#or sending another teenager back into their own dimension even though for all they both knew it was probably still unsafe to go back there
the-bitter-ocean · 9 months
7 for the choose violence game
7) what character did you begin to hate not because of canon but because how how the fandom acts about them?
You didn’t say a specific fandom for this and truthfully I usually don’t hate a character solely because of a fan or fandoms interpretation of it- if I don’t like something I just block/mute and move on. That being said if I had to really think hard on it I really get uncomfortable by the way certain fans write or draw Miguel O’ Hara (Spiderverse: Across The spiderverse). It usually veers into over sexualizing and blatant stereotypes and racism which haha as a black person not fun to see! That and the whitewashing/colorism ( which is not limited to this fandom and rather a larger issue in any fandom community but that’s a separate can of worms) That makes me super uncomfortable! Lol!
Like I think Miquel is a interesting antagonist / character to analyze. Even if I don’t necessarily like him as a person or agree with his values I can appreciate the work went into designing or writing the character. So it’s a shame my brain instinctively thinks about the gross one dimensional misinterpretations of his character I see online (Twitter, tumblr, tiktok and insta) that either completely erases the fact that he did Bad Things to people (UwU he did nothing wrong ever1!1”) or makes him into A Big Bad Scary 1000% Evil Brown Man Whose Super Sexy ™️
Anywho I think that’s enough salt for now. Thank you for the question anon!
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aealzx · 4 months
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“So… Leo sent me to give you guys the scoop, huh.” April’s comment came from the doorway where she had taken temporary residence, leaning against the frame with her arms crossed much like Raphael had been shortly before. The comparison caused Don to smile internally, but he thankfully remembered to keep it off his face this time.
Don thought about joining April in making light of the situation, but eventually settled against it. “He said you and Mikey were the only ones able to talk about it.”
April hadn’t been expecting any of their hosts to take them seriously on the matter, so the response caught her off guard for a moment. But she fell into the mood easily, and dropped her arms to slouch over to the table Lil Mikey was on, scooting up next to him. “Well… he’s not wrong,” she agreed, not looking all that excited to be discussing the matter. “Everyone already knows the bulk of what happened, so it’s not like we really have to talk to understand…. Sometimes I wonder if that makes it worse though. We never had to figure out how to put what we felt into words.”
As Raphael pulled up another stool to sit on, Don prodded April to continue, being able to understand her concerns. “...Can you tell me what happened? What Leon’s flashbacks are over. All the injuries.”
The spunk April usually had was hard to muster up. And after a moment of trying she ended up giving in with a huff. “Sure. I guess,” she relented before drawing a breath to give the long story. “About six months ago New York - our New York- got invaded by three aliens from another dimension called the Krang. They used to be from space, but ended up sealed in something called the Prison Dimension by mystic warriors some hundreds or thousands of years ago. And then the Foot clan from our dimension found the key and let them out. As far as the city knows some mysterious heroes just showed up and blew up their mother ship before disappearing. But… well, it’s a different story for those heroes.” The look April gave Lil Mikey was full of fondness, pride, as well as heartache and concern even as Lil Mikey gave her a brief toothy smile in return.
“...Judging by all the fresh scars almost all of you have, I’m guessing no one got out of that uninjured,” Don commented, showing that he was following well and understood it hadn’t been one of those lighthearted children’s stories for them. “...Yeah. Casey, Splints and I took care of Lady Brainface on the ground. But the boys had to deal with their leader in the sky. And this was after they took Raph hostage and mind controlled him. That’s what got his eye all messed up, from ripping the parasite out I hear,” April continued, gesturing at her own right eye when talking about Raph’s eye. “We couldn’t really beat them, y’know? So we had this plan to just send them back to the Prison Dimension by Donnie piloting their spaceship back through the portal, and then everyone escaping before we closed it. Except…” She had to pause, swallowing around the lump that had formed in her throat. “Except the stupid freak of nature wouldn’t stay put, so Leo got the stupid idea to hold him back in the Prison Dimension himself and have Casey close the portal on both of them. If Mikey hadn’t have… If…. Well, let’s just say Mikey is the reason Leo’s still with us.”
So that was it. This group of teenagers had fought against something they shouldn’t have had to, and had barely survived through a clever plan that almost involved self sacrifice. No wonder they were all so affected.
“Well, I just brought him home. It’s thanks to Barry and Dad and Mom that we’re all okay now,” Lil Mikey chimed in, giving his best attempt at a smile while swinging his feet slightly.
Three people. Don noted the name of three people helping them, and also the omittance of Leon being mentioned as part of the team of medics. “...How bad was the damage? What injuries did everyone have?” Don was almost reluctant to ask, especially after Lil Mikey’s smile fell so quickly.
“... A lot,” Lil Mikey admitted, looking to the ground. “Of the four of us I was the best. Just some throat bruising from being choked, and then all these burns that ended up scarring from opening the portal to save Leo. The others… my brothers kept protecting me.” The last line was almost a whisper as Lil Mikey blinked a tear from his eye and quickly raised a hand to brush it from his cheek.
“All of the scars you see on Leo and Raph are from it. Leo was bedridden for a while. Cracked shell, broken ribs, broken knee, cracked eye bones, and a bunch of bruises and smaller fractures all over the place. Raph ended up with that gash on his shoulder and missing a piece of his shell from protecting Leo before he got caught. And then it also ended up dislocated later, and his eye took forever to get the infection out of. And then Donnie…,” April paused, giving a slight huff and shake of her head. “The Krang ship required biological integration or something like that to pilot. So Donnie ended up in a coma for six days, along with wounds wherever the ship was connected to him. Then also both his arms got broken, and some minor internal bleeding. Mikey says those last two were from him protecting him from the Krang leader punching them off the ship.”
By the time April finished explaining Raphael was resting his head in his hands, and Don was staring down at his own hands. There were a lot of events in their own lives that they could use to easily relate to what April and Lil Mikey had told them. They had made it through their own troubles, Raphael could still remember being stuck to a bed when his ribs were broken. And their own brother Mikey had ended up with chronic leg and ankle injuries ever since both his legs had been broken in the same event. Heck, even Leo had ended up in a coma for a time, but it hadn’t been for six days. There were so many similarities, but for some reason it was hard to accept that all of this had happened at once to this group of teenagers.
“... Mikey,” Raphael spoke up finally, not yet looking up.
“Y’yeah?” Lil Mikey asked, startled about being addressed now.
“....Is it alright if I hug you?” Raphael then asked, feeling a little embarrassed now that the words were in the open, but not willing to take them back in the slightest.
It helped that after a moment of stunned silence Lil Mikey sputtered a soft laugh. “Sure you can. Hugs are great,” he accepted, raising his hand.
It was enough for Raphael to finally pull his head away from his hands, standing up to walk over and scoop Lil Mikey off the table and into a bear hug. It earned another surprised laugh from Lil Mikey, but he ended up just giving a content hum. Hugs always made him feel a little better.
“...You didn’t do this because you felt you had to, yeah? It wasn’t because someone made you do it. No super soldier requirement duty kind of bullcrap, right?” Raphael suddenly asked, remembering a few days before when Lil Mikey had mentioned that someone had created him and his brothers to be super soldiers.
“Huh?” Lil Mikey voiced, momentarily confused. “No, of course not. We did it because we wanted to help people, and because we were the best ones for it. Sure we got hurt, but if regular humans tried to deal with them, or the yokai, I think there would have been a lot more deaths. It’s … Yeah, it’s scary, and I’m still scared sometimes. But I’m still glad we could help everyone.”
They did it to help. They were all of some kind of protective type of personalities it seemed. And after a moment’s thought about how they interacted with each other that became even more obvious. The way Leon shielded Lil Mikey when he thought Raphael might hurt them in retaliation for holding a blade to his throat. The way Donnie’s first move had been to order them to help Lil Mikey and then create a shield around them. The way Lil Mikey refused to let them see Donnie’s back until they told him he might be injured, and even after being so critical of the way they handled him. And the way Raph ignored his brokenleg for the sake of hiding Donnie underneath himself when Donnie had been distressed over Casey’s antics.
It took some time for Raphael to respond, just holding Lil Mikey in a protective hold of his own, before he drew a deep breath and slowly released it. “...Let’s get you back to your brothers… Both of you,” he suggested, including April in the group of siblings since it was obvious now that she had an almost life long connection with them beyond just friends.
“I’ll bring the supplies out to the living room to take care of changing the bandages on Lil Raph’s leg. Then we can bring you guys to an actual bedroom to sleep for the night. Hopefully it’ll be more comfortable than being stuck in the infirmary for more time than you’d probably like,” Don spoke up now, adding support to the suggestion. These kids had probably seen enough of infirmaries for a while, and being back in one probably wasn’t helping them feel comfortable enough to fully relax.
April ended up watching Raphael start to leave with Lil Mikey with slightly wide eyes, and slightly turned back to Don, delaying her own departure. “I thought I would have to say a lot more,” she admitted, having expected a way longer conversation than that.
The comment earned a brief smile from Don, understanding her thoughts after they were said. “We can fill in the blanks well enough. It’s actually worse to keep asking questions before the affected person is ready to talk about it. I just wanted enough to have an idea on what I, what we, need to be careful about so we don’t end up causing more harm than good,” he explained, moving to follow her from the room since he’d already gathered all the items he needed to tend to Raph.
“Huh,” April grunted, still semi surprised that that was all they needed, but also still grateful for it. It only took her a few steps before she voiced a new thought that came to her mind. “How much shit have you guys gotten into?”
The question caught Don slightly off guard, but only because of the phrasing, and he ended up huffing a short laugh. “A lot,” he responded with a slanted grin.
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This one was easier to get soon 'cause it was mostly just retelling stuff that already happened X'D
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theshakespeareproject · 7 months
Thoughts on King Henry the Sixth Part II Act IV
Okay so it’s been a while. I got addicted to Dimension 20 and forgot how to read. But it’s the first of March, almost the Ides, so I’m back on my Shakespeare kick.
So Act IV opens with a sea battle. It happens almost entirely just off-screen, if only there was a camera panning left or right, you could see the battle, but alas this is a stage. Where we are introduced to… The Captain. No not the guy from How I Met Your Mother, though picturing him as Kyle MacLachlan is fun. He also has this wonderful line:
“The gaudy, blabbing, and remorseful day
Is crept into the bosom of the sea;
And now the loud-howling wolves arouse the jades
That drag the tragic melancholy night”
Which has left all of tumblr poetry shook, scared, and panicking. He’s coming for your gig.
There’s a new(?) character called Walter Whitmore, I kept reading Walter White at first. I ultimately do not care for him.
This whole scene can be summarized really easily: Everyone wants to execute the Duke of Suffolk and the Duke of Suffolk responds “Noooooo.” And then they actually fucking kill him. Legitemately so suprised. 
The best line though, because it will be the perfect band name: “And wedded be you to the hags of hell,” So… teenagers everywhere, feel free to use something from there for your garage band.
Also at some point Julius Caesar is referenced, and that just feels like Shakespeare foreshadowing his career. 
The next scene introduces a ton of characters including: George Bevis (no Butthead), John Holland, Jack Cade (his name just feels villanous), and Dick (Willy Shakespeare I see what you did there). I thought Smith and Dick were like throwing shade towards Jack Cade as he talks. He would say a line, and then the two would turn towards the camera and say some snarky one liner like “A must needs; for beggary is valiant.” But I think, based on later developments, they were actually hyping him up to the audience. 
Later on, while arguing, someone yells out “The first thing we do, let’s kill all the lawyers.” And it feels so nice to know that Shakespeare is a big fan of Crazy Ex-Girlfriend.
A clerk gets introduced, it’s established that he knows how to write his name, and immediately is ordered to be executed. I think Jack Cade might be an anti-intellectual. 
Despite that, he at one point pulls out an epic moment of pownage. This one guy, Sir Humphrey Stafford, wanders in. He seems to hate Cade because Cade is claiming to be heir to the throne despite being a plasterer. And when Humphrey points that out, Cade responds to “And Adam was a gardener.” Sometimes a good biblical reference is all you need.
What follows is basically a montage. Scene after scene, almost all are sparse in lines and stage directions. In one scene both Stafford’s (there were two!?) die, but in the stage directions introducing the scene. Jace Cade casually tells Dick “You shalt have a license to kill.” Thus revealing that he is James Bond to the audience. 
The Queen wanders in cradling the Duke of Suffolk heads and the King, in his only scene, notices how the Queen is mourning Suffolk more than she will ever morun him. She denies it, I don’t believe her. Also a Messanger says “They call false caterpillars.” I have no idea what it means, but it felt notable.
This random guy Lord Scales appears and says he will send Matthew Gough, Who dies two scene later without saying a line.
In another scene, I hope it was meant to be comedic because I found it hilarious, Jack Cade claims that he should only be called Lord Mortimer, and immediately kills one of his own soilder’s when they run in calling him Jack Cade. 
Finally the Duke of Buckingham comes in, with this guy Clifford. Together they are the ambassador to the King. They offer a pardon if the rebels agree to leave. What follows is this fickleness of the masses, where they will cheer for whoever just spoke, even if it immediately contradicts what they just cheered for. Cade berates them, but Clifford seems to win out by getting the masses to part, with many abandoning Cade. Leading to him fleeing.
The King receives a message from the Duke of York, claiming that the Duke of Somerset is a traitor. It would be a dramatic moment… if it wasn’t read right in front of the Duke of Somerset. Maybe take a quick peak around the room before you speak Mr. Messenger.
The last scene. I kid you not. Is a random character named Alexander Iden killing Jack Cade. This guy, introduced (I think), in this Act, literally leads a massive rebellion that could be its own story, and is killed by a character introduced in this very scene. All because Cade hid on this guy's land. And then, like an idiot, Cade reveals his identity when he was stabbed. Instead of denying this guy the reward for his head. Because Cade is an idiot. The anti-intellectual little fuck. 
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monsterfuneral · 4 years
sparks in the rain | bill and ted | ch. 2
Chapter One | Chapter Two | Chapter Three | Coming Soon
Relationship: Poly!Bill and Ted x Fem!Reader
Summary: A malfunction with the booth lands Bill and Ted into the most peculiar situation they’ve been in, stuck in the year 2021 standing in front of a woman they never thought they’d meet. 
Words: 1.5
Warnings/Tags: nothing
Author’s Note: After like actually outlining this a little more, I think this story will end up being one of my favorites I’ve written.
(please read my “I do NOT write” section before sending in anything <3)
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This was the most unusual day for both Bill and Ted. Sure they had experienced mishaps with the booth, and sure they had also met people that they vaguely knew about. But they had never met someone that knew about them. Especially when it came to an on screen babe like Armageddon Lady, who had totally been Bill’s biggest crush for a majority of his teenage years. Not that he’d admit that to anyone other than Ted though. And here she was in the weirdest of coincidences, standing right in front of them. 
“What?” Ted asked dumbly as he heard the girl in front of them blurt their names. His brain struggled to keep up with the situation. 
