#please I've never seen something cuter than this
moonlight-prose · 2 years
my cats have squeezed themselves into their cat house and one is laying on top of the other.
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massivedrickhead · 11 months
I would love it if you could do something for prompt # 18 or 21. Perhaps before they were officially together. Love all the ones you've done so far. They are simply divine!
This is another super short one, but since this is the 8th prompt I've posted in 9 days, I think that's allowed 😅
Thank you for sending this in! I'll try to keep writing these as long as people keep wanting them.
I went with 18 because I liked that prompt a little better.
18. “Did you know you talk in your sleep?”
Prompt taken from here
Read on AO3
“Did you know you talk in your sleep?”
“Jesus!” Beca jumped up from where she’d just been napping on the sofa, her heart in her throat. “How long have you been sitting there?”
“Long enough,” Chloe said. “How come you’re napping here?”
“Amy kicked me out of our room,” she said, rubbing at her eyes as her heart rate returned to normal. “Said Bumper was coming over.” She shuddered at the thought. “I didn’t actually intend to nap, though.”
“The best kind of nap,” Chloe said.
“Why are you looking at me like that?” Beca asked. Chloe was giving her a look she’d never seen before. Or at least had never seen directed at her before. “Do I have, like, lines on my face or something from the sofa cushion?”
Chloe shook her head. “You talk in your sleep.”
Beca frowned. “No I don’t.”
“You do,” Chloe said, her smile beginning to turn into a smirk. 
“You’re messing with me,” Beca said. “No one’s ever said I talk in my sleep before.”
“Amy complains about it constantly,” Stacie said, as she walked through the living room, heading for the stairs. 
“What? No she doesn’t! She’s never said that to me once!”
“She’s trying not to embarrass you,” Stacie called back. 
“Well that’s a first,” Beca mumbled, turning back to Chloe. “I still don’t believe you.” 
Chloe shrugged, her smirk growing a fraction. “Did you have a good dream?”
The blush spread across Beca’s face so quickly that Chloe almost started to feel bad for teasing her.
“I don’t think I had one,” Beca said, fighting to keep her voice casual. 
“No?” Chloe asked, enjoying watching Beca squirm more than she felt like she should. “Are you sure it didn’t have someone we know in it?”
Beca scrunched up her face and groaned.
“Fuck,” she muttered. “What did I say?”
“I thought you didn’t talk in your sleep?”
“Shut up, just put me out of my misery,” Beca said.
“You just said someone’s name,” Chloe said. “Someone sitting on this sofa.”
“That’s all? I just said your name?”
“That’s all,” Chloe said. “Why? What were you afraid you’d said?”
“You’re enjoying this far too much,” Beca said. 
“I’m sorry,” Chloe said, laughing. “It’s just so easy. And you were so cute all curled up and mumbling.”
“God, I’m going to die from embarrassment, please stop talking,” Beca said. 
“I’ll stop,” Chloe said. “But first you have to tell me what your dream was about. It had me in it, after all.”
“I am never napping on the sofa again. In fact, I’m never sleeping again,” Beca said. 
“Come on,” Chloe said, pouting. “Just tell me what it was about, and I’ll stop talking about it.”
Beca sighed. “Promise?”
“Promise,” Chloe replied.
“You aren’t allowed to make fun of me,” Beca said. 
“I won’t make fun of you.”
“Fine,” Beca said. “I had a dream we were walking along some cliffs, and you kept getting too close to the edge. I thought you were going to fall off so I was saying your name to get you to come back.”
“Oh my god,” Chloe said, her voice little more than a squeal. “Beca, I thought you were having a sex dream about me, but this is so much cuter! You’re adorable!”
“Shut up,” Beca said, trying to get away from Chloe who was attempting to pull her into a hug. “You promised!”
“I promised I’d stop talking,” Chloe said. “I never promised I wouldn’t hug you.”
“Jesus,” Beca said, finally relenting and letting Chloe hug her. “I’d hate to see your reaction if it had been a sex dream.”
Chloe pulled back from her slightly and looked Beca in the eyes.
“No you wouldn’t,” she said. The light teasing gone from her voice to be replaced by… something else entirely.
Beca swallowed, her mouth suddenly very dry. “N-no,” she said. “I guess I wouldn’t.”
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fruit-punch-clown · 2 months
Milk Stained Cushions
Heyo, first smut in a LONG time.
@brainfilehasstoppedworking for you, my friend :3
(Smut fic, Takaaki Ishimaru x Kijo Togami)
(Lactation Kink => I'm horrible :D => Apologise for the shittyness.)
Takaaki sat in constant discomfort. He never really thought taking care of his baby would be this hard. Realistically, it was for Takaaki, however he had one main issue, breastfeeding. For Takaaki's new son, Taka, he could have breast milk due to his lactose intolerance. It was horrible for him. The unwavering soreness, the agony-inducing pressure of the already stretched skin on his chest, the persistent pain in his everything. He was in hell, caring for his gift from the heavens. "Aloysius, do you mind getting me a painkiller and a glass of whiskey, please?" Takaaki asked the overworked butler that his husband had assigned to him. "I can't suggest whisky in your current state. If you would like something alcoholic, may I suggest something with a bit more sugar?" The butler suggested, only speaking in his best interest of the other man. "Whatever you think is best. Just get me something strong." Takaaki didn't mean to sound so… miserable, and Aloysius knew that. He left to get what was asked of him. Takaaki was trying to be a good parent to his boy, in fact, he was trying to be a good parent to another Togami that had been born just before Taka, Bayakua, just because he felt sorry for the child. Takaaki could be a good parent, he just had to try harder. He should have to get addicted to painkillers to do so.
And then entered his other problem, his husband, Kijo Togami. He didn't care for Takaaki or the kids, he never had. "Good afternoon darling, how are you today," What a scumbag. "Everything hurts, Kijo. Everything." "Why, what's up? Come on, you can tell me. I'm feeling nice today. Don't ruin it by not telling me. " Kijo said in his usual manner. "It's my breasts. Taka is bottle-fed, and Bayakua's mother would kill me if I offered. They're really sore." Takaaki complained, feeling humiliated at the idea of telling him anything. "Poor little Takaaki, I bet you feel horrible," Kijo said in falsified pity. "Yeah, I do. I wanna die." Takaaki lamented. Kijo was silent for a good minute, an anomaly in the Togami Estate. "Do you want help?" Takaaki was taken aback. The two's relationship before the boys came was purely sexual. Kijo had never once asked what he wanted. "Excuse me?" The man said in shock. "You're in pain. And as your husband, I should be here to help you. Through sickness and health." "Who taught you that? If this was happening a week ago, you would have told me to suck it up and deal with it." "I was given a 'stern' talking to by Aloysius. He told me that Taka is my responsibility, and I did this to you. So… do you want my help? After everything I've done." Takaaki softly smiled and patted the cushion next to him for Kijo to sit. Kijo took the invitation and took a seat next to Takaaki. Wow, it was just like their first time as teenagers. The nervousness, the care, the anticipation of if he was about to be bitten or thrown onto the floor and mercilessly fucked raw until he couldn't say his master's name.
Kijo took Takaaki by the hips and laid him on his back. 'well that was it,' Takaaki thought, 'just like every other time, fuck how stupid was he'. He felt mentally and physically drained from what he had endured from his lover. He laid there, despair seeping into his eyes, just as he felt… Kijo's hands? Outlining his breasts? What? This was new. It was nice, but new. "Kijo? What are you doing?" Takaaki asked more confused than he ever had been before. "Don't worry baby, I'm gonna treat you well," Kijo answered gently. There was an odd softness in the man's face that Takaaki had never seen before. He was so fixated on the man. The tender flesh of the man's face, no cuter and more handsome than ever made Takaaki blush. In his fixation on the man's face, he hadn't realized his dress shirt had been unbuttoned, revealing his covered chest. "Takaaki, if you were hurting, why are you wearing this." Kijo undid and removed it before he could answer. "No wonder they look so sore." Takaaki knew this, so why did he wear one today? The man blanked on an answer to this as he felt two wet fingers skim one of his nipples. Takaaki let out a quiet noise that could only be described as pure and utter bliss, only prompting Kijo to caress the area with more force.
"I didn't realize you could lactate without a sucking motion," Kijo observed, showing his partner his fingers, which were now coated with a thin white liquid. Takaaki was embarrassed, to say the least. Takaaki tried to cover his face with his sleeves, in an attempt to conceal his shame. "Don't hide your face baby. It's ok." the Togami reassured, taking his hands into his. They looked at each other for a second before catching each other in a passionate kiss. Takaaki let Kijo take over the kiss but despite their unpassionate and toxic past, Kijo's kiss was delightfully human in Takaaki's opinion. The Ishimaru swung his arms around, Kijo's neck to bring him closer. Takaaki wanted that feeling of closeness. That funny feeling he hadn't felt in a long time, the feeling of love. That feeling. Takaaki wanted to experience from no one other than his husband. The man he married. And now that he was getting it, it was amazing. Kijo broke the kiss soon after, much to Takaaki's dismay. "Master-" "Don't call me that here. This is an experience for you, not me. Just stick to my name." Kijo said in rejection. Takaaki had called him that for so long. This was also new. Kijo soon placed his lips back on Takaaki's trapping him in another kiss, more passionate than the last. Takaaki moaned through the kiss as Kijo's hands made their way back to his breasts. Kijo squeezed one as he fondled the other. Takaaki was in pure ecstasy. He had never been happier to have intercourse with Kijo. Kijo broke the kiss again and looked at the man under him.
"I think we should… move on," Kijo said with a grin. "What do you mean?" Takaaki asked, genuinely confused about how this could progress. Kijo didn't answer but moved his face away from him. Now able to reach what he wanted, Kijo tested the waters with a short lick to Takaaki's nipple. "FUCK-" Takaaki moaned in pleasure, the sensation causing him to jolt up. Kijo took it as a sign to continue, taking it into his mouth and sucking as lightly as he could. It didn't matter though. Anything Kijo did to Takaaki's breasts was met with a strong reaction that stemmed from the adrenaline and euphoria. After what felt like minutes, Kijo lifted his head and kissed Takaaki again. Takaaki was startled when a hot, sweet liquid entered his mouth. He swallowed it, of course. "Did you like the taste of that? It was you, darling. All you," Kijo informed, some of the liquid pouring from his mouth. He was back on him before he could process that. Kijo's mouth was hot against his with amorous. Both sides couldn't help but feel aroused by the actions. Takaaki from the feeling of Kijo's mouth on him. Kijo from the stream of moans and curses coming from Takaaki's mouth. The atmosphere in the room was thick with lust and want. Want for each other. A feeling neither had felt in a long while since marriage.
The sound of Takaaki's quiet moans filled the room diminished as the pressure from Takaaki's breasts was relieved. "Kijo….Thank you." Takaaki whispered, too drained to answer properly. "Aki, darling I'm not done yet. And I feel you aren't either." Kijo said, gesturing between Takaaki's legs. "Perhaps we should go somewhere more private then," Takaaki suggested, watching the door to make sure no one came in. "I'll just go lock the door." Kijo agreed, making his way to the door and locking it. He watched as his lover removed his trousers and opened his legs for him. Damn, he was so hot. Kijo took his off and threw them away from the coach. He sat between Takaaki's legs, watching the man under him squirm in submission. Oh, how he had missed these moments. Takaaki was giving him those eyes. Those crimson-red eyes that begged him to fuck him already. Kijo moved Takaaki's boxers out of the way to access his slit, wet cunt. "Aren't you wet?" Kijo teased, gliding his finger over Takaaki's clitoris. Takaaki exhaled sharply as the man repeated the action. The softness of it all made the Ishimaru melt in exhilaration. "Are you ready baby?" Takaaki only nodded in response, the pleasure he was already experiencing clouding his senses. ijo slowly pushed in until he was flush against Takaaki's thighs. Takaaki could barely handle it as he moaned in delectation. Kijo started slow but sped up as Takaaki's moans got louder, urging him to keep going. Encouraging him to pleasure his husband, to please his lover. Maybe this is how Takaaki always felt. He always wanted to please him. What a nice fantasy. He could barely hear himself think over all the moans. Takaaki begging to be filled. Just like old times.
He went until the moaning stopped, and Takaaki came for him. How sweet. "Just a bit longer now sweetie." Kijo listened to him cry through the overstimulation. He felt slightly sorry for it, but this was his reward now, so it didn't matter. Eventually, he came too, spilling inside of his love and ending they're session.
"How are you feeling now, darling?" "Better. So much better. Thank you." Kijo was pleased with himself. "I love you. I love you so, so much." Takaaki said, drifting off from exhaustion. "I- I love you too, Aki-"
Kijo was such a liar.
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quil12 · 1 year
if you’re still taking requests, can you do Yu just teasing Yosuke? Also with Yosuke getting very flustered?
Sorry it's been so long since I've done one of these - I'm still planning on doing them, it's just been a couple of months lmao.
Their little banter is always really fun to write though
“C’mon, Yu, Partner, please. Just this once.”
“No, you’re never going to learn if you don’t do it yourself.”
“I know how to do it. It’s just so much work.”
“I’ll check it for you when you’re done, but you can’t copy mine.”
Yosuke sighed, leaning forward, resting his cheek against his math worksheet sitting on the coffee table he was sitting in front of, staring up at Yu. He was sitting on the couch, legs crossed as he read his book. 
