#please i would simply lose my mind if every single character lived together under the same roof
14dayswithyou · 2 years
Renren is a big crybaby, BUT SO I AM so imagine
Teo&Leon:... Hi god, it's me—
Ren, absolutely bawling and being dramatic on the floor: WHEN WILL YOU BE BACK??? ARE YOU REALLY GOING TO LEAVE ME HERE ALL BY MYSELF??? UNSUPERVISED?????? WHY CAN'T I COME WITH YOU?????? I CAN HOLD YOUR HAND-- Angel, still crying their eyes out as well: I JUST WANTED TO GO TO THE BATHROOM REN Violet, who's streaming FFXIV next door: oh pog, go piss girl
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buckyownsmylife · 3 years
Follow you - Chris Evans smut
The one where Chris becomes your roomate and finds out he has a domesticity kink... and more
Warnings: Smut, breeding kink, domesticity kink, friends to lovers, rommates au, pandemic mention, hair-pulling kink, daddy kink, cockwarming, kind of allusion to an age gap, but can be read as reader being into teasing chris
Word count: 4.1k
A/N: Thanks to @mollygetssherlockcoffee​ for reading this over and helping me make it better! You’re the sweetest person ever!  this is for my own birthday celebration challenge! Like I explained here, I’m going to try to fill every single AU I listed with the characters I picked for the challenge, and since the deadline if May 27, these fics will be posted randomly, as I finish them. Hope you guys like it!
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Chris’ P.O.V.
“C’mon, sweetheart,” I’d been trying to convince her to close her laptop for the last two hours, unfortunately without any luck. She just glanced at me before returning to her document, and I groaned as I left the living room in search of what I knew we needed.
“Close the laptop and I’ll give you a sip.” This time when she looked up, she found me holding a bottle of my most expensive whiskey, the one she’d been dying to try ever since she first got invited to my place.
It was a tense moment of evaluation while she took in my offer and her workload, her head turning from her computer to me and then back to the device again, and I found himself growing anxious because of how desperately I wanted her company that night.
“Please?” I tried to convince her, even going so far as to pout - which at least earned me a giggle. I considered it a win, especially with the way it made my chest warm up. “C’mon, we deserve it! After the week we had?”
She frowned when she thought back on the stresses we had confided in each other for the last couple of days, and I watched with glee when she slowly closed her laptop, prompting me to wave my arms around in victory. “We?” She teased, getting up to stand before me with her arms crossed in front of her body, making me laugh.
“Alright, so maybe just you.” I couldn’t really deny that my work “problems” paled in comparison to hers. “Listen, I’m only trying to help.” She narrowed her eyes at me, reaching out for the bottle and unscrewing it before taking the sip I’d promised.
“Shit, this really is good.” A smug smile took over my face as I wrapped my arms around her, walking us back to the couch before making us fall over it.
“Only the best for you, babe.” I watched her roll her eyes at the pet name, snickering at how it affected her. I knew it made her giddy and she hated it, it’s why I insisted on doing it - or so I told myself.
Something deep inside of me whispered differently, though. I tried to ignore it. She was my best friend and we were going to be living together for the foreseeable future. No one knew when this pandemic would let up.
And lord knows that nothing positive had ever come out of my investments in romantic relationships. So every rational thought in my mind was begging me not to overcomplicate this. I couldn’t stand to lose her friendship, anyway. That’s why I had invited her to spend lockdown with me - my need to know she was okay, and be able to have her around whenever I needed to vent.
She was the only one outside my family who got my anxiety well enough to help me work through it when I was feeling bad, and she had even been able to prevent me from having panic attacks more than once.
I just couldn’t imagine going through this with anyone other than her. I simply hadn’t anticipated how fucking horny this period of forced sexual privation would make me, and I never expected her to become a willing victim to my needs.
But boy, once the liquor hit and she ended up over my lap, shivering as she rode my thigh without a care in the world, was I glad that she did.
“Is this what you like?” I asked, looking up at her with my mouth hanging open, unbelieving of how fucking sexy she looked as she used my body for her pleasure. I didn’t even care that my cock was straining against my jeans, begging me to move her on top of it. As long as I could keep enjoying the show, being a part of it, I was satisfied.
“I wanna learn it,” I pressed, moving my hands to hold her ass, squeezing it the way I’d always wanted to do but never allowed myself to dream about. “I wanna learn how to please you.” She made me feel something I hadn’t felt before, in any of my past relationships. There was attraction, of course, but there was also this deep, familiar feeling that made me feel at home. It made me feel safe, and with the help of alcohol, I was desperate to explore it.
“Ugh,” she groaned, letting her head fall back, drawing my attention to her breasts, the way they bounced in front of my eyes, unfortunately still covered. My mouth watered at the sight of it, wanting nothing much than to strip her bare and wrap my lips around one of her nipples.
“Don’t say stuff like that, Evans.” The comment threw me off, making me frown as I took a hold of the hair on the back of her head and yanked her to me, devouring her lips. They were soft - so much softer than I’d ever allowed myself to imagine.
“Why not?” I panted against her mouth once I was forced to separate from her taste of whiskey to search for some oxygen. She kept moving, her eyes hazy and glossed over, and it sent a pang of lust straight down my body when I realized it wasn’t completely due to the drinks we shared. There was also desire in there.
“You want to learn?” She asked, hands bunching up my shirt as she used her hold to grind against me faster. “Then fuck me, Chris.” She molded her body to mine, engulfing my lips once more as I laid her down on the couch, excited to have her underneath me - excited to see her naked body, explore it, get to know every little thing that made her tick.
I knew it would be a moment I’d forever remember, regardless of the amount of bourbon in my blood. I just never expected it to become something I was so eager to relive over and over and over again.
It was supposed to be a one time thing. When I woke up in the morning, I was ready to go back to being roommates. We were good at that. She was a morning person, by the time I woke up every morning, she already had breakfast ready for me, and then we’d go out to the backyard to let Dodger out together.
We’d sit and talk and then I’d go for a run - she’d have done her yoga already, while I was still asleep - I’d answer some e-mails, she’d work on her laptop by my side and the silence was just as comfortable as all of our late night conversations.
She’d sneak out to the kitchen and come back with a few sandwiches for our lunch, and then the rest of the day would go by with us doing whatever mundane task we had in mind, together even if we were doing separate things, and I didn’t feel suffocated.
I didn’t even run out of things to say. By the time dinner rolled around and I followed her back to the kitchen, cleaning up the dishes while she fixed us dinner - I wasn’t allowed to cook in my own stove, mostly because she was terrified of my food but hid it under the excuse of that one time when I started a fire - then we’d eat together, watch a movie together, talk until we fell asleep - always together.
I was shocked. It’d never been this way in any of my previous relationships. In fact, I was certain it was the reason why they had never worked. I’d given up on any realistic expectation of settling down precisely because of this: I just never expected to find anyone with whom a day-to-day life wouldn’t eventually grow boring.
It’d been three months and I still loved to wake up to her coffee. We still fell asleep every night side by side, too tired to move into different beds because we had laughed our asses off after skyping Scott.
And now that sex came into play in our relationship? I just knew there was no way I’d ever go back to being nothing but friends - or living in a place where she wasn’t the first person I saw when I woke up.
It sucked that it took a pandemic and a night of alcohol to make me realize that, but damn, was I grateful that I decided to open a bottle of whiskey that evening.
I kept waiting for the catch, the moment it would all go to shit, but it never came. Our lives resumed to how they used to be, only now I had this ongoing inner battle to not just bend her over the nearest piece of furniture when we were busy, and the ability to do exactly that whenever there was nothing else to do.
And for a while it was bliss. There wasn’t a nagging voice inside my head questioning this arrangement because it was theoretically perfect. I had a best friend, a roommate and a fuck buddy, all wrapped into one single person that I adored.
Life couldn’t possibly get better - until I realized that I wanted more. Talks of lockdown being over started and she had plans of going back to her place, of course, but I couldn’t stand the thought of being away from her.
I wanted to see my family too, but I wanted to take her with me. Introduce her to my mom, see her get along with my sisters. Witness how she’d be with my nephews and nieces - I knew how much she loved kids. And that’s when it hit me.
I’d given my heart to her. Somewhere between the morning coffees and afternoon runs, the nights where I’d rant about all of my silly problems and she actually listened to them - really listened, never making me feel bad about what could only be described as rich people problems.
All the innocent little gestures, and the not so innocent ones - when I discovered she was exactly the nasty slut I’d always dreamed of, the way she would randomly drop to her knees and suck me off, even while I was on the phone. Most times she didn’t even let me repay the favor. She just genuinely liked to blow me.
She also liked to play with me randomly, like when we were watching a movie and she mindlessly reached for my crotch, rubbing me until I got hard. It almost always ended in sex, and I just loved it.
I loved it, and I loved her, and the idea of her ever sharing this idyllic lifestyle with anyone else made me irrationally jealous.
And that’s how I knew it. I didn’t want to mess it up. But how could I not fuck this up?
“Chris…” Her sweet voice called out to me, reaching my ears while I was hiding in my office, trying to get my thoughts in order so I wouldn’t just randomly blurt out what I was feeling for my best friend to my best friend.
To her credit, she didn’t try to force me to keep her company - but that only made me fall even deeper for her, leaving me a complete and utter mess while she went about her day as if nothing was wrong in the world.
“Yes?” I looked up to see her by the threshold, clearly reticent about invading my privacy. It made me smile, thinking back on all of the times my exes hadn’t been as understanding, even after I let them clearly know what I was needing.
“I made cupcakes, do you want me to bring you one?” The thought of her in the kitchen, baking a sweet treat just for me had my cock twitching in my pants. Biting my lips, I pushed away from my desk to finally get up and stretch my legs, taking advantage of the monitor to hide my hard-on.
“No, I’ll come eat them downstairs with you.” She smiled before leaving, and I soon trailed after her, walking into the kitchen to find the most delicious-looking little treats, just waiting to be devoured.
Much like her, I supposed.
I was reaching for one of them, already licking my lips in anticipation when something caught my eye, prompting me to raise my gaze and look at her again, but really look at her this time.
She was wearing an apron.
There was nothing inherently sexual about the damn thing, but the way she looked with it, going about her business in my kitchen like she owned the place… It just felt right, seeing her there.
And suddenly I couldn’t hold back anymore.
“Y/N…” I started, leaving the cupcake back on the counter and brushing off the crumbs as I circled the kitchen island to go stand in front of her. She hummed before turning to meet me, smiling slightly to signal that she was listening to what I had to say.
But I didn’t know how to say it. So we just stood there, staring at each other until eventually her smile became a frown. “Chris, what’s going on?” I still couldn’t speak. Much to my absolute surprise though, she just sighed, wiping her hands on the apron while shaking her head, a knowing smile on her face.
“You’re stressed, aren’t you? You’ve been working so much, that’s why I thought the cupcakes would be a good idea,” she explained nodding towards the tray where her sweet treats laid. “They’re a reward and a break all wrapped in one delicious cake.”
The comment was like a punch to the stomach - or a scalding wave of desire rushing through my body, straight to my groin. The idea of her thinking about my needs and catering (quite literally) to them just did something to me, and I didn’t know how to explain it - I don’t think I understood it myself.
“But since they didn’t work…” she continued, blissfully unaware of the conundrum she had put me into. “I know something else that will definitely work.” And just like that, the woman dropped to her knees in front of me, reaching for my sweatpants before I could find a way to close the mouth that was hanging open.
“I guess I’ll grab a sweet treat for myself.” She looked so devious, small hand encircling my already pathetically engorged member, that all I could do was whisper an, “Oh, shit,” when she immediately wrapped her lips around it,  starting to suck me off without any preamble.
My fingers were white as I held onto the counter behind me to keep myself up. She looked so good, staring up at me with her lips wrapped around my dick, I felt like I was about to blow already.
Why did she have to be such a fucking tease?
“Oh, God,” I moaned when she managed to engulf the entirety of my member inside her throat, the choking noises getting to my head. My hand instinctively laced with her hair, first to hold her lips close to my navel, then to pry her completely off of my member.
“What’s wrong?” She questioned once she was able to speak, surprise written all over her features while I was still staring down at her slightly teary face and trying to find my voice.
“I-I have a problem.” There. I said it. I had finally made some progress in my goal to let her know what was going through my head. Only instead of curiosity, what I got was a confused expression from the woman still holding my dick, her eyes darting from my own to the member throbbing between her fingers.
“No, you don’t!” It would have been funny if I wasn’t so fucking frustrated. Yanking her by the hair, I complained, “Not that kind of problem!” pulling her to the living room so I could throw her on the couch, trying to ignore her moans of pleasure in the process.
I’d figured out pretty early on that she had a pretty serious hair-pulling kink, and if my plans of sitting down and having a level-headed conversation were ever in motion, they surely went out of the window the second she pulled my body down to cover hers and adjusted my cock so it would easily fill her.
“Son of a…” I groaned, letting my head fall down against her chest as the little vixen gleefully giggled underneath me, legs wrapped around my torso as she tried to thrust up and tempt me to move.
“Just wait a second,” I managed to reason, but she just shook her head.
“Fuck away your problem, Chris. Use me. I want you to.” Motherfucker. I really couldn’t catch a break with her. Just as she started to make me move again, my hand instinctively wrapped around her neck, lightly squeezing it just enough to get her to shut up.
“I wanna start a family with you,” I finally spilled, looking deep into her eyes as I tried to ignore that I was still balls deep inside of her. Her eyes widened, and now her mouth was the one hanging open.
I couldn’t really relish in it because she looked absolutely delicious and she felt stupidly heavenly to my throbbing dick.
A few seconds went by without as much of a reaction from her and I was about to pull out - despite still being achingly hard - but her legs held me tighter, stopping my plans of leaving her tight haven.
“You know…” She started to speak, a little out of breath, catching my attention as I finally gathered the courage to look her in the eye again. “When I first met you, I thought you were the epitome of a fuckboy.”
The unexpected sentence had me snorting, and then I just couldn’t stop laughing. Finally pulling away from her, she fixed her hair when she sat up and I did the same, shaking my head slightly as I rubbed my eyes.
Our own relative nakedness - well… mine, she was wearing her usual dress with no underwear under the damn apron - didn’t affect anything when I pondered over her words, until I decided to break the silence.
“I mean… I think I was?” She chewed on her bottom lip as she took in my response, analyzing it, weighing its validity in that gorgeous head of hers. I was nervous, but she hadn’t blew me off yet. And quite honestly? I’d do anything for that little hope that was growing inside of me.
“What changed?” Was her question, so unexpected I couldn’t help but question, “Huh?”
“What made you change?” It wasn’t an unwelcome inquiry, especially when the response became clear to me, lighting up my brain and warming my chest, spreading all over my body until I had no choice but to voice it.
“I realized I could have a future with you.” My smile was vulnerable but honest, and in her eyes, I could see that she knew that. When she threw one leg over my lap, straddling my hips, I allowed myself to breathe deeply again, leaning on the soft cushion while taking a hold of her ass.
“So, how are we gonna do this?” She non-nonchalantly asked, slowly rubbing herself against my still half-hard member. I groaned when I realized the implication of her words, knowing that the meaning paired with the feeling of her wet lips dragging along my cock would get it back up in no time at all. “You wanna do me right now?”
The brashness of the question made my eyes light up, as weird as it may sound. In that moment, it became clear just how perfect for me she really was, giving me what I needed exactly in the way I didn’t know how to ask for it.
“See? This is why I’m in love with you.” She rolled her eyes at that, making me laugh. I’d anticipated the gesture, I knew it’d take her longer to say it, but it was alright. The fact that she was willing me to give me a child was more than enough proof of her feelings for me, if her entire behavior ever since she moved in wasn’t already.
“Shut up and fuck me, Evans.” Throwing her back against the couch, she yelped in surprise when I took off my shirt and slapped the inside of her thigh, assuming my usual position of hovering over her smaller frame.
“Spread your fucking legs, darling. I’m gonna fuck you real good.” The way she bit her lip as I slowly penetrated her again showed me just how excited the prospect got her, and as I started to make good on my promise, her moans told me just as much.
“Holy fuck,” she commented as I pounded her ruthlessly, weeks of frustration and the rush of anticipation getting the best of me, and I was glad for the feeling of her nails biting into my skin because otherwise, I’d probably run over the edge of not even caring about her own pleasure as I chased mine.
“You gonna cum inside of me, honey? Make me a mom? Finally fulfill your dream of becoming a daddy?” Her words detracted me from my task of sucking bruises on the skin that was now mine to bruise, mine. I threw my head back, yelling a, “fuck yes,” as my hips sped up, desperate to fill her up, but I was determined to get her to cum before me.
“Say it,” she ordered, small hand circling my throat as best as she could, a throwback to what I’d done only moments prior. It wasn’t enough to choke me, but it did catch my attention. “I wanna hear you say it.”
Tears escaped the corners of my eyes as I blinked, the intensity of the moment overwhelming in the best of ways. “God, you are such a fucking tease…” She chuckled underneath me, giving my throat a squeeze before she raised up on her elbows to kiss my jaw.
“Better get used to it… daddy.” And just like that, I realized that I had yet another kink I hadn’t known about before her. Or maybe it was just her, and I was obsessed with the damn woman, painfully turned on by every little thing that she did.
“I’m gonna cum deep inside your little pussy, sweetheart,” I finally gathered myself enough to do as she asked me to. “You’re gonna belong to me forever now. Give me kids, make me happy. How do you like that?”
The mischievous grin she gave me told me everything. “I love it.” I knew this was her way of saying what she couldn’t yet voice, and I’d take it. I’d take anything she gave me, any chance I got to love this wonderful woman.
We came together, both riding our highs in deep ecstasy. I moaned when I felt myself empty all of my seed inside of her, incredibly excited about the prospect of starting our future together right then.
“You’re so fucking beautiful.” I cradled her face in my hands as I struggled to catch my breath, but she turned it to the side and pressed a kiss to my palm and I was breathless all over again. It was such a simple action, why did it get to me so much?
“You’re not too bad yourself, Chris.” I didn’t want to part with her warmth, so I just adjusted us on the sofa in a way that kept me inside of her, sighing contently as I realized I’d never have to sleep away from her again.
“I’m gonna stay right here all night.” I adjusted myself so I was resting my face on her boobs, perfectly happy to do just so, but by the tone of her voice, I knew she had a teasing smile when she called me an, “Old man.”
“And here I was, thinking you’d be able to go again.” Warmth filled my chest at the realization of just how badly she wanted me - just as much as I wanted her too. I was so damn ecstatic. Not even her pokes at my age would be able to affect me.
“Oh, darling… better get ready,” I warned as I adjusted myself to hover over her again, taking notice of the excited glint in her eyes, the way she bit her lip as she stared back at me. “I’m never gonna get enough of you.”
The next morning, I added a new kink to the list of random bits of information that were driving me slowly insane as I felt the overwhelming need to bend the woman that I now got to call ‘mine’ over the nearest piece of furniture and rail her until I had cummed deep inside her pussy: seeing her in my shirt while cooking breakfast.
Yeah, I was going to live a happy life by her side.
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v1olentdelights · 3 years
I Just Wanted to Live a Little
Pairing: George Weasley x fem!reader, Fred Weasley x Sister-in-law!fem!reader
Summary: The war was ruthless, death doesn't care. It takes, and it takes, and it takes. George didn’t know if he would be okay ever again.
Trigger Warnings: Major character death, mentions of being married, mentions of being pregnant, this is a real tear-jerker.
A/N: Hello loves, this was such a hard, but amazing write. :) thank you @untowardflower for revising! And also thank you @simpology for letting me write this!! Please go check out my besties page!!
Your love was replaceable. Though that thought hurt, it was completely true. So when you saw Fred staring wide-eyed at the rubble about to fall and kill him, there wasn’t a second thought. You turned from your current duel with some death eater and pushed Fred out of the way. However Fred was horrified, because he knew you wouldn’t make it. There was no way. He could only stand and watch as it fell upon you. Your pained face. He was losing a sister, and George was losing a fiancé. 
George could live without you. You were simply an addition to his life, but Fred? He couldn’t live without Fred, there in fact was never a day where they were not around each other. Sure sometimes they would fight with each other, or they just couldn’t stand each other. But at the end of the day they loved each other, there was almost nothing that could sever that bond. But you and George, well he had lived a life before you. And you were sure he could again.
Finishing off the death eater that was eyeing you and him he saddled up to your side as the tears began to build up in his eyes.
“Y/N! Why would you do that…. You are so stupid.” he whimpered out over your already weakening figure.
“Because he can’t live without you Freddie.” you looked into his eyes.
“He can’t live without you, I mean he asked you to marry him for Merlin’s sake!”
“We both know that’s not true.” you reach out your unpinned hand weakly latching on to his. “Fred, I need you to tell George something for-”
“No you are gonna do it yourself, I am gonna get you out of this.” he said with a panicked face beginning to pull rocks off of you, some too big or heavy to move.
“I will” his voice came out barely there, he almost sounded like you. 
“Fred.” He turned back to you. “Fred, I need you to tell Georgie that I am not afraid to die, just wish I could live a little first. And your gonna tell him that he should move on, I don’t want him to stay stuck on me forever alright?” He sits there taking in your words. “Answer me Fredrick, I have to know you are gonna do this.”
“Y/N?” George had asked you in the library one evening. You had been studying and he wanted to start a conversation, though he knew who you were. He played dumb.
Knowing you held on long enough to get your message across, you let yourself let go. Simply smiling at the boy you were happy to call your brother.
“I love you Fred, take care of him for me.” 
“George she’s gone.” George rushed over grabbing Fred by his collar holding him up. 
“Yes?” You answered him quietly.
“Y/N?” George had now asked 5 years later, this time to his brother. Fred had come up to the one eared boy staring at him with so much pain in his eyes.
“Yes,” he replied quietly.
“No, no you must have got it wrong. She can’t be gone, I was going to marry her. She isn’t gone.”
“YOU’RE LYING! SHE ISN’T GONE!! DON’T LIE TO MY FRED THIS-” choking back a sob he let go and fell to the ground. Fred slides down in front of him holding him together. He then let out a scream so excruciating that the kindest sweetest hearts shattered. And even the coldest of hearts broke. 
His only love, the single person he didn’t want to live without was gone. And he couldn’t undo it. There was no way to bring you back, he couldn’t say I love you one last time. All the chances were taken from him, you would never bear his kid, you and him would never officially get married. There was no way for you to grow old together, you were so young. Now your story would be told, but not together.  Molly came waddling over holding onto Ginny. Soon enough George was enveloped in a Weasley cave. No one knew what it felt like. There were no words, simply the reassurance that no matter what they would be there.
**** **** **** **** **** ****
“Because when I open my eyes this will all turn out to be a dream and I'll lose you again.” 
There you were sitting on the porch stairs watching the sun rise while holding a steaming cup of coffee. Something George never understood. He thought you looked gorgeous all wrapped up in his old Quidditch sweater with the slightest bit of sunlight shining over your face and bare legs. He was never one to shy away from telling you how gorgeous you are. But right now he didn’t think he could form words, you looked absolutely ethereal.
“You look stunning.” his deep gruffly voice interrupted your thoughts. Simply smiling at him you extend a hand. Taking it he comes to sit next to you and kisses your knuckles lightly. Resting your head on his shoulder, you take in life.
“I never thought I could have this. There is something so… surreal about this life I have with you.” He pressed his lips to the top of your head.
“I wish we had this.” you sighed, smiling. He shook his head agreeing, but then he picked up what you said fully.
“What do you mean ‘I wish’? We do have this. Right here right now.” He said placing his hand over your swollen stomach.
“Georgie, you know that’s not true.” You smiled at him sweetly “I’m not here anymore, remember?”
He let his mind run in circles thinking for possible explanations, until his mind landed on one. But he didn’t want it to be true, so it wasn’t and it never happened. Ignoring your comment he pulled you up walking back in the house.
“Get dressed my love, I want to take you somewhere.” He smiled before pulling you into a sweet kiss. You and George had lived in a small cottage not far from the burrow, but still far enough. George was dressed in a pair of some linen pants you had bought him and a loose button up shirt. While you were dressed in a flowy yellow sundress that hugged you in the most perfect ways, showing off your stomach.
“Let's go darling.” He had led you out to a beautiful lake not far from your home. Laying out the blanket under a big beautiful tree he set out your brunch. He had spent a good amount of the time reading from The Tales of Beedle and Bard while you laid against his chest.
“Oh Georgie, can we go over there to the gazebo?”
Helping you up, you both walked over and pulled out the muggle invention Hermione gave him a while back. A cell phone, which he hadn’t figured out much, and put on some slower music. Turning back to you with a smirk he wrapped you in his arms and began dancing slowly, taking in every minute.
“I love you Georgie.” you whisper, kissing his chest before pulling back slightly. “But it’s time to go darling.”
“No I don’t want to.” he huffed defiantly. His stubbornness was something you loved so deeply about him.
“Honey please, they all need you. Why won’t you go back?” he looked down at you with a pained face. 
And that’s how he wakes up, with his hand over his heart and tears in his eyes.
“Oh honey, I know. I’m so sorry but you have to go. I know it’ll hurt but with time it will get better. Okay?” You said trying to pull away but he held on tighter.
“Can we- can we just stay here for a bit longer? Please?” His voice was coming out shattered and hurt, the tears fell upon your face.
“A moment longer my love.” you resumed laying your head on his chest
“I love you Y/N, and I wish I had the chance to tell you that one last time. I wish I could tell you everything and I just.. I don’t know how to live without you.”
Taglist: @el-imaskingforyourlefthand  @aspensworlds 
“You don’t really have to. I will always be right here.” You put your hand over his heart. 
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jamaisjoons · 4 years
intro: her XI ⤑ knj | m
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⟶ 𝑠𝑢𝑚𝑚𝑎𝑟𝑦:〝 you enter namjoon’s life in the most unexpected of ways, but will you be able to stay, especially when he comes with three adorable but chaotic children, even more chaotic best friends and a bitch of an ex-wife? not to mention your own emotional baggage. 〞singe dad au.
❥ 𝑝𝑎𝑖𝑟𝑖𝑛𝑔: single dad!namjoon x marine vet!reader
❥ 𝑔𝑒𝑛𝑟𝑒: angst ⋆ fluff
❥ 𝑤𝑜𝑟𝑑 𝑐𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑡: 6k
⟶ 𝑤𝑎𝑟𝑛𝑖𝑛𝑔𝑠: it starts of super fucking fluffy, like - fluff galore, there’s a naked bath scene but like nothing sexual happens, just lots of soft kisses and touches,,, but they are naked so,,,, also it gets a lil sad/angsty towards the end, reader broods about her past toxic relationship, mentions of cheating/infidelity, then it gets sappy and fluffy again because joon is a gentle giant bear and i love him thank u for coming to this solar talk
➵ 𝑎/𝑛: guess what’s back, back again. intro: her’s back, tell a FRIEND,,,, yeeHAW it’s a new chapter of the lONG, L O N G awaited intro: her. I’m so damn sorry it took so long, idk what got into me but i was missing my babies and my man so i hAD to return to it like asap
⏤ thank you to miss ellie aka @hobisbeautifulass​ so betaing this for me ! sorry it took me so long to add this omg
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Sitting on Namjoon’s sofa, you’re surrounded by the boys as you play an intense game of Mario Kart. Rap Mon is currently curled on the floor, his tail flicking lazily as he watches the screen. Jungkook’s small body - as usual - lies on your dog, using Monie as his person pillow. Not that your dog minds really - especially with the way he’s got his head perched on Jungkook’s small knee. Jimin sits against his father’s lap, watching as Namjoon helplessly tries to steer Toadette’s pram around the circuit.  Taehyung, on the other hand, is seated on your lap, and you hold the wheel close to your body - allowing the little boy to press the button.
Usually, Jungkook would be glued to you; and for the most part, he still is. However, when Namjoon asked who he wanted to play with, Jungkook had shaken his head - his hair flopping with the action - and declared to his father, in a very proud voice, that he could do it himself. You’d wanted to believe him at first, but the shiftiness in his eyes had confused you. Until you’d started playing - and then, you’d found out that Namjoon was damn awful at the game. Of course, you’d offered to play with Jungkook yourself, with his wildly competitive streak, he’d also refused you - to Namjoon’s utter surprise.
Thus, you’d ended up the way you had: with Jimin and Namjoon, you and Taehyung and Jungkook by himself. Keeping your attention focused on the screen, you stick your tongue out in concentration. Of course, when Jungkook had requested you play Mario Kart, you’d been over the moon. You absolutely adored the Mario games, and Mario Kart was something you’d played frequently during University - whenever you needed to relax from the crushing workload of training to become a vet.
“Alright, Tigger, now,” you whisper to Taehyung. King Boo - your character - aligns right behind Namjoon, and as soon as you do, Taehyung presses the B button, firing off the green shell you’d been storing.
“What the- HEY! Why would you do that?” Namjoon shouts, turning and staring at you in disbelief. A mischievous smile painted on your lip, Taehyung bouncing in your lap happily, you shrug at your boyfriend. Namjoon growls, his lip pulling into a slight pout as he ducks his head to the side. Grumbling under his breath, “I was already a lap behind anyway,” he mutters. Suppressing the cackle at the back of your throat, you simply blow him a kiss before turning your attention back to the screen.
From the corner of your eye, you see Jungkook sit up straight - his little shoulders tense as he leans forward slightly. The two of you are neck and neck - Jungkook just a little behind you. Loosening your grip on the wheel slightly, you let yourself swerve to the side just before the finish line - allowing Jungkook to overtake you - consequently taking first place. Throwing the controller down, Jungkook stands up on his little legs and begins jumping around.
“I did it! I did it! I came first,” Jungkook starts yelling as he bounces in victory. His excitement instantly has Monie on his feet, your dog’s tail wagging happily as he runs around Jungkook’s small body in circles. Jungkook turns to you and runs up to the sofa. Placing his hands on the edge, he jumps up and down while looking at you, his face a picture-perfect expression of elation. “Noona! Noona did you see? Did you see? I came first!” Jungkook says.
Face softening, you nod happily, causing him to beam. At this moment, it doesn’t matter that you’d purposely thrown every circuit of the cup, it doesn’t matter that you’d spent half your time making sure the computer-controlled characters didn’t overtake him, and it definitely doesn’t matter that you’ve come second. No, because right now, all that matters is that Jungkook is happy - and you simply don’t have the heart to tell him you purposely let him win - nor would you ever.
Instead, biting your lip, you reach out and ruffle his hair, “well done, baby. I knew you could do it!” you tell him. Jungkook grins brightly at your praise, his entire body vibrating with cheerfulness.
“It’s okay, daddy,” Jimin’s sweet voice carries out. Jungkook immediately stops celebrating, both your attention turning to him. Once again, you bite your lip, trying to stop yourself from cooing at the scene. Jimin’s currently standing on the couch, his face incredibly close to Namjoon. Squeezing his father’s cheeks between his small palms, squishing your boyfriend’s face together and causing his lips to puff out, Jimin sweetly comforts Namjoon. “I don’t mind losing! You did your best daddy,” Jimin continued.
This time, you can’t help the way your face softens, a quiet ‘aww’ falling from your lips. Namjoon’s arms wind around Jimin’s small body before he pulls his son into his embrace. Burying his face into Jimin’s soft belly, Namjoon blows a raspberry - previous upset at losing the game already forgotten. Jimin’s squealing giggles fill the air, the jubilant sound echoing through the living room. Seeing his twin, Taehyung leaps out of your lap and throws himself towards his father, not wanting to be left out.
Instantly, Jungkook’s eyes light up and seizing the opportunity, he climbs into your lap. Making himself comfortable between your crossed legs, you and Jungkook watch as Namjoon gently wrestles his sons - their childish titters weaving together as he begins tickling them. Finally, both boys squirming vigorously, Namjoon relents. However, instead of letting them go, he whispers into their eyes - muttering so low under his breath you can’t make out what he’s saying, though the impish glint in his eyes doesn’t bode well for you; neither does the mischievous twinkle in the twins’ eyes.
“Now!” Namjoon says. The abrupt sound startles you, causing you to jerk. The only thing keeping you from falling off the sofa is your instinct to keep Jungkook from getting hurt - you know that if you fall, so does he.
However, in the second you catch yourself from falling off of the sofa, Jimin and Taehyung attack you. The two boys jump onto you, their bodies bouncing on the sofa as they begin tickling you. Your eyes widen when you feel their fingers wiggle over your body, raucous, childish giggles filling the air and mixing with your own. Usually, you’d struggle violently - but with the smaller boys around you, you’re conscious of hurting them - and thus, you subconsciously subdue your squirming body. However, that only gives them more room to continue their assault. Not wanting to be left out, Jungkook grins and joins his brothers, Namjoon laughing from the other side of the sofa.
“Joon! Oh my god, Joonie, please,” you whine, heaving for air through your laughter. Your boyfriend’s eyes soften, and taking pity on you, gathers his sons in one sweep of his arms. With the three finally off of you, you gasp for air in an attempt to catch your breath. “I hate you,” you mumble, tilting your head to Namjoon and sending him a mock glare.
Namjoon lets go of his sons, his face falling dramatically as he clutches his heart. “Oh, my love, you wound me,” he gasps theatrically before turning and flopping onto your lap. He looks up at you, his gentle umber eyes swimming with nothing but tender love. A soft smile curls on your face and you gently trace his features: over his strong eyebrows and along the delicate slope of his nose. You tap his nose twice with the tip of your pointer finger before you cup his face. Then, bending at the waist, you press a soft kiss against his lips.
Your boyfriend smiles against your mouth, before reciprocating as he tenderly returns your soft kiss. A chorus of ‘gross’ resounds through the air, the boys flopping on their father as their noses scrunch identically at the display of affection. The two of you laugh softly, your breaths fanning each other’s face - but neither of you moves. Eyes twinkling with contentment, and Namjoon’s mirroring yours, you both brush your noses together - your mouths caressing each other in a series of butterfly kisses.
