#please excuse my english you just don't know how many ideas i have just for this one prompt but i still suck at writing in english anyway
imaginaryf1shots · 5 months
Neighbour | Lando Norris
WC: 2K+
Lando x reader
Part 2
Summery: (REQUESTED) Your neighbour and you don’t get along, but what happens when your ex turns up to your house.
Warnings: Cursing, cheating, google translated french
A.N: Not my best work but I wanted to get something out
Lando Masterlist
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You've been living in Monaco your whole life, went to school there, went to college elsewhere before coming back to Monaco. It's true that it's a hub for all the richest of people, plus all motorsport athletes and fans. On most days you don't mind any of that, but you're starting to hate your life there. A lot of people move in and out of the city all the time, some rich some not, some nice some not, your new neighbour is anything but nice.
He isn't always there but when he is, he makes sure you know it, and makes your life a living hell.
But he's the last thing on your mind right now, you're going out with your friends and boyfriend to go clubbing. It's the weekend and you're all wanting to let loose, it's been a long weekend and your neighbour is back in town, so that adds to the sleepless nights and headaches.
Lando was dragged out of his apartment to go to a club with Max and Kelly. He just came back to Monaco a few days ago and his friends wanted to have fun. P was having a sleepover at her friend's, so it was perfect.
Lando knows who you are, he definitely does, he's seen your glare and heard your shouting more times than he can count. Always screaming in French and never letting him let a word out before you're marching off. He has no idea if you think he speaks French, or if you’re just cussing him out. That gets on his nerves, who shouts and then leaves without any explanation or waiting for any response. It irked him to no end, did it make him blast his music a tad bit louder? Yes he did, but she started it, she's the one that annoyed him and kept shouting.
Lando is dressed to go clubbing with a chain around his neck, his curls wild and free to do as they want. He met with Max and Kelly there, he chose not to drive, knowing he'd be drunk by the end of the night, and the club wasn't that far from his house anyways. Walking in the club, he felt the vibrations going through him, his blood was pumping, itching to have a drink and hit the dance floor, maybe ask the DJ for a go. The mood was amazing, everyone was having fun as if there's no tomorrow, Lando was dancing with this random girl and Max and Kelly were having a good time. An hour in, Lando made his way to the bathroom at the back of the club, he drank so much and needed to pee to be able to drink some more. It was much quieter at the back of the club, the music was muted, the lights were a bit brighter, and surprisingly there weren't that many people around. Maybe this is why Lando heard it, there was shouting, in thick accented English, different accents, but both speaking English. Maybe he was nosey, or maybe he just wanted to make sure that everyone's okay, but he quietly made his way to the corner at the end of the hallway, leading to the emergency door, he peaked around the corner. Seeing the back of a female in a short dress and hair loose, his eyes running up and down her figure, shouting at a guy much taller and bigger than her, the guy's face was pinched in anger, his hand was moving around.
"I saw you! Why are you still denying it?" The female shouted, her anger and hurt vivid in her voice.
"You saw nothing, because nothing happened!" The guy shouted back and she huffed, Lando could imagine her rolling her eyes as she crossed her arms. "Love, please believe me, nothing happened."
"How can I? When I saw you! I saw you and you have no excuse." She sounded desperate now, Lando debated walking back but he couldn't get himself to just turn and walk away, something made him stay.
"It's dark here, you're mistaken, believe me, please, I only have eyes for you." The guys said and took a step closer, his hands landing on the female's shoulders, Lando could see her tensing. "I love you, you know that right?"
"I know." Lando almost missed her words, he knew she was about to forgive him, and even though he didn't know what happened, he knew the guy was bullshitting his way out of cheating, and she was falling for it.
"Then believe me." The guy leaned in for a kiss, but she turned her head to the side, and Lando saw her face, his eyes went wide and he dipped his head back out of sight. He just saw his annoying neighbour fighting with her boyfriend and he had no idea. He checked her out and even liked what he saw. He wants to bleach his eyes for checking her out. How could he find her attractive? Knowing that her boyfriend won’t hurt her, he went to his original destination. Standing in the urinal he does his business before someone walks in and stands at another urinal one down from him. Lando looks up and sees your boyfriend standing there, looking unbothered. He even got out his phone and dialled a number.
"Hey babe... yeah, I'm going to be late... don't wait up for me.... I know, I miss you too... don't worry, I have tomorrow off and I'm spending it all with you... yeah... whatever you want... I love you... see you tomorrow my love." Lando is standing there in disbelief, that asshole is two timing girls. He may not like you, he despises you even, but that doesn't give that guy rights to cheat on you.
Lando debates telling you, as the alcohol in his system seemed to disappear and he doesn’t drink for the rest of the night, but he did manage to spot you a few times dancing with your boyfriend with a smile on your face, his first time seeing you smiling. Completely unaware, and over the fight you two had.
He decides not to tell you, you'll figure it out.
And you figured it out, one text sent to you by mistake was all it took. Scott kept calling you at all hours of the day and night, you had to block him but he'd get a new number and start calling you again, it left you sleepless and more sensitive. This is why you're standing here in your pyjamas at Lando's door pounding on his door at 8 PM, it isn't that late but you haven't been sleeping well and just wanted to get
to bed, but the music coming from Lando's house just made it impossible to do so. It took Lando a minute before he answered the door. That minute felt like a lifetime to you, you really wanted to strangle him by the time he made it to the door.
"What do you want?" Lando asked, he now knew you spoke English, he was surprised to see you there. You never come to knock on his door, usually your confrontations happen when he's going out at the same time as you or one of you is coming in and another is leaving.
"S'il te plaît, baisse la musique.” (Please turn down the music.) You say in French pinching between your eyebrows in a desperate need to stop the headache.
"Don't speak French, love." You sigh it takes you a moment to register what he’s saying and it seemed for the first time you realise he doesn't, and frown to yourself.
"I don't speak French." He repeats amused.
"But-But that means every time-“
"Yes, I understood nothing." You huff and push your hair out your face, your pyjama top rising with your hand movement, giving Lando's eyes free access to your skin, he bites his bottom lip lightly.
"Okay, can you please turn the music down a bit, I can't sleep." You ask him to choose to ignore the fact that he can't speak French.
"It's 8" Lengo frowns and you sigh, he then realises how tired you are. "I'll turn it down."
"Thanks" With that you turn barefoot and walk back to your apartment, closing the door behind you, all while Lango is watching you. He shook his head and went back into his apartment and turned the music off.
You don't interact much but Lendo has seen you in passing during the next week, he caught your phone ringing a few times, it seemed to ring a lot lately and you never seem to answer, always declining the call and then blocking the number, he can only guess that you found out.
Finding out that your boyfriend is cheating on you is never easy, but finding out it’s more than one woman, and more than one time is much harder. How could you be so blind? you don’t get why he’s still calling you. You could only guess that he’s been dumped by all the women he was stringing along. You were going through the breakup, not getting enough sleep, not going out, spending your days on the balcony looking over the city.
You were sitting there with a glass of wine, your head leaning back on the chair as you chilled. Blindly taking a sip of the wine, only to find the glass empty opening your eyes you groan. Begrudgingly getting up to refill your glass when you glance down and have to do a double take, Scott’s car is parked in front of your building, the ugly purple car, eye-catching even in a city like Monte Carlo. “Fuck.”
Your brain came to one conclusion, you have to escape. You run inside, through your apartment and outside to the elevator, only to find it already on its way up. Not a lot of floors in the building, turning and looking frantically, your eyes fell onto your neighbours door, you run there and ring the bell while knocking on the door, repeatedly. Lando opens the door, he doesn’t have time to think before he’s pushed back and his door is slammed, his vision is filled with your hair, you have only managed to push him back a step. you’re looking through the peephole not caring that you just barged into his apartment without any rhyme or reason, offering no explanation.
“What the fuck?” Lando whispered to himself, before he heard it, pounding on your door. Your breathing picks up pace, your eye glued to the peephole.
“Shit, shit, shit.” You mutter over and over again.
“What is happening?” Lando asks and it seemed like you didn't hear him, so he gently moves you to the side and it's then you come out of the trace you're in and blink up at him, he looks through your peephole and sees your ex standing there in front of your door, he's started shouting and calling your name. “What is he doing here?”
“I-uh- I don't know.” You say weakly and look up at Lando, eyes filled with tears, shaking you head you continue voice wavering. “I don't know, he's-he's been calling me and sending me texts and I've blocked him but-but…”
You trail off as Scott starts cussing you out, and throwing threats, your eyes went wider. Lando’s jaw clenched, his hand formed into fists. Lando puts his hands on the door handle and just before he twists it, you place your hand on his to stop him, you're shaking. “Please don't leave me here, don't go out, please.”
“Okay, okay, it's fine, I’ll call security and have him kicked out and he'll be off your visitors’ list.” Lando says and places his hand on your shoulders to calm you down, you nod at his words and Lando just pulls gently to the living room where you collapse on the sofa, your head in your hands. “They’re coming up.” Lando says after his call and sits at the other end of the sofa angled to face you, you look up and Lando takes you in, eyes red, lips raw from you biting at them you're not shaking anymore, but still over all a hot mess. His heart breaks for you, all the past transgressions forgotten.
“Thank you.” You tell Lando honestly, you're grateful he didn't kick you out or tell your ex that you're here.
“No worries, couldn't let you out to that asshole.” Lando clenched his fists just in thought of your ex being outside. “Do you want to drink something, water, tea, coffee?”
“Wine?” You ask and Lando chuckles before he gets a bottle of wine and two glasses. “Thank you.”
Lando pours you a glass, the first one you down in one go. The second one you nurse, by the third you're both talking, fourth your mind is off your ex, and then you're sleeping.
Lando hadn't drank as much as you had, he debated moving you to the guest bedroom, but he's slept on the sofa a few times before and he knows that It's comfortable so he just moves you so you're laying down with a pillow under your head and a light bedsheets over you. Lando finds himself sitting on the coffee table facing you, you look so innocent sleeping, snoring lightly, and once more he just takes you in. “Maybe you're not so bad after all.”
Once he catches himself pulling an Edward Cullen he gets up and goes to his bedroom, leaving you to sleep, but all he could think about is you.
All you could dream about is Lando
Maybe he's not bad after all.
Part 2
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russellsppttemplates · 6 months
My person (Charles Leclerc)
Your brother's best friend is sure you were made for eachother
Note: english is not my first language. Most times I read a brother's best friend trope, it's usually the reader going after the boy, so I felt like doing things a little bit different (also, my brain got a bit jumbled because I was wondering about the perspective, and in the end I went with reader being Joris' twin). Also, I always feel a little bit of impostor's syndrome whenever I post these tropes for which I've read many great pieces about it, and I never know if my ones are good enough to be posted but we're going with it
Thank you so much to everyone who likes and reblogs, your feedback is appreciated 🤍 and I'm taking requests so if you have any ideas or concepts you want to share, feel free to do so as I'll try to get to them the best I can!
my masterlist
Tag list: @myloverjk-blog
Most people thought having a twin brother was bitter sweet because while you had to share everything since the womb, you had a brother so there came a time where you wanted to have different toys, different rooms and different styles.
Different friends, however, was never a question. Even with different interests, you and Joris often came as a duo, so both of your friend groups were pretty close.
"We're going to Charles' apartment to watch the football game, are you joining us?", Joris asked, throwing himself on your sofa and partially occupying your personal space, "Marta is going to be over and I think she's taking Chiara with her, too".
You don't remember a time where Charles wasn't in your life. Your brother knew him since they were in kindergarten and so there wasn't a memory where he wasn't involved. Which brought you to the last time you were with him, just a week before.
Charles spent the afternoon with Joris at your brother's apartment, wanting to relax and game for the rest of the day.
"It's Y/N", Charles said as he gave Joris his ringing phone, your caller ID prompting him to pick the calk up right away, "can you come and get me, please?", he heard you faintly as Joris got up straight away, listening to whatever you were telling as he put on his trainers and jacket.
"Y/N needs me to pick her up from the café - turns out her date thought she wouldn't mind going home on her own", Joris rolled his eyes, "it will be quick, you're good on your own here?", he checked with Charles, "sure", the driver assured, unpausing the game and carrying on.
Another date and another disappointment for you, Charles thought. While you weren't as close as his brother was to him, he still knew about your life as much as your other friends, and lately you had been looking for someone, your person, you claimed. Luck had yet to join your search as every date you went on seemed to go between bad and awful.
