#other than having the best worst dads they also share the fact that they are momless 💔😔🙏
This might be the most self indulgent crossover ever but idc, i think it would be extremely cute if Harry and Brandy met. I wanna see my step kids get along 🥺💞
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itsss4t4n · 7 months
Hi!! Could I get some harry hook x male!reader where reader is the eldest child of Anna and Kristoff please? Also maybe reader looks just like his mum but acts like his dad? Thanks and sorry if it's too specific fjdjdjvjs
Always - Harry Hook x male!reader
a/n: I honestly think that reader personaliy is more like anna han kristoff. somehow i really struggled wih that. i lowkey hate this but i still hope you enjoy his <3
warnings: no use of y/n, making out, small fight/angst, ew emotions, I love some good drama, i hate this tbh, not proofread
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When Mal decided to open the barrier forever, it was cerainly an adjusment for everyone.
The Vks that came over to auradon were enrolled into auradon prep and all assigned an auradon student to help them settle in and answer any questions they might have.
You weren't the biggest fan of that arrangementt. Not because you didnt like or trust the vks, you were actually quite close with all of the cour four. You just werent a big people person. So having to share your dorm with someone you dont know and most likely having them at your side 24/7? Not ideal for you.
Especially when you heard who you were going to be paired with. 
But Mal had basically begged you to help. 
"Please. I know you dont like this but he is kind of difficult and i know that you could handle him. I dont know anyone else that could."
So you reluctantly agreed.
Mal was right. Harry Hook was certainly difficult. He was really stuck in ways and refused to change. He refused to follow any rules, he was mean and he hated school. And the worst thing? He was stupidly hot.
Now, you hated school just as much, and you did skip a few lessons here and there but you had respect for your teachers and your peers. And you knew that unfortunately school was important for your future. 
Usually you couldnt care less if other people got on trouble but harry was your responsibility now, so everytime he got into trouble, you were getting dragged into it. And you hated it.
So thats how you ended up in fairy godmothers office for the 7th time that week (it was thursday) sitting next to Harry, who just looked bored while you were about to beat him up.
This has been happeneing for almost 3 months at this point.
"This can not keep going on. Harry If you cannot follow the rules and integrate yourself into Auradon then we might be forced to take stronger action." 
Back in your dorm Harry threw himself onto his bed.
"Well that a tad overdramatic aye?"
You couldnt hold it in anymore. 
Without looking at him you stormed out of the room and slammed the door behind you.
The rest of your day was spend ranting to Mal and Evie about Harry.  Mal hat texted Uma during your rant, telling her to speak with Harry. He would probably listen to her. She was his best friend after all.
You dreaded going to bed that night. Just being in the same room with him.
Uma left your Room just before you arrived, so when you entered Harry was sitting on his bed, a conflicted expression on his face. 
You decided to ignore him, just grabbing a pair of sweatpants and heading to the bathroom to change for bed.
When you exited the beathroom agin harry had also changed into sweatpants. GREY sweatpants.
Fuck. Was he trying to kill you?
His head perked up at the sound of the bathroom door. 
You looked over at him.
"What Hook?"
He looked a little conflicted still, which confused you. Why the sudden change in mood?
"Look... I'm nae good at this but- fuck..." He sighed exxasperated. "I wanted to apologize."
You head snapped to him again In surprise.
"I acted like a total dickhead." He started ranting, trying to get it all outbefore he mentally talked himself out of it. " I didnt care how I might hurt ya. And I don't even have a good reason for that. I was just scared. I was scared of being vulnerable. All I have ever known was the Isle. I am used to hiding myself behind a Tough outside and I was scared to change from that."
Harry quickly wiped his eyes of the tears swimming in them, hoping you wouldnt notice. But you did.
You were shocked by his sudden and surprisingly honest outburst. For a few very long seconds you just stared at each other.
"Harry...." You took a slow step towards him. "I'm sorry. I should've realized how hard this would be. And I know it will be difficult, but i promise you that from now on you wont have to hide anymore. You're safe here." 
Now, standing right before harry, you layed your hand on his shoulder. Harrys eyes met yours, once again swimming with tears but a small smile gacing his lips.
"Thank ye."
You reached up to wipe the tear that had fallen from his eye, your hand resting on harrys cheek, his head leaning into your touch.
You noticed how close you two had gotten. Your eyes flickering from harrys eyes to his lips for a split second.
"Harry?" Your noses brushed against each other ever so slightly.
"Yea?" His voice was barely a whisper.
"I really hope I'm not reading this wrong," You voice matched his. "but can I kiss you?"
Harry was silent, and for a few excruciating second you truly thought you were wrong. Harry was into guys, you knew that much. He didnt hide that part about himself. But did he like you?
"Yes please." 
A small sigh of relief left your mouth as you leaned in, your lips moving against his. Harrys hands moved to your hips, gripping at the exposed skin, thanks to your lack of shirt. In turn your hands wrapped around his neck, your fingers gripping onto his hair.
When you parted for air, you kept your eyes closed, your foreheads leaning against each other. 
For a few seconds all you could hear was you heavy breathing and your own heartbeat, loud in your ears, before Harry leaned in and kissed you again. His hands pulling you flush against his bare chest by your hips.
Once again you pulled back, this time a little more, looking into each others eyes.
"Thank ye, darlin"
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a-libra-writes · 7 months
can I please request for a Mordecai Heller x female reader? like reader is a showgirl who sings on stage like Mitzi one and tends to attract a lot of attention but backs out when they feel this murdercat plotting their death lmao. thank you 😁
heyo! I decided to do a looot of the cats for this one, since its p similar to my Peaky Blinders Jazz Singer post that I was fond of. GN Reader.
Being a Jazz Singer & Performer!
Rocky - When he was hired and met you for the first time, it was absolutely an "infatuation at first sight" situation. Pros!: He's unfailingly polite and sweet, he seems to play with even more energy when you two share a stage, his grin is very off-putting to creeps who shout up at the stage and harass you. Cons: He can get quite distracted when you two share a stage. Many times Zib has had to pull him back with the rest of the band, because he keeps unintentionally scooting closer to you.
The worst part of the Lackadaisy falling onto hard times is the fact you rarely worked there now - you had to sing at other clubs to make ends meet. One of Rocky's big motivators for getting the club back to its old self is you'd come back! Forever this time! (Probably). Rocky doesn't exactly have the time or money to visit the other clubs you work at, so he wants all of your attention during your infrequent visits to the Lackdaisy.
Freckle - Look, he's a shy kid, and the whole 'sneaking out under cover of night to do bootlegging/torpedo shenanigans' is still new. He doesn't have a lot of experience or frame of reference for what a good club singer is like, but Freckle thinks you've got to be one of the best. You have to be, right? Your voice is wonderful and you look positively celestial under the stage lights - wait, that's weird to think, right? Thank God he didn't say it out loud. ... He didn't, right?
Freckle hasn't the slightest idea of how to approach you, so it's up to Ivy and his cousin to drag him over and attempt conversation. It's... a little pitiable, but he's trying. That said, he's surprisingly outspoken and a little scary if someone tried to mess with you while you performed. You're used to the heckles and catcalls, but it's shocking to see that shy tabby jump up from his seat and raise his voice at them.
Ivy - She liked you from the moment she first saw you perform at the Lackdaisy, and that crush hasn't dulled over the months. She maaaay have kept a few posters that advertised the clubs you sang at, and may or may not have cajoled her way into those clubs so she could watch the show. She could easily sweet talk her way to backstage, too - seems you've got a fan.
When the Lackadaisy goes downhill, it's Ivy who wants to sweet talk you into returning. You'll bring in a crowd! The acoustics are great! Pretty pleeease? Her dad Ivy will pay you and not get in trouble until months later when the family accountant goes over the finances. Obviously she cares about the club's wellbeing, but she also wants to spend time with you! Though she's bold enough to just ask you outright. She's also bold enough to outright shout and fight anyone whose heckling you - throwing a heel is a favorite tactic.
Viktor - You're someone he saw often in the olden days, back when the club could afford to have you perform several times a week rather than once a month. Viktor never cared much for the cacophony the crowd and music made, though he knew objectively you were an excellent performer. Rather than endure the crowd, he'd listen to your voice drift across the caves backstage, rehearsing with the band or just by yourself. It was pleasant to listen to, and he could do so in private, either coming back from a job or about to go on one.
Once things began to fall apart, it's not as though he went around to clubs ... or anywhere, really. So if you stopped performing at the Lackadaisy, you might never see each other again. Choosing to stay (or at least do a few pity gigs) would lead to the surprising sight of the big, morose Slav working behind the bar and watching from there, rather than his previous hideouts. It's a little intense to be under that stare... but not all unpleasant? And given how sparse the crowd is, anyone making trouble and catcalling will get dealt with so promptly, they won't even have time to finish their wolf whistle.
Zib - Well, obviously he's going to be drawn in by an attractive singer. Come on. Zib can be smooth when he wants, chainsmoker-scent and rumpled clothes aside. The band likes to tease him mercilessly about it, but that doesn't stop him from cozying up while you two perform together and shooting his shot backstage after every show. Back when the Lackadaisy was thriving, he could afford to hang out at the other clubs you performed at; nowadays, though, that's not so likely.
Even so, starting up a friendship or even fling wouldn't be difficult. He's attracted to and interested in creative spirits, doubly so if you two had very different taste (so there's more to discuss!) and you got on well with the rest of the band. Late-night debates about this musician or that show over a game of cards and several bottles of wine, either together or with the rest of the boys, and waking up half-dressed and seriously hungover come sunrise. Opportunities for visiting would dwindle as the Lackadaisy's business dried up, though if you stayed on ... No, he wouldn't want that for you. If anything you'd be mentioning to him and the band that there's other places to perform to pay the bills. Well, it'd be food for thought.
Wick - Wick wouldn't call himself a music aficionado, especially what's listened to at these rowdy speakeasies, but he won't deny how hard it was to focus on his business associates when you were on stage. So when he discovered you often performed at his favorite club, it was a pleasant surprise. He really wanted to speak with you at some point, at least compliment the performance, but didn't want to come off as those typical entitled wealthy guys who get too fresh with ""lower"" class performers ... so sometimes you'd find flowers in the dressing room and an anonymous note of appreciation.
He finally gets a conversation when you're a guest at a posh party he's attending, or when you continue to perform at the Lackadaisy in spite of the dwindling crowd. It's a shame your large audience is missing, but at least it's way less awkward for him to strike up conversation when you come to the bar? He probably won't bring up the flowers. Oh god, what if you think that's weird. You probably assumed the flowers were some freak fan. Is he a freak fan? He's not, right? (It will take him like months of dating to finally admit to the flowers thing)
Serafine - A good-looking cat with a nice set of pipes is certainly someone she'd notice, especially if they were a regular performer at the Marigold Room and other places she frequented before that. If it was the former, she'd have plenty of chances to wink when you met eyes, "chancing" across you backstage or just being forward and chatting you up after the show. She certainly isn't shy about expressing her interest, and it could be a fun fling.
You do look adorable swinging your hips and swaying your tail along to the beat, not to mention the different get-ups you have to dress in. Serafine maaaay or may not have wanted to help pick a suit out, or help with make-up, or give you some of her jewelry to wear... It's half marking her territory and half she loves to lounge around your dressing room and be a pest. You'd never kick her out and she knows it. She'll do it in other clubs, too, though you have no idea how she keeps getting past security.
