#pay attention to anything he said because he was a dangerous unstable man who needed help
gibbearish · 7 months
also the thing of trying to boil it down to like "he was a hero whos mental state was made of titanium" or "he was an unstable mentally ill weirdo who killed himself and pretended it was for a reason" seems. counterproductive at the very least
#something something bodily automomy also applies to self-harm/suicide#and also something something suicidal urges aren't A Mental Illness™ on their own#we think abt like. active suicidal tendencies vs passive as active being The Real Thing™ and passive being a diluted form of it#but honestly its the other way around#passive is 'i want to be somewhere where things are better' and active is just. running out of somewheres to go#people talk about Mental Illness Suicide™ in this as if its just some like.#amorphous Blob that makes you want to kill yourself for no reason#like there's no motivation behind it‚ its not 'i want to escape this bad situation' but literally just 'i want to be dead'#and its like. theres always a reason#and i just. dont think being suicidal automatically makes a person unstable and we shouldnt fall for conservative propaganda saying it does#cause from what ive seen thats been the part conservatives have latched onto because its The Only Thing They Can Focus On Without Looking#At Anything Else#idk it just feels a little weird to be on the mental illness website seeing people talk about how we shouldnt#pay attention to anything he said because he was a dangerous unstable man who needed help#bc its like. havent we been over this before?#idk this isnt very well expressed my thoughts have been all over the place abt this the last few days#tumblr has apparently decided i need to see 100000000 posts about it to the point i am kinda considering finally turning off the#based on your likes kwbfksbfkdnfk
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ahsxual · 3 years
Heeeey! May I request Gi-hun comforting the reader after a nightmare while they were sleeping after the whole black out incident in the game?
Pairing: Seong Gi-Hun x GN!Reader
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: reader having nightmares, reader crying
Word Count: 0,8 k
A/N: My first request from the squid game, yayy!! Thank you so much for requesting this, dear anon. I really enjoyed writing this fic, because I can imagine Gi-Hun being this cute!! I hope you like it ^^
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"Please don't!!" you screamed when you felt a pair of strong arms shaking you to wake you up.
"Shhh it's me, Gi-Hun!" in the middle of the darkness, you could barely see the face of the kindest man you have ever met, yet his voice was impossible to not recognize.
"W-what, what are you doing here??" your breath was heavy and unstable, and your forehead was covered in sweat.
"You spent the last five minutes screaming things like"no" and "please don't hurt me", so I assumed you were having a bad dream..." when your eyes adjusted to the darkness, you could finally see better his facial features: even in the dark, you noticed the pure concern he had for you in his big eyes, and his lips were slightly trembling.
"Oh..." you answered, not wanting to tell him what your nightmare was about. "I'm so sorry for waking you up, Gi-Hun... you can go back to sleep now, I'm fine." you faked smiled to the man who was worrying too much about you, because you didn't want him to lose his so needed sleep because of you. He frowned at you, not believing what you just said to him.
"What?? You really want me to believe that you are ok? Or that I can sleep after hearing you screaming like you were being attacked??" you looked at him for a few seconds, not understanding why he cared so much about you when you only met each other a few days ago... in a survival game. Gi-Hun is so kind to you and very protective of you since the beginning. Maybe it's because you two are very similar: you both are very emotional, friendly and truly care about others. In his eyes, you are the hope he needs to believe that the human nature isn't so cruel like he thought: there are a few exceptions, and you are one of them.
You never had someone who cared for you as much as this man does. You couldn't hold it anymore and so you started crying: one, for having a terrible and truly scary nightmare, which were flashbacks from last night, and for realizing that in a place full of danger and chaos, there was an angel who promised to take care of you, no matter what.
"No no- please don't cry, Y/n!! I'm-I'm here with you, you're not alone..." the lovely man hugged you while massaging gently your head, trying his best to comfort you the way he knew best.
"It's just..." you were hesitant to tell him the truth, and he noticed that.
"It's just what? You can trust me... I'll help you, but only if you tell me what you were dreaming about." you looked at him, his eyes slightly wet from seeing you sad.
"I... dreamed about what happened last night..." this time, you started crying even harder. "I'm so scared to die, Gi-Hun, so fucking scared..."
"Don't say that, silly girl/boy!" he grabbed your face to make you look at him, in order to calm you down and to make you pay attention to what he's about to say. You noticed one tear running on his right cheek, but you didn't say anything. - "I'm not letting anything bad happen to you here or anywhere, do you here me?! As long as I'm alive, I'll protect you at all cost!" you were speechless when you heard those reassuring words coming from him. For a quick moment, you even thought about marrying this man because of all the strong emotions you were feeling at once.
"Are you real...?" you asked him, only for him to laugh with his head down, and then looking lovingly at you once again.
"I'm 100% real, don't worry. You are not crazy or seeing things, yet." now it was his turn to make you laugh, him joining you right after when he realized that his trick to make you feel better was finally working.
"Anyway... I'm sorry for waking you up..."
"Ohh, don't worry about it! It's not like I could sleep before coming here to check on you." he grinned with his teeth at you and you returned the warm smile. A big pause was settled between you two, when suddenly a comforting idea came to your mind.
"Yes?" he looked at you with those cute and innocent eyes, the ones that make you melt everytime.
"Can you... sleep with me..? Please?" at that moment, his smile dropped immediately and he felt his throat suddenly getting super dry... and if the huge room you were in, wasn't almost completely covered by darkness, you would definitely notice his red cheeks burning from pure shyness. "I mean... only if you want to, of course. I just... want to feel protected. It helps me sleep better." he thought about your irresistible suggestion for a long moment, afraid of causing you any type of discomfort, before a kind smile returned to his face.
"Ok... I can do that for you." he happily accepted your request, before the two of you laid down on your bed: your head and small hands were on top of his covered chest, while his chin was relaxing on top of your head and his arms were around your waist, pushing you even closer to his lean body, to protect you from any possible danger.
And that was the first night in that horrendous place full of sadness, blood and death, that you could sleep in peace. Gi-Hun is your guardian angel, and who knows... future husband who you would spend the rest of your life with.
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awhitehead17 · 3 years
Batfam Alphabet: J - Joker Junior (JJ)
Summary: When Dick is joined by his brother’s alter personality he struggles to complete his case work. JJ can be rather distracting especially when Dick has to keep a constant eye on him because he can’t be trusted to be on his own. 
A/N: This story references to torture and self harm, nothing in graphic detail but please don't read if that makes you uncomfortable. This story is based where Tim had been kidnapped by the Joker and turned into Joker Junior. 
Enjoy! :D 
“Don’t. Put it back. Now.”
There’s a few beats of a silence and without looking he could tell his orders haven’t been followed. “Don’t make me tell you again.”
Seconds later there’s a clanging of metal which indicates he’s been finally listened too. Dick takes a deep breath in and slowly lets it out before turning his focus back onto the task at hand.
He’s currently re-reading old case files looking for any names, locations, alibies that could possibly be linked into the current case he’s working. It’s a tedious task but it needs to be done. That being said it would be a lot easier if current company wasn’t present. It was rather distracting having to split his focus two ways so he could try and work as well as keep an eye on the kid at the same time.
This time Dick’s read no more than a paragraph when the sound of moving metal could be heard yet again.
Sighing in resignation, he shuts the file and turns around to face the rest of the cave. His eyes instantly drift over to the weapons table where his companion currently is at. The kid is frozen in place, staring wide-eyed at Dick knowing he’s been caught doing something he shouldn’t be doing. It’s like a kid caught with their hand in the cookie jar, only in this situation the cookie is a dagger rather than an edible treat.
Opposite him the kid silently blinks owlishly, it would actually be an adorable sight if it weren’t for the creepy ass grin stretching across his face. It’s the grin that reminds Dick who he’s dealing with. It isn’t Tim who is standing in front of him but rather his alternate personality, JJ.
JJ first appeared about two years ago after Tim had been captured and tortured by the Joker. The best explanation they could come up with for his appearance is that JJ is Tim’s way of detaching himself from the traumatic experience he had. JJ is the result of the horrendous torture Tim went through.
It’s certainly taken everyone some time to adjust to this development. Even now, years later, everyone is still getting used to it. Tim is here, he’s still present and is the core identity, but JJ occasionally makes an appearance especially when Tim is feeling threatened, extremely stressed or emotionally unstable.
The whole thing has been a learning curve for everyone involved. Even Tim had to learn to deal with it. At first he understandably didn’t accept what was happening but over time he seem to concede with it and even come to some sort of agreement with JJ, apparently the two identities can communicate no matter who’s in control. Tim’s tried to explain it to him in the past but it’s pretty mind boggling so Dick simply believes what Tim is saying and doesn’t ask questions.
He can’t help but feel a little disturbed by JJ’s presence, it’s an unfair feeling because it’s not JJ’s fault – or Tim’s – but being reminded of what his little brother had to endure at the hands of an insane psychotic man is unnerving. It’s like a reminder of how he didn’t protect his little brother and how he failed him by not being good enough.  
He knows the others also share similar feelings. Jason simply stays away from JJ, he doesn’t even enter the same room as him. Damian is constantly on edge when JJ is present, he often carries his katana around with him when they’re near one another. Cass happens to be the one who handles JJ the best, her calm demeanour seems to bizarrely settle JJ a little. Bruce… well Bruce has similar thoughts to him of how he failed to protect Tim, but both as a father and a mentor. He’s sat down with JJ and has had a conversation with him, they seemed to come to some sort of agreement which Dick doesn’t know the details of. Alfred, god bless him, takes it all in stride as he does with everything. Everyone else is weary of him but are civil towards him as much as they can be.
“JJ, I told you to put it down. Why did you pick it back up?” Dick questions after a long drawn out silence.
JJ plays with the dagger in his hands, twisting it this way and that with skilled precision. He blinks again and lets out a giggle. “Timmy needs to be punished.”
Dick frowns at the answer. That’s not what he had been expecting. “Why does Tim need to be punished? What has he done?”
“He failed us.”
JJ says it like it’s the most obvious thing in the world but Dick has no idea what he’s on about. How has Tim failed? All Dick knows is that recently Tim’s been busy with the Titan’s and how he’s been working on his Neon Knights programme.
“What happened?”
JJ doesn’t respond and continues to play with the dagger in his hands. Seeing the sharp blade being toyed with makes Dick feel tense, he knows what kind of damage can be done with a weapon like that and he doesn’t want Tim – and by extension JJ – to get hurt.
“Timmy needs to be punished!” JJ repeats agitatedly. He stops playing with the dagger and grips it in both hands, Dick couldn’t help but wince when he sees the blade dig into the skin of his palms. “When someone fails they get punished. When they are bad they get punished! Timmy has to be punished for what he did.” JJ trails off with a high pitched giggle like the idea of punishment is hilarious.
Dick runs a hand over his face, he’s not getting anywhere here. Where’s Cass when you need her? She’s usually better at dealing with this side of JJ than he is.
“You know that physically punishing Tim also means you hurting yourself, don’t you?” Dick suggests evenly, trying a different tactic. “There are other ways than physical pain to deal with these sort of things.”
Dick has an inkling he knows what this is all about but he doesn’t want to jump to conclusions just yet.
JJ lets out an uncontrollable giggle. “Silly Big Bird, I don’t feel pain, Uncle J made sure of that. Timmy on the other hand needs to pay for what he did and physical pain is the best way to teach a lesson so he remembers not to do it again.”
As if to prove a point, that’s when a drop of blood drips from JJ’s hand and lands on the floor. JJ doesn’t even notice. Dick tries to not flinch at the sight it, he hates the idea of his little brother hurting, no matter what it is it’s always hard to witness.
“I understand that you may be frustrated JJ, but why don’t you try talking to Tim instead. Tell him how you feel about whatever it is that he did and explain why you’re upset with the situation.” Dick suggests trying to sound as reasonable as he could.
JJ violently shakes his head, he seems to be getting more riled up as the conversation continues.
“No! Talking doesn’t work! He ignores me and doesn’t listen. The mission failed and he put us in danger for no reason, we could have been killed for nothing. He needs to remember to not do that again. I’ll make sure he remembers not to.”
Dick lets out a hum in acknowledgement. Something they’ve come to notice since JJ’s appearance is how protective, and even possessive, he is of Tim. The key thing is how no one is allowed to hurt Tim in anyway whatsoever, if they do then JJ will go on a vengeful rampage against whoever was responsible for it. That includes Tim himself.
To JJ, Tim putting himself in danger is essentially Tim hurting himself and he really doesn’t like that. It’s happened a couple times in the past, so in response to Tim putting himself in danger (often during missions) JJ feels the need to punish Tim for it.
Taking a deep breath Dick stares at the kid and wonders how he should proceed. He can’t just turn around and say “no” or retaliate because JJ will only get defensive and probably go do something much worse as a result. While Dick ponders, JJ stands there opposite him still gripping the dagger tightly in his hands with a small puddle of blood forming at his feet and grins creepily at Dick. To make the scene worse JJ tilts his head to the side just a little, adding to the creepy affect even more.
Thankfully he’s saved from trying to decide what to do when another body soon joins them in the cave. Dick’s attention turns away from JJ and onto Cass who casually strolls towards them with a light bounce in her step. Dick smiles warmly at her, feeling relieved for her appearance. Then immediate guilt hits him because he really shouldn’t be thinking that, Tim is his brother and what’s happened is by no means his fault and he should try to be supportive where he can, though sometimes it can get difficult.
Cass silently comes up to them and stands next to JJ. Dick watches with amusement as JJ’s grin slowly disappears from his face and is replaced with a scowl, his eyes narrow in what he would say is a challenge as he stares at her unmoving. Cass simply raises an eyebrow, she places a hand on her side and cocks her hip while she holds out the other in silent demand.
The two stare at one another for a long time, clearly testing the other’s patience and if Dick’s being honest he has to give JJ some credit for how long he’s with standing Cass’s pointed look. However it seems like JJ can’t out last Cass because he soon drops his gaze and relaxes his grip on the dagger but doesn’t let go of it yet.
“Timmy and I just want to have some fun. Why is that wrong?” JJ pouts, actually seeming disappointed and confused for why they’re saying no to him.
Dick catches himself from saying anything at the last second. He wants to question the ‘fun’ part of punishing but thinks better of it, it’s best that he stays quiet and lets Cass handle the situation.
Still staring at JJ, Cass keeps her hand out waiting for JJ to give her the dagger. After more staring he slaps the weapon into her hand with an exaggerated huff.
“Fine.” JJ huffs with a stomp of his foot. He scowls and crosses his arms over his chest. “I guess I’ll have to find another way to punish – oops! – I mean play with Timmy.” He lets out a hysterical giggle at his own words.
Cass shakes her head and moves towards Dick. They make eyes contact and Cass sends him a soft smile, when she gets close enough with the hand not holding the bloody dagger she reaches up and cups his cheek. “Finish work and rest. I’ve got this.”
Dick places his hand over hers and sends her an appreciative look. “Thank you.”
Standing up Dick grabs the file he had abandoned earlier and makes a move to leave the desk, it’ll probably be best to head to his bedroom in the Manor where he won’t be disturbed, but when he turns around he finds JJ now over by the weapons table yet again.
“JJ!” He snaps harshly. The kid startles and looks up at Dick before a wide grin stretches across his face, he’s not even ashamed that he’s been caught with his hand hovering over another dagger. He soon retracts his hand and places them both behind his back, he sways side to side like he’s an innocent kid.
“What? I’m not doing anything.”
Dick couldn’t help but eyeroll at the blatant lie. He sends JJ a pointed look. “Behave.” JJ’s response to that was to blow him a raspberry. Sending Cass a nod he leaves the desk with his folder tucked under his arm and makes his way to the stairs.
Unfortunately it wasn’t that simple. He should have been expecting something to happen really considering that nothing is ever easy with the kid, it’s only thanks to his reflexes and instincts that he hadn’t been impaled by the dagger JJ had just been eyeing up moments ago.
The weapon is now lodged in the wall in front of him from where Dick had luckily dodged it. The situation takes a moment to process in his mind and once it does he spins back around to witness JJ giggling hysterically and a wide-eyed Cass who had a hand over her mouth in shock. She’s clearly just as caught off guard by JJ’s actions as he was. Dick takes a deep breath and steadies himself, at least it didn’t actually hit him, not that the sentiment really helps with anything.
Deciding it’s really not worth it, he continues his journey to the stairs and proceeds to climb them, but not before grabbing the dagger buried in the wall along the way. JJ is Cass’s responsibility now, one he’ll happily pass over to her.
The last thing Dick hears when he gets to the top of the stairs is JJ calling out to him in between giggles.
“Bye bye Big Bird! See you soooooon!”
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topherfoxtrot · 3 years
First Mission
In which the thunderbolts rescue and recruit Emil Blonsky, or at least that was the plan. This idea has been on my mind for a few days and with the introduction of Valentina last tfatws episode it felt like the right time. I won't list the team members here because I want it to be a surprise. Like, reblog or comment something if you enjoy your read :)
The Barrow base is the wall corner punishment of the government. No one likes it here. It is cold, far from absolutely everything and the paycheck is for regular maintenance and security. Which is utterly unfair since besides the big computers and kinda of important paperwork we are also guarding the strongest person on earth.
"Strongest?" Guard 2 interrupted the speech. "What about hulk?"
"Dude I dunno know. When was the last time someone measured the Abomination's strength? Oh that's right, never!"
"Alright that's fair but he's surely on top five or something. Otherwise we wouldn't be in this frozen hell guarding his ass."
"You shouldn't call him that." The guards heard a female voice. They both looked around quickly but didn't see no one besides themselves.
"Did you heart that?"
"Of course I did! Call the camera room."
"You sure?"
"Have you being paying attention to anything I've said? We are guarding the strongest..."
"Yeah yeah alright" guard 2 interrupted his coworker again "Camera room this is easy wing, cryo-cell. Have you registered any unwanted activity?"
"Hello east wing." Another female voice answered, "Everything is fine and you shouldn't be worried at all!" She in a sarcastic tone.
"This is not kyle!" Guard 1 said while grabbing his gun. Except it wasn't there.
He saw a blurry figure approaching them but he was not quick enough. The figure dressed in white kicked him in the face, making the guard fall on the ground. The other guard aimed his gun at the figure but she quicky disappeared again. The guard walked backward towards the nearest wall for safety, but his strategy backfired. He felt hands grabbing his head from behind and pulling it fast. His head hit the wall and he too fell unconscious. Ava made herself visible once both guards were down.
"East wing clear." She said on the radio.
"Alright. Second floor clear as well." Said Yelena from the camera room, "what about the third floor?"
"Still working on it." John answered out of breath. It was possible to hear the shield cutting the air and someone grunting.
"Good!" Valentina Alegra said from the viewpoint where they all were half an hour ago, "Ghost do you have the device?"
"I told you not to call me that." Ava said annoyed, "And yeah the thingy is here."
"Crypto breaking device!" Justin Hammer corrected a little more harsh than he intended to. He was also in the viewpoint.
"Shut up, Hammer." Yelena snaped back.
She met Ava in the entrance to the cryo vault where Emil Blonsky was sleeping. Ava got the crypto breaking device from her pocket and inserted it in the little panel beside the big door.
"How long did he said it was gonna take?" Ava asked.
"Anywhere from 12 minutes to an hour. Remember, the password changes every thirty minutes and there's about a gazillion possible combinations."
"That is so overly complicated. Why can't I just phase through the door?"
"We talked about this." Valentina said, "We want Captain Blonsky to be welcome in a civil manner. And this includes walking him out the front door."
Ava rolled her eyes. That made Yelena laugh.
"Too easy of a mission to shield's most dangerous stealthy agent?" She teased.
"I will only allow you to say that because you were also trained as a kid to be weapon."
"Ouch!" Yelena fake grunted. They both laughed.
John Walker turned the corner and met the other two in the entrance of the cryo vault. The double doors were made of heavy metal. Even with the super soldier serum running in his veins John wouldn't be able to open that. It was projected to contain Emil. But since he never woke up it has never been proof checked.
"How is the crypto breaking device going?" He asked.
"Thank you!" Justin hammer shouted from the viewpoint.
"Still working hard I guess." Yelena said, leaning at the wall with her arms crossed.
John put the shield on his back and started stretching. The three of them remained in silence. It was their first mission together so they didn't know each other quite yet. The only thing they had in common was the Contessa.
The crypto thingy kept making this weird sounds for about ten minutes until it made a final blip and the heavy doors clicked. Invisible gears turned inside out making loud and crusty noises followed by complete silence. The three agents looked at each other with a mix of excitement and fear.
"That's your cue guys." Valentina said. Which made them wake up from the trance.
John grabbed one door and Yelena grabbed the other. They opened it at the same time. Ava was the only one to enter because she was the only one who could phase through Emil's attacks.
The room was big and empty except for the huge cryo coffin in the center of it. It was the coldest place in the base and that made a chill run up Ava's spine. Emil Blonsky was asleep as he should be.
"He's bigger than I remember."
"have you met him?" Yelena asked through the radio.
"Not personally, no. But I saw it on tv when he and the Hulk had that fight on Harlem."
"Yeah I remember that too." John said.
Ava stopped right in front of Emil's frozen body.
"When is it supposed to...?"
"At any moment now!" Justin said embarrassed.
"That's why people prefer Stark tech." Valentina said.
"Don't say that, I'm sure Hammer did his best!" Ava said trying to cheer him up but was interrupted by the loud click that came from Emil's cell, "Oh fuck it's opening!" She said, her body phased around a bit.
After the weird click the cryo made a loud woosh sound while the door opened and the room was infested with cold air. Ava changed the weight on her feet preparing for the speech she rehearsed.
Emil opened his eyes slowly. The bright cold lights annoyed him. He covered his face with his right hand but that made him look at himself. At abomination. Ava started talking.
"Captain Emil Blonsky. Good evening. I'm Ava Starr and I'm here to rescue you. I-"
"Recue me?" Emil's voice was horrifyingly deep, "Do I look like I need rescue, girl?"
Ava swallowed nervously, "Some time has passed and we need you to calm down so we can-"
"How much time?" Emil looked around. His memories started to invade his mind like a tsunami. Harlem, the hulk, his defeat, "How much time?" He repeated, louder this time.
"He's unstable!" John would run into the room, but Yelena stopped him.
"Not the time for being the hero. She can handle herself."
John pressed his lips in frustration but agreed anyway. Inside the room Ava broke the plan. She felt sorry for Emil.
"Fifteen years." She said quietly.
"What??" Valentina screamed, "You shouldn't have said that! He's gonna-"
And he did. Before the Contessa could finish her sentence Emil jumped out of the roof. From the viewpoint both her and Justin observed as the huge man landed on the snow. He looked around and jumped again. It was impossible to follow his lead.
Yelena and John entered the room. Ava looked sad, but also happy with her decision.
"Shock treatment, huh?" Yelena said.
"It's alright I don't think he can simply sneak around." John reassured.
"He's going after Bruce Banner." Ava sighted "Do we know where he is?"
"I do!" Justin said.
"The mission is still up then." Yelena said, "He didn't left through the front door but we surely rescued him, right?"
"I like your positive thinking." John tilted his head at the door, "Shall we?"
The three of them left walking. One of the guards woke up only to be hit with the shield and faint again.
Mission status: partially accomplished.
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giorno-plays-piano · 4 years
You were all I wanted Part 3
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Pairing: mob!Peter Parker x plus-sized!Reader
Warnings: yandere, obsession, swearing, human trafficking, mentions of non-con, minor character’s death.
Words: 1600.
Summary: You are bought by the head of Stark crime family for a kid he cares about.
Part 1
Part 2
P.S. Peter is an adult!
This chapter turned out to be shorter, but it's still pretty eventful. Hope you're going to like it <3
"But what... what if he won't like me? What if he'll take me away?" You sobbed, panic taking over you as you imagined Tony Stark pressing a gun to your forehead.
"No, he'd never do that." Peter left a little kiss behind your ear. "Mr. Stark doesn't take the gifts he's made back. You don't have to be afraid of that."
You sniffed at his words. That's what you were now. A gift. A possession. A pet whose job was keeping its master happy. You had to be grateful you were given to someone like Peter, at least. You didn't know whether he would always treat you kindly, but as of now he had never threatened to hurt you. You could only pray for him to fancy you so he wouldn't throw you away like some garbage - apparently, Tony Stark treated his women exactly like that.
"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have brought it up in the first place. Of course, you got upset." Peter cuddled with you some more, but you weren't sure whether he was being sincere. Wasn't he sending you a clear message?
Don't go against me or you'll end just like her.
"Oh, I have an idea. Let's go out! Do you wanna see the movie or something?"
You did your best to wipe away your tears and stared at the boy, perplexed. "What?"
