#perks of having adhd
MC has ADHD (Part 1)
MC has ADHD, and medicated or not, there's no adderal in the Devildom, so they have to deal with it on their own. Sometimes that doesn't go over too well since the denizens of the Devildom have no clue how to handle you sometimes.
Lucifer understands that sometimes you put things off and procrastinate, he can deal with your habit when it's not nearly as bad as some of his brothers.
but today you just will not do anything. you have chores and homework and school and you haven't done any of them today! he can't understand it and is trying to lecture you but you just groan and tell him you can't do anything even if you tried. you did try, but he has a hard time believing it.
Lucifer freezes when you drop a phrase he doesn't know though. he stops and asks you what 'executive dysfunction' is and he sits and listens as you explain.
why do you not always have it, he wonders. and you do, but some days it's worse than others. today you can't do anything other than really mindless things and it's why you can't seem to get anything done.
is this condition tied to something else? . . . ok now you have to explain ADHD to him because he's heard of it but hasn't bothered learning about it since it's not something relevant to him.
after you explain everything he wants to know, Lucifer has a sneaking suspicion that it might be more relevant to his life than he thought, you described a certain brother of his and some of his behaviors too well.
he's curious and wonders if there's anything in the devildom will help. you said it's a physical thing, so there must be a medication that helps, right?
Adderal? he'll look into that. Lucifer leaves you be after that and within two days you're doing your work properly again. he does his best but there doesn't seem to be any human safe alternative to adderal in the devildom. he'll get you some from the human realm (somehow)
don't get him wrong, Mammon loves it when you guys go shopping! but what's the occasion, you tend to try to avoid going shopping with him!
impulse buying-wait weren't you lecturing him about that just a few days ago?! hypocrite!! Mammon's all pouty and defensive but you're just rolling your eyes.
there's a difference between constantly buying things just because and a random but uncommon impulse buy, and you only wanted to go to one store.
Mammon doesn't get it, you see something you want and you buy it, that's exactly what you're doing right now! Control nothing you owe him for lecturing him! buy him something!
no?! why are you laughing?!
you appease him by stopping at a cafe and getting him something while you sit down and explain why you suddenly had the strong rudge to stop at that store and buy something. you like that store and just really needed something you saw from it online, but you prefer shopping in person.
Mammon's confused when you get into something you have and he panics when you drop some weird name. like do you have a disease?! are you dying?!
no? so what is it? geez, don't scare him like that human! Mammon settles back and does his best to remember everything you say, and he gets really confused when he starts asking questions about ADHD and you start telling him about things he does.
Mammon asks you about it, mad that you're just making fun of him, but you just laugh and say that you were pretty sure he had ADHD too, and that he can ask you about anything he wants to know about it. it might be different since he's a demon, but you'll do your best.
you make him listen though, you threaten to use your pact to make him remember what you say, and he promises he won't forget (he wont, he always remembers things you say). once he does that, you make it very clear that knowing about his ADHD and stuff is NOT an excuse to use to get away with things.
It's mental, yes, and it's a real physical issue you have and he might have, but it's not a tool to just have at your disposal. you use it to explain things sometimes but he can't use ADHD as a scapegoat to get away with things. if he does you will rat him out to Lucifer for things he hides from his brother and that's a very scary threat. he won't be using it as an excuse any time soon, not just because of that but because you told him and he finally understands a lot more about parts of himself.
the first time he uses that knowledge and apologizes for not being able to do his homework to Lucifer, it catches his brother off guard, but it actually works. You end up explaining to Lucifer, who says he'll try to find something to help Mammon! he's really happy and shows it with lots of happy cuddles and little gifts for you that you helped him out like that.
Leviathan is angry- no furious! at you! how dare you!
you promised to be in his room right after school to play the new game he bought for you both! and he waited and waited because maybe you were running late or grabbing snacks or- or maybe you got abducted and you were hurting-
but no! it was none of that! 2 hours after school ended he finds out that you were having out with Mammon!!
Levi paces as he snaps and rages, demon form out, trying not to cry and very upset! you broke his trust, you blew him off and you didn't even care enough to tell him-!
he shuts up when you cover his mouth with your hand
and Levi's pissed! he's angry! he wants to stay angry dammit! so stop looking at him so upset-
you're so sorry you forgot, you tell him, you didn't mean to. you were so excited and even Diavolo can tell you that you were so excited but then as you were leaving school Lucifer needed you to run an errand.
And a big issue you struggle with is out of sight out of mind. Once you got that errand, it took the forefront of your mind and you ended up forgetting about your guys' play date gaming session.
Levi doesn't understand, how can you forget things that important that easily?! It makes no sense
Levi, bro, honey, you sweet demon, you need to remember that you've gotten the following important things: Lucifer's birthday, going out with Asmo, a study date with Satan
You literally hadn't showered in three days when Mammon reminded you 10 MINUTES BEFORE YOU HAD TO LEAVE FOR A PHOTO SHOOT NO ONE REMINDED YOU ABOUT. Not to mention the many OTHER examples of shit you've forgotten of varying importance.
Levi was laughing by the time you were done.
He still didn't get it, but he got enough that you can't really help it and will try to be accmodating- wait! So you just need reminded!
Yup, pretty much.
Levi is proud of himself for figuring out a solution! You just laugh, bit he loves your laugh and you guys get right to gaming once he pulls you into his room. He'll just make sure in the future you won't be able to forget!
