#originial female character
sinaliciousposts · 1 year
Time to post another story. But this time I planned a larger one.
Fandom: Red Dead Redemption
Word Count: 2,861 words
Title: tbd
What I want to do basically is re-write Red Dead Redemption 2 a little. I know, we need to accept the original writer's vision, because it is already perfect. So on and so forth. And it is, but I don't care, I need my happy ending, so I thought I take it into my own hands.
For this I created a new character. Why? Because, Arthur deserves someone at his side.
I don't want to spoil the plot any further, which I already got outlined completely. Just want to let you take a glimpse into the beginning of my story. (There is no Arthur or Van der Linde gang in the beginning - the prologue will be the introduction of my main character: Gianna Romano.)
Please leave some constructive criticism so I can improve myself. I much appreciate it.
Please notice, that this chapter contains themes of (implied) violence. All is heard, not seen by my main character.
It was a beautiful day in Saint Denis, Lemoyne. As beautiful as a day can be with the sweltering heat and humid air of the surrounding bayou. The sun was beaming from the sky, but the dark clouds on the horizon were already heralding one of the typical storms that often hit Lemoyne. The streets of Saint Denis were filled with people, carriages, and other urban bustle. The air was filled with the usual hollering of carriage drivers trying to make their ways. The streetcar rang merrily in front of each of its stops. On the sidewalks walked smartly dressed ladies and gentlemen, most likely on their ways to their next commitment. They courteously greeted each other before returning to their commutes. All seemed to be going about one's own business.
On a little bench away from the lively hustle and bustle, a teenage girl sat engrossed in her book. Her walnut brown locks were braided into a braid and pinned up high. Her nose, adorned with freckles, was wrinkled and her almost black-brown eyes ran steadily over the sentences of the pages. The position in which she sat was rather unseemly for a young lady of her age and standing. She had, for example, one leg crossed under her body, while her right foot tumbled under her seat. Glistening in the sun was her lightly tanned skin, an inherited trait from her parents.
A paragraph later, Gianna slammed the book shut and heaved a sigh. It was far too hot to read. She caught sight of an elderly lady with a parasol walking leisurely but elegantly past the bench she was sitting on, and she instantly noticed the upturned nose in her direction. Flustered and now becoming aware of her sitting position, she neatly let both legs glide to the floor in front of her. Visibly more satisfied, the lady walked on and turned her gaze forward again. Another sigh escaped Gianna as she leaned back.
Hurried footsteps and laughter of young women announced their presence and made her look in the direction from which the crowd was coming. "Gia! Gia, you need to help me!" cried the blonde girl at the head of the group to her. At this, Gianna stood up, crossing her arms with the book behind her, a roguish grin on her lips. "Help you with what, Alice?" her voice was warm, yet firm. As the group finally reached and surrounded her, Alice grabbed onto her shoulders. "It's Alfie.". In response, the other girls giggled. "He's sweet on Alice!" a red-haired girl chuckled, and Gianna pulled a knowing face. The girls all continued to giggle except for Alice. "Argh, Erin!" was Alice's complaint, yet even she couldn't hold back a giggle. "We'll figure it out," Gianna promised, as they set off in the direction of the park.
They found a nice spot in the garden where they settled into their conversations. "There's Alfie!", Erin suddenly whispered to Gianna lightly nudging her in the side. Gianna's gaze fell on a young man no older than herself. He had black hair, cut short. His clothes were neat, if a little too tight in places. His pants were also a little too short. She didn't know why Alice didn't like Alfie, but that wasn't her decision either. "Ladies, prepare for a bit of theatrics. We shall show Alfie that Alice is not interested, and he shall be left with no choice but to retreat." she conspired with her friends. Eager looks hung on her lips, though Alice made an uncertain face. "Are you sure about this, Gianna?". "Trust me, my dear Alice. We shall make quite the impression! Now all you need to do is follow my lead!", Gianna confidently reassured her, putting a hand on her shoulder. It was her warm smile that seemed to convince the young blonde. She nodded. Meanwhile, Alfie seemed to have spotted them and was now walking determinedly towards the group, his gaze locked on Alice, a skittish smile on his face. When he reached them, Gianna began.
