#parent severus snape
houseofprince · 25 days
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Read All You Can Never Know on ao3
“There is no place for secrets in this household, Harry." Severus knelt down in front of the standing child, searching through green eyes for understanding, holding both hands in his. "Where there is secret,” he continued, “There is shame. And there should be nothing so shameful that you feel you have to keep secret from me. Do you understand?"
Summary: Harry breaks his arm at the Dursley's for the third time before Severus is sent to remove him from Privet Drive. With nowhere else to go, Severus raises him, teaches him to write, read and guides him through his first year at Hogwarts. Harry's selective mutism prevents him from speaking of his past abuse though it becomes clearer and clearer that he wishes to. This story is a poignant exploration of found family, the profound impacts of child abuse and the power of love persevering.
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scarlettwriter91 · 7 months
Chapter Update!
Chapter 18 of And Then There Were Three is posted 👀
It's in all the places! A03, FFN, and Wattpad.
Check it out!!
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chunkymilk96 · 8 months
Found A FIC!
Basically, it really has like a rhythm to magic and when he’s making a potion after class Snape find out and starts to treat him better.
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snucius · 2 years
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I'm simply in love with this scene 🖤.
When Draco fell off his broom, Severus literally jumped out of his skin -just like the mama bear he is- but Lucius was just like "Huh, whose son is he? Definitely not mine."
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nightingale2004 · 6 months
Severus Snape daughter headcanons
Slytherin all the way.
There was a debate with the sorting hat between Slytherin and Ravenclaw, but the hat landed on Slytherin
Severus taught her German and Russian
Has a pet cat
Was taught how to brew potions as a child
Skilled in occlumency and legilimens
Severus would've definitely taught her some fight moves he learned from Tobias to defend herself along with defense spells to protect herself if necessary (one of the rare good things Tobias did for Severus)
I feel his daughter would have a photographic memory
If his daughter was born before the war, then she would've met Regulus as a baby but didn't know a lot about him other than what Narcissa, Lucius, and her father told her (all good things)
Growing up, Severus didn't tell her a lot of his past, but every time she was in the Malfoy's care or Charity and Aurora's care, they would tell her all the embarrassing school stories of Severus (Severus would neither confirm or deny the stories) but they leave out the marauders of their stories (she knows about them, they always let it slip during their stories)
Educated in both the wizarding and muggle world
She definitely inherited the famous Severus glare and sharp tongue
Middle is Eileen, and Severus talks about his mother sometimes but not much
She would definitely be a bookworm
Similar to Severus, she would have an interest in potions and DADA
She and Draco would have definitely seen each other as siblings from their parents
I feel like she would be respectful and nice to house elves and would hate the abuse they face (she scolds her uncle Lucius about hurting Dobby every time she sees it)
Her and Hermione would have a school rivalry since they are both the smartest girls in their houses. But they respect each other and their intellect
If wolfstar had a child or children, then you can count on some bad blood between them (who knows... maybe an enemies to lovers)
Severus and McGonagall taught her how to dance (quite fabulously, if I may add 👌💃)
Sees Minerva as a grandmother figure (you can't tell me that McGonagall wouldn't lover her as her own)
If she had an Animagus form, it would be a cat or Raven
Her Patronus would be a bat or a cat
Has respect for the Weasley twins but will not hesitate to turn their pranks against them if it's aimed at her father, Draco, or herself
Likes Molly and Arthur but has notes on their parenting
She and Ron like playing wizard chess with each other (she beats him every time, and Ron always wants a rematch)
I feel like she would be a bit relatable to Stiles Stilinski (has ADHD, OCD, A LOT of sarcasm, and is stubborn. Wonder where she gets that from) "I mean no. Do you want to hear it in German? Nein". "I'm 140 pounds of pale skin and fragile bone, ok? Sarcasm and magic are my ONLY defense."
I feel like a lot of people would be afraid of her because she is Severus's daughter
She and Luna, I feel would get along because of her creative mind and unique way of seeing the world (she would also scare off Luna's bullies)
She makes her own spells, potions, and magical objects (mad scientist mode)
Not a big fan of quidditch but supports Draco
Brains of the operation
Hates Sirius on sight and is OK Remus.
She will not hesitate to hex or murder Sirius if he continues to insult her family (she is very difficult to restrain)
Feels like Harry's babysitter for always helping him survive on his adventures
She knows Remus when she was young due to his visits to her home to pick up his supply of wolfsbane from her father (so she knows he's a werewolf)
Often scold Draco if his insults go too far.
