#please do not preach to an artist about artistic intent.
just started playing Alan Wake (finally) to understand the DLC for Control (which is phenomenal btw, Quantum Break is also really fun and cool as a mixed media experiment and experience) and there's already 3 levels of meta narrative about a writer writing a story about a writer writing a story about a writer trying to escape writer's block to escape writer's block to escape writer's block. this game thinks it's soooooo clever, it wants to be me soooo bad. seriously tho, episode 1 was super fucking fun, I look forward to playing more soon.
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diviinaee · 9 months
ok i actually am sick of alexis discourse ruining my peaceful senior year day SO I'm writing this and then I'm ignoring all notifications
Calling her a bitch.
Now. I've sen alot of Alexis Hate takes where she is called a bitch and claiming that calling her such is not misogynistic. However, it very much can be. Take this article from Time Magazine for example.
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As seen in both images, "bitch" has only been widely used to bring down the woman. It's like I said in a previous post. The double standard in the fandom is atrocious. I recently recieved a reblog that basically said that Alexis has no redeeming qualities. I should mention, the post they reblogged was one where I mentioned Blake and Vega. I also mentioned Ivan but he has the excuse of being controlled by Vega. So let's look at Blake and Vega. Besides seemingly being attractive, what moral redeeming qualities do they have? None. Blake is a bad person regardless of the situation because he has hurt people. Vega is a bad person regardless of the situation because he has hurt people. ALEXIS IS A BAD PERSON BECAUSE SHE HAS HURT SOMEONE. How is it that when the male characters have that statement on their name, the fandom is okay with them having fans. We might disagree, but we all live with it. Why is it that with Alexis, her fans are called gross and are accused of excusing rape?
I think what Alexis Haters seem to ignore is that the people who enjoy her character are not saying that she's good. Me personally, I love her character because there is so much possibility that her character can experience. I don't love her because she hurt Sam. Alexis fans understand that what she did was wrong, but what they see that Alexis haters don't, is that she can grow from that. It's the same thing as Cutie. They messed up. And they can grow from that.
POC Alexis
Now, before I get into this, I would like to state that I am Latina and I will be seeing this from that perspective.
I have noticed that alot of people's artistic depections of certain characters as POC is quite concerning. Here are the main ones: Gavin, Darlin', Huxley, and Alexis.
Since this post is only about Alexis, we'll dive into hers only.
In the following images, the narrative summarizes the stereotype of the angry black woman [which i have seen many Alexis depections of]. The second image speaks of a social experiment revolving anger in the workplace and how people react to anger of different races, ethnicities, and genders.
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To make Alexis one of your ONLY POC characters is feeding into this stereotype. Since she is already depicted as a evil woman by much of the fandom, the fact that you would make her one of your only POCs is concerning.
Now before you line your pitchforks and preach that you aren't racist, I need y'all to breath with me for a sec. It could very much be something you are doing unconsciously.
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Society depicts many POC in media as aggressive or sexualized creatures. It's no wonder why so much of racism can very much be unconsciously done.
We aren't asking you guys to change your Alexis designs. We are asking you to please understand that even if your intentions is good, the impact can be harmful.
Literally just agree to disagree.
Something that I find in EVERY fandom I have ever been in is the fact that no one can agree to disagree. Some people hate Alexis. Some people like her. The world still spins. The sun still shines. NOTHING BAD HAPPENS. Instead of calling each other names and resorting to attacking people directly, just agree to disagree.
[and before anyone comes after me saying that i cane after haters, i was going after how hypocritical some of these takes were and the sheer uncertainty that went into their takes.]
Literally take from this what you will but if you ignore everything at least take this. People in the world agree and disagree all the time. It's the people that don't agree to disagree that cause problems in the world. Let's all just accept the fact that we have difference in opinions and live on woth our lives.
Literally begging everyone to go eat some cookies and calm the hell down.
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blacklodgemusictx · 1 year
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Sweet, aching sadness.  Bitter, snarling anger.  Gentle piano notes being smashed to a frantic crescendo.  Screeching guitar.  Whispering.  Insidious.  
Jesse Daniel Edwards could curate the soundtrack to the chemically drenched sock hop I endeavor to conjure on my depression-mandated Ketamine trips.  
My first impression of him was Little Steven (I only know about Little Steven because of Rattle and Hum, ‘’… a friend of ours, Little Steven, was putting together a record of artists against APAR-TIGHT” – preach, Brother Bono) meets Harry Connick Jr… crooning away as the apocalypse begins and the bombs start to fall. 
Quiet, gentle bombs, please.  Last November when I wandered into Salim Nourallah’s listening room – Galactic Headquarters— to see Jesse and Landon Pigg, I was hung over.  I don’t drink.  I get Ketamine infusions.  Better living through chemical intervention.  I overcome my fear of needles long enough to get some sunshine mainlined directly to my brain.   Turns down my self-hating, self -destructive monologue long enough I can function again… for awhile.  But I’m left dried out.  Aching.  Low lights, friends, music at Salim’s seemed like just what the doctor ordered. 
I have since journeyed down an Insta-YouTube rabbit hole for more information regarding what I saw that night.  Jesse seems to have a lot in common with Salim.  Each contains multitudes.  10 different kinds of rock star wrapped up in a quiet, unassuming, crazy-talented package.  “Little Steven” Jesse is just one face.  There appears to be Mellencamp(“Jack and Diane were such fine examples” he sings in “The Future Has Been Canceled”)/Springsteen  tattooed, mullet-rocker resplendent in wife beater (please, if there’s a more PC way to refer to those shirts now… I don’t know what it is) and jeans, a Hawaiian shirt and visor wearing “Jimmy Buffet” Jesse who – carried away by the moment -- throws himself on the ground and writhes with his guitar.  
In every single video I found of Jesse, Landon is there.  Buttoned up shirt.  Beating the hell out of tambourine, smiling like a (if there were such a thing) long haired Mormon missionary (I am a lapsed Mormon, I can say stuff like that.)   I don’t know these gents other than a few words exchanged at that first show and the occasional DM I will send Jesse’s way on Instagram, but I can only assume Jesse and Landon are best friends.  If you let me imagine it too much, I will make a Pixar, friends-til-the-end movie out of their perceived relationship.  Brothers together in the cause and service of ROCK.  It makes a nice mental picture.  I like it when people care for each other. 
The other half of Black Lodge, my other half, the light chevron pattern to my dark (aka “Doug”):  he doesn’t care.  He will listen to music and remove it from the maker.  He barely listens to the words.  His heart is guided by the pure musicality (this is how he appreciates Frank Zappa where I cannot get past the ridiculous words long enough to even get to what may or may not be brilliantly executed music.)  He doesn’t care if the artist is a good person or if the band members were getting along when they recorded such-and-such.  He appreciates the product. 
I need to know the product was arrived at through pure intentions.  I like it when you are a good person, I like the band mates are best friends, I like my performers having fun, experiencing joy.  That’s just me. 
I like it when your lyrics make me feel something.  Even if it’s sadness, anger, impotence. 
“I don’t wanna do it anymore/You can’t make me do it anymore/God, don’t make me do it anymore” 
Do what? Everything. 
Wake up.  Doom scroll.  Wonder.  Worry.   
“The more you care, the more they take.”   
Watch society collapse.  Hope you can scratch out a little life for yourself, a corner of happiness.  Keep that happiness safe from the onslaught of daily soul sucking reality.  A rose under glass from the Disney childhood all the Millennials are trying to hold on to, keep safe and untarnished.   
“I hate me, but I can’t change who I am.”  
My high school ring (class of 99) says “Life on the edge of time.”  The last analog generation with vague memories of being sent outside to play, riding bikes, passing notes instead of texting, failing a grade at school instead of getting shot to death there.  
We started life watching war on TV.  How is it reality where you can get bored with war and change the channel?  What is this? Where are my cartoons?  (“The holocaust is live on channel threeee”) As an elementary school class project, we wrote to Desert Storm soldiers.  Waco, 09/11… the revolutions have all been televised and we are soul-numb and bored.   
Every dream our parents took for granted is now out of our reach.  Education, a home to call your own.  Tell me how much hope *you* have managed to hold on to under these circumstances. We are racing to see if we finish ourselves off before the planet shakes us off like a bad cold. 
“Love is all you need/But love won’t stop bombs/or pull the nails out of your palms…”   This line stings like a sore spot in your mouth you can’t stop tonguing.  It hurts, but in a good way.  This line puts JDE on the opposite end of the spectrum from Salim Nourallah (my friend and the musician previous to Jesse to evoke such a visceral response in me musically) Salim Nourallah whose music is hope[…”ful melancholy,” a line I didn’t pen, but I keep returning to in regards to Salim’s music as it is, for the most part, a perfect description of why his songs appeal to me so much.] 
Salim is hope.  Jesse is hope lost.   As a 42-year-old (elder millennial) major depressive, I am both of these things.  Bitterly attractive dichotomy.  Salim’s music is the feeling I aspire to when the chemicals are still working.    Jesse’s music is the chemicals wearing off, realization, dull horror.  Reality. 
What did Cervantes say?  “Too much sanity may be madness, and maddest of all – to see life as it is and not as it should be.”  I like a little of both. 
I feel like Jesse does too and Landon’s presence at his side feels like confirmation of that. 
Landon is a beautiful musician in his own right.  Sweet, wistful.  A touch of Eliot Smith.  A little Iron and Wine.  Master of what everyone aspires to:  the elusive EAR WORM.  Listen to ‘Falling in Love at a Coffee Shop.’  You know that song.  I promise you.  I know that song.  I was able to mouth all the words as he began singing it… the infuriating thing is: I don’t know HOW I know it.  I played it later for my mother.  She knows it too.  She does not know HOW she knows it either!  Google says it was probably either an AT&T commercial or an episode of Grey’s Anatomy.  Both of which I’m sure I’ve been exposed to… but not in enough quantities to know all the words.  I remain… befuddled.  
Landon was also in Whip It – that earlier 2000s movie I was briefly obsessed with, decided I would learn roller derby even though I could NOT skate to save my life.  This brief obsession led me to my first broken bone at the auspicious age of at least 30: my tail bone.  I broke my tailbone for this movie.  I’m an idiot… but it’s a good movie. 
I forgot to rewatch it before I saw the performance.  Went back and watched it later:  yep.  There he is.  Right there.  Pretty big part too. Huh.  Good going, sir. 
At first, I was nervous I would wax poetic about Jesse for pages and then go, “Landon sings pretty.  He’ll be there too.” But then I relearned what I found out months ago:  Landon has, among other things, 406THOUSAND Spotify listeners (several times the population of the city I am currently sitting in while I write this) and Jesse has… 106.   
Something tells me Landon won’t mind that I was a little heavy handed in Jesse’s direction. 
(But yes, he’s lovely.  He has nice hair, sings like an angel and is witty to boot.  The “champagne lady with the pickle-back” sends her regards.) 
All of this to say, the boys will be back at Galactic (Dallas) this Friday and Austin on Saturday.  Links to follow. 
Don’t miss this.  I designed stickers for both performers… come get some.  You’ll love them, I promise.  There’s no place like Galactic (Austin is good too, don’t get me wrong, but Galactic has Salim and all my friends, I’m biased.) 
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anya-chalotra · 2 years
Could you please not support book piracy? Authors are artists too, and many of them don't make as much as what you think they do. Even pirating novels from popular writers encourages people to pirate from less fortunate authors, it's a slippery slope. Encourage use of libraries instead, it's all free to the user and the author still gets paid for the hard work they put in.
Forgive me if I sound, at any point, a little short when this was the reblog that preceded this message:
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Respectfully, I would like to ask where in my post I said people couldn’t or shouldn’t go to their local library. I specified that the post was for people who aren’t able to get their hands on copies of the books. And yes, semantics, or it obviously went beyond that specific group of people, or any number of things anyone on their high horse (yourself included, if your commentary on the post in question is any indication) could be thinking.
But I previously lived somewhere where the nearest library was a very small one in a small town a half hour’s drive away. Unless it was some widely popular mainstream series or author or what-have-you (and even then, it was sometimes a shot in the dark), the collection of books was pretty limited, and when I did manage to find a book, the odds of that library having the entire series? Slim to none. Some people simply live in rural areas that don’t have libraries, which you and like-minded individuals fail to realize or neglect to remember. Some people who don’t live in rural areas still don’t have access or means. It’s just the way of things.
I published that post with those people in mind, and because I had been asked about it before. They are all one measly Google search away, and still I did not say, “hey, friends, did you know you could search x and arrive at y,” though I’m sure most are aware without my saying so. There are dozens of sites where countless books are ‘free’ and still I did not share those.
At most, I was expecting friends and followers to see it, along with some outliers in overlapping social circles, and maybe other interested parties who happened upon it. It’s not as though I was accounting for a widely and wildly popular blog to reblog it and for the post to get as many notes as it did. But:
Respectfully, I would like to also point out that, regardless of how the post ‘blew up’, this one specific post isn’t making that many waves in the grand scheme of things. Everyone who already owns physical or digital copies already owns them. Everyone who’s paid and pays their library a visit will, in all likelihood, continue doing so. Everyone who has prior knowledge on how to ‘pirate’ media—which is most folks these days, especially on Tumblr, in case you’ve forgotten what site we’re on—will do with that knowledge what they will, even if my post had been geared in reverse, preaching and lecturing about the woes of piracy.
By hosting the books myself on a legitimate site, I’m limiting the piracy to just this one series and author (who, mind you, is not some poor, old man on the brink of homelessness that I’m beating with his own cane, but rather a New York Times bestseller who profited from a big video game adaptation and continues to profit from a big Netflix adaptation) and not providing a means to pirate at large and steal from less fortunate authors, unless, again, people were already so inclined or had prior knowledge I have no say or part in.
And to cycle back to your ever so helpful and ever so lovely commentary:
My intentions weren’t outright evil, but call me a douchebag again if it makes you feel better. Though I would have to—less respectfully—say that we’re two sides of the same coin here. Because you could have provided concrete alternatives or resources that you know of instead of spewing the same old holier-than-thou catch-all about supporting *non-specific local library which some people don’t even have*, but you didn’t. Either a) you know to some extent that it’s hard to provide as much for everyone everywhere, or b) you might care about the matter at hand but you care more about calling people out in a way I can only read as entirely pretentious.
So, with all due respect, kindly take your own advice about not being a “goddamn douchebag” and have a nice day. <3
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weaselbeaselpants · 3 years
Weird week behind me weird week ahead of me but I’ve done a lot of self reflection and came to the weirdest epiphany. The older I get the more I realize all my ‘problems’ with VivziePop - her thoughts on criticism;  the choices she makes in story telling; some of the people she’s worked with (not that any of that’s my business; I’m not her mom) really aren’t about Viv, but more about her fandom.
I’m speaking of the preHazbin era Viv here and as someone who’s only watch horny fish jump at the surface rather than jump straight into the Hazbin-fandom, but given my ‘noncritical’ fellow fans have told me that the Vivziefandom now is also terrible - I guess I’ll go over my experience and make the most out of what I do know.
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I followed Viv in 2009 and fell off in 2013 cause I kinda just lost interest and found myself wrapped up in other fandoms. I’ve always felt amicable about her content; I could give or take designs or the way in which she wrote characters -- ((Zech represent!!!)) but it’s honestly surreal and really fun seeing this person I recognize make it big and improve so much. Like I’ve said before I am very happy and very impressed with Viv doing all she’s done in the span of TWO YEARS. wow gurl.
Trouble is, there was the particular breed of fan who really made me...uncomfortable. They felt almost possessive of Viv’s attention. They sang praises about her work in a way that just made me want nothing to do with it because I was worried if I drew those characters these people would be like ‘hey, I’M Viv’s fav artist, not you!”. They would  unironically write Viv messages like:
“you are a GOD” -- “I’m so not worthy compared to you” --“I wish I was as talented as you” -- “YOU ARE EVERYTHING AND CAN’T DO WRONG VIV”.
The kind of messages which were meant to sound flattering but, intentional or not, came off as gaslighting, like they were guilt tripping Viv about being better than them. This behavior, treating your favorite artist/internet personality like your superior and groveling like Starscream, it strikes a nerve with me; partly because I was this way with my favorite artists and influences back in the day,  but also because once I got a taste of that treatment myself I realized just how bad it could be:
There was once a girl on dA who was jealous of me because of the attention I got on my art instead of her. I told her that I wasn’t gonna stop drawing but also that there was nothing wrong with her art and she’d find her place. It was weird being put in that position where someone is very clearly upset at you but also looking for your approval.
The second was some scumball who I blocked in 2016. He wouldn’t speak to me, only write condescending, backhanded comments on my art; check on my profile daily; call me a bootlicker (cuz I took commissions) behind my back; redrew my art and would talk about me in his personal artist notes about how I ‘probably wouldn’t see this’ - oh yeah all the while he did fan art of my characters but again never spoke to me when I replied. When I finally messaged him about his behavior he said he thought I was “really overrated” and “bad for the fandom” cuz I took money and kept him from getting the love he deserved. It took messaging another person within our fandom, one I had been in spats with online before, to finally realize I shouldn't put up with that bs....
That guy who was stalking me btw did so while I was well under 1.K watchers and am still pretty obscure. Anyway, I had one guy unhealthily watching me for the wrong reasons. Just one. This is why when Viv says she “hates creeps” I 150% believe this woman and am not about to call her a liar who just can’t take criticism. Like, if you really think that, I’m sorry but you don’t know what Viv’s gone through from both her critics AND fans.
Of course, a lot of people will be like “I bet you’re just jealous and really just want that kind of attention yourself so you’re preaching to the choir”, but like...no. I am envious of just about any creator who’s the social butterfly I’m not, but, like, if I'm jealous of an artist none of that is that artists’ fault. Ever. It’s my own issues with being comfortable with myself are at stake. If I criticize Viv’s work it’s not because I see her as competition or my Squilliam Fancyson; it’s because I’m a critical fan of animation and cartoons and have my own thoughts to share on the cartoons of an artist I’m familiar with.  Jealousy/envy/mixed-admiration/godIwishthatwereme.jpeg feels are totally natural and valid emotions when you’re a creator. Envy becomes a problem when you internalize, weaponize, and scrutinize people on the basis of them being what you aren’t which -yes - some people do in the name of criticism. ((Although, I would hardly say some of the nastiest AntiViv folk are jealous as much as they are angry that this project they think is harmful is getting attention and using that as justification for some really shitty behavior of their own, which no, this post is not a part of by virtue of coming from a critical fan.))
Critique can come from either a good place or bad place; good critique can be used to bad ends and bad critique can come from a well-meaning place, and vice versa.   It’s the difference between many a criticalfan having a sour taste in their mouth regarding the Viv’s base but persisting in a critique+admiration separate of that, and this asswipemonster trying to weasel his way into Spindlehorse while also bashing Viv on a public forum for clearly vitriolic reasons. He was a creep.
So yeah um please stop insisting that every Hazbin critic is just jealous’ because a) there are people who have a past with Viv’s base and that clouds their judgement, but in a lot of cases that doesn’t invalidate their feelings or thoughts on her work separate from that, and b) I’ve seen what clingy gaslighting jealous fans are. Spoiler: they’re not so much Annie Wilkes as much as they are Tommy Wiseaus. You don’t want Tommy Wiseau following you.
Another bad vibe I really picked up on that I can kinda confirm is still probably the case now: people think that they know Viv and the Spindlehorse crew and have the right to send them shit they don’t need or WANT to be seeing.
Like, I talked with Viv once ages ago. I don’t remember what I said other than we were talking about Frankenweenie, I think. She was nice. Outside of that she said “thank you” to my comments on her deviations but that’s it. I DO NOT KNOW THIS WOMAN AND unless you’ve worked with or are a legit friend/mutual of hers, NEITHER DO YOU. But I don’t think every Vivzie stan/critic knows this. Whether it be people assuming she MUST think they’re headcanon is now canon-canon cuz she liked a comment they made; or some critic thinking they must have seriously hurt her pride because they’ve been blocked by her on twitter (or you know, maybe she and the rest of Spindlehorse is tired of getting @s and don’t have to time to read through your analysis so they’re gonna just block and move on cuz they’re busy).
Just because the creators talk with fans doesn’t mean fans are literally their best friends and have a part in the show’s direction. And yes, critics and reviewers fit that bill as well. Know your damn boundaries people.
If you find/make some kind of contribution as a viewer that’s awesome but you should never expect nor DEMAND the creator see it. The most obvious horror stories involving this and Helluva/Hazbin have been the Instagrams made by the crew being harassed by incestpedo enthusiasts, but it applies even to just @ing creators as well.
I’ve seriously had someone tell me to just take my criticisms directly to Viv and like...no. Why would I do that?
I respect Viv and the artists working with her enough to know that they’re working their asses off on an animated series and should not be bothered. I don’t want them to stop all they’re doing and reply to me. I want them to keep working. Also, that kind of logic makes me wonder how many critics Viv’s found because she found it on her own or if some obsessed fan told her about it - which is really messed up cuz if it IS just good critique you’re, again, just pestering her, and if it wasn’t critique but full on harassment WHY THE FUCK WOULD YOU MESSAGE HER ABOUT THAT ANYWAY? I’m sure she doesn’t need to be reminded that people drew and said really awful shit about her on Tapatalk. My point being I’m sure what people think they’re doing is
“OOOoh Viv lookitwut this person is doing in our fandom we need to ban together against this toxic behavior”
but what they’re actually doing, and sounding like, is -
“Hey Viv I know you are working so hard on the show and you’re trying to figure out where to go from here but LOOKITWHUTTHISHATERSAID. LOOKATIT! VALIDATE ME VIV AND PUT’EM IN THEIR PLAAAAAACE!”
TL;DR Viv’s fanbase back in the day consisted of everyman artists and interests but there was this one breed of fan -who I hope was just a vocal minority- that ruined it for everything else.
Call it stanning or ‘simping’ or as it’s classically known, ‘white knighting’, whatever it was it really soured a lot of people on her because of those fans.
That’s why the DollCreep drama got so bad from what I can tell. Doll and Viv had a falling out and then called out eachother online where people who took it upon themselves to speak for them starting throwing mud.
Back in the day I remember Viv used to get mad at artists for ‘stealing’ her style. I think this attitude from Viv directly has vanished but I remember it happening because one of the people she thought was stealing her style did art for me at some point and they were basically shamed/chased off deviantART by a gaggle of these really nasty Vivfans.
I don’t know that. And honestly, where I’m inclined to believe she’d do something like that then I think Viv is really different and has improved her business and public image from her college days. I’d be very disappointed in her if she was pulling a Butch Hartman or Derek Savage, but I just don’t think she is one, k?
Viv is more self critical and aware than any of these uber protective-gatekeeping fans give her credit for. She said on the Pizzapartypodcast that she knows the Hazbin pilot wasn’t perfect; she’s been able to identify the problems with old Zoophobia; this woman knows that criticism of all kinds need to exist and from what I see she sounds like she’s trying to get used to that. It’s just, you know, when you have nasty antis badgering you, stalkers, obsessive yes-mam’ fans, opinionated shit posters, r34 artists, entitled shippers and the NDAs of a company alongside your own branded image - all that negativity, even the constructive bits, tend to clump together and you just want to scream at it so you can finish the damn cartoon already!!!!
VivziePop/mind is basically indie Tim Burton.  Her work is fun, shallow and made with love but is marketed as being for everyone when it’s really not. Parts of it I love to watch; parts of it drives me crazy cuz of reasonswhatev this isn’t a review.
BUT any fanbase where people tell me I should just “expect what’s coming to me” when I’m trying to argue against dragging creators into fandrama is troubling. People have a parasocial bond with fandoms and their creators and they need to learn when to back off.
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rainbowsky · 3 years
Final round-up of fan fic asks
I've gotten a few more interesting responses to the fan fic discussion so I'm going to round them all up here. This will be my final post on the topic until/unless there's a dramatic new development, or a particularly notable response I want to highlight. Thanks to everyone who brought their thoughts and experiences to the topic. I hope everyone at least feels heard.
The biggest piece of advice that I would like to offer is for everyone to focus on what they love rather than what they hate. If we all did that, the world would be a better place. Alongside that, I'd like to remind everyone to please support authors whose work you like. It's so important. Give them a kudos, give them a nice comment, recommend their work to others. You never know what kind of grief and harassment they are dealing with to bring you these great stories, and our support means a lot.
This is in reference to previous posts here and here.
Anonymous asked:
With regard to fandom and fan fic issue, my years of experience being part of very large fandoms has led me to believe that big accounts are v important in facilitating and enforcing the general consensus of the whole fandom. Unless there will be big accs who'll remind everyone of being respectful & just not being a dick over other's preferences, nothing will change.
This is also the reason why I think certain solo fandoms have adapted weird and twisted narratives as their general fandom story because no big acc has tried to police them & and say hey pls be rational. Whether we like it or not, in a place where how far voices, ideas, tweets, posts get heard is based on the number of followers you have, big accs will have the power and influence in creating/curating/shifting the narratives.
So, if you want to know why your/our fandom thinks like this in general, look at what big accs are tweeting/posting, look at what ideas & values they follow, look at their preferences or how strongly they react to certain situations. it's taxing and toxic for big accs given the nature of social media these days, but it's also the reality of system, the more followers/audience you have, the more influence you will have.
So to anyone reading this I hope we all practice more restraint and reflection before we post anything. Remember that words, no matter what medium you write it in, will always carry weight.
So true. It is easy - even for myself who spends a fair chunk of time answering people's asks - to forget that people can sometimes be impressionable and what we say can influence people whether that's our intent or not. I get used to thinking of myself as a regular guy just doing my own thing when sometimes my thoughts and words go well beyond where I initially posted them.
I think it's important for us to be careful what we say, and it's equally important to be careful what we take from what other people say. Especially when it comes to big claims. Always get a second, third, fourth opinion and don't be afraid to ask for clarification if something doesn't sit right or sounds confusing.
It's also important to reflect on how our words and actions might affect other people's experience of fandom, and err on the side of 'live and let live' wherever possible. It's great to have our own preferences and to champion them, but we should try to do so in a way that leaves space for other people and perspectives.
The more unique perspectives and the more friendly, open dialog there is, the healthier the community will be as a whole.
There's nothing wrong with encouraging and guiding growth in the particular areas we are interested in, as long as it doesn't step on, oppress or attack those who are peacefully enjoying something different.
Anonymous 2 asked: bjyx fans attacking gdgdbaby for including zsww/lsfy dynamics in an event named bjyx then turning right around and attacking the zsww/lsfy event organizer for excluding bjyx? god, can you hear my facepalm and sigh of resignation and incredulity from over there? im genuinely not surprised that they're trying to drive an entire part of the fandom out by disgusting them (and me) with these immature tactics. i believe what im about to say next will sound quite bait-y and i respect your decision 1/?
should you choose not to post this. but i do know that it is not only me, in fact there are many out there, that is of this opinion. we just dont talk about it on twitter to avoid the potential mess it will bring lol. okay, here goes nothing. (do note that im talking about the majority here, not every single person is like this) so bjyx fans tend to be cishet females whereas zsww/lsfy fans are more diverse in terms of age and gender, and most of them are part of the queer community too 2/?
i would like to clarify that most of these zsww/lsfy fans are not dynamic exclusive (in the sense that they are friendly and interact with all ggdd fans) they just prefer to "identify" themselves as zsww/lsfy fans (on twitter specifically) just to form a distinction from bjyx fans who mostly are dynamic exclusive (as in; they do not consume non-bjyx content, and straightup refuse to interact with non-bjyx fans, often blocking them). as a result, id say that the zsww/lsfy communiy is way more 3/?
mature and respectful (after all, they're mostly queer people talking about a queer ship) whereas many problems in this fandom, such as the homophobia, adamantly insisting on "drawing lines" between dynamics, stem from the bjyx exclusive fans, comprised of cishet females who "may not know better". so, it is of no surprise to me that they're resorting to these immature tactics of calling gg unsavory names, and organizing retaliatory events with controversial topics in an attempt to "purify". 4/4
I trust that you have arrived at that theory through your own experience and observation. I haven't personally spent much time immersed in this stuff so I can't claim to have any real insight or expertise. If you say that's your experience of it, then at the very least that's how you've seen things up to this point.
I just want to say that I think we should always be careful about making assumptions about people's age, gender/gender identity, etc.
