#osana x ayano
yankinhelp · 2 years
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osayano layouts, with a mini playlist!
x / x / x
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moonbyulsstuff · 2 months
hello! if you want me to break this up for you I will!!
anyway, I want to request two sets of headcanons, if that's okay?
we have two YanSim fictives in our system, we have Osana (hiii!!!!) and Ayano... we are dating in our system
I know you said no character x character and I totally get it so stick with me I have a point
Ayano x fem reader who loves Yan-chan very much and supports her in every way possible and likes to play games with her (as in if Ayano kidnaps her, she breaks out but leaves a note saying "come catch me (:" with a bunch of hearts and Reader's just like... under the bed or something) and is in general genuinely just happy to be with Ayano even if she's... Not Mentally Well
Osana x fem reader who struggles with feeling any emotions at all around anyone but Osana, and, while being obsessed with her sure, does her level best to keep within Osana's boundaries and not really hurt her or make her uncomfortable in any serious way
if this isn't okay that's totally fine
don't worry about us being disappointed, we know no one can write us perfectly accurately and we don't expect you to write Osana and Ayano the Alters in the Spice Collective, we expect you to write Osana and Ayano from YanSim
please add your headcanons we LOVE headcanons
if there's not enough info, none of it's helpful, or there's too much lmk and I'll do what I can to fix it <33
all in all if you do this have fun with it bestiieee!!!!
Dating Osana Najimi and Ayano Aishi Headcanons.
Female Reader.
Requested by: @chilipowder9
Request Rules.
Mostly used "you" in headcanons. Sorry if this is short.
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Ayano Aishi:
The two of you... were not normal per say.
Ayano who's unable to feel emotions at all and will do anything to be with her love one and you...
Who's completely fine with Ayano's behavior, who doesn't see anything wrong with Ayano killing other people.
In fact, you encourage it. you indulge in it.
When you find out before you two got together, that she used many ways to get rid of her rivals just so she can be with you.
Instead of being afraid of your own being, disgusted and be in fear of Ayano.
You smiled, you congratulated her. You smiled and kissed her in the cheeks when you found out.
Ayano was shock per say, this wasn't the reaction she was expecting but she wasn't complaining.
After all, her girlfriend was happy on what she did just to get her love.
You two were happy and had fun in your relationship.
And what I mean by fun, is that you two have fun in ways a couple wouldn't.
Sometimes, Ayano would "kidnap" you just after school ends and act out a roleplay.
Sometimes you "break" free and leave a note, telling her to come and find you.
Whenever Ayano hears that someone else has taken an interest in you, she takes precautious measures to make sure you won't get stolen away from her.
Whenever it's blackmailing, murder, bullying, expelling etc.
And you would help her with it, whenever you found what she was doing.
It was kinda like a bonding moment between you two, strengthening your relationship together.
Since she knows what you like, waaayyy before you two started dating.
Ayano didn't have to ask nor figure out. She already knows, whatever you want. She'll get it for you.
Even if it's means murdering another person just for you.
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Osana Najimi:
You were different, you couldn't feel any emotions at all.
It was hard to act like a normal person 'till you met her, Osana Najimi.
You did everything for her, you got rid of the other people that had took a liking to her.
You only wanted her to be the one with you.
And it worked.
After all the things you did, you confessed and she accepted your feelings.
She doesn't know of the devious things you had to do in order to get rid of the rivals.
You tried to act normal around her, let her know of the obsessive feelings you had for her.
You don't want to scare your beloved away.
Whenever you got jealous, you had to keep it a minimum to make sure, Osana doesn't get scared.
Your jealousy was a scary thing and it was something you didn't want Osana to ever find out.
You respected Osana's boundaries, you didn't want to over cross it and make her uncomfortable and hate you for it.
Gods know what you'll do if she ever hates you.
Its something you ever don't want to happen, ever.
Whatever Osana wants, you'll make sure she'll get.
You know everything about her after all, what kind of girlfriend you were if you didn't know what your precious girlfriend likes and wants?
You'll make sure no one come across you two, even if you murder a few people in the background.
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isara0408 · 8 months
Now, to put some backstory in Yandere Taro and his family :)
I'm going to be putting a timeline for him along with some headcanons for him along with Hanako, too (and their families).
2003- Taro Yamada was born. During his birth, he didn't cry. He was a quiet baby once he came out.
2004- Osana Najimi was born.
2005- Hanako Yamada was born. During her birth, she was the same as her brother. She was a quiet baby. Taro was 2, and Osana was 1. During this time, the two were always together because their parents were friends.
2008- Taro was 5 years old when his father confirmed that he was born with the Yamada condition. During this time, it's where Taro noticed how different he was from other children and from Osana, mostly. Here is also where his father starts teaching him his skills of murdering, getting away with it, etc.
2009- Osana was told by Taro's father about the condition and explained to her about it. Osana promised to be by Taro's side and always keep him company.
