#other gods' Avatars : heroes of legends
hel-phoenyx · 9 months
People : Gods are to be taken very seriously and we must serve them and show them utmost veneration...
Me :
Me : Moon is Selene's talking device.
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elluia · 8 months
Choose Your Legends 8 ended with lots of surprises, and it's time to celebrate!
I've seen concerning amounts of salt and bashing on the games involved or not, so this will be a positive post! I'm tired of the fandom's dumb takes and toxicity so let's praise everyone for the amazing scores and stories that unfolded during this vote!
First let's start with the link to all the official CYL art since Year 1 of FEH, enjoy the trip down memory lane!
(I nabbed that chibi Soren right away, bless Kita Senri)
CYL 8 Male winners:
🥇1: Alfonse | A beautifully deserved win for our well-written OC lord who keeps the story of Heroes entertaining with his crazy one-liners and unhinged plans, with more tender moments with his family and friends to soften him. I hope we get to see him grown-up like Legendary Veronica.
🥈2: Felix | I love seeing non-lord characters emerge from the voting. His voters have shown their supports 4 years in a row and it paid off! Especially nice win because Felix has been shafted by IS with a silly seasonal and an ok god-sword pre-TS unit.
CYL 8 Female winners:
🥇1: Bernadetta | Just like Felix, her voters lost to circumstances (aka the surprise Gullveig sweep), so I'm glad for them! Plus her post-TS personality should force the writers to tone down the moe nervous trait that flanderizes her character.
🥈2: Female Robin | She's finally free to be in the common summoning pool as herself, not Grima! She has too few alts to her name, and she marks the first time both genders of an avatar have won CYL, so good job!
About the Engage non-sweep, don't get disheartened! The votes for Engage were equal to Three Houses, but they were split between A LOT of fan favourites for both genders, while the FE3H fans rallied one last time for 1 male and 1 female representation, without competition from their lords. It's a respectable result, and the bashing on Engage is disingenuous and undeserved.
I've seen the top 5 from each game and I'm happy to see Finn up there for Thracia and Mae for Echoes. I hope to see Linoan soon, and other alts for Berkut and Rinea. People rallied for Athos to get in the game already, for Lloyd to have new art, for Seth and Titania to get the stats they deserve...
Fan favourites like Lyon or the Black Knight still score high. Azura received love. Even Elincia who's already been very lucky in 2023 got in the top for PoR and RD! I love to see people rally for a Sentinel Nephenee too.
We continue to see Leo and Takumi side by side, chilling in the male top 20 like BFFs. It's adorable.
This CYL8 follows in the steps of CYL7 with no main lords, only favourites and avatars.
Next year I hope to see Jugdral and Elyos win, but for now I'm happy with the 4 we have 🥰
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breath-of-void · 1 year
What Legend of Korra left on the table
In my previous post, I talked about how Korra should not be losing fights because of how being the avatar works, now I’m going to talk about all the interesting things that were going on that they just dropped, ignored or changed.
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The entire equalist subplot was dropped after Amon’s reveal!
I get that it was a huge betrayal to find out that the man leading your revolution against benders is also a bender... but the guy had a point! I find it hard to believe that everyone collectively went back to their regularly scheduled lives after finding the courage to voice their unhappiness with the status quo. A nonbender was elected president, how many benders were happy with that decision? Were there people claiming it was a “diversity” hire and he was not qualified? There were interesting ways this could have been delved into, perhaps with more Tales of Ba Sing Se type episodes.
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Unalaq claimed that the spirits were unhappy with the commercialization of sacred holidays and the division of the Poles. He started a civil war over it and even got the avatar on his side, a move that sent a rift through the world as those who already felt that they did not need the avatar moved further away from viewing her as any kind of authority.
Then we find out that Unalaq is using waterbending to control some very generic spirits into senseless violence. This signals to me that the spirits don’t actually care about what’s going on and THAT’S a problem because the spirits DO care. As late as Aang’s teenage years, spirits still express rage against humans for not respecting their space. General Old Iron ( who Aang had to murder to get him to calm down), The Mother of Faces, Hei Bai, the Phoenix Eels, the Heartwalker, etc are all sprits that live or lived in the human world and expressed rage at humans’ sacrilege. That’s without mentioning Father Glowworm and Koh who were just dicks.
The point is that Unalaq could have had a very legitimate point about the spirits being upset but the question could be, how far is too far. Spirits also aren’t big on communication with anyone who isn’t the avatar, so Unalaq interpreting the will of the spirits could be wrong, either intentionally or accidentally, a fanatic seeing signs from the gods that drive him to murder. Him being the cause of their rage robs us of an interesting story about a religious divide when the religion is indisputably real.
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Varrick was a war profiteer. 
Look, I like goofy characters too, but I hate this trend of making characters idiot savants. Varrick was a super goofy guy until we find out exactly what is going on with him. It is revealed that Varrick is much more cold and calculating than everyone thought, playing fast and loose with lives as it suited him. I feel like that aspect of his character was lost in favour of making him entirely a meme.
A similar thing was done to Bumi, Aang’s son. We learn that he’s a venerated war hero with an unconventional way of doing things. Instead of keeping that narrative the truth, they made it so that he was just lucky. That his victories were accidents. I think it was a lost chance to make more interesting characters like Iroh. It isn’t that Iroh is putting on a mask, he genuinely is a bumbling old man who just wants to play Pai Sho and drink tea, but when the going gets tough, The Dragon of the West emerges; both are true. Bumi could be as loony as his namesake, but also a competent strategist when the need called fo rit.  
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The Red Lotus plot was all silly. No notes.
Book 4 was almost a return to form. Kuvira had a legitimate goal and harsh methods for achieving it. The unification of the Earth Kingdom was believable as a goal someone would want and that others would be opposed to and her methods while barbaric, were effective. Then they dropped that for favour of making her just evil.
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I said in my previous post that the avatar is too powerful for their stories to ever revolve around a fight. 
Kyoshi’s story was never IF she could beat Yun, but if she could do so 1) emotionally, and 2) without flattening the continent. Yangchen’s story is a political one. Obviously she could kill the zongdus and force the shangs to obey her through fear, but that’s not sustainable or moral. Even Kuruk’s story is about his battle with depression and the weight of what he had to do, killing a spirit is easy work for an avatar. 
The Legend of Korra opened with Korra entering a world where she was not needed. There have always been people who claimed not to want the avatar, even in Aang’s lifetime, but now the world is relatively at peace and everything she does seems to make things worse. They kept this theme up somewhat by showing her miserable every so often, but they shied away from the political and social implications of what amounts to a herald of the gods walking amongst humans. 
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unwarranted-opinions · 3 months
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Book Recs Based on TV Shows
If you like Avatar The Last Airbender then you might enjoy reading So Let Them Burn!
So Let Them Burn is a fantasy YA book written by Kamilah Cole following the point of view of two sisters trying to save their country and each other.
What happens to the child hero after the major battle is over? Where does their story go from there? Faron Vincent was gifted the powers of the gods to defeat the dragon-riding Langley Empire and free her island of San Irie at only the age of 12. And at 12 years old she freed her island. But now what? It's been five years since, she has all the powers of the gods and nothing to do with them. From what the queen asks of her it seems Faron is now just given the powers to remind other nations of San Irie's threat and preform party tricks at peace summits.