“Dude she totally knows who we are somehow!” Bill said with an almost starstruck look on his face, his eyes sparkling in amazement. 
You stayed silent though, staring at them like a deer in the headlights. Your mouth agape as you, like Ted, tried to process what you was going on. While running into celebrities in the middle of your apartment complex was one thing that would never happen, seeing two movie characters that you liked standing just seven feet away from you was next to impossible… No it was impossible. 
You had to be dreaming still. A very vivid dream where you were going to the crafts store to pick up a new set of markers, before suddenly running into Bill and Ted of all people... In a dream. There was literally no other logical explanation. 
“Woah, you look like you’re going to hurl, Miss. Armageddon Lady, dude- babe.” Bill stumbled on his words like a nervous child talking to his first crush. Which honestly wasn’t far from the truth. 
“I- This isn’t real.” You concluded, finally removing your hand from inside of your purse and straightening your back. You were almost tempted to just turn around and walk back into your apartment, but you didn’t. Instead you thought over the jumbled words Bill had said to you, something sticking out more than anything else. “Why do you keep calling me that?” You asked, your brows drawing together as you looked at the blonde for answers who looked at you with widened eyes. 
Ted suddenly remembered something Rufus had told them not too long ago, alternative universes and whatnot, where things are different from their world but can also connect somehow. He talked about how sometimes the booth can malfunction and send them rocking into another circuit without them even noticing. That’s probably how they ended up here! 
“Bill... I don’t think we’re in our world anymore.” Ted chimed before Bill could even attempt to come up with a sufficient answer that would satisfy you. 
“What?” Bill asked, looking up at Ted. 
“Yeah! Remember the thing Rufus told us a few months back?” 
“Don’t over-tighten the guitar strings because they could break?” Bill answered, bringing up an entirely different conversation they had with Rufus. 
Ted shook his head looking behind his shoulder and to the still sparking booth “No dude! The whole alternate dimension thingy.” 
You watched the both of them converse, your own brain still trying to catch up with the bizarre situation, still not entirely convinced this wasn’t a dream. You tried pinching your arm a few times, at least testing it out to see if that trick even worked, but you were still standing in the same place right in front of them. It was all so much to process at once and so early in the day, even though it may have been 11am, it was still too much. 
“So you really didn’t put in the wrong number then.” 
“I told you so Bill!” 
They paused, smiling at each other before both shouting “Excellent!” in unison before air guitaring. The action was all too familiar but unfortunately missed the overlapping guitar that would play when they did it. Both boys stared at each other for a second afterwards, beaming smiles still ontheir faces. Their stare lasted a beat longer than you were used to seeing on screen. 
A shiver wracked through your body, the jacket you had not shielding you from the cold that the rain brought like you had hoped it would. You clutched your arms, pulling them a little tighter to your chest. It only continued to solidify the fact that this was probably real and not a dream at all, like you had thought. I mean, sure you had considered the possibility of fictional universes being real, who hasn’t? But it was just a theory you played into half-heartedly but never considered it to actually be true. 
A hand waved in front of your face, jolting from your deep train of thought where everything you previously thought was impossible could be and it was just too much. Reality as you knew it was both expanding and collapsing all at the same time. 
“You good, other dimension babe?” Bill asked, a small smile on his face as you stared at him with wide eyes.
Ted tilted his head as he watched you curiously. Sure you looked like Armageddon Lady and her actress, but you were neither, you just looked like them. He had an easier time accepting this as a reality than you did though, already having his experience with the impossible. But you looked like you were about to explode from the overload of information. He felt sympathetic. He thought back to a conversation he had with Rufus a year after their first time traveling in the booth, remembering how Rufus told him how he had seen others cope with the discovery of time travel, how some people just could not handle the information and it literally drove them to insanity. Ted would feel like such a dick if that happened to you, even if he didn’t know you. 
“I-” You started, abruptly stopping as you tried to piece your words together “I think so?” You clutched the strap to your purse a little harder, blunt nails digging into the leather slightly “This is all just… A lot to process.” 
“That’s okay!” Ted reassured softly with a wide grin, his hair falling in front of his eyes slightly as he nodded and looked down at Bill who was also nodding along. 
Your fingers were starting to feel numb and you shifted on your feet for the first time since you were stopped in your tracks. Your knees felt stiff from not moving for so long and you were shaking a lot more than you thought, the cold starting to deep into your bones and making your teeth chatter. You were sure they weren’t feeling any better as they were both wearing short sleeved shirts, and Bill was wearing a crop top. 
“I know you guys don’t know me but it’s freezing out here and it’s supposed to get colder.” You said looking back at your apartment door, trying to draw your coat closer around you “Would you like to come inside? I can make some coffee-” You watched Bill pull a face at the mention of the bitter beverage “Or some hot chocolate, up to you.” 
“Sounds great.” Ted answered, glancing behind him once more at the booth before back at you, “Lead the way!” 
The warmth of your apartment was more welcoming than the quickly dropping temperature outside. The rain clouds had left the sky dark and your living room was close to being pitch black. You carefully maneuvered past the couch and over the bean bags that were carelessly strewn across the floor in front of the TV stand. You felt for the pull-chain underneath the lamp shade, the black tassels tickling against your forearm. Finally your fingers grasped around the thin chain, gently yanking it and letting the light finally fill most of the room. The large leg lamp glowed on the small table tucked in the corner of your living room. A lovely gag gift you had been rewarded on christmas a year or two before at a friend’s party. While A Christmas Story was very much an overplayed movie on the holiday’s and certainly not your favorite, you still enjoyed the gift. Finding it pretty cool that someone had gone through the effort of getting something like this as the winner’s gift.
“Woah...” One of the boy’s muttered from behind your couch. You turned around and gave them a small smile, walking over to the other side of the living room to turn on the other lamp so the room was fully lit up and you weren’t going to trip over your own feet by accident. 
“Pretty neat huh?” You asked, always finding people’s reactions to the infamous lamp rather funny.
They both looked at you simultaneously, their eyes sparkling in wonder.
“You’re so cool…” Ted whispered. 
You let out a quiet laugh, trying to push down the heat that had suddenly started to rise up your neck, to your cheeks, and finally finishing at your ears. Never in your life did you think you could be receiving praise from Ted Theodore Logan himself. This really felt like it was too good to be true. 
“Thanks.” You replied, turning your back to them so they didn’t catch on to your flustered state. “So, how about that hot chocolate?” You asked, walking over to the white cabinet that held your collection of mugs.
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alecmagnuslwb · 3 years
Teenagers, We Think We’re Smart
Read on AO3
Zatanna’s one hundred percent certain that her father rues the day he brought John Constantine home as his latest project as he paces the floor in front of her running a hand along his goatee with a loud sigh every few minutes.
“He’s a smart young man,” she remembers her father saying to her as Constantine roamed the edges of her father’s study picking up magical tidbits here and there and flipping them around haphazardly. “He’s a little rough around the edges, but he’s got a sorcerers mind. With the right tutelage he might even catch up with you one day.”
Rough around the edges had been her father’s polite description. Really he was the father of a teenage daughter’s worst nightmare, he just somehow missed that part as he allowed John into their home and began training him.
The sandy blonde hair always purposefully tousled, the tattoos that peaked from the edges of his ratty old jacket covered in patches and pins, the line of piercings along both ears and the handsome face with a nose that had been broken a few too many times were exactly what any girl would bring home for dinner to terrorize her parents. And here he was already sitting at the dinner table.
But Zatanna had no interest in making her father angry about the boys she spent her time with. She told herself that to her Constantine would be just another in a long line of young proteges her father picked up hoping to challenge her a little more.
They never did and she was content with letting the Constantine phase pass quickly. Constantine was talented her father had been right about that, but he was also a shameless flirt who liked to live a little too dangerously. It annoyed her to no ends, or at least that’s what she told herself the first few months.
“You’re exhausting,” Zatanna said standing up from her seat at the table they’d been occupying quietly reading until he’d started on a rant about some ancient demon he’d been reading up about. For all that she claimed he was exhausting, she chose to stay at the table for the entire rant. Just like he’d listened to her talk about the finer, boring details of backwards magic the other day. She was just keeping things civil, balanced, that’s all. “And one of these days my father is going to hear you going on about raising demons to fight just fights and he’ll never let you in here again.”
Constantine chuckled standing and following her as she made her way to the door. He caught up putting an arm in front of the exit loosely and just high enough she could still leave if she wanted, but with a quiet request to stop if she chose to as well. She should have ducked under his arm and gone on, but she stayed put turning her head to meet his eyes.
He looked her up and down once that little frustrating almost smile he always seemed to sport when he looked at her on his lips as he held her gaze.
She squirmed under the look. “You know this whole hot, bad boy schtick thing you’ve got going on, doesn’t work on me, right?” she said pulling the book still in her arms tighter to her chest.
“You think I’m hot?” he said with a raise of his left eyebrow, the one with the little scar from where his father had thrown a bottle at him when he was nine. She’s not sure he meant to tell her that story, too vulnerable of a moment to share, but he’d let it slip one night when her father had rushed off to some meeting of sorcerer’s or something of the like leaving the two of them to their own devices. Something had shifted from there; she couldn’t quite be as annoyed with him as she wanted to be anymore.
“Not the point,” she scoffed loosening her hold on the book and letting one of her arms drop to her side. “What I mean is the schtick doesn’t work, because I see there’s more underneath it.”
She didn’t really think after that she just acted lifting herself up and kissing him on the lips once hard and quick. She smiled at him before ducking underneath his arm that had slipped just a little from the shock of her kiss and walked off. She turned back just once before heading up the stairs passing her father who was oblivious to what had just happened to catch sight of Constantine running the tips of his fingers across his lips shaking his head with a smile.
Since then five days a week when he’s at the mansion they’ve been stealing kisses in shadowy alcoves and holding hands a little longer than necessary when conjuring something and the other two days either John’s in the audience of her father’s shows while she assists him or they’re slipping off to get into their own brand of trouble.
Tonight had been the latter and finally after months of caution and her father not so much as batting an eye at them, they’d been caught.
“I cannot believe you did this,” her father says finally speaking for the first time in nearly twenty minutes. Zatanna sits up straight from where she’s been slouched over her head resting on her hand watching as her father’s pacing comes to a stop.
“How long has this thing been going on?” he asks gesturing to the closed door on the other side John is, as far as she knows, still waiting for her father to inevitably ban him from the mansion.
“A few months,” Zatanna shrugs not wanting to go into the details. If he knows it’s been six months and that as weird as it can feel they call each other boyfriend and girlfriend and that a few short days ago John casually and quietly told her he loved her for the first time he’d flip out even more than he already is.
“Months,” he mutters under his breath rubbing a hand across his forehead. “And how long have you been spending your nights in pocket dimension magic bars that you’re not old enough to be in?”
“Just the once,” she quickly answers. He doesn’t need to know about the other pocket dimension magic bar they found themselves in last month and the subsequent bar fight John got into when a four-armed creature got three of his hand’s way too close to her. He’d probably be proud she’s perfected a spell to fix a broken nose without any pain however.
Her father opens his mouth about to say something else when suddenly the faint smell of smoke drifts under the door freezing him in place.
“That better not be a cigarette in my house out there Constantine,” he shouts loud and angry, the fearful sorcerer he is on full display. The smell of smoke dissipates almost instantly just as the clatter of something metal, a conjured ash tray she’d bet, falls to the ground.
She smiles a small amused smile that drops as soon as her father turns back to her.
“You are a child,” he says and Zatanna straightens up even more.
“I’m seventeen,” she says indignantly.
“Exactly, a child, both of you are,” he says once again gesturing to the door John sits behind. “A place like that is no place for you to be.”
“We didn’t even drink or buy anything,” Zatanna defends knowing it’s a weak defense that won’t win this argument. It’s the truth though, her father had just happened to walk into that same bar the moment when John had picked up an empty glass to show her a new trick he’d learned, which looked pretty suspect with no context she’s willing to admit.
“That is not the point and you know it. You have been lying for months and,” he says stuffing his hand into one of the pockets of his fancy black slacks. He pulls out a key with a bright pink motel keychain attached to it, John’s room number blazoned across it in bold black letters. “I found this by your door, you must have dropped it on your way out for drinks.”
She rolls her eyes and he gives her a sharp look that stops the roll in its tracks.
“How many nights have you not slept here?” he asks an eyebrow raised angrily.
“A few,” she shrugs, slinking back into her chair. It’s fifteen to be exact, another thing he doesn’t need to know all the details of.
“So, not only have you been galivanting off in bars you shouldn’t be in and lying about what you do with your free time, but my little girl has also been spending the night with some boy?” he says his voice getting a little louder. Not quite yelling, but definitely not happy.
“A boy you brought around,” she scoffs crossing her arms.
Her father let’s out an angry huff. “Well, not anymore. He’s done. I won’t have a bad influence around my daughter any longer.”
Zatanna stands from her chair grabbing his arm as he turns to the door on a warpath to kick John out for good.
“You can’t do that,” she pleas tugging his sleeve so he looks back at her. “He’s worked so hard, he’s bright just like you said when you first found him.”
“Bright doesn’t excuse lying and dragging my daughter around god knows where,” he says, but Zatanna holds tight to his arm pleading their case, pleading John’s.
“He didn’t drag me anywhere,” she practically shouts to hold her father’s attention.  “I was the one who wanted to go tonight, I’m the one who kissed him first, I’m the one who asked for a key. Me. Not him.”
She takes a breath soldiering on.
“You never want me to go anywhere, I ask for you to show me more and you won’t. I know my magic has limits that you won’t let me discover, but I want to,” she pauses dropping her hand from his arm. “I know you worry and it’s dangerous, but I’m not a little kid anymore. So I went to some of the places and learned some things I’ve been curious about not because John is a bad influence, but because I wanted to. At best he was a protective hand to hold mine if things got too scary and at worst a willing and caring accomplice.”
“No matter what, you’ve still been lying to me, both of you have,” her father says eyes still hard, but softening just a bit.
“Yeah, you’ve got us there and if you want to make us sit in silence and read history of magic books for weeks on end as punishment for sneaking around you can, but don’t send him away. He’s no angel, don’t get me wrong, but he’s not a bad influence, if anything I’m too good of an influence on him that’s the first he’s smoked in weeks,” she says gesturing to the door with a chuckle. “You said it yourself we’re kids. Dumb kids who lied, but every choice I made was mine, and everything we did was between two people who lo-“ she pauses not really wanting to share that with her father right now. She hasn’t even said it back to John yet so she course corrects. “Care for each other in a fully consenting way.”
She finishes her argument off with emphasis hoping her father doesn’t try and go there specifically tonight. She doesn’t need another birds and bees talk from her dad. The first one was painful enough.  
Her father’s shoulders slump and he lets out a sigh more dramatic than necessary.
“Fine,” he says before reaching for the door and turning the handle. John practically falls through it when it opens, catching himself at the last moment.
He clears his throat standing to his full height and gives her father a smile that’s perfectly balanced between apologetic and humble, trying to play off the fact he was very obviously listening to everything that was said through the door.
