#penis-preserving vaginoplasty
coochiequeens · 6 months
Canada .....
The Native Women’s Association of Canada isreeling after Ottawa cut $48 million from the advocacy organization, resulting in a staff of 75 being reduced to 30.
“Leaving us to start the fiscal year with $10 million — that’s a very significant decrease,” CEO Lynne Groulx told Global News.
A national apprenticeship program and several smaller programs administered by NWAC ended in March and with that ended the federal funding.
Groulx said NWAC has long lobbied for stable core funding to operate, and not just project funding, which comes and goes.
The organization has found itself in the crosshairs of critics over how it has spent money in recent years, renovating its head office in Gatineau to include high-end event rental spaces, opening luxury “resiliency lodges” in Quebec and New Brunswick, and until this funding cut, planned to start a boutique hotel.
Also Canada
By Shay Woulahan. April 12, 2024
A trans-identified man and diaper fetishist in Canada who identifies as “non-binary” has won his legal case against the Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP) to have them pay for an experimental surgery that would leave him with both his penis and a “neo-vagina.” Ontario taxpayers will now be forced to spend up to $70,000 flying him to Texas for the surgery due to its unavailability in Canada.
The man, 33, was simply identified as KS in the lawsuit, and made international headlines last week after Ontario’s Divisional Court began deliberating on whether he was entitled to have an “penis-preserving vaginoplasty” covered by the province’s public health scheme.
See rest of article
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Reminder that I am a trans non-binary person.
Not theyfab, not confused cis, not a trans man. I'm not a man, I don't identify with womanhood, and hate such a limited gender binary.
I'm a trans non-binary person who is also feminine and will continue to be Mostly feminine for Most days even if/when I get bottom surgery.
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genuinely at this point my #1 gender affirming surgery are those dental implants that give you fangs
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decompose1 · 1 year
ok real quick because i'm going through (undisclosed) bottom surgery and currently have to do so much research and emails about it. so i did some more and slapped this together because i'm tired of the current perception of bottom surgeries!! it's all fearmongering!
common misconceptions about bottom surgery:
The options are "Limited"/if you get bottom surgery, you have to remove/lose your current genitals
WRONG! You can have vaginoplasty with phallus preservation, phalloplasty with vaginal preservation, or metoidioplasty with vaginal preservation. There are a lot of different options about graft locations and types of surgery for any of these surgeries. You can do research to find out your options. You will talk to your surgeon A LOT beforehand and discuss the best option for you. You have more options than you think.
You won't be able to orgasm/you won't feel sensation in your neogenitalia
WRONG! It is extremely rare for trans people who have undergone bottom surgery to be incapable of orgasm, regardless of the options you choose. Most trans people who have had vaginoplasty or phalloplasty are perfectly capable of feeling pleasure when those parts are touched. Anyone who tells you you will be unable to have a fulfilling sex life after surgery is spreading fearmongering myths*.
*I see some people spreading that a neophallus will not have sensation. This is misleading. Whether or not sexual nerves connect in the rest of the phallus is highly variable between patients (and some things like sexual therapies are thought to help), however, the nerves present in the buried clitoral tissue are still there and can still be stimulated in the base of the penis.
A vaginoplasty is just an open wound you're keeping open/dilation isn't natural!
WRONG! (And nobody calls vaginas wounds anymore!). Dilation is a very normal thing. Dilators were originally invented for cis women experiencing pain during sex, especially after other medical procedures. So it's pretty normal to have to use them. It's just a way to keep things healthy and pain-free, and those who have vaginoplasties only have to use them because the muscles there aren't trained the same way. That's all! There's nothing weird about it.
Phalloplasties just look like flesh tubes, there's no good options!
WRONG! Plastic surgery is a wonderful thing, and there are absolutely some very passing-looking phalloplasties out there, especially with the use of medical tattooing! Most of the pictures shared online to mock them are of stage one, before glansplasty, which is when the head is created. Phalloplasty is a multiple-stage surgery, it is not fair to judge them based on seeing an incomplete one. (Also, it's really rude to judge someone else's penis! You should already know that.)
Bottom surgery is only for binary trans people! Nonbinary people can't get it/there are no options for me!
WRONG! While it's completely and fully up to you what IS "for you", and perhaps bottom surgery just isn't it, it's untrue that nonbinary people can't have it, or lack options! There are options to have both genitals (any surgery w/ preservation). There are options to have none at all (nullification). There are options and modifications you can ask for that may be more comfortable for you, such as smaller penis size or a vagina with no depth. There ARE options, and while it can be extra difficult to find therapists and surgeons who work with nonbinary people (i'm dealing with this right now!), know that they ABSOLUTELY DO exist, and you are covered by WPATH guidelines.
anyways!!!! that's all. i see so much misinfo about bottom surgery it's unreal so here's my little info post.
