#physiologically thriller
apsarareads · 5 months
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None Of This Is True By Lisa Jewell
Spoiler Alert!!!
God! HEY BHAGWAAAAANNNNNN what did i just read???
First it I felt pity for Josie then i was disgusted by Walter and disturbed by how Josie said that she had turned a blind eye to everything. Then the truth came out and i was even more disgusted and disturbed by how Josie can even imagine shit like this? About your own child? You dated who's who? And it was becoming very clear what her motives were as soon as she said that she'll break free into freedom. Three innocent people died. I mean one of them wasn't that much innocent so I'm not sad for his death. And also if you're going through a hard phase TALK ABOUT IT TO YOUR LOVED ONES!! Nathan was a sweet Lil hubby of Alix but he was suffering and keeping things from his wife and ofcourse he didn't wanna worry his wife and kids so his habit of drinking to the point of passing out got him into a big trouble so......... communication would have been appreciated but oh well. It was a nice reading.
In short It was a fucked up book for me and i enjoyed it.
I definitely recommend it. It got me hooked from the very start. Finished it in like 3 days which is fastest for me.
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i-am-trans-gwender · 3 months
Thinking about the psychological horror inherent to memes. The people in memes are forced to redo the same events over and over again with only the slightest variation each time. Let's use Loss as an example.
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There's a billion Loss memes. Each time Ethan appears again in the doorway. He realizes he's in loss again. He worries that he has to relive his partner's miscarriage.
Sometimes he's lucky and the joke this time does not have a miscarriage but other times he's unlucky and it does. Either way he's forced to think about his wife's miscarriage more than is mentally healthy.
There's nothing Ethan do about this. He's forced to relive the same events over and over again with only slight variations ever since 2008 with no sign of stopping and no escape.
I don't even like Ctrl+alt+del but I can't help but feel pity for his Groundhog Day like scenario.
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palebirdqueen · 9 months
I just watched Perfect Blue, and absolutely what the absolute fuck did I just watch?? It's so unsettling and confusing, and that's precisely why I think it's incredible!
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aangopologist · 2 years
I honestly don't want to see Jonathan crane in the matt reeve's universe. The Scarecrow deserves his own spooky movie with touchs of physiological horror not be a side villain in another man pain batman movie
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ten · 2 years
hi!! relic by preston&child is my favourite series!! :)
omg a thriller series thank u i'm def adding that to my winter break reading list!!! i love thrillers so much but they're always a read in one sitting type thing for me cuz i physically cant do anything before finding out what happens HAHA
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imacelestialbeing · 2 years
Just had a "would make a great psychological thriller movie" type dream. paranoia guaranteed. Might also give a crisis. Would make a good book too tbh.
Lmao. I should get paid for this. That was prime entertainment. 100% awake for the day now.
Would highly recommend starting ur day thinking "wasnt this supposed to be a barbie movie?" Hearing a bang. The character in the not barbie movie thinking "he looked relieved" and then waking up and realizing you just dreamed up a masterpiece that will be forgotten in the next half hour.
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phe-purple-parade · 2 months
Been waking up stressed lately, today's stress dream featured such hits as:
Social exclusion
Supernatural beings
Preying on vulnerable people
Violent pursuit
Mental contagion
A performance to Michael Jackson's 'Thriller'
So,, a mix of anxieties..
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sirnica · 2 years
One of the worst nightmares in a long time, lads. Not a fun one at all.
I stopped melatonin, but the dreams keep coming.
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solopantera · 2 years
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Come true.
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hayatheauthor · 1 year
The Writer's Guide to Authentic Wounds and Fatalities
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Writing fatal injuries in a story requires a delicate balance between realism and narrative impact. The portrayal of these life-altering events can evoke strong emotions in readers and shape the trajectory of your characters' journeys. In this blog, I will explore the intricacies of depicting fatal injuries in a manner that feels authentic, engaging, and respectful to the gravity of such circumstances. By understanding the nuances of fatal injuries, you will be equipped to craft compelling narratives that resonate with your readers.
Writing Fatal Injuries
When it comes to writing fatal injuries, it is crucial to approach the subject with care and accuracy. Fatal injuries carry immense consequences for your characters and can shape the trajectory of your story. By delving into the intricacies of portraying fatal injuries authentically, you can ensure that the gravity and impact of such events are effectively conveyed to your readers.
Choosing the right injuries for your story
Selecting the appropriate fatal injuries for your narrative involves considering various factors. Ask yourself: What purpose does this injury serve within the story? How does it affect the characters and the overall plot? Conduct thorough research to identify injuries that align with your story's context and resonate with the emotional journey of your characters.
For example, in a historical drama, you may research common fatal injuries during a particular era, such as battlefield injuries, diseases, or accidents prevalent at the time. In a crime thriller, you might explore the portrayal of fatal gunshot wounds or traumatic injuries resulting from violent encounters. By aligning the injuries with the context and themes of your story, you create a more immersive and believable experience for your readers.
Researching the mechanics of fatal injuries
To portray fatal injuries convincingly, it is essential to delve into the mechanics behind them. Understand the specific anatomical structures and systems involved, as well as the forces or mechanisms that can lead to fatal outcomes. Explore medical resources, consult experts if possible, and gather insights into the physiological and psychological implications of such injuries.
For instance, if your character suffers a fatal stab wound, research the anatomy involved, the potential organs affected, and the potential consequences such as internal bleeding or organ failure. By understanding the specific details and implications of the injury, you can describe the physical and emotional toll it takes on the character with greater accuracy and depth.
Depicting the immediate aftermath
When writing about fatal injuries, vividly describe the immediate aftermath to capture the intense emotions and physical realities. Consider the sensory details, the shock and disbelief experienced by characters, and the chaotic environment that often surrounds such events. Balancing realism with the needs of your story, create a scene that immerses readers and evokes empathy.
For example, if a character experiences a fatal car accident, you can depict the chaos at the scene, the character's disorientation, and the reactions of witnesses. Emphasize the sensory details such as the sound of screeching tires or the smell of burning rubber, creating a visceral experience for your readers.
Emotional and dramatic impact on the narrative
The impact of fatal injuries extends beyond the immediate moment. Explore the ripple effects on other characters, relationships, and the overall plot. Delve into the emotional responses, grief, guilt, anger, or determination that arises in the aftermath of loss. Utilize these emotional arcs to deepen character development and drive the narrative forward.
For instance, the loss of a loved one due to a fatal illness might lead to grief and strained relationships among the remaining family members. The emotional journey of a character grappling with guilt and seeking redemption after causing a fatal accident can become a central theme in your story. By delving into these emotional arcs and their consequences, you add depth and resonance to your narrative.
Writing Minor Injuries
While fatal injuries may capture our attention with their dramatic impact, it is equally important to pay attention to the portrayal of minor injuries in your writing. Minor injuries, though less severe, can still significantly affect your characters and contribute to the authenticity of your story. In this section, we will explore the art of depicting minor injuries, ensuring that they are not overlooked or trivialized. By delving into the nuances of minor injuries, you can add depth and realism to your characters' experiences.
Types of minor injuries to consider
When crafting your story, it is essential to consider a range of minor injuries that can occur. These injuries can include cuts, bruises, sprains, minor burns, or even minor fractures. Each type of injury carries its own unique characteristics, associated pain levels, and recovery processes. By understanding these distinctions, you can create accurate and believable depictions that resonate with your readers.
For example, a character who sustains a cut on their hand may experience sharp pain, the sight of blood, and the need for immediate first aid. On the other hand, a character with a sprained ankle may struggle with mobility, experience swelling, and require rest and care for a few days. By paying attention to these specific details, you can enhance the realism of your storytelling.
Conveying pain and discomfort
When writing about minor injuries, it is important to effectively convey the pain and discomfort experienced by your characters. Consider describing the sensation of pain, the throbbing or stinging feeling, and how it affects their daily activities or interactions. Showcasing the emotional impact of pain, such as frustration, irritation, or vulnerability, can deepen the readers' connection to the character's experience.
For instance, if a character suffers from a sprained wrist, you can describe the dull ache that persists, making simple tasks like typing or holding objects challenging. By capturing these small but significant moments, you immerse readers in the character's struggle and create a more realistic portrayal.
Balancing realism with narrative pace
While it is important to depict minor injuries realistically, it is also crucial to strike a balance with the overall pace and momentum of your story. Consider the significance of the injury within the larger context of your narrative. Some injuries may require more detailed attention and impact the plot, while others may serve as background elements. Adjust the level of detail and focus accordingly, ensuring that the portrayal of minor injuries aligns with the narrative's flow.
