#otp: we'll never give up on each other
waltwhitmansbeard · 1 year
Can I ask for #20 - child: "Look, I made this for you. I also made one for mum/dad/parent." with Beauyasha? Is that okay? If not, you can pick another pairing <3
20 more domestic OTP with children prompts this is going to be related to this drabble. not quite what the prompt asked but i thought it was cute.
The one thing Beau never thought she'd be grateful for was noise. In her line of work, silence is omnipresent and oppressive: silence in the library, silence while other Expositors are speaking, silently compiling research into a report, silently stalking a target through back alleyways. She's become far more comfortable with the sound of her own thoughts than she'd ever have imagined, which is why it's such a relief when she comes home on a night and opens the front door to a wall of sound.
Tonight, it's off-key Xhorasian folk songs and sizzling sausage on the stove and incoherent shrieks from the second bedroom, where, Beau assumes, Aurelia is, since she hasn't been greeted with a tackling hug about the knees as she'd've expected.
"Hey, babe," Beau calls, tossing her things unceremoniously onto the couch. "Smells great."
Yasha's singing cuts off as she turns to smile over her shoulder. "Hello! Hang on, let me get her." She takes a deep breath and bellows, "AURELIA! GUESS WHO'S HOME!"
The bedroom door slams open with such force that Beau instantly winces, anticipating the hole she'll have to patch up later. There's a blur, and then Beau is opening her arms just in time to catch the tiny half-elf girl who has launched herself up into them, already halfway through a sentence. "—so much fun, you're gonna like her, she has a pet bird but she didn't bring him, and we've been working so hard, can't wait to sh—"
"Whoa, whoa, whoa." Beau laughs, flipping Aurelia around so she's now sitting on her shoulders. "I missed basically all of that." It's only then that Beau spies a pair of eyes peeking out from behind the door frame to Aurelia's bedroom. "Who's that?"
Aurelia tugs impatiently on Beau's top knot. "I was telling you. That's Cherielle! She's new in my class!"
Cherielle appears, broad and tall for a girl Aurelia's age, with a familiar shade of green skin and the slightest hint of something protruding from her lower lip. She smiles shyly. "Hi, Mrs. Beau."
Beau smiles back. "Nice to meet you, Cherielle. Thanks for putting up with this one." She tickles Aurelia's bare foot, which kicks out as she giggles. "You stayin' for dinner?" Cherielle nods. "Well we're happy to have you."
Her view is suddenly blocked by the top half of Aurelia's face, which hangs upside-down in front of her. "We were making crafts!"
"Yeah!" Without warning, Aurelia launches herself off of Beau's shoulders and races into her bedroom, pulling Cherielle with her.
Beau takes the brief reprieve to go into the kitchen and kiss her wife's cheek. "You give her coffee or something?"
"No, I think she's just...like this."
"Fucking hell, when does she start hating us?" Beau pauses, then asks, "You talk to Fjord?"
Yasha takes the sausage off of the stove, nodding toward the Sending Stone on the counter. "He's already routing this way."
Just then Aurelia reappears, Cherielle in tow, and she proudly presents a bouquet of four paper flowers, each colored haphazardly and half-crushed in her hand. "Look! I made this for you!"
Beau wonders for a half a minute if she is actually going to dissolve. "You did?" She takes the flowers, crudely made and so, so wonderful, and pretends to sniff them.
"Mhm! And look—" She waves Cherielle forward, who produces a similar bouquet from behind her back. "Cherielle made one for Mama!"
"Oh goodness." Yasha wipes her hands on her apron and accepts the flowers from Cherielle. "Well they're gorgeous. The most beautiful flowers I've ever received."
Beau feigns a pout. "Thanks a lot, Cherielle. Now you've upstaged me."
The girls giggle, and then Yasha says, "Go wash your hands, we'll be eating in a few." They dash off, and Beau sets her flowers to the side with a sigh. "At least she's making friends."
"I'm not sure Cherielle had much choice in the matter." The two of them fix plates for dinner, and they set them onto the table just as the girls screech back into view. There is no silence at the table that night, not as Aurelia and Cherielle fill Beau and Yasha in on all of their schoolyard adventures, and Beau cannot imagine a better sound than the laughter and excited chatter of her little girl and her new friend.
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All The Otp Questions With Tuntalic/Hj (Only If You Can And Want To. Or Any Question You Want To Answer)
Okay okay fucking get ready
Tagging cause yeah @tundra116
1 - Who offers their jacket when the other is cold?
Me, I can handle the cold well (Surprisingly)
2 - Who giggles uncontrollably when the other playfully picks them up?
Me again, if i am picked up, will expirement otherwise in the future
3 - Who compliments the other in front of everyone?
I think we know this (Its her its so her)
4 - Who is more likely to tell the other a pun and what is the other’s reaction to the pun?
I love making puns, but theyre so bad. again ill let tunny say
5 - When one of them has a bad day, what does the other do to help cheer them up?
We'll tell each other how much we love each other and give each other bits of comfort
6 - If they got to pick what one another wears for a day, what would one another wear?
She would be wearing my hoodie and whatever else she's comfy in
for me? I shall consult her
7 - Who introduces their partner to their family first? How does it go?
Hopefully mine, and my mom's side. They're supportive of me and would absolutely adore her
8 - In a coffee shop AU, who would be the coffee shop employee, and who would be the customer?
I'd be the customer who memorizes the schedule and then Pixel sees me there, catches wind of what I'm doing, then embarrasses me
9 - When they sit side by side, do they touch one another? For example, does one person have their arm around the other, do they sit holding hands, or linked arms, ECT.
Oh gosh, where do I start? lap cuddles, eepy cuddles, mayhaps a piggyback ride as I run around aimlessly with her on my back
10 -What is a small thing that one another does to make their partner happy?
fucking everything but every time I get a message I can't pay attention in class anymore and it's AMAZING
11 - What would they do to celebrate their one-year anniversary?
Great question, hopefully, I'll run away to Canada at that point.
12 - When did they know that loved each other, and when did they first tell each other that they loved one another?
OH GOSH HAH, We both said ILY a lot platonically, but she is the one who asked me out first and I'm so happy she did I would NEVER
13 - Who likes to give the other hugs from behind followed by a kiss?
14 - Who would make a playlist for the other person? What would be featured on the playlist?
oh y'know, both of us
15 - Who would bring their partner on a romantic date under the stars?
She would probably beat me to it first but if I can have one date this would be one of the best
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forcebookish · 1 year
As much as Top and Mew are currently killing me I do find it hilarious how Mew is telling everyone "yeah I broke up with Top" but Top at any opportunity is like "yeah he's taken, he's my boyfriend". That last scene broke my heart, the way Top was just staring at him and gently caressing his face you can just tell he misses him so so bad. Very excited for next episode, as much as I love seeing all sides of Top's character I am missing his cocky and flirtatious side and it looks like Mew must say or do something which gives him the confidence to pursue him again. Seen a post that said Mew doesn't feel any sexual attraction to Top which sent me into orbit because? His nervousness about doing it doesn't mean he didn't ever want to and erm have we not seen how flirty they are with each other, their sexual chemistry has always been very palpable.
omg ok let's quickly skim over the blatant acephobia (unless they're implying that he's instead sexually attracted to ray? in which case, lmaooooooooooooo he may as well have looked into the camera and said he wasn't, see: the first screencap below): even if mew weren't sexually attracted to top, which he demonstrably is, that doesn't mean that he doesn't love him or that they can't have a mutually fulfilling and loving relationship 🙄
(side-note: am i crazy or does this fandom feel more queerphobic than average? maybe it's just the size and that i haven't been around long enough idk but there keeps being stuff that makes me go hmm)
that being said, uhhhhhhhh,
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(i wanna remind everyone that this^ was just from touching top's dick and hearing him moan. top's not doing anything to him.)