Normally Satan loves reading with you, even if its just him reading and you're doing something else, its still the same to him and he tends to love it. but now annoyance is building and he really doesn't want to but fuck!
stop tapping your foot!
his snap makes you jolt and his annoyance dies quickly. Satan apologizes and you do too, saying you'll stop.
and its ok for a few minutes
then the aggravation comes back full force as you bounce your leg
why are you fucking fidgety?!
you jump at his snarl, power leaking from him
it visibly pisses you off and Satan almost regrets it, but its so damn annoying and distracting! why can't you sit still
you can't fucking helping it, ok?! you'd stop if you could but you're not aware of it! you're just trying to focus on your stupid homework so if you're that much of an annoyance you'll just leave!
Satan immediately regrets it, he can sense your anger and frustration and stops you from grabbing your things, forcing himself to be calm.
what's wrong? he's sorry snapping and bursting like that, but can you explain why your so fidgety if he promises to be better?
you sigh but nod, sitting down and explain that figeting is something you can't help. you had ADHD, its a lot of things, but its got 'attention' and 'hyperactive' in its name on purpose.
there are different types, of course, its not all or nothing, but fidgeting comes from the hyperactive part. a bit of fidgeting helps you focus and right now you're really struggling with this Devildom history exam you're trying to study for.
Satan feels guilty and mentally promises to research more into ADHD for you, but sits down and helps you study, setting his book aside and finds that your tapping and leg bouncing isn't as annoying now that he know why you do it.
Asmodeus was beyond confused as he watched you grumble and mutter about being bored but did nothing to solve that. you just laid there on the couch doing nothing.
he went over to asked if you wanted to go shopping with him, thinking that it would be perfect since you loved to go shopping with him!
how about you have a spa day?
ooookkk- so how about you watch deviltube?
you could, but you don't want to watch anything so it would just be for him.
with every suggestion and idea, you shut Asmo down and he's just getting more and more frustrated.
well are you just going to sit here staying bored or are you going to do something about it?! because he doesn't know what you want, do you want to be bored or something?!
you sigh and sit up, looking as frustrated as he feels.
you tell him to sit down and ask if he knows what ADHD is.
Asmo had a few lovers who had it but he really doesn't know anything about it other than a few things in passing.
he listens raptly as you explain that your mind works fast on the best of days and that theres a reason its common knowledge that its hard to get someone with ADHD to pay attention.
their brains move from one thing to another trying to find serotonin, so when you don't get it from something or it stops giving you that serotonin, you want to move on to something else.
but sometimes you just can't focus on anything and everything does the opposite of what you want. thus the seemingly incurable boredom.
Asmo cant even imagine what that's like, the idea of not being entertained by what he loves (such as makeup and shopping and partying) is unfathomable! yet here you are telling him that even your favorite things can be boring sometimes!
he's nearly in tears at the fact that this is just something you're used to! he swears to find something that you enjoy right then, and despite it taking actual ages, he figures it out and is incredibly happy and proud when he figures out how to solve your boredom!
Beel's been watching you all day with increasing concern, even though hes also impressed?
its the weekend so you don't have RAD, but it started because you were late to breakfast because you'd been cleaning up your room and lost track of time.
then after breakfast when he got back from the gym and was going to shower after his post workout meal, he found you cleaning the common room of stuff that had been last there the night before from the group study session.
then he heard from his brothers that Lucifer was asleep because you kicked him out of his office so you could clean in there and reorganize his desk.
then Satan came to lunch to tell them you weren't hungry and you were in his room cleaning up his books and helping making room for all of them on his shelves.
that was when Beel got worried, because you had to be hungry after all that cleaning, right? Lucifer told him not to worry, not everyone was him, after all, so he tried not to. but in the next four hours he started to watch you more.
you made Levi take a walk and got all the trash out of his room, dusted and cleaned up his booked, manga, and figurines and stuff.
you and Mammon hung out in his room, which Beel thought was fine since Mammon takes good care of you, until he found out from their group chat that you'd enlisted his help to clean his room. including all of the trash (even from his cars), dirty clothes, his bed, all the things!
then it was getting close to dinner and he waited for you to show up. you didn't, so as soon as he finished he went to find you. you were in Asmo's room talking to him as you two were in his closet talking about purging stuff and making room by reorganizing?
Beel decided he'd come back later when you were done talking to ask if you were ok, but when he did Asmo was bagging things up and said you'd left for the kitchen.
Beel was thirlled, you had to have gone to eat! he was going to ask you what you wanted but froze outside and then in the door, watching you wash the dishes since Belphie had forgotten to.
hey, uh,-
he tries not to scare you, and you turn to him asking if he needs anything.
yeah, have you eaten anything today and just not eaten with them?
the question makes you pause, and you cringe a bit.
no, sorry, i was just so focused on cleaning suddenly that you forgot.
how-how do you forget to eat?
Beels horrified at the prospect.
you laugh, but its a bit guilt. you tell him to sit down and stop doing to dishes, saying you'll explain. you get a water bottle first and he can feel it as it hits your body because your entire body reacts. you hadn't had any water either?!
Beel watches as you down that water bottle and then a second without stopping before suddenly stopping and turning to the fridge, hunger radiating off of you.
that hunger wasn't there before! what happened?!
as you dig through the fridge you tell him that you have something called ADHD, you tell Beel about it and how its not quite a deficit of attention but bad regulation of it. what you'd been doing all day was proof of that, its called hyperfocus.
