#or putting on a brave face pretending everything is fine when it's SO Not Fine. expecting to see her around every corner but never doing so
camellcat · 11 months
starlight by weezer is such a post-doomsday tenrose song... every time I listen to it I just see ten curled up on her bed in the TARDIS desperately clutching at something of hers
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Are There Still Beautiful Things? | Bucky Barnes x Reader
Hello! This is a part two! I finally got around to writing a sequel to The Ultimatum! So do me a favor and read that one first. Thanks!
Word count: 16.7k
Trigger warnings: emotional abuse, manipulative boyfriend, anxiety / depression
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The following morning, Bucky floated through the apartment with silent steps. He moved with the utmost caution, sidestepping the creaky floorboard in the hall. Closing the kitchen cabinets as gently as possible. Anything to avoid waking you. After the night you’d had- the fight, the long walk in freezing rain, the tears, the panic attacks- you needed all the sleep you could get. Knowing you, he figured you’d rise around ten. You always said that anything later was a waste of the day. 
But morning came and went without an appearance from you. He listened at his bedroom door for any sign of life and found only silence. He leaned against the kitchen counter, eating the omelet he’d intended for you. It wasn’t going to be good cold, anyway. 
He wondered what your year under Alex’s thumb had been like. Suffocating, he decided. Claustrophobic. Were you ever happy? In the last year, did you experience even one instance of genuine joy? Or were you miserable around the clock? Were you constantly aching, without anyone to turn to?
Bucky folded the blankets he’d used to turn the couch into a makeshift bed. When he offered you- implored you- to take his bed, he knew you’d refuse. He knew that you’d feel guilty, that you’d say it was too kind a gesture. But it wasn’t a gesture at all. He really wanted you to take it. You’d sleep better in his bed than on the couch. And he wanted you to feel comfortable. To feel safe. 
He even changed the sheets, so you’d have a fresh set to curl up in. 
But you still refused. How could you accept an offer like that? Bucky had already done enough for you for one night; and you didn’t deserve any of it. You told him, time and time again, that the couch was just fine. That you’d survive sleeping in the living room. That he didn’t have to give up his bed for you- but he did it, anyway. 
Around 3am, you couldn’t refuse anymore. You waved a white flag; there was no fight left. On your shoulders rested the weight of Alex’s emotional abuse. And for the last year, you did your best to pretend it didn’t exist. To carry on. You put on a brave face and muscle through it, because complaining would only mean more pain. More punishment. More weight. But as you leaned against the door of Bucky’s bedroom, you couldn’t fight the heft anymore. It split your spine and crushed your lungs. Finally, it broke you.
You were too tired to argue with Bucky about who should sleep where. Too tired to put yourself back together. But Bucky was there to pick up the pieces. 
He carried you to his bed and secured the blankets around you. And for a while, no one spoke. He simply sat on the edge of the bed, holding your hand. His thumb stroked your knuckles every once and a while. His free hands adjusted your blankets where he deemed necessary. It was the most peace- the most care- you’d experienced since the last time you saw him. 
After a while, he figured he should leave you alone; he didn’t want to keep you awake any longer. And so, he pressed a kiss to your forehead, gave your hand a squeeze, and headed for the door. He told you to get some rest. To wake him if you needed anything- and he meant anything. And then he was gone.
You didn’t have it in you to call after him and beg him to stay with you. He’d done enough. So, you toughed it out. Alone. 
Everything in you just wanted to slip into unconsciousness, to sleep for eight or twenty hours. And you should’ve. You should’ve fallen asleep no problem. After everything that happened that evening- everything that happened over the last year- you were empty. Drained. And your body and mind needed rest. 
But sleep didn’t come. 
With each closing of your eyes, you were haunted by fears of Alex’s wrath. Of his consequences and punishments. Of the venom in his voice when he spoke to Bucky about you. Of returning home to him. 
The waking nightmare rooted itself in your mind- or maybe it was always there. Surely, you’d had these uneasy feelings about him before. But this was the first time you really let them sink in. The first time you’d given them any attention. 
Over the past year, you’d simply swatted these kinds of thoughts away, treating them like a bothersome gnat. But deep down, you knew they weren’t there to bother you- they were there as a warning. 
With sleep out of the question, you opted to stare at the ceiling. In the scant light that weaved through the blinds, you took stock of its appearance. It was old. Textured. Yellowed in places from water damage. Cracks veined their way across the expanse of the room, starting in one corner and ending in another. Part of you wondered how stable it was. Wondered if it the whole thing might fall in the middle of the night and crush you. You’d be okay with it if it did.
When staring at the ceiling grew boring, you turned on your side and observed the wall instead. It had scuff marks and indents. Chipping paint. But it was Bucky’s wall. And you were just lucky to be here- in his bed, staring at his bedroom wall. A long scrape across the paint rescued a long-banished memory from your most secretive vault. A vault Alex could never know about. 
It was the day that Bucky tried to put in new blinds. He’d fallen from his rickety step ladder and braced himself against the nearest wall, marring the already chipping paint with his vibranium elbow. The two of you laughed at his clumsy attempt, at his claims to be a “handyman”. 
The scene played out inside your mind and managed to bring a weak smile to the surface. But it wasn’t strong enough to keep the dread at bay.
After a while, the wall no longer held your attention. And the ceiling called your name once again.
On and on the staring-cycle went: ceiling, wall, ceiling wall. Of course, you could’ve gone to see Bucky in the living room. Or even called his name; surely, he would’ve come running. But who were you to wake him? Who were you to bother him in the middle of the night? He struggled enough with sleep as it was, and you’d kept him up late. Very late. He didn’t need you further hurting his chances for a restful night. 
Eventually, the sun peeked through the blinds, and you rolled onto your back for your ceiling-staring shift. Throughout the night, you lamented your insomnia. Cursed the buzzing anxiety that kept you awake. But as you laid there, tracing the border of the room with your eyes, a change in perspective struck you. And suddenly, the crushing weight of exhaustion didn’t bother you anymore. Because you were in Bucky’s apartment, in Bucky’s bed. This was the one place you never thought you’d see again. The one place that Alex strictly forbade. The one place that felt like home.
And though you were so tired that you swore your organs would soon fail, you didn’t care. You’d choose a lifetime of sleepless nights in this bed over a restful eight hours in Alex’s any day.
Around noon, the sharp squeak of an old hinge woke you- and you realized that you must’ve actually fallen asleep. That your body must’ve finally given out. After blinking a few times and giving your eyes a moment to adjust, you discovered the source of the sound.
There stood Bucky, still as stone, watching you. 
“Hey… sorry about the-” he pointed to the door. “The hinges are kinda old.”
“No, it’s…” you let loose a long yawn. “It’s okay.”
Bucky took a few tentative steps in your direction, as though testing the waters. Over the past year, you’d been emotionally gutted. The wounds Alex inflicted were still flayed open, bleeding. Throbbing. Bucky could practically see them spilling crimson all over the bed. Maybe you wanted him close by. Or maybe you wanted your space. 
Either way, he still wanted to check on you. He took another slow step toward you. 
“I didn’t mean to wake you. I just wanted to see how you’re doing, see if you need anything,” he said.
Of course, he did. Because that’s who Bucky was- that’s who he always was. Kind and caring and thoughtful. Even when you overstepped your bounds. Even when you overstayed your welcome. Even after you pulled the plug on your friendship. He was there for you. 
You couldn’t fight the smile that stretched across your lips. “Oh, thanks- thank you. Yeah, I’m alright, I don’t need anything,” you shrugged. “You’ve done enough. What time is it?”
Bucky checked his phone, “noon.”
“Jesus Christ,” you ran a hand down the side of your face. Two hours. You’d gotten only two hours of sleep. And as you took a quick inventory of your body, you realized your estimate was probably a little generous. A dull ache pounded inside your skull. A heaviness sat on your shoulders. And a dense fog coated your mind. Every fiber of your being needed more rest. But now was not the time.
You’d already ruined Bucky’s Saturday night and stolen his bed, now you’d eaten up half of his Sunday. A jolt of alarm force you into an upright position. The room spun a little as a result.
“Shit. Sorry, I didn’t mean to sleep so late,” you pushed Bucky’s bedspread from your body. “I didn’t actually fall asleep till about ten this morning, so I guess I was just-”
Bucky couldn’t stop the ache that pierced his chest. He knew all too well what it was like to spend the night tossing and turning. The need for sleep and the simultaneous fear of the nightmares that followed. The soul crushing exhaustion. He wished he would’ve known that you were struggling to sleep. And he kicked himself for not checking on you periodically throughout the night. 
“Oh, sweetheart, I wish you would’ve come and got me,” he sighed. “I could’ve kept you company. We could’ve watched movies or talked or-”
It was sweet. It really was. But even the thought of waking him made you feel guilty. 
“Nah, I didn’t wanna bother you. And I…” Your eyes took on a far away, hollow quality. “I had a lot to think about.”
A long silence followed. 
A hurricane of emotions tore through you, drowning you in their downpour. The pain, the loneliness, the devastation, the anger, the self-hatred, the feeling of worthlessness. The last year showed you just how toxic, how isolating a relationship could be. And you grieved the life you could’ve had. The time you’d never get back. The people-the person- you lost.
But a sharp pain sunk its fangs into your soul, filling you with venomous questions. How dare you mourn? How dare you pity yourself? How could you let Alex manipulate you? How could you go along with his ultimatum? And how could you abandon Bucky? Did you ever care about Bucky at all? What kind of person puts their boyfriend before their best friend? Why did you show up at Bucky’s door? And why did you let him take care of you? Are you really that selfish?
 Who do you think you are?
You gave your head a small shake, freeing yourself from the sharp, deadly thoughts. “Anyway, I’m gonna grab my clothes and get out of your hair.” A quiet groan escaped your lips and you pulled yourself from Bucky’s bed. “I don’t wanna take up your entire Sunday.”
Bucky held a hand up, stopping you. “Woah, what? But you only slept two hours.”
“I’m okay! Really,” you lied. “And I don’t want to impose any more than I already have.”
Bucky gave you a pointed look. Oh, how you’d missed this look. It was the same look he used to give you every time you called yourself ‘an imposition.’ Every time you swore you’d worn out your welcome. Because he never, ever saw you that way. How anyone could see you as an imposition, as a bother, made no sense to him. But he knew of one person who thought of you like that. 
“Don’t look at me like that, Barnes,” you gave a breathy, tired laugh.
“I want you to stay for as long as you like. Honestly. I’m just happy to have you around,” he said. “So, if you wanna go back to sleep for a while, go for it. You’re more than welcome here.”
The words were too kind, the sentiment too genuine. And somewhere, deep down, something inside you broke. To know that there was, indeed, still kindness in the world shattered your remaining resolve. The entire time Alex had you locked away in his tower, you wondered if anyone else’s life had drained of all warmth and color, too. If there were still beautiful things. Or if it was only you who existed in a monochromatic hellscape.
And as Bucky wrapped an arm around you and helped you sit down on the bed, you got your answer. There were still beautiful things- and he was the most beautiful of all. 
The tears flowed freely over your newly destroyed emotional dam. And silent sobs robbed the oxygen from your chest. Hot tears dampened your cheeks, your neck, the collar of Bucky’s sweatshirt. Over the course of the year, you forbade yourself from crying like this. Every once and a while, you allowed a tear or two- but that was it. You knew that if you ever let these emotions free, forcing them back inside their cage would be impossible. But this was a true catharsis. True release. And Bucky helped you through the whole thing.
He rubbed your back, wiped your face, stroked your hair. He spoke soft, reassuring words. And he never tried to stop you. Not once did he tell you to calm down or to get yourself together. He simply let you feel what you needed to feel, what you prohibited yourself from feeling for the last twelve months. 
And when you finally cried yourself out, he wrapped your limp body in a blanket and helped you lay down. 
“Uh, I feel like you’re probably pretty dehydrated now,” he said as he got you situated. “So, I’m gonna go get you some water.” 
It pulled the smallest, most fragile laugh from you. He was right. You’d depleted your body completely, and you could already feel the dehydration headache blossoming between your eyes. But you didn’t care. Bucky took a step toward the door, only to feel your limp hand hook into his. He knew you well enough to know what it meant: you didn’t want him to leave. And he returned the feeling. Now that you finally found your way back into his life, he didn’t want to spend a second away from you. But the top priority was your well-being. 
“I’m gonna be right back, I promise,” Bucky knelt by the bed, meeting your eyeline. “It’ll only take a second.” He pressed a kiss to the back of your hand, to your cheek, to your forehead, and then slipped out of the room. 
He was gone only a few minutes- five at the most. But for you, it was too long. After spending a year without so much as speaking to Bucky, you were desperate to make up for lost time. Hungry to spend every moment with him. And even a five-minute absence was enough to make your heart ache.
“Okay, okay. I’m back. Sorry,” Bucky swept through the bedroom door, an apologetic look on his face. “I figured you should probably eat something.” He offered you a plate of toast and placed two bottles of water on the nightstand. “Toast was the quickest option, but if you want something else, I can just-”
But the way you dove into the food was all the answer he needed. He sat on the edge of the bed, 
watching you wolf down the substitute breakfast, and wished he could’ve remade the omelet he prepared for you hours earlier. But you needed him. And he didn’t want you to wait. 
It hadn’t even occurred to you that you were hungry. You’d swallowed so much grief, so much pain- you didn’t notice your empty stomach. But Alex made you miss dinner. Your exhaustion made you skip breakfast. And your meager lunch from the previous day disintegrated long ago. 
But the smell of the toast brought your hunger into crisp focus. It gnawed on the inside of your abdomen and clawed up your throat. It echoed through the void. Sharp pains needled at your insides between waves of nausea. But the peanut butter toast quelled your discomfort. 
“Thank you,” you took a long swig of water. “I needed that.” 
“So, you… you don’t mind if I try to go back to sleep for a while?” Trepidation rendered your voice almost imperceptible. Had bucky not received the serum all those years ago, he wouldn’t have heard you at all. 
He encircled your hand with one of his, “I don’t mind at all.”
“Are you sure?” you said, louder this time. “Cause if you have plans or things you need to do, I totally get it. I can just-”
Bucky pulled your body into his, quieting your rambling. “This is all I’m doing today.” He held you there for a long moment. His hand smoothed up and down your back. His breath fanned the skin on your neck. And when your anxious heartrate returned to its normal pace, he released you.
“What plans do you think I had for today, sweetheart? Do you know who you’re talking to here?” Bucky laughed. “I’m not exactly Mr. Social Life.”
“I don’t know,” you shrugged. “Maybe you were gonna to go a movie today. Or the farmer’s market, or something.”
“Nope. I don’t have any plans to speak of,” he said as he helped you get comfortable in his bed once again. “And I went to the farmer’s market last Sunday. So, I don’t need to go again.” He shot you a wink and brushed a kiss against your cheek. “You go back to sleep. I’ll be right outside if you need me. Okay?”
You nodded against the pillow that smelled like him and gave his hand one last squeeze. Everything in you screamed, begged, howled for him to stay. But you couldn’t ask. You couldn’t ask for another favor after all he’d done for you. Could you? No. It wasn’t right. He didn’t owe you shit. Everything he did to help you came simply from the endless well of goodness within him. And you were not about to ask for more. You couldn’t. 
But you did. 
He stopped in his tracks just as he reached the door. “Yeah?”
“Would you…” you rolled your eyes at yourself. Your neediness. Your greed. “Would you stay with me for a while?”
And just like that, he crawled into bed. No hesitation. No question. 
He sat next to you, his back resting against the headboard. “This alright?”
You nodded up at him. “Is it okay if I…” You lifted your head from his pillow and opted to rest it in his lap instead. And of course, he nodded in return.
Before things fell apart, before Alex’s ultimatum- this was a standard position for the two of you. When Bucky had a nightmare, or a panic attack, or a particularly bad flashback, he’d rest his head in your lap. When things got bad for him, it was the only way to remind him that he was real. That he was here. And that he wasn’t alone. Your fingers tangled gently in his hair. Your voice quietly called him away from the edge. And after a while, he’d return to himself. 
It felt almost blasphemous to co-opt his practice. To rest your head in his lap this way- especially after the way you abandoned him. There were, without a doubt, many instances over the last year when he’d needed this, when he’d needed you. And you weren’t there. Just thinking about it sent a lightning strike through your chest. What did he do in those moments? How had his soul broken through the haze and rejoined his body? Did he sit in this very apartment, all alone, waiting for the pain and terror to ebb on their own?
These thoughts tried to pull your head from Bucky’s lap. This wasn’t right, it wasn’t fair; not to you, not to him. You couldn’t commit sacrilege in this way. Couldn’t desecrate something that was once so sacred. But just as you attempted to move away, Bucky’s gentle hand rested on your shoulder.
“You okay? Comfortable?” He smiled down at you, awaiting your response. And you couldn’t find it in you to pull away from someone so beautiful and warm and kind. 
The rest of Sunday melted by without your participation. A dreamless sleep got its hooks in you and pulled you deeper, deeper, deeper. Bucky noticed you wake only a handful of times. And though he was sure you had to be hungry again when you woke in the evening, he didn’t push the issue. He let you sleep peacefully in his lap, with his hand smoothing gently over your hair. And when it was time for him to finally get some shut eye, he repositioned your head on his chest. 
That night, he slept better than he had in a year. 
In the morning, you woke to a cold, empty bed. And just as you wondered where Bucky could’ve gone, the smell of bacon answered your question. The aggressive hunger pangs poking at your stomach grew sharper as you took a deep inhale. Bacon, eggs, toast, coffee. Coffee.  You scrambled out of bed and found Bucky in the kitchen, leaning over the stove. 
“Morning!” He dragged his gaze away from the food to steal a look at you. Messy morning hair. Tired smile. Beautiful. “I didn’t wake you, did I?”
But his words didn’t register right away. Your mind was too fixated on the stove full of food. And it dawned on you: this was the first time you’d ever seen him cook. Sure enough, a cutting board with the remnants of chopped tomatoes, green onions, and bell pepper sat next to the stove. And he was expertly presiding over bacon and two perfectly constructed omelets. 
“Um, what? Oh, no, you didn’t wake me,” you said. “Buck, you’re… cooking? You have groceries?”
He nodded. “I cook now,” he said with pride. “And yeah, I have groceries. I go shopping now, too.”
It was something so small, so normal to everyone else. But to Bucky- to you- it was a big deal. A huge deal. You crossed to the fridge and gave the door a pull, only to find it fully stocked. The back of your throat tightened a bit, a warm rush of tears blurred your vision. 
He’d always needed help with that kind of thing, with taking care of himself. When he was still trying to get acclimated to this world, to this time- he found himself in a hole. He’d fallen deep, deep down into a pit of depression and anxiety and existential dread. And menial tasks like grocery shopping were too daunting. Too overwhelming. So, you picked up the slack. You brought him groceries at least once a week, sometimes twice. You cooked for him a few days out of the week. And you did it with a smile. It wasn’t a hassle or a bother. It was something you did because you cared. Because you loved him. And if he needed help, you’d be the first to volunteer for the cause. 
He always swore he could handle it, swore that you didn’t need to stock his pantry. But without you, he would’ve gone hungry. Would’ve withered away to nothing. 
Over the course of the last year, you wondered how Bucky was getting his groceries. How he was getting his meals. If he was eating enough. Was he surviving on takeout? Or was he hungry? Picturing him alone in the apartment, his stomach and fridge empty, brought you to tears on more than one occasion. 
“This is…” You cleared your throat and forbade your voice from shaking. “This is great, Buck. I was worried that you’d been living off take out this whole time.”
“Well, I would’ve been,” he laughed. “But I didn’t have to. Remember that list you made me?” 
You wiped your eyes on the sleeve of Bucky’s sweatshirt and shut the fridge door. “What list?”
“A few weeks before Alex gave you his ultimatum, he got on you for being over here so much.” Bucky rolled his eyes at the memory. “Do you remember that?”
You grimaced and eventually nodded. 
“And you told me what he said. You told me you might not get to spend as much time here. And you wanted me to be prepared. So you made me a list- a grocery list- just in case.” He turned to face you and pointed at a drawer next to the fridge, “look in there.”
Sure enough, inside the drawer, you found a list. It was pristine, save for one slightly folded corner and a small water stain. Scrawled in your handwriting on a piece of notebook paper was everything Bucky would need from the store. It detailed everything- produce, dry goods, frozen ingredients. Everything you always used to buy for him. Everything he liked. 
“I still use it every time I go to shopping,” he said. “Even though I have it memorized by now.”
The list trembled like a leaf in your shaking hands. Maybe you hadn’t left Bucky completely destitute. Just knowing he’d had this life preserver to hold onto, knowing he’d been able to get himself groceries- to feed himself- because of you made your chest tighten. 
“In all honesty, I had kind of a hard time over the last year,” Bucky admitted. He spoke with his back to you, keeping his focus on the food. He didn’t want to look you in the eye. “I missed you. I hated not having you around. But that list was… I don’t know. It made me feel like even though we weren’t friends anymore, you still cared. You know?”
Words didn’t come. And even if they did, you wouldn’t have been able to speak. The sobs you tried so hard to corral sat trapped in your throat, struggling to break free. You tucked the list carefully back in the drawer and leaned against the counter. Bucky deserved better. He’d already been through so much in his life. And yet, you’d given him yet another hard year. A year of heartache and loneliness. A year of emptiness. Of silent dinners. A year of self-soothing.
Bucky peeked over his shoulder and found you with your head in your hands. Your shoulders shook ever so slightly. A riptide of guilt instantly pulled him under.
“Oh, sweetheart, no-” he made his way to your side and wrapped you in a hug. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to make you feel bad.”
Your arms snaked up his chest and wrapped around his neck, pulling you closer to him. He had nothing to apologize for, nothing to feel guilty about. He’d simply told the truth: he had a hard year. And that was nothing to apologize for. Especially after what you’d done to him.
But there he was, apologizing. Consoling you when you didn’t deserve it. 
“You deserved better, Buck,” you whispered against his neck. “You deserved better from me.”
Urgently, you recoiled from his embrace and met his eyes. “I’m so sorry. I never ever wanted to hurt you. It wasn’t fair to you. I-”
“Hey,” he took your face in his hands. “It’s all water under the bridge. Okay?”
He slipped his hand into yours before you could protest and pulled you toward the stove. “Come on, breakfast is ready.”
The two of you got comfortable on the couch with your plates; Bucky watched as you devoured your breakfast of bacon, toast, and the beautiful omelet he crafted. And he couldn’t fight the smile that pulled at his lips. This was a total role reversal for the two of you. For once, he got to take care of you. He got to be your rock, your support system. He got to cook for you, feed you. And he meant what he said earlier. Everything that happened prior really was water under the bridge. He just wanted to be there for you. To make you feel comfortable and safe and cared for. To show you the love you deserved. 
“Oh, hey, I don’t know if you need this,” Bucky grabbed your phone off the arm of the couch and placed it next to you. “It’s been sitting out here since Saturday night.”
After a few taps to the black screen, you got the confirmation you needed. “It’s dead,” you said. 
“Okay, I have a charger in the kitchen. I can-”
“No, that’s okay. It’s probably for the best,” you shrugged. “I just know I’m gonna have like, four hundred texts and ninety mean voicemails from Alex.
Bucky grimaced. “Oh. Well, if you change your mind-”
“It’s probably a sign, right? Like, if I’m dreading turning on my phone because I don’t even want to see his messages…” You took a swig of your coffee, wishing it was something stronger. “It probably means that I shouldn’t be with him anymore. Right?”
Bucky wasn’t sure what to say. You were absolutely right; it was a sign. A sign that you needed to evacuate your relationship. But he didn’t want to weigh in and push you to make a decision. This needed to be something you decided on your own. And so, he simply listened and let you work it out yourself. 
“I mean, just thinking about going back to the apartment makes me-” you gave strong shudder. “I don’t want to go back. I don’t want to live there.” The words came lightning fast, falling from your mouth before you could process or edit them. “I don’t want to go back. I don’t want to live with him- I don’t want to be around him. I don’t want to be with him. I don’t- I don’t want any of it.”
Bucky clocked the slight shaking in your hands, the tremor in your voice. He moved closer and enveloped you in his arms. “Okay, it’s okay. You don’t have to. You don’t have to do anything you don’t wanna do. Alright?” He pulled away only slightly, searching for your eyeline. “You don’t have to be with him. If you’re done, then you’re done. And that’s that. Alright?”
The weight of the world suddenly vanished from its longtime perch on your shoulders. The pressure sitting on your chest evaporated. And you breathed a deep sigh of relief. The logical side of you knew that you didn’t have to be with Alex anymore. That you could pull the rip cord and free yourself at any moment. But somehow, doing so felt impossible. This whole time, the relationship felt like a jail cell. Like you’d been trapped inside puzzle box from which you couldn’t escape. But the second Bucky said it out loud, the walls of your cell disintegrated. He solved the puzzle box and let you out.
“Yeah. Okay, yeah. Um…” The smile brought on by your newfound freedom lasted only a few seconds. “But I- I do have to go back. I have to go get my stuff. I mean, my clothes, my work stuff – it’s all there.”
“So I’ll go,” Bucky said. “I don’t mind. I’ll go over there right now and get everything.”
Of course, he would. Of course, he’d drop everything and go get your stuff. Whatever you wanted, whatever you needed- he’d do it. No questions asked.
“Buck, that’s really- that’s so sweet. You’re really sweet,” You leaned into him once again, basking in his warmth. “But I- I need to be there, you know? You don’t know where everything is. And I need to make sure nothing gets left behind.” Dread filled your chest and crept up the back of your throat. If you never saw the inside of that apartment again, it would be too soon. 
“That doesn’t mean I can’t go with you,” Bucky shrugged. “Let me help. It’s gonna be way too much stuff for you to carry alone, anyway.” His expression darkened a few shades, his tone grew gravely serious. “And I don’t want you there by yourself, just in case Alex is home. I don’t think you should be alone with him.”
It was a morbid thought, but you knew Bucky was right. And no part of you wanted to be alone in the apartment. Not when the ghosts of your heartache freely roamed the halls. And if Alex was there, or if he came home early, you thought it best to have a friend. A witness. 
After changing into your now dry clothes, you plugged your phone into Bucky’s charger and abandoned it on the couch. Surely, it was about to blow up with a barrage of texts and missed calls from Alex. And you weren’t going to be there when it did.
Together, you and Bucky boarded the subway and headed in the direction of the apartment you shared with Alex. Anxiety sparked in your chest and set you alight from the inside. A pit opened in your stomach. There was no getting around this; it was a necessary evil. But with Bucky by your side, it wasn’t so bad. The looming darkness parted each time you looked at him, each time he gave your hand a squeeze. He was going to get you through this if it was the last thing he ever did. 
But heartrate jumped once you disembarked the train. And it skyrocketed as you and Bucky turned onto your street. Only a few blocks away sat your nightmare, your personal hell.
As the apartment building came into focus, your feet turned to cinderblocks. 
“It’ Monday, so he’s definitely at work by now,” Bucky reassured you. “You don’t have to worry about seeing him. Okay?”
You nodded. But your feet didn’t move.
“It won’t take long. We’re gonna grab your stuff and get out as quickly as we can. And then you never have to come back.” 
He was right. This was the last time you’d ever have to return to this godforsaken place- and Alex wasn’t even home. The unpleasant memories hanging in the air couldn’t hurt you. And you were more than entitled to retrieve your things. Alex took a lot from you, and you weren’t going to let him take any more.
The doorman greeted you with a friendly smile and a familiar “welcome home” as he opened the door for you and Bucky and waved you inside. The gilded lobby never brought you much comfort. It didn’t have a homey feel, it wasn’t warm or inviting. To you, it always seemed a little obnoxious. A little full of itself. It was fancier than you ever cared to be. Alex thought it gave him status. Stature. An air of importance. The whole thing made you gag.
“Jesus, I forgot how swanky this place is,” Bucky laughed as the two of you got into the elevator. “You sure you don’t wanna live here anymore?” He let out a dramatic huff as your shoulder gently nudged against his chest. 
 “I’m more than sure.”
Sweat beaded on your palms as you approached the front door of the apartment. All you had to do was go inside, grab your stuff, and get out. It wasn’t a large task. It wasn’t even going to be that difficult. But your stomach turned at the thought of passing through that door. And just as you teetered on the edge of a spiral, Bucky piped up, saving you.
He stood in front of your door and leaned against the frame. “So, how are we getting in, exactly? You don’t have your keys, and-” But he stopped when he saw you crouching near an air vent. “What are you doing?”
“I’m retrieving my back up plan.” 
He watched as you loosened the screws holding the vent shut and reached your arm inside. 
“A couple months ago, Alex and I got into a big fight. I know, shocking,” you rolled your eyes. “I came out here to cool off and have a moment to myself, and he locked me out for… hours. So, after that, ” You removed your arm from the vent and brandished a key in Bucky’s direction. “I taped this on the inside of the vent, just in case. I never had to use it until now.”
Bucky gave you quiet round of applause, “Brilliant.” 
But it wasn’t brilliant. Because when you tried to slide the key into the lock, it refused to budge. You tried once, twice, three times. Nothing. 
“He had the locks changed…” you muttered.