Elara is Faron's older sister and has always been in the shadow of her saint sister. Together she ran away with Faron to fight Langley Empire. After her island is freed, Elara is nervous that her name will be lost to history while her sister's name is praised as legend. This all changes when at the peace summit Elara gets bonded to a Langley dragon and it's rider, a bond only breakable by death.
Reeve Warwick is Elara's best friend, the son of the leader of the Langley Empire, and the Langley Empire's biggest traitor. He risked his life to give crucial information to the San Irie army that changed the war, now he lives in San Irie when the people still hate him for sharing a face with the people who enslaved them for decades, even worse people think he might be a spy. Faron doesn't even trust him, but to save her sister she has to work with him.
Queen Aveline was a normal farm girl till Faron was told by the gods to find her. Aveline's parents have given her up for her protection, but after their death Aveline was forced into the role of queen at only 16. Queen was not a job Aveline was prepared for, especially in a country recovering from war with threats everywhere and war still on the horizon.
Will the political challenges of the nation and this sisterly bond bring the world down or will Faron and Elara be able to save their country and each other.
BTW: This is part of a series and only the first book is out so if you can't read incomplete series then I don't suggest reading this one.
Here is my character comparison to ALTA (because I couldn't stop thinking about while reading) Faron: If Toph was the avatar rather than Aang. Elara: Sokka. Reeve: Zuko. Queen Aveline: Katara.
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theresattrpgforthat · 2 years
THEME: Gods & Myth
This week's recommendations are for games that give you the ability to play gods or the children of gods.
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LOOM by Yuigaron
The Knot hangs ponderous, heavy - pulling taut the tangled threads of the Fabric Between Worlds. Tired, callused hands pick at the threads, easing the tangles, bit by aching bit. Slowly, deliberately, they pull at loose threads to scrutinize with weary eyes, as they mutter amongst themselves. Piles of threads form at their feet, growing ever larger, until the eldest amongst them finally speaks. ‘That is… enough. For now. With these Thrums - these tangled, fraying threads - They can return.’ 
The others simply nod, and gather together what threads they have found. 
The eldest stares at The Knot that threatens all that exists in the worlds, ‘The rest… is up to Them.’
LOOM is a Fantasy Action TTRPG where players take on the roles of fallen Gods - tricked out of their Domains - trying to reclaim their seats of power. LOOM is a combat heavy game taking inspiration from video games like Hades. This game is Illuminated, and is made using the LUMEN system created by Spencer Campbell of GilaRPGs.
The LUMEN system is designed for action-packed games, and uses only d6s for the whole of the game. LOOM also contains an Overload system, which is meant to represent the cost of immortality: the Gods may persist, but at the cost of their powers. The key to regaining your power is unraveling the Knot, which contains unknown dangers along every Thread. If you like the idea of choosing your own rewards while facing unknown hordes of foes, LOOM might be worth checking out! Right now it's just the ashcan version, but it's funding on itch.io.
Godsend by UFO Press
These are times of trouble: the days are numbered. Legends told us about them. We have names for them in our sacred scriptures: the Ragnarök, the War of Gods, the Apocalypse, the Arrival of Avatars, the Eternal Night, the Infinite Void. The end of days.
But we are not alone, we are not powerless: the gods are walking among us. They are here to guide us, to save the world as we know it – or to help us reach the land of the Dead. If we pray faithfully enough and prove our worthiness, perhaps we can be spared.
In Godsend you roam the lands as the avatar of your god, cursing mere mortals and presenting gifts to the chosen ones. Your memories are numerous, made of the lives of your predecessors, your power is almost limitless. Will you use it to fulfil the will of your god? Or, as the end times draw near, will you try to save the world?
Godsend uses the same system as Legacy: Life Among The Ruins, which is Powered by the Apocalypse. However, this game doesn't use dice at all; instead players will be forced to make choices about what can happen based off of the stats and abilities they select at character creation. (You're gods, you don't leave things up to chance!) Each player has two playbooks to control: a god and the god's avatar. As you play through four ages, the gods may rise and fall, while their avatars may ascend to become gods in their own right.
Divine || Mundane by Hamblet Games
You are a god of good, of light and truth.  You are god of evil, of rot and decay.  You are a mortal hero, steadfast and loyal in a world of the divine.
Divine || Mundane is a game in which you build a world together and find out what happens when gods clash with mortals and with each other, when rivals must work together, when enemies become lovers, when war brings people closer.
Divine || Mundane uses the Firebrands system, which is built off of a series of mini-games the players will engage in. It's very similar to to Powered by the Apocalypse games in that you play to find out what happens, rather than exploring a narrative that the GM sets up beforehand.
SCION 2e by Onyx Path
You are the child of a God, born to the magic of yesterday and the promise of tomorrow. You live in a World of myth, where every ancient story is true. Your ancient enemies, the Titans, stir in their prison beneath the lands of the dead. Their spawn issues forth from lands of myth, and the spectre of war falls across the heavens. In this age of turmoil, you seize your birthrights and feel the call of your blood.
Find your destiny. Live the myth. Embrace your Fate.
Scion is a game about Gods and humanity, and everything in between. It’s a game about mythic Deeds and the reasons people talk about those mythic Deeds. Scion: Origin details the Scions when they’re still (mostly) human, before the Visitation that introduces them to the divine World — they’re exceptional humans, perhaps, blessed with luck and skill or cursed with ill fortune and strange trials in their lives, but humans nonetheless.
Scion underwent a big upgrade with its second edition, from sensitivity readers, to an expansion of the rules to allow for the inclusion of gods not listed in the book's lore sections. The books are split up according to power levels, so Origin will give you the basics, but Hero will get your characters to the level at which legends are made. Demigod is out, and God is currently in production. The books themselves are on the pricier side of things, and the the index leaves a lot to be desired, but if you're looking for a system with a wealth of options, a lot of inspiration, and mechanics that prize investigation and social scenes just as much as combat, Scion 2e might be worth checking out.
Part-Time Gods, by Third Eye Games
Long ago, an entity known as the Source visited humanity and gifted certain people with divine power. For a time, the world existed in a state of balance between order and chaos, between life and death, between divinity and mortality. That is, until the gods waged war against the Source and eventually against each other, until the gods were close to extinct.
The gods of today are shadows of what the old gods possessed. Their power has been heavily diminished, and many choose to live a regular, mortal life, revealing themselves as gods only when absolutely necessary.
The gods exist today in a state of flux. They have a mortal life, a job (or career if they’re lucky), friends, family, and everything that comes with being human, and they work hard to protect these things from harm. On the other side of the coin, they also have a Dominion to command and oversee, a deific Territory to defend from intruders, secret societies to which they owe allegiances (called Theologies), and other gods in their pantheon to try to get along with. This becomes their life, the balancing of the mortal and the divine, the normal and the supernatural, the mundane and the strange. The gods belong not to either world completely, and each of them knows that delving too deeply into one means losing pieces of the other.
Part Time Gods requires a large amount of d10s, and optionally, poker chips or some other token that can represent Free Time and Wealth. Character creation is flexible enough to bring a concept to the table and build toward it, while still containing complexities that dive into different pieces of your character's personality, from their Occupation to their Archetype to their Theology. Your character will have a combination of practical skills and supernatural manifestations to wield when problems come their way. If you like a heavy amount of lore, a lot of moving pieces to keep track of, and the theme of balancing both mundane responsibilities and supernatural birthrights, Part Time Gods is the game for you.
