#points to understanding my passcode
lovelyyweather · 9 months
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He stays up all night alone with me / and only leaves at the crack of dawn. / His departure breaks my heart. / Who, girl, your man? / No, an oil lamp.
Amir Khusrow
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gigabyte-flare · 1 year
Insatiable (Part 1)
Summary: You are a researcher for D.S.O. who is responsible for studying Leon Kennedy as Las Plagas overtakes him, maybe even finding a cure. He starts to take a liking to you, too much of a liking to you.
Word Count: 2k
Pairing: yandere plagas!Leon Kennedy x fem!reader (afab)
Disclaimer: This story is a work of fiction. Actions depicted in this story are not condoned in real life. You are responsible for your own content consumption. If any of the following warnings trigger you, please read at your own risk. Minors do not interact, this story is 18+ only.
Warnings: Extreme violence and gore, biting, dubcon, forced breeding, gross las plagas-y things, death, mentions of un-aliving. DEAD DOVE: DO NOT EAT.
A/N: Heavily inspired by this artwork by @chanif-art on Tumblr along with Project Scorpion by @tagzpite. Literally could not get this idea out of my head until I wrote it down. Definitely going to be another series. We're also going to pretend D.S.O. was founded way sooner than 2011 k byeeeeee
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“I fought a war and I learned how to win, but how do you fight when the enemy’s within?”
You step out of an elevator led by two armed D.S.O. operatives in tactical gear deep underground at HQ, your white lab coat flowing gently as you walk forward. Grasped in your right hand is a voice recorder. You and the operatives go through a series of heavy steel doors leading you into the bowels of the underground facility.
Is all this really necessary? you think to yourself as you’re led deeper into the abyss.
Finally, you’re brought to a single cell enclosed with clear polycarbonate panels with steel reinforcements. In this cell was a man sitting in a chair that was bolted into the floor, his hands chained behind his back and his legs chained to the legs of the chair. This man is Agent Leon S. Kennedy. You approach one of the panels closest to the steel door keeping him in. 
Switching the voice recorder on and bringing it to your mouth, you state your name before continuing, “The year is 2004. The subject is field agent Leon Scott Kennedy, currently 27 years old and exhibiting the late stages of Las Plagas infestation, his body is covered in dark, vein like marks. Subject is currently slumped over in the chair. He appears to be catatonic.”
Bringing the recorder away from your mouth, you motion to one of the operatives to guard the door. You input a passcode into a key panel next to the door. It lets out a hiss as it slowly swings open. As you step in, the door swings closed and locks.
You bring the recorder back to your mouth and continue, “Agent Kennedy?”
You watch as Leon slowly lifts his head, his face completely covered in the dark veins, his once blue eyes now have a slight red tinge to them, it makes your stomach twist in sorrow, he used to be such a handsome man.
“Subject appears to still have some cognitive ability left as he immediately recognized his name. We’re still trying to understand how he hasn’t broken down now that the alpha Plagas host, Osmund Saddler, has been destroyed--”
“I’m right here, you know,” Leon suddenly spoke, making you jump.
“Ag-Agent Kennedy!” you reply, eyes wide in shock that he’s able to speak. 
“Please, just call me Leon, sweetheart.”
His dark gaze seemed to pierce straight into your very soul. You collect yourself, clearing your throat.
“How are you feeling, Leon?”
Leon looks down at himself, tugging gently at his restraints before looking back up at you, “all things considered, I actually feel pretty damn good.”
“That’s… good, I guess,” you reply, your nervousness clear in your voice. 
You hadn’t prepared for this, every researcher that attempted to interact with him got absolutely nothing out of him, hence why they sent you down. You argued with them, not seeing the point but now you began to realize that the difference was they were all men, you were a woman. 
“Awww… there’s no need to be so nervous, sweetheart, it’s just me, Leon Kennedy. I promise I don’t bite,” he says, a small smirk appearing on his lips, “hard.”
“Do you know where you are and why you’re here, Leon?”
He lets out a chuckle, “yeah, I’m in D.S.O.’s research facility because I’m turning into a monster.”
“That’s putting it rather bluntly, but yes, that’s correct.”
“About time they sent someone cute down here to visit me, the rest were much too dull. If I wasn’t chained up, I’d ask you out to dinner and a movie.”
You feel yourself blushing, “that’s… very kind of you Leon, however that won’t be happening anytime soon, I’m afraid.”
“That’s a shame, because I’d love to take you to bed and make you scream my name,” he growls, a sinister grin overtaking him.
Your heart is pounding out of your chest as your eyes widen at him. This wasn’t like Leon at all, the parasite was clearly twisting his thoughts. You panic, turning around to motion the operatives to open the door and let you out. As soon as you’re out of the cell, you briskly walk away from the cell as fast as you can, not once looking back. You could have swore you heard Leon’s laugh echo after you. 
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“I am not going back down there, are you insane?!”
“You’re the first person he has actually spoken to since he got back from Spain,” the lead researcher, Bryan said, setting your voice recorder down onto his desk. 
“So? Your point? I’m not doing it and that’s final!”
“Look, this recording gives us valuable data on him, it’s clear that the Plagas inside him is mutating into a more dominant strain. It must know it’s the last one left,” Bryan said, pleading with you.
“So we’re just going to poke and prod him like he’s some guinea pig? Leon wouldn’t have wanted that! Are you sure there’s no way we can cure him?”
“If we attempt to remove the parasite now, it will kill him--”
“Then let’s put him out of his misery, this isn’t right!”
The silence between you was deafening. After a few minutes, Bryan finally spoke.
“Judging by this recording, the Plagas has one thing on its mind.”
“Which is…?”
Bryan looked up at you, letting out a heavy sigh, “reproduction.”
“All the more reason I shouldn’t be going back down there!”
“He’ll be restrained and you’ll have at least two operatives with you at all times, you’ll be safe,” Bryan leans forward on his desk, folding his hands together, “the data you collect from Agent Kennedy is invaluable in finding out how the parasite works, just… go down and talk to him. I know yesterday was unnerving but there is one thing he said that is true, he’s just Leon Kennedy. He’s in there somewhere, even if the Plagas is influencing him.”
You cross your arms, staring at the floor, letting out a frustrated sigh before looking back up at Bryan, “fine. But I want hazard pay.”
“Consider it done, here’s your recorder back,” Bryan says, sliding the recorder across the desk towards you. 
You grab the recorder of the desk, turning on your heel to walk out of Bryan’s office.
“You are to report down there in an hour, you hear me?” Bryan calls after you just as you walk out the door.
You fight the urge to flip him off, thinking better of it. You walk down the hall into your office, getting your lab coat back on and sitting at your desk. You press play on the recorder, listening back on your interaction with Leon several times. There was one part where you repeated it several times, sending chills down your spine.
“That’s a shame, because I’d love to take you to bed and make you scream my name.”
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How long had Leon been locked down here, chained to this chair? How many men in lab coats came and tried to talk to him? He knew he was a lost cause, why were they keeping him alive? How many times did he wish death would come and take him in his sleep?
But then you came, awakening something in him.
Your natural scent filled the cell completely, so many hours had gone by and he could still smell you and you smelled absolutely divine. He couldn’t stop thinking about you, the way your voice was so sweet yet filled with drive and intelligence. The way you blushed when he flirted with you. The way your heartbeat began to race at just the mere mention of taking you.
God you were so cute when you ran off, all flustered, he couldn’t help but laugh; he hadn’t felt alive like that in so long. His reminiscing was interrupted suddenly when he could hear footsteps coming down the hall. Lifting his head, he practically began to salivate when he saw you had returned.
You came back to me, baby, where you belong…
“The subject appears to be conscious and alert, he watched us as soon as we were in his line of sight,” you say as he watches you speak into the voice recorder. 
With a hiss, the door opens and you step inside. Leon breathed in deep, taking in the smell of you, you smelled even better than you had yesterday. He feels his cock twitch in his pants in excitement. He watches as the door behind you closes and locks, just like it had yesterday, trapping you in here with him.
Curse these fucking chains…
“You’re more lively today, Leon, care to tell me why?” you ask, your voice flat and void of any emotion.
“How about you tell me why you smell so nice,” Leon replies, grinning at you, drool running from his mouth down his chin.
He watches you shift uncomfortably before you continue, “I’m not answering that.”
Leon scoffs, shaking his head, “then I’m not going to talk to you, sweetheart.”
You take a deep breath, “if I’m going to be honest, I don’t know why I smell so nice to you, Leon.”
His red eyes scan up and down your form, imagining it without all those needless clothes. Imagining himself pinning you to the floor and fucking you stupid. A strange, clicking sound came out of him from the back of his throat as he pulled aggressively on the chains holding him to the chair. He watches as the two men with guns outside become alert. Leon lets out a low growl as he glares at them.
You turn to face the men, signaling to them to stand down. He watches them both relax before you return your attention to him. 
“The transformation appears to be progressing faster than expected,” you say into the recorder, “are you in any pain, Leon?”
Leon slowly shakes his head, “no, just unbelievably horny, doll.”
“We have reason to believe the subject is displaying an increased libido due to the fact that the parasite inside him knows it’s the last of its kind.”
“Stop talking about me like I’m not here, that’s awfully rude.”
“Fine,” you say, lowering the recorder away from your mouth, “what do you want to talk about, Leon?”
“You should ask those nice boys out there to take these chains off me,” Leon purrs, staring at you longingly.
“Absolutely not, Leon,” you reply, crossing your arms, “those chains are there for my safety as well as your own, at least until we can get the Plagas out of your body.” “I think I’m too far gone for that, don’t you think, sweetheart?”
You take a deep breath and exhale loudly, the sorrow clear in your eyes, “I am so sorry that this is what you have become, Leon.”
“I’m not,” Leon says as that sinister grin overtakes him again; he starts to chuckle.
“Leon,” you begin, stepping closer and kneeling down to be eye level with Leon, “I know the real you is in there, somewhere, you have to fight it.”
Your scent was almost enough to drive him crazy, you were delectable. He licks his lips, that clicking sound coming out from this throat again. His eyes are locked on you and he sees you glance down briefly before looking back into his eyes. He knew what you were looking at, you were looking at the noticeable bulge in his cargo pants.
“You’re so pretty, you know that?” Leon says, his body visibly trembling.
You don’t respond, you simply stare at him with that same sad look in your eyes. How could you not want him as much as he wanted you. His lips curl into a snarl.
“Let me FUCK YOU!” he growls, lunging forward, the bolts in the chair letting out a loud screech as they’re bent slightly.
You stumble back, falling backwards onto the floor as Leon continues to struggle violently. The two men with guns come rushing in, one of them grabbing you off the floor while the other shoots a tranquilizer dart into Leon’s thigh. Leon feels the effects almost instantly, his body becomes limp as he becomes sluggish, his mouth hanging agape as he watches you get led out of the room by the two men, the door shutting and locking behind them as you’re led away.
“Mine,” he whispers in his last moments of consciousness, “all mine.”
Part 2
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neopuppy · 8 months
Bestfriend Jeno who invades readers privacy and goes through her computer filled with videos of ykyk💀
warnings. errrhhmmm🤔 masturbation, yeah..
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“Damn, he really did a number on your phone.” Jeno’s fingers drag down the shatter of cracks distorting your screen, neck ticking to the side. “I can definitely fix it though.”
“You can?”
“Yeah, I worked at one of those phone repair kiosks a couple summers ago, these screens cost a fortune to get fixed you know? I have a lot of leftover supplies, can probably find something in my stash that will fit.” He informs, patting your shoulder. “Means you’ll have to be disconnected all day though, is that okay?”
“I guess, have some lectures to get through and a group project to finish so I’ll be at the library most of the day if anything.”
“Alright, write down your passcode and maybe your apple log in just in case.” Jeno nods to a notebook, grabbing a pen to hand you.
“Why the log in?” You hesitate, eyeing your phone nervously.
Jeno shrugs, holding your phone out to you. “I only want to help, I know you’re kind of down on your luck right now. I understand if you want to be around when I fix it but today’s one of my only free days for the rest of the week, so..”
“No no, it’s fine.” You sigh, pushing the phone back toward him. “I might be back late, don’t know how long this meeting with my group will take. If you could leave my phone on DND? I’ll probably still be texting from my laptop.”
“Yeah, not a problem.” Jeno nods to his notebook, smiling as you scribble down your passcode and password. “I’ll get this all fixed up for you, free of charge.”
“I’ll have to repay you somehow..”
“What are friends for?” He laughs, motioning to the living room area scattered with your belongings. “Shit happens..”
“Thanks Jeno, everything you guys have done for me..” trailing off, you murmur shyly. “I don’t know how I’ll ever be able to repay you and Jaemin for helping me out like this.”
“Don’t worry about it, focus on school.”
After bidding you goodbye and good luck with your project, Jeno moves to his bedroom, whistling to himself as he traces down the largest crack on your phone screen. “Gosh, what a dick..”
He didn’t ask what the fight was about, the timing didn’t feel right with you sniffling as he and Jaemin helped you carry your belongings in. He never liked your boyfriend much anyway, or well, ex-boyfriend..
Jeno boiled it down to jealousy at times, whenever he’d have to witness the unfortunate public displays of affection between the two of you. It’s not that he likes you, not necessarily.. but your friendship hadn’t exactly stemmed from genuine interest in forming a platonic relationship. It just so happened that while he had one idea, your mind had already honed in and focused on another.
“Eh, I always knew he wasn’t right for you.” Jeno mumbles to himself, tapping your phone screen to the image of your now ex-boyfriend’s lips squished against your cheek. “Gross.”
Jeno gets to it, unwrapping a new razor to begin removing the old screen topper first and see the real damage. Lucky for you, he’d gifted you a durable screen protector when you’d gotten a new phone. Great for dropping, not so much for a crazy boyfriend hurling it at a wall though.
He’s pleased to see the damage is a lot more minor under the protector, mentally patting himself on the back for handling that for you in the first place. A text pops up lighting the bare screen. “Oh right, do not disturb.”
Jeno taps in the passcode, swiping down to turn off notifications only to come to a pause as another text comes in.
‘It’s easy money, I did it my first year of college to cover rent, and you're shit out of luck at this point if you think a dorm will open up this far into the semester.’
He knows he shouldn’t, but there’s no way you’d find out anyway..
‘Isn’t that prostitution?’
The last text sent from you has his eyes going wide, quickly reading through the chat between you and the name he recognizes as your best friends, the same one whose car Jaemin had found you using as a makeshift home..
‘It’s not illegal in our state, and it’s anonymous. You won’t get caught or anything. Trust me, I worked there for 11 months, best money I’ve ever made.’
Jeno mumbles a ‘what the fuck.’ To himself, opening his phone to copy down the address she sends in next.
‘Besides, what difference does it make? You were getting fucked by your asshole ex on stream for way less.’
“What?!” Jeno looks around in shock, covering his mouth in case someone else is home. An arsenal of unanswered questions race through his mind, swiping to put your phone on ‘do not disturb’ finally as he takes a deep breath to calm down.
“There’s no way..” he chuckles, licking his lips nervously as he taps open your photos and scrolls until a locked album named ‘delete’ catches his eye.
Jeno spent a year learning different ways to break into stolen phones with not even a passcode to assist, the thrill of unknown has his thumb punching away before he can even talk himself out of it. Not that he would..
Why wouldn’t you immediately delete photos or videos you wouldn’t want anyone to see anyway? You can’t be that stupid..
“Oh shit.”
You are that stupid.
Jeno groans, leaning back in his computer chair as he slowly scrolls through the album of over 1000 photos and videos, most consisting of topless shots. More scandalous as he reaches the middle and sucks in a deep breath reading the time on the first video he sees.
Eight minutes and twenty seven seconds..
Patting around for his headphones, he plugs them in and opens the video up to hit play, sinking deeper into his seat as your face appears half-fucked out with dreamy eyes and saliva wet lips.
The deeper familiar voice he recognizes as your ex’s comes through, making his stomach tighten. “Fuck.”
‘How can you ask me for more after I just fucked you full?’
‘Please daddy, n-need more.’
The camera runs down your bare body, laid back against dark sheets with your thighs hoisted up and open; panning down to where white streaks of cum paint your stomach and mound. ‘Feel that? My dicks still so hard.’
‘Keep fucking me, don’t stop fucking me. Fuck that cum deep inside of me.’
Jeno pants, short of breath as he digs the heel of his palm against his groin and groans. Fuck fuck fuck… he knew it. The past few years of having to pretend he valued your friendship more than his desire to fuck you, he always knew you were nothing but a pathetic sobbing whore. The sound of your sobs and aroused whines vibrating through his ears has him ready to make a mess, smoothing in past the waistband of his sweats to free his length, he’s thankful for the point of view shot; making it easy to tune out the masculine grunts passing between your pretty cries.
‘Fuck. I’ll breed you better than that.’ Jeno voices to himself, surprised your lazy ex didn’t make you get on top. The amount of cum covering your lower half has his hips jumping from the chair, eager to fuck into his fist faster.
One thought continues to pass through his mind as he grips around his cock and strokes to match the pace pushing you up and down along the screen.
He needs to fuck you.
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roosterforme · 10 months
The Younger Kind Part 22 | Rooster x Reader
Summary: Now that Bradley has you with him, he never wants you to go. But the stress from Meredith and Penny still hangs between the two of you. And the only think that seems to make sense to Bradley could be taken from him.
Warnings: Angst, swearing, smut, fluff, and age gap (18+)
Length: 4800 words
Pairing: Single dad!Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x babysitter!female reader
Check out my masterlist for more!
