#personal upbring
konans-stuff · 1 year
It's kinda weird, going to a majority white school as a black kid. Like as a kid you know that you have darker skin and you're a different race than most of the other kids. At first this doesn't bother you (at least in my experience ). You know that the other kids probably have a different way of life than you, but you don't particularly dwell on it. At least in the beginning.
For me that changed around third grade. When my teacher was suddenly serious and solemn and sat the entire class down and explained slavery to us. Particularly the enslavement of black people in America. I already knew about this, the black movement, and the speeches, the whole shebang. My parents and just about any black adult in my life made sure I did.
What came as a surprise to me was everyone else's reactions. They had never heard of such a thing before and as my teacher awkwardly explained how some white people enslaved an entire race, my race, I watched dozens of beady little eyes turn in my direction.
As if to say, "really? That happened to people like you? Black people?"
Let me make something clear, I don't think it was wrong of my third grade teacher to explain slavery to us because it's important to know. I don't think she did it out of some malicious intent to humiliate. I do not think that the kids in that class were racist per se or even cruel because I really can't attest to that.
What I'm trying to get at here is this: from that point on school made a point out of going over and over again about slavery. But it never got to the meat of it, not really. It was the exact same lessons, exact same homework, and the kids in my classroom weren't just kids in anymore. They were White Kids and I was a Black Kid and that seemed enough to be a divider. It seemed there was this constant caution not to offend me. And if it were not that it was back handed insults.
I don't have any hard feelings, kids are kids, it doesn't make it right, but yknow.
I'm not gonna say," there is no race, only the human race" because I have had many people tell me this as their defense for not being racist despite me not mentioning it to begin with. Point is! We're all different, even kids can see that. And that's okay. We should revel and enjoy our differences because it just makes society as a whole, better. However, I don't think we should draw a huge divider between each other. We'll always see someone and say," a black guy" or "a white guy" and that's fine and all.
I just don't think we should pit ourselves against each other. White VS Black. Man VS Woman. Right VS left.
Embrace our differences but don't let them tear us apart.
Of course I know it's not that simple by any means. I still think it's worth a try though, I think we can be a little better. I think I can be a little better. Just gotta try a little bit.
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correctproseka · 4 months
An essay on autistic Mafuyu
Coming from a very autistic person.
Mafuyu has a bunch of autism symptoms, but a lot of them can also be explained by other reasons, such as her upbring and trauma, but not all of them, so I'm going to start speaking about the explainable by other things traits and move up to "boy you're tism". (Notw that the trauma explanation can also have a pre-disposition to happen due to tism)
In the biggest "can be explained by her trauma" category, we actually have the biggest reason people headcanon her as autistic. Her Alexithymia. Which is just a fancy word for "can't recognize her own feelings". No i did not have to copy paste that name to not write it wrong. Yes, many autistic people are bad at recognizing their own feelings, me included. But we also have to note that Mafuyu absolutely hid away those feelings for a mask and because they were needs not being met, a "good girl" like her doesnt get sad or angry right? Thats what made her push down those feelings so much she just ended up.. numb. Its extremely common in depression as well as autism which made me personally not realize i was depressed until someone made me put it into words, it was similar to my normal.
Theres also her.. exquisite vocabulary, Mafuyu uses lots of fancy terms sometimes, which is very stereotypical white boy autism. But also, she was pushed books down her throat by her mom since she was a child, she was expected to be this "fancy" and "smart-sounding". So she is.
Observant. Mafuyu doesn't talk a lot, she observes. She can recognize things on others sometimes, but mostly about the environment, which can be an autism noticing a bird singing 5 blocks away or a trauma "i need to notice this or i get fucked" reaction.
Mafuyu as mentioned, tends to listen more than speak, I am personally not this kind of autism, but it exists, Mafuyu is quiet, listening and only speaking when she feels her input is needed. This can be simply a mixture of autism and trauma. She doesn't feel the need to speak, so she doesn't, why would she waste her energy like that? Smh.. but also her good girl mask is supposed to be a good listener, not much of a yapper.
Now we are starting to move onto the things she does that are less explained by trauma and more explained by tism. Which is my favorite part to analyze.
Parallel play: Mafuyu seeks comfort with being with niigo and working alongside them, she doesn't even need to be talking, as seen by the kitty event where she kept just listening to them on earphones, she just wants to be near her people and gets calmed down by being with them.
Bluntness. As an autistic person i am extremely blunt in wrong situations, and can easily not recognize its the wrong situation. Per example Mafuyu's "why dont you imagine you're gonna get killed if you dont do it in half an hour" or all the times she points something out to Ena and gets a scream back because it was the wrong time? Mafuyu says what she thinks and when out of the mask she really. Really. Lacks a filter, because she doesn't know when or what she's supposed to speak or not
She.. kind of needs people to say the obvious? Sometimes she doesnt realize whats going on, why she's reacting in a way, so and so. One of the reasons Mizuki had to tell her it's ok to run away. Mafuyu never considered it. It wasn't obvious for her like it would be for a lot of people, she's kind of very oblivious in emotional matters like that, and needs someone (coughs usually Mizuki) to explain something to her
There's probably more but im doing this in like 15 minutes.
