#pewdiepie racism racist
claratyler · 6 months
what did pj do /genq
he posted a video with pewdiepie a few days ago. Needless to say it gave me whiplash to see that in my youtube recommendations.. but it's more shocking to me to see that everyone was enjoying the video in the comments. or that here on tumblr, people have continued to post about pj completely ignoring the fact that he's out here collabing with Mr Notoriously Racist Youtuber
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rametarin · 3 months
I'll never forget.
Back when they were really trying to draw a line in the sand and make Pewdiepie untouchable, they'd just out and out lie about his record and made him out to be some enormous white supremacist.
He did joke, once, by dressing up as a British soldier and pretending to be an angry Nazi as a joke. The character he was playing for the two second bit was feigning outrage over a thing that'd offend a bigot. That was the joke.
The other time was when he let slip a racial expletive while gaming. Once.
And another time he paid some dudes on 5er to say something insensitive and deliberately offensive, and was surprised they actually did it.
And from all this cherrypicked stuff over a youtube career of utterly harmless shit, a whole bunch of hitpieces formed telling people how "you shouldn't sign off on this behavior, or people that do this behavior." Constantly talking about Nazis, "the far right, white supremacists, and Pewdiepie," like they were just inherently packaged together or something.
The connection was such a ridiculous reach that those that did it should feel absolutely ashamed and embarrassed now, as it wasn't far removed from how ridiculous the Red Scare was made out to be. Pewdiepie was just a Swedish white dude doing edgy jokes with no real malice behind them, his audience was by no means a bunch of white supremacists, and anyone that had watched his work knew it was just benign bullshit, not hate speech. And yet, he was still targeted and given bad press and then wink-nudged and told, "Maaaaybe you should use your platform to promote anti-bad things, like we rally for. ;) ;) ;) ;)"
Translation: Make that hokey apology video, disavow "white supremacy," promise to "be better," and maybe donate that youtube famous money to their political and social causes to overcompensate and prove just how progressive he is, or the reputation damaging via Social Cascade of propaganda would continue.
And predictably, you had sycophants chasing this fire and brimstone shit so hard they bragged about not knowing a thing about Pewdiepie or his work beyond, "he's just another white, Nazi adjacent supremacist. I don't even watch his material! Because I don't platform Nazis!"
Congratulations, you dimwit bitch. You wouldn't even research the material beyond the hitpiece that cherrypicked information, removed context or added context that didn't exist or was utterly irrelevant for the purposes of smearing a dude whose biggest crime was making loads of money for doing nothing much whatsoever, while being a white European, and refusing to cowtow to social parasites. Was utterly proud of not even looking it up, couldn't have been more smug about rejecting "Nazis" on principle.
Brought to you by the unironic, "Everything is sexist, everything is racist, and you have to point it out" crowd, that genuinely believe the default basis for social relations with white people is that racism is inescapable and defacto, just on the basis of being of the white demographic and in the developed world. Nothing can be benign or free of racism, "while America is a white supremacy." (AKA: They view anything capitalist as white supremacist. While the US is capitalist, they believe it cannot NOT be racist. While the US does NOT adopt policies proactively trying to elevate minorities and disenfranchise whites, they will consider it white supremacist.)
With that logic under their belt, it's not just Pewdiepie that's committing social crimes. It's all white people, everywhere, always, forever. Not by the offensive things said, but by the crime of existence. They lead into this conversation and call him a white supremacist and a Nazi while cherrypicking supposed proof of it as evidence to his ill intention, and then the deeper down the rabbithole you go, you learn it was never about anything he said. It was about being a very visible, wealthy white man they could threaten the image and livelihood of.
And it was the wrong decision to make, because a very diverse world witnessed the whole thing. Suffer, you lying bastards. Everybody that witnessed and remembers that will be like a person that saw a narcissistic parent got off on the kid they were abusing.
