#please help i need recommendations
parafluffy-logan · 2 months
Can someone PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE recommend a Potion Mixing game where I can just mix potions and NOT deal with anyone else? I have Waltz of the Wizard, but I want MORE GAMES where I can be a little Potion Goblin and mix potions without having hoomans ask me for help
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mocking-the-bird · 3 months
I need to read something about duke or steph or cass so badly, because I can feel at the point of my fingers how deep they are as a characters and how the are often forgotten or mischaracterized in media, but I don't even know from where to start. I don't want to be the type of person that thinks "duke is the normal one" or "steph is a terrible friend to tim" or "cass is the quiet therapist" because they are not, but I don't have any other information to cover it
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weregonnabecoolbeans · 3 months
While i'm finishing Thrawn: Alliances..
Can people reblog with other star wars book recommendations please :)
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I'm piggybacking a bit off of the last ask of asking for writing tips but I have an odd question... Am I the only person that struggles actually PICKING a book? It's the absolute bane of my existence because I feel like I can be so picky... Don't get me wrong, I love being a bookworm, and I'm trying to get back into reading physical books but it's so difficult to find a real taste of what the book is like without being completely spoiled or something... I miss when backs of books had an actual summary and not just NO.1 NEW YORK BESTSELLER!!!! It's so frustrating... I've been trying to get back into it by re-reading fond chapter childhood books read to me (The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane & A Wrinkle In Time). But at the same time I'm also trying to get into more "adult" books that isn't... Well, you try googling "adult books" and see how that goes, I didn't think too hard about what a poor decision THAT was. But I'm working up the courage to read Cat's Cradle right now to start with "Classic Authors" I guess!
Anyway I'm rambling here, I guess my question is... How do you pick out the books you read? I don't really have friends that read many books to recommend to me :')
Thank you in advance, Bog! I hope you get a callback from that interview soon!
no ok actually you've mentioned something that's been bothering me for a while - What The Hell Do Y'all Mea, Books Don't Have Summaries Anymore???? i have not once in my life found a book that didn't have a summary. i was in barnes & noble recently and everything i looked at had a summary. i have literally never seen a book without one in my life of reading & looking at new books on a regular basis
softcovers have theirs on the back. hardcovers are on the inside of the sleeve - lift the cover and it should be printed right there on the inside flap! summaries aren't legally required but both the author and Especially the publisher(s) know that no one's gonna buy a book without a summary. trust me, all books worth reading have a summary. if a book doesn't have one, it's probably not worth your time anyway. you just gotta know where to look!
so my answer to how i choose books... i read the summary lmao. if it seems interesting, ill either write it down to get later or ill get it there and then.
Before the summary though, i look for any titles that jump out at me from the shelf. then i look at the thickness. i like a bit of meat in my literature, so i tend to shy away from thinner books. thicker ones grab my attention more easily. then i look at the cover - if it interests me, then ill read the summary. i don't have specific tastes in title or cover. as long as it makes my brain "hm" thoughtfully, ill take a gander!
and really, if you have access to a bookstore (chain or not, ive found plenty of bangers in tiny used bookshops) or library, the best way to find a book is to physically browse. even if you dont buy anything, you can take pictures of books / write them down to buy online. but going to the store lets you search them out, examine the length, cover, title, summary - and easily put it back on the shelf or keep it. i hate shopping online bc there's ads, you can't examine the product, nothing really stands out since it's all portrayed similarly, there's limited pictures instead of the physical thing, and photos can lie.
plus, everything is (typically) meticulously sorted by genre & age range. when you go into a section with literature aimed at adults, you'll find exactly that instead of smut novels lmao. real life bookstores can be more accurate than online searches. & there's just something so good about walking through shelves, searching for that one book before you know it exists, smelling the paper... yeah...
#like for example i recently bought priory of the orange tree#ive been wanting it for a while and havent read it yet since im finishing something else#BUT! i remember when i first saw it#nothing had gotten my attention for a while#but then i saw the thickest fucking book ive seen in ages - which was automatically very sexy of it#and then the title was unique - priory of the orange tree??? whoah! what the fuck does that mean!!!#so automatically there was the interest of neat title + a new word that i get to learn + the implications of the word now that i understand#and then i picked the book up and it was deliciously heavy - & there was a Dragon on the cover. which. YES PLEASE#then the summary was fascinating!! the book was immediately seared into my brain! im very excited to read it#so thats a highly successful example of my book choosing Process#it checked all of my boxes so it was a win#most books dont check all of my boxes but as long as it hits most of them im down to clown yk yk#but yeah im picky too so! nothing wrong with being picky or having high standards!#rambles from the bog#my shelves are fuckin Full of books ranging from 'it was ok' to 'I WILL RECOMMEND THIS TO ALL WHO WILL LISTEN'#and then i have a drawer filled with books that i just could not care less about / dont like#but dont have the heart to throw away bc. well putting a book in the trash kills a part of my soul#i need to donate them...#but yes! i hope that helps!#and Thank You! i hope i get a callback as well...
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bethhiraeth · 1 year
HOLY SHIT I just stumbled across this article from the end of last year and I am fucking cackling please read it they got every possible fact wrong in the most hilarious way. Some highlights:
"Will Byers, Stranger Things’ gay star, is a bisexual...he is also deeply in love with Mike Wheeler, a poor choice for his first crush"
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"Will, played by Finn Wolfhard, is in love with his best friend Mike Wheeler"
"They defeat the aliens and restore order to Hawkins...Will and Eleven are still in love"
"Will ends up with the woman he has been lusting after for a long time. The key to finding love on Stranger Things appears to be opening yourself up to change"
"Noah (Brian Geraghty) confirms to Will (Finn Wolfhard) that Will is gay and in love with Mike"
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"As the scene cuts to a young girl in a hospital bed, the audience recognizes Mike as her. Mike’s hand is bandaged and he is wearing a gown in the hospital. In the end of the clip, we get a glimpse of a creature from the show’s first season. When the creature approaches Mike, he has slit his throat with such force that it appears to crawl toward him."
