#owl and sea spirit
artschoolglasses · 5 months
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Owl and Sea Spirit, Kenojuak Ashevak, 1963
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jstor · 1 year
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Oh wow, these Inuit prints!!! Kenojuak Ashevak, Observant Owl; Kenojuak Ashevak, Throat Singers Gathering; Ningiukulu Teevee, Seasonal Migration; Sheelaky (artist) and Iyola Kingwatsiak (printer), Sea Spirit.
More than 100 of these beauties are available in St. Lawrence University's Canadian Inuit Prints, Drawings, and Carvings collection on JSTOR, which is free and open to all!
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greenwitchcrafts · 7 months
November 2023 witch guide
Full moon: November 27th
New moon: November 13th
Sabbats: None
November Beaver Moon
Known as: Digging(or scratching) moon, Deer rutting moon, Frost moon, Whitefish moon, Mourning Moon, Dark moon, Blotmonath, Fog moon, Mad moon, Moon of storms, Herbistmanoth & Freezing moon
Element: Water
Zodiac: Scorpio & Sagittarius
Nature spirits: Subterranean faeries
Deities: Astarte, Bast, Black Isis, Hecate, Kali, Lakshmi, Mawu, Nicnevin, Osiris & Saraswati
Animals: Crocodile, jackal, scorpion & unicorn
Birds: Goose, owl & sparrow
Trees: Alder, cypress & hazel
Herbs: Betony, blessed thistle, borage, cinquefoil, fennel, grains of paradise & verbena
Flowers: Blooming cacti & chrysanthemum
Scents: Cedar, cherry blossom, hyacinth, lemon, narcissus & peppermint
Stones: Beryl, cat's eye, citrine, yellow sapphire, topaz & turquoise
Colors: Blues, grey, sea green & silver
Energy: Deity communication, cooperation, death, divination, focus, passion, healing, preparation, secrets, sex matters, taking root & transformations.
The Beaver Moon gets its name because it is the time of year when beavers begin to take shelter in their lodges, having laid up sufficient food stores for the long winter ahead. During the fur trade in North America, it was also the season to trap beavers for their thick, winter-ready pelts. 
Other celebrations:
• Lunantishees
November 11th
Also known as: The day of the Sidhe
This day celebrates the Lunantishee Faeries & honors the sacred blackthorn tree that they protect. It is said these faeries dance around their host blackthorn tree or bush by the light of the full moon in which they worship. The Lunantishee are closely associated with moonstone as their name of Moon-Sidhe or moon faeries suggest. These faeries are intensely protective guardians who highlight to us the need to protect our homes & our personal energies/ourselves.
In some traditions people would leave offerings like cakes, milk, honey or ale to avert any mischievous behavior from the faeries & if you had a blackthorn tree leave blackthorn blessings upon you.
During this time it is advised to not pick, cut or prune these plants under any circumstances or else misfortune would be placed upon them.
•Night of Hecate
November 16th
Though many choose to honor the Goddess Hecate during this day, there doesn't seem to be any historical evidence suggesting this particular day has any traditional associations or events & likely was mistaken from Hekate's Deipnon which takes place during the dark phase of the moon. However modern practitioners use this day to honor Hekate despite this.
Some celebrate by having a feast filled with wine, mushrooms, bread & more while also leaving some at the threshold of their front door to symbolize the crossroads between indoors and outdoors.
Llewellyn's Complete Book of Correspondences by Sandra Kines
A Witch's Book of Correspondences by Viktorija Briggs
Llewellyn's 2023 magical almanac: practical magic for everyday living
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willtheweaver · 2 months
Some bird symbolism
(Note: these are general, as birds have different meanings given to them by different cultures.)
Crows and ravens- Associated with Odin and wisdom in Norse mythology. Most often associated with night, death, and mourning. Seen as a bad omen (see crow/magpie rhyme)
Magpie- Playfulness, cunning, the trickster. A lone magpie is a bad omen (see crow/ magpie rhyme)
Pelican- Nurturing and self sacrifice
Geese- Traditional: Vigilance, protection, watchfulness. Modern: Chaos and assholery
Phoenix- Immortality, fire, the sun. The cycle of life, death, and rebirth
Pigeon- Traditional: Peace, prosperity. Modern: Uncleanliness, urban decay, the inner city
Albatross- Grace, good luck, the spirit of dead sailors (if only the Ancient Mariner knew before he took the shot)
Falcon- Speed, nobility, associated with the sun and seen as the protector of the pharaoh in ancient Egypt
Vulture- Death and decay. Western cultures perceive the vulture as evil. The Egyptians saw it as a protector, and many other cultures associate it with cleansing and holiness.
Eagle- Strength, nobility, patriotism. A two-headed eagle represents the ruler’s authority through both church and state
Swan- Grace, beauty, fidelity. Irish folklore sees the swan as the spirit of dead women and associated with the sea god Lir
Owl- Knowledge and wisdom to the ancient Greeks and Romans. Celtic Britain sees it as the outcast; hated by other birds and only able to fly at night. Otherwise associated with night, mystery, and death.
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harleyification · 1 year
Can I talk about Avatar for a second?? Lemme talk about ATLA/ALoK for a second.
Like, so, I have many, many...many....grievances and hangups about A:LoK. I have tried to watch it twice, and while the first season is okay, the second season made me so mad that I dropped it. Twice. I have not watched the third season or got to see Gays In Action in 4k, because I was that disappointed.
I remember a hell of a lot about ATLA...but I can barely remember anything about Korra. That’s mostly due to my disappointment, but the fact remains that I barely remember the show, after watching it twice, and it’s the latest installment. That being said, I remember one thing that stuck out to me most....
I am so, SO disappointed that they really just!! Made up this AMAZING concept of an Avatar counter-spirit, and they were just like!! “Oh yeah, his concepts are chaos and darkness, he’s EVIL, dudes.”
The one thing in the world that could possibly rival one as strong as the Avatar, would have been Another Avatar. They could’ve done something amazing with that!! They could finally have a balancing act!! A great leadup to this bigger enemy, with a twist at the end - like how ATLA did it with Ozai, with Aang refusing to kill him and instead taking away his bending!! The outcome wasn’t expected, but it still led to the same ending, with a better meaning behind it because it didn’t force Aang outside of his boundaries!! But...LoK didn’t have that. It was “Here’s this sketchy guy, we all Know he’s sketchy, but LOOK, THE TWIST IS THAT HE’S SKETCHY!! BUT ON A MORE EXTREME LEVEL!! Haha!!”
The only thing that LoK managed to twist was the lore of the world, by expanding on the Avatar, how it came to be, and by introducing a spirit of EQUAL POWER to the Avatar. I love Wan’s and Raava’s story, that isn’t my problem with this twist. My problem lies in the fact that Vaatu was merely made to be the Evil Avatar Spirit, in a world where balance and equality mean everything. I think Vaatu being the spirit of Chaos and Darkness would’ve been so cool to explore, if the creators had time to explore him - because Chaos and Darkness aren’t evil, they’re nature. What is morality anyway to a spirit?? Why make an Evil Spirit?? Why not explore WHY Vaatu is the way he is rather than say he just is??