He had come over to Yu’s house to get some homework done, but now that he was there, all he wanted to do was anything besides homework. Yu had already finished all of his before he had gotten there, so he was just relaxing while he had to work. It wasn’t fair. 
“You know, if you let me copy it, then we’ll have more time to hang out.”
“We’ll also have more time to hang out if you stop complaining about it.”
“Not even to make out?”
Yu hummed, looking up from his book. “Not interested.”
Yosuke pouted, sitting up straight. “That’s rude.”
Yu opened his mouth, but as he looked at him, a smile started tugging at his lips. “You have a little something.” He tapped his cheek.
“Huh?” He reached up, wiping at his cheek. What could he have possibly gotten on it? “Did I get it?”
Yu bit his lip like he was trying to keep from laughing. “It’s still there.”
He wiped it again, harder this time. Nothing was coming off on his hand.
“Here, let me,” Yu said, setting his book down. 
He knelt down next to him, putting his fingertip in his mouth before reaching toward his face with it.
He leaned back. “Why’re you putting your spit on my face?”
“It won’t come off otherwise. Besides, it’s not the first time my spit has been on your face.”
He let out a noise he didn’t even know he was capable of making, his face heating up. “Yu!”
“Am I wrong?”
He looked down at his lap. “No.”
Yu placed his fingertip against his face, wiping off his cheek - presumably getting off whatever was on it. “There.”
“What was it anyway?”
“Pen?” How had pen gotten on his face? He looked down toward his worksheet, a realization coming over him. He had started writing on the worksheet in pen right before he had asked Yu if he could copy his. It must have still been wet when he had put his face down on it. 
He groaned, rubbing his face with his hands.
Yu hummed. “Don’t worry. You’re still cute even with pen on your face.”
He let out an involuntary squeak, turning away from him. How did he always find the most embarrassing thing to say? 
Yu grabbed one of his hands, pulling it away from his face. “Even cuter now. In fact, I would say that you’re one of the cutest guys in the world.”
Through the intense embarrassment that flashed through him, one thing stood out to him. “One of?”
“There might be someone cuter than you.”
“I don’t know. I haven’t seen every guy in the world.”
He pouted, crossing his arms over his chest. One of? Why only one of? 
Yu let out a laugh, wrapping an arm around him. “So far you’re the cutest guy I’ve ever seen.”
Despite himself, his heart started beating faster. Why did hearing him say that make him so happy?
Yu leaned forward, pressing his lips gently against his cheek. “You are really cute. In fact, you’re super handsome, and adorable, and pretty, and gorgeous, and-”
Yosuke cut him off, his face growing warmer with each word. “Yu!”
“What? It’s true.”
“It’s embarrassing.”
“You’d better get used to hearing stuff like that.”
“Maybe you should stop saying things like that.”
He hummed consideringly. “No.”
“I’m not going to stop because I love you and I want you to know that.”
His heart was racing in his chest. Hearing him say that made him strangely giddy. “Fine, I guess if you’re really set on it.”
Yu smiled warmly at him. “I am. Now though, you need to get your work done.”
He groaned. He had forgotten about that part. 
Yu looked at him for a second before grabbing a pen off of the table beside him, clicking it open, then taking his hand, starting to write on it.
“What are you doing?”
“Writing something important.”
“You’ll see.”
He waited until he let go of his hand, then flipped it toward him so he could read what he had written. 
It was three words written in Yu’s neat handwriting, surrounded by a circle of hearts.
I love you
He was starting to get used to living in a world where his face was always way too hot. “You’re embarrassing. But…” His voice got very quiet. “I love you too.”
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eleanorfenyxwrites · 10 months
WIP Wednesday
It's still technically Wednesday for a lot of people so it counts! This week's snippet is the third place result in the poll from a few weeks back, something from 'Technically A Cutsleeve?'. A while back I posted a scene that I needed to cut for various reasons, one of which was that I thought I might have to cut the scene that came directly before it that it was referencing. Well I'm happy to say that I did not have to kill all my darlings, and I've found a way to make Jingyi getting sick and needing Mo Xuanyu to tend to him work out after all, so here's the beginning of that 😌
“That’s it, I’m done. Sizhui, it’s your turn to sit with him,” Zizhen sighs as he stands and stretches his arms over his head.
“It’s just a cold, Jingyi,” Sizhui reminds him as he takes the empty spot next to the bed to start taking his turn wiping his forehead with a damp cloth and Jingyi cracks one glassy eye open to glare at him. 
“You don’t know that,” he croaks, aiming for ‘belligerent’ but too weak to really sound it. “I could be dying.”
“Jingyi - I’m an actual doctor,” Sizhui reminds him gently with a laugh that thankfully doesn’t jostle him.
“Then I’m dying of some brand new unheard of disease and your doctor training is no help here,” he pouts without missing a beat. His deathbed is no place for logic, he doesn’t want it. 
“Oh good. In that case when you die can I take your corpse home with me for my aunt and I to study?”
“Sizhui what the fuck,” Jingyi deadpans. Zizhen throws his head back to laugh loudly enough to make the pain in his head spike. “Zizhen shut the fuck up,” he adds as he bats Sizhui’s hands away to pull the cloth down over his eyes with a groan.
“Zizhen, his head does hurt, it’s best to be quiet,” Sizhui tempers and just as Jingyi is groaning his agreement the door bangs open, making him flinch.
“Idiots. Sizhui,” Jin Ling greets - standard. Really his crush could be seen from the moon at this point but even Jingyi has to agree that it’s cute how it makes Sizhui blush. It’s a lot cuter when Jingyi isn’t dying.
“Oh good, you’re back. Did you find what I asked for?”
“The healer said she’s never seen one of the herbs you wanted but when I told her what it was for she said we have one here in Lanling that she swears does the same thing. Other than that yeah, they had everything.”
“Mm. Oh! Hello,” Sizhui says warmly and that’s strange enough that Jingyi lifts the cloth off his eyes enough to peek through his lashes and he’s glad no one’s taking his pulse at the moment because he’s pretty sure his heart stops.
“Hello Wen-gongzi,” Mo Xuanyu replies in that smooth, low voice of his, an indulgent smile on his rouged lips. Jingyi is definitely going to die. This is it, he’s done for, goodbye cruel world. “I don’t mean to intrude but I was in the healer’s pavilion helping sort the herbs when A-Ling came in, and I don’t think you’ll blame me for not trusting him not to get them mixed up on the way over here,” he teases, obviously pleased with himself as Jin Ling scoffs, and Jingyi drops the cloth back over his eyes with a groan.
No matter how badly he wants to keep looking at Mo Xuanyu, Jingyi is pretty sure he’ll die of embarrassment at being seen like this before he could properly appreciate how beautiful Mo Xuanyu looks today. It was embarrassing enough when Mo Xuanyu had to help him with his depleted core, but getting sick like a child mere days later because of it?? Better to just hide his face and die in peace. (Although…if he could pick a last sight of this world, Mo Xuanyu’s coy smile would be a phenomenal option.)
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sburbian-sage · 5 months
Ugh, I knew I should have just waited to send that, rather than trying to rush it off before fighting the ohgodwhat...
It did actually break my computer, but I have spares of course. Anyway, I'm really sorry that I upset you, let me try and explain myself...
Firstly, you know that old adage, "never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity"? Well... that's what was going on with the Dream thing. I didn't re-read the Dream section of the SBURB Glitch FAQ before sending, and the ONE Dream player I've ever met didn't have transparent clothes.
Still, I really do believe it's something that's been mostly version drifted away (which I REFUSE to budge on being real). I've not seen the memes! I think the memes you speak of are dead memes, buried in 7-year-old threads! And in my defense, Dream as an aspect has been getting rarer and rarer (or so I've heard) (which I also attribute to version drift).
Anyway, I wasn't trying to say that your writing is "obsolete", I'm saying parts of it might be for most modern sessions. And if we assume that you fell out of sync recently, or over a period of time, and not early on- which you seems likely as many of the asks you've gotten make reference to things I'd say have long since version-drifted into obscurity- then many of your postings were probably helpful at the time.
All I'm saying is that in more recent asks, you seem to be operating on a slightly outdated understanding, not that your entire blog was always worthless, or that nothing your saying has any application at all to the game as it is...
Finally, I'll say that it's a bit hard to notice when a post is a submission, vs just one you made. I have to scroll down past the actual post and check in the notes section to see that... at least, the way I was reading them. Check out the difference between these posts depending on the link you use:
I had been using the bottom link, which doesn't display the "submitted by" in the actual post.
You keeping a stockpile of multiple computers because they explode at the drop of a hat instantly disproves any spurious SBOOB accusations I've made. The only other thing I'll be apologizing for is me laughing at the "I saw a Dream player once and their clothes weren't transparent" line, because it's extremely funny. I wonder why your friend instantly went to get their outfit changed when they realized how little it leaves to the imagination. Unless you ascended at the same time, in which case I will be laughing harder (and conceding that yeah maybe there was some weird stuff going on there).
But either way, I think we're at an unsquarable circle. This is the first time I'm being accused of being massively out of sync, it's only coming from one source, and your accounts are massively out of whack with what I know and am keeping up with. I know this sounds like a "no u", but I think the only one version drifted in the room right now is you. This is at least vaguely similar to a Time player messaging you from the future, to the past, and acting like you know what the fuck he's talking about. I could be outdated, but I think with my current understanding that you might be forward-dated.
In any case, I acknowledge the "your advice is still good if working off of slightly off information" line, and will resolve to hit the books some more. And in turn, I apologize for accusing you of being a phantom from the internet come to rob me of my mental faculties and ability to relate to reality. I was originally going to post the image of the anime girl saying "let's agree to disagree" while she imagines the other person being hit by a car, but I'm not going to post it anymore, because I don't want you to be hit by a car. Also because I can't find it, but that's beside the point.
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itsthemysterykids · 2 years
My cousin blurted out something along the lines of, “You think the Other Mother has reject Other Friends she tosses aside when she thinks they won’t meet the standards of her chosen child?” And after a minute of staring at them in utter horror, I did this
Long story short, the Other World still exists, Beldam has no power and is in other world jail, and everyone she ever made is just thriving because now they have power because of some weird magical shit. Enjoy
*The Sweet Ghost Girl opens the door, Revealing Other Wybie on the other side, Coraline and the Mystery Kids are chocked*
Sweet Ghost girl: Yes, this is the look I wished to see!
*Two Other Wybies rush out the door, one is very excited to see Coraline, while the other is just chill. Coraline looks past them, and sees that all of the rejected Other Wybies are out*
Coraline: So... Many... Of them.
*The door shuts behind the three Other Wybies*
Coraline: How did the-
Ecstatic Other Wybie: Oh, now that the Beldam doesn’t have control over us anymore, we were all released, so now, we're making up for lost time! Hi! I'm Other Wybie, also known as Ecstatic Other Wybie because I can talk for miles and I’m just a crazy ray of sunshine, and you, you're Coraline! You are so much cuter than I imagined! Is it because you're real? Can you believe it, Other Wybie?! He’s more laid back, but Other Mother thought he’d be too boring for you.
Laidback Other Wybie: It's like, we were out away, but now we're like, not put away.
Raz: Th-It's really- It's really great.
*The third Other Wybie peaks from behind the other two, and Coraline is distracted by him*
Ecstatic Other Wybie: Guys! Isn't Coraline wonderful? *Hugs her* She's just so supportive, and kind, and cute, and athletic, and smart, and we haven't seen the real world! So what's it like, Coraline?
Coraline: Huh? What?
Ecstatic Other Wybie-The real world! We haven't seen the it ever! What's a typical day like for the legend?
Coraline: Uh, most days, I'm pretty busy. I get up kind of early and-
Laidback Other Wybie: What's your house like?
Coraline: Uh, it's nice. It's by the woods, and it’s-
Ecstatic Other Wybie: I've never seen the woods!
Laidback Other Wybie: I've never smelled the woods.
*Coraline and the Mystery Kids become more disturbed*
Ecstatic Other Wybie: What's it like breathing?! Our lungs are made of thread and stuffing!
Dipper: It's mostly nitrogen.
Laidback Other Wybie: I bet you sleep all the time.
Coraline: Huh, not all the time.
Ecstatic Other Wybie: What's it like eating food?!
Coraline: Why don't you come to dinner and find out?! *Chuckles nervously* … I mean, if -- if you want dinner.
*The Mystery Kids are shocked as to why she would suggest that. Just then, Wybie approaches them*
Wybie: Hey, guys! What’s hap-... *He sees his button-eyed counterparts and pales*
Coraline: ... Wybie, these are the other Wybies... *Smiles nervously*
Laidback Other Wybie: ‘Sup?
Wybie: ... Uh-huh.
*Later in the Mystery Shack: The Mystery Kids and the Other Wybies are in the kitchen. The Mystery Kids still aren’t sure how to process their current situation*
Ecstatic Other Wybie: *Watching Mabel eat a popcicle* She’s eating one of those popsicle things again! Going... up... to... her... mouth! *Mabel takes a bite* Ah, and it's gone! Wow! No one can eat a popsicle like you!
Mabel: I've been doing this for thirteen years, now. I'd hope-
*Just then, Ford walks in through the vending machine door*
Ford: Hey, kids, have you seen my… *His eyes widen when he sees the Other Wybies* Uh… I don’t want to know.
Lili: Ford, wait! You want to join us for dinner?
Neil: Please join us!
Ford: No thank you! *Runs out the shack*
Norman: Oh, God.
Ecstatic Other Wybie: Alright! Back to this eating thing! Does your face hole need to be open?
