#peple's choice
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Six years ago, the movie Urban and the Shed Crew won the People's Award and Richard won the Best Actor Award as Chop at the Newcastle International Film Festival.
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A Life with Less Societal Expectations
Lacking something sometimes feel so alienating.
Aside from asexuality and aromanticism that can exclude you from romantic and sexual experiences, being socially inadept is also something hard to take. It excludes you from so many things life has to offer.
Aroace people who are also aplatonic, aspec peple who struggle to make friends, aspec people who are outcasts, aspec people who are loners, aspec people who have a past negative experience with friendships, aspec people who are introverted, aspec people who are not comfortable with social interactions, aspec people who were bullied, aspec people who were the last choice in a friend group, aspec people who don't have a stable social circle, aspec people who only have two or three friends they can truly trust, aspec people who have social anxiety, aspec people who are always misunderstood, aspec people who have an "unfriendly" appearance, intimidating aspecs, aspec people who try to fit in so hard but it always feel fruitless, aplatonic people who are happy, aspec people who have no choice but to be by themselves, aspec people with avoidant attachment style, aspec people who love the friends they have but don't know how to show it.
It can never feel the same.
But does it have to?
The successful and happy life seems to be so linear. Graduate, get a high-paying job, be financially secure, find a partner, get married, have children, have sex. Build friendships. It's tiring having to stress out when it's ever gonna happen in this life.
Being aro and ace can already exclude you from at least two experiences. Does being a socially-anxious have to exclude you from making meaningful friendships too?
At this point, it won't even matter anymore. A life with less societal expectations is good too. At least, by carrying those labels around, there is a concrete reason for not engaging in a certain activity for the experience.
Additionally, building a life where we don't have to feel like we're missing out on what is socially expected - dating, getting married, having children, having sex, friendships - doesn't sound like a bad idea.
Lacking something doesn't need to be so alienating. If you extricate yourself from the feeling that makes you uncomfortable in the first place - not having a certain relationship - and replace it with something good, like focusing on your career and volunteering, it feels much more fulfilling.
Accept the void.
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Wednesday prompt :) what if the reason Valentine made Luke a wolf was that a wronged nephilim in a parabatai bond can declare the other an oathbreaker, to trigger divine judgement, and if the judgement finds fault with the other you get back your soul piece and the other is punished? What if Alec, faced with another entitled and selfish rant, just snaps and declares Jace an oathbreaker?
okay so I couldn't figure out a way that would work like you were wanting but i did really like the idea that traditionally, a ritual with the silent brothers as a conduit to raziel is the only one allowed to judge and break a parabatai bond
this is actually an au of all your cracks i'll paint gold. because my thought is that an alec who didn't have the faith or hope to wait to give jace till the very last minute (because until the first rune is taken, some part of alec still believes jace is coming). this alec knows he's about to be deruned and he wants to lose his parabatai bond on his own terms. because fuck if he's going to let the clave tear him from jace, he's going to ask raziel to judge them and whoever ends up taking the brunt, so be it. because only raziel can judge the bond between him and jace.
also a part of alec expects to be the one judged as an oathbreaker. he's really tangled up in his own thoughts at this point and he knows he's not thinking straight which makes him doubt himself.
alec wants answers and to fuck the clave by not letting them get their way.
also tbh, for parabatai, i think the loss of the bond itself, especially not knwing what is happening would feel like divine punishment itself. especially for two peple who are so devout to the bond.
i hope you still enjoy <3
Alec doesn’t know what to do, but there is only one thing left to try and Jace is going to lose him either way. This is the most selfish thing Alec’s ever done in his life and he almost doesn’t do it, until he thinks about how long he’s been sitting here, alone.
Jace isn’t coming. Alec knows that at this point. Wherever his parabatai is with Clary, it’s far beyond anywhere that Alec can reach him in time.
And Alec can’t stay sitting here, waiting to be deruned whenever Imogen gets bored of making him wait.
Treated like he isn’t a Commander and not even given the choice of someone as a witness of his own to keep watch.
“I demand the presence of a Silent Brother for an oath.” Alec rasps to the next shadowhunters who pass, and they wince, looking at him with concern but they shake their heads.
Imogen has scared them all with his imprisonment and Alec is paying the price. Alec is normally the backbone of his Institute, the shield between him and the clave and while they trust him to do that, Alec’s never been their official leader or had the chance to make these hunters completely his.
It’s with a snarl and the determination of spite in his heart — because what was the point of any of this? Of denying himself and Magnus even a moment of anything if this is the way things end — and Alec spits his blood and saliva onto the ground.
It’s grueling work.
Alec was already tired from patrol and the mess with Meliorn when they dragged him to a cell and pronounced him a traitor.  There’s been no soul sword and no trial. They want an example and they’re not afraid to use Alec as one.
Where once, Alec would have assumed he had the protection and privilege of the Lightwood name, he knows now that none of it is true. He’s protected himself and his siblings by his own merits, despite their name, all of these years.
So, Alec reaches deep within himself and calls forward the blood magic that every nephilim is told about but rarely any ever attempt.
It’s a brutal, vicious magic that can turn even the simplest of magical desires into an onslaught of eldritch curses.
Alec uses the blood from his split lip and cut cheek and paints a series of runes before placing his hand down and willing it to activate.
His fingers shatter from the pressure he’s using t push down at the same time the array activates and Alec smiles in satisfaction, copper thick on his tongue.
“The Silent Brothers have been summoned and so will remain, especially for a trial we were not notified of.”
“Because this isn’t a trial.” Alec rasps out, “I’ve been asked no questions and offered no recourse. I request two things of the Silent Brothers, one of each.”
“Your requests?”
“I declare a broken oath between parabatai. I wish to let the angel judge my parabatai and I’s bond, not the clave.”
