#or queer mormon stuff!!!!!
brothermouse · 9 months
So you're Mormon *and* gay? How's that supposed to work?
Excellent question! As soon as I have an answer I'll let you know that it's still none of your business!
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keyh0use · 7 months
the fact that this was my first ship speaks volumes, like of course I seek out the most problematic, toxic, aggressive person in a show and pair them with a dramatic, whiny, obnoxious brat. The cycle repeats itself again and again
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psychopomp-recital · 25 days
Your mother wouldn’t approve…
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Of how my mother raised me…
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But I do…
I finally do….
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ellezem · 4 months
Is anyone into chatting and/or becoming mutes? Idk I did this a lot of Everskies and it was fun so if you are just take a look at my account to see if we have anything in common then text me :)
(You can also interact with this post so I know)
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camcordercorpse · 10 months
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fun fact: mlm actually stands for mormon loving mormon
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gingershnek · 6 months
I'm realize just now that I'm satisfied with being treated with the bare minimum respect as a queer person because of my experience with religion. I've left the Mormon Church and am still separating from it more and more as I go along.
But these last few weeks, I've had the pleasure to make friends who have fought to make gender equality/queer equality known and understood in my local community. This made me think on why I don't stand up for myself when people misgender me, or why I don't pursue being more truly myself.
I think it's because of my flight from mormonism and the college environment. I officially left the Mormon Church about 4 or 5 months ago and since then have felt incredible relief. Since that time, I've spent lots of time deconstructing more things I was taught.
I still have friends who live with their faithful families. I have queer friends who have lost their faith, and live with families that likely treat then like mine treated me: with minimal respect and near animosity. Although I have released myself from mormonism a good bit, I still know so many people who are stuck in it. So much of me is stuck in mormonism that I barely allow myself space to be myself.
Also I don't have a lot of spending money and also college is so busy so I just wear what feels like the best balance of practical and good looking also tism doesn't like it when I deviate from the good fit. Also there's not a lot of opportunity to explore how I'd like to present myself.
Idk maybe it'll be better next semester if I get to live in gender neutral housing on campus.
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This post is for LDS Queer and Trans people:
I was pondering about trans resurrection tonight and I wondered what it would be like for us. I know many cis (transphobic) lds folks love to weaponize AND assume that verse in the scriptures where is says our "bodies will be perfected" to mean "Trans people will magically revert back to being the gender they had when they were born" but what if they're wrong? All it says is our bodies will be perfected! And, in my opinion, that could mean literally anything. I personally don't believe our loving, merciful Father would reverse the choice we made on earth with the agency He gave us.
Also, food for thought: Jesus has scars. Admittedly, not from being Trans but still; He has scars on His hands, feet and side and that is His Perfect, Exalted Body.
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nookisms · 1 year
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Try though I may not to get invested in people who are Perfect Strangers to me just because they have an affable online persona, I do find myself very endeared to Brandon Sanderson. I have read none of his books, but I think his YouTube videos are very enjoyable and I am much relieved that he has both vocally affirmed his support of LGBTQ+ people in general, and trans people specifically, and has apologised (in a way that seems very sincere and earnest to me) for clumsy and unintentionally homophobic things he has said in the past. Which is, like, more than can be said of some fantasy authors.
#I knew vaguely that he was a member of the church of lds and was like... wary#but he seems to be taking the position that if mormonism is going to get less hostile to lgbtq+ people#that can only be accomplished by sincerely devout lgbtq+ allies staying in the church and making it a more inclusive and welcoming place#which I like... feel is misguided#but also I was not raised mormon and do not have a mormon spouse and family and I am not a sincere believer in the mormon faith#so it is very easy for me to say 'just don't be a mormon anymore'#he also says some stuff I feel is reeeally misguided about how it's good actually that dead people can be baptized mormon#and that mother theresa was good#and communism is bad#but like... I think he is a sincere and kind person who is trying his best#and I appreciate the honesty of him saying 'I believe these things and I won't pretend I don't'#I like when people don't humour me and really do try to be my ally instead of just repeating the party line so I don't think they're Bad#and given that his views on the queer community have evolved#I don't think it's impossible that he could realize a few years down the line that it is not okay to baptize the dead into your religion#but also as I said up top: brandon sanderson is a complete stranger to me and I should not devote this much time and mental energy#to trying to better understand his true character‚ values and beliefs#because that is not relevant to me or something I can ever know#@me just enjoy him being enthusiastic about writing fantasy novels on youtube in an unreflective and uncomplicated way‚ you big weirdo
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wowbright · 1 year
I was so tired and ready to fall asleep but then as soon as my head hit the pillow I thought, "you know what I need in my life? I need a queer mormon book club."
And then I started brainstorming the first 12 months of books for it.
Only problem? Who the heck would want to join it.
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brothermouse · 9 months
I wish all the Gay Mormons in my phone a very gay Christmas, an Extremely Gay New Year, and a happy Joseph Smith's birthday. I believe our illiterate himbo prophet would also wish you the same.