Our Minerva by Vagabond Pen & Paper
Pilgrims come from the far reaches of the Microcosmic Plane, from the various worlds over which the divine rule. They undertake a great journey across the stars to offer their services to the divine in Sport. 
In private though, far away from the cameras and microphones of Coliseum, they whisper of ulterior motives for their athletic exploits, both benign and sinister. It has even been said that some give voice to the heretical lie that they come from other planes altogether, beyond the domain of the gods both dead and undead. A claim as impossible as it is profane. 
Our Minerva is a GMless, slice-of-life tabletop roleplaying game about the athlete children of undead gods. You'll portray their exploits in Sport, their responsibilities in Duty, and especially their interactions and relationships in a quiet, rural Town where they never actually lived. Our Minerva is the sequel to Revenant World: A science-fantasy tabletop role-playing game about brave kids and undead gods. It stands on its own, but takes place in the same universe, 150 years later, incorporating and reimagining elements from the first game. 
Instead of dice, you'll use a pack of playing cards to draw out the narrative. This game is great if you like the idea of mythology combining with the teenage struggles of romance and teamwork. It's also a great option for groups without a GM, or where the GM would like to take a bit of a break.
Heart and Lightning by Swords and Flowers
You are Daughters of Lightning, a rider of storms, and breaker of mountains. You are warriors, lovers, and legend.  
You are also teenagers.  
Barely of age for the throne, you have been kicked out of your immortal homeland and stripped of your powers for another one of your stupid (brave!) antics (deeds!!!).  As outcasts, you must work together, prove yourselves, and return home.
HEART & LIGHTNING is a rock-inspired, sword and sorcery tabletop roleplaying game about teenage gods, rebellion, and the troubles they get into. Play as the Daughters of Lightning, almighty children who embody storms, its power, rage and tenacity. Stubborn and young, you've recently been evicted from your heavenly home and must complete a quest to return.
One of the elements of HEART & LIGHTNING that really stands out is the character creation. You have two main traits and three side traits. Then each character chooses a Domain, a Gift, and a Talent. You can mix and match these options to create the Daughter of your choice. For GMs, there's a number of factions to play with, and a horde of npcs and antagonists to pick up and drop into your game. The rolling mechanic uses 2d6 and a graded success, like most PbtA games. If you like playing to find out, and more character customization options than a regular PbtA game gives you, you should check this one out!
AGON by John Harper
In the mists of ancient time, a poet sings of great deeds wrought by mighty heroes—of monsters slain and justice restored, of wise counsel and devious strategies, of courage, valor, and daring—defiant of the gods themselves.
In AGON, you create these heroes, crafting their epic tale into an immortal legend. On their way back home from war, a band of heroes become lost among strange islands populated by mythical creatures, dangerous villains, legendary kingdoms, and desperate people—each entangled in strife, at the mercy of the capricious gods.
AGON is designed for session-contained play that is easy to contain in 2-3 hours thanks to a streamlined rolling system. Characters will increase in power and fame with every great deed, and their actions will inform both the abilities they gain and the legacy they leave behind. AGON uses a number of different dice - from d6s to d12s - and is the parent of the PARAGON system, which is a new but quickly-growing family of games. If you like self-contained sessions with an emphasis on storytelling and minimal work for the GM, AGON is for you.
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roserysttrpggarden · 1 year
Homebrew Class design For Dummies: Part 1: The Foundation
Hey you~! Have you ever wanted to make a homebrew class for Dungeons and Dragons fifth-edition? Perhaps you wanted to recreate a character from a book or movie you like that can't be represented by any existing class or multi class options, maybe you want to recreate a class from older editions? Or maybe you just have a really strong concept in mind but struggle to put words to document, well have you come to the right place. This blog is meant to serve as a guide for those wishing to make their own class, starting from a simple concept to a finalized product.
This first part of the series will go over the conception of a homebrew class, talking about the concept, role and other relating topics. Over the course of this series you'll also see the live development of a homebrew class "The Avatar" inspired by Hercules and Maui, the avatars are warriors that wield the powers of god, empowered by the legends that surround them.
When making a homebrew class, the first thing you should have in mind is a concept. Maybe you want to play a certain fantasy archetype you want to play that isn't possible with existing content, maybe you have a mechanic in mind that wouldn't fit as a subclass feature, or you want to expand on more forgotten aspects of D&D like tattoo magic. Whatever your starting point may be, make sure to jot down other themes and ideas you want to present. Given the themes of the avatar I can already jot down some ideas
Martial Class
Customizable blessings from their legends
Likely charisma focused
Buffs via dealing damage
I will preface that, when making the concept for your class, keep these things in mind
1: Can you make the same type of character with existing options (Not including reflavoring/reskinning.) Admittedly the avatar class concept could leans into themes touched-on divine soul and oath of glory, however I feel that the herculean folk hero archetype is flexible enough to warrant its own class, given how vast the subjct is.
2: Is my concept flexible enough to make subclasses? For instance, say you want to make a caster that steals its opponents powers, cool...But what do you do for subclasses? In this case the avatars sub classes-their divine exemplar can come from which god empowers them, one subclass for example could be the exemplar of light, the exemplar of war, exemplar of death, etc.
Okay so, got all of that concept stuff down? Good, now is time to get some gameplay details down, nothing concrete just yet, but rather basic ideas of how and where your class is fighting. Now would be the time to bust out a writing program, such as google docs, notes, or anything alike.
Class Role
Your classes role is what they do in combat, do they want to deal damage? Heal? Defend? While this might simplify each type of role I listed some examples bellow:
Striker: Strikers want to get up close and personal, dealing high single target damage. Most martial classes fall under this archetype, along with Hexblade Warlocks or College of Swords Bards.
Blaster: Blasters are similar to brawers in that they focus on dealing damage, unlike brawlers they focus their efforts to large groups-rather than a singular target, examples include Evocation Wizard and Light domain Cleric.
Buffers: Buffers focus on provided positive effects to enhance their teams performance, such as better dice rolls or increased damage.. Buffers include most Bards, Clerics and Druids.
Controller: Controllers focus on impeding their enemies, limiting their options or event preventing them from acting at all. Controllers include Druids, Monks (Via stunning strike) and Undead Warlocks.
Debuffer: Similar to controllers, the debuffer focuses on weakening their opponents, making them less effective.. Debuffers include College of Eloquence Bards and Divination Wizards.
Healer: Healers do exactly what their name implies, keeping their party at well healed and removing negative effects. Healers include Life domain Clerics, Celestial Warlocks and Way of Mercy Monks.
Skirmisher: Skirmishers focus on darting in and out of the frontlines, remaning mobile all the way: Skirmishers include Rogues, Monks and any character with the Mobile feat.
Tank: Tanks focus on drawing enemy fire away from their allies and towards themselves. Tanks include Armorer (Guardian) Artificers, Barbarian and Oath of Redemption Paladins.
Keep in mind that some classes can fill multiple of these rolls through subclasses, feats, etc. Cleric immediately comes to mind thanks to their varied spell list and all of the divine domains present to them. For our avatar class I think a mix of striker and buffer could be interesting, where your goal is to deal damage, but also help your allies deal more damage and stay in battle.