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samnooks · 10 months
at what point will dream stans take the evidence instead of insisting its fabricated? what will convince yall? you wouldnt even believe it if dream came out and said verbatim “i groomed this girl” you would accuse people of having forced him at gunpoint to say it. yall would defend any mediocre white man and i do mean this very much. go outside. stop engaging in youtubers find something else to do get a hobby.
i do think being in a fandom so parasocial on a man is so detrimental to you like throughout my stay in this fandom i realized i became someone i would dislike. i became too lenient on racism and all sorts of bigotry and i saw this shit in this fandom all the time hell i still see it today because i would make excuses i would say oh theyre too young even though i knew shit like pewdiepie was racist when i was 16. or that they changed when previously alt right people never truly confront their bigotry in a meaningful way theyre just more on the down low about it. you dont know these people and they dont care about you. like obviously ive left and reassessed my values but at the very least get out of here for like. a month.
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austim · 8 months
I've gotten multiple asks questioning why Markiplier is grouped in with racist youtubers in my DNI and the simplest answer is he's continuously endorsed Pewdiepie especially during the era where "subscribe to pewdiepie" became a neonazi dogwhistle. I don't know or care if he did anything else, supporting Pewdiepie is enough for me to hate him and to find his uncritical supporters annoying at best.
Pewdiepie Is A Nazi, a 6 year old video that only continues to age like a fine wine (besides the JK Rowling bit) and summarizes his racism until that point
I Literally Won't Shut Up Until You Subscribe To Pewdiepie, a 5 year old stream Markiplier made during the "subscribe to pewdiepie" era
PewDiePie explains why he doesn’t collab with Markiplier Anymore, a 2 year old video where Pewdiepie explains that he and Markiplier are still friends but don't collaborate because their video styles are different
Don't take any of this as some kind of personal attack if Markiplier is your favourite youtuber or something because I could not care less. I'd just prefer it if you didn't follow me or comment on my posts or otherwise make me realize you exist in my notes. Thank you!
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awesamcozy · 2 years
Chronically online people fucking love the oppression Olympics, I’m continuously shocked that they don’t like Dream considering-queer nd abuse victim- as you said. White man bad though amiright. Because he’s a m*n and wh*te he’s actually undergone no hardships ever guys don’t worry I can quote tweet his shit saying that he should be shot in the head :) this is actually a moral and good thing to do. Also I do not understand how the environment that white American teenagers are reared in is often not one that teaches over sensitivity to topics like race, and that unlearning that part of your upbringing is a sign of growth and change and dare I say non-bigotry. PewDiePie N-word hard R that he “said accidentally” is a racist sentiment from a platformed content creator. Dreamwastaken 2020 “I actually don’t think that the concept of a ‘battle cry’ is exclusive to Native Americans.” Tweet, albeit VERY poorly worded is not only correct but also definitely not racism.
The idea of “cancellation” of a celebrity or internet celebrity, hinges on the near or complete destruction of their career. For someone to be canceled, their fan base needs to abandon them so that they fall into obscurity. To be canceled, the content creator’s fan base needs to be willing to drop them if unsavory actions are brought to light. This is why generally the only people who are successfully canceled are Tiktokers, people who don’t have strong bonds with their audiences and can be bullied off of the internet. Dream is a cancelable creator to a certain extent, I divide Dream’s fan base into two categories, Stans and Fans. Dream Stans are on Twitter, tumblr, twitch, generally mid teens-early twenties. Dream fans are the generation of children being raised on Minecraft videos on YouTube who have no exposure to Twitter controversies and have probably never heard Sapnap say fuck. If next week, Dream were to hypothetically do something that was not illegal but morally unforgivable to much of his stanbase, ie. Actual horrific racism or homophobia (lol), and his stanbase dropped him fully or partially, 95% of smiletwitter leaves overnight, Dream would not be canceled. His YouTube platform is still mostly intact, that’s where he makes money, that’s where his numbers are highest. To stay above and beyond in content creation all he really has to do is continue to make Minecraft videos with George and Sapnap every 3 months.
I should’ve fucking given this like a “Why the Internet is Unable To Cancel Dreamwastaken” title because I just wrote a small thesis in your anonymous asks I’m so sorry. Tldr, Dream Stans are, as a whole, big on political correctness and would definitely stop supporting him in the face of a big enough incident,(see oct. this year) but Dream’s young fans on YouTube, likely unaware of this, would still watch his videos, negating any “cancelation” that Twitter might have pulled off with their continued support.