Alec isn’t going to fight his deruning, he can’t.
But he’s not going to let the clave strip away his bond, the angel himself can do that.
“The second request?”
“After the first is finished.” Alec says firmly, not about to let them know that his request depends on how the ritual goes.
“Very well. You will need a warlock to maintain your vitals.”
Alec hates to do it, but there isn’t a warlock who he trusts more than Magnus and Alec is very tired of being betrayed.
“What is going on?” Magnus asks tightly, because the Institute is full of strange nephilim and there isn’t a single one he recognizes. Which normally isn’t strange, except it wasn’t like this even a week ago.
“You’ve been requested to monitor and maintain the vitals of the nephilim, Alexander Gideon Lightwood, during a ritual.” The Silent Brother escorting him informs him with their invasive way of communication.
Magnus freezes, because this sounds dangerously close to the idea that he’ll be holding Alexander’s life in his hands.
“And he knows I am the warlock working with him?”
“You are the only warlock he would agree to work with.”
Magnus wonders at what that means and curses the flare of hope in his chest. As he enters the room he frowns, noticing it’s heavily guarded by what are clearly clave guards.
They sneer as he passes and Magnus lets his glamour drop, smirking as they flinch from him.  The cell-like quality of the room means he’s not prepared for Alexander when he enters, though he should be.
Alexander looks exhausted and worse than Magnus has ever seen him, and his eyes are dull. There’s a small spark, the softening of Alexander’s gaze on him. When their eyes meet there is wonder and curiosity for a brief heartbeat before Magnus’ glamour goes back up and Alexander’s eyes drop to the floor.
“Well, this is not how I imagined seeing you again.” Magnus says, trying to soften his words but he’s surprised, and he can’t help it and the hope makes him coy. “In my dreams, I imagined crashing your wedding. Not being summoned here to keep you alive.”
Alexander lets out a hoarse, defeated laugh and shakes his head. “There’s not going to be a wedding to crash, Magnus. I’m being deruned for treason. If I’m alive in a week, it’ll be considered impressive.”
Magnus feels his heart crack with the icy hands that have suddenly grabbed it.
“Tell me, everything, Alexander. Now.”
Alec sends him a weary, hopeless gaze and then shrugs, his hoarse voice forming words that tear into Magnus’ cracking heart.
Alec recites the words of his oath, the one that will allow Raziel to judge the bonds of his and Jace’s soul.
If he’s to lose this, then he’s going to do it by his own choice.
He expects the pain, when it comes, but it’s more excruciating than he thought it would be. 
The part of Jace’s soul that is melded with his own is burrowed tightly. It writhes and tugs and fights leaving, and Alec is too tired to do anything but accept the pain and the struggle. He doesn’t even have the energy to fight for himself, he certainly doesn’t have the energy to fight for Jace one last time.
Instead, he lets him go and wonders, whose soul will be returned to who.
Magnus has never seen such a gruesome, intimate ritual in all of his life, and it galls him at how many are watching it.  He’s keeping Alexander’s heart beating only through the strength of his magic, or Alexander would be lifeless on the flat table they’ve laid him on.  There is nothing to comfort him or ease him from the cold marble and Magnus seethes that he wasn’t allowed to add any kind of magical cushioning.
It’s as if they want Alexander to feel the most discomfort possible.
He can see it in Alexander’s eyes, the surprise and confusion of waking up and it breaks apart the walls he tried so hard to hastily rebuild.
Alexander didn’t expect to wake up and Magnus was the only one he trusted to make sure that if he did die, he was properly taken care of. Death is an intimate affair for shadowhunters, and Magnus knows the honor he’s been given, but every part of this except keeping Alexander alive feels like a curse.
Because what could have happened in the mere days since they last talked and saw each other, to send Alexander spiraling so low? When he was so proud in his own misguided beliefs the last time they saw each other.
“His soul and bond have been judged. Alexander Lightwood’s soul has been returned to him; he has not broken the oath of his bond.”
Alexander doesn’t look pleased by the pronouncement, if anything the distress and grief grow before they’re hidden away.  It’s then that Magnus realizes, while there are a variety of important shadowhunters, there isn’t a single person there connected to Alexander. 
“Is family not allowed?” He asks casually, smirking at the Silent Brother, because all of their order know Magnus’ reputation enough that it’s better to indulge his curiosity.
“There was no family willing or available to come.” Is what he’s told instead of something like, ‘they’re not allowed’ and Magnus, Magnus itches with the urge to destroy something.
“And Alexander?”
Whatever information Magnus is about to learn, is interrupted by Alexander himself.
“My second request, to the Silent Brothers. To request the right of severance. A trial of law.”
Magnus is curious and he raises an eyebrow imperiously at the Silent Brother standing near him.  Magnus hears the mental sigh before he’s told, “to request such a thing, means the clave has first betrayed the nephilim requesting it. There is no risk besides the soul sword knowing it is a lie and he is still due to be deruned. If he cuts himself from the clave, the clave cannot destroy first destroy him.”
“Does he need a magical aid?” Magnus asks without thinking, because of course he wants to help Alexander get away from the people doing this to him.
“Only comfort, when the strength of his own will finally fails him.”
Magnus wonders what that means but he has no further interest in what is being said and he takes the five steps that separate him and Alexander.
“What will happen, when you succeed in the next ritual?”
“I might fail.”
“You won’t.” Magnus assures him, his fingers light as he boldly places his hand on Alexander’s shoulder. Alexander stiffens for a moment and Magnus almost moves, before Alexander visibly relaxes and leans even closer.
