It would do. Besides, you had your lucky lingerie on underneath just in case.
Before you could even knock, the door flew open. “I was beginning to worry you were just going to stand there all night, kitten.” Your neighbor pouts, “And then we wouldn’t get to have any fun.”
You rolled your eyes. “Aren’t you supposed to invite me inside?”
His lips twitched, “How vampiresque of you, (y/n).”
You smiled broadly, “If I was a vampire, I would definitely have killed you already. You’re really fucking annoying.”
He stared at you for a split second before throwing his head back and laughing. The amount of neck that was in your face was heavenly; and, suddenly, you questioned whether vampires actually had it right this whole time.
“Well, kitten. I’m Taehyung. Please, do come in,” He opened the door wider, still chuckling lowly, “Would you like anything to drink? I think we have wine and maybe some beer hiding in the fridge somewhere.”
There was that pesky ‘we’ again.
“Red wine sounds good, thank you,” You said, plopping yourself down on one of the deep wooden barstools lining the marble kitchen island. You watched as he poured two glasses and handed one to you. Just as you were about to ask if he had roommates, Taehyung held up his glass.
“Cheers to being very friendly neighbors,” He said, sitting in the stool next to yours and staring intently at you.
“Cheers,” You echoed, clinking your glasses together and then taking a sip. Your eyes widened both from the sight of Taehyung drinking – his throat tipped back, his eyes dark on yours – and the deliciousness of the wine. It was an intense ruby red pinot noir that somehow tasted of fruit and of smokey spice all at once. It was honestly so fucking good that you just knew it had to be exorbitantly expensive. You licked your lips, making sure not to miss a single drop.
Taehyung’s eyes latched onto the movement. “You know,” He murmured, “They say if you hold eye contact while toasting, you’ll keep having good sex.”
You almost spat out your second sip of wine. Just as you were about to risk it all and say you would actually have to start having sex for that to happen, a crashing sound echoed from the dark hallway to your left.
“Shit,” Taehyung cursed, glaring in the direction the sound had come from, “I need to go and check what that was. Are you all right out here for a minute?”
You shrugged and nodded, swirling your wine around your glass.
“Be right back,” Taehyung brushed his hand over your cheek for a split second before stalking down the hallway in search of whatever had caused the ruckus.
Your hand flew to your now-warm cheek. Fuck, were you really crushing on your cute neighbor with the mood-swings?
Ugh, you were.
You glanced speculatively around his apartment. It was so much nicer than yours… The minimalist but chic decor just screamed rich vibes. However, there were a few oddities that made you frown. Four sets of keys hung by the front door. Four sets of shoes were lined up in the foyer. Four different color coded markings were on the calendar pinned to the wall.
Four different versions of Taehyung smiled back at you from a photo stuck to the fridge.
“Hello again, kitten,” The low voice startled you from your internal panic. Reluctantly turning to face them, you cursed your own stupidity. The blonde version of Taehyung that you met a few days ago grinned back at you.
“Fucking brothers,” You moaned, slouching over on the kitchen island and placing your head in your hands, “You’re all fucking brothers.”
“Quadruplets, actually,” He unhelpfully added, “I’m V. You’re (y/n), right?”
“Were you all just eavesdropping on me and Taehyung, or what?” You knew your were being petty right now, but you felt blindsided by your own lack of awareness and the brothers’ obvious lack of tact.
“Kind of,” Blue-haired Taehyung exited the hallway, “Sorry, (y/n).”
It was honestly unfair how sweet Blue was. “It’s okay. What’s your name?”
“Vante,” He waved at you and grinned, “See? I can finally wave back now!”
If you could turn into a human version of ‘uwu’, you would have done so right then and there.
“Stop flirting with her, Vante,” Coffee-shop Taehyung enters the kitchen followed closely by the actual Taehyung, “Let me introduce myself, kitten. I…” He gripped your hand and brought it to his lips, “Am Hansung.” His lips brushed over your knuckles as the words poured out of his mouth.
You blinked at him as it clicked, “Oh, so you’re the Han that wouldn’t get off his ass!”
Hansung choked, dropping your hand as his brothers cried with laughter. “Who said that?” He rounded on his brothers, “Who?”
Vante shot you a desperate look; and, since you had already internally declared him your favorite, you kept the information to yourself. “I don’t see how that matters when you all clearly have been keeping me in the dark about the fact that there are four of you.”
“I mean,” Taehyung began, “Technically we didn’t not tell you. You just never asked.”
Your blood boiled, “And how the fuck would I know to ask? Should I have consulted a psychic? Scoured the census data? Kept tabs on the entire population of quadruplets nationwide?”
You stared down each of the boys. Vante and Hansung at least looked a tad sheepish, but Taehyung and V just looked amused.
“You were right,” Taehyung nudged V, “She is feisty.”
You contemplated your options: 1) Kill V and bury the body deep in the nearby woods, 2) Dramatically exit the apartment and never speak to these demonspawn ever again, or 3) Chug this miraculous tasting wine.
You chose option three.
No regrets.
Looking at each of them, you felt like you could be the stock image for the word ‘shooketh’. Fuck, you had thought it was overwhelming when there was just one of them in your mind. But, now? You were in full panic mode over the sheer amount of masculinity and identical good looks that surrounded you.
“You know what?” You said after draining your glass, “I really don’t like being made to look like a fool. And that’s what you all did to me this whole week.” You saw Vante open his mouth, and you cut him off, “Some more than others… but, still, you knew where I lived. You could have just introduced yourself separately.”
You stood, glancing over the boys’ varying degrees of pouts and sighing. “Yeah, I’m out of here.”
Making your way over to the door, you were suddenly cut off by V. He leaned heavily against the door, successfully blocking your smooth exit.
“V, move.”
“No, you need to hear us out, kitten,” He murmured, looking down at you with an intense expression you couldn’t quite put your finger on. “Could you do that for us?”
You spared a glance over your shoulder, and sure enough, the other three were right there. Vante stared at you pleadingly. Hansung shot you a wink. Taehyung snapped his gaze up to yours… Had he been checking out your ass?
Deciding not to pay them any mind, you turned back around to face V and shrugged, “Fine, two minutes.”
“Good girl.”
A shiver coursed down your spine. You didn’t even know which brother behind you muttered those two words, and, yet, perhaps that made it all the more thrilling.
V shot a glare over your head and then refocused on you. “Kitten, we’re sorry. We just really like to tease, and you made it so easy.” Seeing your glare, he continued, “We didn’t mean to make you upset. That wasn’t our intention at all… it was the complete opposite, actually.”
Taehyung moved in front of you, next to V. “Why don’t we start over? Come over for dinner tomorrow night at eight. We’ll have a proper introduction to our neighborly relationship.”
You mulled it over in your mind. Embarrassment warred with infatuation. Worst case scenarios clashed with the best of cases. Images of a dark bedroom with multiple partners contrasted with words typed on a laptop screen.
Finally, as the seconds ticked by, you decided to ask yourself: ‘What would your characters do?’
They would fuck them all.
“Okay,” You sighed, eyeing the two boys in front of you and then the two behind, “But you better make something edible.”
“Challenge accepted,” V’s eyes glinted wickedly.
“It wasn’t even––” You cut yourself off. Though you only had met V twice thus far, you knew it was virtually impossible to make him back down from anything he perceived as a dare. “You know what? Sure, it’s a challenge. I’ll be the Gordon Ramsey; you’ll be the crying contestants.”
A stifled giggle sounds from behind you that you suspect belonged to Vante.
“That mouth…” Taehyung muttered. His tongue swiped along his lower lip as he stared you down.
Suddenly, Hansung popped out from behind you and shoved his two brothers out of the way of the door. “Allow me, kitten,” He swung it open in a flourish, bowing as he cleared your way out. Your lips twitched. That boy was so extra.
“Thank you, Han,” You smiled and waved as you exited their apartment, “I guess I’ll be seeing you tomorrow night…” Walking the short distance across the hall to your own apartment, you unlock your door, step inside, and then turn back to see if they were still there.
They were.
All four of them peered back at you from their doorway. “Shoo!” You laughed, waving them away before slamming your door shut.
You were so, so, so, so fucked.
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Four’s hands ghosted over your skin, caressing the dips of your curves. You shuddered as Three’s tongue slides across your pussy.
“You like that, kitten?” One asks, as he watches from the armchair in the corner of the room, “You like my brothers ruining you?” You weren’t fooled by his lack of participation; you knew One pulled the strings. “Answer me.”
“Yes, daddy,” You moan out as Two sucks one of your nipples in his mouth and asoidfjgioykl—
The ringing of your doorbell caused you to key-smash in panic. “Coming!” You called out, flustered over the interruption and over the filth you just wrote about your neighbors.
You padded over to the door and peered out the peep-hole. It was Hansung. Your breath caught in your throat as you try to push the vivid scenes you just wrote out of your mind.
Pulling open the door, you greeted him with a smile, “Hey, what’s up?”
“Hi…” Hansung trailed off, his eyes roving over your body. You glanced down at your typical loungewear - an oversized t-shirt and sleep shorts. Nothing too out of the ordinary. “Do you have any sugar?”
You stared at him with a deadpan expression, “Are you serious?”
“I don’t joke about sweets, kitten,” Hansung grinned, running a hand through his messy head of hair. You would have to add a scene to your story about pulling on it… “There’s that look,” he shook his head amusedly, “When will you ever let us know some of those thoughts?”
“Never,” You vowed and stepped aside so that he could enter your apartment, “Come on in. I’m pretty sure I have sugar somewhere. Sorry for the mess.” You wandered over to the kitchen area adjacent to your living room. Hansung was assessing your apartment with a critical eye, and you decided you needed to make this fast before he uncovered any dirty secrets.
Pulling open your baking cabinet, you scoured the shelves looking for that pesky ingredient. Flour, vanilla extract, chocolate chips…
“How is it that four boys don’t have any sugar?” You complained, leaning up to snag your bag of sugar from the very top shelf.
“We ask ourselves that all the damn time,” You knew Hansung was smirking even without seeing him, “We’re getting some now though… and later.”
“Well, good,” You turned to face him, “You better stock up so you don’t come bothering me every time you need some.”
He laughed, “Oh, (y/n), we’ll always want more.”
Rolling your eyes, you shoved the bag of sugar to his chest and pushed him towards the door to your apartment. “Out you go!”
“Oh kitten, I always knew you were sweet on me,” Hansung grinned widely as he stared down at the sugar you had pushed against his chest.
“Fuck off,” You groaned, letting out a slight chuckle despite yourself. “Now, go away and cook me a nice dinner. I’ll see you later.”
“Bye-e-e kitten,” he sang as he paraded back across the hall, “Wear something sexy for me.” With a wink, Hansung disappeared back into his shared apartment.
You groaned, slamming your door shut before sliding down it onto the floor. These brothers might be the death of you. Glancing up, your eyes settled on your laptop. Had it always been in that position? Was that how you left it?
Standing up, you walked over to where your laptop resides on your coffee table and closed it. You had a dinner to get ready for, after all. You didn’t have time to return to your story.
Alas, you really should have made time; because, little did you know, the open document on your screen had a new addition courtesy of Hansung… “That’s hot. Which number am I?”
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It was 7:59PM; you were pacing inside your apartment.
You contemplated cancelling for the hundredth time that evening. But, momma didn’t raise no bitch.
With that in mind, you assessed yourself in the foyer mirror. The black midi-dress wrapped around your body like armor. The wings of your eyeliner flicked out like battle knives. The redness of your lipstick warned of the biting tongue that lie within.
Yeah, you looked ready for war, and it was perfect.
With that in mind, you trudged across the hall and knocked on their door before you could talk yourself out of it.
The door opened to reveal V in all his glory. His blonde hair was tousled, his eyes were dark. He looked at you as if he knew all of your secrets.
You bit your lip, “Um, hi?”
A slow smile crossed his face, “Hi, kitten. Please come in.”
You moved past him to enter into the apartment. Taehyung appeared and greeted you with a grin. “Hey, (y/n),” He purred, running a hand down your arm, “Glad you could make it.”
God, what was up? The tension in the room was palpable. You walked over towards where Hansung and Vante were plating dinner in the kitchen.
“Hi,” You greeted them. Vante jumped two feet in the air as Hansung smirked at you.
You cocked your head. Moving your eyes from one brother to the next, you caved, “Okay, what’s going on?”
“What do you mean, (y/n)?” V moved closer to you, “Is this not going as you wrote it?”
You stopped breathing. No, there was no way… but, your laptop had seemed to be moved. You shot Hansung a look in askance.
He grinned sheepishly, and it told you everything you needed to know.
“Fuck,” You turned away from them, “I’m so sorry. This is so embarrassing. I’ll leave.”
“Who’s One?” V’s question cut through your rambled apology.
“What?” You blinked, turning to look at him.
“Who is One, kitten? Is it me?” V moved right in front of you. You gulped. He smiled. “I thought so.”
“You see, (y/n)-kitten,” He continued, “You were right. My brothers and I? We’re a unit. We do everything together. We live together, we date together, we fuck together.”
Your breath caught in your throat at his words.
“We just want one girl to keep us all together, kitten… to be ours.” V murmured, twisting a lock of your hair between his fingers, “That’s what we’ve been searching for for so long.”
You finally found words at last, “And you think that girl is me?”
“We know it’s you,” Vante said, shyly approaching you, “And we’re going to show you why.”
He kissed you. You almost laughed over how cute, shy Vante was the first brother to kiss you. His kiss was gentle, but insistent in its movements. It was like he was pleading you to let him in both your mouth and your heart.
You crumbled. Your hands fisted his shirt and tugged him closer. His kiss ignited something in you that made you want more.
Your tongue darted out to run along the seam of his lips. Vante gasped, and your tongue slid inside.
As you continue to kiss him, someone moved behind you, his lips ghosted over your neck.
“Mm, baby,” Taehyung whispered against the nape of your neck, “You’re so beautiful.”
Taehyung ran his hands over your hips and tugged your ass flush with his crotch. You moaned into Vante’s mouth. Vante took advantage of your dazed state to slide his tongue against yours in a way that was so deliciously dirty.
Suddenly, Vante backed up, and V took his place before you.
His hands slid up your body, grazing the sides of your breasts before settling back down at the top of your waist.
He kissed you deeply, differently than Vante. The slight roughness of his touch was new, and it seemed to declare ownership over you.
V’s tongue twined with yours, playing with you. From behind you, Taehyung continued to slowly grind into you.
Your body felt so overheated, so overwhelmed.
Pulling back from your mouth, V glanced over your shoulder, and Taehyung slipped away from you.
V focused back on you. “I don’t think you understand what you do to us. God, this dress. Did you wear it to tease us, kitten? We’ve been wanting to unwrap you, to strip you down, since you walked through our door.”
V fiddled with the bow keeping your dress fastened.
Your heart pounded in your chest, and you said, “Well, do it then.”
His hand froze. His eyes flicked up to yours. “You’re sure, (y/n)? You know what you’re asking for? You know what we’ll give you?”
You glanced around. Vante looked at you with a hopeful expression. Hansung wore a smirk, already working on undoing the buttons of his shirt. Taehyung full-on grinned at you with dark eyes full of wicked intent and promise.
As soon as the word left your lips, the mood shifted. V nodded at Vante, who scurried out of the room. You opened your mouth to question his departure, but V cut you off.
“Now, kitten, I know you’ve imagined this - wrote this; but, you’re not the one in charge here. We are.”
He led you down the hall and into what must have been his own bedroom. The king size bed dominated the room. Paintings decorated the walls… Was that a real Degas?
Vante entered the room, holding what looked like long scraps of silk.
“Finally,” Hansung grumbled, and then turned to you, “Strip.”
Your hands shook as you reached down to the tie at your waist and pulled. Your dress, your armor, fell to the ground in a whoosh. You stood in just your underwear, having forgone a bra that evening.
“Goddamn,” V growled, “Such a good little slut coming to our place without a bra.”
His filthy words slid over your body like a caress and settled deep in your core. You pushed your thighs together. The movement was not lost on the brothers.
At V’s call, Vante reached out and took your hand. Leading you over to the bed, he gestured for you to lay down. “We want to tie you up, kitten. Is that okay? If not, we can have fun in other ways.”
“T-that’s okay,” You swallowed hard, “I like bondage.”
“I knew it!” Hansung cheered from the left foot of the bed.
“Shut up, Han,” Vante shot over his shoulder as he focused on tying your wrists behind your head. Refocusing on you, he mumbled, “How does that feel, baby? Too tight? Too loose?”
“Just right,” You sighed, almost moaning at how hot you felt getting tied down by one man while three others watched.
Taehyung sat down at your side, his pointer finger began drawing light circles across your stomach. “Can Hansung take your panties off, kitten?”
Nodding, you looked down as Hansung leaned over you, hands briefly squeezing your hips before tugging your underwear down your thighs. Almost on reflex, you squeezed your legs together again, craving any sort of friction.
“Open your legs,” V ordered from his stance against the wall by the foot of the bed, “Show us how wet you are.”
You listened, hyper-aware of how your wetness was surely obvious. Taehyung’s fingers suddenly pinched your nipple, rolling the puckered bud between his fingers. A small moan escaped you.
“Fuck,” someone cursed. Hansung, you guessed. “She’s so pretty.”
“How wet is she?” Taehyung asked, the only brother not openly ogling your wet pussy.
“Dripping,” Vante murmurs, tongue wetting his lips.
Your eyes locked with V’s as he stared you down. “Now, kitten, do you want Vante to lick your pussy? Or Hansung?”
Both boys in question stared at you with wistful expressions. You knew your answer though. It was not an option he had given. And it was your lack of answer that tipped V off.
“Ah, I see,” V laughed. “Well, that’ll be a new one for us.”
Hansung shot V a confused look, “What?”
“She wants both of your mouths,” V smirked at your immediate blush, “What? Am I wrong, baby?”
“…No,” You pouted.
Vante’s eyebrows furrowed, “Both of us? Like at one time? Or one after the other?”
All eyes were on you once more as you squirmed under the weight of their attention and Taehyung’s continued worship of your nipples with his fingers.
“Either?” You were losing your train of thought under the building pleasure. Could you actually come from just nipple play?
“Mm,” V hummed, “Our little kitten is being indecisive. Vante?”
Again, Vante hastened to fulfill V’s unspoken command. You wondered how many times the brothers had done this together, because they were really fucking in sync.
“Are you good with being blindfolded, too, kitten?” Vante asked, kissing your cheek lightly. You nodded and lifted your head up slightly so he could tie the soft silk around your head.
Darkness consumed you. Your senses heightened. A breath coasted over your wetness and you shuddered.
A light kiss pressed over your folds followed by a tentative swipe of a tongue. “Damn, she tastes fucking amazing,” Hansung groaned, completely giving himself away.
“Shut up and make her come, Han. Or I’ll let Vante take your place.” V’s voice came from closer by you now. Was he right next to you? Was he at your feet?
His lips felt so soft as he dragged them over your pussy to finally suck your clit in between them. His tongue slid and flicked perfectly against your clit.
The small ministrations of his tongue against your clit set your arousal ablaze. You shifted your hips up in hopes he will lick harder, but a firm hand pushed you back down.
“No, no, kitten,” V’s voice sounded in your ear, “You’ll get what we give you.”
Hansung continued to stroke his tongue between your legs. Finally, by the grace of the gods, he pushed a finger inside you and hissed, “Fuck, she’s so tight.”
You clenched down around his finger at his words, and he moaned. “She was fucking made for us.”
As Han returned to worship your pussy, another tongue flicked at your nipple. Was that Vante? Taehyung?
Honestly, not knowing was high-key hot. You were hurtling towards your orgasm as one brother ate your pussy, another worshipped your breasts, and two more watched.
The feeling of having so much attention on you, on your pleasure, on your body, set you off. You came with an embarrassingly loud moan.
Lips brushed your ear as V murmured, “You’re so sexy when you come, kitten. I bet you’ll look even better when you come all over my cock.”
A whine escaped you as he teased you, licking your neck, teeth scraping over it. The afterglow of your orgasm quickly turned into the aching need for more.
And then your stomach let out an insanely loud growl.
The room quieted. A chuckle escaped someone. Then, laughs echoed around the bedroom.
“Well, someone needs to be fed,” V’s smile was apparent as he pressed a kiss to your cheek.
The blindfold slipped from around your head and you blinked up at V as he untied your wrists. “Come on, baby, we can reheat dinner.”
“But–” You pouted as V placed a finger to your lips.
“We can get back to that after. We’re not even close to being done with you, kitten.”
“I don’t think we ever will,” Taehyung grinned at you as he tugged you up from the bed.
“Here you go, (y/n),” Vante handed you Han’s discarded button down.
“Thank you,” You blushed at his cuteness. Pausing, you scoured the ground for your panties.
Your ass stung as V’s hand massaged over the area he just smacked.
“They’re mine. Don’t bother,” His grin was feral as he squeezed your ass and then led you out of the room towards the kitchen.
As you both joined the others in the kitchen, you took the plate that Han offered you. Surveying the room, you took in your varying states of undress as you all stood around the kitchen island eating your reheated dinners.
Damn, you could get used to this… Taehyung caught your eye and shot you a wink.
Yeah, you were so fucked… but, so were they.
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© luxekook. please do not repost, modify, edit or translate.
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miss-smutty · 3 years
The Destructive Secret
Chapter 7
A/N- I'm back! At least I think I am 😂 I wrote this while I was struggling with writer's block so I don't think it's great but the next chapter I'm working on I feel back to the old me 🥳🤞
Summary- Are your lies finally going to catch up to you?
Word count- 2.8K
Pairing- Chris Hems x reader x Liam Hems
Warnings- Mature themes, cheating, swearing, smut
Strictly 18+ only!
Disclaimer: This is an entire work of fiction/AU and has no affiliation to real life what so ever! This is a fictional story about fictional characters who happen to share names and faces with some real people.
Posted: 2nd Sept 2021
Taglist:- @innerpaperexpertcloud @pandaxnienke @chickensarentcheap @jjpogueprincess @longlostinanotherworld @mostly-marvel-musings @darklydeliciousdesires @monet-belle
The Destructive Secret Masterlist <
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The guy turned to leave before looking back over his shoulder at the door, his hand on the door handle.
"If it makes any difference I would choose you over your brother any day." He winked as he left the room.
"What the actual fuck." You shout, storming out of the bathroom in a huff. "There's no way he's gunna stay quiet, it'll be all over the press come tomorrow." You paced the room, your heart beating fast as the adrenaline rushed through you. This was it, this was how it was all going to end. Liam would know as soon as he saw the headlines, all those late night and weekend conferences at the same time as Chris was conveniently away with work.
"To be fair, he does have good taste in men." Chris' usual nonchalance annoyed you, how come he could stay so calm? Why did he make you sound like a crazy person for actually worrying about what might happen.
"It's really not funny Chris, do you want our business known by strangers before we even have chance to speak to Liam and your Mom Chris, she's going to hate me." You feel the warm tears dripping down your cheeks before you even register you're crying. The thought of their mom hating you upsets you more than the thought of Liam hating you. Cathy, their mom was like your own mother, from day one she'd taken you under her wing.
"My Mom would love you no matter what, you know she thinks of you as her own daughter. It's me she's going to blame, Liam's her baby." 
"Yeah you're probably right but still what are we gunna do?" 
"Let's relax babe, you don't know what's going to happen and you can't change it if it does happen so what's the use in worrying about it. Come here."
"You piss me off Chris, you're so laid back. This isn't something you can just sweep under the carpet. It's serious." You needed to take your anger out on him, to let it all out so you could feel better. The four walls of the hotel room were becoming claustrophobic, you wish you could just put your headphones on and just run for a while to clear your head, that's what you usually did.
"I know it is but what can we do? I've done everything we can do, now it's out of our hands. We'll work it out tomorrow, can we enjoy our last night together without all the serious talk?" He raises his eyebrow at you, smiling that sweet, goofy smile of his that has your heart melting.
"You piss me off even more when you look at me like that. I can't stay mad at you and how could I say no to that?" You put your arms around his back, loving the way his height makes you feel so small and safe. He wraps his arms around you, stroking your hair and holding you close.
"That's why I love you yanno." 
"Why?" You ask, looking up at him through your eyelashes, your neck stretching to reach his height.
"Because you never say no." He laughs, a real laugh that you can feel on his toned stomach, shaking against you. It was the best feeling hearing him laugh like that, it'd been so long since you'd heard him laugh. Your life being full of a lot of drama and upset recently that you were appreciative of the little time you had left together.
"Maybe I should start then." You pout pretending to sulk.
"No way, I love how easy you are." He picks you up so you can wrap your legs around him, looking down on him for once. You punch him lightly on his shoulder, still pouting. "Ok, ok I'll stop teasing. You know why I love you though." 
"Tell me." 
He sits down on the end of the bed with you still in his arms, resting on his great big, thick thighs. He moves your hair behind your ears so he can see your face, studying it carefully with a look of adoration in his eyes.
"I love you because you're absolutely drop dead gorgeous, I mean the first time I met you, you literally knocked the air from my lungs. I've been obsessed with you ever since." He shuffles slightly beneath you, getting himself comfy. "This would never have happened with just anyone, I'm not a dick that goes around sleeping with his brothers girls." You give him a questioning look, your eyebrows furrowing. "Seriously, it took fucking everything in me to try and resist you. I'd never felt that before, never been one of them that wants what they can't have. Until I met you. Fuck me you were an absolute bombshell." You frown at him. "Are, still are a bombshell, don't look at me like that." He laughs.
"Tell me more." You whisper, feeling yourself tear up at his revelations as you run your hand through his hair, his eyes closing as you do.
"Am I stroking your ego?" He smiles slyly. "Do you remember the first time you met me?" 
"Of course I do, me and Liam had already been together a year but you'd been in Australia. I was eighteen, young and dumb..."
"And full of..." 
"Do not even finish that sentence, you're ruining the moment." He laughs at you but quickly gets back to being serious.
"You were eighteen and ridiculously mature for your age, I was twenty six and still acted like a teenager. I remember you walking in in that little denim skirt and tank top, smiling at me with that beautiful smile. The first thing I noticed was your eyes, the way they lit up when you smiled. You had me right at that moment, I was smitten. Then you introduced yourself as Liam's girlfriend and my heart sank." 
"I can't believe you remembered what i was wearing, it was twelve years ago." You kiss his forehead, holding his face in your hands. So glad you had the opportunity to talk like this, knowing all this made you know you hadn't made a mistake. "I was so nervous walking up to you, I'd only ever seen you on photos and crushing on you when you were in home and away. Then you're there in front of me looking sexy as hell and I knew I had to make a good impression."
"Little did you know, five years later I'd be bending you over that table and giving you everything you'd been searching for?" He questioned, raising his eyebrow at you with a smirk.
"No, dick! Little did I know you'd sweep me off my feet and make me question everything I ever knew." 