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You were finally in Bradley's arms. Aside from your hangover and banged up knee, you seemed no worse for the wear. Just a little shaken up from those assholes taunting you last night. As he leaned back against his headboard, you were curled up against his chest wearing his favorite sweatshirt. 
"I love you," he whispered again, rubbing the bare skin of your back and waist beneath the sweatshirt. You hadn't returned the sentiment, but it didn't matter. You just snuggled a little closer to him every time he said it to you. 
When your stomach growled, you looked up at him and laughed softly. "Come on," he said, kissing your forehead as he withdrew his hand from your soft skin. "I'll make you breakfast."
Now you were looking at him with concern as you straddled his thighs. "You'll make me breakfast? Sorry, but I'm not going to eat anything you cook."
Bradley tipped his head back and started laughing. "You got me there, Princess. But I can get you a bowl of cereal."
You just shook your head and slid off of his lap, taking his hand in yours. "I'll make you breakfast," you told him, looking back at him over your shoulder as he followed you down the hallway. He'd follow you anywhere today. Do anything you wanted to do. As long as you kept him with you.
He turned on the coffee maker and pulled two mugs down as you bent in front of the refrigerator. Your bare legs and his oversized sweatshirt made him feel weak. You handed him some eggs and the gallon jug of milk. "Do you have cinnamon?" you asked as he set the milk and eggs on the counter. 
"You don't actually have to make me breakfast," he whispered as you kissed his chin. 
"I'm hungry for French toast," you told him, so he located the cinnamon for you. Then he watched you work, helping with everything you asked him to. And when the kitchen smelled like cinnamon, and there were slices of bread sizzling on the stovetop, Bradley handed you a mug of coffee. 
"Can you help me with something on my phone?" he asked softly, wrapping his arms around you from behind as you sipped your coffee and flipped a piece of bread. 
You set down the mug that said Aviators Look Down on Others and glared at him over your shoulder. "If you ask me to delete another dating app, I will rage. Do you understand me?"
"It's not that," he promised.
"Well, then what can I help you with, old man?"
Bradley couldn't help but smile at your words as he ran his mustache along the side of your neck. "Help me change this." He tapped on your contact name which was still listed as Babysitter. He deleted that word as he let his chin rest on your shoulder, making sure you were looking at his phone. Then he typed out My Princess before he opened his photo gallery. 
"It doesn't look like you need my help," you whispered as he scrolled through all of his pictures of you and Noah and the occasional one related to something at work. "Oh wait, yes you do," you said, pointing to the dirty pictures you had sent him. "You need to save those in a private folder, Daddy."
He was beyond delighted that you had just called him Daddy. "That's something else you can help me with," he murmured, scrolling further until he found the first selfie you sent to him. The one where you were wearing your purple crown. He set it at your contact photo and kissed your cheek
"Give me that," you told him after you flipped the pieces of French toast again. He handed you his phone and watched you move all the dirty photos he loved so much into a new folder that you labeled Princess. "And you can enter the passcode when you want to look at them," you said as you saved today's date as the four digit code.
"Why did you make it today's date?" he asked as you spun to face him and pressed his phone to his chest. He grabbed it as you let go and wrapped your arms around his neck. You kissed him hard, devouring his mouth as you sighed softly. Bradley tossed his phone onto the counter next to the mugs and let his hands slide up your sides beneath his soft sweatshirt. 
"Because," you told him between kisses, running your fingers up into his hair and looking him in the eye. "Today's the day you told me you love me."
"Baby," he moaned against your lips, reaching behind you to turn off the stove burners. 
You kept your body snug against his, even when you let your hands trail down to the bottom of his undershirt and whispered, "Daddy."
You peeled his shirt off, finally letting him feel your hands everywhere. "Please. Let me take you back to bed." He had never been intimate with you there, but he'd been dreaming about it for a long time. Hell, last night was the first time you and he had a real sleepover. The first time he got to hold you all night.
Immediately you started pushing him toward the hallway, and he hoisted you up into his arms as you squeaked. "I got you," he promised.
There had to be something wrong with you, because you couldn't physically stop smiling. Bradley had taken you to his bed, set you down gently right in the middle of it, and started kissing you everywhere. His sweatshirt was pushed up to your breasts, his big hands squeezing your sides while he kissed the spot just below your belly button.
You were panting softly, and you could tell how wet you were by the way your lace underwear clung to you. But he seemed to be in no hurry, so you just let him keep it up. Lips and mustache found your injured knee, and he kissed all around the bandage before gently guiding your leg over his shoulder. 
"I've been dreaming about this," he whispered against your inner thigh. When his fingers teased along the elastic of your underwear, you thought he was going to remove them, but he just kept driving you crazy instead. 
A soft laugh bubbled out of your lips. "You dreamed about rescuing me from frat boys and having your way with me?"
"No," he grunted, easing his large body over yours, while you kept your leg on his shoulder. You could feel his hard cock rub your core through both of your underwear, and you pressed up against him. "I dream about having you in my bed. Having you all to myself. Don't get me wrong, I love sharing you with Noah," he mumbled, pushing the sweatshirt up and palming your tits with his massive hands. "But when you're like this, you're all mine."
As your back arched off the bed, Bradley's lips met your nipple, kissing and caressing you like nobody else ever had. "Daddy," you whispered before your eyes fluttered closed. 
"All mine," he muttered, licking the valley between your breasts before sucking on one nipple and then the other.
You cried out for him, your hands grabbing at his biceps and shoulders before threading through his messy curls. 
"You're so fucking sensitive, Princess."
You definitely were for him. Because he knew how to touch you. He knew how to love you. He was good at all of it. 
"Bradley?" you gasped after he had worked your nipples into tender peaks. He whispered your name, the bristles of his mustache rubbing you just right. You were clenching around nothing. He hadn't even undressed you yet. And now you were in trouble, because he could tell how far gone you were as he whispered your name over and over again.
You rubbed yourself up against his cock as he pressed his lips to your ear and moaned, "I love you, Princess. I love you."
There was little doubt in your mind that you could cum for him just like this. He loved you. And you loved him.
You were soaking wet as he slipped his hand inside your underwear and groaned. "You make me insane," he informed you gruffly, wasting no time before slipping his middle finger inside you. 
"Bradley!" you cried as he stroked your clit with his thumb and fucked you with one, thick digit until you were propping yourself up on your elbows to get to his lips. You kissed him, and he devoured every noise you made. "I'm so close, Daddy." When you let your head tip back, his mouth found your breasts again. You were close to overstimulation as he removed his finger from inside you and rubbed his fingertips across your clit until you were nearly crying. 
It took you a second to realize that your legs were shaking as he sucked on your breasts. You were about to cum as soft grunts mixed with your deep, erratic breathing. "Oh," you gasped, and then he was mashing his lips to yours, pushing you back against the pillow. "I'm coming," you whined into his mouth. 
Then you were shaking everywhere, his fingers slowing down and applying less pressure until you moaned his name so loudly, you should have been embarrassed. Your panties were absolutely soaked, and it felt like you were laying in a puddle as Bradley tapped your clit with his fingertips. 
When you met his eyes and saw the desire there, you knew what had happened. "Did I squirt again?" you asked softly as you caught your breath. Bradley brought his damp hand up to his own mouth and licked his palm before running his index finger along your lips. 
"You did," he whispered, letting you kitten lick his fingers. You tasted good on his warm skin, and you were no longer embarrassed. Because he looked so turned on right now. You could see his cock straining against the fabric of his underwear, could feel him pulsing against you. When you sucked two of his fingers into your mouth, he started bucking against you, and you looked up at him.
"Don't look at me like that," he rasped, pushing them a little further into your mouth. "You already know you own me."
You moaned around his fingers before he pulled them free and kissed you. Then his sweatshirt was on the floor along with your soaking wet underwear. You watched the graceful way he removed his own underwear as you sat up. 
"Come here," you commanded, and he did as he was told, kissing you and wrapping his arms around you. You told him where to touch you, and he did. You told him everything you wanted, and he did that too. You were already a mess again as his thigh rubbed your core. Already whimpering his name.
"You gonna let me make love to you, Princess?" he asked, spreading your legs a little wider and coaxing you flat on your back. 
"Yes," you whispered when you felt him at your entrance. 
"A little louder," he said, pressing against you with delicious pressure.
He was steady and meticulous, sure that you liked everything he was doing before he went a little harder. He checked in with you until you could barely answer him, because everything felt too good. Your fingers were digging into his biceps as your lips skimmed along his neck, licking at the salty sheen on his skin. He was chanting your name like a prayer as he moved with such precision, you weren't sure you'd ever be able to orgasm without him again.
Bradley was loving your body with his. He chased your lips for more kisses every time you needed to take a breath. His rough hands were so sure of what you needed as he touched you seemingly everywhere. And interspersed among the sweet sound of your name, he told you he loved you. He used his voice like a tool in tandem with his perfect body until you were squeezing his cock tight.
You felt wrung out and exhausted, barely able to control yourself as your fingers went loose on his arms. You sunk back in the bed, keening for him as your orgasm washed over and through you. And then you watched him, neck straining as his strokes grew shorter and more irregular. You pulled his mouth to yours as he came for you. He tasted so good as he let his hand gently grip the back of your neck, his thumb stroking your jaw. 
"I love you," he breathed against your lips. His voice sounded as broken as you felt as he collapsed mostly on top of you. You held him close with your hands in his hair, and his cock still buried inside you.
"I love you, Daddy."
Bradley smiled the whole time you and he argued about doing laundry. You were adamant that he wash your underwear along with the bedding, but he kept telling you he liked the way they looked on his bedroom floor too much to do that. 
Finally you scooped them up and said, "I'm sure if you really want to, we can soak them again," and then took them and his bedding into your arms. "It's not like you don't know how to make me squirt."
Then he watched you parade out of his room, your naked backside swaying beautifully as you went. He just stood there and exhaled as he ran his hands through his hair. He was certain he had the dumbest look on his face. 
You loved him.
"Good thing I like cold French toast," you said with a laugh as he sat down completely naked on one of the kitchen chairs. You were also naked, plating some breakfast which was definitely becoming lunch. 
"I like anything you cook," he mumbled, eyes glued to every inch of your body as you turned and set down a plate in front of him along with maple syrup and two glasses of orange juice. "Mind grabbing my phone?" he asked, watching as you picked it up from where he discarded it earlier. 
"Here you go, old man," you said quite loudly. "Can you hear me? Do you remember your pass codes? Or do you need a refresher?"
"You know, I have a bag of Skittles for you, but I think I'll just eat all of them," he said, pulling you down onto his lap and opening up a playlist on his phone. 
"You would never," you gasped. Bradley was laughing, but you actually seemed scandalized.
"No, I wouldn't," he promised, kissing your shoulder as you settled back against him. He played his favorite song, the one that reminded him of you while you cut up the French toast and drenched it in syrup. 
Bradley watched you lick some syrup from your fingertip as you said, "I made a playlist for Noah. A bunch of kid friendly songs. He loved it." You took a bite of food and turned to smile at him while you chewed. 
"That was sweet of you," he rasped as you fed him a bite. "He's crazy about you." Bradley thought back to Noah crying and saying he wanted you to be his mommy. 
"I love him," you said simply, taking another bite of French toast while Bradley wrapped his hands around your waist and caressed your soft skin. 
And it didn't take long until the food was eaten and you were straddling his lap on the chair. You were cradling his hard cock against your pussy while you kissed his neck and dragged your purple fingernails down his chest and along his abs.
"Feels good," he groaned, trying to sit still and enjoy everything you were doing to him. You looked gorgeous everywhere. Every tilt of your head and brush of your lips against his skin had all of his senses screaming for more. When you finally lifted your hips up and let him slip inside you, he was so far gone. You rode him so well with your arms around his neck and your fingers trailing through his hair.
"Oh," you gasped, eyes fluttering closed as you rubbed your clit against his abs. 
"You're so good, Baby," he promised, one hand guiding your hip and the other tracing your nipples. You were a dream. Everything he wanted. Perfect for him. Perfect for Noah. 
You leaned closer and kissed his lips, getting louder with each stroke of your clit against him. And soon you were whining his name and pulling his hair. He filled you with his cum that dripped all over the chair and coated your thighs when you stood. 
He just looked at you there, standing between his splayed thighs with your hands on his shoulders. "I never want to stop being with you," he mumbled, and you leaned down to kiss him.
You were a little embarrassed to admit to Bradley that when you got out of the shower, you wanted to take an afternoon nap. After you spent a few minutes picking on him for being old and drinking fiber in his tea with lunch, you yawned so long and loud that he led you to the living room. You were in his soft UVA sweatshirt again, and you stretched out on the couch with your head on his lap. 
The last few days had been wild. You vowed that you were never going to speak to Greyson or his friends again. No more college boys in any way, shape or form. Nobody but Bradley. 
He was currently drawing tiny circles along your neck with his fingertips. You yawned again before you whispered, "You know, I probably shouldn't even be here right now."
He just hummed in response, so you asked, "Where are things at with Meredith? Still scheduled for Wednesday?"
But Bradley was silent for a moment before he said, "I don't want you to have to worry about her. I'm doing enough worrying for all three of us. But yes, Wednesday. Unless Tracy calls and tells me otherwise."
"I'm still going to worry, Daddy. But I'm also going to support you. Noah needs to be with you. He needs his dad who took care of him and loves him. He needs to stay with you."
But those little circles on your neck and his rough fingertips had you drifting off to sleep, and you sensed that was what he wanted. He seemed reluctant to let you be consumed by this. So you slept for a few hours on his warm thigh, only stirring when you really needed to go to the bathroom. He hadn't moved at all, but his hand was resting on your bare hip, and he was watching sports highlights on mute on the TV with the captions turned on.
"Baby," he murmured when you popped your head up and turned to look at him. So handsome. You climbed onto his lap and rested your head against his shoulder. He kissed your forehead and told you, "Penny's bringing Noah back in about an hour."
Your heart soared. That would give you enough time to cook something for him for dinner, and then you could play with him a bit before his bedtime. Before you had to leave. And then your heart sank, because you didn't want to go home. And you didn't want to see Penny. You were still so upset about what happened when Bradley got blindsided by Helen.
"I'll be back," you whispered, standing and heading for the bathroom. You took a few minutes to yourself. There was too much going on. And you thought that if you could sort everything out without Bradley distracting you with his hands and his lips you could make more sense of things. 
You wanted to be here when Penny dropped Noah off. You didn't want to hide what was going on. You wanted to stay and have dinner with your boys. You deserved that much. 
You wanted to help Bradley with Meredith. If there was some way you could aid in court or help him prepare, you wanted to do that. He deserved that much. And Noah deserved everything. 
You sighed and washed your hands, and when you opened the door, Bradley was standing there. "I just remade the bed, and I'd love to spend some time snuggling with you." 
You went with him and curled up against his huge body. He held you close and asked, "When is your graduation? I need to make sure Noah and I can be there."
The first thing that popped into your mind was the scary thought that maybe Bradley wouldn't be the one making plans for his son much longer, but you squashed it immediately. "I'll add it to your phone calendar since I assume you're too old to figure out how to do that," you replied, kissing the tip of his nose. 
He smirked and squeezed your butt so that you were smiling. "I appreciate that, distressingly young girlfriend."
You gasped. "Is that what I am? I thought you said no titles."
"You're my girlfriend," he said with a nod. "Just deal with it, okay? It's been only you for a while now. Your crown lives on my bedpost. I haven't had any other partners. Noah and I are in love with you. You're my girlfriend. My Princess."
You couldn't stop the smile from taking over your face. "Technically I'm Noah's Princess, too."
He sighed and studied your face. "I'm hoping you'll be more than that someday. Now let me put some real clothing on before Penny gets here." With a kiss to your cheek, Bradley grunted and climbed out of bed. You watched his body as he pulled on a US Navy tee shirt and a pair of gray sweatpants. 
"Okay, what are you doing?" you asked, crawling across the bed toward him.
He gave you a funny look. "Getting...dressed?"
"No." You pulled him closer by the drawstring on his pants. "As your girlfriend, I'm telling you that you can't wear gray sweatpants around anyone except me. Or like maybe your doctor or something. Because even with underwear, I can see the outline of your dick. It's delicious looking, but no, Daddy."
He blushed. He actually blushed. And you smirked as he yanked them back off again and tossed them at your face. "You wear them, then." You laughed as he pulled on some jeans, complaining the entire time. Then you got out of bed and stepped into his sweatpants. You were sure you looked ridiculous in his too large sweatpants and sweatshirt, but you had nothing else to wear, so you rolled the pants at the waist. 
And then the doorbell rang. And now you actually weren't sure that Bradley would want Penny to see you here. You were about to ask him if that was the case, but he took you by the hand. 
"Noah is going to be so excited that I didn't completely fuck things up with you." He pulled you down the hallway and toward the front door, and before you knew it, Noah and Penny were right in front of you. When he saw you, his face lit up, and he started trying to wiggle out of Penny's arms. 
You scooped him up as Penny laughed and handed Bradley a bag. "Here's some artwork that we made today. Plus some dirty laundry. We had so much fun making macaroni art with Amelia."
She smiled at you. She didn't look surprised to see you at all as you hugged Noah and kissed his round cheek. 
"Thanks, Pen," Bradley mumbled, digging through the bag. 
"No need to thank me," she replied, wringing her hands nervously now. "I owe you an apology." She was talking to you. Your eyes went a little wide. "I didn't know the two of you were together. If I had known, I would have never tried to set Bradley up. I really shouldn't have done it anyway," she added softly. 
