#pince's rants
l0standn0tf0und · 10 months
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damn perfect hair and damn marvelous eyes
george weasley x fem!reader (hints on short!bookworm!fem!reader)
words| +- 4400
in short|  classic story. George falls in love with his best friend. nothing more and nothing less
warnings| my english, angst, fluffy ending, mention of sex and long ranting about George's feelings
author’s note| it's supposed to be a short one. About 1000 words or so, but I got excited. and well, I tried to make it George's pov. because, you know, ✨️his pov✨️. also, it's my first scribbling in two years. enjoy))
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He has been with other girls. He'd even said he has been with a lot of other girls.
There were a couple of girls he dated for a while. There were those he just fucked with. A quickie after a Quidditch match won't hurt anyone. It doesn't matter whether he won this match or not. He's well aware of the fact, that girls like him. But none of these so-called relationships were serious. Perhaps this was because he didn't consider any of them as something serious.
He tried this relationship thing because he was curious, what it's like to date a girl. But during his dates, bringing a cup, all painted with tiny violets, to his lips and listening to the chatter of his now ex-girlfriend, he thought that she'd never say such a thing and she'd never order such a lusciously sweet cupcake. And she wouldn't have dragged him to Madam Puddifoot's in the first place.
After smashing Hufflepuff to smithereens on the Quidditch field, he pressed some Ravenclaw's back to one of the walls in the locker room, pounding deep into her, hearing this girl's moans become louder with each thrust. He caught himself thinking about what her moans would sound like. Would she be filthy and loud underneath him or her moans would be more shaky and soft?
He wouldn't say any of these girls were bad, unattractive, or something like that. Just the opposite, all of them were great. But they simply weren't…her. She got deep under his skin, intertwined with his veins, and blossomed in his lungs. She was his Flower. That's how he called her.
George remembers clearly well how it started. No, not his feelings, they started so naturally, that he didn't even notice how he fell for her. George remembers clearly well how he started calling her flower. This happened back in the second year, during History of Magic. He was getting more and more bored by the second in that stuffy classroom. And there was nothing unusual about it. He got bored very easily. So he quietly began scribbling in the corner of her parchment. He remembers the angry look little Y/N gave him as she carefully pushed her piece of paper away from the redhead. She was also bored but did her best to focus on Professor Binns' words. But George continued, all smiling and trying to stifle his giggles caused by her irritation. At some point, his incomprehensible doodles began to look like something that resembled Professor Binns, but his glasses and mustache were abnormally large compared to everything else. She smiled, took George's hand, and carefully drew a tiny flower on his wrist, before returning her attention to Professor. It took him a while to find out what exactly she drew with so neat lines. It looked like an iris or daffodil, he couldn't tell exactly and she didn't know either. But after that she became flower. His flower.
And now George is sitting in the library. He came here to at least start an essay on Potions. Snape become ruthless lately, so it was easier to work in a group on this 5-page assignment about Golpalott's Third Law. That's how he, Y/N, Fred, and Lee ended up in the library. George knew that this was one of her favorite places at Hogwarts. Two and a half hours earlier, when they had passed Madam Pince's stern gaze, he almost unconsciously walked to her favorite table, between the Poetry and Reference sections.
George's re-reading the same sentence in the book for the seventh time. There's something about the idea that a whole product is greater than the sum of its parts, but he can't really understand its meaning because he's thinking about her. It would be more accurate to say that he's thinking about what Lee and Fred had said about her. The evening before, his twin, the only person in this world who was closer to George than Y/N, again claimed that his love was mutual. Fred constantly tried to push him to confess his feelings. His argumentation was always the same. Fred said that he’s older, which means wiser, and he sees everything, how she steals glances at his little shy brother in classes and how she blushes just as much when George is near. But that evening, Lee has added some new information, which George still tries to process and connects with everything else these two have been telling him through the years.
George returns to yesterday in his thoughts. He was lying on his bed again, hopelessly pressing his face into the soft fabric of the pillow, while these two opened the Pandora's box again. Sometimes it seemed to George that they were enjoying this ranting about his 'unrequited' love situation over and over again.
"Ok, look, if she felt nothing but platonic stuff, she'd not be this frustrated when she found out about you and Jane" Lee spoke in a devious voice, getting more comfortable on his bed.
"Wasn't it Jade?" Fred's eyebrows furrowed in confusion.
"Doesn't matter, I mean this Hufflepuff blondie with the ribbon"
"She's Janis" George sighed. He remembered this relationship, which lasted just over a month or so. Janis was nice, but she talked a bit too much. And this black ribbon, which she constantly wore as a headband, pissed him off. He admitted that the ribbon matched well with her uniform and emphasized the brightness of her hair. But something was wrong with it.
"I thought she was Jade"
"Anyway, why are you telling me about this now?" curiosity and a slight note of annoyance were noticeable in George's voice "It was quite a long ago."
"Look, mate. I'm your friend, right?" Lee sat down, crossed his legs, and the blanket crumpled under his weight. One more movement and the red piece of cloth would end up on the floor. "But I'm her friend as well. She knows that I know. And knows that I overheard that conversation of hers. And I promised, I won't blab it to you…But as it turns out, I'm not the best secret keeper and I'm more of a friend to you than to Y/N"
To tell the truth, Lee was a great secret keeper. Just like he was a great friend. This made George seriously wonder why Lee broke the promise. And so unceremoniously 'blabbed' everything to him. What if he's really as blind as he was told and doesn't see obvious things. He doesn't deny the possibility that she liked him too. More precisely, he doesn't want to deny it. He hopes that Y/N also feels something that crosses the boundaries of friendship. Even if her feelings aren't as strong and all-consuming as his. As if time collapses into one tiny speck and explodes at light speed every time George sees her. He hopes for at least something, for at least a tiny feeling, a tiny sparkle in her heart that flares up at the sight of the tall redhead.
Many times he imagined and replayed in his head the moment he would confess his feelings. Tell her how all the sounds around become quiet when he hears her laugh, how each and every touch imprints and burns on his skin. He dreamed, how he would tell how much he loved her, that he could finally be honest and reveal everything that was in his head and heart.
But the younger twin thinks the stakes are too high. And maybe he's right because she thinks the same thing to herself. Even though George wants more, he doesn't want to risk everything he has right now. His eyes begin to water and a lump rises in his throat every time he assumes he could lose Y/N. His flower. He knows her too well to predict what would happen next if his feelings weren't mutual. Their communication will become awkward, they both will be cautious and afraid of saying or doing something wrong. And then, after some time of this weird communication, their connection will fade away. And even if his love is mutual, what if he and Y/N don’t work out as a couple? What then?
He can't let their previous and future years of friendship go down the drain. Y/N was the first person he and Fred met on the Hogwarts Express. And from the very first year and the very first greeting, the three of them became inseparable. Always together.
She wanted to be a prefect, so she avoided detentions and tried not to get involved in their pranks directly. But Y/N was always there, helped to plan each of their mischiefs, assisted with new inventions, and saved him and his brother from professors. George can't remember how many times she rescued them from Filch while she was patrolling the corridors. He was so proud of her last year when she finally received this little silver pin that gave her extra authority and responsibilities.
George can't imagine Christmas without Y/N now. She visits the Burrow every year and his mom adores her. Perhaps because Y/N helps with cooking more than anyone else in this house. But George can imagine in detail how hard his mother would scold him if he suddenly announce that Y/N won't come for winter break this year because he's an idiot and they stopped talking to each other.
It's not Christmas without having a snowball fight with her and Fred in the backyard. At some point, she always tries to throw Fred into the snow. But due to the obvious height difference and Fred's strength privilege, she never succeeds in this. So she's becoming the one who's giggling on the ground, covered with snow. George always laughs at this little performance while his very kind twin scatters her down with even more snow.
George's envious of his brother in some way. Fred has never seen Y/N as more than a friend or a second sister. He's envious that his twin's heart doesn't ache as much as his does. And his older brother doesn't have to make such a difficult decision. No, George doesn't wish his brother pain. No way. He just doesn't want to suffer himself. George understands, that he's not just at risk of losing her, but also at risk of depriving Fred of his best friend too. If he and Y/N don't work out, what will happen to her friendship with Fred? Yes, perhaps they will be able to maintain some thread of communication. But they certainly won’t be best friends like they are now. George wouldn't handle it. He believes that it's better to be content with the small moments he has than to lose everything.
"Where are you going?" Fred's question snaps the younger twin out of his thoughts. He's still in the library and didn’t even notice how the chair next to him became empty, as Y/N headed towards one of the sections.
“I need this book, about…” her words meet Fred's raised eyebrows "I just need another book"
A quiet “uh-huh,” sounds either from Fred or Lee as her back is already hidden between the shelves full of colorful covers.
George looks for a while longer after Y/N. If someone raised their head from studies or books and glanced at the redhead, they would see the gears turning in his head.
“I…” George moves away from the table. Legs of the chair slide across the floor with a quiet rustle. He tries to come up with some kind of a reason, but Lee is faster.
“We got it, loverboy in shining armor, go already and help your princess” In response George groanes, and a quiet "fuck off" slips from his lips as he heads after his 'princess'. He doesn't know why he decided to follow Y/N. He just wants to. Perhaps he simply feels calmer when she's around, she gives him a feeling of warmth and home just by being near.
And there she is, just three bookshelves away. George can understand why she likes spending time in the library, although he doesn't share this sympathy. It's quiet and peaceful here. High ceilings, impressive columns, and alive stained glass windows are throughout Hogwarts, but they look especially charming in this place. Perhaps it's the specific lighting or the huge number of cabinets filled with old parchment and colored bindings. And, to be honest, he likes the smell of books. There is something about that scent that the redhead can't explain.
Y/N walks along the shelf at the end of the bookrack. Her gaze runs along the top row of colored spines, searching for what she needs. Her hair is up in a messy, almost domestic, bun and secured with a wand. But some strands fell down, framing her face and descending down her neck. The tie hangs loosely around her neck. She undid it after half an hour in the library.
George just stands there and admires her for a while, unable to tear his gaze away. It seems to him as if a soft golden glow surrounds each curve of her glorious body. And this light calls him to come closer. None of the other girls looked like her in his eyes. He swallows, breaks out of this perfect trance, and quietly heads to her.
The girl stands on the very tips of her black shiny shoes. Her fingers almost touch that very book on the top shelf. "Why the hell do they always shove the most useful stuff so far away?" Y/N thinks to herself before long fingers touch the cover of the "Ingredient Encyclopedia". She sees as right above her head a familiar freckled hand takes the faded green binding from its place.
"You're welcome, flower" Y/N turns around at the sound of the voice and finds herself trapped between the worn books and George.
The corners of his lips lift slightly and the younger twin can feel the warmth approaching his cheeks. He can't control it and, to be honest, he doesn't care when she's only millimeters away.
Her "Thank you" is so quiet that George isn't sure she actually said it. Their eyes meet, and it seems to redhead that everything that happened next was in slow motion.
She just wanted to take the book. Such an innocent action. She inhales sharply as her fingertips accidentally brush his hand. He feels high-voltage sparks come from this touch and spread further throughout his whole body and explode where his heart is.
They both froze, not breathing and not breaking an eye contact. George could swear he was ready to give everything he had to live in this moment forever. Just standing next to her in an empty section of the Hogwarts library. Looking into her eyes, losing himself in their depths. And feel the warmth radiating from her hand on his.
Earlier, he thought he'd be nervous at a moment like this but he isn't. He just stares at her eyes, then at her parted lips. "George, don’t do it" he repeats to himself. His fingers shudder imperceptibly with the thought of taking her wand from messy hair, so her locks would fall freely on her fragile shoulders. "Control yourself". He's trying, so damn hard trying not to bury his hands into these shiny strands and pull her into a kiss. It takes all his strength not to. And George doesn't know what happened. Was it Y/N's rosy blush and his brother's words about mutuality flashing through his head. Was it her, standing so close that he could smell his amortentia coming from the girl.
But he gives up. George bends down, without even thinking about it, and presses his lips to hers
George pulls away even faster than he has leaned toward her. There is exposed fear in his widely opened eyes. Eyebrows are raised as the realization crushes his thoughts. His mouth opens and closes without making any sound. It seems that he's more shocked by his own action than Y/N herself.
He fucked up. He knows it.
Y\N stands there still. And this is the first time in the redhead's life that he can't read the emotions of his best friend. "Ingredient Encyclopedia" is still in her palm, but George abruptly pulls his hand away, losing all the warmth she provided to him.
"I'm…I'm sorry" is the only thing he mumbles before storming away from the book section, from the library, from her.
George almost knocks down a first-year with a blue tie when he rushes out around the corner. He fucked up. Y/N didn’t respond to his kiss, she didn’t react at all. She just froze in place. George doesn't understand how he could let himself do this. He shouldn't have. He heads towards the huge wooden door with such speed that some students' parchments fly off their desks. He doesn't notice this, nor the questions from Fred and Lee, that meet his broad back, nor the comments of the furious Madam Pince.
She appears around the corner shortly after George, calling his name. She throws the book on the table and quickly walks past her friends. The faded green binding slides across the wooden surface and lands near Lee's inkpot. Another millimeter and the small glass jar would have been knocked down and poured a black liquid onto the pieces of parchment, only half written with essay.
"For Merlin's sake, what is going on?"
“I'll bet you a galleon that George confessed to her and ran away” Fred speaks with a sly grin, shifting his gaze from the hurrying Y/N to his dormmate.
"Too much drama for these two, don't you think?"
"You're on" Lee agrees, moving the book away from his writings. He only managed to write the introduction and the beginning of the first few theses. It was far from 5 pages but it was at least something and definitely more than George wrote.
George walks through the library entrance. He feels like everything is crumbling inside him as he walks. The sound of his heart pounding in the ears muffles the voice calling his name somewhere behind the back.
He is supposed to be happy. He finally did what he had dreamed of for many years. He finally kissed the girl he was so hopelessly in love with. But instead, he feels as if a dozen Dementors attacked him. All of the hope and happiness have been sucked out of the world.
He'd better get away from here as fast as possible. He'd explain himself later. He'd better get to his safe space. But where should he go if he felt safe only next to her?
"George!….for Merlin's sake!….. I can't keep up with you!"
He recalls everything in his head, from what happened a minute ago to the first time he saw Y\N. He understands that all those happy moments, the tenderness, the memories they both made and the plans for the future, are all gone. He's so disappointed and so angry with himself.
"What?!" He stops and turns around, seeing the girl almost running along the empty corridor of Hogwarts, approaching him.
George heard her calling him. But he's not ready to face the consequences. Not now. He needs time to pull himself back together and come up with something. But he gives up. Again.
"What do you wanna hear, Y|N?!" His hands shoot up in a questioning gesture. "That I'm head over heels in love with you? With your damn perfect hair and damn marvelous eyes! With your damn angelic laughter, which drowns out all other sounds for me! And I even with the way your brows frown when you're concentrated!"
"Georgie…" He doesn't seem to notice her soft voice but continues. She wants to say something, but his confession is unstoppable. And she understands this, so she decides to just let him rant.
"Or do you wanna hear that you became a fixed point in my mind where my thoughts always come back to? That I randomly grin to myself like an idiot when I think about anything related to you. I don't know when exactly I fell for you. But it feels like I've always loved you. You're doing something to me, no one else ever could. You make me feel special and not just another poor Weasley or the second clown of Hogwarts. Every damn time you make me feel important because of who I am and not because I'm the beater or I'm the easiest way to get to Fred." His voice became calmer with each sentence. The irritated raised tone turns into his normal deep timbre, and then it will turn into a soft mumbling. " And you make all of my anxiety and worries turn off just by your presence. I was so fucking angry with myself and you did something I dunno how to explain. So now I can't be this angry. And you are…you are just….you"
She stands next to him. Almost as close as it was back then in the library. Perhaps if George wasn't so nervous, he'd realize that he liked the scent of books because it was her scent. Every time she left the library after spending several hours there, she had this slightest scent on her. It mixed with her perfume and shampoo, so it was impossible to separate and difficult to notice it.
