#pirate!bucky x mermaid!reader
lunaroserites · 4 months
It's a Pirate's Life For Me (Bucky x Reader)
Pairing: Pirate!Bucky x Mermaid!Reader (Fem)
Characters: Bucky, Steve, various other characters
Summery: Bucky is infatuated with a mermaid he seen years prior.
Not sure how long this will be it's for Mermay.
No use of YN
Warnings: Not beta'd! All mistakes are my own. Implied/referenced SA, Pirates, vulgarity, swearing, fighting, death, violence, blood.
Word Court: 6134
Likes, reblogs, and comments are appreciated! ❤️
Please do not repost, translate or otherwise copy my work elsewhere, without my express permission, thank you! Lunaroserites on tumblr and ao3
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The sea was calm, the full moon casting an ethereal light across the water. The North Star high in the sky, a guiding point for the young boy waiting for his father to come home, because no matter how far apart they might be, they could always see the North Star. 
Mother had always said that a calm sea meant trouble was afoot, but he couldn’t bring himself to  believe her, how could something so calm and vast be troublesome. The depths unknown as he peered down at it from the safety of the dock. Then he saw it, a fin, colourful but gone as soon as he saw it. He blinked rapidly and quickly ran to look for whatever fish he saw swimming around the dock but he couldn’t find it again. 
The sound of a horn caught his attention as his fathers ship sailed into the alcove from the vast open sea. He jumped excitedly as his fathers ship steered in and docked a short while later. The sea was no longer calm as waves and ripples spread across the once still surface. 
His father descended the plank that was placed down quickly, the boy jumped and danced around his father who looked like he was thousands leagues away. 
“Hush boy, go to your mother. I’ll be in later,” his father dismissed him quickly, taking a sharp right to the beach and to the other side of the ship. The boy, curious, quietly followed and hid in the shadows. He saw a body hit the water with a splash, and then it was dragged ashore, wrapped in a trap and was dragged to the forest that surrounded the cove they called home. He quickly followed behind the group of men, staying  hidden and out of the way. 
“What do we do with her Captain?” He peered out from a bush and saw what was wrapped in the trap. A large colourful fin laid in a small pool of water, with the torso of a woman draped over a rock as moon light filtered through an opening and cast an eerie glow around her. She was breathing heavily, and silvery blood glowed in the moon light from a fatal looking wound on her side, the flesh hanging from her. 
“Kill her, but take the scales. They’re worth more than gold,” the boy heard his father say and he gasped loudly at the harshness of his fathers words. Heads whipped toward him but he darted back toward the beach and home. He wasn’t caught, but his heart was pounding as he climbed into bed. 
~Two Days Later~
Curiosity got the better of him, as he found himself back in the clearing he had witnessed his father condemn the creature to death. He wanted to see if the corpse was there, maybe find one of the scales. But what he found instead was the creature barely clinging onto life with more than half her scales missing and she gasped and croaked under the moonlight. 
He approached cautiously and crept around her body, and observed her. She had a green blue tail, with smaller fins coming off it, she almost looked like a jellyfish with all her little tendrils. He was enraptured by her very existence, her hair was blonde, bone dry and caked with mud, she was facing away from him but he couldn’t help but picture what her face would look like. The sound of a snapping twig that he accidentally stepped on gave him away and her head instantly snapped in his direction. 
He yelped in surprise as her large eyes glared at him, he took a tentative step toward to get a closer look at her, that’s when she snarled and her once human looking hand morphed to claws and she swiped at him harshly, dragging the claws down his arm and ripping the flesh easily. He screamed in agony and she dropped back onto the rock and cried, silvery tears leaked from her eyes onto the rock, the sound of a gun shot rang through the night and she was gone. 
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He unconsciously traced along the scars from her claws and shivered at the thought of the creature. That night he found out his father was a pirate, not a privateer with the navy like he had been told. He learned from him over the next decade, learned how to be a pirate, run a ship, get gold and riches. But he could never get the look on that creature's face out of his mind. She was terrified, alone and scared, his father killed her for what she did to his arm. 
He was home now, a short stop in the alcove he loved more than anything, visiting his mother after spending months at sea with his father learning the ropes. 
The sea was calm tonight, calm sea means trouble's afoot he never forgot his mothers words after all these years later. After spending nights at sea, it was rarely calm and it put him on a slight edge. The water surface broke suddenly but whatever did it was nowhere to be seen, he squinted as he tried to track how the water moved and where the ripples were freshly coming from. 
He took off running toward a small lagoon that was attached to the open ocean that he would explore when he was young. Once he broke through the clearing he was greeted with a sight he couldn’t ever forget. Long hair cascading down her back and beautifully long tail and fins that glistened under the moonlight. 
The scars on his arm tingled as he watched her. He took a few steps toward the water's edge and it lapped at his leather boots softly. Her head turned suddenly and she gasped, jumping back into the water out of view. 
“Wait,” his voice died in his throat as he searched for her. Then he saw her eyes, peering at him over the rock she had been previously sitting in. She looked terrified of him. “Please. I don’t want to hurt you,” he said softly, reaching his arms out in a show of affection, he wanted to be unthreatening and make her come out from hiding. 
He watched her squint, scrutinising him from behind the rock. Her eyes shining under the moon, almost glowing. He should hate these creatures, he had seen what happened when they got their claws into the minds of men, dragging his fellows to their watery graves to devour their hearts. But here he was trying to coax one out of hiding. 
He wasn’t surprised by her wariness, man and merfolk have never gotten along. So she probably just assumed he wanted to coax her into the shallows and then drag her on land and kill her once he had stripped her of her scales. 
He watched her hand move as she skirted around the rock she hid behind, he could see her own curiosity swirling in her eyes. She skimmed around and barely lifted her body from the water, just her eyes and forehead showing as she came around the rock. 
“Men,” their words felt odd on your tongue, “men lie,” you stuttered out. You watched his eyes widen at your broken English, humans knew little of your people. They were excellent linguists, and navigators, with beauty beyond comparison. You moved slowly, closer to him, not going as far as the sandy shallow, but close enough you would be able to fully scrutinise his form. He was tall, broad and strong, his hair chin length and his eyes were a piercing blue that cut through the night like a dagger. 
You flicked your tail, the water splashed and rained down in the moonlight, you watched him curiously. He watched you back, bewildered or bewitched. Which you couldn’t really tell. Your mind screamed to either start the siren song and drag this man to the depths and devour his heart or get the hell out of there. But you wanted to stay and learn about this man. 
“We do,” he said softly, his white shirt shifting in the soft breeze, the ties loose showing up tanned skin and defined muscle. He was definitely a pirate, no privateer looked like that. “I assure you though, I mean no harm,” he finished. 
You squinted again, unsure. Not daring to come closer, you  lifted out of the water further, your neck becoming exposed, the small frilly gills there shifted and closed so you could breathe air through your mouth. He watched in complete awe as your gills disappeared. “Why?” You asked, your throat felt dry, like you had sand trapped in it. 
“Because, you’re beautiful,” he said simply. He reached again and you shy back, pressing to the rock again. He would be easy to get to do as you pleased, with how careless he was being. There was a reason men despised your species, all you had to do was sing and his blood would sing the siren's song for the rest of his life if you choose not to kill him. He would never be able to be satisfied, his life would be ruined for any other pleasures. But you didn’t. You couldn’t. There was something innocent about the young pirate, he was not yet hardened by the burdens of life at sea. 
You slowly approached closer, ready to swim back to the safety of the deeper waters. Once further in the sandy banks, about five feet in front of the man you locked eyes again. 
You lifted your torso up from the water and watched as his eyes studied your form, he seemed eager to see more of you. In a bold move you lifted your shiny tail from the water and moved it. The fins glistened in the moonlight, the colours dancing across his eyes. He was completely enraptured by it. He noted your tail looked different from one a decade ago, you also wore coverings on your heavy chest, you had jewelled bangles on your arms and a few shelled necklaces around your neck, your fingers had some rings. Your ears had a slight point to them and your face was stunning. 
“What is your name?” He asked softly, as he took a few more steps into the shallows, closing the distance more, instinctively you backed up from him. You didn’t know how to say your name in his native tongue, so you shrugged and watched him. 
“I’m James, people call me Bucky,” he said, stopping so you would stop moving away. 
“Bucky,” you rolled the word around your mouth for a moment. Then you heard the distant sound of another approaching. You immediately pushed back, but not before pulling a small scale from your tail and wedging it between the rocks, it would gleam under the moonlight. And just like that you were gone. 
“Wait,” his voice died as he heard the tell-tale sign of someone approaching. 
“There you are, your father is losing his mind looking for you,” Steve’s voice echoed around the now empty lagoon. As Bucky turned to leave the thigh high water and retreat back to shore he noticed the faint glint in the water. Reaching down he snagged the scale and admired it a moment before tucking it in his pocket and joining his friend and heading back to the beach where his father waited. 
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The scale felt heavy in his pocket, he felt its weight all the time. He has worn a small divot in the scale from rubbing it all the time when he was worried, or there was a lull in work on the ship. He kept it hidden though, how could he explain he found such a pretty thing without giving it away, he broke one of the cardinal rules of piracy, when he found her he should have trapped her, stripped her scales and killed her. But instead he kept her secret and held onto the scale. On nights of full moons he would admire it in the moonlight, it would shimmer differently in the moon than it did in the sun.
