#plus size curvy celebrities
trendfashionofficial · 9 months
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Happy Monday Everyone! So I have a new series for you that I will be dropping either one chapter a week or multiple chapters this week, I am still deciding.
This series came way of a message/ask from @hobby27 she asked:
"I would love something with Jensen and reader. He sees her when he’s at a convention and he’s bonkers for her. She isn’t so interested in a relationship with him because of the fame. So he has to woo her. Make her understand that he’s not a typical movie/tv star. Slow burn."
So I give you the Limelight series- It's a Jensen x reader (plus size, curvy girl) story, Jensen meets the reader in a bar, he falls fist, she is reluctant of course, but secretly she fell for him the second he walked through the door. So can a small town girl and a celebrity make it work?
Warnings for the whole series: language, multi-pov and switching between the pov mid chapters (sorry I can't help it), Jensen coming off aggressive for a hot second but then cooling off. Some douche side characters and some lovable ones, body shaming, angst, fluff, swoon, Jared is there and Micha is mention.
This story takes place an AU where Jensen is not married but Jared is and has kids.
This chapter is 2K+. Feedback, likes and reblogs are always welcomed. Please don't post as your own work, this is my work.
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Chapter 1
You weren't sure what possessed you to come out tonight. The city is a small lakeside tourist trap in the height of summer. It's Friday night, so it's already going to be busy. Add the fact that the first-ever Supernatural convention is taking place in a town over, and there are rumors that some cast members might appear in small-town Haven. Has every woman, single or not, out looking to catch the eye of Jared Padalecki or Jensen Ackles.
You, on the other hand, couldn't care less. That's not to say you didn't think both men weren't great actors. You're the first to put your 'Supernatural number one fan card' against anyone. You watched the show religiously, even re-watched it whenever you needed comfort or a break from the world.  You had also fallen into reading and writing a few fanfics under a pen name. 
You also weren't immune to their handsome good looks; both are sexy men in their own right. You lean more towards Jensen than Jared if you had to choose. Something about those hypnotic green eyes  and the 'Dean voice.' God, that got you through some lonely nights, for sure.
So why aren't you going boy-crazy at the fact that your celebrity crush was just one city over, or for that matter, could be in the same bar as you right now? One, you are a realist: the likelihood of him coming out, or you actually seeing him, is slim, if not nonexistent. Second, the idea of celebrity life - living in the limelight, having all eyes on you, never getting a moment to yourself - no thank you. You will take being an anonymous nobody and being able to look and act however you want without ending up on the front page of the gossip rags.
Pushing your way through the crowd of the local dive bar, you survey the crowd to see the overabundance of female to men ratio. You finally squeeze past and grab the last open barstool at the corner, next to where the wait staff come to grab their orders. Saying hi to the waitress as she loads up her tray, you take a seat and wave over at the bartender. 
"Well, look what the cat dragged in." The bartender, James, gives you a smile and wink.
Stuffing the bar towel in his back pocket, he walks to you and tosses a cardboard coaster. "Didn't think you would be one of those desperate celebrity chasers." He jokes.
He places his hands on the bar and leans towards you. His lean, muscular frame is accented by his dark denim jeans and black button-down, the sleeves rolled up to the elbows, showing off the nice tan he's been working on.
Shaking your head at him, "Now, James, I wouldn't knock your guest too loud; God knows you're not mad at the extra business…or the female clientele." You quip, picking up the coaster to fiddle with. 
You survey the room and guess it's a two to five-ratio of guys to girls in the bar tonight. "Besides, I wanted a drink." Letting out a sigh, you try to convince yourself that's why.
Not buying it, but not having the heart to call you out on your bullshit this early in the night, James gives you a nod, "OK, sure, so the usual?" He asks as he grabs the tequila to make you a margarita.
"You know my weakness."
"That I do."
Later that night
You felt good and relaxed over an hour in and two margaritas down. The day's stress dissipates, and you're glad you came out. Besides chatting with James every time he had a few minutes, you also got to reconnect with some of the other bar staff you hadn't seen. 
The crowd has started to thin out, with news that the cast members were staying in the city to party. Sightings of them all over at the more trendy bars had the sober guests heading out and the not-so-sober ones heading home. James let the last waitress clock out early, leaving only you and James. James made his way back over to you.
"So, you're still here. Thought you would have hightailed it to the city by now." He jokes, running a hand through his dark, short locks. His blue eyes locked with yours.
"I told you, I just came out for a drink, not to hunt down a celebrity. Besides, we never get to hang out anymore.  Why is that?" you question, pushing your empty glass toward James in a not-so-subtle attempt to have him refill it. 
He takes the hint.  Grabbing the glass, he slightly laughs at this, "Come on, Y/N, we see each other. I mean, yeah, not as much anymore, what with me taking over this place and you working in the city more on your art. How is that going? Are you happy with your decision?" He asks, saying so much with those questions. He finishes up your drink and sets it down.
You were happy with your choice; it was for the best. Even if it meant you gave up half of the bar and steady income so you could pursue your passion. You're about to answer him when the sound of the front doors opens. Looking over, you can't believe your eyes when you see, fucking Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki walk through the doors. 
You snap your head back after staring at them both for what seems like forever. Fuck, they both look even better in person.
"No fucking way!" James almost screams out. You look up at him to see he is nearly hyperventilating.
"OK, James, you got to calm down." You counsel, slightly put off by him freaking out when he, on multiple occasions, would tease you for liking the show. Watching him flap his hands and pull out the bar rag to wipe the sweat from his forehead as his cheeks red. 
You had to call him on this. "Are you a fan?"
He looks over to you, sees the twinkling of mischief behind your eyes, and sighs, "OK, fine, yes." He quips back in defeat that his big secret is out.
"I watched the show, and so did you." He tries to defend himself.
"Yeah, and I was open about it. You were the one that made fun of me every time I talked about it. Bitch."
"Jerk." James quips back out of reflex, which gets you to point at him.
"Hey, can we get a pitcher of whatever the house draft is?" Deep and smooth, his voice hits you like a freight train, pulling James and you out of your impending tiff and back to reality. A reality where Jensen Ackles is standing ten feet away from you, on the other side of the bar, wanting to get a pitcher of beer. 
He is standing there in well-fitted light-wash jeans and a faded blue T-shirt. Sunglasses hang off the v-neckline and a baseball cap tuck in his back pocket. Your eyes lock with his, and the rumors are true—they are green like a fairy princess.
You look away and see Jared sitting with two other guys at a table. They are not actors from the show; they must be friends or bodyguards. 
"Umm…Yeah, man, coming right up. Just the one?" James stammers as he reaches the well to pull the pitcher. 
"Umm…better make it two, Jared's a big guy and all." Jensen jokes. Pulling his eyes from you to the bartender.
"Umm…you got a kitchen back there?" He questions, trying to keep the small talk up so he can stay here for a few more minutes. There is something about you; he can't place it, but it's like he's drawn to you. 
"Yeah, but our cook bailed on me tonight," James replies. Setting the pitchers on the bar. Scrabbling when he sees Jensen's slight disappointment in the lack of food.
"But I am sure Y/N wouldn't mind going back there and whipping up something." Turning his attention to you and giving you a shit-eating grin.
Your head snaps up to look over at James and Jensen. "What?" You question, wondering why he dragged you into this.
"Yeah, she's an excellent cook, chef really, she actually…"
"I am sure my cooking wouldn't match your sophisticated palate." Cutting off James before he can give Jensen your life story, giving him a stare down that conveys 'shut the fuck up.'
James has a habit of making your accomplishments sound grander than they were. He takes up the role of a proud parent, which you never ask him to do. 
Y/N, hmm, beautiful name. Letting the name roll around in his head. Jensen takes this opportunity with your eyes, shooting daggers at the bartender to let his eyes take you all in. She is in light-wash jeans, tall black boots, and a leather jacket over a vintage concert t-shirt that hugs her curves in all the right places. She's giving off a 'don't fuck with me vibe,' but he can tell it's just a front.  
"Darling, don't let celebrity status fool you. We're just a group of guys out for a few drinks and looking for good local food." Giving a smile to seal the deal.
His voice pulls her attention back to him, and he can see the front crumble away, her cheeks tinting pink.
"Jared there will eat just about anything you put before him." He says, thumbing back towards the guys. 
You look over his shoulder to see Jared and the two other guys watching your interaction. Jared gives you a half smile.
"Jensen, stop harassing the girl already. I can't take this guy anywhere." He jokes and turns his attention back to his buddies.  
Getting up from the barstool, you put some money on the bar, "I should be going, night James." Keep your voice low and as even as possible.
You can feel yourself becoming embarrassed by the seconds with all the attention on you. Unfortunately, you must walk past Jensen and his friends' table to get to the door. As you walk past the table, one of the anonymous guys pipes up.
"Seriously, I am starving. Why did we even come out this way? Dumb bitch, not like she doesn't know her way around a kitchen, just look at her." He spits out. 
You know you should keep walking; it's not like you haven't heard your fair share of fat jokes and comments about you before. Especially from drunk, pretty boys. Something about this time, though.  Maybe it's because it's in front of your celebrity crushes. After all, you have a few drinks in you as well. Whatever it is, you turn on your heels so you can face the douchebag.
"Oh, real original, ass. God, you must be the brains of the group." You spat back. Placing your hands on your hips to really show off your frame. 
He doesn't say anything at first. He is your typical frat boy, with short blonde hair and brown eyes staring back at you. You can see the wheels turning in his head. The other anonymous guy sitting next to him is a carbon copy of him, but he is looking across the booth to Jared for some kind of help.
"Dude, Evan, come on," Jared says, giving him a look of dismay that he just said those things. Turning his attention to you, "I am sorry…" He starts to apologize to him.
You hold up your hand to stop him. "It's fine, really." You reply, giving him a half smile. You're tired, and dragging this out any longer is not something you want to do tonight.
"Yeah, Jared, it's fine. A bitch like that, this is probably the most attention she has had from a guy in a long time." Evan jokes and playfully punches the guy next to him, wanting some backup on his 'stellar' dig at the local girl. 
Turning away from them, shocked that he is still talking, you just want to escape. Your eyes lock with Jensen, but his attention is on the table. He's fuming and looks like he is about to punch Evan. He starts the short walk towards the table.
"What the fuck…" he yells.
Stepping in his path, he stops just inches from you when you put your hand on his chest. The feel of your hand on him, you standing right before him, snaps him back.
"Well, we wouldn't want you boys to starve now, would we?" You say sweetly. Your voice is low and even. Knowing that you need to diffuse this situation before a bar brawl breaks out and somehow the gossip rags hear about it. 
The feel of his shirt under your fingers as you lightly tap his chest is soft. You would give anything to stay like this for a bit longer, taking in his smell of whiskey and leather. That's the one thing the fanfic girls and guys got right. Maybe they got other things right, too, your mind wonders.
You give Jensen a smile and turn to face the table. "Do you guys have any allergies I need to know about?" Your question, "Don't need to have anyone go into anaphylactic shock and have the media all up in my ass."
The two unknowns say nothing and seem interested in the countertop, then looking up at you. You don't blame them. Seeing the fury that Jensen was in, you wouldn't want to be on the receiving end of that.
Jared also looks pissed at them, glaring at them both before replying. "No, I think we're all good."
Giving a short nod, you turn back, seeing Jensen's eyes lock on you now. He has calmed down a bit, but he also looks slightly disappointed. You cock your head to the side.
"Hey, you OK?" You question, your voice low, only for him to hear.
He takes a second, giving you a nod. He clears his throat. "Yeah, umm…I am sorry…" he starts apologizing, but you stop him. 
"It's fine, Jensen. If you haven't noticed, I am a big girl in multiple ways." You wink at him and pat his chest before side-stepping him and heading back towards the kitchen.  
Back to the bar, you shuck off your jacket and toss it to James. "Good because, honestly, I don't care." You quip back to let them all know you could give a rat's ass what their dietary needs were.
This gets a laugh out of Jensen, pulling him back into a better head space. He can see more of her; the short-sleeved gray t-shirt contrasts sharply with her deep purple hair. Letting his eyes roam over her beautiful curves, god, he wishes he was the only one that came out tonight. She is feisty and can hold her own. Her voice is heaven, and he wants to listen to her talk all night.
"I'll have some food right out." Saying over your shoulder as you push open the kitchen doors. 
To Be Continued.....
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whimsiwitchy · 3 months
I hear the secrets that you keep (series)
chapter two: life isn’t real
Pedro Pascal x F!reader 
series masterlist
series summary: 24 year old y/n is an insecure and struggling actress in Los Angeles until she finally books a leading role in a big Hollywood movie next to her leading male, Pedro Pascal. A spark of friendship flickers between the two and slowly begins to blossom into something more. As y/n is navigating a new found fame and a new found romance, she fears that a lie she has been sitting on might ruin everything.
Warnings: plus size reader (no specific description of reader, slight descriptions of weight: stomach fat, stretch marks, etc.), hefty age gap (24 years/14 years), female anatomy description, she/her pronouns, use of gendered terms (girl, girly, etc.), y/n used, descriptions of nudity, swearing,  use of the word fat, warnings may change as the story progresses. 
authors note: Hi everyone. Thank you so much to those who read and liked chapter one. I was so excited logging in and seeing the engagement. This chapter might be a little boring as we are leading up to actually filming the movie, the pace should be picking up soon! I hope you enjoy chapter two! <3
chapter summary: y/n processes everything and prepares to start production. 
“Oh shit..”
You felt like you couldn’t breathe. It felt as if your spirit had jumped out of your body and watched as you received the news of your life changing forever. You were frozen. You could hear Angie speaking on the other line but all you could do is stand there and cry tears of joy and bewilderment. When you finally came to your senses, you caught the end of Angie telling you she was coming over. The two of you partied and celebrated all night long. You were on a high of life. 
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It had been a few weeks since the audition and the excitement slowly died down. Fear started to replace that feeling of excitement with all of your insecurities plummeting to the front end of your brain like an avalanche. You knew fear wouldn’t be a stranger on this journey and it first accompanied you when Angie asked if you had shared the good news with your family yet. When you told her you hadn’t said anything to them, she asked why. You simply told her that you wanted to enjoy the moment for yourself before celebrating with everyone else. She accepted that answer and the two of you went about your day, but deep down you knew that wasn’t the truth. 
The truth was that you were scared. Terrified that all of this would go away in the blink of an eye. That the casting director had made a mistake. Maybe there was another y/n that auditioned and got the part. Maybe they realized that you weren’t good enough or even decided to rethink their options. They did make a decision pretty quickly. Usually it took weeks to hear back from casting, not four measly hours. You weren’t someone who often doubted their talent. You did however often doubt how someone may perceive you. You knew you were a capable actress, but you saw the other women auditioning. They were gorgeous. Perfect smiles, perfect style, and most importantly, they were skinny. 
You had always been an insecure person when it came to your body. You became hyper aware of your weight at a heartbreakingly young age. For as long as you could remember, you had been sucking your stomach in and comparing yourself to other girls constantly. You had always believed that you were a pretty person and you had some confidence, but it all seemed to wither away once you grasped the concept that other people might not see all the great qualities and beauty you held behind the weight. You knew that being a plus size actress was possible, but being a plus size leading love interest alongside one of hollywood's hottest bachelors was different than just playing the fat funny friend. You were scared of what people would say about you and filming hadn’t even started yet
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Before you knew it, a whole month had passed and life went back to normal. You were sitting on your couch watching Twilight for the thousandth time and eating hot cheetos when you heard a knock. You stood up, licked the cheeto dust off of your fingers and made your way to the door. You stood on your toes looking through the peephole to see that it was Angie. The two of you gave each other a quick greeting and made your way to the couch. Once you guys sat down, she pulled out a large manilla envelope from her bag and held it out towards you. 