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genderkoolaid · 9 months
hi!! ik youve posted about wanting/having both a penis and a vagina simultaneously, and it’s something that ive been kind curious about, but im not sure exactly how it would work. as someone who currently has a vagina, if i were to undergo bottom surgery to get a penis while still having a vagina, where would they both go? thank for the blog btw, both it and you are very cool!!
thank you!! the term for this is "salmacian" btw :)
there's a few ways it could go. if you get metoidioplasty without vaginectomy, nothing really changes other than your bottom growth becoming more prominent and possible getting testicles.
if you get phalloplasty, you can either have it placed over your bottom growth (called burying) or not (unburied), in which case your penis would be slightly higher on your pelvis than your natal phallus would be. r/phallo has a lot of photographs of people post-op which should give you some idea of where phallo dicks are placed. In all cases, the vagina really isn't touched so it stays where it is.
Tbh for FTM/FTX people, salmacian surgery is kind of easier, since penis-creating bottom surgery has never involved the use of vaginal tissue. Vagina-creating bottom surgery on the other hand traditionally uses the penis to create the neovagina, which is why there's a lot of FTM/FTX people who end up salmacian without realizing its a Thing while MTF/MTX salmacians really have to be aware that penile-preserving vaginoplasty exists in the first place.
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boringkate · 1 month
Ok then given that the vagina has been around for like 90 million years and is kind of passe, what sort of bold new junk should people be getting bottom surgeryied onto them?
I feel like the expected answer is phallus preserving vaginoplasty or nulloplasty or for penises to be pumped full of filler, but that stuff is already happening. Those are the genitals of the present day and present time.
I think there should be an extreme urethra widening surgery that let's you engage in urethral sounding using someone else's dick. Like fuck your dick with a dick, but don't do it in a vaginal way.
I think you should have the option to have your penis repositioned on your body (without any loss of functionality).
I think you should be able to have additional penises added to your body. Lab grown penises. Maybe a dozen of them.
You know in hentai when girls have nipples that you can fuck? Make that real.
Replace tongues with penises and replace penises with tongues.
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maeinthekinning · 23 days
It's good to represent transmen that don't go through second puberty and long hair in art and media. It's good to represent transmen that have gone through hormones and had top surgery. It's good to represent transwoman that choose to not get any specific surgery andor hormones.
I even see decent bit of cismen that lactate (side effect of steroids and antipsychotics)
Which that growing diversity is good.
But no what i practically never see?
Intersex diversity (instead of just slap a vagina and penis on. Which that can also fit non intersex people like phallo preserving vaginoplasty and vagina preserving phaloplasty. But there is more diversity)
And people with breasts (trans men, trans women, nonbinary, intersex including gynomocastia) that have hair on chest andor back andor facial hair. This can be something trying to transition past but it's also not bad if just like it.
Im an intersex trans women and i know people that fit those duality of breasts+chest or back or facial hair that are treated with such derision. Unlovable. Unattachable. Unworthy of value. Should hide that fact and correct and then can be seen again.
I want to go against that.
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Dysphoric culture is wanting a phalloplasty without a vaginectomy and not being able to find any doctors who've ever done it, and then crying because you know your ideal configuration apparently isn't a thing that happens.
I want to keep my vulva/vagina, but I still want a penis, and I can't tell you the amount of times I've cried because I don't think this type of surgery is even done or, if it is, done in the US at least. It sucks so much.
Dysphoric culture is!
Also anon, great news: this surgery is real! It’s called vagina-preserving phalloplasty or VPP.
There aren’t a ton of surgeons who perform it in the US but some (from the Crane Center in California) are listed here. There’s also someone in New York that talked about getting a vagina-preserving metoidioplasty in a news article but mod doesn’t know who their surgeon was. More info and some more surgeons are here.
More people are getting nonbinary bottom surgeries so there are slightly more resources around now. Good luck anon!
(For those wanting the opposite of this, phallus-preserving vaginoplasty exists too.)
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wajjs · 1 day
Cock AND pussy? So the GL Ring just made Hal the first omega?
There are trans people irl who actually opt to have both a penis and a vagina, and it is oftentimes an option offered to non-binary individuals:
Penile-Preserving Vaginoplasty
For some individuals, preservation of the penis is desired, while also creating a fully functional vagina. With Penile-Preserving Vaginoplasty, the vagina can be created using a scrotal or other skin graft, or peritoneal tissue.
