#pirate remus
lulublack90 · 4 months
Prompt 12 - Roar
@wolfstarmicrofic June 12, word count 615
Previous part First part
“Come on Gryffindor’s row!” Sirius ordered as he thrust his own oar out in front of himself, brandishing it like a sword. The Slytherin team looked up too late. James, Remus and Peter rammed the other team’s raft, knocking them all into the water. Sirius nimbly hopped across with James following close behind and started rowing it away from the Slytherin's reach. Remus and Peter moved their raft as fast as they could after them. Remus was thoroughly enjoying himself. He’d never played pirates as a child and this seemed an excellent way to have that chance. It was what his dad had wanted, after all, he reasoned, as he rowed just that little bit harder. 
They stopped in the middle of the lake. James quickly lashed the rafts together and turned them into one. 
Sirius let out a roar like a lion as he held his oar above his head. James joined in on the next one, raising his oar above his head as well. Peter joined them on the third roar and Remus, not wanting to be left out, roared on their final roar. Feeling the rush of excitement from their successful commandeering.  
“BLACK, POTTER, PETTIGREW AND LUPIN! RETURN IMMEDIATELY!” Minerva McGonagall’s voice boomed across the water. She’d gotten a megaphone from somewhere. She lowered it and crooked a finger at them, beckoning them back. 
“Don’t know why she’s using that thing,” Sirius muttered as they dipped their oars into the water. “She’s shouted at me louder than that without its aid.” James snickered and set the others off, so by the time they’d steered their oversized raft to the shore they were all struggling to keep their faces straight.
“Chores,” Was all she said before she stormed off. The four looked at each other, silently debating if she meant for them to follow them. She turned back and glowered at them. Yep, they were meant to follow her. 
“Never in all my years of working here have I had a group of boys quite as troublesome as yourselves. Knocking other campers into the lake and stealing their raft! What were you thinking?!”
“I believe the correct term is pirating their raft.” Sirius chimed in helpfully. Oddly enough, McGonagall didn’t find it very helpful. 
“Mr Black,” Her sick sweet smile made Remus nervous, and it wasn’t even aimed at him. “You will be cleaning the toilets every day until your stay here is over, as well as,” She raised her voice slightly when he started to protest. “As well as, weeding, painting, putting away equipment we have used that day, helping Ms Pince in the library, mopping the main hall, and collecting dirty washing from the cabins.” She turned to look at Remus and the others. “You will all be helping Mr Black with these chores. I will also be writing to all your parents,” She dismissed them, telling them they’d be painting the border fences tomorrow instead of going on the nature trail Mr Flitwick had planned.
“Sorry,” Sirius whispered in Remus's ear as they crossed the campsite to their cabin. 
“For what? That was thrilling,” Remus grinned at him and leaned in conspiratorially. “I’ve never done anything like that before. Today I was a pirate. I’ll gladly do whatever she wants because I got to be a pirate,” Sirius chuckled at his excitement. 
“Well, at least we’ve still got our dibs cards. She forgot to take them off us. I say we use them to get extra pudding tonight before she remembers. You know, make the most of them.” Sirius grabbed his hand and Remus could almost taste the big slabs of chocolate cake he knew were for pudding that night. 
Next part
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yesnoidkiguess · 1 year
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cw: blood (fake blood just a drawing)
captain moony
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starstruckwillows · 1 year
a pearl in his whiskey — remus lupin ♡
marauders pirate!au series masterlist
pirate captain!remus lupin x tavern keeper!fem!reader, humour, swearing, alcohol
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𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐢
lily getting arrested was a massive hindrance for a multitude of reasons.
james was out of focus, marlene was so on edge she was prepared to stab anyone, the ship had no medic to tend to sirius’ bar fight injuries, and the longer the pirates stayed docked in one place, the more they risked their careful operation falling to pieces.
while remus could barely keep his crew in line with this unexpected obtrusion to their life, and of course he pitied lily chained in a grim cell... while that was true, he was enjoying one aspect of their extended stay.
every evening, he’d entered your tavern and stumbled out long past your closing time. you, ever curious, were entertained by his tales for hours.
you always paid such rapt attention to him, eyes bright and lips upturned. he’d never been the ship’s storyteller, leaving that to the likes of his second mate, sirius, and tracker, marlene. they could make quite the narrative duo at times.
but your questions always prompted him to extend the conversations for as long as he could.
he wondered if your sway over him was unhealthy. he’d consumed too much whiskey in the past few days. it was not growing on him.