If her dad was a part of the death eaters and she was told, she would be shocked, upset, and angry but if he told her about the double agent part then she would be more worried for him
All I got so far. Enjoy my lovelies
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isbreulla · 3 months
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Sarah Snape is a girl who grew up far from the truth. She knows nothing about her father's past and the only thing she knows about her mother is that she died during childbirth. Overprotected throughout her life, Sarah became a quiet and observant young lady, without many social skills and with quite a temper just like her father, but also very curious and ambitious. She won't rest until she knows the whole truth.
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Severus Snape is the same as we already know, still the bitter and strict Potions Master. But in this story we'll unveil Snape's father side. Snape is a demanding and overprotective father, but also somewhat loving. He will do anything to protect Sarah from his dark past. Snape never feels that Sarah is old enough to know the truth, and fears the day when he will have to tell her everything. He also does everything he can to be the father he never had, even though he has a hard time showing affection.
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reyrey-art · 2 months
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You can find a HD version on my Pixiv. This is the best quality I can post here (>﹏<)
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sev-life · 11 months
What if Snape was a dad?
So, I'm not talking secretly Harry or Hermione's father. Draco is just his godson. Severus Snape is just a dad. A single dad at that.
He had a one night stand where the condom broke or he forgot protection charms. Maybe the sex was great, maybe it was forgettable, but either way that awkward conversation on what's next happens about 6 weeks later. Severus was always the type of man to do the work, so he wouldn't be any different when it came to his own child he was terrified of having.
And Baby comes faster than he thought possible, with diapers and bottles and all of the laundry spells. Honestly, his wand is getting tired and he needs to grade. But he loves his child more than he thought possible, keeping them close and safe and never hurt like Severus was. He would never abuse his little one. The other parent was out of the picture (died in the war, didn't want the baby, in Azkaban), so he does everything by himself and with the help of the most investigated and monitored (not that they know that) MUGGLE babysitter he could find.
Severus is the best dad too, makes good dinners and plays outside, reads bedtime stories, and always gives his child the love he never saw. He helps them with their homework and teaches them about magic and potions. Severus makes sure that all of their clothes fit, even if it's with a quick spell before he can get to the shop. He listens to all of the playground drama and attends all of the class parties and shows (With the help of a time turner of course). Snape also participates in the bake sale even though "The flyer was passed out last week and you didn't tell me why?" But he had so much fun rolling out cookies with the most precious person on the Earth.
Of course, Snape is strict when it comes to safety. He has given a few timeouts and a handful of groundings and extra chores, but he would never ever raise a hand (or belt or wand) to his baby. He wasn't his parents and refused to stoop to their level.
But the real kicker, no one knows. Well, until Hogwarts that is. Professor McGonagall chokes, checked her glasses, then reread the name on the list of first years when one ended in SNAPE. But up stepped a first year in new robes that looked undeniably like their father. The child eagerly waved to the professor who smiled and waved back, giving a big thumbs up (students swore it was a stroke). And was promptly sorted into Ravenclaw.
Severus enjoyed stealing from Minerva's scotch stash as Albus and her lectured him for HIDING A FULL CHILD FROM THEM!!! Snape did not apologize. Then he went to find his child and checked that they were comfortable and knew exactly where his rooms were where he had an extra bed added.
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severussnapemylove · 8 months
One of the most irritating headcanons that keeps popping up; "Severus hated having Ginny Weasley in his class because she looked like Lily."
Other than the fact that there is nothing to suggest Severus has some pavlovian response to every red head in existence, if this is your headcanon, your bigger concern should be that Harry married Ginny.
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houseofprince · 2 months
All You Can Never Know (Severitus Fanfic)
“There is no place for secrets in this household, Harry." Severus knelt down in front of the standing child, searching through green eyes for understanding, holding both hands in his. "Where there is secret,” he continued, “There is shame. And there should be nothing so shameful that you feel you have to keep secret from me. Do you understand?"
Summary: Harry breaks his arm at the Dursley's for the third time before Severus is sent to remove him from Privet Drive. With nowhere else to go, Severus raises him, teaches him to write, read and guides him through his first year at Hogwarts. Harry's selective mutism prevents him from speaking of his past abuse though it becomes clearer and clearer that he wishes to. This story is a poignant exploration of found family, the profound impacts of child abuse and the power of love persevering.