“I’ll be allowed to leave the clave, though I doubt any Institute will take me. I wouldn’t trust them either, not anymore.” It’s a bitter thing for Alexander to admit and Magnus can tell. “I’ll still have my runes; I won’t be hunted. I can hide in the edges of the mundane world if I need to. I’m sure Night Markets have some use for what I can hunt.”
Magnus tsks and tightens his grip on Alexander’s shoulder and sends a soothing, warming pulse through Alexander’s muscles. His shadowhunter has been shivering since the ritual and not a single shadowhunter has offered him a blanket.
This entire time he’s been dressed in thin clothes, the kind nephilim are buried in, as if his fate is already decided on. Magnus is going to burn the horrendously white shirt and pants Alexander is wearing and never let him wear the color again.
After Alexander agrees… of course.
Alexander’s voice is low, but strong as he speaks his truth upon the soul sword. It carries across the room as he grips the soul sword and speaks.  He looks at no one but Magnus as he talks, repeating line for line the various laws the clave have broken in his case. Even Imogen looks a little pale when he’s done, as if hearing the truth of her own crimes is worse the committing them.
Alexander seems stunned when he’s finished.
As if he didn’t really think it would work, as if he thought he might actually be in the wrong and Magnus heart breaks.
“Alexander—” Magnus murmurs as he walks towards him, for his shadowhunter’s eyes haven’t once looked away from Magnus’ unglamoured ones. His dark eyes are weary as he watches Magnus, there’s no satisfaction in having one.
Hazel eyes widen in shock as Alexander watches Magnus reach out and wrap his fingers around the hilt of the soul sword.
“None of it has ever been a game. I would cherish you, darling. Far more than the clave, your family, your parabatai or even your exalted angel, Raziel.” The sword doesn’t stop him from speaking, because it isn’t a lie. Raziel cares little for the race he created and what Magnus is starting to feel for Alexander can’t be matched even by a divine being.
Let alone the petty, hateful mortals that have brutalized Alexander’s heart and soul so badly.
“What if you get tired?” Alexander asks and Magnus knows he’s too worn to voice the ‘of me’ aloud.
“I will keep you for every moment of your life.” Magnus tells him, swearing upon an angelic relic that croons temptingly to the corrupted blood in Magnus. “I will never throw you from me. Or give up on you. Whatever exists between us, it can grow to whatever we let it and no matter what that is, I will never abandon you. You, just you, would be enough, Alexander.”
Alexander wraps his trembling arms around Magnus and nods, “then take me away. Please, Magnus. From all of it.”
Magnus smirks at the one Silent Brother who never approached him and Jem nods in return. If his friend hadn’t told him about the properties of the soul sword in detail, this never would have worked.  However, Jem isn’t afraid to toe the line of nephilim law and Magnus has never seen him so enraged as he was when he pressed against Magnus’ mind in secrecy earlier.
The clave cannot refute Magnus’ words, not when sworn on the soul sword or witnessed by two Silent Brothers and that means that this is binding.
The clave no longer has any say or power over Alexander, only Magnus does.
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kunstpause · 5 months
Welcome to a little interactive Tav/Astarion Au fic.
Hello, I'm your writer and DM today. This will be a story where the major decisions and dialogue choices will be determined via twitter poll. I am aiming for this to be a gender-neutral Tav, so you can headcanon whatever you want in that regard, but we are gonna give them some character nonetheless. Also: It's an AU, so we won't touch the main plotpoints of the game. This is for the silly romance feels and perhaps some vampire steaminess. So be aware that, depending on choices, this could get nsfw.
And because I am very tired of the constant Spawn vs Ascended discourse, we are going with a secret third option, the details of which you might find out in the story, again, depending on choices, of course. ^^
You can find the interactive version here on my Twitter
Setting: Countess Sierran is known for throwing the social events of the season in Neverwinter, raising money for good causes, and giving people a platform to meet all sorts of new acquaintances. You know that this is also an inofficial welcome to someone fairly new to the city. A white-haired man who bought a sizable estate but not that many people have met yet in person. Rumor has it he has left his home of Baldur's Gate behind for good, but why and what for is the source of much gossip. Perhaps tonight, there will be some answers, or maybe just a lot more questions.
But before we can start: Character creation!
The options are under the cut and on twitter, under this post with the matching polls to vote for.
Pick a name, I've tried to pick suggestions that work for any gender. 1 - River 2 - Ash 3 - Morgan 4 - Storm
What brings you to the palace tonight? (Background)
1 - The Hero You are a seasoned adventurer that has been through a lot and made a name for themselves. Even when not being part of nobility, your deeds have granted you an invitiation nonetheless. Everyone in the city knows your name, after all. If its generosity or a political move, you cannot say. Yet.
2 - The Commoner You are an oridinary person, a commoner living in the city and making ends meed by working as a tailor. One of your oldest friends has married rich and keeps sending buisness your way. And one day, an invitation along with this. You are here on their good graces, trying not to leave a bad impression.
3 - The Servant You are a servant of the palace, having worked for the countess for a while. You keep your ear to the ground, hearing far more of what the nobility gossips about than anyone could possibly imagine. It's a simple life, but your employer is fair and you can't complain. Tonight, you're responsible for seeing to the guest's needs, even thought o msot of them, you are mostly invisible.
4 - The Criminal You've spent your childhood on the streets, learning early that no one gives you anything, and you have to take what you want by any means necessary. Nowadays, you are a blade for hire, and your current employer has sent you here with an invitation and a target. You know how to blend in perfectly, dagger hidden beneath clothes as you wait for just the right moment.
What do people think of you (Personality)
1 - The Closed Book You are a closed book, you rarely talk, and especially not about something personal. You are so stoic, people have a hard time getting to know you, and many don't put in the effort to try.