If he had the courage to come clean about his feelings, maybe things would be different. For a while, yes, you were Joris' twin sister and that was it. You were a cool girl and he didn't mind spending time with you or having your hang out with their group, but things changed when you went to university.
Maybe it was your glow up, although you never needed one to catch his eye in the first place, but year after year, you grew to exude confidence, your natural beauty enhanced as you turned into a charming, caring and kind young woman.
Since he didn't want to ruin the bond you had, he watched it all happen from the sidelines. How happy you sounded whenever you had a date later in the week, whenever a cute guy came up to you in the club and how you squealed "I think this one might be the one!" as you excused yourself and declined dinner invitations from the group for a date.
He heard the door open and then close, footsteps approaching the living room as he paused the game just in time for you to sit on the sofa, "what's up, Leclerc?", you nudged his shoulder.
"I'm good, how are you?", he quesioned, "I guess that one isn't the love of your life either?", he semi joked.
"He was certifiable, at the very least", you began as the boys chuckled, "Hey! I'm qualified to make such appreciation! He kept talking about himself and he was borderline sexist, but then he said I would be fine going home on my own? I don't know, it was a mess and I can't believe I even experienced that - I'm going to pretend it was a fever dream", you shrugged your shoulders, "I was expecting to spend the afternoon with him - thank Goodness I didn't, - and the construction work at my place is still going so I don't have anywhere to go, I'm sorry if I'm crashing your afternoon", you gulped.
"It's fine, it's nice having company other than us two playing and screaming at eachother", Charles smiled as Joris shrugged his shoulders, "you're already staying her until the building work is done", you brother offered.
"I wasn't asking you, silly; you're my twin, dealing with me it's something that comes with the job", you winked.
When it came to dinner time, the three of you decided to have take out, your brother calling the restaurant and scheduling a time for him to pick it up, "I'm going to shower", you said as you got up from the sofa, heading to the guest room you were staying in.
By the time you got out, your heard Joris shout that he was leaving while you put on some comfy clothes for the evening in. When you went to the balcony so your towels could air dry for a bit, you sat in the padded chair, looking out to the sunset.
He would come, you thought. It wasn't particularly a manifestation or a "throw it at the universe" kind of thing, but rather something to reassure yourself. You were worthy of the standards you set for yourself and there was someone out there for you, and he would come.
"Hey", Charles stepped into the balcony, coming to sit in the chair next to yours, "a cent for your thoughts?", he smiled softly, the warm yellow and orange light hitting his eyes in a glowy hue.
"Do you believe that the right person for you is out there?", you shot softly.
"I know she is", Charles gulped, "Oh, confident!", you giggled softly, "but it's nice, better than being sulky like me".
"I'm not sure how much better it is. I know she is out there, but it's a little more complicated than just going up to her and tell her that", he played with hia thumbs.
"So you're chickening out?", you quirked your eyebrow, partly teasing him but genuinely curious about it. You didn't have enough fingers to count how many girls tried to approach you and befriend you with the only goal of getting into a friendship circle that would lead them to Charles, and he could probably chat up anyone he wanted, so it was hard for you to understand how he didn't have the love of his life with him yet.
"It's not chickening out if you think it might cause some issues with your friends, I think. I'm being prudent, that's all", Charles tried, wanting to take the opportunity to try and see where you stood. Girls were usually sharper than guys, so you said many times, maybe you'd take the hint.
"If I knew who the love of my life was, I would go to him and never look back. I know it sounds silly, but I wouldn't want to be away from him a second longer, it would be quite shitty if he was in a relationship", you mused, "but if we were really meant to be together - if it was a both ways kind of thing - he would know it, right? Goodness, sound a bit like a romantic sop, don't I?", you chuckled, "but I would fight for him, for us".
Charles felt inspired before he felt a little angry. Here you here saying you would fight until you found your person when he was right there. If it really worked as a both ways thing, you'd have to know and feel the person you kept looking for was him. He broke into a full belly laugh as he stated at you. No make-up, hair sitting in its natural wave and comfy clothes, you never looked so beautiful to him.
"Would you let me fight for us, too?", he mused quietly but loud enough for you to hear, "would you want me to do that?".
Giggling at him, you could only shake your head at his words, "I know this sound silly - Joris teases me enough about it enough", you groaned as your hands covered your face.
"I'm not joking or teasing", Charles clarified, turning to face you on the chair, "All I want is for you to look at me the way you look at them", Charles stated, "whenever you talk about your dates before you go on them, you're so hopeful that that guy will be the one, you look forward to it like it will be that time, and you never looked at me that way when I constantly make efforts to hung the stars and the moon for you and stand there hoping they get to you".
His confession took you off guard. Charles just admitted he liked you, in a way with words that was more elaborate than what any of your dates had ever told you combined.
"I thought you were being nice?! Was this some sort of plan?!", you quesioned immediately. He had been around you your whole life, you surely would've noticed it, wouldn't you?
Charles chuckled in a way you found a smidge belittling, "it wasn't a plan! Y/N, I have not been planning this or doing some strategy, it just happened out of nowhere!", Charles bit back, "like you said, the person for me is out there and she's you!".
The noise from the door pulled both of you out your discussion, your brother's singalong voice announcing he was back with the food.
Dusting your sweatpants, you stepped back inside the living room, shaking off the jitters you had as your brother scrunched up his face, "is everything okay?", he asked.
"Of course, I'm just hungry and you drove like a grandpa here", you bickered back as Charles joined you at the table, "I'll get the cutlery and plates from the kitchen", you mumbled.
The dinner was eaten quietly on your side, Charles and Joris making most of the conversation as you exchanged a few looks with the Formula One driver, your twin brother seemingly obvious as he carried on as usual, "I'm going to bed", you said after helping tidy, "are you sure? We were going to watch something on TV?", Joris asked you.
"I'm getting a headache, so I'll pass, good night boys", you gave them tight lipped smile.
In the bedroom, you changed into your pyjamas and finished your night-time routine and got under the sheets, Charles' words replaying as you looked at the ceiling.
"Y/N? Are you joining us or not? Do you have any plans?", Joris insisted, "you've been weird lately", he pointed out.
"I'll join you, yes, just need to get my hoodie and then I'll be good to go", you scrambled out as your heart beat faster inside your chest.
Joris offered to drive to Charles' apartment, getting there when Riccardo, Marta and little Chiara were alresdy inside with Charles.
"The rest of the group couldn't come, so it's just us", Riccardo said as he noticed your expression, "what a shame, more food for us!", you smirked, sitting next to Marta and playing with the little girl on her lap, "hello, my love, hello!", you cooed in the voice you only had for babies, "look at you so grown up! You get more beautiful everytime I see you", you smiled, tickling her chin softly as she giggled loudly.
"Who did the roast potatoes last time we got together?", Joris stepped back into the living room, "I did", you stated as you grabbed one of the toys on the coffee table, ready to sit down on the floor so you and Chiara could play together.
"Don't sit down!", your brother yelled, "sorry, but you can't sit down - Charles needs help with the potatoes and he doesn't know the recipe like you do", he reasoned as you got up, trying not to show how much you didn't want to be in the same room alone with Charles. Watching football while having dinner with your group of friends was one thing, spending one on one time with Charles after what he said to you the last time was another.
"Hey", you said as you stepped into the kitchen, "Joris said you needed help, what can I do?".
Charles smiled a little, maybe at the irony of your quesion, "I don't know what seasonings to use in these", he said as he showed you the vegetable with the ones he already cut up.
"Okay, do you keep the spices in the same place?", you asked as he nodded, encouraging you to use his kitchen like it was your own.
Opening the cabinets and grabbing what you needed, you started mixing the ingredients and cutting up the ones you needed to, "can you get me the olive oil, please? I can't reach it", you asked and Charles complied, "thank you".
"Is this how this is going to be? Interacting like we haven't known eachother since we were little and like I haven't poured my heart out to you?", Charles said, arms crossed as he rested against the kitchen counter.
"I wasn't counting on you saying all of that, I was so caught off guard that I haven't been able to think about anything else in my off time!", you offered, setting the knife down on the chopping board.
"It's not like people have speeches ready and give of warnings when they're about to confess their feelings for someone... I myself wasn't expecting to do it until the words came out of my mouth", Charles gestured as if he was vomiting, "what do you expect it to be like anyway? People have to warn you they have feelings for you and ask if you want to hear it?! Is that what you want?".
"I want to feel loved, appreciated and valued. I want to be with someone that reminds me that I'm beautiful, that I'm smart and I'm wonderful. I want to share my life with someone who has no trouble with me wanting to have both career goals and family goals, I want someone who supports me as much as a support him, who is willing to do silly things because I enjoy them and who loves me for me, flaws and all", you let out in one go, "That's what I want".
Charles eyebrows climbed on his forehead, "Are you insinuating I can't give you that? Is that why we haven't spoken since that evening at Joris' place?".
"I'm saying you're my brother's best friend, and no matter how much I think you can do it - because you make me feel like that just from being my friend, imagine if we were dating -, I don't want to risk whatever we have, all of us", you gestured to the living room where the rest of the group was.
"Y/N", Charles pleaded, "you don't think I've thought about that? I didn't do it on a whim like you think I did, I've been sitting on this for quite a while, actually", he clarified, "I will respect whatever you decide, okay? But can't just sit and pretend that you don't want this thing between you and me as much as I do, because we could be so good-", he was interrupted as Marta crossed the corner and stepped inside the kitchen, "Charles, can I heat Chiara's soup on the microwave?", she asked with the small tupperware on her hands.
"Sure, here", he guided her as you resumed to seasoning the potatoes, putting them on the tray and then in the oven, "the game is about to start, hurry up!", Joris yelled.
"I'll just wash this, and that too", you took the tupperware's lid as well as the utensils you needed for the dressing.
"I need to cool it down a little, maybe in a bigger bowl", Marta said as Charles helped in getting the bowl from the cupboard as you set the utensils aside to dry, "Merci, Charles, off we go then", she said as she waited for you both to leave and go to the living room so she could follow you.
"Come here, sweet cheeks", you clapped at Chiara, taking her away from your brother's arms and putting her in the highchair so she could eat comfortably, "auntie Y/N is going to give you your delicious soup, yummy yummy", you smiled.
Charles couldn't help but take in the sight, how you made Chiara feel like she was the only person in the world as you smiled and spoke to her, finding a million and one ways to get her to eat the soup in the bowl.
The food was ready by the half-time break, so you all helped with bringing the food to the table, eating it as the team you were supporting ended up winning the game.
"She's knocked out", you pointed out to Riccardo, Chiara asleep in the little makeshift cot you made on the sofa with some pillows and blankets to make sure she was warm and secure.
"We can clean up, you guys go home and take this little princess to sleep in her own bed", Charles smiled, stroking the little girl's cheek softly as he watched her peaceful expression.
"You don't mind?", Marta wondered as the three of you nodded, helping the parents gather their daughter's belongings so they could leave, hoping she wouldn't wake up and make it harder for her to fall back asleep.
"Sweet dreams, petite fleur", you cooed as Marta cuddled Chiara into her chest, squeezing her small hand softly before they walked out of the door.
"These need to go on the dishwasher", you sorted through the plates and checked if they were safe to go on the machine as your brother help you.
"We should probably get going", Joris said, not wanting to overstay your welcome, "do you need anything else, Charles? Otherwise, me and Y/N will leave you to it", he said.
"Actually, me and Charles need to talk, if that's okay", you looked at the driver, catching him by surprise before he nodded in agreement.
Joris didn't dwell too much on it like you thought he would, "so you need me to come and pick you up or...?", he trailed before Charles saved you, "don't worry, I've got her", he stated.
When Charles accompanied your twin brother to the door, he was blunt and honest, "She's my sister, but there could be worse guys than you", Joris offered as Charles narrowed his eyes, "Oh, please, do you think I'm that blind? I've seen the way you look at her and how you always go above and beyond for her - she's just being too stubborn about it to see it, too. Still, if you ever break her heart or cause her any tears of sadness and anger, you're going to wish I didn't know so much about you", he threatened, although it didn't go as planned as they both laughed, "I trust you, there wasn't anyone I would trust like this", he sighed, "you're just lucky you have brothers, otherwise I might've taken revenge on you", he nudged his shoulder.
