#pandora silver bracelet
crowned-peony · 2 months
Tell me of a sentimental item(s) you have
I wanna listen to the story about who gave it to you or how you got it
Is it with you every day? Is it somewhere safe?
#Ill share mine♡#I have a ring from my grandmother a gold bracelet and silver bracelets from my mother a pandora bracelet from my in laws and a stitch plush#from my love#My grandmother one day saw my mom wearing a ring that matches my engagement ring and said how pretty#we werent even dating and completely forgot about black friday (my bday landed on that day that year) when he asked his mom to take#my mom told my grandma that i gave it to her (my mom) and next time my mom visited my grandma#my grandma comes out of her room holding a ring she had since she was a little girl!#my grandma was orphaned at 5 and stayed only a few years with her evil aunt and uncle (they took everything her parents left her)#and when she ran away was able to take back some of her mothers jewelry. My grandma wanted to trade rings with my mom#My grandma wears my ring every day and i wear hears#My mom gave me 7 silver (my fave precious metal) for my golden birthday and the gold bracelet has my family nickname on it#it was customed made with some of her leftover gold jewelry (we were poor and she had to pawn almost all she owned to pay bills#and lost so much when she couldnt repay money) my grandfather spoiled her and my aunts and uncle so much when he was alive#my mom doesnt regret pawning jewelry but she still hurts from losing it#The bracelet fits big on me (its one you need to use a pin to push down to unlock) and it can just slide out if i wiggle my wrist#The pandora bracelet is a simple silver one with heart lock and i only have 2 charms on it#a stich charm and a graduation charm. i got stitch with bracelet on Christmas a few years back and graduation when i got my bachelors#the stitch plush was given to me freshman year of high school by hubby#before we even stared dating#he forgot black friday (day my bday landed on) when he went to mall to get me a present#that stitch was my comfort item like it went almost everywhere with me (it has had to be restuffed twice cause he gotten flat)#and has stayed safe in plushie heaven for last 2 years (its a hanging pink net hammock for stuffed animals) cause#a giant squishmallow stitch is my pillow and a unicorn squishmallow (was my previous pillow) take up all the space
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a-dash-in-the-middle · 3 months
i actually do like jewellery as a gift bc when i wear it i feel like i have a part of the people who gifted it with me
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Jewelry is the Best Gift Ever: Know Why
Stylessence Fine Jewellery's exquisite collection features stunning Gold Close Pins that are perfect for adding a touch of elegance to any outfit. These finely crafted pieces are sure to impress with their intricate designs and exceptional quality. For more information, please visit https://stylessencej.com/
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hd-junglebook · 5 months
Does He Know?
Part 1 - Word Count 4075
Authors Note: before you scroll away lets pretend Vince is not a hockey player for the plot.
Summary - In this you will meet Vince and Y/N, the beginning is so cute ngl I was kicking my feet imagining this in real life. Jack is introduced later, pls lmk what you think after you read. Enjoy !
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warning - cuteness, hot men, cursing, men being men. the rest I cannot write because it's a spoiler.
Next Chapter Link Here
Y/N and Vince were snuggled up on the plush, charcoal gray couch in their cozy apartment. The living room was bathed in the warm, soft glow of the floor lamp in the corner, casting long shadows across the hardwood floors.
On the television, an episode of "The 100" played, the sound of the dramatic post-apocalyptic dialogue filling the room. As the show cut to a commercial break, Vince turned to Y/N, his dark eyes reflecting the flickering light from the TV screen.
A thoughtful expression crossed his handsome face, his brows furrowing slightly as he contemplated his next words.
"Hey, I've been thinking about something lately," he said, his deep voice barely audible over the background noise of the television.
She shifted slightly on the couch, the soft fabric of her oversized sweater brushing against Vince's arm. "Mhmm? What's on your mind, baby?" she asked, caressing his curls.
Vince took a deep breath, a smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. "What do you think about the idea of starting a family? Of having a baby together?"
Y/N's eyes widened. A mix of joy and excitement washed over her delicate features, a rosy blush coloring her cheeks.  "Really? You want to have a baby with me?"
Vince nodded, his smile growing wider, revealing a hint of the dimples that Y/N adored. "Absolutely. I can't imagine anything better than creating a life with you, raising a child together."
Y/N felt tears prickling at the corners of her eyes, overwhelmed by the love and happiness that swelled in her heart. She threw her arms around Vince, hugging him tightly. The delicate clink of her silver Pandora bracelet filled the air as she caressed the soft strands of his hair.
"I would love that," she whispered, her voice thick with emotion. "I've always dreamed of being a mom, of having a family with you."
Vince held her close, his strong arms enveloping her in a warm embrace. He stroked her hair gently, his fingers running through the silky strands.
"Just think about it," he said softly, his breath tickling her ear. "When you're tired from a long day, I'll come home and rub your feet, just like this."
He reached down and took Y/N's feet in his hands, massaging them gently. Y/N giggled, the sensation tickling her skin. The sound of the television faded into the background as "The 100" resumed, the dramatic music and dialogue a distant hum compared to the intimate moment they were sharing. Y/N giggled, the sensation tickling her skin.
"Keep going," she encouraged, sighing in contentment.
Vince grinned, continuing his ministrations, his fingers kneading the soft skin of her feet. "And whenever you get cranky or have cravings, I'll go to the convenience store and grab all your favorite snacks. I'll take care of you, every step of the way."
Y/N felt her heart swell with love for this man, for the future they were planning together. She gazed into his eyes, seeing the reflection of their dreams and hopes mirrored in their depths.
"And our baby," she said softly, "they'll have my face and your hair." Vince chuckled. "A perfect combination. They'll be the most beautiful child in the world."
They were in love, they were happy, and they were ready to start the next chapter of their lives together.
Four months later…
The morning sunlight filtered through the curtains, casting soft rays of gold across the spacious living room of Y/N and Vince's upscale apartment in Hoboken. Y/N stood by the window, sipping on a cup of coffee with way too much milk, her gaze fixed on the bustling city below.
"Vince," Y/N called out, turning away from the window to face her partner, who was hastily getting ready for work. The sound of Vince throwing his pajamas on the ground echoed through the room, a subtle indication of his frustration.
Y/N watched as Vince moved around the room, gathering his things and preparing for the day ahead. "Can't you stay for just a few more minutes? We barely see each other anymore."
Vince, already halfway out the door, paused for a moment, a hint of frustration flickering across her features. Vince's dark brown hair sat perfectly, catching the sunlight as he turned to face Y/N. The olive hue of his skin seemed to glow in the morning light.
"I'm sorry, Y/N," Vince replied, his voice tinged with resignation. "I've got an early meeting today. I can't afford to be late again."
Y/N's heart sank at the familiar excuse. It seemed like work always came first for Vince, leaving little time or energy for her relationship.
This became an everyday occurrence, her begging for the bare minimum and him pushing her away but always finding a way to make up for it in the bedroom. And even that had gotten boring. She forced a smile, masking her disappointment.
"That's what you always say, Vince! It's always about work with you. What about us? What about our relationship?"
Vince's eyes narrowed. "You know how important my career is to me, Y/N. I'm doing this for us, for our future."
"But what kind of future will we have if we never spend any time together? You’re not doing this for us, it’s for you," Y/N countered, her voice rising. "I feel like I'm living with a ghost. You're never here, and when you are, you're too tired or distracted to really be present."
"That's not fair," Vince argued. "I'm working hard to provide for us. I thought you understood that."
"I do understand, Vince. But I have a hard job and I’m not neglecting you. There has to be a balance. I need more than just financial security and whiskey dick every once in a while. I need a partner who is actually present in our relationship."
Vince glanced at his watch, his impatience growing. "Look, Y/N, I don't have time for this right now, I can’t stand your nagging so early in the morning. Can we talk about this later?"
Y/N threw up her hands in exasperation. "When Vince? When will you have time for me, for us? Because it feels like that time is never going to come."
Vince sighed heavily. "I promise I will come home early tonight, and we will talk. I'm doing the best I can, Y/N. I'm sorry if that's not enough for you."
With that, Vince turned and walked out the door, leaving Y/N standing alone in the bedroom. She wandered back to the office, where her computer sat waiting on the desk, surrounded by piles of paperwork.
With a heavy sigh, Y/N sank into the chair, her mind filled with thoughts of the growing distance between her and Vince.
Where had it all gone wrong?
Her eyes wandered to the framed photographs scattered throughout the room, memories frozen in time—vacations, celebrations, moments of laughter and love shared between them and Vince.
Each image seemed to mock Y/N, a painful reminder of the happiness they once shared. After a moment of introspection, she finally rose from the chair and made her way out into the hall, heading towards her office.
She busied herself with work, trying to drown out the nagging doubts and insecurities that gnawed at her mind. Hours passed in a blur, the click-clack of the keyboard the only sound in the silent apartment.
As the afternoon wore on, Y/N's phone chimed with an incoming text. Her heart leapt for a moment, hoping it was Vince with good news, but her hopes were quickly dashed. "Working late again tonight. Don't wait up. - V" the message read.
Y/N sighed heavily, disappointment washing over her. It seemed Vince was always working late these days. She couldn't remember the last time they'd had a relaxing evening together, just the two of them.
Trying to shake off the melancholy thoughts, Y/N decided a hot shower might help clear her head. She made her way to the master bathroom and turned the faucet on, letting the water heat up as she undressed.
Steam began to fill the room as she stepped into the tub and slid down until she was sitting, knees pulled up to her chest, letting the spray of water cascade over her.
The heat seeped into her tense muscles, Y/N's mind drifted to happier times with Vince. She thought back to their early days of dating, how attentive and affectionate he had been.
Weekends spent exploring the city, lazy Sunday mornings tangled up in each other, stolen kisses and inside jokes. They had been so in love, so sure of their future together.
But somehow, over the past three years, they had gotten off track. The demands of both their careers meant less and less quality time together.
At first it was just dinners cut short or date nights postponed. But soon, it felt like they were two ships passing in the night, occasionally sharing space but never really connecting.
Silent tears mixed with the rivulets of water running down Y/N's face as she sat there lost in thought. How had they let things get to this point?
Was there still a way to find their way back to each other? She wasn't sure anymore. But she knew she wasn't ready to give up on their marriage yet, even if it felt like Vince already had.
With a sigh, Y/N reached forward and shut off the water, watching the last of it swirl down the drain. She couldn't hide in here forever.
Grabbing a fluffy towel, she stepped out and began drying off, resigned to another solitary evening.
Y/N couldn't shake the feeling that something was off with Vince. In the week since their argument, his behavior had only become more erratic.
Late nights at the office were becoming more frequent, and when he was home, he always seemed to be on the phone, speaking in hushed tones and ending the call abruptly whenever she entered the room.
She had tried to convince herself that it was just work stress, that Vince was dealing with a big project or a demanding client. But the canceled plans and missed dinners were starting to pile up, and Y/N's suspicions were growing.
Y/N felt like a detective, piecing together clues and trying to unravel the mystery of her husband's behavior. But the picture that was emerging was not a pretty one.