"And then I said, 'I shall be an actress, adored by thousands!' and the people cheered all around!" exclaimed her voice loudly through the park as she dramatically stood up in front of her friends. "Oh, great Gianna! You would make the grandest actress in all of Saint Denis!" the girls chimed in and began to laugh. Alfie's expression was now extremely unsettled. Gianna could see in the corner of her vision that his previously resolute steps were giving way to hesitation. In fact, he tried to speak several times, but then seemed to reconsider. Her friends, however, were careful not to look in his direction. The coup of it all was to make him feel like no one would be able to notice him straight away. Eventually, one of her friends was supposed to pretend that she had just realized his presence. As if on cue, "Oh, Gianna, look! Alfie is here. He surely wants to express his admiration for you, too," Alice ushered in an exaggerated, hushed tone. In a sweeping gesture, Gianna whirled her body around, gave a deep bow "Ah, Alfie! My ardent admirer!", she theatrically waved her handkerchief as if fanning herself, "What brings you to our humble gathering?". Alfie now looked more than nervous, almost bewildered. "Uh, well, I just thought I'd join you all. I, um, wanted to talk to Alice.". Gianna raised her eyebrows, "Alice?" her tone striving to be ignorant and surprised. She turned to Alice, "How peculiar! Whatever for?". Alice mumbled sheepishly, "Oh, um, we only talk about nonsense. About…er….the weather!". Gianna leaned down to Alice. "The weather, you say? Fascinating!", she stage-whispered, "I suppose you two must be discussing the mysteries of rainbows and thunderstorms!". She gestured toward the sun in the sky, then toward the dark clouds on the horizon. With the girls giggling, Alfie continued to look at them in puzzlement. Several times he made to speak again, but it took him a while before the words left his mouth. "Well, um, actually, we talk about…other things, too," he finally said shyly. Embarrassed, he glanced anxiously to his right and left before his gaze flitted momentarily to Alice. At this Gianna placed herself in the line of his gaze. "Ah, young love! How enchanting! But dear Alfie, I must be honest. Alice's heart is as free as a bird in flight!", again she punctuated her dramatic words with the appropriate gestures, "Her thoughts are filled with grand adventures and the allure of the stage!". Her expression finally turned serious before her gaze bored deeply into Alfie's. Around them, the group nodded emphatically. Alfie cleared his throat, though before he could open his mouth, Alice cut in, "Yes, that's true! I have dreams, you know!". "You see, Alfie, Alice is destined for greatness!", Gianna said slyly, "Her heart is not yet tethered to anyone's, for she dances to her own tune. I'm afraid young love may not be in her script at this time!" She compassionately put her hand on Alfie's shoulder as her friends applauded her performance. Alfie, however, was turning beet red. "I see. Well, uh, it was nice talking to you all. I'll, um, leave you to your grand adventures then.". With one final look at Alice, he turned the other way and walked away quickly.
Gianna called out after him, "Farewell, dear Alfie! May your heart find its own grand adventure!". With that, she bowed deeply to the applause of her friends. Then they all burst out laughing. "Gianna, that was brilliant! Thank you!", Alice gushed. With a triumphant grin, Gianna merely replied "The critics seem to be pleased today." before rejoining the general laughter of her friends.
In the afternoon, the young ladies said goodbye to each other. Gianna made her way home. As she walked along the sidewalk, she thought again about Alfie. Actually, it was not nice how they had treated him. Surely his mother would complain to her mother if he told her about today's meeting. Then she would be in for a scolding from her parents again. But it had been worth it to her. If she could make Alice happy, she had no problem getting into a little trouble at home. Stepping through the small garden gate at the back of the family home, she made her way to the back of the house. It was one of the nicer Saint Denis houses in the more luxurious neighborhood, even if it wasn't as big as the mayor's house. Nevertheless, besides the first floor, it had another floor, in which her room was located.
Skilfully, she slipped into the house undetected. Past the kitchen with the cook, then up the stairs, avoiding the fourth step from the bottom, because it creaked treacherously, and then finally at the end of the corridor into her little domain. Before dinner and the evening bath, Gianna wanted to do a little writing. She was rather fond of creating little stories or writing down the events of the day. For this purpose, she had set up her own little space in the intermediate space between the panels at the back of her room. There, one of the large wall panels was loose. It was easy to remove and to put back from the inside so that no one could suspect that a small hiding place had been set up there.
