#please tell me if you guys want more gn stuff! I will try if you want
savannah733 · 2 days
"I would never let anything happen to you"
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-Matt sturniolo X reader
-Summary: Matt decided to show his girlfriend that he was dating almost for 7 months , but his fans didn't accept her.
-Warings: rude comments, comforting, pet names (like sweetheart, my love , etc)
Y/n | Matt
It was a Tuesday evening, where you and your boyfriend Matt was laying down on the couch, with his right hand around her waist and her left hand on chest. Matt had this great idea to go live and to show his girlfriend to all his fans.
Y/n has always had trouble being infront of a camera or just being film by someone that she didn't have permission to. But because of her boyfriend and his pleasing she said yes to his question, he was very happy to hear her say yes to his question he set up his phone and started going live. He first made sure if y/n was okay and if she was comfortable with her decision, after she gave him a thumbs up to let him know that she was okay with it he smiled and he started his live.
-Y/N' s POV
I never knew I would be even doing this, it pretty scares me if I'll get hate or not . I've always been declining to all the times that Nick,Chris and Matt asked me to film with them or even a tiktok. I always wanted to be on camera but after what happened to Madi and seeing all the hate comments she got , it just scares me a lot.
And I hope I really don't regret this decision.
End of Y/N' s POV
Matt said to the chat "hey guys , so today I have a surprise guest and no is not Chris or nick of course, is actually my girlfriend y/n!" Matt said with a big smile on his face . "Hey guys I'm y/n , I'm Matt girlfriend and is nice meeting you all" she says with a nice smile but her anxiety was kicking in strong.
After some talking with the chat and after ending the chat, y/n think to herself it wasn't that bad even though I did saw some hate comments about 2-5 but it didn't really affected me that much.
It was already night time, so you went to sleep with Matt ,hugging him tightly and saying gn.
It was the next day , you check on Matt who was still asleep while putting both of his arms around your arm. You smiled at him and grab your phone which was right beside you, you went on tiktok because you were, the second you open tiktok you saw an edit of yourself with the caption *How tf is she so gorgeous* , you smiled and reposted the edit to show some love to let them know that you loved the edit.
You went to the comments to see what people were saying while being very curious , as you went to the comments you saw sweet comments like "IKR she's so pretty", "I wish I was like her", "She's lit perfect" you were smiling and blush until you scroll down more and found thousands of hate comments of yourself you started reading them, but after time you just put your phone away to just ignore the haters and focus on yourself.
It has been almost a week that you did the live with Matt but each day, each hour you got fill with death threats, hate comments and etc. And all those stuff have been really putting you in a tough spot, Matt try to ask you and talk to you if you were okay or not but as always you said "I'm fine". The only reason you didn't want to tell Matt is because you didn't want him to feel bad for just putting you on his live, because he really did nothing is only the fans that was making you struggle. Although you didn't want to tell Matt about your issues and about all the his fans and stuff, you had to, one day.
Matt's POV
Y/n has been really strange lately, like being distant to me, not talking to me that much but I may know why or why she's not talking to me or not paying attention to me that much. I've been on tiktok and on YouTube, and lately after I did the live hate comments have spread all around the comment section, and is all of y/n.
I really do feel bad for her, but I feel like if I talk to her she won't care or just says she's fine like she always does. But I'm going to, today. And hopefully she tells the truth
Matt knocked on their shared room, as he knows that y/n was there "y/n can I come in?" he said but there was silence so he came into the room and saw his girlfriend y/n crying, I immediately ran to her and hug her tightly and asked "y/n, baby sweetheart you okay ml? " "I-i-im s-orry M-matt " she said while giving him her phone and showing the death threat she got , Matt looked at her who looks like who was struggling so hard to talk even to breathe.
"Y/n I'm so sorry for putting you into this mess, you never ever deserve any of this . I really feel truly bad for you and I just wished I was by your side since the start but I thought it be worst if I talked to you about this , I never thought it be this bad, I feel so bad for you . *I would never let anything happen to you* I love you so much y/n and I'm so sorry" Matt said while hugging her and her head being on his shoulder. He waited for her a bit to cool down so she can talk as well, after some sometime she said "M-matt it wasn't your fault at all it was mine for not telling you and just keeping it all to myself. And also Matt I love you too your amazing and I love you so much baby " y/n said with a cheeky smile, they both hug each other tightly and lay down on the bed, and decided to watch some TV.
"I love you so much Matt and thank you for always being there for me" you said while looking at him "awh ,y/n I love you too and of course! Is my job"
Is been weeks until this happened, you may still get hate comments but you let that all aside and focus on yourself and your relationship.and if there's time that you feel bad about all the hate comments you go and tell Matt and Always he comfort you.
It was really fun writing this hope y'all enjoy it! 😘
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wordsbymae · 2 years
The Mad King Alphabet 18+
This guy sucks. It's me again! I'm actually quite excited about this one, mainly cause I hate him compared to Eli (my love!). Still haven't figured out a name for him yet but kinda don't wanna give him one. Hopefully, you guys enjoy this one as well! Also, I introduce his beginning in this post. So have a read of that one if you're getting a bit confused about what's happening. Once again 18+ and there will be NSFW themes :) Lots of love mae!
Unfortunately, this one came out as primarily for female readers, so from now on this series will be primarily for female readers. However, I am trying to keep Eli's series Gn and also any future series as gn as possible. As I am female I do struggle writing for male readers, but I do believe that anyone should be able to see themselves in my writing. I have a few more prompts lined up that are Gn readers as well. I just thought I would let you guys know.
Let's get into it!
This man may have been the lesser son of the king, but he's still a prince and he's still a spoiled brat. I kinda hate this man because of how entitled he acts. I mean if you read my first post, you understand that he believes he deserves anything he wants, his father's love, the throne, you.
And sure you can blame that on the massive weird shadow creature constantly reminding him that he is entitled to whatever and whoever he desires but I like to think he would still act like a spoiled shit without the shadowy figure.
He has spent so long trying to act like the perfect son, spent so long forcing his hatred and bitterness deep inside, so yeah, now that he has removed his brother from the equation and no longer has to pretend, he goes a little wild. I haven't written the next part yet, but as soon as he returns to the castle (with a convincing lie of an ambush and outlaws and how he desperately tried to save his brother) as soon as he announced King (no coronation required, he was in line for the throne so he is instantly king when his brother died, coronation comes later ), he is shoving open the door to your bed chambers and throwing you over his shoulder. Completely ignoring your questions, your pleas, the cry you give when he squeezes just a bit too tightly. He does not have time to play politics, he doesn't have time to renegotiate a new deal with your father, he wants, no, needs you and as King, he gets what he wants.
He doesn't care that you are screaming and crying, begging someone to help. You don't understand what's happening, you don't even know that your fiance, the true, rightful king is dead. His body is being carted back to the castle as his brother drags you kicking and screaming to his room. You catch the eye of some of the Queen's guard, your future protectors, and you beg them to save you, beg them to do their job. But they have already sworn their loyalty to your aggressor, your pleas fall on dead ears.
I'll skip what happens in the bedroom as it's what I'm planning on writing next, so let's move on to the following days and weeks. Luckily for him your father could care less you weren't going to marry the rightful king, he was just grateful someone wanted you. You were married the day after his brother's funeral. Some of the advisors thought it much, much too soon. The kingdom needed time to mourn, to grieve. He argued the sooner you were married, the quicker you could give him a child, a cause for celebration. The advisors tried to argue, but when one succumbed to a terrible sickness (his veins turned black and rotted under his flesh), the others didn't have the fight to disagree. (You can bet the shadow had something to do with that). You on the other hand raged and fretted over this new turn of events. You had hoped you would have had some months to prepare for being married to him (the weird brother that you always caught staring and who you had found in your room one day going through your things).
Come now, surely you were aware that this was your purpose? Did your mother never tell you what occurs in a marital bed? Fear not my heart, if you require a lesson in the act of fucking I will be your most dedicated teacher
He isn't kind, there is no warmth to his actions, and he almost sees you as nothing more than a pretty pet. A pet he would brutally murder for yes, but he isn't against putting you back in your place, whether that be on your knees or with a collar of silver and diamonds around your neck.
He buys you everything, he sources the freshest ingredients, the rarest jewels, prized mares and hand-crafted gowns of silk and pearls. Most days you feel as though he is trying to buy your affection. And you would be correct, he wants you to see him as a rich, benevolent ruler (he's a bit insecure). He also thinks that by providing these things to you, he has gained the right to do whatever the hell he wants with you. anything
You refuse your King? The King who dresses you in these fine silks? The King who fills your belly with fresh fruit and tender meat when others starve? On your knees. You seem to have forgotten who is your King
All in all, he kinda sucks. But as time goes on and you fight him less, show more affection and reject him less often, his attitude towards you changes. I view it like you were a prized animal in the sense he saw that he had to break you in, but now he can show you off and spoil you.
A = Affection (How do they show their love and affection? How intense would it get?)
If by affection you mean him treating you like a prized pet? Then yes. He gives you the prettiest thing, a gorgeous necklace of silver and jewels that is tight enough around your neck to be a collar (it is a collar), the most delicate and softest garments, he makes you try them all on as he watches, giving praises on how beautiful you look, how you rival the sun in your brilliance, he hand feeds you from his own plate. You really are just a pet with a human voice.
B = Blood (How messy are they willing to get when it comes to you?)
The destruction of entire kingdoms, bloody. He brutally drowned his own brother for you. Do you really think he cares for some nobodies?
C = Cruelty (How would they treat you once abducted? Would they mock you?)
He can be pretty cruel but he doesn't think he is. He thinks he's being fair. He justifies everything he does as his right, or what he needs to do to train you to become the Queen he knows you can be. He doesn't tease like Eli does, but he does mock.
Oh my poor darling, look at you. Crying for a family who never wanted you. We both know that they sent you to my brother to be used like a bitch in heat. And yet! and yet you cry for them. Your heart aches for them. If I wasn't in love with you I would call it pathetic.
D = Darling (Aside from abduction, would they do anything against your will?)
oh yeah, I won't into it too much but he's not exactly a gentleman. He's a king. He could order you to strip naked and walk up the street in front of all of his guards if he so chooses (although he would never do that, he wouldn't want those peasants to feast upon your skin).
E = Exposed (How much of their heart do they bare to you? How vulnerable are they when it comes to you?)
I think that because he is so desperate for affection, he would one night just break into tears and tell you everything. From the love he never received from his father, about the shadow, about how he desperately wanted to be equal to his brother. To the love he began to feel for his brother and how he might even regret killing him, even for you. You never bring any of that up ever again.
F = Fight (How would they feel if you fought back?)
Like when a kitten or a puppy tries to play fight. You know you can fight them off easy you just don't to hurt them. But if you bite too hard he will teach you a lesson
G = Game (Is this a game to them? How much would they enjoy watching you try to escape?)
Oh no no no, no games with this one. He's kinda boring :( He has a terrible sense of humour and takes everything to heart. Also, he hates it when you try and push his limits so if you try and run, there is no chance of mercy.
H = Hell (What would be your worst experience with them?)
I think the first night with him would have been the worst. He's just grabbed you from your room with no explanation and dragged you to his room. He suddenly explains the king is dead and you are to be his queen, from like right now. You would be absolutely terrified and crying with your head in your hands, especially when he starts ripping your clothes off and telling you to get on his bed. You try to beg him to wait till the wedding, but he doesn't seem to care about formalities right now. At least after that first night, you kinda knew what to expect.
My heart, there is no reason to fear. I swear I will be gentle
(he wasn't)
I = Ideals (What kind of future do they have in mind for/with you?)
You with a pretty silver collar around your neck and a babe on your hip. He may act like a royal dick head (which he is) but he is simple in his ambitions, he didn't want the throne, just you, the throne was just a stepping stone. He would be happy without the crown as long as he has you looking up at him so sweetly from your place by his feet (also as long as he still has his three butlers, 5 stallions, constant supply of food and prettiest clothes for you to wear)
J = Jealousy (Do they get jealous? Do they lash out or find a way to cope?)
He is actually quite insecure, on the account of never having any true affection or love sent his way as a child. I can definitely see him getting jealous, even to the point of never letting any man see you. Since you are the queen this is a bit tricky and impractical (how are you meant to rule your subjects), so he compromises and makes it a law (punishable by death) to gaze upon your face, you just cannot trust people these days.
K = Kisses (How do they act around you?)
I think I have kinda explained how he acts throughout this drabble, but I will go into it a bit more in-depth. Constantly has his eyes on you or even his hand on the back of your neck. Always watching and waiting for you to do something wrong. But I also think that as time goes on and you start to accept you are never leaving him, he calms down and trusts you a bit, even to the point where you might even say he is kind. He begins to kiss your knuckles and palms. Begins to braid, plait and tie ribbons into your hair. He begins to help you dress, gently tieing the knots at the back of your dress, helping you put on your shoes. He gives you more sentimental gifts, like flowers and drawings rather than jewels and silks, his gaze softens and his voice is warm instead of callous. But this may take some time and only if you stop trying to reject your place by his side.
L = Love letters (How would they go about courting or approaching you?)
Courting? The man skipped like 7 steps straight to marriage. I have mentioned he buys you things constantly and he will think he is being kind by letting you walk in the courtyard or the gardens without him (wow such a gentleman).
M = Mask (Are their true colours drastically different from the way they act around everyone else?)
Not really, the only difference is he won't kill you, unlike others. Although as I mentioned above, over time this does change and you begin to be treated with a bit more kindness and love.
N = Naughty (How would they punish you?)
Like an owner does a dog. He might push your face in a mess you made during a tantrum, smack or spank you, leave you tied to his bed, remove all your books and entertainment, and his personal favourite, tying the hand of a common criminal or of someone you tried to get to help you around your neck.
Now I do not wish to punish you, pet, but you continue to act unruly and unbecoming of a Queen. I want you to think about what you have down and once I believe you have learnt your lesson I will remove the hand. Agreed?
(do other people do this with their dogs when they kill their chickens? Putting the dead chicken around the dog's neck? we did it once and it worked but all my city friends have sworn they have never heard of doing that)
O = Oppression (How many rights would they take away from you?)
HAHAHA. everything. You are practically a glorified cow (your casual collar - yes you have multiple for different occasions- even has a little bell!). You have no rights. You may be queen, which grants you power over your subordinates, but he will always outrank you with everything. The only power you have relates to any future children. He allows you to decide on their education and raise them as you see fit.
P = Patience (How patient are they with you?)
Patience?????? Never heard of her. He is more willing to humour you with things but don't go pushing too many of his buttons.
Ah, what is this my heart? A book? Please continue to read , but out loud this time. I have to ensure my queen is not getting any ridiculous ideas. Do not fret, my love! It was only a jest
(it wasn't - remember when I said he doesn't joke? If he says he's joking he's lying)
Q = Quit (If you die, leave, or successfully escape, would they ever be able to move on?)
I really don't think he would even let you die. I mean he has this shadowy figure of questionable descent on his side. Who's to say that even if you try to die by your own hand he won't just bring you right back? Also some sort of thing with leaving. I don't even think you would be able to leave. When the shadow isn't with him, it's constantly watching what you're doing and reporting back to him.
You must think I am a fool. Did you really think that I would not be able to figure out your little plan? Trying to leave in the middle of the night, leaving your subjects, leaving your King? What an ungrateful whore. I'll remind you of your place. Strip.
R = Regret (Would they ever feel guilty about abducting you? Would they ever let you go?)
No regret at all. It was his right to claim you and it's your purpose to sit there and look pretty. And no fucking way would they let you go. What king would let his queen leave?