Deep down, Y/N feared that Vince was hiding something from her, something that could shatter their already fragile marriage.
Amidst these swirling doubts, Y/N found herself at a family gathering, surrounded by well-meaning relatives who were all too eager to pry into her personal life. Her mother, who had never been a fan of Vince, was particularly persistent that night.
"Y/N, dear, have you met Ellens second son?" her mother asked, practically dragging a tall, handsome man over to where Y/N was standing. "He's single, successful, and quite the catch if you ask me."
Y/N's mother dragged her towards Jack, who was standing next to the piano with a champagne flute in hand. Y/N cursed under her breath as she walked hastily beside her mother.
As they approached, Jack looked up, his eyes as clear as the ocean. Y/N found herself momentarily transfixed by his gaze, a mix of confidence and intrigue.
"Hello, I'm Y/N," she introduced herself, trying to maintain her composure. "I'm sure you already know my mother." Y/N plastered on a polite smile, trying to ignore the twinge of annoyance she felt at her mother's meddling.
But as Jack started to talk, she found herself drawn in by his warmth and charm, forgetting all about the encounter.
Jack's lips curled into a small grin as he extended his hand. "Jack," he said simply, his voice smooth and inviting. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Y/N."
They shook hands, Y/N couldn't help but notice the firmness of his grip, the warmth of his skin against hers. There was something electric in his touch, a spark that made her heart skip a beat.
Her mother, sensing an opportunity, quickly excused herself. "I think I see Ellen in the crowd," she said with a knowing smile. "You two get acquainted. I'll be right back."
Y/N watched her mother disappear into the throng of guests, a mixture of relief and nervousness washing over her. She turned back to Jack, who was watching her with a curious expression.
"So…" she began, taking a sip of her margarita. "How come I haven't met you yet? I've met Quinn, but I've never seen you before."
He shrugged, trying to play it cool. "I guess we just run in different circles. Quinn's always been the social butterfly of the family." Jack sipped his drink, his eyes never leaving hers. "And what about you? What's your story, Y/N?"
Y/N hesitated, not sure how much she wanted to reveal to this handsome stranger. But there was something about Jack that made her want to open up, to let down her guard.
"Oh, you know," she said with a wry smile. "Just hangin around. I don’t really do much just work and sleep. Navigating life.
Jack's grin widened. "Aren't we all?" he said, raising his glass in a toast. "To the adventures that await us."
Y/N clinked her glass against his, feeling a rush of excitement and anticipation. There was something about Jack that made her feel alive, made her forget about the troubles and doubts that had been plaguing her.
He had a quick wit and an easy laugh, and Y/N found herself relaxing in his presence. Jack seemed genuinely interested in her, asking questions about her life and her interests. It was a stark contrast to the distant, distracted Vince she had been living with lately as they sipped their drinks.
As the evening wore on, Y/N couldn't help but notice the way Jack's eyes lingered on her, the way his hand brushed against hers as he reached for a drink. There was an undeniable attraction there, a spark that she hadn't felt in a long time.
But there was also something else about Jack, an edge of fun and mystery. He had a bit of a bad boy vibe, the kind of man her mother would normally warn her away from. Maybe that was part of the appeal, the thrill of a chase.
As the party wound down and Y/N said her goodbyes, Jack slipped a piece of paper into her hand. "My number," he said with a wink. "In case you ever want to grab a coffee and chat."
Y/N tucked the paper into her pocket, feeling a mix of excitement and guilt. She knew it was wrong to even consider reaching out to Jack, not when she was still married to Vince. But the seed had been planted, the temptation was there.
“I’m married, but I hope this isn't the last time we cross paths." y/n said as she took his hand in hers once more. "It was great meeting you, Jack."
"I hope not either," he said softly, meeting her gaze.
With a final squeeze of her hand and a roguish wink, Jack turned and melted into the crowd, leaving Y/N standing alone with her thoughts and her racing heart before she composed herself.
The soft click of the front door lock echoed through the quiet apartment as Vince stepped inside, a bouquet of vibrant red roses in one hand and a rustling plastic bag filled with Y/N's favorite snacks in the other.
The sweet, floral scent of the roses mingled with the aroma of buttery popcorn and rich chocolate wafting from the bag, creating an enticing blend that filled the entryway.
Vince's footsteps were muffled by the plush, cream-colored carpet as he made his way into the living room. The soft glow of the table lamp cast a warm, inviting light across the space, illuminating the cozy leather armchair and the intricately patterned throw blanket draped over its back.
As he rounded the corner, Vince's eyes fell upon Y/N, curled up on the overstuffed sofa, a well-worn paperback novel resting in her lap.
She looked up at the sound of his approach, her eyes widening slightly as she took in the sight of him standing there, an apologetic smile on his face and his arms laden with gifts.
For a moment, they simply stared at each other, a myriad of emotions passing between them in the silence. Y/N's gaze flickered from the roses to the snack bag, her brows furrowing slightly in confusion.
"What is that?" she asked, her voice soft and tinged with curiosity.
Vince took a step closer, extending the bouquet towards her. The crinkle of the cellophane wrapping seemed to punctuate the moment as he held them out, a peace offering.
"I'm sorry I ditched you," he said, his voice low and sincere. "I'll be home more from now on."
Y/N's expression softened as she reached out to take the roses, her fingers brushing against Vince's as she accepted them.
She brought the blooms to her nose, inhaling deeply, her eyes fluttering closed for a brief moment as she savored their delicate fragrance.
A small smile tugged at the corners of her lips, a hint of forgiveness in the curve of her mouth.
"Thank you," she murmured, setting the roses down on the coffee table with a gentle thud. The polished wood gleamed in the lamplight, reflecting the deep scarlet of the petals.
"And the snacks?" she asked, eyeing the bag with a mix of amusement and appreciation.
Vince grinned, the tension in his shoulders easing as he sensed her mood shifting. He plopped down on the sofa beside her, the cushions giving way beneath his weight with a soft whoosh.
"All your favorites," he said, rummaging through the bag, the crinkle of plastic and the rustle of packaging filling the air. "Popcorn, those little chocolate truffles you love, and..." he paused for dramatic effect, pulling out a small, familiar blue box, "your favorite tea."
Y/N let out a small, delighted laugh, the sound like music to Vince's ears. She reached for the box, turning it over in her hands, the cardboard smooth beneath her fingertips.
"You remembered," she said, her voice warm with affection.
"Of course I did," Vince replied, his tone light and teasing. "I may be forgetful sometimes, but I could never forget the little things that make you happy."
Y/N leaned into him, resting her head on his shoulder, the softness of her hair brushing against his cheek. Vince wrapped an arm around her, pulling her closer, the heat of her body seeping into his own.
For a moment, they sat there in comfortable silence, the soft ticking of the clock on the mantle and the distant hum of the refrigerator the only sounds in the room.
"I really am sorry," Vince said after a while, his voice barely above a whisper. "I know I haven't been around as much as I should be, but I promise, that's going to change."
Y/N tilted her head to look up at him, her eyes searching his face, a glimmer of hope and love shining in their depths. "I believe you," she said softly, reaching up to cup his cheek, her thumb brushing gently across his skin. "We'll make this work, together."
Vince turned his head, pressing a tender kiss to her palm, the warmth of his lips a silent promise.
It has been two weeks since her encounter with jack, now here she sat at her desk. She couldn't deny the spark she had felt, the way he had made her feel seen and desired in a way she hadn't experienced in a long time.
But even as she replayed their conversations in her head, a nagging sense of guilt tugged at her heart. She was still married to Vince, even if their relationship had been strained lately, he had done his best to come home earlier but duty calls.
Shaking her head to clear her thoughts, Y/N turned her attention to the pile of mail on her desk. She began sorting through the envelopes, her mind only half-focused on the task.
Bills, junk mail, a postcard from her sister's latest vacation...and then her hand stilled on a plain white envelope with no return address.
Frowning, Y/N tore open the envelope, her curiosity piqued Inside was a single sheet of paper, folded in half. As she unfolded it, her eyes widened in shock and disbelief.
It was a hotel receipt, dated from last weekend. The name on the receipt was Vince's, but the room was booked for two people. And there, at the bottom of the receipt, was a charge for a bottle of champagne and a couples' massage.
Y/N's heart pounded in her chest as the reality of what she was seeing sank in. Vince had been at a hotel with someone else, someone he had been intimate with. The betrayal hit her like a physical blow, stealing the breath from her lungs.
With shaking hands, Y/N reached for her phone. She scrolled through her recent calls until she found Vince's number and hit the call button.
It rang once, twice, three times before he picked up. "Hey babe, I’m really busy right now, can I call you later?” Vince's voice sounded casual, unaware of the bombshell that was about to be dropped.
"We need to talk," Y/N said, her voice trembling with barely contained emotion. "Can you come home please? It's important."
There must have been something in her tone that alerted Vince to the severity of the situation because he agreed without hesitation. "I'll be there in 20 minutes."
Y/N hung up the phone and took a deep, shuddering breath. She didn't know how she was going to confront Vince, what she was going to say.
All she knew was that their marriage, their life together, was about to change forever.
When Vince walked through the door, Y/N was waiting for him in the living room. His clothes were scattered around the apartment and their photos had been broken, the glass shards still remaining on the floor.
The smell of a floral perfume that definitely was not hers wafted into her nose.
She held up the hotel receipt, her eyes filled with tears and her voice shaking with anger. "What is this, Vince? And don't you dare try to lie to me."
Vince's face paled as he realized what she was holding. "A receipt?”
"No, you idiot!” Y/N cried, the tears now flowing freely down her face. "You've been cheating on me? You've been lying to me, sneaking around behind my back?"
"It's not what you think," Vince tried to defend himself, but his words sounded hollow even to his own ears.
"It's exactly what I think!" Y/N shouted. "How could you do this to me, to us? You were out getting rub downs at some hotel, Vince. I loved you."
Vince reached for her, but Y/N recoiled from his touch. She couldn't bear the thought of him touching her, not now, not after what he had done.
“I would cry myself to sleep next to you and you would turn away and complain. You didn’t care that you weren’t loving me the way I deserve to be loved!”
"Y/N, please," Vince pleaded. "It was a mistake. It didn't mean anything. I’ll end it right now, just...just please stop crying."
But Y/N wasn't listening anymore. She was lost in her own pain, her own sense of betrayal. The man she had built a life with, the man she had trusted with her heart, had shattered everything with his infidelity.
Y/N shook her head. "I don't know if we can fix this one, Vince. I don't know if I can ever trust you again. What am I supposed to do?" she questioned, her voice trembling with emotion as she looked up to meet his eyes with more emotion she had ever felt in her life.
“How long has this been going on.”
Vince's gaze faltered, his expression clouded with guilt and regret. He looked down at the cream-colored carpet, unable to meet Y/N's gaze. "Remember when I asked you to start a family?" he admitted, his voice barely above a whisper.
A flood of memories washed over her—dreams of a future together, plans for a family they had once shared.