Plus, all in all, she makes autistic people like me really relate to her, even if they can be mostly explained by trauma doesnt mean she doesn't show those signs or that they're only because of that, even the mask she uses is a known neurodivergent thing.
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chaifootsteps · 3 months
starting to wonder if the mods are asleep or something, unless it's SC's video that made the difference - https://www.reddit.com/r/HelluvaBoss/comments/1dfzhts/stolas_being_a_shit_dad/
Plus his relationship with blitz is what started to cause the drama. Imagine you dad cheated on your mom and you didn’t understand the full situation and when your dad offers to take your mind off of drama, he brings the person he hooked up with that started all this drama in the first place (not putting the blame on blitz).
Yeah it's such a shitshow. Plus Blitz was actually taking his job seriously and wasn't flirting back, quite the opposite actually. So yeah. Pretty fucked
Though blitz during season one rarely flirted back and seemed to just tolerate Stolas more than anything.
Like, this is why Blitz is so messed up over it Stolas got feelings but it doesn’t erase all the shit he pulled and Blitz didn’t even get time to consider the situation, was just dismissed :(
My only hope is that stolas’s actions have consequences. Cause in season two his actions are softened more and some people would go Greta lengths to defend him- I get having like a favorite characters and seeing things from their point of view. But I feel like at times stolas’s actions are forgotten or expected to be forgiven because he was always “a victim”. While I won’t downplay the abuse and how bad his upbrings, it doesn’t excuse the actions we’ve seen him do in the show. Whether he’s aware of it or not. And I really hope apology tour is not just the “blitz hate train”. Though curious how Stolas thought singing at a concert with a banner that says “blitz sucks” was ever a good idea- but whatever it’s just me.
I also think he needs to realize he’s not just a victim if he REALLY wants to be an equal partner to Blitz Yes sometimes it’s one person’s fault, but it’s very obviously not this one
I for one cannot wait until Stolas has his awakening - so the fans with Stolas blinders glued to their heads have to eat crow. If it really is a "Blitz hate" train (although I think it's a broken hearts show), I'm not sure how I can watch that.
Also remember that their whole deal thing started when Blitz was in a life threatening situation. He was in no condition or position to consent properly. Even in the very beginning, he had no time to process...
Thank you thank you thank you. Blitzø didn’t bring up sex. That was Stolas. And yeah, I do think Stolas genuinely thought Blitzø was sneaking in for him and he almost certainly would be pretty horrified to know that Blitzø wasn’t fully on board with it, but Blitzø is a victim. I don’t think the relationship isnt salvageable, but it needs a looooot of work.
Everyone goes on and on about how bad blitzø is. Meanwhile, Stolas is just as shitty but more subtle about it. Regardless if he's aware of it or not.
Stolas' biggest flaw is self-centeredness. Not out of malice or selfishness, but out of pure sheltered obliviousness. Stolas never seems to notice (or care) how someone feels until some extreme emotion is shown. One can hope Stolas will learn to put the pause button on his own thoughts and learn to listen and read the room
Whatever it is, I hope it keeps coming, because it's healing to the soul.
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pickingupmymercedes · 2 months
I was catching up on the weekend warm-up on f1tv and Ruth said, and I'll fully quote her here, "The goal of Ferrari is to win the Driver's Championship and the Constructor Championship is secondary. That is well known fact around the pitlane. And then for other teams, it's the Constructors." and then she explains that to Ferrari "The prize you put on a WDC you can't put a number to it. Because it's what people are actually emotionally connected to more than a manufacture, more than a car."
(Ruth joked multiple times that by saying those things she's showing her Ferrari upbring btw)
And I know it also has to do with the financial side and the image of Ferrari as where champions go (at least until Schumacher anyway). But I personally think that adds a really good thinking point to Lewis's move.
Yes, Lewis has A LOT to offer to Ferrari, from his brand to his feedbacks and leadership as a driver. But Ferrari can offer him a team that fully engranes into how they operate the mentality of "All in for their drive. No matter what it takes"
And honestly, Mercedes wouldn't do that. (They didn't in 2021, and I'm not even thinking about the legal actions for the last race. The w12 was barely developed to its full potential and Toto said so)
Mercedes have, from the beginning (2010), stated that their goal was always WCC, and even when they had their dominant years, with both of their drivers finishing on the podium every single GP, the goal was the team first and just then their drivers could battle it out.
And honestly, there's nothing to blame there, that's been their motto ever since they came back. But, it also bodes to their drivers potentially taking points off of each other when in a fight for a WDC (it has happened before).
Anyway, to end the rambling here before it gets to crazy hypotethical territory. Do I think Lewis considered this as a main discussion point? No, not really. But, do I think he gave this particularity some thought when the deal came about, and it was a pro towards going to Ferrari? Possibly.
Also, one last thing, Lewis might play it cool, but he'll take the fight for that 8th if he even as close as sniffs the possibility.
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goldenstarprincesses · 11 months
America has done such as good job at distancing themselves from their 1600s/1700s British colonial upbring that for many other nations, unless they are really paying attention, the lasting effects on Americas personality/habits can be hard to see
Until America randomly pull out the most out of pocket skill like speaking fluent Latin, formal horseback riding, or some other shit
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lilisouless · 2 years
I´ve been thinking about AUs where the crows are the sun summoner
Promise, this post is NOT too long.