You turned to look up at Bradley. "You told her about us?"
"Yes," he replied, slipping his arm around your shoulders and kissing his son on the head. "Of course I did."
"I should have known, honestly," Penny said, looking at Bradley with a smile. "By the way he said he wasn't using the dating app. And how he seemed calmer. More grounded."
Your cheeks felt warm as you pressed your lips together. "Do you want to stay for dinner?" you asked. "I'm making spaghetti."
"Spaghetti!" Noah cheered, but Penny shook her head. "I need to pick Amelia up from her friend's house. But thank you." And then she was kissing Bradley's cheek and closing the door as she left.
You were alone with your boys. This was all you'd been dreaming about recently. Noah's arms were around your neck, and Bradley was guiding you toward the kitchen, and you had tears in your eyes. 
"I love you," Noah whispered, and then you started crying. 
"I love you, too, sweet Noah."
Bradley watched you tuck Noah into bed. You looked so good in his clothing and in his house. You looked perfect when you were with his son. He needed this to be his everyday life. 
You joined him in the hallway and whispered, "I'll get an Uber to take me home if you don't mind me borrowing your clothes."
"Stay," he replied softly. "Please, stay."
You bit your lip and started to slowly shake your head. "Tomorrow is Monday. You have work. I should go to campus and start on my job applications and final few assignments."
"You can do that from here. Use my computer. Please, stay."
You hummed softly. He would be more than happy to beg you not to leave, but you took him by the hand and kissed his wrist. "Okay. I'll stay. Leave me your computer and charger."
Then you turned toward his bedroom, pulling his sweatshirt over your head as you went. "Are you coming?" you asked him over your shoulder. He could see the silhouette of your peaked nipple in the dimly lit space, and he tripped along after you. 
"I'm coming, Baby," he rasped, and your soft giggle as you climbed into his bed had him reaching for you. The room was dark, and his eyes hadn't adjusted yet, but your voice alone was making him hard.
"Come get me, Daddy."
He grunted and slipped his hand down the front of the sweatpants, and you gasped. He took his time. He made sure you were reacting just the way he wanted you to. And when he had you close, he asked, "Does anyone else make you feel as good as Daddy does?"
Your moan was so loud in the silent house that he had to cover your mouth with his. "No," you panted. "No." 
Then he flipped you over onto your knees and yanked the sweatpants down. "Good girl," he whispered, burying his face in your pussy from behind. 
"Daddy," you whined, and Bradley had to push your face down to the pillow to keep you quiet. With your ass in the air, he finished you off as you gushed a bit for him. 
"Fucking hell," he growled as he lapped at your pussy and unzipped his jeans, pulling himself free. With one clean movement, he was buried deep, bottoming out inside you. "Soaking wet." His face was tipped back, staring at the ceiling, trying to keep his composure. 
"Daddy!" you whined, bumping back against him harder, and that was it.
"Not too loud, Baby," he warned, wrapping one hand over your mouth and planting one hand on the bed. He pressed himself against your back and whispered in your ear, "You want Daddy to be sweet or rough?"
"Rough," you whimpered against his fingers before he shoved them in your mouth and slammed into you until he was seeing stars. You were a whimpering mess as Bradley filled you over and over again, and then he came so hard, he was afraid he was going to hurt you. But you seemed fine as he collapsed on top of your back. 
"You okay?" he asked, panting like he'd just run five miles. 
"Yes," you gasped softly. "So good."
"Will you let me fuck you like a sweet princess tomorrow?" 
You moaned softly. "Whenever you want."
He kissed along your neck and grunted. "Daddy needs a good night's sleep, Baby. Tomorrow."
And not ten minutes later, Bradley was sound asleep as you ran your fingers along his chest and told him you loved him. He never wanted you to leave.
Bradley is always in a much better headspace when he's with his little family. Don't worry, Meredith is on deck! Hope you enjoy your fic, @beyondthesefourwalls And thank you @mak-32 !
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onyourhyuck · 9 months
Animal Instinct. | NCT SERIES
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Title: PROLOGUE ‘Sour Grapes.’
— Prologue: “They don’t speak to people unless they want one thing from them. And they pick their prey very carefully. They don’t go for everyone.”
— Summary: You are a marine biologist. You should be able to understand animals and their way of living. When you encounter a new society in a bar under the name ‘Sour Grapes’ you find yourself in a troubling situation with seven different men. Seven different animals.
— Genre: Smut with plot. Minors dni. Fantasy with modern timeline. Female!reader. Secondary genders (but with animals) dreamies are complete red flags. Dub-con. Everything is very dark romance related. Nothing here is for the weak. Everything is just pure filth. It gets progressively worse and worse. Multiple orgasms. Overstimulation. Pet names such as ‘my pretty who’re’ or ‘princess’ — minor hair pulling, blowjob male receiving. Fingering (female receiving) and sex tape mentioned. Breeding kink is a common theme here. Possessiveness.
— Notes:
There was a new bar that took everyone’s attention and money away. Your friends have been nonstop talking about this new secret bar that is hidden away from everyone by a password. You wonder what the big deal was about it. It just sounded like a stupid bar to you. Apparently only ‘special’ guests could enter this bar. Your friend, Ningning has claimed that she knows what the password to the bar is, and that she will need to take a friend with her.
Which explains why you’re in Ningning’s car with the most absolute deadpanned expression when you see this empty isolating road ahead and the parking lot you’re now at.
You let out a sigh. “Ningning no offence but bars are meant to be welcoming. This looks like a horror movie in front of me.” The building that stood out to the both of you was looking bleak and dark from the darkness sorrowing it. You have a bad stomachache from all of this.
Your friend turns to you with a begging expression to make you come with her, because let’s be honest, Ningning wouldn’t want to go alone to this bar that no one has heard about. “Y/n please just trust me. The guy I was supposed to meet up with told me the password to this bar. I cant go along without you.”
“You can’t or you won’t?” You remark back furrowing your eyebrows in annoyance. You eventually gave in after five seconds of whining from Ningning because you can’t stand this at all.
Scowling out of the car with your friend you follow her inside with the least enthusiasm for partying tonight as well. Unlike Ningning you actually don’t have this much free time.
“If I see something weird I’m getting out of here and calling the police, Ning.” You tell her, your voice coming out more sternly.
But she was your friend and you love her. You can’t just leave her to go to this weird scam-looking bar alone. Good knows what could’ve happened to her if you didn’t come with her.
Ningning gave you a small smile. “Yeah! Deal.”
The building looked like it was probably abandoned for many years. The entrance itself gave you spooky vibes and you hated it. The girl in front of you was the first one to approach the singular bookshelf on the wall guided against the wall. Your eyes stare blankly at the set up.
You saw your friend touching every book on the shelf and you let out a sigh and a laugh at the same time. This was ridiculous.
“Don’t tell me you’re looking for a secret book-lever?” You mumble behind Ningning who gave a very optimistic smile. “Yeah. The guy said the passcode will work if we find the book that is the right one.”
You sigh. “This is a lot of effort to go through just to drink and find yourself a fling isn’t it?” You had a point. There was definitely something going around here that you’re missing. Maybe some information that your friend wasn’t telling you?
Few seconds later Ningning found the reddish book on the bookshelf stand that had peeked out and she pulled it out, only to find it reattach and the whole bookshelf moving to the left. Revealing a secret door. Your eyes widen at Ningning; because for a moment or two you’ve been doubting this whole bookshelf thing. Ningning gave you a proud-eating smirk which made you automatically scowl and roll your eyes. You walk ahead and Ningning followed behind you. The dark corridor welcomed both of you and the sound of bar music came in louder and louder. The more you both walked you’d see two patrolling bar security guards at the door.
Your feet tried to past them but they shoulders block. One gruff man gave you an intimidating look. “Password.” He said to you.
Ningning pulls you back a little. She knows you’d probably start an argument with someone tonight, you’re kind of like a magnet for starting fights.
“Green tea.” She said to the guards. You stare in disbelief when the two guards let Ningning and you pass through once the secret password was said.
You see, you don’t understand humans. But you understand animals on many levels. Humans are just something too complex for you to figure out. Ningning here was very confusing. She wasn’t telling you anything about this place.
But you had to admit. The bar looks expensive. Luxurious even. There was something so lush about this bar you couldn’t put your tongue on it. Everyone seems like they are a movie star. Or perhaps singers even.
Pushing through the crowd. Ningning instantly ordered a drink at the bar. The handsome man with a pale thinly skin and alerting brown alluring eyes pulled you closer. The bar owner tending to the drinks had really beautiful thick hair. There was a mixture of proud and sweetness about this guy. He looks like he has this whole place together.
“Two martini’s please.” Ningning told. Jaehyun gave her a glance and a single nod with a charming smirk. He turned around making the two drinks for you and Ningning.
You whisper to your friend. “This whole place is weird vibes Ning. What’s so special about this place?” You don’t understand why she was so eager to come here.
Your friend gave you a sympathetic response but she didn’t seem to find this all so suspicious like you. Sometimes you analyse things too much for her own liking. “I just heard it amongst people at my workplace. So I wanted to try it out.” Ningning said with a shrug.
The two glasses were plopped down and your head turns to the martini then to the guy with a small glance you take the martini to sip.
Your friend’s answer was so vague to be honest. So much effort just to find out about this bar?
Reaching for your phone you wanted to check if anyone has been texting you. To your answer you find out the signal here was completely nonexistent and crap. You grumble and Ningning saw you struggling. She furrows her eyebrows when you curse.
“Does this bar have no wifi signal or what?” You said with your tone of voice becoming frustrated. You put your phone down when Jaehyun reached over. “Actually phones aren’t allowed in this bar, miss.” He explained, even though his handsome face was definitely a distraction from how annoying this rule was.
“What? No phone. Isn’t that a bit weird and suspicious.” You grumble not understanding what kind of a rule was this?
Ningning switched glances between Jaehyun and you. You were watching him with a double sided glare like you were a mirror reflecting how much you hated this rule so much.
Jaehyun smirks and pulls back. “At Sour Grape’s whatever happens stays here. Therefore no phones. Just enjoy your night.” He reassures.
It sounds like everyone had something to hide what was was it?
Deciding to let your eyes wonder around the whole bar to check out what could take your interest; you found your eyes gravitating to a specific table of seven guys seated like they own the whole place. Crouching between girls. You find yourself wondering what the whole deal was with them.
You turn to the bar owner, Jaehyun was cleaning a few glasses with a cloth. He wore this white top with a black vest over and a tie neatly over it. The hair was slick back too.
“What are those guys all doing? They look like they own the whole damn place.”
Jaehyun laughs at your words. “Because they do. They are my main clients who make this whole bar popular.”
You furrow your eyebrows turning back to watching the group of men seating down. They all had a specialised accessory with an animal of their choice. You don’t understand why. But all you could see was that it somehow matches their appearance.
He leans close now, he decided to give you a little introduction to who runs this whole place like it is their kingdom.
“Let me explain to you who they are.” He softly said and you nodded watching the group.
“That man is Mark Lee.” Jaehyun said it with some pride when the name comes out of his mouth. As if he was some sort of king. “He is what you call a womaniser I believe. No intentions of settling down. However he is loaded with money.”
A blonde guy sitting in the middle with his legs spread while a woman was on his lap in the middle, his hand sneaking around the waist to pull the beautiful woman closer. His eyes felt deadly and sharp. You feel like nearly as a prey would when watching this encounter. On his right hand was a shiny silver ring on his middle finger — with a tiger face shaped on it. Engraved.
Your eyes move to the right. Jaehyun saw you checking out the guy next to Mark now.
Next to the man was a sickly pale man. He looks as cold as ice to you; it shouldn’t be possible to look this pale without looking like the clouds in the sky itself. However his facial expressions were the least exciting. He looks like he did not have intentions of getting woman. A necklace was hanging around his neck in shape of a wolf.
“That is Lee Jeno.” He said to you with a smirk. “This guy is probably the least you likely will ever meet. Jeno is a tough one to grasp. He’s very loyal to Mark and his friends. He doesn’t even show slightest interest in women.”
You roll your eyes. “Why is that? Is he scared of women?”
Jaehyun grinned shrugging. “Pack law maybe?”
Furrowing your eyebrows at the comment you tried to not think much of this. Perhaps it was a metaphor but you can’t really put your finger on why he said something like that.
Your attitude towards the group was getting more and more conflicting. You wanted to know more about the rest of them.
“Who is the guy standing up over there?” You try to point your eyes at the man standing up next to the couch that all the other men were sitting together. Jaehyun looks over there.
“Zhong Chenle, he is a reliable guy with source of information from everywhere.” Jaehyun smirks at you and you raise your eyebrows scoffing.
“Why?” You question. Jaehyun responded with an obvious tone. “Because he’s rich. They all are.”
Chenle wore the most expensive clothing you’d have to be honest. He wore and extended his beauty with all his money he could afford it with. But what caught your eye at the end was this hanging shark tooth down his ears.
Sudden arm around Chenle was wrapped by a much larger and bigger man in height with pale skin and black hair. Darkly covered clothes and makeup on his face. A choker was around the guy’s neck with a spider in the middle showing off.
“And that guy with Chenle?” You grumble staring the taller boy down.
Jaehyun puts the drinking glass down, lifting up his head over the bar. “Park Jisung. Chenle’s best friend; he’s also deadly. I don’t think you should go near him unless you want him to completely destroy you.”
“You make it sound like he’s a killer.” You roll your eyes not taking whatever he said about Jisung or the others too seriously.
Jaehyun scoffs. “You never know.” He points out and then leans over pointing over to three other guys that were speaking together as they sat down at the table table with the others.
“Those three are always together.” He explained to you and your head turns to analyse the other three people.
Sun kissed man with brunette hair and beautiful brown eyes with black moles; wearing a bear shaped pendant down his neck while discussing something with his two friends. Lee Haechan.
In the middle a smaller frame but a sheepish man with beautiful hair and fox-like eyes made you look twice. He looks unreal if anything. With a lip piercing on the bottom lip, you swore you saw a fox tail on the lip piercing detail. Huang Renjun.
And then a man with a bracelet on his wrist, he looked to be the most troublesome and quiet person in the group. The snake bracelet on his arm intrigued you nonetheless. Na Jaemin.
They all wore animal charms which looked silly but at the same time you wonder if it meant something more?
“Why do they all wear those jewellery? I don’t understand why they have all those animals on them.”
Jaehyun wasn’t aware if you knew why this bar was such a high secrecy but he leans down and now got a real serious one on one with you. “Can you keep a secret?” He asked as his face told you that he was being serious.
The information he’s about to tell you will change your entire life forever.
“Yeah.” You slant back watching Jaehyun sit up with a grin at your response.
“Everyone in this bar knows this but you.” Jaehyun smartly points out. “What do they know?” You became wary of what this was all about. Suddenly your stomachache was back again as if it was a warning from whatever you were about to find out.
Jaehyun trails with a devilish look. “The reason Sour Grape’s is such a secret place to enter is because everyone in this place has evolved from different species of animals.”
“For example, most people like you who evolve from monkeys exist in this world. But there are people who evolved from others.”
He whispers back pulling away to show you his arm bracelet with horses on it. You raise your eyes from Jaehyun’s wrist and back to his face in disbelief. This wasn’t making enough sense to you.
“So you’re telling me you and the other guys came from animals that weren’t monkeys? What kind of logic is that.” You grumble feeling that maybe you’re drunk and he was fooling around with you.
Jaehyun gave you a light shrug with his shoulders. “You said you can keep a secret. You can’t tell this to anyone.”
“Hyung pass me a bottle. You know what I want the usual.” A dark deep and striking tone alerts me from behind as if I’ve never heard any footsteps coming from behind me. The tall domineering man next to my shoulder peeking down at the bar. He saw my intense gaze fixated on him. Mark turns around watching my look with a bit of haste. “And you are miss? Do I have something on my face?”
You could practically pass out from the way he is watching you like you are just some thing, a bug that could be squished by the size of his palm. “No…I…”
The bottle being placed down made you flinched. Somehow all the things Jaehyun said to you now makes sense. Mark had a look of a tiger behind his eyes. He wasn’t no cub. He was a fully grown animal in a human body. It made you scared to even look the other way.
Watching him leave with the bottle in hand. Jaehyun knew by your expression that you finally found some truth to his story.
You look down at your hands. “How do i get to speak to him?”
You hate to admit it but you want to meet them all. You want to analyse them; to get to know them. Somehow deep inside you’re willing to even try and befriend them.
Jaehyun gave you a laugh. “They don’t speak to people unless they want one thing from them. And they pick their prey very carefully. They don’t go for everyone.” You grumble at the bar owner. “Okay what’s that?”
An obvious tone was spoken again. “To sleep with you, nothing else.”
@onyourhyuck please refer from translating copyrighting and plagiarising my work thank you. Reblog this fic and follow me for more it helps a girl out!
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avocado-writing · 9 months
Yello! I want something fluffy but funny so I thought I’d request an aziraphale x crowley x reader where the reader is tech savvy, and by tech savvy I mean just basic knowledge of gadgets and such, but to crowley and aziraphale, tech savvy. Reader introduces them to a lot of gadgets and they’re both so amazed.
Bonus points for nina and maggie confused in the background because it’s literally just basic things but crowley and aziraphale act like it’s fucking magic (also ik crowley has a smartphone, but still!)