"Are you done?" George doesn't know what to do and just nods his ginger head. Then she rises on her tiptoes and neat fingers finds the collar of his white shirt and pulls it towards her, forcing George to lean forward. Her lips touch his. Again. Only for a few seconds but this makes him blush even more, if it's possible. His freckles aren't this noticeable anymore.
The girl pulls away, the heels of her shoes meet the cold floor and her hands slide onto George's chest. But he continues to stand slightly bent forward, batting his eyelashes. She still has to lift her head slightly to look him in the eyes. In the future, this height difference will piss her off sometimes, but he'll enjoy it endlessly, liking this even more every time.
George stares deeply into her eyes, trying to understand what just happened. But he feels that he can breathe again. And somewhere inside, where his soul is, irises and daffodils and all the other flowers start to blossom slowly. Did she really kiss him? But earlier…
"But you've…." His eyebrows furrow as the puzzles are slowly coming together in his head.
"I was taken by surprise" She explains as she watches his face soften, lips rise into a wide grin that he can't stop. And why the hell should he stop it. "And you didn't give me time to understand what's going on"
George covers her hand with his own. That hand that's laying so peacefully on his rapidly beating heart.
“Sorry,” he chuckles, millimeters from her face. She can feel his breath on her lips, like a ghost kiss, dragging the moment before he crushes his lips down on hers into another real one.
Her lips are soft, almost silken, and pillowy against his own. This kiss is not just a peck, like the previous ones. This time George can understand that her lips are not exactly what he thought. Her lips feel thousands of times better than he could ever imagine. He finally feels relieve and all the world's happiness. All the happiness he supposed to feel. Happiness, that had been accumulating for a long time and didn't leave the palace of his dreams, Finally to escape to freedom. His palms find their place around her waist as he pulls her closer, forcing their bodies to collapse into each other, holding each other as tightly as humanly possible. Her hands shoot up to his hair, slowly letting her fingers slip into ginger strands. He kisses Y/N like he has never kissed anyone else before. With all the tenderness and love he has kept locked in his heart till this moment. George doesn’t see this, but he feels how the gray world around him is filled with colors again. The warmth spreads all over his body and his brain stops working properly.
This girl, this bright and breathtaking girl, is his. Their lips moved softly, delicately, and almost innocently before. But Y/N is driving him insane and intoxicate him with the sweet smell of her body. He can feel her hand slide to his nape and she lightly runs fingers up along his neck. Tiny soft moans escape his lips in the surprise of the goosebumps this action sent down his body. As a response, George brings up his freckled hands to cup her face. His calloused fingers caress her flushed cheeks as he nibbles her lower lip, not so hard to hurt, but enough for Y/N to feel it. Now it's her turn to let out a small, barely audible moan, which makes him break out into a shit-eating grin.
The girl gently pulls away, while George still holds her face in his warm hands.
"I love you too, Georgie. And your damn perfect hair and damn marvelous eyes"
He lets out a giggle caused by quoting. He's unable to open his eyes for a few moments after this kiss, a huge smile on his face
"But…?" The question sounds teasing even though his voice is hoarse.
"We have an essay to finish. It's due tomorrow, and you haven't even written a sentence yet." she wrinkles her nose in a taunting way.
"Nooooo" Redhead lets out a groan, throwing his head back. "Don't make me do this, Flower"
"I won't write it for you" She kisses his pouty lips as a response to the puppy gaze he gave her. Y/N frees herself from his cozy grip and heads towards the library. "You'd better write at least something unless you prefer scrubbing cauldron instead of…let's say…sneaking into Hogsmeade."
George catches up with her a couple of seconds later. He slightly leans down just for a moment to catch her hand in his and intertwine their fingers.
"Y/N…." he tries this 'puppy gaze trick' again.
"Fine." She sighs in defeat "I will help you with a plan and theses, but you will write it yourself."
George breaks into a smile once again and brings her hand to his lips, leaving kisses on her knuckles. Well, the thesis for Someone's Third Law is at least something. Plus, he’s sure that he’s sure Y/N will write his essay as soon as she finishes hers. And, to be honest, Fred's too.
After some time, when they are a meter from the huge wooden door, George suddenly wonders.
"Galleons or Sickles?"
"Galleons or Sickles?" He repeats, opening the door in front of Y/N
"Wait, you're wondering how much they bet on us, aren't you?"
George overtakes the girl, ending up in front of her, and leans down so that their eyes are at the same level. He shoves his hands into pockets and wrinkles his nose therefore mocking Y/N's previous actions.
"I'll bet a Galleon that Lee owes Fred a Galleon"
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frost-queen · 1 year
Who's keeping score (Reader x Theodore Nott)
Requested by: Anon Forever tag:@missmelodramatic, @merlin-dahlia,  @elllie-does-the-posts, @alex--awesome--22, @floatlosers, @merlieve, @queen-of-books, @glimmering-darling-dolly@denkisclown, @wildieflower, @meyocoko, @bubblybrianna, @justanothercoco, @subjecta13-thefangirl, @m-rae23, @harleyquinnswifeyfrfr, @swampthing07, @imagines-by-her, @vviolynn, @melsunshine,  @evilcr0ne, @floatlosers, @callsignwidow, @whotfskai, @freddieweasleysgf, @untoldshortsofthefandoms
Summary: [ Ask: No specific storyline just a Theodore Nott story] Okay so I came up with a cute idea of my own. Theodore and you endulge yourself in a game of being in dept as the scores keep going up till it makes it almost impossible for him to forget you.
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“I just need a pair of books.” – you told your friends parting way with them. One of them waved you goodbye, the other two too invested in their rant about classes. You waved back before heading into the library. The librarian Madam Pince gave you an attentive eye. You smiled politely back at her hoping to get her off your back. You never knew what went through that woman’s mind. As quietly as you could, you ventured further passing all the rows you didn’t need. You focused on the marks on the side in alphabetic order.
Knowing you were nearing, you picked up your pace heading quickly into a row close to the back section. Turning in the row, you came to a sudden stop. A boy was sitting on the ground by the middle. A few books surrounded him as he was reading focused in the one he was holding. Swallowing nervously you knew very well who that was. Theodore Nott. He wasn’t really a groupie but still he hung around Draco Malfoy.
A part of you rather just left, but you really needed to be in this section. Taking an encouraging breath, you walked between the shelves, looking at the book spines. Softly mumbling the names, you glanced to the side knowing you were getting closer to Theodore. Somehow it made your heart beat a tat faster. Cursing in your head, of course you needed a book from the shelve right in front of Theodore. You came to a stop in front of him, glancing over your shoulder if he had noticed you. Seemingly he hadn’t cause he was nose deep in his book.
Stretching out your arm, your fingers brushed against the spine. Great now you couldn’t even reach it properly. Looking around there was no ladder cart near to give you that nudge to reach it. Sighing soft you got on the tips of your toes, grabbing for the spine. With little movements you tried to slip it out from between two books. It took some progress, but the book was slipping out. Pressing your hand firm against the books a shelf below, you kept balancing on your toes to take it out.
You couldn’t fully grab it as your eyes widened. The book tilted over as it would for sure hit you in the face. Yelping quietly you planted your feet down, looking away to limit the impact till a second hand brushed against your fingers. Looking up you saw Theodore had grabbed the book, holding it in place. He lowered his hand as you pulled your hand away from the book. He read the title briefly before handing the book over to you. – “Tha… thank you.” – you said nervously as he returned to his books. He barely sat down as Lorenzo Berkshire came in the row out of breath.
“Theo let’s go!” – Lorenzo called out as Theodore sighed soft. He picked up the book he was reading from the floor. – “Hurry up Theo! Malfoy is treating us to butter beer.” – Lorenzo added to persuade him to go faster. You looked from Lorenzo to Theodore. – “I…I uhm can put those away for you if you like?” – you suggested. Theodore turned round to you, quirking his eyebrow up. – “Even better.” – Lorenzo pitched in as he entered the row more. He took the books from the ground dropping them in your arms.
“Now let’s go Theo.” – Lorenzo tugged on his sleeve, pulling him away. Theodore placed the book he was holding carefully on top of the others. – “It’s alright.” – you reassured him with a smile. Before Theodore could say anything he got dragged away by Lorenzo. They ran past Madam Pince as she walked over to you. – “Silence in the library Miss Y/l/n.” – she warned you with a stern glance. You stared at her in disbelieve as it wasn’t even you who spoke loudly but rather Lorenzo. Of course she came over to slap you on the wrist.
Not even having the energy to protest, you simply nodded with an apology. Madam Pince left as you set the books down. They had started to weigh down. Taking the first book, you read the title and putted it away. So on you went till you had putted away all his books. You then sat down to go through your own book till it was nearly time to head to potions class.
You followed some students into the dungeons. Looking around there was no sign of your friends as you wondered if they were already inside or still needed to come. You went inside after some Slytherin girls. Professor Snape looking as sour as ever. – “Grab a potions book and sit down.” – he ordered overlooking his class.
The girls cleared your view as you spotted Theodore sitting at a table with Malfoy, Lorenzo, and Blaise. Theodore was staring at his cauldron a hand underneath his chin while Lorenzo and Malfoy were chatting and laughing. You didn’t mean to stare, but you kind of did. Theodore turned his head catching you stare. Widening your eyes, you quickly turned around heading for the cabinet where the potion books laid.
You sought out a nice pair as most of them had been damaged from old age. You were about to take a book when someone snatched right from underneath your nose. Already half bummed out you looked around to get your hands on another half decent copy till you noticed the book being shoved to you. Surprised you looked up to the side, seeing who was giving you the book. Panicking a bit it was Theodore Nott. – “Thank you for before.” – he said poking the book at you. – “Oh… no…no worries.” – you answered shyly. – “Now we’re even.” – you chuckled as he frowned.
“You know… with you stopping that book and me putting your books away.” – you specified seeing him crack a tiny smile. – “Does this make it two?” – he said still holding the book out for you. – “Y/n.” – you blurted out wanting him to know your name for some reason. – “I know.” – he responded placing the book in your hand. He then returned to his table, greeted by curious glances from his friends.
Lorenzo immediately joined his side wanting details about who you were. You were daydreaming a bit till a voice cleared his throat behind you. Shrieking soft it was Snape that had come to stand behind you. – “Your seat Miss Y/l/n.” – he spoke as you hurried to your seat. Cauldrons were bubbling as you could make out Theodore’s figure faintly through the fog coming from your cauldron. He was ever so focused on his potion.
Tossing in ingredients and stirring rightly. Professor Snape came to his table, congratulating him for his excellent skills. You clapped along a few students to praise the compliment. Professor Snape continued his round eventually stopping at your cauldron. You gave him a smile as he peered inside your cauldron. He pulled up his nose, clearly not impressed by your skills.
Sighing loud it was a downer as you didn’t feel like finishing it anymore knowing it would be not well enough. Resting your chin against your hand, you gave up. Mindlessly you looked around till you saw Theodore look your way. He held up an ingredient pointing subtly at it. Furrowing your brows you weren’t sure if wanted to say something to you. He kept pointing at it gesturing with his eyes to take the hint.
You looked around your table for anything that looked the same. Grabbing a few black sticks, you held it up questionable. Theodore nodded from afar motioning to the cauldron. You hesitantly threw it in the cauldron watching the reaction. Eyes widening as the color changed. Professor Snape rounded your table again. The color caught his eye as he peered inside. You waited anxiously for his reply. He hummed deep that sounded like better, but not perfect yet.
You smiled showing your thumbs up to Theodore as a thank you. He smiled back at you before his attention got drawn to Lorenzo speaking loudly. You left potions class with some satisfaction. You didn’t completely fall, that was a good start. Catching up with your friends you went towards your next class. The four of you heard the loud clock making you frantically pick up your pace to be in time. Professor Flitwick was one of punctuality. The four of you started running up the changing stairs knowing you had about five more minutes till Professor Flitwick would start his lesson.
Out of breath you arrived at the classroom. Huffing loud, you were glad you had made it. Professor Flitwick was still sorting his books, standing with his back to the students. You were about to enter as your friends had already gone inside as you saw two boys run over in a haste. They were so out of breath as you knew they would be late. Slightly your eyes widened seeing it was Theodore and Lorenzo. Professor Flitwick was about to turn around and speak to the class as you panicked.
Pulling out your wand, you whispered with a flick of your wrist. The stack of books toggled over as Professor Flitwick sighed loud. He bend down to pick them up and stack them again as he needed them to stand up on. You motioned to Lorenzo and Theodore to hurry up in the doorway. Lorenzo launched himself inside as you grabbed Theodore by the sleeve, pulling him inside just in time. – “Two to three.” – you told him with a wink. Theodore who was still catching his breath frowned.
“Are… are you keeping score Y/n Y/l/m?” – he asked with a smile. – “Maybe.” – you answered following him the seats. Lorenzo pulled Theodore with him as you sat with your friends, just in time as Professor Flitwick was ready. You were kind of glad he was sitting behind you so you wouldn’t be distracted by him. You thought yourself so bold for keeping indeed score of favors. Theodore had done you three favors already as you were at two. The competitive side in you wanted to make it even.
You kept thinking about ways to make it even that you hardly paid attention in class. You were so drifted off that you got startled by Professor Flitwick calling out your name. – “Miss Y/l/n.” – he said looking curious over at you. – “Yes Professor.” – you replied loud straightening your back. – “The question… I’d like you to answer it.” – he spoke as you panicked.
You hadn’t heard any question at all. What would you even say. The way the professor was looking at you made you feel ashamed for not listening. – “The answer… well… the answer to your question…is…” – you started to stall. You still weren’t sure what to answer till you heard someone whisper the answer to you from behind. Without even thinking if it was even right you repeated the answer out loud. – “Oh wonderful miss Y/l/n.” – Professor Flitwick complimented. – “Now…” – he started turning a bit round to demonstrate.
You looked over your shoulder to whoever whispered you the answer. Theodore was smirking holding three fingers up. He flipped his hand showing off four fingers with a wink. You rolled your eyes at how smug he looked. Lorenzo stared confused between the two of you, trying to figure out what was going on. Class ended as you followed your friends back to the common room. The next day you were walking the open corridors surrounding the courtyard. You made your way over to the grass fields behind it.
Immediately you spotted Theodore leaning against a tree. Lorenzo laying on the bench, one knee up as Blaise sitting down on the grass, leaning against the stone bench Lorenzo laid on. Malfoy no where to be seen. You noticed how indecent their clothing was. Ties hanging loose. Their shirt hanging out of their pants, sticking underneath their sweater. In the distance you spotted Professor McGonagall knowing if she saw it, she’s scold them for wearing their school uniform with no respect.
Pulling out your wand, you flicked it at Theodore. Theodore got startled as his tie knotted around his neck and his shirt got tugged in. Not a moment later passed Professor McGonagall past. She cleared her throat loud. – “Mister Berkshire and Zambini!” – she called out with a stern look. Lorenzo shot up as Blaise jumped up. – “That will cost you five points each.” – she pointed with her scroll at their uniform. She then took a look at Theodore. – “You should take an example from Mister Nott.” – she said waiting for Lorenzo and Blaise to do their uniform right.
Lorenzo puffed loud once she had left. – “Unfair that witch is just out to get us.” – Lorenzo grunted out. Theodore was relieved that he had not been caught but who… He looked around spotting you by the large tree. You wiggled three fingers at him, pointing out the score. Theodore laughed loud making Lorenzo nudge him thinking he was laughing him out. By the end of the week the score was around six for Theodore and seven for you.
You were gleaming with proud to be on the winning side. Walking by yourself the fourth floor with a constant smile on your face. – “Y/n!” – you suddenly heard making you pause. Theodore came running over. He grabbed your arm, pushing you against the wall, coming to stand before you so you couldn’t escape him. – “Why are you making it impossible for me to forget you.” – he asked staring down on you. – “Maybe you shouldn’t.” – you responded feeling yourself drawn to him. Theodore smirked pressing a hand above your head to the wall.