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@rebelatbay @destineyxo13
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lollipopliccer · 9 months
𝔄 𝔥𝔢𝔞𝔯𝔱𝔣𝔢𝔩𝔱 𝔰𝔪𝔦𝔩𝔢 ❦
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❦ warning lollipop chaos ahead! proceed with caution… ❦ light angst , happy ending , ex getō suguru , tattoo artist suguru , set in a tattoo parlour , soft dom geto , praise , cunnilingus , masochism , light sadism & impact play , ig semi public and i guessss office sex
the descriptions of this tattoo experience is not accurate, i dunno shit abt tattoos (even tho i rlly wanna get one). so don't bite my fucking dick off with the technicalities! lets just b happy that i acc posted this hehehe
word count ; 5k ish
black fem reader (still all can read)
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lollipopliccer’s love letter ❦ … hiiiii lollipops 🪷 i just wanted to say thank u sm for the love on my debut fic i rlly appreciated it. i’m rlly excited for y’all to read this new one EEEEE. this one was also long as helllll (¬_¬), shit has just been ridiculous in my life rn so sorry abt the delay, i don’t even know y it took me this long just to write 5k ugh anywayyy. i’m excited, cus i always eat up geto tattoo artist head-cannons, mmmm they’re just so mm mm mm tasty. anyway this is my first time writing some angst, i usually stay clear away from any typa angst, i’ve already got enough of that in my life plss haahaa, i don’t even know what possessed me to dip my toe in it, but don’t worry it’s very light. okayy enough of the babble, pls enjoy my fic, and i’d appreciate all ur interaction, reposts, comments, feedback blah blah… mwah mwah mwah ( ੭ ˘ ³˘)੭‎°。⋆♡‧₊˚
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'i'm so excitteedddd' you squeal, as your best friend nobara parks her car, beside the tattoo parlor. you both had been planning your tattoos together for a few weeks now settling on the most beautiful matching heart design on both your bikini lines, whilst individually having unique patterns going through the (tatted) hearts.
"you better not fucking scream when you're actually under the gun" nobara chastises laughing.
"fuck you bitch, you already know i'm bad like that, not even gonna flinch" you taunt, as you both get out of her car.
you decided on wearing a fitted, short black dress, that accentuated your curves and hips but would also be easily manoeuvrable for your tattoo placement. shoko Ieiri your tattoo artist made sure you were comfortable with your design and placement.
underneath your dress, you wore bikini bottoms with side ties, for the same reasons as the dress - paired with some white trainers with pink embellishments. you complete your outfit with jewellery. including your pandora bracelet with silver and pink charms, a necklace, and stud earrings.
you both walk into the parlour, it's decorated all over its dark blue walls with a myriad of paintings, sketches, and different artworks. nobara leads you to the front desk as she had booked the appointment. you're greeted by a raven-haired girl with a short pixie cut.
"hey, are you guys here for your appointment?" she asks, as you notice her name tag- 'maki', and her tattoos and scars peeking through her top.
"yeah, um we had an appointment for 6:30 pm" nobara states, you can see her start to blush at maki.
"cool, yeah i'll check that out for you, umm..." maki responds
nobara so obviously interested in maki, decides to flirt, while you absent-mindedly look at the artwork placed across the shop. it's truly captivating, the deep dark hues and colours, so beautifully drawn, depicting what you could only describe as demons. they were more abstract than the stereotypical depiction, but these works somehow gave more meaning and conveyed more torment.
"so how long have you been working here, maki right?" nobara asks
"yeah, i started some months ago."
"that's cool, i love your tats”
“thank you, i um did some of em myself, nobara right?” maki responds getting nobara’s name from the booked appointment slot
“yeah…” nobara smiles shyly
“…are those your sketches up there? nobara asks, pointing to one of the sketches you've been staring at, there's a familiarity to the work displayed. but you can't put your finger on it.
"no um that's actually from another tattoo artist's, geto." maki answers.
you almost freeze, just from the mention of his name "who?!"
"uhh geto suguru, he owns the place, his artwork is all over these walls" maki responds to you.
a shiver runs up your spine "oh..."
"on that note, i'm sorry for the inconvenience girls, but shoko, your tattooist she had to take our other colleague gojo to the hospital- broke his arm doing some dumb shit. so she won't be able to actually give you your tattoo’s today, however we're able to swap her in for geto suguru, he just got back into town and is just as talented"
"shit" nobara turns to you, already knowing the issue from just his name alone, "yn i had no idea omg, i should've checked better, we can leave"
"nah there'll be no need for that, right yn?" you hear his voice. his silky deep voice, it always had that raspy quality that made your knees go weak. another shiver runs down your spine. you whip around.
"why tf are you here?" you sneer.
"uhh i work here…" he answers deadpan.
you turn back around, after giving him a lethal sneer, "hey um maki is there any other artist today?"
"no, i'm sorry, everyone else is booked." she apologises
"and anyway, it'll be a hassle for you guys if you were to reschedule," geto states
you simply stare at nobara refusing to even glance at him.
"come on yn" geto insists gently, leaning closer to you. your back to him. your name on his lips has you reeling, how softly he calls to you, like no other.
nobara waits for what you want to do, and if you're comfortable being tattooed by your ex in such an intimate area?
"let's get this done", you tell nobara, you turn around to face geto who has that enticing smirk.
as you follow him to his workspace, nobara hangs back reassured that you're comfortable being with your ex. you get the chance to truly take him in since last you saw him. his tattoo’s have grown, as he's painted a whole-sleeved dragon across his left arm, slithering out of his tight-fitted black t. your eyes roam all over his body, soaking in his confident stride, his height, taller than you remember. the way he ties part of his black, luscious hair in the bun is similar but different from the way you remember, leaving the rest of his hair to hang past his shoulders. but his right-hand tattoo is as you remember. a rose’s stem covered in thorns, wrapped around his hand, you can't help but still have your heart swell from that.
as he opens the door for you, you strut past him in silence, he of course responds with an eye roll to your petulance. his workspace is decorated with more of his works, some unfinished, yet so mesmerising you can't look away from them, they seem to depict a greater depth, too intimate for the outer world. the deep hues of dark royal blues, blacks, and green meld together, casting an otherworldly aura. the demons here have this eerie elegance, their features subtly tormenting, evoking such sorrows.
"if you're not comfortable with me tattooing you, we don't have to, i will let you reschedule free of charge-" "i know." you state, without hesitation. and with that, the silence returns as geto smiles slightly, he then grabs his equipment, lining them up, his needle gun, ink, etc.
"why did you insist on me not rescheduling then?" you taunt
"i wouldn't say i instisted" geto defends.
"mmm really? cus i'd even say you implored" you smirk. seeing you smile… he wonders how he could’ve forgotten how magnetic it is.
"i just wanted to see you…”
a pause.
"you broke up with me." you interrupt coldly, both of you are reminded of your separation...
… you begged him to stay. the pain you felt completely consumed you, leaving you empty…
geto holds your gaze. your eyes filled with anger, but also longing. you try to conceal your feelings by turning around.
"yn..." he calls out to you, but you ignore him, seemingly too entranced by a random splotch on the wall, while trying to hold it all in "...yn look at me", geto approached.
you turned around slowly. almost stubbornly, you made sure to look him in his eyes, those deep dark orbs that never failed to suck you into a world of intensity and sensitivity. you both hold each other's gaze, so much said between each other, longing, and regret.
"i am sorry yn, i-" in his attempt to express his apology, you immediately stride past to sit on the tattoo bed, too overwhelmed.
"-right so like from a scale of 1-10, 10 being i'm gonna need to b fucking sedated, how painful is this tat going to be" you ramble, trying to divert the conversation.
you ignore his sigh, as he walks to his chair. he then chooses to focus on preparing his equipment, sterilising them, all that shit. "the tattoo shouldn't be that painful, especially as you requested numbing cream."
"cool" you respond curtly, you follow his actions on focusing on the task at hand, and lift up the side of your dress, to expose the side you were getting tatted on.
when geto looks back he sees your pink bikini bottoms with string ties, he looks away trying to keep his composure "just want you to give me an idea where you want your heart and thorns”.
you clear your throat a little, to try and calm your nerves, “um just around here, i trust your um artistic inclinations. have some freedom with it, i know its kinda simple but i um- the thorns i want them to wrap around, please.”
“of course, yn”
geto trying his best to make this experience as comfortable as possible begins applying the numbing cream. he looks you in your eyes, to see if there were any remaining apprehensions, finding none, the gun comes to life.
“you tell me how you’re feeling throughout this process, if anything feels off with what i am doing, you tell me, do you understand?” geto instructs, his firmness, and apprehension to cause you any unnecessary harm stirs things in you. things you’ve tried repressing, tried to move on from, evidently unsuccessfully.
you nod in response adding a “yes”. and so begins the process, as geto brings needle to skin, his art begins to mark you. the initial twitch of pain you feel is subdued by the numbing cream generously applied. although you can’t help the slight yelp that falls from your lips, which geto catches onto and immediately soothes “shhh it’s okay, the cream will kick in soon won’t feel a thing hun”. his words soothe you, as they always used to, leading you to simply whimper in slight pain. you can’t help but look at him, at how he’s completely focused on your brown skin, that he marks by his hands.
as the hours go on, you slowly see geto’s work, his art come together, the red hues of the heart mixing together with slight pinks but also contrasted shades of black, to provide it with such depth, teasing the later depictions of darkness the thorns will add. you are in complete awe of this man, of his work, as you watch him work completely zoned in, despite any dull pain mumbling under the numbing cream.
as your focus lays on him- memories, old feelings of pain, sadness, and confusion begin to bubble again, and you blurt…
“why did you leave?”
a pause…
followed by silence… your demand for answers hanging over you both, while he still remains focused on your tattoo, you remain waiting. you know he heard you.
“i found myself in darkness again, yn, but that time it was even more challenging.. my hallucinations, my night terrors all came back, i was in it deep…” he pauses trying to find his words, and you give him that space “… i knew you were there for me, holding me when i woke up screaming. you stood by me…” he paused
“…however i couldn’t let you do that, i couldn’t bring you there with me. not when i couldn’t wear a heartfelt smile in this world. i needed to find myself again, my purpose. and i know the way i left you, was cold, and confusing, and i am truly sorry, but i had to do it for myself.” as you listen attentively, watching him intently, he slowly gazes at you, pausing his work. your eyes meet with such intensity, such ache, and you start welling up, finally understanding everything, no longer being left with nothing but a cold departure.
“i’m sorry- m’so- ‘m so so sorry geto” tears cascade down your face, geto is quick to wipe them away, softly holding your precious face.
“sshh, ssh baby, don’t be silly mmm, you did nothing wrong, and i’ve been doing better. so much better. finding new channels to express how i feel, what i see.” referring to the intricate art that decorated his walls.
you sniffle, you feel so guilty and ashamed, for the resentment you harboured against him when he was out there trying to fight his way out of such a dark mental space. “they’re beautiful.” you sniffle
“not a day goes by that i don’t think about you, that i don’t regret the way i left. i would’ve come back but i thought you would move on...”