Beel can't understand how you can get so focused on anything that you forget to eat or drink or even sleep (he shivers knowing how Belphie would react to finding out that you hadn't slept last night either because you'd been cleaning your room and the attic), but apparently if happens to you all the time.
hes glad that you stopped to eat as soon as you got reminded to, and he promised to watch you and make sure it doesn't happen again because you did kind of scare him (that's not good for humans, he knows that much).
you can't promise that it wont happen again, and you appreciate it, it helps a lot to have someone remind you to do stuff like that.
in other news, how much food are you making because that's a him sized snack.
you just gave him a look. you havent eaten since dinner yesterday and its nearly midnight! also, THIS IS A BIG MEAL AND ITS A YOU SNACK! YOU DON'T GET TO JUDGE!
Beel just laughs happily and tries to get his own snack.
key word being tries, you're still under orders from Lucifer to stop him and he pouts about it, but you share your food so he's ok with that.
Ok, Belphie knew that when he was awake could be stupid, but he was sloth and when he got enough sleep and was wide awake, it was random as hell.
But you are just ridiculous
Fucking idiotic even
He knows damn well humans need more sleep than you're getting
So why don't you tell him why you're up at 1 am after telling Lucifer you were going to go to bed early.
You freeze at Belphie in the doorway to the common room, looking thoroughly unimpressed at you gaming later than even Levi's usually up before an in person school day.
Uuhhh, you can explain?
You better, Belphie snorts. He's the master of dreams, so he knows you haven't been having nightmares. So don't even try that excuse
No, you weren't going you, you promise. You just couldn't sleep.
He doesn't believe you
Then he gets this look on his face like shock that rapidly changes to disgust
Don't tell him you have ADHD
Now you blanch. How did he guess that?!
Belphie grumbles and plops down next to you. Demons of all kinds suffer from a lot of thensame shit humans do, so even if he hated humans, he knew a stupid amount of shit from them for his own demons. ADHD sleep cycles are bullshit and he hates them, but he knows how to handle them because there are sloth demons with ADHD that he's helped
So he takds a guess to prove it sinc enow you were the skeptical one. You were sleepy and tired but as soon as you got ready for bed or got into bed, you suddenly had a random burst of energy and could sleep. (He also mentions that you don't have insomnia, he knows how that feels all too well, so it can't be the 'can't sleep' thing in that sense.)
Does it piss him off?
Is he mad to realize you have it too?
Are you shocked when you two end up as each other pillows anyways five minutes later, your energy suddenly slipping away from under your skin.
Is he getting rid of your energy?
Sort of, Belphie answers. He's getting rid of the excess by eating the extra. It'll keeping him awake longer, but you'll make it up to him by letting him sleep with you that night.
And if you need the sleep bad but this happens again, he makes you promise to come to him before the sleep takes over you.
Part 2
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thesargasmicgoddess · 15 days
Today is a Ferrari brain kind of day....🧠🏁🏎
(And it's only 10am?)
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seleneprince · 5 days
Persea is basically just like canon Percy in terms of personality and hobbies, except she does roller derby instead of basketball
Trust me, that makes a difference.
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driftingoffthegrid · 6 months
personal opinion: chaotic academia should be listed in the DSM-5
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lux-scriptum · 1 month
quick my attention drifted which oc should I think on today
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"How's the wing?" he asked, gesturing toward the one he'd broken. He could see the tiniest of bald spots where she was missing a couple of feathers from the surgery, but it looked like it was in the early stages of growing back. He'd seen pictures of how birds regrew feathers in his biology textbooks from school, but that didn't change the fact that it looked incredibly strange. Little tubes poked out from the skin just before the curve of the wing, fluffy black feathers just beginning to sprout from them. It looked wildly uncomfortable, and he was suddenly relieved that he didn't have to deal with wings. His slingers could be a pain in their own right with plenty of drawbacks, but he was glad they weren't literally attached to him. And what if he had to regrow his own webs? With how much web fluid he went through in a week, he shuddered to think of how much protein he'd have to eat just to make up for all the web-building. He'd gotten so lost in his thoughts that almost forgot that he'd tried to start a conversation with her by the time she answered. 
@totallynotqueer figured I'd tag you over here since Q's kind of a shithole now but Peter having an AuDHD moment will never not be funny to me
Making a simple greeting and immediately getting lost in his own thoughts about the answer before it even comes out
Idk it's just peak AuDHD shit and I love it
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catmaidetho · 1 year
bdubs 🤝 ethogirls "WHY CANT YOU JUST BE NORMAL ABOUT HIM???"
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a-lonely-tatertot · 1 year
Bitches will close tumblr on a computer to try and focus only to open it on their phone two seconds later its me im bitches
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starpros-sunshine · 2 years
hi we're undead and before we sing for you i must now tell you all to download this vpn plealdleplepelqlsse
See now I don't know if Japanese idol scene has something like that but back in my days as a member of army I used to keep up with the BTS run episodes on Vlive (I don't know the slightest bit korean). Again I have no idea if the j-Idol scene has something similar or if that's a different system, but I'm sure there's like livestreams I bet there's livestreams. So what I'm trying to say is that I already forgot what I was trying to say point is the fanbases know that Rei Sakuma advocates for net-safety and by that alone the VPN sales in Japan have doubled. Tripled even.