“I won’t stop till I win.” – you told him. Theodore licked his lips briefly, tilting your chin up by his thumb. – “I’m not backing down.” – he answered leaning in closer. – “Good.” – you whispered drawing closer to him. His eyes flashed from your eyes to your lips, taking them in attentively. – “Go on… kiss me.” – you said wanting him to.
Theodore smiled. – “Is that a favor Y/n?” – he answered. – “I’ll take that as a point.” – he added as you grabbed a hold of his shirt. – “Do what you want.” – you replied not caring if the score was even now. You just wanted his lips on yours. Theodore’s hand slid up your cheek, cherishing it as he drew your lips nearer to his. – “Even.” – he whispered before pressing his lips against you.
Read more of my fics on my Masterlists!  
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missstratford · 1 year
Queen of my heart
A/n: this fic came to my head in the middle of the night lol. And I'm aware that i have a draco fic going on as well 😅😅but I'm unhinged so whatever. 🥲🥲. Also I'm gonna pretend the lil bitch Peter doesn't exists and my babies are away from toxic ppl. 😌😌
Summary: when James begins playing a game of dares with his friends, his task is to make someone fall for him. What happens when this person turns out to be you, who loathes his very existence. This time the line between game and love begin to blur.
Warnings: none, (but spicy times might be up in the next chaps😋)
Chapter 2
chapter 1:
Your quill scratched desperately against the parchment, filling it with the transfiguration essay due the next day. Your flow was interrupted by obnoxious laughter, for the tenth time. Gritting your teeth, your head snapped in the direction of noise. "They'll probably leave in a couple of minutes.” Andromeda's calm voice did little to settle you. " They've been at it for the last hour An, it's a library for Merlin's sake, how stupi-" Your ranting was cut short by another bout of raucous. That's it. You stood, chair creaking loudly as you did, earning looks from students around you. Before Andromeda could stop you, you strut around the shelves making your way to the gang of boys. Ah Griffyndors, you thought as you spotted the trio. "So Moony said -" You tapped the lad on his shoulders making them turn to you. "Yes?" This one wore glasses, looking confused at your presence. "Can i sit too?" You asked, a sarcastic smile playing on your lips. "What?” the black haired boy pushes his glasses up his nose, forehead scrunching in deeper confusion. " I mean you all seem to be having a lovely picnic so i thought I'd join." You explained, motioning to his two friends. "This is not a picnic. We are in the library. I thought slytherins were dumb but i never thought they were this dumb." His friend spoke. This one, you noticed, had longer hair and an unruly demeanor. Sirius Black, andromeda's relative, you quickly recognized. "Well now that we've established that we are indeed in a library, how about you loathsome pests act like it then?" Your smile dropped, lips thinning into a line. "I'm sorry wha-" Interrupting the boy with glasses you spoke, "Me along with 15 other students have been trying and failing to study thanks to your stupid laughing charade here. So you three better shut it before I call on Madam Pince Or better, I hex you myself." You ended menacingly. "Do you even know who we are?" The same boy from before said, coming to stand in front for you. It took your everything to not whip out your wand. "I honestly don't care even if you happened to be Merlin himself. So take my suggestion and leave." You clenched your jaw, swiftly turning back to your table. "Well she's terrible" She's a Slytherin!” "let's just leave please" You heard them whisper shout as you got back to your seat. "Did you kill them? Do i need to help you hide them?" Andromeda grinned as you picked up your quill. "I let them survive this time." You laughed.
Back in the gryffindor dorm, the marauders along with their friends sat in a circle. "Prongs turn on the damn lights mate" Sirius shouted, his arms going around remus trying to swat James' head. "Padfoot no-ouch- I'm creating the atmosphere mate, please just go with it" James rubbed his head. "Why are we even sitting like this?” Remus asked, eyeing the rest of the boys. "Well," Frank Longbottom smiled, rubbing his palms together, "we've decided to play a little game, just to spice up our fifth year." "My life is spiced up plenty already so, night lads." Sirius began standing up but was pulled down by Avery, "me, frank and adrian have already began playing and it's quite fun to be honest." "Can someone just explain what it is?” Remus interjected, to which Frank flourished a parchment filled with a list. " This is a list of dares which each one of us needs to complete in turns. Points get added to every name based on the success rate of the task. " Frank says, point at the corner of the parchment with names in columns. "And what's the prize? You know, for the one with the highest points in the end." James asks, looking intently at the list. "Generous compensation" Avery grins, "the winner gets to demand anything from the remaining boys for 3 months" He finishes. "How is that of any help?" Remus quizzes. "If you win, you could make sirius do your laundry for 3 months" Frank earns a hit from sirius. "Yeah or make avery do your homework" Adrian adds, laughing. "As much enticing as this sounds, count me out of it" Remus says, as he hears all of them groan in annoyance. "But we are in" James says eagerly as sirius nods. "Alright then boys, first up James." A sinister smile plays on avery's lips.
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enbysiriusblack · 5 months
"You've been quiet tonight", Peter noted, staring up at the sunset from his spot on the hill.
Lily took a long drawl of their shared joint before slowly replying.
"I think I'm in love with James."
Peter turned to her.
Lily glanced to him, passing him the joint, "Sorry."
"Nah, don't worry about it", He shrugged, "Inevitable really."
She nodded before turning back to the sky, "Think I'll ask him out."
"Oh, he'll be unbearably happy."
Peter stumped the joint out on the ground and sat back up, glancing to the castle in the distance.
"Should probably get going then, huh?"
Lily nodded, accepting his hand up, and brushed her skirt off.
She grabbed his arm when he started to walk, "Will you be alright about it? About me and James?"
Peter nodded, wrapping his arm around her waist, "Course, I will. He's been so mature lately, anyway, it's sickening. Maybe I'll go and fall in love with Sirius instead- He's still immature and childish and fun."
"James is still fun", Lily huffed with a laugh.
"Nah", Peter lied, "I need someone who'll let me hex Pince when she's pissing me off, not someone who stops me and gives me a lesson about respect and growing up."
Lily turned to him, "He did that?"
Peter snorted, "Yep. Went on a whole rant about how Pince is just trying to do her job and doesn't deserve to have an enlarged head, no matter how cleverly metaphorical it was going to be. And then he gave me a sticker of a golden snitch when I promised I wouldn't go through with it."
Lily laughed with absolute delight, "I think this is making me more attracted to him."
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multi-fandom-friend · 10 months
Theo Nott headcanons
we all know this boy has some issues….and for good reason. I love him and he’s been a comfort character for a while now so I wanted to describe how I see him!
🕸️First off, I feel like Theo loves all animals, but has an odd fascination with faeries. Ever since he was a little kid and his mom died, he found comfort in those small beings 🕸️He also loves muggle studies. Like love love love loves it. He’ll rant to anyone who’ll listen about it 🕸️ “Mattheo! Mattheo! Did you know that the muggles play this thing called football? It’s an American sport. They kinda tackle eachother for a ball. And throw it through these big yellow pole things” “……… no one cares Theo.” 🕸️ Theo also has a horrible time sleeping. Like actually refuses to sometimes. If you walked over to his dorm at like 2 in the morning he’ll still be awake reading 🕸️on that note, this man LOVES reading. Anything he can get his hands on is what he’ll read. He particularly likes fantasy novels so he can get completely lost in that world instead of paying attention to where he is in the moment. 🕸️ He gets really bad panic attacks sometimes. It’s mostly because of his father and how horribly he treats his son always telling him that he has to be better and how he’ll never be a proper pure blood 🕸️ Theo is the type of person that will go days without talking to anyone but Madame Pince because he feels like either no one is worthy of his presence or no one cares he’s there (Jesus fucking Christ I’m making him sound like a soft boy…) 🕸️He’s very torn on whether or not he wants to be a death eater. He hates everything about his father but then again he’s a pureblooded Slytherin, what’s he supposed to do? Okay, okay, im done. Hope u enjoyed! If u want anything written I’ll try. I write for heathers, CoD, Stranger things, Creepypasta, Harry Potter, and some more!
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starburstslyther1n · 8 months
All Wounds Heal
Chapter one
Fred Weasley/Slytherin!Reader
After transferring to Hogwarts in my fourth year and experiencing the Triwizard Tournament, I thought nothing would top that year. When my fifth year rolled around, I quickly realized how right I was, until a certain redheaded Gryffindor began to pay me attention and try his hardest to get to know me.
Word Count: 1,318
Warnings- no voldy au, order of the phoenix based
A/N: here’s the first chapter, I’m going to try to make it as close to the timeline as I can with this being a no voldy story. Hope someone out there enjoys this
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My first few weeks of classes dragged on. Umbridge was insufferable but all my other classes were the same at least. Potions was just as easy as always and I found myself quite enjoying the year. Snape seemed to be extra miserable and irritable towards the Gryffindors and Malfoy seemed to be enjoying it a bit too much. Thankfully Astoria and I managed to stay out of his slimy hair and clear of him when he was in his particularly foul moods.
I was currently sat on my bed listening to Pansy rant as she paced our dorms. She had been complaining since classes ended about how she still had not managed to gain the affections of Malfoy. Millicent was laid on her bed flipping through a magazine barely listening and Astoria was at her desk doing her hair for bed. We had all changed into our night clothes once dinner had ended and hadn’t left our room yet. I had planned on working on my transfiguration essay but Pansy insisted someone listen to her pain. I had zoned out when a magazine flew through the air and a loud shriek came from Pansy. Millicent was glaring at the girl in the center of the room as she stood to retrieve her magazine. “It’s been two hours, Pansy. Please, give it a rest. You’re the only person in this school aside from the golden boy himself who is obsessed with that blonde git. We don’t know why he doesn’t like you, perhaps you’re a bit to crazy over him, hm?” She flung herself back into her bed and turned her lamp off as Pansy stood at a loss for words with her before turning and climbing into her own bed and turning her light off.
Astoria looked at me with a sweet smile from across the room before bidding me a goodnight and moving to her own bed. We turned off our lights and climbed under the covers of our beds and our dorm was silent at last. Sleep soon took me and before I knew it, morning had come. When I woke, I stretched and looked around the room to see all the curtains still drawn around everyone’s bed but Millicent’s. I cast a quick tempus and grabbed a sweater before heading down to the common room to find Millicent and Blaise working on homework. As I approached, they stood and Blaise motioned to the common room entrance. “Want to go get breakfast? There’s still about three hours before it’s over and we’re the first few up aside from the older years.” I nodded while yawning and ran back up to my room and tried my best to remain quiet while getting dressed. After I had pulled a pair of jeans, a T-shirt and my shoes on, I slipped back out the door and down the stairs, pulling my hair up as I made my way out the common room with Millicent and Blaise. We made our way out the dungeons and across a few stairwells until we came to the great hall and made our way to our table. We took our places and began eating, sharing our plans for the weekend and discussing homework. Eventually Astoria, Pansy and Draco made their way to the great hall and joined us. We all finished our breakfast and split into groups going our own ways for the day. Astoria and I made our way back down to the common room and gathered our books and things for homework before making our way to the entrance hall. We split ways as I made my way to the library and began searching for a corner.
I had been at a table for maybe twenty minutes when Umbridge’s shrill voice began to ring through the library followed by Madame Pince’s voice arguing back with her. I couldn’t quite make out what they could have possibly been arguing about, but Umbridge seemed to be very set on whatever it was. She left before long but not without a flair for the dramatics, I spilled my ink all over my parchment as the slam of the library door startled me. Thankfully I hadn’t gotten very far into my essay so I vanished the spilled ink and pulled a new jar out before continuing my essay. Hermione soon joined me and we had a very pleasant conversation until she asked if I’d seen Harry.
“Hermione, you’re the only Gryffindor I’ve made friends with. I don’t think he’s exactly keen on getting to know me since Astoria and I hang around Malfoy. I’m pretty sure he avoids me.” She shrugged as she began to chew on her lip.
“He had detention with Umbridge last night. I haven’t seen much of him since. I’m worried.” I set my quill down and nodded, turning to her.
“Over what he said in class? About how the ministry should have taken care of the problem years ago?” She nodded and sighed as she ran her fingers through her hair.
“Don’t get me wrong, he’s very relieved he’s gone this time, but now more than ever I think, he really seems to be grieving for the life he could have had with his family.” I nodded as I hummed and we began to pack our books away.
“I’m sure Umbridge isn’t helping the matters either, with teaching theory and claiming the world is perfectly safe when just a few months before the school year started a dark wizard was taken down.” She nodded as we made our way out the library, dropping our voices and changing the subject, keeping an eye out for Umbridge. We made our way to the quidditch pitch and found Ron as Hermione began to scan the air for Harry and I pulled a book out of my bag and turned to her.
“Why do we still come out here? We’ve both made it quite clear we don’t care for quidditch yet every week you drag me out to watch practice with you and Ron.” Hermione smiled and glanced at me as Ron was fully absorbed into watching Harry and his bothers run drills in the air.
“I don’t. I just enjoy watching them fly without the stress of those horrible balls trying to kill or maim them. Watching them fly is like a dream. I hated flying class, but watching people fly is another thing.” I nodded and grinned to myself and settled into my book as the Gryffindors began making quite a bit of fuss the more into their practice they got. Half of my book later and their practice had been released. We made our way down to the locker rooms, but Ron’s older brothers came out a few minutes into us waiting and informed us Harry had taken off right after practice. Hermione glanced over at me before turning to Ron who had began speaking.
“You’ve got to be joking, Fred. How did he just leave without us seeing him on our way down.” The twin, Fred, shrugged and looked to the other twin who had begun to speak.
“He’s pretty moody today, mate. Might want to give him some space.” The other twin, George, leaned on Fred as he began to speak when George was finished.
“Something’s got him bound up. I have a sneaking suspicion it has something to do with that detention he mentioned. Umbridge did a right bit of damage on us with that quill. I’m sure he’s being Harry about bringing it up too.” The two began to strut off as Hermione and Ron turned to me and began whispering among themselves. I gathered bits and pieces but they had rushed off to find Harry before I could really figure out what they had been talking about. I sighed and began making my way back to the castle, wondering just how long until lunch would be served.
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madampince-rph · 4 years
In honor of "fuck you Rowling" who are your favorite characters to write trans?
Anon you’re my favorite. And in answer to your question, here are my favorites:
Okay so my number one “this is actually just canon, go on prove me wrong” trans character headcanon is DRACO MALFOY. That’s why he’s soooo determined to be just like daddy -- why he talks about his father all the time but hardly mentions his mother, despite Narcissa being from a family that’s arguably every bit as famed and pure (a little better, really) as the Malfoys. Because Lucius isn’t just Draco’s parent, he’s his whole model for his masculinity. To him, Lucius is the ideal idea of a wizard, so of course Draco is going to imitate him! Also let’s be honest, what little boy wouldn’t choose “dragon” for his name when presented with a list of constellations that has that as an option? And on the subject of names: being offended when someone thinks your name is funny is such a trans mood I can’t even.
Next up we have NARCISSA MALFOY, another obvious candidate imo. Why is she the only one of that generation of Blacks who wasn’t named after a constellation? Why, because she was named thusly when she was born, but she gave that name up to to choose one that better fit her true self. Her parents were less than thrilled by the idea of “losing” their “male heir” and didn’t take it well when she came out, told her she was being selfish and vain etc etc... So Cissy, being a Black, basically went “Oh YEAH? You think I’m selfish and VAIN? Well then my name is NARCISSA now, bitches! Choke on it.” When her parents eventually got over themselves and embraced having a third lovely daughter, she regretted her fit of spite just a tinge (which is why she made such an effort to convince her son to choose a traditional name for himself later -- not that it took much work actually lol) but she wasn’t going to take it back -- and anyway, it was a pretty name. And that was the most important thing.
Then we get to CHARLIE WEASLEY who is perhaps the most painful, because he had to shatter his mother’s dreams of having a little girl when he explained he wasn’t one...and Molly, while not meaning to hurt her newest son, did in fact do just that by so openly longing for so long for a daughter like the one she’d “lost” when Charlie came out. He was glad when Ginny was finally born and Molly could at last have the daughter she’d always wanted...but at the same time, it hurt a little, both knowing that he had hurt her simply by being himself and that she’d finally found a replacement for what he’d “taken” from her. He went to Romania for the dragons, yes...but he also went because he wanted the distance.