"We have a nice little cinema not far from here. We could go right now, just let me check what they've having today."
"But didn't you say I can't leave this place?"
"I meant without me." He showed you the same smug smirk Stark was wearing all the time, and you lowered your gaze to Peter's chest instead. "With me close you can go wherever you want to."
Funny thing to say. In thruth, you could go wherever he wanted to take you.
"Wow, they're having Beyond Darkness in 30 min! We gotta go, you'll loooove this."
In five minutes you were already hurrying after Peter and trying to look nowhere but your shoes. Regardless of what was there in Stark's Tower, you didn't want to see it, not even mentioning all those guys with guns scattered across the building. Peter was saying his hello to each and every one of them as if he were some mafia's social butterfly.
Whatever. You knew Peter was Tony's favorite not because he had a pretty face. You had never particularly asked what his role in all this was, but it was obviously something way bigger than running errands for the gang. Maybe it was better to never figure it out.
"Hey girl, wanna have fun?" Somebody to your left asked you, and you flinched involuntarily, keeping your head low.
Peter stopped in the very same second and sent the stranger a hard look.
"Mike, you offer my girl drugs one more time and I'm gonna shoot your cute little brother in the leg, you hear me?"
You raised your eyes to Peter's smiling face and regretted it immediately. There was something so dark in his gaze you wanted to turn around and run until you were back to your room, hiding somewhere in the corner.
"Shit! Sorry, Spidey!" The guy's high-pitched voice sounded frightened. "Didn't know you got a girl!"
"Yeah, yeah, see you later, we're kind of busy now." Peter grabbed your hand and pulled you away, heading to the exit. "I forgot to mention before that we don't do drugs. At all. They're good for business, but not for us, ok, Baby?"
"Yes, Peter." You answered and kept chewing your lips, thinking of all the things he had just said. You suspected him to be more ruthless when you weren't around, but never to such extent. How damn scary was real Peter Parker?
"And don't worry, I'd never shoot his brother in whatever part of his body." The boy said it like it was something obvious and you didn't even need to pay attention to it.
Why then did that guy look completely horrified?
When you had finally stepped outside and felt the wind playing with your hair you were ready to cry. Just walking out of the Tower was a fucking torture.
It was already dark, and you pulled the zipper on your pretty blue jacket up, going almost shoulder to shoulder with Peter. Normally you'd be at least a little scared to walk the streets of a big city at night, but the guy your mother had warned you about was already holding your hand.
The place the boy brought you to was truly small but cozy with nice vintage red seats, the delicious smell of caramel popcorn spreading everywhere. It turned out that the movie was something in between Star Wars and Star Trek, which wasn't surprising because Peter was a sucker for anything related to sci-fi. Anyway, it wasn't bad and you actually enjoyed watching it. The movie helped you to keep your mind off your earlier encounter with the drug trafficker and the words Peter said.
The only way to live like that and stay sane was to turn a blind eye to anything that happened around, you thought. It was cowardly and revolting, but what could you do against one of the most, if not the most, dangerous gangs in New York? Surely, even if by some miracle you could flee the Tower and go to police, would they really be willing to help you? No, they would return you to Mr. Stark. You were a hundred percent sure he got it covered.
"Are you feeling tired, Baby?"
You snapped out of your thoughts and looked at Peter who smiled at you so lovingly it could make any girl cry.
"Just a little bit."
"Want me to give you a massage when we gonna get home?" His expression quickly turned devious, and he winked at you.
Yeah, great, now you'd have him fucking you before your knees were giving out. The kid had such stamina he could be an Olympic athlete, no less.
"Aw, I love when you blush like that." Chuckling, he put his arm around your shoulders and inched closer to give you a quick peck on the lips. You forced youself to enjoy his little signs of affection and start thinking you ought to be thankful he wasn't into heavy BDSM practices or something like that.
While you two were kissing again, you heard someone's loud footsteps as if this person just jumped out of the corner, and then there was a hateful outburst, "Stay were you are. Your wallets, quick!"
You froze, your hands getting cold as you stared at the face of a guy standing in front of you with a knife in his hands. He was clearly unstable, sick - you could see the dark circles around his eyes, the unhealthy color of his skin, and his greasy hair sticking to his forehead. You didn't know what was wrong with him, but he was twice bigger than Peter. The guy would probably have no problem with slicing both him and you into pieces if you didn't comply.
"I said g-"
"You gotta be fucking kidding me." Peter let out a frustrated sigh before you heard the loud sound of the gun firing.
There was a little black hole in the guy's chest, blood seeping through his dirty white t-shirt and coloring it in a beautiful deep ruby color. You could see the confusion in the eyes of the stranger, his mouth half-open. Slowly, he went down before his legs gave out and he landed at the ground with a loud thud. He didn't move after that.
"Come on, attacking a couple of high shoolers? You're such a psycho, man. Who were you gonna go after us? Kids?" Peter rolled his eyes and hid the gun under his bomber, turning away from the man he murdered and shouting to someone behind him. "It's ok, people! It's just me, your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man! Calm down, go home, it's late!"
You were still staring at the large pool of blood spreading beneath the body of a stranger - lack of light made it look like it was an odd black liquid. Before you could take your eyes elsewhere, you felt bile quickly going up your throat and vomitted, moving to lean your hand on the wall of a building. He killed him. Peter killed him. You didn't even see him pulling out the gun.
"Oh Baby, I'm so sorry." The boy gently held back your hair when you threw up again, feeling scared, disgusted, feverish and cold at the same time. "That's why I don't like drugs and what they do to people. That shithead lost his mind, you see? No sane guy would ever jump on me or my girl like that."
Despite him being so tender, you couldn't even turn your head to look at him as you started shaking from his touch.
You kept emptying your stomach a few more minutes before Peter softly wiped your mouth with his handkerchief and took your arm, walking you back to the Tower and saying all those unnecessary things about how terrible some people are and how everyone has to take care in the dangerous world they're living in. You didn't hear half of that, but you cared little for his chattering.
Peter had shot the man without showing even the slightest regret. He'd shoot you the same way if you ever turned against him - he was Stark's favourite, after all.
Tags: @finleyjayne @alexakeyloveloki  ​@helenaeisenhower @villanellevi @hurricanerin @void-hoechlin @abyssaint @msruchita @opheliadawnwalker3
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alarawriting · 4 years
52 Project #33: Amaldis
Yikes, I completely forgot to post this! Hard day at work. -------------------------------------------
The prince was young and handsome, as they all were, with the sort of arrogant good looks that wealth and power almost always brought.  It was a tragedy that so many of these young men had to die, the old woman thought.  Such a waste. She stepped out into the road, into the pathway of his horse.
The horse reared up as the prince pulled on the reins.  "Out of my way, old woman!"  he shouted.
"Are you going to the capital?"  the woman asked.  She was over 40, but well-fed, clean and well-dressed.  His eyes flickered over her, as if trying to decide her station.
"Yes.  What business is it of yours?"
"Have you come to join? To swear allegiance to the sorceress Amaldis?"
"No."  The prince's hand tightened on the hilt of his sword as fury darkened his features.  "I've come to kill the witch."
"Are you a fool, young man?"  The woman's eyes blazed, and she stepped up to his horse, glaring up at him.  "Threescore young men, brave and noble, have come to Cythia to kill the sorceress, and all of them have died.  Are you so arrogant and foolish as to believe you'll succeed where so many have failed?"
"I don't fear the witch's sorcery,"  the prince said firmly.  "I have a good sword and a trusty mount.  That's all I need."
"Oh, you are a fool.  A younger son? Expendable? You need to do something impossible, to make a name for yourself?"
"She stole lands that belong to my father!"  he shouted, his face purpling.  "My family's honor is at stake!"
"And so you'll die for your family's honor."
"If I die, at least I'll die in glory."
"Glory?" There was cold fury in the woman's voice.  "Let me tell you what glory is, boy.  Glory is a corpse rotting in a field, the crows plucking its eyes.  Glory is your lover weeping, knowing her man will never come home.  Glory is children bereft of fathers, crops burning, women raped, people enslaved.  I spit on your glory."  And she did, spitting on his boots.
The prince drew his sword, provoked beyond endurance, and swung it to behead the woman.  But she wasn't there.  Startled, he looked about himself, trying to find her.
The ground rumbled. The trees lining the road shed leaves in a storm of colors, and the earth began to shake.  The prince's horse reared up in terror, and tried to run, paying no heed when the prince pulled at the reins.  Then a chasm opened at the horse's feet, and horse and prince tumbled in together, screaming.
The chasm closed, and all was normal again.  Except for hoofprints that led to the midst of a meadow and vanished, it was as if the horse and rider had never been.
The scene vanished from the focusing crystal as the woman leaned back.  Her apprentice, Joraine, asked, "Did you have to kill him?"
Amaldis turned.  She was a stout woman of peasant stock, appearing to be a well-cared-for dowager of over 40 or so, with wavy black hair and blazing black eyes.  The fire in those eyes died slightly, to be replaced by sorrow, as she spoke.
"Sometimes it can be avoided,"  she told Joraine, a large-boned woman in her late twenties or early thirties. "But not this time.  You heard him.  I tried to get him to turn back, but no.  He was bound and determined to die gloriously."
"It seems so cruel,"  Joraine said. "All these brave young men, in the prime of their lives..."
"Yes.  It is cruel, and a waste.  But it's them or us.  If they had their way, they would make you a serf; condemn you to backbreaking labor all your life, with only the bare necessities of life in return.  Some would demand the right to rape you on your wedding night, or whenever you took their fancy; others would allow their priests to torture you for refusing to spout their doctrines; still others would conscript your sons to die in their wars."  Amaldis shook her head.  "Sooner or later, a group of these young heroes will come together and raise a truly massive army, perhaps a thousand men or more.  That will be tragic.  Because my powers won't be enough to hold them off entirely; and our people will have to fight and die."
"Why do they keep coming if you keep killing them?"
"You heard the one just now.  Honor and glory are worth more than their lives, and they think we stole their land."
"We did steal their land."
"Who gave them the right to own it?"  Amaldis looked hard at Joraine, and some of the fire came back to her eyes.  "We asked people if they wanted to be ruled by lords, or if they wanted to rule themselves.  They wanted to rule themselves, so we extended the borders of Cythia to their areas and let them.  As far as I'm concerned, the land belongs to the people who work it, not the nobles who get fat off it."
"Yes, but I'm saying, from their point of view we stole it."
"Yes.  And so they'll never leave us alone."  She sighed.  "That's why I want you a master sorceress as soon as possible, Joraine. Our defenses are strong, but they all rest on me, and I'm only one woman.  The most powerful sorceress in the world will still die if someone gets close enough to put a crossbow bolt through her throat."
"We have a militia, Amaldis.  They'd die to defend you, and so would I.  Anybody in Cythia would-- all of us love you."
"But everyone else in the world is trying to kill me."
"Don't talk like that!"  Joraine got up, distressed, and looked down at Amaldis.  "Remember the First Rule? 'When a magician and a swordsman fight, the magician will always win, provided she is smarter.' You're certainly smarter."
"Amend that rule. 'Provided she is smarter and makes no mistakes.' I'm 200 years old, Joraine, and I'm tired of being paranoid. I'm tired of constantly scanning to see if anyone is after me.  But I can never stop, because if I die, Cythia dies with me.  Unless you can protect it."
"I'm only 35," Joraine said quietly. "You've got 8 score more years of power built up in you.  Even when I turn master in a few years, I won't have nearly the power you do." She walked around to Amaldis and put her arms around her mentor's shoulders.  "Is something wrong?"
"Yes..." Amaldis stared into space. "I've had a premonition."
"Of what?"
"I don't know. Something terrible.  I don't know..."
Abruptly, awkwardly, Joraine hugged Amaldis.  "I won't let it,"  she whispered fiercely.  "Nothing's going to happen to you, so long as I have breath in my body to prevent it. You're the only mother I ever had, Amaldis, and I won't let you die."
Mor rode through the fields and woods of Cythia, heading steadily for the capital.
He was a big, brawny, barbarian type, proficient in any weapon but best with his broadsword, which was unbelievably large.  He came from a country many, many miles away, where he had successfully killed over a dozen magic-wielders.  He had also been offered the position of heir to the kingdom of Lowellan, if he could kill the sorceress Amaldis.  And he had no doubts about his ability to do so.
All this Amaldis could gather just from watching him through the focusing crystal.  It had been three days since the last prince had come, and she'd dispatched him; three days since she'd told Joraine about her premonition. A chill went down her spine, watching Mor ride.  Something about his aura frightened her terribly.  A dangerous man, moreso than any of the others.  She was tempted to kill him now, without even trying to persuade him to turn back.  But she had vowed she would always give them a chance.
So she focused herself, and appeared as an astral image, as solid as flesh but less real, standing in front of his horse's path.  The horse didn't even slow down.  It kept trotting on as if it would run her down, and Mor made no attempt to stop it.
Hastily she stepped back from its path.  If it went through her, it would do her no harm-- but it would reveal her as an illusion. "Will you stop, Mor, and listen to what I have to say?"  she said.
"There is nothing I need to hear from old women,"  he said.
Well.  That settled it, then.  She had given him a chance, and he had spit in her face.  
Amaldis came back to herself, letting her astral image vanish.  She looked deep into the crystal, focused, and spoke a Word.  It resonated in the air around her.  The resonation through the crystal was even greater.  There, the Word whipped the trees and caused the ground to shake.
Mor's mount stood firm, holding in one place as Mor stroked its head.  When the chasm started to open, the horse bolted as fast as it could go in the opposite direction, which happened to be the direction of the city. The chasm stopped widening before it could catch up to the fleeing beast, the power of the Word spent, and Mor and his animal made all possible speed for the city.
Amaldis threw another chasm in their way.  They leapt it, outran its expansion, and kept going.  She summoned demonic familiars and hobgoblins to waylay them.  Mor slew them all.  She cast illusions, which Mor paid little to no attention to; she summoned elementals, which Mor defeated; and she threw murderous obstacles in his path, which he destroyed, overcame, or bypassed.  Amaldis had never seen anything like it.  The man was at the outskirts of the city already, and still moving.  Nothing magical had done more than slow him, and she was exhausted from rapid spellcasting.
Grieving in her heart, she called for a messenger, and told him to tell the militia about the threat. Good men and women would die at Mor's hands, she knew, and if it were merely her own life at stake, she would gladly die in their place.  But she was founder, governor and defender of Cythia.  Without her, morale would be destroyed, the government would become unstable, and Cythia would be wide open and vulnerable to whatever conqueror wanted to take it.  
In her crystal, she watched as the militia went forth.  Then she began preparing for the possibility that Mor would reach her.  She set up some powerful and terrible binding spells, summoned a few invincible creatures from the lower planes, and set them to guard her door.  Then she sent a messenger to Joraine.
"Tell her I want her to go to the belltower and prepare a Spell of Unbinding of Truths," she told the messenger. "When it's complete, I'll examine it."  This particular spell took several hours to complete, and required its caster's full attention.  Joraine had been telling the truth, 3 days ago-- she would even sacrifice her own life to preserve Amaldis'.  Which would leave Cythia without a sorceress, if both of them were killed.  Joraine had to be tricked into leaving the battlefield before the fight began.
That done, Amaldis turned to watch the battle in her crystal.
The militia were getting decimated.  Amaldis sucked in her breath.  How was this possible? Few of them were very good swordsmen, and Mor was the best of the best, yes.  But still. It was impossible that one man could be doing such damage, and taking so little in return.  One man, and not a magic-user at that.  It wasn't even an enchanted blade he held-- Mor's contempt for magic was legendary.  Without assistance from magic, it was just not conceivable that one man, no matter how skilled, could cut his way through an army, no matter how green.  And yet Mor was doing it.
He had to be getting some sort of secret assistance. Amaldis focused in, looking for an invisible familiar, an enchanted item, something.  There was nothing so obvious.  If he had magical assistance, it was subtle and ran very deep.  Sick at heart, Amaldis forced herself to watch the slaughter of her people.  Here is your noble glory, all you young heroes. Here is what you wanted!
When she felt strong enough, she struck again, after sending a messenger ordering the decimated remains of the militia to retreat.  It looked as if Mor would pursue them, and continue the combat until they were all dead, but he changed his mind when she called a thunderstorm down on him, as if remembering that she was his real opponent.
She rained lightning at him, but somehow, impossibly, he always managed to avoid them, fortuitiously moving at the same split-second she initiated the bolt.  As he headed deeper and deeper into the city, people fled, knowing from the stormcloud that their governor was trying to stop the man, and failing.  Amaldis sent all sorts of creatures at him.  He killed them all, and kept coming.  Even when one of her creatures managed to kill his horse, he leapt off the beast and kept coming.
If he were not in her city, she could swallow him with a chasm now, or put a ring of fire around him-- without his horse, he was more vulnerable.  But this was her place, and she couldn't cause such damage to it. She notified the palace guard that he was coming, hoping desperately that he would be tired from the constant fighting, and easier to take down.  She had given the guard strict instructions that if casualties were too heavy, they were to flee.  But she didn't truly believe they would obey.  
The palace guard met and fought Mor.  He was still impossibly skilled-- his battles seemed to have barely blunted his edge. Again, Amaldis scanned him for magic, and this time she did catch a faint whiff.  Quickly she focused her probe, sweeping him up and down, but at this range it still eluded her.  When he got closer, perhaps she would be able to find it, and negate it; but of course, when he got closer she would have other things to worry about.
She began to scream into the crystal, ordering the guard to retreat, as Mor destroyed them.  She appeared to them astrally, pleading with them to run and save themselves, but they ignored her.  Mor was only a swordsman-- they should be able to take him down.  The fact that they obviously couldn't meant nothing, when it was honor at stake.  Tears burned in her eyes.  How many more good people would die for honor's damnable sake?
Now nearly all her guard were dead.  Amaldis steeled herself.  He was coming this way.  One way or another, even if he kills me, he won't live to enjoy his victory.
Then the door slammed open, and slammed shut behind as Mor strode into Amaldis's chamber.
"Time for you to die, witch,"  he said, advancing on her.
Amaldis released the demon guard.  Invincible and tireless, the two launched themselves at him, battering him.  The air rang with the clash of his sword on their metallic armor.  While he was occupied with that, Amaldis searched him magically-- and finally found what she was looking for.  There was a magical luck charm on him, cast before his birth, woven throughout his entire being.  He had never failed at anything.  And there was no way to remove the charm, not without negating her own power.
At this point, Mor defeated the invincible demons by thrusting his sword's point into their mouths. That shouldn't have killed them. But by now, Amaldis knew that the universe was on Mor's side.  If an improbable occurrence was necessary for his survival, it would happen.  If an impossible occurrence, even, was necessary, it would happen.
How could she defeat someone like that?
She spoke a Word, to activate a binding spell.  He hated magic so much-- if she could make him see that he was using magic, perhaps he could renounce the spell, or perhaps he would leave her alone.  It was not very likely, but the only other alternative was to negate all magic, and that would destroy her power, too.  The spell caught Mor tight, holding him motionless. He struggled against the spell, as Amaldis spoke coldly.  "You have such contempt for magic.  But you yourself are a magic-user, Mor of Savann."
"You lie, witch," he grated out.
"No lie.  How do you think it's possible that one lone man can kill over 50? That you miraculously survived everything I attacked you with? It's impossible.  No one else has gotten even as far as the city, much less the palace, except for you--"
She sensed the bonds shattering before it happened.  Somehow, he had broken her binding spell by flexing his muscles.  That's not possible! Amaldis thought, and then remembered that Mor's luck charm could do the impossible.  She leapt out of the way as he grasped his sword and swung it at her.
Amaldis cried a Word of power, and a bolt of light flashed out from her fingertips-- but he dodged. The laws of reality seemed to be breaking down to accomodate him.  She threw up a magical shield, and his broadsword cut it in half.  That wasn't possible, either.
Amend the rule, she thought, gasping, as she dodged another broadsword swing at her head.  The magician will always win, provided the sword-wielding barbarian doesn't have magic of his own.  It was getting harder to dodge, and there were fewer places to dodge to.  Amaldis truly understood then that no magic could stop him.  Even a sudden death spell would unravel against the luck charm placed on him. There was only one thing that could possibly work, and the notion filled her with horror.
There was a secret spell, jealously guarded by the few magicians who knew it.  It was a last-resort weapon in magical combat, intended to take one's enemy down with one.  The secret spell consisted of a single spoken Word, which could negate all magic within a certain radius.  Mor was certainly within that radius.  Unfortunately, by definition, so was the caster-- which was why it was a weapon of last resort.  Amaldis had built up a great deal of power in 200 years.  If she negated Mor's advantage, she lost all of that power, which might end up dooming Cythia as surely as if she died.  And without her magic, she would be no match for him in combat anyway.
The sword smashed her crystal, scattering pieces everywhere, as she ducked behind it.  Then there was a wall at her back, and nowhere to dodge to. Terror gripped her-- this was it. Only one chance-- and even that was more likely to see her avenged than saved.  But it would be enough to be avenged, if that was all she could have.
She said the Word.
The magic drained out of the air.  Amaldis sagged against the wall, feeling suddenly a thousand years old.  For the first time, she could hear the pounding on the door, and realized it had been going on for some time.  
Mor hesitated.  He had sensed the change, apparently, though doubtless he couldn't understand what it signified.  In that moment of hesitation, Amaldis flung herself to the side, and so when the broadsword came down it pierced through her shoulder, slicing away her arm, not her head.  Amaldis screamed.
The door slammed open behind Mor, and there was a flash of light.  Mor dropped, an expression of disbelief on his face.  With rapidly glazing eyes, Amaldis saw through the pain that Joraine was running toward her.  Then it became too dark to see anymore.
Amaldis wakened to the sound of Joraine weeping.  "It can't be too late,"  Joraine was saying.  "Come on, heal, Amaldis, heal! Please!"
Amaldis swallowed, and croaked in a hoarse voice, "I seem not to be dead.  How surprising."
"You're back!" Joraine wiped her eyes and looked at Amaldis.  "I brought you back! Oh thank you, Goddess, thank you, thank you..." She hugged Amaldis and began to weep again, this time for joy.
But as memory filtered back, Amaldis could see little cause to be joyful.  She was alive, yes, and Mor was dead...  but the cost had been her power.  The only defense Cythia had had to keep it from a bloody war, and being overrun and conquered, had been her power.  And now it was gone.
Tears welled in her eyes. After all her hard work, all the energy and enthusiasm her people had expended to make her dream a reality, one man with a magic charm could bring it all crashing down.  What was the point to living, if her dream was dead? In a voice like ash, she said, "Joraine, my powers..."
Joraine lifted her head and looked down at her.  "I know. I know."
"Cythia is finished."  There was no strength, no life in her voice, just ruins and despair.
"No-- there's a way. There has to be a way."
"That's wishful thinking.  " Amaldis changed the subject. "How did you find me? I told you to prepare a Spell of Unbinding..."
"The guard-- what was left of it-- broke in and told me you were fighting with that creature." Joraine's voice had an edge of fury to it.  "I couldn't get the door open, at first--"
"His luck charm. It must have kept the door locked."
"When I got it open and saw he'd cut off your arm-- I almost went berserk.  But it's all right now.  I healed you.  Your arm's fine."
"My arm's irrelevant, Joraine.  My magic is gone.  Without that..."
"No! We can buy time. We can keep going on a bluff for a while.  I won't let your dream die like this!"
"Buy time for what?"  Amaldis wanted to be swept away by Joraine's youthful determination, but 200 years of experience had told her that when something was doomed, it was doomed. There was nothing they could do. "It'll be another hundred years before you're powerful enough to defend Cythia by yourself..."
"Then we can't rely so much on magic.  We need to find other solutions."  Joraine got up off the bed.  "We can buy time, like I said.  And in that time, we can recruit more people.  We can train all our citizens to fight and defend the country if they have to. We can try to recruit another magician. If we could get two or three magicians my age, we could all band together.  Besides.  Once people hear you killed Mor, they won't be eager to try you for some time.  No one needs to know you're injured-- and as long as they send in their heroes one at a time, we can pick them off ourselves, the militia and I.  We can send emissaries to other countries, and see if they have superior weapons or magical techniques we can use.  There are all sorts of things we can try, Amaldis.  You can't give up!"
"I'm old," Amaldis said softly.  "I had a dream once, a revolutionary new idea, when I was young.  But I'm no revolutionary anymore."
"You can't give up--"
"No.  I'm not giving up.  I'm passing the torch to you."  Amaldis forced herself to a sitting position.  The change made her dizzy and she swayed.  Joraine quickly moved to prop pillows behind her. "You're right, of course. I'll continue to govern Cythia and to teach you magic-- I still know the techniques, I simply haven't got the power for them anymore.  But you'll be in charge of devising our defense, Joraine.  You're young and creative enough to see new ways of doing things.  I can't anymore."