Nico - Like his sister, he has no qualms nor shame about trying to get your attention on stage. Unlike Serafine, though, he'd start doing it immediately and be a general pest after the show. The difference between his attention seeking and the other men's in the audience is he actually has some charisma when you two meet backstage, so you're only slightly inclined to tell him to buzz off. He wasn't much of a music expert, and he still isn't ... But he likes hearing you rehearse and hum to yourself, and it's endearing when he requests songs.
He's pleased when you get gigs at the Marigold Room, as it's easier to hang around before and after the show - and bonus, he gets to be extra aggressive with throwing creeps out to impress you! But if you're performing elsewhere then Nico will stop by. He might be bruised and/or bloody because he just left a job, but don't worry! Sometimes he'll even bring flowers or whatever - though without Serafine knowing, she'd never let him live it down.
Mordecai - He wouldn't approach you any differently from others - he'd still be his usual prickly, anti-social, often awkward self - in fact, he might avoid an avid performer, simply because they often have fans around them or at least people recognizing them. What could get his notice was someone whose real persona is very different from their ostentatious self on stage - more quiet and pensive, perhaps. Like any attempt at friendship, let alone romance, it's slow going with him.
That said, he's the type to admire professionalism in a performance. A well put together outfit, thoughtful musical arrangement (as if he's an expert ...). He wouldn't like a femme presenting singer have to wear skimpy clothes or tolerate a rowdy audience. If there was a questionable manager or creepy fan bothering them, Mordecai can deal with that, at least, not that he'd tell his friend/partner. Mordecai would generally glare down any touchy fans and annoying admirers like a jealous terrier. This amuses Mitzi to no end.
Asa - Simply put, he saw you performing at a ritzy party he was invited to and reached out to your manager so you might perform on a weekly basis at the Marigold Room. Very professional! He'd send flowers with his name to the dressing room afterward, would make sure you're finding everything to your liking and not being bothered by anyone. Requests to continue performing would bypass your manager to being nice, short handwritten notes.
Eventually he'd pay you extra and treat you to a nice dinner afterward, if you were comfortable with it. If you let the older man down, he's not too bothered. He'd continue the friendly business relationship and would still send flowers and so on. He'd rather keep you as a good business associate and continue to enjoy the performances than let his silly feelings get in the way. Alas, he is hopeless at discussions of your music. My guy called a ukelele a tiny guitar.
Wes - He never hung around the Marigold Room after hours - it's his workplace, and not really his vibe - but it's very hard to resist not sitting by for an hour (or three) with a drink while you finish your set. Sometimes you two will meet eyes, or he thinks you are, and he considers dropping backstage to say ... hello? He's an 'employee', so isn't checking up on you a normal thing to do? Make sure you're satisfied with the Marigold Room and all that. Right.
Ironically that's how he's finally able to meet the singer he's been mooning over for months. A drunk patron was getting too cozy on your way out, and Wes happened to be there. His face and ... charming demeanor is good for scaring off upper class wimps. So there's that. He's not so bad, though - clumsy, and prooobably realizes you're out of his league. You get to see more of his earnest side when you two meet outside of the Marigold Room, where his fellow murderous gangsters coworkers aren't watching yalls every move with popcorn in hand.
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siphoklansan · 4 months
HEYHEY SIPPY!!! For the ask game, I hope you don't mind me asking for... kind of a lot because I'm really curious jskdkfs but you can cut some out if want to, dw!
🌹♥️♠️⚗️📚🏆 for Siphok and 🌟🤖 for Pin-cha?
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sippy and riddle are friends! both of them have one thing in common: a stickler for rules. the only difference is that sippy doesn’t follow crazy rules (ex. heartslabyul’s strange traditions!)
fun fact: they both hated each other before the end of book 1 because:
⤷ sippy likes to voice out her opinions, so she gets into a yelling match from time to time with riddle when she disagrees with his behavior. ( “IT’S JUST A TART, FOR THE LOVE OF GOD!” 💀 /j but yeah something like that-)
⤷ riddle hates how she doesn’t give two shits about his rule. ( “Nuh-uh.” “What do you mean “Nuh-Uh” ?!?”) and she also defends adeuce when they break the rules, much to their surprise.
at the end of book 1 they both had a truce and became some sort of buddies to each other! they both share an interest in small critters <3
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besties for life (adeuce will not admit it) they always go everywhere with each other and grim!
sippy is #1 deuce defender because she kins him😭 so ace rarely wins and argument when she’s around. sippy tutors deuce for history class (more on this later!) and deuce returns the favor by helping her fix things around ramshackle <3
like deuce, sippy bickers a lot with ace but it’s all fun and games. she’s like a tired mom with him (begrudgingly watches his basketball matches because ace insists on it so much, secretly doesn’t mind and enjoys it lmao-). I lowkey see ace as a therapist friend for some reason since he’s usually the voice of reason so she goes to him for advice sometimes! Only for certain occasions though cuz we know how ace is💀 /hj
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#1 dad for sippy. they both go on shopping sprees together (crewel insists on it, because sippy wears the same outfit everyday and it irks him 💀). sippy isn’t the best at potions class so he tutors her privately at times!
crewel designs outfits for sippy sometimes! in the ghost bride event, her suit was tailored to her by crewel.
a short angst scenario for them would be sippy feels bad to see him as a dad because she doesn’t know if crewel sees her as a daughter but he actually feels the same😔.
other than that, sippy got a little more strict because she picked up some habits from crewel (much to adeuce’s dismay😭).
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MOZUS TREIN (doesn’t look like him, i know) ᝰ.ᐟ
that one proud grand-uncle (?) TM /j
sippy is likes history classes, so it’s like a breath of fresh air for him in class (“Finally, someone who does not snore every 2 minutes.” /j)
not much to comment on them, but one thing trein dislikes about sippy is that she covers for students who are slacking off in class ( ex. covering grim’s sleeping form with a book) and he’s just like -_- but trein counters that by deducting both her and the other student (who’s mostly grim) participation points💀
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that one crazy and upbeat uncle at family gatherings TM 💀 /j
while sippy is good in athletics, she doesn’t do very well in flying due to a small fear of heights.
⤷ “THE BROOM IS TOO THIN IT CAN’T CARRY MY FATASS!” “LANGUAGE! But no, it *can* hold your weight.”
sippy dreads vargas’s class because he pushes her more than anyone else.
⤷ “lift some more weights! your arms are like noodles!” vargas says, as he dumps some more shit into her arms-
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pin-cha and kalim is like the worst nightmare for jamil, who’s already acting like a single mom who works two jobs who loves her kids and never stops-
yes, they go on carpet rides together🥺💓 pin-cha reminds kalim of one of his siblings back at home so they hit it off pretty well!
jamil is a little weirded out how well pin-cha is good at household chores but is also secretly relieved (and concerned) how pin-cha is babysitting kalim and not the other way around /hj
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cue leona thanking the gods for giving cheka someone to play with so he can finally nap in peace LMAO
cheka drags pin-cha away from his cleaning duties in rsa! the headmage of rsa adores them both (happy grandpa noises) <3
cheka enjoys when pin-cha shows his unique magic, summoning little spirits around to play with them. it’s like having extra friends to play!
yes, they both call leona “unca”💀 leona had to call sippy over to help him babysit them both (an excuse to be with her I MEAN WHAAATTT⁉️ I DIDN’T SAY ANYTHING-)
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THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE ASK, TARU!!💖💖 SO SORRY FOR THE LATE AND VERY LONG REPLY😭🙏 I had a lot of fun with this ask though I can’t find the link to the OG post anymore :((
I swear this whole post looks like some character who is liked by everybody but I promise you it’s not the case😭 she just has a good impression on the professors AHUSHSUGSYSI BUT ANYWAY I’ll list some characters who doesn’t like sippy (but i’ll leave the reasoning out for now👀)
⤷ ruggie
⤷ sebek
⤷ idia
⤷ jamil (kinda like a hate-neutral relationship?)
With that said, thank you again for the ask!!🥺💖🫶🫶
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luneariaa · 2 months
ᯓ★٠ ࣪⭑ UNSPOKEN. ✧ KENJI S. { 𝐈𝐕. }
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✰ — PART 4 • FINAL PART ; overall fluffy moments. decided to end the story just right here bc i'm worried that it may seem as if the story is being dragged + lack of ideas + just wanted the ending to be all sweet and fluffy :") 💌🍡 THIS PART COULD BE READ AS A STANDALONE STORY.
✰ — also, i wanted to thank everyone for your endless support + to those who actually read this story! it means a lot to me 😭💜💜💜
✩₊˚. PART 1 — PART 2 — PART 3.
. dividers by @/strangergraphics ⛓️ !!
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ANY TRACES of bleakness within his monochromatic world gradually fades away— replaced with a brighter, hopeful one, that he's not willing to let go anytime soon.
But does Kenji Sato have regrets? Of course, he has.
Nevertheless, he never regretted the fact that he was able to raise Emi; rebuild his trust and relationship with his dad; having his own happiness.
He never regretted of meeting you.
There are lot of things that he wishes he was able to do with you sometime soon. Perhaps, something like traveling to other places— away from the public eye, or just things that's purely intended to be basic domesticity.
Marriage has never once crossed his mind due to his job and lifestyle, but he knew that he did the right thing when he decided that it was you, when his eyes first landed upon your being.
He knew it all too well that his life is going for a rather drastic change— even after all these years, welcoming all of it with open arms. All the best and his worst sides, you accepted them wholeheartedly. Kenji genuinely wanted to be a better person for you.
Some days are quite difficult to go through, which causes an internal struggle to form within his entire being, not knowing on what to do. Yet, your mere presence made everything seem more lighter and slightly better than before, inferring that he has found his own safe haven— which is with you alone.
Kenji shifts upon the bed he laid on, gradually coming to his senses and realizing that the spot on his side is devoid of warmth— unoccupied coldness being his only company, much to his half-dazed state.
Blinking the somnolence away from his eyes, he slowly brings up one of his hands to brush the empty spot beside him, as if he's trying to sense your presence, any remnant of you in a way. He wouldn't lie, he's a little disgruntled to be awakened, and to find you gone from his side.
"Right here, Ken." You spoke out of the blue in a slightly loud, yet soft tone from the balcony of your shared home nearby, which immediately caught onto his attention— deciding to approach your figure, albeit a little groggily.
His feet padded across the room, trying his best to focus his vision on your familiar silhouette close by; chaperoned by the upcoming daylight from the clear skies.
Kenji, without any signs of hesitancy, rests his head atop of your right shoulder— which prompts you to giggle lovingly at his mere actions, greeting him first while placing your palm on the side of his face.
"Good morning, love."
He lifted his head for a bit, and returned the look that you gave him, humming almost inaudibly while grinning as he started to feel giddy internally, just because of the gaze within your eyes that you've reserved for him.
"Good morning, sweetheart." His voice is evidently still laced with sleep, much to your amusement, yet still understanding.
He effortlessly engulfs your form against his own, allowing his arms to be encircled around your waist, and burying his face within your neck after— inhaling your natural scent that he has grown to love so deeply.
"Have you slept well?"
"Could've slept better, honestly." He murmured against your neck, huffing quietly. "Woke up, only to find you missing from my side. Missed you a lot."