There are plenty of good reasons to avoid doing that; because those assumptions could be very wrong, because those assumptions are often laced with ageism, sexism, etc., because those assumptions - even when correct - might not be an accurate basis for the conclusions we draw.
But the primary reason I recommend avoiding those type of assumptions is because anything that enables us to clump a group of people together in our minds like that will tend to make them easier to demonize and dehumanize. They are no longer individuals who are each responsible for their own unique perspectives, they are now 'the X group' who is known for 'A B C series of easily attackable ideas or behaviors'.
If we attribute undesirable traits and behaviors to a group of people we feel opposed to in some way, that makes us feel more righteous and justified in behaving unfairly toward them, dismissing their humanity and warring with them. It's just risky behavior to engage in, even when it's well-intentioned.
There might actually be some truth to what you're saying. It could very well be that most of these people are young, inexperienced, heteronormative, etc. but if that's the case then we should try to use those traits to better understand and empathize rather than to better dismiss and discredit.
Just my two cents on that.
It can be really frustrating dealing with what feels like other people attacking us, trying to oppress us, etc. - especially when there are more of them than there are of us. In my experience the best solutions to that sort of problem are generally the ones that focus on what we are doing and want to do rather than what they are doing that we don't want them to do.
As I am always preaching, we can't control what other people say, do or think. The only thing we have any control over is what we say, do and think (and how we respond to what they say, do and think).
I have found in my experience that the moment I step out of a conflict mindset and instead step into a problem-solving mindset, everything starts to come together. I feel better, my outlook is more positive, I can begin to see solutions and allies rather than problems and enemies, and most of all, I become more focused on what I am doing than what others are doing.
So I would recommend everyone who is invested in resolving these conflicts focus on that. "How can we best showcase and encourage the types of stories we enjoy?" instead of "How can we stop these other people from doing things we dislike?"
Anonymous 3 asked:
Hello again! It’s anon #3 from the fanfic post. I really do appreciate reading your thoughts on various issues like this, so thank you for always taking time to write in depth. As for supporting without going to war, the simplest way has always been to just show appreciation for the creators, hype them up. Kudos are the easiest way on ao3 but comments in addition are great. This goes for all content—art, fics, vids..etc. Creators love to see and read how people react to their content. Sharing is also great, fic recs are very helpful, just be cautious with art and reposting though. Hope this helps a bit!
Thanks so much, Anon. I think this is excellent advice. And it's true that appreciation is great, but helping to expand the audience is also great. Recommending stories, pointing people to the pages/websites of artists we like (as opposed to reposting), sharing our own ideas and approaches, encouraging people to try new things... all of this helps build healthier communities.
And here's another one: WRITE! DRAW! CREATE!
I urge anyone with creative interests or talents to bring their voices to the community because we all can benefit from hearing from you.
Thanks again everyone for sharing your thoughts on this issue. I hope that over time we can all work in positive ways to improve the situation.
I think this subject has been well-covered now so I'm going to retire it for the time being. If anyone still feels they want to discuss it further please feel free to message me privately. Thanks.
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obsidian-aurora · 3 years
Why I feel so sad for Xiao Zhan for winning the Weibo King award again in 2021
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Right now you might see a lot of people spreading the fact that Xiao Zhan won Weibo King again with joy and happiness.  I can only personally feel sadness and regret.  Because when I look back at the year 2020, and what Xiao Zhan went through, Weibo had a big part to play in that story.  They took advantage of his pain to make money and profit from it.  They did little to stop what was happening because to them it was traffic.
His fans who left the 85 million votes for him for Weibo King probably weren’t thinking about what Weibo means to Xiao Zhan.  They weren’t thinking about how Xiao Zhan disengaged from the platform completely, moving his small interactions over to Oasis and Douyin to escape the toxicity inherent in the conversations taking place on Weibo.  All that they were thinking was “We want to show him how much we love him!”
Well you know what I think is love?  Listening to your own idol’s words.
Let’s take a small journey back through 2020 and listen to Xiao Zhan’s own words on what he wanted his fans to do this year.
I won’t rehash 227 itself - if you want my take on that event, then I’ll write another blog post about that, it being almost a year I’m probably finally reaching a point where I can discuss it rationally without bursting into tears remembering my own personal experience with it.  But rather, let’s take a look at what happened after 227.
On March 1, Xiao Zhan studio issued their first official statement.  What did they say?
Recently, we have noticed some controversies about Xiao Zhan fans, occupying some social public resources, and also causing trouble to everyone. We deeply regret and apologize for the impact of this incident. We are very grateful to all fans for their support and love to Xiao Zhan. At the same time, we also sincerely call on all love to be positive, and hope that everyone can chase stars rationally. While doing a good job of self-protection during the epidemic, we will work together in a more positive way and support things that bring positive energy to society.
On April 24, Xiao Zhan said something and his studio reposted.
@X玖少年团肖战DAYTOY What’s past is past, I’ll remember it by heart.  Thank you for all the criticism with good intensions, I’m working hard to improve.   
Xiao Zhan Studio April 25th 00:03 #肖战新歌光点# The light spot moves towards love. Please listen, @X玖少年团小战DAYTOY 's voice. ♥
And again, Xiao Zhan studio.
Xiao Zhan Studio April 25th at 14:27 Thank you for your love and support for Mr. Xiao Zhan and his works. In this studio, as always, I solemnly appeal to everyone to continue to take care of their study, work and life at the same time, and to distinguish the truth and not blindly follow in the thousands of voices. Thank you for your wise support. Every love, no matter how big or small, is a meaningful point of light, gathered together to form the most beautiful light.
When He Jiong was attacked, Xiao Zhan jumped in to say:
@X玖少年团肖战DAYTOY Sorry to disturb everyone, don't hurt others!
Xiao Zhan Studio April 27, 15:04 Please stop slandering and spreading rumors!
He gave his first interview after 227 on May 6.  He expanded upon the statement he made on April 24 when he said he was working hard to improve. He spoke about the controversy, the responsibility he feels as a public figure, and his desire not to control his fans but to guide them to do positive works like participate in charity that improves society.  He felt like as an artist, his role was to continue to improve his acting and his singing.  
“As for the people who love and support me, I hope they won’t do some extreme things, or hurt other people, or even hurt themselves.  I hope that they can protect and love themselves, and live their lives well.  Live their lives well.”  “And if it’s possible, outside of school and work, we can do things together to help others and contribute to society in a meaningful way.”  “I think charity is a part of an ordinary person’s social responsibility.”
Again in May, following a controversy when a teacher recorded her classroom cheering him on, Xiao Zhan was forced to make statements encouraging his fans to live their lives well.
@X玖少年团肖战DAYTOY Please listen to me carefully again! I hope everyone puts their studies, work, and life in front of star chasing. Study hard and work hard. Do your responsibilities and obligations, and abide by professional standards and industry bottom lines. I don't need help.
Xiao Zhan Studio May 10 at 23:26 I hope everyone puts their work and life first 🙏
Xiao Zhan Studio May 11 at 21:14 Starting from us, we hope that each of us can do things that are beneficial to society and be positive.
A school is a temple of knowledge, a place for preaching and teaching, not a fan factory for celebrities. Children's education is related to the future of the country, and the development of youth values is related to the hope of the nation, and it must not become a tool for chasing stars.
Furthermore, over the course of this time period Xiao Zhan Studio met with the organizers of his official fan organization and they rebranded the Fanclub to Xiao Zhan Film and Television Support Club to emphasize their goal to focus on his works and his works only.  They released a statement with their intent and called on all members to do the following:
Xiao Zhan Studio May 15 20:01 If you see the good, you will move, and if you have, you will change. Start with me and work hard together. 1. Do not support business and works with behaviors beyond our own economic capacity. 2. No more activities such as ranking, controlling and appraising and cheering. 3. Accept all well-intentioned criticism and don't maliciously attack others. 4. Continue to actively participate in public welfare advocacy. 5. Focus on Xiao Zhan's work such as film and music.
Take particular note here of the specific call out not to participate in activities such as ranking (like the Weibo King votes).
In July, when his own fans were accused of cyber bullying others again, Xiao Zhan studio released a statement saying that they would defend any victim of cyber bullying, even someone bullied by his own fans.
Xiao Zhan Studio June 30 at 21:42 No matter who is responsible for his words and deeds, we support all those who are suffering from cyber violence or personal attacks on the Internet, and bravely take up legal weapons to protect themselves. Regardless of who’s a fan, taking legal measures is a legitimate behavior 
@易胜华律师 Recently, some netizens posted on Weibo that they had suffered online violence for publicly publishing criticisms against Mr. Xiao Zhan. Entrusted by Mr. Xiao Zhan, we issued the following lawyer's statement: We welcome all kind criticisms and reminders, and resolutely oppose and resist all cyber violence. No matter who the cyber violence is directed at, it is an illegal act and should bear corresponding legal responsibilities. We are willing to provide legal assistance to the above-mentioned parties who have been violated by online violence, and we are also willing to provide assistance within our capacity for their rights protection operations. Yi Shenghua Lawyer Wang Xiaoyan Lawyer June 30, 2020
In July, Xiao Zhan and Xiao Zhan Studio met up with representatives from Weibo to discuss the cyber bullying that he had been subjected to this year.  But was this at Weibo’s own desire to clean up their platform?  No.  This whole time Weibo was profiting from every hot search that drove more traffic to their platform.  It was the Cyberspace Administration of China that DIRECTED Weibo to clean up their mess.
Over the years we have seen Weibo ban accounts from time to time that are so blatant with their cyber attacks that they have no other choice.  But often they will wait until stars pursue legal action before doing so.  And they will only release the real-world IDs of users when under a police investigation pursuant to a lawsuit.  I’m not suggesting the platform should start doxxing its own users, but rather ban all malicious and slanderous behaviour from the outset.  Right now under Chinese law anyone with over 30,000 fans who says slander against another can be pursued by the law.  Weibo should act before it needs to come to that.
Chinese Star News did an interesting video on Fanquan culture and the ways in which Weibo profits from it.  If you haven’t seen it yet, it’s worth a watch.
Ever since the summer, Xiao Zhan has been very careful and direct in all his public interactions.  Most of his events were pre-recorded.  Only at the end of the year did he start doing live events again, and when he was surrounded by friends he was okay, but as we could see from the recent iQiyi event when he is without friends around him he still struggles.
April 12 - Hymn of the Red Plum Blossom (pre-recorded)
May 6 - Interview with China News Service (pre-recorded)
May 9 - Bamboo in the Stone (pre-recorded)
May 10 - Mother's Day live stream (live) (unannounced) (no fan interactions)
June 11 - Xiao Zhan goes to do agricultural charity activity (pre-recorded)
June 15 - Xiao Zhan releases summer cocktail video (pre-recorded)
Aug 17 - Xiao Zhan RoseOnly live stream (pre-recorded)
October 19 - Xiao Zhan at Shanghai Reading Film and Television event (pre-recorded)
October 25 - Xiao Zhan sang Brightest Star in the Night Skies (pre-recorded)
Dec 20 - Xiao Zhan attends Tencent Awards (live) with friends around him
Dec 31 - Xiao Zhan attends New Year party (live) with friends around him
Jan 15 2021 - Xiao Zhan attends iQiyi Scream Night (no friends) (does not look happy/comfortable)
It must have been SO hard for Xiao Zhan to continue to work behind the scenes in 2020, recording his new show Ace Troops, attending some events in secret, shooting some advertisements that he wasn’t sure would be able to make it to the air - and some events that got leaked and then had his portion cut out.  It must have been so, so hard.
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So to me, the least that we can do as fans is to listen to what Xiao Zhan has asked of us.  And over and over again he said that all he wanted from his fans was for us to live our lives well.  To not do extreme things.  He wants things to go smoothly.  He wants to take his time, to choose his events carefully, and come back at his own pace.
So what do his fans do?  They massively vote for him to win the Weibo King award.  This has put him in an impossible position.  
Either he needs to decline the award, and face criticism from everyone about being arrogant in a year that he should be grateful.  Or he has to suck it up and show up to an award hosted by a platform that did little to nothing to help him when he was in pain, and instead in fact profited from his pain.  
He will have to put a smile on his face and say thank you for recognizing that I was a high traffic star last year, even when the majority of his traffic was due to cyber attacks.
Why would his fans put him in this impossible position?  Back when this award was first announced, his own major fan club leaders requested fans not to vote for Weibo King.  If you wanted to vote for anything, then you should vote for his acting role in The Wolf, because that was about his professional work - not for Weibo King, which is literally like an award for Prom King.  It’s a popularity award, nothing more.
Will Weibo King help him to come back faster?  No.  Will it make industry leaders want to sign him on for more TV and film works?  No.  Speaking from experience working in the industry for many years, the only thing that industry professionals care about is ratings on the shows that are produced.  And Xiao Zhan cannot rely on his fans alone for ratings.  If his ratings are going to continue to increase, then he needs to attract the respect of a wider audience.  And if that wider audience is already of the impression that Xiao Zhan is a loose canon because his fans are out of control, this massive over-rating of Weibo King only reinforces that belief.
Just look at this graph.
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Xiao Zhan fans are posting it with pride, saying look how well we did!  Xiao Zhan trounced the competition!  But the reality is that all other stars’ fan groups had also instructed their fans not to vote for this award, because they all see it for what it is - a popularity contest that can hurt more than it can help.  Xiao Zhan winning by such a large margin only shows how little his fans listen to him.
Now instead of Xiao Zhan deciding for himself when and where to come back, what events he wishes to attend, he’s going to have to make an appearance at this awards show and slap a smile on his face and say thank you.  
Thank you Weibo, for profiting off my pain.
It makes me sick.
If you voted for Xiao Zhan in this award, take a moment to think about Xiao Zhan’s words for your future behaviour. 
Live your lives well
Don’t do extreme things
Don’t spread rumours
Accept criticism and don’t attack others
Don’t protect me
If you can, do charity and help others
If you are following your own idol’s wishes, then I salute you.  You are the type of fan Xiao Zhan will cherish.
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white-eyed-girl · 3 years
My personal top 39 for ESC 2021  Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
Soooo our beloved Eurovision Song Contest is back in less than a week It still seems unbelievable that it's actually happening after TWO years of waiting :" But it is, and it anticipates to be an extremely intense one. So many countries have their best shot at winning, ever or in a very long long time, that it's honestly sad only one of them will make it (can we get at least a couple winners like 30 years ago asdfghj)
There will be A LOT of comparing to last year's songs in my top It was inevitable I still tried to keep my opinion as detatched as possibile...but yeah, in some cases it was harder than in others
As the days go by, I can definitely feel the excitement rising but, at the same time, I confess I'm not too sad at the fact this 2-years-long ESC season made of constant comparisons and huge previous expectations is coming to an end :" But I sure hope it will bring us something great on its way out! Please don't hate me if your country or your favourite is low asdfghjk
39) Portugal - Love is on my side - I...this song coming from Portugal feels like a disappointment on every level :" (sorry if someone from Portugal is reading this!)
38) Georgia - You - Probably the biggest downgrade from last year Like, I don't understand where the song is trying to go and the answer I have in mind after listening to it is "nowhere"
37) North Macedonia - Here I stand - Are they trying to re-make Proud (which was honestly already quite overrated imo but had its appeal at least)? :" but juries like this kind of stuff I guess so who knows if they'll manage to avoid the last place
36) Slovenia - Amen - Ehhh idk this sounds a bit preach-y and religion makes me uncomfortable :" BUT religion-themed music isn't inherently bad, I just don't think this year we've been served the good stuff in this regard
35) Austria - Amen - I don't know what's with everyone this year lol but I think at least in this one the religious element is just a metaphor...I actually came to know the story behind this song and wow, it's a pretty heartbreaking one and it explains the radical change in style - sadly song-wise I still feel like last year's style suited him more
34) Moldavia - Sugar - This kind of music has little to no effect on me I fear :"
33) Poland - The ride - Something about this is weirdly enjoyable, but I just zone out after one minute of listening to it
32) Estonia - The lucky one - A masterpiece compared to last year's song, but it was my last place so it didn't take much I guess :" Estonia please come back to your senses T-T
31) Spain - Voy a quedarme - No improvement, no downgrade...we're more or less where we were last year...unfortunately, not a particularly interesting place :" The granny in the video is so cute though!
30) Norway - Fallen Angel - I legit have no idea what to think about this The message is great and I respect him for wanting to talk about certain issues but the song is just...so dull, and those things he wanted to talk about, besides not really contributing to the song at all, just make it sound like a good intention with poor execution in my eyes Translating it was the nail on the coffin
''It'S oNlY lOw BeCaUsE oF KeIiNo'' Just in case, stfu :" So many songs I have in stellar places on here (Croatia and France just to make a spoiler) weren't even my winners in their NFs This is here PRIMARILY because I find the song not good, and very much secondarily because I'm still mad out of my mind. Also this cringe joke-stalking thing he's doing with Efendi is kinda weird
29) Romania - Amnesia - ...I don't know. I really liked her song last year, but this one is just kind of there
28) Israel - Set me free - The revamp made it slightly more its own song but I fear that, among the returning artists, this is still one of the biggest downgrades. I'm...still not sure about those whistle-notes :" but Eden's ability to reach them sure is impressive!
27) San Marino - Adrenalina - For being San Marino, there's so much of this that shouldn't even be put in the same sentence, and yet there it is and maybe it could even work in its own mysterious ways lmao It's mostly up here for the effort xD But people who think this can actually win make me smile, I admit it :" even being sure that it will qualify is a stretch imo Senhit looks like a pretty cool lady though
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kpopfanfictrash · 4 years
what is your opinion on the whole Yoongi discourse there is.
Hey, anon. To be honest, I don’t really know. When this whole thing began popping up on my timeline, I took some time to re-read the song lyrics, research the situation and ask a few groups of friends about their thoughts on the situation. What I’ve landed on is: I don’t really know. The way I see it, there are kind of two options:
Yoongi callously used the sample without understanding what it means; purely for aesthetic reasons, or because he thought it sounded cool.
He used a sample from a cult leader as societal commentary. This could mean a general statement about the mindless hate he’s faced in the past (i.e., his references to idol rappers v. underground & references to their success in the west, where it was largely thought they would fail). Or, the placement could be more targeted, in that Jim Jones attracted many POC followers bc he preached social equality -- and then he turned out to be full of shit. That kind of hypocrisy is something Yoongi has spoken on in the past.
To be honest, I find the second option more likely just because I’ve followed him as an artist for so long. It seems more like the kind of statement he’d make than the first option. That being said, I’m just speculating when I say option 2. Yoongi hasn’t come out to explain the intention of the sample either way, and if the first option is correct, then phew. I completely agree he should apologize.
In that same vein of thought, I do think either he/Big Hit should make some sort of statement. Option 1 is offensive and the fact that so many people have interpreted the song as such means the song has caused harm. That, in itself, is the important thing to consider. Even if the intent was good, a lot of people are interpreting it differently.
Anyways, I honestly don’t feel like I have enough input to draw any concrete conclusions. Really, the only thing I feel comfortable enough saying definitively is I don’t know enough to have a solid opinion. 
People are absolutely entitled to feel however they feel, though! And ABOVE ALL ELSE, please do not speak over other people’s voices/tell them how they should be heard. There’s an added layer to this situation, since Jim Jones largely impacted POCS -- black Americans, in particular.  
*Just want to add a disclaimer that these are only my thoughts. I don’t speak for anyone else, and I absolutely could be wrong. 
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Prima facie
A mere word, a conglomerate of letters once combined by a long-gone person, holding more authority than the richest, than the most talented, than the so-called Übermensch with the perspectives of ‘eternal’ life sprawling in front of him.
Genocide of the spiritual beings, unrestrained in the sublime sense of word, slaves of the outside influence, damned for
Feigned assurance, mere illusion blurring out the lines between reality and fantasy, the dreamland of fools, built upon skillful falsities, where each one has an unrepeatable chance to stand on both sides of the barricade.
Relief-providing, such an obtuse lie, beyond offensive to assume anyone would believe it, and yet the affirmation is effortless – just look around, they say, and you will see the things no one has ever wished for.
Ecstasy-granting, allowing to visit the places… the places abounded in the deepest desires, now within the reach of each and every man, person who considers them in terms of fulfilling, enough to stifle the sour thoughts.
Entropic fallout.
The perspectives that hunt the brightest.
* * *
“Day two thousand eight hundred first,” subdued by the sound of running shower, and yet clear enough to be filtered out just perfectly. “It’s funny that people perceive others in terms of their achievements and nothing else. All they see is that outside surface that divides them from their surroundings, and sometimes it’s so hard for me to understand that way of thinking. It’s so absurd, so abstract, and yet I’ve been someway forced to understand it… the reality… it’s so absurd that one day you do things you don’t wanna do, and then something changes and you feel like it’s a big deal, a meaningful transition, and then you realize that it’s all bullshit but it’s also too late. You’re drowning in the same shit once again…” a coarse laughter, indication of sarcasm, intruder creeping between the male’s words, just about to lose his train of thoughts.
“Even though there’re times when you forget it was ever there but it’s always there. Of course, you can pretend, ‘cause pretending is easy but does it make sense? It’s a meaningful question – does it make sense – but I also believe it’s the question of people who are lost and don’t really know what to do, so they just keep asking the same question, keep reconsidering it, but never get the result they aim for, and in the end realize that maybe it all makes no sense, but what would we have if elsewise… those things we see, those people we meet, and who we‘re beyond all of these, beyond the modifications that we do, beyond the changes, beyond pretending to be someone we are not…”
“It’s funny, truly the fallout of everything but so blessed, so pretty, everything that we’ve ever desired for within our reach. We think that it justifies our choices, that we’re so perfect we don’t need to justify anything, that we can do whatever we want to, ‘cause we have the resources, while in reality we don’t have as many as we think we have.”
“You know, there was a man in my past who used to tell me that ‘you gotta do what you gotta do; and what you gotta do is you gotta man up’…”
A speech that is interrupted by an unyielding forefinger pressing the pause button, and so putting the device on halt, soon to be abandoned in the depth of his safe. It is that kind of data he would never store on his personal hard drive, since the possible leakage would result in disastrous consequences, the ones he is not much likely to dig out of.
Just any other day, his eyes drift to the bathroom mirror, greeted by the common, not to mention beyond-pleasing, sight – a man in prime of life, fit as in evidence of self-discipline, skin almost black with the ink, although usually obscured by the expensive suits, meant for his eyes only, but at times shared with the passing-through lovers. Raking his fingers through the hair, he decides the sides require some trimming, especially today, since first impressions are always important, at least according to what he was told in the past, considered inconsequential if juxtaposed with present – a paradox in its purest form.
(Time is money.)
Settling the thoughts aside for a moment, he fishes out the clippers, buzzling to life in his hand, then ties the longer part of hair into a resemblance of bun. Of course there are much more convenient, which might as well be replaced with ‘faster’, solutions to fix the overgrown cut, and yet he opts for the old-fashioned way – a reminiscence of father’s tales, but also related to the self-reliance, capacity of accomplishing as many tasks as possible without anyone’s assistance – since with the right device it takes barely any effort.
With that thought in mind, he rakes the blade past the sides, tiny pieces of hair soon to sprinkle down onto the towel draped over his shoulders in advance, and after a few longer moments, he is greeted with the satisfactory sight, basked in the bright mirror LEDs. As for the final result, he releases the top part, combing it back with a hint of product to keep them styled neatly for the rest of the day – display of classic elegance that he has grown accustomed with throughout the years. Being honest here, he has always considered appearance in terms of something significant in his line of work – flawless presentation of one’s professionalism, indication of people’s superficiality – firmly detached from his private life, since elsewise he would lack in the former quality.
Years ago, he has come to a conclusion that blurring out the lines between those two factors leads to a relatively obnoxious outcome – a moment of ignorance and troublesome aftermath, although worth sacrifice at times. Perfection is nothing more than an obtuse dream, while mistakes are what makes one a human, acts that shape up the present – only aspect within the specie’s reach – bestowing each one of them with everything he could dream of, but in capacity of snatching away equal amounts. Suffering is the greatest paradox of all – blissful pain – akin to a bunch of clouds obscuring the sun, obviously present underneath even if hidden for our poor perception – a promise of transitional felicity, feigned when it comes to one’s assumptions about its everlasting duration.
Long live the deceit.
And yet, what seems to preoccupy his mind more, aside from the competence-related ponderation, appears to be the odd curiosity oscillating around her persona, or rather the difference between the so-called rising star
(let’s see for how long)
and her predecessors: how often would she call in sick? decline interviews? refuse to cooperate? oversleep? overdose? Which might as well be a question of time, meant to unravel in due course, all to his misery, even though he should be able to abide such circumstances with a decent amount of money, leading to dubious mental capacity when it comes to dealing with extravagant artists and their arsenal of lacking predictions, fallouts with producers, fussy whims, along with all the acts of great absurdity that somehow get him to roll his eyes in exasperated disbelief on each and every occasion.
The least patient man.
* * *
Morning light.
The most relentless alarm clock ever ‘invented’, practically prying her eyes open, immediate to bury her face in a silky pillow, letting out a frustrated groan, as she pulls up the covers, body shivering in the chilly room. Relieved by the newfound wave of heat, she is back to tethering on the edge between dreams and reality, hoping to get as much sleep as possible until the digital sound will slice through the city hum, which in turn evokes genuine respect towards the people who ‘rise and shine’ during the earliest hours just to face the day and seize all opportunities. Part of the woman scolds her for such laziness, but realistically thinking it is yet another transcendent goal, not noted with intention of fulfillment, instead left to lurk in the back of mind and bother her in the most unfavorable moments, as per usual.
Along with the pressing desire to ignore that peculiar stressful tension, it adds up to the growing pile of lies, meant to complete itself as she pursues further with life, but at the same time labelled as a habitual factor, allowing her to keep the head clear when required, unoccupied by the never-ending considerations, and yet opposed to the raging storm of thoughts. In one hand, her stomach is twisting with the nervous anticipation, but in the other she cannot deny the fluttering butterflies that have been disrupting the young woman since the very first time he called her, or more precisely – since the very first time his hologram appeared on dialing device, accompanied by the husky baritone that he used to expound the details concerning their arrangement – inexplicable yet important.
(Take the bitter with the bitter, isn’t it what they say?)
Funnily enough, she remembers each and every time her mother would preach the prodigal daughter about the consequences of such behavior, built upon foolish beliefs, teenage cravings of ineffable love, never meant to be fulfilled if beyond idealized. However, said factor has never seemed to put her pursuit to a halt, and so thwart the zeal – incandescent rod branding her soul for blissful eternity – soaked in the tears of those who perished, mainly her and the injudicious teens, lacking in what she was searching for at that time – a desire obscure enough to participate in the realm of ideas, in other words unable to be verbalized in face of pitifully limited vocabulary. Might as well be the reason why she struggles with forming any long-term relationship, always distracted by the passing opportunities, unable to break the unfortunate turn of events, conflicted with the more mature part of her, aiming mainly for self-development that leads to inevitable success – another silly daydream?
“Ugh, fuck this,” she whines into the pillow, presumably late, either way finds herself not quite concerned by concepts as equally absurd as time, while rolling onto the cooler side of bed – close call to the dubiously pleasant encounter with polished floor. Frustrated as ever, she hears the digital ringtone, more than aware who might be bothering her generously elongated sleep at such early hour, nevertheless obliged to pick up with a heavy pat delivered onto the screen. “Hello?”
“Good morning, Gia,” oh my fuck, he remembers. “I’ve wanted to make sure everything is relevant today, ‘cause I’ll be there in like… fifteen minutes, I think.”
“Oh, fifteen minutes,” she almost gasps, unable to conceal the nervous chuckle, certain there is no possibility she will meet him on time. “That’s cool, but I won’t make it.”
She hears his exasperated huff on the other side of the line, along with the calm exhale, and the following words – indication of the so-called professionalism. “How much time do you need then?”
“I don’t know…” she draws – a mannerism that he loathes more than anything – uncertainty audible within her voice, since she has blocked the visual channel, presumably still on the early stage of preparation. “Half an hour?”
“That supposed to be a question or an answer?” He manages to conceal the aggravated bark, tightening his grip around the steering wheel instead.
“An answer, I guess,” she shrugs, now risen up to a seating position, with the silky sheets pooling around her waist.