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ok. sure jan
but this is the fandom that thinks flirting is "manipulating" so they'll just say anything to fit their own narrative. if they dislike topmew so much i wish they'd just shut up about it. what's with this obsession? we get it, you have no taste or media literacy, move on 💅 if topmew interfered with their otp i'd get it (boyyyy would i get it lol), but it doesn't so... what's the point? i don't like nickboston, you don't see me whining about it every day. because it literally doesn't concern me. who cares? like, i don't even complain about it in DMs to avoid yucking anyone's yum. it's simply not worth my time. and i fucking love complaining lol
now that that's out of the way, yeah i am delighting in top's Well You Never Said That You Were Breaking Up With Me Sooooo energy. i'll bet that he's only saying it in that preview clip because he knows the guy and wants to protect mew, but still i love when top is possessive *gleefully claps hands* and it looks like we'll get to see a little of his cocky side that we love so much, anon. and they better get back together soon so we can see them flirt more >:(
thanks for dropping in, anon! this fandom is wild, that actually made me laugh so hard 😂🫶
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whenshesayshush · 10 months
hey, me sweetheart, your secret santa turns up in front of your house to bother you with questions a bit more xxx
your santa wants to know if you'd like both of your listed ships to be present in your gift and if not which one would you pick then
would also love to know if there are any particular tropes/things you enjoy about skyriv/rivusa
So good to hear from you again, dear Santa! I'm happy to offer you some tea if you actually knock on the door😉
It's absolutely no must to have both ships in my gift. I'm a Rivusa girl, always, but I find the potential of Skyriv interesting as well, so I put that on there to possibly make matching a little easier. So Rivusa is my OTP, you're always gonna have a safe bet with that one, but if Skyriv strikes your fancy more, feel free! And if you somehow are able to incorporate both in a way that you like, I would only ask you to have it be one after the other, timeline wise, and not an OT3. Riv can experiment and have fun all he wants, but in my headcanon he'll eventually end up with one true partner.
Things I like about them, gosh...this almost calls for another powerpoint presentation😳 (spoiler alert: there isn't one)
For Rivusa, it's the fact that they are very similar in some ways and able to understand each other when their other friends can't always see things from their perspective, but also very different yet complimentary in other ways. I love that Riven (reluctantly) falls into a bit of a teacher role with her, because I think that's what he's meant to do, but eventually I see them becoming very equal, attuned partners (even if not romantically, for me they are for sure a Fairy/Specialist pairing). And I firmly believe Musa would've opened Riven up eventually to the idea of trusting people with his true self (hard to lie to a mind fairy). Oh, and the matching snark, of course. I love banter. They would make each other laugh so much, and also drive each other up the wall.
For Skyriv, it's more the tension. 'You took me under your wing but never stopped thinking you are above me', 'you disagree with pretty much everything I do but you can't quite give up on wanting me to be better', 'we would die for each other but we'll never breathe a word of it out loud'. Ugh. So good.
Does that give you something to work with, dear Santa? Good luck!
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exastrisnonnocere · 11 months
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Character Info Sheet
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NAME: Silas Lane Garcia Alderin
NAME MEANING: Silas meaning 'of the forest' from the Latin Silvanus and he is named after his paternal grandfather. Lane is masculinized from his mother's name Elena (specifically her nickname Lanie), which is the Spanish variation of the name Helen, meaning 'bright, shining light'. Silas's surname is officially Alderin, with his mother's first surname Garcia (of Garcia Villegas or Garcia-Villegas from the traditional dos apellidos convention) listed as a sort of second middle name, since Elena had elected to take her husband's name at the time of their marriage. Garcia is a Spanish surname meaning 'bear', while Alderin is a spelling variation of Aldrin, either from the Old English meaning 'old and wise ruler' or the Old Norse Áleifr meaning 'noble leader'. (OOC: surname was definitely chosen because Buzz Aldrin but also more because mun is a Lily Aldrin from HIMYM stan no regrets)
ALIAS/ES: Nicknamed Si (pronounced like sigh), also called Miguel by his grandfather after he developed dementia and often mistook Silas for his father, Michael.
ETHNICITY: Mexican (Mother's side) & British/Italian (Father's side)
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THREE HCS YOU'VE NEVER TOLD ANYONE: ( I've been writing this man since 2012, I'm pretty sure I've told everything to one person or another at some point, so we'll go with some HCs I haven't posted on this blog yet. )
Silas is allergic to copper (and incidentally the blood and various other bodily fluids of Vulcans; he learned this the hard way with his Vulcan Academy boyfriend because I thought it was funny af and for literally no other reason)
He really, *really* enjoys getting flowers. Like, a lot. Give this lorge grown ass man flowers and watch him smile and blush.
Silas is not especially a fan of labels in regards to sexuality. Silas has almost exclusively dated men for almost twenty years, but he has also had many emotional relationships with women during that time. If pressed, he would say that he is primarily physically attracted to men and primarily emotionally attracted to women, though both attractions develop with either one, eventually. His relationships with men tend to be intensely passionate, but emotionally shallow or needlessly complicated, while his relationships with women are often deeply established before any kind of desire rears its head. Because of this, the women he falls in love with are usually already well-established as friends, and he declines to pursue any romantic involvement for the sake of the existing relationship.
Reading. This boy is always reading like five books at a time. He is partial to poetry and fiction, but he's also all up in the niche scientific and anthropological research spaces.
Cooking. He likes food. Real food. Replicators suck. The end.
Dancing/Singing. He sings while he's cooking. He dances in the shower. Music lives in his body at all times, thank you for coming to my TED talk.
EIGHT PEOPLE YOUR CHARACTER LIKES/LOVES: (PSA: multiship so each one exists in its own little verse unless there's an arranged poly situation going on; also, if you are not on this list don't worry, he likes almost everyone! I just picked the 8 who are closest to him currently and/or have been close to him for years; if we haven't interacted much or haven't discussed their relationship OOC then I don't like to make assumptions about it overall.)
Ten of Eleven aka Madeline - his baby girl, pride and joy, and the true love of his life, his adopted daughter.
Jin Kim - Long time OTP played off-site, biochemist with a crappy disposition but great legs.
Leonard McCoy (@onlybonesleft ) - Sometimes platonic soulmate, sometimes not platonic at all, but inevitably cut from the same cloth. Both men are too used to caring for others and not enough for themselves, so they pester each other into self-care submission and their relationship keeps me up at night because reasons.
Christine Chapel (@nursc ) - The bright spot in a shitty day but also 100% reliable when you need help on the floor. She knows her shit, she gets things done, she's the one he calls when he needs a hand. He hopes she knows she can count on him for the same. His work wife, his non-work wife, his gossip girl, his bestie. Can't live without her, doesn't want to.
Sergio Alderin - His middle brother, closest in age and the one he still sometimes talks to. Schoolteacher. Married to his childhood BFF.
Simon Castelo - His childhood BFF and brother-in-law, keeps him up to date with goings on in his brothers' lives more often than the brothers themselves, given their rocky relationships.
Michael (Mikey) Alderin Jr. - Youngest brother, wanderlust type with little guidance and direction in his life. Suffered in foster care and blames Silas for not being there to protect him.
James T. Kirk (@traiilblazer ) - On-again, off-again lovers, played off-site.
Losing his brothers. While they are all three alive and well, the relationship between them is strained. Silas leaving foster care and his subsequent failure to obtain custody of his younger brothers at the time of their parents' deaths is something he wishes had gone differently. He thinks he gave up too easily, that he should have tried harder. He also carries guilt because, deep down, his failure at the time had been a relief. Relief from the burden of trying to figure out how to provide for and raise his siblings when he, himself, was only 17.
Getting married. Not so much the relationships themselves, but the almost knee-jerk urge to put untested romances under the stress of a long-term, official commitment. Military marriages tho, amirite?