“i didn’t.” you respond
“neither did i.”
with your admissions to one another, a comforting silence fell, filling the room with sweet serenity, and you both found yourselves tethered together once again, holding each other’s gaze, filled with yearning.
you were the first to break, averting your gaze, feeling like it was the first time meeting, how your butterflies bloomed and fluttered, riddled with carnal hunger for him. the paradox of your feelings for him always consumed you, almost driving you mad, only geto could set you so ablaze.
the needle resumed its course, mechanically piercing your skin. both your attentions returned to their original positions.
the only difference being the shift in the atmosphere, the reignition of your feelings for one another, but this time at a tenfold from the time spent apart, wanting no other.
“ahh it’s getting a little sore geto” you whine in slight pain
“sorry yn, we’re moving onto the thorns now, we’ll soon be done, why don’t you take a look at it for me, tell if you don’t like anything?”
as he wipes over the completed heart, filled with colours and dimensions, so deep and beautiful, truly depicting more than you could imagine, it’s medium-sized maintaining a slight cuteness to the art, but still depicts chaos within, which geto clearly understood about you, and so was best to depict it.
“i love it.” you squeal, looking into his eyes, as he looks for reassurance from you. his vibrant smile brightens his face, you hadn’t seen it in so long, and it warmed you.
“good, we’re going to move to the thorns, wrapped down your thigh, why don’t you tell me about your choice of thrones?” geto asked so he could understand your thought process behind the tattoo.
you were apprehensive to reveal your thorns, largely from a place of embarrassment. you didn’t want to show how much he had affected you, and still did, but you did not want to lie to him especially after, he revealed himself so intimately to you.
the thorns, um, i got them from you…” geto halts at this, looking at you in slight confusion “they stemmed from me just wanting to have a piece of you still with me, something that i remembered, that reminded me of you… the thorns, the ones you have on your rose.” in explaining, you feel bold enough to touch the inked rose on his right hand, grazing your fingers over the thorns
suguru can hardly conceal his feelings. “i missed you.” geto states. his dark, sleek eyes told you how he burned for you.
“i missed you too suguru.” you whisper. your feelings flood your body, making you tingly- his intensity holds you in place. you’re both focussed on one another, suguru begins to smile feeling the warmth of your fingers touching him so delicately.
"lets continue your tattoo, i don't wanna fuck it up" suguru states, slowly bringing his hand away from your touch, even though he wanted nothing more than to let you touch him all over. to feel how those pretty acrylics, decorated in bows and charms along his skin, but he didn't want to mess this up, he wanted to tattoo you perfectly.
"okay" you respond, almost dissapointedly. wanting to feel him under your fingertips. you'd settle for now to feel his hands on your thighs, holding them to get his angles right, you were beginning to realise that you wanted more than just to stroke his hand. you want him to mark you all over, with more than just his needle gun.
"you've gotta try and stay still for me yn, i know it hurts, but it'll be over soon" suguru soothed, as his eyes narrowed around the curves of your thighs, the way they flexed and trembled slightly as you whimpered due to the numbed pain.
"okay... can i hold onto you?" you ask. he responds with a nod. you grip his arm, wanting to feel tethered- you don't remember him being so well-built, his biceps feel thick and powerful, almost hard to the touch as he flexes per his movements.
you're now a few hours into the tattoo, suguru’s taking his time, to add such beautiful details. the tension between the two of you is palpable, but the air is no longer filled with animosity, but rather intimacy. knowing you though, and how impatient you are suguru already sees it coming when you-
"sug i'm fucking borreeddd" the numbing cream obviously doing its job to reduce the pain to something dismissible, suguru chuckles finding your impatience so familial and adorable.
"it's barely been two hours" suguru forever sassy, remarks, rolling his eyes at ur moodiness. "now stay still, you're messin up my work." suguru states, you huff and bite your tongue, as you don’t want to fuck up his flow, you already know he works best when he’s zoned-in on a task.
you decide to catch up with him, your curiosity building, you've both missed so much from each other's lives. "i like your parlour. i would've bet money you'd turn your art into tattoos, you were too talented to let your art hide in your sketches"
suguru smiles again, "yeah? it was either this or burning down the town", he jokes and makes you both laugh, due to the absurdity. however, you both knew, there was some truth to it, which honestly added to your laughs
"right, of course committing arson, and potential mass murder is an obvious alternative." you sarcastically quip
"what you don't agree, i know you're not much better at keeping your chaos in check," he teases, his eyes locking onto yours.
you feel yourself flush, feeling seen- so you try staying on track to your original plan to catch up with him, "when did you open this place?"
"well actually gojo was the one who invested in my passion"
"that's so sweet"
"yeah, he's a fucking asshole, always all up in my business," he remarks, with a small smile, feigning annoyance. you can feel the fondness behind his words.
you notice how suguru smiles, how he teases, just like he used to, & still has that assertive and confident allure to him, that natural dominance and assuredness in himself, that he almost lost. your conversation with one another continued, bantering off one another. you make each other laugh and snicker and your heart can’t help but swell.
your feelings for him set aflame once again. this time with a ferocity you could barely contain. only heightened by the dull pain that he controlled with his needle, marking you so prettily. the assured control suguru had over your body was so seductive, it made places other than your tatted thigh, start to ache, start to ache so badly.
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finally, geto lays the finishing touches on your tattoo, clearing up the intricate lines, adding shadings and highlights, and then wiping over the tattoo.
"okay, it's done. you can go check it in the mirror, let me know if you hate it." geto keeping his gaze low somewhat anxious to see your reaction.
as you approach the full-body mirror attached to the opposite wall, you couldn't possibly understand his apprehension because when you lay eyes on your tattoo, you are completely awestruck. you fall completely in love with his markings, the way the thorns pierce through the heart and sliver down your left hip, and thigh, wrapping them gorgeously.
you are lost for words, your lips part with a gasp, and when you bring your eyes up onto suguru through the mirror, you see how he watches you. following from your thighs decorated in his work, marking your body so seductively. then he focuses on how your dress is bunched up on those hips, those hips he’s held, and soothed over for hours today, but his mind wanders... reminiscing about all those times he used to handle and caress all over your plump thighs. how he would mould your body any way he pleased.
he watched as you held the undone ties of your pretty bikini bottoms, it made him salivate. his eyes cast over your dress- the way it hugged your body so exquisitely, propping up your boobs so prettily. the way your butt peaks out of the bunched-up dress, and how your breathing picked up, flustered from his heated gaze.
"i love it sug." you whisper softly.
"yeah?" he smirks. growing bolder, he walks up to you, and you don’t dare avert your eyes from his, through the mirror. you love the way his top hugs his thick muscular shoulders. his broad upper back being so beautifully emphasised, and how his sculpted chest has his nipple piercings teasing through his top. you salivate at his slim waist. ugh he's such a slut. you love the way his body is perfectly decorated in his art, marking his skin; and adorning his arms, and his neck, which is wrapped with a chain, you remember gifting him.
when he reaches you, he has to crouch down, flexing his strong thighs and calves hidden under his baggy bottoms, but you still have to look up at him to maintain eye contact, which he demands with his own. suguru holds the bottom of your thigh just under where the tattoo ends.
"how does it feel?" he whispers into your ear, his sharp gaze still honed on you
you whimper faintly because of the dull sting and ache from the tat
"a little sore sug, but it feels good, i really like it." you say softly while you lean into him, wanting to be wrapped in his body, his warmth.
he smiles at your admission "that's good yn, i'm going to wrap it up now, don't want it getting infected." you love the way he says your name, the way he purrs, your name rolls off his tongue so tenderly.
as he wraps the tattoo you wince, he immediately soothes you, "i've got you baby, it's okay." your body relaxes in response. your eyes never leave each other. as the tension shifts you feel enthralled, wanting him to touch you all over.
"yn, do you want me to play with you?" suguru asks, having that condescending tone that never failed to make you falter. you almost shy away, but he holds your face, bringing his hand up under your chin, his fingers grip your cheeks slightly, making you look directly at him “i want to play with you, i want to help you forgive me baby...” he whispers into your ear. your breath becoming more uneven and flustered from his proximity, that you can practically taste his aroma, how he mixes his scents of minty, smoky notes and cinnamon, woody undertones - it intoxicates you.
“…do you want me to?”
geto waits for your response, not daring to touch you the way he wants, without knowing you’re aching for it. and you want nothing more than that, for him to take care of you how he once did, oh how you wanted to see if he still remembered how to make you cum so blissfully. you nod giving out a soft “please”.
suguru kisses the side of your head, sprinkling kisses down your face making you giggle and fawn, till he reaches your neck and you lose your breath. geto finds the sensitive parts on your neck, making you feel so tingly, it's almost ticklish. you almost forgot how much you loved when suguru kissed and licked across your neck, how he would bite and suckle, leaving you all marked up just how he liked. god he’d go fucking crazy for it too. to hear you whine and pant below him as he licked and sucked. it sent tingles all over your body, straight to your clit. you shuddered under him, leaning onto him- to give him better access to mark you. slowly he grips your hips grinding his bulge into you, he even bends you forward a little so that you can feel him, how hard he is for you- humping into you over your clothed body.
geto held you at an angle arched while both of you stood in front of the mirror so that he could have you grind right back onto his dick that was growing so achingly hard for you. the way he moved your bodies together was so disgustingly sensual, you had to look away moaning as you felt his clothed dick thrust into you, giving you that sensation you so craved. you were whining, you felt so depraved like you hadn’t been touched like this in so long- you just wanted him to rip you the fuck open.
“mmm nah baby look at yourself in the mirror…” he demanded, to which you stubbornly ignored, forcing suguru to grab your face so that you could look at how pathetically you had come undone for him, just from his dry humping. “… i said fucking look at yourself, mmm? you lost your manners baby?” he teases knowing exactly how to fix your attitude. he ends his command by giving your thigh (without the tattoo) a firm slap, making you cry out, you quickly try stifling it, remembering you’re still in his fucking workspace.
“you’re so mean” you whine and pout up at him, which makes him chuckle at you, his smirk unfurling so lewdly.
“i’m going to make it up to you mmm? you’ll let me make you feel good baby? gotta apologise for making my baby upset.” the way he talks to you feigning that concern, his fucking tone, makes you feel weak, and pliant for him. as you move your legs a little wider, and let go of your tied bikini bottoms so they hang down barely concealing a thing. geto watches how strings of your arousal are built up, clinging onto your pretty bottoms. showing him just how wet you are for him and you push your butt into him even more, nodding your head in invitation for him to remedy all the mess he’s made.
as suguru brings his rose-covered hand down to your aching pussy ready to soothe it. once he touches her, feeling your glistening folds, he hisses as his eyes glaze over, and lower so seductively. you see the way his hand flexes and his veins protrude. his long, adept fingers dip further, caressing and rubbing against your hard little clit. he can feel it pulse for him, making you whine as suguru increases the pressure of his fingers on your clit. circling around your throbbing bundle of nerves. his fingers collect the slick past your lips, down to your spasming, weeping hole, and brings them back to your needy nub.
his tight circles, pet your pretty clit so well, turning you into a mewling mess, you can’t help but move against and around his fingers, acting so bratty- but suguru couldn't give a shit, he'll mould you right where he needs you again holding you by your neck and continuing his strokes on that clit regardless of how you whine.