Mabel: Yeah, pretty much.
Lili: *Notices Ladiback Other Wybie staring at her and Raz* Uh… Yeah?
Laidback Other Wybie: It’s just… If I could have been made for one of the Beldam’s children, I would've wanted them to be just like you... *Smiles*
Raz: … Okay! Lot of conflicted feelings!
Lili: Oh… Well, thank you, Wyyy... Bie?
Shy Other Wybie: Hey, Raz, Lili. Are you two feeling okay? *Holds Raz’s hand*
Raz: *Blushes and pulls his hand away* I'm going to the bathroom now! *Walks off, while dragging a stiff Lili with him*
Laidback Other Wybie: *To Norman* Hey, you're looking kind of tense. How about I give you a nice, relaxing massage while we talk?
Norman: I'm also going to the bathroom! *Leaves the gift shop*
Ecstatic Other Wybie: Okay, Mabel. I totally got this eating thing down! Dipper, open your face hole. *Dipper opens his mouth and he puts a popsicle in* Oh, wow, good job!
Dipper: Mm, thank you. I should, uh, probably see how they're doing in there.
Mabel: I’ll join!
Neil: Same!
Coraline: Yes! Me too!
Ecstatic Other Wybie: We'll come with you.
Coraline: Uh, that's- that's okay. You guys wait here. I'll be right back. *Runs out of the gift shop with Mabel, Dipper, and Neil*
Laidback Other Wybie: Let's check it out when they're done.
*That just leaves the original Wybie alone with the Other Wybies*
Wybie: ... So... What’s up?
*Dipper, Mabel, Coraline, and Neil stand outside the bathroom*
Coraline: *Sighs: Holds the door handle* They're not him. It's not weird. *Opens the door and let’s herself and the others in* How are you guys doing?
Norman: God, guys! Isn't this super weird?!
Lili: Norman... Of course it's super weird!
Mabel: Come on! We can't be like this. They were put away just because were... Like Wybie? Now, they're finally free, and we're ditching them to whisper in the bathroom because... They are Wybie? UUUGH!
Coraline: I don’t even know why we’re doing this, or having this discussion!
Raz: We know it's wrong, but I'm freaking out! They look just like Wybie! It’s so weird! And then the quiet one was talking to me, and looking at me with his button eyes!
Dipper: And they are him! In looks, always needing to talk, that slouch! And the black jacket! God!
Coraline: Um, hello! They remind me of the Other Wybie! Y’know, it was kinda traumatizing for me!
*There’s a knock at the door*
Raz: We’re not finished!
Wybie: *From outside* It’s Wybie.
Lili: Which one?
Wybie: The original. The one who doesn’t have buttons for eyes!
*Coraline lets him in*
Wybie: It was like being in a hall of mirrors! Except, they talk back to you! One of them was massaging me. Do you know how weird that feels, guys? To be massaged by yourself while another one talks to you and a third just stares at you?! It’s freaky!
Coraline: Okay. Fine. Stay here, but I'm going back out there to make sure they have a good time.
Wybie: *Pushes her out* Okay, you do that! *He shuts the door*
*Coraline sighs, and then out of nowhere, Ecstatic Other Wybie runs into her. She yells
Ecstatic Other Wybie: *Squeals* Hey, Coraline!
Coraline: Hey. Sorry. You surprised me. But, uh, it's fine.
*Shy Other Wybie looks at Coraline and sighs before approaching the pair*
Shy Other Wybie: Hey. Maybe, we should get back. We don't want to wear out our welcome.
Laidback Other Wybie: But we're having so much fun.
Coraline: What? No! You're -- you're totally welcome here. You -- you should stay over!
Ecstatic Other Wybie: For the night?
Coraline: Mm, slumber party! We should have a real-world-style slumber party! *She hears a throat clearing and turns to see the Mystery Kkds poking their heads out and giving her deadpan looks*
Laidback Other Wybie: Cool. What is slumber?
Ecstatic Other Wybie: This is so great! I'm dying! I'm dying! I am dead! I am dead Other Wybie!
Coraline: …
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imaginewarehouse · 2 years
Doc Halloran x Reader || Oneshot
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*Note: I've never written for Halloran before and I haven't seen the movie in a while so... I hope you enjoy this anyway? Sorry!!
Plot: Halloran believes that you are one of Leslie’s next targets so he insists that you stay under house arrest where he can protect you- but you definitely are not a homebody, and this is going to be harder than he thought. Not to keep you alive - though, he does have some questions as to how you’ve kept yourself alive all these years with the way you act, -, but just to keep you to behave yourself.
Warnings: Reader for sure has some daddy issues 😅😅 Also unedited so far.
“Oh that sounds like so much fun!! Oh- send me pictures, okay?? I wish I could be there!!” God, you really did. You would give anything to be out of the house right now, with your friends at the beach- but no, you think, squeezing some of your favourite scented moisturiser into your palm and balancing your phone between your ear and your shoulder as you begin to finish your legs. “No, Bailey, I’m not doing anything… just home… “  
Bailey asks why?? completely shocked to hear that you - an absolute party animal, - are staying home all day on a Saturday. “Uh-… “What do you say? A man approached you at work and said someone’s going to try and kill you so you need to stay at home? Sure, you’ve listened to men try dumber lines with you before so she’ll understand how you took the bait, but- how do you explain that you really, really believe him?? That you’ve seen the guy in the turtle mask, before?? Instead of trying, you just shrug. “I’m just tired!~ Felt like a lazy day.”
Okayyyy, your friend sighs. You aren’t sure if she totally believes you, but as long as she doesn’t argue- you’re golden. Well I’ll tag you on Instagram, and pin the location so you can come by if you change your mind.
“Thank youu, you’re the best- Ah!” Suddenly, seemingly all at once, the bathroom door flies open and Halloran yanks the phone away from you. Your jaw drops, unable to do anything with your hands still slippery from the cream as he holds it up to his ear.
“Sorry, Bailey, but Y/N is unable to talk right now. Please don’t call again, today. Thank you.” He says into the receiver, then hangs up and shuts the phone down completely; Pocketing it. You sit there and flush, guiltily looking away from the stern expression on his face like it physically hurts to look at it.
When he doesn’t move, you’re forced to indeed peak at him- at which point, you flash a nervous smile. “… Oops? Ha… I… Sorry, I didn’t mean to-”
“I’m keeping this for the duration of your house arrest.” Is all that he says, referring to your phone, making you drop your jaw and try to follow him as he leaves the room again.
“Hey! I- Oh, no.” Your feet are still slippery, too, so you sit back down immediately so as to not trip- and give a heavy huph. “Well, then. He’s a fun guy, isn’t he?... hm… “You pout, to yourself.
You quickly finished up moisturising your legs after that and tried doing a mask for 20 minutes, just to kill time- but you got bored quick, and threw it out. Not bothering to get dressed, because it’s your own apartment and besides, the doctor isn’t totally bad looking, you get up and leave the bathroom finally; Tightening the comfy, pretty robe you got at the cutest market, a couple months back.
Ahhh, you would love to be there again. You didn’t get to see all of the stalls, after the one with the cute soaps and the cuter attendant. In fact, after that, you didn’t seem much of that market apart from his car.
But- you would totally explore it properly, now! Given the chance! You haven’t spent this much time at home since you got your first bus ticket. It’s so boring, here. And you depleted your wine rack last night.
Wandering into the livingroom, you see Halloran on the couch and hold your hands behind your back, hovering behind him. “So... can I order food, or something?”
“Well what if I got you some, too? My treat. How do you feel about chicken?”
“Absolutely not. And I saw chicken in your freezer, just cook it.” Well, that’s that, then. You’ll starve.
Hmph… you flop on the couch, throwing your legs over Doc Halloran’s lap - though, you’re careful not to knock the laptop that you’re sharing the surface with, - and flashing him a big, sweet grin. Suppose he’ll have to entertain you, then. You’re being here is his fault in the first, place! Its only fair that he would make up for it with some of that dashing wit you know is in there, somewhere. Somewhere deep, considering the very serious way he has conducted himself so far.
“… is there something you want, Y/N?” He raises a brow, and you excitedly straighten up in your sitting.
“I’m just bored. Talk to me!~ What do you like to do?” That’s the first rule to making friends- show interest in them! Listen to them! Surely this stick-in-the-mud- uh… grump, won’t be any different-
“The quiet is always pleasant,” He just tells you, returning to his laptop- ignoring your legs entirely. Which is totally not on- you spend a lot of time shaving, waxing and moisturising those! They deserve more then that!
“Alright- how about you tell me more about Leslie then? Who is this guy- and is he cute?”
This gets a reaction out of Halloran, rattles him- making him turn slowly back to you with the most wuthering stare you’ve ever seen. Like a cowboy, you think, grinning teasingly. You always had a thing for the cowboys… the ones that don’t spit on the ground, at least. “Leslie, is a dangerous man with delusions of becoming a ‘Slasher’.” He rolls his eyes. “Like, the- one with the ski mask, and the… “Here, he makes a wiggly gesture with his hand, before shaking his head. “The finger knives. You probably shouldn’t be referring to him as ‘cute’.”
“So he isn’t, is what you’re saying?”
… he doesn’t take the bait. He’s a smart guy. Instead, he just nods and turns back to the screen in front of him. But with the laptops light shining on his face, you can see just the tiniest glimmer of a smile at your antics. “Yes, that’s what I’m saying to you.”
“Hm… “
Your allow silence for a few moments, trying to peer at whatever he’s typing, before suddenly there’s a knock at the door that absolutely jolts you, from surprise. A hand flies to your chest, feeling your heart hammer away inside. Oh my god. “Who is that??” You hiss, still recovering from your small stroke.
“You’re telling me you’re not expecting anyone? You didn’t order food?- “
“You told me I couldn’t!” You pout. Does he really think that badly of you? Goodness, you’ve only known eachother for a couple of days and the man thinks the same of you as all your teachers growing up.
“You didn’t invite any of your… little friends?”
Little friends? How old does he think you are?? How old is HE??? “No, Daddy, you told me not to… “ You set him with an evil, teasing grin, and he rolls his eyes.
“Alright.” Swift as the coursing river - you love that song, - Halloran moves his laptop to the coffee table and disentangles himself from your legs, and makes it to the door without making much sound at all- the long coat that he refused to take off despite the heating in this building being perfectly fine swooshing behind him. You get on your knees and move to the edge of the couch, where he was sitting before, so you can see if anything happens.
If it’s the guy in the turtle mask. The not-cute guy. The one that apparently wants to kill you, for some reason. Leslie.
“… is it him?”
“… No.” Halloran responds with certainty after a moment of peering out the mail slot, flipping the lid open only the tiniest slither so he can see.
“Hm, what do they look like?”
“… male, light brown hair, approximately 6’5, wearing a shirt that says… something I’m not about to repeat out loud- “
“Oh, that’s Tyler.” The antipathy in your voice is fully palpable- so much so that Halloran straightens up and looks at you, surprised at the less then pleased expression on your face as you turn and sit down properly, finally, one leg crossed over your knee; Arms crossed over your chest. “Ex-boyfriend. Shoot him if you must.”
Halloran looks at you again, and you’re sure he’s wondering how you knew about the gun he’s got with him, but really?? He’s underestimating you. At this point in your life you’ve figured out how to tell between the feel of a gun and a penis and this man has been painfully professional the entire time he’s been here. Not one erection.
… Unlike Tyler. Too many erections, there. Erections for you, for the girl down the street, for his best friend Craig-
“… I don’t think that’ll be entirely necessary, in this instance. Would you just come up here and ask him to leave, Y/N?”
Shaking your head, you get up from the couch and approach him, finger in front of your lips. “Just stay quiet, he’ll leave on his own.”
Tyler gives few more knocks on the door, too hard and too fast, exactly how you begged him not to do a million times after you installed the bell. “He can see that the light is on under the crack.” Halloran’s hand goes toward the doorhandle, but you catch his sleeve before he can reach it.
“He’s not that bright. Just give him a minute… “While you listen out for Tyler to leave, you ‘let’ your hand wander from the doctors sleeve down his coat… to the pocket. He doesn’t seem to notice as you slip your phone out and into your robe pocket.
When Tyler’s heavy footsteps recede back down the hall and down the stairs away from your apartment, you give a smile- stepping away from Halloran. “See? There.” You waive at the door like its offering you a snack you don’t particularly like. “He probably didn’t even notice the light~ Wouldn’t’a thought to look!”
He nods, disconnecting off from you entirely and returning to the couch and his laptop. You feel victorious, feeling the weight of your phone - your beloved phone, your only link to the world! - heavy in your pocket. “Wonderful. Now I’ll get back to my work and you… “
“I’ll get out of your hair.” You wink and grin, heading for your bedroom.
“You’re not bored, anymore?”
Hehe- “Nope!”
Half an hour later you’ve made-up your face, squeezed into one of the tightest dresses you own and thrown your favourite shoes out onto the level outside your window. You just have to climb out, silently close the window again, then escape down the stairs, hail a taxi and you’re off to the beach!! You might even be able to get back before the Doc notices!
To hell with Leslie. Screw him. If you die, you’re going to die doing something that make you feel alive.
You’re out the window and putting on your shoes, when Halloran clears his throat.
You stop, immediately, and slowly turn to see him standing in your bedroom doorway; Arms crossed like a stern dad.