“What? Already? There’s no way…” Bucky tried the key- just to be sure- and met the same end. 
The plan came crashing down around you. And your dream of never seeing Alex again shattered into tiny pieces. 
“I’m gonna have to…” You ran a hand down the side of your face. Your breaths grew sharp and shallow. Your heartbeat pounded in your ears. “I’m gonna have to text him. I’m gonna have to ask him to let me in. And he’s gonna have to be here. And he’s gonna-”
“Sweetheart,” Bucky took your face in his hands, calming the panic rising in your chest. “Did you forget that I’m a supersoldier?’
“No. Buck, You can’t-”
“And why not?”
“Because I don’t want you to get in trouble,” You pulled him away from the door, worried he could break it down at any moment. “Because of your pardon. I don’t want you to risk it.”
Bucky scoffed. “It’s my pardon, doll, so, I’ll decide who I risk it for.” 
He resumed his position in front of the door and wrapped his metal hand around the knob. With one last glance over his shoulder, he ensured the hallway was empty. And when he found the coast clear, he gave the handle a sharp twist and forced his weight against the door with his metal shoulder. The wood gave a loud groan, and the new lock gave out a sharp metallic whine. But it worked. 
“Alright, let’s get inside, someone will have heard that.” Bucky ushered you inside and gave a cursory look down the hall- but found no one.
A sharp shiver crept up your spine. Goosebumps rose over your skin. The air inside seemed colder, more sinister than you remembered. But the clock was ticking, and you wanted to spend the shortest possible amount of time here. With a deep breath, you righted your mind and forced yourself to focus. When all was said and done and you successfully escaped with your things, you could fall apart. But not yet. Not now. 
“Okay, I’m gonna go grab my work stuff first. Can you…” You took Bucky by the hand and lead him into the kitchen. Under the sink, you found a box of trash bags. You freed them from the cabinet and thrust them into Bucky’s hands. “Can you go into the bedroom and just start putting my clothes in these bags? My closet and dresser are on the far side of the room.”
Bucky nodded and headed off for his mission- only to stop in his tracks. He’d only been here once, and it was far too long ago for him to remember his way around. “Um, sweetheart?” he called. 
“Down the hall, fourth door on your left!”
“God, this place is huge…” he said. His voice echoed down the hall and found you in the kitchen.
And he was right. As far as apartments go, Alex’s was massive. High ceilings, several spare rooms, a gigantic kitchen- it wasn’t anything like the shoebox apartments you’d lived in over the years. Alex insisted that you move into his cavernous home, and you obliged. But this space never felt like home to you. It was more like a museum- cold, quiet. And you always got in trouble for touching things.
In the living room, you searched for your work laptop. It always sat on the end table next to your side of the couch, but you didn’t find it there. It was unlike you to leave it anywhere else, but still, you weren’t perfect. Maybe you left it in the study, or the bedroom. Maybe it was-
Just then, something caught your attention. Out of the corner of your eye, you spotted the shiny silver surface of your laptop. It lay haphazardly next the armchair, still half open. A pit formed in your stomach. And though you knew in that moment that this was Alex’s doing, what you found still knocked the wind from your chest.
Several keys were missing. The screen was cracked beyond repair. And pressing the power button brought no life. The charger sat next to your computer, having been severed right in the middle. Alex was never the destructive type- or so you thought. He never punched walls or broke things out of anger. No, he expressed his wrath through biting words that pierced your skin and made you bleed. This was a new low for him. 
Just as you’d begun to wrap your mind around the destruction, Bucky’s voice echoed from down the hall.
“Hey, doll. I think… um, you should come here.” The trepidation in his voice activated alarms inside your mind.
And though you did your best to steel yourself against what you might find in the bedroom, the reality was worse than you imagined. 
“I’m sorry, sweetheart.” Bucky draped an arm across your shoulders and pulled you into his side. “You don’t deserve this.”
Before you lay a sea of your belongings, scattered and strewn across the floor. Pages were torn from books and crumpled into balls. Large rips and tears frayed the fabric of your clothes. Feathers leaked from a hole in your pillow. Every single page of your journal had been shredded into the tiniest possible pieces. An overwhelming sense of grief punched you in the stomach. The small stuffed cat you’re your childhood had its head severed. The jewelry box your grandmother gave you in high school lay in pieces. It was all so disturbing, so demented. So purposefully and pointedly cruel.
You didn’t think it could possibly get any worse- until you decided to pop your head into the bathroom. All of your make up sat piled in the garbage. Broken bottles. Shattered compacts. Destroyed brushes. The rest of your beauty products- your skincare, your haircare, your perfume- rested on top of your make up. Every bottle had been opened and dumped out, creating a sticky, disgusting mess. There was no salvaging any of it, no saving even one item. And sprinkled on top of the entire muddied disaster was your anxiety medication- the medication you sought because of Alex’s reign of terror. He always mocked you for needing medicine, for struggling with your anxiety. Ironically, his torments made you up your dosage.
A sense of weakness crept up the back of your legs, and your knees began to buckle. If Bucky hadn’t reached you in time, you would’ve collapsed against the cold tile floor. But he saved you- again. He held you against his body as endless waves of pain washed over you. He told you time and time again that everything was replaceable, that these things were just things- and your safety was more important than any earthly possession. But his heart broke for you. These were still your belongings. They still mattered to you. And even though your life was more important, he recognized just how violating this was. How dehumanizing. 
A special kind of rage smoldered in his chest. Alex didn’t deserve you- he never did. And you didn’t deserve to be treated with such callousness. 
“We’re gonna get this taken care of. I promise,” Bucky whispered against your hair. “It’s all replaceable. And we can-”
A sudden bolt of concern hit you like a ton of bricks. You yanked your head from Bucky’s chest and met his eyes with your panic-blown pupils. And then you were gone. 
Bucky watched as you sprinted toward your nightstand, tripping over your destroyed belongings in the process. You knelt in front of your nightstand and pulled it from the wall, searching desperately for something- but Bucky wasn’t sure what. 
Relief flooded your face as you pulled a small manila envelope from behind your nightstand and held it to your chest. The two pieces of duct tape that had held it in place got stuck to your skin for just a moment, but you didn’t seem to care. Just to be sure, you opened the envelope and looked inside, breathing a deep sigh of relief upon learning that Alex didn’t touch whatever it was that you held so precious.
After that, the destruction didn’t seem to bother you as much.
The two of you stuffed all your belongings into trash bags, opting to go through them later at Bucky’s place. Surely, there was something to be saved. Something worth keeping. But determining that could take time, and you didn’t want to spend an extra second in this hellhole. 
Ripped clothes, broken shoes, and cracked picture frames- among other things- filled three large bags. And when you cleared the room, a sense of peace wrapped you in a hug. 
“Okay, what else?” Bucky asked expectantly. “Is there anything of yours in the kitchen, or the living room, or anything?”
You shook your head. “Nope, this is…” You eyed the trash bags. “This is it. This is all my stuff.”
Bucky cocked his head to the side and thought about the prized possessions from your old apartment. “Really? What about your stand mixer? Or your grandma’s quilt?”
Again, you shook your head. “All that kind of stuff is at my parents’ house. When I moved in here, Alex didn’t want me to bring any of my décor or my kitchen supplies- my stuff wasn’t fancy enough for him.”
Bucky rolled his eyes. Alex seemed to be the personification of a red flag. How someone could treat another human being so poorly baffled him. And how anyone could treat you this way was beyond his comprehension.
“Okay, well, at least we know that stuff is okay,” Bucky offered. 
And he was right. When Alex first told you he didn’t want your “tacky” décor and “outdated” kitchen appliances in his home, it hurt. It made you feel small, less than. And from that day on you always felt that you needed to prove yourself to him, to show him that you were, in fact, good enough. But being good enough for him meant never curling up with the quilt your grandmother made you. Never making cookies using your mom’s hand-me-down mixer. Never feeling a sense of home.
Bucky double-checked the ties of the last trash bag, ensuring they were nice and tight. “Hey, what was all that about?” Bucky pointed to the manila envelope tucked under your arm. “Or is it a secret?’
“Technically, it’s not a secret, I guess- well, it’s not a secret from you. But it was a secret from Alex.” You freed the envelope from under your arm, “It’s not juicy or scandalous or anything, but it’s important to me. And-”
The sound of footsteps in the kitchen halted your words. The hair on the back of your neck stood on end. A cold sweat appeared across the surface of your skin. And you feared the beautiful breakfast Bucky worked so hard to make you would make a reappearance.
“Hello? Hey, sweetheart…” Bucky waved a hand in front of your face. He’d been trying to get your attention for a few moments now to no avail. You were still as stone, completely frozen with fear. He placed his hands on your shoulders and gave you a soft shake. “Doll.”
“Buck…” Only your eyes moved. Finally, you met his gaze with your massive, terror-dilated pupils. “He’s here. I can’t- I can’t do this. I’m not-”
“Hey, hey- it’s okay.” His palms rested on your cheeks, “You’re fine. You’re okay. You don’t have to talk to him – you don’t even have to make eye contact with the guy, okay?” He waited, allowing your panic-struck brain to process his words. And finally, you granted him a small nod.
He swept his thumbs over your cheeks one final time before pulling his hands from your face. He lifted a garbage bag from the floor and handed it to you. 
“Here, you take this. And I’ll-” He picked up the other bags and tucked one under each arm, “I’ll take these. And we’re out of here. Okay? We’re just gonna walk right out.”
With another nod, you agreed to his plan.
But walking past Alex without speaking, without making eye contact seemed easier said than done. After being with him for so long, you knew he wasn’t going to just let you breeze past him. He wasn’t going to let you go without a fight- not because he loved you, but because his pride wouldn’t allow it. 
The anxiety made your head swim and left you weak in the knees. Your vision blurred; your chest tightened. You knew Alex was waiting for you, smug and impatient. You knew he was going to tear into you the second he laid eyes on you. But there was only one way out of the apartment. And if you could just make it out the door, you’d be free. And so, with Bucky gently encouraging you, the two of you headed for the exit. 
Bucky went first, hoping to take the brunt of the verbal assault. Putting himself between you and Alex and providing you with a shield seemed like the best possible plan to Bucky. He wasn’t going to allow you to go first, not when Alex could so easily lunge at you or throw something in your direction. And after witnessing Alex’s destruction of your personal belongings, Bucky knew there was a chance that Alex would try something. That he might be violent. 
Finally, the two of you made it to the kitchen. Bucky locked eyes with Alex first, eliciting a loud guffaw from your soon-to-be-ex’s lips. 
“Wow. How’d I know you’d be with him?” Alex let out a sharp laugh as you entered the kitchen. “How’d I know?” 
But you didn’t answer. You kept your eyes down, just as Bucky instructed, and allowed the sound of your best friend’s quiet reassurances guide you forward. Shuffling through the kitchen with a garbage bag full of your broken belongings, avoiding your tormentor’s eye contact- it all felt so pathetic. You’d never felt so low, so small.
“You look so surprised to see me, baby!” Alex teased. Your skin crawled. “Guess you didn’t realize that the neighbors like me better than you. And that they’d call me when the saw you break the lock.”
You refused to take the bait. Refused to let him get a reaction out of you. All he wanted was the satisfaction of upsetting you. The gratification of hurting you and twisting he knife. And you weren’t going to give it to him.
“And where do you think you’re going?” Alex took only one step in your direction, but it was enough to stop you in your tracks. “You’re not gonna- Hey! You look at me when I’m talking to you!” He dropped his teasing, taunting tone and adopted the sharp, volatile way of speaking he often used around you. 
Instantly, your gaze snapped in Alex’s direction. Muscle memory did its best to protect you, to remind you that obeying was always yielded better results than the alternative. He locked eyes with you, fury burning behind his stare. He took another step toward you, prompting Bucky to block your body with his.
“You’re not gonna break into my house, steal a bunch of shit, and get off scot-free,” Alex scolded. 
Bucky stepped closer to Alex, allowing you to make a path toward the front door. Seeing Bucky stand up to the man who’d made your life a living hell brought the smallest of smiles to your face. He really cared about you. Wanted to defend you. It was a new experience for you. On one occasion, a handsy, shitfaced man at a bar downtown felt you up as you waited for a drink. You looked to Alex for help, for defense, for something- but he didn’t care. He bought the offender a drink and apologized for your antics.
But anyone who hurt you hurt Bucky, too.
A debate sparked inside of you at the site of Bucky taking such a confrontational stance toward Alex. Half of you wanted Bucky to back off, to stay away from Alex, to protect his pardon. But the other half wanted nothing more than to watch Bucky tear Alex to shreds. To see Alex’s blood stain the brilliant marble floors. 
Once you’d gotten out of Alex’s reach, Bucky turned his back on the man and headed in your direction. Freedom was so close- you could almost taste it. But just as you reached for the door, Alex said something that stopped you dead in your tracks.
“Okay, sure! Have fun with the psychotic murderer!” 
Something inside you snapped.
Slowly, deliberately, you turned in his direction. The trash bag tucked under your arm fell to the floor, and all fear Alex previously elicited within you vanished. That anxiety, that panic vacated its spot, making room for a white-hot rage. 
Bucky’s hand encircled your wrist, “Sweetheart, don’t. He’s not worth it.”
But it was too late. No one- especially not Alex- was allowed to speak about Bucky that way. No one was allowed to disparage the kindest person you’d ever met. Over the course of your painful relationship with Alex, you stood up for yourself once. Maybe twice. It never seemed like it was worth the effort or the fight, but Alex speaking about Bucky with such blind hatred ignited a fire within you. Bucky was worth the fight. 
“First of all,” you said, “You don’t get to talk about him. You don’t know him- you’re not good enough to know him. He’s a better person that you could ever dream of being. Because Bucky actually has a soul. He actually knows how to care for people.”
Adrenaline rushed to your head. Speaking to Alex this way felt good- amazing, even. And without fear of consequences or retaliation, you let loose.
“And second, I didn’t break into your house if this is my house too- and you changed the locks!” You spat at him. His eyes widened a bit as your unexpected ferocity boiled over. “And this stuff-” you pointed to the garbage bags, “is mine! It’s my stuff that you broke because you had a fucking tantrum! I’m not stealing anything from you… you stole from me! You stole over a year of my life that I will never get back.”
You took a few more steps in Alex’s direction, much to Bucky’s dismay.
“You did everything you could to tear me down and fucking destroy my self-worth. You pulled me away from my family and my friends- and for what? Just so you could feel special? So, you could feel superior? Are you that insecure? Is your manhood that fragile?”
Alex’s bravado faltered every so slightly. His smug grin faded. His jaw tensed. But he did his best to recover. To seem aloof, bored. He rolled his eyes, “Well, I-”
“I’m speaking,” you hissed. 
Alex quieted. Fear flickered in his eyes.
“You controlled every fucking aspect of my life!” you yelled. “You made me believe I wasn’t good enough- that you were the only one who would ever love me. And you gave me a goddamn ultimatum that almost ruined my friendship the person who loves me most- with the person I love most.”
Bucky couldn’t help the blush that warmed his cheeks.
“Most of the things you did to me can be fixed. I’ll rebuild my self-worth. I can fix my relationships with my friends. But the one thing I will never get back is the time that I could’ve spent with Bucky,” your voice wavered ever so slightly, but the wrath burning inside you immediately fortified it again. “And for that, I wish you nothing but pain and suffering.” 
Satisfied, you turned on your heel and headed for the door. But Alex wasn’t done.
“Oh, so I’m the bad guy cause I didn’t want you spending all your time with another man?” Alex scoffed. ”You were always sleeping over at his house- in his fucking bed. When you weren’t talking to him, you were talking about him. You always put him first- you’re IN LOVE with the guy!”
Neither you nor Bucky spoke. And you didn’t dare look at him. An intense warmth rushed into your cheeks. Your heart raced. And though you wanted to throw a rebuttal in Alex’s face, no words came. You hated to admit it, but he was right. 
You were, of course, in love with Bucky. You always had been- it wasn’t even a question. How anyone met him and didn’t fall in love with him was a mystery to you. He was so sweet, so thoughtful, so endlessly and overwhelmingly kind. He made you laugh harder than anyone you’d ever known. Loving him came instantly. Naturally. 
Bucky’s mouth ran dry at Alex’s accusation. And his heart stopped when you didn’t refute it. Never before had he ever rooted for Alex, of all people, to be right. But there’s a first time for everything.
“But, yeah,” Alex continued, “I’m the bad guy cause I didn’t want my girlfriend whoring herself out to some other guy…”
A past version of you would’ve teared up at a comment like that. Alex’s words would’ve broken your heart and left you bleeding all over the place. But this new you- the version that Bucky helped coax into the world- didn’t care. Alex didn’t have power of you, not anymore.
With a chuckle, you turned your back on Alex and strutted toward the door. He hollered insults at you- calling you a slut, a whore, a good-for-nothing bitch. But the words rolled off of you like water off a duck’s back.
“Good luck with her, man!” Alex called after Bucky, “You can have her! Please, take her off my hands! She’s all yours.” 
Bucky followed you into the hallway, beaming with pride. He’d wanted to speak up, to tell Alex off, to tear him apart for speaking badly of you. But this was your fight, not his. And he knew you didn’t need anyone defending your honor. Didn’t need him stealing your moment. After everything Alex did to you, you deserved to scream at him. To get everything off your chest. To give Alex a small taste of his own medicine. Bucky was only there for moral support. For protection. 
He placed your things gently on the floor and wrapped you in a bear hug. This was the version of you he’d known so well all those months ago. Before Alex stripped you of your confidence and whittled you down to nothing. 
“I’m so proud of you,” he whispered against your neck. “That’s my girl.”
“Thank you…” You breathed a long, deep sigh of relief. Finally, it was over. But it still felt too early to celebrate, to revel in the victory. You were still in the hallway outside the apartment. Still in the building. Still, technically, in Alex’s clutches. “Let’s get out of here.”
“One sec. I forgot something.” Bucky turned for the door, but you caught his arm.
“Don’t,” you pled. “Just don’t. I know what you’re thinking, and he’s not worth it.” You just knew Alex would take such unbridled joy in Bucky physically attacking him. Knew he’d love nothing more than to have Bucky arrested and charged with assault. The thought made you nauseous. “He’s not worth your pardon.”
“Sweetheart, I’m not gonna hurt nim,” he promised. “I just wanna talk to the guy.”
For a long moment, you searched his face for any sign that he was lying. The twitch of a brow. The hint of a smile. But you came up empty. And so, you released him. 
“Wait for me downstairs, okay?” He brushed a kiss against your cheek and disappeared inside the apartment once again.
Bucky found Alex leaning against the counter, whiskey in hand. He barely looked up at the sound of Bucky’s boots, but Bucky clocked the eye roll Alex threw his way. 
“Let me guess, you’re back to teach me a lesson?” Alex mocked. “Oh, I’m so scared of the depressed, PTSD- riddled, lame-ass version of the Winter Soldier.” He feigned a fearful expression and made himself laugh before taking a swig of his drink. “What are you gonna do, therapize me to death?”
But Bucky maintained a calm aura- almost too calm. His hands didn’t shake with fury. His heartrate didn’t spike. He kept his breathing even. He approached Alex with a thin, tense smile, and even maintained the expression as his metal hand wound around the man’s throat. Before Alex knew what hit him, his body was pressed against the nearest wall. His feet dangled a few inches above the floor as he fought for his freedom, but it was useless. 
Bucky’s tone was composed, measured, even. It sent a chill down Alex’s spine.
“You know how much pain you inflicted on her,” Bucky said. “But you didn’t actually experience it yourself. You didn’t feelit. And as much as I would love to give you a first-hand recreation…” His grip tightened ever so slightly. “I promised her I wouldn’t hurt you. So, I’m just gonna tell you what will happen if you ever bother her again. You listening?”
Alex struggled to nod. A breathy “yes” was all he could manage.
Bucky’s voice grew lower, sharper, vicious. “I’ll break every single one of your ribs. One at a time. I’ll crush your chest so painfully slowly that you will feel the shards of your bones pierce your heart and lungs. And I’ll watch with a smile as you drown in your own blood,” Bucky said. “You will never speak to her or about her ever again- you won’t even think about her. And if you so much as mention her name- if you say anything less than gracious about her in your little douchey finance bro group text, I will make your life a living hell.” He paused a moment, relishing in Alex’s terrified expression. “You keeping up so far?”
Again, Alex struggled to speak. The lack of air and sudden influx of fear left him almost unable to think. But he managed a quiet “yes.”
“Excellent,” Bucky smiled. “You won’t call her. You won’t text her. You won’t harass her. You won’t stalk her social media or drunkenly call her at two in the morning. You’re going to leave her alone- forever. And if you ever- ever- contact her again, I’ll know. And I’ll be here. I’ve broken that door down once, I’ll be happy to do it again.”
With that, he released his grip on Alex’s neck and sent him crashing to the floor. Watching the man who hurt you sputter and struggle for breath filled Bucky with a sick, twisted kind of joy. Finally, it was Alex who was scared. Alex who was uncomfortable. Alex who felt pain. 
“The only contact you’re going to have with her,” Bucky continued, “is the Venmo payment you’re gonna send her for all of the things of hers you destroyed. Her clothes, her make up, her jewelry- all of it. And it’s going to be a very generousamount to make up for all of the sentimental stuff you destroyed, since you know damn well that she won’t be able to replace any of it.” He knelt next to Alex, getting extra close to the terrified man shaking on the floor. “And I know you’ve got the money. So, if it’s not enough, I’ll be back.”
He flashed a winning smile Alex’s way, “Have a nice day.”
Finally, he stood and stalked for the door, a satisfied smile stretching across his face.
The minutes dragged by without Bucky. You sat perched on one of the sofas in the apartment lobby, waiting for him to meet you. Every time the elevator doors opened, you hoped to see his tall frame and your other two bags of stuff. And every time, you were disappointed. It was nice of him to put his pardon on the line for you, to risk his freedom in order to get you the justice you deserved. But it was the last thing you wanted. After spending so much time away from him, your greatest desire was to simply be with him. To spend every minute with him. And you couldn’t do that if he landed himself in prison on assault charges. 
When he finally made his way to the lobby, you scanned him for any signs of a struggle. But his clothes weren’t out of place. And you didn’t find blood crusted over his knuckles. Nothing was amiss. He had the two remaining bags of your belongings tucked under his arms, and a calm, cool demeanor. But even though he didn’t seem riled up, you eyed him with suspicion. Surely, he hadn’t spent all that time upstairs just talking to Alex. 
“Hey, I’m gonna call us an Uber,” Bucky said as he met you at the couch. “That way we don’t have to bring all of your stuff of the train. Are you-”
You narrowed your eyes at him, “What did you do?”
Bucky shrugged. “I didn’t do anything. I just wanted to talk to him-”
“What?” He shot you a mischievous grin. “I just wanted to give him a piece of my mind. He’s still alive, still breathing, and all of his blood is inside of his body where it belongs.” A sudden seriousness eclipsed his expression. He dropped the playful attitude, placed your things on the couch, and pulled out his phone. “Anyway,” he tapped away at his phone, calling the two of you a ride. “Let’s get you the hell out of here. Sound good?”
He got his answer in the form of a long, nearly asphyxiating hug. The sheer force of your body launching into his knocked the wind from his lungs and sent him reeling backward. A deep laugh bellowed from his chest as he righted his footing and wrapped his arms around you. 
“Thank you so much…” you whispered against his neck. “For everything.”
Bucky’s lighthearted laughter vanished. “Of course, sweetheart.” He doubled down on the hug, pulling you tighter. “You know I always have your back.”
He refused to break the hug. Instead, he allowed you to rest there in his arms, with your face buried in the crook of his neck. Passersby threw strange looks your way, but Bucky paid them no mind. Only when his phone chimed, signaling the arrival of your car, did you finally force yourself to withdraw from his embrace. 
The ride back to Bucky’s was quiet, save for the occasional rustle of your garbage bags. And though you didn’t say a word over the course of the drive, you didn’t dare let go of Bucky’s hand. Your fingers remained so tightly intertwined with his that your knuckles ached- but you held firm. You knew better than to release your grip on a life preserver. 
“Alright, um, is there someplace you want me to set all this stuff?” you asked once you’d returned to Bucky’s. You eyed your overstuffed trash bags sitting in the middle of the living room floor. “I don’t want them to be in the way.”
Bucky just shrugged; he really didn’t seem to mind that your belongings completely encroached on his space. “I’m not worried about it, doll,” he shot you a reassuring smile, “You put ‘em wherever you like.”
But you couldn’t let your things take up the entirety of Bucky’s living room. After everything he’d done for you, you refused to be a less than perfect houseguest. With the toe of your shoe, you pushed the bags into a corner to keep them out of Bucky’s way. You sunk your weight into the large, overstuffed bags, hoping to make them as small as you possibly could. It was the very least you could do. 
“Alright, I’m-” You grabbed your phone off the charger and cleared Alex’s old notifications from the screen with a roll of your eyes. “I’m gonna go call my boss and let her know that a petulant man-child destroyed my work laptop.”
Bucky loved hearing you talk this way. Only a few hours ago, speaking about Alex made you shudder. It turned into a shaking, fragile shell of yourself that Bucky almost didn’t recognize. But you’d stood up to him. You finally fought back. And now, you were casually shit-talking him in Bucky’s living room. 
“And then I’m gonna start looking for a new place to live so I can get out of your hair as soon as possible,” you said as you scrolled through your contacts in search of your boss’s number. “I’m gonna borrow your room for a minute so I can talk with my boss. I’ll be right back.”
The stress of your current situation poked at the back of your mind. You did your best to shut it out and keep moving forward, but pangs of anxiety shocked you every few moments. Yes, you’d freed yourself from Alex’s shackles. And yes, you finally had Bucky back. But your work computer was a goner. You’d missed two meetings today already. And you were now without a place to live. 
Bucky listened to your footsteps growing further and further down the hall as your words buzzed inside his brain. You were going to look for a new place to live. You were going to leave. He didn’t mean to blurt it out, didn’t mean to make his offer in such a strange fashion- but he couldn’t help it.
“You could always live here,” he called after you. And it was too late to force the words back into his mouth. 
Once again, you joined him in the kitchen, a look of bewilderment on your face. “What?”
A nervous smile stretched across Bucky’s face. “I just mean, you’re more than welcome to live here. With me,” he shrugged. “I know this place isn’t nearly as nice as Alex’s, and it’s only a one bedroom- but if you wanted to live here, we could make it work. I don’t mind sleeping on the couch.”
The absurdity of Bucky’s words made you shake your head. “Buck, I’m not gonna make you sleep on the couch in your own home-”
“It’s really okay,” he insisted. “We both know I don’t sleep much, anyway. And if you moved in here, I’d want you to take the bedroom.”
His kindness gave you whiplash. After being with someone so callous, so cruel for so long, Bucky’s warmth was shocking. Unexpected. And though you wanted nothing more than to make a home with him, you couldn’t accept his offer. 
“I can’t do that to you…”
“Yes, you can. I want you to.” Bucky was resolute in his words. His voice didn’t waver, he didn’t break eye contact. He meant what he said.
A long silence filled the room. Of course, you wanted to say yes. You wanted to move in with him and start the next chapter of your life with your best friend by your side. But just as your ‘yes’ tried to slip out of your mouth, you stopped it. You couldn’t accept his offer. At least, not with the proposed conditions. 
“Counteroffer,” you said. “I move in here, and we share the bedroom.”
Your proposal threw Bucky for a loop- but he’d do anything you wanted. All you had to do was ask. 
“Okay, yeah,” he conceded. “The room’s kinda small but we could fit two small beds in there. It might be a little cramped, but-”
“That’s not what I meant,” you laughed. “We would share the bed. I mean, we’ve slept in that bed together more times than I could count. This wouldn’t be any different.”
Bucky’s heart soared. Not only did he have his best friend back- but you wanted to share a bed like the old days. The good days. It was all he could’ve hoped for. 
“And, that way, I’ll be right there in case you have a nightmare or a panic attack,” you said, satisfied. “I can wake you up and make sure you’re alright.” The smile on your face was warm, genuine. You looked forward to helping Bucky, to comforting him. “It’s a win-win in my book.”
It made Bucky melt. He extended a hand in your direction, “Works for me, doll. Deal?”
You extended your hand and almost met his- but an anxious thought made you recoil.
“And you’re sure that you’re okay with me being here all the time? You’re not gonna get tired of me?”
Alex always made you feel like a bother. He’d asked- practically begged- you to move into his apartment. But once you finally fulfilled his request, he looked at your presence with contempt. He made it known that he was frustrated, that he felt like you were always around. And regardless of your newfound freedom, that wound hadn’t healed.
“Cause I work from home, you know. So, I’m gonna be here a lot,” you told him. “I mean, pretty much all day, every day. And if that’s too much, I-”
“I want you to be here- all the time,” Bucky promised. 
And he meant it. 
Finally, your hand found his and delivered a firm shake. “Deal.”
With your housing arrangements taken care of, you once again headed down the hall to call your boss. Everything felt lighter, easier, less overwhelming. Only moments ago, you didn’t know where you’d be sleeping a few days from now. But Bucky swept in- again- and saved the day. He offered you the homelife you’d dreamt of every night since meeting him. He made your dream a reality. 