Again, she pushed herself behind the panels. Thank God she wasn't that tall, so she had no problems to sink down on the cushions she had placed there. She turned on the small lamp. Here in her little hiding place she was often when she was inspired. No one bothered her there. With a small smile on her lips, she pulled out the new fountain pen she had received from her father and began to write.
By the time she set the pen down, the back of her neck ached. She didn't realize how long she had sat in the same position, so focused she had been writing down today's events from the park and further embellishing them. Stretching, Gianna wondered if she should sneak down to the kitchen to see how far along dinner was. Maybe she could tease her little brother a little, too.
All of a sudden, there was a crashing sound that reached her ears. Seemingly it was coming from downstairs. Muffled voices penetrated through the wall panels. Then another rumble, followed by a loud outcry. Gianna's eyes snapped open. What was going on here? Cautiously, she pushed the panels open a bit. "She must be here somewhere," a rough masculine voice called out. It was followed by footsteps down the corridor, directed toward her room. Just in time, Gianna closed the panels again, at the same instant her room door was pushed open. "There's no one up here!" another male voice rang out, far closer than the first. Gianna held her breath. "Maybe she's under the bed! Go on, take a look. She must be here somewhere!". Footsteps crossing through her room. Carefully, without wanting to make a sound, she switched off the lamp next to her. She didn't know whether the beam of light might be seen through a potential crack between the wall and the panel. A shiver of fear crept down her spine. Where were her parents? What about her brother? These men seemed to be up to no good. The footsteps moved away from her again, out into the hall. "There's no one there," the second voice rang out. "Then come back down!" the first called out. More thudding told Gianna that the man was doing as he was told: he was descending the stairs. She pushed the wall panels open again warily. Her room lay in the dark, the door was only ajar. "Where is your daughter?" she heard someone yell angrily. "I don't know, please let my family go. They are innocent.", Gianna again froze at the door frame of her room. It was her father's voice. Never had she heard him speak with such anguish and begging. Feeling her heart tighten, she continued slowly down the hall. "Innocent or not. What Mr. Brontë says will be carried out. And he wants us to silence all of you. So one more time. Where is your daughter, Romano?". Perhaps, with luck, Gianna would be able to make it downstairs and get outside. Maybe she could inform the law. The voices sounded like they were coming from the foyer. The bottom of the stairs were not visible from there. She slowly descended the steps, her moves measured. "She's not here," her father's voice sounded again. A slap and her mother's shriek. "Let's try again. Maybe that will loosen your voice." Gianna could hear her father was sobbing and her mother's whimpering. Tears ran down her own cheeks. She needed to hurry. Almost all the way down she was. The voices in the anteroom continued to interrogate her parents, interrupted occasionally by slaps against her mother, as well as her father's pleas.
Only five more steps to take. A small sigh of relief slipped out of her, almost inaudible. Unmistakable was the jarring creak of the fourth step from the bottom. The voices in the anteroom abruptly fell silent. Gianna stopped dead in her tracks for a second, but then ran without hesitation. No longer was there any point in proceeding quietly. She ran resolutely through the back door and, instead of taking the gate in the fence, she dashed straight through the hedge at the side of the garden to the adjacent property. Behind her she could hear the back door being flung open once more, heavy footsteps on the porch following her. However, she did not turn around, instead running full speed ahead. Ever thinking of making it to the lawmen as fast as she could.
Completely out of breath and trembling with fear, she fell through the sheriff's door. The imposing building also had an anteroom with a reception desk. Behind it, several cells could be seen. Her clattering, loud and disorderly arrival had caused almost all heads to turn toward her. Gasping for breath, she grabbed the counter in front of the reception desk. "You must help me, good sirs! My family is being attacked right now!" she brought out with difficulty. "Good girl, take it easy. Now, why don't you catch your breath? What exactly happened?". With all her might, Gianna tried to calm her nerves. Then she recounted briskly what she had just experienced and heard at home. The officer listened patiently and led her to an adjoining room. There, Gianna finally took a seat. Only then did she notice that her legs were trembling. Whether because of the dire situation or her desperate sprint, she didn't know. They handed her a glass of water and assured her that they would take care of the situation. Men were already on their way to her house, they added. A thankful smile appeared on her face.