You couldn't help but to stifle a giggle at his remarks, yet feeling the slight feeling of guilt creeping within you. "Aww, I'm sorry baby. I just thought of getting some quick fresh morning air, and didn't want to wake you."
This only made him pout for a bit further, grumbling under his breath, yet you could hear each word perfectly. "Hmph but still.."
"I wouldn't mind, y'know. I would've loved to wake up with you next to me."
"Or if you wanted to just watch the sunrise— I would gladly wake up for you."
"I'll keep that in mind for the next time." You chuckled lightly, taking an instant note of his words before you decided to turn around so that you could give the taller male a proper embrace— tight, yet not uncomfortably so.
"You're still not too late for it though." Kenji merely hums upon the truth of your statement, which made him actually feel content, returning the embrace with an equal fervor once more.
He wishes that you deeply acknowledge that you alone kept him grounded— the sole anchor that kept him away from all the unwarranted, tempestuous things, and even thoughts that he has to face on the daily at times.
Kenji trusts you wholeheartedly.
It's undeniable at this point because it's simply real and the sole truth. One could even tell it from the way he treated you, and even the way he would speak to you— even from his actions alone has shown it all.
He may be so vocal about it, or on some days, he won't, so he shows his love through his actions instead. Maybe it's the way he held you tight after a long or rough day, the way his eyes would find itself to gaze upon your form—
— and it never fails every time.
Even when he's in his Ultraman form— he would use his massive hands to carry you up elsewhere, either for safety reasons or just for fun. You look quite tiny within his palms, and your eyes would lovingly stare up at him because you knew who it was.
You didn't shy away, you weren't afraid of him, because despite his double twice of size changes, his touch remains delicate and meticulous, as if he's afraid of possibly dropping or hurting you.
The view from up above is magnificent, to say the least, getting a worth of free view. You wouldn't trade it for the world ever. A breathtaking sight that you could witness alone, a privilege that's reserved only for you.
And so, you would give him the familiar adoring stare, along with a beaming grin, knowing all too well that he was still the man who held your heart dearly— whom you allowed to be in, even within your personal space.
In spite of everything, he's still him. Whether in his Ultraman form or not, you loved him all the same.
You saved him from his own previous monochromatic world, and filled it with colors that he always, deep down needed.
And so, he did with yours.
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i might not be as active with writing after this ( though i'll try my best to be! ) due to work reasons :")
{ ✰ tags : @mochminnie, @aishallnotbefound, @scarasw1f3, @bakugouswaif. }
@luneariaa. do not repost; reblogs are welcomed. all rights reserved.
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feanoryen · 3 months
Finweans ranked by Aura
Feanor - So powerful he sucked the life force out of his mother, invented a ton of cool shit, had more children with his wife than any of the other Eldar, died in battle while his body combusted into flames because he was just that hot, & the King of the Valar who he hated cried over him.
Earendil - Cool as hell, has a wife who's cool as hell. Predestined to be a hero even though he comes from a basic vanilla bloodline (besides his great grandpa Fingolfin). Even though most of his ancestors were nobodies or flops, most of his descendants that came after him were cool as hell.
Maedhros - Might have been higher than his father & cousin if he didn't khs, Lowkey an Aura loss moment but he makes up for a lot with his gorgeous red hair, height, surviving Morgoth's torture, & sorta fulfilling his dad's dumb oath.
Fingolfin - The only good thing his bland vanilla mother did was give birth to him. He was a total badass I've got to admit even as a Feanorian stan. Him crossing the helcaraxë & his death were top Aura moments.
Elrond/Elros - They're twins so they can share a spot too. Both badass as hell.
Fingon - Called "the Valient", braids gold into his hair, saved his sexy redheaded cousin, & became King of the Noldor. Everything about him screams Aura.
Galadriel - Despite the fact she's a Feanor anti (Booooo!!!), she admittedly has a ton of Aura. She's smarter than possibly everyone else here given she survived when the rest of her generation either got themselves killed or spends all their time being a sad beach cryptid.
Gil-Galad - Cool as hell, managed to make an alliance Maedhros could only dream of.
Maglor - Has a couple Aura loss moments but in the end he LIVED which is an Aura gain. Also gets Aura points for having the best voice in Arda.
Celebrimbor - Pretty rad dude, love how he's more like Feanor than his father Curufinwe Jr is, unfortunately he died.
Finrod - His death is cool as fuck. Looses points for cockblocking his little brother & dying for that basic joe Beren though.
Caranthir - Goth Icon. Love how despite his raging anger issues he's also an awesome guy you'd want to be friends with.
Finwe - A massive flop in a ton of ways but definitely still has Aura. Looses Aura points for failing Feanor & choosing to marry an unsexy Vanya when he could've waited for his sexy talented silver haired Noldo wife to come back to life. Only good thing about him besides his awesome hair is that he's Feanor & Fingolfin's father.
Aredhel - Cool as hell but has terrible taste in men. Her whole white aesthetic & her wild personality gain her Aura points though.
Turgon - The only cool thing about him is that he built Gondolin which wins him some Aura points. Looses Aura points for getting played by his nephew & dying pathetically though.
Idril - She's cool I guess, the only thing of note that she did was give birth to the chad Earendil. Tuor is such a basic guy though, he's not the worst but she could do better.
Aegnor - Cool hair. Pulled a baddie. Fumbled the baddie.
Angrod - Not the most stand out Finwean but he seems to be a mama's boy & he didn't do anything wrong so I'll put him above the family flops.
Finduilas - She's a sweetie but she looses Aura points for falling out of love with a great guy like Gwindor & falling in love with Turin the walking L.
Celegorm - Stupid as hell for trying to use a powerful half-Angel as a political weapon against her father. Looses more Aura points for getting abandoned by his dog & dying at the hands of said half-Angel's 30 y/o mortal son while he's over 1000 y/o. Gains some Aura points for being able to talk to animals, his hair, & his hot bastard energy.
Curufin - Feanor with 99% less Aura. His only achievement is having Celebrimbor yet he still couldn't even succeed at being Feanor 2.0 and having 7 kids to continue the family line. Had the chance to kill Eol but didn't which led to his favorite cousin dying (that's a huge L).
Finarfin - Takes after his mother in the sense he's vanilla af. The tiny percent of Aura he has is from his Noldo side obviously and he used that to pull a baddie like Earwen. All his kids get their Aura from their mother's side.
Orodreth - I like the guy, but he's definitely a dumbass with no Aura. He inherited a kingdom but isn't particularly good at anything. His only accomplishment is possibly fathering Gil-Galad.
Maeglin - Orodreth might have no Aura but this guy has negative Aura. His childhood sucked but he's such a walking L that's he's somehow more of a loser than both Celegorm & Eol combined.
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dominos-pizza-squad · 3 months
"You're going to have to."
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I don't usually write meta on account of doing my best to avoid Fandom Drama like the plague and even a hint of Star Wars meta is like a siren call to Drama but. I have Thoughts about this scene and now I'm going to share them and if you're here for anti-Mace Windu thoughts this is not the post for you my friend.
Every time I see meta or reference to this scene it's used as more 'proof' that Windu was totally the worst and we shouldn't feel at all bad about him being maimed and thrown to his death which sure is a take, and on the surface I can understand why. When you don't bother to look more into that scene it does come off as Windu being a rude bitch to a child whose dad died in front of him, which is pretty uncool.
But this is a meta post and I am here to look more into this scene. I want to start with the concept of forgiveness, because when I go, I go big. I feel like a lot of the antipathy toward this scene (and by extension toward Windu) come from the fact that again, on a surface-level reading, it looks like Windu is demanding Boba's forgiveness for Jango's death, when we all know that's not how that works. That is, in fact, a concept that to most of us is viscerally offensive- our knee-jerk reaction is something more along the lines of "screw you i resent you more now" than it is "well okay that seems reasonable". Because you can't just demand somebody's forgiveness and expect it to happen. All that is is another wrong against the person you've already wronged. It's pure conceitedness and self-interest.
It's also not what Windu was trying to say to Boba in that scene. Not even remotely, in my opinion, and I'll explain why.
Think about the way the Jedi teach, particularly the way they teach philosophical concepts- they don't simply tell their students what to think, they tell them something and then make them think about themselves. Jedi are always expected to look deeper into a lesson to see what they can get out of it, this is the way Windu's lived his whole life, of course this is the way he speaks to Boba even though Boba's not a Jedi.
It's not exactly a hot take to say that Mace Windu and Boba Fett have very different ways of approaching the world. This is important to remember, though, because it guides the way that Windu interacts with Boba in this scene. When Boba swears he's never going to forgive him, Windu looks him in the eye and says, "Well, you're going to have to." And when he says that he's not saying that as some kind of ultimatum, he's saying that as a statement of fact.
What Windu is really saying to Boba in this scene isn't "forgive me 'cuz i said so". What he's saying is "your father cannot come back, and you will have to find a way to live with that so it doesn't consume you". Because what was Boba saying when he said "I'll never forgive you"? It wasn't just "I hate you", it was "I hate you, and I hate you so much that I don't care who I destroy in the process of destroying you". Sure, he expresses regret for all of the actual human beings that died because of his actions, but he follows it up with an utter refusal to acknowledge that those actions were wrong. What he was saying was "I hate you, and I hate you so much that I don't care who I destroy in the process of destroying you, even if it's myself."
Boba has done some genuinely horrible things by this point. He's put other children's lives at risk. He's crashed a star destroyer and killed who knows how many people. Maybe he didn't shoot the injured clones himself when they went in and took their hostages, but they wouldn't have died there if it weren't for him. He is directly responsible for the death of a man whose only crime was walking through the wrong door at the wrong time. He has charged headfirst down a path of death and destruction that will spread misery everywhere he goes.
And now Windu- who has just lost all of these men, lost Ponds, nearly lost his own life to Boba's actions- is looking down at this twelve-year-old boy, and he doesn't want this for him. He so badly doesn't want this for him, but he cannot make Boba's choices. All he can do is try and tell him "this path you're on is not worth it".
Because that, in my opinion, is what he means when he says "You're going to have to." He's not saying that he's entitled to anything from Boba (because he might have killed Jango in self-defense, but his motives and intentions don't change the fact that his actions hurt Boba), he's saying that Boba has to let go of that hatred before it ruins his life.
Which is exactly what it does! What happens to Boba in the end? He continues alone down his path of hate and misery, until he gets eaten by a sarlacc and enslaved by Tuskens. He had so little, and he loses even that. And it's no one's fault but his own.
But. Finally, so many years after he started down that path, he does what Windu said. Finally, he lets that anger go. Finally, he gets to become what he could have been if he hadn't let himself be consumed by his rage. And that's why I liked The Book of Boba Fett, despite its flaws, because we get to see that change. After forty-odd years of strife, Boba finally gets to be a man at peace. And that's exactly what I think Windu would have wanted.
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What are your thoughts on Poppy’s and Catnap’s sibling dynamics and the shenanigans they get up to? Do they give their dad a headache?
Across all universes where Poppy and Catnap/Theo are on good terms and refer to each other as brother and sister, they give their parent(s) the WORST of headaches.
In normal Angel saves everyone/Poppy Worldwide AU, they tease and annoy each other a lot (affectionate), as all siblings do. Poppy is always stealing Catnap's eyeliner. He's always stealing her nail polish. Poppy is the one who suggests they do something stupid, but in a way that makes it sound like the rational thing to do. "Theo", she calls him. "We should bake a four tier chocolate cake! There isn't anything to celebrate just yet, but we should learn how to do so anyways".