Jesper & Wylan are too complicated because of the many outcomes, for spoilery reasons. Wylan´s upbring would be bastly diferent , which may reflect on his personality while Jesper having sun summoner powers would change a LOT.
Nina would probably be not so diferent from canon, since she would be loyal but wouldn't stand for hurting innocent people. The relationship with the Darkling would probably be diferent, since (given that she would be like eleven) there wouldn't be romantic interactions and there would be more time to brainwash her into doing what he wants and insolate her from Genya, Zoya or any possible friend (before you tell me "Zoya didn't liked being reemplaced by Alina" yes, but there is a diference between a girl around your age and a younger child, Zoya is not THAT petty)
Inej would either be a fugitive until she dies, or would end up killing the Darkling. Let me explain: Tante Heleen couldn't capture sun summoner Inej, she made a sun beam blind the men that were trying to grab her. So, people star to find out there is a sun sumoner and it was a Suli girl. Then the Darkling prioritizes his search into the sun summoner and stars going after Suli girls around that age. He either never finds Inej and if he does it, well; she would not apreciate being taken away from her family and even less being imprissioned or having her power being used by this guy, also would not like how he targeted those girls. So they would have nothing but hate for each other.
Matthias has two outcomes, Jarl Brum just kills little Matthias. Or, Matthias managed to hide his powers until later AND when Jarl Brum finds out, he makes him take Jurda Parem. He survives and turns him into a soldier against the other grisha.
Now KAZ as the sun summoner is actually a comedy. The darkling would never catch him, Kaz now has the power to make better ilusions for his heist and make himself invisible. If he ever chooses to help with destroying the fold, he would only do it for a huge ton of money.
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houseofbrat · 1 year
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But their bills are astronomical. Just the upkeeping on the house alone, housekeepers, nannies, gardeners, cooks, repairs is costing them a few hundred thousand a month. Then there's the mortgage which costs another few hundred thousand. She's spending millions on PR even after getting dropped for being $2million in debt to Sunshine Sachs. The awards she's bought haven't come cheap either. The Gracie award is picking up clout on podcast land. But she has no projects at play that are actually generating money. She may be scrambling around trying to make an Archetypes 2, but she's not gonna get enough big names to interview and her name on its own sends people running for the hills. Spotify has yet to pick up another season though she's buying those awards to pitch hard. She has no source of future income (other than child support) and she's hustling. This is to say nothing of her legal fees, her personal assistants, her publicists, her agents, and (underpaying) the assholes she's got mailing out Starbucks cards at Archewell. I'm sure Doria's services don't come cheap either.  I mean, a bunch of nothing isn't going to do itself. I personally think Doria blackmails her daughter by threatening to tell the truth about who she is and how she didn't grow up like a black girl from Compton, but instead had a more privileged upbring that 80% of US citizens, regardless of their color. Doria also probably knows Meghan's shadiest and most sordid maneuvers to get where she is.  Doria stays silent in the background, but she's got stories to tell. And one wrong move from Meg, and they WON'T be the stories singing Meg's praises.  That's my theory anyway.
I also believe that I was right in December when I said Netflix is done with Meghan. The last thing left on their roster is The Heart of Invictus set to come out this summer, but I've heard it's being edited to focus on the athletes and occasionally Harry.  I've even heard that they may trash a lot of last year's footage, wait until this year's Düsseldorf games, and film those, Harry's-Wife-Free.  NF was reportedly unhappy with how the games suddenly focused on the ILBW, how she commandeered things, taking attention from the athletes and Harry, who's cause this is.
Remember that ridiculous kiss between her and Not-the-Heiry, and all her prancing around in couture (which she supposedly at least tried to bill to them) instead of wearing the standard issue festive polo and khakis/jeans, Well Netflix supposedly does and they supposedly don't like it. I always think of her sashaying around in Valentino while everyone else wore the Invictus clothing. It's such a stark comparison to how the other Royals function.
One of my favorite pictures of Wills and Kate is at the London Olympics. They're both wearing the clothing made for Olympics viewers, and in a rare show of affection, they are grabbing each other and smiling from ear to ear while staring downfield  cheering Team Great Britain.  They aren't eye fucking the cameras. They aren't wearing rictus grins and inserting themselves into ceremonies and celebrations where they don't belong. They're embracing, but their focus isn't on trying to make everyone believe how in love they are; their focus is on the games even as they embrace each other! They're dressed in their team colors focusing on THEIR TEAM.  The result is one of the best pictures of them I've ever seen. The soon-to-be-ex Mrs.Mountbatten Windsor looks like a fool at everything she does because she refuses to accept it's not about her. She can scream at, abuse, and gaslight Harry all she wants to, blaming their status as the laughingstock of the world on him, but she's the one who looks ridiculous and unlike Harry, she's the one running around looking ridiculous wearing a million dollar wardrobe.  I wish she'd get a clue but she's a narcissist, and she never will.