Does that mean that Tui and La are merely good and evil, then?? They’re supposed to represent Yin and Yang, quite literally. Is Tui, the moon, evil simply because they can only thrive in the darkness?? Is La evil, because the sea is unrestrained and takes innocent lives, being a chaotic force?? Shouldn’t Tui and La be CLOSE, or at least GRATEFUL to Vaatu for giving them the darkness they need to remain balanced?? I don’t know too much else about the spirit gods in Avatar, so idk if there’s a Spirit of the Night, but my point still stands - the moon can’t prosper without darkness, and the ocean needs the moon. How can that be constrained to an idea as simple as “evil”??
Was La in the wrong or the in the right for destroying those fire nation ships, for taking control of Aang, for taking Zuko’s crew away from him after their other half died??
I just think that the world of ATLA/ALoK would have been so much better if Vaatu wasn’t just...Evil Bad Guy Spirit. The balancing act would’ve been restored if there are two Avatars (and Raava should be seen as something that can become Too Much - too much light, too much serenity/complacency, too much order means that there’s no room for self-identity, chance, risk, and the ability to look inward. If Raava can go too far, but be held back by their Avatar, then why can’t the same be held for Vaatu??). For a world that says that balance and equality is the true guide to peace, it seems really, really desperate to keep only one Avatar.
Vaatu would have been an excellent twist, if he just wasn’t so one-sided, and if it was anyone else but goddamn Unalaq.
That being said, I think Tui, La, and Vaatu (and maybe Wan Shi Tong, that giant Owl bitch) would’ve been/should be Ride or Die.
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audreyscribes · 3 months
(Super long bc I kinda Info dumped sorry)
If you didn’t mind could you maybe talk about what demigods look like/cryptid demigod hcs
I’m probably wording this wrong but I saw a tiktok saying that kids of gods would have cryptid features for example children of hades or underworld gods in general having vampire features, children of sea gods having scales or webbed fingers, maybe children of Zeus or wind gods get feathers,children of Athena can do 360 head turns like owls, Hecate kids having a visible functioning third eye on their forehead that shows them spirits(and probably vampire features Hecate does do necromancy stuff), Hermes kids getting winged feet, children of Apollo having glowing eyes (I think this is somewhat canon) tbh the list goes on
It’s reasonable to think that demigods look somewhat uncanny they are literally half god and it would probably be covered by the mist to mortals anyways
Even if you don’t wanna do a full series on this I’m just curious to ur opinion on it and ideas you have for other gods
Alright, here’s my own take if we’re going off the Greek demigods having uncanny features:
Zeus: The children could have feathers but also considering them being like the air and clouds. Like their presence can be loud and forceful like high winds or practically invisible like the air around us, or how they seem to float as they walk, their feet never really touching the ground. However, when they get angry, their form shifts and they become this angry grey, stormy cloud, crackling lightning and thunder, their voice distorting like booming thunder as their presence whips around you and threatens to tear you apart. Their hands when they touch you spark and electrocute you, and you can smell and taste the ozone around them. They look down at you with eyes like an eagle.
Poseidon: I would wager they have a sleek appearance to them and everything seems okay. So maybe when they smile, you see some unnervingly sharp teeth like a shark. However, when they enter the water, your eyes can't tell if the water is distorting their shape, but you swear you see something else that makes you remember that we know more about space, then our own ocean; making you both amazed and afraid at what the abyss contain…or don't allow you to see because they won't let you resurface at all.
Hecate: While a third eye is cool, that’s more of an Asian mythological feature (I.e. Hindu, Buddhism, Taoism), however, I can see them having three faces that they can change according to that face’s personality, or true to Hecate’s mythos, where Hecate changes forms from a young girl to an oldy lady according to the time of day, their children faces/personality changes according to the time of day. In a moment of peak battle or power, all three faces appear all at once. The Vampiric features also work as well in this case, but you could also go with something ghoulish or ghostly. From the distance, their appearance to you is half invisible like a rolling mist. Another trait that a child of Hecate could have is serpentine qualities, relating them to Lamia, who has a connection with the goddess. So imagine a child of Hecate with skins with the scales of a snake, a forked tongue, and limbs that move too fluidly in a way that makes you think they don’t have normal human bones. 
Hades: we already see references to it with Nico, but the ghostly, pale appearance would be made more true. Representing the domain of death, they would have cold skin, their eyes are dark like shadows, Or part of the Riches of his domain, you'll see how their eyes twinkle like jewels gold or their teeth, nails shimmer like diamonds. They seem alive to you but if you watch them carefully, you notice their skins shimmer as if their see-through or  made out of precious gems, but then you realise, you really haven't seen them breath. Not in the way of the living. Their chests don't move unconscious and almost seem forced, like they have to remember to move their chests up and down. In fact you've seen them stand way too still, with chests freezing yet they're still moving.
Athena: I think her kids not only can turn their necks pretty much around like an owl, but have you considered they really have good hearing, and moving practically invisible? There's a reason why owls are considered the silent hunters/death. Their grey eyes looking wide and bright at you, but as you move, you notice their eyes following you as if you're a mouse moving among a field. Their heads and neck tilting just so that makes your own neck feel severed.
Demeter: Ever heard the metaphor “Hair like corn”? Each child of demeter has qualities that reflect nature, crops, or anything to do with plant life. When they laugh, it either sounds like branches brushing against each other from the wind or the sound of wood creaking and cracking as the bark and flesh of the wood breaking. Or when you see a child of Demeter fight during the wars and you see their blood or flesh fly. When it lands on the ground, you watch as it sprouts into another version of themselves like fungi; you realise if the child of Demeter you've been talking to is the original or just another body of them with the same mind and soul?
Aphrodite: We know Aphrodite's appearance will reflect what the person's ideal version of beauty or who they love is reflected off her. Now imagine her kids having the same thing, their faces resembling everyone's love, preference, their ideal features (button nose, thin lips), but when you come to actually describing their entire face, you suddenly can't. You have an idea of their features but they're in fragments. You try to piece them together and form their face but you can't. You can't remember their faces at all. You start to think you don't know their face at all, you never have, and they're just a mirage in your mind. You don't remember their faces because you can't. You've never seen them, have you?
Ares: Out of them all, they seem the most human-like. War and violence is a part of human nature and it's reflected in them. They hold qualities that make you sweat and stiffen, the way they look at you makes you want to either fight or flight. A side of humanity you don't want to admit that is in our nature and life.   