"I bet Lorenzo would enjoy a cuddle every now and again if you'd like", Charles giggled before he showed his seriousness again, "I just want this to work out between us, I think she's my person, you know?", he mused, realising how cliché and whipped he sounded, "I'll take care of her, you don't need to worry", he assured.
Charles closed the door and walked back to the living room where you sat down on the sofa, legs covered with one of the blankets, "I- thank you for staying back", he smiled, pointing with his eyes to the spot next to you silently asking if he could sit.
You opened the blanket so he could sit next to you and you could both keep warm, "I want to apoligise for not saying anything the last time we spoke, and for how I've handled this", you began, "I'm sorry, Charles", you said earnestly.
"Apology accepted", he nodded, "and did you just stay here to apoligise?", he quesioned.
"I- I thought we could have a date, sort of anyway", you mumbled, "and I could also tell you how I feel about you since it seems I owe you that with what you've told me", you looked into his eyes, "it wasn't that you were ever off bounds or anything like that, I never cared for those supposed rules, but it never occurred to me", you blurted and Charles quirked a brow, "shoot, that's not what I meant, ugh", you grunted as he soothingly rubbed your thigh, "what I meant is I always thought you'd never look at me that way - I'm Joris' twin - so I just took all of the affection I had for you and put it in a friendship feelings and all of the things you did for me, I thought you were just being nice because you're a nice guy", you clarified.
"Does this mean you're letting me treat you like you deserve? Because I plan on making sure you feel and know you're wonderful every single day", he smiled charmingly, confident words contrasting with his shy attempt of lacing your fingers together on his lap.
"How can you be so sure we are eachother's person?", you couldn't help but mumble, even if the butterflies in your stomach were dancing like they hadn't been in a long time, "I just know, and I'll help you see it, too", he smiled, kissing your knuckles before he pulled you to his chest, finding something to watch on the TV.
You both watched reruns of one of your favourite shows, pointing out little details you loved and talking about any topic that came to mind, and once Charles' body warmth and his touches along your arm caught up to your system and lulled you to sleep, your head finding it's spot on his chest as he smiled down at you, your beauty never ceasing to amaze him as he noticed every mole, freckle and scar on your face from up close.
Even if he didn't want to move, and that it wouldn't be the first time he slept on his sofa, he reasoned that he should at least offer you his bed. Softly stroking your cheek, he coaxed you to wake up, "I'm sorry for waking you up, but we can't sleep here", he whispered, kissing the side of your head, "you can sleep in my bed, I'll take the sofa", he offered as you stretched a little bit, removing yourself from his chest.
"If you promise you won't do any funny business, we can sleep in the same bed", you yawned.
"Of course I won't, Y/N! I would never do anything you didn't want to, I-", Charles panicked, not wanting you to think he was trying to take advantage of you.
"I'm only kidding, I know you won't", you assured, arms pulling him to stand up with you as you walked to the bedroom after turning everything off, "I trust you, Charles, completely", you smiled.
To him, it meant the world.
You felt his heart race when your hand landed on his chest, "I need a t-shirt, though, this is not comfy to sleep in", you reasoned as he looked for one on his drawers, "here, you can get ready here while I get ready in the bathroom", he smiled, kissing the top of your head before he stepped inside the ensuite.
After you swapped so you could brush your teeth, you were both undoing the bed, pulling the sheets back over you and having eachother.
"I really want to kiss you right now, but I don't want to cross any boundaries", Charles admitted as your heart raced in your chest, "I'd really like that, you can kiss me if you want", you consented.
Charles leaned to rub your nose in his before kissing your lips softly, allowing you both to revel in the feelings that had been put in labelled boxes at the back of your minds.
Parting your lips to breathe, you cupped Charles' cheek, your palm tickling from his facial hair as your thumb rubbed his skin, "I think you might be right", you mumbled, licking your lips, "about what?", he mused, "about the fact that you'll help me see it too", you smiled.
The next morning, you woke up with Charles looking at you, "Good morning, Y/N", he greeted, "See? I didn't pull any funny business", he wiggled his brows chuckling.
This was a sight you could get used to.
"Good morning", you smiled, "did you sleep well?", you wondered, pulling closer to him now that you were awake.
"I did, did you?", he asked and you nodded, cuddling closer to him and basking in the feeling of just being there.
"We are going to take this as slow as you want", Charles whispered against your forehead, leaving little kisses and pecks on your skin, "but I want you to know I'm all in".
"I'm all in, too", you whispered, "I can't promise you it will be a straight line - or that I won't spiral out every now and again because hey, it's me -, but I feel really good about this, you make me feel really good", you blushed as you kissed between his eyebrows, "having said this, not all of us have the day to do some training and sim racing, and I'm one of them. I have to go home to change and then head to the clinic", you pouted slightly.
"How about I make us some breakfast first, then I'll drop you off?", he suggested, stealing a peck from your lips, "hmm, sounds good", you hummed.
"Were you expecting us to be surprised?", Marta said as she and her family arrived in Charles' yacht, the three of them seeing you and Charles kissing at the table.
Throwing your head back in laughter as Charles walked up to help them inside, you shielded your eyes from the sun with your hand, "at least pretend you are", you joked.
"Oh my Goodness, I never thought you two would become a thing? Does this mean we can finally stop hearing your disgraced love life stories and Charles' complaints about who you went on a date with?", Riccardo belted out, catching the attention from a couple on the yacht next to the one you were sitting on.
"To be fair, that's how I noticed it", Marta began, "Charles didn't complain anymore about how he was alone and that the universe wasn't working on his favour", she smirked, greeting you two.
"We have been keeping it down low just to see how things would go", you blushed at getting caught and steering the conversation elsewhere once Chiara babbled at you, "Oh, baby girl, hello!", you cooed, pulling her into your arms.
"Soon enough you can get one of those, I bet your kid would be very very cute", Riccardo nudged Charles' shoulder, loving that the group now could have a few teasing moments and themes at your expense, all in good fun.
"What a warm welcome!", you heard your brother yell, a fake angry and ironic tone noticeable in his voice, "First, no one is here to greet me with a glass of something to drink or even a helping hand to step in", Joris clarified, "then I'm presented with a conversation about my sister's and my best friends sex life, which I don't want to know about by the way!!", he said as he came up to you, kissing the side of your head, "I'm happy she's happy, and that you're all happy together, but no talking about that, please!".
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lancestrollsgf · 1 month
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introduction master list request list
part one, part two, part three.
# WARNINGS: cussing, i know nothing about the parents of lando so everything is fictional. reader speaks spanish!! lowercase intended, spelling errors (english isn't my first language). lando's actual siblings are not featured in this since I don't know anything about them. hate comments towards reader and ollie. excessive usage of emojis such as "🙄, 🤫, 🤣,😝, 😭,😊,😉”.
# SUMMARY: the adventures of the formula one driver lando norris adopted sibling, y/n norris.
# AUTHOR’S NOTE: thank you so much for the support on the first part (it’s insane love yall sm). so here is part two, hooray!!! here is part one!!! lowkey worried this isn’t gonna be as good as the first part i'm so sorry 😭😭 this is way shorter because the timeline is until before the hungarian gp so there isn’t much to post about (there will be a part three 🤫🤫) btw for the sake of the story ollie attends all the grand prixs (at least from this point foward). excuse. more in-depth reason this is short is because i started writing this july 11 and i didn’t expect the first part to get that many likes so i only came up with ideas up until after the british grand prix. the next part will have all 9 posts and not only 5 😘
# FACE CLAIM: marian guevara/theatomicbomb on instagram and tiktok
— instagram !
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liked by landonorris, lancestroll, lawerence_stroll, and 1,284,820 others
thebetternorris thank you so much, @.astonmartinf1 for the invite to the british grand prix, my home grand prix. i’m so grateful for the gift, thank you @lawerence_stroll 💚. congrats to @.landonorris for p3 and congrats to @.lancestroll for p7 😝😝 👤: @.landonorris, @.lancestroll, @.tommyhilfiger @.astonmartinf1
astonmartinf1: thank you y/n for coming to our garage!! loved having you there 💚
-> mclaren: you better have enjoyed this grand prix because next one we’re keeping y/n.
-> thebetternorris: guys dw there’s enough of me to go around 😏😏
username42: y/n rizzing up the admins is crazy 😭
landonorris: did you really have to use that picture of me. i look horrible.
-> thebetternorris: you always look horrible 🙄🙄
lancestroll: still can’t believe my dad actually got you something.
-> thebetternorris: time to make room for me in the family 🤫🤫
fernando_alooficial: gracias por venir y apoyarnos y/n 💚 (thank you for coming and supporting us y/n)
-> thebetternorris: de nada fernando, tu eres mi idolo 🥹🥹 felicidades con p8 💚 (you’re welcome fernando, you’re my idol 🥹🥹 congrats with p8 💚)
lawerence_stroll: lovely meeting you y/n, hope you enjoyed my gift
-> thebetternorris: thank you so much for the gift, lovely meeting you too mr.stroll
-> lawerence_stroll: @thebetternorris please call me lawerence
-> thebetternorris: @.lancestroll your dad likes me more than you
-> lancestroll: @thebetternorris just because he let you call him by his first name doesn't mean get likes you more 🙄 it’s not like he bought you an f1 team
-> thebetternorris: @.lancestroll you're so sassy...
username43: lance's reply being “it’s not like he bought you an f1 team” IS SO FUNNY LMFAOOO
username44: lance and y/n acting like siblings 😭
-> thebetternorris: @lawerence_stroll please adopt me
username45: y/n is so pretty
username46: why did lawerence gift y/n something from tommy hilfiger?
-> username47: im guessing its because he invests in tommy hilfiger
username48: how come aston martin invited her to her home grand prix but not mclaren?
-> mclaren: unfortunately we sent the invitation too late
-> astonmartinf1: @.mclaren finder keepers looser weepers 😝
username49: even though y/n is one of the driver's siblings they still sent the invitation late LMFAO
-> mclaren: we wouldn't have had to sent an invite if "someone..." hadn't told y/n so late.
username50: the mclaren admin trying to clear their name ✊🏼
-> mclaren: i’m trying my best 😞
username51: y/n giving unseen photos of lance and lando
username52: y/n’s camera is probably full of unseen photos of drivers we may never see 😔
-> thebetternorris: 🤫🤫
-> username53: WHAT DOES THIS MEAN??
username54: y/n calling it her home grand prix 🥹
zhouguanyu24: thank you for the keychain and the toy for sweet corn 😁
-> thebetternorris: of course!! 😊
username55: lance and lando an underrated duo
view all 9,921 comments
july 7, 2024
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liked by landonorris, itsyoungmiko, olliebearman, and 1,402,027 others
thebetternorris parties in london go crazyy 🍾👤: @.itsyoungmiko, @.arcangel, @.friend1, @.friend2
itsyoungmiko: it was lovely meeting you twin 😈
-> thebetternorris: lovely meeting you too 😘
landonorris: do you just take photos with random people.
-> friend1: lando we've met before...
-> thebetternorris: don't talk about my twin young miko like that 😡
arcangle: loved partying with you norris!!
landonorris: you’re finally partying at home and not in the burger land😒
-> thebetternorris: BURGER LAND???
-> landonorris: the united states or whatever 🙄
username56: two posts in one day omg???
username57: y/n and young miko do look so much alike omg 🤨
olliebearman: it was lovely meeting you y/n
-> thebetternorris: hi ollie, it was great meeting you too 😆 congrats on your haas contract 🤫🤫
-> olliebearman: thank you! 😊
username58: y/n and ollie interacting???
username59: is no one gonna mention that y/n and ollie were in the same place??
username60: can y/n drink? i thought she was too young..
-> username61: she is too young. she’s only seventeen, but even then why are you assuming she’s drinking 😟?
username62: a sneak peak of the photo's y/n has in her camera
view all 3,939 comments
july 7, 2024
— instagram stories !
thebetternorris and olliebearman added to stories
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replies to thebetternorris story
landonorris replied to your story: WHO IS THIS??? TAKE THAT SMILEY FACE OFF AND COME BACK HOME.
lewishamilton replied to your story: is this what you call soft launching?
oscarpiastri replied to your story: please answer lando’s messages. he’s been pacing back and forth for the past ten minutes.
username63 replied to your story: Y/N IS THAT A GUY???
username64 replied to your story: YOU’RE SOFT LAUNCHING??
pepemartiofficial replied to your story: quén es?
username65 replied to your story: you’re such an artist 😻
replies to olliebearman story:
charles_leclerc replied to your story: son, are you dating a girl?
kimi.antonelli replied to your story: mate. you didn’t tell me you were going to the beach today? you didn’t even invite me 😞
arthur_leclerc replied to your story: 🤨
username66 replied to your story: IS THAT A GIRLL? OLLIEEE
username67 replied to your story: since when did you take such aesthetic photos?
username68 replied to your story: soft lauching omg??
view more messages
july 8, 2024
— instagram !