“Is that what I think it is?” you asked with a hint of excitement in your voice and a smile. She doesn’t say anything, she simply gives a warm smile and passes you the envelope. You take it and can immediately feel the slight heaviness it holds. You stare down at the envelope that has your name written in black marker. “What are you waiting for? Open it!” She practically screams. You slowly open the envelope pulling back each of the metal prongs and peeling back the top flap. You reach your hand in and pull out a thick packet. Setting the envelope to the side, your eyes begin to well up with tears. Inside the envelope held the script. On the front it read “Risky Disco” in big bold letters. You can’t help but laugh as a tear falls down your face. “I’m so proud of you y/n. You finally did it, this is your big moment! I can’t believe I’m the best friend of a movie star!!” Angie jokes as she gives you a tight hug. You cry into her shoulder as she holds you. 
Once you composed yourself, the two of you caught up while eating some take out. After eating, Angie begged you to read through the script. The writing was just as cringy as the title. The movie was literally just a guy time traveling, roller skating, and getting it on with a bunch of women. What a shocker. It wasn’t until half way through when your character showed up.
Janet Cromwell. 
“Janet is a sexy name, you’re gonna look so hot in this movie.” Angie says with a giggle.
“If I get to wear gogo boots, I’ll be oozing sexy, just you wait.” Both of you laugh and continue to read. Angie was dramatically reciting the lines of Daniel Mendez, my character’s “boy toy” as described in the brief character description. She stops abruptly and her eyes go wide. You give her a questioning look. “Oh my fucking god! I was right! You get to be sexed up by Pedro Pascal!” She says as she folds over into fits of laughter. You yank the script out of her hand and look for what she was talking about. Your cheeks heat up with embarrassment as you read over the description of a very passionate sex scene that you had to perform with the very man you’ve been trying to get your mind off of since you left the audition room. 
When Angie brought up that he was the main character in the movie, you honestly didn’t know much about him. You had heard his name in passing and had most likely seen him in a show or film at some point in your life, but it wasn’t a name that you could put to a face, even if it were a life or death situation. When you got home after the audition, you whipped out your phone and did a little research. You looked at picture after picture, he was such a beautiful man and just as Angie said, he was indeed pushing 50. That didn’t stop the fact that you thought he was sexy as hell. You couldn’t get the way he smirked at you out of your head. 
“You know, you were right. He is pretty hot.” You smirked and leaned back into the couch, setting the script down on the coffee table in the process. Angie shot up from her hunched over position.“I told you he was! What picture did it for you because I personally love th-” You cut her off before she could continue rambling on. “I didn’t see a picture of him.” She looked at you with a puzzled face. “Oh well did you watch one of his movies or something because I can also tell you which one of those made me-"
"He’s who I read lines with at the audition.” You said calmly. Angie stopped speaking and just stared at you, giving you a few slow blinds before speaking again. “WHAT?!?!?” You laugh at her reaction and cover your face as you blush remembering how you felt during the reading. “Why wouldn’t you tell me that? I have so many questions. Was he even hotter in person? Did he smell good? Oh my god…did you shake his hand? Did you get to touch that god of a man? Were his hands soft?” You waited until she was done rambling to tell her all about the encounter.
 “Well I might have shook his hand when I first walked into the room. I told you I was nervous and just introduced myself to everyone at the table. I think I blacked out a little at that point to be honest.” She’s giving you all of her attention as you continue. “ I just did what I needed to do and it felt good. When they asked me to read lines, he just kind of appeared. I really don’t remember him being there before that point.” You reminisce the moment you looked at him.“He caught me so off guard. His eyes were so intense.” You pause for a brief second. “Ang…I’ve never felt like that before. Like I had all of his attention, like there was no one else in the room with us.” You looked back up at Angie. She was wearing a soft smile. “You better get ready girlie pop. You’re gonna have to see that man shirtless in all of his glory. You’ll have to kiss him and caress his manly chest-” Your face heats up and you smack her arm before she can continue on about what you might have to do with Pedro. 
─ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ──── ♡ ─── ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ──
You’re getting ready for bed when you get a notification. You reached over to grab your phone and saw that Angie had sent you an email. You gasp as you read the subject line. 
“Risky Disco Filming Schedule- Fleeting Productions” 
You fumble to open the email as quickly as you can. “Holy shit..” You whisper as you read over your schedule for the next few months. First up was a table read with the entire cast, one week from today. Followed by costume fittings, dance rehearsals, roller skate call, dress rehearsals and intimacy coaching. Your eyes linger on the last one a little longer than the rest. You skim over the rest of the schedule that is filled with various filming dates. Your scenes are being filmed sporadically, giving you time in between to lock in your lines and prepare to be in the presence of a curtain man. 
You were really excited for the table read. They were always so much fun. Everyone gets to showcase their interpretation of their characters early on and as time goes on, you get to see the progression of those characters. You already had an idea of how you would go about playing Janet, but it will ultimately depend on how Pedro plays Daniel and what the director wants. 
Shit. In one week you’ll be face to face with Pedro again and instead of running a few lines together, you’ll be reading about 30 minutes worth of dialogue. If the table read goes in the same direction the audition did, you’re fucked. You just hope you can avoid him outside of reading lines for as long as possible. You really don’t want to embarrass yourself…
Thank you for reading <3
next chapter
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the-moon-devi · 9 months
Astro Indicators Of Being Curvy
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Reminder! This can change based off of genetics, and if you have any harsh aspects from saturn to any of these planets/placements.
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🍑 Jupiter Dominance~ Individuals with Jupiter as one of their dominant planets tend to have a curvaceous appearance or a particular body part that is noticeably larger. However, this trait usually manifests in conjunction with other factors. Jupiter governs the legs, which often leads to this body part being much more prominent than others.
🍑 Moon/Venus Dominance: Both of these are feminine planets. Having 1 or both of these as your top 3 dominant planets gives the native a natural, curvy shape and womanly appearance. Moon gives you softness and bust. Moon can also bring the weight, while venus brings in the shape and curves. Moon rules boobs and venus rules the butt.
🍑 Sag/Taurus/Cancer/Libra dominant
🍑 Ceres in 1h/ conjunct Asc~ This is the asteroid of motherhood. And from what I've notice this brings women specifically a plumpness and curviness to their appearance. Their womanly body parts are more accentuated. Usually the chest area is prominent too!
Ex: Marilyn Monroe
🍑 Saggittarius Ascendants- our centaurs bring the legs. Lol. Although it doesn't always have to be the legs but it's usually something nice about that area. Sag Ascendants are ruled by the planet of expansion (jupiter) so its never surprising when I see that they are thicker than most people in their family.
🍑 purva ashada Ascendants
🍑 Cancer Ascendants- cancer all around brings womanliness, and femininity. They can sometimes embody that motherly figure of having wider hips and being thicker especially once they get older. Most the times when we see Cancer Ascendants who are slim they usually have saturn or mercurial influence on the Ascendant. Cancer can also bring the tata's.
🍑 Libra/Taurus Ascendants
🍑 7th house lord (positively aspecting) jupiter/moon
🍑 Moon in 2nd,1st,7th,4th house
🍑 Venus - Jupiter
🍒 Venus - Moon
🍒 4th house ruler aspecting Jupiter
🍒 Jupiter in 1h, 2h, 4h
🍒 Punarvasu, Vishaka, Purvabhadrapada in big 3
🍒 Jupiter aspecting sun/moon, ascendant, ascendant ruler
🍒 Mars ruled nakshatras in big 3; dhanistha,Mrigashira, Chitra
🍒 Aqaurius Moon/ Uranus - Moon; The Curious Case of Aquarius and Curviness/
It's perplexing to think about how Aquarius or even Uranus could be related to body shape. However, these celestial bodies are known for ruling trends, and in recent years, it has become fashionable to embrace curves. Women who are curvier than the norm, especially those from diverse cultural backgrounds, have become the face of uniqueness. Aquarius, the outcast of the zodiac, can bring attention to unconventional body parts on women. This can be unexpected and may occur with age, causing body image issues in some women, especially those with an Aquarius moon. This sign also brings a taboo or otherworldly appearance, which is why I believe Sarah Baartman, who was treated like an animal for her appearance, was an Aquarius moon. Women with an Aquarius moon can stand out because of their unique nature, as this sign is associated with trends. Not all Aquarius moon women are going to be curvy, but it is understandable why some plus-size models with an Aquarius influence on their moon have been celebrated for breaking beauty standards.
Ex: Barbie Ferreira, Ashley Graham, Precious Lee, and Mia Amber Davis w/ Moon conjunct Uranus
🍒 Moon aspecting Ascendant
🍒 Moon- Jupiter
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The more you have the thicker you are. It usually takes a combination of these. If you have these and still aren't considered to be thick, check and see if you have saturn or mercury impacting your ascendant or ascendant ruler.
𝓓𝓲𝓿𝓲𝓷𝓮 𝓓𝓮'𝓛𝓾𝔁𝔁𝓮
𝓒𝓱𝓮𝓬𝓴 𝓣𝓱𝓲𝓼 𝓞𝓾𝓽.....
𝓗𝓸𝓽 𝓐𝓼𝓽𝓻𝓸𝓵𝓸𝓰𝔂
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©𝓟𝓻𝓮𝓽𝓽𝔂 𝓒𝓪𝓻𝓪𝓶𝓮𝓵
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noirsfantasy · 4 months
𝕽𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝖔𝖋 𝕯𝖊𝖘𝖎𝖗𝖊 | 𝖕𝖙. 1
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𝔭𝔞𝔦𝔯𝔦𝔫𝔤 ➛ Michael B Jordan as Adonis Creed x Black!Plus-sized Reader
𝔯𝔞𝔱𝔦𝔫𝔤 ➛ Smut
𝔣𝔞𝔫𝔡𝔬𝔪 ➛ Creed
𝔴𝔬𝔯𝔡 𝔠𝔬𝔲𝔫𝔱 ➛3.4k
𝔰𝔶𝔫𝔬𝔭𝔰𝔦𝔰 ➛A chance encounter between you and Adonis at a label party turns into a passionate and intense romantic night.
𝔞/𝔫 ➛Guys, guys, GUYSSSSSS!!! Y'all are gonna love this one, I'M TELLING YOU! You won't be disappointed.
Next Part
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My heels click loudly as I make my way into a large bustling event. I had been invited by my best friend, Bianca to attend the label party she set up for one of her artists. As I walk in, my heart races with excitement as the buzz of the crowd fills my ears. I had been to a few of these exclusive events before and I knew how to dress the part. I'm dressed to impress, my black dress hugging my curvy frame and accentuating my hips. My hair, curled to perfection, falls gently onto my shoulders, and my red purse adds a touch of sophistication to my look.
I feel a buzz from my phone and smile, seeing a text pop up.
"Someone's looking sexy," It reads and I see that it's from Bianca. I scan around the room, looking for her as she's already spotted me. When we make eye contact, I smile and make my way over. She smiles at me and gives me a big hug, which I return.
"I'm so glad you made it!" She tells me as we part.
"I wouldn't miss it for the world, B. Besides I'm always down to support my bestie." I reply with a wink, causing Bianca to chuckle.
"You sure you not just tryna steal the show?" She questions playfully as she raises an eyebrow. I giggle and shake my head.
"No way, girl. I just threw something on that I thought would match the theme." I assure her but she purses her lips.
"Really? Cus from what I'm seeing all that ass is getting more attention than my artist." She says, gesturing to my outfit and the way it complements my body. I nudge her shoulder.
"Girl, whatever! That is not true." We share a laugh and I shake my head.
"Anyways, make yourself at home. There's an open bar and, you know, just enjoy yourself. I gotta go talk to these producers real quick." Bianca takes my hand and gives it a squeeze before letting go and walking over to do some networking. I sigh a bit, rubbing my glossy lips together as I look around for anyone familiar.
I'd always been a bit shy, but there's something about being in a room full of celebrities that makes me feel like I'm living a dream. I smooth out my skirt as I weave between people, smiling politely at acquaintances. That's when I see him - Adonis Creed, a famous boxer. I've been a fan of his for a while and, I must say, he's even more breathtaking in person. His brown skin gleams under the warm lights, his goatee and large stud earrings giving him a rugged yet sophisticated edge. And those dimples? Those lips? They can make anyone weak at the knees.
I realize I've been staring when our eyes meet and he holds my gaze for a moment. A smile tugs at his lips and I have to look away quickly to hide the blush that is forming.
As the evening progresses, I find myself crossing paths with him a few times. He'd always give me a charming smile and I'd smile politely back, before going back to what I was doing. Each encounter only serves to leave me feeling more intrigued and attracted to him.
I decide to get a drink from the bar and as I order from the bartender, someone appears next to me.
"I'll have what she's having." He says and I look up to see Adonis. I clear my throat nervously and I smile politely at him as I shift in my seat. He smiles back, taking in the way I cross my legs, my movements effortless and sexy. The heat starts to rise in my cheeks as I feel his eyes on me. "I gotta say," He starts, leaning against the bar. "You killing with that outfit." I meet his eyes once more and smile at the flattery.
"Thank you, glad to know my efforts haven't gone unnoticed," I reply as the bartender hands me my drink. I thank him and then look back at Adonis.
"Yeah, you caught my eye from across the room. But I don't think I've had the pleasure of meeting you before. What's your name?" He inquires, his eyes never leaving mine. I feel a blush creeping onto my face as I take a sip from my drink for courage.
"Y/N. It's nice to meet you." I introduce myself, holding my hand out. He takes my hand in his, giving it a gentle shake before lifting it to his lips and landing a soft kiss on my knuckles.
"The pleasure's all mine, Y/N. I'm Donnie." He replies, his grip on my hand lingering for a bit before letting go. The action sends butterflies through my body. "You a friend of Bianca's?" He asks.
"Yeah, her best friend, actually," I say with a chuckle, taking another sip of my drink and feeling the warmth rise through my chest. Adonis raises an eyebrow in pleasant surprise.
"I thought your name sounded familiar," He says with a smile, his eyes studying my face. "She mentioned you a few times. Said you were important to her." His gaze roams over me, enjoying how the alcohol visibly loosens me up.
"Really? That's sweet. I never knew she talked about me to other people." I hide a bashful smile, appreciating my friendship with the producer.
"Although, I've gotta admit, her descriptions of you don't do you justice at all." The compliment rolls off of his tongue easily, but it's clear he means every word. I find myself blushing again and laughing softly as I look away. There's an undeniable spark between us and, as we speak, my shy nature seems to dissipate. We find ourselves engaging in witty banter, my lips curling into a smile as I match his flirty tone.
"So, you a fan of boxing, gorgeous?" Donnie asks, leaning a little closer, his deep voice sending a shiver down my spine. His eyes seem to see right through me and I get the sense that he's just as interested in me as I am in him.
"Maybe," I reply with a playful grin, enjoying the game of cat and mouse. "It depends on the boxer," I say with a shrug.
"Ah," Donnie shoots back with a wry smile, leaning in even closer. "You've got a type, I see. Let me guess, you're probably into those pretty-boy fighters, the ones who don't get their hands dirty. Guys like Ryan Garcia, maybe?" I tilt my head as if I'm thinking.
"Hmm, no not really. I'm more into the dangerous ones." I say, my eyes locking on his. A wolfish grin spreads across Donnie's lips as I share my preference.
"Ah, so you're after someone who can bring the heat, huh? Someone who gives you that flutter in your chest just by being near them." A pause as Donnie lifts his drink to his lips. "You're not afraid to mix it up and get your hands dirty?" I raise an eyebrow, biting my lip slightly.
"I think getting dirty is part of the fun," I tell him with a knowing smirk.
"Oh, I can promise you, it always is," Donnie replies, his voice low and husky. Our eyes lock, the air between us feeling charged with a heat that wasn't there before. "But be careful, gorgeous," he adds. "Some games can end in a brutal knockout."
"Really? Well, good thing I'm always up for a challenge." A mischievous glint appears in Donnie's eyes as he leans even closer.
"You're just full of surprises, aren't you?" Donnie muses, his gaze flickering with a predatory flash. We talk for a bit longer, flirting back and forth until the party eventually draws to a close. I find myself unable to resist the pull between us. With a boldness that surprises even me, I approach him, my heart pounding in my chest.