The sea was calm tonight while he watched the deck, watching over the crew as they finished nightly duties, the moon high in the sky and full. A shiver ran down his spine as he looked over the still water as the moon reflected off it. Something felt wrong and he couldn’t quite place it. Then he heard it, it was faint at first, soft like a cotton quilt as it whispered through the night like a soft breeze and it slowly grew louder. The men on deck heard it and rushed to the sides of the ship trying to catch a glimpse of those responsible for the song. 
“Cover your ears you fools!” He shouted loudly, trying to project his voice louder than the siren song. He quickly shoved the cotton he kept on hand into his ear canals to block the song out. It was too late for some of them, the sirens had crawled up the side of the ship, they had dug their claws into the minds of these men and dragged them over the side of the boat without any protest. 
His father rushed from the cabin, shoving cotton in his ears and tossing a pistol at his first mate. They went to war against the sirens whose hands shifted to claws and swiped toward anyone that pointed a gun at them. This was a whole pod of them, at least 15 circling the ship, ready to drag it to the briny depths. He looked over the edge, aiming a shot at the purplish tail he saw swim through silvery water as their spilled blood glistened in the moonlight. Their song was getting louder and louder, the cotton almost not enough to protect his ears. 
There was a sickening crack that echoed through the silent night. The ship shifted and he felt it sinking as it took water on quickly. “Dad!” He shouted as he grabbed his fathers arm and tried to drag him to a life raft so they could try and escape the sinking ship. 
“No boy, a captain goes down with his ship,” his father roared. He shoved a sack in his son's arms, he was pulled backwards and thrown overboard next to the life raft, his best friend following behind, cutting a rope for the raft that fell next to them.  
The shock of the cold water as he hit it made him jolt and thrash as the weight of the bag dragged him down in the icy depths. His eyes burned as he tried to see into the dark sea, the salt stinging them further. He felt the current change rapidly, something was circling him and fast, he wiped around trying to find whatever it was. His eyes were useless in the briny darkness. This thrashing and turning were quickly draining his energy and he was losing his oxygen fast. 
He felt something grip his ankle and pull him, he thrashed and kicked out, he felt something connect and the hand gripping his ankle was gone, he tried to swim up but the bag was pulling him further down. He refused to leave it behind. As he looked up through the dark sea he saw the moon shining down over him, then a set of striking eyes and a body covered the moonlight. Hands gripped his shoulders and hauled him upwards. 
He gasped loudly and coughed himself awake. He was face down in the sand, the bag his father gave him next to him and no one around him. The grainy sand made his skin itch, he tried to move but his body felt weak, he was exhausted and parched. 
“Holy shit!” He heard a voice yell, the sound of splashing water and then he felt hands grip his shoulders and haul him upright, the arms wrapped around him tightly and he felt cool tears on his cheek. 
“You’re alive, I thought we lost you, you were being dragged down to the depths, how?” Steve was rambling, he hugged him tighter. “God I’m so glad you’re alive.” 
“My dad,” Bucky croaked, “my dad, is he..?” His voice trailed off. Steve gave him a solemn look and nodded. 
“Him and most of the crew. The Morning Star is gone too. They’re in Davy Jones' locker now, god rest their souls,” Steve said softly. “The sirens took her down.” Bucky nodded and groaned. His head was pounding and his throat was dry as desert. 
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Eight Years Later 
You watched from your hiding spot as they off loaded, medicine, on to the port. You had been curious about this crew since they made port yesterday, most of the things they were off loading were for the benefit of the people and they were not charging handsomely for the supplies. That part baffled you even more, most men were greedy, pirates more so. 
The Daybreak as the ship was named, looked to be a modified frigate. That allowed it to be agile and quick while still housing powerful weapons. Nothing like the Queen Anne’s Revenge or other large pirate ships that usually docked here. The people of the port seem to respect the crew of this ship a lot though, maybe they come here often. 
You had yet to spy the captain of this vessel though, the reason you were so close, too close, to the port was because you were curious if the man you saved 8 years ago would show his face on one of the many boats. He was the boy you met 12 years ago. You had saved him from an early watery grave when your sisters attacked his ship, you were supposed to drag him down, eat his heart but as you swam around him and he kicked your sister in the face you had wanted to look in his eyes before you killed him. But you couldn’t, the moment you saw those stormy blues you knew it was him from the lagoon. He let you live once and didn’t harm you, and you owed him a debt. The sea did not take kindly to owed debts. So you saved him, a life for a life. A debt repaid. 
You had tried finding him again at the lagoon but he rarely made port there and from what you could tell the alcove was abandoned shortly after his fathers ship was sunk by your sisters. So you visited the busier ports hoping to catch a glimpse of him again. 
That’s where you messed up, you were too close to the port so you could try and spy on the pirates. You were not hidden enough and the moonlight glinted off your tail just right and caught the eye of a pirate that just so happened to be walking past. You didn’t notice him, but he was quick to make note and let some of the other crew know. 
Curiosity got the better of you since this ship had been docked for 3 days there was no sign of the captain at all. What captain doesn’t leave their ship while at port. Against your better judgement and if your sisters had seen you they would have lost their minds, you swam up to the ship once the night was in full swing. Most of the crew would either be sleeping or on shore enjoying the comforts of women and booze. 
There was a full moon tonight that slowly dropped down so the sun could rise, and the sea was calm. You should have heeded the warning signs but foolishly you crept around the ship far too close to the surface trying to spy the captain of the magnificent beast. 
Bucky held the scale in his hand as the full moon light glimmered through the open window. It shimmered brilliantly under the moon. It felt heavier than usual tonight, it was almost humming. The scale was a curious trinket and very few knew he had it. His first mate and best friend Steve being one of them, and the swamp witch. He had lost it once, and his heart and chest felt like it was going to explode. The swamp witch said that his connection with the scale with other worldly and the siren that had left it with him probably bewitched it. Or he was somehow connected to the siren herself. But tonight it almost felt like the scale was singing to him. 
“Captain,” Steve said in a hushed tone as he entered the quarters, “something is amiss with the crew. I fear they’re planning something.” Bucky nodded and waved his hand to dismiss him, Bucky was too focused on the scale he held in the fading moonlight. Steve shook his head and left the cabin. 
You gave up soon and decided to cut your losses and get away from the ship and retreat to a secluded cave not far from the docks for the rest of the night. You didn’t notice the crewmen following your glistening scales. Once inside the cave, the water is much shallower than the ocean. You laid your head down and stretched your tail out and relaxed. 
Something heavy was thrown on top of you and woke you immediately. You thrashed and flailed around trying to get free as an inhuman screech left your mouth. It was a net, “dose her,” someone shouted as you thrashed. Something sharp struck your hip area and you nearly passed out all fight and drive stolen from you. You felt yourself fold as the net was gathered and hauled through the water as they pulled you to god knows where. 
“Easy does it men,” someone said, your head was pounding and you felt incredibly groggy and weak. You were thrown to the ground and slid across the deck and hit the wall of the ship, you were pulled back to the centre quickly and they pulled the net off you. You looked around frantically, you tried to move your tail but it felt like it weighed 1000 lbs. 
You quickly tried to pull yourself across the deck and fall overboard but a scream left your throat suddenly as a sword was jammed into your fin and into the floorboard keeping you in place. You looked around at the group of men that surrounded you with greedy eyes. 
“What is the meaning of this?” Someone barked as they pushed through the crowd. He was blonde and the moment your eyes connected he gawked at you for a moment before shouldering out of the way and heading toward the captains quarters. 
“Those scales will fetch a mighty fine amount of gold,” some of the crewmen said, licking his lips as his eyes roved over your body. 
“What is going on?” A new voice boomed and all the crewmen immediately stood at attention. He came into view and your breath hitched. It was him, it was the man from before. You couldn’t believe your eyes. He looked at you and immediately recognized you, there was something dark in his eyes as he stared at you, but it was gone as fast as it appeared. 
“Bloody hell,” his eyes were wide as you looked you over, you felt incredibly exposed and turned to cover yourself. He pulled the sword from your fin, and you pulled your tail close to you. You felt a burn in your tail as the sun of the morning beat down on it, the scales dropping and disappearing the longer you sat there. 
“Captain!” Someone shouted, your tail was disappearing as everyone gawked and human legs started to form. He stared at you wide eyed as legs appeared like magic before him. 
In an attempt to get away you scrambled your feet and tried to get away. Never having used feet or legs before you didn’t make it far and fell down. The crew laughed, but quickly stopped at the captain's fierce gaze. He was taking his coat off as he took a few cautious steps toward you, he threw it on top of you and stepped back quickly as you bared your teeth to him.
“Who’s idea was this?” The captain growled as he looked around at his crew. Everyone was silent. “I asked a question.” 
“It was I sir,” someone stepped forward. “I saw her snooping around the ship and followed her. We caught her and brought her here,” he finished. 
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“What did I say about chasing merfolk?” The captain's voice was tense. “I told you not to. We can’t let her back in the water now. She’ll call her sisters and we’re as good as dead,” the captain pinched the bridge of his nose. 