For example, a small cut on a character's finger may not require an extensive description unless it becomes infected or triggers an unexpected consequence. By aligning the portrayal of minor injuries with their narrative relevance, you maintain a consistent pace while still acknowledging their impact on your characters' lives.
Writing Bloodshed And Realistic Blood Loss
When writing about wounds and injuries, it is essential to consider the amount of blood loss your characters may experience. Realistic portrayal of bloodshed can enhance the authenticity of your scenes and immerse readers in the gravity of the situation. In this section, we will explore the factors influencing blood loss and techniques for accurately depicting it in your writing.
Understanding blood loss and its impact on the body
To authentically portray blood loss, it's crucial to have a basic understanding of how the human body responds to injury. Research the circulatory system and the role of blood in transporting oxygen and nutrients throughout the body. Consider the different types of blood vessels and their potential for bleeding when injured. This knowledge will help you create realistic scenarios and determine the appropriate level of blood loss for specific injuries.
Factors influencing blood loss in different injury scenarios
The amount of blood loss can vary depending on the severity and location of the injury. Factors such as the size of blood vessels, the rate of bleeding, and the body's ability to clot play a significant role. For example, a deep laceration in an artery will result in more substantial blood loss compared to a superficial cut on the skin. Consider these factors when describing injuries and their resulting bloodshed.
Techniques for accurately portraying blood loss in writing
There are several techniques you can use to convey the realistic impact of blood loss in your writing. Describing the color, consistency, and flow of blood can provide vivid imagery. You can also include physical symptoms such as dizziness, weakness, or fainting that may accompany significant blood loss. Additionally, consider the emotional response of your characters and how they react to the sight of blood or their own injuries.
By incorporating these techniques, you can create scenes that evoke a visceral response in readers and enhance the authenticity of your writing.
Bruises: Colors, Progression, and Pain
Bruises are a common result of injuries, and understanding how they form, change in color, and cause discomfort can greatly enhance the realism of your writing. By accurately describing bruises, you can bring depth to your characters' injuries and portray their healing process convincingly.
Understanding the stages and colors of bruises
Bruises go through distinct stages of color as they heal. Initially, they may appear red or purple due to the broken blood vessels beneath the skin. Over time, the color changes to blue, green, yellow, and eventually fades to a brown or yellowish hue. Understanding this color progression can help you accurately describe the age of a bruise and the healing process.
For example, a fresh bruise might be vivid purple, indicating recent trauma, while a fading bruise may have a yellowish tinge, suggesting that healing has begun. By incorporating these color details, you can add realism to your characters' injuries and track the passage of time within your narrative.
Depicting the progression of bruises over time
As bruises heal, they often change in appearance and size. Initially, a bruise may be small and localized, but it can gradually spread and become more extensive. Describing this progression can provide a sense of the healing process and the passage of time within your story.
For instance, a character who sustains a significant blow to the face may develop a bruise that starts as a small spot near the eye but expands to cover a larger area over the next few days. By accurately portraying the progression of bruises, you enhance the authenticity of your characters' injuries and their recovery.
Conveying the pain and sensitivity associated with bruises
Bruises can be painful, sensitive to touch, and affect a character's movement and daily activities. Describing the pain and discomfort experienced by your characters can create empathy and immerse readers in their physical ordeals.
Consider conveying the tenderness of a bruise when pressure is applied, the throbbing sensation, or the limitation of movement due to the pain.
Remember The Side Effects
Injuries, whether minor or severe, often come with a range of side effects that can significantly impact your characters' lives. These side effects can extend beyond the physical realm and encompass emotional, psychological, and social aspects.
Physical side effects
Injuries can have profound physical side effects that go beyond the immediate pain and discomfort. Consider the potential consequences such as limited mobility, impaired coordination, chronic pain, or the need for assistive devices like crutches or braces. Describing these physical side effects can add depth to your characters' struggles and provide a realistic portrayal of their healing journey.
For example, a character who sustains a leg injury may experience difficulty walking, require physical therapy, or have long-term complications that affect their day-to-day activities. By addressing these physical side effects, you create a more nuanced depiction of the aftermath of injuries.
Emotional and psychological side effects
Injuries can have a profound emotional and psychological impact on characters. They may experience fear, anxiety, trauma, or a loss of confidence. Consider how the injury affects their self-image, relationships, or mental well-being. Explore the emotional journey your characters undergo as they navigate the aftermath of their injuries.
For instance, a character who survives a near-fatal accident may develop post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and struggle with recurring nightmares or panic attacks. By incorporating these emotional and psychological side effects, you can deepen the complexity of your characters and their responses to traumatic experiences.
Social implications and changes
Injuries can also lead to significant social changes for your characters. They may face challenges in their personal relationships, encounter stigma or discrimination, or experience changes in their roles or identities. Explore how the injury affects their interactions with others and their sense of belonging in the world.
For example, a character who sustains a facial injury may encounter judgment or stares from others, leading to self-consciousness or isolation. By addressing the social implications and changes resulting from injuries, you can create multi-dimensional characters and explore the impact of their injuries on their social dynamics.
By incorporating these various side effects into your writing, you bring depth and authenticity to your characters' experiences and showcase the wide-ranging impact of injuries.
Writing authentic wounds and fatalities requires attention to detail and a deep understanding of the physical, emotional, and psychological aspects involved. By following the guidelines and exploring the subheadings discussed in this guide, you can create compelling and realistic portrayals of injuries in your writing.
Remember to conduct thorough research on the specific injuries you want to depict, understanding their mechanics, symptoms, and potential outcomes. Consider the immediate and long-term effects on your characters, both physically and emotionally. Incorporate sensory details to immerse readers in the experience, describing the pain, bloodshed, colors of bruises, and the progression of healing.
Additionally, don't forget to address the side effects that injuries can have on your characters' lives. Explore the physical limitations, emotional struggles, and social implications that arise from their injuries. By delving into these aspects, you can create well-rounded characters and compelling narratives that resonate with readers.
I hope this blog on forging epic battles will help you in your writing journey. Be sure to comment any tips of your own to help your fellow authors prosper, and follow my blog for new blog updates every Monday and Thursday.  
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give-some-lemons · 7 days
Watching/playing in horror genre with Sylus
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~first of all he’s a busy man and despite the fact that he likes horror genre, usually he just don’t have enough time for watching movies giving more preference to books. He’s favorite would definitely be Stephen King for that atmosphere in his artworks.
~he’s a kind of person that will chuckle or at least smile at characters deaths, especially if it’s a stupid one like stepped on “the most obvious trap he’s ever saw” and he’s more than glad if you’re same, discussing how dumb heroes are for coming up with those decisions.
~he secretly waits for scary moments cause he loves when you cling to him all tensed seeking for his protection and comfort when monster’s face appears on the screen with a loud scream. But if you’re a tough one, that cannot be affected so easily don’t worry, after some time you’ll find yourself in his arms pressed against strong chest anyway.
~he would be glad to watch all the screen adaptations of Stephen King’s novels, even if he doesn’t like any of it, telling how much better it was on the book pages, but he has favorites like “Carrie” and “It”.
~movies about serial killers is his top of most enjoyable ones, sympathizing Myers and Ghost Face and considering how society itself made a monsters out of them. And that is the reason why you often need to put it on pause for you two to meet in a debate battles on that topic.
~if we’re talking about games he’s not much of a player but of course he will do that with you cause obviously that’s what you’d like. It takes some time for you to explain him how to play but since he’s a “talented student” he’s very fast at learning.
~for the reason that not so much horror games are a multiplayer ones, you play in turns, even if at first he prefers watching you, taking his turn only in case if some moments are too scary for you but after not so long mostly you will be the one to just sit, often giving him advice.
~I feel like this man would like “Resident evil 7” and first parts of this franchise, cause the atmosphere in some places there would keep him all in tense, plus he seems to really like the idea of Umbrella, an evil company with their terrible experiments on human body and you already were regretting of giving him ideas for his next business.
~even though he loves to control everything he seems to enjoy games with an unpredictable jump-scares like “Layers of Fear” or “Mortuary Assistant” that can throw him off course for a couple of seconds. And it’s funny for you to watch how carefully and slowly he’s trying to turn back not to be taken by surprise after the last jump-scare.