"sug- aaa-" such a petulant whine leaves your supple lips, begging for him to go further into your leaking hole, you needed him to be inside you, having your pussy drool on his pretty, tatted fingers.
"i know baby, you need it don't you? you need me to fuck you open mmm?" suguru whispers in your ear, kissing the outside of your earlobe so delicately, while saying such filthy things. you look at him through the mirror nodding your head so pathetically, and why would he deny you, his baby? nah never...
suguru brings his finger back down to your desperate hole. he eases around your pussy going around the edges of her, only dipping the tip of his finger. you can't take his teasing-
"sugu! stop teasin-" suguru immediately interrupts, plunging his fingers into you, making you gasp. he slipped into your soppy pussy giving off that mind-numbing squelching sound, having your pussy suck his fingers in so snuggly, has you moaning wantonly. the way suguru’s digits fill you, he’s able to add a finger, scissoring two fingers into your weeping cunt, the way he pushes in and curls his fingers to rub against your plush walls it has you mewling. as you feel him find and rub against that spot, that perfect spongey spot so easily, your eyes roll back. suguru was losing his mind, he rasped a soft moan right into your ear, he loved watching you buck on his fingers, the way you moaned and struggled to take him, it made him itch and drool to have you.
his fingers in your pussy stroking and pumping into your soft, wet pussy. his hand around your neck holding your face up to keep your eyes on everything he was doing. his deep, velvety voice right by your ear, whispering, and moaning sweet nothings. you were losing your fucking mind, you almost couldn't handle it.
"aaa- nngg, sug- sug!," you moaned shamelessly "f-ohfuck i can't-"
"sshh baby, tf you think you're doing mmm, whining like that in my office?" suguru whispers chastising you. your eyes look up at him, and the way you looked so doe-eyed, so pathetic- barely able to hold in your moans, gripped him.
"you struggling to take it for me baby, want me stop?" geto taunts, but you instantly shake your head needing him all over you.
“no please don’t stop sug”
"you can take what i give you princess?"
"i need you uhahh" you wanted him to have you however he pleased.
the way he moves has you humping and panting, you wine on him trying to get some friction against your slutty little cunt.
your moans grow louder and the pitch of your whines grow higher- you suck on your pretty fingers to try and get yourself quiet, your eyes glazing over as you watch suguru fuck you so good with his fingers and his hard bulge pushing up into you. the way he licks and bites all over your neck leaving a trail of his marks. suguru still never averts his dark eyes from yours. the purple glints in his eyes kind of sparkle in your head. all of it is bringing you right to the edge. your eyes roll back, your thighs shake, your knees buckle from the pleasure. so pliant and easy for him to manoeuvre you so he can hold you up and fuck you in just the right angles he needs, that he demands.
“fuckfuckfuc- aahh ohhhh sugie. daddy oh mmynghh” you whine and cry, your head lolling onto his shoulder.
right on the precipice of your orgasm, suguru watches how you get so close to cumming, he’s fucking salivating seeing how you become so undone, how you’ve gone fucking dumb on just his fingers, he can’t help but moan and groan right with you.
“mmm mmfuck, mine. mine.” he purrs, licking all up on you
but all too soon, it comes to a halt, and your orgasm gets snatched away from you. suguru wickedly decides to take his fingers out of you. you almost cry
“wha- no suguru fuck no don’t stop, mmmmnoo” you whine so pathetically gripping his arm, it’s fucking laughable trying to keep his fingers right where you needed them, gripping his sculpted arms so hard. your hands… the size difference makes him smile. no not smile, he’s fucking smirking. that little shit.
“fuck you, SUG HMPH!” you practically stomp your feet, pushing him away as you’re about to walk away, but of course suguru grips you against him, pulling you back so close, you are still as stubborn as ever refusing to look at him, while you’re face to face, which makes him snicker. he isn’t having any of that bullshit tho, he grabs your chin and cheeks squeezing as a warning. he pulls your face up to him again and kisses you on your forehead, the side of your head, and your cheek, and then he ghosts his plump, nude lips over your lips.
“if i decide you don’t get to cum on my fingers, you won’t. i don’t fucking care how close you are.” suguru states, locking his eyes with yours so intensely, while his lips and breath feel so close to your own, you almost feel faint. you want nothing more than for him to just kiss you, you want to feel his lips again, oh how you miss how soft they were, how you loved the taste of his mouth, the taste of the mint with his own unique feel.
suguru’s eyes flutter down to look at your lips so lushly plump and glossed he can’t help but lick his lips. he wants nothing more than to mess up your brown and pink lip combo. to bite, suck and lick all over you.
“tell me you understand.”
“i understand daddy, m’sorry i threw a tantrum, i just wanted to cum on your fingers so bad-”
suguru smiles feeling fucking delighted from your admission
“-can you please kiss me, i promise i’ll behave sugie” you whisper almost whining at the end, you rub your thighs together feeling how you made such a mess for him, as your slick trickles down your thighs.
suguru feeling so pleased with you, groans into your mouth, once your lips touch. he almost forgot how much he missed this. how much he missed you, your lips, those soft lips that melted against his. he loved the way you gasped and whined from your slow kiss, so sensual and intimate. but he knew you were such an impatient brat, his impatient princess.
demanding more, you lace your hands into his hair. you adored his long, luscious hair so much, (that you remember countless times joking about shaving it off at night and turning it into a wig. those playful moments would always have you both bickering and laughing together. it makes your heart swell remembering this).
you begged for more by stroking and tugging at the nape of his hair, making his body tingle, as suguru moaned into your kiss. he licked on your lips to get you to open up for him. he loves the way you whine and moan from frustration and neediness while running your fingers through his hair, it made him lose his fucking mind, so, of course, he had to express that by nipping at your bottom lip. his bite made you whimper and grind up against him but it wasn’t enough. you needed more. you wanted more. but suguru leads the kiss to hold that slow, deep and sensual pace, having your tongues dance together, lick against each other unhurried. which was mind-blowing but also so frustrating you wanted to just devour him, you couldn't get enough.
you moaned into his mouth as suguru sucked on your bottom lip, and then went back to your tongue, licking against each other. he spat in your mouth briefly separating your mouths from one another, and immediately resuming the kiss. at this, you snapped. whining wantonly, you gripped onto him and stubbornly clambered onto him so your legs wrapped around his waist. suguru was easily able to carry you. you were determined to make him fuck you.
“daddy” you whisper, opening your eyes to pout up at him.
“yes baby?” suguru answers, giving little kisses along your chin down to your neck. sucking onto your sensitive neck areas, he knew just the right spots to make you lose your fucking mind.
“i want you to fuck me…” you say grinding down onto the bulge you could feel through his sweats. you were sure you could feel a wet spot on them, but you weren’t quite sure of the culprit, as your wet pussy dragged and humped on his dick print leaking with pre-cum. you could feel his throbbing dick just aching to be inside you, pumping you full of his cum. suguru hissed from the feeling of your mess teasing his aching cock.
“… please baby, please fuck me again, i said i’d be good” you whined, moving closer to his ears so only he could hear how desperate you were for him. suguru moans, his voice breaks and rasps a little from you grinding on him and circling over his dick.
suguru fucking snaps, he closes his eyes while his mouth slightly hangs open, just taking in how your hips wined on him while he carried you.
he then cupped your face to him, “you’re such a fucking brat.” he moans, holding your face and caressing your throat, he watches how your breathing picks up, as you get so flustered. he brings you close, kissing you on your forearm, bringing his hand around your neck. then he carries you to his tattoo bed.
“i am not going to fuck you yn-.”
“-but su!” you begin to whine interrupting him
“be quiet.” suguru reprimands, gripping your neck just a little tighter after placing you to sit on the edge of the seat “i’m not gonna fuck you on my dick. when i have you like that, it’s gonna be on my bed, where i can have you screaming on it without any fucking interruptions. do whatever the fuck i wanna do without you getting all shy on me tryna muffle those pretty moans from me mmm, you understand baby?”
“yeah daddy” you answer feeling so giddy and light with him
“there’s my princess,” he smirks, “you’re really that fucking needy, want my dick here, right where my colleagues are downstairs mmm?” he says before kissing you again. “good girl” he praises while lifting off your dress and quickly bringing his lips back onto yours. slowly he brings you to lay back. he gets in between your thighs lifting one up over his shoulder while letting your tatted thigh rest over the edge of the bed. from this angle he could see your pretty glistening pussy, clenching around nothing.
“lay back baby.” he instructs, he sees how you wait in anticipation for him laying back on the bed.
he crouches down, kneeling in front of your exposed pussy, your slick brown lips he’s completely hypnotised by, they glisten from your wetness. you grow a little shy, you weren’t prepared to be eaten out today (૮꒰⸝⸝> <⸝⸝꒱ა). you bring down your hands to try and cover her up, feeling a little embarrassed.
suguru immediately dismissing your nonsense, and swats your hand away bringing them to instead hold your plush thighs “don’t piss me off today yn, it’s fucking mine.” you almost squeal in response to suguru, he gets so intense sometimes.
suguru is completely enchanted by your scent, the way your hole quivers and weeps for him he has to have a taste. keeping his eyes on you suguru takes the time to separate your folds with his fingers, he licks your swollen nub revelling in the way you gasp and twitch from the sensation, you feel so sensitive from the way his fingers had you shacking.
he then delves in, lapping and sucking on your bud making you writhe and moan from pleasure. the movement of his tongue has such an effect on your pussy, it's marvelling. he takes his time, really getting you sensitive, flattening his tongue on your clit and then straightening it to add pressure, circling perfectly around your bundle of nerves, it makes you gasp and arch your back so prettily
“fuck! sug-daddy aaaahhh” you release a raspy cry, gripping his hair and pulling him into you to, so you can grind on his face, which makes him moan into you, muffling a-
“fuck baby” into your wet pussy, he has to hold your hips down as you begin moving around too much for him to control, so he holds your thigh and places his other arm on your hip, pushing you down, so you stay fucking still for him to play with you properly. suguru brings his tongue down to your leaking hole, thrusting his pointed tongue into your pussy making you mewl and cover your mouth to stop yourself from squealing.
the way you’re panting and moaning, suguru can tell you're going dumb for him, aching to cum all over him. he takes his mouth off of you as your moans get higher. you whine from the absence of his tongue on your needy pussy but he makes up for it by spitting on her, letting his spit slide onto your sensitive cunt. the way his spit glistens and slides down your pussy, he pushes it back into your hole, thrusting his fingers and spit back into you. you react by clutching your thighs together from the sensitivity which makes suguru look at you sharply.
you whine, separating your thighs, so he can dip his head back down onto your clit which makes you shudder, bucking your hips into his face. he continues thrusting his fingers into you while his tongue plays and toys with your sore little clit. you can feel everything, it's all so much, your eyes roll back as your mouth hangs open letting out a broken moan while you tug at suguru’s hair.
the way his fingers scissor your folds open, cunt drooling and sucking him in greedily, while he laps and lightly nips on your clit letting his spit drool on you, just for him to suck on your juices. he eats so sloppily it has your eyes watering.