“Three weeks,” her father says as John settles next to her. He starts to reach out for her hand, but thinks better of it at the last second. “You will both be sitting quietly reading magical history books that will bore you to tears for three weeks, no spells, no conjuring, no magic of any sort.”
“Yes, sir,” they say in unison. John’s shoulders which were rigid with tension, clearly worried he was going to be sent packing all the way back to London, drop and he steps a little closer to Zatanna.
“There will be no more lying, no more magical bars until your both of age,” he continues on holding himself in a parade stance in front of them, all business. “This key,” he says pulling it back out from his pocket and shockingly handing it over to Zatanna. “May be used, but you will come home at a prompt and discussed time when it is.”
“Yes, sir,” they say once again. John seems to feel a little braver now and reaches out tangling his fingers with hers.
“And if you do stay the night, you better be as sly about it as you have been and you must be safe,” he says his eyes staying put on John’s specifically in warning.
“Yes, sir,” he says with a confident nod. “Always am.”
“Good,” her father says softening his stance. “As for tonight though, I think it’s best you went home, John. I’ll let you say your goodnights.”
Her father gives her a small smile before swiftly leaving the room.
John lets out a long-relieved breath once he’s gone.
“Bloody hell I thought for sure he was going to send me packing, or just kill me,” he says letting his head drop down to her shoulder. “Definitely assumed he was about to melt that key right in front of us.”
Zatanna chuckles ruffling his hair and tugging at the ends until he lifts back up.
“Good thing he didn’t cause that one’s yours actually,” she says with a smile dropping it in his hand and pulling her own key from her shorts pocket dangling it in front of his eyes.
“Shit,” he says slipping it into the inside pocket of the long black trench coat he’s taken to wearing of late, she weirdly thinks a tan one would suit him better. “When the hell did I lose that?”
“This morning probably,” she says referring to when John had been sent upstairs by her father that morning to retrieve her for an early morning lesson. Things had gotten a little out of hands in the doorway when they’d been given a moment alone.
“Oops,” he says with a chuckle. He leans down kissing her lightly on the lips once, twice until the loud definitely magically manufactured sound of a ticking clock breaks them apart.
“Sounds like that’s my farewell song playing,” he says leaning in one last time, the linger of the cigarette he barely smoked in the hall still on his lips. “I’ll see you Monday for history lessons.”
Zatanna nods her head smiling as their arms travel along one another until it’s just their fingertips and he’s backing out of the door.
He turns and she follows watching as he heads for the intricate stained glass front doors.
“Hey, John,” she says leaning against the stairs. She can feel her father lingering at the top of them just out of sight, but she doesn’t care. “I love you too.”
He turns half in the door, half out with a big smile on his lips that she’s still getting used to seeing.
“Telling me just as we’re grounded, damn Zee. You’re gonna be the death of me luv,” he says smile still in place, he gives her a wink as he finally makes his way out the door the magic of the mansion closing it behind him.
She hears her father’s footsteps heading down the stairs as she pushes herself off of them.
“You two are going to make me regret giving you that key back aren’t you?” he says with a put-upon sigh.
Zatanna just smiles and makes her way up the steps patting him on the shoulder playfully as she passes.
“We’ll behave, I promise,” she says once she hits the top of the stairs and turns the corner.
“Go to bed,” he shouts after her sounding more like an exasperated single father than he ever has before as he trudges his way back up the stairs.
“As you wish father,” she shouts back playfully making her way down the hall to her room. As she turns the knob to her bedroom door she hears her father mutter with another loud sigh one solitary word: teenagers.
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lovee-infected · 4 years
Hi may I please have headcannons for Ciel Phantomhive who got transported to Twisted wonderland.
It got a bit long for headcanons but why not ? Ciel in twisted wonderland has got a lot to tell lol
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He assumes it all to be a dream when he wakes up in NRC , as he slides the door of his coffin open just to fall to the ground
He tries and calls for Sebastian , considering this situation having something to do with him .When Sebastian doesn't show up , he leds out a moody growl trying to find someone or a way out of wherever he was
Mirror hall didn't seem a bad place for him to wake up at ; since most of the designs remained the same over hundreds of years it was kinda similar to victorian styles from Ciel's original time . He low-key starts admiring decorations and unfortunately , steps on something's tail
Grim naturally freaks out being woken up from his slumber like this and in a few seconds the whole salon is set on fire
Crowley arrives just in time to find Ciel almost choking Grim while shouting at him to do something ; poor Grim passes out when Crowley finally freed him from the savage Phantomhive's hands
Crowley isn't sure what to do first , punishing him for intense violence or clarifying which dorm would be responsible for him
He leaves judgement to the mirror and...it doesn't go quite as expected : " Your soul is...no . Not again...this one doesn't belong to any dorms either ," mirror says . Crowley got terrified thinking that it was similar to MC's situation , but he got even worse as the mirror says : " I see nothing through him because...I see no soul "
Crowley argues that there must be a mistake but Ciel himself knows that his soul no longer belongs to him , but to Sebastian
Ciel asks if the mirror knows anything about his contract , but neither the mirror nor headmaster had any idea on what he was talking about
Ciel decides to skip that part since he doesn't want to spill more tea himself , so he asks where he is
After Crowley's hour long presentation and telling Ciel that he's stuck in twisted wonderland until Crowley finds a way to send him back home , poor boy nervously smirks
He is now sure of it all being a dream so he tries anything that would help him to wake up : Pinching himself , slapping , screaming and finally , throwing himself out of window - He is lucky that Crowley catches him before his head crashes the ground
He almost saw dead with his two eyes , so it couldn't be a dream anymore
He first freaks out at how he can't come back , but then calms down realizing that he won't stay here for too long ;Sebastian would not let
Sebastian isn't one demon to give up on his soul just by him disappearing , he is way greedier and stubborner and would do anything it takes to have his rights as long as Ciel isn't dead . So being caught in a different world or dimension was no stop for Sebastian , specially thinking that demons themselve came from another dimension
Ciel decides to be hopeful that Sebastian would find him anyway , so he says that he'll wait just there until Sebastian comes for him , ignoring Crowley's ramblings wanting him to stop being stubborn
After a few hours Ciel gives up , accepting that he can't last on his own if he just waits for Sebastian to show up : What is taking that bastard so long...
The kind and good-hearted Crowley offers him a vip stay at their all Happy and comfortable hotel , aka Ramshackle dorm
Ciel argues that he just can't live like a pig , but Crowley states that he's either staying out or at Ramshackle's . He angrily growls , having to deal with it
The next morning he wakes up to see no one but Grim , which made both of them scream . MC catches the pan before Grim could throw it at Ciel , and Ciel brings out his gun- . MC then slaps him for rudeness and takes the gun
He ends up having to head classes with MC and Grim since he has nothing else to do , though he was too young to head any of the classes
Ciel isn't used to heading to public classes , but he's okay with them since he has his experience from Weston College , but something else irritates him :
This school was a bit too similar to Weston College. Not only atmosphere but also students . He basically shared the same class with a green haired version of Greenhill . Sebek is nothing different from him except being...more annoying . He couldn't stop talking about someone he called young master which makes him look a bit like Agni
Same goes for Ace and Deuce , they seemed kinda familiar but Ciel isn't sure where he's seen them before
He doesn't like Crowley because the way he acts , talks and hides his eyes remind him of Undertaker ; making him feel unsafe whenever he is around
This annoying pace continues for him ; a socially awkward emo with long blue hair who is good enough to be Gregory Violet's Identical twin , a teenage-version of Agni who shares the same wild spirit as Suma , and many others
He thought that it couldn't get any worse until he almost screams Snake at a guy who looks JUST- LIKE - HIM , sleeping under a tree . Silver wakes up to Ciel's fascinated gaze and gives him a confused look , that makes Ciel run away
School on the other hand is terrible : Magic's history is nothing like the history he is learned by Sebastian , but he could handle studying something all new . The problem is with the rest of classes : Animal language , alchemy and and anything that requires any talent in magic ; but PE is the worst . His body is already pretty weak and he falls at asthma attacks several times . To add to that his height is another thing he had to keep up with , he is at least 10 centimeters shorter than even the smallest ones there and of course , Night raven's unraveled students don't mind bullying a short moody kiddo-
Beside his enormous problems , there are other advantages as well ;
Ciel isn't much of a people person , but students there are rather interesting to him
Still most of them seem neutral to him , but there are also ones who catch his eyes :
He doesn't like : Grim (for obvious reasons) , Ace and Deuce (too loud and annoying ) , Cater ( Is always playing with some odd invention called phone *) , Leona and Ruggie ( they bully him ) , Jade ( Looks and talks like Sebastian ) , Floyd ( looks like an illegal combination of Sebastian and Grell...+ calls him baby seal ) , Rook ( stalks on him) , Sebek ( too annoying)
He low-key likes : Riddle ( he respects him organized nature + they look a bit similar) , Trey ( acts like a loyal servant ) , Azul ( is smart with contracts and seems to be a man of culture + runs a cafe with good teas and desserts) , Idia ( he weird , yet interesting ) , Silver ( reminds him of Snake) , Malleus ( is mysterious and looks like an almighty master )
The rest are just neutral to him
( * ) : Ciel obviously doesn't know what a phone is , along with many other things invented after his age ; he thinks they are all magical tools and not something created by the hand of man
Riddle invites him to tea parties and Ciel appreciates it , at least one thing that made him calm down in this crazy world
He once goes to Mister S's shop and Sam immediately senses a demonic aura around him , asking him tons of questions about the demon shielding him . Ciel dodges from answering each and every one of them but Sam isn't yet satisfied . He doesn't argue as he Ciel resists answering but Ciel is about to leave , he tells something that makes his blood run cold : " ...We'll soon meet this mister Sebastian in person , little demon ; My friend on the other side told me"
When learning that Azul is a master of contracts , Ciel goes to him to see if he knows anything about contracts made with demons ; which he either doesn't really know or doesn't want to share since Ciel has nothing to give as the price
Azul though still sends the twins after him since he's starting to get interested after his demon sorted questions ; which made him curious of what this child might actually know
Ciel once steps into Ignihyde and gets out in 0.01 seconds . His mind isn't yet prepared to deal with a technology which won't be yet discovered until hundreds of years later from his original time
Other than Ignihyde , the dorm which really makes him feel uncomfortable is Scarabia . The atmosphere is just like Suma's palace and getting reminded of that horrible massacre with Agni's death isn't really pleasant . He meets both Kalim and Jamil in school and Kalim even invites him to parties , but he immediately says no . He decides to stay away from there as much as possible
Savanaclaw is his danger zone , he steps in = He dies . He once calls Leona Pathetic nasty cat and that is enough for Leona to set a prize for his head
Malleus on the other hand seems to be appreciating this little guest . Ciel feels a bit unsafe around him as Malleus notices his supernatural secrets , including the seal under his blindfold without him mentioning it ; but Malleus confronts him that he doesn't want anything from him and he's just interested that's all
Rook hears from Octavinelle students that Azul is after the child , and that makes him enter the challenge uninvitedly ; the Ciel catching game . After all he lives to be the greatest of hunters and also , whatever the reason was , Pomefiore would have an advantage holding what Octavinelle needed
If it wasn't because of MC , Grim , Ace and Deuce sticking to him all day he would've got caught long ago , but no one could kidnap him this easily when others were around
With his terrible situation at classes , daily argues with Grim and anyone else , bully routines and almost half of the school after him he knows that he won't last there much longer
Ciel now can't help but to pray for Sebastian to find him sooner wherever he is now...
Note : Now now , would you guys like a second part for this in which Sebastian this time , finds his way to twisted wonderland..? (:
Update: Part 2 here!
Tagging : @lethlia @xxunrxvelingxx @ji-yaaan
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itsclydebitches · 3 years
The staff of creation was the second deus ex machina after the nuke cane that the heroes never considered using until it was too late. The staff in particular had almost limitless ability aside from needing schematics and being unable to bring back the dead. Why was there never a plan to: send Salem into space, encase her within an unbreakable vault, lock her into another dimension, erect an impenetrable barrier around Atlas, create a Grimm killing weapon. Ozpin didn't use it for these purposes?
This is one of the many reasons why the story making things so easy for Team RWBY is frustrating: it retroactively makes other characters like Ozpin look stupid when they’re not supposed to be. When the Lamp is first used we’ve got all these implied hurdles, most notably Ozpin freaking out like there’s some major downside to asking a question and Jinn’s strange answer to him sounding like a manipulation. If you’re reading the hints you think the scene is intentionally putting down, you walk away with the idea, “Yeah, you can ask a question, but that doesn’t mean you should. What’s the catch here?” But then... there wasn’t one. Apparently, you can just use the Relics whenever and however you please because the writing isn’t willing to make the heroes suffer consequences for their choices anymore. Then the show tries to introduce another limitation with Ambrosius and it’s a decent one: if you want something made, you have to be able to show me precisely how it’s constructed. That can  — and should  — be a huge stumbling block. Does Remnant have blueprints for a rocket ship that could send Salem to space, or any way to keep her trapped inside it/unable to use it to come right back? Do you know how to construct an unbreakable vault that can withstand her magic? What are the blueprints for another dimension? And just as importantly, even if these ideas exist or someone in Remnant could feasibly come up with them, that doesn’t mean the handful of teenagers running the show have access to that information. At the very least, we might have had someone come up with one of those ideas and then go on a journey to find someone capable of making it a reality. Instead, Ambrosius just hands them everything they want because the group just happens to have everything they need on hand. His power does come across as waving a magic wand because the story didn’t want the group to grapple with the trickiness of, say, how you strip away an android’s metal body without immediately killing her. Another convenient rule just keeps that from happening, I guess! What are the blueprints for a magical dimension filled with pathways and portals? Literally just don’t think about it. The group showed Ambrosius a schematic of Atlas or something and that’s fine, it’s all perfect now! That’s all you need, apparently, even though we’ve been told outright that this isn’t the case. That scene doesn’t make sense, but because it’s our heroes making the wish, those rules are put aside to ensure their victory. The consequence of this  — beyond just making for a very unfulfilling solution  — is that characters like Ozpin look foolish. Why didn’t he just spout a bunch of nonsense at Ambrosius and fix the Salem problem? Well, because he’s not the main character and thus the writing won’t let him like it does Ruby. 