"So, Donnie," I begin, my voice having a suggestive edge, "are you going to ask for my number, or do I have to make the first move?" A flash of desire crosses his face, and he steps closer, his body radiating heat.
"I think we can skip the whole dating game charade," he murmurs, his lips inches from my ear, sending a shiver down my spine. "Why don't you come back to my place? I'll show you why they call me Big D." My breath quickens as I slowly nod, unable to speak past the lump of desire in my throat. Taking his hand, I let him lead me out of the event and into the night, a delicious anticipation building inside me.
The ride to his place is a blur of streetlights and adrenaline, my body tingling with eagerness. As soon as the door to his home shuts behind me, Donnie presses me up against it, his lips claiming mine in a passionate kiss. I melt into him, my hands roaming over his muscular back, feeling the definition of his powerful body.
His hands find my curves effortlessly, his touch a perfect balance of firmness and gentleness. My body presses against his as my hands caress his jaw and neck, the stubble on his face tickling my skin.
"Damn," Donnie curses under his breath as he pulls away briefly, his lips moving to explore the expanse of my neck. Each kiss leaves fire in its wake and I let out a soft moan, my eyes fluttering shut in bliss.
Breaking the kiss, he looks deeply into my eyes, running his thumb along my bottom lip. Our lips crash together sloppily as I tug at his shirt impatiently.
"Eager, are we now?" Donnie teases, his breath warm against my neck. He gently pushes my hands away and lifts his shirt, revealing chiseled abs and a defined chest. I trace the ridges of his muscles with my fingertips, feeling every contour, every line. I feel like I'm dreaming, but the heat of his body and the taste of his lust on my tongue are all too real.
He lifts me into his arms and my legs instinctively wrap around his waist. I feel small in his embrace, but also protected. The way he easily carries my weight and holds me, all while showering my neck with kisses, sends tingles through me. I moan softly, tilting my head to give him better access as my hand rests on the back of his head, my acrylics grazing his scalp. Donnie brings my lips to his once more, sucking on my bottom lip slightly. He carries me into the bedroom, never once breaking the kiss, and lays me down on the edge of the bed.
Donnie's hands slide down my body, tracing the curves of my thighs and legs as he gently slips my heels off. His hands travel up my back his fingers finding the zipper of my dress, slowly pulling it down.
I lift my hips to help him undress me, a playful thrill coursing through me as I expose myself to his hungry gaze. He strips away my clothing until the only thing left are my lacy panties. His eyes rake over my body, taking in every curve, roll, and stretch mark, before returning to my face, the fire in his eyes searing me to my core. He leans down, cupping my breasts and taking my sensitive nipple in his mouth, teasing it with his teeth as I whimper from the pleasure. He kisses the soft skin tenderly, before trailing his finger along my jaw, ghosting over my lower lip as I look up at him.
"You're so fucking beautiful," he whispers, kneeling before me and guiding my legs over his shoulders. His fingers run along my outer thighs as he presses a kiss to the damp fabric between my legs, his touch leaving goosebumps in their path. I bite my lip, watching him gaze upon me in a mix of awe and lust. "I've been dying to taste you all night."
A ripple of excitement runs through me as his eyes burn with desire. He pulls my panties off, discarding them somewhere in the room. Without another word, he lowers his head, his tongue lapping at my core, flicking my clit and driving me wild.
A strangled moan escapes my lips as his mouth sends shockwaves of pleasure through my body. His talented tongue works me over relentlessly, every lick and suck driving me wild with want. My hips buck against his face as I lose myself in the sensations, my hands on the back of his head, pressing him closer.
"Donnie~" I pant breathlessly, aching for more. A low growl rumbles in Adonis's throat as he hears his name fall from my lips.
"That's right, mama," He breaths against my slick folds, sending tingles through my core. His grip on my thighs tightens as he resumes his devouring assault, his tongue lapping and swirling with unyielding hunger. I can feel the vibrations of his moans against my sensitive skin, causing my back to arch off the bed slightly.
A wicked grin spreads across Donnie's face as he feels my body react to his stimulation. He sucks and swirls his tongue around my clit, intent on driving me wild with pleasure. My hands grip the sheets, fueling his desire as he moans against my core. Donnie's strong hands firmly hold me in place as I squirm beneath his grasp.
"Oh god, I'm so close~" I moan as I throw my head back, rolling my hips. Sensing my impending release, Adonis doubles down, his tongue working my swollen bundle of nerves with ruthless precision as he pushes me closer and closer to the edge. My thighs tremble against his grip as I feel my climax rising to the surface. With one final flick of his tongue, he sends me hurtling over the peak into a crashing wave of ecstasy.
My body tenses as my thighs grip his head, holding him in place as I come undone. Adonis laps up every last drop of my sweet nectar, groaning with unbridled satisfaction. When my tremors finally subside, he slowly pulls back, his lips glistening as he lightly kisses my inner thigh.
"You taste so good, babygirl," he purrs, his voice dripping with lust. I pant heavily as I start to calm down, my racing heart beginning to slow. I whimper softly as he moves up my body, pressing his hardness against my thigh.
Adonis's eyes darken with desire as he hears my whimpers and he leans in closer, his breath ghosting over my lips.
"Don't worry, gorgeous. I'm just getting started." His fingers trail up my outer thigh, his touch feather-light but electrifying. "I'm gonna make you feel so good," he whispers before capturing my mouth in a searing, passionate kiss.
My arms wrap around Donnie's neck as I whine into the kiss, tasting myself on his tongue and aching to feel him inside me. He teases me, grinding his clothed cock against my entrance, soaking the fabric. A groan emits from his throat as the delicious friction drives him wild with need. He pulls back just enough to swiftly rid himself of his remaining clothes.
Donnie's cock springs free, thick and throbbing as he positions himself at my entrance. "You feel that, baby?" He rasps, rubbing the tip teasingly against my slick folds.
"Yes-" I gasp as he prods my hole, just barely pushing in before pulling back again. I roll my hips to try and press you deeper, but you don't budge.
"Someone's impatient." He taunts, eliciting a whine from me.
"Please~" I beg, my cheeks flushing with embarrassment at how desperate I sound. A chuckle escapes him as he continues to tease me with his cock.
"Say it again," he demands, drawing his lower plump lip between his teeth while pressing into my heat, only allowing the tip to enter. I grunt with frustration.
"Please, Donnie," I whisper, my voice thick with desire. "I need you. Now." Without warning, he surges forward, burying himself to the hilt with a moan of ecstasy. I let out a yelp as I stretch around him, feeling his dick pressing against my cervix. Adonis's eyes widen as he feels me tighten around his hard length.
"Fuck, you're so goddamn tight," he growls, his fingers digging into my hips. Slowly, he begins to rock his hips, establishing a deep and steady rhythm as he fills me over and over.
"Oh my god- So big~" I manage to say between moans. I meet his thrusts, my legs locking around his waist, pulling him deeper. My long nails dig into his back, threatening to break, but I don't care. I groan as he fills me up completely, stretching me just barely past my limit.
Adonis's eyes flash with lust as I cry out, relishing the feel of every inch of him buried inside me. He groans throatily, driven wild by the sensations of my silky walls clenching around his throbbing length.
"That's right, take it all," he rasps, his hips rolling in a steady, punishing rhythm. His fingers dig into my hips, pulling me flush against him as his lips claim mine again. My tongue swirls around his as I pull him impossibly closer, my body melting against his. The kiss becomes more possessive Donni's large hands roam my body.
He tears his mouth from mine only to latch onto my neck as he starts rolling his hips against mine, nipping and sucking at the delicate skin. He uses one hand to turn my neck, exposing more of my skin, and the other to capture my nipple in his fingers, rolling the sensitive peak between his digits. His hips increase to a relentless pace, driving his thick shaft in and out repeatedly. The obscene sounds of our joined bodies fill the air, only rivaled by my mewls of pleasure.
"Fuck, I'm gonna wreck you." He whispers against my skin, his voice hoarse as the force of his thrust urges another moan out of me.
"Mhm, yes please f-" My breath hitches, unable to finish my sentence as he picks up speed. He shifts his weight to his knees, leaning his head back as his cock slams deliciously into my core. Donnie's powerful hips snap forward with relentless abandon, the bed creaking under our combined weight.
I press my hands to the headboard behind me for support as the force of his thrusts move me further up the bed. I look up at Adonis, but his eyes are screwed shut, his brows knitted together and jaw clenched as every muscle in his sculpted body strains with the effort. My whimpers and moans mutate into screams of pleasure as he chases his own release, his thrusts growing more erratic.
"Don- nie-" My words are stuttered as my brain turns to mush from his movements, his hands grip my hips bruisingly tight as he pounds into me, desperate to find his edge.
"Yeah, that's it, baby. Let me feel that sweet pussy milk my dick." He urges, his voice hoarse. His words send me over the edge, my body clenching around him as I climax, my back arching off the bed as a flood rushes from between my legs. I let out a whine as he continues to thrust, splashing my fluids back onto me as the feeling of me tightening around him sends him over the edge as well.
A strangled cry of pleasure tears from his throat as his hips stutter, losing their rhythm as he is enveloped in the throes of his own climax. He collapses forward, burying his face in the crook of my neck as his body shudders with the intensity of his release. Waves of blissful ecstasy washes over us, every nerve ending alight with sensation. When the tremors finally cease, he rolls to the side, pulling me flush against his sweat-slicked body.
"Damn, baby..." he breaths, placing a tender kiss on my forehead.
"That was... fuck, I don't even have the words." I reply softly as my cheek rests against his chest, listening to his rapid heartbeat slowing. Adonis chuckles breathlessly, his strong arms wrapped securely around me.
"Tell me about it. That was..." He trails off, shaking his head in disbelief. I smile to myself as we lie there in bed, basking in the bliss of our pleasure. At this moment, nothing else matters. It's just me and Adonis. Just two strangers, yet it feels like he knows every part of me. I sigh contently, feeling the lull of sleep falling over me.
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witchywithwhiskey · 3 months
witchywithwhiskey's slasher summer writing challenge
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i know what you did... THIS summer! you joined me in celebrating summerween with a slasher summer themed writing challenge!! i was inspired by some classic summer horror movies to create this challenge and have some fun, and i'm so excited to share it with you all!! let's have a summer we'll never forget!!
how it works:
select at least 1 prompt from the lists below and incorporate it into your fic
the challenge will start june 20 and end august 31 (at 11:59pm ET)
all works will be put into a masterlist to be published no later than september 1
you don't need to follow me to participate
tag me and #slashersummerwc in your entry so i can read/reblog your work!
the rules:
you must be 18+ to participate in this challenge!
chris evans, sebastian stan, henry cavill characters and marvel characters are welcome - but NO RPF (if you wanna write another fandom, just check with me first!)
works can be dark, fluff, smut and/or angst but make sure to use appropriate warnings. works don't need to be horror
no grooming, underage, watersports/scat, incest, necrophilia or bestiality
dubcon, noncon and monsterfucking are ok!
reader-inserts only, and all works should be inclusive. works with poc, gender neutral, plus size/curvy readers are encouraged!
there are no word limits but please use a read more after 300 words
works can be part of an existing series but must be able to stand on their own
have fun!!
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if you have any questions, please send me an ask or DM. otherwise, prompts are below the cut!
carnival/county fair
roller rink
shopping mall
drive-in movie theater
summer camp
trailer park
cabin in the woods
lake house
small town
road trip
local video store
kinks & tropes
knife kink/gun kink
enemies to lovers
forced proximity
chase kink
sex in the woods
fuck or die
mask kink
sex pollen
You're not gonna leave me here, are you?
It's not bad enough to have Friday the 13th, we've gotta have a full moon too.
Meet me at the waterfront after the social.
It's summer! We're supposed to be having fun!
You know how girls love to scream.
You think that's blood?
Things get messy when you make a deal with the devil.
I never liked camp.
Honestly, if you ever become an actor, don't ever do a slasher flick.
You did a lot of things last summer.
It's just not what I was expecting. Where are the cabins and canoes?
I know how much you guys like games.
I used to hate the water…
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steviebbboi · 14 hours
Stevie BB 200 Followers Celebration Writing Challenge!
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Howdy lads~ exciting news to share:
I just reached a 200 follower count on Tumblr 🎉🎉🎉
I kinda can't believe it? Writing is indeed good for my soul. Interacting with y'all on here has helped me with my mental and emotional wellness due to just finding such great community on here. Thank you for giving me the space to write and for following along/supporting in my writing journey 💖
With that spiel spoken, I wanted to host a writing challenge in celebration of this milestone! *squealing because i'm so excited to host*
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You could participate by sending in either:
✨ writing request via my Asks (💙)
✨ writing submissions (💥).
General Rules:
the challenge will start October 1st until the end of November (flexible on late entries for submissions only💥; let's say till mid-December or so).
I'll read/write for Chris Evans characters, Henry Cavill Characters, and Charlie Hunnam characters [and Bucky Barnes specifically lol] (these are my preferences but if there are other characters that you'd like to bring in, just ask me)!
for writing requests 💙, i will only be accepting requests (2 max/person; pls do not send more than 2 asks!) until the end of November.
for writing submissions 💥, go wild! submit as many as you like!
you can do both (send in a writing request 💙 AND send in a writing submission(s)💥) if you want to; rules still apply for the requests though.
use at least one prompt within your request 💙/submissions💥 from the lists below (but def. go crazy if you wanna use more than one! you don't have to claim any prompts).
works can be inclusive! poc, gender neutral, neurodivergencies, mid size/plus size/curvy readers are encouraged!
No word limits but please use a 'read more' after 200 words
Works can be part of an existing series but must be able to stand on their own
tag me @steviebbboi and use the tags #bbboi200celebration and #steviebbboiwritingchallenge in your entry so i can read/reblog your work! (If I somehow lose sight of your submission, please remind me and I'll take a look at it right away ☺️)
Most important one: Have fun!
How To Play:
✨ You must be 18+ to participate in this challenge!
✨ Choose one (or multiple 😏) BB's:
Chris Evans Characters
Steve Rogers/Captain America
Ransom Drysdale
Ari Levinson
Frank Adler
Curtis Everett
Andy Barber
Hayden/Harvard Hottie
Nick Gant
Jake Jensen
Johnny Storm
Lloyd Hansen
Henry Cavill Characters
Clark Kent
Napoleon Solo
Geralt of Rivia
August Walker
Charlie Hunnam Characters
Jax Teller
Raymond Smith *extra brownie pts if you write about him omg*
King Arthur
Sebastian Stan
Bucky Barnes [he's all by himself im so sorry lmfao 🥹]
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✨ Choose one (or more) of the following prompts:
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soft dom!BB
clothes/naked ratio
size kink
slow and deep 👀
breeding kink (non-pregnancy version)
free use
belly bulge
consensual non-con
consensual dub-con
anal/or dp
possessive/or protective manhandling!BB
oral sex
orgasm delay
daddy/princess kink
sex pollen
prone bone
threesome (BB/Reader/BB)
ass/pussy spanking
mild degradation
body worshipping
quickie/don't get caught (public sex, threats of exhibitionism, etc.) 😏
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Grouchybb! who is only soft with you
Married and loyal!spouse
lumberjack!bb who is a teddy bear on the inside tho
mob AU
biker AU
soulmate AU
mutual pining/idiots in love
childhood besties to lovers
reformed playboy
professor AU
supernatural/mythical (gods, sirens, werewolves, witches, vampires, ghosts, oh my!)
frenemies to lovers
fwb to lovers
locked in AU/forced proximity
medieval AU
fake dating/relationship
sharing one bed
polar opposites attract
break up and make up
spy AU
meet cute
cowboy AU
gentle recluse!BB
brothers best friend!BB
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"Are you fucking kidding me?"
"Yes, take it, slut"
"God, why do you always do this"
"Shh, you wouldn't want anyone to hear, or do you?"
