#ownership dreams
furiousgoldfish · 1 year
A lot of us don't hear this often, but you can live your life however you want. It doesn't need to adjust to anyone else's expectations, plans or needs, you can choose to do whatever you want with it! Even if it's something that isn't convenient to everyone else, even if it's the opposite of everyone's expectations, even if nobody else approves. It's your life only, only you get a say. It doesn't matter what everyone else wants from you, you are the sole owner of your life, and you can choose to do as you please. Nobody else gets a say.
Even if the entire world thinks you're selfish, unreasonable, unstable, insane, or doing it 'wrong', they still have absolutely no say over how you do it! If you feel that doing something unconventional or strange will give you joy, will bring you happiness and peace, will make you want to get up in the morning and make you look forward to your day, then this is what you go after. And if you don't know what would do this for you, your job is to find out, to try everything until something lights you up with joy.
And for all the people who try to tell you that you "can't do that" or you're "too xyz to do that", or "will end up x if you do that", you can walk all over their words, because you'll find out they're not standing behind them. If you ask them what they personally plan to do to stop you, you'll find out it's nothing, they were only willing to use the cheapest, dirtiest method of sabotage, with zero follow through. Their words are worthless, you can respond with 'watch me' and live your life however you want. Even if you're after a dream that seems impossible, if chasing towards that dream brings you joy, then that's the path you can choose to take. Nobody gets to judge you for that, and nobody has the right to take that away from you.
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cdroloisms · 9 months
l'manburg is colonialism is out lmanburg is stantwt is in
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thesirencult · 11 months
"I am concerned that too many people are focused too much on money and not on their greatest wealth, which is their education. If people are prepared to be flexible, keep an open mind and learn, they will grow richer and richer through the changes. If they think money will solve the problems, I am afraid those people will have a rough ride. Intelligence solves problems and produces money. Money without financial intelligence is money soon gone."
- Robert Kiyosaki, Rich Dad Poor Dad
I will forever remember the first college class I took in my current degree on philosophy and history.
It was an "Introduction to Philosophy" class. The teacher proceeded to say that self help is not philosophy, because philosophy doesn't have practical appliance (!) is just a way to think about thoughts.
The noble teacher then, who didn't want to make money off of self help books but from textbooks the government buys in crazy prices to give to the students talked about Thales.
One of the first philosophers that set foot on our planet, Thales was an avid mathematician and astronomer. He also calculated the weather and knew how oil production will be based on that, then he made the decision if he would invest on oil or plant more olive trees.
Some classmates were flagger busted. How could a noble philosopher use his knowledge for something so dirty? Making money.
I obviously raised my hand and opened the gates of hell.
Education is important. Period. But self education? Non-negotiable.
Going to college and getting a degree, if you have the means to do that or if it's affordable in your country, will open many doors for you.
Both new rich and old rich send their kids to the best educational institutions, even if they "make fun" of people who went to college.
Having a degree and being business minded will make you unstoppable.
Now, if you want to be a triple threat you can not skip self-education.
As an example, learning history is very important. Looking back to our past can help us notice patterns and make us better at decision making. At school AND college though, history is not taught correctly. Seeing with one eye may be good but seeing with both is much better.
Now, you may ask me : Why do many highly educated people and college professors do not become wealthy ?
The answer is not simple but can be brought down to this : They prefer stroking their own ego over coming to terms with the fact that you are the only one who can save yourself and no amount of books you read will do it for you. Reading books does not by itself make you more valuable. Only if you utilise what you learn you will become a money making asset.
Many academics love to seat on their high horse (I believe many college students have noticed this) and they find money immoral and their studies "noble".
If you know nothing about economics, law, taxes and human psychology you will not advance. If you do not cultivate a wealth mindset you will not advance. If you let your ego get in your way you will not advance.
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cowboyjen68 · 8 months
Hey Jen, Ive spent my whole life around acreage and ranching, and I want to get into owning land and horsemanship.. but Im not sure how. I know just enough to know what information im missing, but research only goes so far when its such a hands on skill. Would volunteering at barns be worth the time? Are queer friendly barns even a thing?
Thank you
I would say most places like horse rental facilities are neutral rather than "friendly". If you can do the job that is all they care about.
Some places like horse rescues and riding facilities that cater to therapy, special needs kids and adults and mental health improvement are probably more likely a little more aware of social issues.
My advice about getting an acreage is use your time now to pay off debt, live under your wage intake so you can save and invest is a small starter house that does not need a ton of money to fix it up. You can build equity in a small but decent house and enjoy the space without the contant stress of repair and construction. You can focus on working and saving and the house is earning you money.
Use the time to think about what you want. Do you want a hobby farm, an acreage that is for only a few horses? Do you want to create a business that is around horses like stall rental? Classes? Trail rides? Each of these will require a different size and location. When you do move to the country you might have to keep a city job which mean make sure you can either easily commute OR you can work from home in which case internet is important.