If we strip away the meta aspects I think there are still some ways that we can defend Ozpin here. As said, he’s supposedly bound by these limitations even if Ruby is not. We introduced in Volume 3 that Maidens and magic are subjects that have not gone over well with the public, so if you start making giant barriers appear around major cities people will probably take notice. Also just the fact that the Relics are, above everything else, meant to be kept safe. If we take Ozpin’s claims about Salem’s motivations at face value (meaning, ignoring that this was only introduced this volume and contradicts much of her behavior before now...) then this entire time she’s been trying to bring the Relics together to destroy the world. You should not bring the Relics out of the vault then, no matter how much good you think you can do with them. As Team RWBY just demonstrated across three volumes, they’re incredibly easy to steal. Even Ozpin wouldn’t have been able to keep them safe because back in Volume 3 enemies like Cinder were strong enough to murder him. (Remember when Cinder was a legitimate threat, folks? Good times.) So you don’t let anyone know who the Maiden is. Don’t let the Maidens open the vault. Don’t let the Relics out of the vaults. Ozpin, for better and for worse, is the turtle to Ruby’s speedster hare. He’d rather takes things slow, steady, and hopefully win the race, rather than barreling ahead and tripping over his own feet. Yeah, perhaps he could have done something with the Staff earlier on... or perhaps that plan would have gone south like Ruby’s has and Salem gets ahold of the Staff that much earlier. Personally, I’d also be tempted to use the Staff for good, but I’d also be terrified at the slightest possibility of Salem likewise getting her hands on an object that can create an infinite number of whatever she wants. The Relics are a two-edge sword and, in the end, I wouldn’t be surprised if that fear won out. Sometimes, when something is that dangerous for both sides, it’s better that no one use it at all. 
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fletchphoenix · 4 years
SPOILERS FOR LITTLE NIGHTMARES 2!! Please don’t read if you don’t want any spoilers for the ending of the same! This won’t affect the ending of my little nightmares AU but features Varigo!
This is my interpretation of the little nightmares au im writing - what if Varian betrays Hugo and leaves him to die? Hope you enjoy!!
Looming, wooden walls surrounded him, their height no longer threatening as Hugo’s foot tapped to fill the silence, so unnerving in its presence. Chairs and tables alike floated upside down around him, aside from one lone chair that he sat perched on. His limbs ached from how long he’d sat there. Waiting. As always. How long even had it been since he’d been trapped here? He was sure time worked differently in this dimension, his muscles aching more than they should’ve if it had only been a few days. Experimentally, he flexed his fingers, crackling of the joints filling his ears and making the man wince. His bones whined and moaned and ached, his legs no longer felt stable, his arms felt weak and heavy...the only constant was the handheld radio in his hand, gifted by his companion. No. Betrayer.
His mind flashed back to a time before this dimension. His party was running through a long hallway, something he could no longer remember in close pursuit. The raven-haired boy was ahead of him, Nuru and Yong ahead of them both, and they made a leap of faith. He must’ve missed the platform by a few millimetres, as he free-fell for a brief moment before a warmth enveloped and suspended him. His cold hands had felt so warm and safe as Varian gripped them and saved him from the pit below him. He dangled, sure that the other would save him, though he should’ve known from the solemn look on his face that he wouldn’t. The next thing he remembered was how time slowed when he was let go, the trio running away and leaving him to fall into the endless chasm of darkness that had loomed below. They thought he’d met his demise. Well, Nuru and Yong had. He knew that the raven haired boy 
He leant back in his chair, the suit he wore shifting and the blanket of dust disappeared slowly from the article. The radio crackled in his hand, though he ignored the sound in favour of the foreboding silence that filled the place he was in. It had been something stupid like five years, maybe six, since they’d abandoned him, the boy now a teenager in his own right as he loomed on the chair. And there would be many more years to come, though the child inside whined for Varian to come back, to save him, to reverse the loop and take his hand and pull him to safety with the others. He supposed the boy was right to let him drop though, after he’d destroyed the music box, the only thing left of his mother, and caused him so much pain...he had every right to let him live the rest of his days in the abyss. It didn’t stop his mind from wandering...did Varian ever regret it? Did he ever feel bad for the ultimate betrayal he’d committed in leaving him behind, stuck in the signal tower with no chance of escape?
Those were stupid questions. Of course he didn’t. The other boy never cared about him, and Hugo was dumb to think that he ever did. All of the shuffles closer as the rain ricocheted off the pavement was all in his head, and the hand-holding through derelict and long-abandoned buildings was all for necessity and survival. Even the kiss bestowed on his cheek after a particularly difficult fight was all an act to get Hugo to think Varian cared. Hugo had been dumb to think otherwise (though he still felt the lips of the other ghosting against his cheek from time to time, his hand rising to get rid of the sensation). Even the lingering feeling of heat that radiated from Varian’s hand still resided, and sometimes he could swear his hands were there. Still, each time he’d curled his fingers to intertwine them, the feeling disappeared and he was once again alone. Empty. The static of the radio continued to blare more persistently as he continued to ignore it, the blond shuffling in his chair slightly.
His chair had always felt like a throne for a fool, fitting for him to be stuck here in his own dimension after falling for someone who could never love him back. It was a hopeless game - he was always destined to lose, though he still kept playing. He shut his eyes as he leaned back in the chair, the wood sending little splinters into his back and digging into the skin. He was sure some blood ran into the fabric of his shirt, though it didn’t matter anymore. Presentability didn’t matter in a realm where there was no one but you to impress. His eyes grazed over the floor as they met the paper bag he’d once covered his face with, the sight of it flooding his mind with betrayals and subtle moments in the rain. Instead he opted for a black hat that sat beside the legs of the chair, settling it on his head like a crown. A crown and a throne for the king of fools. He let out a sigh and looked ahead quietly, letting the static fade into the background as he shut his eyes and relaxed. 
“Hugo…..i’ll come find you...wait…” The static broke on occasion, Varian’s voice breaking through. English didn’t make sense anymore, the words jumbling in his brain as he listened to false promises and words that would’ve filled him with hope in another life. The words cut deep as he looked at the floor and let out a little sigh, the noise crackled and raspy. He knew that he sounded bad - there was no use in using his voice anymore when it was just him alone in such a place. He set the radio aside and closed his eyes, settling back on his throne. A part of him still wanted to go back home, HIS home, with Varian, but he knew that wasn’t a possibility anymore. The boy’s expression alone told him the words that didn’t even need to be spoken. Hugo shut his eyes and pushed his glasses up his nose, folding his hands into his lap. Time had made him weak, and he’d let it pass longer and longer. 
Time didn’t matter without Varian by his side. Well, nothing really did without the other boy. So he’d continue to wait. Wait till the end of time for a sign that the other boy would return and come back to him, even though his hope was growing weaker by the second the longer he spent in this eternal hellhole. The blond allowed himself a brief moment of vulnerability, a single tear rolling down his cheek as the feeling of loss and hurt filled his brain and his aching heart. Why? Had he done something wrong? He couldn’t recall if he’d hurt the other. Still, Hugo let his head tilt down to stare at the floor, the static in his mind growing louder and louder and louder. The king of fools in his fortress of solitude.
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sergeanttpoliteness · 5 years
are requests open 🥺 apparantly in the 20s it was slang to call someone's bf daddy, given that can we get a reader who's from another dimension getting all blushy when noir mentions it given the context of it now?
hello, nonnie! so sorry it took me almost a week to get to this! thank you for the request, love :) you have no idea how much writing that sentence made me squirm from embarrassment
➹jealousy➹(spider-noir x reader)
Peter isn’t one to get jealous, or at least that’s what he tries to tell himself. He doesn’t mind your ex who doesn’t seem to get ‘no’ for an answer. It’s the truth, he swears… right?
word count: 2.5k
a/n: this isn’t sponsored by starburst ™, lmao. anyway, y’all really like spider-noir, huh. i kinda played myself when i included both peter’s in this, ahaa, i tried my best to make it as least confusing as possible. i’m sorry, ily.
warnings: annoying ex, mild jealousy (i mean, it’s the title lol)
You slowly drew the blinds of the window, and in spite of your speculations which you were nearly a hundred percent confident in, your eyes grew bigger as soon as you got a glimpse of the scene unfolding outside of Aunt May’s house. Shortly after, Miles and Peter B. Parker (you had to admit, the amount of Peter’s in your life truly scrambled your brain sometimes) joined you, and the three of you squeezed close together, attempting to look through the small slit without attracting much attention.
You had the urge to take your phone out of your pocket and start recording a video to send all your friends, for this was a spectacle that you weren’t sure you’d ever have the pleasure of witnessing ever again in your lifetime: a drunk man standing in the front yard, passionately belting out the lyrics of a song to the closed door of the house. “Did he, like, get the wrong house?” Miles muttered, his heart thumping fast as the young man noticed all three of you and pointed directly at you. 
“Please! Don’t leave me!” He cried out.
You took one last look at him before you retreated from the window, pinching the bridge of your nose. “No. That’s my ex.” You sighed, questioning why you ever were attracted to the boy as his tragic performance continued. Peter B. laughed and you closed your eyes, ashamed.
“That’s your ex?! The ex?” Yes, this was, in fact, not the first time they heard about your ex-boyfriend. The number of stories you had was inevitable since the train wreck of a relationship lasted two years, after all. Whilst he now went on to voice the instruments of the song, worry began to seep within everyone when you all simultaneously came upon the realization that somehow the jerk had discovered where you were staying during the weekend. Although you’d been like a daughter to May since you were a kid, you were aware she would not be content with you once she returned from her trip and heard that you failed in your basic task of taking care of her home and her address now belonged as part of a stalker’s knowledge.
Peter B. glanced at you, frowning. “You want me to go and talk to him?”
You appreciated his offer, and your inner voice urged you to cave into the most effortless way out of the situation; however, your eyes moved to the hallway, and another concern, more potent and persuasive, drowned it out. “Thanks, dude, but don’t worry, I’ve got it,” You smiled at him, albeit you weren’t entirely certain about that statement. “Just… you guys go and distract Peter and make sure he doesn’t find out my ex is here, or else…”
Eight months. From December up till August, you’d known the third Peter Parker in your life for eight months. In the fourth month, April, you recognized your true intentions and feelings. In the fifth month, you finally acted upon them, and made the first move. At last, June, the sixth month, rolled in, and Peter built up the courage to make things official. All those months possessed two constant factors: your ever-growing connection and… your ex.
One of the many characteristics you were thankful for and adored in Peter was his control over his jealousy. No fingerprints of possessiveness nor suffocating authority smeared your relationship, regardless of your distance, Peter’s background, the exasperating cameos of your ex-boyfriend, or that you’d expressed to him you didn’t want anyone other than the “spider-gang” (as Peter B. had named it) to know about you two being together since— well, how in the world were you supposed to explain where he came from?
You felt irrational and absurd once the thought passed through your head, but sometimes you wondered if Peter worried too little. The origin of said thought could be traced back to when you weren’t quite dating yet, and your ex booty-called you in the midst of your first date. Peter’s amused expression at your own embarrassed one puzzled you, yet you chose not to think much about it and instead were glad it didn’t send the evening down the wrong trail. The thought reappeared a second instant one month into your relationship, though, after you showed him a large bouquet of flowers, a poem attached to it that could be offensive to those who practiced the art and with your ex’s handwriting. Again, nothing; later, you two found yourselves mocking the failed poetry and the odd comparison of your adorableness to that of E.T.’s (you really had no explanation for that one).
However, the suspicion that perhaps he was too good at hiding his feelings arose when a week earlier, you got a phone call from your ex begging you to escape with him to Iceland. That was the first time you saw it: the hint of irritation in Peter’s stiff body and tense jaw. Minutes later, you blocked the phone number— an action way too long overdue, before things became strained.
You closed the front door behind you and approached the drunk man, resolute on preventing the two men from meeting each other and getting under each other’s skin as you clenched your fists closed. “I forgot to say out loud, how beautiful you really are to me!” Your ex sang, a smirk breaking out on his face when he saw your clear annoyance. “I can’t be without! You’re my perfect little punching bag—”
“Matt, what the hell are you doing?”
He quirked a brow, giving you a once-over. “Serenading you?” Matt said as if it were obvious. You rolled your eyes and scowled at him, keeping a significant distance between the two of you.
“No, I mean, how did you find me?”
“I followed you.”
Fear and disgust crawled all over your skin. You took a step back, narrowing your eyes. “Listen, I really don’t want to get in trouble, okay? So for the last time, please stop calling me—”
“But this isn’t a phone call.”
“Or following me.” You finished. He stumbled forward, shaking his head vigorously.
“But I love you,” He sniffed, wiping the one mediocre tear making its way down his cheek. You could feel a groan forming in your throat from his idiocy and child-like attitude; you couldn’t believe he was fucking crying.
You crossed your arms across your chest, unimpressed. “Well, I don’t.” His shift from sadness to anger caught you off guard.
“Bullshit, I know you still love me. I know you miss me,” Matt pointed an accusing finger at you, advancing closer. “Stop playing hard to get and let’s just, l-let’s just go back to normal—”
You laughed in disbelief, your mouth ajar. “Playing hard to get? How is this playing hard to get?!”
Meanwhile, Miles and Peter B. stood in front of Peter, blocking him from leaving the hallway as he remained in between the two and the bathroom door. “So, whatcha think?” Miles asked him, ogling the man. Peter bit again the yellow Starburst and chewed for a while, eyes squinted while he analyzed the flavor. He swallowed and looked down at the wrapper in the palm of his hand, nodding.
“I like it. I think it may be my favorite.”
“What? No way, try the pink flavor again,” Miles took out a pink squared candy from the bag and held it up to Peter’s face. “It’s the best.”
Peter B. shook his head in disagreement and stared down at Miles, scrunching his brows together. “What do you mean? Red is the best.” Miles, now distracted, dropped his arm by his side and showed him a face of utter disgust.
“Do your taste buds even work? Everyone I know says pink is best.”
“Do your dimension’s taste buds work? You’re totally wrong, bud.”
Peter pocketed the wrapper, shrugging. “Personally, I enjoyed all of them—”
“Try red.”
“No, pink.”
Peter B. groaned. “Pink is overrated.” Miles looked at him straight in the eye, expressionless.
“Your opinion is irrelevant.”
Peter B. Parker had never felt more hurt by a teenager.
“I’m the oldest one here! I think I know better.”
Peter was growing impatient. He cleared his throat and gently moved Miles aside. “All right, while you fellas discuss… this, I’m gonna go—”
“No!” Miles placed the pink Starburst in Peter’s hand, frantic. “Eat the pink one.”
“Eat them all!” Peter B. chuckled nervously, shrugging with his hands raised, palms facing upwards. Miles nodded as if it were the best idea of the century.
“Yeah, I don’t want them anymore, here—” He slammed the bag of candy onto Peter’s chest. Peter hesitantly took ahold of it, visibly perplexed. He opened his mouth to question their strange behavior and if they thought he had been born yesterday, until a distant singing voice interrupted him. 
“And I need you! I’m sorry, Y/N, I’m sorry! I love you, fuck!”
“What’s that?” 
‘The neighbors’, ‘The TV’, Peter B. and Miles said at the same time. 
This plan was doomed from the beginning.
“Da da da da! Da da da da!” 
Peter took off his glasses, guarding them inside his pocket and his brows knitted together before he pushed the two aside and took off, putting on his mask.
“Quiet down!” You hissed at Matt, glancing back at May’s house. His hands landed on your shoulders, but you immediately pushed him off you. “Fuck off, Matt! We’ve been broken up for seven months already! I moved on, and so should you!” He cocked his head to the side, his face twisted in confusion as if you’d just spoken in a foreign language.
“Broken up?” He repeated your words, voice small. “It was just a break.”
It was your turn to be confused. “What? …No. It’s over. It was over a long time ago.” 