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chunkymilk96 · 1 year
Found it
the fic I’m looking for is - Vernon gets tired of Harry and brings him to the woods on I think his birthday and almost kills him leaving him blind. Then Severus who is collecting mushrooms in the forest finds him and nurses him back to health later finding out he’s Harry Potter and adopting him. Lucius and Narcissa find out and help him out. Voldemort (had a thing with Greyback but that was only mentioned) also came and helps Severus out. After that my memory is a little fuzzy but I think harry gets rejected from hogwarts because he’s blind.
If you have any idea what this fic is called please tell me!
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You know what screams severus? Him being married and not telling anyone, like there’s no point in telling his coworkers or anyone in general, then one day his partner shows up and everyone is like who’s that?
Severus: if you must know this is my partner of six years
That is on spot Severus.
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isbreulla · 8 months
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Severus Snape is also back around here, and he's giving you a warning: Do not mess with his child.
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l0verboyxoxo1111 · 11 months
Hello ! Could you please do a wolfstar student reader (if not wolfstar, just one of them) x platonic professor snape, where despite hating their fathers with every cell in his body, he has a very soft spot for them, seeing so much of himself in them : bullied by others a lot, library rat with exceedingly great talent for potions …
Set up and ending is up to you, thank you !
Hey! Here it is!
Severus Pov:
“Y/n Black wasn’t like her fathers, Sirius and Remus. She always had been an outcast, bullied by the other students, she was anything but her parents. but yet, so similar to them by her looks. I’ve tried to distract myself from not seeing myself in her. but somehow it’s impossible, I looked at her in my class, as she was making a potion, Y/n was incredibly good at it.
She was so passionate about making potions.
I never thought I would say it, but she was my best student. I tried to hate her for everything that her parents did to me back then at the past. but how could I ignore someone who was just like me when I was younger?
It was quite impossible. I tried to distract myself from my thoughts as I realised that the class was over, “class is over.” I said, as the students went out of my class, Y/n was still sitting at her desk, adding notes in her potion book, a kid from a desk behind her came up to her saying, “nerdy Y/n. can’t even get her eyes out of the book, even at recess” the boy chuckled. “Such a pathetic bookworm.”
He took her potion book, raising it up, as she got up from her seat trying to get the book from him he looked at her laughing, “oh you want the book?” She nodded at him, as he threw the book away to the other side of the class, here you go.” A tear fell to her chin, I stood up as I walked next to him grabbing his Shirt collar in my hands, “Mr. B/L/N detention now. Don’t you dare touching Mrs. Black stuff again, or I will make sure your butt would be grounded the entire year.” I let go of his shirt as he looked at me panicking, “Sorry professor, I won’t do it again.”
As he ran away from the class, I breathed heavily, grabbing Y/n book from the floor, and handing it to her, she looked at me tearing up, “t-thank you professor.” I planned not to respond back and go away. But the words came up from my mouth, “why are you spending your recess I’m here?” Her cheek got red from embarrassment, “I, I don’t really have anything to do outside, or someone to be with..” I raised my brow at her, “how can it be the the daughter of Sirius and Remus ain’t able to get any friends?” I knew she was always in the shadow and not always spending time with the other students, but I have never thought it got into a situation when she was always by herself, I felt sorry for her in some way, she whispered “it appears that being their child didn’t really helped me in anything,”
She breathed out trying to find words, “I have never been like my parents, they always have the image of the girl the wished for, the girl that I’m supposed to be. and not matter how much I’ve tried I can’t be that girl.” She looked to the side, “nobody here seems to understand me or even tries to get to know me, and I can’t seem to find the reason of what am I doing wrong?”
She sighed. I wanted to leave, I didn’t want to be there for her. she doesn’t deserve my comfort. Even if she’s different, she’s still THEIR child. But does it really matter anymore? I’m still her professor. If I won’t be here for her nobody would, even not her own parents. “This kids are wrong, you haven’t done anything to get all of this hate, I will make sure they won’t bother you anymore.” I said, as her sight moved towards mine. she whipped the tears from her eyes, “I appreciate it professor.” She said getting back in her chair.
I smiled slightly, somehow feeling good that I stayed and offered her my help, “what are you adding there?” I looked at her pointing my finger at her potion book, she smiled at me, “just clarifications, and I’m actually trying to create a new potion that I’ve thought of.” She said in an excited voice, “mind showing me?” She handed me the book I read it, couldn’t believe in how brilliant this girl was, “that, that’s incredible.” She took the book from me, looked at the pages in her book, “thank you professor.” She had a questionable look in her face, “what?” I asked, “would you mind helping me with it?” I looked to the side trying to think what to do, “I- yes why not.”