Also referred to as a characters "zone" a characters preferred area is where they'll be hanging out in combat, this information is usually indicated by things such as hit die, proficiency, etc. The obvious example is barbarian, who with their d12 hit die and martial weapon proficiency are designed to be up in the thick of things, meanwhile a wizard with their measly d6 hit die and no armor proficiency are best set for the backline, sure there may be ways to alter your zone, but having a concrete "My character is best at this area" can help defining their role in combat.
For the avatar, I will settle on it having a d10 hit die, both cause I imagine a demigod archetype would be rather tanky, but also since I imagine the class largely staying in front lines of combat, with them potentially being able to do range combat similarly to a fighter.
Out of Combat Role
While D&D combat is fun (depending on who you ask) it is equally as important your class to think about your classes role out of combat, will they attempt to persuade the king to aid the party? Will they be lurking in the shadows, setting a deadly ambush? A classes out of combat roll is supported by particular ability scores, proficiency and even class abilities. Going back to barbarian, due to their strength focus and proficiency in athletics are going to be the teams brawn, rogues thanks to expertise and natural affinity for thieves tools are likely to scout out ahead, disarming traps. To give some more concrete examples of roles, the list includes:
Brawn: Brawns use their strength to break doors, push away obstacles and grapple. They use strength and prefer athletics, acrobatics and sometimes intimidation.
Brain: Brains are the thinking men, they use their mind to solve problems and decipher mysteries. Brains use intelligence and wisdom, preferring arcana, investigation, history, nature and religion.
Face: Probably the most infamous DnD archetype, the face uses honeyed words to help their team. Faces use charisma and wisdom and prefer deception, persuasion, performance, intimidation and insight.
Heart: The heart is like the party glue, their job is to keep everyone healed up and ready for the day ahead. Hearts prefer wisdom and charisma, preferring animal handing and medicine.
Scout: Scouts gather information and disarmed traps, laying the path for their team to follow and take advantage on. Scouts use dexterity and either wisdom or intelligence, preferring stealth, sleight of hand, investigation, perception and nature.
Keep in mind that a class can have multiple of these rolls present at once, just cause you're a paladin doesn't mean you always have to do the convincing. In our case the avatar will serve primarily as a brawn and face, it feels like a natural given the concept.
To summarize all of the points made within this write-up. When you start designing a homebrew class you should:
Start with a strong concept.
Jot down your initial ideas.
Think about your classes role in and out of combat, as well as their area of play.
Get to work.
Final Note
Before closing out this first part, I want to go over some terminology you might hear floating around that I want to clarify before moving on as they'll be referenced going foward.
A martial class refers to a class that doesn't have spellcasting as a core feature, while D&D's official martials are mostly nonmagical-warrior types. A martial class can still be magical in nature, so go nuts with it! They're really fun to make.
Full casters are classes that focus on casing spells (duh) full casters possess a certain number of spell slots to cast increasingly powerful spells. Warlock is the one outlier since they work on their own system (Being pact magic)
Half-Casters are a mix between the two, while they can only cast up to 5th-level spells, they make up for it with martial ability built into their base kit (fighting styles and extra attack) they're great fun I'll tell ya!
I'll also recommend two resources for class design, the first is Indestructoboys homebrew design masterclass series, where I get many of my concepts from, alongside the guide to balancing classes on the Unearthed Arcana subreddit, which provides a good framework for future entries into this. Otherwise if you've made it this far, thank you for reading, and I wish you good luck in your homebrew creation. Tune in next week where we begin to put mechanics to document, but until then, see you around.
D&D Homebrew Class Design Masterclass | Before 1st-Level
Guide to Balancing Classes
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bokettochild · 1 year
Legend vs Sky, who would win?
Okay, this has been lingering in my ask box for a bit because my golly gosh, I'm not sure what it was meant for.
Like, there are so many ways you could compare them, but for the sake of my sanity (and orientation) I'm going to just say you're asking about who would win in a fight.
Both Legend and Sky have training under the Master Sword's spirit. Obviously, Sky was in a knight's academy for an unspecified amount of his life, but he also had Fi teach him how to be a hero who could kill a god. And yeah, Sky killed a literal god, so we have that weighing in for him.
Now, Legend was taught some skills of being a knight by his uncle, but only right before the man died. if you go with Manga lore though, his grandfather has also attempted to teach him their heritage and the ways of their family line of knights. On top of this though, I would like to point out that Legend spent nearly his first adventure with hardly any training, but he is, cannonically, capable of hearing Fi, so it's likely she gave him a lot of help too, since the hero before him kinda died without her aid (to be fair, he had Navi, and two blue ladies screaming at him would have been too muc for him).
So both have training. Sky's training as a knight is iffy though, since the only thing Skyloftain knights needed to do was fight aerially. Still, he knows how to weild a blade. Granted, Legend's is also iffy, as he was, quite frankly, a terrible student.
Experience wise, Sky had a long and arduous adventure that relied heavily on his skills with a blade.
Legend has had six adventures, but typically speaking, he was using a lot of weapons that were not swords during the main journeys, and most of his actual sword fighting skills were only employed with boss fights.
Sky killed Demise.
Legend killed Ganon.
Now, Demise is clearly the greater foe, being a god, but I would like to throw out, before I break down a fight between these two, that by Legend's time, Ganon was an immortal being with infinite power per the Triforce, so... kinda of bordering god-hood. All of Legend's adventures have also focused on saving deity's, or their avatars, so that would imply that he is someone powerful enough to fight things that a literal goddess cannot handle.
Sky, however, has done the same.
Now, if they were to fight each other, we'd have an interesting situation before us. According to JoJo, Sky is the most skilled swordsman in the group, and he's scary fast and scary skilled. Legend is not nearly as skilled as Sky, or graceful, but the vet does have more experience, meaning he'd be less likely to really fight Sky head on in an honest to goodness battle. Legend's style, most likely, would be more defensive and evasive, since that's what works best when playing his games: avoid being in the path of destruction, and dart in to strike a blow right as your opponent is recovering from attacking you.
Sky is also much larger than Legend, and probably a great deal stronger; Sky can run around carrying a tower of pumpkins and Legend needs a power bracelet to pick up clay pots. Legend does have speed on his side, but take that away and his chances go down.
I'd say in a fight, Sky would definitely win. If they were using swords. If limited to blade alone, Sky would just have to slow Legend down, and then he could take him outr quite easily.
That said, in a fight were Legend has full access to his arsenal, there's a good chance he would win. He's better skilled with multiple weapons, and with the use of his items, he could hamper movement, create barriers, and even turn himself intangible for short periods of time to avoid heavy blows (magic cape). Granted full use of his arsenal, and with Legend adaptiveness in battle and resourcefulness, he could manage, with a lot of effort, to take Sky down.
In a one on one, mano y mano fight though, with only basic tools, Legend is getting his ass handed to him.
Lets not forget though, Sky would compliment him regardless. In case you haven't noticed, Legend is his best friend in the chain, or so far anyway, so if these two fought, yeah, they'd give their best. They're both competitive power-houses, but Sky is a good sport (most of the time) so he'd play nice after the fight is over, and we've seen that Legend isn't incapable of showing his respect for another's skill either.
