#other than that i don't think i would flat-out recommend anything
cripplecharacters · 5 months
I would like to know what you think of magical aids for disablilities in a fantasy setting! Things like: A prosthetic that is enchanted to be capable of fine movements. A wheelchair that can levitate. Hearing aids that are powered by a user's innate magic. Blind people with animal familiars that have a magical connection that allows the person to see through the animals eyes. Thank you!
I think that magical aids, in general, can be interesting! But the few options you listed point to some issues.
First of all, the blind person magically seeing - don't do this. There's no point in having a disabled character just to make them abled. Consider this post by blindbeta instead, where they go over fantasy/fictional guide animals. Your blind character shouldn't be able to see, that's just disability erasure.
The same point applies to the prosthetic - is magic just the in-universe excuse to give someone a Cool Robot Arm/Leg that is technically a prosthetic but has little in common with the real world equivalent? I recommend going through our #prosthetics tag, but the two important posts you might want to consider: this on upper limb prosthetics, and this on lower limb ones for what people with amputations actually want - and yes, there are major differences between those two kinds of prostheses outside of being different limbs.
As a cane user, I would enjoy a magical cane that can fit into my pocket when I need it to, or one that I could summon out of thin air when my leg or back decide to make me barely able to walk when I'm out. But to be honest, I'm rather boring and to me, it's important that these fantasy/sci-fi equivalents don't turn a cane unusable in other ways. Prime example, canes with those awful "doorknob" handles... that takes me out of the story more than a teleporting cane. Or those canes with swords hidden in them (opinions heavily differ here, me personally I'm not a fan), like structural stability of the thing aside, if I'm using the cane then I'm definitely not in a condition where I could swing a sword, lol…
A cane that doesn't need changing the damn tip so often, or self-cleans every time I step into something gross would be great too. Or maybe one that is harmless to the user but bites people who touch it without asking!
mod Sasza
I don’t love the idea of a wheelchair that can levitate. Why should disabled people have to change our aids rather than the world becoming more accessible. Don’t get me wrong! There are still fun things you can do with wheelchairs in fantasy. For example a wheelchair with a spell that makes terrain (grass rocks etc.) a typical wheelchair would have trouble navigating flat. A power-chair that doesn’t use a battery but some other form of magic etc. I would challenge you to get creative and think outside of just levitation!
Mod Patch
I love the thought of magic aids. I agree with Sasza of the aspect of aids automatically cleaning themselves or having parts that you don't have to replace constantly. I know for me wiping down my wheelchair was always a hassle and the rubber handles on my breaks wore down constantly (my dog ate them one time) and were very hard to use with wrist that easily subluxed.
Aids that are battery powered running on magic or some other fantasy power source as a sorta battery would be so cool. A Port that magically accesses/de-accesses itself at the person's will? Oxygen Cannulas that never need changing/change themselves? A VP Shunt automatically adjusting its pressures to what the person needs? So many endless things you can do with them!
Mod Virus
I’m not entirely sure what is meant by hearing aids powered by innate magic. If that means never having to deal with replacing the batteries, sign me up! If it means anything other than that, I want more information on what exactly it entails.
Magic aids that function the same as not having a disability at all are erasure, plain and simple.
Mod Rock
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genderkoolaid · 7 months
hi! your blog's been encouraging to me as a trans guy, but i've recently felt that i should no longer call myself that/should just "go back to" being a girl, and idk if my train of thought makes any sense...so i just wanted to ask someone w more experience (but feel free to ignore this rant/call me out if im not making sense btw)
so yeah, my cousin's been out to me as a (binary) trans man for a few years now, and in trying to find understanding, i came out to him a few months later, but got a very flat/kinda disgusted reaction. despite my consistent support for him over the years, he has continued to "joke" about my looks/short hair and dismisses any attempts at serious conversations or even just jokes about gender/being a guy too. he also calls me things ive told him makes me uncomfortable (gender-wise) and then acts like it means nothing. he generally brushes me off by telling me to stop trying to compare myself to him, and is either prickly about it or just in-your-face "idgaf what you're talking about and i'm tired of you." it barely hurts me anymore, but ive felt connected to trans-ness for so many years (longer than id even known he was too) and his reaction to this part of me has honestly made me wonder if i'm just making it up/am trying too hard or something,,,like maybe i'm just trying to cover for being a gross 20-somethings woman ?? idk ?
i'm probably just being over-sensitive, and i dont feel it's outright malicious or anything (maybe he just doesn't think/care about it as much as me?), but i have nobody else to ask (no irl friends/people im out to) and i'm currently renting/living with him, which has brought these worries to the forefront. thanks if youve read this far, but please don't feel pressured to respond!
Your cousin sounds like he has a lot of internalized transphobia he's directing at you. Unfortunately there are trans people who try to prop themselves up and make themselves feel more confident in their transness by tearing down others. You are not being over-sensitive, and regardless of what he thinks he's doing, he's actively being cruel to you. You are well within your rights to be hurt by his actions. Living with someone who is constantly being transphobic to you is traumatizing- detransitioning can be a coping method for those who have to constantly defend themselves from transphobic abuse.
If its possible, I would recommend trying to see if there are any queer orgs in your area you could connect with (physically or online). At the least, you may find some people who can give you emotional support, and they also may be able to find you a better living situation. Even if that's not possible right now, keep reminding yourself that his behavior is cruel and you are allowed to be upset about it. You do not need to take any of his opinions on your gender seriously. You are not making up your transness or trying too hard. You are not over-sensitive, you are being hurt.
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blanketorghost · 7 months
Unlike the waves of the Suminoe
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Word count: 2,793
Summary: It's Azul's birthday, and despite Azul's policies about gifts, Yuu insists on giving his crush a birthday present.
Pairings: Azul Ashengrotto x Yuu Fujisaki (implied)
A/N: Happy birthday to my bestest boy mwah💕
Companion/continuation fic can be found here! Also I will add the companion art tmrw im so tired fr
Taglist: @kazumify @the-trinket-witch @yavya
"I know you don't usually accept these, but... happy birthday." Against his better judgment, Yuu extended the carefully gift-wrapped package to Azul. His eyes glued to the floor as a sudden bashfulness filled his body. For once, he was grateful that Vil had forced him to wear that full-coverage foundation.
Somehow, someway, Yuu had been roped into being Azul's interview host for his birthday party, whatever that was supposed to entail.
It was a long-standing tradition in Night Raven College to make these grandiose celebrations for students; The entire dorm would be decorated to its max splendor and the birthday boy would be awarded all sorts of gifts; even receiving a specially tailored suit that fit the year's theme. Is that where the budget to fix Ramshackle dorm went? Either way, Yuu couldn't really complain. After all, he was awarded the same luxuries when his own birthday came along. Kalim and Vil made sure of that.
The festive atmosphere that engulfed the Octavinelle dorm was also a welcome change of pace. With the VDC approaching, practice was getting more and more intense. So when the opportunity arose to finally relax and pig out on junk food and sweet treats, practically everyone jumped at the chance— even if the birthday boy wasn't particularly well-liked by most members of the NRC Tribe.
It also was exciting to be able to candidly ask Azul about himself for once. Whenever they met up, they seldom talked about each other, often their conversations being engulfed by work or contracts rather than other, more casual topics one would normally talk about with friends. Yet, as host, Yuu was allowed the rare opportunity to run an honest-to-goodness interview without running the risk of being blackmailed by the octomer, something he couldn't just pass by.
It was pleasant to hear about Azul's birthday memories first-hand, and he even got to learn about his family traditions. He spoke plainly and happily about his parents, the ristorante they had back at the coral sea, and his own thought processes behind his management of the lounge. Yuu reveled in that moment of subtle vulnerability. It was nice not having to read between words for once.
Now that the interview was over, though, Azul went back to his all-business persona as he cheerfully greeted guests and accepted well-wishes, often recommending dishes in-between or proposing deals. It was only until the very end of the party that Yuu could catch his attention again and pull him aside to an empty table.
The wrapping paper crinkled as he clutched the gift harder and slightly bowed— his body moving on its own before he could even think. Despite being in Twisted Wonderland for more than a semester now, he still couldn't shake up some of the rigid mannerisms from back home.
Perfect, now he looked more like a fool.
"Ah. I think you've wished me happy birthday... three times already?" Azul's laugh ringed on Yuu's ears. Melodious and sweet. Genuine even, compared to his usual tone. "But if you know my rules, then you should've known already I can't take it." Despite his statement, Azul tentatively took the package and examined it.
It didn't look like anything special. A flat, hand-sized rectangle that was wrapped in modest striped lavender paper from Sam's shop. Yuu had done this intentionally. He thought if the gift looked inconspicuous enough, Azul would accept it without protesting, but it seemed he had underestimated his crush's stubbornness.
"It's a dumb rule." Yuu quickly retorted. "I don't need or want anything in return, Azul. It's literally your birthday." He finally found the courage to look up. As his eyes were met with Azul's smile, he couldn't help but return it with his own, his only hope being that it wasn't too dopey or lovesick. "And honestly, you're already allowing me the joy of giving. Isn't that enough payback?"
"If you word it like that, I suppose that's enough." He laughed again, and Yuu's heart did a flip. "What is it?"
"You'll have to open it to find out."
"Can't you just tell me?"
"That's not how this works, come on—" Yuu let himself laugh as he finally sat beside him and averted his gaze towards the cutlery on the table. Maybe if he didn't have to look him directly in the face, his anxiety would fade slightly.
He nudged the present closer and held his breath as Azul unwrapped the package, careful not to rip the paper. If he were from earth, Yuu thought, Azul would be the type of person that would save them to wrap other gifts.
"A bookmark?" He held the wooden charm up. The delicately carved slab was decorated at the bottom corner with a wave pattern— the closest Yuu could guide Rook to paint on with his limited artistic talent to reflect the ones he'd seen at home. At the top, a braided satin tassel was looped through a small hole, tied into a rope.
"I- I'm not good with crafts like these, so I commissioned Epel and Rook to help me out with some—... I wanted to give you something you could use." Yuu tried his best not to trip over his words as he explained. Why was he even explaining himself, though? His plan was to just give him the package and dip, but instead, Yuu was now hunched forward, one finger pointing at the details he wanted Azul to take notice of.
"Thank you. It is indeed quite a useful gift." Azul's voice softened, but Yuu couldn't really gauge what he truly thought about the gift without looking at him— something he refused to do. "Is this design common where you come from?"
"Yes, the pattern here is called a seigaiha. It's meant to represent ocean waves. Though Rook did take some artistic liberties on his interpretation."
"And this?" Azul's hand slid to the complex knot at the top. His curiosity slightly encouraging Yuu.
"It doesn't mean anything specifically, but I wanted to mimic an omamori— a good luck charm." He answered before averting his eyes again in embarrassment. "That's the only part I contributed with manually."
"It's still very intricate. Though I'm a bit insulted that you think I need a lucky charm." He felt Azul's weight shift beside him as he leaned on him for a few seconds. He knew it was a friendly nudge, but that still didn't help Yuu feel any less flustered.
"Everyone needs a little luck every once in a while, besides—" Yuu guided Azul's hand and flipped the bookmark to its backside, which had a small, white rectangle painted at its center. "It doesn't have the spell that makes it lucky written on it."
"So there is magic in your world." Azul's voice gained a smug tone, that one he used so often whenever he wanted to tease Yuu. Usually, he would just laugh along and reciprocate with a quip of his own, but his brain was already working overtime with just maintaining his composure. Thankfully, Azul didn't seem to notice as he continued. "Then, shouldn't you write something? It's your gift, after all."