"A... Four tier chocolate cake? With your baking skills?"
"Have you stopped to think that dad and mom would need a four tier cake for their future wedding? They'll need us!"
And then Catnap, on all his glory, accepts the idea, except they should make just two tiers so they won't waste food if things go wrong. They spend HOURS in the kitchen, which would be a big deal if it wasn't for the fact that it was 2 AM. Anyways, they burnt the cake, half of it was undercooked, and it was way too sugary, but the fact that they didn't burn the whole kitchen down made it clear to them that they COULD do it. In theory. In practice Picky, Long Legs and Dogday banned them from the kitchen, and Angel was just horrified that these two were left unsupervised in the kitchen.
Poppy was also sent flying more than once from her INSISTING that Theo should run as fast as possible, with her using him as a ride around the farm. Did she learn from that? No. Did Theo learn from that? Also no.
Catnap, most of the time, knows when one of Poppy's ideas is just stupid. He does so anyways because he wants to see the results, because after 10 years working as a cult leader he really, really wanted to act more reckless without it hurting the cult. Poppy likes the idea of offering Catnap guidance, being older for far longer, but she doesn't have the sharpest self-preservation instincts, while Catnap is always thinking about consequences and what is best for everyone. "You should relax more" / "I'm trying, but I can't" is a good description for their dynamic.
Catnap doesn't like asking Poppy for advice. The only ones he doesn't mind are Dogday, Angel and the Prototype. Poppy feels like having to ask your sibling to drive you somewhere, and that sibling can and WILL tease you for it. Meanwhile, Poppy really, really wants to connect more with Theo, mostly as a way of coping with the fact that she wasn't there to watch him grow up, and believed him to be a monster for most of the past 10 years of her life. She doesn't like to be reminded that their first few months post-rescue were messy and of constant side eyes and bickering, and neither does Theo.
Catnap will refuse to admit it, but he looks up to Poppy a bit. She's content with her body and somehow is able to cope in mostly healthy ways. She was trapped for 10 years in a glass case and is somehow not only a bit of a social butterfly, but someone whose company is good to have.
They both really care for each other, despite the strange first year, and give their parents SO MANY headaches. In Great Escape AU, it's Poppy and Catnap sharing the same braincell and coming up with increasingly over-the-top and stupid plans to make it so everyone is able to escape PlayCo. They give a headache to the Prototype with how reckless they are when together, and when Angel comes into the picture what was bad somehow gets WORSE.
Anyways tldr they're stupid when together.
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The Story of Alicent and Criston
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~ Alicent Hightower and Criston Cole were both students at NYU. Alicent had a passion for design and was majoring in architecture, while Criston, known for his ability to remember even the most obscure historical trivia, was pursuing a degree in history.
~ The two of them met in their freshman year in a communications course where they had the world’s worst professor. Alicent wasn’t completely sold on a friendship with Criston at first, but his sense of humor grew on her. They bonded over their shared hatred of their teacher, their passion for their areas of study, and the fact that they were both English students attending school in the states.
~ After realizing they were both failing the class, they formed a two person study group, and constantly helped each other out in class. Fortunately, after many all nighters they both ended up passing and they never had to take another class with that professor again.
~ As time went on, they’d often be found studying/procrastinating together at one of the coffee shops on campus, where they agreed the coffee was terrible but never stopped going.
~ Criston had an annoying roommate during his freshman year and so he would spend most of his time at Alicent’s (and her strange but kind roommate’s) apartment.
~ Without thinking about it, the two of them began doing everyday tasks together like grocery shopping, cleaning their apartments, and studying (even though by junior year they didn’t share any classes anymore).
~ Criston smoked since before Alicent met him, and refused to quit even when she’d nag him and tell him how terrible it was for him! She smoked on and off throughout college though (mostly during stressful periods).
~ Their roommates, were convinced they were in love, and teased them constantly. They always denied having feelings for one another and both of them dated other people on and off through college.
~ In their senior year, Criston began dating a girl named Rhaenyra, and Alicent was introduced by her father to a man named Viserys, which caused some rifts in their friendship.
~ Upon graduating, Criston was offered a job in the states, which he took, while Alicent returned home to be closer to her dad. Though they told each other they’d keep in touch it became more and more difficult, especially after Alicent told Criston that Viserys proposed and that she was expecting her first child.
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~ 10 long years have gone by and Criston has moved back to London. He missed his family and he, luckily, found a teaching position at Oxford as a History professor. He’s excited to be back, to be home.
~ After a messy divorce, Alicent feels like she is finally free to live the life she’s always wanted. She can finally peruse a job within her field of study. Even if she’s constantly busy with her four children. They never seem to stop growing and they always have something for school due the next day. Aegon, her eldest, is 8. Helaena, her only girl, is 6. Aemond is 4 and Daeron had just turned 2 years old.
~ There was nothing she tried harder to do than to get herself and her children far away from her ex-husband. She needed to keep them safe, to let them live a normal life. It also helps that she was able to get a good amount of money from the divorce. Enough to buy a home in the city and get the uniforms her two eldest children need for school.
~ One day, after picking up the kids from school, she and her herd of children could be found shopping for groceries. Aegon was begging for a certain dinner, Helaena and Aemond wanted to buy a toy, and Daeron was busy chewing on his blanket. It was chaos, but the best kind. The one she loved.
~ She was listening to Aegon tell her about his day at school when her cart crashed into another’s. What she didn’t expect that day, was to look up and see her best friend, Criston Cole, standing there after 10 years of thinking she would never see him again.
~ The world seemed to stop when she saw him, and with the way that Criston was standing still, it was the same for him. The only thing that brought her back down to earth was Aegon pulling on her sleeve. “Mummy? Mummy?”
~ And so the next hour was spent with Criston helping her shop as they caught up with each other. She introduced him to the kids and while Daeron liked him, the others looked skeptical. He told her about his breakup with Rhaenyra, how hard he took it. She told him about her divorce and what she was doing now. He told her that he was back for good and that he had a teaching job at Oxford.
~ When he noticed just how many bags of groceries she had, he helped her bring all of them back to her house. Her house is only a short walk away and the both of them kept an eye on the kids whenever they crossed a street.
~ And so life went on. Criston was over all the time, he would take the kids out for fun activists. Alicent would take the kids to visit him at work. Aegon, Helaena, and Aemond became attached to Criston as time went on.
~ Alicent found an architecture job and before she knew it, she was finally letting her feelings for Criston come to light. After years of keeping quite, one night after the kids had gone to sleep, she told him that she had always loved him. And, luckily, he had said the same.
~ It was only a year or two after that when Criston moved in, and it wasn’t long before he was proposing. They were at Aegon’s soccer practice and Daeron was asleep between them. Criston turned to Alicent and said “Ali… would you wanna marry me?”. It didn’t take much convincing for her to say yes.
~ The wedding was a small one, full of friends and family members. The kids had fun on the dance floor and Alicent and Criston took as many pictures as they could.
~ The life that they had always wanted was finally theirs, after so many years, it was theirs.
With LOTS of writing help from @fatherforgivethem 🤍🤍🤍🤓
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ilikepjo24 · 3 months
what are your veldette hcs? ,:3
Was born and raised on Aldershot, England.
Her actual name is Maya but she changed it after she died, partly to fit the Vee agenda.
The other half of the reason is that if she's ever forced to sign a soul contract, the plan is that she'll do so with the name "Velvette" and will use the fact that this is not her real name as a loophole to get out of it after. I imagine a lot of people in hell do that. Vox obviously did.
Which is also why only Vox and Val know her real name isn't Velvette.
Her parents divorced when she was really young but they shared custody, so both of them were part of her life.
Both of them were part of her life, but if you were to ask her she'd tell you she could do without her mom being around. They have a bad relationship.
Absolute Daddy's Girl to literally no end. Loves her dad more than Alastor loves his mom.
Was born an only child but after her dad remarried she got a new little brother and sister that are twins.
She never felt insecure about her father loving her new siblings more that her bc she just has such a good, healthy relationship with him that she never ever doubted he loves her.
But she did have a hard time getting used to the new siblings bc only child life is wildly different from the older sibling life. Now she has to share stuff, babysit and had two little gremlins bursting into her room without permission (younger siblings are the worst) (I'm a younger sibling and I can confirm)
She never got too close to her stepmother, not due to lack of trying from the stepmother's side, but due to lack of reciprocating from her own. She just generally doesn't feel very relaxed around older women, courtesy of her mother.
Struggled with an ED, courtesy of her mother, that followed her in the afterlife.
Her father worked in finance, her mother was a dance teacher, her stepmother was a nurse.
She's a phenomenal dancer, courtesy of her mother, who started teaching her how to dance when she was 2 and a half.
And it was comments about her body "having to be that of a dancer" that caused her to have issues with her appearance and with food. Thanks mum. Aren't you just the best.
She used to sketch outfits ever since she was a kid, and started sewing at middle school, but never considered doing it professionally until she was with the Vees.
At age 14 she had her first ever crush and it was on a girl so she thought she was lesbian, but after having a couple more crushes on different genders and some soul-searching, she started identifying as omnisexual with a preference for women.
By age 19 she was identifying as a nonbinary gray-A omnisexual that uses she/her.
She was a fairly good student. Not the top of her class or a straight A's, but she was pretty smart, nobody paid too much mind though, because she wanted to be really low-key about her good grades, since "studying's for nerds and losers"
She studied marketing at Oxford university, but died before she got her degree.
Died at age 21, and in 2009. She's been in hell for 15 years and was an '88 baby.
The reason she's in hell is bc when she was still in highschool, she was a bully, and she harassed a girl so much that she (the victim) committed suicide.
That and some minor crimes like shoplifting, underage drinking, driving without a license and DUI.
Drunk driving is how she died. Went out with some friends, had one too many drinks, it hit her like a train cause she hadn't eaten anything before going out (or at any point in the past 2 days) and she passed out behind the wheel, resulting to a fatal car accident.
Met Val as soon as she manifested in hell. Like, she fell from the sky on top of Val's parked car. Killed by a car, landed on a car, she can't seem to be getting away from those fucking vehicles of death.
When asked what the fuck does she think she's doing on top of his car, by Valentino, she proceeded to answering by going on a long, very aggressive rant about her stupid ED, and her stupid mother that is to blame for her stupid ED, and her stupid friend group for not deciding on a designated driver before going out, because she's new here and nobody taught her not to just trust people enough to spill her guts to them.
Valentino barely understood anything bc his English wasn't all that good at the time. Vox was teaching him but they had known each other for 3 or 4 years by then, so it's not like he had enough lessons to keep up with her monologue. The speed in which she was talking and the blackish english accent did not do him any favours.
Despite not understanding shit he decided he liked her energy and took her home with him. He adopted her like a stray cat.
"Home" does not mean the Vee tower, because the Vee's weren't a thing yet, but a simple penthouse apartment he shared with Vox.
Vox had a cardiac arrest when he went home that night and found a random girl just sitting on his couch, eating cereal, watching a Spanish soap opera with his boyfriend, who introduced her as his new "thing".
"Voxxy, look what I found! Isn't it adorable? I found it on the street, poor niñita. I'll keep it, she's mine now, okay?"
"What? What do you mean you found her? How does one even-? And what, you just decided she's staying with us now? You can't just do that! Where did she come from? What's her name?"