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magicweirdos · 2 years
A completely unranked and entirely uncategorized list of non-audio drama things I loved and made me a better audio drama writer/creator in 2022:
Have faith in your audience, and remember that it doesn’t matter how fleshed out you think your world is — there’s something there no one has ever seen.
Everything Everywhere All At Once
There’s no limit to the disbelief people are willing to suspend if you can marry real emotion with outrageous circumstance.
If you can make an audience question a character’s reckless and goofy-ass decisions just before realizing they would do the same thing, they’ll leave changed.
Glass Onion
Rian Johnson has figured out how to thoroughly eviscerate greed and demagoguery with silliness and he’s my hero because of that.
The Legend of Vox Machina
Magic happens, real magic, when a group of people trust each other enough to be vulnerable with the stories in their souls.
God of War: Ragnarok
Making characters think they have no agency in their own lives is an *excellent* way to showcase their intellect and resilience.
Avatar: The Way of Water
Even with a simple core story, you can provide a rich, rich experience through layers of theme injected into setting.
Horizon II: Forbidden West
I would take a course on the way Ashly Burch gave each of her characters — WHO ARE FUCKING CLONES — the slightest tweaks in tone to differentiate character. A must for audio drama creators.
Werewolf By Night
Every story has a rhythm, and every medium can express that rhythm in a unique way. More composers should direct.
Saga: Volume 10
Grief is sneaky, and characters need time to process it properly. Sometimes the strongest way to communicate emotional distress is to make the character think they’re over it… until they aren’t.
Star Trek: Strange New Worlds
The classic struggle is between solving problems with intellect or violence, but Captain Pike teaches us that the first step is always empathy.
Rings of Power
The most touching conflict is sometimes simply “I’m mad at you because I missed you so much.”
Honorable mentions:
Last Night in Soho, Bardo: False Chronicle of a Handful of Truths, Ms. Marvel, Ghostwire Tokyo
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tabathastan · 1 year
Main masterlist⇩
𝗆𝗒 𝗐𝗋𝗂𝗍𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝗈𝗇 𝗍𝗎𝗆𝖻𝗅𝗋
Masterlist pt. 2
Bungo Stray Dogs
Black Butler
Demon Slayer
Fairy Tail
Jujutsu Kaisen
My Hero Academia
Magi - The Labyrinth of Magic
Hypnosis Mic
Death note
Soul Eater
Tokyo Ghoul
Angels of Death
Kamisana Kiss
Attack on Titan
Eden’s Zero
Code Geass
Fruits Basket
Blue Lock
Wind Breaker
Tv Series/Movies
Avatar The Way of Water/Fire & Ash
Game of Thrones
House of the Dragon/Fire & Blood
Hazbin Hotel/ Helluva Boss
h2o: just add water
Harry Potter
TVD/The Originals/Legacies 
The Walking Dead
My Little Pony
Monster High
South Park
Pixie Hollow
Pretty Little Liars
Gravity Falls/Reverse falls Monsters falls
How to Train Your Dragon
Ever After High
The Little Mermaid
Teen wolf
Stranger Things
The Owl House
Winx Club
The Umbrella Academy
Pirates of the Caribbean
Mean girls
Rise of the Guardians
Carmen Sandiego
Jurassic Park/World
Hunger Games
Hocus Pocus
Fear Street
The lord of the Rings
Once Upon a Time/ OUAT Wonderland
Star Wars
Puss in Boots
Percy Jackson
The School for Good and Evil
School Bus Graveyard
The Cruel Prince
The Outsiders
FNAF/Security Breach
Genshin Impact
Honkai Star Rail
Wuthering Waves
Resident Evil
Call of Duty
Legend of Zelda
Zenless Zone Zero
Detroit Becomes Human
League of Legend
Entry’s | Masky x Reader
Buddies | Ticci Tody x Reader
HOTD & X-Men Crossover
Natsu Dragneel
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Active Polls
Upcoming polls:
Not always like that: Persona vs DC
Hate Allegations: Resident Evil vs Supernatural
Overpowered: Civilization vs Jojo's Bizarre Adventure
You made that up: Undertale vs Star Wars
Poll Results:
Ages: Ninjago vs Spider-Man Across the Spiderverse
Parent Theory: Portal vs Phineas and Ferb
Stupidity: The Locked Tomb vs Percy Jackson
Canonically Trans: Bob's Burgers vs A3!
Evil: 2001 A Space Odyssey vs Portal
Inspiration - My Chemical Romance: Twilight vs Fall Out Boy
This is a child :) : Invader Zim vs Touhou
Not what it's called! : Danganronpa vs Digimon
Canon Last Names: Vocaloid vs Devil May Cry
Creator Changed It: Jojo's Bizarre Adventure vs Tokyo Ghoul
Siblings: Pokémon Mystery Dungeon vs The Owl House
Same Character: Deltarune vs Pokémon Legends Arceus
Yandere/Stalker: Miraculous Ladybug vs Danganronpa
Original/Real Name: Genshin Impact vs Fullmetal Alchemist
Edit Hoax: DC vs Super Mario Bros
Siblings Pt.2: Danganronpa vs Invader Zim
Dark. So dark: Thomas the Tank Engine vs Phineas and Ferb
Spoiled: FNaF vs Warrior Cats
Not Deliberately/Willingly: Warrior Cats vs Mo Dao Zu Shi
Canon Ship: Supernatural vs Vanitas no Carte
This Design was the Original/Fake Leak: Death Note vs Suite PreCure
Quote: Sherlock Holmes vs Fullmetal Alchemist
Mom: Teen Wolf vs Invader Zim
This Character exists: Keeper of the Lost Cities vs Undertale
Teenager: Chainsaw Man vs Pokémon
Dead/Killed: Rhythm Games vs Plants vs Zombies
Women am I right: Red Dead Redemption 2 vs Ninjago
Promo Misconception: Twisted Wonderland vs Free!