THe main things to decided are if you want a fixer upper or an ready to move in home. Keep in mind if you get a fixer upper that IS A FULL time job and can be time consuming and expensive. It is sometimes better to spend more for a home that is live in ready and updated
Make sure anything you buy in a rural area has a healthy well, (or access to a rural water coop), including to the barn, modern electrical (not wiring from 1920) good insulation and solid windows and access to good, if not great, internet. These basics will make life so much less stressful. IF there is room consider finding (and vetting) a roommate to share some payments and chores in the event you must (or want to) travel or if you were to get injured or sick and just need a hand for a while.
Don't get horse or goats until your fence and a cover (like a barn or lean to) is finishes and move in ready. Your neighbors do not want your goats on their front porch or you horse running into their new truck during a bad storm. IT is true, good fences make good neighbors.
Research the area for jobs and resources like groceries, hardware and make sure UPS etc WILL deliver to your home. Some places they will not. And make sure your gravel road is maintained by the county so you are not responsible to lay gravel or snowplow.
Hope some of this helps
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tauforged · 5 months
Is keeping sea slugs difficult? I love them and probably won't get them anytime soon because cats but if I ever do...
i’d say it’s pretty difficult, yeah. depends on what species you’re looking at, but all nudibranchs (and ‘things-that-get-labeled-as-nudibranchs-even-though-they-technically-aren’t, like the blue velvet slugs i just got) are very picky eaters and will often Exclusively eat one type of food down to species. the ‘easiest’ are probably lettuce slugs, as they’re algae grazers, but even then some say they’ll only eat certain species of macroalgae.
i have two species of slugs in my nano reef right now— berghia nudibranchs and the blue velvet slugs. i bought them because i have an excess of pest animals that they both prey on exclusively (aiptasia anemones for the berghia and flatworms for the velvets) and can’t control these pests via chemical means (for the safety of the other animals in my tank) or mechanical (they’re very hard to fully remove and i have hand tremors anyway), but it’s often accepted that if you don’t have a good supply of what these guys eat, they’ll starve to death pretty fast.
of the two, i’d honestly say the berghia nudis are generally easier to keep - lot of people will breed them and just keep a separate tank full of aiptasia to feed them with, since they’re very fast growing anemones. blue velvets are a bit harder because they’ve got short lifespans as-is and flatworms are hard to get ahold of except for by accident, while some people purposefully culture and sell aiptasia as feeders.
i’m taking a STRONG gamble with my slugs, and honestly i’m only doing it because i have a fair amount of confidence in my ability to maintain good water conditions, but even then it’s not bulletproof. they’re one of those things where even if you do everything “right”, they still might not thrive because we don’t really know them as well as we know, say, shrimp or corals just yet. for me this is really my only option for handling my flatworm problem, so i’m taking that risk, but it may not work out and i’m prepared for that outcome.
i’m hoping the will continue to improve when it comes to getting better at keeping and breeding these animals, though, because they’re very cool! while i can’t say i’d want to see them wild-caught in the pet trade, the ability to aquaculture them would be a huge step. and it would be wonderful to see them in aquariums more often :)
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wildpeachfarm · 6 months
There was never a heterosexual explanation for him wearing the Dream Hoodie during the christmas stream
There was no heterosexual explanation for him having that hoodie in london in the first place and SPRAYING IT WITH DREAMS COLOGNE like george has demons that are bigger than we will ever know
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oogaboogaspookyman · 9 months
Dayum i had a Murder Drones dream bruh
I'll tell ya the clips i remember from it, if any
Soooo there's a point where N is inside a school and he's looking around for sumthin' idfk and he stumbles upon a little girl drone with white eyes and i think jet black hair?? And she's obviously a fun lover that doesn't wanna be here but she recognizes it's a necessity so she rolls with it and does her stuff as told– okay so apparently she's gotta finish some homework about animals, what they are and what they do, the sort, and she's like- talking a lot about her home and how her family has to pay for wifi or sumthin' etc etc and N just goes "oh is that homework? Do you have to describe animals? I can help!"
And then the girl drone (who i'm calling Leni) just goes "yeah it's homework, boring but i gotta do it- it's something about animals, what they do and all- i sortaaaaa didn't finish it because i was bored out of my mind..." And N just spots a Sonic figurine on a shelf somewhere and goes "hey, what if you talked about that guy over there?" He means the Sonic figurine on the shelf, "what does a hedgehog do? Does it like anything? You could describe a hedgehog, it's an animal!" And Leni is just. "Heh, thanks dude!" And my lordy the smile N gives it kills me oughhhh yes baby boy you did a help a girl with homework!!! Uzi is lucky to have you ough
Another clip! There's the typical big dumb creepy guy that puts kids in detention trope! Yeah he just scruffs one like a cat and tosses them onto a hook, hanged like cloth (NOT HURT THOUGH! ALIVE AND HEALTHY!) And they're just "hey dude what did i do?! Get me off this thing!!" And the big creepy guy just. Giggles at 'em as he walks away. Idfk what else happened after that- but it has to do with N???? Did he fuck up????? He's a good boy who did no wrong wtf he stopped killing a long time ago!!! The Uzi simp allegations are exaggerrated!!!!!! Leave him alone bitch!!!!!!!!