“you got a new corset.” he noted, eyeing the fabric adorning your regular copper toned tunic.
you tilted your head, “ay, some customer’s been overpaying me enough to score something pretty.”
remus smirked and slipped you another coin before swallowing his drink and forcing his instinctual grimace away at the taste, “he’ll buy you pretty things from all over the world if you’d let him.”
you leant across the bar with a light hearted grin, “maybe i will. depends.”
he cocked a brow, “on?”
“ah, he’ll have to figure that one out.”
the locally appointed town policemen were not frequent visitors of your tavern, another reason remus kept returning. or so he told himself, to make it all seem slightly less pathetic.
since lily’s arrest, they were trying to scrape the rest of the crew in for something too. but the citizens had become restless, teetering on the edge of disobedience.
the marauders provided many smuggled goods for the people here, and in every dock they dropped anchor in. it was not their first visit, they had loyal customers. the people of the towns did not wish to seem them shackled. at least, not this town. they hadn’t duelled anyone here.
they inadvertently threatened revolt by refusing to aid the power hungry authorities. but to hold on to any shred of respect they could muster, the police would not release the redhead.
remus had poured this troubles to your empathetic ear, and you’d refilled his whiskey. your shipment of ale wasn’t due for a couple more days.
“ya’ve got a plan to rescue the girl, then?”
“not really.”
you sighed, “i’d make a move soon, they’ll drag you all in for it, otherwise.”
if anyone else had the gall to imply he leave behind a member of his crew, his family, he would’ve broken their fingers. but he knew that wasn’t what you were saying, and he knew he wouldn’t lay a hand on you even if it was.
“eager to have me gone, dove?”
you smiled, and he tried not to note the candlelight illuminating your face in a way that made his warm, “not at all.”
eventually, at least two chimes after your patrons had made their leave, remus donned his captain’s hat, tilted it down towards you, and exited your establishment.
you wiped down the surfaces, locked all your doors, and extinguished your candles. disease, thieves, and fires were your main enemies. you checked twice on all accounts.
the bedlinen you took rest in was as uncomfortable as usual, but you doubted that was the reason for your sudden fit of insomnia. you suspected a dark eyed, sandy haired pirate with a voice full of honey was to be pinned with the blame.
remus didn’t come back the next night. nor the one after that. you were starting to worry, though you told yourself it was a misplaced concern.
he’s a pirate. you assumed, anyway, he never really told you.
“well ‘ere, ya’ve heard of the marauders.” one man said to his friend as you poured their drinks. ale, back in stock at last.
“course i have. they’re docked here again.”
the first dropped his volume in a conspiratorial manner, “one of the girls ‘as got herself locked up. they’re planning something, i’m telling ya.”
you took in a deep breath, preparing to break your usual rule of not socializing with the whalers that came into your bar, due to the overwhelming scent.
with an overexaggerated, sweet smile they seemed to appreciate, “sorry boys, didn’t mean to listen in, but ‘ere, can you tell me more?”
they grinned, “course little lady. whatcha want to know?”
“what d’ya think they’re planning?”
“no way to know. but i reckon it’ll be bloody, whatever it is.”
the thought made something churn in your stomach. you prayed it wouldn’t be the marauders’ blood lining the cobbles outside.
“mckinnon, their hunter, she’ll throw a knife in anything that moves.”
she’d come in once, with remus. she was witty, brash. you’d liked her.
the other one nodded gravely, “ay, but the one ya’ve really got to watch your back for is their cap’ain. lupin. proper clever one, he is, but cutthroat.”
it didn’t sit right with you, that description of him. after hours, candles burning low to their stumps, he seemed to mellow. once the others were gone. but you didn’t know him, really. nor his reputation.
you shrugged it off and got back to work.
it was two more evenings spent chatting mindlessly with an assort of customers before he returned, taking residence on what had become his unofficial spot.
“evening,” he tilted his head, “sorry for the lapse darling, i’ve been... busy.”
the endearing term brought a soft smile to your face, given your earlier thoughts. voice full of honey.
some of your customers did look over sceptically. it wasn’t entirely proper, but your side of town wasn’t exactly known for being such.
“evening, captain. what can i get ya?”
remus bit his lip as he took off his hat, shaking strands of slightly unkempt hair from his eyes, “ya got ale yet?”
you grinned, opening the tap and presenting him the flagon of amber, “here!”
the enthusiasm you offered seemed to perk him up as he sipped the malt beer, an invigorated flush returning to his tired face.
