bruciemilf · 4 months
Thinking about Talia and Battinson having a whole ass baby without Ra’s knowledge. It’s just an open lie. Talia gaslights that fucker like a stove. And it WORKS.
Jason is flabbergasted. This motherfucker leads the world’s most powerful assassin operation. He takes it upon himself to let his mom Talia know he’s not as vulnerable to stupidity.
“You’re 4 months pregnant.”
“Nu uh.”
“Fuck you mean ‘nu uh’ ?! Is it Bruce’s?! It’s Bruce’s, isn’t it?! If it is: That’s fucked up. If it’s not: That’s fucked up!”
“I would never betray my beloved like that.”
“So it is Bruce’s!”
“I didn’t say that.”
“You just did! You’re having a baby with da— with Bruce!”
“What baby.”
Bruce totally knows Jason’s training with the league, by the way.
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koebi-channnn · 2 months
No matter what people say about Trey, Ace is The Most Normal Character. He plays basketball. He's good at card tricks. He likes eating hamburgers. He's used to getting a lot of attention because he's a youngest child. He teases everyone constantly but sometimes he can be nice. He's 5'8". He had a girlfriend in middle school and the relationship failed immediately. He could transfer to my school and I wouldn't blink an eye.
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chatlote · 1 month
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A comic about Akechi (not) reaching out during third semester.
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demigods-posts · 3 months
if luke had succeeded in recruiting percy. the best role percy could have been was the spy. going on a quests under the guise of a hero. sabotaging collective plans under the guise of impulsiveness. sending information back to luke through IM. relishing in the naievity of his peers that they'll win the soon-to-come war. and he's sure he's making the right decision. until bianca dies. until the one thing luke promised him would never happen happens. and just as the tides of the battle changes. just as the heroes see that luke is willing to kill. percy faith in luke begins to waver.
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janadoesstuffwrong · 7 months
Something that I think ppl who ship both sukka and zutara don't acknowledge enough is the fact that poor Hakoda met both his kids' future spouses on the same day, in the same place and that place just happened to be prison.
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nerdgirlnarrates · 8 months
Even though it's been months since I switched from neurosurgery to internal medicine, I still have a hard time not being angry about the training culture and particularly the sexism of neurosurgery. It wasn't the whole reason I switched, but truthfully it was a significant part of my decision.
I quickly got worn out by constantly being questioned over my family plans. Within minutes of meeting me, attendings and residents felt comfortable lecturing me on the difficulties of having children as a neurosurgeon. One attending even suggested I should ask my co-residents' permission before getting pregnant so as not to inconvenience them. I do not have children and have never indicated if I plan to have any. Truthfully, I do want children, but I would absolutely have foregone that to be a neurosurgeon. I wanted to be a neurosurgeon more than anything. But I was never asked: it was simply assumed that I would want to be a mother first. Purely because I'm a woman, my ambitions were constantly undermined, assumed to be lesser than those of my male peers. Women must want families, therefore women must be less committed. It was inconceivable that I might put my career first. It was impossible to disprove this assumption: what could I have done to demonstrate my commitment more than what I had already done by leading the interest group, taking a research year, doing a sub-I? My interest in neurosurgery would never be viewed the same way my male peers' was, no matter what I did. I would never be viewed as a neurosurgeon in the same way my male peers would be, because I, first and foremost, would be a mother. It turns out women don't even need to have children to be a mother: it is what you essentially are. You can't be allowed to pursue things that might interfere with your potential motherhood.
Furthermore, you are not trusted to know your own ambitions or what might interfere with your motherhood. I am an adult woman who has gone to medical school: I am well aware of what is required in reproduction, pregnancy, and residency, as much as one can be without experiencing it firsthand. And yet, it was always assumed that I had somehow shown up to a neurosurgery sub-I totally ignorant of the demands of the career and of pregnancy. I needed to be enlightened: always by men, often by childless men. Apparently, it was implausible that I could evaluate the situation on my own and come to a decision. I also couldn't be trusted to know what I wanted: if I said I wanted to be a neurosurgeon more than a mother, I was immediately reassured I could still have a family (an interesting flip from the dire warnings issued not five minutes earlier in the conversation). People could not understand my point, which was that I didn't care. I couldn't mean that, because women are fundamentally mothers. I needed to be guided back to my true role.
Because everyone was so confident in their sexist assumptions that I was less committed, I was not offered the same training, guidance, or opportunities as the men. I didn't have projects thrown my way, I didn't get check-ins or advice on my application process, I didn't get opportunities in the OR that my male peers got, I didn't get taught. I once went two whole days on my sub-I without anyone saying a word to me. I would come to work, avoid the senior resident I was warned hated trainees, figure out which OR to go to on my own, scrub in, watch a surgery in complete silence without even the opportunity to cut a knot, then move to the next surgery. How could I possibly become a surgeon in that environment? And this is all to say nothing of the rape jokes, the advice that the best way for a woman to match is to be as hot as possible, listening to my attending advise the male med students on how to get laid, etc.
At a certain point, it became clear it would be incredibly difficult for me to become a neurosurgeon. I wouldn't get research or leadership opportunities, I wouldn't get teaching or feedback, I wouldn't get mentorship, and I wouldn't get respect. I would have to fight tooth and nail for every single piece of my training, and the prospect was just exhausting. Especially when I also really enjoyed internal medicine, where absolutely none of this was happening and I even had attendings telling me I would be good at it (something that didn't happen in neurosurgery until I quit).
