#others apprentice
ghoulfriendfangs · 2 years
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{Art of @governmentfundedvampiresex’s oc Garlic, Julian, and Delphi in that order! In the main canon, Delphi dates Julian, but my friends and I have an au where all our apprentices coexist so in that au Julian dates both our mcs! We call them the Thripple. Don’t ask why.}
Day Two: Who is their LI? What’s their relationship like?
   I have so many emotions about this where to begin.
  Delphi adores Julian. They love him to bits. Delphi loves how caring he is, how much attention he pays them. Delphi is a stubborn one, they’ll never admit if they’re feeling sick, hurt, emotionally or physically bad. But Julian notices, and makes them take care of themself. Delphi pretends to protest, but they adore it.
  Julian adores how strong they are, physically and mentally. Delphi can scoop him up like he weighs nothings, and they definitely enjoy peacocking for him. Oh? They need wood for the fire? Delphi will bring Julian out back so he can watch help them chop wood.
  Delphi usually hates feeling vulnerable. They don’t hate it around Julian. They feel safe. For once they can stop worrying about their burning need to be the best, to be well liked, to be so proud. They can just be a sappy dork.
  Julian is riddled with stress, but something about how carefree Delphi is soothes him. Something about the way that they assure him everything will be alright, with nothing but confidence and a big toothy grin.
  Both have their flaws, sure. Delphi has a habit of being overprotective, and sometimes a bit jealous. When they see others eyeing Julian, they have a tendency to act rather foolish. Julian is, of course, a ball of worries, especially worried about hurting Delphi. But in a strange way, each loves the other's flaws. Delphi’s overprotectiveness makes him feel wanted, Julian’s worries make them feel cared for.
  Delphi does the cooking but they’re like. Bad at cooking in a good way. Like they will make something that looks like straight up garbage casserole but you take a bite and it’s like that scene from ratatouille.
  Both have combined their respective knowledge in magic/potions and science/medicine. Julian has a clinic next to the shop, and they often work together to help their clients/patients.
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precariouswizardry · 1 year
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drawnbythestream · 5 months
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Obi-wan and his friend Bant Eerin having a sad moment after certain events
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Gabriel, Jeremy, Susie and... Vanessa? Vanny???
oh, and Glitchtrap too (he's in the computer Vanessa is holding)
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lunealys · 4 months
Solomon when referring to MC: My adorable apprentice™. My cute, lovely and sexy apprentice™. My darling apprentice who can do no wrong™. My precious apprentice whom I wanna fuck so hard™. My dearest apprentice™.
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turnipoddity · 3 months
mhnnnhmmmm handsssssssss.s..s..s........
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lambychop · 7 months
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Did anyone ask for this? No
But I can draw it for myself. As a treat 🧩
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arcadiiian · 1 month
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so i just finished reading assassin's apprentice
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thunderc1an · 28 days
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messy concept feeding off of my last post of a horror + mystery spinoff warriors series
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whump-galaxy · 4 months
Y’know, I really love when magic physically changes the person using it. Damage from overuse is great, but what about runes burning into their skin every time they use a new spell? Or their body physically morphing to match the kind of magic they’re using, like unicorn magic causing a horn to grow from their head. Even better if it’s permanent.
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jennilah · 5 months
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Amanda Young & Mark Hoffman parallels
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horrorknife · 4 months
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babe, this wouldn't be the first time it will not be the last time there's no parasol that could shelter this weather
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isda-bata · 6 months
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Matching CG art I’m so fricken proud of these I’ll post these here too
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findingcrow · 1 year
Why have I not seen LITERALLY ANYONE talk about how in Erak’s Ransom, when Will saves the group, Horace yells “Will!!” And holds up his tied hands AND WILL SHOOTS IT AND FREES HIM??? LIKE THAT WAS SO COOL WHY DO WE NEVER TALK ABOUT THAT????? The fact that, number one, Horace knew Will was skilled enough to do it, number two, Horace TRUSTED Will not to shoot his hand, number three, Will understood what Horace wanted him to do, and finally, the fact that WILL WAS ABLE TO DO IT IN THE FIRST PLACE?? Now obviously rangers are very trained and blah blah blah but THATS STILL BADASS????
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Danny jumps ship after defeating Clockwork and altering spacetime, thus technically wiping his own existence from aforementioned timeline.
Now Danny is living in another dimension with no one, not even Clockwork himself knowing who, what or where he is.
Whats more is that this city, Gotham had heros of its own so Danny didn't need to step up anymore...but...Danny remembers being a hero. He remembers being under appreciated and worn down. He remembers wishing someone would smile at him and thank him for protecting them.
And so he wrote a bat a letter. You could call it fan mail. He made sure each was personalized for each specific hero and he would tell them exactly what he thought was cool about them or would talk about the stuff they did recently. He would always leave the letters on thier patrol routes, using his powers and cunning to not get caught.
So why were they looking for him so desperately? Did he do something wrong?
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nelkcats · 2 years
Space-Time apprentice
After many conversations with Clockwork, Danny decided to be his apprentice, partly because Clocky was the closest thing he had to a grandfather, and partly because he really wanted to travel back to the time of the dinosaurs.
Clockwork was well aware of that fact, which is the reason he made his lessons as difficult and cryptic as possible. And although it frustrated him, in the end Danny succeeded. Due to his core, at the end of the lessons he ended up becoming the "Master of Space", which was not the same as Clockwork but quite similar.
He didn't realize that being a "master" of literally anything was lonely. They also didn't inform him that being a halfa would give him immortality, Danny sighed sadly, at least Clocky kept him company.
Perhaps the reason for his future actions was due to that feeling of loneliness; After watching a new dimension being created, both Clockwork and Danny witnessed a baby wizard being born in Egypt on that dimension, he had immense potential (Danny found it curious that many events tended to repeat themselves as a constant in the progress of different dimensions, like the egypt creation for example)
Since he had never witnessed anything like this before and it reminded him a bit of Tucker, the Master of Space went to congratulate the little wizard. But when he said goodbye, he followed him! Like a duckling. Danny saw this and plead his mentor for help, Clockwork just shook his head, Nabu would be a future lord of order, but right now he was just a curious and lonely kid (and Danny got a headache thinking about the intricacies of the dimension).
Resigned, Danny stayed in Egypt for a couple of hundred years, he began to teach Nabu space magic and other arts he had learned over the years; Clockwork seeing that his apprentice had taken his own ward, decided to taught Nabu a bit about future vision, a useful gift for the boy. When Nabu eventually disappeared, they both decided to leave without leaving a trace behind, it was like they never existed, even if the people remembered them.
Danny just didn't expect his little Nabu to have turned into a ¿spirit? trapped in a helmet and other artifacts thousands of years later, of course he'd made some dubious decisions but thats was a little cruel for a punishment, even if he was not sure if Nabu did that to himself; The halfa felt lost, there was no manual of "I met my pupil after a long time and he is trapping people with his helmet and other objects to possess them"!? He swears, he checked on Ghostwriter library!
For their part, the Justice League was confused when the respectable and usually unflappable Dr. Fate began to jump on his heels impatiently as he looked out of the Watchtower, waiting for something, or rather someone.
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