“how goes the rescue mission?”
a scowl crossed his features, and you worried you’d stepped wrong. he hadn’t struck you as a fragile man you’d have to walk on eggshells with, but again, you didn’t know him all that well.
but as quickly and disconcertingly as the emotion appeared, it went, and he offered you a strained smile, “not so great. diplomacy didn’t get us anywhere, so looks like it’ll be a bribe. they’ll try to cross us though, they always do.”
you scoffed, making up a drink for one of your regulars that had sat down, “course, they’re fuckers, the lot of ‘em. pay their way into power every year.”
a thought dawned on his face, with such clarity that you hoped he didn’t rely on bluffs too often.
“you know them, well?”
you tutted, “regrettably.”
remus nodded, “you up for... helping?”
surveying the tavern you’d worked for years, the paintings lining the wooden walls you’d collected over the years, you couldn’t help but wish for a little more. some excitement.
it wasn’t new to you, this craving for adventure. but life here was hard enough, despite the rapport you’d built with your regular customers, that you didn’t go seeking it.
but here it was, offered to you on a platter, with a disarming smirk and a warm gaze,
“yeah, i’ll help.”
triumph spread through his stare, as he reached over and gripped your hand lightly. the rough skin of his palm met yours, and you both held on a little longer than necessary.
“welcome to the team.”
and plans begun to draw themselves. you spent hours into the night walking him through their schedules, the place where they kept her. you knew the building schematics from a connection you’d formed when you first inherited the tavern from your late father.
after a kink had been added to both of your necks from the parchment you scribbled on, remus said, “you’re a treasure trove of knowledge, you are. like a pearl.”
heat danced in your cheeks, “eh, just things you know when you’re the only place in town with quality liquor.”
“quality company, too.” he jested.
still taken aback by his onslaught of compliments, you chuckled and shook your head. you stood, “we can pick up tomorrow, if ya need more, but i’ve gotta lock up.”
he mock surrended and prepared himself to leave, “course. i’ll see you later then, pearl.”
remus ducked out before you could process what he’d said.
the words of the men two nights ago came back to you at that moment, sullying your giddiness. it was unlike you to be so taken by... well, anything. but something called you to remus, and you hoped it wasn’t just your ale he kept coming back for.
if you’d known of remus’ true aversion to whiskey, you’d have been sure of it.
from then on, you worked the docks into your morning walk. always catching a glimpse of their grand ship, the figures flipping from high ropes and swinging themselves along the sides.
until one day, someone caught you staring. someone you recognized from the very first time remus entered your pub.
curly, cheery, james potter, inviting you to search the market, to find remus with him.
and how could you say no to that face?
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🏷️ — @faeriieblush @ariyabella @starlit-007 @songofpatrochilless @goodoldfashionedluvergirl @saturnband @ell0ra-br3kk3r @meredarling @shefollowedthestars @sillylittlenonbinarygremlin @dark-academia-slut @starlit-epiphany @rayrlupin @propertyofrjl
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igotthit · 2 years
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Soft husbands
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theresthesnitch · 2 years
Wanna know something that regularly just wakes up in my brain, gives a big stretch, flashes its dick and then rolls back over again?
No tan lines Remus.
OMG 🤣🤣🤣🤣
I was not expecting this, and I love it.
I should go write that next chapter.... 🤔🤔
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cndarts · 2 months
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the crew stoping by a market to fill their supply, sirius is in awe since his life in the palace was very different
loved doing this after fighting with lack of motivation for so long 🤧
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artbyace · 10 months
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lesbian pirate remus x mermaid sirius <3
so late to this trend but i mean… look at them ..
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sophsicle · 6 months
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Of His Bones, Chapter 15
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vinylfoxbooks · 19 days
September 7 - King | @into-the-jeggyverse | wc: 715 Next Part
Regulus doesn't go out into the town often, for many reasons. The first being that he doesn’t like to be surrounded by people, unlike his brother who goes out all the time to integrate himself with the society that they rule over, he likes the isolation of the castle. The second being that his parents rarely allow him out of the castle. But today, Regulus is out with his brother. Sirius was sent out by their mother so she could have a meeting with Druella without feeling ashamed of him, and she told Regulus to go with him so he doesn’t get into trouble. 
Although Regulus isn’t bothered with that, he lets Sirius wander off into the square. He’s got an eye on his brother, yes, but he’s not his brother’s caretaker. Although his attention is caught by two people at a stall talking in hushed tones, “Did you not hear? He’s not roaming around the village anymore?”