“s’good sug—so fuckin’ good,” hips grinding into the movement of his lengthy fingers, chasing that ecstasy knotting in the pits of your stomach, you’re so close you start seeing white, suguru knows you’re about to cum from the way your fingers tangle and tug at his hair, struggling to either push him closer or away from you. his dark piercing gaze never leaves your face.
“daddy m’gonna cum! shit hah aa sug please lemme cum oh please” you sob, which makes suguru groan into your pussy. feeling the way your hole clenches around his fingers, leaking out so much wetness. the way your hard clit throbs for him, your juices covering, adorning his beautiful face, he looks so pussy drunk. the only thing on his mind is making you cum all over him.
“mmm baby, you gonna cum for me.. that’s my good fucking girl” he says pumping his fingers into you while moving his other hand to circle your clit in tight circles, so he can talk you through your orgasm.
“oh fuck daddy! oh my godnngh” your hands immediately grip suguru’s hands as you squeal and moan wantonly. your body arches and bucks as you dig your nails into him leaving little crescents on his skin. your vision dots, as your body tenses, lips parting into a silent scream as your release flies through you, wetting the tattoo bed. suguru watches your cream flow beneath you, all over his mouth. he pushes your juices back into your leaking hole, drooling at the way your hole squelches.
“there’s my good girl, oh you did so good baby mmmm” he praises lapping at your excess juices spilling down, you’re so fucking sensitive it hurts
“sug-ahh it hurts, fuckk” you whine, purring up at him as you watch suguru’s desire envelop you, you can tell he’s not done with you, but you doubt you could even take anymore.
suguru slithers up to you, kissing and licking up your boobs, making you squirm. when he reaches you he holds your face so gently, mere inches away from you.
“you forgive me baby?” suguru whispers gently stroking his nose against yours, almost purring against you like a cat “mmmm?” he purrs stroking the side of your face and caressing your limp exhausted body. you feel so warm against him, so lewd and yet so protected.
“i forgive you, you’re such an asshole” you giggle feeling a little shy again, only suguru was able to make you shy, and flush so easily. suguru whispers back a thank you and captures your lips into a searing kiss, melting you both together so passionately. you clutch onto the nape of his neck and run your fingers through his hair, earning you a moan, as suguru’s tongue dances with yours sensually. he grips your hips, pulling you against him. you can feel his bulge pulsing for you-
“suguru, aye we’re back! and u’ve got another appointment waiting!” you both hear from downstairs at the reception, shoko calling out to suguru followed by gojo following suit making a ruckus, throwing a tantrum about his arm
“dudeee, where tf r u? i coulda died!” gojo shouts out. you can hear him coming up the stairs to suguru’s office
“mmm fuck suguru, they’re coming up” you gasp up to suguru who still refuses to take notice of them. he smirks, choosing to still feel all up on you
“mmmm don’t care c’mere” suguru states, you roll your eyes
“suguruuu c’mon” you smirk, pushing against him
“ugghh for fucksake” suguru huffs moving off of you, taking your hand and pulling you up to him making you yelp with excitement. you both come to your senses though when you hear gojo’s footsteps up the stairs getting close, both of you scrambling to put your dress back on and get you both presentable.
suguru then holds your chin, so you both look at each other
“what?” you nervously laugh at his intense look
“let me take you out yn? i’ve missed you so much baby” suguru pleads while stroking the side of your cheek with his thumb
“mmmm i dunno sug, dependdss on where you’re gonna take me” you smirk up at him
“let me worry about that baby, i wanna treat you, try and make it up to you” suguru implores and then kisses your forehead just as gojo barges in-
♡ ༺。° .ᘛ𓆩♡𓆪ᘚ. ° 。༻
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june 10 - achieve - @jegulus-microfic - word count: 250
It has always been expected of Regulus to achieve something every month. Whether it was an award, or a girl, or even a test grade, his success contributed to his already wealthy status in Hogwarts.
That’s how it was, a hierarchy. Though Hogwarts has always proven to be diverse and equal, some take advantage of the rules and regulations that try to keep things under control.
Of course, Regulus’s parents didn’t know what progress he had achieved since a couple months ago. With his beloved, secret boyfriend, James.
He had finally gotten comfortable with touch and affection, even stealing kisses in the hallways. James was noticeably proud and very happy as he skipped through the halls like a golden retriever.
Now, he was ready for something more. Hand holding. In front of his friends.
James watched him with a confused expression, for Regulus had zoned out mid walk. He held out his hand, decorated with gold rings and a silver bracelet. “Ready?”
Regulus nodded, taking James’s hand in his. With a determined (and neutral) look, he walked down the hallways with his boyfriend.
Evan Rosier, Pandora Rosier, and Barty Crouch Jr watched as the pair passed them with raised brows. Pandora giggled, Evan held out his hand with a smirk, and Barty shoved his hand in his pocket, rummaged through, and handed Evan five galleons. All James and Regulus did was walk by, letting out a breath of relief.
Oh boy, Regulus wouldn’t hear the end of it, would he?
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kittykatkatelol2 · 1 year
"Charm Bracelet" Jegulus Oneshots
prompt by @jegulus-microfic (prompt: charm)
Regulus always wore a charm bracelet.
It was the colours of Slytherin house.
And it held charms that were very dear to him.
There was a few from Pandora, and another two from Evan. Some from Barty, a few from Sirius, and a couple from Dorcas.
There were snakes and dark symbols; the symbol of Salazar Slytherin, a dark mark, and a small silver snake. Along with not so dark things; like a small trans flag with mlm heart in the center, and a small black cat charm that looked a lot like Regulus's cat animagi.
There were many others among those, that was just a few.
All these charms had meaning to Regulus in some way or another.
His friends often got him darker things, but Sirius only gave him non-dark things, more along the lines of sweet / cute - well, cute for Regulus.
Then he met James.
James always asked Regulus what this bracelet meant, what the charms meant, etc.
It meant a lot to Regulus, but he couldn't really put it in words, so he always just shrugged and changed the subject.
He found it embarrassing almost, how much he held dear this bracelet, so that was also a factor in his mind.
Regulus walked into his dorm that he shared with Evan and Barty.
He saw on his bed, a small charm.
A small stag next to a cat, with a little heart underneath the two animals.
And a small note next to it.
'I know you love that bracelet, and I thought maybe you'd like this.'
From that day on, that charm was always on Regulus's bracelet, front and center, next to the most meaningful charms.
A small reminder that Regulus was James's, and James was Regulus's.
The bracelet was no longer just a thing that reminded him of his friends and brother, but of his lover too.
And that made it even more special to him.
[Word count: 303]
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kawaiibarty · 9 days
pandora loves windchimes, she makes wind chimes, buys windchimes, teaches literally everyone she knows to make windchimes and tho his mad abt it she makes evan make then with her
pandora is one of those girlies that makes windchimes, dream catchers, paper lanterns etc. she makes one for each of her friends, it's sort of like james making friendship bracelets for everyone.
the first person to ever receive one was regulus tho. she made him a little green and silver one with stars and unicorns ‼️‼️‼️
barty has a black and silver one with bats
evan has a blue and silver one with spiders and dorcas has a green and gold one with little charms like flowers and stars
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marsmarauders · 14 days
As I work on my Marauders Era screenplay, I often visualize my face claims (let me know if you’d like to see them!) and spend a lot of time imagining their outfits and hairstyles. Since I have some (very little) experience in costume design for theatre, I thought it would be fun to share my ideas.
(I’m aware they spend most of their time in uniform, but I’m envisioning outfits for trips to Hogsmeade, vacations, and their other downtime).
I’m aiming to stay true to the era, but obviously, not everyone wore peak 70s trends every single day. I want to include some everyday casual wear like sweatpants, sweatshirts, t-shirts, jeans, and other things, so I’m also trying to include those as well!
Oh and shout-out to @idkjustlemmedrownlikerab and @taleofapart-timepoet for the feedback and assistance!
Some unnecessary disclaimers!
1: I’m pretty sure I fact-checked that everything mentioned was around in the seventies. If something is wrong, feel free to let me know!
2: These are my headcanons, and if you disagree with them, that is fine! I would love to hear your thoughts, but please be kind about it!
3: All characters are beautiful, no matter how they are depicted.
With that out of the way- let’s get started, shall we?
Regarding casual wear, I think James opted for t-shirts, specifically graphic, bootcut jeans (or denim shorts, yes, you heard me), and a denim jacket. That denim jacket was his muggle item. Whenever Remus or Lily brought him to muggle cities, he always wore his denim jacket. If it was hotter, he'd wear a button-up shirt open over his t-shirt. He wore red Converse (with socks), red Crocs (with socks), and on a rare occasion, leather platform shoes. He’d also wear his Quidditch jersey everywhere. (He is number 18. What's 18 backwards? Oh-) His color palette mainly consisted of reds, blues, whites, and yellows.
His dark hair was always a mess. It was wavey and swoopy, and it’s what had half the girls (and Regulus) falling for him. He had bronze round glasses, and he was quite literally blind without them (he was nearsighted). He also loved bracelets. Marlene and Pandora made them together all the time, and he’d always ask for another one to add to his collection. He had his ears pierced at some point after Marlene and Sirius got a hold of a muggle piercer, but he let them close up not long after. When he got older, he grew a mustache and he was proud of it. I don’t think he had facial hair anywhere else on his face, as both he and Lily preferred how he looked without it.
We know Sirius rocked the leather jacket whenever he could. Lily got him the jacket for Christmas, which is why it meant so much to him. It was authentically muggle. He also loved band t-shirts and had a huge collection of them. His favorite was a Queen shirt Lily got for him when she saw them live. (Lily loves buying clothes for people, okay?) He usually wore pretty classy muggle clothing under his jacket, like solid black slacks and a white button-up. (It wasn’t until after he got disowned that he started truly experimenting with his fashion. He started wearing more t-shirts, jeans, and just overall looser-fitting clothing). His first pair of Doc Martens from Fleamont and Euphemia in 76. He nearly cried. (And by nearly, I mean he did). His color palette mainly consisted of blacks, greys, whites, and reds.
He had long, curly black hair that his mom would force him to cut every time he went home. He never got to grow it out until he started living with James properly. It was usually down to his collarbone. He loved having his hair styled. He pierced his ears with Marlene and pierced his septum for his 21st birthday. (It closed up when he was in Azkaban). He paints his nails sometimes. He loved necklaces, bracelets, and rings. He preferred silver over gold. I don’t think he got too much into makeup, but he’d let Dorcas or Pandora do his eyeshadow occasionally. He had stubble (and a lighter mustache!), but never let it get too long. Oh, and he obviously had a ton of tattoos.