Bucky remained in the kitchen, silently processing what just happened. Did he really ask you to move in? And did you actually say yes? His heart pounded in his chest. This was the best possible outcome. The fantasy he’d envisioned for years. To have you so close by, to see you every day, to live under the same roof as you- it was all he’d ever wanted. His eyes drifted to the garbage bags that you shoved into a corner of his living room. When he said that he didn’t mind you putting them there, he meant it. He was just happy- elated, really- to have your things in his home. To know that this was their permanent residence. To know that this was your permanent residence. 
And though everything in those bags was mostly destroyed, you were okay. You were safe and comfortable. You were home now. 
When you finally finished your call, you found Bucky in the kitchen. He stood over a swath of sandwich ingredients, assembling a much-needed meal for the two of you.
“I thought you might be hungry,” he said. “You in the mood for lunch?”
“I’m starving,” you told him. Truthfully, you hadn’t even realized you were hungry. The stress of the day muted your body’s hunger signals completely. But somehow, Bucky knew. He always knew what you needed.
The two of you sat on the living room floor, going through your possessions and eating your sandwiches. Bucky helped you comb through each bag of stuff as you determined what, if anything, could be salvaged. His heart broke as the ‘trash’ pile grew, and grew, and grew. It severely outweighed the ‘save’ pile- and you’d only been through one bag. Alex reduced your belongings by at least seventy percent. But you didn’t seem to mind much.
As you were made well aware, there were worse things in life than torn clothes and destroyed make-up. A volatile, loveless relationship, a partner who hated you, a year without the person you loved most; your broken laptop paled in comparison. 
Only one possession really mattered to you- and it survived the rampage. But as you glanced over at the kitchen counter in search of your manila envelope, your heart stopped. Every function within your body came to a screeching halt. It was nowhere to be seen.
Did you drop it in the apartment lobby? Forget it in the Uber? Was your most beloved personal item sitting on the sidewalk outside Alex’s building?
Bucky clocked the anxiety in your expression, the way your eyes searched every inch of the kitchen. He could always sense even the smallest of changes in your demeanor- sometimes before you sensed them yourself. 
“Hey, is everything alright?”
“I’m just looking for my-” A sigh of relief left your chest as your gaze landed on your envelope. It was tucked under a worn cookbook, with only one of its manila corners poking out. “Never mind, I found it.”
Bucky glanced over his shoulder and scanned the kitchen until he realized what had you so panicked. “Oh, yeah. I didn’t want to get anything on it while I was making us lunch,” Bucky said. “So, I just put it under my cookbook to be safe. Is that okay?”
With a breathless nod, you assured him it was just fine. But your heart still boomed inside your chest, and the sweat on your palms still left your skin slick. 
“If you don’t mind me asking, what’s the deal with that envelope?” Bucky asked, testing the waters. “If it’s none of my business, I completely understand. But I could’ve sworn you were about to tell me back at the apartment.”
“And someone just had to interrupt us,” you said, your voice dripping with disdain. “It’s not too personal, I just had to hide it from Alex. I want you to see, though.”
Bucky was right about one thing. You’d tried to show him the contents of the envelope back at Alex’s. But he had the rest wrong; it was his business just as much as it was yours. He just had no idea how personal the contents of that envelope were to him.
You ditched the pile of damaged clothes sitting in your lap and stood, offering your hand to Bucky. “Come on, let me show you.”
Bucky gladly accepted your hand and laced his fingers with yours on the walk to the kitchen. He wasn’t sure what to expect from your special, secret envelope. But he didn’t care. Whether it was a child’s messy crayon drawing or the nuclear codes- it didn’t matter. All that mattered to him was that the contents of this envelope were important to you. And if they were important to you, they were important to him.
“Okay, so, a little backstory…” You slid the envelope out from underneath the book and held it to your chest. “After Alex told me to stop spending so much time with you but before he issued the ultimatum, we got into this big fight,” you rolled your eyes, “I know that comes as a surprise to no one.”
Bucky chuckled at your joke, but the words made his chest ache. To him, your time with Alex sounded more like active combat than love. More like a battlefield than a relationship. 
“And during that fight,” you continued, “he told me I had way too many pictures of me and you on my phone. He thought that at least three-quarters of my phone’s storage was just pictures of us, and he said it was disrespectful to my relationship with him.”
Bucky rolled his eyes, “of course, he did.”
“So, he told me I needed to go through my camera roll and delete every picture of you and me. He said it needed to be done by the time he got home from work the next day, and they actually had to be gone for real. Not saved to the cloud. Not hidden in a private album. Deleted forever.”
Bucky grimaced, “That’s fucking vile.” 
It made Bucky sick to his stomach. He cherished his photos of the two of you. Over the course of the last year, he found himself scrolling through those pictures every day. Several times a day. It was a coping mechanism, a respite from the void you left behind. When his chest ached with the pain of missing you, he’d dive headfirst into the hundreds of photos of the two of you. The selfies from the zoo. The pictures from Sam’s wedding. The blurry snapshot of you braiding his long hair. And for a while, he felt like himself again. The pain would ebb, the soul-crushing grief would let up. It was his saving grace.
If he suddenly had to rid his phone of those images, he’d never know peace again.  
“I know. I thought so, too,” a disgusted look pulled at your features. “But I didn’t wanna cause any more problems between he and I, you know? I didn’t want to give him more reasons to be pissed at me…”
Bucky nodded.
“But there was no way I was ever going to delete our pictures,” you swore. “So, when he was at work the next day, I transferred every photo and video of you and me onto an external hard drive and took it to my sister’s place for safekeeping.”
Bucky’s heart swelled. You didn’t delete the pictures- you couldn’t. They were just as important to you as they were to him. He, of course, never doubted that you valued his friendship. But knowing that you couldn’t bear to part with the pictures of the two of you made him blush. He almost wished you hadn’t risked Alex’s wrath just to save those pictures. Hadn’t put yourself in such a dangerous position. But you did. And it filled him with an all-encompassing warmth. 
“There was one picture- my favorite picture in the world- that didn’t have a digital copy, though. It only exists as an actual, physical print. So, I couldn’t just put it on the hard drive and call it a day. And I didn’t have it in me to hand it over to my sister. I just- I love it too much.” It was a little embarrassing to admit just how much you needed this polaroid picture. But Bucky didn’t make a judgmental comment or laugh at you. He simply listened, happily awaiting the next part of your story.
“So, I put it in this envelope and taped it to the back of my nightstand so Alex would never find it. And when things with him were really awful- which was all the time- and I just needed an escape… I’d go into our room, lock the door, and just stare at this picture for a while.” You blinked away the tears forming along your lash line and swallowed the lump in your throat. 
Carefully, you opened the envelope and freed the polaroid from its hiding place. Revealing it to another person almost felt like stripping naked. This picture was your everything, your most prized possession. Sharing it felt like exposing the deepest, most secretive part of your soul. 
“It might sound kinda stupid, but this thing saved my life during the last year.”
And finally, you presented Bucky with the photo. He took in a small gasp at the sight of this relic of your friendship. Cautiously, he accepted the polaroid and held it with the utmost care. He hadn’t seen this photo in ages; part of him assumed it was long-lost by now. But you’d had it this whole time, cherishing it every single day. 
“Oh, I love this one…” He carefully drank in each detail of the photo, examining it one piece at a time.
It was a snapshot of a perfect moment, frozen in time. Confetti littered the floor, empty solo cups laid abandoned on the coffee table. And there you stood next to Bucky, with one of his arms wrapped lovingly around your shoulders. You were laughing at something; Bucky couldn’t remember what. But he remembered the feeling it gave him- the feeling of warmth. The feeling of home. His lips were pulled into a wide smile as he beamed down at you, drowning in adoration. Sure, it was slightly out of focus and tad bit blurry. But it perfectly illustrated the way you and Bucky felt about each other. The way you cared for each other. Cherished each other. 
Bucky traced the corners of the photo with his fingers, “I never knew where this thing ended up. I’m so glad you kept it.”
“Yeah…” A hurricane of memories hit you all at once, reminding you of all the times you sought solace in that photo. It gave you the comfort Alex withheld. The strength to carry on. The hope that, one day, you’d see Bucky again. “Me too. I just hate that I had to hide it, you know?”
“Hey, how about we do this…” Bucky took your hand in his and walked you over to the fridge. He freed his hand for a moment, only long enough secure the photo to his fridge with a magnet. His hand found yours once again, and the two of you admired your polaroid’s new home.
“I can go get you a frame for it tomorrow, that way you can display it properly. And you can see it every day. But I thought this would be good for now,” he said. “You don’t have to hide it anymore.”
And for a long while, the two of you just stood there in front of the fridge. No one spoke- no one needed to. Bucky freed his hand from yours and opted instead to wrap his arm around your shoulders, just as he’d done in the photo. 
The weight of this moment would’ve shocked a stranger. To anyone else, a blurry photo on a fridge wouldn’t require this much admiration. This much reverence. But to you, this was everything. Six months ago- even a week ago- you never would’ve thought this was possible. You never would’ve thought you’d be here, in Bucky’s apartment, with your favorite photo proudly displayed for all to see. A familiar stinging sensation warned you of the oncoming tears, but you didn’t make an effort to stop them. 
If a genie offered you one wish, you’d wish to go back in time. You’d want to warn your past-self of the slippery slope of Alex’s manipulation. Of the pain and suffering and heartache he caused. Of the way you lost out on a year with your most cherished friend. But with no genie in sight, you opted to simply live better. Love better. And be honest with people- with Bucky.
“Hey, by the way,” you broke the silence. “I wanted to talk to you about something Alex said to me earlier…” It was a miracle the words even came; you were too nervous to even breath. “I just think I should set the record straight and-”
Bucky held up a hand, silencing you. “Don’t worry about it. You don’t have to say anything,” Bucky assured you. “I know he’s just an insecure guy who was feeling threatened, or whatever. I’m not gonna hold you to anything he said.”
You took a step back, freeing yourself from Bucky’s embrace. You needed the space, the distance. If you were going to be honest with him, you needed a clear head. And being so close to him was enough to make you drunk.
“That’s not what I was gonna say.” You paced back and forth a little before almost shouting, “I was gonna say that he was right- I am in love with you. And I have been for a long time.”
A loaded silence sucked all of the oxygen out of the room. No one spoke, no one even moved.
Bucky felt his skin burst into flames. He feared his heart might explode. For so long, the only feeling he’d known was sorrow. Grief. Missing you became his constant state of being. But now, here you were. And you were saying things- things he’d always wanted to hear. Part of him wondered if this was some kind of very long, very detailed dream. But no, this was real. You were right there in from of him, baring your soul and confessing your love. 
“That’s…” he took a deep breath, “that’s not at all what I expected you to say.”
The seconds crept by until they became a minute. Two minutes. Three. But Bucky didn’t say anything else. He let his simple response hang in the air without elaboration. And just like that, your hope imploded. Four minutes of quiet past. And just when the fifth grew close, Bucky finally spoke.
“I bet you don’t know the backstory of that picture.”
A quizzical look pulled at your features. Frustrated hardened your voice. “Buck, I just told you that I’m in love with you, this is not the time to talk about backstory.”
Bucky just shook his head, “come on, humor me, doll.” He shrugged, waiting for you to tell him the story.
“Okay, I mean, I was literally there, so I do know the back story,” you huffed. “It was after Sam’s birthday party. Everyone else had left except for us, Sam, and Nat. We were all goofing around at like, three in the morning or something. And Nat took the picture.” You gave him an expectant look, “there you go. Backstory.”
Bucky made a dissatisfied sound but couldn’t fight the shit-eating grin creeping through his serious exterior. “Hmm, not Quite.”
“What? That is the story, what are you-”
“Technically, yes, that is the story,” the conceded. “But it’s not the full story.”
An irritated sigh left your chest, “okay, fine. What’s the ‘full story’?” You’d never been this frustrated with Bucky before. Never felt this much annoyance toward him; you didn’t like it. He was being difficult on purpose, and clearly enjoying it.
“Well, it was after Sam’s birthday party. And it was only the four of us there, like you said. But…” he began, “After Nat took the picture, she dragged you into the kitchen so you two could take shots. And once you were out of earshot, Sam kinda shoved my shoulder.”
“And he said I just needed to marry you already.”
Your heart stopped.  “I told him- I swore we were just friends,” Bucky laughed at the preposterous lie. “I told him things with us were strictly platonic. And Sam laughed in my face. He said- and this is a direct quote- ‘platonic my ass. You’re in love with her. If you two aren’t together one year from now, I’ll give you five hundred bucks.’”
He paused, trapping you in suspense. 
“And he was right,” Bucky said. “I was in love you- I am in love with you. I always have been.”
Thousands of thoughts crowded your already overwhelmed mind. Words refuse to string themselves together properly. Thoughts collided with each other and turned into messy, jumbled piles. Somewhere within you, a sense of urgency erupted. Something told you to act- act right now. Don’t give Bucky the time to take it back. Don’t give him the opportunity to say, “never mind”. 
But what were you supposed to say to that? It wasn’t what you’d expected- you hadn’t even let yourself hope for something like this. And now that your ideal scenario was playing out of front of you, you were completely and utterly unprepared.
A few clunky sounds fell out of your mouth; they didn’t even resemble an actual word. You thought it was maybe a combination of “wow” and “cool”- mixed with a healthy dose of unintelligible mumbling. It wasn’t like the smooth, well-crafted delivery that Bucky displayed. Your cheeks burned with humiliation as Bucky stared at you, awaiting your response. 
Everything in you wished you were cooler. Smoother. Less embarrassing. On rare occasions, you let yourself imagine what this moment might be like. And in your head, you always handled it with poise. With grace. In your daydreams, there wasn’t any awkward mumbling or charged silence. Instead, you and Bucky would fall together seamlessly after confessing your love in perfect, poetic sonnets.
This was not that. 
But this was better. Because it was real. Because the Bucky Barnes was standing in front of you, telling you that he loved you. 
Finally, you found your words. 
“That’s all I’ve ever wanted to hear.” 
Bucky’s chest deflated with a deep sigh of relief. Because even though you’d professed your love for him only moments ago, your long silence forced his anxiety into overdrive. What if you were just making a weird joke? What if he’d taken it too seriously? 
But the way you wrapped your body around his confirmed that, yes, you did mean it. You did love him. 
“And hey,” Bucky wriggled free of your arms and took your face in his hands. He needed to make direct eye contact, needed you to know he was serious. “I know what you- I know some of what you went through over the last year. I know you have a lot to process. So, there’s no rush.”
And while it was sweet and thoughtful and kind of Bucky to say such a thing, you weren’t sure if it was true. Because there was a rush, wasn’t there? There was a time limit. A ticking clock. You couldn’t make him table his feelings for you even longer. Couldn’t make him wait. And if you did tell him to press pause, weren’t his feelings going to expire? Weren’t they going to run out? You needed to capitalize on his affections for you now before it was too late. 
But before you could lie through your teeth and tell Bucky you didn’t need to wait, he spoke.
“If you ever want to pursue things with me, I’ll be here,” he promised. “My feelings for you aren’t going anywhere. I’ve waited years for this, I can wait as long as you need.”
But that was just it. He’d waited years- making him wait any longer would be cruel, wouldn’t it? Wouldn’t it be unfair, especially now that he’d rescued you from your volatile relationship? 
It wasn’t that you wanted to delay a romantic relationship with Bucky. No, you wanted it now. The only issue was the heavy toll your ex took on you. You were littered with emotional wounds that were barely beginning to heal. Your anxiety was at an all-time high. And your trust issues reared their ugly heads. This wasn’t the version of you that Bucky deserved. He didn’t deserve the broken-down, mentally unwell shell of a woman that stood before him. And you owed it to yourself to rebuild.
The long silence brought on by your introspection set Bucky on edge. Maybe he really did misread the situation. Maybe you loved him but didn’t want to actually be with him. Maybe he overstepped. 
“And if you never want to pursue anything romantic with me, I’ll understand,” he said. “There won’t be any hard feelings. I’ll always be here for you, whether it’s as a friend or-”
“Shut up.”
Your lips melted against his. Your fingers weaved into his hair and pulled him close. His hands gripped you at the waist and pulled you flush against his body. Everything quieted. the noise from the city, your residual anxiety- it all faded. All that remained was Bucky. His hands, his lips, his stubble scratching against your skin. 
It was odd, getting everything you’d ever wanted. Never did you think this was possible- you didn’t even consider it. You resigned yourself to a life of unhappiness and heartache and longing. You assumed you’d die without ever truly knowing what true love felt like. But you felt it now; it felt like Bucky. 
No part of you wanted to pull away, but you had to. You had to set the record straight. Suddenly, your lips vanished from Bucky’s. He instantly frowned. 
“You didn’t seriously think that I was gonna tell you I’m in love with you and then not pursue a relationship with you, did you?” You threw a dramatic scoff his way, “Are you crazy?” 
“Hey, I don’t know!” Bucky laughed. “I guess what I meant is… I understand. And I just wanted you to know that there’s no pressure. I don’t ever want you to be uncomfortable.”
Once again, your lips found Bucky’s. This was his preferred way of existing now. Any moment spent without your lips on his seemed like a waste.
“I just need some time,” you said, breaking the kiss again. “I promise it won’t be long- I swear. I want to be with you more than anything. I just have some stuff to work through first.”
Bucky ran a hand over your hair. Your shoulder. Your forearm. Finally, he laced his fingers with yours like he had a million times before. But it felt different now. More permanent.
“Of course, sweetheart. You take as long as you need. I’m not worried about the time.”
An exaggerated grimace pulled at your features, and a joking air spilled into your speech. “Oh, good. Cause if I’m remembering correctly, Sam’s birthday party was September twenty-fourth of last year. And today is September twenty-ninth. So, I made you miss the one-year mark by five days, which means he’s not gonna pay up.”
Bucky’s laugh boomed through the small apartment. It bounced off every all, surrounding you with your favorite sound. 
“You know, I hadn’t even thought of that,” Bucky finally said when he caught his breath. “But I’m not worried about it.” His bright smile and joking tone fell away, stripping his words bare. He grew gravely serious. “I’m just glad you’re here,” he said. The authenticity almost scared you. “I’m so happy to have you back where you belong.”
He enveloped you in a long, deep kiss that stole your breath. Only two days ago, you were a rain-soaked, broken-hearted mess. The world was bleak. Cold. Empty. You swore you didn’t see the sun the entire time you were with Alex. But now, the warmth of Bucky’s kindness and warmth perfused everything with bright, vibrant colors. The storm clouds finally parted, revealing the most beautiful, golden daylight. 
And after everything, Bucky was finally yours. 
But he always was. 
Everything you’d been through, all the pain and suffering and misery, brought you to this moment. And you couldn’t think of anything that could ever pull your attention from the way Bucky’s lips felt against hers. 
But something stole your focus.
A strange sound came from your phone- you swore it sound like a ‘cha-ching’. The two of you parted for a moment, allowing you to investigate. 
“Was that- I think that was a Venmo notification…” you said. “But I didn’t-” You pulled your phone from your back pocket and glanced at your screen, only to find the one name you never wanted to see again. Alongside that name, though, was a number- a large number.
“Alex just sent me three thousand dollars.” You narrowed your eyes at Bucky, “Did you do this?”
Bucky’s head fell back in a devious, almost maniacal laugh. “Baby, I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
@beefybuckrrito @shadytalementality @everything-burns-down @rainbow-unicorn-pony @breakablebarnes @psychoticmason @glxwingrxse @onewolf471 @dreamerglassesgirl @purpleshallot @the-gods-gloted-but-they-burned @seitmai @itvy5601 @dailyreverie @navs-bhat @eviesaurusrex @themorningsunshine @evangeliamerryll @buckys-metal-arm @broadwaybabe18 @the-kestrels-feather @avocadotoastwithegg @goldylions @lokisasgardianvampirequeen @vrittivsanghavi @idkitsem @avengetheunnatural @rassvetsky @hereforbuckyandsteve @barnesselo @juvellian @samanthacookieone @frombkjar @blackbirdsinatrenchcoat
(I don't know what the fuck is going on with my tags, they dont work apparently)
737 notes · View notes
Broken Mind, Broken Soul
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Female!Reader
Word Count: ~1.6k
Warnings: heavy angst, abuse scars, post-prison!spencer, parent/domestic violence (explicit), pretending to be fine when you're not, smut (maybe considered CNC? i'm not sure but better but that on here)
Summary: Spencer is back from prison so he’s trying to pick up the pieces and get back into his old life. Something is off about you but he respects your boundaries until he sees what you’ve been hiding from him.
Square Filled: cold-blooded torture for @badthingshappenbingo
Author’s Note: any and all comments are appreciated <3
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Spencer is home. He’s home and everything is going to go back to the way it was. He’s not going to find you. He’s not going to hurt you anymore. You want to be happy that your boyfriend is out of prison after nearly three months of being locked up for a crime he didn’t do. He suffered in there and you couldn’t do anything about it. He’s home now, and everyone is so happy to see him.
You stare at your reflection in the mirror and try not to break down in tears. This day is for Spencer. He’s home. You can take a break from your personal shit to give him a proper welcome home. If you can do that, you might make it out of this alive. You shake your head and plaster a smile on your face, one that looks like you’re not dying inside.
You leave the bathroom in search of your boyfriend who is spending time outside away from everyone. Spencer must have gone through hell inside the four walls of the prison so it’s a bit overwhelming to be back to his normal life. Everyone must understand that because they’re inside having a good time and giving Spencer his space.
You push past everyone and walk over to Henry’s small playground. Spencer is swinging lightly on the swings and you stand by him, waiting for him to look at you. When he does, you can see how empty they are. God, Spencer, what happened to you? You hope your eyes aren’t as empty as his. You’re really trying hard to put on a brave face but you’re not sure how much longer you can do this.
“Hey,” you say softly.
“Hey, yourself.” You walk around the other swing and sway in sync with Spencer. “Tell me what you’ve been up to since I was gone?”
You were and are afraid of this question. You’ve been preparing yourself for this question since hearing he was coming back but you never knew how to answer it. One wrong word and he’ll know exactly what you’ve been up to.
“You know, working cases like normal. We helped a lot of people but it wasn’t the same without you. I just tried to get through the day every day.”
“Yeah, I get it,” he sighs.
He believes you. He has no reason not to. Spencer looks at you to see a faraway look in your eyes. Maybe it’s just him but something might not be right. The look is gone in a split second and you’re back to pretending. Maybe it’s just him.
“Look, I know Rosis wanted to throw you this party but want to go home?”
“Yeah, I do,” he nods.
You two say your goodbyes to everyone before heading home. The drive is silent like you two don’t know how to talk to each other anymore. Sure, it could be the fact that Spencer has been in prison this whole time but he suspects something else happened. You two didn’t talk much but he doesn’t know what could be bothering you.
It’s been nearly three months without you in his bed, and he can’t help himself when he sees you in his bed. It’s been three months since he’s touched you so he walks over to you and crawls up your body. You want to enjoy this. You want to be here for him but you’re stuck inside your own head. You don’t dare let him know what you’re thinking so maybe if you go along with it, you can slip further into the facade you’re putting up.
You two kiss but he’s so wound up that he doesn’t register that you’re not as into it as he is. You’re here for him, that’s all that matters. You’re okay with this even if your body is telling you no. He reaches for your shirt but you’re quick to grab his hands to stop him.
“Keep the shirt on.”
“Are you okay?”
“Yeah, I just want my shirt to stay on.”
“Okay,” he nods respectfully.
He kisses you in all the right spots and touches you where he knows you like to be touched. He is doing absolutely everything right so why do you want to break down in tears right now? Get it together. Just give him what he wants. It might fix you. So, you listen to that part of your brain. He flips you so you’re on your stomach and fucks you from behind. You grip the sheets tightly and put your face in the bed so he doesn’t see the tears, so he doesn’t hear your cries.
You love Spencer and you’re trying hard not to let him see your true feelings. You don’t want to hurt him. It has nothing to do with him but you’re scared to let him see just how broken you are. Thankfully, he’s spent by the time he’s done so he doesn’t see the tears on your cheeks. You immediately roll over and put your head over his heart, and he runs his fingers through your hair. He moves his hands down to your back but you immediately spring away from him.
“What’s wrong?”
“Nothing. I just need to shower.” He goes to move. “Alone.”
He watches you disappear into the bathroom with a frown. Since the BAU is requesting that Spencer take some time off, he is forced to stay home while you go to work. Everything seems to be the same but this time, you’re gone before he can wake up, and you get home right before he goes to bed. You don’t change in front of him anymore which is the first red flag. He has seen every intimate part of your body, tasted every part of you, so why are you hiding from him now? He’s not going to be a dick and force you to do something you don’t want to do, but why now?
What happened to you while he was in prison?
“Hey, are we okay?” Spencer asks one night after you had just gotten home from work.
“Of course we are.”
“Okay, because if we aren’t, you’d tell me, right?”
“Are you okay?”
“I’ll be fine, Spencer.”
You walk into the bathroom to take a bath, leaving him to pick up the pieces you didn’t know you dropped. I’ll be fine. I’ll be fine. It’s the “be” part that is setting off alarm bells. If you had said, “I’m fine”, he would have passed it off and left you alone. The fact that you added the word “be” means you’re definitely not fine. The last time you said, “I’ll be fine” was when he had to pry you from your cold-hearted and evil father’s arms right before he went to prison for what he did to you.
Damn, he should have seen the signs before. You had shut everyone down. You didn’t want to be kissed or touched. You stayed in bed for seventy-two straight hours before Spencer had to force you out of it. Your father is and was an evil man who did untold cold-blooded torture to his own daughter. Your emotional scars don’t show but the physical ones do--whip marks, cigarette burns, and stab wounds. Anything to get his anger out.
Spencer walks to the bathroom carefully and knocks twice on the door. When you don’t answer, he pushes the door open to see you with your back turned toward him. There are newer and fresh scars on your back from the same kind of torture. Some are pinker than others. These ones are recent but how can this be? He hasn’t let you out of his sight since… Prison. He kneels next to the tub and looks at you but you’re not seeing him. You’re staring at the faucet as a single drop of water leaks from it.
“Who did this to you?” Spencer asks angrily. You don’t answer. “Was it your father?”
“He got out of prison when you went in. He found me at work and took me back to that farm,” you whisper. “I was just about to take two weeks off so no one questioned why I was gone. He kept me for three before he just let me go. I got back just days before you did.”
It takes Spencer five minutes to say something because of how angry he is, and he has all this pent-up anger that he’d love to get out.
“Is he breathing?” You can only nod in response. “Not for long, he won’t.”
Your head snaps up at his response but he’s already by the door.
“What are you going to do?”
“Something I should have done the first time around. That man will never touch a hair on your head ever again.”
Spencer leaves the bathroom door open so you can see what he’s doing. You get a flash of his FBI gun before he’s out of frame. You don’t stop him.
You’re in bed when he finally comes back. If you didn’t know where he was going, you’d think he went to the store. There is not a speck of blood on him or an ounce of regret on his face. You don’t ask where he’s been or if your father is alive even though you know he’d tell you if you did. Spencer climbs into bed and pulls you into him, and you rest your head on his chest.
I’m safe now. Spencer is home and everything is right with the world.
It’s going to take a long time until you’re okay again but with Spencer by your side, you know you can get there.
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Want to be tagged? Follow my library blog @@aqueenslibrary​​​​​​ where I reblog all my stories, so you can put notifications on there without the extra stuff :)
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moonstruckme · 7 months
Hi! I would love to see Steve being really affectionate with shy reader? Maybe at the beginning of their relationship when everything is really „big” for reader? Only if it’s something that you like. Lots of love and thank you! 🩷
Thanks for requesting!
Steve Harrington x shy!reader ♡ 745 words
Selfishly, Steve has an easier time being brave when you’re so clearly the nervous one. 
“So this guy, he wasn’t being a dick or anything,” he says, fingers loosely intertwined with yours as you walk down to the 7-Eleven, “but he just wouldn’t leave Rob alone. Couldn’t take a hint, you know?” 
You hum. Your hand starts to slip in his, and you tighten your fingers almost imperceptibly. Steve adjusts, taking your hand more securely in his so it doesn’t happen again. A bit of pink tinges your cheeks that he doubts has much to do with the warm weather. 
Steve doesn’t mean to fluster you, but if he waited on you to make the first move there’d be no moving at all. That said, he doesn’t mind flustering you either. You get this sweet, startled look on your face and sometimes you try to hide behind your hair so that he gets to move it away. He sweeps his thumb over the back of your hand to soothe you, and you press your lips together like he’s done something far more brash. 
“What did she do?” you ask.
“She told him we were dating.” 
“What?” You laugh, the sound starting up a pleasant buzzing in Steve’s chest. “But she tells everyone else you’re ‘platonic with a capital P’.” 
“Exactly!” He shakes his head, grinning at you. You smile back for half a second before your gaze drops to his chest. “He’s gonna find out as soon as he brings it up to literally anyone, and then she’s gonna have to cover her ass all over again. I don’t know why she does this to herself.” 
“Maybe she’s panicking,” you muse. “Just, like, saying the first thing she can think of.” 
Steve guesses you’d know something about that. The first time he’d tried to ask you out, he’d suggested going to the drive-in and you’d blurted that you didn’t watch movies. 