His face fell as a realization dawned upon him and his gaze burned into yours, emotionless, making you more uncomfortable. “You’re seeing someone else, aren’t you?”
Your heartbeat sped up. “No, I said I moved on, not that I was seeing someone else—”
“You’re cheating on me?”
You took in a deep breath, close to tipping to the edge. “Again, we’re broken up.” You reiterated harshly. “As in we’re not a relationship anymore.” But Matt’s dense self wouldn’t give up just yet.
“It was just a break.” 
You’ve had it.
“It’s not a fucking break!” You shouted, making him jump. You heard the front door open and you both whipped around, your heart dropping. As soon as your sight landed on Peter going down the stairs, you gulped. Peter B. and Miles’ plan wasn’t the only one that failed that night.
“What’s going on here?” Peter’s voice was hard, bitter. You speed-walked closer to him before he could reach Matt.
“Peter—” You stopped him in his tracks, your hand on his shoulder. “Don’t worry, I’ll get him out of here, okay? I got it.” No, you didn’t, most definitely not. And you could tell he knew.
He looked at Matt, and although his face remained covered, chills ran down the latter’s spine. “Are you Matt?” Peter asked loudly. Matt narrowed his eyes, puffing out his chest.
“Who are you?” He nodded at Peter, trying to sound intimidating, but the other didn’t move a muscle.
“I asked you a question.”
Matt studied Peter’s dark outfit, wondering if he was so drunk he was imagining the man. “Y-Yeah, that’s me. I’m Matt.”
“All right. Look at me, Matt.” Matt did as he said. “Good. Now, listen very closely.”
“What are you doing?” You whisper-screamed at Peter, giving him a warning with your eyes. “I said I got this.”
Peter stared at you, considering letting you handle it by yourself as you wished. But the flare, the ire at your ex had been fortifying, expanding slowly since the beginning; and now that he was there, just a few feet away— a drunken moron who relentlessly peeved you and riled him up— ultimately, impatience engulfed him and he shook his head. “You clearly don’t.”
Once Peter reached Matt, he towered over him. Matt blinked up at him, feeling smaller than ever. “Y/N’s with me now. If I hear from you one more darn time, then the coppers will be the least of your worries. Trust me. Got it?” Peter said lowly, and Matt solely nodded. “Got it?” He repeated through clenched teeth.
Matt put his hands in the air in defeat, backing away. “Heard you, man. Fuckin’ weirdo.” He muttered before he turned around and sat down on the sidewalk. You grabbed Peter’s hand and dragged him back inside, where Peter B. and Miles sat on the couch and flashed you apologetic smiles after you barged in. 
“Sorry. I’ll call a cab for him,” Peter said behind you. You waved your hand at him, shrugging and mumbling ‘it’s okay’.
“Is it over?” Miles asked, trying to look out the window from the sofa. You nodded. “Okay, can we finally go over the plan—”
Peter took off his mask, disheveling his dark hair. “Why did you try to keep this from me?” You turned around and rubbed your face, slightly frustrated.
“Because I didn’t want what just happened to happen.”
“What? Me telling him to scram off since you wouldn’t?” 
“Peter, I told you: I don’t want anyone to know about this.” You gestured between you two. You’d had this conversation before, and he understood your reasoning. He truly did. His appearance, it screamed at the top of its lungs the truth that he did not belong there. It simply was obvious, unmistakable. However, now that he’d curbed the restraint he’d created for himself once, his authentic feelings and mouth were loose, completely out of his control.
“He wasn’t going to stop bugging you!” He pointed out the window. “What if he did something worse in the future?”
“But now he’s gonna tell other people that I’m seeing someone!”
“And so what?”
You laughed, your brows furrowed. “They’re gonna want to meet you! What am I gonna do, then? ‘Ah, yes, meet my boyfriend from the 1930s!’”
Again, you noticed that irritation in his features. But all of a sudden, it was clear that it was more than just annoyance.
Jealousy. He was jealous.
“All right, then! I want other people to know who your real daddy is!” He exclaimed, his eyebrows lifted and his hands on his waist.
You heard Peter B. and Miles explode, both shouting ‘whoa!’ while you sputtered and sensed your cheeks blazing. 
“Yo, gross! Keep it in the bedroom!”
“We have a minor in here, please!”
Peter’s sight jumped between the three of you, his expression the definition of puzzlement as you covered your face with your hands and Peter B. and Miles continued feeding your embarrassment with their comments. “W-what? What did I say?” He stuttered, looking at you helplessly.
You peeked one eye up at him, laughing. “Pete, baby…”
Needless to say, after you updated Peter on slang, his flushed self couldn’t quite concentrate as Miles went over the plan.
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magical-grrrl-mavis · 4 years
Sibling AU
because apparently this is a thing I've got on my mind now. (Probs won't be writing it any time soon but I have a primal need to info dump, and maybe I'll inspire someone else.)
Eda Clawthorn - Canon Eda: She's Eda. She loves all 3 Noceda girls but is closest to Luz
King - Canon King: He's King. 
Lucia Noceda - Beta Luz: Her weirdness is sorta toned down compared to Canon Luz. She's a bit more angsty. Reeeaaaally needs to smile more. Absolute D E L I N Q U E N T.  Get’s into trouble on purpose, be gay do C R I M E. Feral. Totally down to help with Eda’s less honorable schemes. Tries to seem more “over it” and grown up but is secretly just as enthusiastic as Luz. She's more closed off, her life’s been a bit harder. Very protective of Luz and Laia, DO NOT fuck with them in front of her.  Ready and willing to throw down. Deeeeeefinitely not hopelessly in love with Amelia. Age 17
Luz Noceda - Canon Luz. You know her, you love her. Age 14
Laia Noceda - Pilot Luz: Just as weird as Luz but a bit more laid back and shy. Doesn’t like putting herself out there quite as much as Luz, but gets dragged into her schemes a lot. Huge nerdy bookworm but perfectly capable of being flirty. Actually pretty confident with Anna. Too precious for this world. Is babey. Sits back and observes her sisters antics bc she's actually got a little sense. Age 13
Amelia Blight - Beta Amity: Cold but F E R A L. Doesn't even try to be the little miss perfect anymore but will pretend in front of parents. C H A R I S M A. Will fuck you up. Sorta pyromaniac but not like crazy, just good w/ fire magic and feels calm when she watches flames. Will burn you to ash if you hurt Amity or Anna. Rolls eyes at the twins antics. “You were going to do WHAT with Amity’s diary!?” Lotta internalized shit from her treatment by her parents. THIS CLOSE to burning down Blight manor. “If I have zero friends nobody can hurt me”. Lucia really throws a wrench in that plan. Toooootally not madly in love with Lucia. Natural greenhead but constantly dyes her roots brown as a form of small rebellion and solidarity with Amity and Anna. Age 17
Edric Blight - Canon Edric: You know him. Age 16
Emira Blight - Canon Emira: You know her. Age 16
Amity Blight - Canon Amity: Our girl! Age 14
Anna Blight - pilot Amity: Is babey. Loves books. Shy and tries to stick silently to the background. Just so sweet and precious. PROTECC HER. Tries to do the right thing. Like, ALL her siblings do their best to protect her from her parents. Not good with people at all. Age 13.
Winona Park - Beta Willow: You've seen Dana’s drawing of her. This shady bitch. She knows all your secrets. She will use them against you. Likes a little trouble but doesn't get caught. Ever. By the time you figure out what rule she broke she's already won the game. Don't. Touch. Willow. T R O U B L E. Loner until Lucia came along. Just does not care about anything. Doesn't even try in school  but is still almost as good as Amelia. Not quite as powerful as Willow but still powerful. “What happens if I press this button.” Age 17
Willow Park - Canon Willow: You know her, stronk cinnamon roll. Age 14
Gus Porter - Canon Gus: Boy needs more character development. Age 12
(Story might not go quite like I'm describing it here but it's pretty close.)
Eda was going to eat King when they first met, they tell it like it's just some cute story.
Camilia was going to send both Luz and Laia to normal-person-camp but didn’t even try with Lucia bc she's clearly a lost cause. Lucia waited for the bus with them though, and she and Laia both followed Luz through the portal. Luz was the one who decided to stay on the isles, Laia just agreed bc she also hated the idea of camp, and being a witch sounded fun. Lucia agreed bc “well I'm not leaving my fucking siblings in another dimension on their own” but also was jumping up and down inside at the idea of being a witch.
Lucia and Laia were just vibing at the owl house during Witches Before Wizards because nobody told them shit.
Luz and Laia both went to the school in I Was a Teenage Abomination, Lucia didn’t bc “school? Why would I willingly go to school?” so she wandered off to town to do GOD knows what. Laia just hid in the bottom of the pot, but wandered off, Anna helped save her and get her out in the end. Later, at the covention, Laia gave Anna the “thanks pal” drawing.
Luz and Laia were both captivated by Eda’s magic lesson in Intrudor, Lucia was just hanging back with her arms crossed like she didn't care but inside she was going “I'm gonna be a witch! I'm gonna be a witch!”. Luz discovered the light glyph but Lucia came up with the idea of sticking it on the wall.
At the covention, Lucia saw Amelia and was actually gonna go over and be flirty bc Hot Witch Girl, but then she overheard her talking to Amity about her fighting Luz and instantly big sister mode. They got into a fist fight out back over “my sister’s better than yours.” their relationship after that is just Lucia constantly antagonizing Amelia and almost getting burned. Anna just stayed by the sidelines at the covention and Laia didn't see her until the very end, talked a bit and gave her the drawing b4 being dragged out by Eda.
Laia helped w/ the moonlight conjuring, but Lucia heard "night market" and sneaked off there. She didn't see Eda'z predicament but did run into Winona, who was making trouble and just being generally shady. Lucia helped her out with the shady business because why not and they were instantly friends, their friendship has a lot of Lucia going “you scare me sometimes.”
Laia went to the Library with Luz, she saw Anna just hanging out reading in the corner and immediately went over and sat by her. They were in Amity’s hideout sitting real close reading when Luz and the twins walked in, they left immediately, Anna red as a tomato.
The second Eda said body swap Lucia scooped Laia up and noped on out. It sounded fun to Lucia but for some reason she didn't feel comfortable subjecting Laia to that.
Laia and Lucia went with Eda when she talked to Bump abt enrolling them and just sat back and watched Eda clean up all her messes. Lucia was impressed.
Laia was just as excited to go to Hexside as Luz. But Lucia hated school, even magic school. She only decided to go to keep an eye on her sisters and fuck with Amelia.
Neither Laia note Lucia were interested in going to the Grudgby match. Laia stayed home and read (on the couch. She was so engrossed in her book she missed king walking out with half-transformed Eda) and Lucia went to hang out with Winona.
Laia and Anna worked together on a book for the writing contest. It won. Lucia wrote one too but it git rejected for being too graphic. It made one of the judges who read it start seeing a therapist.
All three went to the knee. Lucia went along with Eda'z crazy teaching because it seemed hysterical to her crackheaded mind, she missed the whole Slitherbeast thing bc she was off with moss in her ears, dirt over her eyes and pine needle mulch in her nose. Laia was incredibly disappointed that Anna wasn't there with the other blights. She didn't even try to stop Luz from stealing the wand bc she knew she wouldn't listen. She was just as impatient as Luz, just not rash. They figured out the ice glyph together.
Lucia chose the bard track in First Day bc she wants to be in a band. Laia couldn't choose just like Luz and got stuck in the Oracle Coven. Lucia got caught just like Luz and ended up in the detention track, Barkus was a bit more wary about her. She helped fight the basalisk I guess. Laia just stayed in class. Both Luz and Laia got to be in every track, Lucia chose only Bard, Beast Keeping and Illusion.
When Luz and co were shrunk at the carnival, Laia was off hanging out with Anna, and Lucia was doing something crackheaded with Winona. (Seriously, you could write such good fluff fics about Anna and Laia, and insane crack fics about Lucia and Winona.)
Idfk what Laia and Lucia were up top in Understanding Willow
Anna and Laia went to Grom together. They're such unassuming people that the only people who noticed were Eda and King bc they helped Laia get ready, and Amelia. Who had very mixed feelings bc 1- that's Lucia's sister, but 2- she actually kinda likes Laia and Luz.
Lucia begged Luz to let her take over as Grom queen but no dice. She ran to help too when Luz ran off but was too slow, she didn't get there until the very end of the dance.
Look, Laia is too much of a bookworm to care about sports and Lucia just thinks their stupid, so neither of them watched Luz play in Wing it like Witches.
Eda made cloaks for all 3 girls. Lucia and Laia were in the wrong year to go on the field trip to the emperor's palace. After school Laia went to the library with Anna and Lucia went to hang out with Winona. Laia and Anna fell asleep reading in Amity's secret room and Lucia and Winona lost track of time hanging out, neither got home until the next morning, and they found Luz crying on the floor.
Imagine with me, all 3 noceda girls breaking into the conformatorium to save Eda. All three wailing on Belos, Laia with a fuck ton of glyph papers, Luz with Eda's staff and some glyphs, and Lucia with a red aluminum bat covered in glyphs. They don't beat him but they do a lot more damage than just chiping his mask.
Imagine all 3 sisters agreeing silently to destroy the portal. For Eda.
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nautiscarader · 4 years
marcapoo 29
Smutember day 29 - Ecstasy, Markapoo, 1.6k, E
If you liked my story, here’s a Ko-fi link if you’d be so kind ❤️.    
Hekapoo smiled, hearing the fabric of reality being cut, as she knew exactly who stepped through the portal. The sound was sharp, instantly recognisable, as the scissors that cut gateway were brand new. And, more importantly, she knew that Marco will be back. After all, it's been just five minutes since Star took him.
She moaned when she felt his hands on her waist, and his warm breath on her exposed neck, one that rivalled even the heat of the forge she was standing by. His body pressed gently against her back, and she moved her hips imperceptibly to feel him between her buttocks. She hoped he wouldn't notice her shivering... She turned around and met his cocky smile, so much different from the one of his teenage self she has seen so many years ago.
Their eyes met, and despite the passion and lust connecting the sparks in them, Marco had to ruin the moment, asking the obvious.  
- Sorry, H-poo, where were we before we were interrupted?
Next thing she knew, Hekapoo was flung into the air, just so Marco could carry her in his strong, muscular arms to her bedroom. Their lips met in a long, fiery kiss, while her arms, clutched around his neck disrobed him of his torn shirt, making him properly half-naked.
When Marco broke their kiss, he did it only to lay her on her bed, made of cool magical magma that retained its plasticity when they both jumped on it. Marco took the scissors again and wit a quick snipe cut Hekapoo's dress in half, letting it fall to her sides, exposing her ample breasts, and an appetising triangle of fiery hair that adorned her opening, where droplets of her juices sizzled away under her heat. Hekapoo spread her legs wider, showing him her appetising, thick curves.
- Is this what you want? - she asked, leaning seductively - Just jump me right here, and rut me senselessly? - Well, I would like to start with some foreplay... - Marco spoke, unable to look away from her sex. - Liar, liar, pants on fire.