"I don't think you're as old and decrepit as you think you are, Amaldis,"  Joraine said.  "Is this because you lost your magic?"
"Yesterday, for all my years, I was a young woman.  Today I feel older than time itself.  It has to be you, Joraine.  I-- lost something vital when I lost my power, I think.  Cythia's future is going to rest on you."
"You should rest," Joraine said, moving the pillows back so Amaldis could lay down.  "Go to sleep.  You'll feel better when you're recovered."
"I doubt it," Amaldis said softly, but allowed Joraine to put her to bed.  The last thing she saw, through slitted eyes near the edge of sleep, was Joraine sitting by her bed.  Her face seemed to Amaldis to look like her own had, when she was only thirty and had grandiose dreams for saving the world.  Yes.  The torch was in capable hands.  
Amaldis slept.
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peach-the-owl · 4 years
Far from Home
??? & Child!Reader
Why’d this idea come to me? I don’t really know, I guess I just kinda like writing obscure things. Did I write it anyways? Yes. Absolutely. Stepping just a little out of my comfort zone for this but I think it’ll be worth it. Does it follow canon? Probably not, but I tried to keep it close.
WARNING: This goes from 0-100 pretty fast (does that count as a warning? Whatever I’ll keep it here anyways)
Caleb has been working on a spell with Essek for a while, they'd explained what it was but you got bored and stopped listening after a bit, you were pretty sure it had something to do with space and time and that’s all you knew. It was almost complete all they had to do now was a quick test run to make sure nothing would go wrong for future uses, they were very focused as magical energy began sparking to life. You were enthralled by what was happening as the energy built up stronger and stronger, too enthralled in fact to notice the looks of concern shared between the two spellcasters. That short moment of concern and hesitance was enough to send the spell haywire, bolts of magic flying every which way, one of them coming towards you and before you could react your struck by it the last thing you hear as you blackout is someone calling your name……
Slowly your eyes crack open again immediately noticing you were outside looking to the sky, strange. You get up and look around finding yourself between some unfamiliar buildings, stepping out onto the street didn’t help either as nothing looked familiar to you. There were only two solutions to this problem for you, either you were somehow sent to Rexxentrum in a area you hadn’t visited before or this was some weird dream, you quickly pinch yourself… nope not a dream. You begin to wander aimlessly in hopes of finding something even remotely familiar to you, as you’re walking you start hearing bells but they weren’t soft, happy musical bells they were big, loud warning bells and you look around confused. A loud crash directs your attention to a tall tower where perched on it was the biggest ancient white dragon you’ve ever seen, far bigger then the one you saw from Mythburrow. With a fierce roar the dragon blasts its icy breath into the tower, chaos ensues as screams of terror rip through the streets, people were rushing in every which direction but through the crowd you see the dragon push off of the tower shattering it as it falls to the streets below. You didn’t know where to go or what to do, it’s not like you weren’t used to tense situations but this felt larger then anything you’ve seen or done before. The crowd of panicking people seemed to mostly come from an area where a giant ancient green dragon now stood unleashing a cloud of poison in its wake as it was attacking something or someone but it was hard to tell for sure as you were being pushed along with the crowd. The constant pushing and shoving of people causes you to stumble to the ground, no one paying you even a glance as they try to get as far away from these dragons as possible. You can feel ever stomp on your hands and kick to your sides as your basically being trampled, you curl in on yourself for extra protection as you carefully crawl your way out of the mass of people. It dawns on you that you might not even be in Wildemount anymore, but there was a time for those questions to be answered later as you hear a loud sort of explosion in the distance. You finally make it out of the crowd a bit battered and bruised but otherwise alright and make your way though the gaps between buildings where less people were still making their way through. Another explosion of fire, this time much closer to you goes off and out of it flies an enormous ancient red dragon, instinctively you duck down and throw your arms over your head for cover as it flew over you, pieces of flaming debris falling to the street in its wake. The dragon then slams into a large structure you could only think to be some sort of palace, hearing glass shattering, then you hear its booming voice tear through the city, feeling the need to cover your ears afraid you might go deaf.
"MOVE ON UMBRASYL! I CLAIM THIS IS MY DOMAIN NOW!" Who the heck was Umbrasyl? You didn’t know and you didn’t care, none of this made any sense, all you really wanted now was go home and be in the safe embrace of anyone from the Mighty Nein. A wave of heat hits you like a wall as flames pass the exit to the side street you'd stopped in leaving your right side singed, but you figured yourself lucky as those who were once running by now lay burnt or piles of ash. You hadn’t realized you were this close to the center of this city but then again you had no sense of direction in this place either, doing everything you could to ignore the sight and smell that lingered through the streets. Screams and shouts of commands could be heard in the distance, you couldn’t make out what was being said but you used it as a guide to find any source of help. Another surge of flames comes barreling down the open streets you ducking out of the way for cover but the building was unstable from the previous hit and it starts collapsing in on itself. You hurry to get out of the way before you get crushed, a large piece of flaming roof comes falling towards you making you wonder if this was how you’d die. Apparently and thankfully that is not the case as you are yanked away mere moments from an untimely demise.
"Are you alright child?" You take a second to catch your breath and look to your mystery saviour, hoping they were someone you knew. Before you was a man with thick dark hair dressed in velvet robes, you unfortunatly didn’t know them but you were still grateful for their help.
"I-I’ll be ok, thank you for saving me." Your voice was still shaky from that scrape with death.
"Oh, don’t thank me just yet. Now tell me, where are your parents?"
"I don't know, I don’t know where I am or what’s going on." Strangely you felt more panicked about all this unfamiliarity then you did the actual danger of this dragon attack.
"It's alright, you’ll be alright. What’s your name child?" The man calmly hushes you and gives you a smile, despite the situation you found it infectious and give your own to him.
"I'm (y/n), what’s your name?"
"You may call me Gilmore, now follow me and stay close." He holds out his hand for you to take and with no other options you take it now relying on a man you hardly knew to guide you through this city. As you carefully made your way around you notice your new friend scanning each area you come across very carefully as if looking for something or someone. "Where are they." His voice sounding just above a whisper.
"Where are who?" Your innocent question pulls Gilmore from some of his thoughts.
"I’m looking for some friends of mine, a bit of a colourful bunch with the tendency to make rash decisions." You weren’t sure if he worded it that way to try and lighten up your current situation or not but it caused you to giggle a little, these people sounded kinda like Mighty Nein to you although at this point you were certain they weren’t the same people. "Oh by the gods they didn’t." A look of horrified realization comes over Gilmore as he looks to the palace. His attention then goes back to you for a moment, his gaze now darting between you and the palace as he contemplates something.
"Is everything ok?" You could feel your panic set in again as Gilmore places a hand on his head a look of uncertainty on his face.
"I’d hate to put you in harms way child, but I can’t just leave you here either."
"Oh! I’ve been in plenty of dangerous situations before with my friends, I know how to handle myself." You strangely cheerful comment earns you a raised eyebrow and half-amused expression from him.
"What sort of people raised you?"
"Trust me they’re one of a kind, but they mean well." You hear Gilmore give a slight chuckle at this.
"Alright, I’ll have to take your word for it for now but we must still tread carefully." You nod in understanding and follow his lead as you now make your way to the ruins of the palace. Once you’d reached what you assumed were the front doors you cover your nose from the heavy smoky smell that still rose from the expired flames that had raked the area. You could see people coming to the area with gold, treasures, weapons, anything really, some emotionless others fearfully placing them down before heading off again. A faint sound of distress directs your attention back to the interior of the palace hurrying in you see now the gargantuan dragon snarling at a woman and three children around your age. Everything that follows happens so fast you feel as though you’re spectating your own actions as Gilmore directs the dragons attention away from the lady and kids while you, using some tips you had learned from Nott help them sneak away from the danger. None of them seemed to comment on being helped by another kid but you had to guess that things were already stressful enough to have to worry about such small details (get it small, because kids… I’ll see myself out). Heat and flames filled the room and you see Gilmore’s body skid across the ground smoking, a pool of blood quickly forming around him.
"PATHETIC HUMAN WELP." Even when not shouting, the dragons voice felt as though it could shake the foundation of this place. Seeing the dragon now lose interest you quickly spring into action.
"Child come back here, it’s danger to run out there." The lady whisper-yelled to you.
"Someone has to help him." You simply state running over to Gilmore, perhaps you’ve been in one too many situations where you've had to drag someone from the Nein away from trouble because this pulse of adrenaline was the first familiar feeling you’ve had in awhile. When you reached him you began to pull him back towards the entrance, you try to focus on your goal to ignore the blood that was starting to cover you. You see the lady take a breath before rushing to you she places her arms in a way to act as support and continues to carry him to the entrance. With her doing that you dig through your thoughts and remember something Caduceus had taught you, so you start look for anything that could help at least slow the blood flow. Your eyes land on a torn and slightly charred piece of a flag and figure it’s the best choice for now, grabbing it you run back over and place it on the wound Gilmore immediately gives a grunt of pain and winces instinctively grabbing at the wound, at least he seemed to have more focus now.
"Are you alright?" The woman asks.
"Don’t worry about me right now, we need to get to safety." With a shaky arm Gilmore points in a random direction. "There, we'll have shelter if we can make to my shop." The woman nods and starts moving towards where he’d pointed, you and the other kids following behind.
"You were really brave back there stranger." The boy says to you.
"Uhh, thanks. I learned a lot from my friends." You replied.
"That's cool, I’m Gren by the way, Gern Tal'Dorei." Was he trying to impress you? You weren’t sure but if the last name was anything to go off of you now knew where you were. But wait… you’d read a little about the Tal'Dorei family or at least seen mentions of them in stories and they were much older then the people in front of you, did this mean you were somewhere in the past too? "So what’s your name?" Your snapped out of your thoughts.
"Oh! Sorry, my name's (y/n), just (y/n) is fine."
"Hi (y/n), I’m Illiya." The shorter of the two girls introduces herself with a sheepish wave, well maybe short wasn’t the right word since you were the same height as her.
"Hi Illiya."
"And I’m Odessa, it’s a pleasure to meet you (y/n)."
"Pleasure to meet you too." The greetings all felt a little awkward and tense, maybe if things weren’t as bleak as they were you’d all be laughing. The rest of your walk was in an uncomfortable silence as you passed destroyed buildings and hid from potentially dangerous looters. The sky was dark by the time you reached your destination, being a destroyed shop, you all approach cautionsly having seen some men wander away from the ruined buildings. Gilmore, half-supporting his own weight, shuffles over to a broken but still intact bed resting in the farther corner of the broken building.
"Please, help me move this." You all help shove the bed over revealing a trapdoor underneath and with what little strange he had Gilmore lifts the door open. Looking down you could make out about three figures in the dim light, a half-elven woman with thick glasses steps forward.
"Who-who goes there!" She holds out a wand threateningly but lowers it when she takes a better look at everyone. "I’m so sorry, please come on quickly." You all make your way down the ladder being sure to hide and close the trapdoor once you’ve all made it down. "Empress Salda, it is good to see you and your children are alright."
"Barely, but thank you." The woman, who you could now guess was this Salda nods, the half-elf lady then looks at you.
"And who’s this?"
"I found this one alone on the streets, they were actually… quite helpful with our rescue." Gilmore comments through heavy breaths, leaning against a wall still clutching onto his wound.
"Hi, my names (y/n)." You introduce yourself for like the fifth time today.
"I’m Sherri." She replies, putting a hand to her chest.
"Cherry?" You repeat her name, wondering if you’d heard her correctly.
"No no, Sherri." You mouth "oh" and nod to her, she then turns her attention to Gilmore and starts doing what she can to help patch him up while the others try to settle themselves for the rest of the night.
Night falls and while the adrenaline from the days events had worn off leaving you tired you just couldn’t bring yourself to sleep. All you had right now where your thoughts swimming around in your head. We’re you really in the past? If so then that spell really did work. But what now? How were you gonna get home? Did you have to wait for the spells effect to wear? Would the spell wear off? Could you even get home? Were you stuck in the past permenantly? The longer you thought about it the more panic of never being able to return home crept into you. You lost track of how much time had past, paying little attention to the two people Sherri was originally with opening the trapdoor leaving this little underground bunker. Odessa, Illiya and Gren tried to help by playing little made up games, you mindlessly played along not really paying attention anymore. The muffled sounds of yelling and battle could now be heard from above you. Scooting yourself into a corner you let yourself have a good look around the room seeing the other kids huddle close to their mom, who defensively pulls out a dagger and Sherri looking very nervous and concerned next to an unconscious Gilmore. You pull your legs up to meet your chest, as selfish as it may sound all you really wanted was to just leave and go home where things were familiar, where dragons weren’t destroying everything, and where strangers you hardly knew weren’t the only people you had for comfort. You just wanted to go home.
The trap door swings open…
To be continued…?
I feel a little cruel just leaving it there but that’s all I have for this right now, should I do a pt. 2?
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acraftedmistake · 4 years
A Person Who Has Never Played MCSM Writes A Story About MCSM Chp. 13
CHP 13 YEEEE New month new CHAPTER, thanks to everyone who has been very patient with me! <3 
If you wanna read it in the Archive of our Own format, click Here!
‘This is a nightmare.’ Aiden kept telling himself as he pushed past the people in the streets.
This is only a nightmare. He wasn’t rushing back home, he never spoke with Jesse, he’s not holding Olivia’s hat, Olivia’s not even here, she’s gone and he’s in bed. He’s going to wake up in a cold sweat, with the Sun in his eyes, gasping as he forgets whatever it was he was dreaming about. Just like every other nightmare he’s had.
Aiden glanced at the green aviator hat in his hand, holding onto it as if his life depended on it. He could feel bruises forming where Jesse had struck him; they’ll heal.
Aiden looked up, saw the spruce roof of his house, and sped up. He kept his eyes on the roof, not paying attention to anybody who happened to be in his way. He didn’t even pay attention to his friend, Cassie Rose, calling his name through the crowd and running towards him.
“Aiden--AIDEN.” Rose screeched to a halt and stuck her hands out in front of her, afraid she and Aiden were going to crash into each other. She ran all around town trying to hunt him down, and now that she’s finally found him, he was too consumed by his own worries to notice her.
Aiden finally tore his eyes away from the house and faced Rose, slowing down but refusing to stop.
“I messed up. I messed up.” He said shakily, rushing past the redhead. Rose followed him, practically having to jog to remain by his side. Usually she’d crack a joke about how this wasn’t fair, her legs were shorter, he should carry her, but with the way Aiden was behaving, his quickened breath and darting eyes, she knew now wasn’t the time.
“What did you do?” Rose asked. Aiden’s eyes locked with hers for a mere second, but that’s all the time she needed to see the fear.
“You’re gonna hate me.” Cassie Rose heard him say in a horrified whisper. He didn’t answer the question. Maybe he didn’t have to. She was feeling more nervous with each passing second, and she didn’t even know what he did yet.
Aiden could make out Gill and Stella’s heads poking out of the front door and felt his throat tighten. His body tensed when thinking of his friends’ potential reactions to his news. They need to know. He needs to tell them. They’ll hate him but they need to know.
The instant Aiden stepped foot into the house, Stella erupted with frantic questions. “Aiden, what happened?! What was all of THAT about? Oh, and you’re face--!”
Gill started going off, “One second you were goin’ to your room, th’next you were rushin’ outta this house without sayin’ a word.”
“I know, I’m sorry. It--” Aiden started pacing. He couldn’t stay still. He didn’t want to see his friends’ faces. He wanted to calm down. He wanted to think straight. He was still praying that he’d wake up.
Suddenly he heard footsteps racing down the staircase.
“Is everything alright?” A familiar voice asked, “We heard crashing.”
Aiden shot his head up and saw Jess and Olivia getting closer to him, Jess’ worried eyes locked onto him.
Aiden stepped back and pointed at them, “DON’T--”
His sudden shouting towards the two caught everyone off guard.
“Don’t come near me. Don’t look at me. Don’t--Don’t--!” He turned away and shoved his face into his hands. Out of all the times they had to be awake, out of all the times they decided to appear, why now? Why? He can’t look at them. He can’t. He hated glancing at them. Even if it was for a second, he hated it. He hated the memories that would flash by and fill his mind, he hated the hopeful feeling he’d get in that one second, foolishly believing they were actually okay, he hated these reminders of his past friends.
Aiden swallowed and stared at the floor, “Jesse--our Jesse--broke in.”
All talking had stopped.
“He knows Olivia’s here.”
Stella gasped, Gill’s eyes widened, Jess’ mouth hung open. No one said anything. Jess felt Olivia’s hand grab his and squeezed it.
“How did you--” Maya started but was cut off by Cassie.
“You told him?!” Cassie stepped closer to Aiden, clenching her fists.
Aiden stuck his hands out, “No--! Not directly!”
He stared at the green hat and squeezed it again, “He took Olivia’s hat, I told him she needed it back. I never said her name directly but--”
“But Jesse’s not stupid.” Maya finished. Aiden breathed in and nodded.
“Aiden, how could you?” Jess asked, slipping out of Olivia’s grasp as he stormed over to the man.
“Jess, don’t--” Before Aiden could start, Jess snapped at him.
“Don’t what? Don’t get involved in the mess you just got us in? Don’t get upset you put my friend in danger?! Don’t worry about this other Jesse--who sounds like such a wonderful person--and could be searching for Olivia as we speak?!” Jess’ mind kept switching between anger and fear. The image of Radar being carried back, beaten and sobbing, made his hands sweaty. He thought back to everyones reactions when they first met him, and how they treated him before they found out he wasn’t the other Jesse. He thought about Cavern City, and--and--What would Jesse do to Olivia? What would Jesse do to him?
“I didn’t have any other choice!” Aiden shot back.
“Yes you did!” Both Cassie Rose and Jess exclaimed, surprising each other.  
Cassie continued, “Why didn’t you punch him? Or throw him, or--or knock him out, or SOMETHING? ANYTHING.”
“Because I didn’t want to make things worse.” Aiden answered through gritted teeth.
Cassie sputtered, “Aiden, I hate to be that person, but punching him would’ve made the situation SIGNIFICANTLY better than what YOU just pulled.”
“I can’t believe I’m actually agreeing with Cassie, but she’s right.” Jesse joined the red head’s side, “What about when we first saw each other? You thought I was your Jesse, got upset, and grabbed me. Why didn’t you--”
“That was different.” Aiden raised his voice.
“You aren’t our Jesse.” Aiden’s hands were beginning to shake as he stepped closer to Jess, who was now backing away.
Jess opened his mouth, but Maya got between the two before things could get worse. “What’s done is done.” Maya folded her arms. “Aiden messed up. We gotta work on fixing it now.”
“Maya’s right.” Stella started pulling on a strand of her hair while tapping her foot against the wooden floor. “With these two stuck here, The Awakening possibly planning something, and now Jesse knowing about Olivia, we have no time to argue.”
Olivia turned to Aiden, “Where’s Jesse now?”
Aiden shook his head, “I don’t know. He ran the opposite away.”
“That gives us some time to figure out what to do before he comes back.” Maya said. Then the room became quiet again.The only sounds filling the void was Stella’s foot tapping and wooden boards creaking from Aiden’s pacing.
Jess watched everyone think to themselves. No one was communicating or even standing close to each other, and while he wanted to speak up to get people talking, and get the feeling of progress actually being made, he didn’t know what to say. He returned to the stairs where Olivia stood and sat on one of the steps. He rested his head on his hands and sighed.
“You alright?” Jess asked quietly.
“No.” Olivia mumbled, slowly sitting down. ‘I shouldn’t be scared.’ She thought. She really shouldn’t. She survived a Witherstorm, the Admin, and other horrific situations, but in those cases, she knew what to be scared of, she knew what she was working with. What did she know about this universe? That there’s a creepy cult and an unstable version of her friend? She still didn’t know what The Awakening was capable of, nor the other Jesse. What’ll she do when he finds her? She hasn’t met the other Jesse yet--not that she wants to. Would she be able to tell the difference between her’s and the other? What’ll he do when he finds her?
Olivia glanced back at Jess and saw he was brainstorming now. She would love to hear some of his optimism right now. A light hearted joke, a comment poking fun at the situation, or just him telling her it’ll be okay. She needed it.
But she never got it.
“I guess we won’t be able to go out anymore, huh?” Jess muttered.
“No, you won’t.” Aiden approached the two, his arms crossed. “Jesse’s probably gonna start looking for Olivia here. We might need to hide you two somewhere else.”
“Not that I disagree with you, but where could we possibly hide them? Radar’s house?” Stella questioned.
Cassie groaned, “And what’ll Radar do when Jesse breaks in? Flip out again? Cry?”
“Cass--” Maya was about to start but kept her focus on the situation, “I don’t think Radar’s place is the best option either. If someone attacks, he’ll be unprepared. And I don’t think he’d be on board with Jess staying at his place after what’s happened.”
“We can’t do Hadrian and Mevia’s either.” Aiden said.
“Why not?” Gill asked, “They got some pretty good weapons! They could protect ‘em.”
“I know, but I don’t think they’d trust Jess either--” Aiden stopped. A lightbulb went off, “Unless we split these two up!”
“Not happening.” Jess shot the idea down coldly, “First you all treated me like I was some maniac, then you rat out my friend, and NOW you want us to split up?”
“This could be our safest option--” Stella spoke but was cut off by Jess.
“No, here is our safest option. You guys have plenty of weapons, Olivia and I can fight back, there’s plenty of hiding spots,” With each point he listed off, he kept getting closer to Aiden until they were face to face, “and I’ve been through much worse than one crazy person. We’re staying here.” Jess ended, snatching Olivia’s hat from Aiden’s hand.
“Fine.” Aiden said stiffly.
“Glad we… We got that settled.” Stella laughed nervously.
“If they’re staying here we should probably lock… Well… Everything.” Maya pointed out.
Stella jumped, “Right! We don’t know how long these two will be staying here!” She rushed towards the nearest windows and locked them before throwing the curtains over them. “Can’t risk Jesse--or anyone--seeing them!”
Gill sat on a barstool and stroked his beard. He watched Stella go from window to window, repeating the locking and covering process frantically. He watched Jess and Olivia talk quietly to one another, then his eyes drifted over to the table in the living room where the items for the flint and steel and book laid, then something clicked.
“Maybe we don’t gotta worry bout Jesse for long.” Gill said, a small smile forming.
“Hm?” Maya turned her head towards him as she flipped a light switch on. With no street lights or moonlight coming through the windows anymore, their house was beginning to darken.
“Well, I was thinkin’ that if we made th’flint ‘n steel, we’d be able to send those guys home. There’d be no Olivia or Jess for our Jesse to get, then we’d only have to worry bout The Awakenin’!”
Everyone stared at Gill. Stella stopped what she was doing to think about the plan.
“Two birds, one stone.” Maya shrugged, “We could do it.”
“Yeah, that could work!” Jess agreed, feeling a little more hopeful. Olivia nodded.
“Yes, but didn’t Petra tell us she’d take at least a week to find the rest of the materials?” Stella asked, her nails tapping against the glass of the window she had stopped on. Could they keep Jess and Olivia hidden for a week? Could they even stop their Jesse from breaking in after a few days? Locking doors and windows can only do so much.
“I can run over to Petra’s and see if she’s still home.” Cassie Rose spoke up, “I could tell her we need to speed things up and maybe look around her cave. She probably has some of the stuff we need in one of her chests.”
“But what if she ain’t home?” Gill tilted his head.
“And what if she doesn’t have the items.” Maya added.
“Then I’ll mine for the things myself!” Cassie said, already marching to the front door, “I’ll go to the Nether alone if I have to! I’ve done it before!” Cassie said.  
Cassie could hear Stella gasp and knew she was about to start lecturing.
“I’ve broken the law a bunch of times. I’ll be fine.” She said.
Stella closed her mouth and clasped her hands together, “I know, I know, but please be safe.”
“I will.” Cassie opened the door, but before she could leave, Stella asked for a favor.
“Since The Awakening is involved in this… Mess, do you think you could ask Radar to come over?”
‘Why me?’ Was the response Cassie wanted to give, but when she looked back at Stella and the rest of her friends, she knew she couldn’t complain.
She gripped the door’s handle, “Yeah, sure.”
And with that being said, she left.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Stupid Aiden and his stupid slip ups in front of stupid JESSE. Out of all the nights to do something stupid he does it tonight. Cassie could only imagine what’ll happen in these next few days. Maybe Jesse--or heck, any other Awakening freak--might snatch Olivia and think she’s some weird zombie who’s been resurrected by their amazing ‘Hero’. Or maybe they’ll dig up her body from her memorial and do freaky cult things to it. What if they kill the other Olivia? Then they’ll have TWO dead Olivias.
