#power bank with pass through charging
The Benefits of Using a Charger Dual USB Type-C Power Bank External Battery for Your Phone
So, you're in the market for a new charger for your phone, huh? Well, let me tell you about the Charger Dual USB Type-C Power Bank External Battery. This bad boy is a game-changer when it comes to keeping your devices juiced up and ready to go. Let's dive into the details and see why this charger is a must-have in your tech arsenal.
## Cell Type: 20000mAh 1260110*2
First things first, let's talk about the cell type of this power bank. With a whopping 20000mAh capacity, you can say goodbye to constantly searching for an outlet to charge your phone. This power bank can keep your devices powered up for days on end without needing to be recharged itself. It's like having a portable charging station right in your pocket!
## Input/Output Interface: 5V/2.1A
The input/output interface of this charger is top-notch. With a 5V/2.1A output, you can charge your devices quickly and efficiently without any lag time. Say goodbye to waiting around for your phone to charge - with this power bank, you'll be back up and running in no time.
## Applicable Models: Mobile Phone, Tablet PC, Camera, Etc.
One of the best things about the Charger Dual USB Type-C Power Bank External Battery is its versatility. This charger is compatible with a wide range of devices, including mobile phones, tablet PCs, cameras, and more. Whether you're an Apple fan or an Android enthusiast, this power bank has got you covered. Plus, with its dual-USB and type-C compatibility, you can charge multiple devices at once without any hassle.
In conclusion, the Charger Dual USB Type-C Power Bank External Battery is a must-have accessory for anyone who relies on their devices throughout the day. With its high capacity, fast charging speeds, durable construction, and wide compatibility, this power bank has everything you need to stay connected and powered up wherever you go. Say goodbye to low battery anxiety and hello to uninterrupted device usage with this powerhouse of a charger.
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boreal-sea · 2 months
Who is Kamala Harris?
These are all from her Wikipedia page. I have picked the top 5 for each of these sections. Maybe you think other things are more important, these are just the things that stood out to me:
Highlights as District Attorney of San Francisco:
was tough on gun crime: created a gun crime unit, set 90-day minimum sentences, raised bail for gun-related crimes, and prosecuted all assault weapon possession cases as felonies.
created a hate crimes unit specifically focused on LGBTQ hate crimes against children and teens in school.
was (and is) against the death penalty; during her time as DA did not cave to pressure in several cases to seek the death penalty.
helped create the San Francisco Reentry Division, aimed at helping prisoners reintegrate after their sentences are through; the program became a national model.
refused to enforce prop 8, which was at the time California's ban on gay marriage.
Highlights as Attorney General of California
introduced the Homeowner Bill of Rights and fought against banks, mortgage companies, and credit card companies.
fought for financial reimbursement for public employee and teacher pensions.
fought for environmental protections and secured settlements and indictments against several oil companies for oil spills.
conducted a review of implicit bias in policing and the use of deadly force and introduced implicit bias training.
declared a law that California law enforcement had to collect and report police violence.
Highlights as a California Senator:
condemned Trump's Muslim ban.
opposed Trump's appointments of Betsy DeVos and Jeff Sessions, his nomination of Neil Gorsuch, and voted against confirming Kavanaugh.
tried to make lynching a federal hate crime.
urged the Trump administration to investigate the persecution of Uyghur Muslims in China.
voted to convict Trump on charges of abuse of power and obstruction of Congress.
Highlights as Vice president:
as President of the Senate, cast the tie-breaking vote in the Senate that ensured the passing of the American Rescue Act.
has cast more tie-breaking votes than any other Vice president in US history - she is responsible for many of the achievements of the Biden administration actually passing the Senate.
created task forces on corruption and human trafficking.
created a women's empowerment program.
has criticized Israel's actions during the current conflict in Gaza and called for an immediate ceasefire.
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Some Science Vocabulary
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for your next poem/story
Word — Science Meaning; Public Meaning
Bank - land alongside a river/lake; a place where people store money
Bar - unit of measure of atmospheric pressure; place to drink alcoholic beverages
Belt - collection of asteroids in a disc shape; materials worn around waist to support clothes
Bonding - electrostatic attraction between atoms; making an emotional connection
Charge - force experienced by matter when in an electromagnetic field; demand a price for rendered goods/services
Code - software/computer language; encrypted message
Crust - outermost layer of planet; edge of pizza/pie
Current - water or air moving in a direction; belonging to the present time
Cycling - flow of nutrients or elements; riding a bicycle
Dating - determining age of site/artifact; initial stage of romantic relationship
Driver - influential factor; someone who drives a vehicle
Dwarf - celestial body resembling small planet; characters from Snow White
Fault - fracture in a rock with movement; responsible for accident/misfortune
Fetch - distance traveled by wind/waves over water; go far and then bring back something/someone
Force - strength/energy of action/movement; make someone do something against their will
Grade - gradient/slope; level of proficiency
Hertz - the SI unit of frequency; rental car company
Jet - gas stream ejected from an accretion disk surrounding star; an aircraft powered by jet engines
Mantle - planet layer between crust and core; important role passed from person to person
Matter - physical substance in general; be of importance, have significance
Model - computer simulation; promotes fashion/product
Mole - SI unit used to measure amount of something; small rodent-like mammal
Plastic - substance that is easily shaped/molded; synthetic material
Pressure - force per unit area that gas/liquid/solid exerts on another; use of persuasion to make someone do something
Productive - creating organic matter through photo/chemosynthesis; busy and efficient
Sample - to take a sample for analysis; a small part of something
Scale - system of marks used for measuring; device used for measuring weight
Shear - difference in wind speed/direction; cut wool off of
Shelf - a submarine bank; a surface for displaying/storing objects
Stress - pressure/tension exerted on a material object; mental/emotional strain
Submarine - existing/occurring under the sea surface; a ship that stays submerged under water for extended periods
Surf - line of foam on seashore from breaking waves; riding a surfboard
Swell - sea movement in rolling waves that do not break; to become larger in size (e.g. a body part)
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niqhtlord01 · 2 months
Humans are weird: The Long War
( Please come see me on my new patreon and support me for early access to stories and personal story requests :D https://www.patreon.com/NiqhtLord Every bit helps)
War’s often did not last long when fought between warring galactic powers. They often fell within one of two categories.
The first would be a short but brutal war in which one side had overwhelming superiority over their rival and would decimate them within a short period of time either resulting in the defeated offering concessions for peace or being incorporated into the victors realm as a new territory.
The second and less frequent of the two would be a drawn out conflict that would reach a stalemate at some point due to the near equal power of the opposing sides resulting in a peace treaty or more likely a cease fire that would last for a few years before resuming hostilities.
These two outcomes were the most frequent as with the age of space travel often came great leaps and bounds in other forms of technology; many times said technology being diverted to respective military industrial complexes.
Weapons that could carve up continents from orbit or snap starships in two like twigs left little in room for anything else.
Humans did not share this notion.
In quite a contrast to the standard norm human military planners also considered lengthier drawn out conflicts. Data sheets and computer banks were filled with projections for supply consumption, industrial production capacities, troop conscription rates, and even the designated planetary ration levels that would be acceptable before general population revolts within their own territory.
This practice was first demonstrated when conflict broke out between the Drumengi and the Terran Republic after a series of trade disputes resulted in the Drumengi seizing several dozen human trade vessels and demanding a ransom for their return. This was a grave insult and the Terran Republic responded the next day with an open declaration of war.
While the Drumengi did not have a sizable fleet, they had invested in a wide range of defensive orbital installations that dotted their territory in what was known as the “Halo of Iron”. No fleet had ever been able to breach the defenses of the Halo and so previous wars had gone for little more than a year before a peace treaty was negotiated. The Drumengi expected as much and planned to force humanity to the negotiation table.
It was unfortunate no one had informed the humans of this plan as the terran’s had already devised a plan to crack the halo.