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tokimihyachi · 2 years
Achilles Heel [Pantalone x Reader Series] Chapter 1
❝I cannot kill you, for your end will become my eternal damnation.❞
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SYNOPSIS: Pantalone does not do well with love. He never thought, wanted, much less had experience in that field. He viewed it as a weakness, a bad omen hanging above his head. But he was prepared to make an exception for you.
He'd let you become his only Achilles Heel if it meant keeping you.
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     It wasn't luck that had gotten him the seat of being the second richest person in Teyvat. Nor was fate the reason why he ended up being one of the renowned Harbingers. That was his doing, not of any god, not of any preordained fate. Every deal he had made was calculated carefully to match his objectives and each contract he handled traipsed on a rope of his cleverness.
     He deserved his riches, his power, and his influence. His job required excellence in the observation of how the economy fluctuates, and sharp wit to act on the scene. While it is true that being a banker required empathy as well, only a fool with no self-awareness would dare and test his tolerance.
     The Regrator was in search of a temporary secretary— his former one had unfortunately been hospitalized for poisoning— when a man in his late fifties pleaded him for a moment of his time, claiming he was the one he has been looking for.
     But with his patience growing thinner, perhaps this imbecile should have begged for his life instead.
     He glanced at the watch hidden underneath the layers of his thick coat, before begrudgingly placing his attention back at the buffoon in front of him. 10 minutes. The oaf sitting across the table had been uttering pure nonsense for ten minutes of speeches filled with self-centered praises, and glories of his wealth.
     The relevance of his self-boasting to their interview? Nowhere to be found.
     "What was your name again?" he asked. The man, obviously offended by the sudden interference, frowned and straightened his posture.
     "Diego, My Lord." Pantalone thought briefly of how common his name was and how this man's stupidity blinded him from seeing how angered the Harbinger was.
     He gathered every parchment from Diego's resume, pretended to scan them quickly, and smiled wryly. "After such a short-notice meeting, I'll require more time to evaluate certain things before I reach a decision. Regardless of such, you have a remarkable taste for gifts."
     Diego seemed pleased with the compliment, eyeing the sack of treasures he had gifted upon his arrival.
     "Anything for you, My Lord." the man replied standing up from his seat, holding a hand out for him to shake.
     How ludicrous. Did this dolt really think he'd win him over such useless trinkets?
     Nonetheless, he kept his façade and shook Diego's hands.
     "It was a pleasure doing business with you, My Lord. I hope we will meet again soon." the man removed his hat and placed it on his chest as he bowed at him.
     Pantalone acknowledged it, waving his hand in the air to dismiss his presence. Words should not be wasted on unprofitable assets which Diego was the moment he walked his hubristic soles into his office.
     Once the man had left, the banker called out his guards stationed outside the cabin they settled in. At the sight of him, the Fatui saluted, awaiting his orders.
      Pantalone's eyes drifted to the fading figure of the man outside talking to his coachmen, barking orders. Men like Diego needed to be put back in their place. He appreciated ambitious people. Essentially, it was those kinds of employees that worked more diligently than the rest as if they had to prove to the world that they were capable of doing something. That their presence was needed. Their talents sought after.
     After all, that was how his own story began; destitute from birth with no blessing from the gods. He loathed it. His meager disposition, the vulnerabilities of his upbringing, and how those experiences dubbed him detestable to society.
     Rather than listening to his Aria of misery as everyone else with ill-fated lives, he stole the baton from the conductor and became the maestro of the orchestra. When an instrument to his masterpiece invariably sounded out of tune, he took it upon himself to pluck the strings of his own fate— weaving it meticulously, till he had the results he wanted.
     Till the pitiable harmony that was his life sounded like a symphony worthy of reverence.
     Though so minuscule, he could see that in Diego. A man yearning for success to improve his life. However, it seemed that the career-driven man was long gone.
     Pantalone turned to his men and with an unmoving gaze said, "Kill him. Swiftly, and not a sound should be heard."
     They nodded, moving in synch comparable to robots, and went away.
     Embers from the cabin's fireplace crackled slowly in a faded resonance within the sanctuary of the office. The sheer cold from outside slowly invited itself as it crept up the nails of the roof similar to an unwelcome guest— dampening the firewood until its glow dimmed. What a quiet reminder that Snezhnaya's frost was unforgiving, much like the Tsaritsa herself.
     Truly, Pantalone was grateful for the benevolence of their Archon. Whilst it was the Director who recruited him into the Fatui, the Tsaritsa saw him for his aptitude in financial affairs, thus granting him the power to the nation's economic policies and the position of Northland Bank's head.
     She did not bat an eye when his greed overtook his senses, a case rarely ensued but still did at a certain point. To the Tsaritsa, as long as her children remained faithful only to her with their long-term goals aligning her grand scheme to overturn Celestia, the manner in which they carried out their duties was irrelevant.
     The clack of the door hitting the wall pulled him from his thoughts, and a figure with a hood entered his office: unwanted, unannounced, with a stature so confident it almost vexed him. Which ignorant moron would dare enter a Harbinger's office without their permission?
     Turns out only you.
     "Oh," you said, "so there's one more."
     Pantalone looked through the window only to be greeted by the sight of all his men on their knees, tied up together like a present, unconscious.