"What's her name, Val?"
"What is your name, chiquita?"
"Great, now don't ever say that to anyone ever again."
She pitched herself as a marketing expert and an entrepreneur (she had a big following on Twitter (X) , Facebook and Tumblr when she was alive) to get Vox to agree to not kicking her in the curb to be homeless and unprotected in hell.
Vox and Val helped her bully her first victims into signing their soul away. It was their equivalent of watching your baby walk for the first time.
Voxbook, X-Vox and Voxblr already existed in hell, because Vox had found out about them through souls that died after those platforms where created, so he was their sole owner, but Reddit was something he learned from Velvette, and she helped develop, launch and market it, so she's the co-owner of it.
Soon enough, finding about new social media platforms on the land of the living and creating equivalents of it in hell became more of her thing than Vox's, but considering they all exist thanks to Voxtech existing, and due to the fact that Velvette cannot code to save her life, they are still co-owners of all the platforms.
The only reason Voxtagram, VoxTok, SnapVox, ect. have only Vox's name in them is bc Velvette thinks that's an overkill and frankly, kinda pathetic.
She utilized her knowledge of marketing to the fullest and is a huge part of why the Vees are as famous and rich as they are today. Did promo of Vox's products and Val's movies like her life depended on it.
In 2009, she manifested in hell. In 2010, the Vees™ became official and started promoting themselves as a group instead of individuals. In 2012, Velvette decided to add "Fashion Designer" in her CV. In 2013, she was the Channel, Dior, Loui Vuitton, Gucci and any other extremely-famous-and-expensive-brand equivalent of hell.
If the Goetia, Sins and the Royal Family have a hell equivalent of the Met Gala, she designs everything in there.
But she also IS fast fashion. H&M and Shein have nightmares about her stealing their jobs.
Fast and cheap for the poor, high quality and expensive for the rich, she sells everything to everyone and she IS fashion in hell. There's no other clothing brand except hers. She does shipments in all the rings of hell too, because she creates clothes for all shapes and sizes and that includes imps and hellhounds.
Her range in sizes is very body positive bc she knows how much it sucks to have issues with your appearance, so her products are designed to make everyone look drop dead gorgeous no matter their size. (No, this doesn't count as a good deed, she just wants as much money as possible)
Vox and Val have decided not to let the on-again off-again nature of their relationship affect their ability to be a united font when co-parenting Velvette. Valentino's the mom.
They are in their 40's, she's 21, it's the only way.
She hates that they do that, except from the times it feels homey and loving and sheltering and soothing. Then she hates it less.
She's on good terms with both of them, but she's closer with Vox than with Val. Once a daddy's girl always a daddy's girl. And Val's the mom.
And Vox is a major girl dad too. Val's the "do you really need it? Saving money is important." parent despite being rich because he grew up working class and old habits die screaming. Vox is the "oh, you like the Lust Ring? I'll buy it for you!" parent bc he grew up rich, fucking privileged asshole (I love him).
She never met Alastor personally, because he and Vox's friendship was already dead and gone and sour by the time she died, so she only knows him as "Vox's rival" and "The guy that hurt my dad colleague", which reflects on how she treats him when they happen upon each other, in the street or in meetings (not cordially, to put it nicely).
She's not on good terms with Carmilla, or Zeezi, or Rosie, or whoever tf Bethesda von Eldritch is (she showed up when I googled the names of overlords). She's generally not in good terms with older women period. Courtesy of her mother. Because hell doesn't have good therapists and therefore she cannot heal from past trauma.
I have reached 55 now, so I think I've more than overdone it. However, if you still want more of those, let me know, because Velvette is my current hyperfixation and I could go on and on about her!!
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irelandking · 1 year
modern/other worlds au fic recs
bucky barnes x reader
❤️ = fluff 😔 = angst 🔥 = smut
one shots:
pièce de résistance - @viollettes
You get creative after you forget to get a Christmas gift for your best friend. ❤️
so money - @viollettes
Bucky, an associate at the Law Offices of Fury, Hill, and Stark, must deal with an annoying Rumlow. It certainly doesn’t help that Rumlow thinks he can get any girl in the office, including a certain junior partner Bucky has a crush on. ❤️
strangers in the night - @redgillan
You’re on a date, but things aren’t going well. You find refuge in the restroom where you meet a man who’s also having a bad night. Together, you make an escape plan ❤️
ball, chain & satin - @redgillan
“Can you write a one shot where Bucky and Reader are getting married, but Bucky is scared. Angst or fluff, it’s up to you. Thanks!” Requested by Anonymous. ❤️
protecting what's his - @jobean12-blog
Bucky has been your bodyguard for some time now and it's been hard to deny how badly you want him to be more than that ❤️
keeping score - @all1e23
After hearing you begging Steve to pretend to be your fake boyfriend to keep your family off your back, Bucky quickly jumps at the chance to play your boyfriend even though you’re a hundred percent sure he hates you. What could possibly go wrong? ❤️
warm - @teamatsumu
“The fire alarm in our building went off and you rushed out without a coat. Wanna share my blanket?” ❤️
leave me weak - @moonbeambucky
Donating blood was the last thing you wanted to do but you find that something else leaves you weak. Paramedic!Bucky ❤️
bookmark my heart - @moonbeambucky
A handsome single dad catches your eye at the library. Is he the one or will your love be shelved? ❤️
what's on the inside - @teamatsumu
The reader’s car breaks down and has to be taken to an auto repair shop to be fixed. The mechanic there is a huge, intimidating man, but with a heart of gold that immediately piques her interest. mechanic!bucky ❤️
convergence of the twain - @sinner-as-saint
Y/n always had a crush on her English Lit professor, Mr. Stan. She planned on keeping her one sided love a secret, however fate decided otherwise. ❤️🔥😔
redamancy - @renxzs
 Roommate AU - Maybe it was a bit naive to think moving in with your best friend and long-time crush, Bucky Barnes, was going to be some smooth road that led to an admittance of mutual feelings for one another and a happily-ever-after ending, wrapped up nicely in a bow. Naive indeed; especially when you have to consider the fact that Bucky is the biggest womanizer you know. ❤️😔
soft - @softlyspector
Bucky and the reader have been together for a few months. She wants him to stay the night with her, but he’s reluctant. Modern!AU. Tattoo Artist!AU ❤️🔥
let me love you - @sinner-as-saint
Things happened between you and your boss over a weekend recently; while on a business trip. Boundaries were crossed, lines were blurred – rather salaciously. Following this; you decide to resign from your dream job because you couldn’t handle the guilt of having been so unethical. So vulnerable and open. Neither could you handle his burning stare at work, nor the craving of being under him each time you looked at him. So you decide to leave before you ruin your own career and further. But then, your boss shows up at your doorstep – determined to make you realize that this isn’t so bad after all… ❤️🔥
the karens of the world - @espinosaurusrexex
Aunt Karen is possibly the worst person you know. So when her annual Independence Day party arrives, you try to give her as little reason to pick on you as possible. Not being single for once should cover most of the topics she complains about. So you ask your friend Bucky to play pretend ❤️
in a moment - @world-of-aus
Five instances when Bucky Barnes promises to give you the world, and one time he actually does ❤️
the forever third wheels - @witchywithwhiskey
it's the weekend of your town's annual valentine's day carnival and you go with your group of friends, though you can't help but be sad you don't have someone special in your life. your friend, and fellow third wheel, bucky barnes makes it his mission to give you a valentine's day you won't soon forget—and show you how special you are to him.❤️
no more losers - @witchywithwhiskey
your obnoxious roommate bucky barnes interjects himself in a conversation about your sex life, and things take a turn you didn't expect. 🔥
personal sessions - @angrythingstarlight
your new gym comes with a few perks. heated swimming pool, sauna, and your very own personal trainer. bucky barnes. and he has the best way of making sure you work up a sweat 🔥
aroma - @navybrat817
florist!bucky barnes x reader - bucky adores domestic moments with you ❤️
cry baby - @buckymorelikefuckme
i want to be fucked so good that i cry, just—completely reduced to tears. is that too much to ask? 🔥
pizza and a movie - @navybrat817
mechanic roommate bucky - you never make it through a movie with bucky 🔥
anatomy - @navybrat817
mechanic roommate bucky - you help bucky relieve some stress after a long day 🔥
sleeping arrangements - @navybrat817
roommate bucky - you insist on sleeping in your own room, but bucky likes a challenge 🔥
starting gate - @navybrat817
motorcross!bucky - you attract the attention of your coworkers friend who just happens to be a handsome racer who plays for keeps ❤️
closer - @tom-holland-parker
You’d never felt like this before, it was like some primal instinct deep down inside of you. You just needed to be close to him. The only problem was that you were already wrapped in his arms and it still didn’t feel close enough 🔥
unexpected - @pellucid-constellations
 With all of his rough edges and impassive glances, Bucky Barnes looked to be the last person you’d find at an elementary school bake sale. Too bad Steve couldn’t make it, and dealing with a class hopped up on sugar wasn’t a feat you could manage alone.  ❤️
if it were summer - @pellucid-constellations
You met Bucky in Italy—a summer abroad with sweet gelato and even sweeter words. You never thought you’d see him again, and you were right. Because the Bucky at this frat party, the one with the smirk and the wandering eyes, was nothing like the one you knew. That didn’t mean he wasn’t still completely in love with you 😔
crossing the line - @jadedvibes
after you friends set you up on a blind date with your sworn enemy, you both drunkenly decide to mess with them by making a bet to see who can pretend to be a happy couple the longest ❤️😔🔥
hearsay - @jadedvibes
your colleague makes you an interesting proposition after he overhears you talking about a bad hookup, beefy lawyer!bucky x lawyer!reader 🔥❤️
freak in the sheets - @buckycuddlebuddy
hearing the man you’ve been fantasizing about had similar feelings for you had to be a dream. a best kind of dream. you never wanted to wake up. pairing ─ dilf!bucky barnes x babysitter!reader 🔥
sharing is caring - @theidiotwhowritesthings
Bucky doesn’t share food. No exceptions. Well, one exception. ❤️
on his knees - @sweetsweetnuit
even the king of the underworld has his weaknesses. bucky’s just happens to be a mortal woman he can’t get enough of. 🔥
stranded - @bucksfucks
 when your car breaks down on the side of the road and your dad can’t come rescue you, he sends the next best thing. 🔥
cock warming - @sweeterthanthis
Explicit language, hints of soft dom Bucky, slight daddy kink, and cock warming. Obviously 🔥
no script - @teamatsumu
Sebastian practices all his roles with you. This one is a romantic scene, and you don’t know how to conceal your feelings as just acting when they are so much more. sebastian stan x reader ❤️
sink or swim - @moonbeambucky
The feelings you harbor for your best friend comes to light after a breakup but will you lose everything once he learns the truth? roommate!bucky ❤️😔
the sins of the father - @sunmoonandeddie
You were nothing more than the Siren, the She-Demon of the Seas.  At least, that’s what you thought. ❤️🔥😔
awakening a beast - @rookthorne
There was an unspoken habit of yours that you seemed to continuously exploit at Bucky’s expense – at least this time, it ended in something that would have you squeezing your thighs together at the very memory. mechanic!bucky 🔥
not so forbidden - @vanillanaps
You were upset after a mishap that happened so your favorite bodyguard came to comfort you with good news. presidents daughter x bodyguard au ❤️
well oiled machine - @vxntagedior
you can’t seem to face bucky after crashing one of his cars mechanic!bucky ❤️😔
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stars-tonight · 1 month
Hi! So…I saw your haikyu matchup thingy and thought…YES.