“Maybe,” he says, unable to mask the amusement in his tone (and not trying very hard, if he’s being honest). 
You look at him curiously, then shy at whatever you see in his expression. “Oh, I forgot.” You duck away under the guise of digging through your bag. “I got this off my neighbor’s tree today.” 
You hold a peach out to him, and Steve thinks he’s going to melt on the spot. His heart feels all heavy and made of mush. “No way.” His voice is soft, reverent. “You stole from your neighbor for me?” 
He takes the peach from you, and you immediately turn from his gaze, pretending to adjust your bag over your shoulder. Steve knows you didn’t really forget to tell him earlier; you just hadn’t wanted this display in front of your roommates. It’s cool. He’s fine with adoring you in private. 
“I didn’t steal it.” The smile is evident in your voice, and Steve waits until you turn back to shoot you the best one he’s got in return. The pink spreads to your ears. “I asked. They always say they have too many to eat by themselves.” 
“Still.” He thinks about mushing a kiss into your temple, but even Steve’s not feeling bold enough for that yet. He settles for wrapping an arm around your shoulders. “It’s sweet, thanks.” 
“It was no problem,” you murmur, tilting your head so your hair curtains your face. 
Steve is gleeful at this development. He reaches forward with his other hand to brush it out of the way, hooking what he can behind your ear. Your eyes flit to him bashfully. He knows he’s smiling like an idiot, but he can’t help it. It’s just the way his face likes to be around you. 
“Well, I appreciate it,” he says, then decides to put you out of your misery. “So, what kind of slushee are you gonna get?” 
“Mm, dunno,” you reply softly. “You?” 
“Blue raspberry every time.” He nods certainly. “Never wavered since I was a kid.” 
“I don’t think I’ve tried that one,” you say. “I usually get a coke and cherry mix.” 
“You can try mine,” Steve offers. 
“You don’t mind if I sip from your straw?” 
“I mean, I was thinking you could just kiss me to taste it,” he says. And fine, now he might be stirring the pot a little bit. It’s worth it when you put your face in your hands. Steve squeezes you tighter against his side, affectionate. “But that works too, yeah.” 
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padfootagain · 2 months
Grey Days
Hi everyone! Here is a little Hozier oneshot for today! It’s a little sad, but mostly hurt/comfort. Did I write it after crying when I watched that interview he did where he spoke about his struggle with mental health? Yes. Obviously. I want to give him so many hugs…
I hope you like it! Tell me what you think!
Pairing: Hozier x fem!reader
Warnings: hurt/comfort, angst, mentions of depression
Summary : Andrew is used to feel low sometimes, he has been plagued by those periods for as long as he can remember. But if he usually solves his sadness by being alone, this time, the antidote to his pain might be you.
Word Count : 2671
Hozier’s Masterlist – Main Masterlist
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There were days like this, where everything was grey for no reason.
The sky rolling with clouds, heavy with rain, threatening with thunder, for sure wasn’t helping. But Andrew couldn’t pretend that it was at fault. Nor was the season, spring was on the horizon after all. There were boughs staining the branches, the first flowers blooming, the air a little warmer, the wind calmer than the winter storm. The birds had been chirping all morning, even if they had quietened now, under the menace of rain. He should be happy. The sun was high this morning, he had gotten some work done at Alex’s, he had had a nice lunch with his parents. Nothing but positive things, in theory.
And yet Andrew could feel his skin crawling, the tears that threatened to rise and spill, the numbness that came with spleen. Christ, melancholy was such a bitch, sometimes.
It was a bad day, the voices in his head were louder than usual. Despite the distractions he couldn’t keep them down. He kept on thinking about the pieces of songs he had recorded this morning with Alex, and on the spot they sounded good. Now, all he had left was doubt. For sure, none of it was good enough, and his lyrics were all over the place, and they didn’t do the subject justice… the didn’t do you justice…
He felt the burn in his eyes and the tightening in his throat again, his breathing grew more laboured, so he took a deep breath. He was driving, now was not the time…
And yet the thoughts were still there. As he entered his tiny town, the swirling of voices kept shouting.
Not good enough…
Don’t know how to write a proper song…
Got lucky with one song, will never be good enough again…
He entered his driveway, parked the car there. He didn’t notice your car until he was turning his head towards the front door.
He wasn’t in the mood for socialising, for pretending that everything was alright, for playing perfect boyfriend…
Another person you’ll end up disappointing…
Another thing in your life you don’t deserve…
He closed his eyes for a moment, tried to shush the voices. Just voices. It was just his busy head being louder than usual.
He just needed to calm down…
Damn, he should have called to cancel for tonight. You had a date night planned, you had told him you would come to his place early to start preparing dinner. You weren’t living together but he had a change of keys to your place, and you had one to his. He didn’t need to be home for you to come in.
Yesterday, Andrew was thinking about asking you to move in with him, to make a common home out of his large house.
She’d never say yes to you anyway…
He clenched his jaw, until his teeth gritted.
Just voices. Just voices. He was okay, he was fine…
It was just dinner, and it would be lovely. He loved you, he would have a great time…
He blinked his eyes open, brushed the wetness from his eyelashes.
Put on a brave face for her, come on…
He released some of the tension across his jaw, finally let go of the steering wheel. The soreness in his fingers made him realise how tightly he had been holding it.
He had no strength left in his body to open the car door, but he did it anyway. He was kind of used to it, the falls that followed the heights. It hadn’t happened in a long time. So bad, out of nowhere? Probably a year. Yeah, not long after the two of you started dating. It was pretty smooth after that. There were days when he didn’t feel great, but he didn’t feel terrible. With no energy left in his frame, no positive thoughts on his mind, no faith in himself, and no social battery either. Usually, when he felt like this, he simply locked himself up for a couple of days. The solitude usually helped. And now, he needed to be left alone, or at least he thought so. Besides, he would be in a terrible mood all evening, you would properly get tired of the sight and his sharp tone very quickly. And he didn’t want to take it out on you, it wasn’t fair, and he wouldn’t. He wouldn’t. He was too tired to be angry anyway.
He unlocked the front door, was welcomed by the smell of spices. It should have made him smile, but instead, his heart clenched.
He took off his shoes and jacket, slowly, too slowly. Any other day he would have hurried to join you.
Tonight, all he wanted was to be alone, to not talk to anyone, to get out of his clothes that felt like a burden too heavy to carry, and get under the covers, and lie there for the rest of the night, and maybe throughout tomorrow too.
Instead, he walked to his kitchen, nervously rubbing at his palms. God, he bet he looked terrible. He didn’t have a hair tie, and his hair was frizzy with the humid air, and he felt so fucking ugly when he entered the room, knowing he looked like a mess in sweatpants and an old t-shirt when you looked stunning, the most beautiful woman he had ever seen…
You didn’t seem to notice, because when you saw him, you let out an excited gasp and hurried into his arms.
Why did the feeling of you in his embrace make him want to cry?
“Hi, baby! How was your day?”
He cradled the back of your head in his large hand, gently, as if you could break under his touch. He rested his lips on the top of your head, took a deep breath of your shampoo, the scent so familiar, so soothing, so reassuring…
He closed his eyes.
It lasted a couple of seconds, and then the voices were back.
One day she’ll see you can’t make her happy…
He pulled away.
“Good,” he answered elusively, forcing a smile, but he knew it was tight-lipped. “Busy.”
“Did you get some work done with Alex, then?”
“Hmm… loads.”
“Good! You must be tired then, you can sit down, I’m almost done!”
He looked at the meal you were making for the two of you. You had set up the table, had even lit up some candles. It was fucking nice, so damn romantic…
“Smells amazing,” he complimented, but you seemed to notice that there was no light left in his voice. “Gonna take a shower before joining you, okay?”
“Sure! But… you’re okay, honey?”
Honey… Honey…
“Yeah, just… tired. Long day. I won’t take long.”
You nodded, offering a smile and he did his best to give it back.
He thought the shower would help, but it didn’t. He almost let the floodgates open while the warm water numbed his muscles, made his body feel like it wasn’t there at all. He had even less strength as he walked out of the shower. But at least, now, he was wearing a shirt and black jeans, and he had tied his hair in a low bun, looking close to presentable. He was wearing his glasses, he didn’t have the energy to put some contacts on.
When he entered the kitchen again, you had poured some red wine, were humming to a tune he didn’t know, checking the cooking of your vegetables.
“Almost done! Perfect timing!” you announced with pride.
“Thank you for cooking tonight,” he let out in a breath.
He knew his shoulders were bent, he knew you had noticed the way he was trying to look as small as possible. He read it in your frown. He nervously rubbed at his collarbone, felt irritated now.
She’s doing all this for you, you can’t get mad for nothing. It’s not her fault, calm down.
He sat down, as you invited him to do so. You brought food a couple of minutes later, and he asked you about your day. But unlike any other day, it wasn’t out of genuine curiosity and fondness; he simply didn’t want to speak.
He had done a good job at playing pretend the rest of the day, but he had no energy left to keep the mask on. The cracks were all over his features, in every forced smile, in every glance, in every blinking of tears. Your food was delicious, he complimented you on it, forced himself to swallow it fully, even if he felt like he might throw up if he kept on eating.
He looked up again, noticing all of a sudden that he hadn’t paid attention to the conversation in a few minutes.
“Are you going to tell me what’s bothering you?”
You offered him a kind smile, reached for his hand across the table. An anchor, an intimate gesture of support.
His throat tightened, he couldn’t find his voice.
“Baby… it’s just me. Why are you all closed up all of a sudden?”
He gave you a sad smile, although he had aimed for it to be reassuring.
Just tired was the excuse, but then again, he didn’t feel like lying now. Didn’t have the strength for it. Maybe if he were honest now, you’d show him the voices were right, you’d realise what a loser he could be sometimes, how you should leave…
Shut! Up!
“It’s just… it’s just a bad day.”
“What happened?”
“Nothing. I mean… nothing in particular, I just… I don’t know… sometimes my head gets messy with thoughts for no reason. I’ve been working a lot for the past couple of months, it’s more frequent when I’m tired.”
Slowly, you nodded.
“It’s pretty bad today, right?” you asked, and he nodded.
“I’m sorry. Your meal is truly delicious, and I was really excited about having a date night. I know I’m kind of… fucking up the mood.”
“It’s okay. It’s not your fault.”
“Isn’t it?” he asked with bitterness in his voice, and he clenched his jaw at the sound.
He wouldn’t let himself get angry against you. He was in love with you. So fucking much. And you didn’t deserve that.
“There’s nothing wrong with feeling down sometimes, Andy.”
He looked down at his empty plate.
“It’s a bit worse than that.”
He heaved a sigh.
“I’m fine though, it just… It just needs to pass. I’ll be back to normal in a couple of days.”
“What do you usually do when something like that happens?”
“Erm… I just… shut down, basically. Wallow in self-pity for a while,” he tried to joke, managed to get a smile out of you. “I just… lock myself up on my own until I feel really low, and then I go out, and… it lingers a few days, sometimes a few weeks, but by then I can put a mask on again.”
“Do you put that mask on with me?”
“It hadn’t been so bad in a long time.”
“And when it’s not as bad?”
He shrugged.
“There’s no need to worry you about that.”
You raised an eyebrow, unimpressed.
“I’m your girlfriend. I tell you when I’m unwell.”
He started rubbing at his collarbone again, until the skin turned a bright shade of red.
“I don’t particularly enjoy talking about it,” he replied, his tone dry and distant.
“But I… you know you can trust me, right? That you can talk with me about these things…”
“I know… It just doesn’t help. I know how to handle this, I’m fine. I promise.”
Slowly, you nodded, but he could feel that your silence was a bad sign.
“So… usually, you just… spend time alone?”
“And it helps.”
“Yeah… yeah, it does. I just… I’m kind of introverted, in case you haven’t noticed,” he gave you a small smile. “I recharge my batteries when I’m alone.”
You seemed to be thinking for a few seconds, and then you were standing. He looked up at you in surprise.
“I should leave you alone, then.”
“Wh… what?”
“You said you needed to be alone… you should have told me, I would have let you have a moment on your own. It’s fine. I get it, if that’s what you need.”
He blinked up, not fully registering what you were doing. His brain jumped to the worst-case scenario, as per usual.
“Are you… are you breaking up with me?”
“What?! Of course, not!”
“You… you’re leaving…”
“Because you said you needed to be on your own for the evening. That’s okay. I’ll call you tomorrow.”
You heaved a sigh, took his hand in yours.
“Andy, I’m very happy with you. I know you love me. There’s nothing wrong in needing to spend some time on your own. You should have just told me. I’ll give you some space for tonight.”
You took his face in your hands, dropped a gentle kiss to his lips.
“I love you, baby,” you whispered as you pulled away. “I’ll call you tomorrow.”
And with that you left the room. He heard you fumbling with your things in the hallway.
Being alone was what he needed. He had always longed to take a step back from everyone, even his partners, when he felt like this.
Except that tonight he didn’t want you to leave. He didn’t want to be alone. He wanted to hold you as tightly as he could, and cuddle in bed, and just forget about the world outside your arms, let you hold him until he couldn’t have a single thought anymore…
He jumped to his feet, rushing across the house as you put on your coat.
“Don’t go.”
The plea cut the air like a knife.
He blinked tears away.
“Please, don’t go. I don’t want you to go,” he confessed.
“But you said…”
“I don’t want you to go.”
“I won’t be mad if you want to take the night for yourself.”
“Y/N. I don’t. Want you. To go.”
He struggled to swallow back the lump in his throat.
“Please… please, don’t leave.”
You stared at him for a moment, motionless. But then you put your coat back on its hanger, took off your shoes.
When you walked back to him, he almost started to cry.
“You’re sure?”
“Yes… please…”
Before you could say anything else, he was holding you in a tight embrace, one that you quickly reciprocated.
“What do you want us to do, then?” you asked, rubbing his back, and for the first time that day, he felt his muscles relax.
“Honestly… I just want to go to bed, cuddle with you and not move until… the end of the month.”
You laughed, kissing his shoulder through his shirt.
“Well, we’ll have to get up before that I’m afraid… but cuddling for the rest of the evening sounds nice.”
He heaved a relieved sigh.
“I’m sorry, I’m fucking up our date night… it was so lovely of you to cook and everything…”
“It’s okay. It’s fine.”
“You’re not mad?”
“Of course not.”
“Good… that’s grand…”
He finally pulled away, took your hand to guide you to his bedroom. The dishes would have to wait for tomorrow.
He got ready for bed first, and then waited for you. And while he was looking at you as you moved around the bed, plugging in your phone, setting up an alarm for the morning, drinking some water… all he wanted was to hold you close. You were the first person who made him feel that way. Who made him long for companionship even when he felt so low…
… and then, you were in bed, opening your arms for him to settle in your embrace, letting him bury his face in the crook of your neck.
Perhaps this one time, his busy brain was wrong. Perhaps you wouldn’t leave. Perhaps he would stay. And maybe, just this one time, not all things would end…
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Good Luck, Babe! (4)- Good Luck
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Wanda Maximoff X Reader 18+
Inspired by the song 'Good Luck, Babe!' by Chappell Roan
Summary: Returning to Westview after twelve years away causes you to look back on your secret love affair with Wanda, to remember the intimate moments you shared together before her refusal to accept her true self drove the two of you apart, leaving you to pick up the pieces of your broken heart alone.
What happens when you reunite with the woman you've been trying so hard to forget, forced to watch her suffer in an unhappy marriage that was slowly drowning her, still too scared to confront her true feelings?
Chapter 4- 4k Words
Good Luck, Babe! Masterlist
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 5
The deafening silence of your apartment suffocated you as soon as you shut the door, your fingers twitching subconsciously by your side as you felt anxiety and panic clawing its way up your throat, your gaze hurriedly looking around the apartment to find something focus on besides the feelings you’d be bottling up on the way home. It tore you in half to act as though nothing was wrong for the rest of the night, to smile at her in that loving and adoring way knowing it would be the last time as you waved her goodnight, to kiss her a final time, to kiss her goodbye. It broke you, but you refused to acknowledge it, too scared of drowning in your sorrows. You didn’t want to feel this way, you didn’t want to feel the overwhelming sense of pain and loneliness, to listen to your screaming thoughts in the silent room, the claustrophobic doubts clouding your mind at the decision you made. You couldn’t handle having to face everything, to face the fact it was over, the fact that the one person who made you feel free was never yours. She was never yours.
You could feel your chest tightening at the relentless thoughts, your mind begging you to do as you always did and push everything away, to just pretend you were fine and put a smile on your face as if nothing was wrong. You tried to get the corner of your lips to tug up, to put a brave face on as your empty stare took in your apartment, but your lower lip inevitably trembled, struggling to fight the anguish coursing through you. You couldn’t do this.
Tears pricked at the corner of your eyes as your crushed form made its way through the hallway to your room, looking longingly at May’s room as you passed it, desperately needing her comfort right now. You needed her to tell you everything was going to be ok, to hug you and soothe your worries but she wasn’t there. You were alone once again. You always ended up alone, it wasn’t fair.
You shut your door a little harder than you intended as you reached your room, your legs giving way as everything crashed down on you at once, a broken sob painfully being torn out of you. Why? Why did it have to end like this? Why did you have to love her? Your hands clutched at your head as you curled up into a small ball, knees pressed against your chest as your back rested against your door, body shaking with cries as the damn that was keeping your emotions in check burst. Your chest felt hollow, an agonising emptiness settling there as your palms pressed against your eyes, trying to stop the floods of tears escaping them whilst the joy and love that was once consumed your heart was replaced by a gnawing ache. Why couldn’t she just love you?
The question tormented your thoughts, your cruel brain dragging you down a despondent and painful trail of thoughts as you tried to control your ragged breathing, the panic and anxiety of feeling so out of control still burdening you.
Why was she so scared? Did she not think you were worth loving? Were you worth loving at all? Was it just casual? Were you an experiment? Why her? Why did you have to love her? Why does it hurt so much? You didn’t even do anything wrong. All you did was fall in love.
You drifted down the spiral of these thoughts, unable to stop yourself as they plagued your mind for what felt like hours, your body exhausted with the overwhelming feeling of heartbreak whilst you wiped your eyes once more carelessly, trying to get a grip of yourself.
The weight in your chest remained constant as you stared off at your bed feeling numb, your body drained as you slumped against the frame of the door, fingers brushing back your locks in a stressed manner as your thoughts continued to race, only pausing when your eyes caught a glimpse of something peeking under your bed, a ripple of unease stirring within you.
Gradually, you pushed yourself off the floor, making your way to your feet as you stood unsteady, limbs feeling numb and heavy as you took a reluctant step closer to the box, another stab of agony directed at your heart as you realised what it was.
Polaroids and various mementos of your secret times together with Wanda filled the small wooden box, leaving you powerless to another onslaught of tears brimming at your eyes as you stared at the item, conflicted on what to do with it. Part of you was tempted to open it, to recall the memories of every single photo you took, to remember the way you felt when she kissed your cheek before snapping a picture, the way your heart fluttered when she would look at you with mirth in her eyes when you would point the camera at her, offering you a loving smile as she waited for the click every single time. The other part of you wanted to throw the items away in anger, to hate her for tainting the memories but you couldn’t. They meant too much to you, she still meant too much to you.
A deep sigh left you as you used your foot to push it out of sight, hiding it further under your bed like a dirty secret because that’s what it was, that’s what you were. You could feel the irritation bubbling inside you at the thought, your jaw clenching in annoyance as you stared at where the box was, another wave of hurt washing through you as more memories and thoughts tormented you, reminding you of the gaping wound in your chest.
Why weren’t you enough?
The corridors of the college campus were filled with students smiling and grinning at one another, cheers erupting from the back of people's throats as everyone exited their last exam, finally free for the summer. Your expression contrasted the elated people pushing past you in a rush to leave, your defeated gaze searching for a certain locker as you planned to talk to Wanda today, to confess everything before telling her you were leaving, having accepted MI 13’s offer in England, needing a change of scenery. It was all too suffocating here, the reminder of her, what happened to your parents, you needed a change, no matter how hard it would be to leave everyone behind.
You eventually made your way to her locker, looking around to see if people would notice as you slipped the post it note through the small slits, asking her to meet you at the carpark behind your work. You lingered at the metal cupboards, a sense of dread filling you at what would inevitably happen later, the idea of heartbreak and tears causing a wave of nausea to take over you, your gaze lifting from the structure to stop your thoughts drifting down that path but accidentally making contact with her enchanting green as they gazed at you from across the hall, time seeming to slow down around you.
The people around you faded away as you felt that familiar tug on your heart, your smile not reaching your ears as you offered her one last fake one, desperately trying your best to keep it together whilst the corner of her lips tugged up at your actions, excitement evident on her face as she was eager to see you tonight.
Wanda had known you had been busy recently wanting to study for your exams, the two of you not meeting up for a while, but she couldn't wait to spend the summer with you, to laugh all night long and be herself with you. Her heart longed to be with you again like that one, tender night, the memory of that kiss haunting her mind in all the right ways, her body aching for you in such an affectionate way again. She wanted to feel loved by you, to be seen and truly appreciated in private before letting reality and the expectations of her drown her again. She needed the escape you offered her.
The brunette took a step forwards, hoping to talk to you but the sight of a familiar blonde stopped her, Vision’s smile soft as he distracted her, the sight of the two of them cracking your heart once more. You kept your face stoic as he brushed back a strand of her hair, her lips stretching into a loving smile as she peered up at him, kissing his lips briefly in an attempt to keep up the appearance with him, to you, the sight an interaction between a couple of lovers. A wave of bitterness washed through you at the fact he could be with her, he could show his love for her in public, your mind swiftly pushing the thoughts away as you knew there was no use in going down that spiral again, simply trying to stop the pain radiating in your chest by turning around, refusing to look anymore. You couldn’t watch her live her life a lie.
Unbeknown to you, when she could, her eyes flickered away from his piercing blue and the blush painting his cheeks, her smile soft as she forced herself to enjoy his company as he wrapped an arm around her waist, talking nonsense to her as her green frantically searched for you. She had to try and hide the way her brows furrowed at your tense posture as you pushed past people to leave, a glimmer of disappointment appearing in her eyes as she had hoped to talk to you and congratulate you on finishing your exams. The expression swiftly faded when he asked her something, her answer pleasing to him as she tried to keep the appearance up, ignoring the ache in her chest at the way you walked away, leaving her feeling alone.
Exhaling a final puff of smoke, you savoured the last of your cigarette before dropping it to the floor, using the heel of your boot to crush it into the ground when the sound of those familiar footsteps grew closer, your heart pounding anxiously in your chest, dreading what was about to happen. Your mind was tormented by the anticipation of what was about to occur, images in your head flashing by at the different ways this could end, unsure of what the best scenario would be. Would you want her to shout at you, to scream at you for breaking it off? To have her tell you she hated you so it would make things feel a little easier? Or would you rather her stay quiet and suffer in silence? Letting you watch helplessly as you carved a hole in her heart, unable to comfort her as you were the reason she was hurting. God, you didn’t want to hurt her.
A deflated sigh escaped as you couldn’t decide what reaction would be the best, but you knew deep down a part of you hoped she would do neither and ask you to stay, that she’d confess her feelings to you and learn that she didn’t have to be ashamed of you, that being with you wasn’t abnormal or something that made her a ‘freak’. You only ever wished she could accept herself.
Before your mind could repeat any more thoughts like a broken record, you watched in the corner of your eyes as she approached you, her smile practically reaching her ears making the chain on your heart tug forcefully. She looked so happy, you didn’t want to take that away from her.
“Hey,” she murmured out softly, her tone conveying her excitement as she leaned against your truck, biting her lower lip in that adorable manner as she tried to contain her enthusiasm, the expression dropping at the conflicted expression engraved on your face. “What’s wrong?” Her tone was tender as her mesmerising green peered up at you, every swirl of green containing care as she gauged your reaction to her words, the way pain flashed in your eyes before your mouth opened and closed, hesitating on your words.
At the glimmer of distress in your eyes, Wanda couldn’t help but feel a sense of unease crawl down her spine, a lump forming in her throat at the way you avoided her gaze, fingers pinching the bridge of your nose as you tried to compose yourself, trying to stop the doubts in your mind as you had to do this. You couldn’t let this drag on anymore, you couldn’t.
“Wanda, I…” you trail off, building the courage to say what you felt but struggling to put it into words, a gnawing thought at the back of your mind begging you to tell her nothing was wrong, to carry on pretending.
Her intense green observed you with concern and apprehension at your vulnerable state, her heart rate increasing with every passing second as you tried to find the right words, the excitement and joy swiftly draining from her face as you finally continued, the words slicing straight through her chest.
“I can’t do this anymore,” you manage out, not hiding the pain in your voice as you spoke in such a raw tone, the worry that was brewing within her now flooding through her veins, her body almost flinching away from you at your words, moving to stand opposite you with anguish clear in her expressive gaze.
“What?” She whispered out, refusing to truly comprehend your words as you looked at her, your usually bright and playful eyes staring back at her despondently, acting as though the world around you had lost all its colour.
“I can’t do this anymore, I can’t be a dirty secret, I want to call it off,” your words cut deep and you know they do, your face showing your sorrow for hurting her as she lets out a breathless laugh, trying to stop the tears threatening to spill down her cheeks, her lower lip trembling at the pain radiating in her chest, her heart bleeding anguish into her veins.
Her head turns away from you, desperately trying to keep her emotions in check, the sight of you only further cracking her heart as her eyes glossed over completely, the tears flowing down her cheeks as she couldn’t stop herself, it hurt too much.
“Why?” she croaks out, hesitantly letting her gaze meet yours, an overwhelming feeling of despair drowning her as she looks into your equally broken eyes.
“You know why,” you murmur out, trying to keep your voice soft as you still wanted to comfort her, to soothe her pain. You were desperate to pull her into your arms, to hold her close and let her face seek safety at the crook of your neck, to press your lips to the top of her head and whisper tender words to her but you couldn’t. You were the reason she was crying and it tore you apart. It wasn’t fair, none of this was fair.
“I…” Wanda couldn’t find the words to argue back, to say she didn’t know because she did. She knew that you had changed after you lied to her, she knew that you loved her but she refused to accept it. You couldn’t truly love her, it was wrong. She couldn’t let herself be loved by you, by a woman. She refused to make this real, she was unable to let the bubble the two of you created burst and let reality crash down on her. Why couldn’t you just continue to pretend? She wanted everything to go back to the way it was, she didn’t want this. She didn’t want to lose you, but she couldn’t admit the truth.
“I love you Wanda, I always have,” you whisper, your words laced with honesty and all the emotions you felt towards her, your tone so soft and tender that it causes a stray tear to slip from her eyes at how she wished she could let herself be loved by you, that she wasn’t taught this was shameful all her life. The hope and desire was brutally clawed away as soon as it came, the brunette powerless to the merciless grip her traditional mindset had on her, teachings from her childhood ringing around in her head as she forced herself to stop the feeling.
“No, you can’t, you can’t love me,” she chokes out, struggling to stop the lump in her throat from affecting her voice, desperate to sound composed and not as though anxiety and insecurities gnawed away at her sanity. “It’s wrong,” she sighs out, nausea bubbling inside her at the way your face drops at her words, the way you can tell she’s trying her best to use her denial to shield her pain.
“It’s not wrong,” you sigh out, taking a step closer to her, hands naturally reaching out to hold hers, letting your thumb brush over the back of hers tenderly before she pulls away from you, using her hands to wipe away the tears lingering on her cheeks. “It’s not, I promise you it’s not,” your words only further torment her, the ache in her chest constant as she wants to believe you, she really does but she can't. She won’t. “I know it’s hard to accept that you’re-” You try, but she cuts you off.
“Don’t,” she grits out, tone raising, a sudden harshness lacing her words as you furrow your brows at her, shocked at the disgust corrupting her green. “Don’t say it, don't make me say it, I’m not like that,” she mutters, pain underlying her words as your face grows sympathetic, unsure of how to help her. You just wanted her to stop running away from the feeling, to keep making excuses or giving stupid reasons as to why she couldn’t accept herself. There was nothing to be ashamed of. Why couldn’t she see that?
“No,” she doesn’t even let you disagree, leaving no room for argument as you sigh, lowering your gaze to the floor, trying to collect your thoughts. You knew she wasn’t going to admit to herself she was into women, and you weren’t going to force her to accept herself, but you needed to know if she ever loved you back or if this was really just casual. It couldn’t have been, couldit?
“I won’t make you say it,” you murmur out, keeping your gaze locked on hers, losing yourself in her green whilst you build the courage to ask her. You were scared of the answer, none of the possibilities your mind could come up with were good, but you had to know. Your mind would drive you insane if you didn’t. “But Wanda, I need to know, did you ever feel the same?” Your voice wavers as you ask her, a cold fear underlying your words as it spreads throughout your body, anxious thoughts trapping your mind as you were terrified to know how she felt.
Hesitation is evident on her face as she looks at you, clearly conflicted on what to say as you longingly look at her, heart pounding wildly against your chest as you wait for her to speak, the silence deafening as her mouth opens and closes, lost for words.
“Please be honest,” you murmur out in a pleading tone, not hiding the fear that consumed your body, “Did you love me?”