"I am magicless, remember? It wouldn't work. Besides, my handwriting's kind of ugly. I didn't want to ruin it."
"I don't think— nevermind." He felt Azul's posture falter for a second. "What I meant is that... It'd be nice to get a message from you. But if you say so, I suppose it's for the best then."
Yuu's eyes darted up. Did Azul sound... disappointed? If he did, he didn't show it. His expression was as inscrutable as always, his lips curled into that all-business smile as his delicate fingers ran through the blank slate.
God, he was gorgeous.
And it was getting very difficult to keep denying him, especially on his birthday.
"I may... know something I could write on."
"Oh?" Azul turned to him, head tilting in curiosity. "What do you have in mind?"
"I don't want it to be something menial like a 'happy birthday' or a regular well-wishes message. That'd be a disservice to Rook and Epel's work. So instead, I thought.... I know a certain poem I could write instead."
"You're writing me a poem?" Azul's smile widened, and he crinkled his eyes smugly, having found the perfect opportunity to tease Yuu. "I didn't take you for a romantic. Or a writer for that matter."
"And I didn't take you for an insufferable tease, and yet here we are." He flicked a finger to Azul's temple, Azul flinching in return. "I'm not writing you a poem. I'm writing a poem. Pragmatics, 'Zul-kun."
"But it is directed at me, no? So you are writing it for me." The boy chuckled as he moved a hand to his forehead, rubbing the spot where Yuu flicked at him. "Shame I won't be getting an original. It would skyrocket the bookmark's value."
"You can't afford me." Yuu retorts, returning Azul's smug and cheeky smile with one of his own.
"I doubt that. What are your rates?"
"I'll discuss with my associates and get back to you."
The two let out a low chuckle as the conversation naturally veers back to their usual dynamic. And Yuu gives himself the luxury to lightly nudge Azul, extending their contact for just a little precious second longer. "Now I'm curious, though. What poem are you going to write for me?"
"It's just a short thing. Back from a collection of poems that are pretty famous back home." Yuu explains, not truly wanting to get into the thick of it just yet. If only to make their conversation longer.
"And?" Azul leans closer, not buying Yuu's humble description. They have known one another for long enough that Yuu wouldn't just bring it up if it was that trivial.
"And, it's also become a kind of card game because of its fame. It's called Hyakunin Isshu karuta."
"A hundred people, a hundred poems, huh?" Azul perks up, leaning forward and placing his palms on his chin. "Must be quite a challenge to memorize all of them."
"Oh, not really." Yuu smiles in spite of himself, and he sees Azul frown in return. He quickly wipes the smile off his face and coughs. "I mean- they are quite short. Just 5 verses each, split in two. So they're not that hard to memorize. Much like a couple of songs or an album by your favorite artist..."
"I get it. A simple game of memorization." Azul's interest seemed to have returned. "So what you're telling me is that if I memorize all 100 poems, I could win this game?"
"Well, yes. But you also have to be quick enough. Some competitive players can spot the matching card to a poem in seconds."
Azul hums, straightening back on his seat. "That's an interesting premise. You must come to the board game club one day and explain in more detail, I wouldn't mind investing in creating a deck for us to play."
"Maybe I'll buy you a set for your next birthday." Yuu smiles to himself at the tacit promise of celebrating another year with Azul by his side, even if it's just as friends.
"I'll hold you to that." Azul taps his finger on the table, then leans closer to him. "Now, about this mystery poem..." He trails off, urging Yuu to start writing.
A soft light emerges from his right hand and his signature fishbone quill materializes, shimmering that bright golden hue that illuminated part of the table.
Yuu carefully takes it. The last time he'd used it was when he signed those dreaded contracts in what seemed forever ago. He never expected he would've become so close with Ashengrotto when he was presented with the deals, much less catch feelings for him.
"Since you're being so annoying, maybe I'll just write half of it."
"So you're giving me half a gift? How stingy of you. Since when did you become such a cheapskate?"
"Shush." Yuu turns to Azul, placing a finger on his own lips. "The bookmark is the gift. The poem's just an add on you insisted on." He says, then places the tip of the quill atop the slate, slowly and meticulously starting with the first line. "Besides, think of it as a challenge; I'm giving you three fifths of a full poem. Can you guess what the last two lines are before next year?"
"That's terribly unfair." Azul stifles a giggle, his eyes following each and every one of Yuu's movements as he writes. "How will I be able to know?"
"Oh, I'm sure you'll come up with something..." Yuu hums, tracing the line of a kanji until he's sufficiently satisfied with its thickness. "You're smart like that."
Azul only hums back in agreement, then chimes in once more "What is a 'Suminoe'? You have to at least explain to me the foreign terms."
"It's the name of a beach. I thought it'd be fitting given the bookmark's pattern." Yuu answers, mentally measuring the length of the third and final line. "All poems of this type have something relating to nature."
"And so, you thought of an ocean themed poem."
"Correct." Yuu nods, flicking the nib to finish his last stroke.
He couldn't quite discern from just Azul's tone if the comment was condescending, interested, disappointed, or entirely neutral about the poem's subject. Azul's voice already had a melodic and dramatic tilt to it when he talked. And the cadence of his words were so meticulously controlled to give so much information about his mood, they were a puzzle in itself.
"... I think I'm done." Yuu hands his finished message to Azul, who adjusts his glasses as he carefully inspects the writing on the slab.
As he reads the few lines repeatedly, Yuu watches his eyebrows pinch and his lips purse, and his heart skips a beat when Azul's expression slowly turns into a disappointed grimace.
"... I don't get it." He sighs, dejected, and places the bookmark down on the table
That was a risk Yuu always had to account for; that his references or sayings would be misunderstood or flew over people's heads. Especially when he'd just chosen to write half a tanka, famously known to need those last two lines to bring out the full context of the message. Usually, Yuu wouldn't even bother to say anything that could incur the confusion of others, but, with Azul, there was a benefit to being cryptic; It kept him interested.
Azul was so curious, so hungry for knowledge, he would eat up any and all information Yuu gave him. And whatever he didn't understand, he was eager to make it so he would the next time it was mentioned. At some point, Yuu started to intentionally include some of Earth's locations and slang, just to have the pleasure to explain to Azul anything that would pique his interest. It was nice to have an excuse to talk about home... especially when the listener was so eager to learn.
"It's incomplete. You're supposed to find the words to make it make sense to you." Yuu chuckles, handing Azul the quill back and leaning his cheek to rest on his fist. "I think it'd be interesting to see what meaning you extract from those words, then later see how closely it matches the authors." He smiles, but Azul only returns his gesture with a pout.
"Fine. I suppose it would be interesting to try out." He sighs and makes the quill disappear with a snap of his fingers. "But I would've rather had a full poem to think about."
"You're no fun."
"Perhaps I am not. But you'll still try to complete the poem?"
"Of course I will. That is, if I can't manage to pry those last verses from you."
"Over my dead body."
Azul chuckles once more, and, as he is called over by one of the employees of the lounge, Yuu watches him leave the table and bids his goodbyes, taking the gift from the table and putting it in his coat pocket.
He stays there seated for a while, watching as Azul weaves through the crowds and stops at some instances to entertain the guests. No rhythm or pattern, he just melded into the crowd seamlessly only to pop up once again somewhere else.
In a way, Yuu compared it to a delicate dance. A push and pull of socialization and taking times for himself to recharge. A beautiful view in his eyes.
Maybe that's why he chose that poem. Something that reminds him of Azul's nature of hiding, camouflaging, a figure so ethereal he felt it could only be seen from afar.
Unlike the waves that come up to the shore of Suminoe, in the gathered night.
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wilcze-kudly · 9 days
Currently reading "A World Apart" (memoir about his time in the Soviet łagrs by Gustaw Herling-Grudziński) is making me consider an AU where Kuvira actually does suceed in sending Bolin to that re-education camp lol
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It would be a hella dark storyline ofc, but interesting both from the perspective of looking at the Earth Empire and at Bolin as a character.
Like Kuvira supporters say that the main reason she was placed in power was to clear out the shocking amount of bandits in the Earth Kingdom. But we never really learn what she did with them. Like yeah she made some of them join her (absolutely wild that we don't talk about that either like girl wtf) but I'm sure there were bandits who didn't? So I assume those got sent to the camps.
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I imagine they'd probably play a role similar to the irl urkas, criminals who would often be sent to the łagrs multiple times and were the "ruling caste" between the prisoners, being more used and prone to violence and immoral acts than political prisoners (note here that "political" is used loosely because you really could get sent there for anything.).
Presumably the civilians of the lower rings who raided Ba Sing Se also got sent there, or at least their leaders did. And others who disagreed, expressed any opposition to Kuvira's regime. Of course, Water tribe and Fire nation people would be there too, though they might be sent to camps more forcused on extermination than labour, since ethnic clensing is more into the Nazi part of Kuvira's inspirations.
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It would be interesting, but very dark to see how these people are treated by Kuvira because going "oh Kuvira has camps where she puts those who disagree with her and also people of different nationality" and them barely mentioning it again is... well it certainly is a choice.
And the concept of Bolin being put in an environment like that would be a very interesting, if not absolutely horrific storyline.
It was actually surprising common for Soviet loyalists to get placed in the camps, after a minor fuckup or if they're getting blamed for something for example so it wouldn't be out of the question for Bolin a high ranking Earth empire officer to be placed in the camps with literal criminals and victims of the system.
It would be especially interesting because Bolin is semi used to similar environments, like starvation and being surrounded by dangerous people, but he previously had Mako to at least somewhat shield him. But this time Bolin has to go at it alone. And I think that would be fascinating, because Bolin usually does have someone he can trust and follow. But in this AU he would lack that safety net and have to make his own choices about how he handles this difficult situation.
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Bolin is also a very kind person, and I think it would hard for him to see the injustice around him. I think this could be a very good "standing up for what he believes in" storyline that tlok tried to have in B4, which it kinda fell flat.
Also of course Bolin would be dealing with the guilt from helping Kuvira build an empire that facilitates this. And also the betrayal from Kuvira manipulating him for so long.
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There's so much to work with here, even though it would a very difficult plotline to implement in a show marketed to kids (cowards)
Ah, Things to consider for that tlok rewerite I keep talking about but will probably never actually do
And yeah if you're interested in learning about the łagry I really do recommend "A world Apart" it's beautifully written and very heartwrenching. And it was pretty controversial when it was published due to the outrageous number of Soviet sympathisers at the time, so it's worth to see. I will warn that the book is incredibly heavy though. Like incredibly.
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tarabyte3 · 1 month
Top 5 favourite fanfic tropes?
For my follow up I will allow you a light cheat:
✨️ Top 5 fics (any fandom/pairing)
and (if you would like)
✨️ Top 5 Andy blorbo fics
You know, those ones that live rent free in your mind and you find yourself coming back to even years later (also your choices don't have to specifically follow your trope picks!).
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Before I start, I want you to know I only saw the first bit in the preview and was like, "Oh that's fun!" And then got sneak attacked by the rest when I opened it 😂😭 Anon, I respect tf out of you for this, but also I'm going to have an existential crisis lmaoooo
✨Top 5 fanfiction tropes
- Mutual pining/"un"requited love
Especially if it's paired with angst 🤌 want them longing. Yearning, even. Throw in something like forbidden love to kick it up a notch, and, baby, you've got yourself a stew.