On that note could I request a long romantic matchup?
The only characters I really have a problem with is Oikawa, kindaichi, and Kunimi. Also slight Atsumu but if you REALLY feel we’re a match (which I doubt) then he’s okay.
I’m a girl and I go by she/her, with a preference for mostly guys but will also do anything for a pretty girl…
My ideal partner varies depending on the day so it’s hard to say. Most of all I enjoy humor (or being able to tease the other). Which is kinda contradictory considering my anime type tends to be the tall, silent, and dense type…however, I also enjoy those that I feel need support or a little lift up. I may or may not have a savior complex.
I’m pretty shy when meeting new people but depending on the dynamic I can pop open and hit you with the most atrocious comment you’ve ever heard. I also tend to be really giggly and laugh at almost every dad joke. I’m also a bit family oriented but in like a sibling way? Essentially my sibling’s are my whole life. My best friends, my worst enemies, my everything.
I like to crochet and I’m in community service club. And I (obv) watch anime and really like reading romance/fantasy books!
Not sure what my receiving is but possible words or touch? Even quality time? Definitely not gifts. I know my giving is touch and words tho.
Ideal date would be something indoors where we can talk or admire something and share opinions. Like an aquarium or even board game night or smth.
I’m a big foodie and I have a GIANT sweet tooth. I’m allergic to cats sadly but they would totally be my favorite pet. My mbti is an INFJ and my enneagram is 9w1. Top characters are Tsuki, Yamaguchi (we have the same b-day 😈), Ushijima, and Bokuto.
-but can I be 👻 anon?
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🥛 first tsukki match in more than a month 🥳
🥛 honestly i thought of tsukishima before even seeing that he was one of your favorite characters lol
🥛 idk how skilled tsukishima is at "humor" but you'll definitely be able to tease each other
🥛 although he can sometimes be a little mean with it so hopefully you're okay with that
🥛 if you ever get genuinely upset by something he says though, he'll fs realize it and make it up to you somehow
🥛 which brings me to my point about love languages . . . i think tsukki's giving love languages are definitely acts of service or quality time, maybe a teeeeensy bit of physical touch
🥛 maybe both at the same time, like if he notices you're cold he'll wrap his scarf around you and pat your head or something after (while scolding you for not wearing something warm)
🥛 his receiving love language would maybe be physical touch
🥛 he says he hates it but he's secretly blushing and trying to hide his face so you can't see and make fun of him for it
🥛 also tsukki is tall and silent but definitely not dense, at least not when it comes to academics
🥛 he's pretty dense when it comes to social interactions or romantic gestures, ngl
🥛 he also cares a lot about his brother so it's cool that you're both family / sibling oriented
🥛 if he's going to settle down with someone i feel like he secretly needs them to be approved by his family, especially his brother
🥛 also since you share the same birthday as yamaguchi, it's simpler for tsukishima to get you both presents and prepare celebrations
🥛 tsukki always says it's easier than having to remember a separate day
🥛 (but you know he'd take care to memorize your birthday no matter what day it is)
🥛 tsukki definitely prefers staying in to going out and likes private, indoor dates
🥛 he likes the aquarium date because you can ask him questions about the marine life and he can rattle off facts and appear smart
🥛 he'd always scold you for eating too much candy
🥛 i could see him as a reader but not the romance / fantasy genre, if you somehow get him to read a romance novel he'll be rolling his eyes at every cheesy scene and grumbling about how he can't believe you got him to read something like this
runner up for you was sakusa kiyoomi!
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A/N: hello 👻anon! i am so sorry about the long wait but hopefully you like your matchup :)
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torchflies · 3 months
Happy belated bday! 🥳🥳🥳🥳
I have 2 3 4 5 questions about your CCS!Jake universe (if you have the time/spoons/wish to reply, no pressure!):
Will Jake have a third birthday to celebrate once you've cured him of his current cancer? (and will his dinosaur and the Dino!Dads show up dressed as dinos at the hospital/hospice to wisk him home?)
With how Jake views himself as only having value in what he can do/provide for others, and his focus on how his illness have hurt those around him, I'm guessing he kind of agreed with BradBrad when he said anyone who follows Jake will die (metaphorically). If BradBrad remembers saying it (did he mean it? did he just want to hurt Jake? was it just the first snappy reply that fell into his head?), is it something he'll talk with Jake about or apologise for?
Who was the first person to hint to BradBrad he is a nepobaby, and how did he react? And has he come to terms with it? Sounds like it could be a potentially hilariously whiny convo with the Dino!Dads, Javy, or Nat.
Will we get to see Jake's siblings meet his dinosaur, the Dino!Dads, and the Daggers?
Will Jake get as many Dino!Snuggles and cuddles as he wants and needs?
Thanks for sharing your stories 🥰
THANK YOU DEAR!!! And oh I always have enough spoons to infodump! Especially since I'm trying to get unstuck on the next chapter. 🤣
ABSOLUTELY. Jake finds his footing again and he goes into remission from the chemo 💙 it’s more than enough. Sure, he’s exhausted and a mess by the end. But he comes out the other side and gets to join Ice at Basecamp again. Will they have to go up the mountain again? Maybe. But the important part is that they're all together and Cancer doesn't win.
Jake 100% believed him. Of course he did. Jake is hypersensitive to rejection because of his history and will do his best to metaphorically shoot himself in the foot to spite himself. Bradley has a bad habit of spitting the worst possible thing when he's angry, all his strong emotions burst out of him in anger and he doesn't even realize what he's saying. Bradley doesn't even remember saying it and Jake knows Bradley well enough that he already forgave him. But you know who didn't forget? My main man Javy. Who is about to throw down with a Big Chicken if he dares say that shit to Jake while he's recovering. Javy is terrifying at the best of times.
Bradley refuses to acknowledge he is a NepoBaby. Everyone has told him the opposite. He won't realize until he and Jake’s wedding at a Paleontology Hall is full of twice more Dinosaurs with all the Navy brass that come. Then he has an existential crisis over dinosaur chicken nuggets and pasta T-Rexs.
Yes. Stevie is angrily stomping over to help from a distance, Mary is ready to paint some nails and Slider can't cope with the fact that all these babies grew up 😭😭😭 Also Mav and Mary are so similar that no one survives those arguments.
YES. There is no question. All these dinosaurs are very protective of their young and after all those months of comfort as a kid, their hugs and cuddles are so calming for Jake. He just needs to get his hugs.
THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR BEING SO INVESTED 😭😭😭💙💙🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉 I absolutely loved your questions.
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bardengarde · 4 months
I hope you struggle with this ask game as much as I did. Love you.
BJ: 3, 20, 22
Hawkeye: 1, 2, 6, 12, 24
God Shan you said you were going easy on me then I reviewed the questions.... I wish I had an emote here for BJ's sarcastic smile. Love you too though, and augh.... *cracks knuckles* BJ Hunnicutt
3. Least favorite canon thing about this character?
Already this isn't fair, because you know me, you know my blog title, you know my beliefs. ...The entire episode of "Hanky Panky" though. I hate that he cheated on Peg (while still recognizing the significance of it to his character arc, and the archetype he fulfills). It was a hard fall when I got to that episode for the first time. I was rooting for him, we were all rooting for him. And the fact the date the episode released on is so close to my birthday- it felt like a targeted attack.
There are maybe other things..... won't share them here though, y'all stay safe.
20. Which other character is the ideal best friend for this character, the amount of screentime they share doesn't matter?
Assuming I'm meant to answer other than Hawkeye since they're canonically best friends, I really would have liked to see his and Klinger's friendship expand more. I love the banter they have, they seem to get along great, and even if Klinger isn't a dad in the show I feel like he has dad energy and I feel like they'd be really stoked to show each other pictures of their kids in the future and be excited for one another and the milestones their kids reach. I'll stop myself before I go too far off on the deep end with headcanons, but I think their dynamic is often fun and sweet and would love to see it explored more.
22. If you're a fic reader, what's something you like in fics when it comes to this character? Something you don't like?
To be so real with you, I've not read enough fics to have a good answer for this- like down to details. I guess my thing is knowing that BJ is a very complex characters with multiple layers- I feel like I'd get annoyed if I read a fic that took a very fanon approach to BJ and made him like a malicious liar type, which I don't think he is at all. Or if he was boiled down to jealousy or anger issues. That said, I love reading a fic where someone can nail his sense of humor or puns.
Hawkeye Pierce
1. Why do you like or dislike this character?
Why DO I like him, honestly??? I'm rewatching the show from the beginning rn and god.... I landed on this guy??? Echoing your answer when I asked you, he's definitely very complex and I am always learning new things about him/ coming to a different understanding in my interpretation of him. I really appreciate his character arc and what Alan Alda did with his character; I appreciate his views on him as well. I'm also drawn to characters where just about everything happens to them, and god Hawkeye might have pioneered that trope /hj
I'd also argue that I like Hawkeye so much because he's so much unlike the majority of my favorite characters previously. Traditionally, I've been more drawn to serious, academic characters, or charming and romantic, or softer and gentler, or even clean-cut types, and Hawkeye is.... different, to say the least. Not to say he's not capable of some of those qualities... sometimes, but he's... just vastly different than say Aramis, Enjolras, Riza Hawkeye, Peggy Carter, Philippe (mitim), and so on, and so on...
2. Favorite canon thing about this character?
Hah.... This is also hard.
I like how imperfect he is. I would personally think of him as a good person (I say while wincing a bit), but I think more accurately he is a person who is trying to do his job to the best of his ability in one of the worst possible circumstances. And he tries to help people who are being mistreated along with it, and while standing up against idiocy and injustice, and being firm in his pacifism.
Despite that, he's sleazy, disrespectful, sometimes outright mean, and overall probably not someone I would want to be close friends with in real life. (At least, not at where he is in my current re-watching of the show.) He's not a 'saint in surgical garb'; he's a person. A very flawed person. And I like that. I like him. 6. What's something you have in common with this character?
I don't think I can answer this without getting too deep with it. Let's just say I like to think I'm funny sometimes.
12. What's a headcanon you have for this character?
I know none of these are new to you Shan, but you'll hear them again!!!
-I think one of Hawkeye's favorite ice cream flavors is Rum Raisin. I think he also likes splitting a banana split with someone else (as a kid- with either of his parents, does it on dates sometimes, etc)
-I'm purposefully twisting a line given in the show about him having a 'pet' stuffed owl, and saying he had a stuffed owl toy as a kid named Hooty.
-I think his favorite color is red.
-I have a very important headcanon to myself that after his mom passed away, he was given a lot of extra care and love by the moms of a few of his friends in Crabapple Cove. One would send along an extra packed lunch with their kid to make sure Hawkeye had something to eat at school. Another stopping him to fix where his hair looked a mess and straighten his shirt for him. And so, so many hugs and endearments. None of this was done because they thought that Daniel Pierce was neglectful or couldn't take care of Hawkeye, but because Daniel was grieving as well and they wanted to help where they could and ease some of the load off Daniel's shoulders with not only him becoming Hawkeye's sole guardian, but also while still being the towns doctor as well- while he's trying to pick up the pieces and get back on his feet.