2010- Hanako is confirmed to have the Yamada Condition as well by her father. She was taught the same thing by her father of getting away with murder, murdering, etc.
2015- He was in 7th grade. He was 12 years old at the time. This was where he took his first victim's life.
2016- He was in 8th grade. He was 13 years old at the time. This was where he took his second victim's life. The case of the first victim's murder was considered a cold case.
2017- The case of the second victim's murder was considered a cold case as well, and the time when Taro entered high school.
2021- Taro graduates high school and enrolls in Akademi. He meets Budo Masuta and befriends him.
2022- Osana enrolls in Akademi. She meets Raibaru at the end of the semester of Akademi.
2023- Hanako enrolls in Akademi after some convincing from her father to the headmaster and the CEO of Kusha Corp. Osana and Raibaru become best friends. Taro finds his senpai.
Taro had two victims while he was in middle school.
Victim #1 : Aadiya Tamasshi.
Age: 11.
Death: killed with a rock.
Aadiya means "first" while Tamasshi means "Soul" or "Spirit"
Aadiya was Taro's first victim during middle school. Aadiya was known to bully Osana for being timid and not standing up for herself. She even teased and threatened her on cutting her hair if she told anyone or just to scare her to see her cry.
Once Taro found out the truth about the bullying, he followed Aadiya when she was walking home from school. Once they were alone, Taro grabbed a big rock and immediately attacked her. With the same rock, he hit her head over and over, even her face. Taro continued, trying to quit her screaming, but once she was dead, her face was completely unrecognizable. With that, Taro got rid of the rock by throwing it in the river and washed his hands there too before leaving her body there.
Once her body was found, the police couldn't recognize her. They had to use dental work to identify her. They tried to find the murderer but there wasn't enough evidence on the scene.
To this day, people who walk by that spot where her body is found. People could hear a little girl crying or screaming during the night. Her murder case was considered a cold case.
That was Taro's first victim. The first soul to go.
Victim #2: Reiko ( I need a last name for her)
Age: 12
Death: A knife.
Reiko means "ghost child"
Reiko was known to bully Hanako once she entered middle school. She would bully Hanako for how different she was ( Her condition). She would push her around, tease her, or drop things on her since Hanako never reacted or responded.
Taro took it in his own hands once Hanako told him about it. Taro grabbed a knife from his kitchen and put it in his bookbag without having his mother or father seeing him. He took it to school and waited until the end of the day to follow Reiko while Hanako stayed with Osana. Once he found the right moment, he pulled out the knife from his book bag and buried the knife inside of her skull, killing her immediately. With that, Taro got rid of her body, trying to make sure no more blood was spilled. He threw her body in the river and left the scene with the weapon( that was in a plastic bag) in his book bag.
Her body was found in the river weeks later, and there was no evidence since her body was in the river for weeks, so her case was considered a cold case.
To this day, when someone walks by that spot where she was killed, they can see a shadow watching them from the river that her body was found.
That was Taro's second victim. The second soul to go.
Hanako and Osana don't know anything about Taro being involved in those deaths.
Taro and Hanako are very close. They are willing to do everything for each other. They are a team.
Taro would always carry a journal where he wrote his thoughts. He was always alone if Osana or Hanako were not present, so writing was a way to cope with the loneliness besides reading books.
Reading books was a way to escape reality from the empty and incomplete feelings he had. Those books have him something to... imagine and make time go faster.
Taro and Hanako's relationship with their parents is very wholesome. They are very close as family despite their condition. Their mother always teaches them new recipes to do and spends time with them as much as possible. (She does know about the condition). Compared to their father, he is like Ryoba. He teaches them how to get away with murder, clean up the crime scene, etc. Overall, they have a positive relationship.
Hanako does enjoy cute things even if she can't really express it well like people her age. Hanako looks like her little innocent self, but she has the attitude of Nemesis.
Their relationship with their great-grandfather is quite wholesome (in their own way). He always tries to visit them to spend time with them and teach him his skills that he learned during his time when he found his person. Their great-grandfather is 94 and still alive.
Their grandfather (Taro's father's father) is quite a bitch and spoiled.
Taro and Hanako don't have a good relationship with their grandfather.
Unlike Ayano, he can actually talk to Ayano. He just gets nervous at first.
Taro's second friend is Budo. Hanako is barely starting Akademi, so she doesn't have any new friends ( besides Raibaru)
Taro and Hanako have a lot of dark thoughts once they feel annoyed by someone or wasting time on someone who isn't important. (mostly harming them)
The heart hairpin that Hanako has was given by her mother for Hanako to remember the huge love her mother has for her.
Osana and Taro/Hanako
Osana is everything to Taro. Taro is willing to do everything for her to see her happy and safe ( As you can tell by his first victim)
Osana isn't rude to him( like in the game). She's more caring, open, understanding, etc. Osana is there for Taro as much as possible because she knows about the condition. She's willing to do everything for him even if she knows Taro couldn't really express himself well.