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thegeminisage · 2 years
struggling with the horrific realization that caffeine truly does help me focus and i. have quit caffeine. i almost entirely eliminated it from this house for being bad for my heart and my sleep. BUT IT'S GOOD FOR MY BRAIN? HOW IS THAT FAIR???
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me and one of my friends have began making regular jokes about how often I come up with new story ideas because I pretty much have a new one every other day lmao
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phox-129 · 6 months
Me trying to justify my two month overdue library book bc at least I’m giving more money to a public service
0 notes
brailsthesmolgurl · 2 months
"It's priced reasonably..."
Preview: The boys' reactions to you buying things on impulse/on a discount! (Let's be fair, we all know they are all rich af, but I personally wanna give it a slice of life touch for them <3)
The big man you call your boyfriend stares at you when you stepped in through the front door with multiple bags loaded in your small palms. You had told him earlier on that you were going for window shopping and he was all too kind to give you his card and to ask you to use whenever you seem fit. However, coming over a huge discount on groceries are rare hence you had decided to use it as you 'deem it fit'. Sylus did noticed his phone's notifications going off a couple of times to alert him about transactions made on his card.
Instead of him looking at it, he would just mute the notifications and continue his humming while he seats himself comfortably on the couch and watches the news broadcast. "You had fun shopping, kitten?" He smirked, walking over to you to help you with the bags. "Next time, bring me along. I would like to see how my kitten makes good use of my card." Yet, you apologised for having to use his card when you told him you were supposedly going for window shopping but the man laughed in response, finding your apology to be adorable. "No more apologies kitten for I am not a stingy man."
Whilst on a shopping trip with Rafayel, this man would splurge on you. Apparently in this case, he would take up the role of the impulsive buyer rather than you. You eyeing something for more than 3 seconds? Considered it bought. You mentioning about something more than 3 times? Considered it purchased. You imagining something that may look good on him? Considered it a done deal. This man has no fear nor worry of ever going bankrupt as long as you're satisfied.
Staring at the huge lorry outside of his mansion, unloading everything you had mentioned would definitely put you in a state of shocked. Your boyfriend would approach you casually, wrapping his arm around your waist and nuzzling his nose against your neck. You would definitely question him on his purchasing behaviour but he would pout. "Gift giving and impulse buying goes hand in hand, and I do not see the reason why I should not be spoiling my cutie." Seeing you smile, he would continue. "It is just one of the ways I can show you that I love you, so don't hold me back on that, yeah?"
Grocery shopping with Xavier would be like going on a hunt for rare breeds of wanderers. Anything that are on discount would not be missed, especially with both of your sharp eyesights. However, you and Xavier are not known to be impulsive buyers. More like calculative buyers, the both of you seemingly carry a bit of a girl math's mentality. Other than necessities, anything that is supplemental to the house would be assessed for its usability and longevity. It is a perk the both of you would sometimes fight or bond over.
But if the discount is worth the product, then none of you would get it on the spot. You would have your moments where you would get something out of the blue, without running through your usual girl-math calculations, and you would be met with the quirk of an eyebrow from your boyfriend. "I suppose we lack this in our house." He would secretly do the math in his head but would never say anything to intentionally make you feel bad. "Yeah, we can make this work, no worries." Then, he would pull the same stunt as you, showing you something that he had got out of the blue as well.
You would give Zayne a headache sometimes. Your childlike curiousity for interesting and new items would prompt Zayne to take on the role of a father figure. He might sometimes go as far as to suspect you may have a slight hint of ADHD in your system, but other than a slight migraine, he finds the quirk in you to be specifically unique to you. And, he never complains. Being the gentleman he is, he accepts you for who you are and tries to work his way around you whenever he could manage.
"Do you think you really need that?" He would point at the stuffed toys you are holding in your arms. Your point being all of them are begging you to adopt them with their big googly eyes. "Y/n, you might just have to pick one for adoption." Your slack-jawed expression would make him sigh and pinch the bridge of his nose slightly before he serves you a reminder of the consequences for your behaviour. "You had adopted exactly 36 plushies, and now, only 5 of them are actually adopted on your bed, while the rest of them are abandoned in your closet. So y/n, which one do you plan to ACTUALLY adopt now hmm?"
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cxrrodedcoffin · 3 months
Sweet Understanding - Emily Prentiss
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Likes are always appreciated but reblogs and feedback keep artists going!
Summary: Reader has a rough day at work and Emily knows just how to relieve some stress.
Word Count: 1.7k
A/N: reader has sensory issues but specific condition is not mentioned. inspired by my real life experiences, i have adhd and get very easily overstimulated so i did get a little self indulgent with this one lol
TW: fingering, oral sex, praise kink, afab reader, use of “girl” and she/her pronouns in reference to reader, mentions of sensory issues, borderline excessive use of pet names, reader is submissive & slightly unsure of herself
Rating: R, there’s a lot of fluff here but it develops into smut so 18+ only please!
You shut the door a little too hard behind you as you dropped your bag to the floor, sigh of relief falling from your lips.
“What’s wrong baby?” Emily questioned, getting up from her place on the couch to walk over to you. Her slender arms wrapped around your frame, pulling you into a much-needed hug after the day you’d had.