You may think that look of pain in your eyes would inflict pity in mine. But you would be mistaken pet. You are my birthright. I was destined to conquer you. To corrupt you, to break you down and build you up as my perfect queen.
S = Stigma (What brought about this side of them [childhood, curiosity, etc]?)
A crazy mixture of childhood and a shadowy monster driving him to murder his brother and claim you as his.
T = Tears (How do they feel about seeing you scream, cry, and/or isolate yourself?)
Finds it all very annoying, you are his Queen, so act like it. A queen does not sook, sob or have tantrums because her King was a little rough with them. Your only purpose is to take what he gives you with a smile and a thank you. Is it really that hard? Once again he views you as a pet so, he would find it all very inconvient, and would probably buy you a puppy/kitten to try and change your mood (it works, at least for me it would).
U = Unique (Would they do anything different from the classic yandere?)
Besides the 7ft shadow figure who drove him to murder? Not really. He's a basic bitch
V = Vice (What weakness can you exploit in order to escape?)
his need for validation and affection, all stemming from his childhood insecurities. That's what this is all about. The love he didn't receive as a child from the man who he worshipped. I think if you gave him all the validation and affection he wanted he would give you much more freedom than compared if you didn't. Maybe even enough to slip through some metaphorical crack to make a run for it. Make sure he never catches up through, it won't be pretty if he did.
W = Wit’s end (Would they ever physically hurt you?)
Yes, not because he wants to or enjoys it. He sees it as a necessary evil to punish you or train you (that's right he's got a pet play kink, my sources? me). But just because he doesn't enjoy it doesn't mean he'll shy away from some painful things. I'm talking about broken fingers or things that can heal but not really leave a mark.
X = Xoanon (How much would they revere or worship you? To what length would they go to win you over?)
He doesn't worship you like Eli would (on his knees begging to just have a taste), but he does revere you. You are his chosen queen. He could have killed his brother years ago and chosen some random woman as his queen, but no the shadow choose you, he chose you. But because of that, he holds you up to a high standard.
Y = Yearn (How long do they pine after you before they snap?)
It was actually quite a short pinning period. You arrived and then 3 weeks later your fiance, his brother was dead. He had decided, with the help of his good friend the shadow, that he wanted his brother dead when you showed his brother just too much attention at the welcome feast, so I suppose you could argue then? The period between then and him throwing you over his shoulder was filled with him staring, following you around the castle, listening to the conversations between you and his brother (may he rest in peace), sniffing your clothes when you were out of your room for the day and writing you little love letters (how sweet!) he would leave under your pillow as you slept (not so sweet). You had actually believed the letters came from his brother because of how they spoke of your future married life and future children, it actually lead you to fall somewhat in love with the rightful king.
Z = Zenith (Would they ever break you?)
Oh yeah. That's the end goal baby. He wants you pliant and willing. Willing to let him do whatever he wants with you as he so pleases. He is the King, after all, he can't have anyone questioning his authority. I think though if you fight him constantly he will push and push and push until you are broken entirely but if you are more willing early on he will allow you some freedoms (like not mentally scarring you) and treat you more like a beloved pet than an unruly mare.
How is my darling pet this evening? Have you been well behaved? I suppose I must encourage good behaviour with a reward. Suppose I allow you a small trip to the city? With your dotting King by your side of course
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adelheidvonschicksal · 6 months
*:・゚✧*:・゚ It's Like That *:・゚✧*:・゚
You decide to accept Itadori's invitation to the movies. It turns out better than expected.
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Pairing: Itadori x GN!Reader
CW: Fluff, SFW, hand holding, potential friends to lovers, it's technically a date 💕
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“Do you guys want to see Human Earthworm 4 with me?”
The three of you minus Itadori, who posed the question, share a lukewarm look. You’re on the edge of the shopping district, trying to decide what to do after your mission, if anything, and that’s the first idea that floats out amongst the group. 
“What’s it about?” Nobara asks.
After Itadori explains the horror romance, there’s even less enthusiasm amongst the group to watch the movie with him. Sensing this, he ups the bargain.
“I’ll pay.”
You wince when you see Fushiguro pull out his phone. “I don’t really have the energy to sit through a movie,” he excuses himself, fingers going a mile a minute to escape the situation of friendship for today. “I’m going home.”
Your broody classmate holds his ringing phone to his ear and briefly glances at Nobara.
“I’m going to hit up the shops," she responds to his silent question.
Megumi leaves the three of you behind in no time flat. Nobara only stays behind long enough to ask if you want to go shopping with her. While you normally love to go with her and are in dire need of new shoes, you notice a lonely sullen shadow building over your slit-cheeked classmate and throw up an apologetic smile to her. 
“I think I’ll go with Itadori-kun today.”
You miss the way his head perks up as you wave her off. Before you have a chance to collect your thoughts, Itadori is already on top of you, his fists drawn in front of him excitedly and chestnut irises filled with happy stars.
“You’re going to love it,” he tells you. It’s cute how he nearly shakes with excitement, you can even hear it growing in his voice and shining in his eyes. “It’s such a good series! I mean, I know it sounded weird, but it’s so much better on screen that— forget any of what I said, you gotta see for yourself!”
He wastes no time taking off in the direction of the theatre, and you jog to keep up with the speed of the Tiger of the West. It isn’t until he notices you lagging behind that he slows up to grab your hand and pull you with him.
“Come on, come on, we don’t want to miss the opening.”
“Is this one of those movies where I need to see the first three to know what’s going on?”
“Well, there’s a few returning characters, like Dr. Richter, but I can fill you in on the important stuff so don’t worry.”
When you get to the theatre, Itadori immediately jumps in the ticket line, huffing in relief when there are still seats available. You begin to pull out your wallet but pause when he hands you a pink paper ticket.
“I told you it’s on me,” he reminds you before going down the line and ordering a large popcorn, two drinks, and beating you to grab a packet of candy that you were staring at for two seconds too long. 
He hands the bag of sweets to the cashier to scan. “And this please,” he asks before handing the candy to you. 
“That’s okay,” you tell him, but he laughs it off.
“It’s fine. That’s your favorite, right?”
You shyly nod and hold onto the envelope of overpriced candy like it’s the most precious thing in the world causing the cashier to smile at you as she finishes preparing your items.
“Aren’t you two the cutest,” she comments. 
You squeak quietly at her comment, crumpling your candy in surprise. It’s not a big deal she mistook you as a couple, it’s not like Itadori was someone you didn’t like after all, and it’s not like there was any need to correct her but you didn’t know if he felt the same way about the situation. 
Curiously, you look at him, waiting for him to make the decision on the matter. Surprisingly, he blurts out a quick and happy, “Thanks!” before moving on to fill his drink.
As you watch him, you fight the urge to ask why he didn’t correct her; and when you notice that he’s way more interested in finding the right theater, you decide he must have said it because it wasn't worth a fuss.
The two of you get seats at the back of the theater, and you shift over people carefully to avoid falling into Itadori’s back as you find your seats. You can finally relax as he sets the bucket of popcorn on the armrest between you.
Soon enough, the movie begins to play.
It starts off like every normal horror movie. A mad scientist, a hapless victim, and an escape followed by a romantic subplot of the human earthworm discovering that the woman he met indeed loves him even if he is a worm. 
That’s about as much as you can keep up with. There are too many easter eggs that keep flying over your head and too many callbacks to the previous movies in the series. Itadori does his best to try to help you whenever you whisper questions at him; but eventually, you’re too distracted by the couple in front of you making out to pay attention to the movie.
It’s so obnoxiously grotesque, their arms wrapping around each other and a soft moan every so often that’s drowned out by the guttural sounds of the earthworm children. You can’t really believe they’d do that in public, and why did they have to be so close to you out of all people?
Itadori looks at you and then finally catches on to what’s making you squirm. When he does, a faint hint of red starts to coat across his nose, and he becomes equally uncomfortable. 
Deciding to make it a little better for the both of you, you nudge him then make a silly disgusted face with your tongue stuck out to mimic a gag. You’re rewarded with a snicker from him and his own silly face in turn, and it makes the awkwardness of it a little easier to take as you try to focus back on the movie.
It’s another half hour in before you wonder exactly how the hell are they still going at it. 
“Society really needs to bring shame back,” you think before a warm breath hits your ear and fans down your jaw. 
You nearly jump before the smooth sounds of Itadori’s voice greet you. 
“So, that guy—” he begins but you’re way too focused on how close he leaned into you this time, how low the timbre of his voice goes to keep from disturbing those around you. It makes your feet curl in your shoes and your breath catch in your chest when his shoulder connects with your arm.
You feel heightened to his presence and the heat of him so close. It wasn’t like this earlier, but your heart is racing and your skin tickles the more he whispers. You think he’s so close that he could almost kiss your earlobe. 
It’s a path that you didn’t know you had in your mind, and it leaves you rattled as the smallest brush of pink hair hits your skin as he straightens back up and reaches for another handful of popcorn. 
Every time he touches your arm after to get your attention or your hand scoops by his in the popcorn bucket, you start to become flustered and jittery like a child after too much sugar. 
It lasts until the movie reaches its apex.
There’s a combined scream that fills the theatre, and you tense at the splatter of blood hitting the camera, leaving the few remains of your popcorn scattered across the floor as you unwittingly knock it over and squeeze Itadori’s hand tight. 
Your fingers slot with his and your fingertips bury against his palm, and it’s the only thing keeping you from bursting into a scream. 
When the lights flash back on, you notice how pink his hand looks under your tense hold and mumble out an apology. 
“Oh, that?” he asks followed by the same charming laugh as always. “It was pretty funny. You should’ve seen your face, like a blowfish,” he comments, teasingly mocking your blow-eyed expression as everyone around you begins to exit. “I never took you for a scaredy-cat.”
“You’re one to talk. You screamed in my ear at least a dozen times,” you remind him as the two of you also make your way towards the exit doors. “Sounded like you were on fire.”
“Don’t say fire in a theatre!” he scolds with a hiss.
“You said it louder.”
“To remind you not to say it!” 
You giggle at how offended he sounds as you break out into the light of the late afternoon. You walk with Itadori back to your pickup spot on the edge of the shopping district. It’s surprisingly quiet especially considering who you’re with, and it makes you worry a bit. 
You thought Itadori would be more excited after watching the film and practically forcing you to run 500m dash to get there, but he’s barely said two words about it since leaving the theatre, briefly mentioning how he’s still glad they used a real costume for the main earthworm instead of CGI.
But since leaving, his mood seems to have dampened. You thought about bringing something up from the movie, but you couldn’t really catch more than a few bloody scenes and a little evil monologuing from Dr. Richter outside the moments when Itadori would have your attention, with his voice in your ear or his hand excitedly clasping around your wrist each time he enthusiastically info-dumped a scene to you.
“Hey, um,” he begins piquing your interest. He seems to lose his nerve when you catch his eye; his gaze flutters to his feet before nervously picking back up to glimpse at your face but only for a few seconds. “Thanks for coming with me.”
You smile. “Don’t mention it. It was…different.” 
“Yeah,” he agrees but he still seems down. 
“Itadori-kun? Is everything okay?”
“Yeah…It’s just…I could tell you didn’t really like the movie. I mean I knew from the start it wasn’t really your thing. You and Nobara usually like to shop together more than watch horror movies. But still—” he breathes in deep, a shy color blossoming across his face. “It’s been a while since it felt like I did something normal, so it was really nice having someone to come with me. I appreciate it.”
There's something about his explanation that makes your heart hurt. He hasn’t been a sorcerer that long yet; and coming from being a normal kid to the world you were born into was probably scarier than you all could understand. 
“It’s not that I didn’t enjoy it! I just couldn’t really follow the story between that annoying couple smacking the whole time, and I felt like I barely follow anything at all!” you reason with him, but he still has that kicked puppy look on his face. 
You sigh with soft empathy before offering him a reassuring smile.
“Hey, Itadori-kun, you know I think I’d like to come back and see it again with you. After we watch the first three movies of course."
He gives you a curious look, his eyebrows raised with disbelief. 
You give a cute and short nod. “Mhm! I can’t really give it a fair chance if I haven’t seen the ones leading up to it. Besides, I want to know why Dr. Richter was trying to kidnap the baby H.E.s in the first place? Couldn’t he make more Enhanced H.E.s from the DNA left from the original experiment victim like he did at the beginning of the movie?” 
It’s like you open the skies back over him when your words sink in, and he moves so happily, speaks so fully, and it makes you happy to see him simply be happy. 
“They explain it so good in the third movie,” he says, unable to hold in his excitement. “I know a great site, it has subtitles and everything, and a special director’s cut at the end of the second movie.”
You laugh. “Sounds good!”
“We should pick up some more snacks; the original is actually pretty long,” he warns and starts to lead you towards the convenience store. Your smile only breaks when you feel the tug on your arm and look down to notice his hand still fastened around yours. 
You freeze, feeling your face warm a bit when you realize he’s probably been holding it since before you left the theater. This makes him pause and turn towards you.
Softly, he calls your name and asks if you’re okay, making you drop your head bashfully.
“Oh, it’s nothing really but you’re still holding my hand,” you point out.
Itadori looks down between the two of you and confirms that his fingers are still locked with yours, a comfortable fit.  
“Huh, oh, I guess I am,” he states matter-of-factly before he blushes. “Oh, it’s probably all gross and oily right? Yuck.”
You shake your head. “No, it’s not actually,” you correct, making no move to force him to let go because you honestly don’t want him to stop this good feeling pouring from him into you through the simple act. 
Your soft expression makes his cheeks warm for a different reason this time. 
“Oh, well, w-we should probably hurry,” he stammers out, and your hand tightens around his hand just a little bit more as you agree and find the closest convenience store to prepare for your first movie night. 
Nobara stops outside the convenience store, hand to the glass as she stalks back and forth, trying to catch glimpses down the aisle. 
She could have sworn she just saw the two of you walk in from the other side of the street, and she was going to come to say hi – partially to ask how the movie went and partially to make Itadori carry her shopping bags if the two of you were done – that was before she noticed how close the two of you looked.
Weirdly close. 
When she finally catches you in the foggy glass, hand in hand, looking at the mini gacha inside the store, she gasps and quickly shuffles her bags around in search of her phone. 
Kugisaki quickly scrolls through her contacts, impatiently tapping her foot as she waited for the line to pick up.
“Fushiguro get here quick,” she harshly whispers into the device.
There’s a lazy voice on the other end asking what she wants, and she vaguely explains the situation to be met with resistance.
“Well then have Ijichi drop you off again! What do you mean ‘No’?" she growls. "Shut up and listen to me. They just went into 7/11. Ugh. Fine, fine, I’m sending you some pictures,” she argues. 
Kugisaki quickly starts to snap some pictures through the glass and frantically sends them off before bringing the phone back to her ear.
“That’s what I’m saying so hurry up and get here! Yes, it’s like that!” 
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dinogoofymutated · 1 month
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Jealousy headcannons! Multi/GN!Reader - Cable, Gambit, Nightcrawler, Quicksilver. Ok I know this wasn't on the schedule butttt Yeahhhh. Cable is going to have an extended version of his fic, and I might do the same for the others but no promises! Also I know that Cable's written half is literally just the snippet I shared with some minor edits but bear with me please his stuff is in the works!!! TWs: Jelousy. Barfights. No violence on Reader but men are creepy. Mentions of sex work. Cable and gambit make public spectacles it's just what they do. The return of wolverine and the X-men Pietro bc I love him
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Look, any man who comes over to flirt with you after you walk in with a legit wall of muscle has to be either stupid or blind.