( x )
There is also what could be considered the 'opposite', so to speak:
Vaginal-Preserving Phalloplasty:
There are many possible genital configurations, and which ones are chosen can change the complexity and risk of gender affirming surgery. With VPP, an individual may:
retain labia
remove labia
use labia for scrotoplasty and/or urethral lengthening
have a hysterectomy (removing the uterus) and keep their cervix, or remove the cervix
if a hysterectomy is chosen, oomphorectomy may be included (removal of the ovaries)
egg harvesting may be done at the same time
not have a hysterectomy and retain potential fertility
choose between different phalloplasty techniques (...)
can choose to modify the clitoris or place the penis (and scrotum, if desired) in front of the clitoris, allowing for direct physical stimulation
opt for urethral lengthening (UL) to be able to pee from the tip of the penis
evidence indicates that UL without vaginectomy has higher complication rates
retain the position of urethra
move urethra along the perineum
have scrotoplasty, with or without implants
have penile implants for erectile function
( x )
In fandom trans representation is very black or white at times, and I wanted to bring attention to the different ways trans people approach the relationship with their bodies and gender by giving Hal a Vaginal-Preserving Phalloplasty.
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windwardstar · 1 month
I hate how fucking binary trans spaces are and that even when they're supposedly inclusive of nonbinary identities it's just creating more boxes and expectations on how to exist.
Like you'd think if any place would be able to get away from gender = genitals it'd be a trans space. But it's like.
You're trans which means obviously you have to be an afab trans or an amab trans and afab means vagina and amab means penis. But also that you have to be trans man who wants a dick (but doesn't actually get one because ewww phalloplasty is gross) and you have to be a trans woman who wants a vagina (but doesn't actually get one because ewww vaginoplasty is gross) and that regardless of if you're ftm or mtf you're not really trans if you don't want bottom surgery but also why would you want it because it's gross and doesn't actually work like The Real Thing TM it's just dead skin/gaping wound/mutilating yourself.
And of course phalloplasty (and metoidioplasty) is FtM and vaginoplasty is MtF because it's all super binary thinking because obviously you have to be either a man or a woman. That nonbinary people dont want bottom surgery because they're not really trans or are all happy with what they have.
And when there is talk of nonbinary people getting bottom surgery it's this assumption of either both (because nonbinary people have to like the parts they have and want the other because it's #best of both worlds) or neither (because no gender = no genitals but also it's the worst thing in the world).
And then this just. Assumption that all of this is for sex reasons only and that the only people who want gender nullification are asexual and that asexuals can't want any other type of bottom surgery because they won't be using it for sex.
And it's just. Stop equating genitals and gender. Stop treating one type of surgery as synonymous with one type of (trans) gender.
If you actually decoupled the idea of genitals and gender the idea that a cis man could want a vagina and a cis woman could want a dick wouldn't actually be that hard to accept. If you actually decoupled the idea of genitals and gender then nonbinary people could have surgery without being lumped into either boy or girl nonbinar. If you actually decoupled the idea of gender and genitals binary trans people wouldn't be getting shoved out of the binary for having genitals preserving bottom surgery or nullification surgery.
And all of this completely ignores the intersex bodies that were forced to conform to the binary via nonconsensual surgeries as infants. And sometimes the binary they're forced into changes from the one assigned at birth. Sometimes they have to get more surgeries as they grow up. And if they're trans those surgeries can affect what options they have for actual gender affirming surgeries.
Like. Just. Stop equating genitals with gender, stop assuming the genitals people have based on assigned gender at birth, stop assuming the genitals and type of surgery people want based on their gender identity, and stop assuming people's gender based on the genital they have, don't have, want, or don't want. And also stop seeing bottom surgery as only for sexual reasons.
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sharkgirldick · 2 months
would u consider getting penis-preserving vaginoplasty :0?
Nope! I don't really want a pussy, I would just use the fuck out of one if circumstances caused me to have one.
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kathryn-03 · 28 days
So I never had bottom dysphoria. I'm happy having a dick and the only better scenario for me would be to also have a pussy (aka getting penis preserving vaginoplasty)
I am now six months on HRT and starting to get bottom dysphoria cuz my poor dick is starved of T and is just not working properly
Like BRUH that's a problem I never thought I'd have lmao
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I am a raging transsexual and I love my cunt so much. I love experiencing being this strange expression of human biology. I love experiencing the transformation of my body into that strange expression of human biology.
