#or something else about fame and legacy
thestarsarecool · 2 years
Does [Ono] feel close to McCartney?
“I think it’s a very strange situation. We were kind of like stuck with a situation for 30 or 40 years, so we understand each other—let’s put it that way. What he said in Esquire [Paul complained about how Yoko used to say he only booked the studio and Lennon-centric revisionism], I think he’s really right. I mean, he must have suffered a lot, just like I suffered more or less the same thing in a way. So I understand. I’m sympathetic to him for having all sorts of pain. Most people think that Paul or me should not have any pain at all because we are so privileged. But it’s not true. The degree of pain is always there.”
Does she feel they need to forgive each other in some way?
“No, no. We had to come to terms with the past in some way. Both of us are pretty self-sufficient in that sense.”
Yoko Ono in Daily Beast, 2015
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artist-issues · 1 year
I Hate How She Talks About Snow White
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"People are making these jokes about ours being the PC Snow White, where it's like, yeah, it is − because it needed that. It's an 85-year-old cartoon, and our version is a refreshing story about a young woman who has a function beyond 'Someday My Prince Will Come. "
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Let me tell you a little something's about that "85-year-old cartoon," miss Zegler.
It was the first-ever cel-animated feature-length full-color film. Ever. Ever. EVER. I'm worried that you're not hearing me. This movie was Disney inventing the modern animated film. Spirited Away, Into the Spider-Verse, Tangled, you don't get to have any of these without Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937.)
Speaking of what you wouldn't get without this movie, it includes anime as a genre. Not just in technique (because again, nobody animated more than shorts before this movie) but in style and story. Anime, as it is now, wouldn't exist without Osamu Tezuka, "The God of Manga," who wouldn't have pioneered anime storytelling in the 1940s without having watched and learned from Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs in the 1930s. No "weeb" culture, no Princess Mononoke, no DragonBall Z, no My Hero Academia, no Demonslayer, and no Naruto without this "85-year-old cartoon."
It was praised, not just for its technical marvels, not just for its synchronized craft of sound and action, but primarily and enduringly because people felt like the characters were real. They felt more like they were watching something true to life than they did watching silent, live-action films with real actors and actresses. They couldn't believe that an animated character could make kids wet their pants as she flees, frightened, through the forest, or grown adults cry with grieving Dwarves. Consistently.
Walt Disney Studios was built on this movie. No no; you're not understanding me. Literally, the studio in Burbank, out of which has come legends of this craft of animated filmmaking, was literally built on the incredible, odds-defying, record-breaking profits of just Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, specifically.
Speaking of record-breaking profits, this movie is the highest-grossing animated film in history. Still. TO THIS DAY. And it was made during the Great Depression.
In fact, it made four times as much money than any other film, in any other genre, released during that time period. It was actually THE highest-grossing film of all time, in any genre, until nothing less than Gone With the Wind, herself, came along to take the throne.
It was the first-ever animated movie to be selected for the National Film Registry. Actually, it was one of the first movies, period, to ever go into the registry at all. You know what else is in the NFR? The original West Side Story, the remake of which is responsible for Rachel Ziegler's widespread fame.
Walt Disney sacrificed for this movie to be invented. Literally, he took out a mortgage on his house and screened the movie to banks for loans to finish paying for it, because everyone from the media to his own wife and brother told him he was crazy to make this movie. And you want to tell me it's just an 85-year-old cartoon that needs the most meaningless of updates, with your tender 8 years in the business?
Speaking of sacrifice, this movie employed over 750 people, and they worked immeasurable hours of overtime, and invented--literally invented--so many new techniques that are still used in filmmaking today, that Walt Disney, in a move that NO OTHER STUDIO IN HOLLYWOOD was doing in the 30's, put this in the opening credits: "My sincere appreciation to the members of my staff whose loyalty and creative endeavor made possible this production." Not the end credits, like movies love to do today as a virtue-signal. The opening credits.
It's legacy endures. Your little "85-year-old cartoon" sold more than 1 million DVD copies upon re-release. Just on its first day. The Beatles quoted Snow White in one of their songs. Legacy directors call it "the greatest film ever made." Everything from Rolling Stones to the American Film Institute call this move one of the most influential masterpieces of our culture. This movie doesn't need anything from anybody. This movie is a cultural juggernaut for America. It's a staple in the art of filmmaking--and art, in general. It is the foundation of the Walt Disney Company, of modern children's media in the West, and of modern adaptations of classical fairy tales in the West. When you think only in the base, low, mean terms of "race" and "progressivism" you start taking things that are actually worlds-away from being in your league to judge, and you relegate them to silly ignorant phrases like "85-year-old cartoon" to explain why what you're doing is somehow better.
Sit down and be humble. Who the heck are you?
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Common character motivations
Revenge - seeking to get even with someone who has wronged them
Love - driven by romantic feelings for another character
Greed - motivated by a desire for material possessions or wealth
Power - seeking to gain control or influence over others
Justice - motivated by a sense of fairness and a desire to see justice served
Redemption - seeking to make up for past mistakes or wrongdoings
Curiosity - driven by a desire to learn or discover something new
Duty - motivated by a sense of responsibility or obligation to others or a cause
Ambition - driven by a desire to achieve a specific goal or succeed in a particular endeavor
Fear - motivated by a desire to avoid danger or harm
Guilt - driven by a sense of remorse for past actions or decisions
Jealousy - motivated by envy or a desire to possess what another character has
Betrayal - motivated by a sense of betrayal or desire for revenge against someone who has betrayed them.
Ambivalence - a character who is conflicted or uncertain about their goals or desires
Freedom - a character who seeks to escape from a restrictive situation or society
Fame - motivated by a desire for public recognition or notoriety
Identity - driven by a need to understand or define who they are
Family - motivated by a sense of loyalty or obligation to their family or loved ones
Discovery - driven by a desire to explore or uncover hidden knowledge
Patriotism - motivated by a love for their country or a desire to protect it
Rebellion - driven by a desire to challenge authority or the status quo
Artistic expression - motivated by a need to create or express oneself through art, music, or other creative endeavors
Religion or spirituality - driven by a desire to connect with a higher power or to live according to certain beliefs or values
Altruism - motivated by a desire to help others or make the world a better place
Atonement - driven by a need to make amends or seek forgiveness for past actions
Nostalgia - motivated by a desire to return to a simpler time or relive past experiences
Status - driven by a desire for social or professional standing or recognition.
Insecurity - driven by a need to prove their worth or gain acceptance from others
Legacy - motivated by a desire to leave a lasting impact or to be remembered in a certain way after they're gone
Survival - driven by the need to survive in extreme circumstances, such as a natural disaster, war, or an apocalyptic event
Belonging - motivated by a desire to fit in with a certain group or community
Love of knowledge - driven by a passion for learning and acquiring new information
Addiction - motivated by a compulsion to engage in a particular behavior or activity, such as drug use or gambling
Inciting incident - motivation driven by a specific event that triggers or sets the character on their journey
Fear of death - driven by a fear of their own mortality or the mortality of others
Intimidation - motivated by a fear of others or a desire to intimidate others for personal gain
Envy - driven by a desire to possess what others have or to be like someone else
Manipulation - motivated by a desire to control or manipulate others for their own benefit
Protecting others - driven by a desire to protect loved ones or innocent people from harm
Sense of duty - motivated by a sense of responsibility to fulfill a particular role or obligation.
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k-hippie · 1 year
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Champignac is a fully living Frenchy suburbia World based on Champs-les-Sims and has nothing to do with a vacation place ... Well, nothing is not really the right word ;)
Back in 2016/2017, when we began to think how we could remade Champs-les-Sims, we didn't know really what kind of world we wanted to do. We named the project : Sims de Nimes. Then, because we were on other projects ( such as sims 4 k-mods ) we left Sims de Nimes somewhere in the pipes.
We made Oaksoak Hollow ( based on Mystic Falls ), we made Eureka Valley ( a world between tech and classic life ) and we left behind the Sims 4 because, well ... too long to explain. :D
So, it was time to get out of the box our old project of Sims de Nimes ... During this time, some talented creators re-made Champs-les-Sims with their own vision, more oldy or more city life like, or more like Sunset Valley ... All those versions are interesting, but we wanted something else. And so, is born Champignac !
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If Champignac is a true living suburbia world, it is too a quite rural world, almost a village with :
37 Community Lots
36 Residential Lots
10 Medieval Towers all around the town :)
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In addition, it remains few Empty Lots, differently sized to suit whatever you wish ... So, let's say Champignac is a french-not-so-little-town where life is slowly flowing and dynamic at the same time, perfect for families and Sims looking for a different lifestyle :)
A typical downtown and outskirts, full of old buildings and southern architecture, a joyful mix between south-east and south-west housing, with a touch of something more northener ( but don't tell the citizens; it's a sure way to be frowned upon ) ... After all they worked hard to keep Champignac as it is!
People living in Champignac are quite glad of it. Sure, teenagers dream of foreign lands, but they are not too eager to leave.
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Once, the townies of Champignac were grumpy because Champs-les-Sims was so more popular than their hometown ... After all, everybody went to Champs-les-Sims, stayed there, made nectar, drove a Kenspa, flirted with locals, or … anyway! Tourists had a full experience in Champs-Les-Sims and weren't interested in visiting any other city. Champignac, the official twin city, didn't benefit from any international exchanges, and was left anonymous, far from fame and glory. As unreachable as the Eiffel Tower seen from Champignac ... until ...
In February 29th of a certain year, a distant descendant of Marquis de Landgraab lost his way on the road to Champs-les-Sims and landed in Champignac. Instantly, he fell in love with the town.
He saw an always growing vegetation, a Monastery full of secrets, the familial beach ( yes, there is a beach in Champignac ), the forgotten obelisk, the shop keepers full of stories, the well preserved houses, the green fields and the paved streets, the true Café Catane and a remaining wild fauna running here and there ... He saw perfection !