Lost in the moment, neither of you notice when Seokjin, Yoongi and Hoseok enter the living room; nor do you notice the triumphal smiles on their face. Silently, they watch the five of you. Taehyung and Jimin catch their attention first, both boys briskly crawling off the sofa before running up to the three of them. Jungkook, noticing his brothers are gone, looks around - only to find them in Hoseok and Yoongi’s arms. Briefly, he turns to you and Namjoon, rolling his eyes when he realises the two of you aren’t going to separate anytime soon. Sliding off the sofa, he waddles over to Seokjin before gesturing for the older man to pick him up.
Meanwhile, practically oblivious to your surroundings, you and Namjoon stare into each other’s guys, whispering soft nothings while you continue lavishing each other in gentle tenderness. Eventually, growing sick of the display, Seokjin clears his throat. Instantly, the two of you stiffen, Namjoon sitting up slightly as you both stare at the newcomers with wide eyes.
An impish twinkle in his eyes, and a playful lop-sided smile curled on his face, “well, isn’t this adorably domestic,” Seokjin teases. Groaning, your head falls back onto the sofa, Namjoon rolling his eyes at the slight taunting lilt to Seokjin's voice.
"Don't," comes his only reply. Hoseok's eyes wander over your figure, his eyebrow quirking at your state of dress.
"When was the last time you went home?" he asks. Biting your lip, your gaze down at yourself, your face flushing with heat. Dressed in a pair of Namjoon's boxers, an oversized t-shirt with your university logo on it, and fuzzy socks; you know you're the epitome of comfy. Hell, your face is thrown up into a messy bun, strands of hair falling out of it and framing your face in an unkempt way.
Face intensely heated, "I went home two days ago," you mumble under your breath. Twin scoffs of disbelief echo, causing you to scowl at Seokjin and Hoseok.
"And when was the last time you actually stayed home?" Seokjin asks. That immediately causes you to shut up, your jaw clamping tight as you purse your lips. "Yeah, that's what I thought," Seokjin snorts. Turning to Taehyung, the boy happily sitting in Yoongi's arms, Seokjin directs his attention to him before asking, "When was the last time noona stayed home?"
"I don't know," Taehyung replies with a casual shrug of his shoulders.
"I went home two days ago, oh my god!" you reply, your voice taking a defensive tone. Yoongi snorts, causing you to despair - even he didn't believe you. Grumbling under your breath, you throw your hands up in the air in exasperation, "Okay fine! I don't remember the last time I stayed at home - and I only really go back to get more clothes. But even then, I have enough here that I could just do laundry," you ramble, a pout forming on your lip as you look away. Eyebrows shooting into their hairline, the three simply blink at you, taking in your words.
"How do you get to work?" Yoongi asks, causing you to shrink behind Namjoon. Sensing your embarrassment, he tilts his head from his place on your lap and presses a kiss against your kneecap in comfort.
"Did you not see her car in the driveway? She drives to work," Namjoon rolls his eyes.
"Damn, why don't you just move in?" Hoseok taunts - his tone is light, and meant in a joking manner - but both you and Namjoon startle for a minute, looking at each other in surprise. Shyly, you smile at him before ducking your head down. As much as you love him, and as much as you've grown used to being around him and essentially moving into his house - it was still too soon to be thinking about that. Seokjin opens his mouth to say something, but in an instant, Yoongi cuts him off.
"Anyway, do you have time? We didn't come over to tease you," he says. Nodding at his oldest friends, Namjoon finally gets up from your lap before gesturing to the empty seats. Shifting closer to Namjoon, you sink into his side, Namjoon loosely resting his hand in your lap. Instinctively, your fingers lace between his, neither of you even thinking about the gesture.
Putting the boys down onto the carpet, you watch as they begin playing with each other. It always surprised you how easily they were able to read the room - as much attention as they craved, they always knew when to settle down and leave the adults alone. You turn your attention to Seokjin, Hoseok and Yoongi, your eyes skimming their faces for any clue about what they're going to talk about. However, Yoongi's face is a picture of stoicism, Seokjin's easy gaze giving away nothing - though, Hoseok winks playfully at you. His light gesture has you relaxing, the tension in your shoulders deflating as you sink further into Namjoon's side. At least you know it's nothing serious.
"So, what's up?" Namjoon asks, his voice calm.
"We've booked a world tour. You, Yoongi and Hoseok," Seokjin says, taking charge of the meeting. Your eyes widen, excitement bubbling in your veins. A tour! It's been about two years since they've toured - you couldn't wait to see them on stage. You hadn't been able to go the last time - they'd toured while you were amidst your final year exams. However, this year, nothing would stop you from supporting your boyfriend and friends.
Unable to contain your excitement, you bounce in your seat. Namjoon turns to you, quirking his eyebrows. A burst of adrenaline rushes through you, and before you can even think about it, you're kissing Namjoon on the corner of his lips. Your boyfriend looks at you in stunned surprise before a lazy smirk crawls onto his face.
"Someone's excited," Hoseok laughs, causing you to turn and stick your tongue out at him.
"Of course I'm excited - it's going to be amazing! It's been so long since any of you have been on tour- and I couldn't go last time. But I will go this time - even if it means I have to wake up at the asscrack of dawn to buy tickets," you reply, nodding your head in determination. For most of it, Namjoon looks at you in happiness - though, he can't help the twinge of sadness in his heart.
Eyes softening, he regards you tenderly: with your bouncing legs, bright smile and animated chatter, you are a picture-perfect sight of joy and elation. He should be happy - and the majority of him is: he's got a loving, supportive girlfriend, three wonderful children and he's at the peak of his career. However, right now, all he can think about is how good it's been between the two of you; how easy you've both fallen into a routine: waking up together, getting the boys ready for school before going to work, then coming home and spending time together only to head to bed together. He's grown comfortable in domesticated bliss - and he can't help but wonder what it'd be like on tour; being so far apart, unable to touch each other or be near each other - like you are now.
"Joon?" you ask. His eyes come back into focus, your visage becoming clearer. He smiles gently at you, shaking his head at the soft worry evident in your eyes. "What's wrong?" you ask, squeezing his hand in comfort. Namjoon returns your squeeze, basking in the comfort you so effortlessly offer.
"I'm just worried I guess. It's been a while - and last time it was easy because I could take the boys with me. Everyone was with me. But-"
Namjoon begins. He doesn't need to finish his train of thought, because you're finishing it for him, "but this time I'll still be here in Seoul," you supply. Namjoon nods, his usually warm eyes dulling with melancholia. You shake your head, the loose wisps of your hair following the movement, "it's okay. This is your job- your dream before you met me. I'll still be here for you when you come home- and maybe, I could come to see you one day," you offer.
Taking comfort in your words, Namjoon lifts your hand to his mouth before pressing a soft kiss to the back of your palm. His heart clenches at your words - even now, when he's about to leave for months, you don't resent him for it. Instead, you simply step aside, offering nothing but warmth and support. "You're right. And you don't need to wake up at the asscrack of dawn to buy tickets. I'll give you as many as you want- for whatever dates you want," Namjoon replies. Eyes widening, you look at him in shock - stunned by his offer.
"Are you serious?" you gape, your jaw completely slacked. Namjoon chuckles, turning back to his friends.
"Yup! We can do that, right?" Namjoon asks. The three of them snort in response.
"You literally just ignored our presence for a good five minutes - why should we help you?" Yoongi questions, his eyes are passive and cool - but you notice the light twitch to the corners of his lips. Relaxing, you let out a breath of relief. At least he wasn't really angry. Though, you can't help the heat of embarrassment that flashes through you briefly - really the two of you need to stop doing that.
A small wave of guilt washing through you, "I'm sorry," you apologise with a slight now. Seokjin and Hoseok sigh dramatically at your gesture.
"See, now how are we supposed to stay fake-mad when you do that?" Hoseok sighs theatrically.
Seokjin nods beside him sagely, "yeah, we'll give you all the tickets you want," he says in mock pensiveness. Eyes rolling at their dramatics, you ignore them - more than used to them by now - and instead, turn to Namjoon. Once again, you drop an impromptu kiss onto his lips.
"See, it'll be fine!" you reassure Namjoon. Biting his lips, and feeling a lot more sure of himself, Namjoon returns your kiss. From the carpet, you both hear Jungkook sigh loudly - causing you to laugh.
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That night, once Seokjin, Hoseok and Yoongi leave, you find yourself in the twins' rooms reading them a bedtime story while Namjoon tidies up. Jimin and Taehyung are in their respective beds, snuggled underneath their covers as they listen to you. Laying on the large beanbag in their room, Jungkook curls into your side, his head resting on your shoulder. Softly, your voice carries out into the still air of the bedroom - you're currently reading one of their favourite fairytales, 'Swan Lake', as they slowly drift to sleep. Your low, mellifluous voice comes to a close as you near the end of the book. Once you're done, you gently shut the book.
Your eyes sweep over the dimly lit room; their bedside lamps and the star projector Namjoon had installed being your only source of light. Bright stars flit over their features, the projector light spinning lethargically and adding to the sleeping ambience of their room. For most of it, their eyes are mainly shut - both the twins' eyelids fluttering as they slip in and out of sleep. Gently, you manoeuvre Jungkook's head off your shoulder so that you can finish tucking the twins into bed. Jungkook whines at the loss of your body, a small pout forming on his face as he squints his eyes blearily at you.
Getting up from the beanbag, you gently pad over to Jimin's bed. Fluffing his pillow slightly, you tuck his blanket under his body before pressing a tender kiss to his forehead. As you move to his twin, Jimin smiles sleepily at you, one eye peeking to watch you repeat your actions with his twin. When you're done, he watches you walk back to Jungkook - carefully lifting the boy into your arms. Jungkook's body is mainly limp, sleep weighing his muscles down. However, that doesn't deter you for one moment - and after a brief struggle - he curls easily into your arms, his head finding the comfortable spot in the crook where your neck meets your shoulders.
As you bend down to switch off the bedside lamp, Jimin calls out to you, "noona?" Humming softly, you turn your attention to him, shifting Jungkook in your arms. "Do you love daddy?" Jimin asks, his voice low and quiet. Your eyes widen at the unexpected question and you blink owlishly at the small boy. Unsure of what to say, or how to answer, you ponder Jimin's question for a few moments - silence falling over the room. Eventually, you decide on the truth.
"Yeah, puppy. I love your daddy a lot," you admit quietly. It's the first time you've said it out loud - and it doesn't matter if it's just to the six-year-old boy - the weight of your words are still heavy - nothing but the truth in them. Jimin smiles and with a nod, he snuggles back into bed.
"But you love us more, right noona?" Jungkook mumbles as he looks at you with a small pout.
Laughing softly, you nod. "Yeah, but don't tell daddy that," you whisper - your tone conspiratorial. You hear Taehyung exhale loudly through his nose, and turn to him, your eyebrow quirking. You'd thought he was already asleep - but clearly, you were wrong. He's looking at you hesitantly, a silent question in his eyes.
"What's wrong, Tigger?" you coax gently. Taehyung brightens up at the use of the nickname, causing you to smile tenderly. Frequently, Namjoon would refer to Taehyung as tiger, and one day, when Taehyung was singing along and bouncing to 'The Wonderful Thing About Tiggers', you called him Tigger: considering he bounced around, was incredibly sweet, and a cuddler to boot. Suffice to say the least, Taehyung had loved your nickname - it was his favourite character in Winnie the Pooh after all - and ever since then, it had just stuck.
Nervously, "are you our mommy now?" Taehyung breathes out. If you'd thought Jimin's question had come out of the blue, Taehyung's one completely throws you for a loop. Unsure of what to say, you stand between their beds - all three of their gazes fixated on you as they expectantly await your answer.
Eventually, you take a deep breath, and gathering all your courage, "that's up to you and Namjoon," you reply. As soon as you say that, the three of them nod - apparently accepting your answer. Taehyung curls further into his sheets, Jimin nuzzling his head against his pillow.
"You should be our mommy... I like your hugs... and you smell nice," Jimin mumbles, his voice heavily laden with sleep. Taehyung makes a soft noise, agreeing with Jimin's sentiment. However, that's all they say - because then, they're both drifting off to sleep.
Overwhelmed with emotion, you wrap your arms tighter around Jungkook and carry him to his own bedroom. Already dressed in his pyjamas, and on the brink of sleep, all you have to do is tuck Jungkook into bed. A feat that would be easy - if Jungkook wasn't desperately clinging to your neck. When you unwrap his arms from his neck, Jungkook whines but acquiesces - letting you place him on the bed. Sitting on the mattress, you begin tucking his sheets under his sides before brushing his hair out of his forehead.
"Noona?" Jungkook asks sleepily - and this time you freeze. A twinge of fear courses through you - is he going to ask you something you're unprepared to answer again?
"What is it, baby?" you ask, swallowing thickly. Jungkook turns to his side, looking at you with his large doe eyes.
"I didn't want you to be my mommy at first," Jungkook breathes out - causing you to freeze - however before you can panic, "because I wanted you to be my girlfriend," he continues. Instantly, relief floods through you, causing you to let out a soft, breathy laugh. Jungkook ignores you, looking at you with nothing but sincerity in his eyes - and you find your breath hitching in your throat. Immediately you know, that you're completely unprepared for whatever he's going to say next.
"But I want you to be my mommy - if it means you'll stay with daddy, Jimin, Taehyung and me forever," Jungkook finishes. The moment he finishes his sentence, your heart grips, tears filling your eyes.
Taking a deep breath, you try to suppress your overwhelming emotions - not wanting to cry in front of Jungkook. Instead, "I'd love to be your mommy - and stay with you all forever," you choke out, your voice straining as your throat constricts.
"Then you should stay - and be our mommy," Jungkook says. His words are simple - as if the answer was there all along - and to Jungkook's four-year-old mind it is simple.
You swallow thickly - gulping audibly. "Yeah, maybe I should," comes your only response.
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An hour later, you find yourself submerged in the bath. Light sniffles escape your nose as you wipe the tears from your eyes. Really, you can't help but laugh at yourself. Just a few months ago, you were ready to run for the hills over this level of commitment - and now, here you are, crying in your bath over their sweet words. Never would you have imagined such touching words from them. Of course, they didn't really understand the gravity of their words, and their toddler-like minds couldn't really comprehend forever - yet, they'd still asked you, oh so sweetly, to be in their lives forever. So easily, with only a shred of hesitation - they'd bravely asked you to be their mother, to love and care for them like a mother would - to be with their father. It's the last one that has you emotionally devastated - you have their approval.
You've been with Namjoon for months now - but part of you always worried whether the boys only accepted you because you were intertwined heavily in their lives - or maybe they'd just grown comfortable with you. But today proved that they wanted you in their lives - enough that they trusted you to nurture and love them as a mother would - as their mother should have. Choking down another sob, you submerge yourself further in the bath - letting the water envelope you in its warmth.
"Love?" Namjoon's voice breaks through the silence. Sitting up, you turn your head - only to come face to face with your boyfriend. Concern shines in his warm brown eyes, Namjoon looking at you in a mixture of tenderness and worry. His eyes trail over your slightly puffy eyes and swollen face, a frown marring his face at the clear signs of what he thinks is distress. "What's wrong, Angel?" he asks, his voice incredibly soft and gentle. Shaking your head, you sink further into the bath, your throat constricting.
Guilt gnaws at your belly - you don't deserve his concern, and you certainly don't deserve his sons' trust - not when you'd almost walked out on them. Of course, that stemmed more from your fear of commitment than them. You were just afraid to be hurt again. Afraid to let someone in and have them utterly break the trust you put in them. Maybe Dojae was right - maybe you do ruin your own relationships. As soon as the voice of your ex echoes in your head, you shake it off. No - he's wrong. No matter what he said - you didn't ruin your relationship. He did. You had loved him - and were willing to give up almost everything for him. Everything except your dream to become a vet. Something he hadn't appreciated very much.
Sometimes, you wonder why you stayed with him for as long as you did. Though, you figure it was youthful stupidity. Dojae had been your boyfriend since high school and things were fine during then. But all that changed in university. The two of you had always loved science and biology - and though you'd always wanted to be a veterinarian, he'd somehow convinced you to apply for medical school - just so you could be with him; and in your foolish youth, convinced you were in love with him - you'd agreed. But that first year had been completely miserable - and you'd never hated anything more. Nonetheless, you'd put up with it for an entire year. Until you couldn't anymore.
After your first year, you'd transferred to veterinarian school. It was still fairly close to Dojae's medical school - but you could no longer spend as much time together. And then, things had changed. You'd given him everything - your first kiss, your first relationship, your first time. Hell, you even gave him one miserable year of medical school - just to make him happy. But it hadn't been enough. No, despite how much you loved him, how much you were willing to put up with for him, it just hadn't been enough. And he'd gone looking for more with someone else - in someone else's bed.
You'd seen the signs at first - when he'd come to you smelling like a different perfume, or when the settings for his passenger seat had changed - even though they'd been adjusted specifically for you. You'd seen it when he'd message you hours later, and when he did it was only about when you'd be able to come over because he missed you - and by that he meant in his bed. However, each time, he'd made an excuse and not wanting to believe it, you'd believed them. You'd believed him when he said the perfume was from his lab partner, or that he'd dropped a friend off and that's why the settings were changed. You believed it when he said he messaged late because he was busy studying - or that he just missed you so much he had to have you. But they'd all been lies.
Lie after lie, he'd fed you his deceitful excuses - and like an idiot you'd believed them all. But that doesn't mean it's your fault. No - it's not. You gave him everything - and all he did was take, take and take - and demand more. You were simply trying to finish your degree - it's not your fault you couldn't drop everything just to give his cock some attention - and it's definitely not your fault that he started fucking your roommate just because you were busy studying for your numerous tests and exams. No matter how much he tried to blame it on you; no matter how much he tried to say you're the one who pushed him away. It's not your fault.
"Angel? Where are you right now?" Namjoon asks gently. Drawn out of your bitter reverie, you blink in surprise when you feel him behind you, his lips gently caressing your naked shoulder. Somehow, while you'd been lost in your own world, Namjoon has stripped and gotten into the bath with you. Not only that, but you'd been so deep in your thoughts, you hadn't even noticed that Namjoon had shifted your position. Now, you find yourself laying against his hard chest, the soft of his belly pressed against your lower back as his thick thighs cage in your body.
When you fall against his back, your shoulders noticeably deflating, Namjoon frowns. "Angel?" he prods, nudging you lightly with his nose.
You take in a deep breath, "I was thinking about Dojae," you mutter under your breath. Namjoon stills behind you, a frown marring his face. Then, he wraps his strong arms around you, pulling you flush against his chest. Head lolling behind, you rest it on his collarbone and take in a deep breath: drinking in his scent of sandalwood and vanilla.
"Do you want to talk about it?" he asks gently. His voice is soothing, not a single ounce of judgement in them, and you know that if you did want to talk about it, Namjoon would simply listen. But you don't want to talk about it - a sentiment you express to him. Humming softly, "do you want to tell me why you're thinking about him?" he asks.
Biting your lip, "they asked me to be their mother," you whisper. You feel him stiffen behind you, his shoulders tensing below your head as he grows quiet. The two of you stew in silence, Namjoon waiting for you to elaborate while you gnaw on your lower lip. Eventually, you take another deep breath, "I wasn't expecting it - and they asked so sweetly - but I feel so guilty because I almost left - and they didn't deserve that. But then I thought about why I left and..." you blurt out, your words rushing out one after another.
The air thickens with trepidation, and you feel Namjoon suck in a sharp breath, "do you... do you want to leave again? Is that why?" he asks - a mixture of hesitation and fear evident in his voice. Face crumpling, you quickly shake your head, sinking further into his embrace. Feeling your head move, Namjoon relaxes - the uneasy tension dissipating.
"I don't want to leave. I... would it be so wrong of me to say I want to be there for them? That I want to be their mother - that I desperately want to be with them and you for the rest of my life? That I hate Dojae - and I wish I never met him? That I wish I met you instead - that I wish I met you earlier?" you ask, your voice low and full of uncertainty.
"No," comes Namjoon's immediate answer. Twisting in his arms in the slightly, you finally turn your head to look at him, your eyebrows furrowed as you frown. "It's not wrong for you to say that. Sometimes... sometimes I wonder what life would be like if I never met Jihee - if I'd met you earlier; if you were my children's mother. I imagine it all the time too, wonder all the time," Namjoon confesses. Your heart clinches in your heart - the distance in his eyes all too familiar, as well as the slight tinge of pain in his eyes as he thinks about his ex. However, as soon as it comes, it fades away and Namjoon inclines his head down to you, a soft smile on his lips. "But none of that matters. Because we found each other anyway, and we're here now," Namjoon finishes. He moves his hand, entwining your fingers together. Then, bringing it up to his lips, he presses tender kisses to each of your fingertips.
"You're right, we're here now," you echo, your voice just above a whisper. Namjoon smiles brighter before he bends and places a gentle kiss to your temple. After that, the two of you sit in silence, simply basking in each other's presence. Lazily, Namjoon's fingers dance along your skin, lightly tracing circles over your kneecap as you sit in the bath.
Eventually, you break the silence once again, "forever sounds nice," you chuckle lightly - trying to lighten the mood. Namjoon's own soft laugh fills the quiet bathroom, and immediately he's dropping his head to pepper kisses along the length of your shoulder.
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Kofi | Masterlist
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kindofwriter · 3 years
Pt. 1
Pt. 2 of ‘The Gang Meets Wilde’
Sorry for the long post, I have an illegal number of pictures, so it won’t let me format :|
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Now that I’ve got all the Zoscar out of my system I’m going to do every Sasha scene ever bc she’s the love of my life.
Also, I don’t think Zolf had any healing magic left at this point, but even way back when I first listened I imagined him immediately trying (and only partially succeeding) to heal Wilde. I just wanted someone to take my soft poetry boy away from Bertie!
Transcript under the cut:
ZOLF places a hand gently on SASHA's upper arm. She looks down at him, then reluctantly backs up with the dagger. WILDE stands and smooths his waistcoat. SASHA is still stood uncomfortably close to him.
WILDE: I just thought you might-
HAMID: What is your job?
ZOLF: Actually, just before, that, Hamid?
ZOLF: Actually, just before, that, Hamid?
ZOLF: Actually, just before, that, Hamid?
ZOLF: Ah, lo-, shut up- Hamid? A word, please?
BERTIE: I've got a thing or two in mind...
HAMID nods and starts to lead ZOLF into his bedroom. As they leave ZOLF tries to throw BERTIE a dirty look, but he's already back to making eyes at WILDE. ZOLF instead throws SASHA a sympathy glance, before the door shuts behind him and HAMID.
ZOLF: You realise that what we're actually doing is kind of a bit... secret, international, governmental level... So we probably just shouldn't be telling him about-
HAMID: Yes, of course, I won't tell him about that.
ZOLF: (WITH SOME DOUBT) Okay, just making sure.
SASHA has backed even further away from WILDE, though she is still pointing her dagger at him in a threatening manner. WILDE has sidled up to BERTIE and is running a finger along his breast plate.
WILDE: That's very fine armour, is that all yours? I mean, does it fit, is it exaggerating? I'm just curious.
BERTIE (NOT SO MUCH FLIRTING AS ENJOYING THE OPPORTUNITY TO BRAG): Oh, no, this is a very real representation of what lies beneath.
The bedroom door opens and HAMID then ZOLF reemerge, ZOLF looking slightly annoyed at himself for pulling HAMID aside for what was seemingly nothing.Taking in SASHA's perplexed expression, HAMID pushes his way between BERTIE and WILDE and begins to pour her a whiskey.
WILDE: See, isn't this nice? Everyone's getting together-
WILDE gazes at BERTIE over HAMID's head.
WILDE: Everyone's having a good time.
HAMID passes the drink to SASHA.
SASHA: You're all okay with the fact that this guy's been stalking us?
HAMID looks from SASHA to WILDE, who has once against closed the gap between himself and BERTIE and leaning seductively against the mantle.
HAMID: I don't think he's a threat. Let's- We'll talk to him, we'll find out-
Having lost WILDE's attention, BERTIE begins to examine his own armour. WILDE steps into the centre of the room. It's clearly not meant as a threatening gesture, but with BERTIE on the other side of the room WILDE easily towers over HAMID, ZOLF, and SASHA.
HAMID: Let's all just relax.
SASHA: Just 'cause someone's charming doesn't mean they're not a threat.
ZOLF: I mean, I was really hoping to have a debrief and actually do some work.
WILDE: (TURNING THE CHARM UP. HE REALLY WANTS TO IMPRESS ZOLF) Oh, don't mind me, honestly, I just thought, you know, it would be useful for you to have a single point of contact, you know? So many reporters hounding you. If people were to know not to come to you because you're already taken, as it were, think of all of the, think of all of the hassle dealt with. I mean, look at me! Of course I can spin this any way you want!
ZOLF: (NOT IMPRESSED) I don't know if breaking into our friend's apartment is supposed to be some kind of grand master play of showing how competent you are-
WILDE: I'm sorry, I just-
ZOLF (ANNOYED): But all it makes me is not trust you and not like you, so that was a misstep.
WILDE has that look on his face again; a desperate mix of wanting to win ZOLF over and wanting to choke him to death.Hearing the shift in tone, BERTIE finally turns his attention away from his armour and shouts from beside the liquor cabinet.
BERTIE: I will take it upon myself to investigate the good character of this young man through a thorough interview and extensive debriefing.
ZOLF forgotten, WILDE turns to BERTIE, twiddling a strand of hair between his fingers.
WILDE: Oh, please do.
BERTIE: I have a private-
BERTIE: I find that wine will often loosen the... tongue.
WILDE giggles slightly. ZOLF gives the back of his head the dirtiest look it is possible to give.
BERTIE: I volunteer for this task. I feel it is incumbent upon me to take this burden of responsibility, take, take one for the team, as it were. And indeed dispense one for the team. You know, I have a private interview suite at The Ritz that I feel might be a more appropriate venue for such a, an extended and languorous and vigorous... intercourse.
ZOLF looks less than impressed, but this is nothing new for BERTIE. SASHA, looking quite lost, hugs her dagger to her chest.
ZOLF: Okay, can I just make one request?
WILDE whips back around to look eagerly at ZOLF.
BERTIE (SERIOUS): You can't watch.
ZOLF's face scrunches in a display of grey-ace disgust.
ZOLF (GENUINLY HORRIFIED): Why would I want to watch- (HE CORRECTS HIMSELF TO A MORE NEUTRAL TONE)You having a conversation with this nice man?
ZOLF gives WILDE a sickly sweet smile that is somehow more threatening than any of his openly malicious glares.
ZOLF: However, in the fits of your interview just please try and be discreet with our work.
BERTIE: All of the bellowing will be at an indoor volume, I promise you that, Mr Smith.
WILDE (LOOKING BACK TO BERTIE): I don't think you'll be in a state to bellow the way I interview. Ha!
BERTIE: Ha ha! Hmm.
ZOLF (OVERLAPPING): Right, well-
WILDE: No one else care to take me up on the offer?
ZOLF: No, if you wanna take him into your hands then you're more than welcome.
BERTIE: Oh, yes! 
WILDE: Well, shall we say, uh-
SASHA (INTERRUPTING, ANNOYED BUT ALSO WITH GENUINE QUESTIONING): So we're, we're all alright with this just, like, you come in, you break into someone's house, you know secrets about us, and then you flirt your way out of it? 
ZOLF has the decency to look ashamed about his last innuendo. BERTIE does not in the slightest.
SASHA: That's just, just so I know, right, because, uh, seems like we can take down monsters, uh, and, you know, deal with the police, and, uh, fight our way out of burning buildings, but just so I know that that is the one thing that, like, you know, just... being aware.
HAMID: It's not a very difficult apartment to break into, in fairness.
SASHA nods at this; clearly she thought the exact same thing upon seeing it for the first time.
WILDE: What were the monsters?
WILDE reaches inside his coat for a second notebook, identical to the one ZOLF burned earlier.A moment of awkward, stuttered silence ensues.
BERTIE (TO THE RESCUE, FOR ONCE): We've all been fighting our own internal demons, aaaagh.
WILDE slips the notebook back.
WILDE: But this was after the, the British Museum? Yes?
WILDE: Tell you what, shall we say nine o'clock, Bertie, yes?
BERTIE: Excellent.
ZOLF: Mr Wilde, let me make something very clear.
WILDE: Please do!
WILDE slips a hand into a different pocket in his jacket and hands a small card to BERTIE.
ZOLF: If anything untoward makes it into the public eye that we do not want into the public eye I will drown you in a bucket.
WILDE straightens from handing over the card and simply smirks down at ZOLF.
WILDE: Well that's seemingly unfair, Mr Smith. I mean, honestly-
ZOLF: And it's still going to happen. So don't try and barter-
WILDE: How would you know it's from me?
ZOLF: Just be very careful.
WILDE (PUTTING IT ON FOR ZOLF'S AMUSEMENT. ZOLF IS NOT AMUSED): So you're telling me that if a, a set of strapping bucks and, and uh, buxom, I want to say?
WILDE looks at SASHA.
WILDE: Ladies?
ZOLF: I could-
SASHA: What? Wait, what? No, nah, no, no wait, what?
WILDE: Under all of that you might be. Who knows? 
SASHA: What?
WILDE (TRAILING OFF): All I'm saying is: you draw a lot of attention, I can't promise you'll never get attention.
ZOLF (STARTS SPEAKING OVER WILDE): I am very keen to cut to the quick and just drown you in a bucket now.
SASHA: Yeah.
BERTIE: Steady.
SASHA: Sounds good.
ZOLF: So stop it with your whole aloof, cleaverer than me kind of thing you've got going on here. If you reveal anything that I do not want to be revealed about this team and their-
ZOLF loses momentum a little as he looks over at BERTIE.
ZOLF: Deeds.
Pulling himself together again, ZOLF reaches up, grabs hold of WILDE's lapels, and yanks him down to ZOLF's height. Surprise, then annoyance, then what can only be described as a flustered blush pass across WILDE's face.
ZOLF (TENSE): I will drown you in a bucket!
BERTIE: Don't worry, Mr Smith, I promise to reveal precisely the right amount.
ZOLF: Good.
WILDE smirks, his moment of frozen, flustered panic over, and he reaches out a hand and lightly bops ZOLF's nose.
WILDE: I'll try not to enjoy it.
Without even a grimace to first indicate what he's about to do, ZOLF rears back and headbutts WILDE. There's an awful crunch as his skull collides with WILDE's nose, which immediately begins to start pouring blood, and WILDE topples backwards onto the floor.
There's a collective gasp as everyone, including ZOLF, realises what he's just done. ZOLF reaches out for WILDE's hand, immediately trying to rectify his mistake, but WILDE pulls back, cupping his hands to his face. Instead ZOLF places a hand on WILDE's cheek, rather aggressively, and mutters a few words. A soft glow emanates from ZOLF's hand and there's another click. Before ZOLF has even had the chance to move his hand away BERTIE's gauntlet smacks him across the cheek and he's knocked prone.
SASHA rushes to check on ZOLF and HAMID makes a futile attempt at pulling BERTIE back. WILDE cautiously removes his hands from his face. His nose is perfectly straight, but still gushing blood. He takes a handkerchief from his breast pocket and dabs at it, shakily getting to his feet.
WILDE: Well, that was unpleasant, I'm so sorry to have let things escalate like that. I'll see you later, Bertie. Pleasure meeting all of you.
SASHA helps ZOLF to his feet, who immediately starts glaring at BERTIE across the room.
WILDE: And I hope to see you around again soon. Yep... Okay...
WILDE steps gingerly between the stare-off and to the door. He gestures at it to HAMID.
WILDE: Would you like me to lock it on the way out?
HAMID's shoulders heave as he gives a massive sigh.
HAMID: No, that's fine.
WILDE: Oh, okay.
WILDE starts to leave.
HAMID: Please, Mr Wilde.
WILDE sticks his head back around the doorframe.
HAMID: I will happily talk to you another time, but please arrange an interview in a proper location, and do not come unexpectedly.
WILDE: I'll make sure to get a, uh, a contact time and place from Bertie. Okay?
WILDE: Have a good one.
WILDE heads into the corridor, closing the door behind him.
WILDE sighs, and as he does so something about his appearance changes. His hair is less uniform, face paler, eyes more sunken, waist less defined. The colours on his clothes are slightly less garish than they previous seemed.WILDE wipes the rest of the blood from his nose, then stuffs the handkerchief back into his pocket.
He straightens, waves his hand, and suddenly he's immaculate again. He shuffles slightly, like he's about to take off, then pauses for a moment. WILDE lifts a hand to his cheek, where ZOLF cast his healing spell, and smiles; soft and genuine and private. Then, still smiling a little, he takes off down the corridor.
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luxekook · 4 years
chapter seven.
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⇥ pairing: ot7 x reader
⇥ genre: college au with fluff, smut & angst
⇥ summary: a series in which the reader meets (and falls for) seven members of the Beta Tau Sigma (BTS) fraternity
⇥ word count: 3.6k
⇥ warnings: 18+, lots of cursing, general chaotic energy, poly relationship, a short confrontation, mentions of slut-shaming, switch!reader, dom!joon, switch!jin, sub!jimin, library shenanigans, an abundance of coffee, punishments, spanking, bad puns (jin is in this chapter, DUH), many nerd references uwu
© luxekook. please do not repost, modify, edit or translate.
characters | prologue | one | two | three | four | five | six | seven | eight | nine
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Chapter Seven
Quinn Library – 3:54pm
The end of September passes in a blur of studying, partying, volunteering, and spending time with friends. The month’s conclusion also includes the increasing presence of seven boys in my everyday routine.
Since giving Taehyung the suck of his life in the bathroom of Hannigan’s, I have been basically fighting off the seven of them for a moment to breathe. But, sometimes breathing is overrated when being smothered by affection.