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liked by thebetternorris, charles_leclerc, and 392,921 others
olliebearman got to drive an f1 car in silverstone 👍🏼
username69: i’m sobbing, he’s so cute 😭😭
charles_leclerc: so proud, congrats ollie 👍🏼
-> olliebearman: thank you dad! 👍🏼
-> username70: i can see where ollie got his thumbs up from. LMAO
thebetternorris: a thumbs up is such a dad move
-> olliebeaman: compliment or?
-> thebetternorris: compliment ofc ☺️
-> olliebearman: oh okay then, thank you y/n :)
username71: ollie has rizz???
username72: going from a ferrari reserve driver to a haas f1 driver is such a downgrade 😬
-> thebetternorris: you’re saying that as if you can even drive a formula one car ever 🤣
-> username73: HELLO??? y/n defending ollie 🫣🫣
username74: HIS EYES ARE SO CUTE 😔😔
username75: a semi F1 car
-> thebetternorris: more than you’ll ever achieve. bullying a eighteen year old at 26 years old is embarrassing.
-> username76: Y/N DEFENDING OLLIE 😍😍
username77: i can't wait to see ollie every race week
username78: y/n defending ollie is so cute
view all 500 comments
july 9th, 2024
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liked by landonorris, olliebearman, lilyzneimer, and 826,281 others
y/n.jpg surprise, new account 🤭 very first post is a photo dump, from beach day 🌊☀️ 07/08/24
landonorris: copycat 😒😒 be original for once. same username and everything
-> y/n.jpg: 🙄🙄
-> y/n.jpg: 😜
-> landonorris: Y/N NORRIS. WHERE ARE YOU.
username80: y/n’s first post on her jpg account is a soft launch. this has got to be a halluaction.
username81: if someone told me that y/n would make a jpg account and soft launch a guy. i would never believe you.
username82: the second picture is so cute 😭
username83: the difference in the two comments lando commented. LMFAOO
-> username84: i’m guessing he commented “copycat” before seeing the photos and then commented the second one 🤣🤣
username85: two of the norris siblings have a jpg account that’s so cute
username86: ollie in the likes 🤨
lilyzneimer: you're so pretty
-> thebetternorris: thank u lily, love u
username87: both ollie and y/n posted about being at the beach the night after they met..
-> username88: nah you guys are reaching..
oscarpiastri: y/n please. don't do this rn 😭
-> thebetternorris: 🤫🤫
username89: you guys are assuming that y/n is with everyone leave her alone 😭😭
olliebearman: should i make a jpg account too?
-> thebetternorris: yes you should!! i can help u make it if you would like 🤫
-> olliebearman: ah yes that would be helpful 😁
username90: y’all won’t even let y/n be friends with the opposite gender before immediately shipping them together
username91: everyone saying that we're reaching and what not. but what about the comment between y/n and ollie… 🤨🤨
username92: the third photo looks a little similar to the one ollie posted on his story; the same day. 🫣
username93: there’s definitely gonna be something happening between the ollie and y/n because why else would she defend him in his own comments
view all 11,191 comments
july 11th, 2024
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liked by olliebearman, landonorris, lewishamilton, and 947,829 others
y/n.jpg digital camera photos from silverstone 💫 lando taking a little nap in the fourth photo 😴 btw congrats on your win lewis 😉. 👤: @.landonorris, @.oscarpiastri, @.roscoelovescoco, @ciscawuaman, @adam_norris_pure_electric, @lewishamilton
username93: i love y/n for giving us unseen photos
username94: oscar doing a shoey 🤔
-> thebetternorris: ik right disgusting 🤢
-> oscarpiastri: @thebetternorris hey. i didn’t like it anymore that you did.
roscoelovescoco: 🤍🤍
-> thebetternorris: ROSCOEE
username95: oh to be photographed on y/n’s camera and posted on her account 😞
-> thebetternorris: i just dm’ed you!!
-> username96: @.username95 well tell us, what did she dm you omg???
-> username95: @.username96 she gave me tickets to the next gp 😭😭😭 i’m distraught rn 🥹🥹
-> username97: @.username95 HELLO??? FREE TICKETS???
lewishamilton: thank u for the congrats y/n 🩵
-> thebetternorris: of courseee 😉
username98: these photos are so cute omg 💔
thebetternorris: do you guys see how @.landonorris replaces me with another kid 💔 guess i’m not his favorite nor youngest sibling anymore 😞
-> landonorris: y/n. i don’t think mom or dad could or want to adopt another kid especially after dealing with you.
-> thebetternorris: MOMMM 😭😭😭 @ciscawuaman
-> cisacawuaman: @.landonorris please. you may be right but don’t comment this on the internet. @thebetternorris we love you y/n, i would adopt you all over again and as many times i could 😘
username99: y/n is literally living every formula one fan’s dream 😖
-> username98: considering she is literally lando’s sister she’s been living the life since day one 😭
username100: THE FIRST PHOTO HELLO??? 😍
francisca.cgomes: hii y/n! it was lovely meeting you. are you going to the next gp? i would love to hang out with you ☺️
-> y/n.jpg: hi kika 😁, yes i will be!! i loved meeting you, you’re the sweetest, i would love to hang out with you too ☺️
username101: y/n is genuinely so pretty omg 🫣
landonorris: don’t think this is distracting me from the post you made previously..
-> thebetternorris: 🤫🤫
username102: i was at the grand prix and seeing y/n on the fan stage was so surreal.
username103: i met y/n at the grand prix and she got my hat signed by both oscar and lando, she’s so sweet 😭😭😭
-> username104: stop me too. she got all of my mclaren stuff signed by them 🥹🥹
username105: i met y/n and when i asked her to sign my shirt she was so shocked it was so precious 😞
view all 10,829 comments
july 12, 2024
comment to be tagged in the next part. (pls mention if you wanna be added to my general taglist or just this series taglist)
taglist: @yawn-zi @pansexualwitchwhoneedstherapy @d3kstar @inejghafawifesblog @azeal-peal @hadids-world @sumlovesjude @poppyflower-22 @formulaonebuff @bloodyymaryyy @kodzuvk @matchalyne @ynnasaint @morsstuff @2pagenumb @velentine @keii134 @deepeststarlightmoon @wobblymug @xoscar03 @raizelchrysanderoctavius (if you are tagged here, i will mostly likely tag you again in the third part)
READ PLEASE/URGENT: hello!! thank you so much for the support on this story. just wanted to share some links about the crisis/situation in venezuela. an undeniable cause of election fraud is happening in venezuela, spread awareness. how to help refugees near you. explanation of the situation. donate/help families forced to flee. the reason i’m sharing this is because the face claim for this story is from venezuela, but furthermore because the situation in venezuela is not being publicized enough. even just sharing these links will do a lot. sadly, i could not find any more links other than those three.
366 notes · View notes
pumpkinbxtch · 7 months
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beautiful eyes * ˚ ✦
— leo valdez x daughter of hecate! myopic! reader
Summary: You and Leo are new being a couple and he feels the urge to be closer to you so he uses your glasses as excuse.
Warnings: swear words? they just kiss, man
A/N: English is not my first language, so sorry if it's bad.
— Oh, those beautiful eyes of yours, let me see them up close again.
And there he went again Leo "I don't give a shit about your personal space" Valdez. It would only have been a few weeks since you and him had become a couple, however that didn't seem to stop Leo from taking advantage of the new closeness between you.
What you didn't know was, that for Leo was the only way to keep in physical contact with you without seeming like an idiot or getting nervous, so he opted for the best thing he knew how to do: bother and make jokes to go unnoticed about his true feelings and intentions.
You sat on the picnic blanket while you tried to appreciate the dance of the sunset reflection on the lake of Long Island Sound. That summer day seemed perfect and cozy, the purple and pink skies would have calmed you to the point of sleeping on your boyfriend's shoulder if it weren't for his super hyper mega hyperactive nature. Leo just wasn't a person who could stay calm for long and you knew it.
While you were still looking at the large body of water, he played with your hands and your rings and it wasn't until you felt his lips brushing your knuckles that you looked up at him. Leo simply smiled with his ears slightly pink. Or maybe it was the reflection of the sunlight?
—Can I? — He asked, tilting his head like when a dog hears a distant sound. You just rolled your eyes and then Leo took the glasses off.
You didn't know where the passion for doing that came from. At first you had the assumption that Leo probably found your face more aesthetically pleasing without a pair of glass on it, however he denied such idea before giving you a half-hour sermon about how glasses didn't make you less pretty. So, you headed for the second most likely thing: Your irises.
These were like his, brown, but being a daughter of Hecate, they sometimes gave off purple or iridescent colors. Clearly this aroused the attention of many and sometimes the reflection of the lenses did not allow them to fully appreciate it, but what could you do? You couldn't help be myopic
Leo smiled and a few seconds later he formed a completely serious face, that made you raise your eyebrow.
— Something wrong? —You asked.
For a few seconds he remained completely silent and static until words came out of his mouth again.
— Are you a descendant of Medusa? because you left me petrified with that look of yours — The boy kept his serious appearance until he burst out laughing, probably because of the look of repulsion that came out of your face.
— You're an idiot — You hit him on the shoulder and snatched your glasses from him.
He groaned, stretching out his hands trying to reach them, failing miserably.
—Well, before you put them on.— Leo grabbed you by the chin and joined his lips with yours closing a kiss. His free hand ran over your back to press you towards him, deepening the act, a step beyond the small kisses you had shared. For you, of course it was like taking you on a roller coaster from Tartarus to Olympus but for Leo the feeling was something beyond than that, slowly the son of Hephaestus felt his brain melt and turn into car oil.
He had finally managed to have you closer and it was better than he could have imagined. Before pulling away he gave you a small kiss and pressed his forehead against yours taking a breath. When he moved away enough for you to see his entire face you noticed the blush.
Leo looked away, embarrassed at letting himself get carried away, he nervously placed a hand on the back of his neck and cleared his throat.
— Uh, the thing is that I sometimes hit myself with your glasses.
Both looked at each other, You two knew it wasn't that. Or well, yes. From time to time, when you were kissing, the frame of your glasses decided on the same two options: 1- poke Leo's eye or 2- get stuck in Leo's curls and end up tangled.
However, even you agreed that it wasn't that reason, you decide to not say the embarrassing truth out loud and just laughed.
148 notes · View notes
anastasiahere · 2 months
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➵ Confession..
Here, Mc (y/n) and sylus have known each other for 6 years and she had finally decided to tell him she loves him (or maybe he confesses? 🖤)
Type: fluff ♡
-Author note: English isn't my first language please excuse me if there are any mistakes. All my work is for 15 and above.
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I had finally returned back to linkon city after I had to go to another city to fight wanderers there. I missed everything here. But what I actually did miss more is that bastard's face..
Who knew he was very good at comforting people. He had been more gentler to me when I was stressed about some of the wanderer fights and how I couldn't get enough sleep. He even said he would visit me but he knew he can't be seen with you. He doesn't care if he is seen but it's for my safety and job. He told me to sleep and he'll take care of the wanderers and surprisingly he did.
Every time I told myself I won't fall for him but I fricking tripped over a non-ending stair. (She kept falling forever for him, that's the meaning I want to say.)
As soon as I got off the train, linkon city's breeze hit my face. It was refreshing. As I walked to a coffee shop to get a drink for my before going home I saw a familiar face.
"Oh hello kitten." He smiled in his usual cocky face.
He was paying for some drinks but why did he have 2 cups? Is he going to drink that alone?
"Stop staring at the cups. One is for you." He said as he gave a cup to me. His long fingers touch my seemingly smaller ones as he gave the cup to me. I couldn't help the slight blush that formed on my cheek. I'm sure sylus noticed but didn't say anything about it.
"Wait how did you know I was coming back today?" I suddenly said as I remember how weird our situation is right now.
He just smirks at me before humming in response. As I try to move my hand away from his I suddenly realize something. Our evols acted up again.
