#our bedroom has a bed nook it’s so cozy
nothing0fnothing · 7 months
Hey! So I have some lived experience in being poor and mentally ill I had to learn the hard way in my adulthood after growing up with abusive neglectful narcissistic parents. Maybe it will help someone else.
1. Instant pot. Crock pot. Rice cooker. You only need one, but all 3 are versatile, can use very little electricity to run, and are perfect to dump ingredients into and come back later to a healthy, cooked dinner.
You can research which is best for you by looking up "crock pot recipes" "rice cooker meals" to get a feel for what types of meals you can prepare in each and how it's purposes can best fit your cooking style.
2. Get your electronics secondhand. Phone companies make so much off of poor people bc they contract us into pay plans that mean that by the time our phones are needing replacing, we've paid for it 2 or more times over. Consider going Sim only and getting your phone secondhand.
Websites like backmarket and envirophone sell refurbished phones, tablets, laptops, smart watches, TVs, consoles, headphones, all sorts like new and for a fraction of the price point you'd usually get them at. I've not bought an electronic new since 2015 and the products I get refurbished last just as long as if I'd bought them new. Plus it's better for the environment. Even if I had money I don't think I'd go back to buying new honestly.
3. Static charger. If you're Autistic and can't sit still, like me you might be finding that the first thing to go on your electronics is your charge port. It's really annoying because it's not a cheap fix and I have had to replace phones early when they won't charge any more.
Last year my girlfriend and I got static chargers. It's an adapter that sits in your phone/tablets charger slot that magnetically connects to a universal charger. Its great for us because now everything rechargeable (phones/tablets, but also headphones, game controllers, keyboards/mouses) takes the same cable. It's really handy, but for me the best part is that the adapter doesn't move. So even if I'm fidgeting with my phone on charge it won't wear down the charger pins over time. We paid £20 for 3 and it's paid for itself because I've not had to take my phone for it's yearly fix since I got it.
4. Make a cozy space outside of bed. As a bedrotting girlie I know the allure of just saying "fuck it" and curling up in bed is so strong. I also know that when I do it for days at a time my sleep quality gets worse, my days blur together and my mental health gets so much worse. Especially if I'm working, watching TV, eating all my meals and doing my hobbies all from my bed.
One thing that helps me break up the bedrotting and at least helps me get some decent sleep so I might wake up feeling better tomorrow, is having a cozy spot that isn't in bed I can spend at least some of my day in.
For me, it's the couch in my living room. I've furnished it with pillows, blankets, and a little coffee table I can rest my stuff on so I can feel as comfy as I do in bed, but not actually be in bed most of the day. For You it could be a book nook, or a floor bed, or a desk with a chair in your bedroom.
5. Giant water bottle. This one is really simple. We need 8 glasses of water a day to be healthy and hydrated. Basically nobody depressed has the energy to fill up a glass of water 8 times a day. If you can get a water bottle that holds 2 litres (65oz) of water, now you only need to fill one drinking vessel once a day to be healthy and hydrated.
It's really simple and sill but it honestly saved my life. I buy those drink flavor packets because I drink more when it tastes nice. Is it as healthy as plain water? No. Is it healthier than no water? Yes. Easy peasy.
My bottle is from Meoky, its the 64oz stainless steel camping bottle with a flip straw I got for under £20. I like it because it keeps my water cold and I'd rather walk on hot coals than take a sip without a straw, but I've bought same size BPA free plastic bottles for like £3 and they have lasted me 2-3 years too so the budget options are absolutely worth it too.
6. Reconsider what's worth getting second hand. Generally when thinking about buying secondhand we mean clothes at the thrift, and that's great, but buying pre loved can be anything, and you can buy some high ticket items at an affordable price point that way.
If I ever want an appliance I always look second hand first. My rice cooker is secondhand and it is my favourite appliance. I've also bought a popcorn maker for a fraction of the price I'd buy it new, and I'm looking for a Kitchen Aid mixer for no more than a third the price they usually sell at. My vanity houses my shark air styler, I got it refurbished second hand and it was like new when I bought it. I use it every day and it still has so much wear in it.
Generally, the bigger and heavier something is, the closer to free you can get it, because the people getting rid of it just want it gone. If you ever need a washing machine or some furniture, look on gumtree or local no buy groups first. Type "free ___" followed by where you live into Google to get an idea whats available. If you're furnishing a space it's very likely you can get everything you need for the cost of the van you hired to collect it all.
7. Frozen vegetables. Fresh produce is getting more expensive and because we neurodivergent and mentally ill people can have a habit of letting fresh produce rot in the fridge, wasting money and making more mess to clean up, it's usually not worth it. The thing is, frozen produce is cheaper because it is picked in season, healther because it is frozen at optimum ripeness, and can be safely stored in your freezer for months, it's so worth doing.
They're usually pre-cut and can generally just be chucked into your dish frozen to defrost while cooking, making them easy and accessible. You can buy mixed vegetable packs (in the UK the most common is sweetcorn/peas/carrots and broccoli/cauliflower/) for some variety too, which I like to just dump a portion into soups or broths for some added vitamins.
8. Medication delivery. I've been medicated for mental illness for years, and a regular problem I used to have was I would neglect going to pick up my meds because I was depressed, then I'd run out and be unable to collect them because the lack of meds was making me more depressed.
Now however, I'm signed up with an online pharmacy. They processes my prescriptions exactly the same way any other pharmacy would and dispense them through the post in a box that fits through my letterbox. I never have to leave the house for meds again which is actually a lifesaver, the shipping is super cheap, like free for 3 day delivery and £2.99 for next day, and it's all processed through a super simple app that I only have to use like one a month when I request my refill.
It's so worth it and if you struggle to get out like me I absolutely recommend it. In the UK it's called Lloyd's Direct Pharmacy, but I'm sure it's a service you can find in other places of the world too.
9. Laundry separation is a lie. Which isn't a big deal for people who don't care about throwing money away on extra loads or people who have the spoons to faff around separating their clothes arbitrarily, but for poor neurodivergent people, it is.
So here's the thing, the rules of separating laundry by colour came about when clothes were made of all natural materials that would stick to each other when agitated and natural dyes that would run in water. Nowadays, clothes are made of synthetic or blended materials that can handle the friction of a modern machine and synthetic dyes that hold up to basically anything. 99% of clothes on the market, and therefore probably 99% of your wardrobe, is polycotton or some other poly-blend. So generally, everything you have can just all go in together on a warm wash.
Now, if you have woolen, linen or cashmere pieces, you should be separating them and following the care instructions on the label, but everything else, just shove it in mate, nothing bad will happen.
10. Protein powder. Protein powder is cheap, it's stored dry to it basically never goes bad, it's obviously protein so it's a really good addition to your diet, it tastes of whatever flavour you buy it in so it's a good meal substitute if you're depressed and your appetite is low, and it comes together really easily.
I usually get it in big tubs because they're cheaper per gram that way and I just add them to my coffee/hot chocolate for a boost or stir it into some Greek yogurt for a quick healthy snack. Thats actually my favourite way to get protein in because it's like 2 minutes and it covers up that sour taste yogurt has. I've also stirred it into milk for my cereal to varying success but it's good because the fat in the milk and the carbs and fortified vitamins in the cereal make it basically a meal. If I'm struggling for breakfast I usually add a scoop or two to an instant porridge pot and I have a ready to eat nutritional meal ready in the time it takes to boil the kettle.
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pixielush777 · 1 year
My Top 10 Cottagecore/Fairycore Bedroom Decorations
Hey, Pixies!
What typically draws your eyes first when you enter a room? Could it be a set of hanging crystals that illuminate the space with rainbows? Could it be the shelves of dusty books that have taken their readers on memorable adventures to escape reality for even a short amount of time? Well, whatever it could be that draws your eyes first, for me, it's about the feel of the room. The vibe. We want our bedrooms to feel cozy and welcoming and somewhere we can spend our time relaxing. A personal haven.
Without further ado, here's a list of my top 10 cottagecore/fairycore bedroom decorations that I hope you will adore and that will help you create your dreamiest bedroom or whatever space you decide to use them in! All affiliate links are to Amazon for easy breezy shopping because who wants to visit a bunch of random sites to find what you're looking for?
xo Pixielush
1. Olive Green Duvet Cover Set
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Sure, you might look at this Duvet Cover and think 'What's cottagecore about that?' Well, when setting up a theme of a room, I like to start off with a nice, clean base to work off of. A floral or patterned throw blanket and some cute pillows are a game-changer when you want to dress up your bed. The thing is, if you already have a busy duvet cover, then it's likely going to be a little harder to dress it up without it feeling too overwhelming. If you don't love green, then it comes in other colors as well!
Plus, this color is just my favorite, so I couldn't not include it!
2 & 3. Moss-like Body Pillow Cover & Mushroom Throw Pillows (1, 2, 3)
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Okay, yes, this may be the second green thing in a row on my list, but that doesn't make it any less important! Like I said, let's set that base to work off of! Do you like snuggling up to a body pillow? Even if you don't they are perfect for leaning back on when you're watching tv, browsing Tumblr on your laptop, reading one of those fantasy books to escape reality, whatever it is you do it's far more comfortable when you have something to lean back on!
This body pillow cover looks just like a mossy field and is the perfect base for some mushroom throw pillows to sit in front of. I mean, come on, I can't have a cottagecore list without including something with mushrooms, could I?
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Here's a few options whether you're going for one literally mushroom-shaped, a simple but beautifully done one with cute little mushrooms and other flowers on it, or even one that's a little darker and foresty. I mean, this last one has ferns, and paired with moss that's just screaming 'My bed is a forest floor'. Might even look more dreamy than that meadow scene from the first Twilight movie. Just a thought.
4. Vintage-looking Crochet Throw Blanket
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Wrap yourself up or throw this vintage-looking crochet blanket over the foot of your bed and it instantly ups the cozy vibes. It reminds me of one I would find at my grandma's house, one that was handed down to her or one she made as a young woman that will one day be handed down to me. The thought just makes me feel warm and fuzzy.
5. Fairy Lights and Vine Set
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Hang these twinkle lights above your bed, your reading nook, or behind your PC setup for the perfect cozy lighting! Take a walk and find a sturdy branch to hang them from for extra flare! The best part is that the vines are included, so you don't need to buy them separately to create this look.
6. Floral Laundry Basket
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It can be hard to find a laundry basket that actually works for you AND that's cute. This one would perfectly fit into your room's aesthetic and be completely functional at the same! Keep in mind it's on the smaller side so it works better for people who do laundry often. Which, is actually not me at all. I use it as a dry trash bin!
7. Amethyst Moon Sun Catcher
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This dreamy suncatcher brightens your space throughout the day! Sure, for a few hours here and there you'll only get a glisten or a rainbow there, but place it perfectly in your window and whenever the sun hits it your room will look so magical that you might want to buy a second one for another room.
8. Vintage-looking Gold Mirror
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This arched mirror would fit perfectly over a dresser or vanity! Its vintage feel would add to the cozy cottagecore style you're going for and on top of that, it even has a little ledge for your trinkets!
9. Stained Glass Lamps (1, 2)
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I mean, are you kidding me?? How cute are these? Honestly, I don't think any further explanation is needed.
10. Vintage Looking Area Rug
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Last, but not least, this worn area rug would pull the room together and makes the room feel just like an old country cottage. This one has an antislip bottom so you won't have to worry about it sliding around on non-carpeted floors if you don't plan on putting it under your bed or other furniture.
That's all Pixies! I hope you all have a wonderful day ♥
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thepropertylovers · 1 year
A Small Tour of Our Little Beach Shack
It’s been a few days since we’ve been back from the beach and staying in our little Beach Shack for the first time ever. We bought this cottage last May and it looked completely different when we were handed over the keys. The walls were dark, the carpet was gross, and the bathroom was…interesting.
After working on it for a year, we would say the house is about 95% complete. We had so much fun staying there and experiencing life by the beach for two weeks, and I wanted to share with you what the cottage looks like as of today, because it’s so cute and it’s come so far. We haven’t purchased any new furniture yet for this house, everything you see in it we already had and we hauled down to the beach from our storage building. I love that because it helps us clear out our overcrowded building and saves us some money while furnishing the cottage!
These photos were taken literally as we were walking out the door to drive back home to Tennessee, so they’re not staged or even remotely professional, but I kind of like that about them. It’s very much where we’re at right now in life, and I am more than okay with that.
Dining nook/back entry
This little room is our main entrance. We have a front door in the living room, but at the risk of carrying wet sand throughout the entire house every time we enter it, we use this little light filled back entrance to get in and out of the house. It’s also the only dining area in the house, so though it’s teeny tiny, it’s so cozy and bright, and one of our favorite rooms in the house. It was previously an addition of some kind that had a sinking floor, so PJ ripped it off and had it rebuilt and voila!
When we got to the shack a few weeks ago, the kitchen hadn’t been painted yet. It is the only room the painter couldn’t get to in time for us to stay here, so over the course of a few days, PJ began sanding, caulking, priming and painting the kitchen.
We went back and forth on if we should keep the ceiling the original wood (we’ve painted all the ceilings white in the rest of the house, as you’ll see) to give the kitchen a little warmth, and so far we’re liking it. The mix of the dark green cabinets, white walls, and wood ceiling give me Ralph Lauren vibes and I’m here for it.
This is the room that is the least complete. We still need all the appliances and open shelving on the sink and stove wall. PJ installed the cabinet hardware he found for a steal of a deal at a random Habitat for Humanity in Georgia last year, and the bronze really pops against the hunter green. The counters are honed Carrera marble.
We survived the week on a Keurig, a mini fridge, and a microwave. Can’t wait to have actual appliances and be able to cook in this kitchen!!
Our bedroom
The bedrooms in the cottage are tiny, barely enough room for a queen sized bed and two night stands, but I kind of love it that way. With white, wooden walls and ceilings surrounded you, you kind of feel like you’re sleeping on an old ship in the 1940’s. It’s very cozy and, though the bed itself wasn’t comfortable, it was a very comfy room to sleep in.
We have plans for new lamps and to add some curtains, a rug, some art, and a very narrow dresser on the wall across from the bed, and maybe new nightstands, but other than that, this room is basically finished. There’s a full bath to the right of the bed but it isn’t finished just yet.
The living room
Ahhh the cozy and bright living room! The biggest room in the house is the one we do pretty much everything in. It’s also the room that’s undergone one of the biggest transformations. The window by the lamp didn’t exist before PJ framed it and had one installed, and the front door didn't, either. You used to enter the house through an enclosed sunporch with a side door, and there was a huge casement opening that lead into the living room. Now, it’s more traditional and has a much better flow overall. We love this little living room and it comfortably fit all five of us.
The couch and rug were Facebook Marketplace finds, as were the chair and the coffee table. The nesting tables are from TJ Max years ago, and the lamp came with the house. We had a little schoolhouse light where the ceiling fan is, but after being there a week, we realized a fan would be better for this room to help circulate air in the 100 degree weather, so PJ took down the overhead light and installed this fan we got at Lowe’s.
The curtain rods and blinds are from Home Depot and the curtains are drop cloth.
Kids’ bath
The biggest bathroom in the house, and right now, the only one that is completed (ours still needs tile on the shower walls). For such a small cottage, this is such a good sized bathroom and fits all of us perfectly. We brought this vanity down from a local store in Chattanooga and had marble tile that looks like little water droplets installed on the floor, and went with a wavy white porcelain tile (that reminds us of ocean waves) on the shower wall.
The bathroom used to be two little choppy rooms with the strangest layout, but we expanded and built on and had the contractors add new wood to the walls and ceiling to make it all match, and then just painted it all white.
In the space across from the toilet is where a stackable washer and dryer will be, so this room is pulling double duty as a bathroom and a laundry room.
So there you have it!! Next time we go down there, I will show you the kids’ room and our private bathroom. We still need a back deck and a small front porch, but for the most part, our little Beach Shack is basically finished. Well, finished enough to live in. And we love it.
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septic-skele · 4 years
UF - Out of Reach
Summary: Classic and Blue have it good with their brothers. They make displays of love and affection look so easy. Red can’t help but feel bitter about it. He stands no chance of ever having anything like that with his boss.
Well, not with that attitude about it, Blue says.
Red couldn’t understand it. Logically he figured it was because Classic and Blue came from drastically different backgrounds. They weren’t living with eye sockets in the back of their heads or half-formed, sharpened bones under their pillows like he and Boss did. They were probably just as baffled about him and his behavior, but there was something Blue had said once that wouldn’t leave his mind.
Red had walked in on a private moment and for reasons beyond him, he hadn’t taken a hasty shortcut back out. He stopped and stared and couldn’t help being taken aback when he saw Blue cradling his Papyrus’ skull against his shoulder, murmuring comforts to him. Red had never seen that casual, laidback Papyrus so drunk, weak and vulnerable, much less Blue so solemn.
“I love you, Papy,” he soothed. “I’d love you no matter the ‘reset’, whatever that may be—no matter the world, no matter the universe. A good, proper Sans would never give up on his brother, and I am just that.”
Good, proper. Red had no illusions of propriety but the idea of it nagged and frustrated him. Any time he had tried to console Papyrus in recent memory, it had ended with all the wrong things being said and door hinges buckling under the strain of being slammed.
Red already knew what Blue would say if he heard of this. “You can always try again! I believe in you, pal! You simply need to persevere! You’ll get through to him, I know it!” Disgusting.