Osana would have Taro and Hanako over to her house as a sleepover. It was a way to spend time with each other.
Osana would always buy Taro books for him to read, or they would read together if there was nothing to do.
Taro has been there for Osana many times when her heart was broken by a boy. He wasn't very good at comforting her, but he was there.
The three have matching cat charms because of Osana. Taro and Hanako were forced by her.
If Taro or Hanako are being bullied or hurt in any way, Osana will stand up for them and protect them ( even if it ends up her being bullied too or hurt as well)
Osana allows Taro and Hanako to brush her hair and style it. She trusts them.
When Kaga tries to convince Osana that Taro and Hanako were involved in the deaths of the male rivals, she denies it and pretty much refuses to believe it until she can see the evidence of their involvement, of course.
Their great-grandfather was only 49 when he killed Toshiro (Kaga's grandfather)
Great-grandfather Yamada ( Don't have a name for him yet) was the one to kill almost every rival his son had. His son only killed two. The rest of the rivals were killed by Great-grandfather Yamada.
He killed Toshiro with a gun. A bullet to the heart.
After the death, the image of Toshiro haunts him.
The reason why he killed Toshiro was because he was getting in the way of his son. Toshiro had a goal of getting rid of Taro's grandfather and put him behind bars for the murders he committed. He wasn't backing down, so Great-grandfather Yamada killed him and tried to kill his wife too, but failed. ( Because of this, it affected Kusha Corp and the way Kaga was raised ( and his father too))
He never met Kaga in person or seen him on TV. He's too old for that, lol. (His reaction is interesting when he does see him)
He spoiled his son a lot. He did everything for him to get his happy ending which is why Taro's grandfather is spoil and a bitch.
He was the one who raised Taro's father. His son was too busy enjoying life with his wife, making sure he got money and what he wanted rather than focusing on his own child.
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bubbles-lounge · 1 year
Self Aware Yandere Simulator
The head cannons I promised<3
You can tell I've had thoughts about this for awhile...
This doesn't include the 1980's version. If you lot would like that just send a request in!
Now onto the head cannons!
Ayano would probably be the first to noticed as she is the person you control so she's the first to start to pay attention to you and notice your existence. This would also mean YanSim did start to worship you in some way(not really like genshin though tbh) Ayano would be first.
About the worship, I don't really think very many who are aware of you will worship you as rivals like Megami would find you mental ill for even doing this and allowing it to continue, especially if you don't do pacific routes often. Though If we think about other ones like Genshin Self-Aware Worship you even though you technically kill others, so we could twist it like that but otherwise I think Ayano might look up to you quite abit as you in the way make sure she ends up with her senpai in the end. Again if we twist it like we do with some Self-Aware Things we could go with Ayano obsessing over you as she may see it as you being accepting of her and she could place large trust in you, which if I'm right is a reason way she fell for taro as she thinks he is trust worthy.
After Ayano might be Osana, maybe Taro, you might even consider Info if we knew about her routine and more about her. It wouldn't be the other rivals(just say they are in the game for this) unless you had a extreme amount of resets and they started to feel large deja vu at realise they have seen Ayano at school even after been arrested, caught murdering and etc..
Out of Osana and Taro I think Osana would notice first with the fact she keeps getting a feeling every time she sees Ayano, also if you do the same elimination method she would get deja vu from the fact she felt this happen to many times. She Would then probably start to remember the times its happened before but slowly.
Osana Might try and stop it but soon realises she can't as the game codes would enable her but she wont understand why she can't do what she wants. I think for her to become aware of your existence would be after a bit of being killed and/or being helped by Ayano she would start hearing this voice after getting close to Ayano that seems to be from somewhere around Ayano.
Now after She Figures Out your controlling Ayano and that Ayano doesn't really care about what she's doing and is infact wanting to do it, Osana could have a few reactions, if we go with what it think would be the most realistic reaction would be absolutely horrified by the fact the person who she guesses is in control is this, insane. Another reaction might be Horrified at first like the first reaction but instead of keeping that opinion like the first reaction but at a point comes to accepts this and starts to see you as this god or higher being that gets to chose their fate and they have no control, this leads Osana to have a small type of worship towards you, not heavily but still worships you as a god above them all.
Taro(I actually like his character but he is overdramatic compared to others) would be the same as Osana but obviously he isn't being saved and/or killed but its with having his reactions to Ayano being near one to many times, catching her murdering and fails like that. So like Osana He starts to realise its resting at times and remembers catching Ayano but like Osana he cant do anything about it, also due to the fact Ayano, A.K.A the player, is avoiding him he wont really hear your voice except from when Ayano accidently gets too close then Taro might hear your voice but its still not as much as Osana would. When Taro Figures It Out he will have the similar reactions as Osana but with the second reaction he will be quicker to like you as you never kill him, this applies for the first reaction he wont hate you as much as Osana but still hate you for constantly killing his best friend. You might say they would end up bring it up to each other subtly but like how they cant avoid Ayano or do any thing about it as the game code stops them, the same applies here as they wont have the ability to talk about it, unless they break the game code or they might be able to text about it but I'm not going to into these two things for this post.