… oh no. Your weakness. Especially when they’re not related to you, and hot-
“Uhhh… “… How can you swing this so you don’t get in trouble?? “I dropped… my shoes out there? And… I was just getting them?? And- I like them, so I was just, uh… putting them on to come back inside, with-”
“Nice try, come inside.” Thank god he stopped you. Your babbling abilities are infinite, like Lorelai Gilmore’s, but definitely really not as good.
Huph. With the shoes on, heels dangerously high, you step carefully back into the room- but not carefully enough, it seems, as your left heel wobbles and you topple and fall the rest of the way inside.
Not face first to the ground, though, thankfully as Halloran manages to get to you and catch you in time- your face ending up buried in his shoulder instead, before he helps you to slowly stand up properly again. You’re closer together now then at the front door when Tyler was here, closer together then when you had your legs in his lap.
In the name of stability, or at least that’s all he needs to know, you hold his shoulders. His hands are still on your waist and you can’t help feeling that something is happening. Maybe its just in your head, maybe it is - because you’re bored, and attracted to him, -, but… the way that he’s looking at you, and he’s not immediately slipping off and away, just definitely feels… like something…
“Thanks!,” You give a smile. “I… um… “Are you flustered? Yes. Which is funny, because usually you’re the one flustering others. Oh- “Do you like my dress?”
He rolls his eyes, and you wander how in the world he can do that so close to you when you’re wearing your nicest perfume. But still, he says, “Yes, its lovely.”, and you take that as a sign, looking down and smiling to yourself at his words.
Without even needing to take in a deep breath, you step forward in order to press your bodies together, looking up at him again. Then, you take a deep breath. Because the words are the hardest part. “Do you think I’m pretty in it? Hm?”
“… I do. But- “
You hold up a finger- like hold on buddy, before you start with whatever its gonna be that you think will stop me here - your age, your ‘duty’, whatever, -, let me say one thing. “You do, huh?… so… well… “… you don’t actually have anything to say. Whoops. “- Uh, okay, you go first actual- “
Before you even manage to finish the ‘y’ in ‘actually’, Doc Halloran’s mouth is on yours suddenly. Immediately a moan slips out of you as he guides you back against the wall just by the window. You tilt your head to the side to make it more comfortable for him and then part your lips, making a squeak when he immediately rolls his tongue against yours.
While his eyes are closed, making out with you, you do the douche thing just this once- the End of The Breakfast Club thing- the Bender air punch.
Because fuck-yes.
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okay. two new animatronics. they've finally arrived today, and kellen sent me a photo of them. they kinda look... old? like i don't want to say they look BAD, really, but it's clear they've been in use for a long time. like since the eighties.
i think they're from the original lineup, actually! or like. sort of? they're clearly supposed to be bonnie the bunny and chica the chicken, and those are supposed to be from the original lineup, right? but i remember the original pictures looked mostly like the animatronics the restaurant already has, while these two... they look more cartoony? i'm not sure how to explain it. they're even more mascot-ish than what i thought bonnie and chica were supposed to look like. is there a word in english for the culture around making things look cuter? in japan we call that かわいい, but i'm pretty sure americans just see that as our word for "cute" so i don't know if you'd actually understand what i'm getting at.
(incidentally, please don't call me かわいい, i've really gotten sick of it over the years)
my boss vanessa seemed really excited about the arrival of these two! maybe the fazbear brand was part of her childhood? because i've never seen someone get excited about the animatronics as she does. when she came to end my shift this morning she couldn't stop talking about them with a smile on her face, which was kinda weird considering how tepid and serious she usually is. she mentioned something about how "we're going to have the whole original crew back together again" and that's... well, it's not very comforting. sure, these past few nights have been pretty easy since cody and harper are essentially just one single threat right now, but that doesn't mean i want MORE difficulty!
vanessa must have noticed something was off since she asked if i was doing okay and if i needed a break, but i told her i was fine. the job pays well (at least, i'm pretty sure it does, i've still not got the best grasp of US dollars but alter ego is pretty good at helping me with my budget) and it'd be too dangerous for anyone else to take the job, right? at least i got lucky and was able to figure things out pretty quick, imagine if i hadn't been fast enough on the uptake! i could have died! and now that there's going to be two more animatronics around... i've got SOME prep ability now. a brand new employee wouldn't have that.
so here i go again, i guess... hopefully everything goes well and these two new "friends" don't kill me.
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moniloveland · 3 months
My pretty nerd
All the students were trying to concentrate about their lessons except Sehun.
He was looking outside through the window and was on his own world.
He hates these boring lectures, eagerly waiting when this boring class will finish.
Sehun in mind: I've fucked almost every beautiful girls of this university. They're all nothing interesting anymore. I want someone new hot and sexy one..
At that moment he heard a soft knock in his classroom door.
A very sweet honey voice: May I come in?
He looked at the main door and noticed a clownish looking guy who entered the classroom after teacher's permission.
That guy was short, his hair messy and looked very simple with his transparent glasses.
All the students looked at that guy weirdly.
Anyone could tell the guy has no fashion sense. His very simple oversized shirt, unmatched baggy pants and worn out shoes could easily judged by others that he didn't belong to this environment.
That guy talked to the professor very softly something...
The professor: Guys attention please..we have a new student here. Please introduce yourself to others.
That guy with a smile cheerfully said: Hello everyone I am Byun Baekhyun.I am from Bucheon.This is my first day here.Nice to meet you all and let's be friends...
He bowed to them and looked at others.
Baekhyun could easily say that all of the students were giving him awkward looks just like they have seen something unsuitable for them.
But that look doesn't matter to him ,he is used to this kind of behavior but someone caught his attention. He saw a cute short, brown hair guy looking at him with a gentle smile.
Their professor noticed here and there ,lastly said :You can seat with Kim Suho. Suho raise your hand.
Then Suho raised his hand and asked Baekhyun to seat him him.
Baekhyun gave a pleased smile after getting Suho as his seat mate. Although he didn't know him, it seemed like Suho's smile was genuine.
Suho and Baekhyun sat together and greeted each other.
Baekhyun: Hello...
Suho: Hi,can I call you Baek?
Baekhyun with his boxy smile: Of course you can.
Suho asked his birthday, after that..
Suho: So you're a little bit younger than me. If you want you can call me hyung or Suho whatever you want.
Baekhyun: Ok, I will call you hyung.
They smiled at each other.
Suho: You are really cute Baekhyun.Let's be friends..
Baekhyun: You are cuter hyung, you look like a cute bunny.
Although it's new for Baekhyun someone wanted to be his friend that quickly, moreover willingly but he didn't mind...
Baekhyun: Yeah friends...
Sehun looked at Baekhyun and in his mind :I wanted to get someone hot sexy girl but unfortunately met a ugly nerd guy! Bad luck....
Strange!Why is Suho hyung talking to this ugly guy and also smiling?! I have never seen someone in this time with these old fashioned clothes,such a clown he is
Some of their classes had finished, Sehun could barely pass his most boring times.
Sehun time to time gave Baekhyun glances annoyedly since he was the reason Suho totally ignored him completely in these whole classes. Apparently Suho was enjoying Baekhyun's company.
When it was time for their lunch,Sehun was expecting Suho will come to him to go to eat lunch together but today it's completely different. It seemed like Suho has no time for him today because Suho and Baekhyun went outside holding each other hands. They were talking something and laughing, left like that Sehun didn't exist for Suho.
Sehun's mood was pissed off by them. He let out a sigh and went to the canteen area annoyedly.
In the canteen area..
Sehun came to them and he was ready to seat his regular seat but Suho pulled Baekhyun's hand patted on the chair to sit beside him.
Baekhyun sat on that seat.
Sehun stated sternly: This is my seat! Sit somewhere else..
Baekhyun was about to stand up quickly: Oh! I am sorry I didn't know that...
But Suho grabbed his hand and said:Sehun you can sit somewhere else.He is my new friend so I want to spend time with him.
This statement made Sehun angrier towards Baekhyun.
Suho: Sehun, meet my new cute friend Baekhyun. And Baekhyun, this is Oh Sehun...the university heartthrob. You can say the most handsome guy in this university.
Baekhyun with a smile: Oh hi Sehun! You can call me-
Sehun ignored him and sat on a different seat which is near to them.
All of the friends of Suho came to the canteen and introduced themselves to Baekhyun cheerfully and same went with Baekhyun.
They all said Baekhyun is very cute and sweet.
Hearing these words Sehun scoffed internally.They started eating and all of the friends shared some food portions with Baekhyun, which they always did with Sehun before.
But today view's different, it made Sehun jealous. Even though Baekhyun didn't do anything wrong ,without any reason he made Baekhyun his enemy in his mind.
His gloomy face lit up after receiving a text, it's from one of his sl*ts .He smirked after reading the text.
Sexy boobs: Daddy where are you? Your babygirl is so wet for you..wanna enjoy?
Sehun wasn't eating before for his bad mood, Baekhyun noticed it.
Baekhyun: Sehun do you want this?
Baekhyun offered some of his food sweetly but in result he got a death glare from Sehun .
Baekhyun couldn't understand why it was for,he thought maybe Sehun is a bit cold nature. He was very happy that all of other friends were very friendly to him,it's felt like they're known to each other from years except Sehun..
Sehun texted back..
Sehun: Coming baby...daddy is hard too..wait for me near the toilet.
Sehun left from there while smirking.Their friends knew very well where he went.
Baekhyun: Mmm... Sehun didn't eat his food, he eat just a little bit...
Suho: Don't worry Baek, he will eat his main food from a different place. Leave him.
Baekhyun didn't understand what Suho said ,he just shrugged off and finished eating.
On the other hand in the toilet Sehun's fucking a girl mercilessly. His mood was off so he thought he needs a good fuck.The girl is so sexy especially her boobs and very popular so Sehun offered her to fuck her again tomorrow.
That girl was addicted to Sehun's length, she immediately agreed.
The girl with a smile: See you tomorrow then..
They finished their unholy work and attended their classes.
That day passed, next morning Sehun was waiting for Suho and Lay in front at the University but the next scene didn't take time to ruin his mood.
Suho was running after Baekhyun,he is trying to catch Baekhyun.They both were giggling. Lay also smiled at them.
Sehun: Why are you late? I am waiting for a long for both of you(Suho and Lay)
Suho sarcastically: Am seeing right baby? Look great Mr Oh Sehun is standing and waiting for us ?
Lay: Yeah it's new!
Baekhyun noticed Sehun avoided his existence.
Baekhyun with a smile: Oh hi Sehun. Good morning!
Sehun: Hurry up,class will be starting soon..
Baekhyun stopped smiling and followed behind them.
They all went to their classrooms..
Sehun: Suho hyung you wanna sit with me?
Suho shook his head as no,Sehun felt sad.
Suho: I want to sit with Baek.
Their class started...as usual Sehun was feeling bored and he was on his day dreaming mood for another thing. He didn't even notice his teacher called him several times
Later his teacher came to him and asked loudly :Oh Sehun where is your concentration? I am asking you something since long!!
That helped him to get back on his earth,he flinched a little a looked at teacher confusedly, his teacher spoke again: Give a simple speech, at least 5 sentences with some examples about the topics I have taught you guys right now.
Sehun in mind : No why me?!
Ahhh I can't do these
Teacher: Why are you waiting for just go there and say something..
Sehun went near the board unwantedly ,he felt like his head's spinning after seeing the topic which was written by his teacher. He tried to say something but miserably failed.
Teacher: Shame Sehun!I am teaching this same topic for some days but you couldn't say a simple sentence. This is why I always say concentrate your study. Now go..
Sehun returned to his seat with ashamed face
Their teacher started writing but someone interrupted him ,and it's Baekhyun.
His teacher asked him the reason for interrupting,
Baekhyun: I am sorry to interrupt you...mm...actually I wanted to say some things about this topic...the way you have taught us it was really great but it was hard for us a bit to understand..if you don't mind can explain this in a simple way?
The teacher: Carry on..first come here.
Baekhyun went near to the board and wrote something and explained to the students very gracefully.
The students were listening to him carefully and understood the topic very easily.
Their teacher was astonished.
The teacher: Where did you learn about this?!
Baekhyun: Mm..I have learned about this topic in Bucheon. Actually I love to read books a lot so I know these details from other sources.
The teacher was amazed and asked him about some more difficult topics , but it seemed 'a piece of a cake ' for Baekhyun.
His teacher asked his previous school result, after hearing the results all the students swallowed their own saliva. Baekhyun's a very studious and brilliant student.
His teacher complimented him without any hesitation and felt proud that Baekhyun is now in their university. All the students clapped for him without Sehun.
Sehun was burning in jealousy and in his mind: Hmm,as expected he is a nerd...
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toomanysurveys9 · 1 year
I need to update my profile picture.
Is there a gang problem in your area? It depends who you ask. It's not noticeably a problem that I can tell.
Do you make your Starbucks order more complicated if it isn’t busy? I don't. I don't often go to Starbucks anyways, but when I do, I don't think I ever choose anything complicated. I'm pretty easy to please.
Do you consider airports to be emotional places? I mean, they can be for some people, depending why they are there.
Where do you need to be? I don't need to be anywhere else right now.
Would you date an already attached person? I would not.
When you marry, will you wear white? I did wear white.
What vaccine that you’ve received hurt the most? I can't remember any hurting really.
Do you ever feel like you’re being watched? I guess so.
What will it take to make or break this day for you? I mean.. it wasn't a bad day. But if I can actually have some me-time like I am getting for the moment, that will make me happy.
Would you give up a dream for someone you loved? I've done it before, so probably. It definitely depends what the dream is and for who I would be giving it up as well.