Going from being single to essentially dating seven people is quite the adjustment. I found myself growing attached to them – something that both excited and scared the shit out of me. We haven’t discussed labels or anything, but I figure it’s only a matter of time. The boys have apparently been planning an elaborate first date for this upcoming weekend, and I feel like they’ll probably ask to make it official then.
My stomach erupts in butterflies at the thought, and I take a calming breath. No need to overthink such things.
While it might be unconventional by some societal standards, polyamory is simply a way to love. Why should love come with confines? With binary expectations? The saying ‘love is love’ gets thrown around a lot, but I believe it bears repeating.
Jenni and Luna have been nothing but supportive to me over the past two weeks. They even came with me to volunteer this past weekend because they - and I quote - wanted to ‘check out our vibe’. But, I wholeheartedly expect that the real reason had actually been for them to feel out the boys’ intentions.
Why did I suspect this? Well, because Jungkook had come up to me within the first fifteen minutes at the worksite quivering in fear over how ‘scary my friends were’ and how ‘Jenni had cornered him to interrogate him while Luna hovered behind her, menacingly holding a nail-gun’.
I had never felt more loved and supported by my friends.
My phone dings, and I quickly hasten to put it on silent, shooting an embarrassed and apologetic look around the library. It seems like most people have headphones in, and I let out a sigh of relief. No one wants to be that one loud person in the library.
Checking my notifications, I smile when I see it’s a SnapChat from Hobi in the group chat the boys created a few weeks ago. My thumb swipes it open, and I barely contain myself from announcing to the whole library how vibrantly handsome one of my potential boyfriends is.
I quickly send a SnapChat back of me and my stack of books in the library with the caption ‘send help in the form of coffee’.
Immediately, Taehyung sends a flurry of heart eyes emojis in the chat, Jungkook sends a ‘noona is so cute’, and Yoongi sends back a picture of a black screen with the caption ‘come nap with me’.
God, I would love to nap with Yoongi right now… Alone time with the older boy is so elusively precious. One day last week at their house, I had mentioned wanting to learn piano. Yoongi had just grabbed my hand and tugged me to his room. We had spent a couple hours together in the small corner of his room playing on his keyboard.
Well, he had been playing; I had been fumbling around like a buffoon - half uncoordinated in general and half flustered by how good Yoongi looked playing. His hands had been so nimble as they flew over the keys, crafting melodies I could only assume he had composed. His focus had been so fucking hot as he nodded slightly along to the tempo in his head, his eyes shooting over to look at me every once in a while.
My hand kink? Activated.
My willpower to not kiss the shit out of Yoongi? Nonexistent.
When Yoongi had paused in between songs, I may or may not have grabbed him by his shirt collar and kissed him. His blushing attempt to dodge me had been so cute; and when I had stopped trying to kiss him, he had pouted and then kissed me instead.
What a cutie…
A giggle draws my attention from my reminiscing. At first, I pay it no mind, taking it as a directive to dive back into my studies. But then, the whispering starts.
“I heard she’s fucking her way through the whole house.”
“Isn’t there a term for that?”
“Yeah, a frat rat.”
I slam my 500-page textbook closed and stand, leveling the duo of gossiping girls with a glare that could make grown men cry. It had before when I had to properly eviscerate my uncle in defense of feminism at our last family gathering. What a time that had been.
“Is there a problem?” I force the question through gritted teeth, stalking over towards their nearby table. I relish in the way they gape at me, eyes wide and pupils quivering, “I’m sorry. I’m afraid my complaint jar is at capacity. Please don’t try again later.”
The girl on the right gulps, “No-nope, there’s no problem! We were just leaving. Right, Janika?”
“No,” The girl who had called me a ‘frat rat’ just moments before crosses her arms and stands, “I do, like, have a problem.”
“Janika,” The other girl tugs on the sleeve of the one standing, “Don’t.”
“Yeah, Janika,” I smile, “Don’t.”
I can see the moment she snaps.
“You’re, like, such a fucking bitch! I don’t know what they all see in you. Oh wait, yes I do. You’re fucking easy.”
I consider myself to be a patient person, but having to endure this type of rant against my character - and against women’s sexual freedom in general - has pushed me well past my limits.
“Now, listen here, Janika,” I take another step forward, “You can keep talking your shit. I really don’t give a flying fuck what you think about me. But I really advise you to google ‘how to stop slut-shaming for dummies’ because it seems like you need a crash course.”
Janika’s face darkens, “Whatever. They’ll get tired of you anyway.”
“Yeah,” I let out an amused laugh, “I’m sure they’ll get real tired of me choking on their dicks every night.”
Letting out a gasp, Janika whirls back around to face her silent friend, “Let’s go. I don’t want to, like, be around her any longer.”
“Buh-bye now,”I wiggle my fingers in their direction as they shuffle out of the library.
Smiling in satisfaction, I head back towards my table. Without hesitation, I gather my books and belongings and head upstairs to the quiet floor. Any more distractions or confrontations would probably make my blood pressure pop off the charts.
The quiet floor, as one of my safe havens, is home to several small private study rooms. Peering into each, I start to lose hope that any would be available. Finally, the very last room proves me wrong, and I swing open the door and almost in tears over the sweet, sweet solitude.
This particular study room is tucked away in the very far corner of the library’s second floor. Not many people are aware of its location, and it seems that paid off for me today. Plopping my things down across the table in the center of the tiny room, I follow suit and drop down into one of the two chairs adjoining the table.
What a clusterfuck of an afternoon… This sadly isn’t the first time I’ve heard some comments being made about my association with the BTS boys, and I knew it wouldn’t be the last. Yet, part of me knew all along that this would be the trade-off.
After all, what are a few irrelevant opinions to seven gorgeous and loyal partners? Inconsequential - in my opinion. That is the reason why I haven’t breathed a word of the backlash to anyone.
Sighing, I flip open my textbook to where I had been before being rudely interrupted.
The amygdala plays a key role in emotion and behavior…
I jump a half-mile out of my chair, slapping a hand over my pounding heart. Jimin had somehow managed to enter the room without my knowledge. Had he fucking teleported?
Holding a giant iced coffee in one hand and a cinnamon bun in the other, Jimin beams at me and ignores the fact he just scared the living shit out of me. “Hi, noona! I saw your SnapChat while I was in class, and I came here as soon as I could.”
I stare dumbfounded at the angel before me. Jimin is slightly out of breath with reddened cheeks and a sweaty brow. His black track-pants are slung low on his hips, his long-sleeve white t-shirt clings to his torso, his black duffle bag thrown carelessly over one shoulder. He must have run over straight from dance class.
Standing abruptly, I stalk over to where Jimin is still posted up by the doorway to the study room. Toe to toe with him, I blurt out while still half in a daze, “You really brought me coffee and food?”
He eyes me warily like I might suddenly jump on him at any moment. Shifting his weight back and forth, Jimin hesitantly replies, “Um, yes?"
I take the coffee and cinnamon bun from his hands, place them on the table, and then tackle him with the biggest hug. "You absolute sweetheart!" I murmur into the crook of his neck, "This made my day. Thank you, Jimin-ie."
His hands tentatively wrap around me, pulling me closer. "You're welcome, noona. I just wanted to do something nice for you.”
“Well, I really appreciate it, baby,” My lips brush over the crevice of his collarbone and relish in his shudder. Bringing my head up to face his, I smile widely at him, “Can I kiss you, Jimin-ie?”
“Yes,” He sighs out, eyes already closing in anticipation. I press my lips to his, still smiling softly against his mouth. His lips are plush under mine, velvety soft. My tongue swipes across his bottom lip and— Is that coffee I taste?
I pull back, “Jimin, did you sip my coffee on your way here?”
The boy looks rightfully alarmed, “I– y-yes. But only a little, noona!”
“Hmm,” I trail my fingers down his chest, “I guess I’ll make an exception for you this time since you were the one to bring it for me.”
Jimin relaxes slightly, but his expression is strangely disappointed. I stare at him quizzically, and he blushes.
“What is it?” I lean against the table, facing him.
He clears his throat, staring intensely at the ground, “You can still punish me if you want, (y/n)-noona.”
My eyebrows shoot upwards at his offer, and then I let out a slight chuckle, “Oh, Jimin… That would be a favor to you, wouldn’t it? My baby boy wants to be punished, hm? Did dance practice make you all hot and bothered? Jungkook tells me that has been happening to you lately.”
Jimin’s face explodes in color as he mutters, “That little bitch will pay for this.”
Suddenly, the door swings open with a resounding thud, nearly clipping Jimin in the shoulder.
“Your savior has arrived!” Kim Seokjin announces loudly in spite of the studiously silent atmosphere of the quiet floor. His hands hold two steaming hot travel mugs, which I can only guess are filled with the elixir of the gods (aka coffee).
Seokjin’s eyes glance around the room as he takes in the fact that I’m not alone as he obviously had expected. “Wait, Jimin-ie? What are you doing here?” Jin’s eyes flick down to the coffee and cinnamon roll that lay on the table. “Goddamn it!”
“You were too slow, hyung,” Jimin smirks happily as he takes a seat in the chair I had previously vacated. He slouches smugly as he stares up at the fuming older boy.
“Too slow?!” Jin roars.
“Jin,” I chastise, circumventing around him to shut the door.
“Sorry, babe,” Seokjin says while still glaring daggers at the all-too-pleased Jimin. Suddenly, his expression changes into a sneaky look that makes me both want to run and jump his bones. “Well,” He waves the two coffee mugs around in the air, “I made these myself - with love. I didn’t buy that generic shit; I brewed it, baby.”
It’s Jimin’s turn again to look disgruntled, and I can’t help but laugh at their antics.
“Any and all coffee is appreciated and loved by me – the more the merrier. So, thank you both,” You say, taking one of the travel mugs from Seokjin. Kissing his cheek, you turn back to sit opposite Jimin at the table.
“She kissed me on the lips!” Jimin bursts.
“Park Jimin!” I cry as Jin splutters some sort of incoherent rant about fairness and equality.
Jimin holds eye contact with me, still leaning back in his chair like he’s the king of the fucking universe. But, he’s not; I am.
My chair hits the wall behind me with a bang as I stand, planting my hands on the table to loom over Jimin. “Do you think it’s fun to push your hyung, Jimin? Does it amuse you to be a little shit?”
I can see the moment that Jimin decides to be a brat. His eyes heat up in a challenge, and he firmly answers, “Yes, noona.”
“Get up.” The change in my tone is apparent. Jimin gulps. Getting to his feet, he stares back at me expectantly.
“Jin,” I address the older boy while still maintaining eye contact with Jimin, “What kind of punishment do you think I should give our Jimin here?”
Seokjin rounds my other side, grinning, “Well, (y/n) darling, I believe he should get spanked.”
“Interesting choice,” I murmur, turning to face Jin, “That’s what you’re going to get then.”
“What?” Jin squawks, arms waving rapidly around in the air, “But I didn’t do anything!”
“Nothing is what you should have done, Jin,” I push him against the wall, “You know better than to let Jimin rile you up like this.”
Those plump lips of his pout dramatically as he whines, “But, (y/n)…”
“But nothing,” I say and then whirl around to face the other boy. He’s still standing where I left him with his eyes glued to the pair of us. “Jimin,” I hold his gaze, “You’re going to watch. You’re not going to touch yourself, your hyung isn’t going to touch you, and I’m not going to touch you.”
His eyes widen comically, “No! That’s not fair!”
“Do you want to be gagged, too, baby boy?” I ask, cocking my head slightly. Seeing his emphatic head shakes, I grin. “That’s what I thought. Now, stay.”
Turning back to Jin, I smirk slightly as I ask, “Punishment now or later?”
Seokjin’s eyes scrunch cutely in confusion, “What?”
“You see,” I move closer to him, my body brushes his, “I think you earned a punishment, but I think you also earned helping me punish Jimin.”
A wide grin crosses Jin’s face as he glances back at the corner Jimin is stewing in. “I would be honored to help you punish him, babe.”
“That’s what I figured,” I smile briefly at him before slowly sliding my hands up his chest to rest on the nape of his neck. Holding them there, I press the lightest of kisses to the corner of his lips.
Jin’s breath hitches in his throat.
I run my tongue against the seam of his mouth, taking my time and savoring the sweet taste of him. His lips part to let me in, my tongue sliding across his. I grind against him as we kiss, moving my hips in such a way that makes him groan and lean back harder against the wall.
“What the fuck is going on in here?”
Ripping my mouth from Jin’s, I turn to face the newcomer.
Namjoon stands in the doorway holding yet another cup of coffee, his face thunderous. "What do the three of you think you're doing? This is the goddamn library, you heathens!”
Seokjin jumps out of his skin in fright, pushing me away faster than I can anticipate. Stumbling back, I crash into Jimin – who apparently had ventured out of his assigned corner. Brat.
“The shades were open!” Namjoon continues to rant as he flicks the aforementioned item down to cover the door’s window, “Did you want people to see you?”
He reads the expression on my face correctly, “Oh, but you did, didn’t you, (y/n)?” Namjoon approaches where I’m still captured in Jimin’s embrace. Glaring down at me, he taunts, “So quick to stake your claim; but, make no mistake, they were mine first.”
Shaking out of Jimin’s hold, I straighten, raising my chin to meet Namjoon’s gaze full-on, “That’s interesting. I didn’t realize you were so lenient with your partners.”
Jimin makes a choking noise behind me. Jin stands behind Namjoon, waving a hand in front of his throat to clearly tell me to stop talking. I keep going, “Perhaps I need to teach you how to discipline.”
Namjoon flips me around, shoves Jimin out of the way, and bends me facedown across the table.
“Jin,” He says, his voice growly, “Stand in the hall and let me know if you can hear us.”
The sound of the door opening and closing alerts me that Jin followed Namjoon’s instructions without a word.
“Jimin,” He continues, “Hold (y/n)’s hands out in front of her.” Jimin ascquieces, staring apologetically down at me as he tugs my hands towards him.
“This is cute,” I say, “I always love holding Jimin-ie’s hands.”
Thwack. The stinging imprint of Namjoon’s palm on my ass burns deliciously. I arch my back, looking over my shoulder at him with a half-smile. “Do it harder, daddy.”
A breath sucks in between his lips as I utter the word I know will get him feeling as hot as me. “You’re playing a dangerous game, baby girl,” Namjoon grits out, his jaw clenched tightly.
“Oh, daddy,” I say, “Don’t you remember? I’m the fucking Queen.”
“Was that a chess pun? Nice.” A muffled voice followed by a squeaky laugh sounds through the door.
“Seokjin,” Namjoon seethes, flying over to open the door and drag the older boy back inside, “I thought I told you to let me know if you could hear us.”
I tug out of Jimin’s gentle hold, straighten back up, and then situate myself into a sitting position on the table.
I watch amusedly as Jin shimmies his way out of Joon’s grasp, “Yah! It’s not my fault I get intense FOMO. Don’t hate the player, hate the game. Besides, I only heard you because I had my ear pressed to the door.”
Jimin stifles a giggle. I let out a full-on laugh. Namjoon mumbles what sounds like a plea to some higher power under his breath.
“See what I have to deal with?” Namjoon turns to me, shaking his head. “Are you sure you want to sign up for this?”
“That depends,” I swing my legs back and forth as I stay perched on the table, “Are you going to keep spanking me?”
The boy who had just unhesitatingly bent me over to punish me now blushes and rubs the back of his neck. “I mean, probably? You have quite a mouth on you, baby.”
Hopping off the table, I laugh, “Good answer. Ten points to Gryffindor.”
“Woo!” Jin cheers, “Nice job on the House Points, Joon-ie!”
“I am in love with idiots,” Jimin sighs.
Grabbing my phone from my backpack, I let out a slight yell as I read the time. “Shit, shit, shit, shit!” I scramble to shove all of my textbooks back into my bag.
“What is it, noona?” Jimin worries, appearing next to me. “Are you late for class?”
“No,” I cry, “It’s so much worse. I’m late for my weekly Animal Crossing discord chat! Heath is gonna kill me…”
“Heath?” Jin scowls, “Who is this Heath you speak of?”
“Chill, fam,” I shrug my backpack onto my shoulders and stare contemplatively down at the three different coffees. “You can’t get jealous every time I mention a new person. What’s next? You’re gonna come for Tom Nook?”
Namjoon - who must play Animal Crossing - stifles a laugh as Jin pouts. “She has a point, Jin.”
“And so does a pencil. Big whoop,” Jin scowls with his arms folded.
“Aw, Seokjin-ie,” I coo, reaching over to pinch his cheek, “Don’t be mad. You’ll get to spend all day with me on Saturday after volunteering! What are we doing, anyways?” I level Joon with my best side-eye as I ask that question, knowing he is more likely than not the mastermind behind our planned date.
“It’s going to be great, noona!” Jimin pipes up, hugging me from the side, “You’re going to love it…You’re going to love us.” He murmurs the last part, probably not meaning for me to hear; but, I do.
God, I do.
“We’ll pick you up before volunteering,” Joon says, “Just bring yourself and a change of clothes.”
“What?” I decide - fuck it - and attempt to grab all three coffees, “No overnight bag?”
Jin, who had just taken a sip of his own coffee, spews it everywhere. “Pack one,” He gasps out in between coughs.
Laughing, I walk to the door, which Jimin kindly opens for me. “Okay, I’ll think about it. Ah, I’m so late. Jimin and Jin, I’ll punish you at a later time. Joon, you can try to punish me at a later time.” Living for their astonished expressions, I wave as best I can with three coffees in hand, “Bye, babes! Text me-e-e.”
As I make my way out of the library, it hits me that I only have one more day to prepare for this date. Fucking hell…
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a/n: this is such a filler of a chap with a tinge of drama mixed in, hehe. the next one is gonna be that date tho uwu stay tuuuuuuned and thanks 4 reading
taglist: @catsandstrawberries @h5naaa @meowmeowyoongles @leftflowerprunedonut @rjsmochii @athletes-of-god @karissassirak @cage7241​ @weallhavesecretsinthebestway @cvbachacbitch @honeyspillings @valiantcollectorofsandwiches @fivesecondsofsarang @oii-f-eli-x2 @joonsroses @theevilyouknow @jooniescupcakes @expensive-grl @i-dont-even-know-fck @doingmybestalltheftime @fangirling-all-the-way-tbh @laced-brds @breeeeh17 @lpayne612 @peachyharmoney @rilakoya @chulchuchi @tabula-rasa0 @guccishookv @nomimits7 @i-like-puppy-mg @s-noir @anna-sorel @im-a-space-child @yeontanismypresident @drowning-in-oxygen @team-wang-puppy @lvvegood @anongirl007 @may114 @r-e-d-i-s-h @unatempesta-dipensieri @dragon-rider-with-a-book​ @blueberrygeniejam @wondrsblog @vi-hoshi @kirbykook​ @katemwatson​ @kawaiikpoplover268​ @amsteramyy​ @sami4life @a-feeling-of-euphoria​ @the-jackals​ @bubbletae7​ @platinum-grenade​ @bunnyboyenthusiast @brightly-byun @oofmeintheheadpls​ @sadboibts @lidda​ @goldenwidow3​ @t-mel19​ @lmkjimin​ @psiphidragon​ @jeon-joker​ @sathom013​ @lustremyg @ggsmashgg​ @justyouraveragerando​ @shadowstark​ @our-little-meow-meow @baby-hobii @toddsgirl27​ @mythicalmeep​ @asifetch7​ @kassandravictoria​ @eltrain80 @briannasthings​ @bumblekey93​ @ohmwreckr @beach-bitch-bitch-beach​ @softchimmee​ @kookoo-kachoo​ @lenuminous​ @ass-hole-in-one​ @peaches-422​ @spacejooon​ @sleepyje0n​ @uxwi​ @tellmeyoulovemepls​ @yady24​ @lovesick-heart0​ @redirect-min​ @hopetookourvibe​ @noonaduck​ @mini-coop25​ @multifandomgirl29​ @rhd31​ @yoongixvevo​ @sweetnspicy93​ @kuppyjiminie​ @love-and-other-possibilities​ @fuckyouandtheboatyoucamein @rvnchr4nd4​ @geminidrawsstuff​ @livorna​ @naajix​ @minjoonhome​
another a/n: if u asked to be added to the taglist and u did not get tagged, u might be one of the couple ppl that i couldn’t tag [check ur settings, fam!]
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hello-yue-here · 3 years
About your atla ship songs, I have a couple of questions (sorry if my phrasing comes out wrong, english isn't my first language and I worry it might across as accidentally defensive): how did you end up with the choices for zukka, jetko and yuekka (note: I haven't seen the great comet, so feel free to obsess over it, I'm intrigued now and the hype is appreciated!)? Sidenote: I think the mailee choice is HILARIOUS and the tokka one just make me sad, I didn't expect to be attacked like this😭
kdjfha;s i love you im gonna obsess SO HARD over great comet now. you may regret this
this is gonna be so long so the rest is under the cut whoops
yuekka: no one else from great comet
where do i even begin. WHERE DO I EVEN BEGIN
okay so background information on this show: it's based off of a 76 oages excerpt from war and peace and its centered around a woman named natasha (and this guy pierre but he's irrelevant to this song so we wont worry about him) and natasha's bethrothed is off fighting in the war right now. she hasn't seen him in a while but she is in love with him.
every single lyrics of this song SCREAMS yuekka to me. the innocence and purity of their love. the love at first sight. and even the melancholy ending just- i go apeshit for this song. i love this song so much. and denee benton's voice??? kljsdhflwksugf please listen to this song if you haven't already. listen to the whole show. your life will be changed forever.
onto the lyrics (i stg this is ab to be the whole song whoops)
"the moon"
THOSE ARE THE FIRST WORDS ON THE SONG. natasha and andre (her bethrothed) met underneath the moonlight. Sokka and Yue first spoke to eachother at night and always met each other for their most intimate moments under the moonlight. also yue is LITERALLY the moon so like: right of the bat with those two words it's yuekka.
"and i saw your eyes / and i saw your smile / and the world opened wide"
sokka fell in love with yue the moment he saw her in the canal. she literally enchanted this motherfucker. everything about her made his heart go crazy. and 'the world opened wide' to me is from yue's perspective. Yue had never left the north pole and sokka had seen a good chuck of the world at the point. He took her on appa, he told her about his adventures. he saw the world yue wished to see and you know damn well that Sokka would have done anything to give it to her.
"oh the moon /oh the snow in the moonlight / and your childlike eyes and your distant smile / ill never be this happy again / you and i and no one else"
natasha sings fondly about the moon and the snow, seeing as it was where she fell in love with andre. yue and sokka LITERALLY fell in love in the same place: in the snowy nothern water tribe under the light of the moon. childlike eyes: THEYRE CHILDREN!!! distant smile: this is where it gets a little sad. theyre both children with way too many duties during a world that has known nothing but war for the past century. they want to be happy but yeah, theyre smiles are distant and far away because happiness seems out of reach for them most of the time. i'll never be this happy again: the moments yue and sokka shared together were probably the happiest either of them ever were. they were able to ignore the war and the world in the moments they shared together. and with no one else. no one else would be able to give each other this sense of peace and happiness and love.
"joy and life inside our souls / and no body knows just you and me / it's our secret"
Yue and Sokka had to sneak out in secret at night to go and see each other. Yue and Sokka couldn't be together for real because Yue was already engaged, but they were literally in love so she decided to see him anyways in secret. kasdjfhklasjd im losing my mind over them at this point.
"this winer sky / how can anyone sleep / there was never such a night before / i feel like putting my arms around my knees / and squeezing tight as possible / and flying away"
these are my FAVORITE lines in the entire song. yue and sokka had never felt this strongly about anyone before and that's why they are so drawn to each other. they had never experienced love before and they wanted to hold onto it for as long as they could even though they knew they couldnt. Sokka takes yue up on appa and she is wistful and wishes she could live like he does every day: ie flying away. oh my god these two deserved so much better. so much fucking better.
now for the saddes part. the saddest fucking part.
"maybe he'll come today / maybe he came already / and he's sitting in the drawing room / and i simply forgot"
natasha misses andre so intensely at this point. when i first listened to this show and heard this song i was like "wait a min... is andre like... dead?" and im sure i wasnt the only person who assumed that this was why natasha felt so sad by the end of such a beautiful song. (spoiler alert andre is fine)
but this line really exemplifies how sad natasha is, and hints at the fact that andre may never come back. it implies that their relationship is doomed (at least in my opinion) and that's all yuekka. Sokka misses yue intensely when shes gone. Yue accepted her fate almost immediately but sokka was in denial. he thought there had to be another way. but in the end it wasn't meant to be. and sokka will go on, loving yue, wishing for her back, even though it's not possible.
fuck im gonna cry.
zukka: all i've ever known- hadestown
"i was alone so long / i didn't even know that i was lonely / out in the cold so long / i didnt even know that i was cold"
sokka is from the swt so theres where the cold comes in. also in the gaang (initially) it was just him katara and aang. and katara and aang were much closer to each other than sokka was with aang and the two of them were benders so sokka was kind of an outsider with the two of them. He also represses a lot of his emotions and feels the need to do everything himself so i do see a lot of loneliness in sokka. and the fact that so many people in his life have left him (his mom, yue, his dad, suki briefly, etc...) he is known to keep people at an arms length. i see a lot of loneliness in sokka.
zuko's loneliness is a lot more obvious: he has literally been cast out and abandoned by everyone except iroh. and even then he still feels the need to be alone (remember zuko alone? thought so) these boys look after themselves and push others away and revel in their loneliness in order to keep themselves from getting hurt. at least in my opinion on canon and also some fanon because id be a liar if i said fanon didnt influence how i view ALL my ships (not just zukka)
"all ive ever known is how to hold my own / but now I wanna hold you too"
COME ONE MANNNN, they just wanna hold each other. theyre both very big protectors as well and kljhflkasdhg they wanna protect eachother like kljdhfl im gonna lose it rn.
"You take me in your arms / And suddenly there's sunlight all around me / Everything bright and warm / And shining like it never did before / And for a moment I forget / Just how dark and cold it gets"
SUNLIGHT SYMBOLISM. zuko is literally powered by the sun. i don't think i even NEED to elaborate on this one anymore lol. They find comfort in each other away from all of their trauma. when they're together nothing else matters and i personally love that for them. they both deserve love.
"I knew you before we met / And I don't even know you yet / All I know is your someone I have always known"
these two are extremely similar in canon. many parallels. older brothers overshadowed by their prodigy little sisters. longing to make their fathers proud (granted one dad is good and one is fuckin evil), both are pretty bad with emotions. both are seen protecting others before themselves (sokka protecting suki during the serpant's pass, sokka protecting toph on like multiple occassions, zuko protecting katara in the final agni kai), the list goes on. they know who the other is because they see themselves in the other person. they already know each other because they are each other (in a way, not entirely, but the similarities are strong in my opinion)
"I'm gonna hold you forever / The wind will never change on us / Long as we stay with each other / Then it will always be like this"
i just think this line is so cute and sweet (ignoring all the symbolism and foreshadowing that comes with the last line in the musical itself. im gonna pretend this is nothing but happy) and i think these boys deserve happiness so yeah. this song is zukka to me lol.
jetko: thrill of first love- falsettoes
if you've never listened to this song go an do it now. you will know INSTANTLY that it is jetko because of the dynamics alone. marvin and whizzer are pure jetko and i take no crticisms.
marvin and whizzer are both extremely stubborn, and they don't always get along, and they fight a lot, and they get mad at each other a lot, and they are both passionate as hell, and they will bring this passion into everything. they love each other that is without a doubt, but they arent perfect and they are once again stubborn and determined as fuck.
sound familiar? it's literally jetko.
the lyrics aren't what remind me of jetko, but the dynamic itself. the lyrics are too on the nose for a gay couple in 1970's america so that rlly cant apply to jetko all that much. but the way these two characters bounce off of each other and get annoyed with each other and argue with eachother reminds me of jetko. because let's be honest: these two are the most stubborn characters in the whole show. they will fight for what they believe and it will take literally everything to change their minds.
i love jetko but i think they would have petty arguments all the time and get aggravated by one another so easily. and this is even seen in canon: they work so fucking well together but they did not even HESITATE to fight one another after neither of them would give in and let the fight about whether jet was right or wrong about zuko being a firebender. like i cannot say it enough they are stubborn as fuck.
but underneath all that stubborn pettiness and bickering: marvin and whizzer still love each other. and jet and zuko would still love each other. because even though they are stubborn when it comes to arguments, they are even more stubborn and determined when it comes to each other. these two passionate motherfuckers are in love.
(now when i chose this song i decided to ignore the fact that this song literally spells out the fact that marvin and whizzer's relatinoship is doomed because they literally say passion dies. thats the difference between jetko and whizzer and marvin because i dont think passion dies. i chose this song strictly for the bickering lmao)
and i know you didnt ask about tokka but,,,,
i rlly wanna talk about the tokka one
so im going to
tokka: on my own- les mis
look. i KNOW this song is about unrequited love and i love tokka as a couple but,,, the unrequited love in this song just SCREAMS unrequited tokka to me so thats what i went with.
eponine is a girl who has neglectful parents who lives life by her own rules: toph. eponine is shown to be tough and confident and spunky to others but behind all of that she has emotions, she feels love, she hides her vulnerability so much: toph. she is in love with a guy she cant be with because he loves someone else: TOPH
eponine is toph to a t and toph is eponine to a t. this is not up for debate lmao
"without him i feel his arms around me"
toph is always seen grabbing onto someone (and its almost ALWAYS sokka) when she's somewhere where she can't use her feet to see. FEEL and ARMS cmon. look at it.
"and i know / i know that he is blind"
COME ON. IMAGINE TOPH SINGING THIS LINE. this line is already powerful enough in les mis but having toph, a blind character, sing it just makes the symbolism even deeper. toph sees the potential relationship they could have together. toph sees that sokka is oblivious to this. toph is not blind to the truth or the potention, but sokka is blind to her feelings. im about to lose my mind over this line.
"I love him / But every day I'm learning / All my life / I've only been pretending / Without me / His world will go on turning / A world that's full of happiness / That I have never known"
i need to sit down for a moment. toph grew up in a household where her parents did not understand her. she has learned to hide her true emotions and vulnerabilities from everyone. and its the fact that toph knows that she and sokka will never be together and the fact that she still loves him in spite of that is what makes this even more heartbreaking.
"but only on my own"
thank you for indulging my theatre kid nonsense. you are very sweet and kind and lovely and awesome and i hope you have a lovely day bestie :) <3
ask me why i think these songs go with these ships
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outr-banks · 4 years
All In || Fic
(Rafe Cameron x Reader)
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requested: yes
a/n: anon, you have been served ! we need a little light hearted rafe fic, given that his character on obx is... well you know. also look at my gif !! he looks so cute i just want to cup his face with my hands and kiss him. i’d do anything to make drew smile :’)
In which babysitting during the summer didn’t totally suck. Especially, for the pining older brother.
warning: none, just fluff!
song inspired: chicken by your neighbors
(recommend listening while reading)
Summer jobs, truly the worst. Maybe if you were a lifeguard or taught surf lessons to kids it would be a lot more tolerable. But you’re stuck babysitting for a wealthy kook family. It’s not as dreadful as you thought. Wheezie, the youngest of the Cameron family, is probably the most authentic one of them all. As a pogue, you grew up with a natural detest against the kooks, but she wasn’t too bad.
“Could you just let me in?” Your arms fold over one another impatiently waiting to start another day of work.
It’s been two months since you started looking after Wheezie, which means it’s been two months and every five out seven days a week you’ve been inside the Cameron’s residence. Each and every single time Rafe, her older brother, makes your time there a little bit more complicated.
“Are you going to say hi first?” He leans on the doorframe and watches you with a smug look on his face.
“Oh, so you’re one of those boys? Figured.” Your voice remains montonous and his face drops while you push right past him.
“Sup y/n.” Wheezie raises a hand for a high five.
“Sup twerp.” You high five her back.
“What are the plans for today? Are we orchestrating one of the best pranks to exist? I suggest Rafe shall be our victim.” You face Rafe and mock the same smug look he gave you seconds ago.
“Deal.” Wheezie whispers in your ear and returns with a fist bump.
Sure, there’s a natural instinct to hate the kooks, especially kooks like Rafe, but you can’t deny he’s kind of grown on you. There’s been awkward moments between you and him, and sometimes you’ll go home thinking about those same ones. The thought of possibly, dare you even say it, like him, freaks you out.
The majority of the time you spend at the Cameron’s mansion is the living room. And it is to your despair that everyone can just relax there. Rafe casually uses his time doing meaningless things just to spy on you and Wheezie. For what it is, you should be getting paid for two children.
You didn’t understand why Rafe couldn’t simply take care of his younger sister, considering he spends most his days inside the house. You can’t help wondering that it’s odd for a kook to spend their summer indoors. Let alone, indoors with a pogue.
“Hey, Z! Want to take a stroll down by the water?” You shout from the living room.
Whenever Wheezie is in her room you don’t dare to disturb her or even knock, but Ward, her dad, insists you have to take her outside to catch some rays. It’s nice to have Wheezie, or Z as you like to call her, to spend summer evenings with.
“Where we going?” Rafe pops up randomly and takes a seat next to you on the sofa couch.
You’re surprised on how close he is, and a little embarrassed that his shoulder rubbing against yours, excites you. His eyes stare at you and you can’t help but fall under it’s spell.
“I don’t remember asking you.” You manage to break the stare by rolling your eyes. The feeling of his presence near you causes your heart to flutter, and you hate it.
“Uh- what are you two dweebs doing?” Wheezie says from behind the couch. You jump to your feet startled. It feels as if you’ve been exposed.
“I-I was just telling Rafe if he would like to join us on our walk.” Your voice goes up a few octaves.
You look at Rafe and he grins at your defeat.
“Well, okay then. Just don’t be all you know, flirty.” Wheezie shakes her head in disgust and walks away.