"I am a dick but that's why you love me isn't it?"
"Your ego definitely doesn't need stroking. I fell in love with Liam when I was still a girl and I fell in love with you when I was a woman. People change, needs change and..." 
"And I give you everything you need." His hand travelled to your ass pulling you into him, pressing against his growing erection.
"You do, you need to work on your arrogance though." You laugh. "But seriously I'm done with all this now, we can't go on like this anymore. I want all of you, all of the time."
"So you've made your decision." His lips part, his head resting against your forehead.
"Was there ever any doubt?" You question, running your finger over his lip and grinding against him subtly making him groan.
"Fuck Y/N, I fucking love you so much it's crazy." He says through gritted teeth, holding the small of your back as you raise your hips, your face contorting with need. "What would you do if I asked you to marry me?" His hand travelled down the back of your shorts, cupping your ass in his hands.
"What do you think?" You tease, taking his bottom lip in your teeth and pulling gently.
"I don't know, that's why I'm asking." His face was set seriously, he wasn't joking, he wanted to marry you.
"Of course I'd say yes, once we'd dealt with everything." You smile watching his face light up.
"You're going to be Mrs Hemsworth and mine, not Liam's. I can't fucking wait." He picks you up, gripping your ass making you squeel before planting you back on the bed on your back.
Leaning over you, his palm caressing your stomach, kneeding your breasts with his long fingers. His erection poking into your clothed heat.
"You're so fucking perfect, are you ready to cause destruction?" 
"Like now, in bed or?..." 
"You know what I mean." He laughs, reaching down to attach his lips to your neck, sucking gently.
"If it means I get you then yeah, I'm ready." 
"Right answer. You've made me the happiest fucking man in the world yanno?" His hand moves under your top, pushing it up to your chin as his lips finally meet yours. Kissing you deeply with everything he's got, your body rising from the bed to meet his.
"I think... I can... Make you even happier." You say between kisses, pushing down his boxers, your nails scratching his skin gently as you do. 
He rests on one elbow watching you free his cock from its barrier. You cup his balls in your hand, stroking along the length of his cock with the other. He groans, pushing himself into your hands.
"I'll be happier once I'm buried inside this perfect pussy." He kneels between your legs, pulling your panties off before hovering back over you.
"Go slow baby, I want to feel everything." You whisper.
"Fuck, I can't guarantee how long I'll last." He moans, lining himself up and slipping in making you both moan as his cock stretches your walls perfectly.
He rests on his elbows, holding your face in his hands as he gently thrusts into you, wrapping your legs around him and pushing him in further, deeper. Hitting your spot with the curl of his hips, agonisingly slowly. You look into each others eyes, his forehead resting against yours. Tears in your eyes from the intense intamacy.
"I love you Y/N." He declares gruffly, his voice deep with lust.
"I love you too." You whimper.
Moaning everytime his thighs connected with yours, flesh slapping together, bringing your hips up to meet him. Him grunting with every thrust, your sex noises filling the otherwise silent room. The sound like a symphony to your ears, turning you on even more to hear his exclamations of ecstacy.
"It's always been you Chris." You whisper, making his pace become sloppy, losing his composure and restraint at your words. You can see it on his face as it twists, his cock twitching inside of you.
"Come for me baby." He grits his teeth, the muscles in his jaw tightening as his body goes rigid.
"Ah fuck." He brings you over the edge with the last of his powerful thrusts, your legs shaking around him, the feeling of satisfaction melting through your body simultaneously. A proud look on his face as you both come together and he falls limply onto your sweat laced body.
You stay like that for a while, both enjoying the moment, his cock still twitching inside of you. The heaviness of his body burying you into the mattress but you don't complain.
You don't want him to move, you want to memorise the feel of his heaviness and how his cock feels inside of you. How his rough face feels against your smooth skin, his hair tickling under your chin. You trace the muscles on his back, the defined shoulders and lean waist. Your hands gripping his tight, round ass and you close your eyes, remembering every dip and ripple, dreading the thought of being without him in your arms for at least another couple of weeks.
"I don't know how I'm going to watch you walk away tomorrow." He rolls on to his side, pulling you into him. "I think that's the hardest thing to deal with out of everything."
"I was just thinking the same thing." You looked up at him through your eyelashes, your fingers brushing against his tight pecs. "You know we've been doing this for nearly 6 years now and I don't think I've ever felt as close to you as I do now. It's going to be even harder for me to leave this time." 
"I don't even want to think about it but we only have hours left together, what's our plan?" 
"You mean when and how do we tell Liam?" You ask sitting cross legged in the bed, reality kicking back in. You have to go home to Liam and leave Chris all over again, back to the lies and sneaking about.
"That and when am I going to be able to see you again? I don't want to wait as long as last time, you know how crazy i start getting when I don't see you." 
"We've got your cousin's wedding next week. I'll see you there." You risk a glance at him, pain set on his face.
"You'll see me but you'll be arm in arm with Liam and I'll be alone again." 
"How about once the weddings over and done with, we can tell Liam about us?" You watch his face change, like a little boy.
"A week? I can do that, I think. But I'm not going to the wedding alone." 
"What do you mean? A date? With who?" Panic laced in your voice.
"I don't know but I'm sure I won't be short of options." 
"Are you fucking with me? Liam thinks you're dating a married woman, where you going to find one of those?" 
"I don't know but I'm not turning up to a family party on my own again, my aunties can be fucking brutal." 
"Well don't expect to playing all happy families and me being all nice." You sulk.
"Are you jealous?" 
"Yeah, duhh."
"Come here." He pulls you into arms wrapping his legs around yours. Comfortable silence drifting over you both as he strokes your hair and you fall asleep in his arms.
You wake up in the morning smiling, then remembering what day it is and that you have to leave to go back to boring reality and your smile fades. Chris stirring beside you, his muscly arm resting over your stomach, locking you in place.
"Chris, wake up." You whisper in his ear, admiring his sleepy, perfect face. "It's 9.30 we've gotta check out at 10." He makes an unrecognisable sound of exasperation, his eyes opening, puffy with sleep or lack of in this case.
"Aww man, can't we just stay in bed a little longer, I don't wanna let you go." 
"You need to go check out first so we don't leave the hotel at the same time." 
"Fuck sake. Back to reality it is then." He says all hint of jokiness gone from his tone as he sits up and rubs his eyes. 
"I'm afraid so, I need to go grab my things. Text me when you've left please." 
"Wow! I feel used, do I not even get a kiss before you run out on me?" 
"I was just dealing with the business before I dealt with the pleasure, like I'd just leave without giving you a kiss." You threw yourself on him, wrapping your legs around him as he leant against the headboard. Taking his lips in yours, open mouthed kisses that left you both breathless.
You packed up the couple of things you'd actually taken out of your pull along suitcase, you'd spent most of the weekend naked or slobbing about in Chris' t-shirts so all your clothes were still folded and packed.
You were anxious about going home to Liam and having to pretend again, having to try and not slip up about where you'd actually been. You literally had to go through possible conversations in your mind, conjuring up imagined answers to Liam's possible questions so you didn't get caught out. It was hard work.
Then you got the text from Chris telling you he was out of the hotel and on the road back home, followed by how much of a good weekend he'd had and how much he loves you.
You couldn't help having a spring to your step as you walked through the lobby, a weekend full of love making and reminiscing would have that effect on anyone.
After you'd checked out, the anxiety set in, like stepping out of this hotel would be like stepping in to an alternate universe. A universe that wasn't simple and easy like it had been this weekend but stepping through those revolving doors would mean that will all end. This safe feeling of being alone, away from prying eyes would end as soon as you stepped foot outside and it did, a ominous feeling sweeping over you, goosebumps covering your flesh. Maybe you conjured up the feeling in your own mind, manifesting it into existence but you couldn't shake it.
A feeling of being watched, was it your imagination or not? You didn't know, all you knew was how much you wanted to get out of public and back home. As you stood in front of the hotel, picking up your suitcase to carry it down the stairs, something caught your eye. A flash. And then another flash coming from your peripheral.
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aki-mochi · 3 years
Levi x Chubby!Reader: A Real Friend
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WARNING: contains cursing and mentions of bullying. Word count: 1484
Entering her house tiredly after a very long day at work, (Y/n) hung up her stuff with a sigh and made her way into her room. When she entered, she flipped on the light switch and began to change into her pajamas. Her body was thicker than other girls so she had a hard time fitting in anywhere. She thought she looked fine, but people spoke otherwise. ‘Why would anyone be friends with you?’ ‘You’re embarrassing to be around with.’ ‘You think anyone is going to date you looking like that?’ ‘Maybe if you lose weight, you’ll actually look pretty.’ ‘I honestly pity your boyfriend for dating a fat thing like you when he could do better.’ It really took a toll on her mental and emotional state and began to believe what they say.
Once she was comfortable, she grabbed the TV remote and turned on her favorite anime, Attack on Titan. Captain Levi happened to be her favorite character. She would smile whenever he was on screen. He made her happy. She didn’t feel alone either. Upon hearing her phone go off for a text, she paused her show and unlocked her phone to read it. It was from her boyfriend, Jean.
My Stallion: Hey, I don’t really know how to let this out easily so I’m just going to say it. I’m breaking up with you. This past year was fun, don’t get me wrong, but you’re just too much to handle. I’m sorry, (Y/n).
As if her mood couldn’t get any more worse than it already was. She stared at her phone, rereading the message with tears filling her eyes. One after another, they spilled down her cheeks as quiet sobs escaped her lips. Hugging her favorite pillow, she sobbed her heart out, unaware that someone was starting to appear.
His body formed and began to look around. Black hair in the style of an undercut, narrow steel-blue eyes that were accompanied with faint dark bags from years of insomnia. His clothing were those of the Survey Corps with his signature cravat.
Captain Levi.
Hearing the sound of crying, he turned around and spotted (Y/n) curled on her bed in utter despair. Clicking his tongue, he came closer to her.
“Hey, brat. Why are you crying?”
He got no response, which instantly made him annoyed.
“Hey. I’m talking to you.” He stated and went to touch her head only for his hand to go through her.
He quickly pulled his hand back and looked at it in slight shock before looking back at (Y/n) and she spoke through her cries.
“I h-hate my life….I just want someone to be there f-for me….I wish Levi was real…”
‘Real…? What…?’ Levi thought.
He stood there in silence as he watched her cry. He wasn’t real, yet, he was standing in the middle of her room like another person would be just not able to touch anything or anyone. He felt slight guilt for not being able to comfort her so he sat down on her bed and waited for her to calm down on her own.
Several minutes pass, and (Y/n)’s cries are reduced to sniffles as she tenderly reaches for the tv remote to resume her show. Levi looked at her then at the moving pictures on the weird box thing. He saw himself being the badass that he is and was highly interested in what she was watching. Glancing over, he saw her lips form a small smile as she watched her show and had decided to watch over her, even if she’ll never notice him.
A few months have passed and Levi has gotten to know more about (Y/n). A laid back girl with a great personality, quite the anime nerd, or ‘weeb‘ as she calls it, and quite fun to be around. Her art skills were amazing and her story writing was on point. She even had a body pillow of him on her bed, which gave him some concern about her obsession at that point. She doesn’t have any friends so it tugged at his heart strings when she came home from work utterly upset when other work buddies decided to go out for pizza as a group and left her out. Right now, he sat on her bed and watched her draw at her desk with her headphones on, listening to a comfort video of him. Hearing a sniff from her, he perked up as a hand went up and wiped away any tears coming from her eyes.
“I honestly don’t know what I’d do if I didn’t have you….I love you, Levi...You make me so happy….”
His eyes widened. He, then, stood up and gritted his teeth with balled fists; glaring at her even though she won’t notice.
“You brat...I’m trying...I’ve been watching you for a while now...I don’t know what to do….” he took a step closer. “Nothing has worked! I want you to know that I’m here! I’ve seen how you watch me on your tv….the way you draw me...and the way you hug that fucking body pillow and pretend it’s the real me!”
By this time, Levi was furious as tears welled up in his own eyes. “I’m fucking pissed! I wasn’t there for my comrades, now I can’t even be there for you even though you’re right in front of me! I hate it! Give me some sort of answer, or something, so that you can hear me to let you know I’m here, dammit!”
As always, there was no response.
“God dammit…!” He yelled and swung his fist at nothing only to hit some sort of invisible wall. He looked in confusement as it started to glitch and buzz where his hand was until it suddenly started cracking from the impact. Pretty soon a big hole was made and everything in the room was more vivid and bright as he looked through it. He noticed that (Y/n) had visibly perked up when he hit the wall and frantically looked around for anything that he could throw at her to get her attention.
He then looked down at his cravat and quickly took it off before throwing it at her. Seeing it hit her back, she paused her video and reached behind her to grab what had hit her while taking her headphones off.
Upon hearing an echoed voice, she turned around and spotted the whole in the middle of her room with Levi on the other side of it. He gave a relieved look before noticing that his hand started to slowly disappear the second he reached out for her.
“Tch. Shit..” he cursed before jumping through the whole and approaching a very confused and speechless (Y/n). As soon as he reached her, he carefully brought her into a close hug.
“Le-Levi….? I can finally h-hug you!” She said through tears as she tightly hugged him back; a sigh of relief escaping his nose.
“You’re real…!” She smiled.
Levi then pulled away from the hug and cupped her face as his body began to fade away. “Listen to me. You’re not alone, alright? Though it was brief, I’m glad I finally got to actually meet you.”
(Y/n) stared at him before seeing how his entire hand was gone. Her eyes widened as she grabbed at his jacket. “No, please! Don’t go! You just got here! I-I don’t wanna lose you!”
Her sad pleads fell silent as he pressed his lips against hers for a soft kiss. Once he pulled back, he gave a rare smile. “I’ll come find you again, (Y/n). Just wait for me.”
Tears fell down her cheeks as his body completely faded into nothing. Her cries echoed through her house in utter despair as she hugged herself, wondering if she’ll ever see him again.
A good year has passed and (Y/n) has somewhat gotten better since that day she finally met Levi. It still pains her that he left her without warning, though a fictional character would never be able to live in her world. And that was the hard truth. Letting out a sigh, she entered a small tea shop and went up to the counter. Glancing around for assistance, she noticed how clean it happened to be until a worker approached her from the other side of the counter.
“What would you like, miss?” He asked in a blunt voice.
(Y/n) looked up at him and her eyes widened in shock. The worker looked exactly like Levi, just in regular clothing instead for the Scouts uniform. Even his name tag read ‘Levi’. Upon seeing her reaction, he suddenly gave a slight smile.
“See? I told you to wait for me, you brat.”
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wiypt-writes · 4 years
Stark Spangled Banner
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Ch45: He Started It
Intro: Katie and Steve adapt to being the parents of a new baby as 2020 ticks by in a whirl of dirty diapers, sleepless nights…and a very childish war between Steve and Tony.  
Warnings: Bad Language words. Smut! (NSFW) No under 18s.
Pairing: Steve Rogers x OFC Katie Stark
A/N: Yeah, I love this chapter. I hope you all do too. And thank @angrybirdcr​ for the edit. It made me laugh, a lot.
Disclaimer: This is a pure work of fiction and classified as 18+. Please respect this and do not read if you are underage. I do not own any characters in this series bar Katie Stark and the other OCs. By reading beyond this point you understand and accept the terms of this disclaimer.
Chapter 44
Stark Spangled Banner Masterlist // Main Masterlist
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 May 2020
Katie heard a set of keys being dropped onto the table in the hallway and looked up as Steve opened the door to the living room, crossing the floor, Lucky following him before promptly dropping on the rug in front of the fire place, clearly pooped after his walk.
“Hi.” Steve smiled, sinking to one knee and pressing a kiss to her cheek as he reached out a careful finger, gently tracing the curve of Jamie’s busily working cheeks. “Somebody’s hungry.”
“Somebody takes after his father in that respect,” Katie retorted glancing up at him as he gently loosened another button on his plaid shirt, rubbing his hand over his clean shaven face.
“I feel like I should be apologising.” Steve smiled as his lips pressed onto hers and she gave him a proper kiss. He pulled back, grinning as he looked down at the tiny hand that gripped his finger solidly, lost in his thoughts.
Only the previous month the new dad had been in the throes of a sudden crisis of confidence post one of Jamie’s check-ups. Though Jamie was as healthy as a baby could possibly be, he was still on the small side. Bigger than he was when he was born but still tiny. The Paediatrician advised it was nothing to worry about, and that it was likely to be something to do with Steve’s body chemistry and who he was before the serum. Steve had been none too thrilled and had blurted out to Katie later on that he felt like he had let their son down.
“You could never let our boy down, ever.” She said, as they both lay on the bed, Steve’s feet planted firmly on the top of the duvet, legs bent with Jamie resting back against his thighs, both his hands curled round Steve’s fingers. “He’s perfectly fine and healthy, love. If he grows up a little small, so what?”
“I just want more for him, more than I was you know.” Steve swallowed, his eyes misting over.
“Hey, look at me.” Katie reached up and turned his head to face her. “You have always had the biggest heart, regardless of what you think. The serum isn’t you, you’re you, and if Jamie grows up to be half the man his daddy is I’ll be so proud”
The fact that right now Jamie seemed to have an exceptionally strong grip for a twelve week old baby made Steve slightly more confident that maybe he had inherited some of the positive effects of the serum after all.
“What time do we need to be at Tony’s?” Steve eventually asked, tearing his eyes off his son to look at his wife.
“Pepper says to get there any time from four so we can collect Emmy from school and go straight up.”
“Sounds good. Do you wanna stay or come home?” Steve asked.
“Rather be at home.” She answered, honestly. “Just easier whilst he’s so young. If he starts screaming the house down at least we’re here.” “Whatever you want, Doll.” he smiled, and at that point his attention was taken once more by baby Rogers who had finally finished his meal, milky mouth opening into a small yawn.  Katie handed him over to Steve and did up the shirt that she was wearing, as Steve stood up, adjusted a soft cloth over his shoulder and held him tenderly to his front, gently patting his back.
“Baby, you look exhausted” He glanced down at Katie as she yawned.
“Thanks.” She grumbled, shooting him a glare.
He chuckled “I didn’t mean it like that.”
“Yeah well I probably do look like shit.” she sighed “Neither of us got much sleep did we?”
They’d had a rough night the night before. Since they’d brought Jamie home, Steve and Katie had both shared the night feeds following advice from various people to spread the load so to speak. The problem is, for some reason, Jamie hadn’t settled at all post feeding and in attempt to let Katie get some rest, Steve had brought him downstairs but it hadn’t worked as she was unable to sleep as the sounds of his cries made her heart ache.
“Why don’t you go get your head down for a bit?” Steve suggested, as his large hand rubbed at their son’s back. Before Katie could reply, Jamie promptly spit up down the front of Steve’s T-Shirt, missing the cloth completely.
“Nice shot, son.” Steve rolled his eyes and Katie laughed standing up to mop him off. Jamie seemed utterly nonplussed by his activities and his large blue eyes blinked heavily before closing. Steve brushed a soft kiss across his son’s forehead and then looked at his wife again.
“Go, get some sleep. And that’s not a request, I’ll wake you in a few hours.”
“Bossy bastard”
Steve arched an eyebrow at her “I’m not bossy, I just can’t deal with Tony’s tantrum if his baby sister falls asleep at his 50th party.”
“Good point, well made.” Katie conceded. She leaned up to give him a kiss on the cheek before heading back out of the room.
Steve watched her go, a frown playing across his face. She’d been really quiet over the last few weeks. Life with a baby wasn’t easy, it was full of hard work, sleepless nights, puke, poop…but every time he saw his son it all paled into insignificance for him, as he was worth it. Maybe his wife was struggling a little, as despite her joke before, Jamie sure did feed a hell of a lot. At their last appointment it had been suggested that maybe they tried introducing formula as well to help fill him up which was what they had started to do overnight and he had been hoping that it would it make things a little better for her as he could do the night feeds and allow her to sleep.
Last night had been the worst one they’d had in the twelve weeks since his birth but that aside, there were other things Steve had already noticed too the main one being she wasn’t as affectionate towards him as she had been. The other night for instance he’d tried to instigate a little bit of something because frankly after months of giving himself a jerking off once every so often when he felt like his balls were explode, and he missed her. He missed how she felt under him, over him, next to him…any which way she was. But, he knew he had to be patient, her body had been through a lot after all. He’d wondered at first if it could be post-partum depression but none of the other signs he had read up on were there so he was putting it down to tiredness and hormones.
He couldn’t help with the latter, but he could sure as hell try and make sure she slept. And he could apologise for being impatient as well.
Once Jamie had dropped off to sleep, Steve placed him in his basket and headed into the kitchen. There were a few dishes and what not from breakfast so he sorted that out, wiped the surfaces to save Katie a job and then settled down in front of the TV. It wasn’t long before he was himself asleep.
***** Katie wanted to cry. Nothing in her fucking closet fit, well nothing that didn’t make her look huge. She’d settled for a navy blue strapless maxi dress which flared out from her waist so wasn’t clingy. The large pink and white flower patterns also flattered her as much as she could but she wasn’t happy.
You’ve just had a baby, let’s be real… she thought to herself, before she grabbed a pair of strappy sandals and a denim jacket, hastily wiping her eyes. Fuck it, she was going to be amongst friends, as if they cared what she looked like. She stepped back into the main part of the bedroom, where Steve was pulling on a dark green polo-shirt. She looked at him for a moment, simply admiring him, and found herself rather jealous that his physique hadn’t changed since having a baby. He had no stretch marks, no two inch increase to his hips, belly and fuck knows what to his boobs.
Steve’s head emerged from his shirt and he looked at his wife, watching as she moved to sit at the dresser to pull her hair back into a loose braid. He passed her, his hands dropping to her shoulders as he stopped to give her bare skin a soft kiss.
“You look beautiful.”
“Sure.” The sarcastic response and the eye roll happened before she could stop them, and she hoped he hadn’t noticed but of course, he had. Steve frowned. “You do.”
She sighed and looked down slightly and Steve didn’t like this, not one bit. Moving so that he was by her side he gently placed a hand on her knee and knelt down next to her, and she glanced at him as he looked up from his spot on the carpet. “Honey, please don’t fly off the handle at me, but are you okay? This isn’t like you and I’m kinda getting worried a little.” “Hormones.” Katie sighed, rubbing at her eyes slightly. “And lack of sleep. That’s all.”
“So it’s not something I’ve done. Or not done?”
“No, baby, it isn’t, I promise.” She gave him a little smile, reaching out to brush her hand down his cheek.
“Alright, as long as you’re sure.” He licked his lips slightly before he took a deep breath “And I’m sorry if last night you thought I was rushing you or putting pressure on you.” He licked his lips. “I didn’t mean to. At all.”
Katie looked at him and suddenly felt awful. He hadn’t done anything of the sort. He’d been nothing but patient and loving with her since Jamie had been born.
“Steve.” she shook her head, “That’s not…” she sighed again and pinched the bridge of her nose “You didn’t. Honestly. It’s me…I-“
She swallowed and looked down at her hands and when she looked back at him, it was his turn to sigh as he saw the tears brimming in her eyes.
“Honey, please talk to me.” He begged, both his hands now on her knees as he knelt up slightly.
“I just…” the tears trickled down her face and Steve took a deep breath as she looked at him. “I know you say I look beautiful but I don’t feel it, not at the moment. I don’t feel like me. I look different, none of my stuff fits now, I feel huge and fat and…” “Okay, okay, stop.” Steve instructed sternly but not unkindly. He wanted to tell her she was being ridiculous, as frankly he loved the changes to her body. There was a new curve to her hips, her body was softer, her face slightly rounder. She wasn’t fat either, but Steve understood straight away that the problem was she was used to her figure before-hand, washboard stomach, trim legs and thighs all courtesy of a physical job and Avenger Training. And as Steve knew only too well, sudden changes to yourself could be hard to deal with.“You had a baby three months ago.”
“I know but since when did a baby mean my ass had to treble in size, or my hips, or my boobs…” she trailed off.
Steve took a deep breath, and then suddenly something popped into his head, something that hopefully could make her understand and see why none of that shit, even if it was true would matter to him in the slightest.
“If I woke up tomorrow, and the serum was gone, and I was back to being that 5ft 4, ninety-five pound scrawny guy from Brooklyn would you love me any less?” “No, of course not!” She scoffed, indignantly. “But that’s not the same!” “Why not?” “Because this is about how I feel.” she said
“Yeah, and I still feel like that kid that was getting his ass kicked all the time.” Steve implored, searching her face. “As you keep saying, the serum didn’t change who I am.” “And that’s why I love you.” She frowned.
“Exactly. So what makes you think I could possibly love you any less now because your hips or your ass or your boobs are bigger, which for the record, I’m kinda on board with.” “Jerk.” She mumbled, sniffing slightly and he smiled.
“Frankly,” Steve looked up at her, his eyes heavy, “I still find you the most beautiful woman on the planet. And you’re my wife, who gave birth to my baby boy.”
She cocked her head to the side and he saw a smile flicker on her face. “Say it.”
He raised an eyebrow, “What?” “You know what.” “You’re my baby momma.” He grinned with a low voice and it made her smile as she bit her lip. He took a deep breath and reached out with his hand to cup her face. “I love you.” “I love you too.” She replied gently, and she leaned down to press her lips onto his, the kiss growing quickly heated as she slid her hands into his hair, her nails raking down his neck causing him to groan.
“Seriously,” Steve pulled back, looking at her, “you’re gonna have to stop that because if start I aint gonna be able to stop and we’ll be late picking Emmy up.”
Katie looked at her husband, his blue eyes shining with mischief and she was both surprised, pleased and a little relieved to feel that familiar tingle between her legs that she hadn’t felt for ages. Glancing at the clock she realised she was right so she sighed and turned back to the mirror.
“Hold that thought, Soldier.” she looked at him in her reflection as he stood up and smiled, dropping a kiss to the crook of her shoulder and neck, and this time she didn’t push him away.
***** Tony Stark had always been known for his parties. Anyone who’s anyone would attend the raucous events filled with memorable moments. In contrast, the small gathering that was now sat on the table outside the lake-house was much more subdued. This was their first social gathering really since the snap and although various faces were missing, every single person sat there would have been happy to tell anyone who asked that it was enjoyable.
Thor, who hadn’t seen Jamie since a week after he was born was astounded at how fast the boy had grown, commenting that he was remarkably like his father, but with his mother’s nose. Their baby was, in turn, fascinated by the God, pulling on his beard at every chance he got. Steve kept apologising profoundly, but Thor wasn’t in the slightest bit bothered, if anything he seemed to enjoy it. He entertained the little boy for quite some time, which gave Katie chance to relax. Relax enough to quietly, although not that quiet so that Steve couldn’t overhear her, ask Pepper if she would be okay to have a glass of wine whilst still feeding Jamie. Pepper had smiled and simply told the younger woman that one glass wasn’t going to hurt, especially if she wasn’t going to be nursing until the morning and with that she’d poured a large one and slid it over to Katie across the kitchen counter. She’d hesitated for a moment and Steve had leant over closer to her, his finger-tips gently stroking her bare neck and shoulders.