Autophobia, also called monophobia, isolophobia, or eremophobia, is the specific phobia or a morbid fear or dread of oneself or of being alone, isolated, abandoned, and ignored. For Silas, this manifests as a fear of ending up alone or almost an expectation of abandonment. This is, incidentally, contrary to how he has operated throughout his life in the past, where he is and always has been fiercely independent out of necessity and often chooses not to rely on others for help or support. He often pursues relationships with individuals who need him in some way, rather than pursuing mutuality and emotional intimacy which would require him to be vulnerable, thereby ensuring that he both has intrinsic value to the other person and that if/when the relationship ends, he is not utterly destroyed by it. He believes that love exists, but he does not believe it exists for him or that he is deserving of it.
Trypanophobia is the extreme fear of medical procedures involving injections or hypodermic needles. This seems like an inconvenient fear for a doctor to have, however it only manifests when he himself is facing an injection or medical procedure, himself. The fear, at this point in his life, is fairly minor and easily overcome, however it was, at one point, severe and debilitating to his ability to work. Early in his career, Silas and a few others on his away team encountered a Borg vessel and were partially assimilated during that encounter. After being recovered, the various nanite appendages were surgically removed, but the initial trauma of being injected and losing identity and autonomy was heavily damaging to his mental state for some time after the event.
TAGGED BY STOLEN FROM: @ensnchekov TAGGING: @onlybonesleft & anyone else (if u want u don't have to)
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contrivedchaos · 2 years
Fic writers' 2022 roundup:
I've never done one of these before, but I was tagged by @pikapeppa, so I'll give it a shot!
Words written: 54,050. It's not a lot, but other than the year I wrote my master's thesis, it's the most actual writing I've done in a long time, fanfic or otherwise. I'll count it as an accomplishment!
Smut scenes: Oof. Let's see. 6? We'll go with 6. Across four different fics.
New things I tried: Within the last 12 months, I've dipped my toes into the Arcane fandom and finished/posted 3 parts for my (ongoing?) three-part CaitVi series: Every Small Disaster, Say My Name (Like an Elegy), and It's Psychosomatic. It's been so much fun! Hopefully I'll find another opportunity to do more for this pairing. I definitely want to write more of them in the future!
Fic I spent the most time on: My longest fic was Where The Time Goes. I started Chlodine Week 5 years ago for this tiny, desperately-hanging-on fandom, but never wrote anything substantial for it beyond a few oneshots. This year I spent 2-3 months working on a labor of love that I never expected to go anywhere. It was a fic almost entirely for myself, and so far it's my favorite thing I've ever written. I was so happy when it was finished.
Fic I spent the least time on: The first fic for my CaitVi series, Every Small Disaster. (This was technically posted Christmas of 2021, but I'll count it) It was my first time dipping my toes into the Arcane fandom, and I think it came out swimmingly!
Favorite thing I wrote: Definitely Where The Time Goes. Chlodine will always have a special place in my heart. I can't think of a fandom that's more dear to me than the Uncharted fandom. It's been a light through the toughest years of my life so far. I owe a lot to it, and particularly the Chlodine ship. I don't see it being outranked as my OTP any time soon.
Favorite fic(s) I read: I've read so many AMAZING things this year. This list will be DIFFICULT to narrow down. Here goes:
Violence and Variations by Thisisatree (@dancing-b0nes): The Locked Tomb has made up the majority of my fic and book re-reading in 2022, and this one is no exception. Technically started this one in 2021, but it's still ongoing, so I'll count it. While it's like 60% a Griddlehark fic, and sort of a re-imagining of their lives post-TLT, practically every ship, in all their wonderful configurations, gets their dirty day in the sun. I have been on the edge of my seat for more than a year with this one, and it shows no signs of stopping. Also extremely spicy! I'm so hooked!
Twice by BonesforTime: Another TLT fic, this one's a re-imagining of the events at Canaan House in Gideon the Ninth, with such a unique take on what it means to be a Lyctor and on the dynamics of the cavalier/necromancer relationship. And lore and world-building! Another Griddlehark-focused fic, this one constantly has me in stitches, combined with such a raw, intimate writing style for the smut scenes. Bones has such a way with words, and they continue to amaze me with each new installment. Definitely continuing this one into 2023!
Table Manners by Armengard (@armengard): Y'all know I go absolutely feral for anything by Armengard. Their first contribution to the CaitVi space is no exception. They took me out with a one-shot earlier this year that will undoubtedly be on my fic re-read rotation for years to come. Can't say enough positive things about their entire catalog, so this one is also definitely worth a read. And sooooooo spicy! Whew!
Even The Hardiest Desert Blooms Need to Get Wet Sometimes by Pikapeppa (@pikapeppa): Literally the only writer of MLW ships this lesbian will read these days. Their writing style is just that good. It's so refreshing and engaging that if they decided to author a dictionary, I'd probably read it. I jumped back into the Horizon fandom (extremely late, forgive me) after a major surgery over the summer, and the first thing I did upon playing Forbidden West was dive back into their fics. This one is a Drakkaloy fic, and is not only entertaining, but also extremely spicy. Definitely a must-read!
Your Mouth and Its Flowers by driluth (@driluth): Technically late 2021, but I'll count it. This is a CaitVi AU based on one of my favorite books of 2022, This Is How You Lose the Time War by Amal El-Mohtar and Max Gladstone. The symbolism! The way Red and Blue are literally Vi and Caitlyn, and are so amazingly portrayed in this AU! Definitely a hidden gem for me to find in 2022! But I'm so glad I did!
Writing goals for next year: I don't have any particular writing goals for 2023. I'm looking forward to the Horizon Forbidden West DLC, so if I can get my hands on a PS VR 2, maybe I'll get inspired to dip a toe into the Horizon fandom. I'm definitely tempted by all the WLW potential for this series. Also more TLT...Alecto is coming in September, so there is still more to work with. We'll see!
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korvyna · 1 year
WHAT IS YOUR OTP FOR YOUR CHARACTER(S)? *inhales deeply* I have too many muses and OCs but I'll highlight some of them: Ahri x Yasuo/Yone Cullen x Inquisitor Ysabelle x D Minhowyn x Cullen/Fenris Korvyn x Anri Amelia x Connor Zeina x Chamber This is to say though, that my muses do not hold restrictions on who they cannot romance! HOW LARGE DOES THE AGE GAP HAVE TO BE TO MAKE IT UNCOMFORTABLE? This is a question I don't really think about beyond the "don't be a minor" rule. I think if the characters have a large age gap to begin with but knew each other for a long time, it might get weird. I can't imagine for e.g. Ahri knew Yasuo as a kid and then when he grew up they decided to date- you know what I'm saying? HOW FAR DO STEAMY MOMENTS HAVE TO GO BEFORE THEY ARE CONSIDERED NSFW? I think usage of language is what makes it nsfw for me. The more dirtier the scene is, the quicker it gets nsfw. Vanilla/fluff steamy moments usually are written with care and soft lingo (to keep that vanilla vibe) but once it comes down to the actual deed, I'd consider it at NSFW. ARE YOU SELECTIVE WHEN SHIPPING? Yes and no? When it comes to the developments of my muses, especially my OCs I can be selective on how I want a shipping to go. I will always agree to ship with you if you come to me for shipping, but every shipping interaction will be different based on the development I'm trying to give my muses and the personality of your muse in question.
All my fandom muses have the potential to ship with anyone within sensible reason. My OC muses aren't as flexible, but there are options for them! E.g. Ethel was initially written out with the idea of romancing Sebastian Michaelis (in a fanfic that never got written- my OCs get written thoroughly because I never come around to writing the fanfics tbh) BUT she is viable to romance any other adult in kuroshitsuji. I LOVE people's OCs and I think OC x OC shipping make plots super interesting because of how flexible things can be within a canon world. DOES ONE HAVE TO ASK TO SHIP WITH YOU? It's preferred you talk to me about a ship you want- I have never in my years of being in RPCs ever said no. I also get shy to ask about plotting with shipping in mind, so I give you the full OK to talk to me about it!!! ARE YOU SHIP-OBSESSED OR SHIP MORE-OR-LESS?
Yes and no? I love shipping but I can write without it too.