 Establishing a vast network of relay stations, automated satellite weapons platforms, and mobile fleet waystation’s that were brought in and placed along key trade routes into Drumengi territory, humanity established an iron halo of their own. Once the human ring was completed warning beacons were activated and a message was broadcasted in every language declaring the territory an active warzone and refused passage for any ship to try and cross through it.
Initially the Drumengi were inclined this was the prelude to a massive invasion fleet and prepared themselves, but as the months turned to years still no attack came. Human fleets patrolled the surrounding systems and intercepted all ships that tried to breach their lines with the help of the relay stations that were constantly scanning the surrounding space for ships.
Three years passed and soon every ship learned to avoid Drumengi space for fear of human retaliation; and that is when the Drumengi learned the true plan of humanity.
They never intended to besiege their defensive ring in some full frontal do or die charge. Instead they had formed a blockade that now was choking the very life of the Drumengi economy month by month.
It was never intended for the war to last more than a year, two at max, but now humanity was still showing no signs of relenting as the war dragged on to the fourth year. Critical supplies had not been stored in sufficient quantities for an extended war and while the public was assured of an eventual victory, Drumengi planners were beginning to panic. Worlds within Drumengi space were reporting that their stockpiles had dropped 32% since the war began and were increasingly demanding to open negotiations with the humans.
With little offensive capabilities the Drumengi were forced to sit behind their iron halo and continue to wait out the humans. Several delegations had been sent to other powers to open up channels and begin laying the ground work for peace talks, but each time they were informed that the talks were stalled by human counterparts who proceeded to drag their feet over every minor detail. One delegation went so far to report that a human diplomat would not accept any document unless it was written with a “Ballpoint Pen, color blue”. No one had any idea what that was exactly and even after researching it the device took another three weeks to be shipped in only for the human to reject it again saying that they had imported red pens instead.
The war dragged into the fifth year and supply levels had reached critical across the entire Drumengi domain. Supply levels had decreased by 67% for most worlds while fuel levels now were at a critical 13%. Travel was limited to military personnel, government officials, and what limited transportation still remained. Food riots had broken out in several major metropolitan areas on numerous planets and were becoming increasingly difficult to put down. In some cases the magistrates sent to neutralize the riots switched sides and joined the rioters, beckoning the military to get involved as well. That did little to settle the matter however as then the government worried how long it would be until the military switched sides as well.
With heavy hearts and empty bellies the Drumengi leadership finally came to humanity directly and offered to surrender. No terms were asked for save the resumption of trade and the dismantling of the human ring of iron.
The humans agreed to the first measure, but denied the second. Their ring of iron would remain, as a reminder of how easily humanity could cripple them again should the Drumengi ever show their hand again. They also insisted on reparations for maintaining such an extensive grid and exacted a high sum of credits as well. The Drumengi were outraged at this. They were told not only to surrender but to also pay for their imprisonment? The government would be overthrown within a fortnight when the general population heard the news.
Their pleas fell on deaf ears as the humans reiterated their demands once more.
As they had planned ahead for their long war, so too had they planned for the end result. They had changed the nature of the war and had steered it to the point where either outcome would be in their benefit. If the Drumengi agreed to the terms the current government would collapse in on itself as the general population railed against humanities demands, but if they refused their supplies would run out at the general public would once again violently rise up across their entire domain and their territory would become nothing more than mere pocket kingdoms for despots and criminals.
Regardless of the choice, the long war would finally be at an end.  
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beardedmrbean · 8 months
In a classic example of better late than never, a Federal Court in Canada ruled on Tuesday that Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's invocation of The Emergencies Act in 2022, used to crush the largest and most peaceful protest in Canadian history, was "unreasonable," "unjustified," and "violated the fundamental freedoms" set out in Canada's constitution.
The case was brought to the court by a number of individual applicants as well as several Canadian civiil liberties groups, including the Canadian Constitution Foundation and the Canadian Civil Liberties Association. And in the decision, Federal Court Justice Richard Mosley expressed what every trucker and other participant in the trucker's Freedom Convoy knew to be true: There was no justification for granting the government powers that amounted to near Marshall Law over a protest that was 100 percent peaceful, with no violence or property damage committed—that is, until the Emergencies Act was passed, and the police trampled grandmothers under horses, fired tear gas canisters at journalists within point blank range, beat protesters down and smashed the windows of the truckers rigs, and generally deployed the type of violence that the government had knowingly falsely accused the truckers of engaging in.
The government also froze the bank accounts of truckers, seized donated funds, and shut down of the economic lives of hundreds of Canadian citizens, a draconian measure which shocked the world.
Every protester and trucker who took part in the Convoy knew that the government and it's bought and paid for media were lying to the public about the Freedom Convoy, and though it feels good to once again be proven correct, that doesn't change what happened. It also doesn't change the division in Canadian society which took place under COVID, and it remains to be seen if this ruling will put an end to the ongoing punishments of various Freedom Convoy protesters which continue to this day.
For example, the trial of Tamara Lich and Chris Barber, who emerged as public faces and leaders of the Ottawa portion of the Freedom Convoy, has now become the longest mischief trial in Canadian history. Finally getting underway in September of last year, the trial proceeded in fits and starts into December, and is set to resume in February.
Or take Guy Meisner, a trucker from Nova Scotia, was one of the first to be arrested and charged when the crackdown began after the Emergencies Act was invoked. He will be back in Ottawa near the end of February for the ninth time to face his "mischief" charges.
Then there is the case of Christine Decaire, a woman who protested in Ottawa and was charged by the police, who was acquitted last year; much like this ruling today, however, The Crown has decided to appeal her acquittal. To drag an innocent person back to court is the kind of grossly vindictive behavior on the part of the Trudeau Government that they have become well known for.
There are dozens of cases like this working their way through the system.
And then we have The Coutts Four, a group of men who were arrested in Alberta right before the Emergencies Act was invoked and have been kept in custody without bail nor trial ever since. Hopes are high that this ruling may help change their circumstances, but it has now been two years since they have seen their families, which is a grossly offensive situation, especially in a country where nearly everyone gets bail.
All of these cases point to a level of vindictive cruelty on the part of this government as constituted under Trudeau, who was only too happy to champion the fair treatment of someone who fought on the side of The Taliban in Afghanistan and was later apprehended by American forces. Champion the rights of his own peaceful citizens to a fair trial? Apparently that is beneath the Prime Minister.
Trudeau's deputy, Chrystia Freeland was behind the bank account freezing acting as Finance Minister, and she appeared almost immediately after the ruling to announce that her government would be appealing, claiming to "remind Canadians how serious the situation was." This though all the evidence and testimony presented in 2022 at the official inquest into the invocation of the Emergencies Act found that no threats existed, and everything the media said about the truckers was a fabrication.
Justin Trudeau has remarked in the past that Canada is a "post-national" state that has "no core identity," yet when that identity asserted itself to say enough is enough to the strictures of his punishing COVID Regime, he was only too happy to unleash the full power of his "post-national" state to attack these citizens whom he holds in utter contempt.
It appears that there is no ruling Trudeau will not appeal or lawfare he will not pursue to ensure punishment of the enemies of his party.
Justin Trudeau is not a leader, but merely a narcissistic tyrant. This week was only the latest evidence.
Gord Magill is a trucker, writer, and commentator, and can be found at www.autonomoustruckers.substack.com.
The views expressed in this article are the writer's own.
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cassandraclare · 1 year
Sword Catcher: Worldbuilding
Who rules Castellane?
Castellane is a city-state — it has its own government and royal family. Part of my inspiration for Sword Catcher was Venice during the Silk Road era, and families like the famous Borgias and Medicis. Castellane’s government consists of a royal family and a Council of Twelve — twelve families, each of whom holds a charter that gives them ownership over a certain kind of good that is traded through the continent of Dannemore. These are the Charter Families; they are the richest in Castellane, and Charters are passed down through families, like an inheritance — though the ruling family, the Aurelians, has the power to grant charters and also to take them away.