You mentally slap yourself at your weakness under Rafe’s deceitful, good looks.
It’s a bit chilly out. The sun and it’s warmth says its goodbye as sunset begins. The outer bank winds blow through the air. Your eyes close at the peaceful sound of waves crashing.
“It’s nice right?” A quite annoying voice hums. You almost forgot Rafe was trailing behind quietly.
Your eyes squint in disturbance and your expressions fall flat, “it was.”
Wheezie had run up ahead collecting shells across the wet sand minding her own buisness, as should her brother.
“I don’t get it, why do you hate me so much?” Rafe walks alongside you and becomes silent for an answer.
“Hmm let’s see Rafe, I’m a pogue and you’re a kook. You bother my friends and now you’re bothering me too.” Out of frustration, you walk away from him.
Pulling your sweater tighter against your body for warmth as the cold and frigid air gushes through you, Rafe rushes to meet you.
“I-I’ve been meaning to ask you something.” Rafe tries to speak to you, but you walk faster.
His hand grabs your arm to stop you from taking anymore steps.
An eyebrow lifts, “what?” Your arms cross while you look at Rafe who’s experiencing a difficulty mustering up any words.
“Spill it Cameron.” Your eyebrows pull in together and you sigh.
“You’re going to hate me for this.” Rafe unexpectedly grabs your face and crashes his lips into yours.
At first you don’t move, you can’t even comprehend the action, nor the feeling. But you give in, and absorb him. His tongue asks for permission to enter your mouth, and you allow it. A fiery feeling erupts in your stomach and you simply can’t ignore that in fact, you’re all in.
Rafe pulls away, leaving you wanting more of his taste and out of breath. Your lips are a bit sore and you lightly graze them with your hand, feeling his impulsive action. His eyes meet with yours and you can’t look away. You try to come up with words, but for the first time you’re left speechless.
“I-I’ve been trying to tell you that I like you, y/n. And if i’m being honest, I don’t know how I fell for you but I did. I’ve never seen anyone as beautiful as you, or tests me, I even found myself wanting to most my days at home just to see you.” His eyes won’t leave from yours. He tucks a strand of your hair that keeps blowing from the wind behind your ear. His words are music to your ears, and all you can do is smile.
“I knew this was going to happen, should’ve told Dad to have grandma babysit me.” Wheezie complains, interrupting the moment.
“I-I uh, Wheezie! Rafe was just trying help get sand out of my eye.” Nerves trace behind your voice and you step away to put distance between you and Rafe.
“Sure.” Z rolls her eyes and runs off to play with the sand.
You can’t process what just happened and it’s frustrating that you still haven’t found the words to say to the boy you’ve developed feelings for. Your footsteps make a decision for you, as they begin to move away from him.
“I want to ask you out!” Rafe shouts from behind you. He jumps in front of you, stopping you in your tracks.
“Rafe I-I don’t know what you want me to say!” You raise your voice accidentally with a small cry.
“I want you to say yes!” His arms extend outward in desperation.
“I don’t want to lose my job. I need it Rafe.” You can’t risk losing the only good paying job out there.
“I understand, but you don’t work on weekends.” His eyes wander all around trying to catch yours.
“Please, y/n we can just try. You don’t have to say you’re all in, give me a chance. Give us a chance.” Your arms fall to your sides and tilt your head in defeat.
The idea of kook and pogue macking seriously wasn’t it, but you and Rafe macking, that does. You can’t deny what’s going on and it’d be foolish of you if you did.
“Rafe, I like you!” You exclaim. It’s like a weight has been lifted off your shoulders, and you can finally admit your forbidden feelings.
Rafe closes the distance and his lips fall into yours once again, this time slowly but all at once. He gently pulls you in closer to him, so close you can feel his heart pounding against your chest. His aroma entices you and it’s truly such a splendid experience.
His lips detach from yours, “are you free this Saturday?”
A grin creeps behind your lips, “I happen to be off of work.” Rafe rolls his eyes with a smile before placing another gentle kiss on your lips. This is something you definitely can get used to doing.
You weren’t sure what the both of you had in store for the future, but you knew you’re all in.
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heloflor · 3 years
Mistletoe tradition
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December is a time of sharing, of fun, of celebrating numerous holidays and traditions from all sorts of cultures. And one of these traditions is the perfect way to show affection to someone special, so long as one’s partner forgets about what the past might think of the two of them.
Note : Yes I know it’s way past december now but for some reason this idea came to mind after making headcanons with “young adult/20s-30s” Dakota having a collection room; and I don’t want to wait 10 months before posting it. The first half of this fic could also serve as some kind of preview for something longer that I’m working on, though the first chapter won’t come out before a few weeks because I have a lot of fics from previous fandoms that I’ve written on paper and need to “digitize” and post.
In the first half of the fic, Cavendish and Dakota are in their younger version (“First Impressions”) while the second half takes place after they get banned from time travel (so I guess a year after season 2 if we follow the show’s chronology). And, as usual, the two are already in a relationship. Oh yeah, and it’s mostly fluff for once. Though, I don’t know if there’s a  trigger warning  or something for that but know that the characters talk about homophobia. Anyways, enjoy !
It was that time of the year again. The leaves were done falling, snow started to be expected and, everywhere, houses and malls started to be filled with Christmas decorations. December finally arrived.
Vinnie was in his memory room, using having the week-end off to dust off the shelves. He’d been gone for two weeks due to his last mission and had some catching up to do if he wanted the place clean and his souvenirs maintained. At least that last mission brought him a new artifact : a book of all the species that were identified in the Europe of the 17th century. In front of the book was resting a picture of him sitting at an old desk in old-fashioned clothes, asleep on the open book, the room slightly illuminated by a single candle.
Vinnie smiled at the picture. He’d been pleasantly surprised when he woke up and found out that Balthazar had taken a picture for him that night. Vinnie could also remember the next morning, waking up with the book neatly put next to his face and glasses, away from any possible drool that was itself taken care of by a tissue put under his head, while a blanket was resting on his back and the candle had been long ago put out.  When he had woken up, his first instinct was to look for his partner and see if he was awake. Upon seeing the blonde sleep, he had decided to try and make breakfast ready, wishing to give Balth a morning that was as pleasant as the night Vinnie received from him.
Vinnie shook his head as he tried to get back to the present, his smile never faltering. He and Balth had been in a serious relationship for almost two years now; and for the past weeks, the blonde had moved in Vinnie’s apartment. Of course, things weren’t always easy, especially with how badly his free spirit tended to clash with Balth’s stubbornness. But most often than not, the two saw eye to eye and started to make more and more memories together that made every argument worthwhile.
As he left the room and looked at the streets from the window, his mind still full of thoughts about his boyfriend, an idea came to mind. He went to his bedroom, fumbling for a bit with a box full of Christmas decorations that he took out today until he found what he was looking for. It was an old mistletoe that he used in the past to please a few flings. It wasn’t in the best condition but it would do for today.
Vinnie went back to the living room, tied the leaf to a string with a magnet on its end, and used one of his flying contraptions to hoist it up right above his front door. For a moment, he thought that he had enough time to make it a surprise. But unfortunately, before he could place the leaf right, the door opened, revealing Balth who stopped at the sight of his boyfriend.
“Vinnie, what are you doing ?”, the blonde asked, eyes on the robot hovering above him.
“Hi babe. I’m hanging a mistletoe.”, he nonchalantly replied.
“I can see that.”, Balth crossed his arms, clearly waiting for more information.
“I just thought we could have some seasonal fun, you know ? Have something that’s us.”, as he kept talking, Vinnie continued to maneuver the drone. Once he got it to a satisfying height, he magnetized the string to the wall, keeping the leaf hanging where he wanted it.
“You want to make a game out of kissing under the mistletoe ?”, the blonde was still looking at the leaf despite his tone and raised eyebrow being targeted at the smaller man. Vinnie smirked, joining his boyfriend on the doorway.
“Well yeah. We’re almost never home, and when we’re on mission you always want to keep our relationship a secret s-“
“You know we have to keep our relationship-“
“Yeah yeah, I know. I know and understand that most people would kill us for it.”, Vinnie interrupted back, almost rolling his eyes. “So that’s why I think that, when we’re home, we could make up for the lost time ! From today and until Christmas, we’ll have to kiss every time we cross the door together.”, he explained. “This means everytime we come back from missions and when we go out.”, Vinnie titled his head towards the leaf above them. “So what do you say ?”
Balth seemed to consider it for a moment before finally smiling, his gaze finally back on his boyfriend.
“Yes. I suppose we can do something like that.”
“Great ! Sooo, if we’re going to start today…”, Vinnie removed his glasses, wiggling his eyebrows while hoping that Balth would quickly get the message because his eyes were already starting to hurt from the light. Lucky for him, the blonde immediately rolled his eyes with a smile and cupped his boyfriend’s cheek, pulling him closer and kissing him. When the brit pulled away, Vinnie barely let him time to catch his breath before launching himself at his face again.
“This is going to be a long month, isn’t it .”, Balth asked after pushing his boyfriend away. Despite his annoyed tone, the blonde hadn’t stopped smiling. Vinnie couldn’t help but chuckle happily before kissing the taller man again.
This was going to be a great month.
It was a cold day in Danville despite the sun shining. It was ten days before Christmas and the town was swarming in activity between those who were still working and those who were looking for their holidays decorations and Christmas presents. Vinnie was in his “apartment”, humming some cheesy Christmas song as he was dealing with the leaf in his hands and a strand of string. He had bought the mistletoe a few minutes earlier, after Balth had left to get them takeout at Vinnie’s request.
After tying the leaf, the short man went to take all the books they had, making himself a stool out of it. At first, he had thought of using his office chair. But seeing how unstable it would be, along with how close to the ceiling he would end up, he decided that books would suffice. Besides, he didn’t need that big of a lift.
As he put the books down, he made sure one of his was at the bottom, followed by Balth’s books and then his zoology encyclopedia. He then opened the door to give himself some leverage, lifted himself and started working on hanging the leaf. Lucky for him, the wall was imperfect enough that he could make it work. He just needed to put the string there and then…
“Dakota.”, Vinnie was taken by surprise as he heard the Brit’s voice from outside and felt himself lose balance. “Honestly I don’t understand why you wa-“, whatever Balth was saying, Vinnie lost track of it as his foot stood on nothing and he fell, landing on the ground with a yelp and a small thud. “Dakota ?”
Vinnie heard Balth’s footsteps quicken and, when he recovered from his fall, his husband was standing at the entrance, his expression filled with worry.
“I’m fine, I’m fine.”, the shorter man reassured while standing back up. For an instant, relief flashed through Balth’s eyes, only to go back to a stern frown in an instant.
“Just what are you doing ?”, he criticized. “Are those my books ?”
“Don’t worry, I didn’t step on them. And I’m hanging the mistletoe.”, Vinnie replied, showing him the leaf. Balth immediately softened.
“Yeah. I know I usually put it the first day of December, but since we’re here everyday, I thought it’d be a good compromise.”, Balth didn’t reply, simply moving to put the bag of food on Vinnie’s desk. Though, as Balth crossed him, the shorter man noticed the Brit’s worried frown. “Is something wrong ?”
“Well I…”, Balth turned back towards his husband after a moment of consideration. “About this tradition of yours…I don’t think we should do it this year.”
“…Why not ?”
“Because it’s…it’s not safe. We’re not safe here.”
Vinnie had to stop himself from groaning in frustration.
“Cavendish, we’re in the 21th century and in America. Nobody is going to try and kill us for our relationship.”
“Just because nobody tried yet doesn’t mean they never will.”, Balth argued. “There are still people in this country who believe that men like me shouldn’t exist. Or that men like you are broken. Besides, the only reason why we never got attacked is because we’re hiding our relationship.”
“Yeah, in public. And we’ll continue to be careful in public.”, Vinnie replied with a comforting tone, trying his best not to get too annoyed. He’d always hated how much precaution Balth wanted to put on their relationship. It has always been a source of frustration for him to have to hide his liking of men after growing up at a time when these kinds of issues didn’t exist anymore. “But we’re in private right now. Nobody’s going to waltz in there.”
“We could have neighbors.”
“In this place ? It sucks even as an office ! And we have a door.”
“Dakot- !”, Balth sighed. “Vinnie, I’m just trying to look out for you !”, he looked away, his arms crossed, more in a self-embrace than in annoyance. “I could never forgive myself if anything happens to you because of me.”, it almost sounded like a whisper.
This time, Vinnie couldn’t hold his groan.
“Yeah, because I’m the one who needs saving. Come on Cav ! It’s not like I was the one who got assassinated by some crazy teen !”
“E-excuse me ?!”, Balth’s confusion was all too apparent.
“1252. That one ‘spying on the Lord’ mission back when we barely started dating.”, Vinnie half-explained half-deadpanned. “I flirted way too openly on the first day and some guy attacked us at night and killed you while I was away. I got ambushed and almost died from his attack when I came back.”, the taller man looked at him in shock, as if he only now considered the possibility, which only fueled Vinnie up. All these deaths were a topic he tended to avoid for a reason. “Why do you think I stopped flirting during missions ?!”, Balth just stood there, clearly still trying to process this information. This made Vinnie calm down a bit and he decided to go back on topic, if only to make Balth forget about the whole ‘dying all the time’ situation.
“Look, Balth.”, he said after taking a deep breath. “All I want is to share a small tradition we’ve had for years. Ever since we’ve been there, you’ve been pulling back from everything that has to do with us ! But we’re safe here. Nobody lives next door and all the other people working here barely know us. Nobody’s going to attack us. I- I wouldn’t risk it again anyways.”
“…I don’t know, Vinnie.”, he seemed much more hesitant than before, which Vinnie took as a sign of progress. “This is something we’re supposed to do at home.”
“This is home, Balth. I don’t like it any more than you do, but it’s our home now.”, Vinnie approached his husband, who was still standing cross-armed while clearly avoiding Vinnie’s eyes. Gently, the smaller man nudged him. “Come on Cav. Balth. Honey.”
“Oh alright, fine !”, Balth finally said, not without sounding unhappy about it. “We can keep this tradition of yours. But only if we do it with the door closed and make it quick.”
“Door closed, quick kiss. Got it.”, Vinnie was more than happy to reply. He’d get what he can get. Quickly, he went back to the books and started piling them up again.
“Allow me.”, Balth almost sighed his words as he took the mistletoe, only using a few of the books already piled up to lift himself and hang the leaf. Vinnie used that time to collect the rest of the books and put them aside. He’ll have to sort them out later.
With the books taken care of, the smaller man went back to his husband, waiting as he finished his task. When Balth was done he turned around, quickly caught sight of his partner smiling next to him and sighed.
“Wouldn’t you rather eat before it gets cold ?”, he tried.
“Hey, don’t try to bribe me with food.”, Vinnie jokingly reprimanded.
“Well it sometimes work.”, the taller man replied. There was a hint of amusement in his voice.
“And it won’t this time.”, Vinnie teased back. He pulled his glasses up and Balth pulled him closed to kiss him. Like the Brit said, the kiss was barely a second and, once he pulled away, Balth immediately went to sort the books. Vinnie quickly took the hint.
“Alright, let’s eat now.”, he said as he rushed to his desk while Balth was finishing with the books. Vinnie had to admit, he was disappointed that he had to compromise so much to keep this tradition. But he knew that Balth wouldn’t budge. And for now, he didn’t expect him to.
Maybe one day, he’ll be able to convince his husband that not every time period before 2060 wanted him dead for who he was. But for now, he’ll just have to enjoy what life gave him.
That’s what he always did anyways.
Note : Small bonus headcanons :
- “20s-30s” Dakota wanted to get tons of decorations for his house and Cavendish had to force him not to buy half the store. Cavendish doesn’t want a place that people would stop to stare at or where he could get bothered by all the decorations.
- For the first Christmas after the events of season 2, Dakota got Cavendish a customed trophy with the words “Savior of the World” written on it. Cavendish absolutely adores it.
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ashintheairlikesnow · 4 years
All That Is Or Was Or Will Be
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CW: Character death (no main characters), murder, so much murder, just like a lot of murder, no animals harmed in the writing of this piece, emeto (brief), referenced physical abuse, blood, drugging, knives, mind control, noncon touching (nonsexual), a kind of pet whump, trauma response, creepy whumper, suicidal ideation (brief, of the “wish I had a way out of this” variety)
Killan Josta belongs to @wildfaewhump​‘s Iesin and Talvos universe, which Vic is graciously letting me use with their permission to just absolutely ruin Killan in every possible way.
Tagging Killan’s crew:  @astrobly​ @burtlederp​ ​, @finder-of-rings​ ​, @slaintetowhump​ ​, @quirkykayleetam​ ​, @whumpallday​ , @whumppsychology​, @doveotions​ (if you would like to be added to an OC’s tag list, please send your request via an ask! Those are easier for me to keep track of and I tend to lose requests in comments, reblogs, tags, or PMs!)
With every step, Killan tried to stop walking. 
He told himself to stand still, to drop the small bag he held in one hand, to cry out and warn them he was coming. The woods were dark around him, but he never tripped on anything. He never placed his feet wrong. He never stumbled, or struggled. He walked with a perfect, inhumanly smooth stride even as his heart pounded, lurching sickly inside his chest with dread.
He couldn’t stop.
He didn’t want to stop. Or he did, but the want was buried underneath a deeper push, the twining starsong that wrapped him up in Calon Nie's voice. 
Take this, you, in secret steps and quietness. Walk til you see, but do not wake. I show you what starsong can do.
Pl-please, no, don't make me do this-
His feet had already been moving.
Calon's teeth flashed in the dark with his smile. You want to see what starsong can do, my pretty human.
He didn’t want to know what starsong could do - and yet he was desperate for the knowledge, wasn’t he? If only to know what he was in for, how terrible it was going to be, what kinds of monster-magic the fae could really do. 
He didn’t want to know what would happen to Ren, to Tinch and Vanya and Pyllko… definitely did not want to see what Calon Nie would do to Beron, who had sometimes helped him pack up the camp in the mornings or patted him on the back, ruffled his hair and said, you worked hard today with a hint of pride in his voice as though Killan were his own son and not just a debt-slave…
He had liked Beron sometimes, as much as you could like a man who kicked you in the stomach for eating a second helping of porridge until you threw the first one up or took your food and threw it to dogs to make himself laugh. Killan had been kind of fond of him, worked hard for his approval, been glad that Beron always asked for Killan to sit watch with him at night.
Beron had been mean, could be mean - but he was the only one of them where Killan could mostly predict that violence, and so it was as close to safe as he had been since the day he'd been attacked in town and nearly drowned. He was the only one who’d put together a bit of hot broth or tea when Killan was sick.
Beron took care of him, in between hurting, and no one else did.
 What would starsong do to Beron?
He didn’t want to do this, but his feet would not stop moving.
The more he fought against the silvery web of compulsion wrapped around him, the louder the fae’s voice sang in the back of his mind. Eerie twin notes, harmonized with itself in a single voice, soaking into the deepest parts of him. Above him, Calon Nie moved through the branches in nearly-perfect silence, even his wings hidden in the dark canopy of trees.
Buachaill del… pretty boy, you are mo ragnaith, my chosen one. My human. I am all, all was or is or will be, for you. 
He did not want to be Calon Nie’s human, but he had no choice.
His mam used to tell a story about a wicked fae who sang away all the children in a village who had not listened to their mothers when it was time for bed, using her hands to make shadowed wings on the wall, while a tiny Killan had watched and listened, wide-eyed and rapt. The fae led the disobedient children right off a cliff just to hover in the air with its awful wings and watch their bodies dash to the rocks below.
You see, then, Killy, why it’s what you must do, to listen to your mam when she sends you to sleep? Otherwise the fae monsters will take you and tear out your throat.
It was just a story to scare children - until it wasn’t.
He would have been less terrified if Calon Nie had simply wanted to kill him and drink his blood and make things out of his bones, like his mam had said fae would. What was happening to him instead was much, much worse, because he was starting to understand that it wouldn’t end, that Calon Nie had some plan for him he wasn’t explaining. Some idea that had led him to want a human boy for his very own. There was some hidden reason he kept measuring Killan’s arms and fingers and legs, pressing on his sides to feel at the ribs beneath, not counting - just saying too much bones, and Killan was both desperate to know what that meant and praying to some dim concept of a forest god that he never, ever would learn.
He couldn’t stop walking, but one hand raised to feel over his neck as he went, the bandage wrapped around it felt too tight, constricting. Calon Nie was not gentle. It covered the sliced-up skin down one side, where Calon Nie had let blood drip down to dry and stain brownish on his collarbone, but it didn’t feel like a bandage.
It felt worse than that. 
Killan felt like a collared dog.
He felt like a pet that walked on its hind legs for the amusement of its keepers. Like the little dogs at the harvest festival who could balance balls on the tips of their noses as they ‘danced’, hind-legged, while the people clapped and cheered.
The bandages crinkled, the barest hint of noise in the dark woods. Above him, there was a soft hiss, and Killan’s hand fell back to his side. 
Quietness, buachaill del. He didn’t have to hear the words spoken to hear the order. Not any longer.
He could see the camp ahead of him, the fire banked low to embers, the men stretched out in their bedrolls to sleep under the stars. The horses breathing in soft snorts, ears back, heads turned in his direction. They saw him, but they knew Killan - he fed them, sliding the heavy bags up over their noses so they could munch where they stood, even deep in the woods with no real grass to graze on. They weren’t scared of him like they would have been of Calon Nie, and so they made no sound at his approach beyond the softest whicker. 
Beron and Tinch were on watch, sitting up with their backs to him for the moment, and Killan opened his mouth to warn them, to say, please, he’s going to kill you-
“Sleep,” The fae in the branches above him commanded. Killan’s knees buckled and he crashed to the ground as the world spun to sudden exhausted wooziness around him. 
The last thing he heard was the sound of Beron and Tinch falling forward, too, the soft thuds of their bodies falling into the dirt.
Then, darkness.
He woke to the whisper of Calon Nie’s talons across his back, ghosting over shoulder blades long-scarred by Ren’s punishments for past transgressions. He tensed at the touch of those clawed fingertips, but they didn’t quite cut his skin. Instead, it felt more like Calon Nie played his spine as an instrument. “Wake, only you.” Calon Nie spoke almost gently, almost lovingly. “But be still. Time for the first.”
“The… the first what?” Killan asked, blinking, pushing slowly up onto his elbows with his hips and legs still splayed on the ground. The little bag he had been forced to carry all the way here lay on its side, still tied tightly closed.
He looked around to see the bandits he had lived with were now all asleep - three in their bedrolls, and Beron and Tinch simply slumped on the ground, too deeply unconscious for dignity. Everyone’s breath came deep and even, low snores settling in the air around them. “I thought-...” His own voice was slurred, struggling to come all the way awake even with the command. “I thought you were going to kill-... to kill them.”
“No kill, me,” Calon said easily. “Now. Hold still. Silence, Killan.” 
He only said Killan’s real name when whatever he was about to do was going to hurt. Sure enough, when Killan had frozen on the ground like a boy made of stone, Calon’s taloned fingers slipped, for the first time, into his skin.
Killan had begun to hate his name. At least buachaill del, mo ragnaith, pretty boy, my human - at least those names didn’t come with the promise of pain.
He tried to cry out with the sudden burning pain, but no sound came. Compelled to silence, Killan could do nothing but dig his fingers into the loose earth, mouth open in a scream he could not voice, his vocal chords locked tight with starsong wrapped around them. He felt the talon trail through like his mam heating a knife and slicing butter, his skin falling away almost eagerly to either side, leaping to do the fae’s will.
Only when he could feel the blood running did Calon Nie pull back his hand, his head cocking to the side as he held the talons up in front of his own face, slit-pupiled yellow eyes locked on the deep red, colored nearly black in the dark night, running warm and then cool down the palm of his monstrous hand.
“Pretty,” He whispered. “So red, with iron. Dead star, you. But I can give life.”
Killan breathed in gasps against the pain, tears running hot down his face, dripping saltwater to a forest floor that maybe had never seen water and salt mixed before. He couldn’t speak to ask what the fae meant, and he didn’t wan to. He didn’t want to know what life meant to a fae that thought Killan, with his beating heart and red blood, was dead.
“Is time, now,” Calon Nie said after contemplating Killan’s blood a moment longer. “Stand, you. Keep silent.”
Killan’s arms moved, palms pressed to earth, shifting onto his hands and knees even as his back screamed and he wept silent tears into the earth beneath him, blood trickling in a garish tickle down his sides and then soaking into the waistband of his pants, until he stood, swaying. He could be forced to silence but the rictus-scream was stuck on his face, the only expression of his pain he was allowed beyond his labored breathing.
“Good. Now, is time, is time, is time for celebration.” Calon Nie sing-song sang the words more than spoke them in his hissing, sibilant accent. He reached his own hand behind his back and then pulled from the waistband of his own pans an intricately carved dagger made of no metal that Killan had ever known. He was used to Ren’s weapons, all good solid strong iron, poison to the fae and a good defense when you hunted as close to the mountains as Ren did.
This, though, shimmered in the darkness like silver, was carved with the peaks of mountains clear along each side of the blade. Crafted with a sharply angled serration, it looked like something you couldn’t possibly need for hunting.
Calon Nie held the knife out to Killan. “Take,” He commanded, and Killan’s hand moved without him even as his heart dropped, went cold, turned to a block of ice in his stomach. The pain in his back was forgotten, simply overrun by the horrified understanding.
He tried to move his mouth, but the compulsion to silence still held, and he couldn’t do anything more than that.
Calon raised his eyebrows slowly, curious and amused. The moonlight caught his eyes as his chin raised to look Killan in the eyes, turning yellow eyes briefly to a cloudy opalescence, and he seemed somehow more a product of a story meant to scare children than ever. “No questions, you. Time for questions gone.” He drew his hand through the air, a quick sharp dismissal, and Killan felt his stomach twist as some of his own blood flew off Calon’s taloned fingertips and landed on Ren’s face where he lay in his bedroll.
Wake up, Killan begged him, mouth moving, silent. Wake up. Fight him with iron. Wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up-
Ren shifted, mumbling to himself in a slurred voice, and wiped at the blood on his cheek.
Then he settled back to unconsciousness again.
Calon Nie swayed lightly back and forth, as if to a rhythm only he could hear, eyes half-closed as his head tilted back and forth with his movements, long black hair that turned nearly white by the ends moving, his wings slightly - deeply auburn reddish-brown on the outside and a layered, striped black-and-white on the inside - spread in the small clearing for balance. He smiled, head tilted up to the moon, to the stars, visible in the perfectly clear night sky.
Without looking away from a constellation just next to the moon - Killan had always known it, three stars in a line and two more above, as the Rider - Calon Nie pointed to Ren, and said, “Slit his throat, Killan. Stop only when no living.”
Killan’s body moved without him to obey the starsong command.
His hands moved steady and sure, one to grip Ren by the hair and yank until his head was forced back, the other to draw the serrated blade across the man’s throat, digging in deep, blood bursting as though a dam had broken, a waterfall of a man’s life soaking into his bedroll, snuffled half-breaths that could no longer be drawn.
Killan’s hand didn’t loosen the grip on Ren’s hair - on the man who had saved him when the robbers threw him in the river, who had owned his life and hurt him and written all the scars on him that weren’t Calon Nie’s - until the man was dead.
Right to death, the fae’s magic held Ren in a deep slumber. 
He never woke, before he was gone.
Killan wept for him, his heart burning, and waited for what he knew came next when he let Ren’s head drop onto his bedroll, never to wake again.
“Good,” Calon Nie praised, eyes fluttering half-closed. “Now.” He pointed at Pyllko. “Slit his throat.”
Killan moved to the next bedroll, grabbed Pyllko by his curly hair - he was vain of it, Pyllko, found new women in every town they stopped in, had babies scattered through the land, or so he said - and killed him, too. His hand was dripping red with blood. Pyllko liked to say awful things about the women he saw, but he was like a spoiled selfish boy, younger even than Killan in mind if not in body. 
A nobleman’s son, so he swore, who had been banished for something to do with a higher noble’s eldest daughter. 
Ren saved me, too, Pyllko had said to him once. I could have died. You should be grateful that he’s got such a big heart for you.
Then Vanya.
Killan forced Calon Nie to give the command for each one, refused to move of his own volition. His eyes were too blurry to see with the tears and he knew his hand was struggling, he was getting Pyllko’s blood in Vanya’s hair, his grip on the blade now slick with red, struggling to hold it tightly enough for the killing stroke.
Vanya, who was cruel and cruel and cruel again, for his own amusement.
Killan still had never wanted him to die. 
He killed him anyway.
Now, Tinch.
Tinch, who had ignored him mostly as a child but had started to stare at him as an adult, get too close, look too long. Who joked about sneaking to the river to see what it was about bathing naked there that Killan loved so much. 
Tinch, who had a habit of grabbing at Killan’s arms or chin or hair whenever he wanted. This throat, Killan slit with hardly a lick of grief at all. I know what you would have done to me, soon enough, Killan thought, as the man bled to death on his side, his hand lying outstretched. If they were ever found, it might even look like Tinch had reached for his weapon.
He hadn’t.
He would look like he’d had a chance to be brave, when he wasn’t, and he hadn’t had any such thing. But there was a comfort in the idea that someone might find their bones, one day, and think that someone had tried to fight the fae.
Finally… Beron.
Killan stalled, now, fought the starsong as hard as he could, its tendrils wrapping so tightly around him that they felt like new fire licking blue across his skin. He turned to look at Calon Nie, still swaying to the song only he could hear. No, he whispered, still unable to speak. 
Calon seemed to hear it, anyway. He opened his eyes and looked at Killan, smiling to show his sharp teeth. “Say no, you?”
Not Beron.
For the first time since the fae had taken him, something dark and ugly passed across his features. Killan had never seen it before, not in relation to him, anyway, but he could read it easily nonetheless.
Calon Nie was jealous.
“Slit. Throat. Now.”
The command was spat instead of sung, but Killan’s hands began to move, and he hitched in a breath, a half-whispered, half-silent sob, his tears falling right onto Beron’s peaceful sleeping face. 
Beron would toss his food just to watch him cry over is loss, would smack him around when he took too long at a chore, but he would also tell Killan stories like his mam used to, and volunteer to take him into the shops when they visited towns. 
Killan grabbed the hair of the only one of them that had ever offered him an ounce of kindness and he murdered him, too, crying over him as he watched Beron, peaceful to the bitter end, take his very last breath. Then he slumped down to his knees and leaned over him, gripping fingers into the fabric of his shirt like a child clinging to its mother after a nightmare, and cried at the loss of what he hadn’t even known was a better life than what he was now living.
Somehow, Calon Nie did not stop him from grieving. He cried, holding Beron with one hand and the blood-slicked blade with the other, into the man’s slowly cooling body.
He wept for them, and for himself.
Then he straightened his back - singing pain up the tiny cuts Calon Nie had made, but he didn’t care any longer, none of it meant anything and maybe if he was lucky Calon Nie would let him bleed to death here with the closest thing he had left to a family - and threw the silver-colored knife as far as he could into the dark woods.
He heard it land, a rustle in underbrush, and that was all. Whoever found the bodies - maybe they’d find the murder weapon, too.
I killed them. I killed them. I killed them. The word rang round and round inside Killan’s mind, and this time when his stomach twisted he let it lead him, curling himself over on the ground and losing the contents of his stomach across the beaten-down grass and earth. He retched and heaved until his stomach and his back hurt in equal measures, until nothing was left but sour spit and bile on his tongue, until… until nothing was left but his guilt.
Thrall, murderer, fae-led slave boy, you did this you did this you did this you did this-
Ren’s flask dropped to the ground next to his knees and he slowly looked up to see Calon Nie staring down at him, head tilted so far to the side it seemed an impossible angle, evidence of the fluidity, the flexibility of fae bones. “You drink,” Calon Nie said, pointing with his talon. It wasn’t a command, but Killan grabbed the flask up anyway, sucking down the burning liquor inside, letting it wash the taste from his mouth.
But it couldn’t wipe the blood, thick in the air, thick on his hands, thick on his soul.
“Now is me only,” Calon Nie said, firmly. “Only me, you for. I am start and finish and all things. All that was or is or will be. These, gone. Paugh. No need. You may speak.”
“You said-... before, you said you would only make me put the sleeping drug in their water!”
Yellow eyes met his above Calon Nie’s patient, loving smile. “Calon Nie lies.”
“But, you... you have cl-claws, y-... you... y-you could have k-k-killed them y-y-yourself-” He started crying again, now that he could cry openly he let his voice wail, bouncing off the trees and back at him like a physical blow. He let sobs turn to wails and wails becomes screams and he prayed and prayed and prayed someone, somewhere, could hear him.
“I not kill these.” Calon Nie shook his head, and when he held out his hand, Killan could do nothing but take it and let the fae help him, shaking legs and all, to his feet. “Yours to kill. Kill pretty human’s family, I am family now. Done. Those, though…” Calon Nie’s eyes went to the horses, who were pulling on the ties that bound them near trees, ears back, herd animals wanting to run from the smell of blood and the teeth of the predator that stood openly before them. “Those I kill-”
“No. Please.” Killan put a hand on Calon Nie’s arm, smearing it with blood. “Please, Calon Nie, please, n-not the horses, please.”
Why did it matter if he killed them? Killan couldn’t have said. But in that moment, where he felt a mix of guilt and grief shredding him apart, it mattered more than anything that Calon might give him just one hint of mercy.
Calon Nie looked back at him, surprised, and then to the horses again. He sighed, smiling - affectionate and indulgent, as though Killan were a child who had asked for an extra sweet at market. “Más mian leat, buachaill del. Find other food, me.”
Killan nodded, whispering his sincere thanks, hating himself for the depraved gratitude he felt. He grabbed Beron’s sword from his bedroll - it had been all ready for his watch to end but he had never had a chance to use it - and moved to the horses, cutting them free from the tree they’d been tied to, watching them as they fled.