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For a time, the townies of Champignac experienced fame and glory. But how exhausting it was! Tourists not really caring about the legacy of the kiosk owner, the monks overwhelmed, the museum director who couldn't find enough teenagers to help ... Even the fishes were exhausted! Hard times indeed ... Happily, this descendant of Marquis de Landgraab met someone, somewhere, and moved out, far far away from Champignac. Celebrities said their last goodbyes and slowly, life, as it should be, was back :) The townies and City Council learned from that experience that they very much preferred not to be as famous as Champs-les-Sims ...
Life in Champignac was relatively calm again when suddenly, a global health crisis emerged and the Simvid-18 pandemic hit many many people ... Anxiety swept through the villages and the small towns, including Champignac of course ... With an aging population, residents became increasingly concerned about the well-being of their neighbors and the future of the city.
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Shop owners and farmers who were already considering retirement were now faced with the daunting task of deciding whether to continue their businesses in such uncertain times. The entire world seemed to come to a halt, leaving everyone in Champignac wondering who would carry the torch and ensure the future.
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Surprisingly, the youngsters that only came sporadically for holidays, moved back to Champignac. Fearful of living in a crowded city and eager to gather with family members, they came to the old town with friends. After all, there were spare bedrooms in most houses!
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When the restrictions were lifted, many were reluctant to leave. Going back to a stressful life and fast-paced city wasn't enticing anymore. Most decided to turn their lives around. They took up the florist shop or asked for a job transfer ... So, life emerged again :) Champignac is now a thriving town where you have everything you wish for and nothing more.
Champignac is blessed with old churches turned into bars or wineries, old palazzi that are inspiring, and small boutiques as gathering places ...
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Winters and autumns are short, while spring and summer are long. Come and live among thousands of old buildings, walk on streets Roman soldiers once trod upon, see treasures from foreign campaigns, and benefit from the perfect blend of country living and town living.
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Remember ... With its unique blend of history, culture, and natural beauty, Champignac offers the Sims a captivating and enriching experience. From the stunning architecture to the delectable cuisine, every aspect of this town reflects the South of France’s intoxicating charm.
Are you ready to move in Champignac ?
blackgryffin \o/
IMPORTANT : We advice STRONGLY to begin with the half-populated SavaGame provided in addition to the World itself ...
DO NOT FORGET to download the CC of Champignac we provide on our website too ! for more information, see the 2 posts below ;)
Have fun !
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wood-white-writer · 1 year
“Didn’t mean to make your heart Blue” || [2/…]
- OPLA! Buggy x F!Reader
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"Do-mi-ti, why not me? Why not me?"
— Mitski, "Washing Machine Heart"
Pairing: Buggy the Clown (Live Action) x F!Reader
Part 1 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6
Summary: You were an apprentice of Gol D. Roger’s crew in your youth, long before his eventual demise. Along with the Red-Haired Shanks and Buggy, you were a formidable trio; the embodiment of a new generation of pirates yet to come. But times changed, and so did you and your friends. Years have passed since you last saw Buggy following the dispute that you thought ended your friendship. When you finally reunite with the blue-haired menace you once considered your closest friend, it’s under less than “friendly” circumstance.
Warnings: Fem!Reader, Canon Typical Violence, Slight Canon Divergence, Buggy is an asshole, The reader used to go by "Cross-Hairs" in the past, hot tension, resentment and love, flashbacks, Reader is strong AF
A/N: Buggy's behavior in this chapter kinda gives off Yandere-vibes, but he's not. He's just really desperate, and a general asshole, (and lonely).
He's dead.
Gol D. Roger, captain of the Roger pirates, your captain, is dead. Pierced through the back by the Marines like a pig for slaughter, a death unworthy for someone of his rank. He deserved to live a long life, drunk on rum, surrounded by his friends and crewmates, before being finally laid to rest in a casket and shipped off with the waves as per tradition.
As chaos ensues and all hell breaks loose, his corpse remains on the same stand where he met his end, left to roast in the warm sun. At the very least, he did not leave this world without flipping one last bird at the Marines.
His final words leave such a domino effect upon the witnesses, one that will last for years to come. Sailors, pirates, men, women, and children all head toward the vast oceans in a hurry, ships pushing off the docks at record speed as they prepare to hunt for his legacy. To claim his title for their own. A title he earned and subsequently put up for auction.
The Marines were hoping that his death would mean the end of Piracy, but as though fate itself had something else to say about it, it had the exact opposite effect.
You're not moving with the swarm of people. The race goes on, but you do not. 
You're still standing in the same spot as you were when you watched the officers drive their spears through your captain's back, having ceased to function as you saw the man who practically raised you, succumb to the same fate that claims all in the end.
Even as people are pushing their way past you, shoving you in God-knows how many directions on their way to the oceans, you can't find it in you to move on your own accord. 
The world has gone deafly quiet now, everyone else is gone, and you're its sole occupant now. Despite the unrest going around, and the wind that brushes against your neck, Roger's last words echo in your ears like the whispers of a ghost.
"Wealth. Fame. Power. I found everything this world has to offer. Free yourselves! Take to the seas! My treasure is yours to find!"
Someone - whether accidentally or not - thrusts against your stomach, and you take a tumble to the ground. The world finally perforates your consciousness, yet it leaves you exposed to its chaos. You attempt to stand up, but the ongoing movements from all around halt your efforts. 
You raise your arms to shield your face from further damage, suffering several pairs of feet and a handful of scratches from the crowd. Nothing too bad, but you don't dare to try and get up just yet. Your initial plan is to just stay put until the storm is over.
That is, until you hear a voice calling your name from somewhere in the crowd, muffled by the ruckus, but still audible for you to make out among the many others.
You're hastily pulled up to your feet and collide face-first into a chest. Looking up, you only manage to register Buggy's hand tightly clenched around yours in a near-painful hold as he pushes you both through the ongoing crowd. 
While trying to navigate through the masses, you raise your head to gaze at his face.
Not unlike your own, his eyes are stained with tears.
Nothing is in its correct shape when you blink your eyes open. For starters, the room is spinning at an incredible speed, and for seconds, there is twice of everything. Two coats are hanging on the rack just on the edge of your vision, the same color and length and everything. You discover you have two pairs of hands and feet as you sit up, and at least over a dozen iron bars are separating you from the rest of the room.
In a minute or two, your sight establishes yourself. The world has become one again, but to your chagrin, you discover that the number of bars caging you remains the same. 
Shaking off the dizziness and nausea that accompanies your waking, you get up to your knees and discover that, once again, you're fucking trapped. This time, it's in a metal cage hanging off the floor by a hook and chain, swinging you lightly back and forth with each fraction of movement you commit yourself to. 
Exhausted from simply waking up, you clash your forehead against the bars. "Shit."
"Well, good to know that your colorful vocabulary remains the same."
You snap your eyes up to see Buggy striding into the room, and your gaze immediately narrows.
"And your eyes." His right hand dislodges itself from his wrist and hovers over to you with an outstretched finger, where it lands right in the space between your eyes. "Sharp as ever, if not even sharper. Careful, you could kill someone with those."
"Wishful thinking," you murmur indignantly and raise your hand to wave off the offending appendage. Like a fly will with sugar, it merely withdraws for a few inches before returning to the same spot. 
You elect to ignore it as best as you can.
He feigns a horrified gasp at your words and clutches his chest with his remaining hand. "Such harsh words! I thought we were friends, you and I. I mean, what kind of friend would threaten the other with their life so cruelly?"
Friends? That's rich coming from him. You haven't considered him as such since the day he left. You won't even dignify that with a response, and so you merely turn your head to the side and rest your cheek against the bars.
His voice lowers a few octaves, enough for you to differentiate between the real him and the act he puts on for a performance. "Then again, what kind of 'friend' leaves the other behind?" His footsteps come closer, each one weighing heavier than the last. "What kind of 'friend' abandons the other?" 
Your eye twitches, but you still refuse to look at him, much less speak to him.
"What?" the Showman farce has by now ended and been buried as he takes one last step forward. "Nothing to say? I'd thought that after twenty years, you'd be happy to see this handsome face."
As much as you want to admit that, yes, the years have done wonders on his face and he most definitely would've been categorized as 'handsome' in your dictionary, you don't. 
"What do you want me to say?" You tilt your head marginally to the side so that merely one eye is aimed at him. "That it's good to see you? That I've missed you?" Even though both of those statements are true to some extent, he doesn’t need to know that.
"Well, I could go for all of the above if you insist on being cordial, but for starters, an apology might suffice enough on its own." If you weren't already looking at him, you'd think that he’s joking. He isn't. He’s as serious as a heart attack, and he’s not smiling this time. All you can think at the moment is that it's strange not to see a clown smile.
"An apology?" You withdraw the impulse to scoff. "What, exactly, do I have to apologize for?"
He doesn’t answer right away. In fact, he doesn’t do or say anything at all. You can't even hear him breathing, and it’s twice as eerie as his general demeanor. It's a foreboding omen that signifies he's on the edge of his temper like a bomb sizzling just before it goes off. 
"What do you have to apologize for?" he echoes.
That's all the warnings you get before the cage rattles with enough force to knock you back against the other side of the cage. Buggy's hand curls around the iron bars with such vehemence that it almost looks like he's about to break them right off the hinges.
He leans forward until his nose barely brushes against the cold steel placed between you, his bright-blue eyes near-bloodshot with the way they glower. Even now, with the few feet between you, you find yourself almost drowning in those blue irises of his. 
"You left me. You betrayed me!" he shouts loud enough for his voice to reverberate throughout the room, all thoughts of maintaining his composure thrown out the window the moment you inadvertently admitted your own cluelessness. "Just like all the others! Shanks, now I could've predicted that, but you?"
His hand dislodges yet again to point an accusatory finger at you, but it maintains a safe distance this time. Probably afraid of what you'll try to do with it if you get your hands on it. 