“He’s not?”
“No,” the stall keeper hums, looking back and forth, “I heard that he was caught by the guard last night and will be brought in front of the king tomorrow at dawn.” 
And that grabs Regulus’ attention, so he makes his way towards the two of them, leaning in just a bit, “I’m sorry to barge into your conversation, but who will be brought in front of the king tomorrow?”
The two of them give him a look of confusion before one mutters, “Are you not from here?”
Regulus shakes his head, “I am traveling with my brother, I want to ensure our safety here.”
“The fearsome Captain James Potter was captured last night.” The stall keeper says, “His ship was docked several nights ago and some have dared get close to it, but none have ventured onto the ship.”
“The townspeople have been living in fear that the crew is roaming around, and no one has seen the captain. Several have heard people wandering around the ship but nothing from him.”
“And why, pray tell,” Regulus asks, “Is Captain Potter so feared?”
The stall keeper looks around once more, as though fearing to be overheard, “Why he is the nastiest pirate on this side of the world. He’s known for his ruthless crew that takes down other ships for fun. They have ransacked villages and pillaged and burned towns for their own enjoyment. Villages fear sending out ships for trading in case their ship is found by Captain Potter and his crew.”
The other person nods, “The fact that his ship has been docked at a port nearby for so long worries the people here. What if he plans to take down our city next. What if he plans to kill the King and Queen?”
Regulus nods, slowly, “And he was captured?” 
“That’s the word. Duke Crouch has boasted that it was one of his men that found him outside of the castle gates, and he’s pushing the King for a public execution of Potter and any of his crew that is found. His trial is tomorrow.” 
Once again, Regulus nods, leaning back just a bit, “Thank you for the information.” And with that, he sweeps away from the two, watching them go back to whispering to each other after. Regulus is quick to find his brother in the crowd, grabbing him by the arm and pulling him into an alley, “James was captured last night.” 
“What?” Sirius balks.
“One of Barty’s family’s men caught him last night, he’s being brought for trial tomorrow.”
The older takes a second before furrowing his brows, “That’s why he and Remus didn’t come to see us last night.” 
Regulus nods, “We have to find a way to get them out of this. I don’t know how many of the crew were captured, just that James was...”
“But if James was captured, it’s possible that so were the rest of them.” Sirius finishes for him. Once again, Regulus nods and Sirius grabs him by the arm, tugging him out of the alley, “We need to go and see what we can do. Do you think they’d be held in the dungeons?”
“Either that or the Crouch’s holding cells.” And with that, the two of them rush off. They need to get to James and his crew before dawn.
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apoetsworld · 1 year
James: i-i have the chance to do the right thing reg
Regulus: Oh i love those moments!
James: really?
Regulus: yes i love to wave at them as they pass by
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lulublack90 · 4 months
Prompt 17 - Stranded on a Desert Island
@wolfstarmicrofic May 17, word count 498
“Cowards!!!” Sirius screamed at the retreating ship. “Don’t pretend like you all don’t get up to stuff behind closed doors. You’re only sore that I got Remus!!!!” But they either couldn’t hear him or they didn’t care. 
He and Remus had been caught by one of the little underlings of the first mate, entangled together in Sirius’s bunk. The captain had been informed of their fornication and had promptly headed for the first patch of sand in the middle of the ocean he could find. 
Pirates, you see, had no scruples about stranding their best men on godforsaken strips of land in the middle of the ocean. They had nothing but the clothes on their backs and the knife that Sirius always had stuck in his boot, nothing else. 
While he’d been shouting profanity at the ship they’d called home for the past seven years, Remus had been pulling the fibres from fallen coconuts and putting them into neat little piles. “What are you doing?” He asked Remus, poking the toe of his boot at the edge of the dry fibres. 
“Making rope, so I can make a net, so we can fish.” Remus explained without looking up. 
“Are you not even the least bit bothered that we are marooned, stranded, castaway?! We have no way of getting off this island, Remus!” Sirius was perplexed at Remus’s calmness. Remus looked up at him as though he thought he was an idiot. 
“Which is exactly why I’m doing this,” He said. “Then I’m going to build us a shelter so we have somewhere to sleep. If you could go and collect firewood that would be a big help.” He went back to his fibre stripping.
Sirius stomped off into the tropical trees that somehow grew on this sandy place. 
The island was bigger than he’d thought, and he soon became lost in the foliage. He’d lost sight of the beach a while ago and couldn’t figure out which way was the way out. He was trying not to freak out. Remus would find him. 