With time passing by it became a routine, every recess. me and Y/n have been Working together on making her potion, adding herbs and removing others. Sharing thoughts and ideas,and I even helped her to get some friends. I never thought I could have a soft spot for their child, but things have changed. even if she’s their, it doesn’t matter anymore. she’s.. she’s different.”
Summer vacation Y/n pov:
“The year passed by and me and professor Snape started to be sort of friends somehow, I never would have thought that me and him would get along, he always seemed to hate me. I knew it was because of my parents, but I knew that he just got the wrong idea of me since I am their child. And I’m glad that he did, I don’t know what would have done without him, he helps me with the bullies and appreciating me for my ideas, sharing his childhood memories with me, that make me feel like I’m not alone in that situation, I couldn’t believe I would ever say that, but professor snape is a big inspiration to me. nobody ever cared about me as much as he did, even no my dads.
I got close to our house door, knocking on it. as the door opened, my dads started hugging me and welcoming me, I entered and sat on the couch, as they started asking me about my year, I begin to tell them about it, and how Professor Snape was there for me and helped me, Sirius cut me in my sentence. “Snivellus? Why are you even talking to that creep darling?” Remus joined him “yes sweetie snivellus is a bad influence on you, you shouldn’t hang with him, you need to get friends, company, not that.” Sirius nodded “maybe try socialising with the students instead of reading your books all day, you are smart enough you don’t need all of that learning, it makes you a loner.” Remus added to that comment “you don’t want people to get the wrong expression of you, don’t you?”
I got angry at their comments. Why do they mind it so much? Why can’t they be happy when I’m doing things that I find interesting, why do they always gotta be like that? “Maybe that’s what I want to do, I don’t want to change myself so people would find me interesting.” I bite my lip, “why would you want that?” Sirius added, “because I don’t care! They can think whatever they want. YOU can think whatever you want of me, I won’t stop doing what I like, and you can hate on professor Snape as much as you want, but he did what nobody did for me! He helped me, he cared for me. He even help me talking to new kids.” I sighed, Remus looked at me, “we get it darling but we don’t want you to be like him.”
“I don’t mind it! I’m done with trying to be the girl you have always wished for. “the popular girl who ain’t a bookworm. and always Chasing around so she’ll have the biggest society circle in Hogwarts.” I took a breath, “I’m not like that, and I will never be that. And I’m fine with that, and if you really care for me? You should be happy that I’ve got someone to be there for me, that I even got knew friends, I don’t need everyone to like me that’s fine please just accept it.”
The walls surrounding Remus and Sirius closed up, chocking them the moment they realised their daughter similarly to Severus’s. This was like staring at the past, she was supposed to be better than that, better than him. Yet she was like a reflection of him, in so many ways. But how could they not accept their daughter for what she loves and makes her feel happy? They just can’t, they looked at each other as they looked at her, “we are sorry darling you’re right, we should be here for you and accept that, you are who you are and it won’t change, and we love you no matter what as long as you are happy.”
Y/n for once in a long time was happy and relieved, she finally was understood by her surroundings, with support of her parents and her favourite Professors, she begin having friends who liked her for who she is, and it wouldn’t be so without her professor who she was thankful for, for truly seeing her for who she was and helping her.”
That’s it! I hope you liked it, it’s my first fanfic so I hope it’s fine and there aren’t a lot of mistakes thank you for your idea🫶🏻
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nightingale2004 · 6 months
Severus Snape children faceclaim:
Male version
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Female version:
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Their houses: Ravenclaw &/or Slytherin
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darkcrowprincess · 12 days
I'm a marauders and Snape fan:
Lily Evans to James Potter: Really getting caught making out with Regulus Black? Do you want Sirius to kill you?
James Potter completely flustered: Hey you have no room to talk Evans. How's Severus Snape been lately?
Lily unashamed lifts up her hand with a ring on her finger. It's silver and has lilies engraved on it: We are doing just great.
James Potter actually smiles at that. Happy for her. He's grown a lot from the boy she knew in school : That's actually really great Lils. I'm happy for you.
James after a second looks a little worried and awkward thinking of Harry: Though now I'm worried how we're suppose to explain this to a five year old?
Lily with a laugh: Simple if he's extra good this year he'll have three dad's instead of the one.
James Potter laughs with her, but gets a sad look on his face thinking of Regulus: Yeah, though I don't know if it will be that simple with Regulus. *sigh* Slytherins always having to make everything so complicated.
Lily smiles sadly: And the stubborn gryffindors who don't make it so easy.
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