****philia Accusation: Cookie Run vs Mobile Suit Gundam
So much over a mistranslation: One Piece vs Ace Attorney
Identity: Shin Megami Tensei vs Sailor Moon
Bad: Phineas and Ferb vs Teen Wolf
True Self: Miraculous Ladybug vs Danganronpa
Dumb: Touhou vs Don't Hug Me I'm Scared
Connected: Yugioh 5d's vs Undertale
Swearing: Homestuck vs Bungo Stray Dogs
Lesbian: Enola Holmes vs Mob Psycho 100
ADHD: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles vs The Owl House
Stats: Pokémon SGC vs Undertale
Portrayed by Fans: Dimension 20 Fantasy High vs Miraculous Ladybug
The Creator said... : Ace Attorney vs One Piece
Same/Different Universe: Star Trek Discovery vs Jojo's Bizarre Adventure
My poor misunderstood baby: Disco Elysium vs Helluva Boss
Just A Joke: Animaniacs vs Sesame Street
Ages Pt.2: Tangled the Series vs Sonic the Hedgehog
Relationships: Naruto vs Marvel's Avengers
Making Things Up?: Persona 5 vs Project Sekai
Worked on it: Monster Allergy vs Sonic the Hedgehog
Intelligence/Grades: DC vs H*rry P*tt*r
I decide their gender :): Bungo Stray Dogs vs Undertale/Deltarune
Doesn't Happen Because... : Total Drama vs Avatar the Last Airbender
Not in the Bible: Bible vs Pokémon
Cut Content: Persona 5 vs Portal
Not at Face Value: Persona vs Persona
Evil Pt. 2 Deltarune vs Undertale
Reading Too Much Into It: Haikyu vs Star Fox
He knows: Star Wars vs Undertale
Naming schemes: Super Robot Monkey Team Hyperforce Go vs Splatoon
Good/Enjoyable: Scott the Woz vs Homestuck
Abusive/Horrible Person: Epithet Erased vs Resident Evil 8
Literally: Supernatural vs Persona
Debunked. Multiple Times: Monster Hunter vs Five Nights at Freddy's
Credit: Vocal Synths vs Lilo and Stitch
Canon character misinterpretation?: Green Arrow vs DC
Something Something: Final Fantasy 14 vs Homestuck
Game Myths: Team Fortress 2 vs Geneforge
Headcanon not canon: Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles vs My Hero Academia
Canonically gay: Pirates of the Caribbean vs Mob Psycho 100
Relationships Pt 2: Danganronpa vs Fairy Tail
They were the reason they went: Total Drama vs Danganronpa
What's canon: Gravity Falls vs The Henry Stickmin Collection
It's not that deep: Jojo's Bizarre Adventure vs Half Life
Intelligence: Resident Evil vs Bungo Stray Dogs
This is an assumption: Silent Hill vs Undertale
Either one or the other: Durarara!! vs Warrior Cats
One/Two dimensional: God of War vs Gravity Falls
Lesbian: Worm/Parahumans vs Portal
Relationship stuff: The Addams Family vs Gravity Falls
Family: DSMP vs Sonic
Void: Kirby vs Hermitcraft
Backstory: Pokémon vs Resident Evil
Crimes: The Band Ghost vs Scum Villain's Self-Saving System
Shooting and Taking: Person of Interest vs Star Wars
Stop saying this: Ghost Stories vs Madoka Magica
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birb-boyo · 1 year
The Chain with My Hero Academia Quirks
Quirks and info about them are under the cut
Time - Mortal Essence
Mortal Essence was something I came up with for my Percy Jackson OC but then I thought of it and was like HELL YEAH so it’s Time’s now
Basically, in my head, god’s have their essence that mortals can’t see or they will die instantly. Like with Semele, Dionysus’s mother, she saw Zeus’s essence and disintegrated immediately
In contrast, a mortal essence is an essence that can make the user have powers on par with gods, or turn the user into a god temporarily
We all know about Fierce right? You know, the war god that can temporarily take over Time’s body? Well, Fierce is Time’s quirk.
Sky - Goddess Guardian
Ok…so maybe he’s the goddess’s guardian but shhhhhhh
This quirk was inspired by Demon Snow, an ability from Bungo Stray Dogs
Basically, Sky has a goddess or an avatar of a goddess who protects him and can and will kill you should he ask her to
He’s best friends with her, don’t worry
I mean, Sun was also in the academy guys, she can and will fuck you up should you try and hurt Sky
That being said, Sun is and isn’t Sky’s quirk
I might say that it’s Farore that’s his guardian instead of Hylia because his girlfriend is Hylia(technically)
Twilight - He technically already sort of has one(Wolfie) but Essence
If you watched My Hero or just know Todoroki’s backstory or you watched Heroes Rising you’ll know that quirks are hereditary
Twilight has sort of inherited Time’s quirk
He sort of has Malon’s quirk too
Malon has a quirk that allows her to command any animal to do something that she speaks to
But anyway, Twilight’s essence quirk allows him to turn into anything that he has DNA to as long as it is in his system
Plot twist
He can only turn into animals which makes things a little weird for him sometimes
His favorite for in his wolf form(obviously) he enjoys growling at people and he thinks that he looks cool
Warriors - Frost Blades
Warriors is just an ice user. I can sense it in my bones
Frost blades are mostly what they sound like
Blades made out of frost. If he’s mad enough and his quirk loses control, they can be solid ice
How the blades work is, no one but him can hold the blades, without the coldness of his hands, the frost will disperse
Knowing the Captain, he mostly doesn’t rely on them. He’s more like Aizawa, he uses his quirk when he feels like he must
Warriors quirk is mostly lackluster, but trust that he can still very much beat your ass without it
Wild - also technically already has one(bullet time) but Spiritual Connection
Spiritual Connection was thought of because of his whole thing with the other Champions
Wild can see and talk to spirits. He can also use their quirks, if they allow him to take it
Spirits love being around him, and he has probably been suspected of having AFO at some point, but he just has a lot of dead friends
Because why have living friends, when you can have dead ones? :3
Wind - Wind Bombs
Wind deserves bomb rights.
Wind bombs are small cyclones that can and will explode, should Wind make them
He probably blew a kid up once when his quirk first spawned
Parents hate him, but he loves his quirk
It’s a nice warning when you get hit was a wind bomb in your chest (:
Hyrule - Cloned
Hyrule can clone only inanimate objects
You know, like how his sword sort of has a shadow? I don’t feel like getting a picture
But when his enemy gets hit with his sword’s silhouette? Yeah, that’s his quirk
He clones money a fuck too
He’s a rebellious teen probably…idk
Legend - Alteration
Inspired by the whole painting shenanigans in albw
But anyway, Legend’s body is able to adapt to any environment
If he needs to keep up with a long legged person, boom, he has longer legs than they have now and now they have to jog to keep up
Need to get your phone that fell in the crack of your bed? Boom. Thin arm
Need to slip into a crack in a wall to kill that roach, bam, small and skinny
My man is more fantastic than Mr. Fantastic
Four - Mental manipulation
You know how the colors have their respective emotions…but not really…I think
Like Blue is usually characterized as angry a lot
Like that
So with Mental Manipulation, Four can alter someone’s emotions or thoughts
It’s that simple
You’re feeling depressed today? Nah. Have some choccy milk and be immensely happy.
Your significant other is making you nervous with how much you want to kiss them? Nah, Four got you, have some more confidence
You think you’re a sane human being? Nah. Go commit arson
There it is
The Chain and their My Hero Academia quirks
Thank you for reading :3
If you have different ideas for their quirks, I’d love to here them in the comments
Anyway, thanks for reading
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mamamittens · 20 days
One day imma go nuts and start making versions of Nikia for different shows or IPs or whatever. Shame my main love is Pokemon and placing anything in that world is a BITCH.
I'm talking different ships, different skills for each verse, the whole nine yards.
Actually... Universes I know enough that I could whip up a verse specific iteration of Nikia (my borderline OC/SI), even if it's just basic bitch shit.
My Hero Academia
Full Metal Alchemist
Ouran Highschool Host Club
Avatar the Last Airbender
Legend of Zelda (Kinda already have at least once)
Steven Universe
Sailor Moon
Nights Into Dreams (the clocktower scene is still so fucking hype, oh my god I still think about it to this day)
One Punch Man
It'd be fun, though idk if they'd all have ships lol. Took a long time for me to actually do shipping in general, let alone with my SI. Even just shipping other characters together outside of generally supporting the obvious end game ship. My instinctive response is always platonic, kinda mothering, not even going to pretend.
I know, I know, it's a bit weird given my ✨ everything ✨, I just like taking care of people I care about and I like making really sad people happy. And oddly enough, fucking them out of depression just never occurs to me when I'm wish fulfilling lmao
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setaflow · 10 months
10 Characters, 10 Fandoms, 10 Tags
Good morning!