I like to think even as an adult when Hawkeye sees one of his friends mom's who had helped taken care of him, he still runs up to them and gives them a big hug. :,)
24. What other character from another fandom of yours that reminds you of them?
Hehe, there's the rub because I don't know if I have one. Mayyyybe Grantaire since I have Les Mis on the mind today, but not reallyyyyy. No offense to Grantaire but Hawkeye is a lot more competent and cares a lot more about things. But drunk, comical, not straight, in love with a blond- that checks out.
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nebulablakemurphy · 11 months
Through Love And By Love (Pt. 19)
Summary: Twenty-Two years ago, Draco Malfoy used the imperius curse to slow Voldemort’s rise to power. No good deed goes unpunished. Warning: this series contains mature subject matter surrounding use of the imperius curse (dub-con), discussions of sexual assault, trauma and mental illness; reader discretion advised.
Part 18
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The wizengamont is buzzing, like a hive full of bees, when members of the Malfoy family begin pouring in. Draco surrenders himself. Narcissa and Lucius are there, Archer, Dixie and most of the Weasleys, Crabbe, Goyle, Pansy, Blaise. Hermione, Harry and Ron are also in attendance.
Rosanna is sat in the very front row of the observation deck, with Leo on one side and Arlo on the other. Each of their respective partners have joined them. Henry tries to lighten the mood, that’s what he always does.
Marko, like Arlo is more calculated, eyes flitting about the room. Taking note of the exits, incase the testimonies become too much for his girlfriend, his first priority is getting her out.
“Today we are gathered to review the details of a crime committed twenty-three years ago. Beginning on the night that Draco Malfoy tampered with the memories of Rosanna McVay and instructed her to leave Hogwart’s School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, under the influence of the imperius curse. The accused then forced Rosanna McVay onto his estate and imprisoned her for over a year. During which time the victim was forced to engage in sexual intercourse, resulting in conception and full term gestation of a child.”
“It starts today,” Polaris says, simply.
James nods, very aware of her father’s trial. In fact, he’s using their Hogsmeade trip as an opportunity to distract her. Though she didn’t seem too interested in butterbeer, dragging him around to the back of the pub, to hide from their schoolmates.
“Leo and Arlo are going.” None of the school aged children get to go. “Vega is in shambles. She won’t see me, even if I’m occluding. Says it’ll be too much.”
“I’m sorry.” James breathes, “it’s a pity you can’t just give each other a bit of each. The legillimacy and the occlumency. Then it wouldn’t be so…much all the time.”
“It’s because I’m like him, you know, my dad.” Their talents are not taught, they were born with them.
“There’s worse things to be, Polaris.”
“I know.”
“Is that why you won’t let anyone close to you?”
“You’re close to me.” Polaris points out, hitting him with her icy gaze.
“I want to get closer.”
“That’s how it’ll be, if we get closer. You realize that, don’t you? I’ll be just like him, once I’m in that’s it. Even if you didn’t want me anymore, I’d still want you. I’d be jealous and possessive, I’d be-”
“You’re not gonna become a different person.” James knows how she is, all of the best and worst things about her. “You’ll still be you.”
Polaris blinks at him, slowly.
“In a few months, we graduate. I want to play quidditch for the Ballycastle Bats, there’s been a couple scouts out to see me already. Come with me, Polaris. We can see the world together, we can go wherever you want. I’ll be with you and no one else.” James promises, taking her face in his hands.
“Why?” She covers his fingers with her own.
“I love you, nitwit. Have I not made myself perfectly clear?”
“But why?” Her blue eyes are comically large.
“Dunno really, maybe it’s your stupid hair,” he tugs at it, the same way he has since they were children. “You’re snippy and moody and don’t like to share. But more than that, you’re a laugh and good listener and you think things through. You always have a plan, which is well suited for me because I’m an idiot.”
Polaris bites back a grin as she rolls her eyes, “an impulsive idiot.”
“Exactly!” He agrees, “you’re the one who should be contemplating whether or not you really want to be stuck with me, not the other way around. You’re brilliant. I’m just James.”
“Just James.” Polaris presses her lips into a firm line. He is so much more than that.
Last names are heavy.
Sometimes it’s nice to shuck them off. “Come with me and we don’t have to settle. I won’t ask you to marry me, we don’t need to have kids. We’ll just be together and do whatever the hell we want.”
Polaris sighs, surely it can’t be that simple.
“I’ll love you forever.” James brushes his knuckles over her cheek.
“I don’t know what to say.” She admits, her chest is painfully tight.
“Say yes, Polaris. You’re not too much for me, you’re exactly what I want.”
“I love you.” The words are like lead on her tongue.
“See, that wasn’t so terrible, now was it?”
Polaris shakes her head.
“Now we’ll need to practice, so you can say it without looking peaky.”
“Shut up.” She snogs him then, behind the little Hogsmeade pub.
“Paint us a picture of what your time at Malfoy Manor looked like during the war.” The councilor instructs.
Rosanna swallows hard, all eyes are on her now; with pity, guilt, distaste, even fear. She finds Draco, his stare is raw, possessive; as if he’d sooner serve a life sentence in Azkaban than to watch her relive it. “I was well cared for. Draco was responsible for most interactions between us and Voldemort. He trusted Draco more than he trusted me.”
“And when Draco was instructed to…perform his duty to the dark lord, what did you do then?”
Rosanna lowers her gaze. “What we had to.”
“At any point were you restrained, during these sessions?”
“No.” Never, Draco wouldn’t have been able to…
“Where were your hands?”
Are you comfortable with your arms there?
“Beside my head.” Against lush pillows and a thousand thread count sheets.
“Where were Mr. Malfoy’s hands?”
“Holding mine.”
“He was pinning you down?”
“No.” Rosanna sighs, “I was able to move.”
“Yet you didn’t.”
“Were you instructed not to move?”
Draco looks like he might be sick.
“How much control would you say you had over your own actions, at this time?”
Rosanna pauses, choosing her next words carefully. “Eventually, I broke free from the imperius curse. I think at any point, I could’ve stopped him but I didn’t. We agreed to do whatever it took to stop Voldemort, or at least slow him down.
Draco never hurt me, he never restrained me, forced himself on me or ordered me to be still. It was not the horrendous act some people believe it to be. I asked him to use the imperius curse. I knew what it meant. I knew how much I was asking. It worked, we have all the evidence necessary to prove that.
I don’t regret aiding the war efforts, but Draco is still facing consequences for my decision, and for that I will always be sorry.”
There’s a crunch of ice, snapping beneath the sole of a shoe. James takes a step back from his…Polaris, thinking they’ve been caught, snogging behind the pub.
Polaris turns toward the voice. It’s not a prefect, or a professor. “Vega?”
“I’m sorry for what I said.” Vega picks at her nails, anxiously. “It was a terrible thing to say, that I wouldn’t see you. You’re my sister, of course I’ll see you.”
Arlene is there too, James realizes, keeping her distance. Clearly for emotional support.
“It’s alright, I know it’s a lot for you. Especially now.” Polaris forgives her, she always forgives her.
“You’re my sister,” Vega repeats.
Polaris trudges over through the snow, tossing both arms around her twin.
“So we’re chopped liver, huh?” James’ prods Arlene, lightly with his shoulder.
“Yes and no.” The girl replies, the ghost of a smile playing at her lips.
Draco hasn’t thought about those first few months of Rosanna’s pregnancy with Leo. Not voluntarily, not in years. But the penesive brings it all back. How the dark lord ruined it. His first time feeling Leo move, making the idea of her so very real; tainted. Ruined. Robbed of the joy that little girl would bring him. Robbed of the look on Rosanna’s face when she felt their baby kick. He couldn’t escape it, he was always in that room.
Now Leo can see it too. A courtroom full of strangers can see it. Draco loves Leo. He’s always loved Leo. But it had been different with her and he spent the rest of his life trying to fix it. To somehow make it up to her. His perfect little girl, his first born child.
Leo is not surprised by these memories, her father was always at war with the idea of her. Not with her as a person, but the concept that her existence was in some way detrimental to her mother and that it was his fault.
Her father is divided into parts. The world unrelated to Rosanna exists somewhere far from him. With her at the forefront, in screaming color. Then comes their children, a place which touches Rosanna, but separate.
Once removed is her friends and family, his job at the ministry, all of the things she cares about.
His actions are not that of a callus or cold man who hated his unborn child. Rather of an eighteen year old boy, who did nothing but protect his child. It was not a lack of love which fueled his lack of attachment, it was fear.
Leo hopes that one day her father can make peace with it.
"This case has been incredibly difficult to navigate. The testimony we’ve heard, is unprecedented by any other." The speaker for the wizengamont announces. "We have considered: Draco Malfoy's age at the time of his actions, his determination to aid in the downfall of Voldemort, and the unwillingness of the only surviving victim to press charges. The members of this council hereby find Draco Malfoy guilty.”
“That’s alright, darling.” Narcissa leans down to her daughter-in-law. “We’ll file an appeal and-”
Rosanna continues staring, unblinking at her husband, communicating without words as the room erupts into hushed whispers.
Arlo reaches to the row behind them for her grandfather. “We’ll fix this, there has to be a way?”
Lucius says nothing, clenching his jaw as he pats her outstretched hand.
“He is sentenced to fifteen years imprisonment, and ordered to pay one hundred thousand gallons in damages, to Rosanna Malfoy, every calendar year for the rest of his natural life.”
“They can’t do that.” Leo protests. More than anything she wants to run to her father and tell him that it isn’t his fault. That she doesn’t think any less of him, but she won’t shout it in front of a room full of people.
“This is outrageous!” Lucius shoots up out of his seat.
The council woman narrows her eyes. “With the minister’s approval, we are willing to convert his years as an auror into time served. Draco Malfoy completed his sentence as of last June. Finally, we hearby declare that Draco Malfoy will receive two hundred thousand gallons per calendar year, in reparations for the gross mishandling of his case files and for efforts made to aid the order in the second wizarding war.”
Draco Malfoy is a free man.
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happyk44 · 1 year
what if Neptune had two types of children — light children personifying the father as the god of the earth and fresh water and dark children personifying the father as the god of the merciless sea and earthquake?
The idea doesn't belong to me! here is this post from anonymous. —https://www.tumblr.com/goblinwithartsupplies/729000820113276928/children-of-neptune-with-dead-eyes-the-color-of?source=share
I just became interested in your opinion.
Note: I wrote way more than I thought I did so apologies for the length and related deviations from the Neptune part 😂 but summarized version is basically, yes, I think that's a great concept. The kinder fresh water kids are likely infrequently born compared to their more destructive siblings because of the way PJO canon has the modern day Romans think of Neptune as this eldritch terror. So the fresh water aspect is not as appreiated and thus not as prevalent when a kid is born.
Because demigods are basically representatives of their parents for the mortal plane, you know? So, yes, they will represent the various aspects their parent has. They will be able to control the aspects that they don't favour. So the fresh water kids will be able to control salt water and create hurricanes, but these things are little bit more difficult for them than it is for their siblings who favour the destructive side.
The destructive ocean kids can make rain, can find fresh water in the earth or pull it out of other liquids. But it's more difficult for them.
But anyway, rambling aside, yes, I agree 100%. See the read more for my initial babblings.
