#paracosmic writing
paracosmicat · 10 months
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love ❤️
💖‼️ WACKUS ‼️💖
Thank you SO much for the ask!!!! I conveniently have just enough to qualify for this!! Tagged under the cut! <3
Since I have exactly 5 (posted) I actually will pit my babies against each other and rank them by favorites
curiosity killed the ladybug
This was my first dip into the ml fan fic pool and my first time uploading a fic since the Andi Mack fandom! Even though I’ve grown as a writer since this, I still am putting this as number one.
Shadow Strike
Collab with: @ninadove
This one is so insanely fun to write and it’s a really nice cannon divergence in a way that honors the incredible writing of the show while exploring what it would be like if our plot didn’t hinder on miscommunication. So so so much fun.
ephialtes / reverie
Collab with: …so many people. @bittersweetresilience @consistent-chaos-corporation @ninadove @wackus-bonkus-maximus @ultear-tigra @keeperofthebox
I had so much fun working on this with all the incredible writers involved! I’ve had so much fun making friends with everyone too. I literally love all of you sm it’s wild. It’s wild. 💗💖💞💘💝🩷 You are all so insanely talented!!!
Allure of the Akuma
This idea was one I had years and years ago and finally got around to committing it to paper! I had so much fun exploring a akumarized Marinette and a bug/chat combination. I just really enjoy giving Adrien a chance to shine, he deserves it.
Collab with: @ninadove
Last place really doesn’t mean much when all of these are so close to my heart and it was so difficult to pick! The finale left a lot of feelings so it was nice to put them somewhere productive. I was very happy with it but man… my heart hurt.
(Take a shot every-time I say “I had so much fun”)
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55maddox · 1 month
I think Pinterest understands I am a slut for dialogue prompts!!! 🫦
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chaoticpoetryy · 6 months
I don’t want a lot, just little specific things. Nothing huge, I don’t have a big dream. Just vibes and aesthetics, pretty things, art and knowledge. This is all that fills my head day and night. Paracosms and daydreams.
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writingmadd · 7 months
I need to work on my book
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maddgical-boy · 4 months
had an idea for a novel (novella?) and now it's all i daydream about, unfortunately actually writing an outline and shit is Hard and daydreaming about the same five scenes over and over is Easy
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wonderlightdaydreams · 11 months
AlterReality: A Coining Essay
This world has always felt like the wrong genre to me. Considering how many stories are based in this world, that sounds absurd. After all, we have free will and therefore the right to choose our own genre, right? One would think so; however, this is often not the case. There can be a myriad of reasons for this, but one large one is the hold that hegemony has on modern society. Despite our diverse world, this hegemony paints a coat of bland sameness over the world, creating a shared reality. This gives us, as beings living inside of hegemony, an interesting problem with a wide myriad of answers: how do we re-enchant our lives, considering the enchantment in question does not exist? My answer is that we alter our own realities, living in fantasy worlds of our own design and giving ourselves the adventure that we deserve.
When hearing the claims that were made in the intro, one would not be wrong to think of the alterhuman community. As a being who is part of it, I hold nothing but reverence for this amazing and wonderful group of diverse beings. They helped me and myself discover ourselves, helped us overcome great shame, and allowed us to evolve into the wonderfully diverse beings we are today. However, many members of this community live the lives of not their true selves but the form in which they exist bodily. While I do not fully blame them, as it is mostly out of necessity, I could not help but wonder if there is another option. Dragons don't pay taxes, after all.
Enter my term, alter reality." To clearly define it, it is having your current reality re-enchanted by means of living in a personal reality (which will be defined later in the essay) that is not the one shared by most individuals, whether voluntary or otherwise. This is about individuals who currently live in a personal reality, not those who don't live there due to their past lives or for any other reason. Let me reiterate that this can be  achieved through voluntary means and is a term that can be used by most anyone. You do not have to be alterhuman to be AlterReality, although those two can often intermingle with one another.
Another term that often overlaps with AlterReality is immersive daydreaming (ID). As an immersive daydreamer myself, I can say that one can be an ID and an AlterReality, but there are differences. For one, AlterReality requires the individual to live inside their reality, not watch it like a movie. As such, those who experience AlterReality have their true selves present in their reality, whom they live through. These factors often do not exist for immersive daydreamers.