2 - The Charmer You are upbeat and easy to talk to, but you know how to play an audience. You use charme to set people at ease, but what you truly feel and think is often a mystery.
3 - The Open One You are friendly and open, not seeing a point in hiding how you truly feel. You wear your heart on your sleeve and often disarm people with how genuine you are.
4 - The Liar Telling the truth is for peple not careful enough. You have an easy time lying and utilize that skill to keep yourself safe and others at arm's length.
What do you strive for (Goals)
1 - Riches and Comfort You want more. No matter where you are right now, you know there is something more for you out there, and all you need to do is go after it with all your heart.
2 - A Different Life Everything is wrong. You know you are not who you are supposed to be. You need to get away from the status quo by any means necessary, even if that means accepting help.
3 - Peace and Quiet All you want is to rest. Life has been troublesome enough, you just want something quaint and peaceful where you don't have to be "someone" anymore.
4 - Nothing You are perfectly content in your current situation, you want nothing to change at all, and if you have to, you are ready to put the work in or even fight to keep what you have.
What frightens you (Fears)
1 - Lonelyness You can't stand the thought of being on your own. You need someone with you, someone who fights for you and you for them.
2 - Death You fear nothing more than the cold finality of death. It lurks around every corner and you know you have to be smart to outwit it.
3 - Betrayal You have difficulties trusting people, the thought that someone who knows you intimately turns your back on you is petrifying.
4 - Obscurity The thought of being forgotten, of your life not mattering to anyone in the long run and leaving no impact behind once you are gone sends chills down your back.
If you wanna influence the main character you have until the weekend to vote on it here.
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cha0tician · 11 months
What point are you even trying to make? When people take meds they read what side effects may occur and decide if its worth it.
When people go to a haunted house they're told what may happen inside and make a choice whether or not to go in.
Going on a zip line? Same shit. Someone says "shit may go wrong" and peple make a choice. Those guys had to have known that the pressure could affect the sub. They were rich, not brain dead. Especially since the ceo talked about that in the interviews. They signed the waiver agreeing to potentially die. And they died. What's your point??
Yeah side effects and accidents exist and people have to make decisions whether or not to participate. They did, and died.
my post was in response to people saying that since they signed a waiver the fact that the craft was completely unregulated means its entirely their own fault that they died, rather than the systems that allowed the submersible to be launched at all.
i was saying, as i explained in the comments already, you get complacent in the inherent risks of life when its worked fine so far, and what are the odds it would be you when shit goes wrong? sure this was inevitable, either with or without it being this specific company and sub. but its worked for a few years before now and theres been no huge scandal about it, no ones died or nothin, even though the conditions say "death may occur"... well. seems safe enough in practice.
bonkers to be so aggro at someone on anon about this though! hope youre having a good implosion party or whatever the fuck youre doing
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mhevarujta · 2 years
Otto in 1x05 + book spoilers
Otto Hightower had a single scene and it was SO IMPORTANT for his character.
I don’t agree with the fans who are claiming that Otto was manipulating Alicent by saying that Rhaenyra will have to put her sons to the sword and I genuinelt believe that, from his perspective, he’s doing the best for the kingdom.
Let me expand on this a bit:
Otto is a traditionalist and the product of a misogynist society. He loved his wife and he loves his women, something that we really saw because of Rhys Ifans’ expressions during that hug, but he is still an awful person for a woman to be around because he believes that women are meant to play their roles, to comply and to endure. He knows that in their society women do not choose their lives, do not rule and further men’s plans, claims and ambitions and he accepts that as the way of things without seeing anything wrong with it.
Otto ALWAYS cared for the kingdom, and this is not acknowledged enough. He initially supported Rhaenyra over Daemon because he considered him a plague (’better the Realm’s Delight than Lord Flea Bottom’).
Nevertheless, he is genuine in his belief that a woman on the throne would eventually lead to war because she wouldn’t be accepted. Otto wanted a male heir and was in favor of Viserys marrying and having a male heir. Sure, as many peple did at court, he wished to fulfill his ambitions and to strengthen his house. But his support of a potential male heir was there either way. It was just even better if said heir was of his own blood. Also, his claim about Rhaenyra HAVING to kill Alicent’s son is actually true from his perspective. He didn’t claim that Rhaenyra would WANT to kill them. He just thinks that even if she doesn’t do so initially, she’ll eventually see that as long as there are male heirs she will never have the acceptance she wishes for and she would always be vulnerable because too many in that society believed in men’s claim being the only one that mattered. His logic says that if Rhaenyra is smart, she’ll grasp this and then she’ll have to act.
As a bonus, I’d like to add that Otto is an opportunist. He let Alicent be Viserys’ choice in a sense. But overall, he is very direct about what he wants. He openly kept pushing Aegon as the heir. He did not try to spread information about Rhaenyra’s presence at Flea Bottom indirectly. Even as the hand of his own grandson, he later furthers diplomacy over violence, for the good of the realm, to the point that Aegon II gets pissed and dismisses him.
He is not a good person. But I find him fascinating as a politician and as a character, and Rhys Ifans is a phenomenal actor in everything he’s been in and gives a beautiful performance.
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halfmoth-halfman · 8 months
Okay so going back to the fact that me and the devil is canary's song..