You have to give yourself some credit. You've not lost your temper once since you ended up here. In your adolescence, you would've torn him a new one fo the trouble, but you can't be bothered this time around. You’d have thought two decades of separation would’ve led to some pent-up fury like it has done to him, but all you feel is … well, nothing.
Nothing yet, anyhow.
"What you did to me, now that was cruel. That was something I did not expect, but you did it, and for what?" The cage continues to shake as his fingers dig into the rods. This time, you observe, he’s keeping his head slightly tilted downwards, rendering you unable to detect his eyes. "For Red-Haired fucking SHANKS!"
With all the movement going on in your limited space, you’re jolted forth again like a ball and cling to the front bars with your hand positioned right above his. Even with the gloves and the short distance keeping you separated, you can feel the scorching heat emitting from him.
How long has it been since you were last this close to him? It was underneath the stars, you unexpectedly recall. You were clinging to him, crying your heart out as the death of your captain had finally been processed. He was holding you close, whispering something you could not make out at the time.
It was during a time when it was just you, him, and Shanks. The three of you, against the rest of the world, ready to live up to Gol's legacy and become the Pirates of the New Age. With  Shanks’ leadership, your strength, and Buggy’s general unpredictability, nothing could stop you.
But now you're here, a captive. No longer a friend, no longer a... 
It never went that far, anyhow. No use bringing it up now when it’s hardly relevant. 
When Buggy’s raspy breaths slow down and his hold on the iron rods lessens, you decide to finally speak. 
"You're the one who left, Buggy," you say, your words laced with such apparent apathy that no one would’ve guessed what you’re feeling. In reality, you want to scream until his ears literally pop. 
Your chest constricts just to say it out loud, but you won't even stop and address the tremble that threatens to claim your voice the more you go into it. "I went with Shanks, because who else was I supposed to go with? The Roger Pirates were spread to the fucking corners of the earth, Gol D. Roger was dead, and you left. I had no one except for him. You closed that door, not me." 
Silence reigns loudly upon you as you're left there, nearly breathless after your little rant despite having kept your voice even throughout it. You feel pathetic, childlike, small. People say that admitting something is the first step towards overcoming it, but you feel neither achieved or relieved of any burdens.
You just feel ... small. As small as you were the day he disappeared from your life.
Buggy doesn't say anything, his countenance empty of any tell-tale signs regarding what he might be feeling. It's almost ironic. The man who used to wear his emotions on his sleeves, the same expressive man who used to spend hours bragging about his capacities and capabilities on the Oro Jackson, has now been rendered mute like a mime instead of a jester.
His eyes find yours again after an unknown amount of time, only now, it's not just bitterness and resentment you have to salvage from them. For a second, just a brief flash of the moment, there's something else. Something vulnerable. 
It goes as quickly as it came. 
He shoves himself from the cage, his indecipherable gaze – now laced with both anger and regret – lingering on you before he starts pacing around the room, having calmed down from his outburst but being no less agitated by the turn of events. 
"What are you talking about?" he demands, sounding a tad more curious now than accusatory. "You were already going to leave with Shanks before I booked it, I just beat you to it."
This time, it's your turn to point an accusatory finger toward him, lowering your voice just enough for him to hear you recount the most painful memory you have, save for Gol D.'s death. The memory you had spent almost two decades trying to bury deep down inside you. 
"The last thing you told me was that you wished that you'd never even met me, and then you fucking left me behind to go do who the fuck knows what. Which, apparently,— " You gesture to your surroundings with a dismissive wave of your hand. "— Includes enslaving people and keeping them in cages."
"Hey, people are allowed to have side-gigs!" he retorts, almost boyishly as if you didn't just have a serious argument moments ago. "Don't judge me! You used to steal shit when we were kids, but you didn't hear me bitching about it!"
You roll your eyes. Some things don't change, that being the childish bickering, not the enslaving and caging bit. Your lip inclines upwards for just a second, and it declines just as quickly. You lean back against the other wall of your cage and heave a breath, tired of it all
"Speaking of kids," he rests his arms atop a crate to his left. "What's up with you and Rubber-Boy over there? Luffy, was it?"
Your lip drops to a scowl. Looks like the kid's Devil Fruit powers have come to light, one fruit eater to another. "What about him?"
Buggy smirks and pulls out a knife from inside his coat. He turns it playfully in his hand, balancing the sharp edge at the tip of his finger as though in deep thought. "He yours or something? 'Cause, I gotta admit, I never took you as the white-picket-fence type."
He’s joking, right? 
"He's not mine.”
The look that befalls his face almost seems like … relief? He’s quick to mask it though with a half-assed smirk.
"No?" He tips his head to each side and lets the knife lie on the crate. "You sure as hell seem protective over him, and I know for a fact that not just anyone earns the favor of the legendary Cross-Hairs.” He puts a hand under his chin, feigning a motion of deep thinking. “What'd he do? Save your life? You found him in the trash? Or did you shag up with his daddy or something?"
You raise an eyebrow. "I made a promise."
At the mention of this, he promptly ceases with his ridiculous guesses and his words turn sharp. "To whom?"
"None of your fucking business." You're pretty sure that if he learns that you made that promise to none other than Shanks, he'd unleash a different kind of hell not even the death of Roger could hope to spark. 
Rather than pushing the matter, he shrugs with an air of indifference. "I just find it funny, that's all." He chuckles, but his tone lacks any visible sense of comicalness. "You, one of the most notorious pirates to ever cross the East-Blue, disappeared for a decade to do what, exactly? Look after a simple-minded brat who talks shit about becoming King of the Pirates." 
He snaps his attention back to you and moves closer to the cage again, crouching on his knees to gaze up at you instead. "Sorry not sorry to burst that little bubble, but that title will belong to me. Once I get the map your stretchy little runt has hidden, I will find the One Piece. I will become King. I will be known, and I will be loved."
("You were loved,") a part of you wants to tell him. The part that still lingers in your shared past. ("You were always loved.")
But you keep your mouth shut.
He perceives your silence as a sign to continue. "You know, despite everything that happened, I'm opening my heart to forgiveness, for old times’ sake."
He smiles, but this one, you discover, is genuine. At least, in comparison to all the other ones he's flashed you beforehand. It's a lukewarm feeling, but familiar. You're almost tempted to reach through the bars and feel his cheeks, trace the edges of his lips, and smudge away the red make-up just to know if it is real or just a figment of your imagination. 
"If you convince Rubber-Boy to hand over that map of the Grand Line, I might consider opening a special spot in my crew, just for you. I know better than anyone what you're capable of. Hell, it'll be just like old times, like nothing ever changed. You and me, against the rest of the world."
Slowly, he reaches his hand up and towards you through the bars, palm open for you to take.
"Don't you miss it?" he whispers, wistfully. "I do. Save for the One Piece, it's been the one thing I've wanted more than anything else."
You blink, and a feeling settles over your chest. Not uncomfortable per se, but not kind either. Like being enveloped by a warm yet tight blanket, staving you off the cold but suffocating you all the same. 
Your dream. You remember your dream. The one you thought gone forever, now seemingly resurfacing from the depths in your heart where it initially drowned. To travel and explore the seas, the three of you by each other’s sides until the very end. That’s all you’ve ever wanted.
Now, Buggy is opening up the possibility of that dream coming back to life again. 
You're tempted to take his hand, feel the warmth that once held you so openly when you were younger.
You raise your hand to him ever so slightly.
"Fuck, Rubber Boy can come too for all I care.” He proceeds to add. “He's a special case, and there's nothing I appreciate more than special ones." 
Your hand stops and promptly withdraws.
Buggy raises his eyebrows in shock, his fingers curling as they were about to grasp at yours only to find empty air. "What? What is it? What's wrong?" 
You shake your head. "He won't give up. He won't give up on his dream." 
"What, Rubber-Boy?" he scowls like the name itself tastes like bitter venom on his tongue. "He's just a stupid kid, he'll grow out of it. Once he sees that there's no way he would last in the Grand Line on his own, he'll get in line."
You take a deep breath, preparing for the confrontation that's about to come with your next words. "He won't, and no power or authority on this earth is ever going to be able to change that."
A flash of hurt crosses his facial features, only for a second, yet it feels like longer. Then, it stops, and all that's left is the same bitterness he showed that very day.
Snarling, Buggy pulls his hand back and gets back up on his feet. “I should’ve expected this. You never choose me!" he flares and pulls both his hands to his chest, gesturing to himself. "It's always someone els- Always someone fucking else. First Shanks, then this damn brat! Why?" He briefly pauses, as if weighing his next words. "What did they ever do that was so special that you decided to stick around for them that I didn't do?"
You’ve just about had enough of his self-pitying attitude. 
"I never 'chose' Shanks!" you hiss back at him. "It was never a choice. Why was I supposed to 'choose' anyone for that matter? What made you reach the conclusion that there had to be a choice at all?!"
He parts his jaws to answer with what you can only expect to be yet another sneer when the curtains behind him parts, and a member of the troupe enters. A dark-skinned man with a Mohawk of sorts, with filed teeth resembling a shark more than a man.
"Boss, the kid ain't saying nothin' about the map." The man ("Sharptooth", you decide to call him for now) says with a deep twinge of aggravation. "We're already at nearly thirty-damn-feet, and all the little shit does is fuckin' laugh at us."
Buggy does not even turn to address the man, his attention solely at you, but you can tell he's irritated by this interruption.
"Sharptooth" turns to you, having just realized you’re here. A sinister grin spreads along his cheeks, and he licks his upper teeth lecherously. "What do we do 'bout her? Is she up on the menu yet? I'm starvin'."
You crouch down, one hand positioned between your knees like a predator ready to lunge at the slightest movement. Truth be told, despite your reputation, killing someone has never been one of life's greatest joys for you, and it's been a while since you last committed a murder. However, the years have done little to weaken you, and you're not afraid to get your hands dirty if the situation demands it.