This wasn’t the first time Aiden’s done something stupid because of Jesse, and it probably won’t be the last.
She wasn’t mad--Actually, that was a lie.
She was very mad. Not just at Aiden, but at everything.
It feels like everything has gotten worse since Jess and Olivia stepped foot into their universe. She and the others had enough problems to deal with before, but now having to deal with two look-alikes of their old friends, the dumb Awakening schemeing something, and now Aiden’s dumb stunt, their stress has been amped up by a thousand.
Maya’s right, though. There’s nothing she can do now to change what’s been done. She needs to focus on getting to Petra. Maybe Petra already found the materials despite it being a couple of hours since they last saw her. Then they could figure out how to make the flint and steel, and then they can send Jess and Olivia home, then they wouldn’t have to worry about their creepy Jesse. Easy!
‘And what if she doesn’t have the items.’ Maya’s voice echoed in her head.
‘Then I’ll get ‘em myself!’ She snapped back at the imaginary Maya. Though she knew if she did that, with or without telling her friends, she’d get an earful from Stella.
Cassie Rose could perfectly imagine what Stella would tell her after she would return from the Nether: “I cannot believe you! Going off on your own to the NETHER of all places, don’t you remember what happened last time? We were barely able to convince the guards to let you go!”
Cassie understood Stella was only looking out for her; she always assumes the worst case scenario will happen, but hopefully she understands stopping The Awakening is far more important than the law. They can’t sit through a bunch of paperwork in some stupid office to get a stupid license so they can hit a few rocks with a pickaxe or explore the Nether when there are caves and a portal close by AND easily accessible. They can’t waste any time.
As she continued moving forward, one yellow house caught her attention. It was the smallest out of all the surrounding buildings, only being a single story, but it was like a beacon under the night sky. The front light was on, but Cassie wondered if it was even necessary, as every light inside was on and were practically illuminating the entire street. The only few things that interrupted the beams of light were the leaves and stems of the many potted plants on the balcony. As she neared the house, her running soon slowed into a walk, and then she came to a full stop.
‘Speaking of wasting time…’ Cassie thought again, staring at the light, dusty yellow home in front of her. It was almost a struggle to stare directly at the house without being blinded. Of course the most obnoxious, unavoidable house belonged to Radar.
‘Radar can wait.’ She told herself, getting ready to move along. ‘Petra has the important stuff.’
‘You told Stella you’d ask him.’ She nagged herself, stopping again.
Yes, she did, but Stella should’ve known better than to ask her. She knew how much she couldn’t stand that little man. Why couldn’t she have sent Gill instead? Gill loves Radar! Stella could’ve sent anyone else BUT her, even Jess would’ve been a better choice.
She stared at the horrible house for another moment.
Maybe she could skip over Radar and claim she forgot.
Yeah, she was soooo caught up on getting to Petra’s, Radar just slipped her mind.
‘Don’t do that.’ Cassie told herself. ‘Stella trusts you.’ And they did need him, whether or not she’d liked to admit it.
The redhead let out a long sigh as she began trudging over to the front door, which shared the same color as the porch and roof. As she grew nearer, she was able to make out more of the plants’ individual leaves, the flowers began looking less like blobs and more like the variety of spherical, funnel, and bell shapes that they were, she could even decipher the different colors of the flowers despite the overpowering yellow light. A long, thin green leaf brushed past her hand, making Cassie flinch and swat at it.
She breathed in, inhaling the overwhelming floral scent which invaded the porch, and gave the walnut-colored door three, hard knocks. She was tempted to break it, but restrained herself.
Her shoulders immediately drooped when she listened to distant footsteps on the other side grow closer. Cassie was imagining the possible responses Radar would have in store for her and found herself getting tired of his voice already, despite him not saying a word to her yet.
The locks started to click and the knob began to turn. She shoved her fists into her hoodie’s pocket.
‘Just get it over with.’ Cassie told herself, ‘For your friends.’
Radar’s head peaked out from behind the door. The caution in his eyes blinked away when he saw it was only her.
“Oh, Ros--Cassie Rose. Good evening. What brings you here so early?” He asked, stepping a foot out of his house, noticeably tense.
Cassie held back her second sigh, “Hey, we’re kinda having some issues right now and Stella was wondering if you could come over and help.” She muttered.
“I don’t know if I could…” Radar’s words trailed off and he thought to himself for a moment, “I… I won’t be able to come over at this mo--”
“Bummer.” Cassie didn’t give Radar the chance to finish. She heard all that she needed to. She turned around and hopped off the porch, giving Radar a stiff wave, “I’ll be sure to let them know, see you.” She said flatly before taking off.
‘There, you did it.’ She told herself as she picked up the pace.
Cassie didn’t know what Stella was expecting. You can’t expect anything good to come from an Awakening member, former or not.
Stupid cult boy.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
The forest felt different when running through it alone. When she was walking here with her friends earlier, they managed to make this dark, noisy place feel familiar and gave it a sense of security. The same sense of security she felt when they started exploring stranger territories while on their way to collect weapons to destroy The Awakening’s lava beast. The memories of them huddling together as they navigated through the strange, colorful caves whose interior defied logic, or fighting Awakening members who were unfortunate enough to run into them in other chaotic forests far away from town were still fresh in her mind. No matter how bizarre or overwhelming the environments were, they were together, and they made those alien places feel a lot less foreign.
‘Jeez, that was almost five years ago.’ Cassie remembered. It felt like last week.
This was still the same forest with the same thick trees, the same blaring bugs, and the same cracked path, but being alone brought a different sort of familiarity to it. She was reminded of the times before she had met Aiden and the others, when it was just her and Petra. She thought back to the times she’d be rushing to the cave, running through here with the guards on her tail, shouting at her to return the goods she had stolen from the Night Market. She’d take sharp turns every few seconds to throw them off, listening to the men’s voices get quieter and quieter, causing her to smile widely and laugh to herself. The bizarre mixture of fear and enthusiasm--the possibility of getting caught or getting away--it was that combination which motivated her to run even faster.
However, the one thing that remained consistent during her years of going here was how stupidly scary it could be. There wasn’t anything to be scared about, but Cassie’s brain would trick her into thinking the tangled branches were one of those huge, venomous spiders who were about to lunge at her face, or the sound of a branch cracking was actually a monster ready to pounce on her. It was stupid, she knew spiders--though they have attacked her here before--were uncommon, and any other monster was MILES away from Obsidian Town, but that didn’t stop her from doing a double take at any strangely shaped silhouette her eyes would catch.
When she reached the entrance of the cave, she remembered one benefit about coming here alone: Walking along the cave’s path was much easier. On one hand, it didn’t matter if she came here with friends or by herself, she’d still be sandwiched between two cold, wet, stone walls. On the other hand, she wouldn’t be sandwiched between two people while navigating through the tight squeeze.
As Cassie walked deeper into the cave, straying further and further from the light, she realized she forgot to knock. This used to be her home though--technically still is--so does she really have to knock? You wouldn’t knock on your own bedroom door, right? But Petra always wanted people to knock, or at the very least, shout out their name in the cave. One time Aiden forgot to knock during a visit, and he accidentally slammed the door in Petra’s face. She wasn’t too mad about getting hit, but she did go off about the knocking. ‘What if I was dealing with a client?!’ Petra snapped, ‘Or working on something personal? You don’t see me barging into your house unannounced!’. This led to Stella pointing out Petra’s constant law breaking was much worse than forgetting to make their presence known, which led to Petra simply responding: ‘Yeah, but I still have manners.’
Cassie knocked against one of the cave’s walls as she continued walking, “Hey! It’s Rose!” She announced, just in case Petra didn’t hear the knocking.
Cassie kept walking and waited for a response. She waited.
And waited.
And waited.
She was almost at the door and Petra hadn't responded yet. Petra never takes this long to respond. Cassie sped up, if there was even a chance something bad had happened to Petra, she wasn’t going to take her time. She didn’t want to be too late.
‘Maybe she left already.’ Cassie told herself, not wanting to jump to any wild conclusions yet. She knew if Petra got into any trouble, she could handle herself, and the last thing she needed was another person to worry about. When Cassie got to the door, she kicked it open; the wood collided with the stone wall and made a loud BANG. There'd be no way Petra missed that.
Cassie didn’t see her friend, but what she did see straight ahead of her was an activated Nether portal, confirming her suspicions. Petra was gone. She was a little sad she missed out on saying goodbye to her, but at least she knew she was safe.
‘Better start looking.’ Cassie started for the chests by the stone base where the portals stood. The closer she got to the portal, the louder it’s groans and crackles became, making it nearly impossible to hear herself think. She opened the chest, barely able to hear the wood creak, and knelt down--her legs freezing the moment they touched the cold ground, despite her wearing long pants. She threw her hand in and peered inside to see whatever random items were thrown into the chest.
“Cobblestone, a bunch of sticks, clay, iron, a bell--” She listed aloud, trying to speak over the portal’s racket. Surely ONE of the items she was looking for was in one of the millions of chests scattered around here--
“Thief.” Cassie heard a deep, muffled voice from behind say. She whipped her head around and froze when she saw the Crying Wither looming over. They stared down at her through the eye holes of their wither skull; the white paint coating it had peeled off over time, leaving strips of the skull’s original, charocal-black color visible once again. The strips were thickest under the eyes.
Cassie clutched her chest and breathed in, “Thanks for the second heart attack today.”
“Second?” The Crying Wither tilted their head. They offered their sooty, gloved hand.
Cassie accepted it.
“Yeah, you can thank Aiden for the first one.” Cassie said as she was pulled to her feet. The Crying Wither reeked of smoke, and speckles of the Nether portal were still hanging onto their black, buttoned-up vest and dark gray, long sleeved shirt, which had a few tears in them.
“Oh boy.” Petra took off the skull, “What’d he do this time?”
Cassie ranted about the situation, about how Aiden revealed Olivia--not directly, but that didn’t matter--and now everyone was freaking out. While Petra was listening, she had to remind herself there were now two Jesses. This must’ve happened after they both visited her.
Cassie kept going off for another few minutes, getting everything out of her system, then returning her focus on Petra. “...That’s why I’m back though. That li’l creep is probably gonna be taking Olivia and we need to get her and the other Jess home.”
“Right, I get that.” Petra nodded, “And I get that this is serious, but I’m doing this alone, I’d be lucky if I found any of your supplies in a week.” She said, walking to the edge of the stone base and stepping off.
Cassie watched her friend approach a double chest by the cave’s door. “I know.” She shoved both of her hands into her pocket.
“But…” Petra placed her wither skull on the floor and opened the large chest. She pulled out a neatly folded stack of clothes. Cassie’s eyes lit up when she recognized they were the same dark blue pants and long sleeved shirt she used to wear, topped with her old brown belt and gloves as well.
“The process would definitely be faster if I had an extra set of hands.” Petra smiled as she walked over to Cassie again, “Whaddaya say, White Pumpkin? Just like old times?”
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
“... That’s so weird to think about.” Olivia mumbled, sitting on the guest bed, and hugging her knees with her hat next to her. Lukas is gone. That’s a statement she never wanted to hear. He was a couple of years younger than her when he went missing, too.
“Yeah. It is.” Jess was leaning against the only window in the room, looking away from his friend. One of his hands was gripping the lift of the window, tempted to throw it open and get some fresh air, but he knew it had to stay locked.
Olivia didn’t know what to say. What more could be said after hearing about her close friend’s disappearance? That everything is going to work out? That they’ll find him? That there’s a chance he’s still alive? Neither of them wanted to admit it, but they both knew he was most likely dead. With no knowledge of how he died, Olivia could only hope his passing was painless.
Olivia kept thinking back to the story and what had happened. Her alternate self was involved in the search party, yet Olivia felt a strange sense of grief for not being able to recall memories that weren’t her’s, and she failed a Lukas who wasn’t theirs. Olivia could tell Jess felt a similar way when retelling the story; he’d become so invested his voice would crack and tears would well up in his eyes during certain parts, as if he had experienced it firsthand. He’d pause at some moments to remember what he was told, or to find a way to reword the situation--maybe in an attempt to shine a more hopeful light onto it, to make the blow softer for her or for himself.
“Man, our universe is kinda nice compared to this, huh?” Jess sat next to his friend, laughing a little. He wasn’t sure why he was laughing. This wasn’t funny.
Olivia watched him play with his red suspenders as he continued talking, “Back home, you and Lukas are alive. I’m almost certain Ivor might be dead as well--or heck, the entire Order. We don’t have some crazy cult or a crazy me running around, trying to find you now--”
“Mad at Aiden?” Olivia asked, though she already knew the answer..
“You aren’t?”
“I’m…” Olivia let her mouth hang for a moment, “I don’t really know how to feel right now. So much has been happening, I don’t think I can be mad at one specific person with what’s been going on.”
“I’m not blaming Aiden for this entire mess!” Jess jumped off the bed suddenly and began pacing around the room, “I know these people are supposed to be ‘the good guys’ of this universe, and I want to try to make things better, but being surrounded by these people and the way they’ve treated me--! I was just starting to warm up to them, and maybe we could’ve moved past those bad first impressions but--but--” Jess pulled on a lock of his hair tightly and stared at the ceiling as his pacing became faster, “Aiden slipped up cause of a hat! A stupid…!” He threw his head into his hands, fingers tangling in his hair.
It was quiet for a minute, only the sound of Jess’ heavy breathing filled the room. When he heard Olivia quietly call his name, he peeked at her through his fingers. Worry filled her eyes, but she wasn’t worried about Aiden, about the alternate Jesse, she wasn’t worried about a single thing in this universe right now. She was worried about him.
Jess’ hands slipped off his face and wrapped themselves around his body. “I’m… I’m sorry.” Jess finally said, taking a step closer to his friend.
Olivia scooched to the side, making more room on the bed for him.
“Aiden didn’t mean to.” Olivia mumbled as Jess sat back beside her. “And I know this isn’t the greatest environment to be,” She placed her hand on his shoulder, “but they do want to help us, and they’re trying their best, even if they’re clearly struggling from time to time.”
That got a light chuckle out of Jess. Olivia felt herself grinning as well.
“Yeah, you’re right.” Jess rested his head on his knees. His smile started to fade, “Things are getting worse. I don’t wanna drag you down by being stressed constantly. I want to keep your spirits up, you know?”
“I do know.” Olivia inched closer to Jess, “Do you know how many times I’ve been afraid of being a burden with my constant worrying?”
Jess blinked and lifted his head up, “What? But--You know you’d never be a burden to me or any of our friends!”
“Mhm, it’s because I have you around to remind me that you care, and I can say the same thing to you right now.”  
The two pulled each other into what was meant to be a quick hug, but they found themselves holding onto each other for longer than expected. In this moment, the cold world around them grew warmer. In this moment, their worries went away. In this moment, they had each other.
Then there was a knock at the door.
Not their door, the front door on the first floor.
Jess went back to the window and peered down.
“It’s Radar!” A little grin appeared on his face. It was reassuring to see Radar better, especially after the last time they saw him.
“I think I’m gonna head downstairs.” Jess said, watching the front door open and Aiden welcoming their friend in. “They needed him for something and I’m kinda curious about what that something is.”
Before Jess could leave the room, Olivia stopped him. “Are you sure that’s a good idea? What if you accidentally frighten him?”
Jess thought for a moment. Radar knew he wasn’t the same Jesse who attacked him the night before, but the awareness meant nothing when he looked exactly like the other Jesse. “I could… Sit on the steps? He wouldn’t have to worry about looking at me.” Jess suggested.
Olivia nodded in approval and the two headed off. As they neared the staircase, they could make out Radar and Aiden’s voices. Aiden’s voice was much louder compared to Radar’s; they could hear more of Aiden’s explanation of the current situation, while barely being able to understand Radar’s responses. When they reached the bottom, they sat down and made themselves comfortable on the last few steps. Aiden glanced in their direction and gave them a quick wave--he looked stressed--before bringing his full attention back to Radar, while Maya, Stella, and Gill listened.
“Oh, dear…” Radar was fidgeting with his clipboard and pen, “And you’re positive those were Awakening members?” He found himself struggling to maintain eye contact with Aiden, and kept glancing at the papers on his board rather than his friend.
“They didn’t say anything about The Awakening, and I didn’t see them,” Aiden confessed, “but I don’t know any other group of people who wander around underground.”
“We heard voices--well, Aiden heard ‘em, but he wouldn’t lie about this sorta stuff.” Gill added.
“Worst case, Aiden just went crazy for a second and didn’t hear anything.” Maya said the comment in her usual tone, but her bit of humor seemed to do the job at making Radar relax a little.
“But at the very slim chance they were members,” Stella spoke up, not too enthusiastic over this possibility, “do you happen to remember The Awakening ever mentioning portals? I do recall them attempting to summon--or search--for The Hero.”
“Oh yes, that was one of the portals’ purposes.” Radar placed his pen in his pocket to stop himself from clicking it constantly, “However, another important purpose associated with them is their connections to the afterlife.”
All eyes were on him, urging him to go on. He gripped his board tighter and swallowed.
“The… The portals…” Radar started, doing his best to keep his voice steady, “It was believed that those who were loyal to The Hero would have their souls taken to the universe which he was banished to…” Radar continued to avoid any sort of eye contact with his friends, and focused on sharing the information they wanted to hear. As he kept talking, his nervous rambling soon gained confidence, the same confidence he used to feel when he recited what he learned during the gatherings in front of the Visions, in front of Brenner, enthusiastically talking about this wonderful knowledge he had been gifted. It felt like a switch had been flipped in his mind, and that familiar enthusiasm was rushing throughout him as he talked about how the souls kept in this distant universe were protected by The Hero and treated wonderfully as their reward for remaining faithful. How those who turned against The Hero, or doubted his power, would be sent to an eternal abyss. The Awakening had always tried to create the portal which led to this universe of bliss, Radar remembered the elder members sharing stories about how close they were to making it! How they were disappointed in themselves for failing, but content knowing their loved ones were safe, even after death. Those thoughts, those visuals, oh they were all so comforting. Radar, despite knowing how horrible The Awakening’s mindset is, still found comfort in this idea during the nights he’d be wide awake and sobbing. It was like an embraceful hug, arms holding you carefully, paired with a gentle voice who promised you everything was going to be okay. You’ll be safe. Who wouldn’t want such a tale to be true? To know that when those you cared about left, there was a way to bring them back, even if it was nearly impossible.
“... Perhaps--if The Awakening truly is planning on creating a portal--they want to revive their Sense after his demise!” Radar finished boldly, proud of this conclusion he reached and believing everyone was on the same train of thought as him. When he looked back at his friends, he was disheartened to see the lost expressions on everyone.
“The--their Sense.” Radar said again, thinking this was the detail they were stumped on. “The man with black hair? Beard? He was one of the leaders and ran towards us with his sword--”
“No, no, we remember him.” Stella gave him a small smile and clasped her hands together. “It’s just…” She mumbled to herself, trying to figure out the nicest way to word her next phrase without crushing Radar’s spirits.
“Radar, I love ya buddy, but that didn’ make any sense.” Gill said. Maya nodded.
“Yeah, I got a little caught up on everything else you were saying.” Aiden admitted.
“It… It makes sense… To me.” Radar’s voice fumbled into a whisper.
To me. Those words repeated in his head. Of course everything he said made sense to him, but how could people who’ve never stepped foot into a gathering possibly comprehend what Radar was going off about?
“I didn’t really understand it either, but you really got into it.” Another voice spoke up. Radar turned to his left and yelped when he saw Jess sitting there with Olivia.
“Please warn me whenever you’re in the room.” Radar pressed his clipboard against his chest, catching his breath. A twinge of guilt shot through Jess.
“From what I could make out,” Olivia said, “The Awakening might be creating a portal to the afterlife because one of their leaders died?”
“Yes!” Radar exclaimed excitedly. He spun around to face Olivia’s direction, covering his left eye with his clipboard to keep Jess out of his sight. “That’s essentially it!”
After the others finally understood what Radar was talking about, they discussed what should be done next. Everyone still agreed sending Jess and Olivia home was the most important priority, and arguably the easiest task to complete compared to stopping an entire cult. Maya reminded them there was still a chance The Awakening might not be planning this, or involved with anything portal related at all. Nothing was certain yet.
“Thanks for coming over again, ‘preciate it.” Aiden said to Radar, “We’ll be sure to update Rose when she comes back.”
“I’m still surprised she actually went to you.” Maya raised her brows.
“Yes, so am I.” Stella said, “But I’m glad she did! Hopefully she’ll come home soon, even if she returns empty-handed. I just want her in one piece.”
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Petra shot out of the Nether portal and landed on the stone ground with a loud thud, her sword slipping out of her grasp and landing on the ground with a clatter. She threw her sack of items on the floor and yanked off her wither skull, coughing widely, trying to get the smoke out of her lungs. She had barely escaped a huge fireball that had been shot out from one of those horrifying Ghasts, but had luckily spotted it in time and was close enough to her portal to dive through it. Her only concern now was whether the obsidian portal on the other side had sustained any damage. It shouldn’t have. Hopefully.
Usually Rose would have been on the lookout for any monsters while Petra would gather up the goods they had found that day. The two of them used to get their hands on great items like blazerods, glowstone, quartz, sometimes they’d stumble upon ruined portals and find an entire block of gold! And even though the two of them knew how dangerous the Nether could be, they’d often treat the place as if it were their own personal playground. They’d climb those bizarrely tall crimson trees, hiding in their thick, soft leaves that would get tangled in their hairs, or sometimes nudging and poking the deformed pig-like inhabitants with their swords until one of the creatures would inevitably get angry and they’d have to run away, laughing as they told each other they’d never do that again, knowing full well they’ll do again.
There were also a few Nether Fortresses within walking distance of the portal--some much farther than others--they enjoyed exploring together. With each visit, the three fortresses would be filled with a new assortment of hellish monsters who dropped amazing loot, or they’d find a chest they’ve missed before and find an assortment of items. Their favorite fortress, however, was the one north of the portal. It was the farthest one away, and also the smallest of the three; having only one room with three separate doorways, one being the entrance, the left leading to a platform outside, and the final leading to what remained of a large bridge. About a quarter of the bridge was left, and whether the giant columns which used to hold the rest had collapsed, or monsters tore it apart was unknown, but it didn’t matter. Petra and Rose would sit together at the edge of the bridge, looking over the ocean of lava--Petra could only look down for so long before getting shaky--and in the distance, they could see more land. Land that they’ve yet to explore. They could make out unfamiliar vegetations, crooked structures, large arches and floating land. They still had so much adventuring to do, they hadn’t even finished thoroughly searching the side of the Nether they were currently on yet!
Her and Rose made a pact, promising they’d work to explore the entire Nether together. They’ll leave no stone unturned; they’ll claw their way up every mountain, fight any monsters that stood in their path, and venture through the darkest caves together. That promise was made years ago, and though Rose doesn’t have the time to join Petra like she used to, Petra was still keeping her word. She wasn’t going to explore anymore of the Nether unless Rose was right beside her.
Ever since Rose moved in with Aiden and her other friends a few months ago, rummaging in the Nether has been a whole new level of difficulty. She didn’t mind the extra challenge, but she’d be lying if she said she wasn’t lonely.
Petra glanced at the sack on the ground and picked it up, it was light. Kind of disappointing when comparing it to her bags in the past. She loosened the rope around it and peeked inside; chunks of soul sand, mushrooms, and a whole bunch of glowstone. It wasn’t much, but it was still something. She placed the bag on top of the chest nearby the portal and let out a long, loud sigh.
“Rough day?” A voice asked, causing Petra to jolt. She immediately grabbed the sword on the ground and spun around, ready to fight the intruder.
“Wait, wait! I’m sorry--!” Jesse yelped, shielding himself with his arms. Petra lowered her sword and let out another sigh, this one out of relief.
“You’re okay,” Petra leaned the sword against the portal, “but why were you hiding behind my portal? You weren’t planning on attacking me, were you?” She raised a brow. It was Jesse’s turn to jump.
“No, no, no, no! I was looking for you, and I couldn’t find you anywhere, so I started walking around, but then I heard the portal making a weird sound and--”
“I was just being mean, I know you wouldn’t hurt me.” Petra chuckled. Jesse relaxed a little. She tilted her head at him, “Come on up.”
Jesse’s face brightened and he stepped onto the platform. As he approached Petra, the purple light and strange sounds coming from the portal grabbed his attention. His walking slowed as he turned his head to get a good look at this amazing structure. He doesn’t remember the last time he’s been this close to a Nether Portal, he doesn’t even know if he has been this close before. It almost didn’t look real.