"Not again.."
"What? I thought you liked it since it recently when it does this the duration is longer."
"Shut up."
I'm pretty sure my face is almost burning right now..
"Now I have to stay at your place. I wanted to go back and relax" I whined.
"I can help you relax in many ways sweetie. One of them is my bed." He said as his face went closer to mine.
I didn't even notice that I was holding my breath until he backed away again.
I couldn't help the way my eyes hovered away from him to try to cool this burning feeling in my heart.
——————。 ゚꒰ঌ ✦໒꒱ ༘*.゚———————
As we sat on his bed silently as he was watching auctions on his phone, our hands still linked I couldn't help but have an idea. I wanted to try to prank him I was bored anyway. It wouldn't hurt right?
I began gradually breathing heavily. As if something was wrong with me. I tried so hard not to laugh and ruin my work.
"You alright sweetie? You are breathing heavily." He said, in a playful tone at first. But as she didn't reply and breathed even heavily, he frowns.
"Hey slow down your breathing." He said as I felt his hand on my back soothing me. My mind was going hazy, from him and from actually how I was heavily breathing. Maybe it was a bad idea-
Before I can tell him it's a prank I feel my self lifted off and on his lap. His hand surprisingly gentle as he guided my head to rest on his chest and listen to his heartbeat. It was kind of fast but I did actually slow down on my breathing involuntarily. How could I not when he is doing this?
Although my breathing slowed down, my heart did not. It almost felt as if drums were played in a rock concert. Everything around me went quiet. All my senses focused on him.
"Don't breath so heavily like that. I don't want to lose you again." He breathed against my neck. My body shivered as I felt his breath, I didnt know if I should tell him to give me some space or stay like this. But I'm sure my body wants him close. Our evol linkage seemed to glow more but both of us didn't care about it now.
"What do you mean lose me again?" I whispered. Since I felt the tension was so low I felt the need to talk in a low tone.
"Don't..mind it. Just stay quiet." He whispered back. His hand rubbed my back in a soothing matter that I felt so sleepy.
And eventually I did sleep in his arms. I have never felt this safe and comforted in a long while..
"I love you." I suddenly had the courage to tell him. I didn't think that there would be any good situation other than this to tell him.
His arms hugged me tightly.
"I love you always and forever, Y/n."
———————。 ゚ ꒰ঌ ✦໒꒱ ༘*.゚——————
Thanks for reading :D
Please like if you liked this ^^
*Do not repost on any other place without credit.*
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aethelwyneleigh27 · 1 year
Knight!Ellie x Princess!Reader
Drabbles and imagines through a headcanon format
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My rules for requests and characters I can write for
TLOU Masterlist
Ellie Williams dating playlist made by yours truly (Modern)
Enjoy this official playlist as a sneak peek of a fanfic I'm currently working on (This post was highly inspired by it)
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A/n: Thinking about Knight!Ellie x Princess!Reader because I just love this trope so much. It's literally a fave of mine along with grumpy x sunshine ("I hate everyone but you") and enemies to lovers. This'll be constantly edited because it isn't proofread and more ideas will come to me soon.
Disclaimers/warnings: OOC?, I'm so sorry but English is not my first language so please don't come after me.
Tiny sidenote: Implied chubby reader???
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♡ Knight!Ellie who literally was just stuttering and speechless when she first saw and met you. Your parents kept you face hidden from the public, of course that being done maids who are not one of your personal maids gossip about how you are more likely to be ugly, must be why your parents kept you.
Of course rumours spread like wildfire in the castle and the maiden who said such things lost her job and Ellie being a new knight, she's heard of said rumors but she didn't care nonetheless because she was getting paid worth at least two chests filled with gold coins to protect you.
♡ Knight!Ellie who became attached to you because you're so beautiful, how could she not? Although there were downsides to this, Ellie realized that the first time your parents had you meet a suitor.
♡ Knight!Ellie who had to stand there and watch on the side as you danced with a suitor, his hands on your body in such a way that made you so uncomfortable. Ellie watched as your face contorted a bit wondering what kind of a daft oblivious idiot won't notice it.
She saw the way you squinted your eyes in pain everytime when the suitor hastily steps on your foot. The little whimper that came out of your mouth because of how much weight the suitor stepped on you with, he didn't even apologize, not after he did it every 3 minutes.
♡ Knight!Ellie who was incredibly livid, the fact that he didn't take you into consideration, so mad that she was clenching her fists that she swore it would bleed if she doesn't cut her finger nails regularly. (We all know why she does)
♡ Knight!Ellie who always pays attention even when you think she's not, whenever you sneak out into town even when she's surveillancing around for anything that might cause you danger she'd know when a puddle is there and would either lay her coat down so you can step on it and continue walking or carry you and put you down when you passed the puddle.
♡ Knight!Ellie who saw how you interacted with the town's folk despite how none of them knew who you truly are. How the kids adored you, giving you wild flowers they've picked. The kids noticed how you took one of those flowers and poked it through her hair in between her ear, the look Ellie gave you of pure love being overlooked by the oblivious darling that you are.
A little girl called her out on it saying that she doesn't blame Ellie, only a fool would be stupid enough not to love you. Said little girl was told by Ellie to keep the secret of the little crush and you turn back to both of them with a confused look as to what they're talking about but the little girl just giggles and Ellie shrugs and smiles innocently at you.
♡ Knight!Ellie who finds so many different ways to touch you and any excuse to do so. She'd help you up a carriage by holding your hand even though she knows you can get up by yourself. She'd have her hand on the small of your back, the other on your hand again whenever guiding you to a rocky or unstable platform.
♡ Knight!Ellie who faced a lot of criticism for being female and has been through a lot during her training because other knights treated her differently but now that she's with you, she think it's worth it and is most certainly cocky to her colleagues about it and shoving it into their mean faces.
♡ Knight!Ellie who would rather die than face her own blade towards you in any way possible, she'd even go as far as you beg you if you accidentally point her sword/dagger towards yourself asking you "Princess please, don't ever do that again".
♡ Knight!Ellie who pleasures you in the way others have failed, she makes you feel loved, protected and cared for. She never half-asses anything that has to do with you because no matter what, she knows you deserve only the best.
♡ Knight!Ellie who worships the ground you walk on, every single thing that you do makes her fall in love with you even more. She'd defend your honor as if her life depended on it.
♡ Knight!Ellie who is always at your beck and call, even if you don't even ask her to help you with anything. Something as simple as helping you dress and being able to kiss skin on your shoulder in which she revealed by moving your chamise and putting it back in place when she's done. Most definitely loves helping you with your clothing, so much so that she goes down on her knees just to help you slip on you shoes.
♡ Knight!Ellie who smokes but when you caught her, she promised you she would quit and she did. But relentlessly teased you saying you just wanted to keep her alive longer for yourself, not that it isn't true but you'd never tell her that right?
♡ Knight!Ellie noticing the little things about you, how strands of your hair make their way in front of your face and how you huff in annoyance because it disrupts you of whatever you are doing so you blow it back. She finds herself tucking the strand behind your ear for you.
♡ Knight!Ellie who loves it when you read to her, how you so comfortably ask a commoner like her to be in your bed chambers and to make her lay in your bed as you read to her.
Her heart beats faster, her breath hitches the moment you thank her for providing you protection, safety and care. The young knight butting in saying that you deserve nothing less, looking up at you with those beautiful sage green eyes of hers.
♡ Knight!Ellie caring more about your well being than her own, constantly forgetting to eat meals, losing sleep and not giving herself enough time to heal when injured so you just had to sit her down. You took care of her, fed her and changed her bandages when you was too stubborn to do so, to say that Ellie knew in that moment, she just couldn't help herself. That was the first time she kissed you.
♡ Knight!Ellie who can't get enough of your kisses, your soft lips hitting her chapped ones, giving it warmth and life. She pull you in, arms wrapped around your body and hands rested on you back. You cupped her face continuing to share your warmth with her. That cemented it for Ellie, she just had to have you no matter how guilty and selfish she felt about it.
♡ Knight!Ellie who lays awake at night dreaming what it would be like if she was able to express her love for you in public, let the world know that you belong to each other.
♡ Knight!Ellie who used to use sweet nicknames as a tease and now using it as a term of endearment putting the word "my" before each one whenever in the privacy of four walls.
♡ Knight!Ellie who makes anytime with you feel domestic, just makes her want to take you with her and run away to a small cottage near a field where you two could happily live the life of a married couple, maybe even adopt a child.
♡ Should I do Knight!Abby x Princess!Reader or Knight!Abby x Maiden!Reader next? Both? Honestly I need more Abby content. (Maiden = Commoner)
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doki-doki-imagines · 8 months
Hi, hope you’re doing great!! if requests are still open could you please do an scenario/whatever you feel comfortable of mk1 raiden figuring out that his really thin s/o actually has a disorder by realizing that they maintain a highly restrictive diet, are always making excuses to avoid eating and although they do their best to hide it they look tired all the time?
No problem if you don't feel comfortable doing it or you just don't feel like it!!! I just wanted to feel comforted by my favorite character because the thoughts have been getting kinda bad since last week and I wanted some extra strength to fight them and keep recovering!!! ٩(^ᗜ^ )و ´- (also, sorry if my request is not completely understandable, I'm still learning english)
author note: keep figting dear! This kind of war is long and it's worse since the enemy is yourself, but the reward will be worth it. I tried my best, if what I wrote makes you uncomfortable hit me up and I'l edit/delete it. Hope you'll like it!
-Raiden doesn't suspect anything, only seeing the positive side of your relationship. That's why when you tell him what's going on during the bad week, he is surprised. -And sad. Not because Raiden thinks you are a burden but because he didn't notice what's going on with the person he loves the most. Raiden never helped you out. -That's why now he'll try to make up for the lost time. -Raiden will cook your meals. He wants you to understand the blessing of food, the deliciousness of each product he cooks for you, the joy of eating, even more if with a loved one. -He'd love if you helped him cook, trying new recipes together, and overall having fun. -Raiden wants to erase the idea of food you have and build a healthy one, and having fun seems a good way to start. -He always asks if you eat, not because he wants to control you or act disappointed. Raiden wants to understand how many steps forward you've made to better understand the next course of action. -He knows that it's a long road ahead, so he is never disappointed, not even when you have the temptation to go back to unhealthy tracks. -Is your mind worried that you'll go from an extreme to the other? Don't worry, Raiden will gladly train with you! -He'll never go hard on you, but for sure, Raiden will make you sweat! You will be so tired when you get back home. -You always train away from the other monks, Raiden likes to deliver a kiss or pull your cheeks when nobody is looking, between a run and a spar. -And there a warm noodles soup is waiting for you, cooked to perfection and with that touch of love that makes everything taste better. -"We'll get over this." He tells you while cleaning the dishes, you next to him drying them with a rag. "Together." Raiden's voice drop low, hands still in the warm water, but his lips on your forehead. You hug his side, his warm lips not leaving your skin. -Raiden never promises what he can't deliver.
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ninigummysmile · 1 year
𝐀 𝐡𝐞𝐥𝐩𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐝 - 𝐋𝐢𝐬𝐚
Summary: Lisa helps you because your nail polish is still wet
Dom!Flatmate!Lisa x Sub!Fem!Reader
Category: Smut
Warning: This story contains +18 content. It is not the responsibility of the author if minors read it.
Important: English is not my first language so, please, forgive me if there are any mistakes
Words: 1.293
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You arrive at the apartment you share with your friend and lock the door behind you, doing your best not to smudge your freshly manicured nails. It seems that when you get them done in a beauty salon, your nails dry faster, but even then you don't want to risk smudging them just a few hours after you get home.
You go into your room and lie in bed, just fiddling with your phone and waiting for the nail polish to dry so you can do your chores. A trailer for a new movie looks and you watch it in the hope that it will be something good worth going to the cinema to see, because you haven't been to the cinema for a long time.
In the few minutes that you watched it, it was very clear that it was an erotic film with many lines with ulterior motives. It's hard to get excited just watching something like that, with nothing explicit. But come to think of it, it's been a long time since you had something with someone and the last time you relieve yourself was good, but it's never enough when you do it alone.
You try to push those thoughts aside and tell yourself that tonight you'll take care of it. Unconsciously your thighs close together and you feel a small pulsation in your center. How is something as idiotic as a trailer able to release such thoughts and feelings from you?