- Sex pollen
Particularly if they aren't in a relationship yet to add extra pining and angst. This is a sacrifice (I shouldn't want this). I would do this for you (please let me). I can't stand to watch you suffer (this will break me, but for you it's worth it). That and the smut of it all 😌
- Hanahaki
Being so in love with someone it's literally killing you. It's love made manifest so violently you choke on it. The pain and suffering would end if only you could let the words out, but the thought of rejection—of having to live with that instead—is worse than death. Plus, there's something a little beautiful and poetic about combining pain and suffering with love and flowers. Doom and bloom. Life and death. The Japanese were so real for this.
- Fake dating
I love it when they're both fuckin dying the entire time because they've caught a glimpse of the thing they want more than anything and it isn't real. It's bliss. It's torture. They don't want it to end, but it will destroy them to keep having it just out of reach.
- Getting together
A simple classic, but there's just something about two people falling in love and coming together in spite of everything. And if it's a slow burn? With constant missed opportunities and misunderstandings?! Staple crop of tropes.
✨ Top 5 Fics
I'm going to go with Qui-Gon x Obi-Wan (shocking, I know) because that is the bulk of what I have been reading non-stop so it's at the forefront of my brain. It was difficult to narrow down my 100+ bookmarks because there are SO many incredible works and writers in that fandom that inspire me, and some of them make me want to eat dirt. (I mean that as an exceptional compliment.)
- Shorelines by outpastthemoat
This is what Qui-Gon has done each morning for the past three days, returning to Obi-Wan with handfuls of treasures he has found: Bits of broken glass, polished by the waves, or intricately spiraled shells, a broken piece of chain; perhaps a stone as wide and flat as his hand. But he always returns to the shoreline the following day, and begins his search anew.
This is one of my favorite QuiObi writers (I would highly recommend ANY of her other works at the drop of a hat as well), and I have reread this fic at least once a week for months. Like, I have it open in a tab and think about it constantly. It's an introspective piece—an exploration of a connection and the peeling back of layers to try to understand what waits underneath. There's a beautiful sort of simple yearning, melancholy, and poetry to her writing that makes my brain go brrrrrr. So much is said in all of the things left unsaid. It's two parts of a series and they're both incredible.
- Malalignment by Tohje
The first time is a pure coincidence, all parties could swear it on their deathbeds. The pelta frigate GRS-20 - informally Generosity - is a huge, maze-like, rusting piece of a stronghold with multiple medical wards and cantinas. It is a sheer stroke of luck that 212th and the River Company are accommodated in the adjacent, overstuffed compartments and share the same cantina for their short recuperation periods. There is no thing such as luck, or coincidence, only war (and the Force, according to the Jedi).
Another writer that I adore who has multiple bangers. This one is an AU where QuiGon lives and is part of the Clone War, but in the most Qui-Gon way possible. Combined with Obi-Wan's lingering hurt from the situation with Anakin, the war, and a several year estrangement and by god it's delicious angst. Plus, I love self-sacrificing depictions of General Kenobi. (The smut is also very good)
- That Cold Affliction by Orphan Account
Obi-Wan tries to surprise his Master on a mission with few comforts by making Qui-Gon's favorite tea. Or trying to, at least. As it turns out, tea is a . . . complicated affair. (A little bit like love.)
Short and bittersweet. Forbidden love. Beautiful angst. I'm so sad I don't know the original author because I've seen several of their works pop up that are also orphaned (they have a very specific summary style) and they're all so good and full of similar themes, but I have no way of seeing if I've missed one or not 😭
- Taking Root by sanerontheinside
Obi-Wan thought he was terribly obvious, really. Qui-Gon thought it was Obi-Wan’s secret to share or keep, as he wished.
*banging pots and pans together* QUIOBI HANAHAKI!! This author does a deep dive into the affliction and combines it beautifully with Star Wars world building, plot, and characterization. It's everything I could want from the trope AND the pairing. They're also another one of my favorite writers. And if you're looking for an abundance of excellent smut, you'll absolutely find it in their body of work.
- How to Grow Vegetables and Alienate People by Meggory
Why had Obi-Wan agreed to this? He had exactly no experience growing anything—hell, he'd killed a cactus once, and he'd heard someone say that was impossible—but now he was taking over Bant's community garden share so she didn't feel she had wasted $150 on the plot? He had $150. He should have just given it to her and told her to get blitzed on the plane.
Cute modern AU with a funny af meet cute, excellent characterization, humor, and a simple, lovely plot of two idiots falling in love. Oh, plus gardening. 😌 AND Qui-Gon has a dog. It's the soul comfort food of fics. This author does an incredible job with AUs (pssst you like time loops?) that are great stories so it was very difficult to pick just one!
✨I both adore and dislike this last part. Because on one hand, it gives me the chance to brag about and hype up my friends, who are not only kind, wonderful people, but also very talented writers that deserve it and more. So I truly appreciate you so much for that. On the other hand, there are more than 5 of them that have written Andy Blorbo fics, and some of them have multiple stories and blorbos. And we've all gushed over or discussed many of them at length with each other, so they hold a particular fondness in my heart. Choosing only 5 from that feels like an impossible task.
So I WON'T be narrowing down my top 5 (I'm so sorry, anon, I'm not god's strongest soldier), but I will be taking the opportunity to drop their Masterlists/AO3 accounts 💖😌😇
afogocado | Alfred Pennyworth
amywritesthings | Kino Loy
citrus-moonlight | Ulysses Klaue
eupheme | Alfred Pennyworth, Ulysses Klaue
squidlywiddly87 | Kino Loy, Ulysses Klaue, Liam Black
stargirlfics | Alfred Pennyworth (+ lots of Alfred and Klaue headcanons and blurbs!)
tarrenterror | Alfred Pennyworth, Ulysses Klaue (+ Alfred, David Robey, and Kino headcanons, blurbs, and edits)
viceofdionysus : Alfred Pennyworth, Ulysses Klaue
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pollypenname · 2 years
Below is a single chapter of The Tinker, a Bakugou x Reader slow burn with smut. If you’d like to read the whole story, click HERE for Wattpad and HERE for AO3. There are over 3.5 million readers, and we'd love to have you too!
Content Warning: Oral (female receiving), Intoxication, Penetration, Domination, Multiple Orgasms
[The Tinker, chapter 92]
"I don't feel anything," Y/N said. "Maybe everyone online is just dramatic."
"Could be," Bakugou shrugged. "Or maybe this bottle's a fluke."
The two of them sat on the floor of the plane, Y/N leaning her back against the wall and Bakugou against the couch. They weren't quite sure what else to do– it didn't feel right to be apart, so they'd decided to stay in the common area while they waited for the effects to hit, but they both were too nervous to get too close to one another. If the internet was correct, it might be a good idea to start at a safe distance.
Katsuki had put headphones in to try and attempt a minor distraction. In all honesty, he wasn't really listening– his mind was busy swirling with the anxiety of what was going to happen next. Unlike Y/N, he had taken the recommended dose, and it was a few minutes after her too.
Whatever he was going to feel would only be a fraction of what she would; but he wanted it that way. Online sources said that for men the love potion would eliminate the refractory period. That was why he'd taken those 3 drops: no refractory period meant he could help her as long as she needed, and he wanted to help as much as he could.
"Maybe we should eat," Y/N suggested. "If it's anything like alcohol, food could minimize the effects. I've got stuff in my bag... we can eat that so we don't have to order from the attendants." She climbed to her feet and stepped over Katsuki to grab her bag on the dining table.
As she passed, Katsuki caught the smallest whiff of her perfume as he breathed in. Wow. Had she always had that? It smelled amazing. He blinked a few times as he exhaled.
Y/N rustled through her backpack and pulled out a small bag of plane snacks. "Probably not as good as what the attendants could get us, but I don't wanna risk calling them in," She muttered. "C'mere, take your pick."
Bakugou obeyed, standing up and turning to sit on the couch with her. He hadn't meant to, but when he sat down he was much closer than intended– that sweet smell of her perfume was stronger now. He blinked a few times again to try and remember what she had said. Candy. He was picking candy.
"I've got suckers, chips... granola bars..." She stopped moving for a moment and looked up at him. "Damn, are you wearing cologne?"
"No," He huffed. "Are you wearing perfume?"
The silence stretched out while they stared at each other, unmoving. Katsuki was the first to break away from her gaze. "I'm not hungry." He slumped down into the couch and closed his eyes a bit to at least try and focus on his music.
"Suit yourself." Y/N dug out a sucker, ripping off the wrapped and popping it into her mouth. "I don't think the effects are that bad. I mean, you smell nice, but I think that's it so far. I feel pretty good."
Bakugou's chest was starting to feel a bit odd. His breathing had picked up, he was noticing that now– and his heart was pounding faster than normal. His adrenaline was up.
Y/N moved to the couch across from him to try and keep her distance. It had already been thirty minutes, but she didn't want to be blindsided by the effects– from her or from him. Neither of them knew what to expect.
Katsuki's eyes weren't closed anymore. He sat up slowly, unable to pry his eyes away from Y/N– specifically her mouth. She was on her phone now and didn't notice his staring, which caused a small shiver to run up his spine when her tongue lolled out of her mouth to lick up the flat loli.
He felt like a pervert, but no matter what he told himself he was unable to look away. Each time her tongue flicked over the sweet treat, an odd sensation surged through his veins and made him cross his arms tighter.
"Stop it," He muttered impatiently.
Y/N looked up from her phone, oblivious before but now understanding what was happening. "Shit. Bad choice on my part, sorry," She said, tossing it into the nearby trash can. This time, she didn't go back to her phone; she met his gaze and pulled her legs up onto the couch with her. "Do you... feel anything?"
"I dunno," He lied. "Do you?"
"I guess it feels a little hot in here. Is that just me?"
Bakugou shook his head. "No, it's hot," he agreed. He sat up a bit to shrug off his jacket.
The action made Y/N dizzy. All at once, the potion seemed to take its effect– her muscles felt weaker and a long shiver ran all the way through her body. Her heart began to race when she saw Bakugou's arms flex under his shirt as he tossed his jacket.
Y/N swore she could physically feel the potion seep into her bloodstream and spread to through her. It was warm– no, it was hot as her body pumped it to every extremity. Her breathing picked up and she couldn't help but squeeze her thighs together; but the friction made her shiver again. "Shit. I think I need a minute," She said under her breath, hopping up from the couch and making her way to the bathroom.
Bakugou wasn't doing much better. In an attempt to dull the sensations he pushed himself further into the couch, but it only made him feel more hot; with Y/N out of the room, he ripped his shirt off over his head and tossed it aside with his jacket.
The thrumming of the potion in his body was making his head cloudy. Whatever anxiety he'd felt before was long gone, now replaced with a heavy need. This was a lot stronger than he thought it was gonna be. Bakugou moved to the edge of the couch and leaned forward onto his knees with his elbows, running his fingers through his hair repeatedly to try and shake the relentless heat spreading across his face.
He didn't expect to feel so dazed. A few deep breaths didn't help– in fact, it only seemed to aid the surge of sensitivity that racked his body. When the wave hit his dick, he doubled over with a shaky breath.
Bakugou sat back, which he regretted almost immediately. The friction from his movement sent a jolt of red hot pleasure through his body and his jaw dropped open in a soft moan when he reached down to palm his erection. Fuck, the relief was indescribable. No way was he gonna be able to pull his hand away. Thank God Y/N wasn't here to see that he–
Y/N. Shit. Was she okay?
Funny enough, Y/N had also taken her shirt off. And her pants. The heat that seemed to radiate from her body somehow wasn't apparent in her reflection aside from her flushed face. How was there not a single drop of sweat? She wished she could sweat right now– then maybe she could fucking cool off.
Y/N gripped the edge of the counter as her body heaved with every breath and nudged the bathroom door open with her foot in hopes that a draft might enter the little room. Nope, it was hot out there too, and heating up as every second passed. Jesus Christ.