Could you date someone who’s only been your friend for a long time? Yeah.
Do you prefer to date various people or do you pretty much fall into monogamous relationships quickly? Monogamous.
Are you afraid to ask people out on dates? I've never had to. I've been with Jacob forever.
Do you think it’s better to look for love or let it find you? I let it find me.
Have you ever found yourself worrying about commitment? To jobs mostly.
Would you get involved with someone if they had a child already? Not that it is something I would need to worry about - I'm not leaving Jacob and I don't think he's leaving me - but it'd be hypocritical of me to say no kids when I have three. Plus, I love kids and being a mom.
Have you ever learned an important lesson as a result of a break up? Not really.
Have you ever gotten back in touch with an old flame after a time of more than three months of no communication? Not really.
Do you or would you ever wear fake eyelashes? I don't and they're not my thing.
Do you think that smaller breeds of dogs are cuter than big ones? I prefer bigger dogs.
When was the last time you slept in a tent? High school for a church thing.
What brand of make-up do you prefer to use? I don't care about brands. I don't wear makeup enough to care.
Do you have any siblings and if so, what’re they like? I have five younger siblings. They range in ages from 29 to 10 years old. And they are all very different. I think I am closest to my brother and my 21-year-old sister though because they are the least judgmental.
What was the last television show that you sat and watched multiple episodes of? New Amsterdam.
Is there anything significant happening this month? I turned 30 on the 1st of this month. And today marks 4 years at my job, which is the longest I have stayed at any job.
When was the last time you plucked your eyebrows? I never have.
Do you have any chronic pain? Nope.
When was the last time you had a Poptart? It's been quite a few months.
Do you like hot chocolate? I do.
Who is your best guy friend? Jacob.
What’s your favorite Michael Jackson song? Probably Thriller.
Where did you buy your favorite pair of jeans from? Walmart. They're not my favorite, but all of my clothes are from there.
When was the last time you got your hair done professionally? A few months ago.
Do you like TGI Fridays? I've only been there like once. So I can't really say.
Have you ever gotten your legs waxed? Nope.
Have you ever read anything by Edgar Allen Poe? I have for school.
When was the last time it rained where you live? Today.
Do you like horses? I guess so.
What is your opinion on air pollution? That we should be doing more to do it less. It's bad and it's going to kill us all rather quickly if we don't. And I would like my kids to get to grow old.
What are your grandfathers’ names? Dan. And Donnie.
Have you ever seen a snake in real life? Yeah. Jake has had a few and my cousin has like 18 at her house last time we talked.
Do you know anyone that has been held hostage before? Nope.
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koohiikori · 3 years
Mirror, Mirror pt. IV | Insecurity Comfort
Summary : You're insecure, constantly bodychecking and hating yourself. What if your comfort character was behind the mirror all along? And what if you could suddenly see them too?
Warnings : Body dysmorphia, crying, gn!reader
Consists of : Oikawa Tooru & Iwaizumi Hajime, Matsuno Chifuyu, Okkotsu Yuuta
Part 1 Here (Backstory)
Part 2 Here (Bakugo, Kageyama, Mitsuya)
Part 3 Here (Fushiguro, Sugawara, Chuuya)
[ Oikawa and Iwa-chan~ ]
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"You know, for someone who has girls fawn over all the time, you sure as hell seem bothered by this 'person' you've been seeing." Iwaizumi said as he stared at his best friend.
Oikawa was leaning onto the wall, hands crossed as he looked onto the sink with glazed eyes. He held onto his pride and did not let them fall, but Iwaizumi knows.
"You don't get it, do you, Iwa-chan? 'this person' is someone who wouldn't even try to chase after me. Not because they're scared of my fans, nor is it because we're in different universes. But because they don't think they have a chance because they think they're hideous when in reality they're so so so beautiful."
Iwaizumi had never seen Oikawa act like this. He stared at the mirror and saw his own reflection looking back at him. He wondered, what were you like? How did you manage to absolutely captivate his player of a best friend? And most of all, he wondered if you would ever know how beautiful you are? Because as much as he hated to admit it, his best friend sure as hell has high standards. And for Oikawa to say you're very beautiful... you must be ethereal to him then.
He snapped out of his thoughts when Oikawa suddenly pushed himself off the wall, eyes wide and stuck on the mirror.
"Can you see me?" He asked.
Iwaizumi couldn't see it, but you nodded on the other side of the mirror. Oikawa smiled, not one of those "charming" smiles, but a genuine wide smile and glimmering eyes, like a child on Christmas morning.
"I can't believe this is actually happening." He muttered out. "Look, I know this is weird, but I don't know if this will be the only chance I get to talk to you, so I have to tell you everything I need to tell you everything I've been dying to tell you. Can you listen to me and promise to remember them?" He asked, though it was more like a request.
Again, you nodded. For a second, Iwaizumi thought he could see a figure in the mirror, but he couldn't see it clearly. But he could tell from that little glimpse that you were far from unattractive.
"You're beautiful, Y/N. That's your name, right? Well, I don't say this often, but for once, someone beat me on the attractiveness scale. And I'd turn down a thousand of my fans if it meant I could have you. You're so much more beautiful than you think."
[ Matsuno Chifuyu ]
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"You remember when you said you wish you were a kitten? I think it was when you saw a fan art of Baji-san and me playing with kittens." he started, his voice shaky and his pitch slightly higher than usual.
"You... you said at least kittens are cute no matter how small or big. Or what color they are. But not humans." He continued before choking on his own sobs.
"I wish you'd see that you're also cute. Even cuter than that little furry ball of joy." he said as he bent down, letting his tears flow. He might seem like a strong person, but he's only 14 after all. But even his 14-year-old self knew, you were definitely downplaying your own worth.
"I just wish you could see that you're nothing like you keep making yourself out to be. You're cute and funny, you're smart and unique. You're stunning..." he continued as he gripped his chest.
He didn't notice you at all, but his words impacted you all the same.
"Are you... Chifuyu?" you asked the male.
"You... I- Yes." He said as he wiped his tears with his sleeves before standing up straight. "I know you probably think this is a dream or something. I don't know how this happened either but I've been able to see you for a while now." He continued.
You shifted uncomfortably at the thought of him looking at you while you were scrutinizing yourself. The thought was enough to make you feel disgusting.
"I just want you to know that I think you're absolutely stunning. There's nothing wrong with how you look, you're far from unattractive. So please, please don't hate yourself."
[ Okkotsu Yuuta ]
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He couldn't bring himself to say anything, he simply stared. His eyes that usually displayed sadness now displayed something that resembled hatred, but anyone who knew him would know, it was determination. He was going to find a way to tell you everything you needed to hear.
"Wait for me. I'll come to you. And once I do, I'll make sure you'd see what I see. I promise, I'll make you see how beautiful you are in my eyes." He said as his hand slid slightly on the mirror. His eyes were on his ring as he wondered if his words could have accidentally cursed the mirror.
But then he let out a chuckle.
"I wish you could see me too."
Shocked to see a male in your mirror, you backed slowly, a gasp making its way out of your lips as your back hit the wall that was surprisingly cold. The figure seemed to notice as he immediately looked up, his eyes widening as you made eye contact. He backed away a couple of steps before raising both hands at his chest's height, waving them frantically as he mumbled a couple "calm down!"s
He was stunned, but grateful nonetheless. For once, his accidental curses actually did something good. It gave him the chance to tell you what you needed to hear.
"Look, I know it's kind of hard to see your own value when you see the people around you. But you need to understand that just because you think they have high value, doesn't mean yours is any less. You're so precious, so unique, so beautiful. Everything about you is just perfect the way it is."
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lovee-infected · 4 years
I enjoy reading character analysis to understand them more and I've also noticed that some insert fics are like too exagerated and their personalities are far from the canon twst. I think some writers are just basing their fics to others and and makes conclusion about it and ignore important details or text on their cards?* And as a reader, I do sometimes think that "this" character are like that. Like Vil, being portrayed as narcisstic and beauty obssessed charac, I think he isnt like that and theres more to him than we think. Sorry for the long ask✌️
You're totally valid anon and I see your point, you know while I agree that each idea and interpretation on characters is worthy on its own and no one is bound to having a specific opinion or belief, getting too wild with personal fantasies and ignoring the originals can totally ruin the writing. Characters are often mischaracterized especially in reader insert fics and the most annoying part is that almost everyone is making the same mistakes about him-! Like some of the noticable mistakes would be:
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(1) Femininely has nothing to do with Vil's terms of beauty
Oh lord what can I say- It's even against what Vil himself directly said through chapter five and how he cleared his point on male and female equal, and you can tell he is pretty strict about it.
Like did you just forget what he told Epel when he complained that he doesn't want to act like a girl: “a boy getting embarrassed about ‘acting like a girl,’ -- what year is your head stuck in??? did you take a time machine from 100 years ago??”
He doesn't seem to be one to appreciate the concept of labeling beauty as a female-only thing and on the other hand, he doesn't really seem to like the way women can be looked down on while being compared to men either. He seeks equality, and beauty wasn't ever defined as a feminine act in his dictionary; while there are tons of requests asking for: Vil forcing their trans s/o to wear more feminine clothes/ Vil asking their fem! s/o to wear more feminine stuff an look cuter/Vil complimenting s/o's appearance for not being feminine enough/... And literally TONS of requests like this. Please, you're forgetting one the most important parts of his personality, he considers male and female to be equal and it's so hecking important to show that he holds respect for all genders nonetheless.
(2) Vil's maturity is often ignored
Honestly, within all twst characters Vil's maturity on its own really impresses me. From the way he speaks to how serious and sincere he is all I gotta say is this man is waaay different from the way he's charactetized in most of the fics. Idk why but, he's sometimes charactetized as a guy who's ready to boil you alive if you dare touch any of his expensive make up pallettes or eyeshadows. Oh please, Vil isn't an angry child.
Also he often decides to keep his anger in, though you can tell when he's mad by just looking at his face. Clinching fists, trying not to talk and most likely, walking off or asking people to leave him alone until he calms down a bit is most likely his usual way of expressing his anger, but I've seen him being described as a loud, feral figure like Riddle is! Oh god no- Are you just ignoring how calm and collected Vil often tends to be?
(3) What's with the potato fetish?
While it's canon that Vil can sometimes call people around him potato. You may like to know that in some languages, potato is translated as "Apple of the ground", which can be an interesting reason of him using this nickname for people.
Watching Vil call students potatoes can be as entertaining as watching Malleus play with his tamagotchi, but again, it's important to realize that you don't have to only use potato when you're thinking of what Vil might say in a reader insert/situation!
Come on there are hundreds of different statements and sentences you can use other than just 'potatoes' and it'll get boring to read him saying the same nick name over and over in a fic. Good lord of course this isn't the only word he uses in communication so please try to avoid using it too much. This, is NOT the only word that he knows to use! (Seriously though I've seen being used like 6 times in a 500-word drabble)
(4) Please avoid spreading false information about him and his personality
Funny how I'm saying it here, but don't forget that you do not own him! Vil Schoenheit is a property of Disney/ Aniplex and all, which means that no one can certainly decide on his sexuality/ background/ unexplained character details unless it's officially announced.
Why am I saying this? Because some people are seriously going to far! I've seen people attacking others saying that Vil's pronouns are She/Her and not He/ Him like: EXCUSE ME...???
I don't want to get into details explaining how this drama is going but I've got to say something anyway, YOU DON'T HAVE THE RIGHT TO DECIDE ON HIS PRONOUNS! None of us do!
It's totally okay to have your personal preferences on his pronouns or anything else, but you must avoid spreading such information and forcing them on others as long as they aren't confirmed! Please keep your headcanons for yourself and don't confuse the fandom with them. Everyone's free to have their own headcanons but it's never okay to force them on others!
(5) Vil has a LOT to talk about other than just beauty!
Man... sometimes I feel like the fandom is just doing him dirty. Most of the reader inserts, fics , and even Vil memes have something to do with beauty while it's important to try and look through his personality as well instead of just sticking with the beauty aspect.
For example, through the Halloween event, I couldn't be any more surprised when Vil found the crying child who had lost their parents through the crowd and instead of just leaving them to headmaster or asking someone to take care of them he actually started to play with the child and entertrain and confront them on his own! That was probably one of his sweetest moments through the whole game and it really changed my mind about him! It was great to know that Vil as well can have a softer side when it comes to children, just imagine how good this can be used while writing a father AU for him!
His talents on the other hand need to be recognized, for example: his acting skills back in the ghost marriage proved how much of a great actor he can be and this can also give us lots of ideas to use in writings. On the other hand he's much of a celebrity on his own ( Woop- he's also got 2m followers on magicam) which gives us another great plot to write for him.
The way he is around close friends, how he compliments them and gets complimented by them in return, the way he manages Pomefiore and tries to put the students into doing their best in using their skills and lots of more interesting details that can be found through his stories are there to tell you that he's a lot more than just a beautiful Queen. A considerable part of his background as well is going to be released at he end of chapter 5 (Yes baby after the overblot Vil) and I hope that gives us all the opportunity to come up with stronger personalities and plots next time that we're describing or even, characterizing Vil!
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Lmao I kind of rushed to finish this so I didn't get to talk about him as much as I wanted to, but hope that this is useful anyway.