"You're taking me so well, baby"
"Good girl" *for fem readers; adjust accordingly!*
"Tsk, uh-uh, c'mere, honey"
"You always feel so good around me, baby"
"What do you think you're doing?"
"Here, let me help you."
"Yeah, are you a cockhungry slut, now?"
"I hardly think that that's necessary."
"Don't be a brat, baby."
"Aw, does it feel good right there?"
"I'm sorry!"
"What do you want from me?!"
"I didn't mean to!"
"What do you think you're doing here?"
"Nope. Again."
"Don't worry, I got you."
"Just stay still, there you go."
"Just one more, I promise."
"C'mon, don't you wanna be good?"
"Stay over there!"
"You better hurry up, baby."
"Thaaaat's it, you're doing so well, honey."
"Uhm, I'm not sure that's going to work."
"Please, I'll beg, please!"
"Be honest."
"Be careful there, darlin'."
"Are you okay?"
"Are you sure you wanna go there?"
Scenarios? Any! Go. Wild.
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✨ I love reading/writing angst w/HEA, soft dark (nothing too dark though), fluff and SMUT (as you can see w/the many many kinks).
no incest (stepcest is ok if tasteful lol), no infidelity, no watersports, no murder, no gore. if you're unsure if a trope is appropriate, ask me!
if im ever uncomfy with writing something, i will lyk and we can talk more about it to see if we could work with it!
feel free to ask any questions!
i think i got everything!
Have the best time, laddies~ thanks for celebrating with me!
All are welcome to join in the fun! ❣️
Tagging a few mutuals who may be interested but no pressure bbs:
@bigtreefest @mercurial-chuckles @stargazingfangirl18 @yenzys-lucky-charm
@sweater-daddiesdumbdork @buckets-and-trees @hotdamnhunnam @laurfilijames
@autumnrose40 @eloquentlytired @misscherry-26 @stellar-solar-flare
@darsynia @navybrat817
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pimosworld · 2 months
An island promise
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Pairing- Joel Miller x f!plus size reader
Summary- Joel takes you on vacation for your birthday.
CW-18+, MDNI, Fluff, established relationship, illusions to smut, romantic Joel, reader is not described other than being a curvy/plus size woman. If I could be with any Joel it would be vacation Joel Miller.
A/N- This was an ask in my inbox from @karolinape, thank you for putting yourself out there. After my secret springs submission for @secretelephanttattoo I was requested to write another tropical island getaway with Joel (no angst) all the fluff and I hope this delivered.
Not beta read
[Joel Miller Masterlist]
Joel Miller had always been a man of few words, but times like now he hoped his actions spoke volumes. As he watches the sun rise over this tropical oasis he can't help but feel a surge of pride. This vacation was more than just a getaway; it was a celebration of you. Your birthday was still just a day away and he planned everything meticulously to make this unforgettable. 
  He turns to you now, your soft snores mixing with the gentle sounds of the ocean waves. Your leg hitched up as you lay flat on your stomach and he can just barely see the plush soft skin of your thigh peeking out under the covers. The day before is still fresh in his mind as you sprawled out on the beach towel, the sweet sound of your laughter could put anyone at ease. 
  To him, you were nothing short of perfection. Your body is a testament he wanted to pray to everyday. 
  “Mornin, darlin,” He whispers, leaning down to place a kiss on your forehead. “ How’d you sleep?”
  Your eyes flutter open, and you stretch lazily, not missing the way his gaze drops to your chest poking through the stark white sheets. “ Like a baby. This place is paradise. “
  The bed creaks slightly as he drops his body down to rest between your legs. His hands instinctively reach for you. Any part of you he can grasp. Pulling the sheet down to expose you to the cool morning air and reveling in the way the goosebumps dance on your skin. 
  He takes his position like a sniper and you’re already so wet for him in anticipation. His lips peppering kisses along your thighs. Little nips and bites that make you gasp and he can't help but chuckle at how sensitive you are. 
  You’re breathing heavy as he hovers his mouth just above where you want him most and he just grins. “ Just wait darlin’. I've got some surprises lined up for you. 
  You had a habit of needing to be in control. 
  Until you met Joel and all that worry was washed away. You felt like you could live for the first time. He was your rock, your confidant, and now he was showing you this side of him that was both romantic and thrilling. 
  He could tell there was still that side of you that wanted to know more. He did his best all morning to quiet that part of your brain but he knew you too well. 
  “So what's the plan for today?”
  His eyes twinkle with something mischievous behind them. “ Today’s all about you. Let’s get some breakfast in you and then spend the day soaking up the sun.”
  And how could you possibly say no to that. 
  You wake up on the beach to Joel removing your sun hat from your eyes. His lips on your warm skin as you take in the golden tan he's got since being here. 
  Joel was voracious to say the least but you don't know what's gotten into him. He can't keep his hands off you for one second. The way his palm rests along your back when you walk beside him, the way he rubs the sunscreen into your skin, not missing an inch. His fingers trail just below the line of your swimsuit and you playfully scold him as you look around the beach. 
  “Don't you worry, no ones lookin’ baby I promise.” The low timber in his voice as he whispers in your ear. You don't really care if he's lying or not, you'd give them all a show if it meant that he would keep his hands on you. 
  He’s a menace in the way he lets the cool glass from his beer caress your skin as you let out a small gasp and he chuckles under his breath. The crinkle of skin next to his eyes when he smiles at you and offers an artificial explanation. “Ya looked like you needed to cool off.” 
  And when you roll away from him, the sand on your ass that he wants to wipe away but you’re too far. 
  You’re calling to him like a siren as you walk towards the turquoise waters and you slowly disappear inch by inch until everything that he loves most is being kissed by the waves. 
  “You joining me Miller?” The water carrying your voice to him in secret. 
  If the answer to that question is ever no then you would need to put him out of his misery because he’s surely lost his mind. 
  He could ask you now, he supposes. While your legs are wrapped around him in the water and he knows you feel weightless in his arms. The way he holds you just below the surface so the fish are the only ones to see what he’s doing. 
  But why go through all the effort just to ruin the moment. So he waits. 
  “Gonna run down to the front desk.” He says with a playful wink. “Try not to miss me too much.”
  “I’ll try, but I have a feeling you’re up to something.”
  You can hear his laugh just as the door closes. 
  As much as you were dying to know what he was up to you were willing to give into your feelings and let Joel have this moment. In a world that often seemed so complex it’s amazing how everything with him felt so simple and right. 
  You’re just doing the finishing touches on your makeup before you put on the satin pink dress that was laid out for you on the bed. Knowing you all too well he even took the task of dressing yourself out of the equation. 
  You can feel the tears welling in your eyes as you look at your reflection in the mirror. The dress clings to your figure effortlessly, the fabric smooth and lustrous under your fingertips. Of course the man knew your body so well as it highlights your silhouette in the most flattering way. The elegant drape of the skirt flows seamlessly adding a touch of flare to the outfit. 
  When he returns there’s a look of concern in his eyes. Perhaps at the thought of you not liking the dress but how could you not love something he put so much effort into. 
  “You ready for dinner Joel?” 
  With a contented sigh he takes your hand. “Ready as I’ll ever be darlin’.” 
  You raise a brow at his peculiar choice of words and push on. 
  The sun is dipped below the horizon, casting its final golden hues along the water. You approach a large vessel, sleek and elegant and you can imagine the look of pure shock as the small door to the yacht is opened and Joel ushers you inside. 
  “I’ve got one last surprise for you.” His voice is steady, yet full of emotion as you notice you’re alone on this yacht. 
  His heart is pounding in his chest as he leads you to the sky deck. His hands are sweating and he brushes one along the front of his pants subtly so you don’t catch his nerves but certainly you know he’s not acting himself. 
  You know him better than anyone. 
  But at this moment you don’t notice him fidgeting with the collar of his shirt, or his sweaty palms. You don’t notice the wild look in his eyes or his fingers running nervously through his hair. 
  You’re too focused on the small table setup with roses and chilled wine. The breathtaking view of the sky painted in rich hues of orange, pink and purple. Everything seems to fall away leaving you two in this serene romantic moment. 
  Joel pulls you into a gentle hug. His chin resting on your head as he rocks you back and forth. Something he did instinctively when he needed to ground himself. “You know, when I found ya, it felt like I’d finally found my missing piece. You’ve got a way of making everything better.” 
  You look up at him with all the softness in your eyes that he makes you feel. “And you’ve made me feel more loved and accepted than I ever felt possible.” 
  His lips are soft on yours as he breaths you in, hoping you can provide the air he so desperately needs right now. 
  Joel takes a deep  breath as he kneels down on one knee, pulling out a small velvet box. 
  “Darlin’ I’ve been tryin’ to find the right words, but I think actions speak louder. I love you more than anything and I want to spend the rest of my life showing you just how much you mean to me. Will you do me the honor of being my wife?” 
  Tears brim your eyes as you look down at him, your voice barely above a whisper. “Yes. Yes Joel Miller,  I will.” Tears are streaming down your face as he slips the ring onto your finger. It’s beautiful as it sparkles in the fading light. 
  He groans slightly as you help him up. He can see the small smile tugging at the corner of your lips, he can practically hear the words old man that you tease him with often but right now you’re doing your best not to ruin the moment. 
  His eyes crinkle. “Go on and say it, I know ya want too.” 
  “My old man.” 
  His laugh is loud and wet as it breaks through the silence of the night. You throw your arms around him as he holds you tight to his chest and he lets out a shuddering breath. The first full breath he’s been able to take all day. 
  “I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you.” You whisper in his ear. 
  His chin is resting on your head again as he holds you closer. “Me either, sweetheart. Here’s to forever.” 
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Hey I don’t know if this blog is still active but I just needed to get the written down somewhere. I love Nevermore loads along with all the characters, but I really do wish there was more plus sized representation in the comic. Honestly I would even take background characters. At this point it feels like any body variation is just making them shorter than everyone else. And before anyone is like “This is set in the past, there weren’t as many plus sized people then.”
I mean that’s just weak, a quick google search will prove that wrong. Even Bridgerton got a plus sized character in!
This isn’t a huge issue I have, like I said I love the characters, it just annoys me that every single one of them is as skinny as a twig
You thought I was gone, didn't you?
The Nevermore Characters are, to put it lightly, on a pretty hefty dose of celebrity Ozempic. It fits a Tim-Burton vibe, I guess, so there's that; and, it fits some of them!
For example, Lenore:
Lenore was wheelchair-bound, drugged, and it's not specified how often she was fed during her time in the attic. She's weak and fragile, skin and bones.
Annabel Lee is on the curvy side, with wider hips, a bigger bust, and thicker thighs than Lenore. And that waist was corsetted from birth. (Oh, Annabel, you're my body goals, girl. What's the workout routine?)
You know who I wished was plus-sized? Some of you might not see this coming, or maybe you do.
I think that if Morella lived longer, she would've been plus-sized. Sometimes, when picturing her in my head, I'll ignore the canon; she'll have a thicker, bigger figure a la the granddaughters of the Irish Women that survived the Famine. (I'm going to toss the word "Epigenetics" out there.)
That, my friend, would be "historically accurate." I mean, we all saw that giant meal she had, right? She's eating to survive, baby.
(Hey. Psst. Did you know that there was no "famine?" It was forced starvation from the British. Anyway.)
Headcanon aside, I also wish we get some more plus-sized representation. I'd love to see more variations of body types.
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How about 15 from your 3000k with either Arthur Curry or Billy Hargrove? 🙃
Small Town Summer Days
Billy Hargrove x plus size reader
Summer brings hot weather, which means days lounging by the pool, tiny swimsuits and sundresses
Warnings: Billy is hornee lol, vague mentions of bullying and fatphobia, mutual pining, sexual tension, implied smut
WC: 995
Minors DNI
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3000 Follower Celebration
Billy knows that he should look away from her, that it was dangerous to stare at her. Because if he stared for too long, she’d notice. And if she noticed then she would smile. And if she smiled, Billy doubted he would ever be able to dig himself out of this hole he found himself in.
But to look away meant that he wouldn’t be able to see her anymore. He wouldn’t be able to watch as she leaned back into the pool chair, her overly curvy body on display behind a criminally tiny bikini as she read that dumb book Nancy had given her. And if he couldn’t witness that site anymore, then what was even the point of being a lifeguard at this shitty small town pool. 
She was the sweet girl in his grade, the quiet one who had instantly caught his attention when he strutted into math on his first day. She was bigger than the other girls who threw themselves at him, sure, but he did always enjoy women with a bit more meat on their bones, he knew they could handle him real well. And she was shy, so very shy. She got flustered when he said her name. By the time December had rolled around, Billy was already playing around with the idea of how his last name would sound after her first.
That’s how he justified not sleeping with her, she was just too damn innocent and he was too damn deep already. No matter how badly he wanted to corrupt her, he didn’t want to break his own heart when she would inevitably figure out what a bastard he was. But she was making it very difficult for him.
She showed up every day about an hour into his shift, a small tote bag on her shoulder, a floppy hat on her head, and the shortest, sluttiest sundresses he had ever seen covering her large body. The hem always landed in just a way that he could see the seam of where her plump ass met her thighs whenever she bent over. It was a far cry from her normal school wear (which he also found very attractive) and Billy couldn’t help but be thankful for the blistering heat.
Her routine was always the same: claim her chair (usually the one directly across from the life-guard tower), lay out her towel, slip whatever dress she was wearing over her head and carefully store it in her bag, lather up her perfect skin with sunscreen, and then settle down to read for a few hours. Occasionally, she would slip into the chlorinated water with a graceful dive and emerge on the shallow end like a Bond girl stepping from the surf in one of those spy movies. He loved those days, they were his absolute favourite.
His other favourite days happened to be whenever she would wear her purple swimsuit. Somehow it made her skin glow in the Indiana sun. Plus it helped that it was her tiniest swimsuit and it showed off everything.
His blue eyes were so firmly fixed on the way the lilac bikini top stretched over the soft fat of her tits that he didn’t notice the fact that her book was now forgotten beside her and her heart-shaped sunglasses rested at the tip of her nose. But he did see how her nipples pebbled under the thin fabric and goosebumps exploded all over her skin like a cold wind had washed over her. 
“Fuck me.” He groaned under his breath, his already small swim shorts getting even smaller. 
Billy’s firm gaze was not unfamiliar to her, in fact, he had been glaring her way since the first time he waltzed into Hawkins High. He, like everyone else, seemed to find her infinitely fascinating in the worst way. But unlike the others who had tormented her throughout her school years, she found herself looking forward to his scrutinising looks. 
He was handsome, far more attractive than the boys she had grown up with, but he also had a confidence that drew her in like a moth to a flame. Like every other teenage girl in Hawkins, she fell quickly and she fell hard but unlike her peers, she knew that Billy wouldn’t even consider her as a hook-up.
So his tanned muscular body and perfectly messy blond hair remained firmly in her fantasies, fuelled by her daily visits to his work-place. She dreamed about him strutting over to her chair, his deep voice, tinged with a slight surfer dude accent, crooning to her. He would invite her to the private lifeguard locker room to “cool down” or offer her a ride home in his Camaro which he would pull over to the side of a dirt road and then pull her into his strong lap. When the images flashing behind her eyelids got too steamy, she would force herself to take a quick dip. Ignoring the intense glare from the King of Hawkins as she would emerge from the cold water.
And now, she felt like her whole body was on fire. Billy was watching her again, absentmindedly biting on the end of his sunglasses as he did so. Wetness pooled at the apex of her thick thighs and she squirmed, her nipples tightening with arousal. 
Even from across the pool, she saw the way his eyes darkened with lust. His plump lips curled into a smirk as he finally met her gaze. He kept eye-contact while he stepped off of the raised chair and began to saunter over. Her chest heaved with desire which grew stronger with each step he took. By the time he reached her chair, she felt like the air had been ripped from her lungs.
He gave her a slow once over, letting his blue eyes trail over every single piece of exposed skin. And then grinned wickedly.
“So princess, how bout I give you a ride home.” 