The Charter Families
The Uzecs have quite a bit of sway as the holders of the Wine Charter.
A popular man is Mathieu Gremont, who holds the Coffee and Tea Charter.
Fabulous Lupin Montfaucon always has the latest fashions, as appropriate for the Charter holder for fabrics.
Joss Falconet is an old friend of Prince Conor’s, and owns the Spice Charter. More on him later!
House Gasquet controls all the oil and perfume coming in and out of the city.
Lady Alleyne, the mother of Antonetta, is in charge of the valuable Silk Charter and makes sure she and her daughter are always in the finest silk dresses.
The Cazalet Family has owned the Banking Charter for so long, coins are often called “cazalets”.
House Roverge owns the Dye Charter. House Sardou has the Glass Charter,
House Raspail Timber, and Alonse Esteve owns the Horse Charter.
They have their meetings in the Dial Chamber, whose seats are arranged to look like the numbers on a clock.
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Sitting at midnight is House Aurelian, the Royal Family, whose charter is kingship. At these meetings the fates of cities and countries are decided with the stroke of a pen. It used to be the pen of King Markus, but as he has grown weaker with a mysterious illness, that pen has found itself in the hand of his son, Conor Aurelian…possibly the least responsible person in Castellane.
(Conor art by Sasha Coleman.)
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domnamewoman · 11 months
You know I've always wonder if the characters meet with a teen reader (platonic relationship) who can control elements. They found her by accident and saw her like catching fish using her water bending.
(sorry if I disturbing you. Please do tell me anything if I broke a rule or something because I'm trying my best to find your rule book)
PS love your Mortal Kombat :3
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Title: Little Elements
Summary: You are a teen Elemental who is just trying to survive and find your mom after a mysterious sorcerer abducts her and banishes you to Earthrealm. One day while you are trying to catch dinner, you are ambushed by random men who believe you are the one terrorizing Earthrealm.
Warnings: Teen!GN!Reader, Canon-Typical Violence
Word Count: 1,479
Requests Are Open
What are you going to do? You can survive on your own, sure, but for how long? Who can you even ask for help? You don’t know anyone in this realm and from what you’ve been told, most Earthrealmers don’t even know about Outworld and its inhabitants. How can they help you find your way back, let alone your mom?
Your mom… right.
That bastard! As soon as you find him, he’s dead! You’ll make him pay for what he did to you and your mother. You’ll make him regret underestimating you and reducing your mother to nothing more than a puppet. When you find him you’ll… you’ll…
How will you find him though? You don’t even know his name. Thanks to him you are stranded in Earthrealm. You let out a frustrated sigh. You aren’t powerful enough to open a portable to get back to Outworld. Is there anyone here who is? How can you find them?
You angrily kick a rock and watch it tumble into the river in front of you as a wave of helplessness washes over you. You shake your head to clear it and take a calming breath. You’re no good to your mom if you’re frazzled and drained.
You’ll figure out a plan later, for now, you’ll focus on getting something to eat so you don’t starve to death before you can.
You stand at the bank of the river and let the sounds of nature calm you. The rushing of water downstream. The chirping of the birds’ morning song. The rustling of the wind passing through leaves. It’s almost enough to fool you into believing you are out for a recreational trek through the woods and not stranded all alone.
Raising your hands, you search for the ball of energy stored at the center of your chest and feel it unravel. It begins to spread across your chest, down your arms, and rest in your palms. You move your hands from left to right and watch as the river’s water swirls up into the air.
You parse through the water using your water bending to search for fish and wash them ashore. You are able to find three smallmouth basses and decide they are enough sustenance for today. You bend down to collect them when you feel the air suddenly become charged around you.
Whipping around, your eyes land on four men standing at the tree line. One of them shoots out his hand and a bolt of lightning comes flying toward you. You narrowly manage to dive out of the way and the bolt zaps the spot you were just in.
You feel heat erupt from your chest and plunge down your arms as flames engulf your hands.
“Who are you!?” You question as you take a defensive stance.
“Earthrealm’s Protectors.” The one wearing a razor-rimmed hat declares.
Before you have a chance to process this, another bolt of lightning is making its way to you. Unfortunately, this time you are unable to move out of the way fast enough and fall to the ground as your body shakes in pain.
After the shock subsides, you roll onto your hands and knees. Your breath is nothing but gasps as you try to get air into your lungs. How dare these people attack you unprovoked! Earthrealm’s Protectors? You aren’t doing anything harmful! All you are trying to do is get something to eat. What is their deal? It doesn't matter, you will return the favor of attacking first and asking questions later.
Resting both palms flat against the ground, you force energy through them and the ground begins to violently shake. The men are thrown off balance and it is just the distraction you need to execute an attack.
Throwing your hands out in quick succession, you send several fireballs hurling toward them. You watch as the four men jump around in an effort to dodge the onslaught.
“Now that wasn’t very nice, Hotshot.” One of them says while removing his sunglasses.
Your eyes roll as you scoff. “You’re one to talk. I can still feel the aftershocks from Sir Zaps-a-lot over there.”
“Sir Zaps-a-lot?” Asks the one wearing a… blindfold? Strange.
“Yes! He electrocuted me for no reason!”
“You appear to be no older than 14. Why are you here terrorizing Earthrealm?” Sir Zaps-a-lot asks.
You let out an exasperated sigh. “I’m 15, thank you very much. Also, how is fishing terrorizing anyone!? I was just trying to get something to eat and you attacked me completely unprovoked!”
“Unprovoked? You have been going around causing earthquakes, fires, floods, and tornados in highly populated areas. You have killed innocent Earthrealmers and destroyed many people’s homes and livelihoods! Yet you claim you are innocent?” Razorhead bellows.
“How… I-I can’t do that!”
“Um… listen, Hotshot. We just watched you fish without a fishing rod. Not to mention the fireballs and mini earthquake you used on us. You definitely can do that.” Explains Sunglasses.
“Exactly! Mini earthquake. I can’t make one powerful enough to destroy people’s homes like you’ve said.”
The men stare at you and from their expressions you can tell they don’t believe you.
“Seriously, it wasn’t me!”
“There are not too many others who possess powers like you here.” Mr. See-no-evil states.
How are your powers uncommon? Stupid powerless Earthrealmers!
“Whatever, that still doesn’t change the fact that I’m not strong enough to create earthquakes, floods, or tornados on a scale large enough to destroy homes. I’m still in training!”
“Training by who?” Sir Zaps-a-lot inquires.
“By my mo-”
Why didn’t you think of this sooner? You know someone who is powerful enough to cause damage on a scale these men speak of. Someone who is currently under the hypnosis of a deranged sorcerer. You have to find her!
“Where did these attacks take place?” You ask as you take a step forward.
“Wait a minute Hotshot, who is your trainer?”
“My mother.” You began to pace. “About a week ago, some crazy sorcerer came to our house. I-I think my mom knew him? I had seen him talking to her before. Anyway, the day he showed up at our house he was acting all crazy. T-Then he did some weird magic hypno stuff and put my mom under some sort of spell. She would only listen to him no matter what I did. She was basically his puppet. He opened a portal and forced me to Earthrealm so I wouldn’t get in the way of his plans. I bet he’s using her to do all of the stuff you said. That bastard!”
“Okay, okay, calm down. You said your mother was taken by the sorcerer?” Mr. See-no-evil walks forward, stopping a few feet away from you.
“Yes! I know you have a blindfold on, but do you also have earplugs?”
“There is no need to get testy.”
“Can it, Razorhead!”
“Pfft… Razorhead.” Sunglasses chuckles under his breath.
“My name is Kung Lao, and that is not the attitude one should have when asking for help.”
“Asking for help? Who needs your help?”
“You do. How do you intend to find your mother? Are you going to take on the sorcerer by yourself? My name is Raiden, by the way.”
Dang it, they’re right!