They eventually left her alone in the adjoining room. From where she was sitting, she could see straight into the front room through a pane of glass, but her place of seating was not immediately apparent. As she slowly regained her strength and sipped her glass of water, she took a closer look at the building. Most of the cells were empty. Only at the end was a person curled up on their cot. What exactly had happened that her family was now in such danger? She knew that her father worked as a lawyer mainly for Angelo Bronte. Just like her parents, Mr. Brontë had also immigrated to America from Italy. She vaguely knew that he was known in the American-Italian community for his not-quite-legal business dealings. But she had never given the man another thought. When she had asked questions as a child, her father had always evaded them. She shouldn't worry her head, had his answer always been. The pleading voice and pained cries of her parents echoed in her thoughts with a heavy heart. The law could hopefully free her parents soon. Also, she did not know where her brother was. Perhaps he had been able to hide as well. At worst, he had also been in the room with her parents.
It was then that the main door opened and two men entered the building. They too made their way to the reception area and spoke to the lawman there. While Gianna couldn't hear what they were saying, she clearly saw the lawman nodding his head in her direction. Another cold shiver ran down her spine. It seemed odd to her. Through the glass, the men turned their eyes in the direction indicated. And for a split second, their eyes met Giana's, until she ducked to the side and scrambled out the back of the room. In fact, this struck her as very odd. In a hurry, she scurried crouched through the building and finally found a door out the back. She had to get out of this mess. And she needed to get out soon.
The prologue actually doesn't end here. I still have a bit to write before I can end the chapter. But I thought, I provide this part and the next at a later date maybe.
Let me know what you think. Would you like to read further? Do you have any other constructive criticisms for me?
And thank you for reading! I really hope you liked it :)
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lilap20 · 10 months
House of the Dragon Fanfiction: Updated Masterlist
Fanfiction House of the Dragon
Story of Princess Nymeria Targaryen second daughter of King Viserys I and his wife Lady Aemma.
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Prologue : The Princess
Chapter One : The Meeting of eyes
Chapter Two : The festivities of the Stranger
Chapter Three : Heaven is where we meet at the foot of the Heart Tree. Part 1
Chapter Four: Heaven is where we meet at the foot of the Heart Tree. Part 2
Chapter Five: The Dragon's Descent into Winterfell.
Chapter Six: The Wedding.
Chapter Seven: The letter from King's Landing Part.1
Chapter Eight: The letter from King's Landing Part.2
Chapter Nine: The Greens and Blacks
Chapter Ten: Aemma's daughters
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clonemedickix · 9 months
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Dragon Rider
So I was asked if I could draw anything “not Star Wars” over Christmas. I’ll just neglect to tell him this is part of my Star Wars AU head canons.
If you’d like to be tagged for new art, click here.
If you’d like to see the entire collection, click here.
@dystopicjumpsuit @theogfulcrum22 @king-chaos-world @sunshinedaydream @starrylothcat @anxiouspineapple99 @sev-on-kamino @mire-draws-things @the-bad-batch-baroness @cloneloverrrrr @mandos-mind-trick @padawancat97 @dukeoftheblackstar @wolffegirlsunite @isthereanechoinhere96 @jediknightjana @wackylurker @moonlightwarriorqueen @wizardofrozz @multi-fan-dom-madness @starqueensthings @dickarchivist @amorfista @villanousace @mythical-illustrator @lune-de-miel-au-paradis @523rdrebel @vimse @sinfulsalutations
Commissions OPEN, click here.
Dividers by @dystopicjumpsuit
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leaawrites · 1 year
"He's an endless soul; you and I both know that nothing could ever truly kill him."
-Endless Soul
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snaddyspet · 4 months
Check out my fanfiction Severus Snape x Originial Female Character Francesca Blackwood.
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itsaship-literally · 2 years
Count Me In
by 13CrystalDreams
For Lydia being best friends is easy, but being more is is terrifying. However when Beetlejuice makes a mistake, the two are forced to face their true feelings. Will fate be on their side or are they destined to be nothing more than a teenage fling?