You'll be sure to let him know first-hand that if he dares to try anything.
"No," Buggy replies, voice void of any tangible emotions. "She'll snap your neck like a twig before you can get within a foot of her." He turns to face the disappointed performer, and before the latter knows it, a severed hand clamps around his throat and dangles him above the ground with what you can only expect to be a bruising grip. "I am, on the other hand, not limited by such proximity."
The man's face begins to pale as the blood flow to his brain is cut short, but the grip does not lessen at all.
Buggy speaks like he’s having a normal conversation. "She stays here, and no one, and I mean no one, is going to touch her. Understood?" His soft say leaves no room for opposition.
You watch as "Sharptooth" struggles to form a coherent sentence as he desperately clings to the hand keeping him afloat. "Y-Yes si— Yes, Captain. W-We won't!"
With a bored swish, the hand shoves the performer back a good two feet, where he crashes to the ground and clutches his neck in search of air.
"Splendid!" Buggy attaches his wrist back and claps his hands together, his Show Man act replenished. "Now, be sure to tell the others of that little fact, and while you're at it,—" he draws his palms away from one another in a straight motion. "Add another five feet."
The crew member wastes no time shuffling from the ground and all but books it out of there.
Buggy heaves a deep and dramatic sigh, exaggeratedly slumping his shoulders, and swings back to you again.
"Supporting casts, am I right?"
You don't bother with a reply.
He takes this with a lackadaisical shrug. "Now, as much as I'd like to continue this intriguing, little tête-à-tête, I'm afraid I'm needed elsewhere. The show must go on, but I’ll come back before you know it."
It doesn't matter when he'll be back. You don't plan on waiting for him. You've already waited twenty long years, and as your temper simmers evenly under your skin, you intend to get one thing across.
"Just remember this, Buggy," 
You lean against the bars, pressed so tightly that it feels like your body is about to push through the narrow gaps. "If you do anything to the kid, anything at all, and you can consider our past six feet under. I'll come after you, and when I'm finished,—"
Fist clenched; you deliver a solid strike to the bar that rattles throughout the room to the point where it feels like even the ground is quacking from the force. Buggy jumps a few steps back in retreat, and when he looks up again, his breath halts. 
Where there was once a straight bar keeping you contained, there's now a prominent curve pointing out towards him. Not nearly large enough for you to squeeze through, but it's there, nonetheless.
When you lower your fist, knuckles red but intact, you finish your warning. "— Not even your Devil-Fruit powers will manage to keep you intact."
His eyes flicker between you and the now-deformed iron bar. Unexpectedly, he only stares, neither returning a threat nor even a joke to ease the tension. He doesn’t say anything at all, and the absence of words leaves nothing up to interpretation.
Buggy knows better than anyone that you don't make half-assed threats. Never you. Once you’ve set your eyes on a target, you don’t rest. He recalls the look of pure bloodlust in your eyes from back when you were young. It was neither cruel nor sadistic, but it felt cold to witness. Ice incarnate. 
A predator just following its prime instincts.
Whenever someone posed a problem to either you or your crew mates, you would counter it with a threat. It didn't matter how bold-faced it sounded, you always made sure to see it through. 
As a teenager, he begrudgingly thought that it was hot as hell. You were. Watching the way your eyes would almost glower as you made good on your promises, it did things to him.
Now, even when he's on the receiving end of it, it still does.
He can't deny that the feeling hasn't diminished. For what it’s worth, it means that you’ll keep your focus on him. He’ll have your eyes, all for his own now. Those very eyes, always so sleek and ready to cut and by God, he realizes at that moment just how fucking much he’s missed them.
How much he’s missed you.
“Well,” he says as he makes his way to the exit. “I guess I’ll see you in the front row.”
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wilcze-kudly · 6 months
You ever think about Opal having been the only Beifong to be able to seperate from her family on relatively peaceful terms and it required her to change the part of her identity that ties her closest to the rest of the Beifongs.
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Like the Beifong family is Earth Kingdom nobility, Toph is a famed Earthbender, Lin is a metalbender cop, Suyin and the rest of the Beifongs are literally members of the metal clan. And the only way someone wasn't branded some manner of traitor was by losing that part of herself and swapping this legacy for another.
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This new "path" in life she's taken, probably the only alternative to being confined in Zaofu forever she saw, requires her to let go of her attachments to her family. She's pressured to be neutral and to "uphold the oath of pacifism" while those she loves are being outwardly threatened. Because technically, she's not part of the group that's being threatened. She's meant to be an Air Nomad before she is a Beifong.
All this just because fate or something else beyond human comprehension gave her airbending and because she didn't want to be stuck in her mom's weird lil culty city.
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The only option of freedom for her requires cutting ties. There are always strings attached.
I can't help but think of Toph's arc as well. She didn't care that much for the fight against the Firelord. No, she just wanted freedom. And she took the chance she had.
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It's honestly interesting. The price these characters had to pay for their freedom. And the relationship the Beifongs have to freedom in general.
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fipindustries · 2 months
Ditko's legacy
a really interesting thing i noticed about steve ditko is that not only he was a prolific creator of iconic comic book characters. but the pattern that his characters follow to fame is particularly odd and it tends to repeat itself.
let's start with the most iconic of all, mist aracnid human himself
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an interesting thing is that ditko only drew spiderman until issue 38, afterwards the art was taken over by john romita sr.
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in many ways romita's version of spiderman is the definitive interpretation. whereas under ditko peter was actually kind of an immature, prepotent jerk, under romita he became a lot softer and classically heroic. romita is also the guy who designed mary jane watson, it was under his tenure that the green goblin's identity as norman osborn was revealed. in many ways john romita's work was was finally turned spiderman into marvel's mascot.
so neat, right, what else did steve ditko do. well, he created another iconic character for marvel. a very Strange Doctor indeed
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for this guy i dont have as much history but i think it would be fair that he was relatively an obscure character, someone you were not familiar with unless you were really into superhero comics... until 2016
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when he was interpreted by superstar tumblr sexyman extraordinaire benedicto cumberbacho. thanks to that and his role in the avenger's endgame movie now the guy is a bit of an icon and a respectable IP on his own right.
but we can go even more obscure than that, let's check another character created by ditko, a character so obscure that is literally incognito
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created in 1967 by ditko for a now defunct company called charlston comics. his original appearance was actually incredibly short lived. so much so that he was cancelled that very same year he was created.
but then, in 1987, dennis O'neil decided that he was interested in that character and so we got
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in here the character was radically changed from a staunch objectivist into more of a zen buddhist philosopher. in many ways o'neils run is the best run the question ever had and the version that tends to be the heavier inspiration for all other subsequent adaptations.
but actually how about we go even more obscure than that, how about we go to a shady guy driven to madness...
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once again, ditko made, in 1977 for DC, a strange man from another dimension whom, with the help of his stolen M-vest he could transform into a huge difigured version of himself. as ditko was wont to do, his stories were very surrealistic and psychodelic. as is often the case his work was cancelled after only 8 issues. forgotten by time until, courtesy of the british invasions of the 80's/90's on the comic scene, we got
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a story that became far more explicitly political, a crude, surrealist examination of the american culture, touching on topics such as alcholism, the hippie movement, gender theory and abortion. an absolute masterpiece if you want my opinion and probably one of the best comics ever made. once again all other successive adaptation we got of the character tend to borrow a lot more from this version than from the original.
ok one final stop in this ride of ditko creations. who else is left you may wonder, is there something this guy has not created? well, you see ditko could be a heady philosophical creator but he was not above being a little silly from time to time, and that is how he ended up coming up with
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yes you heard that right, squirell girl!
ok to be fair, this one was not created by ditko, he was just the artist. the actual creator is will murray, but bear with me here.
created for a superhero special in 1991 as a fun jokey character, she was never really meant to have her own book or series or anything like that.
after being introduced she kept appearing her and there and with every new appearence the gag that she could beat any character started to get built up more and more, beating dr doom, thanos, eternity and god knows who else until finally, in 2014, she actually got her own run written by none other than the creator of dinosaur comic Ryan North
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not going to lie, i personally always thought the art was really bad, but it became a fairly popular book, getting high praise from most critics and even winning an eisner award in 2017
i think it's absolutely fascinating that ditko has this pattern of creating incredibly iconic characters who become popular and known by a later adaptation by another artist who takes the character on a whole new direction. he seems to be really good a seeding ideas and establishng concepts but there are fertile grounds in the hands of other artists.
if there is one character that has survived this process is his strong, stalwart, objectivist hero who thinks in incredibly rigid, unbreakable rules about good and evil, up and down, black or white.
mr A
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and why is that? well, its very simple, the ancient greek philosophers already established this millenia ago. everythng that exsts has a specific nature, each entity exists as something in particular and has characteristics and has characteristics of what it is.
A is A.
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alexanderwales · 3 days
I watched the Netflix documentary about the Dallas Cowboys cheerleaders, and kept being more interested in the financial and logistical aspects of it, which of course they don't go into. The cheerleaders make very very little money, and they obviously have expenses, and it's essentially a part-time job that they have on top of whatever else is going on in their life, like having a job that actually allows them to pay bills.
It's pretty obviously a case of people wanting a job for non-money reasons, which means that the organization can pay them less. This is incredibly common in the creative and performing arts, as well as sports, so I guess I shouldn't be surprised. I had not previously given much thought to cheerleading though.
I didn't come into it with a lot of respect for cheerleading, and didn't leave with a lot of respect for cheerleading either. I think it's difficult, and visually interesting, but there's very little room for creative expression since it's tightly choreographed, and the body-destroying nature of the moves makes me a little queasy, as does some of the objectification.
I feel the nugget of some story in there, something that calls to me, tensions that the documentarians couldn't drill deep on because they're filming people with media training and no particular desire to air their interior experiences for the public. Maybe they don't even have the interior experiences that I would want them to have, for story purposes. It's an intense performance of femininity, weaponized legacy for cheap labor, briefly burning fame that can only rise so far until the clock ticks long enough and they age out or their bodies break or both.