While you could appoint it to her relationship with many of the main men in the fic I think it especially applies to her and graves just because the lyrics fit so well to their dynamic
Like the lyrics, "me and the devil walking side by side" is quite obviously yknow THEM but graves truly is the devil to canary and the people around, like price has always treated her with respect (not without his flaws of course) I can't say the same for makorov of course but graves ABUSED AND MANIPULATED canary way before any other character came into the picture (makorvov esp) so like she doesnt know him to be any different, he really is the devil to her
there's also the lyrics,
"And I'm gonna see my man until I get satisfied" could be canary singing about her and price and their affair, the way she choose price over graves (rightfully so) and how graves was so pissed about it and her defiance and her finally getting her freedom from graves
"Peple dogging me around" is absoubletly graves and his manipulation and his abuse towards canary over the course of their marriage
And then of my fav points, "it must be that old evil spirit so deep down in your ground" IS ABSOUBLETLY ABOUT ADLER AND HOW HE TOOK GRAVES ON AS HIS OWN... HIS GREED AND LUST FOR POWER SEEPING IN AND CORRUPTING GRAVES, (not saying he wasn't already corrupted) but the way that graves' greed for power and controll over every aspect of his and canarys life definetly comes from adler and his teachings that he installed in him when he first took him on, and how it affected canary through their marriage
Moving on to, "you may bury my body down by the highway side" now I think this is canary basically telling graves that it doesn't matter what he does to her , he can pretend that he was adler's son, and the estate belongs to him etc etc, but at the end of the day canary will always be in the back of his mind, deep down he knows that everything he has is down to her and IS ACTUALLY HERS and he had to live with that
Anyway this is just my interpretation, and ofcourse you can applies this to any character and canary really, (price, graves, adler, makorvov) but that's just my view
(Sorry this was so long 😭)
yes yes yes i am loving this
like with price, he was charming and respected her (for the most part) and with makarov, canary knew what kind of man he was going to be before she ever met him, but graves?? graves was the ultimate betrayal she didn't see coming because she truly did love him and he manipulated her and while he may never have hit her (until the last chapters) he absolutely did abuse her and was more than happy to let other people abuse her too. even adler, who was without a doubt awful to her, would never have let that happen to her.
and the second part about her choosing price over graves??? absolutely. esp given that she chose price over him and then worked with price to take graves and makarov down even though she didn't fully trust him. that had to really sting for graves because she's always forgiven him before, always looked the other way but that was because she had no choice and he's convinced himself that it was because she felt some kind of attachment to him. and now that she has options and she so easily would pick price over him, that she would dare to pick anyone but him???
"People dogging me around" is soooo much graves, but i think it also fits adler and his treatment of her through her childhood. like graves was awful to her, but that animosity toward her started from adler and i think to some extent graves learned that manipulating her wasn't something to be ashamed of because he watched adler do it too.
YES!! regardless of whether adler meant to or not, he essentially raised graves to see his treatment of canary as okay and something that had to be done to secure his power. of course graves could've ended up like that had adler never taken him in because he still would've been part of adler's empire, but it would've been nowhere near the extent it became where he was willing to work with makarov. and he def would have never been able to get close enough to canary to be able to manipulate her into marriage. while canary def has some of adler's anger and his want for violent justice, graves is absolutely all of the worst parts of adler put together.
i wholeheartedly agree with this. and you can kind of see that in graves's mind in the final chapter. he knows that canary is out of his league, that he only had her and only ever would've gotten her through manipulation because at the end of the day, she's russell adler's daughter. everything he has belongs to her, and it doesn't matter how close graves thought he was with adler; the only reason he has the wealth, the power that he has now is because of her and she could take it all away with a wave of her hand. he will always know he didn't earn a single thing he has, and that whether canary had died or lived, adler never cared enough for him because he's not family.
omg pls don't apologize, this was lovely and such a good interpretation!! i could talk about the canary/adler/graves dynamics all day!! 💜
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eternally-anomalous · 11 months
here's a fun exercise: just entirely reinvent the karmas. what do YOU think would be what keeps peple tied to this plane?
karmas as in sins?
lecturing me about my choice of enemies, i dont care if they're the "nicest person ever" i still hate them.
anyone who does that should become an echo forever, unless its dew, who isnt allowed to get echoed
-eternal anomaly
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mikuni14 · 2 years
Kinnporsche ep 12 - AKA Porsche, Porsche Porsche
Porsche's emotions carried this episode, Porsche RULED. His love, support and devotion to his brother, the whole range of emotions shown in the scenes with Kinn, Korn and uncle … anger, disappointment, a sense of betrayal, forgiveness - first cautious, then full, because Porsche cannot do otherwise. We saw how much it costs him to control his emotions. Apo was wonderful in this episode, the most PRECIOUS,  god I love him 💖🥺 Not that I besmirch Mile' honor! :) Kinn fought for Porsche and their relationship the whole episode. Seeing Kinn barely controlling his panic that Porsche might just walk away, hurt my heart. When Porsche pulled away from him the first time, Kinn tensed up, a scene of constant apologies - you can see that Kinn is barely in control of his panic, then when they "get to know each other", Kinn swallows nervously, stll unsure and afraid. His fear of losing Porsche, his desperate attempts to save their relationship, along with how Porsche dealt with his problems - these were the highlights of this episode.✨ I liked the scenes where Kinn hugs Porsche who allows him to do so, but doesn't give back the hug (and Porsche's interesting choice of clothes). The scene in the car. Getting to know each other again and Kinn kissing Porsche's hand. And the best part was that Kinn and Porsche ultimately prevented strangers from affecting their relationship. That they fought for themselves TOGETHER.
Korn's cute little sob story was hilarious. If he really wanted to help the children of his friend's victims to ease his own conscience, he would pay off their debts and pay for their college. But this? Forcing Porsche to work as a bodyguard for the mafia? Which part of this plan was going to be "good" and “beneficial” to Porsche and Chay? Porsche could have worked for them in a position that would not involve the possibility of being KILLED. * headdesk * Also, I don't quite understand, Kinn gave up his "job" to live with Porsche?? And only Porsche is trying to be realistic in this situation? The “rich peple trying to live a simple life with teir poor beloved” thing is rarely, if ever, successful. It's the fairy tale stuff.