There you guys go!
I hope you all enjoyed this!
Remember to drink water
Remember to sleep well
Remember your stunning, wonderful and amazing<333
Have a great day/night<3
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beeperoo · 4 months
Im gonna start posting the edits i made for tiktok on here since americas getting rid of tiktok soon and australia will too since we're basically a puppet state so anyways
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ajitooo26 · 10 months
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Shitpost xd
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surfacetension2000 · 1 year
Fanfic idea
I want a YS fanfic where Ayano seduces the rivals to fall in love with her and it becomes a mess of drama/heartache. Since the rivals and Ayano are canonically bi I can totally see it happening. I headcanon Megami as a lesbian who becomes obsessed with/falls for Ayano while telling herself she's just "keeping an eye on her."
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grabowskibeepboop · 2 years
Where are my yansim fans at? I NEED budotaro moots, there's just so little content I find. Also Ayano x Osoro and Osana x Raibaru. And the two boys who talk about Pretty Miyuki, I wanna say Sota and Haruto
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ricihh · 2 years
Taeko Yamada Headcanons!! (Not Yandere Au)
Hanako's older sister and has a good relationship with her.
Trans woman (she/her) and pansexual.
A very quiet and intelligent girl.
Considered one of the best students in class 3-2.
Extremely friendly.
She is social when she needs to be.
She participates in the drama club with Kizana because she loves drama as much as Kizana does.
Loves books. She enjoys many books with romance and drama as the main theme.
Best friend with Kizana and Osana Najimi.
She finds Ayano's clumsy manner very cute.
She helps Ayano to speak better in public.
When she began to feel uncomfortable with her AGAB, she borrowed a long wig from Kizana to try it on. Kizana didn't mind, and from then on Taeko began to act out more and more scenes involving female characters. She wore this wig until her hair started to grow out.
The first person to know was Ayano and the second was Osana. Both were immensely supportive and helped her get into the shape of her liking.
Hanako was quite surprised, but liked the idea of having an older sister. She started lending her clothes and accessories for Taeko to try on.
For fear of bullying, Taeko began changing her school uniform little by little.
She appreciates the protection methods that Ayano has provided for her, even if she finds some of them a bit over the top.
Hanako is extremely clingy in Taeko and does not like Ayano trying to steal all her attention.
She is very welcome in the Aishi family. She really enjoys talking to Ryoba.
She is a great listener. She can listen to Ayano talk about her interests all day long.
She loves giving gifts to others and cooking. The only reason she didn't join the cooking club with Amai is that she is more into drama.
She likes k-dramas and stuffed animals. Taeko thinks they are very cute.
She loves musicals and would love to have a musical play at Akademi someday. She always talks about this to Kizana, trying to convince her of the idea.
She loves animals and would like to have several of them, but her family won't let her.
She doesn't like violence and violent games, but she knows that the delinquents have a good heart, so she likes to toy with the idea of Ayano joining them.
Close friend of Budo too. She knows that martial arts is completely different from violence and would like to try it.
She is always going out shopping with Osana and Raibaru.
She follows Ayano in her hobbies like playing video games.
She knows nothing about Info-chan other than the rumors surrounding the school. Even though she studies with Info-chan, she doesn't even suspect that they might be Info-chan, and usually just treats them kindly like any other classmate. Taeko has never really talked to Info-chan, much less suspects them.
Taeko never knew that Osana once had a crush on her. She can be quite oblivious.
Tea Girl.
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iicheeze · 2 years
Notice me, Senpai! Prologue
Yandere Genshin Impact X Gender Neutral Reader YANDERE SIMULATOR AU
summary: It was your second year at Teyvat High. Expecting another normal year in your high school life. But why is there so many people suddenly courting you?!?! And why is there suddenly so many missing students?!?!
update: Now it has storyline previews for each nations (ones that are currently available at the game, of course.)
a/n: This is an explanation and cast of my Yandere Simulator AU story.
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Senpai as You.
[Name]'s Best Friend as Qingfu.
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Mondstadt Edition
Ayano Aishi or Yandere Chan as Aether and Lumine.
Osana Najimi or First Week Rival as Eula Lawrence.
Amai Odayaka or Second Week Rival as Noelle.
Kizana Sunobu or Third Week Rival as Fischl / Amy.
Oka Ruto or Fourth Week Rival as Albedo Kreideprinz.
Asu Rito or Fifth Week Rival as Venti.
Muja Kina or Sixth Week Rival as Lisa Minci.