Cable is by no means a very jealous man. He's not gonna care if a man (or woman) approaches you and starts up a conversation. He might get a little frustrated if they start flirting with you, but he trusts you. He knows you can take care of yourself and he doesn't want you to feel like he's got you on a leash.
But when someone is being persistent, not taking no for an answer, and hell, putting their hands on you? He doesn't take it too well. He's more of an overprotective type when it comes to his flavor of jealousy.
    “That beer for me, Beautiful?” The voice of a stranger cuts through your thoughts, and to be honest, you don’t even think he’s talking to you until you realize how close to you he is. He’s sat on the barstool next to you, leaning towards you like he can’t quite catch his balance. You make a face at him, nonchalantly moving Cable’s beer closer.
    “Last time I checked it wasn’t.” You say curtly. The man has a smile hiding behind his pout as he leans a little closer to you, oblivious to the way you casually recoil from him.
    “Oh c'mon, don’t play hard to get. I’m chill!” You can tell this guy is most definitely drunk, and you find yourself trying not to roll your eyes at him. If only he knew what kind of trouble he was in.
    “Sure you are. But believe me, my Husband is not.” You tell him. You're not married, but to be honest, you knew this guy wasn't going to leave you be if you left him with some vague label. Didn't matter anyway, however, the stranger laughs in your face, and his breath smells like alcohol and cheap cigarettes, a nasty combo that repulses you. You point back at the corner booth where the cable was sitting just a few minutes before, hoping that he’d at least back off at the sight of the six-foot hunk of muscle you call a lover. Unfortunately, He doesn't. 
    “What Husband?” The man says mockingly, and when you look at the booth you find yourself pointing at an empty seat. The sight lights a small flicker of anxiety in you, and your face falls as the man sets a hand on your shoulder and squeezes. It’s not there for long before the weight suddenly disappears. You snap your head around, feeling relief when you see the man’s wrist caught in Cable’s literal iron-clad grip. 
    “This Husband.” Cable grunts.
    All of the blood drains from the stranger’s face in an instant, but it doesn’t take long for the attitude to come back. He tries to yank his arm out of Cable’s grip, but Cable’s arm doesn’t move an inch. To be honest, the sight kinda made you blush a little. Sure, you had seen Cable’s strength many times, but this… well. This was different. The guy starts to yank a little more aggressively, and all Cable has to do is clench his hand for the asshole to yelp and give up. You set a placating hand on his shoulder, and Cable glances back at you. His gaze softens, and he sighs before letting the guy go.
    “What’s your problem, man?” The stranger spits as he holds his bruised wrist. You had already gathered your things and were getting ready to get the hell outta dodge, giving Cable’s shoulder a hard pat as you desperately tried to keep him from getting in a barfight. Cable ignores the guy, walking close behind you as you start to walk away.
    “ -s’ an ugly bitch, anyway.” The stranger mumbles under his breath, but not nearly as quiet as he should’ve. Cable stops in his tracks, wheels around, and slugs the guy with his left arm. There's a sickening crunch and the bar goes silent as the drunken stranger is violently knocked from his seat. Your first instinct is to scold Cable, but the guy had it coming anyway. You look around, and with every eye in the bar squarely on you and Cable, you decide you’ve definitely stayed past your welcome.
Gambit is probably the most jealous man in this lineup. Again, He will get fidgety and somewhat aggressive when someone approaches you and begins to flirt, but he trusts you. He doesn't want you to think he doesn't, and as a result, he tends to grit his teeth and bite his tongue to keep himself in check.
There's definitely a very, very thin line in between "I don't want to be overbearing" Remy and "This guy needs to take the fucking hint" Remy.
He's mostly fine with drunk bastards, He thinks they're funny, and as long as they're not bothering you for the most part he'll keep the aggression to a minimum. -But the one thing he absolutely cannot stand is snobby pricks who think they can steal you from him because he's a "swamp rat."
"It's a shame to see such a lovely creature like you standing here all alone." You try not to roll your eyes at the man that approaches you. You and Remy were supposed to have a nice, romantic night out. It was your anniversary, and Remy had told you that he wanted to pull out all the stops for this one. Unfortunately, fate wasn't on either of your sides today. The X-men needed Gambit, and you told him that the plans can wait for another time. Remy, in a very gambit fashion, told you to dress up anyway and he bet he would meet you there. Definitely a rather High-stakes gamble, but you loved him, so you said you'd hold him to it.
Unfortunately for you, it looked like the restaurant was hosting an event at the bar for what looked like a rather stuffy- sorry, High-end law firm. You had been content with waiting for Remy, even if the waitress clearly looked convinced he was standing you up. You had ordered something to drink while you waited, and caught the wrong kind of attention during your trip to the bar.
"I'm not alone, I'm waiting for someone." You say, flashing him an annoyed smile. He smiles back in a smartass kind of way, flashing you his Rolex as he pushes up his glasses. Great. He thinks you're a sugar baby- or maybe a sex worker. Either way, you really wished he was anywhere but here.
"Right. I'll be honest with you, I know you've been waiting here for what- and hour now? Hour and a half? Any guy that leaves you here for that long is not worth your time, sweetheart." You cringe at the nickname, but he clearly can't seem to tell. At this point, you start debating your options. You could run to the bathroom, but there weren't any windows you could crawl out of and he could wait at the door for you to come out. You could try to leave, but you didn't want Remy to think that you left him hanging. It's probably best if you stay and wait for him, but man was this guy getting on your nerves.
"Again, I'm waiting on someone. I'm choosing to wait on him, and frankly, I'm not interested in you." You say bluntly, getting more and more aggravated. The man only smirks at you.
"You're certainly a fiesty one. Don't worry, I like it when they play hard to get." He sends you wink that makes you want to sock him, and to be honest, you start to think about it. The bell at the door of the restaurant dings, and you glance over, face breaking out in a smile at the sight of the man you had been waiting on.
Remy was still in his x-men suit, obviously having come fresh from the fight. He's got some dirt on his face, and his hair is a little messier than normal, but you had never been so happy to see him.
"Well, don't you clean up well." You joke as Remy walks to your table. He chuckles, barely sparing the other man a side-eye before picking up your hand to kiss it.
"Sorry, Chère. Originally, I planned on changin', but I couldn't stand the thought of leaving you here for another moment." Remy's fond gaze turns into a bit of a glare when he finally looks over at the gobsmacked man across the table from you. "I see you've made a new friend?" You roll your eyes at that, shaking your head. Remy gets the message.
There's a gasp from the other patrons of the restaurant, as the sound the contact made was rather loud. There's already a red mark forming on the mans face as you take Remy by the hand and begin to lead him out of the restaurant. Remy is looking at you like he'd fallen in love with you all over again.
"You've been waiting all this time for some Cajun freak?" The man blurts out, finally having found his words.
"Watch it, Mon ami." Remy's shoulders tense as he snarls at the prick. You stand up, giving his bicep a reassuring squeeze before you walk in front of the man. The side of his mouth slightly upturns as you do so, right before you slap the everloving shit out of him.
"I know you really wanted for us to eat here, honey, but to be honest? I like your cooking better anyway."
Kurt? Jealous???
Absolutely. He absolutely gets jealous. Kurt is much more of a "cat" kind of jealous than a Guard Dog kind of jealous though. He's not going to do anything crazy like punch anyone, but he's gonna brush up against you, slide his tail around your waist, hold your hand. He wants reassurance from you more than he is angered by whoever is flirting with you.
That's not to say he's not angry. He doesn't like the way some people look at you like a piece of meat instead of the intelligent, beautiful person you are, and he's not afraid to call people out on it.
Kurt knew that the guy you were talking to right now was only stopping to ask you for directions, but he really didn't like how close to you the guy was. Kurt had gone off to get you something to eat from the street food vendor nearby, telling you to just relax and he would be back soon.
When he returned with food in hand, it was obvious to him what was happening, but he still couldn't help but frown. The man is leaning into your space as he shows you the map in his hands. It's fine. There was obviously nothing really going on, the stranger must have been simply touchy. He then watches as the man sets a hand on the back of your waist to point at a building up ahead, and Kurt's mind quickly changes.
Obviously, you had stepped out of the stranger's reach quickly, uncomfortable with the action, but Kurt still slinked up to your side like a cat, pulling you close with his tail as he hands you your food, resting his newly freed hand behind your back.
"There you are, Meine Liebe. I hope you didn't wait for too long." Kurt says sweetly, giving you a grin. You smile back at him, thanking him for the food. You felt relieved to see him. Sure, the stranger that had been speaking to you seemed to be a nice man, but there was a certain amount of comfort and security Kurt provided when he was near you. Kurt makes a show of leaning in and kissing you on the cheek that makes you giggle. The stranger clears his throat after a quick moment.
"-Sorry if I interrupted your date. I appreciate the directions!" He says quickly, face flushed red from embarresment.
"You're perfectly fine! I hope you're able to find what you're looking for alright." You respond sweetly, waving as the man walks off. Kurt is pouting again when you look at him, tail still wrapped comfortably around you. You can't help but giggle.
"You're so jealous." You laugh. Kurt gives you an innocent look as he brushes off the accusation.
"Whaaat? No. Ich habe dich vermisst. That is all!"
I'm not even gonna lie the fic half of this is just part of that enemies to lovers hcs that I wrote
Pietro is a very pouty, bratty kind of Jealous.
Like sure he trusts you and all but you actually looked at someone else while they were speaking to you? >:[ Don't look at them. Look at him. Smile at him not them. You're laughing at something they said? Well, he's funnier than them!!
He's just, so pouty over the smallest, pettiest things. He just needs a smooch on the forehead and some reassurance and also possibly cuddles, and he'll be fine. God he's such a brat ILHSM
However, If someone is actually flirting with you or going too far and making you uncomfortable, he will in fact throw hands. Or do his speedster thing and find a way to embarrass them, like pantsing them or planting something embarrassing on them. One time he snatched a guy's cell and called his wife before planting it in the man's pocket so she could hear all the flirting he was doing. Now that was fun.
"So I heard you had dinner with the wolfie guy tonight." The sound of Pietro's voice makes you yelp in surprise. You whirl around to see him leaning against the wall of your room, arms crossed. You scoff, and pick a pillow off of your bed to chuck it at him. He catches it easily.
"His name is Logan, and No. Not really. All we did was happen to sit next to each other at dinner." You turn back around to sit at your vanity, but Pietro is already there, sitting on the stool with the pink pillow tucked into his arms.
"So you did have dinner with him?" He pouts. You roll your eyes at him, holding back a laugh as you shove him off the seat. He looses his balance for less than a second before there's a gust and he's sitting cross-legged on your bed, having tossed the pillow to the side.
"What does it matter to you, anyway? You're not even supposed to be here, Pietro." You tease as you sit down, unable to keep yourself from smiling. You comb through your hair as you ready yourself for bed, still grinning like an idiot as you hear Pietro huff and haw.
"Why shouldn't it matter?" He asks, watching as you complete your routine. "I- I have a reason to care." He stutters out cheeks flushing a light pink that reaches his ears. You cover your mouth to keep yourself from laughing.
"Don't laugh!" Pietro objects, and it sends you into a fit of laughter as you stand back up and flop onto your back on the bed next to him.
"He's not my type anyway." You say. It only takes a second before Pietro is leaning over you, caging you between his arms. There's the ghost of a grin beginning to form on his face, simply at the sight of your own cheesy expression.
"What is your type, then?" He asks, and you cock an eyebrow at him.
"Let's just say I prefer a man who can keep up with me." You say with a wink that may or may not have been the most terribly, corny action you could have done. Pietro doesn't seem to care as his face is split with an equally as corny grin.
Both of you are caught off guard by someone calling your same from the hallway, and then a knock shortly after. You take Pietro's moment of distraction and quickly lean up, placing a chaste kiss on his cheek. Pietro looks absolutely shocked.
"You better get going." You whisper. He smiles at you, almost in disbelief, and then he's gone, the window left open and the breeze catching on curtains, blowing gently.
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heartsforhavik · 6 months
this isn’t paw-some… (bi-han, tomas x gn reader)
warnings: slight angst to comfort in both, established relationship in bi-han's, slight spoilers for mk1 story mode, gender neutral reader
summary: bi-han and tomas vrbada somehow turned into animals! but you have no idea it's them, so you end up telling them a secret... (both separate)
a/n: heyyy so um i had no idea what to write yesterday bc i hated every draft i had but i FINALLY got this one done. idk why but i'm in a phase where i hate everything i write. thanks for your patience guys!
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bi-han woke up to his bedsheets completely engulfing him. in confusion, he tried pulling them aside, but it barely moved an inch.
“what is this…?” he tried mumbling, but instead it came out sounding like the meows of a cat.
in a panic, he immediately rolled out of his bedsheets and tried to stand up, but his legs weren't strong enough to hold him up.
in fact, he didn't even have his legs anymore. he had little legs and paws.
this had to be a nightmare. there's no way he just woke up as a cat. fortunately, he happened to have a day off. but he still had many questions. why did he wake up as a cat? is this a permanent change?
but he knew there was no need to stress. bi-han needed to chill out. panicking doesn't solve anything. he must find you, surely you can recognize him immediately.
first, he must learn to walk as a cat. walking on all fours felt so strange to him, especially because his new paws were so sensitive to the hard, wooden floors. but he can get used to it for now.
you heard a quiet scratching noise at your door. thinking someone probably just accidentally brushed up against your door, you ignored it. until you heard it again. and again. louder each time.
you groaned, getting up and opening the door to a cute black cat.
"oh hello there! what are you doing in a place like this?" you giggled, immediately picking it up and petting it gently.
the cat purred in contentment, and rubbed its head against your hand.
while bi-han enjoyed the close proximity to you, he still needed to find out how to let you know *he* is the cat you are holding.
"i wonder if bi-han would approve of you wandering around." you sighed.
bi-han meowed as loud as he could, tapped on your chest with his little paw, then pointed towards himself. he hoped you understood what he was trying to say.
"it looks like you're trying to stretch. maybe we can go for a walk?" you offered, setting him down.
'this is gonna take a while.' bi-han thought. for now, all he could do was grumpily walk beside you.
"...and then, bi-han told me he was too busy for a night out. i understand that he's the grandmaster and stuff, but i just wish i could spend more time with him. you know?" you ranted to the cat walking beside you, *still* unaware it was bi-han himself.
he listened intently to what you had to say. it was true, he was very busy most of the time and couldn't spend much time with you. but he had no idea it was affecting you this much. once he turns human again, he'll make sure to fix the problem.
after an hour or so of walking around, you finally got tired and walked back to your home. once you reached your bedroom, you picked up the cat you spent your day with and placed it on your bed.
"i hope you don't have any diseases, that wouldn't be very good for me." you laughed nervously, as you climbed into bed next to the cat.
bi-han looked at you in annoyance and scrunched his little nose as if you just called him something offensive.
"anyways, goodnight little one. i hope we can find your owner tomorrow. if not, i can take care of you! as long as bi-han allows it..." you trailed off. "in fact, i'm really scared of displeasing him.."
bi-han's ears perked up at what you said. why would you be so scared of pleasing him? is he so intimidating that he even makes his significant other frightened?