Earlier, I brought up the idea of a personal reality. This is defined as any reality that is not a shared reality and is often customized to the individual(s) living inside of it. It can be shared, as I will address later in this essay. The nature of an alternate reality’s individual can exist as a hybrid of personal and shared reality, or it can exist entirely as a personal reality. However, AlterReality individuals do not live exclusively in shared reality (if you drank every time I said reality, I deeply apologize to your liver).
If you've made it this far into the essay, you're probably wondering how one can do this. After all, it is very possible for an individual to make themselves alter reality if they so choose. The methods are as infinite as magic itself; however, one common one is daydreaming. If you are interested in this method, please read my essay "An Introduction To Daydreaming V2", as it has very helpful advice in that. However, if you wish to take those methods further and have yourself make this reality real, it is simply a matter of mindset.
This topic is an essay in its own right, but this world is made up of constructs. Everything from jobs to family to even grocery stores is attached to stories. Take the latter: what do you think of when you think of grocery stores? Shopping for your dinner tonight? The dull tedium of the islands? Free samples? These are all items that exist in the shared reality that I am assuming that you, the reader, share as well. Now, what if we change one of these aspects or add one? Instead of going shopping for your dinner, the grocery store can be an epic quest to find sacred ingredients. Instead of the dull tedium of the islands, you can recreate them as sprawling dungeons filled with puzzles and traps. And of course, free samples are the spoils for all of your adventuring. This can be changed to fit your aesthetic and desires, but essentially, anything can be anything if you really want it to be.
It should be noted that this essay is in no way advocating for benign shut-ins or hikikomori. While personalizing your reality is often a solitary activity, it is enriching as well as encouraging to use shared reality as a prompt for your daydream. Being locked in your room on a physical level often creates a boring personalized reality, as your input is often limited. Go on quests, include your friends in your personal reality, and have fun!
Now, the only question left is: what should you even personalize your reality to be? One way to begin is by looking at your favorite pieces of media. You can simply make your personalized reality the media in question, or take what you like in that piece of media and create it based on these aspects. Of course, you can take any combination of media inspiration or none at all. The important thing here is that you enjoy your personalized reality and can feasibly live in it. One thing to consider is self-insertability, or the ability to add yourself to the fiction you create. These differ greatly depending on both the media and the individual, but they often come in the form of categories that the audience can split themselves into; think characters from Homestuck or elements from Avatar: The Last Airbender. Of course,there are many circumstances in which this trait would not apply. Overall, personal realities are just as diverse as their creators!
Many times, we, as an audience, are just passively observing other worlds. As an AlterReality practitioner, you don't only ascend beyond being an observer; you turn your life into a story. Modern life is filled with tons of stories. Stories about getting rich, having a family, and following the beaten path Why not Alter Your Reality someday and make your own story?
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altosys · 2 months
A proposition to write a better relationship for Pentellow
Bonjam, TPC fandom. I hear your cries, your pleas, your hearts shattering from how shallow Pentellow's relationship with Iris is. But don't give up, I have a solution.
So, for anyone reading this who knows about the Geometry Dash fanseries (with the world's most complex lore, second only to the Kirby franchise) The Final Battle of Geometry Dash, I propose an idea:
Pentellow x The Darkness.
So the lore/story for it would be: Basically, Pentellow re-evaluates her relationship with Iris after starting to wonder if there's something that feels truer, something more powerful, something more out there that she could just never feel with Iris. Of course she'd do anything to know what she's looking for. It's the kind of longing, the kind of desperation that leaves one feeling so restless. Eventually from some form of encounter, she (on her own) has a run-in with the Darkness and the question arises: is it really *that* gay to kiss girls So yeah. Now Pantellow/questioning Pentellesbian is absolutely head-over-heels. For someone who's generally seen as worse than corrupts. And now her morals, her worldview, EVERYTHING is being flipped upside down.
Et voila, moral corruption via the "sweet completely-innocent" protagonist falling for an absolute baddie. Undoubtedly one of the most fun tropes to write. Side notes: -Idk, I just hc the darkness as being transfem. ok?? does the absence of light NEED to have a gender???? /lh -the darkness x obscurity is better than pentiris but would still never work out in a million years. -pantellow. it's right in the name goddamnit.