With nothing else helping, Y/N slumped to the floor with her back pressed against the counter. There was no way she was going to be able to ignore the feeling between her legs for much longer. She'd never experienced arousal at this level. It was primal, desperate, and unavoidable– at this point, there was really only one way to solve it.
She finally let her hand snake down her body, even the sensation from that making her breathing pick up again. When her fingers barely brushed her clit, even over her panties, her body seized up and she cried out. Loud. How could one small touch feel that overwhelming?
Before she could continue, she saw Bakugou's hand grip the side of the door and slide it open the rest of the way, both of them now having a clear view of each other. It felt like ages that he stood there, staring at her with his chest rising and falling.
"Why the hell aren't you wearing a shirt? Are you trying to torture me?" Y/N whined. She closed her eyes and turned away to try and avoid the onslaught of hormones from seeing his bare chest.
Bakugou took another shaky breath. "It hit you too, huh?"
Katsuki's voice seemed to bounce around in her head and heighten the arousal she felt. Now it was getting physically difficult to breathe, and the heat was reaching unbearable heights. "It's hot," She gasped out. "Fuck. It hurts."
"It's hurting you?" When she looked at him this time, he was holding each side of the doorway, watching her closely with concern. Bakugou had always been attractive– he was physically fit with a wickedly beautiful face, and his mannerisms only added to the dominance he exuded. It's everything her body told her she needed right now. The hormones coursing through her surged when he said, "Let me take care of you, Tinkerbell."
Y/N clawed at her skin. Now that she had seen him, there was no alternative. It had to be him. Her body craved him in every sense; his voice, his warmth, his body– he could take care of her. He could fix this. He could end the unbearable heat and make her feel better. Y/N wasn't sure if it was the potion, but she trusted him more in that moment than she ever had. "Help me," She begged.
It was all the confirmation Katsuki needed. He fell to his knees and crawled over her shaking body. "I'm going to make the pain stop," He promised, holding the back of her neck and peppering soft kisses over her face. "I'm gonna make you feel good, baby. Promise."
His lips made her delirious. "Can you stand?" She heard him ask. She could only shake her head no in response, worrying that they wouldn't be able to continue, but the ground disappeared from under her and she realized he had lifted her up. Y/N wanted to look at him desperately but she was far too dizzy.
He set her down in a standing position in front of the sink, but his arms were still wrapped tightly around her waist for support. "Find your legs, Tinkerbell," He whispered. "Bend over for me."
At the promise of relief, Y/N was able to rest her weight against the countertop with her elbows. His fingertips danced across her bare stomach and she almost moaned when he said, "There you go. Hold still, alright?"
She couldn't have moved if she wanted to– she was surprised that he was even able to get her to stand on her feet. Her body ached with desperation at how slowly everything was unfolding. "Kat," She groaned impatiently.
"I know," He said. He hooked his fingers into the sides of her panties and slid them down her legs, a string of her slick connecting to the fabric and making Bakugou exhale shakily in anticipation. Once her panties reached her ankles he lifted her foot to fully remove them and toss them to the side.
Y/N gasped when she felt his hands hold the back of her thighs firmly before spreading them open, making her lower a bit until her stomach touched the cold marble of the counter. The cold air against her sopping wet cunt made her shiver involuntarily. Anticipation churned in her stomach as she waited.
"Katsuki, I need– Ohhhh shit," She moaned.
Somewhere in the back of her mind where the rest of her conscious thoughts were she had assumed he was going to fuck her against the counter, but instead of his cock she felt his tongue glide up through the folds of her pussy.
The relief was explosive and immediate– without warning and without another touch, she was cumming. Bakugou stared in awe as Y/N convulsed in front of him. Unable to help himself, he used his thumbs to pull apart her folds and watch her hole spasm around nothing. "Kat," Y/N whined. "I think... I think I need–"
He wasn't listening. Overpowered by his own lust and the need to watch it happen again, he closed his mouth around her entire heat and started again, letting his tongue glide through her slick with ease and lap it into his mouth to taste.
Peaches. The potion made her taste like peaches.
Bakugou's eyes nearly rolled to the back of his head as he continued. He could feel her squirming and panting above him, so he gripped her hips hard to hold her still as he licked and tasted every part of her cunt. She was downright addictive– this was dangerous. He could spend hours with his face in between her legs.
Once again without warning, Y/N came undone from his mouth, and Katsuki slipped his tongue as deep as he could to feel her walls clench around him mercilessly. He was pretty sure it was the hottest thing she'd ever done, finishing on his tongue like that. He was becoming ravenous for this.
When he pulled away from her for a breath he couldn't stop the groan from slipping past his slick-covered lips. "Do that again," He ordered, this time using his hand to rub tight circles against her clit, and she did as he commanded; just in time, he pushed his tongue back inside her.
She was powerless to stop him as she clenched and tightened around him once more, the orgasm even more powerful than the last with the stimulation to her clit. He was free to live out his sick fantasies with her pussy, and she couldn't be more relieved to let him as the pleasure washed over her in waves.
"I... I need you deeper," She begged. It didn't matter that she'd already cum three times; in her lust ridden body it still felt like she needed to finish. Relief was temporary and explosive, but the unrelenting need always rose back to the surface. Her insides throbbed mercilessly around his tongue as her legs shook.
Y/N felt two fingers slide into her pussy with ease and her eyes squeezed shut at the intrusion. There was no pain, only the spasming of her walls around him as he felt around inside her.
She whimpered when Bakugou pulled his fingers apart in a scissor motion to stretch her further. The motion made her body tense against him, but he didn't seem to notice. In the mirror she could see him staring right at her cunt in a way that could only be described as pure desire. Bakugou's fingers bent at the knuckle and he moved around to find that spot she loved.
When he found it, Y/N gasped and he responded with a wicked grin. "There it is," He said lowly, beginning to piston his fingers in and out to rub against the spot repeatedly. "Right here? Does that feel good, sweetheart?"
The sensation on its own had almost sent her towards her next orgasm, but the pet name falling from Bakugou's lips was what pushed her over the edge again. It was so unnatural to hear him use terms of endearment but it was such a turn on. "God, you get so tight when you finish," Katsuki gushed, not letting up on his ministrations and instead going harder to make her orgasm last longer. "Fuck. There we go."
At this point it was clear that Katsuki was doing this much more for himself than he was for Y/N. He was fulfilling his needs even more than hers, regardless of her countless orgasms– he hadn't finished once but was more riled up than he'd ever been.
He could do whatever he wanted to her helpless little cunt, and he was getting off on it, too.
Somehow Y/N was able to push herself up and off the counter to turn around and look at him. "Bedroom," Was all she could say before her muscles started giving up again. Katsuki was quick; be bent down and hoisted her weak body over his shoulder without hesitation and walked them into the other room.
After lowering her onto the bed, Bakugou finally pressed his lips to hers with a sigh. "You taste like heaven, you know that? Lemme taste you again," He said, about to move his head back between her legs, but Y/N grabbed his jaw and pulled him back up.
"I need you to fuck me. I need your dick this time," She said. "Please."
He almost didn't listen– he was in a frenzy of sorts, desperate to pry her legs apart again and devour more of her– but the look of sheer desperation in her eyes sent a wave of desire right to his throbbing cock. He'd gotten used to the ache while he'd eaten her out, but with her words he realized just how badly he wanted to feel her cum on his dick instead.
Bakugou nodded at her and she released him, allowing him to sit back and pull his raging hard on from his pants, giving it a few pumps before doubling over at the sensation. He'd almost forgotten how significantly the potion impacted his sensitivity. A shiver ran up his spine and he choked out a moan in front of her.
"Kat, hurry," She begged.
Katsuki grabbed Y/N's thighs and yanked her onto his lap to line his cock up with her dripping entrance. Rubbing the tip against her throbbing hole made a smile form across his dangerously handsome face. As lovely as it would be to tease her, he knew now wasn't the time– he pushed inside of her slowly, crawling on top of her as he did so and watching her face contort in relief.
"Does that feel good, baby? Can you feel my dick in you?" He rocked into her and she moaned against his lips in desperation. "Aw, don't get shy on me now. Do you like my cock?"
Once again, Y/N didn't respond, much too overwhelmed at the pleasure he was forcing her into. "Pretty girl. Going dumb on my cock, arentcha?" He teased, kissing the tip of her nose gently before rocking into her again. "Good girl. Y'look so beautiful like this."
Y/N wasn't quite sure what he was saying; she only knew that each word seemed to send her spiraling deeper and deeper into the sensations, making her clench and throb as he worked his way in and out of her wet cunt.
Katsuki picked up the pace, but this time he hooked his arms under her thighs and pulled them up by her chest, trapping her against the bed as he plunged his cock deeper and deeper inside her. "Fuck, you got tight. You like when I split you open like this, pretty girl?"
She cried out in response when he started thrusting harder. "W-wait, Kats, I think I'm gonna cum again–"
"There she is," He teased. "Thought I lost ya there. You wanna cum for me?"
Y/N nodded frantically which only spurred him on. He pushed against her legs harder to keep her still and kicked into high gear, going so deep he swore he was in her stomach. The angle had Y/N seeing stars and he didn't let up, even when her orgasm came crashing down and made her clamp hard against his dick like a vice.
The clenching of her walls sent Katsuki spiraling into his own orgasm, his hips seizing as his cock pumped out rope after rope of his cum into her spasming cunt; he came so hard he nearly lost consciousness from the pleasure.
A moment later Bakugou was panting for air, trying to recover a bit. Y/N was breathing just as desperately but still looking a bit dazed. Her chest rose and fell over the passing seconds and seeing her like this was doing things to him again. When he shifted his hips he felt the cum seeping out around his dick while her pussy continued to flutter around him.
That was enough to awaken his arousal once more and Bakugou wanted to sing praises to whoever made that fucking potion. Ever so gently he began moving back and forth, the mixture of his cum and her slick letting him push back inside her with ease. He moved to perch above her again. "How are you feelin, love? Do you want me to stop?"
Still a bit delirious, Y/N shook her head no. "Keep going," She breathed.
And they did.
For the next several hours, Bakugou ruined her over and over again, and each time she came with a cry of his name. It woke a part of Katsuki that he didn't realize was there– an insatiable need to force her into overwhelming pleasure as many times as he was able. Each time she cried out for him or grabbed at him desperately, it made his cock stiffen up again and he couldn't help but wreck her insides once more.
Katsuki took overwhelming pride in his ability to do this to her. Potion or not, he knew this need to please her and make her scream for him wasn't ever going to fade. For hours he used his dick, his hands, and his hips to send her into total explosive bliss. He'd lost count of the amount of orgasms they both had– dozens, probably, and it didn't end until the early hours of the next morning.
When the potion had finally subsided, the two of them were barely able to move from exhaustion, but that didn't stop Bakugou from carrying her to the shower with sore arms and making sure to hold her up under the stream of hot water. Without a word spoken between them, Katsuki washed and dried the both of them before laying her down gently under the satin bedspread.