I've been told I should get over this, but I don't know how to. I don't know how to stop being mad about how thoroughly sidelined I was for being female. I don't know how to stop being bitter that my intelligence, commitment, and work ethic meant so much less because I'm a woman. I know I made the right decision to switch to internal medicine, and it probably would have been the right decision even if there weren't all these issues with the culture of neurosurgery, but I'm still so angry about how it happened.
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an-ivy-covered-summer · 2 months
i know this will be a controversial statement for some people on this website, but you guys need to understand that being a radical communist with zero awareness of the nuance of living on planet earth is really not very different from being an alt-right extremist.
if you’re past the point of using logical thinking and understanding that societies and politics are complex and can be wildly different from one place to another, you’re just a fanatic, in spite of the place in the spectrum you place yourself on. you’re too swayed and brainwashed by propaganda. you’re just a blind fanatic, and your agenda becomes dangerous for real people living in the real world.
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nookisms · 8 months
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I should make another text post compilation! *Immediately does Magolor dirty*
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evasive-anon · 9 months
Jason was having a pretty OK time with the league of assassins, sure getting dunked in a lazarus pit sucked and Bruce turned out to be a scumbag who didn't care about him, but at least he isn't dead. He even liked most of the new skills he was learning there so on the whole being with the league seemed like a pretty good deal to him until Talia woke him up in the middle of the night and left him alone with two child assassins.
Or, a demon twins AU where when Talia realizes her father intends to have her boys fight to the death takes action first by deciding to take all her kids and leave the league. Talia either dies or is separated from them in the initial escape and now Jason just has a bag of supplies and a letter from Talia explaining the plan to get to Gotham. Jason has to get himself and two 7 year olds out of the Himalayas, across a desert, and over 12k miles to Gotham. Only now the league members hunting them down want them dead or worse and Jason isn't too confident that B will accept them given their kill counts.
Good Mom Talia. she loves her kids. Did she teach them to kill? Sure, but that's an important life skill.
Single Teen Mom Jason. He's the oldest and in charge but he also will not answer any questions about The Plan™ given he isn't committed to Talia's but also doesn't have a set alternative. Oscillates between looking forward to just dumping his new little brothers with Bruce so they'll be his problem and thinking of just moving somewhere random in the US and keeping them based entirely on how cute vs annoying they are at that time. Didn't realize how much he relied on Talia to help him with things until she is gone. He's really trying his best but he wasn't all that emotionally stable before this so hang in there.
Angry Smol Dami. He's still drinking the LoS punch and really dislikes that he is now considered a traitor. Can't stand that Jason won't answer any of his very relevant questions. Is actually very scared but will not show it. Misses his mom. Didn't even know he had siblings until his mom yoinked him out of bed that night and brought him to Jason and Danny and started all this. Physically the stronger twin. Thinks Danny is dragging them down in fights and also may blame him a bit because clearly his mother only did all this to spare him.
Danny, reincarnated with limited access to his memories and powers. Has been trying to keep his powers a secret. Talia knew about them but never told anyone but she may have hinted at it in her letter to Jason. Not the strongest physically but very good at stealth and social interactions. Didn't know he had and older brother or twin before Jason woke him up at Talia's instruction that night. Thinks Damian is mean and has faith Jason knows what he's doing even if that is very much untrue.
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autism-swagger · 4 months
I've noticed that in AoS there are three universal truths. Like even if they've been replaced by androids or they're in an alternate reality where everything is exponentially worse it just so happens that:
May and Coulson will pine for each other.
Daisy Johnson will suffer.
Grant Ward will be a backstabbing traitor.
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anonymous-utility · 2 years
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Traitor lord's backstory
Here's the 30 sec sketch I did a week ago to not forget this idea, because I find it really funny:
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-and here's the radiance panel without text because I spent too much time on it.
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dreamspring · 4 days
controversial take perhaps but one thing i will say is that i do think it's strange that gaius doesn't die by s5. i honestly think he should have and it would have been a good character/plot development moment. by s5 he's basically irrelevant anyway and merlin doesn't even listen to him really so why is he there!! he's kind of outgrown his role in the show. and i'm not saying this cuz im a gaius hater (i am NOT!) but because it feels thematically strange that he's just around... doing nothing. lowkey. also i hate to be that person but i just Think that it would make merlin's s5 insanity (lowkey.) even more understandable if morgana had just straight up killed gaius when she kidnapped him or if he died some other way in late s4/early s5. he's lost everyone who has ever known abt his magic (except his mother ig) he's sooo alone he has no support. he has to make all these decisions on his own he doesn't want to lose the only people he has left and its hash tag tragedy. like if ur gonna go in that direction... kill gaius. they should have done it. for the plot.
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itsdefinitely · 6 months
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Could you maybe put Blinky in this?
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going straight to his social media
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demigods-posts · 3 months
luke fumbling in recruiting percy has to be one of his greatest failures. a beautiful thing the show does regarding luke and percy's relationship is building rapport between them through shared moments like settling into camp, eating meals together, but especially through swordfighting lessons. the swordfighting scene at the beginning of episode 8 not only reveals that percy and luke already share similar beliefs about the fear-based system the gods have cultivated, but it's clear the conversation stays with percy when he fights ares and later calls out zeus on his waning skills as a father and a king. however, luke's plan fell through the moment percy learned that the winged-shoes were meant to drag him to tartarus. not only that, but the shoes nearly killed grover, a friend percy cared for deeply. if nourishing loyalty and trust was the key to ensuring a partnership with percy, then it was luke's faulty planning, arrogance, and impatience that cost him the greatest ally he could ask for.
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my-midlife-crisis · 1 month
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a reminder
vote blue
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otosquinklus · 8 months
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doomed bug yuri so crazy it makes me SICKK
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