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˜”°•.˜”°• Immersive Daydreaming Sideblog •°”˜.•°”˜
·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ Kai 𓆩⟡𓆪 20 y/o 𓆩⟡𓆪
˚ ༘♡ ·˚ ₊˚ˑ༄ؘ Main Blog: @silly-shapeshifting-clown . ˚◞♡ ⃗ *ೃ༄ General Art Blog: @jackai-creates
˚ ༘♡ ·˚ ₊˚ˑ༄ؘ TWs/CWs: flashing lights, eyestrain, sex (written form only), gore & violence (written form only), liminal spaces, unreality, religious trauma, depictions of s-h & panick attacks, horror & psychological horror, fire/arson
My Paracosm
🪐 World Basis 🧝 People of the world 🪹 A/B/O Dynamics 👽 Uncanny Valley
🪞Paraself 🥗 The Fruity Gang 🥝 | 🫐 | 🍓 | 🍇 | 🍊
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safiresyrup · 5 months
still, after 7 years of life has passed,
all the childlike ache I used to know rots lonely in my mind,
unrecognizable dark
unbearable stench
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neon-stargazer · 4 months
Just tried looking up fanfics for my Paracosm on AO3, what am I becoming /j
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auraindigos-paraspace · 6 months
The para my pfp is taken from.
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55maddox · 1 month
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thefeatherwrites · 6 months
The idea came to me, I typed it. It's not edited, nor under the scrutiny of my own inner criticism. This is loosely based on a word I recently learned, to imagine your own fantasy life in your head, and as a chronic daydreamer, this was easy to imagine.
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You could have never imagined a better life.
Your humble beginnings were nothing short of a nightmare. Finding out at the age of fifteen that you were a witch, destined to wield an ancient magic thought to have been extinct from the world and having to use such power to defeat a rebellion of goblins is something you would have only believed existed in stories. But it was real. You lived it.
Another fantasy you never could have imagined, was finding someone. A man who would shield you from everything that life would have further harmed you with, had he not been there. Someone you considered a best friend, your only true confidant, the love of your life you never knew you needed.
On the day your wedding, you remembered how you had picked the petals off of flowers growing in the fields of the highlands, dreaming of the day your last name could be changed, to Sallow.
Now, you sit on the front porch of your cottage. Overlooking the rolling hills of the Scottish Highlands, sipping on your coffee and basking in the summer sun. Sebastian chasing your two children who were the perfect carbon copies of your husband, but you didn't complain.
Their laughs echoed in your ears, their smiles were etched into your soul, and the picture of your whole world running around playing tag was a portrait that would have had no monetary worth, because it was priceless.
As you got older, so did your children. Sebastian only aged like fine wine, while you grew more wrinkles from the stress of raising and sending your children off to Hogwarts. It was especially hard, since they were twins so they went off together, leaving you at home with an empty nest. You knew your adoring husband would only jest about having the time to make more, and unknowingly... you would.
After some years, Sebastian would retire from the Ministry. Your twins would graduate from Hogwarts and journey into their own lives, while your youngest was now attending Hogwarts as well. Despite the years wearing on you, you loved your little life.
You loved your children; smart and curious, just like you. You especially loved your husband; wise and mischievous, just like he always had been. Keeping you safe and on your toes as you both got older.
Your final memory was watching Sebastian in your bed, cuddled up next to you for warmth. His hair now grey, his skin now wrinkled and pale. But the same warm brown eyes you fell in love with remained the same. You both envisioned dying together, mostly from a battle in your younger years, but were ever-so-thankful to give the phrase a new meaning.
To pass in the arms of the one you felt safe with was the most rewarding way to go. As you closed your eyes, the last memory of your beloved husband smiling, you awoke once more with the rattle of the desk beneath you.
Instead of the aged Sebastian you had just lived a whole life with, there stood his significantly younger form. As if you had just met him only years ago. You soon realized you must have fallen asleep in class, and he had just woken you up.
From a dream.
"Hey, are you okay?" Sebastian asked, he looked concerned as he noticed a lone tear coming from your eye. You quickly wipe it away, claiming it must just be from the brightness of the sun pouring in from the windows. He would shrug it off, but he didn't know how much this crushed you.
A dream, is a wish your heart makes. You had just lived an entire life in the span of an hour long nap, spawning a newfound depression in you for what seemed like an eternity but only lasted seconds until you felt something on your hand.
Looking down, your heart could've burst from your chest right then and there. A ring.
A single band with a small but perfect green stone, something his mother passed down for the future Mrs. Sallow. And it was on your finger.