“Fine, I’m sorry. You’re right, there’s no way I can beat him by myself. What am I going to do?” You drop your head in defeat.
Sunglasses walks up to you and throws his arm around your shoulder. “Don’t worry your pretty little head. We won’t leave you to face him all alone. We fight for the weak. That’s what Earthrealm’s Protectors are all about.”
“I’m not weak,” You grumble, resisting the urge to elbow him in the side.
“What he means is, we will help you find your mom and take down this insidious sorcerer.” Kung Lao promises.
“We will take you to Wu Shi and inform our leader Liu Kang of your situation,” Raiden adds.
“But we don’t have time for that. We have to find my mom.” You are starting to get impatient now that you know there is a possibility your mother is here in Earthrealm.
“We will, but we need to make a plan. Plus you have been out here in the woods by yourself for a while. You look like you could use some rest… and some food.” Mr. See-no-evil pointedly nods toward the three fish on the ground you caught earlier.
Just then your stomach decides to remind you just how empty it is.
“Alright, I guess.” You begrudgingly agree.
Wait a minute.
“How do you know there are fish on the ground, aren’t you blindfolded!?”
Everyone starts laughing and you feel as though you’ve been left out of some inside joke.
Mr. See-no-evil starts walking backward toward the tree line. “Come on, I will tell you on the way.”
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Should this be a series? Also, we aren't even going to talk about the nicknames... I tried 🤷🏾‍♀️
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The three girls were sitting outside the McDonalds by the dingy underpass beneath the A-road that circled the town. They wore grey hoodies and seemed to be arguing.
Cee checked the map she had been given by the Hermes courier. It was still there in her hand, even here in the dream. She had followed the route as best she could.
1) Head north until you reach the country club. 2) Steal a rowboat and head out onto the lake. 3) When the storm descends, bargain with the spirit at the centre for passage, 4) When you are spit out you’ll find yourself in a forest pond, at which point you must turn twice widdershins and pass under the mushroom arch. 5) Take the footpath until you’re back on the main road, then take a left past the Gregg’s. 6) Look for the golden arches on Argyle Street. 7) Fall asleep there and dream: in your mind, they shall be there.
Here she was. And these must be the ladies.
She sidled over and began to hear their argument:
“Dana, give it. You know I cannot read the thrice-cursed menu without the i.”
The girl who spoke was reaching for a battered old iphone, which the second girl was currently using to record a video.
“Shut up, Enya, you are distracting me. You can have the i once I have used it to complete the Oracle Challenge on TikTok.”
The third girl snatched the iphone away, while the first two bickered and began scrolling it with one hand.
“Oh my gods, Freddo, you already have the tooth! Stop hogging!”
The third girl grinned and produced a small off-white bluetooth speaker from her hoodie. She tapped the iphone screen and the speaker began playing Despacito.
“It is almost out of charge, sisters. I must have my jams - my jams! My jams! - before it is fully depleted.”
Cee cleared her throat, so as not to surprise them.
“Um, excuse me.” The three girls all swung their heads to face Cee at the exact same time. “I was told that you three would know where to find the gorgon?”
The three replied at once, speaking over each other in one fluid and deeply creepy rush.
“Oh for-” “-the sake of-” “-Zeus’s golden showers-" “-another would-be hero-” “-approaches us to- “-accomplice another monster murder-” “-get-” “-to-” “-fudge.”
“Oh no,” Cee replied. “You’ve misunderstood. The gorgon is my girlfriend. I think … an ancient king or god or something … kidnapped her?”
“Hmmm.” said Dana. “That’s new. I don’t know if I like it yet.”
“Oooh, a queer retelling,” said Dana, “BookTok is gonna flip their shit about this.”
“No. A fully unadulterated, manifested, healthily boundaried ‘no’.” said Freddo, “I am not gonna be a part of burying this gay. And I will gatekeep the flip out of you if I must.”
Cee thought for a moment.
“I get where you’re coming from,” she said, “but perhaps I could offer you something in exchange? I notice you just have the one dying iphone and one dodgy speaker between you?”
“One i and one tooth, yes. That is the way of it.”
“Well … I could offer you this power bank and a couple of USB/lightning cables? Then you could keep your stuff charged and you might not have to argue over the last dregs of power?”
The three girls huddled and whispered for a moment. The sound of the cars on the circular road above - each roaring with the sound of a thought tearing through Cee’s subconscious - drowned out their deliberations. Once more, they looked up at exactly the same time and all spoke as one.
“Very well, we shall tell you what you seek.”
Cee was glad she had brought the charge brick with her. She supposed it was true what they said: In the ring-road of the mind, the charged iphone is king.
With thanks to Anne V McClure for the Word of the Month prompt ‘Kingdom’. Want to submit your own prompts for tortured puns? Become a supporter on Ko-Fi! https://ko-fi.com/strangelittlestories
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shunin-gumis · 2 months
As Master Joe Wishes - Track 03
Seasonal Team Event - L4mps
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Thank you Jelly for handling this chapter!
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Nagi: *looks around* Who said that?
Toi: It sounded like it came from over there…?
??: Please turn your attention downwards! I am right here~!
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Ryui: The fuck?
Yodaka: A teddy bear? Or an autonomous—
Netaro: Eggactly!
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Joe: It is I, “Baldovino Joe Senba!” Brunhild, the late madam’s, one and only remaining family!
Joe: As a sign of our friendship, please, call me “Joe”~!
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Toi: S-S-SHE’S ADORABLE~~~~♪ Here girl, here girl♪ I want to hug the fluffy Ms. Bear~~~♪
Joe: I suppose I shall allow it?
Nagi: A-Amazing, it moves and speaks just like a noble lady— Toi, I wanna hug her too.
Ryui: Unlike a certain florist, it can speak properly. It even knows how to introduce itself.
Yodaka: …I see, so this is what it’s about.
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Daniel: Hm? Did you figure something out?
Yodaka: Yes. Take a good look at the gemstones on her eyes, nose, earrings, and that heart on her chest.
Netaro: Wonderful observation skills, Yoda~! Very perceptive!
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Netaro: Her right eye is a top-tier cabochon red diamond cut by a craftsman employed by the royal family, of which there exists only a few dozen in the whole entire world.
Samejima: And what’s more, it has a market price of 2 billion yen!
Joe: Indeed~!
Toi: Ehhhhh~!?
Netaro: And her nose is an alexandrite, the third rarest gem in the world! This precious gemstone was passed around through many of the world’s powerful and influential figures before eventually making its way into Brunhild’s hands~!
Joe: Every single gem costs an arm and a leg~!
Netaro: In other words, Joe is a teddy bear with a net worth of a billion yen, jam packed with the latest AI technology♪
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Nagi: …No matter how many of me there are, I still wouldn’t be able to afford it…
Ryui: (He put the bear down with a super pale face…)
Toi: Joe-sama is amazing. But if you’re so valuable, won’t bad people always be after you…?
Samejima: There’s no problem in that regard. Very soon, Joe-san will be sent over to Germany under the supervision of the police. From that point onwards, she’ll become a national treasure and will be much harder to steal.
Samejima: However, while she’s still in JPN, the JPN police will be the ones in charge of her safety and escorting her… When this was first decided, the German police force started treating us as incompetent idiots.
Samejima: For things to proceed smoothly while she’s still under our jurisdiction, they were very nitpicky and obsessed over even the slightest details. All of this was an incredible pain and has started to get on our nerves, but we have no choice but to put aside our personal feelings.
Samejima: However, if we manage to round up all of “Anonymous” in one go, all while guarding Joe-san, we might be able to stand our ground against the German police.
Netaro: That’s right, that’s right! Kick their asses~!
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Joe: Send them crying back to their mothers, desuwa~!*
Ryui: …Just putting this out there, but ain’t this a personal grudge?
Samejima: Yeah, you’re right on the mark.
Ryui: The hell you agreeing so casually for?