"i mean, it's not like he's aggressive or anything, i just don't want to disappoint him. i feel like i'm walking on eggshells around him. if i say the wrong thing, he would think i'm unworthy of being with him. sometimes... i'm not sure if he really loves me. if he really loved me, he would put more effort into spending time with me... right?" you whispered, as a small tear escaped from your eye.
bi-han's heart broke a bit when he heard that. he knows that he is a bit.. judgemental. but he never meant to make you feel unloved.
he crawled up to you and licked your tear away. he hoped that it would make you feel a bit better about your situation. he made a mental note to talk to you as soon as he was human again. the last thing bi-han wanted to do was hurt you. even after all the people he has betrayed, hurt, and even killed... you were the only person he never wished to harm.
he cuddled up beside you and made himself comfortable. surely a bit of physical touch would make you feel better? it's not like he has been doing that in his human form anyway.. which he notes to fix soon.
soon you both drifted off to sleep peacefully, with bi-han curled up comfortably in your arms.
the next morning, you woke up to bi-han sleeping right next to you. when did he get there?
“bi-han?” you whispered.
when he woke up, he immediately checked his arms and legs. thankfully, he was human again.
“good morning, beloved. how did you sleep?” bi-han asked, strangely casual even though he magically appeared in your bed.
“i slept.. fine. but i had a cat with me. it was a cute little black cat, it showed up at my door out of nowhere yesterday. it was kind of grumpy, but it listened to me when i ranted to it. it kind of reminded me of you.” you giggled.
“about that…” bi-han sighed. “…i have some explaining to do.”
tomas vrbada
tomas had invited you to madam bo’s for dinner, and he was planning on confessing his feelings to you there. but unfortunately, he couldn't exactly make it.
he accidentally fell asleep, and when he woke up he realized he was late. he immediately got up from his bed and tried standing up, but he couldn't stand on his two legs anymore. because his legs were now full of fur, and he had paws.
this could not be happening. the first time he gained the courage to make a move and ask you out, he ends up turning into a dog.
he had to find a way to get to you and do something. what if you think he stood you up on purpose?
you were sitting at a table at madam bo's, waiting for tomas to arrive. you get that he's probably busy, so you were being very patient and decided to wait a bit. but you were sitting there for so long, the place was going to close soon.
you were about to get up and leave, until a golden retriever dog ran up to you with its tail wagging intensely.
it didn't have a collar, so it seemed to be a random stray dog that took a liking to you. but it also seemed so well-behaved, how could it be a stray?
tomas was relieved to see that you were still at the restaurant. he felt bad that he made you wait for nothing, but at least that was a sign that you cared about him.
"oh, hello there. what could you be doing in a place like this?" you greeted, petting the dog in front of you.
tomas felt a bit strange getting petted by you, but it somehow felt really good.
"i was waiting for someone, but he never came..." you sighed. "this place is about to close. maybe you can accompany me while i walk home?"
tomas didn't hesitate to walk beside you, but he couldn't help but feel extremely guilty for wasting your time. he'll find a way to make up for it.
"i know he's a busy guy, but wouldn't he know if he couldn't make it today? i kind of got myself all dressed up for nothing.." you admitted, opening up to the loyal dog that never strayed from your side throughout your walk.
tomas's heart broke when he heard how you felt. if only he was human at that moment, he would've been apologizing profusely and trying to make you feel better.
"i really, really like him. i think he's so kind, fun, and he has always cared about me. i was so excited to go on this date with him, because i thought that maybe it was a sign that he liked me back. i'm trying to stay positive and hope that he was probably just busy, but what if he just doesn't actually care about me?" you sighed.
tomas whimpered in response, feeling extremely guilty about hurting you. he never meant to make you feel that way.
"i don't know if you are sad for me or if you're just hungry.. but you're a good listener. you remind me a lot of tomas..." you mumbled, feeling appreciated by your little companion.
once you arrived to your house, tomas felt very creepy. he was walking around your bedroom, looking at the little trinkets you have and sniffing around. he couldn't help it, it's like he had an instinct to snoop around your living space now that he was a dog.
"i'm really tired... stay here, and i'll find you some kind of blanket to sleep on. i have to put on my pyjamas first, though." you said, silently regretting that you wasted such a good outfit to be stood up.
when you returned to tomas, he was still sitting in your bedroom and patiently waiting. you laid out a blanket for him, and then you crawled into your own bed.
"goodnight. hopefully i can find your owner tomorrow, if you have one. even though you probably can't understand me and i'm just talking to myself.." you mumbled, rolling over and going to sleep.
tomas tried to think of a way to make it up to you when he was human again. he felt so guilty for hurting you. he hoped you didn't lose feelings for him, it would make him feel even worse if you did.
the next morning, you woke up and you were expecting to see the same golden retriever from last night sleeping on the floor.
instead, you looked down and saw tomas himself peacefully asleep on your floor, wearing nothing but a blanket over his privates.
you immediately pinched yourself. this had to be a dream. you had so many questions. what happened with the dog? did tomas break in while you were sleeping?
"tomas?" you whispered.
he slowly opened his eyes, and he let out a sigh of relief as soon as he saw he had his regular body back.
but that sense of accomplishment faded as soon as he noticed that he was pretty much naked on your bedroom floor.
"good morning..." tomas greeted awkwardly.
"good morning." you replied, trying to look respectfully.
you both stood in awkward silence for a solid minute before you finally spoke up.
"so.. what brings you here... naked...?" you asked.
tomas blushed. "well..."
"so.. you were the dog from last night?" you questioned.
"yeah. i'm sorry for uh.. you know, turning into a dog and accidentally leaving you alone on that date." tomas apologized.
"did you hear everything i said last night?" you said quietly, embarrassed that you practically poured your heart out to him without knowing it.
"i did. i am still so sorry that i hurt you. i'll make it up to you, i promise. i'll take you out for dinner again, but i'll show up this time. and i'll pay the bill!" he offered.
hell yeah, free food. who could resist that? you instantly agreed to his offer and you had hope that the date would go well this time, and then maybe you two can become something more.
"great! i'll go get ready right now!"
"tomas, you have hours to get ready, there is no need to rush. and you're still naked, by the way." you sighed.
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Giving Slashers flowers!!!
This post will include RZ Michael Myers, Jason, Billy Lenz, Thomas Hewitt, and Brahms Heelshire. Reader is gn or male. We're just starting to write so please be kind.
RZ Mikey
[Cue silent head tilt]
He understands the sentiment behind the gesture, but doesn't get why you'd give him flowers.
Poor guy doesn't think he deserves them :(
Will probably dry and/or press the flowers and incorporate the dried petals into his masks, and might even make you a mask of your own as a 'thank you' (wear it around him he will be ecstatic, even if he doesn't show it)
You had just come home from the grocery store, armfuls of stuff in your grip as you carry them to the kitchen. "Hey Michael, I'm home!" You figured he knew it was you anyway but you definitely wouldn't wanna be mistaken for an intruder.
Michael eventually wanders into the kitchen to see what you brought home (hes secretly hoping you brought candy, he has a hell of a sweet tooth). When he sees the bouquet of flowers, he picks them up and tugs at your sleeve. Holding them up with his head tilted as if to say, "What's with these?"
"Oh! Those are for you, Mikey." You smile up at him. He stands there for a moment, seemingly thinking before nodding and walking away, flowers in hand.
A few weeks later Michael walks up to you with a colourful mask, putting it in your lap and staring at you. You pick it up and inspect the details, realizing he had dried the flowers you gave him and used them as part of the mask.
You smile and stand, giving him a tight hug which he awkwardly reciprocates, then put on your mask. "Its beautiful, Michael, thank you."
Jason Voorhees
When i tell you this man will just about sob from joy-
The fact that you love him and want to be around him is already more than he's ever hoped for but you bringing him flowers? Swoon
You will absolutely get a massive bear hug cuz i know for a fact this momma's boy is a hugger
You had decided to go for a little hike around the camp while Jason was off setting his traps. It was a beautiful day and you didn't wanna waste it indoors.
While on this hike you collected the wildflowers and wild blueberries along the trail, as a little gift for Jason. By the time you got back to the cabin, you had a proper fistful of flowers and maybe a pint of the blueberries, lucky you! You got to the sweet berries before the deer did.
When Jason finally got back you greeted him with a kiss on the cheek of his hockey mask and the little bouqet. "I picked you some flowers, handsome!" Jason takes them gingerly and grabs a mug, filling it with water to use as a vase.
Once he sets the flowers in the mug he turns back to you and scoops you up in a firm but careful bear hug, muffled sniffles echoing from under his mask. "Thank you, love." He signs after gently setting you back down on your feet. You smile and take his hand, "I also picked some blueberries, wanna help me make some muffins?" He nods eagerly as you lead him to the kitchen.
Billy Lenz
Lets be real this gremlin of a man would try to eat them if you'd let him. (Dude 100% has an oral fixation and 0 sense of self control)
Will cling to you even more than usual. Mans is a cuddler through and through.
"Pretty Boy brought Billy a gift!!!"
Will also happy stim as he rambles about how sweet you are and probably brag about you to your cat (writing this as if yall aint in the sorority house) "Billy has the sweetest boyfriend ever!"
"Billy, I'm home!" You call as you walk in the door. You head up to your room to see billy laying on the bed with your cat, holding it above him and giggling loudly. "Havin fun cutie? I picked up some new sweaters for you, nice n' soft just how you like." He smiles up at you and places the cat down. "Pretty [y/n] always picks the best sweaters." He states as he sits up.
"I also got you something else."
"Surprise for Billy?"
"Yes, surprise for Billy." You pull the flowers from behind your back, earning a delighted squeal and some happy wiggles from your boyfriend. He quickly snatched them from your hand and shoved his face into the vibrant blossoms, only to sneeze immediately.
You laugh softly at his antics and give him a kiss on the forehead. "Why dont I put these in a vase, then we can cuddle n watch some cartoons?"
"Yes please!!!" Billy grins, picking up the cat and following you back downstairs.
Thomas Hewitt
Will probably also cry tbh, another momma's boy who thrives off of affection
You'll probably need to tell Hoyt off though cuz he's gonna dog on Tommy for bein a pansy or some shit
But really this man is so whipped for you he's going to cherish anything you give him.
He's sentimental for sure so i see him asking Luda to press any flowers you give him to keep forever
You were just finishing up setting the beartraps around the Hewitt property when you noticed some wildflowers in the treeline.
After setting the last trap you headed over to the patch of flowers, picking a handful and binding them with some twine from your pocket. Satisfied with your little bouqet, you made your way back to the house.
"Tommy's upstairs in y'all's room, honey." Luda called from the kitchen as you walked in. "Alright Luda, I'll be back in a bit to help with supper." With that you scampered upstairs and into your room.
"Tommy baby? Ya in here?" You hear a grunt and smile, walking up to the large man and hugging him. "Brought you a lil gift, love."
You hand Thomas the flowers, which he takes and inspects curiously before setting them down and kissing your forehead, mumbling a raspy, slightly choked 'thank you.'
Brahms Heelshire
This dude just gets so flustered.
He spent 2 decades in the fucking walls a kind gesture would absolutely kill him
Will be even clingier the rest of the day. Don't bother trying to do anything he will have a death grip on your waist to cuddle you.
Brahms is definitely still very childish when it comes to passtimes, may ask you to put the flowers in his hair or something (lowkey an excuse to have you play with his hair.) [Please play with his hair he will melt]
Whilst taking care of the rat traps you decided to pick some of the clover blossoms growing next to the foundation of the mansion. You dont really leave the house, so small activities like this gave you some variety in your day.
As soon as you had finished up outside it had started to rain. You curse quietly to yourself and dash inside.
"Brahmsy! Im done outside, what should we do for lunch?" You call as you take off your shoes; You didn't want to track mud in the house after all.
"Could we have that pasta with the chicken and herbs? I quite like that." The masked man replies, seemingly appearing from thin air. "What are the flowers for, sweetest?"
"Oh! Theyre for you, Brahms. I thought they were pretty." You smile at him and hand him the flowers.
"F-For me?" You can see his left ear turn a bit pink, and you giggle.
"Of course darling, I wanted to do something to make you smile."
Brahms scoops you up and squeezes you tight. "Thank you, dove. That's so kind of you."
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imrllytootiredforthis · 8 months
any thoughts abt yandere beomgyu or taehyun? 👀
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warnings: yandere subs, dom reader, reader is kinda (really) mean, bully beomgyu (for beomgyu's part), bully reader (for taehyun's part), it's smut with a sub yandere so more stuff along those lines, etc.
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i will preach the sub bully yandere beomgyu until the day that i die-
he's such a spoiled, conceited brat that feels like he can step on anyone he deems 'deserves it' and get whatever he wants with the point of his finger
until he meets you,
who will put up with none of his bullshit, giving him none of the reaction of what he wants but maybe that's what makes him so interested in you
maybe it's the fact that he doesn't know how to deal with his emotions in a proper manner
or the fact that he's head over heels for you but doesn't know how to show it other than jeering at you in the hallways, calling you names as you walk by
but he quickly realizes that maybe you're not the best person to try to torment (pt.1 and pt.2 of previous bully!beomgyu)
because as mean as he can be, he knows you can be so much meaner than him
but maybe he likes that a little too much
even after all that he continues his little games, seeing just how far he can go, just how far he can piss you off until you're on him, making him 'regret ever being such a little bitch'-his words, not yours
he starts rumours about you, nasty ones that you can't seem to shake from the others susceptible to his influence
they'll believe anything he tells the, all because he has a pretty face and a self-acclaimed big dick
(which is, admittedly, partially true but you'd never tell him or anyone else that)
it would be a shock to anyone, really,
that beomgyu,
the guy who badmouths and bullies you on a daily basis,
tripping you in the halls and sticking crude things to your locker, causing problems and pointing the finger in your direction.
no would suspect that he,
is nothing but a whore on his knees for you behind closed doors, willing to do anything and everything for you to call him a few names.
that he sits on his knees on the tile floor of the dirty bathrooms after school, long after people have left for the day but not late enough that there won't be a few who've stayed behind for whatever other reason
that he gets off to this very idea, face red with the humiliation of it all.
moaning and whining under the eyes of the once again beomgyu - acclaimed 'school slut', fisting his cock as he desperately tries to get off,
begging, pleading with you to just touch him, just please, please, please bring him some relief.
you only roll your eyes, tugging his head back by his hair.
and he loves the fact all too much that he can see the anger that's been simmering in your eyes for weeks finally bubble to the surface. the sadistic mean side that you keep hidden from everyone else
"and why should i touch you?" your voice is a sneer that makes his cock throb in his hand. "because i'm a whore who slept with the teacher to get good grades?"
his eyes are wide, needy, greedy.
he's too used to getting whatever he wants. he's too used to people falling to their knees around him just because he's a rich boy with a pretty face.
"just, didn't want anyone else to want you-" he pants, your fingers threading through the all too soft strands of his hair. "you're mine."
he lets out a yelp when your shoe nudges against his dick,
rough and so fucking dirty but it's you and you're finally, finally touching him
you need to teach him a lesson.
"i'm not yours. and you're fucking dumb if you think i am."
one that he won't forget
"because why would i be if i was just a 'good fuck' but had some weird kinks." you laugh dryly, remembering the glint in his eyes as he stared you down, whispers formulating all around the hall about you and him.
"the irony, that you're spread out on the ground of the bathroom floor like some kind of dog, panting and begging for a treat from me? calling you a pathetic whore? and i'm the one with the weird kinks here."
you scoff
"you wish i let your pathetic dick anywhere near me, much less fuck me down into a mattress."
he can barely focus on what you're saying,
only on the feeling of your foot grinding down onto him.
he should find this demeaning,
he should shove you away and get the fuck out of here with whatever decency he has left.
but he doesn't have any.
he enjoys this more than he could ever shamelessly admit, being here under your mercy
forced to be down onto his knees, stepping down on his dick as you degrade him
he could never say it aloud
but it isn't that hard to see from body language alone
the way he looks up at you with hearts in his eyes, as if you're some kind of god, blessing him with your very presence
and awe
and pure and utter love.
every cruel word dripping from your lips like honeyed venom, making his heart beat faster and his cock throb harder.