I’ve already written a whole essay about Remus and his relationship with all of his sweaters, so you can read that here if you’d like! As for hotter days, he’d usually wear a t-shirt (usually a band tee), with a lighter long-sleeved shirt underneath or a cardigan. On a very rare occasion, he’d wear the t-shirt without the long-sleeved top underneath, but only if it was boiling outside. He was very insecure about his scars. For bottoms, he wore corduroy pants or jeans and for shoes, it was either derby shoes or old-school vans. Sirius always described him as looking cozy. His color palette mainly consisted of browns, tans, whites, greens, and reds.
His hair was wavy. People always debate whether his hair was brunette or blonde, and I think it was more on the brunette side. It wasn’t very long, never reaching the bottom of his neck. He’d wear a necklace occasionally, but he wasn’t a big jewelry person. He was clean-shaven for most of his life, as he never really liked how he looked with facial hair.
Peter sticks to sweaters, sweater vests, and t-shirts. (He gets cold very easily, which is why he tends to wear longer sleeves or heavier clothing). He has a lot of houndstooth in his closet. He usually wears jeans or jean shorts (depending on the weather). He loves wacky, goofy, socks. His favorite pair of socks have frogs on them. He wears loafers or sneakers, but he also has a pair of rat slippers that James got him as a gag gift. I think he probably rocked a flat cap every once in a while. Oh, and Peter loved overalls! He had at least five different pairs of them. His color palette mainly consisted of tans, blues, greens, and browns.
You know the Beatles members’ haircuts? Yeah, that’s the haircut Peter had when he was younger. He was a dirty blonde, 110%. I don't think Peter wore much jewelry, except for maybe a tag necklace now and then. When he started growing facial hair, he shaved it all the time, as he did not like how he looked with it at first. But, as he got older, he started growing it out a little bit and had light stubble.
Lily loved bell bottoms and flared jeans, but she would also wear skirts occasionally. She mainly wore button-up shirts, with sweaters or cardigans, or just a regular T-shirt. She also really liked those tie tops, you know the ones I’m talking about. She loved patterns and prints on her clothes, like floral, stripes, etc. I think Lily had a more conservative/modest style, and by that I mean she didn’t show her stomach or above her knees. If she did wear a shorter skirt or a dress, she’d wear tights underneath it. She loved Mary Jane shoes, but she also had a pair of Converse in basically every color. And obviously, she wore the hat. Her color palette mainly consisted of browns, oranges, greens, reds, and blues.
From the first year to around the fifth year, she had shoulder-length hair, and then after Severus and her fell out, she had one of those cliche quarter-life crisis moments where she decided she needed to grow her hair out and cut bangs. She liked to wear her hair in braids or a bun, but her favorite look was leaving it down and wearing a headband. She had a ton of flower earrings, some were made by Pandora, and she loved rings. She didn’t wear much makeup, other than mascara and like chapstick.
Mary loved anything flowy, poofy, and pretty. She loved tie-cardigans, cute tops with poofy sleeves, long flowy skirts and dresses, and anything knitted! (By Marlene of course). She wore Mary Janes almost exclusively (with frilly socks!) but would wear her Converse if she needed to walk a lot. She’s basically what any four-year-old girl who wanted to be a princess would dream of. If it was chilly out, she’d wear jeans and a fuzzy jacket. She loved flowers, bows, strawberries, Hello Kitty, anything that’s adorable! (I fact-checked! Hello Kitty was invented in 74!) Her color palette mainly consisted of pinks, whites, blues, greens, and some black accents here and there.
She loved to style her hair. Since it was afro-textured and long, it took a little longer for her to intricately style it, so she usually changed it every few weeks. She loved putting bows and clips in her hair! She painted her nails every week. She loved pearl necklaces and earrings. She was decently light on her makeup (mascara, blush, and lip gloss) but would go full out for events like Halloween or Quidditch matches. She had a multi-step skincare routine and had a special pink strawberry headband she used to keep her hair up. (I’m not sure if the housebound headband was a thing in the 70s, I couldn’t find any information on it, but if it wasn’t, then she made it herself!)
A lot of people will call Sirius punk, but I think that title belonged to Marlene. She wore graphic tees and tanks, ripped jeans and distressed shorts, and usually rocked Converse or Doc Martens. (She had one of Dorcas’s green Converse and vice versa). She loved fishnets. She had a ton of belts. She had a few leather jackets that she painted on the back of. (She has one with a lion on the back!) She also knitted a lot and would have fun mixing the knitted pieces with her more alternative style. Her color palette mainly consisted of blacks, whites, reds, and blues.
She had a mullet, (It might’ve been more of a wolf-cut). Her hair was super frizzy, probably from the fact that she bleached it all the time. (Yes, Marlene was a natural brunette!) In fifth year, she let her roots grow, in 6th year she had money pieces that she changed the color of all the time, and in 7th year, she dyed the bottom black. (During the war, she let it grow out properly and stopped bleaching her hair). She did her nails weekly with Mary. She pierced her ears, nose, and lip with Sirius and James. (She quickly realized that she did not enjoy the feeling of a lip ring. #sensoryissues).
Dorcas usually wore a turtle neck or a sweater, but she’d wear a halter top if it were hot. I like to think she usually stuck to skirts, and if it got cold, she’d wear tights with them. Dorcas rarely wore pants. (If it were freezing outside, she’d wear jeans). She loved combat boots and Converse. She wore vests over her turtlenecks. She had maybe fifty different pairs of sunglasses. Her color palette mainly consisted of greens, browns, blacks, and the occasional purple.
Dorcas had locs, 100%. Her favorite hairstyle was to put some of her hair in space buns, and then leave some of it down. She loved earrings. She had peace symbol earrings, cat earrings, and big circle earrings (no not hoops, I’m talking about those obnoxiously huge circle earrings). She had two ear piercings! She loved makeup. She’d wear really pretty eyeshadow, long-winged eyeliner, dark lipstick, and she always looked super cool. She had about 100 different rings that she would alternate between (her jewelry box was very organized and if you dared to mess with it, you would pay for it).
I don’t think his dressy style manifested solely because of the way he was raised, but I think Regulus just felt better when he looked nicer. He wore button-up shirts, dress pants, sweater vests (long or short-sleeved), and black oxford shoes. His more “casual” wear was the same thing but with sneakers. The most laid-back he was with his fashion was the occasional sweatshirt when it got cold, and if he felt really out there, he’d wear his quidditch jersey. (Sometimes, he’d even wear his uniform without the tie). His color palette mainly consisted of whites, greys, blacks, and sometimes green.
He had short, wavy hair. He never grew it out, partially because of his parents, and partially because he hated how it felt on his neck. He always kept it well-combed. He never wore makeup in public (Pandora would sometimes do it for him), pierced his ears, anything that could be deemed “feminine” by his family. (I do not think makeup or piercings are solely feminine things). He had a few rings (his first was from Sirius), and that was the only jewelry he ever wore. (In fact, the first necklace he ever wore was the fake Horcrux locket).
Barty lived the double life let me tell you. He could be the most classy, formal guy at a meeting but simultaneously be the most party-rocking individual at school ever. I like to call it the raccoon aesthetic. Cute and trashy. He wore button-ups but also tanks and hoodies. He wore holey pants but also holy pants. (Hah). He usually wore boots, no matter the outfit, but he had a pair of magenta Converse on standby if he ever needed them. His color palette mainly consisted of blacks, blues, reds, some whites, and some magentas. (Can you guess his favorite color?
His hair was wild and frizzy. He was a brunette, teetering on the edge of brown and black. He had piercings that he did himself with a needle and an ice cube. Pandora taught him how to do eyeliner, and he’d wear it whenever he was feeling particularly fancy. He was always clean-shaven and despised facial hair. He wore chains, bracelets, and rings, and none of them ever went together. He was, to put it simply, a hot mess.
Evan is a bit of a wildcard because I see him portrayed in so many different ways that I adore, so it took me a while to figure out how exactly I perceive him. I think I can narrow it down to one word for you guys. Comfort. He prioritizes comfort over anything. Hoodies, t-shirts, denim, sweats, vans, he just loves being comfortable. He always has a spare sweatshirt that he’ll throw on over his button-ups. (He and Pandora are always cold, so I like to joke that they run cold-blooded). He also loved beanies. He doesn’t care about being put together. His color palette mainly consists of blues, greys, whites, greens, and some tans.
His hair was ashy blonde, much like his sister’s. It was frizzy, wavy, thick, and extremely hard to maintain, and he just didn’t have the time for that. He 100% needed glasses (he was farsighted), but he hated wearing them, so he didn’t unless he was alone in his dorm and doing homework. (Being blind as a bat can kill you. Literally.). He painted his nails black and wore like two rings and one necklace max. He did have facial hair, but it was barely visible because he was blonde. He and Pandora had matching bracelets, and they wore them every single day until Evan ripped his apart when he and Pandora fell out after Regulus’s death.
Pandore quite literally wore whatever the heck she wanted to. Overalls, flowy skirts, distressed shorts, patterned trousers, anything. For shirts, she’d wear anything from poofy sleeves to graphic tees. She always had a jacket or cardigan on hand, because she was always cold. She loved to wear socks, tights, leg warmers, anything to keep her cozy. She usually wore Mary Janes or sneakers, but when Uggs were invented in 78, those were her go-to's. Her color palette mainly consisted of every color that our retinas have ever seen.
Every single day, she had a different hairstyle. And she loved to accessorize with headbands, clips, hats, bandanas, flowers, she probably wore twigs in her hair at one point, just anything this girl could make work, she wore. She made all of her jewelry by hand, and most of her other accessories were altered by her in one way or another. She didn’t paint her nails, in fact, they were an utter mess. She loved makeup and would wear pretty pastel eyeshadow and thick eyeliner. I’m almost certain people would’ve mistaken her as a fairy.
That’s it! If you would like to see more character studies like this (about their music taste, room decor (I would love love love to do one on their room decor), etc), leave me some suggestions! Or, if you want a part two for some other characters like Severus, Alice, Frank, Emmeline, Sybill, etc, feel free to tell me! I would love to hear your thoughts!