Bopping back to the Marauders’ Era, we have REMUS LUPIN who gives us a truly delightful moment of supportive misunderstanding: when his three friends told him they’d noticed his “monthly issues” and they knew his secret and wanted to make sure he knew that they accepted him anyway, Remus thought they were talking about that time of the month...not the other one. They were about halfway through their two different conversations before they realized they were talking about other things -- but James, Sirius, and Peter took the revelation that their friend was trans in stride (especially James and Sirius who, being from old pure-blood families, didn’t see why there was any reason to fuss about something so normal, and Peter certainly wasn’t going to raise a fuss if the others didn’t start it first) and Remus was even more relieved -- and decidedly more shocked -- to find out that they were willing to be friends with a werewolf. He’d really thought that he had hidden that one better...
You know who else is great to write as trans, though? Absolutely everyone. You don’t need a reason, you don’t need an excuse! You want to write Fleur Delacour as trans? Do it. You want to write Sirius Black as trans? Do it. You want to write Hermione Granger as trans? Or Cedric Diggory? Harry bloody Potter? Do it. You want to write something where literally everyone is trans? Do it -- and then fucking link me to that because yes.
*I mean probably maybe don’t write Rita Skeeter as trans actually unless you’re planning to do some kind of stereotype deconstruction thing because JKR leaned hard into some really ugly things when she created Rita, and perpetuating that would be bad, but imo she’s literally the only character who is probably a NOPE on the “make them trans” option.
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panandinpain0 · 2 years
I see you do hp X readers do you think you could do Neville X Ravenclaw M! Reader where the reader helps with potions or something :))
Letter Exchange
Part Two
AAAA YES- I love this idea and I love Neville 😭😭
Requested by: Anon
Neville Longbottom x Male!Ravenclaw!Reader
Both Neville and the reader are in their... idk, (coming up with this right now)... 5th year? It doesn't really follow the OG plot so... yeah.
Oh, and it might not be very in-character, but I tried my best.
OH ONE LAST THING- This insinuates Hermione x Pansy because I cherish my headcanons.
I hope you like it!
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(Y/N) walked up to the castle after attending Care of Magical Creatures, deciding to use his free hour to read in the Great Hall. The library was always too crowded this time of day, meaning Madame Pince was extra irritated. So basically an altogether bad situation that (Y/N) wanted to avoid.
He walked into the slightly crowded (though quieter than the library) Hall, making his way towards his table. (Y/N) took off his blue and silver scarf, setting it on the table with his bag before sitting down on the bench. He pulled out a book that his Gryffindor friend, Hermione, had recommended him. It was just for leisure reading, which he was enjoying. Just as he opened to the previously marked page, said Gryffindor friend sat down in front of him.
"Oh, (Y/N), you will not believe what just happened in potions! Snape threatened to use Neville's potion on his toad, Trevor! We all know Neville isn't skilled in potions, so I had to step in to help and got points taken from Gryffindor for 'Speaking out of turn'! Snape is a vile man. Poor Neville," Hermione ranted as she pulled out several course books and blank pieces of parchment. (Y/N) assumed she had been assigned an essay or two.
"Are Neville and Trevor alright?" he asked, eyebrows creasing in concern. He'd never really talked to Neville, but he seemed sweet and definitely didn't deserve Snape's wrath.
"Trevor is, I'm not sure about Neville, though," she answered, dipping her quill in her ink pot.
(Y/N) thought for a moment before pulling a parchment from his own bag, along with a quill and ink. He wrote a letter to Neville and slipped it into an envelope he had. He wrote Neville's name in swirly cursive on the front and slid it over to Hermione, which made her look up from her work.
"What's this?" she asked, picking up the paper and reading the name.
"I was wondering if you could deliver that to Neville the next time you see him?"
"Sure. You have lovely penmanship, by the way," she complimented as she slipped it into her bag.
"Thank you, it took practice." (Y/N) chuckled and returned to his book.
Later that night Hermione returned to her common room after splitting off from (Y/N), the two having walked together until they had to part ways. The portrait opened after she gave it the password and she climbed in, searching the filled room for Harry and Ron. She spotted them easily enough, and Neville was conveniently sitting with them.
Hermione approached them as she removed her scarf and put it in her bag, trading it for the letter.
"Hello, boys. Here, Neville, my friend asked me to give this to you," she explained as she held the letter out towards Neville. He seemed surprised as he took it, blinking when he saw his name.
"Wow, I don't think I've ever seen my name written this pretty. Who's your friend?" Neville asked as he traced the letters gently with his finger.
"(Y/N) (L/N) from Ravenclaw."
"Oh, (L/N)! He seems like a nice chap," Ron commented, Harry smiling and nodding in agreement.
"Quiet, though," Harry added.
"Hmm, not really," Hermione disagreed. "You just don't notice him."
Harry and Ron shrugged and the trio walked away, leaving Neville with his letter. He opened it and saw the same handwriting as his name. It was neat yet swirly cursive.
It read:
"Dear Neville,
You probably don't know me, but I'm (Y/N) (L/N) from Ravenclaw. I think we had herbology last year together. You were bloody brilliant in it.
Neville flushed at the compliment, lucky no one was watching him as he read it.
I was talking with Hermione and she told me what happened in potions. Is Trevor okay? I hope he is. I'm also worried for you, Snape can be cruel and you seem to be one of his favorite targets.
Neville flushed deeper- from both embarrassment and endearment. No one payed this much attention to him, much less send him a letter asking how Trevor was and expressing worry for himself.
I would like to help, if you'll let me. I'm almost top of my class in potions and can help you learn. Tutor you, if you will. You can either write back a response or find me. I frequent the library and Quidditch field often, so that's most likely where you'll find me.
(Y/N) (L/N)
P.S. I'm serious about herbology, I could learn a thing or two from you."
Neville just blinked down at the paper he held. The cute Ravenclaw boy just offered to tutor him in potions and noticed his skill in herbology.
He decided he wasn't brave enough to talk to him in person, knowing he would turn into an embarrassing, red, blubbering mess. So he'd write him back.
Neville walked up to his dorm and sat down at the desk he and his dormmates shared. Pulling out a quill and parchment he wrote:
"ᴰᵉᵃʳ ⁽ʸ/ᴺ⁾
ᴹʸ ʰᵃⁿᵈʷʳⁱᵗⁱⁿᵍ ⁱˢⁿ'ᵗ ⁿᵉᵃʳˡʸ ᵃˢ ᵖʳᵉᵗᵗʸ ᵃˢ ʸᵒᵘʳˢ, ᵇᵘᵗ ᴵ'ˡˡ ᵗʳʸ ᵐʸ ᵇᵉˢᵗ.
Neville bit his lip, his face and ears growing red from nerve's.
ᵀʰᵃⁿᵏˢ ᶠᵒʳ ᶜᵒᵐᵖˡⁱᵐᵉⁿᵗⁱⁿᵍ ᵐᵉ ᵒⁿ ʰᵉʳᵇᵒˡᵒᵍʸ. ᴵ ʳᵉᵃˡˡʸ ˡᵒᵛᵉ ᵖˡᵃⁿᵗˢ ˢᵒ ⁱᵗ ᵐᵃᵏᵉˢ ᵗʰᵉ ᶜˡᵃˢˢ ᵉᵃˢⁱᵉʳ.
ᵀʳᵉᵛᵒʳ ⁱˢ ᶠⁱⁿᵉ, ᴴᵉʳᵐⁱᵒⁿᵉ ʰᵉˡᵖᵉᵈ ᵐᵉ, ᵉᵛᵉⁿ ᵗʰᵒᵘᵍʰ ˢⁿᵃᵖᵉ ᵍᵒᵗ ᵐᵃᵈ ᵃᵗ ʰᵉʳ ᶠᵒʳ ⁱᵗ. ᴴᵉ ᵈᵒᵉˢ ˢᵉᵉᵐ ᵗᵒ ʰᵃᵛᵉ ⁱᵗ ᵒᵘᵗ ᶠᵒʳ ᵐᵉ. ᴵ ʷᵒᵘˡᵈ ˡᵒᵛᵉ ⁱᵗ ⁱᶠ ʸᵒᵘ ʷᵒᵘˡᵈ ᵗᵘᵗᵒʳ ᵐᵉ! ᴵ ʳᵉᵃˡˡʸ ⁿᵉᵉᵈ ᵗʰᵉ ʰᵉˡᵖ ⁱᶠ ᴵ ʷᵃⁿᵗ ᵗᵒ ᵖᵃˢˢ ᵐʸ ᵉˣᵃᵐˢ ᵗʰⁱˢ ʸᵉᵃʳ. ᵂʰᵃᵗ ˢʰᵒᵘˡᵈ ᴵ ᵈᵒ ᶠᵒʳ ʸᵒᵘ ⁱⁿ ʳᵉᵗᵘʳⁿ?
ᴸᵒᵛᵉ, ʸᵒᵘʳˢ ᵀʳᵘˡʸ,
ᴺᵉᵛⁱˡˡᵉ ᴸᵒⁿᵍᵇᵒᵗᵗᵒᵐ
ᴾ.ˢ. ᴹᵃʸᵇᵉ ᴵ ᶜᵒᵘˡᵈ ʰᵉˡᵖ ʸᵒᵘ ⁱⁿ ʰᵉʳᵇᵒˡᵒᵍʸ?"
Neville cast a quick spell to dry the ink, luckily without pulling a Seamus and setting it on fire, and slipped it into an envelope identical to the one (Y/N) sent, seeing as they were the school issued ones. He scribbled (Y/N)'s name over it messily and ran back down to the common room, hoping one of the girl's- or even Hermione herself- were there to receive the message to deliver the letter.
There were still a handful of people in the common room, including Lavender Brown.
"Excuse me, Lavender?" Neville asked, approaching her with the letter nervously clasped in his sweaty hands.
"Neville?" Lavender responded, standing up from the couch she was sitting on.
"Can you give this to Hermione? And please tell her to give it to... the Ravenclaw," Neville asked timidly, not using (Y/N)'s real name so that it wouldn't be traced back to him. The last thing Neville wanted was for (Y/N) to get teased for talking to him.
"Uhm... odd request, but alright. Goodnight, Neville."
"Goodnight, Lavender."
Lavender walked up the stairs to the girl's dorms and Neville prayed that Lavender "Gossip" Brown wouldn't be interested in opening it. Now that he thought about it, maybe he should've waited to give it to Hermione himself the next day. Well, it was too late now.
Riddled with anxiety about the letter, Neville fell into an uneasy sleep. All thoughts went back to the letter that he had safely stored in his case at the end of his bed.
Hermione gasped with wide eyes and held a hand to her chest, her surprised look morphing into a glare.
(Y/N), on the other hand, found the reaction rather amusing.
"You better watch your back, (L/N)," Hermione warned, pointing an accusing finger at him.
"I always do, Granger." (Y/N) winked at her teasingly.
"Oh, by the way, Neville wrote you back." She turned tot he bookshelf in front of her and avoided eye contact as she pretended to browse.
"He did?! Where is it?"
"I'm not sure I should tell you after what you just pulled."
"Please, Hermione! I'll do anything!" (Y/N) dramatically fell to his knees as she loudly whispered, (they were still in a library, he's no animal). His hands clasped in front of his face as he pleadingly looked up at Hermione.
"I'm going to regret this, aren't I?" (Y/N) asked rhetorically, looking scared.
"Anything, like... giving me your secret list of muggle book recommendations that you've never let me see?" Hermione smirked as she raised a brow down at him.
(Y/N) hung his head and slowly stood up, revealing his defeated frown.
"Fine," he sighe dout.
"Yes!" Hermione hissed and jumped up and down. The only reason Madame Pince hadn't gotten after them yet was because they were her favorite students, and this was a rare occasion, them being slightly loud. "The letter is in my bag."
(Y/N) quickly walked over to the chair with Hermione's bag hanging off of it, finding the letter easily. He smiled as he saw Neville's nearly unintelligible scrawl spelling his name.
"What are you smiling about?" Hermione asked smugly, sitting down with the book she had successfully found.
"Isn't his handwriting adorable?" His cheesy smile broadened as he flipped the envelope for Hermione to see, sitting down across from her.
"I wouldn't say adorable, exactly Unreadable is a better word..." Hermione grimaced.
"Oh, hush," (Y/N) scolded as he gently opened the envelope, unfolding the paper and letting his eyes fall on the first words. "He even apologizes for it!" he gushed to the frizzy haired girl across from him, who responded with no more than an unimpressed look.
After reading the letter, (Y/N) quickly got the supplies out to respond, taking time to make his handwriting just as pretty as last time.
"Can you-"
"Give this to Neville? I'm not going to be an errand girl-"
"Come on, Hermione. Don't you want that list?" (Y/N) wiggled his eyebrows, trying to convince Hermione to keep exchanging the letters for them.
She rolled her eyes and groaned, but took the letter anyways.
"Thank you~" (Y/N) sugarcoated it but Hermione wasn't complaining.
"Get met hat list and it's no problem."
Neville sought Hermione out this time, eager for a response.
"Hermione, did you get anything from (L/N)?" he asked, not even trying to hide his interest.
"You're in luck." Hermione smiled and handed Neville the letter. She knew her closest friend (outside of Harry and Ron) was falling in love with the Gryffindor boy, and she was thrilled it was being reciprocated.
Neville ran up to the dorm, glad it was empty, and opened the letter carefully, as not to damage it.
"Dear Neville,
I'm glad to hear back from you! I am also glad to hear that Trevor remains unharmed.
On the topic of tutoring; you needn't repay me. I am happy to tutor you free of charge. I wouldn't mind hearing about herbology, though. Maybe after our first session we could sit together at lunch and you could tell me about your plants? Only if you'd like to, of course.
(Y/N) (L/N)
P.S. Meet me in the library on Thursday during free hour before lunch? ♥"
Not only had he signed off with "Love", he added a heart at the end. Neville was probably reading too much into it but that didn't stop his heart from racing and his face from heating up. This man was perfect, Neville was sure of it.
"ᴰᵉᵃʳ ⁽ʸ/ᴺ⁾,
ᵀʰᵘʳˢᵈᵃʸ, ᶠʳᵉᵉ ʰᵒᵘʳ ᵇᵉᶠᵒʳᵉ ˡᵘⁿᶜʰ. ᴵ'ˡˡ ˢᵉᵉ ʸᵒᵘ ᵗʰᵉⁿ.
ᴺᵉᵛⁱˡˡᵉ ᴸᵒⁿᵍᵇᵒᵗᵗᵒᵐ
ᴾ.ˢ. ᴵ'ᵐ ˢᵘʳᵉ ʸᵒᵘ ᵈᵒⁿ'ᵗ ʷᵃⁿᵗ ᵗᵒ ˡⁱˢᵗᵉⁿ ᵗᵒ ᵐᵉ ᵈʳᵒⁿᵉ ᵒⁿ ᵃᵇᵒᵘᵗ ᵐʸ ᵖˡᵃⁿᵗˢ. ♥"
Both the heart and the word "Love" seemed hesitant, the lines shaky and the ink faint. Neville wasn't used to being this bold but it felt right. With (Y/N) it felt right.
Neville gave it to Hermione and thanked her after she assured him she'd deliver it the next day.
(Y/N) stood by the "potions" shelf, which was coincidentally nearest to the door. He didn't want Neville to walk in, not see him, and assume he'd been pranked.
"(L/N)?" his hesitant voice asked, catching (Y/N)'s attention.
"Neville! Please, call me (Y/N)."
He held out a hand and Neville shook it, both dazed by the comforting feeling it had brought them both.
"Would you like to take a seat? I've collected some books that I think would be helpful."
Neville, was was still trying to shake out of the effect (Y/N)'s voice had on him, nodded and sat down at a nearby table.
"T-thanks," Neville stuttered as he pulled out parchments to take notes on. He wasn't used to this kind of attention.
"It's no problem. Now, if you just tell me where you have the most trouble we can start there." He flashed Neville a reassuring smile, making Neville return it with a more timid one.