"you're fucking disgusting."
his hands fly around to grip onto your thighs, fingers digging into the fabric of your pants,
eyes lidding in bliss
"imagine if they could all see you now, spread out like this. would they idolize you then?"
he could lie and say that he didn't like it when you pulled his head back, fingers pressing into his jaw to open his mouth up,
before spitting on his tongue.
be it would be so obviously a lie.
he could also lie and say that he didn't go dumb at the taste of your saliva on his tongue, swirling around with his own before dripping down his throat
-it's the closest he's ever gotten to actually kissing you
he could say that he didn't, embarrassingly cum all over himself from it, letting out a strangled cry as ropes of it stain onto his ridiculously expensive shirt and pants
and your shoe
all while his eyes never leave yours.
looking up at you with the devotion of being the only thing that can manage to make his heart beat this fast
"now lick it off, you dog."
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and you know what?
for the sake of these, let's just have it the opposite way for taehyun.
mean, bully reader who taunts him all day, calling him names and cornering in the hallways.
shy, lone tae who lets it happen, his head turned down, his cheeks stained pink when you do,
you didn't even realize him in the beginning, scurrying past you when you were mean to others, laughing with your friends
but he always knew you
watching you as you disinterestedly twirled a pencil through your fingers, two seats away from his
he could say from the very beginning that you interested him far beyond what was probably appropriate-but he couldn't help himself
not when he couldn't stop thinking about you, imagining the condescending tone you used directed at him for once
that sneer on your face, the look of disgust or the sadistic smile. you were gorgeous every way.
and he couldn't even restrain himself picking up his old digital camera he'd used years ago before getting bored, blowing the dust off it
and using to take pictures of you
people noticed him a bit more after that, not by much but the big camera always present in his hands or around his neck garnered it's fair share of attention
you noticed him, finally
glanced at him out of the corner of your eye in the hall or in class, but you never fully acknowledged him, never talked him
but for awhile a few looks were enough, his pictures were enough
until they weren't.
he needed more.
he needed you to look at him.
to be mean to him.
to notice him.
and you definitely did when he seemed to trip out of nowhere right in front of you and your friends,
pictures spilling out of his bag from the impact, spreading out all of the linoleum floor for everyone to see
you smiling, you laughing, you frowning and glaring and sneering.
in class, on your route home, in your home.
pictures taken through a window of you half undressing, getting into bed, eating.
you stared at the photos...
before your gaze turned to him...
with everything he'd ever wanted.
finally your sights were set on him.
the word perv was thrown around, stalker and creep.
he liked them when they were from you
but those were nothing compared to the other things you'd do to him.
things he'd do for you without a second thought.
taunts were not enough. rumours he'd done a well enough job creating on his own. the rest was left up to you to fill.
you took his camera. he hasn't seen it since.
he doesn't care.
he has something much better now.
you. in the flesh. in front of him.
you had your own name for him too.
that was perhaps his favourite.
yours too it seemed.
you thought it fit well to him.
his eyes wide, almost puppy-like when you approach him in the hallways.
you're not supposed to be here, technically he's not supposed to either.
not a peep of protest when face to face with you,
smirking toothily as you back him up into a wall, so close your nose nearly touches his, your hand resting on the wall over his shoulder, successfully trapping him in place.
he likes this position too much, even if he squirms away from your touch.
"Do you have it?"
taehyun is the type of guy you could bully for the answers to the homework or a project, but that would be too easy
you could steal his things and beat him until you were satisfied but that would probably be easier, still
it wouldn't appease that fire curling in the pit of your stomach when you see his lip quiver and his eyes flutter with unshed tears,
coincidentally it didn't appease that masochistic side to him either, the side that liked that fire in your eye when you made him do another embarrassing act
but maybe part of him that you liked so much was the willingness he had, the devotion he had to you,
following you around like a lost puppy,
at your beck and call whenever you wanted or needed him and even when you didn't.
he sits alone in his room, staring at your contact in his phone waiting for the next time you decide you're bored and want to make his life a living hell once more
coincidentally, lighting his life up once more
in some ways he needed you
and in other ways you needed him
the power trip that it gave you, knowing he'd get down on his knees in front of you and kiss your shoes, not because he was scared of you but because he loved to do it just as much as you loved to order it
"y-yeah, i have it."
he pulls something out of his bag, holding it out to you.
a small device, nothing special but the small plus and minus on it
you smirk. and slowly you let your eyes travel down the length of his body.'
"good boy~"
was it natural to feel a chest palpitation
when you call him that?
when you look at him with those eyes?
when you're so mean to him?
why does it only make his heart flutter?
"so what happens if I..."
you click your tongue at the exact moment your slide your finger down to click the plus button up,
his body jolts, a rush of heat spreading throughout his body.
the toy vibrates inside of him, just for you.
he clenches his jaw tight, trying not to make a sound under your eyes
"too much!" he squeaks.
you tilt your head to the side.
he lets out a dry sob, body trembling against the wall, shaky legs only being kept upright by your hips pinning him to the surface.
"oh baby," a finger pushes his chin up, brushing over his pulse point and adam's apple before forcing his eyes onto yours.
"don't be a wimp now~"
you move in, close and for a momentary second of bliss he thinks you'll press your lips against his and fulfill the nasty wish of being touched by his bully for all too long
his eyes fall shut, lips parted in quiet pants
but you don't come.
you only laugh.
"it's only too much when i say it's too much, puppy~"
his head spins. his eyes squeeze shut harder
and suddenly he hears a different click, more of a flash if he had to place it-
-a shudder?
he pries his eyes open to see you standing there still, somehow seeming to tower above him despite being the same height.
with his camera in hand.
"look at the camera puppy~"
and so he does
he whines, glazed over eyes staring directly at the lens, the utter adoration seeping through into the photo when you eventually print this out and keep to look at whenever you want
and he pants, just like the pathetic puppy he is
but he's your puppy now
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a/n: :)
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dizscreams · 1 year
Drunk n Love — Ethan Landry ★
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PAIRING: Ethan x gn!reader
SUMMARY: Ethans drunk and he says some cute and lovey stuff
WARNINGS: none :)
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You were walking around this stupid frat party wondering where your boyfriend went. You saw Mindy and Anika on the couch so you went to them first. “Hey guys, have you seen Ethan? I can’t find him anywhere,” you ask worriedly.
“Uhh I think he’s in the kitchen with Chad,” Mindy tells you and with a nod of your head you go to look for him. Pushing past all these sweaty people you wonder why you’re even here. Chad had convinced Ethan to go and Ethan didn’t want to go without you, he had practically begged you. You loved him but he was such a piece of work when he wanted to be.
You go to the kitchen and the first thing you see is Chad and Ethan chugging whatever’s in their red solo cups. “Heyyy Y/N!” Chad shouts as he slams his cup on the counter, clearly drunk. ‘Oh god’ you thought. You look over at Ethan who can barely stand on his own. “Chad, what have you made him drink?”
“Hey I didn’t do anyyythin’ he has a mind of his own and a very smart one too! What I do- or wait what HE does is not my fault,” he says defensively with his hands raised.
“Uh huh- right.” You go over to Ethan and put your arm around him. Fuck he was heavy. “Hiii y/n you look so pre-pretty,” he says with a hiccup. You mutter a ‘thank you eth’ and then look over at Chad, “I’m taking him home. You stay here and I’ll get your sister,” you say pointing to Chad with a stern look.
“Yeah yeah whatever mom,” he slurs and pours himself another drink.
“C’mon Eth, let’s get you home.”
“Yes ma’am.” You roll your eyes and make your way back over to where Mindy was. “Mindy! Your brother’s in the kitchen absolutely wasted I think it’s time to take everyone home.”
“Aw shit alright. Thanks, y/n.” You nod and try to get Ethan to move with you but he was too busy staring at his hands. “Ethan what the hell are you doing?”
“Look- look at my hands why are they so big? They’re like very large.” You try not to laugh and grab one of his hands. “Yeah they’re so strong now cmon let’s go home, Eth.”
“I don’t want to.”
“You have to.”
“Nuh-uh you can’t make me,” he says sticking his tongue out.
“Ethan I swear to god if you don’t move right now I will kick your ass.”
“Ooo i like you mad you look hot,” he says with a goofy smile and a giggle as he sways. “Ethan! Come on!” You’re now dragging him out of the door and he mutters an ‘okay okay’.
You end up finally making it to his dorm after a long walk that should’ve only been five minutes. You walk him to his room and place him on the bed. He was wearing a long sleeve shirt and jeans that probably weren’t going to be comfortable to sleep in.
“Ethan, do you have any pajamas or something more comfortable?” You ask pushing some curls out of his face.
“Mhmmm they’re in the sec- second drawer, baby.” The poor boy could barely hold his head up. You nod at him before going to the drawer and pulling out plaid blue pajama pants and grabbing a random gray t-shirt.
You sit the clothes in his lap, “Here go get dressed in the bathroom.”
“I don’t wanna get upppp,” he whines.
“Ethan I don’t wanna watch you change-“
“You’ve never had a problem beforeee,” he giggles.
“That’s when you’re sober dumbass,” You playfully push his shoulder and he falls back on the bed dramatically with a ‘so rude!’
“Fine, I’ll just turn around.” And you do so as he changes. You could hear him struggle trying to get his shirt off and wanted to laugh at him. He didn’t get drunk often, but it was slightly amusing to you when he did.
“Okay Okay im good now,” he tells you.
“Alright, let’s get you in bed,” you say and he crawls under the covers. You put a light blanket over him and kiss his head as you go to turn off the light.
“Wait-” he stops you as he gently grabs your wrist. “Are you not gonna sleep with me?” he asks with a pout.
“Ethan, I have to go.”
“Nooo! No you don’t. Can you just- just stay with me until I sleep? Please?” He says with his big brown eyes looking up at you.
“Okay, but only till you fall asleep.”
“Yayyy!!” You shush him for being too loud before you’re under the covers with him. He turns so his back isn’t facing you anymore and instead he wraps his arms around you while his chin is on top of your head.
“Hey Y/n?”
“Yeah Ethan?”
“You know I love you right. I love you a lot and thank you for takin ca- caare of me. You’re a good partner.”
“I love you too and you’re welc-“
He cuts you off, “I’m gonna marry you some day, did you know? We’re gonna have a weddin a faancy one too,” he smiles to himself.
You’re stunned for a moment before the biggest smile is across your face. You’re about to respond but you see he already closed his eyes and was ready to sleep. You lay there with him not wanting to get up and decided you were going to stay there all night.
Even though he probably wouldn’t remember this tomorrow, you would, and you’d treasure the memory.
That boy has your whole heart.
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this sucksss but I love him so much :( AND IM SORRY GUYS ILL WORK ON REQUESTS TMR!!
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sleepyhutcherson · 3 months
batman!mike schmidt headcannons
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part 2 | masterlist
pairing: batman!mike schmidt x gn!reader
tags: pervy!mike (watches you get undressed), jealousy, stalker, overprotective, spit kink, choking, being fucked from behind, inspired by pattinson’s batman — 18+, NSFW
author’s note: mike and pattinson’s bruce >> they are literally the same person (in some ways okay?) also i have smut blurb of batman!mike that i’ll probably post to end off my little batman!mike series <3
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batman!mike who from the moment he sees you become utterly obsessed with you.
batman!mike first saw you when he was dealing with some men that were attempting to rob the diner you were working at. luckily, you weren’t at the register, but you were there. after dealing with them, his dark eyes met yours for a brief moment. he stared at you, eyes focused on you and you swore you saw a softness to the brown eyes before he left.
batman!mike who researches everything about you from that day on. of course, he goes home to research you in his cave, getting every ounce of information about you: i mean, he also needs your home address to watch over you, duh!
batman!mike who starts showing up outside the diner you’re working at just to…watch you…to make sure you’re not in any kind of danger.
batman!mike definitely keeps a diary but doesn’t write in it too frequently. but once he encounters you he starts writing in it more — you’re mainly what he writes about.
batman!mike is possessive. he’s not really aware of it, honestly. whenever he sees you on the phone or with someone laughing and smiling a little too much for his liking it ruins his day. like literally. he’ll sulk the rest of the day trying to find out who that person was that was making you laugh and smile so much.
batman!mike who sneaks into your place while you’re working just to look through your stuff. he feels a sense of guilt being in there without your consent…but he just wants to get to know you better! he wants to know what your interests are, what books you’re into, what you write about in your journal, how your room is decorated, etc.
batman!mike wears black eyeshadow (like battinson), it’s smudged and messy but it looks so good on him. his pretty brown eyes complimenting the makeup so well.
batman!mike who watches you undress from your window once you get home from work. it’s not a one time thing either. by now he has your bare body memorised.
batman!mike who huffs and groans while he’s fucking you.
batman!mike who likes to fuck you from behind with his hand gripping onto you hair as he thrusts into you roughly.
batman!mike who will force you to look at him as he fucks you from behind, you turn around and watch as he becomes a groaning mess behind you, he tells you to stick out your tongue out for him to spit in your mouth.
batman!mike who — despite literally showing up at your window to fuck you — will not show his face to you. not yet. meaning he leaves the mask on at first.
batman!mike who makes you suck his fingers. he needs you to coat them with your spit before inserting them inside of you.
batman!mike isn’t really submissive, you probably won’t hear him whine but on those more stressful nights you’ll hear him whimper while he’s burying himself deeper inside of you, his hands wrapped around your neck.
batman!mike who will jerk off to something of yours if he isn’t able to go see you. like it can be anything: underwear, a bracelet of yours — anything.
batman!mike who will stay up late to rewatch playbacks of his day that he recorded through his contacts lenses just to see you. over and over. sometimes he’ll jerk off while he watches.
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taglist: @cancelledkaley @stanheights-boyfriend @jhutch-bf @laurrrelise @joshfutturman @gryffindorsblog @obsessivemuso-withnofriends @helen-on-earth @fallingboba @cassiecasluciluce @maticka — love you guys xx
also idk if it’s just me but i cant tag certain of you that asked to be tagged :( im sorry, if anyone knows why let me know please <3
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johnsgunbelt · 5 months
This! This as well!! Please!
I know I'm just spamming your asks now.
Forgive me. 😭😭
"Just a one-night stand? Really?" - Ghost/Price
I’m SOOO happy people are spamming my inbox please don’t apologize and I am actually sorry the other owner of this acc with me is swamped with other irl stuff so I’m trying to get to as many as I can <3 I think you wanted Ghost for this but this also suits Price I think!!
Pairing: Ghost x GN! Reader/ Price x Gn! Reader MDNI
Warnings: Mentions of one night stand, other than that fluff.
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You woke up with the most horrific pounding headache and the light from the window did not help. And then you took a good look around... This is NOT your room, it was some random guy's room and you scanned it carefully trying to recall what happened the night before but all you remember is getting really wasted.
You checked your phone and saw a text message from your friend asking if you were okay but you didn’t have the energy to respond and apparently not the muscle to either seeing as you were tangled up in this guy's arms. 
You slowly started to try and get up as you slipped out of his arms and walked to put your shoes and jacket on. He started to stir awake and turned to face you.
“We didn’t do anything...Right?” You asked him as You got a good look at his face and Your jaw dropped. He was surely handsome but also seemed like he was older than you.
“Mm well, you did ride me for a while...Otherwise, no nothing else, come back to bed.” He grumbled at you as he opened his arms for you to lay in. “Sir, I don’t even know you-” “You knew me well enough to ride me just come lay down, please. I’ll explain everything later.” He then sat up a little and ended up pulling off your coat as you slipped your shoes off. 