Dionysus: There's a quality to them that seems a bit off to you, but you can't help getting drawn in. Their eyes are maniacal and don't stare in the eyes too long or you find your mind drifting off. Or how they move like a jaguar, their appearance alluring but very deadly as they stalk towards you. Nonetheless, your eyes will deceive you as you try to look at them, their forms not exactly what they seem to be and if you try to dissect what they look like, you’re not going to like what you see.
Hermes: Their feet may have wings that allow them to fly and go about speeds. However, much like the Aphrodite children, you see the faces of a traveller. They've been to places and seen things you haven't seen before, but when you try to think of their faces, you can't remember. They made an impression on you yes, but when you try to remember their features, you can't really remember and they are only a figment in your memory.  Yet you can’t forget them or their sweet, honey layered and silver tongued words, even if you know its a lie, you find yourself believing in them and take their words as the truth.
Hephaestus: The children of Hephaestus’ eyes burn and glow with hot coals, flaming hot. Their features are almost sculpted like marble statues, both soft yet rigid. Their veins underneath their skin have a thin glow of heat like the veins of a volcano as they bend the physical shape of something in something else. A limb of theirs moves rather rigidly, like it was a limp but as it moves, you are reminded of the joint of a machine, moving in a certain way that isn’t like a muscle. When their skin is reflecting the heat of the forge, you are reminded that their skin looks like stone or metal.
Apollo: We already know about the glowing eyes part, but I wanna say there’s a bit more to that. How light follows them, how they embody it. You can see them but you can’t stare directly at them for too long before your eyes start to burn like staring directly into a lightbulb. Their form seems to shimmer and bend with the light, before you realise you may not be able to touch them more than you can touch the sunlight. Then you also start to realise the shadows around them seem more darker, more of a void then you thought it could be, moving, swirling beneath their feet. As you take notice of the shadows behind them, how it seems to wrap around them like a second skin, the shadow then moves on its own, differently from it’s host, as it raises its finger over where the mouth should be, before you see it actually smile. You may not be able to touch the light and shadows, but it can certainly touch you, prying your darkest truths and secrets from your own shadow betraying you. You learn that the children of Apollo don’t naturally have shadows because they’re made out of light, so where is their darkness?
Going off a bit more of the whole concept though: It’s not the first time nor the last time someone who has those kinds of ideas as humans do. The only reason the Greek and Roman demigods have ‘human’ features is because of how the gods are perceived, where in Ancient Greek people believed the Gods looked like regular mortals, but were absolutely perfect in their appearance as they were above mortals and their features reflect peak perfection of our human appearance, and we cannot perceive their true form because it is outside of our mortal realm. I believe that’s why the gods turning into their true form is deadly to mortals for that reason. 
So the greek/roman demigods would have the godly qualities to them, that are still mortal but just a little bit different, a little out of this world. We actually see Rick Riodan reference these features in the book like Percy’s Sea Green eyes or Thalia and Jason’s Electric Blue eyes. Those weren’t metaphors or similes. They just lean more towards beyond human then cryptid realm. 
However, it wouldn’t be unusual to attach some non-human features to the gods as we constantly attach their symbols to them. Specifically the animal parts relating to the gods, it’s one of the reasons Egyptian gods are depicted with animal features; as the animal parts to represent their personalities or specific traits that were important to their purpose. For example, Anubis the God of Death is depicted with the head of a jackal as the animal was associated with death in ancient Egypt. So if these Egyptians gods had demigods, we can only assume they would have these features too. 
I believe in the Riordan verse, there are the Mayan gods and the Mayan demigods, Godborns, are the opposite of their Greek/Roman counterparts where the Godborns have a sort of physical handicap, disability, or some medical or mental issue. This is   because people believed the blood of humans and the supernaturals were never meant to be mixed.
So go have one with your ideas! Be wild! Test the realm between mortals and the supernatural.
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hippolotamus · 1 month
Fav lines game 💫
rules: share your favorite lines or paragraph you've written from one of your fics, posted or wip.
thanks for the tags @bidisasterevankinard @diazsdimples @tizniz @daffi-990 💖
since I'm indecisive and, like Stevie, do what I want, I'm choosing lines from each of my 'ships
Buddie - from honey, when you call my name
It’s okay. Eddie can ask for this. He can want this. Isn’t it just one of the (many) points Frank’s been trying to get across? That he doesn’t have to settle for the bare minimum of whatever life hands him? That he can request and desire and, most importantly, receive. And anyway, it’s Buck. Who would be more enthusiastic to give than him? “I, uh, want you to have me,” he whispers. “I‘ve never. Not with another person, but. I want you to.” Jesus Christ, for all the confidence he started with he sure can’t seem to find any now.  “It’s okay if you haven’t. If you’re asking what I think you’re asking.” Buck presses a kiss to his hair. “You can have it. But I need you to ask me.” Another soft kiss, so light that Eddie could have imagined it. “Need to be sure.” Eddie squeezes his eyes shut tight, only for a second though. Because he wants Buck to see, and maybe he wants to allow Buck to see him, here in this sacred space they’re creating. He tilts his head back, baring himself. Offering himself up for Buck to take.
Lutalia - from stay here honey (i don't wanna share)
“You’re not getting soft on me, are you?” Nat teases. “I might start thinking you want me for more than just my body.” Lucy snorts and rolls her eyes. “This is a one-time thing. Don’t get used to it.” “Well, if you’re interested…” She trails off, tracing a finger down the center of Lucy’s chest, over her abdomen, and dragging the sheet down as she goes. She pauses to rub the heel of her palm over Lucy’s neatly trimmed patch of coarse blond curls. Nat’s gaze turns darker, hungrier. Like she’d eat Lucy alive, which doesn’t seem like such a terrible thing. “I don’t mind going back to something more familiar. You know, in the spirit of putting you at ease.” “How very altruistic of you.”
David/Patrick - from I know all your secrets
“Don’t go.” The words are barely more than a whisper. Still, David may as well have screamed them for as raw, vulnerable and hollowed out as he feels. He bites down on the inside of his lower lip, a pitiful, broken attempt to hold himself together. If Patrick wants to leave, David won’t stop him. He’ll stay frozen in place, stone faced and unyielding, until Patrick is gone.  Once upon a time he would have tried for nonchalant, but that act is no good anymore. Patrick doesn’t just mean something to him now – he is everything. Anything less and David will crack, bleeding his emotions everywhere until there’s nothing left. 