Soon enough the hour was coming to an end, making (Y/N) sigh in disappointment as he looked away from the clock.
"It seems that lunch time is approaching." He stood and went to check out the books they had studied for Neville, leaving him to scramble his notes together and stand up.
"Can I take you up on your offer?" Neville asked as Madame Pince handed (Y/N) the books. He looked Neville with a kind, but confused stare, seemingly not remembering.
"To, uh... to sit together at lunch and talk about herbology..."
A look of understanding swept across (Y/N)'s face, making a smile appear as he held out the books.
"Of course! Would you like to sit at the Ravenclaw table or your own?"
"Ravenclaw." He didn't need his friends hounding him about the cute boy he was sitting with.
Neville reached out to take the books and their fingers brushed, shivers running up Neville's back while the tips of (Y/N)'s ears turned the faintest shade of red.
"Let's get going, shall we?" (Y/N) gestured to the door, letting Neville take the lead.
"Neville has another letter for you," Hermione revealed, the mischievous look on her face putting (Y/N) on edge.
"Really?!" They hadn't spoken since the day before at lunch, when they scheduled the next session for the same time the following week.
"What're you so excited for?"
"Don't be daft, Hermione."
"I want to hear you say it."
"I want you to confess how you feel about Pansy, but we can't all get what we want."
"So you do like Neville!"
"Did you just admit to liking Pansy?"
Hermione rolled her eyes and slid the paper over to (Y/N), trying to calm the red in her cheeks. He eagerly opened it, excited to add to his growing collection of letters.
"ᴰᵉᵃʳ ⁽ʸ/ᴺ⁾,
ᴵ ᵈᵉᶜⁱᵈᵉᵈ ᵗᵒ ʷʳⁱᵗᵉ ᶠⁱʳˢᵗ ᵗʰⁱˢ ᵗⁱᵐᵉ.
ᴵ ʳᵉᵃˡˡʸ ᵉⁿʲᵒʸᵉᵈ ˡᵘⁿᶜʰ ʷⁱᵗʰ ʸᵒᵘ, ᵃⁿᵈ ᴵ ʰᵒᵖᵉ ʷᵉ ᶜᵃⁿ ᵈᵒ ⁱᵗ ᵃᵍᵃⁱⁿ ˢᵒᵒⁿ.
ᵀʰᵃᵗ'ˢ ᵃˡˡ ᴵ ʰᵃᵈ ᵗᵒ ˢᵃʸ. ᴵ ʲᵘˢᵗ ʷᵃⁿᵗᵉᵈ ᵗᵒ ˢᵉᵉ ʸᵒᵘʳ ʳᵉᵃᶜᵗⁱᵒⁿ ʷʰᵉⁿ ʸᵒᵘ ᵒᵖᵉⁿᵉᵈ ᵐʸ ˡᵉᵗᵗᵉʳ.
ᴺᵉᵛⁱˡˡᵉ ᴸᵒⁿᵍᵇᵒᵗᵗᵒᵐ
ᴾ.ˢ. ᴸᵒᵒᵏ ᵇᵉʰⁱⁿᵈ ʸᵒᵘ."
(Y/N) whipped around and saw a blushing Neville, who seemed amused. Suddenly (Y/N) realized that Neville had heard the whole conversation.
Now it was his turn to be flustered.
Like I said, kinda out of character for Neville, but I enjoyed writing it nonetheless.
I hope you liked it!
-Author Max <3
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snape-oasis · 3 years
Would you mind writing young snape x reader where Lily hates Snapes crush and try’s to talk him out of asking her on a date but he does so anyways?
A/N: Hello! Love this prompt, I'm absolutely obsessed with young!snape x reader fanfics. I hope this little thing meets your expectations xx
Pairing: Severus Snape x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Some swearing and negative language, mostly nice though!
The Black Lake
“Do you think she would enjoy it?” Severus questioned, looking over at his companion with wide, hopeful eyes. Lily Evans gave him a cold look. 
“Don’t know why you’re even bothering to ask her out. She’s bad news, Sev, you should know better,” she said, as she opened the door to the library. 
“Bad news? What about her is bad news?” Severus replied as he plopped their textbooks on a table near the back. 
“You know! She’s always hanging out with those stupid Slytherins…” 
“I’m a Slytherin, Lily,” Severus interrupted, giving her an annoyed look. She had the decency to look somewhat embarrassed. 
“You know I don’t mean you, Sev. You’re different…”
“Why? Just because I’m your friend doesn’t mean I’m not a true Slytherin. I hang out with those ‘stupid Slytherins’, too.” Two blotches of colour appeared high on Severus’ cheeks, something that was happening more and more often when he got into arguments with Lily. 
Lately, he’d been trying to stand up for himself more and counter what Lily would say about his house and housemates. She tended to lump them altogether and rant about the more...negative attributes their reputation landed them. Typically, he wouldn’t mind very much–the Slytherins in his year were particularly stupid at times. But lately, she had taken to giving scathing complaints about you, and he was growing increasingly angrier with each word. You were his only real friend in Slytherin, a feat that had taken a lot of patience and trust, but you managed it. As the years went by, however, something special rose between you two, and it was finally bearing fruit.
“Yes, but you’re not like them! You don’t go around cursing people for fun and practicing dark magic, and you’re not going around calling people Mudbloods,” Lily’s cheeks grew redder. “Can’t you see? If you ask her out on that date, she’s going to drag you right into it, too! She’s a horrible, selfish, annoying slag!” Her voice had risen and people looked over at Lily. Madam Pince gave their table a fierce glare and fingered her wand. Severus’ face grew darker the more Lily spoke, his hands beginning to tremble. 
“No, Lily. You’re wrong. I know her better than you, and I know she would never, ever do things like that unless under Imperius. And frankly, I’m tired of hearing you nag on and on about her, especially when you know how I feel. I’m leaving.” Severus said, a tone of finality in his words as he stood up and grabbed his books. Lily looked anxious. 
“Sev, wait! I just don’t want to see you make a mistake or get hurt,” she said, lowering her voice to a murmur as Madam Pince turned to face them again. Severus gave Lily a stony look.
“I know how to take care of myself. Bye, Lily.” And he walked away. 
He wandered aimlessly. He was too anxious to go to the Slytherin common room and be surrounded by the other people with free periods, but he didn’t want to wait around somewhere he could get ambushed by the Marauders. He sighed, his legs bringing him out to the edge of the Black Lake. He sat on a rock, the waves licking at the place his toes were resting. He pondered what Lily had said to him. 
What if it was true? He knew you had a closer relationship with the other Slytherins, something he envied when he first started to get to know you. Your families ran in similar circles, and even though you were a half-blood, you had gained their respect and admiration through your hard work and captivating personality. But, even through all of that, you stayed by his side and only he knew your true thoughts. He knew how much you hated blood supremacy, and you shared a similar view of the Dark Arts and how they should be practiced and regulated. You cared about Potions very deeply, and you were incredibly understanding of Severus’ sometimes volatile nature. All in all, you were the only one that cared about him as a person, and that’s what made him fall for you. 
As he contemplated his feelings for you, he didn’t notice you sneak up behind him until you covered his eyes with your hands. 
“Guess who?” You said teasingly. His lips quirked up in a tiny smile, enormous by Severus standards. Your heart fluttered, knowing you were one of the few people that got to see it. 
“Hello. How did you find me?” Severus asked, scooting over on the huge rock so that you could plop down beside him. You set your bag down and pulled your knees up to your chest, your head facing Severus. 
“I just had a feeling you might be out here,” you replied, turning your head to keep him from seeing your cheeks heating up at his intense gaze. 
“I–I have to ask you something.” Severus blurted. Your head shot back towards him, your stomach beginning to fill up with little honeybees doing their little waggle dance. 
“Yeah, Sev?” You replied, your hands beginning to tremble. Was this it?
“I...I was wondering i-if you would be willing to…” He trailed off, swallowing. His Adam’s apple bobbed and he looked terribly uncertain, the splotches of soft crimson on his cheeks beginning to grow. The echoes of laughter from the grounds reached very faintly to your secluded area, but he was more focused on the blood rushing through his ears. 
“Willing to what?” You asked, feeling a little bit out of breath. You hoped this was it. You had wanted this for so long, it hurt you to even think about it. 
“Would you be willing to go on a date with me?” He mumbled, just loud enough for you to hear what he said. You inhaled sharply, hardly daring to believe the words that came out of his mouth. 
“D-do you mean it? Do you mean it, Sev?” You asked, moving toward him insistently, demanding his response. He nodded. 
“Of course I mean it,” he said, lacing his fingers together in an attempt to stop their shaking and he turned his head away from you and toward the lake, trying to will away his embarrassment. 
Your mouth formed into a wide grin, and you covered it with your hand. You felt giddy, excited, elated, all of the emotions. It’s finally happening, you thought to yourself, your inner monologue becoming a bunch of flying hearts. 
“Yes, Sev. Absolutely.” 
A/N: I hope you liked this. Don’t know if this came off super slanderous towards Lily, I’ve never written her character before but I think she could be mean if she feels threatened in a way. Please let me know what you think and send me more requests, this was so fun to write! Also, if you want to be on the tag list, shoot me a dm!
tag list <3
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siriusmydeer · 4 years
hello love, i was wondering if you could do a james potter x slythering fem!reader? one where she is working so hard on getting her life together. she is trying to be different than her family and working so hard but it is getting to her. she feels like she is failing and every turn she takes is a dead end. she feels like there is no purpose to what she’s doing. i think some super fluff is required, like james boosting her up and loving her. plzzzzz & thx
his slytherin
james potter x slytherin!fem!reader
summary: when you overwork yourself james is there to save the day.
word count: 2.4k
warnings: mentions of insomnia, mentions of sleep deprivation, mentions of not eating, mentions of over working yourself, angst, sad!james, house stereotypes, bad grades, implications of smut, WOLFSTAR😍, mentions of food, a breakdown, THERES FLUFF I PROMISE
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seventh year was quite literally, a mess. maybe not for others, finally done school or they were super excited to travel around the world seeing things they’ve never seen before. you’re dream had consisted of constant studying, and working that barely made any time for yourself.
for the prior three years you had studied and practiced with madam pomfrey in the healers wing to eventually become a healer yourself, and it took a lot more than you thought it anticipated.
you knew as a healer, later in life you would have to deal with artefact accidents, dementor attacks, creature-induced injuries, magical bugs, potion and plant poisoning, dragon trainers with injuries, and incredulous spell damage.
with that you had to be prepared, which meant more time hitting the books and less time spending your final year at hogwarts with your best friends and your staggering boyfriend.
(hahah u see what i did there?)
james had qued in on your restless nights by gazing across at you in the great hall. the colour of emerald green becoming frequent in his life now; surprisingly to everyone else. where you were sat at the slytherin table, your eyebags already deepening by the day and your nose buried in some sort of school book.
the thought of even being like your family, made you nauseous. you didn’t want to be like your strict, immoral family, the death eaters, the murderers, and the ministry officials. who worked like machines without feelings or care.
as a slytherin born into a pureblood family those were the expectations that were almost nailed into your back like a sign said, ‘here’s the pureblood slytherin, shame her even though you don’t know her!!’
of course those were the stereotypes, ones that had been built on for centuries since salazar slytherin himself. that you of all people had to inherit. so you had to fall, and rebuild yourself entirely for even a chance. the restless nights, insomnia, caffeine and studying was your way of rebuilding.
of course that had an effect on your grades, not sleeping, not eating and barely focusing made your grades tremble a great deal to the point where professor slughorn got concerned by his best potions makers, recent poors in his class.
you were too focused on being better that you couldn’t even focus on your own well-being, that you couldn’t even see you were hurting yourself on the people around you. almost self isolating yourself from everyone entirely.
“darling?” james whispered, his body sitting across from yours at one of the mahogany tables in the library. pince set him a warning glare not to cause any mischief as she turned around.
“hmm?” you mumbled, barely acknowledging his prescence and continuing to read your defence against the dark arts textbook, something about the ‘chameleon ghoul.’
he had barely seen you all week, and when he did he saw your agonized face scrunched up in a book and your mauve dark circles that rested below your eyes clear as day.
“why don’t you take a break, dear? have a rest, you’ve been working non-stop. ve’barely seen you.” he murmured the last bit, embarrassed for feeling ‘needy.’
“can’t jamie, newts are soon i need to be prepared.” you looked up in his direction for a moment, barely catching his saddened eyes through his spectacles at your denial of his request to finally see his girlfriend.
if this were two maybe three years ago, james would not be caught dead having a conversation with a slytherin, let alone a relationship with one. the stereotypes blinding his vision for along time before he could see what was truly in-front of him.
i mean the gryffindor pride genetically ran through his veins as he was born into the etiquette pureblood-gryffindor family himself. it was almost destined for the both of you to be corporeal enemies.
but... something about your altruistic and considerate attributes subtly changed his mind. thanking merlin, and horhace slughorn for pairing the both of you in potions in fourth year. there was always something about the way you were so gentle and benevolent with him in potions class might’ve flipped a switch in his mind.
“right then... see you later?” he muttered disappointed in himself, you work so hard to prove yourself meanwhile he didn’t even have a glare in his way because he was the perfect headboy gryffindor student; with absolutely no judgements thrown his way despite his actions towards others in previous years.
“dunno, i’m studying.” you replied, your voice monotone and dull almost raspy from barely using your voice unless answering questions in class to almost being a know-it-all and pushing yourself to the tops of all your classes.
he got up from his chair, it scraping against the floor as he walked to the exit almost like a dog with its tail between his legs. he just got so mopey by your dejected less merry self. he had to do something, he had to make you understand that being a slytherin wasn’t just you.
it was a part of you sure, but ambitious just meant you strived for your goals and you were cunning which showed your amplified skill.
that didn’t mean you were— evil? being a proud reckless gryffindor was one in his heart but nobody ever thought he was malicious.
so, james fleamont potter did the only logical thing he could think of; going to his bestfriends for help. of course at first they were not over the moon glowing in delight when they found out he was dating a slytherin, especially sirius.
but that was expected, his family being his only views on how a pureblood slytherin acted only projected onto you. giving you almost a conscientious reason to work, the thought of someone james felt was his brother perceiving you as despicable only made you pursue your self judgements.
but after your book swaps with remus, you and peters athrimancy study sessions and music bonding with sirius they grew quite fond of your personality and thought that you were due with a chance with the marauders.
“moony, i need help.” he spoke desperately as remus’ face was also buried in a book, except out of his own free will.
“james needs my help? hear that sirius? prongs needs my help.” he declared proudly as the brown-haired gryffindor groaned crossing his arms.
“it’s y/n.” he mentioned, glancing in sirius’ direction before sitting on the vermillion love seat across from the fawn haired boy.
“what about her?” remus was more-so confused, what would be so wrong with you that james had to ask him for help?
“she’s suffocating herself, the books, the studying, not sleeping, not eating, nothing. i dunno what to do anymore remus, she’s so pent up on wanting people to stop looking at her like she’s heinous she’s working herself to death!” he ranted, all his anger and agitation spilling out in one fast-paced sentence that james needed to catch his breath by the end of.
“i just dunno how to make her catch a breath, take a break. what do i do?” james panted, looking at his mates for an answer.
“imperious curse?” sirius proposed, a bad proposal but his intentions were... thoughtful. “yeah let me go use an unforgivable curse on my girlfriend so she can have a study break. no thank you, next.” james sarcastically humoured him, james didn’t want to compromise your education or use an unforgivable curse on you for that matter but you looked so incredibly burnt out he didn’t know how to help you.
“body-bind curse? so she’s like.... forced to stop?” peter suggested, looking up from his transfiguration essay catching onto the conversation as he twirled his quill between his fingers.
“or, y’know something actually logical you could do is take her books. get her lavender tea or something, let her talk.” remus finally spoke, shrugging then looking at the ‘lord of the flies’ book in his hands a smirk lying on his face knowing that would he james lucky choice.
“moony, you genius! i could kiss you!” james hopped up from his seat, on his way back to the library.