~”Phasmophobia” is next on your list, a game that was terrifying for you first times you played it. But despite your expectations you almost always were the one to die first while your man just sat there holding a laugh, hidden in the closet like he never even entered the haunted house. Newcomers are lucky not to go out on the ghosts, I guess.
~not a secret that he adores the feeling when somebody’s life fully depends of his choice, no matter if that’s a real life or a game, that’s why he enjoys “Until Dawn” along with “Dark Anthology Pictures”. That thrill of power and control that he has over these virtual humans make you feel very sorry for them. And don’t even doubt, if he doesn’t like the character they will not make it until the end, at least alive.
~he likes horror games/movies with a deep meaning, you know the ones after which you usually sat on one place for some time reflecting on what you’ve just seen or played. At that point you and your partner are talking sharing your thoughts and considering all the ways how differently it could be if characters did this instead of that.
~he would love as well physiological thrillers like “The Shining” and “The Babadook”, movies where the story is told through the thoughts of psychologically stressed characters, revealing their distorted mental perception of the world and how what seemed like a nice, not remarkable at any point person goes all the way straight to insanity.
~not a big fan of a body horror, as he thinks that it’s the easiest way to impress people with just an image of blood and organs everywhere on the screen. As was said before, he appreciates people’s emotions and the atmosphere, that puts viewers or players in a primary terror.
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tpwkwriter · 1 year
PLEASEE do one when H and y/n are at Harrys DWD premier and Chris pine is very flirty with y/n and looky with her and harry just gets protective and does all the things he can do to prove to him that y/n is his, pleaseee that would be so cute
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Didn’t he just look so dreamy this day? 😭thanks for the request bc I’m actually crying of how cute this concept acc is😫 enjoy!❤️
PLEASE NOTE: I am aware Chris pine would never hit on a taken woman this is for story purposes only!!!!🫶🏼
Warnings: jealousy, cussing, some flirty behaviour, angstyyyy, upset Harry 😭, fluffy ending!!!
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It was a sunny day in Venice, the sky was a light blue, the sunshine was really doing its thing, it was a perfect day to be a plus one at Venice film festival.
When y/n heard about Harry’s upcoming physiological thriller ‘don’t worry darling’ she was ecstatic.
Every moment in his crazy career she was there for she hadn’t missed a a single thing.
“Y’not joining me for the carpet?” He asks realising her hand was no longer locked in his.
“This is your moment H, m’happy to watch” she smiled.
He glanced over to the carpet to which Chris pine, gemma chan and nick kroll were already occupying.
“I wouldn’t have done with film without you lovie, c’mon” he said pressing a kiss to her forehead and taking her hand once more.
“Fine” she sighed.
When Harry revealed them from the black curtain that shielded them from the world, the mixed audience of fans, film enthusiasts, paparazzi and journalists, erupted into cheers and heckles.
“Harry, Harry over here!”
“Harry we have questions for you!”
And to y/n’s surprise even some directed to her.
“Y/n you look beautiful”
“Y/n are you proud of this movie”
In a loving and protective manner Harry slid his arm around the girls waist and guided her next to Chris for photos to be taken.
As the main cast/crew member pictures had been taken, Gemma went off to have an interview? Nick found himself speaking to Harry which left y/n and Chris still next to each other.
“You Look good y/n” Chris says turning to the girl now having his full attention.
“Oh Chris, thank you! You don’t scrub up to bad either!” She playful gested
“Y/n, Chris come over we have some questions!!” a male reporter chanted.
Chris placed his palm on the lower of y/n’s back and walked towards the reporter.
Harry took a glance back at where he thought y/n was, a panic filled his mind when he couldn’t see her or Chris.
“Don’t panic mate she’s right there with Chris” nick noted making him turn the opposite direction.
“How did you-?” He asked.
“I know you too well, she’s all you think about” nick laughed.
Harry turned to his girl who spoke to the microphone the man was holding towards her.
Watching her do the most simple stuff made Harry realise how lucky he truly was.
The only thing he was sure of is the eyes of the one and only Chris pine staring her down.
Now, Harry wasn’t normally a jealous type but when a man like Chris appears, he can’t help but feel like he has no chance.
“Yeah, no y/n has been great! She delivered us all hot coffee and if we were lucky then donuts” Chris laughs thinking about the fond memories there shared through the filming.
Chrises hand slowly rubbed up and down her exposed arm as she spoke.
That did not go unnoticed by Harry.
“But filming was super fun to watch and seeing the movie made it all really worth it! I mean everyone involved did great”
“And it’s amazing seeing the actors behind the-“
Harry had snaked his muscular arms around her waist forcing Chris’s to remove his, and pressing a sweet kiss to her cheek.
“Oh hi Harry” she giggled
“Carry on Angel” he reassured.
“As I was saying yeah- um it was really interesting seeing behind the scenes”
Harry continued pressing mini kisses to her cheek and using his thumb to slowly trace her waist.
“The world is going to go crazy over this” the camera man laughed.
Y/n blushed and placed her hands on top of Harry’s.
Once the interview was over Harry pulled the girl close to his chest.
“Y’do know the world can see us” she said giving into his touch nonetheless.
“Oh well, at least the world know y’mine” he emphasised.
“Hey guys” a familiar deep voice chimed.
“Hey man” Harry replied reluctantly letting go of his girl.
“You 2 joining us for some fine dining?” He said straightening his blazer and hair.
“You up for it baby?” Harry asked looking back to his girl
“Oh yeah of course” she smiled.
“Great well I guess I’ll see you then!” He said patting her arm and heading off into the posh car to be taken to the location.
“God he has a thing for you” Harry said annoyingly with a roll to his eyes.
“Harry” she laughed
“Chris pine has a thing for me?” She continued.
“Mmm not sure about that love” she giggled.
Y/n wrapped her arm around his waist.
“I love you” she mumbled into his side.
“Love you too”
— — — — —
The cast of ‘DWD’ sat around a table that was located in one of Venice’s fanciest restaurant and poshest experiences.
Y/n couldn’t deny Harry had looked devilishly handsome the whole day and despite being next to the idols like Chris and Nick she only had eyes for him and will only have eyes for him.
Y/n was sandwiches between Harry and Chris with jemma, Nick opposite with Florence and Sydney head of the table.
“I love the material of your dress y/n” Chris nonchalantly mumbled while running his fingers on the red satin dress.
“Yeah it’s nice right, don’t you look beautiful baby” Harry was quick to say pressing a kiss on her temple.
“Where is it from?” Chris asked.
“Oh this is-“ y/n started.
“This is Gucci isn’t it darling? My very own collection tailored and measured especially for her” Harry spoke.
“Yeah, yeah that he did” y/n bash fully laughed.
“Wow! That’s crazy, I’m invited actually to be one of Guccis models for next month’s catalog” Chris bragged maintaining eye contact with Harry.
“Maybe you two should do a fashion collab” y/n mentioned taking a sip of her wine.
“100%” Chris mumbled into his napkin that he delicately patted around his lips.
The rest of the night went down a blast the girls shared laughter and gossip as the evening went on, Harry and the rest of the boys managed to have a conversation and the dining experience itself was great.
Harry just couldn’t take his eyes off of what Chris was to do next.
While y/n was speaking to Gemma who was adjacent to her Harry noticed Chrises heart eyes.
“Oh it’s lovely, me and Harry went a few years back missed it ever since” she began
“Where’s this y/n?” Chris interrupted.
Harry noticed the sudden interruption due to him, he placed his palm on her knee and gave it a light squeeze in a way to show he’s sorry for the interruption.
“Oh just telling Gemma about almafi coast, me and H went a few years ago” she smiled turning back to hemme and continuing her story.
As y/n carried on her conversation, it was the little things that Harry noticed. The way Chris would look from her dress all the way to her eyes, the way he would bite his lip when he had his attention. It was driving him mad.
“And so i Definitely thin-“ y/n started
“Y/n, I have to say your looking beautiful tonight” Chris blurted.
“You interrupted her to say that?” Harry said placing his arm on the back of y/n’s chair and leaning forward to meet eyes with Chris.
“Harry-“ she warned.
“Is a compliment a bad thing?” He answered back.
The tone in the both the boys caused the table to turn to the three of them.
“When I’m right here yeah” Harry scoffed.
“All I’m doing is complimenting her, something I haven’t seen you do all night” he laughed, causing the rest of the table to watch in shock, those who knew Harry knew when it comes to his lovie there’s no messing.
“Chris” Nick gasped.
“M’not hearing this all night, I’ll be outside y/n” and with that Harry rose from his seat and made his way to the exit of the restaurant.