(The obvious pitch is a magical girl story. The transformation sequence is two hours long. You're constantly scrutinized for conformity. You fight monsters with your magic powers, but you also work a day job, and you're telling yourself that you're upholding a longstanding tradition, that this is the best most important thing you'll ever do with your life, but it really would be nice to be paid more given everything you're doing.)
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fifteenminutes-if · 1 year
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Screaming fans. Blinding stage lights. A multitude of camera flashes.
It's all you've ever wanted. It's all you've ever worked for.
So where did you go wrong?
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You were always told you had the X factor.
Something indescribable. Something exceptional.
Perhaps you doubted the truth to those words when you took in your rag-tag group of bandmates in your high school music room. But, your first performance together–for a crowd–was electric.
And you've been pursuing that same feeling ever since.
Now, with a recording contract, a debut album, an EP, and a #1 Billboard hit under your belt, your band is gearing up for the biggest album release of the year. With major publicity and curiosity from fans and critics alike, you can feel the potential thrumming beneath your skin. You're on the edge of a precipice. You're going to be a star.
Until the shocking truth hits the tabloids and–eventually–major news outlets.
Your career falls apart before you in a matter of days.
Your manager resigns, the media turns against you, your fans wage war against each other as lines are drawn in the sands of stardom.
You become a pariah.
How will you rebuild your legacy, and what will you sacrifice to reach the top once again?
Fifteen Minutes follows an artist in the music industry who is on the cusp of a meteoric rise in fame until a leaked scandal lands their reputation in the grave. A story about the ugly underbelly of fame, our glaring mortality, and the way love fails to save us from ourselves. Rated 18+ for explicit language, substance use (and abuse), death, sexual content, and mild violence.
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Choose the scandal that ruins your character's career!
Customize your superstar's pronouns, gender, name, stage name, appearance, celebrity persona, their engagement with their fanbase, and more.
Make choices that affect public perception, headlines and the media narrative.
Create your character's previous and future discography, including choosing the genre(s) your character commands and their musical influences.
Deal with the aftermath of a career in ruins and decide on its trajectory/how your character rebuilds their tarnished reputation (if they choose to do so at all).
Romance (or befriend) a colourful cast of characters–all with varying degrees of proximity to fame and obscurity.
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[THE PUBLICITY STUNT ◦ primary RO] MADDOX, 27, M/F An internationally beloved megastar with a media target on their back. A long trail of broken hearts and sordid deeds follow them, but their talent overshadows their attitude enough for those in the industry to turn the other way. For now. Caustic, jaded, and charismatic enough to get exactly what they want. Fresh out of a public breakup, they're acting out more than ever and the bitter taste of fame in their mouth might just kill them faster than their long list of enemies. RO Routes: FWB PR relationship or PR relationship with feelings involved. (Engaging in a PR relationship with Maddox is a mandatory plot point, but does not prevent MC from engaging in romance with other characters)
[THE INDUSTRY SWEETHEART ◦ primary RO] CARMEN BAILEY, 30, F ◦ she/her The antithesis to MC—a pop star that rose to fame in her teen years and has maintained relevancy well into her late twenties. Carmen Bailey is the golden girl. Gracious, kind, and praised for being family-friendly yet edgy enough to capture both old and young demographics alike, Carmen holds tightly to her image at the cost of everything else in her life. Sometimes, it's difficult to tell whether Carmen herself knows the difference between her image and herself.
[THE RECLUSIVE SOCIALITE ◦ primary RO] MATEO EL AMRANI, 25, M ◦ he/him Born to a wealthy, legendary family within the heart of Hollywood, Mateo shuns the limelight that comes with his heritage at any given opportunity. Unfortunately, the mystery surrounding him keeps the cameras and the public intrigued and hungry. Only close with his oldest brother, Elias, and has a strained relationship with the rest of his family. Often seen as quiet and emotionless by the media, Mateo in reality feels very deeply and desperately wants to know and be known by those he loves. RO Routes: Ex-friends, ex-lovers, or just acquaintances.
[THE JOURNALIST ◦ primary RO] ROBIN FRASER, 32, M/F A shrewd investigative journalist with the ability to destroy a career or launch someone into stardom. Has a history of major exposés and reliable pop culture predictions under their belt. Needless to say, their words hold a whole lot of power. They value truth above all else, no matter how ugly it may be and while they're privy to the manipulations and machinations of the upper echelons, they're not willing to play the game.
[THE EX BAND MEMBER ◦ primary RO] VAL PARK, 24, M/F A whirlwind of a person that has taken Hollywood by storm since their abrupt departure from your life. Ambitious with a cutting tongue, Val is persistent in their chase for fame. Tends to be reckless, hot-headed, and easily provoked with a deep need for independence and creative freedom. While they're not everyone's cup of tea, they've charmed the right people to gain entry into opportunities that you've only dreamed of. RO Routes: Ex-rivals or ex-friends (can opt to have had a crush on Val in the past). Val was in love with MC in both routes.
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thoughtfulchaos773 · 2 months
The Bear Season 3 & Meta Filmmaking II
with the opinions & work of William Friedkin
This is who Richie is this season.
Here is Part I on meta filmmaking, where we discuss the first branch of the film legacy: Hitchcock, who inspires the meta filmmaking choice this season and self-reflexivity- the director surrogate, Richie.
Richie, as director surrogate, guides us through dialogue inspired by William Friedkin.
The part of the legacy Storer took from Chicago native Friedkin was his passion for filmmaking and his opinion on the movies and the industry itself. Friedkin considered the Academy Awards as a fool's errand to pit art against art, and Richie's dialogue on The Star System for Restaurant highlights this.
Interestingly enough- did Storer tell his own prophecy? Before falling off Hollywood's grace, Friedkin came from a high of two highly acclaimed films (like The Bear's two highly acclaimed season), Friedkin was riding off a high from The French Connection and The Exorcist, but his third film received mixed reviews. I'm wondering if this season was Storer's big fuck you to the Hollywood System and Awards System.
Another note: Hitchcock's Vertigo received mixed reviews from critics but now is referenced in filmmaking legacies.
We haven't seen Storer give any awards speech, have we? Calo has shown up, but no Storer.
Legacy not only comes from the work but also comes from the opinions of those before you.
For Friedkin's work- it can be taken as part of the legacy and why most of us here are seeing all sorts of horror inspiration this season.
The Hitchcock-Friedkin legacy.
Fun fact: William Friedkin's Exorcist- well, exorcist steps- where the priest falls to the death were informally called "Hitchcock steps"for famed suspense and horror film director Alfred Hitchcock. But is now referred to as The Exorcist Steps. Legacy!
If we go based on other legacies—based on William Friedkin's opinions of Hitchcock, he inspired the editing of Friedkin and his understanding of suspense, which influenced his movie-making skills for The Exorcist. @moodyeucalyptus explained they see parts of Mike Flanagan's Haunting of Hill House as we discuss the hauntings of this season. How is Mike Flanagan part of the Friedkin Legacy? He was inspired by the workings of the exorcist and is now part of the new remake.
Another horror inspiration: Now how is Friedkin related to another horror legacy that @espumado wrote a meta on this week?
The exorcist legacy comes from the Night of the Hunter legacy.
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Carmy: Like, um, something would start somewhere, and then, uh, people would take that thing and then they would take it somewhere else. So, all these parts of an original restaurant would end up at a new restaurant, and that kind of thing. That would happen over and over again. And then all these parts of all these restaurants, they would sort of…You know, they would find each other. And then new people would take those parts and put ’em into their restaurant. And the whole thing, it would, um… It would start to happen all over again.
This is all about legacies and meta on where Chris gets his parts.
But how does this relate to Sydney and Carmy?
As we talked about before, Richie is observing. Friedkin, whose legacy comes from Hitchcock, believed Hitchcock was Observational in his directing. Richie the character included himself in the narrative but the one narrative he stayed out of and only observed this season was Sydney and Carmy.
Richie is the director's surrogate, who highlights and explains the basics of why Carmy is the way he is—not who Carmy himself thinks he is but what the audience can take from Carmy's self-sabotage.
The story we are observing is correct. This dynamic between Syd and Carmy is worth examining because it is a central part of the story and a big aspect of the filmmaking process.
I'd say it's proof! Richie is telling us our eyes are not deceiving us; the dynamic is interesting.
As an audience, we subconsciously absorb the cinematography, music, direction, and dialogue, taking cues on the story being told and its inspirations. Another ledge that can show us that their synergy is legit its filmmaking technique in editing.
Friedkin-Scorsese-Hitchcock favorite part of filmmaking is the editing. Scorsese is the best example of this, and I'll explain his legacy in editing in the next part and why that relates to sydcarmy.
Hitchcock and His Use of Surrogates
Ancestors and The Bear by @whenmemorydies
Richie and The Viewer by @whenmemorydies
Natalie & Night of the Hunter by @espumado
The Bear Season 3 & The Mirror @currymanganese
Richie's Journey is not Over @currymanganese
The Paradigm Shift @brokenwinebox
Taglist: @yannaryartside @whenmemorydies @ago0112 @chaoswillcalmusdown @ambeauty @anxietycroissant @turbulenthandholding @tvfantic87
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ssruis · 2 months
I will literally always go to bat for tsukasa’s fragment sekai card story & anyone who thinks it should have been flashy and focused on shows misunderstands him as a character on a very basic level
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[Goes into the situation seeking to gain something -> gives up the chance to get what he wanted in order to help Hiro]
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(Tl by Tsukasa’s #3 fan)
Why This Fucking Rules Actually:
- echoing tsukasa’s first character arc (focused on himself & what he stands to gain from wxs and emu/nene/rui -> growing to care about them as his friends & being willing to give up the commercial chance/lose the show contest for the WMS show). It’s the selfish & selfless aspects of his character we see over and over again. Tsukasa *is* egotistical and selfish. Sorry! I’m right. A lot of what he does is self serving & he tends to focus on himself. He’s just also capable of being very selfless. Which in turn benefits him. & This isn’t necessarily a bad thing.