She snapped her fingers, and indeed, Marco's trousers were set on magical fire, reducing them, as well as his boxers to dust in a split of a second. It was time for Hekapoo's eyes to become fixated at one detail of her lover, one that surely no one could ever miss... She licked her lips, catching herself drooling at the sight of Marco's thick, long cock that seemed to rise a degree up to a full mast, with each second she stared at him.
- Is this what you want?
Marco echoed, but was sharply pulled against her, her arms and legs locking behind Marco's back, as the two finally were able to make love for the first time. 
And she was so glad they have already done it, so that they knew each other's kinks and quirks.
Hekapoo cried when his lips kissed her breasts, and as the pleasure raged through her mind, she remembered.
Clone 245, that was his first. Though he was a man by Earth's standards, he was still a boy... and yet, he was able to pin her to the ground, and just when he was about to blow her flame, he kissed her. And after a long pause, he moved lower, rendering her as defenceless as ever with more of his caresses, peppered across her chest he slowly uncovered. He was gentle and subtle, and when the two joined their bodies, he let out a deep, yet high-pitched, girly moan. He lasted maybe ten minutes, and when he filled her with his spunk, he made the most adorable of faces, just before he collapsed onto her breasts. He loved her more, with his lips and fingers, and just when her body stopped shaking, he blew her away.
Hekapoo remembered that orgasm, though of course, through the hazy, collective minds of her clone. And finally she was able to feel it in person, as Marco worshipped her breasts and body with kisses in the same way, trailing down to her sex.
More memories came: 262, their second time; 275, first blowjob; 296, their first shared orgasm... Each one she only perceived partially, through the aftershock of each of her clones being put out, and each left her with a pang of wanton and need...
And as Hekapoo's memories flooded her, she came up with a devilish idea, just as Marco pressed her legs against her body and was about to ram himself inside her, just like he did with number 445.
- Wait. - she spoke, and her lover obeyed at once - I want to really feel it.
She snapped her fingers and dozen more clones, equally naked and equally eager for him, appeared and swarmed their bed, prompting Hekapoo to scoot to the side of the huge slab.
- Hekapoo? - Marco raised his brow, breathing heavily as swarm of naked women surrounded him - Not that I mind it, but didn't you want to be with me... you know, for real? - Oh, we will be. - she stated, smiling - Just wait a little longer... It will taste better...
She relaxed and moved her hand between her legs, already feeling the pain of his absence, while her clones kissed every inch of his body. Their eyes met, and with another look into her deep, flirtatious gleam, Marco understood what she has planned. And if her imagination was as raunchy as he suspected, he will need a lot more strength than he initially thought.
And so, Marco began his marathon: each of the clones was loved, fucked and rutted, while the fiery mistress watched and occasionally moaned, prolonging and delaying her own orgasm, while Marco and her duplicated writhed in pleasure. She marvelled how Marco's thick cock plunged in and out of every clone, forming a visible bulge in their wombs, how his hands close on their rumps when he took them from behind, or their horns when he face-fucked them. She drooled at the sight of his potent seed oozing out of each of the clones' holes or sizzling away when Marco came on their faces, all twisted in the grimaces of pleasure after he fucked them silly.
Hours went by, and Hekapoo kept sending Marco more of hers, seeing as he was not slowing down in any way. Maybe it was the magic of her realm, maybe it was his own virility... but one by one, each of her clones were claimed as his in one way or another, and left writhing and spent to the side of their spacious bed, crawling on their shaky legs to leave space for another one.
Hekapoo was mashing her pussy furiously, almost setting it on fire, and after hours, days, or maybe weeks, she finally cried his name, prompting him to jump her.
Their lips met once more, and for the first time, Marco hilted himself balls-deep properly inside her, driving her to her climax in just a single, powerful thrusts. But Hekapoo wanted more. With a snap of her finger, all of her clones disappeared and when their minds melted together, she let out a shriek.
In one, infinitesimally small moment, they both felt it. The power of tens, or hundreds of orgasms tore through their bodies all at once, making them expel all the air in their lungs as all of their nerve endings were set on fire. As memories flooded her, Hekapoo felt how hundreds of Marcos rammed themselves into her pussy, ass and mouth, all at the same time, filling her with gallons of his salty, warm cum, while Marco experienced them all as one, as if he was supplying Hekapoo with an unending stream of seed for hours.
Hekapoo writhed and quaked underneath her lover, unable to process a single coherent though, imagining how would she look like if she really had a hundred lovers taking care of her, one after another. She wondered how her red hair would slowly turn white under dozens of facials he bathed her with, and how her belly would swell, filled with litres of hot potent spunk, making her look as if she was pregnant.
Neither of them knew how long have they been climaxing, reliving the events of the past day...or week. Time was already wonky in her dimension, but in his arms, Hekapoo truly felt blissfully ignorant of its passing, until she heard Marco's grunt and she opened her eyes.
- Hekapoo, that was... phenomenal. - You said it, big guy. - she smiled ans kissed him - Now I am truly yours.
She wriggled herself from underneath his large, muscular body, just to perform one last bit of magic. She took her scissors and pressed the metal against the bush of her hair between her legs, instantly setting them on fire. Marco jumped back, but soon realised his lover was not in any danger, and as the flames died down, he saw what the fire left of her appetising triangle.
Though it was written in an alien language, he recognised the symbols. The same ones on his scissors.
- Now my body belongs to you, Marco.
Marco leaned for another kiss, but then a short, searing pain in his chest made him jump again.
- Hekapoo!
Marco looked at his burning hair, knowing what she has done to him when he wasn't looking.
- And yours is mine.
The two shared a soothing kiss, that cooled down their heated bodies, slowly carrying Hekapoo to a well-deserved sleep.
At least until Marco Diaz spoke
- Uh, I kinda lost count, so... shall we call it round two?
Hekapoo swallowed loudly and nodded.  
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amazingsphelon · 4 years
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Hello again guys! For todays episode I’ll be posting multiple follow up individual OC art characters from my Gijinka Pokemon series.
Link of the original previous post:
Gijinka Pokemon 1st 4 Update
Gijinka WIP Update:
Gijinka Sketches (1st Post)
**Oh yeah my apologies for not being around in a week, had to polish up Melody alot. One reason why I got delayed.
Next here we have.....Princess Melody, the Majestic Princess Milotic.
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**The sketch above is my 1st sketch of her around 2014, her design is much very different from the way I drew her present appearance
Melody - The Milotic **Also known as Princess Melody and has a Kingdom
somewhere **similar to Asia and Island Regions
Age: 19
Attacks: She has a wand which she can perform additional movesets and also enhances her water power skills entirely and she prefers more on kicking btw.
Ice Beam/Water Pulse, Surf, Aqua Ring, Aqua Tail (Kick), Blizzard, Hydro Pump
Human Fighting Style:
Water Magic **(similar to Azura from Fire Emblem) + Polynesian Taekwondo
Origin Similarities: Polynesian, Asia and Unspecified European Region *perhaps celtic??
Likes: Sigmund her Lover (Salamence), The two trainers who went on her adventures (I’ll introduce them soon, their base on Ruby and Sapphire though) Peace and Serenity, Harmony and Beautiful thoughts, her beauty (which she’s honestly and modestly proud of), Magical massages, manicure and pedicures, her proud vigorous and strong graceful legs which she use for kicks especially and Ocean Life.
Dislikes: Chaos, Insincere People, Her strict father King Raidos (Gyarados)**she still loves her father despite his strict personality, Lightning and Electric Base attacks, Her powerful gifted and strong but yet very fragile feet **She’s at her most despair when she feels this very severe pain.
When I was redesigning her I had to base her on Azura from Fire Emblem alot (since both are from Nintendo) and believe me designing her on my imaginative creative scope is very hard that I had to add additional details around.
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**New drawing left and old drawing right
and in a class she maybe base on princesses that are born in the hierarchy near the surfaces body of water, much like the legendary Atlanteans. 
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Below are some of her early redesign sketches *** her personality is largely based three characters **including a 4th one maybe... Ah My Goddess- Belldandy, Lacus Clyne from Gundam Seed and Euphemia Li Britannia from Code Geass. the 4th one actually your stereotype Princesses of the Seas....
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Overall she has a very gentle, warm, kind hearted and impartial loving attitude **even those who are wicked, she still shows kindness unless she’s harm she can without hesitate to attack her enemies when there’s no other options left. and without hesitation will always show courtesy **said to be gotten from her mother when she was young .
Describe by many as incredibly beautiful among many **including outsiders like Raid and Naiya. she is often the center of attraction among her kingdom, admiring even by her rivals and admirers for calling her bare body legendarily voluptuous from head to toe. And with a beautiful and non-benevolent personality she has, she is said to be very approachable in all ways around that she is very caring and open to all, regardless of whoever she faces. 
Besides that she’s also a pacifist, she values the lives and happiness of the people around her much more than her own, and always desires to make everybody happy no matter what the cost is to herself. **even sparing her foes on dire situations. While many see this part of her personality as being one of her more endearing qualities, it has also driven her to disregard her own feelings, thus making it difficult for her to voice her own thoughts when she believes it would cause strife for other people. As a result of this, she is easily upset and incredibly fragile when experiencing negative emotions. and with her position as a Princess of her Kingdom, she is willingly never hesitate to show charisma, strong will and determination in order for her to lead example for the sake of King Rydus (her father)’s people.
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As much as her story goes besides the Kingdom around her and her strict father, She happens to be a priestess of her own, inherited from her mother. She vows herself to be always take courage and be kind no matter the cause as taught by her mother.
One day, while she was performing tradition priestess practices on her in a temple somewhere beneath their kingdom alone with her subordinates, she stumbles upon two lost human teenagers (at the age of 13, 14 or 15) who appear to be not from this world (maybe from another fantasy dimension based on their appearance). The guards never hesitate to take the two unworldly kids with them for the two are being mistaken as intruders to their kingdom but with Melody being compassionate of the two young warriors bids to her father’s wishes to spare them and understand their curent situation and to be part of their kingdom as a citizen in the meantime. In good results, she manages to free the two from capital punishment and imprison and thus making the two to be part of their kingdom as low rank civilians. Because of how humane the two show themselves in front of Melody and her kingdom, she easily became friends with the two and vows  to the two to seek for an adventure to send them back to their own worlds. 
**Those two kids are named Raid (male) and Naiya (female) I’ll introduce them soon should I find time on this.
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As much as her concept goes, she’s willing to go for a battle when she’s left with no other options but to fight and defend. With her skillsets mentioned aboved she’s that of a keep away fighter who sometimes will use projectiles to blast foes away and shiver them with her water skills, she can also heal herself (Recover) and heal herself more with her wand equipped and on the other hand, if she’s then struggling with foes who go close on her, she is very luckily skillful at combat, and once she find a worthy opponent as or more powerful than she is on her current state, she will eventually show her hidden powerful trump card skills not often shown to the public eye, the strength and skills within her beautiful, graceful and powerful feet and legs (AQUA TAIL) 
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**Princess Melody performing Aqua Kick (Aqua Tail)*Dive Kick
         she can also throw kicks at the same time cast water splashes that damages multiple foes around (This is the Pokemon move Surf), With her Surf+Aqua Tail Kick combination along side her polynesian taekwondo skills, she can perform a wide range of powerful kicks to sway foes away and the strength on the soles of her feet alone are capable of destroying granite and limestones at her fullest potential, even knocking out foes in one hit at their toughest moments. 
This is thanks to her gifted ability of the “Mythical Birth Mark” fragments she received on birth located on the two soles of her feet. Princess Melody calls this her own blessing and a curse, on the saddest drawback though when you received a mark like this, it’s also going to be your shared weakness as well. She is easily crippled should her legs, especially where her “Mythical Birth Mark” is located, sustain enough injuries she can faint with just one heavy damage direct towards her weakest yet very strongest feat and will be over for her should she gets careless herself on the battlefield. At one point, one electric human pokemon struck a THUNDER move directly towards the ground, and with the surface being too wet all in all and with both her feet planted on the ground, it directly struck her towards the mark knocking her out badly in just one move. This is where she easily shifts her attitude on dire situations to cry easily whenever she feels lost and despaired.
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*Melody performing a sample of her close range kicks
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Also with her staff around, this is given by her Mother, an ancient artifact staff that allows her to access more into the power of water (like TMs/HMs) and increases her STABS on certain heights and being able to bend ease with surrounding water and gaining aquatic energies. This staff however is inherited on the priestess practices of her mother (who is also a Milotic) which is traditionally used for cultural and spiritual ceremonies.
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**Melody’s iconic friendly excerpt pose when she’s taking a sit.
That’s all I can say and introduce on this attractive princess for now. Also the fishes she owns on her kingdom around her are very  known to get allure from her and often kiss the soles of her feet for they also not admire her attractive body but more of her personality.
Later in the series early on, Raid gets separated from Naiya and Melody and thus the two search for him eventually meeting Blare, Aedris and Aeshi Company thus making allies and friend among the adventurers. 
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Only Human
Chapter 11: Panic In Evo City
Authors Note: I know I keep apologizing for the wait, but this time I’m really sorry. Three months between chapters is way too long and I’m sorry this one took us so long to complete.
The offices at HECU were in sheer chaos. Interns were running around hauling papers, tech people were working HECU’s servers to the edge of meltdown, and countless soldiers were being issued out to different parts of Evo City. Tyson had wrung himself ragged trying to keep the chaos under control, but no progress had been made.
“How are three teenagers so hard to track down?!” he shouted, staring at a huge collection of screens.
“I don’t know, sir!” A sleep deprived employee cried. “We’ve combed through every last bit of security feed available in both Big City and Evo City, but there’s no sign of them! All we’ve found are several new Freaks that just keep popping up!”
“New Fre- What do you mean, new Freaks?!”
The employee quickly pulled up security footage of an old motel, and the feed showed the disturbing sight of a group of choir students warping and transforming into twisted monsters.
“We were sent this footage by the owner of the motel last week. We were sent a similar piece of footage from Evo Subway where a crocodilian Freak was spotted running across the tracks,” The employee explained, pulling up footage from a subway. “And this is footage of a new Freak that was just spotted earlier today.” The employee showed Tyson one last piece of footage from downtown Big City, where several mechanical Freaks were rampaging down the street.
Tyson sat down, shocked. “I want soldiers everywhere you get footage from here on out. Track these new Freaks down.”
“Yes sir.” The employee quickly left their post and hurried out, several documents on hand. As the employee left, Rudra headed into the room, a phone in hand.
“Colonel Tyson, there’s someone that wants to speak with you.”
Tyson nodded. “Thank you, Commander,” he said, taking the phone. “Hello?”
“Hello Tyson,” a deep, distorted voice replied. “Things are looking a little bleak over at HECU.”
“...who is this?” Tyson asked, suddenly guarded.
“You can call me Archsage.”
“Alright, Archsage. What do you want?”
“To help, of course. HECU has been overrun with news of new Freaks, and so far you haven’t been able to track down the Trio.”