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cyeayt · 2 years
just exmo things be like
if you say the name "church of jesus christ of later day saints" to me unironically i will block you
if youve heard some batshit rumor about mormonism or our history and beleifs of whatever you can ask me about it i guess
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glitterdustcyclops · 2 years
y'know one of the things i think that keeps getting overlooked in these "what if i'm forced to bake cakes for The Gays" // "just don't go to bigoted bakeries for your wedding cakes, why are you forcing them to serve you" debacle is that, for those of us who live in more conservative locales (cries in utah county), sometimes, unfortunately, the bigot option is the only option
and it's not fair or cool for people to be denied services based on their sexual orientation, full stop, no caveats. sure, you're life won't be over if you can't get a fancy cake, but it's not just cakes, is the thing. what if one day i'm having an asthma attack and the ambulance driver decides not to take me cuz i'm trans, and that goes against his sincerely held religious beliefs?
also, and maybe this is a hot take, gay people deserve to have wedding cakes!! not only that, we deserve to live in a world where we don't have to play bigot-wack-a-mole every time we need to go out in public. that's the core of the issue here. the christian fundamentalists want to make existing in public as a queer or trans person so profoundly uncomfortable that we decide it's better to not.
and then once they've got us feeling isolated and alone, hopeless and afraid to be our true selves, then we're easy pickings. the end goal is the elimination of LGBTQ+ folk from public life.
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roadhogsbigbelly · 1 month
seeing people say stuff like "polyamorous people aren't inherently queer" in response to people pointing out that most of the hatred people have of polyam people is just repackaged homophobia and transphobia is so strange to me, because like yeah mormons aren't queer i guess, but besides the fact that making fun of anyone based off of appearances is just. bullying on matter what, every poly person i've seen get called "ugly" is just. like. alternative. like they have dyed hair and piercings and tattoos and for some reason we've decided that's lame and worth being called degenerates for and like congrats i guess.
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love-byers · 1 day
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4x06 'The Dive'
let's talk about mike being positioned in rainbow lighting at suzie's house (a mormon household)
i mean first of all the obvious, the light on mike is ONLY on him, like it's incredibly clear and grabs your attention
"it wasn't on purpose" "it was an accident"
suzie's house was completely artificial. every bit of it was a set with blue screen. which means all the lighting is artificial. do you know what that means? it means someone from production had to specifically tell the lighting department that they needed rainbow lighting for this one scene in ep 6. they had to build and set up a light to cast that rainbow on mike wheeler.
it is quite literally impossible for it to be an accident.
i also want to point out that although mike is the only one in the rainbow lighting, mike and will are the only ones with light on them in general. there is light casting on will, it just isn't rainbow. there is no light touching suzie and jonathan.
and before anyone tries to say that's not even a rainbow, just slightly colored light:
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it's clearer when it casts on suzie's dad because his shirt isn't blue like mike's
that's a rainbow. full on rainbow. right where mike was standing. and they literally make a point to show us the rainbow on the wall after mike moves so we know for sure it was a rainbow.
if you need more proof that there are queer tropes in cinematography...
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^ canonically bisexual character nick nelson from heartstopper (netflix original)
like it's not bullshit this stuff is real and cinematographers do it all the fucking time
oh and speaking of bisexual lighting...
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mike wheeler YOU are a bisexual
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luunamoona · 21 days
the way community handled queerness is honestly so peak. like, there're 3 main moments i can think of in the show where queerness was apparent and mentioned: advanced gay, queer studies and advanced waxing and britta's pitch in emotional concequences of broadcast television.
in advanced gay, the cornelius hawthorne is seen as a villian for having traits like being abusive towards his son, pierce, him being really racist and him being homophobic. this acknowledgement of homophobia being a bad thing is definitely good for the early 2010s, as many shows treated being queer as a joke back then. also cornelius being fucking murdered at the end of the episode solidifies the fact his actions were deemed immoral and he therefore had his comeuppance.
community only ever uses queerness as a punchline in the context of troy and abed's relationship, the punchline usually being "look at how romantic these 2 friends are how silly", which could be seen as homophobia as the same context with a man and a woman would be treated differently by the showrunners as it'd be turned into a romantic subplot.
the next example i have is from queer studies and advanced waxing. having the dean tell richie and carl that he "isn't openly anything and gay doesn't begin to cover it" is much more progressive than many other media at that time, and even now, as they'd usually have the queer character just be gay for convenience. this need for convenience is commented on in the episode with richie and carl basically coercing the dean into adopting a label that is inaccurate but convenient for his straight peers. back to my previous point, presenting queerness as being more complex and having more nuance than just gay and straight is something that is very useful to queer viewers as it presents an option beyond these 2 ends of the spectrum. unlike what other shows may do with this concept, community treats it seriously, showing the dean's inner conflict with presenting with an identity that isn't his, with lines like "i feel sick". (also side point, the line "i make gayness look like mormonism" goes so hard)
finally, there's britta's pitch in emotional concequences of broadcast television. in this, the dean protests britta's decision to make him transgender and not "all this other stuff". something i love about that scene is the ability to critique queer represention without insulting it. as a trans person, i've seen a good amount of transphobia is television. this isn't one of these times. being able to have trans identity be a part of the punchline without it being insulted is something that is apparently very hard for screenwriters of sitcoms to do, so i commend them for being able to do that. as well as this, this scene acts as a criticism of how basic queer representation in media is, how they like having one distinct, easy to understand label to give their token character, ignoring "all this other stuff". it's telling us that, like in queer studies and advanced waxing, queer idenity isn't black and white, it's a wide spectrum of identities that comes in many, many different colors.
all in all, community's representation of queerness and how it treats insults to queerness is something a lot of other shows should try to strive for. in my opinion, it has some of the most nuanced takes of queer identity and representation out of any sitcom that doesn't have queer people as a target audience. it feels very fitting, since the show is literally called community and it about a group of misfits who bond over their shared messed up-ness. this show is all about finding your people and accepting everyone, as pierce says in for a few paintballs more, "flaws and all". i think the showrunners had an impression this show would speak to a lot of queer people and i love that they were able to make us feel welcome just as greendale does to the study group.
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