He kissed her forehead before climbing in next to her, pulling her against him as they drifted off to the deepest sleep of their lives.
| Masterlist | more snippets from The Tinker | Ask Me Anything! |
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haridraws · 8 months
sorry to bother you, i saw your 2022 hourly comic post today and i first want to say thank you because it’s really my exact situation in so many ways, right down to being apart from my partner (haven’t gotten to see her since the start of the pandemic since we’re both disabled and public transport is a covid nightmare but we’re on the council housing waitlist so hopefully eventually!) and it means a lot to not feel alone in that. i wanted to ask about the mobility chair that helps you sit up if that’s okay? i have a simple bed setup but being able to sit in the living room with the sun and a view is nice, but i can’t sit up unsupported for long and i can’t really like Do Anything and also sit upright bc the sitting up is all my energy, so a chair like that might be something to save for if you could maybe tell me about it! also does it have support for the neck/head? i think my spine is getting compressed from not being able to sit up for so long lol but i might be able to find cushions for that so that’s less essential!
anyway, sorry to ramble on! no pressure if you can’t manage a reply, the fact that i know about such chairs now is helpful so thank you either way!! and probably very belated but i was scrolling your blog and happy to see you have a place with your partner, so congrats! take care and all the best to you both!
thank you for this message, v sorry you're in the same boat as I was. Answering properly and publicly in case this is useful for anyone else:
Stuff I personally use to make being bedbound more comfortable
obligatory disclaimer I am not a doctor, stretching or moving your body a little (see 18) if or when you can is probably good, etc.
1. SPECIAL FURNITURE The chair I have NOW is a "riser recliner" and I usually add a small pillow for lower back (and sometimes head) support. Like adjustable beds, they're whole furniture with powerful (HEAVY) motors built in, so they're expensive. They're usually cheaper:
if you don't need to be tipped out (just power recliners, though they might recline less or provide less support)
from regular shops, not mobility ones.
If you're able, you can go into a store and try one out first (personally being taken in a wheelchair was worth the strain, because it was weirdly hard to predict what back shape would be comfy).
if you're in the UK and you're 'chronically sick or disabled' you can get them VAT-free to make them 20% cheaper - mobility stores will have a form, others you might have to ask / check the shop does it
(I got one I could lie flat in, that came with a free setup service in the 'room of my choice'.)
It still took me 8 years of illness mostly stuck in bed to get both chair and bed because of (a) the price (b) not being sure I was sick enough to "deserve" it, same with my wheelchair. THIS WAS A FOOLISH WAY OF THINKING. There's no threshold required to get devices that will make your life easier / less agonising. Mobility aids are for anyone who'll be helped by them.
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2. ADJUST EXISTING FURNITURE WITH WEIRD PILLOWS Special furniture will obviously not be possible for everyone, and before I got the chair, I just used a combo of regular pillows and a triangle wedge pillow in bed (though it took trying 2 different wedges to find one that was a good shape for me.)
Last year someone ( @dont-break-hearts I think? THANK YOU) recommended me this shape cushion - some start at £15 on that site. That's now what I use to sit on a regular sofa, though I also always need my legs up at the same height (tall footstool now, but a sideways dining chair works ok) so it's closer to lying down.
These aren't 100% ideal - ymmv, I still need extra cushions and any position gets stiff after a while - but for me are WAY BETTER than just layering pillows or forcing myself to sit up.
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kaylinalexanderbooks · 5 months
OC interview
Thanks to @bloodmoonloveletter here, @mk-writes-stuff here, @illarian-rambling here, and @elsie-writes here!
Last did Wade here.
Doing Jazlyn now because I don't talk about her enough and I'd like to develop her character more!
Are you named after anyone?
“Nope. The one and only, girl. I'm just Jazlyn!”
When was the last time you cried?
“Oh, pfft! I don't cry. Maybe out of sheer boredom listening to Dr. Ass-ghar ramble on about her rules and how I'm not following them! Like, girl, I can't help that I have fire powers and lit something on fire! That would be like getting mad that Gabe got a little dirty. Oh, and her meetings are the wooorst. Yeah crying for my life in there.” [It was during Ewan's clarinet solo actually]
Do you have kids?
“Girl, what? I'm not even eighteen yet! Close... I'd love kids, honestly. A lot of them! I'd have so much fun with them!”
Do you use sarcasm a lot?
“Look, I know I come across as someone who uses sarcasm, but I'd rather just flat out say what I'm thinking. Why be like ‘wow that was so riveting’ when I could say, ‘this is the most boring crap I have ever seen in my entire life’? So much easier, no mental hoops. Besides, Ewan is the most oblivious to sarcasm I have ever seen.”
What’s the first thing you notice about people?
“Their confidence level. I can usually tell how someone feels about themselves based on how they stand. Posture is the key, but also what they're doing with their hands.”
What’s your eye colour?
“Brown. With some golden flecks when the light hits them right, according to Ewan.”
Scary movies or happy endings?
“Easy, scary movies. This question is stupid - they aren't opposites. However, nothing is more fun than a horror movie. Love getting the blood pumping. Yelling at the characters for being massive dummies is also the best. Horror is the most entertaining to watch with others. Ewan thank the Lord is also a horror enthusiast. We make a habit to have at least one or two horror movie nights a month.”
Any special talents?
“Oh, several. I am pretty athletic. Took cheerleading a while back and now I am on my high school basketball team. At first, I wasn't sure I would like basketball - my coach in middle school pulled me aside and recommended it due to my height, but I love it now. I am also getting pretty good at learning archery. Lighting the arrows on fire makes that more exciting. I am also pretty good at martial arts and my pyrokinesis. Working on breathing fire without burning my throat. Thank the Lord I have Wade to heal me so I can try again!”
Where were you born?
“I was born in flippin' Utah. I know--lily white state, you'd never guess. Ewan and I plan to move somewhere else once we can. Can you believe he was born in Alium? That ain't fair.”
Do you have any pets?
“Ewan and I plan to one day get a dog. We have been planning on moving in together for a while.”
What sort of sports do you play?
“Like I said, basketball. I would love to learn how to play this Alii fireball sport. It's very similar to basketball, but pyrokinetics pass around fire. That sounds like so much fun, man. Did you know they have to keep a healer at each game because not all pyrokinetics are immune to fire? And the audience can get hit too if they're not careful! This sounds like such a fun sport.”
How tall are you?
“I have finally passed six-foot-three. Alii heights are a blessing and a curse.”
What was your favourite subject in school?
“I hope you tell me PE counts as a subject cause I ain't saying anything else. School sucks, girl. I have gotten detention for the lamest reasons imaginable.”
What is your dream job?
“I would love to be in sales. Something about convincing people to do what I want is inticing. Planning on getting a marketing degree when I go to college next year.”
Tagging @leahnardo-da-veggie @eccaiia @mysticstarlightduck @monstrouswrites @mrbexwrites @gottestod-writes @willtheweaver @winterandwords @i-can-even-burn-salad @elizaellwrites @chauceryfairytales @somethingclevermahogony @faeriecinna + anyone else who wants to!
TSP intro
TSP tag list (ask to be +/-): @thepeculiarbird @illarian-rambling @televisionjester @finchwrites
Blanks below the cut
Are you named after anyone? When was the last time you cried? Do you have kids? Do you use sarcasm a lot? What’s the first thing you notice about people? What’s your eye colour? Scary movies or happy endings? Any special talents? Where were you born? Do you have any pets? What sort of sports do you play? How tall are you? What was your favourite subject in school? What is your dream job?
^for an easy copy and paste
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Love Thy Frenemy + Interlude
Dinner & a Movie
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Summary: Simon helps you prepare dinner before settling in to watch an old movie that has a surprising impact on the stoic soldier.
Warnings/Tags: Profanity, lots of fluff and warm fuzzy feelings, no use of Y/N
(Notes: I was going to gloss over this part in the next chapter, but a reader expressed their excitement over Simon and Doll/reader having a date night, and I would hate to disappoint, so... date night it is. The film mentioned in the story is real, one which I highly recommend. It's one of my favorite comfort films.)
Word Count: 2531
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“I knew already that the best meal in the world, the perfect meal, is very rarely the most sophisticated or expensive one.... Context and memory play powerful roles in all the truly great meals in one's life.” ― Anthony Bourdain, A Cook's Tour: Global Adventures in Extreme Cuisines
You don't know why you were so nervous, but Riley was, too apparently.
Neither of you spoke as you left the pub after your shift, the air between you awkward and tense. For some reason, this felt different than the other times he had taken you home. Was it because he was coming up to your flat with you? Was he nervous for a similar reason or was it because he had agreed to have dinner with you? He should know he didn't need to worry about that. You would make allowances for him, just like you did last night. Then another thought sprang up in your mind.
Maybe you were nervous because this felt suspiciously like a date.
Don't go there, Dee, you chided yourself. This was nothing more than two friends hanging out and sharing a meal together. Thinking thoughts like that didn't serve any purpose and only made you nervous when you had no reason to be. Strengthening your resolve, you climbed into the truck as he did the same.
"Do you mind stopping by the market?" you asked, trying to push your worries aside as you buckled your seatbelt. "I need to grab a few things for dinner."
Riley shot you a quick look and nodded, fastening his own seatbelt. "Sure, doll. Whatever ya need." He gave you another quick glance, then added, "What're ya goin' t'make, anyway?"
"Roast chicken and vegetables― unless you'd prefer something else?"
He gave a quick shake of the head. "No. Tha's fine." He seemed to be debating his next words, then forced them out. "Ya don't got t'cook if yer tired, ya know? Ain't no big deal. Ya worked all day, so you should relax. I can grab us some takeaway or― "
You laughed lowly. "Ohhh, no you don't. You're not talking me out of this. I'd be cooking whether you were with me or not, so it's not like I'm going out of my way or something. Besides, you eat too much takeaway and fast food, as it is." You giggled when he sniffed and attempted to look offended. Giving him a playful nudge, you tried to reassure him. "Seriously, Ri. It's no big deal. There's not much work involved in what I'm making. It's mostly prep work, then the oven does the rest."
He hummed but didn't say anything else. He drove you to Ploughman's Market, the local grocery, parking in the small car park nearby and shut off the motor. You expected him to stay in the truck while you shopped, knowing how much he despised shopping, so you were surprised when he got out with you and trailed behind you into the store.
Grabbing a shopping cart, you led the way down the first aisle, pausing to pull your grocery list from your back pocket. Riley was shifting back and forth from one foot to the other, looking impatient and nervous as he uncrossed then recrossed his arms over his chest. He was clearly uncomfortable, which in turn put you on edge. He needed something to distract his mind, but didn't know what to do with himself, so you made the decision for him. Lowering your list, you peered up at him. "Mind pushing the trolley for me?"
He gave a quick nod, seemingly relieved to have something to do. Taking hold of the cart, he dutifully followed along behind you, his dark eyes studying each item you placed in the cart. There were vegetables and butter and bread. A carton of milk and a can of broth. A whole chicken was added then a small container of spice― paprika, according to the label.
"Ya gonna use all this jus' t'make dinner?" he asked, curious.
"Mm-hm. Oh, almost forgot to ask. What would you like for dessert?"
The question caught him off guard. He wasn't expecting to have to offer his own input into the meal plan. He shrugged, not sure what to say. "Dunno. Whatever ya want is fine with me."
"Okaaay... How 'bout an apple crumble? With ice cream. Sound good?"
He frowned. "Ya don't need to go to s'much trouble, doll. Ya ain't got t'make dessert. The chicken will be plenty."
You rolled your eyes. "Ri, you love sweets, and I like making them, so just accept that this happening and move past it." When he began grumbling under his breath, you took his arm and walked beside him for a few steps, looking up at him with a little smirk. "It's not a big deal, okay? But if it'll make you feel better, I'll let you help out. You can chop the vegetables and peel the apples, hm?"
"Fine," he mumbled. He hated for you to put yourself out more than you already were. You should be at home with your feet up, not standing over a hot stove cooking him dinner. If he knew how to make more than tea, he would cook, but knew he'd just make a mess and probably set something on fire. His culinary skills ended at the box directions on his microwave dinners.