Twylexis - from the with my heart in my lap wip
Twyla steadies herself, maintaining her hold on Alexis so they’re almost walking as one down the sidewalk. She’s a comforting line of warmth huddled against Alexis’s side. Her cheeks are pink and flushed from dancing, and her lips curl up in a satisfied smile.  “Wasn’t that fun?” Twyla stops abruptly to look up. “That was fun.” “Yeah, doll. It was,” Alexis assures her, tapping a finger to the tip of Twyla’s nose and indulging in the soft chuckle it earns her.  “Are you sure you wouldn’t rather have gone with Tommy? He was having a really great time dancing with you.” Twyla’s giddiness turns to something more subdued and vulnerable that makes Alexis’s heart twist and ache.  “No, Twy.” Alexis presses a kiss to the crown of Twyla’s hair, then tilts her chin to drown in a mesmerizing sea of green. “Trust me when I say there’s nobody in there for me.”
np tagging @stereopticons @shortsighted-owl @eddiebabygirldiaz @actuallyitsellie @filet-o-feelings
@queerbuckleys @bi-buckrights @chaosandwolves @elvensorceress @fortheloveofbuddie
@bucksbiawakening @giddyupbuck @saybiwithme @honestlydarkprincess @hoodie-buck
@indestructibleheart @jesuisici33 @kitteneddiediaz @thekristen999 @ladydorian05
@lemonzestywrites @lizzie-bennetdarcy @loserdiaz @loveyouanyway @monsterrae1
@rmd-writes @shipperqueen6 @spaceprincessem @spotsandsocks @statueinthestone
@slightlyobsessedwitheverything @steadfastsaturnsrings @the-likesofus @theotherbuckley @thewolvesof1998
@vanillahigh00 @watchyourbuck @weewootruck @welcometololaland @wikiangela
@wildlife4life @your-catfish-friend @mrs-f-darcy @drowsy-quill @a-noble-dragon
@blackandwhiteandrose and anyone else who wants to 😘
ps: if you want tagged in stuff like this click here
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jaztasticc · 8 months
Looking For Moots !!
HIII I started a new blog (i am like completely new to tumblr LMAO) and I am looking for mutuals & friends with similar interests <;33
My name is Jaz, I am a 7teen y/o digital and ceramic artist who makes mini webcomicssss. I am currently obsessed with sea creatures, capybaras, and every single Ghibli movie. Carrd is in my bio if u wanna learn abt me more !!
I am a MENTAL HEALTH advocate + I'm pretty huge on self care. I will post tons of blogs based on those topics.
here are some of my current interests:
Stardew Valley
Genshin Impact
Fionna & Cake
Bungo Stray Dogs
The Owl House
Saiki K
Ponyo, Spirited Away, Howls Moving Castle
Honkai Star Rail
I love Amy
The Guy She Was Interested in Wasn't a Guy at All
random song cuz I said so
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nell0-0 · 14 days
Hello again! I got a question for you. Just a simple question, no drawing (if you don’t want to). What do you headcanon Warriors’ (and maybe Wind’s) animal form is? For me either lion or dragon but lean towards lion. Especially being a papa lion to his headache inducing cubs. HW!Zelda is a golden tiger who also does this her cub aka Mask (not sure on her relationship with Wind). So what do you hc him as? There are so many options to choose from!
Do you want the serious answer or the funny one? Lmao, I'll go with both.
The serious answer would be a tiger for Warriors and a honey badger for Wind. Tigers are related to the hero archetype bc of symbolism of courage, and they're also labeled as a symbol of strength and military, so I thought that fit. And a honey badger may look cute at first but those animals are fearless, my gosh.
Alternatively, Wind could also be a hawk (bc he has Rito in his Hyrule while Warriors and Mask don't), which is also a symbol of courage and related to hunting and spiritism.
The appearance of a hawk during significant events or in dreams was seen as a sign of blessing and guidance from the spirit realm (-> makes me think about Phantom Hourglass)
HW Zelda would be an owl to me. She gives off those vibes (and it would also tie in with sksw what with who that Zelda's dad is), and it's an animal often related to wisdom symbolism.
Mask would be a tiny lion (until he grows up, that is).
The funny answer is a house cat for Warriors and a koi fish for Wind.
The funny funny answer for Warriors would be an elephant. But not in the way of 'oh, look how calm/big he is' but totally referencing the one from adventure time with two heads and psychic powers + shooting lasers.
Also, Mask as a hedgehog is so funny to me. That boy is prickly. Though a thaumoctopus mimicus would be so funny bc of the masks stuff.
In an attempt to foil would-be predators, the mimic octopus takes on the appearance and behaviours of jellyfish, crabs, sea snakes, shrimps, and lionfish - just to name a few.
It's literally a shape shifting octopus.
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intuitivealchemy · 22 days
Zodiac (Sun) Sign: Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces |
Moon Sign: Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces |
Rising Sign: Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces |
Life Path Number: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 11 | 22 | 33
Four Temperaments: Sanguine | Melancholic | Choleric | Phlegmatic
Enneagram (5w4): The Reformer (Type 1) | The Helper (Type 2) | The Achiever (Type 3) | The Individualist (Type 4) | The Thinker (Type 5) | The Loyalist (Type 6) | The Enthusiast (Type 7) | The Leader (Type 8) | The Peacemaker (Type 9) |
Tritype: 125, 152, 215, 251, 512, 521-The Mentor, 126, 162, 216, 261, 612, 621-The Supporter, 127, 172, 217, 271, 712, 721-The Teacher, 135, 153, 315, 351, 513, 531-The Technical Expert, 136, 163, 316, 361, 613, 631-The Taskmaster, 137, 173, 317, 371, 713, 731-The Systems Builder, 145, 154, 415, 451, 514, 541-The Researcher, 146, 164, 416, 461, 614, 641-The Philosopher, 147, 174, 417, 471, 714, 741-The Visionary, 258, 285, 528, 582, 825, 852-The Strategist, 259, 295, 529, 592, 925, 952-The Problem Solver, 268, 286, 628, 682, 826, 862-The Rescuer, 269, 296, 629, 692, 926, 962-The Good Samaritan, 278, 287, 728, 782, 827, 872-The Free Spirit, 279, 297, 729, 792, 927, 972-The Peacemaker, 358, 385, 538, 583, 835, 853-The Solution Master, 359, 395, 539, 593, 935, 953-The Thinker, 368, 386, 638, 683, 836, 863-The Justice Fighter, 369, 396, 639, 693, 936, 963-The Mediator, 378, 387, 738, 783, 837, 873-The Mover Shaker, 379, 397, 739, 793, 937, 973-The Ambassador, 458, 485, 548, 584, 845, 854-The Scholar, 459, 495, 549, 594, 945, 954-The Contemplative, 468, 486, 648, 684, 846, 864-The Truth Teller, 469, 496, 649, 694, 946, 964-The Seeker, 478, 487, 748, 784, 847, 874-The Messenger, 479, 497, 749, 794, 947, 974-The Gentle Spirit