I do want to get top surgery, but not bottom. Because I like my cunt. I want to ask for topical cream for it so that I can maximize bottom growth, because having a fat and juicy tdick is literally THE dream. Like, I think I like the idea a bit too much. Like, unhealthily so. But I Dont Care that's so gender euphoric and attractive and it feels so representative of my gender identity.
If I could have things my way, I'd genuinely have both a dick and a cunt (no balls bc where would they go) And no tits. That's the optimal body for me. I'd want to keep my clit, and have decent bottom growth too. I don't think that's possible though sadly, so getting a pussy pump and topical cream will have to do for bottom growth.
I know this is a really personal topic. Like, as personal as it fucking gets. But do you have a dream body? Like, ignoring what's possible using modern day Science and Medicine, ignoring current monetary balance and access to ressources, wbat would your hot transgender freak body be? If you wanna talk about genitals go ahead but this qustion isnt limited to genitals bc gender is vast and part odf every facet of our lives
Hey, that is possible! Vagina-preserving phalloplasty and penis-preserving vaginoplasty are relatively niche but certainly possible procedures, I've seen photos of it I know it can happen lol. And that's honestly also been something I've been wanting for a while! Attentive followers will know that I am, aheh, nonbinary, and while I do not consider having both a pussy and a dick to be representative of me being "both a girl AND a boy" or w/e, it is still a very gendereuphoric concept and something I really want. However I'm also still super pumped abt bottom growth and ALSO about being even more hairy as hell. Full disclosure since we're all being super TMI here, I'm already hairy as hell, I have hair in basically all the places those "things they don't tell you about going on T!" posts say T will give you hair in, I'm part Southern Italian and we're a very hairy people. However I DON'T have very much chest hair and I really want chest hair! And facial hair lol. Again since we're being TMI, I have like, "small on a woman but considered Massive Milkable Badonkahonkazonagas on a man by this website" tetas, which I think I would stop being dysphoric about if they were hairy as hell (and also it'd be hot cmon). I think if I'm reaaally spitballing here, I'd like to go on t but not really experience the fat redistrubition, if only bc I think being a very hairy goth boy with idk. Curvaceous Child-Bearing Hips or whatever is extremely funny and a good gender. I also want a bunch of stupid nerd shit like fangs and a puppy tail and dog ears and shit but this isn't a post abt that this is a post about my epic potential future dick. Thank u for letting me talk abt this lol I love thinking abt transgender joy and getting to hear abt what the boys and the dolls and those whomst lie betwixt are out there achieving, it makes me so happy knowing that people like me are existing and are happy and that I have a chance :)
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By: Joseph Burgo
Published: Jun 12, 2024
In the United States, we don’t often hear about the young male refugees from genderism who have an artificial “neo-vagina” in their pubic area instead of a penis.
Newspaper articles regularly profile young women such as Chloe Cole, Prisha Mosley, and Camille Kiefel who lost their breasts to medical malpractice and have since brought suit, but you don’t often hear about the castrated men. Photos of Michelle Alleva’s scarred chest regularly show up on my X timeline, but for obvious reasons, regretful men don’t usually share pictures of their intimate body parts post-surgery.
On June 4, 2024, Prisha announced via X that she’d given birth to a son. While the world empathizes with her grief that she’ll never be able to enjoy breastfeeding her baby, we share her relief that “gender-affirming care” didn’t destroy her fertility. Prisha’s story mingles feelings of regret and triumph, of loss and joy—an ultimately uplifting tale of healthy motherhood and a new life.
In short, Prisha may have taken a detour into genderism and suffered a poignant loss, but now she’s back on track and able to enjoy a loving relationship with her baby.
For the men in my practice who faced up, too late, to being gay, there’s no going back. Going forward (what’s deceptively referred to as “transition”) turned out to be an illusion, but how do they “go back”—that is, take up the life of a gay man when they no longer have a penis?
Warning: the following descriptions might make some readers deeply uncomfortable. I advise them to keep reading and I promise to keep disturbing details to a minimum.
In the surgical procedure known as a “penile inversion vaginoplasty” (PIV), a man’s penis is sliced open and used (sometimes along with scrotal tissue) to line an artificial cavity created in the pubic area. Typically referred to as a neo-vagina, it’s a surgically-created wound which must be regularly dilated to prevent the body from trying to heal it—that is, to close it up because the body senses that it doesn’t belong there. In addition to penile skin grafts, intestinal tissue may sometimes be used to line the neo-vagina. During the operation, surgeons relocate the prostate away from its normal position below the bladder and in front of the rectum.
The operation is irreversible, obviously, just as a double mastectomy can’t be undone. Prisha can’t recover her healthy breasts, and my male clients will never again have a functioning penis.