You led him back to the produce section to pick out the apples you would need, then went back to the spice aisle for cinnamon and nutmeg. The last thing you placed in the cart was a container of vanilla bean ice cream, the one that he had once mentioned was his favorite brand. You'd remembered, and it made him feel weird, pleased and a little self-conscious, knowing you paid attention to even the off-hand things he said.
The co-owner of the store, Mrs. Gilly was at the register when you went to check out. She smiled at you both as you began placing your items on the conveyor. "How ya doin' today, lovie?" she asked, then glanced up at Simon. "And I hope yer doin' well, too, Mr. Riley."
Simon jammed his hands in his pockets and gave a quick nod. "Doin' fine, mum," he said.
"Ri, will you hand me my bag, please?" you asked, then turned your attention to the older woman. "How've you and Mr. Gilly been? Got that new freezer in, I saw. Bet you're pleased 'bout that, yeah?"
Mrs. Gilly huffed a laugh as she began scanning your groceries. "Aye and thank the saints fer it, Told Graham if I had to mop up after that leaky old unit one more time, I was takin' the mop to his head next."
You laughed as you made your way down to the end, pulling a bundle of folded shopping totes from your messenger bag. The two of you chatted away while you bagged up your groceries, leaving Simon to look on with mild amusement. When the total was rung up and you reached for your wallet, however, he spoke up at last.
"I'll pay fer this," he said, handing over his card to Mrs. Gilly. When you opened your mouth to protest, he gave you a sharp look. "Shut it, Dee. If yer cookin', then I'm payin' fer the food."
You scoffed and crossed your arms over your chest. "But it was my idea. I offered to cook."
"An' I'm takin' ya up on the offer," he agreed, then added, "but I'm still payin' for it."
Mrs. Gilly chuckled, taking his card. "Ya heard the man, love. He's tryin' to play fair with ya. Ain't tha' right, Mr. Riley?"
Simon gave you a smug look. "Yes, mum. 'S a fair play. I buy the food an' Dee cooks it. Seems like a fair deal to me."
You smirked and shook your head. "Fine. You win." You reached for the totes, only to have them snatched away before you could get a grip on them. "Ugh! Ri, I can carry some of this."
"No." Simon gathered the bags in his big hands, refusing to let you carry anything.
"I'm not a weakling, ya know?"
"No, you're a bloody brat, is what ya are. Now, c'mon."
Mrs. Gilly chuckled, watching the two of you bicker as you followed Simon out of the store. She noticed the way he slowed his steps so you wouldn't have to walk fast, his head tilting down to look at you as you looked up at him, chattering away at the usually quiet man. From the looks of it, he was giving as good as he got.
Mrs. Giily gave you both a considering look. He was different around you, and you him. You both seemed to come alive in each other's presence. It warmed her heart to witness it. She couldn't help but think that the two of you made a lovely couple.
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After the groceries were carried up to your flat, you set about preparing the meal. Simon sat at the counter and watched, listening to you chatter on about some new fantasy show you'd been watching, feeling all the tension he'd been carrying drain away.
As promised, you put him to work, giving him a cutting board and a couple of knives― one for paring, one for chopping. He was mildly impressed with how sharp you kept them, the blades slicing through the raw vegetables with ease. When he wasn't sure how to cut something, you took the knife and quickly sliced and cubed a potato into the size chunks you wanted, then handed him the knife back without even pausing in your story, not making a big deal of his inexperience.
As he peeled and sliced and chopped, he watched you prepare the chicken, blending the butter together with fresh herbs you collected from some of your little potted plants in the kitchen window. You smeared the concoction over the entire bird before adding a few more sprigs of herbs to the hollowed-out cavity inside it. You then placed the chicken inside a heavy Dutch oven pot and layered the vegetables he'd chopped around it, sprinkling a bit more salt, pepper and paprika over everything. Calling it good, you set the lid on it with a clang and slid the pot into the oven.
"Hand me the apples an' I'll peel 'em," Simon said, pointing at them with his paring knife.
You gave him a little smirk. "Have you ever used an apple peeler?"
"A wot?"
You pulled out a gadget that reminded Simon of the pencil sharpeners from primary school, but with the shavings barrel removed. You showed him how to use it, sticking one of the apples on the device then had him crank the little handle. The peel began to curl off the fruit, making him huff out a laugh. He had no idea such a thing even existed, but enjoyed himself more than he would like to admit.
As he peeled, you cut the apples and sliced them into thin pieces, layering them in the bottom of fancy deep-dish plate you called a tort dish. He was fascinated by the way your deft little hands worked over the food, turning a bunch of random items into an actual meal.
Just like when you tended bar, there was no hesitation in anything you did, the actions second nature for you to perform. The whole process seemed to relax you, all the tension of your day slipping away. You were in your element when in your little kitchen, confident and at ease. Seeing you this way relaxed him as well. He realized he liked doing this with you. A lot.
After the crumble was put together and set aside, you made tea and led him into your little sitting area, encouraging him to peruse the books and movies while you sat back on the couch and enjoyed your cuppa. One of the movies caught his eye, the word 'ghost' drawing his attention. It was an old black and white film called 'The Ghost and Mrs. Muir'.
He pulled the case from the shelf and flipped it over to read the back, brows scrunching together. "Tha' doesn't even make any sense," he muttered. "A ghost fallin' in love." He sniffed in derision and shook his head, ready to put it back on the shelf.
You hummed, tilting your head to look up at him as you sipped your tea. "It makes sense once you see the movie. It's a great film, one of my favorites."
He eyed you for a moment and then handed you the case. "Put it on, then. I can withhold judgement until I see it, I s'pose," he said, but his tone was dubious.
At first, Simon watched with an already biased opinion, but as the film went on, he was a little shocked at how invested he had become in the movie, barely even acknowledging the timer on the oven when it went off and you left to take out the chicken. His brows lifted in mild surprise when you returned a few minutes later, handing him a plate full of food and some cutlery.
"Thanks, doll."
You nodded, then tossed a thumb over your shoulder. "I'll sit at the counter, so you can eat and watch the movie," you offered, but he shook his head.
"'S fine. You don't gotta do that. Come back an' finish the movie wif me."
You hesitated for only a second and then nodded. "Okay. Just need to put the crumble in and I'll be right back."
Simon pulled his mask up to his nose without a second thought, balancing the plate on his knees as he took his first bite. His eyes slid shut. Bloody fuckin' hell! How did you make everything taste so good? He shook his head, thinking to himself he'd gladly pay you to cook like this for him every day.
The two of you sat at opposite ends of the couch and ate while finishing the film. You paused it once to get the crumble out of the oven, bringing him a bowl full of crumble and melting ice cream. Simon savored every bite, right up until the end of the movie, the last scene making it a little hard for him to swallow the food in his mouth. Watching the two characters wander into the misty hereafter arm and arm made his chest feel warm and tight. When he glanced over at you, there was a soft expression on your face, sweet and little wistful.
"See?" you murmured to him. "A ghost can fall in love. Does it make sense to you, now?"
Simon swallowed past the lump that had formed in his throat, that warm feeling in his chest growing as he gazed at you. He felt so full, full to bursting, and what's more, he felt an overwhelming sense of contentment. He felt... happy. A smile curled up a corner of his mouth as he gave you a begrudging nod.
"Yeah, doll. I guess it does."
Prev. >> Next
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oddballwriter · 1 year
Dwelling in the Night, Part Three: Ruined Meals
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Series Masterlist
Pt. 1 Pt. 2 - Pt. 4
Summary: The run-ins with The Silhouette and the strange behaviors of their next-door neighbor continue on. However, it seems like the longer these happenings go on, the stranger it gets with The Silhouette acting more now annoyed with the run-ins with MoonKnight, and Steven's neighbor appearing a bit disheveled.
Warnings: The reader is a vampire, so there is talk of blood, being undead, and the like. The reader as Y/N eats raw meat at a certain point. It is mentioned that at a certain point, the reader looks sickly. The reader has canonically killed and kills criminals.
Author’s Snip: This is half the usual length of the other parts in this series and I'm sorry for that. this also doesn't really help much with the plot but I wrote it already and did the word count so I can't really do anything now. I’ll shut up now. Enjoy! And don’t be afraid to request.
Word Count: 1294
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Three times.
Three times this month the boys have caught Silhouette and what most likely would have been their latest criminal catch. At first, it seemed like a nice surprise to them, a bit of some banter between the two of them before parting ways. But now they've been getting more annoyed with the meetings.
Of course, Marc and the rest of them weren't just going to let Silhouette kill someone right in front of them, nor did Silhouette desire to kill in front of him either.
In the meantime, you had seemingly shut yourself into your apartment for weeks now. You hardly came out, both in the day and during the night and it was starting to worry Steven. He had really started to think that the two of you were starting to get along and become friends. But now it seems like you're back at square one for seemingly no reason.
Maybe you were just busy with something involving your work. Whatever that was. You've never told him about it.
But he still worried because whenever he would catch a glimpse of you, you looked a bit worse for wear. You looked paler and looked like you'd been restless for a bit.
"Why don't you just go to their place and ask if they're okay?" Jake asks as he watches Steven pace around the living room of his flat from the glass of Gus II's tank. "Because they're asleep at this time, mate." Steven answers, "If I knock then I'll just be bugging them, and that's the last thing they probably need right now." the Brit adds. "Are they sick?" Jake questions. "I don't know. Maybe. They just don't look right." Steven says.
"Well. They did say that a doctor's got them on a liquid diet, right? Maybe that's got something to do with it." Jake suggests.
"Maybe," Steven mutters to himself. "I hope they aren't making themselves stay on the diet. It looks like it's hurting them pretty bad if it were that." Steven worries.
"Maybe confront them next time you see them." Jake recommends, "We don't want your only friend other than us and your little fish to go wasting away." Jake adds a light-hearted quip to try and sell Steven on the idea.
Another night of patrolling. Though, this time Marc didn't see Silhouette. It felt a bit off. They had grown so used to crossing paths with them on rare occasions, though recently it hasn't been that rare. But the thought that it was for the better, maybe you could finally get a kill in peace.
Marc slips in through the flat's window into the usually darkened space. But this time a light shone in the usual darkness, coming from the kitchen. The fridge light, which only shone when it was open.
Marc was careful, keeping the mask and suit on to keep his identity hidden and making whatever was here think that MoonKnight managed to catch a random house break-in and not his own. Because he knew he, nor the others left the fridge like that when they left.
He crept about looking for any signs of someone still being around while investigating the kitchen.
He found the fridge ransacked, all of its drawers and contents rummaged through in what looked to be a search for something. Upon looking down at the floor before the fridge, he saw disheveled plastic wrap and styrofoam trays with some spots of reddish wet droplets strewn about. It took Marc a moment to realize just what he was looking at and needed to do a few look-backs at the fridge.
The meat.
It was the containers of slices of meat that Marc and Jake had gotten for themselves for their own food. Someone took... someone seemingly ate the raw slices of meat that they had in the fridge.
"That's disgusting." Steven comments.
Marc moves away from the scene. He tries to look around and figure out if this person is still here and if not, where they could have gone. In this process, he mimics a possible escape route through their open window, only to notice that your window is opened too.
He only really thinks "Shit-" before quickly scaling the gutter under the window to yours, fearing that this freak's broken into your place too. Marc also doesn't think before hopping into your flat.
There, he finds you just having come out of your bathroom and being startled by the sight of him.
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to alarm you." Marc apologizes. "I was patrolling round the place. Someone broke into your neighbor's flat through the window. I wanted to make sure they didn't break in here too." he explains before trying to make his exit through the window again.