“Remus!!!” He eventually shouted when the sky began to darken. “REMUS!!!” His feet hurt and the pile of wood he clung to had gotten almost too heavy to carry. “Remus!” He sobbed. 
“What?!” Came the familiar voice through the thicket. 
“Remus?!” He called again, tears flowing freely down his face. He crashed through the ferns towards the voice. 
The plant life gave way and his boots sunk into white sand. To his right, a few yards down the beach, stood Remus with two fish skewered on long sticks, and a small fire burning beside him. “REMUS!!!” Sirius cried, overjoyed at the sight of him. He dropped the sticks and sprinted across the sand. Luckily, Remus had the foresight to put the fish down and step away from the fire as Sirius leapt into his arms the second he was within range. He kissed the man he loved passionately, so glad to have found him again. 
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sorenphelps · 1 year
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pirate AU! wolfstar featuring the OFMD depression robe, except this time it’s only fluff
more pirate AU stuff: x x x x
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bimoonphases · 1 month
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Marlene’s eyes flashed in Dorcas’s mind, her ears echoing with the moans she had heard her make the night before, even if for too short a time.
“If that was the world, I wouldn’t change a thing about myself,” she heard herself say.
“I thought so,” Pandora’s voice came as if through a deep fog. There was a pause. “Does Marlene know that?”
Dorcas snapped back from her thoughts running around in her head, chasing after a new version of the world, one where she would be alright.
“What?” she said.
“It’s quite clear you’re attracted by her,” Pandora smirked. “And she by you.”
Dorcas felt her cheeks heat up.
“I’m a hostage,” she said. “Your captain’s rules states I’m off-limits.”
“That’s true. But we’re pirates,” Pandora got up, brushing grass from her dress. “What are rules after all?”
We Chose the Sea by BiMoonPhases
Chapter 10, I Used to Rule the World
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theresthesnitch · 2 years
are you planning to finish the pirate au?
That's a good question.
At the current moment, no. Probably not. I've gotten lots of comments and messages about The Conquest of Captain Black asking me if I was going to finish it, but tbh, getting them there was the fun part of the fic. I've seen people call it a cliffhanger... but is it? They go have lots of dirty sex, far too loud for the fact that they're on a boat.
I don't know. I won't rule out going back and writing that final smut scene, but I don't feel like there's any plot left to it. (Then again, I haven't read over it again, so maybe I built some plot point in that you're still expecting to be resolved. Let me know if you think there is!) I just don't have the drive to finish it right now, and it's not a fic that is bugging me because I've left it undone.
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cndarts · 1 year
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captain lupin got in trouble
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thyme-in-a-bubble · 2 years
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summary: after being taken captive by a band of pirates, Y/n is caught off guard by a gentle soul that roams the barbaric ship.
warnings: Remus Lupin x reader, smut, angsty, pirate au, historical au, pirate!remus, reader is taken prisoner by the pirates, alcohol consumption, kissing, fingering, penetrative sex, unprotected sex, creampie, dirty talk, remus being a strong boi, desperate you have to stay quiet kind of fucking
word count: 3160
∼ gentle reminder that feedback, but especially reblogs are the way you support writers on here ∽
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We have a code. No women, no children. So, today is your lucky day, miss. You get to live. For now at least…
The captain's words still rang in your ears, even now as you were fighting hard to stay awake, jerking every two seconds to rip yourself out of slumber. Even with cold and heavy manacles restricting your movements and effectively keeping you upright on your tired feet, sleep was still inevitable, no matter how uncomfortable or scared you were. 
You were down in the makeshift brig below decks, it was really just some chilly quarters used for storage purposes but being chained to one of the thick wooden pillars standing tall by one of the forever-dampened walls made this room on the black sailed ship seem like as much of a prison as any to a young and wide-eyed lady such as yourself. 
Suddenly, the heavy door creaked open, letting in a sliver of moonlight from above. Stirring, you jolted upright and warned the unwanted guest still completely enveloped in the shadows, “don’t come any closer! I swear, I-I’ll scream!”
“Miss,” the man's tone was careful not to spook you, “you forget you’re on a pirate ship.”
Suppose that was true. You had screamed yourself hoarse till the sun went down and not an eye had come down to check on you. 
Stepping into the low light, you saw a young man. Catching you off guard, behind the scarred and rough exterior, peeped a pair of kind amber eyes. His unkempt chocolate hair was tied together with a thin leather cord and in his clearly yielding, upturned hands were what looked like a stale piece of bread. 