Administration of cross-sex hormones is part of the usual protocol for men undergoing PIV, both pre- and post-op; among the side-effects are brain fog, and sometimes a complete loss of or profound diminishment in sexual desire. In some cases, the surgically created neo-vagina is too small for penetrative sex; for others, such sex is painful or unsatisfying.
In short, for many gay men, so-called “gender affirming care” has deprived them of a satisfying sex life. I acknowledge that not all men with a neo-vagina report the same dissatisfaction, but I haven’t seen them in my practice.
To combat the brain fog associated with estrogen, some male clients try adding a small dose of testosterone to their hormone regime. The effects can be troubling. One client felt simultaneously aroused and perturbed: while the nerves from his former penis had been preserved during surgery, they were no longer “where they were supposed to be,” as he put it. Another suffered from “phantom penis syndrome,” a condition akin to phantom limb syndrome where the person experiences hallucinatory sensations of a lost body part. A third felt intense desire to take part in receptive anal intercourse, only to find it painful (due to a post-op fistula) and unstimulating because his prostate had been relocated away from the rectal area. For these men, achieving orgasm is quite difficult and often leads to painful after-sensations in the genital area.
The idea of anal intercourse between two men makes some readers uncomfortable, and I believe that’s an additional reason why we hear so little about the male victims of genderism. Members of the public with conservative religious views who regard homosexuality as a sin will naturally find it hard to empathize. Straight females such as Laura Becker who lost their breasts to medical malpractice earn public sympathy and acclaim, but the plight of post-operative gay men is largely met with silence.
In the United Kingdom, gay man Ritchie Herron has spoken with feeling about his loss of sexual function post PIV. In a poignant X thread from 2022, he says:
I have no sensation in my crotch region at all. No one told me that the base of your penis is left, it can’t be removed – meaning you’re left with a literal stump inside that twitches. When you take Testosterone and your libido returns, you wake up with morning wood, without the tree. And if you do take testosterone after being post op, you run the risk of internal hair in the neo-vagina. Imagine dealing with internal hair growth after everything? What a choice … be healthy on Testosterone and a freak, or remain a sexless eunuch. And thats something that will never come back …
For the full horror of what it means to be caught in this nightmarish limbo, read the complete and powerful thread.
Realizing post-surgery that you’re actually a gay man means you’re caught in an impossible space. You learned, too late, that so-called “transition” is a lie, but the full-spectrum life of a gay man is foreclosed to you. You’re unlikely to have a satisfying relationship with another gay man because, to be frank, gay men are attracted to male bodies that have penises, full stop, despite what the genderists will tell you. If you do try to date, your options have narrowed. As one of my clients puts it, your dating pool usually shrinks down to “chasers”—that is, men who will seek out and fetishize you, often reducing you to your anatomy rather than seeing you as whole person. 
Psychotherapy with these men means sitting with them in a complex and deeply painful place, what I’ve called an impossible space, sharing the grief of immense loss without succumbing to despair. As with anyone who has ever experienced a profound and irremediable loss, my clients must nonetheless pursue a meaningful existence and find creative ways to feel good about themselves. It’s my job is to help them as best I can. I often find that sitting with them in their pain without minimizing it is what helps the most.
In a way, Prisha’s story is a classic tale of triumph over adversity, of new life beyond a death cult. This is the kind of story the public enjoys, and it’s one of the main reasons she and other young women in her position receive so much attention. The gay men in my practice have a far less satisfying and more complex story to tell, and one I fear the public has limited interest in hearing.
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3liza · 2 years
idk if you were serious about that post with yaoi hole (the fact sht i can't get this surgery is bullshit) but anyways you can, though it's not necessarily perfected. it's penis preserving vaginoplasty, or vagina preserving phalloplasty if you're a trans man
now we're cookin !!!
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boringkate · 4 months
So I'm curious about penis preserving vaginoplasty and being able to keep my boy parts while getting a new hole. Have you every heard anything about this procedure/any thoughts? I don't see myself strongly identifying as male or female, but this seems like an exciting option of I head down the path of bottom surgery.
It's not something I'm personally interested in pursuing, but it's neat!
I know there's at least a couple girls who have had it done doing porn now. One of them being NuParts (that's her twitter and onlyfans handle) (I don't remember who the other one was).
If you really wanna ask her questions about it then I'd say your best bet is to subscribe to her OnlyFans and to DM her on there (tho that still iffy advice because I haven't checked with her about it and how talkative people are on onlyfans varies and lmao the girls who are the most talkative and sexting with everyone tend to also be the ones who have outsourced that to a boyfriend or a manager).
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