"Marc! What the bloody fuck?" Steven exclaims. "You just broke into Y/N's place! They could have recognized your voice with mine!" he scolded. "You have an accent, Steven. They didn't see our face. They won't have any clue that it's your voice." Marc assures, upon making it far enough away from your open window so that you can't hear him anymore.
"That doesn't mean you can just barge in think that!" Steven exclaims louder. "You would have done it too if you were fronting." Marc grumbles, "Don't be mad about me checking up on your little weirdo next door." he remarks.
"Hey. At least they look better. Huh, Steven?" Jake proclaims trying to calm Steven down.
You stood in your flat, gobsmacked by what had just transpired in front of you for a few seconds.
That was him. That was MoonKnight. The hero of the moon that you've been having witty banter with for the past few months and coming across again and again.
If you could still have heart attacks, no doubt, you would have had one right there. You thought that maybe he still had his suspicions about you and had started tracking you from afar and had learned who you were, where you lived, and now seen you steal the meat from Steven's fridge.
You didn't want to resort to doing that. Steven was nice to you. You would never want to steal from him in any other circumstance. But you haven't been catching any criminals to drink from for weeks now, and it was starting to take a toll on you. Stealing meat was the best you could to save yourself from falling into a feeding frenzy and killing someone innocent for the sake of being fed. It might not be as good as blood of any kind, but it did the job of helping you hold out till you could maybe catch a criminal again.
It just so happened that Steven wasn't home while he had his widow open.
You don't know why you went into Steven's flat. Sure, you were a bit delirious to eat and possibly took the first opportunity you had, but you still remembered that Steven was vegan. So there was no chance that he would have meat at all. But strangely enough, he did have it in his fridge.
Maybe he just doesn't eat it but was planning on cooking some for a friend. Except that thought made you feel a bit more guilty for eating all his meat.
You hadn't really dwelled too much on it. You just focused on getting back into your flat and cleaning yourself up from having scarfed down your gross meal and then getting yourself back into your coffin for your rest before daylight broke and ran the chance of burning you.
Something you should get to doing now. You can act surprised and shocked about the story when Steven sees you again and tells you all about it.
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randoimago · 1 year
Marry Me
Fandom: Ace Attorney
Character(s): Apollo Justice
Type of Request: 3,000 Followers Oneshots
Note(s): Here's this post! I was requested two characters in the same post so I made a separate post for each of them and that's why this looks so empty >.<
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"hi i love you so much marry me"
That was not what you expected to see when Apollo told you he'd text you about meeting up to hang out today. You just stopped what you were doing and stared at the text that very much was not how he typically texted. It was too relaxed and he would never lowercase an "i". Heck, looking back at previous texts, he hardly lowercased anything.
You begin texting back, only to stop as you see the bubbles pop up, letting you know that he was texting back. Well, he or someone else. With how often he gets his things stolen, you wouldn't be surprised if his phone was also taken too.
That caused you to snort as you knew Apollo had his phone back. You saw more dots for texting and watched as they vanished before coming back and vanishing again. Then your phone started getting a call.
"It was Trucy! She took my phone! I didn't say any of that!"
"Apollo is so in love with you though!"
You had to pull your phone away from your ear at Apollo's yelling, missing what Trucy had replied with after. You think you heard Athena and Phoenix in the background, but their voices were also drowned out by Apollo's rapid apologies and excuses, and you had to save him from digging this hole.
"So, I'll see you at lunch still?" You ask, cutting him off. It's silent as your words process before Trucy pipes up.
"Yep, he'll see you then, bye!" A shout from Apollo followed before the phone was hung up. Well, that was something.
Apollo was mortified with what happened. He's sitting down with his head in his hands as Trucy and Athena are talking about flowers you like because there's no way Apollo is going to show up empty handed to confess.
"I have nothing to confess!" Apollo cuts them off, his face red and palms are sweaty. The girls stop and just stare at him. He sees Widget flashing and Phoenix chuckles.
"The Magatama doesn't lie, Apollo," Phoenix states and pats the completely red, besides his hair, boy on the back and walks out of his office, saying he'll get ramen for the group while telling Apollo to take you someplace classier, so you don't die from the salty ramen and Apollo finally gets accused of murder.
He is a nervous wreck as he gets ready to go to lunch with you. He told himself it was a friend date. He told Trucy it was a friend date. And that's what got his phone stolen and began the whole chaotic morning.
Apollo arrives twenty minutes early. The place isn't a super fancy restaurant, just a nice diner that Maya recommended before. He is waiting inside at a table and very nervous. The coffee hasn't helped his jittering. The waitress was getting annoyed with Apollo's single coffee and Apollo had given his twenty-seventh apology that day when you finally walked in, and he breathed a sigh of relief.
"So this morning must have been something," you say and Apollo's head slams onto the diner table, causing a jump from a few other patron's as they look over and Apollo winces.
"Y- Yeah, sorry about that. Trucy was... was just being Trucy," he says and tries to smile but it falls flat as he looks at you. You just laugh at his expression, which does immediately make everything in the universe feel better.
"Good, I'd much prefer a confession in person than over text," you reply before talking about your day and Apollo has stopped listening. He is too stuck on what you had previously said. Were you serious? Maybe you're just messing with him? There's no way you said that.
"I AM FINE!" Is his immediate response, causing more of the clientele to glance to the table you both sat and that waitress to hate more of Apollo every second. Sorry Maya, he's never coming here again. Apollo takes a deep breath before looking to you. "W- What were you saying?"
"I was asking how you've been? Besides trying to marry me, that is." Apollo reddens more at your words. And now his mind is going back to what you had said about a confession. He just takes a deep breath and tries to think of something.
"I've been fine," he says and yes, it is his key phrase, but it's also the truth. He hasn't been involved in any complicated cases in a while. Things at the office have been good. And he's having this friend date with you. Something that he always has to remind himself that there's an emphasis on friend.
"I'm glad. I will fight your boss if you end up being overworked," you say and Apollo smiles at that.
"You can try, but I don't think anything could actually hurt him."
"I'll still try. You can defend me if he accidentally dies." Apollo chuckles and shakes his head, his previous nerves and embarrassment ebbing away, as it usually does when he has these moments with you. "Hey, you know I love you right?"
"Huh?" Any and all thoughts he had came to a crashing halt at your words. Did he hear you right? You loved him? You loved him?! "HUH?"
You didn't get to finish speaking as the waitress had enough and kicked you both out for the noise. Apollo apologized profusely, but it didn't matter as you now stood outside the diner.
"I am so sorry."
"It's okay, there's a park nearby," you tell him with a smile and Apollo nods as he follows you, his mind racing now as he's processing what you confessed to him in the diner. He keeps walking until he has to stop.
"Wait, can we talk?" He asks you and you stop and turn to look at him. Apollo sighs and runs a hand through his hair as he thinks. "You... You love me?" He asks again and the smile on your face and nod you give makes his heart beat fast.
"Yeah. I have for a while but was waiting to see if you confessed. I almost responded to the text this morning with 'let's go' until I saw you continued typing," you inform him and he's now upset that he interrupted his chance earlier.
"Ah, I see."
"If you don't like me ba-"
"I love you," he cut you off. He didn't shout, he didn't even raise his voice. It's his usual tone but with so much seriousness in his words. He's a bit surprised that he could even control his tone. A smile crosses your face and you nod.
"Great... Cool... Well, you got us kicked out of the diner so let's go to the park to finish our date instead." Apollo grinned and walked with you.
At least the park made it easier for the Wright Agency to spy on you both.
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I was brainstorming ways to make Marinette (and everyone else) keeping Gabriel's identity from Adrien work.
What if, in S5, Lila was redeemed and Felix was set up as the future antagonist? Of course, S5 would have to be majorly reworked but the basic concept for just Lila is:
Lila is fired by Gabriel earlier, being devastated by fading back into a nobody (no mastermind stunts). Marinette talks to her and they build a awkward connection.
Lila becomes more honest to the class but doesn't reveal her previous lies. She simply acknowledges that making unkeepable promises could backfire, like with Gabriel.
Lila finds out about Marinette's identity through her perception of lies and reveals Gabriel's identity (+ maybe some stolen floor plans or something).
After the finale, Marinette is torn on revealing Gabriel's identity to the public & Adrien and confides in Lila, the only other person who knows and boy is that unlucky.
The thing is Lila's concept of good is still undeveloped, more logic and less empathy. To her, the main focus is keep everyone happy. 1/4 because it's "right" to see smiles and 3/4 because it's "smart" with the Butterfly still active. So, Lila recommends keeping it a secret.
Marinette is still hesitant but decides it would be best to keep it a secret, if only while the Butterfly is still active.
The main point of making Lila the sharer of knowledge is that she feels no obligation towards Adrien and (well-intentionally) encourages Marinette to feel the same way.
Also, no one knows Adrien is a sentimonster. Kagami isn't involved, so the only available person would be Nathalie and she can be written off as indefinitely comatose. As for Felix, Gabriel's identity and the human sentimonsters should be brought up in S6.
Ideally, Felix reveals to Adrien that he is a sentimonster near the beginning of the season and Adrien learns to accept it at the end of the season. Then, Marinette recognizes Adrien's maturity and shares Gabriel's identity with him.
I like elements of this, but I think season five is too late in the game to redeem Lila without it being a major story arc that spans at least half a season. You could have done it after season one, maybe even season two, but season three made her way too evil without adding any complexity to her character, which is very much needed for people to see her in a sympathetic light.
I don't think most viewers would be satisfied by her lies staying a secret, either. I know I wouldn't, but I think you could potentially rework that element? Have her exposed and ostracized and that be what leads her and Marinette to become tentative allies? Maybe Lila is desperate for revenge on Gabriel to the point that she no longer cares about Marinette because Marinette has really done nothing noteworthy to Lila (why does this show love giving people baseless vendettas against Marinette?) and Lila knows Marinette will do anything for Adrien, so Lila recruits Marinette to help her? It would be hard to pull off, but not impossible.
I do like Felix being the new big bad more than Lila, though. However, he's going to suffer from the same issue Gabriel does unless you nerf the peacock. Namely the issues of the character's power set being way too overpowered for them to come across as smart while still losing every battle. You could potentially get around that if Felix refuses to make sentimonsters, though? But then you'd need to come up with a way to keep him threatening. It's a hard balance to strike with the peacock. The butterfly is much easier to nerf. For the peacock, I just flat out redesign it because of all the issues it introduces and I was doing that long before the senti nonsense.
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modern-inheritance · 6 months
Huh. I was thinking (dangerous, I know) about how Iz finally sees Arya’s scars again.
And I think I settled on something, but I wanna run it by you lot.
Arya got a full debriefing from Ajihad, and she was comfortable with it because she knew he had no political or other manipulative goals with it.
The elf council, though? She can’t trust any of them. With good reason. They’re all playing some long game or another. And they are being thorough. To the point of inappropriate.
Arya's doing her best to roll with it, but it's pretty obvious she's started to getting offended. She switches to speaking in the Ancient Language, repeats her assertion that she never said anything on any topic beyond swearing and yelling at them, etc, and keeps speaking in AL.
This makes the council uncomfortable. Because, as I've mentioned in a post or two before, in elvish society if someone of a lower station speaks in the Ancient Language first (rather than Common or Common Elvish), the proper response is for the person of higher station to speak AL as well. It's a custom that is used to keep higher positioned/powerful people transparent and truthful. It's considered a major slight to continue speaking in Common or Common Elvish after the lower station person initiates AL.
Arya's making a statement with her switch: I'm telling the truth, and I don't trust your intentions. I'm done with playing games, ask your questions, get on with it, and stop fucking around.