“We drugged her, she can’t grow her tail back. We got it from the swamp witch,” a crewman said. Which you missed because as the captain addressed his crew you as quietly as possible pulled yourself across the deck to the edge and threw yourself off. The captain's head whipped to the side as he looked toward where he heard the splash. He immediately dove over the side of the ship and into the water. You were sinking and flailing, unable to use your human legs effectively for anything. The captain wrapped his arms around your middle and hauled you to the surface of the water, you trashed against his arms and screamed, water filled your throat as your gills didn’t grow back either. 
The crew pulled the captain back on board with you grasped in his arm, he threw you to the ground and you weren’t breathing. 
“Fuck,” the captain dropped to his knees and started to force to the water from your lungs, you coughed violently a moment later sending sea water flying all over him. You gasped for air and felt panic set in as you looked into his bright blue eyes, why didn’t your fin grow back, what was happening. Why couldn’t you call your sisters when you hit the water. Your siren song is gone completely. 
“Whoa. Whoa. You were drugged. The cure is a couple month journey, we’ll get it for you,” the crew erupted in protest. 
“What!? Why?” Some shouted. “I say we cut it throat and bleed the bitch,” one person yelled over the rest. Fear gripped your heart as you looked into the captain's eyes, frantically searching for something that would save you from that fate. 
“No,” it was a simple answer as the captain effortlessly hauled you up into his arms and marched toward his quarters, throwing the door open and slamming it shut. He dropped you in his bed and backed away and started to pace as you stared at him fearfully. You pushed back against the wall and pulled your legs to your chest and wrapped your arms around them. You felt tears leak out of your eyes and your throat was dry and scratchy. 
“I know you,” the captain finally said as he stopped and looked at you, you shrunk further under his intense gaze. “You were the one who saved me, the one I saw at the lagoon,” you nodded at him. “Why,” he asked sternly. 
You pointed at your throat and gasped. He raised an eyebrow at you, you sighed and rolled your eyes. You pointed at his hip flask and then at your throat again. 
“You’re thirsty?” He asked, you nodded vigorously. He moved quickly and you jumped, pushing father away from him. “Sorry,” he said as he extended his arm out with a small cup of water. You snatched it and drank it back quickly, feeling immediate relief. 
“Debt repaid,” you croaked out. His eyebrow raised quizzically again. You sighed heavily, “you saved me,” another long drink of water, “I saved you. Life for life.” Your voice was evening out and crackling less. Your English was still choppy and words sounded difficult for you to say. 
“You felt you owed me a blood debt?” He asked, you rolled your eyes, humans. You nodded again. 
“The sea does not take kindly to owed debts. She believes in balance,” the words came out rushed and choppy. 
“So if you killed me 8 years ago, you, what, would be punished for not repaying the debt?” He asked, confused. 
“Yes, the ocean, she would punish my sisters and I,” your breath hitched suddenly at the mention of your sisters. They would eventually come looking for you once they realised they couldn’t hear your song. “I need to get back to them, they’ll kill you and your crew,” you said frantically. 
“Whoa,” he held his hands up at you, “easy there girl, I can’t just let you go back to them. Who’s to say you won’t lead them right to us?” He said, your chest tightened and your heart was pounding, you stared at him fearfully. 
“You’re holding me hostage?” Your voice cracked as tears threatened to pour out of your eyes now. 
“They’ll want me to gut you before I let you leave,” he said, and rubbed his beard clad chin. “Hell they'll only agree to bring you to the swamp witch so you can get your scales back so they can take them.” He said it so casually, your eyes widened at him. 
“I’ll bring you to the cure, but you’ll own me, you’ll be in my debt again,” you gulped. “And I can think of a few ways you can repay it,” you made a disgusted expression and gawked at him, a sour note leaving your throat. He looked at you and his eyes widened suddenly, “god no, not that,” he said quickly. You breathed a sigh of relief. 
“So what will you do with me? Throw me in the cell in the brig. Let your crew have their way with me,” you spat at him venomously. His eyes darkened suddenly, something sinister hiding in those ocean blues. He glared at you and you shrunk under his gaze. 
“No one will lay a hand on you,” he all but growled at you. There was possessiveness to his words, his gaze hard and there was a storm brewing in his eyes. “You will stay here. With me.” He said with a sense of finality, you looked at him disgusted again. 
“I’m not going to be your personal whore,” you snapped. His face snapped to face yours instantly and he was standing very close to you, his face right in yours and he glared into your eyes, you could smell the remnants of rum on his breath, your breath hitched. 
“You will be what I want you to be. If you want protection from them out there,” his tone was hard, stern. It scared you beyond belief. His hand reached out and he cupped your chin in his large calloused fingers making you look into his eyes. “Do I make myself clear?” You gulped and nodded, he immediately dropped his hand from your chin and walked away like he was disgusted by being that close to you. You watched him take a few deep breaths and shake his shoulders out. 
“I will not harm you or expect anything of you that you are not comfortable with. The debt you owe me can be repaid once you get your fins back,” he said evenly before leaving the cabin, leaving you completely alone. 
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You took some deep shuddering breaths before you tried to move from the bed. The moment you stood you wobbled and fell back into the bed. You groaned loudly and fisted the sheets in frustration. The ship was still docked, if you could get these god forsaken legs to work with you, you could possibly escape back onto port before the ship got too far away. But based on the fact you couldn’t even stand upright without falling that would not be happening. And not to mention you were naked from the chest down, and the only thing covering your breasts was your handmade bra. You loved it, it was adorned in gems, and shells. You used things you found from wrecks to make it, the jewellery you wore was also from the many shipwrecks on the ocean floor. 
Resigned to your fate you tucked yourself into the corner of the bunk and covered your legs with the blanket. It was scratchy and rough against the skin of your barre legs. This is a feeling you didn’t think you would get used to any time soon. You tried to get your body and brain to work in sync by practising wiggling your toes and rolling your ankles around. Then bending your knees and twisting your leg at the hip. You would have to figure these legs out sooner rather than later or it would be a boring 2 months before you made it ‘swamp witch’ as they called the mother.  
It was while before you heard movement outside the cabin door, it slammed open, “Bucky, man you’re crazy. The crew, they'll never agree to keeping her here,” the blonde from earlier shouted at his captain. You scrambled back into the corner of the bed and tucked yourself into a small ball as his gaze snapped over to you. 
“It’s her isn’t it? The one who gave you scale 12 years ago. I recognized it the second I saw her tail,” he spat at his captain. 
Bucky threw his hand over the blonde mouth and glared into his eyes, “shush you fool,” Bucky snapped. “Yes it’s her,” he whispered, releasing the blonde's face.
“We’re so fucked,” the blonde threw his hands up in the air. He immediately whipped around and stalked up toward you, you pressed back further as he pointed his finger directly at you. “I don’t know how you bewitched him, or what your plan is,” he grabs your wrist and slit it with a knife, you yelped and stared back at him in fear as he slid the blade across his palm. Before he could connect the cuts together the captain grabbed the blonde's wrist. 
“Fool,” Bucky spat at his first mate. “That’s a siren. You can’t make a blood bond with her. Their song runs in their blood. You foolish idiot.” He threw his friend away from you. You cursed yourself for a moment, earlier when you fell into the sea, you should have sliced your palm and let the blood trickle into the water. Your sisters would have heard it. The song of the blood was different, more desperate than your usual song and would have called your sisters to your side immediately. But that only worked in water. He grabbed the blade and slid the blade across his palm and grabbed your cut wrist. 
Your blood mingled and you felt it singing, it was powerful, primal almost. As the blood mingled and combined you felt pinpricks through your body, his eyes were glowing a little as your siren blood mixed with his human blood. You were shocked a mere mortal would foolishly bond himself in blood to a siren. “If you harm anyone on or off this ship or this ship itself. You will parish,” he ground out as he felt your blood seep into his veins. You glared at him and growled, you put your other hand on his and kept them connected. 
“If you or any of your crew harms me, they will parish,” you spat at him, eyes ablaze. He ripped his hand from your wrist and glared down at you. 
“You witch,” the blonde spat. 
“Enough Steve,” Bucky said, breathing heavily. “You got what you wanted. A protection pact. Bound in blood,” he finished. The wounds healing quickly, the magic of the sea seeping into the ships boards. 
“You let her damn us. Now we can’t kill her afterwards,” Steve spat, he glared at you. You glared back. 
“Blood pacts can be broken. The swamp witch can do it,” your lip twitches. 
“To break a blood pact will cost you gravely,” your voice was an eerie tone, darker than before, more far away. His head whipped toward you and you smirked at him, “are you sure you’ll want to pay the price.” The price of breaking a blood pact usually favoured neither party. The sea would always get the last laugh in these circumstances. 
“The worst it could be is death,” the captain spat toward you. “And fortune favours the bold.” 
“There are fates worse than death, captain,” you snarled back. He whipped around and placed the tip of his sword under your chin and made you look into his eyes. 
“Of which you’ll learn,” he retorted. 
“You can’t harm me. Any harm and the punishment is grave,” you challenged, not cowering from him. He growled and a shiver went down your spine. 
Feel free to send me a message if you have a request or would like more, or would like to be added to the tag list!