“How do you know that?” Tyson asked, then got up and left, putting her on speaker and motioning for Rudra to follow and stay quiet.
“I know quite a lot. More than you, certainly. I’ve been monitoring the Freaks for a while now. I know what they’re planning to do, and I know why so many new Freaks have been appearing as of late.”
“Care to enlighten me?” Tyson asked. “It would certainly make my job easier.”
“The Freaks are planning to bring about a worldwide catastrophe called the Cataclysm, and they’re bringing more Freaks into the world to further their goals.”
“Worldwide catastrophe? Are they attempting to destroy mankind?”
“More like they’re attempting to replace humanity entirely with Freaks.”
“That’s why they’re after those kids. Those teenagers have powers that can stop the Cataclysm from happening.”
“Motherf@cker... How do you know this?”
“I’ve been looking into this whole ordeal for quite some time.”
“And how do you know about us?”
“I happen to know someone from HECU.”
“You have an informant?”
“In a way.”
“How can I trust you if you’ve been spying on us for so long?”
“Because I have information that you don’t. Information that you need.”
"And I assume there's a price for that information?"
“There is. If I’m going to help you, I want access to HECU’s databases.”
Tyson sighed. "It seems like I don't have much of a choice, but if you use it, you do it here. So we can ensure you're not using it against us."
Tyson sighed as he hung up. "Of course this stuff happens to me."
“If this is what we must do to stop the Freaks, then so be it,” Rudra replied. “I’ll send my troops to Big City to keep watch for any new Freaks.”
"Thank you," Tyson replied. "And try to keep this from reaching the public. Chaos in the streets would make this worse than it already is."
“It’s hard to keep something like this secret when some of these new Freaks have already been rampaging down the streets in broad daylight,” Rudra deadpanned.
"Then make up something and bribe the media to say it."
Rudra squinted at Tyson. “No, I don’t think I will.”
"I could get Anita to. She'd probably consider it a social experiment."
“You know good and well the kind of havoc she could wreak.”
"I also know how hard it would be to keep the public calm if they knew this was happening. You remember the plague two years ago."
“You can’t hide things that are already in the public eye. You tried to hide what happened with Grave Manor, and instead it’s one of the most well known horror stories to date. It even has its own music album. You tried to cover up that plague, but you can’t exactly hide something that nearly destroyed two entire cities and decimated their populations. You tried to hide Dr. Grace’s invasion, but you can’t hide the fact that a giant armada of ships came right the f_ck out of nowhere and attacked Evo City. And you certainly can’t hide a horde of monsters running through the streets of Big City in broad daylight.”
"I'm not saying hide it this time, just come up with a believable story that's less serious than the APOCALYPSE!"
“And how do you expect me to do that!? Tell people that all the new Freaks popping up everywhere isn’t a sign that things are going horribly wrong!? We have people turning into Freaks left and right, the Freaks that are already around are becoming more hostile by the day, and we have a Trio of teenagers running around that are our only chance of stopping this apocalypse!”
Tyson sighed. "Look, I just don't want the public to panic. If they do, everything will collapse into chaos and it'll be even harder to track down those kids."
“Tyson, the public is already panicking. The best we can do now is try to keep them safe.”
Tyson sighed. “...you’re right.”
Rudra nodded. “And I suggest you get on that. If things keep getting worse like they have been, you might end up having to evacuate the city very soon.”
Tyson nodded. “Alright. Start a watch and tell the people to prepare for evacuation.”
Rudra turned on her heel and quickly took her leave, calling up a group of soldiers to her side. “I hope you guys are ready for another round of disaster. We have to be prepared to evacuate Evo City ASAP.”
“Yes, ma’am,” a soldier replied.
Meanwhile at Christian Pure Spy’s chapel, Polite Spy and Jester were watching a movie while Isa played with her dolls nearby.
“Have you heard from Spyper and Intelligent lately?” Jester asked, tossing a handful of popcorn into their mouth.
“Not since last week. They were supposed to come over for a get-together, right?”
“Yeah, they were. But I haven’t heard from them at all.”
Polite Spy lit a cigarette. “I did hear from Sny, though. Apparently he’s out of the country on a job.”
“Spy job or Sniper job?”
“Spy job. He’s looking into an organization.” Polite leaned back. “If you don’t mind telling, who was that on the phone?”
“A guy named Odi-Tron. He wants to help humanity and he wants me to help him do that! Isn’t that great?”
Polite tilted his head. “Is he starting a charity or something?”
“He didn’t really give me much info. All he said was that I had to look out for three kids that’ll be coming by soon.”
Polite hummed, opening his laptop. “So you’re going to help without the information?”
“Well, yeah. Nothing bad’s gonna happen if I look after three kids, right?”
Something flashed in Polite’s eyes, but Jester missed it as the Freak replied, “I suppose not,” and started typing.
“I do wanna know why I have to look after these three kids specifically,” Jester mused. “I hope they’re not in any danger.”
“As do I.” Polite looked up. “I’ve heard Brutal has three people in his crosshairs as of late. What do you think they did?”
Jester looked at Polite with alarm. “You don’t think he would be going after some kids, do you?”
“I certainly hope not. On the off chance that they are, however, if they keep up the diligence that made him fail the first time, they’ve got a shot at survival.”
Jester gave a long and worried pause, then glanced back at Isa. “I really hope he’s not after these kids…”
In a dark base, somewhere nobody would have ever thought was habitable, much less inhabited, someone got a call. “This better be good, 9.”
“It is. I just got an email from Polite. It’s about Count Jester.”
“What about them? Aren’t they too busy eating candy or something to be cause for concern?”
“That’s what I thought. But what Polite just sent me is more than enough to worry you. Jester’s apparently been suckered in by Odi-Tron. The guy in charge of this whole mess. He managed to sucker in Jester.”
“Of course he did. Of course he’d get in someone with access to a whole other dimension... Tell Polite to stay put. Be ready to knock Jester out if need be and bring the Aspects here if we don’t get to them in time.”
“Well...Here’s the thing. Maybe we can get Jester on our side. Jester may have a few screws loose, but they’re not malicious. If someone can convince them that they were lied to by someone like Odi-Tron, they might just defect to our side. Then we’ll be the ones with the reality bender.”
“Alright... Tell Polite to try and get Jester to contact Odi-Tron again. Have them pry deeper. We didn’t work this hard to lose now. And keep an eye out for the Aspects. All our agents in the States are at your disposal for this mission.”
“Yes Archsage. I’m on it. I’ll contact you again if there’s any major developments.”
“Good. And give Polite a bonus. Tell him to buy himself some stickers or whatever he can treat himself with.”
“Understood. Until next time, Archsage.” With that, 9 hung up.
The shadowy figure sighed and leaned back. “Of all the people to run this operation, why did it have to be me?”
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secret-engima · 5 years
A thing for @sparklecryptid in the hopes it helps make your day feel a little better (sorry you no feel good Moose):
-Nyx and Libertus have been acting- weird lately, and it makes Ace a little on edge. He knows it’s something about their job, but for once, they haven’t been happy to complain about it over dinner and a bottle of something strong.
-Ace sees the way they glance at each other, the way Lib glares at Nyx like Nyx has done something stupid, but when he or Selena asks, they both look away and mutter something about being under orders not to talk about it.
-He wonders if it has something to do with the way Insomnia’s magic BUCKED with shock and surprise and new-old-strange-familiar about a week ago. At least until the day a group of strangers enter his bar and he immediately regrets EVER being curious. Because clearly the universe took that as a sign to screw with him.
-The teenage girl leading the group doesn’t even falter in her stride, just eyes him with bright, violet-tinted fascination as she studies him.
-Ace is suddenly very glad that its early enough in the day his bar is still empty, because he doesn’t want there to be witnesses to this if it goes the way he thinks it will go.
-The teenager (young woman? Hard to tell if she’s crossed that invisible boundary between teenager and official adult), who is so obviously a Lucis Caelum she might as well have been screaming it from the rooftops, settles at the bar counter with an almost childish kick of her legs, props her chin on both her hands and smiles at him pleasantly (as if that will hide the bright tint to her eyes and the way her magic is loosely, lazily curling around his bar)
-(Ace has to mentally sit on his magic to keep it from flaring possessively, to keep it from answering the unspoken question-challenge she’s sending out by filling up his space with her magic uninvited).
-The others filter in, and Ace … feels something akin to dread as he picks out what looks like a much younger Clarus, and a man with dark skin that looks vaguely familiar in among the other adults.
-His brain outright stops when he sees Ardyn lurking in the back next to the only other woman in the group, a young adult with pale blond hair and deep blue eyes, Ardyn looking subdued and … almost shy. Not at all like the uncle he knows.
-Ardyn glances at him as the woman coaxes him into sitting down next to her at the bar, and there is no recognition in his gold eyes.
-Ace swallows his screaming suspicions and confusion and politely asks what they would like to order. The blond woman and the dark-skinned man order on behalf of the group, with the one that looks way too much like an Amicitia for comfort firmly denying the Lucis Caelum girl before she can do more than open her mouth. She pouts at him, the Amicitia just deadpans at her, “You are not getting alcohol.”
-“It’s not like I can get drunk,” she protests with her bottom lip sticking out.
-“Not the point,” snaps the Amicitia, “You dragged us off on this idiot venture, so you don’t get to drink.”
-She hisses like a cat, but the magic still lazily poking its way through Ace’s space (how-dare-it-stop-that) doesn’t bristle or change, so Ace can tell she’s not serious.
-He almost wants to know what in the world she’s thinking. Being so free with her magic in Insomnia. Does she want her and her Shield to be caught here? (Though maybe she doesn’t fear being caught by her blood father the way Ace does, maybe she doesn’t feel the need to hide what she is from this group that is obviously family to her).
-(Ace carefully doesn’t acknowledge what he thinks of that).
-(He’s more concerned right now about the very subdued Ardyn staring nervously around the empty bar like something’s going to leap out and bite him, not once reacting to Ace like his uncle always has before).
-Ace serves them their orders, and somehow isn’t surprised that when he gets to the Lucis Caelum girl she does something to provoke him.
-He isn’t quite expecting her to grab his wrist, lightning fast despite his own reflexes, and uses the point of contact to poke him firmly with her magic.
-His own magic erupts from under his skin for just a moment, snapping back at the foreign presence that has been subtly nudging and nipping at him, trying to make him react for the past however many minutes. The world turns violet and purple of differing shades-
-Her magic retreats from his space and his bar like its never been and her smile is wide and eerie wild somehow in a way that makes Ace blink and half-think of jungle cats and ice, “I was wondering what it would take to get you to react,” she says as she calmly releases his wrist and raises her hands in placation, “sorry about that. I was trying to figure out who you were.”
-“You could have just asked my name,” Ace retorts blandly as he sets down her order with more force than necessary.
-The woman blinks at him, calm despite the violet tinting in her gaze, “That would tell me your name. It wouldn’t tell me what you were in relation to me.” She smiles and there’s something so genuinely happy about it Ace feels … taken aback, “Nice to meet you son-I-don’t-have-yet.”
-From the other end of the counter, Ardyn actually laughs, short and smothered, while the Amicitia, the oldest member of the group with a Leide accent, and the woman all sigh and facepalm. “So much for keeping our cover,” grouches the Shield (Clarus? Is that Clarus Amicitia?)
-“Oh it was about to get blown anyway,” says the woman (who is younger than him how can she, how dare she, imply that he is her son-) with a flap of her hand, she swivels around to focus on the bar door, “In three, two, one…”
-Lib and Nyx burst in, dressed in their uniforms and looking more than a little frazzled. They spot the group at Ace’s counter and the look on Ace’s face and Nyx winces, “I- uh- Ace. Hi Ace. I can explain?”
-“No need,” says the woman cheerfully, “I made this mess, I can explain it.” She ignores the skeptical mutter from the Amicitia and the scoff from the Leide-accented man as she tilts her head to face Ace and smiles, all too-sharp teeth and the lazy confidence of a predator in human skin, “Regina Lucis Caelum. You’re probably more familiar with my counterpart, Regis Lucis Caelum. We’re from another dimension, Solheim ruins and Astral nonsense. You know how it is. We’re going back to our world in a few days, so I decided to go exploring. And now I’ve met you.”
-She tilts her head in curiosity that, somehow, seems genuinely innocent and Ace feels … so Very Done™ with everything when she asks, right in earshot of the still frazzled Lib and Nyx, “Mind telling me your name? I should probably know what I’ll be naming my eldest son, after all.”
-“What?” Half yells Libertus in the middle of trying to pry the grouchy Leide man away from his drink, both his and Nyx’s heads snapping around to stare at Regina and Ace while Ace just- sighs. At the sky. Because seriously how is this his life?
-Regina tilts her head at them, blinks three times, then gives Ace a genuine look of apology and a sheepish little flare of magic to let him know she means it, “…Ah. They didn’t know did they.”
-Ace can feel a headache coming on, “No. No, they did not.”
-“Neither does Regis,” muses the dark-skinned man, “Or else he would have mentioned having a son other than young Noctis.”
-Regina props her chin on her hand again as Ace quietly contemplates the insanity of his life and Nyx and Libertus stare at him like he’s grown another two heads, then narrows her eyes and pokes his magic with hers again. Before he can snap at her, she stops poking and looks at Ardyn, “Oh,” she muses aloud, “That’s why he feels so familiar even though Regis doesn’t know him. Ardyn, he’s yours by adoption, I think.”
-The apparent Ardyn counterpart looks- resigned to all this, as if this is exactly a normal day around this female counterpart of Ace’s father (dimensional. Counterpart. Ace is still not sure if he’s more alarmed by the fact that this is happening, that Nyx and Libertus are overhearing all this, or that Ace’s life is such that he fully and unhesitatingly believes the claim) and responds, “I … had a suspicion of that yes. Ah, excuse us,” he apologizes, his voice soft and oddly formal, nothing like the dramatic, semi-dark tones Ace is used to, “Perhaps we should take this somewhere more private? It would hardly do for some stranger off the street to walk in on us at this juncture, I believe.”
-…Ace takes a long moment to glare at the female counterpart of his father (who just keeps smiling at him with a mix of wonder and glee and possessiveness that reminds him too much of a mother dragon), then tells Nyx to lock the bar door and flip the sign to closed. Because apparently this is how he’s spending his day today. Talking to the possibly teenaged possibly adult female counterpart of his royal parent and her entourage while Lib sputters at them all and Nyx quietly hisses that Ace has a lot of explaining to do later, now get out the good stuff Nyx is way too sober for this, on-duty drinking regulations be hanged.
(hope you don’t mind me playing with Ace again, I just found this bunny entertaining and thought it might entertain you as well.)
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wwwafflewrites · 4 years
Of Daydreams and Realities
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Chapter 13: Second Chances
The next time you woke up, you were in significantly less pain. Your thoughts were clearer, and you had some alone time to assess your state and location. After a few days of nothing, you began to believe your therapist. Maybe you had imagined it. You'd dreamed everything up in your coma and had convinced yourself it was real.
There was still that black mark though, which could not be explained.