Nagi: Um, but uh well we’re… “ward mayors”...?
Samejima: Astute observation. We appreciate your cooperation.
Nagi: I guess we’re helping out now…
Daniel: I have a lot I wanna say, but wouldn’t this all be solved if you just shoved it in some bank’s safety box until D-day? Then you wouldn’t need us.
Joe: What on Earth are you saying! Even AI deserves basic rights~! I’ll have you know, our way of life is very similar to that of humans~!
Toi: Locking them up is too much!
Daniel: Sorry. It was just a thought.
Yodaka: More importantly, does the enemy know that the “secret treasure” they’re after is actually a teddy bear? From our conversation earlier, it sounded like they know very few details regarding the actual treasure itself.
Netaro: They probably don’t know?
Yodaka: In that case, wouldn’t it be fine to go along pretending that Joe-san isn’t the treasure they’re seeking?
Samejima: You’re exactly right. However, that’s exactly why we can't just provisionally leave Joe-san. It’d be bad if we were found out because of that.
Samejima: To be honest, I could just be with her at all times. However, this is a lot easier said than done.
Samejima: For a fatigued, middle-aged man like myself to be alert 24/7 while holding such a cute teddy bear would be, on the contrary, quite suspicious.
Netaro: Aesthetically not pleasing. Report for indecent behavior.
Ryui: Yeah, only a dumbass would fall for that. You’d need an angel like Toi to safekeep it…
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Samejima: Exactly. In order to blend-in, we’d need a child like Toi-san, or Ryui-san, someone who could “𝓔mbrace it without” looking out of place—
Ryui: Haa!? Wanna try saying that again, you fucker!?
Toi: Ani-sama would definitely look good holding a teddy bear……! I see it…… I totally see it…… Ani-sama is totally the cool type, but he could totally pull off cuteness!
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Samejima: Where “𝓔xposure to danger would be OK” and—
Nagi: Danger is okay…?
Netaro: I gave the okay on behalf of everyone. ‘Cause it’s more fun that way!
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Samejima: A person we could “𝓔asily count on”... We needed an individual that met the 3E’s. That’s why I had Yowa-kun introduce you all to me.
Ryui: Listen here you fucker, all you've been doing is spouting random fucking bullshit since we got here! Don’t get cocky just ‘cause you’re the fucking police!?
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Ryui: (Except for Toi) No one here looks normal carrying a fucking bear around, I don't remember agreeing to dangerous shit like fucking with a god damn criminal organization, and we sure as hell aren’t close enough for you to ask for shitty favors like—
Toi: Samejima-san! I… I’ll do my best!
Ryui: Wha- Toi…!
Toi: Ani-sama, please… Joe-sama and Samejima-san are both in a pinch, we can’t just turn a blind eye to this.
Toi: I don’t want to hand over Brunhild-san's precious Joe-sama over to the bad guys… I want to help!
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Toi: The world’s coolest Ani-sama would definitely protect both me and Joe-sama… right?
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Ryui: Got it. I’ll give my all to ensure your safety.
Toi: Yay! Ani-sama, I love you!!
Nagi: Can you protect me as well…
Yodaka: My, my… I guess it can’t be helped. If the terms have already been agreed upon, then perhaps, this is what fate has in store for us.
Daniel: What good samaritans. In that case, see ya.
Joe: Thank you all for your cooperation~! After the burly gentleman over there departs, shall we open a bottle of wine and have a toast?
Daniel: …Wine?
Joe: The late madam had a liking for vintage wine. We have many globally rare wines held downstairs in the cellar.
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Daniel: I’ll do it. Ensuring her safety, or escorting, or whatever. Regardless of who they are, it’s only right to help out those in need.
Samejima: Great. With this, we can finally breathe a sigh of relief. Once again, I appreciate your cooperation. Thanks.
Joe: I shall be in everyone’s care!
Joe generally speaks very elegant and formally. However, she suddenly says something very crude for her character and tries to wrap it up with an elegant ending. Unfortunately, it is hard to find an English equivalent so a decision was made to use "desuwa~."
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alaydabug2 · 1 month
Tag list: @sparklenarniawizard @imobsessed123 @thoughtlescat @ilikebookssomuch
Broken heart/Broken mind
Chapter Forty-eight
(Human AU)
Sophie and Keefe met in the children's hospital when they were little. Because of how long they were confined to the four walls of the hospital, they became very close during their stay.
As the years pass, they wind up being in the same classroom together due to their physical conditions. This makes their bond deepen.
But are they able to handle when life gets tough, throwing problems and complications their way?
(Eleventh grade)
Rain pounded down against the roof of the house. Sophie shifted further down with her blanket. School had gotten canceled because of the hurricane currently raging the town. Roads were being closed off by the hour due to the rain. The power had been flickering all day.
Her, as well as her parents, had everything prepared. Tub filled with water. Generator. Gas for the generator. Power banks charged. Candles and flashlights just in case.
She was getting ready for a rainy day nap when a knock on the door caught her off guard. She, reluctantly, got off the couch to the door.
Sophie opened it to find Keefe completely drenched. She couldn't help the fit of giggles that escaped her lips.
"What are you doing here," she finally managed after collecting herself.
He shrugged. "Just wanted to see if I could ride out the storm here. That and I was trying to get to Ro's house, but her road is blocked off."
"Yeah, come on in," she told him. "You might want to squeegee off first."
He shook his head to dry his hair off. Sophie squealed when the water sprayed on her.
"You're not a dog," she laughed. "Would you like a towel?"
"Please," he accepted. "I'm also stealing back a shirt of mine you stole. I'm soaked."
"How close did you park?"
"Behind your car, like I normally do."
"Really?" She glanced out the window. That was fairly close to the garage. "How hard is it coming down out there."
He waved in front of himself. His clothes were still dripping.
"Fair point," she surrendered.
Sophie went down to the linen closet and took a towel out. Keefe was already venturing in her room to rummage through her closet. She really hoped he didn't stake back his red shirt. That one was her favorite to wear around the house.
Coming back into her room, he was already shirtless. His eyes widened slightly, and he blushed. He mumbled a thanks when she gave him the towel.
Sophie usually wouldn't stare, but she never really got to see his scar very much. She never understood why he would always get so fidgety about it. Unless....
The time they were at the beach for a field trip in elementary.
"You don't have to be embarrassed about it," she told him. "It looks cool!"
"No, it doesn't," he mumbled. "It makes me look ugly."
"It doesn't make you look ugly." She stepped closer and traced her finger down the top part of it. It was slightly bumpy. "Do Biana's scars make her look ugly."
"No." Keefe crossed his arms. "But that's different."
"It just is."
Sophie gently kissed him. When she pulled away, she whispered, "It's really not, but ok. I'll meet you in the living room."
He came in a little while later and sat down next to her. By this point, the wind was picking up. It racked against the house.
Storms made her anxious. When thunder boomed, she yelped and gripped Keefe's arm. He pulled her closer so she could huddle against him. Iggy came running from a different room and jumped up on the couch.
When her parents came into the room, they saw the three of them on the couch. Sophie hiding under the covers, Iggy peaking out from the blanket, and Keefe letting them lean against him.
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Agitation 3.10 Live Reactions
(This is me, writing reactions as I read, because why the fuck not. They're not complete, mature thoughts taken after I sit back and evaluate what I've read. Consider them as such)
It's July 4th, work is dead, I've got nothing else to do, let's try to plow through a bunch of these, shall we? At the rate I've been going I'll be at this all year.
The rest of the battlefield was chaos.  Patches of darkness covered everything, and the landscape was distorted.  In some of the areas Vista had warped, the rain wasn’t falling in a straight line.  One spot in particular had the rain moving horizontally before it dropped to help fill a massive puddle thirty feet across, where her power had made an indent in the ground.
I do like Wildow's attention to detail here, and the way these powers just... absolutely fuck everything up like this, and stay like that.