“Oh- okay well I guess it couldn’t hurt I have nowhere to be.” You said softly to him as he wrapped his arms around your waist. “Mhm..I don’t want this to just be a one-night thing so we can talk when I fully wake up.” you were shocked to hear that from a man you had just met but you decided not to argue about it and just went back to sleep with him.
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You woke up with a slight pain in your legs and a little headache, the room seemingly dark. You checked your phone to see it was 9:12 AM but the room you were in had black curtains so no sun was peeking into the room...Wait…This isn’t your room?
You silently panicked as you turned around to see a broad man's chest in your face and you jumped back a little. “Shit.” You thought to yourself as you tried slipping out of his arms he just clanged tighter as you looked up at him.
“If you’re gonna ask, yes we did have sex. Now stop moving, I'm just trying to cuddle you.” “Sir-?” “We can talk later can’t you just enjoy the moment, cause you seemed to enjoy a whole lot last night..” He interrupted and it shut you up quickly as you looked up to see who the mysterious man telling you this was.
WOW. He looked to have blonde hair and scars on his face with a little face stubble. He was handsome and oddly had a comforting look on his face for a man You had randomly hooked up with. You tried to move up more but your legs were so sore you winced in a bit of pain.
“Ow..” “Hm? Oh. Here let me massage your legs.” He slowly raised you up so he could reach your legs as his calloused hands massaged your soft and tender skin. You felt a lot better no doubt.
“We’re definitely not keeping this as a one-night stand, you’re far beyond too pretty for me to try and let go of.” “I- okay I don’t know what to say, what's even your name-?” “Shh, just let me take care of you, it’s Simon. We’ll talk later.”
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AHHH I LOVED WRITING THIS!! Def gonna try and write some more as I'm also in a different state right now but I'm not too busy so I could probably write a lot more, please send in any requests <3!!
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springnote · 1 year
Eat You Up
Vash the Stampede x gn!reader (nsfw)
warnings: nsfw minors dni oral sex (m receiving), brief overstim, alien (plant) biology, praise kink
Note: this was just supposed to be a little fic abt how I imagine what Vash’s “stuff” is like but I got carried away. Shoutout to @pinkanonwrites’s work if you enjoy smut abt Vash being a needy little plant
“Wait don’t do that please—”
“Huh?” You gasped as you blinked in confusion at the man in front of you. “Vash?”
The spiky-haired blonde was looking anywhere but at your face, his cheeks and ears red as he gently pushed you off his chest. Your brow furrowed at him, trying to figure out what exactly went wrong. One moment you were gently kissing him on his nose and cheeks and he reciprocated with soft press of his lips on yours, yes it escalated from there to wet kisses, but that wasn’t out of the ordinary for couples to do.
Vash could be a pretty jumpy guy at times, he’d yelp when you gave a playful smack on his arm, or sniffle dramatically when you’d tell him “no” when he’d try to take your slice of cake, but seeing him genuinely distressed was concerning. You hadn’t been dating long, but you were one of his best friends, and you knew he’d been through some…rough times, so you understood he could get upset at times, and rightfully so, but never from displays of affection.
“What’s wrong?” You asked again, petting the back of his head soothingly as his gaze flickered around. “Do I smell bad or something?”
“No! You smell amazing!” He blurted out, smiling sheepishly before continuing. “It’s not you…it’s me? Heh, that’s a cliche I guess huh?”
“Okay, let’s talk about it.” You said carefully as you sat him down on the couch. “What made you uncomfortable?”
“I…” he worried his bottom lip between his teeth, cheeks turning pink again. “Well we were kissing, which I love! But then it got more intense yknow and you moved your hand…lower. And I just can’t let you.”
You stared at him in confusion again, you’d almost forgot you’d moved your hand down there amidst your frenzied kissing, but it was kind of hard to forget the bulge you’d felt down there. Now your mind was more concerned with if you’d overstepped his boundaries.
“I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable.” You apologized, but he only shook his head.
“No no, it was nice, but I don’t deserve it,” he sighed, a slight tremble on his lips. “I don’t deserve to be touched like that by you.”
“Vash, why would you say that?” You frowned, your heart aching for him.
“I’m not the great guy you think I am…” he sighed.
“You’re the greatest man I’ve ever known,” you refuted him. “Baby, I know there’s things you feel guilty over, but you know I adore you.”
He gave a weak smile and a mumbled thanks in reply, but something still didn’t feel right.
“It’s something else isn’t it?” You questioned gently, rubbing your thumb over his hand as his face turned pink.
“Shucks,” he sighed. “Well you see I’m…I’m different down there.”
Your brain tried to catch up to that comment, but your mouth was already responding. “Baby, you know I’d love you no matter how you look.”
“But I’m serious! You know I’m not…human.”
You gave a gentle smile as you leaned closer, clasping his hands as you spoke again. “Vash, you’re always there for me, let me return the favor please? If it feels uncomfortable or anything you can ask me to stop, I just want to show you how much I care about you.”
There was a pause as he tried to look anywhere but in your eyes, but he couldn’t hold out too long before his baby blues met your expectant gaze. He shivered slightly, but he didn’t draw away, letting you scoot a bit closer to wrap your arms around his neck. You moved slowly so you didn’t possibly scare him, and after another pause, he finally spoke.
“Please…you can stop if I’m too weird or anything down there, but…I do want you. Pretty please.”
Heat went through your spine at his sweet pleas, your lips meeting in a soft kiss as you helped him slip off his jacket. As you licked at his lips to deepen the kiss, you felt him lifting the hem of your own shirt, but you stopped him gently as you wrapped your hands around his wrist. He let out a displeased whine as you moved back, looking like a sad puppy, but you quickly reassured him.
“This is about you baby,” you smiled, leaning him back against the blankets. “Take your shirt and pants off for me okay?”
He nodded fast enough his hair flopped around his forehead, making you giggle as you watched him shyly remove his clothes. His ears were a deep red as he exposed his scarred chest, looking away as his prosthetic limbs were also put in full view. Before he could cover up or get spooked, you placed your palms on his chest, smiling at him.
“You’re so beautifu,” you sighed out, placing a gentle kiss to his throat before moving down, noting what made him gasp and whine.
“But I’m—” he started to speak before a whine slipped from his throat.
“No baby, all these,” you gently ran your hand down his scars. “They’re proof of how selfless and brave you are. All of these are from you protecting innocent people, they reflect your inner beauty.”
One of your hands went to massage down his arm, admiring how his robotic legs shook gently from anticipation as you caressed him. “Every part of you is gorgeous and perfect, I only wish someone had told you sooner.” You placed a gentle kiss to the knuckles of his prosthetic hand, a sharp whine making you look up at him through your lashes.
“Babe…” his lip trembled again, he looked like he was about to cry, and you gave a few feather light kisses to his tummy to distract him.
“You’re doing so good,” you reassured him again, hooking a finger in the band of his tented boxers. “May I take these off?”
He nodded weakly, croaking out a “yes” before moving his arm over his eyes, embarrassment coloring his face again.
Eagerly, you helped him lift his hips so you could slide them down his legs. You tried not to look at him until you dropped the boxers to the side, turning back with anticipation before a gasp left your lips. Vash dared to peek down at you, only to see the way your eyes widened as you stared down at him.
He was right about being “different” down there, but it most certainly wasn’t bad. Instead of a usual dick, what looked bit like a tentacle stood up, flushed a soft blue with glowing lines as it curled against his abdomen. The head was slightly shaped like the head of a mushroom, a light purple color that matched the swollen balls underneath his member. A small nub that resembled a flower bud appeared to be tucked above the tentacle as well, almost seeming to peek out more the longer you stared.
“Babe..?” He questioned as he breathed heavily, nervousness flashing in his eyes. He almost seemed like he was about to cover himself, but your hands went to his thighs to push them apart, making him gasp as you stared even more intently.
“Oh my god,” you breathed out, mesmerized as you took him in. “Vash you’re breathtaking.”
Vash let out another weak whimper as he gave you a wobbly smile, happily accepting a quick peck on the lips before you crawled back down his body. The tentacle between his legs pulsed at your attentive gaze, small beads of a glowing precum oozing from all sides when you reached your hand for it. You tilted your head curiously, eager to touch him but not wanting to just jump in.
“Let me know if anything doesn’t feel good okay?” You said, waiting for him to give a small nod before reaching out again.
As soon as you delicately wrapped your fingers around his tentacle, he sucked in a sharp breathe, his hips bucking up slightly. Trailing your hand up slowly, you felt the precum moisten your hand, licking your lips as you neared the tip. Vash let out a choked moan as you rubbed your thumb on the head, smearing more precum across it as more seemed to ooze out, making Vash’s hips stutter.
You have a few more gentle pumps of his length before leaning closer to plant a kiss on the underside, your other hand drifting down to carefully cup his balls. Vash’s face was turning redder as he gripped the sheets to keep from bucking into your touch, his breath hitching when you gave a small squeeze to his sack as you trailed kisses up his dick.
“You’re so handsome Vash,” you purred before placing a kiss right on his tip. “I bet you taste amazing too.”
He opened his mouth to say something, but you never found out what he was going to say before he let out a yelp when you gave a light suck to the head of his cock. The large head felt like it got bigger in your mouth as you wrapped your lips around it, a sweet but tangy taste filling your mouth as you swallowed around him. Vash gripped the sheets under him in fistfuls, biting on the back of his hand as you continued swallowing more of him down.
“F-fuck (y/n)!” He moaned above you, accidentally jerking up into the warmth of your mouth. “More! Please?”
Your heart fluttered at him asking for more, indulging him as you bobbed your head a bit more, carefully breathing through your nose as you got closer to the base. More precum leaked out of him when your lips finally touched the soft skin at the base, making him moan again when he looked down to see you hollowing your cheeks to swallow around him.
You set a nice rhythm of moving your head up and down his cock, pushing your elbows out to the sides to keep his trembling thighs spread wide. One of your hands trailed down to cup his balls softly, your other stroking his hip whenever a whimper sounded above you. “That’s it sweetheart,” you cooed as you let your lips off his member with an obscene pop. “You still doing good?”
“Yes!” He yelled out, his eyes a little glassy when he looked down at you, sweat on forehead as he panted. “M-more please starlight. Please angel please.”
The small nub above his cock caught your attention again, appearing to peek out more as Vash got more blissed out. Feeling a little curious, your hand on his hip danced over to the small bud, lightly touching it with the pad of your thumb to gauge his reaction. When he let out another high-pitched whine, you gave in to your curiosity more and carefully massaged it between your thumb and pointer finger.
“Fuck!” He yelped, his hips bucking up violently as he arched off the bed. You jumped a bit at his reaction, worried he was in pain, but when you noticed the pout on his splotchy face you gave another gentle squeeze. “Fuck! (y/n) do that again…”
You couldn’t help smiling mischievously as you went back down on his cock, licking the underside again as you pinched and rolled his bud between your fingers. Vash’s skin from his chest to his face was red and splotchy, sweat glistening on him as he white-knuckled the blankets under him. You could feel his cock twitching in your mouth when you took him all the way to the base again, stroking the skin between his tentacle and balls gently.
“I-I’m close I think!” He choked out.
You didn’t say a word in response, refusing to move your mouth off his pulsing cock as you gave his swollen bud another squeeze until you felt a strange sensation in your mouth.
With a loud moan, Vash’s hips stuttered violently as he came down your throat, cum gushing out of the tip and sides of his cock as it softened in your mouth. You let out a low moan as you tasted the tangy, warm juices, the large head of his dick weighing on your tongue. The sensation distracted you momentarily, and you didn’t realize your fingers were still massaging his bud until he whined obscenely at the overstimulation.
Pressing one last kiss to the his tip, you pulled off Vash and slowly crawled up to cuddle him, but stopped when you noticed the tears on his cheeks. “Oh no, oh my god I’m sorry are you okay baby?” You gasped as you reached your thumb up to wipe them away.
“Yeah,” he croaked, a dopey smile on his face as he cupped your hand in his. “Sorry that was just…wow. You’re amazing babe.”
You giggled as you observed how thoroughly blissed out he was. “Im glad you enjoyed that baby,” you smiled back at him, brushing his hair off his forehead. “You’re so beautiful, I loved every minute of it.”
He giggled a little in response, cheeks still dusted a dark pink as he snuggled his face into your chest. “I love yoooou.”
“I love you too Vash.” You chuckled again, kissing his forehead before you wiggled out of his hold.
“Hey wait!” He yelped as he pulled you back, sending you atop his chest. “Where ya goin’?”
“I was gonna get a washcloth and clean you up.” You blushed, noticing how his strong arms were gripping your ass tight.
“Nuh-uh,” he grinned, suddenly rolling over to pin you to the bed. “You’re not going anywhere.”
His lips pressed into yours hungrily, your tongues melting together as he pressed you into the mattress. You let out a small whine when his lips left yours, watching him shuffle backwards to grip your hips and sling your legs over his shoulders.
“Time to return the favor.”
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buterccup · 1 year
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A/N: I saw a couple of these and I couldn't stop trying to find more, and I just love the concept of all these big men trying to understand the reader's humour but I also love how they try to watch over them even though they can easily take care of themselves. Also, do expect the codename to change if I make another one of these but if anyone has ideas please tell me. Anyways I hope this doesn't flop and please enjoy.
Warnings: Dark humour, Suicide jokes, simping, swearing, mentions of parents leaving the reader, basically gen z stuff, usual CoD violence
Character(s): Soap, Gaz, John, Ghost, Price x Gn! reader (And graves kinda-)
Codename: Daffodil
There is no thinking about it you are the youngest and probably the shortest in the task force.
When Laswell first told Price that he will have someone younger than he expected to join the task force he immediately said no, he wasn't going to babysit you.
Plus you looked way too young to be in the army
Little did he know, you got your codename for a reason.
But once Laswell said you were very strong and he could trust you to hold your own and that he had to, he didn't have much of a choice.
And as expected once Price and Laswell introduce you to the boys they were shocked too.
There was a literal child in front of them.
And Soap being Soap he let out a little chuckle earning a nudge and glare from Ghost and an "ahem" from Price
"This is Daffodil, your new rookie. And I warn you don't underestimate them just from their name. Treat them well."
At first you were very quiet and only spoke when spoken to, almost beating Ghost's stoic and quiet nature
To which the rest of 141 joked about quite a lot
but after a while, you started to open up to them which was a nice sign
But the boys did catch onto your humour pretty quickly which caused them to worry for your mental state.
You would start saying suicide jokes at 1 mile per second at every small inconvenience.
"If that happens again I'm going to jump in front of a car- I am going to hang myself- I cannot right now-"
"Kid...It's just paper work..."
One time you and the group were going after a target and of the guys' men shot you in the arm. It wasn't as bad as you thought it would be but it still hurt.
While Soap and Gaz asked if you were okay you were completely hysterical at the moment. So much in fact that you shouted something so stupid before the guy met his inevitable end.
By Ghost too:D
Thanks Ghost<33
"Do you want this back???"
"Oop, mans left quicker than my dad."
To say the least, your boys were concerned for you because of that
Even Ghost tried to check up on you every minute or two after they got the bullet out and patched you up.
You all eventually got the target in the end but your boys ended up forcing you to go get your wound checked since a, and I quote, "Crusty dusty" building wouldn't be the best place to pick out bullet fragments.
You came back with one of the doctor's pens because you liked it and claimed you finessed him when in reality he gave it to you because he noticed you staring and you were too scared to ask.