“Doll, we have enough bottles made up, if you want to drink, it’ll be fine.”
With that she’d smiled at him, picked up her glass and headed back outside. He’d followed and as she’d gone to sit back down at the table had pulled her chair out for her, force of habit as always, only this time when she’d sat down and he’d leant forward to place a soft kiss on her cheek she’d turned towards him and gently rubbed her nose against his.
“Thank you.” She smiled softly, and it didn’t take Steve longer than a second to figure out she wasn’t talking about his display of chivalry over the chair.
Katie looked up to see Emmy was sat next to Tony as the pair of them stuck their fingers in their mouths, miming being sick before they cackled and shared a hi-five.
“One day you’re gonna grow up.” Katie looked at her brother over her wine glass.
“Hmmmn, not so sure.” Pepper said, dropping down in the chair next to him, Morgan in her arms. “Think this little one will do that before him.”
“Erm, you can’t insult me, it’s my birthday.” Tony shot, looking round.
“He’s right, they’re the rules.” Emmy nodded, earning herself a fist bump from her Uncle.
“Cheers kid.” He smiled, and Katie rolled her eyes.
“I wouldn’t worry, Kiddo, she’s thirteen this year right?” Rhodey leaned forward for his drink. “Soon be way ahead of his mental age.”
The table giggled and at that Tony pouted and announced it was time to fire up the grill for the food.
For the rest of the evening, Jamie spent most of the time being passed around the table for cuddles from his extended family. And Tony even took on a nappy change to give Steve and Katie the chance to continue eating as Jamie chose the most inopportune moment to kick up a fuss about needing one.
It wasn’t until they later that night that they realised there was an ulterior motive for his helpfulness.
Steve was busy making sure Emmy was tucked in for the night, the eleven year old having slept most of the 45 minute drive back home, whilst Katie was getting Jamie ready for bed, trying not to wake him. She removed his little dungarees and t-shirt to reveal a small vest underneath and as she looked at it she felt the laughter bubble in her chest and she couldn’t stop no matter how hard she tried.
“What are you-“ Steve stopped and gazed down at his son, his eyes widening. Katie had tears pouring down her face as she glanced down at the small white garment which bore two simple words and a symbol; ‘Uncle > Dad’
Katie wiped the tears of laughter out of her eyes as she gently undid the buttons along the shoulders of the vest and carefully slid it over Jamie’s head.
“You’re bother is an asshole.” Steve looked at his wife, grabbing the vest and tossing it across the room in a display of annoyance.
Katie rolled her eyes, smirking as she picked up their baby and gently placed him in the crib at the side of their bed. Steve wrapped an arm round his wife’s waist as she smoothed down the blanket and they both peered down at their son before he kissed the side of her head. She turned her face and captured his lips, the kiss deepening slightly as Steve pulled her to him, his hands strong at the base of her spine. Playfully he slid his hands down to cup her ass and she smirked into the kiss.
“Hands, Rogers.” She teased and he shrugged.
“I told you…” his lips brushed hers, “I like your ass.” “I like your face.” She pulled back, causing him to laugh and look down at her.
“My face?”
“Yeah, your big, stupid, handsome face.” She muttered, pulling him back down to her. In between the dizzying kisses, Steve steered her towards the bed, and as her legs collided with the edge he stopped to gently trail his lips across her bare collar bone. With soft hands, he undid the zip on her dress and he felt Katie hesitate slightly. Steve paused for a second, before his lips found her jaw and then she relaxed, allowing her dress to pool by her feet. Steve groaned and followed it down, dropping to his knees, his hands gripping at the back of both her thighs. His mouth gently licked the inside of her knee, making its way up her leg and Katie let out a shaky whisper of his name, her hands tangling into his hair as he moved his affections upwards slightly, skimming his nose across the waistband of her underwear, over her soft stomach. This time her gentle whisper became a loud groan which she stifled with her hand as he pressed his nose into her arousal, and she felt her knees tremble slightly.
“You okay?” He asked quietly, peeking up at her. She nodded and with a wicked quirk of his eyebrow, he stood up, fast, hand still on her thighs so she went with him and he pitched them forward onto the bed. Then it was a scramble to get out of his clothes as fast as he could before he fell forwards again, back on top of his wife, his hands pulling down her underwear, lips kissing at the spot just below her ear.
Katie was utterly lost now, lost in the sensations she hadn’t felt in so long and she tilted her head back, sighing softly as he continued to nibble at her neck, settling himself above her. His fingers gently dropped between her legs and he felt her slick against the tips as he gently coaxed at her clit, continuing until she was nothing short of a writhing mess clawing at his back, aching for him. They locked eyes as he took her left hand in his, and slowly worked into her, both moaning simultaneously at the sensation, Katie’s eyes rolling back at the stretch. Steve began to move his hips slowly, displaying nothing but absolute tenderness in his thrusts which weren’t measured in the slightest. His free hand kept hold of Katie’s hip, keeping her as close as she could possibly be. 
A gentle breeze from the night air which blew through the slightly open window ruffled his hair and Katie wound her right hand into it, pulling him down to kiss her again as he kept his lazy thrusts aimed perfectly on her spot. Given that it had been over three months since their last time, it didn’t take them long at all before their releases were creeping to the forefront. Steve’s senses were on fire, and he broke the long, lazy kiss that they were sharing to stifle a moan against his wife’s cheek when he felt her clench around him. The sheets rustled underneath and around them both as their pace continued slow and languid until the very end when Steve saw his wife’s head tip back, her throat bared to him in utter bliss as she came hard, her moans soft and breathy. Steve gave a low grunt which morphed into a gasp as he clung to his wife as he spilled himself into her, his hips slowing to a stop as he collapsed forward. Katie gave a soft chuckle as her hands gently slid up his back and into his hair, as she moved and pressed a soft kiss to his head. 
“You’re gorgeous.” His voice was muffled as his face pressed into her neck, and she felt herself flush and grin before he moved to look at her, catching her mouth in a sweet kiss.
July 2020
“What are you two up to?” Katie asked as she walked into the kitchen to see Steve and Emmy looking at the laptop one morning just as Steve handed Emmy his card.
“Buying something.” Steve replied.
“What?” “You’ll see.” Emmy glanced up. “In time.” Katie rolled her eyes, she had a horrible feeling this was to do with Steve’s return shot after the whole vest thing Tony had pulled just over a month or so back.
And she was right.
On Steve’s birthday, the perfect revenge was taken when the Rogers’ hosted a gathering, similar to the one Tony had held.
There was plenty of Asgardian mead shared between Thor and the Super Soldier. They got louder as the night went on, Thor telling him about another brew he had on the go and inviting him to New Asgard to be part of the testing panel. Katie wasn’t completely sure that was a good idea, but she couldn’t help but admit that pissed Steve was one of her favourite Steve’s, and she enjoyed watching him cut loose once in a while.
At one point, Steve took the boys and Natasha to see his recently furnished ‘man cave’ which was basically the cabin next to the pool house, which now held a couch, a TV, stereo and his art supplies along with a desk. They men spent a while looking at his latest project which was a pencil sketch of Emmy and Jamie sat on the lawn before returning to the group, topping up their drinks.
Natasha, Tony, Pepper and Morgan were staying that night, and when it started to get late and the thirteen month old was dropping asleep, Pepper took her into the spare room they were sleeping in, emerging with the highest tech baby monitor available, of course, which linked directly to FRIDAY. About an hour or so later, Katie saw Steve and Emmy disappear inside, the pair of them whispering.  She watched them go and when they came back about five minutes later, Steve simply raised his eyebrows at her, grinning. 
Later that night when, after Morgan had been making some soft noises, Tony went to check on her and the five of them who were left heard his exclamation on the baby monitor.
“son of a-“  
His mumblings were followed by a loud fit of laughing and Pepper frowned. Steve and Emmy exchanged a look of glee and soon Tony emerged back onto the patio area of their garden, Morgan balanced on his hip, the dark haired tot wearing a bright blue Captain America hat. Steve reached over to hi-five Emmy as he raised his glass to Tony, giving him a slightly tipsy smirk.
“Now we’re even.”
“Oh if you think I’m leaving it there, Spangles, you’re very much mistaken.” Tony sat down with Morgan on his lap. “Just you wait.” And wait they did.
October 2020
Steve walked in the door to a barrage of noise. Lucky was flopped out on the floor in the hall and simply gave Steve a look which he was convinced was the equivalent of an eye roll and he knew why, Jamie was screaming blue murder.
 He was teething.
“Hey, Sweetheart.” Steve smiled, dropping a kiss to Katie’s cheek before he gently laid his hand on the back of his son’s head. His cheeks were flushed from the teething and his little face was stained with tears.
“I don’t know what to do!” Katie looked up at Steve, utterly lost. “He’s been like this all day. I feel useless Steve, nothing I do helps, and the more he cries, the shittier I feel because he’s in pain!”
“Let me take him for a while.” Steve offered. “You should be getting ready to go out.” She pulled a face, and Steve frowned. She had been invited on her first night ‘out’ since having Jamie, with Brooke’s mum Jennifer and a few other mom’s from the school. Well, it wasn’t strictly out, it was a few drinks and snacks at the coffee bar for one of the lady’s birthday but still, it was a chance to let her hair down and she had been looking forward to it. 
“I don’t know if I can go, not with him like this.”  “Yes you can.” Steve looked at her as she gently bounced Jamie in her arms.
“But you have Emmy and Brooke to watch as well, it’s her birthday weekend and-” Steve snorted. “They’ll be in the den in sleeping bags watching movies and eating crap all night. As long as I provide them with pizza and a constant supply of popcorn I won’t see them. Come on, give him here.” He gestured with his hands and Katie passed Jamie over, and instantly the baby looked up at his dad and broke into a teary smile.
“Oh, that’s just fucking typical.” Katie threw her hands out to the side. “I sit here all day, you walk in and after five minutes he stops.” Steve laughed and looked at her, as she scowled. “I’m sure he’ll start again soon. Now go and get ready. Go on.”
With a last look at them both she headed out into the hallway and up for a shower. When she came back down an hour or so later, having taken her time just because she could, she found Steve in the kitchen making himself a coffee whilst Jamie sat in the highchair, chewing on a frozen teething ring. He grinned up at his momma who dropped a kiss to his head, all tears and tantrums forgotten, and Steve turned to look at his wife, a smile crossing his face.
She looked knock out in a simple pair of tight jeans, a white silk vest top and black blazer with three quarter length sleeves. She’d bought the outfit especially, after finally getting down to a size she felt comfortable at thanks to stepping her training back up making use of the pool and their gym. She had changed shape, there was no getting away from that, and Steve doubted that any amount of training she did would take her back to her SHIELD Agent size, which he didn’t give the slightest shit about anyway, but what was important was that she didn’t seem to care anymore. Her stomach was more or less flat again, even if it was a little softer than before, but her hips were bigger, giving her more of a curve, which Steve loved, grabbing her ass every chance he could do. There was also the added perk that, even though she was down to one feed a day with Jamie being on solids, her boobs hadn’t shrunk much, remaining two cup sizes bigger than they had been. Another thing Steve found pretty damned fine about his wife’s post-baby figure.
But, what he loved the most though was that she was comfortable with herself and it showed tonight as she grinned up at him and gave him a twirl. He aimed a playful swat at her ass before he pulled her close and dropped a kiss to her lips.
“You look great.” He smiled and she blushed, giving him a kiss back before they heard he door open and voices echo in the hall.
“Get a room.” Emmy said as her and Brooke emerged into the kitchen. Steve arched an eyebrow and made a meal of pulling his wife closer as Brooke whooped and Jennifer, who had come to drop the girls off and pick Katie up gave a wolf whistle. Katie laughed and stepped back, shooting Steve a look that almost had him hard right there as he knew full well it meant he was in for a good night when she got back.
Emmy opened the fridge, and Steve looked at her. “Yeah there’s nothing in there, we’re getting pizza.” “Sweeeeeeet.” Emmy grinned, exchanging a hi-five with Brooke, handing her a soda.
“No wonder she likes coming here so much!” Jennifer laughed again as the two girls headed back into the hall.
Steve smiled and leaned back against the counter. “Yeah, well, Katie’s the cook, not me.”
“Don’t listen to him.” Katie rolled her eyes, picking up her phone and dropping it into her purse “He can cook most things fine, he just can’t be bothered.”
“Don’t blame him, it’s Friday.” Jennifer laughed, as Katie dropped a kiss to Jamie’s head again before she turned to Steve.
“Don’t wait up.” She winked, and he rolled his eyes, giving her a look, because he knew full well he would.  
At the end of the month Emmy turned twelve and was overjoyed with the new bike, clothes and phone she got, but was most overcome with the party Steve and Katie let her have in the pool house, the parents supervising six other pre-teens from afar as they splashed about in the water before Katie fed them all burgers, mac and cheese, and enough sugar to keep them wired for a weekend. Emmy had cried again later that night, never having had a proper birthday party before and thanking them so much it made the pair of them tear up slightly too.
The start of November brought the time they’d been equally looking forward to and dreading- Jamie started crawling. And he was fast, possessing Ninja skills Natasha was extremely proud of. Steve and Katie, aided by Emmy seemed to spend all their time running after him and poor Lucky was the target of his affections as Jamie loved pulling his fur or ears. In an attempt to give Lucky some peace and to prevent any mishaps, Steve erected baby gates all over the house which were small enough for Lucky to leap over if he needed a fast escape, but they confined their little Carpet Terrorist to the room he was in.  Naturally, Jamie hated them, and would sit and scream in frustration when he couldn’t follow his parents and sister freely, and Katie couldn’t help but laugh one day as he sat by the gate which separated the living room doorway from the hall, gripping the bars and yelling in objection as she and Emmy headed to the kitchen to make lunch. Steve was stood behind him, arms folded, shaking his head, a huge smile on his face as he chuckled.
“He looks like he’s in jail!” Emmy laughed as Steve swooped him up into his arms, blowing a raspberry on his belly instantly making all the tears vanish, his angry cried replaced by gurgles and giggles.  At that point there was a sharp ringing in the hallway, indicating someone was at the drive entrance. Emmy headed to the screen.
“It’s a delivery driver.” She pressed the button to open the metal gates. Steve followed her into the hall, Jamie still in his arms. Katie continued into the kitchen and was joined a moment later by the three of them, Emmy carrying a small box.
“Who’s it from?” Katie frowned as she pulled the items out of the fridge to make sandwiches.
“No return address.” Steve shrugged, as Emmy pulled open the box. The girl glanced inside and her mouth made a small O as she pulled out the stuffed American Eagle toy that was inside, but then dropped it harshly as it started to sing. There was a pause, as the ‘Star Spangled Man With A Plan’ theme tune blared round the large kitchen from the stuffed animal, and then Katie started to laugh as did Emmy and Steve dropped his head and gave a groan.
With perfect timing, Katie’s phone began to ring and she pulled it from her pocket, grinning as she saw it was Tony.
“Ahhhh you got it!” He laughed, clearly able to hear the noise on the other end of the phone.
“Where on Earth did you find that?” Katie snorted.
“I made it, well, I made the voice box. I told him to wait! Tony Stark 2, Spangles 1”
Of course, Jamie loved his latest present. And every time Steve made an attempt to hide it, he would scream blue murder. Mind you, Steve wasn’t sure what was worse, the constant screaming or the damned song emanating from the fucking toy.
“I really, really hate your brother.” He groaned one evening at the end of November as he was sat on the floor trying to coax Jamie into playing with one of the other hundred toys he had, the infant simply refusing.
“I told you not to start a war.” Katie sniggered.
“I didn’t start anything!” Steve scoffed, indignantly “He started it with that damned vest!”
“Well if you retaliate it’s gonna keep on going, you know what he’s like he’ll…oh my God, Steve!” Katie suddenly changed subject, her mouth dropping open as she watched Jamie who had crawled to the side of the sofa and was now attempting to pull himself up. They both watched in awe as their baby grasped the side of the cushion in his hand and used it as leverage to get to his feet where he stayed for a second or two before his knees gave in and he crashed to the floor with a loud thump, his diaper clad backside hitting the carpet. There was a pause where they both waited for the ensuing scream, but it never came. Instead he gave a loud shriek of laughter and went to try again, Steve recording the second attempt on his phone, all thoughts of revenge and stuffed eagles flew out of his mind as he watched his son hit another milestone.
Jamie had a sudden growth spurt heading into December, meaning he was more than ample size for his age, much to Steve’s relief and delight, and all three of them noticed that he was incessantly chattering and although it was complete gibberish they often found themselves answering back. Emmy was best at this, Steve and Katie one Sunday afternoon hid in the doorway, stifling their laughter as she held a full blown conversation with the nine month old whilst they watched the lion king.
“No that’s Simba.” Emmy responded to a loud screech as she pointed to the screen.
More ineligible babbles.
“Nala, and that’s Zazu.” Another noise, this one a little softer.
“Yeah, he will in a minute. Not for a while though. He’s gotta go to the elephant graveyard first.”
Jamie giggled, gesturing with his arms.
“I know, right?” Emmy rolled her eyes. “Stupid thing to do, should stay on the pride lands.” A string of gibberish escaped Jamie’s mouth and he looked at Emmy with an expression on his face, just like he had said asked her a serious question.
“Well, no, I mean a lion could take them but man, those hyenas are sneaky.” At that, Emmy looked up to see her parents watching from the door and she shrugged.
“He still talks more sense than you.” Steve grinned, earning himself a scowl in response ***** “It’s wonky, Dad.” “No it isn’t!” Steve shook his head, standing back to look at the Christmas tree.
“Yes, it is!” “She’s right.” Katie grinned, where she was sat on the floor, Jamie stood in between her legs, using her fingers which she held out to support himself on his legs, bouncing up and down.
Steve stepped back and gave a groan as he saw it was, indeed, leaning to the right. After a bit of a reshuffle scattering more needles on the floor he finally righted it. Katie watched as father and daughter shared a hi-five before they set about digging the decorations out of the two boxes at their feet. Katie was happy to leave them to it shouting the odd direction and the time came for the star and the big switch on.
“You wanna put it on again Em?” he asked and she nodded eagerly. She took it in her right hand and, despite her being taller and bigger than the year before Steve easily lifted her off the floor, hands on her hips so she could drop the star onto the top of the tree.
“Ready?” she asked once her feet were back on the floor, as she ran to the socket on the floor.
“Hit it!” Katie grinned, standing up and swooping Jamie along with her so he was propped on her hip.
“3-2-1…” Emmy gave a count down before she flipped the lights and the tree came to life. “Awesome!”
She moved over to where Katie was stood and reached up, bopping Jamie on the nose who gave a smile in response. He was fascinated by the lights on the tree, his eyes going wide and he let out a loud noise of approval, reaching both his arms out towards it.
The decorations on the bottom two branches lasted approximately twenty minutes until Steve and Emmy hastily moved everything up out of his reach.
The family spent Christmas Eve afternoon with Tony, Pepper and Morgan (who was now fast into her toddler stage being eighteen months or so old) but their first Christmas together was spent at home, with Natasha joining them. Jamie doted on his Auntie Nat-Nat, a nickname Steve had given her, one she faked disgust at, but they knew she loved it.
They all exchanged gifts, giving Natasha a chunky silver chain bracelet which Katie had spotted as they were shopping not long ago, which made her tear up, and a framed photo of her and Jamie from Jamie, obviously, along with a box of her favourite sweets carefully selected by Emmy.
It wasn’t long before they got a call from Tony.
“I’m gonna kill your husband.” 
Katie frowned. “What…”
“Morgan, she won’t leave the damned toy shield alone.” “What toy shield?” Katie asked. Hearing the exchange Steve looked up, grinning and she locked eyes with him, as he shrugged innocently.
“The toy shield that was in the pile of gifts you bought her, well she’s just thrown it straight at Gerald, the poor animal is traumatised!” Katie let out a sigh, rubbing at her forehead and out of the corner of her eye she saw Natasha, Steve and Emmy share a three-way-hi five, and she couldn’t help but smirk at the sight.
“Tony Stark 2, Spangles 2…” She grinned. “Merry Christmas, Tone.”
It turned out, however, that Natasha wasn’t about to let Steve get away completely, and the solder groaned where he sat with Jamie on his lap as they opened one of Jamie’s last gifts from his god- mother, which was a teddy bear wearing a Captain America shirt and a little plush shield, not unlike the one Steve had won Katie at Cony Island. Nat raised an eyebrow at Steve as Katie choked on her glass of wine but Jamie shrieked as Steve tried to take the bear off him for a closer look, ignoring the hundreds of other toys he was surrounded with.
“Jamie, that’s Cap.” Nat said as she sat on the floor, taking the bear from him and rubbing it gently in his face causing him to shriek with laughter. Steve simply shook his head and handed his son over to her.
“Suppose its better than that damned eagle.” He mumbled as he sat next to his wife who was opening the gift from Natasha to them. Both of them looked down at the photo frame which housed a number of pictures, some of which Katie and Steve didn’t even know existed. They went as far back as the first battle of New York in the shawarma joint, where they were both laughing at something. There was one taken in a bar in DC that Katie could remember, one of them cuddled up on the balcony of the tower, then some taken without their knowledge like a particularly nice one where Kate was sat on Steve’s lap on one of the couches at the tower during one of Tony’s parties. There were a few pages of their extended family as well, including Thor, Natasha, Clint, Wanda, Sam, and right bang in the middle was a photo of Steve, Katie, Emmy and Jamie, taken at Steve’s birthday in the summer.
“Nat,” Katie croaked, “it’s…”
“Fantastic.” Steve smiled, looking at her from where he had settled on the arm of the couch, arm extended along the back.
“Well, I saw the one in the hall and figured you could do with another to go with it.” Nat smiled, shrugging their thanks off as she referenced the large frame that Katie had made for Steve all those years ago.
Their newest photo collection was hung by the side of the already existing one the very next morning.
Everyone had warned both the new parents that time would fly by, and as they welcomed New Years in, this time as a five with Natasha, sitting in the garden all wrapped in blankets round the fire pit, both Katie and Steve realised that nothing else could be more truthful. As the fireworks erupted across the Brooklyn and Manhattan skyline, calling time on 2020, and Jamie’s first nine months of being alive Steve pulled his wife closer and she turned to face him.
“Happy new year, Soldier.” she whispered.
“Happy new year, Baby.” he replied softly, dropping a kiss to her lips.
**** Chapter 46
 **Original Posting**
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one-black-coffeee · 3 years
it’s currently time to make my comfort characters suffer along with me so!! here’s this monstrosity!! (loosely based on a fic i wrote awhile ago— can be found on ao3 titled Of Monsters and Pain— so tw: mentions/implied andrew’s past but like. very mild)
Andrew locked that word away long ago. a hastily designed cage to muffle the resounding trauma. he tightened the bolts until all that was left was ringing silence
the meds made the silence louder
after the meds, the silence was barely noticeable
Neil made the silence dwindle. the added blanket of Neil’s own secret-woven silence made Andrew’s turn into something almost vivid
grays and blacks turned to faded blues and purples. oranges that burned brighter than the other colors
Neil and Bee and even the Foxes. he knew they all helped. in their own ways
no longer the Monster. they didn’t learn to apologize, too battered from life to mean the words sincerely. but Andrew took their invitations to movie nights and Bee’s offers of children’s stickers all the same
some days he looked at the rungs on his arms and could see the progress he’d made, no longer standing at the bottom, jumping and missing the first foothold every time
other days
he felt like being split in two
he was cold and distant. a terror that slipped knives out of the bands covering his scars. a monster in all his right. his heart had been solidified into nothing more than decoration to haunt those stupid enough to try and get a look
he was just a kid. a kid who had never been allowed to want, to have, to keep without getting hurt. the blood pumping through his veins ran just as hot under his skin as it did through his heart
two halves
he didn’t know which to trust
he couldn’t find the dividing line between reality and fictionalized ideals
blurred and distorted through waves of stinging tears, fact and fiction were one in the same. he didn’t think he could still cry
his skin was frozen, chilled to a stone
his heart pounded violently, shrinking in on itself in his chest in desperate attempts to hide from the inevitable slashing pain
red marks pocked his chest, ragged fingernails digging into the flesh. it hurt. but it was better than the other hurt. at least he had control over the pain he gave himself
Neil was there
Andrew didn’t know when Neil showed up
maybe he’d always been there
Andrew looked at Neil. tears streaking his cheeks, shining dully in the dimmed light. unspilled tears left a ring around his eyes. it didn’t matter. his heart hurt. he couldn’t help it
giving Neil anything was a bad idea. less control. Neil had the upper hand
Neil was there. he’d seen enough to ruin Andrew if he wanted to. and Andrew was so tired, so worn out from the shaking and crying. Neil was supposed to be safe
it didn’t matter if he wasn’t, anyway. it wouldn’t be the first time Andrew trusted the wrong person
he held out his open hands to Neil, furiously trembling, and stared into Neil’s eyes
“please. just be gentle with my heart. please”
Andrew didn’t want the words. everything he had was gone, ripped from him and laid out for display. there was no point in trying to pick it all back up and pretend
but then Neil’s hands were so close to his he could feel the warmth
he leaned against it
slowly, gently, he felt his fingers be curled in, balling his hands into loose fists. his arms folded until his fists landed just over the pulsing pain in his chest. Neil’s leg brushed against his own and Andrew couldn’t find it in him to feel anything but safe
“keep it,” whispered from just inches away
Andrew let his eyes fall shut
“I don’t need your heart to treat you kindly. I won’t be like them, Love”
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oddsnendsfanfics · 4 years
Say Hello to My Little Friend
Genre: Fan Fiction (Sand Castle) Pairing: Cpt. Syverson/Reader Warnings: N/A Rating: G Length: Drabble Disclaimer: a strict work of fiction, I own nothing except the original characters and the plot line. In no way am I affiliated to any of it.  
A/N: There was a snake. I screamed and ran away. Then my mind was like hey you should write a fic! Also, the last time I used a name for Sy it was Logan. This time, I am flexing my creativity and seeing how I like the name Rian. 
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Henry Cavill Master List
Bent over digging through the veggie patch that he'd been working on all season, Syverson froze, the piercing noise reaching his ears. Laying beside him the German Shepherd barked and whimpered, crawling closer to her master. The terrorizing screeching taking a pause, only to erupt again. This time in the horror of the moment, the former Captain heard his name wailing across the property. Coming from the roses, his wife adored.
“Rian!” Her scream hoarse and sobbing. She only used his full name when he was in trouble or she was in some sort of dangerous situation.