“oi! i’m the only one he’s going to be kissing, prongs!” sirius yelped as james walked out of the portrait hole with a distant chortle.
on his way to the library, where you were previously seated, james made a stop to the kitchen to grab a few of your favourite snacks and some water. he dropped them back at his dormitory, but not without a mini lecture on ‘kissing moony.’ from sirius.
what a drama queen.
the castle was slowly darkening, the only light pivoting from the floating candles in the air. he saw your frozen-like figure in the same spot you were except looking over your history of magic textbook, learning about the ‘emeric the evil.’
“y/n.” he stated firmly, you almost jumped from your seat in surprise, due to your recent sleep deprivation. “merlin james, give a girl a little warning first.” you chastised before returning to your next book that was slammed together right in-front of your eyes.
“james! i was—“ you were cut off quickly by him gathering all of your books and placing them in his left arm. “what are you doing?” you questioned, looking at him with furrowed brows, to exhausted to argue with him.
“you’re not taking care of yourself, you’re not eating, you’re not sleeping, your basically a study.... that muggle thing- robot! you’re a study robot! so i’m taking care of you.” he got sidetracked as he spoke in a gentle yet firm tone.
“but i have too-“ you were cut off again by his pointer finger shushing your lips together. “no, either you sit here in silence because i’m taking your books either way or you come with me to my dorm.” james spoke, resisting to your complaints.
“fine, but you have too—“ you started off, annoyed that your study time was ruined by james incessant comments about you ‘overworking yourself.’ he though, was not having any of that. “nope.” he grabbed your hand, dragging you off to the gryffindor tower.
you gave a small tired wave to sirius, peter and remus on the way to the dormitories as they were all either on the floor or splayed across the scarlet-coloured couches. sirius following with a teasing wolf whistle and wink seeing the both of you walking up the stairs.
“don’t do anything i wouldn’t do!” he chuckled, looping his arm over remus’ shoulders.
“ha, bloody, ha, padfoot. so, so funny i’m on the floor laughing.” he teased, sarcasm lacing his words in a monotone voice almost mocking snape.
you playfully rolled your eyes before being dragged up the stairs to the boys dormitory. the only noises heard were the clacks of your shoes and the soft breathing emitting from both you and your boyfriend.
your eyes were met with candies sprawled all over his poorly made bed, one of his quidditch sweatshirts paired with your favourite joggers; the ones he probably stole from your dorm room one night; because he was keen on you just staying there with him and ‘subtly’ moving all your things into his dormitory with the rest of the boys.
you looked at him with an arched brow, a silent question of ‘why are you doing this?’ ignoring your questioning look he sprawled himself on his twin-bed, his hands clasping in his lap waiting for you to change.
you put on the clothes he layed out, feeling james’ left hand tug you onto his chest when you were done. oh his soft, pillowy chest, you almost felt tempted to fall asleep right then and there.
“darling girl, tell me what’s going on?” he softly questioned while stroking your hair with one hand, his other arm stroking your back.
“i just—“ you stuttered, feeling a wave of tears glossing over your eyes. “i feel like everything is going so, so, wrong. m’so afraid of failing, i want to be better! i don’t want to be like m’terrible family, but it all feels like so much!” you mewled into his shirt, his grasp growing a bit tighter in an effort to psychically comfort you.
“baby, you’re nothing like your family, you have to know that?” he directed your vision to his gaze, the soft marks of mascara down your dampened face only made his gaze softer.
“you work so hard on trying to be not like your family, you don’t even know how amazing you truly are. you’re so generous, you’re always willing to help someone even if you don’t like them, i know i wouldn’t have that patience!” he softly chuckled, seeing a faded grin on your lips.
you sniffed as he continued his praise, “you’re such a hard worker, and i’m truly in awe of you. you’re the one person who truly puts her best foot forward and it’s so incredibly amazing, but you’re working so hard your exhausting yourself. y/n, it’s breaking me to see you like that.” you saw small wet streaks around his eyes, not truly realizing your self destructive habits had been harming people around you; had been harming him.
“jamie, i’m— im so sorry!” feeling the wash of emotions suddenly bundled up wash all over you, your nervous system feeling overwhelmed with the emotions of sadness, guilt and anger bubble up all at once. you whimpered into his shirt, spewing out mumbled apologies that were barely coherent due to all the sobs.
“shh- shh, don’t apologize.” he articulated, shifting his hips up and grabbing a folded parchment from his back pocket.
“w—whats that?” you questioned, trying to calm down the mewls and whimpers that wanted to escape your throat.
“this, darling, is a schedule.” he pointed out, a week schedule with times on it that labeled your subjects as well as times of the day. he also dedicated certain parts of every single day with “james!!” in bright red ink.
“so those,” he pointed out, directly at all the times he wrote his name leading up to the newt dates, “are times you and me spend together, no studying, just loving. so i can remind my beautiful, smart, and amazing talented loving girlfriend how astonishing she is.” he said with a grin, proud of himself.
“you really know how to charm a girl, potter.” you may have teased, but without him you don’t know what you would’ve done. james was truly your saviour, your light, stars to your moon; if you will.
he was yours, and you were definitely his. 
taglist: @fathermarty @kittykylax @terr0rizer @aspiringsloth20 @dear-luna @famdomhideout @hufflepogue
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shysneeze · 4 years
Art Gallery Shenanigans (Remus Lupin x Fem!Reader)
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Description: Remus takes the reader to an art gallery for their first date and is sufficiently flustered about it.
(from this request from @ribbons-in-your-hair hope i did it justice🥺)
Warnings: none that i can think of, some confrontation? Remus is nervous but it’s really just pure fluff
*middle image in header is painting mentioned later*
taglist: @pxroxide-prinxcesss​ @girl22334​, @amourtentiaa​ 
Remus has resorted to people watching in a bid to distract himself from the anxiety of waiting. It’s not that (Y/N) is particularly late, only a minute has ticked past their original meeting time and a logical part of him know she’s on her way, but a less logical and more nervous part of him can’t help but wonder if she’s decided last minute that he’s not her type.
He  busies himself with his surroundings, the contemplative muggle art students, the grumbling children too young to appreciate all of it and their parents ignoring them in the desperate attempt for some sophisticated ‘me time’. He stifles a laugh at the fearful look on the underpaid staff members’ faces as they watch a child go to touch a statue with his grubby fingers.
A minute later, the hurried echo of someone’s foot steps against the museum’s high ceilings approaching pulls him from his distraction. The sight of her jogging towards him pulls a relieved breath from his lips and brings on a grin.
“Sorry I’m late!” (Y/N) exhales. “I got a bit muddled with my directions - muggle London is complicated.”
He grimaces subtly to himself, blinking at her sheepishly.
“Perhaps I should have picked you and we could have travelled together.”
“Don’t worry about it.” She beams at him before adding, “I’m sure you can walk me back?”
Remus’ eyes brighten, something warming in his chest at the realisation she’s thought as far as beyond the date, has imagined it going well enough that she wants him to walk to her home, or at least to Diagon Alley where they can Floo home safely. He nods, possibly too enthusiastically, and her gives him a soft smile.
“Of course.”
They stand there for a second too long just staring at each other with ridiculous smiles. Then, something in the back of Remus mind (sounding distinctly like Sirius teasing him) forces him to clear his throat and look away with a slight blush.
“Should we go then?” He nods towards the various exhibits.
“Oh, yes, of course.” She nods, similarly flustered, “Lead the way, Mr Tour Guide.”
Moving from the foyer area towards the exhibits sees a change in atmosphere from the noisy entrance hall . A silence finds them that feels almost sacred, like to break it would break some unspoken art viewer rule that one mustn’t so much as breathe too loud, else distracting everyone else in the room.
He can feel the pamphlet, grabbed earlier from the information desk, is curled tightly in his hands, and he can’t help but fidget with it as they walk, worrying slightly that this silence does take away the point of a first date. He almost asks her as such.
“hey, is it weird we’re not talking?’
However, as they pace slowly through the exhibits, stopping momentarily to stare at the paintings, a smile finds his lips. (Y/N) doesn’t seem to mind at all, her eyes are wide with wonder as they stare up at the colours and stories each painting holds.
It doesn’t take him long to realise that, for the most part, he’s found himself looking to (Y/N) more than the art, watching her eyes scan each painting, smiling at the twinkle that finds her eyes. He’s pretty sure he’s not missing much though, nothing more deserving of his attention.
“They’re amazing.” (Y/N) exhales softly at one point, “It’s hard to believe some of them were painted so long ago.”
“Huh?” Remus blinks, blush rising to his cheeks when she turns to find his eyes. “Oh, yeah.”
She gives him a cheeky grin before turning to the painting again, and this time, Remus mimics her action to look at the painting for himself. He finds himself staring at it for a second rather contemplatively, part of an act perhaps now that he can feel (Y/N) staring at him from the corner of her eye.
“It looks a bit like the Hogwarts Express...” She whispers, “Don’t you think?”
“Yeah, actually,” Remus nods, eyes dropping to the small plaque underneath the painting’s frame, “Steam, Speed and Steel... J.M.W Turner.”
(Y/N) nods, rather intrigued by it now. Remus’ attempt to keep his eyes only on the painting are soiled by the small smile that is climbing the cheeks of the girl by his side, and he can’t help the warmth that floods his chest at the sight.
“I’m just thinking about the train to Hogwarts.” She explains in response to his curious eyes, not taking her own from the painting of the train crossing the viaduct, smothered in steam, “It’s where I first realised I had a crush on you, Remus.”
“You did?” He gulps.
“Yeah,” She chuckles breathlessly, “Last year... Your friends were late and you were sitting there alone and you were reading a book but you kept making these weird facial expressions,” She grins, “And I thought ‘ugh, this nerd... he’s just my bloody type’.”
He feigns a hurt look, but the grin climbing his cheeks gives him away. She turns now to meet his eyes with an embarrassed sort of smile and a shrug as if to say ‘what else can you do about it?’. He shakes his head in disbelief.
“I hope you know that today, you’ve been the biggest nerd in the room.” He bites a laugh. “Gushing about paintings and all that.”
“You’re the one who suggested an art gallery.” She laughs.
“Yes, but I think I’m lucky if I’ve looked at more than two paintings since I arrived.”
“Yeah?” She tilts her head dopily, “How come?”
“I’ve been watching you all day instead.”
Her resolve to seem smug cracks and her face softens completely,  moving to push him gently as a distraction from the flustered embarrassment taking hold of her expression.
“You sap.”
“You liked it though,” He nudges her shoulder with a chuckle, “Don’t lie.”
Their soft laughter fills the space between them, eyes once again held in each other’s gaze. Only once their gentle chuckles have subsided do they appear to realise how they’ve gravitated to one another, so close (Y/N) can hear his nervous gulp.
When his eyes dart sheepishly to her lips, she lets out a shaky breath, the products of a newly establish nervous tension between them. Then, making his eyes light up instantly, she nods.
A second later, her cheeks are cupped in his warm hands and their eyes are fluttering shut. Lips meet tentatively, filled with the same nervous energy as everything has been all day, then his lips press firmly to her own in a kiss so breath taking she finds her fingers curling around the lapels of his denim jacket to steady herself.
“Merlin...” (Y/N) mutters once they’ve pulled apart, “Where have you been hiding that?”
“Keeping it for someone special.” Remus shrugs.
“You spend far too much time with Sirius,” She shakes her head, grinning at him nonetheless.
He’s about to kiss her again, hands falling to her waist, when an impatient sound disrupts them, a woman behind them clearing her throat accusatorily with her hand planted firmly on her hips. Both Remus and (Y/N) are reminded of Madam Pince for a moment.
“Excuse me,” She begins with a frown, “This is an art gallery.”
Remus’ eyes blow wide at her tone and (Y/N) drops her face to his chest to muffle the newly forming laughter that threatens to barrel from her throat. The woman continues in a furious rant on respect and appropriate art gallery behaviour as Remus splutters out apologies in response.
“Yes Ma’am -- I’m so sorry I just couldn’t help--” He chokes, “Sorry, Ma’am it won’t happen again-- we’re just leaving-- Sorry.”
Remus’s fingers intertwine through (Y/N)’s as the woman rambles, nodding apologetically as he pulls them both from the exhibit, (Y/N)’s face burried in his side, her shoulders shaking with laughter as the woman’s complaints follow them from the room.
“Bloody Hell,” He gasps the minute they are free. “She could give Pince a run for her money- oi, stop laughing at my misery!”
(Y/N)’s head is flung back instantly with a cackled laugh, only spurred onwards by her accidental snort. Remus can’t help but join her, both of them soon bent in a fit of giggles that sees them receiving the same disapproving looks from the staff as the grubby fingered child from earlier.
“You looked petrified, Remus.” She manages through a laugh, “Merlin’s beard.”
“You just left me to deal with it myself.” He complains before another laugh bursts from his lips. “Merlin, please don’t tell the boys.”
“I’ve already planned out the reenactment,” She shrugs unapologetically, “It was too good.”
“Don’t worry, I’ll make it up to you next time.” (Y/N) assures him.
“Next time?” Remus perks up, “You mean the crazy old lady didn’t scare you off?”
“Merlin, no.” (Y/N) grins, “It was kind of adorable watching you stammer your way out of it.”
“I’m dating a sadist.” He jokes sarcastically.
She shoves his side with an eye roll and squeezes the hand still in her own. She gives him a look, the one he’s been watching all day, that twinkly eyed look of amazement, and he almost leans into kiss her again right there.
“Do you want to go for a coffee at Diagon Alley?” He asks expectantly, “Before we get kicked out of the museum once and for all?”
“I would love that, Remus.”
“Who knows, maybe I’ll get harrassed by someone else when I go to kiss you goodbye.” He jokes.
“Is that a promise at another one of those kisses?”
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oingo233 · 4 years
Rapture is a Boy (3)
Summary: Remus and you have always had a playful, loving relationship but his behavior around the full moon leads you to assume the worst. A huge fight ends with the two of you heartbroken. Will Remus reveal the truth behind his behavior?  And will you still love him afterwards or has he truly lost you forever?
Young Remus Lupin x Reader
Warning: angst, cuss words, self-doubt, angst, cheating, angst (but not as much as there will be later mwhahaha)  
Authors note: I try to keep my writing(self inserts) gender, body type, ethnicity and house neutral/not specified.  If I ever slip up please let me know so that I can change it.
Part One - Part Two - Part Three - Part Four - Part Five - Part Six - Part Seven - Part Eight
Word Count: 3k
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                                                     Part Three
                           ****After All This Time, There is No Love****
The common room walls seemed to pulse with the vibrations of the song, every ear in the room being invaded with music, cheers, laughter, and somewhere for some odd reason, screaming.  Screams of joy of course. The party was alive and everyone had large smiles and butterbeer slipping through giggles or being shared through a kiss. This party would surely be talked about in the weeks to come.
But I was having a harder time of letting loose, and it would seem Lily is too.  For our very reason for throwing the party could not make it, so what the hell was the point?  Remus was off studying, James was off studying, so we had no lips to lock with our own, no body to dance and grip to, no one to have fun with in the way we wanted to tonight.  Lily was sipping on a butterbeer, staring at the portrait with me, hoping they’d walk through.
“Ladies...” A hufflepuff named Paul collided into our sides, looping his arms around our shoulder.  Lily to his right, I to his left.  He was staring drunkenly at the portrait with us, his eyes going large and then small, as if he was searching for something. “What are we doing?” He chuckles to himself.
“I mmmeann seriousllyy, if-if you’re waiting for a snnog anny onne here will step up.  Lilyy that is, she’s sinngle. I’d snnog you though (y/n) but Remmuss might tear mee apart-a-apart me.” He slurs, leaning in close to my face. “Pre,’ He mutters to himself “pretty,” he laughs again and saunters off, swaying his hips to the music, declaring he’ll chug another jug of butterbeer. I look at Lily and she stares back at me, mouth open and my own fighting a smile. Before we know it, we’re cackling like the bunch of witches/wizards we are.