WHAT IS YOUR FAVOURITE SHIP IN YOUR CURRENT FANDOM? As a multimuse blog this question has too long of an answer. I'm not even sure if there is a 'favourite' one. (╯ ㆆ  ͟ʖ ㆆ )╯┻━┻ FINALLY, HOW DOES ONE SHIP WITH YOU?
Literally come into my DMs and tell me you want to ship. Like I said, I'm SHY and will only mention it a few times before I feel like I'm being annoying. JUST THROW YOUR MUSE AT ME, WE'LL FIGURE IT OUT.
Tagged by: @arkyn-iceborn-vindication (ty!) Tagging: @ramblingsofamoonwatcher @austerulous @tempestflames and YOU!
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ohhalefire · 2 years
002 pleeeeeeease for Sterek!!! 😍
Omg this one's gonna go DEEP into this, so buckle up~ Under the cut because this answer is ENORMOUS. And I think I wrote a minific at the end there?
When I started shipping them: Oh, probably somewhere around the release of Abomination? Like, I saw their chemistry before then and thought it was cute, but that's not enough to make me start actively shipping a pairing - I have to get emotionally invested in the way they come together within the confines of the plot for that to happen. Even then, it wasn't like, my be-all-and-end-all, true-OTP, ship-to-end-all-ships ship until all the way to Derek's death and evolution. That look back that Stiles did? That ENDED ME and now I have never looked back ✨
My thoughts: Thoughts?! THOUGHTS?! This question has just casually asked me to write a novel 😂 tl;dr I loved the way Stydia came together (y'all know we stan Stydia on this blog here, too!), but honestly, if that relationship didn't stay stable long-term - and as much as I love them, I'm not sure it would - I imagine Sterek's eventual coming together in Stiles' like, mid-to-late 20s being a relief of long-held pressure, like a dam breaking. Somehow, Stiles and Derek seem stable together, like they could hold up each others' broken parts.
What makes me happy about them: See above. They seem like exactly the right people to support each other in dealing with their exact traumas. They both feel alone in very specific ways - and together, they don't have to be.
What makes me sad about them: That the writers (and/or the showrunner, and/or the network, etc) chickened out of, at the very least, explicitly using the word "bisexual" in referring to either of them, because, uh. That's clearly what was happening onscreen. 😂
Things done in fanfic that annoys me: Okay, so. This is absolutely petty. But tbh, I look for correct and/or deliberate use of punctuation? 🤷‍♀️ I'M SO SORRY TO EVERYONE. I just both read and write in a very rhythmic, musical cadence inside my head (maybe it's a musician thing?), and a lot of that rhythm in written content is defined by punctuation. If it's off in some way, I often find reading sort of... disorienting? It's like my eyes can't relax as I read. Even something emotional, deep, thoughtful, well-plotted or well-paced will still be sort of unsettling for me to consume if there are repeated, consistent errors in it. That said, incorrect punctuation used on purpose for the explicit reason that it affects the rhythm of the words is somehow fine? I AM SO SORRY i really don't wanna be that snob, but 🫣 obvs i fuck with punctuation for like tumblr jokes or whatever but that cadence my brain reads as almost a different dialect and also we do this for like one sentence at a time so it's not as bad
Things I look for in fanfic: That it's complete, doesn't have too many background friendships that aren't canon, and hopefully that it punches me in the chest with that sweet, sweet emotional pain 🧡🧡🧡
My wishlist: I just want a fully canon-compliant future-fic that gives them the ending they deserve? 😂 Most of the fics I've read that have come out since 2017 are AUs, and while I love me an AU, what my soul really desires is like, a well-resolved, plausible way for them to come together in-universe. Of course all of this gets thrown out the window once the movie drops and we'll all need to start again with all our headcanons but whatever
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: Stiles with Lydia, obviously. Derek... Derek only has Stiles and Paige, and Paige is dead. So like. He'd have to get some character we haven't met, I think, to be truly happy without Stiles.
My happily ever after for them: Lying in bed, morning light streaming through the window in god-rays, catching the golden dust in the air. Both are awake, on their sides, looking at each other but almost afraid to touch, despite everything that's happened to get them there. Quietly, haltingly, as if unwilling to disturb the moment, they begin to talk through every missed connection, every "almost", every misread moment of longing since the very beginning. Together, at the same time, they work to help each other understand: I've wanted this for years. I just didn't believe I deserved you. And they have a lifetime ahead to convince each other that they do.
Send me a fandom/ship/character and I will tell you...
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kerra-and-company · 2 years
4, 9, 20, 31, 34 for whatever TWO otps you want to talk about most! :3c
Double the OTPs!! :3 :D We'll do Casca/Brook and Cio/Ari, because I feel like talking about both of them and haven't gotten the chance recently!
4. How did they first meet?
Brook and Casca met in the Ash Legion fahrar, when they were very little (toddlers, more or less). They honestly don't remember not knowing each other, and can't remember the specifics of their first meeting, either.
Cio and Ari met for the first time when they were assigned to the same airship for the upcoming attack on Mordremoth. Ari was the pilot; Cio was the engineer more-or-less in charge of making sure the weaponry did what it was supposed to do. They were both stressed and on edge, and managed to get on each others' nerves very quickly--and then, very shortly afterward, had to rely on each other to survive in a jungle full of Mordrem after the fleet crashed.
(Putting a cut here because all of the other answers are Long!)
9. How are their personalities different?
Brook and Casca can both be abrasive, but it's slightly different forms of abrasiveness. If it's mission-related, both of them are more than capable of acting differently/playing a role, but in general, with no motive to act otherwise, Brook is just kinda...I think I described them once as "spiky", alsjdkf. They need a reason to be pleasant to someone (adults, at least; they're pretty good with children). Casca, on the other hand, can be...sort of aggressively pleasant, if that makes sense? Not in a cloying way or an insincere one. She's the kind of person who will tell you with 100% honestly that you're pissing her off and she's really exhausted and would rather not deal with your bullshit today so could you please fuck off while grinning. This still feels like it's not quite capturing what I mean, but I think it's close. (Side note, for whatever it's worth, Casca is very awkward with kids, though she does like them.)
Also worth noting for these two is that Brook has faith in the gods--more specifically, in Kormir--where Casca does not. Brook's faith is not in quite the same form as Kasmeer's, but it is pretty unshakable, even though (and partially because) they do believe in the gods' fallibility. Casca, on the other hand, has never had that kind of faith in any sort of higher power--not a god or gods, not the Legions, not the Pact. The closest she's ever gotten to that was the trust she put in Ari, but it's not really the same thing.
Cio and Ari both had walls up in very different ways when they first met. Cio was afraid of letting people get close because she was afraid of losing them, but she was still outwardly friendly/amicable to most people, just distant. Ari refused to confront all of the complex emotions she was dealing with as a result of past experiences, and therefore barely talked to others beyond what she had to for her job (or what slipped out as a result of being angry/irritated/pushed past her limits for the day). Their personalities without walls up have some semi-similar differences. Cio is entirely unafraid of calling out anyone who's being an asshole, but she's also quick to be friendly to a stranger, whereas Ari is not. Ari has a sort of gruff teasing thing she does with people who are (at minimum) on the cusp of progressing to the friend stage from the acquaintance one, but Cio really only teases the people she's closest to.
20. Who holds a grudge the longest?
For Brook and Casca? Casca, by a mile at least. She'll give a second chance, but very very rarely, if ever, gives anyone a third.
For Cio and Ari...hmmm. Cio, as far as who's actually held one the longest. Ari blamed herself more than anyone else for the losses she experienced, and she thought her primus was horrible (which he was) but didn't exactly hold a grudge against him. (To be fair, by the time she was in a space where that grudge would maybe have resurfaced over the various other feelings she was distracted by, the guy had already died, so.) I was going to say that I could maybe see her holding more of a grudge against Weylon (and Lifa, later on) if she thought more of herself, but...honestly, no, not really. She was in charge, and as far as she's concerned, on her head be all of it. Cio, on the other hand, does hold a very justified nugget of resentment with her towards a large part of Rata Sum and the Arcane Council, one that she would likely be holding even if they hadn't repeatedly proven over the years (often specifically to her face) that they're no better than they were when she was a child.