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Limelight Series - Chapter 2
Happy Monday Everyone! Here is chapter 2 of the limelight series! If you haven't read chapter one, click here to read it and then come back to read chapter 2.
This series came way of a message/ask from @hobby27 she asked:
"I would love something with Jensen and reader. He sees her when he’s at a convention and he’s bonkers for her. She isn’t so interested in a relationship with him because of the fame. So he has to woo her. Make her understand that he’s not a typical movie/tv star. Slow burn."
So I give you the Limelight series- It's a Jensen x reader (plus size, curvy girl) story, Jensen meets the reader in a bar, he falls fist, she is reluctant of course, but secretly she fell for him the second he walked through the door. So can a small town girl and a celebrity make it work?
Warnings for the whole series: language, multi-pov and switching between the pov mid chapters (sorry I can't help it), Jensen coming off aggressive for a hot second but then cooling off. Some douche side characters and some lovable ones, body shaming, angst, fluff, swoon, Jared is there and Micha is mention.
This story takes place an AU where Jensen is not married but Jared is and has kids.
This chapter is 3K+. Feedback, likes and reblogs are always welcomed. Please don't post as your own work, this is my work. If you would like to be added to my tag list, just ask, I am always happy to add you.
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Once you're back in the safety of the kitchen, you finally take a breath. Oh, holy hell, you were breathing the same air as Jesnes Ackles!!!! And now you're cooking for him!!! AHHHH. You try to calm down, taking deep breaths. You have to play it cool. Come on, he's just a guy like everyone else. 
"Are you fucking kidding me!" James' voice pulls you out of your panic. 
You look up to see him standing on the other side of the small prep table that is between you, too.
"What?" You question. Feeling yourself come back together.
You familiarize yourself with the kitchen you used to know, like the back of your hand. Everything was the same; why wouldn't it be? You only gave up your kitchen and cooking career a few months ago. Turning on the deep fryer, and oven. You make your way to the small walk-in cooler.
"Are you serious? Were you going to leave me high and dry and not cook for them?" James questions as he follows you.
After surveying your limited options, you settled on nachos, picking up the ingredients and handing them to James to hold.
"No, of course not." You passively say, tossing items for him to grab, "I mean, I figured you would beg." You turn to face him, "I didn't expect his friends to be total assholes." 
Waving at James to move out of your way and back to the kitchen.
James sets everything on the table and watches you move around the room.
"Yeah, I think that Evan guy is getting his ass handed to him right now," James says matter-of-fact, picking up a tomato and tossing it back and forth in his hands. "Jensen seems kind of taken with you." 
You look at him, "Yeah, I am sure he's just a bit tipsy and being a good southern boy." You reply, dropping the tortillas in the fryer. "Plus, I am sure he doesn't want it to come out that he hangs out with assholes." 
As you return to the table, you snatch the tomato from James' hands to start making a quick salsa. "I don't know; I think there is something there." James sing-songs. 
Shaking your head in disbelief at James and his need to play matchmaker. "Just drop it. Shouldn't you be out there, ensuring no one runs off with the till or the liquor?" You question, really wanting some alone time with your thoughts. 
Since James had let the rest of the staff go earlier in the night, it was up to you to deliver the food. You loaded the tray and hooked the stand in your elbow to set it down once you got to the table. You prayed to anyone who would listen that you and the food would make it to the table in one piece.
You make your way towards the booth in the corner. Jared sees you first and gets up to offer assistance.
"Here, can I help?" he asks sweetly, giving you a half smile. His hazel eyes are slightly glassy from the drinking, and his long chestnut hair falls somewhat. 
"Umm, yeah, can you take the stand and open it up for me?" You ask, thankful that your voice is steady and that you're not feeling weak in the knees. You hold out your arm with the stand for him to take it from you. 
"Oh yeah," he replies, grabbing it, setting it down next to the table on Jensen's side, and then sitting back down.
You try to avoid making eye contact with Jensen but fail miserably. Sitting down the tray, you feel his eyes on you. You look up, and he smiles at you. Turning towards the table, you put on your best hostess smile.
"Well, boys, I hope you're hungry. I wasn't sure what you would be craving, so I did some of everything." You pick up the dishes individually and sit them on the table. 
"Classic bar food of wings, mozzarella sticks, beef nachos, and my favorite, perfectly crispy, hot fries." Setting the fries down closest to Jensen, your eyes linger a bit longer than needed.
Fuck, he is too hot for his own good. Slowing down your thoughts before they stumble out from your lips, you pull your eyes away and pick up the plates, napkins, and sauces to sit on the table. 
"This all looks amazing, sweetheart." Jensen's deep Southern voice breaks the silence. "Doesn't it?" he questions, his eyes staring down Evan. 
"Yeah, it looks great; thank you," Evan and his counterpart mumble. Evan looks up at you. "I am sorry about earlier, " he says, his voice cracking at the end. 
Shit, he changed his tone real quick.
You smile, "Thanks." No need to dish out anymore to him; you're sure Jensen already gave him enough of an ass-chewing.
Picking up the empty pitcher, you ask. "Need anything else besides another pitcher?" 
"Yeah, that would be great. Thanks," Jared replies, filling his plate with food. 
Giving the table a short nod, you pick up the tray to walk away and get some air. Are you star-struck?  Yes, you are a human. But you're also cautious and know under any other circumstances that if you weren't the only woman in the room,  none of the guys at the table, especially Jensen, would be paying attention to you. 
Setting the empty pitcher in front of James, he fills it up without incident. "So, you good?" He asks, focusing on making the perfect pour.
Letting out the breath you have been holding, "Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" You question. Running your hands through your hair and then glancing back at the table.
They're laughing and bantering back and forth, eating and enjoying life. If anyone was to come in and didn't know better, they would think they were just four average guys out for a good time on a Friday night. And really, that's all they are; regular guys, two of which have a bit of money and celebrity status. 
You look back to James. He sits the pitcher down, "I remember you having a major crush on Jensen for the longest time. Wasn't he on your list?"
Oh, of course, he would remember the list. The famous people you would fuck list if you ever had the chance. The stupid list that never comes true.  Shit why did you even tell him?
"Yeah, and I am pretty sure you had Misha on yours." You quip back, feeling your cheeks redden at the thought it might be possible.
"Yeah, but no one from my list is in the same room with me and has been giving me 'fuck me' eyes all night." 
"OK, whatever, you're seeing things. Besides, if you hadn't sent home all your waitstaff, Jensen would be making eyes with someone else. I am just the only one left with a vagina in the room."
James lets out an audible laugh that fills the room and gets the guys to snap their heads over to us.
"Yeah, OK, keep thinking that, Y/N." He distracted himself by running the bar rag over the bartop. "You know you're a knockout."
Rolling your eyes at this. Hearing comments like this always makes you self-conscious. After years of being overweight, fat, curvy, whatever you want to call it, you have come to terms with guys that look like Jensen, guys that are part of the 'beautiful people.' Despite their 'great personality,' they don't go for the average-looking girl with clothing sizes in the double digits.
Ugh, your negative thoughts are coming to the surface, and you don't want to deal with them right now or with the present company.
"You know, you can deliver this to them." You mutter, feeling the need to escape from prying eyes. You spin around quickly to be met with a wall of muscle.
"Hey, sweetheart," Jensen says, a smile on his face.
You slightly stumble and take a few unsteady steps back. "Whoa, sorry," you say, keeping your eyes down, not trusting yourself to look in those gorgeous green eyes.
"No apology needed, Darling. I was wondering…" his voice is smooth and sweet, with his Texas draw coming out.
His hands find your waist to steady you. "You want to join us, knuckleheads? I swear Evan will keep his mouth shut." He gives you a wink.
"Oh, no, thank you, that's nice of you to ask, but…" You stammer out. Your mind is slightly hazy with his close proximity and the feel of his hands on your waist. Nope, not your waist, your hips, actually. All this attention- the fact that it's him and you're sure his friends are now watching- is creating a pressure storm of fear in your chest.
Jensen does not pick up on your sudden mood shift, which is that you're having the start of a small panic attack. He thinks you're just being coy and hard to get.
"How about this, sweetheart? I have the Impala parked out back. We could ditch these losers for a while and go for a drive." His voice shifts from Jensen's Texas draw to full-on Dean's deep, sexy voice.
Whoa, what the hell! Pushing his hands off you, "Yeah, No." You step out from his hold. You will not be another notch on his belt.
"Do you think I would be grateful just because you stood up for me to your friend?" you ask, wondering why he was suddenly being handsy and pushy.  
"Your sweet, southern boy charm may work on most girls, but…ugh…just stop with the sweetheart, OK. You're leaning in hard with your Dean Winchester persona, don't you think?"
This sobers Jensen up. A boyish smirk falls from his face. "Umm..." he stumbles to backtrack a bit.
Well, that has to be a first—a female rejecting him—no wonder he's short-circuited and has no reply. Feeling disappointment wash over you, you want to go home.
"I have to clean up the kitchen." Keeping your tone neutral, you give James a side eye and head towards the kitchen.
It's been half an hour. You have put everything back, cleaned every surface, and restored the kitchen to its spotless state. James only pops in to drop off the dirty plates and empty glasses. 
"You know, you don't have to do this. Go home, and I can finish cleaning up." He says, setting the beer pint glasses next to the sink where you were standing.
Picking up the glasses, you set them in the sink and wash them up. "No, I got it. Besides, I would rather wait until they leave. Feeling a bit embarrassed by my outburst." 
You've been replaying the whole night since you've been back here. 
God, what were you thinking! You're not saying you had to let Jensen put the moves on you, but was he? No, he was just being nice, that's all. Like you could ever get a guy like him. Feeling your cheeks go scarlet again. 
"You have nothing to be embarrassed by. Jensen's a grown-ass man; I am sure he has heard it before." James' voice pulls you from your thoughts. "Besides, they left a few minutes ago, so you're safe."
You rinse off the glasses and set them on the drying rack. "Yeah, I highly doubt Jensen has ever been rejected by a female in his life." You quip, pulling the bar rag from James' pocket and drying your hands.
"I am just lucky there weren't more people to witness my demise." You hand back the towel to James and cross your arms around yourself. 
"Again, you have nothing to worry about." Playfully knocking his shoulder into yours, "You want to talk about it? You seemed like you had something on your mind tonight." 
His voice is laced with concern for his friend.
"Nothing can get past you." You mutter, trying to play it off.
"I know you have dealt with your fair share of handsy guests. But this time, it seems to be the straw that broke you." Noticing your quietness, he adds, "But I get it; it's been a long night; we don't have to talk about it." Giving you the out that you desperately need.
You look up at your friend, his kind brown eyes saying so much. "God, what would I do without you?" You say out loud.
He pulls you in for a side hug, "You will never have to find out." Giving you a quick kiss on the top of your head. "You need a ride home?"
Shaking your head, no, "I am good."
"Good.  Now get out of here, please. You have helped me enough tonight; I owe you big time."
"Honestly, it wasn't anything special, but you're welcome." Playfully knocking your shoulder into his, you push yourself up from the sink.
"Night, James." You say, giving him a half smile, and head towards the back exit.
The temperature has dropped slightly since you first entered the bar tonight, but not enough to warrant your jacket, so you sling it over your arm and enjoy the stillness of the night. The quietness and cool air are one thing you miss from working late nights at the bar. Getting into your jeep, you plug in your phone and see a text from an unknown number.
Unknown: Hey, it's Jensen. I wanted to apologize for my actions earlier. I should not have put my hands on you or asked you to leave when you don't even know me. I should have picked up that you didn't want to have anything to do with me. 
God damn it. James! This has to be a prank, right? 
You: OK, James, nice try. Like I said earlier, I am fine. There is no need to text me from your burner phone to make me feel better.
Unknown: Umm…this isn't James.
You know better than to keep engaging with a scammer, but this was too weird.
You: OK, fine, Keep it up, but you're not Jensen. Unknown: JPG. 
Staring back at you is a photo of Jensen in the same outfit he was in tonight. Giving you his best sad boy face. Sitting on a beige couch, no other recognizable things in the background. No fucking way. It can't be.
You: Nice. Look at you putting your Google skills to use. What did you type in the search bar: 'photo of Jensen Ackles looking sad?'
Unknown: JPG.
Another photo pops in. This time, it's Jensen holding yesterday's Detroit Free Press newspaper. 
Unknown: This is starting to feel like hostage negotiations or ransom demands. It's really me.
Fuck, Fuck, Fuck! How the hell did he get your number! 
You: How the hell did you get my number!?
Unknown/Jensen: So now you believe me? That's good. I hoped I wouldn't have to send you more 'proof of life' photos. James gave me your number after I begged, groveled, and bribed him. 
Are you fucking kidding me! Damn it, James! I am going to kill him. Feeling yourself wish for a sweet death. You try to even out your breathing. It's nothing; you're just texting the hottest guy ever. Getting some composure back, you reply. 
You:  So, how much is my number going for these days?
Jensen: A signed photo of Misha and possibly dragging his ass out to the bar soon. 
You: Wow, that's all? Not sure if James got a deal or if you got screwed. 
Jensen: I got the better end of the deal. 
You shake your head at this. Even through text, he can still make you blush!
You: Well, if you say so. Thanks for the apology, but it wasn't necessary. 
Jensen: No, it was. I was an ass, and you made it clear from the start you weren't interested in me. 
You: I wouldn't say that. I know I am not your first or 100th choice of female companion, that's all.
Wow, OK, where is this boldness coming from? Looking back at the message you just sent, you want to delete it or backtrack on your last comment, but you see he is already drafting a reply.
Jensen: Why do you say that? You're beautiful. I was dumbstruck if it wasn't obvious. so... you're interested in me?
His second message bubble gets you. What girl wouldn't be interested? You want to reply that you're not blind. 
You: You say that to all the local girls you meet?
Jensen: No, just you. I would really like to see you again. Are you free tomorrow?
Is Jensen Ackles asking you out on a date? For real? No, this can't be happening! If anything, it's not a date; it's more of a 'good press. Make things nice with the locals.' Feeling the tiredness of the day taking over, you want to keep the conversation going, but at the same time, you want to be in comfy clothes and your house. 
You: Can I get back to you on this?
Jensen: Yeah, no pressure. Whenever and whatever works for you.
You: Thanks, I am just tired, and I still have to drive home.
Jensen: Wait, you're still out? Where are you?
You: Sitting in my car, parked a few blocks from the bar. I saw your text when I got to my car. 
Jensen: OK, stop texting me and get home. You shouldn't be just sitting in your car late at night. Text me when you get home.
You: OK, Dad. It will take me about 20 minutes.
It's sweet that he's concerned, but it's Haven, not downtown Detroit - you are perfectly safe to sit in your car this late at night. 
Jensen: I am starting a timer now.
Oh shit. Guess you better get going.
Pulling into your garage and leaving your car, your phone dings with an incoming text message.
Jensen: You home?
Shutting the car door, you shake your head at this. Part of you wants to make him sweat. Yes, it's slightly sweet, but he just met you! Waiting for the garage door to shut before going in, you quickly reply.
You: Yes, Dad, I just got in. 
Jensen: I am sorry. I'm just worried. 
Shit, of course, he is a good guy. Not used to this, are we? Kicking off your shoes, you go to the kitchen to grab some water, then head to your room. 
You: Sorry. I'm not used to someone worrying. Plus, the town is a safe place. I've lived here my whole life. 
Jensen: So, you're a local girl. I bet you know all the best places to go. Can you take me on a private tour?
You: A tour of Haven?  It won't be long. Plus, I am sure your schedule is jam-packed with convention stuff; you probably won't leave the city until you leave for the airport.
You're trying your best to give him an out and remind him of why he's here in the first place. You know that convention schedules are no joke, and the talent has little to no downtime. Schedule panels and photo shoots during the day and parties for the convention goers at night, where they must appear.
Jensen: I can move some stuff around. When is a good time for you?
Of course, he will 'just move stuff around.'
You: Jensen, seriously, I don't want you to move anything around for me. That's not fair to anyone at the convention. 