The worst part of it, however, was that even Classic did it better than he could. Classic—depressed, cynical, apathetic, a liar to Papyrus’ face more often than not—still loved his brother better.
Somehow the six of them had survived a night in together, though the argument over the TV remote had almost come to blows and the throw pillows may have sacrificed some of their stuffing. Now that they were all retiring, Red wandered down the hall to hear strains of Classic’s voice from one of the nearby bedrooms. He didn’t sound anything like the blasé character Red usually knew; he was lighter, actually putting effort into this.
“…Peekaboo had become a game of hide-and-seek! Where could her friends have gone? Fluffy Bunny wondered, bounding across the green, green field to look for them. She searched high! She searched low!”
“She searched near and far,” Papyrus chimed in.
“You bet she did. She searched east and west, under rocks and up in trees. But Fluffy Bunny couldn’t find her friends anywhere! Wherever could they be?”
Maybe they ditched her for wantin’ to play such stupid games, Red mused with a snort, although as Classic continued he was distracted by an old, old memory fluttering forth.
He had spent hours poring over the dump, fishing out as many old, damaged books as he could find. Drained and shivering, he’d lugged them back to the nook where he’d left Papyrus, safely out of sight. Before he could find sleep, Papyrus had thrown himself over Red’s back and pitched a fit about learning how to read.
“Show me, brother! I want to do it like you do, I want to try! It doesn’t have to be the long one! Just show me how, please! Please, please, please, plea-a-a-ase!”
Red had capitulated only because he didn’t want the tantrum to draw unwanted attention, but that wasn’t the part that stuck with him. Papyrus had curled up against him, half-tucked under his coat, watching him trace letters with intent focus. As he haltingly sounded out the words, every small success made him light up like a star, clutching eagerly at Red’s ribs for his approval.
“Did you see that, Sans?! Did you hear me?! I did it!”
“Yeah, yeah. Pipe down, kid, I saw. Nice one.”
Red’s opinion and praise had still meant something to Papyrus back then. Stars, he was still willing to cuddle with him, despite the filth and the damp clinging to his clothes from the river.
Had Boss ever really been that hopeful, clingy little baby bones or was Red trying to convince himself that was how it had happened? It was so long ago. Pap could have just fished those books out and taught himself while Sans was away, trying to find work. That sounded far more likely.
“G’night, bro,” Classic concluded, sliding the book onto the nightstand and giving his Papyrus an affectionate squeeze of the hand.
Balking, Red ducked back toward the stairs before he could be found snooping, all too well aware of what Boss might do if he ever dared reach out that way. He’d probably end up losing a few fingers.
It wasn’t fair, something small and spiteful in the back of his mind huffed. The idea nearly made him miss one of the steps, torn between shock and scornful amusement. Since when had fairness ever been part of the equation? If things were fair…
If things were fair, they would probably look a lot like the scene he had just left, as well as the scene he was walking into now. Blue perched prim and proper on the end of the couch, surfing idly through channels. His brother was stretched across the rest of the cushions, head propped against Blue’s lap, swaddled up in blankets, the whole nine yards.
Jerks. They were intent on showing off now; they knew exactly how good they had it. Sparks of irrational anger crackled along Red's jaw and spine. If he had something immediately on hand to hurl at them, he would have, but he had already shucked off his boots and summoning a bone would be a waste of magic.
“Edgy me?” Blue called in a faux whisper, making him tense. “I would have thought you’d be asleep already.”
“Yeah, well, it’s kinda hard to rest easy with Classic jabbering on about fluffy bunnies through the wall!” Red snarked, louder and sharper than necessary. He took little satisfaction in the way Blue winced, resting a hand on Papy’s skull as if to muffle the noise.
“I’m sorry to hear that.” So genteel, so polite, he still offered an inviting smile. “If you’d care to come and join us, any of the chairs from the dinner table are free! Mweheh, I honestly have no idea how Papy sleeps like this; the side I sit on is the only one without mangled, broken springs. It’s probably all of his tossing and turning that’s done it. I’ve been meaning to get them repaired, but he hardly ever leaves the couch to let me at it! He really ought to—”
“Shut up already, would’ja? I don’t care! Besides—Tch, wouldn’t want to interrupt your cute little ‘brother bonding’ time.”
“Oh, no, y-you’re not interrupting anything! Did I imply that somehow? I’m sorry! If you want part of the couch, I can wake him and ask him to scoot over—”
“How d’you make it look so easy?” It broke free before Red could fully comprehend how irrational it would be to ask. Jaw clenching so tightly that his teeth squeaked, he drew back from his own brash demand. Blue tilted his head.
“I’m sorry?” That counted three times in this conversation that he’d apologized for nothing. “I’m not sure what you mean.”
He should have retreated. He should have spat, “Never mind!” and transported to his room to seethe in privacy. Instead his foolish, fat mouth blundered on. “How d’you get him to do that?” He threw an irritated gesture at the sleeping lump on his lap. “How d’you make him…relax, with you there? It’s as if he likes having you around!”
Even that was saying too much and yet just enough. Realization dawned in Blue’s eyes, followed by—oh, stars, there was pity.
“Well, I…I’m not really sure. If there are no other comfortable surfaces around for him while he sleeps, I’m happy to help! The last thing he needs is a cramp in his neck. Heh, I’m not tall enough to fix that for him so why not try to prevent it entirely? We’ve huddled up ever since we were baby bones; it’s always been this way.”
Of course. Cheekbones flaming, Red ducked his head. They never had raging fights that lasted until dawn (or until they started losing their voices, whichever came first.) Blue and Stretch had it all sorted out from birth, cozy and coddled.
“…Papy always caught cold too easily. I’d make up some rather impressive beds for him with grass and water sausages so he wouldn’t have to sleep on the rock, but the dew would leave him shivering all night! I couldn’t let that stand! Those chattering teeth of his kept me awake too so I made the noble sacrifice and slept on the damp side while he nestled up to me.” Blue chuckled, an uncharacteristic note of something laced through it. “With our two shirts tucked together, we could almost imagine a full hoodie like he has now!”
“Wh—You? That’s rich.” That was decidedly not what Red had been picturing as a life that could spit out someone as sickeningly sweet as Blue. “You’re not tellin’ me you two were homeless.”
“I preferred to think of us as explorers!” Blue corrected. “I told Papy that we were on an adventure to find the perfect place for a new start. We experienced all that the Underground had to offer a couple of wandering baby bones: scavenging, hide-and-seek, games of chase with older monsters, who were rather poor sports when they couldn’t catch us. I grew strong and magnificent thanks to all of that exercise and my brother…well, he tried very hard!”
Red shuffled uncomfortably in place. Funny, how familiar all of those experiences sounded—but from someone else’s mouth?
“Then Papy fell terribly ill. He was poisoned, in fact. It was the first time I really wondered if I’d lose him.” Ignoring how Red startled, Blue glanced pensively down at his snoring brother, smoothing his fingers more gently over his skull. “It may have been an accident, but I was responsible for his safety; I should have been paying closer attention. In part it was my fault.”
“And he…forgave you for that?” An accident like that, caused by a slip in Sans’ attention, could probably get him disowned.
“On the contrary, he blamed himself! He blames himself for a great many things and he thinks most of them can’t be helped. I try, I always try to help. What’s infuriating is that he acts as if he doesn’t deserve it. Despite what you may think, there are plenty of times he doesn’t want me around. He shuts down, he pushes me away, he tells me I’m wasting my time.”
Red’s eyelights flicked off.
“Shut up, Sans. I don’t want to discuss it.”
“You idiot! Get away from me!”
“Useless. What a waste of time.”
“I think he’s scared of what might happen if he lets his guard down…Perhaps he thinks I’m not strong enough to face whatever is underneath,” Blue continued. “Perhaps he thinks that if he lets me too close, it will be the thing to drive me away for good. Nevertheless! With time and patience, I know I’ll convince him.”
“But how?! How am I supposed to—I mean, how do you keep trying when it never does any good?”
“It does do some good, I’m sure of it! I keep pushing to help him so he knows beyond the shadow of a doubt that I won’t be driven away so easily. Maybe Papy just isn’t ready to show me the good it’s done yet. He has to learn to trust himself before he can trust me, but he can never say that I don’t care about him. I’ll show love to every part of him, even the bad, and it will be an influence for the better. I will break down those barriers!” Blue concluded with a fiercer grin.
A good Sans would never give up on his brother.
“Doesn’t it…suck?” Red ground out, hoping it wouldn’t be interpreted as an admission of weakness. Doesn’t it hurt? “When he shuts you out all the time?”
“Of course. I never said it was an easy task but it’s not within me to accept defeat!” Blue stopped up short then, holding his breath as Papyrus shifted against him. Neither Red nor Blue had been particularly careful about their volume.
After a few moments of adjustment, Stretch settled deeper into his blankets with a sleepy hum of contentment. Blue softened, eyelights aglow with such fondness that Red could almost feel a ripple of it in the air between them. It made his soul turn.
“He’s my only brother. We only have each other in the end. Isn’t that worth the effort?”
If Red hadn’t been passing his boss’s room at precisely the right moment, he never would have heard it: a string of low, ragged gasps, followed by a rumble that could have been a groan or a growl. Sans grimaced at the sound, already aware of what was happening. Boss never made noise in his sleep unless he was injured, pain slipping through the cracks of his subconscious, or he was fighting a nightmare. Seeing as the last few days had been highly uneventful, it would be the latter.
Welp, that’s his problem. I’m not about to get impaled ’cause he mistakes me for his sleep paralysis demon.
That was habit speaking. Better reasoning caught him a few steps later, slowing him to a halt.
It would be easy to swan off, mind his own business and let Papyrus suffer on his own. It would have been easy to do it years ago too, when Pap was nothing but a scrawny baby bones who couldn’t have done anything about it.
If he hadn’t then, why should he now? It was Boss’s shouts in the morning that often woke him from dark dreams…He could return the favor and feel less indebted to him for it.
It was only fair.
Cursing his newly planted seed of a conscience, Sans pivoted with great difficulty and kicked a foot at the door with a small thump. No answer. He kicked again. The gruff breaths from within quickened.
“…Boss?” he ventured, clearing his throat roughly. “Hey. Boss.” Belatedly he realized that he had no proper excuse ready if Papyrus awoke and asked what he wanted. That might not go over well, but the circumstances were making it hard to focus. Those strangled groans were slowly but surely chipping away his first instinct of self-preservation.
He was definitely going to get impaled. One shot, -9999 damage and his life would be over, all for an attempt to be considerate, but he could hear it now in Papyrus’ voice. There was a scared little brat trapped inside the intimidating commander and that brat clearly still needed a big brother to drag him out of trouble.
Steeled for his impending doom, Sans jostled open the door. “Boss,” he began again as he poked his head in. “You’re makin’ noise, alright? You gotta—Whoa, whoa, whoa, that’s not good—”
Papyrus was a writhing, tangled mess in his blankets, some already torn where his claws had caught. Sweat and magic bled down his face, eye sockets sputtering and smoking in a flurry of colors as he choked for traction to cry out.
“Ngnnh—No, no—stop!”
“Boss?!” Sans stammered, surging forward. Of their own volition his hands got busy, dragging at the blankets to rend them free of Papyrus’ kicking legs. “Bro, hey! It’s okay, it’s just a dream!”
From there it must have only been a few seconds but to Sans it felt like an eternity before Papyrus lurched upright, already scrambling. He didn’t lunge to attack as Sans had expected but recoiled; it was only when he smacked his skull against the wall behind him that he came to a lurching stop.
“I-It’s just me, Pap,” Sans stated cautiously. He wouldn’t have dared use the old nickname under any other circumstances, but it seemed to clear some of the wild haze in his brother’s eyes. It took a beat for him to formulate an appropriate response.
“Get out,” he rasped. It didn’t hold a candle to its usual bite. He was still panting, disoriented. “What are you doing here?”
Which d’you want, an answer or me getting out? “I heard you…Well, I didn’t know if somethin’ was up. Maybe someone…broke in or somethin’, trying to get to you.”
“Oh?” Shoulders shuddering in what could barely be masked as a laugh, Papyrus shook his head minutely. “And what could you do to save me? L-Look at you. You’re not even armed.”
“And look who didn’t even wake up when I barged in here! The big, bad boss could’ve gotten killed in his sleep because he was too busy cryin’ like a—” By the greatest restraint he cut himself off, foreseeing how that would be received, but he’d said enough already.
“Get. Out,” Papyrus snarled, rediscovering vitriol enough for Sans to cringe.
“Sorry, I’m sorry.”
“Get out, you fool, this instant, or I’ll—!”
“I’m sorry, okay? I was worried!” That word felt taboo aloud. “I just wanted to make sure you were alright and you weren’t so I stayed to help.”
“There’s nothing you can do here, Sans; as always, you—you prove to be utterly inadequate! Your best course of action will be to close the door behind you.” Judging by the way his chin jutted out, he was clearly expecting that to be the last word.
“…No.” Tossing the blanket’s edge back to the floor, Sans squared up. “I’m not goin’ anywhere.” The incredulity that flashed in Pap’s eyes should have cowed him but he had resigned himself to that already at the door. “I’m not just gonna leave you here, all jittery and crunched up against the wall. I can’t leave you like this. You’re not fine and I know if I try to say somethin’ to make it better, I’ll screw it up. Like you said, I always do. So let’s just skip that part where I do it wrong and get to the bit where you tell me what you need. What d’you need to feel better and get back to sleep okay?”
The following silence caught him off guard. Papyrus was never at a loss for further scathing remarks so why was he just staring at him? Moreover, where had his anger gone? He looked smaller without it, less like the Great and Terrible Papyrus and more like…
Papyrus. Red’s only brother. Hunched down, hands fisted into the mattress, micro-tremors trailing down his ribs as he breathed, he looked exhausted.
A minute passed. Maybe it was two.
Sans fidgeted, his nerve failing. “Boss, listen, I—”
“Tea,” he muttered, hooded eyes darting away. “If you really want to make yourself useful.” Sans hadn’t expected his soul to fill his throat at that response; something must have shown in his face, as Papyrus’ next grumble was even quieter. “You’re acting uncharacteristically generous with your work ethic. Why would I pass up this opportunity to make you work in the kitchen for once?”
Sans felt oddly light at the words as he nodded, turning for the door. “Gotcha.” He had never thought this day would come. For once in his life, he saw doing more work as a victory.
If it did some small modicum of good, if it made one miniscule chip in those walls between them, it would be worth the effort.
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themanicmagician · 4 years
Shipwrecked [2/4]
Summary: When Redd’s boat crashes upon the shore of Bastion Island, Tom reluctantly takes him in while he recovers. Tom despises Redd for his past deceit, but when he has no choice but to spend time with him, Tom is reminded why he fell in love with the wily fox in the first place.
Tom felt a knot loosen in his chest. Relief washed over him. Redd was awake and lucid, and feeling well enough to quip.
But then Redd kept talking.
“This is your bedroom?” Redd shifted, leaning his back against the mattress. He scanned the Spartan room, and his nose scrunched up in distaste. “It’s so....basic. Not your style at all.”
Tom hated the small speck of him that still yearned for Redd’s approval. He crossed his arms. “You’re hardly the expert on what I like.”
Tom’s words landed—he saw Redd wince—but the fox brushed it off, and changed tack.
“Where’d you sleep, then? Futon?”
Redd patted the bed, and leered. “Could’ve shared with me. It’s plenty big enough. Wouldn’t be the first time.”
“Enough, Redd. You’re only here in my home because I possess common decency. Nothing more. As soon as your arm is healed, you’re gone.”
Redd clutched at his chest with his good arm, in mock agony.
“Oh babe, you can be so cold!”
Tom ignored him. “What possessed you to attempt to sail a ship, of all things? You don’t have any experience.”
“Don’t worry about it. It was simple enough to figure out.”
“Obviously it wasn’t.”
“Hey, the storm wasn’t my fault.”
“You could have died—and for what? Another stupid scheme of yours, no doubt.”
“I resent that remark. Scheme! Scheme, he says. I’m out here because I’ve developed a new business venture. The art on my boat is real.” Brief alarm skirted across his face. “Wait, what happened to my things?”
“They’re in Blathers’ custody.”
“That featherbrain can’t keep them. They’re real, you know. I had this whole plan. I was going to go island to island. Animals are so suspicious these days. They actually want to inspect the merchandise before they buy, can you believe it?”
“I don’t want to hear about this.”
Redd plowed on, as if Tom hadn’t spoken. “—and once they placed an order, I’d say oh, you can’t take it right away. I have to ship it to you.”
“And you’d mail them a fake.”
“I’d mail them a replica. The copies that I paint myself are flawless,” Redd bragged. Greed and delight glinted in his eyes. “You’d never be able to tell the difference. I’ll wager you 5,000 bells your pal Blathers wouldn’t, either.”
“I can’t believe you,” Tom snapped. “You haven’t changed one bit.”
“Why tamper with perfection?”
Tom stomped out of the room.
Timmy and Tommy were right outside, evidently listening in. They jumped guiltily as Tom caught sight of them, and tried to look busy; Tommy folded a blanket and draped it over the back of the couch, as Timmy collected up used cups to put in the kitchen sink.
“I’m going out for a bit.” Tom told them, as he pulled on a jacket. “Stay here, and make sure he does too.”