     Though the Regrator was a businessman to heart, the sight of blood never fazed him. If anything, he greeted death whenever the two crossed paths on the battlefield with a nod of his head. One is not a true member of the Fatui if danger is not their companion.
     The Tsaritsa only accepted results beyond satisfaction and Pantalone was prepared to do anything even if he was just artillery to the Archon. Therefore, dealing with you should be easy if he hadn't just finished dealing with his former client. He wasn't quite in the mood for a fight.
     What a nuisance you are.
     Instinctively, his hand went to his delusion, hidden from plain sight underneath his overcoat. Even so, you simply went past him and reached for the sack Diego had brought earlier. After only seconds of rummaging, you brought out a piece of old jewelry— a pendant with a faceted rock.
     You looked at him briefly, the papers on the table, then to every part of his body except his eyes. "Sorry for the mess. This is very important to me and that man," you pointed at Diego outside, dead from the looks of it. "stole it from me. Just had to get it back. I heard your order to kill him from the roof so I did it myself."
     "Now, now, there's no need to thank me just a smile from you is enough." you added, chuckling a little.
     Pantalone drew his brows together. Were you perhaps... an escapee from the mental hospital? That's strange. He was sure there were no psychological institutions nearby.
     When no response still came from him, you stared at the papers again. "By the way, the fifth clause in that contract technically breaks the policies stated in the first." you said.
     The man finally moved. "What?"
     "That resume on your table," you gestured at the papers. "Not only are the stipulations contradicting, but the estimation for the projects are all wrong, and that seal on it is fake. Whoever forged that was clearly stupid."
     He knew that. Admittedly, it took him six seconds of reading the documents to conclude they were written by another hand who clearly did not understand the demands of a secretary to a Harbinger's work, but you merely glimpsed at it still inches away from yourself and already recognized what they were.
     How odd you were.
     You sighed from his inability to continue the conversation, "Well, I'll be taking my leave now." you then placed a hand on your chest out of respect. "Goodbye, kind sir."
     Before you could take another step, Pantalone seized your wrist, the warmth from your bare hand seeping through his gloves.
     "Are you deranged?" he asked.
     "My insanity depends on the amount of breakfast I've had. I've barely eaten a spoon today so I think you've made the correct assessment. Are you a doctor?" you grinned.
     Pantalone almost snorted in amusement if he hadn't stopped himself. What civilization did you live in for you not to recognize who he was? Wait. He shook his head. What was he doing? Enough time was already wasted on the wrong interviewee, he couldn't waste much more. He tightened his grip on your hand.
     "How courageous of you to walk into my office, thinking you'd step out freely with no sanction. Do you know which den you've walked into?" His tone was crisp, like the unrelenting ice that plagued the room.
      Obviously, he was livid with regard to your lack of manners. And from the looks of it, you were about to be served the wrath of the Ninth. The hand that once preyed on your wrist was long gone and moved to your neck.
      There was a flicker in your eyes one that he knew was of acknowledgment, albeit the hood that covered most of your face. But it wasn't recognition of his position. The sudden shift in your facial expressions—what you recognized was not who he was but how dangerous he is.
     Yet what intrigued him was how you were more beguiled, curious even, rather than afraid.
     "I think I've walked into a lion's den," you answered, almost gagging at the force of his hold. But despite the lack of air you managed to crack another smile as you continued, "Though I must say, I'm not afraid of being bitten at all."
-> chapter two
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tip this broke law student here! thank you, travellers! i hope you enjoy the rest of the fic! <33
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roseytheteacup · 2 years
Can you do headcannons about human reader age 13/14 with the shamaki/mukami brothers
Sure I'll give it my best shot
when you were dropped off at their house they were confused
"Um why is there a child here "
you explained you were dropped off by a church member because they thought they were a "welcoming family" because of the people that were brought to them as sacrificial brides which this member didn't know,but you didn't care a place to stay other than the church and you get to explore stuff without them telling you what to do you weren't complaining.
you kinda were like "sup"
and you explained what was going on
first ayato made fun of you for being short
or if you were tall like me in middle school Subaru is probably holding his laughter about how you and ayato were they same height(I believe he was 5'7,I was the same height at 13/14)
Well they didn't mind honestly I see Reiji giving you some books for early high school prep
now when a person comes to ask you out regardless of gender they are going to overprotective brothers especially if the person is a young vampire in your class
the numbnuts would probably try to make front of kanato after either Laito kicks him out or you reject them
Let's say you learn not only self defense but you learn how to use a body as fertilizer for new flowers in the garden
Gardening 101 XD
I don't know much about diabolik lovers besides the anime and bits and pieces I found on the internet about the manga and games but I feel like you may accidentally stumble upon their home either running away from crappy family or same situation above
They are a bit more calm about this sorta ordeal seeing as they didn't have the greatest upbring and they didn't have a home a lot
You bet big brother Ruki is giving you your own library because he wants you to be well informed and since they have extra rooms he needs something to do besides keep the other 3 menaces calm
"So here we have some historical books you might - Yuma drop kou I know your mad he went in your room, wait where's - AZUZSA DROP THE KNIFE"
bro getting gray hairs and not even fully alive
Yuma definitely teaches you how to prank you like switching his shampoo with white hair dye
"Oh hey little kitten - wait why are you laughing?"