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"Will’s father, Jonathan, is dating Nancy Wheeler, one of Will’s friends."
"In a recent episode, Will was shown in a gay scene with another character, Mike"
"Schnapp recently praised the lack of LGBTQ representation on television, just weeks before his comments. According to Schnapp, she finds it amusing that television does not show much representation of LGBTQ+ people"
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I wish i was joking
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nyaleph · 7 months
I need your help... My girlfirend has never watched doctor who. We've been watching doctor who togrether trying to catch up before the specials. We got to the 11th but it's getting clear we won't have the time to watch every episodes. What would be some of the episodes to make her watch to show what the 11th, 12th (and maybe, but probably not) 13th doctor are ahead of the 60th aniversary?
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bihansthot · 28 days
Does anyone have recommendations for a good language app to learn Korean? I didn’t like DuoLingo and found it confusing, a free app would be ideal but I’m not opposed to paying. Also while we’re on the topic who has k-pop recommendations for me? I’m obsessed with Kard but don’t really listen or know anyone else, well I mean I know Black Pink too but haven’t listened to them much. Send me your favorites, bonus points for gorgeous men or women my Kard biases are BM and Jiwoo. I’m usually a Visual Kei and heavy metal girlie but K-pop is damn catchy and they’re all so pretty. What about Ateez? What songs are good? I feel like Mingi is my type so they have my interest and Felix in Stray Kids? I don’t know where to start though, I need someone to baby step me through this one please and thank you 🩷
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supercantaloupe · 2 months
so maestro told me tonight at the end of rehearsal that he "got an email about me", turns out it was the org that's interviewing me next week for their summer job reaching out to him as a reference. and then when that was figured out maestro proceeded to spend the next, like, twenty minutes standing there writing out a recommendation for me on his phone at 10 pm while i'm Sitting Right There, just trying to get the assignment notes to send to the orchestra,
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crowseverywhere · 11 months
"you cant reread that fanfic a fifth time just find a nother"
me asf:
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sunshinetomioka · 4 months
Hey, I'm looking for some good trans Apollo fic ! Transfem or trans man Apollo are both fine I love those different HC, Klapollo fic with either one of them or both of them being trans too ! I'd just love to read to fic without smut since I'm not a huge fan of this type of work !!!
Much love to y'all
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theygender · 5 months
Does anyone have any good book recommendations that talk about transmisogyny in a way that would be entry level to like. A 50 year old cis lesbian
#especially ones that talk about the ways that our society primes even trans allies to view trans women in a negative light#my mom is trying but i think she could use some help understanding in a way that i dont think i could just talk her through#she seems to think my gf is more like standoffish than she actually is and she thinks my gf is being rude when shes emotional about smth#and im talking her through it from the perspective of like#'as a human being and as someone who is all too familiar with homophobia please understand what this is like from her perspective'#but i feel like. theres some unconscious transmisogyny going on here and i really wish my mom could understand that#but i dont think shes ever even heard of transmisogyny before. she has no context#i cant try and talk her through it from that perspective bc she would need a lot of background to understand what im saying#and i dont think trying to explain transmisogyny theory in the middle of an argument would be helpful#if i could recommend her a good book under the context that it would help her understand me and my gf as trans people#and if she read through it and took the time to understand it which i do believe she would#i feel like it might help her to kind of analyze if the thoughts shes having are influenced by transmisogyny and start unpacking that#and also importantly i feel like she could look at what my gf is going through not just from the human and lgbt perspective im asking her to#but also from her perspective As A Woman#bc i feel like theres a missing piece there right now. my mom supports us and respects my gfs gender#but i dont think shes looking at these situations in context As A Fellow Woman#idk#rambling
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luthiest · 11 months
anybody have any recommendations for good medieval fantasy romance books? (or any historical fantasy romance, really…)
recently read a taste of gold and iron, the high king’s golden tongue, the lion and the crow (not fantasy), the knight and the necromancer series, the fantasyland series (i hate parallel universe travel), the god eaters, the captive prince series, the winter king, the grace draven… stuff (i remember none of it but ppl rave about her books ??)……
idk i’m looking for stand alone’s, i can’t commit to a series rn :’))) i’ll take any kind of sexualities/dynamics/tw’s, just no ya and no harem/reverse harem plz… so desperate rn i’m reading game of thrones fanfic, and not the good stuff
ideally, alice coldbreath x george r. r. martin. it’s a tall ask, i know.
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britishraptor · 9 months
Repeatedly devastated that none of the infinite flow novels I’m reading are even a little bit as great as Welcome to the Nightmare Live
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atariaaren · 3 months
in light of tumblrs recent bullshit...
note: i am not migrating. i am not leaving tumblr. i am still going to be here... for now. just trying to figure out where would be best to make an account where i could just post some art lol
also im not going to twitter, sorry
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flyingpag657 · 29 days
Matt’s girlfriend
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So N-7 and Matt!!! I have feelings about it like on one hand we only see them in the background and it just felt like Matt was just incentive to get Pidge to space BUT I love that they added that little background ship because almost every seen after we meet Matt has N-7 I just really wish we new more about there character on the other hand WHY I THIS SHIP NOT MORE POPULAR they were always ther in the background if you looked why can I FIND ABSOLUTELY NOTHING ON THIS!!!!
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itsfirenze · 2 months
I bought a Kindle. So I'm making my list of books to add. If you have any recommendations, do not hesitate! That would help me a lot
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