139 notes · View notes
lady-laree-world · 1 year
Mermaid eyes
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Bucky Barnes X mermaid! reader
a\n: ok, i know i said i would update constantly but after i wrote the first chapter i thought about the next ones and i edited it many times, so i didn't feel like publishing it. Now that I have a more or less clear idea of ​​what the story will be like, I'll start posting more. as always I apologize for some grammar mistakes or anything else but English is not my first language.
I recommend reading the prologue to better understand the story
hope you like it :) 🩷
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Panic rushed through your mind. the tail was stuck and there was no way to undo the net that brought you to the surface. the cold wind blew hard on your wet skin and slowly the net rose more and more, until you were no longer in the water.
The net suddenly plummets and you fall with a loud thud onto a hard wooden surface, a soft moan escaping your lips. You were on the ship and now there was no way to escape. You hear sighs of surprise and soft cackles coming from all around you, but you refuse to look, resting your forehead on your folded arms, staring at the wooden beams below you. Someone touches your tail and you immediately move it closer to you, hissing at the stranger
a deep, gruff voice spoke, followed by some shifting and strong, determined footsteps. you look up slightly and find a pair of black boots in front of you. I back away slowly, scared of what the human might do, but your movements are blocked by the net, which still completely covers you. The stranger crouches in front of you and takes a corner of the net, lifting it and freeing your head. At that point you decide to look at him and he looks very different from the humans your mother used to describe to you. The cold, serious look on his face worried you, but they sure weren't as terrifying as the evil ones you used to imagine.
<What do we have here? A little mermaid> His smile seemed almost reassuring, a little hope among the looks of hatred and surprise of the other sailors. His hand runs over your wet and dripping hair, your tail moves restlessly, trying to free itself. His gaze moves to it, and is mesmerized by it. The lustrous color was shimmering in the sunlight, your skin was pearly, shiny and glowing. The man's hand descended on your shoulders to touch the scales that covered you in some areas and you jerk away hissing. The man quickly withdraws his hand and speaks <excuse me, little Mermaid> he gives you a smile, almost joking and gets up again. <I'm Captain Barnes and this is my ship, can you understand me?> There's still an expression of fear on your face, but you nod slowly, almost surprised by his words.
<Well, little mermaid, what's your name?> His blue eyes scan you and seem to study your every move. Spend a few seconds pondering whether to answer or not, then your voice rings melodiously in the silence, your name like a sweet whisper in her ears. His smile grows slightly and he looks at you with soft eyes, sensing your fear. <If you let me catch you, I'll help you get back to the sea> You look at him in surprise, your eyes widen and he can finally tell the color of your eyes. Immediately after his words, his crew emits sounds of disagreement, but he hastens to stop them with a wave of his hand. <so, what do you think?>
you approach him, crawling on your tail, to better observe his blue eyes <will you really let me go or is it a trap?>
His eyes seem to soften when you get close to him and the sound of your voice amazes him. He crouches down to your height again and speaks to you in a playful and sweet tone, but with a hint of seriousness in his voice <although you are an infinitely wonderful creature, y\n, I can't keep you here, will you allow me to help you?>
Your heart leaps and a new flame of hope ignites in your heart as you nod vehemently. his hands come close to your body, one behind your back, the other under your tail. His warm breath blows into your ear as he stands up <tell me if I hurt you in any way>
You nod and he props you up against the edge of the ship, your tail pointing out to the water but your head still pointing towards him. his hands move and rest on the edge of the ship, on the sides of your body. You look at the water below you: would it really have been that easy to go home?
<come on, little mermaid, aren't you afraid to dive in?> his playful expression reassures you and you turn towards him, a sweet smile on your lips and, just before diving in, you whisper a thank you. The cool water hits your skin warm from the sun's rays and you immediately feel at home.
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sytoran · 1 year
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kinktober day 005 | mermaid!wanda x pirate!reader
as captain of a notorious gang of pirates, you've got a reputation of steel, but when there's a pretty little mermaid presenting herself for you, there's no chance in hell you're not saying yes.
cont. sweet talk, begging, humiliation, overstimulation word count. 2178
kinktober masterlist || main masterlist
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“Righto, fellas, so we got sixty ducats – twenty doubloons, is it?” Bucky asks lackadaisically, tossing gold coins up and down with his good hand. 
A loud guffaw surrounds the group of you huddled around the campfire. You shake your head with a toothy grin at your right-hand man’s idiocy. Even the least educated pirates in your gang knew what sixty divided by two was.
You reach over and knock the side of Bucky’s head with your bloodied knuckles. “That brain cavity wouldn’t make a drinkin’ cup for a canary, buddy.” 
“Aw, kiss my boot, ya fuckin’ cunt-licker,” the dark-haired man grumbles in response, still playing with his shiny gold coins. He playfully punches your arm his prosthetic one.
In record timing, you whip out your dagger from your cow-skin belt and pierce the hole in Bucky’s coin midair, pinning the coin to the nearest tree with a deadly aim.
“Cunt-licker is right,” you say smugly, going to ruffle Bucky’s already shaggy hair. The impressed hoots and jeering taunts at your dagger-throwing skills are all good-hearted, as is the general atmosphere within your gang.
The lot of you were specialists in your craft, the most formidable and deadly in the piracy industry. Five years ago, you had claimed the largest plot of land that was the very island you lived on with your mates. Tu’Au was surrounded by the freshest of ocean water and the most gorgeous of views.
There was also a legend of the mystical mermaids that lived beneath Tu’Au, but you didn’t believe any of that bosh and bullshit about supernatural creatures. You’d believe it when you saw one with your very own eyes.
“Yall’ finish up counting our loot for the day, I’m gonna take a walk by the shore,” you say, adjusting the piece of tobacco between your lips and then dusting off your pants. “Don’t let Buck do the counting.”
“Got it, boss,” Steve answers promptly, ever the loyal one. Bucky rolls his eyes.
Loveable idiots, you think, tossing your hat to the side. Strolling away from the main camp, you finally take a deep inhale of that tobacco, smoke trailing off into the orange sunset.
As you walk along the shore, bare feet on the wet sand, you look up and close your eyes. It was times like these that were simple, times like these that you never wanted to end—
“I said, get away from me! Please, just leave me alone!”
A feminine, desperate cry from the distant ocean has you blinking open your eyes in sudden alertness, darting to the source of the sound.
From a short distance to shore, there is chaos occurring within the waters. What seems to be a muscular, bare-chested man is swimming inhumanly fast towards a significantly smaller-sized woman with long, cascading hair. 
Though both of them certainly spoke like regular humans, there was a certain way about their moving in the waters and tremendous presence that had you second-guessing yourself.
“Get back here, you good for nothin’! You’ll make up your mind when I fuckin’ want you to!”
He’s yelling foul words at her, catching up to her already, clearly incredibly unpleased. Suddenly, the man dives down, and you catch sight of a shimmering blue tail above the waters before it disappears.
Hang on a damn moment. Merfolk are real?
But before your brain can process what you truly just saw, the merman reemerges much closer to the mermaid, massive gold spear in a vice grip.
As if a gear was kicked into motion, you sprint towards the water. Kicking up water as you run through the shallow part of the ocean, you stumble but never slow down, eyes set on the target. It’s prey-or-predator right now, either conquer the enemy or die trying.
The said target has got the mermaid in his massive arms, wrapping around her torso and forcefully dragging her back into the deep waters. Her strangled cries get muffled by the water, cries and pleas ringing in your ears.
Just before you dive into the water, your hand flies to that trusty weapon holster, and a sharp dagger flies at the merman with an air-cutting, brutal force. “Y/N bullseye L/N,” you remember Bucky saying with a stupid grin on his face. “Never misses a shot.”
A millisecond before your plunge into the ocean, the stunning blue eyes of the mermaid meet yours, and you lose all the air in your lungs.
You’ve never seen anything like it, never laid your eyes upon such a breathtaking beauty before. Blue eyes deeper than the depths of the ocean, sparkling more than the brightest of glimmering stars, 
An agonized cry from the merman hauls you out of your trance. The dagger struck him directly in the right eye, just as expected, just as you had calculated. Opaque red blood comes out in spurts, and his hands release the mermaid and go to clutch at his eye.
Your arms glide in the water, smooth and cutting, bringing you closer to the struggling pair. 
Seizing the moment of the merman’s distractedness, you wrap your arms around the mermaid. You immediately notice the way she sinks into your embrace, head drooping to lean against your chest as you struggle to move through the water.
You really try to not think too hard about the lithe body in your arms. It was proving to be an incredibly difficult task.
After your hell of an escapade, you have the mermaid girl propped up against the wet rocks. It takes a while for you to notice that you’re on all fours above her, panting heavily with wide eyes and a drenched white shirt.
When you do realise it, though, you get off her immediately, clearing your throat awkwardly. So much for being a scary pirate.
“You alright?” you ask instead, fiddling with the collar of your white shirt. It had gotten drenched while you were in the water, along with all your clothes and your hair.
You were having a hard time trying to avoid looking at her chest since it was literally in front of you.
“You saved me,” the mermaid finally speaks, eyelashes wet with drops of water, her voice softer and sweeter than you could ever have imagined. You get a bit lost in the delicacy of her red lips as she stares back at you.
“Right,” you answer, your throat suddenly dry. 