Kou does the same and teaches you how to prank yuma like by writing "Garden Hoe" on his forehead
Lets say this rival will be going on until the end of time
and Azuzsa teaches you how to use knifes since you are at a decent age to know some knife tricks
now unlike liking pain for others you get hurt he starts crying and wraping you up like mummy
"There all better- I know it's just a little cut but you could lose your arm"
the cut was the size of a speck
All in all all of them will treat you with great care know if you were a little devil child have fun on the street and no I'm not talking about my friendly satanist or my goth and emo teacups I'm reffering to those children that will eat half a wall then get upset that we let them do it
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murderbirds · 2 years
Something that I think a lot of people forget is that Edward/Riddler never told Oswald that he wasn't interested in him because he was a man. They even have an entire scene where Riddler tells Oswald exactly why he could never love him, and it's not "I don't like guys and you are a jerk," but rather, "you are an uncaring, selfish person who can't truly ever love anyone other than yourself." Is it homophobia that compels Edward to react how he does to the knowledge that Oswald loves him? Possibly, but I think it is a gross simplification of his character, and it still wouldn't mean that Edward is heterosexual. People can be lgbtq+ and homophobic. Still, I personally believe that the main reason why Edward refused to accept Oswald's feelings and why he refused to consider loving him were his feelings towards himself.
There is no denying that Edward is a divided man. A part of him wants a "normal" life with a caring partner like Kristen or Lee, while the other part wants to be powerful and feared, like someone like Oswald. It's the dichotomy of Edward Nygma and the Riddler, and his entire arc in the show is about essentially which side will win, who he will become. Isabella was a path to a normal life, and by killing her, Oswald reminds him of himself, of what he did with Kristen and what he thinks of himself: that he is unlovable, cruel, childish and selfish and that is the reason why no one could ever love him. This applies to both Edward and Oswald, and I very much believe it was intentional. Edward wants to be the Riddler, but to be the Riddler, he has to give up being loved, but then Oswald comes in again and shows Edward that, no matter how cruel and selfish he can be, he can still be loved by someone. It is because of this that Oswald ultimately defeats Ed, even if Os does get shot. Yes, Oswald is cruel. Yes, he is selfish, but that doesn't make his love for Ed any real, which is something Edward simply refuses to accept, in part because he hates being wrong abd in part because, if someone as evil as them can love someone and be loved, then why was Edward never loved until Oswald? Of course, to know it for sure, we would need to know that we would need to know more about Edward's childhood, but I think that the fact we know nothing about Ed as a child is very telling. Maybe the reason why the audience doesn't know is because Edward doesn't want people to know because he doesn't want to remember. It is certainly strange considering that we get at least some information regarding the upbring of most other main characters, even something as simple as mentioning their parents at some point. Edward gets nothing. Now, we could go more in-depth and try to figure out why Edward chose to use Oswald's father instead of his mother, who the ex mayor clearly had a much closer connection with and even the way that Edward treats Elijah's ashes (by throwing them away in a dumpster), but again it would be mostly speculation and assumption of a type of nuance I am not 100% sure this show has. When Gotham is a good show, it is an excellent show, but I am still not sure how much of its excellence was purposeful and how much was accidental.
One thing is for certain, however: Despite everything, season five of Gotham is when Edward is at his most complete, despite what the mind control subplot might have you believe. This is the season where Edward appears to be at peace with himself, either because both of his sides have found what they wanted by managing to being powerful and loved through his partnership with Oswald or because, by the end of season 4, when Lee stabbed Edward, she quite literally killed the love seeking side of him, leaving just the Riddler to take control. It really only depends on how hopeful you wish to be, really.
In short, the reason why Edward could never love Oswald in season 3 was because Oswald was a reflection of what Edward believed to be the most unlovable thing in the world: Himself.
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cat-mentality · 1 year
We support Q!Quackitys rights and his wrongs 🫡🫡🫡
Really though I love to see so many players playing with darker / morally gray roles!! Q!bbh kidnapping Ron, Q!Cellbit hinting at a possible revolution, the federation drugs with Q!Forever and Q!Pac, today's interrogation with Q!Quackity, Q!Kametos return, some of the best lore this month has come from darker character arcs. I'd love to see a Q!Roier villain arc someday in the future too
Absolutely friend!! It's our moral duty to support him after everything the Feds did to him, I for once think he should be worse ☺️
I'm actually obsessed with how morality is being explored in the recent arc, it's literally like without the eggs they have lost all motivation to pretend to follow a "human" sense of right and wrong (which fits my personal HC of basically none of them being human or having a normal upbring at all perfectly) and have just gone full unhinged and it's giving us some of the best rps (Bad just losing his shit my beloved)
I'm so excited to see how things will develop in literally all those arcs, and oh god a villain q!Roier would be just *chef's kiss*, my boy has suffered so much I think he deserves to go apeshit
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amvenvs3000w23 · 2 years
From Fields To Mountains
Growing up on a small family farm in the “armpit” of Ontario, my relationship with nature has drastically evolved as I developed as a person. Initially as a young boy, I remember spending long days in the fields pulling weeds and picking rocks. Always it felt like I was trying to “tame” nature, and that it was me vs the beast, as if nature was out to destroy me. My mother being a very cautious loving mother, always warned me of the dangers of coyotes, blizzards, and poison ivy.  Although as young boys do, I had an urge for adventure, and a curiosity for the world around me. Routinely I would venture off into the forest at the back of our farm (to the dismay of my mother) and explore the nature around me. I loved observing wildlife, seeing deer graze, skunks’ rout for grubs and snakes catching frogs. Keeping my hands busy, I liked to forage for materials that I could use to build primitive forts, spending the nights in them staring out at the stars and seeing the wonders of the sky above, the thousands of twinkling stars above, and back on the ground that magical display of fireflies.