Jensen: But I want to see you again. Please? My evenings are free, at least from scheduled convention appearances. I wouldn't be canceling on the fans.
You: You're sure? I don't want to discover that you bailed on your fans for me. They can be brutal.
Jensen: I promise. So, dinner? You pick the place, anywhere you want to go.
You mulled over the idea of dinner with Jensen Ackles. God, you would be an idiot to turn him down! Besides, a nice dinner with a handsome guy might be fun. 
You: OK, 7 pm, I will meet you in the convention center's lobby.
Jensen: OK, great. Can I pick you up, too, so you don't have to drive into the city?
You: That's sweet, but I will be in the city anyway. See you then.
There is no need to explain tonight why you would already be in the city. Exhaustion is hitting you hard, and as much as you want to keep talking, your body has other plans. 
Jensen: OK, night
You: Night
To Be Continued......
Tag List:
@lmhf1 @kr804573 @smoothdogsgirl @n-o-p-e-never @stoneyggirl2
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milfthrawnuorodo · 1 year
Pairings: Thrawn x Reader (no use of Y/N because it drives me literally insane lol)
Warnings: SMUT!! So much fucking smut. Established relationship. P in V. Oral (male receiving). Fingering (female receiving). Fucking in an elevator ?? Listen this is just so fucking filthy. Porn without plot. But also of course I had to end it with fluff because I don’t know when to stop. 
*minors do not interact!!*
Summary:  Thrawn just got promoted to admiral, and then inadvertently discovers he really likes it when you call him by his new title. Like, he really likes it. How do we celebrate this new promotion and self discovery?? By fucking in an elevator of course!
Authors Note: So just to be clear, I have this HC that Chiss are extremely strong compared to humans. And Thrawn especially so (I mean, come on, we’ve all seen that scene from Rebels with those buff af arms). As a plus size reader and writer, I want to make it ABUNDANTLY clear that size does not impact the readability of this fic (at least, I don’t intend it to). . I do try to write with as much versatility as possible, and I don’t want anyone to read this and think it only applies to a specific body type. I specifically wrote this with the mental image of him lifting up a curvy girl EASILY.  REPEATEDLY.  Definition of:  Light work, no reaction.  
Also, I don’t fucking know how elevators work. We go with it. 
Turbolift = Star Wars Elevator (yes, it’s a thing apparently lol)
ch’eo ch’acah = my beloved
Ch'ah ch'acah vah = I love you
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“I knew you would look good in white,” you smirked, brushing off invisible lint from Thrawn’s  jacket with your spare hand. Your other hand held a pair of high heels as uncomfortable as they were stunning and you had rid your aching feet of the offending items as soon as you and Thrawn were in the relative safety of the turbolift, heading up to your penthouse apartment on your homeworld of Coruscant. You and Thrawn had just left the celebratory ball honoring Thrawn’s latest promotion to admiral. It was a night full of pride for your lover, honor for the Empire, and maybe just a few too many glasses of Corellian wine, if you were being honest. 
“I was under the impression you thought I look good in everything,” Thrawn drawled, his deep blue lips twitching upwards, a hint of a smile gracing his usually stoic face. 
“Whatever you say…admiral,” you playfully quipped and watched as Thrawn’s lips curve upwards even  more, a tinge of violet flush creeping up his neck. 
You opened your mouth to comment again on his new rank, enjoying the momentary power trip–it wasn’t often you could incite this kind of reaction from your lover, when a soft ding  warned you that the turbolift had reached your floor. You smothered your frown, taking a step off the elevator before stumbling over the silken hem of your gown. A strong hand gripped your elbow to steady you, another reaching around to rest firmly on your waist. Before you could attempt another step, a force abruptly pulled you backwards, your back pressing against Thrawn’s muscled torso. His warm breath caressed your neck as he dipped his head low. “Say it again,” he all but growled, his lips ghosting your neck in a way that sent heat straight to your core. You couldn’t  help the slight arch of your back in response, noting with pure satisfaction the reaction you were garnering from Thrawn. You could feel his hardened arousal through the pristine white dress slacks, and your cunt clenched in response. 
“Well now, love, here’s the thing,” you tease, pressing your backside against his hardened member and relishing Thrawn’s sharp intake of breath in response. “I  don’t take orders from you.” You felt the rumble deep in Thrawn’s chest as he took the bait, his fingers all but slamming the keypad to shut the doors to the turbolift. Confusion flitted across your face, but Thrawn didn’t even hesitate as he forcefully pressed the sequence of buttons necessary to stop the elevator completely. A brief alarm sounded, followed by a robotic voice that was no doubt meant to sound soothing as it reassured passengers that the turbolift had been halted and help would be arriving soon. Understanding began to dawn as Thrawn released his hold on you, and you turned to see two glowing red eyes peering down at you, ravenous. 
“If you don’t take orders from me,”  Thrawn’s voice was low and steady, a hint of that tameless lust just under the surface. “Then please, do tell me, who do you take orders from?” he took a step closer, towering above you with that piercing glare. Reflexively,  you took a step back. Well, tried to–the turbolift door pressed up against you, and you weren’t  sure if  it was the sudden coolness of the durasteel or the heat of Thrawn’s gaze that caused the shiver that shot up your spine. 
“Well, that would be…” you  swallowed hard, wracking your brain for a name, any name. “Umm,”  you attempted to buy yourself time, but you felt as though every coherent thought you’d ever had eddied out of your mind, a ravenous need overtaking your entire body.  All  you could think about is Thrawn and how stars damned good he looked in that fucking uniform. As if reminding yourself, your eyes trailed downward, soaking in every last detail of his new admiral dress whites. Your gaze stopped short upon seeing the evident outline of his arousal and you instinctively bit down on your bottom lip to conceal your moan. 
Thrawn took another step to you, quickly closing the small distance between you two. You felt his firm grip on your chin, forcing your head to tilt up and meet his gaze. Passion burned in his gaze and you felt the last of your resolve melting away. Fuck being witty right now, you thought to yourself, I need this. As if Thrawn read your mind, his lips crashed against yours and your entire body ignited with need. Your fingers tangled in his blue-black locks and every inch of your body pressed up against him. Thrawn’s hands gracefully slid down your hips, cupping the upper back of your thighs. You took the sign for what it was, giving a little jump as he lifted you up and you wrapped your legs around his waist. He didn’t even break the kiss, just pressed  your back against the doors of the  elevator, grinding his erection into your core. The friction was practically electric and you couldn’t help the moan that escapes your lips as you break the kiss. You leaned your head against  the  frame and Thrawn’s lips moved to your newly exposed neck, sucking and nipping the sensitive flesh. He took the thin strap of your gown between his teeth and  before you could so much as utter a warning, he ripped it straight from the gown. Without its integral support, the delicate satin of the bust fell down, exposing one of your breasts. 
“Stars damn it,Thrawn, that was expensive,” you chastised halfheartedly, your chest rapidly rising and falling as Thrawn once again ground into you. As if  in apology, Thrawn peppered kisses across your exposed breast before taking your nipple into his mouth and sucking hard. Your complaints died in your throat as your body became alight with pleasure. As he continued his ministrations, he pinned you against the wall with his body, freeing one hand to gently slide your remaining strap down your arm, exposing the other breast in a manner completely opposite to its torn counterpart. Thrawn switched his attention to the other breast, gingerly taking your other nipple into his mouth. He took a moment to adjust your position against the elevator, one hand cupping your ass as the other hand slid between your bodies. For  the  second time that night you heard Thrawn’s sharp intake of breath as he brushed your bare self. 
“Are you really telling me you didn’t wear underwear to such a formal event?” he breathed out,  barely concealing his moan at finding you bare and ready for him. “Stars sake,” he breathed out, “you are so wet for me.”
You couldn’t help but let out a slight breathy laugh. “I told you I like the uniform,” you panted before your sassy remarks were replaced by cries of pleasure as two of Thrawn’s fingers plunged into your aching cunt. 
His name fell from your lips like a prayer. 
Thrawn. Thrawn. Thrawn. 
Your body was lost in the passion, his lips on your breasts, his fingers curling towards himself, hitting that spot that makes you see fucking stars. He’s relentless, devouring you–mind,body, and soul.  Before you knew it, you were on the brink of pure bliss. “Thrawn,”  you gasped, “I’m going to come,” you warned, though you knew it wasn’t necessary. Knowing Thrawn and all your years together, he knows exactly when you’re on the edge just as well as he knows exactly how to pleasure you to get you there. He is as in tune with your moans and sighs of pleasure as he is with his own heartbeat. 
His fingers picked up the pace, his thumb rubbing tight circles on your clit. “Come for me, ch’eo ch’acah,” Thrawn purred in your ear, and the low timbre of his voice combined with the heat of his words had you tumbling over the edge of pleasure, his name on your lips as stars crossed your vision. 
You slowly drifted back to reality as Thrawn pressed soft kisses across your chest, trailing up your neck and back to your lips. He set you down on shaky legs, supporting you with his strong grip. 
Having finally caught your breath, you took a second to take stock of the sight before you: Thrawn’s dark hair, once perfectly styled, now a mess, the ironed jacket now crumpled and partially undone, and worse of all, the pristine white pants now clearly soaked through with a mix of  his precum and your juices. The sight had your mouth watering. You fell to your knees before the admiral, hands reaching up to unfasten his belt. It fell to the floor with a satisfying clank, but you  didn’t even flinch.Your tongue darted out to wet your bottom lip as you oh-so-slowly began to free Thrawn’s cock. 
A low hiss escaped Thrawn’s lips as you took his bulging member into your hand. Your hand glided across the blue surface, eyes drinking in the veritable feast before you. No matter how many times you had been with Thrawn, his size always took you by surprise. The length, the girth, the thick veins covering the surface. Your attention shifted to the deep purple head, your  thumb swiping a bead of precum from the tip. Thrawn’s gasp  only  encouraged you to lean forward and take the tip into your mouth, his fingers instantly tangling in your hair. Your mouth slid down his length, struggling to take as much of him in as you could. You used your hand to take whatever can’t fit in your mouth, and your mouth and hand worked in tandem to pleasure him. Thrawn’s quiet moans and growls of pleasure only spurred you on, and you worked to take more of him in your mouth. Only once the head of his cock hit the back of your throat did you stop, looking up at him with tears in your eyes. His glowing gaze peered down at you, his lips ajar as he panted with need. 
The sight of you, on your knees before him, looking up at him from under your dark lashes,  his cock resting in your mouth–it almost sent him over the edge. It took everything he had to pull himself out of your mouth. You sat on your knees, looking up at him as he closed his  eyes and took a few deep breaths to steady himself. A brief moment of uncertainty flashed across your face,  “Was it…not good for…” you trailed off, slightly confused why he stopped you. You weren’t one to brag, but you certainly hadn’t had any complaints before. Before you could even finish the sentence, Thrawn pressed a finger to your lips. “You’re perfect,” he breathed out. “I wasn’t going to last like that,” he finished, a small smile at the edge of his lips as he helped lift you to your feet. “And I’m not done with you,” he growled as his lips crashed against yours once more, but this time there was even more urgency in his kiss. He pressed your back against the elevator wall, sliding the skirt of your dress up your hips so he could lift you up again. Your legs wrapped around his waist, causing his throbbing member to brush up against your soaking wet cunt. Biting back a groan, Thrawn repositioned his hips to line up with your entrance.  With a growl, he slid home, your earlier  orgasm  helping his cock slide in with ease. You can feel and hear the groan deep in Thrawn’s throat as he bottoms out, the head of his cock brushing against your cervix. 
Thrawn’s forehead dipped to touch yours, his unsteady breathing matching yours. His hips froze as he waited for you to adjust. You waited  a few beats,relishing the delicious stretch, before you gave a nod of approval. Supporting you with his hands, he pulled out, all the way to the  tip, before slamming home. Your head fell back to the durasteel wall as you gasped in pleasure. Thrawn continued  the action, hips colliding with yours,  every thrust sent a wave of pleasure through you. Your moans got louder, joining in the symphony of your bodies slapping against one another, the soft beat of your body against the cold wall of the turbolift as thrawn railed into you. It was too much. Every thrust pushed you closer to the edge, and you didn’t think  you could take much  more. “Yes,” you cred out,  “Yes, Fuck me, admiral,” you pant out, extra emphasis placed on his title. Thrawn’s hips  stutted at hearing  that word on  your  lips  once more . With a growl he  slammed into you even harder. “Again,” his voice so low it sent a shiver straight to your cunt. 
“Please,” you begged, as his hips pistoned in handout of you with abandon, veritably nailing you to the wall with his cock. He hit that delicious spot deep within you and every thrust pulled  you closer and closer to  bliss.  “Admiral,” you cried out before biting Thrawn’s shoulder as your orgasm crests, washing over you in endless waves of pleasure. You bit down harder than intended, but you don’t have time to regret it, not as Thrawn loses all semblance of control, thrusting into you with abandon. He  thrust into you once, twice, and a final time as he came with a roar of pleasure and his hips stuttered as he flooded you with his come. 
Your breaths were ragged, foreheads pressed against each other, feeling every twitch of  his cock deep inside you. After a few beats,  Thrawn withdrew, gently lowering you to the ground on legs that felt less than stable. He made sure to tuck himself back into his uniform and  adjust the remaining strap  on your dress. You kept your grip on him, balancing yourself, as you felt his hot seed start to drip down your leg. An attempted step forward proved to be too much in your addled state, your leg threatening collapse as soon as you tried to step away from Thrawn. Without a word, Thrawn scooped you up into his arms, deftly typing another code into the keypad. The turbolift gave a small jolt back to life, and you found yourself thankful that Thrawn was holding onto you so tightly. Like nothing happened, Thrawn stepped  off the lift and crossed you over to your home.
You dozed in and out of consciousness in your blissed-out, post-orgasmic state, but came to as Thrawn gingerly laid you on the bed. He  helped slide you out of your dress, and you made a mental note to berate him in the morning for ruining your dress, already mapping out when he would take you shopping for its replacement. You watched in silence as Thrawn disassembled his uniform and set it out almost reverently before crawling into bed next to you. Rolling onto your side, you laid your head against his chest, listening to the steady rhythm of his heartbeat. “I am so  proud of you, Admiral Thrawn,” you murmured. His hand trailed slow,  lazy circles  over  your arm and down your back, pulling you closer into him. “Everything I do is for you,” Thrawn replied, his voice barely  above a whisper. He pressed his lips to the top of  your head, “Ch'ah ch'acah vah.”
I follow through on my dares @vibratingbonesbis !!!
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smolvenger · 11 months
hiii could you please write a one-shot with loki where the reader is curvy/plus sized. they are starks adopted child and feeling down bc of anxiety/stress of academics and feeling as if no one can love them, and loki is comforting them bc they secretly have a crush on the fierce reader, no smut but lots of fluff pleaseee
Hi there! Sorry for the Wait, but here it is! I am not plus-sized myself so special shout out to @muddyorbsblr advising me how to write it realistically and for the vibe checks!
My Goddess (Loki x curvy/plus-sized fem! reader oneshot)
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Word Count: 2K
Summary: Amidst the pressures of school and your personal insecurities, you never expect your crush on the god of Mischief to be reciprocated...
Warnings: insecurity and school stuff and mentions of sex, but no smut. Some light angst and fluff!
A03//My Ko-Fi//My Etsy Shop//Masterlist//Wattpad
Taglist: @evelyn-kingsley @jennyggggrrr @five-miles-over @fictive-sl0th @ladycamillewrites @villainousshakespeare @holdmytesseract @eleniblue @twhxhck @lokisgoodgirl @lovelysizzlingbluebird @raqnarokr @holymultiplefandomsbatman @michelleleewise @wolfsmom1 @cheekyscamp @mochie85 @muddyorbsblr @fandxmslxt69
You didn’t know what the hell you were going to do. There was so much. When you gathered your things to go back home for fall break, half the things you brought were textbooks. There were essays and tests. You thought you would have a break from your classes. Apparently, in schools, there were only ever truly breaks on three occasions. Winter, Summer, and Death.  And you had no time. Classes consumed your time so much. Then all those assignments. You wanted so badly to get them done. At least you had mornings when you just woke up and couldn’t sleep. You tossed about, unable to drift off. The cafe would see you and already prepared the espresso you were about to order after a night of little to no sleep. And whenever you got back after a long day of classes, you had nothing except those assignments to do. You had no energy. But you did them anyway. 