The harsh reality of never understanding what that had meant, what you had seen, would live with you forever. You knew you would always watch now, careful to see that TARDIS from the corner of your eye, or the 1967 Chevy Impala cruising down the street.
You were so deep in thoughts that you didn't notice your visitor. He sighed and straightened his trenchcoat.
You did a double take. "Castiel?" you asked. "You—you stayed? Where's everyone else?"
"Time travel, remember?" The Doctor said, coming up from behind Castiel with his hands in his pocket. "I'm sorry to leave you so long, but everyone agreed you needed time to sort things out. Including… well, nevermind."
"Yeah." You bit your lip. "Hey, I just… I mean… what happened? Why are you still here? How did I survive a gunshot to the head?"
"I healed you," Castiel intoned. "The Doctor brought us back in time."
"You went into a coma. Probably my fault," the Doctor told you. "You know, with the rip in time and all that. A lady was kind enough to call emergency services, as we have no phones ourselves."
You blinked. "Wow. So you guys had been watching over me all that time and I hadn't even known about it?"
The Doctor pondered on that. "I wouldn't strain yourself thinking about it. But if you must know, yes. We were intervening before anything even happened in your timeline."
He made his way to your bedside, "Would you like to see the others?"
You sat up and hugged him, ignoring the soreness of your chest and the ache in your arms as the little action wore away at your energy. "I would really really love that."
Sam and Dean Winchester welcomed you with open arms when you entered the TARDIS.
"Hey, kiddo!" Dean pulled you in for a hug.
"I thought you guys left me!" you said.
"Well, technically, we've only been gone, like, five minutes," Sam said, looking apologetic. "I'm sorry we left you to wait so long."
"I think that was needed," you said, laughing into Sam's chest.
You then pulled away, barely catching the look that the Doctor and Dean were giving each other, like they were both agreeing about something.
The Doctor sighed and clasped both hands together, carefully choosing his words; which was not something the Doctor often did. "I have a proposition," he said. "It's only if you want to. Dean said that you said you were flunking in college. I could take you back in time to try again. Perhaps you would be more motivated? I believe you deserve a second chance after all you went through. It's the least I can do."
That had not been what you were expecting. "Well, I mean, yeah. That would be really great!"
The Doctor beamed at you and played with the control board.
Sam looked happy for you. "What are you thinking of doing?"
You smiled, thinking to yourself. You hummed. "I don't know. Really, anything. It's like a second chance."
They dropped you off where you could see your house a block away. It was almost cleaner, in a way. Nicer. Calmer. Happier. You waved them goodbye, tearing up again at the thought of them disappearing from your life forever. No, you told yourself, they would always be there in your heart. As if that wasn't the cheesiest thing you've ever thought.
You walked up to your home, feeling a little odd. Why did it feel so new? As you walked past the mowed lawn and the new paint of the fence, you felt wary.
The door was thrown open and you stared. Just stared, face to face with your mother, who looked twenty years younger than she should have.
You prayed for Castiel until your throat was hoarse. Your mother found you panicking in the middle of the sidewalk, pacing and generally freaking out.
She offered you tea, and you nervously accepted.
You froze solid at the doorway when you saw your younger self, stacking Lincoln Logs and rapping the toy cowboy on the hardwood floor.
Would this be like Doctor Who? If you neared too close to your past self, would  you combust, cease to exist, or cause another tear in time?
If anything like that was meant to happen, it never did. Your mother, completely unknowing of her future daughter right in front of her, was happy to chat with you.
"I haven't had the chance to catch your name."
Your mouth opened and closed like a fish, eyeing the toddler in the kitchen as she stomped around playfully. "Um… I'm Rose. Rose Winchester."
Looking back on the past twenty years was like a dream. You had gone to college, got your degree, got a real job. Your mother was a great supporter.
It was… strange. You and your mother had never gotten along. You, younger you, broke off ties with your mother by the time you were eighteen.
To your surprise, your mother took it hard. Your teenage mind must have misunderstood. Now-you took it harder, knowing that your stupid choices in the past had caused her so much pain.
That was four years ago, that stunt.
And your friends? The Doctor, the Winchesters, Sherlock and John; they remained in the shadows of your dreams. Twenty years was a long time. By now, it was just a bedtime story.
Then, one afternoon, you saw a woman. At first, you hadn't taken notice. It wasn't abnormal to see a woman on a public sidewalk in the afternoon. But then you saw her features, and the way she walked, and the way she held herself, and you realized it was you. Younger you.
You were deathly pale, with thick bags around your eyes. Just two blocks from the hospital. It was when you were having nightmares.
How surreal was this?
You wondered what your life would be if you intervened. If you stopped her and asked her if she was alright, asked her not to walk that road. It was even weirder knowing that all this had happened and future-you had been watching and wondering this.
Ironically, you would have been a hollow shell of a girl if you hadn't been mugged and shot that day. You would have been a lonely girl with a bleak future in front of her, paved by poor life choices.
So you didn't intervene.
You watched though, watched as you were mugged and shot in the forehead. You looked away as the shot rang, not keen on seeing your own brains splatter the pavement and brick walls.
Two men, both in trenchcoats, one brown, one beige, pushed past you.
Castiel and the Doctor.
You inched closer to the crime scene, and as Castiel healed you, the Doctor looked you straight in the eyes. You weren't quite ready for it. That old, familiar intense look that you would never forget.
His mouth gaped. "You—"
"Doctor," you greeted. It was funny knowing that all this had really happened, that you weren't imagining it, and you were now reliving it. As if that wasn't crazy enough. "You dropped me off at the wrong time, you know."
"You've aged."
"Yes. That is generally what happens," you pointed out.
He nodded. "You look good. Happy."
"I am," you told him. "So, about younger-me, here… can you just give her—me, some space and time to think? I won't be too rational when I first wake up. I'll be grieving and lost. And, um, can you still make that mistake? I mean can you still send me twenty-some years back? I'm really proud of what I've done here and what I've accomplished."
The Doctor beamed, brilliant and stunning. "Yes. I can do that for you." He then paused. "Listen, if you touch your younger self right now, this is where it all starts. This is how the dimension tears. Are you sure you want to do this?"
"I do." You nodded, crouching down and reaching out to place your finger on her glabella, noting the black dot that marks where your skin touched. You then pulled out your phone from you pocket, giving the Doctor a smile, and dialed 911, knowing the beautiful future you had in store for your younger self. 
The End
@jay-bel , @buttercup337 , @seriously-n0pe , @hermionejacobs ,  @rosaren2498 , @beeblisss , @queen-bubble , @bider-man , @calumhoodisthicc , @smokinserious
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cyberdva · 5 years
Lost Grieving- Richie Tozier X Reader {Chapter 2☆}
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Summary- The reader gets stuck in strange implications and finds herself in Derry, Maine, the location of the infamous Steven King book ‘IT’. Unknowingly she stumbles across the Neibolt House, the dirty and burnt remains of a tragic fire. She remembers what horrors had happened and is hesitant to stay. What will happen when she runs into the one and only Losers Club? What will they do if the strange new girl claiming to be from another universe, tells them they’re all made up characters from a book? Will she help them ‘defeat’ the morbid Pennywise or give up and be lost in perishable hell forever, filled with lost grieving. Proceed with caution when you drive into this tale of horror, humor, and a handful of twisted romance with Richie ‘Trashmouth’ Tozier.
Main Masterlist
IT Masterlist
Chapter 1 
Chapter 2 (+)
Word Count: 2k
Date Uploaded: 11/05/19
A/N: Sorry for the long wait, I have so many ideas for headcannons and imagines that I’ve been just spitballing them out. I apologize for that, but anyways enjoy the new chapter! Send in any requests or ideas for the story, I’m in the mood for writing and I’m off for the rest of the week.
Warnings and Notes: Cursing and Excerpts from Stephen King’s IT Novel
“Are you ok?” Eddie began to slow down, we ran as fast as we could. I felt bad for him, he has no idea what was going on. At least I had a basic understanding. He was really pale and it looked as if he could barely breathe. Oh, he has asthma! Wouldn’t he already have his inhaler out or something?
“Yeah, I’m fine. You’re really pale, are you going to faint?
“I think so, but I’m more concerned with the fact that you aren’t freaking out about that clown!” He spat out. I couldn’t make out what he was saying. Eddie spoke at the speed of light, no one ever understood him. I had a pit in my stomach, it pulsed whenever I thought of It. I want to go home.
I looked down, trying to piece together what to say, “Oh I’m terrified, I really think I’m dreaming.” The boy went shuffling through his red fanny pack.
“Why would you be dreaming? I’m not dreaming?
I sighed, “It’s a long story,” and I’ll have time to tell it to him when it comes.
“I think I’m going to throw up.” Eddie sputtered his body spurred to the side of the road, his hands covered his face. I awkwardly stood in front of him as my own nausea came up to battle. I collapsed next to him and we said nothing to each other.
“We need to find Bill.” he huffed. It looked as if his small body caved in on itself.
Bill Denbrough. He was their ‘leader’ or that’s how he was perceived in the books. I never really liked his character, but I felt horrible for what happened with Georgie. I felt bad for all of them. Their lives got swept away by that clown and the poster-child victim of this is sitting right next to me. I really hope this is a dream, what if I don’t go home? There’s no way I could be a foster child, that system is still fucked in the present. I can’t imagine what it could be like here.
“Where does he live?” I had no clue on what I was supposed to do, I’m not even relevant in this plot. What I do know is that I have to get a panicked Eddie over his friend’s house.
“Two streets down. Will you come with me, please? I don’t want to get killed by that clown. I lost my inhaler and my mom is going to freak.” his breathing became rigid. It was catching up with the pace of his talking, which was quite fast. His panting swallowed up all his words. In the story his medicine was fake. Now I was in a conundrum. 
Do I tell him or not? It was such a turning point for him, even though he relapsed later on in his life, I think. 
“Hey just breathe.” I almost patted his back, but my hand just wavered above him. Eddie tried to hack out a sarcastic reply. His fear got the best of him.
“Oh my gosh, please Eddie just breathe. I don’t care about your inhaler. We’ll get one at Bill’s or something.” He gasped for a gulp of air and shook. After a couple more times his lungs settled and sat in shock.
“How did that work? That never worked without my inhaler! Are you a witch or something?” Eddie wanted to do nothing but run as fast as he could away from that stranger that he found at a crack house. His mother always told him he was sick, he was. What just happened was physically impossible. ‘What if she was working for that clown?’, he thought. “She might not even be real for god’s sake!” Eddie couldn��t think straight. 
I was beginning to think I was a witch, there is no physical way I could be here. I had next to none proof that I’m from the future, a different dimension at that. Except for my backpack. I always had sections for unused papers, a bigger chunk for History and English work. There were just a few things that fell through from my desk, but not much. Bingo. My old History article about Democratic and Republican debates. Photos, photos of the President. I did have proof! I just need the right time to bring it up. 
“I dunno, my friend has asthma and that works for her.” Lies, I knew that would never work. Eddie would have to be a fool to ever believe that.
“Where are you from? I never heard of that treatment before, especially not from any doctor,”
“Nevermind that, we need to get going.” Nice playoff Y/N. We both headed down the small sidewalk in the brisk afternoon. As we passed the broken down Derry Trainyard the faint scream of a teenage boy filled the surrounding forest. My dress began to hike up my legs and clump by my backpack. Minutes went by when we walked down the unfamiliar streets. 
Another deep screech was released, “What the hell was that?” I jumped after it was quiet, our eyes darted around. No one could be seen as the echo still remained. A groomed bush next to us started to shake unnaturally. 
“What the fu-” Eddie stumbled back, like a baby learning their first steps. The greenery was torn to its sides by a lengthy boy. The pale thing launched at Eddie and almost stomped right on his arm.
“Hi-ya Eds! Didn’t know your mom let you hang out with girls, especially pretty ones.” He grabbed Eddie’s hand and pulled him to his feet. The boys stood head to torso. The height difference was kind of funny. Who even is that kid? I think he’s part of the club. Eddie seems to know him.
Richard Tozier turns off the radio, which has been blaring out Madonna’s “Like a Virgin” on WZON (a station which declares itself to be “Bangor’s AM Stereo rocker! With a kind of hysterical frequency), pulls over to the side of the road, shuts down the engine of the Mustang the Avis people rented him at Bangor International, and gets out. He hears the pull and release of his own breath in his ears. He has seen a sign which has caused the flesh of his back to break out in the hard ridges of gooseflesh.
He walks to the front of the car and puts on hand on its hood. He hears the engine ticking softly to itself as it cools. He hears a jay scream briefly and then shut up. There are crickets. And as far as the soundtrack goes, that’s it.
He has seen the sign, he passes it, and suddenly he is in Derry again. After twenty-five years Richie “Trashmouth” Tozier has come home.
“Bonjour Mademoiselle, I’m Richie!” he bowed.
Oh.”What the fuck is wrong with him?” I choked. Eddie stifled a laugh.  
“Many things,” he replied. “Anyways, I haven’t seen you around here before. Are you new? Or like a homeschool?”
‘A homeschool’, isn’t he supposed to be smart or something? I’m starting to remember him. Richie was the jokester and my personal favorite character. This oughta be fun!
“I don’t know where I am.” After ages, I pushed down my dress in an attempt at a good impression.
“What do you mean?”
“I woke up underneath the welcome sign and found that broken-down house.”
The two stared at me, ”No, but seriously where are you from?”
“I’m telling the truth! Wait… I have proof!” I seized my bag and heaved it open. Small folders with homework were inside, along with other items that made it through with me. 
I grabbed the green History folder filled with stray Newsela articles about Politicians and the President. I pulled one out about a Democratic and Republican debate. A bright picture of all the candidates with a date from September 2019 slapped right under the headline.
“Here this is from my school, in 2019.” It was the least believable thing I have ever said in my life. I internally cringed and just tossed the papers, along with the folder for good measure. If that doesn’t convince them I don’t know what will, even better, I got a watch. Not just any watch, one of the fancy ones with apps and music stuffed all into one. It’s perfectly packed right into my bag’s front pouch.
“What does the photo represent?” Eddie asked, he pointed to the red and blue stage and Richie glanced at the article about Donald Trump.
“It’s a debate abou-”
Richie jumped in, ”Why is orange?”
“I don’t know.”
“There has to be a reason for it.”
“Shut up Richie.”
“You shut up Eddie. Who cares, I want to figure out who she is.”
“Guys, come on.”
A car came jolting down the street. The driver… wasn’t there. All that was in the windshield was a blood-red balloon, not a person in sight. I screamed along with Eddie, Richie didn’t have any reaction. Richie snatched back my folder and scooted onto the pavement.
I couldn’t bring myself to move, I’m not part of this story, yet I can’t leave. Frail arms yanked me away just as the car whisked past. A crunch was all that was left of the vehicle, it disappeared in a flash. The remains of my crushed green backpack drew me to tears.  
“Holy shit my watch is broken!” I sobbed. My last figment of proof.
Eddie flung his hands, “Is no one going to say ANYTHING about the car!?”
“We need to go find Bill.” 
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