“I just thought you might be hungry,” he offered, but when your frightened expression didn’t waver, he said, “tell you what,” and unholstered the small blade at his side, causing you to flinch, “how about I set this down right here,” letting it clang atop a barrel by the door, “I promise that is the only weapon on me.”
When you didn’t reply, he simply accepted that would be as much of a confirmation as he would get under these pressing circumstances. 
“Here,” he held out the chunk of bread for you to take a bite, but when you simply eyed it mistrustingly, he added, “it’s not poisoned, if that’s what you’re thinking.”
“Why should I believe you? You’re a pirate after all.”
Tearing off a corner of the crust himself, he chewed, “see, if it is, then I’ll join you in the grave.”
Holding his gaze, you slowly opened your mouth just ever so slightly. Lifting it up to touch your lips, you eventually bit down on the rough bread. Chewing on it for what felt like forever, it completely dried out your mouth and made the swallowing part even more difficult. Maybe because he himself just had a taste, “oh, here,” he got out his waterskin, “this might help,” and popped off the small cork. 
Carefully helping you take a sip, the strong drink within it made you cough and nearly choke on the last remaining crumbs.
“Sorry,” he apologised for the unexpected beverage and instinctually caught the drop of rum that trickled down the corner of your mouth with his knuckle, unfortunately causing you to jump back at the contact. 
After an apologetic glance, he aided you in the consumption of the rest of the simple meal, till no crumbs were left. 
You didn’t remember seeing him on the boat when the rest of the pirates pillaged and slayed the small crew you travelled along with to get to your destination on the other side of the ocean.
As the man turned to leave, you finally spoke up, “wait,” and he turned to look at you, “what’s your name?”
“Moony, miss,” he answered out of habit, but then corrected himself, “or that’s what the crew calls me. My real name is Remus. Remus Lupin.”
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As Remus sneaked down to see you, scavenged food in hand, every night for weeks, the primal desperation to simply settle your rumbling tummy gradually turned into something else. He became an unexpected comfort on this horrid ship. 
Early on in his visits, he had pushed one of the heavy barrels over towards you, giving you a spot to sit on and a chance to rest your sore legs. 
When noticing how you slowly began to relax more around him, he found his mouth running off as he helped you eat, telling you cautionary tales of creatures of the sea. Everything from mermaids to krakens flowed from the natural storyteller’s lips, legends that often stretched out long after you had had your last bite. 
But tonight, when he wrapped up his dramatic fable and turned to leave, you yelped, “wait! don’t go! Please, not yet. Just stay until I fall asleep.”
Not needing to be convinced, he simply smiled and scooted a large crate over beside you. Feeling a couple of butterflies flutter around your belly as he moved it with surprising ease, you averted your gaze. As per usual, the sleeves on his tunic had been rolled up, making it easy for you to spot how his burly forearms flexed and danced under the strenuous work. Taking a deep breath, you tried to settle the flutter, though it didn’t help much when the crate finally came to a stop right beside your makeshift chair, and he hopped up to sit down right next to you. 
“Just as long as I get back before people start to wake up, then I can stay here as long as you want,” he bowed his head to catch your eye, offering you a kind smile.
Feeling your shoulders relax, you asked with a low voice, “could you maybe tell me another one?”
The corners of his lips curled up once more and he breathed out, “sure,” leaning back against the wall, he found a spot on the ceiling to fix his gaze upon and let out a soft hum, thinking of what story to tell next. 
When he finally began, it didn’t take too long for your tired neck to give in and bend down to rest your head upon his broad shoulder.
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“What’s with all the yelling?” you asked as soon as you saw the face of Remus appear and before he even closed the door completely causing him to shoot you a nervous look, wordlessly telling you to lower your voice, and flinched to look around the outside before carefully closing the door behind him. 
“They’re not yelling,” he scratched the back of his neck, “they’re singing.”
“That’s them singing?” you quickly silenced the burst of laughter that bubbled out of you, flashing your companion an amused yet apologetic look.
“Yeah, they were bored, so they decided to throw a bit of a party tonight.” 
By now you were well aware of how he usually waited to sneak down to see you till the majority had fallen asleep and only the unperceptive night watch was there to fear. “Won’t they come looking for you?”
“No, they won’t notice that I’m gone, they are all drunk out of their minds.”
“Remus…” your tone made him avoid your gaze, “should you really be down here and not up there? What if they notice? I mean, why even are you down here? Wouldn’t you much rather have a night off, relax a bit?”