And he kinda…
Kinda sorta…
Wanted to stick his hand in it. He really wanted to.
Petra must’ve known what he was about to ask, because before he could even pop the question, she said, “You can touch it if you wanna.”
His eyes sparkled and he gave a quick, excited thanks before shoving his hand into the portal’s glistening entrance.
To his surprise, the purple vortex was cold. He had always imagined the gateway that connected their world to the world of lava would’ve been excruciatingly hot. He didn’t mind being wrong, though, it was strangely pleasant. He’d move his fingers individually, able to feel them stir through the substance with no struggle at all. It was almost like… A small stream, one he’d find near the town’s borders, where he’d dip his feet in and watch the water continue to flow and swirl, undisturbed by his presence.
Jesse was almost tempted to shove his head in there, curious if it’d feel just as pleasant on his face, but then he’d risk throwing himself face first into the Nether. And he wasn’t ready for that. Maybe another day.
“So, why were you looking for me again?” Petra asked. Jesse pulled his arm out of the portal.
“I… I just needed to get--” He cleared his throat, “I just wanted to check on you, you know?”
“Not really.” Petra folded her arms, “I appreciate the thought, but you know I can take care of myself.”
“No!” Jesse blurted, “I mean, I do know that, but that’s not what I meant.”
Petra looked at him. He swallowed, “You’re not… Mad at us, are you?”
Petra blinked, “No?” She cocked her head, “Why would I be?”
Jesse crossed his legs and looked away, “I feel like we took Cassie from you.” He held his hands behind his back, “We busted in here one day, said ‘Hey! We’re gonna save the world!’, grabbed her, and next thing we know it, she’s living with us instead of you. And--”
“Woah, woah, woah.” Petra interrupted, “Jesse, first of all, you didn’t ‘take’ Rose from me, she wanted to tag along with you guys, just like how she chose to move in with you. You’re acting like she died or something, but she didn’t, right?” Her brows went up.
“Right. She’s still in one piece.” Jesse forced out a chuckle.
“Exactly. And guess what? Even if she’s off doing her own thing now, she still visits me. She’s allowed to do whatever she likes and I’m not gonna stop her. Besides, what sort of person would I be if I didn’t let my friends grow?” Her words were exactly what Jesse needed to hear. The frown on his face disappeared and he fixed his posture, much more energetic than he was seconds ago.
Petra found herself grinning at Jesse’s reaction, his happiness was rather contagious. She wrapped her arm around him, “And the best part about her visits is her tellin’ me what you and the others have been up to! Like fightin’ off cult members, or almost setting your house on fire--”
“Hey, that was Stella’s fault!” He laughed.
“Oh right, Miss Professional Baker.” The two of them laughed some more.
Petra kept going, “My favorite story from her so far is when you guys chucked one of those cult creeps into lava!” Jesse’s laughing stopped and he went a little pale, Petra kept talking, “Hero, every time I think about it it makes me pumped! Next time you plan on doing that, you gotta invite me.” She smirked.
Jesse’s throat tightened, “That was an accident.”
“Don’t be ashamed of knocking one of those sickos off this planet.” Petra gave him a light punch. “If I was there, you know I’d never shut up about it. Like ‘Hey! You’re talkin’ to the girl who killed a cult leader! You better watch it’!” She stuck her finger out and gritted her teeth, acting out the fake conversation.
When she saw Jesse still wearing an uncomfortable expression, she changed the subject. “How’s everyone doing in Obsidian Town?”
“Oh, good.” Jesse perked up, “Stella, Radar, and Olivia have been helping with the town’s repairs after that little lava monster incident.”
“Yeah, hardly even noticed it.” Petra rolled her eyes playfully.
“Right.” He chuckled a little, “Cassie, Gill, Aiden, Lukas, and I are gonna be heading off to another city to pick up some materials when the sun sets.”
“Sunset? Today?” Petra asked. Jesse nodded.
“Why aren’t you sleeping?”
“I couldn’t sleep. Couldn’t stop worrying about you.” He admitted.
“Awh, I’m touched. BUT,” Petra started guiding Jesse to her cave’s door, “there’s no need. Like I said, I appreciate you checkin’ in, but it’s not necessary.”
“I know.” Jesse’s voice dwindled. They reached the door and stood there for a moment. Petra stared at him, he looked crushed.
“Buuuuuuut if you wanna…” Petra spoke up, “You can come over once a week? Every two weeks? Just pop in, say hi, catch up. You know.” She shrugged.
Jesse was back to smiling, “I’d love that! I can think of a specific day where we can hang out so I won’t scare you again!”
“I didn’t get scared!” Petra shot back, face turning slightly red. She opened the door and shoved Jesse out. “Now get OUTTA here, you got a city to go to!”
“Right, right!” Jesse hurriedly made his way to the exit. “I’ll see you next week!” He shouted, his voice bouncing off the cave walls.
“You better knock next time!” Petra hollered back with a big grin on her face.
20 notes · View notes
The Invisible man x Female!reader (The beach)
The Invisible ‘Griffin’ Man x Female!reader (The Beach)
Part 2 to ‘The dance’
Request: Ok so is the prompt  66 good with you because I am thinking on how the kids like accidentally buried griffin and since the reader is the only one who can see him has to help get out(does that make sense?)
Fandom: Hotel Transylvania 
Genre: Fluff
The rickety and unstable plane was still making (y/n) a bit dizzy, she didn’t even know how long they were on that thing. It was kind of exhilarating to be on that, dangerous, but exciting at the same time.
(y/n) had personally never been on a cruise ship before and from the looks of it, neither have any of the monsters here. It was nice that Mavis invited (y/n) along, it was nice to be around Griffin. (y/n) didn’t get the chance to see him very often, living in the states and all.
Griffin was holding (y/n)’s hips lightly to support her body to the ground as the pair finally hopped off the plane, staring up at the large cruise ship in front of them. I guess he noticed how dizzy (y/n) was, he was very observant. (y/n) loved that about him.
“You okay? I know that plane made you dizzy. I wish we could’ve done better but--” 
(y/n) turned to face the invisible man and press a kiss to his lips, longer than she normally did in public. (y/n) was more than thrilled that I was to even be invited on a trip like this, a bonus was seeing Griffin after so long.
As Griffin quickly separated my lips from his, (y/n) spot a dizzy and lopsided grin adorning his features. She loved that, even after all of this time, she could still make him flustered like that. It was nice.
“Grif, it's more than fine. Come on, let's get on that gorgeous boat,” (y/n) said. 
(y/n) lightly laced my fingers with his before standing with the others on the large boat. The boat was bigger than anything (y/n) had ever seen, it was pretty. She turned to Griffin as she felt his eyes on her for far longer than normal.
“I think I know something that’s even more gorgeous to look at.” 
Of course, (y/n) already knew what he was insinuating. He was sweet. (y/n) gave him a small smile at the flirty comment and stand closer to him, (y/n) could feel how nervous he was. It was like the first night we met. That was like a Disney moment; love at first sight. (y/n) pressed herself close to his shoulder, watching as the Captain of the ship gave a little speech before all the monsters were let on.
(y/n) left the comfort of Griffin’s arms to stare out at the ocean, the waves were rumbling against the ship, but it was kinda uplifting.
The ride of the cruise ship itself was peaceful and almost quiet if (y/n) tuned out everyone. (y/n) leaned on the railing and breathe in deep… that smell, it was a beach! (y/n) wondered how near they were. The captain said that they’d be drifting for a while, (y/n) wondered how long.
Griffin was by Dracula and the others, it looked like they were teasing him about something. Curious. Dracula looked flustered, (y/n) had never seen him like that before. (y/n) heard snippets of their conversation but turned her attention to Mavis as she approached gently.
“Everything okay?” 
(y/n) gave her a small nod. She was fine, everything was kind of overwhelming right now. Mavis was already in her swimsuit, she looked cute.
“Yeah, everything’s just… A lot right now. It probably doesn’t help that I don’t get to see Griffin that often.” 
Mavis bit her bottom lip for a moment before grabbing one of (y/n)’s hands gently. What was she doing? Mavis looked more excited now.
“You could move into the hotel, free of charge if you help out,” Mavis offered. 
(y/n)’s eyes widened in surprise at the offer, she ran a hand through her hair to mess with it a bit. Moving into the hotel and seeing Griffin far more than she could normally? 
“Yeah, that’d be amazing. Thanks, Mavis,” (y/n) accepted. 
Without waiting for another second, Mavis wrapped her arms around (y/n), pulling her into a big hug. This would be okay, (y/n) wouldn’t have to say goodbye to Griffin for a while.
Mavis continued to talk with (y/n) for a while, mainly about dumb stuff our significant others do. But then Mavis asked (y/n) about my swimsuit. Of course, I dressed in my swimsuit under some light summer clothes, but there was only one problem. Griffin.
“I have it on right now, but Griffin-” Mavis nodded quickly, gesturing for (y/n) to take off the sundress and large hat hiding most of her facial features. (y/n) gave the hat to Mavis which she promptly put on.
“He gets jealous. I get that, Johnny had a phase,” Mavis said, understanding entirely. 
As the sundress dropped to the ground, (y/n) heard a few wolf whistles from behind. Both (y/n) and Mavis turned to see the commotion, just in time to see Griffin smack Wayne. 
He instantly noticed (y/n)’s stare and sent a pretty smile (y/n)’s way before complimenting her, “Looking good, Babe!” 
(y/n) turned away from him in embarrassment and covered her face with a hand, Mavis patted me on the back reassuringly. (Y/n) was still not used to his comments.
Her body lurched forward as the boat stopped abruptly. In a flash, Griffin was by (y/n)’s side to catch me before she could fall to the deck. He opened his mouth, but the speaker's overhead began to come to life. It was the captain.
“Sorry for the abrupt stop, Passengers, but our first stop is the beach! Please enjoy your time!” 
Griffin helped (y/n) to her feet, to finally become stable to the ground once again. He kept a tight hold on (y/n)’s hands and gestured toward the beach.
“A little alone time away from everyone might be nice.” (y/n) let Griffin pull her toward the beach, watching as most of the monsters stay on the cruise ship instead. “You know, you look amazing tonight.” 
(y/n) felt her face flare up again, but sat next to Griffin on the beach as he did, watching the waves crash onto each other hypnotizing.
“It’s nice out here, just relaxing on a beach instead of some wacky adventure.” 
(y/n) jumped lightly as Griffin slowly took one of her hands in his, drawing small shapes on the skin with the tips of his fingers. (y/n) knew that even though he wasn’t the biggest fan of the adventures that Drac and the others went through far too often. Did he want to settle down?
Griffin stared straight at (y/n) instead of the beautiful ocean in front of them. Why was he staring at (y/n) so intently? He looked serious.
“Yeah… Move-in with me.” (y/n) turned to stare at Griffin, did she hear that right?  A scattered blush slowly adorned his features. (y/n) could only give him a flustered nod before slowly standing up, brushing off the sand. “Wait, where are you going?” 
(y/n) gave him a small smile before gesturing vaguely to the boat. (y/n) thought she heard something about a bar. She needed to think things over on her own anyway.
“I want to get a drink. I’ll be back before you know it,” (y/n) said. 
Griffin stood up quickly, his pretty flannel shrugged halfway down his shoulders as he tried to offer it to (y/n).
“Wait, wear my flannel at least? I don’t want any other monster to ogle at my soulmate.” 
(y/n)’s eyes widened at the offer. She would love nothing more than to parade myself in his clothing because it was his… but the only ones who would know was the two of them. (y/n) gave Griffin a small smile before pulling his flannel back up to his shoulders. The thought was sweet, though.
“That’s sweet Grif, but--” 
His face went blank for a moment before he pressed his lips to (y/n)’s, pulling her closer by the straps of the swimsuit. (y/n) felt shivers climb up and down her back as Griffin messed with her hair lightly as he slowly pulled away, agreeing with her.
“Yeah. When I’m with you, I forget sometimes… that only you can see me. Don’t be too long,”  
(y/n) smiled toward Griffin lightly before slowly making her way back onto the boat, fully well knowing that Griffin hadn’t taken his eyes off of her.
(y/n) took quick steps to the bar and quickly sat on the corner seat, one drink couldn’t hurt. (y/n) knew when to limit myself. (y/n) smiled toward the bartender before asking for her favorite drink. (y/n) didn’t think that Griffin would ask her that, and so soon after Mavis’ offer. She wanted to, but what if it was too soon? (y/n) knew that they were soulmates, but anything could go drastic in a matter of seconds. Maybe She was just being paranoid.
(y/n)’s throat burned lightly as she swallowed the rest of her drink before paying her tab and leaving the bar to go find Griffin to accept his offer. (y/n) wanted nothing more than to live with him. She wouldn’t have to fly in all the way from America anymore. (y/n) didn’t get to see him nearly as often as she’d like to.
She’d say yes!
(y/n) steps were slow-paced as she made her way off of the large boat and onto the soft sand that was the beach. Griffin should be around here, it was where (Y/n) left him just a short while ago.
But he wasn’t here? That was odd.
“Grif? Honey? Where’d you go?” 
(y/n) glanced around the beach for a few moments, She still saw the shoes lying together, (y/n) forgot to put hers back on before she went to the bar. Where could he have gone? There wasn’t much room on this beach so he had to be here somewhere…
“Over here,” His voice called out. (y/n) scanned the beach for any sign of her significant other for a good 5 minutes before she spotted his head sticking out of the sand. What happened in the 10 minutes (y/n) was gone? (y/n) ran a hand over her face before she crouched down to where he was stuck. “The wolf pups found me sleeping and buried me… Can you help me out, Sweetie?” 
(y/n) laughed lightly at the predicament before she learned over to press a quick kiss to his lips before starting to slowly dig him out. She was only gone for a good 10 minutes, 15 at the absolute most. He fell asleep and got himself trapped in the sand that quickly?
She pressed another kiss, but this one to his forehead before continuing. Griffin wiggled beneath the sand to try an attempt of freeing himself.
"What would I do without you?"
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New Dynasty Chapter 43
“It would be Oscorp,” muttered Spiderman from his vantage point.
Wade frowned under his mask. “I thought that serum you and Rich Boy invented fixed whatever was making him unstable.”
“Only if he kept taking it.” Spiderman ran a hand over his mask.
[You know—we’re not in New York. If we come across Osborn here we could kill him.]
{After all that hard work Peter put into saving the man? He’d be devastated!}
Yeah, Spidey wouldn't like it if I killed his best friend’s father, Wade thought to them. And to tell the truth, Wade kind of liked Harry. Sure the kid had a chip on his shoulder, but he seemed to be a good friend for Peter.
[And there was that whole incident where he didn’t even flinch when you stabbed the wall next to his head.]
{Well, he told us to get out of town and leave Peter alone!}
“Not helping,” muttered Wade.
A breeze lazily blew over the two of them. From the way the men were dressed, they were cold, but the two costumed men were fine. Wade’s leather effectively blocked all the breezes, and Peter’s suit had an automatic tendency to acclimate towards the cold. If not for the huge complex in front of them and all the trees around them, it could have been just another night on a rooftop.
The communicator in Wade’s suit (and presumably Spiderman’s) crackled to life. “There’s a second building behind the main facility. It looks like a loading dock of some kind, and something’s being moved,” Iron Man told them from his position—wherever that was. His new suit camouflage was great.
“There’s something going on inside as well,” Natasha told them. Somehow she had gotten in. None of them were asking how she did it. “I’m not sure what’s going on, but there’s a lot of champagne toasting, laughing, and a giant metal box that has a ridiculously huge red bow on it.”
“Sounds like they finished what they were doing,” murmured Bruce from—wherever he was at. The only one who didn’t stay hidden from Wade on mission was Peter. And Natasha, but Natasha had made sure to point out that while she couldn’t permanently kill him, she could, easily, make sure that he couldn't get back up for a while if he got to be a danger on the mission.
[Like we’d ever put Spidey in danger!]
{On purpose.}
“More importantly,” Wade said ignoring the boxes, “none of the guards are professionals. Legit mercs and merc companies wouldn't go near this job.”
“Probably heard how little Norman pays his employees,” muttered Tony.
Oscorp and Stark Industries had a strange rivalry going. While people muttered about how callous Oscorp treated its employees, Stark Industries had been voted as the best workplace in the country three years in a row. And except for a few pointed barbs, neither man commented on the rivalry.
“Think Norman knows what these idiots are up to?” asked Natasha. “I don’t see any sign of him being in here.”
A thin sliver of tension left the spider’s shoulders. Maybe Norman was taking the medicine regularly. Or maybe not. It was too soon to say.
[Too bad he’s not here. We should still kill him for wanting us to kill Spiderman.]
{He gave up on that idea though!}
“Guys,” Natasha said, “if we’re going to move, we need to do it now.”
“All right! Into the fray!” said Tony. There was an explosion.
{Why aren’t we allowed to blow anything up!}
[We blew up that wall back in Chapter 11!]
{And what chapter are we in now?}
Both Wade and Spiderman got up and ran into the building. Spiderman knocking people out and Wade—not killing them. They might die if they don’t get medical attention soon, but he’s not killing them.
[I’m not sure Spidey will appreciate the difference if they die…]
{Die, shmie! I want something cool to happen! Like explosions we get to make!}
Ignoring the pin pad box by the door Deadpool sliced the knob off and it swung open as the two costumed men swarmed inside, Spiderman spinning web after web as Deadpool didn’t kill people.
In the center of the room was a giant box. It was ten feet tall, made of metal, and appeared to have vents in it. On the top, as Natasha reported was a giant red bow that covered the entire top of the cage. The edges of the ribbon even had lace on it.
{Open the box!}
[It might be a trap!]
Open the box Wade. The control panel is too your left.
Wade turned to see, attached to the giant dolly the box was on, a control panel with a single red button on it. Seriously? Just the one button?
Don’t argue with my artistic sense Wade. Just push the button. And you might want to take about three steps back when you do.
“NO!” screamed one of the scientists, easily labeled by his lab coat, as Deadpool approached the box. He turned looking for the other members of Deadpool’s team. “DON’T LET HIM OPEN IT!”
Wade pushed the button and jumped back the required three steps as the panel of the box in front of him slid down. He looked up into the eyes—of a velociraptor.
Please Wade. Real raptors have feathers. This is a scientifically engineered creature straight from my nightmares because I was way too young to watch Jurassic Park when it first came out.
How old—?
None of your business. Now, see the black box on the creature’s chest? Smash it.
Barely noticing that the fight was screeching to a standstill around him, Wade shrugged. “You’re the boss,” he said to the author before stepping forwards to punch the box.
As it broke a few of the pieces pierced his hands releasing the necessary few drops of blood to activate the mechanism. Almost instantly, as his hand healed of the damage, he could feel the raptor in the back of his mind, snorting with hunger, with desire, with the need to hunt. He slowly turned and looked at the scientists and amateur mercenaries. A smile broke across his face as several of the ones staring at him lost what little color they still had.
Have fun Wade.
“Yee-haw!” wailed Wade as the creature roared, showing off all her perfectly shaped, conical teeth. Wade pulled both katanas from their sheaths and dove back into the fray as the creature waved her clawed hands in mimicry and dove on one of the gunmen swiftly eviscerating him with talons on her feet. The creature, catching Wade’s excitement and blood lust, didn’t even stop to feed. It moved on to attack the next the gunman.
The man was unlucky enough to fire several bullets that hurt the creature—but she had Wade’s blood. Enough of Wade’s blood that her wounds healed almost as quickly as the bullets pierced straight through her scaled flesh. She roared with hurt and rage at the man who had injured her and leaped on him, pinning his shoulders with her taloned hands as her foot came up and her controllable claw crept up us torso and dug in, near his shoulder, until it hit his rib cage and she pulled him apart to leave him gasping as he slowly, painfully died.
“Damn you’re dark today,” Wade said as he stabbed more people with his swords.
Shut up, it’s been a long week.
As Wade spun and kicked another opponent, he got a glimpse in the back of his mind of a distinctive red and blue suit. “No!” yelled Wade instinctively reaching through the bond. “You can’t kill Spidey!” The creature looked around and, through her eyes, he saw that Spiderman was surrounded by gunmen and clutching a bleeding shoulder. “Protect Spiderman!” he ordered.
The creature roared her assent to the order, slipped her narrow head under Spiderman’s body, and lifted until he slid down her neck to rest on her back before she leaped into action once more. Bullets flew at her and she twisted to protect the spider clinging with confusion to her back—and lasers flew out of her eyes to melt several of the guns.
“She has laser eyes!”
Yes. And none of this “Oh no, must keep the glasses/goggles on at all times” junk. She has perfect control over her laser eyes. And that’s not all she can do.
A small line of men, on a catwalk above the action, aimed their weapons at the creature. Wade saw it, showed her through the bond what was happening, and she roared before a flickering blue light surrounded her—just in time to bounce the bullets back into the men who shot them leaving both the creature and the man on her back unharmed. The creature parted its lips in satisfaction—and hunger.
“She can use a force field!”
Yes Wade. Oh, and she’s going to need fed soon. She eats hamburgers.
Not the whole thing—just the meat. They don’t even have to be cooked—there’s not a parasite in the world that can kill her.
Wade leaped up with a cheer and knocked over a cardboard box that fell over and opened to reveal Stetson cowboy hats. Without thinking he snagged two of them as the creature ran over to him and he leaped up on the back of it behind Spiderman. Then, before the costumed hero could blink, he placed hats on each of their heads.
“Okay people!” they heard Iron Man say over the communicator. “This place is done for; let’s get out of here!”
“Onward, honorable Bea Arthur!” said Wade firmly and the creature roared again before dashing out of the building—managing to jump on several of the downed “soldiers” on the way out.
As they left the building Spiderman began to shake and Wade slid an arm around him. “Are you okay?” he asked worriedly. As soon as they were a safe distance away Bea slid to a stop on the snow and Wade jumped off to help Spiderman down—only to see that the costumed hero was laughing. “What is it?” asked Wade.
He laughed harder before he could explain. “We just—rode a—dinosaur—that shoots—lasers!”
“Spidey? Peter?” asked Wade worriedly.
He’s fine Wade. The shoulder wound is shallow and he’s just reacting to the stress.
[Is he panicking?]
{Let’s kiss him and make it better!}
“Best idea I’ve heard all day,” muttered Wade. He ripped off his mask, ripped off Spiderman’s mask, and planted a firm kiss on the younger man’s mouth, stopping the hysterical laughter.
They slowly broke apart and Peter smiled. “Great idea Yellow,” he murmured.
“Feeling better?” asked Wade.
Peter pulled him closer. “Not yet,” he said.
“Oh, well, we better try again then.” Wade bent down for another kiss as the building exploded behind them. Wade broke away, looked at the fiery explosion, and grinned at his husband. “Epic,” he said. Peter simply pulled him in for another kiss.
“I hate to break this up,” they heard through the communicator, “but we’re getting a distress signal from Xavier’s mansion. Given that we all have children there, we might want to see what’s going on.”
The two men sighed, stopped kissing, and just held each other for a moment. “All right,” said Peter as he picked up his mask from the ground. “Let’s go make sure Arachne is okay.”
“Can we stop at a BK on the way?” asked Wade. “Bea Arthur really needs to eat and I don’t want her to decide that we’re food.”
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words-with-wren · 4 years
blame me for the tragedies that follow
Fandom: RWBY (volume 7 spoilers) 
Characters: Qrow Branwen, James Ironwood
Word count: roughly 950
A/N: Hey it’s something not Tangled! Anyway, finally got around to watching volume 7 and ended up with a lil drabble, I blame Zeeb for this and I don’t trust Rooster Teeth to fully explore the implications of people thinking Oscar is dead so I’m doing it myself. 
“What did you do, James.” 
Qrow’s voice was low, dark, venomous with anger as the two Atlesian robots presented him to the general. A flicker of almost-relief crossed Ironwood’s face, but Qrow barely noticed, seeing only the steely determination from the man he had once called a friend. 
“I’m doing what needs to be done,” Ironwood said. 
“No, you’re doing exactly what she wants,” Qrow said. He stepped forward, eyes flashing, barely containing his anger. His emotions were running wild in a way they hadn’t since he had given up drinking - grief and rage and hate and guilt and fear bubbling together and making him shake. “You’re turning us against each other.” 
Clover’s badge dug into the palm of his hand, metal cold, blood dried. 
“From the reports, you are the one who killed one of my men,” Ironwood said, barely any emotion in his voice.
Qrow snarled at the words, anger burning hot and he made another half step forward, gripping the badge so tightly he wondered if he was cutting into his own skin.
He didn’t care. 
“If you really believe I did that then you’re more delusional than I thought,” he growled. 