“This is the worst, mission failed! M’ sorry Remus couldn’t make it,” Lily says, huffing hair out of her drink.  The fire burning only brought out the red of her hair, she looked apart of the flame herself.  I see why James was in love with her, she got her wits, charm, beauty, and kindness. So why would he miss this time to be with her?  Does Peter really need the whole lot of them?  
“mmmh,” I agree wordlessly, “M’ sorry James couldn’t.” She sighs into her drink, cheeks burning and she looks up at me.
“Me too.” She mumbles. I’m taken aback to say the very least.  I was always just teasing, I mean I had a hunch sure, but for her to really admit it. Well, I’m not proud to say that I stood there like a daft cow for roughly 5 minutes before she groaned and bumped her shoulder into mine. Hiding her smile and embarrassment with a final swig of her drink.  
“I- you- James?” Is all I can seem to get out of me, shock makes ya useless it seems.  She nods slowly.
“Yes, I thought you knew already.” She shrugs, turning towards the raging crowd of drunk witches and wizards.  
“Well, yeah..” I shrug just as cooly and she laughs, pushing me with her arm again.
“Stop, you did not because Remus doesn’t know, and you tell him everything.” She points out, but soon regrets it as my smile grows wickedly large.
“(y/n)!” But I was already half way through the portrait, muttering to myself just loud enough for her to hear.
“Remus! Remus, I’ve got to tell Remus!” I’m laughing hysterically as she chases me through the corridors, our robes trailing behind us like a little sea of black rolling by our angles.
“No! Please, don't!” She yells after me, both of us out of breath by the time we reach the same corridor as the library.  “I’ll hex you...” She glares at me as we walk swiftly up to the library doors.  Now, of course I would never ever snitch such a thing to anyone.  This is Lily’s long kept secret and when I had my unrequited love for Remus she didn’t go blabbering it to him or anyone else, so of course I would return the favor of silence.  My plan was to simply lead her to James, where they can now confess their undying love for one another after the secrets already out.  But she didn’t know this.
“You won’t hex me Lily dear, you’re not that against James knowing.  Why don’t you tell Remus yourself, or better yet, James!’’ I exclaim, smiling to myself for my own genius.  God, Remus will be in more of a shock than I, all the boys will, no one more than James. She tilts her head in disappointment directed at me, we raise our hands and together we open the doors.
We are first greeted with an indifferent glance in our direction from Pince.  We smile at her and nod our heads in her direction, then walk slowly (as in I’m matching Lily’s pace which is practically the march of dread) to the table the marauders usually sit. The table has all of our names scratched into the bottom.
I wish Lily would walk faster because I was bouncing to see Remus, he quickly apologized to me once again for being dismissive and it led to quite the kiss (or two) and left us with some unfinished business.  We turned the corner of a large bookshelf and where we were expecting to see the boys, we instead saw no one at all.
“Where are they?” I ask Lily, she shrugs beside me, just as confused.  Though her shoulders are slumped with either relief or disappointment, from the look on her face I can tell it is a mix of both. “Come,” I say wrapping my arm around her shoulder, “They’re bound to be here somewhere, yeah?”  She mumbled back a yeah to me, and together we searched the entirety of the library.
But it was a waste of time.  Hardly anyone was there, and certainly not the loud (yes, even when they study) boys we came here for.
But we did find someone of interest, walking back along the corridors we found someone perched by the window, staring out towards the forbidden forest, towards the shrieking shack. Lucy. Lucy is girl by the window. She looked worried.
I swallowed my pride and my anger. It’s irrational, I told myself, my emotions talking, not fact. I did all of this just to take two step towards her and ask a simple question.  But the answer was anything but.
“Are you okay? And before you lie to us, you should know that we genuinely are good listeners and I like to think quite non-judgmental and-” Though I swallowed so much, I could not swallow my stress ranting, the one that spawns when I am put in uncomfortable situations, such as this one. A curse truly. But thankfully Lily cuts me off.
“Yes, so uhm... are you?” Lily asks.  Lucy doesn’t even turn to us, she bites her lip and continues to stare out the window.  We almost go to ask again, thinking she hadn’t heard us.  But she starts speaking, her gaze never leaving the shack before her.
“I guess it’s always good to talk about our problems,” She laughs to herself, “Remus tells me that, says bottling things up only make it worse.  I’m worried about him actually.  Remus, do you know hi-” Her words fall short as she turns around and sees the expression on my face.  Remus.  She is worried about Remus, my boyfriend.  Why was she worried? Why was he not in the library where he said he would be?  What does Lucy know that I do not? 
Why does she care about Remus enough to sit and stare out of a window for hours? I quickly came back the conclusion that Remus was lying to me, about where he was, and who he loves. He has been cheating on me.
I stager backwards and Lily grasps my hand in hers, giving it a squeeze. 
“Are you two friends?” She asks, without venom or even a quiver in her lip, but I felt like my world was crashing down. I was thankful she asked the question because I wouldn’t have been as composed.
“Yes, er- sort of, closer than friends actually” She smiles to herself like she just said the sweetest thing. But it was just another stab to the heart, another hand constricting my throat.  Not very convincing Lucy, I think to myself. Lily squeezes my hand again and goes to lead us away but Lucy begins to speak again.
“You’re (y/n) right?” She knows me. She knows me?  I nod numbly and Lily quickly says goodbye for us, and rushes us away. She partly carries me through the portrait, I trail lamely behind her, not able of thought. She trudges us up the stairs to her bed where she promptly lets me sit and breakdown.
“Lily...” I don’t get to finish the sentence before she pulls me in for a hug, I didn’t realize how hard I was crying until my sobs made our shoulders hit into one another. She hugs me tighter, running her hands through my hair.  Shhhsing me softly, and whispering sweet things in my ear.
“I love him, I love him so much,” I cry out, fisting her shirt in my hands. I think I feel her wipe away a tear of her own. God, I must be such a mess to make Lily herself cry. But I am a mess.  I feel as though my very home has been taken away from me.  This boy I gave my heart to, this boy I gave my very own body and love to, was giving it all to someone else.  I confided in him, I trusted him, hell I’d even die for him.  But he was playing me, he was using me. I have been loving a stranger.
“He doesn’t love me...”Is all I can mumble to myself again and again, rocking in Lily's embrace. We lay there until sleep takes us. None of the girls wake us up whether I belonged in Lily's bed or not, they noticed the way my face seemed blotchy and I was frowning in my sleep.  But more than that they saw the tired look in Lily’s expression, and the rage hidden deep within.
I woke up to the sound of rustling clothes, and parchment.  The sound of the girls dormitory coming alive, and everyone preparing for the schools day ahead.  I didn’t want to wake up.  I wanted to lie there until I grew the strength to face my worst fear.  Until I grew the confidence to walk out there, to love myself again when I felt anything other than beautiful or good. I felt disgusting, what was wrong with me that would make Remus feel the need to be with another?  No, I didn’t want to get up until I was healed, until time would reverse itself completely.
But nonetheless I got up, because Lily was worried and Lily was watching and Lily was there to hold my hand and reassure me that I was wonderful, and worthy of love.  That it was Remus.  My Remus.  Lucy’s Remus, it doesn’t matter.  I love him, I still do.  After all that happened, I wish love was something I could tear from me and leave behind, but it was at first a beautiful flower in my heart and now it is just a dead weed stuck in cracks.  I will never be able to get it out.
Lily silently sits me on the edge of the bed. She fixes my hair for me, and wipes at my cheeks, and gives me a tissue.  I blow into it, she throws it out.  She kisses my cheek and waits for me to get dressed.  
At last, we make our way through the sea of students and staff to the great hall.  The laughter of fellow students makes the lump in my throat all that much larger.  My hands begin to shake and so Lily holds it within her own.
“Look at me love,” She says, “Remus does not deserve ya after the shite he pulled.  Ya need to talk to him love, you need to break up with him yeah?  Feel the freedom in your new single life and get out there.  Paul said he’d snog ya, yeah?” I know she was trying to make me feel better, and it almost worked.  Almost.  But I was still very much in love with him, I don’t know if I can move on.  After knowing Remus so intimately, how could I?  Nonetheless I swallow my despair and nod slowly to her.  She lets go of my hands and we walk straight to the Gryffindor table.  Straight to the boys.
My heart swallowed itself whole when I caught sight of Remus.  He looked tired, exhausted even.  His skin pale, and he looked in pain.  The other boys didn’t look any more alive, but they were laughing with one another, though in a more sedated way.  Remus was in his own world, reading a muggle book I gave him a while ago.  He promised he’d tell me all about it and that we’d find a way to watch the muggle movies when we can.  We never will.
My sadness is suddenly replaced with an intense anger.  With rage and hurt I walk right up to the table, I stand behind Remus. The other boys look up at Lily and me with easy smiles, but they drop as they soon further dissect our appearance and with it our mood. Sirius goes to wolf whistle as if he was excited by the fact one of the boys were about to get hounded into, but Lily raises a hand and stops all sound at the boys part of the table.
I clear my throat.  He is still reading, he smiles to himself as he reaches a rather humorous part of the book.  
“Remus,” I call, my voice sickly sweet, it seems to shock Lily. She begins to walk back, not wanting to be in the middle of the spitfire.  But the boys seems to soak in the scene with amusement. Remus hums in response, and puts his thumb near the edge like he does when he is about to finish a line and then close the book, but I was above waiting now.
“Could you Remus, for 5 seconds perhaps give me more attention when I speak to you than some fucking book.  It’s like I’m talking to a godamn wall!’‘ I lose my temper near the end, and now half of the table was staring at us.  Remus doesn’t even bother to mark the page, he places the book down and whips around to me with wide eyes. The boys no longer looking humored at all, everyone is giving me odds looks.  I’ve never once acted this way with Remus, all our previous arguments were resolved rather quickly.
“Great,” I smile too big at him, then turn to the boys. Every word dripping sarcasm and fake calm. Remus only frowns more, his eyes darting across my face and than to Lily searching for an answer.
“Now, could you all leave us be or are you going to be obnoxious flies on said wall while I speak to my boyfriend for the little amount of time I have managed to grab his attention?” I grit out every word, as if fighting my anger, I did not mean to be so hurtful but I am very hurt myself.  Did the rest of boys know about Remus cheating?  Instead of leaving, they stare at me in shock, after some time of staring James goes to ask why I am being so rude but I cut him off.
“You know what?” My voice cracks, I am losing my resolve.  With every second I spend staring deeper into Remus’s eyes my anger fades into sadness.  A great sea of sadness.  “Never mind, I am being rude. All of you can continue to ignore me completely, Remus, my love,” My voice cracks once again and I will my anger to come back so that I may do what I have to next.  “You keep reading that book of yours and for the love of god don’t stop for anything, I mean don’t ever stop because what on earth could be of a more pressing matter?  And boys, keep your sweet asses locked in place because I do always forget how much of fucking arseholes the whole lot of you are!” Remus stands up abruptly and caresses my forearm, he wishes for us to talk somewhere more privately but I jump back at his touch.   
My lips curl up in a snarl “We’re over Remus!  You cheat!  You fucking liar!”  I yell loud enough for the whole of Gryffindor table to hear, my anger has run from me completely and now nothing is left but Remus’s eyes staring deep into mine.  
His eyes, as they well up with tears and dart around the room.  His eyes growing red and defensive at all the people looking back at him. His eyes meeting mine once more, his mouth falling open and closing again.  He goes to speak, but at last, I watch as he can’t hold the tears back anymore. He rubs aggressively at his eyes, and rushes out of the great hall.  His friends racing after him, not before Sirius shoots me a dirty look and James questions Lily with his eyes.  
And then it was done. The students begin to whisper behind hands and poke their fingers in our direction.  The great hall filling up once again with chatter and gossip, I feel the color drain from my face and every feeling I previously had becomes overtaken with grief.  It is over.  I have lost him.  After all this time, there is no love.
Lily catches me before I fall.  She is now the one to rush me through the doors of the great hall, but we are stopped short.  Stopped by the sound of horrible, horrible sobs and 3 boys trying their hardest to silence them.  To comfort him. No pain in that moment would come to compare to the miserable feeling I’d carry around after that night.  After seeing him lying there, body racked with sobs because of me.
Sirius looks up, he looks as though he is in pain as he bounces his leg and runs a hand through his hair.  He looks around, anywhere but his broken friend.  But then our eyes meet.  
He begins to walk over to us, Lily stands as my guard.  But nothing could protect me from the onslaught that is an angry Sirius Black...
@crazylokonugget @beyondprincess @1975weasley​  @goto-hi-this-is-my-brain@nicodoesntexist
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missnight0wl · 2 years
Remember the time when we were searching for the arrow with sickleworth? He actually found two things that we didn't want : the gillyweed key and a necklace. I think that the key is for the box Rakepick was talking about, and the necklace for the merefolks (she knew about the vaults better than anyone)
That’s an interesting idea!
I always thought that the Gillyweed Key was super important, especially since Sickleworth gave it to us later in Y5Ch32. Admittedly, we referred to it as “the Coral Key” then, but I assume it has to be the same one as in Y4. I mean, JC used the same model, and it seemed like MC actually recognised it.
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I also believed that it was meant to be used in the Sunken Vault. And while I still feel it’s more likely that it’s one of the abandoned plotlines... your proposition with the box is quite intriguing. Especially if the box in question is indeed one of the boxes in the Red Cap’s Hole (I wrote more about it in this post). Then, it’d mean that Sickleworth not only gave us the Key – he also showed us where it can be used. We just ignored it.
Now, I have way more doubts about the necklace. First of all, I don’t think we’re going to return to the Sunken Vault at this point. To be clear, I still claim that we should, but at the same time, I feel like JC scratched this idea. But even if we do return, the thing is that we actually gave the Merfolks a necklace already – the one we got from Alanza. So, wouldn’t repeating it be a bit odd? What would be the explanation behind it?
Or are you suggesting that we were supposed to use the one found by Sickleworth, but JC changed it? I think this one is more possible, to be honest. Because you’re right that Rakepick knew about the Cursed Vaults more than anyone. And it wouldn’t even be the first time when we ignored that fact. For example, JC totally fotgot that Rakepick asked Pince and Binns for research on the Merpeople before she left Hogwarts (a full rant about it: here).
You know, there’s one more potential explanation for that necklace. Remember the necklace we found before Rowan’s death? One of my Anons noticed the visual similarity between it and the necklace found in Y4 (you can check it out here). Though, in this case, it might be indeed only visual because MC didn’t seem to recognise it or anything, and there were no other clues that it’s the same object. And we know that JC occasionally uses the same models, simply for their convenience.