Shooting upright, Syveryson grabbed the small rake he'd been using to turn soil and sprinted to his crying wife. That gotdamn slithery brown fucker was back! He knew it, nothing else sent his bug into a wailing fit like a damn snake. It wasn't even a big snake, barely half a foot long and harmless as they get. Yet every time she saw it, she went into a fit of absolute terror.
“I'm coming for ya, bug!” He called jogging over to the rose bush her finger was pointed at. Tear rolled down her cheeks and she gasped for breath. Over the years Syverson had been in active war zones with less distress then when she saw a snake. “Where is it?”
“Under the bush. I-I was.” She choked on her sobs. “It nearly went over my foot. Oh god, Rian. Get rid of it, please.” She whimpered, the German Shepherd backing into her legs, trying to comfort the distraught human. “Mei, careful.” She whispered as the dog bumped into her hard.
“Alright, you go to the porch. Take Mei, I'll deal with our little friend.” Syverson instructed, his eyes watching the ground around the rose bush. He hadn't spent years in the desert watching for signs of movement to be bested by a damn snake.
“What if I see it? Or another one? I swear it has friends and they're all out to get me.” She whimpered stroking Mei's rough fur around her neck. Smiling happily, Mei waited for her command to move the scared human to safety.
“Right, well,” Syverson rubbed the back of his neck. Sweat dripping down the back of his tshirt in the hot sun. “Okay, I have an idea.” He shrugged turning back to and squatting down. “Hop on. I'll take ya to the porch then come back and see if I can't find it.”
“What if it moves while you're gone?” She asked curiously watching him. Was he seriously going to piggy back her all the way up to the house? Their home sat on a small hill nearly seven hundred feet from where they stood. In this heat he would drop and she'd have to call an ambulance.
“Then I will try my best to find it.” He assured her, “Hop on. I ain't flushing it out with you standing here.”
“If I climb on your back, I will kill you. Its too hot.” She protested, hand on her hip. The more time she wasted arguing with him, the more chances he had of the snake getting away.
“It'll be fine, I've carried men heavier than you in hotter than this.” His brow creased, lifting his hat to wipe his forehead. “Last chance bug, but if I were you I'd take it. Cause I don't want to alarm ya.” Pointing behind her, about ten feet away...
“Rian!” She screamed jumping from a standstill, nearly over shooting him leapfrog style. “Oh fuck. No. Make it go away!” Tears instantly running down her cheeks, she clung to his back. Legs around his thick torso, she sobbed into his tshirt. “Please get rid of it.” She begged as he carried her to the house.
“I'll get rid of it, but I can't promise it doesn't have some friends hiding.” He gently squeezed her thigh. Her legs around him was always a welcome gesture, although this time he had other things to think about.
When she was safe on the porch, standing on wobbly legs, he instructed he to go inside and get a drink. Maybe a nice tall glass of that lemonade she liked, the one with the vodka. Mei following her second human inside the house, Syverson nodded to the dog to indicate she was doing the right thing. His girls safe inside, he adjusted his ball cap. Time to get down to business.
Trudging back to the scene of the crime, he scowled and let his eyes wander for a second. It couldn't have gone far, likely seeking refuge from the screaming giant that kept leaping into the air every time it passed by. Naturally, he didn't feel the need or want to kill the poor beast. However, it was causing his bug a great deal of stress.
“Alright buddy, where are ya?” He whistled softly, as if to coax it out. It wasn't like he'd whistle and it would come along like a dog. Shaking his head, he kept his eyes on the alert. Tracking movement was one of his specialties.
Seconds into his mission, he located the target.
“Look, what I am about to do, it isn't personal.” He spoke, grabbing the gardening rake. “You've been scaring my lady, I know you like it here, but this is her home and it ain't big enough for the two of ya.”
Curled up on the porch swing, a glass of lemonade in her hand, another on the table beside her waiting for Syverson, she hiccuped and wiped away the tear stains on her cheeks. She was never going back into the yard, ever. Not unless Sy was home to hold her hand or carry her. Scratching Mei behind the ears, she whimpered feeling tears threaten to fall again. Nothing, absolutely nothing, scared her this much. Sending Sy off to war, multiple times, hadn't caused her this amount of distress.
Shaking she lifted the glass to her lips, the sweet and bitter taste meeting her. With a slight gulp, she nearly drained the glass. What on earth was taking him so long? Had he found more? Did the snake get him? What if he'd found a giant nest of...
“Done.” His voice startled her into a jump. “Easy, bug. It's only me.” he smiled sweetly at her, taking off his hat under the shade of the porch.
“Is it dead?”
“It's gone. Along with three friends that I found. They won't be bothering you anymore.” Syverson sat on the other side of the swing, reaching for his glass of lemonade and slinging an arm around her. “I took em down the road.”
“You let them live?” Her bottom lip quivered.
“I know, I know. Bug, they're gone. I promise I took em away. Besides, I've seen loads of raccoon and skunks in that area. They'll probably be somebody's dinner before long.” Gently squeezing her shoulder, her leaned in nuzzling her neck. His thick beard scratching at the soft skin. “I was going to kill em, but...You know what, doesn't matter.”
“I know, no use in killing unless they've got a gun at your head and their finger on the trigger.” She recited the words he'd spoke many times.
“Mm hmm.” He hummed, his beard against her skin caused her to shiver. “Now, we've gotta figure out a way to keep you safe out there.”
“You mean you don't want to piggy back me everywhere?” She giggled, pushing his head away. Staring into his eyes, she smirked leaning in for a soft kiss.
“Now, I didn't say that. I love your legs around me, but neighbours might start talking.” He joked, their nearest neighbour was a mile down the road and their house couldn't be seen from the road. “I'll tell ya what, until I figure out a better solution, why don't I leave the lawn mower by the back deck? You can ride it 'round.”
“Are you serious?” She laughed at his suggestion. “Oh god, Sy. We're going to look insane.”
“Got a better suggestion?” He wiggled his brows at her.
Mumbling “no” she folded her arms across her chest and sighed.
“Okay then, I'll go get the mower. And while you're out there, mind dropping the blade? The back side is an overgrown mess.” He winked as she scoffed and hit him playfully in the chest.
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prettywordsyouleft · 4 years
To Be Continued - Part 10
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Summary: As an author, you had created Brian Kang for your current trilogy series to represent the ultimate man that everyone would love, along with Charli Evers - your female protagonist. What you hadn’t expected was for him to find a way out of the story and begin shaping up your world instead
Pairing: Brian Kang x female writer (ft. Park Sungjin)
Genre: writer au / romance / fantasy
Warnings: fictional characters coming to life / a bit of angst here and there / Sungjin as a cop (or does that only affect me?) >_>
Word count: 2487
Preview | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | Epilogue
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The broken laptop was taken by Sungjin that night, and he returned it to you a fortnight later with a new screen on it. Despite being grateful, you were still hopeless. “Brian’s gone for good, isn’t he?”
“Maybe it’s time for you to move on from him, Y/N. I hate seeing you this stuck. Don’t you want to write other stories and start living again?”
Staring up at the man, you nodded numbly. “I hoped I’d be living with him. I guess dreaming up the perfect guy isn’t a healthy thing to do.”
“It did happen, and your grief is validated,” he told you, giving your upper arm a gentle squeeze. “Everyone faces a loss of someone in their life at one point or another. And we have to learn how to continue on after they’re gone.”
“You’re right,” you murmured, smiling gently at Sungjin. “Thank you for being a good friend to me.”
“Officially friend-zoned,” Sungjin teased, dramatically grappling at his heart. You giggled, and this made him stop and smile. “And officially hearing a good sound come from you. I hope you can feel comfortable to laugh more often, Y/N.”
“Thank you for everything you’ve done.”
“Now that you have your device back, how about you go and write something? I’m sure it’s been a long two weeks.”
You grinned at his statement, nodding along. “My desktop is so ancient. I was close to spending a lot of money on a new one.”
“Well, now you don’t have to. Off you go and write, Miss Writer.”
Your smile fell as soon as you shut the door, the friendly term Sungjin just called you only bringing up the moments where Brian had called you that time and time again. Counting to ten, you avoided crying for the first time over your loss and smiled.
“All I have to do is keep counting and writing,” you instructed, marching down to your office and plugged in the laptop. It fired up immediately, and the new screen was pristine. Thankfully, all of your work was backed up to an external so you didn’t have to worry about losing your work. It surprised you, however, that the computer remembered where it last was in your session, the end of the Eternity document appearing in front of you.
Reading over the paragraph you had sent Brian, you wrapped your arms around yourself for comfort. “You did well, Y/N. You waited for love, and you loved him like no other. This story’s over now, though. Let’s move on.”
Slowly, you deleted your message, making sure the document said The End and closed out of it, moving it to another storage space on your external hard-drive before opening a new document.
It was time to step out of the limbo you had endured for too long.
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“Lily, did you get my first submission?” you asked as you continued to tap furiously at your keyboard, not bothering to check the expression of your editor on the small window in the corner of your screen.
“I did, and it’s fabulous.”
“Just fabulous?” you asked, scrunching your up face in annoyance. “I don’t think fabulous is enough.”
“Ooh, someone is feeling good about her work lately,” Lily crooned, and you grinned. “It’s good to see you working this happily again, Y/N.
“Well, the Encounter series is done now, and I need to have a follow-up story.”
“Does your favourite constable know about this?” she wondered dreamily, and you stopped typing to shoot Lily a look. “What? I distinctively remember you swooning over your protector. There’s no hope for you two to have a romance behind the scenes too?”
“Lily, I might be a writer who enjoys a good love story, but that’s all it remains as for me, a story. Sungjin is my friend, and I’ll surprise him with the final manuscript when this is done.”
“Yes boss!” she cheered and then gasped. “Oh, by the way! I heard that pre-order sales for Eternity have surpassed Captivated! When it launches in two week’s time, I’m certain you’re going to rank well!”
“And then that world will finally be at a close,” you murmured to yourself, Lily straining to hear what your lips had expressed. When you noticed her confusion, you smiled brightly. “Thanks for all your hard work over the past three years on this project, Lil.”
“You wrote them, Y/N. That world, especially Eternity, is a masterpiece.”
“Well, I hope the next story will be even better. More than fabulous, even.”
“You never let a single thing slide. I’ll sing your praises further when you send me the chapter you’re working on right now!”
“Onto it!” you said with a wave of goodbye, and the video call ended.
Slumping in your chair, your eyes shifted towards the wall calendar where the date had been circled for Eternity’s release.
You had taken Sungjin’s advice and picked yourself up out of the dumps. Of course, it hadn’t been easy, and still to this day you had moments where you yearned for Brian. However, you had remained strong since your initial resolve and left Eternity where it belonged – in your completed archive. You hadn’t sent messages, you didn’t open the document, and aside from when obligated to, you didn’t speak of that world to anyone. It still hurt too much, and you were looking forward to a time where this was all just a fond memory in your writing career.
Right now, with the impending sales and then signing tour that was booked, however, you were doing your best to distract yourself from anything that might make you cave.
Writing your police officer au was definitely helping with that, and you launched into typing again about Sungjin and Ella, you two protagonists.
You knew you probably should change his name, but the story made the most sense to you when you imagined your friend. Although you did wonder how you could separate the two when it came to the more romantic parts in the novel, you were having a lot of fun, remembering those juvenile feelings you once had for Sungjin before Brian stepped out of the laptop and changed your life entirely.
Sigh. You had thought of Brian again.
“When will I stop doing that?” you wondered in a sing-song voice, trying to keep upbeat. It was then that a new document popped up on the screen, and you groaned loudly. “And when will you stop glitching?”
It wasn’t the first time the new document tab would appear, now and then when you were in the midst of typing. You assumed you kept hitting the keyboard shortcut for opening it somehow and mentally wrote yourself a note to check if it could be disabled when you were done with this chapter.
Paying it no mind, you continued writing your story, not thinking once about all the mysterious happenings that preluded Brian’s appearance in the first place.
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“Wow, I can’t believe I’m meeting you today!” a young voice announced, and you smiled brightly at the teen before you. “I’m a big fan of Brian and Charli!”
“Aren’t we all?” you mentioned happily back, reaching for the copy of Eternity she had placed down to sign. “What’s your name?”
“It’s Jennie! With an i-e.”
“Well, Jennie, with an i-e, I’m so glad you came today. I hope to see you at my next book signing in a couple of year’s time.”
“You can count on it, Y/N!”
The day continued much in the same, and whilst you were overwhelmed by the support of your fans, when you entered your hotel for the evening, you were more than emotionally exhausted.
“Stupid Charli. She’s living the dream,” you muttered and then caught yourself, sighing heavily with your unexpected negativity.
It was foolish to be jealous, and yet after listening to everyone say how perfect Brian and Charli were for each other all day long, you understood your reaction. Even if you were moving on, you wanted to be the one who was perfect for Brian Kang.
“Let’s count to ten, shall we?” you told yourself, breathing deeply and following through with your mantra. After ordering room service for dinner, you settled into the plush bed with your laptop, ready to stream a crime show you had been watching for research.
When the screen appeared though, it was opened on Microsoft Word with a new document waiting for you. You groaned and looked into the settings to make sure you had in fact disabled the keyboard shortcut. It was as you had left it and you let out a small huff at the program before hovering your cursor over the exit button.
Something in you made you pause, however, and you peered at the empty document with some interest. “Why are you following me around?”
Thinking of how Brian would always open a new document to converse with you, a glimmer of hope surged through, and you hit the keys with a rapid pace.
Are you there, Brian Kang?
Nothing came, and your words didn’t dissolve either. Rolling your eyes at your rash reaction, you closed the document and opened Netflix.
You were well into the throes of the show when your room service knocked on the door, casting you out of bed and over to the door. Once you returned with the tray of food you had been given, you noticed the document was back on the screen again.
“What is going on?” you wondered, staring at it for some time. Placing a hand on the screen, you closed your eyes and willed Brian to come out. It had been so long since you had done this, and yet your fervour was stronger than ever. You prayed so hard that when you opened your eyes and saw nothing there, your tears were immediately at the surface, cascading down your cheeks.
“I’m so over pining for you. Either come back or leave me alone!” you wailed, pushing the laptop aside and curling up into a ball.
You didn’t see it then, but the cursor started to move as if someone was holding down the space button, creating ten pages before it stopped.
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The tour ended, and you were all too grateful to wake up back home with Binks curled up beside you. Kissing your furbaby until he made it apparent that your affection was unwanted, you climbed out of bed to brew yourself some coffee.
Today, you felt free. The saga of Eternity was over and whilst you knew you would still have to do a couple more interviews here and there in the future where you would be asked about the series, and your Discord would still be hit up regularly about reviews over the final story in the trilogy, today you were at least free from the contractual sides of the story. You wouldn’t have to actively talk about Charli Evers and Brian Kang ever again.
You also hoped that one day, once your pain resolved enough, that you could reread the series and remember why you had loved it all along, instead of the jealousy and burden you felt towards it right now.
With coffee and toast held in either hand, you bounced off to your office and sat down at your desk, blinking when you found your laptop on your desk already.
Had you pulled it out of its bag last night when you got home?
Shrugging, you hit the power button and were surprised when it immediately loaded up your home screen. “I did turn you off, you finicky device.”
Lots of little things had happened since getting the screen fixed, and you had left it down to that incident messing with it. You didn’t have it in you to believe otherwise.
Opening your emails, you went through the important correspondence, threw out the spam, and moved the replied ones to their relevant folders. Once your inbox was empty, you moved onto your other admin tasks for the day, ensuring you were all caught up before you stepped back into your police officer au.
When ready, you clicked on the file, and instead of it appearing, it was a blank document. “Oh no, you don’t! There were words in this file!”
Looking at the title of the word document, you were relieved to see it untitled and not that of your current story. Clicking again on the file from your writing folder, another blank document appeared instead.
“Open it! I have to write about Sungjin and Ella!” you exclaimed, hitting the file repeatedly. Tens of blank documents appeared with your efforts until you were panting with the annoyance. Sitting back, you shook your head. “That’s it! I’m buying a new laptop! I’m done with you!”
Before you could close the screen down, however, you noticed that one document appeared and had words in it. But it wasn’t your current one. Instead, Encounter appeared on the screen, scrolling at a rapid rate to the bottom. Then it changed tabs, moving through Captivated just as fast. Finally, Eternity finished it off, the words The End simply staring back at you.
Leaning forward towards the screen, you waited to see what would happen next. Annoyed that your hopes were raised yet again, you started to close the empty tabs, leaving the three stories up. A final tab appeared, and you burst into tears as words started to appear on the screen.
It’s time to start writing our story now.
Standing up shakily, you pointed at the screen. “Hurry up then, I’ve waited far too long to write this story with you.”
The screen went blank as your heart began to thud erratically in your chest, your eyes widened whilst waiting for what would happen next. Reaching for the power button, you watched as the screen lit up.
And then you felt arms embrace you immediately. “I’m sorry I’m so late.”
“I don’t care right now,” you managed to say despite your emotions running down your face. Pulling back just enough so you could see Brian’s handsome face, you shook your head in disbelief. “As long as you’re here.”
“For good,” he assured, leaning in for a passionate kiss. “That world is closed and done with. Whilst ours is only beginning.”
You knew with time, you would want to know why it took so long for Brian to return and to scold him for hurting you so much. You also knew Brian would placate you in every way, and you would hear all about his equal longing and struggle without you at his side.
But for now, this was all you needed. Dream men were hard to find existing in real life. You had found yours again, and this time you wouldn’t write him in one way or another. You’d let your life together pen the journey you had at each other’s side.
Your story was about to be continued.
All rights reserved © prettywordsyouleft
[DAY6 Masterlist] | [Main Masterlist] | [Request Guidelines]
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You’re Scaring Me- Prompt Fill
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Jon is out of town somewhere in the nebulous future of a happy ending, and Martin is having a rough time.
cw isolation, guilt, references to child abuse, negative self talk, mentions of the Lonely, panic attacks
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I am still accepting bingo prompts! Still have a couple outlined but not written/posted, and a few that still need requests (send me a character and let me know if you want a drawing or a fic (drawings happen much faster)). Have a lovely day!!!!!
Martin knows that isn’t true.  Not really.  He could be talking to Jon in a matter of seconds.  He knows.  He does.  That Jon would pick up the phone without hesitation no matter where he is.  Jon is just gone for a few days.  Taking in a few museums and bookshops during a short university break.  Well deserved, because Jon has been working his ass off, trying to keep up with grading and coaxing students to turn things in on time.  
Martin would have gone if he didn’t still have work.  
In any case.  
Technically Martin is alone.  And that should be fine.  It is fine.  
It’s been years since the Lonely.
He shouldn’t be feeling like this.  He shouldn’t need someone with him to feel like a person.  He shouldn’t need Tim to drop in and check on him.  And, yes he does want to see Tim, but... this feels more like he needs a babysitter.  And he doesn’t want to put Tim out.  
Martin presses himself into the couch.  He should get a blanket.  Preferably his heated blanket.  But.  That feels like cheating.  
He closes his eyes as he exhales, afraid of the puff of fog that might escape him.  Better he doesn’t see.  
He doesn’t really want to see anyone right now.  It sounds like a lot more effort than he has energy.  Numb limbs heavy on a faded couch.  
Faded?  Is it really that dull a color?  Or has the brightness gone with Jon?  
Heh.  Jon really is the light of his life, he supposes.  What a stupid sappy stereotype.  
He disgusts himself.  
Why would Jon want to come back to this flat?  It’s too cold, anyways.  
He doesn’t want Tim to come to dinner.  He doesn’t have the energy to shower.  He should shower before he goes out.  He knows he isn’t smelling the freshest.  Is the salt on his skin and his lips from the clammy sweat that clings to him as his anxious thoughts writhe, or is it the salt spray of the Lonely?   Either way.  He is sticky and salty.  And not fit for dinner.  Not alone and certainly not with anyone else.  
He’ll pull the life out of Tim.  The warmth.  He shouldn’t subject Tim to his mood and what his mood can do when he’s like this.  
He shifts on the warn fabric of the couch.  Drawing himself inwards.  
Trying to find warmth in his core but just making himself a small, cold lump.  
Pluto, abandoned, and frozen, and ignored.  
With icy fingers that his phone hardly recognizes, he texts Tim to cancel.  
Tim curses when he gets the text.  He isn’t surprised to get it.  But that doesn’t stop his heart from juddering.  
“Sash, I’m going over.  You coming?”
“Hurry up, Stoker, I’m already out the door.”
She is, and Tim scrambles to catch up.  
He doesn’t want to admit how tightly he holds her hand on the tube.
The apartment door is cool to the touch.  
As it should be, Tim’s fire-fighter brain supplies.  But this is a little too cold.
A little frosty.  The door knob mottled by the cold.  
He knocks.  Loudly.  Shave-and-a-haircut.  “Martin?”
Martin knows it’s Tim.  Intellectually, he knows it has to be.  That’s how Tim always knocks.  But it jolts Martin out of the cold ball he has made himself into, and …nowhere.  
Part of him is shoved against a wall with Jane Prentiss banging on the door.  Part of him is pierced by the guilt that Tim has come all this way just for him and that he is stupid and needy and worthless for needing looking after, just a parade of guilt and isolation because he never learned how to grow up.  Part of him is back in his closet hands over his ears as his parents fought, then barged in to give him an apology that never really apologized, just made him feel like he’d done wrong or that no matter how tidy and quiet he was he would never be worthy or clean.  And part of him is still on a distant beach.  Distant in distance and emotion.  
And he can’t breathe.  
Memories in his lungs.  
Guilt in his throat.  
Coughing and choking on the chilly air, too busy drowning to even call out to the Tim shaped life preserver banging on his door.  His hands going numb and his muscles spasming.  
Useless.  Can’t go a weekend without Jon without a panic attack.  Stupid.  Codependent.  Needy.  Clingy.  Worthless excuse for an adult.  Can’t be a person for a single weekend.  
Tim unlocks the door without getting a response.  Of course he has a key.    
He can’t say he’s surprised to find Martin hyperventilating and crying silently on the couch in a slightly foggy flat.  He would like to have been surprised by this… but he isn’t.  
Martin’s been having a rough go of it recently.  Becoming and EMT means less time at home and with Jon.  Less time to see his therapist.  And Tim knows Martin has talked to Jon about this, and to his therapist, and to Tim and to Sasha, but that doesn’t help the reality of this.  Martin is worn thin, and he knows it too, which is why Tim and Sasha were going to visit with him anyhow.  
“Hey, buddy?”  Tim eases himself closer to Martin.  
Sasha is… not the most comfortable getting cried on.  She prefers doing things to provide comfort not actually physically being there.  She’s done it for Tim a few times, but she prefers showing her love in other ways.  Like with a favorite meal.  Or pirating a favorite movie.  Or buying interesting rocks.  Little ways to show love without… getting damp or snotty.  Tim knows this, and figures she has slipped off to fetch Martin’s electric blanket, and start the kettle on the hob, and send a text to Jon, saying something to the effect of: please call.  
Tim is all for damp hugs.  He is all for clinging to someone like they are the last hope in the world, or as if he can hold that person together as the world tries to shake them to pieces.  He’s done that with Jon in the distant past… and the very recent past.  He’s done that with Sasha a few times, but not as often.  And he has done that with Martin… just as he does this time.  
Asking permission, of course.  
Getting a jerky nod in answer to ‘is touch okay?’  
He gathers Martin into his arms.  He knows how much pressure Martin likes.  He might not be as good a hugger as Martin, but he likes to think he’s a close second (with Sasha coming in third, and Jon in last place.  Those noodle arms of his docking points).  
“Buddy, can you breathe for me?”
Martin shakes his head, gasping some things that certainly don’t quite count as breaths.  
“Martin, you’re scaring me, please take a breath?”  Tim keeps murmuring to him for several minutes before it seems like Martin is getting any oxygen to his brain.  But, Tim supposes, since he hasn’t passed out, he’s probably managing.  “That’s really, really good, bud.  Think you can manage some grounding exercises?  Either that or I tell Sash to find you a lemon.  Not the old school name for sexy time fan fiction, but an actual lemon.  I read somewhere that biting one can help stop a panic attack, but I keep forgetting to try it.  Do you wanna try that?  Or should we stick with the more conventional?”  
Martin signs he wants the grounding exercises.  
Tim huffs a laugh.  Martin isn’t the biggest fan of lemon.  “We can try that one another time.  Can you name five things you can see?”
Martin signs “Couch, you, my hands, the ceiling, the coffee table.”
Tim presses a kiss to the top of his head.  “Good.  Now four things you can feel?  Or is it four you can hear and three you can feel?  Fucked if I know.  You’d think I would know this after doing it every few weeks.  You’d have to ask Sash or Jon.  Just… uh go with the first one.  I guess.  Buddy, you are doing great.”
Martin’s hands are clumsy and shaky and never were the best at BSL, but Tim can understand him well enough.  He names four of each just to be safe.  And it does help calm him down…. but Tim is pretty sure he loses Martin to his mind not long after.  
Martin staring blankly at the ceiling as Tim runs a hand through his hair.  He isn’t as into it as Jon is, but Martin seems to like it.  
He’s warmed up enough to start shivering, which Tim is pretty sure is a good thing.  Right?  When you stop shivering is when you should worry about hypothermia.  Plus, he has the electric blanket that Sasha found, and some tea, so he’s probably doing better.  
And Sash convinced Jon to start back home.  Yeah Martin will probably feel guilty about it, but Jon wouldn’t forgive them if they didn’t keep him posted about Martin’s wellbeing.  
Martin must have fallen asleep.  Or… did he just go all space cadet on Tim and Sasha?  …He shouldn’t have done that.  If he hadn’t canceled their plans, they would have all had a nice evening even if they were babysitting a grown man….
Shut up Martin inner monologue!  
He takes a few deep breaths before he can spiral again.  
He opens his eyes to see Jon curled against his chest.  And Martin half on top of Tim, and Sasha curled up against Jon.  
Martin is exhausted.  Panicking having sucked any life in him away hours ago.  He can’t bring himself to move.  He can’t even bring himself to pay attention to the movie that he is sure is his favorite that is playing quietly on the television.  He breathes deep the smell of Jon’s conditioner.  The smell of Tim’s deodorant.  The softest hint of Sasha’s lip balm.  And he tucks the electric blanket a little tighter around himself, and lets himself rest.  
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juliandev0rak · 4 years
Lysander takes a bath, sort of.
characters: Lysander Lonan (of @leila-of-ravens) and Beatrice Viano / Vianan
words: ~2200
warnings: descriptions of a panic attack, brief mentions of drowning / past torture
notes: you might want to read *shudders* Price of Truth by @leila-of-ravens first for context
Beatrice doesn’t trust easily. 
Growing up, she had learned that the people you trust only betray you or leave you behind. So she’d learned to guard her heart, to trust only herself. It was only after she moved to her aunt’s that Beatrice began to unravel the tangled threads of hurt tied so tightly around her heart.