“Whatever the case, it doesn’t matter.” Ironwood turned away, the arm that wasn’t in a sling slipping behind his back. “Your students escaped with the new Winter Maiden - as soon as she is found I will use the relic to raise Atlas out of danger.” 
For a moment, Qrow felt a flicker of pride fight for acknowledgement amongst the rest of his boiling emotions. The kids could look after themselves - and now one of them was winter. With him far away, unable to bring them pain or death and foil their plans, they might actually have a chance. He briefly wondered who - Wiess maybe? - before turning his attention back to the problem at hand, the clearly unstable man in front of him. 
“Raise Atlas? James are you mad?” he snarled, stepping forward again. This time one of the robots behind him laid a hand on his arm, stopping him before he moved any closer, reminding him he was very much still a prisoner. “You’ll be abandoning Mantle - they need help. Salem is on her way here. You can’t just run!” 
Ironwood sighed, a deep, sad sigh, lifting his hand and staring down at it for a moment. Qrow glared at his back, gripping the badge in his hand tighter, wanting to feel it. 
“I have no choice, Qrow.” He sighed again, turning back to face Qrow, almost-regret flashing across his face. “And I’m not going to let you stand in my way. I’m not going to let anyone stand in my way.” For a moment, his gaze flickered across the vault, landing on the edge of the cliff, an expression crossing his face that caused Qrow’s heart to skip a beat. 
“What have you done?” he asked, his voice so low, so angry he almost didn’t hear it. 
“Ozpin - the boy - whatever. He tried to stop me. But this has to be done -” 
Cold fear washed over Qrow’s heart. He lunged forward, stopped by the two robots, teeth bared in a snarl. 
“What have you done?” he repeated, blood beating in his ears. 
Oscar. Oscar - he was just a kid if Ironwood had hurt him - if anything had happened. 
This is my fault. This is all my fault. It’s always my fault. I should have known it was too good to be true. 
“I did what I had to.” 
The badge dug into his skin.
Oscar’s face flickered into Qrow’s mind - scared and afraid, back against a tree, cheek red from where Qrow had hit him. 
He was feeling that burning anger again, but more, more, more, and more guilt and grief and -
I never apologised. I never apologised and he’s gone. 
“Ozpin will be back soon enough,” Ironwood said, still in that same, emotionless tone. “It’s better this way - he was never strong enough to do what needed to be-” 
“He was a kid!” Qrow shouted. He lunged forward, ripping his arms free, vision blurred with rage and tears. 
He had no thoughts, no desires except to make someone hurt. To make someone else feel the aching rage and grief he was experiencing, to rip and tear and make someone else pay for once. 
But the two robots caught him before he could reach his former friend, dragging him back, hands leaving bruises on his arm. He was breathing heavily, barely noticing the tears down his cheek. 
“It was what needed to be done,” Ironwood said and Qrow screamed. Screamed for the second time that night, screamed because the world was against him - had always been against him. Screamed because every time he thought he had something good it was taken away, because the world was cold and uncaring and he was a harbinger of death. 
He sagged in the robots’ grip, suddenly unable to fight anymore. Every time he tried the world just pushed back harder. Every time he thought he could grow close to someone it was ripped away from him. 
And there was no one to blame but himself. He should know better. Should know better than to allow himself to grow close to anyone. To be near anyone. 
“I’m sorry, old friend,” Ironwood said, waving his hand in a dismissive gesture. Qrow allowed the robots to turn, leading him out of the vault. But he looked back over his shoulder, eyes hard, eyes still wet with tears. 
“You’re going to pay for this, coward,” he snarled with the last of his anger. 
There was blood on his hands, and he wasn’t sure if it was Clover’s or his own. 
He hoped it was his own. 
So Lionheart the cowardly lion fell because he was afraid. 
And Ironwood the tinman fell because he lost his heart/humanity. 
Safe to say I’m a little worried about Qrow’s mental state in the next volume. 
(also please don’t tag as any ships) 
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hatsukeii · 4 years
I've been thinking about slytherin! Tsukishima dating a slytherin! S/o who joined the death eater because their parent force 'em. And they were so depressed and always crying every night, then tsukishima noticed and then comfort 'em. They ended up ran away with tsuki and joined the battle of hogwarts to fight against voldemort. Oh my god i love this>-
Okay I love this PLUS I’m a Slytherin (according to Pottermore) BUT I have a confession
I never finished the Harry Potter series bc I couldn’t be bothered w Order Of The Phoenix THERE I SAID IT SUE ME UNFOLLOW ME IM A DISGRACE
I DID watch almost all the movies though
But don’t attack me if this one isn’t like 100% canonically accurate though please I cannot
Btw I’m not gonna do the fight YET I might make a part two idk lolol it’s a bit too much for one fic and I need to go read a summary of the fight-
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Run away with me// Slytherin!Tsukishima Kei x Slytherin!Reader
Word Count: 1800+
Warnings: None
Summary: Controlling parents are never good, especially when they force you to side with evil.
“They forced you to do what?” Tsukishima was beyond furious. Fuming. He was absolutely ready to murder your parents if you didn’t do it first.
“Kei, stay quiet! They’re gonna kill us both if they hear you!”
“Do I look like I give a flying fuck right now?”
You looked at the floor, the guilt slowly consuming you as you avoided his piercing glare. How could you face him, when you broke such a huge promise you made to one of the most emotionally unstable people you know? Fiddling with your fingers, you racked your brain, hoping to find a sensible explanation for what you did. “I didn’t have a choice! You really think I would give up on everything? Give up on you, my friends, my education, my hopes and dreams, just to fight alongside Voldemort? You seriously think I would be heartless enough, to kill innocent wizards?” If anyone was around and heard your words, you would’ve been sent to Dumbledore instantly, maybe even gotten executed for treason. Just the slightest mention of He Who Shall Not Be Named, or the death eaters, was enough to trigger almost all the staff and students, especially with the situation going on in the wizarding world currently. With Voldemort back from the dead and on the loose, Hogwarts has one upped their security, the atmosphere tenser than ever.
Hearing the click of a door, Tsukishima clamped his large hand over your mouth, the other gripping your waist as he pulled you into the tall grass, putting a finger over his lips. From the hut, stumbled out a wobbly, possibly drunk Hagrid, a huge ass axe in hand. “WHAT’S THAT EVIL SHIT YER TALKIN’ BOUT HUH? COME ON OUT MUGGERS! I’LL GIVE YER A PIECE O’ THIS!” The man swung the axe from side to side, as if he was expecting it to hit someone. Not seeing blood on the blade, the shaggy haired wizard mumbled a few curses, swinging the wooden door open as he stumbled back in, tripping on his own two feet as he dropped the axe far away, the blade sinking itself into the wooden material of his little hut. Scrambling back to his feet, he grabbed the doorknob angrily, slamming the door shut with a heavy thud and a gust of wind.
The blond poked his head out slightly, looking around to check for people that might be lurking in the darkness. Sighing in relief, he sat himself back down on the ground, crossing his arms. Sweating, you bit on your nails nervously, anticipating his next words.
“Why was I in the dark about this?”
“Because you would leave me.”
His brows knitted together in confusion and pain.
“I won’t. I’m just mad.”
“You would if you knew more about me.”
Tsukishima may be a Slytherin, but that didn’t mean he wanted it. You saw the incredibly disheartened look on his face when the sorting hat blurted out the house. He refused to talk to anyone for days. He got in trouble countless of times for talking back to Snape. Everyone, even you, hated him. He was disrespectful, irritating, provoking, and inconsiderate to everyone that crossed paths with him. It wasn’t until months later, did you realise the reasoning behind his rotten attitude for his house. A fight broke out between Hinata and Tsukishima, with Hinata screaming about how the latter had no right to be disrespectful to his seniors. That was the exact moment, when the entire school was graced with his story. Later that night, you approached him, apologetic for your attitude towards him and hoping to understand more. Turns out both his parents were killed by death eaters. He was eight, and watched as his parents burned to ashes in front of him, the two murderers laughing to the screams and cries of agony. He was quick to run to safety, the two wizards too occupied with killing his parents to pay any attention to him. Since then, he’s never had a proper home, running errands for whoever would pay him even just the minimal amount of money. His dream was to get into Hogwarts, and kill the ones that eliminated his parents from the world, but his one condition was to never get into Slytherin. He was not going to associate himself with those disdainful, cold blooded murderers known as the death eaters. It wasn’t a surprise he would be furious about this.
You were now a shaking mess, not even noticing the tears that were streaming down your skin. The moon reflected off Tsukishima’s glasses, a look of fury and sorrow buried in his dull irises. The two of you sat in silence, not knowing what to say to the other. You cursed yourself. Why did fate have to do this? Why did fate have to send your soul to a pair of death eaters? The two death eaters that bragged to eight year old you about the victims they tortured, and eventually murdered, masking the truth and portraying it as if it was something to be proud of? Why did you have to fall for their victim’s son? Why were they so goddamn desperate to turn you into one of them? You’ve known all three of the Unforgivable Curses since you were merely a preteen. You constantly feared for your life in Hogwarts. You knew how powerful your parents were. If you disobeyed them, they could’ve had all your friends, everyone you’ve ever cared for, dead in a heartbeat. As a result of that, you never revealed anything about your family, not wanting to give anything away. However, that didn’t work with Tsukishima. Infatuation is a dangerous feat. Before you knew it, the two of you were meeting in Hagrid’s field every night, getting to know each other better. Your parents being death eaters accidentally slipped out one night, and for the next week, Tsukishima refused to talk to you at all. He avoided you everywhere, sat as far away from you as possible at dinner, left you waiting for hours in the field. And yet despite his cold attitude towards you, not once did you leave him alone. Maybe that was what he really admired about you.
A sob erupted from your throat, breaking the silence of the dark, cloudless night. You were done. You were done with this. You were done with hiding your problems from him. You were done with hiding your past, your parents, your feelings, everything. The suffocating guilt, the strained throb of your heart, you were sorry. You were sorry for not telling him anything earlier on. You hated yourself for being born to two cold blooded murderers. You hated yourself for acting weak in front of him right now, but the chord just snapped. The thin, thin chord that held your emotions just gave out, and you burst into tears. Hot, salty, flowing tears. You fell forward as your hands held you up, head bowed down and shaking. Your tears wouldn’t stop, flinging themselves onto the floor as Tsukishima just stared.
Salty droplets clumped up in your eyelashes, rolled to the corners of your lips, into your mouth, you could taste the warm liquid on your tongue. The blond was frozen. Never had he ever seen you like this, crying and wailing as you put yourself down for something that was out of your control. He was confused, because one thing lingered in his mind.
“I should hate you? What are you talking about?”
Chuckling hopelessly, you sniffled, enjoying the last few seconds of his obliviousness.
“Oh yeah, I never told you. My parents killed yours and bragged about it at home afterwards. I was eight.”
Something in Tsukishima’s heart dropped as his mouth staggered open. “Your parents were the killers?” You continued to laugh manically, screams emitting from your throat despite feeling empty inside. “Yeah, so hate me. Leave me. Don’t make yourself suffer any more.” Tears glistened in his eyes as his words got caught in his throat. Her parents were the murderers. Let her go. She’s becoming one of them as well. “Shut up, shut up, SHUT UP!” Gripping his head, Tsukishima screamed, trying to block out the deafening voice in his head that urged him to just get up and walk away, break all ties with you, throw everything into the abyss, never to be seen again. The thoughts were dizzying as he fell to the ground, curled up. “I’m...sorry. I’m so, so... sorry.” His cries of agony never stopped. Desperate to comfort him, you slowly got up to your knees, leaning forward and grabbing his shoulders as you forced him to look at you. Your eyes were desperate, shaking and watery. “I don’t know what I’m gonna do. I don’t want to become one of them. I don’t care if you hate me, or leave me, or kill me. You have all the right reasons to. Just please... help me.” What you expected, was for him to fling you away. What he did, was lunge forward, arms wrapping around your neck as his head landed on the side of it, tears making your skin wet as he continued to cry.
“Kei, I’m so sorry.”
No reply.
“It’s okay, I’ll love you even if you don’t feel the same way anymore.”
His mumble sent vibrations down your neck, waking your entire body up. Strained breaths made their way into the cold night air. Wrapping your arms around him, silent tears continued to roll down your cheeks as you held him tighter, refusing to let go.
“Run away with me. I’m done with all this. I’m not gonna leave you, ever. I love you. I don’t care if your parents killed mine, or if you’re being forced to join the death eater. Come with me. We can run away to who knows where. No one will find us, maybe finally we’ll be free. We can get fake identities, hide in the city, I don’t care. I’ll keep my owl here, when the school finally fights the death eaters, he’ll tell us, then we’ll come back. I’m sick of constantly waiting for evil to knock on our door. Let’s just go and live how we want. Run away with me, (Y/N).”
An arm extended towards you, willing for you to take it.
“You’re absolutely insane Kei, I’ll come with you.”
Grabbing his hand, you hoisted yourself up, giving him another tight hug.
“You wanna go now?”
“Yeah, let’s just go.”
And the two of you run.
You run, and run.
Away from the school.
Away from your friends.
Away from your belongings.
And you don’t stop.
@sunshines-and-tatertots @justachillgirl @trashcanweeb @izzyphantomgamer @mariechan123 @macaronnv @itmekisuu @kaylacinderella @random-fandomlover @inlwlevi @bokutokoutarou @for-ests @emsvegetables @talks-a-lot-of-stuff @just-another-bored-writer @agentvicinity @sakusasgarbage @thirstyvolleyballhoe @tiredgr3mlin @animebsposts @artsamber @sneezefiction @xonfusedsoul @iwaigroomi @poppirocks @burnt-tomato @ewfilthymundane @skyeackermans
It’s probs just because I wrote it but I think you can see how I was slowly dying or maybe you can’t.
Apologies for the inaccuracy AHSHJDGAYGSDhAS-
Have fun reading:)
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aki-draws-things · 4 years
NaNoWriMo 2020 #06
I was in love with that prompt from the beginning of the planning, but once again my plans for lot of angst dissolved. But don’t worry, there’s a couple of them that will be so painful I will almost regret them (no, I never regret angst.)
Let this little mouse know what you think ~ 
Day: 06/11/2020
Prompt: Ignoring an injury / Wound reveal
Ship: Mingjue/Zonghui
Word Count: 2756
They had been brothers long before Meng Yao even came in the picture, one becoming Sect Leader too young, the other his loyal shadow, the general who would never turn his back on him. 
They've been partners for years before meng Yao came in the picture too and if someone dared to think the young man had stolen his role they weren't paying attention. 
Meng Yao was capable, he was a good, really good, strategist, but he was no general. He could never lead them into battle and make them sure they won't only win, but they will go back home too. He was capable, but Qinghe always needed more than just ability. Qinghe needed power, and control. Qinghe meant loyalty and trust and the Nie sect always kept those words close to their hearts even when their own control faded. And meng Yao… he wasn't a Nie, and he didn't want to be one. Zonghui in the other hand embraced the name the previous sect leader gave him and made it his own. He was a nie in everything but blood, his name too reflected that. 
For inner and outer nie disciples there was only one thing that would make them lose faith in a potential victory, and it was their leader and general fighting on their own. Not that this happened frequently, on the contrary, and if they did there was always a good reason. 
For someone that curious, meng Yao never asked many questions, only a couple, and only to nie huaisang. 
"I've studied the history of your family." he said once while the young Master was painting. "It's unheard of a dual wielding." 
Nie huaisang briefly lifted his eyes from the fan paper and studied his face. 
"are you referring to ZongHui?" 
"is that his name?" 
"tall as me, twin sabers on his back, - his eyes twinkled briefly as he grinned. - possibly currently trying to drag Da-ge out of the training ground and into a bath before dinner is ready?" 
"the first two, yes. - meng Yao nodded. - not sure about the third one…" 
"Then yes, the name is Nie ZongHui. Advisor, general, shadow, probably your secret supervisor." 
"dual wielding." meng Yao pressed, his curiosity dripping out of him. He wanted to know, to understand. - he wanted to know how actually dangerous the man was, to him and to everyone else. - 
"twin spirits. When he chose the saber he got called by both, they didn't want to be divided." 
"but how? How can he do that? I've read of men, stronger men, succumbing to their sword spirits, and they only had one." 
Nie huaisang smirked and leaned over as if to tell him a secret. 
"dual cultivation." 
That night at dinner meng Yao couldn't look at nie mingjue without feeling his cheeks grow red. He never asked about zonghui anymore. - but it was obvious now, the way they seemed to lean over the other, the way they showed up at the same time, the way they seemed to always touch each other, even just brushing. Meng Yao regretted his new knowledge. - 
It came to no one's surprise when at nightless city they were back to back fighting the puppets. Their attacks coordinate to an almost impossible level, a twirl of dark gray robes intertwining together, strings of golden magic as they dipped into each other's strength, borrowing speed and energy and martial knowledge. It was like being one, they could fight blindfolded and still never miss a hit. 
They still could be hit, even when together, it just happened in different ways. Because they belonged together it was more the times they got hit to protect the other than when it was due to a minor distraction, there was always some sort of pattern, and they hated every time it happened. Nie zonghui would scold him for being a too reckless leader, that it wasn't his duty but the contrary. Nie mingjue just stared at him in shock when he said that, like nie zonghui had offended him in the worst and most vicious way. 
"it's not your duty either. You're not my guard." 
"except for the part where this is one of my jobs. Need a refresh? General, your shadow and personal guard. Old Master Nie personally made me that." nie mingjue groaned, he knew he was right and he couldn't win on that side. 
"fine, you are my guard, but you're my partner too. My energy is yours, and yours is mine. - he lowered his voice to a mere whisper and looked at him sadly, knowing what effect that had on nie zonghui. - what would I do without you? What would I be?" 
Usually it ended with zonghui crashing against his chest, arms wrapped around the taller man uncaring of his own wounds, they would slide on the floor in a mess of crumpled robes, doing nothing but hold on each other like their lives depended on that single contact. - sometimes it did. Sometimes that contact was their personal dual cultivation way. Grounding and yet powerful. - 
Nie mingjue was sure that this was how things would go at the end of that battle, he was so sure of that in the moment zonghui twirled around him, placing himself in front of nie mingjue, the sword from a Jiang disciple turned puppet slashing through his armored robe. Baxia behind him beheaded the man and MingJue's arm circled his shoulders, his body colliding against his chest. 
"I had it under control." 
Nie Zonghui smirked and slipped out of the hold to prove he was hurt badly, the armor was stronger than what it would look like. 
"I'm faster." and it's my duty. They both knew those unspoken words. 
For the rest of the battle nie mingjue kept himself even closer than usual, never straying too far, never leaving him out of his sight, the cold weight on his chest uncomfortable and choking. Fear, and worry, and regret. He let his qi flow into him the moment they were back to back for a couple of seconds, he did it when he caught him the moment he almost fell while ducking a blow. 
That was when he felt it. Nie Zonghui's qi was quivering unstable, the hit was probably worse than they both thought, and zonghui knew better than to underestimate a wound, especially on the battlefield. Perhaps adrenaline was the cause and zonghui really didn't know how bad it was. He would have to take him to a healer once the battle was over, even better, carry him, so he wouldn't tire himself too much. He would complain, people would see them, who cared?
Still the coldness didn't leave. It was unsettling and, worse, it was shared.
“Stop worrying.” How could he? Hit after hit he could feel their connection stretch thin in his mind, he feared the moment he would feel it break, the mere thought almost made him sick.
When the puppets suddenly stopped and crumbled like broken dolls on the field he didn’t care, the battle was over, whoever stopped Wei WuXian now had his gratitude. - He never felt real darkness and evilness coming from the young man his brother befriended in Gusu, he felt if from his Dizi, but never the boy. The problem was people never truly listened. - He turned in time to see Nie ZongHui sway on his feet, a hand pressed over his chest where the robes had been cut and blood trickling through his fingers and from the mouth. There was surprise in his eyes when he looked up and met Nie MingJue's eyes, surprise and shock and fear.
He tried to speak, to explain or to call his name, instead he spit more blood and his legs gave out. Nie MingJue's hands were around him in a moment, they slid on the ground slowly, Nie MingJue kneeled behind him holding his body up against his chest, a hand desperately trying to stop the bleeding  before it was too late.
“I didn’t notice.” Nie ZongHui whispered anticipating his question and MingJue believed him, he had no reasons not to, he fought with him, he could have noticed too, but he didn't, it took time for the blood to finally reach the outer layer and seep through the robe, and once there there was no stopping. He was quickly getting paler and cold and yet he was calm.
He placed a hand veer MingJue's and shook his head before exhaling slowly and trying to settle against him more comfortably, he didn't know how he could remain that much calm in a moment like that, as life was slipping away without him doing anything to prevent it. He was dying and there was nothing he could do or say to change it. Maybe it was the place he was in, his body cradled carefully against the chest of someone he loved, the one he had always been ready to die for. Maybe it was because he fulfilled his duty, Nie MingJue was safe, he survived yet another battle and that was enough for him. Maybe, maybe, maybe. Maybe dying wasn’t that bad if it was like that. He let his head loll to the side, blood dripping from his lips and he closed his eye, the hand covering MingJue's falling on the ground.
Nie MingJue screamed.
The first time they tried dual cultivation was after a particularly hard night hunt. No matter how much he trained, wielding two sabers left Nie ZongHui spiritually drained for days, the healers often showed concerns for his health, saying that his life would be even shorter than what usually a Nie would live, the two spirits would feed on his qi and he won’t survive long after the 20s. From where he was laying on his bed ZongHui studied his young master, curve over books at the desk, studying even harder a way to suppress, or at least quiet, the saber spirits.
“I don’t wish them to be any less, and neither you do with Baxia.” He said softly as a greeting, within seconds Nie MingJue was at his side helping him sit and placing a glass of water in his hands.
“You’ve heard the healer, I know you were awake, you won’t live long like that.”
“There’s another way.” He laughed at his confused look. “Dual cultivation.” And then he laughed even harder once Nie MingJue understood what he was talking ab pout and got flustered. He dropped the talk after a moment and slipped into a dreamless sleep.
“Would that really help you?” Nie MingJue asked him a couple of days later when he was regaining his strength and managed to stay awake for more than a dozen minutes.
“Dual cultivation. - He took his hand and squeezed it. - If you think it will help then it’s fine for me. I— we’ll do it.” Nie ZongHui smiled and nodded.
“I… I think so. Your energy is unparalleled. If we share it I won’t only be able to wield both my sabers, but you’ll have more control over Baxia too. Or… well, or so I’ve read.”
“It’s worth a try. - But then Nie MingJue blushed, he really blushed, cheeks turning a bright red and he felt his face grow hot. - There’s one problem…” He admitted at the end. “I’ve never… I don’t know…”
Nie ZongHui didn’t laugh like MingJue feared, he moved closer and took his face in hands before kissing him. He was sixteen.
When Lan Xichen found them Nie MingJue was still kneeling in the middle of the battlefield, curled over ZongHui's body.
“Da-ge?” There were tears streaming down his face he noticed when MingJue lifted his head to look at him, his chest wrecked by silent sobs and his hands, covered in blood, caressing the man in his arms. Lan XiChen met him only a couple of times, not more. He was, if he wasn’t mistaken , the person who took A-Yao’s place by Nie MingJue’s side, they probably got close during the past years, they had, or Nie MingJue would have never reacted like that.
“XiChen… XiChen you have to help him. It’s… he’s been wounded — he…” Lan Xichen could see it without him specify it, he could see the blood oozing from the cut robes, he could see his chest rising as his lungs tried to keep working, with enough concentration he could feel his heart trying not to give up. “You have to save him.” He had known Nie MingJue for years and he never heard him beg before, not even for his little brother’s sake. It was a sound he didn’t even know could come from his mouth, so broken and desperate.
“It’s too late.” Lan XiChen almost said, but he stopped. Nie MingJue moved the man carefully, held him a little closer in his arms, cradled against his chest, his cheek brushed against ZongHui's hair before he kissed the top of his head. So Lan XiChen tried. At least he could say he tried.
Nie MingJue forgot what day it was, or how long it had been since the battle was over and won, he slept sitting on the floor, his head on the mattress of the bed and complained every morning that his neck was hurting, that he shouldn’t fall asleep, in case Nie ZongHui needed him. And that his back too was hurting. And yet every night he sat in the same, uncomfortable position and waited. And fell asleep. And complained.
And days merged into each other and he waited.
When Nie ZongHui finally woke up, endless days after, his qi had never been that low in all his life. The loud voices of his twin sabers were now reduced to a distant whisper, like the bond between them had been irreparably broken and was now kept together by a single thin string. He was weak, he probably wouldn’t be able to move for many more days, heavens only knew if he would be able to lift his swords again. But he was alive, and that had to mean something at the very least.