Tagged by @ghostoffuturespast on my main blog and both @seeker-of-truth and @ouroboros-hideout on my sideblog-- for the sake of keeping everything jointed I'll post this on my main lol.
Buckle in folks this one's a doozy.
Connor Kenway/Ratonhnhaké:ton (Assassin's Creed III)
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Even as the years go by, Connor was the character I made a Tumblr account for and pretty much the only reason I bother still paying attention to Assassin's Creed as a franchise anymore. I was there, man. I was there when everyone in the fandom and their mothers hated this guy, but I will still defend him even with my goddamn life. Characters that go through intense tragedy after intense tragedy and still come out the other side gentle and optimistic are my lifeblood.
2. Johnny Silverhand (Cyberpunk 2077)
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(People who follow me for my sideblog make a Surprised Pikachu Face at this placement) My gross rat bastard man I love you I hate you I love you. An intensely tortured character with arguably more negative personality traits than positive ones, but who he is and even why he is is so engaging and tragic that you almost forget he's supposed to be getting on your nerves for most of the game's runtime. Damn you Keanu Reeves and your effortless dorky charisma.
3. Arthur Morgan (Red Dead Redemption 2)
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Arthur baby you deserved the world. An insanely complex character with gray morals and a jaded worldview who could never do right no matter how hard he tried until the one moment where it mattered most. I loved John in RDR1 and didn't really expect to get so attached to Arthur, but R* truly did grab me by the shoulders and said "Bet, bitch". To this day, the fact that I never finished that 200k+ word OC fic disguised as an Arthur character study still haunts me.
4. Korra (Avatar: The Legend of Korra)
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As someone who'd watched the original Last Airbender series as it aired when I was a kid, I was super excited for a female Avatar when the series was announced back in...god, was I in high school? The point being-- when the show started really hitting it's stride with Korra's character in season 3 I was beyond hooked, and I loved season 4 probably a lot more than I think I should've, but MAN, was it a fun ride. Korra is a character and a show that both got severely panned and honestly I think once you get out of the mindset that you aren't watching Aang 2.0 you'll have a much funner time.
5. Steve Harrington (Stranger Things)
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Maybe not as much in later seasons when they really leaned off his popularity + Joe Keery's charisma, but lemme tell y'all season 2 Steve had me in a bonafide stranglehold for two years. "Character stepping up to a leadership role and then getting forcibly adopted by the people they're leading" is one of my favorite tropes and the reason that it worked so well in S2 is partly because the concern of Steve still kinda/sorta had the potential to swing back towards being the bully archetype he showed shades of in S1, so you got to see his relationship with the kids start off as kinda selfish but grow into a genuine protectiveness. GOD this was a top tier man y'all! We had it so good!
6. Rosa Diaz (Brooklyn 99)
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Maybe this is coming off the fact that my roommate and I literally just finished binge watching B99 for like the fifth time? But I forgot how much I actually really liked Rosa. One of the best sitcom deadpan snarkers of recent years and I personally liked that they affirmed that she didn't need to see herself settling down to be happy. I'm glad this role basically launched Stephanie Beatriz's career because she truly is the unsung hero of this show's comedy and heart and never really gets enough credit for it imho.
7. Melissa Schemmenti (Abbott Elementary)
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Every single time I watch Abbott Elementary. Every. Single. Time. Someone looks at me when Schemmenti appears on screen and goes "Wow, she acts a lot like you do!". And I have to sigh and nod and pretend I don't see it lol. Though unfortunately our differing football opinions means we would probably end up in a fistfight.
8. Takashi "Shiro" Shirogane (Voltron: Legendary Defender)
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I will never forgive the VLD showrunners for dropping a nuke on Shiro's character development. Seasons 1-2 Shiro was some of most fun I've ever had following a protagionist's journey to conquer his inner struggles and solely for that, I still have a massive soft spot for him. Dreamworks think about how you massacred my boy and feel bad for it.
9. Benjamin "Benji" Ovich (Beartown Series)
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This gif is from the HBO Nordic series (haven't watched it, desperately still want to, don't know if I even can at this point lol), but I'm specifically talking about Benji from the Beartown book trilogy. He evolves into the series deuteragonist alongside Maya and god, he is just such a tragic character who deserves all the world and more. Go read Beartown and scream at me for it.
10. Joey Tribbiani (Friends)
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"Characters I See a Lot of Myself In 2: Electric Boogaloo". Joey is the best friend in the entire cast there I said it. Honestly my ideal relationship is a funny overly-assured man who loves the New York Rangers, loves his friends intensely, and has dumb himbo energy. The loud Italian family is just an added bonus.
Uhhhhh who hasn't been tagged yet sorry guys I was late to the party on this one lmao.
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Fandom List 2 — Whumpy Works created for the Multimedia Summer Exchange in the Whumplovers Collaborate server
This list features Whumpy art and writing for the following fandoms: Fullmetal Alchemist, Genshin Impact, My Hero Academia, Voltron: Legendary Defender, Avatar: The Last Airbender, Fire Emblem: Three Houses, Call of Duty, Banana Fish, Doki Doki Literature Club!, [Módào Zǔshī, The Untamed], Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild/Tears of the Kingdom, Gravity Falls, Tiger & Bunny, JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure, Tokyo Ghoul, SCP Foundation, Sonic The Hedgehog, Black Butler, Undertale Gears of War, Night Head Genesis
Original Work List — Fandom List 1 — Fandom List 3
Fandom: Fullmetal Alchemist — All Media Types
Rat Race by nxllxfy @null-whump
It was when his vision started fading that Ed distantly realized that he might die.
No one was there, no one was coming, and no one would find him when he did die. He would be left down in this god-forsaken sewer, a fucking sewer, of all places, and Al would never know what happened to him. And for fuck’s sake, even he didn’t know what had happened to him, because he couldn’t fucking remember.
The Blade for the Undiplomatic by User_needs_a_Username
Fullmetal is missing and no one is quite sure where he is. Ed's been stabbed and is bleeding out.
Coming Home (Home is Wherever You are Not) by User_needs_a_Username
Edward and Alphonse get a letter from their father... And emotions stir... He’s coming to see them.
Watch Your Back by Anonymous 
Riza doesn't watch Roy's back for a moment...
Fandom: Genshin Impact
One Mistake by BeneathAScorpionSky @beneathascorpionsky
Even as a puppet, you're not invincible by Dye_Iguess @whumpedydump
Scaramouche art. Il Dottore experiments.
Tragedy in the Wind by emcSCARED @emcscared-whumps
(ARTWORK) Kaeya is very, very sad and is (most likely) having a (-n ambiguously) awful time. I don't know much about Genshin, but I've seen the art and I pin his vibe as someone who doesn't outwardly process emotion very much, so, let's stress him :)
Fandom: My Hero Academia
noise creates illusions [silence brings truth] bynitroglycerin_and_paraffin (candleshopmenace) 
Shinsou Hitoshi is trapped.
driven to my knees by Rookblonkorules
A mission gone wrong sees Bakugou on the wrong side of quirk traffickers.
choking on my own blood by Rookblonkorules
Midoriya is injured severely during a villain attack. Aizawa stays with him until help arrives.