I think that's a really good take - especially since we already have a split in Hazel taking the brunt of jewels and gems and earth versus Nico's much more prolific hold on death. Arguably we could say Jason is more law and order, justice and judgement, and Thalia is more the expanse of the sky, lightning and thunder and clouds. But we don't know much about Thalia's skills or proficiency with powers. And the way she's represented when we do see her, indicates that she more favours the leadership king of the gods aspect of her dad.
I remember so little of TTC other than the general facts of events, but I do remember that she argued with Percy and Zoe about certain decisions, and then immediately got elected as Artemis's right hand man even though she's still fresh from the tree and only just joined the group. Lmao, imagine someone joining the army but instead of coming in as a Private or whatever the starting rank is, they immediately go to General.
But anyway yeah, that's why I would argue Thalia favours that aspect of her father, where Jason has stated that he never wanted to be a leader so that is definitely not an aspect of his dad that he favours instinctually.
And yes - these are more of a Roman/Greek split 😂 but look I'm working with what I got, okay?
For kids in the same pantheon, I think in PJO canon, probably in the Apollo books or Nico's book, it's stated that the Apollo kids often have different strengths (because the man has ADHD and could not settle on one thing, should be elected the god of hobbies) - certain kids are more medical, others are more artistic, the rest are best at archery. So there's that too!
In my headcanons, I envision Bianca being much more proficient at shadows and darkness and inflicting nightmares (ala Melinoe 🙌 but also Hades 👍) compared to Nico's proficiency with death and ghosts and traveling through dreams. He can't force anything the way Bianca can, but she is also much less sensitive to death and souls than he is. Shadowtravel takes a lot more effort for him than for her, but he can touch a person and have them shrivel up into ash and empty clothes without the effort killing him. She wouldn't have recovered as well from ghostifying Bryce.
People see their worst nightmares when Bianca pins them with a look. They see their death when it's Nico. With Hazel, they probably see themselves being crushed by the earth or something, idk, but she also has the spooky Underworld child stare!
So yes! I think in PJO canon, it starts off with the life-giving children as Neptune starts off as god of fresh water. Then the destructive kids come in as he becomes conflated with Poseidon and the (PJO canon) Romans develop a dislike and distrust of the sea. As that distrust continues to grow into what we have in modern day PJO canon, most of the kids come out cruel and dark-hearted as Neptune himself shifts more to settle with popular belief.
I have a similar thought process with Zeus' children! Yes, he is the god of law and order as well as the sky and king of the gods, but most people these days remember him as the god of sky, lightning and thunder, king of the gods! The law and order, divine justice part kind of gets ignored or forgotten. And that's not necessarily a bad thing, but it means the kids who represent that aspect of him become much smaller in number until there's maybe one every few decades rather than consisting of maybe... 25% of the current generation as they used to.
My thought process on that is, yeah, I imagine the ancient Greeks were much more aware of Zeus being the god of law and order considering he was a major part of their belief system, but there is also Themis who was the god of divine justice, and Dike, their daughter, who took charge of human justice, and in a time of mostly rural and somewhat scattered living control over nature is much more desirable.
Of course, I'm not a history buff, so this is all just general mental mutterings, but likely in larger towns or cities, having him as the forefront of law and order would be a bigger deal than with farmers who just want rain for their crops and the birds to stop eating their plants.
So in the beginning the split was probably something like 75-25 with more proficiency in the elements. And then as populations grew and cities developed, maybe it moved to a 65-35? Or a little higher. I don't think the law and order, justice and judgement favoured kiddos were ever very populous compared to their more elemental counterparts.
Then Rome was established and Jupiter's resulting demigods were much more focused on the whole leadership, maintaining order and erecting laws/rules to follow, enacting justice where they saw fit and punishing rulebreakers.
I figure the kids of the Roman version of Nemesis (quick search says her name is Invidia) were helpful in this area as well. Nemesis is revenge, yes, she was also divine retribution. Her kids, at least in the past before people focused only on the revenge aspect, ideally would prefer retributive justice - aka proportionate to the act.
This aspect makes them more focused on "real" laws, essentially laws approved by authority versus personal rules established by individuals. This makes them somewhat less biased on method of punishment/justice to be distributed compared to Zeus/Jupiter's kids who I headcanon to be focused on their own internal rules versus the general rules established by society.
Like a rule in school is to share the toys available. But if the kid has a personal rule that says "This specific toy does not have to be shared because it is the best toy/my favourite" then the overall sharing rule goes out the door. BUT also if someone else tries not to share something other than that specific toy, then they will jump to action in maintaining that rule.
I have thought about this a lot because my original story (which. I so badly need to keep working on, I think about it all the time 😩) based around this concept of intense sense of justice combined with autistic routine and internalized structure. But I've also thought about it a lot in general surrounded Jason because I use him to project my OC for attention bc lmao no one cares about my oc shitposting otherwise 😂
And yes, this means when I'm in charge of the character the law and order justice and judgement babies are typically autistic. Or at least carry way more in autistic traits than their more elemental counterparts. Because. That's what I'm working with lmao.
Also keeping with the example - the Nemesis/Invidia kids would look at someone breaking the sharing rule and establish a proportionate or previously established measure, like timeout or banning them from playing with the toy for a period of time.
Whereas, depending on how important the rule was to them or whether the rule clashed with a personal rule (such as "this toy is mine" or "my friends are allowed to play with whatever toy they want"), the Zeus/Jupiter kids might think justice needs to be more intense, like extending the period of time they can't play with the toy, or significantly more extreme, like spanking or expelling them from the school.
Each kid will have a varying level of extremes when it comes to justice, depending on the importance they give any law, whether societal or personal. This makes them really annoying to deal with sometimes, but luckily these days there's only one Zeus kid at a time and Roman gods appear to have less kids than their Greek counterparts (possibly because Greek gods are more popular in modern society so they don't exist in Roman form very often, hence the much higher quantity of legacy demigods inside Camp Jupiter) so they don't have to deal with it as much either.
But given Jupiter's much higher status in Rome compared to Zeus in Greece, the campers are probably much more willing to deal with whatever the Jupiter kids come up, even if it's the nuclear option over something innocuous. The Greek campers would probably give them drugs and make them go to sleep 😂. Like they respect Zeus's kids much more than they respect the others, but Zeus is still apart of a counsel of 12, thereby somewhat equal to them regardless of his king status, but Jupiter is the head of Rome. So his opinion, and his kids' opinions, are much more valued and respected. At least by most of the campers. His siblings and his niblings are probably just like "bro stop talking" lmao.
At least in reality that's how it should be. In PJO canon, maybe the Jupiter kids get drugged and sent to bed for their nuclear decisions too 🤷‍♂️ who knows lmao
So 😂😂 yes all that rambling aside, I think that Neptune having a split of life-giving and destructive kids due to his own split nature - salty killer ocean versus life-giving refreshing fresh water. But as modern perception changes - at least in PJO canon but probably IRL too since I'm pretty sure most people connect Neptune direct to Poseidon and are not aware of the fresh water origin - the destructive kids appear more and more with the calmer kinder kids crumbling down in number, until, like Zeus' law and order babes, there's only one every so often.
And due to the pre-established concept that Neptune is not a form that Poseidon takes often because Greek gods are more popular, that means he probably only has a fresh water favoured kid every few hundred years. So the fresh water kids are like a myth to the other demigods. A pipe dream, lost to time.
But also - just because the kids favour a specific aspect doesn't mean that they can't use the other aspects. It's just harder and requires more effort for them than it would be the kids who favoured the aspect they're trying to hit. So the vicious ocean kids can make fresh water out of salt water. They can create rain to water plants. But it requires more effort than like. Creating a huge wave to knock everyone over because they're bored.
The fresh water kids are likely more skilled with oceanic, giant waves that aren't technically tsunamis, hurricane, typhoon and, yes, also tsunami type powers as well because, even if they do favour fresh water, it's not like they're born knowing that. So like everyone else they will probably assume destructive ocean energy, especially if there's another Neptune baby teaching them. But they will go to bed each night, haunted by these intense feeling that they're missing a core aspect of who they are.
The ocean is part of them, yes, it's their father. But the fresh water wells deep below the earth pull at their gut even if they don't know that's what they're feeling, and when it rains they feel more rejuvenated than their sibling(s) do. Their skyborn cousins can control the rain and sky, but sometimes they think that's wrong. The rain belongs to them, doesn't it? They should be the masters of it, the givers of it. They should be handling it far better than their eaglet cousins.
Also - the rain thing. Neptunalia was a summer festival in honor of Neptune, held in the hopes that he would bless them with rain because of the heat and drought. So yeah, rainstorms, sun showers, etc, are things they can do. Percy, as a child of Poseidon, can't do that. He can make hurricanes but that's not really the same as a sun shower, or putting a raincloud over your head to wash off all the mud on you from this monster lmao.
But since the CJ Romans fear and detest Neptune, it's likely that they don't celebrate this festival - although I wrote a little thing a couple years ago about Jason trying to get Percy to help him set up his modern replacements for the festival when I was in my "Jason is an intense follower of Religio Romana" (the Roman version of Hellenstic paganism)" kick 😂. But reality is that in PJO canon it's unlikely they celebrate it - and that was the only festival Neptune had.
Also additional side note: Neptune is not a god of the earth. He was the god of all fresh water on earth - rivers, streams, underground wells of fresh water, rain (which is soaked into the earth). But yeah that's where the earth thing came from.
It would be cool if, as a result, his kids were able to manipulate the earth a little bit other than earthquakes. Like the earth would have to be super saturated with water, so a desert wouldn't work even if they created a rainstorm to flood it. Also the earth does not really soak up water in a flood either so trying to make wet soil to manipulate through rainstorms is not very possible for them and they hate that so much, lmao.
Imagine a little kid standing in one spot slowly watering a planter filled with dirt, stopping every few seconds to mix up the dirt before they go back to watering. They're there for like fifteen minutes before they stop water and then they're trying to raise the dirt into a misshapen ball and they're sweating so hard from the effort before it just collapses back into the planter and they have to sit down because, ooof.
Yeah, earth is a very small thing for them manipulation-wise and only under specific circumstances. I think the most they could do is maybe move it a bit, which could be useful when trying to trip up enemies, but otherwise it's not the most beneficial power 😂 but there were likely one or two kids who were obsessed with mastering it over the centuries.
Anyway, in what is definitely not gonna be a brief summation, yes, yes, yes. I do love heartless cruel child of Neptune in PJO, representing what Percy could turn into if he lost everyone he ever cared about, the people who keep him moral and ethical. But gentle kids who like to help other people because they favour the fresh water aspect of their father. The aspect that gives fresh water for people drink to survive, to water their crops. The aspect that provides rain during the drought, so they can collect it and survive.
A lot of the gods have various aspects to them, so their kids will favour different aspects. Thalia favours the leadership of Zeus, Nico favours death, Hazel favours wealth, etc, etc.
The only kids who are likely very consistent amongst themselves are the children of gods who have one specific purpose that's never wavered, even if their history isn't very consistent because of parentage changes or origin differences - like Nemesis or Dike or Moros. Set gods, you know? The ones who don't have an "and" in their "god of" statements.
But other gods, even minor gods because some of them do have more than one purpose like Persephone and Eros, will have kids that instinctually favour different aspects of themselves. Modern day perception may shift how many kids born favour certain aspects, like Neptune having more oceanic kids and Zeus having more elemental kids.
Feel like I need to wrap this up in a fancier way than the above ending sentence but lmao I got nothing so we're gonna go with the classic: The End.
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