Slowly, she’d been able to open herself up to others. She started with her Aunt Cora, who was the first person to prove herself truly trustworthy. Then she met Ella and Leila, who were so kind that she found herself trusting them quite without noticing. 
When Beatrice lost Aunt Cora to the plague, she lost a part of herself. And when Beatrice lost Leila, she almost lost herself entirely. It was only her trust in Ella and her trust in magic that allowed her to pull through to save their friend, and herself. 
Before she met Lysander, Beatrice had never been in love. She’d always thought that she would know she was in love when she could trust the person implicitly. Before she could love someone, she had to trust them not to judge her, she had to trust them to guard her secrets, and most importantly- she had to trust them to stay. 
Despite her better judgement, Beatrice had fallen in love with Lysander before she even really knew him. But she’d known, even then, that she could trust him. Over the years he had proven that trust, he’d become someone she can count on. He had stayed.
Lysander also doesn’t trust easily. Beatrice finds it hard to know what he’s thinking sometimes, even now when they know each other so well. She understands the feeling of not wanting to burden someone with your troubles, but she wants to help him carry the burden. That’s what love is, and she wants him to trust her too.
On an evening not long after Beatrice moved to Umbra, the two sit in their bed reading before bed as they so often do. Beatrice is thoroughly invested in her novel, a mystery set in a gothic castle full of ghosts and brooding characters. She likes to read fiction in her spare time, it’s nice to turn her brain off sometimes after a long day of reading academic texts. But she’s pulled out of the action of the book as Lysander clears his throat, drawing her attention to the fact that he’s stood up from bed.
He sets his own book down and gives her a little nod when she looks up. “I think I’ll go take a bath.” 
“Alright, I’ll be here.” Beatrice smiles briefly as Lysander walks into the bathroom adjoining their room. He carefully shuts the door behind him and she turns back to her novel.
The fire in the fireplace has dwindled down to almost nothing by the time Beatrice looks up from her book again and realizes how much time has passed. Now that she thinks of it, she hasn’t heard the sound of the bath water running. She hasn't heard anything from the bathroom at all. A bit worried, she gets out of bed and creeps over to the bathroom door.
“Lyse?” She calls, waiting a few moments for a response. When none comes she knocks on the door gently, just two raps on the wood. “Darling? Are you alright?” 
Another moment passes in silence. If he doesn’t answer this time, she’s opening the door. “May I come in?” 
Finally, she hears a muffled sound of assent and she enters, a bit unsure of what she’ll find inside. Beatrice steps in to find the bathtub empty, no sign of water or Lysander. She peers around in confusion until she spots a lump in the corner of the room, as far from the tub as can be. It’s Lysander, curled into a ball on the tile and still fully clothed. Beatrice crosses the room in an instant, kneeling down next to him. 
His shoulders are shaking, his breathing is heavy, and Beatrice easily recognizes the symptoms of panic. Though she hasn’t seen him like this before, she knows that he struggles with memories from the past at times. He’s been through more than any normal person would have been able to withstand. Lysander is still here, miraculously, but he isn’t unscathed. The evidence remains in scars both physical and mental. 
Beatrice leans down to catch his eyes and he looks up at her, his own eyes wide and fearful. “Lysander, may I touch you?” 
She doesn’t want to startle him, but she knows that sometimes a physical presence can be grounding. Lysander nods and she reaches towards him tentatively, helping him sit up a bit before she puts her arms around him. She pulls him to rest against her chest and his arms wrap almost automatically around her waist. Up close she can feel him trembling even more.
“Can you breathe with me? Just follow my lead.” Beatrice takes in a deep breath and holds it for a count of five before releasing it slowly. He heaves in gulps of air as if he can’t get enough oxygen. It takes a few moments but as she continues to breathe deeply, his breathing begins to slow to match hers.
“In,” She instructs, and he inhales, “and out.” He exhales, only a bit shakily. They stay like that for a few minutes, Beatrice holding him while his breathing syncs to hers and his heartbeat slows to a more even pace.
When Lysander looks up to meet her eyes again she’s pleased to see that he looks a bit calmer. “I apologize, it’s.. the water.” 
He doesn’t need to say anything else. She could never forget what he’s been through, the way he’d almost been drowned, the torture he’d gone through to save his sister’s life. It makes her want to break down, to cry and seek his comfort to reassure herself that he’s safe. But he needs her now, he’s trusting her to help him.
Beatrice closes her eyes and takes a steadying breath. She can feel him in her arms, warm and present and very much alive. She feels the texture of his soft sweater under her fingertips, the way his breath comes out in even puffs against her neck. They’ll make it through this together.
“There's no need for an apology, Lyse. Would you like me to stay here to keep you company?” 
“Stay.” Lysander presses his face back into her shoulder and she rubs a soothing circle on his shoulder blade.
“Of course, I’m here. I’m not going anywhere.” Beatrice keeps her arms around him, holding him close for both of their sakes. She’ll stay here all night if he needs her. A few minutes pass in silence before he pulls back a little, his dark eyes thankfully much more focused.
“I could wash your hair for you if you want. You don’t even have to get into the bath if you don’t want to,” Beatrice suggests, placing a hand on the side of his face to turn him to look at her. “Or we could try again tomorrow, if you’d prefer.” 
“Perhaps if you did it... it would be alright.” Lysander’s words seem uncertain but his voice is even. Beatrice reaches for his hair and watches the barely perceptible flinch he gives. She stills her hands and waits for him to nod before reaching to gently brush through his dark hair.
“If you just lean over the edge of the tub a bit I can use my magic to control the water, you won’t have to uh, submerge yourself at all.” Beatrice tries to smile reassuringly at him. Lysander thinks for a moment and then nods. He scoots backwards towards the bathtub and she follows.
He leans his head back against the edge of the tub, sitting on the tile floor with his legs out in front of him. “Like this?” 
“Perfect. I’m just going to turn on the tap, I’ll draw it from there.” Beatrice narrates what she’s doing to make sure he knows what to expect. She reaches over to turn on the hot water and tests to make sure it’s a good temperature. The rushing sound of the water makes him flinch again and she keeps a steadying hand on his shoulder, letting him know that she’s there. 
When the water is the right temperature she gathers the stream in her hands, guiding it towards him. Lysander doesn’t say anything, though she can sense his apprehension. He gives her a look that seems to say, “Be careful.” 
Beatrice is cautious and slow as she threads her fingers through his curls, using the barest hint of pressure. She brings the stream of warm water up to wet his hair and pauses to make sure he’s ok. Lysander’s eyes are closed and his fingers tap an uneven pattern where they rest against his leg. 
“Tell me if you need me to stop.” Beatrice reaches for the bottle of shampoo, his hair now sufficiently saturated with water. Lysander nods but keeps his eyes shut as she pours shampoo into her hands, using a bit of magic to make sure it’s the same warm temperature as the water. She’s careful not to pull on his hair as she lathers in the shampoo, especially when she reaches the back of his head. 
Warm steam fills the room, bringing with it the comforting scent of vanilla from the shampoo. Lysander relaxes as she washes the shampoo out, his posture slumping more comfortably against the edge of the tub. He actually leans into her hand as she works out a tangle, and she smiles even though he can’t see it. Using her magic allows her to control where the water flows, ensuring not even a drop falls on his face.
“All done.” Beatrice leans back and watches as his eyes open to meet her gaze. He smiles at her, a look so full of adoration that she can do nothing but stare back at him.
“Thank you.” Lysander reaches for her and she wraps her arms around his shoulders, a bit awkwardly as she's sitting next to him. A drop of water from his hair falls onto her arm and she shivers at the cold temperature. 
“Shall I dry your hair too?” Beatrice reaches up towards him. He doesn’t flinch this time as she works a drying spell through his hair. When she’s done she stands and offers a hand to help him up from the floor. His hands are steady, no sign of the panicked trembling she’d felt earlier.
Beatrice helps him change into his pajamas, he doesn’t need the help but she feels the need to be close to him just in case. She helps him button his pajama shirt up and watches with a barely suppressed grin as he tucks his pajama pants into his socks because he hates to be cold. By the time they get into bed a few minutes later Lysander is back to himself.
He pulls the covers up over both of them as Beatrice moves closer to rest her head on his chest. Lysander cups the side of her face in his hand and leans in to press a soft kiss to her cheek. Beatrice leans up to kiss his cheek too before he can pull away and he laughs, startled by the action. 
She reaches for his free hand and draws a gentle circle on his palm, tracing the lines of his veritomancy scars. She’d asked him once if it hurt to touch them, and he’d said, “Not when you do it.” 
Lysander gently tucks a loose strand of hair behind her ear so he can see her face better. He’s still got that adoring smile on his face and Beatrice thinks she needs to look away before her heart bursts. They haven’t blown out the candles yet, and in the dim light Beatrice is sure her blush is obvious. She’s not embarrassed about it anymore, he’s used to her blushes by now. She’s learned that he’s just as shy as she is, and just as prone to blushing if the moment is right.
As much as Beatrice would like to just look at him forever, she’s having trouble keeping her eyes open. Before she really has time to think about her words she murmurs, “Perhaps tomorrow we can take a bath together. I promise I’ll keep you safe.” 
Lysander is silent for a minute and Beatrice wonders if she’s said something wrong. His brows furrow a little as he thinks before he nods and finally replies, “I suppose we can try it.” 
“I can create a bubble of oxygen around your head if you’d like.” She’s half joking, but she thinks she could probably figure out how to do that if he actually wants it as a safety precaution. 
“I don’t think that will be necessary,” Lysander laughs. “I trust you, Beatrice.” 
Beatrice smiles, reveling in the sound of his steady heartbeat beneath her head. “I’m very glad to hear that.” 
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gaemkyuu · 4 years
I’m Right Here (Owen Joyner x Fictional Character
Warnings: anxiety attack and self-deprecation A/N: Sorry this one took so long! The fictional character has been shamed for her anxiety from her parents. The experience of an anxiety attack is based on the ones I have. It’s different for everyone. Disclaimer: This is a FICITONAL writing piece! In no way do I claim characters in this piece act this way in real life.
Masterlist *now taking requests ;)
I’m Right Here
“Hey Jade! Wait up!” Jade was walking out of her trailer and on her way to her car, until she heard Owen call out for her. She paused and turned around to face the tall blonde, who stopped in front of her slightly out of breath. He bent slightly over his knees, catching his breath and still in costume.
“Aren’t you supposed to be filming a scene right now?” she cocked her eyebrow at him and rested a hand on her hip. They were on set filming for Julie and the Phantoms season 2, and Jade was brought in as a minor character as a part of Carrie’s posse. She didn’t have any major dialogues save the one or two quips her character had, so she was mostly there for the dance portions. That often meant she was able to leave set earlier or she had less days on set than others.
“Yeah, they’re setting up, but I wanted to catch you before heading out” Owen started to shift his weight from leg to leg and began to avoid eye contact. Jade felt butterflies in her stomach but immediately tried to suppress them, knowing that what she hoped was happening was probably not. She didn’t want to get her hopes up, only for them to be deflated. “You got any plans Tomorrow night?”
“Just snuggling with my dog and drinking wine while singing karaoke” she mentally facepalmed herself at her honesty. She just sealed the deal on being forever single. Owen fidgeted and the air between them became awkward, no thanks to Jade’s awkward confession.
“Listen, I was wondering, and you can totally say no, if you wanted to maybe go to dinner with me? That’s if dinner is something you do, not like eat, because I’m sure you eat dinner, but if you don’t I’m not judging you. I mean like dinner dinner, y’know?” the boy looked frazzled and a little desperate to stop his verbal diarrhea from making him look even stupider than he did in that current moment. 
“Like a date?” Jade hoped she wasn’t being too forward, but then again, a girl had to know. Owen gave her a sheepish smile and a nod yes, instantly filling her with excitement. “YES! Uhm... I mean sound great. I’d totally love- i mean like to go on a date with you” she blushed furiously, hoping she didn’t sound too desperate or too excited.
“Great! I’ll pick you up at 7?” she nodded and he smiled turning around and jogging back to set. Jade felt like she could fly or bench press a bus. She always tried to deny having feelings for him, but whenever she was asked she would stumble over her words and everyone instantly knew. Savannah and Tori often teased her about her feelings and pushed her to ask him out, but she was too nervous. Correction, she was too afraid to be rejected.
Jade never thought of herself as anything more than a plain and ordinary girl who happened to be able to dance well. She wasn’t overly pretty but she wasn’t hideous either, and there were very little standout qualities. Most people described her as quiet, mousy with a pretty smile, but nothing ever more than that. She believed she got it from her family as they too were described similarly. Her mother was a dentist and her father worked at a law firm. She was an only child and they have always lived a comfortable life, so naturally Jade never had any interesting stories to tell. She was just your average plain Jane.
The drive back to her apartment was full of joy and she blasted the music in her car as she drove, singing along to every tune. She was extremely excited to go on this date and her enthusiasm carried on as she bounced to her apartment door and inside. Placing her keys on the counter by the door, she went to her closet to pick out the best outfit. Looking at the array of clothing, she picked out a few and sent them to her co-stars/best friends for their opinions. Unfortunately, they both had different ideas as to what she should wear that night.
Sav: go for something cute and conservative! Southern boys like all American girls!
Tori: go for something a little sexy Cali girl. Like I’m a good girl but I’m also capable of being bad too
Sav: for the first date? Idk...
Tori: Sav, do you really think Owen is only about them all American girls? He was the one talking about how peaches were a brilliant emojis for butts
Sav: point taken.
Sav: go for something that best represents you!
Jade: a paper bag?
Tori: really?
Tori: you are more than just a paper bag J
Sav: we gotta go, Kenny’s calling places. I’m sure what you’ll pick will be fine! Send us a pic!
Jade frowned that her friends couldn’t chat longer to help her, but she knew she had to do this on her own. After filing through clothing, she finally found something she liked but noticed that she had spent an hour picking an outfit. Owen would be by in two hours, meaning that she had to speed up her process if she didn’t want to feel rushed!
 She slipped stepping into the tub to take a shower, smashing her elbow on the towel bar. She quickly tried to rub the pain as she cursed under her breath. She had no time to be clumsy! She started her shower up and gracefully hopped in this time, hoping to avoid any further injury. After doing her daily hygiene routine, she applied the hair mask and wrapped it up in a shower cap, applying her face mask right after. She noticed that her legs felt the slightest bit fuzzy and cursed herself for not shaving in the shower. Quickly glazing at her phone for the time, she slathered on shaving cream and attempted to shave her leg using her bathroom counter, which was a mistake. She slipped, nicking her leg on the way down, bumping her head against the wall too.
“It’s fine, you’re fine, not a big deal Jade” she comforted herself. “Stick a Band-Aid on it and just wear jeans!”
She began to wash out the hair and facemask, making a mental note to patch herself up after. As she patted her face dry, she opened the medicine cabinet to grab a Band-Aid, when the lights shut off. Fumbling around for her phone, she quickly turned on the flashlight to find a Band-Aid and her bathrobe. Slipping on the robe, she made her way to the apartment breaker. Nothing had tripped on the breaker panel, but the power in her suite was completely shut off.
“That’s fine! You’ll just have to go with your natural curls instead of spicing things up with a straightener!” she could already feel the nauseous and claustrophobic feeling in her chest creep up on her, but she took a deep breath and closed her eyes. Now was not a good time for her to have an anxiety attack. She had an hour and fifteen minutes before Owen came. Plenty of time... right?
Making her way over to her closet, she began to look for another outfit that would look good with the jeans that she had picked out. She tried on top after top, but nothing seemed to fit right. Giving a huff in frustration, she sat on the bed to take a deep breath. She had to get going if she was going to have enough time to do her makeup, but it seemed like life had other plans. All of a sudden, the fire alarm in the complex went off, indicating that everyone was being asked to evacuate. She jumped at the noise and quickly threw on a sweater, grabbing her passport, wallet, documents and phone before exiting the building with the other residents. 
It turned out to be a fire drill that was scheduled to happen last week, but Jade had completely forgotten about it. They all had to stand outside while the fire marshal cleared the building and checking the safety of it. By the time Jade had made her way back into the building and up to her suite, she had 30 minutes before Owen came over. She hated the outfit she was wearing, her hair was a mess due to the wind outside and she had no makeup on!
The feeling in her chest increased gradually as she rushed around the house, doing her best to multitask. The power came back on when she entered the suite, so she tried straightening her hair as the curls were a mess, but she underestimated her multitasking skills. She burnt herself multiple times as she tried to do her makeup and hair at the same time. It didn’t help that the bottom half of her hair was straight and the bottom half wasn’t, and her eyeliner was uneven. Looking at herself in the mirror stressed her out even more, so she washed her face and decided to restart. The alarm on her phone notified her that Owen would be at the door in 5 minutes, and that’s when everything bubbled over. Looking at her messy face, half done hair, wet shirt and jeans, she sniffled until the tears welled over. She sank to the bathroom floor feeling like an idiot. No normal person would be this upset over their appearance, so why was she? Would Owen think she was weird because of this? Would he even want to go out with her? Her breathing increased and she started to feel her ensuite close in on her, signaling a full blown anxiety attack.
Jade wasn’t comfortable talking about her anxiety. Her parents often made her feel like she was overreacting or seeking attention whenever they happened, but they never understood that if Jade had the choice, these things wouldn’t get to her. This feeling that you need to escape, but you don’t have the energy so you’re just a buzzing ball sitting in a deep dark hole. She would often cry during her attacks, ashamed that she lost control and ashamed that she got to this place. Her friends would tell her to seek professional help for it, but she waved them off knowing that if she did see someone, it would make things worse between her and her parents. She loved them a lot and often sought for their approval, and doing this would work against the hard work she put in to make them proud.
“Jade?...unlocked...hope that’s okay?... helloo?....dead?.... Jade?”
“Jade? Hey... Hey you’re okay...”
“Jade? It’s Owen.”
“Squeeze my hand if you hear me”
“Okay good. I want you to breathe with me”
“You’re doing great”
“That’s it”
“Breathe in for five, out for five”
“In five”
“Out five”
The murkiness of the voice became clearer and clearer as she regained control of her breathing. She began to feel a warmth enveloping her and holding her firmly. She wasn’t in the bathroom anymore but rather on the sofa in her living room with the balcony door open, letting in a cool breeze. 
“Jade?” She focused her attention on the blonde boy who sat beside her, his arm currently wrapped around her and the other holding her hand. “Hey” his smile was warm and understanding, but Jade couldn’t help the tears that came to her eyes. Seeing this, Owen knew immediately what was happening. Before the apology left her lips, Owen had already began to speak.
 “You have nothing to apologize for... Is this the first time?” She bowed her head sadly, wiping away the tears and shaking her head no. In this moment, she felt like a little kid getting into trouble, bracing herself for the disappointment she caused.
“Listen, I know how you feel. Your anxiety? Your panic? I feel it every day. You don’t have to be ashamed in front of me. Hell, you shouldn’t have to feel ashamed in front of anyone. Everyone goes through this right? Well obviously, in their own ways and not like you and me, but I think you get the point” his rant elicited a small chuckle from the girl. “Want to talk about it?”
Jade nodded her head, feeling comfortable around him. She recounted her struggles since getting home to the razor to the power to the fire drill up until their current moment. Owen was silent and attentive the entire time, hanging on to every word that came from her mouth.
“I mean, I’m flattered that you put in all this work to go on a date with me, but seriously, and I’m not saying this to like get on your good side or anything, but you don’t need all the makeup and stuff. You’re pretty pretty on your own” she smiled at his comment, grateful for the compliment as it made her feel better.
“Thanks, I’m sorry I ruined our date” he scoffed and shook his head, moving to the kitchen counter picking up the flowers he had brought for her.
“I was going to give these to you at the door, but seeing as the plans have changed, you should probably take them and put them in some water?” she blushed at the gesture and took them gratefully from him. As she puttered around the kitchen for some sort of vase, he tapped away on his phone. “Do you like pizza?”
“Owen, I LOVE pizza” he grinned back at her and tapped a couple more times on his phone. “What are you doing?”
“Bringing date night to us.” he replied simply, locking his screen and plopping down on the couch, clicking through the apps on the TV. “Alright, so you’re gonna show me your favorite musical and I will show you mine”
Jade thought that in order to make a good impression on a first date, you had to look perfect. Owen that night helped her see that when two people like each other, Pizza and Musicals are all you need on a first date.
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talkfastromance4 · 5 years
Castaway (l.h)
Tumblr media
Summary: In which Luke is left broken and untethered from a toxic relationship and Michael’s younger sister visits bringing her own light into his darkness.
Warnings: toxic relationship tendencies (fighting, throwing things), panic attack, smut, some swearing and I think that’s all
Word Count: 16.9K
author’s note: I’m so excited to finally share this with you! I started this fic about like 6 months ago and I finally finished it! I hope you enjoy it and feedback is always welcome❤
donate to my ko-fi here :)
This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales, and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.
• • • •
Growing up it was undeniable the infatuation Michael’s younger sister Emmeline (Emmy) had for one of his best friends, Luke Hemmings. She was shy on principle but when Luke was around it increased by tenfold. She stammered a lot and blushed like crazy, which resulted in Michael teasing her about it in secret but never in front of his friends, even though they knew.
Emmy was sweet, innocent and so short compared to the four of them they graced her with the nickname of Pipsqueak, or Pip for short. When the band left to tour for the first time, Emmy missed her brother like crazy. Being so close to Michael for so long and watching him be halfway across the world was hard.
Both of them had grown up without the other, and it took a toll on Michael as well as Emmy because he adored his little sister and facetimed as much as he could or called her on the phone. He’d relay the boys’ greetings to her until all three of them appeared in the shot acting like the goofballs that they were.
Emmy tried to keep her gaze on all of them but she always ended up staring at Luke. More often than not he’d be staring at her as well, his crystal blue eyes zeroed in on her until Calum did something completely ridiculous thus snapping Luke out of his trance. She loved seeing the ghost of his infectious smile appear, and she adored his shyness because she related to it. And then she’d be right back laughing with her brother and his best friends while they did wacky stuff to make her smile.
When the band went on their hiatus, they still didn’t come home so Emmy flew out to them after Michael informed her they’d been writing again. She’d finished school and pursued a job in childcare.
It’s been almost three years since they went in the shadows but Michael promised something was in the works. At the end of the summer she’d be joining them to Bali as well which she was really excited about.
Walking through the terminal she looked around for a sign of her brother’s artfully colored hair over the crowd of average height people and she spotted him.
“Mikey!” she squeals running steadfast to her brother.
“Ems!” he shouts in the same demeanor, his arms open wide and she lunges into them. He lifts her up, her feet dangling in the air as the siblings hug after so long.
“You changed your hair,” they say at the same time when he released her then they laughed.
He went back to his natural blonde and she dyed hers a pretty dark brown.
“I like it, dark suits you,” he comments picking up a strand in between his fingers.
“Thanks,” she smiles then glances around. “Where’s Crystal?”
“Cleaning,” he chuckles, “she wanted the house to be perfect for you when you arrived. I told her it’s just you but she wouldn’t listen.”
Emmy pouts, she hates when people go over the top for her, it’s not necessary and completely not worth the trouble.
“She didn’t—“
“I know,” Michael closes his eyes sighing. “Come on, people are beginning to notice me.”
“My brother the rock star,” Emmy smiles proudly but follows him as he takes her bags. The rest will be delivered to his house, she’s staying with him and Crystal for the summer and traveling to Bali with them and the boys.
“Other rock stars are excited to see you, too,” Michael mentions once they’re buckled in his car.
“I’m excited to see them, too,” Emmy smiles shaking her leg as if to showcase her anticipation. One in particular.
“If Luke seems a bit . . . standoffish, it’s not you. All right?”
“Because of what happened with . . . her?” Emmy makes a face.
Michael puffs his cheeks and blows the air out in exasperation. “Yeah. He’s been staying with Ashton. He’s still trying to bounce back to himself. Don’t say anything.”
“You know I won’t.”
“I know, you’re a good egg,” he reaches over and pinches her cheek, “Pipsqueak.”
Crystal is hugging Emmy before she’s even halfway through the door, Michael shuffling past two of his favorite people to bring in the luggage. Crystal is gushing over Emmy’s hair and telling her about the new sheets she got for her room because ‘you aren’t just a guest so it should be your room.’
“I’m so glad you’re here, the guys are coming over for a little welcome party for you. So if you need to take a nap or shower, please do, okay?”
“Okay, thanks Crys,” Emmy finally gets a few words in. She loves Crystal’s bubbly personality and it makes her a little more extroverted.
After her nap, Emmy heads downstairs and into the kitchen where she hears all the voices. When she enters, Ashton shouts “Pipsqueak!” and she’s bombarded with two tall men hugging and ruffling her hair.
“You haven’t grown at all, Pip,” Calum grins patting her head.
“Shut up,” she grumbles nudging his hand away but she’s laughing along with them. “You guys just have a weird genome make-up.”
“All right fancy pants,” Ashton chuckles. “Want a drink? We’re going out for the best steak in your honor but we need a drink beforehand.”
“Is that so?” she raises her eyebrows but follows them. She notices Luke standing off in the corner, his own mixed drink in his hand. Emmy falters when she sees him.
It’s been about 3 years and he’s grown. In many senses of the word. For one, he’s the tallest of the guys, even slouched over, his hair is a bit longer with hints of curls on the ends and he’s got a nice amount of facial hair. He’s still devastatingly handsome but Emmy can see the toll the breakup has had on him.
His eyes are bloodshot with dark circles underneath them, his cheeks are a little sunken in and his whole body language is screaming ‘despair.’ Emmy’s always been able to read the emotions off of others and it broke her heart to see Luke in this state. It made her uneasy but remembered what her brother said and forced herself not to draw attention to him but she gave him a small smile.
So instead, she pulled her attention back to Calum and Ashton who were fighting over what kind of drink Emmy would want.
“If you guys came home for my legal birthday you’d know I love Malibu and pineapple juice,” she teases.
Calum and Ashton look at each other then nod. “We’re ignoring that jab, Pip,” Ashton says, “but I’ll make that drink.”
From the corner of her eye, Luke’s watching the whole scene before him. She’s not hurt in the slightest from his lack of interaction, she can understand where he’s coming from. When he’s ready, he’ll make his presence known.
After their cocktails are finished they head out to the restaurant. Luke somehow has a hat and sunglasses on as they enter the building. Clearly he doesn’t want his photo taken but the paparazzi are around and will take snapshots of what they want.
Emmy expected this, she prepared herself for the moment when the time came. But prepping your mind and actually experiencing it are two very, very different things. Instinctively, she went to Michael who tucked her under his arm immediately ushering her and Crystal past the photographers.
“I’d say you get used to it, but you really don’t,” Michael sighs.
“It’s fine,” Emmy shakes her head. But inside she was having a slight panic attack. How did they do this day after day? People calling your name and shoving a camera in your face?