Wishing he could flee, too.
His eyes drifted down to the leather-wrapped hilt of the iron sword in his hand just in time to hear Calon Nie to say, sharply, “Drop sword, you.”
Iron thumped to the earth, useless. 
Just like Killan, to everyone but the fae who held him in thrall.
When he turned, Calon Nie was right there, had moved with perfect silence and speed to stand just behind him, and Killan didn’t have to be commanded to hold still under the look in those yellow eyes. The camp smells - fire and smoke and the horses, whatever they’d had for dinner maybe - were overlaid with the thick copper-salt-sweet scent of blood.
Killan would never stop smelling that blood, he thought, no matter how long Calon Nie allowed him to live.
“Mine now,” Calon Nie whispered. “Truly mine, you.” He lifted his hand and Killan shuddered, shivering like a spooked animal as a blood-tipped talon drew lightly over his bandaged throat, not quite cutting the cloth strips, not cutting his skin. The fae moved around him, chin tilted up slightly to look, focused with unsettling intensity as he moved in a slow circle around Killan, tracing a perfect circle around his throat.
The message was clear.
Killan was a collared dog - to be fussed over to set to kill, whichever his master commanded. To the fae, humans were nothing but livestock that could speak, weren’t they? Killan was nothing but a bit of skin with a puzzling habit of having opinions.
“Don’t-” His voice caught, and Calon Nie’s talon came to a stop, just beneath his ear, pressed lightly against his pulse. A trickle of blood ran down to soak into the bandages. “Please,” he whispered. “Please don’t make me kill anyone else.”
“Not worry,” Calon Nie whispered, opening his hand to rest the palm of it against the back of Killan’s neck, bloody taloned twisting and playing with his hair until he thought he might throw up all over again, even though he had nothing left. “Not you, next time.”
Killan’s eyes closed, trying to hide the tears that escaped anyway, the new wash of fear. “N-next ti-... ti-time?” He managed, his voice shaking so badly he could barely get out the words.
Calon Nie went up on his toes, his breath hot against Killan’s ear. “Next time, I kill, for you.”
“I-I don’t n-n-need anyone to, to die for me,” Killan protested, in a hitching half-sobbed whimper. How did he have so many tears in him? It felt like he would never stop crying. 
He tried to open his eyes, only to see the men he had murdered with his own hands, and had to close them again. When he broke out in sobs this time, Calon Nie bundled him close, held him in a tight grip with those heavily muscled arms, and petted through his hair with his bloody talons.
Where a bit of Killan’s blood touched his skin, Calon Nie hissed against a faint burn.
“Calm, calm, calm,” Calon Nie sing-songed, soothing and soft. “Calm, calm, my pretty. Did well for your Calon Nie, yes? Did well for me?”
He was a murderer. He had blood on his hands. He had taken men’s lives while they slept, like a coward, like a monster, like a thrall.
“Pretty boy, answer me,” Calon Nie said.
I am the children the fae threw off the cliff, but you won’t let me go far enough to escape you, not even if I died.
Killan hitched in breath, tried to find his voice where it had fled this time, deep within his chest where he knew their lives would stay wrapped up in him, wreckage and ruin, his own fault for being alone in the woods near the mountains. “Yes,” He said, miserable. “Yes. I d-did what you-... what you, gods, what you s-s-said-”
“Good. Good human.” Calon Nie hummed, nuzzling his nose against the side of Killan’s face, sharp teeth entirely too close to the veins in his neck. Killan kept his eyes closed, ground his teeth together, and hoped - for one long drawn-out moment - that Calon Nie would kill him, too, so he wouldn’t have to live like this.
After a long silence, Calon Nie pulled away from him, taking his scent of something metallic and wild with him, and Killan felt the pain in his back all at once, as though the adrenaline and guilt had dampened what he could feel. 
Calon Nie smiled at the way Killan whined at the pain.
“Get used to,” He advised. “Back must hurt, for now, all time.”
“What? Wh-why?” Killan looked at the fae, whose eyes had gone back to the stars above their heads, basking in the faint silvery light, in the song he swore he could hear but Killan heard nothing but the beat of his own heart.
Even the birds were silent in the trees.
Even the forest knew when monsters walked.
Calon Nie did not open his eyes when he said, in a voice of perfect bliss, “To ready you for wings, mo ragnaith.”
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ugh-supersoldiers · 4 years
It Won’t Be Long
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Characters: Bucky x reader
Summary: Somehow distance is everything as much as it is nothing at all when it comes to the love you have for Bucky Barnes.
Warnings: Angst & fluff, really bittersweet (but there will likely be a part two that’s allllll fluff), this is a fic about Bucky and the reader dealing with being separated during social distancing so if that’s triggering please don’t read!
Words: 2314
A/N: This is for everyone missin’ someone while in social distancing who might need a little reminder that it won’t last forever (and for anyone who just loves some good ol fashioned bucky barnes charm). I’ve seen so much longing on my dash and I just want to say, I feel you, I love you, you will get through this, you will see the ones you love again. I wish everyone health and wellbeing.
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Missing someone is hard, even when it’s necessary.
Keep yourself away from everyone, at least six feet apart at all times. Stay in your own place of residence, don’t pay a physical visit to anyone under any circumstances. Avoid any kind of contact with anyone especially those outside of your immediate household for all reasons unless urgent.
Quarentine. You knew it wouldn’t be easy, you’d anticipated it; emotionally prepared for it, but longing for the presense of someone you love simply can’t be rehearsed into familiarity.
Longing inters like you smoke; licking up the walls and permeating even your most primive and forgotten senses until it renders itself all comsuming; suffocating, and in a twist of cruel irony it will scorch the safety of the very fire it specters. 
Longing turns loving someone into torment.
Bucky Barnes. It had been months since you’d been with him.
You had phonecalls, and videochats, and texting, but it could never match up to his physical presense. It’s amazing the things about someone you realize you took for granted when you’re forced into separation.
Even so much as being in the same room as him felt like something you should have thanked god for at the time.
You’d wanted so desperately to be able to stay with him, to have him live in your apartment with you until social distancing laws were lifted, and that was almost an option - until it wasn’t.
Bucky’s anatomy rendered him in no serious danger of infection, and knowing this as soon as ‘quarentine’ entered his ears he had reached out to every medical facility around to see how he could help. The answers mostly consisted of small routine jobs that doctors and nurses struggled to find the time for, until one really struck him: let us use your biological makeup to see if it helps us solve puzzle of vaccine development.
He’d never signed on to something so quickly in his life.
“My soldier,” You’d laughed, “Always fighting for what’s right, even when it’s not his war.”
“It’s everyone’s war, doll. I’m just doing my part, like everyone else.” He’d replied.
It was true, Bucky would recover quickly from the virus in the extremely rare case that he were to contract it at all, but his work on the vaccine didn’t make him invulnerable to being a carrier and he refused to risk your life in the process of trying to help save so many.
And so, you had spent your time in your apartmen and he at the compound unless at a medical facility being poked and prodded for the sake of humanity. 
It was ungodly early in the morning, nearly three. Far too early to be making a video call, but the world had come to a screeching hault months ago and since then time didn’t seem to matter all that much. And you knew for a fact that he’d still be awake.
You sipped at the tea in your mug as you sat on your bed, reaching for your phone. Your finger hovered over his contact for a moment, a last hesitation as you wondered if perhaps he was sleeping, but it didn’t stop you.
He answered after a single ring.
“I know it’s stupidly early, but I miss you so much and I don’t know what to do with myself because of it.” You whispered immediately, knowing there was little point in offering a salutation.
You could see his face illuminated by the light of his phone screen as he sat cross legged on his bed. His hair was tied back, but a few stray pieces had fallen back onto his face. He looked to be wearing a sweater. It was a soft green. He looked perfect.
“I wasn’t sleeping (Y/N), don’t worry,” He said, “I miss you too, like you wouldn’t believe but it won’t be long now, I promise.” 
He tried his best to reassure you, but you both knew he couldn’t really make that promise. There was no guarentee how much more time would pass until you could be together again.
“I hate this, I can’t do it anymore. I feel like I’m losing my mind.”
You were sitting with your covers pulled over your shoulders, sometimes bring a mug to your lips to sip at it. The warm glow of the fairy lights that you’d wrapped around your bedframe gave romantic definition to your features. He could swear he’d never seen something more beautiful in his life, but he thought that every single time he’d been able to see your face since he last saw it in person.
“You’re not going crazy, I would’ve told you by know if you were.” He winked.
The small laugh he earned from you made him smile, even if he could hear the subtly of the tears you were fighting.
“I love you, (Y/N). This is hard, baby, but you have to stay safe for me. We’ll make it, I know we will.”
“I know, Buck. I just feel like a piece of me missing when you’re not around.”
A tear had finally fallen from your waterline and onto your cheek. You quickly wiped it away in hopes he wouldn’t notice. He did.
His face read as if he was in physical agony. He couldn’t stand seeing you like this, but he knew there was nothing he could do other than try his best to make sure you knew he loved you, he missed you, and that this wouldn’t last forever.
“Just think about how great it’ll be when we see each other again.” He whispered, abandoning the crease in his brow in exchange for a small smile.
“It hurts to think about that.” You admitted, trying to swallow the lump in your throat.
You’d purposefully tried your best not to think about it too much for that reason, in fact.
“Maybe, but it’s something to look forward to isn’t it?” He pondered, “This feels like forever, but it isn’t. We’re guarenteed to have that moment someday, so why not imagine it? It’s better than this, baby.”
You stared at him in complete awe for a moment as you remembered the man you’d met years ago. The one who couldn’t even so much as bare eye contact with someone for more than a second before looking away, or handle even the lighted touch. That same man, after so much perseverance and growth, was now explaining to you the benefit of looking forward to life’s guarenteed happy moments.
“I’m so proud of you, Buck.”
“What?” He chucked, running a hand down his face in amusement, “Not that I don’t love it when you kiss my ass, but where’d that come from, doll?”
“I’m not kissing your ass, Barnes,” You chided playfully, “I’m telling you the truth. You’ve come a long way from the person you were when you got out. I love you, and I’m amazed by you.”
‘Got out’ he knew meant escaped Hydra’s grasp. You were right, he’d gone through quite the change since then.
“What’s that saying - ‘behind every strong man’..?” He started, raising an eyebrow at you to finish it.
“‘There’s probably a woman nagging him to make dinner for once’.”
Now this really makes him laugh. You watched as his nose scrunched and the crinkles in the corners of his eyes perk up. That’s the laugh you fell for.
“Okay you know for a fact that’s not it, doll. And, I’ll have you know, in the last few weeks I’ve been forced to learn how to cook better since the only other choice is starve.” He quipped, seemingly rather confident in his new found skillset.
“I’ll believe it when I see it.”
“Guess I’ll have to show you in person.”
“Yeah...” You muttered daftly as the mention of being with him again came to fruition once more.
“It’ll be amazing.” He said almost dreamily as he closed his eyes, thinking to himself about the ordeal of you being in his arms after so long. He craved you like nothing else.
“Don’t get too full of yourself,” You giggled, “A few months is hardly enough time to match my culinary ability-”
“I meant seein’ you again, baby.”
Apparently ‘oh’ was the best answer you could come up with.
“Entertain me for a minute?” He asked you, cocking his head to the side with that signature lopsided smile of his. Bucky knew very well you could never say no to that, even if it was a topic you’d be entirely avoiding.
“Lay it on me, Romeo.” You rolled your eyes, but he knew you secretly wanted to hear what he would tell you just as much as he wanted to say it, even at the risk of bittersweetness.
“Whenever they lift the distancing rules, I don’t care what you’re doing, I don’t care what time it is, I don’t care where you are-”
“It’s a pretty safe bet I’ll be here.”
“Would you let me finish?” He chuckled playfully at your interjection.
You had a habit of seeing humour as an escape, and he knew that this was no exception. He was grateful. If you were joking around and being playful with him, at least it meant you weren’t crying anymore.
“Alright, alright.” You relented, opting to drink your tea and listen to him intently.
“My point is: the moment I’m able to see you again, I will run to you. If there’s a promise I know I can make to you, it’s that. You are my whole heart, doll. Nothing can change that, not distance, not a pandemic, not even your snoring-”
“I do not snore!”
“You absolutely do and I’m not done, you little punk.” He snorted before deciding it was time to leave all joking prods aside, “Baby, I love you. I love you so much that I go to sleep thinking about the next time I can see your pretty face, and I wake up with the same thing on my mind because you give me so much joy. I can’t wait to feel you in my atmosphere, and to hold you in my arms again, and to kiss you - god - doll, I miss kissing you more than anything in the world,”
Bucky had come a long way since you met him, yes, but he did still struggle with being emotive sometimes. Saying all of these things to you so directly was a huge deal for him. You knew better than anyone else that he must mean every single word.
“And the only reason I’m still sane is because I know that I’ll get the chance to soon. I don’t know when, but I know for sure that I will. I’ll wait for you, and you’ll wait for me... and that gives me the incentive I need to keep going everyday.” He offered you a sweet smile, which you returned immediately.
You sighed, entirely lovesick.
“You’re a wonder, James Barnes.”
“Oh, (Y/N)- The first name, really?” He couldn’t help but to laugh, even while fighting of a toe curling cringe.
“What? I haven’t seen you in ages - and you know it’s torture not being able to kiss you senseless after that display of your undying love for me - and you expect me not to lighten the mood?”
He watched you raise your mug to your lips, the lips he missed so dearly. There was a glint of mischeif in your eye, the one that made him fall in love with you in the first place.
“Honestly, I don’t know how I could’ve expected anything else.” He laughed, still trying his best to read your face to see if your absorbed what he was saying.
“It’s not easy for me to deal with indefinite timelines,” You admitted, looking at the wall of your bedroom in the distance, “But you know that already. I feel this torturous sense of longing for you in my bones, and knowing that it’s going to stay there for god knows how much longer...”
“I know, doll. Trust me, I know.” He told you.
“Uncertain reunion dates in the future aside, what I can say for sure is that I have the world’s kindest, bravest, most prolific altruist for a boyfriend, and knowing that you’re not only safe but offering yourself up for the sake of others like you are-” You stopped for a moment, desperately trying to not get choked up, “It gives me so much hope.”
When he heard that, he knew you’d gotten the message. It was about finding incentives that gave you hope, that allowed you happiness in moments of forlorn longing.
“Well, shucks.” 
Bucky heard you snort in reply to his witticism. He closed his eyes and smiled, truely embracing what you’d said to him. All he ever wanted was to do right by the world; to give back to it. He’d gotten the biggest second chance in recorded history, and he’d be damned if he didn’t make the most of it. Knowing you not only saw the work he put in, but that you were proud of him for it? It made him absolutely melt.
“I’m incessantly in love with you and everything you are.” You said with no chastizing mention of his first name this time.
“I love you too, (Y/N). So much.”
You hummed for a moment, and Bucky tried to decipher if you were doing it out of contentment or if you were thinking.
“You miss kissing me, huh..?”
Thinking. It had definitely been thinking. And by the delish tone of your voice and look on your face Bucky saw when he opened his eyes, it was nothing all too innocent.
You circled the rim of your mug with your finger, drawing out your next words languidly and elicited a low groan from him.
“How about you tell me what else you miss, baby?”
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axwalker · 4 years
Tears in Heaven 10: Endings
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Synopsis: Alexis O’Brien is about to get married but memories of her old life are coming back to haunt her.
Pairings:  Drake x MC (TRR)
Warnings:  NO ONE UNDER 18 should read this story. This is an 18+ blog.
Mention of child death, mention of depression, grieving
N*FW content!
A/N:  There will be a small epilogue next week, but this is the official ENDING.
I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it.
Thank you so much to all the people that read it, shared it and commented it. Every single like, reblog or comment gave me life! ❤️ ❤️ ❤️
@mskaneko​ Thank you for all your amazing insights when you read and your incredibly inspiring edits and mood boards. You’re one of a kind!
@pedudley​ Thank you for pre-reading every chapter and being such a great, supportive friend. Your feedback meant a lot/
@burnsoslow​ The MVP of this whole thing!!  I was so stuck before your brilliant book idea!! Thank you for that and for the hours and hours (and hours) of editing!! Without you I would’ve never been able to write this fic. You’re an amazing friend and human being. THANK YOU FOR ALL YOUR HELP.
To catch up: Masterlist
Disclaimer: All characters belong to Pixelberry. The edit at the end of this fic belongs to the talented @mskaneko​
Word count: 7 697 (!!!)
Songs inspiration: Tears in heaven by Eric Clapton
Tagging: @ao719​  @yukinagato2012​ @texaskitten30​ @kingliam2019​ @cordonia-gothqueen​ @bebepac​ @nomadics-stuff​ @cordonianroyalty​ @forthebrokenheartedthings​ @bascmve01​ @gibbles82​ @mom2000aggie​ @gardeningourmet​
Perma: @burnsoslow​ @mskaneko​ @mskaneko​ @pedudley​ @pug-bitch​ @ac27dj​ @twinkle-320​ @kimmiedoo5​  @marshmallowsandfire​  @loveellamae​ @debramcg1106​ @marshmallowsaremyfavorite​  @ravenpuff02​ @princessleac1​ @ritachacha​ @drake-colt-lover-99​
Liam woke up feeling restless. He rolled over in bed, trying to get a few minutes of sleep, but guessed it would be useless. Before taking a long hot shower, Liam called the kitchens so they’d bring him a large jug of strong coffee with his breakfast - he would need it to get through the day. Thirty minutes later, he was sitting on the balcony of his room at Valtoria, sipping his second cup of coffee of the morning and thinking about his fiancée. More than the conversation he had had with Alexis two days prior, it was the one he and his brother had shared the previous afternoon that he was obsessing over.
Since he had met her, he had been head over heels for Alexis. However, even if his love for her was undeniable, the real question was if they were right for each other. Reluctantly, Liam had to admit that he barely recognized himself in the jealous, controlling, manipulative man he had become. And as tempted as he was to blame Drake and his return for the demise of their relationship, deep down, he knew something else was profoundly wrong with them.
Leo was right: He didn’t trust Alexis. Liam wanted to, desperately, but he just couldn’t. The memory of the day he had found her almost dead on her bed still haunted him. Liam had never really gotten over it.
Alexis entered their room and saw Liam sitting with his paper and sipping coffee, lost in his thoughts. Earlier that morning, when she had left Drake’s cabin, she had done so convinced that the only right decision was to marry Liam. However, standing there and watching him, her own words resonated in her head. Liam deserved better. And he did; he deserved better than a life with a woman that would never be able to fully love him. Neither of them would ever be happy if they went ahead with their wedding.
Alexis was scared -- terrified -- of loving Drake again, of facing her grief, but hiding behind Liam couldn’t wouldn’t, be the solution anymore.
“Hi, Li,” she said, sitting on the chair next to him.
“Love.” Liam saw her sad expression and instinctively knew what she was about to tell him.
Alexis hugged herself and took a sharp breath, trying to gather some courage. Her eyes watered as she tried to get the words out. “I’m sorry, Liam.”
Liam’s hand gripped his cup of coffee. “You’re calling off the engagement.”
“I … I wasn’t planning to do it,” she sobbed. “But the more I think about it, the more I realize I’m not good for you, Liam.”
Despite his best efforts, a cold rage overpowered him. “Do not pretend that this has nothing to do with Drake, Alexis.”
“I’m not going to lie. Drake showing up again accelerated things. But our problems have nothing to do with him. Our marriage wouldn’t have lasted. We were asking too much from each other. I would never be happy being a duchess, and I know how badly you want to be a father, Liam. It was selfish of me to ask such a huge sacrifice of you.”
“I don’t care, Alexis. I would do anything for you,” Liam implored. “I know we have problems, but I’m sure that if we work together, we would be able to find a solution.”
She shook her head. “Are you happy with me, Li?”
He brushed his thumb over her cheek. “I love you very deeply, Alexis.”
“That’s not what I asked. You’re constantly worried about me. You don’t trust me. And we never share our problems because we don’t want to burden each other. We never talk about Tom.” She wiped away her tears with the back of her hand.
Liam’s eyes widened. “Did you just say his name?”
She nodded.
“One day with him, and you’re already saying Tom’s name again.” His glossy eyes looked at her. “It’s always been him,” he muttered. “All this time, you didn’t stop loving Drake, did you?” he asked her.
“Liam … please don’t go there,” she begged, more tears running down her face.
“Did you ever even love me?” His voice betrayed the cool façade he was trying to maintain. Incapable of staying put, he stood up in front of the balcony’s railing.
Alexis cut the distance between them and hugged him as tightly as she could. After a moment, she took his head between her hands. “I love you, Liam. And not only because you saved my life, but because you’re an amazing, loving, generous man; because of all the moments we shared together. You gave me a reason to wake up in the mornings. Thanks to you, I was able to smile, to live again. I’ll never forget that.”
“Right ... you’ve always loved me, but you never fell in love with me,” Liam replied bitterly.
At that moment, watching Liam breaking in front of her, Alexis hated herself. “I tried Li. And it has nothing to do with you; I just never really got over … everything.”
Liam wiped a tear from her face. Too heartbroken to talk, he simply took her in his arms and kissed her head.
Alexis took off the engagement ring and placed it in his palm. “I never deserved this. And maybe you don’t believe me right now, but I know you’ll meet someone who will.”
Every word she pronounced felt like he was being stabbed. Liam turned his gaze towards the gardens. “Please leave, Alexis. There is no point in prolonging this anymore.”
Alexis squeezed his hand and left him there. As she walked away, a strong feeling of contrition flitted through her body in response to the tightness in her chest. However, despite her guilt over hurting a good man, Alexis knew she had made the right decision.
Drake put his syringe and gloves in his bag, patted Thunder on his rump, and left the horse’s stall, rubbing his neck tiredly. After a long day doing the weekly check-ups on the horses of one of his biggest clients, he was shattered. However, working to exhaustion hadn’t worked as well as he had hoped; Alexis and her goddamn stubbornness hadn’t left his mind for a second.
When he finally got home, his heart skipped a beat when he saw Alexis sitting on the steps of his porch, waiting for him.
“Hi, Drake.”
His heart raced as it did every time he saw her. “Hi, Lexie.”
“Can we talk?” she asked, and he detected a slight edge in her voice.
“Of course, Lexie. Let’s go inside.”
Alexis shook her head no. “Actually, if you don’t mind, I’d preferred if we take a walk.”
“Why?” Drake questioned, puzzled.
Because if I enter the house, I won’t be able to leave it again.  “It’s better,” she stated simply.
“Okay.” Drake shoved his hands in his pockets. If she didn’t want to come into the house, that meant she was divorcing him and choosing Liam. He felt the pain of losing her all over again threaten his heart.
Drake and Alexis walked a while next to each other without a word. Inadvertently, they took the path to the lake where they used to fish and have picnics with Tom. Drake glanced over her; the look in her eyes was not sad as he had expected but determined. She was wearing the fierce expression that meant she had made a decision.
They sat in the old wooden pier next to each other. “What do you want to talk about, Lexie?”
Alexis bit her bottom lip. “I broke up with Liam.”
His eyes immediately darted to her left hand. Relieved to see that the ring was gone, Drake exhaled a lightened breath. “Lexie.” He was impatient to kiss her, to feel her again, but something about her demeanor stopped him. An awful thought snaked into his mind. “Do you want to sign the divorce papers anyway?”
Alexis placed her small hands on his large ones. “No. It’s the last thing I want.” She smiled at him.
Drake cupped her face, allowing his thumb to draw soft circles around her lips. “I don’t get it. Why are you so sad?”
“I need to ask you for something.” Drake nodded, still tenderly rubbing her face. “I’m sure that I don’t want a divorce. But I’m not ready to move back here yet.” She took a sharp breath. “I never really grieved Tom, you know? I mean, I did all the four first stages. I was furious at first and then hurt and broken at that clinic. But after my depression, I regressed. I realize now that I’ve been in denial for the past three years.”
Drake wiped her tears again and pulled her close to him.
“My therapist didn’t want me to leave the clinic. She said I wasn’t ready, but I wasn’t a danger to myself anymore, so she didn’t have any other choice but to sign my release. I need to do that now. Finish my therapy, be alone, and I’m sure you’re going to roll your eyes at this,” she joked, “but I need time to find myself. I don’t know who I am anymore, Drake. I don’t do any of the things I used to enjoy. And I feel this guilt that I can’t seem to shake. I feel guilty for the pain that I just caused Liam, but I especially feel guilty about us. About all the things I told you that day.”
“Lexie, please. You have to let that go. You weren’t yourself back then -- neither of us was,” Drake said tenderly.
“I still need to forgive myself.” She squeezed his hands. “Please don’t give up on me, Drake. I just need some time. A few months, maybe,” she pleaded with tears in her eyes.  
It hurt like hell, but he understood. Drake took her face between his hands. “Listen to me, baby, because this is very important. I love you. No matter what. No matter what I’ve done or you’ve done. No matter what will happen. I will always love you.” He interrupted himself to give her a soft kiss and rested his forehead against hers. “If I have to wait for you for the rest of my life, I will. I lost you once, but I swear I will never lose you again. Never.” She smiled through her tears. “This is what I wanted. That you chose whatever was best for you. And I think this is it. I’ll be here at the end, loving you. Okay?”
“Thank you, Drake.” She leaned in to kiss him, and he crashed his mouth with hers in a searing, hungry kiss. After a breathless moment, he forced himself to stop. It was clear that Alexis wasn’t ready for anything else. They shared a few more moments together, then Drake walked her back to her car.
She opened the door but stood next to it, torn between her longing to stay and her need to leave.
“I know you need to go through this alone, but promise me that if it’s too much, you’ll call me, Lexie. Day or night.” Drake said as he gently tucked a strand of hair behind her ear.
“I promise.” Alexis kissed him again, trying to memorize how much she enjoyed his lips on hers, the way he had to kiss her with all his body. Drake held her as close as he could; if he had his way, he would never let her go.
But Alexis was too confused, too rattled by everything that had happened. She needed to claim her independence and regain control of her life before coming back to him. Watching her leave broke his heart, but he knew that she was worth the waiting.
With tears in her eyes, she got in her car and drove away, hoping that she wasn’t making a huge mistake.
The first month was arduous. Coming back to therapy and having to deal with Tom’s death proved to be as challenging as Alexis had thought, but she persisted, determined to get better. She and Drake respected their arrangement and didn’t see each other, but whenever a session became too strenuous, or she was at risk of getting depressed, she called him, and they talked for hours over the phone. Drake told her about his experiences in prison and his life in Spain, and she finally spoke about the long months she had been committed to the clinic and her suicide attempt. Each phone call left them hopeful and terribly nostalgic, but Drake never pressured her.
After two months of intense therapy, Dr. Salas, her psychologist, encouraged her to do something for herself. Alexis immediately knew what she needed. For the next four months, she rented a cottage in Portavira and moved next to the beach. It was a small cottage, but it had a porch where she could sit, watch the ocean, and write every day. During that time, Alexis cried a lot, but she also began to take long walks along the beach, hike and swim in the ocean; the calm of the secluded beach and the soothing sound of the waves had a curative power on her. Alexis missed Drake desperately, more and more with every passing day, but she knew that she needed to finish what she had started before coming back to him.
The first days in Portavira, Alexis only managed to write a few lines, but soon an idea began to form in her mind. At first, she refused it; nothing would be more painful than writing that, but Dr. Salas had suggested that it could be cathartic to explore her grief through her words. One afternoon where Alexis was feeling unusually relaxed, she sat in front of her computer with a cold glass of Chardonnay and started typing. She cried her eyes out with every word, but in the end, she felt like a weight had been lifted from her chest. For the first time since her little boy had died, Alexis accepted that while the pain in her chest would never really disappear, she might be able to be happy again.  
The next morning, she called Charlie, her old boss, and sent her the manuscript.
Drake was quickly regaining his excellent reputation among the owners of Cordonian stables and racetracks. Thoughts about Lexie consumed him day and night, so he spent those six months working like crazy. In his spare time, he read, fished, or rode his horse, but he felt restless all the time. One night after talking to her, an idea crept into his mind. He already knew the perfect place, so he made an offer, and when he got it, he devoted all his free time to making it perfect.
Liam rubbed his eyes tiredly; he had been up working for almost 20 hours straight, trying to figure out a way to bring new investors to Valtoria. He, Hana, and his team had developed a health plan that aimed to offer affordable healthcare to all the duchy’s citizens, but he needed private investors and the help of the Crown to be able to fund it.
At almost 10:00 p.m., Liam leaned against his chair. Hana dropped her pen on the desk and raked her hair with her hands. They both yawned at the same time, which made them chuckle.
“We’re too tired, Hana,” Liam said as he stood up to get a drink from the cart in his office. “Something to drink?”
“Gin, please,” Hana answered, grinning.
Liam couldn’t help but admire how pretty his assistant was. Hana was a special woman; she was smart and kind, and she cared about Valtoria almost as much as he did. He always had fun in her company.
Alexis had left him six months ago. The first two months had been hell; after being in love with her for so long, Liam had had trouble adjusting to the idea that she would never be with him. However, after some time, he realized that Alexis had made the right decision. They weren’t happy together; she had never stopped loving Drake, and he was in love with a woman who no longer existed. Besides, Liam had to admit that he felt lighter and freer without the burden of his constant concern for her. His love for Alexis wasn’t healthy or romantic; it was toxic and harmful for both of them.
Liam handed Hana her gin, smiling at her. “What would you think if I called that place where we had dinner with the French ambassador the other night? We can ask for a couple of Black Truffle Croque Monsieur and some eclairs au chocolat?” he asked playfully, his stomach groaning at the thought.
Hana’s face lit up. “That would be perfect, Liam.”
“You call the restaurant, Hana. I will go look for a bottle of Beaujolais from the cellar.” Liam left his office, grinning. He didn’t know why, but the prospect of spending an intimate moment with Hana made him happier than he had been in a long time.
Alexis swam for almost an hour. The cold, tranquil ocean was the only place where she could calm her nerves that morning. After four months on the beach, she was going back to Cordonia that same afternoon, hopefully to stay. Charlie had arranged a public reading in a small bookstore in Cordonia to launch her book, and Alexis had invited Drake - the real reason behind her nervousness that morning. A smile formed on her lips from just the thought of him. When she had called him to invite him to the reading, she hadn’t dared to tell him that she was ready, that she couldn’t wait another minute to be with him. Mostly because she didn’t want to do it over the phone.
But also because a part of her was still scared. There was no doubt in her heart; she loved Drake more than anything. But what if they were able to be happy again and another tragedy struck them? If she had to go through the pain of losing him again, Alexis knew without the shadow of a doubt that she wouldn’t be able to recover.
In addition to all of that, there was something she needed to tell him, and Alexis wasn’t sure how Drake was going to react. She stepped out of the ocean and dried herself. When she got to the house, Alexis went to her closet, thinking about what she was going to wear. Butterflies flapped in her stomach, knowing that she was dressing for him, that if everything went well, she would be in his arms that same night — the feeling of being 19 years old all over again washed over her. After a short shower, she applied light makeup and blow-dried her hair. Before leaving the house, she looked at herself in the mirror. It didn’t matter how scared she was; fear had dominated her life for almost five years. It wouldn’t control another minute of it.
Drake turned on the engine of his jeep, his heart racing thinking about her. He had no idea what her book was about, but Alexis had talked about it with that cute voice she had when she was really thrilled about something. Drake could almost see her face if he closed her eyes: her wide, gorgeous smile and a pink blush covering her cheeks with excitement. During their conversation, she hadn’t said anything about their marriage, but Drake knew she wouldn’t have invited him if she wasn’t ready to be with him again. At least he really hoped so. Before going to the library, he made a quick stop. His project was on the right track. He prepared the last surprise for her and then left for the reading.  
The children’s bookstore that Charlie had picked was perfect. Small and cozy, it had a lounge with two large sofas and colorful cushions. Posters of Tom Sawyer’s books and figurines of the Harry Potter and Narnia universes decorated the walls. The owner had moved an antique armchair to the middle of the room, so the kids and their parents would be surrounding Alexis in a half-circle as she told her story. She was greeting the families that her agent had invited when she heard a familiar voice calling her.
“Blossom!” Maxwell ran to hug her. “I missed you so much; I have a million things to tell you!”
She hugged her best friend back. “Hi, Max! I missed you too. How’s the married life?”
“Perfection. Rashad is the best husband in the world. A total control freak, but I knew that already.”
Alexis laughed. “Anyone seems like a control freak compared to you.”
“I guess that’s true.” Max beamed, looking at her. She was wearing a beige mid-length dress with an oversized camel blazer and nude high heels. “You’re gorgeous, by the way.” Her friend gave her a knowing smile. “Drake is going to drop dead when he sees you.”
She gave her friend an anxious smile. “He isn’t here yet.”
“He’ll be here soon, Lexie. Don’t worry,” Maxwell said, placing his hand on her shoulder.
“Darling, everything looks fabulous.” Olivia kissed both her cheeks. “I’m so proud of you,” she said earnestly.
“Come on, Liv. Don’t make me think you’ve gone soft,” Alexis teased.
“I mean it, Alexis.”
“I know you do,” she replied, squeezing her best friend’s hands. “Thank you.”
Charlie interrupted them. “Please take your seats. You need to start, Alexis.”
Alexis sat in the armchair; she glanced at the door one more time, and there he was, looking shamelessly handsome in a white shirt and jeans. Drake winked at her as he sat on one of the sofas next to her. His boyish grin had the power of rendering her speechless. She swallowed her nervousness and opened the book. Drake noticed that it was signed by Alexis Walker, and his smile got wider.
