#post poll violence
animalshowdown · 3 months
Phylum Round 1.5
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Xenacoelomorpha: Small, flat, worm-like animals that live in marine and brackish sediments, and sometimes around hydrothermal vents. They can be free-living, symbiotic, or parasitic. A unique feature is that their stomachs lack nerve cells, unlike many other animals. Their evolutionary relationship to the rest of Animalia has been highly debated, and very little is known about their lifestyles.
Micrognathozoa: Presumably the smallest phylum, this group consists of a single species, Limnognathia maerski. In addition to being the smallest phylum, it may also be the smallest animal, with an average length of 100 micrometers. Despite this, it has complex jaws with 15 independently moving parts. Since this phylum has not been well-studied, all individuals that have been collected so far have been female.
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wajjs · 1 year
It had to be done
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anghraine · 6 months
I felt it was time for another very silly and self-indulgent poll, so ...
(Feel free to respond, but please not with "is that really disputed? It's actually popular/canon/whatever.")
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mintharasthrone · 2 months
tras will say there's no "inherent advantage" a tim has over an actual woman in general or in sports even mma but the moment you bring up that you don't want them in a female only spaces, that they belong with other males suddenly they bring up male strength and violence...tims basically pull "i'm not like other men" but no you're worse
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pommy-granite · 1 year
if u don't pls tell me where you're from or where you learned to cook. this is for science
*i mean a rolling boil. big bubbles. if you put it in a kettle and then on the stove and then immediately put the pasta in bc "its hot" but no longer boiling that doesnt count
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suffarustuffaru · 1 year
pride and wrath if otto are super interesting to me. most notably theyre like the versions of otto who do become debt slaves to russell fellow— and they seem to be almost exactly the same. theyre, you know, understandably dead inside from experiencing Horrors. main otto already came dangerously close to getting sold into slavery in the side story otto’s bittersweet peddling trading log—and its noted he would be in higher demand bc he has a divine protection, especially one that could benefit others if he uses it that way. we know next to nothing about pride and wrath if otto, but theyre the ones that actually Did end up with the fate of being a slave, and it warps their personality away from main otto. but at the same time—we know main otto can be ruthless when he wants to. pride and wrath otto have just completely embraced it both bc of the people theyre forced to work for and bc going out of his way to be kind would be a detriment to him in this situation—hes focused on his survival bc he either cant afford to go out and help others, and/or hes already given up. he sees that pride if subaru has felix at his beck and call. he watches julius die and cleans up julius’s body. in wrath if, otto takes some enjoyment out of being the distraction before reinhard bursts in to stop the purge king, and otto is the one that stabs subaru during the chaos. in pride if, ottos under both subaru and russell fellow’s thumb. in wrath if, otto helps take down pleiades and his dark feelings finally had an outlet through that, at least. i just think its interesting how much parallels ottos darker versions have with their respective subarus—theyre friendless, view others either as threats or tools, and are generally cold and cruel. it makes sense then, past the obvious main route ottosuba reference, that pride if subaru thinks that theyd make great friends. of course they would. because theyre both bitter as fuck and look at each other and think “oh hes just like me fr”. 😭😭😭 like listen to this shit:
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theres several layers to this—theres the fact that both wrath and pride if ottos dialogue (and gluttony if otto by extension) with their subarus is like this bastardized version of their fond banter in the main route. and then theres also “isnt what we see here the result of calling such people friends?” directed at julius’s corpse and felix being terribly depressed about this. like STFU OTTO. 😭😭😭😭 ottosuba in the ifs are truly the most toxic derogatory couple fr.
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casinoquartet · 1 year
"So," Red says while leaning back in his seat, "How's makin' it to round two?"
"Ehhhh," Subz says as he fumbles into the room sparsely decorated with a "Losers' Bracket" sign, "I was put up against God. Not much I could do about it."
Red hums, "Seems about right. At least you weren't like Ash."
"I still won!" Ash yells out from the other room, despite trailing into the room the previous day, covered with blood after being mercilessly pummeled. At least Subz and Clown don't look as bad as the rest of them, even if both of them have seen better days.
Clown lets out a snort, "I mean, at least I beat out Tubbo the first round. I think that counts for something."
"You barely did," Red says as he recalls Clown barely surviving the previous night, "At least you didn't get swept first round...unlike me."
Subz lets out an amused snort before walking out the door again, "Yeah, sorry," He looks at a message on his communicator, "Uh. I gotta go, Joe invited me for tea. For 'Good Sportsmanship' or something like that. Cya."
All of them say goodbye as Subz shuts the door behind him.
Branzy huffs, "Man, why don't I get invited to anything like that?! I got freaking sacrificed for goodness sakes!"
"Listen, it was a little bit funny."
"Maybe to you, Red! But not for me!" Branzy says as he medical supplies for Ash, his campaign was the one with the most losses, after all.
Red lets out a snort, "At least your campaigners didn't lose too badly, unlike As-"
"I can still hear you!"
"You weren't supposed to hear that!" Red yells back.
It's hard to hear through the muffled wall, but they're pretty sure Ash said something about "kicking their asses if he wasn't recovering in bed."
Clown shakes his head, "On the bright side Branzy, your sacrifice helped me out in round 2!"
"Oh, shut up you two!" Branzy protests back, "I even lost in the redemption poll..."
"You and me both, Branzy," Red says.
Branzy takes a deep breath.
"You and me both."
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sundial-bee-scribbles · 9 months
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stickfigure violence
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princesskuragina · 1 year
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white-boy-bracket · 1 year
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The Showrunner looked down at the images in their well-manicured hands. They glowed with power. A crude depiction of themself. A drawing of the demon fox they'd allowed Prosper to separate from to cheat. And a picture of the damned himself.
They allowed a smile to cross their pink-stained lips. Very well, then. A sacrifice. They needed to send a message to that.. that deathless cheater, that cross-tournamental bastard. The one with the scar. About what they were willing to do if he didn't let himself lose!
Very Well, they thought, Very Well.
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thecherrygod · 1 year
how long does it take you to figure it out
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132 votes • poll ends in 23 hours 27 minutes
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imamagarientsong · 11 months
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daemonologist · 1 year
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professor-glasses · 1 year
if I could care a normal amount about things it would be great but it's either all or nothing to my soggy little brain apparently
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platoniccereal · 1 year
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madmen · 1 year
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