“No,” she croaks out, meeting your gaze before looking away, nausea making her head spin as she utters the word, her trembling hands moving up to her face to stop the sob that wanted to force its way out of her.
The pain that you had felt previously felt like a mere prick to your heart compared to the sheer agony that ripped its way through your body, her words leaving a scar on your heart that you’d forever carry with you. It hurt, fuck, it hurt so much, but not because she said she didn’t love you, no, her words destroyed you because she looked you right in the eyes and lied to your face. You could see it in the green you loved so much, you’d spent enough time with her to know how to read her, to tell when she was telling you the truth and she wasn’t.
A scoff left you at what she managed out, the sound turning into a breathless laugh to stop yourself from breaking down, your hands roughly wiping your cheeks as you avoided her gaze, an onslaught of anger gripping your heart. You wanted to scream at her with everything you could, to confront her and call her out but you didn’t have it in you. You wanted to hate her, to resent her and tell her here how you never wanted to see her again, but the words refused to leave your mouth. Despite everything, you didn’t want her to hate you. You didn’t want to lash out at her and make her think of you like that. You weren’t like that.
Pinching the bridge of your nose and sighing deeply, you tried your best to compose yourself before saying anything, your gaze catching a glimpse of her distraught green and only reminding you of the pain that slashed through you moments ago, your eyes squeezing shut in hopes that the pain would simply vanish and let you collect your thoughts.
“Good luck, Wanda,” you manage out of a few more deep breaths, your tone attempting to be soft but still containing a hint of sarcasm and irritation as you look at her, gaze softening as you take in her watery green.
Wanda’s brows furrowed at your words, at the tenderness she could sense in your voice, her mind lost to a sea of confusion. Why weren’t you shouting at her? Why didn’t you hate her? You should hate her. Her mind begged you to stop being kind to her now, your always caring self emerging when it shouldn’t. She didn’t want you to be loving and caring now, she needed you to hate her to make things easier, she needed you to stop.
“I hope he makes you happy, I really do,” you continue, each word pushing the knife further and further into her heart as well as yours, the fact that there was a hint of truth in your words twisting the blade as you partly meant them. You only ever wanted her to be happy, even if it meant she was with someone else.
“Y/n…” She tries but nothing follows the whisper of your name, your trembling lips pulling up into a soft smile as best you could.
“Don’t,” you murmur softly, stopping her from trying to prevent you from saying what you needed to. “I just hope you know you can’t run away from…this forever,” you whisper, stepping closer to her as you build up the courage to say goodbye to her, your hand hesitantly moving to cup her cheek, the brunette naturally leaning into your touch, trying to savour the little comfort it offered.
When your eyes met, a whirlwind of emotions crashed through you both as you got lost in each other's eyes, trying to prolong the impending farewell as you didn’t want to lose one another. You tried to memorise each swirl of green that you fell for, her eyes searching yours to let the comfort you provided engrave itself in her mind, knowing she’d need an escape from reality.
Tentatively, you leaned forward and pressed a delicate kiss to her forehead, a kiss goodbye as you lingered there, a shaky breath falling from your lips before you whisper one last thing to her.
“I’m sorry for loving you,” you apologise softly, never having wanted to hurt her with your feelings, your words the tipping point for her as the sob finally leaves her lips, her hands reaching out for your body subconsciously, needing your comfort but stopping as you pull away from her, her body paralyzed by the heartbreak consuming her. “Goodbye Wanda,” your voice is barely above a whisper as the words escape you, your eyes refusing to look at her, not needing a painful memory to haunt your mind as you step away from her body.
Wanda could only watch through her blurred vision as you walked away from her, the ache in her chest increasing with every step you took, amplifying the loneliness she felt as you left her alone to pick up the pieces of her broken heart. 
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cocopop-04 · 6 months
okay so I posted a couple excerpts from the fic im (slowly) writing but this is the main concept of it:
a young justice core four fic where they r stuck in a pocket dimension slowly running out of supplies etc.
And Tim is making these video reports. Over the course of the story, they change from status reports about the ship, situation, and supplies to Tim starting to realise that they might not make it out of there alive, getting more desperate as it goes on. he fills them with everything he didn't get to say, all the things that he never said to the bats that he should have. (they would get saved and then Bruce would watch them ofc)
and Bart would be the first to pass out bc of his speedster metabolism. Kon would be weakened, slowly at first bc of the lack of sunlight, but he also tries not to eat much food (Cassie does too) and so he moves less and less, and eventually gets rlly weak. Tim soldiers thru it, pretending he's fine till the point when he collapses. He wakes up the first time, but he's weaker.
And Cassie, who has her powers to keep her healthiest out of all of them. She has to stay and watch as all her teammates slowly succumb and pass out from the lack of foods etc. while trying desperately to save them. Has to put on a brave face and assure them that she will make sure they make it even tho she herself is beginning to believe that less and less each day.
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bruciemilf · 10 days
I NEED more Poolverstorm content!
minute ororo shows up Wade is instantly obsessed. It’s not even romantic at first, — man’s saw how badass, caring, compassionate , patient, powerful, capable and brave she was and immediately went ‘new bestie acquired’
Will never stop bullying Logan for not choosing her since day one. Sir. If you think Wade’s gonna let him fumble the same bag twice you are MISTAKEN—-
Every interaction they have shortens Logan’s immortality (his bisexual senses are tingling and he needs 2-7 business days to recover)
One of Logan’s favorite memories from childhood is snowball fighting, sledding, — everything involving winter.
Wade likes autumn because it gets him one step closer to Halloween and he can finally order the pumpkin mega blast from Starbucks without feeling guilty. Ororo makes both happen specifically
Whenever someone asks Logan why he puts up with it, he just shrugs, “He makes her laugh.” (He’s so in love with Wade it makes him look stupid)
Wade had to plan an entire thing to ask Roro out. It was supposed to be extremely extravagant and complicated and grandiose, but, Logan went to Ororo instead, cheeks slightly flushed, and groaned something like, “Idiot’s just trying to impress you. Just…Don’t laugh too much? “
She already planned on accepting it, but she’ll indulge them.
Roro starts wearing Logan’s dog tags once they start going out. Wade basically steals everything from shirts to belt buckles, boots, tank tops, some of her necklaces, scarves, heels
Wade being slightly insecure about taking off his mask around them. At least at first. He tries to accept and adapt, — but it’s hard, when dating the prettiest people in the entire world! After Hugh Jackman, at least.
Ororo gently kissing his bare cheek one day, — maybe he lost his mask while trying to clean, or maybe Laura took it for her and Ellie’s play pretend games. She gets right and Logan gets left. “I like this face.”
“Yeah. Well.” He laughs because he’ll cry if he doesn’t, “you’ve always had a thing for weirdos.”
“Shut up, bub.”
“Okay, fine! Hot weirdos.”
Wade explaining how they call marry Roro legally if they kidnap the pope:
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Logan is their GUARD DOG!!! Missions? One breath away from their neck. Claws out and ready. Shopping? Arms crossed, scowl on, daring someone to bother them while Wade tries to justify a 400 dollar Lego pruchase.
“My darling. No.”
“But it’s the WOLVERINE collection, Ro!”
Ororo sighs and gives Logan a Look. “Talk some sense into your husband, please?”
“When he’s annoying he’s YOUR husband.”
Blind Al and Ororo? Best of friends. Mother in law/awesome wife who loves her weird ass sons. Would test Ororo at first, like, “You can have everyone in this world and you pick those two? Why?”
“Wisdom has been chasing them but those two can run.”
“…Come sit next to me. You like cocaine?”
“OOOkay, — mushy introductions over, Laura, grab Mary, we’re LEAVING—“
Wade seeing how gentle Ororo is with the kids while still being firm, getting them in line when they don’t listen, but wrangling them expertly?
Ellie actually,,, ate her vegetables? Laura didn’t stab anyone over doing the dishes? Jubilee actually goes to sleep before 6 am?
“We have GOT to get her pregnant.”
Logan is so fucking tired. “I don’t think there’s a cure for whatever you’re on.”
“Alright, FINE. Get ME pregnant then.”
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scribblesofagoonerr · 8 months
Don't give up yet, I'm not letting you | Inner Demons
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⟫ Alphabet Challenge, D- Don't give up yet, I'm not letting you.
Pairings: leah williamson x teen reader, arsenal wfc x teen reader
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Back again with another part, I've had a really shitty day if I'm honest and so, umm, writing this now has sort of helped, I guess?
Once again nothing has been proof-read so yeah, it won't make any sense maybe and this ones' a bit longer than the rest but once I get carried away I just can't stop so this is definitely going to have a few more parts to this one. I just don't know how many that will be, so I guess we'll see what happens.
Thank you each and every single one of you for the response to this small fic series so far, I'm so glad that people are liking it so much.
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The confession you have made leaves the room feeling a tense atmosphere, the girls will not let you give up so easily so they make a decision on your behalf to help you on the right path to get better.
tw: heavy angst, mentions of SH, MH, suicide and death.
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"What... What does that even mean?" Katie furrows her eyebrows as she looks at you for a more logical answer.
"I'm tired, I'm so tired and I can't keep on fighting this battle anymore" You speak quietly, afraid to meet their eyes.
Each one of them really did mean so much to you, they all look heart broken with the what you had confessed.
Steph, the Aussie girl that made you feel so loved
Kim, your captain who always talked sense into you
Jen, the brave Scots' woman who you can rely on
Caitlin, the second Aussie that you love despite how annoying she is
Katie, the Irish girl who acts all tough but is a total softie
Beth, the blonde who gives great advice when you need it
Viv, the dutch who you cheers you up when she sneaks you ice cream
Lia, the swiss girl that gives you the best hugs sometimes
& Leah, the one who stuck around and made you feel at home
Your family, you would really miss them all.
However, you knew it was time.
It was the only way, you couldn't do it any longer.
The battle was too hard, it needed to end.
"Y/N, you're awake!" Vic burst into the room and broke the sudden silence before she spins and looks back towards the door. "Less! Kyra! Lotte! Laura! Y/N/N is awake!" she shouts loud enough to get the attention of the three remaining girls not in the room.
As right on queue, the rest of the girls all run in and smile widely when they see you awake and sat up in the hospital bed.
"Y/N/N, you're awake!" Laura says as she grins at you before she walks over and hugs you.
"Hi Y/N/N!" Alessia smiles brightly, glad to see you're awake.
"Y/N/N!" Kyra shouted aloud, right down the blondes' ear beside her.
"Ow, Kyra. That was right down my ear" Alessia grumbles as she glares at the Aussie girl before she shakes her head and walks over to your beside to exchange a hug with you.
"Glad that you're awake, Y/N. You gave us all a scare" Lotte came over and gave you a gentle hug before she ruffles your hair.
None of them 4 girls had caught the glum expressions on the older girls' faces.
"So how long do you think it'll be before your back on the pitch and we can prank everyone?" Kyra questions taking it upon herself to plop herself down on the end of the bed.
"Hopefully not too long" You take the chance to put a front on in front of the girls in the room. "I'll be back before you know it and thrashing you out there!" you give her a grin to hide the deep pain inside.
"How're you feelin' kid?" Lotte glances at you concerned.
"Oh you know, fabulous. Just had the best 24 hour nap" You can't help but joke with the girls even with them all looking so distraught. "Ah come on girls, cheer up. I'm not dead yet, you know?" You tell them.
"I'm sorry no I can't do this. I can't sit here and pretend that everything is okay and fine, when it's not... It's far from okay" Leah spoke up as she goes to move off the bed from where she sat beside you.
"What's going on?" Vic asks confused, having not been in the room previously.
"Y/N/N is tired of life, she wants to give up on it" Leah tells them as her bottom lip wobbles at she tells the rest of the girls what you had said.
"W... What do you mean?" Laura asks, confused and not understanding what the blonde means.
"Y/N wants to die" Leah drops the bombshell before she presses a kiss that lasts longer than usual and then starts to walk away.
"What?" Alessia gasps as her eyes widen in shock as she looks at you.
"Wait, Le... No!" You shot up as you try and latch onto her arm. "Le, don't leave me... I need you-- Please, come back!" you shout aloud as you thrash your arms around.
"I'll go and find her" Lia is quick to follow her, leaving the rest of the girls all still staring at you.
"Y/N, you need to be careful of your bandages or there'll rip" Steph says gently as she looks concerned about your well-being now while she moves to stand by your beside.
"I don't care, I don't... I don't care! Leah! Don't go, come back!" You continue to put up a fight to get out of the hospital bed. "Please, please, c... come back!" you scream at the top of your voice.
What have you done? You made her so upset.
You've made them all so upset, your a horrible person.
Why did you have to blurt it out like that? Your so stupid.
Stupid, selfish... You're nothing but a huge let down.
The voices inside your head was taunting you, you just needed them to stop.
Watching the one person that's always stuck by your side, walk away, it hurts you more that you realise.
More than any pain you currently feel, why did you go and say that?
"Calm down Y/N/N. You'll make yourself sick if your not careful" Beth tells you as she moves to stand on the other side of the bed as she pulls you into her arms for a hug as you just break down into sobs.
"I... I don't care, I don't... Leah! Come back!" Your now sobbing as you still try and do your best to get out of bed to go after the blonde, although it wasn't any good when you had so many different wires and monitors attached to you. "Le, please... please, don't leave me!"
Why did it hurt so much for her to walk away like that? You really were so selflish.
"Deep breaths, Y/N. Just keep on taking deep breaths" Steph adds in, trying to make it to the point where you didn't get yourself too upset that you were physically hurting yourself again.
"I'll be back" Kim eyes you wearily as she exhales a sigh before she also leaves the room to go and find the two girls.
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"Leah?" Lia found Leah sat slouched down against one of the walls outside of your hospital room.
Leah peers up to look at the Swiss women, "I can't be in there right now" she mumbles quietly. " I... I just can't do it, I can't sit there and listen to crack jokes about death and be so optemistic when she... when she said something like that, I just can't" she explains to the older girl.
"I know" Lia replies in agreement and moves sit beside her.
"She said that she wants to die, Wally" Leah states as she stares straight out in front of her.
"I... I know" Lia repeats as she exhales a sigh and wraps her free arm around the blonde.
"She said she wants out of life... I... I-- Why?" Leah asks in disbelief as the tears threaten to spill.
"I don't know, Le" Lia mumbles and bits her bottom slightly.
"S...She said she wants to die, Wally" Leah voice quiviers as she repeats what they heard. "She's a teenage girl, s... she has so much more to achieve, so much more-- H... How can she be so depressed about life that she would rather be dead instead?" she questions distraught.
"She's suffering Le" Lia swallows the lump that forms in her throat as she hugs the blonde in her arms. "She's been suffering for a long time and we just didn't know, but we can help now" she tries to speak positive about it all.
"I... I thought she was doing better, she... she was doing better. I don't get it, what happened that made her do this?" Leah wonders numbly as she roughly wipes the tears away and shakes her head. "We can't let her die, we can't let her give up just so easily. She needs to fight... She has to fight!" she adds in.
"We will help her, we won't let her suffer in silence anymore" Kim speaks up as she joins the two of them as she exhales a shaky breath. "Y/N is one of our own, we'll be there for her and she'll get better" she tells them honestly.
"But how can we do that when she doesn't even want the help?" Leah questions as she shakes her head in disagreement. "You heard her in there, Kim! You heard what she said, she doesn't want to live anymore, she did what she did on purpose. H... How can we help her?" she questions as her voice breaks even more.
"We need to make a plan, we can come up with a way to help her... Even if she doesn't want the help" Kim declares with determination in her voice.
"But how do we do that? We can't keep an eye on her 24/7, when we have training and stuff, can we?" Lia glances at the Scots' woman in confusion.
"We keep her in hospital where she'll be safe" Kim tells the two of them.
"And how do we do that? I imagine as soon as she gets the chance then she'll bolt out of here" Leah scoffs and shakes her head, knowing you all too well and you were stubborn when it come to some things.
"We don't let her have the chance to do that then, still is still a minor remember? Technically that means, that you, Leah, since you're her guardian so too speak, you can make that decision for her and notify the doctors of your concern for her own welfare" Kim explains to the blonde, which was somewhat true now since you had moved in with her.
"Keeping her here against her own will? She'd hate me then for sure" Leah mutters as she rubs her hands down her face, feeling the stress of everything even more when the decision was resting on her shoulders.
"She might do at first, but soon enough she'll realise that you're only doing this to help her because you love her just like we all do" Kim gives the blonde a sympathetic smile.
"Kim is right Leah, this will be the best thing for Y/N" Lia speaks up after she had been quiet for a bit.
Leah glances between the two girls that she is sat with. "Is it, really?" she asks, still unsure about it all.
"You know it is Le" Lia states, knowingly.
Okay, maybe Kim has a point there then.
This would be the best decision to make right now.
"Alright, but how do we get here to stay here?" Leah asks, not knowing how to even go about this.
"First things first, we-- you speak to the doctors, you tell them that she cut herself and has admitted that she intended to do it. That's validation for the doctors to detain her for up to 72 hours at least" Kim explains the logical side of it all.
"That is something that I don't think she will like very much" Lia frowns, shaking her head as she listens to the older women.
Leah frowns and shakes her head. "A psych hold? I don't think she'll like that very much" The Swiss women tells her captain
"No, she won't but she won't have much choice if the doctors believe she's at risk of hurting herself again" Kim confesses to them as she exhales a deep sigh. "The doctors will run further assessment to determine whether they need to keep her in for longer and in the mean time, it gives us chance to talk to Jonas and the medical staff, fill them in what's happened and create a proper plan going forward" she adds in.
"And what if you determine that she needs to stay for longer than 72 hours?" Lia questions the Scots' woman.
"Then we cross that bridge when we come to it" Kim replies to the blonde as she moves to crouch down beside her.
"I know that it'll hurt to walk away and leave her here in the hospital Le, but you know as well that this is the right way, it's the only way for her to get better" Lia says honestly.
"Remember that Y/N is our family and we will always be there for her even if she will be mad at us about this" Kim adds in.
"Oh yeah, she is definitely going to be super mad about this" Leah chuckles in realisation about it.
Sure enough you would probably be mad with her, but Leah wasn't going to let you try and kill yourself again, not on her watch.
You were her family even if you were a complete pain is the ass sometimes, but you were her pain in the ass to deal with.
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mountttmase · 1 year
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I’ll Fix This
Note - I’m back baby 😉 dad Mase won the poll so I hope you enjoy. Feedback would be appreciated as usual 🩷
Pairing - Mason Mount x Reader
Word count - 3.7k
Warnings - sort of angst? And fluff
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‘Daddddyyyyy’ Ollie screamed, running towards the front door from the kitchen and you let him go, finally taking a breath as you were left alone with the chaos of the kitchen.
You usually liked you have everything tidy and dinner almost ready for when Mason got home, not by his request in fact you didn’t think he cared all that much but you just liked knowing it was done, however over the last few weeks it was becoming difficult to juggle. With Tilly being so small still a lot of your attention was on her when she was awake and whilst you tried to give Ollie as much of your time as you could, lately all he wanted was Mason and you’d be lying if you said it didn’t sting a little bit.
Ollie had been a daddies boy from the get go but ever since you’d been spending a lot of time with him at home when Mason was training you’d foraged a pretty strong bond. The pair of you had bought him up to be a kind and considerate little boy, having thanked your lucky stars that he’d seemingly skipped the terrible twos but now you were just wondering if his were slightly delayed and you were now experiencing the ferocious fours.
You felt relived Mason was home though, trying to hold yourself together as you did most nights now so he wouldn’t suspect anything. You didn’t want him thinking you didn’t have everything under control so made out you were fine however you weren’t sure how much longer you could carry on like this for and you knew Mason was starting to catch on.
‘Hello sweetheart’ you suddenly heard behind you and you almost lost it when you felt Masons lips on your temple. That tiny bit of intimacy and affection letting your walls slip ever so slightly but you managed to pull yourself together.
‘Hey Mase, sorry about the mess’ you said quietly, not being able to look at him but you knew he would of had a confused expression on his face. ‘Dinner won’t be too much longer. Why don’t you take Tilly in the other room with Ollie so I can get sorted’
‘Baby?’ He questioned, and you swallowed down a lump before looking up into his curious eyes. ‘Are you alright?’
‘I’m fine, just been a long day’ you reassured him before reaching down to grab Tilly out of her crib so you could pass her to Mason, knowing he’d never say no to spending time with her. ‘I’ll call you when it’s ready’ you told him and with a kiss to your forehead he was off.
Now you were alone you quickly cleared up all the toys before checking on dinner and even though you had a spare ten minutes, you spent that time on your own sat in the pantry so you could collect yourself for the rest of the evening as to not arise any suspicion from Mason and also just to decompress a little bit.
Ollie of course was an angel now that Mason was home, telling him all about his day and being as charming as ever and when you were all sat on the sofa later that night you tried not to let it show how upset you were when he refused to sit in the middle of the pair of you and wanted to just sit next to Mason. You could see Mason giving you a confused look, threading his fingers through yours as shuffled up to you to make room for Ollie on his other side and you made sure to rest your head on his shoulder so he couldn’t see your glassy eyes and wobbly lip.
‘You go put Ollie to bed and I’ll lock up and sort everything out down here’ you told Mason and with a kiss on your forehead he moved Ollie to take him upstairs. He ran off without saying goodnight first but you were a little bit relieved as most nights he caused a scene about it now, no longer wanting a kiss from you and wriggling away as quickly as he could. You weren’t sure you could keep on a brave face tonight and you pretended you didn’t see Masons disappointed look before he went upstairs to put Ollie to bed.
You had been laying in bed with Tilly for about ten minutes and there was still no sign of Mason appearing. You were both on top of the covers as she was snoozing peacefully next to you and you took the time to look over her features carefully. It was scary how much she looked like Mason, the same lips and chin and from the brief glances you’d seen they both had the same beautiful brown eyes, the exact same as Ollie’s.
‘You’d never be mean to mummy would you Till’s?’ you whispered as you stroked her cheek gently. ‘Gonna make sure you’re a mummy’s girl and we’ll do everything together. When you’re old enough we can go out shopping and give daddy a show of everything we got when we’re back, and we can go out for girly lunches and coffee and tell each other everything’ you whispered, planning out how you hoped your relationship with Tilly would pan out whilst wondering where you went so wrong with Ollie.
‘Has he got ants in his pants or something today? Took me forever to get him down’ Mason told you as he made his way into your room, his face softening as he caught sight of the pair of you. ‘There’s my girls’ he whispered, kissing both your heads gently before walking over to his wardrobe so he could get changed.
‘How’s she been today?’ He asked, sliding ontop of the sheets opposite you so he could lay next to Tilly and face you.
‘Yeah really good. After her lunchtime feed she stayed awake for like ten minutes just looking at me. It even look liked she smiled when I spoke to her’
‘That’s cause she knows her mummy’s voice’ he told you as he went to hold one of her hands with his finger.
‘I’m pretty sure it was just wind but I’m counting it as a smile’ you joked and he looked up at you lovingly.
‘What about you? How are are you?’ He asked and the sincerity in his voice broke you. You done everything you could all day to keep your emotions in but one simple question from the man you loved broke all your walls down and you had to hide your face in the pillow as you began to sob. ‘Baby? Baby what’s happening?’ He asked slightly panicked but you couldn’t reply right now, your chest caving in on itself as you finally let out everything you’d been holding in for weeks. In the end you felt him scoop Tilly up and place her in her crib before crawling back next to you and pulling you into his arms.
He didn’t attempt to ask anymore questions, he just let you cry it out into his neck whilst he held you to him, stroking your hair and trying to soothe you in anyway that he could until he felt your breathing get back to normal.
‘You know I can read you like a book right? I’ve know something was wrong as soon as I looked at you today. You’ve been like it for a while but today it was worse. Talk to me sweetheart, I hate seeing you like this’ he told you gently and you knew there was no point trying to brush anything off anymore.
‘It’s just finding it all a bit hard’ you told him, shuffling back at little bit so you could speak a bit easier and you felt yourself relax even more when he cupped your jaw and brushed a few tears away. ‘Im just tired I think, and there’s always something to do. The house is a mess no matter how much I clean it, I’m still trying to get into a routine with Tilly but it’s tough and then Ollie…’
‘What baby?’
‘I don’t think he likes me anymore’ you laughed but you were sobbing again straight after
‘Oh, I don’t think that’s true. He loves you baby I promise. What’s made you think that?’
‘He’s just been a bit mean to me lately. Doesn’t do anything I say and just wants you. I know things are different with Tilly being around now but I just feel a bit rubbish. Like when I spend all day with him and he tells me he doesn’t want me it hurts a bit’
‘I’ll speak to him tomorrow’
‘No it’s fine’ you sighed, rubbing your eyes so you could finally look up at him. I think I’m just a bit tired and feeling sorry for myself. I feel a bit silly and like I’m making more out of it than I should’ you reassured him. ‘I’m just really tired and it’s making me feel like I can’t do things and that I’m a rubbish mum. I don’t want you to think I can’t cope, cause I can’
The look of sympathy he gave you made your heart flip and you smiled when he placed his lips on yours, finally feeling a bit more settled as he showed you some affection. ‘I know you can. You’re doing such a good job mumma, I promise’ he whispered against your lips and you felt your tears flow again. ‘I probably haven’t told you that enough at all but I promise you, you are. And I don’t care if I come home to a messy house or if dinners not ready by a certain time. We can do that stuff together yeah? That’s what families do’
‘But I don’t want to burden you when you’ve been at work all day’ you sniffed but he was shaking his head lightly.
‘Just cause I’ve been out to work doesn’t mean you haven’t been working all day too.
‘I just want it nice for when you get in’
‘I know baby and I really do appreciate it but everything doesn’t have to be perfect. We’re still a work in progress and we’ll get there’
‘I love you’ you sobbed and he bought you back into his arms as he rocked you ever so gently.
‘I love you too’ he whispered before letting you calm down and stop crying. ‘When’s Tilly’s next feed?’
‘In about 15 minutes’
‘Are there bottles made up in the fridge?’
‘Yeah should be’
‘How about you get yourself tucked in and I’ll give Tilly her bottle. I’ll give her the night feed too so you can get some proper sleep’
‘Mase, it’s fine-‘
‘No, I’m being serious. Daddy’s home and he’s in charge now’ he laughed whilst tickling your sides and you fake gagged as he kissed all over your face. ‘Come on, get in and we can have a little cuddle and then it’s off to the land of nod for you. Tilly wants some daddy daughter time, she told me’ he winked.
You eventually listened to him, tucking the pair of you in so he could hold you while you went to sleep, eventually feeling him slip out of bed before picking Tilly up and taking her downstairs for her bottle. You didn’t wake up again until you felt him sneak out of bed again to give her the next feed but with a light kiss to your cheek you were off again.
You felt a lot fresher the next morning, but half an hour after Mason had gone you were on the verge of crying again. Ollie refused to eat his breakfast because Mason hadn’t made it and was screaming the house down whenever you tried to put Tilly to sleep. You tried sending him to his room but he refused and around 2pm you were ready to tear your hair out. You needed to pop to the shop but the thought of getting Ollie ready to go outside filled you with dread but you were standing strong and trying hard to get him to do what you needed him to.
‘Ollie, I won’t tell you again. Put the pencils away and come here so I can put your coat on’
‘No, I want daddy not you’
‘Daddy’s not here. Please just do it’
‘No!’ He shouted, throwing the pencils up in the air so they clattered to the floor with a loud bang, causing Tilly to cry almost immediately.
‘Oh Ollie’ you shouted, letting your frustrations get the better of you before he ran out the room. His little feet pounding up the steps until you heard his door slam but you weren’t fussed about him right now, reaching down to pick up an upset Tilly as you held her to your chest and tried not to cry yourself.
You almost jumped out of your skin when you felt a hand on your waist, your teary eyes looking up into Masons sympathetic ones and you froze on the spot. He wasn’t supposed to be home yet and you wanted to have everything sorted before he was but he’d seemingly caught you in the middle of a meltdown. You went to speak but he shook his head, kissing your forehead gently before peeling a still grizzly Tilly from your arms.
‘Go sit down baby, I got this’ he told you gently and you were too distressed to argue so you let him take her as you went into the living room. He wasn’t long and before you knew it he was next to you, bundling you into his arms as you clung to him for dear life. ‘I’m going to have a word with him, I don’t care what you say. I’m not having him speak to you like that it’s not on’
You didn’t argue with him, knowing you couldn’t keep this up for much longer so you just nodded before leaning back a bit.
‘He’s been like it all day, he just won’t do anything for me and I don’t know what to do anymore’ you told him, your bottom lip wobbling as he took your face in his hands before kissing your forehead.
‘I know, don’t worry I’ll fix this’
‘I wanted to fix it myself’ you laughed lightly, trying to ease the tension a little bit but you could tell how disappointed he was. ‘How much did you hear?’
‘All of it’ he sighed. ‘I didn’t wanna come bursting in and start shouting. I think it’s best I calm down and give him some time before I speak to him but I’m fucking furious. Is he like this everyday?’
‘Most days’ you whispered and the look of disappointment that clouded his face made your tummy drop.