“Brilliant,” he concludes, a tad bit too drily for her own tastes, either way she ignores the unpleasant note, belittling it to the status of yet another subconscious allusion, prompted by the fairly deceivable mind.
“Anyway, you can drop by my flat if that’d be more convenient,” she proposes, yawning as her limbs stretch, joints cracking in a satisfactory way.
“Text me the address then, and I’ll meet you there,” he instructs in a blunt manner – non-verbal indication that ‘no’ appears to be an invalid response in such circumstances.
“With-” oh right, he hung up.
What a douchebag.
Luckily capable of ignoring the bitter aftertaste, at least for now, she stands up, shivering as her feet brush the cool floor, which in the end turns out as rather beneficial, pacing up her walk to the bathroom. Accompanied by the electric buzz, the light flickers out, reminding her for the nth time this week to call the estate owner, and deal with it like any reasonable adult would do, or simply wait for the day when she will be forced to complete her morning preparations in pitch darkness.
(Couldn’t dream of a better outcome...)
Certain that opting out for the top priority appears to be the most sensible solution in her position, she steps under the shower, letting the hot water cascade down her back, skin flushing due to the temperature. The heat itself elicits a relieved moan from her throat as the tension begins to evaporate from her body – parallel to the steam sprawling on the glass – tingling with the newfound excitement, apparently enhanced by the growing warmth. Perfectly aware there is neither a decent mood nor enough time to search for any relief, she ends up uttering a frustrated huff, while painting her front with the liquid soap, soon to stream down to the drain.
Having accomplished what must have been the quickest shower she has ever had, she only manages to put on more or less randomly picked up clothes, before the morning lull is sliced by the ringing doorbell that almost forces a fearful shriek from the broody woman. With a few hurried steps through the living area, she unlocks the door, confronted by the sight of virtual impatience, anticipating her presence since the earliest hours of dawn – posh dweller of equally polished suit – along with the flawless composure that evokes this peculiar insecurity in reference to the personal choice of clothing, seemingly not appropriate for such occasion.
Intimidating to say the least.
“Hi,” she greets him with a welcoming smile either way, gaze altering between his face and the ink peeking from the collar of his shirt, evoking the newfound curiosity about the whole concept, hidden beneath the fabric.
“Hello again,” he reciprocates as the corners his lips twist into what must be the so-called smug smirk, features visibly lightening. “May I come in?”
“Sure,” she snaps out of the trance, failing to conceal the nervous giggle adorning her affirmative response, caught hand in a cookie jar.
(Ah yes, the dovey one.)
Which is yet another subconscious mind’s assumption, although he believes that tendency to evaluate any given situation on the go appears to be linked with age, or more specifically – gaining general knowledge over the human dwellers and their behaviors. Therefore, in order to enhance the efficiency, one obtains the ugly habit of premature judgment, openly loathed by majority of population and yet dealt with from the hand of few, which in turn leads him to a rather inconvenient truth – one day, there will come the time when he trips and smashes his nose on the floor – metaphor adorned in pain less bearable than in a physical case.
(Been ‘round the block a few times.)
Nevertheless, the petite girl steps aside, allowing him to pass the threshold, further on perch upon the sofa and snatch the flat screen from his bag.
“Back to business…” he initiates, motioning her with a suggestive eye tilt, icy irises that bore into her soul, such a cooling contrast for her synthetic hue, enough to send an uncomfortable shiver down her spine.
“Don’t you want something to drink?” She gulps, gaze adverting to the side, unable to bear its intensity, right before she plops down onto the couch, brushing his knee by accident – plain contact that almost has her jolting away to the side.
(Get a fucking grip.)
“I’m good for now,” he rejects the proposition, just to witness her frown slightly in response. “There’ll be plenty of time for that later.”
“I’ve disrupted your schedule, haven’t I?” She ascertains, seemingly more preoccupied with tucking one of her feet under the pleasantly warm thigh than maintaining eye contact, which irks him up more than he cares to admit; not a good sign to be honest.
“Pretty much yes, unless we hurry up, of course,” without letting her speak, he carries on with the beyond obvious explanations. “Anyway, here’s the contract that I need to sign if you’re willing to continue, which I think is polished by now, so let’s just cut to the chase, shall we?”
“Sure,” she accepts the offered device, flinching as their fingers brush, cold like ice. Clueless when it comes to what is happening to her, or more importantly – why he has such potent influence over the outgoing woman, at least until now, eliciting the most unusual reactions, the shameful shyness for instance.
“You can’t be this tense if you want to make this arrangement work,” he states, apparently out of nowhere, leaning towards the coffee table, weight braced on the elbows.
“Excuse me?” She frowns, with the metallic stylus in her hand, now long forgotten, as she glares at him, not so caught-off-guard for a change.
“You’ve heard me,” he cocks a condescending eyebrow at her, and if not for the blinking she would suspect he is not a human after all.
(Do androids blink?)
“Stating that won’t make any difference,” she huffs, peaceful façade seared by the gradually developing irritation.
“Care to elaborate?” He nags further, as if already capable of naming all her weak spots, thanks to his long-term professionalism in such domain.
“There’s no shift in the attitude,” she clarifies, noting the fact as if it was an absolute truth, suited for this and every other occasion in the future, greater than all the celestial beings, even if combined together.
“Would not pointing it out make any difference then?” He retorts, not expecting to hear a verbal answer this time, instead filled with the telltale silence. “See? Told you so.”
“That’s not what I meant,” she counters, shaking her head in denial, hand mirroring the rushed movements.
“So what did you mean for a change?”
“I meant that pointing this out usually enhances the tension,” she explains, glancing briefly at the thin piece of metal clutched tight in her hand – a realization casted upon the woman.
“I believe it’s still worth the effort,” he shrugs, infuriatingly careless now that he has won, at least according to his suppositions.
“Why are we even discussing this?” She sighs, as if utterly exhausted by the teasing debate, and so willing to wind it up with the simple scrape over the screen. “Just let me sign the contract.”
“Go on, no one’s stopping you,” he flicks his wrist in an affirmative gesture, encouraging her to pursue. “I’d even dare to say right the opposite,” oh, so now he would play the smart guy, how delightful, she thinks, and yet responds immediately, topping up said contract with a flourishing signature, quick to hand it back to him. “Thank you. And by the way, you have an interview scheduled for tomorrow, just so you wouldn’t forget.”
“Thanks, I appreciate it,” she flashes him a replacement for a proper smile, just to witness the male respond with a parallel gesture, and before she knows it, he is back on his feet again, towering over her figure, and so prompting to follow his traces.
“It’s just my job, no hard feelings.”
No hard feelings.
(Easier said than done.)
* * *
Easily associated with safety, blissful awareness granted by the reliability of bygone memories, a place where one is willing to return to in times of unspoken restlessness, and so dive into the flowery reminiscence – beloved escape. However, at some point in one’s life an unspecified hand flips the switch, allowing to see the sheer absurdity, which in turn leads to a purifying realization – the past is not enough anymore, and so a different, more potent stimulant is required.
Her best friend would probably label it as ‘yet another mistake’, worse than falling for Cara, nevertheless she cannot help herself, knowing that one way or another she will be forced to release some steam, to transfer the concoction of feelings into work – a song, sublime and powerful, carrying an amaranthine meaning. Losing herself in the complexity of the world she has gotten to inhabit – borne against her will, such a cruel law – seems so effortless in comparison to the sheer burdens of existence, paired with the average life expectancy and the endless predictions of elongation, justifying it as yet another whim of humanity.
(Even rhymes with immortality, what a coincidence.)
Why would anyone even crave something so insane – eternality – unaware of the real meaning hidden behind these ten letters, bound by the long-gone linguist – extinct specie? Expression of their thoughtlessness? Might as well be.
At this point it appears as quite tough to specify, her mind delving into far too many places at once, incapable of maintaining the indispensable concentration with Nova running through her bloodstream, retreating the human ability to focus on a single factor. As the reality begins to fade away, various background noises dull into one unpleasant screech, inseparable, her ears ringing as the first wave rocks through her body, a vague pat on the back, followed by the tingling sensation of a relatively cool hand tracing her spine. While a minuscule part of her loathes the feeling of metallic digits dancing over the heated flesh, the more influential one is flying sky too high to care, remaining still in that one inconvenient pose, leaning towards the shiny table.
“Exciting, isn’t it?” His hand slides further down her back, playing with the hem of the low-cut dress she has opted for today, its silvery hue reflecting the colorful lights. “What do you say, sweets?”
“Mhm, yes… exciting… exciting it is,” she barely formulates the affirmation, her brain clinging to the established choice of words, out of capacity to exchange it for anything more intricate. “But I think I gotta… I think I… I gotta go I think.”
“So soon?” He questions, both eyebrows risen in feigned disbelief, chrome digits dipping underneath the fabric only to find the silky strap in process, stimulating enough to occupy his carnal interests for a brief moment.
“I’ve paid you… I’m sure I have…” she mumbles, involuntarily jerking away from the touch, muscles twitching as an innate response to the unwanted contact, lost in between her attempts to complete the sentence, “for the pills, I mean.”
“Well, yes, that’s correct, you have,” he agrees, albeit immediate to clarify, “but I’d like something more from you.”
“What?” She frown in confusion, eyes staring into the distance, blurred outlines of dancers rushing through her mind, hips swaying to the beat. “No, I… take me home… please.”
“Maybe later, ‘kay?” He proposes, still patient, fingers stroking the smooth skin in an attempt to soothe the confused female.
“No… I wanna…” she counters, one final time, although enough to crack his resolve, hand abandoning its previous track, leaving only the fleeting remains of proper touch on the heated skin.
“Quit whining and get up,” he huffs, audibly irritated, and she cannot help but wonder about the causes, random associations blending into one shapeless pulp – concoction of equally indistinguishable elements.
“No!” She squeals, a little louder this time, as a stab of pain shoots through her arm, almost yanked out of its socket, at least according to her perception, attracting attention of a passing female, although definitely short-lived, soon to mingle in the crowd.
Because who cares?
“You. Are. Coming with me,” he punctuates the words, delivering another harsh tug, intent to force her to move. “Whether you want to or not.”
Unable to verbalize the evident objections, let alone break away from his iron grasp, she can only follow his traces, while trying oh so desperately to figure out what is happening around her, cling onto at least one given stimulus. Her vision is blurry, blinded by the neon lights, as if her eyes were tearing, but at the same time she doubts she has ever felt that helpless, that fearful, emotions running all over the place, full of contradictions, frenzied and delirious.
Searching for physical support, she leans in to his frame as soon as the man stands still, but due to the black spots staining her perception, she can barely make out where they are, especially with her head is spinning like crazy. Before she knows it, his arms encircle her waist, preventing the young and oh so promising musician from a disastrous rendezvous with equally unforgiving floor, much to his exasperation.
Overall, the plan has been a little different, certainly not featuring the scenario in which she passes out, another unconscious body to take care of, whist also ‘unfuckable’ in such state. Therefore, the most he can do for the woman is to dump her by the corridor wall, as befits the ‘immature dickhead’, certain that no one would attempt to link her with him, at least according to the general numbness in the so-called ‘world full of cruelty’ and the glorious lack of interest in dealing with minor crimes.
(And what else?)
* * *
The first time she experienced something like this was approximately about sixteen years ago, give or take, although she prefers to keep such stories to herself, since people tend to label it as rather dubious and the last renown she aims for is ‘untrustworthy’. Nonetheless, it all appears to be rather simple – high fever tends to retreat distant and prompting visions, mainly associated with sensory memory, aspects that are supposed to remain out of reach, and yet linger somewhere in the back of one’s mind. Take for instance the sensation of being rocked to sleep in mother’s arms, deprived of any distinctive images, just the monotonous lull and mere hum of her silvery voice, singing some nonsensical song, its lyrics undistinguishable by now.
Ergo, for a brief moment, yet to collide with reality, she is convinced that she has forgotten to swallow the necessary medicaments due to her ailing state, evident in the disastrous headache, possibly linked with abnormal temperature, and mind drifting towards obscure dimensions once again. Before she gets a chance to familiarize with the newfound vision, it is disrupted by a harsh jerk, so unlike her parents’ manners, forcing both eyes open and so greeting the woman with a sight she is not braced for yet – a guy, recognized as a bartender, shaking her awake, not Carlos who might as well be long gone by now.
“Gia?” He frowns, visibly puzzled, both hands resting on her shoulders, warmth atop icy skin, sending a pleasant wave of heat through her half-conscious body.
Unable to grant any sensible answer, she blinks a couple of times, trying to adjust to the neon lights, with her vision still a little blurry, before she actually manages to formulate a proper response, voice croaky, as if not hers at all. “What’s going on?”
“I could’ve ask you the same,” he reciprocates, audibly annoyed, hands now abandoning their previous spot upon her shoulders on behalf of a more convenient squatting position.
“I don’t remember much,” she admits, clenched fists rising to rub her eyes in hopes it will somehow bring her back to the land of living.
“You did it again, didn’t you?” He huffs, accusation evident in his voice, or maybe it is just fatigue, disappointment with her countless predicaments, not that he is the only one.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” she shrugs, the least talented liar ever born, beyond embarrassing to pursue.
“Whatever Gia, I don’t give a shit,” he sighs, utterly defeated. “And I’m resigning from babysitting you tonight. Work schedule, you know.”
“No time for that,” he interrupts, remains of the so-called empathy long gone by now, granting the blossoming irritation with essential space. “Someone’s gotta drag your ass from here, I mean the club, and take you home.”
“I can’t stay here?” She frowns, disappointed with the unfortunate turn of events.
“What?” He laughs in disbelief, a mocking tingle that enhances all negative emotions disrupting the guilty songbird. “Of course not, it’s a club, not drunk tank.”
“Just find someone who can take you out,” he instructs, glancing at the door, hoping the manager has not noticed his absence by now. “And tell him it’s fucking urgent.”
“Okay,” she agrees, displeased with his harsh approach, irritation evident within her voice. “Just give me some fucking space.”
“Sure, I gotta head back anyway,” he shrugs, careless all of sudden – feigned façade mastered over the years. “Can you stand up?”
“I don’t feel like checking it by myself,” she utters a nervous chuckle, hand already outstretched for the bartender, and who is he to leave her hanging like this, ever the gentleman. “Could you help me?”
“Sure,” he throws her a fleeting smile, and with a steady grasp on the woman’s arm, he hoists her up from the ground, knees seemingly too weak to hold the rest upright. However, the necessary support is granted by the wall, allowing the female to brace her weight on the forearms and press the forehead to the concrete structure as a potent wave of dizziness rocks through her fatigued body.
“Thanks,” she murmurs faintly, still in the process of dealing with the unpleasant aftermath of earlier decisions, and so dangerously close to throwing up on the polished floor.
“It’s nothing, Gia, really,” he assures, his mind already circling back to work-related issues. “Just get your sorry ass outta here.”
“Sure,” she huffs, rolling her eyes in an almost theatrical manner, as if to ensure he gets the message with plenty of reserve. “Have fun.”
“Yeah, you too.”
And with that careless response, he walks away, hasty steps echoing in the corridor, soon to disappear around the corner, and so leave the hall altogether. Finally deprived of any company, she fishes out the phone from the depths of her purse, and calls the only person she can think of in such circumstances – Connor, or Connie, since the choice is apparently not his to make. At this point she is practically trembling with that peculiar concoction of excitement and exhilaration, fingers crossed he will pick up at such late hour, since wishing for anything else seems like a childish exaggeration now.
“You better have damn good reasons for calling me in the middle of the fucking night,” ever the most talented in the field of pleasant conversations, he opts for greeting her with such expression, voice rough with sleep, sending a shiver down her spine.
“So I got into some trouble tonight and-”
“Just cut to the chase,” he barks out a blunt order, his patience running low in the face of increasing exasperation. “I don’t have energy to listen to some background bullshit.”
“I need you to take me home from Interstellar,” she states, having decided that to keep it simple means to succeed, rather than to bestow him with countless euphemisms, supposing it would justify her irresponsible behavior.
“Excuse me?” He chuckles in disbelief, a mocking laughter that almost has her snapping at him – the most immature reaction she could ever imagine. “Seems like you might’ve mistaken me for your fucking chauffer, who I’m not by any means, so thank you for such divine opportunity but I think I’ll pass.”
“Why are you always acting like a fucking dickhead?” She sighs, voice smaller than she would like it to be, as the day-long fatigue settles into her bones, which combined with the unpleasant tone nearly has her bursting in tears.
“And why are you always getting personal?” He jeers, a crude remark to stab her right in the chest, and so discourage to pursue. “It’s just work, nothing else, and the sooner you learn it, the better for you, ‘cause I’m not hired to deal with your non-career issues.”
“It might become a career issue if someone finds me here,” she reciprocates, betrayed by the not-so-subtle hint of desperation lacing her voice, shaky at the end.
“Tryna out-talk me?” He chuckles bitterly, his head lulling slightly to the side in her mind’s eyes – a mannerism she has grown accustom with during those few weeks. “C’mon, don’t be ridiculous.”
“No, I just wanna go home,” she tries once again, now actually on the blink of tears. “Please.”
“Pathetic,” she hears him spat on the other side of the line, probably not meant to reach her ears, but it does either way, forcing Gia to suppress the choked sob threatening to escape her constricted throat. “No, just no. I’m not doing shit for you. You’re a fucking adult, so I think you’ll find your way outta here.”
“No, enough of that,” he interrupts, annoyance evident in his voice. “It was nice talking to you, but I’m going back to sleep now. Have fun.”
“Don’t hang up, please…”
Oh right.
Fighting the urge to cry out in exasperation, she dials his number once again, dangerously close to chanting an actual lucky prayer, nevertheless determined to make him comply for a change, since in this case hope indeed appears to be the mother of fools.
“The fuck you’re calling me again?” He barks out, absolutely furious.
“Will you come? Please,” she sobs, finally letting the tears stream down the sides of her face, way past her breaking point now. “I don’t wanna stay here. It’s so cold, and I’m so tired.”
“You won’t let it slide, will you?” He sighs, a realization casted upon the man for a change.
“No,” she sniffs, wiping her eyes with the free hand, black dust from the so-called ‘waterproof’ mascara coating her fingers. “They’ll throw me out elsewise.”
(Silence speaks a thousand words.)
“Fucking fine,” he gives up after a longer pause, seemingly ready to consent to her wish. “Just stay right where you are until I get there. We’ll meet by the main entrance as soon as I text you, ‘kay?”
“Okay,” she gulps, trying to conceal the exited squeal threatening to slip past her lips as a result of his approval.
“Very well. See you.”
“Connie?” She calls out one more time, voice laced with distinctive hesitation.
“Thank you.”
“Sure, no big deal.”
And with that he hangs up, on one hand leaving her with a bitter-sweet wish they would chat a little longer, while on the other she is well aware it would be simply nonsensical, lingering somewhere in the back of her mind. Once again deprived of the craved-for company, the sensory aspects hit the woman with full force, the pounding ache of her own body, betraying in the midst of crisis, arms encircling her trembling frame in order to deliver at least a mere illusion of being held by someone.
(Ha! You wish!)
(He doesn’t even like that nickname… the fuck is wrong with me?)
Unable to keep herself upright, she plops down onto the cold floor, with the bottom part of her dress hiking up, and so exposing the legs to icy air which, enhanced by the fatigue, has her trembling on the ground. In hopes it will somehow allow to maintain the essential warmth, she curls into a ball, resting her forehead on the bent knees, eyelids shutting on their own, which in turn bestows her with odd solitude, even though there is no possibility she would drift to sleep in such circumstances with her body trembling like a leaf in the autumn breeze.
Minutes upon minutes, she is gradually beginning to lose the track of time, not daring to glance at the clock even once, surprisingly patient for a change, maybe in the face of feasible fulfillment. And yet, despite the aforementioned calmness, she almost jumps out of her skin as soon as she feels the phone vibrating in her hand, not wasting any time to check the incoming message.
“I’m here,” it reads, which puts a relieved smile on her face, and so she is rather quick to stuff the device back into her purse, then get up with a renewed vigor, walls granting the necessary support.
Pushing the heavy door open, she walks out to the guests’ zone, greeted with all its splendid virtues: loud music and insufferable crowd, which prompts her to circle the dancefloor and so avoid the troublesome encounters. Lucky to get past without any of that, she steps through the reception area, soon to make her way out of the club altogether, cool evening breeze palpable on her face, sweeping the bangs away from her forehead.
Nevertheless, with more pressing matters occupying her mind, Gia is immediate to spot him, leaning by the side of his car – such an unusual sight to behold, without one of his beloved suits, exchanged for the benefit of more casual attire. She blinks a couple of times, as if to ascertain he was not mistaken for another man, having assumed he would be the only person waiting outside, and to be honest she cannot conceal the relieved sigh slipping past her lips as a response to the inviting gesture – a graceful flick of his wrist.
“You look absolutely miserable,” he notes, and even in face of the gruff greeting she almost fails to restrain from hugging the coarse man as a thank-you gift. “C’mere.”
“I owe you,” she declares, a steady exclamation until disturbed by his hands gripping her arms, leaving the woman confused for a moment.
“Yes, you do,” he agrees, frowning as she reciprocates the gesture, lithe fingers wrapping around his biceps; and hell, it is just to prevent her from hitting the pavement, not indicate anything sexual. Why does she have to read every message wrong? “Now get in the car.”
“There’s no need to be unpleasant,” she huffs, visibly annoyed, and so seriously considering the break-away from his not-so-loving grasp.
“I’m being practical not unpleasant,” he rolls his eyes in response, blatant and unashamed, choosing to release her this time, intent to open the door for his female associate, “since I don’t think you’d like to experience yet another encounter with a ground of any kind.”
“Sure, thanks,” she reciprocates, cold as ice – terribly feigned façade, although immediate to get in the car, letting him shut the door for her, then ride away in what seems like a blink for her limited perception.
At least according to what she keeps telling herself.
* * *
“I’ve left you a glass of water on the bedside table, ‘kay?” He throws a brief glance at her figure lounging on the bed, now clad in a monochromatic tee, suppressing the urge to linger on the exposed skin for a little longer.
It is always hunting him, the flesh.
“Tell me you understand.”
“Yes,” she mutters, voice muffled by the pillows, not caring to throw him a merest glimpse.
“Yes what?”
“Yes, you’ve left me a glass of water on the bedside table,” she complies, as if fed up with his never-ending requests oscillating around definite responses, ever the hypocrite.
“Very well,” seemingly pleased with her response, his lips twist in what must be a ghost of a proper smile, although the following words fail to satiate the prominent craving, much to her displeasure. “So sleep tight and make sure you call me as soon as you wake up.”
“Connie?” She calls almost at the spot, having decided to take the matter in her own hands this time, afraid that if he gets up, nothing will be enough to stop him from leaving altogether.
“Connor,” he corrects, voice laced with an audible hint of annoyance.
“Doesn’t matter,” she dismisses, while urging her body up on the elbows to look at him properly for a change, at least according to the etiquette of any decent conversation. “Stay with me tonight?”
“I don’t think so,” he counters, cold as ice once again – a notion enhanced by the neon lights casting shadows on his sharp features.
“’Cause I’ve driven your sorry ass home which is enough of selflessness from me for the following month,” he spats bitterly, intent to rise from his spot on the couch and walk out of the door, leaving her hanging, as if it was the most convenient solution ever imagined.
“Why do you have to be such an ass?” She huffs, disappointed once again – an impression she has learned to associate with him on the course of their encounters, and yet never failing to disturb her, even if only in the emotional sense.
(Helps me to keep the distance.)
“Nothing personal,” he claims instead, not even blinking as the words slip past his lips. “I’ve got errands to run tomorrow.”
“I don’t believe you,” she confronts, now seated properly with her back supported by the wall, as if to grant the superior position in their flimsy quarrel.
“Well, you don’t have to,” he reciprocates, infuriatingly calm all of sudden, shoulders shrugging at her furious expression.
(So easy to rile up sometimes…)
“What?” He snaps, head twisting in her direction, eyes meeting with a metaphorical shot of electricity through her body.
“Is it so hard to understand? The fact that I don’t wanna be alone tonight?” She sighs, now in genuine doubt whether he is a human after all, which might as well be linked with the flawed perception, based on her own attitude – blemished. “You know, it’s just… today’s been so messed up and I just… I don’t know...”
“Got anything to confess?” He cocks an inquisitive eyebrow at her, as if attempting to conceal the previous irritation with some careless swagger.
“I don’t remember much, but I have a feeling that something bad has happened to me,” she begins, having decided to choose her words carefully, since indicating that she is yet another pathetic junkie is the last direction she is aiming towards.
“Like what?”
“I don’t know, really,” she refuses to cooperate, instead gets up from the bed and takes those few steps towards the couch to plop down beside him, shortly before resuming with her undefined explanation. “I’m aware of what I was doing throughout the day, but the evening memories are all vague, are… um… all fuzzy, and honestly I have no idea what to think about this.”
“Wanna talk about it?” He questions, seemingly relaxed, if not for the corner of his lip tilting in an unnerving way, proving that said proposal carries some hidden meaning as well.
“Yes,” she nods, since playing by his rules appears to lay beyond the realm of conscious control for now, no idea why.
(Is that his voice? The fuck is wrong with me?)
“So tell me the truth.”
Speak of the devil.
“It wasn’t all a lie,” she scoffs, and yet cannot help but advert her gaze to the side, focusing on the small reddish stain decorating the coach cushion, wine presumably.
“Sure,” he hums in agreement, soaked in bitter irony, although pleased with the confirmation of his little theory. “But I wanna hear a genuine story this time, or none at all. Is that clear?”
“Crystal,” she affirms with a telltale burning upon her cheeks that appear to disrupt the defined vision of proper explanation. “So, I wasn’t alone at the Interstellar, I was with someone…”
“With whom exactly?”
“Doesn’t matter,” she refuses once again, shaking her head, as if more to clear out the mind before the key explanation than emphasize the earlier words. “The thing is, he gave me one of those pills he had, and I took it, so that’s why I don’t remember shit.”
“Well, that I’ve already figured out myself,” never the one to disappoint, am I right? “So where’s the catch?”
“I think I’ve made a mistake… I mean doing something like that in his company is a mistake itself, but… I don’t know… I feel so messed up,” she rubs a single hand across her face, hoping it will somehow soothe her, but nothing like this happens, so instead she slips it in his, searching for physical support – a gesture that catches him off guard for a brief moment. His flesh is cool to touch, most of it covered in some bizarre ornaments, black upon white – pale skin that looks almost eerie underneath the neon lights – her gaze following the pattern up his arm, until their eyes lock once again – tangerine and steel.
“It’s fine, I get it,” he affirms with a subtle smile, squeezing her hand in a skillful manner, enough to fulfill said wish without causing unnecessary discomfort.
“That was the first time something like this happened to me though,” she confess, throwing their linked limbs a brief glance, as if to ascertain he is still there, like in flesh and bones, not a passerby from a parallel reality. “It freaked me out.”
“No wonder it did,” he concludes. “Losing control can be one of the worst nightmares.”
“Tell me about it,” she huffs, rolling her eyes – a gesture to top the sarcastic remark with. “I don’t get it. Even though I’m aware of the consequences, I keep making the same mistakes over and over again… Hell, I’m so happy I have an opportunity to die.”
“Now you’re being dramatic,” he chuckles – not the exact reaction she intended to gain from him, but that will have to do for now.
“Aren’t we all?” She cocks a challenging eyebrow at him, her eyes glistening with an ghost of amusement, rather unexpected in such circumstances, which is also a good sign to be honest, the fact he is able to elicit that kind of response from her.
“Thanks for listening though,” she ignores the little hypocritical attempt, indicating the blatant disagreement.
“Anytime Gia, anytime,” he bestows the woman with a smile for a change, even if fleeting – odd beauty to it all.
As her focus drifts towards the places of unknown, with the pensive silence settling over them, she fails to notice the subtle shift of his position, until their intertwined hands rest on her thigh, eliciting an embarrassingly audible gasp from the female, knuckles teasing the tender flesh as his tendons flex, supposing to prevent the nerves from getting numb.
“What are you expecting from this situation?” He interjects, his gaze focused solely on hers with intensity that has the female almost backing away – soul-drill to crack her attitude in two.
“Feelings are not to be verbalized,” she reciprocates, rolling her eyes at the inappropriate question, and yet opts for going out on a limb, since what goes around comes around, right? “And also, I think there’re more pressing matters to clarify anyway.”