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eleanorfenyxwrites · 9 months
After Each Midnight Begins A New Day
Extra #13d - Technically A Cutsleeve? (Mo Xuanyu and Lan Jingyi)
[Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3] [Part 4]
[Masterpost] [AO3]
Instead of a small snippet of something for WIP Wednesday this week how about a rarely seen, highly endangered, actual update on a WIP? Groundbreaking 😂 This particular chapter has actually been sitting mostly-written in the doc for a very, very long time, just waiting for me to figure out if I liked it/how I'll tie it into the overall plans for the story, and I've finally figured it out (I think). These boys are doing the ancient fantasy China equivalent of U-Hauling it and I personally love that for them 😌
“That’s it, I’m done. Sizhui, it’s your turn to sit with him,” Zizhen sighs as he stands and stretches his arms over his head.
“It’s just a cold, Jingyi,” Sizhui reminds him as he takes the empty spot next to the bed to start taking his turn wiping his forehead with a damp cloth and Jingyi cracks one glassy eye open to glare at him. 
“You don’t know that,” he croaks, aiming for ‘belligerent’ but too weak to really sound it. “I could be dying.”
“Jingyi - I’m an actual doctor,” Sizhui reminds him gently with a laugh that thankfully doesn’t jostle him.
“Then I’m dying of some brand new unheard of disease and your doctor training is no help here,” he pouts without missing a beat. His deathbed is no place for logic, he doesn’t want it. 
“Oh good. In that case when you die can I take your corpse home with me for my aunt and I to study?”
“Sizhui what the fuck,” Jingyi deadpans. Zizhen throws his head back to laugh loudly enough to make the pain in his head spike. “Zizhen shut the fuck up,” he adds as he bats Sizhui’s hands away to pull the cloth down over his eyes with a groan.
“Zizhen, his head does hurt, it’s best to be quiet,” Sizhui tempers and just as Jingyi is groaning his agreement the door bangs open, making him flinch.
“Idiots. Sizhui,” Jin Ling greets - standard. Really his crush could be seen from the moon at this point but even Jingyi has to agree that it’s cute how it makes Sizhui blush. It’s a lot cuter when Jingyi isn’t dying.
“Oh good, you’re back. Did you find what I asked for?”
“The healer said she’s never seen one of the herbs you wanted but when I told her what it was for she said we have one here in Lanling that she swears does the same thing. Other than that yeah, they had everything.”
“Mm. Oh! Hello,” Sizhui says warmly and that’s strange enough that Jingyi lifts the cloth off his eyes enough to peek through his lashes and he’s glad no one’s taking his pulse at the moment because he’s pretty sure his heart stops.
“Hello Wen-gongzi,” Mo Xuanyu replies in that smooth, low voice of his, an indulgent smile on his rouged lips. Jingyi is definitely going to die. This is it, he’s done for, goodbye cruel world. “I don’t mean to intrude but I was in the healer’s pavilion helping sort the herbs when A-Ling came in, and I don’t think you’ll blame me for not trusting him not to get them mixed up on the way over here,” he teases, obviously pleased with himself as Jin Ling scoffs, and Jingyi drops the cloth back over his eyes with a groan.
No matter how badly he wants to keep looking at Mo Xuanyu, Jingyi is pretty sure he’ll die of embarrassment at being seen like this before he could properly appreciate how beautiful Mo Xuanyu looks today. It was embarrassing enough when Mo Xuanyu had to help him with his depleted core, but getting sick like a child mere days later because of it?? Better to just hide his face and die in peace. (Although…if he could pick a last sight of this world, Mo Xuanyu’s coy smile would be a phenomenal option.)
“I trust A-Ling,” Sizhui says as he shifts around a bit to face their visitor, audibly smiling. “But I’m grateful for your help anyway, you’re not intruding at all. Is medicine also an area you’ve trained in?”
“One of my many skills, yes. You have a good memory, Wen-gongzi,” Mo Xuanyu laughs and his laugh isn’t grating - Zizhen - so Jingyi doesn’t comment. Or make a noise at all. Or move. Maybe if he doesn’t move Mo Xuanyu won’t see him. “I’m sure I’m no match for a doctor of the Dafan Wen, but I help our doctors pretty often, usually when the summer rains bring fevers, or on the odd chance our disciples are injured in a night hunt and the numbers overwhelm our usual rotation of healers.”
“Oh that’s perfect, it’s nothing serious anyway so that’s more than enough experience,” Sizhui replies. In the interest of saving at least some of his pride Jingyi decides to go ahead and break his brand new vow of eternal silence.
“Don’t lie to him, it’s very serious,” he retorts with a cough for his parched throat. “I’m dying, I just told you that Sizhui.”
“You’re not dying you moron, you have a cold,” Jin Ling snaps. How he manages to sound so snappish without raising his voice is an interesting skill. Jingyi both appreciates it - for the sake of his headache - and doesn’t - for the sake of his little remaining pride.
“I am dying, Sizhui already said he wants to take my poor corpse home to poke and prod at once I’m done using it.”
Mo Xuanyu’s responding laugh sets him on fire from head to toe, though it’s a small mercy that at least right now he can blame his dismayed groan on being sick rather than the stupidly massive crush he’s doing his best to hide.
“A-Ling tells me you four were planning to head into the city today,” Mo Xuanyu says as he sets down the wide, flat box of herbs on the table next to the bed. “What a shame poor Lan-gongzi is going to die without one last chance to enjoy it.”
“See? At least he understands me,” Jingyi posits weakly. He lifts one hand from his eyes to make a rude gesture in the general direction of Zizhen’s snickering. (Alright fine, so maybe his crush can be seen from the moon too, though thankfully Jin Ling has been too short-sighted to spot it yet .) 
“It’s alright, we can just go another day,” Sizhui replies, conciliatory as usual, always trying to keep the peace.
Mo Xuanyu instantly tuts, “Oh don’t be silly, you three can still go. I don’t have anything else to do as I was already helping the healers anyway. Leave Lan-gongzi to me and you three enjoy your day out.”
Seriously — who did Jingyi piss off so badly that this is his karmic repayment?! What in the world could he have possibly done to deserve being a sick, miserable mess in front of his crush who just so happens to be, oh right, absolutely fucking incredible? He’s going to actually become a monk after this. His parents had done it, after all - they had put him in the group care for the parentless children of the Sect and retreated right up the mountain to become monks in total isolation, what a grand family tradition to follow, what an incredible idea they had had! In fact, he’s been an idiot for not doing it sooner. He’s absolutely made for life as a monk, he doesn’t need to go chasing after the most stunning man he’s ever met. 
Jingyi waves one hand in half-hearted dismissal when his friends, after one more round of convincing from Mo Xuanyu, say their goodbyes and well-wishes and then the doors slide shut with a soft clack. For a long while there’s nothing but the quiet sounds of Mo Xuanyu moving around next to the bed — his even breathing, the nearly-inaudible jingle of the jeweled chains dangling from the zanzi in his hair, the whisper of fabric brushing against itself, the quiet grind of dried herbs between his gentle fingertips. Jingyi finds himself starting to relax against his best intentions. He’s tired, is the thing, and (at least when it’s just the two of them) Mo Xuanyu’s presence is surprisingly calming.
Jingyi frowns softly when the cloth is removed from his forehead and eyes some time later and he blinks his eyes open with an effort to study his companion. He’s hardly wearing any face makeup today, just a feather-soft dusting of his pale powder. It makes his skin look like porcelain, even more so than his heavier makeup, in Jingyi’s opinion. His eyes are similarly subtle, with just the faintest kiss of a red so gentle it’s almost pink at the outer corners and his long lashes darkened with black powder. It’s really not fair, Jingyi thinks, that Mo Xuanyu can do anything at all with his looks and be so beautiful. 
“You’re staring, Jingyi,” Mo Xuanyu teases as he re-wets the cloth and wrings it out with a smirk on his lips. 
“I am not! I died and my eyes are just open like that.”
“Ah okay, I see,” he laughs. “In that case, this humble one is honored to have been the last thing you saw before death.”
Mo Xuanyu turns to face him fully and Jingyi knows he should stop looking but there’s more to see at this angle. Mo Xuanyu’s huadian today is an intricate, beautiful thing, a flower of some sort clearly painted with a delicate, patient touch. He’s still smirking with gently-stained lips and his eyes, sharp and clever, are studying him right back with an intensity that makes Jingyi feel too warm all the sudden. 
“Be honest with me, how are you actually feeling?” he asks after a long few moments and Jingyi’s eyes slip shut without his permission as Mo Xuanyu rests one gentle hand on his forehead. It feels unbelievably intimate without his ribbon — he hadn’t even managed to get up and put it on before he’d realized he’d gotten so sick overnight and decided to stay in bed — but he can’t say he minds. He doesn’t mind at all. 
“It really is just a cold,” he grumbles, irritated with having to concede that ground. It’s worth it at least to hear Mo Xuanyu hum softly in approval, perhaps a bit in sympathy as well.
“Well I think you’ll pull through just fine, then — we’ll have to deprive Wen-gongzi of your corpse for a little longer,” he teases and Jingyi laughs weakly, though it’s still enough to set off a fresh coughing fit. 
“You really don’t have to stay, you know,” Jingyi says when it’s over and Mo Xuanyu has replaced the hand on his forehead with the soothing sweep of the cloth, regular and steady. 
“Don’t be ridiculous, of course I do. Your cruel, heartless friends have abandoned you in this sorry state to go into the city, someone has to take care of you!”
Since their return from the night hunt, there have been moments (a lot of them, actually) when Jingyi suspects that Mo Xuanyu might like him too. They’re just little moments, hardly noticeable, but if he pays attention, and if he strings them along one right after the other in his mind like a strand of pearls, a pattern starts to take shape.
Mo Xuanyu always takes his arm if they happen to walk alone. He drops his wild act around him to be soft and genteel instead — but then cuts through that softness with acerbic wit when least expected just to make Jingyi laugh. He calls him by his name alone in private though he still uses his title in front of any audience. He finds excuses to touch him. He keeps finding excuses to get him alone. When he does, he looks at him like- like—
“Mhm? What is it, Jingyi?”
“Why do you look at me like that?”
“Like what?”
Jingyi says nothing for a long moment as he studies Mo Xuanyu’s gaze — intense, perhaps ever so slightly vulnerable, but..so warm. Practically daring him to take a deep breath and jump..
“Like you could do it forever.”
Mo Xuanyu takes a deep breath in of his own and smiles softly as he exhales again, his hand slipping down from his forehead to touch his cheek — just his hand, without the cloth between them as an excuse. Jingyi can’t help but stare at him as he brushes his thumb against his skin, his touch cool and soft as silk. 
“Ah, Jingyi, Jingyi. Only you would choose to do this when you’re ill. But alright. Tell me — what did you think of me, when you first met me that day in the gardens?” he asks, his voice quiet.
Later, Jingyi will blame what he says on being sick, his defenses crumbled first by feeling so poorly and then toppled completely by the tenderness Mo Xuanyu offers him. Really, though, it’s just that he’s been dying to say it almost since that first moment Mo Xuanyu had waved and called out his hello, kneeling in the middle of a field of white peonies like a beautiful heroine in those novels Zizhen is always reading.
“‘I’d rather die now than live with the possibility of never seeing such beauty again’,” he answers (he definitely hasn’t ever dipped into Zizhen’s stash) and Mo Xuanyu laughs (it’s still not fair that even his laugh is beautiful), covering his smiling mouth with one slender wrist.
“You did not! Stop borrowing lines from Ouyang-gongzi’s romances and tell me what you really thought.”
Jingyi snorts out a laugh that makes his head pound but he doesn’t care when Mo Xuanyu is smiling and laughing at him like that. 
“Alright, alright,” he acquiesces, coughing slightly as he settles. “I just thought that if you were really as wild and ridiculous as the Young Mistress had told us you were but you could still be so beautiful and elegant at the same time then…you seemed to be everything I didn’t even know I wanted until it was right in front of me. Nothing poetic, sorry.”
“It doesn’t have to be poetic,” Mo Xuanyu mumbles around his shy blushing. “I like the real version better. I don’t like that you’re finally confessing to me while you’re too sick to do anything about it.”
“Too bad,” Jingyi retorts with a haughty little lift of his chin, smiling weakly when Mo Xuanyu instantly flicks him in the throat lightly enough that he hardly feels it, but the teasing intention is there.
“You’re really terrible, you know. I think I’ll keep you.”
Jingyi smirks then, immensely proud of himself, and Mo Xuanyu chuckles softly as he strokes his cheek again with the back of one knuckle.
“You should get some sleep,” Mo Xuanyu murmurs after his eyes have slipped shut. “I’ve made your medicine, you can drink it and then rest.”
“Are you still going to be here when I wake up?”
“Of course. What sort of doctor would I be if I left one of my patients to die all alone?”
Jingyi chuckles at that but it quickly turns into a coughing fit that has Mo Xuanyu curling a comforting hand around his shoulder to help him lean up on one elbow and hold him close as he brushes his hair back from his forehead with the other hand.
“You’re disgusting,” Mo Xuanyu stage-whispers when he’s finished coughing and Jingyi groans weakly, shoves half-heartedly at his shoulder to hear him laugh. “Come on, A-Yi, sit up for me for a minute,” he continues once his chuckling has subsided and Jingyi’s ears burn at the diminutive. He’s pretty sure he’s never been more motivated to sit up in his entire life though so he does as he’s asked, and if he personally feels that Mo Xuanyu touches (and squeezes) his arms a little more than strictly necessary to “help” him accomplish it then that’s their business. 