‘You should of told me’
‘I wanted to handle it on my own-‘
‘But you’re not on your own. We’re a team remember? We made that little shit together and I’ll always be in your corner to fight back with you’ he laughed, trying to make you smile and even though you were upset you couldn’t help but laugh with him a little bit. ‘Now you just stay here, I’ll go grab Tilly for you and then I’ll go speak to him’ he told you gently, kissing your forehead before jumping up so he could get Tilly and settle her in your arms.
Mason took the stairs two at a time, nervous about having such a serious conversation with Ollie but he couldn’t let things carry on like this. Coming home to you so defeated everyday after you always tried so hard to make sure everyone lived in a happy house angered him more than he could say but he knew he couldn’t shout at him. He was still only little but he should know better than you treat you that way.
‘Ollie, open the door mate’ he called and the door flew open a few seconds later, Ollie smiling like butter wouldn’t melt as he hugged Masons legs but he didn’t offer him any affection back which made Ollie pull back with a pout. ‘Go sit on your bed for me I need to talk to you’
Ollie plopped on his bed with a thud, seemingly unaware of what Mason was about to talk to him about but he knew it was all an act by the way he sat playing with his fingers, a nervous trait he’d picked up from you and Mason had to stop himself from smiling.
‘Daddy’s really not very happy Ollie, why do you think that is?’ Mason asked and Ollie just shrugged his shoulders. ‘Nuh uh, we’re not doing this. You know exactly what I’m on about and I’m really disappointed. You know that behaviour isn’t acceptable’ he told him in a stern voice, trying to be firm and get his point across but also not frighten him. ‘You promised me you’d look after mummy when I’m not here so why have I come home to you shouting at her and not doing what’s she asked you to do?’
Ollie didn’t speak, just carried on playing with his fingers as he looked down and as soon as Mason saw his lip start to wobble his heart broke a little bit, eventually pulling him over and into his lap.
‘I don’t want you to get upset Mate, but how you’re feeling now, that’s how you’ve been making mummy feel for a little while and that’s not nice is it? We don’t want mummy to be upset do we?’
‘No’ he told Mason, shaking his head a little as Mason rubbed his back a little bit.
‘Cause we love mummy don’t we? She does so much for us and it’s important we’re kind to her. She works so hard everyday to make sure we’ve all got what we need and makes sure we’re happy so we need to make sure we look after her like she looks after us’
‘Im sorry daddy’ he finally sobbed, tucking his head into Masons neck as he started to cry.
‘I know mate, but It’s not me you need to say sorry to is it?’ Masons asked and Ollie shook his head into Masons neck. ‘Let’s go see mummy so you can apologise’
‘Okay’ Ollie sniffed before crawling out of Masons lap so he could stand up, rubbing his eyes before Mason held him by his arms.
‘I know you’re sorry but I really don’t want to have to speak to you about this again okay? If I do I won’t be as calm about it. Mummy does absolutely everything for you and I don’t like seeing her upset. Promise me you won’t do it again?’ Mason told him before holding out his pinkie finger which Ollie wrapped his own around.
‘I promise’ he told Mason and he looked like he meant it so Mason held his hand for Ollie to take so he could walk him downstairs to see you and apologise.
‘I’m gonna wait here for a little bit yeah?’ He told Ollie and with a final ruffle of his hair, he watched him run over to you, and throw himself into your arms. Thankfully you’d place Tilly back into her crib nearby so your arms were free and as soon as you worked out what was going on, you pulled him up into your lap so he could throw his arms around your shoulders. You felt your eyes prick instantly as you felt his little body shake.
‘I’m sorry mummy’ he sobbed and you quickly scratched over his head lightly to try and calm him down in a similar way you always did with Mason when he was upset. It seemed to work and soon enough he was pulling back to place a kiss on your cheek causing you to smile.
‘It’s okay baby, thank you for apologising’
‘Hey Ollie’ you suddenly heard from the doorway and you looked over to see Mason making his way in. ‘How about we go in the kitchen and clear your mess up?’ He asked and Ollie nodded before you helped him down so he could make his way into the kitchen. Mason quickly made his way over to you so he could drop a kiss on your lips and with a quiet I love you he was following Ollie into the kitchen.
Around ten minutes later Ollie was walking back in with a bottle for Tilly in his hands and you hadn’t even realised the time and that she was due a feed.
‘Oh thank you baby’ you smiled as he passed it to you and you gently grabbed Tilly so you could feed her. ‘Would you like to come and help me?’ You asked tentatively and to your surprise he nodded shyly at you so you carefully helped him up to sit in the corner of the sofa before laying Tilly in his arms and helping him hold the bottle, feeling more complete that you had in weeks.
Mason soon joined you, a small pout on his lips due to the fact he probably felt a little left out but he was quick to sit down as soon as you patted the space next to you.
‘I’ve made a start on dinner, how does daddy’s special pasta sound?’ He asked, wiggling his eyebrows but Ollie was looking back in disgust as he stuck his tongue out.
‘Want mummy’s pasta’ he laughed and Mason rolled his eyes playfully.
‘Of course you do’ he teased before his eyes landed on yours.
‘Thank you’ you whispered, leaning over to give him a quick kiss and you smiled as he pulled you back to deepen it a bit. ‘I mean it, thank you for all of this’
‘You’re welcome, gorgeous. You know I’d do anything for you’ he whispered, kissing your temple before resting his head on top of yours so you could watch your eldest baby feed your youngest, finally feeling like you’d done something right.
Thank you so much for reading, I hope you enjoyed :) I’d love to know what you thought so please feel free to comment or drop me an ask, I’d really appreciate it 🩷
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ultralightpoe · 9 months
Full House lll - Eddie Munson
Authors Note: Omg. Me? Staying on schedule? Never.
Word Count: 10112
Warnings: None? Idk.
Part One HERE and Part Two HERE
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(Thank you for the gif @psychecreations )
“When’s the first doctors appointment?” Nancy asks, walking up to where you were currently standing at your jobs wait station. You jump, dropping the order pad you had been scribbling in as you turn to find her leaning on the wall. 
“What? Why are you here?” 
“I was craving chicken and didn’t want to hear Steves kfc imitation. So we decided to come here.” She smiles, rubbing her stomach ever so slightly. “Plus it meant I got to check on you.” 
“Oh I’m fine.” You lie, forcing a smile on your face as she narrows her eyes. 
It’s been 4 days since the Christmas fiasco, and 4 days since you realized Eddie was leaving. You tried to pick yourself back up the day of Christmas but ended up telling everyone that you were really sick and should shut the party down early. They had all gone to Steves and you were truly embarrassed to think of what they might have been saying about you. 
God, did you have to ruin everything you touched? 
“You never answered my question.” 
“Oh? I was just sick. It’s not a serious bug or anything. I just didn’t want to get you guys sick on Christmas. That would have been bad” you lie again, feeling a coiling feeling in your gut. “Why don’t you go sit?” 
“Y/n, girl I love you. But you’re showing.” 
“Am not.” 
“Are too. Especially in this waitressing uniform.” It was true. Normally the old school 70s uniform fit you like a glove, falling just to your thighs and it made tips so much easier. Right now? It was on the tighter side…… which made tips even easier because your boobs looked great but you felt terrible about everything. 
“Does he know?” Nancy asks, and you have to stop yourself from telling her or shove off. After a moment of silence she seems to take that for an answer. “Y/n….. Eddie needs to know.” 
“Why? So I can trap someone else?” You laugh bitterly. “That poor guy has already put up with enough of my shit. Now if you’ll excuse me I have to go grab tables.” 
You walk past her, not giving her a chance to argue as you completely avoid looking to their tables direction and move to your own section of the floor to greet a new table. 
Pam, one of your favorite regulars, sees you and greets you with a smile. “You never work Friday nights!” 
You always spent Friday nights with Eddie and the girls for movie night. But Eddie ran and you needed to make rent so tonight Max was watching them. 
“Starting now I will be. You want your usual babe?” 
“You know it!.” She giggles. 
Steve tried saying bye before they left and you pretended you didn’t see him as you took orders, by the end of the night your feet were killing you and you all but limped inside to where Max was sitting at the table doing college homework with her headphones on. 
Either she didn’t have them loud or she was on edge, your guess being a bit of both, she knows you're there and turns to you when you enter the kitchen. 
“Thank you so much Max.” You mumble, pulling out the tip money you had set aside for her. “I’m sorry I ran late.” 
“No need to pay.” She smiles, pushing the money away. “I like spending time with them.” 
That tight feeling in your stomach is back, digging in as you stare at the redhead. She had been part of the reason you chose Hawkins, Billy had (in one of his rare good moments) described the way Max seemed to blend in and find a home here. He told you about the friends she made and how she managed to grow into a brave person and you wanted that for your own. So, assuming she was gone, you moved out here. Little did you know you find her soon enough along with an entire group of people connected to your ex. 
You had always been told max was dead. 
Max had always been told Billy was dead. 
You didn’t know how she figured you out until Eddie told you about VECNA and Lucas told you about his girlfriends sight for things. 
“I…. I saw the tickets.” She admits, blush traveling her cheeks as you move to make a cup of tea. The cupboard was still broken and you couldn’t bear to look at it. 
“What tickets?” 
“You left your folder out on the table. I saw that you were figuring out where to go.” Max admits and you can’t help but tense. 
“I just….. I don’t want the girls being surrounded by…..” 
“Yes…..” you admit, still keeping your back to her as you boil water. “And Eddie. I just don’t want them knowing that he left them. They adore him too much.” 
Coward. Coward. COWARD. 
“I’m not a mom, but I can get your urge to protect them.” Max mumbles. “But what if they end up hating you for taking them away.” 
“Then they have someone to blame. I’d rather them blame me than themselves. It is my fault anyways.” You admit, tears springing into your eyes. “Anyways. Take the money, go have fun.” 
“Do you need me again this week? I saw that you work on New Year’s Eve.” 
“No. You should be going out with your friends.” 
“The boys have a start of the year campaign and El is taking a trip with Hopper. I’m free.” She laughs, trying to break the tension built up. “I’ll be here at 2.” 
You can’t get the words thank you out because of how tight your throat is, so you just mouth them as she grabs the money and passes. 
Steve could not stop laughing when he saw Eddie’s face the day he brought the car into the shop, leaning over on his knees to catch his breath as he wheezed out. 
Dylan, the other mechanic, kept looking over to watch the scene unfold as Eddie tried to focus on his friends car. 
“Dude I know- it’s just that your face is so purp-hahaha.” Another fit of laughter and Eddie is debating throwing his drill at him. He was in no shape to be dealing with him today. 
Truth was Eddie had barely gotten a wink of sleep, he couldn’t manage to. Not used to not having you beside him, or not having the girls night light and soft lullabies. It had been 5 days since he saw you and he was beginning to lose his mind and resolve. 
Almost every night he nearly talked himself into going back, then he remembered Motleys broken cries as they carted him off and the way she clung to your hip. The way she screamed for her dad as Eddie attacked him. 
Monster monster monster. 
“Gotta give it to Hargrove. He knows how to punch.” 
“Yeah well, hope he had his fun.” Eddie snaps, leaning back to make sure he adjusted the part correctly. 
“Did you get him back?” 
“I got a few licks in.” Eddie mumbles, feeling guilty about the pride that washes over him as he remembers the way he beat Billy's face in. That was motleys dad. As much as he enjoyed hitting him he probably just scarred the Metalhead for life. 
“Oh a few licks.” Steve scoffs, moving to take a seat on the stool at Eddie’s workstation. “I know how strong you are Munson. You got more than a few licks in.” 
“I shouldn’t have.” 
“Why the hell not?” 
“Because Motley was right there! She’s gonna hate me forever.” Eddie scoffs. 
“Oh you mean more than they already do?” This pulls Eddie’s attention, he had been doing so good about not asking but he was dying to know. What had they said? Were they happy he’s gone? Mad that he fought Billy? 
“What’d they say?” 
“Not much of anything. Nancy knows something is up but your girl is keeping her lips sealed pretty well. I didn’t even know about your fight with jackass until I saw your face.” 
“But you said they were mad.” 
“Yeah man, you missed Christmas and just dipped. Leaves a bad impression.” 
“Oh whatever. They are better off, I just ruin everything.” 
“Oh. My. God.” Steve gasps, looking at Eddie like he’s figured everything out. “You’re self sabotaging!” 
“Yeah! You think you’re the bad guy and so you’re trying to run away which is just making you even more of a bad guy which means my wife can stop threatening to shave your head.” 
“I….. no man you don’t get it.” 
“I do get it. I get it more than anyone else and let me be the first to tell you that you’re being a massive idiot.” He sighs, standing up. “Motley was waiting by that window to spot you that entire day.” 
“S……she was?” 
“Yeah Munson. She was.” 
“I just….. I don’t want to be the one holding them back. I don’t want her to hate me.” 
“Did you ever think that maybe Motley chose you? Like you chose Wayne?” Steve asks, watching Eddie deflate before his eyes before turning to the car. “I’m not paying by the way. Consider my advice enough.” 
Eddie spends the day of New Year’s Eve by the phone, fighting the urge to call. 
What would he say? How would he explain? 
No. Don’t call. This is for the better. 
Yes. Call. Just pick the phone just for the chance to hear your voice. 
God damn when did life get so complicated?
“What are you doing?” Wayne asks, watching eddie from his spot on the couch. “Quit wearing down my carpet.” 
The carpet has been worn down since Eddie had moved in, but he chooses not to comment instead he sits by the phone, keeping his pinky on the handle of the plastic and glaring at it. 
“You expecting a call?” 
“No.” Eddie groans, rubbing his chest to try and relieve some of the pain built up. God he missed you guys. “Fuck. I’m gonna go smoke.” 
He rushes to the back porch before Wayne could argue, hearing the old man laugh as he slams the door. 
There is a dog out there when he exits, chewing on a stick found from the trees and sitting right by the fence. Upon looking a little closer he sees that the dog actually seems caught under the fence, like he was trying to sneak in. 
“Jesus.” He murmurs, keeping the joint between his lips as he walks up, socked feet stepping on sticks and stones making him grunt out and try walking on his tippy toes. 
He looks back with a smile, expecting a giggle from one of the girls at his weird walk before he realizes he’s alone. Shit. 
The dog is panting patiently when Eddie comes up, and the man reaches a hand to let him sniff before moving to help. The dog chooses to kiss at his arm, tongue lapping at the skin as Eddie lifts the fence to try and help free him. 
“Why you sneaking in pal?” He grunts, bending the fence. “You hungry?” 
Within moments the dog is out, jumping up and kissing at his face for being rescued. “God. Motley would love you.” 
“Shhhhh Ziggy.” Motley whispers to her baby sister, pulling her closer to the corner. The way daddy eddie set up her room was perfect. 
He had put her bed in the center which left a small corner by her nightstand hidden from the door. 
Over the past week she had looked for Daddy Eddie’s number, finding it sprawled under the label emergency numbers where he had written it under Wayne. 
It was so weird that Daddy Eddie called his dad Uncle Wayne. Adults were so confusing. 
Before you had left for your shift that night you made sure to wish Motley a happy new year and made her promise to behave. Little did you know that she had crossed her fingers behind her back. 
The second you were gone she dashed to grab the closest phone, pulling it into her room and hiding it as Max struggled to cook nuggets for dinner. 
Later that night when Auntie Max was reading on the couch Motley tiptoed to Ziggys room before sneaking her sister out of her crib and tip toeing back as Ziggy giggles happily. 
“Sissy…” She giggles, pulling at Motleys cheeks happily. “Zigsy.” 
“No your Ziggy silly. I’m motley.” She corrects as she shuffles with her sister in an awkward half hold half walk carry until they are in the corner. “Okay Ziggy. Sissy needs your help. You remember the plan?” 
“Oh boy…..”
The phone rings late, and Eddie sits up in the couch to lean his upper body to answer it, stressed and annoyed. 
The stray dog lifts their head, huffing at being woken up and tilting to hear, one ear shooting up. “Easy Zeppelin.” 
The dog barks, and Eddie likes to think he enjoyed the name as he picks the phone up. “Munson residence.” 
God it felt weird saying that again.
“DADDY!” Motley whispers, sounding scared. Eddie is instantly up, standing on his feet and swiping at his face to wake up a little more. 
“Motley? What’s wrong baby?”
“Someone’s trying to get in daddy.” 
“Get in where? Where are you?” He’s already reaching for his keys, heart beating through his ears as his hands shake. 
“We’re at home.” She whines. 
“Where’s mommy?” 
“At work!” Fuck. “Okay. Okay. Just hide. Just like daddy told you, remember? If anything happens, hide. You know where Ziggy is?” 
“She’s with me.” 
“Good girl. Get under your bed or in your closet. I’ll be right there.” He mumbles, calling out to Wayne to grab the phone before booking it out of the trailer. 
He gives no time for the van to warm up, tearing out of the trailer park so quickly he’s sure he hit someone’s patio chair, mumbling under his breath a panicked “fuckfuckfuck” 
The van is uneven as Eddie pulls in quickly, shifting gears to park so hard it makes a grinding sound before he is swinging the door open and tearing out. His feet hit the gravel before the grass as he rushes to the front door, using his shoulder to shove it open harshly. 
A scream tears out in to the air at his entrance before a book is thrown at him which makes him yell out at whoever is in the house. 
“MAXINE?!” He snaps, blinking at her. “What the fuck you doing?” 
“What am I doing?! What are you doing?! You physco!”
“Motley said that someone was trying to break in!” 
“I put Motley to bed an hour ago.” Max grunts, confusion lacing her features. 
“You’re babysitting?” 
“But her car is in the front.”  Eddie felt like he was going crazy. “And since when does she work nights?!” 
“Her car wouldn’t start so she took the bus today.” Max sighs, rolling her eyes. “And she needs extra cash. Probably for the plane tickets to get out of here.”
“Tickets out of….” Before Eddie can process her words any further there is a small pair of eyes looking around the corner drawing his attention. 
Ziggy moves quickly, coming around the corner with a very excited giggle, walking to him as fast as her little feet would allow. “Da-Ed-ay!”
“Hey there baby girl.” He smiles, picking her up and swooping her into his arms to kiss all over her face. It was odd, just how much he missed this and it seemed like she had gotten so much bigger in the 4 days he missed. 
“I swear to god I put her to bed. How did she get out of her crib?!” Max glares, right as the culprit behind it all comes rushing out to run at Eddie. 
“I knew you’d come! I knew it daddy!” She giggles, running at him and throwing her arms around him tightly. “You came back!” 
“Motley?” He starts, brain beginning to process what she was saying. “Did you…. Lie to get me here?” 
“I did!” She smiles, peering up at him with big doe eyes. “I lied daddy! And now you’re here and you can take all my Barbie’s!” 
“If you know lying is bad and you’ll get punished, why did you do it?” He asks, pulling her off before squatting to her level. “Metal head, that was very dangerous-“ 
A gust of air leaves him as her arms wrap around his neck tightly, tears springing from her eyes. “I don’t want you to be mad at me anymore.” 
“Motley I’m not mad, that was just dangerous and it scare-“ 
“No! About Billy. I’m sorry daddy.” His heart plummets, his brain racking to figure out what she was talking about. Why was she sorry? 
“No. No I’m sorry.” He sighs, turning to see Max staring at them intently. “Hey max. Think you can take Ziggy for a moment?” 
“Sure thing mop head.” The redhead scoops Ziggy up causing the young toddler to scream and kick, reaching chubby fingers out for Eddie. As much as he wanted to take her back he had to focus on Motley. 
“Come sit.” He nods his head, leading her to the kitchen table sitting in the chair beside hers and angling it so they were facing. “Listen….. Daddy ha- Well I have been feeling really bad about Christmas Eve. I never meant to do that, or to attack your dad in front of you.” 
“I owe you a big apology for that Motley. And I don’t know what you’re feeling sorry about, pretty girl, but it’s not your fault and you have no reason to be sorry.” He murmurs, swiping the tears that fall from her cheek. “You have done nothing wrong.” 
“I told Billy he couldn’t come for Christmas Daddy!” She blurts, her tears hit against his thumb as he keeps swiping her cheek. “I’m sorry!” 
“No no no. You don’t be sorry.” He moves to pick her up, sitting her on his lap with her face pressed into his chest as he rubs his palm over her hair to try and soothe her. “Let’s just take a deep breath, okay? Then you can tell me what happened.” 
There’s something coiling in his gut at her tears. Pain, anger, sadness. He truly could not tell, but he kept her close and rocked her back and forth to let her cry. When she finally calmed down enough to talk she started telling him. 
“He was really mean daddy. And he kept t-telling me that y-you we’re gonna replace me-“ her body racks with sobs again. “He said you didn’t want me. A-and I was upset! But he w-was mean to you-“ 
“Easy.” He whispers, wiping her cheek once more. “You gotta breathe pretty girl.” 
“He was m-mean. Said mean things about you daddy and mean things ab- I’m sorry! I-“ her sobbing gets worse and Eddie shushes her, choosing to rock her back and forth and keep her in his tight embrace. “And you w-were ma-you were madatme.” 
“No no. I was never mad.” He sighs. “Daddy was never mad at you.” 
“You were.” 
“No, I was just scared. I…. Daddy didn’t want you hating him.” Eddie explains. “I just wanted to give you space. Having 2 dads is confusing. I didn’t want to make it worse.” 
“He hit you.” 
“Did he ever hit you motley?” Eddie asks sternly, squeezing her a bit in comfort. 
“He spanked me.” That feeling in his stomach settled on rage. 
“That’s not fair. And you shouldn’t have had to go through that.” 
“Please don’t leave again.”  As much as he wanted to promise her that he wouldn't, that wasn’t a promise he could make. You probably hated him, and he would have to talk this out with you first. 
“Let’s get you to bed yeah? Daddy will tuck you in.” 
“I want mama.” 
“Well she’s at work.” He mumbles against her hair. 
“Can we go get milkshakes?” 
“I don’t know…..” it was almost 10. Then again it was New Year’s Eve and he didn’t want you taking the bus home so this would give him an excuse to go pick you up. “Only if they have chocolate.” 
“You already know they have chocolate!” She giggles, and he can’t stop the way his heart seems to light up. 
It was a busy night, and the smell of the jalapeno nachos all your tables were ordering was making you nauseated and angry. You wanted to throw up, maybe cry, maybe throw up then cry. 
Apparently a town next to Hawkins lost power so a bunch of people were driving to this place to have a good new years which meant you were going to be stuck here forever. You found yourself stressing about the bus’ schedule as you dashed to run food. 
This is what you had been doing when you spotted him. Running a tray of jalapeño nachos to your table, keeping it a safe distance from your nose as you thought about the fact that you might have to walk, and there he was. 
Standing in the doorway, leather jacket and wide eyes, as you caught him looking for you. And he was holding Ziggy. 
What the fuck Maxine?! 
“Y/n get a move on!” Your manager calls and you snap out of it, moving to deliver the tray as the host seats Eddie. 
You hear Motley call out “mommy!” And instantly knew that they would now be sat in your section. Did it make you a bad mother if you admitted you would rather die than face him tonight? 
“Mama!” Your daughter calls, making you look over as she slides in, Eddie sitting right next to her and then you are forced to confront this. You should have learned about birth control. Better yet maybe you should have practiced the art of condoms more.  
Thinking of all the ways you could have prevented this situation as you gaze at your daughters adorable smiling face. God she was beautiful….. still should have used a condom. 
“What a surprise. I could have sworn I left you guys with Max.” You try to smile, avoiding looking at Eddie as Ziggy reaches for you. You grab her gently, bouncing her on your hip and she starts playing with your hair clip. 
“I got daddy!” Motley admits proudly, pointing to Eddie which makes you look at him. Your heart thumping against your chest, adrenaline rushing through you as he stares at you with those god damn brown eyes. 
“Munson.” You greet, turning back to Motley. “Girls, stay in the booth for a moment. Okay? I’m gonna talk to him outside.” 
You walk off after that, leaving Eddie no choice but to follow as he jumps up and runs to catch up. The winter hair hits you, and you immediately wrap your arms around yourself to keep some of the warmth, the crappy waitress outfit doing nothing for you. 
The second you hear your name fall from his lips you whirl, slapping him in the chest to push him back. “What the fuck is the matter with you munson?!” 
“I…. Give me a moment to explain, please.” 
“Explain?! EXPLAIN?!” A bitter laugh splits from your lips. “Look. I get it. My life was a bit too messy and fucked up, I’d run too. But you bringing the girls here is just making it worse. You’re going to get their hopes and it’s gonna crush them.” 
“Too messy? Who said anything about it being too messy?” 
“WHY ELSE WOULD YOU RUN?!” Your voice raises louder than you thought it would, but you don’t back down. “And I don’t appreciate you talking to my daughters without me. Now I gotta tell them-“ 
The words ‘my daughters’ sound wrong, and you can’t fight the disgust that coats you as you trail off, eyes widening as he stares back at you with a set jaw. “I just mean….. I get why you left okay? My life is chaos and you were really nice for staying and pretending like it was fine. But those girls…. They can’t know you left cause of that. I was hoping, as shitty as it sounds, that after a couple years they’d forget. Y’know?” 
You are swiping at your cheeks as tears stream down your face, trying not to look at him. You catch him moving up, his hands outstretched, but you move backwards so he can’t grab you. “Eds. Y-you should just go. Okay? It’ll be fine.” 
“No it won’t-“ 
“It will. I’ll be fine. I won’t be mad-“ then his arms are around you, pulling you in quickly as he shoves your head into his chest and you get to inhale his scent once more. Doing your best not to outright sob. 
“I was the mess.” He blurts. “I was scared, okay? I was scared that Billy was gonna turn everyone against me, and I was scared that I ruined Motleys Christmas.” 
You scoff, trying to pull away, not really believing the excuse. Before you can fully move he wraps an arm around your waist, his other hand moving to your jaw to drag your eyes up to his own. “I was scared. I was a coward.” 
“No buts. I didn’t leave cause I thought you were a mess, baby I think you’re perfect and your daughters are so fucking precious to me. I…. You really thought I was running cause I couldn’t handle it?” 
“I just-“ 
“Y/n!” Your boss calls from the door, looking exasperated. “You gettin sick again? Need to go? Or you wanna get paid so you can afford maternity leave?” 
You tense again under Eddie’s touch, stomach curling as you try and take a step back while Eddie’s brows knit in confusion before he turns to glare at your boss. “She’s sick.” 
“Fine. Take her home. Just have to transfer tables.” The man snaps, turning to walk back in before Eddie is whirling on you. 
“Am I crazy or did he just say maternity leave?” 
“Eddie….” You sigh, feeling saliva build up as you panic. He watches you, taking a step back just as you lean forward to puke. 
The car ride is silent. Not the serene kind of quiet and more so the anxiety inducing type. 
You had no clue what to say to him at this point. Suddenly everything just seemed to….. silly. You’re reaction and his reaction. You should have just called. Why hadn’t you called? 
No, he should have called. 
You were being a decent person and giving him space and “mama?” 
“Can I sleep with you and daddy tonight?” 
“Ya!” Ziggy yells, making Eddie chuckle under his breath as he leans to turn the heater in the car up. It had been forever since you had ridden in this van, since he deemed it unacceptable to drive the girls around in since it lacked seatbelts or a backseat. Even now everytime he braked he means a hand out to block the girls even with Ziggy in your lap. 
“I don’t know…” 
“Please! Please please.” 
“We will talk about it when we get home.” 
Only there was no talking about it, the second you got home with the girls Motley ran to throw away her to go milkshake cup then dashed to your bed quickly which turned into a screaming fit when you tried to tell her no. 
The word condom just kept circling your mind as you finally just told her to lay down, she did so and Ziggy soon made her appearance to crawl onto the bed. 
Eddie takes off his shoes. Moving to lay with the girls as you turn off one of the lights so the room was dark enough for them to fall asleep, and then you shuffle to the bathroom to shower before bed so you didn’t smell like grease and beer. 
It wasn’t even 10 minutes before you heard the door open and shut softly, you turn already knowing he is heading for the shower and watch as the curtain opens lightly. 
Normally he would jump right in like he belonged there which would make you laugh, tonight he had a questioning gaze, trying not to over step. You give him a small nod and then the curtain is pushed aside and he dives in, still in his shirt and jeans. 
“Edward-“ you warn before his lips are on yours in a searing kiss. He keeps one hand on your jaw to keep your lips connected as his other wraps around your back to keep you close as the water runs over both of you getting his clothes soaked. By the time you pull back he’s already working his way down your neck with kisses as you earn him again “clothes.” 
The hand holding your jaw moves to cover your mouth quickly as he peers at you, giving you a fake angry expression that has you laughing. “Do not wake our kids.” He whispers before stepping back to undress. 
The jeans take a moment to shuck off since they were wet but the second he is free Eddie dives for you again, showing up just how much he missed you. 
You sit with him on the floor of the kitchen by the fridge, using the light above the oven as your only source of light while you both snack, keeping cuddled together in nothing but your robes. 
Nothing has been said yet, and you were just fine with that, exhausted and happy that he was there. But he has to ruin it, of course he does. 
“I’m still sorry.” He murmurs, scraping the cream of one side of an Oreo using the empty side. 
“I am too. I think we’re both incredibly stupid right now.” 