He loves & desires attention and fame. He wants to use that attention and fame to make other people happy. He wants it to be *him* (& wxs) making other people happy because it comes with attention and fame. He wants to put on good shows because it gives him what he wants and he enjoys it. He’s responsible and helpful and kind to others because that is what his idea of a star is, and because he likes being viewed that way and the gratification that comes from it. He compromises and gives up what he wants and does things for others because that’s what a star would do, so that is what he will do. He is selfless because he is selfish. He is selfish so that he can be selfless. He is a fascinating critter & a paradox of a man.
That being said, the one person he consistently values over all else, above shows & fame, has always been Saki. Tsukasa “the grind never stops” “tried to go to an acting gig with food poisoning when he couldn’t make it out the door without collapsing” Tenma skips practice when she’s sick. Rui (+ nene iirc) is shocked that he’s actually a really good older brother (twilight musical parade). He wants her to be happy more than anything. Saki is the most important person in his life. She’s his number one fan & centric to his first step towards improving at acting (torpe event) for a reason. He would not be who he is, where he is, or have his current goal & motivations without her.
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(Tsukasa’s musical twilight parade card)
Before he wanted to be a star he wanted to be a good big brother, & being a good big brother is so important to him that it has essentially been baked into what his idea of a star *is*. It has quite literally shaped his entire personality. It’s natural enough to him that even as someone who loves to be praised he will go “? That’s just normal though I’m not doing much” when Saki or Toya comment on it (his SOAD 2*, Akito’s initial 3*, Toya’s doll festival 4*, etc).
Tsukasa’s fragment sekai is based on a book he read with Saki when they were kids. It’s about a brother doing The Most to make his sister happy. He goes into the situation thinking about acting by trying to figure out the weird expression on Hiro’s face, & finds out it’s an expression near tears that is only weird because Hiro never shows it to his little sister. Tsukasa spends his time in the fragment sekai helping Hiro be a good older brother. His last words to Hiro are praising Hiro for all he’s done and encouraging him. & tsukasa does figure out what he was trying to figure out! But that’s less important to both the viewer and Tsukasa than helping Hiro.
Nene, Rui, and Emu’s fragment sekai were about their dreams & what they value most - Nene wants to be on Broadway and grow with her friends by her side, Rui wants to put on incredible shows and continue to be with the people who accepted him, Emu wants to carry on her grandpa’s legacy and make him proud (and I think it was deliberate to release emu+tsukasa’s fragment sekai cards together given that saki is to tsukasa what emu’s grandpa is to her).
Just as you can’t separate Tsukasa’s character from Saki, you can’t separate his goal of becoming a better actor and future star from his goal of being a good big brother. His relationship to Saki was the catalyst for his dream, & that’s pretty clearly why they chose to make his fragment sekai reflect this. They’re emphasizing one of the most crucial and often overlooked parts of his character. And it was a fantastic decision.
Tsukasa fragment sekai card they could never make me hate you. Keep sitting there in your boring little costume eating your stupid slice of bread Tsukasa. I love it & will defend it until my dying breath. I’m cheering and clapping and hooting and hollering and whatever other words describing applause fit.
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lunarsights · 8 months
𝙉𝙞𝙘𝙠𝙞'𝙨 𝙆𝙖𝙧𝙢𝙖: 𝘼𝙣 𝘼𝙨𝙩𝙧𝙤𝙡𝙤𝙜𝙞𝙘𝙖𝙡 𝙏𝙖𝙠𝙚
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since this entire "situation" has occurred i've been curious about nicki's chart and made some observations about pluto aquarius and all the karma she's been building up will be affecting her career and legacy in the long run. i got tired of just having the ideas in my head, so i thought why not make a post?
i could also do a reading on this if people want, but i didn't do one just because the astrological part of this will already be so long. i examine a few planets and objects in nicki's chart and in four people who she has "beef" with, and my observations are as follows...
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being an aquarius rising means nicki is seen as very innovative and original. i wouldn’t be surprised if people from her childhood said things like, “it was always expected she would be famous for something. she always stood out”. she might have even been a trendsetter in the areas she frequented, and that idea of being someone who brings something new to certain areas can also be seen in her career. her ascendant is at a taurus degree, so she could also be seen as someone who has money and material things that no one else can get their hands on. her rising is making positive aspects to her sun and fortuna, so this amplifies her uniqueness in her overall personality and also explains her virality when it comes to her fame.
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nicki has her saturn, asteroid fan, medium coeli (MC), and jupiter in scorpio in her tenth house. she has other planets and asteroids too, but they aren’t important for what i’m looking at. her saturn is at 0° which means it is the pure embodiment and energy of the sign it is in. saturn is the most important planet in this astrological interpretation because it deals with responsibility, structure, and karma. with that, scorpio saturn is actually a very powerful, intense placement. it gives the energy of forcing its natives to deal with their responsibilities head on or else they can expect extreme, emotionally painful transformations and repercussions. as for karma, it ensures those who cross them can expect swift and mysterious consequences that have long lasting impact, but these types of consequences can also turn around on the native if they don’t learn from their mistakes or do wrong to others. with her saturn in the tenth house, when nicki does wrong to others it directly impacts her public reputation and career. 
her asteroid fan is at 19° which is a libra degree. this explains the obsessiveness of her fan base because of the scorpio elements. barbz are overly protective of her and could feel an unexplainable connection to her and her achievements. in a sense, they could see what she succeeds in doing as representative of them; they could have thoughts like “those are our accomplishments too; we helped her get those”. these ideas are not in a “she owes us” way though; barbz could see themselves as extensions of nicki in a way. this asteroid is conjunct nicki’s MC, so it also explains why a large part of her image and public perception is tied to her fandom. 
nicki’s MC is at 22° which is the “kill or be killed” degree which is associated with capricorn. i always talk about how this degree can entail great success and attention for someone, but it can also be their greatest downfall if they aren’t careful. i always think of this degree indicating a possible fall from grace which seems to be the energy nicki is in right now. the 22° will always bring about destruction in some way. when nicki was first starting out her reputation involved destroying the older state of the female rap game and creating something new that was more popularized with the general public; now, her reputation is being destroyed because of the reckless ways in which she’s been acting. with her MC conjunct fan, her own fans can also bring about her destruction because of their feverishness.
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nicki’s uranus is in her eleventh house in sagittarius at 5°. i found this interesting because 5° is usually considered to be a short-term fame indicator in comparison to other leo degrees like the 17° or the 29°. nicki’s career has existed for ten long years - especially when taking into account how fast paced the music industry is alone (let alone if you’re a woman in the industry). her time of fame seems to go against this idea of short term fame, but i’d argue it indicates her legacy not being long term which i feel we can already kind of see. nicki was a majorly respected figure for a very long time before the prospect of a viable new female rapper came into play via cardi b. when that happened, the switch from people being fans of nicki to fans of cardi or even haters of nicki became very clear. not only is there a generation of people who do not know the strength of nicki at the highest point of her career, but she is creating a divisive public image which puts her legacy at stake with even those that grew up with her. overall, i feel this makes her public reach in the long run volatile and unsustainable. 
nicki also has asteroid icarus in this house and sign at 11°. asteroid icarus is another indicator of where someone can cause their own downfall if they aren’t careful. with this, nicki could cause her own future to crumble because of the eleventh house influence. she could lose influence over a generation of people and/or over her own friend and work group. the eleventh degree is directly connected to massive wealth, so that could be an indicator her downfall could come with a lot of financial restraint; going from having tons of money to struggling to maintain a lifestyle one has gotten used to.
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i originally wasn’t going to talk about this placement because i didn’t think it was all that important to what i was going to look at, but by the end you’ll be able to see how it is. mars represents one’s drive, desire, and strength. with a capricorn mars, nicki is very headstrong and structured in her drive and strength. she could be the type of person to plan her actions and goals. she could be very hardworking and undeterred by outside noise. she could be driven by the idea of tradition and her work ethic could be heavily reliant on her emotions and her emotional state - this is even more so true with this placement being the twelfth house.
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𝑳𝒊𝒍 𝑲𝒊𝒎
lil’ kim’s birth time is unconfirmed, but according to astrotheme, her saturn is at 9° in cancer. this means kim’s cancer works undercover and makes not only kim but also those who cross her end up doing some introspection on themselves and makes them reconcile with how they see themselves as a person. those who cross kim could also end up having a fragile emotional state, and their home life could be tumultuous afterwards. additionally, this saturn can be deceiving; one could think they’ve gotten over the worst of their karma, but saturn will come back and be like “actually, i was just planning more on the down low. I decide when i’m done”.
lil’ kim’s saturn is in nicki’s sixth house, so it would directly impact her work habits, health, and ideas of self-improvement. so, nicki crossing kim could result in nicki eventually thinking long and hard about who she is as a person and what she’s done to people as her life has gone on. i would even venture to say at its worst it could present nicki with inexplicable health issues that take a while to discover. this placement could also result in nicki having unstable emotional health and regulation; it could also indicate making nicki’s home life tumultuous enough that it becomes incompatible with her work habits.