Celtic Zodiac: Birch (The Achiever) | Rowan (The Thinker) | Ash (The Enchanter) | Alder (The Trailblazer) | Willow (The Observer) | Hawthrone (The Illusionist) | Oak (The Stabilizer) | Holly (The Ruler) | Hazel (The Knower) | Vine (The Equalizer) | Ivy (The Survivor) | Reed (The Inquisitor) | Elder (The Seeker) |
Celtic Animal Sign: Stag/Deer | Cat | Cow/Bull | Horse | Butterfly | Adder/Snake | Seahorse | Fish/Salmon | Wolf/Hound | Fox | Wren | Swan | Falcon/Hawk |
Soul Type (one test): I Hunter | Caregiver | Creator| Thinker | Helper | Educator | Performer | Leader | Spiritualist |
Hogwarts House: Gryffindor | Hufflepuff | Ravenclaw | Slytherin | Gryffinpuff/Huffledor | Gryffinclaw/Ravendor | Ravenpuff | Slytherclaw | Slytherdor | Slytherpuff
The Animal in You: Lion | Tiger | Dolphin| Bear | Wild Cat | Fox | Weasel | Badger | Dog | Otter | Wolf | Sea Lion | Wild Dog | Walrus | Gorilla | Deer | Rhinoceros | Hippo | Sable | Horse | Sheep | Mountain Goat | Warthog | Zebra | Baboon | Elephant | Bison | Giraffe | Cottontail | Mole | Bat | Porcupine | Beaver | Prairie Dog | Shrew | Mouse | Eagle | Rooster | Owl | Swan | Peacock | Vulture | Penguin | Crocodile | Snake |
Archetypes: Creative | Athlete | Rebel | Caregiver | Visionary | Royal | Performer | Spiritual | Tastemaker | Explorer | Advocate | Intellectual |
Brain Lateralisation Test: Left | Right|
Cerebral Personality Test: 1-10% | 11-20% | 21-30% | 31-40% | 41-50% | 51-60% | 61-70% | 71-80% | 81-90% | 91-100% |
Multiple Intelligences Test: Kinaesthetic | Linguistic | Logical | Interpersonal | Intrapersonal | Musical | Visual/Spatial | Naturalistic |
Levenson Self-Report Psychopathy Scale (Primary Psychopathy): 1 | 1.5 | 2 | 2.5 | 3 | 3.5 | 4 | 4.5 | 5
Levenson Self-Report Psychopathy Scale (Secondary Psychopathy): 1 | 1.5 | 2 | 2.5 | 3 | 3.5 | 4 | 4.5 | 5 |
Instinctual variant: sp/so | sp/sx | so/sp | so/sx | sx/sp | sx/so |
DISC Profile: D | I | S | C |
Alignment: Lawful Good | Neutral Good | Chaotic Good | Lawful Neutral | True Neutral | Chaotic Neutral | Lawful Evil | Neutral Evil | Chaotic Evil |
Aura Color: Red | Orange | Magenta | Yellow | Logical Tan | Environmental Tan | Sensitive Tan | Abstract Tan | Green | Blue | Violet | Crystal | Lavender | Indigo|
[7] Soul Types: Server | Artisan | Warrior | Scholar | Sage | Priest | King |
Deadly Sin: Wrath | Envy | Gluttony | Greed | Sloth | Lust | Pride |
Nerdy Personality Attribute Scale: 30 | 40 | 50 | 60 | 70 |
Empathy Quotient Test: 0 | 10 | 20 | 30 | 40 | 50 | 60 | 70 | 80 | 100 | 110 | 120 | 130 | 140 | 150 | 160 | 170 | 180 | 190 | 200 |
Helen Fisher’s Personality Test: Explorer | Builder | Director | Negotiator |
MOTIV: Materialistic | Ascetic | Offbeat | Conventional | Thinking | Haphazard | Interpersonal | Withholding | Vital | Depressed | Easygoing | Rigid |
Holland Code: Realistic | Investigative | Artistic | Social | Enterprising | Conventional |
Defense Mechanism: Regression | Displacement | Denial | Repression | Intellectualization | Reaction Formation | Projection | Compensation |
R-Drive Personality Test: Narcissism | Unconventionality | Empiricism | Vitality | Othercentricism | Independence | Integrity | Intellect | Stoicism | Orderliness | Dynamism | Activity | Romanticism | Hedonism |
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ray-does-witchcraft · 8 months
2024 Attic Calendar - January
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Currently working on my own version of the adapted Attic calendar! So far I only have January, but February is almost done as well. Fair warning, this goes in depth about what the festivals/celebrations are and how to commemorate, so this post is gigantic. Attention: This is for the SOUTHERN HEMISPHERE!
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⛧ [10/01/24] [Hekatombion 40th] - Hekate Deipnon
WHAT IS IT & WAYS TO CELEBRATE: It takes place at the end of the Lunar month. Hekate means "bringer of light", so at the darkest part of the month, we prepare our homes for the transition to a new month and offer her a meal. Think of it as a mini new year; clean/cleanse your house (especially altars), get rid of things you don't want to bring into next month (physical, spiritual, etc), and leave Hekate an offering at sundown (preferably a meal, but if you can't afford to waste food, just give her something else. Maybe bury or burn it if you can). Here's a list of good offerings (best left outside or at her altar, if you have one for her):
Cake (especially lit with candles)
Poppy seeds
Incense (Frankincense, Lavender, Jasmine, Citrus, Dragons blood, Rosemary, or anything you have at hand)
Tea lights
Oil lamps
Crow/Raven/Own feathers
Poetry, Literature, Music, Hymns, etc
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⛧ [11/01/24] [Metageitnion 1st] - Noumenia
WHAT IS IT & HOW TO CELEBRATE: The Noumenia is the first day of the visible New Moon and is held in honor of the household Gods. The Noumenia is a celebration of the start of a new Hellenic month and seeks blessings for the household. Honestly? You can just kick back and relax if you want or can, to invite calm energies into the upcoming month. But, if you (like me) want to be a little extra, here's some ways to celebrate:
Start a new personal project or hobby, or just pick back on things you've been putting off.
Set intentions for the coming month, and make plans for any of the month’s upcoming festivals, or for any of your personal upcoming plans.
Leave offerings for your deities.
Moon/stargaze, maybe meditate under the Moon.
Do a reading with your preferred divination method with the Theoi, asking what you should focus on in the coming month.
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⛧ [12/01/24] [Metageitnion 2nd] - Agathos Daimon
WHAT IS IT & HOW TO CELEBRATE: One of my favorites! Daimons are household spirits that look after you and your family, so this is a day to honor Him! Pour a libation (especially wine, but mine likes milk better to be honest), make an offering, light a candle, maybe even make Him a lil altar! He's heavily associated with snakes, but aside from that you can offer (or put in His altar) anything you correlate with abundance, good luck, protection, etc. These guys are so overlooked and I love them. Here's a more in-depth post about Him and the holiday.