Mida Rana or Seventh Week Rival as Kaeya Alberich.
Osoro Shidesu or Eighth Week Rival as Diluc Ragnvindr.
Hanako Yamada or Ninth Week Rival as Amber (STRICTLY PLATONIC).
Megami Saikou or Tenth Week Rival as Jean Gunnhildr.
Storyline Preview;
Aether and Lumine was always the same. They're twins after all. Ever since they were born, all they do is help people. No matter what. No matter what they feel. No matter how difficult it may be. It's gotten to an extent where they couldn't feel anything anymore. They just feel hollow. As ever blue sky and its beautiful clouds just turned black and white.
Yet, it became colorful once more ever since they encountered their beloved senpai, [L. Name] [Name]. They can't help that they felt butterflies in their stomach and felt as if the world has gained colour once more!
Yet.. Why do they feel uneasy when they saw their beloved senpai talking to another person?
They can't let them go. Not when they make them feel this way. Not when they are the reason their world is colorful. Not when they make them feel as if they have finally gained a reason to live.
They've been helpful for so long. They're allowed to be selfish.. Right?
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Liyue Edition
Ayano Aishi or Yandere Chan as Zhongli
Osana Najimi or First Week Rival as Xiao.
Amai Odayaka or Second Week Rival as Mao Xiangling.
Kizana Sunobu or Third Week Rival as Yelan.
Oka Ruto or Fourth Week Rival as Chongyun.
Asu Rito or Fifth Week Rival as Beidou.
Muja Kina or Sixth Week Rival as Shenhe.
Mida Rana or Seventh Week Rival as Ganyu.
Osoro Shidesu or Eighth Week Rival as Childe or Tartaglia.
Hanako Yamada or Ninth Week Rival as Hu Tao (STRICTLY PLATONIC).
Megami Saikou or Tenth Week Rival as Ningguang.
Storyline Preview;
Zhongli had always been the same. Considering, kind, but calm and content. Yet he couldn't shake off the feeling where he felt empty at the inside ever since his beloved, Guizhong, died due to a terminal sickness. He had long moved on from it. But his heart can't reset back to normal. He doesn't feel anything when people confess their feelings to him. Just hollow. Empty.
He can't help but long for the feeling of being in love again.
Yet, it all changed when he accidentally bumped into his senpai whilst walking around his new high school. Spilling their canned soda on him. It was supposed to be revolting. But he somehow doesn't mind. Not when his attention is fixated on their senpai.
When their hands touched, he felt something. Something growing inside him. Like a beautiful sunflower blooming once the sun rises.
He had forgotten what it feels like to be in love. If he is in love, is this what it feels like? Warm, but lovely? If it is, he'd want to feel like this forever.
Their interaction had already ended, yet his feelings kept growing.
However, a flower has to die in the end.
As he then saw his beloved senpai, talking to another man. So lovingly, so friendly. It couldn't help but make him feel rotten on the inside.
He finally gets his heart re-build once more, he can't have another broken. Not again. He will not let his senpai go. No matter what it takes. He doesn't care if he'll have blood on his hands. It's all for him and his senpai. He doesn't want to feel empty again. He will not let them go.
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Inazuma Edition
Ayano Aishi or Yandere Chan as Kamisato Ayaka.
Osana Najimi or First Week Rival as Kuki Shinobu.
Amai Odayaka or Second Week Rival as Kaedehara Kazuha.
Kizana Sunobu or Third Week Rival as Yoimiya.
Oka Ruto or Fourth Week Rival as Sangonomiya Kokomi.
Asu Rito or Fifth Week Rival as Thoma.
Muja Kina or Sixth Week Rival as Yae Miko.
Mida Rana or Seventh Week Rival as Raiden Shogun or Ei.
Osoro Shidesu or Eighth Week Rival as Arataki Itto.
Hanako Yamada or Ninth Week Rival as Shikanoin Heizou (STRICTLY PLATONIC).
Megami Saikou or Tenth Week Rival as Kamisato Ayato.
Storyline Preview;
Kamisato Ayaka has always been known for their family clan and business. Due to her parents no longer here, she and her older brother had to take care of the business at a young age.
She was always known as smart, elegant, and kind. Yet she stayed alone. She wanted to have friends. But God forbid it.
But, that all changed when she entered High School. The one her older brother designed, to be perfect for her and himself.
She was just relaxing at the rooftop. Enjoying the breeze. Until she decided to practice her dance. After all, no one is there to watch, right?
That is where she was wrong.
Her body swayed along with the wind. Granting her body free moves as she continued to dance with the wind. As she finally finished, she heard clapping.
Turning to where the noise came from.. It was from.. You. Her senpai.
“ That was beautiful..! ”
It was such a simple compliment. So why did her heart start beating fast?
That interaction had ended. It was supposed to be a small one, anyways. As you were busy with other things.