Words: 2861, Chapters: 1/11, Language: English
Fandoms: Beetlejuice - All Media Types, Beetlejuice - Perfect/Brown & King
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Underage
Categories: F/M
Characters: Beetlejuice (Beetlejuice), Lydia Deetz, Charles Deetz, Delia Deetz, Juno (Beetlejuice), Claire Brewster, Barbara Maitland, Adam Maitland
Relationships: Beetlejuice/Lydia Deetz, Beetlejuice/Originial Female Character(s)
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Human, Alternate Universe - No Powers, Alternate Universe - Teenagers, Underage Drinking, Underage Sex, Consensual Underage Sex, Underage Smoking, Underage Drug Use, Teen Romance, Mutual Pining, Stabbing, First Kiss, First Time, Loss of Virginity, Running Away, Title Likely to Change, Alternate Universe - The Outsiders (S. E. Hinton) Fusion, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Friends to Lovers, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/44360386
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d4zmoi · 3 years
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✨Meet my MC Cytrine (Sit-Treen) 🧚🏽‍♀️
   Likes: Dancing, Late night walks
   Dislikes: Being told what to do
   Race: Human
She is very feisty and outspoken. Cytrine is not afraid to say what’s on her mind and is a very ambitious person. Whatever she sets her mind on doing, she does it no matter the cost. She is very flirtatious and confident with herself. Her and Lucifer tend to butt heads a lot because of her attitude and mouth. CYTRINE ALWAYS GETS THE LAST WORD.      
                                                     FUN FACTS
The necklace she wears was enchanted with Lilith’s power and is how she is able to control magic easily.
She’s a cheerleader at R.A.D
Has a secret crush on Barbatos 
Sneaks out at night with Asmo to go to underground nightclub parties.
Works as a Bunny Girl waitress at The Fall. 
This is not a self insert, so i still don’t know which of the characters i ship her with. SHIP SUGGESTIONS APPRECIATED
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cursedgal · 4 years
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She’s a single mother of one baby boy and she keep a little groceries store with her old dad 👌
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cherikarts · 3 years
The Woman of the Willow Wisteria
These photos are created by me and it features a short story told through a deck of cards. This centers around Helena Willow as she goes deeper into the forest behind her family’s mansion.
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This is Helena Willow. She is one of the children of Lord and Lady Willow. 
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This is Helena Willow, a professional ballet dancer for the past 10 years. She is praised for her grace and beauty whenever she performs. Although she is filled with riches and glamour, she has secrets buried deep within.
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Deep inside the Wisteria forest you go, the voice calling you must know.
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The deeper you go. The more they will show.
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A lover with a heart of gold. Deep down, there are stories untold.
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Once lost in the forest. You'll come out as the best
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A woman of great renown. Trapped inside her crown.
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She sees all the events. Some even turn into laments
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She may be a fool. But she saw how the world is cruel
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Her words are the law. Either you die or follow
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If you follow the Siren's call. Into the deep trench, you shall fall.
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A wolf looking for someone who is lost. Hoping their paths had already crossed.
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The Moon is not to be feared. Specially when it has disappeared.
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Mouths sealed, eyes open. They always know what has happened.
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Fair play, fortune will come your way. Misbehave, make sure to dig your grave.
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You may not see them but you hear their whisper. Be careful or you'll drown in the river.
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Take care of your heirs. Or else you'll be filled with tears.
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Look deep into the water. You'll see the regretful daughter.
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His voice calls to you. Hoping he'll find someone new.
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One leads to happiness, One leads to sadness. Choose and you shall see, A world that is meant to be.
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One who wants to be free. Will find ways to see.
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True happiness. Might be one's weakness. Leaving in full darkness. Wishing for brightness.
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Death comes. Everything turns to crumbs. A familiar tune one hums. But she finally succumbs.
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anicomicqueen · 4 years
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Finished another D&D character for a friend! My favorite part was her wrappings on her arms. Totally messed up on the running though. The legs should be opposite....
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sinaliciousposts · 1 year
I confess, I've been rewatching a lot of My Hero Academia and finally finished season 6. Aaaaaaand I can't help myself. I am an Endeavor fangirl. I don't know why, but maybe I just like the most complex characters that in reality are emotionally unavailable. Who knows?
So I tried something knew to write about. An inner monologue of him realizing that he fell in love with another pro hero, before he became our No. 1 and started his redemption arc.