31. What’s the relationship like? Smooth? Rocky?
Brook and Casca were inseparable as cubs. They were a team before they really formed a warband with the others, and they remained a team afterwards. They got together romantically during their early teenage years, and their relationship was pretty much like their friendship. They had some arguments, some minor rockier times, as well as some things that were more or less related to growing pains--both of each other, as they were literally growing up at this point, and of the relationship. But they'd had a whole lot of practice with those things in the thirteen years before they got together and managed to navigate it pretty damn well in the following seven years. And then their warband was shattered, they were both captured by the Flame Legion, and they were separated for nearly ten years.
After reuniting, it's...both smoother and not as smooth. They have to relearn each other in some ways, but they're also not kids, and they have a sense of stability in a different way now. There's places they have to be cautious that weren't there before, triggers that are new, ten years worth of memories to go through together. But they've always known each other, and they still do after everything. And they love each other. And they're making it work. It gets easier every day.
Cio and Ari have a very smooth romantic relationship, but in terms of their relationship in general prior to that, it started off somewhat rocky. As kinda mentioned in question 4, they didn't like each other that much when they first met, but they worked well together when they were forced to, and their back-and-forth switched at some point during their trek through Maguuma from having a tone of "I'm irritated with your existence" to having one of "I care about you and would very much rather you didn't die"--not that neither of them would have admitted that at the time. They kept working together throughout the rest of HoT, and their friendship progressed from there, but it wasn't necessarily smooth or linear. They worked for different parts of the Pact (Whispers for Ari, and the Priory for Cio), and therefore were deployed to different locations at some points during LWS3 and early PoF. When they were together (or when they sent letters), there absolutely were miscommunications occasionally, and hurt feelings, and a decent amount of hey, I care about you, please eat/sleep more than you are currently. LWS4 was when they reached a point of making key decisions based on each other--which group they wanted to be deployed with, where they'd be stationed during the fight with Kralkatorrik, what they'd do afterwards. Whether or not they'd go to the All-Legion Rally.
These days, they're no longer part of the Pact, and they get to make their own decisions. They fight very rarely, though they disagree over smaller things on a semi-regular basis. They have somewhere they're comfortable and they're building a life together. Aside from that one time recently that the world almost ended thanks to the Dragonvoid, their lives and their relationship are both going pretty smoothly!
34. Do they give each other nicknames?
Brook and Casca will use shortened versions of each other's names when they're alone--just B and Cass, nothing super fancy--but that's pretty much it.
Cio and Ari have the nicknames that they originally gave each other as insults--Ari called Cio "Sparky", and Cio called her "furball". Both of those eventually became more affectionate terms. These days, the nicknames are used in more teasing circumstances. They use each other's names when they're trying to be sweet/romantic.
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danpuff-ao3 · 2 years
Hi Danni!
Your HP astro series introduced me to astrology (much like your Snarry introduced me to Snarry), as I rejoice in finding theoretical foundations for shipping my OTPs, for which I'm infinitely grateful. If I may also jump on the astro-sorting train…here's my chart:
Sun: Pisces, 6th house
Moon: Libra, 1st house
Rising: Libra, 1st house
Mercury: Pisces, 6th house
Venus: Aquarius, 5th house
Mars: Capricorn, 4th house
Jupiter: Leo, 10th house
Saturn: Gemini, 9th house
Uranus: Pisces, 5th house
Neptune: Aquarius, 5th house
Pluto: Sagittarius, 3rd house
Oof, hope this is not too much information? You don't have to analyze everything of course, though I am quite curious where you'd place me (if you choose to), since I've never been able to get myself neatly sorted.
Otherwise, spring's coming where I live, and I wish you enjoy a beautiful spring :)
A reader of yours
Hello there! What a familiar name! :D I'm very glad to hear from you again!!
(I still have your other ask sitting in my ask box because I don't have the heart to get rid of it, even if it's never to be shared <3)
Getting someone into Snarry could not make me prouder, but getting people curious about astrology sure comes close!! AND you included not only the outer planets, but the HOUSES???? What a gem you are!
I will do a rundown of all the planets with their associated houses (per element) and I'll include the minor houses I usually give, if I feel like they're strong enough. And because the Houses have a loose association with the elements, I'll also list those out, too. Then we'll pick it apart and explore bits and pieces!
The Signs
Sun - Pisces - water - Slytherin (Ravenclaw)
Moon - Libra - air - Ravenclaw (Hufflepuff)
Rising - Libra - air - Ravenclaw (Hufflepuff)
Mercury - Pisces - water - Slytherin (Ravenclaw)
Venus - Aquarius - air - Ravenclaw (Gryffindor)
Mars - Capricorn - earth - Hufflepuff (tentatively: Slytherin?)
Jupiter - Leo - fire - Gryffindor
Saturn - Gemini - air - Ravenclaw
Uranus - Pisces - water - Slytherin (Ravenclaw?)
Neptune - Aquarius - air - Ravenclaw
Pluto - Sagittarius - fire - Gryffindor
The Houses
Sun - 6H - earth - Hufflepuff
Moon - 1H - fire - Gryffindor
Rising - always 1st House
Mercury - 6H - earth - Hufflepuff
Venus - 5H - fire - Gryffindor
Mars - 4H - water - Slytherin
Jupiter - 10H -earth - Hufflepuff
Saturn - 9H - fire - Gryffindor
Uranus - 5H - fire - Gryffindor
Neptune - 5H - fire - Gryffindor
Pluto - 3H - air - Ravenclaw
Now I always prioritize the inner planets. Jupiter and Saturn are more moderate, or intermediary planets. Not as personal as the inner planets, but not quite as generational as the outer planets. Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto are farther from the sun, and considered generational because they represent more of our generation and how society and the world changes and impacts how each generation grows up. So less personal. Still important in their own ways, but not areas I look at without reason.
But let's sort of tally up what the outer planets look like between the signs and houses.
5 points for Gryffindor, 3 points for Ravenclaw, 1 point for Slytherin, 1 point for Hufflepuff.
From here (for reasons) I'm going to work a bit backwards through the outermost inner planet up to our topmost luminary.
Mars: planet of aggression, action, and drive. In Capricorn, the cardinal (forward moving) earth sign (stability, security.) Capricorn is the Goat (or: the GOAT) and is ruled by Saturn. Capricorn is all about ambition, success, responsibility, etc. So they are driven (Mars) by ambition, and a need to succeed. They are driven (Mars) by the need for security and stability (earth.) And they take action in very Capricorn ways. Very putting in the work (earth), very practical, very determined. Very letter of the law, in a way, ruled as it is by Saturn. Very about doing things right, and also just getting them done. Capricorn wants RESULTS. Hufflepuff for how hard it works. In Mars the more Slytherin nature pops out, too. But Capricorn is so extremely ambitious, and put in the specific realm of Mars...I think Slytherin nudges out the Hufflpuff a bit. Slytherpuff, perhaps?
Mars is also in the 4th House, which represents roots, home, and family. So a lot of that action and drive is focused there. On building a family, having a nice home, being safe and stable and having a reliable place to return to. And while the watery nature of the fourth house is rooted in emotion and the connection to family and history, I'll overall give the win to earthy comfort, toil, and HUFFLEPUFF.
Next we see Venus (also the chart ruler, so gets a boost), which is the planet of love, relationships (romantic and/or platonic), and pleasure (hobbies, interests.) Venus is in Aquarius, the fixed (stubborn) air sign (intellect, sociability.) Aquarius is very rebellious, unique, independent, individual, and humanitarian. Likely drawn to unique, interesting people; especially those very loud and proud of who they are. Drawn to interesting subjects and hobbies. Very inclined towards innovation and progressiveness. In Venus this feels a bit more crafty and artistic, so probably likes trying new methods of doing things. New/different art styles, new spices in their cooking, etc. Probably enjoys a more odd/quirky humor and/or aesthetic.