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⛧ [13, 14, 16, 17, 18/01/24] [Metageitnion 3th, 4th, 6th, 7th & 8th] - Athena, Aphrodite/Hermes/Eros, Artemis, Apollo, Poseidon
WHAT IS IT & HOW TO CELEBRATE: Not exactly festivals, that's why I compiled them into one section, but these Lunar days are sacred to these deities in that order. Maybe leave them an offering or light them a candle, maybe even just devotional acts! Here's a good list of offerings for each:
Owl feathers/imagery
Toy weapons, athames, etc
Olive oil
Olive tree branches/leaves (real or not)
Clear crystals
Silver jewelry
Incense (Frankincense, Dragon's Blood, Cedarwood)
Olive oil
Baked goods
Anything vanilla scented/flavored
Golden jewelry
Flowers (especially roses and anemones)
Sea stuff (sand, seashells, water, etc)
Self care products
Rose quartz
Incense (Frankincense, Rose, Myrrh, Jasmine, Cinnamon, Vanilla, Cypress)
Currency (real or not) (especially foreign)
Playing cards
Travel tickets
Olive oil
Cool rocks
Incense (Frankincense, Myrrh, Safron, Dragon's Blood)
Honey cake
Sweets (he likes candy a lot)
Olive oil
Rose quartz
Flowers (real or not)
Heart-shaped objects
Incense (Frankincense, Myrrh, Rose)
Animal related stuff (Imagery, bones, teeth, etc)
Moon related stuff
Clear quartz
Bows & Arrows
Wild flowers
Pine cones
Olive oil
Silver jewelry
Incense (Frankincense, Cypress, anything woodsy)
Sun related stuff
Arts and crafts
Clear quartz
Bows & arrows
Olive oil
Honeyed chamomile tea (he loves it)
Golden objects/jewelry
Divination items
Incense (Frankincense, Myrrh, Cypress, Clove, Cinnamon, Bay)
Toy horses/horse imagery
Photos of the sea
Olive oil
Incense (Frankincence, Myrrh, Pine)
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⛧ [25-27/01/24] [Metageitnion 15-17th] - Eleusinia
WHAT IS IT & HOW TO CELEBRATE: The Eleusinia was a thanksgiving festival held to honor Demeter for the gift of grain. A modern way to celebrate is to have a big dinner (maybe include some breads and baking) and give thanks to Lady Demeter through it! Thank her for grain and the agricultural processes that we benefit from!
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⛧ [28/01/24 ?] [Metageitnion 18th ?] - Adonia
WHAT IS IT & HOW TO CELEBRATE: A festival mourning the death of Adonis, one of Aphrodite's human lovers. Traditionally, it was celebrated only by women (as a trans guy, I personally don't give a fuck and celebrate it anyway). Also, there's no source for an exact date, so this is an educated guess at best (most sources just refers to it as taking place "midsummer"). For a way to celebrate, I found this amazing hymn/poem. Remember to honor Aphrodite on this day as well.
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⛧ [30/01/24] [Metageitnion 20th] - Hera Telkhinia
WHAT IS IT & HOW TO CELEBRATE: A minor sacrifice for Hera, taking place in the suburbs of Athens. Again, not a lot of info, but if you worship or have a connection to her, maybe read her a hymn, pour a libation honor her on this day! Here's a Orphic hymn to her:
Hera, incense aromatic herbs and spices. You are seated in a cerulean cavern, having the form of air,    Íra queen of all, happy one who shares the bed of Zefs, You provide gentle breezes which sustain the soul. Mother indeed of storms, attendant of the winds, all-begetting. Apart from you life and generation cannot be found;    Mingled with the majestic air you partake of everything. You alone hold sovereignty, ruling over all. You are the stream which flutters down through the rushing winds. And now you, happy Goddess, many named, queen of all, Come with a countenance of kindness and joy. 
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thekatebridgerton · 9 months
Speaking of which, if I ever had to do a collab with someone I would do a Labyrinth au with @sea-owl
Where the Bridgertons are the rulers of the Goblin court and their spouses are adults who have drawn the attention of the fae, as either kids or adults and the fae court wants to lure them into the fae lands by making them run the Labrynth, so they kidnap their ‘children’ aka, their younger siblings.
Kate went to a town fair with her little sister and in the process of getting rid of a guy that was way too confident in himself, she insulted the Goblin king, probably told a glamoured Anthony to his face that he wasn’t that attractive and that his flirting didn’t work on her. So Anthony took little Edwina as petty revenge and now Kate has to brave the fae lands to rescue her. But she’s not letting him win, and she sure isn’t letting him have her sister! That overconfident jerk.
Simon actually was rescued from the Labrynth by his Aunt Danbury when he was a kid, apparently ‘the little Duchess Daphne’ of the Goblin court took a linking to him when his father wished him away, but Aunt Agatha rescued him. Now as an adult, with the disappearance of Aunt Agatha, Simon was left as the sole guardian of his 14 yo cousin Gareth, and somehow the fae have taken him as payment for Simon. And now, it turns out, that the little duchess who used to like him, is not so little anymore. And Daphne still thinks he’s handsome.
Penelope actually broke a promise when she was a child to one of the members of the Goblin court. As a kid she used to think they were imaginary friends, since she lived in a very old house near the forest, so she had no problem promising she would marry the handsome boy who liked to play with her in the garden in exchange for having someone in her family who loved her. When her sister Felicity was born, Penelope’s family moved away, and she forgot her promise, now she’s back in Mayfair, and it seems like her handsome imaginary friend, isn’t that imaginary,  or that benevolent anymore. How was she supposed to know Colin was the most chaotic brother of the Goblin king? Or that he’d take his gift back, in order to force Penelope to come to him.
Phillip didn’t know that the very pretty girl who used to sit by the lake with him when the twins were born, was some sort of magical creature. Eloise was kind, a little eccentric but she listened to him when he was a struggling new dad. She seemed to like the newborns too. So when Marina started to lose her temper more and more, with the onset of her illness, it was natural for Phillip to confide in his nice mysterious friend. He didn’t expect Marina to have an accident in the lake shortly after that. He had to move away because of the accident. He knew something was wrong with the lake and feared something could happen to him and the kids. He didn’t know Eloise could be patient, waiting until he came back to Mayfair, with his cute little twins. Ready to be fully lured into the Goblin court.
Araminta always told Sophie that one day the Goblins would come to take her back because she wasn’t really her father’s kid, but rather an unnatural bastard left on their doorstep and sure she sometimes dreamed about being spirited away when she was asleep, but she didn’t want little Posey to be stolen by the fae when Araminta wished for Sophie to be gone instead. A very handsome Goblin offered to help her find and rescue Posey, but the thing is that he also seemed to want her to be his mistress in the Goblin court. Ugh what had she gotten herself into?