The Nooklings chirped an affirmative.
May was cold and rainy this year, and today proved no different. Tom zipped up his jacket to ward off the worst of the chill. It was misting out, but not badly enough to justify an umbrella.
Tom didn’t have a destination in mind, exactly. He wasn’t going to Resident Services today. Isabelle was certainly capable of taking the reins for a day or two. Tom just needed fresh air, just needed to clear his head.
Redd hadn’t changed at all. He hadn’t grown, he hadn’t learned anything. He was still the same as he ever was—greedy, selfish, conniving. And utterly, absolutely, insufferable.
There had been moments, before, when he had lived on the mainland, when Redd frequented his town. He’d considered reaching out. But he’d never scraped up the nerve to do so. It wasn’t his responsibility either, he’d reasoned at the time. Tom was the wronged party. Redd should have been the one to approach, not him.
And now the decade-long silence between them was shattered at last, and Redd acted as if there had never been a massive fracture in their relationship, as if nothing at all had changed. No apologies, no remorse, not even a thank you for the rescue.  
“Mr. Nook!” Flurry trotted up to him. “I’ve heard the news. How is your friend doing today?”
He supposed there was no hope of keeping it quiet. Any speck of news spread through Bastion like wildfire. Isabelle, bless her heart, was an incorrigible gossip.
“Redd is doing much better today, thank you.”
“I wanted you to give him something from me. Just to borrow, powderpuff!” She took out a book from her pockets and handed it over. It was an old leather-bound book, a collection of fairy tales. It was worn with age, but evidently well cared for. “I don’t know if it’s to his taste or not, but I always read it when I’m sick and it cheers me right up!”
“Thank you, Flurry. I’m sure he’ll appreciate it.” Redd wouldn’t, but Tom would never let the sweet hamster know that.
He continued his walk, and soon found himself on the beach. He followed the shoreline around the island until he reached the outcropping of rocks by Del’s and Lucha’s houses.
Tom knew what to expect, but the sight was still jarring. The hull of the boat was gouged on the rocks. Half of the vessel gaped open. The mast was snapped off at its base, and the sail, long lost to the tides. Tom stepped on the rocks to get a closer look. The remains of the boat had been secured to the rock by rope; Alex and the others, presumably, had been the ones to anchor it.
Tom peered inside the exposed hull. The boat was tilted at an angle. Barrels had rolled to one end of the ship. Several had smashed apart in the impact. Tom winced. How badly had Redd been thrown in the crash? Had he been above deck, or below?
There didn’t appear to be anything of value left inside the ship. The villagers had done well removing all the fragile artwork.
Enough of the boat remained that they wouldn’t have to build Redd a new boat from scratch, at least. The boat would have to be patched up for Redd to travel. The seaplanes weren’t built to transport someone from Bastion all the way out to the mainland.
Tom swept a critical eye over to the wreckage. Yes, they could rebuild it in several weeks, once the necessary supplies were gathered. He resolved to speak with Alex about it. If she could gather the needed materials, he’d reduce the price for her attic expansion as compensation.
He returned home with the intention to cook breakfast for the Nooklings and their guest. But as he removed his shoes in the entryway, he overheard Redd’s drawling voice. And the twins were conspicuously absent from the living room. He padded quietly over to the threshold of his bedroom.
The first thing Tom noticed was that Redd was now wearing one of his spare shirts. The floral patterned green and white flattered the fox’s fur. It was a size or two too large on him, and not his usual type of outfit. Something warm and possessive tightened in his stomach at the sight of Redd wearing his clothes.
Redd was back in bed, propped upright with the support of pillows. Timmy and Tommy were sitting on the bed as well, listening raptly to their guest. Redd was in his element as entertainer, gesturing enthusiastically with his unbroken arm as he spoke.
“...it was our third pitch of the day. Tom had persuaded me to paint wallpapers for high-end clientele, so the meeting was at this real swanky place. Very stylized lobby we waited in, minimalistic in style but in an expensive way, you know? Your Uncle Nook was sweating so much his fur looked a shade darker than normal. We were sitting there, waiting for half an hour after our appointed meeting time. And finally, finally, someone shows up. It wasn’t even the investor! It was some scrub, some assistant of an assistant. Tom was so nervous, he promptly bent over and spewed his lunch all over her expensive shoes.” Redd laughed.
Tom flushed. It hadn’t been his finest moment.
“But then, do you know what your uncle did?” Redd whispered, conspiratorially.
“What, Mr. Redd?”
The boys leaned in closer, eager not to miss a single syllable.
“Tom still managed to salvage the situation. He went right from wiping off her shoes to pitching her a new concept—scented wallpaper. Smells like lemon, pine. So if something like this happened again, at least no one would smell it!”
“Wow! Did they invest?”
“Even better—they bought the concept and patent from us. All the reward, with none of the work!”
“Boys, wash up for breakfast.” Tom broke in.
The twins broke into beaming smiles at the sight of him. They sprang off the bed to crowd Tom, both talking a mile a minute.
“Uncle Nook, is it true that you won a manufacturing contract by arm wrestling the CEO of Cozy Couches?”
“—did you really start a new city fashion trend wearing your scarf as a belt?”
“—have three drinks named after you?”
“Redd likes to embellish.” Tom explained, exasperated. “Don’t believe a word he says.”
Redd pouted.
Once the boys reluctantly filed out of the room, Tom shut the door. He crossed over to Redd and offered him the book of fairytales.
“For me? You shouldn’t have.” Redd inspected the book. He grimaced at the faint mug stain on one of the pages. “Not a first edition. Far from excellent condition. You  really  shouldn’t have.”
Tom grit his teeth. “It’s not from me. A villager has loaned it to you. If it goes back to her with so much as a dog-eared page…”
“Alright, sheesh. Just messing around.” Redd set the book on the bedside table, evidently uninterested.
“Listen to me, Redd.” Redd looked up in surprise at Tom’s low, serious tone. “You cheated me. You deceived Lyle. But if you think—”
“Hey, Lyle wasn’t—”
“If you think,” Tom spoke over him. “For one second, that I’ll allow you to manipulate Timmy and Tommy, you’ve got another thing coming. I have resources now. More bells in the bank than you’ll ever see. If you ever hurt them, I’ll make you regret it. Are we clear?”
The boys were guileless, innocent. He would not stand for Redd swindling them.
Redd deflated, his previous energy visibly dimmed. His ears flattened back on his head. He looked away from Tom, and nodded.
“Where are we going?”
“Like I told you the last twelve times you asked, it’s a surprise.”
“I’m going to trip on the sidewalk and break my nose.” Tom grumbled.
“You won’t.” Redd promised, with a rumbling laugh. “I’m here. I won’t let anything happen to you.”
It had been six months since their first meeting, in that sketchy motel. Ever since, they’d hardly left each others’ company. Tom’s ambition was to build a furniture and home goods store. It would be unique in its approach, in that stock would be limited, and rotate daily, so animals would feel compelled to go to the store every day, just in case there was something they needed. Redd, an entrepreneur himself, was on board. But before they could begin such an enterprise, they needed bells, and loads of them. They’d taken the past half a year to build up their finances together. They’d done so not through conventional jobs, but through countless pitch meetings, patent sales, and even art commissions. They’d amassed enough now that their dream was looking more achievable by the day.
Tonight Redd had tied a black bandana around Tom’s eyes and led him from their apartment. Tom’s heart was doing somersaults in his chest throughout their entire walk. Redd had been furtive, secretive the entire past week. He’d been planning something, and Tom had a big hunch on what it could be.
“We’re here.” Redd announced, at long last. He unknotted the bandana. The cloth fell away from Tom’s eyes, and he gasped.
It was an older two-story building, wedged in between a pair of larger, newer ones. It was built of ruddy red brick, with floor to ceiling windows for display purposes. Tom glanced around. They were in a nicer part of town. Not the wealthiest neighborhood by any means, but one fairly busy, that had animals with bells burning holes in their pockets.
“It’s ours.” Redd withdrew a keyring from his pocket. “If you like it.”
Redd winked. “I have my ways.” He held out the keys and gave them a shake. “Why don’t you do the honors?”
Tom took the keys with reverence. He felt as if he were drifting through the clouds as he glided to the door. The front door key was newly cut, firm in his palm. Tom unlocked the door, and stepped inside.
“The register could go here.” Tom circled around the corner of the back wall, nearest the door. He paced around the cavernous empty room, imagining as he went. “Heavier furniture in the back as well. Some eye-catching, lighter things near the front that can be rotated daily. Things like wreaths, tapestries—oh, and what if we hang strings of lights from the ceiling? It’d create a real welcoming, homey look.”
He turned back to Redd for his input. His face was flushed with enthusiasm.
Redd had been watching him from the doorway with a complicated, unreadable expression.
Tom’s grin faltered. “Redd?”
The strange look fell away from Redd’s face, replaced by his customary smirk. He sauntered closer.
“Your instincts are excellent as always, Tom. I was thinking of a mural, too, for the back wall.”
“Oh, that’d be great! What are you thinking? A city skyline? Or something more nature-inspired?”
Redd’s arm slid around Tom’s waist with easy familiarity. His paw squeezed Tom’s side. Tom barely muffled his squeak. They’d been together for five months of the six, and Redd’s casual displays of affection still flustered him. Back home, no one had ever looked twice at the plain, chubby raccoon.
Redd’s muzzle brushed his ear. “We can hash out the details later. This calls for a celebration, don’t you think?”
The doorbell jingled overhead as Tom stepped inside the Able Sisters’ store. Sable took a single look at Tom before she was bustling him into the back room of the shop.
“Keep an eye out for customers, Mabes.” She called over her shoulder.
Mabel mock-saluted her eldest sister.
“Sit.” Sable all but pushed him into a rocking chair. He remembered this old thing from the sisters’ first home. The quilt draped over the back of the chair was familiar too, if a bit more threadbare than he remembered. Tom was struck by a wave of gratefulness that all of his dearest friends had been so amenable to picking up their lives and moving to Bastion with him.
Sable placed a gray kettle on the stove, and retrieved two mugs from a cabinet. The mugs were lumpy things, rather sloppily painted. Mabel had made them by hand when she was young. Tom had his own original Mabel creation stored in a cabinet back at his home.
“I wanted to speak with you as soon as I heard, but I had too many shirts to sew, I couldn’t get away. I know that’s not much of an excuse, though.”
“You don’t need to worry about me. I’m handling everything just fine.”
Sable raised one eyebrow.
“I am.” He insisted. Redd had been subdued after Tom had warned him off about the twins. He ate the food Tom cooked without complaint, allowed Tom to check his injured arm without any protest, save the quiet hisses of pain he couldn’t quiet. They’d lived together in uneasy harmony for a week, now. Redd spent most of the day in front of the TV, or idly flipping through the book Flurry had lent him.
“How have you been?”
“Fine. Redd hasn’t been putting up too much of a fuss.” She was staring at him, too keenly. “What?”
She took a moment to muster up the words, paws twisting in her lap. “Tom...I don’t want to see you like that again.”
Tom waved his hand, as if to banish the ghost of that awful moment. “You won’t. He can never hurt me again.”
Sable’s doubt was palpable.
“I don’t care about him anymore. I don’t. And I...I used to hate him, I admit it. I used to loathe him. But I’ve moved on. I don’t trust him, and I pity him, but I don’t feel anything strong for him, hate or love, anymore.”
“You don’t sound as convincing as you’d like to be.” Sable said.
He was saved from having to respond as the kettle whistled. Sable rose to fetch their tea. She added the sachets, a drizzle of honey to her cup, three lumps of sugar to Tom’s—after all this time, she hadn’t forgotten how he liked it—and carried the mugs over.
Tom held his mug between his paws, waiting for it to cool enough to be drinkable. The pleasant scent of Earl Grey wafted up to his nose. He inhaled.
“If Redd tries anything, I’ll punch him in the nose.”
Sable, gentle, demure Sable, spoke with such a steely assuredness that Tom started. She smiled shyly at him.
“I mean it.”
“You’ll have to get in line. I have first dibs.”
Sable giggled.
Tom headed back home, feeling lighter than he had since this entire thing started. He and Sable swiftly left the topic of Redd behind them, and spent the better part of an hour catching up.
The boys saw him through the front window of the Cranny, and waved enthusiastically. He returned the gesture, albeit with less energy.
Tom then climbed the stairs and let himself into his home. Redd was no longer where Tom had left him that morning, slouched on the couch. The TV was shut off, the house almost eerily silent.
“Redd?” Tom eased open the door to his bedroom. The fox was absent, but the bed was neatly made. He checked the twins’ room, the bathroom—both empty.
Redd was gone.
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whyeverr · 5 years
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Britechester Redux | Darkwing House
“This cottage sitting on the edge of campus was rumored to once be the home of Felix Psyded, founder of the University of Britechester. The cozy home has been updated through the years for student housing so that some could have a house away from home.”
I’ve seen some criticism about this house but honestly, it’s one of my favorite EA builds in a pack filled with surprisingly good builds. What can I say, I’m a sucker for a good cottage! I decided to renovate with a fairly light touch on the exterior, adding a few nooks and crannies so things aren’t so square (boxy is a hard look to pull off in-game) and softening things up with our new debug ivy. 
Inside, the layout has been slightly revamped to allow for 4 separate bedrooms and a large collaborative studio space because—drumroll please—Darkwing House is now officially affiliated with the Art Society! Each of the student bedrooms is decorated with a different artistic focus in mind: street art, photography, graphic design, and painting (they’re really into pop art). The creativity of the students in residence carries through the rest of the home, with paintings, sketches, murals, and graffiti on display here, there, and everywhere. 
I hope you enjoy this EA lot renovation! I’m having a ton of fun renovating in Britechester and can’t wait to share more with you! 
Lot details:
Lot Type: University Housing, 4 bed/2 bath (can also function as Residential, but please do yourself a favor and add a stove!) 
Price: §137,311
Size: 30x20
Location: Darkwing House, Britechester
Lot Restrictions: Currently set to UBrite Students Only + Art Society Affiliation
I’ve used from all packs freely here—in particular, lots of Discover University (of course) and City Living! As always, I have not used any CC.
Please enable bb.moveobjects on when downloading to ensure proper placement of the lot!
Download via the Sims 4 Gallery here or the tray files via Sim File Share here. Please don’t re-upload or share without credit. Thank you!
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nony-bear · 4 years
Nony’s Sims Update (3/1/21):
Hi guys so I wanted to share Steve and my bedroom, bathroom, and closet in our apartment in the sims 4! I put a read more because there are a bunch of screen shots and I captioned some of them and this gets pretty long.
For people who play or know a little bit more about the sims we live in the Arts Quarter of San Myshuno, specifically in the bigger lot of the Hakim House Apartments! Oh and just a side note! I use a lot of cheats and a lot of custom content so if things look different than you sims games that might be why! 
Also if you want to see things like our pets, the rest of our apartment, or more sims content in general please let me know! I’d love to share more with you all!
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So the door on the right is the one that leads out to the rest of the apartment. I put this cozy little nook right here mainly just to fill up space but also as a fun little corner that Daddy could read me stories in while we cuddle. 😋
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This Daddy’s side of the bed with his sketch book! And the little corner that has a bed for our dog and or our cat can use, who if you want to see I can show you guys them! And that door leads to the bathroom! Also I couldn’t get a real good picture of it bed our bed has a really pretty stained glass top and is from the realm of magic game pack! 
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My side of the bed with a bed time book, and lots of stuffies! I also have a cute little lighthouse night light from the cats and dogs expansion pack that I adore! 
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This is across from our bed so wee can cuddle up and watch movies, and oh yeah there are a lot more of my little things 💖💖💖
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So then this is our bathroom / closet area which I made kind of fancy because I love baths and stuff and I just wanted it to look really cool lol.
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This is a view looking from inside the closet so that white door is the same one that leads out to the bedroom. 
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This is our closet that was super hard to get a good picture of but I did my best lol. 
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And this is on the over side of the closet (opposite of the mirror) And I like to thank of those as sketches daddy drew of me / us and I stole them and hung them up in here 😋
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softyoongiionly · 5 years
Paradise 🌴
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Wednesdays on a normal week were hectic. Wednesdays on a tropical island with your blonde bombshell of a boyfriend were the complete opposite.
Pairing: Jimin x Reader
Genre: Fluffy!!! Jimin, sometimes Jimin makes me so soft y’all, Boyfriend! Jimin, mentions of Dancer! Jimin, smut (18+ only please)
Word Count: 2.6k
A/N: All of the words that are italicized are supposed to be Korean :) I’ve been working on TnT but, that fic is still quite a long way from being finished so, I wanted to give you guys a little something while you’re waiting. Thank you guys so much for all the support! 
Love youuuuuu
Warnings: smut, language, kittens! (read at your own risk, kittens are sometimes too cute too handle)
The sound of meowing rouses you from a deep slumber...for the fourth time this week. There were many reasons why you decided to put off having children for quite a number of years. One of them, being, that you valued your sleep. However, recently, you made the choice to sacrifice some shut-eye and adopt a pair of orange and white orphaned kittens from your local shelter. The speckled little rays of sunshine were named Peaches and Cream and, despite the loss of sleep, they had stolen your heart.  