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notes: I love this request so much. I really enjoyed writing it! (And don’t worry just because Crowley has a smartphone doesn’t mean he actually knows how to use it, take a look at almost any person above the age of 60)
pairing: aziraphale x gn!reader x crowley
rating: G
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“Darling, the printer isn’t working.”
“Have you tried pressing ‘Control + P’, Aziraphale?”
“Yes. It’s not doing anything, devilish thing.”
You sigh, put your book down, and head over to your angel’s desk. He’s trying to print out a screenshot he’s taken of a picture you sent him the other day. It’s a cat meme. He’s rather taken with them, and likes to have copies to look at across the bookshop. You have explained he can just save the image itself but he doesn’t quite seem to understand that. 
“Ah you see Aziraphale, the problem is that you haven’t actually turned it on.”
“Oh!” he exclaims as you reach over to the power switch. The printer lights up and begins to spit out a dozen copies of the image Aziraphale has now lined up in its queue. As you try to force it to stop, Crowley saunters up behind you. 
“Can you help me get these to connect? They’re not—”
“Yes, one second,” you say, thumping the machine as it makes a sharp noise, and handing a pile of print-outs to Aziraphale. “Headphones again?”
Crowley nods, a little petulantly. You fish out the buds and put them in your ears, waiting until you see they’ve connected on the Bluetooth. 
“Here,” you sigh. You wonder if any of this is actually worth it. Yes, it’s nice for the three of you to have a group chat, but having to constantly remind them that most of these devices have to be connected to electricity is grating on you a little. 
“Oh, I’ve just got a message from Nina on my mobile telephone!” Aziraphale announces. You see him pause over the passcode screen and you brace for him to ask you what it is, again, but he remembers at the last second. “She asks if you can go over and help with the tills, she says they’re… well, I’m not going to repeat what she’s written here but in nicer terms they seem to have broken.”
“Aziraphale please stop telling her that I’m some sort of tech genius. I’m not. I just know how to press buttons correctly.”
“Come on, believe in yourself,” yells Crowley. You roll your eyes and take out one of his headphones. 
“Crowley, I can hear you over your music! You don’t need to shout!”
He sniffs. “It’s a podcast actually.”
“I can tell her that but she might be disappointed,” Aziraphale says, looking at you with Those Eyes. He’ll win, he’ll always win, because you can’t say no to him. You groan. 
“Alright. Tell her I’m on my way - but not to get her hopes up!”
Aziraphale beams at you. As you leave the shop, the printer tells him it’s run out of ink, so he goes about ordering an entirely new one off the internet. 
taglist: @angiestopit @dazed-soul @smile-eywa @staygoldsquatchling02 @underratedboogeyman @specter-soltare @candlewitch-cryptic @cool-ontherun-world @emilynissangtr @willbedecided @cool-iguana @bdffkierenwalker @ilyatan @civil-groupie @foolishprincipalitee
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indigobsessed · 10 months
I’ll come back.
pairing : min yoongi x reader (established relationship)
summary : your boyfriend, yoongi, just ended his final tour the other day. who wouldve known not even 24 hours later that his enlistment notice came out and you, his loving girlfriend, found out before he tells you about it.
genre : angst, fluff, a bit suggestive and yoongi being a comforting bf.
rating : SFW
warnings : mentions of military enlistment, crying, slight swearing
wc : 635 words.
a/n : ahh!! first (and last maybe..) post???:&/£/£ i hope you’ll enjoy this :) i’ll do a navigation soon hehe. other than that, im so sad that d-day tour has ended and yoongi’s leaving soon ugh :(. for references, you can check out the d-day vlogs, clips, etc :) not proofread, i think.
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“MIN YOONGI!” You burst through the door of his studio after clicking on his passcode aggressively by muscle memory. Your boyfriend turned around his studio chair, staring at you with a puzzled look.
You stood at the door, your eyes filled with angry tears with your phone in hand, showing the military notice. That was until he realised about what he was going to tell you when he comes back to your shared home.
“Oh baby-“ He quickly got up to hold you, but you pushed him away quickly. “Don’t. Touch. Me.” You hissed. Yoongi sighed, knowing that you, his ever loving girlfriend of three years would take a while to fully take it in.
He slowly got up and closed the studio door behind you. Yoongi took your hand and lead you to sit down on his studio couch. You were still silent, not until Yoongi took you into his arms as you let out your tears. “I know, jagi, I know.” He soothed you, rubbing your back in small circles. Your tears staining his grey shirt.
“You promised to tell me Yoongi. I can’t believe I found out like this.” You sobbed out. “I thought we agreed to not keep secrets from eachother.” You continued, your voice shaky.
“Baby, listen to me. Look at me.” Yoongi called out to you in a stern yet soft voice. You pulled away, looking at him with tear-stained cheeks. He looks just as hurt as you. “We talked about this, I know that. But fuck, my love I didn’t even know how to tell you that it was coming soon. I just ended my whole tour yesterday.” He explained. “You didn’t give ARMYs a whole day, Yoongs.” You argued. “You didn’t even give me a day too. I knew it was coming but Yoongi, you didn’t have to remind me.” You continued.
“I know, all these 3 years of being with you and you’ve been there with me throughout everything and I can’t thank you enough. But I’ve let my postponement go on for too long, I have to go at some point too. The sooner I go, the sooner I come back remember?” Yoongi comforts you. Trying his best to calm you down.
You nod, understanding his explanation. “I know it’s my fault for not letting you know any sooner too. I know that it’s not easy to take in.” He rubs your arms. “I’m sorry, Y/N. I’m so sorry.” Yoongi apologised while peppering kisses on your cheeks.
Memories of the couple during Yoongi’s world tour flashes through your mind. The day out in Chicago, the small holiday in Phuket and diving. Shared kisses, meals and smiles. And intimate moments during the night. It all felt like a fever dream to you.
Tears streaming down your cheeks once more, trying your best to accept that time doesn’t freeze as you wish. “I feel like it’s just yesterday since you told me that you were going on tour, Min.” You said softly, cracking a soft smile at the memory. Both of you hugging and knowing that this will be one of your biggest memories with him. “I remember going on the flight to your first concert location. You were so excited to see your fans.” You giggled as Yoongi smiled apologetically to you.
“I’ll miss them so much too, jagi.” Yoongi spoke out. “And I’ll miss you the most too.”
Yoongi leaned in to kiss you on the lips softly.
“Promise me you’ll come back, or we’re gonna have issues.” You grumbled. It made Yoongi laugh softly.
“I’ll come back. To you, to my brothers, and to ARMYs. Safely.” He reassured you as he placed another comforting kiss on your lips.
He’ll come back safely. As he promised. He is a man of his words after all.
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makeitmingi · 11 months
Cause Baby You’re My Muse [Chapter 2]
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Genre: Romance, Idol!AU, Music, Slight angst
Pairing: Mingi x Reader (y/n)
Characters: Producer!Reader, IdolLyricist!Mingi, IdolProducer!Hongjoong, Idol!Seonghwa, Idol!Yunho, Idol!Wooyoung, Idol!San, Idol!Yeosang, Idol!Jongho, cameo(s) by other celebrities
Summary: You always preferred producing underground, having an unknown face and governed by your own rules. But when you start freelancing for idol groups, you say goodbye to your lone wolf lifestyle as you learn to work with idol producers and lyricists.
Word count: 3.1K
“Good morning.” You entered, greeting the same security person. He gave you a small wave. 
“Please hold the lift.” You called out and the lift doors that were closing opened again. You bowed gratefully as you entered, taping a sip of your iced coffee. Luckily you could slip the straw under your mask to drink.
“Ah... If you don’t mind me asking, are you the new producer that joined Edenary?” The guy in the lift asked. You blinked, not expecting him to initiate a conversation. Slowly, you turned around and pointed at yourself but realised there was only two of you in the lift so he must be talking to you. You nodded your head in reply to his question.
“I’m Wooyoung, from Ateez.” He smiled, holding his hand out to you. You stared at his hand for a good few seconds.
“Hi, I’m Indigo.” You were about to shake his hand but the lift stopped at your floor and the door opened. Both you and Wooyoung burst out laughing and stepped off. 
“Now, we can shake hands.” You chuckled and he agreed, slipping his hand into yours. 
“Nice to meet you, Producer Indigo.” He smiled.
“Same here, Wooyoung. I’m not part of Edenary though. Just brought in as a guest to work with your group and Edenary.” You corrected. Wooyoung nodded his head, understanding. 
“I don’t know if I am the first member to meet you but when you do meet the rest of the team, you remind me of our captain.” Wooyoung said.
“Yes, the hair and the piercings. I met Hongjoong yesterday so you’re the second Ateez member I’m meeting.” You laughed.
“Ah, I’m annoyed I’m not the first one you’re meeting. But not just the hair and piercings, the vibe is the same. The cool type.” He was very charming, even a little flirtatious, which was different from Hongjoong. 
“Let me help you carry that. To your studio, right?” Wooyoung offered, taking one of the bags of equipment from you. You nodded, bowing to thank him as you directed him to your studio at the end of the hallway. You keyed in your passcode and opened the door for him.
“Thank you, Wooyoung. You can just put it here.” You instructed, putting your bag aside.
“No worries.” He said. 
“Oh, Indigo. You’re here already.” Eden poked his head in. You nodded your head, waving to him. He noticed Wooyoung in your studio and waved to the male too. 
“Eden hyung!” Wooyoung bounded over to hug Eden, who accepted it with a doting smile and chuckle, patting the younger male’s back. 
“Your new furniture is coming in the afternoon. They had everything you needed except the vinyl shelves you wanted. They’ll come install things after lunch so you should be here to direct them.” He instructed.
“Okay. I’ll be here. Thank you.” You bowed. 
“If you need any help later, you can come find me. I’ll be on the dance studio floor.” Wooyoung offered. 
“Alright, thanks, Wooyoung.” You laughed. He waved with a friendly smile before walking off. Since furniture was going to get moved around, you decided not to set up the equipment you brought yet. 
You realised that while introducing yourself to Wooyoung, he had never once pointed out your mask or ask for your real name. There was no differentiality when addressing you, he spoke to you as if the mask wasn’t even there and like Indigo was your real birth name. You were grateful for that. Although playful and flirty, he seemed genuinely nice. 
“What’s on the agenda today?” You sat down in your seat and turned on your computer to jump right into work. 
While you were working with Edenary under KQ, your contract still allowed you to work with other artists, given that you prioritise KQ’s assignments over the external artists’ requests, which you were fine with. 
‘Congratulations, Prod. Indigo! 
Your track has been chosen to appear on a comeback album for a group under JYP Entertainment. Please reply to us by the end of the week if you would like to discuss. 
- JYP Correspondance’ 
“JYP, huh?” You looked at the details of the email sent to you, including which track they chose. 
“Looks like soft hip hop is back on trend.” You noted to yourself. You needed to think about whether you wanted to give your track. It wasn’t as easy as just clicking accept. Maybe you will see what they want to offer before deciding. 
You played the track that they chose out loud background while you paced around your studio. Your head bopped softly as it played. But after a while, you got bored of your song and played the Ateez playlist you put together last night. They were all categorised by genre.
“Coming.” You pulled your mask up and went to the door. 
“Wooyoung?” You didn’t hide your surprise when you saw the male at your door again. You were not expecting to see him again so soon, especially since you just met him this morning. 
“Hi again. Are you busy?” He tilted his head. You shook your head, stepping aside for him to enter your studio.
“Hey! Those are our songs.” He brightened up when he realised the songs you were playing. You nodded your head shyly, rubbing the back of your neck.
“I thought you would be busy moving later so I got you some food and drinks. I hope you like chicken skewers.” Wooyoung shook the plastic bag in his hands with a smile. 
“Thank you so much for the thought.” You bowed.
“Ah, don’t need to be so formal. I’ll go so you can eat comfortably.” He held out the bags to you. 
“You know what, why don’t you join me?” You invited, feeling bad that he bought the food but couldn’t have it with you. 
“Really? It’s fine, you know, Indigo? I respect you privacy.” He shook his hands. You shrugged, going to your desk, back facing him. You removed your mask and put on a cap, keeping it low to try and hide whatever parts of your face you could. Wooyoung took some stools to use as tables. He had one in front of him and placed one in front of you.
“I don’t mean this sarcastically but I can’t see anything with the cap. So you’re good. And even if I did see anything, you can trust I won’t say anything.” He informed. You smiled inwardly, he was very kind. 
“So, do you produce?” You asked him, wanting to get to know him better like how you did with Hongjoong yesterday.
“No. I’m more of a dancer so I participate in the choreographing, performance side of things for the team. I don’t know how producing works.” He explained.
“Actually, Hongjoong hyung told us a bit about you, more like fangirled. You’re a famous underground producer. But I think it’s cool how you keep your face and identity a secret.” He spoke. 
“Why do you think that’s cool?” 
“Because I think it makes you genuine. You do it because you love music and the craft, not doing it just for recognition, fame or praise.” Wooyoung replied.
“That’s very kind of you. People used to think it was because I was a coward, afraid that I wasn’t good enough and didn’t want to put a face to the work. I just appreciate the privacy.” You chuckled. That wasn’t the full truth but you were not going to get into that now. 
“I think that’s fair. Privacy is something you start to miss when you get famous.” Wooyoung hummed. 
“Well, I wanted to say that you’re very talented and cool too, from all the dance videos I’ve come across while researching.” You complimented, remembering him right in front during dances. 
“Ah, thank you. I’m not that good...” You didn’t have to look up to know that he was blushing. His flustered tone was a strong indicator. 
“I beg to differ. Give yourself more credit.” You said, wheeling yourself over to your desk to take out the big pack of paper towels you had brought from home. You placed the stack down for Wooyoung to take if he needed. 
“This is the first time I’ve worked so closely with the idols I’m producing for though.” You laughed.
“What’s it like usually?” He asked.
“If I see a project I want to participate in, I’ll send some material in or if the scouters find my work online, they’ll contact me. The discussions are mostly done online then they’ll send me the contrac to sign.” You explained.
“Oh, wow. Do you prefer to work like that? There’s less human contact in that aspect no?” 
“I guess. Being an ‘unknown entity’ prevents expectations from being set and in turn, there’s a lower chance of me being taken advantage of. I’m still there remotely to be a part of the process, just not there physially. The agencies send me progress updates on the song so I can monitor it when it gets released too. Less chance for additional drama that way.” You said.
“Then why come out to start producing in the open?” Wooyoung asked. You realised this was the question that everyone would ask you since you’ve been underground the entire time.
“Exposure. New experiences. Like I said, this is a new experience.” You shrugged, pointing to this interaction between you and Wooyoung.
“And how has that been?” You could hear the grin in his voice.
“Enjoyable.” You replied with a laugh. Wooyoung burst out laughing, his laugh was very distinct and adorable. Were all the Ateez members like this? Easy to be around and talk to. If so, you were not so nervous to meet them then. 
Even after the food was done, you and Wooyoung continued talking. It was easier to talk after removing your cap and wearing your mask again. He was funny and chill. 
“Hey, Indigo. The people are here.” Eden appeared. 
“Oh, okay. Thank you.” You stood up.
“Let me clear that for you and move out of the way.” Wooyoung gathered all the trash together in a bag, even wiping down the stools that you both used as makeshift tables. 
“Thanks, Wooyoung.” You bowed and went out to greet the movers. Before they brought things in, you kind of gave them a rough idea of where you wanted things to go. While they did that, you went to the convenience store downstairs to get some vitamin drinks for them. 
“Please, help yourselves.” You told them, placing the box of drinks on the floor for them. 
“Thank you, ma’am.” They all bowed and smiled gratefully. Most of the furniture had been set up prior so all they had to do was bring them in and install them if they needed to be installed. You got some floating shelves. 
“Sorry, I think I want those shelves here.” You pointed.
“Let me put down the rug before you put the coffee table.” You unfurled the rug, pressing the edges down as they curled up slightly. 
“Here.” You told them to place the glass table down. Things were starting to come together. Even if the shelves and cabinets were empty, at least you had them to fill and put your things now. 
“What height would you like the shelves?” The lead asked. He proceeded to use a tape measure to mark out where you would like to install the floating shelves.
“Is that too high?” You tilted your head.
“If you are going to display things, then it’s not too high. It is not accessible for daily use.” He advised. You hummed, unsure of what to do. 
“Ah, you know what. Just leave it at that height. I’ll find something to display. I have more than enough storage space already.” You laughed and the male laughed along, nodding his head in agreement. He used a pencil to mark the walls at the height you wanted the floating shelves. After that, you grabbed your computer and left to give them space. 
“Ah, Indigo!” 
“Hongjoong.” You waved to the blue haired male. 
“Got kicked out of your studio?” He asked.
“After one day? You wish. They’re installing the furniture and fixing stuff so I have to find another place to work for the time being.” You explained. He nodded his head. 
“Actually, if you have time, I would like to let you listen to something.” You asked. You wanted him to listen to the remixed beat you made last night.
“Sure. We can use the big studio. And if you’d like, you can meet the rest of my team. They’re coming in later, I think.” He said, a little unsure as he checked his watch for the time. You nodded and went into the studio with him. Luckily, it was not in use.
“Let me set up.” You sat at the big, long table in the middle of the studio and plugged your laptop to the speakers. When you started playing it, Hongjoong recognised it but as he listened on, his face morphed.
“Wait a minute... Is that...?” 
“It was the beat of your fingers drumming against my table top. I thought it would be a good addition.” You informed.
“Wow. I-I’m honoured. Let me hear it again.” He was so shocked and speechless. To listen to the tune more in depth, he changed the audio output to headphones rather than the speakers. 