Finally, wickedly flirtatious Michael, who lost all his family in a freak house fire that left him and 6 yo Lucy as the sole survivors. Michael only survived because a beautiful fae girl from the Goblin court was there during the fire and let them live because she used to like his dead cousin John (who in that house had offended the bloody fae??, Michael always suspected it had been Lucy’s uncle). Michael of course raised Lucy as well as he could, far away from Mayfair. Until he came back for a visit and the messenger from the Goblin court appeared, letting him know that the lady Francesca was no longer satisfied with their last bargain and now she wanted Michael to provide a playmate for her little brother Gregory. But Michael didn’t want Lucy to be taken forever by the Goblin court. So if the sister of the Goblin King wanted him to be wicked, he would show her wicked.   
Cue Kate, Simon, Penelope, Sophie, Phillip and Michael teaming up to run in the Labyrinth and survive the respective traps set by the fae in order to rescue their siblings. Maybe I just want to see the Bridgertons hosting the most decadent fae masquerade ever, while their significant others are decked to the nines in the most exquisite finery known to men, dancing to music that’s too good to be true. But also extremely suspicious of these very powerful fae that claim to love them, but are still, technically kidnapping kids to keep them from leaving the fae lands.
(In Eloise defence, she always planned to adopt Phillip’s cute twins, it’s not kidnapping because she technically never planned to give them back.. Anthony, Colin, Benedict and Daphne yes that qualifies as kidnapping, and Hyacinth is getting way too chummy with Gareth but look at Francesca, she never intended to keep Lucy for long, sure, Gregory did get a strange fixation and he did want to keep Lucy forever, but the point is, Francesca was okay with returning Lucy to the human world after a few days, Michael just took her summons the wrong way and that’s the story they’re sticking to if he survives the labyrinth)
 I just think this is an au that’s been running through my head and @sea-owl would understand why.
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Who Are The Iterators? What's The Plot?
OL - Ocean's Lament
GOL - Ghosts Of Leviathans (Ghosts) [He/Him]
TBS - Treacherous Blue Seas (Seas) [They/Them]
DA - Deep Aquarium (Aqua) [She/Her]
MW - Milky Way
BSDN - Bright Skies Distant Nebula (Nebula) [They/Them]
TFPC - Trails From Passing Comets (Comets) [He/Him]
EORS - Echoes Of Raining Sands (Echoes) [They/She]
GE - Gilded Eclipse (Gil) [He/It]
SOJ - Storms On Jupiter (Storms) [Any, They/Them]
BO - Brilliant Odyssey (Odd) [He/Him]
SC - Scattered Constellations (Stellar) [She/They/Stars]
SO - Saturn's Orbit (Orbit) [He/Him]
BN - Bird's Nest
OEEW - Owl's Eyes of Endless Wisdom (Owls) [She/Her]
TMSB - The Moon Stares Back (Raven) [He/Him]
SHRIKE - Soundless Howls Ringing In Keen Ears (Shrike) [They/It/Him]
NLS - Night's Listless Spirits (Night) [They/Them]
MMT - Magpie's Many Trinkets (Magpies) [They/Them]
CO - Corvid's Omen (Corvid) [He/Him]
TW - Twisting Weave
SOAFE - Screams Of a Furious Epithet (Epithet) [He/Him]
EFUS - Eyes From Unseen Shadows (Shadows) [She/Her]
AMF - A Moment Foreshadowed (Moment) [She/Her]
NSP - Non-Specific Place (Place) [They/It]
UT - Unspecified Time (Time) [They/It]
LR - Luminal Resonance (Lumi/Res) [He/Him]
PC - Primal Catalyst (Catalyst (Cat/Lys)) [They/Them]
QF - Queried Future (Future) [She/They]
Navigation Tags
#GBN log [Number] - Non-Ask logs
#Ask Response - Ask logs/responses
#GBN shitpost - Non-Canon memes etc
#rw art month - art month content (contains canon lore)
#GBN refs - references for the characters
#GBN ancients - content regarding the creators of our iterators
#GBN Act 0 - https://www.tumblr.com/global-broadcast-network/745130370665758720/gbn-act-0?source=share
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hollowgirl136 · 7 months
In the spirit of Halloween, I thought it would be fun to post an old AU that I was inspired to make before S3 aired based off the ragtag group that is the Coven Heads.
So before Thanks to Them aired, I got the wildest thought on a possible "What If" about the fate of the Coven Heads with The Collector being freed. Long story short, thought it would be a cruel twist of fate if they ended up cursed like Eda because The Collector, going to call them T.C. for now, wanted to make them more "fun" for the "Owl House" game.
Essential, when the kids came back they ended up going to Eda place and are ambushed by a fully Cursed Raine which. After Luz finds one of Eda potions still hidden in the house, Raine tells them what happened while they were gone. One resolution battle later with T.C. and Belos, it's now up to the kids to find the other heads and change them back cause, per Eda, no one deserves to lived trapped in their own bodies.
Half a season worth of adventures later to find and revert the heads back to their original forms, with no cure for being cursed discovered yet despite T.C. powers, Eda and Lilith takes it upon themselves to teach them how to lived their new lives.
Some rough sketches of what their "hybrid" forms look like once they harmonized with their curse beasts.
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Additional details under the cut.
Raine curse beast is a "vampire" bat and the kids find them in Eda place cause they sought out a place of safety after transforming. Their compromise with the beast is to drink blood every so often, much to their disgust. Is granted night vision and flight when in hybrid form.
Darius curse beast is a kraken and the kids find them in the sea. Refused to fight Hunter, so the kids used that to their advantage to defeat them. Their compromise with the beast is to do long soaks in sea water, to his annoyance cause "sea water is horrible for his skin". Is granted the ability to breath under water and a octopus ability to squeeze into small places.
Eberwolf curse beast is a manticore and was found near Darius cause, despite being lost in their own mind they still sought out their friend/brother. Was the fastest to compromise with their curse cause they didn't mind eating raw meat. Is granted a prehensile "leech tail, alongside increased strength and speed in their hybrid form.
Adrian curse beast is a spynx and the kids find him in an abandoned theater/castle since some part of him still wanted to be near civilization. The only head who has a beast who the kids can understand in full curse form. Takes the longest to compromise with their beast cause they both have massive ego's, and the fact that Adrian does not want to read a whole philosopher book or eat rats. Is granted flight and increased cat like reflexes.
Terra curse beast is a giant snake, and the kids find her in an overgrown forest caused by her magic still being "active". Her compromise with the beast is to eat live animals and daily sunbathing. Her hybrid form turns her into a Lamia similar to a boa constrictor.
Vitimir curse beast is a mosquito/dragon hybrid and is found buzzing around a cliff face where Hettie curse form also resided. Their compromised with their cursed beast is to drink blood. Their hybrid form grants them flight, a needle tongue, and the ability to store liquids in a "throat sack" that they then can use to spray people with boiling/noxious liquids.
Hettie curse beast is a minotaur and is found in a cave on a cliff. Her compromised involved her eating raw meat. Her hybrid form grants her increase strength and improved sense of hearing and smell.