Bitch screamed, and it was a long and primal noise, filled with rage.  I was still inside the bank, watching things unfold through the window, barely able to hear it, and it still made my skin crawl.  So he’d shot the dangerous psychopath with a blast that made her angry.  Someone would have to explain that one to me at a later date.
I'd guess Gallant didn't shoot her with rage, it's just that Rachel's kind of messed up. But I could be wrong.
Seems an odd choice though, if he did.
Apparently that was order enough, because Judas charged at the teenager that was dressed like a science fiction Lancelot.
I love descriptions like this because they both tell us absolutely nothing about how it looks... and also tell us everything. I once read a fic that described the armor of a guy from a culture that went from medieval tech to space travel in like, 100 years (sorta, long story) as being 'Lord of the Rings, with Sci-Fi bolted on' (the POV character was from Earth), and it both told us nothing, and yet, told us everything.
Descriptions are hard, ya'll. Worst part of writing. Props to Wildbow.
Was someone’s power at work, giving me a headache?  There wasn’t anyone in the Wards, I was pretty sure, who could mess with your head like that.  Gallant could mess with your emotions, but he had to hit you with a light blast to do it.  The person on the roof, then?  I was fairly confident there wasn’t anyone in the Protectorate or New Wave who could affect me like this.
No one suspects the healer!
(also no one knows the healer can do this, but)
.  A gun, no less than fifteen feet long, with a barrel three or four feet across, all turret mounted on a circular platform not unlike the board he was riding.
I know technically there is no overkill, just "Open fire" and "I need to reload" but also...
I jumped for cover the moment I realized what he was doing.  There was a muffled sound, more a very large person someone hitting a punching bag than what I’d expect a laser cannon to sound like, and the window exploded. What was he doing?  We had hostages inside.  I turned to check, and saw there weren’t any hostages near me.  Did he know that?  Heat sensors in his visor?  Was someone watching me through the cameras and passing him info?  Damn it!  There was too much I didn’t know, and Tattletale wasn’t around to fill me in.
You know, if Kid Win and Victoria were dating, he could be the Collateral Damage Ken to her Collateral Damage Barbie.
But JESUS Kid, what the fuck?
(Yes, CDB is an incomplete representation of Vicky, but she does earn the nickname fairly at the early stages. I'm also going to assume it's an unfair representation of Kid Win, but still, *Man* wtf?)
The bugs were slow to react, slow to move and some were slipping from my grasp, returning to their instinctive behavior.  Making matters worse, I wasn’t blind to the fact that every time I gave a command, my headache got exponentially worse.
Given that Amy's little messing with the Black Widows only affected them, I'm surprised? Or is this just some sort of Master headache? Is she doing more with the swarm than usual?
 Aegis didn’t try to run this time.  He stood his ground and reached for his utility belt.  He retrieved something that looked like a miniature fire extinguisher. Then he pulled the pin. For the second time in a matter of minutes, I dove away from the window.  It wouldn’t be a grenade, but the option that made the most sense-  I squeezed my eyes shut and covered my ears just in time.  The explosion the flashbang grenade
Flashbang. Much more responsible, Aegis usually is in fic, so presumably in canon too. Tracks.
and Regent was striding out of the darkness, in Kid Win’s direction.
With his outfit and mask that actually probably looks kinda badass.
I whirled to face the voice, and saw the freckled, brown haired hostage that had been glaring at me when we’d first taken control of the bank lobby.  After that, I saw only stars as she slammed something large and blunt into the side of my head.
AMY! :rofl: Finally!
Okay, so like, I get that Amy's not the MC of Worm, but like, I've been waiting for the Fire Extinguisher smash the entire time I've been reading this Arc, so bear with me.
Amy's blorbo, okay?
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orangameelectronics · 11 days
Revolutionize Your Travels with The 40W Pd Charging Portable Power Bank
If you're someone who's always on the go and in need of a reliable power source for your devices, then the 40W Pd Charging Portable Power Bank is a game-changer. This power bank is designed to make your travels easier and more convenient, ensuring that you never have to worry about running out of battery again.
## Cell Type: 10000~30000mAh Li-Polymer
The 40W Pd Charging Portable Power Bank is equipped with a high-capacity 10000~30000mAh Li-Polymer battery, ensuring that you have more than enough power to keep your devices charged throughout the day. Whether you're using it to charge your mobile phone, tablet, camera, or any other electronic device, this power bank has got you covered.
## Input Power: 4.5V5a 5V3a 9V2a 12V1 .5A
The 40W Pd Charging Portable Power Bank supports input power ranging from 4.5V5a to 12V1.5A, allowing you to recharge the power bank quickly and efficiently. With multiple input power options, you can choose the best charging speed for your needs, ensuring that you can get back to full power in no time.
## Output Power: 5V3a 9V2.2A 12V1.6A
When it comes to output power, the 40W Pd Charging Portable Power Bank delivers fast and reliable charging for your devices. With output power ranging from 5V3a to 12V1.6A, this power bank ensures that your devices are charged quickly and efficiently, so you can stay connected on the go.
## Applicable Models: Mobile Phone, Tablet PC, Camera, etc.
The 40W Pd Charging Portable Power Bank is compatible with a wide range of devices, including mobile phones, tablet PCs, cameras, and more. Whether you're traveling for work or leisure, this power bank is the perfect companion to keep your devices powered up and ready to use whenever you need them.
In conclusion, the 40W Pd Charging Portable Power Bank is a must-have accessory for anyone who travels frequently or is always on the move. With its high-capacity battery, versatile input and output interfaces, and durable construction, this power bank is designed to make your life easier and more convenient. So why settle for subpar charging solutions when you can revolutionize your travels with the 40W Pd Charging Portable Power Bank?
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mariacallous · 6 months
The April 10 legislative elections in South Korea loom especially large for President Yoon Suk-yeol. After winning his election in March 2022 by the narrowest margin in the country’s history, the conservative Yoon inherited the National Assembly elected in 2020, in which South Korea’s liberals won a historic landslide thanks to the Moon Jae-in administration’s strong response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Out of the legislature’s 300 seats, the liberal coalition won a 180-seat majority, the largest margin of victory in South Korea’s democratic history.
Two years into his five-year presidential term, Yoon has left a mark in areas that are down to the president alone. Yoon made profligate use of presidential decrees, executive orders that don’t require legislative approval. In his first year, Yoon issued 809 presidential decrees, while his two immediate predecessors, Moon and Park Geun-hye, issued 660 and 653 decrees, respectively, in their first years. Yoon also exerted influence through his appointments—most notably Park Min, the new head of the state-owned broadcaster KBS who sacked popular liberal journalists as soon as he took office. In foreign policy, Yoon capitulated to Japan’s demands to sideline World War II-era Korean forced laborers and release wastewater from the failed Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant, paving the way for U.S.-Japan-South Korea trilateral cooperation.
But in areas that require legislative assent, Yoon has been stymied. The South Korean Constitution allows the executive branch to directly propose a bill to the legislature. For the first six months of Yoon’s presidency, the National Assembly refused to pass a single bill proposed by the government. Yoon’s campaign pledge of abolishing the Ministry of Gender Equality and Family, pandering to the toxic misogyny rampant among young Korean men and fueling their conservative turn, has not come to pass because a reorganization of cabinet ministries requires passing a law. (Yoon has responded by simply refusing to appoint a gender equality minister.)
Meanwhile, the opposition Democratic Party has leveraged its commanding majority to pass laws that could have been highly damaging to Yoon, such as providing for special prosecutor investigations of the Itaewon Halloween disaster, in which 159 partygoers died in crushing crowds in Seoul’s popular nightlife district, and the alleged stock pump-and-dump scheme on the part of first lady Kim Keon-hee. Each time, Yoon responded by exercising a presidential veto, quickly racking up nine vetoes in the first two years of his presidency—equal to the total number of vetoes exercised by six of his predecessors combined.