“What is your name, human?” the mermaid asks, hand going to stroke at the curvature of your jawline that was dotted with droplets of water. The touch was honey-like.
“Y/N. How ‘bout you?”
“That’s a pretty name.”
“Prettier than me?”
“No,” you answer a little too quickly, voice a little hoarser than before. Your eyes dart around to focus on anything but the ethereal mermaid before you, but soon they land on a wound at her tail.
“Oh, shucks, you’re bleeding. I’ll go get bandages an’ stuff from base,” you say, looking at the nasty wound on the tip of Wanda’s tail, incarnadine blood leaking out of it.
“Don’t go,” the mermaid suddenly says, and there’s this little begging lilt to her voice that messes up your brain chemistry. “I mean, mermaids have healing properties, so you don’t have to go,” she mumbles, looking away with her cheeks flushed. Cute.
“That’s cool,” you answer, leaning back to let your hands run over the tip of her tail. Just like she said, the wound heals itself, slowly stitching back that scaly-smooth skin with a magical touch.
You give her tail a long stroke, running your fingers through the little scales that decorate this new thing you’d like to explore.
“Hng,” a little whimper suddenly escapes from the mermaid, and the both of you freeze. It’s a fine line between comedy and erotica.
You rub at her tail again, harder this time, and Wanda lets out a louder moan. 
You start massaging her tail, hands spreading out over the sensitive area, kneading gently. Wanda’s face is absolutely flushed, eyes screwed shut in pleasure, the prettiest thing you’d ever seen.
“Kiss me?” she asks, breathlessly, and you don’t have to be told twice.
Warm mouths meet in an inferno of lust, Wanda’s head tilting up to meet yours, your head tilting down to chase hers. The moment you taste the sweetness of her lips, a trigger is flicked inside of your brain, and your body kicks it into overdrive.
Your hands tug off the seashell bra with unbridled haste, flinging it behind you without a care in the world. Wanda squeaks against your lips at your sudden boldness, hands going to encircle the back of your neck.
But that’s before you’re grabbing both her wrists with one hand and pinning it above her head against the wet rock. She moans as your lips make their way down the column of her porcelain, leaving red hickeys into the pale canvas like it was a work of art.
It was true, to a certain extent, because this mermaid before you was a work of art: brown hair splayed onto the wet rock like something out of a Renaissance painting, water droplets across her eyelids, breathing and panting your name, hips moving helplessly under your stronger body, trying to chase a fraction of the pleasure that you’re dangling out of reach.
Your mouth latches on to her supple breasts with eagerness, lips wrapping around her hardened bud. Wanda lets out a shriek when you suck on it, hard. As a mermaid, the sensations and emotions that they felt were many times that of a human, and you were making it no easier for her.
“N-Need you,” Wanda pleads, when you flick at her other pretty pink nipple, admiring how her body arches along with the sensation. 
“Need me where?” you ask, a lust-coated rasp in your voice, edged with a tone of teasing that has Wanda’s head spinning. 
You finally release her hands, and Wanda grabs your right hand with certainty, sliding it down her shuddering body and scaled tail to where a pussy would be.
Instead, your fingertips find a hot, wet, slit.
“Fuck,” you growl into Wanda’s skin, lost in the sheer thoughts of how much you could ruin her.
“Please?” Wanda begs again, giving you the biggest doe eyes she could. You didn’t need any convincing, anyway.
“All this for me?” You ask, ruthlessly plunging two fingers into her dripping slit. It’s warm and wet, and so tight. Your fingers explore, straightening out then curling in, going in big circles then in smaller ones.
All through your unabashed exploration of Wanda’s cunt, the pretty little mermaid is left completely at your mercy. She’s writhing, never been touched like this before.
“S’ too, too much,” she babbles incoherently when you slide a third finger in, thrusting in and out of her gorgeous little cunt like it’d be the last time you’d get to do this. Because in all honesty, it might be.
That thought alone spurs you on to go even faster, playing with Wanda’s body like a fiddle, making all the right noises with the right fingerings.
“Y/N,” she cries, long fingernails ripping the back of your vest to shreds. You don’t give a damn about it.
Turns out, mermaids have several sweet spots, because you’re finding all of them and breaking her with it.
“Gonna cum already?” you ask, “Needy little thing, hm? Couldn’t even wait five minutes?” Wanda tries to shake her head, but your other hand is stroking the length of her tail.
“Come f’me, sweet thing.”
Those words send her over the edge, snapping the knot that had been building in her belly.
“Y/N!” Wanda screams, a melodious tune, hands clawing at the edges of the rocks, then the back of your neck, all while her head is thrown back. Her tail is flapping in a state of no control, lost in the pleasure you’re feeding her.
Acknowledging the delicious tightening of Wanda’s mermaid slit around your three fingers, you opt to instead go at an even faster pace, fingers thrusting deeper into her body, because you wanted every inch of it.
“Y/N,” Wanda sobs, because she sees stars. Those brilliant blue eyes getting teary with your relentless pace. The tears escape the corners of her eyes and cascade down her cheeks like a waterfall.
It’s a sight you’d imprint into your memory forever, when Wanda’s ocean blue eyes roll into the back of her head and her little mermaid body goes limp in your arms.
You admire her for many moments, at how she had made you fuck her silly, at how she was yours now.
“Why’re you smilin’ like a baked possum?” Bucky asks you once you head back to camp. It’s early the next day, still dark out in the wide seas. He’s sprawled out on a wide hammock, sharpening a knife. Steve is cuddled into his chest.
Your lips curve into a stupidly smug smirk. “Not that you would know a dime about pussy, but remember what you said about cunt-lickers?”
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kinktober masterlist || main masterlist
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 1 year
One Piece Masterlist
Eri Reader x Straw Hats Masterlist
One Piece x Demon Slayer Crossover Masterlist
Dragon Rider x Katakuri
Mage Reader x Straw Hats
Mage Reader x Straw Hats Part 2
Golden Retriever Energy (Law x Reader)
Katakuri x Eri Reader
Cupcake Berserker
Cupcake Berserker Part 2
Cupcake Berserker Part 3- Cupcake Headbutts
Cupcake Berserker Meets Kaido!
Gear Third! Compressed!
Straw Hats x Toga Reader
Siren Courting Rituals
Medusa’s Daughter x Straw Hats
Straw Hats x Spot Reader
Morticia Reader
Straw Hats x Anya Reader
Vinsmoke Family meets Sanji’s Daughter
Momonga in One Piece
Leviathan Mermaid
Leviathan Mermaid Part 2- Emperors
Giant Moon Goddess x Straw Hats
Marco x Head Nurse Reader
Little Ink Angel (Child Reader x Whitebeard Pirates)
Straw Hats x Child of Zeus
Whitebeard’s Daughter
Erza Scarlet x Straw Hats
Shy Faces (Katakuri x Reader)
Immortal Love (Law x immortal male Reader)
Straw Hats x Child Goddess Reader
Straw Hats x Immortal Devil Fruit Child Reader
Straw Hats x (PJO) Child of Zeus
Mama Whitebeard
Straw Hats x Blue Diamond Reader
Straw Hats x Blue Diamond Reader- Saving Ace
Whitebeard Pirates Meet Ace’s Twin
Ai Hoshino Reader x Straw Hats
Whitebeard Pirates x Blind Reader
Law’s Precious Person
Straw Hats x Sea Fairy Reader
Straw Hats x Present Mic Reader
Straw Hats x Madeline Hatter Reader
Straw Hats x Ochaco Reader
Straw Hats Watching Bluey
Whitebeard’s Cloned Daughter
Trafalgar Law x Class 1A
Pop Star Bubbles Reader
ASL Trio x Child Muslim Reader
Luffy x Cupid Reader
Whitebeard Pirates x Bucky Barnes Reader
Whitebeard Pirates x Blue Diamond Reader
Roger Pirates x Puppet Reader
Straw Hats x Team Aqua Heir
Straw Hats x Yor Reader
Straw Hats x Carrie Reader
Whitebeard Pirates x Drider/Arachne Reader
New Warlord- Yor!
Marine Yor
Straw Hats x Beast Boy Reader
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rogerswifesblog · 2 years
Veras Masterlist
you can’t copy, translate or post my writing anywhere.
I don’t own any of the characters!
You are responsible for the kind and amount of media you consume. If you don’t like something on my blog, don’t read it:)
500 followers special
1 k followers bingo
CE characters snippets
Birthday post for CE- Creampuffs
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-> Steve Rogers
-> Andy Barber
-> Ransom Drysdale
-> Lloyd Hansen
-> Curtis Everett
-> Johnny Storm
-> Ari Levinson
-> Together Or Not At All
Life as a roommate can be tricky, especially when you are living with Steve Rogers, Johnny Storm, Jake Jensen and Nick Grant. You opted to be a therapist, but things didn’t turn out exactly as planned… (Steve Rogers x Reader, Johnny Storm x Reader, Jake Jensen x Reader, Nick Gant x Reader) A collaboration with @jamneuromain
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-> Bucky Barnes
-> Lance Tucker
-> Steve x Bucky
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Mermaid AUs
Different au’s below
-> my treasure Avengers as pirates
-> Drowning siren
The Avengers found an old abandoned HYDRA base, that had been cleared after HYDRAs existence had been exposed. At least they thought it was cleared.