Mason curse beast is a lava golem and is found in a basin where they were literally melting the surrounding area where they walked. Matt and Steve have to help turn him back to normal. His compromise with his beast is to eat rocks/stones and sunbathing. His hybrid forms allows him to manipulate heat and create magma from the rocks he consumes.
Osran curse beast form is a giant spider and is found deep in a cave. His compromised with his beasts involves eating insects. His hybrid forms grants extra mobility, armor like chitin, web making from his snot (much to his chagrin), and improved night vision.
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omen-of-ice · 5 months
Care to share some facts about the ROs?
Has an aviary filled with song birds from various parts of Arlatha— one of his favorite ways to pass the time is walking through it, simply listening to the beautiful melodies of the world.
Is quite adept at archery, along with his swordsmanship, but he tends to stay away from it; the act bringing up too many memories that he’d rather keep buried. It makes his life easier and the weight on his shoulders that much easier to bear.
His mother is still very much alive but his father has been dead for around three centuries at this point— barely a blip to an elf, meaning his mother can still be seen garbed in black.
His crown is crafted from the metal of his late father’s sword — something that had been requested of him.
Typically keeps to himself, but you’ll see him be surrounded by a varying about of courtesans/diplomats during the day— his carefully constructed mask hiding how much he wished to be anywhere else.
Has a war horse that he’s had with him ever since he earned his sword— a carnivorous beast known as Akasha.
Despite what his appearance may showcase, Larak has a deep love for rabbits/bunnies and small insects like butterflies. He finds them to have a true warriors spirit; to be able to survive in a world like this one.
He has tattoos along both of his arms— the one on his right being his coming of age tattoo that’s made around the injury he acquired while on the hunt. The one on his left is one made for the people he’s lost.
Typically carries a great sword or a battle axe— preferring two-handed weaponry as it’s the easiest for him to wield.
Enjoys warm weather— as it reminds him of his home back in the Infernal Plains.
When she’s out of her human form— Calypso grows razor sharp teeth, claws, and fins appear on her forearm (along with gills on her neck). All of the hallmarks of a poignant underwater predator.
Can stomach surface food but prefers fish, crustacean, kelp, and sea birds over anything else— sirens being mainly carnivorous (although they do eat plants at times). She does enjoy chocolate though.
Even when she’s in her human form she can breathe underwater; a fact that she uses to go on hunts for longer periods of time. Her enhanced eyesight underwater helping that a great deal too.
You’ll sometimes find flecks of old scale left behind— as they, like all skin, replace itself whenever they die. Calypso typically tries to keep them moisturized as much as possible in order to abate any of the itchiness it can cause.
Is deathly afraid of horses. She doesn’t like them, but she finds sharks and krakens absolutely adorable. The big puppies of the sea.
Has trained in a variety of different fields to better ensure the safety of Vela’thian and her king— she takes her job seriously, it’s one of the things that brings her the greatest joy in life.
Has three birds of prey that typically hang around her— barring the various other birds she uses for her spies messages— due to them bonding with her: a raven, an owl, and an eagle (respectively).
Speaks a variety of languages, and their varying dialects, due to the nature of her work and needing to understand any and all messages that come through.
Does the more unsavory work for Vela’thian that Daeron wishes didn’t have to occur, but would be foolish to believe that it’s not a necessity.
Has a deep love for reading— you’d be able to find her spending time with the library (if she’s not in her tower) next to a crackling hearth.
Cares for you a great deal. They don’t have a family to speak of, which means that you’ve sort of become their family. They’d do anything for you.
Due to their heritage, extreme levels of cold/ice don’t truly bother them but extreme heat can be a bit of an issue for them. It’s not something that they truly like, but they’d be able to persevere.
Proudly announced that they were going to be your Knight, your loyal guard, the third day after you met them, and they’ve been training for it ever since.
Typically doesn’t eat meat that often— barring venison. As it rarely ever sits well within their stomach.
Would go the ends of the world if you asked them to.
Their draconic form is bigger than what’s typical for a draconian. Something that made them be deemed as the brightest among their siblings… Until, of course, certain events happened that ruined it.
A bit of a sadist, not gonna lie… Not in a physical abuse kind of way… More in a, I’m going to bite you and potentially draw blood sort of way during sex.
Has a presence that can command a room, a voice that never has to be raised to be heard, which has been very useful to them for a long time. It’s something that’s garnered attention from a large amount of people. You’re the first person that’s ever truly caught their attention though. Whether that’s a bad or good thing? Only time will tell.
Has three little dragons that stay perched on their shoulder, or somewhere nearby, that they absolutely adore. Would kill anyone that tried to hurt their babies.
Is immune to fire completely due to their heritage… Though they don’t typically enjoy warmer weather. As it reminds them too much of a home they’ll probably never be allowed to go back to.
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comparativetarot · 5 months
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Death. Art by Nara Lesser, from Neurotic Owl’s Faerytale Tarot.
I’m feeling cautious today so the listings for this one are just Death/Mermaid instead of The Little Mermaid.  The fairytale is public domain, my version has literally no resemblance to the animated movie, but Disney will absolutely take it down based purely on a title or tags and then I have to wait months for an adjudicator somewhere to look at the damn thing and admit it’s not their IP.  I went through it with an old Rapunzel painting, which featured a Japanese Rapunzel, actually named Mizuni (but with Rapunzel in parentheses) in a kimono, but still got pulled just in case it might have anything to do with Tangled.   Sigh.
ANYWAY.  This is one of the first cards that popped into my head and I’m pretty excited that it worked out almost exactly as I pictured it.
The Little Mermaid is, even for an HCA story, deeply obsessed with death.  The reason the protagonist goes to the sea witch isn’t primarily because she’s fallen in love at first sight with a handsome pirnce – it’s because she wants and immortal soul.  In Andersen’s story, mermaids live for hundreds of years, but when they die they dissolve into sea foam.  The only way to gain an immortal soul is to win the love of a human, so it dovetails nicely that she has a crush on a human prince.
Most of the story progresses as you know it, though there’s no real trickery making the prince fall in love with someone else – he just does.  But on that wedding night, the little mermaid’s sisters rise out of the sea to her, crying, to give her a special knife they traded their hair for.  They tell her that if she’ll go stab the prince and let the blood fall on her legs, they’ll turn back into a tail and she can live out the rest of her natural lifespan with them.  If she doesn’t do it, when the sun rises she’ll dissolve into sea foam and be gone forever.   (Weird Disney wasn’t into this, huh?)
She makes the merciful choice and leaps into the sea as the sun rises, dissolving into foam but then rising up as a Spirit of the Air, ready to live again in a new form and with a new chance to gain an immortal soul.  (The rules about that are, naturally, sort of moralistic and sanctimonious and basically blame crying children for lengthening the spirits’ limbo, so yeah, still an Andersen story.)
So you can see why this was such a natural choice for the card -she’s dying, transforming, and being reborn, all at once.
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