Even at the airport, you saw couples holding hands and smiling. Maybe, in your fantasies it could be you and…and…no. Don’t get carried away. You’re just not meant for romance, Y/N. It’s hard but it’s the truth. Just focus on school and you won’t be disappointed.
Once you walked out, suitcase and carry-on in tow, there stood your dad. He smiled brightly, the sunlight bouncing off his bright glasses from the limo.
“Well, how is the hangover and chlamydia?” he wished.
“Hi Dad,” you replied with a smile. Mr. Stark was known for being a huge smartass, but you couldn’t have wished for another.
Your mom stepped out at once and gave you a big hug. Then all of you gathered inside and took the slow drive back home.
“We’re having a party tomorrow night, you are more than welcome to join!” your mom said, wiping a strand of red hair out of her face.
“Oh-is there an occasion?” you asked.
“Just because!” she replied. “Let me show you the invites we sent-they’re very pretty. I found this new stationary and I’m obsessed with it!”
She handed you an envelope and opened it to show one, but to her surprise, it was dark green. There was gold lettering that read.
Your mother snatched the invite and her jaw dropped. You squeezed your lips together to keep from laughing. Then your mom turned around.
“When the hell did he get those invites!”
One of the maids went up to you and shrugged.
“Not sure, Pepper. It was what was sent out.”
Your mother scowled, but you walked forward with your hands on your hips. You knew this charade before. 
“C’mon Loki. We know it’s you.”
The maid scowled. In a flicker of golden light, you saw him, your stomach bursting with butterflies. The most attractive man you had ever met- who happened to be none other than the trickster god turned Avenger ally Loki. Not minding that one awkward time he was possessed, wanted attention, and threw your dad off a building. Besides that, he was great. 
“Well- how did you guess?” he asked casually. He went over to a chair and plopped himself in.
“You use green and gold- that’s as subtle as a freight train.”
“But…let’s be honest, YN…wouldn’t you like an entire evening enjoying my company and many charms?”
You would not stand for that crap.
“Yeah, you’ve said that to every one of us by now. Fix the invitations. We will be glad to have you around as a guest,” you said.
“And if I don’t?” he dared with a wide smile.”
You folded your arms.
“I will find a way for Thor to hold you down as we force-feed your yyourpopcorn,” you threatened.
He scrunched his nose and made a disgusted face. Then he got back up and regathered himself smoothly. 
“Well, in the case…if it’s sweet YN who asks for it, who am I to refuse?” he let down a little bow. When he smiled at you, you felt hot and turned your eyes away.
 Your mother clapped her hands.
“Well! A party calls for a new outfit! Should we go off to lunch and shopping tomorrow? There are so many stores with good deals now!” your mother said. 
“Hmm, I say you both are fine as you are. Why make all the fuss adding onto perfection itself!” Loki replied.
“Please save it for the version of you with boobs, Loki. I know you give it to every breathing being here,” you sighed, rolling your eyes.
His lips tightened. Something in him dimmed.
“Alright. Then I’ll go,” he replied, vanishing into gold mist. 
Though you were part of the Stark family and you were…comfortable, to put it mildly. You knew it wasn’t just about the bargains. That she wanted to spend time with you.
But to spend time… shopping with you.
You didn’t have the heart to tell her you didn’t want to go shopping and that you hated shopping. That it was an ordeal. That the clothes would never fit right. No store did. The silent humiliation of being in a store changing room. The most beautiful pieces of clothing would have struggling buttons, tight against you.  Looking in the mirror and hating what you saw as you squeezed in and out. The changing rooms squeeze you in too. As if the space was trying to close in on you and choke you. That the only clothes would be the ones that would be so frumpy that even great-grandmas would refuse to wear them.  
“Uh…I think I’ll be fine. We can…see a movie or something, mom. There are some good ones out. And I think I’ll be more help if I stayed and helped with decorations,” you answered. If you had to pull more all-nighters to finish your work, so be it. Though your body aching with want of sleep from traveling said otherwise. 
The party was going swimmingly. Your dad was giving out his signature quips like a baker handing out cookies. You checked your dress and makeup in the mirror a million times. But it never felt enough.
Dammit, all of the Avengers were here. And they were all gorgeous specimens- the men, women, and people. Like it was a beauty pageant not a team of superheroes. Well, then there was your dad. And he had a dad-bod. But still- dad bods were in, everyone knew that. Your own…you doubted.
You could handle yourself around super-soldiers. But you had coursework to do still, to catch up on…you meagerly walked around, talking to no one. Your sad cocktail in hand. And there he was.
Stupid, Stupid, sexy Loki. In his gorgeous black Gucci suit. You could feel the saliva gather in your mouth. Swallowing the urge to drool at him. That smooth voice that always made your knees weak. Yes, he was who he was- a god of mischief and stirring the pot. He charmed and flirted and tricked his way to what he wanted but…he was just so…so…
Loki was already hanging out with Nat. He leaned against the bar, smiling as he talked with her. 
Part of you wanted to cry. Part of you wanted to scream. 
That was the type of woman he preferred. No one in heaven, hell, or earth would it be you. Not the…thin, stunning goddesses you passed by every day. Nat, Captain Marvel, to name a few. How could you compare to them? Even if they were nice to you. Smiled to you. Aske you how school and life were…no matter how genuine they were, you’d never measure up. Be good enough. Not for a man…much less a god. 
This was too much. An hour into the party and you were already done. You had to go away. Do some studying. Yes, you would be “that” girl from every romance book and fanfic who would claim she would rather study than party and then somehow have every man alive fighting over her. But this time you did have homework. It was better than failing. Or being here with your insecurity rubbed in your face. 
You went upstairs and threw open the door to your room.
As you got into your room, you turned on a lamp by your desk. The shadow of yourself stretching over the wall, filled with your pictures and posters. The comforting escape of home. Of privacy. You placed your textbook from your bag to the top of the desk. As you reached for your laptop to type an essay, the shadow of yourself stretched. You looked up and realized you weren’t moving an inch. But it was stretching long and wide. When to your shock, it became a person whose hands reached down to the desk and grabbed the book.
“Hey! What the fuck?!” you muttered. 
The shadow reached it up. You saw it became tall, with the outline of shoulder-length curled hair and horns on top of its head. You stretched your arm to the textbook, but it wouldn’t give you back.
“Can I please have it back?” you asked worriedly. No doubt who was behind this. His usual lack of subtlety from the horns.
To your surprise, the shadow relented. It lowered its hands, the book gently going down. It was placed in your free hand. Then the black shadow took your other hand. It felt as cool and light as morning mist. The figure with horns bent down and kissed it gallantly.
You smiled despite yourself.
When you turned around, there you saw none other than the god of mischief, leaning against the doorframe.
“Why- what are you doing in my room?”
“Technically, my dear, I’m not in your room,” Loki replied.
“Just answer my question,” you said. 
He gave an easy shrug, his smug smile still on him.
“You left the door open and didn’t close or lock it- and I wanted to have a little fun with you. It looks like you are doing anything downstairs but enjoying yourself.”
You crossed your arms, looking at him. But his brows furrowed and his smile dropped. His eyes looked over your work before going to you.
 “What do they even do in these universities?” he asked.
“Give you too much work and reading. Quite a bit- are you sure there isn’t anything that could help? Even a little? Turn myself into you and go to your classes in your place?” he offered.
“Help? You’re offering me, help? Why would you offer someone you can’t stand help?” you asked. “Hm? Why are you so nice to me? You hate me!”
“I don’t hate you, my dear.”
“Not even…a little?”
“Not at all, I…”
He swallowed a little. He then went forward and took your hands in his. Your heart about stopped. You felt as if you could float out of your body. He looked at you and spoke with a tenderness- a sincerity you had never heard from him before. 
‘YN…I don’t know how to say this but…I like you. So much. So much it drives me almost mad. To think- I am seen, heard by you. To think you scold me, talk to me…I just want nothing more than for you to talk to me a little more…just a bit more…To hear, savor your words. Each bit of you. I am merely wood and you are fire- you always had such beautiful fire in you- and you must know it’s you and you alone who sparks me alight.”
You nearly dropped your jaw. The wind was knocked out of you. You could hardly believe what you heard was real.
“You’ve played lots of tricks before…now, come on. Where is the snake hiding under the chair…” you muttered.
“I beg your pardon?” he asked, tilting his head.
“Disarming me with some fake confession of love and then sending out a snake to bite me? You’re quite known for that!” you bit back.
“There is no snake. But there is love,” he replied. His eyes went wide, always meeting yours.
You felt your face and body get too hot. Your breathing grew rapid and your eyes fell to the floor. This was too good to be true, it was!
“For…for me? “Don’t lie to me…you love someone like…like Nat or Carol…just go to them!” you dismissed. 
You turned around to look out the window. You wrapped your arms around yourself. So he wouldn’t see the tears starting to fall on your face. Then you felt his hand and felt him turn you around. 
“But I’m not with Nat or Carole…I’m with you…” he replied.
You froze.
“I am not worthy of love…” you said.
Loki’s lips began to quiver.
“I’m not worthy of you. You are everything beautiful adn good in this world, this life. I was only a creature left to die in the snow….”
“I was too! My birth mom…she…she couldn’t keep me. It was pure luck I was chosen at all for a family, much less someone like my dad!”
“Your family wanted you. They always did. Mine…not as much…YN, could you love an unwanted second son?” he asked, his hands over his heart.
“Yes…yes, I could…” you said.
You both leaned closer. Your blood rushed into your ears, the pure joy sparkling all about you. His beautiful pink lips were about to touch yours-
“Hey Romeo, can that magic conjure a condom?” 
You turned your head to see your dad, crossing his arms and turning bright red at the sight of you.
“Dad! I’m an adult! I can choose who I want to date!” you said, rolling your eyes. Loki stepped forward. Trying that polite grace he was raised to possess as a prince.
“Please, sir…there was nothing of that sort….well, not yet- She should choose freely for herself-.”
“Hmmm, you’re a smooth talker…I just might, I dunno. He might throw me off a building again. Can’t risk that,” your dad muttered.
Loki kept his composure, his blue eyes soft when they looked at you. Like you were the most precious gemstone in all the realms. Like you were a goddess made for him alone to fall before his feet and worship. Like…like…in a way that made you feel beautiful. 
 “I would…would be honored if she even chose me at all…” the god confessed.
You placed your hand in his.
“I would.”
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suengmi · 1 year
✧ the mirror doesn't lie ✧ 3k, m
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this wasn't about chan's validation to your body. it's about your own. it was about how you felt, not how someone else did. it didn't matter than chan loved your body. it mattered that you did.
pairing: chan x fem!reader (plus size/curvy reader with tattoos) genre: angst/hurt, romance, nonidol!au, chan/reader are graphic designers warnings: please be aware this fic is on the topic of certain health/eating disorders and body issues etc. warnings are under the cut! pls be safe!! lapslock and mostly proof read (this is kind of like a love letter to all you thicc baddies, fuck everyone else.) ♡please reblog if you liked! it rly helps and i love to hear your feedback♡
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mentions/implications of sex, eating disorders, descriptions of food, negative implied weight discussions, fatphobia, mentions of purging/vomiting (no acts done in fic) of any of this triggers you please don't read! ❤️
you were never uncomfortable in your body. if anything, you celebrated all of your curves and slopes. it was a blessing to to have this beautiful figure, large chest and hips matching with your full pouty lips.
the mirror doesn't lie, but sometimes the lighting does. when you glance in the mirror, just leaning over the sink, you notice the softness of your neck, the way it gently sits on the slant of your jaw bone. you run your finger along the side of your cheek, the plush flesh sinking in with your touch.
a sigh leaves you, knowing the weight of the words your co-workers rang in your ears. 'we're trying to help you, you'll feel better,' they said, 'if you lost a few kilos, your jaw line would would be stunning if it showed.'
they coated it by saying they'd be able to see your face more, your 'beauty'. as if you weren't already stunning.
in other words, you were ugly. you were not the ideal. gentle gaslighting in their words, laced with fucked up ideas of singular ways of beauty and fatphobia.
you weren't stupid, you knew this was all rooted in the capitalist ideals of beauty culture, fucked up ways to make women into barbie dolls and control them. it was tempting, just to see what it was like to be viewed in the way society wants you, validation pouring into your cup until it runs over.
you hang your head, maybe i should try it.
maybe. just to see what it's like.
tiredness was in your eyes, dark circles barely covered by concealer and setting powder. you were a shell, hunger making you irritated the more the days went on. some days you'd just sleep, body overtaken by lack of energy. other days you'd fill yourself up with fizzy drink, laying on the couch scrolling through your phone mindlessly.
your co-worker chan sits across from you, eyeing the coke zero and apple sitting in front of you untouched.
"not hungry?" he asks, slurping a mouth full of noodles as he draws with one hand on the mouse.
chan is somewhere in between some design sketches, half concentrating on you and half on the monitor. one of your favourite things about chan was his smile, the cute way his cheeks lifted and how they pushed up his glasses. he'd always complain about the way they sat but never did anything about it. sometimes, his tongue would stick out just a little bit to the side when he was in the zone. it was your favourite thing.
you shake your head, mind failing to muster up the energy to concentrate on anything. "nah, had a big brekky."
that was a lie.
chan says nothing, eyes glancing up you. he pulls his lips in, mouth curling at the side.
a few mornings after, you arrive at your work desk. there's a small tupperware container, sitting just at the front of your keyboard. there's no writing, just a small little heart on the front of the paper. you plop down to your chair, legs running on nothing but an iced latte.
it's food. the one thing you've been avoiding. but who's it from?
you open the box a large sandwich cut into a love heart. it's absolutely adorable, you almost don't want to think about eating it.
"hey chaaaan..." you begin, moving the sandwich around to admire it. it's cute. "did you see anyone leave this at my desk?"
chan shrugs, looking up at you from his adjacent desk just in front of yours, sipping on his orange juice. "i dunno, haven't seen anyone."
"weird." you say curiously, placing it back down.
it's been a week, every morning you're met with something new. yesterday was a hearty salad, with salsa dressing. the day before a stir fry, a small note with a heart every time. it has you confused, maybe someone had noticed you weren't eating. is it that obvious?
but this one morning, you decided to go in early to begin on a a large project your company was beginning on. you were actually thrilled about the current work, loving the fact that you were in charge of it this time. unfortunately, your lack of energy had you so damn tired. it had been three weeks since you started this so called diet, you weren't sure you could do it much longer.
when you arrive to the office there's no one there, but some of the lights are on. maybe someone had the same idea. you make your way to the bathroom, dizziness swarming inside your body.
the mirror is the enemy you say to yourself, sighing as you lean on the counter. your company had never been formal, so you were happy to be able to wear whatever you pleased. your tee, now less tight across your chest, and black shorts not as snug as they once were on your waist. two more belt sizes down and you'd need a new one.
it was working... but at what cost?
the sound of feet shuffling enters your ears, your body automatically creeping over to inspect the noise. you lean around the corner of the bathroom, holding onto the door frame for balance.
it's chan, but he has something in his hands.
curiously, you inch forwards, not wanting to disturb him. here he is, placing a small box down in front of your computer. it's a small purple container, a banana placed down next to it. chan steps back, nodding to himself as he goes around to his desk. he looks kind of sad, like he's mourning something.
you don't want to make it obvious, so you rustle as you make your way to your desk, acting as if you didn't just see the man placing food on your keyboard.
"oh shit, hi." chan says, eyes wide with surprise. he clears his throat, eyes darting around. "when did you get here?"