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Unbenounced to me at the time, I had the privilege of spending my childhood in and around nature, developing a love for the natural world from such an increasing rare perspective. As I grew up and continued my education unto university, my passion for the natural world led me to study the environmental sciences, to help me further my connection with nature. I was shocked to realise that my childhood was an ever-increasing anomaly. Most of peers grew up in large cities where their experiences with nature were limited to annual vacations to national parks or tropical forests where they too fell in love with the natural environment, although as a curiosity. Learning that many of them couldn’t see a single star in the sky back home gave me a deep appreciation for my upbring and my hardships that at the time I thought of as disadvantageous, but now realize was my greatest asset. Continuing my education, I to develop a similar curiosity as my counterparts, although to the arctic. To me an unfamiliar environment, such as nature with my city dwelling friends. Through an opportunity with my co-op program, I decided to feed this curiosity and spend a term in the Yukon. This experience stoked the fire which was my love for nature. Experiencing the “untouched” beauty of the Yukon gave me a sense of place, opening my eyes to the importance boreal ecosystems to the global carbon cycle. Responsible for sequestering carbon that was released from the other side of the globe. This helped me to not only look at the beauty that the natural environment offers us but its economical uses as well, and how moving forward we as a species can use nature to heal the wounds we created.
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thedevilsrain · 1 year
waw personal post about having sisters and radicaI feminsm underneath
had like. an interesting chat with my sister about... basically trans issues yesterday. she isnt a full blown t3rf, she basically agrees Trans People Exist And Are Not Perverts (a thought my other sister doesnt share), but she agrees with a lot of transphobic and t3rf sentiments, mostly out of sheer ignorance
i broke down to her a few stereotypes, such as that there is a binary between trans people and their appearance (transfems are always feminine, transmascs are always masculine, non binary people are always "androgynous"), told her there are trans people who dont go on t, and that trans women literally never equalize their upbringings to that of cis women - they equalize their upbrings to that of other trans women
also told her that the fact transmascs are rarely seen in media/news arent because of "misogyny", its because the media finds it much easier to attack a "man" dressed as a "woman", than a "woman" dressed as a "men" (which then reveals their own transphobia because they just think the latter case is a "confused woman" while the first is a "pervert" if that makes sense)
and like.. it was good. she listened. again, most of it came from ignorance - hearing all the shit our other sister says, and not knowing any trans people herself, besides from the videos of Bad Trans People she would see shared around
(specifically, she brought up a video she'd told me about before, of a trans person at a rally saying "Iesbians will suck dick!" and saying she was baffled by it; to which i calmly explained there were not just trans women who were lesbians, but cis women who dated them, and that the matter of genitaIia isnt, for the lack of a better word, "ignored" or "forced" upon cis women)
funny enough the only thing we hit a wall out was the word t3rf itself - i told her at the end that it was nowhere close to being a slur like the T slur, and she said "t3rf is to feminits what the T slur is to trans people". when i told her "being called a t3rf doesnt get you killed in the streets" she scoffed and said "of course it does", even she stated herself braziI remains the country that kills the most trans people
i gave up after that mostly because we were both kind of tired, but another thing i hit a roadblock at was when she said "i'm honestly just tired of this whole discussion", and it honestly hurt me a bit. not because she didnt want to continue discussing it, but idk, just the way she said it made it seem like "oh can we discuss if trans people deserve to live some other day"
and on a darker note when i told her our sister wants trans people to die, she said (jokingly) "no she doesnt, she just wants them like.... to go away", and i said "yeah, go away, hide in the closet, and die" and she actually laughed and agreed because we both know that its the level our other sister has reached
overall again as i said, surprisingly good talk. shes very hesitant to mention the topic of trans issues with her Igbt friends because of her own bigoted friends, and i hope shes at least more willing to learn now
also she hopefully learned that jk roIando (as i call her) Is Bad because shes literally associating w friends of neo nazis now lol
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Neutral ship culture is having to deal with anti/pro-shippers' black and white thinking that there is no gray area in ship discourse and you are either one or the other. Also that some of us don't like to identify completely with certain crowds or labels and that is OKAY. We aren't just some diet, discreet proshippers or antis. We are in the middle or may agree more with one side over the other. Pro/anti discourse is so complex it's unreasonable and stressful to expect people to choose only between the two sides. (For the record I'm more inclined to prefer proshippers when it comes to discourse... I just think harassment to the point of wishing death/suicide is awful especially if they aren't causing any real harm to others or done anything truly morally wrong or malicious.)