VegasPete Their scenes taken out of context were nice, but their story line doesn't make any sense. The only thing that made sense to me was that Vegas and Pete were really playing their scenes as "kidnapper" and "kidnapped" and had already completely fallen out of their roles, with a handcuffs as a sad, forgotten props. That's why I was able to understand why Pete came back. I watch VegasPete not being emotionally involved, because I just don't feel this ship and actors don't have any noticeable chemistry together. So without the pink glasses of being their fan and wanting them to be together (I know how it is to be biased), I honestly can't see how they got into their sex scene and how that not-really-bdsm sex has happened. There really wasn't anything so that suggest that Pete is interested in Vegas sexually, and that he's a masochist. NOTHING. (not that they did anything really SM). If anyone knows at what point it was shown or suggested, please tell me, because in my opinion there is simply no such scene and objectively I do not know where Vegas came from saying that Pete's eyes shine when he sees Vegas "moody". Pete shows fear when Vegas is "moody", he even literally showed it a scene earlier, when Vegas mood changed suddenly, because Pete said something wrong. Yes, Pete also shows him compassion, empathy, support, help in understanding his emotions. But there is no scene where Pete is excited, aroused beacause of Vegas. NOTHING. SUGGESTED. PETE'S. ATTRACTION. After what was said about their sex scene, that it was mentally and physically charging experience for the actors, I expected something very extreme. Meanwhile, their sex scene was … nice? 😘🥺I mean … they were more daring in Unforgotten Night, and I honestly laughed all through their scene. In Uforgotten Night however, the series shows that ‘Dom’ is very interested in the ‘sub’, there is progress in their relationship, although they had only limited time. In KP, Vegas and Pete are talking about something completely different and suddenly BAM, Vegas suggests Pete wants him, Pete kisses Vegas, which makes him seem as surprised as I am, Pete hands him ropes. ??????? Don't get me wrong, the scene was nice, but I have no idea how they got there, and it was, well, nice? and pretty? and actually sweet?😚 I mean, COME ON, Vegas kissing Pete's hands? Kisses? Caresses? Smiles? Very lovely :) (Well, unless it's not their only hot scene and we're just waiting for the Right One 😁)
Jeff's "DON'T" floored me OH.MY.GOD. I am salty, Jeff’s character is wasted in this drama. WASTED, PEOPLE!!!!
Kissing hands. So much hand kissing. Kinn’s eyes barely leaving Porsche’s face 💖💞✨🥺
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lovewheeler · 2 years
i'm so jealous of ur venus (libra + taurus are both great placements for venus, libra moreso) !! basically ur charming/flirty/a romantic (other parts of ur chart have this influence already, so this also solidifies) + ur usually able to thrive in stable and healthy relationships
i hate falling into "zodiac stereotype" questions but LOL w ur mercury being in libra too.. do u have a tendency to be indecisive? bec ik a lot of libra placements have a tendency to be indecisive or second guess themselves/their choices
— 🪞
this is so cute what the fuck I love that 🥺🥺 it’s also weirdly accurate what … YES LMAO IM THE MOST INDECISIVE PERSON EVER ITS SO BAD I HAVE TO ASK 18484949 PEPLE TO MAKE A DECISION FOR ME
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el-the-cell · 6 months
These are my very ignorant thoughts about war, peace, and cultural differences altogether. Beware potential bullshit ahead.
tldr: peoples come and go, the concept of land ownership is idiotic, cultural differences are not what causes conflict, authorities pitting groups against each other (mostly for profit) are what causes conflict, but the conflict goes on because people hurt each other so bad forgiveness is no longer an option.
I do not understand the history of russia, ukraine, palestine and israel well. Certainly not as well as i understand the history of my own region.
But all three cases, i believe, there is the similarity of governments enciting the violence of different cultures against one another, in a way that ends up harming civillians more than anything else.
The truth, in my opinion, is that it's not intrinsecally impossible for people to live peacefully with one another just because of culture, religion, traditions, ideologies, what will you.
What makes it hard, is the harm that people have been forced to do, have been convinced to do, and found themselves with no other choice than doing to each other, either by governments or by the extenuating circumstances of being robbed of all they had, be it culturally or from a material point of view.
People end up doing terrible things to each other, which just can not be forgiven by single people, but create wounds that can only be healed through the passage of time and the change of generations, and also, the comfort of freedom and not living in poverty.
The longer the war lasts, the more people die and suffer, the longer it will take for those wounds to heal. Peace can not be brought by war. It can only be born from peace. A peace treaty made after a war, where the losing party is completely getting fucked over, will only lead to new insurrections, grief, anger and more war (see germany after the treaty versailles).
To illustrate my point i would like to put forward the case of my region, which is south tyrol. South tyrol was a part of the austro-hungarian empire, populated mostly by german speakers. When the entente won the war, the region was given to italy, it is said, because of the natural border of the alps that separated it from austria.
Now, from a nationalist point of view italy does not give a shit about south tyrol, because there aren't many people who are culturally "italian". However, the fascists thought, if it's not italian, let's MAKE IT italian. yes. wonderful idea. Let's force the german speakers to change their name to an italian one, let's force them to abandon their culture.
ALSO let's literally deport poorer italians to the region so it becomes mainly populated by italians, who will work in the new industries and win the elections, and also make it impossible for south tyrol to ever try to leave, because italians live there too now. GREAT.
But this is only the surface level story. Another folk who got fucked over, still in the fourteen hundreds are the ladin people. They speak a language similar to the rumantsch spoken in switzerland. All official documents in south tyrol were written in ladin before the region was forcibly germanified.
There also were a few italians already living there. My ancestors for example. Half my family is from a long line of italians who lived in the habsburg empire and spoke german as a second language. Just like i do.