You resented waking up however, the fluffiness of your duvet being far too desirable to depart from, the pillow beneath your head feeling very much like a plush little cloud you were destined to spend another few hours on. With your eyes still closed, your right hand stretches across the blanket, searching for the warmth of your boyfriend who, would usually still be fast asleep beside you. However, you were surprised to feel nothing but, the slightly cooler fabric of his side of the bed. It was then, that your eyes pop open, taking in the sight of an empty room. The sunlight paired with a hushed periwinkle sky both of which streamed gently into your bedroom.
How early was it?
The phone on your nightstand buzzes, startling you momentarily before, you sigh and reach for it, the light from your screen too invasive for the early morning.
It was way earlier than you had previously guessed which only furthered made you question why your boyfriend wasn’t in bed with you. Jimin adored many things in life but, nothing made him happier than waking up beside you. When the two of you moved in together 4 years ago, Jimin was still finishing his training at the dance academy and, you were finishing up your internship at your dream company. Needless to say, for the entirety of that year, the mornings the two of you spent waking up together were few and far in between.
Once Jimin decided he was going to coach with his company, rather than tour, he vowed that he would spend every morning he could waking up beside you. You landed your current job 2 years ago and, recently, your company had promoted you and, sent you on a two-week paid vacation to the Cayman Islands: All expenses paid for 7 Days and 7 nights.  
Jimin had been over the moon when you told him where you were going but, because the kitten adoption was already in the works and, with your new furry friends being so young, he had insisted you find a way to bring the kittens with you.
Whatever Jimin wants, Jimin gets.
With your bags packed and, two tiny kittens in a TSA approved animal carrier, you and your boyfriend had set off to the Cayman’s roughly 4 days ago. The vacation was extremely overdue and, you and Jimin had spent most of your time drinking margaritas, playing in the ocean and, well, playing with eachother. The kittens adapted just fine and, when Jimin left them alone long enough, they took it upon themselves to explore the nooks and crannies of the Cabana you had for the week, with only minor accidents along the way.
While you were having the time of your life, you still couldn’t figure out what Jimin was doing out of bed so early. The past four mornings, he had woken you up with his head either in your neck or between your legs. Neither of which, you complained about.  
They call it paradise for a reason.
Accepting that you won’t find your answers just laying around in bed, you decide to do the unthinkable and, drag yourself out of bed. You shiver slightly due to the fans being on full blast in your room, something both you and Jimin needed to sleep. The previous night you went to bed in Jimin’s t shirt and, a white pair of cheeky underwear, which weren’t sufficient enough to combat the cool temperature of the bedroom. Your fluffy robe lay across the wicker chair in the corner of the room and, you quickly throw it on before, meandering sleepily out into the living room.  
“Yah...don’t be mean to your brother, he’s just trying to play...” You hear the Jimin’s Busan dialect slip out from across the room before you see him, his delicate giggle following soon after. The sound warms your heart but, the sight of him, dressed in a white t-shirt and yellow boxers curled up on the couch with both kittens splayed across his lap makes you melt.  
You lean against the doorframe, taking a moment to admire the scene before you. Jimin’s hair was platinum for the summer time, the mass of it disheveled atop his head, his eyes still lightly swollen from sleep. The tan he had acquired on your trip had only intensified his newly dyed locks; he looked like was late to his Baywatch audition. His fingers wiggled around the bodies of the kittens playfully and, he giggles as Cream catches a fingers in her mouth.  
“Don’t bite your daddy, I feed you remember? You have to be sweet to me...” He admonishes in his native tongue and, you feel proud of yourself for having understood most of what he said.
You don’t want to interrupt him but, his voice, his smile, the cozy appearance of his sleep clothes, it was enough to make you desperately wish you were Peaches and Cream.
“Good morning...” You call softly as to lessen the chance of startling him.
His blonde head whips to your direction and, the sight of you makes his puffy pink lips break out into a smile.
“There she is...good morning Jagi...” He takes Peaches’s paw gently into his hand waving it towards you, “Say good morning mommy...I woke daddy up cause I pooped in the laundry again...”
You giggle, shaking your head at them before making your way to the couch, “Again huh? What are we going to do with you?”
Jimin giggles with you, releasing Peaches before offering his arm to you as you approach the couch. You take his invitation, cuddling into his side, relishing in the natural sweetness of his leftover cologne.
He smiles warmly, nudging your cheek, “Sorry if we woke you...”
Your hand reaches down to smooth over the kittens, their purring igniting as you do. Shaking your head you turn towards him, pecking his lips lightly.
“The meowing woke me, not you...”
“Yah, see what you did? You poop on our things and, then you wake your mommy up, that’s not nice...” He coos at the kittens, rubbing their backs gently.  
“They will repay us one day when they get rich and, are able to take care of us in our old age...” You joke, causing Jimin to giggle again, his eyes soft as the kittens began to leave his lap.
“They grow up so fast...” He laments through fake tears and, you laugh watching them as they scamper over to the other end of the couch, stalking one another playfully.
“Did you sleep ok?” You murmur gently, leaning your head on his shoulder.
The light from the sunrise is intensifying, the sound of the ocean beginning to creep in as one of the bay windows creaks open.
Jimin nods, pulling one of the soft fleece throw blankets over the both of you, snuggling into you further, his blonde hair tickling your neck.
“Its high tide right now, the waves are really big...” His voice is quieter as he indulges in you, your presence calming him, subduing him as it normally does.
“Are they?” You follow suit with his choice of volume, not wanting to disturb him as he seems rather content.
He nods, his hand coming up to tuck underneath your robe, fingers brushing along the skin of your thigh lightly.  
“Can you hear them?” His voice is a whisper now and, it allows for the growing sound of the waves crashing on the shore not far from the entrance to your cabana.
A smile is on your lips then as you nod, a sense of intense relaxation enveloping your body. Jimin nuzzles into your neck, his legs tucking up onto the couch whilst his fingers continue to brush along the top of your thigh.
“You’re soft...”  
His whisper gives you goosebumps, your leg moving slightly to allow him better access to your skin.
“It’s all the sand we’ve been playing in, it’s an exfoliant...”
Jimin chuckles, feeling himself plump up in his boxers as he continues to touch you but, he’s in no rush, he has all the time in the world...
“I wish we could stay here forever...” You lament, eyes closing at the sound of the ocean and, the feeling of your boyfriend’s hand.  
You feel Jimin nod, his hand dipping down towards your inner thigh, tracing patterns on the sensitive skin, “Me too...I love being able to be alone with you so much, we need to be alone more...”
He’s right, your respective workloads were demanding and, there were several days out of the week where you and Jimin wouldn’t even one another.  
“We’ll make more time for us when we get back. We can plan another trip for later this year too...” The steadiness in your voice is wavering, Jimin’s hand making its slow ascent up your inner thigh, dragging his nails gently across it.
“Two trips a year...that’s what we need. I can’t have you like this back in the city...”
You know what he means, the two of you are so distracted by your responsibilities that even you’re alone time back home tends to feel rushed and, it never feels like enough.  
His nimble fingers tuck into the edge of your panties, sliding the back of his two fingers along the side of your core, his face never leaving your neck.  
“What are you doing ?” You giggle and, Jimin follows suit, tilting his head to look into your eyes. His pupils are dilated, his lips puckered and inviting.  
Before he has a chance to answer you lean down, pushing your lips against him. He smiles into the kiss, reciprocating as he cups his hand against your cheek.  
It doesn’t take long before you’re suckling his bottom lip into your mouth, its literally impossible to resist. Jimin hums contently, nudging your nose, submitting to the motions of your lips. There’s a sweet sort of laziness to the kiss, the two of you indulging in one another: unrushed and unashamed.
Jimin, with his lips still connected to yours, starts slowing ushering you underneath him, pushing off your robe in the process. His eyes are gentle and, hold more emotion than they did a moment ago, he looks over you, smiling softly as he does, eyes lighting up in adoration.
“How do you keep getting more beautiful huh? What are you eating?” His tone is charming and, it warms your heart, your hands reaching up towards him as you giggle.
“I can’t though,” He chuckles, leaning down into your body, “I have to know Jagi...”
Pursing your lips is enough to hint at another kiss and, Jimin snickers as he gives in, kissing you. It’s soft and messy, there’s no need for pretense, the chemistry, as always is ever present.
“I’ll tell you mine, if you tell me yours...”
Jimin giggles into your mouth, hands bracing on either side of your head, “I eat you most of the time don’t I? Guess that must be my answer...”
Smooth bastard.
You roll your eyes, spreading your legs to allow him to settle between them. As he does, you feel the stiffness of his erection that’s currently straining against your panties. The feeling causing you to roll your hips against him, sending a shiver up his spine.
“Do you feel how hard you got me? For no good reason...just came out here in my shirt and these panties and, that was it huh? That’s how easy you’ve made me...I get hard just thinking about you...” He colors his voice with annoyance but, he rolls his hips back against yours, smirking as he hears you whimper at his words.
You lean up to peck at his lips, smiling as you do, “You should put it inside me then, since it’s so hard...”
Jimin’s smirk doesn’t falter but, leaning back so he can pull your underwear off, biting his lip as he notices the viscous shine over your pussy.  
“I love when it when you get this wet for me...” He moves his hands to the waistband of his boxers but, his eyes don’t move from between your legs. “I love knowing that you only get wet for me...”
“That’s cause I’m yours...” You whisper leaning up with him, eyes soft and full of love as you lift up his shirt, kissing gently at the skin there, your fingers tucking into his boxers.  
Jimin’s heart is pounding in his chest and, he’s certain that the love he’s believed in his whole life, the true, gooey, fairytale bullshit type of love was right here in front of him. Even after 6 years of dating, you could still make his heart go faulty in his chest.
“...and I’m yours...” He whispers before pulling off his shirt completely, taking your face in his hands, pressing his lips to yours, another smile returning when he does.  
After a few moments, Jimin has lined himself up with your entrance and, upon laying you back down, he reconnects your lips, catching your gasp in his mouth as he pushes inside of you. He sets a languid pace, both with his mouth and, his hips, taking his time with you.
“I love you...” Three words are in your mouth and, you return them just as quickly, your hips grinding upwards towards your boyfriend.
“Shitt...” He giggles, his mouth breaking from yours as he glances down at where you’re connected, “I always think slow sex is going to help me last...”
“Not working?” You pant, trying to focus on his struggle but, it’s proving very difficult as he hits something inside of you
“Never does...not with your pussy...it’s too good...” He laments, biting his lip as his eyes flit up to yours, his breath uneven as he continues to fuck into you. “I can last for you jagi...I’ll hold off.”
You smile, licking your lips as you bring his own back to your mouth, “You don’t have to...I’m right there...wanna feel you cum in me...”
He groans into your mouth, nodding vigorously as you give him the ok, his hips stuttering momentarily, “Are you sure? You’re gonna cum for me?”  
“I’m sure...let me feel you baby, I want you to cum inside...” You’re growing desperate, feeling the hot sensation of your orgasm beginning to warm the tips of your toes.
Jimin’s teeth attach to your lip, his hips pumping into you faster and faster when he begins to release inside of you.
His toes curl as a string of curse words and, his native tongue tumble past his lips, “Oh my god...I love you, you’re so good to me, you’re so good...”
Jimin speaking Korean into your mouth as he cums is enough to send you careening after your release, your center contracting over and over again as your orgasm hits you. Pleasure soaks your senses then, leaving you breathless as your exhausted boyfriend collapses ontop of you, slowly rocking into you as you both come down from your orgasms.
The sun is fully awake and shining into the cabana, the waves continue to crash in the background, the only other sound being yours and Jimin’s ragged breathing.
The two of you don’t move or speak for quite sometime, merely enjoying each others presence until Jimin’s gentle voice finally breaks the silence.
“I love you...”
With a soft smile and a kiss to the side of your boyfriends head, you respond,
“I love you too...”
Maybe paradise isn’t a place, maybe, paradise is a person.
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fixerupperblogger · 4 years
Haven Turned Home
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Season 6, Episode 4
Emergency Shelter Becomes Inviting Refuge for Young Girls 
I have really loved this season so far and how each episode has truly “welcomed” people home to Waco. But this reveal was a different take on the idea of a welcoming space. I love that Chip and Jo teamed up with a local organization that helps young girl seeking refuge in their community. They took a space that felt empty, lifeless, and honestly quite sad, and turned into a beautiful home. 
Because this renovation had to keep in mind the privacy of the girls, we weren’t able to see the transformation, if any, to the exterior. If I know Chip and Joanna, I’m sure they transformed the exterior in some way, even if it was just updating and landscaping. Unfortunately we can’t see it, and that certainly hurts the overall effect. 
However, the heart in this project was so evident. The special care Chip and Joanna took with create meaningful spaces throughout this shelter turned a once drab, clinical space into a true home.
Joanna had to be careful in creating a space for the girls that met their needs, but most importantly felt welcoming and safe. Since the home helps girls of all ages, she needed to create a truly timeless look. I’m calling this design scheme boho boarding school. The use of hunter green and mauve as well as modern detailing, cozy textures, and light-colored wood really married the feminine modern style with the coziness needed for a space like this. 
Let’s start with the living room/entry way. Chip and Jo were really limited with ceiling height, but made it look so beautiful with the painted tin tiles as well as the leather sofas and big green fuzzy rug. The space is so inviting and the use of the window inside (which seems to be a design must this season) really creates a space that feels much more homey than the original look of the shelter. 
The Dining Room is definitely my favorite space in the home. I love the dark color green on the wood paneling and the built-in storage - this room has that boarding school vibe. But with Clint’s huge modern table, fun dining chairs, mauve walls, and playful sayings on the wall - this room is just stunning. I particularly love the modern light fixture. It makes the space feel so elevated and sophisticated. These girls will feel like young ladies dining in this beautiful space. 
The den/activity area is so practical. The room for computers, homework space, craft space, and a cozy nook for reading feels cohesive with the living and dining areas. 
While we didn’t get to see all the bedrooms, I can imagine how unique they made each one with the cool color stories and unique sayings on the wall. The layered textures on the metal beds turn a space that could feel like a boring bunk house into a space that can adapt and grow as girls move in and claim their corners as their own. 
Lastly, the backyard transformation looks like a park! I’m glad they were able to make the space way more low-maintenance for those working at the shelter, yet absolutely beautiful. Although this space is very large, we were unable to see any other transformations. I’m curious about bathrooms and kitchens, as those tend to be more expensive renovations... 
This project was certainly atypical, but I really enjoyed watching Chip and Jo give back to their community in a way they are so well gifted. And at the end of the day, that’s what we are called to do. Do what we can with what we have for our communities. Check out where this project ranked (although this was a tough call because honestly this space was so unique). 
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hey FS, mind if we get a tour of your home? [[Minecraft ftw]]
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FS: “Well I don’t see why not! Time for an MTV Cribs segment!”
HC: “What’s an MTV, dear? Oh, is that another human thing?”
FS: “Yeah it is, don’t worry about it sweetie. Anyway, I guess you could call it our own little dream home! We’re located near Pumpkin Land of fear, and you can actually see Pumpkin Manor from the top.”
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 FS: “There’s a nice scenic lake out by the front, so we have a dock as a means of getting to the mainland… Well for me and Yarn when I don’t use my pen to fly. Since Hazel and Vanilla have wings.”
HC: “It’s even more beautiful during sunset, or when it rains~”
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FS: “This is our living area. We have a TV we get out sometimes, since we mostly use our computers for entertainment. The first floor is a cozy area where the living area and kitchen are connected, however there’s plenty of room to spend time as a family.”
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FS: “This is the cooking area of the kitchen… Huh. I’m not sure who put the sign there… Actually, I think it was Nebula? ( @nebulaicbakery ) He wanted to show me something regarding it. Either way it’s a pretty average kitchen with all the fixings you would want. No overly complicated BS, just a nice stove for cooking and such.”
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FS: “This is the dining area of the kitchen. You’ve probably seen it before, but I really like how it turned out. Right behind me you’ll find the stairs to the second floor.”
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FS: “This is Hazel and I’s bedroom! it’s kinda spread out, but on this side we have our bed and a writing area-”
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FS: “-and over here we have a little reading nook. Cookie Cat likes to snooze here a lot.”
Cookie Cat: “Nyah!!”
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FS: “Across from our room is the 2nd story balcony!”
HC: “It’s a lovely place to come and watch the sunset together, or just enjoy a wonderful day peacefully!”
FS: “Right! After that, we go up to the 3rd floor, that’s where Vanilla and Yarn’s Room is.”
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FS: “This is Yarn’s room-…. Sweetie, where did the posters by your bed go?”
Yarn: “Oh I put tem in my cwoset. Im gonna choose some new powstors to put up.”
FS: “Alright, just please ask for help if you need it. You don’t want the tape to get stuck on your gloves again.”
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FS: “And this is the other side of Vanilla Buttercream’s room. A nice little nook for studying, and they’ve been catching up on a lot of reading thanks to the quarantine.”
Vanilla: “I think I’ll be at an 8th graded reading level soon, Mom!”
FS: “That’s great sweetie! You love the heck outta those books. I never really got to appreciate them when I was human, so I’m glad you get to enjoy them!” 
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FS: “Lastly, we climb up a ladder and reach the top of the tree… Oh, did I forget to mention a tree is growing in the middle of our house? A few of them actually, and at the top we have what Hazel and I call the ‘Dreamer’s Nook’ which is a nice little place we can relax in the evening. A kind of private treehouse bungalow if you will!”