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𝑹𝒆𝒎𝒚 𝑴𝒂
remy ma’s birth time is also unconfirmed, but astrotheme says she has a 20° virgo saturn. virgo saturn could impact one’s habits, the way they spend and get money, and the help they receive. so, if saturn were to teach remy ma lessons when she needs them, she could want to be more controlling over her work and life situation than she would otherwise usually be. she could end up working or spending too much, and could find that she’s burned a lot of bridges which makes it harder for her to rely on others for necessary help. the 20° also indicates jealousy, so those who are jealous of her could get the upper hand if karma was to come her way. 
remy ma’s saturn is in nicki’s eighth house and conjuncts her vertex, so all the karma that a virgo saturn carries could be enacted onto nicki because of her beef with remy ma. the eighth house deals with finances, and merging assets (so like what one could receive as an inheritance or what one could gain from their spouse). this makes me think the karma nicki receives from remy ma’s saturn could be directly tied to her financial status. she could find herself jealous of others’ resources; she might even be spending beyond her means. she could be working very hard for very little return. additionally, this karma would impact how much help nicki gets from other people in the industry. by now, it’s very obvious she does not seem to have the hold on people she used to have, so we can see these consequences manifesting very easily now, but the eighth house does move sneakily, so this could’ve been a long time coming and more could be uncovered on her financial state and on how many bridges exactly she’s burned and how.
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𝑪𝒂𝒓𝒅𝒊 𝑩
cardi b appears to have an aquarius saturn at 11° in the eleventh degree. if cardi were to cross someone, she could struggle with her community and those around her. she could lose her status in her friend group, and with the 11° she could lose money as a result of her friend group. 
this placement is in nicki’s first house which started my initial observation when i looked into this situation. cardi b is the only person from the four people i’ve chosen to look at whose saturn is in one of nicki’s public houses which explains why nicki’s public image was most affected when she disrespected cardi. nicki did in fact struggle with the community at large when she crossed cardi; the public perception of her faltered, and people felt she was not friendly with new women artists because she was scared they would overtake her unique lane in the industry. i wouldn't be surprised if nicki lost out on a lot of money as a result of the whole fiasco with cardi.
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𝑴𝒆𝒈𝒂𝒏 𝑻𝒉𝒆𝒆 𝑺𝒕𝒂𝒍𝒍𝒊𝒐𝒏
megan thee stallion has her pisces saturn at 12° in her eleventh house. megan’s karma could have long-lasting effects on her - in general and spiritually. she could feel disconnected from her friend group and focus more on introspection and her own spirituality. her saturn could lead her to be more daydreamy and ignore certain warning signs about others that she might’ve otherwise paid attention to. the karma she encounters could lead to some kind of spiritual rebirth or insight once she’s learned her lessons. 
this placement is in nicki’s second house which means with nicki crossing megan, her money will be directly affected. i feel this is another indicator of nicki having money problems as a result of all the people she’s crossed and been disrespectful to. megan’s saturn has double piscean energy because of the degree it’s at - this magnifies the intensity of the karma nicki will receive. like i said earlier, three out of four people’s charts i looked at indicated their saturn working undercover, but i would say megan’s saturn will be most impactful because of the sign and degree. it will also cause a lot of people on the outside to be confused about why all the karma is coming so suddenly and why it sticks as opposed to the way other people’s saturn does. megan’s saturn will be most personally destructive to nicki out of the people i’ve looked at in my opinion.
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megan’s sagittarius jupiter is in her eighth house at 12°. megan could be someone who is very open when it comes to understanding and bonding with other people. this could also entail her luck being out of this world and working in mysterious ways or as a result of having some sort of strong spiritual team behind her. she could have luck when it comes to whom she marries and decides to merge finances with if she decides to do that. it could also entail her being very lucky spiritually. 
this placement is in nicki’s eleventh house, and it conjuncts her icarus and sun. with this conjunction, nicki’s downfall (that’s caused by herself) could benefit megan a lot. this gives, the “bitch, i still win” energy megan talks about a lot. it could also reflect back on nicki in that any time megan is gaining a ton, people’s attention to nicki could fade. this loss of attention and resources/luck could cause nicki to get frustrated since the light of her sun is being overtaken by the expansiveness of megan’s jupiter.
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megan’s capricorn MC is in her ninth house at 29°. capricorn MC at a fame degree makes me think fame was always in the cards for megan. the 29° is also a long-term fame degree in comparison to the 5° nicki has with her uranus. The 29° also indicates clairvoyance which makes sense when looking at megan’s come up. if i remember correctly, megan really spoke her fame into existence and other people could tell she was going to blow up when she was in high school. this could also be an indicator megan always knows where she’ll be going in her career; she’ll always have a plan of success or a way to be sure she’s set for the rest of her life. 
this placement is conjunct nicki’s mars in her twelfth house, so megan’s fame and public reputation could impact nicki’s drive and ambition. when both megan and nicki are focused on their craft, they gain success, but nicki seeing megan gain so much success over her could impact her work habits and routine (along with all the karma she’s building up from others over the years). this could create a situation like megan says where “every time i get mentioned, one of y’all bitch-ass niggas get twenty-four hours of attention”; nicki could get so caught up in seeing megan rise that her work falls to the wayside in terms of its structure which can be seen as she’s been yappin’ for like three days now just to release a “response diss” that isn’t very good.
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in short, nicki has built up a lot of karma over the years, and the reason why it's worse is because most of the karma built up is hidden or works behind the scenes until it decides it wants to go public. even then, a lot of the saturn energy is powerful and intense which will cause her to go through many transformations.
the karma she's been building up has been and will continue to affect her public image, but it especially affects her finances in ways that won't be understood by the public until late.
if you needed a reminder that what's done to you will always come back to haunt to you can look to nicki's rise and fall to serve as a warning.
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So last night I finally watched Nimona and loved it (note, I have never read the source graphic novel)
and now there’s something clinking around my head about the distortion of time and myth becoming legend
Gloreth made her famous stand as a child, and it’s true that she’s the only one who could have driven off the monster, but that’s because she was the only one who’s rejection could hurt Nimona. Her friend.
A child was celebrated for rejecting her friend because the fears of her people. And maybe the wall came later. Maybe the legend grew after her life. Or maybe Gloreth spent her entire life building that wall and building that justification of her betrayal
So you get a society built on Xenophobia. Ruled by a class of people who’s big claim to fame is being related to a bigot. And Ambrosius is not the standard. Todd is the fucking standard. Ambrosius is the exception. But also, Ambrosius is the most like Gloreth, and the one who is set to maintain the cycle
The one with a friend who doesn’t fit in. The one who tries to bring them in but society rejects them. The one who does something monstrous because of other people’s actions.
And it takes most of the movie. Admittedly, less time for Sir Golden Dick to come around on Bal SadKitty. To justify him as the exception, offering Bal the chance to become Gloreth. But in the end, Bal can’t. And Ambrosius still can. Destroy the monster. Destroy his love. But he breaks the cycle. He stands against the institution and the weight of his legacy and everything expected of him.
And this is something Bal can’t do. Because Bal is a monster too. Because Bal is the other.
And it’s wildly important right now for people who are seen as part of the in group to take a stand. To not let someone else tell you who is a monster.
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sugarsnappeases · 9 months
i've been... engraving sybill into my brain today. if you even care
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it’s the constant confusion, the flimsiness of the border between her reality and her visions, always struggling to differentiate between what’s real and what’s in her mind, and even then, within her mind there’s still the chaos of what’s impossible, some imagined horror, and what will happen in the future, the future where there’s a war and where imagined horrors can become reality.
it's a miserable place, endless waking nightmares as she tries to separate her physical reality from that which her mind conjures for her, reliving her past failures and seeing symbols that don’t make sense to her yet, flashes of images like lightning strikes and she can’t pick out the important ones, she can’t pick out the ones that she needs to understand, until after the fact, until people she knows are dead and she could’ve stopped it if she’d only figured out what the images meant.
she’s drowning in guilt, seeing ghosts everywhere, their hands always accusing her, clawing at her, because she as good as killed them - it’s the struggle of whether the future is determined or not, whether things happen just because she predicted them or because they were always going to, no matter what she did.
in her mind, with the ghosts and the horrors, she’s the one to blame, always; she’s to blame when she can’t figure out the meaning of the visions she sees in time to warn anyone of their future; she’s to blame when she thinks she understands something but can’t explain it well enough to make anyone believe her; she’s to blame when she can’t stop time from rolling onwards incessantly, when she can't thwart her own predictions somehow.
she’s trying every method of divination under the sun to try and find the answers, she’s drinking copious amounts of alcohol to try and open her inner eye further, hands shaking, desperately trying to decipher the mess in her mind before it’s too late, pushing herself to the edge and over it to make sure she doesn’t fail her next victims in the way she did all the others.
she’s isolating herself bc it’s worse when it’s people she knows, it’s worse when she can remember both what they look like when they smile and what they look like when they’re tortured to death. but that leaves her alone with all of these ghosts and a very tenuous grasp on reality that feels like it’s slipping through her fingers, impossible to grasp.
she’s spiralling and miserable and still trying so desperately to help, to find an answer, a way that she can assuage her guilt. she’s incredibly highly strung, she’s constantly on edge because if she lets herself relax for even one moment she’s scared she’ll lose track of who, where, when she is, she's scared her world might just collapse around her.
and on top of all that fuckery, there are all these expectations from her family, bc she’s inherited her great-grandmother’s famed inner eye, they expected her to be just as successful, just as renowned as the legendary cassandra trelawney and she doesn’t know how, doesn’t know how to make the visions work like they should.
and then there’s the ridicule from everyone else because no one believes her, she tries so hard to warn people about the things she thinks are coming, the things that she thinks she understands, and she’s met with laughter, laughter that rings in her ears until she hears about her predictions having come true, then all she hears are screams, screams and guilt because she didn’t do enough, she didn’t try hard enough to make them understand and now they’re all dead.
and the one time she is believed, the one time she’s taken seriously, her first official prophecy, and she thinks that maybe she’s starting to find herself, starting to live up to her great-grandmother’s legacy. in the end, all she manages to do is kill another two people she went to school with, all she manages to do is orphan a little boy and place him at the forefront of a new war that’s a thousand times bigger than him…
all that she has left at the end is a handful of Real prophecies that only serve to harm people, hundreds of deaths on her conscience, their ghosts screaming and scratching at her - your fault, your fault, they say in an undying chorus - and still there are visions that she doesn’t understand, still pushing and pulling her between fact and fiction, the hellscape that is her mind, her life. and still she’s trying to understand, trying to cling onto reality, trying to live up to her family name, trying so so hard to save someone, anyone, just once.
she’s a ship in a storm, knocked about on the waves like a ragdoll, and looking up at the stars for guidance, for a way to shore that they cannot provide for her, hidden by the thunderclouds.