“Like I said, they’re drunk out of their minds,” he bit down on his lip and admitted, “I just got a bit nervous that’s all. Couldn’t stop imagining what a drunk group of pirates could come up with as entertainment when a beautiful lady was in their reach…” had he just called you beautiful or had you imagined that? “So, if you don’t mind, I’d very much like to just stay here and sleep by the door, just in case.”
“You're willing to miss a party in order to protect my honour?”
Finally meeting your gaze with just the hint of a smirk, he said, “who says I didn’t bring the party with me?” and conjured a bottle filled with dark liquid.
Could you call it a party if it was just two distressed people sharing a drink? Who knew, but at least you tried. Keeping your voices hushed, not wanting to call attention to your small gathering, he expertly helped you take small sips, being quite good at the motion by now. 
The strong liquor warmed you up and quickly brought on a wave of hope and happiness that you gladly let wash over you. 
In order to be able to hear each other's soft whispers, Remus had periodically moved closer and closer to your bound form. Leaning against the barrel, you rested your now slightly dizzy head against the beam you were chained to and let out a warm giggle at the amusing yarn Remus was spinning you.  
Tilting your chin up again, this time he seemed to be standing even closer, causing your laughter to die down. The room was spinning, and you didn’t know if it was from the alcohol or the proximity. 
And in a flash, before he had even finished his sentence, you lifted yourself up onto your toes and pressed your lips against his. 
It took him a long moment before he realised what was happening, but when he did, you felt his large hands glide over your waist, pulling you in closer. In the haze of it all, he had completely forgotten about your limited field of movement and began to sway back, pulling you with him.
You let out a small hiss as the manacles stopped you from straying any further. 
“Ouch,” you stumbled back, making the chain slacken and giving your bound-up hands the opportunity to rest somewhat more comfortably against your heaving chest. 
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to-“
“Shut up,” you caught just the essence of his tunic between your knuckles and tugged him closer, “please,” your short words came out sounding breathy and desperate.
The corners of his lips curled up into a genuine smile before he gently grabbed both sides of your face and bent down to kiss you once more. And in time, as his lips moved over yours and his tongue snuck its way past to dance across your own, you felt the terror that was your reality slowly drift away. 
Sliding his palms down your body, he tugged at every inch of your dress just to somehow ground himself in this dreamlike moment. As he pressed his body impossibly close to yours, even through the fabric of your dress, you felt the rapidly growing bulge, chasing after your warmth like a compass searching for its north.
As he instinctually began to grind against the fabrics of your skirt in pure desperation, you let out a gasp and parted from the kiss. Halting his movements, he stayed there, completely close to you, nose still ghosting against yours as he searched your eyes and watched as they grew heavy at the thunder he had started inside of you. And after many heavy shared breaths, when he finally confirmed the obvious storm that was brewing under your skirt, he pushed back in, kissing you passionately once more. 
Palming your bottom through your dress, he quickly grew more desperate and started to gather up the material. Sneaking a hand in from behind, palm curving around and under your ass, he supported some of your weight with a tense forearm as his fingers found your weepy cunt. 
As his bullying fingers found your swollen pearl, your side of the kiss faltered, letting out a shaky moan instead. Your lips were parted, and your glistening tongue still rested against your bottom lip.
Slowly, he stuck out his own and swiped it over yours, swapping even more saliva and licking up your whimpers. 
Sinking his fingers into your waiting hole, his dark eyes bored into yours as he mocked, “oh, now who needs to shut up, huh?”
You tried to answer, you really did, but only more mewls escaped your lips, mixing in with the sloppy sounds of his fun beneath your skirt, as your heavy lids fought to stay open. 
Placing a small peck on your parted lips, he reluctantly withdrew his fingers and pleaded, “come on darling, we have to stay quiet,” swiftly lifting up one of your legs, resting it nearly all the way up on one of his shoulders. 
Biting down on your lip in an attempt at stifling your sounds, you saw him quickly free himself from his breeches. Since your dress had bunched up around your waist and he had already cracked you wide open, nothing stood in the way of his bulbous tip to brush up against your drooling folds. Feeling the head nudge up against your clit, you felt his right hand flex and fondle your ass, moving your frame against him. 
But as he bucked his hips, stuffing you full in one fell swoop, his left palm came up to clasp over your lips, silencing your shuttering sob. 