Luke removed his hat and sunglasses following the group to the table in the private room upstairs. He hasn’t seen Emmy in a long time, but she’s still cute and tiny as ever. He wanted to say hi, he really did. He wanted to give her a hug and call her by the nickname they created for her, he really did.
But his wounds are still bleeding fresh and he doesn’t want to drop his toxicity on her who has always been her own little ball of light. He listened to the conversation, hummed or did a half smile at all the right parts. But lyrics and piano notes filled his head. He was itching to write but whatever he wrote always came out as garbage.
When dinner was over, they exited the restaurant but the photographers increased with some fans screaming. They all huddled together, with Luke bringing up the caboose and also right behind Emmy. He towered over her, and it’s because of that he noticed she was about to fall when he steadied her back on her feet. Some fans would do anything for a picture.
“Keep walking, Pip,” he told her still holding onto her waist to make sure she didn’t almost fall again.
Her head snapped to the side when the nickname slipped from his lips. She smiles up at him and without even thinking, Luke smiled back. Not a half smile but an actual smile. His long fingers hung lightly on her waist as he ushered her towards the car. He didn’t let go until she was safely in her seat, she flashes him another smile.
For the whole ride back to her brother’s house, Emmy’s skin still burned where Luke’s hands grabbed onto her. She’d thought after all these years, of her growing up, her crush on Luke had disappeared. But then he smiled at her and she was right back to where she started.
Luke has been in sort of a hazy daze since his horrendous break-up, he couldn’t sleep at his home so he crashed at Ashton’s a lot. Ashton kept him in check by watching his alcohol consumption and amount of weed he smoked, making sure it was kept at a minimal rather than a mess he did not want to clean up.
Ashton offered words of advice and encouragement but the youngest brother of his was like a shell, empty and void of color. When he looked at Luke, he paled in comparison to who he truly was. His exuberant color faded as soon as things began to go bad with Lea, they didn’t even get to be bad because it went straight to worse.
When they’d go out on the town it always ended with her stalking off with attitude and Luke would be his sweetest self, trying to figure out what was wrong. Then she’d get mad that he didn’t already know and they’d fight all the way back to his home, making the car ride extremely uncomfortable for the driver.
Then it went from worse to catastrophic at the snap of a finger, and it was at the fingers of Lea. She spit harsh words at him, degrading words, words that told him he was of no value and she finished her tirade with knocking over a potted plant and throwing a vase full of (now dead) flowers against the wall.
She threatened to leave him, and at that point Luke had no idea what the hell to do anymore so he let her. That caused another infamous Lea scene as she threw her things into a suitcase all while cursing his name and their relationship as she did so. Before she left in a tornado of cruelty, she yanked the chain around her neck that held Luke’s favorite ring he gave her and chucked it at him.
It hit his chest lightly, falling intricately and ironically into a figure eight at his feet. The door slammed and she was gone. And Luke was hollow.
It was nearing midnight when Ashton’s phone rang, Calum was over and they exchanged a look of worry when Luke’s face appeared on the screen. They knew it was something bad.
“Luke--?” Ashton answered right away but stopped when he tried to listen to his dear friend utterly breaking down. He could only get out a few choice words: left . . . Lea . . . gone . . . forever . . . necklace . . . fucking crazy . . .
Ashton did his best to soothe him over the phone all while motioning for Cal to call Michael and he picked up his keys.
He told Luke to breathe. He told Luke to count to ten and try breathing again. He told Luke he and Calum and Michael were on their way. He told Luke to hold on.
It was a disaster zone when they arrived. The big ugly potted plant (that Lea insisted on buying) was turned over on the floor, dirt spread everywhere. Broken glass scattered the floor as well, along with water and dead flowers and Luke was in the midst of destruction with his elbows on his knees and his face buried in his hands.
“Shit,” Ashton hissed running to him immediately. Calum called Michael again this time in a panic, his eyes wide at one of his best friends, his brother, coming completely unraveled in Ashton’s arms.
“Luke, Luke, listen to me, you can’t stay on the floor,” Ashton said trying to pry his fingers from his face. “Let’s go outside, yeah? You need fresh air.”
After some more coaxing, Luke finally heaved himself off the floor with the help of Ashton just as Michael came through the door. His eyes widened at what he saw, Ashton nodded to the mess then to them before ushering Luke out in the back. His hold on the younger boy’s shoulders were strong and present, ready and able to catch him if he fell.
Calum and Michael got to work right away cleaning up the mess Lea left behind. Michael picked up the necklace setting it on the countertop. They knew the mess was more than broken glass and spilled dirt, the mess was inside Luke because she worked her way in his psyche. The mess was far from being treated.
Luke had completely forgotten that Emmy would be coming to stay with Michael and Crystal, but he forgets things easily these days. He’s still in a fog but at least he’s not getting drunk and high every night now.
He made sure to watch his intake and stayed clear of weed, which the boys also cleared their stash because Luke was far more important than a momentary buzz. So when he arrived at Michael’s he was confused as to why they hadn’t left yet.
“Emmy’s still napping from her flight,” Crystal explained taking a sip from her pink wine.
As Luke’s face remained a state of confusion, four pairs of eyes stared at him helplessly.
“Remember, Ems is staying with us for the summer?” Michael asks slowly.
Not wanting to look like he was still shattered, Luke acted like he remembered.
“Oh, right I knew that. Forgot she got in today, that’s all,” he shrugged.
The relaxed exhale from them all eased him a bit, but he still felt like an idiot so he poured himself a glass of whatever was in front of him.
He shuffled to the corner, which has become his safe place lately. He’s still present with his company but he doesn’t have to keep talking and he’s thankful they gave him the space he needed. He didn’t really want to go out tonight, he wanted to go back home and sleep.
“Pipsqueak!” Ashton shouts very loudly it almost caused Luke to drop his glass.
When he looked up he saw Ashton and Calum hugging Emmy, he couldn’t see her though, Ash and Cal were like walls blocking his view. When they finally released her, Luke couldn’t help but stare.
The sweet girl he’d known growing up wasn’t present anymore. She was still tiny so her nickname they came up with still fit. Instead of her light blond hair like Michael’s, he was looking at a dark brunette and it really brought out her eyes which were a striking deep blue.
While Ashton chattered about what type of drink she’d like, Luke kept his eyes on them and Emmy kept glancing his way. He sucked in a breath ready to say a hello but she never brought him into the group.
At first he was hurt, was he really not that important for her to acknowledge him? Then when he caught her eye again she gave him a kind smile that was missed by everyone else but him. He exhaled gratefully, that greeting was enough.
When they were leaving the restaurant Luke cursed to himself in his head at the photographers that seemed to multiply, along with some fans. He ended up in the back by Emmy and he towered over her completely. Was she always that small? Luke couldn’t remember.
But his height came in handy sometimes, like now when he noticed her stumble slightly in front of him and before she fell on her face he reached out to prevent it.
“Keep walking, Pip,” the words slipped out of his mouth without missing a beat. She turned to look up at him and smiled which he also returned very easily. Her body was warm as he guided her a bit more quickly to the car.
When he helped her climb in, she shot him another smile but he didn’t reciprocate that one. He’d smiled twice that day, and each time was due to Emmy. He wasn’t quite sure what to make of that.
On the third day of Emmy being with her brother, she decided to make lemon poppy seed muffins, but with real lemons. Both Michael and Crystal took their respective cars to do whatever they had to do so she couldn’t drive to the store and get fresh lemons. Then she remembered Ashton had a lemon tree in his backyard.
When she texted him asking if she could use some, he told her absolutely but he was out shopping with Cal and told her Luke would be home so she could go right over. Emmy chewed on her bottom lip, she didn’t want to bother Luke but her need to have lemon poppy seed muffins was greater.
It took her nearly twenty minutes to walk to his house but it was a nice day so she didn’t mind too much. With a deep breath she knocked on the door and hit the doorbell. If he didn’t answer in the next twenty seconds, she’d call it quits and head back to her brother’s. When she counted to eight the door opened and revealed Luke still looking a little disheveled like last night.
Dark circles were still present under his eyes, and he just looked exhausted. He was wearing a white t-shirt and faded skinny jeans.
“Uh, hi!” Emmy greets her voice a little high. “Um, I’m making lemon poppy seed muffins but I don’t have a car or lemons and Ashton said I could take some from his tree and he said you were home. So . . .”
She said everything in such a rush Luke stares at her in confusion until her explanation marinates in his brain. She needed lemons.
“Yeah, all right.” He mumbles opening the door wider and lifting his arm up higher. “It’s in the back.”
She pauses for a moment waiting for him to move out of the way, when he doesn’t she ducks under his arm (though she could have easily walked normally because he was that tall) and enters the house. Emmy glances around at her surroundings before seeing a sliding door to the backyard.
The tree was a bit taller than her and it had a lot of lemons much to her excitement. She took care in picking the perfect ones, she needed six, then looked up at Luke as he shuffles in the opening.
“Do you have a plastic bag I can put these in?” she asks.
He nods silently then disappears back in the house. Emmy sighs feeling a little jaded at his silence but she reminds herself to give him space. She went through something similar with her most recent ex. Time does heal all wounds, it’s just annoying when you don’t know how much time exactly it will take.
When Luke returns she smiles a thank you and pours her gathering into the plastic. She loops the handles through her fingers stepping back into the house.
“Did you walk here?” he asks from behind. Emmy spins around to face him, his brows are pulled together.
“Yeah, it’s only a twenty minute walk,” she shrugs continuing her path to the front door.
“Hang on, I’ll drive you. My car’s out front.”
“Oh, no. Luke, you don’t have to—“
He already snatched his keys and brisked past her out the front door.
“All right, then,” she sighs following him. She makes sure to lock the door so no robbers come to Ashton’s house. She slides into Luke’s sleek black car and buckles herself in.
She doesn’t notice Luke smirk at that, it’s a ten minute drive did she really think they’d hit something? He doesn’t say anything and drives to Michael’s house.
He pulls into the driveway not bothering to put it in park.
“Thank you,” she says then stops when she’s halfway out. She looks back at him and asks, “Do you want to help me make them?”
“You’re—what?” he had his automatic response to say ‘you’re welcome’ ready but her question caught him off guard.
“Muffins,” she lifts the bag, “want to help me?”
He stares at her with his mouth open. She wanted him to stay and help make muffins? Why would she want him to help?
Why did he put the car in park and get out following the short girl inside?
She rolls the lemons out of the bag, catching the ones that were a bit more dangerous of rolling off the counter then she began prattling of directions for him to do. Luke had no idea why he listened, he had no idea how to make muffins from scratch. He sighs doing what she says, it’s better than being alone doing nothing.
“The glaze is the best part,” she says while she’s pouring the batter into the colorful muffin cups. “It’ll taste even better since we used real lemon. Did you know poppy seeds come up on urine tests as drugs?” she giggles at her little known fact and Luke smiles at her.
“I eat so many of these that I’d probably look like I’m on a constant high,” she continues as if his smile was enough of a response. Luke appreciates that.
When the pans are full she places them on the racks and Luke catches himself staring at her ass as she bends over, her jean shorts fit her perfectly. He averts his gaze back to the glaze he was mixing.
What the hell was that? Did he really just check out Emmy’s ass?
“Do you want some tea? We can sit outside while we wait for them to be done,” she says already pulling the pitcher from the fridge.
Luke clears his throat, “sure.”
He follows her outside to the patio, the pool water glistening in the LA sun and she sits on one of the chairs around the small bonfire pit. He sits in the one next to her and take a big gulp from his iced tea. It was perfectly sweet.
“I made that this morning, I hope it taste okay,” she says.
“’ts perfect,” he comments running his thumb over the condensation that’s already formed.
They sit in a comfortable silence but he can feel her gaze on him the whole time. Normally he would snap at anyone who would stare but he didn’t feel the need to. He knew she was analyzing him. She’s been that way since she was little but he didn’t want to talk about him or his feelings.
“Hey, Luke?”
“Hm?” he hums still looking at the droplets on his glass.
“You don’t have to now, or ever, but if you ever do want to talk I’m a good listener. I’ve gone through the same thing.”
He looks up at her in surprise, eyebrows raised.
“Just wanted you to know,” she smiles shyly then takes a sip of her tea before looking back at the pool.
They sit in a comfortable silence sipping their iced tea until the alarm on her phone goes off signifying the muffins being done.
“Come on,” she says lightly. To his surprise she grabs his hand in hers towing him inside to the kitchen.
She made it seem like the easiest thing in the world, grabbing his hand and Luke couldn’t deny that he really, really liked it. Despite her being so much smaller than him, her hand fit in his perfectly. To his dismay she let go as soon as she picked up the oven mitts and opened the oven.
He felt the heat engulf the air surrounding them, she sighs happily as she sets the first tray of muffins down.
“They’re perfectly brown,” she gushes, her big blue eyes staring up at him happily before going to get the other pans.
Once all the trays were laid out, she carefully tipped them over letting the muffins tumble out onto the counter. Without her telling him Luke began facing them right side up.
“Careful,” she murmurs without a second thought.
Luke glances at her, it seemed so easy for her to be concerned about him. To have his best interests at heart; first with what she said out by the pool and now telling him not to burn himself on the muffins. Two vastly different things, but still. It filled Luke with a warmth he hasn’t experienced in a long time.
“Okay!” she claps her hands once the mitts are off. “You can put the glaze on.”
“Me?” he asks watching her clean up the pans in the sink, the cool water hisses as it touches the hot pans.
“Yeah, you made the glaze, you can put it on.”
“I don’t want to do it wrong,” he furrows his eyebrows.
“There’s no wrong way to do it,” she giggles grabbing the bowl of lemon glaze and a spoon. “You can drizzle, you can plop as much as you want on it, you can even make . . .” she took the spoon scraping the gooey goodness onto it then dabs two circles and a smile beneath them. “A smiley face. Here.”
She hands him the muffin she decorated and Luke smiled back at the happy muffin.
“He’s cute,” Luke chuckles softly picking up the spoon and getting to work.
They continue to work in silence, him decorating (he made muffins look like the guys and was working particularly hard on one) while she continued to clean the kitchen of their baking mess.
“Finished?” she asks.
“Don’t look yet,” he turns his back blocking her view from his masterpiece.
“What are you doing to that muffin?” she laughs trying to sneak a peek. “Don’t be naughty!”
“I’m not being naughty, Pip,” he chuckles. “It has to be perfect, look at the other ones. Guess which one’s your brother.”
She scans the other muffins then giggles when she notices one with ‘hair’ covering it’s eyeballs. It was actually quite good for only using glaze.
“Okay, finished.” He spins around holding the muffin in his palm.
Emmy steps a little closer peering at the muffin. He seemed to have taken the most time with this one. The eyes are big, the mouth looks pretty and he drizzled the sides so it looked like hair.
“Is that . . . supposed to be me?” she mumbles looking up at him.
His eyes soften when they make eye contact and he bites his bottom lip before nodding. “Yeah. Do you like it?”
She smiles slowly, glancing back at the muffin and the way he’s holding it so it wouldn’t fall on the floor.
“I love it, looks just like me,” she giggles again.
He sets it down on the counter gingerly, leaning his hand on the counter as he leans closer to her. His blond hair falls in front of his eyes.
“Thanks for all of this,” he says gently.
“For making muffins?”
“No, well, yes but for not pushing for answers or explanations or asking how I’m feeling. It’s nice not being looked at like a china doll.”
She stares up at him in shock, that’s the most he’s said to her since she got here a few days ago. She’s noticed how deep his voice is, how sultry it sounds and how it makes her knees weak.
“You’re welcome, Luke,” she rests her hand on top of his. “Believe me when I say that I know exactly what you’re going through. Trust me.”
He frowns at that, how could someone who radiates light and happiness know what it’s like to deal with the aftermath of a toxic relationship and a nuclear break up? How could someone have done that to her?
“You do?”
“Yeah, and it does get better. No one else can fix it but you, and it takes time.”
“Who hurt you? Mike never said—“
“Michael never knew,” she shakes her head. “It all happened while you were touring. I couldn’t bother him with it, there was nothing he could have done anyway. And now it’s over and I’m better and it’s done with,” she shrugs.
“What happened?”
She opens her mouth to reply when the front door bangs open and Michael’s already chattering away.
“I smell food! Delicious food!” he exclaims entering the kitchen.
Luke and Emmy break away from each other instantly, Luke’s hand already feels cold without hers on top of his. Instead he uses it to rub the back of his neck.
“What did you—oh. Luke! What’re you doing here?” Michael smiles excitedly upon seeing his best friend while Emmy giggles at her brother’s antics.
“He helped me make muffins from Ashton’s lemon tree,” she explains.
Michael glances between Luke, the muffins and Emmy, then repeats the action twice more before shaking his head in disbelief.
“Wow, that’s great. Are you sure Ashton said you could use his lemons?” he peers closer at the muffins taking a whiff of the lemony scent.
“Yes, I called him.”
“Why didn’t you go to the store?”
“Hm, maybe because I don’t have a car? Duh.”
“Okay sassy pants,” Michael laughs, “you could have called an Uber.”
“That’s just stupid. I’d pay for the car then I’d have to pay for the lemons and pay again for a ride home? Ashton’s was closer. And free,” she grins triumphantly and Luke smiles.
Her logic was pretty spot on.
Michael stares at Luke for a moment, he hasn’t seen him smile—a genuine smile—in who knows how long. “Fair point. I’ll rent a car for you to drive while you’re here.”
“I can drive her,” Luke suggests with a slight shrug.
Both Clifford’s turn their attention to the quiet blond. Emmy’s eyes are glowing and Michael is staring at him like he’s got two heads and a unicorn horn.
“Really?” she asks.
“Yeah, really? You don’t have to, Luke, you’re not her chauffer,” Michael shakes his head. What the hell is going on with him?
“I don’t mind. It’ll give me something to do, it’s no big deal,” he shrugs again then looks between both siblings. “Really.”
“Thanks Luke,” Emmy smiles.    
Emmy: hey muffin man, want to get some fro-yo? Mike and crys don’t want to L
Luke: it’s like 10 at night, aren’t they closed?
Emmy: all but one ;) I’ll send you the address. Pretty please?!
Luke: all right lol I’ll be there in 5
Emmy: thanks muffin man, you’re the best
 Ashton peeks his head out of his drum room, his headphones hung around his neck. He heard Luke exit his room and jingle his keys.
“Where are you going?” Ashton asks trying not to sound surprised.
“Fro-yo,” Luke says simply.
“By yourself?”
“No, I’m going to pick up Emmy.” He fits his snapback on his head then turns to Ashton as if waiting for him to stop him.
“Oh. Okay. Have fun, mate,” Ashton smiles but inside he’s screaming in excitement. Luke nods his goodbye then leaves through the garage. Ashton immediately calls Calum to tell him the news.
It’s been so long since Luke has wanted to go out and actually do something since what happened with Lea. Yes, it was eleven months ago but he was still hurting. They could all feel it, and now, with Emmy being here for only a week, she’s got him making muffins and going to get fro-yo at ten thirty at night.
Luke couldn’t help but glance at Emmy while he drove down the street, she looked undeniably cute in her pair of black leggings and long sleeved shirt. She took her flip flops off and sat cross legged on her seat because she’s small and she can.
He had a permanent smile on his face listening to her rant and rave about this 24 hour frozen yogurt place called Moon-Glo that she found on Google. She was reading off all the flavors they had for the night and he could already tell which ones she was going to get.
He had the worst desire to reach over, take her hand and kiss her knuckles while he drove. He shook his head trying to clear the thought but ever since they made muffins a few days ago, he’s been thinking of her nonstop.
Thinking of her also made him think of the guy who put her through a bad break up. He wanted to know what happened, how she dealt with it and how that guy could possibly let someone like Emmy go.
“Hey, you over there,” she says.
He feels her finger scratch at his elbow gently to get his attention and he looks over.
“Hm?” he hums.
“What’s on your mind?”
“Um . . .” he heaves a big sigh turning into the parking lot of the yogurt shop. He puts the car in park but keeps it running. “What happened, with your last relationship?”
He chews on the inside of his lip, gripping the steering wheel waiting for a response. When he hears her sigh he risks looking her way. He was expecting her to be angry but her lips were pursed, which he couldn’t help but find adorable even under his heavy question.
“Let’s get our yogurt first.”
“Right,” he mutters shutting off his car.
When they enter the small shop it’s designed to look like the moon. Craters are painted on the floor, walls and the ceiling. Little astronaut men stand on the tables and neon lights are displayed above the yogurt machines, making the flavors appear to glow in the dark.
“This is so cool!” Emmy gasps then takes Luke’s wrist dragging him to the counter that has the little testing cups. Taking a risk, he twists his hand in her grasp so he can grab onto her hand, lacing his fingers through hers. He finds a small victory that she doesn’t yank away. “Let’s try them all.”
They held hands while they sampled the flavors, except the peanut ones, and Luke was over the moon (pun intended). She decided on a black cherry with vanilla, and added fruit and caramel and little gummi bears. She topped it off with a cherry.
Luke went for chocolate and added Oreo crumbles with coconut shavings. He paid for her and he noticed her cheeks turn rosy. He had to stop himself from bending down and kissing them.
“You want to eat in here?” he asks grabbing two spoons, they’re silver with a moon on the end of the handle.
“Let’s go in your car,” she shook her head then turned to the cashier and smiled radiantly. “Thank you, have a good night.”
“Uh, you too.”
Luke nodded to the cashier then held the door open for Emmy. There was a slight breeze as they walked to his car and slid in. He turned it on so that his playlist could be heard softly in the background.
“Mm,” she hums as she take the first few spoonfuls. “This is my new favorite place. Wow. Okay. So you want to know about Mason?”
“Only if you’re comfortable,” he assures spooning his own treat. “That’s his name? Mason?”
“Yep. We broke up two years ago. I didn’t realize how bad of a relationship it was until it was over. He talked to this girl constantly that I never had a good feeling about, he’d make plans without telling me and I’d go along with them. He’d ignore me when we were with his friends. Then he wanted to be on a break because I became too clingy apparently.
“Then he broke up with me over text and the next day he was in a relationship with the girl he was talking to. Then they both harassed me and I was . . . I was in a bad place. I didn’t eat. I wasn’t sleeping. I listened to sad music all the time and I was just . . . not okay. It was hard. I cried constantly and I never interacted with my friends anymore.”
“I’m sorry, Emmy,” Luke says softly. He shifts in his seat to face her properly. “He’s an idiot for letting you go like that. I’m sorry you had to go through that alone.”
“Thank you, and it’s okay,” she shrugs taking another spoonful. “I don’t know how I did it but somehow I pulled myself out of the hole I let myself fall into. Talking to you guys on Facetime really helped, even though I had to fake it most of the time.”
Luke thinks back to the times they’d walk in on Michael speaking with her on the phone. They’d act like complete idiots but Emmy would laugh all the same.
All that time she was heartbroken? And none of them noticed?
“I should’ve—we should’ve noticed you weren’t yourself. I’m sorry, lovie, we could have helped—“
“You did. Just by being your goofy selves and making fun of Mikey made me feel better. You guys made me laugh when I thought I couldn’t.”
She doesn’t comment on the term of endearment that slipped out and he didn’t bring attention to it either. But God, did it feel good to call her that. It felt so natural.
“Honestly, Luke don’t worry about it. I’m better now, I promise.”
“You handle yourself a lot better than I do,” he grimaces swirling his contents in his bowl. “After what happened with Lea, I drank and smoked every day. From whenever I woke up to whenever I went to sleep. That’s why I’m at Ashton’s house a lot, he’s kept me in check.”
“We all handle our hurts differently,” her finger close around his wrist.
Luke tenses slightly at the unexpected touch then relaxes when she rubs circles into his skin.
“But let’s talk about something happier. How’s your fro-yo?”
“Your sister should have come out earlier,” Ashton tells Michael.
“Like ten months earlier,” Calum agrees drinking from his beer. They’re sat in the living room watching Michael play a video game.
“Honestly, I have no idea what she’s doing but it’s working. Luke seems more like himself than he has in the past year and a half,” Michael says. His thumbs working furiously on the buttons of his controller.
“Do you think they’re just hanging out or doing other . . . things?” Calum asks carefully side eyeing Michael.
Michael pauses the game turning slowly to Calum, his face is expressionless sans the anger in his eyes.
“That’s my little sister, Cal,” he says in a warning voice.
“I know! But she’s not little anymore, and she did have a crush on Luke growing up. They’re both adults spending some time together, y’know, things happen,” he shrugs as if it’s not a big deal.
“Okay, I’ll remember that next time Mali hangs out with Trey,” Michael snaps and Calum’s eyes widen.
“What? Who’s Trey?”
“Guys,” Ashton tries to break up the fight before it happens.
“Just a guy she’s hanging out with, no big deal right? Cause they’re probably sleeping together.”
“That’s my sister!”
“Now you see my point!”
“Guys! Bigger picture, please!” Ashton shouts this time and the other two fall silent. “You should see him at the house whenever Emmy texts or calls him. I swear he’s becoming himself again.”
“What would you do if they are dating?” Calum asks.
“Nothing I could do is there? She’s her own person, he’s my best friend. They can do what they want, but if he breaks her heart I’ll give him hell.”
“I thought I was your best friend,” Calum frowns.
“You’re all my best friends,” Michael sighs, “We’ve been over this a hundred times. Are they dating?”
“Where even are they anyway?” Calum asks looking around.
“Luke said they were going mini golfing and to a movie,” Ashton grins.
“They’re definitely dating,” Calum nods.
The movie they went to see didn’t end until about 1 a.m. they went to a late showing and it was about three hours long. Emmy loved it even though she cried and Luke didn’t hesitate in wiping her tears away from her cheeks.
“Hey, can we go to—“
“Moon Glo?” he smiles looking her way and she squeals in happiness.
“You’re the best,” she claps her hands excitedly and Luke chuckles.
They ordered the same thing as last time and sat talking in his car until Emmy began to yawn. Luke took her empty bowl and threw it out along with his in the garbage on the sidewalk. When he got back she blinked slowly at him.
“Time to take you home, Pip,” he murmurs pulling his seatbelt across himself and starting the car.
“Don’t wanna,” she sighs with a pout.
“You’re sleepy,” he chuckles. “I won’t have you sleep in my car, it’s not that comfortable.”
“Fine,” she sighs.
Emmy does end up falling asleep on the drive back and Luke thinks she looks horribly adorable with her head resting on the middle of the console. Her lips are pursed and her long lashes cast shadows on her round cheeks. He sighs longingly as he pulls into Michael’s driveway and he brushes her hair from her face.
“Hey, we’re home,” he says softly near her ear, “Emmy, wake up.”
She groans but blinks her eyes open slowly.
“Come on, sleepy girl,” he chuckles unlocking her belt. He catches it so it doesn’t strike her face and lets it retract slowly.
She unfurls her legs and Luke scrambles out of the car to open her door. He helps her unlock the front door and she nearly falls taking off her shoes. Which is odd considering she’s wearing flip-flops.