“Work was awful, my whole body is sore and I had to fight through how overstimulated everything about that place makes me all day.” You stumbled over your words, your brain struggling to form a coherent thought with how low your social battery was from all of the interactions you had to engage in throughout the day.
“I’m sorry you had a tough day sweet girl, is there anything I can do to help?” Her hand cupped your cheek, thumb swiping softly over your skin. You lean into her touch, looking into her eyes as you search for any semblance of hesitation, but there is none. Emily doesn’t have any reservations about your relationship, she knows how tough your sensory issues are to handle and all she wants is to make life a little easier for you in any way she can. You’re too precious to her, she never wants to see you in pain if she can help it.
“Maybe a bath…together?” You suggest, crimson blush rising over your cheeks. You’re still a little shy to initiate intimacy of any kind, learning to ask for touch from the one person who’s touch you desire most is all so foreign to you after a lifetime of discomfort with contact from others.
“That is an excellent idea, can you get the water running angel? I just have to grab a couple things and I’ll be right in.” You nod and she kisses you on the forehead before parting, making you way to your ensuite bathroom. When Emily was apartment hunting she specifically wanted a tub deep enough to fit two people. As strong as the front she puts up is, she’s really a romantic at heart, and recreating a romcom bubble bath scene had been on her bucket list for awhile. You were grateful for that now, illicit thoughts floating through your mind as you watched the water slowly fill up the tub.
Emily finally joined you, setting your favorite scented lotion on the bathroom counter and pouring some bubble bath into the still-rising water.
“Give me your hands, sweetheart.” She cooed, opening the bottle of lotion and taking a small amount into her palms. She took your hands in hers, her fingers gently massaging the tired muscles in your palms and giving the cracked skin on the back of your hands some much-needed moisture. She knew you couldn’t stand the feeling of your hands being dry, it was one of the seemingly small things that she could help, and she didn’t mind getting to have a little extra time holding your hand.
Once she finished, she helped lift your top over your head, goosebumps forming as the cool air hit your bare skin. You both continued to undress until you were completely bare, your nipples perking at the exposure.
Emily took your hand, letting you brace yourself against her for extra stability as you stepped into the tub, sinking into the warm water. Once you were properly settled she stepped in behind you, her back resting against the side of the tub as she pulled your hips back so you were between her legs, your back flush with her chest. You snuggled into her, resting your head on her shoulder and enjoying the way the warm water soothed your aching legs.
“You’re so beautiful babydoll.” Her voice was smooth, and her praise caused your cheeks to flush again.
“Thank you my love.” You purred, relaxing fully against her. Her fingers began to trace patterns up your sides, fingertips dancing along the sides of your breasts. A chill ran up your spine at the sensitive touch, a dull ache growing between your thighs. Her touch became more intense, hands cupping your breasts, gently kneading as your nipples rubbed against her palms. You whined, growing desperate for more.
“What do you need, sweet girl?” She asked, rolling your nipples between her fingers in hopes of eliciting more sounds from you. It worked, whimpers falling from your lips as she tweaked your sensitive buds.
“Touch me please.” You whine, squirming against her.
“I’m already touching you angel, you need to be more specific.”
“Between my legs, please.” You can’t articulate exactly what you want because you’re honestly not sure, you just want her to do whatever she wants with your pussy.
Her right hand movies to your inner thigh, fingers inching closer until she traces your labia, teasingly rubbing just beside your clit. You whine in frustration before taking her hand in yours and placing her fingers on your clit.
“Right here.” You sigh, closing your eyes in anticipation. She rubs slowly at first, almost agonizingly so before picking up the pace, rubbing quick circles over your bundle of nerves. The water begins to sway ever so slightly around you, her arm movements creating gentle waves. You nuzzle your forehead against her neck, soft moans falling just beneath her ear, spurring her on. Before you know it she’s dipping her index and middle fingers inside of you, thumb taking over rubbing your clit as she curls her fingers inside of you.
You’re losing all semblance of reality, only able to focus on her slender fingers pumping expertly into you, coaxing out desperate whimpers as your release draws closer and closer.
Your walls start to contract around her fingers, telling her you were teetering on the edge of release.
“That’s it sweetheart, let go.” She whispers, holding her pace steady until you cry out, a broken sob wracking your body as euphoria washes over you, the tension that had built up throughout the day finally releasing.
Emily slows her ministrations, helping you work through your orgasm before withdrawing her fingers from your pulsing cunt. She plants a kiss on your forehead once more, looking lovingly into your hazy eyes.
“So good for me, angel.” She praises, letting you recover for a moment. You plant kisses along her jawline, taking your hand in yours.
“Thank you.” You sigh, content to sit here with her until the end of time.
“I’m always happy to help you, no matter what.”
“I know, but you’re always so busy and I don’t want to add any stress, it’s not fair to you.” Guilt starts to creep in slightly as you realize you hadn’t asked how her day was when you got home.
“Baby, the team hasn’t had a case in 2 weeks, I’ve done nothing but paperwork all day. You are under a lot more stress than I am right now, and I know you’ll return the favor so don’t worry about it.” She reassured, squeezing your hand.
“Can I do that now? Return the favor, I mean.” You start to rise from the tub, reaching out your hand to help Emily up. She smiles at you, nodding approval as she steps out. The two of you quickly dry off, trailing into the bedroom.
“How do you want me?” She questions, okay with whatever position is most comfortable for you.