A cold chill blew over y/n’s spine, this escalated from 0-100 very quickly.
“All over a compliment?!” He laughed taking a swig of his whiskey.
“I should go see him-“ Nick offered.
“It’s fine” y/n sighed.
“I’ll go” she begins as she stands and grabs her bag and slings it over her shoulder.
“Thanks for tonight guys” she said trying to be as friendly as she could.
“I’m sure he’s fine he’s just a bit stresse-“
“You don’t Need to explain yourself to us y/n, go find your man and keep us updated” Sydney said with Jemma and Flo nodding in agreement.
Y/n pushed the cold glass door open with her palm and slowly walked around the place in search of her boyfriend.
“Hey you” she said gently to the familiar figure that stood just by an alleyway.
“Fuck, love I’m so fucking sorry” he started.
“Hey hey hey” she said voice softening.
With a glance she could note the glossy eyes, without another word she wrapped her arms around his blazer clad waist, brung him in tightly.
“How about we get to the hotel and you can tell me what’s going on hey?” She offered using her fingers to play with the curls at the back of his head.
“Mmhmm” he hummed.
— — — — —
The ride back to the hotel was silent but not at all uncomfortable or awkward y/n knew he was hurt by something and she was determined to find out before the night ended.
They checked back into there hotel rooms and much to Harry lamberts disgust there fancy clothes ended up remaining in the floor for the night.
Y/n changed into one of Harry’s hoodies and her joggers.
Y/n joined harry on the bed and immediately made her self comfy, and cuddled straight into him.
“What’s going on H” she lowly whispered.
“Feel like I don’t appreciate you enough” he started.
“Hmm?” She hummed confused
“All night he had something to say, ‘oh your dress’, ‘oh your makeup’ and I just, I don’t know, feel shitty” he said honestly.
“And every look he gave you, every compliment, every touch he gave you it just scares me” he said pushing his head into the nook of her shoulder.
“Scares you?” She asked.
“I can’t lose you y/n, and Chris being this admittedly handsome guy, and giving you so much more attention then I did, it’s understandable”
“Baby, never, ever worry about that, no Chris or any other person could ever take me away from you ever”
She traced the back of his neck with her gentle fingertips.
“Only have eyes for you my love, only for you, and I don’t need your affection to feel loved by you, knowing your next to me or even in my life makes me feel like the luckiest girl ever” she stated whole heartedly.
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bio1 · 10 months
Hey everyone, we final got done with act 1 of my Earthspark horror theme fan fic called "throughout a rotted oak".
Was going of this posted on Halloween (since the story takes place there) but we just didn't have enough time or energy for that then.
Anyway thank you to my friend @billie-jay for doing A lot of the writing and grammar checking with me. Couldn't done this without them. Anyway here's the first act, Enjoy.😊
Also warning this story contains: descriptions of graphic imagery and body horror.
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"Throughout a rotted oak" Act one: sleepy beginnings.
Despite how close to midnight it was, the sound of footsteps could still be heard throughout the dugout. A combination of caffeine and late night movie watching was keeping Twitch Malto wide awake while the rest of her terran siblings dozed off peacefully. In her defense, if Robbie didn’t want her drinking his energy drinks, he should have kept them hidden better. And the password to her father’s Netflix account should have been more secure than ‘bumblebee123’.
Though the entirety of the terrans had all stayed up to binge as many horror movies as they could think of (with the expectation of Jawbreaker, who had his eyes closed the entire time out of fear), only Twitch was still awake. As she paced nervously up and down the dugout, she looked over her sleeping siblings one by one. Thrash was in his alt mode, somehow completely upside down. His engine was repeatedly reving up and stalling in a cycle, as if he was snoring. Jawbreaker was laying facedown on the floor, a comically small teddy bear perched carefully on top of his head. Hashtag, who had tried staying up later herself by watching youtube, had eventually fallen asleep as well, her phone autoplaying what sounded like Russian dashcam crash footage. And Nightshade… Hm, actually, she didn’t see Nightshade anywhere. Not that she was really paying attention, however. Her mind was too busy replaying everything she had seen earlier in the night over and over.
The kids had essentially gone to the horror section on Netflix and watched as many movies as they could before they got tired. From goofier horror comedies like "Critters" to things genuinely terrifying physiological thrillers like "Halloween", and some striking and odd balance of the two like "Scream". What really got to her, however, was John Carpenter's "The Thing", and not just because of what happened to those poor sled dogs. That awful, morphing monster, the way it ripped the research team apart, really stuck with her. Possibly because it reminded her of a few of Mandroid’s own creations she had to fight before, epecially that bear mutant from mother’s day.
She was so caught up in her own head that she didn’t even notice Fluffy Ears right in front of her. Twitch ended up tripping right over the family’s pet cow, who decided it would be a good idea to sleep in the middle of the dugout’s hallway. She managed to catch herself mid fall by switching into her alt mode just before hitting the ground. The sleepy calf roused her head, looked at the little red drone hovering directly in front of her, gave her a quick lick, and fell back asleep. The whole ordeal was quiet enough not to wake anyone else, but it did catch the attention of Nightshade, poking their head out from around a corner near their lab.
“Oh, Twitch, I didn’t know you were still up.” They smiled. “Is everything alright? You look nervous.”
“How can you tell that if I’m in my alt mode?”
“Well, you’re shaking. Pretty violently.”
She hadn’t even realized that, but they were right. She accidentally bumped into Fluffy Ears pretty hard. Startled, Twitch switched back into her normal mode and tried profusely apologizing to the calf. Fluffy Ears didn’t seem to mind, and got up from her spot to start aimlessly wandering around the dugout.
“I’m, uh, I’m fine, Nightshade. What are you doing over there, anyway?” Twitch attempted to change the subject, making her way over to Nightshade’s lab. At the very least, this might be a fun distraction. Nightshade’s bright green optics lit up at this, clearly excited to show someone their work.
"I am so glad you asked." They tugged on their sibling's arm and pulled them into their lab. On a table in the center was a large, ominous looking metal contraption.
"Wait, isn't that-" Twitch began, before getting cut off.
"The reverse beartrap from Saw, yes!" Nightshade beamed, proudly holding it up. "The movies we watched tonight weren't particularly the type I enjoy, but I did appreciate some of the creative inventions a few of them displayed." They looked over to see Twitch with a completely horrified expression on her face. "Oh, are you wondering if it works? I am too. This is just a prototype I whipped up based on how it was explained in the film. I was actually just about to test it-" They reached under the table and pulled out a full pumpkin. Nightshade extended their arms and eagerly gestured for Twitch to take the gourd. "Since you're up, would you like to do the honors?"
"... Actually, I was wondering why you built a torture device in the first place." She finally responded, nervously looking it over. "I mean, you've built some crazy stuff in the past, but this is, uh, kind of disturbing, Nightshade."
Nightshade looked somewhat disappointed at this, shaking their head a bit. "You've got the wrong idea! A torture device implies that the victim is meant to survive."
Nightshade set the trap down and activated it themselves. Within seconds, it ripped the pumpkin open, its guts splattering messily onto the floor.
"A person wouldn't have survived that." They added, clearly happy the machine worked as intended.
Twitch flinched and stood back, her eyes growing to the size of dinner plates.
"Twitch?" Nightshade asked, concerned. "What is-oh. I get it. Don't worry, it was never my intention to use this on any living being. I just like challenging myself, and building this seemed like it would be an interesting experiment." They began scooping the guts off the concrete floor. "The thought of this device ever actually being used for its original purpose… that's something I wouldn't even have wished on Mandroid." They muse. Noticing their sister was still silent, Nightshade approached her, a worried look forming on their features.
"Are you sure you're alright? You didn't think I was really going to-" Twitch cut them off.
"No! Oh, no, I know you wouldn't, Shady. I'm just kind of on edge tonight, I guess. Probably shouldn't have stolen Robbie's energy drinks." She attempted to brush off their concern as convincingly as she could.
"You probably shouldn't have! Caffeine can worsen the hyperactive aspects of ADHD after all." They agreed, patting her on the shoulder.
"...You think I have ADHD?"
Before Nightshade could respond, a massive crunch boomed out from above them.
"What was that!?" Twitch flew out in search of the cacophony. Nightshade, trying their best to keep up with her, tiptoed as softly as they could to prevent waking the others. They found Twitch looking through the camera screens in the main room of the dugout. There was nothing unusual on live feed, just a few autumn leaves blowing past the cameras Nightshade has placed around the ranch.