Luke steadies her and asks in a hushed voice, “Which is your room?”
“Up,” she points tiredly.
He smiles leading her to the stairs which could be an issue so he lifts her into his arms and carries her the rest of the way. He figures the room on the left is hers, it shows the skyline of the hills beautifully, and she’s always liked a good view. He lays her down gently on the bed but she clutches his sweatshirt in her fingers.
“Stay,” she demands weakly, her big doe eyes staring at him.
“I’ll be fine, I’m going back to Ash’s place—“
“No. You could hit a raccoon. Come on, just go to sleep,” she sighs shifting in the bed so he has room.
Luke’s heart is pounding in his ears at her request. “You sure?” he breathes.
“Yes. Now get in her Lucas, it’s getting cold.”
He toes off his shoes and removes his socks. Then he tugs his sweatshirt off so he’s in his t-shirt. Normally he sleeps in just his boxers but no way is he going to do that right now. He clears his throat about to climb in when she stops him.
“What are you doing?” she’s sitting up now.
“I’m—you told me to go to sleep,” he stares at her confused.
“Who sleeps in skinny jeans?” she huffs then gets out of bed and picks up an article of clothing. “These are Mike’s basketball shorts. Put those on.”
She chucks them at him and he turns around to peel off his jeans. He sighs at the looser fit of the shorts. When he spins around she’s changed into shorts and a t-shirt of her own. Damn, that’s fast.
“Better?” she asks climbing back into her bed.
“Much. Thank you,” he says then awkwardly gets into bed with her. He makes sure to stay as far from her as he can, he doesn’t want to cross any boundaries. Especially with his best friend’s younger sister.
His chivalry is tossed out the window though because she pulls him to her, his arm falling over her waist and she tickles her fingers up and down his arm.
“Now sleep,” she tells him burrowing further into her pillow.
The sound of her breathing and the light, coaxing touches of her fingers on his skin relaxes him and he closes his eyes. On average he only sleeps maybe four hours every night, so when he will inevitably wake up he’d sneak out before Michael or Crystal realized he was in bed with Emmy.
When he woke up, sunlight was streaming through the curtains. He shifted and inhaled a flowery smell mixed in with coconut; it was nice and he inhaled more. Soft giggles filled his ears and he opened his eyes to see his head nestled in Emmy’s neck.
“You’re tickling me,” she giggles again.
“Sorry,” he mumbles sleepily and he pulls his head back.
She rolls over, a smile already painted on her face. “Morning sunshine.”
“Morning,” he grumbles. His fingers rub circles on her lower back. “What time is it?”
“Almost noon.”
“Fuck. Really?”
“Yeah, you slept a long time,” her finger touch the skin below his eyes delicately. “Your eyes don’t look as dark.”
“Yours are, you’ve got mascara everywhere,” he chuckles.
“Great,” she groans. “I look like a raccoon.”
“A cute raccoon,” he grins biting his lip.
She rolls her eyes. “If you say so. I’m hungry. Let’s go get food.”
“How are you this chipper when you just wake up?” he asks rubbing sleep from his eyes.
“I’ve been awake for an hour,” she snickers then rolls out of his arms and onto the floor.
When Luke opens his bleary eyes from behind his hands, he’s transfixed by Emmy before him. Her sleep shorts rose up a bit and he’s staring straight at the bottom of her ass cheeks. He’s oh so tempted to reach out and squeeze, pulling her back into bed and onto his lap.
“Are you checking me out?”
“No,” he responds too quickly averting his eyes then curses himself. He gets out of bed as well and tousles his hair.
“You’re a terrible liar,” she laughs.
Luke sighs in defeat then follows her downstairs. He hears Michael and Crystal’s voices and he gulps. He readies himself for a punch in the stomach or a clock to his face from Michael. He’s prepared to say they just slept.
“Oh my God. They’re alive!” Michael laughs from the couch, his guitar in hand. Crystal laughs beside him scrolling through her tablet. “Do you guys have a fro-yo hangover?”
“Yes, now we need hangover food. Wanna make us some French toast?” Emmy smiles with her tongue between her teeth, she makes her eyes really big and blinks them super-fast.
Luke would say yes in a heartbeat from her expression alone but Michael doesn’t give in to his sister’s shenanigans as easily.
“Nice try,” he deadpans. “Make them yourself, Pipsqueak.”
She sticks her tongue out then tugs Luke into the kitchen. Luke glances to Michael in alarm as she held his hand but he’s paying them no attention.
“Babe, you should make her breakfast. She’s our guest,” Crystal says.
“She can make her own breakfast!”
“I had to make you breakfast when we were home alone in the summer, Mikey,” Emmy calls gathering the French toast ingredients.
Then there’s a smack from Crystal and they bicker quietly together on the couch. Emmy stares up at Luke triumphantly.
“I love getting him in trouble with her.”
Their group is going out to Viral, their favorite club and Luke just came downstairs in all black with his shirt unbuttoned and two pairs of necklaces. He took a shower beforehand and he’s feeling fresh and ready to party. He’s really anxious to see Emmy.
“Hey man, ready to go?” Ashton asks with Calum behind him.
“Yeah, are the cabs coming to Michael’s?” Luke asks shoving his wallet in his back pocket.
“They’re gonna meet us there,” Calum says.
“Oh,” Luke chews on his bottom lip deflating a little. He won’t get to walk in with Emmy and see her reaction to the place. “All right.”
He’s silent in the car ride to the club, and does a bemused wave to fans that spot them outside the club before they enter. He heads to the bar as soon as they’re in the VIP section, slams down a shot then orders his usual.
Ashton and Calum are looking at him worriedly when he makes it back to their sitting area, he chooses to ignore them much like the girls who are making eyes at him. He knows who they are since he’s seen them naked before but he ignores them as well. None of them hold his interest anymore.
Except one.
He’s halfway done with his first drink, so he gets up to buy another—he’ll finish this one easily on the way—when he spots Michael and Crystal walking towards him hand in hand. Emmy’s not with them, great, she’s probably on a date—
There she is. Emmy shuffles beside her brother, her eyes landing on Luke straightaway. He smiles instinctually and veers to her direction, her smile alone pulls him. His arms slip around her easily as he embraces her in a tight hug. He squeezes her to him causing her to lift from the ground slightly and she laughs in his ear.
Everyone else around them disappears, his focus is only on her and when he sets her down on her feet he takes in her outfit. She’s wearing a pretty red romper with a black belt and ankle boots. She’s mouthwatering.
“You’re drooling,” she teases rubbing her thumb on his dry bottom lip. He knows he’s not but her touch sets his skin ablaze.
“Can you blame me?” he smiles lazily grabbing her hand. “Want something to drink?”
“A mint mojito,” she beams following him to the bar.
“Classy girl,” he smirks then flags down the bartender.
“He didn’t even look at us! Does he know we’re here?” Michael exclaims exasperatedly watching Luke and Emmy at the bar. He and Crystal joined the others sitting around the small round glass table.
“Oh leave him be,” Crystal squeezes her boyfriend’s knee. “I think it’s cute. Did you see how his face lit up when he saw her?”
“He was pretty bent up that we were meeting you here,” Calum says.
“I think he wanted to drive with Emmy,” Ashton adds.
“That’s so cute,” Crystal sighs.
“He’s lucky I know him, I wouldn’t want someone else looking at my sister like he is,” Michael sighs.
“Like what?”
“He’s looking at her like she’s the sun,” Crystal grins watching them.
Luke and Emmy join the rest of the group but make sure to sit close together, Luke’s leg is touching hers and she has her hand resting on his knee as they join in conversation. Luke nurses his second drink, he doesn’t want to be too intoxicated and forget what he and Emmy do together.
She’s taking shots and is on her fourth drink when she and Crystal head to the bathroom. As she passes by Luke, she takes his face in her hand and rubs his cheek affectionately before following Crystal to the bathroom. He watches her go with a permanent smile which quickly fades when he turns to his three best friends. All of their eyebrows are raised and Michael is staring him down.
“Uh, yes?” he asks awkwardly.
“What’s going on between you two?” Ashton giggles.
“What do you mean?”
“You were going to get plastered tonight, and I know because I saw the look in your eye, but as soon as Emmy arrived you’ve barely finished your second drink. Which probably is so watered down you can’t even taste the alcohol anymore,” Ashton explains.
“You’ve been by each other’s side the whole time,” Calum adds sipping his cocktail.
Luke doesn’t know what to say but he looks at Michael. His expression is hard to read, what with the flashing lights and the fact that he’s been drinking as well.
“Does my sister make you happy?” Michael asks.
“Of course she does!” Ashton answers for Luke very loudly. “He hasn’t been this happy in so long, and it’s all because of her, right?”
“Yeah,” Luke admits sheepishly. “I’m sorry Mike. I didn’t plan on this happening but she’s just . . . she’s something else.”
“Tell me Ems, are you and Luke dating?” Crystal asks while they’re leaning against the bathroom sinks.
“What? Why would you say that?”
“He’s spent the night nearly every night since you got here. He’s talking a lot more, he’s smiling a lot more, and you haven’t left his side the whole night.”
“I don’t know what we are, we haven’t talked about it. We haven’t even kissed yet,” Emmy sighs in disappointment.
“I can tell you, the boy is smitten with you,” Crystal winks.
“How can you tell?”
“How can you not? Did you not see the way he smiled at you when we came?” Crystal asks and Emmy blushes in response. “He’s changed a lot since you got here, he seems more like himself ever since Lea . . .”
Emmy is lost in thought as they exit the bathroom as Crystal drags her to the bar to order a shot. Luke notices them standing by the bar, he doesn’t know why but he feels like he should be over there. Even though they’re in the VIP section, creeps are still everywhere.
He’s only half listening to the guys’ conversation because his attention is on Emmy and the way she’s bouncing on her feet to the beat of the music. The way her eyes close when she laughed at something Crystal said. The way a guy grabbed her waist and pulled her against his chest.
Crystal tries to intervene but is shoved away into another guy and Luke rises immediately. He grabs Michael by the scruff of his shirt who yelps in protest.
“It’s Crystal and Emmy,” Luke hisses quickly and he bound down the stairs like lightning.
“Stop touching me!” he hears Emmy protest.
Upon hearing her voice, Luke yanks the guy off her and she stumbles back into the bar. He shoves the guy as far away from Emmy as he can then motions to security to escort him and his friend out who Michael also shoved away. He watches security take them away until he’s sure they’re gone then he feels small hands touch his arm. He turns around to see Emmy biting her lip, her eyes wide in fear and glistening.
“You’re okay,” he says quickly pressing her against him. She allows herself to be crushed against his strong chest, she already feels safe in his arms. He kisses the top of her head, rubbing her arms and back while Mike tries to console a very drunk and very angry Crystal.
“Want me to take you home?” Luke asks lowly in her ear. She nods and he takes his phone out to text the valet to bring his car around.
He looks to Michael who’s already nodding in understanding that Luke will take his sister home. Luke feels Emmy’s hot breath through his shirt as he continues to soothe her until his phone buzzes.
“Okay, come on lovie,” he says grabbing her hand. “I’ve got you.”
Emmy’s silent the whole drive to Michael’s. Luke desperately wants to reach out and hold her hand, but the vibe he’s getting from her tells him not to. He doesn’t want to touch her unless she wants him to, but he needs to make sure she’s all right.
Before he has his car in park, she’s already tripping out of the car and up the walkway. Luke sighs then follows after her up to her bedroom but the door is closed. Memories of this being from another time, with a different girl and it made his heart crack at the all too familiar feeling.
No. She’s not Lea. She’s not mad at you.
He raps his knuckles gently on her door, and calls her name softly.
“You can come in,” her muffled voice says from the other side.
He turns the knob, his eyes scanning the room until he finds her pulling out his clothes he’s kept there when he spends the night. She’s already changed into her pajamas, her make up rubbed off hastily. He stands frozen in the doorway, not entirely sure on how to approach her. If he should approach her at all.
Emmy turns then gives him a funny look.
“Get in here and change,” she sighs heavily.
“You sure you want me to stay the night?” he asks taking a hesitant step closer.
“Why wouldn’t I?”
“You seem mad at me,” he shrugs, “and after what happened at the club I thought you’d want to be alone.”
Her arms drop and she’s peering at him intently. She meets him halfway tossing his shirt and shorts on the bed, still looking up at him. She hears how deep he’s breathing, his eyes never leaving hers but she can see the doubt in the sky blue irises.
“Luke Hemmings, being alone is the last thing I want,” her voice is just shy of a whisper but he can hear the true emotion in it.
He swallows as she moves closer and closer, her fingers tuck his curls behind his ear. He notices how her lips are parted slightly and the way her eyes dart between his lips and his eyes.
“What do you want?” he asks thickly.
“I . . . I want you to kiss me, Luke,” she whispers.
He exhales his breath he didn’t realize he’d been holding and attaches his mouth to hers, his arms snaking around her waist to her lower back. Emmy’s hands clutch onto his biceps as he kisses her with so much want and desire. One of her hands find home in his curls and she tugs gently, his tongue swipes her bottom lip then he slips it between her lips.
Luke shifts them lifting her off the ground and he sits down on the bed, Emmy instantly straddling him and their lips stay locked in a heated kiss of teeth and tongue and heavy breathing.
Emmy rises her hips from his lap and Luke slides his hands over the roundness of her ass. She makes quick work of unbuttoning his black silk shirt, pulling the fabric tucked in his jeans and shoves it off his shoulders.
Luke tosses it to his left, or behind him, he’s not sure because he’s focused on the taste of her lips. They’re slightly minty from her mojitos but also sugary from the lemon drop shots she consumed throughout the evening.
Luke kneaded his fingers in the fullness of her ass and she moaned against his mouth, her hips rocking gently against his. His hands travel north over the top part of her romper, his thumbs grazing the sides of her breasts and she nips at his lip and he takes that opportunity to kiss along her jaw. He’s sucking on her skin as he begins to work on her belt but when she sighs he smells the alcohol on her breath and he stops his actions.
He tears his lips away from her jaw and places his hands on the side of her neck. Her eyes are a little bloodshot and filled with excitement, her pretty lips parted.
“What’s wrong?”
“I should stop before I won’t be able to,” he breathes, his eyes darting between hers.
“Oh,” she deflates on top of him and he can see the instant rejection in her eyes.
“No, no, baby, it’s not because I don’t want to,” he tries to recover quickly and holds onto her tighter. “I want to so bad, but not like this.”
She studies him carefully and can hear truth in his voice and knows he’s right. But it still stings.
“Can we kiss until we fall asleep?” she asks softly playing with his necklaces.
“Hey, look at me,” he murmurs ticking her chin up so her dark blue eyes are looking in his. “That’s not even a question.”
She gets off his lap then and they both go to her bathroom to brush their teeth, making eyes at each other in the mirror. Luke watches her fondly as she washes her face free of her make-up and when she’s dried her face he takes her cheeks in his hands kissing her.
They shuffle back to her bed, Emmy crawls in first and Luke hits the light switch before joining her under the covers. In their excitement of kissing some more, her hand smacks his cheek and his presses on her hair.
“Ow!” they yelp then burst into giggles.
“Where are your lips?” she laughs.
“Trying to find yours,” he responds then feels her top lip. “Gotcha.”
They kiss in whispers and he can’t help but notice her lips have a slight taste to coconut, it must be the chapstick she put on after brushing her teeth. Emmy’s fingers thread through his growing curls while Luke’s are strong on her lower back.
“I really like you, Emmy,” he confesses in one breath when they take a break of kissing. Luke’s fingers trail up and down her bare back underneath her shirt.
It feels good to finally say it out loud. The last week and a half he’s spent with her has been the happiest he’s been in so long. She’s repairing the carved out part of his heart that Lea ruthlessly took from him. She didn’t question him or treat him like a ticking time bomb. Emmy’s thumb traces over Luke’s top lip, his heart is racing waiting for her response.
“I really like you, Luke,” she admits giving him a gentle kiss. “And I really like kissing you.”
“I really like kissing you,” a smile spreads on his face before he kisses her with all he’s got.
“And it’s okay?” she gasps out.
“What’s okay?”
“That I like you and you like me even though I’m Mikey’s little sister?”
Luke draws back, his brows furrowed.
“That’s not an issue, Emmy. Michael and I actually talked about . . . us, kind of. He’s okay with it.”
“Really?! Oh, thank God,” she sighs launching herself on top of Luke peppering kisses all over his face. He’s soon laughing beneath her then tickles her sides in retaliation. Emmy shrieks in laughter at his attack until they’re both panting to catch their breath.
Luke’s standing alone in Roy’s backyard waiting and watching for Emmy. Roy and Calum decided to throw a midsummer beach party and the place was packed. Luke and Ashton showed up together and Emmy spent the day with Michael and Crystal so they’d be coming later.
Ashton left to mingle immediately and Luke scopes out the other partygoers. Some of them he recognizes from his own party days. He nods politely as they greet him but he’d much rather have Emmy by his side. He never wanted to go back to that life he lived for what felt like forever.
He’s scrolling through his phone then smiles again at the text Emmy sent him not too long ago saying she was on her way. Then he hears an all too familiar laugh that sends a cold sweat on the back of his neck.
Luke looks up to see Lea amongst a group of people, her signature high top-bun and white rimmed sunglasses frame her face as she converses. Luke swallows harshly but it only constricts his throat further. His feet are frozen, his heart is racing and there’s a slight ringing in his ears as panic sets in.
His brain is telling him to escape as fast as he can, to find Ashton or to find Emmy who he hopes is here somewhere but the message doesn’t reach his feet. He’s stuck staring at the girl who wrecked him completely, leaving him in the sunken ship she capsized.
Lea slid her sunglasses up her head then spotted Luke who still couldn’t look away. He thinks there’s a word for it, like when you drive by an accident and you can’t look away? His mind is blank as she stares at him, a ghost of her signature smirk appears before she starts walking his way.
He’s frozen in his spot, the ringing in his ears is louder and higher pitched and all he can do is watch the tornado of a woman create her warpath in his direction.
“Hey! There you are.”
Emmy’s voice breaks through Luke’s panic, and the gentle touch of her hands on his back as she hugs him causes him to tear his eyes away from the storm and onto the light that is Emmy. He exhales in relief when he looks into her eyes and she sees the familiar darkness.
“What’s the matter?”
“Hi Lukey-boo,” Lea greets in a sickly sweet voice, it makes his stomach turn. “Babysitting I see?”
Emmy twists around to look at Lea and Luke closes his eyes, he just wanted to keep looking in her eyes.
“You must be Lea,” Emmy greets brightly. She takes Luke’s hand in her own and squeezes it tightly. “I’ve heard so many things about you.”
“Oh thank you,” Lea smiles smugly, twisting her hair with her fingers.
“I didn’t say they were good things,” Emmy responds icily then turns to Luke. “Come on Luke, Mikey’s looking for you.”
Emmy drags Luke away as quick as she can inside the house, he’s shaking slightly and as soon as they’re inside he slips his hand from hers. He finds the nearest wall then starts smacking it as hard as he can, his teeth clenched.
“Hey, hey, Luke. Luke!” Ashton is suddenly behind him, between him and Emmy, with his hands on Luke’s shoulders. He pulls him away from the wall. “What’s going on?”
“Lea was outside,” Emmy explains quietly watching the scene in front of her.
“Shit,” Ashton mutters then pulls Luke with him upstairs.
Emmy smiles apologetically at the people in the kitchen then scampers after Ashton and Luke. When she looked into Luke’s eyes, he was the ghost of himself she’s never seen before. It terrified her, not for her safety, but only concern for Luke. She finds Ashton and Luke in Calum’s room, it’s far away from downstairs and faces the street instead of the backyard.
“You good? We can leave if you want or I’ll make Roy kick her out,” Ashton says.
“Did Calum know she was going to be here?”
“No, he wouldn’t do that, Luke. She must have overheard about the party or something and came here on purpose to mess with you,” Ashton squeezes Luke’s shoulders. His hands are keeping Luke’s head above the waters. “What do you need?”
“Where’s Emmy?”
“Ash…” Emmy says quietly stepping forward.
“She’s right here,” Ashton steps aside, releasing his hold on Luke.
Luke’s ice blue eyes slide to her and he visibly relaxes, his face softening and shoulders falling.
“You good?” Ashton asks, Luke nods stiffly. “I’ll be downstairs. Text me if you need me.”
Ashton pats him on the back then gives Emmy a small smile before exiting the room. He closes the door softly behind him and Luke falls onto the bed with a big sigh. His elbows rest on his knees and he hangs his head. Emmy joins him and places her hand on his neck.
“Hey,” she scratches the back of his neck with her nails. Luke breathes deeply and sits up straight turning to Emmy.
“Hey,” he croaks. “I’m sorry you had to see me like that. I wasn’t expecting Lea to be here and it’s—it’s been so long I thought I’d be okay and—“
“Luke, it’s okay. You don’t have to explain it to me, okay?” she strokes his cheek with the back of her fingers. “What happened?”
“I couldn’t…” he shakes his head. “I couldn’t move. I saw her and it’s like I was paralyzed. I’m so glad that you showed up when you did, lovie.”
Emmy kisses his forehead, his eyebrow, his cheek and then finally his lips. Her thumbs stroke his cheeks as she looks into his eyes.
“I am too. Do you want to stay or do you want to go somewhere else?”
“I didn’t really want to be here in the first place,” he sighs kissing the inside of her wrist.
“Then let’s go,” she smiles.
He follows her downstairs where Ashton is waiting for them, he perks up at the sight of them.
“What’s goin’ on?” Ashton asks looking between Emmy and Luke.
“We’re blowing this popsicle stand,” Emmy giggles. “Can you tell Mikey we left?”
“Yeah, no problem,” he watches them brisk by then he calls out, “where are you going?”
“An adventure!” Emmy shouts causing Luke to laugh and then they’re gone.
Luke is cruising down the 405 with the windows down and Emmy is singing along to the radio. Every time Luke looks over at her it’s easier for him to breathe and they arrive at the beach just as the sky turns a pretty golden orange.
“Take off your shoes,” Emmy orders already working on her black boots.
Luke toes off his own boots placing his socks inside then setting them down inside the car. He takes her hand leading the way into the hot but soft sand. The warm ocean breeze ruffles his hair and he inhales the salty air.
Their toes touch the water’s edge, Emmy squeals a little at the coolness of it but soon she’s kicking the water up.
“Hey!” he chuckles shielding his face.
“It’s just water,” she teases kicking a spray of it in his direction. Some of the spray hits his cheek.
“Do that again, I dare you,” he threatens but his voice doesn’t ring true of the threat. Emmy does it again. “That’s it, you’re in trouble now.”
“Ahh!” She screams and tries to run from him but his legs are longer and he snatches her up quickly.
He throws her over his shoulder, she’s squealing in laughter as he spins her around making sure to kick up some water.
“Luke!” she laughs patting his back and his butt in an attempt to get him to let her down.
“Say you’re sorry!”
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry!”
Satisfied, he sets her down gently. They both take a deep breath and then Emmy squats down to splash a huge amount of water on his stomach and legs. She’s laughing so hard she falls into the water on her butt, she gasps in surprise.
“Karma baby,” Luke chuckles.
Emmy groans and stands up. Her jean shorts are a shade darker and her top clings to her skin, the ends of her hair is wet and Luke can tell she’s grumpy about the turn of events. She scowls at him which he thinks is the cutest fucking thing he’s ever seen before she leaps up in his arms. He’s taken aback and staggers backwards, the waves push against his balance and then they’re both in the water but Luke makes sure his hold is secure on Emmy.
“OOF!” he grunts at the impact and the wetness he now feels.
“I made my own karma,” Emmy snickers.
Luke squeezes her waist and stares into her eyes, thankful that karma has brought her back into his life. He wants to tell her his thoughts, but his mouth can’t form the words so he crushes his lips to hers in hopes she’ll understand what he can’t say.
They splash around in the water for a bit longer then sit in the sand until the sun starts to set and their clothes are somewhat dry. They decide to head back to Michael’s house. Emmy’s hand is rising and falling out the window as she sings along to Jaden Smith’s PCH blasting through the speakers.
“Gimme all your kisses baby cause this is bliss, gimme all your kisses baby…” she sings tilting her head from side to side in time with the beat of the song and Luke’s never felt so much fondness for a person before.
The house is quiet when Luke and Emmy arrive, Michael’s car is still gone so they must still be at the party. Luke pulls Emmy against him as soon as the door shuts, his lips on hers. Emmy sighs into the kiss linking her arms around his neck.
“Gimme all your kisses baby,” Luke mumbles and she nods enthusiastically.
He lifts her into his arms, her legs wrap around his waist and he heads upstairs to her bedroom. He sits down on her bed tugging her shirt up and off her head and Emmy removes her bra swiftly before tugging at his t-shirt.
Luke’s hands are hot on her skin as his tongue explores her mouth once more. She smells like the beach and her lips are sun kissed with a hint of saltiness from the ocean water. Emmy moans quietly and it causes Luke’s dick twitch in response.
He pulls away and looks at her, her eyes are alert, lips are red and swollen and she’s smiling. Luke drops his gaze to her bare torso and he lets out a huff at the sight of her chest rising and falling heavily. He presses his lips between her breasts, sponging kisses along the mound until he finds her nipple which he tugs between his teeth. His tongue flicks against it and she sighs in his arms at the sensation.
He shifts to the other breast doing the same thing but sucks hard on the skin, it makes an obscene noise and she whimpers. When he releases her breast he sees his teeth marks surrounding her nipple and his pants tighten at the sight. He looks up at her.
“Fuck, you’re beautiful,” he pants then flips her over so she’s on her back. Her legs rise up on the bed but she stops him before he climbs on top of her.
“Wait, wait,” she holds onto his chest with her palm. “Get the door.”
He smiles and obeys shutting it and locks it for good measure even though he’s positive Michael and Crystal won’t be back for hours. When he turns around he sees she’s just in her black panties and he groans.
“You’re so pretty, baby,” he sighs then kneels in front of her. Luke pulls her closer to him, an excited squeal escaping her lips at the movement and he pulls her panties to the side staring at her bare center. His mouth waters at the sight. “So pretty,” he whispers then runs his finger up her slit, his eyes move to hers.
She’s watching him intently, a fire in her eyes that he’s sure matches his. He teases her more by playing with her folds and kisses her inner thighs.
“Luke,” she whines his name and fuck, does he love the sound, “please.”
That plea is all he needs to hear and he attaches his mouth to her warm wet center, she tastes even better than he’s imagined. She whimpers above him, letting her legs fall open wider for him and he swipes his tongue up and down, in circular motions and flicks at her clit which makes her go wild.
She’s moaning so loud he swears he’s never heard a more beautiful sound, he wants to hear her make those noises forever. Emmy bucks her hips in time with his ministrations.