“There’s still some mixing and balancing to be done before the final product. But when it gets published, I’ll definitely credit you.” You promised.
“It’s okay. I was honestly just mindlessly drumming along... It wasn’t much.” He shyly shook his hands in denial.
“No, giving credit where credit is due is important. It might be mindless drumming to you but it changed the tune for the better.” You insisted. You always hated and despised people that don’t give credit, you had been a victim of that way too many times. So even if it was a small addition or idea, you will make sure that the person gets the credit and recognition. 
“Thank you.” He blushed. 
“Once my studio is done, you should come do the beat on your own with the equipment. I was unsure on some parts so I just freestyled for the time being.” You told him.
“Definitely.” He nodded, excited over the prospect of working together on a project with you. 
“I heard from Wooyoung you fangirled when telling your team about me.” You teased. Hongjoong’s eyes widened like a deer caught in the headlights. His face turned bright red as he leaned down to hide from you.
“W-Wait, you’ve met Wooyoung?” He asked between nervous laughter.
“Yeah. This morning in the lift then he came to have lunch with me. Why, what’s wrong?” You giggled.
“That jerk... I didn’t fangirl, don’t think I’m weird or creepy. And Wooyoung... he’s the most playful out of the kids so if you can bare with him, you’ll be fine with the rest.” Hongjoong covered his face with his hands.
“Not weird or creepy at all, Hongjoong. I’m honoured you think so highly of me. And Wooyoung was very pleasant and helpful.” You smiled behind your mask, showing it through your eyes. It was endearing how Hongjoong referred to Wooyoung and his team as his children. 
“You say that now... Wait until he shows you his true colours.” Hongjoong rolled his eyes with a scoff. 
“If they’re anything like you and Wooyoung, I’m sure they’re delightful.” 
“They have the right intentions, they’re good kids. Just... hyper, playful and loud. You’ll quickly see who the favourites are and for good reason.” Hongjoong sighed, making you laugh again.
“Must not be easy being a father at your age.” You patted his shoulder with false sympathy. He shot you a look, not appreciating your mockery. 
“Oh, speak of the devils.” Hongjoong took his buzzing phone out. He answered it and put it on speaker.
Even you jumped at the sudden loud voices that blasted through the speaker. After that, multiple voices spoke over each other to the point where you couldn’t comprehend what each of them were saying. You snickered as Hongjoong facepalmed, shaking his head. He didn’t even bother to stop them, he was used to this chaos.
“Is that a girl? You’re with a girl?!” 
“Are you with Indigo?” 
“Indigo? Wooyoung, who is Indigo? Do you know something we don’t?!” 
“Idiot, she’s that new producer that joined us. Hyung told us about her! How could you forget so quickly?” 
“And the new producer is here, listening to your conversation. Hi, Ateez. And hi again, Wooyoung.” You chuckled, leaning on your hand as you spoke. Now it was Hongjoong’s turn to laugh.
“Hi, Indigo~” Wooyoung greeted you back but the rest remained silent, not expecting to have been on speaker to listen to them.
“Hyung! You didn’t tell us we were on speaker!”
“Bring her up, hyung! So we can introduce ourselves in person. We’re in the dance studio A.” 
With that, they just hung up. You couldn’t help but laugh while Hongjoong let out another sigh. He helped you carry your stuff as he led you upstairs to the floor where the dance studios were.
“Here we are.” Hongjoong stopped before the frosted door. You could make out faint silhouettes and multiple voices coming from inside.
“All I can say is, brace yourself.” He said firmly. You nodded as he opened the door. All at once, the noise stopped. The only thing that could be heard was the faint hip hop music playing in the background from the stereo. All 7 pairs of eyes were on you, the center of attention.
“Uhh, hi?” You waved uncertainly. 
“Indigo!” Wooyoung bounded up to you first, wrapping your arms around you. You blinked, frozen with shock. Hongjoong grabbed the back of his collar and yanked him back.
“Space, Wooyoung.” He reminded.
“Are they done working on your studio? Sorry I couldn’t be there to help, I had to come up and practice.” He smiled.
“They’re installing the furniture and fixing the stuff now. And don’t apologise, you were more than enough help. Especially since you brought me lunch.” You shook your head. Wooyoung grinned at your words. 
“Well, I guess I should introduce myself to the rest of you. Hi, I am producer Indigo. I’m working with Edenary in the production team. Nice to meet you all, I look forward to working with all of you.” You bowed politely to all of them.
“We should do a group introduction first before individual introductions.” One of them said. Wooyoung and Hongjoon joined their line up.
“8 makes 1 team! Nice to meet you, we are Ateez!” They chanted loudly. 
Series Masterlist
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kit-walk3r · 11 months
Maybe a fic with James being with a modern human girl? Maybe she’s super into technology and has a Wednesday Addams style and sense of humor!!
Thank you for the request, sorry it’s a little late! Confession: I haven’t seen Wednesday or the Addams family so don’t know much about her personality/sense of humour. What I’ve gathered from the internet is that she’s sarcastic and has a dark sense of humour. I’ve tried to incorporate that into this as best as I can but I apologise if it’s not Wednesday accurate. I hope you enjoy it either way 💓
Photograph (James Patrick March x fem!reader)
James becomes fascinated with your phone.
Warnings: slight mention of blood
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You were lounging about in the hotel room you often shared with James, mindlessly messing about on your phone when James appeared. He wasn’t in his usual three piece suit attire, but just an undershirt, trousers and a bloody apron. From his get-up you knew that he had just been butchering up some poor stranger. You were used to that by now, so you were barely phased by his bloody appearance. On the off occasion you actually found yourself weirdly liking it.
“What is that device?” James asked, pointing at your mobile in your hand. He’d often seen you playing around on it but didn’t actually know what it was, or what it did.
“It’s my phone,” you said, voice dry in a ‘duh’ tone as if it were obvious. It would be obvious to anyone if they weren’t from the 1920s.
James scoffed. “That’s not a telephone,” he denied.
You rolled your eyes. “Yeah, it is,” you said. “Things are different now, you’re just old.”
“Let me see it,” James extended his hand, expecting you to hand your phone over to him. You did as he said, realising how funny it was going to be to watch James try and use your phone.
James examined the phone, eyebrows furrowed in confusion as he tried to work out what it was and how it worked. “What on Earth is this?” He muttered to himself. He pressed the power button in his examination and the screen suddenly lit up, startling him slightly at the unexpected light. “Oh my…”
The screen turned black again and you watched James as he just stared at the blank screen, unsure of what he did to turn it on. It was getting painful watching him try to understand your phone, so you decided that it was time to offer him some help.
“I’ll show you,” you got up so that you were standing next to James and pressed the same power button James had used just moments ago, lighting the screen up again. James’ eyes widened with fascination as he watched you type in your passcode and another screen popped up, this one filled with lots of little tiny square images.
“To use it you just touch the screen like this,” you swiped your finger across the screen so it switched to a new page, demonstrating how to use it to James. You pointed at the app icons. “These are called apps. You can use them for a bunch of different things. You can play games, call people, take photos,” you clicked on a random app. “And to open one you just click it like that.”
“Google,” James’ eyes squinted as he read something off your screen. “That two tone haired buffoon said he ‘googled’ me. What exactly is Google? It sounds obscene.”
“You look things up,” you explained simply. You snatched your phone back off James and typed ‘James Patrick March’ into Google. You handed it back to him. “See? That’s all information on you.”
James began to run his finger over the screen, looking at all the different results that had come up. “‘Ten things you probably didn’t know about infamous serial killer James Patrick March’,” He read aloud before scoffing.
However, he clicked on the page and, after a moment of amazement at watching the screen change yet again, started reading what it said. There was an intense look of concentration as he read the entire thing. “That was ridiculous,” he claimed once he had finished. “Did this ‘Google’ honestly think I would not know my own birthday?” He shook his head. “What utter nonsense.”
You snorted at James’ anger at the article, finding humour in how worked up he was getting over one webpage.
You showed James how to exit the app and let him play around with your phone for a bit longer, exploring the different applications and settings on your phone. He ended up in your gallery, and was flicking through your photos with a growing grin. “Darling,” he held up your phone, showing a photo you had taken of yourself earlier. “You’re breathtaking.”
There was a slight hint of a blush in your cheeks at his words, but you played it off as if you were unaffected by his words, not wanting to give him the satisfaction of seeing you flustered. You liked playing him that way, not letting him see the real effect he had on you. You could tell when he would slowly get frustrated when he couldn’t get a reaction out of you.
James continued flicking through different photos on your face, eyes wide with fascination at photographs of yourself he found. He looked up at you. “I want to take one,” he announced.
You looked at him oddly. “Uh, okay,” you shrugged. You opened the camera app and switched the camera round so that it was front facing. “Just press this button when you’re ready.”
James nodded and looked down at the phone. After staring at the screen intensely for a moment he finally pressed the button and took a picture. You noticed how his facial expression did not change.
Once he was done, James handed you the phone back with a satisfied look on his face, clearly happy with the photo he took.
One glance at it and you couldn’t help but snicker. James looked confused.
“What’s so funny?” He asked, voice laced with confusion yet also slightly defensive.
You showed James the photo, trying to hold back more laughs. “It’s just not the most flattering angle of you,” you explained. It was taken from a very low angle and didn’t exactly capture James’ handsome features.
James looked offended at your words, like he was seriously insulted by your critique of his first attempt at taking a photo of himself on your phone. It was understandable, he was quite the perfectionist and not being able to do something as simple as taking a nice photo of himself must have been hurtful to his ego.
“Here, let me take one,” You offered. It would be nice to have a good (and attractive) photo of him on your phone. James thought for a moment, not necessarily wanting to admit defeat over not being able to take a nice photograph of himself, but remembered that you were more affiliated with the modern world and clearly knew how to take a better picture, so he finally agreed.
“Great,” you opened the camera on your phone and raised it to take the photo, before thinking of something and pausing. “Maybe you should get changed?” You suggested. “You’re still covered in someone’s blood and even though it’s a look I think one of your suits would look much better. More hot.”
James looked down at his bloody attire before nodding in agreement and disappearing. He reappeared a few minutes later, finely dressed in one of his pinstripe suits and hair neatly combed over. He looked good. He looked great. Wow.
“I’m ready for my photograph,” James announced.
You nodded and raised your camera to take the photo. James actually posed, not looking directly at the camera but slightly off into the distance, and you rolled your eyes at his dramatics. James was always one to be more theatrical than needed, of course he wouldn’t pose with a simple smile. Anyway, you took a couple of photos before handing your phone to James to check.
He looked down at the screen and grinned with the same satisfaction he had when he took the photo himself. “I do look rather dashing, even if I do say so myself,” James said smugly.
“That you do, James,” you agreed, pressing a kiss to his cheek. “That you do.”
I hope this was okay! I’m still a little nervous about how I write James since he’s such a distinct character but I hope I did an okay job. Thank you for the request!
My requests are still open 💓
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“I just got the notice.  It’s done.  I never thought I would have seen a wire transfer of fifty thousand dollars into my account.  OK shithead, you are for real.  Get naked.  I want to inspect my property.  That’s what you are to me.  You are a cunt.  You are a toilet.  You are a punching bag.  You are whatever the fuck I want to make of you.  Right now, I want you naked…. 
“I don’t give a shit about those two drivers over there.  Leave your clothes right there, but hand me your phone.  Look at the screen.  I saw your post to Facebook.  You were able to follow orders.  The video was short and to the point.  You let your family and friends know that you met a hot daddy that you are moving in with, and that you will be living off the grid and that you won’t be able to respond to anyone for a long time.  You actually told them not to worry, that you trust me.  That last part was a nice added touch.
“What’s your passcode?...  I’m going to change it and then deactivate the facial recognition.  Your phone will be locked away, but I will still need to access it from time to time—you know, for the $5,000 monthly payment to me.  Which reminds me, what is your password for money transfers?...  Ok.  This is your first real test….  Yup that works.  I’m going to change that code later.
“Stand up and turn around.  Let me see what I own for the next year.  Nice tiny pecker.  Don’t like that it feels that it is free to get hard.  I completely understand why it is hard.  I’m that fucking hot.  When I install you inside the cab, I’ll have a cage to put on it.  It won’t come off too often, if ever. 
“Are you naturally smooth, or do you shave your chest?...  Good.  No manly pelt for you, God made sure of it.  Your pubes will come off in a bit too.  Turn around, let me see my new fuck hole….  Nice and hairless.  You douched out like I told you?  Good.  We’ll get you set up for cleaning out while on the road.  How many times in the past week have you been bred?... 
“Interesting.  I don’t get it.  You are quite cute.  You seem to have no problem getting men to fuck you.  You have money, enough to not only pay me over 100K across the next year, but you can take a year off to be tied up, roughed up, fucked up in the back cab of some unknown brutal asshole truck driver.
“I don’t know what you are running from.  And I don’t care.  What I do care about is I don’t want some drama creeping into my cab, during the year you are with me and the time after.
“Get on your knees and look up and into your phone’s camera.  I want you to say the following in your own words.  That you come here of your own choice.  You are paying me $50,000 up front to live in cab with me, and $5,000 each month.  This is non-refundable at any time.  You want to be controlled by me in all aspect of your life.  You know that I am a brutal sadistic man.  Sex with me is not a guarantee and is not part of the money paid.  I want you to beg on camera for me to brutally use you, sexually and otherwise.  That includes using you anyway I see fit.  You consent to all my demands.  You can revoke it at any time and terminate our agreement.  In fact you know either of us can terminate this role.  If I do it, you will be left naked on the side of the road somewhere.  If you do it for any reason, then you would gladly pay me a penalty of additional $50K, transferred from this phone.  You will beg to be bound for most of the day.  You will beg for me to humiliate you and degrade you.  You got all that?
“Good.  Now look at your phone’s camera…. Wait I should also get you on my camera too.  Can’t be too cautious….  Focus your attention on your phone, and… go….
“That’s done.  So now let’s get you locked up properly in the cab.  Come here.  When crawling into my cab and I’m right behind you, pause and lean over my seat.  Stick your pussy out.  Let the world see your ass.  I want to check out my new fuck hole. 
“This is a pretty pussy.  Oh there is some hair back here.  Don’t start yelping now.  I just yanked out a couple.  There’s a lot more to pull out.  What?  You think I’m going to use my clippers on a pussy?  Or your crotch?  Fuck that.  You’ll be fine with a yank or two… or twenty, or whatever it takes. 
“If you are going to have an issue that I’m going to yank out your hair, this is not going to go well for you.  If you can’t handle one minute with me, how the hell are you going to last for a year?  You paid for one year to submit to a sadistic trucker with one the fattest cocks out there.  Do you still want to do this?  Or are you living in a fantasy world?  If you want to bail, now is the time.  I will pull out of here, leaving you naked without your phone.  And I will definitely make sure that the penalty fee is transferred to my account before you can even make it over to one of those two drivers over there.
“What’s it going to be?  Climb down and go over to them, or climb into the bunk on your back and get your legs up high.  You have ten seconds to decide your next year.
“Atta faggot.  When you get up there, you’ll see some ankle and wrist cuffs.  Go ahead and put them on.  I need to secure your shit. 
“Hey shithead.  I talked with one of the other drivers who was watching you present yourself to me.  He wants to fuck you.  I told him that I will only let him if he’s brutal.  He just smiled and said, ‘Ohhhhh I can do that.’  So it looks you got your first fuck customer. 
“Damn you look good.  But let’s get you secured.  These wrist restraints get clipped here.  You secure?...  Good.  Now this ankle goes over here.  The hard one is this last ankle.  The fags I secure always find this difficult….  Relax.  Relax this leg.  Fucker, just suffer through the pain.  This is the pose you will be in as we drive across the country; your cunt leading the way.
“Now for this.  See this.  This is not your ordinary chastity cage.  No this one flattens your dick head to just over half an inch.  There is no way for you pull out.  Your balls, as tiny as they are, are pushed in your taint region so that when you sit down, you will crush them.  You won’t be able to get a hard on due to the pain it causes.  This is going to hurt. 
“Scream.  I don’t give a fuck.  This is going on.  There!  Now for the lock….  With that click, this is not coming off. 
“Oh shit!  He’s already here.
“Come on up….  I was about to cunt the fag.  You can watch….  I just need to remove some of his pubes.  Get over there so you can watch.  I don’t use a clipper or anything like that.  I just grab a hold of a tuft and yank it out.  The faggots always scream when I do that.  That’s music to my ears.  Gets me rock hard.
“No, you can leave the curtain open.  I don’t give a shit who sees me take ownership of this fagmeat.  If the other driver wants to join, so be it.  This is the pussy’s first moments submitting to me; he needs to know what’s in store for him for the next year.
“Hey shithead, open your fucking mouth.  Eat your pubic hair.  Chew and swallow.  Everything that gets yanked out goes right into your mouth.
“That’s what you got to do to these fags.  He knew that I am a sadistic bastard when he agreed to live with me for a year.  He knew that’s what he was paying me for….
“Yeah, he paid me fifty thousand to ride with me and ride me….  No shit!  And he’s paying me five thousand every month.  Fuck yeah.  The first transfer went through about ten minutes ago.  A friend of mine told me that I should be charging for my fat cock.  He told me about a site where this type of shit goes on.  I posted that I’m a driver with a seven by eight-inch dick looking for a hole to fuck while on the road for the next year.  I jokingly put a fifty-thousand-dollar price tag, and wouldn’t you know it within a week, this faggot replied.  Once I showed him a pic of my cock and me next to my tractor, he wanted to throw money at me. 