“Please stay quiet,” he whispered, resting his forehead against yours, “don’t let the others find us, I beg of you,” you could easily hear how hard he tried to stifle the filthy sounds that so desperately wanted to escape his lips, “don’t let them take you away from me, please, I’ve barely even had a taste.” 
You tried to keep quiet, but with every hard thrust of his hips, whimpers bubbled out of you and vibrated against his rough palm. Digging your fingers into his shirt, loathing the fact that it was the only part of him within your limited reach, you felt him kiss your brow and bathe you in quiet shushes. 
Clenching your jaw, you finally managed to swallow most of your moans, although when he pulled back and removed his hand, the eye contact that he ignited made the mission to stay silent seem unbearable. 
Scooping you up into his arms as if you weighed nothing, nearly folding you in half in the process, the gentle pirate then continued to bounce you up and down his rock-hard length, sinking impossibly deep within your fluttering hole. 
How could you feel this good when you were being held captive on a ship seemingly sent from hell itself? Why did you have to be in the wrong place in order to find something this right? 
Within just a few more overwhelming flashes of him repeatedly impaling you on his dick, the floodgates opened, and you creamed all over his cock, soon thereafter, his movements eased down and you felt his own essence begin to leak down your inner thighs as he needily kept on stuffing your sensitive hole, right until you assumed that his painstakingly slow thrusts might just pick up again. 
Though when he finally pulled out and carefully set you down on your wobbly feet, leaving you a dripping and trembling mess, you heard his heartsick voice find your ear, “I promise I’ll get you out,” as he held you tight in his arms, “whatever it takes.”
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“Did you get them?” you asked frantically as Remus returned. The visage of him in the doorway made you feel as if you might start crying out of pure relief that his risky stealth mission had gone to plan. 
“Damn nearly woke up when I grabbed them, but yeah,” he proudly held up the captain's jingly ring of keys, “I got them.” 
Rushing towards you, he reached up and worked to free you of your binds, huffing and cursing damn near every time the key didn’t match. But when one of them finally did fit and your left bruised wrist fell free, a triumphant breathy sound escaped your lungs, half a cry and half a laugh. 
Feeling tears prick the corners of your eyes, within but a moment you had reached up and kissed him, effectively choking out your sob against his lips. Finally tangling your fingers into his soft hair, you heard the keys fall from his grasp and onto the floor in a soft clang. 
Pulling back, you rested your forehead against his for but a moment before he recalled the task at hand and swiftly bent down to snatch up the keys, freeing you completely. 
As soon as the last lock clicked open and before you could begin to blubber out an affectionate string of thanks, he informed, avoiding your teary eyes completely, “Smithy is asleep at the helm tonight,” his voice was shaky but sure, as if he was attempting to hold back tears himself, “so no one should notice you till you're long gone on the dinghy.”
“Remus…” you raised up a palm to cup his cheek, letting your thumb dance over his cheekbone, ready to catch any tears that dared to escape. 
“No,” he kept his eyes on the floor and shook his head lightly, “I already know what you’re gonna ask and please, I beg of you, don’t.”
“No, I can’t go with you,” he snapped, finally meeting your gaze, “I am a wanted man. Even though the claims aren’t true, it is still my head the bounty is still out on and not the actual person who killed them.”
He had previously told you about how after a mysterious murder, his hometown had turned against him, pinning evidence against him, and forcing him into the barbaric life he now led, simply in order to not rot in prison for the rest of his days for a crime he did not commit.  
“They’ll hang me if I go back there,” his fingers gently wrapped around your bruised wrist and pulled it down, removing your hand from his cheek, “do you know what the punishment is for hiding a fugitive? They’ll probably hang you as well if you try and help me, for all I know!” 
But with your heart burning for him the way that it did, his warning didn’t overrule your stubbornness and you exclaimed, “then let's go somewhere else! Someplace where no one can find you, where it’s just the two of us.”
Almost taking a step back, he blinked down at you, “…you’d really do that?”
“I would do anything for you,” you caught both of his hands in yours, “I don't-… I don’t have anyone… not anymore…”
That was the reason why you had been on that ship the pirates pillaged. Your parents had gotten sick and soon thereafter had died, leaving you to be shipped off to some far-off relative that you had never even heard of. Someone who was undoubtedly going to marry you off as soon as you landed on shore, just to get you out of their hair. 
“You have me,” he promised you, a single tear slowly rolling down his cheek, glistening as it caught in his scraggly beard, “from now until the day I die, you will always have me.”
“And I you.”
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© 2022 thyme-in-a-bubble 
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