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FS: “And like I said, if you look off in the distance over here, you can see Pumpkin Manor pretty clearly in the distance. Some pretty strange stuff can come from there at night- Oh! Hazel!”
HC: “Hehe, mind if I join you sweetie?”
FS: “Of course! We’re almost done with the tour!”
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FS: “So that’s about all our little home has to offer. It’s cozy, but has a lot more to it than meets the eye!”
HC: “Thank you all for visiting, we hope you enjoyed what you saw!”
(Hazel Cream’s artwork by @mewnna-caythin / @asking-the-cookies)
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sleepnginstardust · 5 years
Werewolf boyfriend and girlfriend (part 1/??)
I really enjoy the short stories by @momolady @monsterywriting and @monstersandmaw. So I wanted to write something that hopefully would live up to some of their amazing writing. Fair warning I don’t have anyone who’s able to proof read for me so I’ve as best as I can to make sure that everythings okay. Let me know if y’all find anything! This 
Castle Hill,  the sign was almost too perfect. When I was first looking at places to move this place hadn’t even occurred to me than someone I know of brought a listing to my attention.
“I know you’re thinking of moving to a less populated place, wouldn’t want anyone to bother your writing now would you!” The little jab at my writing career was annoying, but kind of spot on? I had been stuck in a rut for my second novel in my series for a while and while I don’t mind living in a densely populated area. The noise and just all of the people get to me after a while. It takes more energy for me to head to the corner bodega than it should. So I had been looking for a house in a small town that was within at the most a three-hour drive from the city. 
The listing my acquaintance had posted on my facebook was for a house in the small town of Castle Hill. Bigger than what I needed but still cheaper than owning an apartment in the city. So I booked a viewing.
The realtor I talked with was surprised when I contacted them, he said something about not a lot of newcomers to the town. Never a good thing to hear if I ever wanted to sell the house again. I vaguely remember asking a few more questions.  Something about the community college that was in the town and I asked about a motel or an AirB&B in the area.
The realtor laughed, he said that there was a small Bed and Breakfast in the area and that he could give me the number if I was serious about wanting to see the house. It was odd when he asked me again if I was serious about seeing the house. When I said I would be up at the end of the week to see the house, he hesitated and said that he looked forward to someone so obstinate.
So I drove the three-ish hours, it took to get to Castle Hill, the drive was gorgeous. The busy city by the bay slowly gave way to winding roads through farmland. Slowly the farmland gave way to rolling hills and soon the hills became forests. The trees were small at first then slowly growing larger the farther I drove. 
By the time I reached the town sign, I was truly in a  forest. There were small clearings here and there, in fact, the town was built in one such clearing. The town sign showed the edge and while it was a large clearing tree still peppered the area causing a rustic feel that I remember from my childhood spent in the mountains.
Quaint wooden walkways were in place of the concrete sidewalks I was used too. It made me feel like I had moved back in time. The Old Fashion buildings made everything, even the modern day coffee shop seem like it had all been there for years. As I drove past I saw, a butchers place, a florist's and a small hardware store. 
The small crafts store was something that drew my eyes, it's bright exterior showed only a small portion of what was inside. As I made my way through the more suburban portion of the town I started to notice all the families. Naga men and women with their clutch of young, I saw a small satyr with a stunning woman and three children jumping up and down. I saw a beautiful Centaur woman with an equally stunning woman and a small centaur girl jumping around them. 
As I pulled up to the Victorian house a woman not much older came out to greet me. She stood tall and proud which honestly made me feel a bit like a slob. especially after driving the three and a half hours it took me to get here.
"You must be Abigail, I'm Kara. It's so nice you are able to join us. I'll show you the room." As she took me through the house I looked at all the old photos slowly morph into newer ones. I felt like I was walking through a carefully preserved museum.
"Okay, is this a family home? I'm seeing photos from the 1880's 1870's at the earliest." Kara paused for a moment and looked back at me while giving a small smile.
"I'm surprised you noticed, most people just assume that I find old photos in antique stores or something like that." I looked down with a small blush on my face. History was one of the few things I enjoyed. Feeling a little embarrassed I muttered something I don't remember. 
"My family has been in this area since the early 1860's. This house itself was built around 1904 right after the large earthquake that struck San Francisco." Kara  showed me the house along with many more photos of the town from the early days. 
The house itself was beautiful. Old but wonderfully kept wooden floors and antique looking wallpaper throughout. Each room was its own separate room. The furniture in each room seemed like it had been made especially for each room. The dining room had a large table with what seemed like 14 chairs.
She showed me the kitchen with its cozy dining nook where Kara explained that she served both breakfast and dinner there if I would want to join her. I couldn’t turn down such a wonderful woman so I readily found myself agreeing. 
Finally she led me up the stairs and to the upper story where opened the door to a decent sized bedroom with an ensuite bathroom. The entire room smelled lightly of lilacs, which normally would bother me but with how light the sent was it didn’t bother me.
She carefully bowed out and put a key with rose shaped key fob attached on the nightstand. Slowly I dragged my battered carry on bag onto the almost pristine white luggage stand. I carefully pulled out my small makeup bag and a small toiletries bag. I put away the small amount of clothes I brought with me and debated whether to keep the sweater in the bag or with me. I pulled it out just in case.
After that I freshened up in the bathroom. I reapplied bits of my foundation and added a translucent setting powder over the top to cover my greaseball forehead. I pulled out my favorite lipstick and put that on instead of the tinted lip balm I had been wearing most of the day. I looked at myself in the mirror and realized that this was going to be the best I was going to look for the day.
Grabbing my laptop bag I made my way down the stairs. As I hit the downstairs landing I heard Kara talking with another person. I slowly made my way into the sitting room where I had heard the conversation coming from.  I pulled short before the doorway and knocked like the sheepish person I am. I looked and saw Kara sitting down with two people both in firefighters uniforms. Not the heavy kind but the lighter kind that they wear while on duty. 
“Look I know I’ve been here for” I checked my phone. “An hour, but I promise I haven’t set anything on fire. That I know of.” The Female firefighter snorted, and the male one had this stupid grin. One I kind of wanted to punch off of his face. Sort of.
“Oh Abigail This Anita Galassia the Chief Firefighter for the town.” The man made a disgruntled noise and Kara made soothing motions. “And this is Anita’s Second in command Nathan Fraye. They were checking in on me, one of my neighbors had a bad fall (she’s pregnant with her first child) and they wanted to assure me that if anything happened they would be here lickty split.” 
“Wait, firefighters still do that? Sorry my local firefighters live an hour outside of the city and hardly know anyone.” Anita and Nathan hadn’t stopped looking at me even while Kara had been talking and I started to feel the anxiety creep into my brain. I felt like I had been cornered by two wolves, and my flight or fight feelings started to kick in. “Oh I forgot, I’m heading down to that coffee shop. You didn’t say anything about wifi and I have a few things I need to send in to my editor.”
“Oh my gosh Abigail I am so sorry! I do have wifi. I know I have the information around here somewhere. If you still want to go to the cafe I can have the password for wifi when you get back.” I nodded, feeling my anxiety kick it up a notch and my heart rate go up. I gave a small wave and started to turn around.
“Abigail right? Did you want us to take you down there? The fire house is close by and it wouldn’t be out of our way.” I turned back around looking at Anita’s earnest smiling face.
“Ahh no thanks I drove like three and a half hours to get here and a short walk would help get the cobwebs out of my brain before I have to edit like six chapters.” Anita’s face fell a little and she nodded.
“Understandable, maybe we’ll see you there. They have some good pastries.” I was still feeling like a cornered deer. So I put on my most brilliant smile and nodded. Waved again and made my way out of the room. On my way out I heard one of them mutter to Kara “She’s cute.”
“Don’t get any fucking ideas horn dog” was all I heard as I  quickly made my way out of the house and onto the small sidewalk through the neighborhood. Walking past the houses on my way towards the town center made me realize how many families were here. Like I had seen kids playing before but I only saw three or four of them. Now I was seeing whole groups of them.
In the 15 minutes I had been walking towards the coffee shop I started feeling invigorated and almost inspired. I say almost because as I was passing the local park, I noticed a small group of kids playing. I stopped for a moment and stared. As I watched the children playing I felt a small pang in my stomach. I wanted children but with my busy schedule I couldn’t even fathom having children. I quickly shook my head and started walking again.
Or well I would have if I hadn’t have run into something. Thankfully I didn’t fall over, I just happened to bump into them. I muttered sorry and started walking away. 
“Are you okay?” I looked up and realized that the person that I bumped into was someone who could probably bench press me. Again my flight or fight response kicked in.
“Oh I’m fine, sorry for bumping into you.” I gave a small wave to the person and thankfully he took that to mean that I was fine and he thankfully left it at that.
“I’m pretty sure your new in town, if you need anything stop by the local newspaper, I’m Fred, I run it and can help you if you need anything.” Still feeling a little nervous. I nodded and started walking away. I could swear I could feel him watching me as I got farther away.
I started loosening up the farther I got away from the park. I kept my head down and I started counting the squares in the sidewalk. I started looking up when my anxiety started slowly going away. It was another ten minutes to the coffee shop and I was thankful when I noticed that it quiet. I made my way up to the counter and placed an order for just a pot of black tea and a plain scones.
“So are you just visiting or maybe just passing through?” I looked up at the orc girl behind the counter, and tried to figure out why she was asking.
“I’ve got an appointment to see a house tomorrow.” I said in a slightly dead tone. I had hoped the orc girl would take a hint and just leave it. But she was young and wanted to be nice. I think.
“Oh that’s awesome, we don’t really get a lot of new people who’d want to move into a town out in the middle of nowhere. Do you have some sort of business you’re opening up?” She started finally gathering my things as she had been talking and I tried to repress the urge to snap. I know I should watch my temper but damn I was really not in the mood to talk
“I’m a novelist. I need a more quiet area so I can focus a little better on my novel.” At that the girl looked up from filling the small pot of tea. “Hey watch out or yo-”
“Fuck!” my warning came a little too late as she poured boiling hot water over her hand. I put my laptop down on the counter.
“Are you going to need burn gel? Use room temperature water by the way.” The Girl looked at me, I raised my eyebrows and shrugged. She switched over the water temperature and pulled a red bag from under the register. 
“Sorry I just realized where I had seen you before. I’ve seen your instagram, you have like a million subscribers.” I had the decency to be embarrassed. I knew I had a few subscribers here and there but I didn’t realize that people would actually recognize me.
“Yeah that’s me I guess.” The girl had remade the teapot and started heating up the scone. I grabbed my bag and saw a table in a corner that faced the street. I pulled out my laptop and looked around the table for a place to plug in. I found one a smalle ways away but still close enough to plug in my laptop.
The girl brought me the scone and the teapot with a murmured sorry. I nodded and took the pot and the scone laying them down on the table. I poured the tea and started nibbling on the scone putting some lemon curd on. As I settled down I opened the email from my editor with the edits he’d like to see and I sat down and started to write.
Writing had always come easy to me, easier than dealing with people at least. With writing I had control over everything, what people said, how people reacted, and honestly it was way easier to deal with things that I put onto paper. My first novel happened that way.
It had started as a way to deal with the fact that I wasn't what people wanted me to be. So I wrote a story about it. Fiction of course, because who would want to read an autobiography about a no one. And it sold, stupidly well. Then I was told they wanted a second book, and a third. So I rolled with it.
Now that I was working on the second book in the series I realized I really enjoyed writing. So here I was 200 miles away from my apartment and my editor trying to finish the last bit of editing before the book went to publication. Listening to the barista girl talk animated with someone. 
I heard the clink of someone setting a ceramic cup down on a wooden table. Looking up with a scowl on my face I recognized the two firefighters from Kara’s place. My scowl deepened making me look like I was going to punch someone. Trying my best to ignore them, I went back to work.
”Wow and I thought I was scary when I'm mad.” I ignored the voice of Nathan as put in some rework to some dialogue. ”hello did you hear me?”
”yes i heard you, yes I am ignoring you. I have a few things to finish before my book goes to printing next month.`` I looked up to stare at Nathan who had this bewildered smile on his face. Anita sat down next to Nathan and punched his arm.
“I told you not to bother her, yet here we are. With her about to rip your throat out.” Anita gave a small snort.
“I wouldn’t rip his throat out, that’s too messy. I’d poison him, less blood that way.” I said not even missing a keystroke. I heard someone choke a little, and the sounds of someone thumping on someone’s back. The more I got into writing the less I noticed. I was almost finished with the final couple of revisions when I saw a hand in front of my computer screen. Blinking a bit I looked up.
“Sorry to bother you but you haven’t looked up in two hours and we were starting to worry.” I looked at the clock on my screen and realized I had been at the coffee shop for three hours. It was closing in on Six O’clock and I needed to get back to Kara’s. I looked back up to Nathan.
“Aw crap, I’ve got to get going, thanks for checking in.” I saved what I was doing and closed my laptop. I unplugged the charger from the wall and started shoving it and my laptop in my bag. I shut my bag and stood forgetting I had been sitting for a long period of time. Of course I would get dizzy after having nothing but scones and tea since last night.
As I steadied myself I felt a hand on my shoulder and stiffened. Looking back I saw Anita and Nathan both looking concerned? I didn’t know anything about these people and still they had concern for me. I had no idea why people like them would be concerned but here they were showing concern anyway.
“I’m fine, just haven’t had decent food since yesterday. I’m heading back to Kara’s where she promised a good home cooked meal. I think.” I raised my hands in defeat and walked over the counter. The Barista was looking between myself and the two behind me. “Can I just get a cup of water, need to stay hydrated you know.”
She handed me the cup and I waved to Anita and Nathan and left. As I popped outside I realized how cold it had gotten in the three hours I was there. I shivered a bit realizing that not everywhere was in the 80’s during September. I started walking back the way I came as the street lamps came on. I looked up and noticed that the street lamps were some old time looking ones with the fake flicker light bulbs.
I walked quietly by the stores with bright interiors. As the stores gave way to houses I started feeling like something was watching me and I started getting nervous.  I started walking faster and as I was walking past the park I looked over. Two sets of glowing eyes stared back at me and I nearly screamed.
Needless to say, I walked faster back to Kara’s house and as I saw the lights on I quickly made my way inside. Not running mind you, but close. As I opened the door and slammed it shut my heart was racing. Kara came through the door to the kitchen and looked at me up and down.
“Abigail you look like you’ve seen a ghost.” I nodded, not paying attention to what she was saying as she led me into the kitchen. The smell of what seemed to be chicken and something else came to my nose. She took my bag and put it on a hook next to the door over some aprons. “Okay, tell me what happened”
“I- I  don’t know, I was walking back from the coffee shop and I started feeling like I was being watched. Which by the way is terrifying because the last time that happened I was nearly killed. Well I started walking faster, not running because then that lets them know you know they’re watching and when I passed the park I look up and somewhere past the park there where these eyes. Two sets of them, and well I started panicking and now my anxiety is throu-” She didn’t let me finish my sentence as she engulfed me in a hug. I tensed up waiting for the whole “You shouldn’t be so cautise” talk I’ve heard from many different people. Instead she just rubbed my back in soothing circular motions.
“Hey, hey it’s okay. I’ll talk to a few people to see what we can do. Now we need some food if you can stomach it. I know sometimes anxiety can be a real monster.” As she said this my anxiety dropped a little enough where I wasn’t hyperventilating. I was still having issues seeing, and I knew from experience that tunnel vision took a while to go away. I started to tremble so much so that my knees finally gave out. Kara grabbed me before I could hit the floor thankfully. She manhandled me into a chair at the table and gave me a glass of water.
 “Maybe I should call the fire department for you.” Hearing that all I could think about was the look of pity from Anita and Nathan I would get and my stomach dropped. I grabbed her wrist and shook my head no.
“P-p-please don’t I have medicine in m-my b-bag.” I pointed to my laptop bag, and she hurried over and searched the front bag finding the small bottle of anti anxiety medicine. She brought over the bottle and handed it to me. I opened the bottle and took out a pill and put it in my mouth and drank the glass of water. I put the glass of water on the table and put my head between my legs.
“Do these attacks happen often?” I turned my head to look at her and nodded slowly.
“They were manageable most of the time, but there was this incident about five months ago? I don’t know. Anyway they become worse almost to the point where I couldn’t leave my apartment.”  Kara nodded her head and started making a plate of food. I watched her bring a chicken thigh onto a plate before I spoke up. “I don’t think I’m going to be able to eat that, I’m sorry.”
“Do not apologize. Besides I can make you something easier on the stomach. How about some soup and maybe a grilled cheese?” I looked at her perplexed, this woman had known me four maybe five hours and she had treated me better than my own mother. The tears came faster than I realized and when Kara looked back at me from the freezer where she was pulling out what looked like homemade soup, she gasped. 
“Hey, what’s wrong, do you not like chicken noodle, I think I have some leftover Minestrone from last week still,” I started crying harder, trying to make sure the sound wasn’t loud so the neighbors didn’t hear. “Oh dear, what’s wrong, you can talk to me.”
“N-n-n-not e-even m-m-m-my own m-m-mother cared, she just cared that I wasn’t making money for her anymore.” At this Kara stopped put the soup down on the counter and walked over to me.