Naturally, the Yoon administration and the ruling People Power Party (PPP) are heavily focused on recapturing the legislative majority in elections this month. Yoon was able to win the presidency by flipping a significant part of Seoul from liberal to conservative between 2020 and 2022, by pandering heavily to grievances over rising property tax. The real estate slump since Yoon’s election—Seoul’s condominium prices dipped by more than 7 percent in the past year—threatened to erode that support, as the lower condo price damaged upper-middle-class Seoul residents’ primary investment while the decreased profits and higher interest rate pushed large construction companies to the brink.
In response, South Korea’s Financial Supervisory Service audited banks for charging what the regulators claimed were overly high interest rates, in a move seen as a tactic to pressure banks to extend loans to companies that posed a credit risk. The government also delayed the publication of major economic indicators such as the previous year’s budget deficit and the rising price of consumer goods until after election day on April 10.
For its interim leader in the run-up to the election, the PPP tapped Han Dong-hoon, Yoon’s justice minister and heir apparent. Because of his patrician air and relative youth at 51 years old, Han has been hailed as representing the next generation of conservatives. In the words of conservative columnist Kim Soon-deok of Dong-A Ilbo, Han stands in contrast to Yoon in three ways: “First, he does not drink. Second, he is not a stinky old man. Third, he dresses well and speaks with refined language.” With Han at the center, the conservative party has been able to distance itself from the deeply unpopular president.
The Yoon administration also enjoyed a bump in popularity with its proposal to increase the number of medical students by 2,000—a significant jump from the current level of around 3,000. South Korea has a very low number of doctors, which has resulted in a lack of access to medical care especially outside the Seoul metropolitan area. At just 2.6 doctors per 1,000 people, it’s as low as in the United States, which also has a significant and artificially created shortage, and less than half of the number of most developed countries. Doctors reacted strongly, with more than 90 percent of interns and residents going on strike. Nevertheless, the Yoon administration effectively painted doctors as money-grubbers who wished to artificially restrict the size of their ranks to protect their bottom line. With all these moves, by late February it appeared that Yoon and the conservatives had put themselves in the pole position.
Meanwhile, South Korean liberals have been mired in a civil war. Lee Jae-myung, the leader of the Democratic Party and a former presidential candidate who opposed Yoon, began as a member of the minority faction within his party. As the Democratic Party finalized its slate of candidates in February, the legislators not aligned with Lee found themselves sidelined from running for their seats again. Many of them—including high-ranking members such as Assembly Deputy Speaker Kim Young-joo—quit the party, casting their lot with the PPP or seeking a third-party bid with former Prime Minister Lee Nak-yeon, who lost a bitter presidential primary against Lee in 2021.
But the campaign landscape changed dramatically in March as a new third party, the Rebuilding Korea Party (RKP), took the scene by storm. The RKP was founded by Cho Kuk, who was widely considered to be the heir apparent to Moon as the liberal president’s justice minister. Instead, Cho’s short time in office fueled the rise of Yoon.
As South Korea’s prosecutor general at the time, Yoon conducted a massive investigation campaign against Cho and his family, eventually putting his wife in prison for forging a service certificate that was included in their daughter’s college applications. Yoon’s prosecution of Cho galvanized the conservatives, who saw Cho as a symbol of liberal hypocrisy. Liberals, on the other hand, saw Cho as a martyr whose family was destroyed for the sake of Yoon’s quest for power.
With Yoon’s unpopularity, the latter narrative began to win out. The RKP’s slogan is not subtle: “Three years is too long,” referring to the remaining term of Yoon’s presidency. The new party quickly became the rallying flag for South Korean liberals critical of Yoon but disappointed with the Democratic Party’s internal squabbling. Even moderates began joining the RKP ranks, attracted by the clear message of punishing the Yoon administration. Within weeks of its launch, the RKP became South Korea’s most popular party with approximately 25 percent support.
A major turning point came on March 18, when Yoon made a highly publicized visit to a supermarket—a photo op to show that the president was tending to the wild increase in food prices. In January and February, the cost of food in South Korea increased by 6.7 percent year over year, with popular items like apples rising by as much as 121.9 percent in the same period, resulting in some supermarkets selling a single apple for 19,800 won (about $15).
At the supermarket, Yoon held up a bundle of scallions and said: “I do a lot of grocery shopping, and 875 won for a bundle seems reasonable.” But in most grocery stores around South Korea, a bundle of scallions typically sells for between 4,000 and 7,000 won; the supermarket that Yoon visited just happened to be running a suspiciously well-timed promotion on scallions.
Yoon’s attempt at Potemkin produce, over a household item whose price is common knowledge, instantly became fodder for viral mockery. Especially in the Seoul metropolitan area, where partisanship is relatively weak and election results tend to alternate, support for the conservatives began crashing. Yoon’s gaffe, and the rise of his nemesis Cho, is threatening to reverse the gain that South Korea’s conservatives have made in Seoul in the past two years.
Seeking to recapture the momentum, Yoon took to the bully pulpit on April 1 to exhort the striking doctors to return to work. But the government’s standoff against doctors is now losing popularity, as the public is facing the consequences of a lack of medical care, such as emergency rooms rejecting ambulances and cancer surgeries being delayed indefinitely. The newly elected head of the Korea Medical Association vowed that the doctors would not negotiate unless Yoon apologized and sacked the health minister.
In his April 1 statement, Yoon offered no compromise—a stance that has done little for conservatives as election day approaches. After the president’s address, one unnamed conservative legislator despaired: “I feel like a dinosaur looking up at the oncoming comet, sensing our extinction.”
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dailyanarchistposts · 3 months
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J.5.8 What would a modern system of mutual banking look like?
One scenario for an updated system of mutual banking would be for a community to begin issuing an alternative currency accepted as money by all individuals within it. Let us call this currency-issuing association a “mutual barter clearinghouse,” or just “clearinghouse” for short.
The clearinghouse would have a twofold mandate: first, to extend credit at cost to members; second, to manage the circulation of credit-money within the system, charging only a small service fee (one percent or less) sufficient to cover its costs of operation, including labour costs involved in issuing credit and keeping track of transactions, insuring itself against losses from uncollectable debts, and so forth. Some current experiments in community money use labour time worked as their basis (thus notes would be marked one-hour) while others have notes tied to the value of the state currency (thus, say, a Scottish town would issue pounds assumed to be the same as a British pound note).
The clearinghouse would be organised and function as follows. People could join the clearinghouse by pledging a certain amount of property (including savings) as collateral. On the basis of this pledge, an account would be opened for the new member and credited with a sum of mutual pounds equivalent to some fraction of the assessed value of the property pledged. The new member would agree to repay this amount plus the service fee into their account by a certain date. The mutual pounds could then be transferred through the clearinghouse to the accounts of other members, who have agreed to receive mutual money in payment for all debts or work done.
The opening of this sort of account is, of course, the same as taking out a “loan” in the sense that a commercial bank “lends” by extending credit to a borrower in return for a signed note pledging a certain amount of property as security. The crucial difference is that the clearinghouse does not purport to be “lending” a sum of money that it already has, as is fraudulently claimed by commercial banks. Instead it honestly admits that it is creating new money in the form of credit. New accounts can also be opened simply by telling the clearinghouse that one wants an account and then arranging with other people who already have balances to transfer mutual money into one’s account in exchange for goods or services.
Another form of mutual credit are LETS systems. In this a number of people get together to form an association. They create a unit of exchange (which is equal in value to a unit of the national currency usually), choose a name for it and offer each other goods and services priced in these units. These offers and wants are listed in a directory which is circulated periodically to members. Members decide who they wish to trade with and how much trading they wish to do. When a transaction is completed, this is acknowledged with a “cheque” made out by the buyer and given to the seller. These are passed on to the system accounts administration which keeps a record of all transactions and periodically sends members a statement of their accounts. The accounts administration is elected by, and accountable to, the membership and information about balances is available to all members.