"Should we-" Nightshade began, getting cut off again.
"Check it out? Yes, obviously!" She seemed a little too excited to see what was out there. Perhaps she was just looking for an excuse to feel useful, or burn off some of her energy.
Without a second of hesitation, she switched to her alt mode and flew outside, wildly darting around the sky above the dugout. Twitch changed back into bot mode as she landed on the barn's roof. With the moonlight nearly hidden behind a thick layer of clouds, it was almost pitch black outside. Nightshade caught up with their energetic sister, surprised to see her standing still as a statue.
"Twitch! There is nothing out here but the nocturnal wildlife. Perhaps it was a raccoon who made that sound." Nightshade said.
Twitch responded in a shaky tone. "Nightshade, what kind of raccoon could make a noise that loud?"
"...One with rabies?"
"Wait! Listen for a moment." She hushed, falling silent again.
Nightshade listened for something out there to satisfy their sister's paranoia. "I hear nothing Twitch."
"Exactly, Nightshade! There's nothing! No crickets chirping, none of the cows are making any sound, there aren't even moths near the lights!" She exclaimed frantically.
"Oh goodness, you're right. Now that is odd. The only time it's ever perfectly quiet outside is when there is something…dangerous around."
Nightshade glared in front of them, attempting to make out the source of the eerie calmness.
"That tree… wasn't there before." They noted, their voice shaky as they pointed ahead.
Twitch turned to see what her sibling was referring to. In the middle of the forest, several hundred meters away from the barn, a massively tall, crooked tree stood high above the rest. It only has three twisted branches, growing out of its spindly stalk in such a way to vaguely resemble a humanoid figure with bending limbs. One branch in the middle rounded out at the end to form the "head" of this horrific plant.
"Ok, so that certainly wasn't a raccoon then." Nightshade commented. Their sister began switching into her alt mode, before the younger green bot grabbed hold of her. "Twitch, wait! Going out to investigate… whatever that is right away probably isn't a good idea. We should at least think this through first."
Twitch struggled in their grip for a second before shaking herself off, but didn't immediately fly out like she wanted to. "What's the hold up? You seriously want to just head in and call it a night?" She snapped at them.
"No, of course not. I just think we shouldn't do it alone." They added, remaining calm.
"And give that tree-thing a chance to move in first? I don't think so." Twitch shifted and took off into the sky. Reluctantly, Nightshade changed into their alt mode as well, flying directly in front of her to block her path.
"Twitch! What's gotten into you?" They asked frantically. Thankfully for them, Twitch did stop on her tracks. "You clearly aren't doing well tonight. Whatever's got you troubled, I'm here for you, and so is the rest of the family."
"We clearly have bigger issues than my anxiety to deal with right now!" She shouted. "Things like… that are just more proof I haven't been doing enough to keep us safe."
"Is that what this is about? Twitch, this isn't your fault-" she cut them off.
"Well it'll be both of our faults if that tree monster gets its dirty roots on the others because we were busy screwing around here!"
Nightshade wasn't sure how to respond. Twitch’s panicked tone and expression afe it clear how stressed and out of it she was. But how were they supposed to comfort her? This entire situation was making it hard for even them to think, especially with that giant tree staring at them-
Wait, the tree was staring at them?
Nightshade slowly turned their head to get a better look, and to their horror, the tall head of the ominous tree had sprouted a pair of huge, glowing eyes.
“We need to go back inside, now!” They grabbed Twitch's arm with their talons, dragging their sister behind them. Almost involuntarily, the younger mech let out an owlish screech as they dived back into the dugout from the entrance in the barn's roof.
Switching back into their alt mode, Nightshade rushed over to the console displaying the security cameras’ feds. They displayed nothing but static, oddly enough. Nightshade, frustrated and confused, frantically tried fixing the console, but nothing seemed to be working.
After a few moments, Twitch quietly approached her sibling, meekly tapping them on the shoulder. “Shady, I need to tell you something…”
“I'm not mad at you, Twitch. Just, I need to focus right now-”
“That's not what an owl sounds like.” She continued.
Nightshade stopped what they were working on and turned to face her. “...I'm sorry?”
“I've been meaning to say this ever since you got your alt mode, but that owl screech you do isn't actually what owls sound like. The noise you make is more like an eagle or a hawk.”
Nightshade just sort of stared at her, not sure what to say.
“Oh.” Was all they could think of as a response.
“Wait, why would you bring that up now?”
“I'm sorry! I'm scared! I can't even really think straight, it feels like my brain is shutting down…” She grabbed onto her head and shook it, as if trying to forcefully wake herself up.
Nightshade tried to go back to fixing the camera system, but found that their own mind felt somewhat fuzzy as well. They've repaired similar errors on this exact console plenty of times before. Yet for some reason, the solution just wasn't coming to them now.
“It had eyes, didn't it? That's what those were, in the tree, I mean. Huge eyes.” Twitch finally spoke, her usually fast speaking voice noticeably low in energy. “Do you think… that was something Ghost made?”
“I can't imagine what use they would have with a giant, monstrous tree.” Nightshade answered, putting down the wires they were fiddling with. “We should alert the others.”
“...Right.” their sister responded. She glided over to the nearest Malto sibling, that being Hashtag. The large purple mech was still peacefully dozing off with her phone now playing, of all things, Wendigoon’s conspiracy theory iceberg. As if this whole situation wasn't ominous enough.
Twitch gently nudged the larger bot’s shoulder. “Hashtag? Get up, something happened.”
No response. She was still completely out of it.
“H-hashtag?” Twitch shook her sister a little more forcefully now.
She still didn't stir.
“HASHTAG! WAKE UP!” Twitch yelled as loudly as possible, but this didn't do much besides startle the already well-awake Nightshade.
The smaller red bot, frustrated at this point, switched into her alt mode and fired a laser several inches from her sleeping sister. This also accomplished nothing.
“Twitch! What on earth are you doing?” Nightshade called out frantically.
“I wasn't going to hit her! I… I couldn't think of anything else, I thought that would work.” She admitted, her voice shaky.
Twitch flew over to Thrash and Jawbreaker, shouting their names and firing controlled lasers inches from their bodies in a reckless attempt to wake them. The brothers were similarly out cold, however, and nothing she did had any affect on them.
“You need to stop that! If you miss and hit them…” Nightshade began, cutting themselves off as they watched the red drone revert to her bot mode, a defeated and exhausted expression washing over her face. Her large yellow optics seemed to almost wobble in place, a streaking, cold light emanating from them. Nightshade got the impression that if Cybertronians were physically capable of shedding tears, she'd be sobbing right now.
“What's going on, Shady?” She barely managed to speak, nearly choking on every word.
Seeing their usually cheerful, energic sister in such a miserable state was utterly heartbreaking for Nightshade. It wasn't her fault, but Twitch seemed to truly believe whatever misfortune her family had fallen upon somehow could have been prevented by her.
Nightshade, not being the best at emotional support, tried to go for a more practical way of comforting her. “They… they aren't dead.” The younger Terran informed her. Walking over to Jawbreaker, Nightshade gently pried his eyelids apart to reveal intact, glowing optics. They weren't responding to any stimuli, but the fact that they were on was proof that the bots were in some kind of comatose state.
“How did you…” Twitch started speaking, but seemingly lost the strength to continue partway through her question.
“How did I know?” Nightshade presumptively finished for her. Twitch nodded in confirmation. “I've installed vital trackers in all of us. If any of us were to go offline, I would get an alert.” They informed her.
“Oh, that's good. Thank you.” She seemed a little relieved, before realizing the full consequences of what her sibling just admitted. “Wait, I don't remember… when did you install those?”
“That's not really something we need to worry about now…” Nightshade mumbled, not expecting her to question their actions.
“...Nightshade, how many… things have you added to us?” She lowered her gaze a bit, inquisitively. Before questioning them further, her optics lit up, having remembered something.
“I just realized, we never saw Fluffy Ears!” She blurted out frantically. Twitch began zooming around the dugout in her altmode, looking for the baby cow.
Nightshade gave a sigh of relief that her line of questioning was over for now, and joined her in the search.
“Where was she last?” They called out, looking around their lab while Twitch scanned the dugout’s hall.
“I… I don't know, she just sort of wandered off-Oh!” Twitch flew over to a far corner of the room.
“I found her! What are you doing over here, silly cow…” Twitch nudged the calf, who seemed to be fast asleep, resting her head on her flank. Fluffy Ears didn't stir, however.