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just-antithings · 2 years
A gimmick account impersonating Santa Claus started Boyfriends hate again but this same gimmick account also put pewdiepie on the “nice list”
Very few people spoke up against the hate, I’m sure most people are tired of the never ending hate. But those who attacked the creator, spread misinformation, accused him of racism (for saying the n word once 8 years ago and apologizing for it, very racist /s) and of course said “it’s fetishization (of gay people)” and “we don’t want cringy media” and “just read / watch heart stopper that one’s better!”
And you know, coincidentally all of those haters had “dni proship” or “dni pedos” in bio and were also young people with no sexual libido or an extreme negative view on sex
The comic is too cutesy for me so I’m not reading it but I don’t think the issues they bring up are actual problems. They just hate him because he’s a trans man, of color and depicts college student characters in a cute poly relationship.
Some of the arguments were also “what if teenagers find the nsfw comic strips he did (of his own characters)”, well he uploaded them on patreon only but someone claimed to have read it on R34. You know, the porn website teenagers shouldn’t even have access to 🙄
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demonadelem · 2 years
isn't pewdiepie a blatant white supremacist
No, that was something created by the twitter game of telephone where someone says something true but then it gets it retold again and again til the truth is so distorted it doesn't resemble the original message. If you said this about any other creator who's content I publically engage with I would have simply deleted your ask and carried on because this is a really weird thing to say as I congratulate Felix and Marzia on going to be parents.
But I have looked into this subject in the past-
Yes, Felix has done some unmistakably racist things, the fiver "joke", saying the n-slur during a heated moment on a gaming livestream and carelessly promoted a YouTube channel whom was anti-semitic during/pre 2019 are things that ARE valid reasons to not support Felix but since then through apologies by his own current actions it's made clear he does not believe in the idiology of white supremacy. He has taken the time to call out the racism within his own fanbase, taken into responsibility of his actions and the subsequent actions of his fanbase in the video made 3 years ago. Since the 3 years there hasn't been incident.
Here vv
The nuance of the situation and where "blatant white supremacist" really comes from the criticism of the filthy frank/idubbs YouTube era of edgy humour that leads someone down the alt right pipeline. We have a saying in the furry community,
if you joke about having a kink enough times you end up having that kink.
Doing something ironically is a path to doing it unironically by process of desensitization. Make enough racist jokes you risk becoming racist yourself. While Felix pulled himself out of falling down the ideology, it seems a noticeable amount of his fanbase did not, which we better hold creators to to that standard if not over-correct in our year of 2023.
Detailed better by this video
There in 2019 he was a symptom of a alt right radicalization phenomenon not the cause. PewDiePie is not a white supremacist, he may of had a hand in helping people fall down that idiology but he is not one himself. Condemn ideologies above poeple, that is how you allow people to change.
So I will continue congratulation him becoming a parent because fucking hell man that's a huge change.
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seeveekat · 21 days
You know I've been researching about black characters in anime for a panel and I've thinking about it and i think the reason i get so blindingly annoyed/angry whenever someone (normally a non black person) says something along the terms of "Well they wouldn't know that its racist/problematic." In terms of something or someone being like, very racist, is that black people never have that leeway.
Black just don't have the option to be ignorant because being ignorant can lead to loss of money or even life.
Im thinking of people like Shane Dawson or PewDiePie who can say some racist shit about black people and then years later come out with some wak ass apology when it finally starts hurting their bottom line and you'll have a flock of people who like them being like "They didn't know it was racist to say that!🥺🥺" or "it was a different time when they did that so it was okay 🥺🥺"
And that same leway is not given to black people who fuck up. They need to be perfect at all times or else they'll lose everything it seems.
And not only that but black people are taught from a fucking young age about racism and the way the world will always view them. Why the fuck cant other races?
Like I'm not saying black people need a pass to be horrible or some shit but like idk??? Maybe before rushing to defend someone doing or saying something horribly racist reconsuder and think???