It was a LED cat paw pen
"Gaz what does finesse mean?"
"I don't really know..?"
"What do you mean you're supposed to know-"
One time you shouted slay during a mission once Ghost killed one of the targets.
To be honest, it did make him laugh but Price, on the other hand, didn't understand but he soon got what it meant. Kinda.
With that being said Gaz and sometimes Soap are the go-to when Price or Ghost don't understand what the hell you just said since they are the younger ones.
Which also means you got along better with them
And if they don't understand something they always try their best to find out and find more things you would laugh at.
Soap even goes that extra effort to make memes and send them to you.
But don't get me wrong you love spending time with Price and Ghost.
And speaking of memes you always end up making stupid gifs of Ghost and always end up sending them to the tf141 group chat that you made to annoy them most of the time or Ghost himself where you sometimes end up joke flirting with him
Mans is scrumdiliumcious if you did say so yourself
(Ahem basically the gif at the start of the hcs)
One time you called Ghost Mummy and Soap and Gaz wouldn't stop laughing while Price sighed at the little slip-up.
It wasn't a slip-up.
You defiantly burst into Price's office most of the time too when you have nothing to do.
Even though hearing Price drone on about his paperwork doesn't sound that fun it's nice to hear his voice.
And If you didn't have good parents or were absent most of your life he would never turn you away once he sees you at his door.
This also applies if you have good parents too
From the number of times he had to lecture you and your boys about how you can't have McDonald's after a mission and how it's bad for you is basically allowing him to adopt you.
Once you met Grave one thing kept popping into your mind.
Fix it Felix.
Which didn't really give you both a great start but he warmed up to you sooner or later.
And as much as an asshole he is most of the time he actually gets concerned when he hears one of your suicide jokes.
When he first heard one over coms he made sure to keep an eye on you every so often and even messaged you after the mission was over.
Don't get me wrong Graves is kinda...shitty but that doesn't make him that much of an asshole to not check up on a 'child' when they say something concerning.
And when all your boys are free and there is time you all have a movie night.
It's quite relaxing, it was nice to have these quiet moments with your boys considering your jobs.
Although one time it was getting really late and you all got through 2 movies and you almost looked like you were going to pass out so that's when papa Price came out.
"Papa, more movie."
"No the movie is over, we gotta go.."
"Oh, Jesus Christ.." (💀)
"Me. Want. More. Movie."
"No Daffo-"
"Kiddo the movie is-"
"Price what did you do-" (🧼)
Once you calmed down and Price realized what you said he cried internally.
Everything was okay in the end though and Gaz had that on camera so they can always look back and laugh at it.
Requests: Open
Part 2!
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kairiscorner · 10 months
❝KEEPING SECRETS❞ — miles 42 x reader (part 1)
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⋆✮↪ summary: he thought he was doing right by you by keeping you at a distance, by keeping you in the dark of everything he was doing. he thought it was right to keep his secrets... just so he wouldn't lose you. well, in the end, was it worth it? ⋆✮↪ pairing: miles 42 x gn!reader ⋆✮↪ word count: 1,864 ⋆✮↪ author's note: tbh, i wanted to make the idea about miles 42, not really bc of the angst but bc i wanted to write more about my other son, i don't feel like i make enough for him 😭😭😭also i'm sorry if the spanish is wrong, i'm not fluent, but if y'all are willing to correct me for it, by all means, please do! I HOPE Y'ALL LIKE THIS THOUGHHHH (reblogs are greatly appreciated, it helps get my content out there! if you guys like what you see, please reblog it too <:D)
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the line on the other end beeped, he never did bother to leave a voicemail to whoever called anyway. you set your phone down with a sigh as you stirred your drink mindlessly, looking at your phone, hoping that at least he sent a message, saying he got your call, even if he wouldn't ask why you called. you put your hands to your face and tried to calm down, collect your thoughts before doing anything rash. this was a normal occurrence for you two already, you always calling out for him or texting him, and you going completely unnoticed by him; and the worst part? he's been your boyfriend. for six months.
you wanted to watch miles walk in through the door of the restaurant and sit himself down across you, all so you could take your drink and splash it all over him, not caring what he'd say or think of you while you'd drench him. hell, maybe you'd even throw the cup at his face, but you felt bad thinking about that, you didn't want to stoop too low. besides... you loved him, you really did--and you knew he loved you, too, kind of. you knew the exact reason as to why he always misses out on dates with you, always leaves your calls unanswered and your texts unread, and it wasn't because he was cheating on you or catching up on any homework, no--it was because he was the prowler.
he was a vigilante, he was one criminals and authorities alike couldn't get their hands on--a cruel one, many would call him, ruthless--but not to you. he saved you from a band of crooks that were going to rob you of all that you had when you were heading home on your own one night, and the way the prowler held you, the way you heard his heart beat and felt the warmth throughout his whole body as he held you close to his chest, when he kept murmuring to you you're okay, you're okay... you never forgot that feeling. and when you met miles, when you two started dating and getting more close, more intimate... you were reminded of that feeling when the prowler saved you, when miles saved you.
but despite knowing his secret, you needed him to tell you. it was his secret, and you valued your boyfriend's privacy. he was entitled to his own secrets, as you were entitled to yours. but you wished he at least... could at least show up, could at least make time for you and be there for you when you needed him. and tonight was just that night, because tomorrow, you were going to be trying out for your school's varsity team; the stakes were high enough as it was already for you and you felt pressured, extremely pressed, to push yourself further than what you can already do now. miles promised you, weeks before this, that he'd be there for you--he'd be there when you needed him, he promised; but now, where was he?
you refused to wait for him any longer; you chugged your drink and with an irritated sigh, you left the restaurant behind you, fuming as you thought of what to tell him, what to ask him, how to tell him tomorrow that you... you were so disappointed in him. tomorrow eventually came, and you made your way through the flood of faces in the hallway, catching miles collecting his stuff from his locker, his back turned to the people passing him by. you grabbed him by his shoulder, glaring at him with an icy stare as you narrowed your eyes at him. "que pasa, cielo?" miles asked you with a raised eyebrow and a perplexed look on his face in response to your scowling, as if he had no clue as to why you were so infuriated with him. "miles, where were you?" you asked him in an exasperated tone, clearly exhausted, and clearly in need of answers.
not looking to anger you, miles looked away and murmured, "i was... helping my tio aaron fix up his car, no biggie." "i called your uncle aaron last night, he said you were sleeping." you pressed him as he shut his locker's door, not looking back towards you as he began to walk away to defuse the situation, at least, he thought it would defuse it. you were not having it, though, and followed him through the crowds of people that were passing you two in the hallway. "i slept because my tio made me do some heavy lifting, he insisted i should've gone to bed, that's all." he answered you back as he held himself back from getting any more agitated with this mountain of lies and excuses he's made for himself.
if you only knew just how much miles wanted to tell you the truth, how he wanted to be upfront and honest with you, tell you the real reason why he's been missing out on dates with you, not being able to answer your calls or texts, being unable to support when you need him, when he wants to be there for you... but being the prowler isn't just something he can quit, it's a job he takes up so no one else he loves, and especially not you, gets hurt or taken away from him.
you breathe in deeply as you try to put up with his crappy excuse again. "well, alright, but you never bothered to answer my calls? surely you would've woken up, right, your phone's always got its sound on. hell, you could've texted me, explained why you couldn't come, because i would've understood, i'd've understood if you just told me--" you said as you grasped miles' hand, but he was in no mood to face you right now. he wasn't angry nor disappointed in you, of course not; he believed you had every right to be angry, but miles was angry at... himself. he couldn't bear to have you face him, put up with him when he knew what he was doing wasn't enough to keep you happy. he yanked his hand away from your grasp and turned to face you, anger and fury filling his face.
"no digas cosas que no sientes! you don't mean that, not when you don't know anything! have you ever thought of that?!"
he yelled at you. he raised his voice at you.
...he really doesn't believe in you, does he?
miles panted as he tried to shake the simmering rage and aggression he was feeling off. he couldn't stomach it, the fact he should've been there with you that night, reassuring you, comforting you, supporting you like he promised--just being there to listen to you would've been enough, but he couldn't even do that. he felt like he was being tortured when he brought himself to look at you in the eyes, he didn't feel like he deserved you, of being loved by you. "cielo, i..." miles spoke as he tried to gather his thoughts, say he was sorry he snapped--but no words followed his quieting voice. his mouth was open, but no words came out. you looked at him in utter bafflement as the fact he spoke to you like that sunk in, piercing your heart like a dagger. all you wanted was the truth, the truth to come out of his own lips in his own voice by his own volition--but he couldn't even give you that without a fight, almost as if you didn't deserve the truth.
you realized it too late, and soon felt the hot tears rolling down your cheeks and staining your uniform's blazer and making small pools of tears on the floor. your lips twisted into a frown, the corners of your lips quivering as you sniffled back the tears, telling yourself to quit crying, but crying even harder as your inner voice got louder. "what am i doing wrong, miles?" you made out with a sob as your crying intensified, with the tears flowing faster and harder. "am i not... not good enough, not worth... not worth being given your time? i try to see things... from where you stand, but... how can i even begin to do that when you're not even... you're not even with me at all anymore?" you asked him in between your cries as miles looks at you, about to take a step forward and comfort you, but he stops himself. his eyes are filled with regret and shame for what he just did, what he just said to you.
the other students in the hall were drawn to the drama occurring between you two in the middle of the hallway, with some coming over to get a better look, others buzzing around for questions on who did what, what happened where and why. miles tried to open his mouth to speak, to say a word of apology, but his voice seemed stuck in his throat as he opened his mouth and closed it again. "i can't be with you anymore. we're done, miles." you said in a louder voice, which caused miles' heart to stop beating for a few seconds, benumbing him as he stepped back and was stuck in place, processing what you just told him. you ran off, away from everyone's stares, leaving miles alone there to reflect on what he just did.
miles tried to get himself to run after you, open his mouth and finally release the voice that longed to speak your name, call you and apologize a million apologies that would only be the tip of the iceberg. he did what he had to to keep you safe, to... keep you, but he ended up losing you in the process. he lost you because he didn't meet with you, he didn't keep his promise, he couldn't keep a single promise, which was why he couldn't even keep you.
the onlookers and bystanders eventually moved away and awkwardly filled in the silence that was left between you two with mindless chatter and murmuring. miles eventually came to his senses, partially, and slowly walked away from the spot he was frozen on after he let what just happened sink into him. he headed off to his first class with a murky and somber expression as he realized he lost you. he tried to conceal his despair and dejection, until ganke came up to him and placed a hand on his shoulder. "miles, are you--" "they left me." miles responded briefly, his voice quiet and hushed, as if to mask the utter sorrow he was experiencing. ganke gazed up at miles, who was now tearing up slightly, a few tears streaking down his cheeks. "they left me, ganke. i was... i was so... i wasn't doing enough..." he wept as he leaned against ganke, with ganke patting him on the shoulder as he walked him off to their first class. miles tread to class with a storm brewing in his mind, he couldn't focus on nor understand a single thing except for the fact that he's lost you.
but he won't give up that easily.
tags !! @k4tsu3 @fiannee @luvstarrstruck @toneystank-3000 @ii01vq @maxoloqy @popeheywardssecretgf @solecitoszn @q2ie @anikaluv @zalayni
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captainwholecake · 1 year
Hello!! 🏵️ How are you? And how areyou guys dealing with the heat?? I'm from France and here it's finally a bit cold so I can say that we're good for now 👀 Could I please request a headcanon for Zoro, Law and Ace if you don't mind? (separately) About how they would react to a small sized fem!reader?? With like the cute moments AND the feisty HORNY! ones 👀?? Thank you! (If you don't feel comfortable doing fem s/o i don't mind gn 👌😊)
A/n: I got this so late its almost winter here but the heat was fine and I’m going to try going the fem route but I’ll still add some gn elements so my enby, masc, queerfluid homies, and anyone else who isn’t fem can enjoy this
enjoy the long comeback post homies! ;)
Warnings: Look me in the eyes and tell all three of these mf don’t have some type of size kink / praise kink … anyways, nsfw because of horniness
Roronoa Zoro
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* Wano Zoro is fire btw
anyways, the praise kink size kink middle ground
Law has a gaint size kink and Ace has a praise kink no more context is needed
Okay, lets not go on about the horniness first
I think he would be fine with it
Would ABSOLUTELY love getting shit off shelves and shit for his s/o but definitely acts like he doesn’t
Like some Tsudere bs
why do I feel like hed head pat them a lot
Its his love language ????
I imagined him snickering after he makes fun of his s/o being short and they make a angry face
whatelse sfw stuff do I want to say??
Imagining he would like to pick his s/o a lot
Bridal style, like a sack of potatoes, literally anything
He’d also give his s/o piggyback rides/let them sit on his shoulders whenever the crew is exploring and shit
Anyways, enough sfw
Like said on top the middle ground
He’d be in his s/o struggling take him
He’d coo at them about how adorable they look
LOVESSSS putting his s/o legs on his shoulders
(COUGH) also the mating press (COUGH)
you know that scene in the love equation where adam somehow puts olives whole breast in his mouth ??? Why do I think Zoro would try to do that ???
Face sititing??? yessir
loves his s/o being on top time to time
Okay, so I forgot about the praise kink part. i should clarify that the praise kink goes with the cooing and a lil of the heart pats
He’d see them struggling and go like “aw look at you taking like that, good baby” “sweetheart you’re taking me so well” type of way
Trafalgar Law
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Have I used this gif before? I feel like I have but oh well
Okay, so I feel having a small s/o for him would just him melting
Also having turn on a maternal instinct whenever their not in his slight
Penguin and Saichi going “uhh I think their with bepo” and Law loses it
He knows they can’t fight for themselves and all but also knows that they think their Chihuahua whose bigger then they’re actually are
anjssjejejw i’m so soft imagining how soft he would be
I feel he’d lean down sometimes to be at eye level them
so many forehead kisses
I have feel like all the important stuff on sleeves are low lever bc you its a submarine and all
but if they weren’t oh he make sure they were just for them
Can I say he would be OBSESSE with his s/o sitting in his lap?
Like he’s doing doctor shit late at night and his s/o has their head tucked into his neck 🥺🥺
To the whore bs
He’s probably the most into it when its comes nsfw activities
He’s SOOO into the size difference
Loves having his s/o suck on his fingers bc how big they are compared to his s/os mouth
Especially his thumb. Theres something about his hand cradling their jaw that gets him
Law would be one of those headpusher types but only do it when he knows the other person is okay with it (consent king)
He also loves the sound his s/o gagging bc their struggling to take him in their mouth (which is why he’s specifically a headpusher he makes them gag on purpose)
Strong would try use his devil fruit power in the bedroom energy
idk he takes their head off to show them exactly how small they are compared to him
Portgas D. Ace
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I LOVE HIM OMG HES SO PRECIOUS WHY DID ODA KILL HIM (why does it look like he lit a blunt on fire in this gif)
Okay, the loml next
This teasing bitch
Would put stuff on the higher shelves so they have to ask for help
walks into the kitchen in shock and disappointment when he sees his s/o has climbed on the counter to get thing they need
pouts literally pouts when they don’t ask for his help to get stuff
THE WAY he wants one those cliche moments of ‘person a’ needs something high up but can’t get it so ‘person b’ surprises them by with warning getting said thing for them BUT CAN NEVER GET IT
Loves to carry is s/o around like zoro only difference for him is its need not a want
Will put his hat on them for the sole purpose of it making them look smaller by it going over their eyes
He also thinks they look good with it on
He loves when his s/o basically sleeps on top of him
You know sharing body heat (mf is made of fire)
Really likes to dip his head down when kissing his s/o and goes feral when it leads to him picking his s/o up and being at the same height
I’m getting to the whore shit now
Another thing with the hat, he absolutely LOVES it be on his s/o when their riding him
Praises galore
Always talking about how pretty his s/o and how well they take him
5 bucks says half of those praises are whimpers and whines
Can’t take his hands off their thighs (his hands are so oh big compared their legs)
Has to have their ankles on his shoulder
can not have his head in his s/o neck telling them how good they feel (WHY AM I SO PRO LOVE DRUNK ACE???)