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ramblingsfromthytruly · 2 months
marauders era characters as stuff in my room:
sirius: my electric keyboard, very sirius vibes i feel (i'm not very good but i play twinkle twinkle little star perfectly!)
remus: my very very pretty grandpa-print sweater vest
james: the bazillion posters and prints spread all across the walls of my room
peter: my few but precious plants (best believe i'm gonna be a huge plant mom when i have my own apartment)
lily: my piles of books, literally you enter my room and you can tell i love reading
mary: the red ribbons (tied in bows) present all throughout my room. on the handles of cabinets? for added texture on my posters? the knobs on the corners of my bed? in my messily arranged fake vines on the ceiling? whererever you look
marlene: my eyeliner, unless it's for school i don't leave my house without putting some one
dorcas: (pt. 1 of my ever-expanding silver jewelry collection) my big earrings & tons of funky rings (also the pearly stuff)
barty: (pt. 2 of my ever-expanding silver jewelry collection) my punk-y necklaces, my belt chain, a pair of earrings and a bracelet i made out of safety pins
evan: all the dried flowers scattered around. red rose on my wall, baby breath on my desk & nightstand, etc.
pandora: candles e v e r y w h e r e
regulus: my sad girl journals on my desk (i have a big desk)
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silverflowerbynidhi · 3 months
Red has always been synonymous with passion, power, and vibrancy. In the realm of fashion, red necklaces hold a special place for their ability to make a bold statement and elevate any outfit. From classic single strands to modern layered designs, red necklaces have evolved over time, becoming an essential accessory in every fashionista's wardrobe.Red necklaces have stood the test of time as versatile fashion accessories that exude style and sophistication. Whether worn as a bold statement piece or a subtle accent, red necklaces add a touch of glamour to any outfit and remain a timeless staple in every fashion lover's collection.
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princessbrunette · 4 months
Princess are you a gold or silver girllll
- 🌞
tbh i like both !!! my skin is warm undertoned so gold looks good but i love the contrast that silver gives so i usually wear silver. the pandora bracelet i dont rlly take off is silver and my fav sparkly hoops are silver so id say imma silver girlie 🎀
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Jewelry is the Best Gift Ever: Know Why
Jewellery like Lab Grown Diamond Solitaire Rings are more than just an item of clothing; it expresses a person's unique personality and sense of style. Jewellery can make any woman feel distinct and different, whether it's a gorgeous bracelet, a delicate necklace, or a glittering pair of earrings.
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romanticizedwil · 1 year
Puppy Love
SUMMARY; Wilbur loves to buy you flowers, jewelry, or any item your heart desires. He adores the style ‘old money’ , always buying you items that were inspired from it.
PAIRING; Wilbur x f!reader
(added the music inspired by it :3)
As usual, you and wilbur went on your daily stroll through the city every night. It was winter, and so the days were colder than usual. The lights of the buildings were quite cool-toned, so nothing too bright to blind anyone. It was the day before Christmas, so wilbur decided that for today instead of your stroll, you’d be receiving a vinyl of a song he chose for the two of you, your favorite flowers, and some jewelry.
The buildings have beautiful items on display, ranging from clothing, to accessories, and shoes.
“Oh my gosh Wilbur look at this!” It was a pair of silver earrings shaped like a bow. They happened to be on sale at an antique shop, the one you always wanted to visit. “Those suit you really well sweetheart.” He grabbed the handle to the door, opening it for you. “Well thank you kind sir!” you giggled as you entered the shop, Wilbur following behind.
The shop had so many items on display, it’s like you’ve fallen in love again. You find the pair of earrings and notice it comes with a matching bracelet and necklace. You didn’t really wear bracelets besides the pandora one Wilbur gifted you on Valentine’s Day. You had enough necklaces from how much Wilbur had gifted you; you had enough to open a necklace shop.
“Is that all you want?” Wilbur asked, eyeing around the other items he’d thought you like. “Hm, yeah.” He took the pair of earrings from your hand and went up to the register. You looked out the window, as it started to snow. Wilbur grabbed your hand from behind and the two of you walked out the shop.
You guys headed home because it was starting to get late, and you were exhausted from walking around. Wilbur got up the stairs, searching for his keys in his pocket. He unlocks the door to the apartment, and you both take off your shoes when you enter. Wilbur starts to lit the fireplace, while you go place your newly bought earrings in the bedroom.
You changed out of your clothes into some warm pajamas, then removing the headband that completed your hairstyle. You walked out the bedroom, and walked down to the living room. Wilbur was making hot chocolate since you didn’t drink coffee. You sat on the couch, wrapping a blanket over you and turning on a show the both of you enjoyed.
Wilbur walks over to you and hands you the mug, then taking his own spot next to you. You shifted closer to him, sharing the blanket between you two. You sipped the hot chocolate, which had a bunch of tiny marshmallows. Placing the mug on the coffee table, you felt even more sleepy after drinking it. You rested your head on Wilbur’s shoulder, drifting off to sleep.
Wilbur had finished his mug, but didn’t want to disturb you by placing the mugs in the sink. He simply just placed it along with yours and carried you to your bedroom. The sheets were comfortable and warm, but you opened your eyes as you heard footsteps fading away. “Wilbur?” you call out. He moves back to glance at you, “Don’t worry love, im right here.” He was putting away your bracelet and earrings, then removed his own jewelry.
You felt the weight on the other side of the bed, moving over to wilbur. Wilbur kept looking at the details of your face, how your eyelashes were a bit long, and how your nose scrunched whenever you got cold. He wraps his arm around you, bringing you into a sweethearts cradle. He moves the wisps of your hair that fell on your face. “I love you.” He whispers, placing a kiss on your forehead. you were a bit awake, spitting out an ‘I love you too’.
You woke up due to the smell of breakfast, and the pots clattering mostly. You rustled in bed, stretching your legs and arms. You sat on the edge of the bed for a minute or two, trying to wake up completely. Once you did, you changed into something pretty, and did your hair half up and half down. You grabbed a star hair-clip, and your bracelet. You did the bed, fixing the pillows and blanket.
You headed out the room, towards the bathroom. You brushed your teeth and washed your face and hands. It was finally Christmas, the last holiday of the year you’d been waiting for. You cleaned up whatever mess you had on the counter by the sink, then shutting the door to the bathroom. You walked into the kitchen, seeing wilbur happily hum to a song. You went and hugged him from behind, being careful not to burn yourself or him with the hot pan. He smiles and turns around. “Good morning love. Did you sleep well?” He asks, pulling you closer. You rest your head on his chest, “besides hearing you drop the pans a couple times, yes, i slept wonderful.
You let him go and sat on the stool by the counter. “I have a gift for you, it’s right there.” You notice a vase full of your favorite flowers, white roses with some blue ones. They were wrapped neatly, with a lace ribbon. You gasp at the sight of the beautiful flowers. “Wilbur I think I love you even more.” You say, examining the roses. He chuckles, “that’s not all. I have two more gifts.” You smile more, knowing you bought him a ticket to a show he’d been wanting to see for forever, and some other luxury items.
You two finish breakfast , and it’s still dark outside from the snow. Wilbur re-lits the fireplace, and you two sit on the chairs. Wilbur grabbed a box from the table, placing it in your hands. “Go on, open it.”
Inside the neatly wrapped box was another bracelet, but this bracelet was beautiful. It was a light pink with white, gold band, two little charms; one a moon and one a star. Where the charms hung there was one gold bead. You put on the bracelet and hugged wilbur. “Oh my gosh I love it!! Thank you Wilbur I love you!” Dragging out the ‘u’. He hugged you back tightly, feeling his warmth.
When he had opened his gift, he looked at you shocked. “Is this-“ his sentence was cut off by the gasp from his mouth. “Oh my god!” He got up and lifted you up, wrapping your legs around his waist. “Oh my god thank you love. Oh my gosh- you have no idea how much I love you for this.” He hugged you once again but more tightly. You could feel the smile on his face. He let you down so he could give you his last gift.
He picked up a thin squared gift, wrapped in your favorite colour. “I got this vinyl for us, I’d thought you like it since your into oldies stuff.” You guys had a record player by the lamp in the living room, so wilbur gave you the gift to open. You opened it and it was a vinyl from Paul Anka. You adored his songs because they were oldies love songs. You read the title, ‘Puppy Love’
“Wilbur I love Paul Anka, but I don’t think I’ve heard this one before.” You walked over to the record player and put the vinyl on. He walked over and placed you right in front of him, “I bought this one because it reminded me of us.” You waited for the song to play and you fell in love with it. Wilbur loved seeing you smile, and he decided to spin you around. You laughed at his action, dancing with him.
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immortalbutterflycos · 6 months
Hello💕 14 and 20 for Regulus!!
Omfg okay so first of all for 14, I think Regulus has this sort of dark academia vibe in what he wears. Not quite Professor Lupin-esque, but I imagine he enjoys a good blazer-turtleneck combo. Rather than giving off a teacher vibe though, he sort of exudes this sort of confident artist vibe.
Oversized jumpers and low cut button-ups with billowing sleeves overtop a black mock-neck all tucked neatly into his slacks. A plethora of Silver rings adorn his fingers except for a single gold band engraved with the sun. A simple leather belt, a silver necklace with a pair of star-shaped charms; a matching set with the one that Sirius wears. The only Jewelry that might appear out of place is a pink, white, and blue beaded bracelet that Pandora made for him.
(Did I just describe exactly what I aspire my fashion to be every day of my life? Yes, absolutely.)
20- Regulus's ideal best friend... Listen, I'm going to be so real rn, it's Remus. 😂 Platonic Moonwater is one of my favorite things to both read and write in this fandom. They're both quiet, they're both somewhat judgmental, and they're both brilliant. Give me a couple of best friends who can plan out a crime and get away with it. And then afterward go out to get tea together and visit a bookstore.
I will also say that the Slytherin Squad + Pandora, or Whatever it is we're calling them, is 100% a god-tier family for my boy. Everyone needs each other and they're so unwell and I love them so much. It's hard to pick a best friend from them because they're all so great for each other collectively. <3
Hence, Platonic Moonwater. It just makes sense to me that his ideal best friend isn't the same as his family, just an extension of it.
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Marauders Era Characters and the jewelry they wear:
James: Just a fancy silver watch, gift from his parents. A friendship bracelet that The Marauders have with Gryffindor colors.
Sirius: A chain with his star inside his constellation, something that The whole Black Family have. A dragon ring that Alphard left him after he died, in his index finger. The friendship Gryffindor bracelet The Marauders use. An earing in his left ear.
Remus: His old father's leather watch that is too old that seems it could tear apart anytime. His mother's old hipster multiple rings. He wears four in each finger on his right hand. The Gryffindor colors friendship bracelet.
Peter: A Spiderman Digital Watch and his friendship bracelet. Nothing else.
Lily: Delicate flower golden chain. A chain bracelet (she collects lots of chains). And a fine collection of different small earrings. Small watch on her left wrist.
Marlene: Lots of chains. And lots of rings. She wears them at the same time. Mostly big and colorful earrings. Sometimes chokers.
Mary: Depends on what she wears, she combines her earrings, necklace and bracelets. She owns many jewelry. But most of the time she wears big hoops.
Dorcas: They don't like and mostly forget to wear jewelry. But when they do, they wear delicate silver and golden chains. No earrings, ever. What they do wear are crazy rings with cool stones, mostly because of their meaning and because they supposedly give them energy.
Regulus: The silver chain with the constellation with his star. (He and Sirius exchange chains. Read headcanon in this post). A very nice expensive watch. A piercing on his eyebrow because he is also kind of punk.
Barty: Chokers, chains, bracelets and piercings. Everything punk. He wears lots of things.
Pandora: She wears colorful and weird things. Earrings with lots of shapes. Very funny necklaces and bracelets she makes herself. (Regulus loves everything she wears)
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