You spread your legs and feel your panties stick to your skin because of the moisture. You place one of your hands over your pants and your clit throbs with desire. Your eyes close and a long sigh passes your mouth.
Your hand moves slowly, applying a little pressure, but it's not enough to satisfy you or help you hold out until later.
Why did you have to get wet right now? If it weren't for your nails, you would have figured this out. An idea crosses your mind, but it's the kind of idea that makes you hesitate.
You and Lisa have seen each other in skimpy outfits, in bikinis and once you even accidentally walked into the bathroom when she had just gotten out of the shower and was completely naked. She already made it clear that if you weren't friends, she would definitely have something with you, of course it was all in jest, but you know when her jokes have a grain of truth.
You take a deep breath and think ten times before you act. You don't want to act on impulse because of a momentary desire and regret it later. But the more you ponder your options, the more your intimate area cries out for attention.
“Lisa” you yell from your room so she can hear you through the closed door. “Lisa?” you call one more time.
“Yes?” she walks into the bedroom rubbing her eyes out of sleep.
“You were sleeping?”
“Almost. What you need?”
“Can you… can you help me with something?” it's not like she hasn't already asked you for help with worse things. Lisa has already made you feel embarrassed or do things you didn't want to, just to see her happy and compared to what you want, it won't be a big deal.
“With what?” she looks around the room as if looking for the problem.
“I just had my nails done and they are still wet”
“If that's the way you want to get rid of the dishes, I don't accept that excuse”
“It's not that”
“Just say it” she notices you trying to search for the right words. “I'm your friend, you know I'll help you with whatever I can”
“Even if that help would be to eat me out?”
“What?!” she almost screams and her eyes widen making all the sleep in her body suddenly disappear.
“Don't pretend you never imagined this before” you see her cheeks flush a little. “You already admitted it to me when you were drunk”
“Damn wine” she mutters.
“Are you going to help me or not? I can wait for them to dry and do it myself”
“You wouldn't call me if you weren't desperate” she smirks. She knows you very well.
You take a stubborn deep breath as if she is wrong. She kneels on the edge of the bed and before unbuttoning your pants, she looks at you waiting for more confirmation that you really want this.
After a nod, she slides the garment off to the floor and stares at the dark stain on your white panties.
She strokes your clit over the fabric and your body relaxes. Without stopping the movements, she leans over your body and looks intensely into your eyes before kissing you with all the desire in the world.
“I've wanted to help you like this for a long time, but it seems you prefer to do it alone at night” she comments, placing open kisses on your neck and collarbone that consist only of teeth and hickeys. “Do you think I never heard you moaning at dawn?” and with that you moan slyly imagining your flatmate listening to you in the next room and you wonder if she's ever touched herself by your noises alone.
“Does that feel good? Are you going to cum just with me playing with your pretty clit?” unexpectedly you come and your legs close around her hand. “I've barely touched you yet, we're just getting started” she takes off your shirt and plays with your nipples until you recover from the orgasm to gain another.
She trails kisses down to your belly and pulls off your soaking panties. Your hips start to move again in search of contact and she laughs, licking your most sensitive point.
She sucks in your swollen bundle of nerves and moans happily at your taste. Your head buries yourself in the pillow and one of your hands tangles in her hair, pulling her closer.
Your second orgasm builds quickly and soon your tight hole contracts around nothing, releasing more juice which your friend happily drinks.
Soon you feel a finger fill you and you lift your head, watching as Lisa slides it in easily and then adds another. As if she's read your mind, she looks at you and says “I know you're sensitive right now, but I'm sure you can give me one more”
You didn't know Lisa's words would affect you as much as they did right now. It's like they awaken something in you, it's something you feel you'll need to hear from now on, because they make you more and more excited and not listening to them more would be a crime.
“Your pussy is swallowing my fingers so well” she says satisfied seeing the fingers disappear deeper and deeper inside you and she goes back to sucking your clit to contain a moan.
Her fingers work fast and every time they go in, they hit the spot that makes your eyes roll and your waist move with the same speed.
“Fuck!” you scream as you come intensely for the third time. Your body shakes and sweat pours through it, making you stick slightly to the sheet.
You are tired and glad for the sensations that run through you. Lisa lays down beside you and takes one of your hands, smiling mischievously after running her fingers over one of your nails and the nail polish is completely dry.
“You know, you can ask me for help again when you need it. Not necessarily because of the nails”
“I will definitely ask. But now, it's my turn to repay what you've given me” she is surprised that you get up so quickly and straddle her lap.
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sofasoap · 2 years
Up for a challenge
Pairing: Simon "Ghost " Riley x f!Reader ( OC aka Mini MacTavish )
Summary : When Simon takes up the challenge.
Warning: Mature theme ( talk of sex ) , swearing. English isn't my first language so expect a lot of mistakes with tenses. Not beta proof read basically self indulgent fic.
A/N : I want to thank @saltofmercury for agreeing to my silly fic request and also kindly letting me using her ideas/fic “The Favorite MacTavish” , and expand the story from there. where the reader/OC is Soap's little sister. PLEASE GO READ HER STORY first to make sense of this story. Also go read her König stories too, it’s brilliant.
 “masterlist” for more stories to this Mini MacTavish expanded verse.
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Pushing open the back door, letting out an exasperated sigh as you plonk yourself down on the wooden deck and stretched your legs out.
Johnny has been nagging your ears off after Ghost yank you away from König mid conversation,
"I told you to stay away from him! and what did you do? walk straight up to him and talk shit!"
"Ah shut it Johnny, I was only being nice , the guy looks like he needs a hug!"
As much as you love your big brother, his constant nagging can really rival with your mum's. A figure silently sat down beside you. " Did Johnny tell you to kidnap me again?" "Just checking what you are doing out here all by yourself." You snorted, " So the infamous Ghost is worrying about the Mini MacTavish?"
Ghost furrow his brow, instead of replying you, he took a swig of beer and stared at you.
Getting uncomfortable with his staring and the silence started to get bit awkward, you start to ramble, " I know Johnny has my interests best at heart, but he really need to back off a bit, I am not a kid anymore. I don't know how many boys he had scared away or blocked me from seeing them because he thinks all of them just want to get into my pants! Thanks to him, no one dares to come after me .” you sigh. You definitely shouldn't have that two shots of scotch while Johnny was giving you a lecture on how the KorTac boys are all dangerous and will only break your heart. You are letting too much information that Ghost probably wouldn't want to hear.
Ghost chuckled. " Sounds like a challenge." " You bet it is."
" But I am willing to take up the challenge. " ... Excuse me?
Ghost lean closer to you, whispering into your ear,sending shivers down your spine. " I am just as cuddly as König if you want to give it a try. And I will keep you nice and warm in the bed as well."
What the hell did he just say to you?? You are sure your face has gone bright red , definitely not from all the alcohol you have downed tonight. Before you can muster a reply, Ghost stood up, gave you a pat on the head and walked back into the house to rejoin the boys.
Oh NO. Johnny is not gonna be happy.
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Okay, yesterday I had a shared brain riot with @just-sp-in-inginthevoid about Kakucho not having a real birthday and the s62 throwing him unbirthday mad tea parties. More of once in a year because, hey, it's an unbirthday! Mostly because the Haitani brothers wanted a excuse to be extras and dress up, but also because they decided it was a funny way of trying to find out his real birthday (of course, Izana was the one that decided the official date).
In some way, this is the second part of this drabble here. What could be at least in Bonten!timeline.
Kakucho used to loves his unbirthdays. Before everything changed.
(Drabble of Kakucho during Bonten. There is some subtle KakuIza, but it's just a tinny moment easy to ignore and see it as platonic)
Warnings: Angst and hurt without too much comfort. I'm so sorry, I swear the idea was hilarious in my mind, but then Bonten timeline appeared and it refused to not be angsty. So yeah, I'm so sorry, Kakucho 😭
(English is not my first language, so be nice please 🙈)
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"Happy unbirthday!"
Kakucho almost jumped when Ran, Rindou and Mochi screamed at him as soon as he entered his office.
He just sighed, because of course, he should've know better. It was Februart 1st, he's official "unbirthday".
But the scarred man thought, that now that they were all adults (and criminals, for god's sake), this surprises parties were over. Or at least, the costumes were over. He should've know better, Ran and Rindou missing a chance to dress up and be weirdos? Not in a million years. Even the poor Mochi was wearing some ridiculous bunny-ears.
"I'm not going to wear a costume, so don't even try it."
Kakucho managed to say as soon as he saw Ran's mischievous smile. Rindou looked disappointed, but the two brothers quickly shrugged that off. They tried every time, but no even Izana himself could make Kakucho dress with an "Alice" costume.
Oh yeah, his unbirthday parties had a theme. Always the same one. A mad tea party in Alice in Wonderland. But the Haitani brothers always wore a different costume. Every damn time. They could repeat characters, but outfit? Never.
Chesire Cat Ran smiled at him, not caring about his grumpy attitude.
"Come on, Kakucho, we deserve some fun. So sit down and drink your tea, before I decide this was a fiasco and we need to throw you another party soon"
Kakucho shivered with the idea. No thanks, he still remembered that times (He tried so hard to forger, yet, he still remembered everything). All the s62 generation throwing him a unbirthday party more than once a year. Because for some reason, the Roppongi rulers decided it was a good way of finding his real birthday. Ran was sure they would get it right eventually, Rindou was convinced that Kakucho would have a big reaction when they finally did it. Of course, both of them were wrong.
So, even if his "official" birthday was the date Izana decided for him, even if it was just supposed to be February 1st, he had more tea parties that he was able to count. Izana used to joke about how Kakucho was at least fourty with so many celebrations.
Maybe is that, he thought, the memory of Izana's laugh being too real for a second. Because now he finds himself smiling softly while drinking tea and eating cake with what's rest of his family. Mad Had Rindou is making jokes about Sanzu's insanity and Kakucho is laughing, he's actually enjoying this.
Kakucho had fun, even if they could only stole a couple hours for that. But he felt good for this hours, less alone. The reminder that there was still people with him that shared the same memories, the same grief. The left pieces of his broken family. Kakucho was not alone and his friends never failed to show him that when he needed it most.
Later that night, after finally finishing the job and cleaning everything up, Kakucho was unable to sleep. The memories were too present this time.
He still remembered the last umbirthday he was actually happy. A few days before the Kanto Incident. Even if everything was getting more dangerous, even with Kisaki's plots, with the raids on Toman, the Haitani brothers decided that it was the best day to do it.
Or maybe it was exactly because of that, who knows. Kakucho certainly needed to relax that day, he was tense with everything that was happening, with seeing that bastard manipulating Izana.
But that day, Izana shone. That day, Izana didn't talk about Mikey or Toman, focusing his full attention on his servant. He dressed up like the queen of hearts, like always. Refusing to wear any costume that didn't show how majestic he was. Kakucho thought the tanned boy always looked like a king no matter what he was wearing. But he never told him that. He never told him so many things...
Kakucho cries himself to sleep that night, curled up in his bed like a kid.
The image of Izana smiling at him printed on his retine.
Overlapping with the last time he ever saw Izana's genuine smile directed at him.
Snow threathening to fill his nightmares one more time.
His own regrets eating him alive.
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heartofwritiing · 2 years
English is not my first language so sorry
YOU'RE WRITING FOR JACK RUSSELL😭😭. Can i ask for something where the full moon is coming and Jack is afraid to scare the reader?, please😭
Full Moon
parning: Jack Russell (werewolf by night) x fem!reader
a/n: YES I CAN SWEET ANON, this sounds like such a cute idea I hope you like what i’ve done! this doesn’t take place during the special!!
Warnings: I mean if you haven’t watched werewolf by night don’t read this go watch it!! fluff, unedited!
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Jack paced around his bedroom biting at his thumb in thought. You had noticed for the past two days Jack had been acting strange around you. You had only known him for a few months prior to getting together after he timidly asked you on a date, but this was the first time you had been staying over at his place.
Jack hadn’t told you, how could he, he wasn’t sure how’d you react to what he was and he didn’t want to scare you away. He had never gotten this far into a relationship with someone, and he knew you were special and he couldn’t risk losing you.
After you went to bed early Jack left before you realized and were sound asleep. The following day you woke in his empty bed, you noticed his side wasn't even messy so you got up and searched the house. You looked in every possible place but he was nowhere to be found. It wasn't until you heard the door open and saw him walk through that relief washed over you.