CaptainAmerica!Steve Rogers x mermaid!reader
Boxer au
-> Broken bones and broken hearts [ collab with @jamneuromain ]
Boxer!Steve Rogers x Reader
There was only one rule between best friends. Don’t have sex. But what happens when you break it anyway?
Highschool au
-> “Teach Me How To Be Good”
Student!Steve Rogers x tutor!reader
Tutor!reader helps Steve prepare for his math exams. He’s totally falling for her, but she doesn’t want him. She’s older, a college student. 25.
And he’s only a Highschool sweetheart turning 18.
Besides. He’s an inexperienced virgin.
And you? Oh you have a big secret he’s not ready to find out.
Stripper Au
-> It’s all about the…
Stripper Steve Rogers x Rich!reader
-> Better than boys
Boyfriends Dad Andy Barber x Reader
Demon Au
-> Highway to hell
Corrupting people’s thoughts. It’s easy, in a very simple way: sexual pleasure. Turns out no man can resist such a beauty like you.
[ one shots collection with; Demon reader x Cousin!Jake, x Cop!Lloyd, x bartender!Ari, x uncle!Curtis, x Stepdad!Andy, x priest!Steve
Requests are open! -> Chris E and Sebastian S characters
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listen I know I already made a post like this but what are we thinking in a post moving on future
jolly sailor bold: mermaid reader x pirate/mercenary Bucky Barnes. Filled with lore, including Mt wundagore, Asgardian stuff, royalty, and magic. Pretty cool
you’ve caught a stray: not an au but certainly not canon compliant. Reader moves away from DC post SHIELD crash, to a farm in West Virginia owned by a family member who doesn’t live there. Anyway, their only neighbor is Bucky (who suffers from extreme agoraphobia post-HYDRA). They fall in love over a series of chaotic events and it’s pretty cool.
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Hidden-behind-the-fourth-wall's Masterlist
Hello and welcome! Thanks for stopping by and hope to see you here again ;)
I am working on putting together all of my AO3 works from different accounts into here, so beat with me ❤️
I do have some rules:
No permission is given for reposting my work, copying it or parts of it. Please don’t add your additions or spin-offs to my existing story.
If the description states 18+ than please do not interact if you are under 18 years old.
I love constructive criticism - what I mean by that? Please be polite (not only here but everywhere). We are all just humans making mistakes.
English isn't my first language so please bear with me :)
You can ask me anything, If I do not wish to answer/write about something, I will let you know.
🔥- smut 🌈- fluff ⚠️ - angst
So let's get started and enjoy!
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Chains of Destiny- Wolverine/Logan Howlett x Mutant F!OC ⚠️ for now later 🔥⚠️🌈 (series)
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The guard till the end - Oberyn Martell x F!OC ⚠️🌈 (one-shot)
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Escape - Bucky Barnes x Reader ⚠️🌈 (one-shot)
I want to be with you, it is as simple, and as complicated as that - Bucky Barnes x Reader ⚠️🌈 (one-shot)
Love is an open door - Bucky Barnes x Reader 🌈 (one-shot)
Nothings ever what it seems - Bucky Barnes ⚠️ (one-shot)
I ain’t afraid of no skeleton - Steve Rogers x Reader ⚠️🌈 (one-shot)
Home / Home 2 - Steve Rogers x Reader 🔥⚠️🌈 (two-parter) 18+
The only B - Professor!Steve x Student!Reader 🔥🌈 (one-shot) 18+
Enough is Enough - Steve Rogers x Reader ⚠️ (one-shot)
But it’s snowing - Steve Rogers x Reader ⚠️🌈 (one-shot)
The first snow of the year - Steve Rogers x Reader 🌈 (one-shot)
Ceasg - Pirate!Steve Rogers x Mermaid!Reader ⚠️🌈 (one-shot)
The PA - Tony Stark x Reader ⚠️🌈 (mini-series - finished)
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I didn’t want it to be this way - Curtis Everett x Reader 🔥⚠️⚠️⚠️ (one-shot) 18+
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Jealous - Geralt x Reader 🌈 (one-shot)
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Time of War - Captain Syverson x Fem!OC (series ongoing)
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Teenage Fantasy - Henry Cavill x Reader 🔥🌈 (one-shot)
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The one with the Force - Obi Wan Kenobi x F!OC Medic (series ongoing)
Love isn't something you just learn, Commander part 1 / Part 2- Commander Cody x F!Reader ⚠️🔥🌈 18+ (two-parter finished)
Hope - Hunter x Reader ⚠️🌈 (one shot)
A new life / Part 2 / Part 3 - Commander Fox x F!OC ⚠️🔥🌈 18+ (three-parter finished)
Jealous - Echo x Reader ⚠️🌈 (one-shot)
The Fight isn't over yet - Rex x F!OC (series ongoing)
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z0mbieb0ybyersblog · 10 months
request rules!
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— requests can be sent through my inbox! aka the button on my profile that says request
— state the character, romantic or platonic, the format of the request, and what you want with it
— do you have any specifics for the reader? male, female, blonde, poc, etc?
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male, female, and gender neutral reader
or no reader, I do ships too!!
alternative universe: soulmates, coffee shop, roommates, royal, bookstore, fake relationship, coworkers, neighbors, flower shop, library, bodyguard, modern era, band/rockstar, celebrity, mermaid, pirate, teachers (you can also mix them in your request, like asking for bookstore and coffee shop au! if that makes sense)
Headcanons, one-shots, drabble, imagine, etc.
poly relationships, whether it be character x reader x character or character x character x character 
omega verse
illegal ships (incest or underage)
dark or yandere
someone having cancer
rape/sexual assault
canonically gay characters with fem identifying readers/characters, same thing with canonically lesbian characters with masc identifying readers/characters (platonically is fine, romantically isnt)
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character list
bolded means they’re my favorite characters to write!
Nine, Ten, Eleventh, Thirteen, Rose Tyler, Martha Jones, Jack Harkness, Donna Noble
Alex Claremont-Diaz, Henry, June Claremont-Diaz, Nora Holleran, Bea
Ted Lasso, Jamie Tartt, Roy Kent, Keeley Jones, Rebecca Welton
Nancy Wheeler, Steve Harrington, Robin Buckley, Eddie Munson
Ponyboy Curtis, Johnny Cade, Sodapop Curtis, Darry Curtis, Steve Randall, Twobit Matthews, Dallas Winston
Matt Murdock, Peter Parker (Tobey, Andrew, Tom), Bucky Barnes, Clint Barton, Loki, Wanda Maximoff, Pietro Maximoff
[more to be added]
911 FOX
Evan Buckley, Eddie Diaz, Maddie Buckley, Howie Han
Luke Skywalker, Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Din Djarin (The Mandalorian)
[more to be added]
— golden trio era
Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley, Luna Lovegood, Neville Longbottom, Cedric Diggory, Fred Weasley, George Weasley, Oliver Wood, Draco Malfoy
— marauders era
Remus Lupin, Sirius Black, James Potter, Lily Evans, Pandora Lovegood, Regulus Black, Dorcas Meadows, Marlene McKinnon, Barty Crouch Jr, Evan Roiser, Alice Fortescue, Mary MacDonald, Narcissa Black
[If you want one of these characters, like Remus for example to be older like during the Harry Potter movies let me know!]
— legacy era
Sebastian Sallow, Amit Thakkar, Poppy Sweeting, Natsai Onai, Garreth Weasley, Ominis Gaunt
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My Stuff: A Masterlist
Let’s Give ‘Em Something to Talk About (Eddie Munson x Femme!Henderson!Reader)
Unsmooth Operator (Eddie Munson x Femme!Reader)
Daisies (Eddie Munson x Femme!Henderson!Reader)
Summer with Eddie
Eddie's Dad
Moodboards Rollerskating with Eddie Halloween with Eddie Thanksgiving With Eddie Date Night With Eddie Hellcheer AU: Moulin Rouge! Hellcheer AU: Pirates of the Caribbean Hellcheer AU: Titanic Hellcheer AU: The Little Mermaid Stranger Things AU: Chrissy the Vampire Slayer
Characters as Text Posts:
Stranger Things
Eddie Munson
Max Mayfield
Bucky Barnes
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lunaroserites · 4 months
Yall want a mermaid fic in honour of Mermay?
I have a Pirate!Bucky x Mermaid!Reader fic hiding in my wips.
Lemme know if you want it!
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lady-laree-world · 1 year
Mermaid Eyes
Chapter 2
Chapter 1
Bucky Barnes X mermaid! reader
a/n: honestly, I don't know what to say. I know how annoying it can be to wait even months for an update, but I hope you can understand and support me in any case. I wish you a good read and as usual, English is not my first language so please, report errors or anything else🌼🩷
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Your brief disappearance had shocked your family, who had been notified by Lily of what had happened. They were already desperate, thinking they would never see you again. And yet here you are, back at home only thanks to the benevolence of Captain Bucky Barnes. You couldn't get the sound of his voice out of your head, his cold eyes that hid so much sweetness and his hard face, softened only by his small smile. You were happy to have left the ship and returned home, but at the same time you wanted to see him again, feel his hands on your body again, lose yourself in his arms again.