But she couldn't help but think about you. Her senpai. Her mind is basically infested with it. What could she do to impress you once again? What could she do to meet you again? What could she do to finally be of someone's main attention?
She needs you. She has to have you. You were the only one who could understand her. Who could accompany her. Who could finally set your attention to her. Just her.
So just look at her again, won't you? Just her. Don't look at anyone else. You won't need anyone else with her around.
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Sumeru Edition
Ayano Aishi or Yandere Chan as Al-Haitham.
Osana Najimi or First Week Rival as Wanderer or Scaramouche.
Amai Odayaka or Second Week Rival as Candace.
Kizana Sunobu or Third Week Rival as Kaveh.
Oka Ruto or Fourth Week Rival as Tighnari.
Asu Rito or Fifth Week Rival as Nilou.
Muja Kina or Sixth Week Rival as Layla.
Mida Rana or Seventh Week Rival as Il Dottore.
Osoro Shidesu or Eighth Week Rival as Dehya.
Hanako Yamada or Ninth Week Rival as Nahida & Collei (STRICTLY PLATONIC).
Megami Saikou or Tenth Week Rival as Cyno.
Storyline Preview;
Al-Haitham had always been.. Pretentious.
He was smart, he was attractive, he was looked up on to, he was anything you can ask for in a man.
So why does he feel empty?
It felt as if something is missing. It always feels like something is missing inside him.
He had spent all his time on books, knowledge, education. And nothing else. Was it company he craved? No, he isn't.
His interaction with you was simple. Yet cliche.
You were just going to grab a book in the library, that was obviously too tall for you to take. Getting onto your toes, you tried again. Only for another hand to reach for the book, touching yours.
As soon as the two of you made contact, he can't help but feel.. full.
He felt as if his stomach was filled with sweets, love and butterflies. But it was illogical! There was no way he feels this way just by touching your hand.
You let him take the book as it isn't that important to you anyways. Leaving him alone with his thoughts.
It was a nice gesture of you for him. Do you really prioritize others than yourself?
He decided to brush those feelings off, calling them annoying. But his heart kept beating fast. Ignoring what his mind said.
His vision was fixated on you as you left the library, yet through the windows.. He saw you and another.. boy.
Why is he so rude to you? Why is he so mean to you? Why is he so cruel to you? And why are you just laughing it off? Why are you smiling at him so lovingly? Why are you even hanging out with him? Why? Why? Why?!
He doesn't understand. He hates feeling like this, but he can't help but want more. He's never felt anything like it. Why does he want you so bad? Why does he want to get rid of anyone that dares to stand next to you? He doesn't understand.
Yet he knows one thing. He need to get rid of those who dare to stand next to you, let alone talk to you!? He has to. He has to. Only HE is allowed to stand next to you! Only HE is allowed to talk to you! Only HE is allowed to see that beautiful smile of yours. Only HE is allowed to hear your laughs. Him, him, him! Not anyone else! He won't allow it.
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Please remember that each edition has different storylines. But same ending. So I hope you all are anticipated for chapter one!
Notice Me, Senpai Masterlist
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kadenha · 1 month
shehips and headcanons.... hope you guys fw with it..
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if you guys can't see what's going on in the shipping chart well uh
Horo x Shozo
Yaku x Ayano
Kaga x Uekiya
Hanako x Hazu
Oka x Miyuji
Gita x Himari
Sakura x Beshi
Kokona x Riku
Pippi x Ryuto
Shoku x Amai
Aoi x Shiromi
Kuroko x Akane
Kyuji x Otohiko
Kenko x Hojiro
Unagi x Sakura
Saki x Ajia
Saki x Tokuko
Osana x Amai
Mai x Midori
Hazu and Otohiko
Horuda and Sakura and Himari
Kenko and Seiyo
Sakyu and Inkyu
Rojasu and Sukubi
Yaku, Horo and Meka
Budo x Ayano.
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moonbyulsstuff · 1 year
Do you still write for yandere simulator?
Yes, I still do write for Yandere Simulator. I just really like the concept of the game and it's characters even though the person behind is.... questionable and not good..
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fictionkinfessions · 2 months
Osana Najimi my beloved... I miss you...
-(incredibly not-canon) Ayano Aishi
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rae-raez · 5 months
(Age gaps & Toxic pairings below the cut.)