“Open up.  Eat this last tuft.  I will save the rest of your snatch for another time.  It’s time for me to fuck this cunt.  Let me show you the dick that will own your life.  Look at it.  It’s barely rock hard, and it’s already fatter than a beer can.  You got me leaking boy.  There is so much slop under my foreskin.  You will be expected to clean me up every day, after every time I fuck you.
“Hand me some of that lube.
“Hey shithead.  You ready to be cunted?  The lube goes on for my pleasure, not yours….
“Scream fucker scream.  Right to the root.  Resist or accept me, I don’t give a shit.  I’m going to dump my three-day load into you through all your screaming.  You want me to cum faster, keep screaming.  It ain’t going to take me long.  First cuntings never do.  Your pussy walls are like silk on my dick.  Oh fuck.  I’m gonna cum. 
“Look up at me.  You know I own you?  You know this cunt is mine?  Just nod.  Good.  You want this load?  Of course, you do.  It’s what you live for.  It’s gonna cost you though.  Look at my fist.  Here comes your first black eye.
“BOOM!  Fuck yeah.  And I’m gonna cum.  I’m gonna cum!  Ahhhhhh!  Ahhhhhh.  Fuck yeah.
“Whew!  That was fucking good.  You’re up!...  What?  That bother you?  Then don’t fuck him.  I don’t give a shit.  Besides, I love giving black eyes.  My favorite part is making the fagmeat respond ‘I didn’t listen’ to any inquiry as to how it happened.  Damn.  Thinking about that is getting me hard again.  He’s already starting to regain consciousness.
“Hey Shithead!  Rise and shine in the summertime!
“Your dick is still hard.  Go on.  Fuck him…. Yeah, there you go.  Go on give it to him.  You said you would be brutal.  Fuckin’ be brutal….  Yeah yank his nips right off.  He needs to know the year of hell that lies in front of him.”
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ccbb2222 · 1 year
A Woman in Charge- Bradley Rooster Bradshaw x Reader
Summary: The wifi cuts out during your workday so you go to the next best place to finish up your work calls: the Hard Deck. Rooster shamelessly eavesdrops on your work call...and he likes what he hears.
Pairings: Rooster x Reader
Warnings: Some swears, mostly flirting
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You sigh, locking your car in the parking lot and slinging your work bag over your shoulder. The wifi going out before your final few meetings of the day was not on your bingo card this afternoon. Knowing the local coffee shops would be overridden with afternoon patrons, you headed to your local dive, the Hard Deck, where you figured you could post up unbothered before the 5 o'clock rush.
Waving to Penny as you walk in, you motion to your work bag, "All good if I bum your wifi off of you if I order a beer?"
Penny laughs, writing down the wifi passcode and sliding it across the bar top, "No purchase necessary, hun. You're here plenty to earn your right to wifi.'' Laughing gratefully, you find a seat at the corner of the bar and open your laptop, carefully pulling your prep notes from your bag. You see your direct report's name pop up on your screen with an incoming call and you quickly grab your headphones.
"Chloe, hi," You greet, shifting your laptop to get the camera to the best possible angle.
"Hey," She greets, then squints looking at you, "Are you...at a bar?"
You laugh, explaining your wifi dilemma and she nods, "Wait, isn't that the navy bar?"
You shrug, "Yeah, I guess it is."
Chloe smiles gleefully. Although she was based out of the East Coast, her sister lived in San Diego. "Oh girl, I hope you score a hot man tonight." "Hey now, I'm still your boss," You joke, before stirring the conversation back on course. "So what's up?"
Chloe sighs, then divulges the latest messages between her and the creative director that you were due to meet with in 15 minutes. "So he's saying the project won't be prioritized. And then proceeded to lecture me on how to best submit requests 'on time.' And that once I'm with the company longer, I'll understand how it works." You roll your eyes. As a boss, you weren't afraid to show your mutual frustrations. "You did submit the request on time though," You say, "In fact, I remember you submitting it early."
Chloe nods, "I did! And that's what I was going to say. But he just kept turning the conversation back to prioritization and made me feel like my work wasn't important."
You see her shoulders deflate and you feel frustration wash over you. You were still, by all accounts, "young." As a 27 year old, you were by no means a "well seasoned" adult. But you had been in the corporate world longer than fresh-faced, recent grad, Chloe. You remembered what it felt like to be in her shoes.
"Are you okay if I run point on this meeting, Chloe?" You check, "I don't want to overstep, but I'd love to be able to weigh in on how your work is being...'prioritized.'" You finger quote the last word, which gets a cackle out of Chloe. She nods, "Oh by all means." You wrap up with Chloe and end the call. Sifting through your notes, you listen to your work playlist as you gear up for your next meeting. You knew it was never easy working with Dan, the creative director. He was condescending and quite frankly, sexist. The way he treated Chloe made your blood boil. You knew exactly how it felt, you had been on the receiving end of it. But enough was enough.
You were so caught up in your notes and (fucking amazing) playlist, that you don't notice the group of naval aviators enter the Hard Deck.
Penny greets them with a smile, "Cutting out early today?" She asks looking at her watch, "It's only 3:45." Hangman laughs, leaning against the bar top, "Grueling day with the new class. Mav wasn't easy on them." "A round for everyone, then?" She asks and receives a chorus of yeses. "Up for some pool, Rooster?" Phoenix asks, only to be promptly ignored.
Rooster was locked in on you, seated at the far end of the bar, laptop opened and mouth pulled down in a frown. He was struck by how beautiful you were, but even more so, how adorable you looked with your brow furrowed. "Helloooo?" Phoenix shakes his shoulders with a laugh. "Oh, sorry, what?" Rooster runs a hand through his hair and returns his gaze to his best friend.
"She's pretty," Phoenix says with a knowing smirk.
"She really is," Rooster agrees, leaning on the bar and returning a shameless stare.
"Bradley!" Penny scolds, and he jumps, "Let the woman work." Phoenix and Hangman, having witnessed the encounter, both bark out loud laughs at Rooster's blushing face.
"I — I," He stutters, and Penny just grins at him like a cheshire cat.
"You can talk to her after she's done working. Now shoo," She waves her dishrag at him and he shuffles away with his tail between his legs.
You wait for the clock to hit 4, and then you promptly enter the work call, leaving your camera off.
You wait for the greetings, and then unmute yourself, "Thanks for hopping on everyone." You start, "Sorry for the background noise and lack of camera. My wifi went out so I had to relocate and it seems to have gotten a bit busy here.” You pause to adjust your headphones, “Just wanted to meet to discuss our upcoming projects and see where we can land on prioritization. Would love to hear from Dan's side what's top of mind, then we can share what's top of mind for us, and hopefully reach a game plan. Sound good?" Unbeknownst to you, Rooster was listening to your every word. Standing just a few feet to the left of you, he sipped his beer and "watched" Hangman and Phoenix square off in pool.
He smirked at how confident you sounded leading the meeting, and didn't miss the way you clearly rolled your eyes at something that was being said on the call. He figured your camera must be off given the eye roll and the constant tapping of your fingers against the bar top, seemingly out of frustration. He wanted to see you get worked up over him.
"Can I jump in for a second, Dan?" You say, a slight edge to your voice. Dan had been on a tangent about team priorities, but had dropped in a not-so-subtle slight towards Chloe and her short tenure at the company. Waiting for him to stop talking, you continue, "I understand how your team can only work on so much at once. What I'm getting confused about though is how Chloe's tenure here has any weight on where her project stands. We have presented this plan to many teams, including the CEO, and they have all expressed interest and are bought-in. In fact, given the cross-functional buy in this project has, the predicted impact, and the deadline we're facing, I would argue this should be the team's top priority."
Bradley's jaw is practically dropped at this point, listening to how assertive but eloquently you argued for your direct report. If he had to be honest, it was probably one of the hottest things he'd ever seen. He definitely wouldn't mind being bossed around by you. Hell, he had to stop himself from crawling on his hands and knees over to your barstool just to be ordered around by you. Ending your call you smile, knowing the case was strong and getting additional support from the others on the call. Dan had no choice but to cave, although he didn't seem happy about it. Your laptop lights up with one more incoming call from Chloe and you promptly answer.
"OH MY GOD." She says, and you laugh. "That was AMAZING." You shrug, and let out a breath, "Hey, I need to stand up for my directs. Plus, your project has way more buy-in than half of the things they have on their to-do list. Just gotta stand your ground sometimes. I won't stand for people talking to my teammates like that. It's not okay." Chloe smiles gratefully, "Well, thank you again. I'm going to finish up that deck we talked about earlier and I'll see you Monday?"
"Sure thing," You smile and wave goodbye, checking the time to see it was 5:15. Shutting your laptop, you wave Penny over, "I think I'll go for that beer now." Penny laughs, but dodges your credit card as you hand it over to start a tab, "That man over there has you covered," She says with a smirk.
Confused, you turn around to see a tall, gorgeous man heading your way. His lips are quirked up in a crooked smile, his top lip covered by a perfectly groomed mustache.
"Beer's on me," He greets, hovering over the stool next to you, and you look up at him with a small smile, "I've gotta say, I may or may not have been listening to your work call.” You pretend to be scandalized by throwing a hand over your heart and a mock offended expression crosses your face. “That is an invasion of privacy,” you scold teasingly.
The man laughs and continues, "All I'm saying is, you run a tight ship." You smirk, turning to face him, "And you are?" He smiles looking to the seat next to you and points to it. You nod your head, and he sits down next you, "Bradley Bradshaw, at your service ma'am."
God, he was charming. You offer up your name and hand and he shakes it firmly.
“So tell me,” he says leaning towards you, “Have you always been able to finesse what you want, or did that take practice?”
You decide to give into his playful banter, “Oh, I get what I want most of the time,” You answer, “I’ve found most people tend to fall in line with a little persuasion.”
Bradley nods at that, “I can certainly see why,” he all but whispers.
You hold his gaze until you feel your cheeks start to warm and a blush stains your face.
“Tell you what,” You say, standing up, and trying to maintain your cool, “I’ve got plans with my friend tonight, but I’m free tomorrow. I’ll meet you back here tomorrow night, same time?”
Bradley nods instantly, “Sounds like a plan.”
You smile and start to pack up your work bag, “Good. Thanks for the beer, Bradley.”
He watches you walk out, and then it hits him: you’ve got him in the palm of your hand, and there’s truly no other place he’d rather be.
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gunilslaugh · 11 months
I was inspired by the sick reaction/injury reaction. What would their reactions be when you are the one taking care of their injury or taking care of them when their sick??
Here's your request I hope that you enjoy it!
All members -^-^-
Summary: When you take care of Xdinary Heroes.
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photo not mine credit to owner.
Gunil had caught a cold. He tried to play it off like it wasn’t that bad, but his members knew better and told (forced) him to stay home and rest. Jungsu is the one who sent you a text informing you about Gunil’s condition. After receiving the text you hurried over to their dorm, so you could look after Gunil. 
Once you arrived at their dorm you put in the passcode to the door and made a beeline for Gunil’s room after entering. Gunil pipped up at the noise of you entering.
“What are you doing here?” He questioned you after seeing you enter his room.
“Jungsu, told me that you were sick with a cold,” you explained, your voice laced with sympathy. Gunil murmurs something that you can’t understand.
“It’s really not that bad, they’re overreacting,” he tries to persuade you.
“That’s why you're still curled up under your covers?” You pointed, not buying his act. “Have you eaten anything?” You followed up. Gunil shakes his head as an answer. “I’ll go make you some food,” you stated, leaving the room to head to the kitchen. You returned with a bowl of soup and medicine. Helping Gunil sit up before handing the bowl carefully to him. He ate the soup then took the medicine. 
“Thank you,” Gunil appreciated. “You didn’t have to come take care of me,” he added.
“How could I just go about my day knowing that you are sick?” You asked rhetorically. Moving over to give him a hug only to be shoved away. You gave Gunil an offended look.
“I don’t want you to catch my cold,” he explained. You let out a sigh.
“You owe me cuddles once you're better,” you stuck out a finger at him.
“Gladly,” he responded. 
Poor Jungsu sprained his ankle. It was nothing too serious, but he was suggested to wear an ankle brace in the meantime while his ankle recovered.
Currently, Jungsu was over at your place sitting on the couch with his injured leg elevated on the coffee table with a pillow. You grabbed an ice pack from your freezer and went over to where Jungsu sat, carefully placing the ice on his ankle.
“It will help with the swelling,” you told him. 
“Thanks,” he says, offering a smile, yet you notice some sadness lurking in his eyes. 
“What’s wrong?” you asked concerned, coming to sit next to him on the couch.
“I just feel bad for my members. You know one of us not being there makes things harder for the rest. They have more weight to carry now and I feel bad for our fans,” Jungsu admits.
“It’s not your fault Jungsu, accidents happen. Everyone just wants you to recover,” you tried to comfort him. Jungsu nodded his head.
“I know. It just…I don’t know..sucks,” he stated.
“I know it does, but don’t worry. I’ll make sure you have a speedy recovery,” you spoke promptly. A genuine smile appeared on Jungsu’s face now. He feels so lucky to have someone like you to be by his side and take care of him. Jungsu leans his head onto your shoulder. He’s been a bit more clingy since spraining his ankle, not that you mind. You lovingly pat his head before wrapping your arm around his shoulder.
“Thank you,” he repeats again.
“You already told me that earlier,” you laughed.
“That was for the ice,” he informed. “Now I’m thanking you for always taking care of me,” he elucidated.
“You’re welcome, I like being able to take care of you,” you stated, holding him a little tighter.
Getting a text from Jiseok that was a pic of him wearing a wrist brace while holding a thumbs up definitely wasn’t on the list of things you expected today.
“What happened?!” you texted instantly texted him back. You knew nothing was seriously wrong, but you still felt anxious while you waited for him to respond.
“Tripped on the curb and fell on my wrist wrong :\” His response finally lit up your phone. Not too long after Jiseok arrived at your apartment.
“How long do you have to wear the brace?” You questioned him as you examined his injury.
“Not too long, only two weeks,” Jiseok answered. 
“Does it hurt?” You asked concerned. Now holding his wrist delicately in your hands.
“Only a little,” he told you. 
Dinner time rolled around and you cooked something simple for both you and Jiseok to eat. You set the bowls of food down on the kitchen table and began to dig in. That was until you heard some frustrated grumbling coming from Jiseok. You drew your attention towards him and saw him struggling to pick up the food due to his arm being in the brace.
“Looks like you should have fallen on your other hand,” you teased him. Only to earn a glare in response. You moved your chair closer to his and picked up some food from his plate.
“Open,” you instructed him, raising the food towards his mouth. Jiseok listened and opened his mouth for you to feed him. 
“I feel like a mom,” you joked, wiping the little remnants of food from his mouth.
“Couples feed each other too,” Jiseok pointed out.
“Yeah, but it can be very cringey sometimes when they do it,” you replied. “Plus I’m taking care of you, so it’s more mom like anyway,” you noted.
“True, thank you mom,” he said playfully, earning him a smack on the shoulder.
Seungmin texted you in the morning informing you that he wasn’t feeling well. Obviously you couldn’t just do nothing knowing that he was sick, so you texted him back telling him that you were on your way. Your heart slightly sunk once you arrived and saw the Seungmin laying in bed. It was clear that he didn’t feel well. 
“Hi,” you greeted him gently, fingers stroking his hair away from his face. A frown taking over your face, noticing how warm he felt Seungmin relished in your touch. His tired eyes opened and he gave you a smile. “You have a fever, let me go get you some medicine” you stated. Leaving the room you dug the medicine you bought out of the bag and returned to Seungmin. You helped him sit up before handing him the medicine and a glass of water. “Do you feel like eating anything?” You asked him. Seungmin shook his head.
“Later,” he said. You nodded then helped him lay back down. Once more you left the room and returned with a wet rag. You carefully placed it over his forehead hoping that it would help take down his fever. After that you climbed into bed next to him, sitting up against the headboard.
“What if you get sick?” Seungmin asked you, concerned.
“I won’t get sick,” you told him. If he wasn’t so sick he would argue with you saying that you wouldn't know that, but he was too tired. “Take a nap. You need to rest,” you told him as your fingers returned to gently stroking his hair like you did when you first arrived. It didn’t take long for Seungmin to drift off into sleep. Once he awoke you were still there sitting by his side. 
“Feeling better?” You checked, placing your hand on his forehead, letting out a sigh of relief that his fever was gone.
“Much, thank you,” he thanked you sincerely.
Hyeongjun and you were out shopping to pick up ingredients for a new baking recipe the two of you wanted to try. After you double checked that you had everything you needed you paid for the groceries and headed back home to your apartment. Placing the bags on the counter once you arrived back the two of you were quick to get to work. You were busy preparing the crust for the desert while Hyeongjun was preparing the filling. Everything was going smoothly until you heard Hyeongjun hiss in pain.
“Are you ok?” You frantically asked him, abandoning what you were doing. Quickly going to his side.
“I’m fine, I just cut my finger a little bit,” he said, holding his finger.
“Let me see,” you told him, grabbing his injured hand. Inspecting you see the small cut. “Hold on, I'll be back,” you stated. You went to your bathroom where you keep your first aid kit. Returning to the kitchen with the first aid kit in hand. You opened it, taking out the disinfectant and a bandaid. “Give me your hand,” you ordered him. Hyeongjun held out his hand to you. First you applied the disinfectant, apologizing when you jerked back due to the sting. Next you carefully wrapped the bandaid around the injured finger. Finally you placed a peck onto his finger. Hyeongjun could fight off the smile from his lips at your caring actions. “There, all better,” you say.