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dogboymutual · 3 years
i think that people need to stop defending, idolizing, and justifying the shitty and harmful actions of popular figures, especially social media creators.
pewdiepie is a big one for me. he’s still the largest creator on youtube, and every few years he gets RE-discovered as being a shitty person. not just discovered. RE-discovered. 
saying the n-word live on a stream in a fit of rage. paying two impoverished men to hold up a sign saying “death to all jews” and then acting surprised that they did it (when HE was the one that told them to, and HE was the one that gave them the financial incentive to do so, and HE was the one that even put that thought in their heads), and showcasing a channel that houses alt-right content in a video about his favorite channels and videos... and yet people to this day still claim that he’s not racist or antisemitic. 
like, these things have happened IN SUCCESSION TO ONE ANOTHER, YEARS APART. it’s one thing to apologize for ones actions and grow from them, and denounce them, and make sure to never do them again. it’s another thing to apologize and then continue to do shitty things. second chances should only go so far, and when someone continues to do things that signify that they aren’t willing to learn and grow from their past mistakes, then maybe they should stop getting those chances after a certain amount of times.
pewdiepie has a MASSIVE audience, mostly of young men, that are already being targeted on youtube by alt-right propaganda and slowly being fed more radically right-leaning media. that’s been an issue on youtube and social media in general for a while. but when pewdiepie, who again, has a MASSIVE AUDIENCE, perpetuates and supports these ideologies, and then faces zero backlash... it teaches the more impressionable members of his audience to believe that these things are genuinely okay to say because it won’t actually get you into that much trouble in the long run. these impressionable people will parrot what they’re taught, and will perpetuate that cycle of racism, antisemitism, alt-right ideologies, and it will continue to make life hell for BIPOC, Jewish people, queer people, women, and anyone that is already marginalized and discriminated against in society.
“if a popular guy on the internet can do it with little to no consequence, and even continue to make money, then why can’t i?” they think. there have been 2 mass shooters that both targeted mosques (in Quebec and Christchurch) that have cited him as inspiration, and the Christchurch shooter even said “subscribe to pewdiepie” moments before committing his crimes. his constant flirting with alt-right culture and neo-nazi propaganda is essentially a MEME at this point, and nobody’s fucking doing anything about it. 
yeah, people change, but for a guy that has had repeated chances to, he sure doesn’t seem like he wants to. stop idolizing, defending, and justifying shitty people because you feel a parasocial connection with them. you’d drop an irl friend if they started saying this kind of shit, wouldn’t you?
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Nobody cares about what preteen SJWs on Tumblr think about the n-word. Calling anyone who says it a Nazi or racist further illustrates why you’re not taken seriously.
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neotrances · 3 years
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itslike girl help......
savior complex in full swing
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samnooks · 7 months
ALSO ive seen ppl rlly fight hard for the 18 yr old minor for scatt defending pewdiepie and his racism like ohh he didnt know any better he changed and grew and they get on tommy’s shit who was the same age schlatt was when he made those jokes about tommy’s weird grooming jokes WHICH rightfully deserved but now ur showing ur ass about how racism is just a phase and how u dont take antiblackness seriously. also he repeats this behavior and barely apologizes if at all. ALSO i dont give a shit about the whole it was another era thing im 2 years younger than schlatt i grew up with extremely racist parents as in ive heard them say racial slurs racist and even back then when i was 16 i didnt even think to defend pewdiepie he has no excuse and also ppl who are saying its satire its a character well first off tell me what he’s satirizing cause he sounds undistinguishable from my maga mom but also his satire is shit and not above criticism if it even is a thing and also wilbur had an incel persona and look what happened and thats a serious thing bc his fanbase is racist too with how they’ll attack black ppl speaking up about him
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bumpscosity · 3 years
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mist-sterious · 4 years
racist jokes are still racist.
discriminatory jokes are still discriminatory. 
and if nobody laughs it means dont repeat the “joke” dumbass.
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thatdiva · 6 years
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Because I enjoy pissing off PewDiePie stans and fans.
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catgirlcrisis · 4 years
all the hetalia anime discourse is gonna follow the path of the homestuck discourse where everyone points out the weird problematic shit in the series and then nobody does anything
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