“Sit against the headboard and spread your legs, please.” You tell her, always polite even in your desires. She does just what you ask, giving you a full view of her gorgeous cunt. You climb on the bed with her, moving to lay on your stomach with your head between her legs. You look up at her longingly and she smiles down at you, lightly nodding to give you the go ahead.
You dive in, tongue lapping long flat stripes through her folds, desperate to taste as much of her as possible. You were hungry, savoring the delicious taste of her arousal as you dipped your tongue inside of her. Her hand found its way to your hair, fingers tangling in soft strands as she pulled you closer.
Your hand joined your mouth, fingers sliding into her to feel the warmth of her walls pulsing around them. Your tongue gave kitten licks to her clit, slowly increasing pressure and pace until you had her moaning and grinding her hips against you. You wrapped your lips around her bundle of nerves, sucking as you curled your fingers, knowing just how to take her over the edge. You needed to taste her cum, desperate for the sight of her milky white release on your fingers.
“Don’t stop baby, almost there!” She moaned, lightly tugging your hair as her grip locked.
You used your free hand to reach up and tweak her nipple, the added sensation delicious enough to finally give her the release you both were so desperate for. You gently licked her clit, helping her ride the wave until she relaxed, her cries of ecstasy turning to pants of relief. You removed your fingers, sucking them clean before pressing your tongue flat against her entrance to lap up the rest of her arousal.
“You are incredible.” Her words took a moment to register but the moment they did you could feel your heart swell, she was the incredible one. She made you feel more comfortable than anyone else in your life ever had, and you were so grateful for her.
“I love you.” You climbed up to lay beside her, pulling her in for a kiss. She returned the favor, her arms wrapping around your waist.
“I love you too sweet girl.”
You laid your head on her chest, her fingers toying with your hair until you drifted off to sleep.
tag list: @pleasantwitchgarden
DM me or send me an ask if you’d like to be added to my taglist :) I’ll be doing separate tag lists for specific characters as well so let me know if you’d like to be on my general or a specific one.
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jyoongim · 4 months
Can I request an Alastor x reader where she is a newer sinner. Really nerdy, obsessed with history, fun facts, animal facts, and shy at first. Just says things randomly, like “did you know that if a cow has twins more often than not she abandons ones just rearranging things when bored, someone will come down to lobby in the middle of the night and there she is moving the couches at like 3am. Doesn’t think when she speaks when she sees Alastor in his overlord form just says something like “smash” before walking off. Kind of a this gives me conflicted feelings and made me learn something about myself I don’t think I should know. It can be smut or fluff I don’t mind! My friends just say I have adhd, never been tested, don’t wanna be lol, I just ramble when I get excited and talk too much or too loud when excited too. It’d be nice to see a reader like me :) thank you love! I’m trying not to ramble so I’m sorry if this all over the place!
Hehehe could be possible adhd but I’m also certain everyone has a touch of tism as well so you’re not alone hehehe.
(I too have undiagnosed adhd)
Typing this from my phone cause I’m scared to do it on my work computer😭 should have brought my iPad to work
You had always been…different.
When you were alive you spent most of your time doing your hobbies or reading. You weren’t much of a social butterfly but did make the effort every once in a while. But people always treated you like you were an annoyance.
You were strange. Even by demon standards.
But you made a lovely addition to the Princess of Hell’s hotel.
You enjoyed being about to sprout random facts and have people actually be interested.
Animals, history, science you name it you randomly knew it.
You rambled during bonding excersies until you caught yourself yapping and instantly apologized.
You talked to yourself (having been caught in the act more than once)
Husk called you a loose screw but Angel found it charming. Charlie thought you were just the cutest.
And Alastor….
Well you definitely piqued his interest.
You and Angel were having a “self care” day. Well Angel was. You were just happy to play in his fluff. Angel was telling you about the latest shoot he had to do and then the subject jumped to saying lives. “Oooh cmon toots don’t tell me no one’s were had the hots for that brain of yours” you pin curled his hair, “hmmmm not that I know of. Besides most people think I’m strange, wouldn’t want to scare the masses”
Angel rolled his eyes “well what about here at the hotel? Anyone catch yer fancy?”
You think about it but your mind comes to a blank. Nope you couldn’t in point who you would be the SLIGHTEST but interested in.
The sound of shoes met your ears and you turned to see Alastor entering the lobby. Your ear perked up and your eyes immediately locked in.
You would say you and Alastor were friends. The two of you had great conversations, he listened to your rambles and always told you facts of the time period when he was alive.
He wasn’t in his usual pristine attire. Instead of the polish look, he was dressed more casual. A white button up, rolled at his elbows, wearing dress pants and suspenders, he even didn’t have his gloves on.
He paid no mind to the two of you in the lobby, seemingly in his own world.
“Smash” you said tilting your head, causing Angel to burst out laughing and you blush when you realized you said that out loud.
Alastor turned around, eyebrows quirked “something amusing was said?”
You quickly shook your head while Angel chuckled “Our fact machine here thinks you’re hot*
Alastor blinked, his eyes settling on you.
You wanted to hide in the couch from embarrassment, but Alastor just took a sip of his coffee and began to walk from where he came. He got to the hallway door because pausing briefly, turning to look at you over his shoulder
“I suppose I would ‘smash’ you too dear”
Your cheeks burned and Angel choked as Alastor disappeared.