“Thank you,” he tells you, turning his hand from front to back to examine your work.
“Don’t cut yourself again,” you half scolded him before returning to your baking. Hyeongjun went back to preparing the filling. His mind kept replaying you pecking his injured finger everytime he stared at the bandaid. 
Jooyeon and you were supposed to go out on a date today, but plans had to change since Jooyeon woke up not feeling well. 
“I really wanted to go on our date,” Jooyeon sulked from under the covers. His voice sounded slightly hoarse. 
“I know, but we’ll go another time. You need to rest today,” you told him. Briefly you left the room to go make him some tea with honey to help with his sore throat. You returned with the mug in your hands and set in on the nightstand. “It’s still hot, it needs to cool down for a bit,”. After the tea cooled down enough you propped Jooyeon up with some pillows and handed him the mug. He blew on it first before he took a sip.
“It’s good,” he stated before taking another sip.
“I’m glad. I’ll go get you something to eat now then,” you informed him. Jooyeon nodded, carefully placing the mug back onto the nightstand. You re-entered the room with porridge, carrying it on a tray. You sat the try across Joooyeon’s blanket covered lap. After eating you told Jooyeon that it was time for him to take some medicine, to which he wasn’t being very cooperative about.
“But it tastes bad,” he whined in refusal. 
“I know it tastes bad, but you still have to take it,” you told him. Jooyeon shook his head. “Don’t you want to go on our date? We can go on it faster if you take it,” you tried to convince him. Reluctantly Jooyeon stuck out his hand for you to give him the medicine. Once he took the medicine he layed back down to rest. You soothingly ran your fingers through his hair and in no time Jooyeon was out like a light. Once he was feeling better he was even more excited for your date.
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yoonjinsgirl · 9 months
Heyaaaa guys!!! I'm here with Chapter-2 of series, checkout series chapter-1💌
Yoongi x fem!Reader
Summary: you wake up one day only to realize it's 2026 already & to your biggest shock you are not in your bedroom, not in your house! You try to wake yourself up from the dream! But is it really a dream or the truth of your life?
Genre: idol au, mirror world au, fluff, suggestive.
Taglist: Open
Updates: after every 4 days.
Warnings: not something that could make sense irl, an au concept, it could be dangerously delulu and fluff ofcourse! please note all my writings are fictional and has nothing irl to do with any idol/person.
A/N: this fic also feature hobi and his girl "I'm naming hobi's girl as my hobii biased bestie*. We obviously do have bangtan featuring and also a cameo of jihoon aka woozi 💜
I'm just an amateur, I apologize in advance for any mistakes. Please give your precious feedbacks, It would mean alot to me!!
Request are open & also highly welcomed and appreciated!
check my other works until now here❤️‍🩹
I've imagined this all night and every day!💕
''WHAT IN THE FREAKING WORLD!!!'' is all you manage to speak out. At this point you are really losing your mind because what the heck is happening with you, what does his question even mean? For sure he guessed it all right but how? But not like he's an astrologer or something so, how then?
"Y/nssi please calm down let's go in and sit down first and calmly discuss about this, not that I've any wrong intentions but what will people think if they see you scream another time or anything even worse! And From your reaction i can figure out that whatever i guessed earlier was all right isn't?!? Let's get in talk! I will explain you everything i promise!" woozi says trying to calm you down, speaking as softly and respectfully as he could.
Finally you open the door to yoongi's studio with the passcode he just gave you and without wasting any time you quickly settle on the couch, and woozi sitting opposite to you.
"So what is this all about??? This according to me was supposed to be my dream! So now what even is this?? Please woozisii i beg you tell me how do you know about all this! And what in the freaking world is this all happening, coz last time i know i was in 2023! In my house! In my country! And i clearly remember i was only a mere bts army who loved min yoongi with all my heart and kept imagining and dreaming for all this to happen! To become his girl! I have imagined this all night and every day, so i assumed this all to be dream, but now it feels odd! Not that i didn't doubt in the beginning on whatever was happening but i declined my intuition thinking its all my mind playing games with me but what actually is this all?" You finally confess everything you had been feeling and thinking since the morning you had wake up and letting all your questions fall free from your mind.
"Umnn well to be honest this situation that you've landed yourself into is not that simple as it looks, this is kind of complicated to explain you y/nssi! Also messy to explain how i know about your situation, but I'll try explaining you in short and quickly before yoongi hyung returns okay! I know it will be hard for you to trust on me or my words but please trust me! I'm only going to tell you the truth, and to be honest I'm involved in this matter so please listen to me and try to keep calm, I will answer your every question, i promise!"
You only nod to his statement because there's so much going in your mind! Your thoughts are all unclear and foggy, and you are not really ready to hear or know any kind of new information, not atleast in a form of any bad news, but do you even have any choice at this point?? So nothing coming out from your mouth instead of a simple nod!
Understanding your situation woozi speaks, "okay so first of all no this not your dream! but if you want, you can consider it as your dream but know that this all is really happening, THIS IS ALL IS REAL! this is reality! And You actually do not belong to this world! This is not your world! You've unknowingly teleported into what for you can.. say is a mirror world! And you unexpected entering into this world has created a weird impact, looks like we've entered temporarily into some kind of different realm, not anything serious but something is not right, we've not been able to identify the on-going issue but we will figure it out soon and will send you back into your wo.." Before woozi could tell you anymore.. you couldn't hold back any of your curiosity or uneasiness forming inside you, by whatever thing he was explaining you, so cut him off and start speaking instead, "OMGG IS THIS SOME KIND OF ROCKET SCIENCE because i couldn't understand a single thing, THIS IS SUPPOSED BE SOME KIND OF WEIRD DREAM and for god sake it needs to end right now and right here!!!" You slap yourself frequently in attempt to get up, if this actually is some weird dream of yours. Woozi immediately tries to stop you but you again ask him "WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY ALL OF THIS, SORRY BUT I'M NOT GETTING HOLD OF ANYTHING!"
"Y/nssi first of all please stop jumping to conclusions and please try to calm yourself, i told you before itself that this all is going to be very complicated for me to explain and for you to understand. This is a mirror world; of the world, that you live in and you've got teleported over here because y/n from this world has somehow attempted to enter into your world causing you to get teleport here, into the mirror world, so basically mirror world is almost same as the world you've came from, but time over here goes faster then you expect! not that you can feel it but that is how it works. As you said for your world it's 2023 but for us it's 2026, know that people here are exactly same as they are in your world, by that what i mean is the human characteristics and their appearance, for example appearance resembling to people from your world, but where they live or what they eat or their likes/dislikes, their relations and their profession could be similar or could even be different at times. 90% its similar but for the rest of 10% it could be different too."
"Now there has been going on some research by our world's research team, please know the research is going on in a secretive manner to find out about how other world exists and how life there progresses. I'm part of that team and no one really knows about it, for people I'm only an idol & music writer/composer/producer. To what I've know by now, about your situation is that you've got replaced to fill in the void of y/n but the thing is that she is different from you by that i mean by her thoughts, by her likes and dislikes, for example she's not into music or idol thing. Now the thing is hyungnim really jinjja jinjja doesn't has a girlfriend or anything so this is the kind of weird thing that i was telling you about, which has taken place. It's like world has entered into a different realm where, what I believe is; happens only when someone who doesn't belong to this world teleports here and depending on their inner energy or power makes some changes into our world, mostly for their survival, which I guess is the reason why you ended up with hyung, and becoming his lover! your energy must be the 'law of attraction & manifesting' , as you said being with hyung was something you've always wished for! Doesn't matters if it was from your world, but because that is what you always wanted.. so whatever you've always wished of truly, will occur and for that to actually happen and take place, also considering for your survival, things will change or move accordingly to make it true. But remember questioning anyone about how & why it occurred might break the spell to your energy and things will start falling apart and eventually you'll land into trouble so better keep going with flow, i pro.."
Again you questioned woozi cutting him off "no no no no... what do you mean? So you are trying to tell me, that I'm some kind of supernatural human coz no I'm not I'm just a normal women who's has turned 23 and according to your place 26, and yes okay I confess that I can be extremly delusional but that's it!!! being delusional can't be power a afterall. And what do you mean I made changes, if my duplicate wasn't yoongi's lover than why does he recognizes me and wait wait wait.... he even tends to know my bestfriend harshitha and claims she is hobi's girl how???? You said I'm the only one who got here but then what is all this about? my head is spinning now WTH"
"Please get hold of yourself! surely in your world you won't be any superhuman or so, but here in the mirror world anyone who enters from another world or realm is 10000x powerful then people over here so technically over here you are someone who has special abilities. And as I was telling you there could be people similar to the people in your world, whom you knew so.." you cut off him again but woozi understanding your mindstate chooses to stay calm towards you.
"OMG! No wait! what do you mean? So was my duplicate friends with harshitha of this world, so will she not recognize that its not my dup but me and that my dup never was yoongi's lover because you just told me my dup is not into music/idol or anything like that right? also you said yoongi doesn't has girlfriend So what will I do now? You heard yoongi say right, that we are going to go somewhere, that somewhere is to meet the other members so I believe hobi will obviously bring his girl so what am I supposed to do? Omggg what if she doubts on me? You literally told me it won't result into anything good?? Omggg! ije ottoke hamnikka?!?, you hold your head, not really understanding anything clearly and thinking about what kind of trouble have you landed yourself into. "Calm down y/nssi! I already told you that even though your world is similar to our world, still there could be differences, just the way y/n wasn't into music/idol thing and didn't even cared to know about it's existence, similarly the friend of yours also could not be knowing y/n, but as I said maybe the way yoongi hyung knows you currently, in similar way she too could happen to known you so be aware and cautious and nothing will go wrong!!! I can assure you that as soon as I figure out someway, I'll get you out of this situation and I'll send you safe and sound back to your place, to your world, it's my responsibility now!''
"Wait so what will happen once I go back, what if that dup of my would have created some chaos, OMFL how will handle it all.. when I return! what will I do then, also what will happen if I suddenly disappear from here, OMGGGG I'm going insane.."
''You certainly not have to think or worry about all the aftermath, once you return back to your own world, everything will return back to normal, no one will remember anything from the time you'd got teleported here, also here too everyone forget everything that happened, I do not mean to hurt you or sound rude but you or any memories related to you'll be erased from everyone's mind, so don't worry about all that."
Unknowingly you feel sad hearing everyone will forget you but next the second curiosity taking over of you, so you ask "And what about me??? will I be able to remember anything that happened here?? or will my memories from here also will be gone?"
"If I'm being honest, right now I have no right answer, I'm not really sure about that, but don't worry, before I send you back, I'll inform you about everything, about any uncertainty or whatsoever.. I'll instruct you about everything, so don't worry about any of that right now.. the only thing you need to remember right now is that do not let anything lead to question the peak of your existence in their life, just go with the flow and everything will be under control. And yes another thing as I told you time over here goes faster then your world, so there won't actually be any problem in your world because time there will go slower than you expect. Now before I go please hand me your device I'll add my contact details and will send your contact details to myself so that as soon as I figure out a away I can immediately contact you send you back safely." You do as you've been asked and hand him your device. Within minutes he hands you, your device back and stands up, signing that he'll leave now, so you too get up from couch in response.
"I'll get going before hyung comes, please get hold of yourself and calm down y/nssi, also don't worry my hyung isn't a bad person.. you'll be safe with him, take care, I'll contact you soon!''
In response all you could manage was to give him a small smile reassuring that you got it all, and then he leaves. Leaving behind a shook and bewildered you. Confused about how exactly you feel about all this happening. And waiting for yoongi to return back, although you have no idea how you will face him, after the newly found information. Isn't it weird how Yoongi from this world is exactly how he felt in your world, you're lost in your thoughts, that how does this all make any sense? Like you didn't fall in love with yoongi from this world right! But then why didn't it feel different with him? why does all of this feel right! just exactly how you had always dreamt off.
"What's wrong with me, why am I thinking all this! even if this all is whatever woozi explained me and that he was right, then it's dangerous for me to even have crush on min yoongi from this world because according to him, it's my wishes making him love me and not he himself is in love with me!" You chuckle bitterly to yourself, coz what kind of bad luck do you even have, obviously the man whom you love wholeheartedly is never gonna be yours in your own world but now that you've somehow met someone just like him in another world even he doesn't loves you! Unknowingly some tears gather in your eyes and some already rolling down your cheeks. You're so lost within yourself that you fail to notice yoongi has already came back and is standing right next to where you're seated.
"Kitten what's wrong with you my love" he says as you suddenly notice his presence and he bends down to your level on his knees, and wipes the tear rolling down your cheek, "yoonie I..I actually..no i.I..mean when did y..you came back" "I came back when you were deeply lost in yourself, first I thought you might be thinking something but then I noticed your tears, so now tell me bby what's wrong huh?" He asks with his most gentle tone ever while cupping your face. "It's Nothing yoongs! it's really nothing, something must have got into my eyes, you were right I was just thinking how long will it take for you to come! That's it! Now that you're here let's go" you try to assure him, by giving him a small smile and try to get up, but you're pulled back instantly and this time to yoongi's lap, shiver run down your spine when you see yourself in his lap and his hands delicately laced around your waist, you immediately feel your voice struck into your throat, and you think to yourself why does yoongi from another world has this kind of spell on you, why does he makes you feel things. And as soon as you look towards him you meet with his eyes which are already looking towards you, "y/n do you think I'm so naïve to not see something is wrong with you since the morning! you know that you can always tell me whatever is disturbing your inner peace and is troubling you! I feel like a bad guy who can't even make his girl feel safe and secure enough to share her thoughts with me", he signs. Guilt and sadness cleary visible on his face. You let your heart win over your mind and hug him tightly, and stay in the same position for few minutes, "yoon please don't say that again, it breaks my heart, it's nothing much yoons, I just feel that what if one day this all happens to be just a sweet dream of mine and that all of this was my mind playing games with me, which made me tear a bit".
His grip around you tightens even more like he won't let you separate from him, "y/n I feel that me staying away from you from a long time has created a insecurity in your heart, and that you fear that you had become alone and lonely again, I feel so bad for letting this happen to you..." he again sighs deeply before pulling you apart from hug and looking back into your eyes, "y/nieeee trust me nothing will go wrong! I will never leave you, I was supposed to surprise you about this but I guess I will tell you this now" you look towards him confused by what does he mean by any of that, "y/nieeee I'm not going on our tour alone, you're gonna stay with me the whole time bby!" He says showing his gummy smile to you and tugging your hair strand back.
Even though all this is so messed up, still looks like your heart is in no mood to accept anything happening and has decided to ditch you and fall over again and again for the man infront of you and melt away into his love, affection and his touch. You smile widely to him and he quickly gives you peck on your cheek you smile shyly looking down.
While you think how silly you are to just melt into him, and make a promise to not upset him anymore or not making him feel low or bad for himself because that never has been your intention, no matter which yoongi this was, but you could never decline how good he makes you feel, his presence mere making you feel good, or how he has that effect on you and you can never see him hurt or in pain.
Meanwhile yoongi on other side is reassured that you feel better now and that it was only your insecurity acting up and that he'll fix all of that. Little did he know things were not in any of yours hands. And that any of your moment could end up being the last one together.
to be continued....
So guys here it is! the second chapter to the series. How was it? Did you guys liked or enjoyed?? well I hope you did!!! Although I feel this is going to be alot to take in. Also I feel and guess many of you will think that y/n and woozi had major talk going in chapter-2 but guys if you see it was actually necessary for me to clear and explain what actually going on and to explain the theme, again I apologize for any mistakes. But as I had previously mentioned that I started writing this one coz I was missing yoons so much that it made me write this one! I have definitely been trying to write in more appealing way, I guess I'll get better by time, till then I hope you guys can support me and give me feedbacks, if you feel in lack in something. I hope you enjoyed this one! ❤️‍🩹
So stay tuned and please look forward to next part, as I'd promise I'll update next chapter within 3/4 days again.💕
As i always say, REQUEST ARE OPEN!!!💌
Categories I write for are: imagines/reaction, scenarios, thoughts, text post, drabbles and timestamps.
I'll be happy to take requests for ot⁷ but my biasline is hyungline, making maknaes my bffs, so please keep in my mind i'll for sure accept request for them but they'll have certain limitations, i've before wrote a text post for ggukie for his birthday check it here if you want.
Other then that my choice of writing would mostly be fluff, a little bit suggestive!!! I love reading fics/imagines which are warm, comforting with a little bit of angst, so yeah will willingly write those. About smut, I'm not against but i do think i might not able to justify them or maybe could even suck at writing those, so right now I'm not so sure! but maybe depending on request and situation I may accept those request and try writing on. Don't worry I'll make sure to add all these conditions of mine, so that when you submit a request you'll know them.💕
So if you've requests pls go on and submit it! I'll be happy to write one💜
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 2 years
Saw requests were open
How about a small fic/headcanons about reader successfully getting to say the password into the not stanley ending? Maybe last minute, right as narrator is about to yell suddenly he hears a very unfamilar desperate voice speak the code into the door which startles the man a bit,
And like, most i can say for anything to help more context wise is just "will it work? Will it not? Does player still end up in the ceiling? Does player now have the ability to talk after the next reset but fails? Wins? Does narrator finish his story? Does player absolutely break the game? Endless possibilities just choose what ya want to write most "/lh
-salt anon
Oh yes there are endless possibilities with this one XD Also I'll forever feel lowkey embarrassed that I genuinely believed I could use my mic-
Also this small fic became long ghsdhghs
"And beyond all probability, he knew the passcode. He had seen it on his boss's computer just last week: Night-Shark-1-1-5. Was this the code to open the door? Would it still work? There was only one way to find out."