Angel dust x Val - hazbin hotel
Twilight Sparkle x CozyGlow - mlp
Loona x Octavia - helluva boss
Loona x Moxie x Millie - helluva boss
Stella x Andrealphus - helluva boss
Ayano x Osana - yandere sim
Brooklyn Haze x Savanah Reed - lps popular
Luz x Hunter x Amity - The Owl House
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yandere1simul13 · 5 months
Make your least favorite character kiss your OC (or Ayano if you don't have one)
Well I guess I don't ship my fav character x me
but I can tell what's is my fav character:
Megami Saiko (The Student Council ˛& last Rival)
Kaga Kusha (Science Club)
Meka Nikaru (Science Club)
Kokoro Momoiro (Bullies)
Musume Ronshaku (Bullies)
Kuroko Kamenaga (Student Council)
Akane Toriyasu (Student Council)
Shiromi Torayoshi (Student Council)
Aoi Ryugoku (Student Council)
Raibaru Fumestu (Osana's best friend)
Kyuji Konagawa (The boy has crush on Osana)
Otohiko Meichi (Clumsy pink hair)
Osoro Shidesu (Rivals)
Hanako Yamada (Rivals)
Oka Ruto (Rivals)
Kizana Sunobu (Rivals)
Amai Odayaka (Rivals)
Osana Najimi (First rival)
Budo Masuta (The Martial club)
Umeji Kizuguchi (Violent)
Horuda Puresu (the shy girl, black hair)
Hazu Kashibuchi (the shy boy, brown hair)
Asu Rito (Rivals)
Shin Higaku (Occult club)
I think that's all (Thank you for asking question <3)
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cerine0357 · 1 year
Can I request an Ayano comfort fic 🥹
Btw you can do whatever plot as long as it's comfort cause I'm in dire need of it rn
OC: Shimizu Family X Reader:-
. Ayano Shimizu X Reader
⋒ Summary: Ayano realized you're burnt out, what do you wanna do to feel comfort? Maybe the Shimizu family can help....
⋒ Comfort, fluff, scenario || Established relationship || warnings: annoying, wet but cute siblings...|| normal version of OC
⋒ Author's note: I tried hard in writing this, hopefully you'll like, it's bad...Kind of a Shimizu family thing...
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Love and weather...
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the sounds of the rain pattering quietly and the coldness of it only made Ayano shiver more as he pushed up his glasses and stirred the large pot of chai with Izumi by his side, hr light blue hair tied up as to not fall into the chai and ruin it.
"Well, I suspect you can handle, right Zumi??" Ayano asked smiling as he picked Izumi up and placed her on the counter.
"Uh..Yeah! I can do it! I'll try not to get distracted..." Izumi nodded her head and took the large spoon and stirred the tea gently "Zum, check the chai and turn the stove off when it's done, okay?"
Izumi nodded her head and waved goodbye to Ayano who left for his room immediately as he walked up the stairs and walked the halls and opened the door to his room to find you sitting on the bed which was covered with papers, notes, sheets and tests and you on the laptop with a empty screen, confused Ayano stared with you at the screen for a while before asking,
"Are you not motivated??" He asked as you groaned slamming shut you laptop and putting aside before burying your face into the mattress and screaming in it as Ayano nodded his head before getting into bed and settling into the bed with you and pulling the blanket over you two which was warm as you had been in it.
"Yeah, i got it, I know darling....Now what happened??" Ayano asked pulling you with his strength onto his lap as he covered you both with blanket.
"HOW MANY FUCKING TESTS CAN THE PERSONAL TUTOR GIVE?!" You asked annoyed and about to beat someone up, but this comment made Ayano smile a bit as he said,
"I know, but don't you need to do well in this exam?" Ayano asked smiling as you argued back "Yeah, but the only thing I'm doing these days is worrying about how I'm gonna do other things when I literally have to give a test everyday and she even punishes me and belittles me for no fucking reason when I don't do my work! Stupid bitch!" This comment made the smile on Ayano's face drop as he removed his glasses and looked at you with love filled eyes
"Oh, did she, don't worry me and dad will talk with her...If you want I can have one of my siblings tutor you? Or we can have another tutor?? Will that stop you form being a sad, cutesy mush?" He asked as he poked your cheeks and kissed you
"Yeah, that will work, but you really don't need to do that!!" You didn't want him and his busy father to get out of their schedule for some stupid thing like talking with your tutor, but Ayano insisted and in the end you agreed.
As you both cleaned up Ayano's bed of the numerous amount of sheets and tests and notes and copies, Xinya knocked on the door before peeking his head in and asking with his handsome smile, "You want Chai??" Ayano nodded his head, it was getting colder now and the rain was very heavy, so you agreed as well, it was a nice way to warm up
Xinya handed you both tea cups before leaving as Osana bursted in with Hyuna and Izumi in her lead who excitedly asked, "DO YOU BOTH WANNA PLAY IN THE RAIN!?" Not only were Izumi and Hyuna breathless but also completely wet and the water dripping from their hair and clothing made the floors wet but seeing their excited face, neither Ayano nor, Osana or Xinya or you could yell at them, though the four of you were worried at the suggestion but suddenly Azuki also came running in yelling at Izumi and Hyuna
"Oi, YOU IDIOT YOU'RE MAKING EVERYTHING WET, IF YOU WANT TO TALK MAYBE DRY OFF A BIT FIRST!!" Azuki yelled at Izumi only mocked him and teased before Hyunizo entered as well and glared at Azuki, "Stop yelling at Hyuna and Izumi..." Hyunizo's deep voice also scared everyone in the room shitless, except Xinya who had a deeper voice and didn't care for the banter between his siblings unless somebody got hurt...