So apparently the detention drone is just like. Roaming around the school, and N is just staying out of it's sight at all times– keeping Leni safe from it too because they're buddies now and he's a good boy– and at some point taps his foot on the floor lightly to make a sound to test if it can hear and... It does not. It's big stupid AND probably deaf. Or they're just lucky idk lol
Also Cyn is there too. There's a moment after the whole detention drone shebang where Cyn pops up behind some doors and is accompanied by like- another girl drone with ponytails and black hair that is also Solver infected, and she's already gotten the eldritch claws for hands too so she's probably been infected before even like- Camp Fever, to give you an idea of the time frame, and Cyn is just. "You said "shit" now you're getting punished" and apparently getting taken out of the school is a punishment??? They're just. Grabbed and Cyn fuckin' flies away with them both, leaving them with the rest of the gæng in a like- place with two random drop pods like the ones from episode 1 and 3, and fun fact! V and Uzi are there! They're alive and well! And yes N hugs Uzi first thing, ig Leni gets to meet the rest of the bunch now lol.
Oh yeah there's also Tessa i guess lmfao idk what she's lookin' for now
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xxmarvelouslifexx · 1 month
Hmmm perhaps way too personal of a post. But been thinking of my future (first mistake). And I realized I do want to get married one day and have a family. I was out at an event that happened to have a bunch of families with their young children around. And I couldn't even be annoyed by them, I just thought wow wouldn't that be beautiful.
I think I was so hesitant on having children because I was hesitant to have a future at all. For a very long time I was resigned to dying miserable and alone to make sure I never disappointed my family with my deeply repressed sexuality. But I have finally let that go. And I want things. I want someone to share a life with.
And now I'm 26, and that's not so old in the grand scheme of things. But children are kind of a time sensitive thing and finding someone takes time and break ups and false starts. I'm afraid I'm already too late.
I've never even dated anyone at all. And going into the dating world looking for someone to seriously settle down with seems like a lot to ask. I don't even know where to start meeting people.
Anyways maybe I'm setting myself up for disappointment. Or maybe it'll all work itself out in the end. I guess I have to try putting myself out there (the horrors).
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arawsuu · 3 months
I should work on my webcomic again and actually like... draw it this time
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yearning-gay · 5 months
i dreamt that i was being eaten out while cuddling a fat transfem (or i was eating her out also im not sure) and to say i was devastated to be woken up is a goddamn understatement
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deanmarywinchester · 5 months
disappointed I might not be able to take the real estate finance class in my program <- insane sentences. what have I become
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littlerequiem · 20 days
Kinda thinking about creating Levi's house from my postwar fic in the Sims 4 🤔 if only I was actually good with the building mode fdjhindfkj
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wolfspaw · 1 month
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As the price of housing has gone up, this is awesome, for first-time homebuyers. No more dreams just for some but dreams for EVERYONE!
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ratatatastic · 1 month
ngl its absolutely crazy how much winning a cup has rewritten history and the narrative™ because hearing "theres nothing negative you can say about being a florida panther" NOW. KEY WORD ON NOW. Because this absolutely was not the fucking case even since the franchises inception like even this year yall were making fun of our attendance numbers despite them being one of the best theyve ever been LIKE HUH. WHAT DID WE FORGET THE WHOLE SOFLO IS NOT A HOCKEY MARKET WE SHOULD MOVE THIS FRANCHISE. WE'RE BEGGING PEOPLE TO FILL THE LOWER BOWL. OH I FEEL BAD FOR SASHA AND EKKY FOR BEING DOOMED TO A FRANCHISE. THIS PLACE IS AN EMBARRASMENT. ETC. are we forgetting all that. are we just not going to acknowledge that.
#txt#“you guys are living the dream!” i remember explicitly florida being a destination for the doomed#like this is absolutely insane to say to someone who got drafted by the them and had to live through the horrors#i feel as though soflo teams are very prevalent with the oh you got traded over their? i feel sorry for you buddy#like its the same narrative with fish except our glory days are behind us and our ownership is so fucking shitty#like anytime youre traded over here its treated like a funeral and a punishment#i feel like context for these type of sentences are so important#ekky literally going yeah tsa and police officers greeted us and said thank you and we've never had that#“its been pretty quiet over here” is a light way of putting it#i think the best way i can try to explain to people not in soflo about all this is thay#when cats played in dade i did not hear a single peep about them. no one talked about them even in the schoolyard.#and we loved talking about sports recaps??? like ive always remember talking about the fish heat and dolphins#ive always been invited out to those games as a kid and just enjoying it#i remember players getting invited to my school and afterschool programs or getting invited to the stadium and chilling with them#never once was a panthers player invited#we never went to games. they never went to my school. nothing.#hell for an early portion of my life i didnt even realise we had a hockey team and im a big sports fanatic#a friend when i was younger from upstate was like hockeys pretty cool ill take you to a game one day and i was like we have hockey?#it was a sport you saw on the car dealership tvs as toddled about and nowhere else#like man quiet is really putting it lightly
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tonight’s soundtrack for reading the historiography of polish-jewish relations during ww2
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wnine · 1 year
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FLORES APARTMENT, Lisboa | Fantastic Frank
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