“...Fluffy Ears?” Twitch was significantly more worried as she spoke this time, her voice getting louder. The calf didn't respond.
Nightshade looked over their sister's shoulders, noting that, thankfully, the little cow was still breathing.
“That's odd, very odd… whatever happened to our siblings seems to be affecting her as well.” Nightshade leaned down and gently stroked Fluffy Ears head, mostly in an attempt to calm themselves down. This entire situation wasn't making any sense, and that scared them. They needed to remain calm, however, if only to reassure Twitch.
The smaller bot looked to her sibling for answers.
“...Do you think it's gotten to everyone in the house?”
“Are you referring to whatever has put everyone here to sleep?” Nightshade attempted to clarify.
“Yeah, I mean, if it got to Fluffy Ears… Mom, Dad, Robbie, and Mo are also organic.”
“That's a good point, actually.” Nightshade pondered. They didn't even think of that. “Are we dealing with some kind of virus that affects both organics and bots? Does such a thing even exist?”
“Forget virus, it's obviously coming from that messed up tree outside.”
“The tree? That can't be right. How could it even…” Nightshade was at a complete loss.
“Seriously, Nightshade? This thing shows up, and suddenly, all of our family is out cold. That can't be a coincidence.” She was exasperated.
“I agree it's strange, but there shouldn't be any way a plant could incapacitate both organics and Cybertronians by just… I don't even know…” Their head was starting to throb like a migraine. Trying to think critically was physically hurting them.
The two siblings just stood there, feeling their own bodies growing weaker with every passing second. It was a sensation similar to being sedated. A feeling they probably would have given into, had Twitch not noticed a strange black tendril poking out of a nearby vent.
“Is that a rat?” Twitch asked groggily. Wouldn't be the first time a rat got into the dugout. But said rats usually weren't so long. And slithering…
“Nightshade! Get down!” Twitch jumped and pushed her sibling down to the ground, just before a huge tendril swung at their head. The tendril instead hit the monitors Nightshade had attempted to fix. A single whack caused not only all the monitors to shatter, but the concrete wall behind them to violently crack.
Nightshade's optics widened with horror. There was no question about it. If that tendril had hit them instead, their head would have been knocked clean off.
The tendril dove for the pair of them, seeming to know exactly where they were despite not having eyes. They both moved to opposite sides, barely avoiding getting stabbed. As it pulled out of the small hole it burrowed into the floor, the tendril opened up for a second, briefly revealing a crimson reptilian eye that scanned the room before closing again.
Nightshade, in an effort to get out of the way, bumped into the table they had placed the reverse bear trap onto earlier. It fell into their lap with a clattering thud. An idea came to them, and they armed the trap to go off again.
“Twitch, take this and have it drive for you again! When it gets close, have it aim for the trap! I think it only keeps its eyes open for a few seconds at a time!”
Twitch, being the faster of the two even in her groggy state, agreed with a nod and flew past the tendril, the trap in her grasp. It took the bait and launched itself directly towards her, where it got the last several feet of its body caught in the trap’s mechanisms.
The tendril squirmed and rattled as the reverse beartrap’s countdown ticked. After a few agonizingly long seconds, it finally went off. Just as it had with the pumpkin earlier in the night, it absolutely ripped its prey apart with ease. Shards of metal and some kind of fleshy material flew to all corners of the dugout.
The worst part wasn't the sight of the impact, however, it was the dreadful noise it made. Whatever the tendril was attached to screamed in pain as its appendage was destroyed. It had a cry like a nuclear siren, low, loud, and ear-piercing. It felt like something you were never meant to hear, and simply perceiving was a sign that you as the listener were at death’s door.
What remained of the tendril receded back through the vents, leaking a runny black liquid with an odd, iridescent shimmer. A few of the larger chunks that had been ripped open were still slightly animate, curling where they lay like a dying spider.
Nightshade cautiously approached what appeared to be the eye of the tendril, or atleast what was left of it.
It was a translucent, jelly-like red substance with an awful black slit for a pupil that had sort of melted into the iris due to its injury. Said pupil shuddered in place one last time as Nightshade got closer, almost as if it could still perceive the bot somehow.
“Nightshade! Are you alright right!?” Twitch said, sounding out of breath despite not actually having lungs.
“Yes, I'm just a bit scratched up. It's nothing but a bit of polish won't get out.”
Without saying anything else, Nightshade grabbed and chugged down one of the energy drinks that their sister left out. “I know I said earlier that us drinking these was probably a bad idea, but I think they might help.” Their sister nervously fiddled with the can’s lid before managing to get it open for herself.
Nightshade scooped up what's left of the otherworldly tendril and brought it back to their lab.
Pausing to consider their next move, Nightshade eventually settled on attaching the still pulsating fleshy bits to a battery hooked up to a light bulb. After a few seconds, the light dimmed before going out completely. The battery was instantly dead.
“It appears you were right after all. Whatever this thing is, it emits some kind of field that drains energy from anything it's near.” Nightshade concluded.
“So that's what makes us feel so exhausted?” Twitch looked very concerned, her optics darting between Nightshade and her unconscious siblings.
“More than likely, yes. And you might have already guessed this, but I assume it's also keeping all our organic family members asleep. My current theory is that this is a hunting tactic.”
Twitch knew immediately what they were getting at. “Sleeping prey can't fight back.”
“Exactly.” Nightshade confirmed. “The fact that we were previously awake is most likely the only reason why we aren't currently unconscious.”
An uneasy silence filled the dugout. The siblings stood in place, the air around them cold and heavy with tension. Without saying a word, both of them knew what the other was thinking: that monster would be back any moment, and they couldn't keep up the energy to fight it back for long. It was a terrible calm before the storm, a feeling reminiscent of succumbing to hypothermia. An overwhelming, intoxicating urge to close your eyes and drift into a sleep you were well aware you'd never wake up from.
And at this moment, every light in the dugout switched off.
To be continued...
45 notes · View notes
azurlily · 9 months
Isn't physiological horror and like thriller a really good genre? Okay maybe that's just me(and the others), but I love the idea of someone being genuinely crazy. Not the "oh I'm in love crazy" or the "oh I'm this horrible bad serial killer crazy". No, I want to be afraid every second that some fucked up shits going to happen.
So now were in our yandere phase and today I'm giving you something I think a lot of people with family issues will want and hate. Please read warnings. This is part 1 so it's pretty tame compared to what I have in store for the others. You'll get to see other perspectives next chapter. No smut until reader is 16+.
WARNING: this work contains mentions of past mental and physical abuse towards minors, the drugging of minors, the forcing of a minor to undress in front of adults, and reader gets kissed on the back while naked and drugged.
The men are platonic and only SOME (the daughters) women/non-binary characters will be romantic.
Have fun and dont hate us for this.
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Our Unparalleled Love for You
"These are the Smith's, they're good people. They will also be your knew foster family for the time being."
A man in jeans and a nice dress shirt stood in front of two charming adults, he wasn't old. He definitely wasnt young either, you'd decided over time that you didn't like him. Mainly because every foster family he put you in was worse that the last, it might've not been his fault but you were going to blame him anyway.
You stood next to the man, slightly behind him. You weren't afraid of these people, you just didn't want to meet them. You stared at both the man and woman for a few minutes, taking in their features. The woman stood slightly in front of the man, she held a cane in one hand and the other was behind her. Holding the man's hand.
The woman was quite tall compared to you, about 5'9 maybe 5'10. The man was taller though, he looked over 6'0. You couldn't pinpoint exactly how tall, but he was definitely tall. You stared at the couple a bit longer, noticing a few concealed pins in the mans shaggy, blonde hair. You assumed his hair was a bit long, but maybe he preferred to hide it.
The womans hair wasn't short by any means, although you might not be able to tell how short because of the bun it was in. Her hair was tied in a beautiful and intricate bun, that you wouldn't understand how to do for the life of you. The lady had midnight dark hair, and it almost looked like it had a blue-ish hue to it.
They're were both elegance defined. The womans eyes were a bright and beautiful brown, her eyes were on you. Like you were the only thing that she wanted in that very moment. The man has a a small smile, or maybe he's not smiling and you're just imagining it. The man has bright blue eyes, they look like the ocean.
You remember one of the families you used to live with, they lived in Florida and went to the beach often. Not that you ever got to go with them, but you remember the house being close to the ocean.
"Mr and Mrs Smith, this is Y/N. She's a good behaved girl, and I promise that she'll only be with you for a few months."