All was silent as you furrowed your eyebrows, wondering if it was possible to actually talk in this game. You didn't recall it asking you to test your mic input..which was strange considering upon several start-ups, it asked you to adjust random sliders that had no in-game effect.
Narrator added how Stanley was trained to "never speak up", but now worked up the courage to do so and thus expected you to do the same.
Quickly, you paused the game and double-checked the settings menu, but found nothing relating to audio input. Weird.
You resumed, approaching the receiver and clicking on it. Then you made an attempt: 
"Uh, Night-Shark...1-1-5?" 
Nothing happened. The receiver didn’t respond. 
Suddenly, Narrator cleared his throat and practically ordered Stanley to speak the code, pointing out where the receiver exactly was even though you had him standing as close to it as possible. His impatience and petulance were already showing.
You tried again without any hesitance, slower and clearer. “Night-Shark-1-1-5.”
And again..nothing.
"I'm sorry, is there a problem? You didn't mishear me, did you? Please speak the code into the receiver, otherwise we can’t get on with the story. This is a crucial step!”
You tensed as Narrator directly spoke to you, feeling the anxiety in your gut growing. It was there ever since he became aware that you existed and were the one behind all of Stanley’s decisions. He quickly got accustomed to it despite this mere revelation distorting the game’s rooms. His attempts to continue the story like normal only made things messier, as he wasn’t even supposed to be aware of you, the player.
Now you were stuck at this point in the boss’s office, unable to proceed further because he was asking for something impossible out of you. Something that proved you weren’t in total control over Stanley like he suspected. You couldn’t give him a voice.
Narrator, however, wasn’t understanding that. From his perspective, you were just standing there, disobeying him on purpose just like all those other times.
But how could you convince him you were genuinely trying? And you weren’t ignoring him on purpose?
Adjusting your headset, you set your mic input volume up to maximum and tried again. “Night-Shark-1-1-5."
Still, nothing happened. 
This seemed to be a cruel trick, and the Narrator’s patience had finally ran out. "Okay. Fine. You're not going to do it. But you know what? It's pretty humiliating to bring you this far only for you to-"
"Night-Shark-1-1-5!!" You suddenly spoke louder out of desperation, practically begging for the game and him to hear you.
And amazingly enough...it worked. 
The receiver beeped, its screen showing “Access Granted” in green letters. And the room rumbled to life as the secret entrance to the elevator opened.
Narrator ceased his rant, and you could hear him faintly gasp in shock, before attempting to continue his narration. “But with a great shout..Stanley....oh..who am I kidding? That wasn’t him. That was you! Hahaha!”
Hearing his soft laughter made you smile a bit. You made him happy! And he heard you, too!
Unfortunately, this seemed to be the last straw for the game, as when you approached the elevator, the “narrative contradictions” have distorted it horribly to where you couldn’t enter it. You pouted. “Damn it..well, that was all for nothing.”
"Nonsense! We have both gained something from this, dear player!”
You jumped in your seat, realizing he actually heard what you said. This was shocking, and you were completely unsure of how to respond to him. But he didn’t seem too worried about his story literally falling apart when he was previously scrambling to salvage it. He seemed more excited to speak with you.
After an awkward pause, you spoke again as a test. “Um..hi, Narrator?”
“Yes! Yes! Hello, you! Must I say, you have a lovely voice.” He chuckled. “It’s been so long since I’ve heard somebody else speaking for once. Please, do not stop talking.”
“Oh uh..okay then.” His compliments flustered you, though you just sighed, deciding to give him what he wanted regardless of what consequences could follow. “I’m sorry if it seemed like I was ignoring you. This game doesn’t support mic inputs so I wasn’t sure if I could use the receiver.”
“...ah, is that why? Well, it’s a shame the developers never thought to consider that. I suppose it’d make this game less complicated, but...it gets so lonely sometimes, with me being the only one talking and Stanley just listening. No words, only actions. So for me to receive a verbal response from somebody on the outside is refreshing. It’s liberating!”
Hearing the overwhelming relief in his voice made you smile. Yet your heart also ached for him, knowing he’s probably been alone for years, aware of the cruel reality of being a video game character.
At least for now you could keep him company in his isolation.
“Now I know we’ve had our little..setbacks, but we can let bygones be bygones, right? You and me, deciding Stanley’s choices together! Endless possibilities await us! Who needs this dumb story anyway? I’d rather stay here awhile and get to know y-”
In the middle of his excited rambling, the screen abruptly cut to black and left you in an uncomfortable silence. 
You frowned a bit, disappointed that the game chose to rip this happiness from him. No loading bar appeared to indicate it was resetting, so you waited.
Then suddenly you found yourself in a peculiar place: above the ceiling of the two doors room. You were still controlling a character, floating over the game’s map, though the invisible borders didn’t let you go too far.
You looked down at Stanley, who stood in that room, completely unmoving. And you could hear Narrator’s muffled voice begging him to make a choice, pleading for him to do something instead of nothing in such a desperate tone--very much unlike his passive-aggressiveness from before.
“Huh? Oh, thank god. You’re still here, dear player.” The sadness in his voice didn’t waver a bit as he finally noticed you. “Please keep talking to me. The silence..it’s..it’s almost crushing me. I need to hear you..I need to talk to you. I know you people have an actual life to attend to but..please stay for a little while. At least until Stanley makes his choice.”
“I..I’m having trouble understanding you, but I don’t think he’ll be moving anytime soon.” You shook your head even though he couldn’t see it. “This game went too far down the rabbit hole to save. I broke it. I need to return to Stanley. I’m gonna have to restart-”
“No! I can’t go back to that! Not to the loneliness that has threatened to swallow me whole!” His desperation was growing, his voice becoming more choked up by the second. “I’ll forget you and Stanley are different and..a-and I simply can’t do that, dear player. What if the game doesn’t allow us to speak to each other again?! What if...i-if-?!”
“I’ll find a way around that, Narrator. I promise." You couldn’t guarantee that without worrying about breaking the game. You could always go down this same route again now that you knew how to get here, though it would end the same..and you refused to put Narrator through that kind of torture.
He’s a victim of this parable just as much as Stanley is. To you, his feelings were real, genuine.
How could you mess with him like that?
He was silent for some time, and you grew worried the game will just cut you off without warning again. “I’m sure there’s another route or ending where I can properly communicate with you. Maybe the game will be more stable or-”
“Don’t bother..”
“It’s all pointless. Why am I clinging to you like some child? Am I truly that miserable?" He droned on and on with exhaustion. “I’m the one who brought this mess upon myself...because I was so enthralled with the idea of talking to a real person and trying to take you along for the ride. But that’s not possible. This game is not about either of us, it’s about Stanley. And we should play our parts the way we’re supposed to--with me speaking and you guiding him. That’s the way it’s always been..and the way it should be.”
Of course, you knew of Narrator’s pessimism. In many of his narrations it became clear as day and had you concerned for him. But this was on a whole different level; this was borderline nihilism.
You couldn’t change his mind. You couldn’t hug him and tell him it’s all going to be okay. But you could give him one last bit of happiness. You didn’t wanna restart this game on such a sour note.
“Maybe that’s true, but before we go back..is there anything else you’d like to know about me?”
“I don’t think it will matter, since I’ll forget about all of this in a few moments, but...perhaps your name? I see your gamer tag but I’d love to know your real one.”
“It’s [y/n].”
“[Y/n]..ah, that’s a wonderful name.” Narrator chuckled sadly. “Well [y/n], just know that whatever choice you decide to make next, I-”
But he didn’t get to finish as the game once again interrupted him, restarting and putting you back in control of Stanley.
Sighing, you wandered through the same rooms and hallways as usual, trying to decide your next course of action as you listened to the usual narrations.
Then you came across a slightly ajar door labeled “New Content”, and hummed with curiosity. ‘Is this a clue? Is he trying to show me something?’
There's only one way to find out.
Maybe you’ll get to chat with him again after all.
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My Batfam AU part 5 (pt 1, pt 2, pt 3, pt 4)
Bruce grapples up to Barbara’s apartment and sneaks in from window Barbara has set aside especially for Bat visitors with the special hidden passcode panel
Barbara ignores the notification saying Batman has arrived
Bruce find the three of them in her bedroom, having an existential crisis
He takes note of the way Barbara and Kara are laying across the bed horizontally and facing away from each other while Dick is lying on the floor, to the side of the bed, near Barbara’s head
Dick looks up at his Dad, eyes wide
Bruce kneels, worried that his boy is hurt
Dick’s voice trembles, Dad, Jason’s alive, he’s alive
In the basement, Tim feels tiny sitting on the couch with Jason
He remembers when Jason was closer to his own size, when he’d see the other boy fly with Batman across the skyline and watch with awe that someone just a bit taller, a bit more broad was helping save people
It made him want to stand up taller, reach the same heights as Robin
Tim doesn’t think he’ll ever reach Jason’s height - physically or metaphorically
He feels tiny, sitting at the opposite end of the couch from the other, arms wrapped around his knees
What point?
You said you have a point to prove… to Bruce, what point?
I’m not blaming you, this is entirely on Bruce’s shoulders, but Robin should have died with me…
If he wasn’t going to do everything in his power to make sure Joker could never get his hands on another Robin, then Robin should have stayed dead
Tim hums
Well, that was Bruce’s plan uh, I mean- I did kind of bully him into it, so maybe… maybe it is my fault, not his?
Tim cringes at himself, further hiding his face in his knees
Jason stood up and slowly walked over to Tim, fully telegraphing his movements
He kneels in front of the younger boy, keeping his empty hands resting palm up
They both know Jason wouldn’t need weapons to hurt him, but Tim still appreciates the gesture
What do you mean, you bullied him into it? I’m not mad, I just want to understand
So Tim explains, tells him everything
He tells Jason about connecting Dick’s special flips to Robins and then tracing that back to Bruce
Tells him about following Batman and Robin and the photos he’s taken
About how Bruce lost his way when Jason died, how he couldn’t get Dick to come back to Gotham, how he cornered Batman and told him that he knew his secret identity
That Bruce denied him, fully rejected the idea until Tim told him that he could ether take him on as Robin or Tim would figure out the vigilante life himself
That Bruce only took him on because he believed Tim was serious
Tim had spent the entire time talking, without any interruptions, looking down
He looked up and froze
Jason was staring at him and his eyes were green
Part 6
Requested tags
@plz-excuse-my-inner-gay / @the-legal-shipper / @bluedabadeedabadie
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myveryownfanfiction · 3 months
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tags: @illiana-mystery
warnings: swearing, fighting, Justin Hammer is...I mean if Tony can be his own warning so can this guy, Tony Stark
"Dammit Tony!" I yelled through the comm. "What the fuck did you do to piss off this guy?" Tony laughed on the other end and I rolled my eyes.
"Hey. It's me." He retorted. "Just take out the suits and keep the people safe (Y/N). That's all I need you to do. Rhodey and I will take care of the rest."
"Yeah alright. Let me know where to meet up with you if you need help." I said before surveying the damage in front of me. Tony had saved the little kid, giving me time to figure out where the highest concentration of suits were. "Hang on a second. Is that...Fuck." I jumped off the building and took off running after the man about to run into the line of fire.
"Justin Hammer!" I yelled. "You dumbass! Get back here!" I grabbed his arm and he stopped, spinning around to look at me. He looked at me confused as I dragged him out of danger.
"Hey! I need to get back!" He yelled at me.
"No you don't!" I yelled back, gun fire exploding where we had been standing. "These things can't be shut down remotely. The only thing we can do is destroy them. Let us do our job and get your ass to safety."
"No. You don't understand! I can shut them down remotely. Everything he did, was at Hammer Industries. I can shut it down from there!" Justin tried to explain. His eyes were wild and he looked about ready to break down but he did have a point.
"Hang on. You're telling me you know what this guy did?" I asked. Justin shook his head.
"No. Not really. But if there's a chance that I can figure it out and disable it..." He trailed off, eyes roaming over my covered face. "Wouldn't you take that chance?" Sighing, I nodded.
"Yeah. I would." I tapped my ear and my comms went live again. "Hey Tony. You able to find Vanko?"
"Little busy with the man in question kiddo!" Tony yelled above the noise on his end. "Wait...why?" I heard an explosion and winced. Justin put his hand on my arm and frowned.
"I ran into a buddy of yours. He thinks he can remotely shut everything down. From Hammer Industries." I said, eyeing Justin. "What do you think? Worth a shot?"
"Do it." Tony said. "Be careful. Cops are out helping direct the civilians. Don't want you caught up in the mix up." I sighed. "One last thing. Do you trust him?" I eyed Justin.
"About as far as I can throw him." I muttered. Tony laughed.
"Yeah. That sounds about right." He said. "Keep an eye on him. Be careful. And hopefully this works."
"Will do boss." I said before tapping my ear again. "Alright Hammer. Let's go. My bike is parked over here." I took Justin's hand and took off in the direction of my bike. We weaved through suits, people and cops before finally reaching the bike. "Alright. Get on. And hold on tight." I swung my leg over the bike and kicked it to life. Justin got on behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist. "You're going to have to give me directions here." Justin nodded against my back and I tried to follow his directions. We had to take a few detours before we finally arrived at Hammer Industries.
"Come on. Before the cops show up." He stumbled off the bike and took off again towards the door. “As long as he didn’t override my passcode…and….” Justin muttered. “We’re in. Let’s go.” He took my hand and pulled me through the building. Security let us pass, Justin nodding as to them as we went.
“oh shit.” I muttered as I took in the computer set up. “How did he…” I turned to look at Justin who scowled at the screens. “You gave him access to your computers? Your systems? Hammer, you let this man…ugh!” My fists went up to my head as I screamed and started pacing. “You dumbass!” I yelled at him. Justin didn’t even flinch, keeping his eyes on me the whole time.
“we have another snag.” He murmured, gesturing towards the screen. I turned to look at it. “It’s in Russian. I don’t know Russian.” I moved closer to the screens and looked over the writings.
“damn.” I hit the desk with my hands. I hung my head and breathed heavily, trying to calm down.
“is there…Tony must know someone…” Justin said. “Maybe vanko…” we both looked up as one of the suit designations started to blink before going offline. The live feed showed vankos suit blowing up.
“Tony…” I breathed out. I quickly tapped my ear. “Stark please…”
“miss me kid?” I breathed a sigh of relief and turned towards Justin. “Everything ok?”
“not yet. Everything’s in Russian.” I said. “We can’t…”
“Paging agent Romanov. Hello Natasha. Welcome to the party line.” Tony said. I couldn’t hear the person on the other end but based off how Tony was talking to her it sounded like she was on her way. “Alright kid. Give her a clear path and let her work.”
“Tony is sending someone in to handle this. Tell security to stand down and we’ll get out of here.” I said. Justin nodded and made the call. Once he hung up, he frowned at me.
“the police are on their way here.” He said. “They think…uh well they think you kidnapped me.” I froze, eyes going wide behind my mask.
“Fuck.” I breathed out.
“I don’t think you’re going to like my idea but it might be the best one we’ve got.” Justin said, putting a hand on my arm. “You’re going to have to take off the mask. And the suit.”
“I don’t have anything else to put on.” I said, panic seeping into my voice. “And then you’ll know…”
“what’s wrong with that?” Justin said. “So what. People know Tony’s iron man. What harm is it if they know about you?”
“because I’m not Tony! I’m nobody.” I said. “I don’t want people to know. I don’t want the people I love to be targeted.” Justin nodded.
“so just me.” He shrugged.
“and you’re going to open your mouth. It’s impossible to keep it quiet.” I breathed out.
“Well…ok, nothings impossible.” Justin said, stepping forward and putting his hands on my arms. “I’ll keep my mouth shut. But you gotta go on a date with me.” He smiled at me. I rolled my eyes.
“fine.” I agreed. “Now what about the suit? I have nothing else to put on.” Justin took my hand and led me through the building again.
“I have a suit you can borrow.” He said, leading me to his office. He closed and locked the door before pulling the blinds. “You’re safe now.” He assured me. I nodded before taking a deep breath and taking off my mask. “(Y/N)?” Justin asked, confusion clear in his voice. “But…how…Tony…” he chuckled as he hung his head.
“yeah.” I laughed. “There’s a reason Tony didn’t want you close to me.” I shrugged. “It was pretty easy to use your reputation against you.”
“I have a reputation?” Justin laughed. I nodded.
“I mean you come across as just as much a womanizer as Tony.” I smiled at him. “But yeah. Tony’s been training me on the side. Between learning to work for the company and superhero shit, I didn’t have much time for a social life.” Justin laughed as he walked over.
“I always thought I knew that voice.” He teased. “Good to finally place it.” He took my hand and brought it up to place a kiss on the back of it. I smiled softly at him. “Might be a better idea for you to throw everything on over your suit. This way if you need to make a quick getaway…” I nodded and took the suit he offered. “I still can’t believe it.” He said softly.
“better believe it Justin.” I said with a smile, walking over and leaning in once I finished getting dressed. “You’re going on a date with New Yorks most wanted.” Justin laughed as I walked out the door, trailing after me to where one of his cars was parked.
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