This feels further supported by Venus in the Fifth House: House of Creation. The fifth house represents procreation and children, art and culture. It is also called the House of Pleasure. So, yeah, that sort of pleasure. But also self-satisfaction. Play and fun. Whatever feels good, really! So you have the planet of pleasure in the house of pleasure! And in a sign that is often called the oddball. So this really does feel like taking a more progressive, experimental, and unique approach to fun and games, romance and relationships, sex and pleasure, and even arts and crafts. Still pretty Ravenclaw, but leaning very heavily on the creative end of the Ravenclaw spectrum. With a tinge of Gryffindor spice in there.
Let's stay in the realm of air and jump to Libra Rising & Moon! Libra Moon in the first house which, similarly to the Rising sign, is about the Self. Similar veins of being who we are and how we present ourselves and how we go about the world. With moon in the first house, we're seeing more of an emotional, sensitive, even moody person. But there is also this ability to express oneself and one's emotions.
Libra is the cardinal (forward moving) air sign (intellect, sociability.) Libra is the Scales (balance) and is ruled by Venus (harmony.) Libras value peace, fairness, and justice. Libra is also very about seeing both sides. (Being fair, per the Scales, and very knowing, per air.) Libra Rising gives a sense of charm, yes, but also a peacekeeper, the diplomat, and at worst the devil's advocate. And Libra moon seeks inner harmony (moon being emotions and subconscious.) Very desirous of calmness, being settled, a balanced and harmonious environment.
Very Ravenclaw, yes, but also pretty strongly Hufflepuff, imo, for that sense of acceptance and fairness and friendliness.
Lastly, we see Pisces in the Sixth House, covering Mercury (planet of information) and the sun (planet of the core and ego.)
The Sixth House is the House of Health and Wellness, Routine, and Odd Jobs. Also the House of Service. So it's very...taking care of oneself (especially with the sun), taking care of others, taking care of one's environment. Keeping things neat and tidy, keeping the self healthy and safe. In the sun, this gives a sense of caution (health and safety), also a good work ethic (routine, odd jobs, wellness.) A focus on self-improvement, self-care...health in both the physical sense, but also the mental sense. Mercury in the sixth house gives a sense of problem-solving...using one's intellect and communication skills to settle disputes, or attend to disruptions. The ability to use one's mind and connections to right what goes wrong.
Both planets are also in Pisces, the mutable (changeable, adaptable) water sign (emotion, intuition.) Pisces is the Fish and is ruled modernly by Neptune (dreams) and traditionally by Jupiter (expansion, excess.) Pisces is very emotional and attuned to the feelings of others (empathy) and the spiritual world (transcendence.) This gives a sense of being very emotionally and mentally overwhelmed, which leads to a sense of escapism, particularly with fantasies and daydreams. The emotional side of Pisces lends well to compassion, but also can lead to the path of obsession and addiction (again, that sense of escapism.) They also can be quite creative and artistic, a better avenue for processing and expressing emotion.
Pisces gives a sense of having their head in the clouds, but also this sense of otherworldly wisdom that people might take for granted. In the sun, this makes for a very intuitive and empathetic individual. In Mercury this lends a very...distracted sense, and also an indirect way of communicating. Not by intent, so much as...being in an almost other realm to others. Perhaps a bit creative, imaginative with how they portray themselves. This also lends a more creative, curious way of learning and thinking about things. Not a direct, logical path but an intuitive, emotional one. They have an easier time when there's an emotional connection to subjects, or if subjects are presented in a creative way.
Very Slytherin in the way of self-preservation (emotional, escapism), and resourcefulness (creative and adaptable), and even quite clever (in their own, head in the clouds way.) But there is also a Ravenclaw sense to that creativity and wisdom. Being in the sixth house sort of sets this in a more grounded place, but the expression is still quite Piscean. So perhaps, creating quite crafty and individual ways of performing tasks. Self-care by means of art, music, etc. Daydreaming to soothe the self. The sixth house realm of routine plus the Piscean changeability gives a sense of "organized chaos" to both the self, how one learns, and how one interacts with others. This sort of gives me the feel of leaning more Ravenclaw? Or more evenly a Slytherclaw?
So let's go back through:
Because Gryffindor had the most points of the outer planets, I'll give Gryffindor a major point for all the outer planets as a collective.
Outer planets: Gryffindor
Mars: Slytherpuff
Venus: Ravenclaw (Gryffindor-ish)
Rising & Moon: Ravenpuff
Sun & Mercury: Slytherclaw
But let's break it up a bit. Mars, Moon, & Rising all have a bit of Puff, but let's give the Major points to Slytherin (for Mars) and Ravenclaw (for Rising & Moon.) Then the Sun and Mercury we'll call it...Hmmm. I think with the sun, Slytherin takes the lead, and with Mercury Ravenclaw edges into the win.
So tentatively...
But also a close call for Slytherin, too.
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gallus-rising · 6 months
for p1: current favorite ship/first favorite ship and p2 current favorite character/first favorite character. also top 5 pokemon for 3
i'm afraid i can't give you first fav ship/character since my memory is terrible and also i'm probably over thinking it and trying to go too far back 😔 first fav character was assuredly someone from Digimon tho lol
ok under the cut because it got longish lol
current favorite ship: currently suffering from ekumob brainrot 😔
when I started shipping it if I did:
ok their friendship was already very important to me but when the broccoil arc was animated?? idk for some reason that Activated something in me..... there was also this one popular fanartist on twt who's since moved on from mp100 that def contributed. no idea where they are now but i hope they're doing well 🙏
my thoughts:
oh god we'll be here all day. they r. Good
What makes me happy about them:
hhhng human/monster ships always make me happy just because (´ ∀ ` *) but something specific to them is the slowbuild trust between them?? most of my ships are built on canon friendship stuff and mp100's platonic relationships are particularly good. i wouldn't be able to properly describe it w/o going into full series meta lol but this is a good place to start probably
What makes me sad about them:
we all know that mortal/immortal pairings never end well :']
things done in fanfic that annoys me:
there isn't enough fic for them for this to rly be applicable :''']
things I look for in fanfic:
thing i'm desperate for in both fic and art is ghost Dimple. get that claw guy outta here he is a mere means to an end
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: 
ekurei is always fun but Mob is aro to me u-u i'm shipping him in an aro way. i promise it makes since in my head
My happily ever after for them:
just very chill living together. Mob seemingly lives alone and his normal friends feel a lil bad for him and try to set him up w someone every once and a while but Mob always politely declines. when Mob is busy Dimple spends time with the extended S&S crew because those are his fwiends 🥺 sometimes Dimple is gone for a few days but he always comes back home <3
who is the big spoon/little spoon:
depends on whether Dimple is in Big Ghost mode or Little Ghost mode lol but i feel like they both equally enjoy either role
what is their favorite non-sexual activity:
Mob astral projecting so Dimple can possess his body and do the sorts of normal human things he misses. just. small ghost Mob hanging out while Dimple goes on a walk or has dinner or takes a bath or w/e. also. small ghost cuddles 🥺 tiny ghost Mob and tiny ghost Dimple snuggling 🥺🥺 Mob's unconscious body is about 5 feet away ig
current favorite character: bouncing around between various Dungeon Meshi characters atm but let's go with Laois
How I feel about this character:
autism to autism communication
All the people I ship romantically with this character: 
no one. he is aroace to me u-u
My non-romantic OTP for this character:
i don't say this lightly but the Touden party is the found family of all time oh my GOD
My unpopular opinion about this character: 
as an autistic/autistic-coded characters he is ofc subject to Pure Sunshine Syndrome UwU so most of my unpopular opinions are just canon facts lmao. he's very smart and a capable leader, charisma is just his dump stat
also i know someone wrote a meta post explaining this way better but Laios is just so angry. the post was mostly about how in most media the character who is autistic misreads the social situation is always in the wrong. the character must always realize they've committed a horrible social taboo and eventually apologize to everyone for their bad behavior. but Dugeon Meshi lets Laios be angry. like yeah!! why didn't ppl just explain things to him?? he gets mad when other ppl pretend to get along w him but actually dislike him and are waiting for him to get a clue. so yeah, Laios is a chill guy but underneath that he is just so angry at the world all the time. he's pissed off ppl treat him like a freak for acting sincerely, he's pissed off ppl treat his sister like a freak for her natural talents, and Kabru is super valid and right for assuming that Laios hates humanity bc he kinda does a lil (tho not to the extent that Kabru thought ofc)
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon:
let him have fangs and glowly cat eyes and all that. he needs to live out his furry/otherkin dreams.