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raayllum · 2 years
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Quick run down: 4 is the lowest typical score given, 10 the typical highest score given (although you can technically go up to 12). Making my post because I noticed Callum’s Justice ranking was at 6 (lower than I’d expected) and I always meant to do a lil more formal comparison between the trio so here it is I suppose.
Devotion: This is value is about duty, faith, and friendship. You’re motivated by the bonds of loyalty and your love for others.
Truth: This value is about fidelity, certainty, and authenticity. You’re motivated by finding strength in facts and by the principle and pursuit of knowledge
Glory: Have you ever wanted to be celebrated by history? This value is about legacy, fame, and fortune. You’re motivated by praise, acclaim, and your desire to be remembered.
Justice: Have you ever been compelled to fix what’s wrong? This value is about balance, virtue, and reward. You’re motivated by adherence to fairness and what you think is right.
Liberty: Have you ever resisted the control of others? This value is about freedom and autonomy. You’re motivated by a world without oppression or suppression.
Mastery: Have you ever needed to rise above your own limits? This value is about control, achievement, and skill. You’re motivated by power, growth, and progress.
Glory is a 4 for all of them. Utterly unsurprising I think - they’re all willing to do things regardless of recognition and aren’t motivated by any real self importance
Truth is a 6 for all of them. I find it interesting that Callum gets the “hide the truth to protect others” rather than Rayla, but we do see elements of that in TTM. For Ezran, it has less to do with a moral truth (Rayla) or how to handle the truth (Callum) but more to do with maturing to see the truth (“I ignored something that is true” —4x03)
For anything other than their Most Important Feature, everything else has roughly an 8. This makes sense as it is still a core value, i.e. Callum jumping off the mountain is very devotional, Rayla works very hard to find real justice, Ezran cares a great deal about placing autonomy in other people’s hands (S3), etc. 
In Betweens:
Ezran and Rayla both have Mastery at a 6 with Callum having it at an 8; this makes sense as he is driven to look for knowledge and power (through magic) in ways they are not / are mostly settled and/or disinterested in
Ezran and Callum both have Devotion resting at 8 - high, but not their highest values. This makes sense as according to the game, Devotion is how obligated you feel to others. Ezran feels beholden to Katolis but that’s something he’s largely grown into, and he feels a wider responsibility to the world at large, moving in between them as he can. Callum is very devoted to his loved ones (mainly Ez and Rayla, but also Zym in a lot of ways) and his desire for freedom often interplays with a desire to have autonomy/capability to protect and/or provide for them in key ways. 
Rayla and Ezran have Liberty at an 8, showing that they value freedom (Rayla’s bio includes her goal to free all people from terrible fates like the one she almost had with the binding ceremony, we’ve gone over Ez’s, etc) even if it’s not as high as Callum’s - but more on that later
Highest Values
Ezran’s is Justice at 10. This makes sense as he is the series’ embodiment of Justice thematically as well as the series’ Witness. This reflects his role as the peace maker for elves and humans and dragons, both politically and interpersonally with Callum and Rayla in S1 and S4 in particular. It is also embedded into the fact that his death itself would have been Justice and his survival is what allows true justice to actually continue, his decisions as king, and the fact he’s king at all, per Harrow’s words: “My father told me that about all, I must be a Just king.” 
Callum’s is Liberty at 10. This foreshadows his arc in season four in terms of a complete loss of control/freedom and why it screws with him so royally. While many of the characters agonize over making the right choice (or a choice at all), not having a choice at all is what torments him the most: “I can’t do anything!” (2x07) particularly when it comes to protecting or helping his loved ones. We see this especially in his quote under Liberty in which despite being crown prince and heir to the throne, he states that he is beholden to his inner circle rather than a sense of duty. In S4 he is concerned about Aaravos hurting his loved ones, and that fear of doing awful things to other people is what has him so especially worried over the situation, reaffirming his statement that “I value those close to me more than anyone or anything” certainly. 
Rayla is Devotion at 10. At first glance it’s easy to take her “My only allegiance is to my heart and those that know it” as a similar kind of sentiment to Callum’s “I value those close to me” statement, but we know what Rayla’s heart is aligned with: “My heart for Xadia.” Her heart is given to whatever she feels her duty is, to what feels right, hence why she risks everything for Phyrrah, someone she doesn’t know at all, simply because leaving the dragon there results in “every fibre in my body is telling me this is wrong.” Bloodmoon Huntress also expands on this further, drawing comparisons to her and Runaan’s sense of duty and love for the whole world, as well as precisely what led her to take on the assassination mission in the first place. In S1-S3 Rayla gets better at listening to her heart rather than shutting it down, although this has changed in S4. She’s learning to prioritize her loved ones more and more, but at the cost of her actual heart.
Misc Notes:
For Callum, it’s worth noting that Devotion and Mastery (magic) are of equal value to Callum and are definitely two cornerstones of his more hands on arc. Thus, we can likely deduce that as much as Callum undeniably values Liberty, the fact it’s his highest value is also because it’s the value that informs and guides his arc the most Thematically. This means that his desire to learn magic and be there for his loved ones is of equal measure in terms of his decision making, but we also see him clearly prioritize his loved ones in ways he does not do with his own pursuit of magic. 
[ Side note: And just as a comparison, Claudia - Claudia’s - devotion is also an 8, but Mastery is her 10, even though so much of her arc is driven directly by devotion to her family (although her bio makes it clear it is supporting her family and her father, not merely her valuing them, as the distinctions are important too). ]
Following this “Two Pillars holstered by One Theme” logic, we can break Ezran and Rayla down into a similar manner.
Rayla is defined by her initial quest of Justice and a growing sense of Liberty (cue: being literally freed from her binding, other symbolic cycles, etc) but this is bound together and streamlined through her Devotion to a cause to people and her family. We can see S4 bring this together directly in her devotion to Callum and her family and how they are both either already literally or becoming entangled / entrapped in forces beyond their control with Rayla wanting to free / protect all of them.
For Ezran, this means he is defined by his place as Justice thematically first and foremost, with Devotion and Liberty as his two tether-hooks: re a child king being put in chains to try and give his people a choice > forced conscription, as well as the work he’s doing to try to create peace and a Narrative of Love (devotion) in S4.
Thus, the highest value for each of the Trio is what informs them at their core and subsequent thematically, with their two respective pillars as how those things are motivated and manifest throughout, with of course a good dose of overlap beyond all three. But either way, I just thought it was Neat™
Closing Note
One thing I found interesting when actually going each beat of their bios is that Rayla and Ezran are inverses of each other and very closely aligned. They share the exact same 3 values, all in similar amounts (either 8 or 10) and just rotate one out for their respective highest: for Rayla, Justice is at an 8, and for Ez, it gets bumped up to a 10 and his devotion down to an 8. This closeness between them, and how Callum diverges, lines up with how I’ve thought of and how I’ve written each of the trio for a while now, re: meta dated September 2021 about this exact difference, well before TOX came out.
Because Callum, strangely enough, does not have Justice™ as a particularly high value. It’s actually on the lower end of his scale, with other heroic characters like Amaya, Janai, and Aanya having it as a 10, an 8, and 8. The only none villain adjacent character (Soren, Viren, Claudia) with a Justice as low as Callum’s is Lujanne, and Callum’s justice ranking is the lowest of the trio’s. This is interesting particularly because Justice is defined by fixing what’s wrong/broken, a sense of fairness and balance. And while Callum wants to have positive impacts on the world and make things better, it shows that his big heart is also equally if not more so tethered to pragmatism, perhaps, compared to his family, even in decisions made like leaving with the egg in the first place being what was also safest for the egg and particularly Ezran during the attack on the castle. 
And well, if you know, you know ;) 
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flyingwithskyeparkin · 2 months
Introduction to me and my blog
Hi everyone, my name is Lia and I'm a shifter from Italy. I will be introducing myself and my interests, so if you aren't a reality shifter, we can always talk about something else :)
About shifting...
I discovered shifting/manifestation in oct. 2020, thanks to a friend of mine who has kind of been my shifting buddy during these four years but has recently given up.
I've shifted fully once but had many different small shifts that I'd be more than happy to talk about.
My main DR is a Better CR in which I'm in a different country (Scotland, I love you).
My other DRs are (* means inactive):
Hogwarts DRs divided into different branches: Legacy (Sebastian Sallow), Next Gen, Golden Trio (with various S/Os), Hogwarts Mystery. Sorry, Marauders' fans.
Percy Jackson* (Hecate's daughter)
Fame DR*
We Can Be Heroes*
Stray Kids*
Barbie in the Dreamhouse*
My main S/O is Sebastian Sallow, whom I script everywhere. I like my pookies traumatised and pretty.
About me...
I realised this won't be a blog just about shifting, so here's some stuff I like and would love to discuss!!
TV series/films I enjoy:
The Crown
The Umbrella Academy
Descendants (still watching the second film)
Bridgerton (let's all say it in unison, Polin's season sucked)
Story of Yanxi Palace (other good historical c-dramas recommendations?)
She-Ra and the princesses of power
Books I devoured:
Harry Potter Saga (no shit sherlock)
Percy Jackson
HP and the Cursed Child
Many others, but I can't remember the titles
Random genres I like:
Historical (Royalty/Nobility) books/series
Comic novels about Isekai and both things above (I'm 2 dimensional)
The sims 3 and 4
Let's School
BitLife (packed with mods of course)
InZOI (as soon as it comes out!!!)
mmk bye
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