Mermaids used to find their life partner already in their youth, they used to exchange shells as a sign of eternal love: the ones that your parents exchanged, for example, are now part of the decorations in your home. you also dreamed of finding your life partner, but the people of your village were all so bland in your eyes after laying eyes on bucky. yet, according to your mother, sooner or later you would have to find your partner and live together forever: after all, you were now of fertile age, which meant that it was the right time for you to have children.
but the only thing you thought about at that moment was that man who had enchanted you.
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What seemed like months passed and the memory of him, of Captain Bucky Barnes, was still fixed in your mind when, on the shores of the island closest to your seaside village, you saw a very familiar ship dock.
you approach with a cautious and attentive air, curious to find out if it was Captain Barnes' ship. you position yourself at the side of the ship while, with only your eyes above the water so as not to be noticed, you watch the members of the troop get off the boat. just when you were about to lose hope, there he was, you see him walking on the wooden pier: his hair tied in a messy bun, a black jacket covered his shirt, while his trousers hugged his long, muscular legs.
you were hypnotized by the sight and couldn't look away, when suddenly he stops on the pier and turns around, observing the environment. you quickly dive under the water, thinking you haven't been noticed and after a while, his silhouette, distorted by the surface of the sea, moves away.
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you decided to spend the rest of the day there, and only when night fell did you dare to approach the small port again. the dark waters surrounded you, but you could just make out a figure sitting on the marina, his legs submerged in the water. you approach the man and observe him from under the pier, when a gruff voice snaps you out of your lustful thoughts.
<I know it's you, little mermaid, I saw you this morning>
with a flick of your tail you approach the captain, coming out from under the dock and letting half your face emerge from the water. His eyes shine in the dark, illuminated by the moonlight. <why are you here y\n? Don't they teach you that humans are bad or are you simply a lover of danger? you shouldn't challenge like that fate... when you landed on my ship I decided to free you, but other pirates wouldn't be so good>
His words almost sound like a scolding and you can't help but feel a little embarrassed <I saw your ship pass over my village...last time I didn't thank you properly> finally you show him your whole face, while his gaze falls on you.
<you don't need to thank me, it's what all people with any humanity should do> his face is tilted towards you as he seems to absorb every detail of you and silence falls between you.
you get a little closer to him and start talking to him <I've heard things about you, they say you're despicable> he looks at you, raising an eyebrow <oh, a curious little mermaid, I see... and who says it?> he says with a smirk on his face as you rest your arms crossed on the dock, emerging from the water <All the pirates who pass through here say so, and yet you didn't seem so cruel to me>
he leans towards you <well, for pirates every opponent is cruel>you look at him with curiosity <are you an enemy of many people?>
<no, only the necessary ones>
<the necessary ones? i.e. how many people? many like the pirates in the stories or only a few->
<little mermaid, I don't think it's necessary for you to know how many enemies I have>
<oh okay> you reply a little disconsolately <Can I ask you one last question?> he sighs and nods <I didn't expect you to be so curious>
<do you want to exchange shells with me?>
a\n 2(the separator is not mine, all credits go to the author)
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serpienten · 6 years
coming up
Here’s a list of all the fics I’m planning on publishing for the rest of this year! Of course, you can let me know if you’re excited for any of these by sending me an ask or leaving a comment or whatever.
This is pretty much just a To-Do-List for my forgetful ass so I don’t miss any deadlines for writing challenges I’ve entered.
the bet ➳ Y/N and Bucky’s relationship is built on lies. It was never meant to be something serious. At least until certain feelings entered the picture. (Bucky Barnes x Reader) for @spideywhiteys‘ writing challenge
house of winter ➳ Princess Y/N has been engaged to Prince Steven since she’s been but a mere child. She’s more than ready to help her country by marrying the Crown Prince of another, but things change when she sets eyes on her betrothed’s adoptive brother. (Lord!Bucky x Princess!Reader) for @irndad‘s 3k writing challenge
the one with the sea glass ➳ Y/N finds pieces of sea glass Bucky Barnes is so in love with her. (Bucky Barnes x Reader) for @barnesrogersvstheworld ’s marvel kiss challenge 
never shall we die ➳ Captain James Buchanan Barnes is the most feared and respected pirate in the seven seas. Men and women alike shiver at the mention of his name - although perhaps for different reasons. Together with his crew, he’s roamed the seas for the past seventy years after having been gifted immortality by a mighty witch. Now he’s looking for something to reverse it. Y/N, a mermaid snatched away from the bliss of eternal life under water, just so happens to be looking for the same thing. To her luck, Captain Barnes isn’t as superstitious as his fellow comrades. (Pirate!Bucky x Mermaid!Reader) for @sebashtiansatan ‘s 2k writing challenge
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sinner-as-saint · 4 years
You Were Made To Be Mine series - COMPLETED.
Pirate!Bucky x Mermaid!Reader AU 
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Run-through: Bucky is one of the greatest pirates ever known. Living peacefully in his vast and flourishing archipelago; filthy rich and respected by all those around him. He is the leader of his people and his massive fleet, and is viewed as no less than a king by his crew and the people on his lands. He, however, has a secret that he keeps from everyone. The infamous and brawny pirate has lost his heart to one of the most beautiful creations he’s ever seen – you. Ever since the moment he saw you, he knew that you were meant to be his. But he belonged to the earth, you to the ocean. Could love and resilience somehow find a way to unite two worlds?
Themes throughout the series: mermaid!reader, mythological elements, pirate!bucky, fluff, angst, smut (eventually)
You Were Made To Be Mine: COMPLETED. 
Part 1 
Part 2 
Part 3 
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jordanlahey · 5 years
My Jolly Sailor Bold (1)
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Pairing: Pirate!Bucky x Reader
Summary: Y/n gave up her legs for a tail, a painful life for a carefree one in the wide ocean but what would she give up for the heart of a salty bloodthirsty pirate? Is there even anything left for her to give up for him?
Chapter Warnings: Slight violence?
Word count: 1499
A/N: What’s this? Another Update on the same day? You lucky fellows. Tag list it still open
MJSB: @queen-of-elves @undiscovered-misunderstood, @baybay123455
Permanent - @doowneey , @m-a-t-91 , @fuckthatfeeling , @jitterbuck , @pvnk-bivch , @etherealmandi, @pri00r @5aftermidnight , @thisismysecrethappyplace @dtftheavengers, @straycuties9, @typicaltrashbag, @lanijoy, @fourtyninekirbygamzeegirl
Bucky Barnes - @release-the-cathyrchkn, @ria132love
Y/n would swim rapidly in the ocean. This was when Y/n felt free, this was her time to do whatever and however she did it for. She would converse with other merfolk in the further out waters away from land, she would swim with the deep sea creatures and play with dolphins, she will explore deep underwater caves and find treasures of her own. 
Although Y/n chose to give up her human life for a mermaid’s one she still finds herself watching the humans from time to time, she’ll often wonder if her parents miss her but shakes the thoughts from her mind. Lately Y/n’s obsession has been with a certain ship that plows the sea and a certain pirate she fancies.
This pirate was a good man at heart and was not always a pirate, he worked for the throne but he was treated unfairly and had slaughtered the whole crew and made himself into the ruthless pirate he is today. Over the years he had gathered enough men to join his crew and he became one of the most wanted pirates at sea for the crimes he has committed.
Y/m would swim below his ship and follow it wherever she can and occasionally will look through a window like whole in his ship and watch him steer his vessel. Heavens knows why Y/n has fallen for this pirate besides his devilishly handsome good looks that’s about it but Y/n knows there is still good in his heart but it’s been locked away for too long. Y/n watches over the ship and a few times she has saved her pirate and his crew from those bloodthirsty sirens, her voice was powerful enough to block out the sirens spell from the crew allowing them to escape before their lives were stolen from them.
Times like this where she would sit and watch her pirate she wished she still had her legs so she could one day meet him if she could she would sail with him for the rest of her days. Y/n had to leave the ship as it pulled into the docks but she would never be far away from it, she would sit on the rocks near it but still out of sight of humans.
*2nd POV*
You sat on the rocks ringing the water out your hair as you kept watch of the ship, you began to hum a tune to yourself to pass the time then found yourself being joined by another mermaid.
“Good evening Maria.” You smiled and turned your head to see the other mermaid still in the water. “How did you find me?”
“I have raised you since you were a child I know where you would run off to.” She laughed and pulled herself up onto that rock beside you. “Y/n, he’s a dangerous man you know that.”
“I know but there is good in him, i know it.” You sigh, looking down at your tail then Maria took your hand in hers and gave you a sympathetic smile.
“You know, I never properly took away your legs dear.” You looked up at Maria with a confused but Maria only grinned. “You see if you stay out of water long enough you tail will dry and your tail will become your legs again and if you want your tail back you go into that water.” She smiled.
“So I can…” You look over at the ship then back at Maria and she nodded. This was your chance to meet the man you have fallen for.
“Just please be careful Y/n.” You nodded at her and pulled the rest of your tail out of the water. “There is a human couple who are swimming in the ocean give me a second.” with that Maria dove back into the water and then appeared again holding a few pieces of clothing. “Don’t worry I didn’t get them wet.” Maria came back with a corset, a pair of bloomers, an underskirt and a blue dress to go over the top. She helped you get into the things she could while you still had your tail, it was nearly dry by the time you had finished getting the million pieces of clothing on.