Yes. Personally I think that I'm in the straight middle. I acknowledge each society have their versions of morality, people use different ways to cope, people have different upbrings, etc. And even when I might not agree with them, I still try my best to accept them for who they are.
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onlyfridaynights · 10 days
i saw a post about snaters hating on snape because the people in the fandom who love him just want to change him and think of him as an absolutely good person. and they told the snaters that no, snape is fundamentally broken and genuinely a huge mess. and i know this is exactly how i percieve draco
i don‘t love draco‘s character just because he has a redemption arc or because of tom felton excellent work. i love draco because he‘s a little broken and unhinged and basically a stubborn selfish prat. i love how he embrace his upbring values and vision of the world until the very last, even when he already knows that it’s not the best way to think. and in fact he changes his opinion at the beginning simply to get out of trouble, but on the way he realises why the side that his family took on the war is not going to win.
his instinct for survival and self-preservation is so great, that he‘s afraid of his principles but never hesitates to do what he’s told. all because he loves his parents, who knows that they‘re "wrong" in the sense of supporting the dark lord. and sixth year? all the mental tumult he goes through is for nothing? the fact that he partially told his problems to myrtle because he didn’t trust anyone else? he receives the dark mark to save narcissa, repairs the cabinet and lets the death eaters into hogwarts and joins umbridge simply to save himself and his family.
the raw desseperation, the anguish, the wrath, the cowardy, his unhappiness, the unhinged efforts, all the uncertainty and being proved wrong by no one but saint potter, who rejected his offer of friendship and provoked years of rivalry with a solid base of jealousy and resentment. at this point i consider his character extremely complex, which obviously makes him interesting to a certain extent. yes, the main villain of the saga if we count that harry never saw old voldy as his true rival. but being a little broken, not looking like a disaster (and failing) while trying to plan a murder and the desire to be someone relevant, no matter how he achieve it is precisely what makes him draco malfoy.
so why would i want to change the way he is simply so that i can like his character? nonsensical.
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Now that i think about it I was such a let loose kid, i had so much freedom it was too much. I had to upbring myself and raise myself and figure out what are the virtues. Nobody guided me, told me what is right and what is wrong, nobody told and presented to me the ideas. And in a way you could think sure it's so great to have such autonomy, not being shoved ideology down your throat and yeah i have a lot of good traits because of this. Critical thinking among others right?
Yeah but
Ugh maybe i'm too hard on my mother sometimes. She did her best, surely. But because i had to become my own and her parent sometimes nobody ever taught me how to live, how to be a person. My mother, very autistic, very introvert, very domator stay-at-homey, very busy, very workaholic, very people pleaser could never teach me things i needed. I wasn't taught anything in my upbringing straightforwardly. Only as a response to traumas i figured some self-defense mechanisms, i just reacted to whatever came in whatever instinct driven and least harmless way possible. Only guidance i got from my father was to not open the door when someone's knocking, not to answer the phone to not let anyone know we're home and to be an asshole because that's what's gonna get you things (and then add the surprised pikachu meme when i used all that against him like..?)
So i just lived along. Home alone, computer, early internet, solitude, books, toys, nature, TV, lots of TV. So i raised myself. School was occasional as i just stopped going at one point because what for? To get bullied by peers and teachers? To waste my time there? To get up super early, go through stressfull public commute with people in it? And then get back home tired and for what? What was the purpose? Some imaginary lines drawn in an imaginary book next to my imaginary name? What. The. Fuck? I had it ALL at home! All i needed, where I controlled everything and did whatever the fuck i wanted all day. Some day i'll grow up, some day i'll show them and they will all see. It was still long years ahead of me to become an adult so i had plenty of time to prepare myself right? What do you mean you need education to get a well-paid job to have money for doing things you like? You mean i have to deliberately enslave myself to do what i want? I already do what i want! What do you mean i need good grades to get to Good uni to get the Good education to get the Good Job? That is imaginary! It's out of reach now, it doesn't give an actuall material gratification now, it's all a concept a kid's/teenager's mind can't grasp on just yet. And NOBODY could give me another reason for doing such draining, pointless, boring things other than "well it's just how it is, you just have to".
So i didn't, could you blame me? Would you call me stupid for pointing that out at 13? No adult could ever explain that to me so how could i follow them?
People get jobs without education and looking crazy. It's all about if you can put your potential, talent and skills to good use. School grades never reflected someone's intelligence and worth anyway. And fuck do i agree with my kid self holy shit i was right. But i didn't realize life is gonna be so damn harsh if you don't follow the regular path. Or did i? Nothing about my life was normal except for the fact that i had different sex parents and was white in a 97% white country. Everything else about me was fucked up and the world didn't dissapoint to point it out.
So why would I ever care to be afraid of following an unusal route when my whole life looked like this? I had 2 choices: either I bend myself over for the normal standards, clench my teeth and just do what everyone expects me to hoping i will not go insane in the process OR i could just do whatever i was already doing, being a weirdo creep my own way but at least being true and (relatively) confident about it.
Idk i just needed to let it out. But yeah i lack life skills for a reason and sometimes i wish someone would just tell me what to do with a good reasoning. But i don't think i'm that much different from others in this.
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