"hmm a while ago, was just in the bathroom." you say standing to your desk. you look down at the package, your heart suddenly swelling.
chan knew, he knew this whole time. he noticed it when no one else did.
a few of your co-workers had mentioned your weight loss but you just insisted it wasn't anything new you were doing. knowing full well it was lies escaping your throat with every syllable. chan had always frowned, exiting the conversation quietly.
"did you... see someone?" you say gesturing to the item on your desk.
"hm? me? nope, nah." he shrugs, lips pouting. "i just got here."
that was a lie, he had been here for a while. the iced tea on his table nearly finished told it all, a few rings of water along the front of his desk.
you nod slowly, taking a seat. your head spins for a moment, neck giving out as you hang your head low.
"i, uh," chan begins, clearing his throat, "have a some tim tam cake, if you want it?"
you hadn't eaten in thirty hours, only thing your body running on was coffee and desperation. a small snack wouldn't hurt, your body needed something. anything. you didn't care if it was sweets. your mouth watered at the thought.
"who eats cake in the morning?"
"me." chan smiles, eyes crinkling at the sides. "c'mon, have some."
"alright then, i'll try." you say, leaning forwards.
chan scoops the cake with his spoon and holds his hand forwards, other underneath to catch any fallout. you take the spoon in your mouth, letting the food slide in. it tastes like heaven. you missed this so much, body practically jolting at the sugar rush.
chan smiles widely, eyes lighting up as you enjoy your food, your eyes closing for a moment to savour it. before you know it he has another spoon full sitting at your mouth, hands gesturing for you to take one more bite. he says nothing as he continues to feed you, his smile gentle and warm.
the sudden carb rush has you feeling weird, your body adjusting to the foreign intake.
"it's so good, who made it?" you speak with your mouth full, chocolate on the sides of your mouth.
"i did." he smiles without his teeth, handing you the last piece. you look down at the plate, realising you've eaten the whole slice. shit.
"i ate the whole thing, oh my god i'm sorry."
"dont be sorry, i have plenty more."
you smile, chocolate on your teeth. chan just laughs, pointing to your face. "you look cute with chocolate on your teeth."
you gasp, hand covering you mouth. "chan! stop."
the heavy weight of food in your stomach fills you, your body rushing with energy the more time goes on. it feels amazing, you forgot what this was like. the last few weeks without proper food having you appreciating every taste.
it's around lunch when chan asks you go to go to the cafe around the corner. you need some energy, a coffee will do. you've eaten enough for today.
"sure." you smile, grabbing your bag. you've got to avoid food this time, it's too much.
when you arrive at the cafe, chan spots a seat, slinging his tote bag on the back of the chair. "they've got this amazing ham and cheese croissant, i'll get you one."
"but-" you begin, but he's already off to wait in line.
anxiety jolts in your tummy. how would you avoid this? maybe say you just feel sick, that the chocolate cake has your stomach feeling funny. anything. chan sits across from you, a few minutes later with a coffee and some other drink in his had.
"i'm not that hungry." you say, fingers scrolling through something in your phone.
"you are." he says, tone a little serious.
you look up at him, his eyes trained on your own. he stares at you, lips curling to the side. "i know you're not eating."
"ah, yes i have." you gest, eyebrows raised. "of course i have, i have."
"you wouldn't be over justifying it if you had been."
the words sound harsh. it's almost like a feeling of bitterness, a throbbing stings in your skull.
"i was just like, watching what i was eating. that's all." you shrug, taking a sip of your iced latte.
"not eating is not watching what you eat."
you've never seen him this serious, but there still a softness in his voice. you're thankful it's coming from him, otherwise you'd probably be crying by now.
"why are you being so... mean? it's not your business." you scorn, emotions feeling high from your mood swings.
"i'm not being mean... i just want you to eat."
the words are gentle, forlorn expression on his face. his bluntness surprises you.
you sit in silence, eyes avoiding his. the waiter brings over your food a couple of minutes later, you're thankful for the intrusion, but now you have to eat. it's like you've forgotten.
chan digs in, not waiting a second to eat. his eyes are looking at your food, then back at you.
"eat." he says, almost commanding, mouth full of food.
fuck it. you think, grabbing the knife and fork beside the plate.
before you know it you've finished the whole plate. the fullness of your stomach just a little bit too much, but you love the feeling. it feels amazing, your body rushing with dopamine. the more you eat the more he smiles, happy you finally have something in your stomach. what he doesn't know is the sick urge you have to release it all when you get back to the office.
you're hunched over the toilet, hair pulled back by your fist as you attempt to empty your stomach. something tells you to stop, you just can't do it. your body isn't allowing it.
in defeat, you flush the toilet. your legs are cold from the bathroom tiles, lines dented into your knees. you leave the stall, wiping the side your mouth with the back of your hand.
a figure startles you, your eyes widen at the intrusion.
"chan! shit, you scared me." you half laugh, walking to the sink to wash your hands. the man says nothing as he steps behind you. you look at him through the mirror, his eyes searching your body up and down.
"you know what i think?" he questions quietly, manoeuvring himself to stand behind you. his hands raise to your hips, resting gently on the curve.
the touch confuses you, your mind fuzzy from the retching. the feeling of his fingers running across your skin tingles, hands making their way just underneath your shirt.
"do you?" he asks again, chin resting on your shoulder. he's not too much taller than you, but enough to tower the slightest bit.
"no..." you say, voice slightly shaking.
"look." he says to you, nodding towards the mirror. "do you know how sexy you are?"
a red hue appears across your cheeks, ears tingling with embrassment. you go to move but chan holds you in place.
"hm?" he hums, pressing a small kiss on your neck. "tell me."
you shake your head, squeezing your eyes shut.
"you wanna know else what i think?" he chuckles, hold on your firmer.
"yeah." you breathe, hot flushes running through your body.
"i think you look so fucking hot when you walk, your hips are mesmerising. especially in these black mini shorts. even now, your eyes puffy and red, you look so cute."
"chan, we're at work." you mumble, hands covering your mouth. you feel him move closer, hands snaking their way around your waist to press into the plush flesh.
"fuck everyone else." he says, kissing your neck once more.
before he leaves you in your daze he leans to your ear, speaking ever so softly. "the thought of my cock between your lush full thighs sits in my mind, my hands on your chest, lips on yours.. it's all i think about."
it's not as if you and chan hadn't talked about it. you were always against work relationships, saying it would eventually end in a mess. he had asked you out a few times, but every time, you had turned him down. it was mutual, of course, a few staff parties you had snuck off to make out, all giggles and kisses, drunken talks about how much you wanted each other. you put it down to just the alcohol and nothing else.
one thing you noticed was how chan had always commented on how nice you looked, how he loved the vine of your tattoos peeping out from your tees. he enjoyed the black and grey tartan pants you would wear a lot, fitting perfectly on your ass and hips. pants that sat on your smaller waist and larger hips were so hard to find. they're probably a bit over worn at this point.
when you think about it, maybe he was right. the worm of this fucked up beauty standard culture wriggling it's way in. actually, you knew he was right. this wasn't about chans validation to your body. it's about your own. it was about how you felt, not how someone else did. it didn't matter than chan loved your body. it mattered that you did.
this was ridiculous, the idea that you needed to fit into something smaller.
clothes are made to fit you, not to fit them.
the light of the morning sun through the clouds hits your eyes as you enter the office. it's nice, warm on your skin. today, you decided to wear a purple crop top, black shorts with buckles down the side showing off your swerves, your arms and beautifully designed tattoos on display, if you paid so much money for them, you should show them off.
when you sit at your desk, there's, of course, another box.
you pick up the note on top, it reads: do it for yourself♡
what chan had said yesterday; you can't help but love the validation of your body, you're human after all.
but, last night you hit a turning point. slightly ashamed of how you let yourself succumb to the beauty standards when you of all people were self aware and smart enough to know it's all about profit and control. it's not worth it, the consistent struggle. why on earth were you being hard on yourself when society already is? it's hard, living in a world where control is the norm. there is already so much pressure on you, on everything you do. you start to feel sorry for your co-workers, how stupid they must be to fall for it.
fuck everyone else.
it rings in your mind, chan's right.
fuck everyone else.
chan approaches his desk, hands on the back of his chair.
"i dunno who that came from." he says, pointing to the box. "gotta be a cutie though."
you let out a pretend shock, hand on your chest. "oh absolutely, and he cooks well. damn, a catch."
"oh yeah." chan says, tapping his mouth in thought. "seems like a good to date kinda person, very dateable."
"if only i could be persuaded to date someone at work, if only." you say as you lean back, sighing dramatically.
chan stands up straight, realising this is his moment. "should i quit? i'll quit."
you laugh, his expression is cute, eyes wide and brows raised higher than you've ever seen, he really wanted this. so you give in, allowing him to do a little dance of excitement when you say yes to the question he never asked.
"but!" you pause, "only if you make more tim tam cake."
he stands to attention, hand flat on his head like he's saluting. "will do."
the journey to self love isn't finite, nor is a linear. it doesn't matter that you slipped, it's okay to feel like that sometimes. but with chan by your side, you know it'll be easier.
a/n: sorry this took so long (as always) but at one point i'm sure we've all struggled with body issues. if this triggered you, please seek help or feel free to message me! i'm not a psychologist by any means but i do understand the struggle, helps to not feel so alone. remember that all beauty standards are built in structures to control people, especially afab women. so yah this is kind of a love letter to all my plus/fat/curvy babes, you're all so fucking HOT and ur tummys are a BLESSING, remember that pls <3
in the wise words of a'keria davenport:
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nerdieforpedro · 9 months
The Brave, the Bold, The Dirty - Fanfics that I adore
Volume 4
All fanfics on this list are for readers age 18 and up, please respect the author's tags, warnings and notes as they're there so you know what's in them. Read at your own risk.
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A Slice of Life Day by @linzels-blog (Din Djarin x GN reader)
Bakers are killing it with Pedro boys this holiday season. Our reader shows the clan of two how to bake some goodies for Life Day. Cue all the feels.
Loser by @kiwisbell (Frankie "Catfish' Morales and Fem reader)
The reader is friends with Frankie and helps him celebrate his birthday. Teaching Frankie is it's own reward as he's a hands-on and enthusiastic student. Catfish needs all the help he can get.
Exposed by @maggiemayhemnj (Ezra x GN reader)
Out of a haze, feelings that neither of them thought were reciprocated were made clear, as were events from before things became murky. It reads like an epic poem.
Face to Face by @bluebeary-jay (Din Djarin x Fem Mandalorian reader)
The reader and Din are riduurs, as such the helmets can come off. But are they ready? All the fluffy fluff.
Frankie & Din by @avastrasposts (Din Djarin x Frankie Morales)
Who would have ever pictured these two meeting? It's genuinely sweet and funny. They should have their own sitcom with Grogu "Two Pilots and a Foundling."
Don’t Drink the Punch by @wildemaven (Dave York x Fem reader)
Soft Dave York needs his own warning. He does make boring work parties 100 times better. Complements to the tie.
Watercolor by @iamskyereads (Pero Tovar x Fem reader)
The reader hopes to one day capture the Knight she pictures fore herself in her sketches. Taking over for the bath girl was an enlightneing experience.
Sex on Fire by @katiexpunk (Firefighter Joel x Fem reader)
The reader had moved to New York into her aunt's apartment. Her aunt was neighbor's with Joel, now she is. Let the burn start.
You Belong With Me by @lowlights (Dieter Bravo x plus size Fem reader)
Let no one ever tell you that Dieter Bravo wouldn't give all the toys you want. Any type of toys you asked for, and will ensure you try out every single one.
At the Garden Inn by @batdarkladyvampir (Dieter Bravo x curvy Fem reader)
The reader is a manager of a B&B in Arizona. Not a place one would expect to see Dieter Bravo. She didn't expect that Bravo would take more than a liking to her either.
Sky Drabbles by @frenchiereading (Frankie Morales x Fem reader)
The sky keeps changing and so do the reader's and Frankie's feelings for each other. They roll on like the clouds, growing into something more maybe? Might find out beyond the horizon.
Linger On by @ramblers-lets-get-ramblin (Joel Miller x fem reader)
To the reader, Joel is like a bad penny, he keeps popping up. Maybe she wants him to, maybe she's mad that she wants him to. All the angst. Rambler's a master at it.
Resting Eyes by @frenchiereading (Joel Miller x fem reader)
Frenchie is having a blog milestone celebration 🎉 A cozy celebration. I sent her an ask with a Pedro boy and a prompt (reader and Joel reading aloud to each other) and this sweet domestic fic is what she created with that little of information. I love her ❤️ I am biased, but this applies to the entire list (maybe Frenchie a smidge more 😘)
Yours by @wheresarizona (Dave York x fem reader)
Hot smut + possessive Dave with a generous slathering of Soft Dave. Read this and enjoy, you'll thank your eyes later.
White Christmas by @ramblers-lets-get-ramblin (Dieter Bravo x fem reader)
Not everyone has happy holidays with their family because it's more stress than it is worth. So get away from it all and diddle your Dieter fast, slow, rough, with a dash of red or however you enjoy your diddles. Diddle deep and scream. 😝 Stay hydrated 💦
Give to me by @sp00kymulderr (Dieter Bravo x fem reader)
Dieter Bravo has feelings, a lot of them about our reader. He's running through them in the aftermath of the night before. He's all in, consumed and doesn't want to talk about it. Just wants more time. So sweet.
Please check out the fics on the list and support them by liking and reblogging. Authors enjoy interactions about their work. 🤓
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icanseethefuture333 · 9 months
I wanted to request an ideal type reading for Hozier 😁
Anon paid a request of $2.22 for an express reading! If you have sent an ask regarding a celebrity and would like to see a reading sooner, please send your payment here 💕
Hozier's ideal type
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Hozier could be attracted to someone who has a different aura to them than he does for himself. He admires someone who has a sunny disposition and caring heart. Hozier also would like if they are a risk taker and like to take chances in life, instead of being someone who is more practical and structured. Someone who's "gone with the wind." The latin on the Wheel of Fortune card means "Everyone is the maker of his own fate." So someone who is takes charge of their life and takes accountability for their responsibilities vs relying on the universe to decide their destiny and blaming the universe for when things go wrong.
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Hozier really finds a person with a firey personality attractive, but not someone who is necessarily loud and boastful. Someone who is strong, confident, and speaks their mind without fear. I honestly believe he would enjoy dating someone with Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces placements. A person who is wise beyond their years is sexy in Hozier's eyes. He would also like if his partner was more affectionate with him. I also believe Hozier would admire someone who values tradition or appreciates their culture. He would also prefer a partner who shares their thoughts and feelings and not leave him out of the blue whenever things go wrong. Emotional intelligence and someone who is balanced in life could be important to him as well.
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Physical traits:
He doesn't have a hair texture or clothing preference
Likes slicked back ponytails or buns (Sade's hairstyles for example)
Leg man for sure.
Long or toned legs have his heart (and dick)
Someone with an athletic figure or more curvy (he likes muscles but also a woman who is plus size for a lack of a better word)
Graceful movements, he could like to date someone who is a professionally trained dancer
Someone who is bird-like? Moves their arm in a intricate way
Could talk with their hands
"Crow's feet" Eye wrinkles are attractive to him
A person who only gets better with age (finds it beautiful he gets to get older and age with his partner, likes wrinkles)
Big smile
Has a smiley face or bright appearance whenever they're happy (channeled song: Gee by Girls Generation)
"Aha, listen boy
My first love story
My angel and my girls
My sunshine, uh uh let’s go!"
Tummy pouch? (The lower part of the belly where there's fat)
Someone who is mature but has a childlike spirit or sense of humor
Mischievous facial expressions
Celebrities/influencers who are similar to his ideal type: FKA Twigs, Deepika Padukone, Danai Gurira, Amy Adams, Kat Graham, Michelle Yeoh, Morena Baccarin, Vella Lovell, Jessica Chastain, Natacha Karam, & Valvsval
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