“Abigail I’m going to tell you one thing about this town. If you do end up taking buying a house here know one thing. We look after our people no matter what. You’ll never have to worry about walking home alone. If you’re ever sick we’ll look after you. If for whatever reason you’re gone for long periods of time we’ll look after your yard and feed your cat if you have one. We care for our people, you won’t be alone unless you want it.” As she said this I started crying even harder this time not caring who heard. Kara just kneeled down and rubbed circles in my back. After a couple of minutes my tears started winding down and the fuzzy feeling of just having a long cry started creeping in.”
“Now Abigail let’s get you some soup, a nice grilled cheese and some more water okay?”  I nodded and watched her refill the glass I had from earlier. She gently placed the water in front of me and I hesitantly picked it up.
“I’m sorry for the breakdown there, It had been a while since I had one and I never expected to have one here.” I sniffled and looked around for some paper towels or maybe a paper napkin. Kara was looking at me as she warmed up a thing of soup in a sauce pot. I looked down at my knees very interested in my knees. 
“Amelia you don’t have to apologize, most people don’t hold half the things inside them that you probably do and they still break down.” She flipped a sandwich over in a pan on the stove top & stirred the soup. “Honestly one of the hardest things in life is being strong enough to understand that you don’t always have to be strong.” 
I sighed, maybe I knew I was due to break down but I had been hoping that maybe I would be able to get through the final draft of my novel and purchase a new house before I had one. Wishful thinking I know, but I had hoped. Rubbing the back of my neck I knew I should say something but all I was able to do was nod and hang my head. I heard the clack of bowls and plates. The rustle of silverware followed. 
I bowl of steaming soup was placed in front of me. MInestrone I realized, and a plate with a grilled cheese cut in half was placed next to the bowl. Kara refilled my glass with more water and set it down in front of me.
I looked up and saw her sitting down in front of me with the same thing. I looked at the counter with the beautifully prepared chicken, and rolls. 
“I’m sorry, I ruined your dinner.” I looked down feeling like a child who had ruined Christmas for their family. I heard a small sigh.
“Has no one ever told that not everything your body or mind does is something you can control.” I looked up at her then back down quickly. I didn’t have the heart to tell her about all the times as a child I wet the bed only to have my mother slap me for waking her and make me sleep in urine soaked sheets as “punishment”. Kara honestly looked like the type of person to hunt down my mother and punish her.
“If it didn’t come up in my mothers “Parenting for Narcissists” book then she probably forgot.” Kara let out a bitter laugh and I picked up some of the sandwich. I carefully dipped it in the soup and pulled out. The soup tasted perfect, as I expected. The sandwich had a decent cheese to bread ratio. Not that I was expecting anything less.
“I haven’t  known you for long, maybe a day or so at this point, but there’s something I don’t get. You seem to be hurting a lot and from what I can tell, what ever drove you to come here terrified you so much that you decided to leave everything you know behind. Why?” I looked down thinking about what had happened, and how people I thought to be my friends acted afterwards. 
“I guess I’m prying huh? You don’t have to say anything I know you’ve only been here for less than 10 hours. So finish your soup and go to bed, maybe take a bath. Since you’re the only one  here the communal bath has a nice big tub.” I nodded and I finished my sandwich and soup I got and went to go put my dishes in the sink. “Don’t you even dare, just go take a bath and relax.”
“Kara? Thank you.” Kara waved her hand at me and moved to gather the dishes. I left to her too it.
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myspaciousplace · 4 years
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Hi there, my name is Nicki and I have the privilege of raising four beautiful children with my amazing husband, Asif. We are a family on a journey, in the process of getting from where we are to where we want to be. Our story is rich, filled with both high triumphs and deep dark pits. I have known that we will write about this adventure “someday,” when we have arrived at the place of our dreams, when we have achieved our goals, when we are finally “there.” 
BUT, as time goes on, I am realizing that the powerful part of our story is the struggle, the loss, the hopelessness that we have experienced and still are trudging through at times. I once heard that when we tell our own story, no matter how raw or painful it may be, we then get to decide the ending, because we have taken ownership of it. Not telling our story makes us the victim of someone else’s narrative and keeps us stuck. With that in mind, I am choosing to write now, knowing that as a result, I will get to choose the ending. So here goes. . . 
First, I want to welcome you into our beautiful home, which I am so grateful for. I really want you to feel like a guest in my home, so please imagine you’re here as I describe it: 
My Dream Home
We live on 8 acres of land in a beautiful modern farmhouse with an open floor plan, 5 bedrooms, and 3 bathrooms. The sunlight streams in through our huge windows and we are far enough away from our neighbors that I don’t even have to close the curtains at night. My mostly white kitchen is spacious, with plenty of counter and cupboard space (gorgeous marble counters, to be specific), two ovens that I frequently bake in, and a large fridge filled with healthy food. Together as a family, we care for a flourishing garden, adorable miniature goats, chickens, barn cats and 4 dogs. I love every season in our home. The summers are spent mostly outdoors - in the pool swimming, on the deck grilling and eating, and in the backyard exploring. The fall is full of yard work and playing in leaf piles, followed with campfires in the evenings. The winter is cozy as we cuddle up in our living room by the fireplace and enjoy looking at the beautiful white world outside. And spring is spent planting our garden and cleaning up the yard in anticipation of the summer. We thoroughly enjoy taking care of our home and it is a bright, peaceful and joyful place. 
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What I just described here is very, very real in my mind. In my imagination, I experience every nook and cranny of this home: I feel the warm grass under my feet when I’m outside in the summer; I smell the baking of Christmas cookies in my convection oven in December; I hear the joyful sounds of my kids running around, playing freely; I taste the large meal I’ve prepared for our family and the extended family that has come for dinner; and I see the bright, open living space, filled with the furniture and colors that I love: a bit of mid-century modern, mixed with a dash of farmhouse style, sprinkled with turquoise, green and yellow accents. This is My Spacious Place. This is my home.
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Where We Really Live
However, if I were to tell you about where I actually live right now, it is indeed quite far from this vision, this dream. . . no, this PROMISE of a home I just described. 
Right now, our family of 6 with our 2 large, high-energy dogs, lives in a tiny, second-story, 1 bedroom apartment with no yard. And in fact, the 1 bedroom doesn’t even have a door on it. Nope, we’ve hung a curtain in the doorway of the room where our 4 children sleep every night. We have no real beds in this apartment, the kids roll out sleeping bag-type pads every night (except for the 2-year-old who is still in a crib) and Asif and I pull out part of our handy Ikea couch to transform it into a “bed.” This room is our “living room” by day and “bedroom” by night. 
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Our tiny kitchen has less than 3 feet of real counter space (about 1.5 feet on either side of the sink) that we supplement with more Ikea furniture: 2 mismatched wooden islands against the wall. We eat meals at our small, 15-year-old kitchen table (also from Ikea!) and share one bathroom and a shower. We don’t even have a bath tub for our young kids. 
We have a room that used to be some sort of “porch” or maybe a 3-season room at the front of the apartment. It has no heat, but we need every bit of space we can get so we use an electric heater to heat this room in the winter and we endure the heat in the summer. We call it the playroom - it’s where the toys are and it’s also where I homeschool our 3 school-aged children. Thankfully, we have a large attic space where we can store stuff and I actually keep a majority of toys up there, rotating them occasionally to keep it interesting for everyone.
The kids clothes are kept in yet another piece of Ikea furniture, a cube-shaped bookshelf unit. Their clothes are in the boxes that fit into the cubes and that shelf is in the “living room.” Asif’s and my clothes are in a “closet,” that is actually just a section of the bathroom that we installed a couple of bars in for hanging clothes from. 
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Walking On Eggshells
Additionally, we live above 2 businesses - one is our own business, Asif’s photography studio, and the other is an architect’s office who has been there for over a decade. He had a very bad relationship with the previous apartment tenant who was a woman with her older daughter and several small “yippie” dogs. She was too loud for him. She, the single woman with a daughter who was in school 5 days a week, who was probably often working herself, was too loud. 
And now we live here - we, who have 4 kids under the age of 10 who are pretty much home ALL day. We, who have a 2-year-old who jumps instead of walks to get around. We, a family who is naturally loud when we’re happy and mad, of which both emotions are expressed dozens of times daily between the 6 of us. We, who don’t have several yippie dogs but rather 2 big dogs who love to wrestle in the living room, right above the architect’s office and bark at passing dogs. And to someone working downstairs, apparently even a normal footstep quakes in such a way that whomever is listening can’t help but tense up and anything beyond that makes one think the ceiling is going to collapse. 
This man has clients come to his place of business and here we are, where our every-day life is causing him to appear unprofessional. He has banged on the ceiling and yelled multiple times to get our attention, Asif and he have had several tense discussions, and ultimately we know that we need to do whatever it takes to keep everyone quiet. But that’s not easy. So we block off half of our already small apartment every weekday during the architect’s work hours to keep anyone from even walking over the main part of his office. It’s helped keep the peace so far, but we are certainly “walking on eggshells” every. single. weekday. 
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What a contrast from the dream home I described at first. Quite the opposite pictures. But do you know what’s crazy?? In the midst of this one-bedroom apartment living situation, I actually find the same peace, joy and brightness that I envision in the promised home that is to come. And believe it or not, I have come to see this as my spacious place. 
And what exactly that means, is another post. 
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honeymoonjin · 6 years
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A/N: This chapter is a little shorter, but I think I’m going to stop strictly writing every chapter of a story at 3k words, I’ve found it really restricting. It’s 2.4k. Also, keep sending in your thoughts of who you want the romantic relationship to be with in this story, I want to make sure I’m writing something that you guys are interested in reading.
LOST IN TRANSLATION ↳What do you do when you have no qualifications but want to see the world? You help teach English in a Korean primary school, apparently. ↳Principal!Jin, math teacher!Yoongi, PE teacher!Hoseok, English teacher!Namjoon, school nurse!Jimin, art teacher!Taehyung, and science teacher!Jungkook.
CHAPTER THREE ↳You prepare for your first day of actually teaching at the school, and are let in on a well-kept secret.
The nurse’s house was small and cozy, and you were sure one day in the near future you’d go around and explore all the nooks and crannies and details that made it special, but for now you were just trying not to fall asleep in your soup.
He had insisted pretty much the second you got in his car and went to thank him for letting you stay that you should call him Jimin, not Nurse Park, and that was fine with you. It felt more comfortable living with a ‘Jimin’ than a ‘Nurse’.
In fact, comfortable was certainly a word you were beginning to associate with him in general. He blasted the heaters the whole way home, spoke softly and slowly, introduced you to his cuddly cat Miso, sat you down on his couch with a blanket while he heated up some beef broth, and was now walking you through a welcome package he had prepared.
“My house doesn’t have very good heating, so I got you some bed socks and a heat pad. Heat pads are very popular here in Korea, do you know what they are?” You nod with a soft smile, a little overwhelmed with his thoughtfulness. “Oh, good! This one is for the microwave, too, so you can use it over and over again. Next I got you a SIM card, it’s got 500 texts a month and 1GB of data, hopefully that’s enough, and here is an adaptor, I googled what plugs they use in your country and got an adaptor so you can plug your stuff in to our walls, and then here’s some traditional Korean candy, I thought you might like to try some, this flavor is my favorite, actually, but the most popular one is…”
You could cry with how kind he’s being, and it sure is tempting, but you bury it down with a spoonful of salty, rich broth and resort to thanking him profusely every time he pauses to take a breath.
Once he collects up all the gifts into a little basket, he stands back up and holds a hand out to you. “You must be tired, I’ll show you around quickly and you can have a sleep if you want. I need to get back to work, I’m sorry.”
“Of course!” You put the empty bowl down on the table and take his hand with your non-sprained one, letting him tug you upright and lead you down the hall.
“Clearly, this is the living room, just across there is the kitchen and dining room, and let’s go down the hall, I’ll show you the rest. Okay, bathroom, toilet, laundry. I’m sorry, but I only have one bathroom, so we’ll need to share.”
“Oh, it’s fine! Thank you.”
He beams at you, cheeks puffing out, and places a hand on your back. “You don’t need to thank me. I’m very happy you’re here.”
You blush at that comment and allow him to point out his bedroom quickly before opening the door to your room, directly across the hallway from his.
“I know it’s not much, but I’ve put the heater in here and given you some extra blankets too. I bought a desk and bookcase from the secondhand store, so hopefully they should be okay. Let me know if you need anything else.”
You shake your head. “This is…very much. You are very nice, Jimin.”
He deflects the compliment with a laugh. “Don’t worry about it. I need to go back to the school now, but help yourself to anything in the kitchen, have a shower or a bath if you want, have a sleep. Wi-Fi password is written on the fridge.”
You expect him to take his leave and lock the door behind you since he was probably already missing more time than he should, but before he turned away, he pulled you into a quick hug.
He’s barely taller than you, and when he takes you in his arms his chin tucks into the side of your neck, so that you can feel the vibration in his throat on your skin. “I’m really glad you’re here, honestly.”
He pulls away, red-faced, and quickly dashes down the hallway, snatching his keys off the table and shutting the door firmly behind him.
You stand, still in your bedroom, bewildered. You didn’t realize Koreans were that quick to be so friendly, or maybe it was just him.
At any rate, your jet-lagged brain was too filled with cotton to do anything but collapse on the single bed and fall into a deep sleep.
“Wake up, wake up!”
You groan at the cheery voice and let out a yawn, eyes still squeezed firmly shut. “No, not yet. Give me five more minutes.”
A pause. “Uh, I don’t understand what you said, but you should probably get up.”
Wait. Who was that? You huff slowly out your nose as the events of the past day catch up on you. The plane, the school, the other teachers. Jimin’s house.
Your eyes shoot open. “Oh, I’m sorry! Why- uh what, what time is it?”
You sit yourself up, rubbing at your eyes and squinting in the bright bedroom light. Jimin’s sitting on the edge of the bed looking down at you, wearing raggedy plaid pajamas. His hair is matted down on one side and sticking up on the other like he’s just woken up. He smiles serenely down at you. “It’s just after half past six, I thought you might need some time to get ready this morning. I usually leave home at 7:30.”
You sigh and it morphs into another yawn. You slept for over 12 hours? Jet lag really had it out for you. You went to reply but were cut off by the unmistakable sound of your stomach grumbling noisily.
Jimin grins cheekily at the way you blush. “I’ll make breakfast for us while you get dressed.”
“Yes, thank you.” You wait until he leaves the room, shutting the door softly behind him, before getting up to put some work-appropriate clothes on, still thudding around like a zombie.
One suede skirt and linen blouse later, you pad out to the kitchen, hearing more than one voice. Jimin has his back to you, stirring at a steaming pot on the stove, and a man you vaguely recognize from yesterday sitting at the table.
The young man glances up when you approach slowly and flashes you a toothy smile. “Ah, sleeping beauty! You ready to eat?”
You nod and laugh awkwardly, not wanting to admit you had forgotten his name. He scooted his chair over to give you room and you sat down. “Do you be here? Um, you live here?”
Jimin scoffed, beginning to plate up three bowls of a creamy looking porridge. “Basically.” He held a bowl in each hand, cradling the third against his chest, and joined them at the table. “Jungkook lives next door, but he’s always coming here for free food and a ride to the school,” he clarified.
You nodded. “Oh, I understand.” You let Jimin hand out the bowls, Jungkook taking his from Jimin and immediately digging in like an animal, and you giving Jimin an awkward little head-bow upon receiving yours.
The porridge is hot but thick, almost gelatinous, and it’s got a hint of something savory in it. Unlike anything you’ve tried before, but quite effective in warming and filling your stomach for the day. “You cook well, Jimin,” you compliment.
He blushes and fiddles with his spoon, eyes squinting into crescents. “Ah, thank you, Y/n, I’m glad someone appreciates me.” He throws Jungkook a playful glare. “I think I like her much better than you already, she’s so polite. You might have to find a new hyung if you don’t start being more grateful.”
Jungkook ignores him and leans over to you, stage-whispering conspiratorially. “I know you’re just being nice because he’s giving you a place to stay. If you get sick of him, you can always come over and stay with me.”
“This kid,” Jimin interjects, “he couldn’t take care of a dead frog long enough to dissect it! Don’t listen to him.”
Jungkook rolls his eyes and rocks back on the legs of his chair. “For the last time, it was meant to turn that color! Basic biology, I wouldn’t expect you to know.”
“Jungkook, I went to medical school.”
“You didn’t go to medical school for frogs!”
Jimin finishes his bowl and chucks the spoon down with a dramatic shake of his head. “I fear for the children, Jung-ah, I really do.”
You clear your throat awkwardly. “Sorry, but it’s almost 7:30.”
In perfect time, their heads shot towards the clock on Jimin’s wall and they swore, rushing to the kitchen to dump their plates.
Apparently, on a Tuesday, there were three English classes, but the first period was free, so you were quickly herded to the staffroom, which you hadn’t seen earlier but was in the back of the reception room, by Jimin before he left to go start working.
The staffroom was basically a little kitchenette and a couple couches, but the heater was on blast and they had a little container of hot chocolate powder in the coffee and tea cabinet, so you were happy.
As you got yourself settled, you were prepared for forty-five minutes of sitting alone and doing nothing, but just as you took your first delightful sip of hot chocolate, the door opened and in walked one of the other teachers.
You remember him as the one who openly insulted your Korean level in front of his whole class and the principal, and he makes no effort to smile at you as he drearily makes himself a black coffee and slumps down on the couch opposite.