“You’re telling me.” He blushes. “I just…. There was a time in my life when I hated Uncle Wayne. I had this image in my mind that he was trying to tear me away from my dad. Fuck I just wanted to be with my dad, I looked up to him whether he beat me or not and- the way I treated Wayne and the way I hated him….. my dad didn’t help, everytime I went back with him my mom and I just ended right back up at Wayne’s with more bruises than last time. And when she passed I was the only one there to inflict it. Wayne for him arrested and I swore my world was ending, swore I would never talk to Wayne again.” 
“You thought that was what was going on with Motley? That she felt like you were tearing her and her dad apart?” 
“Yes and no. I just was trying to prevent that from happening, I didn’t want her to have to experience that choice.” He whispers, picking at the robe. “I just wanted to protect her.” 
“She wanted to protect you too.” You whisper back. “That’s love.” 
“Billy told her that…. That I was gonna try and replace her.” He gulps, and you stop smiling instantly. “And now that you’re pregnant, and as happy as I am because I am so happy, I need to make sure she knows that I’m not trying to replace her.” 
“We’ll make it work.” You mumble, laying your head on his shoulder. “We always do” 
He hums out, laying his head on top of yours and sitting in the silence for a moment before you break it once more. “Where are your rings?” 
“Haven’t worn them since I got arrested.” He answers, holding up his bare hands. “My fingers were too bruised and swollen at first, then I just couldn’t care to put them on.” 
“Let’s go to bed..” 
“Give me five more minutes.” He whispers, turning his head to kiss your own, keeping his nose pressed into your hair. 
“I just…. I just want to be near you for a little longer.” 
The sun peaks through the curtains, hitting Eddie right in the face which in return makes him groan out, moving the pillow around to try and block it. I’m his attempt to move Ziggy wiggles around, giving a displeased noise that her dad woke her up from sleeping before moving to lay right on his chest. 
Motley does not move an inch, mouth wide open and eyes sealed shut, Eddie has to reach a hand out to poke her and make sure she’s not dead. 
She wrinkles her nose, moving closer and shoving her face in your pillow, staying peacefully asleep. 
You’re sitting at the edge of the bed, and he can only blink at you trying to straighten his eyesight as he watches you zip up your work boots. (For some reason I imagine go go boots with the 70s look. I don’t know guys. I….. I have no clue). 
“You going to work?” He blurts, making you jump. 
“Sorry, yeah. Max will be here soon to watch the girls. We agreed on it last night before I left.” You mumble, moving to grab your apron. 
“I can watch em….” He whispers, staring at you. The way the sun from the window hits you makes you look angelic. 
“Okay.” You smile, moving to kiss Motley and Ziggys heads before you move to walk away. Fully offended Eddie snatches your hand and draws you back, annoyed at the shit eating grin on your face. 
“Baby,” he whines making you let out a small laugh and lean down to kiss his lips before rushing to leave. 
He lays with the girls for a little longer making sure the blanket is covering all three of them before the day truly has to start and he forces himself to get up. Setting Ziggy down without waking her up was a difficult task but he managed, shuffling to the bathroom to change into todays clothes, thankful that he no longer has to wear all the shit clothes he left at Wayne’s when he originally moved out. 
Upon exiting the bathroom he nearly trips over Motley, who had been sitting in front of the door. “What are you doing Metalhead?” 
“You took forever…” she whines, wrapping herself around his calf which makes him smile. “I wanna stay with you.” 
“Okay,” he answers, moving down to peel her off his leg and letting her climb up for a piggy back. “You’re gonna help me make breakfast then.” 
“We’ll just have to wait and see.” He smirks, walking down the hall as the front door opens to reveal Max. 
“Hey. Sorry I’m late.” She rushes out, face red from running. “I woke up a little late and-“ 
“It’s no problem. I’m here if you had other things to do.” Eddie offers. “Or you can stay and have some breakfast?” 
“Sounds great. I’m kinda ignoring the rest of the group right now.” She explains, setting her bag down and following them into the kitchen. Eddie gets Max set up at the table, trying to set Motley with her but the girl wiggles and whines so he allows her to stay. 
He listens to Max rant about the group as he moves around to make waffles, enjoying the easy feeling he gets being here. God why did he ever leave home? 
“-And Lucas is just always set out to fight Erica. You’d think he had a crush on Dustin and wanted to date him. You know? I get it, your baby sister starts dating your closest friend. A little weird. But get over it!” 
“I think Uncle Dustin and Auntie Erica are so cute!” Motley adds which makes Eddie chuckle a bit. 
“Lucas is upset because he always thought they were in agreement that Erica was annoying.” He explains, bending down to set Motley down and bring the food to the table. “But it’s been months. Time to move on.” 
“Exactly!” Max sighs right as Ziggy comes pounding in with an angry look.
“Alone….” She whines and Eddie smiles at her. “Aweee did you wake up alone? My poor little baby.” He coos, picking her up and bringing her close to kiss before setting her on his lap to help her eat. He already knew she would not be into the high chair based on the way even Motley was clinging to him. 
Even now, as she used a spoon to shove waffles in her mouth, she kept a hand on his own arm to keep him close. 
“I’m gonna work on mamas car today.” He explains. “I’ll be right outside. So maybe you girls can stay in here and keep Max company.” 
“I wanna stay with you.” Motley whines, giving him puppy dog eyes. 
“No it’s too cold. You stay in here. Okay?” And then Eddie gave her his puppy dog eyes. Oh yeah, can’t beat dads game. 
She groans and looks at Max who smiles in return. “I’ve been practicing my barbie voices just for you.” 
“Fine! But barbie is married to G.I. Joe! Ken is the villain. We’re not arguing about it again.” 
“But isn’t it Barbie and Ken? Wouldn’t Joe be the villain?” 
“Maxine.” Motley warns, slamming her tiny hand on the table. 
“Fine. Got it.” 
It didn’t last long. 
Eddie had put on his mechanic suit, trying to keep warm as he took a look at what was going on with your car. 15 minutes in Motley came out wearing her snowsuit and smiling. “Look daddy! I can help!” 
“I thought I said to stay inside-“ a laugh breaks out when she takes off the hood of the snow suit to reveal that she tied a bandana over her head like a hat. “That’s not how you tie it. Come here.” 
He helps her tie it like his, telling her to sit a little closer to the grass as he keeps working, making sure the radio is on a station she would like as he does so. 
By the time you get home she is making snow angels in the snow of the lawn as he curses under his breath. 
“What’s going on?” You ask, making him jump and hit his head on the hood of your car. “Oh! I’m so sorr-“ 
“It’s good. I’m good.” He laughs, letting you fuss over him anyways. He takes his chance to kiss at you before you are pulling back. 
“You are covered in car nastiness-“ 
“You mean grease and oil?” He laughs, keeping you trapped in his arms to rub his cheek on your shoulder. You yell out playfully, still trying to escape as he does so. 
“Does this mean you guys are good?” Steve appears, dustin behind him. “Are you done being mad at me Y/n?”
“I was never mad at you!” Eddie keeps his arms around you as you turn to look at Steve, making sure Motley is good. 
“Yes you were. I waved at you the other night and you completely ignored me.” 
“I didn’t see you wave.” You reply and Eddie can’t help but laugh. 
“I called your name!”
“It was a busy restaurant, how am I supposed to hear everything.” You scoff, pulling from Eddie’s arms and flipping your hair. “Come on Motley. Let’s go inside.” 
“Just admit you saw me wave!” Steve groans, following you to the door before Motley turns to shove him and close the door in his face. “Rude!” 
“Steve, did you just get beat up by a kid?” Dustin laughs. 
“It’s Eddie’s kid. Does that count?” 
“My kids are great!” 
Things took a moment to get back to normal, but that was to be expected. 
Eddie found the folder of all your research on places to go, running his fingers over the math you sprawled across the pages to figure out how you would afford it, he promptly threw it in the trash bins outside. 
Motley stayed glued to Eddie as much as she could, and in the mornings when he had to get up for work she made sure to wake him up and give him a kiss by the door making sure that he swore to come back before she would dash down the hall and lay with you. 
Makeup Christmas happened, except it was only Wayne that was invited and instead of a whole feast you guys ordered a crap ton of Chinese food. 
Wayne came over early, sneaking around the back and coming in through the back door which confused the girls to no end but they were excited to see their grandpa. 
Ziggy also proved that she learned 2 more words by saying “shit grandpa!” All excited and reaching her hands up for him to grab her. 
He howls with laughter, scooping her up and throwing her in the air as she screams in excitement. 
Everyone sits around the tree opening gifts, Wayne on the couch with Ziggy on his lap helping her open the gifts. Eddie sat by the tree, passing them out with Motley right by him and you next to her. 
He pulls out an envelope that has his name sprawled on it and looks at you. 
“I had a plan for Christmas. But I kind of had to redo it. I planned on giving you the stick, but figured since you already know I’d get the ultrasound.” Yoh blush, watching his excitedly tear it open. 
It’s quiet for a moment as everyone watches him admire the photo, smiling from ear to ear. 
“Anything you notice?” You ask, waiting. 
“What do you mean?” He asks, before Wayne snaps his fingers and grabs the photo gently. 
“There’s two.” Wayne grunts before his eyes light up. “You’re having twins!” 
“Obviously….” Eddie mumbles, “we already knew that?” 
“The stick? It had two blue lines? So that means we’re having twin boys? Right?” Eddie mumbles, staring at you like your crazy. 
It’s quiet for a moment as you and Wayne process what he said before you burst into laughter, the girls following even though they had no clue what was going on. 
“Not even close boy!” Wayne cackles as you have to wipe some of the tears from your eyes. 
“Does that mean you’re pregnant mommy?” Motley asks, turning to look at you with wide eyes. Your heart stops, going back to what Eddie had told you. 
“Yes. Mommy is pregnant .” You wait to see her reaction and Eddie finds himself reaching for the gift he had added two days ago. “Motty. I have something for you.” 
He snatches the tiny box, holding it out to her. “It’s a really important gift though. Okay?” 
She nods slowly, taking the box from him and opening it just as slow. Inside held a simple chain necklace, but when she pulled it out it revealed that he had hung his mothers ring on it, the one he normally wore on his right hand by itself. “I was told to give this ring to someone very special. It’s from my own mom.” 
She gasps, turning to him. “You’re giving it to me?!” 
“Well yeah! You’re my oldest kid. My firstborn.” He laughs, moving to help her put it on. Then he snatches another box and hands it to her. “This one is for both you and your sister.” 
She reaches for it and opens it gently, pulling out a heavy chain that has a dog tag connected to it. “Another necklace?” 
“Well…..” Wayne laughs, flipping it to reveal what the dog tag says. 
“Who is Zeppeplin?” 
“Zeppelin, baby.” You correct, already standing up. 
“Who is Zeppelin?” She giggles, which makes Eddie laugh, picking her up by her armpits to make her stand as you go and open the back door. 
The dog, a young little puppy at most, snaps his head to the noise and wags it’s tail excitedly upon seeing you. 
“Come in!” You smile and he bolts from his spot tearing up sticks to get inside. Once he hits the threshold of the house he is everywhere. Sniffing the fridge to the chairs, jumping on his hind legs to clean up the high chair where Ziggy left her banana. After inhaling that he bolts to explore more, completely missing the living room as he bolts down the hall to sniff all the rooms. 
Once Motley sees the flash of fur she screams in excitement, which draws the puppy back and they both just feed off each others excitement. 
She’s jumping up and down, screaming in excitement and the dog starts howling to match her while his butt starts wiggling at how hard he is wagging his tail. 
“I am so excited for Chinese later.” Wayne murmurs, coming to hug you as Eddie tries to calm both the noisemakers down. “Thank you for inviting me.” 
“Of course, you’re grandpa.” You smile, watching Ziggy from his arms just stare intently at the scene before her. “She can’t tell whether to be excited or scared.” 
Wayne laughs, pointing to the dog and trying to help Ziggy see him. 
Later that evening everyone sits around the table, Max with you all, as you pile Chinese food onto the plates. Motley keeps showing Max the necklace she got while Wayne keeps bragging to Eddie about his new Jean jacket. 
Zeppelin chooses to sit by Ziggy, and it’s very clear that the dog has already figured out who will drop the most food. Ziggy giggles every time she drops a piece of broccoli and he catches it. 
“Now we’re gonna have to watch her every time we give her veggies.” Eddie groans. “She’s got an accomplice!” 
“Zeppy and Ziggy!” Motley cheers like their superheroes. 
February rolls around soon enough, and your daughters biggest catastrophe had nothing to do with the restraining order on Billy, or her dads new bike (which she was terrified of). No. Motleys world was ending over valentines cards. 
Eddie had helped her pick them out, little heart shaped cards that you could stick lollipops in, and had sat with her to write in them as you took Ziggy in for a haircut. 
The only one that Motley had not written a card for was Troy, and now the morning of Valentine’s Day she was still panicking. 
“I can’t write love cause then he will want to get married!” She explains and Eddie nods like it’s super serious. “And I can’t write like, because then he will know I have a crush on him!” 
“Glad you can admit it.” He nods and she rolls her eyes. “Here’s an idea! Okay, you ready metal head?” 
“Ready daddy!” 
“You can write ‘from Motley’.” He laughs, watching her face go serious. 
“That’s what I wrote on the others!” 
“Exactly.” He watches as she thinks about it before nodding quickly and writing it down, tossing it in her valentines box and dashing to grab her backpack. 
“She finally figure out Troys?” You ask, shuffling Ziggy in. “It’s been days.” 
“She did. We decided on writing ‘from motley’.” He smiles, leaning forward to kiss you before leaning down to kiss your stomach then Ziggy. 
“Stevie….” Ziggy giggles, running to the phone. It didn’t take long to figure out that she would be the one to run the phone bill up, even now she spent every morning learning to dial her uncle Steve’s number. She dialed Dustin once but deemed him “poopoo head.” 
“Nuh uh. Come eat pretty girl.” Eddie calls, pointing to her chair. “Zeppelin is waiting.” 
The dog, who just a month ago had been tiny enough to lay under her chair, now sat at full height beside it. Still a puppy, just bigger.  
Ziggy runs, her little pigtails bouncing as Eddie picks her up by the overalls to sit her in the chair. Now trained Ziggy eats his dog food beside her rather than everything she drops, and if somehow someway some of her waffle drops in his bowl then it can’t really be considered his fault. 
“Motley, hurry up baby.” You call. “We gotta go.” 
“You good to pick Wayne up?” Eddie asks, moving to grab his lunch. 
“Yes. I’ll drop Motley off at school and go and grab him.” Wayne had injured his hip, so today you’ll be taking him to the doctors to see what the plan was while Eddie went to work. 
“Okay. And Ziggy is still good to-?” 
“Ziggy and Zeppelin are going to Nancy’s, yes.” You smile. Nancy had just given birth to her third boy, and she liked having Ziggy over because she liked having another girl in the house. 
“Okay. Tell me how it goes?” He asks, leaning to give you one more goodbye kiss as you nod before moving to say bye to Motley. “BYE BEAUTIFUL LADIES!” 
The day had started off so well, you should have known it would only go downhill from there. 
Wayne sat in the passenger seat of your car, irritated and ranting about shitty doctors. “I’m not doing it. You hear me? Just give me some Tylenol and I’ll be fine.” 
“MOMMY!” Ziggy screams, from her spot on her car seat. 
The doctor had told Wayne he needed hip surgery and could not work, which meant that Wayne was pissed and you were panicking about what to do. He couldn’t work which meant he wouldn’t be able to make rent and he would need some help to move around. Then when you got to Steve and Nancy’s she had told you that Ziggy had taken quite a stumble off the table and scratched her chin on the corner of the table. 
It was a mess. 
Both of them were not having a good day and Zeppelin was howling at their ranting and screaming and as much as you loved them you truly debated crashing the car. 
Then you got home to yelling. 
Eddie stood in the living room, still in his work attire with his hands on his hips and his eyes wide. “You’re in rare fucking form today, you know that?!” 
The response to his question is met with a demonic scream from down the hall and you can only assume that Motley was having a bad time as well. 
“I’m not getting a surgery, you hear me Edward?” Wayne snaps, limping to the couch. 
“What the fuck are you on now?” He snaps back, looking at him annoyed as Ziggy rushes past crying. “What the fuck is going on?” 
“It’s apparently a meltdown day.” You sigh, moving to kiss his cheek and go into the kitchen to make a snack for yourself. 
Todays pregnancy craving was potato chips with lime juice and pickles, Eddie watches from the entrance of the kitchen with a smile as you settle at the table and enjoy your snack. 
He moves and takes the seat next to you, following your lead on snacks. 
“Why is Metalhead in ‘rare fucking form’ today?” You giggle, watching his face pinch in annoyance. 
“I pick her up and she gets in the car, right? And then she just starts screaming at me! And I mean screaming. The entire ride home! And from what I gather Vinny didn’t give her a valentines card.” He explains. “God. She was yelling like she was possessed. Then I tried explaining that maybe it was lost and that made it worse.” 
“Did she get one from Troy?” 
“I don’t know. I don’t think she cares either.” He sighs, rubbing his jaw. 
“Okay, we let her ride out the fit in her room. We’ll call Steve later to see what happened.” 
“Sounds great to me.” He smiles. “She scared me a little. Threatened to cut her hair and everything. Then threatened to cut MY hair.” 
A small laugh tears from you as he steals the potato chip in your hand before looking to Wayne’s direction. “They recommend surgery?” 
“It wasn’t a recommendation.” You sigh, grabbing his hand and tracing the tattoo. “I think we need to move the house around.” 
“If Wayne gets surgery he needs to be here. I’ll cut back shifts at the diner and help him out.” You start. “He won’t be able to use the stairs so maybe we can move our room downstairs which would give more room for the twins cribs in our room, but Ziggy has problems with the stairs and she likes coming in to sleep with us cause of the nightmares but-“ 
“Easy. Easy.” Eddie mumbles, turning his hand up quickly to snatch your hand and pull it to his lips. “We’ll figure it out.” 
And so you did. 
Eddie moved the house around, and turned the basement into a bedroom for you guys. Now with more room and your own bathroom down here he could set up the cribs. 
Wayne took your old room, and though the man threw a fit the girls got excited that Grandpa Wayne would be living here now. 
He got the surgery in the beginning of March, and Motley and Vinny were still fighting. 
You spent your days helping Wayne, taking him to pt and helping him move around the house. 
Motley and Vinny got put into separate classes which lead to a whole argument between Steve and Eddie about whose kid was the one to blame. 
Life was a bit of a mess. 
It all came to head at the children's father dance. 
Eddie had dressed in a tux, making sure he looked good as you got Motley ready for the night. With Wayne napping on the couch with Ziggy asleep on his chest drooling (a daily nap these two took) Zeppelin follows at your feet, keeping close to you as you did Motley's hair. 
“How do I look?” Eddie asks from the door of the bathroom. “I have a date tonight and I’m really nervous.”
“Daddy!” Motley giggles, rushing to him in her puffy little skirt, hugging him tightly. 
“Alright you two. Let me get a picture.” You smile, rushing past to find where the camera had gone. By the time you got a picture of them Motley was rushing Eddie out, ready for the dance. 
He struggles to find parking, and ends up finding one right next to Steve’s car, rolling his eyes when he sees Harrington fixing his jacket while Vinny reads in the car. 
“Harrington.” He greets coldly, fixing his leather jacket and moving to open the door for his daughter. 
“Munson.” Steve matches the tone, scoffing at Eddie’s jacket. “Little Munson.” 
“Uncle Steve.” She huffs, fixing her hair. 
“Really? A leather jacket Edward?” 
“You look like you stepped off a Queen music video, Steven.” Eddie snaps, holding out his hand for Motley. Fighting or not they wait at the front of the car for Steve and Vinny. Walking into the dance together. 
“I’m surprised that they even let you in here. Your child is a danger to society.” Steve snaps as they wait in line for tickets. 
“Let’s talk about your kid giving everyone but my sweet Angel a valentines card. That’s barbaric.” Eddie defends, watching Motley wave to her friends. 
“He didn’t want to. And I don’t need to tell him what to do.” Steve blushes, turning to look at something to avoid looking at Eddie. 
“There it is again. You’re acting so fucking suspicious about that card, man.” Eddie points at him, silver rings glinting in the light. “Tell me what you know.” 
“Tickets?” The poor woman asks, interrupting their stand off. 
“Yes please. Four.” 
“No two. I’ll get my tickets.” 
“No I’ll get them” 
“You’re not buying me ,Steven.” 
“He’s buying me.” Motley smiles, snatching the money from Steve’s hands and setting them on the table before grabbing two tickets. “Let’s go get some pop, daddy.” 
Eddie can do nothing but follow, letting the little lady lead the way. 
After about an hour of Motley showing him everything and introducing him to all her friends she abandoned him to hang out with some of the girls in her class, making sure Eddie was okay where he sat at an empty table nursing a can of soda. 
It felt like high school again, watching the way all the other dads surrounded Harrington as the pta moms that decorated huddled together and giggled in the corner. At least the kids were having fun. 
Eddie wished you were here, you would be sitting with him. 
“Jesus. Gary never shuts up.” Steve mumbles, snapping Eddie out of his train of thought. “I got you a slice of pizza.” 
He sets the slice down, giving Eddie a weird smile as he scarfs down his own slice. But eddie wasn’t very hungry, instead he surveyed to check on motley and see her giggling with all her friends as they dance in a circle. 
“Your kid has been sitting alone, you gonna help?” Eddie asks, looking to where Vinny sits reading a book. 
“I tried earlier. He just said something about me embarrassing him more.” Steve sighs. “Then complained that I ruin everything.” 
“What happened? I’ve never seen him alone at a party.” 
“Have I not told you? Your daughter is the popular one. They made her move classes and he was left in their old class struggling to make friends.” Steve mumbles. 
“Why don’t you get one of the many dads following you around to get their kids over there? It feels like I’m in highschool again, waiting for your cronies to shove me in the bathrooms and lock me in again.”
“How long were you in that bathroom, again? Two hours?” 
“Three.” Eddie sighs. “I smoked and set off an alarm so the principal found me.” 
“Wasnt one of your worst. I was fine.” Eddie shrugs. “Sorry about Vinny.” 
“I have faith.” Steve sighs, leaning back in his chair. “I also cannot believe I’m at a daddy daughter dance.” 
“It’s a father kid dance?” 
“They didn’t want the boys feeling left out.” Steve explains. 
“I see.” Eddie smiles, picking at the pizza. 
“He wrote one. You know?” 
“Vinny wrote one. He wrote a valentine for Motley and got her a big chocolate bar. But a girl made fun of him in the parking lot and he panicked.” Steve explains. “Ripped it up and left the chocolate on my car to melt on the seats.” 
“I can clean that.” 
“You can?!” 
“Oh yeah. I got you Harrington.” Eddie laughs right as another dad comes to the table. 
“Howdy gentleman.” He smiles, sitting down. Eddie has to blink to recognize, holy shit that’s Tommy. “Oooo. I’m sitting at the hellfire table. So scary…” 
“Do you have a kid here…?” Steve asks, blinking slowly. 
“Yeah.” He slurs, pointing to the young kid stuffing his face with marshmallows.  “You guys want some whiskey?” 
“Jesus. I smell it from here man.” Steve snaps, standing up. 
“I’m driving. Hard pass.” Eddie laughs, standing with Steve. 
“It’s so weird to me that you two are friends! That shit is like….. mind flowing!” 
“Blowing.” Steve corrects and Eddie sighs. “Damn it Harrington. It was a trap.” 
“Blowing is more for you guys, if you know what I mean.” Tommy laughs and Eddie shakes his head. 
“How did you fall for that Harrington? You made that line.” Eddie grumbles, moving to find Motley. “Hey Metalhead?” 
“Yeah daddy?” She asks, coming up with her cheeks bright red from all the dancing. 
“Have you eaten?” He asks, offering her a bite of his pizza before looking back over to Vinny. “Think you can go help him out?” 
“Yeah. I guess.” She sighs, kissing his cheek and rushing to find Vinny and bring him out to dance. 
By the end of the night Eddie has danced to about every little pop song she wants, and by the time he is bringing her to the car it’s more of a carrying her situation as Steve tries to trip Vinny up. 
“Have a good night Harringtons.” Eddie laughs. 
“Sleep tight Munsons.” 
“Shouldn't you be in bed?” Eddie asks, peering up at you over his book as you shuffle and pace around the room. 
“Shut up.” You grunt, waving your hand at him. Your face is pinched up and Eddie finds himself sitting up and staring at you. 
“What’s going on here?” 
“Edward shut UP!” You snap, pacing back to the wall and holding your hands against it to try and breathe in. “Sorry. Sorry that was mean.” 
“Are you in pain?” He mumbles, standing up and putting on his slippers. 
It was your ninth month, and Eddie was anxious because he had never experienced the pregnancy part of it all before so every kick and movement made him worried. 
“Eddie. Edward. Eds.” You grunt out, and right there something trickles down your leg. 
“Did you just pee?” 
(Would you guys want me to keep going? I have more ideas {Especially Motley in high school} Feel free to message me if you want me to keep going or if you have any blurbs or requests for them in mind)
TAGLIST:: (Let me know if you want removed)
@mariamayhemrsmunson @bethanyzed @alyisdead
@caseyqdilla @zooboomanfu @avenjames-anderson @hazydespair
@bl1ssfulbaby @username199945 @costellation-hunter @vanessav03 @thehuntresswolf @r-a-d-i-0-n-0-w-h-e-r-e @jackiosstuff @mysticpeachobject @animechick555 @natie335 @localemofreak @venuslayla23-blog @cherrycolas-things @dontcrydaddy
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vhagarlovebot · 2 years
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♡. ── gif credit. ; ( aemond targaryen masterlist. )
pairing: modern!aemond x fem!reader
summary: you and aemond are best friends. you are in love with him, aemond is not.
warnings: angst, angst, angst.
note: if there are any mistakes i apologize, english is not my first language! hope you enjoy.
read part two here.
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BEST FRIENDS— they would do anything for each other. that’s why you didn’t hesitate to help aemond when you saw him being cornered by one of the cheerleaders at a party. she was all over him, long nails being dragged across his chest while he looked uncomfortable.
it took her a good couple of minutes to understand what you were saying as you held aemond’s hand. it wasn’t until he wrapped his arm around your waist and gave you a quick kiss on your temple, that she finally understood. she looked defeated and didn’t stop looking at you for the whole night.
you were just helping a friend. and you know aemond would have done the same thing for you.
however, what you didn’t expected was for the rumor of you two dating to spread so fast. and it didn’t bother you, really, because aemond was fine with that too, joking around and treating you like his girlfriend in front of everyone. it was completely different at how he acted before and that confuses you. is he pretending? does he feel the same way you feel about him? because if that’s the case, then maybe, just maybe, you can finally tell him how you feel. no more hiding your feelings for your best friend.
but as you’re walking to the coffee shop you and aemond agreed to meet, you find yourself stopping abruptly.
there he is. leaning against a tree while a blonde girl is close, very close, to him —she clearly doesn’t know anything about personal space—. and you recognize the long and pink nails immediately: it’s the same girl from the party. but this time aemond doesn’t look uncomfortable, quite the opposite.
aemond is an attractive man. he knows that and everyone in campus knows that too. he has that kind of smile that makes you weak in the knees the second you see it. add to the mix his pair of big and bright blue eyes and you can find a bunch of girls falling at his feet. so it’s not weird seeing girls around campus smiling and trying to flirt with him at parties. and it is not weird that you, like any other girl, fell for him.
but you were there first. you fell for him long before any of those girls and boys knew the new version of aemond. you fell for him the second he helped you off the ground in the park, after one of the big boys pushed you. he wiped the tears from your face and cleaned your favorite shirt. and then, he shared his juice box with you, sitting by your side until you stopped crying. since that moment you were inseparable.
and you would be lying if you say you didn’t try everything in your power to stop falling for him. you tried to distance yourself from him but one way or another, you always found your way back to him. instead you chose to hide them, to buried them deep inside your chest because you thought it was going to be enough. how wrong you were.
aemond smiles down at the girl, who doesn’t need to try very hard to keep his attention because aemond does not even turn around when one of his classmates calls for him.
you swallow your tears, putting on a brave face, and you just keep walking and walking and walking until you can no longer hear her laugh.
thirty minutes later and two cups of coffee finished, aemond sits in front of you. he’s smiling and his eyes are soft, and you know what’s coming.
“i’m so sorry! i was busy and lost track of time.” he says, reaching for your hand, but you quickly grab your cup.
“it’s okay,” you simply say, shrugging.
“it’s not, ‘m going to make it up to you.” you don’t want to argue, so you just smile and that is enough to relax him. “i have news.”
oh no, please no.
“i have a date.” you try to look surprised and happy for him, but the lump in your throat is making it difficult. “remember the girl from the party last friday? the one you scared away?”
“scared away? i thought i was doing you a favor.”
aemond laughs, shaking his head. “i thought you were drunk and that’s why you did what you did?”
“you looked uncomfortable.” you state but aemond smiles grows wider, and you don’t understand a thing.
“believe me, i was not.” he raises his hand to one of the girl baristas and she smiles at him, nodding. aemond doesn’t even need to say a word to have a cup of coffee in front of him in no time. “y’know how everyone thinks we’re dating?”
you blush, immediately hiding your face behind your hands as you pretend to cough.