my OTP:
my cross over ship:
you know what???? Venom.
a headcanon fact:
top 5 favorite pokemon: hhhhng picking just 5 is v difficult so consider this incomplete. listed in no particular order because i'm bad at that 😔
turtwig line. i yelled when the Big Torts appeared in Detective Pikachu
porygon line. split line evo where you can evolve proygon2 into porygon3 which is stated for Sp. Def vs porygon-z's Sp. Atk WHEN!!!!
pidove line. fav regional bird. unfezant is Peak bird design
smugleaf snivy line. it's a skink that evolves into a legless lizard what's not to love??
klefki. L + Ratio + Prankster + Thunder Wave + Spikes + Dual Screens + Light Clay. Taunt users DNI
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siewmai · 2 years
001: this way up ofc // 002: kate and lisa :D
this way up
favourite character: shona even though she is spineless least favourite character: it used to be vish but after s2 it might actually be richard 5 favourite ships (canon or non-canon): charsho, charaine, braine, S1 raine, aine/alina character I find most attractive: charlotte character I would marry: charlotte character I would be best friends with: brad, maybe? he's the most grounded, he's funny, he likes drinking, he'd make me exercise and keep me in check a random thought: i literally have random thoughts about twu every single day lmao but i guess the latest random one is my headcanon that shona's contact in charlotte's phone goes from 'Shona O'Keefe' to 'Shona :)' to 'sexy yoda' to 'Shona' an unpopular opinion: WHERE DO I BEGIN? we'll be here all fucking day. my biggest one is probably that freddie is hot (chris geere my love) and that he is a good character and that cutting him out in s2 was a disastrous decision. i stand by my belief that the MAIN reason why shona and vish's relationship in s2 feels so stupid and meaningless is because freddie is no longer involved in the plot. aine and freddie's relationship in s1 directly parallels shona and vish's, and aisling completely shit the bed on giving either relationship the development or conclusion it deserves my canon OTP: charsho forever, charsho deniers drop dead my non-canon OTP: braine most badass character: charlotte for giving it to shona and telling her what's what most epic villain: aisling bea for the s2 fuckery vish in s1 for being a genuinely compelling and complex interesting character, this passive-aggressive, manipulative, self-centred Nice Guy character; aasif absolutely ate pairing I am not a fan of: vish and shona for obvious reasons. also s2 raine because what did the pod people do with richard? character I feel the writers screwed up: RICHARD AND VISH. i mean WHERE DO I START. i already did a long ass tumblr post on how mad i was over richard in s2. "i can't stop her talking" be fucking for real favourite friendship: aine and etienne character I most identify with: s1 shona. forever worried about the people she loved, stressed and harried, quick to anger, ambitious, snarky, protective, gay character I wish I could be: chien. she's a hilarious little asian spitfire, like is that not the dream?!
kate x lisa
when i started shipping them: properly after watching mw in cinemas in august 2020 my thoughts: i have been obsessed with them for two years what else is there to say?! i blame sharon and kst what makes me happy about them: they're so cute together. their relationship is just... in canon... enemies to friends... the endless potential... what makes me sad about them: they are not canon and never will be. also a movie ship and for a movie that will never get a sequel so i only have 2 hours of canon content of them things done in fanfic that annoys me: there is not enough fanfic of them to be annoyed by anything, but maybe making kate anything but a lesbian. things i look for in a fanfic: there is not enough fanfic of them to be picky!!! my wishlist: at this point i just need kst and sharon to be dating pls who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: nobody lmao they're endgame i mean... ugh... knife to my throat... ruby and lisa, sarah and kate my happily ever after for them: settling down in a quiet neighbourhood, domestic happy peaceful life with frankie
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jewishclarkkent · 7 years
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butthurt boyfriends
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dandylion240 · 2 years
I would like all the otp questions for Josie and her to be dragon (she is so sure of it, I am sure she is right) And all for Jayden and Evan because favorites will always be favorites ;)
Thank you for asking! I'm going to do this in parts otherwise it's going to get too long. We'll start with Jayden and Evan while work on Josie and her dragon.
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How did they first meet?
Jayden met Evan for the first time when he came home with Jonah after school one day.
2. How did they get together?
It was a double date with their respective twins to the romance festival that they acknowledged that they liked each other even though they weren't on a date with each other. They spent the entire night together talking and didn't realize that Jonah and Ethan had left hours before them. Jonah never felt that Jayden stole his date he was happy his twin had met someone who made him happy.
3. Who kissed who first?
Well their first kiss was at the romance festival. It was getting late and it was sometime after Jonah and Ethan had left. They're not really sure who initiated the kiss first. It felt as if they both did and their lips met in the middle.
4. What’s the relationship like? Smooth? Rocky?
It's had it's peaks and valleys. It started off smooth while in high school and college but once they moved in together and Jayden started concentrating more on work than on their relationship things got rocky. So much so that Evan felt invisible and finally moved out. It was during that time that Jayden realized his mistakes and he works hard not to let his workaholic ways blind him to what's most important. He's thankful for his second chance and never wants Evan to feel like he made a mistake by giving him that chance.
5. What do they like the most about each other?
Jayden loves how Evan is one of the most unselfish and caring person he has ever met. Evan loves that Jayden acts all strong and tough but inside he's sweet and vulnerable even though it's hard Jayden to ask for help he's learned to be more open with him.
6. Who cleans the most? Contrary to that, who is the messiest?
Evan probably does most of the cleaning because it's difficult for Jayden to do too much. However Jayden is the one who is the neatest between the two. Evan tends to be more disorganized.
7. Who usually cooks?
They take turns. Both can cook but it's not something they're particularly good at. However it's a good family activity where they can get the kids involved and while they cook it's good time to talk.
8. Who tends to worry the most?
They both worry about the other but Evan tends to worry more about Jayden's health and whether he's overdoing it.
9. Who is more inclined to be jealous or possessive?
I'd say Jayden is more inclined to being jealous because he worries about Evan getting tired of taking care of him. However he knows and trusts Evan's love for him and he knows those feelings are rooted in his own insecurities. Evan has never given him reason to be jealous and always makes him feel desirable.
10. How do they resolve their arguments?
By talking things through. They try not to go to bed angry but if they can't resolve things they agree to continue discussing things until they come up with a mutual solutions. They both know that they'll more than likely both seek out the advise of their 'dad' friend and they're ok with the other doing that. Some of the best things in their life have come about because that special relationship with Hayle.