And some of them stay in Common. They keep asking questions about if she really remained quiet, what techniques were used, did the Shade infiltrate her mind, etc, etc, lots of what ifs and hows that Arya is not happy about.
She's done. And she's furious that Islanzadi hasn't uttered a peep in her defense, or even to object to any of the questioning.
"Enough. I'm done answering with words."
there is a hell of a lot of muttering, some agast, some amused, some in horror, as Arya full on strips down to her skivvies with a flourish, does a 360 turn, puts her hands on her hips and deadpans, "Would you like to experience my memories, too? That can be arranged. I'm here for a while. I wouldn't recommend it, my Recall is very strong and I assure you, you will feel everything I experienced, but if you're still unsure of what happened, by all means!"
Iz: I think we're finished here.
Arya: *salutes smartly, grabs her clothes and marches out*
Glen, waiting outside, mildly raises an eyebrow: Didn't go well, I take it?
Arya, low fury: No, it did not. *keeps walking to their flat with her clothes in hand, absolutely done.*
luckily, Eragon was not around.
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maoam · 10 months
I'm sorry for this long ass ask. I just wished to get a bit this out of my chest. Feel free to delete it if you would want to feel a bit more positive!
As you said once, if I remember correctly, there is no one more mysoginistic in fandoms (especially shonen) than the het shippers rather than the "fujoshis." In my personal experience, at least, I rarely have seen people hate a girl because she is in the way of their mlm pairing. But I have seen in het ships women be especially vile with their words like slut shaming, body shaming (flat chest vs busty discourses).
Especially in the Naruto fandom, I don't understand why NH and SS stans have to be on the march of war against each other, or why pit their favs against each other when they clearly are "not in the way" of their respective pairings, or even harass all other ships. In fact, I Hinata and Sakura are even in friendly terms. If not outright, they don't care about each other's existence for most of the time, I think?? So why so much catty?
Sometimes, I visit NH/SS/NaruSaku blogs out of curiosity, without doing anything but looking. Usually their content is all about shitting on other pairings but just that. They don't support other creators who appreciate the pairings, like writers or artists. Just shit on the rival pairing while be like "unlike that shit, this pairing has sense and is better". Like, they are more obsessive about what they hate rather than what they love. Absurd.
I have seen people call Sakura a cumdumpster (I swear to god that word-) and Sarada a hoe/slut, and considering Sarada is like 12 to 16 years old... well, it weirds me out. Or shame on the fact Hinata is a busty woman and usually that's the only bad thing they can say about her that comes to my mind, along with other slut shaming.
Or the weird obsession Sakura fans have about Sakura's body, like "THIS IS WHY SHE IS NOT FLAT." Why do you care so much if she's beautiful anyway?
I can go long but I won't because it sounds kinda frustrating.
But why can't these people just... stay in their planes? And ignore each other? Or if they love their one true pairing, just support artists or recommend fan fictions they like, or heck do something themselves and create a more positive environment not only for the fandoms but for themselves as well. Because most of the time, they go on anti - or pro tags and just harass people who think differently like they do with you or sneezemonster-
Again, sorry for the rant, and thank you if you had the patience of reading. Bless your day and keep doing what you do! What you write is always interesting to read <3
People mistake fujoshis (or just people who ship gay pairings) complaining about the het ships having no mutual development/how the female character in said ship has no individual development/revolves only around the guy she likes as "hating on the female character/misogyny". Which it isn't. Sure there might be couple who are misogynists, but that really isn't what I usually see. Meanwhile het shippers are indeed very vile in their ship wars.
"I don't understand why NH and SS stans have to be on the march of war against each other, or why pit their favs against each other when they clearly are "not in the way" of their respective pairings"
Because to them shipping is also a contest, and everyone is their competitor. They need to show everyone how they ship the best ship or how "their girl" is the best girl of the show. NH will talk about how Hinata is more "fertile" than Sakura (which is really misogynistic), how she is the heiress, how she is the richest girl in Konoha (lol). All very shallow things, none of them she even earned. And SS will go out of their way to "prove" Sakura is better looking than the other Naruto girls, because somehow that matters more than Sakura not having any dignity in the story... And yes, SS's crazy need to prove Sakura is not flat, sometimes they straight up edit Kishimoto's drawings so she would have a bigger chest.
This is also why these especially crazy people don't flock to shojo as much, since shojo doesn't usually have as big of a mainstream audience as shonen. And maybe they are addicted to one-sided interaction, because they relate to it? They can't relate to a female character that has reasonable feelings?
But yeah, recently I have seen a lot of Historia hate and it's all "she's spreading her legs to the farmer", "Whorestoria", "even her whore mother didn't like her", "blonde whore" and so on from certain het ship fandom. But sure fujoshis are the worst ones for saying Mikasa's character revolved too much around Eren...
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flower-boi16 · 6 months
I Watched The Hello Neighbor Cartoon (It's bad)
So just today while I was scrolling through my recommendations on youtube I saw a review of the Hello Neighbor cartoon that I never knew existed up until now. Just by looking at the show I didn't have very high expectations but I randomly decided to watch it cuz why not? I mean, it has an 8.6/10 on IMDB so surely it must be good right?....ya no. Anyways...the show sucks, here's why.
1. The Animation & Vissuals
The animation is...bad. It just looks very stiff and cheap looking, and the characters aren't that expressive either, they all look bland and soulless (which also describes their personalities incredibly well too). So much of it feels choppy as hell, like I'm watching a show made with two dollars on flash. I would say that this looks like a cheap Canadian cartoon (and I say this as somebody from Canada) but...even then there are Canadian shows that look more appealing than this.
The art style also looks bland, again, the characters barely have ANY real expression to them, and it really looks like a low-effort kids show more than anything else, which makes the show's attempts at being "scary" fall flat. Don't have much else to say here, the animation just looks that bad.
2. Comedy
There are a few times when the show tries to be funny...and it fails. None of the jokes here really made me laugh....at all. Though there were times when the show did get a laugh out of me...and they were when I wasn't supposed to laugh. Like that scene in episode 2 with where our main girl sees a bunch of neighbor heads I just couldn't help but find it VERY amusing, plus the credits which is just the neighbor goofily staring through the window where "dRaMAtiC" music plays in the background and it just looks VERY goofy. Aside from that, when the show is trying to be funny...it's not. It's just not.
3. Characters
A majority of the characters are honestly not worth talking about aside from Trinity and Nicky ig, they are all just...so boring. None of the kids' personalities are remotely endearing in the slightest and they are all just extremely one-dimensional.
Trinity is our main character and...I'm sorry but she just isn't interesting in the slightest. She has literally no personality or depth as a character and makes her a very boring protagonist for the story. She's also pretty inconsistent in episode 2 where she's all like "no we can't follow around the neighbor" when last episode she was perfectly on board with that and Nicky's plan? Then there's Nicky who also kinda sucks. Like the other characters he isn't that interesting or endearing at all, and they also don't even give a reason for why he thinks the neighbor is a murderer. Like, what made him assume the neighbor murdered his own kids??? It honestly would've been really cool if they merged aspects of Dipper from Gravity Falls and Webby from Ducktales 2017 together for his character because I could really see the potential here, but what we have now...ya.
The other kids are, again, not worth talking about because of how boring they are. They aren't funny or entertaining to watch at all, they all feel so bland and soulless. The other kids simply just exist and not much else. I really don't have that much else to say about the characters.
4. The "Horror"
So the show tries to be scary...but it isn't. Honestly, It's hard to pinpoint what parts the show wants me to be scared of because it's really hard to find a show with this art style scary in the slightest. Nothing about it is that "creepy" at all, though I don't even know this is supposed to be a horror show despite it being based on a horror game since I never felt scared watching it all.
I guess the show's overarching mystery is kinda intriguing...? But when the characters are so bland it's hard to even get invested in it. Don't have much else to say here.
5. Plot Holes
Ah yes, no bad show would be complete without plot holes, now would it? I'll just list some of the plot holes in each episode here:
Speaking of that murder, wouldn't have that got onto the news or something? Like, did nobody report it??? And if we assume someone DID report it, since the neighbor was the last one there who COMMITTED THE MURDER, wouldn't the officers put two and two together and realize it was the neighbor?
Also why did the neighbor commit the murder in the first place??? What was even the point of that???? Did he not have any money to pay for it???? Why????
The fact that there is just. A tunnel under the school. For some reason, which NEVER gets explained by the way.
When Nicky gets captured by the neighbor, where tf are his parents???? Did they not recognize their child is missing??? Why didn't they file a missing child report or ANYTHING???
There are more plot holes than these but these are the most egregious ones to me. Also the ones I already mentioned in the characters section. Besides, this post is getting long enough already so I'll just end it here....
6. Conclusion
So ya, the show sucks, 3/10, see ya.
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Phullo it is I again!
I am very glad that you actually responded and given me an actual advice since I was worried about the question I sent you.
Though besides that I have another question for you (hoorayyy)!
So, about the reading books earlier- I’m fortunately a bookworm too! It’s just that I notice I prefer reading the genre science fiction/psychological horror more than… anything else!
And while the books I am currently reading, ‘Flowers For Algernon’ and ‘I’m Thinking Of Ending Things’ (these books are seriously so wonderfully made they make want to tear my walls), DO have romantic aspects of it- it’s not really the main plot of the story..
‘Flowers For Algernon’ has amazing storytelling and is very unique- though I’m not sure if you’ve read it before but, it’s actually just the main character taking notes. Hence why there was a lot misspellings which honestly makes it a great touch if you know the context behind it.
On the other hand, ‘I’m Thinking Of Ending Things’ too shares the same uniqueness as the other, possibly even more unique if I must say so myself. Though I REALLY don’t want to make my story similar to them since I want to make it more heart warming than fucked up..
Which is why I feel like I have the need to borrow or buy at least one romantic book because, I lack of it. I mean I accidentally borrowed it one time but it was kind of disappointing.
I don’t know if its a good idea and if I should do it or not since does it really matter of the genre, or just the writing?
Still, if you have any good books that are in the romance genre. Feel free to recommend some to me!
-lots of love, from another bookworm
welcome back! happy to hear you're a bookworm as well <3 im writing those titles down since i read a criminal lack of sci-fi despite loving it
i actually don't have any straight up romance recs - i don't actively search it out (outside of fanfic), so any romance i read just comes with whatever book i've picked up. just straight up romance bores me, unless its a fic with a pairing i actively like. and even then, i need to take breaks from it unless the romance is interspersed with an actual plot. im not a romantically-geared person! i dont have single Main Plot Is Romance book on my shelves!
but imo its really just the quality of writing that helps. ive never been in a romance, im the child of two different divorces, and yet ive been told that i write romance fairly well. go fuckin figure lmao.
so actually my advice on romance is to just like. wow idk what i do is pick apart the romances i see on tv / in writing. what makes them good together, how do they act around each other, what are their love languages, what's their dynamic, what traditional romance things do they partake in, what dont they partake in, do they have anything nontraditional, do they work and why do / they dont they - does that make their relationship more interesting or is it flat. are they a good match.
you don't have to have every answer, but ive found that at least understanding their characters / dynamics, and having them interact in a way that suits them will help your romance feel natural. dont conform to tropes or tradition, that will just make the relationship flat and unrealistic. and you can always sprinkle in little things that you like / would like, which will help ground the romance and get you into the groove
tldr with romance, i think it's better to observe real life (whether that's paying attention to couples or reading reddit threads) & analyze in-love or in-a-relationship characters instead of just reading romance novels. bc honestly, and from what i can tell, they can tend to be over the top or cookie cutter
just realized you did not explicitly ask for romance advice! Oopsie! i got a little carried away here....
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