“well, i hope you don’t hate me for keeping up with the act.”
with the act.
you’re sure everyone on the coffee shop can hear the exact moment in which your heart breaks.
“but it was actually beneficial.”
“how’s that?” you pretend to busy yourself with your almost empty cup.
“i said i was going to make it up to you, right?” you nod, and aemond leans in, like he wants to share a secret. “i got you a date. this saturday.”
“what?” you frown and suddenly you want to slap that stupid smile out of his face. “what are you talking about?”
aemond sighs, like he’s getting tired of your questions.
“well, this girl,” he starts. you fight the urge to roll your eyes. “she just agreed to go out with me if you go out with one of her friends, to make sure we’re not really dating.”
“she didn’t believe you?”
“no, it’s just…” his head hangs low as he tries to avoid making eye contact. “i asked her if she had a friend for you.”
“you did what?” a few heads turn around but you don’t care about making a scene. “i don’t need your pity.”
“it is not that, please.” he says, reaching for your hand and caressing your wrist with his thumb. “you need to get out more, to meet new people. i— i won’t always have time to hang out with you, as much as i love being with you.” you show no emotion and he leans in a little more. “i’m just asking you to go out with him, you don’t need to go on a second date. but i really want things to work with this girl and…” you raise your brows, waiting for him to continue. “i love you, you’re my best friend.”
aemond pouts and your heart skips a beat. he never begs, so you know he’s being honest when he says that he wants things to work out with the girl. he wouldn’t be asking you to do it if that weren’t the case. and that doesn’t make you feel any better. but hey…
best friends— they would do anything for each other, right?
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sweetchildcloud · 5 months
Hi I have a request...well hello... Sorry I don't know what else to say so I'll just skip to the part where I put in my request. I want to ask for Gojo with a f!reader who is also a special grade sorcerer. She felt under strain from her excessive number of missions and was slowly falling to the dark side like Geto, and she always acted like she was fine when she was with Gojo but was still somehow discovered by him. I've been feeling down a lot lately and everything is stressing me out. I'm having lots of negative thoughts. I really need a hug (long hug, lots of hug) or some comforts.
||Don't fall|| written by me
Gojo x f!reader| Minors DNI| TRIGGER WARNING
Tags:overworked reader,depression,Gojo x reader,cute,fluff,swearing
i'm no english native so sorry for some mistakes
please reblog 🔁 and like❤️
P.s: it was kinda difficult writing this but i hope you like it darling and im writing this at 12:12 am
@muzansslxt @candy69gurl @kiwicopia
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You, a special grade sorcerer yourself, have a massive burden on your shoulders. You get assigned an unusual amount of missions and are constantly pushing yourself to the limit. Your resolve is being tested, and you are slowly falling to the dark side just like Geto did.
When around Gojo, you try to act like everything is fine and act like nothing has changed. But somehow, he's still noticed. You're starting to lose hope, and his concern for you is the only thing keeping you from slipping completely.
"Are you okay?" Gojo asks quietly, stepping closer to you. You pretend that everything is fine, but he can clearly see through it. He's always had a way of reading you like a book.
You shrug, trying to hide the fact that you're on the brink of burnout. "I'm fine" you say, putting up a brave face. "Just tired"
"You're working too hard" Gojo says, his voice softer than usual. He's worried about you, and it shows. "I know these missions are important, but I'm worried about you."
His concern is the only thing keeping you from slipping even further onto the path of darkness. You shrug again, trying to pretend like it's nothing, but you know the truth. You're not fine.
"I'll be fine." You try to sound convincing, but Gojo knows you well enough to see through your facade. You're hiding how overworked and stressed out you are, and he knows it. "I'm just tired" you repeat, trying to sound more confident than you actually feel.
This isn't the first time he's voiced his concern about you, but you're adamant that you can handle it. You try to be strong and push through despite how exhausted you are. You want to prove that you can do this.
"I know you're strong…" Gojo says, staring at you intently. You can't help but meet his gaze. His eyes seem to pierce right through you.
"… But you can't keep working yourself this hard. You're burning out. I'm worried about you."
He's right, and now you're starting to admit it. You've been pushing yourself too hard for too long, and it's finally taking its toll on you. You can feel your resolve slipping away, and it scares you.
"I'll… I'll be fine" you say again, your voice wavering slightly this time. You feel like you've been pushing yourself too hard for far too long, and it's catching up with you. Gojo's concern is starting to get to you, and you're starting to admit that you're not alright.
"I promise you" you add firmly, trying to convince yourself as much as him. "I can handle it. I just need to keep pushing."
"You're starting to sound like Geto." Gojo says softly, his tone laced with worry. He knows how intense Geto was when it came to his missions, always refusing to take breaks or time off. He's scared that you're turning into him.
You try to assure Gojo that you're nothing like Geto, but he doesn't seem convinced. He knows you too well to believe that just because you say you're fine that means you really are. He's stubborn, and he won't quit until he knows that you're truly alright.
“I’m not like Geto.” You try to argue, but even you know that you sound more and more like him with every passing day. You can hear the similarities in your own tone, and it’s unnerving.
Gojo seems unconvinced, and his expression remains serious. He doesn't want you to go down the same path as Geto. The two of you have grown closer over the last few months, and he's seen how much you're struggling. He's trying to keep you on the right track.
"Afraid that i will leave you or kill some "monkey"?" You asked sternly
“Both, actually” Gojo replies curtly, a hint of playfulness in his tone despite the seriousness of the conversation. He is completely aware that you have developed a short temper and tendency towards hostility over the past few months. He is also aware that you are slowly descending deeper into darkness.
“The monkey comment was a bit uncalled for though…” Gojo adds, unable to contain a smirk.
"Well that what humans are,monkeys who fights and kill other humans for their own benifith no? so why i cant get rid of those monkeys?" You asked sounding serious looking at Gojo.
"Because that would make you no better than them." Gojo replies, his tone once again hardening. "Humans can be cruel, yes, but that doesn't give you the right to act as judge, jury, and executioner. Killing without mercy simply because you have the power to do so is not right."
Gojo is trying to appeal to your sense of morality. He knows you have the power to do many terrible things, the power that Geto also possessed. But he wants you to stay on the path of justice.
"That's what Geto did, and look where he ended up" Gojo adds quietly. "He became a twisted, vengeful person who only sought to spread destruction."
He doesn't want you to go down the same path as Geto. The last thing the world needs is another Geto. You have the power to do many great things, but you also have the power to cause tremendous damage.
"And what's the difference between me and him?" you ask sharply, your tone harsh as you try to justify your actions. "I have the ability to eliminate those I deem unworthy, so why shouldn't I?"
Your morals have become twisted over time, tainted by the power of darkness. You're slowly starting to believe that ending the lives of people you deem as unworthy is the only way to truly restore peace. Gojo's concern is starting to grow.
"Because you're not supposed to kill those you deem unworthy" Gojo replies quietly, the playfulness now gone from his tone. He's starting to realize just how far you've fallen down the path towards madness. "We're sorcerers, not god. We don't get to decide who lives and who dies."
Gojo is trying to remind you of your duty as a sorcerer, to hunt cursed spirits and protect the innocent. He's trying to convince you that what you're doing is wrong and that it'll only end in more destruction.
"But why are we supposed to protect the ignorant weak mortals?" you ask, a hint of disdain in your voice. "We have the power to punish and rid the world of them, so why shouldn't we?"
You're starting to sound more and more like Geto every time you speak. Gojo's concern is reaching a fever pitch. He knows that if you continue with this way of thinking, there's no turning back.
"Because they're people." Gojo replies, his voice becoming more and more forceful. "They're not animals that need to be punished simply because they're weaker than us. They're human just like us, and they deserve to live."
He's trying to appeal to your humanity, hoping to get you to see them as fellow human beings instead of "weak mortals" that need to be punished. He's trying to get you to remember who you used to be, before you started to fall.
"And look what they did to me,to us! they don't fucking care,even if we kill a spirit they will blame us for other stuff and i work for those fucking ungrateful monkeys!" you shouted as you broke down crying
Gojo listens as you vent, letting down the walls you've built up around yourself. The pain and bitterness in your voice is clear to him, and he can see how much you have come to resent humans.
He's aware of your struggles, the way that humans have let you down and blamed you for things that weren't your fault. It's the reason you now have this deep-seated hatred of them.
He understands your hurt, but he still doesn't think that that justifies taking lives indiscriminately.
“I know you’ve been through a lot, and those humans did you wrong” Gojo says, speaking slowly and calmly, trying to reassure you while also being firm with you. “But you can’t just turn around and do the same to them. That’s not justice. It’s only fueling the cycle of hatred and death.”
He wants you to see the bigger picture, to realize that punishing humans isn’t the answer. He’s trying to appeal to your sense of morality, trying to get you to understand that killing isn’t the solution.
Gojo notices the cracks forming in the ground beneath your feet, and he immediately tries to step in to comfort you. He knows that your emotions are running rampant and that your power is becoming unchecked.
He quickly moves to your side, wrapping his arms around you in a warm embrace. He can feel your pain, your hurt, and your confusion surrounding everything that's happened. He knows that you're struggling, and he's trying his best to provide you with the comfort and support that you need.
"Shh, it's alright…" Gojo whispered, gently running his hands through your hair. "Shh, take a deep breath…"
His voice is calming and reassuring, filled with understanding and compassion that you haven't felt in a long while. He's trying to soothe you, to ease the chaos inside you. He's trying his best to make you feel heard and cared for.
"Look at me…" He says quietly, holding your face gently. "Look at me…"
Gojo wants you to focus on him, to get your mind out of the place it's currently in. He's trying to ground you, to pull you out of the spiral of emotions you've found yourself in.
"Breathe…" He says calmly, gently brushing away the stray tears from your cheeks. "Just breathe…"
Gojo is trying to help you calm down and get your emotions under control.
"Okay…" Your breathing starts to slow to a normal rate, and your emotions begin to stabilize. Gojo keeps his arms around you, continuing to hold you tightly. He's not letting go until you're completely calm and in control again.
He continues to hold you, not leaving your side until you have managed to calm down completely. He's offering you the comfort and support that you so badly need right now. He's not going to leave until you're back to your usual self.
Gojo understands your emotions better than anyone else. He knows how much pain and suffering you've gone through. He knows how much you've been mistreated and betrayed. He knows how much you've been hurt, and he wants to make it all go away.
"I…I'm better now" you say quietly, finally taking a deep breath and managing to compose yourself. You are still in his arms, and he does not seem inclined to let you go just yet.
He keeps you close, not letting you get away until he is sure that you are truly okay and no longer spiraling. He's worried about you, and he's willing to do whatever it takes to ensure that you're safe and in control.
You stiffened when you felt Gojo snuggling his cheek in the crook of your neck and shoulder "G..gojo?"
Gojo doesn't answer immediately, the silence hanging in the air between you as he continued to hold you close. His cheek is nuzzled against your neck, his arms still wrapped tightly around you.
It feels… surprisingly comforting, having him so close to you like this. You've never had anyone cuddle with you in such a manner before… and it feels nice. Maybe too nice.
"Hmm?" Gojo asks after a moment, his voice low and quiet. He's still holding you close to his body, his arms wrapped around you tightly as if he won't let go anytime soon.
You can feel the tension building between you, both emotionally and physically. The way that he's holding you… it makes your body tingle with awareness. There's a spark between you that's palpable, and the longer you are in this position, the hotter it burns.
"no..nothing..just…" you wrapped your hands around his torso underneath his arms "don't let go"
"Never." Gojo replies simply, not moving an inch. If anything, he only holds you closer to his body, pressing you even more firmly against him as he refuses to let you go.
The physical contact between the two of you is intense, almost too much to bear. Your bodies are so close that you can almost feel every muscle straining at the touch. Your hands wrap around his torso, your grip tightening, and he seems to take comfort in the way that you cling to him.
Gojo leans his head slightly down, his cheek pressing softly against your neck. You can feel his breath tickling your skin, and you find yourself leaning into him. He's so warm and close to you, and you're finding it hard to resist the urge to push the boundaries and get even closer.
The electricity in the air grows stronger with every passing moment, both of you feeling the tension between you. Your hands move up to the small of his back, and he holds you even tighter.
He pulls you even closer, feeling a surge of warmth radiate from within his body as he holds you in his arms. His body's heat is soothing your soul and helping to fill the empty void within you.
The exhaustion and depression you still feel melts away slightly as you bury yourself further into his chest, pressing yourself into his warm embrace. You're finding more and more comfort in a position you haven't been in before, and you can feel a slight smile on your face despite everything that has happened.
Gojo continues to hold you tightly, not letting go for a second. His arms are strong, yet comfortable as he holds you to his chest. You can feel his breathing quicken as you lay your head against his body, his warmth seeping into your own.
The fatigue you still feel slowly melts away, replaced by a feeling of contentment and safety. You're starting to relax, to feel at ease. You're feeling more and more comfortable in his arms, and you have a creeping sense of safety that is starting to take root inside your mind.
Gojo continues to hold you in his arms, his own fatigue melting away as well. The physical contact between the two of you is refreshing, easing the weight of the tension on both of your bodies.
You can feel the tiredness slowly fade away the longer you stay in this position, your breathing beginning to slow again and your mind becoming quieter with each passing second. The safety you're feeling is both physical and emotional, his presence offering you an outlet to relax and a sense of comfort that you've been missing for so long.
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lieslab · 7 months
Already gone
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꘎♡━━━━━♡꘎ ꘎♡━━━━━♡꘎
Pairing: Jeongin X gn reader
Summary: You're grieving the death of someone you loved when your boyfriend finds you breaking down.
Genre: Comfort/hurt
Word Count: 1.9K
Trigger warning: Death, grief, depression and anxiety surrounding death.
_ _ _
Outside the snow fell from the sky and drifted down silently. In the streetlights, it glistened like diamonds. Outside it was entirely silent. Not a car with a revving engine, not the loudness of another human, and not even the sound of a nearby animal. 
You sucked in another mouthful of the icy air and exhaled. In front of you, your breath jutted out in a stream of hot air. The outdoors always felt fresher this time of the year. Something about the cold was refreshing in your lungs. 
The burn as you inhaled and the steady exhale. You shut your eyes with your arms wrapped over your chest. Grief was so hard to deal with. It was too much to carry by yourself and you were crumbling. 
You tried so hard to pretend like everything was fine. One of the best people you knew had just died and yet you continued to act like it was normal. At least, it was that way until tonight. 
In the dead of a bitter winter night, you stood on your front porch with a frown on your face. You tried to put up a brave front. You tried to pretend you were okay because it was easier than to admit something was wrong. 
Death isn't always kind to everyone. It snatches some people in their sleep and others as they burn in flames. It coaxes babies out of cribs and slips in and out of hospital rooms without anyone noticing until it’s too late. 
You weren’t sure how you were supposed to feel at this point. You weren’t depressed, but you weren’t happy either. You were entirely numb to everything around you and that included your boyfriend. 
When your loved one was ripped away, he was there when you got the phone call. When you uttered the words out loud that changed your life forever, he was there. His warm hand slipped into yours and he tried to make you feel better, but it wasn’t enough. 
The apologies from people, the pity, the mourning, all of it, you didn’t want to deal with it. From that point on, you shut down. What else were you supposed to do? How else were you supposed to cope? 
All the things that made life seem worth living slowly faded away and slipped through your fingers. Those hobbies you spent hours enjoying seemed senseless now. What was the point of enjoying anything when all you could think about was them? 
How could you enjoy your life when death could rip you away at any moment? How were you supposed to live knowing that? Knowing that one day you’d have to leave the people you loved behind and it’d destroy them. 
The overwhelming thought made you want to curl up in a ball and cry. Most nights, that’s all you had been doing. You went to bed with Jeongin, waited until he fell asleep, and then let the silent tears fall. 
It was so painful because it was unexpected. It wasn’t like there was a death assumption created by a doctor. There wasn’t time to cope with the idea of them being gone. There wasn’t time to discuss how they wanted their body taken care of. 
You were left with a numbed mind, an empty heart, and thousands of empty questions. Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? 
You could scream at the sky and shake your fists. You could destroy everything in the house. You could sob until your throat was raw and your eyes were puffy and swollen while you choked on your own salted tears. 
The truth was that they were gone and there was nothing you could do to bring them back. No amount of praying, hoping, and wishing could bring back the dead. Maybe you’d be able to conjure up an old memory or find an old photo or video, but it wasn’t the same thing. 
Pawing at your eyes, you smeared the tears across your cheeks. Your place and belonging in the world had been violently uprooted. Food didn’t taste the same and getting out of bed had turned into quite the chore. 
It took so much courage to get up and live. To go out there and try to make something of your life. To have adventures, to make friends, to cherish and create new memories while actually living instead of just merely surviving. 
The remnants of your old life slipped through your fingers. All those memories were now one sided. You’d lock them in your brain and tuck them into your heart and hope they’d never fade away. 
Lost in your thoughts, you didn’t hear the door and screen door open behind you. Jeongin had tried to curl up into your body until he realized the bed was empty and the familiar spot of your warmth was missing. 
He forced himself out of bed sleepily, so he could go find you. He knew you didn’t want to be bothered. He was aware that you had been struggling, but you promised you’d find him and reach out if you needed to. He was trying so hard to give you space, at least, until now. 
The roots of anxiety began to tangle around your head when it came to death. Would it happen again? Would you lose another person randomly? Would death be cruel enough to do it again? 
Of course, it would. It is death, after all. The only thing that beats death is immortality and that’s something we’ve yet to discover within ourselves.
It was so cold outside, the tears were beginning to freeze on your cheeks. You bit down into the velvet skin of your bottom lip. You wanted nothing more than to wake up from this never-ending nightmare. 
Squeezing your eyes shut, you tried to get a hold of yourself, but you couldn’t. This was so overwhelming and too much for one person to handle. Beneath the black starless sky, you were lost and trapped in a void. 
A choked out sob fell from your lips. Your fingers dug into the cotton fabric of your t-shirt. The only comfort you received was the wind brushing up against your bare body. It cut through the paper thin t-shirt and drifted over your bare legs. 
The t-shirt and shorts weren’t much protection. You didn’t even consider putting on shoes before you stumbled outside. You were lost and confused and so overwhelmed. 
It wasn’t fair. Death wasn’t fair. None of it was ever fair. You were forced into this life against your will and a person you loved had been ripped away. And the worst part? It’d continue to happen. 
Maybe not now, but maybe in another few years. Death would catch up again before you died because it always did. It shattered lives and it ripped apart families. It left ruins of friendships and it tore apart lovers. 
Unspoken words were never said. Actions were never finished. Pieces of people were scattered around everywhere if you looked hard enough. 
Art in sketchbooks and leftovers in the fridge. A forgotten hair somehow stuck to the wall of the shower. Dirty clothes in the laundry hamper that would never be worn by their owners again. 
How cruel it was to love something that could be snatched away in mere seconds. Sometimes there was no screaming. There was no begging for mercy in the eyes of the grim reaper. Once you were picked, there was nothing you could do about it. 
You tried to suck in a breath, but it didn’t work. Jeongin watched you silently from behind. You didn’t realize he was behind you until your knees wobbled and you collapsed. 
Your knees buried in the fresh layer of snow, you screamed. You screamed for the loss of life. You screamed because you’d never see them again in this life. You screamed because all you were left with was fresh memories that hurt too much to think about. Everything was too raw, too much, and too real. 
You screamed and you screamed and you screamed. You dug your hands into the freezing snow and threw a handful of it. You packed a wet handful up and chucked it at a nearby tree. 
You screamed until it hurt to make any noise and when it felt like your lungs would give out. The unbearable aching of your throat mixed with the numbing of the cold snow. Utterly defeated, you collapsed into the snow. 
You didn’t care if you froze to death. Dying seemed like a better option than dealing with all this grief. You curled yourself into a ball and went back to sobbing. You didn’t care about hypothermia or frostbite. You didn’t care that your organs were begging for warmth. You didn’t care about anything anymore. 
But Jeongin cared about you. From behind, tears silently trickled down his own cheeks. There wasn’t much he could do to comfort you in this state. He couldn’t bring back your loved one. He couldn’t save you from this grief. 
Someone had ripped his heart into shreds. You were the love of his life, but watching you lose yourself destroyed a part of him. He was supposed to protect you from things like this. He was supposed to save you from heartbreak. 
It took him a moment to gather himself together and wipe away his tears. He leaned down and gently placed a hand on your shoulder. You were so out of it that you didn’t even register him.
You stared off into the distance of the falling snow. It felt like you were in a snowglobe. Someone had shaken it and snow was trickling down, down, down. Left in a sombering silence, you finally went quiet. 
Jeongin wasted no time squatting down, carefully placing his hands beneath you, and lifting you up. He didn’t utter a word as he took you back into the warmth of the house. Your body was so cold that you were shivering. Your teeth chattered together, but you didn’t realize it. 
He relocked the door and carried you back towards the bedroom. All the screaming and sobbing had left you exhausted. There were so many things he wanted to tell you, but now wasn’t the time. You didn’t need to be verbally comforted right now. 
He laid you on the bed in the middle of the comforter. It was the same one that the two of you picked out together. You let him tug your wrists until you were in a sitting position. He took his time shifting you and wiggling you from your wet clothes and placing you in new ones. 
When he laid you back down, your eyes drooped. He took both ends of the comforter and wrapped it around you like you were a baby. He climbed up, shifted behind you, and gently tugged your body towards him. 
After you snuggled into his chest, you closed your eyes. His fingers found your hair and he began to play with it. The soft touches of his fingertips were warm against your scalp. His body heat slowly began to warm you up. 
Death had carved your heart out of your chest. It’d take a while, but Jeongin would work it back in. He coddle you and coax food into you. He’d do whatever he could to lessen this burden on your back because that’s what people did for one another. 
He leaned down and placed a kiss on the top of your head. His arms wrapped around your body and he tugged you back a bit more. Leaning back against the headboard, he let his own eyes shut. 
Ashes to ashes and dust to dust. Who will death come for? Nobody knows. In the meantime, what do we have while we all wait for our turn? Love. A whole lot of love for the people we love.
| ♡.﹀﹀﹀﹀.♡ | ♡.﹀﹀﹀﹀.♡ | ♡.﹀﹀﹀﹀.♡ |
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camlovesjace · 8 months
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Dancing with the prince ࣪ ִֶָ☾. Jacaerys Velaryon xOc!fem, Hightower
warning: no one (but... english is NOT my first language so i tried to write something without being a total failure)
You´ve been hating prince Jacaerys for long time ago, he was always so kind, such a gentleman with everything and everyone. And that couldn´t be worse to you, cause when other womens found her ways to take him in a dance you knew he would never can rejected.
So, it was easier to pretend you hate him that confess that you're actually madly in love him him. Since he came back from Dragonstone, he acted like a crowned prince should act. So respectful, and so brave. However, every time he tries to talk to you you found yourself being rude and mean, having no manners left to give him.
But tonight it was different, tonight he was looking so handsome, with his beautiful brown eyes shining everytime he smiled, his dark curls falling so perfectly down his forehead. You couldn't help but stare at him a few seconds more than usual...and Helaena noticed it.
She smiled, looking at you with a gaze you knew fine "You're a coward" she joked, in a funny and low tone of voice. You can't said anything cause that blonde princess, who was your favourite cousin ever, was so damn right.
"Shut up" you said, lifting the cup and drinking the deep red wine on it. Feeling the taste fill your dry mouth "He´s a jerk..." you repeat, like many times before.
"Yeah, maybe he is. But you want that jerk to be your jerk" after she said that, some people on the table turn to both of you, with a surprise expression on their faces. Your cheeks burned like the deepest dragon fire had woke up in your face, and you could only put your hands to cover yourself. You were so ashamed, you had never ever been this in love, and you never had to deal with such chaotic feelings.
You could feel you face going so red as you hair, then you lift your body out of your chair and walked just right in front of him. In front of the man who owns all your worst nightmares, and your sweetest dreams.
"My prince..." you say, trying to do not blush when his gaze move to you. You can feel how his brown orbs reached every inch of your face, he told you once that he had never seen such an innocent face as yours. But in that moment you only rolled your eyes at his words, even when the world feel like it was burning around both of you.
"My sweet lady..." Jacaerys said, smiling ear to ear, you feel like you could punch his face if his idiotic smile didn't disappear now. The Rhaenyra´s heir could help to left his eyes wander your beautiful dress, he knew the blue and pink suits you, but he had never imagined you in a burning red. A maroon red. His heart started to beat faster when you looked at him in such a lovely way.
He had put his eyes on you since he put a feet on King's Landing.
"Don't call me that" she says, and he left a soft laugh scape from his lips. He love the way you could be mad at him even when he said nothing wrong, yet.
"Sorry..." he apologized, still focused on you and your gorgeous shape. He had seen precious women, with better bodies, better faces, and better manners... But none of them had the luck of catch his attention as you did. You were wild, independent and passionate, yet as well you were such an innocent and sweet creature, always looking at everyone with those dreamy and hopeful eyes of yours. Full of life, love and kindness. He couldn't help but fall for you faster than he had before "I can assume you´re here for a dance, don´t you?"
She shakes her head, taking with one hand a jug of wine and lookíng down his eyes.
"I'm not" she said, and Jace laugh a little when she turn around and leave right where she came from. Then the prince stand up and walk behind her, putting one of his strong and warm hands on her waist, feeling the hot flesh under her dress.
"What a shame, sweetheart" he murmured, on her ear. A shiver ran her back, almost making her shake in that moment, as his breathe touched her skin, moving slightly some of her ginger hairs "Cause now i want to dance, and you´re right here"
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hanilessa · 1 year
Can I please request part two of the previous request where this time Kazuha's wife is almost due to have their first baby and is nervous about it but he would calm down and try his best?
` Author’s notes: hello, dear anon!! thank u for your request! i really hope you like it <3 enjoy reading!!
also i would like to say that i'm in love with kazuha's voice… and when i wrote about his whisper, i completely melted >_<
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` Kazuha x Fem!Reader
` Genre: fluff, romance, mention of pregnancy
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Maple leaves gradually fell from the trees, letting the world know that late autumn was finally coming. It made you more nervous because you were about to give birth soon.
It was scary, you didn't know what to expect. It was the first time for you. Many times you imagined the day when you would go into labor, and the realization of this fact sent cold shivers down your skin.
You tried to distract yourself from obsessive thoughts, engaging in routine activities or your hobbies, but sooner or later your thoughts still returned to the starting point.
You tried to pretend that everything was fine so as not to worry Kazuha, but your husband began to notice changes in your behavior. This made him very worried, and he decided to ask you directly about what was bothering you.
You sat in a small rocking chair and read a book, stroking your big round belly. Your legs were covered with a cotton blanket and you felt very comfortable. It helped to relax.
Kazuha entered the bedroom you both shared with a glass of warm milk. You stopped reading and looked at your husband, smiling warmly at him. But he didn't seem to believe your smile at all.
"Honey, would you like some warm milk?" The man asked and sat in front of you on the bed. His red eyes skimmed over your face with concern, noticing the small bags under your eyes and your overall tired look.
"It would be fantastic!" You answered and put the book aside, taking a glass of milk in your hands. You lifted the glass to your lips and took a small sip. The warm liquid flowed pleasantly inside you, warming your body.
Kazuha continued to watch you, but his anxiety overcame him and he finally asked, "Y/n, is something bothering you?"
You raised your eyebrows in surprise and put the glass on the table, looking at your husband with a question. Kazuha's face kept a worried look.
"I'm fine." You bit your lip awkwardly and looked away to avoid meeting his penetrating eyes. After all, you knew that he could read your emotions and feelings just by looking into your beautiful eyes.
"Please, Y/n, be honest with me." You can't resist his pleading voice, and your hands slowly begin to tremble.
Kazuha notices this and immediately runs up to you, kneeling in front of you. He takes your small hands in his strong hands and begins to gently stroke them.
"Tell me, dear. I'll try to help you."
You take a deep breath, gathering all your thoughts together, and slowly begin to speak.
"I'm scared." Your body trembles slightly, as does your voice, but you keep talking. "The due date is coming soon, and it scares me a lot. Will something bad happen?"
Kazuha takes your face in his hands and strokes your cheeks with his fingers, helping you relax. You look into his beautiful eyes, which seem to have the power to take away all your worries.
"It will be all right, dear." Husband's whisper relaxes you, his hoarse sweet voice helps you calm down. "You will definitely get through this. You're very strong and brave! You will see! Everything will be fine. With you and with our baby."
Your crystal clear eyes filled with tears of happiness that quickly rolled down your face. You smiled at Kazuha and nodded, absolutely grateful for his support and love.
"Thank you."
"We'll manage, dear." Stroking your belly with his hand, he gave you a kiss, and you both melted into your love for each other.
And now, after a short period of time, your son was born. He was born the day after Kazuha's birthday. And for him it was the most wonderful gift in the world.
You smiled and held your baby in your arms, your face glowing with happiness as you cradled the baby in your arms. It was a gift from above, and Kazuha, smiling happily, wrapped you in a strong hug and stroked his son on the head.
"I love both of you."
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