All while Ayano uninterestedly put away the notes and notebooks and prints and notes in a pile on his huge bedside table, while you enjoyed the banter while sipping your Chai and just as it was finished it seemed as though Hyunizo and Azuki were about get into a fight and Dejino, Dejiyo, Il-Seong, and Yuxing were also on the sidelines with you, Izumi, Hyuna and Ayano, enjoying the drama...
'HOW DID THEY GET IN AND HOW DID I NOT NOTICE THEM....' Was your first thought as the fight was about to commence, before Xinya yelled
"SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!" This comment made everyone freeze up, even Ayano who stood up straight....As Hyunizo and Azuki were getting scolded, Izumi and Hyuna had somehow convinced you and Ayano to play with them in the rain.
As you four ran down to the manor's huge green grass garden, you saw Mrs. Shimizu and Mr. Shimizu, Xinyue, Liuxian, Osamu and a few of the servants in the rain as well, they were all laughing and annoying each other, you only looked at them and smiled brightly until someone pushed you into the rain, the cold water hit your head and back and it felt like cold ice bullets, you immediately ran back for cover as you shivered while Ayano only laughed at you.
You realized Ayano was the one who pushed but then a whip of dark red wrapped around Ayano's waist and tied him up before pulling him in the rain. Ayano screamed a high pitched scream as the rain pattered down on him, you looked at the person who held the whip; Izumi who was looking very proud as Miss.Kaiyo, Sir.Reo, Hyuna, Xinyue, Liuxian, Osamu and other servants laugh at this. You laughed along seeing Ayano now completely wet, chase Izumi around the garden and the two slipping not even two seconds into chasing each other before getting up and chasing again...
While you stayed under the cover as you raised your hand into the rain letting it get wet, as someone pat your shoulder you looked over to see Oshinyu, Oshinzu and Haoyu smiling and waving at you, the three were also like a tad bit too scared to get into the cold rain, but the as you took the courage to step onto the grass which had warm water on it, probably due to the hot sun and then the rain it received. You stayed in the rain for a bit before getting under the cover as Oshinyu giggled with you, Oshinyu took you hand in hers and you both ran into the rain.
You and her squealed and giggled loudly before your squealing calmed down into tiny and sweet laughter as the freezing cold rain turned into a bare-able temperature as you both calm down, laughing and smiling as the rain beat down, it was so fun!!
Soon everyone in the manor was in the rain playing around, mostly music blasting in the garden and you all vibing and having fun, Miss.Kaiyo and Mr.Reo were dancing together and so were you and Ayano!!!!
Soon it was getting dark and Miss. Kaiyo and Mr. Reo didn't want to risk anyone getting bitten by any insect which were coming out, so the servants got out, got towels, placed snacks and drinks for everyone, including the staff, while you all ate warm food, you and Ayano right beside each other, drying off your hair while on the sofa which was covered by towels as you all were still in wet clothes.
You look over at everyone; Hyuna and Hyunizo chatting and feeding each other, Ayako with Yuxing probably creating a prank, Osamu, Osana and Haoyu with Izumi on his lap, Il-Seong, Azuki, Liuxian and Oshinyu playing games on their phone together, Oshinuza letting Dejino and Dejiyo drink around 3 milliliters of his blood each (it was his turn), and Xinya chatting with Sir. Reo, Miss. Kaiyo was gossiping with the servants. Finally you got the chance to change and so you and Ayano quickly left, changed, dried your hairs and come back to the garden sofas, removing the wet towels from the garden sofas this time.
Oshinyu, Xinya, Xinyue, Osamu and Yuxing also changed were also there, a few servants their age were sitting with them and they all were eating and talking, Sir. Reo opened a barbeque and was cooking food on it, while talking with the older members of the staff, you and Ayano stayed on the sofa cuddling while you and a few of the Shimizu girls gossiped, as you ate the dinner.
You texted your parents you were staying over at their house, you beside Ayano who was talking with Xinya, Haoyu, Dejino and Hyunizo about who knows what....All you could do was smile in content, this day which started out as one of the most annoying and tiring ones ended up being such a sweet and fun one thanks to your boyfriend and his family...
They maybe the richest family to exist, rich enough to buy the whole Solar system if they wished, but they still managed to be so humble, kind and happy and together even though they are so busy with everything they, which other rich families and even regular familes can't have, you liked being a part of this family...You loved Ayano more the whole family though, don't tell Izumi and Ayako, they will get jealous that you don't love them more ;>
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@dxmoness @achy-boo @juvellianovo @ramblehour @crownxie @lvmxlee @quiri1306 @honeyandbiscuitandtea-cafe @roseadleyn @hmerus + others who like it and see it!
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