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the originals for the ask thing
favorite character: rebekah, for sure, she's my smol feral murderous sunflower, as i've said in the past haha. hayley comes a close second, as do kol, marcel, davina, and all the mikaelsons tbh, as well as cami (i just love them all so much fuck) least favorite character: ummm.... dahlia i guess lol????? also monique. i know she's just a kid but she's actually really creepy and tried to kill her aunt, hayley, and baby!hope so, yeah, having none of that bye. brOTP: josh and davina, klelijah OTP: omfg i can't choose just one, it goes against my nature haha. klamille, haylijah, klayley sometimes (although klaus def fucked up in s2), marbekah, and freya + happiness (and that keelin girl but i haven't met her yet so we'll see, i already adore them though), also kolvina, HAYBEKAH***** OT3: is it weird to say klaus/elijah/rebekah?? normally i'm not into inc*st but honestly these three can get it on. also all the siblings in tvdu act more like couples than.... well, actual couples. anyways, klaus x caroline x camille have my heart, as well as klaus x hayley x elijah. NOTP: i don't believe i have one?? i guess klaus/genevieve, because even though i like her and i liked when they were fucking she outstayed her welcome as klaus's love interest or fuck buddy or w/e. she's def far more interesting on her own as a villainous anti hero or whatever. besides, she definitely should have been kissing rebekah, they totally give off jilted exes vibes. also maybe davina/tim, because he wasn't a very interesting character (than again TO never really gave him a chance to be since he had like. all of one line). favorite storyline: definitely hayley and finding her wolf pack in the bayou, as well as 1.15 when klaus was chasing rebekah around a cemetery in the pretense of killing her. it's just so reflective of the complex traumatic experiences and toxicity surrounding this fam, and the cycle of violence and love the mikaelsons are trapped in. tbh it's the most sympathetic i felt for klaus and the moment where his character (and the actor) really shined, as well as rebekah and elijah's characters. least favorite storyline: i'd say klaus compelling cami, because while he never had any creepy intentions it's not the best start to a relationship. also whatever nonsense is going on with the Red Door or w/e (although i got a steamy haylijah kiss out of that one, even if it was just a fever dream lol). what I wish had happened but didn’t: klaus and davina friendship?????? unlikely but these two are just hilarious together and more similar than they'd like to admit tbh. i know he murdered tim or whatever but ppl that are "best friends" on tvd (see: bamon) have forgiven each other for worse. also klaus just. apologizing more often, instead of letting his pride get in the way, and letting himself admit to being emotional and talking about his feelings more often. i mean it's hilarious when he goes on murderous rampages with kol when he's sad, but i digress. what happened that I wish hadn’t: klaus physically assaulting hayley, that was an out of character move for him tbh and kind of veering into creepy d*mon territory. there were several other ways TO's narrative could have reached the point of him realizing he wanted to keep his child that didn't have to be that. also gia and aiden dying, it's a huge setback on klaus's progress, not to mention unnecessary deaths of a female character of color (so a white man can be sad about it smh) and bury your gays. i really expected better from TO.
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pink-bird-30 · 3 years
Titan's Season 3 Finale
For some reason I thought there was still one more episode after today, and I'm disappointed.
Like, really disappointed.
(I will be all over the place with this, so bear with me)
First off,
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Seriously, I was waiting for that big moment when they saw each other again. Dick literally held her in his arms and cried in front of everyone last season. And you're telling me Dick didn't fucking run and jump into this woman's arms after seeing her alive? for fucks sake writers.
Secondly, We were give not a crumb, not a spect of dust, but a fucking empty box of emotions between Dick and Kori. After last weeks "bombshell" (as these so called "writers" told us about) you'd think Dick would've seen Kori in person and been like, huh, that's going to be the mother of my children, maybe I should acknowledge her existence? nah. nah. All we were given was Dick being all "leader-esq" asking for a "miracle" and then the smallest of interaction at the RV, which I thought was cute banter between them, very season 1, but that's it.
Third, Dick and Kori straight up kidnapped Tim, I think this is hilarious. I bet there was some sort of conversation between his parents and Dick, because you know, Titans just shows us just everything on screen. But I'm really happy for Tim, he really deserves to be Robin and I'm glad he had his moment in the Batcave with Dick and Jason.
"That's for Gotham, Bitch." I loved this. And Tim is right, Crane is a bitch.
Fourth, Bruce finally showing the fuck up. He comes back to a Gotham where people are helping one another, and that is something he could never do as Batman. Dick managed this when he finally worked with the Titans as a team, and not solo. I don't know why it was important for Dick to go back to Gotham this season, but he already went through the whole: 'Team work makes the dream work', bs last season. Why did we need this plot line again? Why couldn't this have been a stunt in Gotham while Bruce was away and then head back to SF. But instead it becomes this whole hoopla of Dick reverting back to his old self with a dash of Batman and a villain that could not deliver.
Fifth, Vee being an ARGUS agent took me by complete surprise. On rare occasion Titans has the ability to surprise me, and this was one of those moment. It is also the second time we hear Roy Harper's name in the series. Will we finally meet my favorite redheaded archer? or are they going to keep dangling him in front of us? I want to know more about ARGUS in this world, I only know ARGUS in the Arrowverse and wonder if Amanda Waller is someone they consider bringing into the show, but I guess we'll have to wait and see.
Sixth, Someone finally called Rachel Raven!!!!! This makes me beyond happy because I can stop writing Rachel and just write Raven from now on.
Seventh, I finally knew Dick was back to normal when he started to drive his doche-mobile again. The blue Porsche was what I expected season 1 Dick to drive and then end up in a dad car. And in this case the RV. This made me extremely happy and just the look of pure joy on this man's face when he showed up at the airstrip with a fucking RV and hopped out like he just discovered a rare gem. This is top tier Dick Grayson and I hope he is here to stay.
Eighth, We need to talk about Bruce's code being Selina Kyle. I will die on the BatCat ship hill. They are probably one of my favorite OTPs in DC comics. It does make me sad that he chose his life as Batman over his love with Selina. We will probably never know what really happened to them in this universe, but I really feel for Bruce. He really has lost a lot and pushed so many people away. By the end of this episode, we see that Bruce is truly alone.
-We see Bruce have probably his last interaction with Jason ever (I'm assuming here) and the way he says "Bye, son." I really wanted to cry for him. Bruce chose to use fear as a training method instead of teaching them to use their skills to be the best robins. And by using fear his sons never had a chance to be better than him. Jason may be forgiven by everyone else, but he will never forgive himself for his actions. The same as Bruce, who will never forgive himself for killing The Joker, but never regretting avenging his son's death.
-I love that Tim knew the code word; being a fanboy literally saved the day.
Ninth, Raven and Beast Boy working together to get to Donna and Tim. They're a force to be reckoned with and I hope we get to see more of them next season. We already have a lack of content when it comes to Gar, which I blame the writers for. He's such an amazing character and has a lot to offer, but gets pushed aside for new characters.
Tenth, the Lazarus pit scene. I'm confused as to when Kori received her full powers, her own powers. Was it after the explosion of the ship? Was it in that moment when she ended to move the pit into the sky? Why was this moment taken away from us, how are we supposed to know where they came from. She was told that she did not have the gift and now she has powers? Kom was given back her powers from Kori, again off screen cuz why the fuck not, and then they're both helping to cure the people of Gotham.
Eleventh, the best moment in this entire episode was Kori calling out all the bullshit. "I'm so done with this bullshit." Girl same. I am tired of it too.
Twelfth, Dick and Babs "break up". I felt a little sad watching their goodbye scene. Something felt very final about it and I teared up a bit. I'm far from being a dickbabs fan in regards to them dating, but as friends, I did have a fondness for their friendship. I hope we can see Babs again in a different way, but I'm glad she and Dick can move on from one another.
Thirteenth, The episode as a whole just really fell flat. Everything felt rushed, the acting was kinda shitty, but mostly due to bad writing and pacing of the scenes. I'm upset that this is the finale we were given, we deserve better as fans, especially since there are no relationships being built on this show. There's no emotional connections between anyone, it just literally feels so bland without those interactions, even a little bit of drama. Not to compare it to other shows, but Arrow was always good with building relationship and showing each characters development. We learned everything about each and every person, we knew their problems and flaws, but on Titans we get a brief insight to these people because the writers act as if we should know these people already. I know Dick from Teen Titans tv show, New Teen Titans Comics, Nightwing comics etc. I know those versions of Dick, but I don't know DC Titans Dick Grayson.
I. Need. More.
Overall, I'm giving this season a 5.5/10. They had sooooo much space and time to create a great season and fell flat. Hopefully season 4 will be better.
Until next time guys.
See you in 2022.
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