My great-great-grandfather for example was an austro hungarian inspector, who died immediately before the outbreak of ww1. (I know, a cop. not proud of it, but in the next generation, half of my relatives were fascists. so. like. there generally isn't much to be proud of).
After the end of ww2 every one was fucking pissed at each other. With the level of poverty, peple had nothing to lose, and many rights to gain back after the fall of fascism. I won't go into details, but in the 70s it came to serious acts of terrorism from the german speakers, and also from austrians who thought they were fighting for the freedom of a people, against italians who hadn't even asked to be there in the first place.
While the situation has calmed down, because the italian state has pumped our region full with money, and given the germans their names back, and allowed our region to keep most of our taxes, it became less profitable to make politics that encites violence and scission. It does not mean this has stopped. It goes on, people are still making money from it. The two cultures are wary of each other, and the school systems are still devided. When we turn 18, we are asked to declare to which group we belong.
But anyway, the final point i wanted to make, is that a power can always feed propaganda to one side, while starving and impoverishing the other, and taking away their rights until things snap. You can do this with any group of people. Could be the most bullshit criteria, the most insignificant difference. And then, the difference will be considered the reason for violence. Not the powers that put two groups against each other.
And alas, people come and go naturally from place to place, cultures mix, interact, break apart, develop, and things will always be changing. We don't own the land we live on, we are only temporarily borrowing it. Thousads were here before us, more will be here after us. Same with the other living beings. Nationalism is doomed for this reason.
Go in peace; don't let politicians make you angry at other groups of people that have no authority over you. They're just people-ing, like you.
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haydee-gd · 5 years
VIPs, you guys are the best!!!
me ❤️
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zer0comma · 5 years
this scan had me laughing for an hour like they put Fab's photo and they captioned it with "a Stroke" it makes me think of the strokes as this rare species of super hot men while during that time they were just a bunch of young men who wore the same clothes for days
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far-butter · 4 years
This game’s release also reminded me the hurtful truth about my thousands  metas for my other blog still being WIP or not even started. Bc many famous pirates were Bretons and there are some early punk icons I’d like to present to Tumblr and also some fuckers who I’ll never let rest in peace. Anyway. I have a very special thing for pirates since Sails in the Fog, before it ate all my diamonds and glitched and I lacked the heart for reinstalling it. I hope we’ll be able to be polyam in Distant Shore bc I’m shit at chosing LIs. They’re all so well written in Choices stories.
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olderthannetfic · 2 years
Its really obnoxious when people decry you for being transphobic re:genderbending debate if you dont have like. NB peple in your works. HONESTLY Im nb and I dont really. Want to headcanon many preexisting characters as NB- especially when the story requires a man or a woman to still work the same worldbuidingwise (ex- magic entities choosing only girls or something). It just feels cheap and clumsy at best and invalidating at worst because usually when this happens they dont even change up the rules. Ex- Kyubey getting a genderbent NB version of a canon character and still calling the classification 'magical girls' and the rules being 'girls with potential' with their character arc originally being very intertwined with being a girl, and this character being the ONLY known NB character in the fic. Having a NB character for this feels worse than not having any at all.
To others it might not, and fics like that serve their purpose for them, but when people come up to *actually nonbinary people* and accuse them of transphobia for not using the fanon NB genderbends(which are often kinda steriotypical choices for rep tbh)... Just... Very Online fandomwank there. Irony at its finest.
Very Online is exactly what it is.
It's probably easier to make original work if the objective is rep. Make a magical system where there are three or more gender categories that correlate with talents or something.
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linkspooky · 3 years
Hi! This might be a stupid ask, but do you know why Choso looks sad in the last page of the latest Jujutsu Kaisen chapter?
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He’s sad because Yuji won’t call him Onii-chan <3, obviously! Just kidding anon,  your ask is really good actually because it allowed me to think about a deeper point made by this chapter, Choso and Yuji are foils, brothers, but they’re not really getting along despite teaming up. They’re facing opposite directions. More under the cut. 
1. The Cursed Children
Yuji and Choso are foils. They are both curse / human hybrids but they are completely opposite in origin. To clarify Yuji is a curse / human hybrid, by eating the cursed object “Sukuna’s Finger” he gained the properties of a curse and became a vessel for Sukuna’s cursed energy. Yuji isn’t a natural sorcerer, he has no innate technique of his own. 
Getwo gives a pretty good explanation of what Yuji is. There’s three types of beings and they can all channel cursed energy. 
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Non-sorcerers / Regular humans create cursed energy with their thoughts but it leaks out. Sorcerers are humans capable of chanelling cursed energy. Cursed spirits are beings made of pure cursed energy. 
Yuji started out (as far as we know) in category one, a person unable to see cursed energy or channel it. Humans that can channel cursed energy from a young age like Miwa or Megumi are category. The divide between Miwa and Megumi is that Miwa is a sorcerer born with the ability to channel cursed energy, but without an innate technique hence why she’s a simple domain user which is a cursed energy usage that doesn’t require an innate technique you’re born with. Megumi was born with the innate technique of ten shadows, so he can use that on top of channeling cursed energy. 
Thirdly, is cursed spirits like Mahito and Jogo, they’re bodies are made out of pure cursed energy, and they can channel it because they were formed from the cursed energy that leaks out of non-sorcerers slash regular humans. 
When Getwo says he wants to create a new kind of sorcerers he divides them into two categories. 
Yuji ingested a cursed object, and became a vessel for that cursed object’s energy. Therefore he is a human, but his whole body is a vessel for Sukuna’s cursed energy. He comes off looking half and half, a hybrid between category one and category three.