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adventuringblind · 7 months
A Little Lost
Liam Lawson x Reader x Oscar Piastri x Logan Sargeant
Genre: fluff and hurt/comfort
Summary: With her ADHD driving her mind into a whirlwind, she ends up slipping in public and unable to find the one person she needs. Luckily Oscar and Logan are there to help.
Warnings: non-sexual age play, agere/age-regression, panic attacks, implied trauma, non-sexual use of daddy
Notes: I needed this for myself, honestly!! I hope the requester finds comfort in it like I did!
Side note: age-regression is NOT a kink. If you're going to request it, please don't make it a smut request. It gives ya girl mixed signals. AGEPLAY is a kink and has dd/lg dynamics. Please remember this when requesting... I'm begging T_T
Masterlist // Request Form // My Website // buy me a Ko-Fi
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Everything is overwhelming at the moment. He thoughts are running in a million different directions. The noise and bustle of the paddock is pulling Her every which way.
She needs Liam. Without a shadow of a doubt, she needs him right this second.
Her mental state is dancing between headspaces. Her little self is attempting to break free of the confines she's put the girl in. To young and to alone to be out in this environment.
The alphatauri garage feels so far away. It's an endless walk she's been attempting to make for what feels like hours now. Liam, she just needs to get to him.
Panic rises every time someone bumps into her. She squeaks out a sorry, only to be met with annoyed grunts. She needs her daddy to make it better. No - Liam - she needs Liam.
The catalyst is someone shoving her away and complaining that she should pay more attention. She is paying attention. Her brain just has thirty tabs open, three of them have commercials playing, another is driving her senses wild, and where the heck is her da- Liam?!
The shove sends her tumbling to the ground. Her elbow hits the hard ground on impact. It's bleeding, and she's officially offline.
Her little self takes over, tears welling in her eyes as she hides around the corner and tugs at her hair. A desperate attempt to settle the whirlwind of her thoughts.
She needs her daddy.
Logan and Oscar are animatedly chatting about the race as they walk through the dwindling crowd. Liam had texted about a longer debrief and had asked them to check up on his girlfriend since she wasn't answering her phone.
They'd been an item the last couple of years like Oscar and Logan have. It's an interesting and often tense dynamic. The four of them are all extremely close, but neither of the couples have openly talked about any kind of open relationship.
Oscar and Logan have. It's often a source of interesting fantasies and warm fuzzy feelings. They say nothing, though. Scared of losing their closest friends in the pursuit of something mildly taboo still.
Logan is lost in his thoughts when Oscar stops suddenly. He hushes him and listens intently. It's then that Logan catches the muffled sobs.
They take off in the direction of the crying. Neither of them are ones to let somebody suffer when they can help it.
They turn the corner, and there sits their original target. She curled up with hair in every direction, and her fingers rake through it in a violent manner.
Logan approaches her like she's a wounded animal. He's not at all hurt when she curls farther into her corner.
"Osc, we're gonna need to call Liam."
"Already on it!"
She perks up at hearing Liam's name. Eyes wide and teary, but at least she doesn't look scared of the Logan for the moment. "Daddy? Are callin' daddy?"
Oh. Oh.
She's - how did they put it? - regressed, in age. They talked about it in passing but never elaborated. Logan and Oscar had never bothered to look into it. They were protective over it and they wanted to respect that.
He's regretting that decision just a tad now. He might be more prepared on what to do if he'd bothered to figure out what it is that happens to her.
The obvious thing is that she's vulnerable and scared. "Yeah, we're calling him." He smiles warmly at her. "Can you tell me what happened? Why you're so sad?" He keeps his tone calm to hopefully ease her into a less anxious state.
She untucks herself and shows Logan her red and bleeding elbow. "Was pushed."
It's not a terrible scrape, not one to be worried about, but it is getting on all her clothes. He'll have to ask about the pushing later.
Oscar comes back and sighs in annoyance. "He said another thirty minutes at least of debrief. I feel bad for worrying him now."
Oscar sees where the two are crouched and throws Logan a confused look. "Is everything alright?"
"Well, I think someone needs a band-aid for her elbow and somewhere to wait for daddy." Logan tries to communicate that there is more going on here. Oscar looks between the two, and then his face lights up in some kind realization.
"Lando already left for the day, so my room should be safe. And I know he has crayon band-aids in his room."
She considers the idea. Carefully studying both of their faces for some hint of malicious intent. "Daddy said no strangers."
Logan exaggerates a pondering face. "Are me and Osc strangers? I thought we were best friends!"
She shakes her head yes and moves closer to the American. A reassurance that she does consider him a friend. "More then friend!" She leans up to Logan and motions to lend his ear so she can whisper into it. "Daddy says loves." She giggles, and Logan has to use all his strength not to look dumbfounded at the confession.
Oscar and Logan wrangle her the back way to the McLaren motor home. Their success in going mostly unnoticed has both males breathing in relief as they step into the saftey of Oscar's room.
The Aussie ducks out to grab the band-aid from his teammates' room, and Logan is left to sit with the girl currently looking confused and intrigued. She hesitantly grabs the stuffed koala sitting on the shelf. The one Logan had gotten for him as a joke before they started dating.
"Has name?" Her fingers stroke the soft fluff of the toy.
"I'm not sure. Should we ask Osc when he gets back?" She nods once, then comes and sits on the couch with him. The stuffed koala cradled in her arms like it's the most precious thing she's ever seen.