“You aren’t teaching?” you offer up nervously when the awkward silence becomes too much for you.
He gives you a droll look. “Of course I’m teaching. That’s why I’m here instead of in my classroom.”
You pout into your hot chocolate. “Maybe that is why children hating math. Their teacher is so grumpy.”
His lip twitches and he pokes his tongue into the side of his mouth. “Maybe if I could understand what you were saying, I’d be able to respond to it.”
You huff petulantly. “You speak English and then you know it’s hard and not be mean.”
He raises a lazy eyebrow, taking a slow drag of his coffee. “Wow, what an inspiring lesson for the children. Learn English and you won’t be mean anymore. Unfortunately, it hasn’t worked for me.”
You close your mouth after it had been hanging open. “I agree. I think you are just the Grinch or Scrooge.”
You’re shocked when, instead of a glare, he laughs openly, exposing a surprisingly cute gummy smile. He composes himself quickly, levelling his dark eyebrows at you. “You should be nicer to your elders, you know. What if Principal Kim heard you speaking to me like that?”
“Principal Kim already knows,” you answer confidently, “he is agreeing with me about you.”
Teacher Min shakes his head one last time and stands up, finishing his coffee in two lazy gulps and leaves the dirty cup in the sink, ignoring the laminated sign that explicitly read ‘do not leave dirty dishes in the sink, use the dishwasher’.
He turns back to you with a cheeky glimmer in his eyes. “Do me a favor, ask the English teacher about Rap Monster.”
You frown. “What?”
He just taps the side of his nose. “He’ll know.”
Very shortly after the math teacher took his leave, the door was bursting open again, this time revealing the energetic phys ed teacher with a look of caution in his eyes. “Is he gone?”
“Teacher Min, has he left yet?”
You nod with a confused look on your face. “Yes. Why?”
His face relaxes and he grins at you as he makes his way over to the small fridge. “I have a bet with Seokjin.”
“What is this word, bet?”
His voice is muffled as he roots around in the fridge. “It’s like a challenge. If I do the challenge, I get a prize, but if I fail, Principal Kim gets the prize. Ah!” He emerges triumphantly holding a bulky plastic box with a padlock dangling from it.
“What is that?” you ask incredulously.
“Yoongi, sorry, teacher Min’s snack stash.”
“With that thing on it?”
“The lock?” Teacher Jung beams at you and produces a key. “Don’t worry, I found this in his desk in the math room.”
You bite your lip, watching him jimmy off the lock and open up the box to reveal a little lunchbox of leftovers, meat, vegetables, rice. “But why?”
Hoseok sifts through, pulling out some skewers of meat to begin chewing on, still cold. He talks through a mouthful. “If I eat Yoongi’s lunch every day for two weeks without him realizing who it is, Principal Kim is going to give me a raise.”
You watch him chow down on the math teacher’s lunch with a befuddled expression. “He is paying you more money for you steal food from another teacher?”
Teacher Jung swallowed. “Yes.”
“I think that is maybe a mean thing.”
He gives you a soft smile but wastes no time before diving into the next thing, a little tub of rice. “Don’t worry, I bring some food from home for him to have. It’s not about stealing his lunch, it’s about stealing his lunch without getting caught. It’s very exciting.”
He holds a pair of chopsticks out to you and you shake your head, although you are beginning to see the humor of it. “How long have you do this already?”
“Today is Day 7,” he declares proudly, “only three to go. Although, he is starting to get clever.” A thought occurs to him and he furrows his brows. “You can’t tell teacher Min! Nobody else knows except me, Seokjin, and you now. I’m trusting you.”
You nod dutifully. “I have your secret.”
He grins. “Good. Anyway, ho-”
He’s interrupted by the clanging of a far-off bell signaling the end of class. “You have English now, right?” he asked. “You should probably get going. Do you need me to take you there?”
You stand up and put your cup in the dishwasher. “I think I am good, thank you. Goodbye.”
He waves you off cheerily, attention already half-taken up by putting the padlock back on the box and returning it to the fridge completely empty. As you walked out the door, you saw him pull out a plain lunchbox with a post-it note on top that read ‘for Yoongi, got you again!’ in extremely careful, nondescript handwriting, shoving it in the fridge in front of the empty box.
You’re grinning to yourself all the way to your first class of the year.
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dizzyspellbook · 5 years
answer from aries to 12th house. all of them. please.
oh my god ahahhhaaha WELL OKAY.
aries: what are you passionate about?
I am passionate about making art, connecting with people, and helping others the best that I can. when I can help teach someone something important or help them access their own tools, that’s such an amazing feeling!
taurus: name 3 of your favorite books.
Carry On by Rainbow Rowell, The Book of Lost Things by John Connolly, Circe by Madeline Miller, Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen. all ABSOLUTE bangers. also fuck u I work at a literature company I can put a fourth book if I want.
gemini: what was the last text you sent?
“i shifted how i was sitting and was like ‘oh stabby, cool’” my friends will know what this is about
cancer: if you could choose your child’s zodiac sign, what would it be?
n/a (don’t want kids)
leo: name something you love about yourself.
I LOVE. how creative I am. I mean I constantly bounce between like five different hobbies and I just love looking at the things I’ve created and feeling proud of myself and remembering how much fun I had making the thing! plus, my art has helped me connect with so many people and has helped so many people and that’s just. ahh. so rad!!
virgo: what’s your #1 pet peeve?
I HAVE TO NAME JUST ONE? LMAO. honestly i think i’ll have to say when people are not aware of their surroundings—whether that’s people walking too slowly in front of me or someone just standing like a dummy in the middle of the aisle/sidewalk like buddy come on people have to Go Here.
libra: describe your dream partner.
my dream partner is patient, funny, handsome, supportive, excited, and understanding! he also has been dating me for over five years. :^)
scorpio: do you trust easily?
this is an interesting one. I... don’t think so? and that’s not because I expect people to hurt me, I just have a lot of walls and a front I tend to put up until I’m close with someone. and scorpio is my dominant sign so hey that’s fitting. I can’t always rationally tell whether or not I’m vibing with someone, but if I notice myself struggling to be myself or behave like I normally would because of my protective walls, I know they’re not a good fit for me. (also this isn’t because I’m not friendly or outgoing, it just takes a minute for people to get to know me a bit deeper. asndgntdn i’m overexplaining lol)
sagittarius: if you could travel to any place in the world, where would it be?
bro uh. you know i see why people romanticize traveling a lot, it’s supposed to be this really revealing experience—and I did get to study abroad in college, and it was a powerful and introspective experience—but now that I’m older and have a job and medications and illnesses and disabilities I just don’t know how feasible traveling would be for me. THAT BEING SAID: it’s on my bucket list to spend a few nights to a week in a cabin with paints and books and just fucking chill.
capricorn: what’s your dream job?
currently my goal is to become an adolescent therapist, but if that doesn’t flesh out, something else in the realm of social work or accessibility. and obviously I want enough time and energy to keep making art!
aquarius: do you believe in aliens?
scientifically, yeah! there has got to be intelligent life out there. spiritually, yes! I tend to think of deities as higher-vibrational creatures that can interact with us—similar to spirits and ghosts.
pisces: describe someone you love.
my mom is nerdy and gets excited about small things, from glitter to videogames. she has almost as many tattoos as me, and almost all of them are geeky references. she and i are both traumatized and chronically ill in similar ways, which I think has strengthened our relationship in my adulthood. though, I was always close with her—she always made sure to support whoever we were as children and teens and give us the resources we needed to succeed. :’)
sun: describe yourself in 3 words.
kind, balanced, sensitive
moon: what’s your favorite song?
Such Great Heights by The Postal Service!!!! it’s been my fav song for like, fifteen years
rising/asc: how would you describe your style?
lazy nonbinary wearing nothing but sweaters as they wait for surgery lol
mars: are you easily angered?
no—and in fact, it took me some time and a fair amount of therapy to be able to access my own anger after leaving an abuser. (though I DO get annoyed easily, see the question about pet peeves lolol)
venus: what’s your aesthetic?
i..... what the fuck is my aesthetic outside of my style. what does this mean. raw art, forests, sunsets, rain, i guess???
mercury: what color do you talk in?
green. sometimes, orange! other times, deep sea blue. but usually green.
jupiter: what moral do you live by?
be the best version of you that you can be, listen to the messages the universe sends you, and enjoy your life. be kind to others.
saturn: what’s your biggest fear?
living a dull, unhappy life and not making the most out of the life I have. making decisions out of fear and not going anywhere.
uranus: are you rebellious?
ok so not needlessly so, but whenever it comes to rules I think are dumb as shit, yes. yes. I was the kid in high school who got straight A’s but talked back to the subs when they were being unreasonable lol. I just tend to think “well I’ll do this my own way” when I don’t like something.
neptune: share one of your dreams.
I want to live in a brick house. I think they are so cute. I want a window nook seat, and a tower/fun shaped attic where a library can be—I want a yard for my doggy and a space for me to paint.
pluto: what’s the biggest thing you’ve learned by far in your life?
people are healing.
lilith: do you have any guilty pleasures?
sure! I like to imbibe in some drink or smoke and zone into a dumb videogame every once in a while.
chiron: have you ever broken a bone?
i broke my nose as a child!
ceres: are you a momfriend?
I used to be, now I think of myself more as a mentor and friend than the mom friend. being the mom is exhausting.
pallas: do you have a good relationship with your parents?
my mom, yes!
juno: do you believe in soul mates?
of course! not just romantic soul mates—there are many different kinds.
1st house: are you confident?
yes! most of the time, lol. until i am outside and constantly looking over my shoulder because ptsd has eaten my brain
2nd house: if you could only keep one of your personal items, what would you choose?
probably my laptop because of all the stuff on it, art programs, etc.
3rd house: do you like to read?
yesss!! see above with my book suggestions. I’m working on Dune right now.
4th house: what does your bedroom look like?
cozy! half messy, half not. we still have boxes we need to unpack at the foot of our bed, but I’ve decorated my dresser with a lot of memorable items—my necklace tree, photos, instax, we have a couple plants, oh and my altar is in here too!
5th house: name your favorite movie or show.
Avatar: The Last Airbender for surreeee
6th house: do you participate in community service?
not currently—while I like the idea of it, I feel like I don’t have the time or battery level with commissions and art and working full time and working out and taking care of a dog.
7th house: if you could choose, what zodiac sign would you like your dream partner to be?
man I don’t like this one, every zodiac sign has its ups and downs and further, combinations of zodiac signs are what make people truly unique—not to mention peoples’ life experiences!
8th house: do you believe in reincarnation?
yes, absolutely!
9th house: what’s your favorite quote?
not to be boring but I don’t think I have one, and I don’t really want to pull one out of my ass for the sake of answering this question. :(
10th house: are you good at public speaking?
surprisingly yes! I’ve got a good blend of professional and cracking the occasional joke.
11th house: what sign(s) is your best friend/squad?
LET’S SEE. we’ve got a cap, a gem, a gem/cancer cusp, a cancer, a libra, and a pisces.
12th house: do you like to be alone?
lmao tonight i hung out with my partner and her date and after a movie i was like “i’m gonna be a party pooper and go to bed and by go to bed I mean get on my bed and draw while listening to music” so yes, I sure do like being alone.
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fallintosanity · 5 years
hello angst my old friend
part 1
part 2
part 3
Finally Ignis said, “The Crystal returned Noctis to us five days ago. We made our way here to face Ardyn, but when we confronted him…” Ignis spread his hands, indicating their current predicament.
Regis didn't say anything right away, silence falling over the room like a shroud. Clarus wore a stony expression identical to Gladio's, while Cor shook his head over and over, as though trying to refute what he’d heard. Noctis waited, giving them time to digest everything. Hell, Noct still had trouble believing it all, and he’d lived it. His dad would need a few minutes, at least.
Finally Regis said carefully, “This is… quite a lot to take in. The four of you must be exhausted. Perhaps it would be best if we gave you a place to rest, clean up if you’d like, while I discuss this with my advisors.”
Noctis tensed, aware of Ignis likewise going still beside him. Regis’s voice was formal, almost stiff - as though he doubted them. Or didn't trust them, though Noctis could hardly blame him for it. At least Regis was offering some level of hospitality despite the mistrust. Being confined to a suite of rooms was better than being thrown the old dungeons under the Citadel, unused in modern times but kept prepared just in case. Noctis inclined his head in acknowledgement. “We’d appreciate that.”
* * *
Cor Leonis personally escorted them to a large guest apartment on the upper floor of one of the Citadel’s towers. “I know this is…” he started, then trailed off with a sigh. “Unusual doesn't begin to cover it. I hope you understand, I have to ask that for your own safety—”
“We’ll stay here,” Noctis promised. He couldn't remember ever seeing the Marshal so rattled as to be at a loss for words, not even after Insomnia fell. But then, Cor had had more than a day to come to terms with that before he’d joined them in Leide. It had barely been an hour since Noctis and his retinue arrived in the throne room.
Cor nodded his thanks. “Someone will be by as soon as the king has decided what to do next,” he said.
“We await his word,” Ignis said from behind Noctis. His tone was polite, yet managed to convey that they wouldn't wait forever. Cor’s expression tightened, but he just nodded again and left, closing the suite’s front door behind him.
With four bedrooms each with an ensuite, a cozy sitting room complete with fireplace, a generous kitchen, and a dining nook, the suite was designed for extended stays by visiting dignitaries. It hadn’t been used much during Noctis’s childhood thanks to the ongoing war with Niflheim, and bore signs of a last-second pass by the cleaning staff. But the bathrooms all had luxury showers with hot water, and were well-stocked with expensive soaps, razors, towels, and other personal care items. The closets held elegant silk bathrobes, nightclothes, and slippers in a variety of sizes, and the beds were covered with thick blankets and plush pillows.
Noctis leaned in the doorway of one of the bedrooms, listening to his friends explore the suite. Ignis was somewhat familiar with the guest suites as he’d accompanied Noctis on his childhood explorations of the Citadel, but Gladio had never had a reason to come up here, and Prompto had hardly come to the Citadel at all. None of them had seen extravagance like this in a decade. His brief stay at Hammerhead had shown Noctis that even hot water for showers had been a luxury during the decade of darkness - if you wanted hot water, you had to light a fire and heat it up in a pot. Precious electricity had been reserved for the even more precious floodlamps that were all that kept the daemons at bay.
Once his friends were settled into the bedrooms and taking showers, Noctis allowed himself to shut himself into his own bedroom. He badly wanted a shower himself; the last halfway decent one he remembered had been back in Altissia, before the disastrous covenant with Leviathan. Months ago according to his memory; years in real time. But he found himself oddly reluctant to strip out of his royal raiment. In the bathroom mirror, his reflection was a stranger: an aged and worn man, his formerly smooth chin covered in a scraggly beard, his once meticulously groomed eyebrows grown thick and wild, and deep lines etched around eyes sunken with grief. His hair hung in uneven clumps around his temples, and his cheeks had hollowed out.
Noctis hadn’t gotten a good look at himself before, just glimpses in Talcott’s rearview mirror, in the reflections glinting off the windows of the hunters’ trucks around Hammerhead. The tiny mirror in the equally tiny bathroom in the caravan had been easy to avoid. The face that looked back at him didn’t feel real, didn’t feel like Noctis anymore. His body had aged a decade which his mind didn’t remember, and he couldn’t reconcile the two.
Even his clothes were wrong, elaborate Lucian finery that was nothing like the casual shirts and waders he preferred. He felt like he had when he was a child playing dress-up with his father’s suits, too small and unprepared for the responsibility they represented. Hard to believe these clothes had been designed to be his wedding suit, and now would be his funeral shroud instead.
Except… he was in the past, and Ardyn was in the wind. A few hours ago, Noctis had been ready to die - to give his life to restore light to the dying planet. But he couldn't anymore, not until they found Ardyn and returned to their own time. How long would that take? How long would Noctis have to endure the anticipation of a brutally violent death at the hands of his own ancestors? He’d resigned himself to his fate in the Crystal, but out here, surrounded by his friends, seeing their faces once more…
Noctis took a deep breath, his fists clenching on the countertop. His friends, who’d survived ten years of darkness with nothing more than faith in Noctis’s return to sustain them. His friends who'd suffered so much to get him this far. He couldn't let them down. He wouldn't. He would find Ardyn and get them back to their own time and destroy the Starscourge, no matter what it took.
That determination was enough to goad him into moving. They didn’t know where Ardyn was, so the wisest thing to do was rest and recover from the battle through the ruins of Insomnia. Noctis needed to be ready when they did find him again. He showered, taking the time to shave the scruffy beard and pluck down the bushy eyebrows. When he was finished, his reflection was slightly less unfamiliar, and he pulled on a set of silk pajamas and a bathrobe and went out into the suite’s main room to join his friends.
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All The Star in the Universe Ch. 7
Bex looked around the tiny apartment, which was now nearly empty. It was just after Christmas, and a lot had changed over the past month. Mrs. Hennessy had moved, Bowie had found a second, part-time job- at a pet store of all places!- and they finally had just enough money coming in to move into the apartment next door, even if things would be tighter than ever, financially.
She was happy about moving, really. Even just that one extra bedroom would make a world of difference to them, space-wise. But the move was bittersweet. Their apartment was part of she and Andi's history. It was the place where they really became mother and daughter; where Bex grew up and became a real adult.