Fandom: Voltron: Legendary Defender
Actions have Consequences by ASmallVoice
While on a supply mission for Allura, Keith is kidnapped by the Galra.
the fire that was by Rookblonkorules 
Hunk and Shiro rescue Keith, who has been a prisoner of the Galra for some time.
No Dawn. No Day. I Am Always In The Twilight. by Gem_Of_The_Land @whumpy-gems
A mission failure leading to the capture of three Paladins. They don't know where they are, why they are there, or what is going to happen. All Lance, Keith and Pidge know is that they must stay together. In order to survive the brutality they are going to face. Hoping each new day wont bring any other troubles.
Fandom: Avatar: The Last Airbender
fallen pheonix by Chordata7 
a gift for a small voice for the summer whump exchange.
Alone by MidnightCity @circuitdelasarthe
Hurt Zuko by Silver_Treats (SuperSilverSpy), SuperSilverSpy
Zuko got stabbed on his own ship…
Fandom: Fire Emblem: Three Houses
Saving Ferdinand by WriterOfWorlds
Ferdinand gets kidnapped by Those Who Slither In The Dark and is presumed dead. Hubert is determined to save Ferdinand.
An exchange fic. For my Bad Things Happen Bingo: You Can Scream All You Want
Just Another Theory in Motion by The_Walking_Pie 
When Hubert takes longer than usual to return from a scouting mission, Ferdinand can't help but worry. But when Hubert finally does return, something seems...off.
Bait on a Hook by The_Walking_Pie 
During a normal fishing trip, Byleth gets kidnapped by Those Who Slither in the Dark.
Fandom: Call of Duty
Crawling rot by Livingblurr @livingblurr
But he fucking loathed it right now. Sweet baby Jesus, he hated himself even more. The coffee in his ‘best mom ever mug’ was stale and cold, poured hours ago just to be forgotten about as Graves had indulged in yet another file Shepherd had sent over.
Graves doesn’t get enough sleep because of far too much paperwork and his mind does a funky thing and lets him hallucinate. His medic is there to catch him.
Feral claws (don’t cut chains) by Livingblurr @livingblurr
Metal bars caged him in the small space, like a damn animal in a Zoo enclosure, ready for viewing at a moment's notice. Only thing missing was stupid plexiglass and a brat hammering against it with their sticky grippers.
Graves gets captured and (somewhat) tortured.
Fandom: Banana Fish
Hurt Ash Fanart bySilver_Treats (SuperSilverSpy), SuperSilverSpy
That one time when Ash was restrained and beaten…
Sacrifice For A Friend by Sishal @sishal01
Eiji just wants to help his friend. No matter the cost to himself.
Fandom: Doki Doki Literature Club!
Niemand by rikkacha 
"Hey, hey, wake up!"
the red means i love you by Steefwaterbutter
Yuri sure does love y/n, huh?
Fandom: Módào Zǔshī, The Untamed
I Only Sink Deeper by Steefwaterbutter
A grieving sect leader, a night hunt gone terribly wrong, and a smile that must not fade.
Or: Lan Xichen falls ill and his family reminds him how much they love him.
Return Me To His Arms by ProjectXIII @project-xiii
A snapshot in which a tortured soul finally freed finds itself pulled back to mortal fetters at the loving but wounded voice of his loved one, a voice gentle enough to stall the screaming in his ears but powerful enough to bring him back to earth.
Fandom: Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild/Tears of the Kingdom
What the Courageous Fear by Sparky_Lurkdragon @sparkylurkdragon
Link recalls that time King Rhoam made him give a speech.
Caught in the In-Between by Sishal @sishal01
Link is caught in the war between light and darkness.
Fandom: Gravity Falls
I've got you, brother by ilike_color @graham-cracker-guillotine
Stan gets lost trying to find Ford's cabin. Ford helps him warm up.
Fandom: Tiger & Bunny
A Shortcut to Danger by The_Walking_Pie
On the way to the movies, Kotetsu and Barnaby end up embroiled in a robbery. They dispatch the robber quickly, but one of them ends up with an injury that's more than it appears to be.
Fandom: JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure
House of Memories by Rookblonkorules 
Narancia finds himself in an unfortunate situation with no one to come for him.
Fandom: Tokyo Ghoul
It Doesn't Get Better by emcSCARED @emcscared-whumps
(ARTWORK) Kaneki suffers some more (ambiguous) torture (presumably with a Special WeaponTM of some sort) because he isn't miserable enough yet :) He looks good in chains.
Fandom: SCP Foundation
Transportation by Gadgetrocks
My piece for the Whumplovers Collaborate summer exchange!! Looks like SCP-049 is being transported somewhere after an… incident. Is it the bloodloss or the lavender circulating the air making them woozy? Who can tell, really >;)
Fandom: Sonic The Hedgehog
Sparky Lurkdragon's Treat by Anonymous 
Fandom: Black Butler
Bad Day For Sebastian by Silver_Treats (SuperSilverSpy)
Sebastian got stabbed…
Fandom: Undertale
Hurt Flowey by Silver_Treats (SuperSilverSpy) 
Flowey’s not having a good time
Fandom: Gears of War
MidnightCity's Treat by Anonymous
Fandom: Night Head Genesis
Night Head Genesis Art by Anonymous
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mask131 · 3 months
Okay so, Robin Hood fans, I will need your help!
I never really got into the Robin Hood legends and myths much, never have been a fan... But recently I have been more and more aware of the mythological roots/supernatural origins of the figures, and please could you tell me what is bullshit and what is actual crazy facts? Because, mixing Celtic mythologists who overanalyze everything, people who under-analyze things because they're not interested in the folkloric roots of the characters, and neo-pagans who invent random stuff out of their back-end, I am so lost.
Now... For a long time I did know of how Robin Hood had some links with various famous British supernatural figures, most notably the Green Man (and associated forest spirits/men of the forest), and Puck (Robin Goodfellow), and also how his legend has parallels to the King Arthur myth. I also knew about how Maid Marian was very clearly a transposition of the May Queen figure from the May Day celebrations.
But I read this completely crazy article in a Celtic mythology dictionary and... what is true, what is lie?
Because according to this book, Robin Hood can be a "historical and political" avatar of the figure of Brân ; but also is similar and has a close role to Merlin-Myrddyn in his figure of the wild man of the forest master of wild nature. It tells of how before becoming a figure of literature and being mixed with historical heroes/characters of folk-poetry, there are remnants of a "goat-god" somehow, a nocturnal figure, which later was demonized by Christianity? And thus there are "primitive Robin Hoods" who are holding a broom and a candle (witch attributes), with goat horns (remnants of older incarnations), being escorted by an owl and a black dog, and who were sometimes depicted leading the dances of witches and warlocks at night?
Not only that but the thirteen companions of the primitive Robin Hood are supposed to be pagan figure, such as Brother Tuck being a transposition of the druid figure, or Small John being actually the "strong man/giant", the pagan figure of the spirit/embodiment of the strength and fecundity of nature?
And most importantly it claims that Marion/May/Marianne sometimes "changed sex", and thus the primitive Robin's companion was sometimes a MAN?
This book is not recent, it is quite old now, and while there are in there very true and interesting information, other theories are clearly outdated or generalized way too much out of context. So... is this all real? Because I wish it would be real, cause it would be insanely cool, but it also sounds like what folklorists who didn't touch grass enough can start rambling about while foaming at the mouth...
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thatrando13 · 1 year
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