“Such as?” He turns towards her, and now that Gia has his undividable attention, she is ready to put her inconsistent plan into notion.
“Ever wondered what would it be like… to kiss me?”
An exclamation that has him laughing out loud this time – such an unusual occurrence, although not the best sign to be honest – and yet she can work with that, glaring at him once the sound dulls down. With amused glimmers dancing behind his gaze, he appears to be studying her expression, as if in an attempt to read his songbird like an open book he would like her to be, at least for him, and yet, aside from the blatant desire for attention, the rest is buried somewhere deep, deep down, safe from his prying curiosity.
How infuriating.
Nevertheless, he is well aware what to do to gain the essential answer – break the not-so-stern rule, temptation in its purest form, granting the special privilege of seeing her gasp in shock, feign indifference just to throw herself in his arms as soon as an opportunity presents itself.
Sublime. Sadistic. Selfish.
Simply what he needs right now.
“To kiss you? No…” he draws on the syllable – a purring baritone that catches her off guard for a brief moment – not even supposing he is capable of making such sounds. “But to fuck you… now that’s a whole different story…”
(What the hell?)
“But we can just kiss if you prefer the PG-13 version,” he cocks a challenging eyebrow at her, and she takes the bait, all to his pleasure as far as it matches the plan, crafted on the go.
“I don’t-”
“No need to lie to me, Gia,” he interrupts, leaning slightly towards her, just enough to brush her chest, breath palpable on the exposed neck, prickling her skin with goosebumps. “Tell me, what is it that you desire?”
“Right now? For you to kiss me,” she gulps, failing to pursuit with the seductive tone, muscles twitching as she feels his arm snaking around her waist, still hoping she would maintain the confidence throughout the act.
(With him touching you like that? Sure.)
“A bit boring but if that’s what you want…” he chuckles, breath flaring through her hair, quick to catch the woman off guard again by yanking her onto his lap, one thigh pressed in between her legs.
“You’re such a dick,” she gasps at the unexpected contact, her insides coiling in anticipation to satiate whatever ache has been blossoming inside the artiste the moment he laid his eyes upon her.
“Sure, whatever,” he hums, careless as ever, tickling the side of her neck with feather-like kisses, barely present, like wind whispering patterns on her skin, ready to fly away and forget as the scent of his cologne engulfs her senses. Some twisted part of her wants to witness him break first, give in to the temptation, with dilated pupils and disheveled hair, rake his fingers through the strands, but nothing like this happens. Instead, he keeps teasing her with the gentle touches, tips of his fingers tracing the hollow of her spine, up to the point where she cannot take it anymore – the merciless tormentor – and tilts his head to the side, crashing their lips together.
(So it is on.)
With his arms around her body, he gains the essential motion range, ability to maneuver her upon his lap and of course guide the kiss, but since their plans seem to differ, she attempts to squirm out of the grasp – a matter he is quick to rectify with a harsh nip upon her bottom lip, drawing a surprised squeal from the woman. Even though she is already past the point of wondering whether he would be gentle, whether he would treat her like the finest china or just another frivolous chippie, she has not expected such straightforward approach, at least not from the very beginning, since that is what all the previous partners accustomed her with – the cautious build up leading to more ardent acts, while he appears to be toying with both contradictories, leaving her in anticipation for more.
(Fucking douchebag.)
With Gia gliding through her thoughts, he opts for seizing the opportunity now that her mouth is agape, seemingly beyond realization yet, and sweeps his tongue over her bottom lip, relishing in the tremor that runs down her spine as a response to the caress, palpable underneath his hands. Right when she expects him to dive straight into it, he breaks away, eliciting a disappointed whimper from the singer, a whimper that has him twitching in the confinement of his pants like some immature teenager, intent to switch to her neck and mark the flawless canvass – now simply pale and pure. As if put on repeat, she mimics the earlier sound – a response to the harsh suck – leaning backwards, expecting him to continue the established path further down, and yet he is back at the face level within a matter of seconds, having stained her flesh with a purplish bruise.
“I do mind that a bit, you know,” she huffs, feigning annoyance, even if only in a partial sense, unable to ignore the rapid pulsing of violated skin, akin to a sisterly heart drumming just underneath the surface.
“Didn’t see you complaining earlier,” he hums against her lips, planting a lingering kiss on the plump pout. “If I were in your shoes I’d be happy to have something to eye in the mirror when the lover boy is gone. Which, by the way, reminds me that I gotta be going, now that I’ve clearly overused your hospitality.”
(Like flipping a switch.)
“You gotta what?” She frowns in confusion, squealing in surprise as he slides her off his lap, leaving the female perched on the sofa, beyond agitated.
“Sleep tight and remember to call me in the morning.”
And with that he is gone, slipping through the door like a desert dust carried with the wind, its remains inhabiting every space imaginable, forgotten to be swiped away even while cleaning; since he would be damned if he allowed some brat to flash him her bits, get him all riled up just to back out in the end with whatever pathetic excuse she manages to make up on the go.
So instead he prefers the prevention strategy.
Leave her hanging.
Desperate for any kind of attention.
As for the clever, cunning.
* * *
It is safe to assume that getting used to the thought of her and Connor together took the young singer a fair amount of time, and not only that. What else was required to accomplish such inhuman target must have been the so-called emotional tranquility, not her most spectacular forte to be honest, and furthermore accepting the fact that he wants something more from her, whatever that something is.
The very thing that destroys her?
Might as well be, not that it would surprise Gia, considering her ever-present knack for involving in presumably not the most beneficial relationships, just for the sake of illusionary intimacy justified by equally tentative trust, the need to keep people close, lend them a helping hand in hope they will reciprocate someday. To contribute but never to be rewarded, at least with the desired amount of compassion, always judged through the prism of her performance, the outer surface – tissue-thin epidermis – deprived of human curiosity to dip millimeters underneath, and so discover what else she is willing to offer, beyond the carnal realm.
Cruelty of the
And yet, she cannot stop thinking about him, imagining how his steps would echo in the corridor leading to her flat, how his hand would rise to press the button, how his feet would tap the ground while waiting for her to meet him by the entrance, far more preoccupying than she would like it to be. Tethering on the edge between two parallel dimensions – corporeality and conceptuality – she barely notices the slicing sound, tearing up the multi-level reverie into a bunch of useless pieces – a ring reverberating in the air.
“Fuck,” she curses, startled by the way too real noise, almost tripping, as she shoots up from the couch, rushing to open the door. She is greeted with the oh so unexpected sight of the ‘lover boy’ – display of vibrant confidence, obscuring the hint of impatience that must be lurking just beneath the surface, once again without any of his posh suits, although not lacking essential elegance, having opted for simple black pants and matching shirt, keeping the top buttons undone, certain she would notice. As per his earlier assumption, her eyes linger on the exposed flesh, also marked by the ink, evoking the wonder about how far it actually reaches, which in turn leads to the much more risqué concept – the fact that tonight she is meant to clarify all doubts.
“Ever bother to check the visual?” He leans against the doorway, clearly waiting for any invitation, cocking an inquisitive eyebrow at her – an indication she catches sooner than later, allowing him to step inside, and shut the door. “Or is it the perspective of seeing me that distracts you so much?”
“Don’t flatter yourself,” she throws over her shoulder – feigned carelessness – as she follows him to the living area, frowning when he perches atop the mattress instead.
“And depend on random compliments?” He chuckles, fingers stroking the silky sheets, as if to approve their law of existence as a part of her bedding. “I think I’ll pass.”
“Sure you will,” she rolls her eyes, nevertheless allows him to pull her onto the plush surface, their knees bumping as she settles down beside the man.
“What a clever girl you are, truly astounding,” he purrs – the exact same tone he used just a few days ago, and yet so much different – fresh and bold, evoking the insatiable desire for more. “Which reminds me that I’ve brought some wine for us.”
“I’m more of a Tequila girl to be honest,” she bestows him a fleeting smile, thrown off guard by the brush of his fingers upon the exposed thigh, now that her dress has ridden up a little, nevertheless quick to return on the abandoned track of thoughts, “but wine is a classic, so I appreciate it.”
“Sure, Sundance,” he teases, tickling her skin with feather-like strokes – another call-back to their last encounter – although this time her muscles quiver as he skims the golden ring adorning her shapely leg.
“So do you want to drink it now, or-”
“Why the nerves?” He frown, in time with the touch-deprivation, placing the aforementioned bottle by the foot of her bed with a soft click – unsettling since terminal, at least according to personal perception – supreme deceiver. “It’s not like I’ve came here to hurt your or something.”
“Yeah, I know,” she nods, reaching out for his hand to thread their fingers together. “But you’re just something… something new to me, and I have no idea what to expect, that’s all.”
“Oh honey,” he smirks, eyes glinting with a lingering promise that leaves her determined to uncover the truth behind his intents, “you’re gonna love this, I promise.”
“Guess I’ll have to take your word for that then,” she shrugs, allowing him to pull her onto his lap once again, calves on either sides of his thighs for a change.
“Guess you’ll have to.”
And with that, their lips collide, sucking a breath from her lungs, and so shaping up the focus – tunnel vision, disability to judge the situation through the prism of a bigger picture, especially when his hand reaches the zipper of her dress, soon to drag it down, exposing the pale flesh to relatively warm air. In spite of that, her skin prickles with goosebumps, failing to contain a violent shiver, as his fingers explore the area in sync with the sensual dance that is their kiss – awakening of the burdened desire, prompt to shove him down, check whether he would crack in response – such an absurd idea, downward foolish, although that she is yet to realize, all in due course.
Puzzled with the sudden shift in her attitude, he peers up to the woman, forehead marked by a frown of confusion, until his gaze follows a path further south, halting once it reaches the disarranged cleavage, tops of her breasts peeking through the fabric. As if with a mind of its own, his hand reaches out to tease the feminine curve, eliciting a gasp from his not-so-stern partner, leaning towards his touch – fleeting scrape of butterfly’s wings upon the heated flesh, meant to enhance the inborn craving for more.
“C’mere,” he purrs, low baritone that sends a vibrant buzz straight to her core, and yet she hesitates to comply, tethering on the pinnacle between elongating the mild, although undoubtedly pleasant, experience and succumbing to the whispering prompts of her instinct, too caught up in the trance to deny the subconscious responses delivered by her body.
Seemingly unable to defer anymore, she leans in to him, sighing as he cups the perky globe in one hand, teasing the protruding nipple with the pads of his fingers, until she gasps his name – a single word, yet potent enough to cloud his eyes with a resemblance of lust, mirroring the fiery hue of her own irises. With the self-control aspect casted aside, she allows him to pull down the fabric and so expose the upper half of her body that he appears to be quite fond of at this point, attempting to ignore both the burning gaze upon bare skin and the growing hardness in between her legs, applying pressure to the dampening folds.
Intimidating to say the least, considering it has been a while since she was placed under such circumstances – a penis owner in her very own bed, grazing the lacy cloth with barely palpable shifts. In the midst of honesty she is ready to admit that the concept of stuffing a rigid member inside has always filled her with some odd kind of nervousness, disgust maybe – determinant of established preference, leaning more to the opposite option.
Even so, she has found herself attracted to the Connor almost at the spot, the exact moment his eyes landed on her figure by the doorway – initiation of the merest physical attraction, meant to blossom into something of entirely different nature, something that scares her more than she cares to admit. Furthermore, the last issue she needs to deal with is unrequired love, considering he is not the man who gives his heart away to each and every person he crosses paths with, unlike some people – hit for the metaphorical nail, precisely why she possesses so much hatred for him, at least a part of her does, while the other is drowning hopelessly, claiming she is a unique being, crafted for him like personal software.
With all that crap in mind, there is still the third aspect to it all – lust-laced craving, the carnal impulse that has her thighs fluttering in anticipation for what he is intent to deliver as his eyes bore into her – burning itch atop the exposed skin.
And that she is dying to find out.
“Mmm… fuck,” she moans, dumbfounded by the unusually intense sensation, rocking her hips to relieve the tension – subconscious response to the lack of direct stimulation – eliciting a throaty chuckle from the man below.
“So soon?” He teases, flinching as she presses closer to him, radiating with natural heat that has him twitching in some animalistic need to dive straight to the main business, even if for a split second. “How about a little variety first?”
“What variety?” She frowns, the movements of her hips halting as his hand abandons her breast, curious, or maybe just anxious, about his intensions.
“Ever been blindfolded?”
The question left to linger in the air for a split second, required for the artiste to comprehend its meaning, garnishing her cheeks with a reddish hue that laces his lips in yet another version of the so-called smug smirk, cocking an anticipatory eyebrow at the female. With her faced marked by the concoction of embarrassment and most importantly lust, she is no more no less a sight to behold, chewing at the corner of her lip in restless wonder – overthinking, burden of humanity. Even though it last for only a few seconds, he perceives it at least as a million
(what a surprising turn of events…),
yet maintains the essential patience to hear Gia’s response as his hands stroke her sides in some mindless form of caress, and so delay the decisive process, maybe without realization. What requires that brief struggle – point of discussion – is her return from the voluptuous trance, featuring the flash of seemingly every possible scenario, frenzied enough to appear as embarrassing, she shakes her head no – brisk denial – still leaving the matter pending.
“Wanna try it out tonight?” He proposes, to which she nods for a change, feverishly enough to fuel the cocky smirk upon his features – a concoction of lust and amusement. “Say it.”
“Yes, I wanna try out tonight,” she complies, without hesitation this time, as if he managed to strike some cord deep within, a cord that has her thighs twitching in search for the relief-granting friction.
(Fuck… that’s too much.)
“Very well then,” his gaze adverts to the side, indicating Gia to follow the established direction, settling once it reaches the flimsy gown hanging on the door of her wardrobe. “Give me that silky ribbon from your robe.”
Without further ado, she rises from the well-accustomed-with spot, and with a few, rather wobbly, steps, snatches the aforementioned item from the hanger, quick to pass it to him, indifferent whether it will reach its destination as smoothly as desired. In spite of that, he catches the belt with distinctive grace, twirling it in between his fingers for a brief moment, up to the point of fatal distraction – Gia discarding her dress to the side, allowing him to steal a glance of red lace covering the place of his interest, before she joins him on the bed, settled upon his lap once again.
“Now close your eyes,” he instructs, failing to conceal the breathy note marring the flawlessly composed voice – a nuance that appears to slip past her attention, without a doubt on his benefit, excited to follow his request, shivering at the first brush of silk over her skin, although not meant to relish the sensation for a longer while, since he is quick to tie it at the back of her head and so obscure the vision.
Pitch black.
“Lie down,” he bestows Gia with a concise order, having deprived her from the steady grip, hands now flying to grasp his shoulders, afraid to lose balance now that she is blind.
“How about a little help?” She huffs with a lingering hint of annoyance marring her voice, prominent enough to reach the picky ears of her paranoid manager. “I don’t fancy slamming my head in the wall, you know.”
“Don’t use that tone on me,” he snaps – an exclamation laced with a tethering promise, indicating that he is indeed a man of little tolerance to any form of misbehavior, which is not much of surprise to be honest, especially when considered through the prism of what she has witnessed him perform on the strictly professional ground.
“Or what?” She taunts, too blind, in the metaphorical sense of course, to realize how ridiculous she appears to him at the moment, pawing at his shoulders as the self-preservation instinct fully kicks in, working against her benefit, at least when it comes to narrow extension, yet to reach the verbal realm.
Which is exactly what elicits a mocking chuckle from the male, followed by an equally derisive comment, more than aware how to get under her skin. “Don’t tempt me, Sundance.”
“Like you wouldn’t want it,” she rolls her eyes, even though he is unable to see through the silky ribbon, letting out another vexed huff, cut short by the sudden flip that has her squealing in surprise, all against the conscious will. Some part of her finds such capacity rather unsettling, precisely how he can manhandle the dainty body in any desired position, while the other – dug out of the subliminal depth – relishes the sensation of physical submission, shivering in anticipation for more.
Luckily, that he is able to deliver, at least according to what she is hoping for, although the following action leaves her puzzled and most importantly alone on the mattress, almost prompting to remove the fabric in order to check why he has abandoned her. However, before she settles on any specific choice, she hears him rummaging through the bed drawer in search for hell knows what, and even though she is probably supposed to cut such liberties short, the woman remains still, well-aware of what he is looking for in there and yet caught in denial.
“If that’s what I think it is...” she begins, unable to conceal the subtle hint of trepidation within her voice, clearly excited to verify the inkling.
“What? This?” He pokes her in the side with the not-so-foreign object, buzzling to life in his palm, eliciting a shocked squeak from the female, much to his amusement. “Knew a lonely lady like you would have one.”
“I’m not-”
“Sure, Sundance,” he hums as if in some derisive form of agreement, lacking in pity but making up with condescension, now seated beside the partner, evident in the teasing brush of his pants’ fabric against her thigh. “But if you’re denying it so fiercely… then maybe I should stop?”
“No, I-”
“Just say it,” he prompts, tracing the golden ring encircling her thigh, which sends a resonating tingle all the way to her throbbing nipples. “Say that you want it, and it’ll be all yours.”
“I want you to touch me,” she states, feigning indifference, if not for the subtle hint of trepidation betraying her in the times of trial, which is no more no less than a hyperbole, but still – perception is delusive.
“Then beg,” he reciprocates, smirking as she twitches under his touch, subconsciously drawing her legs further apart – an instinctual invitation.
“But you said-”
“I know what I said,” he interrupts – a manner that elicits an audible huff from the dependent woman, supposed as a provocation, but at this point he is too amused to let such a silly misbehavior unhinge him. “So now I wanna hear you out for a change.”
“Please?” She asks – blunt and accusatory.
“Oh c’mon,” he frowns, undoubtedly displeased with her lack of dedication to the prior request – another polished façade he tends to display when needed. “You’re not even trying.”
To that, she has no response, at least throughout the course of several dozen seconds, required to verify the so-called balance of burdens and benefits, all while attempting to ignore the teasing brushes atop her exposed skin. She has never experienced anything like this – being so responsive to any form of touch, no matter how gentle, how fleeting, casted upon her flesh akin to some grotesque shadow – substitute of proper caress – which might as well be the real reason for cracking her resolve.
“Please, I need you to touch me so badly,” she strives for the most docile version of her tone, not used to such deal of resistance from the second participator, puzzled with the amount of self-control he has been displaying throughout their encounter. “Please.”
“Now was that so hard?”
“No,” she sighs, beyond impatient, desperate to alleviate the tension blossoming between her legs, retreating the merest ability to focus, as if all pitiful remains of poorly constructed concentration have been thrown out of the window.
(Entropic fallout, wasn’t it?)
All too soon, in one precisely brisk maneuver, he is hovering over her form, surrounding the female with natural body heat, as his lips trail butterfly kisses over the tender flesh of her neck – a gesture she would consider sweet under any other circumstances, albeit this time convinced that he is intent to transfer it into yet another merciless act. With the ability to contain her reflexes long gone, now that she is receiving any physical attention, she arches towards him, failing to contain a breathless gasp slipping past her lips as a response to his gesture – tracing the outline of her breast, as if to draw a spiral pattern to the middle – a fiery brand upon the sensitive skin.
“Fuck,” she squeals, synchronized with the harsh nipple pinch, eliciting an amused chuckle from the arrogant lover who is now preoccupied with stroking a line down her stomach, tensed with the anticipation for the coming dive.
“Mmm… fuck…” he groans into her ear – billowing puff of breath – heat over heat – as his fingers skim the lace-covered folds, greeted by a soaking amount of wetness that speaks to the most primal parts of his brain, that has him twitching in the confinement of his pants, wishing to launch for the simplest cut-to-the-chase, even if for a brief moment. “That excited already?”
“Mhm,” she hums in agreement, pushing her hips up in an attempt to meet the hand hovering just above the delicate material – merciless denial that has her muscles twitching in anticipation, enhanced by the sensory deprivation, lack of vision that forces her to ponder upon each and every outcome. “Please, I need- uh, f-fuck…”
A mere plea, uttered in the state of lust-laced deliriousness, disability to comprehend what is happening around her, caught off guard by the following action – a dive straight to the main point of interest, no more excess teasing, fooling around with the fleeting touches that set her skin aflame, wordlessly begging him to pursue. Instead, he replaced the previous tickling with firm pressure, smirking as her hips buck in response, determined to fulfill the innate craving for more direct stimulation, not separated by the thin lace – flimsy barrier that has risen to a rank of an ultimate obstacle, obviously thicker than she would like it to be.
“Take them off, please,” she whines, all too familiar with the burning frustration, laced into her being, taking a form of some grotesque thread, stinging like a sharp needle, crying to be removed.
“Seems like you’ve been demanding a lot lately, don’t you think?” He taunts, almost back to the smooth baritone if not for the lingering hint of restrain hiding behind his voice, the smoky gaze he has been casting upon her exposed body for quite a while, perceivable on the intuitive aspect alone.
“No, please,” she cries in despair as his fingers abandon their previous spot, beyond desperate to complete the process, hands reaching to grasp him, but he evades the clumsy clutches, letting out an amused chuckle at the frenzied attempt.
“Relax,” he purrs into her ear – a sound that sends a resonating shiver down her spine, which paired with the abrupt nip delivered on the tender earlobe almost has her moaning out loud, “I’m far from done with you yet,” an exclamation meant to elicit another violent shiver, accompanied by his throaty laugh. “But before we move on, any specific requests you have in mind?”
“No, just touch me,” she whines, too unhinged to bother with general appearance, clenching her thighs to alleviate the ache, in foolish hopes it will somehow slip past his attention.
“How exactly?” He continues, quick to grasp the woman by the shapely muscle and draw her legs apart, all for the purpose of witnessing Gia trembling in frustration.
“However you want,” she reciprocates, already past the point of bothering to conceal her responses – polar opposite to the moderate man beside her, which might as well be yet another foolish assumption, if missing out the lustful glint in his eyes, silvery hue that has transferred into one of these restless storms – dark and predatory.
“Sure, Sundance,” he hums – a conclusion laced by a lingering hint, somehow sinister, indescribable with the human vocabulary, probably unsettling in the eyes of the young artiste – a final warning – but she is not in the mood to dwell on any underlying doubts, meant to be clarified as soon as he presses the vibrating bullet to her clit, forcing a choked moan from the equally astonished female.
“Fuck,” she gasps as another incomprehensible wave rocks through her body, muscles twitching in response to the increasing pressure, once again dying to get rid of the flimsy barrier, “off, please.”
“Lift your hips,” he instructs, almost at the spot, maybe fed up with drawing the inevitable as well, to which she complies, allowing him to slide the lacy panties down her legs, then approximately toss them aside.
Settled beside his lover again, evident in the heated exhales palpable upon her cheek, he resumes the initiated activity, dragging the buzzling bullet up her folds to circle the swollen nub, eliciting another reedy squeal from the squirming partner, which in turn has him wondering whether it is her casual reaction to such form of caress – inability to remain still, shifting from side to side as if caught in some frenzied state of lust. Therefore, to facilitate the process, he opts for an alternative position, tugging Gia in between his legs, back to the firm chest, now able to hold the woman more steadily with an open palm sprawling across her abdomen. Even if that simple, the act affects him more than he cares to acknowledge, at least when attempting to match the distinctive candor, marveling at how lightweight she is – penchant for dainty women in general – which combined with the soft moans slipping past her lips has him twitching against the swell of her ass.
Despite the thick curtain of lust clouding her mind, she can feel him perfectly through the thin layer of clothing, more than nervous to acquaint the full length, considering there is barely anything appealing about said part of male anatomy. Furthermore, her attitude leans more to the category of ‘intimidated’ than ‘excited’, while pondering upon the possible outcome, someway obliged to convert it into ‘inevitable’ – a trait that tends to lead people on the baneful avenue.
As well as concealing the truth.
“Enjoying yourself?” He mutters into her ear all of sudden, dragging the woman back to the contemporary realm, at least as much as the carnal aspect allows to, mind foggy with desire, relishing the temporal docility that she is displaying, more vulnerable than ever.
Seemingly not in the mood to oppose, she hums in affirmation, twitching as her body surges with the approaching wave of ecstasy, surprisingly close by now, considering how little physical attention she has received on the course of their encounter, maybe due to visual deprivation as for the enhancing factor. With the heightened sense of touch, the low vibrations on her clit feel divine, otherworldly even, as a part of her wishes to tether on such stage for blissful eternity, explore the unknown realm at leisured pace.
Unfortunately, it turns out that she will not be the judge of that, since he removes the toy, not quite certain when exactly, since the ability to evaluate the passing time has abandoned Gia as soon as he pressed the bullet to her clit. As if caught in some tunnel-vision state of lust, she attempts to reach out for him, unfortunate to slash through the thin air, which has her groaning in frustration, and despite more than evident amusement, he soothes her with a warm palm on her thigh and a whispering promise, dedication that causes her to choke on own spit, head snatching in his direction, more than certain that she must have misheard him.
“What did you say?”
“I said I wanted to taste you,” he repeats, the same purring baritone as before reverberating in her ear, sending a violent shiver down her spine – a throbbing buzz straight to her clit. “What? Man’s never gone down on you?”
“Man? No,” she counters, still in genuine shock due to the least expected proposition, especially from the lips of the most arrogant, selfish bastard she has ever encountered, opting to dismiss all sensible doubts, when considered through the prism of his potential intentions, certainly not featuring the direct aim for climax. “But please do go on, I’m interested.”
“Wouldn’t have guessed,” he reciprocates, a sarcastic comment that somehow slips past her attention, most likely because she chooses to ignore it – negative for picky with more pressing matters occupying her mind.
“Can I get rid of the blindfold first?” She verbalizes what is germane, hands already reaching up to untie the knot, but he halts her with a disapproving click of his tongue, not intent to expand it to the physical realm, by grasping her wrists for instance.
“I don’t know, can you?” He teases, eliciting a frustrated huff from the female, as her hands fall to the chest, waiting for his approval, which pleases him more than she suspects, and so prompts to let it loose with a negligent tug.
Blinding light.
“Fuck,” she gasps, shielding her eyes from the city neons illuminating her face, bright and aggressive, marring the vision with ghoulish spots – temporal disability, excluded from the flawless world, shoved away as soon as it bumps into any of its dwellers, wandering in search of an ultimate place.
Parallel with humanity?
(Don’t be ridiculous.)
Smart enough to wait until it subsided, she adjusts their position, now chest to chest with Connor, as her sight shifts towards him, taking in the contours of his face, now accentuated by the artificial light, caught on the glimmering hint of chrome decorating his cheekbones – sharp and unyielding. Giving as good as he gets, his eyes bore into her façade – resemblance of a steel tool, corresponding with the icy shade, now reflecting the female’s image – orchid hair and tangerine irises, almost auburn in the dim illumination. There is something devilish about her, the intimate setting she is aiming for, the dainty hands braced on his chest, the affection in her gaze, prominent enough to unsettle the steady man, even if subdued by the membrane of lust, screaming warning to accelerate the process.
“Lie down,” he prompts, palms on the either sides of her hips as if to ensure she would move, “or else I might think you’ve changed your mind about this.”
“Sure,” she purrs, lips inches away from his, but still, the abrupt closure catches him off guard – firm pressure applied on the tender flesh – pouring every ounce of the bottled-up emotion into the kiss as for the vulnerable creature she is, meant to shatter in his callous grip, knowing it will be too intricate to comprehend if transferred into words. He lets her go with offbeat reluctance – a hint that she is able to catch, detached from his usual composure, topping it up with yet another fleeting peck, before she actually rolls to the side, nestling in the silky sheets – indication to pursue.
With her spread out like this, prolonging the inevitable appears as beyond pointless, foolish dreams of a self-centered man with reliable composure, superior when juxtaposed with the pitiful rest, and yet succumbing to the carnal desire – spirited among the spineless, spineless among the spirited – civilized paradox. All meaningless in face of the feminine creature, lying on the velvety fabric, one knee bent, anticipating his touch, craving the flattery if only in the tactile realm, the synthetic hue of her irises now obscured by the eyelids – a detail at odds with his tastes and so a matter that he is quick to rectify with a stern grip upon her chin, eliciting a discontented whine from the young artiste.
“Eyes on me,” he bids, voice laced with proficiently concealed impatience, if not for the lingering hint marring the quintessential presentation – evidence of the lustful longing within his gaze, within the manner it outlines her curves, following up to the partly confused façade.