Unlike the first system described, members do not have to present property as collateral. Members of a LETS scheme can go into “debt” without it, although “debt” is the wrong word as members are not so much going into debt as committing themselves to do some work within the system in the future and by so doing they are creating spending power. The willingness of members to incur such a commitment could be described as a service to the community as others are free to use the units so created to trade themselves. Indeed, the number of units in existence exactly matches the amount of real wealth being exchanged. The system only works if members are willing to spend. It runs on trust and builds up trust as the system is used.
It is likely that a fully functioning mutual banking system would incorporate aspects of both these systems. The need for collateral may be used when members require very large loans while the LETS system of negative credit as a commitment to future work would be the normal function of the system. If the mutual bank agrees a maximum limit for negative balances, it may agree to take collateral for transactions that exceed this limit. However, it is obvious that any mutual banking system will find the best means of working in the circumstances it finds itself.
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10+ Good Things Biden has Done: Healthcare, Housing, and LGBTQ+ Edition
Just a list of 10+ good things Biden has done in the last 4 years because I’ve been hearing too much rhetoric that it doesn’t matter who you vote for. It does make a difference. 
Find more 10+ good things here, here, and here.
Increased access to healthcare and specifically codified protections for LGBTQ+ patients against discrimination. (x) 
Strengthened women's reproductive rights by increasing access to reproductive health care, improving confidentiality to protect against criminalization for patients receiving reproductive care, and revoked Medicaid waivers from states that would exclude providers like Planned Parenthood, and more. (x)
Expanded healthcare and benefits for veterans through the PACT Act (x)
Cemented protections for pregnant and postpartum workers through the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act and PUMP for Nursing Mothers Act. 
Improved access to nursing homes for those who receive Medicaid services and established, for the first time, a national minimum staffing requirement for nursing homes to ensure those in their care receive sufficient support.  (x) 
Lowered healthcare costs for those with Medicare which capped insulin for seniors at $35 a month, made vaccines free, and capped seniors’ out of pocket expenses at the pharmacy through the Inflation Reduction Act. 
Fully vaccinated 79% of American adults against COVID-19 (I know this is old news now this is a big deal) 
Banned unfair practices that hide housing fees from renters and homebuyers when moving into a new home (x) 
Reduced the mortgage insurance premium for Federal Housing Administration (FHA) mortgages and clarified that inflated rents caused by algorithmic use of sensitive nonpublic pricing and supply information violate antitrust laws. (x) 
Increased protections for those saving for retirement from predatory practices. (x)
Helped millions of households gain access to the internet through the Affordable Connectivity Program. (x) 
Restored net neutrality (net neutrality is a standard which ensures broadband internet service is essential and prohibits interna providers from blocking, engaging in paid prioritization, and more.) (x)
Increased protections for loan holders as well as increased access to loans (x)
Cut fees that banks charge consumers for overdrawing on their accounts. (x)
Reaffirmed HUD’s commitment to remedy housing discrimination under the Fair Housing Act (which was– surprise, surprise– halted under the Trump administration). (x)
Required the U.S. federal government and all U.S. states and territories to recognize the validity of same-sex and interracial civil marriages by passing the Respect for Marriage Act, repealing the Defense of Marriage Act.
Reversed Trump’stransgender military ban.
Proposed investments in a lot of programs including universal pre-k, green energy, mental health programs across all sectors, a national medical leave program for all workers and more. (x) 
Last… let’s also not forget all the truly terrible things Trump did when he was in office. If you need a reminder, scroll this list, this one mostly for giggles + horror, for actual horror about what a Trump presidency has in store, learn about ‘Project 2025’ from the Heritage Foundation. I know this post is about reasons to vote FOR Biden but let’s not forget the many, many reasons to vote for him over Trump.
Looking for more?
10+ good things Biden has done in education and immigration
10+ good things Biden has done in the justice and courts system
10+ good things Biden has done in climate and labor
A few other notes
Voting for Biden or Trump shouldn’t be the only reason you vote. You know what elections have more power over your life? LOCAL elections. If you’re not feeling jazzed about Biden… vote for someone really cool running for mayor, or your rep, or on your school board and then begrudgingly vote for Biden. 
A reminder that if someone online is trying to discourage you to vote there’s a good chance they are a paid actor to do so. Voter suppression was a well-documented tactic during the 2016 election and I’m sure the trolls are out in force again. 
Check your voter registration here, make a plan to vote, and encourage your friends to vote as well. 
All in all, yeah… there’s a lot of shitty things still happening. There’s always going to be shit but things aren’t going to change on their own. And that change starts (it certainly doesn’t end) with voting. 
Go vote in November.
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beardedmrbean · 9 months
"Highly confidential" documents obtained by BBC Persian outline how Iran's government is trying to crack down on women who do not wear a hijab.
Two documents from April and May reveal the judiciary could set up "mobile courts" in public places like shopping malls to punish dress code violations.
They also show schoolgirls could face action by the education ministry and that celebrities could be jailed for up to 10 years for "promoting corruption".
Iran's government has not commented.
However, an Iranian newspaper that published a short section of one of the directives has been charged with publishing classified documents.
And some of the directives were included in the controversial "Hijab and Chastity Bill" that is currently being reviewed by the Guardian Council watchdog before becoming law.
Iran's parliament passed the bill in September - a year after protests erupted over the death in custody of Mahsa Amini, a 22-year-old woman who was detained by morality police for allegedly not wearing her hijab properly.
Women burnt their headscarves or waved them in the air at the demonstrations against clerical rule, during which hundreds of people were reportedly killed in a brutal crackdown by security forces.
Although the unrest has subsided, a growing number of women and girls have stopped covering their hair in public altogether in open acts of defiance.
According to the leaked documents, Interior Minister Ahmad Vahidi approved a series of directives aimed at coordinating action by the government and other entities to address the issue of women not covering their hair in public - several months before parliament began debating the hijab bill in secret.
Security services - including the Islamic Revolution Guard Corps (IRGC) intelligence service, the ministry of intelligence, and the Security Police - were granted extensive powers to implement those directives, they show.
Some of the directives state that:
Police should "prepare the necessary documentation regarding schoolgirls who unveil" so that appropriate action can be taken through the education ministry
Celebrities, influencers and bloggers who do not cover their hair, or who "encourage unveiling" on social media, should face the charge of "promoting corruption", which is punishable by up to 10 years in prison. Officers will also be able to enter their homes and seize their computers and mobile phones
Officers can seal or shut down without permission any shops or other businesses not comply with the hijab regulations, and that any customers who violate them should be denied services, forced to leave, or handed over to the judiciary
Cafes considered "corrupting centres" because of the role they played in last year's protests should be shut down, particularly those near schools and universities
Officers are authorised to initiate legal proceedings against women who resist warnings to cover their hair on charges including "promoting corruption"
There is a need for a national database of "motorcycle number plate bank" so those carrying female drivers or passengers with uncovered hair can be identified
Monitoring should be increased of companies whose employees "violate dress codes provocatively and immodestly during entry, exit, and within the premises"
A significant portion of the directives in the leaked documents have already been implemented, including setting up hijab enforcement units inside metro stations and other public spaces; impounding cars that transport unveiled women; denying services to women violating the dress code; and closing cafes.
According to the documents, the police force is required to assign a sufficient number of officers to "identify and warn women who have unveiled themselves", and that in areas where there is sufficient manpower IRGC personnel will help carry out the task.
In the past few months Iranians have noticed the presence of hijab enforcers at metro stations across the capital, Tehran.
The interior ministry and Tehran municipality have described them as "self-motivated forces that do not require a licence for their activities".
But the documents show that their presence is the result of a government decision, which has required planning and the allocation of resources.
The documents also emphasise the importance of "extensively filming and documenting the identity of those involved in unveiling", and indicate that hijab enforcers filming women and girls are affiliated to the security services.
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