“That’s the last time.” Nie MingJue's voice was hoarse from disuse. He looked at him from the end of the bed, sitting cross-legged agings the wall and staring at him with dark circles under his eyes and an almost sickly pale face. “You do something like that again and I swear, I will never forgive you.”
It was a lie, they both knew it, but Nie ZongHui nodded anyway in agreement.
“Understood, Master. - He whispered looking away. - This one is truly sorry for worrying you that much.”
A hand caressed his cheek gently forcing him to lift his face and look at him.
“Don’t do it again. Don’t go where I can’t follow. Don’t leave me. Ever.”
“MingJue-xiong, - Lan XiChen said entering the room with Jin GuangYao behind him. - I was thinking about some way to help you general regain his strength faster and, maybe, even the use of his sabers.”
Both men looked up from the plate in their hands, they were sitting close enough their side was touching, Yao briefly looked away, the memory of Nie HuaiSang's answer still haunted him even after years.
“Please don’t think wrong of me, - Lan Xichen continued with a smile. - I’ve made some research and there are many ways people can share their spiritual power, even without using a complete Dual Cultivation. Which I suppose would be… embarrassing.”
Nie MingJue frowned for a moment, stared at Lan XiChen and then turned to ZongHui.
“Would it be embarrassing?” He shook his shoulders taking another spoonful of soup.
“I believe I’ve seen more embarrassing things than that.”
“Mh… Do you mean HuaiSang's paintings?”
“No, I believe they're pretty realistic, even though I’m not sure where he got the ideas… I always make sure the door is sealed.”
“He always had a big imagination.”
Nie ZongHui suppressed a laughter and leaned on his shoulder.
“There was one that had a truly striking resemblance with you—”
With a loud cough, and his face getting redder, Jin GuangYao muttered something about how they shouldn’t worry about ways to help the Nie general get back on his feet fast, and dragged Lan Xichen out of the room. Nie MingJue laughed passing an arm around his shoulders.
“I can’t believe XiChen out of everyone really went and suggested Dual Cultivation. I thought it was obvious by now.”
“Not so much… I think they didn’t understand I am the one bedding you.”
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mycupoffanfiction · 5 years
His Second Chance Part 17
Bucky x Reader
His Second Chance Masterlist
Main Masterlist
Bucky comes back from Wakanda with Steve, ready to begin his recovery from his days as the Winter Soldier, but there’s one thing he doesn’t take into account - you.
Warnings: Soft fairly non descriptive smut (first 3 paragraphs), fluff, sadness.
Word count: 2500
Bucky and the Reader explore their options seperately, Reader starts to feel overwhelmed.
ALL TAG LISTS ARE ALWAYS OPEN 💖 feel free to come and chat, my blog is always open for you 💕
If your tag is crossed out, I haven’t been able to tag you. 
Soft. So soft.
Gentle sunrays pushing through the curtains, the quiet hum of traffic in the distance, the odd faint order here and there shouted by Steve as he trained the recruits in the early morning outside. Sheets beneath your fingers, bunched tightly in your hands, a soft mewl escaping your lips, back arching slightly as you let out a shaky breath. “Bucky.” You whined. “I’ve got you.” He hummed against your core, the vibration sending a warm feeling through you as you drew closer to your orgasm. “Let go for me.” Bucky whispered and just like that, with a few more flicks of his soft tongue, you were a trembling mess. Whining out and moaning, no regard for whether Sam could hear you or not as Bucky worked you through your orgasm. He tried to keep you going for a second one, but you gently nudged him away.
 A proud smirk played on Bucky’s lips as he knelt over you, lining himself up. “Love makin’ you feel good.” Bucky whispered, coming down to kiss you, lips pressing softly against yours, an almost erotic groan coming from deep in his chest as he slowly nudged into you, gently thrusting until he was confident his harder movements wouldn’t cause discomfort.
 Grunts, heavy breaths, skin against skin. Soft touches and sweet kisses trailing over your cheek and neck. Hot breath against his skin, your delicate lips against his shoulder, his beard rough against your cheek, but so, so good. A soft moan met with a gruff huff of a breath. Hushed I love you’s and gentle praises as you both drew close to your climaxes, Bucky holding himself back so you could have your release before his. Another snap of his hips and you tumbled over with a sharp gasp, a moan and Bucky’s name on your lips. Bucky followed after you, a few grunts and a drawn out moan. Eyes on yours, full of love, full of adoration like you were the only two people in the world.
 Your face was pressed against Bucky’s bare chest as you both caught your breath. Your arm draped over his middle, fingers tracing lazy circles and swirly patterns over his chest. Sex was a safe haven for Bucky, so intimate, so loving that the voices in his head all but disappeared. They had no power in his mind when he was enjoying acts of love with you and it gave him all the more reason to worship you the way he so desperately wanted to and take his time.
 Words weren’t even needed to share the feelings of love between the two of you. Bucky was so in tune with you, with your mind and your body. You both knew how you felt, even if no words came or the words you spoke while you were tipped over the edge of euphoria made no sense at all, it was love. It was all love.
 Bucky could get used to this life. Waking up to you every morning, making food together, baking cakes and pastries, playing videogames and reading together. Bucky could get used to all of it, in fact, he was getting used to it. But soon he’d have to introduce a new part of his life when he was only just getting used to real life again.
 Domestic life or back to the field again? Bucky pondered, stretched out lazily on the sofa in his fitted sweats and a black t-shirt. It’s one direction and then the other, something happens to continuously tug Bucky to the opposite path. Why was this so hard? Why did it need to be so hard to just make a decision? It felt near impossible.
 You have to fight. It’s your duty to pay back what the Winter Soldier did.
No. You weren’t him, you don’t owe anything, it’s okay to want something else.
Bucky scrolled through listings on his laptop. Cats. When did he become so obsessed with cats? He’d never cared much for them back in the day but- oh just look at this one, so fluffy. Bucky was absolutely sure he needed at least one. If not five.
 Perhaps he would fight for a while, see where it lead him. Perhaps he just needed to do it, serve his self-given time until he felt he’d had enough, he’d done enough and he’d retire. Maybe the idea of a bakery or a café was just a silly fantasy. Adopting a small herd of cats was a silly fantasy, who was he kidding? No one would let him have little creatures roaming around the tower. Perhaps a normal life just wasn’t within his reach.
Perhaps you’re just not allowed a normal life, Barnes. Bucky sighed. I can hope.
 Bucky longed for a life in New York. Quiet, peaceful, the only stress being simple things like loading the dishwasher and paying the bills on time. He dreamed of a Brooklyn apartment, one with a feature brick wall and exposed pipes he’d paint with beautiful colours. A life where he could wake up and see your pretty face and look forward to a day full of spending time with you. He longed to look after another life, not a child – he wasn’t ready for that and perhaps you didn’t even want one, but a cat. Five cats. That was his dream. He imagined himself laying on the floor, a little cat pawing at his beard and long brown hair, sweet little mews for attention causing Bucky to grin and chuckle. A weight on his chest, you as you snuggled up to him giggling at nothing in particular. Carefree.
I can hope.
 A sigh left your lips as you sat rigid on your bed, staring at your TV. “Crowds of angry protesters took to the streets outside of a therapy centre yesterday afternoon when Sergeant James Buchanan Barnes was rumoured to be taking an assessment to work alongside the Avengers.” The news host reported. “That man is dangerous, letting him into the Avengers is a terrible-.” An angry protester was cut off as Steve stood in your doorway, TV remote in hand, the screen going black.
 “Thought we made this a rule after what happened with Wanda.” Steve said softly as he padded across your room to sit beside you. “No watching the news after something bad happens.” The bed dipped slightly as he sat down next to you. “And that was something bad, sweetheart.” His fingers gently brushed over the cut on your forehead. “I hate it, Stevie.” You sniffled. “I hate what’s happening, these people don’t see Bucky, all they see is the Winter Soldier.” You leaned against his shoulder, trying hard to hold back your tears.
 “They don’t see him like we do, but that’s why we have to keep going, show them that he’s not a threat and he’s here to help.” Steve spoke just above a whisper as he wrapped an arm around you, holding you tightly. “I know it’s hard, I know.” He whispered. “He’s got us though, he’s got you. We’ll help him through it.” Steve assured you as you squeezed him around the middle, finally letting your tears roll down your cheeks. “Hey, no, you’re not supposed to cry, sweetheart.” Steve hushed you, gently wiping away a tear with his fingers.
 Bucky walked into your room, heart stopping as he saw you and Steve cuddled up on the bed, tears rolling down your cheeks as you clung to Steve’s light grey shirt. Steve gently shushed you, his big arms around you trying desperately to comfort you. Bucky’s eyes met Steve’s and they shared a look, Steve giving him a tight lipped smile before turning his attention back to you, his hand gently smoothing over your hair. Wonder what’s caused my girl to cry, maybe I did something wrong. Oh god, did I do something wrong? Did I hurt her this morning?
 A second dip in the bed on your other side alerted you of Bucky’s presence. Arms winding around you, sandwiched between two super soldiers. Never had you felt so safe and comforted in your life. Steve had pulled you from that miserable time in your life, gave you a second chance. And then Bucky came along, broken and lost and you did the same for him that Steve had for you. A second chance.
 But was this it? Was fighting again a second chance or was it a poor attempt to be Bucky’s old definition of normal? All he’d known since the war was fighting, death and destruction. It might be for the innocent, being an Avenger might be for the greater good, but the goodness of it was just a guise for the fight hidden beneath it. The same grizzly details. There would always be tough consequences. There would always be a fight, injury and pain.
There would always be death.
It was still a fight, it didn’t matter who it was for, who it was to protect. It was still a fight and neither of you were sure that it was what you wanted. Was it okay to not want it?
Yes, because you both deserved to be happy, both deserved to do what you wanted.
No, because you felt like you owed something. You to the Avengers for taking you in and saving you, showing you a better life and Bucky felt he owed the whole damn world a piece of him and even then he wasn’t sure that was enough to pay back what he’d been made to do.
 Inner conflict knitted your brows together, tears falling and soaking into Steve shirt. A third set of arms, warm, soft, gentle. Sam. What on earth had you done to deserve such a caring family? A trio of soldiers who took care of you, who loved you in different ways.
 You hadn’t wanted this. Once you had been a normal girl with your whole life ahead of you. Normal was a strange thing, ultimately it was subjective. Normal for you had been a regular teenager, school, friends, a slightly unstable homelife. And then you were thrust into the rabbit hole of Hydra. Your mother had taken away the last vestiges of what normal had been to you and twisted it into something else. Normal became painful, terrifying, abusive. And then it became calm, and quiet and full of love when Steve found you, when he walked into your shitty basement and scared the fuck out of you in the middle of the night.
 But now normal was different. Sure this wasn’t what you had seen for yourself when someone asked you ‘where do you see yourself in ten years?’ But despite it being utterly insane, so insane that you were Captain America and The Falcon’s honorary sister and Sergeant Barnes’ girl, but it was your life now and you full heartedly embraced what you had.
 Maybe it was worth the fight.
 “Can you stop?” Sam huffed, removing another photo of a random cat from the front of the fridge and putting it in a pile of other printed cat photos. “I’m trying to introduce the idea of having cats around by putting photos up.” Bucky said matter-of-factly as he prepared a nice hot cup of coffee for you after you’d finally calmed down. “I think you’re just doing it to piss me off.” Sam scoffed, rolling his eyes. Bucky was about to continue when he saw you slip outside onto the balcony.
 Bucky shared a look with Sam before moving across to the balcony with your coffee and grabbed his hoodie on the way out for you. “Hey pretty girl.” Bucky spoke softly as he walked out onto the balcony, placing your coffee down on the little side table next to where you sat. “Hey Sarge.” You sighed, breathing in the lovely coffee smell before Bucky move to drape his hoodie around your shoulders.
 “What’s going on, darlin’? Talk to me.” Bucky’s gaze fixed on yours as he lowered himself onto the small bench next to you. You let out a long, shaky sigh and closed your eyes. Looking out over the city skyline, you took a few deep breaths, taking a moment to compose yourself and have a sip of coffee. “I’m too soft for this Buck.” You finally spoke. “It’s been over a year since I found out I could use fire and it’s no where near controllable. Just last week I nearly burnt Steve’s arm to a crisp and I can’t calm down when I’m in that state until all my energy is spent and I pass out.” You huffed. “I have to fight, if I don’t then I have to leave and if I leave, I lose the Avengers. My only family.” You closed your eyes, shaking your head. “I can’t lose that.”
“You don’t have to.” Bucky rested his hand on your knee. “Don’t have to fight, don’t have to leave either.” He reassured. “Bucky, those people protesting yesterday- I couldn’t even handle that. Everything is overwhelming, I wasn’t meant for this.” You avoided eye contact. I wasn’t meant for this. Oh pretty girl, you and me both. “It’s too much, Bucky.” You leant against him, his arm coming around to embrace you and hold you close. So warm and comforting. So protective.
 “You don’t have to do this alone, doll. We’re in this together. You duck out, I duck out too. You move forwards, I move forwards too.” Bucky whispered into your hair. “I couldn’t ask you to do that.” You looked up at him, eyes meeting, a pained expression on your face. “You’re not asking, I’m doing it of my own free will.” Bucky spoke softly. “You’re not alone anymore. You’ve got me, Steve and Sam. Those two love you so much, you have no idea how protective they get of you when we’re talking. Even if you stopped fighting and we left the Avengers, they’d never leave us, never leave you. They couldn’t do that.” Bucky pressed a little kiss to your temple while you took a moment to think.
 “Darlin’, when I got here you gave me a piece of advice, you said you always have a choice. You can always say no and you can always back out. So can you, doll.” Bucky lowered his voice to just above a whisper. “I know it isn’t black and white and you can’t make a decision on the spot, just know that whatever you want to do, I’ll do it with you.” Bucky concluded, sitting back against the bench cushions and taking in a deep breath of the crisp autumnal air. You leaned into him, taking a long sip of your coffee. “Thank you, Bucky.” Your lips curved upwards in a gentle smile.
That’s my girl, my sweet girl.
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rvnas · 4 years
                ✈️ — ⌜   hirai   momo   ,   cis   female,   she/her⌟  ↝    have   you   heard   ?   it   seems   like   the   heir   of   the   ITO   was   very   close   to   liam   yu   too   .   they   go   by   RUNA   and   they   were   liam's   BAD   INFLUENCE   .   their   network   is   of   95M   and   they’re   only   TWENTY-THREE   …   what   a   burden   it   must   be   .   i   heard   they   can   be   very   MESMERIZING   and   DEVOTED   .   but   these   last   few   months   ,   their   VOLATILE   and   SELFISH   personality   has   been   showing   more   .   the   media   is   sure   having   a   filled   day   with   them   !    i   hope   this   road   trip   with   friends   will   help   them   .   did   you   know   that   POSING   ON   THE   HOOD   OF   SOMEONE   ELSE’S   MASERATI   ,   13   MISSED   CALLS   FROM   HOME   ,   GLITTER   RIMMING   TIRED   EYES   AND   BROKEN   MIRRORS   really   show   their   true   persona  ?   maybe   liam   was   the   only   one   who   knew   that    ...  
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━  ˙ ˖  ☆     quick  stats  !
full  name  :   haruna   ito   .
nickname(s)  :   runa   ,   ru   .
age   :   twenty-three   .
zodiac  :   aquarius   sun   ,   aries   moon   (  click   !  )
spoken   languages   :   japanese   ,   korean   ,   mandarin   ,   french   &   english   .     
sexuality  :   bisexual   .
alignment   :   chaotic   neutral   .
pinterest   :   (   click   !   )  
━  ˙ ˖  ☆     backstory  !    (  tw  :  death   ,   parental   neglect   &   drug   /   alcohol   use  )
the   daughter   of   the   ceo   to   a   real   estate   &    construction   conglomerate   and   his   high   school   sweetheart   turned   interior    designer   wife   ,    runa   ito   was   born   into   money   .   they   lived   in   tokyo   ,   the   same   city   her   grandfather   had   originally   started   his   company   back   in   the   40′s   ,   and   although   ito   property   group   had   accumulated   massive   wealth   and   international   business   by   the   time   runa   was   born   ,   her   parents   wanted   to   start   their   family   where   it   all   began   .
she   doesn’t   remember   much   about   her   early   life   —   a   blur   of   employees   and   family   members   alike   ,   their   faces   often   melting   into   one   ,   as   everyone   had    a   hand   in   raising   the   young   girl   .   her   father   was   a   busy   man   ,   after   all   ,   the   parent   who   paid   the   most   attention   to   young   runa   being   her   mother   .   there’s   not   much   runa   will   remember   about   her   childhood   in   japan   but   the   lullaby   the   woman   used   to   sing   to   her   at   night   is   something   she’ll   carry   with   her   for   the   rest   of   her   life   .
a   few   months   after   runa   turned   nine   is   when   her   memories   seem   to   begin   ,   spearheaded   by   the   tragic   death   of   her   mother   .   a   heart   attack   in   the   middle   of   the   day   ,   sudden   and   unexpected   .   it   was   runa   that   found   her   on   the   floor   in   the   garden   ,   the   scent   of   roses   that   had   blossomed   under   the   woman’s   gentle   care   thick   and   sweet   .   she   was   frozen   in   place   until   the   paramedics   arrived   ,   unmoving   even   after   her   father   broke   down   in   tears   right   in   front   of   her   ,   so   still   that   the   paramedics   were   concerned   enough   they   carted   her   off   to   the  hospital   .   shock   .   it   was   shock   ,   she’d   later   learn   ,   but   runa   didn’t   think   that   word   was   big   enough   to   describe   the   way   it   felt   like   something   inside   of   herself   had   passed   along   with   her   mother   .
by   the   time   she’s   eleven   everything   had   changed   .   following   the   death   of   his   wife   ,   her   father   had   relocated   them   to   new   york   city   ,   something   the   media   would   call   a   fresh   start   but   runa   knew   was   bigger   than   that   .   he   was   running   away   from   his   grief   ,   and   although   the   man   would   never   be   the   same   he   still   managed   to   remarry   ,   now   heading   ito   property   group   in   booming   downtown   manhattan   .   two   years   later   the   couple   celebrates   the   birth   of   a   beautiful   baby   girl   azumi   ,   the   only   thing   runa   is   grateful   for   since   her   old   life   in   tokyo   .
adjusting   to   life   in   new   york   wasn’t   easy   for   runa   .   she   had   never   been   a   difficult   child    ,   but   unresolved   emotions   have   her   feeling   like   a   time   bomb   with   no   control   of   when   or   how   she’s   going   to   explode   .   the   start   of   her   teenage   years   are   marred   by   schoolyard   fights   ,    stealing   from   convenience   stores   ,   talking   back   to   adults   for   no   good   reason   .   she   didn’t   mean   to   get   into   trouble   ,   she   really   didn’t   ,   but   she   had   no   idea   what   to   do   with   all   the   hurt   inside   her   .   at   home   she   felt   like   a   stranger   —   like   she   was   just   a   guest   watching   someone’s   family   from   the   outside   .   when   her   stepmother   voiced   concerns   over   runa’s   behavior   and   her   possible   involvement   in   azumi’s   development   runa   was   branded   a   bad   influence   before   she   was   even   fifteen   years   old   .   
her   father   hadn’t   stuck   up   for   her   ,   the   man   too   busy   to   notice   his   daughter’s   suffering   or   perhaps   too   in   denial   about   his   own   to   even   acknowledge   the   way   life   was  unfolding   inside   his   household   .   he   was   distant   at   best    and   straight   up   absent   at   his   worst   ,   leaving   runa’s   stepmother   to   raise   azumi   all   on   her   own   .   the   ito’s   might   have   looked   picturesque   from   the   outside   ,   but   unbeknownst   to   the   public   eye   the   family   was   imploding   .   her   father’s   second   marriage   was   hanging   by   a   thin   thread   .   he   resented   his   second   wife   for   not   living   up   to   a   woman   who   had   been   dead   for   over   five   years   now   ,   and   in   turn   the   woman   resented   runa   for   reminding   her   of   the   person   she’d   never   live   up   to   .   the   only   control   her   stepmother   had   of   her   own   life   was   spent   making   runa   out   to   be   a   threat   to   the   safety   of   her   actual   daughter   ,   not   caring   or   noticing   the   love   and   fondness   runa   and   azumi   had   for   each   other   .
if   you   hear   something   enough   times   ,   it’s   only   natural   you   start   to   believe   it   ,   that   you’d   accept   it   as   a   truth   .   seventeen   years   old   and   runa   becomes   exactly   who   she’d   been   made   out   to   be   —   bad   .   in   a   way   it’s   almost   a   comfort   .   that   overwhelming   sensation   of   guilt   that   used   to   choke   her   after   every   outburst   was   slowly   lifted   as   she   accepted   there   was   no   use   in   fighting   to   be   good   if   no   one   believed   it   .   she   must   have   been   born   this   way   ,   every   fuck   up   a   marker   of   her   predetermined   character   .   she’d   given   up   control   ,   and   as   much   as   runa   tried   to   make   herself   believe   it   wasn’t   her   fault   ,   that   she   couldn’t   change   who   she   was   deep   down   inside   ,   she   knew   the   truth   .   she   was   taking   the   easy   way   out   .   better   to   be   hated   by   the   people   who   were   supposed   to   love   her   unconditionally   than   to   acknowledge   she   deserved   better   .   it   was   easier   to   be   reckless   and   selfish   ,   every   stunt   she   pulls   a   welcome   distraction   from   how   empty   all   the   collective   abandonment   in   her   life   had   left   her   .  
she   surrounds   herself   with   people   she  decides   are   reflections   of   herself   .   hollow   ,   impulsive   people   with   little   regards   to   consequence   .   she   gets   drunk   ,   she   gets   high   ,   she   shoplifts   things   she   could   buy   without   blinking   just   for   that   temporary   thrill   .   she   says   she’ll   try   anything   once   ,   danger   be   damned   ,   her   own   life   be   damned   .   she   shows   up   to   her   father’s   business   events   long   after   he   stops   inviting   her   ,   makes   a   show   for   the   press   when   she   openly   flirts   with   business   in   front   of   their   wives   ,   when   she   downs   whiskey   sours   at   the   bar   snap   chatting   the   whole   thing   ,   when   she   publicly   denounces   the   ito   name   to   anyone   who   stops   and   listens   .   a   whole   year   of   paying   off   cops   to   keep   runa’s   records   clean   (   for   the   sake   of   the   family   business   ,   never   for   her   )   ,   of   opening   up   about   his   daughter’s   troubled   mind   (   not   for   her   own   betterment   but   to   save   stock   prices   from   dropping   too   low   )   ,   of   hiring   a   revolving   door   of   nannies   to   keep   azumi   far   out   of   runa’s   orbit   .   the   ito’s   wait   until   she   turns   eighteen   to   properly   kick   runa   out   ,   not    bothering   to   threaten   cutting   her   off   from   her   trust   fund   because   they   wanted   her   gone   that   desperately   .
and   runa’s   happy   to   go   .   she’s   got   access   to   the   penthouse   of   every   building   her   father   owns   ,   bouncing   from   one   place   to   the   next   as   she   inevitably   does   something   to   get   herself   kicked   out   .   property   damage   ,   noise   complaints   ,   letting   just   about   anyone   she   meets   on   a   night   out   practically   move  in   rent   free   —   the   list   is   a   long   one   .   it’s   then   when   she   meets   liam   ,   and   he   quickly   becomes   the   light   at   the   end   of    a   dark   tunnel   runa   hadn’t   even   realized   she   was   in   ,   because   he’s   not   like   anyone   else   in   her   life   .   he   sees   her   .   past   all   the   fuck   ups   he   sees   her   ,   sees   that   she’s   more   than   the   unstable   party   girl   the   press   has   made   her   out   to   be   ,   that   she’s   not   the   villain   her   family   needs   her   to   be   in   order   to   feel   better   about   the   fact   that   they’d   failed   her   .   he   was   the   first   in   a   long   time   to   recognize   any   of   it   and   she   has   no   idea   what   to   do   about   it   .