“I thought you-”
“Then you were wrong,” he interrupts, almost trespassing the point of autocracy that has her laughing out loud, albeit still capable of transferring it into a mere shadow of a proper smile – a nuance not meant to evade his perception, heightened by an animalistic instinct. “Don’t tempt me to wipe that smirk off.”
Without bothering to clarify the four-letter query, as per usual, he retreats to the initial intention, determined to fulfill the shared craving – polar opposites that mingle into one, overlapping both perspectives – a prelude to the everlasting doubt:
To give or to receive?
(That is the question.)
In consideration with the dualistic lack of competence to put it to an end, and yet each time the occasion arises, every average scum would ask about interlocutor’s preference.
It must be the people who are damaged,
Shattered akin to a splinter of glass.
(Give me a fucking break.)
“Connie?” She frowns in confusion, clearly the one to be left hanging this time, albeit not only at loss in such realm – an exclamation shattering his reverie, not that it bothers him much under current circumstances.
Hence, being brought up to a point of boiling impatience, he opts for the simple cut-to-the-chase move and so settles in between her legs, pried apart with the telltale pressure of his hands applied onto the tender insides. Unable to ignore the tingling of her thighs, now grasped in his palms – slim and dainty in comparison, which evokes that odd concoction of contradictions – anxious but
(to the point of)
aroused, almost trembling with excitement for what is about to come.
(And fuck, does it come…)
Practically keening due to the freshly occurred friction, fleshy and tangible on the swollen folds, drawing a throaty moan from the woman – not the most appealing sound she could have uttered, but still, there is always a room for improvement, she thinks bitterly – caricaturistic resemblance of Connor’s notions. Little does she know, he is far from displeased, now that his hands are clasped around her thighs, and the tongue is tracing the feminine outline with deliciously firm strokes, having opted out of the warm-up, considered nonsensical after all prior actions.
In spite of the so-called burning frustration, each stroke is languid, leisure, as if it was his elementary intention to memorize the shape through such manner, but at the same time prevent from overwhelming her on the very first shot. That, paired with the poor concentration, limited to the heady flavor occupying his mouth, has his eyes adverting to the side, lids heavy with the decadent intoxication, mind much drowsier than before, so instead of maintaining the direct contact, he allows them to fall shut, even if for a mere moment.
Deprived of the visual stimulus, the object of main focus shifts to the taste-related factor, linked with a nuance that he has always perceived as interesting – each time it manages to satiate the fussy palate, which might as well be a direct result of pheromones’ presence – a bitter reminder that even below all the meticulously crafted layers lays yet another insignificant human, succumbing to the innate whim. A human barely able to maintain the substantial concentration with the rhythmical pumping of blood audible in his ears and an evidence of ardent lust crawling down his neck, beyond positive that his skin is hot to touch now, matching the tender flesh that is clutched in his hand, hard enough to bruise, he somehow manages to keep the pace, occasionally sucking at the swollen nub, intent to get as much from her as possible.
“Fuck, more,” she whines, urgency evident in her voice, shifting beneath the unyielding man, clenching around merciless nothing, “I need more.”
(There it is. More.)
“Already?” He cocks an inquisitive eyebrow at the frustrated vocalist, infuriatingly dapper in its condescension, tickling her with a mere stroke of his tongue upon the heated folds.
“Mhm,” she hums in agreement, twitching due to the moderate caress, up to consider locking his head in between her thighs, even if for a split second, required to brace for the simplest of requests, “please.”
“And why is that?” He reciprocates in a teasing manner, now halting his movements all together to eye Gia with the signature intensity, still nested in the exact same spot. “Better not disappoint me with the answer, Sundance.”
“You’re such a-” she begins, soon interrupted by a cruel nip delivered right to the tender flesh of her folds – brisk, and so mind-clearing, but not harsh enough to hurt severely, and yet she cannot bother to hold back the boiling curse. “Ah- fuck you,” she spats, clearly not in the mood for any excess teasing, fed up with his never-ending talk, queries uttered in the most unfortunate moments, catching her in that peculiar state of delirious fogginess, as if intent to receive the most feverish answer.
“Well, I don’t see that coming,” he baits, still amused with each rising attempt to dethrone him from the superior position, feigning obstinacy to crack his resolve, check whether she has the capacity to break him – foolish pursuit of a permanent idealist. “Although I appreciate the sentiment.”
“So,” he ignores the confused exclamation once again, determined to gain the desired answer from the woman, itching with impatience, enhanced by the lingering aftertaste upon his tongue. “Still so keen on disappointing me?”
“No, please,” she practically whines, dreaming about locking her legs to ease the ardent crave for friction. “It hurts.”
“I know it does,” he reciprocates, almost getting the hair-thin thread of longanimity to snap, thanks to the signature smooth swagger, especially when his eyes shift to the heaving breasts, pulsing with unresolved tension.
“Then ease me,” she suggests, not so demanding despite the straightforward nature of prior verbalization, laced with a prominent hint of desperation, impossible to be omitted. “Please.”
“Now was that so hard?” He flashes her a pitiful smile, albeit this time she does not bother to formulate any retort, already shoved past the point of carnal urge, with tunnel vision drifting the hopeless individual towards her final destination – inevitable wreckage. To be honest, he must have lacked the corporeal form to omit all of these: how she is practically dripping on his tongue, quivering under the precise manners he glides her with, wave after wave, climbing higher and higher, up to the point where the rhythmical pulsing becomes tactile on the moist muscle. He is well aware of how little it would take to unravel the dumbfounded artist – three, maybe five sucks if he decides to embrace the latent potential for generosity – and yet the sadistic component wants to witness the scorching heap of frustration, spatting and cursing him to the nth degree just to get back on track with begging, merely a brief moment later.
(What a merciful man I am.)
(Merciful, huh? Now prove it.)
Almost sobbing in relief when the first tide rocks through her tingling body, she arches off the bed, damned if these were not stars she was seeing – nova, luminous explosion, blacking out the vision for a split second, yet enough to miss the hubristic glint in his eyes, relishing in the way her thighs quiver on both sides of his head. Allowing Gia to ride out the aftershocks, he bestows her with a milder alternative, barely skimming past the abused flesh, until she tugs him away by the hair, denying the access altogether, now that she is too sensitive to continue.
“That was nice,” she mutters, glancing at the rising man whose hands are now preoccupied with unbuttoning the burgundy shirt, “thanks.”
“Your ’nice’ is a fatal understatement, don’t you think?” He retorts, bitter once deprived of the physical connection, although the unravelling sight acts as enough of a distraction from the sour timbre, right at the gates of finding out about the authentic expanse of his tattoos.
“Maybe…” she drags on the syllable, drowsiness evident in the leisure mannerism, allowing her eyelids to fall shut for a longer moment, as if positive the resting interval between the tandem of acts is more than essential, “I don’t know…”
Once again without the visual stimulus, as if filtrating the faint shuffling in the background, her focus drifts towards more unnerving matters, towards how bizarre it will be to experience the subsequent intercourse in the manly way after those few years, now that she is a mere step from clarifying the preposterous doubts. Although she is certain he has no intentions in making her feel uncomfortable, out of place, as if she belonged elsewhere, as if she was incapable of transferring their time together into an enjoyable record for both of them – insecurity laced in between the strings of her being – she still hesitates, tethers on the pinnacle determining the predictive outcome.
(Now that is absurd.)
“C’mere,” he prompts, and if not for the purring baritone – a note that she has had a fair amount of time to get accustomed with – gentle tug of a dainty hand, she would remain trapped in the conceptual dimension. Instead, he settles Gia on his lap, eliciting a choked gasp from the artiste once she discovers the blunt lack of any form of clothing, all sturdy flesh below her petite form, eyes drifting to the stygian patterns marring the pale skin.
Vessel for conspectus.
Corporeal form.
Flattery of artistry.
Asseveration of one’s mindset.
Mysterious understatement.
“What does it mean for you?” She inquiries – a doubt popping out of blue, laced with apprehension of discovering the possible truth lurking behind his polished façade, emerging to the surface as a form of carnal avidity he eyes her with – a man starved, restive due to the intentional delay. “Sex.”
“Sex, huh?” He smirks – a ravenous glint enlightening his countenance. “Sex means power.”
(At least he is frank.)
(Sometimes, I feel sorry for him.)
“No, I mean this,” she gesticulates, pointing at each of them, albeit missing the amused tilt of his lips as a response to the untimed query, “you and me.”
“Entropy,” he bestows her with yet another evasive answer, now that he is so keen on pursuing further for a change, hands taking a steady grip on either sides of her waist, before he leans in for a kiss, meant to prevent the innocent doubt from blossoming into a full-blown sparring match – an overflow of endless qualms. In spite of her, rather disputable, judgment, she returns the caress, scooting closer to him – blatant euphemism since her breast are practically mashed against his chest, with frenzied heartbeat resonating through the ribcage.
Pinnacle where one is deprived of the human ability to perceive reality as a compound of coherent particles, instead gradually declines into a place where most aspects acquire a diametrical form – indiscriminate and so considered unimportant through the prism of future reference. Analogy parallel to her current state, each and every worry evaporating in the night’s breeze, as his lips brush – no – claim the lonesome territory, hands trace the outline of her hips – reminder of the primordial intention – a mere breath away from flipping Gia on the back to clasp her hands above the head and… the rest speaks for itself.
(Better show than tell.)
And so, in order to keep up with the rush of concepts clouding his perception, he fulfills the aforementioned, eliciting an outraged gasp from the surprised female, as soon as she comprehends the abrupt reposition. Deciding to test the waters, she tugs at the makeshift binding, expecting him to tighten the grasp, but nothing like this happens, as if he managed to outrun her suppositions, and while it is still relatively firm, the pressure remains unchanged.
Deep in her personal probe, she fails to notice his progressing movements, until he nudges her legs apart, right at the threshold of sliding in, twitching against the slender thigh in excitement. Due to the interval dividing the last and tonight’s encounter, rather generous in length, she acquires that peculiar like-a-virgin attitude, tensed and nervous, valuating the possible amount of discomfort, parallel to the potency of pain, almost blocking the way when he prods at her entrance, presumably by accident considering the following statement.
“You don’t have to impress me, okay? Just relax.”
Probably his first and only display of sweetness she would ever witness.
(Enjoy while it lasts.)
Which is exactly what she opts for, having taken a deep breath, hoping it will calm her rapid heartbeat – not only a futile but also naive attempt – prelude to the tearing entrée that forces a choked whine from her constricted throat, that has the hybrid nails biting crescent shapes into the heel of her palm. Although partly drowned by the feminine whimper, he utters his own groan – evidence of layered frustration, eased by the surrounding tightness, even if for a brief moment – while a part of him struggles to maintain still instead of nailing her to the mattress, not so metaphorically anymore.
“Fuck,” he hisses through gritted teeth, chest heaving with each uneven breath, and what he suspects must have extended to hours and hours of malevolent interlude, in reality requires less than a minute to feel the woman shift below, hips bucking in form of a silent plea.
And who is he to deny her that?
Having opted for such choice, he rocks into her, at this peculiar state of awareness when it comes to each scrape, each flutter, each alternative in pressure against the throbbing member that forces a barely audible gasp from the preoccupied male. Always so self-contained, so persistent, so… composed, and yet she has managed to shatter the inch-thick pane with the merest nuances – a blemish of honor – which disturbs him more than he cares to admit.
In a heap of developing necessity to shove the thought aside, he picks up the pace, forcing his eyelids open to observe the variety of reactions manifesting themselves on her face, too monotonous for his own liking, as if something was preventing the artiste from enjoying their encounter, as if a part of her was immune to the charms he used to enchant a number of lovers throughout the years. Even though she is, indeed, responding, uttering a soft mewl here and there, for some reasons each time he attempts to add his duos, the equalization grants him with an answer of three, as if a single particle was missing, which infuriates him even more than the stain once did.
Matter laid in his hands.
Before she gets a chance to take a grasp on what is happening, he leaves her lying cold by his side, even if only in a metaphorical sense, struggling to relocate in the changing settings, if the abrupt emptiness counts as one, beyond confused and so determined to express her immerse displeasure with the recent turn of events. While he however, less than keen on hearing whatever complains she dares to throw at him, shushes her in the most brusque way possible, at least if considering it through the prism of abusing the physical superiority
(is this even the right expression?),
by tugging her over his lap once again, albeit this time getting Gia to face the window, which has her frowning in confusion, all before he somehow situates himself inside once again, eliciting a throaty moan from the woman, surprisingly husky in contrast with the usual honeyed tune.
“Fuck,” she whimpers, clenching around him, positively caught off guard due to the fresh angle, squirming as she tests the waters – an action that has him hissing in discomfort, full of hatred towards the sensation that comes with being teased.
“Glad to hear that,” he mutters into her hair, breath tickling the tender skin below her ear. “Now grind your hips.”
Puzzled with the sudden shift in his attitude – giving up the control from before, at least as an initial impression – a matter of delusional deception – she halts instead of complying, which prompts him reiterate.
“C’mon, don’t make me repeat myself,” he purrs into her ear, lips stroking the sensitive flesh as he speaks, intent to discover what pace does the trick for the young artiste in his arms, and with that thought in mind, he allows himself to sigh as soon as she begins to move. Despite being well aware it might not be the most convenient position to lead, he intends to find out about the unspoken preference – reason of their misconception – and much to his surprise, she seems to enjoy whatever is happening between them now, having settled for the slower pace.
Soft and tender.
“Touch me, please,” she whines, grasping him by the arm in order to direct it in between her legs, when all off sudden, instead of fulfilling her wish straight away, he grasps her by the hips, putting the leisure interlude to an end, replaced by his own thrusts, meant to elicit that husky moan once again. Therefore, he slips his hand right where she wanted it merely a moment ago, drawing a honeyed mewl instead as it circles her clit, teasing the swollen nub with the same languid pace that almost had him tremble in frustration before, dying to witness the myriad of responses lying in her capacity.
“How does it feel?” he rasps, voice hoarser than ever before, clouded with a dense fog of lust, as if indicating the non-acceptance of disobedience in any form. “Tell me.”
“So good… so…” she begins, struggling to find the right words, the bodily influence over her mind more than evident under the current circumstances, “so… relieving… just keep going, please. ”
In spite of the hackneyed cliché, the sentence itself creates a binding influence over the male, combined with the layer cake of various frustrations, filled with piling impatience, and so enough to prompt him to fulfill the wish straightaway. Ergo, he increases the intensity of both aspects, which has her writhing atop him, squirming and whining for release, mouth agape and back arched, soaked in the neon glow – foggy reflection in the glass pane, branded underneath his eyelids for plenty of nights in the future.
Carnal fixation.
Who twists her neck to steal a kiss, bumping their noses together, dying to taste him once again before the final climax – elsewise pleonasm – fluttering around his girth as a prelude for what is inevitable, beyond anticipated, while he appears as perfectly capable of sensing her need, and so returns the caress. Albeit this time, it is safe to assume he is not just toying with her anymore, now that he is creeping closer and closer to the personal pinnacle, thighs twitching as she clenches around him to the point of vice-tight, almost preventing any movement, which might as well be a matter of hyperbolizing, but still, he would never allow it to end prematurely.
(A blemish of honor, was it?)
“Tell me you want this,” he rasps, with the self-control aspect running thin, evident in the loss of rhythm, perceptible even if not absolute.
“I- ah-” she gasps after a particularly rough thrust, interrupting whatever train of thoughts she has been gliding through, rewarded with a sharp nip on the side of her neck.
“Tell me,” he reiterates – gravelly groan that sends a tremor down her spine – rubbing the sensitive nub in firm circles, up to the point where she cannot help but buck against his hand, right at the cusp of bliss, ready to fall.
“I want this, plea-ease,” she whines, stuttering at the end, voiced laced with sheer desperation, dying for the final push.
(And fuck, does it come…)
Mouth agape in a silent scream bubbling inside her constricted throat, she arches into a telltale bow, head falling onto his shoulder, as she flutters around him – rhythmical pulsing that pushes him over the edge, muscles twitching below. Never had she allowed a man to use her like that, and while the artiste was once positive it must be the single most distasting experience of one’s life, she finds herself relishing in the inglorious sensation, trembling as the wave of aftershocks rocks through her limp frame.
(Fucking hell.)
(Fucking hell.)
Tangled on the silky sheets and coming down from their heights, neither of them dare to exchange a word, and so break the comfortable silence – tranquility emerging from the storm – instead bask in the afterglow, with him nuzzling her hair, seemingly in a moment of weakness, lacking the previous rapture. As if unable to foresee the inevitable, she utters a whine of protest the moment he pulls out from her body, having settled the partner aside once he collapses onto the mattress, fatigue evident in his movements, and yet allows her to curl into his side, even intertwine their fingers.
What else might be considered in such terms is the contrast, beyond stark, both in color and texture – creamy and tender juxtaposed with the inky pattern, flesh that is rough in to touch, indicating he must have been working in an entirely different field from the current corporative line – a layover on the methodical path to the ornament itself. Examining the small tattoos drawn over their length, she finds the disability to identify what has been depicted on his skin in such a dim lightening a tad bit infuriating, although not mood-defining, which would be rather odd elsewise – getting emotional over some minuscule detail.
“Did they hurt?” She asks, breaking the drowsy lull that has settled over them, a question that prevents him from dozing off for now, which might turn out for the better in the nearby future, since he is not quite fond of random modification in the hygiene routine.
“No,” he bestows her with a dismissive answer, once again and much to her annoyance if under any other circumstances, certainly not when she is lying half-asleep beside another warm body. “Mind if I use your shower?”
“No,” she mimics his most recent answer, nevertheless positive when it comes to the veracity of said statement.
What a terrible misconception.
* * *
It is safe to assume these two weeks must have been the most bizarre period since the Resurrection – peaceful if not for that peculiar inkling lingering in the back of his mind, as if to indicate some ominous turnabout he opposes to discover. Pairing it up with one of the most loathed traits – attempting to fool himself – does nothing to alleviate the situation, instead enhances the disquietude that has been occupying his soul for quite a while, which in turn brings the anticipation of any possible denouement to the light, craving for certainty rather than a bunch of arising assumptions, even if it would lead to a minacious discovery.
Imminent downfall.
But a lesson from the most experienced teacher.
Life that has managed to educate him on a carnival realm, including even the least expected plot twists, the most obnoxious outcomes, begging for correction, a correction beyond qualifications, evoking the ardent embarrassment that follows in the wake of incapacity.
Although this time what initiates the process is an act.
An act so simple.
Nearly offensive.
A telephone.
Let’s try that again.
It all starts out with a telephone from an old pal.
“Buenas noches, Connor,” he greets with a throaty tune that the manager has almost brought himself to forget – a road paved with good intentions. “Long time no see, eh?”
“Yes, most certainly,” he reciprocates, albeit surprisingly brisk to block the visual, all while striving for a note as calm as possible, burying all worries underneath the surface, at least for now – flawlessly polished façade.
“Oh c’mon, why so formal?” He whinges, smirk audible in his voice. “We haven’t talked for how long? Seven? Eight years?”
“Does it matter?” He shrugs, feigning indifference – desperate attempt of a drowning man. “It’s work related anyway.”
“Still concrete, I like this,” he remarks – deceptive tease.
“Flattery is useless,” he counters, tone harsh akin to a dagger – a reminiscence from the old times. “Unless, of course, you’re calling ‘cause you’re bored to shit and have no one to fuck. But I believe that’s not the case, now is it?”
“Sadly no,” he sighs, as if truly upset. “I have a wife now, so you know…”
“Oh and that’s stopping you? Fuck…” he rolls his eyes in mock disbelief – an involuntary response to the smoky tone. “But okay, let’s assume it does; then what’s the real issue, where’s the fucking catch?”
“You see people change-”
“And you believe in it? An old dog like you?” He interrupts – a retort followed by an incredulous chuckle. “Give me a fucking break.”
“Yes, I do believe it now,” he counters, voice laced with a hint of annoyance. “You see, I don’t like people within my scope, what’s mine stay mine. And who would understand it better than you, am I right?”
He only hums in approval.
“Very well,” he must be smiling now, not that he would want to see anything of that sort, but still, it disturbs him more than he cares to admit – a malevolent omen. “So I want you to do something for me, you know, for that time in New Mexico. I hope it rings a bell.”
“Yes, most certainly,” he mimics the prior answer, which has the man huffing in annoyance, although not interrupt his train of thoughts, if so enhance the need to spill the tea now that he has been given a chance.
Disastrous decision?
Well again, not really.
“Still remember how to kill?”
How many words?
Five words to utter the contrasting sentence, indicate the earth-shattering proposition.
Five words to send him straight to hell.
In business class.
“Do you have the slightest idea what the fuck are you talking about?” He responds after good three minutes – a fleeting expanse of time, slipping out of attention’s grasp, unnoticed by the stern man – voice marred with helpless wrath. “I won’t get involved in any of your shady little businesses.”
“And why is that?” He asks, cocking an eyebrow at the empty screen, wishing Connor could see this – a victory amongst the vicious.
“Fuck you,” he spats, hands twitching in immerse rage. “Just- fuck you!”
“Better not piss me off, chico, ‘kay?” He interjects – an exclamation laced with blossoming annoyance now that his interlocutor has allowed himself for far too many liberties. “I’m nice, ‘cause we’re friends, but I won’t be nice if you piss me off, está claro?”
“Can’t you hire anyone else?” An attempt of discussion? Really? Downright pitiable. “I bet you have multiple sidekicks that would gladly do this for you, ‘cause now I don’t have any time to deal with your shit.”
“Pfft… as good time as any,” he counters, oh so unexpectedly. “Plus I think you’re gonna do this far better than any one of them, not to mention – for free.”
“The first one is a fucking lie, which we both know, and the second-”
“Oh I beg to differ,” he interrupts, still vexed although convinced that what Connor needs is time, time to get accustomed with the inevitable concept, matter extending beyond the realm of personal control. “Both are relevant. You’re the best and you’re gonna do this for free ‘cause you fucking owe me. End of the story.”
“I don’t-”
“Oh you do,” he cuts off once again, intent to get the best of him – calm attitude and meticulous precision, “so just fucking listen for once.”
“What is it even about?” He queries, now that he has managed to satiated the ardent rage, at least enough to circle back to the milder tone, a tone that would fit Thiago’s tastes. “Business? Revenge?”
“Well, both I’d say,” he bestows him with a brisk affirmation, not that he is surprised, “but I don’t wanna get into many details now that we’re on the line, not that anyone of those sacks of fuck would care, but still, you know how it is… Anyway, his name is Carlos Vásquez, and two, three years ago he was just a pimp, a regular pimp, ‘recruiting’ regular people to do regular shit, nothing special, right?”
“So what has changed?”
“He’s extended his business’ interests to the drug market, but even that wouldn’t concern me much, at least not that much to kill him,” he halts, possibly to enhance the suspense, which combined with exasperating Connor creates quite a lucrative form of entertainment. “Which was until that pendejo, pedazo de hijo de puta, sent a bunch of assholes to kidnap my daughter, my fifteen-year-old daughter, my Ava. You’ve never met her, but I believe I’ve mentioned her once or twice in New Mexico.”
“If only,” he huffs – a mannerism deliberately ignored by the influential businessman – rolling his eyes in a display of thespian impatience.
“And let me tell you, I’ll never, ever let that motherfucker get away with this,” he continues – malicious promise, albeit paved with good intentions.
“Where is she now?” He interjects, a blunt query that has his friend, supposing he can be labeled as such, laughing out loud.
“Don’t tell me you’ve gotten soft all of sudden… Christ.”
“It’s a practical question,” he explains, apparently displeased with the obligation to enlighten the aforementioned. “’Cause I want you to know from the very beginning that I ain’t gonna save her.”
“Oh, thank you kindly for your compassion, but she’s safe now, which is all you need to know,” he clarifies – an exclamation that has the manager sighing in relief, considering his reluctance when it comes to any dramatic rescues.
“And the details?”
“I’ll send them later,” the Mexican flips him off with a dismissive flick of his wrist, having forgotten he has blocked the visual, not that it bothers him much anyway. “You know, photos, business associates, lovers’ names, blah, blah, blah…”
“Sure you will,” he nods, feeling obliged to clarify all matters despite the boiling tension, threatening to leak onto the surface – indication of the so-called professionalism. “Any special requests?”
“Well… actually yes.”
(Ah, of course. Fuck me up, will you?)
“I want it the old-fashioned way. Strangle him for me. Bare hands.”
(Sure, and what else?)
“Sure, customer is king,” and he even manages to pull off a smile.
“Glad we agree on this one, but don’t forget to record it,” he reminds – an unprofessional explanation, beyond obvious, and so to the point of offensive. “It’s gonna provide me a prove of you work, plus later on… who knows? We could… reprogram it into a simulation for instance.”
“Sure,” he agrees – a brisk affirmation, a signature of his.
“And maybe, just maybe, don’t get too hooked on the idea, you’ll get some spare cash after all, from the sale of course,” he proposes, not that it bothers Connor at this point, lacking the essential turnabout.
“Mhm, merciful,” he remarks, ever the sarcastic. “But what now? Should I wait for some kind of a call or…?”
“Yeah, just wait,” he bestows him with yet another terse confirmation, indicating whatever low-class joke that has been blossoming underneath his skull. “Dulces sueños, babe.”
And with that he hangs up.
Son of the bitch.
* * *
It is safe to assume these two weeks must have been the most bizarre period since the Resurrection – release of her debut album, and so considered as an entry ticket to the variety of possibilities, reserved for the elite only, at least according to what she thought at that time.
Therefore, as the years pass by, so does her confidence when it comes to the human potential, artificial power that he has gained through the achievements of the most sublime minds, possession of little respect, taken for granted. All for the convenience of the beneficial ones, monstrous corporations with tremendous influence over the common men lead by the exceptional – an astral being that transcends human consciousness, marking its presence in the society’s genome for generations.
Ridiculously potent.
Romantic phantasy?
But worth recommencing.
Ergo, she has decided to make a use of all the interludes in between their meetings, and so replace the prior mindless fumbling with an action far more directed when juxtaposed with hours and hours of staring at the celling. For months, she was struggling to realized how many inhibitions were piling up to form one grotesque stack, defining the incapacity, artistic lameness that accompanies them, crossing creator’s steps, interfering with the futuristic vision.
And so, she has transferred the mental freedom into work, resulting in a trio of fresh composition – a birdlike tune, cyber tweet – with more than a little help from the synthesizer – an attempt to retreat it in the limelight as a substitute for the dreamy vocals that would play the first fiddle in her debut album. Regardless, as a slave to consumerism, she cannot fight the nervousness that comes with driving down the less explored road, hoping it will pick anyone’s interest and so curries favor with the influential corporation, at least according to what Connie has asseverated.
The most influential spice…
But that was before the article.
“Gia?” She hears a male voice addressing her, audible due to relatively close proximity – a factor rather important in the buzzling club. “I haven’t seen you here for a while. Why?”
“Um, I’ve been busy,” she explains, lifting her gaze, only to be greeted with a sight of an infamous Interstellar bartender, leaning by the table top to face her, “but I needed to let off some steam, so that’s why I’m here tonight.”
“Cool,” he nods in affirmation, a matter to cut the topic short. “So what’s you poison?”
“Don’t you think it’s interesting?” She eludes, eyes glued to the array of various liquors preening from behind his back. “The fact that we say ‘poison’ instead of ‘alcohol’, ‘drink’ or whatever as if it was some kind of an indication?”
“Honey, I’m a bartender,” he smiles, apologetic yet condescending – such an odd composition. “It’s my fucking job to sell them, so what are you expecting me to say?”
“I don’t know, nothing probably,” she shrugs despite the burdening weight draped over her shoulders – non-verbal indication of a missing query.
“Look at me,” he prompts, to which she complies, locking their gazes together, even if for a split second. “What’s going on?”
“I don’t know either,” she sighs for a change, distracted by the subtle clink of glass against the polished table top – water, she presumes, satisfactorily sparkling. “I mean, it’s just… Have you seen the articles?”
“‘Romance with an outlaw?’” He cocks an inquisitive eyebrow at the woman, unable to miss the reddish tint blossoming upon her checks as a response to the ridiculous headline. “Yes, and sometimes I’m amazed where the fuck they dig that shit from, which is probably the Net, but still, their ‘dedication’ is incomprehensible for me.”