Logan is still trying to comprehend what she meant earlier. Is it just her small brain misinterpreting something Liam said? Or is this an honest confession that she doesn't currently understand the implications of? He doesn't want to get his hopes up and settles on the second option for now.
Oscar sneaks back in the door and starts unwrapping the bangade. It is, in fact, shaped like a red crayon. Her eyes light up even as he washes the cut and places the band-aid on it.
"There we go, all better now." Oscar smiles at her as she hugs his koala.
"Thank you."
She's completely entranced in the stuffed toy again. Logan taps her on the nose to get her attention. "Did you want to ask Osc your question?"
She makes an 'o' shape with her mouth. "Does koala have a name?" She looks up at him with expectant eyes.
Oscar considers. "Hmmm, I don't think he does. Would you like to give him one?"
She takes careful consideration, weighing all the possible options. "Koko."
"Love it."
"Very creative!"
Her expression changes into something sad. Her eyes once again glassy like before. "Will daddy like?" She curls up in Logans lap with the toy.
"Yeah, he'll love it. Certainly not as much as he loves you."
She hums and closes her eyes. It's adorable and peaceful. "Do you think Liam might let us do this with her again?"
"If he doesn't kill us first. Speaking of, I should let him know where we are."
Liam likes to think he's relatively quick. He runs often enough and has good stamina.
This is the fastest he's ever moved in his entire life. He grabs all their stuff with a speed that shocks both Daniel and Yuki.
"What's got you in a hurry, mate?"
"Just eager to see my girl, is all."
Daniel shoots him a wink. "Have a good time!" Liam can only laugh nervously in response. It's certainly not the good time he's thinking of. No, he'd promised her a nice dinner tonight.
Now he's thinking he might have to shift plans. Which - he's not upset about. Liam loves when she's in headspace because it gives him an excuse to do things he wouldn't normally. As in, she's obsessed with cars, and he gets to spend time building the most intricate tracks with household items, blocks, and an ungodly amount of Legos that they have at home. She's always sad when they have to leave them for long periods of time, but he brings a portion with just in case.
He makes for the McLaren garage and is greeted by Oscar out front. It's odd, knowing that their secret is out and yet the Aussie is looking at him affectionately.
They make light conversation while they venture into the building. It feels normal still, nothing to awkward aside from the fact Liam goes on rabbit trails every ten seconds. It's the reason Oscar knows how to handle Lando and his chaotic communication tactics.
Liam mentally slaps himself. Now is not the time to be drooling over his friend's stability and emotional intelligence. He should really just confess. They'd talked about it, they both want it, but that could result in rejection.
Oscar opens the door and slips inside. Liam takes a second to observe the scene in front of him. His girl, happily laying her head in Logan's lap rambling about the koala in her hands.
"Look who I found!" Oscar gestures to Liam. Her head perks up and she scrambles off the couch, slipping to the floor before throwing herself at Liam.
"Hi, love bug." Liam attempts to get on the floor without falling as she clings to him. He fails miserably as the topple over. "Were you good for Oscar and Logan?" She hums something into his chest that he can't decipher.
"She was an angel, honestly." Logan leans forward on the couch. It looks like he's contemplating something, shooting stead looks at Oscar.
With effort, Liam finally gets them situated on the floor. "Do you know what might have triggered this?"
"She scraped her elbow, was that it maybe?"
Liam ponders the suggestion. His eyes find the crayon band-aid that wasn't there the last time he saw her. He sighs, hopefully she was just overwhelmed, and this wasn't an altercation of some kind. "She's struggled with - uh, being shoved around - I guess. You know, home life things."
"Maybe she was shoved and fell which caused the panic attack." Oscar eyes them sadly.
"Well, you two feel up to helping us get out of here?"
Oscar doesn't understand how Liam makes this look normal. HAs this been going on under their noses this whole time? If only he could go back in time, rewind a bit and do some research. He and logan could help out if they wanted.
She was falling asleep in the car and still looks like she might clock out in the elevator. Still, Oscar can't help imagining the four of them together, like this.
Liam twirls her around as they walk until she almost falls over. She falls into him, laughing and smiling, the injury from earlier forgotten about.
Their space is comfortable and lived in. The two even slip into a routine, pulling out food for dinner. He whispers something to her, and she skitters off.
They pull chairs out from around the small table. Liam offers them water and something to eat. "So, about... this."
"Which this? The four of us or her specifically?" Logan raises an eyebrow.
The girl returns and climbs into Liam's lap clutching a notebook. She flips open to a page and excitedly hands it to Liam to hand to the two across the table.
Oscar isn't sure whether to laugh or melt, so he mixes the two together. The pages are lined with drawings of the four of them. "She's quite the artist."
"You've no idea. Our fridge is covered in artwork." Liam chuckles a bit and wraps his arms around her.
"Told you! More than friends!"
"Do you know what that means, love bug?"
"Three people to cuddle!"
Oscar really does laugh this time. "Well, you're not wrong!" He shoot a look to Logan.
"Count us in." The American smile.
Liam sighs heavily in disappointment. It's a confusing reaction that Oscar wasn't expecting. "She's going to murder me later for not having this talk when she's big."
"Can't be mad if you make me dessert!" A devilish grin spreads across her cheeks.
"Only this once."
"You said that last time."
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