“Why do humans have to wear so much items of clothing?” You huffed as Maira finished fixing the dress.
“Humans are strange people you should remember that.”
“Yes but i never wore this much clothing.” You answered back, just then a strange feeling washed over you and you looked at your...legs? “I have legs!” You shouted and began touching your legs and feet. “Wait I’ve forgotten how to walk.” You panicked but Maria hushed you and told you to put one foot in front of the other. You started off a bit wobbly but you were quick at learning. You put on the rest of your items of clothing but you didn’t have shoes although your dress hid the fact you didn’t wear any. You said your goodbyes and you attempted to quickly make your way to the ship you have been following for a while now. 
You finally reached the ship and you looked around to see if anyone was around but as far as you were aware no one was near or on it so you went on.
“Oi, you’re not supposed to be on there!” A voice shouted and you quickly ducked down behind two massive crates and covered your mouth to muffle your breathing.
“Captain Barnes! There’s a woman on your ship!” The voice shouted but you stayed behind the crates. It wasn’t long before you heard many footsteps aboard the ship then the all stopped. A part of you was scared and another part of you wasn’t but this is what you have been dying to do and it was definitely too late to back out now. You suddenly felt pain in your head as you were pulled up by your hair and then grabbed by the neck, you winced and a strangled cry escaped your mouth before you met eyes with your pirate.
“Look what we have here men. What’s a girl like you doing on my ship?” His grip tightened around your neck and you lifted your hands to start clawing at his hand but it was no use, he wouldn’t let go. “I wouldn’t do that if I were you darlin’ it might just get worse for you.” He squeezed a little tighter and you started to feel dizzy.
“C-can’t…t-t-talk….to….can’t breathe.” Your efforts to get him to let go of you became weak and your eyes were about to close then he let go and you dropped to the floor coughing and gasping for air. “That...was not what...I was… expecting.” You mumbled mainly to yourself but the pirate heard.
“Well what did you expect? You snuck aboard my ship. Now tell me your business and i’ll consider a quick death for you.” You looked up at him with wide eyes, surely this wasn’t the man you caught feelings for. You stood up, nearly losing your balance then smoothed out your dress.
“I’m Y/n and I don’t know why I’m on your ship but I did want to meet you?” The crew was silent then they erupted of laughter.
“Darlin, do you know who I am?” You opened your mouth to speak but he cut you off. “I am Captain James Barnes, one of the most ruthless and wanted men at sea. Nobody wants to meet me. Right men?” The crew cheered in agreement and James’ smirked at you, you felt a part of you break a little inside.
“Well I did and I’m not a nobody and I’m most certainly not like everybody else. I gave up something important to me for this but I must have wasted my time.” You sighed, You went to walk passed him but a tall man with blonde hair and blue eyes stopped you.
“Now hold on a second there sweet cheeks, I didn’t say you could leave.” You turned around to face James once again. “Explain to me what you gave up and how you’re not like everyone else.”
“I cant.”
“Why not.”
“Because it’s a secret and you’ll use it against me.” You raised your voice slightly. This was not like anything you’d imagine, you were disappointed to say the least. “I just want to see the world from a different perspective once more that’s all, can you grant me that?” You sighed in defeat. Captain James thought for a moment and looked between you and the man behind you.
“Y/n, welcome aboard to The Winter Sailor.” he held out his hand and you beamed at this and some of the men behind you cheered mostly to the captain but you didn’t mind really, you were finally going to get to know the pirate you grew to like.
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picassho-18 · 5 years
A Bloody Visit
Summary: (Pirate!Bucky Barnes x Mermaid!Reader) A pirate captain and a lonely mermaid crosses paths, with a surprise little visit from something a tad more dangerous.
A/N: This is pure shit writing, like with no direction or plot but oh well, wanted to post it, enjoy!
Warnings: lots of blood, loss of a limb
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You had first noticed the pirate when he had a midnight swim, splashing into the ocean from his ship.
He floated on the surface, long knotted hair swaying with the moon’s pull along the water, eyes closed and body relaxed. Only with cotton shorts on, you couldn’t drag your eyes away from his legs, his thigh thick with muscles, and his feet... What odd things feet were.
It wasn’t often that you were able to spot humans up close, but this specific one, this handsome pirate had caught your eye indefinitely.
Thus began your watch over him. Every night he would take his midnight swim, diving into the ocean from wherever his ship was for the night, and you would occupy your live with his.
At times you felt embarrassed, almost ashamed, following this ship around like a lost puppy, but with nothing else to do, and no family of your own, you’ve quickly grown attached to the man, watching how protective he was of his crew, how great a captain he was, and held his own when enemies would attack.
You watched as he fought off the latest attack group of rival pirates. You almost had made yourself know to your captain to help, though you had made sure he had never seen you before, when you noticed the captain having fun as he dismembered pirates on his wooden deck, his fellow seamen right behind him.
His laugh still launched far over the waters, a melody far fairer then the screams of dying men. Men fell into the water, turned the ocean red. Battle cries reach your ears, signaling a turn of the battle.
In awe, you watched at the tide of the battle quickly turned in favor of your ship, soon leaving no survivors of the other crew. You kept your far distance as normal, always fearful that wondering eyes may spot you, so you kept far away, just close enough to see and hear, but no closer.
The clean up was swift, the enemies bodies hastily thrown overboard, and tended to the wounded of their own. Soon, the men turned to celebration and booze, loud laughs and cheers echoing across the waters. Darkness had approached by the end of the battle, and now, lanterns had sparkled light onto the softly crashing waves, as mugs of ale were clinked.
As more blood seeped into the ocean, you felt the vibrations. Vibrations of the coming sharks. These waters would be infested with them for miles. Which meant…
Your blood froze as you looked to the stern of the ship, fear filling your eyes at the sight.
Though the ship had sailed far enough away that there was no longer and bodies or blood anywhere near their ship, sharks were still near, attracted by the latest battle. And your pirate had dived into the water for his swim.
Quickly ducking under the water, you peered around with frantic eyes towards your pirate to see exactly what you had fear. His splashing had attracted a shark, one that was circling under him, preparing it's attack.
You screamed under the water, bubbling flying out of you mouth, as you warned the shark he was under your protection.
It paid no mind to you and rush upwards toward your pirate, mouth opening wide
Bucky heard the screams and looked in your direction, hair winding around him as his eyes widened in shock at what behold them. You.
Thrusting powerfully with your muscle coiled tail, you reach an arm out to him, but fall short.
The shark took advantage of Bucky's awe and snapped his strong jaw around his left arm, hanging on as Bucky thrashed about, screaming.
Rushing forward, you snapped off a sharp chunk of coral from the reef, and stuck it in the gills of the massive shark, and yanked it downward slicing open a chunk of the shark’s tough skin as you screamed with all your might.
From the pain, it tore off the rest of the arm, crunching through the bone, and kept the mangled arm dangle in his mouth. Swiftly, it swim away, leaving a blood trail from it’s open wounds in it’s wake.
Bucky had fallen unconscious at the surface, his arm now gone, leaving a cloud of blood growing around him.
Frantically, you grabbed him in your slippery arms, loosely pulling him up to the surface. When you broke the surface, you screamed, hoping the crew on the top deck could hear you.
Men rushed to the railings, gasping when then say the mermaid dragging their bloody, unconscious captain in the water.
“Shark attack!” you yelled out, pulling him closer to the side of the deck. The crew sprang into action, and loosened a pulley, lowering a lifeboat into the water.
With a heavy flick of your tail, you threw Bucky into the boat, waving for his men to pull him up.
Heaving, the crew was able to get him on board, and from your distance, you only hoped that he was regaining consciousness.
Only the first mate had stayed on the railing when the rest rushed Bucky further into the ship. He gratefully nodded towards you, fear glinting in his eyes at your tail, knowing just what you were and capable of.
“Will you tell me if he survives?” you called out.
“Yes but only because you saved his life. And afterwards, I do not want to see you anywhere near this ship again.”
Your eyes narrowed at his words, anger flaring in you at his bias. “Do not let the stories of my kind dictate your actions” warning him in a lower voice.
“Then do not let your kind lure and drown mine.”
With that he turned, his boats splashing on the wet deck, as he followed the rest of the crew, leaving you alone, bobbing in the water.
Grumbling, you ducked under the water, finding a cave for the night, “Humans” you grumbled out, shaking your head. “Always the grudge holding emotional bastards they always are.”
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final round to choose what I’m gonna write because I finished Moving On
jolly sailor bold: mermaid reader x pirate/mercenary Bucky Barnes. Filled with lore, including Mount Wundagore, The Scarlet Witch, Asgardians, and more. Reader gets like locked out of mermaid kingdom and goes to Wanda for help but Wanda wants the Darkhold so she turns reader human. Reader meets Bucky and chaos ensues. Very cutesy
you’ve caught a stray: not an au but certainly not canon compliant. Reader moves away from DC post SHIELD crash, to a farm in West Virginia owned by a family member who doesn’t live there. Anyway, their only neighbor is Bucky, who’s not quite James Barnes and not quite the Asset either . They fall in love over a series of chaotic events and it’s pretty cool.
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