“Once upon a time, there was a little boy named Tom who lived in a small red cabin in the middle of the woods. Every night before bed, his mom and dad sang him lullabies and told him stories of faraway lands, brave princes, and courageous queens. His best friends were Buttons, a little grey rabbit that followed Tom everywhere he went, and Maxie, an enthusiastic fire truck with a loud voice that only Tom could hear. Tom wanted to travel very far; thus, his dream had always been to conquer the faraway lands his parents described to him every night. One sunny April morning, Tom put his wooden sword and blue cape in his backpack and left, followed by Buttons and Maxie, to live the adventures he had dreamed of.”
Alexis looked up and saw Drake staring at her with glossy eyes. He gave her a soft nod, so she turned her eyes back to the book and kept on reading. Perhaps to avoid thinking about his lost son, Drake’s attention focused on her. He looked at her, enraptured. Alexis’ bright brown eyes were almost shining; her silvery voice had the entire room captivated with her story. The inner light he had always loved in her was back, as bright as before. In only a few months, she had managed to regain control of her life and make her dream come true. Every time he thought that he couldn’t possibly admire or love her more, she surprised him again. He was utterly, hopelessly, crazily in love with her.
“… Tom, Maxie, and Buttons had lived an incredible adventure. Tom missed his mom and dad deeply, but he knew that they were waiting for him in their little red cabin in the middle of the woods and that he’d soon come home.”
Alexis closed the book with watering eyes. “Thank you for coming. This book means a great deal to me.” She swallowed the lump in her throat. “I hope you enjoyed it. I’ll be happy to answer questions if you have any.”
One woman holding a little girl in her lap raised her hand and asked the question Drake was dreading. “Is Tom’s character based on someone real?”
Charlie had warned Alexis that she needed to be prepared to answer that. She gripped the book and took a deep breath. “Yes, on my son.” After drinking a gulp of water to control herself, she added, “He’s no longer with us.”
Drake smiled at her sadly but reassuringly when the audience went silent for a few seconds.
Maxwell quickly raised his hand. “Um … I just wanted to know if you’re preparing a sequel.”
Alexis gave him a grateful look. “Not at the moment, maybe later. Thank you for your question, sir.”
A little girl in pigtails asked her a question about Buttons, and a blond boy questioned her about Maxie the fire truck.
After she was done answering and signing copies of the book, she went to meet with Drake, Max, and Olivia.
“I loved it, Blossom! I have to say that Maxie the fire truck is the best character. He seems to be the smartest, funniest, cutest one of them all. Certainly much more than the evil Queen Nevrakis,” Maxwell beamed as Olivia shook her head, for once, more amused than annoyed.
A sudden silence made Olivia realise that Drake and Alexis were looking at each other longingly. She cleared her throat. “I have a date with Jin tonight, so we better get going, Max.”
Maxwell beamed as he hugged both of them. It was unquestionable for anyone who knew them that Drake and Alexis belonged with each other, and nothing could make Max happier than to see them together again. “I’m so happy for you guys! See you soon!”
They both chuckled; Drake brushed Alexis’ hand with his, slowly intertwining his fingers with hers.
“Did you like it?” Alexis asked Drake timidly.
“It was wonderful. The way you described him was simply perfect.” Drake threw her a small smile. “It was our Tom. I admire you so much, Lexie. Thank you for this; I needed it too.” They locked eyes with each other, both their hearts racing.
“I’m ready, Drake,” Alexis blurted out and immediately felt the blush in her cheeks, her heart beating furiously in her chest.  
“Are you sure you’re ready to come with me?” he asked her with his deep voice, an intense longing in his eyes.
“As long as you still want me to,” Alexis gave him a coquettish smile.
He tightened his grip on her hand. “Always, Lexie.” The loving look she gave him back was enough to drive him wild. Drake looked around him; they were in a children’s bookstore surrounded by kids and Alexis’ old boss. Probably not the best place to kiss her as he was dying to.
“I have a surprise for you,” he whispered sheepishly.
Alexis arched her brows. “Really? What is it?” she asked excitedly.
Drake smirked. “A surprise has to be unexpected. As a writer, aren’t you supposed to know definitions of words and shit?”
“Smartass,” she laughed. “I just need to say good-bye to Charlie really quick, and we can go.”
When they got into the car, Drake leaned to her seat and cupped her beautiful face. She let out a soft gasp when he kissed both her cheeks, the corners of her lips, her nose. “I’m going to spend the rest of the night, of my life, kissing every part of you, baby,” he growled in her ear.
If Alexis waited another minute, she would’ve imploded right there, so she crashed her lips on his, making him groan with want. Drake pressed her body against the seat, but an annoying thought made him stop. “Our first time after all this time will not be in the passenger seat of my jeep, Lexie.”
Alexis bit her bottom lip. “Let’s go,” she urged him.
After a short drive, Drake pulled over on the side of the highway. He grabbed a silk tie from the back seat. “I need to cover your eyes.”
“It’s dark, and we’re in the middle of the woods, Walker. Are you trying to kidnap me?” she asked with a flirty tone.
A smug grin spread on his lips. “Actually, that is exactly what I’m going to do. Turn around.” Gently, he placed the tie around her head and tied a knot. “No peeking, Lex,” he said, kissing her head.
She shook her head, now too excited to speak.
After a few minutes, they arrived, and Drake helped Alexis to get out of the car. The feeling of walking in an unknown place with her eyes covered could’ve made someone nervous, but there was no one Alexis trusted more in the world than Drake; he would rather die than let something happen to her. They walked a few inches with him firmly holding her. When they stopped, he pulled her back against his chest, circling her waist with his arm. He leaned to speak in her ear. “Six months ago, in one of our phone calls, you told me how difficult it’d be for you to live in the cabin again. That you would love to start our lives somewhere else.”
Alexis nodded.
“That day, I recalled how much you loved that abandoned house next to the lake. It was small and run down, but you fell completely in love with it. Remember?”
“I do,” she said with a lump in her throat.
They were taking a stroll next to the lake when Alexis saw it. The house was almost in ruins, but according to her, it had significant potential. As it was clearly uninhabited and there was a window open on the ground floor, she climbed through it; Drake followed her, chuckling, with Tom in his arms. Once inside, he had to admit that the house did show promise. They would have to spend a lot of weekends renovating it, but he loved manual work and was sure Alexis would make it as cozy and comfortable as she had made his father’s cabin. Back in their own place, they daydreamed about buying the house and renovating it. She drew a small sketch of what she pictured: a huge kitchen where they could both cook together, a swing for Tom to play, a porch to watch the sunset, and a main room with a skylight where they could see the stars every night. It would take some time and a lot of effort, but they thought the house was worth it. When Drake was about to make an offer to the real estate agency, tragedy overcame them, and they forgot all about it.
Drake uncovered her eyes, and she gasped. They were standing in front of the house, but it had changed. Drake had spent the last five months working on it every minute of his spare time. The old washed-out exterior was now a beautiful wooden façade with a large, wide-pillared porch in the front.
He held her tightly. “Now this is the exterior. There’s still a lot of renovation work to do inside. You’ll see.”
Alexis had happy tears in her eyes. “I … I can’t believe you did this, Drake. It’s gorgeous.” She turned around, and he cupped her face and gave her an intense, searing kiss.
“Come on, I want to show you the rest,” he said when they finally parted, breathless. Drake grabbed her hand, and they laced their fingers together.
They stepped into the house, and even if Drake was right and the first floor still needed a lot of work, Alexis wandered around happily with her heart full. “I love the kitchen! We can have a large counter here,” she said, pointing to one side of the room. “What would you think about a thick wood table?”
Alexis’ face reflected so much excitement and enthusiasm that Drake couldn’t help but grin at it. His gaze followed her as she pranced all over the house with a thousand ideas of how to renovate every corner of it.
“So I gather you like it?” he asked, arching an amused eyebrow.
“Like it? I love it, Drake! It’s perfect. I’d like to move here as soon as possible!”
Drake couldn’t help but smile tenderly at her. “Are you sure? We can stay in the cabin for a few more months while we do the renovation work here.”
“If the water is running, I’d prefer to stay here,” she answered with an earnest smile. “This is us, Drake. Ours. A new life together. I’m not running from our past, and I never want to forget Tom,” she said, brushing a small tear with her hand. “I just want to start over in a place where we can create new memories.”
“If that’s really what you think, there’s a room that’s already finished.” He threw her a quizzical smile. “Do you remember the drawing you did of how we pictured our house?”
Alexis let out a spontaneous laugh that made Drake's heart leap. “I would barely call the doodles I made drawings, but I remember the moment, yes.”
“Well, I hope I did the doodles justice.” Drake held his breath as he opened the door.
Alexis gasped; he had remembered everything she had dreamed of. A soft, fluffy carpet. A big bed full of cushions, a fireplace warming the room, and the skylight over the bed. The moon and stars lit up the whole room through it.
Mesmerized, she took off the blazer she was wearing, and Drake’s eyes widened. The beige dress she had underneath was tight and hugged every single curve of her body. Suddenly, Drake was very aware of the taunting way she moved; she turned her back on him to look at the fireplace, and his eyes went straight to her bare upper back and the delicate line of her neck. Blushing, he moved to readjust himself. Her thrilled voice pulled him out of his thoughts.  
“I love it, Drake. Every single part of it! The skylight is exactly how I’d imagined it!” He took off his own jacket and rolled up his sleeves. “What?” she asked, catching her bottom lip between her teeth when she realized he was looking intently at her.
“Are you wearing that for me?” Drake’s low baritone and sexy smile made her blush crimson red.
“Maybe,” she answered with the most innocent look in her eyes but a sultry voice.
Drake cut the distance between them; even with her sexy nude heels, he towered over her. “Don’t give me that innocent look, baby,” he growled. “Or I won’t be able to control myself.”
Alexis leaned towards him, her hands playing with his collar. “See, Drake, that’s the thing. I don’t want you to control yourself.”
He swept her off her feet. She looped his neck in a burst of roaring laughter. “I want you so fucking much, Lexie,” he told her as he gently dropped her on the bed. Their bed. He hovered over her, holding his weight up with his right arm.
She hid her nose on his neck, inhaling the intoxicating sandalwood. “Me too, Drake.”
“You deserve the world,” Drake said, staring at her almost black eyes looking at him adoringly. He wanted nothing more than to make this night last as long as he possibly could. “It’s been four years that I’ve been thinking about this moment,” he said, gently kissing her cheek. “Four years that I’ve dreamed of making you mine again.” He growled at her ear as he nipped it. “And now, I finally have you here --” He softly bit her neck. “-- all for myself.” He kissed her collarbone as he slowly unzipped her dress. “This damn dress is making me wild, Lexie.”
As he rubbed his thumb on her lips and cheeks, Alexis’ heart beat so fast, she was sure he could hear it. Finally, he kissed her, and time stopped. His lips felt so soft on hers, his tongue so passionate when it slowly entered her mouth, intertwining with hers. His strong hand cupped her head as he deepened the kiss. Suddenly the need became urgent, and he moved to her neck, possessed by the need to claim her. Drake softly sank his teeth in her, making an exhilarated moan escape from her throat.
Slowly, he pulled the dress’ front zipper down, peppering sultry kisses on every inch of skin he discovered, until only her lacy underwear was left. He pulled her to him and kissed her senseless as he unclasped her bra. Her beautiful breasts appeared, her buds erect, ready for him to kiss them. Drake softly flicked his thumbs over them. Then his tongue tasted them, taking pleasure in the sight of Alexis arching her back for him. He took a deep breath until all he could smell was her cherry fragrance. With a cocky smile, he pulled down her last piece of underwear, leaving her completely exposed and vulnerable to him.
“You’re so fucking gorgeous, Lexie,” he groaned as his eyes wandered over her body lit up by the moonlight, and his calloused hands moved down her body, rubbing her face, her breasts, her hips, a trail of excited goosebumps appearing everywhere he touched. “And you are all mine.”
Alexis gave him a flirty smile. “I want to see you too, Drake.” She softly pushed him up until they were both on their knees.
The sight of her naked, kneeling in front of him and undressing him with nervous fingers, desperate to kiss him, to touch him too, almost killed him. She undid his jeans and let her hand wander around his cock. He drank in the sight of her, enjoying her soft, small hand around him for a moment. Her soft, skilled strokes on his impossible hard length felt incredible, but after all the months, the years they had spent apart, he wasn’t going to last long if she continued. “I won’t be able to resist much longer, baby.” He grabbed her wrist. “And there are a lot, a lot of things, I want to do to you first. Lay down,” he growled, standing up to toss off the rest of his clothes.
Alexis felt like she was on fire, ready to explode. Drake’s lips kissing her legs, her knees, and her inner thighs only made the fire wilder. She gripped the sheets when she felt his hot mouth on her, kissing the soft skin around her clit.  
“It drives me insane how wet you already are for me, Lex,” he said, parting her lips with his tongue and softly entering her, inebriating himself with her taste.
“Drake, god! Drake,” she chanted again and again as his expert tongue and fingers explored her, thrust inside of her. Feeling the heat build more and more, she tugged his hair, making him smile against her warm skin. Finally, she reached a point of no return and screamed his name again.
Drake smirked. “Fuck, I’ve missed that, baby.”
Still panting, she managed to answer in a soft voice. “Me too, Drake.” Drake caught her lips in a slow, tender kiss as she came down from her high.
“Come here,” he whispered, scooping her and sitting her in his lap. Alexis straddled him, enveloping his torso with her legs. Cradling her with his arms, Drake’s desperate lips ravaged her neck, alternating soft kisses with small bites. Her back arched, giving him full access to her breasts that he cupped, his thumbs slowly circling her hard nipples again. Alexis rolled her hips against him.
Drake chuckled against her neck. “Are you trying to tell me something, Lexie?”
“I need you now, Drake,” she moaned. His cock was already throbbing, but he felt like he was going to burst at her words
“Whatever you want, Alexis.” He positioned himself with the tip of his dick, teasing the little nub of her center. “Look at me, baby. I want to see your pretty eyes as I enter you.”
She locked her burning eyes with him, and he grabbed her hips, confidently guiding her body to enter her folds slowly, giving her time to adjust to him.
The world, the moon, and the stars, everything around them faded. Each set of eyes only saw each other, reflecting the passion, the excitement, the deep love they felt.
“I love you, Lexie,” Drake whispered as he slowly moved inside of her, adoring her smell, the way she moved, how she moaned his name.
“I love you too, Drake,” Alexis whispered back, reveling in the sensation of him filling her completely. Of her heart racing with every delicious thrust. Of his strong arms holding her tightly, safely. Of his hands caressing her back. “I feel you everywhere, Drake, god.”
They rocked their hips at the same pace, increasing speed as their movements became more passionate, more desperate. He ground into her powerfully, feeling her walls tighten around him. The sensation was unbelievable, an exceptional connection that neither of them could ever experience with anyone else. “Come with me, baby,” he whispered as his hand reached her center, allowing his thumb to rub the little nub in it, making her lose her mind. Alexis couldn’t formulate a coherent thought, let alone talk, as the most intense wave of pleasure of her life came cresting over her. A powerful “Drake!” escaped her lips as she climaxed.
His name on her swollen lips and the way she was still vibrating against him pushed him over the edge.
“Mine, Lexie, mine,” he growled, marking her neck as he filled her in complete ecstasy.
He pulled her into his chest, both of them silently enjoying their descent from heaven.
He held her tightly, kissing the top of her head as he lazily rubbed her back, incapable to stop touching her.
“A penny for your thoughts, Lexie.”
She looked at him through her eyelashes, smiling.
“I was just thinking about how absolutely perfect this was.” She stroked his chiseled abs with her hand.
He smirked. “You’re perfect, baby. A fucking work of art.”
Alexis smiled against his chest, a pleasant feeling of utter happiness settling in her chest.
Part of the night was spent with tender whispers, passionate touches, and shared laughs. The rest, they spent rediscovering every nook and hidden corner of each other’s bodies as if they were trying to recoup the last five years in a few hours. Finally, the morning lights caught them sleeping tangled in each other’s bodies. Drake opened his eyes first, smiling as he hadn’t done in five years.
“Good morning, baby,” he whispered in her ear, waking her up.
“Nuh, uh, too early.” She hid her head under the pillow.
“You have to see this, Lexie. Wake up,” he said softly, kissing her bare back.
“God, I’ve forgotten how good you are at motivating a girl.”
Drake chuckled. “Come here.”
Wrapped in the sheets with Drake hugging her tightly from behind, Lexie sat on the porch in front of the lake, and she understood why he had woken her up. In front of her eyes, a sumptuous spectacle of pink, ochre and golden sun rays extended over the glowing lake. It was the most stunning sunrise she had ever seen.
“There’s something I need to tell you that might change your mind about us,” Alexis warned him cautiously. She bit her lips, feeling remorseful. She should have discussed it the day before, but selfishly, she had wanted to enjoy the night with Drake.
He almost laughed at the idea. “Nothing would change my mind, Lexie. Test me.”
She took a deep breath and let the sentence out as fast as she could. “I don’t know if I ever want any more children, but I don’t think so.” She carefully gauged his reaction as she asked. “Do you?”
“I don’t know,” he answered sincerely. “I didn’t for a long time; I was adamant. ” He looked tenderly at her. “Now, I’m not so sure, but I do know that the idea scares the shit out of me.”
Alexis let out a relieved breath. “Me too.”
“I’ll tell you this. We’ll revisit the idea in a few years, but we won’t do it unless we’re both sure. Deal?”
“And what if I don’t change my mind, and you do?” she asked worriedly.
“Then we won’t, Lexie. All I want out of life I have right here,” he said, holding her even tighter. “Nine years ago, in my vows, I told you that I loved the fire in your eyes and how much you love life. I told you that I would always take care of that gorgeous inner light of yours. But I didn’t do a great job.” Alexis was about to protest, but Drake put his thumb on her lips, smiling. "I promise that I’ll devote the rest of my life to making you happy. I’m so proud of you, of everything you are, Lexie. I love you more than I did back then, much more.” He opened his palm, where he had their wedding rings in his hand. “I always knew that one day we would be wearing these again, Mrs. Walker.”
Alexis beamed. “I love you, too. You have no idea how much. For years, I felt lifeless, and now just looking at you, my heart hammers, Drake. You take away the emptiness, the sadness. You make me so incredibly happy.”
A bittersweet tear escaped from her eyes when she extended her hand and watched, immensely moved, how Drake slid her wedding band and engagement ring on her finger. Then she put his on.
Relieved, she turned her head up and caught his lips in a delicious, deep kiss.
Drake noticed a small, tiny tear. “What’s up, Lexie?”
“I was really convinced that I could never feel this extremely elated again, and now that I do, I also feel …” She stopped in her tracks.
“Guilty. You feel guilty for feeling happy.”
She nodded slowly.
“Me too.” Drake rubbed her cheek with his hand. “I think we have to learn to live with that, baby. Tom will always be here. He’ll always hurt.”
Alexis snuggled against him as Drake drew her into his arms. A loving smile spread on her lips; no matter how difficult or painful their grief would be in the future, they would be facing it togther.
The End.
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boogiewrites · 3 years
Never Break the Chain
Part 1 of 5
Characters: Javier Peña x OFC
Summary: The story follows the moments in their relationship in which things change, carrying the story of their romance from being young and in love in Texas at age 18 to the modern Narcos timeline. We follow Esme on her rise to being a top thief and Javier Peña's rise in the ranks. We see how their paths inevitably intersect in Columbia and how they handle coming face to face after a faked death and decades apart. It's dramatic, it's a cop loving a criminal and them being torn between their ways of life and their love. There's a happy ending among the angst.
Warnings/Tags: Argument, Heartbreak, Young love, faked death. 
Click on my icon then go to my Mobile Masterlist in my bio for my other works and chapters. (Had to do this since Tumblr killed links, sorry.) Please like, comment and reblog if you enjoyed it! It helps out us writers A LOT!
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The air was as still and silent as a hot Texas summer night could be. The buzz of the insects and the rustle and call of the nocturnal animals felt familiar to Esme and were a white noise that made her feel she was home. The moon was high and bright, illuminating the rushing and recently risen river below her. Summer storms had made their way through, a brief break to the smothering heat and filling the formerly waning river bed. It made for a great day on these rare summer occurrences, floating about lazily and working on her tan, drinks were plentiful between friends and you could let any stress you had floated down the river after you left. As she gripped the old iron railing of the backroad bridge, feeling the failing paint flaking under her anxious hands, she knew those golden days of youth and summer were falling behind her now. The river would take her trouble away tonight, but in the morning a whole new set would emerge in their place. Even so, this is what she wanted, deep down she knew the conversation she was about to have wasn’t going to be one with a happy ending, and she’d prepared for that. Still, until she heard the words from his lips herself, that last bit of naivete she had left would hope against hope that this night wouldn’t end in tears.
Her upbringing with a single mother, no stability that she could recall, and inheriting her mother’s reputation, only doing what she had to make a living, she knew there were no happy endings. Being a striking Latin woman, hell, a woman at all was enough to teach her the authorities in place were corrupt and broken. She’d been born a criminal they’d said. It was first said the moment she opened her eyes. “Look at this little one, a thief.” her father had said. “Esmeralda we’ll call her, as she’s already stolen emeralds for her eyes.” Her father hadn’t come from a line of fortune-tellers that she was aware of, but he’d unknowingly planted the seed that would grow to become her destiny. One filled with heartbreaking choices and world view shattering experiences she would be told she was strong for overcoming. She didn’t think anyone needed to be applauded for being strong. It came from being broken and filling the gaps with something that couldn’t be torn apart again. Her so-called strength was just the glaringly apparent failures of the power structures in place. And she knew the only way to get ahead, to move from outside their oppressive shadow was to beat them at their own game.
The boy on his way to convince her to not follow her dreams didn’t know that yet. He had his delusions and she wasn’t sure she had the heart to take them away from him. Things wouldn’t always work out, he wasn’t going to save anyone, let alone her. But if you asked her, she didn’t need saving.
The hiss of drying raining on the asphalt under the tires of his muscle car didn’t help distract him from where he was headed. Every rendezvous with her up to this point had been nothing but a flip in his stomach and tension in his balls. Where yearning and excitement once lay there was only dread and uncertainty. He was young, he was full of confidence and despite the chronic bad attitude and bloody knuckles, he kept he still thought he could make her stay. He wouldn’t lose her. He couldn’t. She loved him she’d said. That meant something to an 18-year-old boy still deep in his first love and soon to be last heartbreak. The flashes of running from the cops, late nights spent in the back seat of his car, some laying together next to the dashboard light with the radio creating a soundtrack to their youth unknowingly. He gulps, recalling the way she looked at him when they were alone. They were all burned into his mind and they would be there for many years to come. He couldn’t help but remember the first time he saw her, walking into an abandoned house the local kids used for parties. They held the same beer in their hands, locked eyes that held the hunger of teenage lust. Her in cut-offs and a bikini top, deep brown from the summer sun, bouncy black hair in waves falling down her shoulders and framing a heart-shaped face with eyes greener than he’d ever seen.
They were both attractive and rebellious, it took nothing to make them like each other. They were quick to go to bed, and he was quick to fall with for her independent nature, and his desire to protect her quickly fell in behind. She wasn’t like any other girl he’d met, and he thought it was a compliment. But as the lust faded, love grew in its place, seeing what hardships she faced and trying his damnedest to save her from them. He rode in on his steel horse and swept her away despite her insistence she didn’t need it. But when he spoke softly and touched her the same in the sweat-soaked leather seats, naked and vulnerable by both clothes and emotions, she couldn’t help but cry and let him hold her, both sharing their fears. Their biggest in their lives at that time was simply losing the other.
The familiar sound of his car didn’t help ease the knot in her stomach like it used to. She sighed deeply, letting the headlights fall upon her as he pulled up the bridge. No one ever said chasing your dreams would be easy.
“Hey sweetheart.” his smooth voice, soft only for her, flooded her ears as they closed the space between them instinctively. Her heart ached as he wrapped his scabbed hands around her waist, one rough palm to her cheek as if he were assuring he had her full attention.
“Hola, Javi.” she whispers against his lips. He does as he has before, pretending things are fine for as long as he can. Talking sweet and pushing back her hair, kisses to her temples like he always did when she was emotional. It was inevitable his lips would find their way through the small talk to her neck. And they did. “You know you can’t fuck your way out of this conversation.” she smiles, taking her hands to direct his face to look at hers.
“Worth a shot..” he nods with his signature cockiness she no longer found annoying but endearing. A dangerous feeling indeed.
He looks her over, hands gentle but firm as he ran them over her arms and sides, mapping her out in movements that would drive him to drink later on.
“I know your answer, mi Amor, I see it in your eyes. Just say it so we can move on.”
“Don’t make me Esme.” it wasn’t begging but there was a desperation to his furrowed brow as he looked down and finally met her eyes. “I told you what I have to do. I can’t stay here. I can’t be this girl anymore.”
“I don’t wanna lose you, baby, please.” There was the begging. The desperation was in those almost black-brown eyes as they glassed over, the lump in his throat growing by the second.
“You cannot go be part of a system that wants to enslave me. We can’t be together in this world, Javi. You KNOW this. You can’t be the cop and I the criminal. No way works. One of us ends up in jail...or worse.”
“You’re talkin' like you wanna kill me now all the sudden.”
“Never.” she holds his face with a veil of anger in her eyes. “I love you, Javier. I always will. But you are a weakness. You are the only man that knows me. The only man that could best me. And that is because I love you. I have to be who I am, I am a criminal and you are going to go off and be a part of what wants to keep oppressing people like me? Just because we are trying to get ahead? To make a life for ourselves because your government has failed its people? We can’t be together if you do this.”
“You don’t have to go off and do all this crazy shit, Esme. You’ve been reading too many books, baby, you don’t have to go off and steal and con. You could stay here. With me. Where you belong.”
“And do WHAT exactly? You want me to...work in an office? Be a cashier at the grocery store for the rest of my life? You want me miserable? That’s selfish and you know it. I’m not something you get to control, I’m not keeping myself small for you no matter how much I may love you. That’s a fate worse than death for a woman like me.”
“Not any part of you wants that? A simple life? With a good man? Have a few kids...a house. Just...be happy?”
“You are not stupid Javi, stop asking stupid questions. You know me better than anyone and you know that is not me. I will grow bored and loathsome, I would end up hating you and my choices and we would end up hating each other. I would rather us be in love in our memories than hate you in reality.”
“You don’t know that.”
“Yes, I do. Because I see it every day. In the women that glare at me when I walk down the street. The jealousy...they look down on me saying I am trash but it’s because they wish they had what I have. Drive, ambition, fucking OPTIONS. Those women are trapped by their decisions and I will be too if I stay.”
“You think staying with me is being trapped?”
“It is not you, Javi. It is what you will become. I love this..this Javier right now. But you be indoctrinated. You’ll change into someone else and I am not willing to change for you. I’m sorry.”
“I knew I shouldn't've let you hang out with those damn hippies…”
“This is all me Javi. This is no one else. You are the one being fed lies of being a good guy among the bad, that you can save everyone. It’s a lie. I do not want to tell you this because I know it’s your dream to help but mi Amor ...it is not real.”
“And I don’t think your dream is real! I think it’s a lot of horse shit.”
She stands in silence looking at him, his hands on his hips defensively. “Then we agree.” she nods. “Goodbye, Javi. I love you. Always.” she begins to turn and knows before she feels his hand around her arm that it would happen.
“Don't leave Esme you’re the only good thing I got.” he shakes her by the shoulders.
“And if you don’t think I feel the same you’re mistaken.” she almost spits out. “I do not WANT to leave. But to become what I must I have to. And I’m sorry it has to be this way. But it does.”
“If you leave I’ll find you. You know I will. I’m not gonna let you go. I can’t.” he chokes out.
“I know.” she sighs. “Which is why I must take such a drastic measure. To me... staying is a fate worse than death. I know you would find me.” she chuckles and he looks at her with wet confused eyes. “You are my weakness, Javier. You are the only man I know that could ever find me. Ever best me at my own game. And you will not stop looking for me.”
“I never would.” he whispers.
“Which is why I'm so sorry. So.... so sorry mi Amor.” she begins to cry and kisses him, pressing against him hard, his back hitting up against his car and a muffled struggle to embrace one another ensues.
There’s a swift movement and click. Javi’s head jerks to look down, arm tugging against the cuffs she’d just slipped on him and through his vehicle door. “I’m sorry Javi. I am.” she says as his anger grows.
“ESME?!” he barks. “Let me GO! Are you fuckin’ CRAZY?”
“Maybe.” she sighs and walks a few paces away, to the railing of the bridge, looking down at the water. ‘There is only one way you will let me go Javi. I cannot have you being my weakness, or my capture, or my pursuer. I would spend my life looking over my shoulder.”
“What the FUCK are you talking about?!” his voice breaks, a shout scaring the animals in the brush nearby.
She stands on the railing, wind through her hair and a feeling of true freedom being just outside her grasp. She hears him struggling behind her, the desperate grunts and whimpers, his words and shouts join the shite noise of the water as she closes her eyes. She turns only her head to meet his wild eyes one last time, a snapshot in her mind to carry with her into her new life. “I love you, Javier Pena. Never doubt that. I’ll see you in the next life.”
And with that, she was gone. Over the railing as Javi screamed until he was hoarse, his wrist fractures and bruised from the force of trying to free himself. It would break him, and he would be born into a new life. Just like her.
She knew it was drastic, but the only way she would be able to escape not only his love of her but of hers for him. He had to think she was dead.
@likedovesinthewnd @jaegeeeeer @biharryjames @ladamari68​ @past-romantic​ @weliketomoveit 
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ADA: Songs the BSD characters remind me of (even though no one asked)
I’ve recently watched all 3 seasons of the Anime, the movie and the OVA and have started reading the Manga from the beginning. Right now I am only at chapter 40 because I started reading like 2 days ago, so idk stuff that would happen after the Anime storyline (if it goes that much further than season 3 ending, I wouldn’t know). I based this off on either specific lyrics that made me think it would fit the character or a certain vibe I was getting from a character. For some characters it was easier, for some not so much lol It is why some characters have multiple songs that make me think of them while others only have one (if they even do have one, that is – but the ADA does, except for Katai). So please do not rip into me because you think a song might not fit them as well as I do, because I just have not gotten to the latest chapter of the Manga yet, so there are some characters I do not know that well yet but I wanted to do this for fun. Other than that, I hope you enjoy this list~ Also, feel free to add to my list if you have songs that I haven’t mentioned but think would fit the characters, if you want to~
My taste in music is also pretty broad and not limited to certain languages or genres (though I do have my preferences), so I will provide translations of the lyrics in different languages from English. The German ones (like Kontra K, Elif, etc.) were translated by myself (on the spot), for other languages like Romanian or Korean, etc. I had to look up translations on the internet.
Disclaimer: For the songs for Dazai, one might want to consider a TW, for one of his songs has extremely open-no-room-for-speculation suicidal lyrics. If this affects you, please skip that one, I will put that song last on his list.
And, well, because this is 12 pages long in the document, I will be making a cut here…
𝔸𝔻𝔸 𝕚𝕟 𝕘𝕖𝕟𝕖𝕣𝕒𝕝
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💙 Wölfe (Wolves) by Kontra K 💙
It’s about so much more than just strength, it’s about solidarity and virtue / It runs so much deeper than your wounds could ever get / We’re walking through the fire together until the day we die […] /
And we are so infinitely far away from being perfect / But what doesn’t kill us will make us stronger / And hope dies last / It dies last /
A lot of the members have been through quite some shit, but they hold it together all the time and always pull through and manage to keep moving forward sooo (some random arsehole I talked to spoilered me about Yosano and Mori  -_-)
💙 Born For This by The Score 💙
A force that they can’t stop / They just don’t get it, I think they forget / I’m not done until I’m on top / I know I was born for this / I know I was born for this […] /
We are the warriors, who learned to love the pain / We come from different places but have the same name / ‘Cause we were born for this / We are the broken ones, who chose to spark a flame / Watch as our fire rages, our hearts are never tame /
ℕ𝕒𝕜𝕒𝕛𝕚𝕞𝕒 𝔸𝕥𝕤𝕦𝕤𝕙𝕚
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💙 Believe by Hollywood Undead 💙
I can’t believe / That when I breathe / That there’s something good inside of me / Just one good thing inside of me / So close to me / That memory / Of that one good thing inside of me / Just one good thing inside of me /
If I went out the back door, nobody would stop me / But, where would I go? / ‘Cause I ain’t never had a real home / So, what do I know? / So, I could keep runnin’, hide until they find me / But, what would that do? /
That he really hates himself that much and how insecure he is in his right to be alive not just simply because he is a living being really hurts to see.
💙 Face it by NF 💙
Don’t know how to face it / Let’s go back to basics / Yes, say what you mean, do what you say, but man I hate this / I just don’t know what I’m chasing, don’t know what I’m chasing / Yes, somebody told me / Life is something you don’t wanna play with / But I just keep on playing like life is just a playground […] / I look at myself and I ask what the goal is / Yeah, tell me what your goal is / I’m just so lost in emotions, I don’t even notice / I just slip into a place and I don’t think straight / Devil in my ear tryna tell me everything’s great / And in a year realize I’m in the same place / Running in the same race, same pace […] /
Get that sickness out my mouth / I feel like my train is derailing / I can feel it / Yo these words are only words until they actions / Words until they actions, strive on empty satisfactions / Yeah, the fact is I don’t know, fact is I don’t know /
💙 월식  (My Tragedy) by Taeyeon 💙
At the end of an empty day / Everyone busily returns from somewhere / In the red night sky / I disappear into the darkness little by litte / These many sparkling lights / There isn’t a single light that’s mine / Under the cold shade by myself / Like it wasn’t there from the start /
💙 Oceans by Jacob Lee 💙
I learnt to let go when I was younger / Scared of growing old / I would swim far into the ocean / And try to stay afloat / Until my lungs would cough up water […] /
I don't want love no more / Though it's the one thing I've been searching for / Though it's the one thing that I miss the most / Now I'm afraid to be alone / I learnt to grow old when I was younger / Scared of staying young / Afraid of the thoughts that I had conjured / That sat atop my tongue / Knowing I'd change the worlds opinion / If they would just, listen up / But they won't, now /
I feel worthless / Maybe I should open the drawer / Burn the pages / Write poems with the ash on the floor / Pour the ink, into the sink / And watch it drain from the shore /
𝔻𝕒𝕫𝕒𝕚 𝕆𝕤𝕒𝕞𝕦
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I know Dazai has a looooot of songs, but tbh I could’ve added at least another 15 because. There. Were. Just.  S O .  M A N Y .  T H A T  F I T  H I M  S O  W E L L ‼‼ (Well, at least the ones I could think of off of the top of my head right away.)