The man next to you gets closer and whispers into your ear, "You better not fuck this up. These people have good money, and they're wasting it on you."
You looked up at the man and woman and watched their small smiles turn into disapproving frowns. The woman grips her cane harder than before looking between you and the man for a moment.
"I think we'll bring her home now, thank you for the meeting. We'll see you in a week."
The womans voice is silly smooth. You shiver slightly at hearing her cane drag on the ground just before she begins walking. The woman grabbed your shoulder and roughly pulled you to her. For a moment this felt like some sort of transaction, and you were feeling more than uncomfortable.
You began walking to the car with the two new people. The woman had her hand on your shoulder the entire time, meanwhile the man strode in front of you. You all stop in front of a large black car, it looked sleek and brand new. The man opens up the passenger door, and the backseat door.
You look at the two, slowly getting in car. You sit down and immediately notice that the seats warm, actually the entire back seat is warm. It feels sort of weird, and kind of cozy. You weren't against it, but you've never had this luxury before so it isn't something your used to.
You buckly yourself up and the Smiths make start the car. You hear your voice repeated a few times, your head snapped up. How many times had they called your name before you knew it? Were they going to yell at you now that you were in private?
". . .Y/N? Are you listening?"
You shook your head yes, apologizing for not hearing them. Your head goes up,but your eyes stay glued to the ground. You didn't want to get yelled at for making eye contact with them.
"Well sweetie, we were asking if you were hungry. Are you? If you want to eat something, we can get some food on the way home."
You heard the womans voice again, you noticed her husband didn't seem too inclined to speak with you. That was okay, as long as he wasn't mad. "No, I'm not-"
Your stomach growled loudly in protest to your words, you'd been caught. You blush and close your eyes. You were somewhat embarrassed, but also a little bit afraid. You hear the woman laugh, and the man chuckle. It sounded genuine, like they found it cute.
The woman speaks again, and you notice the man is turning into your favorite fast food restaurant. Lucky you. "Well honey, were here anyways so why dont we get some grub? What would you like? If you want a little something sweet, that's fine too. In fact I want a shake!"
You laugh, she was trying to make you feel comfortable. You've seen it before, and you enjoyed it every time. You tell her your order and the man finally speaks, ordering all of yalls food. His voice was deep and sounded mean, you didn't know how to describe it. He just sounded mean.
Once your handed your food and drink you sit and wait. You didn't want to get yelled at for eating in the car. The woman noticed and stared at you oddly. "You can eat. I really dont mind, I mean I'd be a bit of a hypocrite if I ate but didn't let you."
She continued eating, and you began eating yourself. You were quite happy, these people seemed nice. Although generally, the people that were nice didn't have nice kids. You groaned internally, hoping these people taught their kids right.
"Ah, I completely forgot- you can call me Ophelia and my husband is Arthur. We understand that calling us mom and dad isn't something you're ready for."
Mom and dad? These people are fostering you, not adopting you. You looked up for a moment to say something, but the look on Arthur and Ophelias faces said it all. She knew what she said, and she didn't stutter. They both wanted you to say something, they wanted to put you in your place.
Your eyes went back down, you looked at your food for a moment and then continued eating.
The car comes to a stop and your door is once again opened. You get your food and step out of the car, you look around and see a large mansion. Just how rich were these people? You're ushered into the house, standing in a large open space. After a bit of walking, you noticed two large and winding staircases. Standing on the sides of them were about 10 butler's and maids(per staircase).
You freeze up at seeing so many people, all with their heads bowed down and in such a large place. Arthur takes the eaten food and hands it to one of maids, you assume she was going to throw it away. You could've done it yourself, you didn't see the point of having her doing.
Your feel a hand against your back, it runs you gently; Ophelia. As if trying to comfort you, but instead you felt uncomfortable as hell. You tried to move away, just move around a bit so she got the idea. Instead she pulls you closer, you were now in a sort of side hug. She had her arms wrapped around your side, and she had you pressed into her side.
You squirm a bit more until Ophelia looks down at you. She didn't look annoyed or mad, simply disappointed. You hated that, this woman was holding you and all you could think about was how good it felt to be held. Fighting back was admittedly out of the question, and you definitely dont trust these people. You decide to indulge yourself, just this time, never again.
You give up fighting her and go limp in her arms, Ophelia looks more than pleased. You want to kick her, but you're afraid she'll do it back.
This woman was freakishly strong.
After a moment Arthur begins looking around the room, he speaks up. His voice had chilled, did he normally speak that way to his servants? "Where are the kids? I want them to meet their new sister."
You almost rolled your eyes, not this shit again. Unless they planned to adopt you, which you knee they wouldn't. They shouldn't be calling you their daughter, they dont even know you well enough!
One of the maids, her outfit was different from the rest, it had a large crest on both shoulders bowed her head a bit farther and walked closer to us. "I'm sorry sir, they're still at school. They shall be home in a few hours, we can pick them up early if you wish."
This woman sounded like she came out of a movie from the 1990's. You thought it was funny and laughed just slightly. You knew it was heard, but honestly that's their fault. If Ophelia didn't want to hear you laugh, she shouldn't have you practically on top of her.
Arthur shakes his head and huffs a bit. You thought it was stupid, how did he not know when his own kids were getting home? "Fine, I want her upstairs and in a room. I've gone over the procedure; bathing, skincare, all of that. Get it done."
With that Arthur walks out of the room, muttering something about poor planning. Ophelia lets you go, not before kissing your forehead and walking off. You would have found that sweet if that woman didn't give you the heebie jeebies.
The maid, whose name is Mary(her nametag) began to usher you upstairs. You thought she was bringing you into a bedroom, until you find yourself in a lavish bathroom with a large bath and shower. The shower was one of those glass boxes, and it look over 20 feet wide with multiple showerheads. Each looked different from the other.
The bath was ten times bigger, it was a large oval and there was a large shelf with soaps, hair washes, and skincare products. The large door to the room closes, and you're left with three maids. They all just stand and stare at you. Mary puts both her hands on your shoulders, pulling your arms up. "Take your clothes off or we'll do it for you."
Mary didn't sound like she was trying to threaten you, instead she talking as if she was nicely asking you to move. Although her words still properly registered in your head and you jumped away. "No, I can bathe myself! Just tell me how to turn on the shower and I'll be fine!"
Mary tuts loudly at you, she shakes her head and begins walking closer the two maids behind you doing the same. "Please take your clothes off or we will do it for you. Your parents instructed us to bathe you, and very clearly stated to not let you give yourself a shower."
You struggled and tried pushing them ladies away, it was five long minutes and you could feel yourself beginning to cry. Your fight or flight instincts had kicked in and you lost the fight. These people are freakishly strong. "Fine! Just please let me undress myself."
The three ladies all back away and you undress. You watcher as one of the maids was pouring Epsom salts into the water, you didn't even notice the water had turned on. You watched her pour a massive bag of the salts into the tub(didn't feel like a tub more liek a public bath) and it wasn't enough to cover even half of the bath.
You're guided into the water while the maids get some soaps and hair washes. You move around a bit in the water, it's a little under 5' feet deep. There are stairs and you just swim around trying to think. The water does feel nice, you feel almost protected by it. In a way you feel safer in the water, even if you are naked.
Your eyes were feeling puffy and felt like you wanted to cry again; you didn't. You didn't want to show these creeps how much power they held over you. You hear a beckoning voice and you walk back to the maids. You're sat on the steps, luckily the maids are willing to let you wash yourself but they're still doing your hair.
The maids turn around and start look at the shelves as you wash your body. You dont know what kind of body wash it was, but it felt amazing and you were smelling really good. After about ten minutes, the maids told you to sit and let them do your hair. You sat down on the steps, the warm water covered most of your body and it felt great. You could almost forget the warms tears that began to run down your face.
You sighed loudly, the sound echoing off the walls of the bedroom you were placed in. The room was so big it could fit 12 elephants, and apparently it was now your room. When the maids had washed your hair it took them almost an hour and surprisingly the water stayed warm the whole time. Your hair had multiple products put it in and you were given a bonnet to keep you hair looking nice if you took a nap.
(Sorry I have curly hair and I wasn't thinking when I wrote this part. Yes, anyone(in my opinion)can wear a bonnet.)
The room looked bland, the bedsheets were a cream color and the walls were white. You get up and open a door, finding a bathroom. There is another big bathtub and shower, but no where near as big as the one from before. The color pattern matches; white. You close the door only to open another and find a walk-in closet. The closer was about a 1/4 of the rooms size. Your eyes bulged in surprise, goddamn these people are rich.