The second type is peple like Junpei. They were born with innate technique and the ability to see cursed energy making them like Megumi, but for some reasons their brains aren’t wired to be able to use their technique so their brains needed to be modified. Even in that case, Junpei became more like a sorcerer, able to channel cursed energy, and use his innate technique of the poisoned jellyfish. He became more like Megumi. Whereas Yuji is a vessel for Sukuna’s cursed energy, he becomes more like Sukuna. 
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This is all just thoery but I think we’re supposed to take from Geto’s explanation is he’s trying to create two new kinds of sorceers. 
1) Non-Sorcerers with innate technique converted into sorcerers by programming their brains to be able to use the cursed technique they were already born with.
2) Non-Sorcerers with no innate technique, who gained cursed energy by consuming a cursed object. Therefore, he strengthens their body to make them strong enough to hold that cursed energy. 
If we define cursed spirits as a body made of cursed energy, who is also able to use cursed techniques, then the second type resembles cursed spirits yes? Yuji ever since he ate the finger is no longer simply human, he has become the hybrid of both Sukuna and Yuji. He is a hybrid half between normal human, and the curse known as Sukuna. 
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Choso is the result of Kamo Noritoshi’s previous attempt to create a hybrid of a “cursed spirit” a being made of pure energy and also “a sorcerer” born with an innate technique. Choso is both a cursed spirit, but also, someone who is carrying the genetically inate technique of the Kamo Clan. Just like Yuji he’s ambiguously both a curse and a human. Howevver his creation process was in reverse. 
Choso started out as a cursed object. 
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His fetus as a cursed object was then ingested by a human who was a non-sorcerer with no potential. At that point, Choso began to possess the body of the human, using the human as a host and a vessel. However, it’s flipped around. 
Yuji is the dominant personality even though he is the vessel to Sukuna’s cursed energy. In Choso’s case, Choso becomes the dominant personality even though he’s the cursed object but not the personality of the vessel. The result is, unlike other cursed spirits they’re given physical bodies that don’t disappear when they die. 
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I think it’s really ambiguous about whether or not the original personality of the vessel is kept in tact. Kechizu hid the face on his back which was crying out in pain, which might have been the original owner of the body. Choso however seems to have complete control. He doesn’t fight over control with two people in one body like Sukuna and Yuji. 
So, anyway opposites. Yuji decided to eat a cursed object of his own free will and became a hybrid that way.
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Choso, Kechizu and Eso had no control. They didn’t choose both how they were born, or how they were force fed into humans. Yuji chose to become Sukuna’s vessel, Choso literally didn’t have a choice. The plot even goes to point out that they don’t really have a paritcular hatred for sorcerer’s or humans. 
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They were in essence unborn children before this. 
Kechizu and Eso wake up, and the first thing the people who claim they “rescued them” tell them to do is go on a delivery mission for Sukuna’s fingers. They are suspicious but decide to comply because they “owe them” and because they think the world that the cursed spirits and Geto would make would be more “livable” for them.
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So their goal isn’t even specifically to hurt innocent people. It’s to live, and make sure all their brothers can live, and also, it’s to be free. In order to achieve that goal, however, they decided they were okay with hurting innocent people at first. 
It is fair to say that Choso did kill people upon waking up, and he’s responsible for that even if he was only being used by Geto. It’s also fair to say Yuji has every right to feel alienated from Choso because he decided to kill people, especially since that’s the opposite of Yuji’s goal.
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Choso’s goal is to choose how to live from now on, and Yuji’s goal is to choose how he’s going to die. However, their goal is kind of the same as well, because Choso’s goal is to be surrounded  family, and Yuji’s goal is to be surrounded by others. 
However, despite the fact that Choso wants to work together now with Yuji after considering him a brother. Yuji finds Choso offputting, which to be fair, he has killed people even unknowingly. On the other side though, I don’t think Yuji’s particularly upset with Choso, he’s just upset that Choso reminds him of hismelf. Choso is a cursed / human hybrid that unknowingly killed people. Yuji is a cursed / human hybrid that was manipulated by others (Sukuna) in order to kill people. 
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Yuji is having trouble coping with that. The reality that he hurt people. He can’t accept either of Choso’s feelings, first his sudden loyalty towards him as a brother, or his forgiveness for having unknowingly killed two other brothers. Yuji continues to hold these things against him and push Choso and his attemps to help away because he can’t forgive himself. He also, can’t look at himself.
Yuji’s face is drawn to highlight the unscarred side of his face this chapter. The scars he has were inflcited on him by a curse. Yuji’s face is now almost drawn in half, the unscarred side, andthe scarred side. By, showing only the unscarred side the author is using visual language to tell that Yuji is ignoring his own scars, and also ignoring the parts of him that are more like a curse because he’s so desperate to be seen as human. THat’s why he tunes Choso out. Choso who is a curse. But also he tunes Choso out because Choso is concerned for him and Yuji can’t accept Choso’s positive feelings when he feels so negatively about himself.
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Yuji and Choso are drawn as facing away from each other the whole chapter despite being left alone to each other, and talking to one another. I think Choso is sad, because he can sense this distance between them. Not only will his brother not look at him, but Yuji isn’t really ready or in a healthy place to accept his feelings. Which means that Choso can’t help his brother or comfort him the way he wants to. Nor can he get Yuji to understand his feelings, or understand what Yuji’s going through.
I think Choso feels lonely because he expected them to get along as well as him, and Eso and Kechizu did, but Yuji’s more complicated than that and he doesn’t know what to do besides hover around him and be there for him. Choso and Yuji are also reflections in that sense, Choso cares about his brothers above everything else, and prioritizes his brothers over the world. Yuji will always prioritize the whole world over himself, he is always thinking about saving strangers instead. Hence why, they have a hard time understanding each other even if they want to work together.  
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