💙 Believe by Hollywood Undead 💙
Don’t you know, little boy, they’ll lay you to waste, man / Little do they know, every song is a lifespan / Yeah, they’ve taken one, but I’m takin’ my last chance / To hold all we know and let go with both hands / Though, don’t you know that plots are made from concrete / Right through the stone, can you hear my heart beat? / Beats through my bone, like no memory left me / Not for a second or a minute when I dream […] / My heart beats heavy in an open chest / And, I wanna say goodbye, but there’s nobody left /
I broke it all, and I put to the test / Put your hands in mine, and feel this emptiness / There’s no beat in my chest / ‘Cause there’s nothin’ left / No, it ain’t goodbye, its a last caress  / What’s another dream? / You could hardly sleep /
Makes me think of Oda aka the bond they had aka the admiration Dazai had for him.
💙 Face it by NF 💙
I ain’t sleeping lately / I ain’t sleeping lately / Yes, I know that I’m the only person that can change me / Maybe, that’s why I ain’t changing / That’s why I ain’t changing / I got too much on my mind, I guess I don’t know how to face it /
He obviously has a lot of issues, and I bet he still doesn’t think of himself as a good person. It strikes me as if he’s thinking that Agency Dazai is not much different from Mafia Dazai. “Your hands are black. Mafia black,” as Higuchi said. I think he did not deny it when she said that, so he doesn’t disagree with her.
💙 Rain by Hollywood Undead 💙
I don’t mind, no I don’t mind, I don’t mind the rain / Simple things and subtleties, they always stay the same / I don’t mind, that I don’t mind, no I don’t mind the rain / Like a widow’s heart, we fall apart, but never fade away (fade away) /
Run like a child, do you know where I came from? / No, I don’t, but I’m singing all the same songs / I’m alone, and you’re looking for your anyone / Does it hurt just to know that it’s all gone? / I can feel the pain in the words that you say / Hidden in the letters that were written to no name […] / Buried in red, white, and a side of some blue / Some will die too late, and somebody too soon / If he could come back, we’ll see what it cost him / We had to lose it all, just to know that we lost one /
💙 Lass mich lieber allein (better just leave me alone) by Kontra K 💙
Man, don’t explain the world to me, it isn’t perfect / And just as imperfect are also you, her and me / All of that isn’t a problem to me / But tell me, since when does hatred laugh so audaciously into my face? / But it’s somehow alright for me […] / Man, I wish for a minuscule part of naivety back / But it seems it’s somehow too late for me / Somehow already too late for me […] /
Already been wandering for so long, you forget / Who is worthy of sacrificing yourself for and for whom you better not do it / You run along the street of success without any luck (on your side) / But she walks out of hell into heaven only once and then right back / If you end up where you started then where is the meaning? /
Because I also have my baggage to carry all on my own / Just like all of the fuckers that think I’m living in heaven all by myself / But the fire and the flames in which I’ve been standing in for so long already / Man, they refuse to see them / But it’s somehow alright for me /
You better just leave me alone / Because when they carry you on their hands, they will (eventually) let you drop / I’d rather fall alone/by myself / Rather alone/by myself /
💙 Lies by Will Jay 💙
I'd rather tell myself if I ignore / These thoughts they'll go away / And my toxic friends have changed / Truth is I hate confrontation / Deal with it tomorrow / 'Cause there's nothing I can do / That's my favourite excuse / Feeding my procrastination […] /
And I think I just realised I would do anything / To keep hiding the pain I've been burying / That's why I tell / Lie-lie-lie-lie-lie-lie-lies /
💙 Du willst es (You want it) by Kontra K 💙
Only the good ones die young, and not long after the best ones follow / No idea, ask death why he thinks that I am so damn bad / Still here, we’re almost not worthy of heaven / Working day for day, only the hatred kills the pain / Life will shoot you in the chest but only ever hit your heart / Thank God that place in my chest has been emptied a long time ago […] /
We asked God, “why” / But the devil said, “doesn’t matter” / We’re swimming in a pool full of misery / But bring us another glass of it /
💙 Wie gemacht dafür (like we were made for it) by Kontra K 💙
Pretty normal, normal / Because you can’t get me, get me further down (the hole/ditch) / Than I’ve already been, you get it? […] / I’m going one-on-one with my inner demons, and I’ve been doing that for the past 13 years / I’ve been there, no matter what happened / Ask your gangsters, they know my voice / Have respect, respect for the realness / But fucking piss me off, and I’ll be sending you to heaven […] /
What pressure are you talking about, I inhale this city deep into my lungs / Put it on the beat and I’ll be giving you a new reason for your hatred /
Like we were made for it, we’re running through hell barefooted / We’re living rent-free in their heads, with the real ones, with the real ones / Like we were made for it, always loyal to my people / Swapping none of my friends for money, for the real ones, for the real ones […] /
If you’re my enemy, I’ll give you lead (bullets) / If you’re my friend, I’ll give you love / Because a wolf stays fucking loyal only to his family /
💙 Lonely by Nathan Wagner 💙
Is everybody lonely? / Is everybody scared? / Is everybody worried / That no one really cares? / See I'm afraid to love, but afraid to be alone / Still I wonder why my heart is always broke / What a way to live, let the fear take all control / Oh, this ain't life, no / I'm not alive […] /
'Cause I'm afraid to show the people who I am / I'm not special, I'm just a simple broken man / So I will hide my face with my picture perfect mask / Oh, this ain't life, no / It's just a lie […] /
If I looked you in the eye / And showed the broken things inside / Would you run away? / Would you run away? / If you saw my darkest parts / The wicked things inside my heart / Would you run away? / Or are you the same? /
The following one makes me think of Mafia Dazai
💙 Body Count by Grey ft. Thutmose 💙
I got a hunger, I got a fever / And it just won't quit / I got a temper, I got a bullet / With your name on it / Everybody wonders what it's like on top / I don't gotta wonder 'cause I call the shots […] /
My blood runs cold and my feet run faster / I still got heart, I hear a heart don't matter / Say what you want and it'll be your last words / It ain't a secret, I got a hit list / And baby, you're up next /
Stack 'em up, stack 'em up / Teach 'em not to fuck with me / Bag 'em up, bag 'em up / Let 'em know who runs these streets / Take 'em down, take 'em down / Count 'em out like one, two, three / Add a-na-na-na-na-na-na-nother one  / To the body count /
T r i g g e r   W a r n i n g  !
💙 Bullet by Hollywood Undead 💙
Gone too far and yeah I'm gone again / It's gone on too long, tell you how it ends / I'm sitting on the edge with my two best friends / One’s a bottle of pills, one’s a bottle of Gin / I'm twenty stories up, yeah I'm up at the top / I'll polish off this bottle, now it's pushing me off / Asphalt to me has never looked so soft / I bet my momma found my letter, now she’s calling the cops / I gotta take this opportunity before I miss it / 'Cause now I hear the sirens and they're off in the distance / Believe me when I tell you that I've been persistent / 'Cause I'm more scarred, more scarred than my wrist is / I've been trying too long, with too dull of a knife / But tonight I made sure that I sharpened it twice / I never bought a suit before in my life / But when you go to meet god, you know you wanna look nice /
We hit the sky, there goes the light / No more sun, why's it always night / When you can't sleep, well, you can't dream / When you can't dream, well, what’s life mean? / We feel a little pity, but don't empathize / The old are getting older, watch a young man die […] /
When you were young, you never thought you'd die / Found that you could but too scared to try / You looked in the mirror and you said goodbye / Climb to the roof to see if you could fly /
So if I survive, then I'll see you tomorrow / Yeah, I'll see you tomorrow
𝕐𝕠𝕤𝕒𝕟𝕠 𝔸𝕜𝕚𝕜𝕠
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💙 Brunette Ambition by Qveen Herby 💙
'Cause it's been three weeks and four days / No days off, just runways / I’m fucked up, I'll throw shade / Outwork you on a bad day […] /
On a mission, got no competition / It's hard to sleep with brunette ambition / Revenge is sweet, pussy: my religion / They say slow down, but I never listen /
Old me forsaken, these rules are for breaking / I get lonely with no new friends / Associate, but they can't relate / When you want the world, they’re uncomfortable /
This one is 50% lyrics, 50% overall energy of the song. Yosano is a bad bitch, and I love her.
💙 STFD by TeZATalks 💙    [Flash Warning for epilepsy]
I'm not here to take no names or reservations / I'm the devil telling Satan I'm just wild / Sit the fuck down / Imma kill it let me live just how I'm livin' / Ghetto heart with good intentions / I'm just wild / Sit the fuck down /
I'm chasing freedom for the fearless / I gotta do it 'cause I can't chase fear myself / I'm 'bout as broken as I confess / But better than most that lay cower / Proud of who they crowd / You don't know me / Coming to take your crown / Bow down / You know that I can do better, better / I don't need you to come in and show me how / Settle down / Cause you know that I can do better, better /
This song is mostly just the vibe for me. Quite…. unapologetic. Like the badass bitch vibe Yosano gives off, despite (or probably especially because of) her past.
💙 Nur mir (only to myself) by Elif 💙
Can’t believe what’s happening to me / Your words have manipulated me / I shouldn’t lose the connection to myself / Because otherwise your words will always stay with me / At first, you were there for me / But then you wanted me as your property […] / This city is big enough for the two of us / I have to share it with 4 million others anyway / I get onto the same train, stand on the same platform / Oh, everything’s profit (to you), everything’s yours /
But I only belong to myself, only to myself / Belong to myself, only to myself / Not to her, not to him, not to you /
💙 Disease by Hollywood Undead 💙
Our words are broken but they’re spoken aloud / So come together, come together again / The time is now, let Armageddon begin / They say beginnings always start with the ends / I say forever and forever, Amen /
Forget what you are / Forget what you feel / We stand apart but fall together / Nothing ever lasts forever /
We’re born to live, we’re born to die / We’re forced to swallow these pills and to never ask why / What I’ve become, why can’t you see / That everybody, everybody, everybody’s got this disease? /
𝔼𝕕𝕠𝕘𝕒𝕨𝕒 ℝ𝕒𝕟𝕡𝕠
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💙 The Wolf by SIAMÉS 💙
Each and every day / Hiding from the sunshine / Wandering in the shade / Not too old, not too young / Every night again / Dancing with the moonlight / Somewhere far away / I can hear your call […] / Ain’t no fairytale / What I see in your eyes / Awaiting your mistake / Not too close, not too far /
Honestly, finding a song for Ranpo somehow was harder than it should’ve been lmao Originally, this song is about addiction, but if you read them in the sense of it being about a criminal, whom Ranpo is about to catch, it makes more sense. I am sorry I can’t provide a better song for him right now djhfksjlhdfujhhgkfc
𝕂𝕦𝕟𝕚𝕜𝕚𝕕𝕒 𝔻𝕠𝕡𝕡𝕠
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💙 Fuck You by Silent Child 💙
Am I wasting my breath on you / Feels like my words are never getting through, yeah / I never said I hate you to someone so much before / I'm light headed when we talk and then you shut the door, god damn / Like what are we still talking for, yeah /
I really hope you don’t see tomorrow  / I tried to play nice with you / 'Cause all you ever do is try to fuck up my day / And you were successful / (But I know the truth) / No you don't have anything better to do / Everything you ever loved has tried to escape you / So why would I want anything to do with you /
Fuck you /
Don’t lie, he would blast this at full volume when Dazai fucks up his schedule again HAHAHA (I love their dynamic)
💙 Waiting by Zhavia Ward 💙
The truth is you don't even / Know what the hell you believe / But you should believe / Lions don't lose sleep / Over the opinions of sheep /
So if you're waitin' / To watch me fall / Watch me fall / Watch me fall / I'ma keep you waitin' / To watch me fall / Watch me fall / Watch me fall / I'ma keep you waitin' /
Empire State kinda view / And I'm up here with the crew / I got the feelin' that you wishin' / You could be up here too / Maybe I should feel bad for you / Be a little sentimental / But I don't, no I won't / Make excuses for you to hide behind /
This one makes me think of the time Fyodor tried to break him mentally by making that little girl sacrifice herself (Season 3), but he got back up pretty quickly again after having his ideals get shaken like that.
𝔽𝕦𝕜𝕦𝕫𝕒𝕨𝕒 𝕐𝕦𝕜𝕚𝕔𝕙𝕚
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💙 S.C.A.V.A. by Hollywood Undead 💙
Here's the massacre, a mausoleum fit for me / Lived a hundred years, a hundred years I didn't see / Gave all my hope away, isn't any left for me? / Bombs are splitting atoms, what can the future bring? / We can fill a million choirs and wait till children sing / We can walk a million miles and end up in the sea / And our lungs just keep filling and lying when we breathe / The world's filled with liars, liars like me / And I look at my child, it's finite, this feeling / Eyes blue like the sky, I see all of this meaning / I reach up to God and I ask if I'm dreaming […] /
Everybody says greetings and goodbyes / Everybody pays, no one knows the price / We know the price of sin, the sin of sacrifice / I know I'll sin again, but who can save me twice? / How much can we ask? You'll get the answer first / How much can we kneel with the air that chills the earth? / The air keeps getting colder, my knees keep hitting dirt / The innocent can cry without the guilty getting hurt / You ask who you love and you don't know, no, do you? / The spirit of God just passes right through you / You gave away heaven, handed right to you / And I can see it all, tell me, is it true? /
Fukuzawa is that anime character that’s visibly been through a lot of shit (and has done a lot of shit as well, even morally grey or black), which could be why he’s so stern and not a man of many words. Marked by life, if you will. He also gives off a very “wise man” kinda vibe right from the beginning, so I think that this song somewhat fits him because it is wondering about the state of the world and human nature.
💙 Courtesy Call by Thousand Foot Krutch 💙
This is your last warning / A courtesy call / I am not afraid / Of the storm that comes my way / When it hits it shakes me to the core / And makes me stronger than before / It’s not a question about trust / But will you stand with us? […] /
There’s a rumble in the floor / So get prepared for war / When it hits it’ll knock you to the ground / When it shakes up everything around / But survivial is a must / So will you stand with us? /  
This song just has that badass vibe. And no one can deny that Fukuzawa has a badass and intimidating vibe as well as he seems so stern and stoic most of the time.
𝕋𝕒𝕟𝕚𝕫𝕒𝕜𝕚 𝕁𝕦𝕟𝕚𝕔𝕙𝕚𝕣𝕠𝕦
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💙 Nesimtit by Mark Stam 💙
I don't have lots of cash / But enough for me to buy you an ice cream / For us to go on a walk / And for you to whisper to me in the waves of the ocean / I've taken some days from the border / And I put some behind the door, on ice / For cloudy weather / So that we can have them when the movie of life passes […] /
Let me be your lifeline / When your world is in the process of demolition / Let your dreams fly / I promise, we'll catch them somewhere around the sun /
Oddly enough, the Tanizaki siblings were just as hard for me as Ranpo… There aren’t really that many songs that would make me think of them. But this Romanian one made me (partly) think of him, I also think it’s cute and would probably fit him lol Especially the last four lines make me think of him and Naomi. After all, he’d even burn down the whole world if it was for her sake. All in all, this just sounds like him in the sense of a really supporting person/friend/brother.
𝕋𝕒𝕟𝕚𝕫𝕒𝕜𝕚 ℕ𝕒𝕠𝕞𝕚
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💙 You Should See Me In A Crown by Billie Eilish 💙
You say, "Come over, baby / I think you're pretty" / I'm okay, I'm not your baby / If you think I'm pretty /
You should see me in a crown / I'm gonna run this nothing town / Watch me make 'em bow / One by one by one / One by one by / You should see me in a crown / Your silence is my favorite sound / Watch me make 'em bow / One by one by one / One by one by one /
Naomi isn’t giving me the same “badass bitch” vibe as Yosano does, but she does have that “badass princess” vibe. Is that making any kind of sense? Like, she does not have an ability, but she is neither dumb nor completely helpless in all situations. So, there is a slight badass vibe, but not the “I can and I. W i l l . Kick your stupid. Bitch. Ass.” – so a…. “badass princess”? Because she also has that elegant aura about her. I hope I am making sense…?
ℍ𝕒𝕣𝕦𝕟𝕠 𝕂𝕚𝕣𝕒𝕜𝕠
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💙 2! 3! by BTS 💙
We know that you are happy right now / That you're slaying right now / You have all what you deserve / And we are so damn proud / But you're people, like us / You have spars, you get hurt / You get tired of the pressure / You get tired of the rush / God, thank you so much! / For giving us the chance / To tell you that we're here for you / And this will never change /
Lay on us / When dark times come and surround you / Our light will help you to get through / Our love is gonna heal you / Lay on us / The ones who would go to space to / Steal some stars just to give you 'cause it would make you feel good / We're gonna stay with you forever, until the end / We swear that we're not going anywhere / Yeah we're not going anywhere / We know the road can be so tough / But with holding hands / Together we take a nice deep breath /
Haruno strikes me as the kind of person, who’d be a really supportive friend, so I thought this might fit her. I have not seen much of her and her character neither in the anime nor in the manga yet, so I don’t really know whether this is any good or if it does her any justice.
On the other hand, I feel this song would also fit the Tanizaki siblings well.
𝕄𝕚𝕪𝕒𝕫𝕒𝕨𝕒 𝕂𝕖𝕟𝕛𝕚
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💙 Puste sie weg (blow them away) by Kontra K 💙
Love in the air – blow it away / 9mm on the chest – then blow it away / 3g on the mirror – better blow it away / And the wind will do the rest / Hate in the air – blow it away / Pressure on the chest again – then blow it away / Seven sins in my head – better blow it away / And the wind will do the rest […] /
Because everyone’s talking, talking, talking too much / But unfortunately never do it, do it, do it / And I don’t hate, hate, hate the player / But I’d rather kill a whole team by myself /
I’d rather have three, four warriors than one thousand “brothers” / I’d rather pick up cents from the ground than break bread with liars / I’d rather be broke like I used to be than be a part time dealer / I’d rather have a heart of gold than sharing with no one at all (no one) /
Hatred in the air – blow it away / Pressure on the chest again – then blow it away / Seven sins in my head – better blow it away / And the wind will do the rest /
Take the lyrics quite literally, “blow them away”. The feeling of this song fits him, I think, because of his sheer strength. He just blows away hatred, malice, etc. and is unaffected by any of it as his heart and his head stay innocent and pure, even if naive.
I have to say though, it can be a pun, especially the part of “9mm (gun) on the chest” would be most obvious for it (especially considering that the “on the chest” part does not specify in German whether it’s your own chest or you are holding a gun to someone’s else’s chest lol). In general “puste xy weg” means to blow it away with the air out of your mouth, but colloquially it can also mean gunning down something or someone. And if you apply that meaning to every single line with “blow it away”, the meaning turns around from not letting it bother you to killing it, which I find interesting with this character. (Because he definitely has great potential to actually kill someone with his ability alone.) Though what I thought when I heard this song was that it might fit him with the meaning of him letting nothing bother him.
𝕀𝕫𝕦𝕞𝕚 𝕂𝕪𝕠𝕦𝕜𝕒
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💙 Alaska by Elif 💙
Sometimes I’m thinking, I’m going insane like everyone else / They said I’d be going nuts and yeah, I’m starting to believe them / -7°C, I’m walking through the city park by myself / The down jacket is keeping me warm, but in my heart, there’s Alaska /
I don’t know what love is / No matter how much of it I get, I need more of it / It’s tearing me apart on the inside / When I, once again, don’t know where I’ll be getting it from / Even my therapist says, he doesn’t know any further / My dark side, it’s stronger than the good one / My youth was poisened, the future is uncertain / It is how it is yeah, it is how it is /
💙 Godsent by Smash Into Pieces 💙
I used to share, I used to care / The good in me is gone I'm bad / I used to give, I used to feel / The things you did will never heal / Take a look at me now / See what I've become / I will no longer feed the machine / Can't control the monster in me, no / The way that I feel / Makes it harder to breathe / When I'm thinking about you / The monster is real /
This makes me think of her in the Port Mafia.
💙 Boomerang by Smash Into Pieces 💙
I've been gone for a while now / But only to gain my power / I've been fighting my demons / And I'm back up on my feet (and now) / The harder you fall down / The stronger you come back later / Now I feel like an army / And I've only just begun /
This one in turn makes me think of her in the Agency.
💙 Circles (제자리) by G.Soul 💙
Oh, we know the ending / No matter how you escape / Here again / Always come back to me / Back again / Eventually / Here again / Why is it so hard to leave? / Here again / We always stay here […] / Answer me, I don’t know, no / Just don’t know / You’re getting stuck / Forever / Oh, we know the ending / No matter how you escape / Here again /
This makes me think of what Kouyou (I hope I am remembering her name correctly) was saying about her as a flower of darkness, as she was kind of turning in circles (no pun intended)–between wanting to be in the light and “accepting” that she only belongs into the darkness–at the beginning before she finally joined the Agency.
💙 Excuses (변명) by G.Soul 💙
I told you not to be too good to me / That it would make it too hard on you / No matter what you say now / I don’t hear a word of it […] / Even though I may be making a mistake / Even though I may regret this as time goes on / Baby, I think that we should just end it here now /
Even though the song in total has a different vibe (and story lmao), these parts of the lyrics makes me think of Kyouka telling Atsushi that there is no saving her, and that the light is no place for her (directly after saving her from the Port Mafia). It kinda makes me think of the part, specifically, where Atsushi suggests going on a “date” and at the end of it, Kyouka wants the last place they go to to be the police station.
𝔻𝕒𝕫𝕒𝕚 & 𝔸𝕥𝕤𝕦𝕤𝕙𝕚
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💙 Sing To Me by Missio 💙
Somehow I got nominated as a king of sadness / Got so much I know that I could even feed the birds / And that's why / I prayed, I prayed, God sent me right to voicemail / It's like, all day my vanity is for sale / Take it away, my head is in my own hell /
Sing to me, I am not doing well / Getting tired of my own words / Sing to me 'cause I can't hear myself / Through the loudness of my own hurts / Call me selfish when I say this, say this / I'm kinda helpless, and I need you / Sing to me 'cause I'm not doing well /
Somebody told me that there's two sides to this life / I think I might've chosen darkness over light /
These two are two sides of the same coin, but no side is brighter than the other. I feel like they are kind of mirroring each other in the way they feel about themselves, which is why these lyrics mirror both of them towards each other as both are in need of salvation as they’re drowning in their own minds. Dazai is just better at hiding it from Atsushi.
💙 Namae wo yobu yo (Call A Name) by Luck Life (Season 1 Ending) 💙
I was searching / For the reason I’m able to remain as myself / If there’s a version of me / That exists within your heart / That even amid the darkness on this long, hilly road / I feel I can become a new me / Able to make my way through / So that each of us, walking our individual moments, can keep on smiling / So that we can keep moving forward, exploring the meaning of life together / I’ll call out a name / Your name / So that you can remain who you are /
Technically, lyrically it’s the entirety of the song, but I will not write down all of it lmao And it’s the Atsushi and Dazai parallels here again. It’s not just the ending with the animation that shows it for me, but the lyrics reflect both of them in them as well. I absolutely loved this ending. I never ship characters as I do not care about that, but I really love these two (separately)~ (What they mean for each other aka what they might mean for each other in the future [peace of mind/finding worth for Atsushi, and a reason to live for Dazai, etc.], how they’re already helping each other [Dazai helping Atsushi with feeling worthless, and Dazai finding a bit of piece of mind], etc. etc. etc.) I haven’t loved 2 characters in an anime as much as this in quite a long time (The last time was Kougami and Akane in Psycho Pass) as I find making up characters as complex as them and make them fit together as well as them/make them complement each other/balance each other out is actually pretty hard to do really well.
Making up this list took waaaaay longer than it should’ve. (I did not include Katai because I couldn’t think of a single song for him, sorry.)
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habibialkaysani · 4 years
Touch (Laurel/Nyssa; T) - earth-44
Ships: Laurel/Nyssa
Summary: Laurel and Nyssa. Dinah and Amina. Green Arrow and the Black Canary. Daredevil and the Black Sky. The Flash and Vibe.
Across the multiverse, they go by many names, surrounded by different people at different times in their lives. But there is one golden link between the Dinah Laurel Lances and Nyssa Raatkos across the infinite earths - that they always find each other. And every time, their story starts with a single touch.
A/N: As I recently watched The Old Guard, I was inspired by the dynamic between Joe and Nicky and immediately dreamed up (as I so often do) a Lauryssa AU for those characters. So here is a little bit of it - and then there will be an expansion of that story as a separate fic, to come sometime soon I hope as it’s half-finished.
Read at AO3
(In which Laurel and Nyssa are immortals who have been together for a thousand years fighting righteous battles side by side as part of an army, a la Nicolo di Genova and Yusuf al-Kaysani in The Old Guard.)
The chains cut coldly on Laurel's wrists, drawing blood, but she barely noticed as she continued to struggle against them. She had eyes only for Nyssa. Even after an eternity of witnessing the love of her life die and come back, Laurel could not bear to even contemplate a world without Nyssa in it. 
There were questions, vague and half-formed in her mind, about why they were taken, where the others were, particularly their newest recruit, Sarah Diggle, for whom Laurel and Nyssa already felt responsible. 
Laurel wanted to know who these soldiers around them were, where they were going - and, of course, the age-old question about whether they had finally been caught, and if they would be put in a cage as a lab experiment. 
But at the forefront of Laurel's thoughts was what lay before her, and that was her beloved, her partner, and her soulmate. Nyssa was sprawled on her front, having been shot when attempting to escape her restraints, and even now as Laurel's eyes moved down further, she winced at the sight of Nyssa’s lifeless body.
This was always the worst part. While Laurel and Nyssa were hardly strangers to immortality and its secrets, no amount of dying could make Laurel used to the agonising seconds and minutes before Nyssa finally gasped back to life. And the hard truth was that despite Nyssa's words that she would always come back, they both knew this was impossible to predict. Their immortality would run out one day, and every time they got caught in the crosshairs of another enemy, Laurel wondered if today was it. 
"Nyssa," she whispered, feeling a surge of anger not at the tears that stung in her eyes but that one of the soldiers - a square-jawed blond man - was eyeing her closely. "Nyssa, habibti - wake up." 
But Nyssa was still motionless in the armoured van. The soldiers had shot her squarely in the back, but that had been minutes ago, surely. She should have awakened by now. Unless… 
"Ya Nyssa!" Laurel cried, louder this time, and the blond soldier grabbed her by the shoulders roughly. 
"Oi. Shut up!" 
Laurel just ignored him, reaching out despite her restraints to touch Nyssa's cheek. "Nyssa, please. It's me, habibti. Wake up!" 
"I just told you to shut the fuck up!" the soldier barked. 
"Or what?" Laurel shot back. "You can kill me too if you want. I’ll just come back, and make no mistake - I'll be angrier." The guard spluttered at that, unable to form anything coherent in reply, and Laurel went back to shaking Nyssa in an effort to rouse her. "Come back to me, my love. Please." For good measure, Laurel blessed herself and said a silent prayer, and somehow, miraculously, someone upstairs seemed to have heard her, because Nyssa then started coughing.
Automatically Laurel looked up at the heavens above - obscured, of course, by the armoured ceiling of the van, which should have made it less poetic - and thanked every deity she could name in her head. There was blood in Nyssa's hair as Laurel stroked it tenderly, leaning forward so her forehead touched the crown of her beloved. 
"Are you okay?" Laurel asked softly in Arabic. 
"I think so," Nyssa replied, also in Arabic, before switching loudly to English. "Very pissed off, though."
"As am I," Laurel said, glowering at the blond soldier. She softened, though, in an instant when Nyssa squeezed Laurel’s hand.  "I'm just glad I didn't lose you. They shot you." 
"You will never lose me, hayati. And I'm fine." Nyssa groaned in pain as she lifted her shirt and the two bullets that had temporarily stymied Nyssa popped out and rolled onto the floor. Laurel could see the exit wound knitting, just under Nyssa's ribcage, and she winced. As she did so, though, she could sense the blond soldier's leer before she saw it. 
"Aw, are you two together or something? Is she your girlfriend?" 
Nyssa just rolled her eyes, letting out a faint sigh of fatigue and exasperation as another soldier then joined in. They knew what was going to come next - Laurel and Nyssa had been together for over a thousand years, but one thing that had worsened, rather than gotten better, was the way the world saw them. 
"Feel free to make out in front of us. Always found that hot." 
"To call you childish would be an insult - " Laurel snapped, "- to children, that is. You speak like prepubescent boys guided by nothing but the pathetic newfound stirring of your loins. You could not even begin to fathom with your simple mind the depths of love I have for this woman. You lack the maturity to understand how her very breath awakens my faith and her smile strengthens my soul, that even after centuries together I fall in love with her more every single day. She is not my girlfriend, little boy. She is my moral compass, my north star, my guiding light when I am lost."
"And your wife," Nyssa added helpfully and Laurel almost forgot her anger for a moment as she automatically smiled. Nyssa had a way of doing that, of tempering the storm of emotions raging in Laurel's head at the best of times. 
“Yes,” Laurel said. “And she is my wife.”
Slowly, the soldier crouched down so his face was uncomfortably close to Laurel’s. “So you’ve joined the twenty-first century. Congratulations. Why the fuck should I care about that?”
Laurel did not even flinch. "Because if you so much as touch a hair on her head, you will find out just how much." For good measure, she headbutted the man, with such force that he was knocked onto his back, his head hitting the van floor with a satisfying thump.
"Ralph!" one of the other soldiers yelped, immediately going to his aid. 
"He does look like a Ralph, doesn't he?" Laurel observed. 
“Yeah. I think he does,” Nyssa said after a moment. “That was nice, though.”
Laurel smiled. “Yeah?”
"Indeed, my love. Romance and stamina?” Nyssa said teasingly, her chained hand going behind Laurel’s neck to pull her wife towards her. “You must save some for the rest of us, dearest." And despite their circumstances Laurel laughed.
"What do you think, Nyssa?" Laurel asked quietly. "Do you think this could be like Marrakech in '67?"
Nyssa smiled back. "You read my mind." She waited, then leaned in as if to kiss Laurel, but at the last second they both moved so quickly the soldiers didn't even have a chance to think, let alone raise their guns. With her chained hands Laurel got a hold of the two soldiers nearest her while kneeing a third between the legs. She knew from the crunching sound she heard that Nyssa had probably broken some bones, and as Laurel caught sight of Ralph feebly stirring a few feet away, she kicked his face for good measure. 
Then and only then did Laurel pull Nyssa towards her for a kiss, and she sighed contentedly in her wife's mouth. 
"Keys?" Laurel asked, and Nyssa shook her head. The two of them rifled through the soldiers' pockets just to be sure, but they came up with nothing. "Shit.”
“It seems we are out of luck. They must have locked us in from the inside. We must simply await our fate, habibti." 
“I hate doing that,” Laurel muttered. 
"I know you do, hayati, but we are out of options." 
Laurel looked up, met her wife's eyes. "How are you always able to stay so enduringly patient?" 
Nyssa smiled back. "Why, from centuries of practice, of course." 
As if on cue, the van ground to a halt, and when the doors opened by yet more soldiers, Ralph’s unconscious body rolled out with a thump.
Laurel cleared her throat. “Any chance you motherfuckers can get these chains off us?”
"Perhaps don't lead with that, my heart," Nyssa said, but it wasn't with a lot of conviction and she was unsurprised when the soldiers ignored her words and dragged her to her feet. Next to her, they were doing the same with Laurel. 
"Habibti, I love you, but you know playing nice isn't going to get us anywhere," Laurel said, annoyance laced into her tone from how the men were gripping her shoulders with far more force than necessary.
"True. We are usually better judges of character," Nyssa said, speaking now to the woman who had orchestrated this whole fiasco - Amanda Waller. 
Waller didn't reply, just glowered back at Nyssa. 
"It's a nice plane, Amanda," Laurel said, as Nyssa was frogmarched onto the plane waiting for them.
"There's a TV, Laurel!" Nyssa called over her shoulder, and Laurel couldn't suppress her laugh if she wanted to. 
"Ooh! Any champagne?" Laurel asked, her heart soaring when the words elicited a laugh from her love. 
Her smile was short-lived, though, as Waller brought up the rear and the plane door closed behind them. This was Laurel's second worst fear come true, of capture and inevitable experimentation, and she wondered if it would lead to her greatest fear of all - that she would be separated eternally from her beloved. 
She closed her eyes, as she was being strapped onto the seat of the plane next to her wife. The restraints around her ankles were unnecessarily tight and Laurel could barely move her wrists, but in that moment she felt the gentle press of a single finger hooking around one of hers. It was Nyssa, reassuring her through the tiniest touch that she was there, that she was okay, that they would be, and Laurel wanted so badly to seize Nyssa's hand and kiss it, but she couldn't. 
So instead, she squeezed her wife's finger in return, and then murmured the prayer that she hoped was sent up to the heavens, for the two of them to emerge from this intact and together. 