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akakeiiji · 4 years
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Okay so you two probably didn't mean to be friends, it was purely chance
The library is almost always packed with students, the place is still relatively quieter than the common rooms and great hall but it can still get crowded sometimes
You'd much rather work in total peace and solitude so you end up wandering deeper into the library, into the sections where most students don't go to since all the books there were on idk goblin taxes from the 15th century or whatever and you end up finding a table hidden away there
But it wasn't empty, low and behold Akaashi Keiji working on his own assignments and shit
You never really spoke to him before, he was in your year but you never had the chance to befriend him
You two just look at each other for a few seconds but don't say anything, he nods in acknowledgement and just goes back to his own work; a silent way of telling you that it was okay to sit there with him
So you do, you sit a few seats away from him on the opposite side of the table since it was a pretty long one and you didn't want to sit beside him at first bc yall werent close
You ended up getting a lot of shit done that day and the next time you went to the library, you immediately headed to that table and Akaashi was always there before you were
For the first few weeks, you guys were just silent and never really spoke much except for whenever you greeted each other or when you needed an extra quill or something
But then slowly you two started sitting closer and closer to one another until you guys were always working with the other just seated across from them on the table
And then you two started talking about your work, helping each other with essays, ranting about your least favorite subjects etc etc
Then after a while you start talking about other things; your interests, hobbies, what you did that day
It wasn't long after that that you two started spending more time outside the library, you two would walk to class together, sit beside each other in the great hall, and go to Hogsmeade together
But ofc, you two spent most of your time in the library together, working in comfortable silence most of the time but sometimes just chatting well into the night only leaving when Madam Pince forces you two out of the library
One day you were focused on your transfiguration essay when Akaashi suddenly slid a folded piece of parchment on top of your own work asking you to re-read his potions assignment which was something you two always did
So ofc you said yes and began reading through it
At first you were really confused because the essay written had nothing to do with potions buT THEN YOU REALIZED THAT IT WAS A CONFESSION LETTER DKFBDHSBS
Ofc you said yes 🙄🤚 who in their right mind would reject Akaashi Keiji
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seungmvnnie · 4 years
Gryffindor!Jisung x Ravenclaw!Reader
word count; 1.5k word
warnings; suggestive kissing, female reader, bullet point au, kind of stereotypical but is based off my life experience as a ravenclaw, also not proof read yet 
As a Ravenclaw, you didn’t really know Jisung very for the first few years of your school career
you only really knew that he was friends with Renjun, the Ravenclaw that was two years above you - or at least friendly with him
you couldn’t really understand their relationship; on one hand Renjun often hung out with Jisung, Jeno and Mark the Gryffindor, Chenle the Hufflepuff and Jisung’s best friend, and Jaemin and Donghyuck who were both Slytherins and they seemed to be his only friends
but on the other hand, anytime you overheard Jisung asking to copy Renjun’s homework in charms class, Renjun would curse him out the entire time
he still let him copy off of him though
Renjun’s cross-house friendships were a topic of gossip amongst Ravenclaws
mostly because his friend group were undeniably incredibly attractive  ravenclaws usually kept to themselves as a whole, maybe mingling with the Hufflepuffs every now and then
just not the ‘main character syndrome’ Gryffindors and their declared enemies, the Slytherins
as a collective, your house just wanted to stay away from that mess
you had never really talked to Jisung before until Renjun had left school after your fifth year
Chenle and Jisung were the only two left out of their friend group, and they both looked incredibly lost without their elder counterparts
it was a terrible morning the day Jisung had spoken to you for the first time
you had underestimated how long it would take to complete the questions that your charms professor had set and had accidentally ended up staying up all night trying to complete them
you had downed as much coffee as you could and dragged yourself to your charms classroom, which you had first lesson when a voice called from behind you
“Hey! (y/l/n)!”
you spun in your seat, the most withering look on your face that you could manage because someone was forcing you to talk to them
your eyes met Park Jisung, who was sat in the seat behind you, looking at you with wide eyes
“What?” you had sighed tiredly
“I just wanted to know if you had done the homework, are - are you okay? you kind of look dead inside.”
You ignored his last comment
“What the hell makes you think I have it done?”
He had shrugged simply
“That’s a gross stereotype, you know. Not all ravenclaws are super smart and hardworking, some don’t do the homework-”
You had trailed off as he raised an eyebrow, a small mischievous smirk growing on his face that made your face heat up
“Can I copy it?”
You stared at him for a moment. He had always been moderately good looking but this mischievous look on his face had your insides bubbling. He was usually quiet enough too, it was unusual for him to reach out and talk to people he didn’t know. You grabbed the parchment that lay on your desk and slamming it onto his
“You need to start doing your own homework, or you’re going to fail your N.E.W.T.S. I’m not letting you copy it again.”
That was a lie
You let him copy your homework for the next few months
it wasn’t your fault!
All he had to do was smile that smile at you and the homework was his to copy
every time you would give him a rant about how he’s never going to properly understand the material and at first he would respond with an, ‘oh well,’
but the oh wells gradually turned into, “Well I have you if I’m stuck.”
which gradually turned into, “And that’s why you love me.”
It wasn’t until the week before the valentine’s day hogsmeade trip that you had felt a tap on your shoulder
you were certain today that if he wanted the homework, he would bloody well have to do it himself
“Jisung Park, you are not getting it today. Don’t try me.”
You remained facing forward, refusing to turn around or else you might fall victim to his smile once more
“I did my homework by myself today.”
You spun round in shock
“We’ve been talking for what, 5 months now?” you had said
“and in those 5 months, we have had a charms lesson 3 times a week.”
“I think that’s roughly, give or take, 60 lessons since the start of the year.”
“If you say so.”
“And not once, have you had your charms homework done.”
He simply looked at you
“Let me see it. I don’t believe you.”
He handed you the piece of parchment that sat in front on him and you turned around in your seat, comparing it with the homework that you had done
“Wow, you actually did it. None of the answers are right but you did it.”
“What do you mean none of the answers are right, I copied Chenle’s-”
He froze, and for the first time his face went red instead of yours as you smirked at him
“Busted. It’s all perfectly correct, by the way.”
He groaned as he took the parchment back from you and proceeded to slam his head off the desk
“Why did you pretend to do the homework?” You asked, not actually annoyed but simply curious
he had never been embarrassed about not having the homework done before
“I wanted to impress you so I could ask you to hogsmeade.”
He grumbled into the page that lay on his desk
Your eyes widened as your face went red
he wanted to ask you out??
you opened your mouth to respond but before you could, your professor had slammed the door open noisily, making you turn in your seat
the one lesson the whole year that your professor was on time
at the very end of the lesson you had turned around again
Jisung looked at you, awkwardly, and somewhat ashamed looking
“I’ll meet you in the great hall at 12 on Saturday. Don’t be late.”
You had left your seat before he could respond so you didn’t get to see the shocked look turn to awe and the wide smile that grew on his face
the hogsmeade trip went well for the most part
it was incredibly awkward at first, mostly because Chenle had taken it upon himself to go with you two, until his girlfriend dragged him away
you went to go get butter beer together and then he had brought you for a walk to the shrieking shack
it didn’t seem romantic at first, but it was the only quiet place in hogsmeade
you had been commenting on the history of the shack when you realized Jisung was staring at you
“What? Is there something on my face?”
“No. You’re just a massive nerd.”
You had hit his arm
“No, don’t be offended. It’s cute.”
You both fell quiet, until he perked up again
“Can I- Can I kiss you?”
“You didn’t have to ask, you know.”
He had gently pressed his lips to yours sweetly, as if he was scared of hurting you
From then on you two began dating much to the curiosity of everyone in school
anyone outside of your charm class didn’t even know that you were friends with Jisung and now you two were dating?
although not many people were sure if you were dating or just really good friends
Jisung was not a very PDA person, so your relationship in public consisted of quietly conversing in the library or under a tree by the great lake
The most affection you showed in public was when you would be sat under the tree you loved to sit under with a book in your hand and Jisung’s head on your lap as you ran a hand through his hair
His favorite term of endearment for you was his little nerd
no matter what your height was
You called him a lanky dumbass in return so i mean not as affectionate-
He loves to make you laugh
especially when you’re stressed out about all the homework you procrastinated doing and needed to do last minute
In fact, in your entire 7 years at Hogwarts, you had only been kicked out of the library two times and they were both Jisung’s fault
Once was a week before your NEWT exams and you were basically in tears from stress
until Jisung decided it would be an amazing idea to tickle you until you were screaming with laughter
The second time was when he was being particularly needy and thought it a brilliant idea to take you behind one of the bookshelves, where he was sure no one would see you and attach his lips to yours
He was halfway through trailing kisses down your neck when Madam Pince, the librarian caught you
you were banned for a month
you never really forgave Jisung for that experience
overall, your relationship was very balanced
Jisung began to work at lot harder at basically everything in his life, not only work and was a lot less,,, spur of the moment
and you began to chill out more and appreciate life and he actually made you take some risks and be spontaneous
overall 10/10 couple goals :)
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15-dogs · 4 years
Can I request a Neville imagine with prompts #4 and #7 from list 3? Like Neville with an outgoing Slytherin girlfriend maybe? Thank you!💚💚
love is forever |n.l.|
pairing: neville longbottom x fem!reader
summary: neville has been acting stranger than usual about your upcoming party
warnings: none
guide: (Y/N) = your name, prompts bolded (“I asked if you were having a party. I didn’t tell you to have a party.” and “Wait, no, don’t take kissing away from me!”)
word count: 1.7K
“I asked if you were having a party. I didn’t tell you to have a party,” Neville hissed at you. 
You simply rolled your eyes and shook your head, continuing on your way. Neville ran after you, stumbling on his own feet as he pushed through the crowds of people that you invited to your party that upcoming weekend.
This was nowhere near the first time something of this sort had happened. Like a couple months back when someone said that a Slytherin should enter the Triwizard Tournament. You took it as a personal challenge, putting your own name in. Neville was furious. He ranted for the whole night about the possibility of your name getting drawn and how that comes with the possibility of losing you. He froze, realizing that his voice had come thick with emotion from his admission. That night, you two kissed and were inseparable ever since.
So what would make Neville think that you were one to back down from any wandering thought?
“(Y/N)!” some Ravenclaw called out from across the hall. Your head snapped up and the girl continued, “Party on Saturday, right?”
“No!” Neville interjected. You slapped a hand over his mouth, a grin still on your face.
“Don’t listen to him, party’s on for Saturday night. I’ll see you there!”
The girl waved at the two of you before sauntering off. Once she was out of sight, you removed your hand from your boyfriend’s mouth and tugged him down a corridor.
“Are you mental?” you asked. “What’s going on with you, Neville? You’re acting so strange. Do you have a problem with parties?”
He shrugged dismissively. “Reckon I don’t like them all that much.”
“Care to share why?”
Neville suddenly became shy under your gaze. His brow knit together and he scuffed his shoe against the tiling as rings of blush clouded his cheeks. “I don’t know,” he said. His voice was so quiet that it could barely be heard.
“Why doesn’t that feel entirely truthful to me?”
“Hey, (Y/N)!” a familiar voice called out. “Oh, hey, Neville!” Your eyes snapped up to meet your roommate, who was peering down the end of the hallway. “We have class in, like, two minutes. We should probably head out.”
You nodded solemnly and she turned the corner, waiting for you out of sight. Neville waved hesitantly at her as she disappeared.
“I’ll see you after class, love,” he said, leaning down for a kiss. You put a hand against his chest, stopping him in his tracks. “Huh?”
“No way, no! I’m not giving in that easily.”
Neville was dumbfounded. He blinked in surprise before slowly leaning in again. You scoffed and stopped him once more.
“What?” he mumbled.
“No,” you stated definitively, “no more kissing until you tell me what’s really going on, Neville.”
“Wait, no, don’t take kissing away from me!”
You fought the urge to place a final peck against his lips as he donned an adorable little pout that had you weak in the knees. No, you had to stand your ground.
You eyed the end of the corridor, spotting your friend glancing anxiously around the halls as the number of students dwindled. You eye contact with your roommate who tapped her watch and you nodded before returning your gaze to your boyfriend.
“Sorry, Neville, but I have to go. Talk to me when you’re ready.”
And you left him there, feeling like you didn’t do the right thing at all.
Just because kissing was out of the picture, didn’t mean spending time with you wasn’t. Neville was constantly trying his hand at flirting, which he never really was good at. When you first started dating, you asked how you hadn’t noticed his attempts before. Apparently he had thought he was flirting with you for months now.
However, Neville had really stepped up his game. After being with you for almost three months, he knew what made you tick. His hand splaying on your lower back while you chatted with your friends, running his thumbs over your knuckles, bringing you his favorite plants which he had been caring for in the Herbology greenhouses— all of it was entirely too tempting.
Little by little, your resolve had been chipped away by Neville, but it finally crumbled a week after you had made your decision. You couldn’t stand it anymore, feeling as if you were just a bit too hard on your boyfriend.
You slid in next to him at his desk in the library, your hand curling around his. He slowly looked up, his eyes filling with pure panic as he scrambled to put his things away.
“W-what are you doing here?” he stuttered out.
You cocked a brow at him. “I’m here to talk, but mostly to call off my ban.”
“Your ban?”
“On kissing.”
The tips of Neville’s ears reddened as he let out a quiet, “Oh.” 
He leaned forward towards you as the words escaped his lips. He reached a gentle hand up to frame your jaw, planting a careful kiss to your lips. You smiled contentedly into the kiss, finding that the universe was right and just again.
Neville pulled away a moment later with a soft, “I missed that.”
You hummed in response. “Me too, Nev, but we should talk.”
Neville began to busy himself with his papers to avoid meeting your eyes. You groaned, sliding your hand from his up to his face, pulling him by the jaw to look at you.
“Why won’t you tell me what’s going on? Do you really hate parties that much?”
Neville’s eyes darted back and forth as he tried to come up with an answer. “Y-yes. I don’t like parties that much.”
You frowned and moved backwards, relaxing into your chair. “If they really bother you that much, I won’t go.”
“No, no, no!” he hurriedly assured. “Don’t do that! You can go to your party, it’s okay!”
You raised a brow at him. His jumpiness was confusing you. You knew he could be jumpy, it wasn’t totally out of the ordinary, but this seemed different, like he was hiding something from you.
“Okay,” you drawled warily, “I’ll go.”
You gathered your things and stood up, glancing at your boyfriend from the corner of your eye. As soon as you turned, he reached out to you, grabbing you by the wrist. You gasped as you looked down at his pleading eyes.
“Would you spend the morning with me? It’s okay if you don’t want to, I just thought that it would be a fun date, but it’s fine if-”
“-you don’t want to. I mean, I understand that you have more-”
“-fun things to be doing that night, but I thought that if it were the mornings-”
“Yes, Neville, I would love to!” Your shouting got a few glares from some studying students around you and a loud shush from Madam Pince but you didn’t mind; his rambling was comically adorable, him always making you smile. But as you thought for longer about it, you always remembered he would ramble when he was nervous— what did he have to be nervous about?
Neville blushed and nodded shyly, letting go of his grasp on you. “Okay,” he murmured, “Saturday morning, then.”
“Saturday morning,” you confirmed, a laugh on the tip of your tongue as you left the library, wondering what had caused him to start up that nervous habit again.
The week came and went, leaving you anxious as ever for Saturday morning. Neville had instructed you to meet him in the kitchens which led you to assume that you would have another baking date again. Although, that was quite disastrous last time around. Fun, sure, but a mess, indeed.
As you approached the portrait, your heart hammered in your chest. You hesitantly tickled the pear, the pathway in revealing itself. However, as you stepped in, your breath was taken away. 
Neville adjusted a vase of flowers on the table which was covered head to toe in other romantic things: cards, chocolates, plates of homemade cookies (which clearly someone helped him with). He jumped at your gasp, turning around to see your delighted face.
“Did I forget Valentine’s Day?” you asked as you walked up to his embrace, kissing him on the cheek. “I thought that it was January right now?”
“Oh, it is, it is! I just…” Neville stepped backwards and gestured to a small, homemade banner that had pressed flowers and watercolor lettering on it. “...happy 3 months? Is this stupid, I feel like this is stupid-”
“Was this why you didn’t want to go to the party? Our 3 month anniversary which, wow, by the way, I forgot.” You chewed your lip, shame bubbling up in your stomach. “I feel terrible, I should’ve remembered.”
Neville rushed to your side in an instant, shaking his head with wide eyes. “No, it’s fine! Really, it’s fine! Ginny, actually, told me that girls want to celebrate anniversaries every month so I just...went with it.”
You chuckled as you walked over to your seat, Neville having pulled out the chair for you. “Well, you sure know how to make me feel special. Tell Ginny I said thanks.”
You eyed the display of sweets in front of you, your gaze falling on a card with your name on it. You glanced up at Neville, silently asking if you should open it. He nodded with confidence but was fumbling with his own hands. You carefully picked up the card as Neville began to ramble again.
“This was Luna’s idea. She said that Ginny did it for her. Apparently Luna really liked it, so I hope you do too. Luna decorated the banner as well-”
You gasped as your eyes scanned over the cursive text. Your heart swelled with joy as you reread the words over and over again. Finally, you glanced up at your overly-anxious boyfriend, whispering a breathy, “I love you, too.”
“You do?” he asked. You nodded, biting your lower lip to contain your smile. “Blimey, you do! I love you so much. So, so much.”
You dropped the card which contained his admission to take his gentle hands in yours. “I love you, too. A stupid amount, really.”
And as you sat there, confessing how you truly felt about each other, you knew that a party could wait. Parties were temporary, love was forever.
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