Really likes wall sex bc hold them to be eye to eye with him
Last thing, this probably started as aftercare but just became something Ace does to comforts his s/o but he really likes to kiss both his s/o cheeks, then their forehead, tip of the of nose, and lastly a peck on the lips
A/n: the author note up top is from like October when I started writing this but I’m too lazy to change it but rn it’s really hot where I live, I need a job to pay off half my car but all the places I apply too never call me, send email saying their full staffed/i’m not moving forward, or when I do interview I don’t get a job :( but i’m doing good
Hope you enjoyed this massive comeback post :)
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dr3c0mix · 1 year
Hiii! Could you please do a scenario where the reader is gushing over a fictional character and saying stuff like how hot they are and that they (reader) want to marry them (fictional character). And then the reaction of your characters to all that (specifically darik and hallow I think were the names) thanks!!
When Their Darling Simps For A Fictional Character
My OCs x GN Reader
hey silly billys !! ill be on a little hiatus for a bit because ill be visiting family <3 thank you for all the love yall have given me and my characters!
Adrian sees you on your phone and smiling at...a cartoon character??
Over the course of the week, he teases and makes fun of you for it, but quickly goes through the stages of grief over how he's not getting your attention as much as before.
At first, he denies that he's jealous of a fucking picture, but that denial is soon forgotten once he hears you comment about how hot they were and he's fuming.
He'll try any way to get you to pay attention to him, slap your phone out of your hand, throw balls of paper at you, anything to make you stop ogling over that dumb character and be with him!!
"Stop looking at that stupid fanfiction and pay attention to me!"
⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊☽ ◯ ☾₊‧˙⋆˚。⁺⋆
Brandon is not hiding the fact that he's jealous.
I mean he's trying, but you can clearly see he has beef with your fictional husbando.
He goes home and does research on the character, asking you all casual sounding what you like about them and change a bit of his style depending on your answer.
If you like how masc they are, he's gonna show off his muscles more during training, take off his shirt drenched with sweat in front of you, anything he can think of to make you think he's more manly and therefore more worthy of your love and attention.
"Hey (Y/N)! Check out my new haircut! You know, it kinda reminds me of that character you like right?...right?"
⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊☽ ◯ ☾₊‧˙⋆˚。⁺⋆
Valeth brought you a few books to read and he notices you taking a liking to a certain character in one of them.
You tell him how dreamy and attractive the character is and how awesome they are, and he's trying not to grab your little book and throw it in the fire.
He would never want you to hate him for destroying something you love but goddAMN would it be satisfying.
He makes sure to note what characteristics you like about them and see if he can display them himself.
The big orc would even try to hide your book in a high shelf so you can't read it and pay attention to this fictional character instead of him :(
"Duckling? How about you put down that book and we prepare dinner together? I've missed spending time with my love~"
⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊☽ ◯ ☾₊‧˙⋆˚。⁺⋆
Bo hates it. But he stays quiet about it, there's no way he can tear apart something that doesn't exist...
He's really salty and a bit whiny about it, begging you to compliment and love on him instead.
"Why settle for some fake when ya got the real thing right 'ere darlin'?"
Ribs is tearing apart anything that depicts the character. Say goodbye to your comic books or magazines.
He just throws a little pouty tantrum because you love someone that isn't the horde.
"You're our mate! Now please come here so I can hug you!" >:I
Soda is sitting across from you as you ramble about how cool this character is and he's not listening at the slightest. Fuck this guy, who even are they???
After you're done, he crawls up to you and pulls you into a tight cuddle.
"Thats nice...can we go back to kissing now?"
Screw just thinks you like the merch and not the character so he collects anything with your favorite character on it.
However, the others get mad at him for it and explain. Screw then takes it all away and hides it somewhere you'll never find.
"mmm I think we're cooler.."
⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊☽ ◯ ☾₊‧˙⋆˚。⁺⋆
Wolfie isn't happy. He takes whatever thing you have of your character, and he rips it to pieces.
You run after him as he has your treasured item in his mouth and you hear his muffled laughing as he shakes his head around, ruining it..
He makes it his mission to jump in your lap whenever he sees you gushing about your little character, or pawing your face so you can look at him and love him now. It's been 5 minutes (Y/N)! It's his turn!
⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊☽ ◯ ☾₊‧˙⋆˚。⁺⋆
Dorik's eye twitches as he watches you smiling and giggling over some picture. What's so good about it anyway?
He tries to get your attention on him by being extra obedient, making your favorite food, turning on your favorite movie for the both of you to watch, running you a hot bath, anything to make you praise him and not that stupid little image!
He almost settles to whining and begging for your attention, asking why and how you like this drawing and not him! He's your loyal servant after all!
"Master! They don't deserve someone as wonderful and perfect as you! Let's just eat dinner together and forget about them!"
⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊☽ ◯ ☾₊‧˙⋆˚。⁺⋆
Kalva is a bit like screw and supports your interest in the character, but only if you praise him for finding little trinkets and stuff of them.
He loves seeing you happy, even though he hates the fact that you talk about them like they're your mate or something, but that's nonsense, he's your mate!
There will not be anything of that character in your shared bed/nest. You have a personal space for them, but your bed is special to only you and him.
He coos to sleep next to you, mumbling about you possessively while he huddles close to your warmth.
"Cute mate, my little mate, you're my mate! My happy little darling!"
⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊☽ ◯ ☾₊‧˙⋆˚。⁺⋆
Jasper wouldn't really care unless you directly tell him you like them better than him then he's committing a war crime.
If he hears you saying you want to marry them, he's stealing all your merch of the character and burning them.
He might distract you with Jonesy like pushing a glass off a table and framing it on the cat so you could stop paying attention to your fanfics or whatever.
"H-hey, Jonesy's on the table again...maybe you should switch apps...take some pictures.."
⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊☽ ◯ ☾₊‧˙⋆˚。⁺⋆
Viktor tries to stay cool but deep down, he's very very jealous of how much you like this character.
He's one of the only ones to actually confront you about it and he's adorable whilst doing so.
"M-my dear, maybe you should read some other books? I-I know how much you love that one but maybe uhm..we could read one together?"
Garrick doesn't even hide his hatred towards them, he insults and belittles them every chance his gets.
Why be interested in someone like them when you got 3 supernatural men hopelessly in love with you?
"Oh they're strong? Bet I could beat em in a fight. Can they turn into a bat? Probably not..I can though!"
Silas ignores it, he's sure it's just a little interest that will go away sooner or later.
But if he hears you talking about wanting to marry them, he's sitting you down and asking you why you'd want to do that. He hints a lot about him being a better pick.
"Darling I'm sure you can do better than them..I mean..you sure theres no other..attractive..intelligent and interesting people in your life?.."
⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊☽ ◯ ☾₊‧˙⋆˚。⁺⋆
Baron has to keep his cold exterior from breaking every time you ramble to him about your favorite character. He's read the books you've read because he's a creep because he wanted to know you better and he can't help but find some similarities between him and that character of yours.
He wants to speak up about it but he's scared what he might imply. A bit of him is a bit flattered that you find people like him hot, maybe he should show off those characteristics more often around you.
"They're uhm..interesting, Boss..sounds a lot like someone I know..."
⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊☽ ◯ ☾₊‧˙⋆˚。⁺⋆
Caspian is a whiny bitch when he finds out your liking to that character, he'll try to guilt trip you into dropping your interest in them because 'he should be your only love!'
He'll try his best to get you to look at him instead of that ugly little book.
"You love them more than me don't you? You're so very mean sometimes my treasure!"
⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊☽ ◯ ☾₊‧˙⋆˚。⁺⋆
Hallow is hiding the book, no ifs, ands or buts. He's not letting some big strong hero protagonist person take up your attention. If you try finding it, he's ripping it up and disappearing for days.
He'll be extra cuddly to you from then. He'll make sure he's the one who makes you happy, not your other little friend.
"I'll give it back to you doll, if you give me a kiss~"
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scholastic-dragon · 2 years
I just want a reader when first seeing the fucking bayverse turtles with fight or flight instincts to actually fight back and actually get a good hit. PLEASE.
Bay!Turtles x Gn!reader
The Punch Line
It was a normal patrol night
Going out across the city, stopping little burglars and thieves.
This night as the patrol was coming to an end, a scream was heard just a block away.
They quickly ran and saw a group of presumably drunk men trying to assault someone: not on their watch!
The boys swung into action, quickly apprehending the drunks and calling the police to come pick them up.
But, when the boys looked around, the person who was in danger had legged it down another alleyway.
So, being the polite turtles they are, they went to go calm this person down and make sure there were no serious injuries.
There you were, back to them, panting heavily, and most likely crying from the ordeal.
He carefully approached you, reaching a hand out and gently tapping your shoulder.
"Excuse me-"
He should've known better than to sneak up on someone who was almost just assaulted, but here he was anyway.
You moved so fast it was a blur, your elbow coming right back without any hesitation and slamming right into his nose.
He groaned loudly, eyes watering and hands coming up to cover his face, feet automatically taking a step back.
"Don't touch me!" Came your very shaky voice.
"Woah, woah, we're not going to hurt you," Leo's voice appeared and Donnje figured so had Mikey and Raph.
He still couldn't open his eyes, he could tell his nose was bleeding, he hoped it wasn't broken.
He felt one of his brothers hands on his shoulder, a gentle squeeze of reassurance.
"We got rid of those guys for you baby cakes, but I'm guessing with how you just hit Donnie that those guys wouldn't have been conscious long," Mikey joked.
Finally, Donnie was able to open his eyes, but tears will still streaming down his face. He blinked several times as Mikey and Leo explained how they were trying to help and they were the good guys.
Raph tightened his grip on Donnie's shoulder. "Here, let me see,"
Donnie let go of his nose and angled his head up, cringing as Raph inhaled sharply.
"I don't know if it's broken but it's banged up pretty good,"
"I'm sorry," your voice was sincere as you approached the tall turtle. "I didn't know-"
"No, please, you have nothing to apologize for, this is actually a very good reaction for when someone you doesn't know tries to touch your shoulder," Donnie rambled, his voice sounding like he had a stuffy nose and cold.
"Well, here at least," You pulled out a handkerchief and extended it toward him. "To help with the....the blood and stuff,"
He accepted the handkerchief and agreed to take your number so he could return it (washed of course).
Leo saw your elbow come up, so he was able to move his head out of the way and not get hit.
But he didn't expect you to quickly spin around and drive your knee right into his crotch
It felt like you had rocks for knees.
He groaned, dropping the katana he was holding and falling to his knees.
"Don't touch me!" Came your very shaky voice.
Leo tried to explain that he wasn't there to hurt you, that he and his family were vigilantes who protected this city, and had just taken care of the drunks that were bothering you.
Instead a bunch of breathy pants and groans escaped him.
You took a step back, fists raised and ready.
"What happened?" Leo hears Raph from behind him, a mix of confusion and amusement in his voice.
"He was trying to get their attention by tapping their shoulder, and they just nailed him right in the balls," Mikey said, sucking in a sharp breath.
"Who are you?!" You yelled, taking a few cautious steps back seeing there were more of them.
"Calm down, firecracker, we're the good guys, we just took care of those idiots, were not gonna hurt ya," Raph raised his hands while walking to Leo who was still on the ground.
"Can't say the same thing about you though," Mikey laughed, coming forward and standing on Leo's other side, picking up his katana. "Pretty sure you broke his balls,"
"Come on, Fearless," Raph reached under Leo's arm and lifted him to his feet. "Let's get you home,"
Raph and Mikey led Leo out of the alleyway. Leo felt out of breath and his knees felt like they would give out at any moment.
"Sorry for the inconvenience," Donnie piped in, grimacing at Leo's shaking legs. "We usually know better,"
"No, I....I uh I didn't mean to hurt him, I was just spooked," You shook your hear, pulling your coat tighter around you.
"Oh, don't worry about him, he's tougher than he looks," Donnie simply shrugs, raising an eyebrow at how suddenly concerned you look. "I could give you his number so you could apologize later, I don't think he's retaining any new information right now,"
"Uh, yeah, yeah, I'd like that, I feel bad now," You laugh softly, taking out your phone.
Mikey had seen hundreds of shows and movies where this exact situation happened, and yet....yet he still tapped your shoulder.
You spun with inhuman speed, raising your backpack high above your head and smashing it right into the side of his face.
"Wha-" Mikey groaned, feeling dizzy and almost toppling over, but before he could stand upright, you raised the bag again and hit him in the back of the head.
"Don't touch me!" Came your very shaky voice.
He fell to the ground, covering his head and trying to shake off the dizziness.
"Wait! Wait! I'm a good guy! I'm not here to hurt you!" He yelled, raising a three fingered hand.
He peered up at you, you were panting heavily, bag raised and eyes wide.
"What.....what are you?"
He shrugged. "We're not really into labels,"
"I'm sorry, 'we'?" You drop your arms, bag hanging off your elbow.
"Yeah, my brothers and I protect the city, we aren't here to hurt you, I was just checking to see if you were injured," He slowly say back on his haunches, his head was pounding but the dizziness was mostly gone.
"Oh, I...I didn't know," You stepped back, giving him room to stand.
"It's alright, if I'm being honest that's a better reaction then most have," He laughed, wiping the dirt from his hands and knees.
"I'm Y/n," You say softly, quirking a brow at the strange man in front of you.
You smiled. "Well, Mikey, would you mind walking me home? I live just five minutes away but don't really want to walk alone,"
"Yeah, yeah, I can walk you,"
You smiled warmly again and Mikey knew he'd see you again after tonight.
Every instinct in his body was telling him to turn around. You had just been attacked by a group of horrible men and probably would not want a giant turtle messing with you either.
But you were sobbing softly with your back to him and his heart won the fight.
"Excuse me-"
He saw your shoulders tense and your arms swinging at him, he ducked back, grabbing both your forearms in his large hands.
"Don't touch me!" Came your very shaky voice.
"I'm not here to hurt you," He spoke firmly, watching as you wrangled and moved your wrists in his hands. His heart sunk feeling your fast pulse in his palm.
You were frightened.
Your heel came up and slammed down into his knee, he roared with pain, dropping one of your wrists.
With the same foot, you kicked his ankle, throwing him off balance, allowing you to free your wrist.
"Damn, you're strong," He groaned, bent over, hand rubbing at his now swollen knee. "Do you take any martial art classes or a self defense class?"
Was he seriously trying to start a conversation right now? You shake your head, taking a step back from him.
"That's none of your business,"
"It will be if ya broke my knee," He hissed with pain, standing to his full height. "Anyway, I can see now that you're perfectly fine so I'll be on my way,"
As if he read your mind he continued. "And don't worry about those nasty drunks in the other alley, my brothers and I go 'em, yours safe to go home,"
"Brother's? There are more of you?" You quirk a brow, straightening your back when he throws you a smirk over his shoulder as he walks away.
"That's none of your business,"
tags: @thelaundrybitch @turtle-babe83 @mysticboombox @strawberrycakeblog @saspas-corner @dilucsflame33 @post-apocalyptic-daydream
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