Tagging: @skydisneylover @stungunmilly2 @mewis-sisters @therewas-a-girl @bulbasaurfan93 @nyssalance @istanlena @abbyscameron @nyxxyn22 @ineedhelp25fan @theolivekiddo @me-and-sweatpants @rainboisland
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bonesthebeloved · 4 years
The absence of a necessity
This story is based on THIS POST by @quietrainfan
Summary: When Thomas stops lying altogether, Deceit and the other dark sides are quick to notice the effects. But it’s only made clear what kind of effect it truly has when it’s already too late...
Characters: Deceit, Remus, Apathy, Depression, Wrath, Roman, Patton (only mentioned), Logan, Virgil (only mentioned), Thomas
Word count: 7112 words
Trigger warning (Spoilers): Crying, screaming, Depressive behaviour, insanity, aggression, swearing, character ‘death’, food mention. (If I missed any warnings please let me know and I will add them)
The decision on the matter had been made without Deceit present and so he hadn’t been made aware of it until Remus stopped by his room two days later to catch up and get away from the others a bit.
They had sat and drunk tea. Deceit waving his hand to summon them some sweets as he found that he came up emptyhanded. He tried again. Nothing. And again. Nothing.
Once he started waving his hand around for the fifth time his friend caught on and caught his wrist. Stopping him from trying again. “Maybe you’re just tired, Dee. Don’t worry I’ll do it.”
A single snap and the table was piled with baked goods and sweets. And as Remus quickly grabbed hold of a creme-filled doughnut, Deceit stared at his hands. Wondering what was going on.
That same evening Remus came to his door for the second time that day. Unusual in and on itself. But the fact that he had Wrath with him really took the cake.
“What do I own the pleasure to?” Deceit said. curiosity peaking as he saw Wrath huff in anger. Fists bawling. Something was wrong. They had worked on his temper and it had been weeks since he had become properly mad. He looked like he was fuming.
So Deceit asked again. Wrath wouldn’t dare lie. Knowing full well Deceit would be able to sense it if he did.
So he told he truth; “Thomas and Patton made a deal for Thomas to not lie anymore.”
Ah. That explains his powers stuttering earlier that day.
“Hmm. Not surprising,” he started. Voice calm and even. Watching how the calming tone had an immediate effect on the other. “Seeing as Patton seems to believe that Thomas is automatically a bad person if Thomas isn’t perfect in every way shape or form. It’s impressive that he’s managed to keep that promise for long enough for me to see the effects but I doubt this little deal will last. He’s only human after all.”
Wrath looked at him doubtfully. While Remus simply looks worried. “What if he does keep the promise though Dee? What happens to a side when their functions don’t exist anymore?”
Deceit waved his worries away hurriedly. Explaining that nothing would happen to him. He was a base function in every human. Though the little seed of worry that Remus’ remark had planted sprouted and steadily grew into a little plant in the hours he spends alone in his room after that interaction. Failing to get to sleep.
Deceit spends a lot of his time helping and accompanying the other ‘dark sides’ (He despised the term Roman had come up with but they had decided to make it their own.)  Whether it is sitting next to them while they rambled. Reading and lazily running his fingers through their hair as they lay in his lap or making them dinner; Deceit was always there for them. Even Depression had warmed up to him after a while. Hanging around Apathy a lot. Finding his dismissive attitude comforting. They often sat in the living room, talking about nothing in particular or the most pressing questions one could have into the early morning.
Yes, Deceit was always there for them. Up until the day he wasn’t.
Depression had meant to go and knock on Deceit’s door. Informing him that they had made cookies and offering him to come and have some.
The snake had been awfully patient with him lately. Wintertime was always harder for the depressive side to deal with. The downward spiral a lot of people went through was twice as hard for the aspect representing said downwards spiral. He’d hidden away in his room for half a day when Deceit had come knocking.
He’d prodded him out of the bed with a mixture of gentle encouragement and mockery, making him just spiteful enough to get up to show Deceit that ‘yes I can stand up what about it?’
They’d sat on the floor and eaten the noodles the lying trait had summoned. Not talking. Simply sitting in each others company. It had helped, though depression had still not quite figured out how. Once he started to loosen up a bit Deceit had gotten up. Asking him very casually to come with him to the imagination to help out with a task that he totally needed help with.
At the end of the day, Depression had laughed so hard his stomach had started hurting and they had eaten strawberries in the flowerbeds. The sad feeling wasn’t completely gone of course. It never really was. But Deceit had made it bearable. And that’s more than he could ask for.
So here Depression was. Walking down the hall and stopping in front of Deceit’s door. That is, he would have.
If the door had been there.
He stared at the blank wall. And then looked further down the hall. Up until he had reached the end of it.
Deceit’s door had disappeared.
It had been one week after Thomas had made the deal with Patton when Deceit found he couldn’t leave his room anymore due to the very simple fact of there no longer being a door.
His powers had become too weak for him to be able to sink down, he had been using the doors and hallways of the mindscape as an alternative for a good three days now.
And now he couldn’t leave.
He ran to his desk and picked up his phone. Texting Wrath to ask him to come to get him from his room. Trying to stop his hands from shaking as he stared down at the clawed fingers. The small trail of scales peeking out from under the sweater he was wearing as he waited for Remus to text him back.
The phone vibrated as a video call came in. Deceit accepting it quickly. Almost crying out in relief as he saw the faces of Remus and Wrath. Pressed together to both fit into the screen.
“Hey Double D’s! So uh. Did you relocate your room again cuz I can’t fucking find it, man? Depression almost had a breakdown over it when he came to bring you cookies just now.”
Ah. So the door to get in was gone too.
“I - Well I actually magicked my room away into the imagination!” He lied through his teeth. Flashing his sweetest and fakest of grins. Normally, his good friend wouldn’t have bought into the lie so easily. But the camera was pixelated and his voice came through with a weird echo. A perfect combination for when one wanted to start lying.
After all. His family shouldn’t worry just because of something so small. It would all sort itself out soon, he was sure of it.
“I thought I’d take a little vacation! I asked you to look for my room to see if the door was gone on your side as well but I can see that it is so no worries! “ “Okay... Is it... can we call you every now and again while you’re there? For Uhm...Just to see how you’re doing. You know how fidgety dee gets when you’re gone for too long. Even Apathy gets antsy ya know.”
Deceit’s smile softened when he heard said side shout a ‘No I don’t motherfucker!’ Ah, what a bunch of idiots. He’d die for them in an instance.
“That’s alright Remus. Tell Depression I’m doing alright okay? Oh and that I said hi. See you soon!”
And the call ended. Deceit sat back down on his bed slowly. Looking down at his hands and concentrating. Imagining the simple object he wanted to summon. A pen. A simple pen was all he wanted.
Maybe this whole not lying thing was more serious than he had first thought.
‘Calling every now and then’ turned out to mean at least two times a day.
Remus wasn’t able to shake the feeling that something was wrong. And, as it calmed down both Wrath and Depression, he didn’t mind.
Deceit wasn’t complaining either. He loved seeing the four of them all piled on the couch or floor or wherever they were to talk to him. Asking how he was. When he was coming back. If he had gone ice-skating in the colder part of the imagination yet. Something was wrong. But Remus knew Deceit would rather be shot in the foot than admit that particular fact. Though he saw through him.
The lying trait enjoyed their talks. Always sat on his bed or at the kitchen table in his room when they called. The familiarity of it working as a comfort to all of them.
In the second week of his ‘vacation’, they only saw him in bed. Not even walking around or getting up to get water or go to the bathroom even if they called for hours.
Even Apathy had gotten worried now. Very subtly asking him when he was returning as depression sat a bit further back. shifting nervously as they listened to Deceit’s story about what happened in the woods that day.
He’d told the same story three days in a row now. They knew he was lying. Wrath clenched his jaw every time Deceit answered their call and looked more tired and beat down than on their last one.
Whatever was happening to him was getting worse and he was too stubborn to admit it.
But surely. If Deceit wasn’t telling them it couldn’t be that bad. Could it?
It was, in fact, that bad.
He decided to tell them the truth about what was going on when they hit one month of him not being able to leave his room.
The connection had started to become worse and worse with each call and he feared he might not be able to call them very soon, so he wanted to do this now.
“Hey, dee!” “Hey bro.” “Hi.” “Hello.” came the greetings from the others.
Deceit smiled. Gathering what little energy he had to will himself to speak. His tongue felt heavy in his mouth as if he’d been heavily sedated.
“Hello, you four. I want’d t’tell you sometin. ‘m not on vacation.” He hated how his speech was slurred. He really was losing all his energy. God this sucked.
“Okay... Came Apathy’s response. He sounded unsure. They had known something was up. That Deceit was certain of. The barely-there and yet worryingly present scared undertone in that single word made a shiver run down Deceit’s spine. They weren’t supposed to be scared. Not for his wellbeing, not for anyone. He wanted them to be happy and smile and laugh whenever they could.
“Where are you then? I’m assuming you’re not in the imagination either then?”
Deceit nodded; Pulling a face at how it made his head spin. “v’been in my room. No doors so m not getting out. Thom’s isn’t lying n’ more so ‘mnot needed.” He slurred. Hands moving around. A pathetic copy of his usually exaggerated movements.
He was losing energy fast. This talk wouldn’t last very long.
“I’m... I’m sure Thomas will lie again soon. It’s hard for humans to not lie at all right? Y- you’ll be back in no- time right? right dee?” But Deceit had run out of energy. Head lolling to the side. His bowler hat tumbling off and revealing slightly greasy, uncombed hair.
“’s gonna be fine. Your'll gon’ be fine... I love you all...”
He pressed the button to end the call. Cutting of the four sides that were about to respond and letting his phone fall out of his hand.
It fell to the floor. The screen cracking with a loud noise.
Deceit hadn’t heard it anymore. Having fallen unconscious mere moments after feeling it slip out of his grasp.
The aftermath of the phonecall was messy.
Wrath, who had been holding the phone had stared at it for several long seconds before letting out a frustrated scream and throwing it against the wall where it smacked against it and slid down with a thud.
The noise had startled Depression out of his staring contest with the empty space in front of him. Looking at the smashed phone with dull eyes before walking out. As soon as he closed the door behind him they could hear the soft sniffs turning into full-on sobs as he ran to his room.
Apathy had slowly sat down on the couch again. Holding the book he had been reading - a copy of moby dick. The scribbled note on the first page showcasing that it had been a gift from Deceit- close to his chest as he stared into nothingness.
Remus was laughing. He wasn’t sure why. There was nothing that could be considered funny in this case. Nothing that could be even mildly amusing. And still, he was laughing. A few moments after he’d willed himself to stop he realised why. As tears started falling as soon as his body had stopped pushing out laughter.
“He isn’t gone.” He mumbled. Wrath flinching at the voice and growled at him before going to the kitchen, shoving a plate, that was sitting on the counter innocently, of it to watch it smash to bits on the floor.
“He’s fine he’s not gone. He’ll come back he's fine he’s not gone he’s not gone he’snotgonenotgonenotgonenot-”
The halls of their wing of the mind palace were quiet that night. The only noise disturbing the silence where the quiet wails coming from Depression’s room and the occasional shout from Remus’. The Duke startling awake due to another nightmare.
You only realise you love someone when they’re gone.
That statement was bullshit to Wrath. They had realised just fine when Deceit had still been there with them.
They’d tried to call him without getting a response for three days in a row now.
Apathy kept trying. Wrath knew that he was gone already. He could feel it. It pissed him off to no end.
Deceit had taught him to deal with the anger. How to release the tension in a non-violent way. How to fit in with their bunch of misfits and how to build himself a home in the mids of them, How to feel like a part of their little family.
But Deceit was dead so fuck that.
He’d smashed most of their mugs; the distant and more recent memories of Dee, sitting at their kitchen counter with one of the mugs in hand. Reading whatever it was that he’d been reading that time, was offending to him.
Deceit was gone. He didn’t need reminders of all of those good times because they were tainted now. Twisted into something horrible. Something sad.
When two months without his friend had passed Wrath had gone to Thomas. Waving away his surprise and disgust in favour of asking him, rather rudely, to lie.
“Just fucking lie. Say the sky is purple for all I care. You’re not taking my friend away from me” “And why would I listen to a dark side huh? You probably have some evil scheme involving me lying. So the answer is no. No, I won’t.”
Wrath could practically feel Patton his eyes burning into the back of his neck but he didn’t care. He took a deep breath. Trying to remember everything Deceit had taught him about calming his temper before he started again. Properly begging now.
“Thomas please. I need you to lie. I’ll make sure I won’t bother you after this. None of us will. We’ll stay inside the mind palace from now on just please lie for me just once. Even a little one is fine I just-” He faltered, angrily scoffing at the tears that had gathered in the corners of his eyes. “-I... We need him back. He’s our friend he- he keeps us in check Thomas please I-”
“NO! I won’t do it stop asking! Lying is bad!”
When Apathy walked into the kitchen later that day he would find every mug, every plate every glass cup smashed to pieces on the tiled floor. Wrath sitting on the counter, slowly rotating a cracked mug between his fingers.
“They were all tainted.” Wrath said quietly without looking up from the mug. “All of them stained with his memories.”
Apathy hadn’t spoken a single word since their last successful phonecall with their friend. Simply sitting on the couch in their living room at first. Moving to his own room shortly after Wrath had destroyed all their mugs and plates.
He was rather fond of reading. Had found it calming. For that reason and that reason alone, was the only place in his room that he cared for and actually kept clean the bookshelf
It took up the entire right wall of his room. Filled to the brink with books, spanning from adventure to poetry. From horror to biographies he had them all. Logan would turn green with envy if he were to see the impressive collection.
In the following weeks though, more than half of the bookshelf began collecting dust. Books falling off the shelf when he accidentally bumped against it were left laying on top of the mountains of unfolded clothing and empty water bottles which their owner cared too little to clean up.
Only about a third of the books were kept neat and dustfree. Divided into their own little section in the bookcase sat all the books Deceit had given him. Books on fantasy and the art of deception. On philosophers and rangers running through the woods to save the day.
Apathy re-read all of them in the weeks to follow that final phone call. Only getting up from where had sat down to get the occasional bit of food. Not speaking. Not looking at the others when they tried to get his attention. Simply reading the words. Fingers shakily running over the little notes Deceit had left on the first page of every book.
All of them were unique in their own right. Sometimes it told him that it would be alright. The note reminding him of Deceit handing him the book when he was feeling down in an attempt to cheer him up.
Sometimes they said happy birthday or merry Christmas.
Sometimes there was a pun based on the content scribbled there which he would only understand once he had read it.
Sometimes it was a quick ‘I’m here for you.’
The problem with that last one was though, that he wasn’t.
Deceit wasn’t here for him. Wasn’t here at all and Apathy didn’t want to care. He shouldn’t really. It was in the job description after all. But he did. And it hurt. And when he was done with the last book he started over again. And he hadn’t talked in nearly four months now. And the hurt hadn’t stopped. And in most of the books, the first page was stained with silent tears. Sometimes smudging the words that were written there.
When the four-month mark rolled around and he opened one of the books to see that he wasn’t able to see the little smiley-face Deceit had scribbled under the note due to the teardrops that had fallen on it, Apathy snapped the book shut and sunk down.
Thomas let out a scream when the dark side popped up. Book still held pressed against his chest and hair uncombed and greasy.
“T-homas” His voice sounded like he’d swallowed an entire bag of sand. Croaky and dry and his throat burned with each syllable he pushed out.
But he kept going. This was the only thing he truly cared for and damn him if he gave up now.
“Lie.” “Who are you?!” “Apathy, nice to meet you. Now tell a lie.” “Tell a- you’re here because of that as well? Well, I told the other one-” “Wrath.” “-Yes. I told Wrath that I won’t already. Lying is wrong. I’m not a bad person therefore I will not lie.”
Apathy pinched the bridge of his nose in irritation. Jesus Christ Patton had really burned it into their host’s brain huh?
“Just say you like carrots or some shit like that I don't care. It won’t make you a bad person but taking away our friend would. Now do us all a favour and just tell a fucking lie!”
His volume had risen as he ended his rant. He was nearly shouting now and it had an effect. Thomas took a step back. Eyes widened and hands slightly rising up in a weak effort to protect himself.
Now Apathy wouldn’t hurt him. That would just be plain stupid. Thomas was their creator after all and they all wanted what was best for him. But Thomas didn’t know that. And neither did Roman when he popped in, sword drawn, to ensure the safety of their host.
Apathy scoffed at him and rolled his eyes as the prince stepped in front of Thomas. Actively shielding him from the ‘dark side’.
“Get out of here you foul fiend of I will attack.” “Come on then. I’m not leaving until I get my friend back.”
He returned to his room completely unharmed. Though cradling a torn-up book as tears streamed down his face. The cover was torn off, some pages completely missing and, worst of all, the note on the first page was ripped in half and crumpled up until the point of attempting to read it becoming impossible.
Apathy didn’t leave his room at all after that. The other’s not hearing a peep and just having to assume that he was still alive in there. Reading those books over and over again. Fingers brushing over the notes that slowly became unreadable. Too worn and too stained to be deciphered.
Depression, much like Apathy, had barely left his room since their final phone call had ended. The only times when he did leave the little safe haven he had made for himself happened when Remus was able to coax him out of it to come and eat dinner with him.
Remus had been halfheartedly trying to take over the caring role in their little group of misfits. Though the attempts had lessened more and more until, after they hit month 5, they had completely seized to exist. Leaving depression to his own devices. Stowed away in his room.
The others had grown used to the sobs that echoed through the hallways nearly every night as he cried and cried until he ran out of tears or passed out from exhaustion. Clinging onto the capelet Deceit had once given him under the pretends of it being old and him needing to get a new one anyway.
It had quickly become a comfort blanket for him and he’d suspected that this had been what Deceit had intended though he hadn’t brought it up. Simply happy that his friend had given it to him.
Because that’s what they were. Friends. It had taken Depression a long time to come to terms with believing them to actually be friends. But Deceit had helped. He’d stayed with him when he couldn’t get out of bed because the world was too much and he felt too small. And he’d sat with him on the kitchen counter at 3 in the morning when Depression had told him that he couldn’t feel. And he’d made him breakfast at 2 in the afternoon because everything felt fake and he couldn’t seem to get himself back into his body.
And he’d realised that he had friends (four of them, to be exact) when Virgil had left them and they had all sat on the couch and cried. And he’d realised he had a family when Deceit had come into his room holding a collar with the Scooby-Doo logo on it and Virgil’s old jacket because he knew that it was hard to move on and that familiarity, though it hurt, would help. And Deceit had told him that, even though it was his job description, that he would not lie to him when Depression had asked if it really was the original jacket or if Deceit was simply saying that to make it have meaning.
And he realised that now that was all gone.
Because Deceit was gone and their family was falling apart with him.
And all he could do was cry, holding the caplet close as he stared at his ceiling at 3 am. Wondering why Deceit wasn’t there to invite him to come to sit on the kitchen counter. Knuckles turning white around the smooth fabric of the caplet as he held it even tighter.
The ripping of one of the seams in the said fabric when they neared the 6-month mark was what had made him leave his room. Tear tracks carved into his cheeks. Nose running and red. Eyes puffy and caplet wrapped around his shoulders like a trauma blanket as he rose up.
Thomas had the decency to look concerned when he saw the state this unknown side was in. Though the outstretched hand fell to his side again when he spotted the caplet and realised why this new part of him was even here.
“Give him back to us.” “I’m not going to start lying again. I’m sorry but I can’t. I’m not a ba-” “Give. Him. Back.”
This time, though Thomas looked taken aback, Roman didn’t pop up to save the day. Instead, the man seemed to steel himself. Straightening his back and looking directly at the side in front of him. Trying to make eye contact. Something Depression was trying to avoid doing at all costs.
“I want my family back Thomas. Just one lie. We will stop bothering you after this just-” “One of the others said the same. I’m sorry but I can’t do that. Maybe you should just try to move on.”
And that hurt. Depression stared at him, looking into his eyes for the first time and Thomas found he suddenly knew exactly how much it hurt.
It only lasted a couple of seconds before the side sunk down again. Leaving Thomas with tears in his eyes and a baffled expression painted onto his face.
Depression passed Remus in the hallway on his way back to his room. Looking at his friend with dull grey eyes. Expression empty. Feeling like his body didn’t quite belong to him.
“He said we should move on,” he repeated the words of their host dully as he walked passed Remus. Entering his room and staring at his bed from the entryway. He wouldn’t be able to sleep tonight.
The door fell shut behind him with a loud click.
Remus stood in the hallway on the spot Depression had left him. Half-empty cookie-jar in hand. Hand partly inside of it.
Slowly. After having stared at the now-closed door for several long seconds, he began moving towards the living room again. humming softly to himself as he put one of the cookies in his mouth. Scratching at the back of his neck as he looked around the mess of a living room.
Remus was...not doing too well. After he and Roman had split it had become harder and harder for him to keep the insanity from creeping into his mind. Clouding his judgment.
He didn’t mean to be destructive. He wanted to be kind and caring for his friends. Wanted to have fun and make breakfast. But acting normal became abnormal on some days. And being violent and cruel no longer seemed like a bad idea when he was in that state.
Deceit had helped him control it. They had found a way for him to express himself without the insanity taking hold of his actions. He’d learned to reach out sooner rather than when he was just on the brink. Had learned that being vulnerable isn’t bad when with the right people. Learned that his family will always try and get him off that brink.
They had become close friends quickly after Deceit had agreed to Remus living with him in the other wing of the mind-palace. Late-night talks about philosophy and if it’s morally right to like rubber ducks if one were afraid of the real ones. Marathons of shows neither of them likes as much as they were making the other belief and movies that they both liked a whole lot but tried to be cool about.
Late-night sleepovers when Remus had that one nightmare about being torn in half and feeling the emptiness all around him. Late-night cuddles in the coldest of winter nights when ice formed on Deceit’s lips and his eyelashes had frost on them because Deceit was cold-blooded and none of them had the power to summon a heater or make fire appear back then so they made due.
Deceit was his brother (maybe even more so than Roman these days) and they kept each other in check. Bickering like children over the smallest things but able to sit and have a friendly conversation at the end of the day still. And Deceit wouldn’t be caught dead admitting to it but Remus knew that he saw them as best friends. Because Remus did too.
Because Remus was the only one allowed to see Deceit when he felt down. Allowed to know about his flaws and shortcomings. Remus was the one that helped Deceit overcome the lies he told himself. The one that got to comfort him when he cried because sometimes, being the strong one, the one everybody could count on, was too heavy of a weight to bear. Remus was the one who was with him when he had a breakdown because his scales were spreading and ‘what if they reach my face, Remus? What if I turn into a monster?’ Remus was the one comforting him when the first few appeared on his cheek. “It suits you dee. You’ll look badass with them there.”
Remus was the one who, now that his primary support system was gone, was slowly going insane.
His nightmares had started up again.
They’d been gone for nearly a year now and here they were. At first, it was simply the old once: The split. The others rejecting him. Blaming him. But then they changed.
And suddenly he saw Deceit fade away. Trying to run to him but never quite catching up. Every night it replayed a handful of times. Each time showing a different way as to how his friend would disappear.
They got worse as time went by and soon he had to watch as Deceit died in the most gruesome and horrific ways. Each time just too late to come to his aid. Each time left to cradle his now still body in his arms.
As sleep was now a feared experience he simply didn’t do it anymore. In turn, speeding up the process of his insanity creeping into his mind. Into his stare.
He hummed and sung all day long. This was only unusual due to the fact of the current situation not at all being a cheerful one. He walked around in his underwear most of the time. Simply sitting on the couch and eating whatever was closest. This included some fruits, part of a throw pillow and some pizza that he had forgotten to put in the refrigerator from two weeks ago.
He wasn’t happy. It was hard to feel even the smallest amount of joy these days and this irritated him further. No, he wasn’t happy. Wasn’t sure if he’d ever feel happy again. But he didn’t give up on his friends.
Not for the first four months at least.
After that, it became...more difficult to listen to them when all he could think of was what would happen if he were to actually stab them in the foot. Would the scream? Cry? Yell at him? The intrusive thoughts that usually were low humming background noise in the back of his mind had begun clouding his judgement. Now prominent and shouting and waving instead of the low-volume mumble they usually represented.  Always there. Never turned off or decreasing in volume.
He’d cut the eyes out of all of his posters because he felt like they were watching him. He stood in front of the mirror just staring at himself for over two hours. Contemplating whether or not he should cut a smile into his face so he could show everybody how well he was doing before coming to the conclusion that it would simply be a ripoff of Heath Ledger’s Joker and that wouldn’t stand.
He cut the ears off of all his stuffed animals so they wouldn’t hear him scream anymore. He shaved all his hair off and then magicked it back on three times in a row.
Remus was taken by his insanity for the first time in years, singing loudly at the top of his lungs as he threw the clothes stored away in his closet on his bed to burn them later. Wanting to see if any of the colourings would colour the flame too. And suddenly something fell on the floor with the rest of the stuff he’d pulled down with it.
A small grey octopus plushy. The insides of the tentacles and the spots on various places of its body a swampy green colour. It was obvious that the thing had been through a lot; Various stitches, the difference in technique and colour of the thread showing that they were all done on separate times. In separate years even. One of its eyes had fallen off some 5 years ago and they hadn’t bothered to replace it. Remus deciding that a big stitched cross was a cool replacement for the eye that was lost.
The plushy had been given to him by Deceit on his first birthday as an individual.
God they’d known each other for so long.
And slowly, Remus began to feel his strength returning. Mentally pushing away most of the insanity and willing away the crazy in his eyes before he sunk down. Not caring about the tears in his eyes. Not caring about the fact that he was only wearing boxers and a big sleep shirt. Not caring when he noticed he’d summoned his mace to lean on because he felt like he might double over with how much his heart was hurting.
Not caring that, as soon as he popped up and Thomas let out a scream, Logan popped up aswell. Fire in his eyes as he tried to force Remus back down with just his stare.
But not this time. He had popped up because he wanted his friend back and wasn’t leaving until Deceit was here and giving him one of his six-armed, bone-crushing hugs like he was supposed to do when Remus felt down.
“I want my friend back Thomathy.” “Remus. Sink down again you’re clearly in a state.” “Shut it walking Wikipedia, I know I’m batshit crazy right now but I don’t care. Give me-” He looked at Thomas again. Now leaning forward on the mace. “my friend back.”
“What is he even talking about Thomas?” “Well... Patton and I-” “They killed Deceit!” “We didn’t! I just... stopped lying.” “And with that, you killed my best friend. Now. You best start lying Sanders or we’ll find out just how much impact a side can have on you.” “Do not threaten Thomas or I will be forced to take action.” “But- buT HE KILLED HIM LOGAN. HE KILLED MY BEST FRIEND!” “And we’re going to bring him back Remus.” “No, we’re not.”
Both Remus and Logan whipped around. Both staring at Thomas in silence. Waiting for him to continue. Logan had one eyebrow raised. Remus was shaking with repressed tears. Repressed anger. Repressed grief. The tentacles that he usually kept hidden slowly extended from his back.
“I’m not going to start lying again, Logan. It’s not right.” “It is not wrong to lie. Nobody is always ho-” “But I want to be!” “You can’t. It’s not healthy and some would argue not morally right either. Must I remind you of the dilemma we went over where somebody asks for your friend whereabouts to-” “Shut up!”
Remus hadn’t meant to yell. But now that he had he felt as if it had been the right thing. He was standing up straight now. Mace firmly placed on the ground in front of him. Eight long, inky black tentacles extending from between his shoulder blades. Eyes glowing green.
He’d stood on the edge again. And this time he had fallen over it.
“Tell a lie, Thomas. Final warning.” “Remus I don’t think this-” “This isn’t about you Logan. I am not losing my best friend. Not again.” “Remus calm down. This isn’t solving anything.” “I don’t care anymore. I just waNT MY FRIEND BACK!”
He was screaming now. Voice thick with emotion and something else. Something foul and evil that pushed its way out from deep within him. He was crying too. Finally. The tears were endlessly falling. No sign of stopping any time soon after being forced down for such a long time.
“I’m not doing it. Lying is wrong!” “Thomas. It really is in your best interest if you-” “I’m not doing it! We don’t need him anyway!”
His eyes snapped open. Shooting up from where he was laying in his bed. He hadn’t remembered closing them.
“I don’t need him!”
He couldn’t remember laying down. Couldn’t remember going to sleep or waking up or where he had been for the last 8 months.
“He doesn’t help me!”
All he knew was that he could feel his body again and that he could move a bit.
“We’re better of without him!”
And that somebody was lying.
Remus his whole being seemed to vibrate with hurt, anger, loss. All of it barely contained beneath the surface. Only a single spark needed to set off the bomb.
And it was about to explode. The fuse had almost reached the gunpowder. The sparks seconds away from blowing him up and taking them all down with him.
And then somebody threw water over the fuse.
Because there stood Deceit. Skin pale and eyes hollow. Hat missing and caplet ruffled beyond repair. No gloves and sleeves rolled up showing off his scales. Leaning on the wall behind him.
But there stood Deceit.
And Remus wasn’t sure if he should laugh or cry when the tired eyes focused on him and the smallest and most broken of smiles twitched at the snakes' lips. And he had made his decision when he practically threw himself at his friend. A soft ‘oof’ escaping him when Remus made an impact with his body.
And Thomas looked on. Confusion was written all over his face as Logan simply smiled and nodded before silently sinking down.
“Why are you here?”
Deceit looked up at his host. Carefully peeling himself away from Remus. Letting the creative trait keep an arm wrapped around him for comfort and because he needed the support to stand upright.
“Why wasn’t I? Is the question that is most pressing here I think.” “Because... Because lying is wrong. You are wrong.”
Deceit gave a nod. Though felt his strength returning slightly as his host told the lie.
“I might be wrong. But I believe that the hassle my absence had caused is worse than whatever discomfort I might cause you.” Remus let out a wet chuckle. Squeezing Deceit’s arm for a moment. Trying to convince himself that this was real. That he was back.
“Now excuse me, but I believe I have some business to attend to. I suggest you talk about it with your precious ‘light sides’.  I’m sure Roman, Logan and Virgil will enjoy hearing about the little deal you and Patton made behind their backs.
And with that, he and Remus sunk down. Leaving Thomas to stand alone in the middle of his living room.
Deceit was delighted to find that he had enough of his powers back to make both him and Remus sink down and pop up in their shared living room.
The livingroom that, for the past 8 months, had not seen a single broom or vacuum cleaner.
“What in the world happened here?” “Well. We thought you up and died, for starters.” Apathy said from his place on the couch. He sounded cool and uncaring. Though when he closed his book Deceit saw how his hands were trembling. Fingers gently running over the first page before it was put aside and he stood up.
“Can I-...? “ “No of course not. Come here you big sap.”
This hug was gentler. Apathy held onto him as if scared he might break. Deceit didn’t mention the tears he felt seeping into his dress-shirt. Didn’t mention the way he felt Apathy’s shoulders shake.
He looked up then. Making sure to not change his hold on the crying side in his arms as he did so. Wrath stood in the doorframe leading to the hallway. One hand by his side. The other gripping the doorknob so tight Deceit thought it might break.
“Hello, Wrath.” “I-... Where the fuck have you been?”
Deceit laughed at that. Taking one of his arms from Apathy’s back and extending it towards Wrath. A silent invite to join the hug.
Wrath stood frozen in the doorway for several seconds before very slowly releasing the doorknob from his death grip and walking over to the other two sides. Arms wrapping around the both of them before carefully tightening his grip.
“I’ll kill you for making us worry like that. Asshole.” “I know bud. I know.”
It only took a couple more seconds and Remus had joined them too. The four of them holding onto each other for several minutes. Having missed human contact. Having missed each other. Missed that essential link, the essential person that had kept them together.
There was still a link missing though.
“Say. Where is Dee?” “Depression... hasn’t come out of his room since you left. Been constantly crying too. I tried to help but well...You know how I get when you’re not around.”
Deceit patted Remus on the back before freeing himself of the hug and slowly making his way towards the hall. Towards that door that had remained close for such a long time now.
The knock echoed through his room. Startling him from where he had been staring at the wall for the last hour.
He got up then. Wrapping the cape around his shoulders a little tighter before walking towards the door and leaning against it.
“Depression? You in there buddy?”
He didn’t feel like he was there. Felt like he was still sitting on his bed. Or maybe floating in the sky a thousand miles away. Felt like he was anywhere except next to his door. Hearing the voice he’d longed to hear for so many months on the other side of it.
“Buddy it’s me. Come on, open up.”
Maybe Remus had finally lost his mind and was starting to imitate him. Maybe Wrath had turned cruel and was now mocking him for his own enjoyment. Maybe- “
“Come on DP. I wouldn’t lie to you. Just, please. Open the door.”
‘I wouldn’t lie to you.’
Depressions eyes grew wide as he felt himself reattach to his own body.
‘I wouldn’t lie to you.”
Suddenly very aware of his hand on the doorknob as he turned it to the left. Unlocking it before opening the door.
And slowly. Inch by inch. He opened the door to reveal-
He cried out suddenly. And Deceit was barely able to lift his head before he had two arms full of trembling, heavily sobbing Depression to comfort.
And, as he lifted a hand to comb through the sides hair soothingly, he knew they would be alright. The other three sitting beside him or leaning against his knees after they’d settled down on the couch. Wanting to be as close as possible after being completely without for so long. And as Thomas summoned the other four sides he knew it would be alright. Logan gave him an encouraging nod before he started explaining his troubles.
He knew it would be alright. Maybe not now. Maybe not for a long time. But eventually... Eventually, they would be whole again.
So I might have gone off the track with this one. I know the original post did not include a happy ending or even the vaguest hint for it. But I think I’ve let my boys suffer enough to be allowed to give them a bit of hope.
Also. I did not make them all go and ask Thomas to lie in the 8th month like it said but to me, this felt like it was a more natural evolution. I hope it doesn’t bother you all too much.
Anyways! This took me way too long. I hope you all enjoyed. Remember to take care of yourselves kiddos.
Have a good one,
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