“He’s not even an outlaw, so I don’t get it,” she shakes her head – expression of a deep-rooted disapproval.
“Well, he doesn’t have to be,” he shrugs, careless all of sudden. “I just think the editors assumed it’d sell itself as, I don’t know, romantic or some shit, but that’s by the by.”
“I mean the real problem is that he hid so many things from me,” she frowns, gaze glued to some mindless spot on the bar – venomous green, absinthe maybe? “And although he has never been the one to discuss his past, I was surprised when I read the article, and I’ve been surprised ever since.”
“Mhm, so tell me now, have you ever asked yourself just why he did that?”
“Yes, but um, it was just… a weird experience? I don’t know,” she sighs, hybrid nails scratching at the pale temple. “I feel like he should’ve told me since we’re together, ‘cause that’s… that’s what I’d do.”
“I believe not,” he opposes – dry and unyielding, beyond unexpected.
“Oh great, so now you’re defending him,” she fusses, exasperation evident in her voice. “That’s exactly what I need, thank you very much.”
“Christ, Gia,” he rolls his eyes, sometimes just as equally tired with her pendulum-like moods. “All I wanted to say was that it’s nothing but an academic example. Take for instance that moral dilemma with pedestrian crossing. You’re sitting at home, drinking tea, while choosing to murder random groups of people. And that’s absurd, ‘cause in real life it’d never happen, and even if, when push comes to the shove you might act out of pure instinct, deprived of warm beverage and blanket. So what I’m trying to say is that those hypothetical scenarios… they are all just assumptions, no more no less, and we’ll never know what we’d do unless we find ourselves involved in a certain situation.”
“Okay, but I still think he should’ve told me,” she justifies, seemingly at loss of the mental flexibility.
“How long are you together?” He questions, as if only to prove a point. “Two? Three weeks?”
“Four,” she corrects – a matter considered beyond insignificant by the bartender who is relatively quick to brush the artiste off in resemblance to Connor, and so much to her exasperation.
“Doesn’t matter, ‘cause, you know, not anyone feels ready to spill the guts after twenty-something days of personal relationship.”
“I was just trying to be honest with him, ‘kay?” She counters, attempting to mitigate the prior surge of spite with an apologetic explanation. “Show a little empathy, or something.”
“So you’re telling me your ‘empathy’ is uniformed when it comes to, I don’t know, traumas?” He retorts, as if genuinely tired with the lacking logics when it comes to justifying her motives.
“Yeah, I mean, I’m sorry,” she sighs, once again back to the resigned attitude, now that the ire has evaporated. “It’s just… he’s killed people there, and I don’t know… I feel like it’s a lot to digest. Especially since I got furious and pushed him into telling the truth, and he… he told me so many horrible things, he told me they-”
“Which war was that?” he interrupts, having sensed the approaching lachrymose confession. “Climate one?”
“Yes, the Fifth,” she bestows him with a terse affirmation, swallowing the thick lump in her throat.
“The Fifth one… okay, so think about it now,” he waves his hand in a self-indicating gesture, accompanied by her eyes following the movement, even if for a split second. “He must’ve been like, I don’t know, twenty at best.”
“Yeah, I know, I know,” she nods, face marked by a perturbed frown – indication of worry, “but then I started digging, and I’ve discovered some really weird shit.”
“Like what exactly?”
“It’s like he’s been alive for eight years or something,” she begins, having reversed the chronology, at least according to his assumptions, considering she tends to do that sometimes. “I mean he told me he had had some kind of an accident there or whatever, got half off his organs replaced because of that. But when he had gotten better, they were to send him back on the field, right?”
“Right, but what about these eight years or something?” He inquires, attempting to redirect her train of thought to the clarifying realm, now that he is getting curious.
“I’ll circle back to it later, ‘kay?” She sighs, albeit this time to indicate the vexation evoked by his query. “So the last thing he told me was that he deserted, right?”
“Right,” he nods in affirmation.
“And that was when Cara pushed me to start digging,” she reveals, emphasizing it with the click of her cantaloupe nail against the table top.
“Cara? I thought you two were-”
“Yes, we are, but that’s not important now,” she interrupts, determined to set the record straight now that he is interfering with her vision, even if unintentionally. “Anyway, after the desertion there is like… a blank spot on his record – six years or something – and then he’s back in the corporative class.”
“Where have you learned that?” He frowns – puzzled expression dancing over his features.
“In the Net,” she states – a sentence considered beyond obvious, redundant, waste of a triple nature.
“Don’t you think you’re being paranoid?” He indicates, hesitating when it comes to veracity of said assumption, but at the same time uncertain whether it is a sane idea to confirm her beliefs. “Maybe he moved to his parents’ house, wanted to get some rest, or something? Wasn’t active on social media? Christ, I don’t know.”
“I mean it was just the Surface that we managed to check, so…”
“Oh, so that’s why you’re here!” He exclaims, shaking his head in disapproval, now that the realization has been casted upon him. “To pay that sleazy son of fuck to get you down to the Dark, now am I right or am I correct?”
“You know where is he?”
“No,” he negates, careless all off sudden, as if a weight has been lifted off his shoulders, “and I haven’t seen him tonight at all.”
“I don’t believe you,” she states – dry and demanding when refused.
“Well, you don’t have to,” he smiles – both apologetic and condescending once again, prompting her to finish this conversation, no matter how helpful it turned out to be.
“But thanks anyway,” she concludes, having opted for a lighter undertone, since a part of her refuses to treat him akin to some pitiful pushover, not that he would care much in such circumstances.
“Sure, you’re welcome, Gia.”
A greeting appropriate just for tonight.
Indication of lacking fortune.
* * *
It is a simple act, lasting in a self-repeating loop – inhale and exhale, entwined with each other on the model of the aforementioned construct – remaining out of notice due to its permanent presence throughout one’s life. Which is why he considers meditation as worth the effort, since it lets his focus switch to the routine activities connected with the process itself: steady rises and falls of his shoulders, expansion of the ribcage conditioned by the diaphragm’s contractions – a way to get rid of what is redundant but also a method of relaxation, capacity valued in the times of trial.
Times such as now.
Times when he is forced to circle back to the past, and so to break the promise, ideological contract signed by the immaterial stylus, undoubtedly requiring the highest penalty.
Times when the dim lights become blinding.
When the silhouettes stop moving.
When the music dies down.
Leaving him alone in the secluded dimension.
Wiped away from the memories.
From the consciousness.
Buried deep enough to prevent the excavation.
And yet he is standing there, just at the doorway coexisting in two realms – both virtual and metaphorical – ready to take the leap.
Just a mere step
Pass the threshold.
“Everything’s ready?” He ascertains, struggling to recognize the rasp of his own voice.
“Yeah,” he hears the cracking noise reverberate in the earbud, before the connection steadies, allowing him to distinguish the following words properly. “Push it now.”
“Mhm, sure,” he hums, acting as per her request just to be greeted by the sight of a luxurious penthouse, impossible to be swept as a whole.
“I’ll lead you through, ‘kay?” She has a nice voice – a nuance that does not slip past his attention – smooth as molasses.
“Well, I hope so,” he teases, having decided to stray from the subject a bit, even if only for the entertaining purposes. “But, you know, I’ve been wondering what it is that you’re actually risking by helping me?”
“Doesn’t matter,” she refuses to clarify – ice-cold queen. “It’s not like I’m doing it, ‘cause I have the softest heart ever. It’s that kind of shit you get paid for. Generously.”
“No need to lie to me, you know,” he nags further, as if to determine her tolerance for such attitude in general, now that he intends to redirect his train of thoughts – transition between tension and thrill. “Thought you might like to talk, but if not, I get it, no pressure. It’s just… I’m curious, and probably just as fucked as you are, but that’s by the by.”
“Connect to the monitoring system,” she directs – blunt and reserved.
“Sure, anything,” he affirms with a hint of smile tugging at the corners of his lips, fingers fishing out the portable device from the inner pocket of his jacket, ready to jack in. “Not in the mood to talk?”
“I? Not in the mood?” She retorts, presumably a query, but the flat tone might be delusionary. “What a plot twist.”
“Mhm, most certainly,” he agrees – a humming baritone that resonates through his chest.
“Mhm,” she mimics the sound, milder when juxtaposed with the prior accusative timbre. “Thanks for not fucking this up by the way.”
“So you’re in the system?” He ascertains, rising an inquisitive eyebrow – a conditional reflex – despite the fact she is unable to see him now.
Or is she?
“Yeah,” she bestows him with a brisk affirmation just as he steps through the threshold of the security room, intent to hide in the opposite area, and so seize the opportunity to sneak up on the pimp from behind.
“Should I worry about anything else?” He inquires – a matter of clarification – now that he is leaning by the quartz pillar.
“For now? No, just wait,” she instructs, probably for the last time this evening, which evokes that odd tension once again, indicating the inevitability of the climax. “He’ll be here soon.”
“And just how’d you know that?”
“’Cause I’ve fucking fried his security system, which means he’s got the message that there’s a malfunction?” She snaps, voiced laced with a distinctive hint of sarcasm; and it suits her, he thinks. “What did you expect?”
“Certainly much more fumbling,” he explains, having opted for ignoring the accusative tone, at least for now, although a part of him still considers it weird, the fact that he is in full supervision of his own security system – dictated by the trust issues maybe?
“Better lower your expectation for the next time, huh?” She suggests, allowing herself to switch back to the bedroom area that he is currently occupying, even for a brief moment, a moment of distraction, curious about his appearance, which might as well be the second most irresponsible decision of this month, but still, she cannot help herself.
It has been sane to say they are both equally fucked.
“That’d actually set them higher,” he chuckles – a sound that catches him off guard for a split second, enhanced by the fact he is the one to voice it – a paradox maybe? “’Cause if I expect a relatively tough situation to run smoothly, it means that I set my expectation high, at least when it comes to the fortunate circumstances or my capacities.”
“But isn’t it like this sometimes?” She ponders, metallic nails scratching her chin, as she drinks in his features – ash blonde hair, geometric cheek implants, and tall silhouette, clad in dark clothing – interesting to say the least. “That, um… that you do something unintentionally or by accident, and in the end it turns out for the better?”
“Maybe it is,” he shrugs, glancing at the camera’s lens, as if he sensed her gaze on him, which has the woman adverting it to the side, cheeks burning with embarrassment. Ridiculous. “Maybe I even dare to say I agree, but-”
“Okay, C,” she does not even know his name, for fuck’s sake. “Sorry to interrupt, but he’s here. Luckily alone.”
“Yeah, right according to our assumptions,” he nods, calmer when confronted by an factual information. “So how much time do I have?”
“Fuck, I don’t know,” she vacillates – feverish, and so incapable to decide, even if for a split second. “A minute? Two maybe?”
“Couldn’t you like… tell me earlier?” He frowns, voice laced with a hint of accusation.
“Maybe if you weren’t fucking distracting me?” She mimics his tone – indication of an approaching argument, although she is yet to surprise him in that realm.
“Well, I tend to do that sometimes,” he teases as per usual, maybe to conceal the fact she appears to be quits in that matter, eliciting a vexed huff from his female partner on the other side of the line.
“Uh just- I don’t know, good luck.”
Beep, ensued by silence.
Alone again.
Although not for long.
Indicated by the click of the front door and cautious steps reverberating in the adjoining area, or rather the creeping climax acquiring a form of a male with chrome hand – external damnation – from where he can see approaching the security room with a gun clutched tightly by the synthetic digits.
Closure that grants perspectives.
Perspectives at hand.
Hand of providence.
Providence of a man.
Man to replace the God.
One step, two, then three… from or towards the target? Clueless, deprived of an ability to count, with tunnel vision drifting him towards the goal – a man leaning by the table, gaze fixated on the computer screen, scrolling through the program.
“Fuck,” he mutters to himself – a sound that sends a shiver down the manager’s spine, but also prompts him to move forth, closer and closer to the man, echoing in the mental dimension, on the pinnacle of tensity, bracing for a fall.
A fall that comes with a surge forward, with a clasp of his hands around the pimp’s throat, with a choked groan, uttered in an empty space.
A hiss recognized as his own, evoked by the sharp pain resonating from the wrist, clasp in between the artificial fingers, biting in the flesh.
An idea, out of pure instinct, to pull the target down to the ground, before he manages to elbow him in the gut and so wriggle out from his grasp.
A contact – interference of gazes, dazed juxtaposed (mingled?) with determined, face flushed due to the effort, piercing red irises staring right at him.
A mere adjustment – evidence of skill and practice – to cut off his blood flow, switch from choking to strangling.
A fall that comes with a dull thud – head colliding with the polished floor – body slack in his hands, hands that keep their hold around the victims neck for a few longer moments – a procedure to ascertain that his brain remains hypoxic for long enough to cause fatal damage.
“Fucking hell,” he rasps, once again struggling to recognize the sound of his own voice, as he scoots away from the body, finding the necessary support in the nearby wall.
With back pressed flushed against it, head tilted to the side, he is vaguely aware of the dull throbbing resonating from his wrist, now that he is coming to senses, which prompts him to rise the violated limb to the eye level. He is greeted with a sight of reddened flesh, indicating the inevitable appearance of a purplish bruise, albeit deprived of any nasty outcomes – no sprained joints and crushed bones – much to his relief.
Clean work, as for the professional.
“Fuck,” he mutters under his breath, massaging the achy spot with the opposite hand, as he attempts to swallow the thick lump down his throat, parched to some inhuman degree.
Incognizant of what has just happened on the security room’s floor.
Incognizant of the body lying at his feet.
Incognizant of the myriad of possible consequences.
Just tired.
And thirsty.
And with that thought in mind, he makes his way to the kitchen, as if only for the sake of delaying what is inevitable.
Aftermath of conscience.
* * *
Vastness of possibilities?
Dimension for creation?
Vicious end?
Dreadful perspective?
Sacrifice worth the grief.
Or a decision that has been bothering him since he passed the threshold of that fatal penthouse, burdening him with a distinctive realization – he is far from proud or pleased with the turn of events, all against his will, forced to succumb, degraded to the level of some common mercenary.
How many days was that? Two thousand eight hundred and fifty six?
And now? Ten?
A missing piece of puzzles – that is what it feels like – a habit he has grown accustomed with throughout the years, a channel to pour sorrows to, and now? How is he supposed to record his ideas, intents, or insights when he has none, no inquiries, no impressions.
No fate.
An ending line, elongating past the point of a broken promise – informal, yet more meaningful than any other he has ever concluded – indicating the disastrous vision acquiring its vessel’s form – sticky liquid, leaving indelible stains on each and every surface as if to mar it for all eternity.
(That’s a tad bit dramatic, don’t you think?)
To be fair, he is far from the level of knowledge that would allow him to elaborate a romantic expertise, not only a loathsome trait, but also lethal, lethal to consider suicide as a redemption from some tragic love – factor that is meant to shatter their proximate universe. As an individual (what a fitting term) he conjectures it to be far more than just plain dangerous: following their obsolete beliefs, soaking up their wisdoms, switching to their philosophy of life – simply damnation-granting. Nevertheless, the contemporary world appears as beyond deprived from any excess traces from the bygone times, pitiful remains that are swept away with the passing years – an eternal river – all to the convenience of its dwellers.
Which leads him to yet another assumption.
What if he is wrong? What if it is bound to indicate a conclusion of entirely different nature, a conclusion leading to an ultimate enlightenment – our future is what we consider it to be, a conglomerate of particles, of events to be foreseen, of idealistic visions and rational objectives, transcending human comprehension, so fatally finite?
With us occupying the creator’s chair.
“People are marred,” he states all of sudden, which captures the artiste’s attention, and so prompts her to rise from the lounging position on the sofa, legs still draped over male’s lap as his fingers trail mindless serpentines over the ivory skin, “damaged, shattered, akin to a glass pane.”
“What makes you think that?” She inquires, forehead marked with two thin lines – indication of puzzlement – with her gaze lingering on male’s profile, on the slightly crooked bridge of his nose, up to the subtle geometric line adorning his cheeks, and the intricate patterns decorating the side of his neck.
“It was just a random thought, nothing significant.”
(Sure I’d believe that.)
“Mind if I smoke?”
“You smoke?” She frowns once again, confused due to the alternating course, watching him from the propped-up position, not the most convenient to be honest.
“Only after sex,” he bestows Gia with a brisk clarification, offering her a helping hand as she rises from the spot, now kneeling beside him with his arm encircling her waist, palm flat on the hip. “So?” He cocks an expecting eyebrow at her, as if searching for an answer. “Do you mind?”
She shakes her head no, shivering once his hand abandons its previous spot, and so deprives the female from his body heat, no matter how moderate it has been until now. With her eyes following the leisure movements that result in lighting up a slim cig, held delicately in between a pair of his long fingers, she cannot help but dwell upon each and every notion evoked by the unfortunate publication, the fact that he barely talks about himself as if he could not trust her – a partner who is supposed to be the person to open up to, a friend to soak up all sorrows, a guarantor of the so-called unconditional love.
But is he even capable of that? Of romantic affection? Or is he simply yet another cold-hearted inhabitant, so fitting in the cruel world, a place where vulnerability overlaps with divergence, a place nowhere near to be considered as home, vast and empty, of multiple dimensions and unexplored concepts?
“What else have you been hiding from me?”
“And what is it that you’re expecting to hear?” He glances at her from the seat by the open window, face illuminated by the shimmering neons. “Some kind of a story?”
“That’s what I’m counting for,” she affirms, fixing the tee that has ridden up her thighs, as if sensing that excess exposure is rather unfavorable in such case.
“Fine then,” he agrees, taking the last drag from the half-smoked cigarette, before he tosses it out of the window, much to her distaste. “I’m gonna tell you a story, a story an idealistic girl like you would never understand.”
“I’m not-”
“Do you know what it feels like… being forced to kill?” He begins, having ignored her opposition, all considered trivial when juxtaposed with his attempt of confession. “Answer me.”
“Why do you think you, or anyone else, have the right to kill?” She huffs, a concept laying beyond her comprehension – a superior man, the one to overuse his authority.
Lord of Life and Death.
Or an inquiry that has him chuckling in response, a bitter laughter that echoes in the empty space, even if metaphorically so, ringing in her ears as they receive the stimulus.
“And the body? What it smells like? How heavy it is?” He continues, leaning backwards, elbows supported by the window frame, as if bracing for the lethal leap. “Impossibly so. It’s like you can barely lift it… perhaps because of the emotional baggage? Who knows?”
The words that reverberate in the fragile expanse of her mind.
Words that shatters her affection, her deep-rooted fondness.
Everything that she has ever bestowed him with.
And it strips her bare, naked in front of his penetrative gaze.
“What have you done?” She gulps, anticipating the terminal answer with parched throat and tensed muscles.
“And against your conscious will? That’s truly the debasement of humanity,” he shoves the query aside, at least for now, intent to explain everything on his own conditions. “Just imagine that, you have no fucking money, and it forces you to fuck some sleazy pimp in order to provide all necessities. And you hate yourself for that, ‘cause it’s fucking disgusting, fucking… hideous as it seeps through your pores. But you can’t deny it, and more – gotta accept it as a fact, ‘cause there’s no other way.”
“Oh, man of little faith,” she rolls her eyes – a mannerism he chooses to ignore, along with the pitiful comment – a sack full of idealistic absurdities.
“For almost eight years, I thought I could escape my past, ‘cause I’d think that’s where all bygone actions belong,” he continues, gaze fixated on some unidentified spot decorating the opposite wall. “And then I got a phone call from an old pal. You know what he told me?”
“I’m not omniscient,” she retorts, choosing to be sarcastic all of sudden, a turnabout that he finds oddly amusing.
“Oh you’re not? Okay,” he throws her a brief glance, lips laced in a condescending smirk – a signature of his. “So he called me because of a favor. Old times, saved my life in New Mexico, and you’ll never understand what it means, unless you experience that kind of bond. It’s something that’ll always defy the laws of physic, finding its way back to the surface, no matter the amount of stones you use to drown it.”
“What kind of favor?”
“Of the non-negotiable kind,” he clarifies, a matter offensively obvious in his notion, “and what was that favor you may ask? Fairly simple, get rid of some overconfident pimp, the rest is not important.”
A mere statement.
Not to mention beyond expected.
And yet potent enough to drain blood out of her face, push past the pinnacle of emotions, coiling just underneath the surface, coiling and wailing to be released from the confinement of their prison.
Resurrection that comes with catharsis.
Rampant rage.
“You didn’t have to do it, you know,” she spats – blunt and accusatory. “And the fact that you did it only makes you a coward – no – it makes you a hypocrite, who is also a coward, for not following his beliefs, ‘cause… you know what defines one as a human?”
“What defines one as a human, miss Ortega?”
(How dare he!)
“The quality of being good,” she explains, struggling to keep up with the calmer tone, not willing to blow up just yet, “the quality you clearly lack. And it pains me to see how much mistaken I’ve been.”
He laughs again.
And this time it has her blood boiling hot.
“It’s so ease to judge others, don’t you think?” He retorts, calling back to that ridiculous conversation at the Interstellar, just few days prior, or a lifetime maybe? “Especially when all you have to worry is ‘being a good person’. It is an incredible privilege to choose between those two factors – what’s moral and immoral – a privilege not everyone can afford.”
Up to the breaking point.
“You’re incomplete,” he continues, rising to walk towards the door, indicating her inevitable departure that creeps closer and closer, tightening its claws around her weeping soul, “and you’ll always be until you understand that other people’s beliefs don’t define who you are.”
“You know what? I hate you! You’re the most hideous, the most disgusting-”
“Sure I am,” he nods – a terse affirmation, so laconic it almost has her slapping him, safe only due to the fact she is putting on her pants. “But I believe you’ve already mentioned that.”
“I- I-”
“Oh do go on, tell me,” he interrupts – a jeering remark, a mannerism that she loathes more than anything else as an evidence of her disastrous tendency to maneuver between the polarities, “share your very important beliefs.”
“No, fuck you!” She exclaims, fingers clasping around the material of her coat, soon to yank it from the hanger. “I’m leaving and I can guarantee you won’t see me. Ever. Again.”
“Overly dramatic, but okay, I can cope with that,” a response that consists of a mere shrug, as if it was the only action laying in his capacity after those few months together – the most vicious farewell. “And whatever you’re planning to do with yourself… good luck with that.”
“Dickhead,” she throws over her shoulder – an expression of bitter virulence – ready to depart with a heavy slam – indication of a bygone phase, never to be retreated, fleetingness laced with some odd kind of beauty, the one he has almost dared to forget throughout the years, all of sudden thirsty for its everlasting charm.
Ergo, he remains awake that night.
Staring at the celling until sunlight accompanies the neons.
* * *
“Day twenty seventh,” he begins, the sound of running shower acting as his lonesome listener, not that he needs any audience today. “I’ve noticed an interesting pattern recently, or maybe I’ve just been reminded of its existence... I don’t know…maybe… The thing is, I’ve got some vague memories of my childhood, maybe because I was trying so desperately to push away the past, to treat every day like a rebirth, and so forced myself to forget… Actually, that sounds ridiculous when spoken out loud, but it’s fine, I can cope with that.”
“So as a kid I’d perceive world in terms of a simple black-and-white matter, which had me thinking my curiosity was soon to be satiated, kind of ironic… Anyway, as I was getting older, I also came to a conclusion that our world is run on secrets, and despite the years that have passed since then, I still agree with this sentence. It gets me to wonder how much of the given information applies to the reality, which makes quite an important factor in the contemporary world, but that’s by the by.”
“Cutting to the chase, realizations are like cycles, and by saying so I meant that they pay us a visit in self-repeating patterns. Which indicates the so-called tendency of changing one’s mind that sometimes allows us to circle back to the starting point. Quite interesting to be honest, especially in the face of some intense experience, both physically and emotionally, that is… that is, um… capable of rearranging the entire sequence of outlooks.”
“For years I’d think that what the eye does not see, the heart does not grieve over, or something, I’m only paraphrasing… but this seems to sum up why I’ve decided on all these tattoos, hours and hours of stinging discomfort. But it was nothing compared to being obliged to see all the scars, not because of the aesthetics but because of the continuous pain… the continuous pain and its physical reminiscence. At that time I couldn’t accept it, but now… I don’t know… it’s weird, both relieving and chilling, as if a piece of puzzle was missing… which makes me think that I’ll just need some time to get used to it. Either way it’s refreshing, so blissfully refreshing… fuck, I love it.”
“Normally at this point I’d remind myself of that crappy shit I was told in the past, maybe because it was my only way to connect with it, and fuck… it makes me such a fucking hypocrite, but now… I doubt whether I need it anymore.”
“’Cause I did fucking man up. End of a story.”
Created: 12/28/20 Completed: 03/11/21 Edited: 03/17/21
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ikemensengokufandom · 4 years
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I have no intention to reblog her post on tumblr but you guys can see how self-entitled this woman is.
Firstly, the way you phrased "I have my rights to voice out my opinions as a whaler." You DID NOT indicated that "how unnatural it looks" or "angle seems odd" from the beginning.
FYI, you're the one who started this comment thread?
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^ Need a reminder? Here you go 🙂
Secondly, you said you spent money on the game, but not to be passed off with such manner with the art. Excuse me, did you even know what's the baseline and how does it actually works within the industry? Your first respond was "They photoshopped it" instead of what you explained about the unnatural pose etc.
Firstly, not just PAPER but in EVERY aspect of the gaming industry, reuse of material is somehow the norm. One way is to save cost, time just so that the developers are able to quickly produce the product.
No, I'm not siding the developer on this. But do note that they are a company themselves and it's their job to milk consumers' money, and they're not the only company that are doing that. And to justify the pricing based just on artwork just shows how plain ignorant you are because you don't just fuckin' compare the pricing based on artwork. Developers in general have to be constantly active with different servers, and not to mention the new functions they added on etc? That's how you see whether if a game is worth paying for.
And to you being a whaler and spending 10k gems and all, it's your choice whether to spend or not to spend the money. PAPER did not force anyone of the players to spend couple of hundred bucks on their game. If you have problem with it, you can don't spend any dime on it, or just give up on the event right? 🙂 sure, we all know how shit PAPER are in terms on how they treated their consumers lmfao, trust me even I have problems with them but did I rudely shut off the others just so I can argue my point to prove that I'm right just because "I'm a whaler and I spent hell lot of money so I'm the king everyone must bow down to me?" Excuse me, you are not the only spender in that game.
The reason why the admin were pissed is because you acted on your own accord with your superiority complex and pissed off the other members. Ouch, you do know that CN and EN fandom are of different culture and opinions right? The admin were not being rude towards you at the beginning, it is you who 作死 that couldn't tolerate the facts that they cared for other members in the group.
Oh and please don't use criticism as an excuse, because your first response towards the other member(s) who disagree with you was "If my comment bothers you, you may skip it." Criticsm and nick-picking are whole lot of different meaning, but instead of criticsm and learn how to tackle with it, you got salty because not all of the members accepted your so-called criticism.
While you told others to skip your comment, you on the other hand didn't follow what you've preached and in fact somehow stalked Yume's account just because she removed your comments and what you did was "Fuck you" while she is just doing her job as an admin, aka SHE CREATED THE GROUP. So what, she has no rights to rant on her OWN FACEBOOK TIMELINE RIGHT AFTER YOU CUSSED AT HER RUDELY? 🤷‍♀️
So you're salty just because she did her job and prioritize the members instead of saying "yes" to the big whaler? What logic is this excuse me? 🤷‍♀️
And FYI to the group rules:
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RESPECT EVERYONE'S LIKE: Lol you didn't seem to respect other people's views and opinions from the way you spoke. You told people to skip your comment yet you have rights to voice out, like wow as if the others' opinions are inferior 🙄
NO HATE SPEECH OR BULLYING: You just told admin to "Fuck you" and had proceed to stalk her facebook timeline and posted it on public 🙂
And now you're trying to victimize yourself just so you can mislead the others? Oh no, you're not getting away for that 🙂 You started the thread, you disregard other people's view while you expect the others to respct yours with that self-entitled attitude of yours. For someone who's from Singapore like me, older than anyone of us AND a long-time player, you should be ashamed of yourself.
And one last thing I would like to add on; you argued your point AS A CONSUMER while SHE ARGUED HERS AS AN ARTIST HERSELF. You claimed that they only take side to people who followed their scared rules, so does this sound like she's taking any sides?