It concerned you that he just disappeared without saying anything, but he apologized profusely to you. You forgave him of course, knowing he likely had a good excuse for it.
You sat with your legs crossed on the bed watching Jack's movements, he had told you there was something important he wanted to tell you. You knew it was something serious by the way he looked at you earlier with his eyes showing some underlying emotion, you knew now it was vulnerability. So you sat down and were waiting for him to open up to you.
He knew he could tell you anything, he trusted you completely now but he was just too nervous about this.
"Jack," you started. "Whatever it is, you don't have to tell me anything, it can wait until you're ready."
Jack finally meets your eyes and stops his pacing. He smiles warmly at you and walks over to you, taking your hands in his he kneels down in front of you.
"I know mi corazon, I know," he brings your knuckles up to his lips and places a kiss there.
"This is important, you have to know these things about me," he says solely. "I just don't want to scare you mi amour."
You take your right hand out of his grasp and bring it up to his cheek to trace his jawline, you can feel his slight stubble scratching your thumb.
"It's okay," you coo.
He lays his head on your lap sighing in almost defeat. The look you just gave him, ugh, full of so much endearment he swore he could die happy staring into your eyes. He groans and buries his head in your lap.
"You don't make this anymore easy amour," his voice muffled.
You giggle as you pet his hair. "I'm sorry."
"Don't be." he sits up again. "I'm just gonna tell you."
He takes a deep breath.
"Every month, once a month I change." he inhales again. "And on that night I become something I am not which you see before you, I become a beast. I'm not myself anymore when this happens I become an animal, a hunter."
The whole time he speaks you keep your face neutral so he can't really tell how you're taking this news.
"I turn into.... a werewolf."
You blink back at him a little stunned at all this but it doesn't shock you too much. in a world in which superheroes run around defending the earth from aliens, you wouldn't be surprised if every mith was real.
Jack tries to search your face for your reaction but your eyes scan elsewhere, He tilts his head at you.
"Mi amour?" he asks.
You look back at him and squeeze his hands. "Sorry,"
"I know it's a lot to process, and I've tried so many times to tell you I've just never found the right moment or words," he admits.
"Is this why you left yesterday? because of the full moon?"
he nods. You still couldn't believe your boyfriend was a werewolf, But it didn't freak you out at all was the strangest thing. A comfortable silence fills the air as you gather your remaining thoughts.
"Why didn't you just tell me Jack?" you asked.
"I was scared to tell you, I didn't want to freak you out or anything," he admits.
Your heart aches thinking that he couldn't trust you enough with his secret, but you understood his fear behind the uncertainty of how you would react to this news. You were trying to be as calm as possible for his benefit, you never wanted to make him feel unsafe.
"Next time please come to me about these things," you say sincerely. "you can trust me."
You bring your arms around his back into a tight embrace, and he holds you like he's never going to let you go. He knew now more than ever before that he could trust you.
tags: @redheadspark @a-lumos-in-the-nox @skywalkersapologist @wacky-nerdchick @countlessimagines @nicolewithanee @starfirette @pandalandalopalis @michel-9 @creedtheconquer @user-jongdae @steve-harringtons-slut @charlie-heatons-whxre @emiemiemiii tagged some of you all who liked my other Jack fic and gave me suggestions for things! If you don’t want to be tagged in any future stuff please let me know!
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blubffsd · 1 year
summary: the frustration of what was at some point but not anymore.
note: based on the song "Uno los dos" by Miranda! (it's literally the lyrics but in english lol)
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Leave it at that, my love.
I don't want any more excuses, please.
What used to be dates planned weeks in advance became texts between us apologizing to each other because an unforeseen event came up and we can't make it, promising to make it up. But it never happened.
How long have we been one?
They ask me and you answer.
I don't understand, for the rest of the people we were really soul mates, we knew each other as well as ourself. Always thinking the same, doing the same things, laughing at the same jokes.
"We are perfect for each other" you used to say when we both said the same thing at the same time. But painfully it was just that, the sentence you told me as a joke, instead of fact.
And it's that you, it wasn't you without me, no
You were nothing and I didn't exist without your company.
I think you know well that little by little we began to depend on each other, at first it was cute the way we both needed each other to do something, but then it just got insane for us.
Heart, give me some reason.
We have lost personality in this relationship.
And as much as we knew how much it hurt ourselves, we weren't willing to accept the situation between us and how bad everything was. We refused to accept that us no longer has a solution, and that we are no longer ourselves, not even a little.
Tonight I will cry so much for you that I will let you go.
I will wipe away with tears all the blood that has flowed here.
But the two of us always knew that our attempt to ignore the mess within us was going to be in vain. Ours no longer worked, we were no longer a team, I didn't work on my own and you didn't work on yours.
The CD we had compiled with us in mind, yesterday was my favorite record and today is the saddest thing I heard.
Although as much as I try over and over again, you and I know that ours is going to be very difficult to erase from our minds, we have so many of our things. We even had songs, remember? The first I chose, the second you and so on. Yesterday I listened to them again. And I cried.
Today, for the first time, I will confess to you
that it is hard for me to leave us
and that I don't know how long I will take to get used to it.
I also admit that sometimes I like to think that we tried it again and that this time it does work, but as much as it pains me to admit it, that is not possible. Although I prefer to think about the remote idea of ​​a "we" than the fact that we are no longer. I need to get used to that.
I was never dependent on me, rather I was on you.
You gave yourself in love to the game
and although it hasn't been bad at all,
I want to escape,
let's recover our freedom.
We had beautiful moments together, remember? Sometimes I wish we could have done things differently, we could have had it all. But things happened the way they did and it sure was for a reason, we weren't ready, and we still aren't.
We spent entire nights listening to our CD, at times I only heard your passion
but now that you tell me this, I must admit that I want to be myself again, I no longer remember what I was like yesterday.
You told me that you got used to me and I to you, that eventually we got tired but we depended on each other to be okay. We love each other, ours was nice, but we must let go. And you were right.
I swear I don't, I don't hold a grudge against you, I just want to go back to being that girl I once introduced you to.
It's good that we reacted in time, don't you think? We're not quite lost yet, you go back to being you and I go back to being me. It's sad that we became each other's ideal type, I feel like I don't know you. And you don't know me either.
The CD we had compiled with us in mind, yesterday was my favorite record and today is the saddest thing I heard.
But honestly the saddest thing I heard was your goodbye when you left, and with this letter I part with you, Ky.
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odusseus-xvi · 1 year
Just in case, little reminder. These elections are NOT TO BE TAKEN SERIOUSLY. Real politics ARE NOT BEING DISCUSSED. This is first and foremost an excuse to make content and to engage in different types of it. Even if you don't agree with the ideology or project of one particular or multiple player characters every outcome is desirable as it will bring interesting things to play off of for all content creators. The main thing it will determine is not the future of the island, or the future of the federation (as I'm pretty sure this second one is almost fully set in stone) but simply who will be instigator to all this new content, and whatever the ideas, everyone deserves and is capable of being that. (and this includes EVERYONE, even the ones YOU don't personally like)
I know there is a storyline, I know it's important for a lot of you to see it advance constantly etc... But please be reminded this is a SEMI-rp server for a lot of the creators. This is how it was advertised to some of them. The events and options to choose doesn't always have to be the most logical or sensical ones in order for it to be a fun time and story. Sometimes the best choice to have fun, is the fun and dumb choice.
(excuse the probable many syntax mistakes, english is not my native language)
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toaarcan · 3 months
(please excuse my English I actually speak German) hello, huge Fiona fox fan here I have been reading lots of your rants about fiona, on how her character had lots more potential and that her relationship with scourge is heavily abusive (on which I really agree btw) and since their not many fiona fans here I just wanted to ask you since I literally have no one to talk to. In sonic the hedgehog issue 179 on page 14 sonic says a specific line dialogue that's been driving me crazy. He explains to tails that he hooked up with Fiona hoping that he would move on, but ALSO because he was still getting over Sally stating that "Fiona was there*. Which kind of feels like that even if Fiona had genuine feelings for sonic he would have been still thinking about her. Now I am really wondering could this be a reason Fiona cheated on him, since she felt again like getting burned? We never saw the process of Fiona meeting secretly with scourge, but I heavily theory that A. He could have lied to her at a lot of points and B. That just maybe he could have told her about sonic maybe not truly loving her. Either all of that is true or I'm just going crazy but what's your opinion?
Your English is better than my German, to need to apologise.
You're right about that, while Sonic says his primary motivation for getting together with Fiona was his terrible plan to help Tails, it's also pretty apparent that Fiona is a rebound girl for him. The timing of when the relationship started is much too obvious for that: He and Fiona start their relationship in Issue 155, the same one where Sally's forced marriage to Patch is announced. I have no doubt that this information stirred up all of Sonic's hurt feelings from Issue 134 and drove him toward the course of action he took.
Now, that doesn't justify what he did, what he did is still an awful thing to do to someone, but it does explain it a little better.
I don't think Fiona knew what was going on in Sonic's head during their relationship. If she did, she almost certainly would've brought that up as a point against him, instead of only referring to her traumatic backstory.
(Sidenote: I think her betrayal makes a lot more sense if you reorder some of the stories in the 170s so that Eggman's attack on Knothole comes first, and reopens all of her old wounds. Then it makes total sense for her to snap and accuse Sonic of being too weak- instead of a dumb "I think being good is weak and being evil is strong!" logic that so many shallow villains have, she actually has a point, and an obvious example, that after everything Eggman did to them, a repeat of what Robotnik did to her, the FF still let him go when they easily could've captured or killed him)
That said, I think it's likely that Fiona realised she was a rebound and this pushed her closer to accepting Scourge's advances.
I think Scourge lying to her should be taken as given. Probably about Sonic, definitely about himself. However, I don't think he knew for sure how Sonic felt, simply because Scourge doesn't understand Sonic at all, ironically enough. We can see as much from his attempt at a "One bad day" speech, he fully believes that Sonic is only a bad day away from turning out like Scourge himself did, but Sonic has arguably had a rougher life than Scourge ever did. We've seen him have plenty of bad days and never once has he turned into Scourge.
Scourge thinks everyone is worse than they actually are, in essence. I have no doubt that he presents his flawed perception of everyone to Fiona, why else would she, a character who owes her whole life to the support she's received from other people (first Nic, then the FF) suddenly turn around and declare that "You can't count on anybody?"
It's an idea that fits so little with what we know of her character and history that it more than likely came from someone else, like the known liar and manipulator she's suddenly 'romantically' entangled with.
That said, him not knowing about how Sonic felt doesn't mean he can't tell Fiona that Sonic doesn't love her. He is, after all, a liar, and likely playing to Fiona's fears and anxieties. If he realises that Fiona believes Sonic is using her as a rebound, he would absolutely have agreed with the notion despite not knowing whether it was true or not.
This is part of what frustrates me with Fiona's character: There's the pieces here to make something absolutely fantastic with her, and Archie just... didn't do that. Her existence pre-155 is largely an afterthought, from 155-171 she's "Sonic's shady girlfriend" and then post-172 she's "Scourge's girlfriend", and that's all she's allowed to be. Even her one outing as an independent villain (with her own team, because of course the character who believes you can't trust anyone has immediately gone and gotten herself another team) turns out to be setup for her getting Scourge back.
Whether you prefer her as a hero, villain, or somewhere in the middle, Fiona has enormous potential as a character, and Archie never used it.
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meowmeowriley · 8 months
Hi! First ask ever and English is not my native language so sorry if i mess up something or sound strange.
Please, i need to know more about 4, 5, 9, 12 and 13 of your wip list. Anything you want to tell because i am frothing at the mouth at all of them but 4, 5, 9, 12 and 13 in particular.
Thank you thank you thank you! I'll give you a little bit of each of those fics! ❤
4) Oh, Brother. Funny thing about this fic, it was supposed to be a one-shot 😅 too many people liked it though, so I had to keep going. I actually just uploaded a new chapter today! A little summary - Soap and Ghost's families think they need help getting together, so they organize an aquarium date! (Plot twist, they did not need the help, but they loved the excuse to be around one another) It was my first attempt at keeping the boys in character, I think I've done okay.