"C'mon sweetheart. Let's not be late for our date." He smiled sweetly, reaching down to grab your left hand and kissing the ring as his dark chocolate eyes lit up like fireworks. You smile back sweetly, grabbing his hand as you both exit the classroom and out the doors to Hogsmeade.
You could have never imagined a better life before, but now that you did, it was something that made you look forward to the future.
Your future, not a paracosm.
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writingmadd · 3 months
Has anyone else had a God in your paracosm cry like a baby
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sillycyan · 15 days
I wanna thank a few things rn.. Google for the most insane searches I've made. Tumblr for helping me think of new ways to say a dumb word. Music helped keep me semi-sane and focused, which wasn't much... Ermmm and I my dearest friends who was there to read first draft and help with stuff because I could NOT have done all this alone- Anyways…. How much yall fw cowboys?
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I never consented to this mundanity
Quick disclaimer: if this is the first time you see me, welcome! This essay discusses a concept that I coined, known as alterreality. You can read more about it here. If you have any further questions about it, please send me an email. I would love to hear from yall.. 
How many of your favourite Dungeons and Dragons sessions had their hero picking out a phone plan? How about going to the grocery store? I’d give more examples, but you get the idea. You would think that by now, after alterreality is more established, I would have dreamed that I, out of anyone, would have a solution on how to turn these things into an epic quest. While I am working on these answers as we speak, more often than not, I  am the victim of these situations. I would call this essay something generic, like “factors that may get in the way of alterreality,"  but the title I chose rings some sort of truth to me. Although we technically have free will (extistentialist theories nonwithstanding), there is so much boring crap in life that just needs to get done. While this mundanity corresponds with how many individuals see the world, it very much does not gel with the “magical girl/fantasy hero” alterreality that I have constructed for myself. With this, here are some limits that I have found when practicing alterreality.
The biggest limit that I have come across is other people. It's very hard to believe that a grocery store is actually an infested dungeon when someone else is there with you, telling you their shopping list every five seconds. It feels the same as that one guy who loves to remind you that wrestling is fake (note for future writing: wrestling is alterreality!). Yes, I know where I actually am, but let me add whimsy, goddamnit! A smaller nitpick, but when others are around you, it becomes much harder to listen to your music, an essential component of immersion for me. Apparently, when others are with you, you have to engage in conversation with them? I know, wild stuff! This, however, does go two ways! If you happen to find someone else who wishes to participate in alterreality with you (I have yet to find this), then your immersion would skyrocket. I could not be any more thankful to everyone online who validated my experiences, and if (and hopefully when!) I meet even one of you in physical space and you would wish to participate in alterreality with me, I would be more than happy for you to join my adventure. 
Another limit that I have found is the cognitive limit. I have discussed this with others before; however, it is very hard to be both immersed in a given story to the point of belief and complete a cognitively draining task at the same time. Personally, I was working on a project while performing alterreality recently. Everything was going smoothly until I encountered a technical error in which I felt kicked out of my personal reality and back into my regular, mundane existence. I plan on experimenting with preparing an alternate reality beforehand, focusing on the task at hand, then returning to my true reality after; however, I would love a solution that would be more immersive in the moment. 
My third limitation that I would like to bring up is the unpredictable nature of reality. You could plan a perfect hero journey circle, but all social reality can give you is a confusing mess of hero(?) spaghetti. If the event that you were planning on creating the final battle over got cancelled, not much can be done but shrug and throw in the towel. As well, conversations in reality do not pan out the way they do in a story. I am still holding on to the conversation about pottery I had with my friends and a random museum worker, thinking that it has to be important for some quests coming up. Meat reality has many, many beautiful things. However, more often than not, it becomes a monkey wrench in my imagination. 
I did think of one solution to many of these problems. One factor that I think would fix a lot is if modern designers cared more about wonder and whimsy. To put it simply, there are too many Costcos and not enough castles. I’m not saying there should be cathedrals on every block (my city is messed up as it is and does not need the Catholic Church adding to the list of problems). However, I am saying that if you are going to design a place with a lot of foot traffic, it should both serve as fun and imagination fuel. This being said, this does not solve the social aspect. There will always be scenarios where one must maintain a mask of munanity in order to go about day-to-day life. There will always be situations that are too cognitively difficult to create a reality over. There will always be boredom. I may not have consented to this mundanity, but my hope is that I will forge an alterreality for myself that will transcend the physical world, and my life will become a true fantastical adventure.
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