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Oh nooo.... Don't try to get me into "don't twist my words" and "I sabotage you" or calling others "crazy, delusional" etc once you lost an argument. That bullshit and attitude of yours has been lingering for YEARS until 都看的出来了. I honestly do not want to give a shit about this, or even write a tumblr post to rebuke yours as I do not want to get involved with you again. However, after 5-6 years you still have that shit self-centered fragile heart that still wants to twist the tales and portray yourself a better person? Sorry, you don't do that towards my friends.
This is not what you did few years ago anymore. Nobody's a young, ignorant dumbfuck anymore and your same old "twist the tales" methods ain't gonna work anymore. A few members are already pissed off with you way before this minor issue, and the admins themselves have high tolerance to bear with you and not kicking you out.
Sure, leave the group, nobody cares 😂 we are thankful for that lols.
And yeah Yume blocked you because unlike you, we can just simply delete someone like you from our life instead of being vengeful as fuck. Go ahead, continue to write a long-ass twisted tales about how shit you got treated in that group, or stalk someone's facebook timeline to justify yourself. If you can rant in your platform, so can us 🙂
奉劝您老人家一句,做人善良一点。 您别气坏了身子啊~ 不然就像您所说的,容颜会越来越老的,不是吗?
您要活在您自己的世界,那请便。我们这种人对您来说只会把您的地盘弄脏了~ 这样莫须有的罪名,老娘们可承担不起啊~💁‍♀️
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umusicians · 3 years
UM Interview: Jimah, El Cézar & Quantum Flush
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Many artists today are constantly evolving in their artistry, whether that be personally or musically, through their image and sound. This Atlanta trio is no different. The trio made up of Jimah, El Cézar, Quantum Flush are bringing a new sound into the music industry, creating music under a  genre of music, called "Afroton". A blend of Afrobeats and Reggaeton, which the trio introduced to the world with the release of their debut EP, 'Rice & Stew'.
Amandah Opoku sat down with Jimah, El Cézar, Quantum Flush to talk about their new record ‘Rice & Stew’, embarking on a solo career and more!
Amandah Opoku: Jimah, El Cézar & Quantum Flush, thank you for doing this interview today! Before we kick off please tell our readers about yourself and one random fact people do not know about you? JIMAH: Hey, my name is Jimah, I’m a Cameroonian artist based in Atlanta and it’s my pleasure to do this interview. As far as one random fact goes, I used to go to boarding school in Cameroon when I was younger which was a crazy experience.         EL CÉZAR: What’s up! To start off, I was born in Maracaibo, Venezuela.  I love to make music, i love to game and i love to eat good food. Me and the guys are gonna have our own food show when God permits. One fact about me that is not so known, is my day hustle when i’m not wearing the cape; i bartend for a living. I go to weddings and serve up to 200 people and no cap i make a good ass margarita.                                                                  FLUSH: I am a composer and producer of world music based in Atlanta.  I’ve been creating my entire life and I’m a believer in God.
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Pictured: JIMAH
Amandah Opoku: What inspired you each to create music and pursue it as a career? JIMAH: When I was like 13 in boarding school, I used to write out song lyrics for my friends in class who wanted to know the words to songs. From doing that over and over I figured I should start writing my own lyrics, and that led to me getting into instrumentals and trying to make my own songs. I used to also battle rap some of the kids in older grades and it used to be a little thing we’d do to pass the time between studies. The way the people reacted to me and what I did was a rush. The more I did it I realized I didn’t want to do anything else in life but chase that feeling that making music gives me.  EL CÉZAR: What inspired me. My dad is a percussionist and had drums in the house at all times.  I remember being 5 years old when i got my first drum set and driving my mom nuts playing the hell out of it.  My grandfather was also a singer in a gaita group along with his brother, who played the cuarto, (basically a smaller guitar.)  I remember growing up in Venezuela.  Every time we had a family gathering, beer and live music was always involved.  My grandfather singing his chords out with by grandma, my dad banging his drums, my uncles joining in with claps.  It was overall great times.  As i grew in the States, I began to fall in love with hip-hop and the culture.  Around my junior year of high school, I quit drumline and started messing around with FL studio.  The rest is just history, well growth and history.  Music is all I know and love. FLUSH: I began this journey in sound my first trip to Africa and got inspired by what was around me. Good things always came out of the arts for me. It always felt good for me to share my sound with people. With music, more opportunities opened up for me and I felt it was the most natural path for me in life.
Amandah Opoku: What artists would you say inspire you both musically and personally? JIMAH: I listen to a wide variety of music, so I’d say Sade, Fela Kuti, Future, Wizkid, Bob Marley, and Kanye West to name a few.  There are so many others in Africa like the late DJ Arafat, and the late Manu Dibango, Flavour, and so many others. EL CÉZAR: Definitely, Wiz Khalifa because of his lifestyle.  It’s a carefree, luxurious lifestyle.  He preaches good energy, hard work, and that you can become a self-made boss on your own.  His old music was all I listened to.  My second inspiration is Bad Bunny.  He writes all his songs, his style is unmatched, and he’s always creating the wave.  A big thing for me and the guys is creating the wave and not riding it.  FLUSH: I’m really inspired by Bach, Beethoven And Debussy because of the passion and their ability to push music into a new era. They inspire me to play with chords and form when laying out my ideas.  Dub Reggae inspires me too. I really love King Tubby and Lee Scratch Perry.
Amandah Opoku: Who are artists that you look up to that you would like to work with or collab with in the future? JIMAH: I feel like Skepta and I would make a smash for sure.  Wiz and Burna would be crazy. Rema has been going crazy too.  I feel like we’d make something that would really shatter the boundaries of the sound. EL CÉZAR: Right now, I'm really praying and manifesting a feature from Fuego. He’s an innovator, a genre bender just like us. Another artist I really look forward to collaborating with is Rema. The guy is just a vibe wizard. Lastly, Nessly. Nessly is fye. FLUSH: There are so many to name.  But, I definitely want to make records with Oumou Sangare, Fatoumata Diawara, Gunna, Young Thug, Alfa Mist, and Yussef Dayes just to name few.
Amandah Opoku: If you could describe your music in three words. What words would you choose and why? JIMAH: I’d say my music is a “Futuristic Eclectic Medley” because we are really taking elements from cultures from all across the globe and implementing them into the music. From instruments to lingo, I just want everyone in the world to be able to relate to the music. EL CÉZAR: Three words: smooth, sensual, and at times enigmatic.  I feel like I’m a pretty chill guy so this type of music is what resonates with me.  Plus, I’m also a night owl.  Listen to my music at night and you’ll feel what i’m talking about.  With the guys though, I’m heavily influenced by the energy Flush is trying to emit with the beats.  Flush is an unpredictable man, so i have to adapt a lot.  I love it though.  FLUSH:  The words that best describe my sound would be diversity, eclecticism and originality.  I’m creating music that transcends cultures and language. I pull inspiration from all aspects of my life and create with the intent to weld different cultures together.  I’m born and raised ATL with parents from West Africa.  So when I think about creating, certain sounds make sense with others.
Amandah Opoku: You recently released your project, ‘Rice & Stew’. What was the writing and recording process like? JIMAH: Yeah Rice & Stew was a lot of fun to make.  Working with El Cezar and Flush was just a flawless process.  Flush and Cezar are always coming with some crazy production and once they press play on the beat, it doesn’t take long for the ideas to start flowing.  I typically do a mix of freestyling and writing, and we record ourselves.  I went to school for engineering and Cezar is a beast with engineering too; so all the recording, mixing, and mastering was done in house, handled mostly by Cezar. EL CÉZAR: Rice & Stew man, the process was great!  I’ll never forget those times.  I think Jimah and I have a similar process.  During Rice & Stew, it was always hard to figure out who would go first on the song unless Flush explicitly said who he felt like should start.  We played rock paper scissors sometimes for who would go first, LOL.  Once we figured that out, we just vibed on the beat.  We spit melodies, and sometimes words will come out so we get an idea of what the song will be about.  After that, we either knock out the song in one go and write it then and there, or we’ll vibe on like 3 or 4 more beats and pick the best one to finish.  FLUSH: The writing process is actually something similar to a therapy session. Jimah and El Cézar are my friends so we talk about what’s happening in our personal lives. They pretty much narrate my feelings into song form. We have inside jokes the somehow worked it’s way into the music. Everything we do is from the heart I swear.
Amandah Opoku: You are 3 individuals contributing your own visions, sounds and ideas to what ultimately became, ‘Rice & Stew’. How did you integrate your own personal ideas/views into the project? JIMAH: The one thing we realized when we all came together was that we all had very similar life stories but just on different sides of the world. We also realized that our music and cultures were very similar and were almost like cousins. On every record we tend to tell the same story just from our points of view, whether that be in our native language or with lingo that only people from our cultures would understand, we’re like 3 sides to the same coin. EL CÉZAR:  Being yourself is really easy when it comes to making music. You do what feels natural.  I feel like because we’re from different parts of the world, we’re even more encouraged to hone into our cultures.  In 17hrs, I talk about taking my girl to Maracaibo, comiendo cepillao’ por el lago. Maracaibo is known for many things, but a great attraction is the Lake walk, “La vereda del lago,” and we also eat special iceys with condensed milk called “cepillado.” Also, in Maracaibo we have a different dialect then pretty much the rest of Venezuela.  We use the “vos” instead of “tu,” which completely changes the language.  It feels forced when i try to speak with the “tu”, the “vos” just feels too natural to me. I definitely like to incorporate that in the songs, mainly because it’s what I write naturally, but I sometimes want to make it digestible for those who aren’t too familiar with the “vos” dialect.  FLUSH: We respect each other’s vision and also learn along the way. El Cézar definitely taught me a lot about Maracaibo to the point where I feel like I was there. This is what Rice and Stew is about. Creating a hot meal by bringing our own seasoning and mixing it together.
Amandah Opoku: What inspired you to come together and release this project together? JIMAH: We felt like there was an absence of Afro-Reggaeton collaborations, so we decided to really spearhead that movement by labelling the new genre AFROTON. Once we figured out the formula for blending the cultures sonically, we knew that we had to give the people a collection of music from that genre. EL CÉZAR:  Me and Jimah met during one of our studio internships and clicked the first day we met.  We spoke about Afrobeats and how it’s similar to Reggaeton.  We spoke about the similarities the genres shared, the emotion the genres give us and how we resonate with the sound.  We cooked up beats at the internship that same day and pretty much planned our first session together.  At the time, I wasn’t really behind the mic much.  I was just making beats.  Our first session, I played Jimah a beat and we recorded “Wahala,” our first track together.  I loved the vibe and i felt inspired to write something in Spanish.  This was my first Spanish verse ever.  When we finished the track we literally went nuts and knew we found something special.  We even shot a video to that song, but never dropped it.  After weeks of cooking up with Jimah, he finally introduced me to Flush.  That day, me and Flush cooked up a beat for a song called “Shayo.”   Great song man, humble beginnings.  After that, we knew we had to keep cooking up.  This was something truly special.  After months of cooking and just vibing, getting closer and growing together, we decided that maybe it was time for a project that would showcase this new sound that we’re bringing to the world.  We knew that this would bring people together and that’s all we ever wanted.  I see these guys as my brothers and this music really fortified that.  Now, the ultimate goal is to have the most diverse dance floor anybody has ever danced on.  FLUSH: We felt that the world was changing especially now that we have reached a new decade. The sound has to transform and reflect the new age we live in today. We are all experiencing something completely new some of these things being life threatening. It’s only right that the sound changes with the times.
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Pictured: EL CÉZAR
Amandah Opoku: What inspired you to name the record ‘Rice & Stew’? JIMAH: Honestly it was a joke at first, but it eventually stuck. Rice & Stew is a staple household meal that most cultures eat in some form or fashion and we felt like people would be interested to hear what rice and stew would sound like sonically. EL CÉZAR:  EVERYONE EATS RICE & STEW. Flush named the “La Zorra” beat “Rice Stew” and that’s what truly inspired it.  That’s where the name came from.  FLUSH: The name came from a crazy beat I made.  After making the 4th record on the project, we noticed that rice and stew is a meal people all over the world can resonate with.
Amandah Opoku: If you had to choose one song from ‘Rice & Stew’ to introduce someone to your music, which song would you choose and why? JIMAH: I would probably show them La Zorra. That’s because that record really cuts across all cultural boundaries and has a lot of energy that is just undeniable. EL CÉZAR:  I would choose Outta Line as the song to show the first timers.  It’s the perfect blend of everything - vibes, emotion, story, theme, the BEAT.  This song is my fav from the project.  Me and Jimah go back and forth, passing the baton, and telling the story.  This man Flush went crazy on the beat as usual.  It’s just an overall digestible vibe.  Anybody can vibe to that song. FLUSH: I would choose La Zorra. That song is the one that makes me speed down the highway when it comes on.  I love the high energy in the drums mixed with the psycho synths and syncopation.
Amandah Opoku: In the future, do you think you’ll create a group name that your projects would be released under or do you think you’ll continue to release music credited as your individual selves? JIMAH: You know this is something we talk about very often and we just didn’t want to force a name that did not resonate with everyone. So, until we get the perfect name, we’ll keep crediting each other. EL CÉZAR:  We’ve actually thought about the group name A LOT.  If we get a name, we want it to be something that represents all of us.  We’re really not tryna force it so as of right now, I think we’re going as individuals.  To us, we’re still a group.  We’re still the Afroton trio.   FLUSH: I feel that we could have a name in the future, but as of now God hasn’t revealed that message to us yet. We are just trying to grown in our sound and through that it’ll manifest itself.
Amandah Opoku: What do you want people to take away from your music? And as an artist, what do you hope to achieve with your music career? JIMAH: The underlying message throughout my music is unity and cultural appreciation. We all have different things to learn from each other and appreciate so I really want to preach that. I want to be recognized as one of the greatest artists of all time for bringing cultures together and I want to really represent for my country Cameroon, and I want to change the lives of people back home with my music. EL CÉZAR: I want people to understand that we’re all brothers and sisters at the end of the day.  We want people to treat each other like family and really to share the dance floor together, metaphorically and literally.  As an artist, I want to be up there with the greats, just like any other artist. But not because we’re good at what we do, but because we are innovative and we brought something to the table that no one has ever thought to bring - something genuine built from love and passion.  FLUSH: I want to inspire people to express themselves. People should be free in thinking and shouldn’t be afraid to take their time in finding themselves. I find out more and more about myself through the sound and share it with my listeners.
Amandah Opoku: What has been your favorite track released this year and why? JIMAH: I released a song at the beginning of this year called “Fake Energy” and that song really set the tone for me this year in terms of my mental state and how I approach people and this music. Whenever I listen to it, it really inspires me to stay on my game. EL CÉZAR: La Zorra had to be my second best because there’s an unmatched emotion that i get when i listen to that. The song is just crazy. From another artist though, it has to be Ginger by Wizkid.  The production is impeccable and the mixing is on point. Burna boy did his thing, Wiz did his thing too.  The outro of the song where the key signature changes was just perfect.   FLUSH: My favorite track released is Right Mind because that is when we all came together for the first time. We created the song at a studio called Danny Vails and since then we’ve been rockin heavy. That was the first time I linked El Cézar.
Amandah Opoku: 2020 has been a very interesting year for all of us. How has the pandemic affected you as a musician? JIMAH: It’s just given me more time to create, and if not for the pandemic, I don’t think we would have been able to really lock in to make Rice & Stew.  It was a blessing in disguise.  EL CÉZAR: It was truly a blessing to just be able to sit at home and perfect my craft.  Every day was productive for me. I was either studying music business, learning new methods to master songs, or making new beats and songs.  It was great. It gave me time to really hone into this music.   Being able to dedicate my energy into just music felt amazing to me.  Rice & Stew would’ve probably came out in 2021, if not for the pandemic.  We literally cooked up weekly and pushed out about 30 songs in the span of 3 months. FLUSH: It sucks because we have been performing in clubs and can’t enjoy it like that cause of the masks. We are also on a virtual tour which is cool, but it would have been better if we could get on the road and physically interact with our fans. I pray everything clears up so we can really go crazy.
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Amandah Opoku: With ‘Rice & Stew’ out now, what can fans and music listeners expect from you next year? JIMAH: Expect more futuristic culture blending, culture bending vibes from all 3 of us.  EL CÉZAR: Rice & Stew was only the beginning. Expect more collaborative projects from the guys and I.  In 2021, I am planning to release my first solo EP to showcase what I can do as an individual.  Music from us as a trio is inevitable! Expect greatness in 2021.  FLUSH: This project is just the spark to a flame that leads to the dynamite going boom. We have so much music to share and many experiences to give our listeners. We are performing shows and collaborating with people all over the world, It’s just a time to be global.
Amandah Opoku: Jimah, El Cézar & Quantum Flush, thank you for sitting down with me! Before we close this interview is there anything you want to say to your fans and our readers? JIMAH: I appreciate you for interviewing us and to everyone reading keep your head down and chase your goals, don’t worry about what those on the outside have to say, and go stream Rice & Stew out now on all platforms and more vibes on the way! EL CÉZAR: To all of the readers and supporters, thank you for taking the time to read this. Thank you for listening to Rice & Stew, and for accepting this sound.  We don’t want it to be esoteric, but even if it’s that; I’m happy and thankful for those who resonate with the music. We love y’all and we want to keep growing with y’all.  Stay safe and don’t forget to just be yourself.  You’ll get further that way. Peace. FLUSH: I want to thank my fans for taking this journey with us into the new world. Thank you for reading and if you haven’t heard the project yet check it out and hop on the UFO. There is plenty of food to go around just take a bite of this Rice and Stew.
Stream ‘Rice & Stew’ here and connect with Jimah, El Cézar, Quantum Flush on the following websites: Jimah: @jimahlegar (Instagram), @Jimahlegar (Twitter) El Cezar: @elcezar_ (Instagram), @elcezar_ (Twitter) Quantum Flush: @quantumflush (Instagram), @quantumflush (Twitter)
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Hyperion - St. Lucia | Album Review • 7/10
Now Playing: Hyperion by electro-pop outfit St. Lucia.
I feel like where we fit in and where we're unique is that what we do is positive, but it's also not preaching to you or hitting you over the head with a message. I think it makes you feel positive.
- Jean-Philip Grobler (2018)
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Bright, dancing keys - big, reverb-drenched drums - and bright, energetic vocals is how Hyperion, the third album from St. Lucia, electro-pop artist extraordinaire, begins.
“Bigger” is a heavy dose of the feel-good pop music that Jean-Philip Grobler - St. Lucia bandleader - is so intent on delivering. In his own words:
“I think that we need more positivity,” [Grobler] concludes. “Not in a brain-dead way where we don't acknowledge problems, but rather to show there's a way to overcome them. You can make reactionary music that is negative and aggressive, but I gravitate towards the things that feel more inspirational. Social change has often come from a positive force, not an anarchistic one. How can you make your life the most enriched positive thing that it can possibly be?”
Not every song sounds like the feel good hit of the summer, though every song does carry this quality of positivity. Even in darker sounding songs like “A Brighter Love,” where these dark, introspective synths glisten below Grobler’s lilted South African tenor, with partner-in-crime Patti Beranek offering her vocal talents in the chorus where the song “finds [its] way to a brighter love” complete with handclaps and sonic burps that remind me of Chi Ali’s repetitive uh - come on! on Black Sheep’s “The Choice Is Yours (Revisited).” On a similar note, the fourth track “Walking Away” is as aggressive as it gets on Hyperion which has the memorable line “the summer days are numbered.”
“Walking Away” brings me to the unabashed 1980s synth-pop influence that is all over this record.
I had a friend tell me once that the 1980s was one of the most influential periods for pop culture - especially for music, basically saying that a lot of what we hear from many artists today, you can pick out the influence from ‘80s musical trends. I don’t think that’s a totally unfair claim to make - I think a lot of rock acts from the 2010s certainly had a neo-hair/glam metal way about them; there is of course the Lady Gaga/Katy Perry comparison to Madonna; and the wave of synth-oriented acts like St. Lucia.
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You can hear the ‘80s influence often in the musical themes and motifs. The triple-threat of “Walking Away,” “Tokyo” and “Gun” are all very reminiscent of that cool mix of new wave synth and funk guitar with some big nods to classic rock of the 1970s. Take a song like “Gun,” for example, the faux-horns and the triumphant dun-dun-dun-dun electric keyboard that would not sound out of place on a latter-day Phil Collins record, and with a chorus that is achingly catchy. In fact, a lot of the album’s best moments manage to combine an older, traditional pop styling with a bit of psychedelic moments that are taken straight from Dark Side of the Moon. In particular, “Tokyo” and “Gun” both feature these dazzling and winding synth leads that remind me of the VCS 3 synth used on “Any Colour You Like.”
I want to highlight that line of thought - what Hyperion does best is blend traditional pop styling with a tinge of psychedelia that comes out in songs like “Paradise Is Waiting” with it’s sunny gospel-style choir and lyrics like:
Every night I dream about a man who takes my place Tells me to go up, up into the highest mountain In the dream I wait, among the lonely ancient beings ’Til I hear that voice, telling me to come to paradise
“Paradise Is Waiting”
“Paradise Is Waiting” is of course, one of a few songs featuring, again, the Pink Floyd-esque synthesizers, which brings me to “Tokyo,” where the synth comes in at around the halfway mark and just takes the song to the next level.
One of the album’s biggest highlights for me is “Tokyo,” a love song for that popular Japanese metropolis. The drums are perfectly understated, and the synth work is tastefully done with gorgeous vocals that are stacked and harmonized to perfection. The hook is catchy and not in the way that other songs are where it can be gratingly so.
Later on in the record, it does lose a little bit of steam. “China Shop” is good, though the annoying synth lead imitating something that I think is supposed to sound Chinese does not do it for me. A lot of the back end of this record begin with interesting ideas and sounds, and there are some great, lush and atmospheric instrumental passages (intro to “Next To You,” all of “Last Dance”) that don’t lead anywhere that makes it enough of a satisfying listen, and often just devolve into cliches by album’s end. Do we really need another song about “saving the last dance?” And “Next To You” has a verse where the descending chord progression has been done to death and reminds me of “Overkill” by Men At Work.
Although the group does occasionally fall into instrumental and lyrical cliches mentioned before, there are some poignant moments where Grobler displays his talent for writing thoughtful lyrics.
Apparently there’s a bit on this record that’s meant to be confrontational and political. “Gun” for example is an examination on the issue of gun control and power dynamics between men and women - however, there are times when Grobler’s lyricism is just too vague and toothless for any meaningful dissection of what he wants to get across. It’s interesting that “Gun” is the song that he chooses to make as an example, because there are other songs that convey his political messaging much better. A song like “Next To You,” which I wasn’t terribly impressed with, does have some of the most direct and interesting lyricism on the record:
And millions of people keep checking their phones As a Labrador keeps licking the bone That it hid in the earth 5 years ago The director tells the actress to say her lines quick There ain’t no time here to overthink The world’s changed, and it’s changing so quickly And can’t we build a skyscraper 20 miles thick And fill it up with all the shit that we bought At the president’s impeachment sale
“Next to You”
Even the album closer “You Should Know Better” manages to maybe convey some kind of message to the political and upper class in America.
Hyperion at times manages to reach the potential that its leader seems to so passionately reach for: music that is positive, meaningful, thoughtful and provocative in a proactive way - but sometimes it just amounts to pleasant-enough sounding electro-pop bedroom hits. In a featured piece in Riff Magazine, there’s a very touching and illuminating part of the profile where Jean-Philip is utterly candid in his experience recording this album:
[Grobler] felt like pop music stopped being about being truthful and inspiring others. “I take what I do very seriously, and I didn’t know how to bridge that gap,” he said. “I felt like what I was trying to make was so at-odds with where the music world is heading. Sometimes I wondered if it was even possible. It’s like climbing up a sheer rock face and not seeing another ledge to hang off of.”
Riff Magazine | Sept. 25, 2018
The back-and-forth struggle between the need for honesty and truth in your music, and the desire for artistic relevancy, was clearly on display on this record. No doubt the music industry has long been a pretty machine that spits out pop hit after pop hit while disposing of artists when they have no use for them anymore, but there are a lot of “pop” artists that still manage to create totally compelling works while not necessarily becoming the Billboard darlings, or while even being critical/commercial chart toppers. St. Lucia, and Grobler in particular, totally appear passionate about the music they create, and I hope that on future records that they can just run with it with no pretense of who to please other than their following and the muses in their heads. That’s when a lot of the best music is made.
Hyperion: 7/10
Favorite songs: "Paradise Is Waiting" • "Walking Away" • "Tokyo" • "Gun"
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sexy-monster-fucker · 5 years
Relating to Malachite’s Story of Abuse
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People who have been following me for a while will know about my ex boyfriend who I left back in October after over a year of a relationship.  I described the situation to you as being a relief that I was done.  I was exhausted, I lost weight, I lost sleep.  I was unhappy.  But, at the same time, I was happy.  
Allow me to take everyone back to the beginning of our relationship.  I was two years younger than him, in High School when we met.  I was young, and had just gotten out of a relationship with someone who has physically and emotionally abused me.  Wounds were still fresh.  I was still grieving.  I was searching for the thing that had been preached to me in media my entire life: true love.  I met him through theatre.  My (former) best friend had brought him to practice because we were needing more male actors.  (I had met him once before.  At a football game.  He was one of my close guy friends friend at the time.  He was with his girlfriend.  This was months before he would come into our auditorium.)  My friend happened to be one of his exes (his first if I remember correctly), one he had fallen in love with.  He was still hung up on her.  Head over heals even though she was dating someone else.  She used him.  A lot.  He was her toy.  She would call crying over her boyfriend, he would answer and do anything to help her.  Which sounds like a good friend.  Until you realize she was calling him, asking him to buy her things.  Begging for him to bring her “that thing she liked.”  That is not friendship.  That is abuse and manipulation.  
Back to he and I.  I remember being intrigued by the short guy who wondered in with my friend.  I knew him.  He had just got dumped by one of my middle school friends.  She was still my friend at the time, but we were not close.  (She and I still talk to this day.  Very nice girl.)  His ex (girlfriend at the time) and my best friend had came to my birthday party that past January.  His ex (girlfriend at the time) had fallen asleep on my couch, snuggled up to a 4 ft tall Spider-Man plush I had with a party favor in her mouth.  It was funny.  We thought he would enjoy seeing his girlfriend like this.  I asked if anyone knew his number.  Of course.  My best friend did.  She had it memorized.  So, I sent him the picture.  She dumped him later in either February or March (around the same time I was in an abusive relationship much different than the one I am telling about).  She had valid reasons for dumping him.  Reasons I would soon learn about.  
They sat in the corner together.  He and my best friend.  I was performing.  He was new and sat in the audience to watch to learn.  After practice, I introduced myself.  I remember wearing his hat.  He was a nerd.  And so was I.  I had no intention of dating him at the time.  I barely knew him.  Why would I consider that.  He was fairly good looking (especially by my standards.)  After practice that night, I called my best friend.  We did this often.  We called and talked on the phone.  We were friends, it was nice to have someone to talk to.  I was also recovering.  I needed someone to talk to.  I did not like where my mind went when I was alone at night.  It was scary and I did not like scary things.  She calmed me down.  I do not recall her being abusive.  Not until he got involved.  I took a fancy to him towards the end of March.  He had been in theatre for probably a month.  He and I were friends.  I remember him waiting outside with me one night for my grandma to pick me up.  We were talking.  We talked every chance we got.  I remember us talking about continuing the conversation.  He offered his phone number, and I accepted.  Handing my phone over for him to plug his own number in.  We smiled.  My grandma pulled up to the curb shortly after that.  We texted for quite sometime that night.  
We continued this for about a month.  I remember one night texting him, but then he went silent for almost three hours.  I was worried.  I did not know what was going on and I was not getting a response.  Someone who usually texted back immediately was suddenly silent.  I was young.  It freaked me out.  In the past when a boy I was texting went silent, it was short after him threatening to kill himself.  Fear came with silence for me.  I sat in my room, not wanting to bother him.  “He has a job, he’s busy,” I would tell myself.  I tried to calm myself like this often.  Rationalizing helped.  Even though sometimes it was not rational at all.  He finally texted back and I sprung to my feet.  “Hey.”  I was so worried.  And all I got was a “hey”?  I would take what I could get.  Turns out, my friend had been having boyfriend trouble again.  So he talked to her.  I texted her, as her best friend who was worried, asking her what was going on.  She told me nothing was going on.  She told me she was happier than ever.  I told her about what he had said.  She told me she just wanted to talk to him so she made it up.  She knew he would talk to her if she was sad.  It’s how she liked him.  Feeling pity on her.  I remember giggling with her about it.  On the inside I knew what she was doing was wrong.  But she was my best friend.  I needed to support her.  I now know that was wrong.