Standing in the kitchen, she smiled wistfully. She was standing in the exact same spot where she'd been when Andi had called her 'mom' for the first time. Andi had been so much smaller back then that Bex, in her joy, could pick her up and spin her around in her arms. Now, a year later, Andi was almost as tall as her, and close enough to her size that they could share clothes and shoes. How was it possible that her baby had grown so much so fast, right before her eyes? When Bex first arrived home, Andi still looked and talked like a little kid. Now though, she was becoming a beautiful, poised young woman, with her own thoughts and opinions.
Sighing, Bex wandered into the living room, her footsteps echoing on the empty walls. She spotted a piece of leftover tinsel on the floor, shining in the morning sunlight, where their Christmas tree had been. She struggled to squat down and pick it up, but finally gave up. Her belly was getting too big to bend over comfortably.
She surveyed the room. It looked so much bigger without her sofa bed in it. Her dad had brought over her old bed from the house, for her and Bowie to sleep in, now that they had a room to put it in. She would be glad to sleep in a real bed- it would certainly be more comfortable during her last few months of pregnancy. And she was grateful that she and Bowie would finally have some much-needed privacy, but she and Andi had had a lot of fun times in that cozy living room; hanging out in their pillow fort, giving each other makeovers, and even just staying up into the night, talking, until Andi fell asleep next to her. Her eyes became misty.
"Hey, baby," Bowie said, coming up behind her. He wrapped his arms around her waist, breathing in the scent of her hair.
Bex came out of her trance. "Oh. Hey."
"We're almost moved in," he told her, planting a kiss on her cheek. "I just need to grab the last few boxes. Your dad and I just set up the bed, so you can lay down and relax before work."
"Thanks," she smiled, leaning against him. "I just feel bad that you guys have to do all the work."
"Don't feel bad," he said. "We can handle it. Don't you even try to carry anything." He kissed her again. "You okay?"
"Just feeling a little sentimental," she told him, honestly. "I'm going to miss this place. I know it's silly, but I can't help it."
"It's not silly," he said, squeezing her shoulders. His eyes twinkled, as if he were thinking of a secret joke. "But why don't you come over to the new apartment with me? I think you'll like what you see."
"Okay," she shrugged. Bowie lifted up two stacked boxes effortlessly, and she followed him next door. She entered the new apartment, not quite knowing what to expect. Even so, she was still unprepared for what she saw. She sucked in her breath, taking it all in.
"What do you think?" he asked. "Do you like it?"
"It's perfect!" she exclaimed. She'd seen the apartment empty, of course, but Bowie had obviously been hard at work since she saw it last. He'd arranged the furniture, and some of her things, almost exactly as they had been in the old apartment, so it all felt new, yet familiar. Her eyes welled with tears, and her heart filled with intense love for him. She stepped into his arms and hugged him. "It's beautiful, Bowie."
"Your dad and I did it," he said, combing his fingers through her hair. "I knew you and Andi were sad about moving, so I took pictures of all the rooms before we packed, so I'd remember where everything goes."
She hugged him again, tighter. "You don't know what this means to me. This is the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me."
He smiled bashfully. "You know I'd do anything for you. You're my girl. I love you."
"I love you too," she nodded, craning her neck to give him one more kiss.
"Let's go see the rest," he said, gesturing for her to follow him.
He showed her around the apartment. She walked carefully, stepping around boxes that hadn't been unpacked yet. The new apartment really was a mirror image of the old one. That would take some getting used to, but it was clear that Bowie had taken great care to make the changes as easy as possible. Although, he had thoughtfully left most of Andi's things packed so she could decorate it any way she wanted and make it her own. Bex knew their daughter would appreciate that.
"Last but not least, our room," he said proudly. "Close your eyes. No peeking!" he said with mock sternness.
Bex complied, squeezing her eyelids tight. She heard him open the bedroom door, and then he took her by the hand and guided her inside.
"Okay. You can open them."
She opened her eyes, blinking. "It's beautiful!" she breathed. The main room was about the same size as Andi's, so it was fairly small, but it had that sweet little nook that would serve as their baby's nursery. Bowie had made the bed with fresh linens, hung her wall-hangings up, and had even set her favorite framed photo of Andi on the nightstand. He'd hung their wedding photo over the dresser.
"You really like it?" he asked. "Because you can change whatever you want."
"It's exactly how I'd decorate it myself," she told him honestly. "I love it."
"I'm so glad," he said. "All I want is for you to be happy and comfortable."
"Is it okay if I rest for a while now?" she asked, reaching to massage the small of her back.
"Sure," he said. "Of course!" He pulled the covers back and fluffed the pillows. Bex kicked her shoes off and got in bed, sighing with relief. "Sit with me a while?"
"I'd be happy to," Bowie winked. He was anxious to get more unpacking done before he had to leave for work and Andi got home, but if Bex needed him, he'd gladly take a break. He sat down on the edge of the bed. She looked up at him with tired eyes, and he reached down to caress her cheek, smoothing back wisps of hair from her face.
"Bowie, give me your hand," she said quietly. "Quick."
He let her take his hand, and she placed it flat on her stomach. "The baby's kicking. Do you feel her?"
His face lit up when he felt their child move. "Whoa! That's amazing!" Bex had recently started feeling the baby kick, but he'd never been home when it happened. Until then. He kept his hand on her belly, unable to take it away.
"I'm so excited to see her," she told him. "I can't wait."
"Me either," he smiled. " I can't wait to hold her, and rock her."
Bex glanced across the room at the alcove. "Her little nursery looks so empty," she mussed. "I can't wait until we have something to put in it."
"It'll be full soon," Bowie promised her. Ham and Celia had already told him they were buying her a crib as a shower gift, and he had a few surprises for her, too.
He bent down to kiss her. "But you, my love, should get some sleep now." He squeezed her hand. "I'll set your alarm for three hours, so you'll have enough time to get ready." She looked worn out. He'd rather she didn't go to work at all that day, but she'd insisted on at least a half-day, and he knew they needed all the money they could bring in.
He tapped the time in on her phone and set it on the nightstand. "Call me if you need anything, okay? I'll be unpacking in the kitchen."
She nodded. "I will."
He stole one more kiss, then left the room, leaving the door ajar.
Once Bex was alone, she snuggled deeper into her old, familiar bed. next thing she knew, she was sound asleep.
"This is so crazy!" Andi said, coming into the new apartment, setting her backpack down on the floor.
"Shh!" Bowie whispered, tapping his lips. "Your mama's sleeping."
"Sorry," Andi whispered in reply.
"What's crazy?" he asked, quietly.
She went into the kitchen, where he was working. "It's like stepping through the looking glass," she explained. She remembered being a little girl, and looking into the big mirror in Cece's living room at another,  backwards living room. She'd always wondered what life was like in that mirror world, as if it were some kind of parallel universe. "It looks just like the old apartment, but everything's on the opposite side."
"Pretty cool, huh?" Bowie grinned. "You like it?"
"I actually do," she admitted, taking a stack of plates out of a box and putting them in the cupboard. "I didn't want to move at first, but I think I'll like living here."
Bowie glanced at the bedroom door, making sure his wife hadn't stirred. "I have a surprise for Bex. You want to see?"
"Yeah," Andi nodded.
"It's in your new room." He gestured for her to follow him to the back of the house.
She noticed that her bed had been set up since she left for school, but the rest was a wonderfully blank slate.
Her father opened her little closet and lugged out a wooden rocking chair.
"Wow," Andi breathed. "Where did that come from?"
"My mom," he explained, proudly. "I picked it up from her house this morning. It's an antique. All the babies in the family have been rocked in it."
Andi's face fell, and her good mood dampened, as once again she was reminded of her missing piece. "Except me."
Bowie flushed with guilt. "I'm sorry, baby girl. I didn't mean it like that." He reached out to ruffle her hair. "I'm an idiot."
"It's okay, dad," she sighed, giving him a reassuring hug. "It's a beautiful chair. Mom will love it."
"It'll be yours someday," he pointed out, hoping to ease her hurt feelings. "When you grow up, you can rock your own babies in it. And you can sit in it whenever you want."
Andi studied a muddy black scribble on the seat. "What's that?"
"I colored on it with crayon when I was a kid," he told her. "Never could get the mark out."
"That's cute," she smiled. "It needs a big bow or something. Like the ones people put on new cars."
"That's exactly what I was thinking!" he exclaimed. "I just haven't had a chance to buy one."
"I can make one," she offered. "It won't be as big as the ones people put on cars, but I have all kinds of ribbon at Andi Shack."
"I can drop you off at Pops and Cece's on the way to work," he said. "In the meantime, I'm gonna hop in the shower. Keep an ear out for your mom, if she needs anything."
"I will," Andi promised. She watched her dad leave the room, then she sat down in the rocking chair, and rocked it softly back and forth. Suddenly, she remembered her little pink baby blanket, and she wanted to hold it. She hopped up, and started opening boxes, digging through them frantically. But she couldn't find it anywhere.
A few weeks after they moved into the new apartment, Andi awoke to see a moving truck outside. It was parked in the yard when she went to the kitchen for breakfast.
"Looks like someone's moving in," she said to Bowie, pouring herself a bowl of cereal.
"Yeah," he nodded. "Looks like it."
"Hmm," Andi said, taking a sip of her juice. "Where's mom?"
"She went into work early," her father told her. "She said to tell you good morning, and to give you this." He bent down to kiss her on the forehead.
Andi smiled sadly. Her mom often went into Cloud Ten early on weekends now. Both her parents were working more and more, another side-effect of the baby coming. She missed lazy Saturdays with Bex. They always used to spend the day together.
She finished her cereal and put the bowl in the sink. "I'm bored," she sighed.
"Well, I've got to get to work," her father told her. "Want me to drop you off in town? Maybe some of your friends are around?"
"Nah," she said. "But thanks." She happened to know that Buffy was out of town, and Cyrus and Jonah had plans.
"The landlord said the new neighbors have a girl about your age," Bowie offered. "Maybe you could introduce yourself?"
Andi shrugged. "Maybe."
Bowie took a plate from the cupboard and piled some of the chocolate chip cookies he'd made the night before on it. "Take these over to her," he said. "Make a new friend."
"Okay," Andi relented. "I'll go." It might be fun to meet someone new.
"That's my girl," he smiled. He planted a kiss on top of her head. "See you later, baby. I love you."
"Love you too," she nodded.
After her dad had gotten in the Grease Mobile and driven away, Andi got dressed and combed her hair. She wrapped the plate of cookies in foil and carried it outside. Crusty snow crunched under her boots as she walked down the steps.
She spotted a little girl, about six or seven, playing in the front yard, trying to roll the snow into a snowman. Unfortunately, it was the wrong kind of snow; the powdery kind that didn't pack well.
The girl noticed her, eyeing her curiously. She had pale blond hair in a ponytail, and her cheeks were red from the cold.
"Aww. You're so cute," Andi smiled warmly. "I'm Andi, your new neighbor."
The girl looked at her suspiciously. "I'm not supposed to talk to strangers."
"That's a good rule to have," she nodded. "But it's okay to talk to me. I don't bite."
The child continued to stare, unsure, but her blue eyes lit up with amusement.
"I brought some cookies for you," Andi said, holding out the plate. "My dad and I baked them. My dad says there's a girl my age here. Do you have a big sister?"
The small girl nodded. "Yeah."
"Well, can I meet her?"
She nodded again, then ran to the door, throwing it open. "Amber! Come outside!"
"Amber?" Andi said quietly, a sinking feeling in her stomach. Then, her worst nightmare was confirmed as Amber, the Snorpion herself, came to the door.
"Andi?" Amber cried, apparently just as shocked as she was. "What are you doing here?"
"I live here!" she said.
"But I thought you moved."
"To the apartment next door," she clarified. "We needed more space."
"Great," Amber said, rolling her eyes. "I'm going to be living next to the wax-murderer. I better sleep with one eye open."
"She's not a wax-murderer," Andi argued, defensive of Bex. "Stop calling her that." She'd heard the whole story about Amber's eyebrow. She knew the waxing mishap wasn't Bex's fault.
The smaller girl tugged on Amber's arm impatiently. "Avery, get lost!" she shouted, pulling her arm away.
"But I want a cookie," Avery pleaded. She had Amber's wide-set dark blue eyes and round face. Andi realized she should have seen the resemblance right away. It was uncanny. Avery didn't have that sneaky look in her eyes, like her older sister had, though.
"Take them inside and leave us alone," Amber snapped. She took the plate from Andi and shoved it at her younger sister. Avery went inside, looking hurt.
"I didn't know you had a little sister," Andi said, glancing at the apartment door.
"She's a pain," the other girl told her, pushing a sheet of long blond hair over her shoulder. "Isn't your mom knocked up? I saw her outside her salon yesterday, and she looked as big as a house."
"She is pregnant," Andi told her. "She's having a girl."
Amber snorted. "Good luck. Once the little brat comes, you'll never get a moment of peace again. Not to mention you'll become your parents' built-in babysitter."
"It can't be that bad," Andi said. "Avery seems cute."
"All I do is work and watch her," Amber told her. "And I have to share that tiny bedroom with her, too. Do you think that sounds fun?"
Andi didn't think Amber really expected an answer. "Why did you guys move here?" She wasn't trying to pry, but she was genuinely curious.
A strange look clouded Amber's face, but it quickly disappeared. "Not that it's any of your business," she said. "But we're downsizing."
"Oh," Andi said quietly, unsure of how to respond. "I guess it would be kind of hard for four people to live together in that apartment. It was pretty crowded with just me and my mom and dad."
"It's only three people," Amber corrected. "My parents split up."
Andi sucked in her breath. "Amber, I'm so sorry. I didn't know." She couldn't imagine what Amber must be feeling. She would be crushed if her mom and dad ever separated, though she didn't believe they ever would, they were so obviously in love.
"I don't want you to feel sorry for me," the older girl told her matter-of-factly. "Just stay on your side, and I'll stay on mine."
Her pity for Amber quickly evaporated. "If that's what you want, fine." She started to turn away, then had a change of heart. "But if you ever do want to talk, you know where to find me."
Her words hung in the air with her frosty breath. Amber had already walked away.
Andi went back to her empty apartment, feeling troubled. She wished someone were home, so she'd have somebody to talk to, or at least give her a comforting hug. She wasn't used to feeling so lonely.
She opened her closet, where the rocking chair sat inside, waiting for Bex's baby shower the following weekend. It now had a big pink bow fastened to the back; she'd made it herself.  Carefully moving the bow aside, she sat down in it and rocked, letting the rhythmic creaking of the floorboards sooth her. She wished for her baby blanket more than ever, but it was still missing.
"You look like someone popped your balloon."
"Huh?" Andi looked up at her father. She had been picking at her spaghetti, lost in her own thoughts. It was dinner time now, but she didn't feel any better. She had spent much of the day sulking, replaying her conversation with Amber over and over.
"What's wrong, kid?" Bowie asked.
Andi sighed, twirling noodles around her fork. She was determined not to upset her mom and dad, as she'd promised Cece, but they would find out her news sooner or later. "I went to meet the girl next door, and it was Amber! We live next door to the Snorpion!"
"Oh, man," Bex said, taking a sip of her water.
"Of all the houses in Shadyside, why did she have to move here?" Andi asked.
"Well, there's nothing we can really do about it," Bowie gently told her.
"We could move again?" she suggested, although she didn't expect them to agree.
"Yeah. Not happening," Bowie laughed. "We're here to stay for as long as possible."
"Then what am I going to do?" she asked them.
"Well, kiddo," Bex said. "I know it's not what you want to hear, but you're going to have to learn to live with Amber."
Bowie nodded. "Part of growing up is learning how to deal with difficult people. Be the better person. Maybe she acts the way she does because she needs a friend?"
"She basically told me to stay away from her," Andi replied. "So I don't think we're going to be braiding each other's hair and telling secrets any time soon."
Bex laughed. "I'm sorry, Andi. I know you've been through a lot with Amber. But your dad is right. And maybe you won't even have to see her much. We're going to be pretty busy soon. I'm gonna need lots of help with the baby."
"I guess so," she nodded. Amber's prediction came to mind. 'You'll never get a moment of peace again. Not to mention you'll become your parents' built-in babysitter.'  She swallowed those thoughts with her last bite of food. Amber was wrong; she had to be. Bex and Bowie wouldn't take advantage of her like that. And she didn't mind helping her mom. Amber was just trying to scare her, she decided. That was exactly the kind of thing she would do.
She cleared her plate, and took Bex's to the sink, too. "Can we have a movie night tonight?" she asked. She need a distraction, something fun to take her mind off things.
Bex looked unsure. "I don't know if I'm up to it tonight, honestly. I think I'm just going to lay down for a while."
Andi felt deflated, but she managed a smile. "That's okay. Another time."
"It's a date," her mother smiled. She gave Andi a hug and a kiss. "Goodnight. I love you."
"Goodnight," Andi nodded. "I love you too." She watched her mom go to her room, holding her back.
"You and I could still watch a movie," Bowie offered.
Andi shrugged. "That's okay, dad. But thanks. I think I'm just gonna go read."
"Alright," he said. "I'll be out here doing the dishes if you need anything."
"Okay. Thanks." She crossed the apartment to her new room. Somewhere next door, she heard voices, maybe Amber and her mom, arguing. She hoped little Avery was having a happier first night in her new home than her mother and sister were.
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