(In my mind Rei also divorced the shit out of him. I would have if I'd been in her shoes, just to protect my kids from the maniac.)
Why is this happening? This is ridiculous. I don't have time for this. I'm supposed to be focused on becoming the number one hero, surpassing All Might. But every time I see her, every time she smiles in my direction, it's like something shifts within me.
Love? No, that's absurd. Love is for the weak, for those who can afford to lose focus. I have responsibilities, a legacy to build and uphold. I can't let myself be distracted by silly emotions.
And yet, there's that nagging feeling, that flutter in my chest everytime she's near. Damn it, this is frustrating. Why can't I control myself like I do in battle? Why do my thoughts become a chaotic mess when it comes to her?
Maybe it's just admiration. She's a competent hero, dedicated and strong. Perhaps I've mistaken respect for something more. I can't afford to be vulnerable, not after all the times I've fallen short of my own expectations. I can't and won't allow myself to disappoint myself again over a foolish notion.
But... I've seen the way she looks at me. The way she listens to me, even when I'm not speaking. Is it possible that she... no, that's wishful thinking. You damn fool, get yourself together.
And yet, I can't escape this pull. It's like an undertow, dragging me into uncharted waters. I've built walls around myself for so long, to protect myself from exposing my weaknesses. Love is just another weakness, isn't it?
But what if it's not? What if letting someone in doesn't make me weaker, but stronger? What if I just could learn to accept that I'm not perfect, that I've made mistakes, that I have flaws?
Damn it, this is infuriating. I can't let myself be swayed by emotions, but... I can't ignore them either. Perhaps, for now, I'll postpone this decision. I'll keep my distance and regain control over my thoughts again.
Wait, a text? From her? What does she want? "Hey, are you free tonight?"
Maybe... maybe it's time to take a chance. To see where this path leads. This is just another challenge I meet head-on, right? If she's willing to accept me, flaws and all, then maybe... just maybe... it's worth it.
I hope you liked it. Don't know if I got his character right, but I tried.
Thanks for reading :)
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arty-username · 4 years
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His name is blooper, he is my son and i love him. He died after a banner caught on fire from the candle on his (cup)cake, at his birthday which no one showed up to or wished him happy birthday. And now he is a sad lil' ghost.
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clonemedickix · 11 months
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WIP Wednesday
@523rdrebel @lune-de-miel-au-paradis @villanousace @mythical-illustrator @dystopicjumpsuit @theogfulcrum22 @king-chaos-world @sunshinesdaydream @starrylothcat @anxiouspineapple99 @sev-on-kamino @mire-draws-things @the-bad-batch-baroness @cloneloverrrrr @mandos-mind-trick @padawancat97 @dukeoftheblackstar @wolffegirlsunite @isthereanechoinhere96 @jediknightjana @wackylurker @moonlightwarriorqueen @wizardofrozz
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leaawrites · 1 year
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itsaship-literally · 2 years
The Demon’s Ballet
by biggirlshots
Beetlejuice doesn’t like to talk about his past but he doesn’t mind showing it.
Lydia possesses Beetlejuice at his offer to see exactly what he doesn’t want to say aloud, because some things are better left as memories.
Basically we get to see Beetlejuice’s trauma as fun little vignettes of horror.
Words: 4483, Chapters: 1/2, Language: English
Fandoms: Beetlejuice - All Media Types, Beetlejuice - Perfect/Brown & King
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Rape/Non-Con, Underage
Categories: F/M
Characters: Beetlejuice (Beetlejuice), Lydia Deetz, Juno (Beetlejuice), Original Female Character(s)
Relationships: Beetlejuice/Lydia Deetz, Beetlejuice/Originial Female Character(s)
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/44884894
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ao3feed-thor · 2 years
Miss Honey
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/BZSbrVW
by DeePet
In which your favorite student's uncle is the God of Thunder.
Words: 3622, Chapters: 1/2, Language: English
Fandoms: Thor (Movies)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M
Characters: Thor, Miss Honey, Reader
Relationships: Thor/Reader, Thor/Original Female Character(s), Thor/Originial Female Character(s) of Color
Additional Tags: Desk Sex, Classroom Sex, teacher, UNCLE - Freeform, Love's fav teacher, it's fun, we're having a great time, Oral Sex, Black Reader
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/BZSbrVW
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