You notice a mirror in the closet and look at yourself. Despite wearing the bonnet, you're in pretty normal clothing. Just a shirt and some pants, you refused to wear the shorts. When asked why. . .you didn't reply. The maids had given in quickly to your ask for pants instead.
You see a clock in the normal part of the bedroom and notice its already been three hours. You hear a knock on the door and vocie calls out, it's Arthur.
"Y/N? The kids are here, please come downstairs."
You hear the sound of him walk away, and as much as you want to stay in the bedroom where its "safe", you're not taking chances. You open the door, expecting to see no one and instead are greeted by Arthur in front of the door. He smiles, he looks quite nice when he smiles. Unlike how he normally looks like an ass, he looks almost nervous now.
"Come now, downstairs."
Arthur puts his hand out, presumably for you to take it but you don't. Instead you just begin to walk, you hear a quiet hug behind you but choose to ignore it. You dont want to touch any of them, no matter how touch starved you are. These people have not show you, even slightly, that they can be trusted.
You walk down the winding stairs and see Ophelia with three kids standing next to her. Kids isn't the right descriptor, they look your age(15) and older. Two girls and one boy, all three are standing next to their mother like little guard dogs. It almost made you laugh at how protective they look.
You walk until you in front of them, they all look at you with somewhat indifference. You're something new and shiny, yet foreign and mysterious. Whether they liked you or not though, they'd put up an act in from of their parents. They each step up individually, as if everything they said and did in that moment was planned. It fucking was.
One after the other they performed their little parts, each looking up just slightly for their parents approval every so often.
"My name is Ezekiel, I'm 17. Lovely to meet you, Y/N."
Ezekiel has strawberry blonde hair, cut to find nicely around his head. No short, but not long. You're beginning to notice a pattern with the men in the family. His hair is a bit curly, but unlike his sisters his hair is more wavy. Ezekiel has- and you almost hate to admit this because you can tell this guys a prick- beautiful blue eyes. The look exactly like his fathers, except brighter. Ezekiel is only a bit shorter than his mom(5'9) and still taller than you.
Ezekiel bows his head in an almost exaggerated manner, he takes a few steps forward and holds out his hand to shake. You didn't want to cause any problems with him(you knew the kids could cause more problems than the adults sometimes) and going along with his show was the best way to do that. You shake his hand in a firm grip, you two make eye contact and he looks away as soon as you do.
You notice he stares at the ground then looks at his sisters, then his parents, then you. Where they like a weird hivemind and you didn't know? Would make sense...
The second one stepped up, you assume they were doing oldest to youngest. The girl has hair much like her mother; midnight black. She's gorgeous, and you can't help but blush a bit at how long you've stared at her. She's pretty and she knows it too. Her hair is a lot curlier than her brother and she has bouncy curls that go well with her back length hair. Her eyes are dark brown, they look like a murkier version of her moms.
She walks forward and makes a big show of hugging you. She laughs(and it sounded like it would be better described as a giggle) and presses her head into your neck for a moment. You pull away as soon as her grip lets up; the fuck was that?
Now she stands in front of you with an award winning smile, one that might've fooled you if not for how she grabbed you. When you hugged, her nails dug deeply into your back and you could practically feel your skin coming off. The girl towered over you, she's taller than Ezekiel; bitch got her dads genes.
Creepy bitch.
"Oh it's just great to meet you, our parents have been talking about you for the past few months! My names Rosette, and I'm just so happy to meet my new baby sister! I'm 16- turning 17 in a few months, uh- oh, my favorite color pallet are pastels! It's just so hard to choose a color. . ."
Rosette babbles on for another minute, and you're not sure if she's a great actor or an airhead. For now lets try to assume the best about people. Also was the baby sister necessary? You're only a year or two younger than her!
As you turn your head to the youngest- a loud bell rings across the house. You hear Arthur clap his hands in delight, and watch all the maids and butlers appear. Not this shit again...
"Ah, it's time for dinner, Lucille, you can be introduced to Charlotte later." Ophelia says while pulling you out of the room and into a one about the same size. The only difference is the decor, instead on an open space theres a large table that can seat at least 100 people. There's multiple plates full of food, some foods you don't think you've ever seen before.
Ophelia pulls out a chair, it's the on to the left of Arthur, who is sitting at the head of the table. On the right of him is Ophelia next to her is Ezekiel. Next to you is Charlotte and Rosette(in that order), the seating doesn't feel right. Not in the damn slightest. You feel uncomfortable with how close Charlotte is to you. Unlike how the seat are spaced out, Charlotte moved her chair closer to yours.
You look over at her and she just stares down at her food. You dont say anything, maybe these people do prayer? You waited for Arthur or Ophelia to start, instead Arthur looks over at you. He looks down at your food and then nods at you.
"Try it."
This felt culty.
You do as asked and take a bite of the food that was on your plate. It was good, not bland and honestly very flavorful. You chewed it for a few moments and swallowed. It was hot, a bit too hot but good nonetheless. It wasn't a favorite of yours, but it tasted a lot better than food you've had before.
As you swallow your bite everyone else starts eating. You chose not to notice the pair of eyes searing into your head from the side. Charlotte was staring, and it wasn't in a "just looking" sort of way. She took a bite of her food and then stared at your while she ate it.
At some point you turn and Charlotte smiles. She moves her head a bit closer and quietly introduces herself.
"I'm Charlotte." Charlotte doesn't say a word after that, you now take note of how creepy her smile is. It looks forced, and from the resting bitch face she had earlier, it might be.
You just smile thinly, you keep your eyes on her for a minute until you the food starts to call your name again. It was good, like really fucking good.
You kept eating until your stomach started to hurt, not from overeating. Instead you felt sick, like you were going to throw up and pass out. You can feel you skin vibrating, or maybe you're shaking? You look around and no one is looking at you, instead they're all look away. You try to get a few words out, but your throat hurts like your have strep throat.
You begin to sway and finally hear a voice, although it's much closer to you than it should be. "Oh dear! Arthur! I told you, you put too much in her food. Now she's gonna be sick as a dog!"
What? What was going on? What is Ophelia saying? Better question- is it true?
"Shh, shh, shh it's okay, Mommy's here. Rosette, help me pick her up and take her to her room. I'm glad we had the maids clean her ahead of time."
You're shaking violently now, you start to tear up wondering if your going to die today. Wondering if they were just giving you a good last day, a day better than the one you lived with before. Without being beaten into the ground, or slapped by a hand with rings.
. . .
You're laying in a large bed, your large bed. You look around the room and see it's the room you were given earlier. You move around, but feel sick the moment you do. You run to the bathroom and barely make it, throwing up on the ground a bit. You shaking and crying, your body feels horrible. You feel yourself sweating and you're hot, but at the same time your feet and hands are cold.
You begin to cry, you cant stop the vomit that's destroying your throat and burning your insides. You feel weak and all you want is to sleep, to just close your eyes.
You jump when you feel a hand on your back. "It's just me-"
The sound if you puking overshadows her voice, she stays quiet and instead just rubs your back. Rosette places her head on your back and presses a firm kiss to what you realise is bare skin. You're naked. Who the fuck undressed you?!
Finally the vomiting stops, and now you realize the situation. You're head is pressed against the toilet seat and your naked down to your underwear. Rosette, who is fully clothed by the way. Is holding you from behind, she is rubbing your back and she kissed it a few times. You feel fucking disgusted.
"It'll be okay. Mom was right about you, she said you'd make a perfect bri- sister. A perfect adopted little sister. You'll remember some of this tomorrow, but not the creepy parts. That's all that matters, now let's get you to bed."
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More to come soon. Rosette and Charlotte are the main love interests. Yes, this is something we dont usually write and I understand if you find this creepy or uncomfortable. I on the other hand am getting into writing darker stuff, my rules for the blog will not change and we will not end them.
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p34ce0fm1nd · 10 months
i’m surprised that no one is using the dead dove tag for saltburn fics.
the movie is filled with dead dove!! it is quite literally horror, thriller, and all of the above.
crazy shit happens in the movie that can be unsettling. they do drugs, kill, there is a large amount of things involving bodily fluids, a physiological aspect, and baby girl oliver is insane.
to me that is dead dove!
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mint-chocolate-rooibos · 10 months
i am realizing i might have a think for sci-fi, physiological horror, and thriller office shows/games that may or may not include time loops. hm
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