He turns then to pour him a cup of the medicine and this time Jingyi doesn’t even feel guilty about staring. Mo Xuanyu’s smirk only grows as he works and by the time he turns back to hand Jingyi the decoction he looks on the verge of bursting into laughter, which is charming in and of itself, but he’s also blushing a deep red under his powder which is probably one of the loveliest things Jingyi has ever seen.
He stops staring, finally, to take the medicine and drain it as quickly as he can with a grimace, the bitter grassiness of the herbs thick and cloying on the back of his tongue. Mo Xuanyu makes a sympathetic noise in his throat and takes the cup back to fill it with fresh water, which Jingyi drinks a bit more slowly to help rinse out his mouth. He wonders if it’s strange for him to feel so comfortable around Mo Xuanyu, but at least for now he sees no need to try to make conversation or to do anything, really, except let Mo Xuanyu tend to him. He’ll return the favor a hundred-fold as soon as he can, but for now he lies back to let Mo Xuanyu cool his face with the cloth again, content to be cared for. 
Just as he’s drifting off, he hears Mo Xuanyu chuckle quietly and mutter, “A-Ling is going to be so mad,” and Jingyi falls asleep mid-snicker.
When Jingyi wakes again it’s with a gasp and a start, sending him sitting straight upright fast enough to make his head spin.
“Hey, easy,” someone tells him and Jingyi fights through the lingering dizziness to turn his head and find that –
Uh-huh. That’s Mo Xuanyu. Who nursed him back to health, apparently staying with him all day and all night, judging by the quality of the light beyond the windows.
“Oh no no, don’t get embarrassed now!” Mo Xuanyu chides around a smile. “You’re awfully sweet when you’re sick and if you tell me you regret anything you said I’m going to say fuck the rules of hospitality and tell Xuan-ge to kill you.”
Jingyi snaps his mouth shut because that’s certainly not the case, not at all, but…well…even if he doesn’t regret it, it was still embarrassing! He settles for leaning forward to prop his elbows up on his lap to bury his face in his hands and naturally he doesn’t pull away when Mo Xuanyu stands up to come sit next to him so he can rub a small hand in circles on his back.
“How are you feeling?”
“Great,” he tries to say, but it comes out weak and raspy. Mo Xuanyu tuts softly and slips away from his side again with a rustle of his skirts. Jingyi takes slow, measured breaths like he’s trying to meditate through the quiet clinking of ceramic and the nearly-inaudible burble of pouring, and by the time Mo Xuanyu returns to press a cup of water into his hand he feels slightly more capable of showing his face.
He takes a sip of it obediently and then drains it in a few greedy gulps, abruptly aware of the fact that his mouth feels mildly reminiscent of the deserts far to the north. Mo Xuanyu refills it for him without a word, and when he’s drained the cup for a second time Jingyi actually feels ready to look at the other man straight on.
He hides the anxiety lurking in his gaze quickly, but not quickly enough.
“I meant it,” he blurts, panicked by the idea that Mo Xuanyu looks so nervous because of him. “Everything I said yesterday, I meant it! I…Lans are cursed,” he grumbles the complaint — and then abruptly realizes how that must sound and he twists to get his knees under him and turn to face Mo Xuanyu directly, to hold his face tenderly between his palms like he can hold him in place long enough for his wild, racing thoughts to chase each other in the right direction to not fuck this up completely.
“Wait no it’s not a real curse – and not that I think falling in love with you is a curse at all! Honestly it’s probably the best thing that’ll ever happen to me even if I scare you off because honestly how could I not? I sound insane. I feel insane, actually, and none of this is helping me give you a reason to stick around is it? Um. What I meant was that Lans just…we just do this, and I always thought that I maybe wasn’t really a Lan because no one’s ever made me feel like this and I’ve met so many wonderful people that I liked just fine but they didn’t make me feel like you did when I realized who you were and what that could mean and —”
Jingyi cuts himself off as abruptly as if he’d been Silenced (perhaps partially thanks to how he’s pretty sure he’s been conditioned by how many times someone else has Silenced him when he spirals) at the sight of Mo Xuanyu’s growing smile and the blush stealing across his powdered cheeks, so beautifully arresting that Jingyi feels like he might die if he doesn’t stop and appreciate the sight while he can.
“A-Yi,” Mo Xuanyu chides, soft and sweet as he nuzzles his cheek into Jingyi’s cupped palm. “You’re forgetting that I’ve seen my fair share of Lans in love. I know what you meant, stop panicking.”
Jingyi exhales sharply and sags forward to press his forehead against Mo Xuanyu’s, careful not to smudge the other man’s huadian. He stays still as Mo Xuanyu’s hands curl slowly around his wrists, stroke slowly up the lengths of his forearms to cup under his elbows and tug softly until Jingyi shuffles closer on his knees.
“You love me?” Mo Xuanyu teases when Jingyi’s heart has slowed and he groans, sagging further forward to bury his burning face in Mo Xuanyu’s shoulder.
“Can we pretend like I didn’t say that? I know it’s weird, and too fast and…just forget it? Maybe?”
“Hmmm…no, I don’t think I will.” His voice is warm and low, a banked fire, and Jingyi has to fight hard not to be lulled into a false sense of security. Because there’s no way that’s a good thing. There’s no way that he could confess to this man he’s known for little more than a week and have that just…be okay. And even if it is okay, Jingyi knows precisely how quickly that can change when he lets his guard down and stops watching what he says and does. Mo Xuanyu hasn’t known him for very long, it’s too much to expect to think that he would want to pursue any sort of lasting relationship, which would be…rather unfortunate, for Jingyi’s apparently very ‘Lan’ heart that, if the clan stories are true, will only love like this once.
“You know, I always secretly thought that Yao-ge and Wei-ge were bluffing a little about how passionate you Lans are,” Mo Xuanyu muses when Jingyi’s mortified silence must go on a bit too long. He tuts softly and brushes gentle fingers through Jingyi’s hair, combing it away from the nape of his neck until Jingyi has to suppress a full-body shiver of pleasure. “You poor thing, I’ll have to be extra careful with that soft heart of yours, won’t I?”
Jingyi sucks in a sharp breath and tries to think of some way to reply to that but finds himself strangely at a loss for words. How is he supposed to express how good that sounds? To be treated gently? Carefully? Maybe he’s still a little worn out from his fever, because his eyes are suddenly burning and he exhales shakily around something tight in his chest. Mo Xuanyu hums quietly in the back of his throat and stops petting his hair to cup the back of his neck directly instead, his thumb brushing softly back and forth just below his hairline.
“Yeah,” Mo Xuanyu murmurs, audibly smiling as he tucks his cheek against the side of Jingyi’s head, “It’s mine now, no taking it back, and I promise I’ll be careful with it, alright?”
As is quickly becoming a pattern that Jingyi can’t be mad about at all, he finds himself helpless to do anything but agree and go along with whatever Mo Xuanyu thinks is best. He nods and slips one arm tentatively around Mo Xuanyu’s waist to hold him close, and they don’t separate until they hear a ruckus beyond the door that gives them a solid 30 second warning before Jin Ling’s blustering, fussing arrival with breakfast for them both.
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celestialevie · 3 years
Flower Boy // George Weasley x GN! Reader
Summary: AU where y/n is working at the tattoo shop, while their best friend is an owner of a flower shop. What happenes when expecting to see your best friend for lunch, you end up meeting a tall ginger man. Warnings: fluff, mention of food, tattoos, flowers, George being absolute charmer Word count: 1.7k a/n: enjoy this aboslute fluff of a fic!! and again, english is not my first language so if there are any mistakes please do not hestitate to let me know about it!! ' Evangeline ' is an oc of mine, so she might appear in some of my fics as a side charachter. Also credit to @bwbatta for the dividers!!
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Being a tattoo artist was one of the things you were proudest of. It wasn't easy to become one after neglecting art for so many years during High School. But after your best friend opened her own flower shop, she helped you get your inspiration for art being constantly surrounded by flowers and stories of why people were getting flowers. You were happy with everything but not knowing that wasn't the end of your happiness. It all started when you were on your lunch break and decided to swing by your best friend's flower shop to visit her. Expecting to see a small blonde girl behind the counter, you were shocked to see a tall ginger man standing there instead. '' Hello, how can I help you today? '' When ginger looked up, he felt as if someone kicked all of the air from his lungs because before him stood a beautiful person with y/h/c hair and y/e/c eyes. Smiling at them as they approached the counter, they were even more beautiful up close. '' Hi, um I'm looking for Evangeline? I didn't know she hired someone new. '' Ginger laughed, nodding his head. '' Ah yes, I'm only here temporarily. Unfortunately, you just missed her, she left to go on a lunch break with my uglier twin. '' You only laughed at that. '' Too bad, but can you please let her know that y/n looked for her? '' He nodded. '' I'll let her know. I'm George by the way. If you ever wanna ask her for me. '' George wiggled his eyebrows, making you shook your head. '' It was nice meeting you, but I have to go now. Please don't break any of her flowers she's not afraid to commit murder if you break something in her shop. '' his eyes widen, making you laugh as you were leaving but his voice stopped you. '' Hey! You come here often? '' he asks '' Considering I use to work here and my best friend owns it, yes. '' and with that, you left the shop, heading back to your workplace.
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As the clock turned changed time to 8 pm, you relaxed finally going home after a stressful day. Just as you were open the door, Evangeline barged in. '' Hello, heard you've been looking for me. '' She grinned at her best friend, attacking them with a hug. '' Hello to you too,'' you said returning the hug '' I see the tall ginger you failed to mention to me kept his word. '' smirk appearing in the corner of your mouth as you recall your encounter with him from earlier today. '' It seemed to me you left a trance on Georgie boy. '' Evangeline wiggled her eyebrows, making you laugh '' You can't do that to me, I wanted to have lunch with my best friend only to find she ditched me for and I quote the ginger man '' uglier twin '', leaving me to get almost a heart attack. For a second I thought I walked into a wrong shop. '' Both of you walked out of the shop, heading towards your apartment. '' Speaking of that date, you also failed to mention you were dating someone, and here I thought we tell each other everything, tsk tsk. I'm disappointed. '' you nudged her, blush creeping on her cheeks. '' Oh my god are you blushing? He's making you blush just by thinking of him? You need to tell me about him. '' and so she did. She told you how his name is Fred and along with his twin, he has 6 siblings, making both of them the middle children. It was very interesting to know about a man who took an interest in my best friend. Deciding she'll spend the night at yours, you both got cosy into pyjamas and watched movies until you both crashed. The next morning you went together to work, letting you know she'll come to your work for the lunch break. So when your lunch break came, you didn't expect her to walk in with the same ginger man from yesterday. '' y/n/n, I brought us a bodyguard to keep us safe during our lunch break. '' grin played on her lips, making you shake your head. '' Yeah because we're so in danger that someone is gonna try and kill us while eating Taco Bell. '' George snorted, making you look at him. He looked even cuter than yesterday if that's even possible. Maybe there was something in gingers that you'd yet to discover that makes them so attractive. '' So flower boy, what do you do when you're not being a bodyguard or taking care of Evie's flower shop. '' he was grinning at the nickname. '' I own a joke shop with my brother, but we're currently redecorating inside so we had to close it for a week or two. '' An attractive businessman, that's a first one you snorted to yourself. Spending an hour with two of them, turned into a mostly back and forth conversation between George and you. Soon Evie had to leave, her lunch break coming to an end. To your surprise, George asked you if he could stay for a bit longer, which you said yes to since you had no client for another hour. He asked you about your art style, which, according to George made your eyes sparkle up with happiness, making him chuckle when you started to ramble not even noticing. '' You're rambling. '' he chuckled making you blush a little. '' Sorry, sometimes I can get carried away without even noticing. '' George smiled, taking your hand in his, making you look at him. '' Don't apologise, it's adorable. '' blushing even harder, you looked at the clock making you realise that in 15 minutes your client should be coming. '' Oh shit I didn't even realise how much time has passed already, I have to prepare for the next client. But hey if you ever want a tattoo you know where to come. '' You said and with that, you disappeared somewhere behind in the storage, kind of hiding from flower boy, because he's starting to make you feel things you haven't felt before.
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Everything was happening so fast, in the next few days he kept coming either alone or in a company of Evangeline. She knew what she was doing and she was enjoying it. You even got to meet Fred, him wanting to meet the fascinating best friend of his girlfriend and the person who his brother can't seem to stop talking about. So when George asked you out, you said yes having nothing to lose. Deciding on a picnic, both of you packed some food, and he picked you up after work, leading you to a park. He prepared a blanket and put down the baskets where food and drinks were, sitting down and relaxing. '' How was your day? '' you began the conversation. '' It was good, mostly spent the entire day thinking of what to bring for our date tonight. '' a smile appeared on his face. '' How was yours? Any interesting tattoos you did? '' so you told him about this older guy who had half of his back tattooed with some weird game character, which made him laugh. Looking up at the sky, it looked amazing. '' Isn't the view beautiful? '' a grin played on your lips as you looked at the stars. George was only looking at you, and how beautiful you looked under the stars. If he wasn't already falling, he definitely would've now. '' Yeah, it couldn't be more beautiful. '' you looked at him and he was looking at you. '' Stop looking at me like that! '' He grinned at you, placing a hand on your cheek. '' Like what? '' he said softly while looking you in the eyes. '' L-like I've placed all the stars in the sky as if I'm the most unique thing on this planet. '' you were avoiding his eyes, knowing you wouldn't be able to breathe if you do. George had other plans, because he softly placed finger under your chin, making you look up at him. His eyes were filled with so much adoration, making you get lost in them. '' I've been looking at you like that ever since we first met, darling. I've grown quite fond of you from the first time our eyes met. '' a smile was spread on both of your lips '' God how much I love seeing you smile. I like you so much, love. '' placing your hands on both of his cheeks '' Can I tell you something? '' you said quietly almost a whisper. '' You can tell me anything. '' ''I like you too flower boy. '' even bigger smile was on his lips. '' Could you say it again? '' you furrowed your eyebrows. '' Were you not listening? '' he shook his head. ' No, I was, I just like the sound of your voice. '' you shook your head at his goofiness. '' Can you kiss me? '' a grin appeared on his lips '' Thought you'd never ask. '' and with that, he placed his soft lips on top of yours, lips mending with each other. It was like fireworks exploded inside you, from how much happiness you felt in this moment. Everything was perfect.