“You close, lovie?” he rasps looking up at her. She arches her back and moans out a ‘yes.’ “Come on my mouth, baby.”
He devours her, keeping his mouth on her and moving his face roughly from side to side as she moans relentlessly. He searches for her hand that is clutching the sheet in a death grip and drags it to his hair. She yanks and pulls with each spasm of her orgasm washing over her but Luke doesn’t stop. He keeps sucking and licking until her movements slow and she lets out a deeply satisfied sigh.
Luke licks his lips then slips her panties off her waist and down her legs. He stuffs it in his back pocket, kissing both sides of her thighs as she comes down from her orgasm. His gaze is locked on her, watching her facial expressions and the rapid rise and fall of her chest.
“I’ve wanted to do that for a while,” he admits trailing his fingers up and down her leg before hooking it over his shoulder.
“You’re really good at it,” she puffs out and he chuckles.
He lifts her other leg over his shoulder and looks up at her darkly. “Want me to go again, lovie?”
He doesn’t give her time to answer before he slips his middle finger inside curling it as he does. Her mouth opens in a perfect little ‘o’ and she yanks harshly at the root of his curls. She rocks her hips against his finger, a chorus of moans fill the room as he pumps into her faster, harder, and it’s not long until she’s coming beneath him again.
When he removes his finger, he traces a line from her slit, past her bellybutton and around the curves of her breast. Then he scoots back down in between her legs, she whimpers already knowing what he’s planning to do.
“Got one more for me, baby?” he rasps situating himself at her core. Again, he doesn’t give her a chance to answer before he’s diving in, darting his tongue in and out at an antagonizing pace.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!” she squeals pulling on his hair. Her body shakes. Her legs are trembling.
When he adds his finger again she lets out an animalistic growl that only urges Luke to continue pleasuring her, loving the yank of his hair by her fingers. He hums against her, the vibrations adding even more to her pleasure and her body spasms before clenching as she lets out a scream.
Luke feels her come all over his finger and his mouth, his eyes on her the entire time as her whole body lifted from the bed, as if she were ascending into an astral plane of pure ecstasy. When her body drops back down, her legs going lax, is when he decides to stop. He wipes his mouth with the back of his hand and swipes his finger on his jeans, he doesn’t care that they’re black and it’ll stain.
Luke crawls over her once more, Evie somehow finds the strength to press her palm against his chest. He notices the space between her cleavage is sheened with sweat.
“Please, no more,” she whispers. Her eyes are hooded as she stares up at him.
“No more,” he shakes his head then rests his forehead on hers. “You did so well, baby. I love hearing your moans.” She yawns then and he rolls off the bed to retrieve some new underwear and her pajamas.
He helps her change into them, her legs are wobbling as she does and they head into the bathroom to wash up. Luke holds onto her hip while they brush their teeth and while she washes her face. He tucks her into bed before he pulls off his jeans and places his t-shirt over his head and climbs in behind her. He chuckles to himself when he realizes how she’s lying, her legs are completely spread, and she’s on her stomach with her arms splayed over the pillow.
She looks like a cute little starfish.
He settles in behind her and rubs her back helping her relax, he knows she loves that. Then he kisses her neck and whispers, ‘goodnight, pretty girl.’
When Emmy woke up the next morning, memories of last night flooded into her mind. Butterflies appeared in her tummy as she woke up a bit more, blinking her eyes open slowly. She rolls over to see Luke already awake and staring at the ceiling, his arms locked behind his head.
“Good morning,” Emmy greets, her voice is strained as she stretches her limbs.
“Morning,” he smiles wistfully at her then continues staring at the ceiling.
Emmy’s eyebrows pull together and she scoots herself on his chest. She pulls on his chin until his pretty blue eyes meet hers.
“What’s on your mind?” she asks.
Luke brings his left arm down from behind his head to settle it on her waist. His fingers slip beneath her shirt to tickle her back and goosebumps rise at his feather light touch on her skin.
“I think I want to go back home.”
“To Aus?”
“N-no . . . my house. Here. In LA,” his Adam’s apple works in his throat.
“Oh,” Emmy squeaks then clears her throat. “Okay. When? Today?”
“Maybe. Yeah. . . I think so. I don’t know,” he closes his eyes breathing deeply through his nose.
“I’ll go with you,” she offers, “unless you want to go alone.”
“No, I want you to come with me, lovie. It’ll help having you there.”
“Okay,” she touches his cheek and his eyes open. She smiles softly. “Hi.”
“Hi pretty girl,” he lifts his head stretching forward to give her a soft kiss.
“Can I try something?” she asks resting her hand on his lower stomach.
“Like what?” He gives her a quizzical look.
“Liiiike what you did for me last night. . .” she slides her hand lower under the sheet and onto his boxers. She rubs her palm over his dick gently and Luke inhales sharply. “. . . but I want to do it for you.”
“You don’t have to Ems,” he licks his lips as she continues to palm him.
He’s getting harder in her hand and he blinks slowly at her soft tugging.
“I want to,” she breathes leaning up to kiss him and she slips her hand underneath his boxers. He’s warm and soft in her hand as she strokes him lazily.
Luke inhales sharply again, his hand squeezes her waist.
“Can I?” she kisses his neck then slides down the length of his body.
“Mhm,” he hums lifting his hips so she can pull his boxers down.
Emmy kisses his tummy softly and continues to give open mouthed kisses on his skin until she kisses the tip of his dick. She continues to mouth him, opening her mouth to let her tongue swirl around his tip.
“Baby,” he sighs and Emmy takes more of him in her mouth.
“Quiet,” she whispers jerking her head to the door behind her. Michael and Crystal are asleep down the hall and she did not want to wake them up like this.
Luke nods and Emmy hollows out her cheeks to take him in her mouth as far as she can go, salivating on him so she can pump him with her hand. Luke’s grunting and groaning softly, watching her every move. He loves the way her head bobs up and down slowly and the way she swirls her tongue up and down his shaft.
He jerks his hips gently with her movements, his fingers comb through her hair and she moves faster. Luke’s panting heavily until he feels his release coming, with a low grunt and no warning, he’s coming in her mouth.
“Babe, babe, Ems,” he gasps trying to get her mouth off him but she swallows all he’s giving her.
Luke throws his head back on the pillows, heart racing, and his body spent. It’s been so long since he’s gotten head, he’s a little embarrassed it didn’t take him long to orgasm to but to have Emmy doing it for him was amazing.
Emmy wipes the corner of her mouth, wincing a little but gives Luke a smile nonetheless.
“Sorry, that’s . . . it’s been a while,” he sighs blinking slowly.
“Did you like it?” her eyes big.
“Yes, baby, I loved it,” he gives her a glazed smile. “C’mere.”
His fingers are in her hair again and they kiss lazily until Michael is banging on the door complaining about how he’s hungry and they’re all going out for breakfast.
Emmy joins Luke at the front door of his house, he’s twirling his keys between his fingers. She grabs hold of his bicep and Luke gives a small grin that looks more like a grimace then inserts the key. He takes Emmy’s hand in his and leads her inside.
Emmy looks around the space, it’s very modern with a lot of sharp edged furniture. Everything is in its own place and very black and white. It’s the furthest thing from Luke and Emmy didn’t like it at all.
“Well, this is it,” he gestures, “What do you think?”
“It’s very. . .” Emmy scans the empty kitchen and bare walls. “Clean.”
Luke snorts walking her down the hall. “It’s very Lea. She chose everything.”
Emmy frowns at that and peeks in the rooms before they stop in a bedroom she assumes is his room. It’s also very modern and monochromatic. The only splash of color is from a potted plant in the corner that is surely fake, no wonder Lea chose it.
Emmy moves to the window to see a nice view of of the hills and a small pool that’s in serious need of some care. When she turns around, Luke is sitting on the bed watching her with a thoughtful expression.
“What’s running through your mind, honey bun?” she asks threading her fingers through his curls.
He smiles at the nickname and grabs hold of her thigh, his thumb rubs circles on her exposed skin below her shorts.
“I want to get rid of everything. Repaint the walls, get new furniture and a new bed,” he grins deviously up at her and pulls her closer.
“I think that’s a marvelous idea,” she smiles.
“Do you want to help me?”
“Really? I don’t want to intrude—“
“You won’t,” he shakes his head, “I want your opinion since . . .”
“Since what?”
“Since I want you to visit and I want you to visit a lot and I want you to like it too.”
Emmy melts into his arms, hugging him tightly. His arms are wrapped around her and he pulls her onto his lap.
“Is that okay?” he asks in her ear.
“It’s more than okay. That’s the sweetest thing I’ve ever heard, Luke,” she kisses his shoulder.
“You’re the sweetest thing.”
Luke and Emmy got to work right away on remodeling his house. He donated all of his furniture and hired a cleaning crew for the whole house, and the pool before the painters come.
While the painters were doing their job, Luke and Emmy went furniture shopping. He was a little apprehensive at first, but only because flashbacks of when he and Lea did the same thing she chose everything while Luke followed along silently.
But with Emmy, she made everything fun and lighthearted. She tested each couch cushion, pulling him down with her. It’s like she was goldilocks and Luke felt like he was anything but the big bad wolf like how Lea made him feel.
He decided on a blue couch with gray armchairs for the living room and he chose a king sized bed and a dark red armchair for his bedroom. It would all be delivered by next week which would be crunch time because in two weeks they’d be leaving for Bali.
As they were leaving the furniture store to go decoration shopping, Luke noticed some familiar photographers hanging around across the street. He remembers how Emmy nearly fell the last time she was around the paps and he took hold of her hand.
Was that already two months ago?
Luke keeps glancing at her once he’s driving to the next store and he can’t believe the timeline of him and Emmy.
Growing up, she was always Mikey’s younger sister who wanted to play video games and hang out with them all the time. When their music career began, they lost touch and sight of each other but he thought about her often.
“What’re you thinking so hard about over there?” Emmy pulls him out of his reverie just as they climb out of the car.
“You,” he answers simply holding out his hand for her to take. He doesn’t miss the blush on her cheeks and Luke loves it.
“Oh,” she giggles softly.
The decorating was his favorite thing to shop for because Emmy got so animated about everything she saw. She’d say where it would look best in his house and how it would pair nicely with something else she found in another aisle. Being with Emmy was as easy as breathing and blinking. He didn’t have to think about it, it just . . . felt so right.
Emmy is pointing out bookends that are guitars and Luke steps forward and places his finger under her chin so he can kiss her softly. His lips move against hers slowly, wanting to show her how delicate she is and deserves to be treated with such care.
“What was that for?” she exhales smiling up at him.
“I’m happy you’re here with me, Pip.” Luke’s fingers brush her hair back over her shoulder.
“You haven’t called me that since I got here,” she giggles.
“I know, you’re still my Pipsqueak. I think I’ve got all we need, ready to go back to your brother’s?”
She nods slowly taking his hand and they exit the store. As soon as they step into the hot LA sun, their names are being shouted left and right while a multitude of shutter speeds click a mile a minute. Emmy immediately coils into Luke’s side and he shifts his arm around her shoulders guiding her to the car.
“Is it true you and Lea are talking things through?”
“How does Michael feel about you with his sister?”
“What’s it like dating Luke?”
“Are you moving in together?”
“Do you still love Lea?”
The questions were fired from left and right and each time Lea was mentioned Luke tensed up and it only made him approach the car that much faster. Luke shields Emmy’s body with his own so she could get into the car safely and Luke hurried to his side.
Thankfully, the photographers backed away so Luke could peel out of the parking lot. His hands were shaking against the wheel, he flinches when Emmy grabs hold of his fingers with her own. He lets her place his hand in her lap where she caressed his fingers in a soothing way.
He calmed down immediately.
A week has gone by and Luke’s house is finally complete. He invites Emmy over first so they can be alone before he shows the others. They did this together and he wanted to revel in their job well done.
“Luke, it’s so amazing!” she gushes eyeing the piano he selected.
The space seems more like Luke, it’s open and warm and full of color.
“I couldn’t have done it without you,” he smiles leaning against his kitchen counter. He watches her peer at the guitar bookends on his shelf on either side of his TV. Her smile is radiant as she approaches him, his arms hold onto her waist loosely.
“Does it feel like home?”
His eyes search hers before he leans down pressing his lips to hers, he pulls her tighter against him. One hand travels to her neck and her hands hold onto the sides of his waist. The kiss becomes needy quickly and filled with so much desire Emmy gasps for breath but Luke moves his lips to her neck.
Emmy sighs, her fingers play with the ends of his curls that are getting longer before she starts to work on his buttons and his hands slide under her shirt. They remove the articles of clothing onto the floor, Luke’s fingers slip under the straps of her bra gliding them down her shoulders.
Luke pulls his mouth away from hers to look at her, her eyes are shining and her chest is rising heavily as she tries to catch her breath. To his surprise, she unfastens her bra and lets it fall to the floor between them. Emmy lifts her arms around his neck connecting their lips once more and Luke hoists her legs around his waist.
Lips still molding together, he peeks through his lids as he makes his way to his bedroom and places her on his bed gently. He moves to his knees on the floor as he pulls her shorts and underwear off, his mouth hot on her skin as he did so. He kisses up her leg, tongue delving between her pussy lips slowly.
Emmy sighs above him and he hums against her before removing his own clothes. Her hands reach for him as he reaches for her and then he’s hovering above her. Their eyes meet and they have a silent conversation as she settles herself beneath him and takes hold of him.
He kisses her as he pushes into her carefully. Moaning and sighing with bodies rolling like waves, they find the perfect rhythm easily. Their fingers slot together next to her head and their kisses become sloppy as their movements quicken.
They breathe each other in and when she clenches around him, Luke moans her name in her ear as she fills his with the chorus of her moans. As she comes notes and lyrics fill his head and he moves faster, grunting with each pull and thrust until he’s coming as well.
When he’s finished, he lifts his head to see she’s already staring at him, soft expression on her face and their fingers unlock. Soft pecks to her lips and all over her face makes her laugh and he caresses her cheek.
“You feel like home,” he tells her. She bites her lip then cuddles into his chest, kissing every inch of him she can.
Bali has been nothing but exceptional for Emmy and she loved having Luke show her around to his favorite spots. During the day they’d do activities like zip lining, visit the Uluwatu Temple and the monkey temple where they each got photos of a little monkey on their shoulders.
Each night they’d have dinner with Michael and everybody else then enjoy a large bonfire on the beach where Luke held Emmy between his legs in the sand. Michael kept a careful eye on them both, more so than when they were back home in LA. He picked up on different things here than back at home.
Like how whenever Luke would look at his sister, he’d have an instant smile on his face and when Emmy would be talking Luke listened very carefully. He always walked with her on the inside of the roads and when they’d join together again if they got split up from sight-seeing, he’d kiss her cheek.
Michael took notice of his sister’s actions as well. While they were looking at the trinket shops, her eyes would be on the token in her hand while her other reached for Luke who would be by her side instantly and she hadn’t even said his name. He noticed the way her face brightened when Luke would greet her with a kiss or simply look at her.
It made Michael happy that his best friend and his sister were so happy together. Especially for Luke, he didn’t seem so broken anymore. It also made Michael realize how grown up his sister is now. She’s no longer the little sister who followed them around wanting to play games and listen to their music.
“You’re quiet, that means you’re thinking something,” Crystal says sitting next to him on the couch out by the pool.
Michael’s eyes are focused on Luke and Emmy across the way in the pool. His sister has her legs in the water while Luke’s arms are resting on her thighs and they’re just talking to each other. Emmy dips her hand in the water then slicks back Luke’s curls, she smiles at something he says.
“I think they’re in love,” Michael finally speaks up, his fingers twiddling together.
“I think so too,” Crystal smiles placing her hand over his just as Emmy squealed in laughter as Luke pulled her into the water with him.
Later that night, before everyone disappeared for bed, Michael pulls Luke aside.
“What’s up?” Luke asks.
Michael gazes at one of his best friends for a moment, Luke’s skin color is tanner from the holiday sun, the dark circles under his eyes are gone completely and his eyes don’t have that hard edge to them anymore. He’s a completely different person from when he was with Lea and he had his little sister to thank.
“Um, I know we sort of talked about this at the club but . . . you’re serious about Ems, aren’t you?” Michael flat out asks.
Luke softens at her name and he nods, his fingers run through his unruly curls. Michael’s noticed he’s let his hair grow out, he seems freer.
“Yeah, I am,” Luke breathes, “she’s really special and important to me, Mike.”
“I can tell,” Michael smiles. “I wanted to tell you how happy I am for the both of you and I’m glad you have each other. It’s great seeing you as yourself again, man.”
“It feels good to be myself again, I have her to thank for it. But, uh, thanks for telling me. I still think you’re going to try and beat me up,” Luke chuckles.
“I have thought about it only because of my natural protective brother instincts,” Michael laughs along, “but you’re not a tiny breadstick anymore.”
They bump fists and then hug each other tightly before splitting off in the direction of their rooms.
When Luke finds Emmy she’s just getting out of the bathroom, her hair wet and she smiles at him when she walks by.
“Couldn’t wait to shower with me?” he teases following her to the bed. She sits cross legged in the center of it.
“It was a quick one just to get the sand off. What did my brother want?”
Luke sits next to her and takes her hands in his that are resting in her lap.
“He told me he’s happy we have each other.”
“Yeah,” Luke’s eyes flicker to hers. “Which is great because there’s something I’ve been wanting to show you. . .”
He pulls out his phone and opens up his voice notes app. Emmy watches him scroll down a few until he presses play and sets his phone on her bare knee.
His singing voice croons through the speaker and the sound of the ocean waves makes it even more special as he sings:
You came and topped them all You shine in the dead of the night And I was the first to fall
Fading away, fading away Wake up to someone with nothing to say I never change, though I'd never change Then you come and change it all
With your love, your love, I'm a better, better man With your love, your love, I'm a better, better man Darling, all of my wrongs, they lead me right to you Wrapped in your arms, I swear I'd….
  When the recording stopped, Emmy stares at Luke with wide eyes as she lets the piano and the lyrics resonate in her mind. He scoots closer to her then brushes his fingers on her cheek, his eyes focused on hers.
“I love you, Emmy,” he breathes without missing a beat.
His voice is soft as petals falling to the floor and Emmy’s heart catapults in her chest. Her lips widen in a smile and she lifts herself onto her knees to give him a big kiss. Luke’s hands hold onto her lower back as he kisses her back then they fall onto the bed together.
“I love you, too Luke,” she says on his lips.
They roll over together, lips and fingers interlocked anchoring each other. Luke’s no longer a castaway adrift at sea from a broken relationship void of love. Now he’s with Emmy, his shining lighthouse who makes him the better man he was always meant to be.
• • • •
Copyright talkfastromance4 © All works is intellectual property of the author. All rights reserved. Any redistribution or reproduction or any part or all contents in any form is prohibited. You may not, without written expression and consent from the author, distribute works amongst other social media platforms
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toothlessturtle21 · 4 years
Tomato Soup
So I wrote this little thing that totally isn’t me projecting my issues with food onto a fictional character no way, so hopefully it’s not terrible because it’s not super proofread. TW: mentions of unspecified ED, hypoglycemia, noncon “repairs” done to Zane. Enjoy, I guess.
Zane loved to eat, until his father decided that the budget couldn't quite feed a family of two. ... Zane used to love to eat.
Zane's earliest memory of food being an issue to him was when he was barely even a year old. His father sat at the table, hunched over brass and copper coins, occasionally glancing at his son with a slightly worried expression. Zane was busy sorting their books, the task having kept him busy for the better part of the last two hours while his father said he had some "grown-up things" to worry about. Eventually, his father called out to him.
"Zane?" His father asked, voice strained. "What food do you have cataloged in our pantry?"
"Three cans of tomato soup, two sleeves of crackers, various spices, and one box of penne pasta. Speaking of which, I am getting rather peckish, I think I will go have some of the-"
Zane went to stand to go towards the cupboard to grab a sleeve crackers when his father stopped him.
The android froze, recoiling a little in surprise as his father stood as well.
"Father, is everything alright?"
Julien smiled wearily, gently tugging on Zane's arm to move him back towards the workshop.
"Of course, Zane. Everything is just fine."
"Then why are we going back into the workshop? You only bring me back for repairs if something is wrong," Zane stated before a different train of thought hit him and he jerked away. "D- Did I do something wrong? I'm sorry if I was not efficient enough when I was organizing the books, I'll do better, I promise!"
"Stop fussing, you don't need to worry," His father consoled him, but Zane still dug his heels in enough to make his hesitation known. "You will be fine, I promise."
Zane was still stammering as he was pushed down onto the workbench and was powered off, world fading away as his mind still panicked.
Zane blinked, his eyes adjusting to the light. He shot up straight, the memories of what happened right before his repairs making him quickly check his vitals for information.
Energy: 78%
Hydraulic Fluid: 89%
Vision: 100%
Audio: 100%
Hunger: -
Zane blinked, and tried again to access his hunger. Nothing. He looked over at his father, who looked slightly guilty but overall relieved.
"Why can't I access my hunger level?" Zane tried to ask with a level voice, but it ended up coming out choked. Julien shook his head.
"Don't worry about it, Zane."
And so he didn't. If his father wasn't concerned, then why should he be?
He tried to eat a cracker afterwards just to test what he believed his father had done to him, and he held back tears as what used to be a salty treat felt like cardboard melting in his mouth. He closed the sleeve, and set it back on the counter, resuming his task of organizing the library, but this time the actions felt a little more hollow.
So he watched as his father ate his soup and crackers, and just had to sit there and pretend to smile as he remembered how he used to enjoy the flavors dancing upon his tongue.
Zane was relaxing on his own bunk in the Monastery reading a rather good book when Cole gently knocked at the door, Jay poking his head out from behind the taller's back. Sensei Wu had set out to find something or other, leaving the three behind to their own devices while he was gone.
"Uh, Zane? You doing ok?" Cole started, eyebrows furrowed in worry.
"Yes, why wouldn't I be?"
"Well, uh," Jay stuttered, and Zane merely blinked as his friend tried to figure out his words. "Cole and I were talking, and we both realized that we couldn't remember you actually ever eating in front of us. Or at all."
"We're not mad or anything!" Cole was quick to butt in before Zane could speak, hoping to prevent any misunderstandings. "We just want to make sure you're not starving yourself or anything, because that would be really bad."
Zane stared in confusion, wracking his brain for anything to respond with.
"Why would me not eating be bad?"
"You could die!" Jay sputtered, and Zane felt some sort of sick feeling start to brew in his gut. "Please, just tell us if something's wrong, you can trust us, right?"
"I do trust you," Zane answered, for that he knew for certain. Cole and Jay looked like they were about to cry, and Cole reached out to gently tug Zane off his bunk. He was sandwiched in a hug between the two, Jay clinging to his front while Cole mirrored him from the back.
"Please, just eat something," Jay pleaded quietly, and Zane was incredibly unsure of how to respond besides a simple nod and a gentle hand rubbing at his friend's back to soothe him. Cole buried his head in Zane's shoulder, which wasn't hard since he was slightly taller than the blonde.
"I would prefer not to..." Zane began, but trailed off as Cole squeezed him tighter.
"I don't know what's going through your head right now Zane, and I don't need to know, but we're here for you. You don't need to change for anyone, yeah? Besides, you need the energy to train anyway."
Zane nodded along despite not knowing that they were talking about, but he could infer that whatever it was was a very serious issue. So he held his friends as they dragged him to the kitchen for him to choke down a granola bar, which seemed to calm them down enough where they stopped clinging onto him, but not enough where they wanted to leave him alone.
When Zane and his brothers sat pouring over their jar of coins to pay their rent, Zane felt a gross feeling return to his stomach. They had resorted to buying sandwiches from a shop a few blocks over because they never had enough money at one time to buy enough groceries to support them, so single servings seemed to be the most viable option.
Since discovering his android origins, Zane had discovered how to turn his taste back on, and had also figured out that eating did give him an energy boost, but never his hunger. So he ate mostly as an extra, something that was nice, but not necessary. So it was no surprise that when it came time to order dinner, Zane shook his head denied needing anything.
The ninja took his word for it, and weeks went by with Zane only eating by stealing scraps from the restaurant he worked at to keep his energy up as much as he could, but even he could feel his performance slipping as his body was forced to run on low amounts of power. More of his blood was staying in his core to run his heart, leaving him pale and shaky, and his eyelids felt perpetually heavy, like they were being held down by weights that kept increasing by the day.
The issue reached its apex, however, during a quick training session he had managed to sneak in with Lloyd between shifts. They were sparring, the android of course not using all of his skills on the child, but he could tell something was off. Zane was stumbling, his footing unsure and his blocks were sloppy. Before he knew it, he was on the floor, and Lloyd was shaking his shoulders out of fear before running out of the room to call Jay, the android's vision fading around the edges.
He tried to sit up, but doing so made his head spin and his gut curdle with nausea, so he curled up into a ball to ease the ache, eyes squeezed shut before he blacked out in the middle of the training room floor.
When he opened his eyes once more, Jay was worriedly peering down at him.
"You awake?"
Zane nodded slowly, and he felt something being nudged at the corner of his lips.
"Eat this."
Zane tried to look over the best he could, and to his morbid amusement, it was another one of the granola bars that Jay loved to force upon him.
"You just passed out from the robot equivalent of low blood sugar, you gotta eat something buddy. I'll grab you some fruit juice or something in a bit. It helps humans, so it's worth a shot on you."
Zane slowly sat up and backed against the wall for support, and methodically chewed the snack with measured bites, Jay texting something to someone quickly before putting his phone away to sit across from the Ice Ninja.
Once Zane was done eating, Jay decided to strike up the conversation that the two knew was coming.
"Zane, you gotta eat. I know the first time Cole and I thought something was up it was just because you didn't need to eat, but your body isn't used to this. You're hurting yourself."
"Just let me adjust to it, and I'll be fine."
"No, I'm not letting you do that. You're eating with the rest of us and that's final. Kai's dropping off a carton of apple juice in a bit, and we're getting food tonight. You're going to rest, because I'm not letting you pass out while training again. What if you had done that on a mission?"
Zane had no answer, and nodded his head meekly as a sign that he understood. Jay stood, and held out his hand, Zane accepting the invitation to stand, also very grateful that Jay didn't mention how he stumbled upon landing on his feet.
"Y'need to trust your body more, you're getting too caught up in your own head," Jay said softly as he sat Zane down on the couch, sitting down next to him with a slight bounce. "You're not a burden by needing to eat, buddy."
The android sighed, and rested his head on Jay's shoulder, his eyes still burning and his mind quickly following suit.
"Alright, you can use me as a pillow," The Lightning Ninja smirked, and wrapped an arm around Zane's waist. "I'm waking you up when Kai gets here, but then you can go back to bed, ok?"
Zane nodded sleepily before fully relaxing into his friend, exhaustion taking ahold of him with an iron grip as he fell asleep, Jay keeping him warm all the while.
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