5) I Don't Think We're in Space Anymore. Oh look at that, another one that was supposed to be a one-shot. Honestly this fic is the one I've put the most effort into. There's a ton of art linked to the fic, drawn by myself and my friend. Ive even been working on a hand written Journal for Soap for this AU. Pictures of those pages are in the fic, and here on Tumblr. Ghost is a shape-shifting alien, and Price decides to keep him. He's violent and destructive, and he's viciously protective of his team. Gaz and Ghost bond over star gazing, Ghost and Soap are both insanely horny for one another, and Laswell pretends she's not as attached to Ghost and his alien quirks as she actually is. (She loves him dearly.)
9) Is That Gonna be a Problem? This is the fic that was supposed to be my first attempt to write a realistic and in character version of the boys, but then Oh, Brother happened. In it, Ghost had met Johnny and his twin sister Jenny when they were kids, and decided to reconnect as an adult. It's going to follow Simon and the MacTavish twins as they get to know each other, and eventually how Simon and Johnny got together. And then of course, the 141 learning that they were together the whole time.
12) Outlaw Outta Time. I absolutely love Red Dead Redemption 2. One day I had the thought that Dutch Van der Lind would absolutely love Phillip Graves, and the idea grew from there. Its gonna have Ghost, Soap, Alejandro, and Rodolfo getting mixed up with the Van der Lind gang, looking for Graves, and trying to go home. All the while Arthur watches (established relationship) Ghost and Soap, and is jealous because he's been pining after a certain clumsy photographer (Albert Mason) but won't allow himself to have him. This story is another that I want to make a Journal for Soap, and also one for Arthur, so it's going to be a hell of a lot of work, and I'm excited for it! 😁
13) This one, I have the least for you. It doesn't have a name, all I have is the idea. I myself use they/it pronouns, and I honestly think Ghost would too. For this fic, Ghost would've been born female, had top surgery, and takes testosterone. Ghost is aware they present male, and therefore never corrects anyone for using male pronouns. Soap is straight. He's sure of it. Except Ghost gets him all hot and bothered. He's not sure how to feel about that. This fic is absolutely gonna end with Ghost riding Soap.
Thank you again for the ask! I hope this was sufficient, but if it wasn't, let me know!
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belit0 · 1 year
Thank you so much for doing my request! I absolutely loved it! It probably made my day too haha! Your writing is so fun and nice to read, you're just so talented!
I'm honestly very shy about requesting things from people, because I don't want to bother them, but this definitely motivated me to share another idea of mine, which I hope you don't mind!
I'm really into the Yandere x secret Yandere trope, which I honestly don't see enough of and it's a shame! I also really loved the dynamic between Yandere Shisui and Itachi in your fic, which made me have an idea.
So basically, the reader, Shisui and Itachi all growing up together. Shisui and Itachi were always super obsessed with the reader, unaware that the reader fully knew of this and enjoyed the attention. And they were also a Yandere for the two, who just waited for the moment they finally confessed to them, so they can unapologetically keep the boys to themselves. The clan kept them away from eachother maybe as well, but nothing can really stop the two boys once they want something, haha... You can gladly make this nsfw, if you'd like, too!
I'm sorry that this is a long one and hope you don't mind me asking for a request for them again! Thank you once more for doing my previous one too! I love it!<33
(Excuse my English btw! I'm not a native speaker.♡)
- bunni anon
I really appreciate your love and interest, genuinely!
I completely understand the feeling of being a nuisance, but this blog is a safe space for everyone, and you are more than welcome anytime you want to chat or send me a request! Please don't be shy, and make yourself comfortable here!
I would have loved to make this request sooner, but life and work sucked me in. It took longer than usual, but here it is and I hope you like it!
TW: Yandere! Itachi - Yandere! Shisui - Yandere! reader Pairing: Uchiha Itachi / Uchiha Shisui / reader NSFW
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You see, the Uchiha are not very good when it comes to demonstrating affection with words, yet they are great with actions. Sometimes, they have a hard time pronouncing an “I love you", but they won't hesitate to burn down cities for their loved ones, to kill as many people as necessary, to destroy lives just to prove their feelings.
They lose their head and minds for the one who dominates their heart, making it their priority for them to be happy, to have everything they need, and to lack nothing. They may not be able to verbalize it or find it difficult to formulate words to explain emotions, but in their behavior, there is no hesitation.
They know what they are doing.
Just as (Y/N) knows what she does.
In this girl's case, she has not one crazy Uchiha, but two. Both ninjas decided to take and share her as the object of their passion, to give her all their sentiments and affection, undivided attention.
The beginning of the end comes when Shisui saves her from some thieves one rainy night. The Uchiha was on guard duty, patrolling dark streets looking for suspicious activity. Police life is much simpler than working fighting ninjas from other nations, and he appreciates the solitude of the evening. Suddenly, he sees a woman walking alone, presumably trying to get home. She tries to shelter from the rain by walking under roofs, and doesn't notice when she is accosted halfway. Two thieves tried to steal her belongings and assault her, but the ninja intervenes quickly, coming out of hiding and reducing the threat in seconds.
The woman thanks him in tears, hugging him and hanging onto his neck as if it were a matter of life and death. Shisui takes a moment to appreciate her closely, and gets fascinated by her beauty. Even soaking wet and with a face swollen with tears, the girl is beautiful. He can feel the shape of her body beneath his hands as he holds her, how her curves mold to his fingers, and then, it hits him.
This girl has to be his.
He took her to the Uchiha police station where Itachi sat, waiting for his best friend to return and continue chatting. His free time between missions became a moment to spend with his cousin, unpressured by schedules, making a habit of visiting him on his night watches and keeping him company.
When Shisui enters with the attacked woman, the two share an immediate look of understanding, and realize they have found their next object of obsession. Used to not being argued with and always getting what they want, both friends worked countless times to achieve their goals.
With (Y/N), however, it was different. The girl seemed uninterested in their advances yet somehow managed to keep them wrapped around her finger.  They tried to approach and conquer her countless times, to win her heart and finally be able to possess her, but she seemed to enjoy seeing them struggle, working for it.
Soon, it became a challenge.
Such became the fixation of both Uchiha, Shisui began to miss his nightly patrols, and Itachi to skip his ANBU missions. Undeterred by their sense of responsibility, their superiors questioned them, not understanding how two shinobi of such caliber could be acting so strangely.
The two would get together to plan, try to understand, and brainstorm ways to obtain her without having to make a fuss. Sure, they could resort to kidnapping, taking and making her disappear forever, but that meant dealing with a lot of cumbersome details. Investigations, explanations to the family, tracing, covering up fingerprints, annoying things they had dealt with countless times in the past.
The puzzle lay in how she always sought them out and needed them, but never accepted their moves.
She would call and ask them to escort her home for the night, but never allowed them to come in and stay with her.
She would call and ask them to keep her company at work, but never agreed to stay with them for a drink later.
She would call them if she heard a strange noise in her place, but never let them stick around to secure the perimeter.
The girl would play with them, and it drove the two ninjas crazy. They had never met anyone who would make things so difficult, who would complicate their strategies and maneuvers, who would resist their advances like that. It made them even more desperate and obsessed, falling into the trap of needing her.
Eventually, their respective bosses had to intervene. Itachi was temporarily suspended from the ANBU for neglecting his responsibilities, and Fugaku forbade them both from approaching the woman if they wanted to continue holding their positions within the clan. Shisui was closely watched by his police colleagues, obeying direct orders from the chief.
Things got annoying and cumbersome, which only gave them more determination to achieve their goal. If people wanted to take her away from them, to get her out of their hands, there would be trouble.
Something (Y/N) enjoyed in a big way.
Knowing the two most powerful Uchiha were eating out of her hands, trying to get under her skirt, to get something from her, made her feel like the most powerful woman in the world. She could whistle, and the two would be at her feet obeying her needs, doing whatever she wanted them to do.
She abused and used this ability to the fullest, enjoying the looks of desire from both men every time she called them for something. They always hoped she would allow them to stay, to come into her bed, to be part of her life in a stable way, but (Y/N) never would.
She loved the frustration on their faces when she asked them to leave, when she told them she didn't need them anymore, and how helpless they were every single time. The girl learned to manage and have them at her beck and call, so much so they would abandon their responsibilities for her.
Yet, at some point, the Uchiha had enough, and decided to put a stop to (Y/N)'s demand. She had gained the upper hand, and it was time to turn it all around.
When she called them again, they were determined to act.
It was late, and (Y/N) was moving her chakra with the signal the three had agreed to use as a call. Both Uchiha were together, and they rushed simultaneously to the scene. The girl was in the middle of the forest and desperately called for them.
When they reached her, they were met with a heartbreaking sight.
She was on the ground, her clothes torn and crying. Anyone who analyzed the situation at first glance would say she had been attacked by someone, but something wasn't right.
Shisui rushed over to her, asking if she was all right, what had happened, demanding answers. As he pulled off his shirt to cover her, Itachi detected the lie.
There were no footsteps in the perimeter other than hers, no sign of other people. No chakra seemed to be nearby, and there were no traces of anyone, either in the trees or on the ground. (Y/N) had no scratches, no cuts, no blood on her skin, and if someone had genuinely ripped her clothes off, they would at least have marked her with their fingernails.
The other Uchiha continued to worry, hugging and holding her as if something had really happened. Itachi merely watched, and when (Y/N) stopped her theatre of lies, he spoke seriously.
"If we're going to keep suffering, you'll have to give us something in return, you know?" The man leaned his back against a tree, serenely crossing his arms over his chest. He narrowed his eyes and glared at her, waiting for a reaction.
"What the fuck, Itachi! How could you say such a thing in this situation?!" Shisui exclaimed in true anger, so mowed down by his feelings he didn't even pause to observe the staged scene.
Some seconds of silence were by, the forest completely calm, while she decided what would be her next move.
(Y/N) began to laugh, and clutched her stomach as a fit of giggles knocked the wind out of her. Itachi looked apprehensive, having caught on to her deception from the beginning, while Shisui watches her in disbelief, not understanding the scenario.
"You genuinely think someone did this to her and didn't leave a single mark on her body or the place? Look around, it's another one of her lies."
"Busted!" she continued to laugh, as if she didn't care one bit about doing such a thing. "Tachi, relax, be a little funnier next time, it's not amusing if you ruin my show from the start. All right! we're done, back to your normal activities, boys!"
Normally, both would listen to her and let her be, but this time she had gone too far. By faking a scene like that, she seemed to be asking them to execute it themselves.
"I'm fucking sick of this (Y/N)!" Shisui pounced on her, trapping her under his body while holding her wrists above her head. "You want to play with us, treat us like your faithful dogs, yet I'm fed up! If you don't give me something in return, I won't continue with this!"
"Yes, you will, even if I don't give you anything, because you love me, don't you? Both of you do. You're as much mine as I am yours, there's no way around it!" She exclaimed with a smirk, laughing in both their faces.
"All right then, time for you to prove it." Itachi moved towards her, quickly working his pants. Shisui caught the hint and readied himself likewise.
If (Y/N) didn't want to cooperate, they would have to do it the hard way.
The long-haired Uchiha knelt at her head, with each of his knees at one side of her face, facing Shisui. He pulled his cock out of his clothes and held it in front of her face.
"You're going to take it all, and let us do what we want with you, just like you've been doing what you want with us." The short-haired man exclaimed as he finished ripping the remaining clothes off of her.
"Well (Y/N), let's see what you've got." Before she could say anything else, Itachi shoved his member into her mouth, reaching the back of her throat without warning. Shisui soon followed in step, spitting his hand and rubbing it over his dick before thrusting it into her.
(Y/N) moaned as best she could from the initial pain, until her pussy produced enough lubrication to accompany the Uchiha. They both worked her holes with abandon and ferocity, drawing out their pent-up need for her.
"Shit (Y/N), if I'd known you felt this way, we would have done it sooner."
"Eat it all, you fucking slut, don't leave anything out."
They destroyed her entrances with heavy thrusts, not letting her catch her breath. Her hands remained restrained above her head, and she could do nothing but take them both at once.
"Come on little slut, bear it like the good little girl you are, show us what you're made of."
"So good baby, it feels so good, shit."
Itachi works her mouth, making her gag with each thrust, leaving a trail of fluids around her lips. His balls crashed against her nose and knocked her out of breath for long seconds. Her eyes lost focus, and she could do no more than endure it.
Shisui was tearing apart her cunt with abandon, pumping in and out over and over again without caring how red her skin got or how much it hurt.
They both finished almost in unison, followed by the difference of a couple of seconds, filling her with their seed.
"This just became your new routine, (Y/N). I hope you enjoy it."
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