The next day you decided to visit Evangeline in the shop, expecting to see I guy you've grown s much fond of. And there he was stood with Fred and Evangeline, his beautiful smile playing on his lips. '' Hello, hope I'm not interrupting a big secret meeting. '' you joked as you approached them. George pulled you in his embrace, placing a small kiss on your temple as he sneaked an arm around your shoulder. '' Of course not love. '' you smiled at him, starting a conversation with him, not noticing how Fred and Evangeline were looking at the two of you. '' I haven't seen her smile like that in ages. '' Evie said, '' Hey flower boy, '' Fred began only to be shot by a dirty look by you. '' Hey, only I can call him that,'' you said and with that making everyone laugh including yourself. This is the happiest you've been in forever, and you could only hope it could stay like this forever.
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charlies-gillespie · 3 years
reminence | charlie gillespie
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paring: fem!reader x charlie gillespie
summary: reader stays the night in a hotel but there are no rooms. her ex, Charlie, overheard her talking and offers reader to spend the night in his room
length: mediumish
rating: PG
warnings: none
!! NOT MY GIF !!
You get out of the Uber you took to get here from LAX. You thank the driver and get your suitcase out of the trunk of his car. You drag your suitcase and dufflebag into the hotel that you plan in staying at tonight. It’s about five and the lobby is kind of packed. The parking lot was pretty full. You get in line at the desk behind a couple and their child.
The desk receptionist hands the couple a key and they walk off. You approach the desk with a smile and say, “Hi, my name is Y/N L/N and I booked a room here for one night.” The desk receptionist nods and types on the computer.
She makes a face and says, “I’m sorry, Miss L/N but that was our last room available.”
Confused, you say, “I called three days ago and made a reservation for a room.”
“I am all out of rooms tonight, I apologize,” she says. “If you’d like to stay and wait in case someone checks out then you can. I thought we had more than one room available for tonight.”
With a sigh, you open your mouth to say something until you hear someone go “Y/N?” behind you. You turn your head to see Charlie Gillespie standing behind you. You blink at him. You haven’t seen him since he broke up with you almost two years ago after a three year relationship. His hair has gotten longer and he’s gotten ... cuter.
You say, “Charlie, wow. It’s been a long time.”
Charlie approaches you and asks, “Are you staying here tonight?”
“I was going to but they just gave away the last room when I called three days ago reserving a room,” you say. “Why are you staying here?”
He says, “I flew in from Canada yesterday and have been staying here until my friend gets back from Canada so I can stay at his place. Wait, did you say that they don’t have anymore rooms?” You nod. “You can stay with me tonight. I have a second bed in my room that you can use.”
With a smile forming on your lips, you say, “Thank you, Charlie.” The desk receptionist hands you a key to Charlie’s room and the two of you take the elevator up to the fourth floor.
When you’re on the elevator, you take a second to look at the man next to you. His hair was much shorter than it is now. He’s wearing a blue and white button-up shirt that’s a little big on him and the top three or four buttons are undone, revealing his chest. He wears khaki shorts and converse sneakers.
The elevator dings and you get off with Charlie, who leads you down the hallway to his hotel room. He uses his key to let you both in and he lets you walk in first. You look around the room. The bed he probably slept in last night is a mess and isn’t made. There’s a shirt thrown over a chair at the little circular table. A coffee mug sits on the table between the beds.
“It’s a little messy but I wasn’t expecting company,” Charlie says, closing the door behind you. “Sorry.”
You smile and say, “It’s okay. It’s not like you need to impress me or anything.”
Charlie chuckles a bit and says, “I can run and grab us some food while you unpack. I know you probably had a long flight and probably need real food.”
“Yes, please,” you say. “Are there any McDonald’s around here? Or Taco Bell?”
He grabs his wallet and asks, “Your usual from either?” You nod in response. “I’ll be back in about fifteen minutes then.” Charlie leaves the room and you sit on the neatly made bed.
Sometimes you don’t remember why your relationship with Charlie ended. He’s a sweetheart, even after not seeing you for two years.
Your mind wanders while you unpack some of your clothes, putting them in an unused drawer. You check the minifridge to see what Charlie has. He just has a few cans of soda and a few water bottles. You sigh and sit back down on your bed.
Charlie walks in moments later with a Taco Bell bag and two drinks. He sets everything down on the little table and says, “Three soft shell tacos, Nacho Fries, and a Baja Blast. After all this time, I still know your regular at Taco Bell.”
With a laugh, you get up and say, “It’s not that hard to remember three soft shell tacos, Nacho Fries, and a Baja Blast. But thank you, Charlie.”
He smiles as you take your food, your drink, and a few napkins before sitting with your legs cross on your bed.
“What do the channels look like here? Any good ones?” you ask, opening one of your tacos.
Charlie shrugs and says, “There’s HBO we can watch. I know know what movie is on right now. Let’s check though.” He plops down on his bed with his Crunchwrap Supreme and his own Baja Blast. He grabs the remote and scrolls to HBO. He puts the channel on and you recognize the movie as Five Feet Apart. You look at Charlie and he switches to a static filled channel. “Not that one.”
Five Feet Apart was the movie you and Charlie watched the day before your relationship with him ended. You saw it in the movie theater a few weeks after it came out. You haven’t been able to watch it since.
Quickly, Charlie scrolls through the guide and puts on Friends. “This is a good compromise,” you tell him. “We both love Friends.”
“It’s one of the greatest shows ever,” Charlie says enthusiastically.
You laugh and say, “You made me watch this show so many times when we were together. The theme song always got stuck in my head after we watched it.”
Charlie swallows the bite of his Crunchwrap that he took before he asks, “Do you know how much Grey’s Anatomy you made me watch?” You laugh. “We’re even, Y/N.”
After swallowing a bite of your taco, you say, “You made me watch un ungodly amount of Friends, Charlie. It was everyday. I only made you watch Grey’s on Thursdays when it aired.”
He chuckles and says, “Okay, you got me there. You made me watch a lot of TikToks though, Miss L/N. You spent hours showing me videos.”
“You were laughing so I didn’t stop!” you say, jumping to your defense. “Remember that one time we tried making a TikTok by dancing to Obsessed by Mariah Carrey. It took us hours because you couldn’t learn the moves.”
Your ex laughs and says, “I did learn the moves eventually though. I still remember them.”
You finish your taco and says, “I wanna see this. Show me.”
Charlie smiles and gets off the bed. He stands in front of you and starts to do the Obsessed dance from TikTok. You laugh as you watch how badly he does the dance.
“For a musician, you have no rhythm,” you tease.
He sits back down on his bed with a sigh as he says, “For a small person, you eat a lot. I don’t know where it goes.”
With a laugh, you say, “I have no idea where it all goes either.”
It feels nice to laugh and talk with Charlie. Neither of you have spoken to each other since you broke up in late 2019. Just seeing him again has made you really happy. You didn’t think you’d see him again. He’s still his crazy self that he was years ago.
Both of you finish and you sit back against the headboard of your bed with a pillow behind you. You’re watching and laughing with Friends even though you’ve seen this episode a thousand times.
Charlie sudden asks, “Do you remember why we broke up?”
You look over at Charlie, who’s laying in the same position that you are, and say, “We just grew apart after high school. You moved down here part time after you graduated and I still had a few months left.” Charlie graduated early, you still had six months left. You were 17 when you and Charlie started dating at the beginning of your senior year of high school. He had just turned 17 right before the school year started. You were 20 when the relationship ended and Charlie was just about to turn 21. It wasn’t quite three years when you broke up but it was close.
He says, “I tried to make it work with us, Y/N. You know that right? Between living down here and acting, I did try.”
“I know you did,” you tell him, sitting up and looking at him. “It just got tough for both of us. We ended things on good terms.”
Charlie nods and says, “We did.”
You blink and ask, “What have you been doing since we broke up? Focusing on music, I hope.”
With a little laugh, he says, “I was on Netflix.”
Almost surprised, you say, “I didn’t know you were on Netflix, Charlie! That’s incredible. Was it a show or movie?”
“A show,” he says. “It’s called Julie and the Phantoms. We’re still waiting to be picked up for a second season but we trending in the top ten for a little bit on there after the show dropped in September last year.” Charlie tells you all about his time on set. He tells you about the show too, and you’re happy to hear that he was able to do two of the things he loves to do while being on the show.
You smile and ask, “Can I hear a song from the show? I know you have a guitar somewhere in this room. You never go anywhere without one.”
Charlie laughs and says, “You’re right.” He gets up and opens the closet door, pulling out a guitar he has stashed away in there. You laugh and shake your head. You know him too well sometimes.
He sits at the end of your bed and you cross your legs, looking at him. He pulls the guitar out of it’s case and he grabs a pick. He tunes the guitar before he looks at you.
“The song I’m about to play is song I wrote with my co-star, Madi,” he says. “It’s called Perfect Harmony. I may or may not have been kind of thinking of you when coming up with the lyrics.”
You smile and say, “Awe, I didn’t know you were such a romantic, Charlie.”
A laugh leaves Charlie’s lips as he begins to play the chords.
Step into my world Bittersweet love story about a girl Shook me to the core Voice like an angel, I've never heard before
As he plays, you sway to the music. You smile, having always enjoyed hearing his voice and watching him play guitar. He’d spend hours practicing or writing songs and you’d sit outside whatever room he was in or sit beside him while he sang and played.
Charlie looks at you occasionally as he plays, almost like he’s singing to you.
You set me free You and me together is more than chemistry Love me as I am I'll hold your music here inside my hands
You watch him intently, the smile never leaving your face as he plays. Hearing his voice again makes you so happy.
I feel your rhythm in my heart, yeah-yeah You are my brightest, burning star, woah-woah I never knew a love so real (So real) We're heaven on earth, melody and words
As he finishes up the song, you stop swaying and you look at him. Charlie finishes and he looks at you. He laughs a bit and says, “And that’s Perfect Harmony.”
“It’s beautiful,” you tell him. “And I’m not just saying that because you kind of wrote the song while thinking about me. I think it’s really good, Charlie. You’re so talented.”
Charlie’s face gets a little flustered and he says, “I’m just decent at guitar and decent at singing.”
You say, “You wouldn’t have landed a huge Netflix role if you weren’t crazy talented, Charlie. You know that right?”
He packs up his guitar and says, “You don’t have to lie to me like we’re still dating, Y/N.” Charlie gets up and puts his guitar back in the closet he took it about from. You get up and walk over to him.
When he turns around, he jumps a bit, startled that you were right there. You stare up at him and say, “I’m telling you right now that you are insanely talented. I’m face to face with you now so you can’t tell me that I’m lying.”
After a moment of staring up into Charlie’s eyes, he takes a step toward you. Your heart begins to race in your chest and you take a deep breath. You feel his fingers touch your hand and butterflies erupt in your belly. His callused fingers intertwine with yours and you gasp.
“Can I kiss you?” Charlie suddenly asks.
You nod slowly, tilting your head up. It’s been so long since Charlie’s kissed you, and you always loved his kisses. Whenever you were upset, he’d kiss your forehead or your cheek or your neck and you’d feel better almost immediately.
Charlie’s free hand comes up to your face, cupping your cheek. He leans down and ghosts his lips over yours hesitantly. You lean your head up as Charlie becomes more sure and crashes his lips to yours. You gasp softly before kissing him back. The kiss is slow and soft as you both take in the moment.
In the two years apart, you’ve never lost feelings for Charlie. You tried to date but it never worked out because you never were able to get over the only man you ever really loved. Being able to hold his hand and kiss him again feels heavenly.
Both of you stand like this for a few moments before you pull back, looking up at Charlie. He looks down at you and asks, “How long will you be in Los Angeles?”
You say, “I’m moving into my new apartment tomorrow. I just flew in a day early.”
He smiles and asks, “So you’re here permanently?”
“I’m here permanently,” you say, smiling. “So if you’re willing to try the relationship thing again then-”
Charlie cuts you off with another kiss, this one rougher than the last. You laugh as Charlie pulls back, saying, “Are you kidding? I’d love to try the relationship thing again. The only reason I’m staying with my friend is because I’m looking for a new apartment too.”
With a huge smile on both your faces, you wrap your arms around Charlie’s neck. You hug him tight and say, “Looks like we ended up finding our way back to each other.”
“Thank God,” Charlie says against your ear. You laugh.
You spend the night wrapped around Charlie in some way until you begin to fall asleep.
As you doze off to sleep, you hear Charlie begin to sing softly.
The truth is finally breaking through Two worlds collide when I'm with you Our voices rise and soar so high We come to life when we're In perfect harmony
A smile forms on your face as you snuggle against Charlie’s side, falling asleep in his arms.
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