 for   a   little   while   he   makes   her   a   better   person   ,   or   at   least   want   to   try   to   be   one   .   the   light   liam   radiates   towards   anyone   in   his   life   isn’t   lost   on   her   ,   but   very   quickly   runa   realizes   just   how   uncomfortable   she   is   feeling   that   warmth   ,   the   feeling   so   unfamiliar   she’s   terrified   to   bask   in   it   too   long   .   her   first   instinct   is   to   reject   it   ,   to   reject   him   and   the   friendship   he’s   offering   her   ,   to   run   as   far   away   as   she   can   from   all   of   it   .   but   she’s   selfish   ,   and   more   than   that   she’s   lonely   ,   devastatingly   lonely   that   the   idea   of   cutting   out   the   one   friend   she   really   had   was   more   than   she   knew   she   could   take   .   she   does   the   next   best   thing   —   she   pulls   him   into   her   darkness   .   it   wasn’t   too   hard   of   a   feat   to   influence   someone   who   was   used   to   having   fun   ,   especially   when   that   someone   wasn’t   one   who   liked   saying   the   word   no   whenever   someone   had   a   crazy   idea   .   liam   already   had   his   feet   in   the   water   when   it   came   to   being   spontaneous   .   all   runa   was   doing   was   pulling   him   towards   the   deep    end   more   and   more   everyday   .
it’s   a   manipulative   thing   to   put   someone   you   love   in   danger   ,   to   ask   for   companionship   on   a   stupid   stunt   because   she   knew   he’d   say   yes   if   she   said   she   needed   it   ,   to   pretend   that   maybe   just   maybe   liam   was   the   same   as   her   and   she   really   wasn’t   influencing   him   at   all   but   opening   his   eyes   to   bigger   and   better   possibilities   .   she   knew   it   ,    every   minute   of   the   day   she   knew   it   ,   but   it   wasn’t   enough   to   ever   make   her   stop   .   he   gave   her   the   acceptance   she’d   never   gotten   at   home   and   she   gave   him   excitement   but   that   didn’t   make   it   alright   .   when   she   gets   the   news   he’s   dead   ,   she’s   back   in   the   garden   of   her   childhood   home   all   over   again   .   it   doesn’t   make   any   sense   at   all   ,   and   runa   refused   to   let   it   ,   picking   fights   with   anyone   who   dared   utter   he   was   in   a   better   place   .   there   was   no   room   in   her   heart   for   so   many   emotions   ,   so   she   does   what   she   can   to   drown   them   out   ,   quiet   and   out   of   the   public   for   the   first   time   in   years   because   of   how   hard   she’s   self   medicating   .   months   go   by   before   her   step   mother   reaches   out   .   azumi   has   a   ballet   recital   on   sunday   is   all   the   voicemail   says   ,   but   those   seven   words   are   enough   to   draw   runa   out   ,   to   get   her   to   come   home   for   the   first   time   since   they’d   kicked   her   out   .  
whatever   tiny   hope   runa   had   that   her   family   had   been   concerned   with   her   well-being   was   shattered   when   she   learns   the   call   had   been   a   trick   ,   a   false   pretense   as   requested   by   her   father   .   he   had   a   proposition   for   his   oldest   daughter   which   was   really   more   of   an   ultimatum   —   runa   had   one   year   .   one   year   to   either   get   her   life   together   and   start   working   under   his  iron   fist   as   a   director   at   ito   property   group   or   be   excluded   from   his   will   and   properly   disowned   ,   never   allowed   to   be   more   than   ten   miles   from   her   younger   sister   as   long   as   she   was   a   minor   .   it   wasn’t   long   after   her   father’s   proclamation   that   runa   gets   the   invitation   to   go   on   the   road   trip   .   she   doesn’t   think   she   cares   ,   swears   she’s   not   interested   in   remembering   liam   in   the   company   of   people   who   no   doubt   had   less   than   kind   things   to   say   about   the   girl   that   was   infamous   for   being   the   permanent   devil   on   a   dead   man’s   shoulder   ,   but   a   bottle   of   the   expensive   stuff   all   to   herself   later   that   night   and   she’s   saying   yes   ,   she’s   coming   ,   because   despite   everything   she’s   sworn   is   true   about   herself   and   about   how   she   feels   she   needs   this   trip   more   than   she’d   ever   admit   .                                                                             
━  ˙ ˖  ☆     personality  +  tidbits  !
aha   ...   where   oh   where   to   begin   JSBDJWDBJW   i   feel   like   hot   mess   it   the   perfect   and   easiest   way   to   describe   her   💔😔   not   to   b   all   she’s   complicated   but   !   she’s   complicated   !!!
on   one   hand   she’s   a   lot   of   fun   ,   and   i   mean   a   LOT   like   in   a   room   full   of   people   it’s   easy   to   feel   drawn   to    her   bc   she’s   got   an   exciting   kind   of   energy   surrounding   her   .  she’s   that   type   of   person   that   you   know   you’re   gonna   have   fun   with   no   matter   what   you   guys   do   even   if   you   have   no   idea    what   kind   of   shenanigans   to   expect   because   she’s   always   doing   something   new   and   not   predictable   .   
on   the   other    hand   ?    yea   she’s   kinda   fucking   crazy   not   2   get   all   lana   del   rey   but   SJDBWJBDJWBJWD   runa   has   a   concerning   lack   of   care   for   her   own   health   and   safety   so   in   turn   she’s   not   too   concerned   abt   anyone’s   else’s   health   and   safety   ,   either   /:   she’s   just   following   the   traumatized   girl   handbook   doing   reckless   stuff   just   to   feel   something   and   all   that   jazz   it’s   all   fun   and   games   until   u   have   a   near   death   experience   jumping   off   a   yacht   super   wasted   at   a   billionaire’s   party   ...   and   even   then   it’s   still   fun   and   games   if   ur    runa   <3
mommy   issues   ?   yup   ..   daddy   issues   ?   yup   again   baby   we   got   two   for   two   😭   runa’s   desire   to   be   nurtured  and  have   someone   hold   her   face   and   say   i   care   abt   u   versus   her   attraction   to   ppl   who   literally   couldn’t   tell   u   if   she’s   happy   or   sad   fight   to   the   death   !!!   yes   she   wants   love   and   acceptance   yes   she’s   gonna   ruin   any   chance   she   has   at   getting   that   by   pushing   ppl   away   or   purposely   fucking   up   so   they   just   give  up   on   her   the   way   her   dad   and   stepmom   did   .   literally   she’s   like   i   want   to   be   loved   no   i   don’t   yes   i   do   .   don’t   .   yea   <3333 
idk   if   any   of   you   have   ever   met   an   aquarius   that   literally   makes   no   damn   sense   and   ur   just   like   what   universe   do   u   live   on   bc   it’s   impossible   to   try   and   plan   something   with   them   and   when   they   do   finally   message   u   back   it’s   asking   u   to   come   out   to   a   club   at   2   am   when   ur   already   in   ur   pajamas   but   that’s   runa   ...   except   if   u   get   out   of   bed   and   finally   show   up   to   the   club   she’s   already   gone   SJDBWJDBJWD
she’s   moody   😔   one   minute   she   can   be   having   the   time   of   her   life   and   she’s   being   really   open   and   fun   and   the   next   she   can   just   totally   shut   down   and   get   really   cold   and   bitchy   or   really   angry   and   it’s   /:   truly   not   a   good   time   !   she   really   isn’t   a   bad   person   but   she   DOES   make   lots   of   mistakes   and   if   you’ve   got  ��a   negative   opinion   about   her   she’s   not   going   out   of   her   way   to   change   it   or   prove   u   wrong   ,   in   fact   she’s   way   more   likely   to   prove   u   right   bc   that’s   the   easy   way   out  
super   super   devoted   to   people   she   cares   about   !   even   if   she’s   not   open   about   the   fact   that   she   cares   you’ll   know   bc   if   u   ask   her   to   do   something   or   go   someplace   she’ll   do   it   no   questions   asked   
does   anyone   rmr   that   one   tweet   where   it’s   like   “   hmu   if   ur   toxic   im   trying   to   have   a   crazy   summer   “   runa   is   both   the   person   tweeting   and   the   toxic   person   they’re   looking   for   .   duality   <3
flirts   as   easy   as   breathing   but   it   legit   means   ...   nothing   like   she’ll   just   mindlessly   flirt   her   way   through   life   just   bc   she   can   !   uses   her   pretty   privilege   for   free   stuff   despite   being   rich   .   has   never   been   in   a   serious   or   a   committed   relationship   and   she’s   not   abt   to   start   now   she’s   got   mega   abandonment   issues   to   work   on   first   </3333   is   always   down   for   a   good   time   though   runa   believes   in   whore   rights   😏😏
dresses   like   an   e   girl   even   though   she   legit   doesn’t   know   wtf   that   is   ...
can’t   stand   the   sight   /   smell   of   roses   bc   they   remind   her   of   her   mom   ): 
likes   to   make   very   large   donations   in   her   father’s   name   to   really   progressive   organizations   to   piss   off   all   the   boomer   shareholders   of   his   company   (:
has   never   used   🥺   this   emoji   in   an   not   ironic   way   her   whole   life   i   told   u   guys   she’s   CRAZY   ...   
loves   to   sweet   talk   ppl   into   getting   into   doing   wild   stuff   if   she   hits   u   up   with   a   wyd   text   IGNORE   her   unless   u   wanna   end   the   night   with   a   broken   wrist   or   a   matching   ass   tattoo    ...
who   was   that   one   twitter   girl   that   stole   someone’s   hamster   at   a   party   i   can’t   rmr   her   name   but   /:   that’s   runa   SJDJWBDWJBDJW   
lies   abt   the   randomest   things   sometimes   for   literally   no   reason   like   someone   can   be   like   hi   im   amy   (:   and   she’ll   be   like   aw   that   was   my   grandma’s   name   like   no   it   wasn’t   don’t   ask   me   why   she’s   like   that   ...       
━  ˙ ˖  ☆     wanted  connections  !  (  all  open  to  all  genders  )
okay   i   was   gonna   type   a   bunch   of   bullets   here   but   this   intro   is   literally   already   disgustingly   long   and   LATE   im   .   so   embarrassed   ...   i’m   seriously   down   for   anything   though   like   platonic   romantic   wholesome   angsty   enemies   old   family   friends   a   i   keep   calling   ur   mom   a   milf   and   u    hate   it   connection   ...   whatever   it   may   be   i’m   open   🥺  
truly   i   hate   this   life   i   wrote   a   novel   for   NO   good   reason   ...   if   ur   like   me   &   prefer   discord   for   plotting   u   can   add   me   @   glo lovecore ʕ´• ᴥ•̥`ʔ#8172   and   we   can   plot   there   💖 💖 💖   if   discord   isn’t   ur   jam   though   we   can   plot   via   tumblr   ims   im   just   gonna   be   harder   to   reach   that   way   so   it   might   take   a   little   longer   🥺   im   sosososo   excited   to   be   here   &   finally   write   with   u   all   i’m   sorry   this   intro   took   forever   !!!!    
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ashleyh713 · 4 years
“His Reasons” Ch1
Hello! This is my ongoing MHA fanfic called “His Reasons.” There are many chapters so far but I thought I’d post the first one here. If this interests you, links to the full fanfic are below. I am very proud of this fanfic and I hope you will give it a chance, even if it may sound generic at first. Trust me, it isn’t. 
Todoroki X OC
Sibling Bakugo as well 
Feels, angst and character development a plenty. Not your typical OC story. 
Katsuki Bakugo was born at 1:10AM on a rainy Friday morning. When they weighed him he turned out to be irregularly strong for the newborn. 
His parents cried for joy but soon realized everything was not over. 
Amari Bakugo was born at 1:20AM and right away they noticed a drastic change between the two infants. 
Where as Katsuki was abnormally strong, Amari appeared weak and stick thin, almost purple and blue around the sides of her face. 
The doctors noticed this and sprang into action quickly, grabbing the child and attaching all sorts of tubes and wires while she remained silent. 
The parents raced forward and asked what was wrong but the doctor were too busy trying to keep the newborn alive. 
That was the start of Katsuki and Amari Bakugo’s very different lives.
After they stabilized her, Amari was forced to stay in the hospital so that doctors could monitor her health. It seemed her body was extremely unstable, and they knew exactly why. They didn’t talk about it though, especially in front of Katsuki. 
Katsuki himself was stronger than ever though, living his life like a normal preschooler would. He didn’t pay any mind to his sister and just lived as he pleased. 
He would sometimes visit her though, mostly because he was forced by his mom. 
His mother pulled him inside the building, practically dragging him. “Now listen here young man! You are going to visit your sister and you are gonna like it!” 
Although Bakugo had other plans. “Ugh I don’t want to! It’s gonna be so boring and she just sits there not doing anything. I’m supposed to go play with my friends! Let me go!” 
But the woman wouldn’t budge and soon enough they were face to face with Amari. She just smiled but he couldn’t help but notice the tubes and machines hooked up to her. “Brother!” 
Bakugo scoffed as his mom pushed him into the room. “Tch.” 
Pulling him even further, his mom smiled back. “Hello sweetie, how are you feeling?” 
She looked down for a moment before nodding her head, pretending to flex her non existent muscles. “I’m good mommy! Soon I’ll be all better!”
There was sadness in their mother's eyes then. “Of course you will. Now, mommy’s gonna go downstairs and get you something delicious, okay? Katsuki, watch your sister.” 
He grumbled at this. “Ugh. Do I have to?”
This caused her to narrow her eyes. “Katsuki..”
Rolling his own eyes, Katsuki scoffed again. “Fine, just hurry up.” 
Seeming happy with that, she left the two kids alone, hoping that this time would be good for them. They were practically twins after all.
Once the door shut, Katsuki strolled up to Amari and put his small boot on her bed, looking rather annoyed. “So what’s your deal? Why are you stuck here?”
Putting a hand on her IV, Amari just sighed. “They said I can’t leave.”
Being a young kid, Katsuki didn’t understand her statement. “So you can’t even go outside or anything? What about go hunting for beetles or play superhero games?”
Amari shook her head. “No, the mean doctor said I have to stay cause I could get hurt real bad.” 
Crossing his arms across his chest, her replied. “Ahh how boring. So what do you do in here then? Just stare at the walls?”
She seemed to find this funny. “Sometimes. Sometimes I think about what my quirk will be.” 
This got him excited. Extending his legs, Katsuki stood on the chair next to him, his fists out in exhilaration. “I already know my quirk is gonna be the best so don’t even think you can beat me! I’m gonna be the best of the best, like All Might!” 
At the name, Amari perked up. “You know All Might?! I see him on TV all the time. Brother it would be good to be like him!” 
He nodded his head in agreement. “Hell yeah! I’m gonna be the best!” 
Laughing maniacally at his own statement, their mother peaked in and couldn’t help but smile at the two. It seemed she was worried for nothing. 
A couple years later, Bakugo was sitting in kindergarten when he felt a small spark ignited from his fingertips.  
All of his classmates turned and gasped in awe at what they were seeing, even the teachers seemed impressed. “Oh! Congratulations Bakugo, you got your quirk, and a wonderful one it is.” 
Looking down at his hands, the entire class cheered and he felt amazing. Finally, after all these years he was finally going to be the best. 
Then, he remembered something he once heard in class. 
Leaning over to his teacher, Bakugo questioned. “Teacher, is it true that twins get their quirks around the same time?” 
She looked confused but answered anyways. “Uhh yes that is true usually. Why do you ask Bakugo?” 
It was obvious she didn’t know about Amari. Heck, no one knew about her. It wasn’t really something he brought up in class and because she was in the hospital that meant she basically didn’t exist in the outside world.  “No reason.” 
But internally, he was excited to show off his new quirk to his family, silently hoping that what the teacher said was true. Maybe then she wouldn’t be so weak. 
Rushing to the hospital, Bakugo threw the door open and Amari just looked confused. “Brother? What are you doing here?” 
She didn’t seem any different from usual but that didn’t phase him much, instead running up to him and shouting. “Amari! Look, I got my quirk!” 
He let his palms ignited with sparks and her eyes went wide. “Whoaa, cool! That’s so cool brother!” 
Nodding his head at the ego stroke, her brother stood proud. “Right? Now I can be the best of the best, the most powerful!” 
Amari smiled happily for her own brother but it didn’t last long. Her eyes then shifted from him to her very skinny arms, muttering under her breath. “I wish I could get my quirk too.” 
He stopped then, racing towards her bedside. “I heard my teacher say that twins get their quirks around the same time. If you really focus, I’m sure you’ll get yours also!” 
Seeming rather uncertain, Amari raised her brow. “You sure? The doctors said…” 
But Bakugo just cut her off. “Screw what they say! You’re my sister which means you also gotta be strong! Just try!” 
A moment of silence filled the air and Amari thought about what the doctors told her, that she might never get her quirk because of her weak body. But on the other hand, she didn’t wanna disappoint her brother who had never come to see her willingly before this. 
Nodding her head, Amari squeezed her eyes and tried to focus, willing her quirk to come to the surface. She didn’t know exactly how to do it but all she could think about was making her brother proud. 
Suddenly she felt an odd heat in her fingertips and looked down to find them glowing a swirling gold color. This wasn’t the power her mother or father had.
Eyes widening, Amari gasped and got her brothers attention. “Brother, look! I did it! I got my quirk!” 
Bakugo just stared in awe at her power and watched her laugh, a small tear coming to her eyes. “Does this mean I can be a hero too?” 
Her brother was about to smile when something unexpected happened. 
Amari’s eyes grew panicked as she began coughing excessively, heaving heavily and curling over her sheets in desperation. The glow in her fingers was gone and Katsuki didn’t know what to do. “Hey, what’s wrong with you?” 
She didn’t answer though as she put a shaking hand to her mouth only to find blood on her palm. 
Suddenly, a dozen doctors and nurses came running in, dragging huge machines with them and rolling them to the side before eyeing the girl. “She seems to be having an attack. We need a C34 now” 
They began hooking up a ton of wires to her while her body shook and seized underneath them, her small hand grasping the railing for deal life. 
Now noticing the boy, one of the doctors put his hand out in anger. “Someone get this boy out of here! We need to operate!” 
Bakugo felt a hand on his arm, pulling him away from the scene but he wasn’t having it, choosing to curse at the woman. “Hey, what are you doing?! Get your hands off of me!” 
But given his small size, he was easily pushed out as the door locked behind him. 
After about thirty minutes, his mother showed up looking panicked and the doctors pulled her into a private room so they could talk. 
Young Katsuki couldn’t live with that though and quietly followed his mother so he could hear the conversation the two were about to have, although knowing what he knew now, he wished he didn’t back then.
His mother put a hand to her mouth, whispering out her words. “How is she?” 
The doctor picked up a file from his desk and opened it carefully. “It seems we were able to stabilize her condition finally. Her attack was caused by her quirk awakening.” 
She eyes grew wide in shock. “Isn’t that a good thing though? You said she might not ever get her quirk.” 
Shaking his head, the doctor sighed. “Normally yes, getting a quirk is a wonderful thing but in Amari’s case it’s very dangerous.” 
Not understanding, his mother spoke up. “Dangerous, how so?” 
Pulling out another file, he showed the woman the statistics. “In order to be able to sustain your quirk, you must have a strong body, the more powerful the quirk, the more the body must work to maintain it so it doesn’t shut down. In Amari’s case though, her body was so weak from birth that using her quirk could potentially end her life. That’s why we didn’t want her to have one.” 
Katsuki remained frozen at his words. What did he mean his sister couldn’t use her quirk? Just because she was so weak?” 
His mother made a choking sound with her throat and put a shaking hand to her forehead. “Oh god, so that means she can’t ever use her quirk?” 
The doctor just simply shook his head. “I’m afraid not. As you know, Amari was born weak because in the womb, Katsuki took most of her energy and nutrients. It’s a sad fact but it’s not uncommon with twins. One just comes out stronger, and that one happened to be Katsuki. His quirk will surely be extra powerful because of that.” 
Leaning against the wall, Katsuki seemed dumbfounded at what he was saying. His hands grew unnaturally numb as the boy tried to process everything. 
The reason that his sister was like that was because of him? No, that wasn’t his fault. Yet it seemed like all the pieces were slowing sticking together. 
The reason she couldn’t step foot outside, the reason she couldn’t play with anyone else and the reason she couldn’t even use her quirk, there was no mistaking it, it was because of him unknowingly. His sister was sick because of him, because of his need to be better than everyone. The very realization made him sick inside. 
Feeling the bile in his throat, Katsuki ran away from the conversation, unable to hear anymore and fell to the ground, heaving at the reality that had smacked him in the face. 
Time and time again he made fun of her for being stuck in the hospital and being weak but the ugly truth was, he was the one that made her that way. Everything was his fault. 
A couple nurses came rushing to him and asked what was wrong but Katsuki couldn’t hear them over the sound of his own despair.
What had he done?
Because Bakugo got sick, his father picked him up and brought him home, although the child had far too many other things on his mind. 
He didn’t eat much dinner and just crawled to bed without any resistance which was rare for him. Usually his parents would have to fight him every night to go to bed. 
Laying down, all he could think about was Amari. Katsuki wondered silently if she would be okay. He hoped so, or else he didn’t know if he could live with himself. 
If only he wasn’t so stubborn in the womb and didn’t take all of Amari’s strength, then she would be able to run and jump and go outside like everyone else. It seemed almost selfish  that he bragged about his life to her, knowing everything now. 
Gritting his teeth, Bakugo sat up from his bed, throwing the sheets off of him and stood up, a new sense of passion burning in his eyes. 
He then realized that since he took all of Amari’s power that he wouldn’t let it go in vain. He would use that power to protect her and become the strongest number 1 hero the world has ever seen
Throwing the window open on the right, Bakugo sucked in a deep breath and screamed and the top of his lungs, all the pain and regret flowing out all at once. “I’M GONNA BE NUMBER 1 DAMN IT! I WILL BE THE NUMBER ONE HERO!”
He knew he had to, for her, and for himself. 
Shortly after that night it was announced that Amari would study in America so that she could get away from everything and hopefully have a new start. The medicine over there was also better for her sickness so everyone thought it was best. 
Bakugo hadn’t seen her since that night and he wanted to keep it that way. He much rather shoved her existence and the guilt so far down until he could hardly see it. Yes, this was better. 
Although one day, Bakugo and his friends were playing near his street when they caught a glimpse of a familiar shade of blonde hair watching them. 
He turned to her and that sickening feeling rose up again in his stomach, all the painful memories and guilt rushing back. 
One of his friends seemed to notice her as well and pointed. “Hey, who is that? She looks just like you Bakugo!” 
Another friend snickered at her appearance. “Yeah expect she’s like a twig. Are you related?” 
The two twins stared at each other for a couple moments and Amari opened her mouth to say something when Bakugo cut her off. No, they couldn’t know about what he did. “I’ve never seen her before in my life. You really think I could be related to someone that weak? Let’s just go.” 
Then, he turned his back on her and walked away, not bothering to see her expression. He didn’t want to see the damage he caused. 
His friends also agreed. “That’s true. Besides, Bakugo is an only child, remember?” 
Nodding his head, the other friend understood. “Yeah that’s true. I don’t know what I was thinking. Let’s go play superheroes!” 
Then they all hurried behind their leader and left the street, leaving Amari alone once again. 
And that was it. 
That was the last time that Bakugo last saw Amari,and the last time he had to worry about her. To him, she was just something that didn’t exist. 
Or so he thought.
10 Years Later 
Kicking off her shoes, Amari raced into the house and past the dorm leader who shouted at her angrily. “Amari, slow down! You are going to push yourself too hard!” 
Amari just looked back and smiled at the leader before putting her hands up in forgiveness. “Sorry Vanessa but I got something waiting for me!” 
Turning the corner Vanessa just sighed. “This girl, I swear..” 
Running down the hall, Amari stopped when she reached her destination, the mailbox. 
She then took the key out of her pocket and started muttering. “Please please please please let it be here please please…” 
Amari put the key in the lock before opening it slowly, squinting her eyes in case she didn’t want to see. 
She paused for a moment when she saw a white envelope with a red seal on the back. Amari squeaked in delight at this, shouting happily. “IT’S HERE, OMG IT’S HERE AHHH.” 
The rest of the dorm shushed her but Amari didn’t really seem to care, just putting her paper to her lips and smiling. 
Then, ripping open the paper, a little hologram message popped up with All Might shouting gleefully. 
Hello young Amari Bakugo.  It is with great excitement and pleasure that I welcome you to U.A.  Being one of the five recommendations this year, we expect great things from you.  But remember it isn’t just about status but rather heart and determination.  That is all, can’t wait to see you there Alright, transmission out!
The transmission then cut off and Amari couldn’t help but smile gleefully. Finally, she was going to U.A. 
Where to read the rest of the fanfic (Goes until S4 as of now and is updated every couple days) 
Quotev: https://www.quotev.com/story/12212516/His-Reasons/1
Watt pad: https://www.wattpad.com/myworks/202689789/write/792330223
Fanfic.Net: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13405192/1/His-Reasons
AO3:  https://archiveofourown.org/works/22762864/chapters/54392668
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