Skip forward a bit.  It’s opening weekend of our play.  He and I had gotten a lot closer.  I finally broke down and told him about her intentions.  He, of course, did not believe me.  But, he knew her longer, so of course he would believe her over me.  It did not bother me.  Our delightful night talks were getting to a point of not being as delightful.  They were becoming more and more erotic as we continued to talk into the night.  I was still a virgin at the time.  This was all new to me.  Someone who, I thought, actually liked me showing interest in something like that was mind blowing.  The last time my relationship had gotten sexual was with my abusive ex.  He would often show me things on his body that I clearly was not comfortable seeing.  Often during school he would put his hands on me, even though I expressed I did not want that.  He violated me.  But.  He was my boyfriend.  Maybe this is what having a boyfriend was like.  I now know that is wrong.  I remember feeling things I had never felt with this new boy.  He made me feel like he wanted me in more than one way.  He made me feel like he wanted us to be together.  So.  The Sunday of opening weekend, I let him have what he wanted from me.  It was consensual.  I will not lie in saying I was not as intrigued in him as he was in me.  But.  I was young and stupid.  I thought he was wanting a relationship with me.  He had asked me out over the phone the night before, so of course he wanted to be with me.  Looking back, if he had truly wanted me sex would not have been the first (and sort of only) thing on his mind.
Our relationship was rocky from the start.  The day after he had asked me out, one of our makeup artists - who is one of my good friends as well (she will also be super important later on, so remember her) - informs me that she had walked in on my best friend and my now boyfriend alone in the dark together in the dressing room.  She told me he begged her “Don’t tell Hunter, please.”  I did not think much of it.  They were friends.  I did not think he was doing anything crazy like that.  I told him that him being close to her made me slightly uncomfortable.  He understood and told me he would hold back on being so close to her.  Compromise.  It’s part of a relationship.  I also told my best friend about how I felt.  She told me she understood.  She was getting a new phone number in the next couple of days and told me she would not give him the new number.  Easy fix.  Or so I thought.
Everything was fine for the next month.  He met my parents and I met his in this time.  I was happy with him.  But that would soon change.  He was over at my house one afternoon.  We were spending time with my family, but my mom needed to go to bed because she had been working all day prior.  So we decided to go outside to hangout with my little brother.  It was getting dark and I knew his parents would be there soon.  I told him I would go inside and check to see if his dad texted.  But what I found was something worse.  They were talking again.  Planning to go behind my back to go out together.  Hangout without telling me.  Now, you have to understand.  This was a big deal to me.  Two people who I had been so close to were betraying me.  It hurt.  A lot.  He came inside to check on me.  I did not want to look at him.  I ran outside.  I was feeling overwhelmed and emotional.  He saw what I was looking at on his phone and chased after me.  He was trying to talk to me, but I did not want to listen.  He had no excuse for what he was doing.  He was just apologizing.  I was angry and upset.  It was so much.  His dad pulled up in my driveway very shortly after that.  I told him to go.  He did not want to leave until he made it up to me.  He never did.  Really, I knew he did not.  Once he got home, he texted me a long paragraph about how sorry he was.  Telling me I was the only girl for him.  Telling me how much he cared about me and how much he loved me.  He blocked her on everything.  Promised me he would not talk to her.  I believed him and told him everything was fine.  
This was only the beginning of his going behind my back.  It seemed constant as we progressed.  He was going on vacation with the woman he and his father lived with (who, to him, was his step mother even though his father and she never were romantic).  I was happy he was getting to go out.  He worked seven days a week.  His parents were business owners, he had to help.  I was going to miss him, of course.  But I would never stop him from going.  He arrived and told me he was having a good time.  I was happy for him.  But later that night, he texted me.  His texts seemed off.  I asked him what he was doing.  He told me he was drinking.  Let me go ahead and say, I am strongly against underage drinking.  He promised me at the beginning of our relationship he would never do something like that.  It was just something that made me uncomfortable (when I was young, one of my brother’s friends died while drinking.  He and another person got into a fight while drunk and the other person hit him in the back of the head with a beer bottle.  It killed him.  It scarred me).  I remember my heart sinking as I asked him if he was serious.  He told me yes, but he did not see why that was a big deal.  But it was to me.  It bothered me and he knew that.  I expressed this to him.  He told me I was being dramatic.  I grew angry.  I called him on the phone.  I asked him if he thought this was funny.  He told me he had no idea what I was talking about.  We got into a screaming match over the phone.  This was not the way things should have been resolved, but that was what happened.  I cried, he yelled.  And vis versa.  He told me he would stop.  I knew better, but it was three in the morning and I was ready for it to stop.
Things were okay for the next little bit.  It was a lot of small arguments.  My parents told me that it was odd for two people to argue to me.  I told them we were not really arguing.  It was just how we talked to each other.  That was, of course, a lie.  But I did not want my parents to keep me from seeing the boy I was dating.  I did not care how much we fought, I still loved him.  My parents told me our relationship was too new for me to know if I loved him.  I told them I did.  Them telling me this was not going to stop me.  Honestly, it fueled me to be with him and love him harder.  I was stubborn and really did not care what my parents thought.
Skipping ahead to the next big event of abuse in our relationship.  It was late November.  We had been together since that past April.  He had been being suspicious.  I had a bad feeling something was going on.  I had questioned him on it, he told me nothing was happening.  I was smarter than that, but I let it go.  I did that a lot, let things go.  It was what I was good at.  I was always good at letting it go.  I was sitting at the lunch table when one of our makeup artists - the one I mentioned before - came up to me.  “Hunter, I have to tell you something.  You can’t get mad at me though,” she said.  I was worried.  I asked her what was up.  She showed me something on her phone that still haunts me to this day.  He had been sexting some fourteen year old girl.  I felt my heart sink as I read the sexual oriented messages.  They were in great details of the things he was going to do to her.  I felt sick.  It made me sick.  He was supposed to be in a committed relationship with me.  What he was doing was cheating.  It is as simple as that.  He was cheating on me.  I did not hold it against our makeup artist for telling me.  I was thankful she did.  No one else would have.  I stormed to the gym where he was, screaming.  (According to my friends who were in that class, I used the word “fuck” four times in one sentence without them being back to back.)  My friends say they have never seen me more angry/never been more afraid of me than that moment.  I was furious.  That is hands down of the most angry moments I have ever had.  My emotions were high.  There was so much going through my mind.  I wanted answers.  I demanded them.  I screamed at him in the hallway.  The gym teacher walked in, coming to class.  He stopped and asked me if he could do anything to help, I told him no.  I had it under control.  So, we stood there.  Screaming in the hallway.  I wanted to know when this happened and what motive he had for doing it.  I was shaking.  I did not know who the boy standing in front of me was.  This is not the boy I had fallen in love with and dedicated so much time to.  I had given him so much.  But all he did was take.  Constantly.  He was basically apologizing through the entire fight.  But he did not feel remorse.  He was upset he got caught.  Our vice principal came up to us, asking what was going on.  He did not begin crying until an adult came around.  He did not want to look like the bad guy.  
That night he told me details about how it happened.  Telling me she had came where he worked with his friend (who might I add was trying to date the girl at the time.  Convenient.  A real betrayal of his friend), and given him her Snapchat.  They began messaging back and forth.  It led to talk of sex.  He never owned up to sleeping with her, but I am smart enough to put two and two together.  But.  His motive is what stuck with me.  Not the messages.  Not the pictures that were exchanged.  He told me that it was because I was not giving him enough attention.  He told me that it was my fault he did it.  He was acting out to get my attention back.  The sad part is... I believed him.  But.  I did not want him to leave me.  He was the boy I had fallen in love with.  Him leaving would have ended my life.  I could not live with out him.  Despite everything...  
I stayed.
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We fought a lot from there on.  I had trouble trusting him or anyone else from there forward.  My paranoia was at an all time high.  I pushed people away.  I accused people of lying to me.  I closed myself off from anyone and everyone, but him.  I was loosing myself.  I hate to admit it, but I lost myself entirely.  There was no more friends.  It was just he and I from there on.  I dedicated myself to him.  Because truly, I blamed myself for what had happened.  I knew I was not perfect, but him telling me that was the nail in the coffin.  I needed to win him back.  I needed to give him all my attention.  He needed to know that I loved him and only him.  I wanted him to know he was all I wanted.  I didn’t need friends if he was there.  I spent all my time with him.  If my friends invited me out, I told them I was busy.  On the rare occasion that I decided to go, he would blow up my phone the entire time.  Asking me if there were other boys there.  Asking me where I was.  Asking me why I was not responding.  I was with my friends.  I did not want to have to be worrying about him.  But when he would go out, I did the exact same thing to him.  I was paranoid.  My actions were justified (to me) by the fact that the couple of times I did not question, he was doing something I would not approve of.  We were both childish.  It was stupid.  We were supposed to have trust.  That’s one of the biggest parts of a relationship.  But.  He broke my trust.  
Time progressed and it seemed like we were doing better.  There were small hiccups here and there, but I looked over them.  We were in love, at least that’s what we thought.  It was time for our one year anniversary.  We were okay.  He had not done anything for a while.  We were content.  But.  Come to find out he was going behind my back yet again.  This time it was something I was strongly against because I was allergic.  He had started smoking and vaping behind my back.  I found it on his phone.  He had been texting someone (who he swore to me he had stopped texting) about vaping and smoking.  I confronted him on it.  He told me “He just thinks I have that stuff.”  I am not stupid.  I saw the messages.  I told him to stop lying to me.  He got mad and slammed his foot on the floor and screamed at me.  Storming out.  I had friends and co-stars around who thought he had just put his hands on me.  I reassured them that he did not and went to follow him outside.  My director reassured me and I explained to her what was going on.  She calmed me down.  
My boyfriend came back inside.  I confronted him once more, but away from everyone else.  He owned up to what he was doing.  He told me it was, once again, partly my fault.  He told me I did not engage him enough.  He was bored of me.  But he still loved me.  He had done so much that my anger was not as ferocious as before.  I was disappointed.  He was crying, but I felt numb.  So much had happened in the past that I was not surprised anymore.  I was upset, a little angry, but mostly numb.  I yelled.  He hugged me.  I felt nothing anymore.  I forgave him once more.  I went on like nothing happened.  We had been together for a year.  I was not just going to throw that away.  It was stupid of me to stay.  But I always stayed.  
We spent the next of our year together.  I worked with him at a firework stand for the 4th.  We spent almost all our time together.  But I could not help but feel like I was growing angry inside.  I would sometimes look at him and not feel anything.  I was not attracted to him.  I felt like I was beginning to hate him.  But I stayed.  But my mental health began to grow worse.
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It was bad.  I was always angry.  I took everything out on him.  I will own up to that.  He made me feel like I needed to.  He made me feel like he deserved it.  He had done so many things to me.  Cheating, lying, manipulating, he had done it all.  It was bad.  
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I began to grow less and less fond of him.  He made me hate him and myself.  I knew what I was doing to him was wrong.  I also knew what he was doing was wrong too.  He abused me.  But I also abused him.  Our abuse was going both ways.  It may have never been physical, but our constant fights.  His lashing out.  My paranoia.  His cheating.  My obsession.  It all began adding up more and more.  It was not a romantic relationship anymore.  It was staying together because we were both too scared to leave.  Or for that matter, we both believed we were in love.  Maybe that was love.  He and I had grown up with not so perfect representations of what a healthy relationship was.  My mom was constantly picking fights with my dad because her mental health was not (and still is not) the best (something she has still yet to have checked out).  He grew up with an abusive father who constantly belittled him.  His mother died when he was five, so he had no representation of a healthy relationship in his home either.  So, to us, this all seemed normal.  It was far from that.
I broke up with him in October.  We were doing good at that point.  But I had been telling myself it was only time before something else happened.  I loved him.  We had been together for almost two years.  But I was falling out of love.  We were on Facetime and I told him I thought we needed to break up for real this time.  He was confused.  He asked me why and I explained to him what was happening.  He told me that he wished I did not want that.  I told him we would be in limbo about it for a week to see how we felt afterward.  I thought I missed him for that week.  But I did not.  I felt free.  I felt like I was not sick anymore.  I felt like I was not being held down.  I told him I did not want to loose him completely from my life.  I told him that we could try to be friends.  So we did.  But not a day did not go by that he did not confess his love for me and tell me how beautiful I was.  I did not want this.  I wanted him to be my friend.  Not the boy who constantly pawned over me.  I told him I needed him to stop messaging me.  He did not want to.  I asked and asked, until I could not ask anymore.  I unadded him on all social media.  Blocking him on sites such as this one.
I took months after that to love myself a little better.  I had good friends.  Theatre helped get my mind off things.  My friends were happy I finally left.  They told me they wished I had done it sooner.  Some people were surprised.  They asked me why.  I told them I had been wanting to for a while, but could never bring myself to do it.  I had spent a lot of time thinking about it before making the decision to leave.  More time than I should have.  But it takes different people different amount of time to do things.  My time just happened to be longer than others.  He still had some of my things in his possession of which I needed back.  I told him I would stop by after practice and pick them up.  I was scared to go alone.  I really was.  It had been a while since I had seen him in person.  So, I took my (now) best friend with me.  I had planned on taking her home that night anyway, so it was a simple way of having someone with me as a safety precaution.  We pulled up to the place he worked and I messaged him that I was outside.  He came out and looked disgusted to see that it was not just me,  This did not bother me.  My safety was my priority.  He handed my things, but did not go back inside.  
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He fell to his knees at my window and asked me why I wanted to leave.  I was embarrassed.  I did not want this to be the interaction that was going to happen.  I wanted to get my things and leave.  He was begging.  Begging me to take him back.  I told him I did not want that.  
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He told me that things had gotten better between us.  He told me he would be different this time.  He told me he would do anything to have me back.  He told me I was all he ever wanted.  He told me he loved me.  He told me how much time we had put into this and how it was silly to throw it away so fast and sudden.  Which may have been true, but I did not feel the same way.  
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I told him he needed to move on.  This was not healthy.  I told him I was not interested in being romantically involved with him.  He did not take this well.  He screamed at me, telling me he would never move on.  He stormed off and punched the wall outside of the building.  He proceeded inside.  Angry with me.  It made me feel bad.  I felt like I had hurt him.  But that’s part of it.  Part of moving past abuse may being upsetting people.  He was not actually hurt.  He was upset because he did not get his way.  I know that now.  That all those times he was upset and made me feel bad for wanting something different than him, it was because he was not getting his way.  Not because he cared about me.  
From that night on, I have only spoke to him twice.  Both times to check on him.  He sometimes texts my friends “checking on me.”  He texted my best friend asking how I was.  She told him I was doing great, telling him she and I were getting closer.  He told her he just wanted me to be okay.  I believe he was just checking to see if I was moving on.  I was.  Happily moving on.  My mental health was slowly improving.  I was talking to new people and getting myself out there.  I was changing with my growth.  It was making me happy.  I was starting to like my life.  I was making friends and talking to all sorts of people, who before I was not allowed to talk to because of him.  I was happier than before.  And that was one of the most important things. 
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Of course, my world was not perfect.  Around Holiday season I fell into a deep depression.  I was lonely.  Sad.  This was the time of year to be hanging out with the person you love.  But at the same time, I felt numb.  I could not feel joy anymore.  I could not feel anything.  I was empty.  I thought I missed him, but I only missed the idea of him.  Because I did not miss the abuse we both shared, but I did miss having someone to talk to every night.  I missed seeing someone every day.  I missed having a partner.  But I still closed myself off.  I did not want to let anyone in.  I was texting someone (my now boyfriend) at the time.  But anytime I thought of it furthering, I got frustrated with my thoughts.  I got mad at myself for thinking anyone could love me.  I did not deserve love.  Who was I to deserve love?  Every relationship I had failed.  I was always the one to leave.  But it was because all I did was push people away.  I told myself I was crazy.  Delusional.  Pathetic.  This was one of the lowest moments in my life.  Suicide lingered over my head almost every night.  I was alone and thought I should be alone forever.  Lowest moment, by far.
This relationship took a tole on me.  It made me not trust people.  I still do not trust people.  It made me paranoid of everyone around me.  I cannot trust someone out of fear of them using me.  I feel like everyone in the world is out to get me.  I sometimes have nightmares.  My past haunts me, but I would not undo it.  It made me into a smart person who is better equipped to deal with trauma.  Smart enough to (sometimes) tell if all someone is doing is using me.  I still struggle with trust issues quite often.  I struggle to let people in.  I struggle to let people know about my problems.  I grew accustom to holding all my feelings inside and not letting anyone know what is wrong.  I am growing.  Learning.  Allowing more people to love me.  Allowing myself to love other people.  It has been a real struggle for me.  But I am doing better.
It has been over half a year since leaving the abuse.  I am doing better.  I am in love with someone who does not abuse me.  Someone who actually cares about me.  He and I are happy.  I have never been as happy as I am now.  He does everything in his power to make me know I love him.  He is amazing.  I could not ask for more.
I am telling you all this to help you know that you do not owe anyone anything.  You do not owe your partner sex.  You do not owe them every waking second of your day.  All you owe them is faith.  Being faithful to the person you are with.  If cheating ever crosses your mind, maybe it’s time to rethink your relationship.  It’s better to leave someone than cheat on them.  Be the bigger person and own up to your thoughts.  You can never come back from cheating.  It will forever taint someone’s image of you.  If you are being abused, please be strong.  I know how hard it is to leave.  But your health and safety are more important than any relationship.  Please take care of yourself.  You are the only one of you out there.  Remember that.  
Remember, I am always here to talk.  I will help anyone who needs it.  Don’t be afraid to ask for help.  It’s not weakness to ask for help.  It’s quite possibly one of the strongest things you can do.
If you stuck around until the ending, thank you.  I appreciate you reading.  Thank you for stopping by.  
~ Love, Hunter.
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robalchemy · 5 years
Why Embracing Our Diversity Is Key To Our Survival
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Okay, that’s a bit of a dramatic title, but I needed to get your attention! (Also, it’s true...Anyways...)
Okay, so we all know exclusion is akin to prejudice/fear, and that kinda stuff results in that which we COLLECTIVELY do not prefer. (I would say ‘bad’, but there’s technically no such thing - And that’s beside the point!) Now, as a bit of a preface, I can’t emphasize enough how fluid and universal this principle actually is. It can be applied to literally ANY facet of our 4D existence here on earth - Education, agriculture, politics, food, religion, cars - Even right down to your favourite football team. This concept is as broad as it is simple. And it’s not super profound or anything, but I think it’s just one of those things that we don’t really stop and think about very much. Also, the universe told me, so now I’m gonna tell you! ;)
I could come at this from two perspectives: Positive, which says this is why we need to embrace or diversity - OR negative, which says why assimilation is damaging to humanity. Both work just as well and make the same point by explaining the same mechanics. So it’s not my intention to paint anything with a good or bad brush, the purpose here is to become conscious of exactly WHY diversity is in our best interests.
I’ll open with a statement we can agree on - Balance is best, yes? If you don’t believe me, go strap 100 kilograms of dumbells to only your left side and go ride your bike for 20 or 30 kilometers - Then come back here and tell me how moot the concept of balance is!
But here’s the point - Assimilation is one of the single most damaging things we as the human race CAN do to ourselves. It cripples us in every way societally, and it demolishes our mental health and understanding individually. I could go on and on and on for days about all of the negative consequences of embracing assimilation over diversity, but you can probably fill in the blanks pretty easily.
But why?
Well first off, forced assimilation is just a massive dick move, but also it works against EVERYONE’S best interests, even those doing the assimilation, whether they choose to accept it or not.
The mechanics of why are PAINFULLY simple!!! The example I was given was a swiss watch; Swiss watches are world renown for their precision and exquisite craftmanship, yes? Have you ever seen the inside of a Swiss watch? Well, here’s one...
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It’s absolutely stunning. It’s elegant, artistic, precise and most of all - As perfectly functional as we’re capable of making a mechanical watch. And save for maybe a couple screws, how many pieces can you spot here that are identical?
EVERYTHING. Works this way. Absolutely. Freaking. EVERYTHING. And people are certainly no exception.
So why’s this important? Well, long story short - Look at the world we live in right now, all the things we bear witness to that not only we don’t prefer, but are just downright traumatic to see, let alone endure. This goes so far beyond transcending the simple things like prejudice. There’s actually nothing simpler than racism, sexism, homophobia, xenophobia, etc. - These are either learned or chosen behaviours that are based in fear. And as I always say, what kills fear? Understanding. And if we can’t understand from our current perspective, then we shift or change our perspective to see the other side of the proverbial sphere that is truth.
But prejudice is the most obvious example here. In context, I want to go a little deeper, a little more...Individual-ish. But this is actually something we ALL do. You may not like to hear it, but yes, even YOU attempt to assimilate those around you, at least from time to time. An example of this may be having a political argument. In this case, both sides are attempting to assimilate the other side to their perspective to validate their own personal truths via the ego, which is where confirmation bias lives. And ofcourse it NEVER works, and the result is emotions of hostility, anger, judgement, etc. because of the ideological clash that just took place. When in fact the TRUTH is that all political systems, parties and leanings are flawed. Every single one. Because they’re made up of these imperfect creatures called humans who cluster in almost a tribalistic fashion - Kind of an egoic ‘safety in numbers’ strategy. And ofcourse, Dr. Nash proved mathematically that the single most preferable results can only come when all sides compromise from what’s best for the individual or what’s best for the group - To what’s best for the individual AND the group. Kind of a compromise within the compromise.
This is called cooperation, and we teach it to toddlers, but seem to have this mass difficulty of practicing what we preach.
The next major example I want to touch on is something I personally know ALL too well - Education. We honestly still have NO. FREAKING. IDEA. How different we all actually are. We THINK we do, but no individual point of comprehension could even scratch the surface. But what do we do? Standardize education. And I even use the term education VERY loosely, because so often, our schools spit on the fine line that divides education and learning from programming. And then ofcourse, this inevitably sets so many up for failure, because the potential of one’s intellect is so easily based on the simple ability to mindlessly regurgitate data. Just data. Being programmed with data is not the same thing as learning. All the data in the world could never create a even a semblance of genuine empathy in the even the most advanced quantum AI. But why is this? Again, PAINFULLY simple - Because data simply is not experiencial. Experience is the single biggest reason incarnation even EXISTS!!! We LEARN by experiencing, by questioning, by exploring and most importantly - By having different experiences. Again, one of the central purposes of life itself. Otherwise, we’re just...Robots.
I could apply this principle to any facet of existence, but I think you get the point. The collective purpose is that every person, plant, rock - WHATEVER - Holds a unique space in existence & causality. Each THING has its own unique duty or job, in a way. And if every human had the same job, flipping burgers for example - How would anything else get done, built or function? And as people, we’re CRITICALLY subject to this.
So what’s the takehome here? Again, again, again - SO SIMPLE!!! At the very least, if we want to heal this world, ourselves and our collective or society - We need to end assimilation in every conceivable form. And how do we work toward accomplishing this eutopic dream? Again, very simple (Are you noticing a theme here?!) - It sounds cliché, but prove me wrong - Love. It’s not about repressing or trying to kill our egos - We need egos to function as conscious humans on a 4 dimensional plane. The reason love is the solution aside from how warm and fuzzy it sounds - Is because when we take a more heart-centered view of others, love is how we eliminate all fear & judgement when we don’t necessairly have full understanding. Love fills in all the cracks that are not yet filled with understanding.
I’m going to end off on that note for now; Please understand that this is SUCH a brief explanation. Paper thin, really, there’s so far deeper to go down this particular rabbit hole (Please forgive my awful grammar) , but a guy can only type so much on his phone in one sitting! That being said, if you can’t yet just generally love others, then at the very least, begin by giving permission to love yourself and don’t worry what the next step is!
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jimiyoong · 6 years
I’m laughing so hard Doris. What’s with all these fans from other fandoms calling BTS disrespectful for not mentioning their (fan in question) fav K-Pop group when asked what other K-Pop bands they listen to. What happened to yalls “wE dOn’T nEeD wEsTeRn VaLiDaTiOn” attitudes? 😂 BTS literally did the most respectful thing by NOT playing favorites and mentioning just 1-3 other groups. They’d have gotten bashed for that even more “bUt My OpPaRs ArE eVeN bEtTeR tHaN [band name]” 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️
Anonymous said:BTS breathe and it’s wrong, I really don’t understand why some antis spend so much time on them. It’s already exhausting (in the most positive way possible) enough to LOVE AND SUPPORT a band. Where do ya’ll get the energy to hate on other bands? 😂
lol nothing new,some people don’t have better things to do in life I guess 🤷 they talk about bangtan more than they talk about their faves.Like first anon said, they were respectful and answered that question well and this post says it all.
Anonymous said:I think the BTS/Bighit x Dispatch’s relationship is one where they keep their ’… enemy even closer’. There’s been multiple tiles dispatch (and dicon) slipped up but if not that association things could have been worse, especially when fans, stans and haters alike take to social platforms to sully BTS’s reputation with malicious tags, unfounded rumours and problematic edits, to name a few.
Hm yeah, probably.
Anonymous said:I’m so tired of everyone thinking that BTS is the ‘trendy pretty boyband’ and we’re all a bunch of 13yo crazy fangirls, like seriously can they just see them as artists already? They write and produce their music, Yoongi won the best producer award just months ago, rapper line has credits of plenty of their songs, Jungkook was part of one of the new songs, etc. CAN PEOPLE STOP SEEING THEM AS JUST THE BOYBAND OF THE MOMENT AND ACCEPT THAT THEY’RE MUSICIANS TOO PLEASE???!
Anonymous said:What I hate the most is: all those western artists claiming they’re 'friends’ with our boys, yet none of them mentioned BTS’s new album when it came out. And Jungkook still wants to meet that Charlie Puth guy and when he was asked in an interview about them he didn’t talk about their music but our fandom. Like seriously, most of these people only care about the size of BTS’s fandom and they don’t 'understand’ why we love them so much. I’m tired, I want the boys to go back to Korea and stay there
That’s nothing new, some of them just see the size of their fandom and popularity. Hopefully that changes :/
Anonymous said:it really frustrates me that we live in a world where people talk more than 6,000 languages, yet if you don’t sing in english then it’s seem as weird because people 'can’t understand what they’re saying’ like seriously stop thinking is the only language that people speaks in this world, every single language out there is beautiful and deserves respect. yes, i listen to music in a lot of languages, yes i understand what they’re saying because translations exist. this world needs to wake up. 
YESS, thank you for this!!👏
Anonymous said:There’s actually a vid of bebe from 2017 where she was talking about how talented bts are and that she’s glad an Asian group is getting so much success, so she’s not thAt bad
Ah I actually saw that vid on twt earlier, at least she knew who they are nd acknowledged their talent!
Anonymous said:To those people who are shitting on these other artists for wanting to talk or take a picture with bts.. like why? Don’t you have anything else better to do? And the stuff with BeBe Rexha, how is she being disrespectful? I honestly knew army would be pissed at this… -_- I don’t see how she did anything wrong and I think some of you guys are making shit up.. whenever a female artists goes near bts “omg she is making him uncomfortable/she is being disrespectful”. Please be mature
They are not shitting on other artist, they are just questioning their intentions (not all, some artists). And people don’t say that for everyone. Maybe situation was misinterpreted by some, maybe not, who knows.
Anonymous said:Is it actually bad to loose interest because they are overrated? I’ve always liked music from underrated artists. Yes I know there are some popular and not so popular artists in Korea, but compared to the US kpop is still considered underrated (my opinion). I know a lot of army hate these fans that say we loose interest in bts. We can’t help it. Loads of people loose interest in things over time.
It’s not bad to lose an interest, happens to everyone at some point. It’s really stupid to get mad at people who lose interest.  Although bangtan is not overrated and true, kpop is still underrated in us and not just there.
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